P"' 4 ' 4 lllfri K 223 PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Jr. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH ITS. +P.ams.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in thrinee. Single copies TWO DENTS—for sale at the 'lllterzAter of the Office, and by News Boye. -Ir r ikop,.. Mercury and 'Manufacturer poilialted WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double Needham sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad. Vaiitie. Single copies, SLX CENTS. Terms of Advertising. ~ . • TER IN:WARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: r. 'ane Insertton. 0,501 One mon th , itaoo -4 .• 4.0 insertlons, 0.75 Two monis, 6,00 •,-= Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 ::. ''''One week, 1.50 Four months, 11,00 Two weeks, 9,00 Six menthe, 10 It; .. - Three weeks. 4,00 One year, • 15,00 YEARLY A DVS RTISEM EATS. :-. CH•IIIIX.XBLX AT PIX•BilllIi. One Simare. T &posers t ill months, $19.00 Sir mon th. , $23,00 04e year, 25.00 One year. 35,00 - 117 , Larger advertisements In prorortion. (7A REIS of four fines SIX DOLIdatS a year. -. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C: • CtTT Porr Orrice. Third between Market and Itiood ?1111treets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. s wireeeleyoutim, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter bnlidtaks—Major John Willock, Collector. CITY Tenant:rim Wood between First and Second greets—Jarsa A. Bartram, Treasurer. COUNTY TREAstntir, Third street, nest door to the 71014 Piesbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. klArtrea Herter, Fourth, between Market and Wood 4 1Nreets—Alexander Hay, Mayor, 111encearea Extustaer. Fourth, near Market et. BANKS. . • losasaastaisis,isetween Market and Wood streets, on `+!i•ltrd.aad "earth streets. , • mearmorre &WO MANUFACTURERS' *Ro FARMCRS' Dr. • 4. 40111' 11,111 M (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between 'iroed and Market infects. Remeinct, Fifth street, near Wuod. lIITELS. 1 110110SCIAUCLA. HOUSE, Water street, near the Bridge. Examine' Flom., corner of Penn and St. Clair. licacisaaTa' norm., corner of Third and Wood. Aulttcals ilo - rct.,corner of Third and Smithfield. Minima Srarav, corner of Penn saver( and Canal. Sez&io Eactus, Liberty street, near Seventh. MANSION F 100911., Liberty St. opposite Wayne Bactinsuarr Marston Holism, Penn St. opposite Canal. (ROBERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L W. —offire rem() •red to dakewell•s offices on Grant st., neat ly onposiie *re new Court Douse, next rooms to John D. Mahon, dog floor. snit 10 UGH TONER, Attch nes at Law, North East corner of Smil bfield and Fourth streets. sop 10-1 y lIVICANDLESS & IrCLITRE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court house, Pittsburgh. sep 10 iSHIUNK f FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth at., above Wood, Pittsburgh. sep 10-I y. THOS. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law, Fin It, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. set) 10—ly %AT M. O'HARA ROBINSON, Atiornev al Law; V °Mee on the north side ofthe Diamond.i.eiwee•l idarket apd Union st reels. upstairs ,pp 10 AI. DURBORAW, Attorney RE Law; tenders I , his professional services to tlit, public. Office on Fifth Street. nhove Wood, Ptllltshurelt, sP p 10 •Ereyrea 131.1431 tN Arroreeys at Law. °litre renantred fr he Dtamond, to ..Attnritry'.Row," lady side of Fourth street, between slarket and Wont! mete Pep 10 nucKMANTEII i A.VRNEY AT LAW, hal reurovrd bis other to lit aret-'s Law Buthl - 'A no, Fourth sure!, above :Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Per 10 GKOROE W. 1.41",%^(7. Alt 3, +my at Law, Office N 0.54 F . 111!I street, near I lie ThealrP. sep 27-1 y RI ADE W .0;111 ":GTON, ArTORNEPATLAIV.—Office in Baken,ll',, Cram. street, Pittsbur:h. Nov, 5, 1842. JOHN J. MITCLIEL L— At torney at Law. office corner of SuittlTfield and sth sls .PfitelTurelf Cl:Y" eoliectlont made. A I !Tininess entrusted to tits Are will be promptly at , ended to. febl6--1r REMIOVA.L. R. Morrow, Alderman; otli e north side of Fifth et., between Wood and Smithfield els. Pittsburgh. Cep 10 DR. S. R. 1101.. M ES, Office In Second street, nett door to hlialvany kCo 's Glass Warehouse sett 10-1 y TOHAIScoN ¢ S TOOK TON, Booksettert. Printers ao Paper Manuraciurgn, No. 37, Marko! Ft. FrP 10-1 JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Wtier near the Monongahela House, Pillar tir2 h • @ ref) 10-1 y irli INAS It YOUNG. FICA NCIS 1.. YOUNG. THOS. B. YOUN( St CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, t,orticr of (laud st. Each:thee Alley. Pentona wishing to purchase Furniture, will iliut it to heir advantaae to give as a call, being fully .atisted that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 66 IIIBLB. PLAN fATION MOLASSES. receive‘i per Steamers Little Ben iittid Fulton,sand for J. G. t A. GORDON 12 Wafer street 1ICIIOL•11 D. COLtY Of • 1.;Osla R. COLEMAN COLEMAN ¢ CO.,Genent Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchtnit Z..e'vee Si tem, Vickiti!li g Alias They respecifulikiMici t ecksisrhnenit, W EBB CLOSET'S and Shoe Manufacto• ry, No. 83 Fouri.:4 St., nest door to Ilse U. States Ladies Praaella, Kid and Satln Shoes made in tois neatestmanner,and by the newestiE'rench patterns. step 10 41GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades . I'M purl:Wing Trowels, Eddie', Tools, Budding tntires,tibding SC Ores, 'Pruning Shears, etc., Jusl re• e erved 'and for - iib.le by F. L. SNOWDEN. :sip'lo 18 1 1 Merv," areet, head of Wood. 311 . 'Wier RATESIWANKS, for proceedings in at rackets/re under the late law, for sale at this Office B LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— To'be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on i g Goa paper,and In the forms approved by the Court,tor saic t Mae bike of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 WM. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and shoe hi anufaeturer, No. 101, 'Phird 8 , reel, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh set, 10 II( AS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To race°, Falter. M 111 and Timber Screws; /batmen Screws for Rolling Mlllaotc. sep 10--Iy IFORN 111 7 CLOSKEY, Ta ilor and Clothier, Liber.y •P strati, between Sixth and Virgin alley, SOW' side. eep 10 4. A. CORDON, Commission and Forwarding J • Merchants, Water et., Pittsburgh. sep Birmingham 451 c. Co. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MER. MINTS, No. 60 Water street, Pitlsburgh Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 Ng. Commissions on Purchases and sales 24 per ecnt. Mar 22, '43 S. MORROW, MANUNVICTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iror - Ware, No. 17, Fltlli st., between Wood and Mar— Keeps constantly on band a good aasnitment of wares, 10611 'Niche a share of public patronage. Also. on band, kbefollmoing articles: Shovels. Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mille ,tc. Ater cheats and . others arc invited to call and examine for thernssivas, at be is determined Risen cheap for cash or apptereti.." dr. IMlty -..- mroiNING - rest _ . . HAILM AN, JENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dealers ir. Pittsburgh Afauskjvctstres No, 43 Wood street. Pittsburgh. LIAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. A gents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns THOMPSON HANNA JAMES TCRMBUI L. H ANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood at., where may be had a general supply of writing, wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school hooks, c, 4-c. scp 10—ly C. TOW NSCND 4- CO., Wire Workers ortd Manufoentrers, No. 23 Market si reel, between 2d and :id streets. sep 10-1 y IXCIi ANG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair I streets, by Mclit RBI N 4- SMITH. sep 1 0-1 Y B ROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.—Ud wa•d Flushes. Nlanninriiirer of Iron and Nails liVarebouse N 0.25. Wood sep 10 —ly N GOODS.—Pre.:IO,I 4- Mackey,wh,.legatea ud retail dealers in English, French, ard Domestic Dry Goods, NO. Pol, Market sit , Pittsburgh. rep 10 THIN M'DEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectif%ing PJF Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No- 224 Liberty Street, Pitts loteriek. sep 10 Wti.i.t .M Fl. Wtt.r.tasts Jelin S. DI IMORIII 7 LLIAMS & DlLWOR'rll.—Wholesale Croce', Produce. and CommigAion MerelianlF, and dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. Fen 10 )01IN B.STIERIFIr J.t . N. lis.kt+ QIIERIFF & 10E,1Y , Manurartur.•r:. of Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, Nu SO. Front et., Pitts. burgh. Flouse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. sep 10 C. DAVID SANDS, ATCII S. CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pius- CEA 'Xi', DEAL/'R I.V WA7'CI. IES,CLOCKS. BR EASTPINS F/..\ - C. ER RINGS, CHAIN'S. K EIS. COMBS. pep 11.1 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.—A full Fupply of Landiet h's Garden Seed, , , always on hand, and for sale at his a:racy the Dru:2.. store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 1&4 Liberty street, head of Wood pCMOV Al. —Mali hew Jones, Barber and Pair Itre:a. e.r, has removed to Fourth at reel, opposll e Ile May ors Office, where lie will lie happy I upon ;iernia tient ur transient customers. lie solicits a share of public pat • pep 10 JOAN 11PFAHLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet ar-ker, Third at. between Wood 4. Market streets, respectful thrums his friends and the public that lie is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Snieboard. Bu reaus,Chuirs, Tables, Bedsteads. Stands. Hair and spring Mattrasses, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering work, which lie will warrant equal ,o any made In the rite, and on reasonable terms. g , P 10 1 .1 ,: r. c t i r i I ~; ea r ~, t il l :1 0 7 i d r e i s n i o r e y e , i d ,. to wherel:a. i 10 1::* :eT h f ct l vi L :e — e — n T %. l N l " P on ' . 4 1 I hey will continue the W !mfr...ale Grocery land Comm's- Rion irtßine‘c and would re..pcclinlly , olicii the 'II ro, ay.e of their friends 1. W. BU I: li I: I 11l I: 4. Co. Dec :3 DE. A. PITI E P se) N. ?:lire 0 ,, near BIAIII. -e0 Ili A 8 - I‘7`._ .. A. • i LI a • F LA RE nEnror.D. 11s stA., Limit fly moteANT , RAIL ROADC•IIP, front P.ll-Ablir2ti, V!.i lietif.ml, Chamhprsiklif:, li:trri , lnlr: and I.:lnc:l,ler, in Pliihtlet pliia, rniinecling oaili Ole 'Alai! train of Curs to N A. kr, (lilt!: 1511 noles cto, , iny and one ntt:ltt oat. A IRO. 1 11, 111reri line fo It:thin:ore. rare In Philadelphia .V.f • Ballimnre, II f..cavt s do ,ly at II &clock A. 'AI, . Office second door tter„,., Ile Mrrt ham: II Wel Won:l , t MENDELL, GP. All l NI, WAUC:II 4.. I - ., fel, 23, 18-11-Iy. Proprirlorti. THE CR EAT CENT!: kl, Run F. t \A'l ROAD AND !SAL - PI:001U Ail) 01110 ft All. lilt k COMPANY. Torni4 • it 5,14,. ., VEtCloie of LT. S. M. II Coaches for Ira:, hi gton Clip. 1.1 Baltimore. Philadelphia a , of New York. Thin line is in full opera! tort and leaver it l¢iOlrgh dall y at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washin7ion Pa. a to nal intuit width Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will flod this a npeedv and comfortable route, it bets separate aril distinct Pithrhuteh and Cuin!•erland line. facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En tra roaches fortiklied at the shot test riot ire, wito the privileer of acing titrotigh direct, or taking cue night's rest al their option. For tickets, apply at our office at theMonnonbela !louse. L. W. STOCKTON• 3d—dif • President of N. R. Slace Co. NEW ROUTE. EN TIRE NEW COACHES! FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. 'United States Express Line Leaves Pittsl , nr2ll dai'y, at 2 o'clock. P. x, via Stearn. boat to itrownewille, thence in n le nrlid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in superior new eight wheeled cars, to flallimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The ahoy, fine k r , pre-ented to the trnveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern CilieS for comfort and expedition, having made arrange melds to ronvey pa.pencers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare to Balthno,e, 810. Office in the Monongahel a Hon?e • A. HENDERSON CO., Stage Proprleto ml d 3 }I4CTS SPEAK FOR THENSELPRS--TRUTH Is CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap or my knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Faculty --all in vain war cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand• reill'sLinament, or External Remedy. Witness my band JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tr. Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr, Brandreili's Eximual Remedy or Liniment; sold at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-_ 50 cents per bottle. feh B. JUS7' RECEIVED. Twelve hoses of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and retail. by W6l. TIIORI4, feb 5: Market st. 20'000 LES Cotton inrusi assorted Nos. 2,000 It.N. Batting, 2,000 a Caudle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HALLMAN, JENNING.; & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 11 WL FOR iLILE.—A ot.w Clinker built Yawl Y (McNaugrucn'e build) for sale low for cash: A p ply to BIRMINGHAM 4- co ; ap 18 No 60 Water et f ANIEL 31. CURRY, Attortiey al Law. Of. fire on 5111 st tetween Wood and Smithfield. ap tf. IaIDE4SE'S HO.IR110(7.1VE0 CANDY—Ty'mar has rereived this day from New York. a fr,sh supply 0.. the above celebrated cure for Couzhs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply cipdornersat wholesale or retail. at his Medical A:ency, 86 Fourth et. nov 13 D AVID CLARK, .9g't. Fashionable Boot Xaker,— Hes removed to N0..14 ltlarket street, between Second and Third streets, where lie would be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize hint. lie uses nothing but first rate steel., and emptuys the best of workmen; and as he gives Ins constant personal attention to business, he truststhat lie will deserve abd receive a Gar share of patronage. set) 10 BETAS, F RUIT, ICE UREA 61, 4. CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their reexon, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, he' we' n Rood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or an) in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. rep 10 E VANS'S CAIIIO,IiILE PILL L S.—A HuA HAM J. CLEAIER, residing at 66 Mott si reel, New York, was afflicted with Dyspeptia In Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were Violent head. ache. great debility, fever, costiveness, eongh, heart. born, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appei he, secani ion of sinking at the sioniach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent Yomitinga, dizziness towards night and iestleneas. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on conatilliug Dr. Wm. Evans. lUD Chatham street, and culimiiiing to Ills ever successail 9nd agreeable mode of ireatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short apace of onemont and grateful tor thr. incalculable benefit der's , . ed. gladly came forward and volunteered tire ribose state For sale Wholesale and Retail try UNION C'OTTON KIC TOR F. Prices Reduced. Short Reel Yuen. I Long Reel Yarn. No• 5 at 14 etc per lb I 500 nt 8 cts per dz 6at 14 ditto d, , t . I 600 70) z a l t i ( . 6 1 ditto di t t 7 at 14 o 8 at 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9at 14 ditto 900 nt 41 ditto 10 at 14 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto randlewirk at 15 cis per ti. 13 at 141 ditto Com Batting • 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Family do. i 12 ditto 15 at 153 ditto Carn't Chain i 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Corn To hie • 25 ditto 17 at 161 ditto Stocking Yarn and IR at 17 ditto coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand. 411 :11 1R ditto ;ration Warp. made to order 1," Orders promptly ittlentirtl to. left at J te• C. Pninter',.l.ogan d• Krotied) 'F. or the Po.t office. addrmis feb 27. J. K. MOOR II EA D g Co. T "Emhgrrilicr has removed tits Fashionable I-1010ring Finattlightitetti to the Mononcithela house, :3d door from firci .1. on %mil litield al.where Witold customers and on °the! , who mar favor hint with a call may depend on havinc I Itch work done in a sltier)°, Style. From his Infig type, lent.. In the thin coy, ao4 In ninny other fitsitionaltlc col*. In Europe and .Arnertra, he foclv colintlclit that lin ran give cati , jorijot, 10 all who liar a..• to favor bin) with n r 3111,1 ntienlin n to lott.sior,• and vurverinr , v 4 .rkltiinship 11e liner ; to myth and rurrivt , a slot, of I,llbilr pairowl:P. Ile irtend keeping un bawl a .ititl.tc ”1" ....curd- and I rin,iiiing,,Fnila`de ftir the 'ii , lntner I pH ' e, c_ltisricorth. Knife tea. 101, /Of ra , fes , of bun and wounds, n here ;nonfat:l LV iipprel.efill. if. 1./ sorb sharp Prar o.r. kr: iio !ill - 1 frill Pahl r‘trartrr, from 71 Mold. fl Lane is :4 rat alio, f!Tiptelit ifrevr Ili'' , of uhf lf. a , ...11 Mart eold rt. r I or filtrate of gal, , The a pplteat no; ot.lerfttl ...lord It rfitofirris the lust fiii ...at,' if the Ivfinn.l, scald, low, or hill," 1., in.! d Fortin vital to n ~der ' • lre iff. 1 11 1,1 n yet y Ppnep tutu 0 , 1• !lie par; off, fled to a mooed ar.tf I.t afiftv q:ite cif air rip ei)ind Tills preparation fir a'irq a r rrlaln If flif (IV for oi 11 wird irerro, broken brpfl,f find , (1, tijrp'f• and all pl.raxini,,, and. nl Iffflft of liar I‘lireePP nx n rare for lie pnps ;We're' and the you, iris for iti e.ura live propr.ri ix, are front the in xi rrnt , e, fable and en. It MrunJ 50tIrrea —Herald. For sale nt Tuttic's, 86 Fr:ordi ,itrret: 13/IFXO.III.E.VON C 1 I i:Alfti TR East D,c__enlois the hair and will not Ulf' skin I'l.is 11)c e , in t form of a Powder wild In plait, matte. nr tart may be apt tied to the hair over ni•zlit, the first nicht ttirnin?, the itlitrst nr grey hair 10 dark brown; and by rivealing a sermid or third ne2lll, to a Jet black. Any twrson may, this...fore. with the lect.t possible trouble:. keep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive arrurance I bat the powder If applied to the akin will awl color it. There is no enlorine in this statement. as any one may easily test 'These rhos are warranted by the them's; who manufactures it. For yak at TUTTLE'S,' St; Fourth street, where a large rte....ori merit or Patent medicines may always be had at (Allier whore , ale or retail ..1.11 ES W. 11.411 .V.BN 4. Jolty-F JENNIXOS • have entered into partnership fur the purpose of trans:l(llm! n Wholesale Grocery; Pt educe end Commis, sion business under the firm and style of II A ILM AN. JENNINGS 4• Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Alerehan B'll lei, where a supply ofGroceriesand Pitts burgh M ottferitired .4 Weirs ran alway.l be bad on Ilbe at term.. March 17 '43. te ' D. M. DA WSON, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. No 61 Liberty, between Market and Gth streets WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Pitts burgh, and the public In general that he e.ontinses tnrarr y on above busitims In all Its Vat ious branches unite attove stand; where he wilt always keep it genet al mt-oriment of all articles in his line, all of which will he made in the same manner and of good materials, and will lie dkiiriseii of On the moat moderate and ac coinmodat ing terina. Country Merchants and other dealers will find it to their:advantne to call and examine his stuck before pur. chasing elsewerre. Steamboats; Honses anti sort frees roofed with copper. zinczi le, lead and iron 011 the shortest notice; Gutters and Conductotsinade and put up with despatch a. usual. apr 5. IVILLI Ait DOHERTY, H AT and Cap Manut,eturer. 148 Liberty at, between Market and Sixth. ap 10— 6m. on dic Son FRANKLIN Sanders HOUSE, PIIILAIJELPIIIA. 91HIS elegant establishment has been in operation dur. ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding, the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietora a,full compensation for their labor and atten ton Its location heing In Chestnut street, In the !m• mediate neighborhood of the Post (Mire, the exchange, Ranks, the Steamboat landing, the most hardness part of Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to :he business community or those visiting, the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arranflment, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in n style of elegance or economy stilted to his not lons or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of get ting that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old Mande, and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. For Rent. IVOR a term of years. Two building lots on the bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the Cay hoe. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY R. E. SELLEAS, A gen!. No. 20. Wood street, helow Second Cheap for Cash. Removal. Don'tjarget ! RG Karrth strut COPA It NERSIIIP. D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. 'filen Pllls arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removiox those complaints peculiar to their eex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections; Th'ese Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Ur+ led States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Lteiall. by R. C. SELLERS, Acetic. sep 10 No. 20. Wood St reel. below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Sho• Maker, Liberty St., opposite the Aced of Smithfield et., Pittehuno.— The subscriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomos Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old vend of . Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, In the hest manner and on.the shortest notice. lie keeps cor stonily on hand a large assortment ofehoe findings °fall descriptions and of the best quality. Fie Wicks the patronage of the nub ile and of tile croft. WM. ADAIR. sop 10 prrrs.eußGyiMANUFACTOßY.—Springs gad Axles for . Carriages at Eitaterlt Prices. The subser,ihers manufarture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and Filmic Springs (vrarrarded,) Juniata iron Axles, Silver and Drafts plated Dash Frames, Braes and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, Talent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Tron, Door Dandles and Hinges. , e. D.SELLERS, M. D.,o,ftiee and dwelling, In Fourth, . near Ferry Street. sea 13-17 LOOK AT THIS. The attention Iftho•e who have been Romewhat !teen tient In reference to the numerous certificates published in favor °Mir. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry. on :termini nfihe perrions Nein± unknown in this *PC Lion of the State, is reFpertfully directed to the followine rertifirate, the writer orwhich has kern a Pillzen of this borough forseveral years. and IP known as a gentleman of Inte;rity and responsibility. To the .9 vitt , Mr. J. KIRBY. f have used Dr. Swa tine's Comp nod Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cone', with which I have been severely n flirted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saving that it lathe moil efleclive medicine (hall have been aide to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and arrees well with my diet .—and moot:tins a regular and rood appetite. I ran freely recommend It to all others similarly afflicted. J.1%11 Borough of Chambersh`r. March g. 1140. PeP 23 ror 'OP by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. nr:RSONg de*irouti of prom:rine Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental 'Freer', or Shrubbery, from Philade!. plia or Nrw York, are mine:led to make application an noon as rXII.I‘II,IP, at the Doty and Seed Store of the rob. erriber, where can be had catalognee, gratultoonlv. of the ano<t exerllent na rietlea. F. L. SNOWDEN, 'Pen 21 No 184 Liberty unreel. head of Wool' AV ILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait end Pieture Frame Manufacturer, No: 87, Fourth Stetter Pittsbater,l. —Canvas:a Rrnalics. Varoleb Ire., for A rile's. a Tway. on hand. Lookinx Magee. 4tc, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short eat notice. Pn rticularnttentlon paid to reOldlngind Jobbing ofev rry dexcrio!lon. r Persons filtine np ?team floats or houses will find It to heiradvant-seto rep 10 M : STEELS. (successor to H. M`Clorrkey; Fruth -10,)F de Root Maker,l,lberty FL, 2d door from Vie2itt Alley, Tire tul,Frriber respectfully Informs the ;+lll.lirt hat he has commenced lite above booing -sr' in the shop formerly ocentd,`,/ 1, 17 Mr. henry M.CloskeYr and that be Is now prepared to attend to all orders in his tine OftreAlnr., with despatch and on the ..nost reasonable From his Innr ezperlenee in II:, manufacture of rashionable nom!, be feels confident that all article* iron, his establishment %Alit riVO! X:l l lPrattioll to his pa irons. A slime of public pat rona;c is respectfully eft. Fell 10 //i/) SEEDS A f rto 'apply of Pert Seed}, con Ostia:: of Canne urn no if Can.; just received by rei, ssenvDr.s. 1411 T.llicrty et. IL DON AGM Porla'dy iclorai Scale , to rip, to 11,421 , 2,500 Ills, at *55 hi , . do do do do 2,005 al 1.15 00 do do d u do 1.5110 al 35 00 do ,to do 1,000:0 :10 00 do do clit do 500 at 25 00 With Uwe,s au actin' ion or S 3 to each settle, Dormant scales ior the u•e of Warehouses, Flouring Mills, Ire—the same prices as above. Abe, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from R to $l5, They also , manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring ADM., Saw Mills, Salt Works, ke„ double and singe geared slide tat hes,foot and other lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing marhines, door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse puwer, with or without thrashing tnachines, a superior article: circular saw Shafts, machines for sawing laity, Tinner's ma chines anti t ootsofaildescriptlons,atso for making black Ing hoses,a superior article; governors for steam engine stocks, taps and dieis. coffee mills. bedstead or joint hots and mar binery t'or making the same. cotton factory ma chinery mule or repaired• printing press plattens turned and printing presses repaired JAMES 51:1 V, Agem . sep ' , Misr: 4- BR ADRITRY W M E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Piii.4hurzli, Pa . Office in 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. Wit.clAst E. Antertn, Esq., will give hisaitention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. sep 10—ly riIItrFTSHURCH CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LI BR A Rl' of Religious, Historleal,Polli ical,and CPi leneous Works, will be open every day, Saldiath ex. cepted. "rpm 7 o'clock, A. M.,until 9, P. M., In the Ex• change Bullding,corner of St IClalr streetand Exchange alley. wnere ?unctnal attendance will be given by eep 10 J. CEMMIL. _ _ NEW YORK DirER O - - - SEE NIMES, would respectfully Inform his friends Vend the public In general,that he dies Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants ftem not to smut, and to look equal to hew goods. He dyes fancy colors of all deseripthins on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of eentlemen'selothing, so as to resemble new goods, Mr. H. flatters himself Chet he can please the, public, as he has done an extensive business in New York fop twenty years. All work done on moderate terms at its establishment in sth st, between WOod and Smithfield nett. the Theatre. fC Thi iis tn certify that OSEE HEWES has done work for us, which has fully answered our expectations, and we Coneider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, .Wm. Barnes, J. B• Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boies, Joseph French, jr., Andrew PurdY, W. B. Boles, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shoekey, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20th. JOHNSON & DUVAL. zrooKsixiDEßl .111i7) P.APER RULERS CONTINEM business at the stand late of IdeCandles t Johnson. Every dmeripifon of work to their tin neatly and promptly executed. may 8- ly JOINTER. S. MILES/ AN. St.. Clair gi.. hear g! e Agieggieny litriAre No. 1, rort ble Platform braies on IN o otlltll 3500 onlods.ill $65.- 00. CERTIFICATE PROSPECTUS' For puMshial a nem Daily Payer in tAe City of Pitts burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. T HESubscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsbulgh Mercu• ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Alerting Post. The leading object of I tie ' , POST" will be the dissemiha lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat tertand occurrences that come properly within the sphere oft Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently in erestina to entitle It to the patronage of the public, it of party conaideratiOnS. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the "Nominz Post," the Editors will take pains' to furnish the bitsinessa community with the latest and must Interesting COMMERCIAL INTELLI. CIVICS from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terse.—The POST will be published en a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable In advance. It will also he sold by newt-boys at (lie low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Adaertiaenevta will be inserted at the lowest rates , charged by the other daily papers of the city. rs-T WENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. Ainnst 31. 1842. Morrison 4. Co. London, for sate only by S. IN Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and 11. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 111 11 ' 10, .0 rewriters skonld select Boats provided with Foars.s Safety Guard:, for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers. IT would be well for the Intveling community beat In mind that their sorority depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that Lave or may lie at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making matt selec ion is eontrit?u ling towards a general introduction of an invention ad• minted by all men who undetstand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative alpinist thoie dreadful Ministers You have co. tainly, la the licintlceds of explosions that have already taken plate, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warnins, and inducement to make Inquiry for a Safety guard float, and in every rase to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be serlire 6(10( you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of linciality, and by your preference show that yi.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw fill sacrifice of human lifc. They do not Chars , more tbnn other boats; their :accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many eases siigieriur; and as there ts one leaving Pittsburgh t very day, why will you run any rick, when it is so com• letely In your own' power to avoid those disasters. improved Flay innufariored be their Marhlnt •I. between •treel • t wn anee Hall, Pitta lanufaeture and land the follow ing scaleam ant ly composed of Ali hunts marked thus [.] In th e List of tiirrlv . als and Del artures. in another part of this pai.er, are supplied with the Safely Guar I. List of Boats provided frith the Safety Oxezili. ALPS, MENTOR.. AGNES. MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A RQ,UETTE, BREAKWATER. M UN(;O PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, DIONTGOmp:Y CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, - NAR AGAN SETT, DIKE al ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, Oita), FORMOSA, ORLEANA, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, , IDA; SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, 3 Sp' - ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLEYRAND, VICTRE 5 AI,LIT FORGE, WEST' WIND. AsfILAND; 131: IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE. BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EAIMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO P 1 ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE.I BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN 1. CLLIPPLR, mar, 21 FOWLER'S PATENT BED STEAD. MANUFACTUR ED rat Wm. Ls:rattan's Cabinet Shop No. 69 Second street, between Wood am Smithfield. where a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced prices for cash. The superiority co( these Bedsteads, consist in the foci. enings, which for durability abd ease in Miffing up and taking down. it not equ 'Bed by any other now in use —and to all such as would consult their own comfort fn their nightly slumburs, it should be remembered that all classes of the bug faintly are fastened on by these fastenings. ritigli a for Counties, Districts or Slates for sale by JOHN FOWLER, Patentee. We, the undersigned, do certify that we have sxmn. lard the above Bedstead Fastenings, and have nn hesita• tion in pronouncing them the best now in use. —coming up fully to the representation In th.:aboirel•advertiset meat Wm. Graham), Jr., Wm.lrylo. John A. Gill. ■p V.-2m FOR SAFETY. r Joseet.Coltart Jae,ob Vogdes, George Steger, DAILY MORNING POST 4. Frnm the N. 0. Picayune. IMPORTANT FROM TEXAS.. By the arrival of the steamship Nevi York, Captain Wright, we have Ga!Vested dates up to the 16th inst. The newe vvila be found of unusual interest. One of the most important items is the published fact that a large force left Texas 'early in the spring on another Santa Fe expedition, although this time their object is war, and not trade. Some time in March Col Snively received a commission to raise a body of 300 men in the frontier; counties of the northeast, for a deseeirt op. on Santa Fe and the capture of the tyrant Armijo and the traitor Lewis; and further to inflict suitable punishment for the bar— barous treatment visited upon the trading expedition under McLeod and Cooke. The GalVeston Civilian of the 16th inst. states that "the principal difficulty was, not to raise enough men, but to keep from rais. ing too many. Five bundled are knewd to be certainly in the field, and it is thought teat the force is nearer eight. The place of general rendeivous was Coffee's sullied —the time, the 15th of Apr The marl were to elect their own coinmander at thci place vf meeting, and march immediate:: The whole thing has been kept a seeref iin Texas—arid in this the ejitors of that country have pursued the wiser policy.- - - The calamities which betel the Santa Fel expedition were in part caused by too great pbbliCity given of its movements. • The route taken by the present expedl4 iron is to the south of Red river, only cross sing that stream when the road rendered it necessary. Military operations were le, be exclusively confined to the territory of Texas and of Mexico. The St Louis road Will be entered 150 mil:-.s from Santa Fe, within the territory of that department: Col Snively is a prurient, brave, kit& Meritorious officer; and if he is in corn; mend of the expedition, we may look l'oi the inoit favorable results: The Civilian says that ''the city of Santa Pe will be 'en tered, and, if it is deemed prudent, and the people of the country are able to distin; guish their friends and benefactors fiord the tyrants and blOod suckers who nobs op: press them; a descent will be made upon Chihuahua, and the whole of Northern Meiico may he revolutionized." By far the most important news brought by the New York, is the fact that Geri ' Houston has issued a proclamation Virtuak ly denouncing Corn Moore as a pirate, and making war upon the Mexicans con. trary to his (Houston's) orders. The ComModure is moreover 'charged with acts ofdtsobedience, contumacy, and mutiny, by Houston; is declared suspended from all, 'command in the navy of the Republic of Texas; and is ordered to report forthwith in person, to the head of the Department of War and Marine of ,that country. 'We n,,ev giVe the two concluding paragraphs of President Houiton in his own Words: ''Aricil do further declare - and proclaim; on failure of ebedienCe of this command. or on his having gone to sea, contrary 16 Orders, that this Government will no long er hold itself iesponsibee for h 1 acts upon the high seas; but, in such case, requests all the Governinents lo.treaty, or on ter mei of amity with this Government, and all na- Val:offieers on the high seas, or in ports foreign to this country, to seize the Paid post captain, E W Moore, the ship Aus tin, and brig Wharton; with their orbits, and bring them, o any of then . ); into the port of Galveston, that the vessels may be secured to the Republic, and the culprit or culprits arraigned arid punished by the sentence Of a legal tribunal. "The naval powers of Christendom ) Will not permit stint, a flagrant and unexathz p led outrage, by a commander of a public vessels of war, upon the rights of his na tion and ulion his official oath and duty; to paris unrebuked; for Such wt( old be to destroy all civil rule, and establish a pre 6rdent which would jeopardize the corn: merce of the ocean, and render encourage . merit and sanction to piracy." This proclamation is dated at Washing. on, on the 23d of March, and signed by Houston himself, and the acting Secretary of State, John Hall. It is seldom that we have been more as tonished than while reading this document of Gen Houston: We do not know how far Corn Moore has disobeyed the orders of the Executive of Texas, who has very probably commanded him to do many things he was utterly unable to obey; but, under the present circumstances, to thus publish him as a pirate and mutineer, is an act we never supposed Sam Houston. , Would be guilty of; and we are utterly iri 'a loss to imagine how he can justify his 'conduct. While Mexico is at war against the GoVernment over which he has t o rule; while armed hands from the former coun— try are continually making int - ea:le into - Texas, carryin,i, her citizens into the wont sipecies of captivity after destroying their property;—while all this is going on, art' ;officer of the Texan Government. prineid pally through his own exertions, ate . Ott: a little squadrdri to act against the comm o n enemy; and for so doing is publicly pen.. claimed an outlaw and a pirate 1 I louston may have reasons for this unaccountable course, but, for the lives of u , we cannot fathom them. In the meantime Corn. M, h as t h e epn _ p at h ) , and hest wishes of a!rnirst every man , in Texas; and even should be brought t& Galveston a prisoner, nut a triburpl erarlcf be foesd to try him. Should be sescesd in capturing the Mexican steal ers. eau* bringing them safely into the barber of Gat-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers