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'' t•,•-n 4 .4 - •• t . • 0 • `, f - , '•' ' - - ''' ' ' ~ • 7.V . i • 'N• f 4. •vskf •-l• • , s -t• 4• ' , ... 4 .....„, • - -.. •,- • • • c'°• t •- 4 '''s *,--,.,:-',,.• `' , ''-' ',".4' , ' , T, , ':'; -, ...: , .',. ~' t ' , r i `' ~ 4'r PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. Pr*/ 6214 i pi ~tied every morning, (Swulays esceptod,) fly LL Oft.E DIONTGOALERY CIPI THE lIINITH - W EST 00E5E11 OP. WOOD kin Piral MULCTS. TEILMS.—Five Dollars a year, payabla strictly in advance. Six Dollar. invariably required if not paid.witlain the year. - Single copies, Two etyma—for sale at the eouoha U. °Mee; and by the Nerow Boys. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST _ . Published from the same office, tau a large blanket size sheet, at TWO DOLLIES a year, in advance. Single copies, Five Casiti. paper will 1..0 dlsouthaned, (unless at the 'discre tion of die Proprietors,) midi all arrearugal are paid. tar" No attention will be paid to arty order unless amino paned by the money. or satisfactory reference in this city. ail - CA .1111,ted with the Establishment of the Morning Port io one of the largest JOY PEI STINO OFFICES in the cit}c, Whelp al4kinds. of stork is donirotr the ihcirtest tiotke ...d m ,, ,1 reasonahle torus. • PR()FESSTON - ,Cjirtl)B. " .~~;,,, _ R()BERT 47. G. SPROUL, Attorney and c.„„„,,,,.r :u ~,w, tAtik, So.— Fourth strout, Pitt. Lor, ii doc11:1v _,__ TAM ES A. IA )W RI 11% At t4)rney at Law, Fourth street. l'ithiburgh, betty era Smithfield and , thx..ll:ly • _TWIN Attorney and d'ounsellur ty at Law, off.• t.ru, of Fall uud Grant ntreett, Intrzh. Xi:ly , ..I.M. I'. - ROSS, A t.tornev :Lt L.9.NV, Nu. 1(0 Your;li l'ittgburgh. f,ttritl d..or below Mr. Rudy .k2S. .M 7 1i.. -- ENIVA, Alderman of Third ,mtlce col or, "r nul and Fifth stre.et.s, iforitierly Alth•riah 1,1.15.) whets ull husineic., p er u n i n i" t., tL..ahre e,t .thhetuttil and Justice ut the Yellen will he t. , . fol/h3ti, - if 1, Surgeon Dentist, successor Lai U. . N.. 144 Smithtiold etreoL . Dentist, Fourth street, fire doors . L Nlarkot. 44 - Who, itours from Y cluck A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. J. .BUSINESS CARDS. J . N )1( 111 I E.\ Wholesale Orocer and t.) MorrlimlL I r th I' IG METAL and I'ItoDUCE , '27 M . 0.0.1 ntivet. ap24 'RICK Pittsburgh. MI I. I, I': Li & 'LICK ETSON, \Vholesale I Fk.l. \I I NE: , and SF;li I: Irs nu.l Lil rt. strl•ets, Pat, \ N*3 r I, • ,\ nmst.atJ t 11/12.1. )1' NI al u tu rens INl'Kee's 1.1113 14/ ~/Lt, ,t 1 IVlttclot, Estrts Crusvlt aut.! Rub,' Vitas. I . l.okAt l't I,lt. J.:1,. trr uud Mittural itotth-% :t .1•: Lt.:I:111111,', 110.: • NV...1 nod Marlivt nt rota, Yittr I,lt ..It,,r; to the sterinitx,tit ..it )1..” City Ilotel. kl:L• I•I .1•1.:1“•/. L KINGS - ALT. hi'IO.ING. CO., Nittllll - 'o• • - II: att•l Plain noitti ttSIVA.K. •••• .c • •••••••••• N I ‘k —I ,tr. , t_ r Frtit, k's ot and Window Gltuse..lo low t 1 Irk. t lila 1,111. ir I,lf - , Sueoe.surs to :11 u 1 van v . ot Cut, Jloul4lr.l awl rin 12'..1 u. ,; LASSWAILE.,' dud tioulers in all • Vi . 111,4.1, VIALS :Lai • • 'II' I t.; and Muter et.r.44.us, 11115.1. N, Nianufacturer n . t y VIA ITT LES and W Lad W ••ia. I . ocWII , !• .::•. 1 Claret Itottlos; lanneolne. :. • a 1.. .• Vldtt 1. to eurtety. , I I-, Vatiburgli. 11 4 1 I:. lll:tin“rni, Pittsburgh, dealer 'l4 C "rft•rg for sale a choice •.! • It• solo, tol tor fannly ol r • • I' , y anti tine purest rinaltty. ground at ins :Steadu t. 1:-Fruit, Foreagn 3114 IXanestre Product: • t od a lull ...,:rtztrea•nt of landn-th',, scar r .te 1..)A WI/ EN IT Vitte tie attention of till In , .:•• nilan p.m 11 \itr\ IM' ItSSAT).SrIII1 I STT.ITT-.lhr. stlh,s.7ri het n .1 1. for 11,. 101. g, purpoew. at No. 1. " \I L..i •'lO O On ~.,111,,,t•—.1 [WI /I IN. toAT: II \i;ol' I.ol' 1. ILA /LA/ 1I,Ikl) II kV. k 1. as Min or purcliA.No ot tilts 1.0 001:. Alk It =UIII : .. I. 11=6.Nrrr " , \l;l.[llF. , rwatraitl :VI ' ~,,,, I/ ftll.l ‘Ilt•01.-41.1.• .; k: 0 , I aittl P 1107,1 v..q...1 , 11 Nl. 1 , •.• t •-1,11.1 , 1 II 111 . k . N". 11 , r L:11 17 ,0 ra.-1 T w t ! , L„, Li-1E IVholesulu Unw..r ri-h, • .., I (' itn.l ~ , :.• • 11,41.1, 9,11 AO" TOII E all p 1 , , LEAD ult pu r r . l s p r y . , o en.... POI-1.1.1h II - EN It 1 11. I Forwardin4 a Nll.l wlnik.nlo denier in Pl. .1... V: : Ent.), un.l I'llUl/LC E 11. 1.111.. E.) L. LLE Ft.rigr I.IL, \ old Nlon..Epds.ll' / • 1C111,,, V. .111.11 1 IM: • tr. 111,1 1' 11.11,11, .1 :Loins, Spirit, St tan F....A 1:11111. ilia , Sciitiiit AI., 1.. 1, tlil ii) 11,41 1,, 1 11,11 11 /11 , k1 IVilti Cheri llAvitita., ling:dm ;1..1 1 1 ,11.11,1 , 1 , ft.:l,lo4ol*h 111./.1 0111101011 ` 1 •01:71.1 , 9: nil ni I 1 , 111 1 1L,11•11.111:0 inntintition. Fancy 1... I. - .1 mid .1. it.. 111/ r1,1111111,1/•41 1 , 1 illy \NT \1 \ el nn, it, ‘‘ INES nu.' 1111ANDIESI (Ili Nl•in and 1.. NO. 3 . 21/ (71.1011111, ,, ii, •/1•• , , I'1t la 1,1111;11. FLEMING. sueen,sur u. L, IVi s r n•.l - • .1' In la •t and lii Nam". I. • •• • / +tointl cu 1ta,.4 zo, 11111 a al went E I , I'. 1, v, 1.1.1:.} 1.11.:1; I, and all nr - 11 1.1, Ilk Pt I witot ,urvlck II) cotapoande , i at I _ _ iiR( Yr Sllk,,,Kors to I .t I.NI 11. I !•,, M k 'V.. ot I N HAFT, •I R., Stet . e.Aor tn.3nnles PRUthIT. mud tiJi i pAr,T, E SIT FFE. ..No. 1;1 Wood n 0.,. 1 , .r• \ up ky JI.. m ALL, u, Le e DEALKI: and Coll MIS:+IOS MERCIIAN if, f, Kramer A. L.alu, pl,, .n.•ruuu L C...,1k,w0 k lii,hl.tr k. htt.l , ur,,h, May :1, my2l IV. ('IlAI)11 1 I ( • dealer in K entnekv • ILA;S at,l N,.. 11.9 xi yr...! 1.:6n. Six 11, l'itt•l•rir.2l3. Th , 111,-Ix—inc‘rto.t prtox, In mill, \\TP. It SI A Importers an . „. and Ant neon PAPMAt \.+S, hu. ni Woottotrrrt, Pittaburgir I - , tL.. re! , lirtsted nranufArt Ur., t and: „? T. U. MOIL( A N. IlkstitsAtller and St r IL., Id I • r/1 Lnu , t n gCIiC rul aveuruurnl i Mint: Printing. lot ai P4t..:. A... 0 11..le.gan. kt uoi strv. Po .11. r. 1.1.•) Pitt4hingn. Cc t kNTErI - S ITu ntll're SCrapti. apl y T,,11N 11. mEI,u)R, h.dosale and Reta dmtt., !L',.411' 11, IS, , rtl'%lg r. ri A Nos, MUSH 1t.4,1(S STATIONY,ItY, No. 10 Wood stro .11•10 .kci \Vindesule and I', p A %LA \lt %CIL Ell and doolor ill aII ki/I Filth stro, kri K..t•pt L'onstantly on hand a largo supply ad ell .r 1 Lru. i—.l I toperual Sotpu-s. 01.1, e..; It to, ItOtt.T J. .1,114211A+,:. l' , Y M lilt . A NDEItSON, (But.,•es,‘ „ lN t,, 1., .1,1i111:1 B. 1,”/,.. 4. I:),..) witolesale tleal•lirs in YOKEIVN Fl:t ITS. NI T`'.. :".I.WES. O , ,NVECTIONAItY, SUOARS. i , , so. 3.,t %V..•(1 erret•t. (.111.nlits , Lill, Et.. Charted notol, Pitt, 1.141,,,11. alp' ATECULE, NVLadesale and Baiail SAD, . IIA It EhS, TRUNK., VALISI? and CAItPP7I" 1:1U 11FACTI . ItNAL, lu. 100 W.ssi street, Pittsburgh. FNTERPRISE WORKS, No. it li ,r 9flf.i ntrcei. third ,i•• , r I,low Virgin alley.—ROWN LEY o,lnfl ~. 1.11 thy attention of Sporting men w their largo as,or floc Et t of (ICS 111 I' LES and RE\ OLVIMI PISTOLS, the la.rgunt and Lent ..lotrd 401 . 1: I,or op hard W this mar ket, togctl..a it IL ;,,ncral .Lasurtninut of Liardwrom, ry, oilA :0111 Firthing Tackle. all ,if which we offcr at tiln ',flees to cash purclmanm or fur good ay provt..l pap,. _ marlB IVoilill_wEsTEßN POLICE AG :cY, 1a1N... Woshin,;ton corn.r of Dearbora, cif"- Ml= ALL,N I• 1 !INK a 0 , 1 their entire attention to at. .d A drtertivo PL./LICE BUSINE, , S lu tLr ,Lat,- Nl‘nrOlVillll, Mictiliniu and Indiana. satil. , ILI B . sllol'n, NiEIirRANT TAILOR, Third n• xt t , , h thankful for In , very libeild 101 l 1;;e her..toloro be,toued niton hint. lean , t“ 3.61, a t,ntinnatn , ~t the 0)100, as he its not. , Letter prop:ll%4i Cll,lll 4,0 r 4. I arhilli Lin friviuLl and clan tdnit.r: nith svitich IS di Insure entire an tlafae Ile ultra vc keelo on luau, a large aaAorttnent of tie I-tott 14,1,1 of tESTIN(I.I. C. SSINIKIt - ES., CLOTIIS, de., which ltd to order ,Ju the zia.111.01. 4 / Dollee,ll.pk.ak rtast)Wll , lo d )erf,t lit alleays aarratatod. Luovlo.tt • J MN U.rOoN4. TIMA.B.POUNO INUNCOLIN,Nn. T B. • B. 1 (ONO, & CO. No. 38 Smithfield a street. oppoeite City Mulch, ruauafact.arusr of CABI NKT Fl; UN ITU Itli and ClLints, of every discription. Ma terials /Awl w••,-1.1”....1tii• wArrtuital, and sold at reduced prieea Can- Laken 111 picking for land /tad water carriage. ... aug3l • • WC))1)\S" ELL'S FURNITURE AND ohnionale mid retail, embracing every rape 1111.1111,, 111 lloneivand, Mahogany and \Vaunt, Imi table bar parinr, chamber,. and dining maim; equal to any an Ncw York or Pliande!plan, and et lower price,. Every article made by hand. and warranted_ Calouct Maker, supplied with any quantity of FURNI TURE and I.:11A1 tLi, I.IL reasonable terms. . Hotels and •Steltlllblatli I urnutied at the shortest notice. Warernoms, hoe_ 77 and 7i) Third street., PITTSBURGH, PA. JOUN CoCli lt,l ti & BROS, Manufactur e°. of h ., . Railiitu, Iron Vaults, Vault. Doors, Window khlacils. Ate., N.Ja. nl Sot:N.l street, and 88 Third street, be twnru W,..1 toe! Niarket etreets. Pittsburgh. Pad have on /mud a variety of new patterns Fancy wad Plain, suitable. for ~lipurposes. Particular tuteouitu paid to enclosing Chute Iggs. Jobbing dolls at *hurt sunk fpar= MOE ijittb 7 / 4 11t: - !: - .:1_, ..I.l.,,arniii4 ~1),,,y.11, PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT TUE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS JOHN LITTLE, Jr., t„, ty has jtvt EMEEMI onto Bram very tine.% writ Impuy & Co., (~Ilpyr.) Mara it S Co, Suzpruc. Sandal Madeira. 14,riinu-d, March Ac Co., Mail' mt. I' .L Indio Ntol,t .t, do Amo tit imcle Sherry, M:1/17-1111ii it` de COokhlg Berstriug Port, Ordinary do St. Juin, NlAlitga Dry. ;•w...,t, ['Lutz; At Cillof I iWt 6, •I'Nt•tliar Wi W all other art nem KIER'S TRANSPoItTATION LINE.-- Ancwipatiwz tht• facilitios fur tr...f,flr.rttne 1.1”4;t1t, to awl 11”. eitire, xi,t Pc1,11,11%.4.111, and our W'l' i U IsA ILY LINE, whi,ll ,vet t , ns per to tith aac h hay We :her, —ur frterel, /And Ile r. 1,-e• the tlnpr , ‘ ettle,l•. th , re t e ,thit. 1 1. , teieh I t:ete ral ..ate•la , tine m ha - Wttlait:: E1,L..1 II -1 , ter n 1,111 pl.attlatt.le ;xlll h KI El; . 1 / 4 MITI II E L rlillat 1141,111. ra• J J . .1. taI.I.I.:ZWIE A. I.' Nli.tit.tc . ll,l- J and dmt.l.•l. L mving" C.,nitra altd 7 , ) 11.n..1 ao t. - tni Band uuJ itatiii• La .rd r, N\ 41" ut 1,1‘.1 1;LII si•ry anal Gill. j i• t I Nii. third allay - I , ll\rN TET LE% (lid Ad 1 11.., 4-- NS, RIFLES :Lll,l 111-1 \ tlii• liana thi- 11,1- het. vatsll 1111 , ‘% cl 11.1..1t1,1 , 14_.1... air! TACK I.E. all if s‘r offer at OW liddiiiSt riiiTl,lld• to 1.:011 .r appr,vial pap, 11,11 A. Sll'll.l-: It, NV holesale t i I M Diralial 1)11. 1 rko, ==EI •i. T... 'La., :Owe( ir.m. NS tr. .s•••rth IStselder's HARM:NISI; kW. WHITE, VENETIAN BI,INI) !SI_S.NI - I.Ni "I SM-• hcalal n ,lu n - me . . . . a.l ht. hi- VIA 1$ 11A' ULU - rt.:. o. lath etrk.rt. near th... ‘ll/...1 31/11 LLAIL LL.I, tLi 1111 pialtl it11 R ...-t.-' I :u.l Silk T 1 .itiuktup•. pr.L.Li t • •L L•• 11:1 ar•, 1,. .1 al ILL: hue, WI Oa' 111,4 1,..-•• ~.I'•L • 1. • I-u:, Ili.. ta,rt, L uat t.. girl atatt,facahatt,..r I, 1,. rld 0,1,1 r . ;eurl - ‘1 go.• ru: I,a h. Cu. L I. Lunt Lli AL.lktuttt.:.llq. 011 - . 'VI.] \V COACH AND cARRI.k.GE 1 .\( cnt. r •.I La... • ~...ILa. L4t), u•LILILL -L.• LL.I ILL!, In mad 111.• tl.. • ri , ..••.1 •.l 1;1 .Li I 1:;, ;1.1.11111 a... 1 I 111 I. la all LI. ./ s.Lll..tia L.— 1.1 1*.a..,11 atal L.I i..• ..:11 , 410.11",11.1 .101 a 1...11• a.ll 41.1...1•1...1 L. I. Ila all •1 al .:!. i.•-. 1 , .. •.‘,..1.• I .1.111...1 Li, ...Lk. 1..-l t It ‘t .1 I IMMIM=IIIMI I)irrsin flcdi (I)Acii L\c"ron—i',l4; 1V.11.11 , .1. - ~ 11E, ,• N 1 I.IIICLE- -r.!• r I DI. \\in't . , A CIL N., .tri , .ttlt•toL..•tti ..11• I \1 t% 1t.% V. \ t•tt It. ttt t 1.‘1..11 \ \ ..ttt,tilt ti pt ..i s..- ..1,1:1 ,i.k ma /n-41.007. flt..) . VL •.1 1. u/ 11A\ \I 1:1..1N; .t,.1 r 1 \TI .1.K1.11‘ , 1 .• , J 11:1'• ut..l Itl \ TS Art, It, th. u-9..lttank 11... k :1,1 St . Pt Mr! t, • •,... t .•: lat C. )lanitinct;,r , r • r Itran, an./ r rrirr IN; )411 \ t• .1. I . 1. 11r/141.1 pwri rIM 11l i ‘1 Nam Att.! °runt), •.t.•• , '14.1 1. A11.11.1+ ..t .411 •rt 411 ~• t•! ,t..u51 , ...11•. Oi• • ttildttot• studt tittt ham.... II 11..1.-.alr l• .1( 111-I/ ICI rnt i • ,..i111' • • M111.:1,1” . • • ...I 1.101,,1•10t-- dt:114,1011 in t h•• I. .•. All 111.1 Nik/10.1 , 110 , in •• ma, 1 , . . 1 /t ~ttlt ~ , , .‘srr. nun •••••:. N., `I Clair •Lin,r. PntLOLL, IL TI)IIN II T 1:1;.\ 01 TI , •I‘. IV I \I. .1. r tu )1,1 .• • 'll 1.1 II \ \K N. 4 rt,.• 1.,1.11121$ to, II I _ A 1 A:. 1111,1.1 k EN (1). •-• 1111 [I:111 I. . ,t,..„ .•x1....t,vt• CA 111 \ - I.:T and I 111: \ I \I 11 \ kl,"11•••;111i1;•til h ull. th.tt, t • a.u.ir.% ,tt./. 0111.\ RI,ES BARNETT, Hoit , E :' , 1101.1c .u„14.1 a 0.. r, and ...nin“.ll, 11... 1414 111E1' t A . .Lr. /1114 . 4 141. MI14•1 , 111 4 . .1.. nll vs,•rk 111 Ito. III.• 11“ , 14111111114.11111 i, 114.1411.,, 11 1 / 1 % .• 11.• patr"ii3a, p.urralls JMES 111E1,1,1 Ni; /1 MlO :43.111..1 ;LI;1 I ' l. 'AUL! Mitt, renpc ••tlit11) wLa u, ht.. Itscud,. .m.l it the Ilmt h I). I TAM/. and that I . t, Id 11.11 , 4 tt , litklt kit i Atilt., t 1 . 1..\\ ED LI: the lowegt rate,. Iciall Stink. Uory niiil gg Bulblees rind (7.l.:tiviiters riti.l it their Jolt.. rage to rt., tam a tall. as he tall tJ•iNt 5, it Mutt. euitttlite Ibrevery less or 'Atilt, • --- - - - WILS6S, owner of Market and F•eirtl, stree ts. keeps tho largt , t nutek ATl'll ES. 1 . 1 \ JEII ELRY. Ate., to 1.. I.llid In Penn•ylennitt I I lung expert... o,tenn.tlinttod eoutttottun truslortot Itni pie-out the highont nolo...tents toby Ono.. In n,u.l tt gond Watch., uthor IirLICIPS in Ili. , tine. milould gin. tont tot toontrtundly 1.. noel Litton. lasi_ Filly NV att It Repufnug done prtitnplly and in th , 1...^t J. 411118 BLAKELY J. 1511. L. klh 11E1 BLAK.EI,Y S: RICHEY, REAL ESTATE C tPr lith and rlwtllfirid strert , , I'll Ism, !louses, Lots, Milk, Furuscol, Lought 11101 6 " 1.1 "" Land r.ld ,11.1 led; Btlla, 1M,11.111 11.101}:,h.u.t att.n.thal given to sulshvi,l,lle; Farms, nut L4241,0.1;4 tll.lll. Tr rt. rausuusli. WI() MANI! A( —M os. HENTE R, six doors from the Atpesturt, th,, c„ll,,t„c, Mire, /We l chem , City. prepared to MI orders Lor Witlo, and all kinds of . ORNAMENTAL lIA llt WililK. The beer quality of material is furnished, and snit, .t o t enteed, mylsnir, t ly TICINOS7Uit WOTLK, L'ot:N1)11/VS:1; IttACILI 01: 0111 W. SA ?Wt.,: T. uu w 0„ log tll4lvHl into tin 1/.." ‘S "Oct, recentO CI trite; Nfliononlo, and Slo•bly stets ts. pr-p:vd tu 1,1 I• tract Cur and ell awe, Honer Freight., Platform, thit , o•i. ILurl lin all other descriptions 01 CA IL`'. itleo, for STEAM ENti IN 1.6 of all 812 , 5, (I EA itl S tl, RA if, P.0).4.1.) CA.STINCIS of all descriptions, and all Ittlter nor appertaining to a Fononlo and Machine Shop. The Forenoon of the tlillerent tleintrtmente are 'A:it, and prartical men—mostly trout rrastern ninnitfnetor,.— lio keep tloellot,lN, 111 f“rnied and adopt all talu,dtic /1,4 ern icuprokements. lung9Sat J W. W. 11 erulit:ELL IL. J. OUNiarnsi . J 0_1011N,....11. Tr.N n. HOOD" AMERIUAN MAcHE ' , AMUR I NG COMPANY'. No I, Pit t.- I,nrgl,. IPI PAPIER. MAi 'II , i(N A Ni EN 1':. 4 for Churches. :44nutiboutn, laud Piettin• Frames, nod lent Heads. Brucket, Trin.ses, Cnr nierA. Voutnntort Oil exotri. r nun Nionl.lingn every 11.criptiOn. rh e a per uud Mturmitinti 1/I. , re durohl. , ii i a • .ther arncle now in tke-Cirdere 17,EN - ill , ' on the shortamt notice. N. B.—Attention of tin•Rtnl+rtat Biill.krs ly oiditritilly di rect....l to this on aroonot of its light weight. Olt Oft, N... 7S Foronfl stmt., 1N.M01 , 11 Wirod and Mark••t. l'ittaborgh. -•--- - - - LAW BOOKS.—I am authorized to sell lust' some valuable Law Books. IU vols. Pa. Report. by Barr; Bouvier's Institutes: Oreenlief 'a Evidence Wharton's Don.,IL, lost rd.: And other Lawns. klkutehtary Work.% Ac. LID). F. UILLMORE, at the °thee of Morning Post ). ri. moats . 5. D. ors.NY JONES k DENNY. Forwarding and Commission lifer chants, No. 61 Water street, Pittsburgh. rapl9 -------. .curl be thoroughly suited with latbror 1 types or Daguerreotnum, at ClAitthYS, 76 Fourth et. opposite Wilkins k Co.'s. dart!. CONCENTRATED LYE.--A large supply of this celebrated article tor utakiug Soap re , etioil by JOS. Fli.F.llllCti, Corner Diamond and 11.1eutiet Street. Agent, Nu. 201 LiLcr -1 II vvry JaubstrA, Swtta C 1,17 110 vet, laoulon Schnapps. Sll N 1/111 FS. lint - herlord'a luotell Ale. linrc.lara London Porter, Wild Cherry Brandy, Al.sulthe, A a awthe, Cuntera, Jarthlli•n, I...tut and Java. Young Ilya. sun, Mack Teas, 1:nalls1. Claw., Itawrted !Inman iltgars, var.,. brands. 11., ,;viola Whialsy. of NI grades. lion .oz...chatl with the Inmi• Iny2nalaw ''''' ,, z• --::::;.7',.-`7 .: 4 4 :51; 4 ; ,-. ...: 1, '• FO SALE „ND TO LET. r ot.: I:ENT '1 F iitiL the Dante 11133.1 Aplru..lsl lour 3+0 , .0 . 0 11‘31 , 43 Ilvll lVan•hols33 liou 3. .4,5535 .1 0r.5 1130, at (11.• ‘lOO.l. 1.11..• I I \\ 11.1. ills IA; LLENT the '1331. Airril 11 , 51. r th'• o:. Ilancor, sir, 13:n11350 trout on LO-3n. 1 , lit 3,1-1510.30117 mud I.lsrelllly 1.11111.3 h 51, 1.33 155111111. A 513113100.31). or thr u. 111e0til01l111 , 43) . ....0 1130 Jr.,, 1.33.311,.. l 33,54 . 1 t story. %\ ill 150. reustalably to .3 351111.01.•111.13•110111. Kusirlill. of " "INS. j3:2111—. JO, 1.13.3 prtotos . s. . _ 111 A IN 1) -- The til,,ler,igliod 1,,0f rnalik.l p t.... 41,•1 ,OJ-t1,1L... ut C.A-1/11,11,,1110 11.1111...L.1.1a .1,5111'.: 1,11 , 1 11.33.311.311 3.1 K 13:1113 1 - I , IIIT 13 • ••31t ot it 19'111,111 .1. 1.111. 11..11110 t g :10 .011 t• 11.1 L), ll.' 1 .111.1 111 ttillt . l "II ,11..1.1.1 . tuool thou' Irolituu; lot Lhoir ,Ittk.1 , 1 , 1,1111•.111 , 51c531 i_,1 , 1 '1 3TS, .. 1,51. ill 55130., frontrity, ti. !),.r. .t• 10 ..1 113, 1k'43,31, 10131 .......13111 uo ti,. 1.33L31..1.1,- 111.3 l'o 05 551.010 10,3,11 ,ult 13030.3.- 1 33,31,3 ~3 33 1".• 11,3,1 3 11111 11 4111 1, ,1t.1.1 I'do 1.1133 {.,)weal 10/,' ta 111 ..1 111.• 1:ailr00d, if .1., ~1. 1313, F 711.1.11. 1 1:1. 3111 . 1''• ..1 Nlul inu4 Pit .k ugu,t. IS 1 a11(.,:,11i.11.:5i..,, . . \ ti.c , ai•l I till t::::1 ;.11,1 , lurr L,r polaLr..l Fa te,t i• 6 .kr•lrti 1 1 • bta,v, nod otkei , 10.illt 11. /It/TII. l• 141..1 Nail pt..rt.iou ..1 Appro,,rl projwi Is in All , Ctl.3 1.• 11‘1,. I,l\l. t tirl.a,4l: . - - 141111; Land WAlt , r \ I L a ..la., •• “,11. ra1.4.11..” 1.. N.. 0.1,1.11 4 v •r, 4.1...Lt0d : u fr.tui • Colby., 11,1••• ,Rll.l ..vrr. 11, Inct It. r ..1 ail . VI ('•Jrat, ••!* An I `mitlal.•l.l Al(110./CCO IN I , C:1•. , I 1.k.d711F Ii l trll),Sl That Inrt,. P••../ "Itibl:.• • -1.0•1,4,11ik•fi1. I••I til• awit•a. lin \1"1 - 11_ 1/, .•,1,.•1 • ta, t,..! a:1.1 ,r,0t,..1- • r . 1,• I- •••1 rt,.• ript.vir nrr•l krrr r .At• row, !..! I!, • r• 1.• hro.r . lw•oz . • 1• en. 1 11!.11111 ..1 al!, 1 1 .1 'oil'. (1111.\I. \\ 1,1.: _si x ty 1 . • ,1 • ••.. //1.. Ni1k••1,..C.t..1 ‘t I, 111••• • I • 10, „ .1.t•I 11 *lll ‘,l!, I,i 11 : t. • \ A PA )t•I.1.1.1 EnT:= . .. lit >I'SES N A I> V k. T•1•11:1•• • It •••-• • •••••1 I IA • Inotir , itt 1 , t1111: di,11•I .1) ••••I•izr,,. prop , :LI 11 II.. t1• nrk.l i/.elr tittvr , at t" r•• 1 .t r I,l.•rtual I t, U,,:14 ti..• t 1111 , 1 1, 11.../t• - • ;.. I . ttr • t 1, 1 "1. I,E---1" 3, k•I Lai 11..1 Itto t :, NI, 1.1111 : • 11 I.• . I 11111 , 1 11,11 L V., 4." 1, . k/. fI 1.1 • • it.5i5,•..01,.: 'lip k; i 4 ,1111$ 14 IV. \ 11..0 .1 1.1 •1.4, I! IN • •.tltt:lt.. 11.‘ I . ) I 1 1 I r it: ••• .) 1 IMMO T ill. I- V, tit ,•1 I=l I. I 31.-1 ll.• L,u h -.1. .“. r.•1.,,.1 te, 'IP, u.• 11, iii••,,t'.•l.•i • • ... ISI..11•1 I 1 . I.• KL 1,11 I . ` / 1,3 t , ,i I,i 1.111 i, \ i tt 1.;. I=lllll :as.) ; Wll4ll, illtlHl[l., 1111 •t; 1 • 1,,k r IMA .1 mht ..f tvrt it y II si,-.1•••! I.• I ..I I. k. Bat .1 . ..I Ire. I• , e/1 OW r 1• 11131.' /4 . 1 I. al.• 3./11/ tL. rinE ,. l.l, 1111.1 1.11111 ., rll. 11/V Jutl n ul 1111 • . • 7,1 ti.tl El: LAD) 1*.9 II i, 101,113 05515. , 1,,., IL I‘lll A t Idno t.i.etrtictlono! Nt nut of tho ourtthor v.ll , 1 , 10•,. :001 :tot it: ,0. z,, 0:1 1 , 01 th.d. 100, .001 olato.rato dotao 4.1:t and 111_11,)1 ed hot 111..111..1:1.1114 to; f,,1.L! NS, i 111.• 0.(11 , ••:t 11 .lt .1,1,11..1.1 1..1.1 th.at 1.11111.11.1 1 1 .111.1 0141 1111111 A, M..11)1\ ni au, .01.0. ta.n. :food rich and .• o t:1 I.:oont our 00a( .1. SI, 1 , 1.. I , mid. 10—ea1 otn) 1001, L.. Iso 10t. :bra inat:oo, all obi.. I. 111,4 , 01:- voh:rod 01 innad 1n1i0.1105, :toe .Irculart.., 11.)...0ttwe lartuo, [,wt !I A M. 1.19 I'. M. Inc:Y9 . :llu . Ul.\'l Rs: 11E VuLl !!-J u,t rr COLVVti, by Fa pre,s, o,...ufactstror. n xn1 , 0.101 mont..f Cort'n PI:or 11.9.:ZZ 0,..• 00.101 r. 0 Id. I 0,- WI II Soil I.lr osok it ILI 111,1 . prtoo,lw tiso, to. todldlit IT, tho yOl Now I. , ,•.0. A 11•1 1 , 0, 0 0111 rind :11.1t .1.. t. ft , I. pa:Li:doing o: nt 60000 than di.) CADotrundVl.ors 0..n0 t., It O ny 01 . IlbO PlOl , lO told, loa , th,- city. 00 , 1 111 01 a 1,11011. 111 II111)1.1 . . ' • I 1.161\ 1( 1 -1 ' .‘11 . 1 ' NEFISII IP NU . I . ICI':. --11;11111,f, ilia% 111 , 1NIA: 4 1-I'. a, a 1/1 Litt. 1 , 11,111,1 oi I allota . tlll4. (.1111:-.. u.ll It-r1:a1141 :,.I 111,1.1 0,• -.): •.. 1 11111.. 1 1 r lw, JNU (iiturri. IT. kilt()l:TT. Int l wrtev4 „I ft/ .Uin. %%4•.•: 1///1/1/•1/. /II F/111.• Old Ny.• 1111i:4.1. 1. 1! ••. 1•••• tilt. 1....u011,1,1.11.•.--. 1... 1) ()TTI.ERS. Cu.. Bottler-, Nk , 1 , 7 Fsrot M . //111/I Itally ui r tla. 14.0.1 111 , /ItiNt• h.tlal a Imp , Aupply 1/I SIINEILAL 11 ATEIt, ALE and la-zt lull) atteniatat of Camila - I irl illtertrd t.. II..• (.1 11 AIN Lli \ in it:. ptp..t ,tat, it to lapilli, .1 . Its ..r and alreagtbralag N( 'TICE-111e partuerzillip herev.fi,re j,t> bag bittweew Jii ob Ilteatitter. D. !Detwiler mid ti W tOttitht under the firm of 1-111$TerrEft. I ,I M n.. dn,..dv,11 on th.• '2,111 day of NoNelaber It.. t'alil , 1111 01 tL. lot meat Of D. lloeteiter l y Jacuh lloatetwi The biainiem will be tottolucted . lataltoforit, wuh r the atine of 11061' & SMITH. J at IST ETTER, duel " FUSE OF RE 11. W. SMITH_ FUGE—A Dzpor fias I. e en . 4 ,...,1 for I lie rid,' of ut tided alau.tuta,l ii I h , . How, of liailuget, at NO. io SMITHFIELD FTIIEET. d,tor below Diatilood V 1 Lulewale aad Retail :NlCltillalltS will please cull arid ex- Ituutie aur stodli of lli KITS AND SHOES, . . _ Nltutu tht• et nutu-riuls. mut the rtuot sm numuer;.4tl r,.11i7.1 llg tahltshute hul.htAttl xi,iw. the utteruutt• vf Ii isuitituttott, cum artuits nt re:minable prices. DOOR MATS Mao fur salo. Arms, a/4h. DatrAilm I: 0 • it 4. =ES NREa PITTSBURffii, TUESDAY, FEBRU ~,.,,. H .i,..., r.., ,‘I :•• "•1 MISCELLANEOUS R A It M O N lUM S D MELODEONS 11. K I.V.BEft IL BUIL boon reeeisell and for oale a lot of the olo,vo whleh they witrront lul AL. IN NOT SUPRIIIOIt, to any I kItMIINIUMS, with eight stono, ntod, by STE I rlt El/MEN Kit. Stottrunt, Germany. I I A hSIONII.IhIS, with three stops, by Truro, tot t -o°l These inntroments hove been room:tined by Ilio nod itundeurs of the 1.10441, who prutttmal 41,0, in 110101 of SOllOl.. not sw -einem of tone. fully nquol :du mdl Choroli or Vicrlor d'he irtoullen mu. no ari mired that Lai UF Nllt lii VIA ltd CAN WORK 11 l'f II F...-IS - k:l.')lttlt /NS NI ADE BY edit II A irr A: NEKIIIIAII, N Y. It lo olinuot oupertltitori to nay tatytlaua in their fast,. The r.oilir prter, Mr USW! kIIT, Is the ertriqi mil ilihrtd, of the Melodeon, 01111 the ouporhouty of bpi iiettenutunt4 11.• ~.r li IJ ,ill,ll .11. 11. Th..) ordenn fur thou troin oil jail, of the u told. lined the, Ix4l turd moat itnlmrbot unned ”Inell to In lat1:131.-E 611 ELL. which, wtaitu it on I 1,10, (10• n,a e., ofhoul, the plit) ei crept rtoriety of en•wl, 1,4.1 eXIIIIIII.IO and °olivine. Them .4 "1 mlip.ori,t 111 tt Ow above, a Inch will he odd 4111 res,on.tble t,n Liu ny If. KW:att.:lt 6 BRO., - frr.h supply of NUNNS A CI.AICK'S and ,titer i N e- Ow wily ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAI IF \UN' oYEN 4eli0:11 PITTSBURGH TO KITTANNINC "11r..1 aft, lILIDA Y. January 25, 1.51%, Frvittlit and Pa • , Train' , will kw,. l'itialairgh P atom...a ,i 1 .11.. Ikrt, illg at Kittanning at 1.725 I'. NI. hm.,numv at 7 o'. 10,, A. lit, arriving at Pitt•lour4l I Al. . • . . .?.v:ta W I 1.1. 1:ljN Fftl M K ING, in ruin tp •pi 11.11 1 . 1"11311, 6.r the L•11LM1111, pi..., • eld.rion . 3 54,, len.l 3 '251 Maltour. - . . . I 75' K.:l.l,liburg 35 1 Tex . ..... . foil 7fi 11,1111moollurr • .. . 001- 1 1/unn.m.lalt• .• . 3 W. . Leary to Kittanning, 51,25 I Nlll4. 1.0 11 r I 1 . , I i 1 / \I I II• • t It I I • •i r_ A nn. r. t..•th all tl...ran 1. prcured nt tit 1 , 1 , 1 0111.... za ININII 0/1 Tay! . Atrevt.. /111111111.1, N 1,0. ill , COIN, NIAt ket VON!, h I 11 .1) Ile Ktrot.lx, at P. NI . ttt mitta...tiots tl Traiti•. 1 1u= A J. 111,1'1'1:It. . _ 'l ll .l NIANI . FACTI;ItEII AND oTllEßs____ rno• itt,.; In n, w the ex.t.•,.1. , n o,t i:•4143 1P111,i1....1 1 1/ , CELSI , % VII j“." It). : , 11,. tit. i•.G 01:r N+VELTN . R ()HAS," I a thy city. 11".• w,nu d 1.1a t rotttr...•ll the Exceittior 111 a 6e" at a tan pra t , anti makt• the itay 111,114 ...try The prt.itt rty ••1 lon corner -I Ntw ilk and atiret,.. In the it hlnn.nghutn,l , oll4 . oil/2 iillOgirt•gi and twenty dit Null sit vitt. extending: tatuie width to low ntail. on Ow .Ilotningaliold tnelatimg right ol I I, ‘ , l t,rgh. ova and •tileitaninti. ....I two 'itch, the noun building is our hundred and en lett I,.ug Ll tilt) teet t ontaisting y 11.1 Fdtitic•ini idottia, anti ail . tonntig It.. reto, In Lin, of 341 1.. a Tiro Itriel. %it so Jeet in length for 100 tool • d Then. is al.. all 1,,i1 , 11t 01.01111 .oe -oh, and ether flat lin, wall entecloa, . 1.. kindle tire,. and co to % , "r 4 u Ithnnt4l.'l"Y• Au) pa. a , ../1 403,11,, aataa h et i.r..),,rt). au. 1'11)01 - Ably b ,, :, tr./ I: catrltt..ll to th.ei u.ron•. ) ,YT‘ \. 5. CO. a w.hot;ah., I i. ja..2n.lan 11:()1 I)I.:L.kIVAP,V. s.IFNA. .6L. Ma”ll..}/th. tb.,„ I --4•••16{1,1A1 , 11: I t., .kstl.. the itti.kz .1 li •rtul I. 1101 •.ta In 61.:,•a ,([l.• wan 1.51.‘ Id. w.116.:{ r•111.1.,n.t Kali fai..l, ph) r JUL. 11. • k ht. 1.1•111•4.11 , • , 1 tits. to C"1; .1 ,I,•at ,1••••• I 1•••,),,,..y.1..k, a I. .1 luirgui. at Ow I.ht 11.".1 td , 111 E 1.A1.0 1....-T \l,ltNiz 14.:„"r iki 1.% 1./ Alt I IL , .1:, nut . 1, , .I. I. A •i bolt a walion of 11.31 1 33 L.\ N , 311 d L,§ .-itjoytti Isvnith I I.A. 3.1 ; 'IIIOIIIQ 44i/.1 611111 . 1t 1 ,3 i 1.4 th. t 4,1“ FAWN 1* 311.1 lq 1,) *tll 1 ., 1,1011, j.i2; IMIEMIN= c ...______ff , ' -- -te- - :.•;~ - ‘ /-----:,- „ __. 7,,.'"._:.: 7,- \ • -- .--"2,..1-,r:,,._ n___.- ........,..ya - ----------- - ,:',..- --<- --_,,-,. -,•• .., _ . - • ~..-, -_ • - _ , -- -__ ~..." 1 l'i) Tit(isi.: .‘11 , 1.117E1) iTii 14. Vivi :L,.ht, 11 .111 conntillith.ciArilertli 41..1 Ltt Or. t.. 111 I•t. 1 , Tit Al. 01 . T11. IA \, duty run) reit upon t,- I,llli il• At1,1.14 , t1 It. , the .11 11 A!. II: / 11 f. AAtlrttvt. 111 ttipt..mit, A A.. 11., F. I. Titerrete.etneeteere. lee. I %. e i• t•• .411 tret.l,, krill au.l ..1.1 I oat, t I, .4 app0....1 01. frr. ,1.- I s l it RE ZINC PA I NTS —The ki r .1 11l IJ It. • il•.1.1 tiov ILlther I , : Lit • -• rt.! .1...11;f) .1 Ito 11/ i . I th.• .11.• .11 • 1••.• .• 1.1.1 It., .1.1, / t./1.4 1,.111J, 1 ..1/1 In' .111, .•1 11.'11,14 11 1 1 11 11 , 1, 14 1.'11 1. 1 L.ut ttrltlttl ttf 4111,., vt tt• itut.ttot.s...; t N . 1 11 1 11. 1 1 ,1 ',IL ftt..11.1 t., I,: I II %LI. A. C. 0(11. Maiden lAA NvN\ 1..1k. \IAU I;lt'kV.l A ,; . 4,. 11,I1vr dltvvt, hert , t,,f,nro t•C1,1111 3.111 N )1. 1:011EILTS th. k tt rah, L/1.. :13111..a., 0 4N•• 41 111.1'1 • •.t. ,%121 h.• enlariotti, hi -.I • IZ• • 1 , 11 , 111 nt,, , ,t,1111,/ \tat tiltito• tit LA\N EN( 'E I 1,1,E Pit()PERTY --A ,try ) Itrwk I tip , . t“,,t,/, and 1.1 Itlei6.•t rtt•• t. I U , ll , thin 11111011 Cllke 1111 , 1 -.iv I.y 11 I . ] LI)1 N(; Lo'l' FO It S A LE.- -A 1.. t '-4 ~t. ..1 'tack It tt•-• It • : :.• a:tdt tat tit, back part ttf thr ts n a`nlittr N% alt. :attit :dt tad attat:l Ildtr-tta. 'llatt Int Is iu u dm:wattle I.• andtt i. a 1.,•!. tict• . and will la: toiltl Ida:, and on la yttrultitt m.. 1 I. and •It a 11 . ••tu w. undtrunt e. Matto re of ti Et, F. tilLl.Alt tit jt 1. at tlo, odic.• of xt,...nt.,a)."-t. ('EinNE It E.1)1- • .1.0 excellent article k) tort haptattl Itatitt, lip., 1..• A froAh mouldy jottt pro i-at • .1 atad tor .ttolo I. LP", JOS. FLEA! I Sti. 1 - 1 - VI: 2 1.1,1 s and 1 1.,0x. frosis 16,11 But -1.1 t,ftfit rot et% oti on otltottgorottnt and for , tale ty Jaltt VIII' ELL LEE 1)---6 kegs rhuiee Lard, fir family u, inea rc,vnrd ou conoigmuout and for gale by ATWELL. 1,1 q: LINSEEIY'OIL gallons fur sale I,v J.Lit FUMING Bic , IS. 1,0 V ES—On hand, a full assortment, of vry doscripu.m, by L. 1111.11.ILELL) b S:)N. 11..v30 11 0A.0.1 . _ Q . llil I EDAM SCIINAPPS---5 gross for sale 0 by LI": I V LINING 11114)S pumiCE sToNE-1,000 Ibs fr o sale by ncl.l FLEMINII Mit oS . . moncE TO. STOCK HOLDERS-- 1..1 I )rrICZ ALLVOIIKNI VALLEY It. 11 l'. 1 Patxburgh, January 4. lh:o, j T 1... re_3lll37r Annual Meeting of the 1 4 tociffiffillent ..f A 11,33.1.. 337 1 alley Inffirood Uoutuany will be held at ti. 33 3,01.7.3 No. 74 11 . 17ter street, Pituffiurl77l, o n TI be 11. t :41t .117 y of February next, at 10 ~...ltn.k A. 11 . n 7tateuient of the .14.fa11's of the Comtuttly will 1..3 cult ~13.3,1 1.7 the 1 3 /.....,n1eht 3,11.1 Mantuters. An .•lection ‘,lll h.. I seine l iv. at 1:1 Ccioels, 11,r officers of Lie COM i.•I th. t touting year. J. Seca. tar 7 73.4 I )1 CIS EstS .1\ it MitNEY.—Att I,pport unit y f..r tits t.sil ) 'eut. nod a partnershtp In a inturnift.sso. permanent, staple and Iterative l.tptint.to, Is 11010 ot.at f o r Lt ptirt) alto wtsltes to make 'matey. Here ;I iL.111o• I)1, 110 t ,Kvtir lint °nee in a century. Nlllll l but rettahle with httsoiem qualification, ;nal front s3,taat 1. ;Itt.tsto available capital. need rnply tit thls notes.: alit tacit, n d1•111011,lrlailln of Goa will he presented, that 11 ill ~11titit a pusitton II;' nowt onittiv 3,o ."" 1 4 "" 1141,1 ‘ . • 'fltt• I. to gartNy, 1 . 4u:11-penny advertisement, Out Goan and ittilena.nual in every respect; and the severest scrutiny lo vl•ai. T)._ Address -Manufacturer," Post Oflice,Pittslinrgh. and lull items It ill be etinituunicatnii. nov2sittr I ULU PENS—Many now find it diffioult 14) I, Tr pr.. uro Penn aS good tw formerly. Mannfactur,, rol,l dealers have been tempted to reduce the quality of both curd workinanahip. iu Oilier to reduce the price --consumers furiretting thou lii‘v ',Tim in not alwnyn open p. ,• Im. i• tour Priv mado t•IlorVally its olds. or th.• v,•, matortal and finish. and wammted--frem $1 to $l. W. W. WILSON, ea Market street, Corner of Fourth. _ . _ riIItUSSES-1 have on hand a large ass or t_ nient 111Trwmrs. Those wishing anything in thin liar shoula call and examine my stock before purchasing els.- JUS. 11LFAIINt1. Jail Diamond and )larket _ TILON CITY COLLEuE-DAr A ND E vENI , CLASSES— A rith Writing and /iL'./.4arlring.—Lada.s Gentlennetis Aparlmoubs separate. AIII7IIIIII,TI L C, and its applications to businesa, (a mew system,) shorter, plainer, and better adapted to business, titan L., to be found In any treatiqu. Results obtained with treat facility by new ruler, termed -Arithmetical Magic." Arid, meta . , per mouth, $4. Call for a Circular of the Cullegn. deal Y. W. JENKINS, Principe. a 41: I '• • 4 •• aa •a• • " .4 • ra ~- - , VRY 5, 1856. CIII Air s 'War 911114 subscriber offers for the consideration the public. the Move 1111.1.1 FlilLN ACE, demignmi for %Vail:Ong and Veutibtting Ihtildinge combining in tteelf all the tlefffiMble fpialltie, required in a perfect Heating Ap pffriitul. perfect comfort, without any of the di.,a gre,alle eameatimie ifourcee of annoyance so common In lomimg arraimenomie. While the occupants of a no//11 or irtllidlfiX , 6%”lol3 , Itll the comfort, arising from a warm P.tllllMeir attnol.phere, they also inhale pure life-giving and contaminfaed by being derived In.lll aahlp. unhealthy sources, Of it. )..er lIP cocoon life Ldng impaired by roming In contact with an over-heated result. ar, prolue•al, in part, by cohstructing the fw laiet • ht 'lllll mann, that the heat d/n11,0 • 41 /It a fan Cr temperature than hum, usual with any other Furnace 11.1 W 41...1% a 11l al , lu profaning this vault. another eh ). •t of great tutia•rtatten ebtattleslutt the scure of eettnonty; tit• tie•tbal•-••rbetg a a ell tbi rtaliattnu is ' great 11.411 th.llllt alumni entir , l) abstrat•ted from the gases !slue t hey lan . 141V.11 aft art „ 011' l'h111111. • y, ii 10 1 .141) greatly resluetng the n•roothiption nt fm-t. The fuel chamber is ea 1111.1 with [411 , 1r lien.' and the-brick that the fuel eauttut ~ •tthe in couta. t with the tn., pre,entlng the user-heft/tug 14' the air. and •lest t net ion or ittjury to the Furnat-e. The tll the Varna, aro corattrartrd am to afford room hd making at tight ditnd nud clay Jo nt, prt,enting the aad ered gamer iffida th. rut SO ;mud) ing ththe kxNAtininba. and no 1111116.un to till • /16101 and fund tare. The air to be Warmed IA token directly from the outside of the Mulding In all m •+, that !mitring u 50144 of pure, hol,mine air for bruathing, and the utter important flair tnai. by the htitntth opiteny—the oxygen Is not at. hx,ted. uur the ormolu . matter in the air carbonized by com ing •in cont,t with an over-11a...1 turface, am \oath other turn:Les; and in.adaCiii, .lilwr ditagreeliLle sensatiom are prevented 1.1 OM. 10.•a11,--atni c. , arte.,inrUee of the ...DI air not iliaking fn" large ileimitolx Upon toe 11101 y. anti Mot...dug Kuria, of the Akin to'mtpply the norbdure which it mm I. Ott m puming ,tier area hot eurfaec. In proof of thz% aro•ution ix called 1.. the tot titie.mem of Prot. :Rittman, of Ydle New Haven, mid. tot nu..., .other hcfettaliC per.om whou tu 'se exnined thi4 Kiihjet . t. If mild L. and iniver.l approval L. tiny WA( of merit. the pi"pi 011 K ,thiahl, 1 , 1.1., tau ~14,,/ to the nrit tmi t , •Arondii thott.a.t, t pro'. eosin t0t,... in nil lota 'f the• world, it hay inn n. - . - teal the Fria.. ;Mud at the tt Flux, atol the iii,ll ,- at premium:: at I mi • in Neu Fuglan , :. k, and a the 14riculturil Vale in Penutylvmiri. Oe add two or I - , 0 i. , fi.urtli in n .u...( Puri/. in in , to and I Like to bear 1..1 li..oticnoto t.. IL+ gi‘inc l•aiiilan pur ~•:.ria a.. Wall ft nniderate ckin nod. and C,lniring warcoly any in al thai I I n.. ,ti,, n in the tillpf kft . Mkt/. to-A Fill Ow n..14u...1 tlti.o ti , v uoo. 11)1. 'III.A.IS. P of Trinity ittnrd w hrtritton, l•ropro-tni .11111 l'ruaripal of Keno ooJ delux L•r _. • . Alin ha, lint lip at a C 1 N.. a hall in fly alln .I/ i• ,• .• It Nlll , Vis 4 l•lii> W14r111.1 •rvt - 11 t . •t rutihli . than a ;time. and ok , Imrn ` ti. I , ,1111 , 141 , 1ki flld AL it of ten nt . 111 II I ah.r, 1.1,1t,1 111 OW Fir, Chumh thrve "r ~.." pot or by N 14,41.0. Arn. Id 1 0‘..1 0 lin .11,0sr, o, U. I.ot Furl/oe-, in 0 in 11. 10.01 nor , lin, h 0. Itit‘•• in. it 01;4 s• ii.• isteiton...minim. 1.10...1 upon Innen. Nt r .0, all ch. I..pst ao.I ilo•ut iirtl /.12 011 . . 1 . !,[-1•111,,i1. . .11.1 n 1..... JOHN D 7.loituttetiinnif atni • El= ~~~.~, MISCELLANEOUS .ON'S PATENT lug and Ventilating Furnace. WI 1.1.1 AMS A. ALLEN. Ag-ntn for Wt.t.-rn Poo nip ula Virg-11u, coNDITioN !!F'_ETNA INSURANCE tt,„Nt .I, , ,nry 1, 1 , C16, i,, its and unt.l..,,utckattli.tu , In,ta 1.1 \,•n )ork, llnuont tt.t It awn, S 1 A 1. F. M I N T Tie, fruit , a Ow G.erp.erivi.hin m .ErNA eSI P A A 1. lIILI Tie. Cie l it.il fluiare , l AAt.TA ..1 itre— le, i..eilel mane ill S. to 1 . 141•ItII .1111 11,11-16,10 110,0,1 El==l 1.. i;• 3t 11310: EIM=E=II .. \ I.; 1.1 t, ti.. ti •11.., .I,le 11k.• (Nrmpany. or .11.3 :11.44 - Ii• kiwi ••1 , •00 , 1.1:.11 :+l•44•k 4•1,• , 1 Att.: 4 •., •4.J.: •.1 10 i•r, .-14 t :14.4.r,e• 80-ton 1.1141 N •:14 441, IL Conn %VI ,I, 14 1.. r Stk.., .. ,;•• ,1.. NV.tt, tbui y_ F.1L41.• .11. h, do. 1.11,11 a I . a,.. Cud CMIII= ,It.tr;o , Mr,hoot.; I.:x. '2.00 r•Lotro, North 1;11 , r (look Si..k 1(1,10'' na slt,— 11;-• d'k rtrk. N.Y 12.00 u v.. 1•U d. Irk N. Ant; r. tt.,. N.Y. do. 110 1114'1 in\ dn. N.Y. 10,300 ,1 . • It k io•p“finc do. N.l. 1 , ,7.5„ 00 1.10 Fk do. N.Y. d.titYJ t +.l :60 do. • otoolway tit.. N.Y. 14.1./..1U .10.0 do. Peopiritt tio. N.Y. 10.,00 (Id do. N.Y. • 11.1d0 in 1.01 do. linnovor do. N.Y. tP,IIIO , 101 '2. , do Ovoati d, N.V. 11.400 00 1 th, Motopttlitad do. Nl. 11,12.5 IM' .lo Mitt do N.Y Ilnitorte'K Trtort; do. N.Y. 101,0101 00 1,0 .1., .t r.Y. do. N.Y. 11.1iou do. Ntoroltantre do. N.l. '2,12•• do I , Sto.k, 10,1,,p t .O I•k1 N 1. Lilo los. S Trost C o . :Lock. N Y 10,000 00 Ohio Lift. laa. L Trln,t. I:, Share., Mech. Ltui.L. Jt.r,:ey City 1.1 A It 11.1111 , :5 t iv.l Chime for 1,14,4 , 3 and not du. Y.lllll. Insurance Couipatty presents its patron, the %et) saituSictot) C , ll/11TIIIII, of a large unease m (2‘otli Ameta. for the further security of their policiet.---all invest meat. luting placta! at the minimum market valor, at the present time of Rome depression In the standard of suite. The ) art .•ither prnae dividend payani tatni.s. or 51.0, Yalu. Id, wed clean 111,04111/lilbt, ) witting moderate interest sad t ...111. 'rho staatlttril basis uu Which the Assets hour Lest . a l tt etb Isit t a I>lel at ‘slot,st. Resides this solidity, the l'onnatt) all, mutation to the strength and security It t it - .a front its tanthuttal synnitu ot Agencies, having the niacin or proiwuting a unites! phalanx of ra-periencut limfer ,,.st• ea, Wllll . ll lias worked, for thirtysau en year., the lisle• 1•1•••• I I stockholders, and claimants i..r loatass--Ittri enables tt ti. titter the yi•ite 181,6 with greater prestige btr Inure ...lot:less than has yet ti. , en reached by an) reull) .Vattono/ Insurunt , Corporation. Pollan., coveting, itearlyll.ll defiCrIIILIO/18 of property, Is.uoll as opal by 11. It. TEN-NYCK, Agent. (lithe, N. W. ow. Wood and Fifth eta., ti2.3:qtatl.t. Pittsburgh. 1)111VATE I)ISEASE.S--1)R, BROWN, No. 41 Diamond alley. devotee his antler attention to an office Practice , . Ills business Is mostly confined to pri,aln Venereal Threat.. and mach painful tare, an by (1111.1 - 11tIlIalV, Joothroi aohugeoco :ma excess. Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorrhea., Chet, Stricture Urethral Discharges, 'impurity of the Intloll., with all diseases of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Eruptions, 'Better, Itineworm. Mercurial Diseases, Seminal weakness, lu potency, Piero, Itherunattem, reunite 'Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Johns, Fistula in Alio, Nervous Atte:nous, Pains In the Bank and Loins, Irritation of the likelier and Kidneys, sitivessfully treated. Cure guaranteed. Twenty yours' practice (ten in this city) enables Dr. Brown to oiler assurances of a speedy cure to all who may route on. di, his Caro. . . utlic.• 1111 d Private Commltation Rooms 11 Diamond alley ChiUV - 3 n...lemt., [nov:,:dswly DR. BROWN continues to he consulted fdd the cure of SECRET DISEASES. His success in hing.stunding rases is unequalled. The afflicted are invited to call without delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Din woes, ltheatnntieta, Pdea, or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get his advice. Letters containing a fee, itumktlatb ly answered. te„.oftliu and Private RO4/1318, No. 41 Dlatimaid env, jets PITTSBURGH POST• TUESDAY MORNING TIIIRTY7FOURTII CONGRESS: FIRST SESSION A SPEAKER ELECTED: Saturday'■ Proceedings in the House The liQnse.met. at 12 M,, and after prnyer and reading the jourhal the Clerk stated that the first business in:order was the resolution sub mined by the ge,utteman from Kentucky, [Mt Talbott,] ELS ftiliOWS 11<solved, Thatthe ( Ren. Alexander H. Stephens be, and he is Hereby declared Speaker of toe Rouse of Represeutatives for the 34th Congress. Mr. Talbott withd.rew,the resolution at the request of the gentleman.from Georgia. Mr. Smith, of Tennessee, stated that he had eretufore voted against , the plurality rule; bu the vote of yesterday itidisatin4 that there was at least the chance of ;i1167 - eletton of a man of sound national principles under its operation, he therefore offered the following resolution, and called for the proiOns4esti,' : Resolved, That the ,llowe will proc'eml imme diately to the election of Speaker viva voce; and if, alter the roll shall have been called three times, nu member shall have received a majority of the whole number of votes, the roll shall again he called, and the member who shall then receive the largest ninnber of votes, provided it be a ma jority of a quorum, shall be duly declared Speak er of the House of Ref resentatives of the Thirty fourth Congress. Mr. Goode, of Virginia, moved to lay the reso lution on the table ; which motion was not agreed to—yeas 11/4, nays 114. The previous question was seconded, and the main questi.n was ordered to•he now put. The question was taken, and the resolution was adopted—yeas 113, nays 101—as follows: YEss—Messrs. Albright, Allison, Ball, Banks, Barbour, Barclay, Henry Bennett, Benson, righurst, Bingham,: Bishop, Bliss, Bradshaw renton, liullingtun, Burlingame, James H Campbell, Chaffee, Bayard Clark, Ezra Clark, Clawson, Clingman, Colfax, Comins, Covode, Cragin. Cumbnek, Damrell, Timothy Davis, Day, Dean, De Witt, Dick, Diekeson, Dodd, Durfee, Edie, Flagler. Galloway, 'Giddings, Gilbert, Gran ger, Grow, Robert 13. Hall, Harlan, Herbert, Hickman, Holloway, Thomas E. Horton, Howard, Jewett, Kelley, Kelsey, King, Knapp, Knight, Knowlton, Knox. Kunkel, Loiter, Mace, Matte- son, McCarty. Meacham, Killian Miller, Morgan, M.d.rdl, Mott, Murray, Nichols, Norton. Andrew Oliver, Parker, Pearce, Polton, Pennineton, Per- rv, l'ettit, Pike, Pringle. Porriftnee, Ritchie Koh him., Roberts, Robison, Sabin, tinge, Snp Sherman, Simmons, Samuel A. Smith, Spinner Stanton, Stranahan, Tappan, Thorington, tun, oTodd, Tractori, Tyson, Wade, Walb.ridge Waliron, C. C. Wa_ , ,liburne, E. B. IVastiburne Isrtcl Waslthui n, Via:sou, Welch, %oils, Wil 11 awl IVo,,,lw,•rth-11 NAYS-Nitrr 4 . Aiken, Allen, Barksdale, Be Hendlev S. Bennett, Beeock, Bowie, Boyce Branch Broks, Broom. Burnett, Cadwalader John P Cqmpbell, Lewis D. efttnnbeH, Carlisle Caruthers. Cuskie, Ilonell C(.1,1,, RW. Cobb Co m, Crawford, Davil,un, H. Winter Danis, Den nor, Dowdeß, Dunn, Elliot, English Ethel-Mgr, Ea4l., Evan', Faulkner, Florence Foster, H. M. TuPer, T. J. D. Fuller. Goole Greenwood, Augustus Hall, J. M. !Lurk S. W. Harris, T. L. Harris. Ilarri , on, Hoffman, Hous ton, Georg: W. .lone=, .1. Glancy Jones, Keitd, Kennett, Kidwell, Lake, Letcher, Lindley, Lump kin. A. K. Marshall, linmythrey Marshall, Max well. McMullen, McQueen, Smith Miller, Mill son, Mitiward, M-rdecai Oliver, Orr, Paine, l'eck, Phelps, Porter, Powell, Pnryear, Quitman, Ready, lticawl, Riven , : Ruffin, Sandidge, SAvage, Scott, Shorter. William Smith. William R. Smith, Sneed, Stephens, Stew art, Swope, Talbott, Trippe, Underwood, Vail, Valk, Walker, Wail-li% Wheeler, Whitney, Wins low. 1). B. Wright, J. V. Wright, and Zo'Hearer The announcement was applainled in the gal kriee.] Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, said that his name hail been put in nomination some two weeks ago by the Democratic party for the Speaker ;hip, and though very many ballots had taken place since that time, and although the member; of that party supposed that by changing their nominee they might increase and strengthen them, yet the result had shownahat they were mistaken in the conclusion to which they arrived. The complimentary vote given yesterday to hi, colleague [Mr. Aiken] rendered it very evident to his mind that that gentlemen would be able to coneentrafe a greater strength than himself, and as he ile , Oretl to see the flouse organized upon national principles, and in opposition to section alism, he tick oczasion, Mier rvturtiiug Lip thank, , to his party friends for their fidelity and confidence in nominating and i.tnstaining hint, h , withdraw un,•,inditiomiity name from the con test. Boy,e, of South I'arolina, motel to rescind the resolution just adopted. Mr. Smith, or Tennessee, moved to lay that elution on the Wile: which was agreed to— yeas 117, na:,s [Applause in the galleries.] Cries of "Call the roll." Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, moved an adjourn ment ot• the House, in- order to give the men opportunity to confer, that they might cast their votes understandingly in the great crisis which they were :now approaching. The motion was not agreed-to—yeas Si, nays [Applause in the galleries.] Cries of •• Call the roll." Mr. Walker, of Alabama, moved to rescind the plurality resolution. Mr. Cliugman raised the point that the motion I I ; I _ • ,lus, . I. SEMI was not in order, it has ing been decided once already during the day. The Clerk thought that the motion war in or der. but submitted the question to the House, and it was decided that it was not in order—year uays 12S. Mr. Paine, of North Carolina, tm,ved that the House do now adjourn ; which motion was not agreed to. [Applause in the galleries.] Mr. Orr, said that if the !louse was to be an noyed by continued applause he would have to move that the galleries be cleared. He did not allude to the ladies' gallery. [Laughter.] [Cries of Call the roll."] MEM The House then proceeded to vote for Speaker, it being the first under the plurality rule. The Clerk called the roll the one hundral and thirtieth time, with the following result: Whole number of votes, 215; necessary to a choice 108; of these— Banks 102 Aiken liii 11. M. Fuller 14 L. D. Campbell 4 W ells Mr. Richardson, of Illinois, gave notice that he had paired off with Mr. Emrie, otherwise that he would have voted for Mr. Aiken. There being no choice, the House proceeded to the one hundred and thirty-first vote, being the second under the plurality rule, with the fol lowing vote: Nl.'hule number of votes 214: necessary to a choice 108; of these— Banks 102 Aiken IL M. Fuller 13 L. D. Campbell 4 Wells $1,074,396 27 $17f, ,, ,- 4" So there was no choice. Kevett, Of Missouri, moved that the House do now adjourn ; which motion was not agreed to. [Applause.] The House proceeded to the one hundred and thirty-second vote, being the third under the plurality rule, with the following result : Banks 102 Aiken 11. M. Fuller 13 L. D. Campbell 4 Wells 2 So there was no choice. Mr. Rust, of Arkansas, moved that the House do now adjourn; which motion was not agreed to—yeas 52, nays 162. [Shouts of "Call the roll."] Mr. Fuller, of Pennsylvania, desired to repeat what he had said upon two former occasions, that he was not, and did nut desire to be, a can didate. [Applause.] One hundred and thirty ballots would have satisfied him that he was not the choice of a majority of the body, and upon nu other terms, upon no othe'r conditions, NUAI:BER 104 FEBRUARY ". G"w..~i.'.T:..1.'.'t .k ~ _` T I ~TCS , 60 loVkillsiiviit • AGREED ON 13 1 1 THE PITTEDERGH PUSH. TEN inn% ar.,7IIO3PAREII,IIRIIB9 ne inLeuve, one Jneertion.-, D o . each cullinlohnt D0...0ne wook • Do. . two weeks Do. throo Do. ono month.. Da two p10nth5...... Do. three tnouthi... Do. fnnr , Montt =- - Do. six months. -.Pe , 77 , •• . .77 . • Catidiug. Card, .dx or I.. , ss :r per lino= .. .. ertAsnr_kuri )ne-Rqtitrre, per nnnum:(exelnitive,oothetTnYwir,)..ii.::-V 00 liar/inc.) uoticti, Eocent.4; ,Dent 4 uoticwg..2AceNW. would he consent to take that position. - he t again ' hia arilindWledgMateriM' to the gentlernim who had h.:Moved - him-With their:l , 4P" port,.and he requested :them to -mot ges for a better and abler man. Ditring the mill of the roll on tlie.last that Pewits e*plattationOkereidii:lW: lilri Barclay. ei .Ponnstylvivnia,--esaid,that vote. s stood on the reqc,nl, , and ..he saw; no :reason,. why he should change them. ilehalbeen averse,, from the first to the lail, to anything that looked !Ike r. coalition tn - tli -Know did - ' not care whether it-came-front the - :North or .the. South. He-had on t Urea Notes thilmorning east hi. votes away. and before he again cast a ..vote,, he wished to 103: the gentleman from Smith Car olina, [Nit% Aiken,] Whether - he hit& 'wiiTteri ) a letter to the honorable gentleman from KentUOkySt [Mr. H. Marshall,] mid whether he dud nukde any pledges satisfactory to the southern vying of the national American party? Mr'. Rust objected to the gentleteanproceedilie further. Air. Aiken said.he was nett' vandidate for--then office of . speakership. If his friends plic, fit sleet them to that position he would 'Sege "them to the best of his ability. tGreaf Mr. .t. K. M.arshallref - Kentucky, said that he and those for- whom hii'*acteit 'had discharged. their duty to their party, and it now remained fur them to discharge it to their country. He voted - for Aiken. Several other gentlemen made" explanations before voting for Dlr. Aiken. The House then proceeded to the onolundretl and thirty-third vote for Speaker, an& „thq ,huit vote under the plurality rule, with the ihnoiy.ittg reanit : whole number of votes, 214 Banks, - 103 Aiken, . 100 11. 11. Fuller„ G L.. 11 Camgbef, • .; \Veils, 1 , • . The following is the vote in detain Fur Mr. Banks.—Messrs. Albright, Allison, Ball, Barbour, Henry Bennett, Benson, Billing. burst, Bingham, Bishop, Bliss, Bradshaw, :Brea ton, Buffington, Burlingame, James H. Camp 7 bell, Lewis D. Campbell, Chaffee, Ezra Clark, Clawson, Colfax. Comins.,'Covode, Cragin,• Cum back, Damrell, Timothy Davis, Day, Dean, De Witt, Dick, Dickson, Dodd, Durfee, Edie, Flag, ler, Galloway, Giddings, Gilbert, Granger, Grow, Robert B. Hall, Parlan, Holloway, *Thoninsll. Horton, Howard. Kelsey, King, Knapp, Knight, Knowlton, Knox, Kunkel. Leiter, Maze, Matte son, McCarty, Meacham, Killian Miller, Morgan, Murrill, Mott, Murray, Nichols, Norton, Andrew Oliver, Parker, Pearce, Pelton,-Penithigton, Per ry, I'ettit, Pike, Pringle, Purviance, 'Ritchie, Bobbins. Roberts, Robison, Sabin, Sage„.Svp, Sherman, Simmons, Spinner, . f Stanton, Straus- Mtn, Tappan, Thoringfon, Thurston, Todd, Traf ton. Tv , on, Wade, Walbridge. 'Waldron, Cadant ,,ler Washburne, Elan B. Waslitrarne, Israel Washburn. Watson, Welch, Wood, Woodruff, and W,iotivverth--j-10:1, • • - - t • For Mr. iken—Messrs. Allen, Barksdale, Bell, 11. S. Bennett, Bocock, Bowie, Boyce, Branch, Crooks. Burnett. Cadwalader, johp P. Campbell, Caruthers. Caskie, Clingman, Howell Cobb, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Cox, f3rawford, Davidson, Denver, Bowden, Edmundson . Elliott, English, Etheridge, Eustis, Evans, Faulkner, Florence, rooter, Thomas J. D. Fuller, Goode, (;reenwood, Augustus Hall; .1: Morrison Harris, Sampson W. Harris, Thomas L. Harris,Herbert, Huffman, Houston, Jewett, George W. Jones, .1. Glancy Jones, Ecitt, Kelly,, Kennett, Lake, Letelier, Lindley, Luatpkin, Aleiander K. Marshall, Hamphrey Marshall, 'Samuel S. Mai -hall, Maxwell, McMullen, McQueen,- Sends Miller, Milison, Mordecai Oliver, Ocr, Paine, Peck, Porter, Powell, Puryeaf, Quitman, Reaile, Ready, Ricand, Rivers, Raffia, Rust, Sanffidge, Savage, Shorter, Samuel A.' Smith, William Smith, William Smith, Sneed,.Ste plien,, Stewart, Swope, Talbott, Trippe, Under wood, Vail, Walker, Warner, Watkins, Wells, Wheeler, Williams, • Winslow, Daniel 8. - Wright, John V. Wright. and Zollieoffer-=-100. For Mr. Fuller—Messr. Broom, Clark of New York. Cullen, Davis of Maryland, Millward and Fur Mr. Campbril—Messfs. Dunn, Harrison, Moore and Scott-1. For Mr. Wells—Mr. Hickman. Mr. Benson, of Maine, one of the an nonnced that Nathaniel P. Banks, Jr., of Masses clinsetts, was duly elected Speaker: Mr. A. K. Marshall raised the question that the House itself declare the result, and that. the Clerk could neither do so himself nor. delegate any one to do so. lre should he very sorry to see the Clerk depart from that course which had hitherto seemed him so many. friends. , 7 - • After some debate on this point, in which Messrs. itust, Clingtuma, Cobh of Georgia,Smith of Alabama, Paine. of North Carolina, H. Mar shall, Campbell of tbil : . Herbert and Steivart participated, and during which Mr. Aiken'asked permission of the House to conduct the wale man front Massachusetts [Mr. Banks . " to. the chair, as the duly elooted Speaker of the House. Mn. Clingman offered the following resOlu tif : Tht, by reason of the adoption of t.he pro v o,ition known the plurality resolu ti,m, and the vote. 3 taken nailer it, the lion. N. I'. Dan Itz, .Ir., of Massachusetts lias been dily chosen Speaker, 1411(1 is hereby so declared. After some debate, the previous question was called on the res4ution, and seconded, and or dered'to be now put. The question was taken, and the resoliition was adopted—yeas 150, nays 40. • ' - " The Clerk appointed. Messrs— R.Fuller Aiken, and L. D. Lampbell to conduct Mr. Banks to the Chair. Mr. itank, , ,. on taking the chair; neknoittreded the honor done him in a brief and neat speech. The usual oath of office was then administered to Lim by Mr. Giddings. On motion of Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted: Roe°ived, Thnt the thanks of this House ate eminently due, and are hereby tendered, to Jim. \‘'. Forney, 1;-o1., for the distinguished ability, fidelity and impartiality with which he has pre sided over the deliberations of the House of Rep rclentatives during the arduous and protracted contest ICE Speaker which has just closed. 0.1 motion of Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, the }tow% at 7 o'clock. adjourned. A mos r extraordinary case of poisoning occti pies considerable space-in public attention. The circumstances are briefly these William Palmer, a surgeon, but who made betting hie profession—in other words .• a sporting man"— was in company with a gentleman named Cooke, at Ragly, Staffordshire, settling utvgambling ac counts, when Cooke, who had just drank &0a.% of liquor, suddenly became sick, and exclaimed that Palmer had poisoned him. Cooke died next day, and Palmer was arrested. A discovery that Palmer was indebted in a large sum to Cooke'cott tinned the suspicions against him, and itfwasthen remembered that his (Palmer's) wife had Aim' suddenly, of symtoms similar to those that had carried off Cooke. This led to further ineitilry, when the astounding fact came gradually oat that siztern persons, all immediately connected with Palmer, had died suddenly within a,.ehort time, and that on the lives of some of these per sons he had effected insurances, while witlabtliers he had had betting transactions' The vaciat . as'- tumidity.; incident of these developements, is that of Lord George Ben tinck, (who, it will be reecte r e7 herea, died suddenly) Lad transactions with PO mer, and it is now believed that he was poiSonetl. The corpses of some of the supposed victims have been exhumed and supmitted to chemical research for traces of poison. Strychnine, or some other Vegetable preparation, is supposed to have tifiin the means employed. It is 'somewhat curious that the accused had a fast horse, that figured conspicuously in his turf speculations; and tore , the name of Strychnine." ' ,k MIFLL Yropert} and rnitigavpdfl9irullSifil.tiOtAii- SAJO township, two miles front the Ohio river and Dillo4l3iieo frtmt tie' rlty-7 0 acrre ..1 which is under fence. On the pruperty is a isms, Grist fonr and a half stokleis blew is will built, large and substantial building t ltavin g thnst turf it stones, a large steam engine, Ti t. is rriu thrt,fourths of the year by water; Intlance by -steam. There in also a large frame Dwelling Dowse., atuungst the beet In the eountry; a store hot t er in which a goodlottedhcse te now carried on. It is well situated for a first rate btu* more, four roads Centering at the Apply to ja3ll BLAKELY. RICHEY.. White Fish! Fish! Fish! • 1) Halt & HUBBARD, SANDusKy,"Qiiio; At hare for Nilo and keep const.ay an hand, a toll suyply qi VRESLI AND SALT WHITE FISH; ahtl all other Tarieties'of LARIV-FIS/L- DOLL BC'T'ry,il.-500 lbs., gpod,ordrgi 1_11,) for sale by L*2,5) SMITH, MATH & 7 16 400 6 00 Oo 7 00 01:0 , 11,04 10 _. ~.__.a~n:.r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers