. gutted, that not alt Germany was in my place. 1 t u ns to enquire whether any further-tic t o ass the actors of its happiness represent men. lion of Councils isrequitate to enforce:the IDnring the dance the host of Diplomatists crawl; ; p rovisi ons of the Ordinance '. for the 4l) ed promiscuously, like eels in a basket; Prom. . , • ~. 1 1,: Metternich alone stood quietly, where he had been pression: of .-nukancesi Ostn is on the n 7 th sliding, and amused himself with the changing, i September 1816, and report to the next agitated;erowd• I did n ot once see hi m l aug h lies meeting of Councils by Ordinance or oth stand frigidly, the never-changing letters in hi-1 erwise. fade, like a tomb-stone in the grave yard ofGersl The . Clerk of the S C presented the fil mier The others were much more movable. i , Tile French Ambassador hopped like a gua nail ; lowing resolution. Resolved, "That until the Bavarian marched heavily and awkward on i the regular meeting in October next, the his toes like a smuggler; the English wallowed hour of meeting of Councils shall be three ilowil,ahead, like.a cloth; the Wirtembergians I o'clock, P M, and from October until the wound about li Hyena, the Spke a cat's tail; t an he iard fluttered Russian cri lik nge e d a . regular meeting in April at 64 P M" as -lilts s barking torn bank note; and the Representatives of the having been adopted, which was read and smal l er German States sneaked, slipped and eh- , not concurred in, and sent to S C returns did between each other, like a nest of ,q ui te led, resolution as adopted adhered to in young blind dogs. Every moment a young °eau- i c C: non concurrence adhered to. ty, covered with oiamonds, beamed forth among i __. them like a graceful pearl, and the whole scene I He also presented an Ordinance entitled produced indeed a very interesting pictu , e. I "An Ordinance in reference to the Pitts- In the beginning already the Crown Prince or 1 burgh and Concellsville Rail Road," as present younger King of Hungary had entered i h ay i ng with his lady, a youthful beauty, very good nem- I been read three times, and passed; ccncurred in. red; after him followed the other Princes of thet Also, Imperial House and the Palatine. Alongside oil a report from the Police Corn ac -the young Queen appeared Vic Archduchess So- companied by an Ordinance on the subject phy, the lady of the brave and noble Archduke of Steam Boat and Tavern Licences, as Francis Charles, who, ae I am informed, suffers having been read three times and passed, a great deal from her well-known Bavarian mal- , which was read - and referred back to said ice and ill-breeding, and the lovely Duchess oft Committee. Luca. W hen t'ley arrived, all arose, and Prince ,Metternich and his lady hastened to receive them., Also, a petition from Dr Kerr, with ref- Among those who went to greet them, I also per erence of same to the Corn on claims and calved the, reigning old Princess of Lichtenstein, acc milts: corcurrea in. of whom I shall perhaps speak again. She is an Also, a bill of D N White S Co., a• Angel in heart, and character, a woman exactly u they all should be, and I shall never forget the mount ttig. to 819 00 with reference or same, proofs of real kindness, which she gave me; 1 cm to the Committet! on City Printing—con 4 compare with her only the adored, angel like curred in. Countess Fiqurlmont in Petersburgh,th•e heavenly Also, the following resolution with ref noble empress Charlotte in the sa•ne city, and but _ scenes of same, to the Water Committee, few other ladies, whom I know. The i,eir to the A urcrian throne, who, I sin told with power to act—concurred in, viz, is as strong in mind as bsdily weak, ilionzli di'- Resolved, That the superintendent of annu'ating for imp irtant i easons,was a very plea- the Water Works be hereby instructed to sant appar ition to me, all his lea . ores being ex. commence forthwith to lay pipes and erect pressive of kindness. My beh.r.d. good Csunt c 1 &len greeted me,just when the sign for the Polo• f ile pugs in the sth ward, beginning at write was given; I really grt into excellent humor, the corner of O'Hara and Liberty street. when I perceived, just heh nd Irm, the brave Also, a petition from Freeman, Knapp Counsellor of Court Ilamine:. & Co., as having been read, and the pray . A really starry cloud of diamonds and splendor K , nlr. F , er of the petitioners grente,l—coneurred moved now forward to the fir•t (law e. - dinand led Princess Metterniell.Prinee Metternich '• the young chariniii2; Queen.th Palatine the Duch ess of Lucca; they were I,llnwed by tl.e „the- Princes with tliti: ladies and thn resi iining chain of pairs; their beauty and finery darkeritn4 the Irrright illumination id the salon. I) iri.ig the time now, that the l'ulonvise bin ight this closed ,circle past my eves, I shinctimcs stint them, to . yield to the impetuous demands o! in w fancy, that love's° much to mix the pic'ure+ of appearance with those of reality. I therefo - e ssw vat too- liv ing figures marching between the splendid cou ples, who followed close upon each other,comple ling the picture by adding the shadow. Behind the first couple I saw my bloody Ilung,arian pea sant with the still shirt, merrily leading on his half naked, hungry wife, the diamonds of thii fol. lowing pair illuminating the swollen strp . of h e enervated, naked hank; behind the .e. - 2 m I p air to, lowed my hoary Bohemian beggar oh yesterday. in a torn roundabout, gnawing the hard. In:Hilly mist, which he took from the windlw -shelf of his distrained house at the time when he was turned out of it, togc'hcr with 1118 pale daughter, who could have relieved him, if she would have spent some entertaining nights with her lanalord; behind the third pair followed a hoary. hungry Austrian widow with t:c children,whOPC husband had served the Government as an officer tor 16 years and worked himself to desth,hut w.m is now auff. red to starve, because she is not Itand.o-no enough to, procure a pension, (her na-n- is Wener and she lives in the suburb;) behind . taro fourth pair fidlowed a lean, sun burnt Cr. it, in a torn white woolen frock, in his left Wad slime mouse traps, made for sale,in his right au onion, the only food which the celebrated lib. arty ol'Hungary left him to ease his starving — And so on followed quite merrily picture aiter pic ture, light and shidow, starving and abundance, . (To be Continued ) PROCEEDINGS IN COMMON COUNCIL. MONDAY, May 29th, 1843. Council met. Present, Messrs Bore and, Edgar, Ham ilton; Hays. Howard, Hunter, Irwin:Kiel ly, Matthews, McCutcbeon, Mitchell, Alor rison, CrikTeal, Pratt, Robertson, Small, Stoner, Wiggins, and President. Mr Eichbaum, President, in the chair Mr McCutcheon, a member elect from the 4th ward, appeared, and having been sworn in by A'derman Millar, took his Beat as a member of Ibis Council. Mr Stoner presented a Report from the Market Committee, accompanied by an Ordinance in reference to the Scotch Hill Market, which were read and laid over. Mr Small presented a petition from Mr Portser, asking that the Portico now erect ed in front of his Hotel be all owed to r e . main; which was read and the prayer of the petitioner granted and ooneorred in by S C. Mr Howard presented a petition from a committee of the Duquese Fire Co which wad read and referred to the Corn. on Fire ' Engines and Hose, and sent to BC. - Mr Hays offered a resolution authorizing the water Corn to provide certain articica for the free hydrant on the wharf, and al— so to erect another hydrant near Liberty street and the canal. Head and referr ed to the Com on water and concurred in by S C. Mr Howard offered the following reso lution, which was read three times and a dopted, and concurred in by S C viz: Resolved, That the City Treasurer, un der the direction of the Committee on wa,• ter, be authorised to redeem the torn and defaced certificates of loan of the issue of one, two, and three dollars, by exchanging therefor new certificates, of the same il-no - nominations, keeping an account of the a - I mount so paid our for their redemption, Widths Committee on water shall make a statement of the same to the Councils in their next annual report. Mr Stoner presented the opinion of the City Solicitor in reference to. the Horse Market which was read and accepted. Mr Howard offered the following reso lution which was read three times and a dopted, and concurred, in by S C viz:— Resolved, That the Corn on Finance be requested to repot ar, Ordinance for the suppression of the nuisance occasioned by the sale of Horses and Horned cattle in the Streets. • The following resolution was read three times and adopted, and concurred in by C viz: Resolved, That the memorial the Directors of the Public School and other *Wein of the Second Ward be referred to the Oomroittee on Police, with loorAw Also. a report from the Police Commit. tee in reference to the erect ion of a sow and Candle Factory in the 2,d Ward. as having been accepted—which was con. curred Also, a communication from the City Gauger. with reference °Name, to the Ft nonce Committee—concurred in. Also, a communication from the Mayor in relation t an inFaue 11,)sdital—Rhico was concurred in Also, a Petition from Charles Glenn, Weigh master, at Hai• Seales, with r. fer ence of same, to the Market Committee with power not —e,ncurre.l in. Mr, Howard offored the following yes (dui in, which was read three tines and ad , ipte Resolve:l. That the Coalmine on Fi• nance be directed to report an ordinance at the next meeting of Counrilb, providing, for the election of a Whirl Master, for the Allegheny river, and fixing the rates of wharfage to he collected—adjoutned. NEW ORLEANS. May 18th Manslaughter.—Ye-teriay, about half past seven o'clock, Pierre A Rouseau, while proceeding homewards, stopped fur a moment, on Bayou street, when he was unexpectedly arrested by a man named Vilain, who approached him with the re mark. "well here you are, you are the man I have been seeking," and seized him by the collar with one band, struck him with the other. Rouseau drew a pistol and disengaging himself for the moment, succeeded in discharging it at his antag onist, who fell mortally wounded, and ex pired, while threatening Rouseau with fu. tore ven g eance. Rouseau surrendered himself up to the offuers of justice, and his examination was to have taken Place this morning, before the recorder oldie 3d Municipality. Mr Pierre Soule has been retained as his course ; we tin -rstand that the •prisoner has siqco hetai dt•cnarg• ed on entering into bond and security for his appearance at the Crimnal Court.— Canct„. - 17.0contre.—The Feliciano Whig, of the 13th inst., states that a renc(tntre occurred in that place, on Saturday last. between Messrs. A C H iwsey and Rufus Brooks, which resulted i, the death of the former. He was shot through the Odomen, and died on Monday evening. Mr Brooks w crested, and, after an ex inination before Justice Boatner. fully corn tinted. Emigration Anectlute. The following interesting narrative, so fraught wi . h romance, wecopy froin Niles' Register ~r October 18, 1817, credi!ed to the Raleigh Register. 'A person who had in ide ene:iderable fortune in Philadeldhi:a as a butcher, Went an board one of the lust ship , from Am-teroam, which had a number of G:rmati ReLkilipti .n,rs, for the pur pose of purcha , ing one to 119314 him in business. After examining the physiognomy cf several ot the passengers without being able to please him self, his atten'ion was arre-tad b . / the tranquil and c..tripJaed countenance of a man rather ad vanced in years, but with much appearance of strength and activity, Not less p!eased with the 1 conversation of the German, than with his este.. rior, he described the purpose for which he wan ted a servant :in I obtained the man's consent to purchase his indenture , , prod led he would also purcha-e th i3e or his wile who had accompanied him. The parties then went ashore to complete the burin as, attended by the captain, and upon the names of the p irsmia bctng mentioned, to in sert them in the writiag., they were the same .with those of the purchaser's father and metre:; and upon lather inquiry lie ascertained them to be in fact h a father and mother: the litter de claring that it he was their son, he had a remark able mole on the tell arm elite s proved to be tha case, It is GAL! i that nulling clu'd stirda-is the joy of all parti -5. The pr evidence of God had snatched the venerable pair from poverty and ser• vitu 'e, and conducted thaw to p'en y and :ride pendence under the protection ot an affectionate son. lie, it seemed, had run away from hi, pi rents when cp.ite a boy. and from the continual wars in Europe, neither heard of the other un , il this unexpected, joyful meeting. (r'some of our neighbors amuse them selves in these dull times, with the game of football. Good La the health and the shoemakers, and capital Sport for lookers on.—Prop Chron. Kr Mr Cushing, with the Chinese Em balmy, Will sail on the lit July, in the frigate Braddywine. roe PRICSIDICNTI I proper subject to be . talked of in a blue JAMES BUCHA.NAN, nosed convention. Subject to the deciston of a National Convention. Mr Latimer made a speech. He was astonished that any one should object to DAILY-MORNING POST. the proposed union; he thought the matter TIM MULLINS S WIC R. SMITH, IMITOR3 AND PROPRIUTORS was all understood. he knew that an ar rangement had been made before hand to put N B Craig on the ticket. He did not see why antimasons and abolitionists could The "Blue Nose" Convention. not unite; .he was an antimason from the This body met yesterday in Ternperacce J a y he was born; ne was rocked in the Hall, (better known as the Mormon cradle of antimasonry. And he was like. Church) to form a ticket for the support of wise an abolitionist; if any body wanted to the exclusive, uncontaminated "blue no- see an abolitionist, let ttieni look at him; sed" Antimasons, and their new allies, the he was a fair representative of that party. Abolitionists. We may remark parenthetically, that if DANIEL MCCURDY, Esq., of Elizabeth, Mr L. is a true picture of abolitioeism, it was called to the Chair, and Messrs Rm.. is a fat, hearty, good looking party, and sell Errett and R H Peebles appointed considering the amount of tears it has shed over the fate of the poor negroes, it does not appear to be very unhappy. Mr Mc. Masters replied and strongly condemned the proposed union. He was •answered by several delegates, one of whom declar ed that if the blue noses would not yield to the demands of the abolitionista, they would be the smallest party in the coon. ty before the fall election. The question was finally settled by an almost unanimous vote in favor of receiving the report, and a committee was appointed to hold con sultation with the abolitionists. The Convention then proceeded with the balloting for merthbers of the Legisla ture. The first ballot resulted in the nomination of Messrs, Hultz, Sheridan and Cassat. The Cony ention then adjourned for one hour, until the committee could return from their abolition allies with fur ther instructions touching the balance• of the ticket. The Convention assembled at half past 3, and filled up the Assembly ticket by by the nomination of J J Muse. The ab• olition committee then appeared arid pre vented their instructions, which were in sabstance, a command to the anti-masons to rescind all the nominations for the Leg islature, except Mr. Cassat, and choose the candidates from a list which the Corn mittee read to the Convention. This im pudent demand created considerable con sternation among the blue noses, but they were too far committed with the abolition ists to break off suddenly. and the best mode they could adopt at the moment to settle the difficulty, was to appoint a com mittee of conference. This was dori., but at th- time we left the Hall, the com mittee hail not returned, from which we infer that the abolitionists stubbornly ad hered to their position. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination of County officers which resul ted in the following nominations. For Sheriff, Geo. S. Hays, on the first ballot. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1843 see First Page. Secretaries Mr J S Thompson, a delegate from Pitt township, presented a preamble and resos lotions from the meeting by which he was appointed, instructing him to move an ad journment of the "Blue Nose" Conven tion, to meet again with the Whig Conven tion on the 7th inst. The resolutions de nounced .11fred Sutton, Esq., in the strongest terms, and required the delegates of Pitt to withdt aw from the Convention, if their propositions were not approved of. Mr F Karns moved that, as the lans guage was indecorous, &c., the resolutions be not received by the Convention. This motion he afterwards withdrew. Mr Mc- Masters, from the third Werd, then tead a set of well written resolutions, which he wished to propose as a substitute for those from Pitt township. They talked tat tly at the Cla) Whigs, and did not afford much encouragement to political abolitionism.— Mr Mc., however, was induced to with• draw them, to make way for a renewal of Mr barn's motion by Mr Errett, that the first resolutions be not received, which was agreed to without a dissenting voice. So the "blue noses" unanimously declined to denounce Mt Sutton, or to go into conven tion with the Whigs. The Pitt delegates then rose to retire, in accordance with their instructions. 3ut they wera not let oft so easily. Mr Errett moved that they have leave to withdraw, (a virtual expulsion) and his motion was unanimlusly carried. A delegate from Allegheny (Mr Caroth. ers, we believe) then moved a preamble and r.iso'ut ions reiterating the Antislavery opinions adopted by the Antimasonic "Or ganization" Convention, which met on the 29th March last. and declaring that n o man should be put in nomination unless he was an avowed Anti-slavery man. This attempt to hand over Atititnasonry to Ab olitionism, to be swallowed at a single gulp, created some squirming. Mr McMasters moved to lay the resolutions on the table. A division was called for and the vote re. potted -22 yeas-23 nays. The mover then consented to withdraw his resolutions: thus voluntarily coiling up the Abolition cahle-tow just at the moment it was about to be fastened on the whole Antimasonic party, on condition that the members nom inating candidates should vouch for their antimasonry, and their opposition to slave ry. This was agreed to, and then every nominator went through the farce of vouch , i,,, r1 , 71 t his favorite was "opposed to els. very." This could be said of every voter in the county, but we quration if it will sat isfy the Abolitionists. They missed a fig. ure in letting the "blue , noses" slip oat of , the cunning trap set in Carothers' resolu. These little preliminaries being settled, they proceeded to nominate a candidate f,r Con2r , ss. The names of Neville B Iltrrner Denny. and Walter word were gubmitted. Craig had 31 votes, and was declared rvoninated —Forward had 12, and Donny. 11 votes , The politi. cal character and history of this nominee is well kn iwn; we shall not enlarge on it here, but merely express the hope that there is salt enough yet in Allegheny coun ty to pickle him handsomely, and effectual , ty cure him of his propensity to go to Con gress—when he will be kept for borne consumption. The Convention then proceeded to nom. inate candidates for the Legislature, but before thoy had got done balloting,a C cm mittee from the Abolition Convention, con_ sisting of Mr Lorimer, Mr Caskey and Mr --, was introduced, who asked per mission to make a communication to their blue nosed brethren. Leave was granted, and the chairman presented a report from the Abolitionists, stating that they were much gratified to understand that the an. timasons were willing to form a union with the Abolitionists, and that they would nr..sent to the convention a lists of names from which the blue noses might select a ticket, and the abolitionists would then Et- , gree to support it. Mr MeMasters moved to lay the report on'the table; he wag op posed to any such union; it -would defeat the antimasonic party. Abolition was a moral question, to be discussed by the I.press and pulpit, and—by inference—nor Prothonotary, Alex. Jaynes, city; Commissioner, Rob'. Wallace, Elizabeth; Treasurer. John Taylor, sth ward; Auditor, Thomas Davidson, Peebles; Coroner, John King. city. Much interest was fell on the nomina tion of candidates for Prothontoary and commissioner, avid the Convention had to ballot a great many times before they could make r choice. By the way, we have never seen a bet• ter chairman than the one who presided over this "blue nose" convention, Ile was &relent, prompt, and impartial, and seem • ed to understand his business well. Such an officer assists amazingly the progress of business in meetings or conventions, and Mr McCurdy's example is worthy the at. tention of those who aspire to he chairmen of deliberative bodies. It is but justice to say that he was assisted by competent Sec , retaries. Something Uncommon.—Spencer, who was convicted of the murder of his son in Hardin county, Kentucky, a short time since, was taken to church the day pre vious to his execution, to hear his own fu net al sermon! Cool Weather in the South.—The Charleston Patriot of the 20th says: "The thermometer having fallen near ly 20 degrees within the last forty-eight hours, winter clothing and even fires have bebome comfortable. This is rather un— expected at nearly the end of May." O'The self marriage of Deacon Chan dler and Miss Maria, at Concord, is intro duced in the National Intelligencer with the head New Laborsaving Machine.' (l7"Col James P Preston, late (over. nor of Virginia, died at his residence in Montgomery, in that state on the 4th inst. in the 69th year of his age. (The Common Council of Boston Mass, have appropriated $2500 for defray ing the expenses of celebrating the ensu ing Fourth of July in that city. Oc}'The story of the sinking of the Grand Cayman Island by an earthquake, is without foundation. [lt is much better that the story should want afoundalion than that the island should be without one.] Two !aki-Ire& Sad t,irty-three build, ings are'now erecting, or have been re. , cently completed, in the city of Roches ter. Among them are two meeting hou ses, a Methodist, and a German Catholic: Cotton Mills.—. There are nine hun dred cotton mills in the United States, which were established with a capital Of fifty millions of dollars. Miss Austin.—The young woman who was so brutally assaulted by Glover, at East Boston, is still in too feeble a state to appear as evidence against him. Mrs Sigourney has received, from the Queen of the French, a diamond bracelet of great value and beauty,: We learn from Mr Pin, clerk of the Weston, that James Watbon, who circuit'. ted the stolen Treasury notes, had been ta ken, and was in the jail at Independence, when that boat left.—St Louis Gaz. A little boy, about five years old, was drowned a few days since in Beargrass Creek, near Louisville, Ky, while attempt] ing to save his little brother's life. Screws for bed.poasts are now manu actured in New York. They have here ofore been imnorted. It is supposed that James Finn, the de. nuking Treasurer of Dublin. is now in his country. Another Invention.—A gentleman named 'Jatho' residing in Baltimore, has invented a self winding dock, it is said to approach to perpetual motion, as nearly as any thing yet discovered. Thurlow Weed, Esq., the Editor of the Albany Evening Journal, intends sail ing for Europe on the 9th of June, on a pleasure tour and fur the improvement of his health• "Is Saul also among die Prophetsl" The Picayune says, thi-ire is a fellow "ou west" named Jared Saul, who is preach ing some now acid wonderful doctrine, even more wild and vissionary than that of ,Mill r, or Jo Smith. pc:72.The editor of the Franklin Repub— lican advises Dr Sherman to send a quan. tity of his worm lozenges up into that par• jab, as a species of worms are committing extensive depredAtions among the corn crops of his neighborhood. kThe N 0 Crescent City says that eantelope melons are now for sale in the market in that city, but dear, of course.— People wishing to purchase, must go early, or they will be hopeless 'Pilgrims of th e Rind,' eoninterriai7.‘rctuo, 111111 L - 11Cr11 SKIL_ 8.1- feet water in the channel, Ail Roots marked titus (*) are provided with Evvoi'sft.ty Guard. ltei.orted by Stir 'LE MiTcnet., General S. B Ag. nts, No 5; Market street. ARRIVED. •Cleveland, Ilemph,ll, Beaver, *M,clog 1:0!ei. Beaver. •• •,.lurnbiana, Murdock, Wheeling. Moxahala, Thompson, Zanesville, Harrishorgli, Surth, L , ui v 11e, Newo Alpine,,.t s u le , McMillan, E eL W ells ville, McKeesport West Point, Grace, Loui.vihe, 0 .11a, Bowman, Brovk nsville, S. iftsure, Barker, Cincinnati, 11.recliel, Allen, Cincinnati. DEPARTED. *Clevelai,d, Hemphill, Braver, B .ice, do Cockburn, Brownsville, Lehigh. Price, Cin2innat Meridian, Fairman. St Lot ig, Arcade, Binnett, Cincinnati. *Columbiana, MurdocJ, Wheeling, Ma.sachusetts, Bennett, St Louie. BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM 13 LOTS, 'unable for hoildine, most Pllgihly situated, and ivithin two 'Mottles walk of the Steam Ferry Boat LanAting. will be sold at pares to set the times. The terms of payment will be made easy, either for rash or such barter ae can by made available. Apply to the subscriber tit Ilir ntinglta to. or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry et reel, Pittstotren. JAS. PATTERSON, JR, june 1. Lr,TTERS testamentary having been granted this day to us, as E.Seentors of Mr. Andrew Murphy, de. cen , ed, Into of Lower St. Clair (owl' p, Att, e t ien y co., notice is hereby given to nit who are indebted to lira esinie to conic forward and pny thr same. and to all who have claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent. to come forward and make known the same to us without delay. The Executrix and Executors irexide In the city of Pitts'mrgh. MARY S. MURPHY. N. 0. MURPHY. JAS.'S. MURPHY. June I —d6w l w PROTIZONOTA.IM IR oiler myself a candidate for the (lice or Prothonotary of Allegheny county snidect to the ac tion of the Democrat county convention which meets on the 30th A4l:OlAt heat • GEO. R. RIDDLE, Allegheny, .City, Slay 31—te Ow. ADAMS & CO 1 S DAILY PACKAGE EXPRESS TO PHILADELPHIA.- NEW YORK AND BOSTON A DAmsk CO. reapeciftilly anneunce to the Pittsburgh public,that having effected an engagement with the "Pioneer and Express Packet Line," they will start an Expanse for the above cities on Monday the 29th of May, which will run through to Philadelphia in three days and a half R. G. BERFORD, 85 Four lh street, will act as tne agept of Adams 4• CO. in Pittsburgh. Packages and parcels should he left nt hi. office before 6 o'eloek p, m. ADAMS it CO. will receive and forward either by their own Express, or by eonnexion with other Expresses, packages nod parcels for PAdadetpkia , New York, Bea tinstre; Washington,Albany, Troy, and every city and town in New England, ADAMS AND CO. possess great facilities for wakios Collections, and will pay particular attention to collecting or pa y Ina Notes, Drafts, Bills, etc. Competent persons are always employed to attend to orders of goods, etc. Rotes or bales of gods too large for transportation in the Express Chests, may be left at D. Leech and Co's of fice, Per n st. marked Adams and Co's Express. Tney will be handed over to Adams and Co, at Poilalelphia, and forwarded to 'heir destination with the utmost des patch, and at very low rates. ADAMS AND CO. wiil endeavor to transact all busin ess entrusted to them in such a manner as shall give sat isfaction to their employers, and obtais for thommel the confidence of the community. may 26—dlw in MT. ENI MET ROTEL.. TEE PROPRIE TOR Of tills well known and l'omlfi6tliotr3 house, situated at the north end of the old /.Ileglieny bridge, 'informs his friend:. and the public, that he hue eery thing in Me plete order for the rrceptton and enibrittihenent oTititOi lent guests and permanent bonrderd. His enamel, are • moderate and no eXertione .. will be *rated to make so. jourtiere comfortable and keep up the former reputation of hi house. Coca stabling for any nntnber of horses Mount Emmet: FEVIE patrons of t his pleasant retreat and all wikeleak .1 pleasure to the pure atr oftheeountry,arpinflaslieli that the Mount Emmet House. is now open for vlstterw, A carriage wilt Imre the Mt. Emmet Hotel every day at half past 2, and ball pact 3 o'clock, Sundays neap. ; ted HUGH SWEENY. may 31—d¢wlm FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS, No. 251, LTBERTT STREET. WE would invite the attention of our friends ewa the pubhcgenerally to our astooriuseat of Good*, which we have just teceivcd from the East,..ll ist we are determined to sell at a Mall advance ea eget. Customers may rely on having cheap, good, well , and handsome articles, warranted to fit, which is a very desirable cc mbination. Persons who visit this establishment can depend ma finding an entirely new assortment of spring and summer goods; we do not say one thing".and mean another; when we say our assortment Is large, fashionable, handsome and cheap, we mean that they are so, and cannot be suf. passed in this or any other city. may 31—tf, ALGEO & bIeGUIEE., O'CONNELL'S HISTORY OF IRE, LAND: AFEW copies of this highly Interesting work has heev received, and are for sale at St. Patrick's Church by the Seaton, may 29.--It MISSOURI HIDES AND DRESSED DEER SKINS. NOW landing, from S. B. Massachusetts, a lot of Mix. suuri dried Hides. Also, a lot of dressed Deer Skins. Apply to may 29-4 t. A. BRELEN. NOTICE ALL persons Indebted to the estate of Aarcn Bart, deceased, late of Pitt township, arc requested to make payment to the undersigned Executor, and those having claims or demands against said Estate are re. quested to present the same for settlement. GEO. COCHRAN. No. 26 wood st• may 29-3wd¢w MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION IMPROVEMENT. PROPOSALS will be received until the 10th day of June next, for completing locks and dams numbers Three and Four of this work. The eontractors to Sad the necessary materials, labor 4.c., and to receive pay. went from the tolls of the lock.; after the work Is tinisked., The proposals to he aCd rrs.ed to the etibs:criher, Wal F.llll RA UM , President ni Board of Manner*. may 29-1 M SHOT. 51 - 1 KEGS of SHOT nasoited. for sale by JAMES MAY. FOUND IN Allegheny city on Sunday evening the 21st lest. a Gold Pella!, which the owner can have by eepiis at Smith 4- Spanzler's Tailor Shop, Federal latter. as* and paying expenses. may 23-315 J. I). CREIGH, .RTTORNEY il T 1,31 r. Office, corner of Smithfield and Third Streets, Prrrenimou, Perms. may 25, 1843-Iy.s SHELL OYSTERS At the Trestren Exchange, No 9, Mw. • ket street m y 37 L. HARP E R, Attorney and Counsellor al Law, CA1317., HARRBON COUNTY, 01110, •VIII attend promptly to the collection or racially of claims, and all professional business cotrusl,ll to 110 cart in the mantles of Harrison, Jefferson, Belegiut. Guernsey, Tort-armrest, Holmes, Coshocton, Carnal; Stark and rrayke, Refer to: Mttealf and Loomis, DalZell and Fleming, rttirlrtrit. John flarper. D. T. Morgan, may 21.-1 f. A N ORIDIN %NCB ID reference to the Plttsburgh and roilliel.swilte Railroad. Be it ordained Q enacted.hy the citizens of Ritts'gh, la $e tecla ¢ ContmonCotincil assenibled.That an election shall he hold for the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of tiro "taxable inhabitants" of the city of Pittsburgh, on the subject of an additional tax of twenty five thousand del. Inn per annum, proposed to be assessed to pay the Wel , est on the suhseript 1011 of three hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of said Company, by the city afore. said. 2nd, That the Mayor shall Issue his proclamation for such election, as lb other races, ;Ovine at least len days notice thereof, and such erection shall be held ou the thirteenth day of June. at the usual places in the several wardrif said c tv; and shall be conducted as per's' as may he, like other elections. by the Judges arniAlltspee. tors of said words; and tie opened and closed at the saute hours, And in case of the neglect or refusal of paid Judges and Inspectors to attend at the proper time le their respective wards for the purpose of holding add election,then the taxable inhabitants on the ground shall proceed to elect other Judges and Inspectors whose duty it shall be to conduct said election. That all commits shall IT entitled to vole at such election svito may be legally authorised to vote for May or and Councils of the city, and shall moreover Miele paid a tax to the said city within the last twelve mOutba; and the tickets or ballots shall IT In tile following term ' and subscribed with the proper signatures of the persotis • presenting tha same, viz: For the Taz of $25.000 per annum. F_lgned, "Against the Tar of 25,000 per menus Signed, ".4. And the Mayor ts authorised and required to have such tickets printed n o good writing paper, and distributed In sufficient numbersamongst the several wards kr ego,' proportions. 4th. Duplicate returns ofsaid election shall be made within twenty-four hours from the closing of the poi% by the oftice's aforesaid, to the Presidents of the Select' and Common Connells respectively, and said Presidents shall call a meeting of their respective councils In joint col vent lon to he hld on the sixteenth day of June, A. 011843,1 n the tooth of the Common Council, when and where said returns shall be opened and read, after which the result shall be entered on the records of the ice, pective Councils. sth. It shall likewise be the duty of said Judges and Inspectors, immediately after counting the ballots and making up the reiurnsas aforesaid, to return the ballots to their boxes, which shall be sesled up, and deposited with one or other of the Cerks of Councils, who shall produce the same at the said meetings of the Councils in joint convention as aforesaid, at which time said ballots may again be counted. should any doubt exist of Ibe curacy or fairness of the returns. or a majority of the convention should deem It expedient. 6th.. The sumo! Doha s. or Ten Dollars fur each ward, is hereby appropriated to defray the expellees pf said e'ectlon, and the Mayor is authorised to draw hie warrant on the Treasury for the same, to be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated,and be charged to the contingent fond. • Ordained and Enacted into a Law in Councils thti MI day of May, A. D. 1843. Attest; E. J. Roserrs, Clerk A. MILLAR, Clerk uu N. ELDER, Attorney at Law .—Offiee in See l/ V and street,2nd door above the corner of Smithf eht. north side. IP: 29; 0 BOXES Young iiyfon Tea, loft received and for 2 fate by JENNINGS dr CO. may 27. 43 Woodall,- WARD & HUNT, Pelletlt. Liberty erosl7lli . rew doors below Bt Clair. W. BICH B President Common Council. JNO.SHIPTON, Presldea% Select Council. (may 31.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers