JUNE 1, 1842. lie;:ia'See the Theatre bill for to-night.- -- Joc.ito.Set appears in a new drama.— Min Cohen also appears in two dances. The last five or six mornings have been so cold that several persons have put up their stoves again. They might as well let them stand, for from appearances, win ter will be here before the summer is over. That poor crazy girl was in the streets again zinTnesday, follosted by crowds of boys, who ap peared to take great amusement in her wild be haviour, lies she no friends? We are informed she has, and that they hold sufficient prol.erty in her right, to provide her a comfortable home in the Insane Asylum. If this is so, they must be strongly callous nut only to the comforts or the poor girl, bid to the estimation in which the pub iio may hold their conduct. 4 A concise exposition or the Doctrine of Assocismoi, or Plan for re-organization ul Society, which will secure to the Human Race, li.dividually and coll..ctively, their happiness and elevation.(hased cn FOURIER'S plan orDOIdESTIC and INDUSTRIAL A SSOCI AT 10. Sr ) by A IMERT Ditisasxg." This is the title of a pamphlet contain ing 80 pages of closely printed matter, which has been received at the Spirit of the Age office, where it is for sale at the very low price of 18i cents. To thole who wish to know 'what Four ierism is,' and to gain a perfect knowledge of the scheme of Associated Industry which is now creating so much sensation in all parts of the Christian world, we com mend this work. Its main object is to show that our evils are social not political, and that Association is the remedy. Rec , ollect that it is for sale at 1 the Age office, 3d at. AbOiltioli Ticket. The following ticket was .lominated by the Abolotion Convention yesterday. Congress. Dr. %V Peniman, of Elizabeth tp. ..gssembly. John Walker, of Moon tp. James Clark, of Indiana Rob. Wilson, of Jelter. " Geo. H. Starr, of Ohio '. Sheriff. -James Jones, East Deer. Commissioner. Robert Wallace. Elizabeth. Prothonotary. W H Clarke, Allegheny. Auditor. Samuel Powers, Indiana. Coroner. James Robb, sth ward. Treasurer. Win Larimer, jr., Lawrenceville. We see it stated that the Lowell Rail road, which, when irnjected, was calcula ted by an intelligent committee to yield a nett ivcome of only 836,000 a year, has, by the facilities afforded by railroad corn munication, been increased to a nett reve nue of $160,000 a year; Head vs Heels. —An exchange aays Goldsmith sold one f his most popular works fors gniiieas. Fanny Elssler late ly danced at Bath and Bristol for 100 gui. nets each night. The time occupied was 20 minutes, being at the rate of 5 guineas per minute. is it to be wandered at, that the poor are starving, when folly is paid so welt? Colonel A H Sevier, United States Senator from Arkansas, is charged with using 811,000 for his own use, which sum was entrusted to him for the Real Estate Bank of Arkansas, and othPr purposes.— The Colonel, it is said, always frank and candid, admits that he has used ti'e mon• ey, but claims a right to have dune so.-- He has issued a "defence" of himself, in which he speaks so severely of certain persona. that a resort to pistols or small swords will undoubtedly be necessary. The horrors or war.--It has been esti mated by Thomas Dick, that since the cre atiop of the wurld, 14000.090.000 of b. jogs, (shout twice the present population of the globe,) have fdllen in battle. If the fore-fingers only of these beings were to be laid in a straight line they would out• reach more than 60,000 miles beyond the moon.—[Sp. Tim Uf ' &rattier New Barometer.—We find the follow- I CLEVELAND, ing information in an exchange paper. We EIARP Ificatvitttc, Master, will depart daily from rill:. bur g h at 9 o'clock, A.!SI „ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. to, hardly know whether it is intended for a For freight er passage, apply on hoard, or to hoax or.not. Gispert, a celebrated opti- BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water Btu - Tr. chin in Paris, has devised a new and cu-I N. B.—The rem, lar pimai paeLet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the rinue kind of Barometer, which is exciting Ohio canai,conner•Cur e with steamer Cleveland at Ben• mnair attention. It consists of a rural ver,ivill be in operation immediately on open. of mi;nay 'puma. mar ,G—tr. scene, in which two lovers are walking.— The lady carries a parasol, and the gen. damn' an umbrella. In fine weather the parasol is opened and raised, while the miabiella hangs in the hands of the gentle. man. At the approach of rain, the parasol is shut and lowered, while the umbrella is opened, and raised over the couple:— The affair costs forty francs, and sells very rapidly. From England, especially, the demand is very great. The Fourier Association at Skaneateles, New York, has commenced operatiora.— They have bought a large tract of land and are going ahead with energy. This is the fourth Association that has been es— tablished by the New Yorkers within two Seethe. They are about getting one up inlkfralo. That's right. Fourth Night of JOC-KOSOT, First Night of an emit* new Indian Drama WI tied JOC KO SOT; Or, The Banished Indian. Written by A. L. Pickering. Pritvious to which the laughable Farce of GRUMBLING; Or, The Two James's. After which - P. P.; OR THE MAN AND THE TIGER,: Man, Mr Pickering; Tiger, Mr Flynn. Two celebrated Dances MLLE LA JEUNNE CANADEENNE ML LE COHEN. For particulars see Bills of the Day. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to ccm mence at l.nlf past 7 Lower Boxer, 50 cents 1 Second Tie, 37icents Pit 25 • I Gallery 124 cans Suction Salto. .IT AUCTION. r H St eamlwat James Ross, now lying at the wharf JLat Pittsburgh, her furniture, tackle and apparel, in all respects in good condition and ready to take in a cargo, will be sold at pub& sale to the highest bidder, on Thursday the 15th June next, at 3 o'clock P. 51, The James Ross was built last fall, oft he bestlinnteriala and In the most snhstantial manner for low water; she . will carry 200 loos of freight. and is welt calculated for. passengers. For strength and lightness of draught, she is not excelled by any boat on the western waters Terms made known at time of sale. May 30—d5•wid Auction. FABXE;TOCEQ Co. 6 uecessois to J. B.C , ith• rie, at the old stand corner of jih and Wood sts having complied with the requisitions of the new Auc. tion Law. re prepared to make advances on t'onsizn ments and In sell no favorable terms. They hope by continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to receive a fair portion of business. Pitishureh, A pril Ist 1243 In retiring from the Auction htisine,,s. 1 fakeer,' t• pleasure in recommendinz in the public Sanine Faltnestock tt co.. who have romp,ied with the require mcnts of the new Auction I.aw and will do husiross at my old stand. J. B. GUTHRIE. april 31393. TO HOUSEKEEPERS 1 HAVE in my Ulholstery 11lattrass I Varehouse, n ...Renovator for cleaning, new and old Feathers, and I most respect telly invite tnose hay leg he& or Feailiers Worn 4. apparently tiscles , .to rend ab I neve t hem Hon rind. I undertake to resiore them and make them pettedly sweet and clean, and to take that oppressive smell which hells long in use acquire, from the Feathers not being properly furol at first. The machine fully answers the purpose intended; does not waste or injure the Feat herc; yet removes the mot It nnd dirt. New Fetters are dried of their excessive moisture and made first rate. m Noni.r...lrpholirrprer ; may Z 4, No 4. sv,a) fit.. near .he river Otr A I argena:ortm.rit of mwt raste r on hand. NEW GOODS! is; E W GOODS ! ! Dm LIP ROSS has returned from the T:ra,r•rn r ies X and is now receiylne a splendid a-sun inept of Fattey and Slap'• Dry Goods. to which the attention of pur. ha-ere i respectfully leveed. These Goods will he sold at eery low prices. Illy ..f Iberia at a great sacrifice. Pe 3008 IVishlnZ 10 110 r rlia,e will fuel II to 'heir .iiilV;it:lni:e to call al NO. 39 corner of Ala r!srt a r.d Fourth rirnels. bore bider b. ratting vril! tw offered than can be afforded hy :Iby oilier eflablishionnt i n the oily. may 19. t'arriaw,e% lUr %ale. rwe lot of Ert , terit ard tali roltif IL. Carriages—for one or tivo tior , rs—for sale by JONES'S- COLENIA N. ITIRV 22. SI. Clair street itnr-A!Fo, fnr n fra NJ*, Of Snmniqh I , '()flN 1) NOTE f hand C. , r I'trry Dot.v.kns. The own,r can have dr.cribioz II and payior Gar !hie verti., , ement. Enquire at he office of the l'osT. man 2:2—tf. REGULAR I PArIiETS, FOR CINCINNATI. The Swillsore, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at lit o'clock n. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, [Eaves every FtiJay at 10 o'clock a. to The Monienmery, Bennett, Master, leaves every sat_ drday nt {0 o'clock a. in. Tlie Express Parkilson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock n. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & ('O. may 20, Agents. {PTO THE LADIFS.—IV Ity do you not remove , that superfluous hair you have upon yonr froeheads and upper tip By cllllog at TrrTLE's. 86 Fourth fit., and obtaining a hotth , of Courabes Pondre. Polities, which will renmee It at once without affecting the skin. You can also Muni. Gouraud's truly celnerated Eau de Beanie, Which o ill at once remove all neck!, s, pimples, pm!, tions GO:the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair; and to those who %visit to 05,101 nature by adtitiL! more Color to their cheek., they rail obtain FOilie ce.ebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot be rubbed irdreven by a wet cloth, Also may he found a good assortment of Perfumery, such te+ CoMgne, Bears' Oil, Almond, r4l7r, Windsor; and other Soups. Retuemlier. at Tuftle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd Druggists and others can be supplied itWhotesale and retail terms. 13ROPOSAL3 will he received at the office of the City Water Workituttit uesday the 30th of May, at 6 o'clock, for:grading and paving O'Hara street from the Engine House of the New Water /rot ks, to the east side of Liberty street ; ROUT. MOORE, Pittsdurgh, May 26 . 1141 • Superintendent. Regular Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. The fast runninz and well knowr MO the Honorable the Judges of the court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Allegheny. The pillion of H. M. Moodie, of the dth ward of the city of rittsburgh, in the county afore said, humbly chew• eth, That your petitioner has provided himself with materials for th aecommodAtion of travelers nerd others, at their dwelling house in tie city and ward aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a puidlr house or enieria nment. And your petitioner as In duty bound will pray We, the subscribers, citizens of the 4th ward of the city of Pittst tire), do certify that the ritspie petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and are well provided with house room and conveniencies for the accommodation and lodging of strati:we and others{ and that said tavern is necessary. Dennis Leonard, Frederick Fluke, James McShane, James McKenna, V. Fehl, Riehard Weldon, G. o. IV, Smith, Robert fluffy, James Armstrong, Thomas Scott, Dam= Downy, ' .D.Drennen. May 31-3 t • CEO. COCH R A N. Ex' r of A Hart's estate INF()WAIATION WAITED. I rv; the alb day of November last, a Fun of the I,li. rirriber ranted J., NIES KELLY, limn about 9 yr:.r.: (.1 age, left his 'liaise: he Wag .men a ferr days aft er i n ! - Hiiirlisitii%ll Ile has a fair complexion arid fair hair anti is rather heacHy built, On 'lie :111,11 of the ...ante motif 11, Ins lir., r. a boy then aged rdittei tun ears, also Went aw a y Ili, ratite i> EIM A !IDKELLY: he hits rid lair nail dart: errs. It la nro' , alie that kith the , boys may den% their Irhe name= rued nsc ine ul IterA „..en in. form:dim) rortrereiae them !warn r.ftt lir received afflirlial part at°. JOHN KELLY. mnv 9 Troop ern C()I . N TY el)N1 ISSION 1-', R. A7' I he solid, at ion of :t nun nor of lilt re, of ,lI pal oh,' pail tr , , 1 re-errtftilly over n rcrtf he eon ,idmaimn or Try Irliow•fil'retiri er the Other f t Gorton Comnii , ainner. That any gentiments nny not be mlotn derst nod, en tiro a, to political or private affairs. I Ina Kr free In say OM I have horn nil my life a romogient Re militinan, in the l nu, ;recr of the word. A, the cr.to,t) In It financial a trairs and OW rodfictio. Or 5:11:1,1f, of Mr Or (Inert. , 11:1 , rt, Cliff d the pepplo, !Pp PTIAPr s-)!IpPol wont•l not ,hctild I, lip so CI - r;tipot n• led, in nor manner :lll , tiopt In re,i,t this ca le., r e form; should 11 rearh the ofrire of Comity CrMnits,ioner. apr 6: SA AIUPIL HURLEY. • dr J. D. WICK, Whole...mit-Grocers S I)esi lets in Produce, 11.6 Wood strvpf. 4 door, shove Filth St. PITTSBURGH. may 15. TIIE undersivied will tease two Farms situated iu East Deer township, with the necessary tenenents, and from 751 n 1(10 ;terra cleared on each. Also, no( farm situated in Wect (leer rowooop Atte 2 b en y nem r ,ty with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. TI c above dracri rd property Is In reasonably nod repair, lacing oh nit IS miles from the oily of Pittelowet, and within two miles of the renteri Canal, and will be leased on ien ,, onabte terms for from 1 to diree yearn, to good tenant, BARTRA:II MURRY, rim E -rl 111)cril.Pr rereiveti from Phirattelp iik and New York. %cub a et moral and PVenviye avvort- Went of DRUGS. CHF. 3 IICALS, PERFUMERY, and every article in tin line of bunions - v. which lira deter_ mined to !sell on the moat reasonable br o w rot' Nish.— tie believes he ran offer Ptronr,er inducements than any sitnlta - r establishment In thine-Hy to country Plitatielanv and Merchants, who wish To nuppty I hernvebrem with Driies and Medicines. Ilk nrticies have been selected with the 1111110 ht rare, and are Warranted on he hest qua!_ ity and uniform strensth. Orders wail he filled with tiro curney and Plezancp. a ran be supplied with Fine and Fnnly Snaps of every conceivable vari,l v, anti of the must eX(iOnte perfumes' likewise With PetiOniery and Conmetie , or evrry de.rrtp - Inn. mny 26 1842 The undersigned returns ITN thanks for the liberal sop_ port heretofore extended to him, nd hones by n constant disposition to please and occonimodate—a rare in pro— curing and stilling only what is excellent nod gennine—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the wall_ lishment—precaution and accuracy in compounding med icines—and by Industry and perseverance. to merit an in crease of politic patronage. may 25. WILLIAM TIJORN 'UST rerelved, 5000 Freeman's hest Fire Brick, which will hereafter he kept con , tanily on hand and cord low for rash, rt CO. may 21• No. 60 Water sr. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF SAW-MILLS. S XYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters forSawmllls which have been so fully tested In different ports of the Hulled States, as well ato in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, cart be seen In operation at a number of mills in this neighborhood, via: at Mr Wickersham's mills on Penn et,: at Bowman 4.• Chambers' mills, nrar the upper Allegheny Bridge.and at Morrlson's mills on Hare's Island, and other. The above nanfrii machine ran he obtained at W. W, Wallace's shop on Liberty st, near Smithfield, where it is fitting up, and where the machine wilt he constantly kept on handS. Apply to B. P. Snyder or W. W. Wallace, mays SOO 000 LBS. of Raco o. I,v n. fo , r rely, hp my 30—I m. 4th si., near I.ll,eri v II NI 11.100.,1E, t . , REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET - 43%16 FOR ST. LOUIS. The reamer MASSACHUSETTS. Bennet, piaster, will depart for the above and intermediate poste on Wednesday,3lst Inst. at 10 o'clock, For rreight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM d• CO. may J. 60 Water st. Jae received and for 50 .4881eLStyFretkil ” H r i r t. ll 4l l ,; 3zri t Nine 4 , c 0... may 2r. 43 Wood street: TO THE GENTLEMEN OF PIT TS BURGH. • T HE sititscriber moat respectfully informs the gentle:. Men of OP city and vicinity that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite tife Mayors office. Having been foreman in some of the moat fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having fitrntahed himself with the best French rind American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public patronase. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge cf ale business. may 11. P. KERRIGAN. CHEESE! CHEESE!! A PRIME tut of Western Reserve Chem-, some weigh ing one hundred pounds, AN sale tow for cash by STACY LLOYD, 140 Liberty street. TO THE PUBLIC. This is to certify that the subscriber has been for some Ilme afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from which he could get no relief,.until, being advised to pro cure some of Dr. Fitch's, INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, which lie accordingly did, and from which after a few doses, he wa■ enGrely relieved.- Columbia, A pill 6, 1752. Near Rice Creek Springs,Z iciand Mget. S. C April 30. 138. certify, tha at myson, rl Thomas , Mitchel, Jr., aged 15 years, has been aoubled for eight years last past with the R heommism, and for the last three years has been unaLle to help him-elf! his pain was very severe, co that he cou'd not he moved without great agony; his llntirs were pranged and drawn up, and he presented an ob ject hopeless to nil who knew Itim, i resorted to several Physicians for relief for him, without effect Having heard of Dr. A, Fileh's Indian Vegetable Elixir, 1 pro cured the same for mv son, On inktna It he was much relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth bottle, has entirely removed the pain. his flesh is restored and he 15 now enjoying good health. I would, In a cane of flheu matinm, earnestly recommend It to those who are nffee. to with thin Picnic'. I In; pain. Tllf)s. MITCH ELL W being neighbors and acquaintances of Mr Thomas Mitchell, and having often seen the SI:11:11i0I1 of his son, folly corroborate the above ease, and, an we believe has been cured by the Indian Vegetable Elixir, SAMUEL MEEK, DAVID D. DAY, BR ITEON SPELLING, RORERT THOM! SON, RDOENER H •%IGOOD. The above, with a vers binge aßsortmene of other va lualtlemedteine., have Mei I, en received and are for .ale by the quantity or I.ollle, at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth at. NEW TEMPERANCE & S. SCHOOL BOOKS ANI) TRACTS. J UST received from Sew York, SO5O Yontli's AdVO- rate and Journal fnr May: 100 Lyres and Harps, Bacchus and antl-flacchmi, permanent Temperance doc uments, and quite a variety of the latest Temperance publications. Also. 2.1 pacliaTes ns-orted Entish tracts arid 2000 mall reward, library and Ilv in n (looks of file American School Union. for Teinperance Socie ties, private fatuities. Schools, arid the friends of Temperance tine. th e benrvoir rut ernerally, Corsair' in any sized lots by ISAAC HARRIS, A cmut and Com- Metchant, No 9. Flft it street, Pitisidirgh. may 17 GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! - • • JUST opened n splendid lot of Groceries, fresh from e East and es the stilisrritwr iniends selling for notAir l , but cn.../I,llnrgairiq may Ise expected. ri - Imn't forget to rall at 140 Lilwriy glreet. may 16 I'ACY LLOYD. farm' lo Lease. March 13t --tr. EEIIAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE FRESH HERRINGS. MaY R , 1041 HAMA NOT - AXE I N a descriptive list of traisstery No4es. -constir rit In caltreTta DATLT. ALT" package ninde up at the Custom Howe, Nett'o 1 leans, and alledged to have been transmitted to the Fire ; iindltor or the Treasury, published on the 22d OIL the ColbwingPrrara exist: No 602, 0.24 May, 1341, should he 23d lAI av, 1841. No 34139,C, should be 3490, and No 57, A. should be N 0.67. The papers that were authorized topublish the ori ginal lint wilt tligke ibis correction. J. C. SPENCER, Secretary of the Treasury 3LOCREI made expressly for powder magazines, Lot ‘ery suitable for Pork Houses, es the materials of which they are construcied will not rust from the action of the salt, will be sold low for cash. may 2-6 w JAS. PATTERSON. DRY PR 4 CRES.-50 bushels Dry Peaehee, fun re celved 4. for Tale by HAILMANJENNINGS 4 Co, may 11. 43 Wood street. MYSTERIOUS ! GENTLEMANA belonging to one of the most ancient ! and wealthy families of this city, who must be well known to Nimmons friends, having since the year 1818 up to recently, beet, bent nearly double, and for several years continued In his bed, luta been restored to good health—has regained his natural elect poaltion—and has quilted his carriage, and now walks with rase I We believe this is the gentleman's own description and there Is no exaggerution in it. We will give enquirers his address. and doubt not his humane feelings will excuse the liberty; so ;lint any one doubting may know thew facts —thongh he requests his rams may not appear In print. Among other Simi ar Instances, Mr James G.Rey• n o lds, 144 Chrystie-street, has been restored, anti will give personal assurances lriliefarts of the case. Roth were rheumni Wm, and contracted cords and sinews. flow has this been done? SAS'''. PEARSE .insmer.—Rv the Indiin Veretabie Elixir, Internally, and Hetres' Nerve and Bone Liniment exleilnally, from Comm or Ir. For sale tvholeeale an i retail at Sti Fourth at. may 20 TO MY CREDITORS. T AKE NOTICE, that I hated applied to the Court of Common Plerisof Armerong county, for the hear,• fit of the taws of thiA COMmonweatili, for the relief of rn4olvent Detdore, and that the said Court have ap pointed the 3,1 Monday, the 19th day ui hone, next for the hearing of me and my rreditor,l, at the Conn house In the borough of Kittanning, when and win re von ma n mend it yon think prone-. CHAS, SANDERS, tuns - .n.—Crate Dem. BETTER BARGAINS TITAN EOM. AT THY THREE RIG DOORS. • THE iut:srr titer wwthl respectfully Inform his cumto mere and the public generally, that notwithstanding, the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, ctirring the present season; lie has still on bend the largest and most varied assortment of elegant CLOTHING that can lie bought west of the mountains. The public may rest at.sure.l that all articles offered at his store are manures- Dired from FEZESH GOODS, purchased In the Eacteru markets this Sming and made Into garmenls- MIAs hurgh workmen. In roost rprrorr of the n.ultiplication of dep shops In our city, filled with pa wo•brokeri.clothes and the musty. rt - .$ t off 2:1 rmen t, of former ST FISONP. from Or eastern ci. !leg, the puhticFhould in coot ii3l to ascertain the char. arter of the rstaliii.4hrtterits in which they are invited to firm haw', !elme they part with their money. The or rica offered a! several of the cony , ruts .n i Iris city, are the nit 11! Offal: , or New York and I" hitade'phia slop •Imps, and sent out heir to hr rintmed tiff on tire Pitts burgh Wilk.. Purcha.ers should lr on their 2iiard them Imm - toil ions. and they may rely on the fart that no r-taidtslintent that advertise, eastern made Clot inn ran i a. zood an artirle or an advantat.teousitar. zains as ran I•e tad at the i.Tirrre Biz Doors." Tbr public will pleaee remember that all the subvert tar'. 2 nmerts are a aile in r his city, liv competent work. men. and not cat Leird up like the roods flow Offered by the —birds of etit:rt:te" frnia the shreds and n.atrbes of Sh.p•. It will always be his endeavor to maintain tier re.eP:ll in, that the n'rhree P.isz Doors' have iii.itaieer. for fornishinc a .11,14,10 r of INC in evert . sesi.ect, and at priCeß below those of any other esoPl•ie-i7P eta. He would naill room hie thank,: to Ilk fritiodt; anti rattlir far the itopreettolenteri palronaze la-.towed upon hitt r - A,blistintetal, and lrlirvinß flint they Lave ftt,otd it lotto in advatitatzo to drat with him, hr mould ,rfv.l hitt invitation to all Ihrre whn wi,ll In porrha 9 r Lhithfros of i ctvory t'r-eription at the lowest prit, to call at N'. I v Pr. JrOFIN M'CLOSK Y. hir int 11:1!f , in tt, par..mna.. ar 21. lA - CHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn 4. , St. Clair sts. Pittsb'gh. Proprio , o, I,l' this elezant nod coffin ial.'ivhmrnt, I.eg !rave to announor In their trends and e puh4 r, Ihnt their owe for Board from this date, i. r, dllO.l .1 to ONE nni r .f. %R. PER DAY. front the localtv of r , hvh. aittialcd way between li Canal :Ind Steamboat landings, aI d on grepl therno:iilare to Allegl.rny rit. the prepriei tors irn:t. that will) continued exertions on their part. they will hr enabled to atiord (very ;Mention and Melt. ity required for the comfort and convenience of their guests. and hope to merit a continuance of the patron. age that has hitherto been or lit era ity extended to them. The principal Stage and Paciiet offices, a e connected with the Hotel, nod for the better arcomniodatlon of their Omnibus will at all times ba in read:. ness to coolie!, t cm to and from the 11,11. p. an 23-3 m. CHEAP COMB, BASKET AND VAD It ET Y STORE. No. 103, ..11ittl,et street, ate-,r Liberty. THE sui..rribt.t. - 1 ,, C1111 , 1y 11 , 611 - 11,..his cumomees and the till Mir . 0 1 ,11`I:liiy. I hcl he has just returned from the t'oSt with a large and elcga of assortme n t of good s In his line to whirl) lie invites l lerrhanle and others who wl.th to rirciia.e whelesale or retail, very low for rash. foltowitig comprises part tor Ills stock, with a vet y large assortment of fancy goods and toy?. 200 parks P,ileilett, German and A merino pins; 100 thousand best needles; 6(0) dozen tapes; 1001) .• ;mentors spool cotton; 160 the, patent thread; 25 lbs. sewing silk, 7(1 lbs. hest shoe thread; 100 lbs. Skein coiton thread, 750 thousand percussion raps; 160. gross gill and lusting buttons; 1: , 0 gross pearl shirt buttons; 120 gross shoe 100 doz, tortoise shell combs; 25 doz. tortoise shell, tuck and Tintralo tombs; 136 doz, fine Ivory combs; 200 doz. dressing combs; 350 duz, comb.; 6 gross tooth brushes; 20 doz. assorted hair and clothes brnshei; 7, doz. muspende a; 40 gross white silvered hooks and eyes; 20 gross common hooks and eyes; 50 dot. assorted sel.s.sore; 30doz. aportaelt•s; 50 gran assorted whalebone; 250 doz. assorted sizes slates; 40 erns:4 steel penit; 3 gross Woodward's celebrated pen holders; With a general assortment of all kinds of variety goods, ellft't an willow wagons, ehaire.rradles, market and other baskets. 4.r. kc. C. V. would in particular Invite the attention of the ladies to his fine and larce assortment of shell and Pliffalo rOrnes. Also, Gro:mm's ce'ebratcd six cord spool cotton, the best article made; persons pur chasing ran return it if not as represented. A lee, the beat counter drilled eyed needles, which have been purchased especially for retail, and fine American flat and round head pins, (may 24.) C. YEAGER. CASKS Bacon Rams, $4• hoe round, 1 Shoulders, Kentlicky etired, received this day per steamer Stidaewater, and for sale by J. G. 4 A . GOR 130 N, *titer street. P ENNSYLVANIA. Pan is of Pittsbilru h. par Merck. 4- Men. bk. par Exchanze bank, par Ilk. of Cermantowr. Easton I ank,„ 1 Lancaster hank, dls Bank orChester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. Doylestown hk do Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Noll hero Lihertieso• Commercial bk. of Pa. o Far. 4 Mechanics bk Ben4inglon Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. t• Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1 Bk of Penn Tr.. par Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamenslng bit. 3 Girard ba.tk, 45 U.Ptates bank. 50 Lumbermente, Warren, -- Frank. hk Washington. par Miners hk of Poi Isvtle. 5 Bk of Monizornery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 Flarrisimrgh bank. 4 Far. bk Lani.aster, 1 ilk of Middletown, 4 Bk. of Charnherslurgh, 4 Carlisle hank, 4 ilk of Northumberland, 5' ("mumble bk Bridge co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co. 15 Rkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. Ceitysburgh bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far, Drovers bk. of Waynesbursh, 5 Currency notes. " 5 iioneedate, 2 Wyoming bank, 10 Pitisb',gl) Slate scrip 41 Country, do 'do 41a5 1 erki to: ba OW; Lervislown. Towanda. 80 Mounthleasant hk If Far.* Mech. hk of Steu. hrnri UP, li Belmont bk of St. Clair'. viite, Marietta hk. Demand II notes• 11 do Currency notes,' It CAltimlnnna,l4t New Lie ; bon Demand. 1,1 do Post notes, 1* t:inrionati specie pay• 4. Trailers lik of Cincinnati. 3 Clinton 1.1: of Columbus, Demand notes, If (Fl. Lawrenea Ca•llier) lf lik. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. rp II F. 7 31 idory of the buildfrox occupied by R. A Bau.onan as an Auction store—heretofore know ss nNestuittt's Long Room.' cornerr;of Wood and stl streets Inquire of R. Morrow. sth st. jan 23. ToTs FOR i. 4 .lLF...—Frinr Lois in `.llanclie , trir. One 41 arid a (north Arres of Laid on Holmes' Hill. Lois non. 41, 42.52. 53, 54,181, 182 and 184, in Cook's Titan of Lots, on tininie' , Hill Also. Lois nos 2R and 27. In Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near tire new Court Hon,. For trirnis apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sep 10 FOR RENT. ND A.R141.1.1,1 1!1 ,, 111 on tltt• lit of April next:. -IL !trick Itotte on the I.ank of I he Allegheny raver two stories high, 4 comfortable robotm hovidee cellar and kitchen. It IPvery pleasantly iiituuted.jun out side the cite line, with n full view of the city of Allegheny, and tci;hln 20 minute;' walk of the heart of the chy—rent very low. .IhAIES BLAKELY, mar 13 Howie Agent, sth Ward. TO LET ovF,l,rick dwellinz house, contninlnif a lartte hall, two parlours, 4 400 MA up st . tirs, with fin = ished darret.(l(nitoz room and kitchen, with car nazi , house. 4-c. This house is pleasantly located with card in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of Chesnut street, leadite2 to upper bride, now In the or coon ncy (4 Mr. McCinrlf. rent to suit the times— Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, A Ileftheny City. (Dar R, For Rent. A CONVENIENT three story brick dwelling bone LIL situateun Rxa street near Fourth. Rent sly, rn. 10. A nrOv to JAME•A MAY. WHISKEY . 0 17113LS' 5 years old copper distilled Monaneabeln +j /Rye Whiskey on cOneleniorni, and for snle by J. W. HUI - MR I DC E, nn 1. Water belliPPII %Vond and sinilli'd _ 9Ci lIOXE 9 finis& and Robertpon's No. 5 LUMP TO :gel/ 8 ICCO. 20 Bose* nr.cortrrl do. Jul- received. Ineet her w•itlt a ceneral acFort meet or evert. thine In the Grocery line, and for sale on the mo,d occonnnodatint , tern,. HAMM N. JENNINGS ti • Co. 43 Wood Fr. BEAVER AN!)WARREN • The canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw master, will rim as a regul r t , i-weekly packet between the at,o7e named 'torte, leaves' Braver nn Mondays. Wednesdays, Frida mourning, leaves Warren on Tor.da yr, '7'humlays and Saturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or naszlee apply on hoard or to DIRMINr;H M & Ca., Pittsburgh. J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. may 10. IRON CITY HOTEL; • stand of Mato lir w Patrick, -...:_- (Lately occupied by John Irons:) riNHE sub, riber wishes to inform the citizens of Pius. JL bur1:11, and the travelling imblic, that he has leased the above well known stand, Othalrd on Fifth street, hetween Market ;did Wood, where he will be happy to accommodate all his old friends, and as malty new ones as will be pleased to acknowledge him as C.,eir 11° , 4. /11: terms will he moderate, suited to t lie !!rites: His 1111.1 e will he supplied with the hest that the Market of fords. His liar will he furnished with the choteetot of liquors, both domestic and fOreirll. ills stables are spa dons and commodious, conductcd by experienced and attentive ostlers. would Inform the citizen. that he IP prepared to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year. ly boa rders at redneed RATION CIF BOARD . Sin& Neil, 25 cents. I Lodging, Al eta Boni d per Week. 8150. may R-3m. MICR. PORTSER 1n TIERCES RICE, Ur 10 Coxes Lon Sur.mr; 5 B I Is. Crushed do.; Just received nod ror sale EAILNIAN, JENNINGS 4- Co. 43 Wood FIRE, STE4M BOAT AND GARDEN HOSE. H AVING made extensive arranrements Rthr the man ill-snore of the shoveatitele , I am now prepared to fits all orders for COPPER AND IROX RIVETED HOSE, and which I Intend shalt he made of the very hest material and workmanship, equal In quality, and len per cent, less than t h e Ea .tern inanu fartirrs- Orders 'eft selth A Potion, Wass Etnindii.f.lnd street nr at my Haddle, Rtirness -rind Tfunk store. No. 36 Wood street, corner of Diamond Utley:lst)! he promptly attendod to, A H HARTLEY. N, K. —All kinds. of Hilted Machine Rands made as above; also, all kinds of Hose repaired. may 15,-41. rOR SALE.—Lots on the No. I h East corner of Con Lane and 111411 street. Apply to, srn 10 B ENJ . fARI.ITCTON, Mar krt. near 41h WILLIAM DOUGLASS IIAT AripClP 111ANUFAI TUlt, ER. I::vpry decerip tiun or Flats and Cape on hand, alum ' , "i e , w h ole , file and ratan, atprices took the times, at the old stand of Douglas 4 , Moore., 73 Wood street. we) S. le XCllANGlrtsigir IMAkikR, tif rta)1011 IIICKIP ;Woort, AlusVF..n, 4 andusky. Grauga. Norwalk. Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chittient he, Fran. hk Columbus, La,:eavter, Hamilton, Granville, Com. bk. Lake Erie, Par. bk: of Canton, Urbana 30 45 80 30 INDIANA. State blt.4* Branches It ,State Scrip, 35 KENTOCKY AH banks. ILLINOIS. date bk 4. Branches, 60 Shawneetown, 70 VIRGINIA Rank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, N Went. bank Mer. 41•Nicc. do. MARYLAND Ral!intore Flanks, f'onni ry Ranks, DELA WARE All Ranks, NEW JERSEY All Bank• , par and 1 NEW TORR. City Ranks. pa I Couni ry banks. (safety fund.) a 1 Red Rack, Ito 1 NIW ENGLAND. t ßoston Banks. ptr Countrs t• I A OIIIEIA NA iOrleariff.Rank. :food, $ NORTH CAROLINA 2A SOUTH CAROLINA ,Banks, I PIS. COLUMBIA ALA RA MA Good Ra"kg, TENN CSSEE All Banks.. MICFIIGAN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 Dn. dn. J FT. Smft h 2 C9NAIDA rod bank.. lit o Ifl Eastern Exchange. Philadelphia. I Near York: !I nattimore, 1 Eln,don: i ,Western Exchange- Itriclnnail, par Louisville, oar IClrveland, i dIF Win...liar, par GOLD AVD SILVER', par Froilße Agency: No. a west of the Market House, Penn if. sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa. - 1 , r171.E subscriber hanks for a number of years beep en ( gaged In renting cPv property, enneeting rents d.e. and wishin± to •stend hishosineas in tios catty r.,fteet . tufty offers his services In those persons owning, or ivhsV may have charee nfnronr•ty 139 Eger mots. Adminbi'rg- tors or nire•dlans, In the city nr suburbs, and who may not here lelsart to attend to it *hrmselves. to rent dWell. 'rigs, Warehouses. Farms, lots, &r, Al9ll, so eotteet rents. dividends, Ground rents 4.e. A roe F kept where a description of nil properties for rota Will be'en• ternd free archery., referenee is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen for whom the eubsteriber hog been agent for some 9 13 11913 c17193—..9199/1113 5! freer! A lien, P. McCormick and James a, Craft, Esq., Paii.noreh;Jer. Si oar,. Erg Eti.opeen Agent. Philad ;Mess. John Proarn. Birmingham; R. MeLennn, Daniel Potter F t seuhonvilie:Jo.enh Millar . Lawrereeville; inme,3olt49l. East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, blifYlin township; Dame, Depot roin, Sewick ley. rob 23 -rusrAnifp-rn—A fresh supply of O'Nell's celebrate(' rathnllenn . i'benmai le neeortion. Leiel,'P Sermon MN flhme Me, Reed's Feinale rore of E. PENME D•lggis • • r f). R,,p•l rcrl I 1 :o 111 •i ma% 9—'w TUS7'NrCEIPT,D, a large vupply of br Swaynee aN Serpa of Wlld CL•erty,and for sale wlialreate atrJ retail hp W lit THORN, as 2r. No P,3 , Markets,: 5 0 REL'S.N. 0. -MOLASSES. 7 Casks Beeon Hams this tins received and roe .1, G. ¢ A. qoßndN. 12 Water St, PIG LEAD. PIG LEAD for sate by , al.ll/ may 18 At AY " • • a : • ', EAGLE lir SiC • GROCERYI s• ' STORE. T. 861" LLOYD, .Sr.. Whole.rtie and Retail Grocer 1.7 :Ind Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty lilreet, Pitisburrb. may 20. PEACH TR EtS. - - %lII} slthverteer r.:14 Joel raceme , ' knot the Nnrsery of Landreth and Pnt;o,, near Phi:lliaPtph in, a tat of - 7 the eh. kelt rarletkee et pea c h Team n to which he woad., ca the atteutloo of the politic, SNOWDEN. mars No 184, Mate tettul Wolk AI. PRINTING OFFIC N. W. Corner of Wood ..IV'h.Sts. Hi proprietotsof the MORN IND PHIT and lilitacmodtl AND NI ANDTACIariIIt respectfully 10(01H) Ihelr frt*j and the patrons or !hose papers, that they have a WO and well choften almortment 01 are:olM "7.-N7lll-31L3031121:79 ago AN V11MMR1RE45.E3M132,644, Necessary to a Job Printing office, and that they are psis pared to excrete LETTER PRESS PRINTIN g, OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOid, Books,l Bills of Lading, Cirabtarr, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, , Brunk Checks, Hat Ttpr 21.1 itins of blanks, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with *wit prittil Cut*, Printed on the shortest notice and most remonabletermi. We respectfully atlk the patronage of our Mends elk lie pliblic In at - itneral in ibis branch of our Inmates. • Plitshurch. sell'. 1R42. PHILLIPS le SMITH. PROTHONOTARY. To the Peter. ojAllegheny Connty:—lreapeetfruilyofa fer myselfto your conpirleration Rea candidate (iwiepolvt, dent of pOrties) for Ihe office of PROTHONOTARY of Allegheny county, ni the ensuing election. I &toot roo,e before y,u leennunetuled by a Convention, those of you to whom.i am act perannrillY known wlll pirate ey‘ airline into WV 11URTifieR11011S, and ifriffnitnnate at to olitnin a nv,jorlly arniir Pliffrnape, I shall endea%of by slrfct al , e,,t ion To the dillies of the 'ffire• to POligry . yOli yoty• choire ALEX . MH,LAR. May ID —IE• ;01 Pillptiurahr - - _ iik - rerric E to Steam Boat Ottniers.—The subscriber, la concogne nee of I he difficulty of the times. NM redu ced the nr . c'e orbit Wet!, Guard for the prettffiffirs the explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per host. It I. hoped that :MIL al owners will avail ihernselvei of them. reasonable terms, not to.ly on account of thri perfect safety they attord, but alm In point of eronome. Bolters with the apparatus attached will wear abou Wire as long as those not provided with them, Marehl-3m C. EV A idfl E. H. lieristingw, I)ECORDING REGULATOR and Sit rveyor. Odltel 111 Lin dot al keel, next door to the Bank or Pittsburgh. An 24-1 m Pt CASKS BACON JMSIS, •) 6do shoo:dors, this day reeelved and (of sale by J. 0, 'R. coR !lox, may 8 12 Water at. REMOVAL. ~ . 4 J DURBORAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW has rah 11_. removed hie office to No G 3 Firth itreel, he t ween Wood and Smithfield its. next door to Ahrlerjrad Morrow. apr 7. . . Dirminvh2m AGI'TS 'FOR STEA NIER CLEVELAND,' 4 n d Cleveland ' Line. rch '43. 3". W. Eltirbridge Co. A GRNTs W. pole or Reatt notirder. Water IC heiwien Wood and Smhhfield. 1443. 50 EOJCTS RAISINS, 50 Mdttn Ca."ls; just recrived and for safeil HATLMAN, JENNINGS 4- Pri• 43 Wood it. FR ESN FLOUR —96 Lhl= Just rereivrd for stir. lati IL for cash. 1111 L 5 1.AN,IENNINGS 4. co. ap 43 Wood rt. TAR. 63 KPCS NORTH CA ItindiVA TAB. onect - etsig. menr,nnd ro t ealn ro i 4for en•h. !IA r J EroCrtNG'B 33 w.-6,1 1 0 .41 1141 . r C'fIESTF4 YOUNG IIYSON TEA: 6q Rny,. Imre, ial and Cnnpna der; jail ?eve hired and far sale low For rafh.. FIAILMAN. JENNINGA 43 Woild at. 10 MILS. A L 17,1. reroons 2 Casks Maiirfrr: jult rprejvp r i oro for we by HA MAI A N, JENNINGS * co. 43 Wood d SCHOOT, 11011 K nr.Pri,,TTortir. I TIKE I.OOVIIA, Avery, Pniw.her, EnoiCseller and Bind, r . No,s9 rtrond street, Pittsburgh. has always n r hands cet.eral as.orirnent of School BOoks, Blank Bonk. and Stationary,. Job Priniinz and Bindlna done at 061.1 pot ice. nialwat price a Unwed for Rags,tat.neesStrapa and Beeswax. mny t-4t IS43t Standart, Intriahain & Co. FORIT'ARDIXC -L\D ,MERCHANTS. A. CLIEVE•ND. Oftlo. G/WT.3 for th e II err itn ninTraneoortaif ont omPant Compoped of the Merril:l,lls Line. Erie Canal. Wn,lll:o7.ion Line. Iftinter, Nlnter 4- "CO'S. tin' ttcitni Roots 111-r yes nets on the I.nkes. Ctr - elnnd Line Pennsrivanin end Ohio Canal. Prnnrietors or the glerehnnis Line Ohio Cana'. Reign Ta!- WILKIE k ExatronTn. 10.9. CoenCea Slip, IC. R. HUNTZR k co. A Iliaily. °TOR ('IT TP, Boston. Flex - ten. PA1..1116R k CO. PO frOlo. M. T. It'lt.cr4ms k Efeveiand. HON inalq M. A ccts, do. rilA Ft LiS Mli. C.% Oi NCB, dar - 3.i. Thextir, !eaver,. itieminon.oi 4- CO.; P ittsburgh nn 1 1843—h.. JAMES BLAKELY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers