'- • - , : <MtiT - IAVELERS TABB NirrittLyhai. provided with taetlacetytaara rimed with a Poreof the apppriatici_Tfr, ou are not deceived by lobo mtird at in; their boats to be provide d *it, , when they are pot wirreetweCoddlod e following is a list of home and at the POr. or Pittioporgh—an tam the list have the improved aPpar f rd se r in ANNA, q , is in,possibie for an't.apsovidd.to trot,. F ORMOSA, ITAN, ILLiNab, AR A, EANS, JEw.ss,„s, TGN, MONTGOMERt VOF LYONS, CAW O, lEY FORGE, INDIANQuERN, PITT, GALLANT, ‘KwATER, -QUEENcyrat&3l3 ?Ess MAIL, DDKE OF ORLPA BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE, v icTßEss i mi r mIGAN, OSPREY, PENELOPE, ROiyINA, T WIND. qUETTE, I,EYRAND, ‘MA, .11 ANN. MESSENGER, !t A(; A N SETT, SAItitAVOGA , R NTH. OR PHAN Boy t;t) PARK, • OHIO, , • 1 , t'N E, CECILO, '.AIDE, 3 11 . • BEND, GALENA, ETI'A, MENTOR. -3 TE, COLUMBINE, NI FERRY BOAT, . • - • a velt ne community are restrotal • 'e , y make a choler of a hOat,ta-Oilroa . her her it would not be to (heir thin ,rtty in choose a Safety AGeard feat. •ono Ire .t hi, in preference to Ore not so two* • -1 e:cszioe —a nd toat they Witt War in ahu invention has the uninalified napteintinWi •. am eflZi vie Ito ilders—gent lenom slain( UAW • under=-land the sudjcet, and WllO aft tialltipi . s a number of eertifiea:esfionam:d a e en nnti others—all of which can Witte. a. No It . Water mreel, where it would Ow pt al times to elbiltit my invention ' ir,ke lire trouble to ran. 1. 1 CA DWALLADEILE4 1 i . MILE REAL ESTATE FOS Sit; he -ul.zeri! , er 'offers fin sale, al the _Fete*, . , ire r:ren ler part of his real estate. sling . of rii 1..1 , 1t ref", and A Ilmheny.si2; Thee .‘ ', rr ,, 1,r,r , -r , ..nearly new, a I sobstatdially_ . •,, 11,• , .n• .1; r. 1.1 el ween Frrond and font. : 1.1,r,, r, i :, , •ctit 54 feel by 641 deep. Fart:ilk • f il a l'l,l, I) 10 .U. il rilltitar , CfP, aud upon lenn =MEE r. o,+, tot in A Ilezlieny city, 64 z '•.. epw-ird of 3M) fen in den*, • ". Iv:lei:I canal awl die e' I •• Ili* feet 110" d 4,111. iitrtUdinr. lbt , ”1..11 , t, 1, .1, 1 new occull and, !nt air ti In, In ~ l ory brit• FlOntbSets •0 by rornrf ne Mar kvl and Fradi firreth - i•• _round rent. !lug now cm-rattled ITV& ALEX. 6C ACKf.S2IRC t./ k .st.//) .".4"74:1)—t% anted to pa r4l! qn:tolity of Flax aultTimollil - .. k.,./!:of C,.ootre rroclore taken in I; A ft R 1 S'S I wellirente 0111" -- , f Warrl:oct.:,e, No-910V II; HART. 0,13=488;0D .Aferchowt,Derlir jo •, j. , , a:7d .1. , rr0 - qn Ilfaxvifactures, Afelisn, MIZE= n Crior. C.-q.. r,tilsbnr.h C r , .ran of 11'd. v h Rar.na. it Ov!en co. 0440,1 rne, E.F.q.. Madison 'a 1 - .1,E FA CM FOR SALE.-7arLl RN hick I live, is Wrekind tetradbehly rofoninoa one handled and set , nt acreF of c; liclt is eleaTeCIMA9 l4 * • Thrrr , are upon it .Ibree tog dirt, of Feet b 3 34: an 3ppleorrhani of tbnice r f. ‘e"."l acre - s of coal. The soil is bet • : co ;m npland fans in the let • e, on applieal ion to the seihmehee WILLIAM WALLACE. P. I. LI M C. WALL. Plait and Pare! .; d Picture Frame Jilainfacbire r, ./ C9; Sneer Pltta bwr !h.. —Canvass Ernrber V,I A ,11Fts. I vF on hand. Looking G 44l ' framed to order- Repairing done r.t *et . • T . ;mention void to 1 iidiog aftd iou.°l ' "filling up Si eau' Boau. or lonows Will 1/11 vanl:l7, - lo call HITE LEP. D.—The satucritem Itow In fa relA isiSl painters. end others who srsibllli • are White Lend made of tire best maker • qual„ if not superior to any *tiered lot 0 * • , -r• add rr.e.,vti to Duntap 4- iumbeholei i Li e "* . z 4, No. o &Tend street/ , t in. ousLAr nrc.ta. ofEzi PA SHIONABbE FfIOg•STODEs .; eL St.. ogre do.r from Oid Slays Jf."2/ tsc fiber respect fully Inforras r;'T it't.•ll and vicinity that he bill At hcgs of his own manufactisSull, ne will keep constantly ea ha F- 11,11 all kinds of ladleg.tubt'es."'. ltrslt 1101.' ;; nsw, or the h,st gaunt *kith er. - nit the limes Ile will 111P 0 a ske . . 4 of fancy work—sueh its lo° •;, colored gaiters, and hiskilta. 701 n's elsl?rs sick gaiters. kr. made at the shortest ooiire." 4 - Ladies will please tail and iairtePP' m a =tiht-eriher feels confident thatSece. .-s, r' fete in his line they logy wa jc,411 4 4 11 10 FL. Don't form.' the pleee---.!;_;:- 4 rom Harris's I ottepigenee Q om' . " '' Market Street ILEA ..it SI DIG BY having to kiels ibt ' 0 440 business of Maar 4 florrilikl".42.%,iim lv street and 42 Markel sitteoi_dr-WPSncillg it. to 1 he num gritartriesid, alidA,'Fr.niik Sl_ 10 ° f e l fur the very liberal naPPOrg the - k viiity' i. , to him, in eonneetinis witto:P.'.:rado' . ; o wore them titst ever3r e . r i tt i .. ,, ,401113 11 tile eon' i oval ion et the i*llie ; '„, " '" . n• 1 s invite their attention ittY:ps.‘,..tv---...iii I nowhich be intenthtleiling e 44. ,--.-- 4 .....- - 4 Iran been ever oillered, beirgi".l`l77....;4lolEA nnle of tbe stock of the hillatrlik, P 417014, ~,,: L. ,., a rd as he intends IS engine 011101,74titionor, ',urine's, he feels ,euritidellit . 10 :Tapp Ors :•••• his stock, either in elsespness,nsr•7 ~.. , , •." workarattehip. ' 110601 ,re in takenotiee that ever/ . sirl icie . '`"-- sit ' in PittniiiMth ; . ' • - 0 1.1 vi ------------:-------**') '-------tsggitiiitirlit„ 0 4,- JP MITEO I /9 110W ! ....,..:*- 4 1 11 0 , , f o otipti , l'e Skeet Tros rvirre,7z. i iesvilest”mat=....i...4_,....iwirT- - _ a.. . a I , ;tie Attisit ..---- itozoopfa One anttimallu4 .._„:444.litatto arti601044. 1 . 0 1 1 1 4 7-z•' ' - -fz.,..a.# 1 - , ~ - _ . • . -----• Aar-. ,:,... e~* 0 - 1, 1.--I\l-aso!. puBLISUED BY k W. H. SMITH, colocE ß OF WOOD 4- i'fFril ST& • IE DOLLARS a year, payetta in c a fe , TWO CENTS—for iare. at , the n ;e, and by News Boys. b _ - -;,.• 0 A terear i and Mann.fat - turer hed EE-i;LY. al lite same *thee, on a anted :we!. 3‘ , TWO DOLLARS a year; e , SIX CENTS_ i of fir rot,' term* ° E orTvi , 0.50 0.75 • • jets. 1.00 Three months, 7,00 I.MO Four months, R,OO 3.00 Six months, , 10:00 t. i. 4.00 I One year, • 15.00 jEkT:IN ADVERTISEMENTS. aIiNGFICLE AT rtxxseris. Two Squarer' Six months, 113.00 One year, 3,5,00 in prorortion. DOLLARS a year. , 25.00 virwisenient ME= 111,T 0 0 FF I C ES, &C. re...T /wry z Third between Market and Wood Nater.4th door from Wood st. Peter- E.-11:tior John Willock, Collector. r,,,srp,y. Wood het green First and Second 0 , r5 1 flart,am, Treasurer. Ttord , street. next door to the ,hr Church—c. R. Johnston, Treasurer. E. r;‘,1r111. I,etween Market and' Vl'ood • 114,, llavor. Ev 1106 E. Foil! . 111, near Market st. 4 SKS. Nlarket and Wood streets, on Fourth <I r,c1. , . o p 11,,Nvr o-TrnEßs. .01D FARMERS' De- F-Avm,.; Fund.) Fourth, betwren , 1 PO5 SSC. 110 T • cirri. rear Ihp B rid7e. :011 CO, n, Few ('fair. • 0,1; r.rT otj Vinod. nod. Th,q, Cfr-, a•nl Canal. .47 s . i. cc,r, \V vnf -A=T \l,<-In< P, F 1 0,,,,.1,• • ~rl.l. nolys ATToRN IUNSELLOR AT L T. MO • ,treir:T . niire, on 1; avi rt roqr , nOu,e, best io P. NT floor, 44 0 11.1 `4. H. E LLIOTT, IL - ! , 15ce rtmt , red la C ,•reer, beirte , l r(1,11 Gfrd Laber!s' 5 r 10 I .onrio - r. wh.,lrsalr and a ,ira...r: Freud;. aid linmPst if I r.'s , I. r.;141.1,211 “M 10 R Altornevs and 1,2%, Ihe 111;1110ml, back se" 10 Couri _ 0 rrn. Irier man: offi.c notli• F 5' . .1 , , T‘5 ,,,, n Wood and Snilthfirld ser to , r ;) Er I I'. DOI G rv.,:r ft e , t '.n.2 , i, Prokltire ?Cu 224 Lebcrly Sr'trt, rott.s• r.n sep 10 1)11,W ORT • - • Alerchalli , , and - N'. 29. rl 10 ROBriSON, I.,nrc.. at Law 1 :Iv rI h •11.• titt ttr01.6. 6 e; ac el . 10 R 3 )1. 1.11. ; lender -1•10,1,c. I dice c9r e D. Lloy ! srp 10 , yol - 70; & u()., Warr k r ro" Alley. 4 lIS.--Ju,l ,-, vrd 16000107 Mot 114(0-. %a - di rheml do Irk \r A B nn od,ei It's FresitaLu a..d .I;.fr nt varieties of Turnip rerr.ved and for sa,e at F.EI - (1. (ED PRICES al lISC , t 1 Seed Scare of F. 1.. SNownev, No. 1:;4 Litn IM akreet, head of Wood: •: B cLosEy,B cow and Shoe 9tanufacto rr,Ca. ti.l Fourth St., nest don, to the C. States' 1.4d1,4 rtuletla. F iii and Satin Shoes made ;n tstrtianner,ana by the newest f rear tt patterns. OOIII2S • ',TIC A ULU'S. i n lots to stilt NJ purchasers; to I e ellsrvbeti of by F. 1.. 5.74(11V6n1q , No. 184 I.r6erry street- head of Wood- 1 :'" ITS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev -!ertrrlielon, can always be had at the DIUg store of F. L. SNOWDES. .S.iihnots Annual Mammoth Onion :Feed; for tit , at the Drug and Seed stOrn of F. I, SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, at seed; just received by F. L. SNOWDEN, 1,14,1,10eriy bead of Wooded. 11 " I'OrILS, consisting of noes. Fancy Spades r5" , `4 ,, , , :f Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding Frstieng Shears. etc.. jnsi re , F, L. SNOWDEN. kAffierty street, Peed of Wood. ms.- —.2 st. received a 3mah sup• ennii.c cured Venison Rains. un reiail fo'current money. ISAAC fI %gift iS. Agent. and Corn. Merchant " T Er%tazh (;lover Seed. Ore - bard Grass nod keftlacl Blue CraSf. UlWayg CM hand and far F. L. SNOWDEN. 'c ,, .134 Liberty street, head ofWoad. kCc HAN AN, dittornaos d I. office 'e from the Diamond, to -.Attoreeeritow," of Fonrth street. between Market and Wood . eep t:1, AXK S. for proceedlnes At 111 . , .1 under the late law.roe cafe iplJihis Offiee @ALF! —Lois on the North East forcer of Coal Dtann Ilizh plreet. Apply to,- RLINCTON, Market, near 4tb, Le ''. 1 -4 udeetle* Frerteh ;Sugar Best eteed.ihet rtt , ived and for sale at the Drat and Sled • F. L. SNOWDEN; 184 Melt, street, liepd of WoQd. I LUTION OF PARTNERSHIIiik."- , notr.alp heretofore exist:44k hew RY and BEN/Anil fi HOPEWELL. *weal tangent. WiliiiimtStropo est l aturt of the Om is , see liogpo,e-holimetet- Ara, . ie . • . sllll l .k - #99141,..._ 0441 `- ; - ::. ,- 7-F-s7 , 1-7'::5•:,::.•7......:.:1. • -, a -4*-;...‘ ~,- - . 1'64, 4 . . f. ; ... I • ,; a , a - dvertising, LVE LINES OR LE:66! One month, i 5,00 Two moms, 6,00 , V% on d J A . N. KEAN ks• • ' O 4 4 •riur.•:= 01 C() ftper I wor', cep 10 I . 5"0t'~6 t, End It to c'isnrd That ep 10 111=•=:1 N 0.9. Filth st. 184 LiheAy street, bead of Wood k=M .~~~~ ..:- . k- - , '„l - . • -','-..: !, 1 . , i o ' . _ -." . 4:'3 ja.'' A L'. - iri.'", . . r ti ; . ~.... 'Y .. LI ".... ',...' t ' ; I:, • - - _- pit: E. 'DENIST °Ake stair* item; auto* isiovi modYMid sio4 ' eep ID - PirMSlll2lllSOft. TOHNStON iertietttiOlaiimite*PFhitt.rs and el haft'. M a atiradiereka.. No. 37. Starke* 4, feP 14-1 TORN ANlDERSON„finMitield Fon*hi; *O , O ar near thelNononabetillonee.ru.iltuvt„ LEONARD 8.. 7 011N 8 , Aldermail,St.Cloir Street,fe coed door (tom tiborty. 10-4 - DR. S. B. HOLM - ES, Office in Second street;, nes}, dOor . to M ulvaoy_ 4. Co's olawiWaretwele' :meP 14-117 42BUNK FlNDLAY.ittteriteliot La*,,lPanitif neAr the Mayor's Otftee,Plystatrgh, sep 10.-17 /MHOS. HAMILTON', A Horsey in Law, Firtfi; between Wood and Smithfield - sep Torien,Atto+nev at taw. Mort!' East corner af Salk hfield . and Fon rib - stfetn " lep.lll-1 y tkioll*Sait 11.0(1.1. JURIES TZTEMBOIZ: ANNA 4- TURNI3III4/'S Pape; Warehouse, No. .104. Wood st., where may i)e kad a genera! 40104 ui writinff, verappinr, printing, wall paper,,blank kooks. school hooks, kc, pep-111-=ly C. TOWN.4END CO.. Wire Workers eed Jilansfact !were, No: 23 Market street. bet %Veen 2tl and 3d streets. Sep 1 0-1 y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair stfeels,by Mt - K[66lN t SMITH. sep tO-1y IA IC METAL =- 4 el t 0118 soft Viz Metal for sale by J. G. 4- A. CORD DS, . No. 12 Water street 3,000 LBS. B %CON 11A.M.S. 16,000 lbs. Bacon Shoulders, for sa'e by • - 3. G. 4. A. CORDON, sep 13 N 0.12 1.1 - ater street APT R ; , 07.4„ 1 r.. Birmingham, ne.ar Pitlsharah, Manufarturer of Locks. Hinges and nolliz To bacco, Fuller. Nati - and "riabEr Screws; ficruie n Sciews fur Rolling 'WINN Jkt. Sep Oir_Si :47cLoskur. Tailor and c 7 ibirr, Liber.y s , •eet. between Sixth and Virgin 'alley, South side. 51, 10 W BtSRRIttDGI 4- CO., Wholesale Grocers and al Commission ,literebantg— Second street, between Wood and Smithfield ste.,riltslmr,glt. sep 10— -1 y G col:pox. Comdll.l,don gnd, Forwgrding . Morchar.fs, - V4gter,st—Pitishurol. sep la-1y IT A MS.-4 ras'..s Zia rris, a 'good article, rOreiveri per S Li B Corsair, arid for sale by J. 6.4- A. GORDON, sip 10 No. 12, AV afarst reel 11101.kSSES.---40 lihris New Orleans Sa ear; 80 blds New Oilcans NI olas:es. - ; for sale by Eep 10 J. G. 4- A. -Gor.noN, SUG hipir. prime N. O. Sdziar, werveri ocr S. R Maine. and for sale by J G. R• A. GORDON. ser, 10 No. 12, Rater street 5/1 - k BACON CASK ~in order. on handfld for sale by i t" seplo J.G. A.CORDON, No. 1.1, W.nter st VG AR AND 101, ASS!S .—I3 Wats a cid 4 I.' Is N. 0. cj s un ,. 321.1.}, ti. n. Molasses. received per Slearnllnnl I n.port er, anti for sate Iw J. G. & A. cm: w.s, se t ) 10 N 3. 12, Wati.r =treel 881.753. LA RD UII.. for stale by t.l B. A. PA 4- ( . 70 FP7 lfl (Mt nct ‘Vrulti 1631 P . k v l F. G r i cf • I r i it. fl - 4 , , ,: 0 71 I e . 1 , 11 1G crwurr f I) awl Wont,. 4,dioI,HS Prepared Cliaik. r.a!e t:-A.ry l' ‘liNe - .1 , .10cK te n. ,coOrrif, Or 6111 :11El•i tr , Ori • NI: AND 7ilol.lssr:El.-611 0. • Self V 7 .3 2 i 1 , 1.1.5. Itlll dn. lic 1 G. 4= 4..fOnIVIN. sr- it ii No. 12 tiratcr sheet. cL.% ii EITTION,Si - NOTICES, 4!: C. 0 be u=.'.l in 0 40 kririOjr, prriceptioit.. !Isod irv:lf.r,and in t.ie frying appirrved by Wre Cour ,for Free A l lie Office of the Mercury and Democrat. s,fi , 10 W3l. imot shoe !tianuf,c - torer..No. 101. Tk•ird rert. helweer \\ - u.•l aad 5.7,111 i6Getdatrcei , . Cols',or4h sep 44. 2 BUC KM ASTER, AT'WN EY AT LAW, .ha, ,tiriivorl big ()thee to the corner of 4 Fourth street 3 rol Cherry Alley, between StnNltle4l and Grant strws,Pitt,bureh. sell 10 F OR RENT. - 1 !Intl 'or cohtaittrng 4 acres . , in A Ilecheriy, near Ihe Dearer E oar,. `welt. ancupiedity. Mr. :- , auttle!Gfattrcit. AKOc at hc Merchants and Manufacturers' Dank, to . D. DENNY. DAN ID SANDS, 1% ATCII C MAKER, So. 7, St. Clair street, Fitts ,. burgh, DEALER IX WATCIIFS,CLOCKS i ,BRFASTPIXS F 1. 4 ,43 ER RINGS, CBAIXS, KEYS.IOO-4IBS. VP -plO - - LANDRETEPS G4RDEN SEEDS.— A ;full supply of Landreth' Carden rzeids, always on handi and rpr Fate at Ills agency, the Drug store of F. L.'SNOWDE:C, sell 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DAVID WARD bar his office and residence on Fourth Street, welrly south of the Court House. second shirclhns from ho=e Street. He mill faithfully attend 111 calls pertainlog ta his profession. tali! should be male at the door above the basement. Sep 10 REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Rarlmr and flair , Ilres er, has removed to Fourt nstreet, opposite the May• ofs ice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of pu b lic tctt rona:e. sep 10 WVI. A. WARD, DENTIST, , Penn a. three door below Irsv in street, Hours of business, from 9A. if, moil 5 r. after which time he will attend to hti one e*ctpi in eases of urinal neres.sity. He would further folbrrn those who may think proper to employ him,tliat he expects immediate payment. without the necm,ity on his ilart of sending in bills. sep 10 I OEM APPARLAND, Upkels icier:and Ceibiiet iltird it. driecti !Food df .Ifarket,strceti, respectful inflints hit friends and the Ohne that he is prepared to esectite all rirders for Snfas.iSidelloards, Bo reaus, Chairs, Tahles. Bedsteads. Sta nds,: II ejr and Spring hiattrtsses, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering wOrk, which he will warrant equal ,o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms._ , sep 10 CO3ISIIIICIA Jr AUCTION HOOlig., xa 'Hi:S:oord street, Attsburgh.-11. A. Shusman, ioneerqsi d Co`nmisHOn Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all litrids . olGootfs and Merchandise, at h$ large and - cotta itibtrit., No. 110, NortleSasi Corner of woo a alti Fifth St MCI!. Regular =ties of Dry Condit., retrial a re. Groceries ;and otterarficles,ua bloadayr and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery; Dry, 66044-luid Fancy articles, on Vererilay, Wedneeday,iO4 tittiingtay eneahrge. Books. entry_ Dator&Y,O l 4 l 3 lB %. Lfberafadvieietetioade oh Consignments when wanted • • abibtelecur:. /4&.114. John D. Davis, &matey I /ganglions Smith, Leman Co, .1. W.- enrbridge Co., .g S. Mee 4: Co.. Ca Capt. James 111"Canit1;, C. littnnen„ Eot. . 3ona_llTadden-esq. 1,0 . 11* ICennedy. J. 1110DrIfient,4- 4 . 4.. las. P. l. . , .. .. . . totieri C:44 iliao way, E... 41 i_ ii . .:.IteVai. fiTasitia;,:* "cb.' t -Ink ,- 1 , Williest, isiogalii 1 ' Ti '' ', .N . , r.k"OfOlt --- 44 5. 6 evP01. Kiff,! , ..i-ft's •-.-v ..; - - ,, i A ''. 'll-Xl*O r rI ; 4411 d 1 POPi l qiP-1.'' ,, " ,".- -%,-• -- ' -- 1 ,...y• '' 7"4.. '4442-.;. ,''' 4 ~ _..;=,. ..:::....;,,.....,,,,';,,,,,..._- -,._, -,.,--4, -.,. ..: 4 ,=. 1 , , -fr,.,•„...,-,„i 4 . m .---(4: . ... , r.' -:,-...,:.-,',..,--::.!,,, ': , --.•r• --, , , 4 t:, 4: --, tP,',"3,-,l'''',:-_-7-4'4, -~: I 7 - , - Plltemirgh 1 1 PITTSBURGII I I)E,,,CEMAER OW, 11.1GBir=-16. 131. permit , . 74 41 „. !rstit $4.1 11 Streets Pituirs;relt,- ties - • plet4 tits. *Ortmenta Qucirwirlie tjtailt countity. tlade. Also, a chokesetectlon • 4 'aod VOW hind DINING A NOT EA WA RE, in %imp: satail Betio, or separate pierce to snit ponitasers. r , tat ot sled eask: 0C,46 . .,6Q, or 44 piete seta„ superbly pat air) Or ErigkirieGina Tearvare, at very tow prices. h Top - Teriarorr., plans, and cirri painted arid tilt,.fkadoi 1A0 10 '4 . 5.00 per set Children.; hinetWrevery deFciiption. While China Sisaviez.binzi! , Ore idle Millie.: ai 4 - Tea ilervire, in white and with NiletitliirAmerican scenery , . A large variety of Stcawhoal During and Breakfa.4 Sets. itnnarsed Aermnteti. eontnleti,- 4 Fire Front' stone tailing plates and ditihn*Aznt4te Derbyshire Potteries. { Fiidt Ilind-bfeen Gtam all their a their v.a_alefhk% Window Olass, of every site. Pateurllttibitr, Tubs - and Keelers. • Stone Pipe lieadir. 4-e, 4-c. Al! of *Mew are respectfully offered to the p lit an the most - favOrahle terms. Jan - . 26. 1 it 42-4 T 1: FOX ALDEN 4tterweg and Comitsetioi' at -a- ' ids , . Effitaltis profeional services to the eat izerts of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of publicritt ronage. He wilt execute all kinds e f writing with neat uess and dispatch. cases in bankruptcy attended to inn reasonable terms.-offire in Smithfield street, at -t o te house of Mr. i liotnas OlNeil, to whom he refers. sep 10 T. 1. FOX ALnnzu, AVI eI..A it K. g'r. sae hicrnahte Boot Xaker.— Jig flag removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he woad be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel.dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but Orst rate stock. rind employs the best of workmen; and as he giyes Ms constant personal attention tolitskintss, be trosistbat he will deserve at.d rtceit'e a fair Share or patronage; yen 10 Fliurrs,.. 11;t:CittiAlit, 4- cONFECTtUNAIt A Hithtterineetruity informs his friendsand the public that this ran always And ths.liest tjuality of lee Creams. totrither with al: kinds of epnfeetionary and fritits. in theta. season. at his establishment—No. Fifth street, he, weer. Wood and Market. N. I . l...—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. oranything in his line. Also fondant furnished won Bread. §ep 10 FVAINS'S -CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABitA H J.. CLEM ER • residing at 66 Mott street, New York, itesitloMirted with 11.4.pevia i n i ts ttiust aggravated forbt.. The symptoms were violent Iteath ache. Ireni dehiltty.. - feve*, costiveness, cough, heart. Corti, pain in the chest. nod st annuli &vitals after =wing, impaired appetite, secsni ion of dinkina.3l the stomach, furred t nature, nausea, with frequentdizzinm• - s towards night and iestleness. These had continued ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting - Pr. Wm. Evans.looChatlmin street, and sithmitting to his (Wet successful snd a,reeahir mode of , treatment, the patient was completely restored in health in lite short Space of nue multi h. and grateful brute incalculable henett /tette. ed. g tad! v came forward and volnnieered the above slate For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. .I.7,ELLE 4S, Agent , No 20.‘Vood street. helow Second c Rre 3 PATER^T 1-7 r. UPS, FOR B who would wish greatly to reduce their expense, for light, shout .1 certainly purchase one of the above hatited Lamps riti by their nse there is a clear hi., of at least t birds of the expense over Oil. And the front ibis is pure and brilliant, and whidiv Tree peon: smoke or smell. We would s4;ito !11.41 r.l re's I' i- the only one wortityptie 1,110 1 1 on line public, ;IF 1 1 is Ilse only one that is appli 1- 11 1 .1 e 10 '-very voririy rtr pattern of Lame . ..and the only m•tt t!,al , nlrt, lard 111 any temperattWe of told NV, have. :II 111-F l l4/1 - 1 f.:1111, of Infer loan.'. 510111 -1 - V 1.1, 1 1 01011,1101, 1 1 11111 with where an exception, hoer enee hithiy eclat (nil ill the treat erenonts . t,F their me. o r ait !lel , ;cote, int its over either oil in Fr-2:114 In i oe- , 41 n.l light. The above named Lou ins ent re tiad only :it Third , nip" nrarr nprin=if is the 1C rrrr I. , r1t1=1:111"V Olt Metal, Tin ant) fi; ;:ri• PE 10 tile tltr 11,1 ,-, l;if'c:: . e, ii !I, ,11:.C1 shed In by n, t.% rr,rerta " t 1 nr i 11 CE f. ind mnd lire no, rt,..00t 1.:4nm.. for I.o.niotz 1., 11 or other notionl f Le-❑a:mn 1 1 1 S•iyitlgtlin. it., givnan 'rrreto Ti'Jd--t /vial to a,.y r.r Inc etdinary of 1,r1a1192 ponce_ 01 01,nut mte.thtrd Ihe cost. and wholly tO , l. -rn-her , nt het iiiiiiiizrecehlr , pmrll, I.e take n pleasure an i.rotio mend int! Ihrsr I:tITIRF , TO Ilir i•y their uSr I here is 112 Over either fp,..l' lei or lard hi:, or even rand , es: and awe believe them, In he more Ora lily and less I rnulde.some Than either. To be had at PnowN 4- RAv2,ldrio's only, Third slot - et, near'{- op,o , ile t 11 , l'ost Office. rev W. VV. Bake - ‘‘.ell, Jamer.:- !loon, ' " A. M. Ilr.:an, Charles rn, i=nn, " Job(' M ',Cron, 0-e Yeager. N G r.) , lirs, Wm. Graham, jr., 1111'," ri Dunlap, F.. TrocOlo, Dr 11. D. Sellers. W to. flonglas., , , " F.. D. Gazzam, Henry Alciiond, ... " Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Crane, Robert H. Kerr, Esq., George W. Henry A. Beckham, Rohert Mertierson, Thomas Ouston, John S. Shaffer, George St ilienberger, Wm. Eiclihnbm, (1. P. Shims, 3. B Turner. A. Miller. NVm. Martin, R. M. Riddle. Cost Master tterirY Iln rgesser, R o bert Gray, James S.Clark. of I he Amer- Allen Kramer, lean Hotel, A. F. Marl hros, John M„Camplc-II NI. Stackholse. L. Alberfrr. Ro..ert Johnston, James Mellin, N. B Juet receited, an improved Patent Lamp„ for kitchen tme. nov 19—(11* Sr Mif TO THE PUBLIC, abC , Darticular/r/ to ney farmer par,-ors of this city:—Having retired front the practice of Medirine. I mat , be permitted to say, that it bas fallen to !lie lot of lan few persons to have enjoyed so liteeral or tare a share of 4thst ret r iral practice as my own has been for the last 310 or-40 venrs. The experience of that long period of art ice life.andthe fart of my having been twice, since 1830. as.ociated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, io the practice of medicine, (in holh a period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of, the merits of hi.. pills. So enneenienl.Qo effieterit. and yet .o rare. did I esteem these pill., t hat for the last five yea's in iny practictl - for the cure of chronic disease., of whatever name. and those of femaleA in particular, I have used more 01 them than all other medictoes. Like every outer meiiicine. this must fail in some in stances, but in my hands there has heen less disappOint. ment ndpore satisfaction in t'ne administration of his one remedy than of ail of hers;tis good effects sometimes quite astonishing inc. if my pot tent rr , rptired a Oaf.- aperient medicine ell/her fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt Is weir:jug the thing I wanted. • • if a dystpeptic acid condition of the stomach, conthined wit it costiveness or inactivity of ilte liver. constituted the disease 3f my patient. the yids were just the thing I eteanicil. If I treated a case reqnifeng an emmenagnmae.„ the Wilson's pills' were just the thint I wanted. if palpitation, he mtache„ Bushed countenance, or olber difficallie.. indicating a diSi Urbana. of the .circutatory and secretory systems, annoyed me patient at the Inc., of life,' the Wilsoll'. , s pills were just the thing t wanted- Thus, withottt reap,et to the natne, a di ase Might . happen to wear at the time I hare had it under treat-.' ment; particnlar indications or symplonS atising . ; were al - rays mmt promptly and most happily met hi.; the Wilson's pills. . That tut great a - number of diseases, and somellnut ap. earthily opposite oneryia yrirgir I itaii: used thede pills; ttliorild'fic cured more readily by them than by any other remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory; but why it is no Is strictest to my mind as that *swat Many persono obocild become thirsty': front mi many diffeirem tatimm,and vet all require that, common stud"greatest -I,f all blettsimmcweler to quench their thirst. in , ,conclusion, It Is duet* 4epotation of vie usedieisse andibeptittile., tOinty decidedly „and unconditionally t 'Pat, Oft Witsmiiipillairreiliertal,p-iiimbination t base lelrif Miti. wtth In my i r ony coarse 10 4 prOeficc, that reall7likl* 'ersrmiattrititig rani - linOr mineific for sick bearlitaM, _,_ . i- - "' - ,•,'- , 1 VC 4lll Ot-i , ,i)g. MILO ADAiIiS. '- The* above This divined particularly for the!. ii,. *4-441kr.boitopilisi.csittilifisiileilst Ilse Itaiseiii <,: f „.*;5114. 11, tkl#,P7, ri e tar . Ari. 1 ; ..,14-,..WPm4 , - • i . , • L acaletatt,se!ird,ol4.: in .. .tetio'k _ k —•• _ ~... v-;,..„-,-.. ....,....., ~.„4,_. • ... ....,, . 4 4-TRIIPIP -7-41 ' .. . , . ,_ . Goomps' temer..t ... A—a. N it.. Tkest .2.-... ..!.riissereittroirgrrearamesifet to tweet** 'or ladies and tare ati# etrithialLiathedy to mateiiittc , --,-. • ,--• complaints pecuilt to their sex, from *ant or ei ere*. or geateraidebitity of - the hyittria. Thi4 oirirhite cot a a as eta, ask counteract .all Hysitirieat *ad Notion - 2 a Time !ilia hire 4 :allied. the tanctiotould flan le thalami eminent Phyidhlase hi thital ted loakes, and many Mothers. Poi Side Whalen% and itzliltAy R. E. SELLERS, . 4 14icist . . cep it) - No. "24).Wedd giitt.t.htlOir Second. ADAVR.OdoiI and Shea, opposite ae kind st., PittshargA.— The ardwerlberbavintbotight tint the stock of the late . Thomas Rafferty, deceased, hasikainFl landoess' S., in tire old stand of Dr. ~ and . to execute all d&.criptions of work in his tire„,, WNW manner aWd GU the choicest nOtice. He teem!' iiii4Minity on hand a large assortment ofshoe-findings of aft desOriptioni and of the bast quality. Ho so ,cats the patronage of the pub lic and of the craft. Vttlit. ADAIR. sep 10 • 11111 ITTSBURI4}I MANUFACTOIigs. I sad Azle, for Ciarriagii tie :Eastern Prices. The subserfters ',renal - active and kiind einstantly on hand Coach. C and Mint*. Springs pointrrarael,lJittilallt Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash ,Frames, and plated Dub Bands: Stamp Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold PtCps, Malleable Iron, Door Bandies and Binges. kc e. JONFR. k eni.Em st.clair st - -'near d e Antqfheny teridre L.GERS. M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth, H D.S. F. near Ferry street. sep 13-I.Y LOOK AT THIS the attentinit - iftlio,e who have been somewhat seep. tical In reference to the numerous cenifiples published fnvor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup tIWIId Cher, ry,onmertatint . ofthe persons being, unknown in this see tiolti Of the S.3l:fie„htirespectliglly directed to the following, eartillesie.thewiper of which has been a citizen antis Intriong'h forseveral iears. and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To Lie Agent, Mr. J. KIBEY. • T have used Dr. Swayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely all flirted far about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that Itdsthe most effective medicine that I have been able to pree o re. It compotes all uneasiness, and rt,„'inhe.s well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and good tippet 5e,.;, ; „.t can freely rezommerul it to all others similarly a Mired. J. hitosica, Borough of Chambersb'g. March 9.1440. sep 23 t'orale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street FRUIT, SifIADE. AND ORNAMFNTAL uor.risolks dftirons of procuring Frnit, Shade. and 1 Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel pl is or New ifork, are reque;ted to make application as snort as onssibit, at the Dru I and Peed Fiore of the sub scriber. where can be had ratalogue. .2 , ratillionsly, of the :oust excellent varieties. F. L. SNOW DEN, sep 3I No 184. Liberty street. head of Wore' itirdiißLE M kNiJF k (2 - n - it Y. rirk e:awfield LTI soretinily aeqttaints his friendrandt he pulite aem crafty, that he has commenced I he Marble business:o the corner of Fifth and Liber:y .I...where will he constantly on hand. tooth stones. mantel pieres. monuments. head and foot stones. labie slabs for cabi Net ware, and every article appertaining to the business. fle will warrant his work to be welt done. and hi'. char:les will be moderate He respect follyastrs a share of anbtie Oat rounze. sep 10- TAMES A. VEAZFN. irenrardieg and Commission el Alerekant, Aeent for Cieaal•oat Cleveland and Pen n”'lvonia and Ohio Line fluvial Fettled !he ware !muse formerly fter 0,0,1 1, ftinuinelta to k Co.. No. 60 Water Si ,eei, eit9PPII ttond a nil t ield. in prepared In receive amt forward AIAniF 10 any port on the Ohio or Mizsissippi river on reaconatdelertris. sip 10 CO-PARTNERSIIIP.—G. P. Smith 4. W. Hampton, having nv , OCin:Pti thentzetses trejetiter 'miler the Inn of Hath:oon et• cmit lt , wilttertitmle the whnlesale Dry 11nntIs hasine.zrir: the hone rt , rently nernpied by Ilatnpson. Smith q• Cn w!wre d,Mv ivlll be reeeivine in a few days a new ,iorlt of Ca': and Wintet GnallS. They rellortfultv inv.te their 01,l friend:. and merchants gen. riettine, POlttl!dreh. 10 call and exotrin: their sept 313—ti3na. Portable Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 ll,s, at $55 00. do do do do 2,005 at $45 00 do do do do 1.560 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 590 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3, to each -scale. Dormant scales for the u'e of Warehouses, Flooring Mills, 4-r..the same prices as above. Also, While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. y wines improvements, and a variety of other cognter which they will sell for from 3 to $l5, They also manofaciure Steam Engines for Flooring Milts. Saw Aiiils.Salt Works. *c.„ double and sing'e geared slide tat hes,foot and ot bent-allies fur wood Locoing inaehins for let:mating chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Hairs patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular saw shafts, machines for pawing lath, Trailer's ma chines and tools of all descriptions, also for making black tog boxes. a superior article; governors fur steam engine stocks, taps and dies. coffee Mills. bedstead or Joint hots and machinery for Making the same- cotton factory ma chinery made or repaire,d; printing press _platter!! turned and printing presses repai red • JAMES MAY, Agent. eels 22—if 'MUM; 4. RR. %MU:IRV 101114 B. , GIITHRIE, Auctioneer and Commits . - slot' Merchant, Rh. 106, confer of Wool 4. Fifth its. Pitts bir...7k: Caviar beenappointed one of the Auction ecrs fot t he City of Pitsburgh..tende.rs kis services to jot.- bets, manufact avers and dealers. whoinay be disposed to make trial of this market. He Is prepared tncoake advances on tonal:meet:Hl oral' adiedble and trusts to saii.-zfy coricapondtnithy quick sates: and speedy ?and faiorable returns. That the various iuterests *bleb bit ht congaed to him. shall be adequateli , projecimj, ht btingsilo the aid of his own experience ii hitsinew and acquaintance... With tnerchandfre.penerally, the services of Mr. Sitstvu. FimisiTocitz tsretafore adypnateosilly kaolin. ad an importer add Maki IA ftitdltare and eittieft, iiiltr whom a pertti:a'neni 64:if:anent is wade. REFER TO ItesLgrA. M. Tieinab, Preirt. of M. 4 M a Bunt barltr Peebb 4 .le3, • Robert Conway, isimi M. COOpiet; " James Usk, 1 R. 11. Riddle. - Pittsburg! , 4, Wm Robinson. - Jr. rms.% 1 •,‘ ' ,of• Exchasme Rank: • nampioo,„Smilly. C 0...;, 4 . -lobo b. tinctl; ' ' Samuel Clinrein • ' J. K. Moorhead. W..ereire *Co. " Jobs U. Brown. 4•Co: • finsith 4 ttinty, Xax4iY.49*.osp* • " • 50110 101/11011; - Assuar 11.04 r*Olgat* le r w i f ,o!ekitif. - ssimari4Kapiay*r - ;FP -4 ,4 111 P1 -IFIFT I r st .. 4 • ,'~~< _~;,,,„. ~. _._ TREES =',=lll mormred Flay Infactured he wqr lfachint between Ma li street. tw•o re Hall, Pitts kofamnre and Id the follow. - scales(whcd. composed of No. I, Port de Platform cuiet. on SI, Wiz, Weigh 3 , 501.1 tunds,at fb.oss , a , ,, PROSPECTUS For iricßfaitiing Dail, Aims. Ile "%Its 4 t it l o 1 - 4 .• 4 e.tat,,aind Ute _ , :. 1 . DAILY: ' Nifill . POST. ,___., , riltirSutecriben , b;xileigiguretiOkeillemeate 10 eterge X ; the A titiriatitritta*faelifieletted rittabargh Mercu ry, lola sae inalatd; L. httleettailuded to pablish t daily Pa PW igith the_ ti ,1 1 q-bnlie.. thilf Allag, past. Tha remit ag.illijeet oriladt•Poii" *Mae the dhettenine tion hod defeat* of tbeeedit kat prineleitesitat 'tate Otte. 1 63 41 been iiiialuLtrised by the Winne, la theirreipretite papera.and their aestetrorts will aid be devoted to the advineetaent and settesi of these deletions. Althoagb..in polities, the paper win be theroaybly demberdeie. yet the. Militant hope. hygiving an .bottest, Eatord hhdary of lia<ain,g Political events. Foreign anti ~ .ittimestle Intffiligence,iiid Wier notices of all mat terakaditecurreaces that come prbrieily within the sabers of a Public Journal, to make their ,papet. sufficiently na 'creating to entitle Rio the patronage of the 'public> it iepßetive of party consideratioes. I a addition to the political and general nears that will be feund in the ..X•rsisz Posi," the Editors will take pates to furnish the basieessis coannunity with the 'latest and most interesting Cointsactitt. breccia semen from all parts of thertonntry, and to have prepa red Seth Accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as alltibeadvaotageous to oar Merchants and BilsinM ken la. their several 7C . itVa' Poor will be. potiabeit on a lame imperi al sliteefof fine parkf, (liant:Wait a red especially' for this Journal) at the 0 nn,ually rote rale of FIVE DOLLR ES per annnat.payable in advance. It will also be sold by newis.boys sa the kris rate of TWO CENTS a copy, will he inserted at the lowest rates Charged by the other daily pews of the city. TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, Who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, iV.H. SMITH. # Apent 31; 1842. 10116 MID . B. tr. LiAt ; +OVACCO,In stone and 1.7 for daln by J. G.*. A 6011.00*. Wp 13 . NO 141italer street. BY Morrison 4 . London„ wile Only Sy S. N. - Ail Wickersham; kornei of Stood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who la sole agent for Western 'Penns y lvania. sep 10 FARM FORBA Le—The undessignmloffivs for sale; tract of land situated 4 mite; frt... frespott, In the direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township; Anw-trong county.. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared Una Under good fence; 10 of wilier' are in meadow- a 064 viitiarn . dffelletie bouse and cabin hien everted iguieon—an spittle orchard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient Witte house. . DO?. TERMS n oply to the solvcrihera riding at the Sa Itworks on the Pennsgleania Canal, 11 oi4e l abore Free port. vtp 10 TO THE WlSE.—lris now well understood how much dis rders of the mind depend for their tare up.zn a due attention to the body. It is cow understood host , valeahle is that medicine which will remove morbid acentnutal ions without weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be. tween the mind and the body. ft is now understood that purr,ing with the Brandreth Pills wilt remove a melan chely,atid even insanity is cured by perseverinvly using them: It is now understood how much domestic happi ness depends upon the healthy condit ton of the digtctive orr_ans. it is WM well known that the Ilrandreth Tills have cared ilsomtand.s of hopeless mid helplms persons: even 'when the first physicians had pronounced Iltein beyond all homan means of relief, It is now not- only welt known that the Ilrandreth Pills so cure, bitt it is also un derstood how they rare; that it isby their purifying Orel on Ike blood !het they restore the body to health. The. value of the medicine is becoming more and more ma ion•Af,l t is Aflame - tided liOly from family to family.: The Brandemb Pills remove in an almost impercepinde moaner-WI noxious accumulations and purify and in v igo rat e i helliind their good effecio are not touriterhalan. ced he anyAtteanveniences; twine composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who use them to dang,er; and I heir ell - vets are as certain as they are mita lacy; they arc daily and safely admittHertidlo infancy. youth. manhood, and old age. and to woikitet in the mast critical and delicate clrdu mstancrs. They do nni distort, or shock the animal functions, lint restore their order art* , astabligh their health. . SOld at Tir. Rroadreth's'Office, No. 91, Wood street Pittsburgh. Price .23 cents hns..with full directions AI A R K—The only place in Piitsbn rib silk re the gent: ine Pills can he obtained, is the Loctor't Oita office, fin 98 Wood street. §ep 10 DR'J. R. TI BBITT ' S, Respectfully inform the Citi zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has return ed to the city- He hopes to share thr 'confidence of his former patrons and the piddle gener.illy; and scificifs a renewal of a portion of their parronage. fn connexion he would.obserse, that the operation of Lithotrity. tor breaking the stone in the bladder and allowing it to pass of with the urine,) is isery where CoMinanifini thedirm est interest. He hopes: to extend the brnefit ofthls branch this profession' to the ;Acted. Fl vitiates, Moms , ' of the Bladder and Ridneys,—whieh occasionally fallow,— will likewise recelft attention. Threw from a iii4tatice wishini Alit)* infunrtnitan will apply rier6ntly diread fin be accommodated at his dWelling, in a mired part iiftiti• ci ty, on Third. between Ferry and Liberty sts, cep Hi BRANDI:En:I PILLS. • E In•Satids read the itilloit , ing n'irodni or a Saito' cured of a comptleat ion of afflictions in nineteen days by the use of Brandreilk Titt4. it dlstinetly proves there are herbs in nai tire 'o44dt:hive &why care be cause of disease, and iitaile for theme Read and (*convinced. Take the medicine a ndbe cured EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUNATIEM IRRECE-9., AND AFFECTION' OP THE LbXO A Jolts SHAW. of Pembroke. Washi agt on coo nty, M aine, being drily sworn, says, that he was taken *intently sick about six months since- The pa ins in hiS head. brosi, hack, left side and instbp brine, so bad that he null nna. ~teto hininseif. anti wag taken into ihe Chrls:a Hos pit*, in the city of Hasson. That after being in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis =aid he did not know what was the mallet with him, and that he could do nothing for him; materna he;ltierrittb any medicine That he, therefore, Inas conieyed from the Chelsea Hos. phalli) the Hatior's _retreat on Staten island. That be was there physicked with all sorts of medicine fora peri od ;of four months. suffering all the time the most heart. rending, misery.- That, beside; las affection nails Wires he was troubled mach aloft a difea, - e of the longs: some tiitieS fia tirould spit a quirt tif phlegm in the itaiii.erider this affection be had a ;bad Diarrhsca, which laid more .or tens aiterided him from the commeneenteiii of his sick. nests. That at times he dreaded *stool Worse than he would have dreaded death; that he on ianfigiare the feel ingto writhing save that of icaiveS patina thrones tits belief. After suffering, unarm than death at this Savior's ket66,, tin §aten island, the doctor told him that medi cine we/lora° nee to him.thair be intrt try to stir align's, At this time he wan suffering the vrabmt misery. That his booms were so tamiefler•entfid not - bear the least Ova ore upon tbe ctbow or tip/in the - knee, that kir .harep woe most infarct that as the Doelor Salk be would give him no More antrialine , he detertnined to procure acute or Or.. firandrettek Piths, ilibiCh he did. "'drift 241 Broadway New' teirkg tbsii he ootameneedi hhShe pine. and son*. tiatts , increased the dose to eietL Tice fer i a. week's we .co mach benefited him, that the doctor, not 'knowing what he war aging. raid..now,Shaw, you look like a man again; if anti improve in this way, you will soon be , Tinatteigngd every dove of Ow firtindreth . Nils] relieve hisis, Gast they caved hint of the Pa, lit i'lten 0. 1 wed; Itint - thej - iteit eatiVl the diarthqta, sa d finally th e pain* in his bonesi--That the medicine Owned le tidOl tarVagtit to - han everyday. Bilotti the doctor yeMer dx well. and ilea, th4t,he owed Ws rneOrer r y In Hirthdreghs Pip% Rode*. tritiehes that beliad taken tile diddle:tad jewel* A." for joys; thq-o k a)ciettir ;aid hint itkejoad- kaista .. he *ad been taking that medicine. be should not hate stayed. angAbei Zarb" ristrifinite. Becanaiderail 4m s j o y, t o it4ke thinnubtic rtitement far ,the *lac fj 0 001. agedggegy,... ;aillricted; that 44i tiny Icaeir whet t rto t o il a a l e K e w' taitt tate Oa*, - -.IOBICDUADT. , liafir e craiar lnßby 'me 43rity swans ibis 13th day at Affra. latt Old &Pim' Ada day Pot Dee gardrain , Male< .3. D WREMIDIa c erDa,. _TDCDIWandrint.PICL.D - ,*(DOTik..dt 334' 4 AD*; 4 41 4 1 6 7 0 -D35 14 10.24 4 ` • ' - ,4 4. o !tMr. l6 Fitk - 0 11 , Detailleit • 044 :„ ._.,, : .--. . - -_.!;.,..,...„.77,..T: =_ •'; -, ;- - .. o.*tro , A., , , ~„4, 1 . _,,;._ -...:-.,,,-- „.r„..-- , --,,,,,v ~,-,-_.---_- E 1 , IT' •'* , o'i , ,t •*-:-',',,'. 4.--,1 , -..ft , 44 , -, 4kr. ?RIO WM. ¢ PHILIP BAKER tt- Two - , pm: I " T inizi**".o fie**o4, AN LIM LIMPUINP aiI t4a 4paor ef . ," MOUS rod !Stories AratAlliiii1 0 4# "trl• " AV4I4 „-.-__... *.4 1 . 101 the Int*oing man - is die I stand in, said'ereen;lhatertia * 4ll._ him would suspect to be guiltier . •It”: . "f • lirlon my immliarnlitatrdher:Siria.'? both grieved titniilistifered at it: ''' ciointi to arrest bits, he arida, thiifil,,. beiry he cortimitterl'histitight. ." ' '-- , --- . Robbery! they eielaimed with - . , .r. `lll' i - said the man, Telibrity, no wtiiii ii More; tat arriatheteis lititir..„: of !his guilt. Why did he lailS'billifir '-, the friat•whetii'thei etteittlitEttureitttillail, He mush ,ctoitti with ug. • - , .:! ,_ The mother Shrieked aloud, and eilillipe4 = l": her hands like a distracted women; MAW ther's brae! After' frotin the fhishiiiilt*ott: _ of indig fi ation, and became pale - iipir preheiribil. ' ' - . ''•-• "- Oh! no, no, he etcbgated; Jefrillifillini did that. Some quaint inight boas - tits( him in the other business, brit==-Itd, 110- 11 at your father knows you're innocent of Mir bevy. Yes, John, My bin-fil istis yntitie4 rho* you've wronged; my son: - tittle* You too well, in spite of all I'verittiii*lllt believe that. my iiire-heavted-boy. - He grasped Iris Boni! hand Altai il#lokersl and his mother at the saMeirtoment - him in her arms, whi!.st both sobbe d exp%A , atrong yeaseofirmate dignity the brow of youtig hatch Laadket, smiled while his parents wept ; althollifllt his sympathy in ueir -sortere brobert, al tear at-the same time to 14f:raids. . gel declined; Itnwetet; entering into any col vianalion._ and the fathtir proceed :1 Yes! I know you eke Lino:fent, Xebec 9 can swear that yd , didn't , lave this:. Wes* from nine o'clock 'sit night up to the-01 1 010 cut minute. -,..,--1_ ;Father, Said Lamb Lantiher, don't elilneee that for it vvould not be 'true; altheogit= thin it would. I was out the greater of last nigl.t. His father's countenance felt did those of his. friends who WEA on healing whit appoared to be alinost admission of his guilt. , • (Jo, said the old m n, go; nabotinsc ti him With you. If he's guilty of thiiii,Tit neter more I.pok upon his face. Johnsl4 heart was crushed Ireful*. bat yOutelifittl ly to break it, ont an` out.. Larfirh Laudei• Oge's dertortmelit,-* hearing himself charged with ritittagy, came dogged eta sullen. TM). ttdubloit excited among his ii-iendit, hstotreitteitl4lo. silent indignation and Acorn: He reinew t beted that on the night before, the w omen assured, him she had *Pt hoitre Ve'di and that' he ehitge wio Ow, Logt‘v rdijitili strange and nnaccot.ntable. Come, s.aid. he, the sooner t l / 4 hitbiloino,44 is cleared up, the betther. ur t don't know what to makft xiordot : V care much how it goes. i ktiiw foi e evening that bad lock was , bed?: foie me at all events, an! I supposi,tet: mitst tekp its coots an; that I.m.tst.b ► -, it. ' The fatket• bad Wei tioiin; and now caned uttering a sir,gle word in Yindip, , 114, 1 , or, pis son. The latter locked tourtirdstiyiiie -• when about to pass out, but 'the-old taaa • 4 , waieti his baud with sorrowfultilitpsience, and pointed to the door, 1144 jnebnatill wish that he should forthwith depart f under his roof. Loaded with tow (014, diagrace, he left Hi 3 friends accompanied ; - •‘ by the, constables; to the proktund—gnec and astnnishtnent of ali who gisewitilirtij Therthen conducted ..b.in befur ~ .lii , ‘ Brookleigh, an active, magistrare of thistE.J.- day and a geatlenian i,:•f mild and hamar* character. On reacting BroOkleigh Hall. ielottlt baudher found the strange woman, ;-* M'Collum, Conner's iervant maid, i sittg 1.. the carman waiting his arrival. TboAttngwp., : ..: istrate looked keenly at the prisoner.. ` s immediately glanced witb an, exprinsubli of stroffg disgust at Sten M i clAOitat:- "fiek.. , , other female §utieye.l Labm",,Tand4r .; with an interest evidently .41f4r-: , which She ,whiapered somettiing, to- .., 0 4 Alio frowned and shook her' heart' 4 diasenting trom what she, had hito ~::: Lamb Laudher, on- his part, surVihrelitio , fetiturei of the fema.te with in wallet itniiiit...: that seemed to absuib all seise of his O‘to ' disgrace and danger. - -:- * .- V . , . 1 . ~-_ _ i _ I 0 4 Rorkß, said, the 171tistrate, 14,11 JIM . , serious charge against too. I trust)totar .; may he able effectually to meet it: ' - 2.- ::, f 1 must wait your worship, till k 'lleiii - W,,, ty what it is fit st; replied L amb LinfiliAr ~,.,,,, after that l'in not gfreid of cleat-in' ....„ 0 -. ~ it , :,... _ The woman tbenetailed the eireMmi , stances of the iebbery, Which it aßetrffelr - topicpiece tit the moment her luggage ia :-*'' in the act of bting rerwrrea`th fitf " slier which she addad, rather ua lyl, And now- pooh worshiptitate ptENO 7 4,„ itate..i the facts; but I must,` 1* ' Coils . 4 , , ;!*14 - .,....' add, that, although this woman, tutiitiiiir— 'Nall 1l 'Callum , - is of opinions- illiWthiel yOubg.Man before,,r)tr bas-robbMittse,llllPkt'a lesu n qt think <he did _ : - . ,_:.., ~?- 4,. - ; , , ~ Ft! swear, your worsb,„„asial liefi - iimi v l nu passilf hortiewer4 Usk night, tralitAltidP3 rr grid People atsialr',it#Anikeg"solo444° liw op door, I -stood Mailedpack 'we b, tiflrifT In . eiv who thet 04*. , r L l kolf . fAiniiihei; ikni a-, stitilihitlic 1 ;4,04 . 1 _,,..ft itivvy,l 4 .4 - , 61 .0 i 1 2 1,„ 14- - wiii;lw flitot w s3 ... .„ 4 , 1 , * „.. 4 „ iiiit ~. . T.eki.....4.,--_-.allll-11.417.' =SUM MEM T.M ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers