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I :',' •- - ' • ~----,, ..„-.1„,,r; c „,_r ~,, . 4., ~,,. .1; „11,,,.. v et„,.,-, ~, , ,f4. z , ,..,,, J .,t ! , % ...., ... . . ~• • , ,ii . die Jr -I' .. l. .• ~, , ..e. , , 1.4 ,' • 4,1- - *N.... -,, . •,,,, 44 - •- • - ' -'- - • . '-''- - '..' ... 'o '. '-'. '•-. . 4‘ .- -", t V ''' - - 6, ... ' 1. ." " 'l' ;• 7r .-.• tot :- -- - ~.-, , . .. - • - .* , ...r.. . ii , : -- - - ~,?'• 4 - - . • ..:-.4l,''' .' 1, t-' -• ' - 'j ', '''•*, 4 : Ki 4 .4 • -, •, : • 7 ,A, . 7 . -..- . . -1 : -...., e-lt' I 1'r.Z.e4.,"....,*,,it,' ,',•.—• , S ., ' ~ , '. 1: 4 r :" . ' ;".' •.•;" .' ;;' '- i . ' ;I,` ,;.; ' , l-- ',-.). 4, 0 . , t , , i .',,,.`",,,j. -• ',',.', . ~-, t 4 j'' ' - ' •' .; .., - iMIIMIEM!I vie 'r 5,7; `1,1C.;. - 74q, . 4,41; ',4 4 ." -4,, • • ` 4.f i"4 .T ( 4 7 4 °1%1 ' . v. ' 44 4 c 9 , -;'-', • Mir . ►i, : ; `' ' ' t " , k r r '• • • 92 ...y." " r •*, . •-+ ITTSBERGH POST. O,FI'I.CJAL PAPER OF THE CITI •LA i. 0L11.51 , 1LE-.. -1. L. NI t.7O,IMEIt GILLILIORE Sr. DIONTOOMERY. PRoPRIETORS AND F:DITI,R:, wEDNESDAY MuRN[NG ..... NoVEMBER 28 County COMMittEC of Correlopoildence The DemocrlW.- County Committee of Cerrervmd tratTe. sill riliat ! at the St. Charles Hotel, Pitc.t.burgh on Saturday, Deeemher I, 19.."..5. at 11 e•eloelt. A. -NI l'orctaal nttrnduu'' i= regUr,lckl SA.NII:EL W. BLACK, Chairman N.,ember 23, 1:‘ IN I C,NSI:QL tiNl E of the demand fer papers and for the purpose uf having it entire in a single issue, we puldish hu our first and fourth , pages McKnight s urtirle on •• Pittsburgh ; her trade. Manufacturc•,. and Itailri.a , l Position.- PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK The last census disclosed some facts highly en couraging to the people of Pennsylvania. York has been for a long tine the leading State of the Union—the Fep( , ,.. Stele. fact. a, in name. She numbered the large.-1 population, and C:-111.fille.1 the ino , t wealth and the largest city. Th, ,—mplet,,, "I her work. of in tertial miprovement placed her in advance of all rival She had not tie , mighty Alleghenies to rmtend with it. her efforts to construct 'canals and railroads, and thus secure the trade of the West. Tlie spirit and enterprise of her pieplu left no advantages unused. New England helped to supply population, labor, capital and enter prise, and in a quarter of a century New York outstripped all the other States, and Lecortie. in deed, an Empire With her territory extending from the ocean to the lakes, and with a Olinton to dos elope her resources and advantage , , Penn- Fylvania. naturrill: - . a fay richer State, nits ieft behind in the race and rivalry of commonwealths. The population of Ne , York in lbZ , O was 3,0:15.- 39-4. Ithe population of Pennsylvania at the samo timo was 2,811,73 G. The estimated or as sessed aggregate wealth is in about the carne proportion. But the IC.4t consui indicates that one old Kei - stone state is not math longer t be left behind. By that census, and the eppurtioumen' of Re presentatives under it, Nevl York lost one aepre tatiNe in Congress Pennsylvania gained one. The p. pulut:,_n of ~ur State then is gaining much faster than that of This was shown by tin: ceuaam of IS, . But iu the early part of the present year the author itiet of tho Sort; numbered its peo ple. and it Whn 'Luti that in mauy interior pQr ur,us of the :State there had been .waree ails Increase at nil witlt,n the twit lice year., and in th • whole :4tr the ga; .1 r.,tn para.' zely em:,:,. N v that such 1, 14.,t the fact t , I (.1 - lb,. entire Utai,.:l It i. then that the Kiepitiiirici to fad: ga.i.nuig on the Lanpiiie State In sixteen ceare l'enniiyiN Till! priiiiiiOdy mire rerre-cin tiiition in Cong. - n-4, thitii Ml\ • , Ct/v: :'ttitt , Su, wanife,t , testaly o n r t n • .l..stant lac, au l ,e It will leiwn tint furerr,ost poFiti“Et time. ell 0 , of thi,t advano , I l'en:,.l,Huln Nev: fire .110'.ou 1,1,11:) hn 1:1(10 IT.I1,11:1 tat in vet f,r,(..-te10..11 I.,rt , r .•'en kin , vn,l'Lc .Itl Ills. I I- N:,Clitt If nccu,an•i' uit.:o3w - c , l and fqlrly ~ ~ In frir the ti-e-m-,1 vutuat.• ! : S(.lt.• Nva I • 1:4 , :0.0.11 !et 114 tut,: r).li1,1•IP, 1 ',lv. tr!1 , 1 4 ut I=l No(111ro cc There It 1: to:: „, • i coal is EL•Kvor ounty. and ge" lov , t rtittlq. i<<ll exittn. , tnt:on. nny C. , 711Ft.ti6 at Tenet t.L produce at leant thirty gall , na of oil 0: ex,- callent quality for combustiiiu. fi.r painting. and fur oiling machinery It can I,e manufactured tind'arilil fora dollar a gallon at n pout t f par - ciitd From theao data any one can ascertain the valus of thou field. It is now known that nearly cue-half iif the soil of the entire State of Pennsylvania Contains coal of different kinds, an•d all iif unrivalled quality. liituruini,tia coal bed extends thriw.gli almost the entire, extent of twenty thrr i r • f r.ertotri c...un!ic— , , and many f 1”7-ge tc.o r . )-o":1 , 1e t.. ti.is fiold I.ltt Cbrtft s, T. it iA 0.:.1t. Where es:tly hi acre at half a et‘ct per b•IF11 ,-, 1 will yield t‘e,Ln or eight hundred dolisrs worth t,f coal. :Such 18 one of the resnu;ce of cur Theu the irun ;9 st rob and sintc.st au vainni - .10 There arc lathe regions , f timber. tm. , . that a half a e,titury will fail to exhutt,t :Such nre acme of uur natural regOUrette ; and they are a nature to suggest and encourage all the most pr .^.tahle branches of manufactures. It is already the tecund state in tho Union in the Value of its manufactured goads, and will undoubtedly soon be the first. And it is ono of the great advantage , of Penn manufacturos that the raw material is found at ho:2.c, oud thus the Nnhole price of the manufectured article is in much oddest to the wealth of ion c,,n,rhutOs. The whole price f oor si,in and giti.3 cud farming int,i:u-tt fit to the conitilunidi Anil we are placed iu a pusition, 811,1 applied with railroads and navigahle rn that gtce us cheap and speedy aoce,l to 01l the 1/IMrket, of the Last and IN c•i. I :,,utli. 11iih such mineral wealth, ruck manulucturing ad\ antages. such erniniercial facilities, and a ~ o cd system of rail oarts, the future ot prt.- dirtoil, It ihwtt ieuitunh(ied, t that in the yenr 12)5U, l'ellIISylV::111./t produred more wheat :bun sup other Htiltr the it• tural wealth is greet, and egndie Ore yet untitled. What, then, will be the population of Pennsyl vania in 1860 The State eV furnish emph,y. meat to n population of six milliont., and nearly feed them when all it, agricultural resources are fully developed. In looking nt the resources of New 'lark. we can find no elements of suchcontin ued and gigantic growth. Its maximum c.f pop ulation and wealth must he realized much , owner than taut of thin:nate. And there is good reason to helieve that the two main lines of railroad at•roarL our Stan• et become the two great awl principal ti.oroughlares cotuthuniention Lot wevn the Cant aml Vt cn . Nt the ()Edo river impruved N , .• stage if eater the rear round, such rat,u. t fail to he the fact. Already our Central Road hay, larger divideude u p on ita than any of it,. great rivals to the North oetioutli of it Pennsylwavia has g ~urces, and her Peuple Lase only. 5., improve them to make it the lertilic e i: coninioliwr•alth of thi, (irent Republic. TVs: smi iu ha Witible re COLD LAIID I..tms.—A patented lamp in flow to 1.0 ecru tit Mr. Entou's Room, No. bt) Fourth , t.rc , , , t, in which cold lard or oil can be used, and a brilhaut light mecur,l. Its aim is oConomy in lighting room, and hotise! , , and the inventor Lam succeeded iu Lim aim. It I, worthy of an e xaminati,n Le th , ,a• who are disposed to patron ize valuable new u , reati•:n+ See advertisement. ILLNESS OF MLLE. RA, LIALL.—This distin guished tragedienne, while periormiog the first night in Philadelphia, caught a violent cold, which has since become so serious that her fur ther performances in that city have been post poned, and she is to proceed to the South imme diately. Iler physician recommends a visit to lift' ana IVm. z-Mutuer ! Last year the total groin tiabu b. ll rs.b.omu U,II i ...bort of 1, - ,000,000 .n!}l . . it Nylll Umber. gentleuom residing n bioetou. re- ! bbAf.4,llo() bushel,. ceded it terrible beating from a Air. Coburn and a eu•eed The Snlian•of Tniiscy has settled On Niarshnl Mr. Dalton. sitlyrh - ose uives they had had quitetts l'eli•sier a Pension o f - 200.000 f'eanegi:.(4B,(o) • intrigue. The v.lo}lll were of it cry teu4er age, and the Boston .tiapers appear to think they were annually. The British General ,iet...nnthing yet. Returns from the whole State of Louinituan:for not Mo ' h to bla m e an the ladie s o f the iThggeil- I The reputations of the ladies are not above suspi ernor show a MIS , ,1 1I) '2,5:37 fur Wickliffe, eion Mr. Sutuner ha, prosecuted the •' injured Democrat. The State Senate i. comp. , lords" for an assault and battery. Democrat., Know Nothings and 1 Whig. Among the Democrats, however. is Mr. Wickliffe, In con . s e que nce o f the immense quantity of ice the Governor elect, who will. of course, reßi g n already formed, the tie% igation on the New lurk his seat in the Senate. and Erie Canal is as good a. closed. Mine. Jenny Lind has just arrived in Paris. accompanied by her husband. She comes from Dr. Beale's Return to his Family Geneva, where she appeared in a concert given Dr. Beale. who WA s 1.11 , tolled is few days ago the violinist. and in nn- i A!ta formationcoafaied to the hospital since June last. In. for the Lauda of Ernst; ranting of the pardon was re other for the poor. She intends to remain in i re' ved ' Ijl the eir i ii , lay night, and the familyof the Paris for a fortnight, and then to proceed to doctor wa. prepared for Li, return borne. Early boudoir. The story .if tier having ••a terrible on Thurs.l.ty morning, Colonel McCauley was met at the Americon Hotel by 0.1. J. S. Wallace, disease of the face - is entirely untrue. a nd together with one ~r two otherg entl • • An interesting alleged bigamy case is pending they repaired to the pris..n. .1 friend Orr in the Court of Quarter Sessions. for Philadel- Be:ile's had preceded them, and commu nicat ' e r .d . phis county. The defendant, W P. Sanford, is the glad tidings to him. The doctor was corn plettly overco , me i w hen the intelligence was com a physician, and resides in Newark, New Jersev. It is charged, on the part of the Commonwealth. tile to t i : ::j,, n t i t . t i: ' .. " \ i' l l ltt f ,', ' , ..''''niutturil,wailltia i.'.wats' eight that the defendant Nvii• married 1., ..ne Pho.be o'clock in 111 V 110 •rnin,:. Doctor Bea'e rescind his Howell, in New York. in the Year .1 "` - r• And that home in Walnut street, and those Who witnessed the meeting between the late prisoner and his in the year IS:II he was 11150 married, in the car family, describe it as being affecting in the en of Philadelphia, to Abby Ann Tiehener. treme. Mr)... Beale visited her husband frequent- some injudicious friendtt of Jndgo Stnurt, of New York. recently tried and Acquitted on the charge of Accepting a hrilie of .;00, are circula ting an addre.ts to him. yoking him to remain on the bench, no twith,tauding the recommendation of the jury to resig - n: othera, in still crox-se taste, propose to present hint %id) x tostinuowel "resport and estevm.• They forget that the Jnige hag another indictment, fur a criminal uffenee, hanging oaer his head. The snail tcite coal trade of Phi'.adelphia has fallen off cen+idera))ly the pa4t week, particular- yn um the SchT.lkill region. The wind° to❑ nag,: wa, only 93,532 tnny. Clio sea9on. now pretty well 0N,..r, has been nrie the niu9t prn- .11.1ctive in many years fur the carrying comp, !lies. There has been tittle or flu interruption to any kllll3 of them from any cause. and prices, ail thinir,...crmsisiere , l. have been more remuneratke than ever befure. The aggregate tonnage has b2ev. iucrea./ed. A ~ • :!hrdule has beet nki,,pted by t 1 :e bur.Blo roni,tltuti , ,nal C.qllent: •n. tlu! 014 sLan be aubtattted th the itv.tple , T 1 the I:tth ar, and if ratified, an eiectir.n under it Ati: be held en the third Tuesday in January Crv u li•vornor and ether State offt,:ere. inclutlie.g judge, mthl ki:l4l,tt ;In.] timt the the ruler; rweui ) th. siatL re, - 11,n ..t !he) kill tightß Cue -Ith I . July uI at THE Corn :.:11011 , 01 hi prutno.er G, n‘ al in a: 1i ,t.nbrazud is ud 1,0 Ive•en the Ro.ge..-C IA lit. n Di k ICI , . thv .. kw.ch tLe rwersimul,.np hr• 11 r .11,ton. Let utn !nail CluLlia a. I, Yoti arc sili IMIIIIIIII 911111111 coh;. 1,511 A 14. - . t mari:lLlo =ME •23." I,re , uut, no tL,ul. Ml= y iiitionwi. if ever 1.1 . 1t1rt , 1 b\ n ILtie thscum,n.n. If patent he brat, let it : if. on 11 .•:!•er I,And. Ivek A lair n tha ited Iv Mr P., tura:, ~! Ir,riia.nor. i, tlav best and judgo bet irrcu thvln "7'OlP 1,0 R I.LI -TLo I't,itiilll3l.o7 I • ‘lvelded titpt ,tl, 11.,t wt,t men.. t re•pity letters; but the.; the .temr, thu.t L c put 411:y the per,n srnd. the 1-1.4.41 e ♦en 1 rl. T'nl 1 , , if HE A DST UFFS We ducin ie., .r•rn I:arn•hc ! aundu ti-t,,gttiter the tn,,t .fni , rtant I,r Li, h.d tnno. y..e,• ks. The r..nttnuoT rice i n \\ h e m . ~..t an‘i Fran-n, but in Ur rmans :1 tint, 1,1.1 :,, far ns thn F:ugii•h arV • e .Jr I can erue.l, the course .if the Lon h-n and Lin•rpoel market, i• at direct isime with the Cweny that the relative •upply t 4/ that of /all ) ear In L. early ede.nunto the e ant, of the country. The letter of hit. cairrl, t , . which inc referred lazt week, elainumg• that thin denciene) is itmen•eleral,lo, but I.ten taken np he the I,nelen looh, V. 0 .• ami t t..el autheritnet, and cleric refuted TLc IiVOI aft. ut .Mark•lane, the week the caua,h, the quic - ter higher than, en the pry, ieu• Menda, er,rr, pr ne, pen'• t,ey nutu' . er, th,•ugheut the kmgd.wii, nod it ltehl a gro•o üb•urdity to tuppo, runt th, lunge latts K. , 111 , 1 11,1 Strlig);:o agaili, I the ad Vale'," prt , :e, if they cent I pre lent , mr ir their knee Ledge of the English -re; .nfluer.m• them Inn immediate purrhfi,e. It ,A eltya!' ab.lirti. the At kV .1, • mmteml., te ulaiong, thnt the farmers nt Britain. ha , r entered !n:, u vulva t. , keep up the prim of Wheat. Tbo require :neut. of :he KlLigdurn land year were twent, fmir er three nuilhons inoi.erml unarm - , ' F•v the after the barest the nt . er . nre per , Itui. — t,r tens ~tin Flats year. thin average since the harvest i• r Cei. The at ..rage nines Jan u y 73, and it it t , mount the end of December. Tne tame autherity rase •• Now, it in plaint that the prudent War wan mi. , nion the Or•I nee the main caw.. e!' the great riot an the price en wheat. for in February. 1 . 51, it led. In November. 1 , 03, in steed an 72• ..d. irMii.e high price, were nut by the war, iebich only began I n March, la After tic war vr,3 declared, in c‘eptember. the prices lan e 7,1. Nor can the aar hate affected the price in Ptueein, which lately been lit) mg corn in Eng land. and prepoeee to reduce the ,ruport dutie• to the Zoliverem. that her people may he l e d. E' - en i n 1653 the aierago price wheat in Prussia sae 45& iid., being 13e 11 , 1, above the average of the pre vious 25 yearn: and it line since continually riven. Last year, tom the price of wheat wan quite as high in the United chatee ne ID Englund : and it was net affected Is thu war. In troth, a general rise hue taken pine. , in the price of corn throughout Europe I and, we any my, throughout the world, which must not be lightly passed offer, or treated a., a m-tneti tnry devlat, .n fr. La il,o -rdinart t be cos re, ted 1,3 -.rue pen, tmtuirlpal ,, r imperial regula f ttrt causes of the change aro next argued oot be the writer. no relating mainly so th e effect of th e iiiiinmerviial activity of the world, which hoe been stimulated by the discoveries in California and Aug• tralia. Thu diversion of labor Irvin agriculture In 1 , 53-54, in the rnited is adverted t., as one I d the results of this .1:111llIntion. The increase of • :its population in this country is also mentioned, in connection with the creation of more wealth from -hip and railway loolding, wherewith to line and pay I l'or toed at 011110..1.1121)./ prior. In short, the brca•l. pleatt,n I,• treated a, II ‘‘,.it, problem, and the nitinrrte conclusion arrived SA the dearness which the English people deph,rr, , •outtnonren :'hotly iu ;he k I dipeoverte•. which have spread on almost i !nail delight through and 1111,0 every i where kindled energy and enterprise. - It is highly probable that the English Government, ! as such as tne Imperial rule in France, discovered the true bearing of the harvest results at home, ear• lier id the season than the foregoing n,eeolations. The, have, undoubtedly, hail their commissaries or agouti in tld Stat.es fur those six weeks past. I The mime, ne;:,-ttntions for the Purchase of Grain are trail,• throng!, paring Brothers. Mr. Thomas F. N‘ard, of Boston, the representative of tide eminent house. has been an immense buyer in the West. The firm of Grinnell. Minium Co., of this city, under the hist' io•tions ,•f n Goverment Agent, have ! •tlsu operated in Chicago and other Western Groin Man, 10 IL very large lanolin , . These movements • have anticipated by more than a month the rapid ad ennee in prices and the renewed discussion of the food question in England, ao advised by the Canada. The price, have not been quoted so decidedly hen)._ at:, no well as dear, since 18.47. Oug of the fortunate results of this state of the question, to American agriculture. is the steady in crease In favor of the staple of Indian Corn, as a sub. stitute for Wheat. The eXport trade in Corn has increased rapidly, and prices lu Liverpool have steadily increased under it. When Sir Robert Peel's bill first opened the English ports to freg trade in ! Corn in 1845, 30e. or 325. for the Indian Corn of the I United States in Liverpool, was considered a highly romuueratlng quotation. The latest figures this sea , .‘,/, are 47s for mixed lots, 525. for White, and the quantity which the market is taking, is to all ap pearances unlimited—at all events, quite equal to the present ability of our seaboard markets to sup- Is it F..r the Pittbburgh Morning M. EDlTidit : En rouipauy with Mr. Reid, of the National Telegraph Company,Mr. Swain, of the Philadelphia Ledger, and Mr. R. C. Walker, of the State Agricultural S , ,eiet ) , w e perambulated the out eidc and inside of this;ty.Among the many points ur interest visited, we did not fail to notice the all absorbing Corn Sheller , The first visited was Dickenson's patent, the next Smith's, above Wardrop's seed and agricultural establishment, which the company present decided was the greatest m_ 'nation of the age. Mr. Walker, who is certainly booked upon patents, decided that Smith's Corn Shel ler wad without a rival among Corn Shelters, and pro nounced it the most perfect of all the machine now iu the market. JOHN. A \nl'Tii Flir,r:F.l•.— ly (hiring the time or his imprisonment, but the children had 11 ,, ; , wen their father from the time of his conviction, The interview between them 4,,rerresellted as hitting been vets touching. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. American Maa• `Keeling at Louisa Ille lilotho at Lot.hts-ille E!!!!1 %R 4 oripu.dc,l this ev , •llitl, • from )11u•narLti l'euzLy IL /11..1k 11101,1. 1,u...0—L. MuuluLasirld .Lud Luck,- ui.te• tt EA 10 u. EiI!PEIZII aut., of the pre,e% at ton a .1,1 the pr ,41.• vr the f i ut , ).,J„,,n, alAtte, at n 011 , ..., , 1 I U., 1.1 hi% ,I Choi. .w.l Mat, tq , , , ..‘4l ah{ tit 1.A.A.111• nuwn t. yr,iu.- IWI;uc:~l rI t .l£l.l r.,~,;~: mit,inpt -f u I •,44 - 11 t• • 11,1/ I irrt.t,net I tirTn. the I - i; I • :r,, 1,1111. AI 0 11.11 •All 1..1 t, 10 1. th , •", I tta , , mrttril,t.t., -,•• Th. t.v I. r L:t. t Ne. 1 or - IL Chain her of (urn inert. lIIIIIII= lEEE Our lirlutionx v•ltit ksiglnittl . vlll' MEE iptIVI, I I I=l IMEME=IIIIII IIIMI!I=111 =SE =BM From Washlngtou l it) 11!1/1=1111/111111 , .. ITIMI MEM Robbery In Baltimore METIEII I. I hal 11.1.. •11 u.:l, I• W. 4,1.1140011 Ile kill hi I r 16 1 .4 I.L!'• I , a, i•• th. .1. ! 1.41,1 41.1 r 01,1,0.1 It. .•,itt•i,t4. t le+.lll, The Letter of Mr. Buchanan to the Lon rh.• .‘41.i14,••,n L put? NI! Tituen, Ittl.l - 131011t, • mho th• tt,ll-4,-(Lort I.,,runculf t 4. the ISTok.li Cuhiriet • , 1•3:11141:10 1.1;,,;1JJ.1 lho wur Thro Lt.! :,.fu-,tl The American Organ nt ashl.gtou liIIIIII "wan 11,. repttillater tha =NEM ftlu,cr) ..leuu•ul Aniuru.nn party'l urga. 11111i11.1, 1 , 111 tUln.. t IA L 1111,1,11. opluum ;11.1 It !mull all of a !inapt 'talon Bridge 1111111111=1 Soot It Carolina Legislature 111!11!EIZIEMIIIIIII:ii :n, TI„ 11111=1111121111 111111ffiriali Railroad Accident. co.-10 cspl.mied 6,11[14 th, 110,0, 1 .0141 ba.lh injuriD, fi 1,11131 Politics in Virginia ll= •••,rlolk. witthmt Vir t zttlin 1.e41, IEUMMMIII!IIIIII h) , 1V:k14• r Aug tlrt. 12=1E=9 IM4flbm!111111112111 arrtved u..lnc fr. , 111 1•• tho Tli lOW 1/ , 11111/I.ll,flant Stitjari are ut.i.:llalig,l Death of Dudley Seidel, NEN, 1 uhL, N‘lv.lber 27.—Dudley Seldeu. ox.rnernt.., fr“tn Nese York. lied recently at Part, ' Ara- 'What do the Physicians Sayl--Lleter: • to the tieitimony of an eminent physician in fever of NULANE'S VERMISCUE, which is now , universally kuoselesigesi to he. the beet to use: even Lueinieirs of the . tue4iral faculty (who are of often .ippowsl to the use of P.teut raunot withhold t hwr appeal al of this turaluable remedy: - Lieu. Stark county, 0.. Jan 8, 1840 I have used Dr. )Lane's Worm Sperm,- in my private practice, and am prepared to say that the nuptualleled suceess with which I Levu prescribed Its use, both for children and adults, Luiluceo mo iv gay the meet in Itn for., of any spectflc or putout medicine ever before brought to my notice. The mode of administration, the smallness of rho dose, end the certainty of its efficacious offsets, give It, in my opinion, a decided advantage over any other medicine of the kind before the public 8 „ Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. Arlainc't Walvis/ reeindfuge, and take none sloe. All other Vol , mllnges, in oomparison, are worthless. Ile M'L.Lne's genuine Vermifugs, also his celebratsd Liver Pilie, can uow L. had at all respectable Dreg Stored lu We I:nital States and Canada f, rale , by the tole proprietors, FLEMING BRAYS., Successors to J. Kidd di noerixbiw! Nr , O , J Wood strewn, corner of Puurth Elin ll= m:n n ..1~„ ~ ~ El= MIIIIIIIIIII TIIIIIIIIEE= =ISE EllEill =MEE IIMM=1! illiEl ill= I=l -Tl.• -Ths• Leyonhitt], Lage / I I.ei rnwetapl'W4 h - e'Sa4kda , lwrautnit Live tai ,L, C.. deperida rt..... in heu dinars in Ute atutpuoiliiirufithiiT.ryeipetitt. unineinue Eruption, Litt, It at •,./t that the SOiretlVl; futletioua h6sn b erne inert I.pm 1- tieis have 'been erigendere,l In the liirexl tutore wort lug their way to thoz surinct. ;-ANS.A I' A it 11.1...1 preenly prepllld to rern,,ly Pn , l , 1,18 CA,, and n!ewin 1.4 at no a reaiirteri tu. It trill 'tin, al • fun. :lei, if the alum/tell and howe6 to regular iind health, aril and witleiut ruituoia or purging expel tiler. frui narturnolationin purify the Millet. uquelize the rl poituote perapirutiuin impru.e the app. tan. uupart tune rind ..got to the gyntent end Ktit,tonliy ton steel running all unAiglitl riee •ei tii es:o leaving the akin perfeetl) Prepluell and auto by A, n 1-1. It. Yukon street, New lire*. hy FI.KM INu BR , ritt,hurr,h. Druggists generally. nrnl7. :1 m .ok7 - From the N. York National Monitor of Fent aury 24 —ll , /ussv I'Al`4,ll --Ut. Curti, hal demn mar, urndiurfitb Lisa c,quijuou ..1 11MR/tint. with lung complaints, than arty othor rdam::i , n, 4 m4,11r1n4 that hru, struggled with tits secrets of the 111/Werjj ns,dien, 1, the last century, by the invent ?on and perc,titen 44 an fn•tra meat that nal convry 4. the lungs n undit inn in tho hap . 1 1 11 InAfily ar , r, ,11 the fold !wt. n. Ilv.hort• . mpetthy Thou wh.l 1,-,,ahlt-.1 with art.s.tl4 from is thile•er‘g their tutereete Ity trit In:: The IIt.: 00 , 0 N" , a t r.I (Z.hon•—Dr. tho •.ng..1.1 1,1.1 rally 103-Call at No. 104 Wood xtreet, and tx fotoue our Cock of Sort Het, 1111 , 1 WINTER C 1 1. Ju.t etNed, a lam lot of Shanghai, l'elontlal, and other Caps, trlikh wo mill tell hat I , oti er1.1.1 Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. TIIK ONLY tiIIIWAD RUNNING WEST PROM PITTSBURGH. GA' THE FAST TuAr4 leered at Ju A. M. thrkmg,ll 01, - ,nmitl In 13 bun 11.3 40 minute.. Yen. .NelL TRAIN loaVoA et R A 1=11:1111 that 1.-14..angorx nr,15,1 114, , hrwl to St Lhh.n w [lvy, ur.n, via (2[es-eh.' Wool Irvb.noap u .tia, 1/3 rudoe fthurter thArl rutland. kiret trot l'ittgkirgb t• et. 1,11., 11'5,30. :4,...,1 (..r,n,ctl..n• I/16c3e a/ LAI. IN 101 CI , Ruh , ' w Cle-vt , 11..1, end At Niartt ctal, tho 1:otol to Ntoooak, Monr,ville and OTT :"1.111.6 Rou.:l r.tr rue Through are LOU AV /10, F-c tyi.4 k Fart ITacnu, C1,... , 1.and, .4 the IA ii,..11A,0 c[_l,l :ha W,NL Thn BRIOIITLIN ACCOM,FIODATION TRAIN le Arne lu _1 NI and , hnni Isrl4Lt.4l 8u A s,l 1,01 I'. NI f, r Tl..4ct• na..llurthr infurrnntnm, apply to Al Ili• corbel Lcr t.. 0 ‘1,14' i, gct,.,le II us, ui rut SLlt..t I.• Pitt/Awry:, 1.4 Ageut OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, outintlatlon of the Ohio& Penna. R. Ft T ) It F NE. ==l TU. kl`:4 .ct "71 .u.: .n4r • A • • I' Trnwp guLll, • ,u no.l .f: /411/1 1..‘• r Lake Y. , Tv k. 444, c•ply n I L. , 4.1 JCL.... ',DOI:. /1,14 .• ',ID,: , LI:C.I I.clotita.l) .t at.y t 33 . ny n t n^it..“2.: Iw ton ftrLnr•nd 1 . -rwala ra.toeae L ast f a a 1, , L. 1•, Up,. acrd Ind:Jana Rllr•kad.. 4 II PTiCAV , iII `. 4u1:! IL Item , {.:.. ^L'Il IRINE INSI 1140 i( IhNIFICTHIERS' I\SI Clllll'l PYR ,--asKa•rt: 1 Chartered Caritnl, 0111.11 \ :1 Utllit,glam.: \ J ne- Th. c, nsprk, hru h*,.. • tn0,...1 vuh.l.o. 1 , th Jr , t it 'O . E • , % , “ud Cur., 11:1 hrtte savtil. , ftt,l iefer.l,, to,th lb., NI, C.Air•,l K rll.l/11 r S 1; I,IJ 111 I 11-411 . X.1 1 . 11 rnith TIo.rEAL PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE ANL) 11.1ItIN'E 'l. CoMP.I.VI*, \‘AII:11 Aftl' PITTSBURGH, P. .; II.NI A .1.1,11• I , Nr3tL.:... fou- Thu Comp/Lay uusi. , . err Ntt ;La tr• wttb 1.11 N. A 1.5, ag - ainst 111. LI. ABU (' tr, '1.... 1 W K l 'l l, .141 , !,.:t getwra, Aut/ aga , lmt L..ta and D.L.,;- xi: , Irte the and Inland \ avtvlllun nil at toe iuru n. 1.1431,11: It .6., on Fir,l,lts. ft- , ert I.ltudet y. JAM°. e! Hwu J..hu .1 .hu Alp!, Samuel !Fl't ul hint Wlllll/13 Pil/2.4.11, jIM{.OI J. 4111 ',Ott. C/ILLt:. •• rtFoll.oot. F . t ;arum. 1 , 0,1 lt,hrl. Jeullee .1 , 11” Horatio N. Lee, KittrAlrling fel ; 7 EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY IF PITTSBeRCI JOHN II SIIOF.7s BERGER. RulintT FINNKY. 1.• t BATCIIELI.4L Ooneral V ILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KIND* ISM V.4RI.VA .4.\ - 1) FIRE RISKS MEET= .1 II si,vutalpdt J Nt . -5l or, 11 K Is4J. H. P.LD,,k, T 14', Martin. II I) c.,-ttruo, h. T L.8.e.: Jr., JJb. A Caugl, 1,,,,,rge 6 64:It1uu,M lir)au, Darirl )I'Cnal2r.r3 - . gr AU ItEs.A., gugtalno.l Ar partl ,,, :nAur , E utpkr tot ...tv , l by tHb.C.,mpauy E•LII I.lb,rttlEs /1-ipt•to!tsa.l.ll:r , •Lni , i- E InE 'WHICH, WATERE ET j ) 11 CITIZENS' INSURANCE CO)IPANY OF PITTSBURGH WILLIAM IiAGALEY. President SANFUEL 14krutary. c/I , F/C.E: Ni hater itreet, teturen .1/arAci and 1;',.,7 ,tretts Insurvs III:LL (2Aftllo the ,rtti• and Mireimstppi ItiNerx and tributarlee Insures anninst Loss or damain , t.y Alan, ninunat the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Ns, isto,n and Transportation. MEM IVIP,tn: Ragaley. J 6111 1 ,1 M :i.tuluel Rea, G«lntl Duulap, J. 1..1c tl I'enta,K6 hough. Widt, Bry aut. John 81.,150n PENNSYLVANIA INSERAN OP PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Strertm AVTILOPILISD CAPITAL $300,000. Ca - I taare Buildings a n d other Vipporty azninpt Ikalange by }l re. and We Perkil el tan Are Wad In Lend SRN-l -01l and Trflilnp.rtti tiun DIRECToP.X. \V“, Y. Jol.m.tou, Rods Putter, , n. .Ito - ohlut,. A. A. Cturkr, N ktliutork, Jai. P Tn.nrier, NV Smith, I) E. Pard. 1 Odor Sproul, llnmpton, U. NI A JIP., .1 II Jotirw. IL R. Cugial.lll.ll OFFICER 9. Prr.sKienl 'AM P. .I ,, FINSToN Presidrn: . ROD 1 I'ATf EPSON. .N.r'y and Tr ral ft' , cr A A CARRIER jo, PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEG ENV. DF.LI V R 1 0 ,I) T YANt I 1.11 . : iu cithur of the CICIN (nuq.re tney be 11.41 et the Mill.. r In I,ex(e st tlan fftol,l L. AN. WILSON 1 W., :.2 NV,AI street IIItALN d REITY.R, ek,r. Liberty sad 8t Clez streets . II I'. BCIIWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TERMS: CA3I/, oN DELIPERY• BRYAN, KENNEDY A. CO WILLIAM HUNTER, DEALER EXt2I.I'9IN'ELY IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, No. 299 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh air COKSILITLT BACEMING the BEST BRANDS et PESSISYLVANIA, (tILD). INDIANA And MI FI01:RI, hIF PERI IN E and EXTRA FLOUR, Wtticb .111 always ho sold at the Lowest Caah prices. faral WILLIAM B. HAYS it CO., DEALERS IN WON IRE, SIDES :I\D SHOLLDEIN LARD, LARD OLL. DRIED BEEP . KGAR-OURED and EiAM.S A Irago mock shrayv on &sod as No. 297 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PH' VA 'flr:t )r.B " sv.t. Ali fb.poolO; mode in tlio month of November vii driver intere-;. from IJecrnit , er I. 1165. n0r2 , , , 0it cIIAS. (%)LTON. TreniUrPr. . I)A.T ENT . t . VICE ATTACHNTENT-ZA riCo 7 , inieniorie and n,f ul ortirle b,r Mu Moist, Per Kale by MUSES F. EATON. Agent. '4l F, , ,lrti,trn,t. G"..?„ Llvingrb Co.. ko‘elty (1 or k. n Ak , LD LA RD LAMP-110yr; 1'‘,1,1 Lard Lamp onvv Exltit,ittott F EAT , tN, NO. au Yk•tirth Stn•et. Tto• t , f the Plitelltrie be found ih-rt, ud tr prepared t, Till ..rdero eel Mill right. , I', :41.106 in oriiinti.--usll upprovrd h. Thus,• whn know it. A, .1 Malt, ..1 unlitii , any m lb:biting atpl makss a brilliant light. .1,11 Ir 111045. Mi., the rights for u•r r itory soul JOHN IV. HITT. Agent of Putnnter. A S N !t i n lip , o i rt m unit t: w p fo r r Inrrot +tspl: and Iti, rapt, 1 , i,i5151.4. is now 1.e.!) 10. tti he.s lo Make r11011..y. Ilero is a elartno. !Intl in,t s r ho: .:n., in a ctliturv. N ,, or. but nbiithle 'Sisin—, qualithiatinn, alai from S:,,t.PYJ to •,,ntial. ins-I reply to this urn ire: nnA to .6., 11 oi fate "11l be piesont,4l, that will • iiinst r.apuvaliug unJ closiruble. Ills gas,. 1,10 :illy WIN e1 .. .1,111..10.1M, torn. /14/, and ,11 rrspisit ; purl On , sevsrsot srnuiuc itt• r u •• t iittsburgh. iis „, ail! Is , onininunirated. tiny:lS:cc Al rtsisivisl ant i'ler ) 1, , t ,if ti, iisat ripproitsl mukss. an I a a all 0,, s WIIITE FLA NSEI.S.—.A. A. MA ,,, N dr. CO. )1:1 lialsti It tem - ter.;.• uud ,Itetirelde assortment of p.N. net eft, - msl,- ,f fine klanta.6. nut2a A1,1):;-' (1,( tTII CI, , AKS--A. A. MAS:oN t Gi. have e:toth-r IA of elegant styles of !Mie n ' 1 )1:0 , 111 - 1 LON , SU.% NALS—We .hall open In n few day 4 1 . ) As,,t 10, ;at ..., 1.4 ef tle• above :-Ilawl..,on.tPrking enmc nov'26 t , 44 to um% • li t R s:V.: l l l .y I L rr it -1 , 1 . lIF.NRY 11. COLLINS. ,ate 1, h HENRY 11, COLLIm4, TIIELSE-4 , 0 twv2 4 HENRY IL COLLINS. F RLSII IRCITS-3 Stralvl,l - no+ , bottle,. l',•neh«v; •• Pears; I •• fresh Pine Apple; a-91(1'40 Pr,sPrre.., , IS " Is buttlt ,, ; J•pq reeels ...I an.' 0•pr,...4it, St. Churli.,i ISS PIPER-2 ,1 w, .r ItEY M KR S. AN L , P.14 , 0N I I .• Wcorgati , nil 4 Ici<x A:ua,rrb: 1,0 bap Ik,nlcuui •' Cc,eca Nuts. D , WI,. Alm j,, , f fur Ktle by REYMETI b ANDEIIM,N P l vrtut,lit mut fur t:ftle by M!IM!II El( A AN La:ltico ) I . L E— r,i._irr,l tu l: 1 11 t) e - bbb. 31ubt,4.1.j of re - '.l k by It El 11E It k A DERFO I=l NA- ATYI ki ATiLY —l7 Ard Ili a :atta /1,. 1•y a nnd tutu rfN.ll:n el • f.alt,e, N hgen 1".: per e rr 61 isu,1 7NeN, 11 , 1,.. ID tin CO . tck.4.:11.1 n bo) of Az°, of g.,1 l•wel• I. ...pe:dtk. Ar, I ,ftrenre ,..a11.1g 11;011 In It I 11 Vit., LI a I . rls . g.trd..ll, 11.11:1Y0 I r ELLid no . . . F - howl, k tita:nt., th , [lll , l C ,, 11d0 Tow ushli., Ally k loki t' the C.• art • f Plef. Puht , I .1 d 'r OL thw • FAST I.! lIFACTY I ; Y , .: FF Ft T t!, , . th,r, ,Nor it., thride ' ; • w d ~ d nte•r 17th. It to erderekl Lv :he :tat 01- forogo:htf 10,,Ilestuot: r a rharter b•w • r : • I t •: Ikw IM=!2111111IIIIIII! !s, ' - •rt :.t..ti A rovi !N. .t Ith - hard M %V. 111.71 Rtnianim l•rx. ;,1112:11 IVti ' 11a)• Lie. NS ,1 .. will runt/ art 6,1. 1t nxtutng and tt ctutilattng ,teatu Ltr Pipos cr Chtlxtu'is Furnaco,CLurch , , Iftttipttals, tirttittt Ituusett, Owellingo, .1 , 111 t orllott,l2, MIRK ET STREET, "lat.ourgh. arl6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ;Utz v. 2.1 N . " TI .nu 4:-/ Allegheny w.„ • w:fw. NIA R(,.t. T 1.41 ,nv 1. 01. lbur,sl...y, 11:0 .o"rut. I .nt!, , ttt aro pt.it nfl•. .I.t, I 1.:1 up) 11011, coDtrart,l ANU ELL. 11N1 - .= Itt..A I: El 1. A;..nt an I t.l.n veva.. et, .1 5.5.,...1$ • :Lr - . Am:: v I • Pnloln:;:.•,b. !o. jk.,l at),Lrf of rio Oka pur• YLEHINO Intl7ll-nd and M.rkt-t r , ;.„ hir • i• .1. f.1.:%11N1i I • l' I! I _ iwy j 11.4 H 111..311:st. ,‘“L/. ots r ..1;•• hy \ NO. ,!I ,qt..11,r1 now , 1. 4 ~ L: • •./..4 ;4y ..4 . ..1.w11. K. alpl r. • c-r.. }-,rz N.Lt-rn, d A ME: , A itiPiti,p. N. I :tl,l .11 'mud and I , 4' J NI It A RI,R.R. BM= lII= 'AIR Ip•vrEic. ..11:1 r,.ni.. INMIEEM X4l NI. Wt 111 NTER ` l \ \ c.r NI OR ( I IF I, \ lAt, SIIA`A . L. , --A A .%IA.SON , hare 1` Jn~t••• - • tho c.l..l.rnted ,ht;:. Cmp/r, mat,. C..1111/4111,. A 11.1:-. , N a t...! !:,•• ! 1,-..,(04•12(.5 FAT' . I'l I's( I =EMI 'f tt, pure and fresh T .24501 d st I'yes pron , ,tturs.l th.m superior La nor pt th • e...v I , It. 1,1:A1 , 1 \., I Dtu.lond .11 4 , v. IMI‘S 0.1.{L 1.. r G. 1 Diartlon.t. ‘.. 1 L s th. rot n-r Ft: 1% . t.ul streets. hc:+n-ui r..l and tor salt. by FtNM' 11. COLLINS. IIEMIll!Mi hi .•t•4 F R P.M li.u.dus. • • •• m 1111.1 V 1%111 •• .• in .112.11,13 %Ai drums Iles Just r0c...,..1 tu4.l fur wale t, REY NI Y.ll A NDERI 4, N, No. 39 Wool st.reot.. O LIVE ()IL --tint baskets far sale by EM=LEI=TIM! WILLIAMS & ALLEN, I=l IEINOLD & WILLIAMS, MANUF WT['EEKI OF Chilson Furnaces, Wrougbt Iron Tubing, IND FITrINU GENERALLY For Warming and Ventilating Building• PEKIN TEA STORE, o. 39 Fifth NI rcet. Y.`• A:ND BLACK TEA , . uurria,t,l to give sat Gli.r.lo s. 7s. and flnoor Young lly,n—:m, and flnest quality $1 T, th. Brbakfnmt-3io, n.nd I ruperinl and liunpo% der —5O, "fa r, $1 —fi on en and Black TtriA of as grade" put up :n metallic I' ea kagas e zpram I y kr the trade, and will be e.dd at the eat price tLYt'F: F: Prune Java and Rio Colton, groeu and rooted. !. I'( lt S— mug's al and l'illveritad 1 4 . ugare and Nque• Su,rar liekeCe Brume Co,. and CLoc..lute n. dtm NV 7- ATER CURE INSTITUTE, Hand st ,!ouch I.,ut.oen Pena strect and the River, litt‘burgh, P. 13AELZ, Graduate nml Practit.Joner in the Old• 3lecliclue, Allopathi, and Llonneopallc, and for tua part ten years It uncv-eeful Hydroputhist, ham opened WATER CURE in the ahoy.. location. Th. p.erf,tly tufo, direct and 111,11:11o4Lite effect thus system hoe un ell Fevers. and all distaste acute and circuit, while it is wild, grateful and Invigorating to the weak and dttiolitatud, ender, it imculuirly desirable lu familtee, who will bo treated at thou hutuee. Allopathic and liolumotrathic treatment will be admin.- tered whore 1101411 , 4 . but, after long and thorough experi. core. Doctor BALLS. givee a decided preference to Ilydropathy, which Ls , throughout the old and new world, proven no momently eucceneful in ever, form of dieease, including In rrpto•ut Conautuption, Broarhius, Dyspepeia. Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. Asthma. Cutaneous, Nervous and liver Die,eeees. Testimonials of cures from highly reputable citizens of nearly every Stato In th, Union, can be examined ut Doctor 11.m..2's uftty. The lleverehrl Clergy are turit,,l to coosult Mut gratin. Warm way, being ;.nod in the cernmeecounent, cud oftou throughout the treatment. it is n luxury instead of unpin., eaut. as three unacquainted might suppose. fthrzatN. es.--%leters. Charles Brower, Waterman Palmer. W. W. Wilson, W. 11. Williams. Thompson (Sell. J. It. Wel. dln. D T Morgan, Wm. H. ❑olmes, E. 11. English, B. )1. Herr rt. underliped, having vtkted Ikx - tor kiwis limita tion, and ultnesald tub au.-ceeeful treatment- chearrWly reeocumend him ae a thoroughly educated and akillfttl Pity 1101011 Chart,. 1. kuNsell, Jon. M'Cunnoll, David Hunt, John C. Curtis, Itobtat Patrick. John B. Livingston, John 1% right W. W. Patrick, Mara P. Eaton, O. Ormsby Gregg. octlecrLstw THE KNOWI; . :6IIfIik:6AIMANAC, and True American's Manuel, for 18458; edited by W. S. 2u5.1.1.e. For sale by B T. C. MORGAN, uurfii 1a Wbod street. IN VENT lONS , ,,A.NDPA TENTS!, 11 .EALM, t.1..'0140MY6.1ND OCELLINCE..—"K.7ww tkol..4.lericO—WAt*lo, DRIrOIIT and ra,tivos, a trio mal#tonurifiy itidiripeneatyle to We', lictilth and Action;:LDd trEAvory way: : :rispluto with univernal I auportuDri.l Some Yuan of stlisl3,labor,'eint*ltitittpreving have been given by tiee subscriber to simplify and rarfect bla system for warming, ,Iraught and ventilation, Mid Its introduction and te.e within the past two years, In many places, Ibut chiefly in Philadelphia, New York and Boston,) has met with all the approbation he could wish. The following is a brief descrip. L i on o f has improvements, air Of - unfelt aiss patented hi the bolted States, and part of them In England: A Draught and Ventilating Chimney, which, in factories, dwellinsu., and buildings of every description, secures the fol lowing advantages.--A perfect proof against Are; selt.clean- Mg arid self-preservation ; a constant, powerthl,ltegulated draught, so that a stack Jo feet high has Mere draught than theme usually built 100 feet high, or more; a roving in fuel, __l at least 0nel:ill& pert:.atneana.sit inking Warmiteand vent's" into end out of rooms ; a saving of part of the boat that in usually lost in the atmosphere; and the construction of one nue to answer to every awry of a building. for every recur adjaumt to it. • A Trio 1 entihitor, or a ventilator with three powers of ac tion. Na iliCtl can be made of any size, in any form, to suit the architecture of airy building, and may be plain or ornament al Chra secures constant ventilation for any edifice, without admitting !Mow or rain; it cures einokey chimneys, and is certain to give them draught. A Ship and Car Siphon Ventilator, to throw abundance of fresh air, and distribute it In a ship or car, and draw out the foul 1.1.12, without admitting any snow or rain, and but one hole to be made in the roof or deck- Arid tact, but nut least. a Tubular Furnace, or Heater; thin ma) be of any size, and portable or fixed. Buildings with it are warmed iu a superior manner: it admits no red or inju rious heat, but takini the triad' atuitepheric air rapid, &Tea tool warmed into the rooms, making n house feel like a plea sant June day, and contributing largely to promote health, oundort and cheerfulness. gus or smoke errapen, and nu turner,. can be safer as to tire. It is highly approved in churches; it in durable. simple, easily Manned, not liable to get disordered, cam lie cleared without making dant, and in not clogged and obstructed by coal clinkering.; it saves in fuel, and if properly attended, find little attention is needed) a, a fuel raver. These inventions 820 all simple, but effectual. A.n:lntects, artisans, builders, and all Interested, are reepoctfnlly request ed to examine theta. References ' good and sufficient, given. sIOSZPIf LEEDS. Patentee, and Proprietor. 11 , 3_ MOSEd F. EATON, Agent fur Patentee, No. CiO Fourth StrVet, Pittsburgh, in ready to receive and fill orders at abort notice for any of the above mentioned great Inventions, and is al.. prepared to receive proposals for manufacturing the .1.1118 in the cities of Pittsburgh or Cincinnati. nos-27:d.T.v 841%QDS' SARSAPARILLA. L.ti QUART BOTTLES • ft, U. feni,oval and / - trmaltent Cure of all Diseaset aririnp • - p.m an Impure Stale of the Blood, or Habit of the System. This truly valuable preparation is extractcsi from selected roots of the finest daliniptiou, by means of an expensive and powerful apparatus, which obtains the medicinal and =Um prim- pie in a highly concentrated form, so scientifically corn hirilm; the several vegetable products In the proems that a ,mpoulid extras of Sarsaparilla hi obtained infinitely cope nor to env other for terrifying the 11.01, and the cure of rofvle, .Nit Rheum, Caere. Fever, Sort., Pimples, Botta. liinpuous, Rheumatism, Xtercurial disecteus, Liver Complaint, Dysimalle, Bronchitis Coueumption, Female I,- reg - ularitlas. Lois of Appetite, and General Debility Thai powerful remedial agent acts simultaneously upon the iitoniaily, the Circulation mid the Bowels, and gently stunt. kites, while It disengages and expels from the system all that is irritating and prejudicial to bodily health. Being purely vtgetoblo, It is perfectly harmhwe in ism operation; the most .lehmte pet-cone may take It at any time with perfect safety. TM- ruitouishin4 suzcees of this medicine constantly creasing during the lest sixteen years, has nocurfsl for It the deathgetatted commendation of the Fatuity, arid it enjoys a wale-Nee:id popularity and extonstro patronage whirl throws entirely out ...I' competition every other preparation of liana. per Attention is respectfully solicited to the following certin ate Thor, N. V., :',rptember 1. Is.fe3. E. d D. Sond,,--Ueutletuen: 1 bare 11, nearly t!,ree years been troubled with that dreadful diatrme, Scrota ; ao much so, as to be offensive to my Luabatal and to my olf; and to obtain relief, hare triol «Ivry kind of modiclne that clUsi, under my notice, w ultout effort. One or toy neigh who had been cured of a similar •otitplalut I.y your Aarraparllbt. ad, lard me to make a trial of it, and I can truly that ft has dono me a world of gaol. Latin ' , rompletul, Unplug th a t me 'widener may induce others i,.e:erly afflicted to adopt tie aamo remedy, with thu +atm. -scull', I rentrlra patofully yours, ur : ;,..Prepar.ci and Fuld by A. B. t D. bANDS, Dr1 , 140....ts ki‘extlisuk, 1.00 Fulton street., New York. Sad also by Lt. 1. i'AIINESTOCK a CO., Fulmrse BROK. Pittaburgh, by Druggists xruoralty. Pilo, $1 per Lvole, or nix but. 110 , 21 . 1.111 -- • (C EO. R. WHITE & CO., No. 50 Market ”tre“t. intond, on and altar MONDAY, Noveint.er o. lion out thou . prtateur stork of .%OAKS. TALIIAS and f.t ',CV SILK., at grew; ) reduced It taglit: their intention to enlarge and ...therwine improve t:alr a as to make men, room for this brand., of their twnintre... and vrtethaig to do so Immediately, they want to wr et 1.1" e ato.k Cu hand as soon ~Lllnt v(iTICE TO STOCKIIOLDERS.— Stock- Au the Pal.bure,li luad ConnelLstllle Ilaltruad, te-r ,t,ek In paid up In full, at, he•reby livtifte.l that an: :11terrAt on the name, dun ortober I. 1 SZZ, la payable at the o f the Ctunpa.n3. NEN ILLS Ll., Fourth and Llh •-rty ttre.t.p., littaburgh. VIIEDER, a Trartefor Clock. At - CTI(IN SALE-0u Tueridos next, of six late of Or. 'unit in liuqu.aniii &rough, axch N foot I. otit. by 11v...i feet lloop, near Cho extenaive Iron Works o p 4. c o t. This pi, party wilt bo soli! in ningl.. lots, •Fr all C. •g‘•t . Thor would ittot met liatiies fir rviiiiiiericitizi •r it roll trigetlier. would loran a pit 11.1... fl I ouLut ban risible noo. ial.• on Tn....lay nrx t. 77th inst.. at '2 ri'clack in the afteria‘m. at ...le. peai•ei. (ILA Ii.ELY t RICHEY c:•Js •r ;. EN, i AX,TII,SON, corner of Market and Fourth ,•1 - t•et.z. 1.4 ntock of WATCHES, FINE J ENS ELP,I'. As., L. he LAnel In a Pennsylvania. Ills long ..aporl..ts-s.entablinhed reputation aunt unsierut, clang". .4,..r0t the ingliont asluceinonts why !boss In want of a val Walsh, or other articles in las hue, sikaild give him an .y1.. , 111111.ty I ••••I them. Ts-k. \Vat -h done pranii.tly and is the beat 000.1 r. nov'S Yl.h ‘.11.M1 ItOOKS sz COOPER have' just open od a 1J ulra 11......rtawnt of Lilloll Collars nod Sks.vos, white .1,, black erftiM. Collars. do. in fssta: ml rr dl e”,tinttt• to rtvelve during this week their third 'apply of g.ssls nt tho M, , urutlis; and House lourulahing Store, :5 Market stro..t. 130V28 . gtaid It ,140 .1.01! OYSTERS—Ioo,(OO Shell Oyster.. just ar k. rh,l. sold at wholeeale and retail . . W. may to tho citueus to 0.1.111.- and try them. Van, suppll.l with :WELL 11i.iTP.RS 75c t 1 L„,l per hundred. You will Hull Out that this I. the right way to buy ke.sp ronstantly tin xtti ans of tlystern.--aold N11..1,a10 and retail—of superior het..ussuynt.6 still du well by wirtng us a Mil. N. I.l.—The •liiinrent qualltlce orgy , . Fwa are: Du..k l'nerks. Ilorrts lilver, (2.. rt., Egg Harbor, Salts, kt. nor=t D LANKETS-2000 pairs of Blankets, eem ii j.rining °retry glade of 94, 194, 114. 124, 13-4 IN4a. Aara, 9woo, Itixtulala and haportcal ninzufncturo, ou hood. A. A. MASON CO. British & Continental Exchange. SICIIIT DILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, STIERMAN & CO. ON THE UNION BANK. LONDON, Iy Btua or LI AND ttW atm. /Ne- These Drafts urn Available at all tha prtnclpal Towne of ENGLAND, t-VuTLAND AND IRELAND, and th. CON TIN wr. also draw SIGHT itLI.Lel an M. A. Ortenebnureu & FR.4..\*KFORT A MAIN, Wh.ch norva no n betnittance toall parts a OERAIANY, ITZERLA ND and lItILIANIJ. I,qaons inten<hng to travel abroad may procure, through Loi, Uttarn at ernda, au which Nlonoy ran he obtained, as no,ded. In any cart of Europe. L'ou-gertmta at Bala, Nana, and other stratifies in F.uropo, a ill receive prompt attention. WILLIAM 11. WILLIAMS .t CO., Wood, earner of Third street. •• oulo 11.1. N kV H. COLLIN/I. White Fish! Fish! Fish! D IKER & HUBBARD, SANDUSKY, Onio, lA, hart for vale and keep constantly on I se gge t hand, a full !Ripply of FRESH AND MAYA WHITE FISH, and all other varieties of LAKE FISH. oaf-:9n is THE SATURDAY EVENING POST.- kletablished August ith, 1521. Weghly schtlou between su,ooo nud 90.000. to issuing their Prospectus for 16.56, the proprietors of the Poet take it for granted that the public are already tolerably well acquainted with the character of a paper that 'has grown orong during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY-FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been, as It remains to ba, to publish a weekly paper for the family circle, which shall not only wmuv, but also instruct and improve, Otiose who may read It. To itccompLish this objuct, the best articles are lelecbai or condensed from foreign and domestic peri o dicals, an; ornrmal articles of all instructive character procured, .11rti ikvq , ll.l , (1,111 Foreign Lands; the moat intarostlng portions • f the Weekly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adven ture and Character; Selected and Original Artie]. upon A rioniture; Account of the Protium and Stork Markets, and It-auk Note List, are included among the solid infbnuation constantiy found In the Post. Fot the mind renuires a wider range—it hoe faculties aloch delidlit in the humorous and lively, the Imaginative ;ol poetical. These faculties also must have their appropri ab• food. else they la - come enfeebled, and, as a COaSepletkaa, tie intellect becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not able to take an enlarged and generous view of human nature and its destiny. To satisfy these heaveritruplanted cravings of our mental being, we devote a fair proportion of the Post to Fit'flON. POETRY and HUMOR. Among our contributors in the first two of the abore Do. parttuonte. are several of the most gifted writers In the land oloc draw freely for Fiction and Poetry upon the beet periodicals in this muntry and Ureat Britain. We design commencing a New Story by Mrs. OGTHWOHI'ff, author of • The Detiertmi Wile," Ac., In our first paper of January next. ENIJ illustrativn of important Naos! and Awicultural and other lam laTiNntions., ,4 1tb othm's of a Ifumorowi, thuugb reduo.l char.:tor, lilrd also freely Fives . =ME This is ono of the few large papers filled with lift and thought, ineteaki of lumbering trash. Its management is marked by liberality, courtesy, ability and tact. It employs the beet literary talent, and spares no pains or expense. As a family paper, one of literary and eneral intelligence, we cordially recommend it.—Oryttga Chicf; Auburn, \. Y Our readers may rely upon it, that Detteon & Peterson will be as good as their word. So far ere We Call Judge by years of observation, there publishers do rather more than they promise; and their paper is milted with very muted ability. It in ningubiriy free from silly .intliguarktatim and bluster, but in of a healthy tone on all trubJecM ; always moderate In language, but aliyays mildly adycatting the right. We find is one of the most getieralp attractive papers in our ok changa—Soturday nsikr, Pittsburgh, It le the best literary and family paper In the tnlon.— Xnnt Rock Mond, We hare heretofore spoken in high terms of the merits of the Poet, an one of the beet papers on our exchange lint, and we regard It its so the beet literary papers to be found anywhere. Its eslitkriala are written with ability, and take a liberal. Independent and comprehonnive Mow of men and thiugs.-40.ar and thicerfiscr, WrightsrilLe, It is donerrodly ono of the moat popular public 4ci.roals in tlio United Stake, combining an It data, in a literary paint of view, all the intermit of the beal unkfra4,4- with a Tad a:ma:lac of general intalligunco.—Rrpub(ican, Litchfield, Ct. TERMS (Cash in advanoo)--81tigie copy. $.O a year. 4 cvpioa. 45 00 a year. 1 (m i d one tp getter-up of Club) 10 00 13 " (And nue to getter-up of Club) 15 00 " rl (And ono to getter-up of Club) 'U 00 " A.ddrous, always port paid, DEACON & PETERSON. No. 66 South Third attest, Philadelphia. Sir Sample number" sent gratin wavy one, whe.o re quested. notM TITOSTENHOLMS. and othor celebrated maker of PKti V V and POCKET rcvmea, .ariauted not to ont In the eye, for tale at BONN' k TETLEY'S, novZ , lad Wood Met. INUTIIER CURE U. SCROFULA. - 9 - uu J. POKUIAN IMMENZIIIII -AIitrSEMENTB. insusolel and Mitua g rr ; Wad. LI. MELD, Staab-Vintager: Aeting Manager. Immures, J. V. Boax..err.. rtiletB OF AI/1114870N Boxes flud Parquette 50e.Private•Boxealsrix • ' 00 iiernnd Tier 25e. ( riyate Boxes, tr 00 Boxes for entered ... gat- Certificate, securing seats, 12% cents extra. SR- Third ntgbt 11r. )1,,, pwary. NVineirxner Evrsixe, NoSswerr. 2i, 113436, The conicily or,. EMI= Rover John ; •...... Lmly.Jenaruntß .......... - ,Ni.VGLYG _AND DrI,VEVAVG. After which, • , TUE -M 4:11e ILLE@ ~ I AItETSTONV.I.'- ' 4 —' - Careh - 0.1 r: A. ir. - Yatittg. Kate Caraway . '..;:._ :Julia Cooke. ga.,lloorli open 'at to 1 ; performance boent at ODD FELLOWS' REGALIA RA —An Odd Yellows' !Cepa,. Hall, for the benoflt of the Widows and Orphans' luud of Allegheny badge, No. 40, will bo held at I.AFAY'II'TTS HALL, on FRIDAY RV EIIIRO, *axe.rtiber 00th, 18.5 a. ME= Wm C. Andorson, No. 24, Wm. Hairmom, Jag. A. Sho M'Clenry, A. Itoeging, J. ti. OW1,1) EMI; Jos. BrowO, Henry Sauden. 241, Cbur " 289, Henry llurker. Thumas C. Wilson, " 360, Jae. Calvin, 382, Wls. V..rtiriertnig. IL ..1 • " 4G. vioene ' • Wm. Artuattotig. W. J. Montgomery. " 885, IL C. ()mate), - 40:1, PLOW! O. C. Shl.iLa, Jamon A. Shole4, Jan. A. U. Sprer, nog2C CITY HALL.—Ia now ppm, and will . .COn- Onue until further notice, llANts9TOril GRAND DtORAMIC PANORAMA of TEIE RUSWIAN WAR! • From the commencement to the fall of Soinja(ipoL Tho .retire Panorama covers an arett,of upwards bf .6%000 LIA esi Canvaaw being materially aagettoi by the uuteno the awe. oialawato sad intricate machinery with Y.XTRAOILDINAItY CHEMICAL EYEECTS! Faithfully portraying the rising flame In the Darning Cities, Bomberdmente, leviteihil Moonlight Scenes, Tivinkttng Stars, and Silvery Reflection in the Water. Thew Mil thirty different scenes; many of the figures are life sLte; the Whole terminating with the IiTORMISIU OF SEBASTOPOL AND FALL (V. TitS .IIA.LAKOFF I Amid the doafening explosion of the mines, rolling of the musketry and Winning of mono'', together with the ! hatil glare of thn SURNEsai CITY, producing col affect' ONCE SEEN NI V 1 TO R 1 FURGOTTINI • N. B.—Thorn will be Afternoon Pahßations on WISDNES. DAY and SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock. Adirdsolop, pqm; children to the afternoon, rents. Va.. In Inn r toning, door* alien at 1'..‘%; twaotietzteat o'clock. Adtulnalun, cnnta; eldlitren,-15 , tents; uorkn AGENCIES. IREFEEM A. A. CARRIER & DUO, Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittabitriih, A G E N T S STATE .MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE nitstin.irity, OP lIARRIBBURO MEM GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE( CO. 01 , PHILADELPHIA. 'A PI T-1.1. AB3tl 0 ,000 INSURANCE COMPANY - OP TILE VALLEY OF ViROIMIA. WLNCLIESTKR, VA rA PITA L. C(7NNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. ; 4 • roll] r_ITITAL AND A55E.M.:.32,134,489,, NT NN 6 & 4 LARK'S PIANOS.—PRESU KLKBER A BRO. have aow ta the way, and partly received, a rotas dote and choice stio•k of PIANOS from , the k'actory of NUNNS d CLARK, N. York. (ley nro provided with all the Into and Important lailtravet• re•nte which dielluguinh Nunn, A Clark's Pinnotsi abrw all 'Ahem viz: the Ovonitringa, Fett-eovered liamiaars, French oreed Action. etc. Evort Piano la fay warren:GA with the privilege to the pturhaevr of iviureitag the SOW if It 1 prove, in ally way defective. T,..t.unouiztl from M. Srv....Kom, the unrlvAlle,lPM.Mat CLICMVOLTI, November 19M55. Kirter et 13m, Pitisburgh—CienUoinellt: Farina cnu t. thank you mogt einceraly for thu magnifinont•Grattd. Finn°, of M.gra. Nueing.k Clurk'n titanufactnra; arairli you hare 1...,11 no kind an to luuu mu for bflttt Turrets Pan:4N -•mrs rts In your <By._ Thin suisl b Instrument is onc.uf.lho vory bet e,'er nun ii in America; and for tlsvcrtnclis and puWer of tone, as 'well as solidity of construetion, learns nothing to be desired. I Frilly congratulate its future owns wino ihall be ro }nippy as to ponsess ono of the =ester . works of American industry. With hearty wished feiryottr . nappinssus, etc. Sour obedient eervnut, maumcr.STßAliflAr, gYy Solo agency for Santo i Clark's unrivalled :K*4 BR 11. BLYBGB. & • BRO.'S, No. 53 Fifth street, 4p a£ tttdu golden Map. ntos"24, J. LI. IsTR4II B —• 4.3; Nit MMCIL 0011 JIGIi.NCY. The svlbecribeie established a Book Agency In Philialalphiaintnrwlll: furnish any book or publication at tho retail prke t illeibor postage. Any perolla, by forwarding thetadstesipflonprkei of any of the $3 Magazicies, such as hisi•pat's, nata'a, liraham's, Prank Lauds', Dud:dotes AC., 441 tectliisi the magazines for ono yeur and apple:Ohl lithogragiootrait. of either Washington, Jackson or Clay; or, a' subseriblAirte, a V and a $1 Magazine, they Will receive a copy of (+Bhagat. the three portraits. If subscribing tilStVonirth of! all three portraits will be MU furulithed , ln thole who may weth it. •••• Blieempre of every deeeriplinn and size inlorws.prosu, iumititi..6 furnished. Peal Prenses, Dire, dc., wilt - Warder: . , Lli.,ription of Engraving on Wood execufoir with. neetnewi and despatch. .1 Was of Buildings, New headings, Views of 31arlihtery, Book Illustrattaitib. lineineas Cards, Ac. All orderer sent Ili - Ma' promptly attended ta. Persons wishing vievzo of their bond engraved.• man send a ilaguerraotypo or skettit i of how building by mall or express. • Perione at a distance having salealdo articles would find It to their advantage to address the subscribers, aawerwouidl ect ae agents for the male of the some. ItTRAM t PLIOI6I. Fouth Third street, Philadelphia. HE "EXCELSIOR! "—We have too, long • • - • alerted to call the proper attention of ons elating to J. I'. SAIITII'I3 iIitHAT CORN 8111ILLEIt t .".EXCE'fVORI'l which its merits demand at our bands. It is fE4 About of ,cue thing of the kind yet invented. for performing the work for whirl, it L intended; indeod,Wo think It hawartivect orefection! and to attempt any improvement would lait The polite and gentlemanly Agent is oppil to the of ^pµffinp," which has boon so prevalent in oar tV; l o al r v.ium time past., which la necansury to sell Inferior or . WORTEILEBB MAMMY:Si Rat practlueu, according to the old saying—"Streiy tab ilomid stand on its own hottont,'' and every machine on lin /Mu molts! Them h but one opinion wo heard ezpreased as regards IL •perutiens, while risking thu Hell: -IT 18 SIMPLE, DURABLE, RAPID AND PDprger— t THE MACHINE OUR FARMERS WANT." Our citizens should call and see It operate—adadssicotnw in the ILALL ABOVE WARDIWFB SEED STORE, cgi EDP street, oppoolto the Theatre, where, we undertitansk4 feR STATE AND COUNTY' RIGHTS Cnu t.,0 had on very reasonable torins. . ; r;310/0 G. r. BIGOT'? BROTT S.: CURTIS, Deniers in r i a a l E s t a t e , St. Anthony Falb, rdinnetenoTerritArry. ygurborright 3tal sold throughout the Territory. tldriky loaroxl i prreet,- meow made to the test adearttega.ss3 Land WarYantaloca cm. Also, Agents fur the solo of Lots In too tomato! Sr. CLOUD, 6.5 mike from St, Anthony and head of Aar= above the Falls. The survey of th e great rigida enme,e the sThed,o4lPi at thin point, sad the hotasfona cm, team It poseeeses as a place of troldnega will tail:aft - on! of the lergeet rake is the Northwuet. firszsioczs: -. EsAlovernor Ramsey, Minnesota. 11011. WM. H. WeLsty Chid Justioo , of,Minuslibtt. lion. J. Meeker. lion. If. M, Rios, Dolngots to Congress. - Rice, ilallingshead &. Becker. Attoruoya iit \kooie. Borup & Oaks, Bookors. Rev. T. M. FuDorton, Register of U. S. Label 011 test. sep2o DiF.AtitS DIAPHRAGM POIICETUIII2, patented dza gnat. 18 0-‘ lo the moat perfect and efficient PIMP ever . nveuted. It to of cad iron, beautiful and orunnieuteli double eating; weighs 4' bn., and delivers 30 glands water net minute. (smallest size). It eanbo afforded all onatbird tom price than any other Pomp of equal capacity ; la not lie bit, to get out of order ; gimp's in contraction ; cannot par eibh freeze ; awl gitea a constant, steady stream. of water. For Steam Engines, Mills, Factorize, 13oat(For Workshops, or Wells nr Clatorns, throe Pumps camp* bo °united. AU. ~, o mons. interested or not. are invited to call ands** the one in potation at Lot. intollnrenord Offioa, on SLOW' street,. near the Bridge. FITT The V. astern Counties of Petulayhanla are Far sta, and afford ran charities for nuoanforturan or aperidatora to realize a bandsome income,. JOSEPH LEWD& novliodlw No. St. Clair street,., NIEW BOOKS—Croteheta and Qcurveta, or 11 Revelations of an Opera Manager In America, by Max Maretrok. Amy Leo, or Without and ; by tho anthorof iiOut earish." Marriage a Lottery, by Mrs. Grey; Travels In China, by M. Mac; . • outlines of Physical Goovaphy, by Geo. W. vital ; o.riton's and Fitch`s,Alotiern School Geography ; Jut ontr trod is superior to any Geography over puld Pawl in WI . country. Directora nod Teachers would do well to casindne this work. • Bayard Taylor', Japan; Pickwick Pape" laT Mardi Old Homestead, by Arm S. Stephenti; Powers' Columbian Perpetual Say saw Altoszto,txtusaito lug a Synoptical Perpetual Cadendat fur 2000 yottsig old and• new style. Oliver Twist, hy Charter , Dickens . . • Domiesy arid Sou, " " David Copperfield, " " New York Journal, for December; price 18 cartii; • - Peterson's Ni.igazine, " 17 " • Ballou's Magazine, a" 10 '4 • 't Loudon Illustrated ?ewe furnielied weekly Or atcolote L Godey's Lady's Book for. Dec., (expected libi/a7a 20 Mita. All who want New Books, no soon P. os hOds Wadltotr. 10 to 25 per cent lower than elsewhere, go to LArcirpEws BOOKSTORE, Nol 30 Fifth street. nov2o NEW MUSIC—The Old Playgnrund ;Neer& fki s by Edward J. Alen, male b y • .1• . hover ; flaw and. beautiful song, Just published. Ulad to get saline; ilaneysitekta GU.; , Proud World; Good nyc i'd3 Going Ilomelthreei . soup by that papal= etalnkser, Wurzell, (George P. Bwl.l They are skriple, ins4o , liels'aud exceedingly h oantlful. Cwuo Duareet i the Daylight is Gone Fleur do Butter. • Polka Mauldin& ; 'raki,; • • Vflhaca, riaiden—.S. C. Poster; ltdllouse et Moine—Leder; Pop Goes the Question. The above Just received arid fur elle at the Mode Rota of .0.21 JOHN E 'MELLOR. M Wood. street: TlEEssC ooo iTtitszsear T oirendas itii.rine&t= Or the Testimony of Reason and Revs El- Lqtence and Charantar of the Supreme lletng; Ttoziamm.. ertc., s l ,a. .BY PAS. Yor aide by toe= J. 8. DAVISON, a Market meek Q --- ------ --- ,UNDRIES-40 dozen - Pepper Sauce ; k.. 7 30 dozen Catsup, assorted: 10 lusts Dates ; , eases Prune., in glass Jan; Just reeeteed and roe . uor.rt) RBYYHS a ANDAIBBO.Zi ~~_ MIMS ............. 1. Peoy. .. slcttride. P. C.ruliiiEntutm. • 1: iyl Youpg, >lra. V. Cuntriughtuu. ~.11314t *:,fpoolce. David R. Williams, No. 4511, Robert Cayb , 409, John Broleht, Md. Kayo, Wm. Rainey, J. S. Leach 0. 0 bhidle, Mason, Luke Berry; " 487, W. liirkparrlck, Jr. " 40, J. A. ! IL Speer, " 40, A. MTeni, ' ! 49, Win. k. Bogit , " 40, a. 4.-c4Bßisia. $350,000. 8300,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers