rAitir '• • , Mks "!*?!••flo*ift:4l44 . o4ll4t arir ' :- . , . 1. , RAVELERS TABS KlYtitt_i,,,,, • p ro dided with the Safety ig imi • l 7 14 /di punted with a figure of the at0,,, t 2 lief cu are not deceived by joi n , TIN,' , ,tar tog their soars fa fin prodded ; i:iiitt rd, when they are not sine:Cited tva tt i• to fotlowina , is a list of boatel 'appli e d driti, , u.ard at the Port of i'itisborgh—,an uiii i i . on the list have the inntffenksien aittlisl k at , it i s impossible for ankifOoditr a i t , .. t , 'ANNA, FORME N 4 '.":. IT.AN, ILLINOIS, . t; tRA t DU QUEsm it ‘..- . E.A NS, .lEWERS 7 '"ION, ItIONTG4SI4EILY, )1' OF LYONS, CADDO, I.EY FORGE, INDIAN quEE*; T PITT. GALLANT, : A K W ATER, (a UR EN ar m s ° TESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLI:. DRILLIANT ' ECIIPR, 1 V ICTR ESS, T WIND, 311°IfIGAN, WyE.I'TE, ttSPRRY, . LEYRAND, PENELPE, . IMA, ROW INA g :RO, . AGNES, %HANN. MESSENGER, t 14Al; A NSETT, SARATOGA, ARANTEL ',.GO PAR 11, 'TUN E, ME, ORPHAN 801 " 1 OHIO, CECILIA. :LA J H BILLS, I'll BEND, - . GALENA, ; I Err A, MENTVR. I.:1 - 1 - E, COLUMBINE, •.M FERRY BOAT, -i , a vi-hilt cot, niu t.i; y are mils-04111y no: ; it•y matte a ci.lttre or a boatootillicts • • •.e o hot lier it would not IT to twit sdia ~ • curtly to choose a Safety Clwyd but, lican • :,• alit. frei g ht. in preference Inert nein gla • • T. t •• ‘ o : csiwt —and that they will beer In oil ,- inventtoil has the unqualified *pinball*, ,1111 cosine builders—gentlemen whine I, .. , ~ under-land I Ite subject, and whom entirely i , sed—lrs;ti.•s a number of' rerlifica.csbom . ~ le n en aid 01 hers—all of w hi c h eon benti 4 i trice, No 10. I,V at,r siren, where It would g i ve l -ure at all tunes to ex liihit my Juveniles ID will lake toe trouble to call. CA DWALIADEC ETA It !.I \,.P I .1.: I: EA!, ESTA4'E FOR SiL The er otters for sale, at-the Pretest • ,•r toe .zrr 3ler part of his real estate, th • ••.: I.lm and A )le2lteny, Tic 'flare ,••••• ,/ 1 , . arts , new. a. rettheiaetially • •••• \ , .•rhel •ef 1,1 el wern Srconr! arid 't a• • . i ••ot 54 feet by 60 deep. Fo u r ; a rat , Ir to stit poi chai , ere, and open lus lot in Allegheny city, 54 rtl oi in depth, hart_ Iva via canal aid the ei r•ove. IGO fee't . 1 i.r the larre 1 V. occupy and =MEM .‘ 1,11 tk i; )1 IS,. I -,ry I,r irk SGMFAIII.II .1 ,1.1 , i • fr 31,, r rd no, I - . '•• _ , a ore u rirti , „ ~tI.GY. \ d in aq,,. of Flax ni•el Timrllr. :• = 'b •, -rl ( ry I' roduce 7tlL , li in \ ;: r; IS'S I icelligenrc Oth • ,•-•• TO, %Var . ( I ou=v, No 9 r I; NII T C'en•misaion Arerchavt, Drily nt tiurr :7 77! Crl CC! iffanyfactures, .1116161, ri.('VU TV- of n'd r. D. 4i , 14. • .v ,T; Ihr,! =IMO Woe4it.eurne, , Madison I;LE FARM FOR SA LE.—I will Ktl . no which I live. in Wilkins imirobip,iii .rI rL , 5r I,r . coolainlna one hundred and !Virgil% "I , ou' 71 , acres of which is cleared. and theMdll ,r.rr.,l. Torre are upon it thteelot &real! 63 feet I y 34; an apple orchard of choice " "' acres of coal.. The soil Is hel :.1 01 any upland falai in the tole koown on applicationto the Fulksciibel WILLIAM WALLACK IMMUMI I Ll.l A5l C. WALL, Piais cad rases ";, and Picture Frame Jilattafsetarer, 4 St ye,! Patsburg h.—Canvass Brush. w aiays on hand. Looting RI ,- 4 " y framed to order. Repairing dont 014 10 0 ( • ti:ar ati cation paid to regirdlogo nd ion. titling up steam Boats oi boosts twitill4 antage to call. ' BITE I. Et.. D.--The subseriters sot now ' in furnish painters. and Miters Who trall,lll r.u. e %V li II e Lead -made of the tist toothsawi I r ua!, if not superior to any °feedl ..., ,I , r, atidn.ssed to Dunlap* tivabeil I' _. • Co. 110 Second street, rhethnith. !it" M' , 1,-,110. DM411.Ar.4•11..Fr --- iti-Oige , DIES FASHIONABLE ) list - lifth St., one door frog Old Stirrdiv .... I=uhscriber respectfully hiforfs, . th e ' t..nrf:ll and vicinity that he bss, tots ~..! Shoes , of his own manufgetoreestOel ,? he will keep constantly WI -) 1604 .. a n :...4 , of all kinds of ladies, In i.'", S. naCc:' ' 0 ; 1 0i - hopp. of t Ile i”.st qua! it y.,-", bleb-IS -, 1 ° 4 .. ,o it the Imes He will -.1i1F04 0 .,...i .- of fancy work—sueli Aie ilrbliel:.-"r": ', colored gaitpri, and Waldo,. Isdie. V ', Cu. rs I. r en's ell-lore., flik' gal 151111.1ripEr-:•rp4 4...,-1 he made at the skittle* Istl :W !". • - f. Ladies wilt please rAlfitti4 - -,--- - • r'7"' ! Fubse r i bey feet, ecirtaent-iltit .. - ..f , 1 t —..ta . --; t, t t -.1 tilde in his line they ri,t-.7--ilsialli 10 ~ s. ' r i ttitStslt . :',. Don't forget the plaet.- , ^P,%. - k - Aok 11ik..., /0 1, ' r from Harris's Intelligence -,. Market Street -------------It----14i -t.,: ut t w ill* T ILLI ..il 51 DIG BY hae....11 wt.-A ~ business of Mons tit Borg, _. °l r t. lll l liteg" , Frig street and 42 ins rter git 7.,„,„,,mi „1,F, to the nut frien4s *se r7 O ”, OOP for the very liberal inpponith th li e i l e, on e li ,t ) ed to - him. in connection w 11 , 1; to assure Wee:1 1 0 0 rn the conlineatlnn is ett ~ --. , b titely invite tbcir reili'o 4o tl,ing,which belts n Itas been eir:itilikevith , , 4ko r whole of the ata44, ..,_ ard an be iiii.e.*,, . , eplars_.* - 4 i bunineslo4 *At ~i . - ;'....1 ,-,n hissineks di* ;","- ,• " • t ''.l . 'II OW Orl/(6,1CITIIIIIISIIIP. sitigUSINII.- tease to tate notleet bal. eveta. in Pinsburieb• -i"- ° °vote_ .440414 1% SI ETEL 14011;ROW , •-- - ~t-.crif et- - ' t 4.. skeet trim Wgwe,30,,•1 1 ... , ' , ...."44 . 10 1 900 wet cad Market Sriedifi.7, — !_"„.._" l7-.7 -er....4 les nee el the efiale l4 71-71 . 00100 0 ,„.7 7 4i tot hers are solicited rooll irares*jll*-4 4 0 1 * -11 # v.,1 r.. 71 w.- 041 401; ..,,- .' -' ''''':. 74';Ft .- It'Ufe , .. ' l`.l - .,A 4 Op --aft 7 ':,-.,,, •= 4 ...: ',',_;?..:' " , -.- .`-:.;: ',!,-,.., . t A7 - . • .. ~ ' 'ST; ~.. -t: .~.Z.:'`,.4.5-killl rOL I.—NO. Bs. pirirLISIIED BY rs , pHILLIrs & W. H. SMITH, CORNER OF WOOD k FIFTH,STS. FIVE DOL LARS a year, payßide in node w oes T WO CENTB--for sate at tie o f tbe office, and by New, Boys. ierestr y and Itlannlaictnrer s vvEry,t,i, at the same office, on a double tl TWO DOLLARS a year, in an. :MX CENTS. hel h ae:let, copie, t«ri of Advertising. -IRE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: I* . 050 i One month, $5.00 0.75 Two monis, 6.00 1,00 Three months, 7.00 1,50 Four months, 8.011 3.00 Six months, 111,00 4.00 One year, 15,00 yEtRIN ADVERTISEMENTS. (110G}.031.F. AT MEASURE. Two Sq acrr et $ I q.OO Six months, 23,00 One year, r. 14 ,..„ a a,” , O.,menu; in prerortion. ip:;,,,•1..-mr lines Six DOLLARS a year OFFICES,&C onve Third he!nreen Market and Wood C. was t er. a th ,„ g , tAThicr...llll door from Wood at. Peter .iin,l4-11 ajar Joh n Witlock,Collect or. Ttris:lv. Wool between Firit and Second A Ba rtram, Trea.ntrer. rs Tr.cor-ri. Third ;tree , . neat door to the in 17noren H. Johnston, I.,,,Furcr. , ~,,„ a, Four h. oreen Market and Wood Itrtandt• Hap. Maror. •-• •('V. Fours It. near Market at. CHLNT • , n;NtS Nlarket and Wood streets, on tnJ Fnn rill ,1“ , ..1 z. OP AND FARNMRS ' DE. 0%. !(orrn,rlr 7-"Arlnz Fund.) Fourth, bettsif en ‘l.nrket ,NGE. nr-Ir \Vond „„ sny, 4 , , rtr Bridge ~, o r r IiOTEI r T, - trtt ()VIII, IV. I'vno -t•eo , 1 , 1 Canal MIME la, k4qyv, 11, vPe 11,T ilo • ry• ; FAT 00 us 11' r(111N SI) OUNSEI,F , OR kT \%V. -"I' , im No o 111. S:riru•r II'?v r I 0 Jon. Fir , floor. ELLIoTr. lor.reera PrP , n and tibtrt;i p w11.1, ,, a1e and at It 1 ,,, 1PP51 ic ‘1,0,,, app 10 OLESS 31 3 CLU . grf: A , for ke*Y!'. and :0 1,11, ( - ) . 11, ,he Diamond, hack , nr2. 1 1. mm 141 loy tT,._ C. llorr. - tw. %I.l.famn; norih c,i WootUrlild pep 111 01: Vli Re I if, I r in Prniint, and rilizzl.ur2lt So. 7221 Linerty totre , q. PV , .. .ep to ' • ," • & UI I,Wiloilr7L--%vbotesa ...1 Com M err lin ioc, and mr,c!ored idC_, 7‹.1. I'll ft 1“1131NSON, ‘lloriwy Lave; In -Ile !Op 10 DI:11j3.1 . 1 \ \ t.t. tt,,7 at 1,11.1‘; tender, i ttittitc. ttor ,tt D. 1,10 y.! ('t, !r'!l , • 1 1•:,. .. :MT A: it i'. S. 11. YtII:NC. (•IL. I . ' 2 , Alley v.. - , 11=1111111 . TON 11.5.115.—.1 ,•• ,t.•l 164-h:tire slut 0111.1,, carrd a,..,;, . r , L.nh hy he do IS \ 1( HARRIS, No. I. Path st B 1 \ , •)' 1,10,1,111's Frysli Ku :a'• at RED, CYR PR ICES to the to, Sete :S l ttro of F L. SNOWDEN, NO. 1 :4 I,ceete s. lirad of Wood. BB ( LONEY:, 1:0.“ a n d Shoe Mantilarto• ri,No Fourt n , ;text door to the U. Stales LLtnti !'rune l la. and Satin Shoes made in ^his:lnner, and Lv the newest French patterns. 0 NIORI_Is in lots to suit nu ,, l , agers; to I ed I=posed of by F. I. SNOW l IIEN, No. IPA Liberty street. head of Wood. 111110( JT9. Flowers and Flower Seeds or ev . th's" , + , l , l ion, can always he had at the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN. 134 Liberty street, head of Wood. lii;nots Annual Mammoth Onion :Feed, for Salta( the Drug and seed store of F. I. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. Liii.NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, Eeed: just received by F. L. SNOW DEN. No. 184, Liberty head of Wood st . 11 : 1. : : : : S t, , , ronsisting r•r Hoes. pl. ncy Spades r 4 "tz Trowels, Edding Tool., Budding `"`"tVire , =, Pruning Slienrs. rtr., just re- P. L. SNOWDEN. 1 9 4 Liberty street, head of Wood. Cr. 114 ,ns.•—Jnst received A mitall sup -I°l tnoice cured Venison Hams, on retail rot current money- ISAA` I KRIS. and Corn. Merchant I TE butch Clover Seed, Orchard Gras.. •nd K " l 'cky Blue Gra3e, aheaya - on hand and for P. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.19,4 Liberty ' , Deer, head of Wood. f RUCH A N AN. Attorneys at Law. office (rum the Diamond, to nAttorney'sßow," of . Fourth street, between Market and Woad aeplo . 611 1 TE.:" is I. N KS, for proceedinff . A 1w 41 °+s anderriselase law, for wile at this Office ; 0 ;061 • , -*l BALI --Lots otilbe North East corner of Coal 'and lltzt, street. Apply to Rest. R 1.1 NC TON, Market, penr 40 et. LP,6. Laudreth'. French Sugar Beet -t eed, just rived and for sate at the Dreg and Seed P. L. SNOWDEN, 134 Liberty meet, head oflytraud. Lt7TION OF PARTNERSIIII%'—„:O . , _l O 'fluership heretofore ezi.etiog between 'vri" . `RV and BENI A MIN 'I3OI'EWELL Is . la ulgal consent. William Digby is mithorized - , "store of the firm in satil!ng.up the r _ m" IMsi -4'4. • . vOLOAM'al.fitr`r• BeNi. Te.iforEvirEtli -_ • ; ,:. _ 4 ~~~ Tilt* MERRorrrivl7llMTlSAAimmaxiMitiek '-a-, Alty, 1 , 101061,11 Beetled'Awf Third F r, stir 4*l ° [ G J . OCINSt' sIN¢ STOFIE,TON s BookitePsPros Primers ILO Paper Manofacinrers, No. t ist.:seß3O-Jy JOHN ANDERSON, lifmtthfield iroandry4 Wafer' at... near ihe Monongahela Hoes*. Pitistmegb. seplo-1.9 LEONARD S. 10 NS, A I derman, St . Clair at reet, se cond door from Liberty. I sett 10-1 Y 1. DE. S. E. HOLM ES, O ffi ce in-Second street, next door, to XI glossy 4- Cog Glass Waithdose sep 10.4 y SUNK PINOLA V, Attorney! at Law. Fituithst., near the Mayor's Offlee, Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at LaM, Firth, between Wood and Smithfield sta.. Pitt:Marsh. sep,lo--1,0 HE UGH TONER, Attot nev at Law, North nst corner at Smithfield and Fourth strertv. etep 10-13, TFIOMPSOII TUNIC& 4•1111 . 9 TORICHIERS. HANNA d• TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No, 1(14, ‘Vooll st, where may he had a general supply of %stifle"! Wrapplns. prinlihg. wall paper, blank books, school books, j c, tic. sep 10-1 i y C. TOWN.;F: n s r CO., Wile Workers arid Afar afrierstrers, No. 23 Market street. between 2t3 and 3d Sirtets. sep 10-1 y l i , XCHASOE HOTEL. Carnet of Penn and St. Clair st reels, by McKIBBIN k SMITH. Pen ta METAL —77 tons soft MI Mvial for sate by J. o.s r A. GORDII 4 I. Rep 1:3 No. 12 Water street 009 LBS. IICI)N if A NIS. 16.000 hrs. Ba t; co Sliotliderg, ihr so a by J. G. 4. A. ( - JORDON. No. lt Water street .1 A. PAT - FF.11 ,7, 0N, Bismiinham, near rillabuseti, Fa., Manura , inner.of Locks ffinsGs and Rolls; To. i.aeru, Fillies. Alin and Timber Sere4vs; tioutien Screws for foiling Mills, seP 10--ty JOAN lIVIC LOS EY . Tailor a yid clothier,- Liher.y steel. lictweeil Sixth non Virgin alley, South side. sort 10 . W IWO I'4ll Mg k CO., Wholcsate Oroi , ers ind 01111 r11.Q4011 Street,' heiween tVond 311,1 Smithfield ur2h. seplo 1y I connoN. Comm----inn and Forwarding Ni , r , hat.l , , Water st.. Pit Ir.:line...lit. .4!j) 10=1 y ER A MS._.-4 cash a flood article, received per R Cori..rnr, and for sale by J. 4- A. GORDON, rp 10 No. 12, vvdter street 11'G Alt & M ( Si, 1F.74f.$ --40 Ititels . New Orleans s u r; s() bids New Orleans ilnlac , es; for sale by sep 10 J. G. di- A. GORDON: QUG A r!...7 Mid: prime N. 0. .4,i.Tar, reretved. Jirr S. R Maine, find for sale by J r 'firt. DOSI• cep ill Nn. '11.7 - aier greed OBACON CASKS.in order. no mod and for trate by set'. 10 J. G. ¢ A.GOIIOON, No. 13, 'Voter st --- Qui:Ali .AND MOLASSES.-13 Illtds nod 4 b' I? N. 0. Sugar, 32 Ills N. O. Nlalleses, received per S , eombnat 1 11 , por ler, and for sttle by J. G . 4. A. ('.O -en 10 Nn. 12. %Val., ,zirrei LARD On, tor gal , . bp IL A. FA IVNI F7F , TOr rn , "Pp l 0 eor r r-61 rt n d «'ond xw 631 PA PEN r , . ficr il m:, l n7 A vo il l x .ai7: 1 1 .0 1:; e a K e 1 / 44. 0 , 7 0 .7ale sr.o 111 ' 4 0 40 , rnroer of Ell, ;lAA Warofios. oi7 rr•arflf i 'hail, .6, r.. „ 3 _, !I _ - ifyo 'r.. A. F . % lIN ES POI - K 4- (70 , cep 10 r. ,. ., ner ~ I ' fill 311 d WllO.l XI, CI: 11 AN ti .F:SES --611 hiuk. N. O. Sugar, 25 !olik. du. do., 11111 do. =ale Lv 13 VV.M. IlUBBARI), fasititthabie hoot and , hoe Nn. IHI, Third S. reel. het wren IVond andsntitheetdatreets. 1";11..)ti sep 10 . N. K E•N (011 Per fn )111 Zt o r thnn FPS, 10 FOR RENT.—Thedweiling and Int containing 4 acres, in A Ilechenv, near the Beaver Road,'ately piedilv Mr. SatriaelCiturcli. Apply at the Merchants :utd Maolffutinrrr,' Cauk. to W. H. DENNV. ' rnil 0 10 J'l-fieti Thal ,ep 10 AV ID SANDS, ATCH ik CLOCK r p, LMAKER, No. 7, St. Clair strrei, Pitis busglt, DEALER IN WATCHES, C I.OC KS. BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS. 6iE YS, COMBS, 4 7 c. sep 111 r nl Va 04+1 ies of Turnip 4NDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A nol slinhly of handl - 010s Carden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Orta r l'store of F. L. SNOWDEN, Fell 10 1.13.1 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DAVID WARD linf hie office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dtrzlline..f rem ROFsAreel. Ile will fait hfilny ni tend all calla pertaining I n his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. set 10 REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress er. has removed to Fourth street, opposit e Ihe May orsoffice, where he will 'he happy to;taralt upon permanent or transient eastoiriera. iie soltrits a share of public pat rosa2e. cep 10 XVII. A. %V A RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three door ' , eon, Irwin street, Doors of briefness, from 9s. M. unlit $ P. M.,Afier which time he wilt attend to no one ezre l it in edges of actual neeetwity.. would farther inform - those who may think proper to employ. hitit,t lint he experts immediate patmeni, without the necessity on hie part of sending in bills. pep 10 JOHN RLA ND. UpAolsterir read Cabilet lif.ker, Third at. hawses 0 7 0414 4 AMA: It "tracts, re!prctfut inftrms Itis frienris and the politic that be is prepared to ',secure all orders for Sofas, Sideboards,-Bu reaus, Cha i rt. Tables, (*.lst eads. Elands, Itstrarrri Spring. Matt rasses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal .o arty made in the city, and on ressonahte!teims. sep 10 CIO3IMERCIAV AUCTION littoms, No. HO Wood Street, Pittsbzu7ll.—R. A. Baseman. Auclioneer and CosimistHan Ilmcliani, is now prepared. to receive and sell all Inds of Goods and; Merchandsze, at his lases and capacious rooms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood sad elth Street'', Pittatuiret. Regular sates.of Dry GaAs. Furniturc..Groceriestrad other articles, on „Mondays mad .Ttittrsday of each week. Hardware. Catterir. Dry Goodk and . • Panqyartieles, On Toesday. Wednesday, and Thassday.eventam . Books. ¢c-. every Saturday tvenlag.- Liberal advances made on COnsignatents Whew wanted. 1,.»K FeJ3I"f`tIONPI, NcYricEs, 'la hr rt.f.d in k rlllllr y ptocreditte,, , , pr hard on load 11:11,0r.anti in Ihr 64 , 0+ approved by I he euitrl,G,r Fair i I lit , or Ow llrrrul, nod Dewcwrat. I , ep 10 BUCKMASTVR, AT , RN EY .AT LAW, his noire to the corner of l'intrib -Ire& a , .tlriterry Alley, between It nailiffeld and Grant Pill , hureh. set - . 10 R*SIIIUMICS. Messrs. John D. Damp, req., .. Bagatey 4- SMltb. ~ Hampton, Stith, St re„. .. F. Lorena 4 Co., u J. W. Botbridge 4- co.. .. S. "Mee .4 t'o. .. °apt.. James 14%alett, .. C. 'baleen. Eell .. Jona 317adtlen Esq. .- • Logan 4 Kelinedy. . I. J. K. Noorhinad 4.r0. ‘. be. P. Stuart, Eel. t .. Robert Gutty n y,Em. i 4 .. - Capt. Jas. Hlf, McVay, Haa a, 4, Ct. 1 , . , I ~,, .. William Sponse, - f Wheel' ••K.G. Henry, 1 4 . 1 41 1 -.8011116.01104T4 Co ..,....-,,, , ,q., e.. 3 4 • 44 -`,st- Iti • IFF&MINIKIIE - 4:*- C.***lts:litt froodiatil - Pittsburgh; has on hand a.copipliffit ap tittw,ie *Mid* the eitit4' nada. Mar, gticholce isglectlea ot.gintg Ziltd4l4, band ittIiitNa'IAIIDTEAWAREaOggse small sets, or sepagate pietas to snit pa'ithaas A cask of 46, 60. 13!r 84Atte' 00114 superbly Pai ant gilt . English Chile Teidraig,iiPigry to* prices. ,e' 4 , Toy TeawaOs. plain, intOcii,psdaied and gilt, !al 1,0010'104W per set. - -Childreses ofevery4ingtipilokt: - : White Chins thavins J c. k I.GORDON. N. 12 Weer stiefi 4 : Piastiugh REM ~'~t~:~ ~ =NM Tau s - - ; DEetSMEER'22 1842 .Granite Dining at d Tea 'llervires; ja.:4/thite . tred *lt splendid American scenery printed in itign.aid l taekr ' A large variety of Steamboat 'Tan imported to match. coin**, Fire Proof Oi.OPe.. baking plates trout t Derbyshtc; Pootow. Flint and Greet - I'olam. 4n all their varieties. Window dtaing;of every size. Patera Eugkeht, Tabs and.gtelere. • Slone Pipet Pad,. te, ke. , All of which are teepeetrilly ofrered to the irtb. lit on the most; favorable terms. !an T. . J. FOT fr i: r L q D hi E s N p ro A r t e i:it i.n et azd vi Czn l a n alle. e r ri sit t. item! of Plttsburgh and hopes for a iharc of . 'copal- - ~ rona;e. t ic Wilrereelate all kinds nf . writing wlb n ~... if t ness and dlspid ch. Cases in hank rtrptey attended i reasonable terms.—Offwe in Smithfield street, 'a house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil. to whom he refers. Pep 'lO T. J. rot( ALD r ~.. , z / r I , tr, DAVID CLARK. Ag't. e•aohionable Boot lift ilas removed to fio, 34 Market street, het. Seebhd and Third streets, where he wou'd he hi to see his old enstomers.atod all others who feel dl ed to patronite him. Fie uses nothing bnt flu strict.. and employs the hest of workmen; and as Wes his constant personal attention to business, he truidsthat he will deserve aid raelire a fair share of patronage. sen lU 1 in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher FutliTs. . ICE CR. EA M., ft CON lelEcTioNA RY. A hunker respectfully Informs his friends and tit "' °n nermini (iribe persona bein g unknown in th in nee Den of the State, is respectfully directed to the following public thatthet can always find' 'the best iistality of ceilificale. l he writer of which has been a.stitleen of this Crr*tiis. er whit al: kiwis of confectionary;. _ borough for several years, and is known as a gentleman fruits. in their season, at his estatitishment—Nitt of intesrity and respomillillity. Fifth street, heiween Wood and Market. Tv tae Jigewt,Nr . J. KIRBY. N. B.—P[l4'lles supplied on the shortest notice, with , . f have used Dr. Swayne's Comp tied syrup of Wild cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished . 1 I Cherry for a rousts, with which I have been severely al wun Bread. - - _ ..P I dieted fur shout four * monflr., and 1 have no hesitation in saying that it isthe most effective medicine than have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with m?diel.—and plantains a re filar nod gond appetite. I ran freely recommend it to all others sisullarly silliictedr. J. MI amen, Borough of Chambersi. l e. W 1N09.1R4f1. sett 2:3 Parsee it) , WILIAAM THORN No. 53 Market street. VVAN:t'S CAMOMILE PII,L LS:—A1:11 A 1:4 HAM CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street. New York, was afflicted with tlyspertzla in lit moss aggravated form. The symptoms were violent• head ache. :real debility. revel', costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the Chest and stomach 'always slier eating, impaired -appetite, sersaticm of attikirtg.olt the sonmar.h, furred tongue. nausea, Willi frecitient vondlings, dizziness towards nisht and redleness. These Ird. continued On ward of a twelvemonth, when. on centottialg Dr:Was: Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of tre.ailicitt . pall n; was completely restored to healtfi in the • one moot 11, and grateful tor the !Ilea leula ed, gladly ranee forward and iolnnteere For sale Vt'liolfts3le and ft Pint, hy R. E. SELLERS, Ageta., o 20. Wood dtfent • lielttti►Recon4 CR RR'S PATEJV'T L.P.M PS. FOR BURNING I.— l li_RD,—Ttinfre who would IA ish greatly to reduce their e iperse for light, shout d certainly purchase one of the above named Lamps, as by their use there is a clear s , nvhor of al least twa-t hirtiP of the eSnense over 011,and thelteflt obtained from 'this it nitre and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke of di.a2rFenitle lona. Wa would here state lint Carr's Patent is the oidy .atie worthy the attention of tite pffld lc. as it is the only one that is appli ,aide to every variety or pettern of (amps, and the only . nee lint will urn Lard n - Er.t., nr al l y ip in ts er it u t e r ,r, n f t r nr icy I tv, hut,. in the short space on linse Moral's, told Qeyeral t hon.:and:l . and t V ... irsearre an except in,, those 11-.41.1% 111031 II:I ye .thenti.etirs Ittfa. rd tC rtlt them. 1.11 Ihtly cortfis:Nid of the r:r.sat pronoun ny their rtrli as I beir Sititeriot it y over either oil nr en in ',lard to rleanline s sort pew, J'hr_tll,4s la Ile pg it ir lad.oll4v t BROWN 4- RA )"..‘f()JVIIR third Id mei, nen rl v opposiir The Post Vire. Worro I. kilo ron.lantly on hand Britannia Meial, Tin and Clar=t% Lamp , . of val ions ritTsrns. Glass lamps sold at manufacturers lri• cs. takeplett=tire in ()Werke?, in the itahlie the forow itt2 which fg stil,ftfibed to by many respecta 111= We the tindereigi , d. hive Died and are now nsinti Care. , Paletil Lamps. for 'mining d or o: her animal fat, and tee haw., tin he-nation in saying that they give an light—equal io yof the ordinary ninths of righting a house. at about nun-thirtl the Cost, and wholly free limn .nitilte or oilier II isagreeeble smell. We inky a pleasure in recommending these lamps to the public, as by their use i here i. a great s acing over nil her Forth) or lard oil. or even candle , ; and we believe them to he more cleanly and less troublesome iliac' either. To Ine had al Snow); k RA.YStOND's only. Third slice! nrar l'nm Office. Pry. W. VV. nakeWelf. Jame 7.7 " A. M. Brran, Paclion, " John M 'Cron, Vertzrr, N. G. Collis. Wnt. Grahatnijr., " no.r rl (i nlap, E. Trovilln. Dr H. D. Wm. natlglaS:A, " E. D. Gazzam. Henry Atwood. " %). Wri•lif. TRoac Cruse, Robert H. Kerr, Esq.. Georre W. Henry A. Beckham, Robert rpePhersou, Thomas Chtslon. John S. Shafret, Genree Miltenberger, %Vm. Eithhantn, 0. P. Shirair, J. B Turner, A. !Oilier. Wm. Martin. R. Al. Riddle, Post Master Henry Bargemrer, R o bert Gray, S.Clark, of the Arne.- Ben Kramer. lean Hotel, A. F. Alaribenn, John M.Camoberll L. Alber.mr, Robert Johnston. James N. B !ust received, an improved Paten! Lamp, for kitchen nse, now 19—elw dr sea- TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to my fame , ' patrons of this city:—Flaving retired from tite practice of Medicine. I may he permitted to say, that it hag fallen fu lire lot of I M few persons to Lave enjoyed so liberal or iarze a share of otretretriral practice as My own has been for the last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that long period or active life. and the feet of my having peen twice, since 1830.associaled with Dr. R. A. Wilson. in The practice of medicine, (in 'bother period of five years.) enables ate to judge fully of the meths of his pills. So convenient. so efficient. and yet so safe. did I esteem these pills. that for the last five yea's in my practice for the cure ofchtcmic diseases, or Whalei'llr,name. and Those of (finales f, frart/eular, I have used more of them than all other med icines. Like every other medicine. this Must fail in some in stances, hut in my hands there hT.s heen teas disappoint. ment and morr satisfaction in thciadminist ration of this one remedy limn of ail others; its good erects sometimes quite astonishing m.. If my patient rennired a rare aperient .medicine either fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ts were just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptlc acid condition ofilie stomach, combined with costiveness or inactivity of the tivei,.enastituted the disease at niy patient, the pills were just the thing, wanted. . . It I treated, a ease requiring an emmenagmpre, the Wilton's pills were !Ina the thing I wanted. It paipitattort, headathe, *abed eottetenaitecrtr•othe# +iifbenities, indicating l'l didialbehte ef the, dreetaioTY and secretory trysteins, atinoyid my patient at the *turn of life,' the Wilson's MEM werejuatthethinel wanted. Thus, without res Net to the name, wdtarose Might ; happen to wear at the time-I hare had' It anifeetreat meet, particular indica/mut or_ evilly/ons arising, were always moat 'promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's FOIL! ' - - •. • ' : That so areal a umber of diseases, sad domettmes op,. panentty opposite ones, itt 'irlikeh 'fame seed these plitsi aboald be enrekmOre really hy,,them than by any ether remedy, may at Ono seem sirs nge a odendiradlciory,-dui wity,itis se is seeker to toy trdad na Oat agreat .many persona Wield become thirsty from ru inaMy :affirm* eanses- - ancl yeA all reclaim that common and grimiest' of all blessings, water In quench their thirst. .. _. In nemelesioit, Win dereithe itpinitionlaf the- medietise and the pniiic, ,to say fiecidedlyr and.opeondillimatf,yogata -the Wilson's pills are tbeonly• norofthiatiOn It 'Wiwi ',vier met whh In my . long .oririal oil' praitlce; t4,t, ivaqi.ll ll ', ueirthing -curative oinpeedafat Set tdaolve ' • 4 .14.15, • Yours te l . OR. 1111,9 amelogi. The' above lig elailleed . pWritartaily.‘ibi'ilealik fittetLAAbe. Celina fe1i0n 4 4 % ;%14 11111 , 01 % . _, perminisl4 1 pro prietor Jir• w• A. - aim' ' saileOvitoleenieialliareadhaiLlOliideplibra4lllllll,4 •—•-r-1111141117 t - , '-`-• ' - r". -- "'" --' ---',-"--"-?"7—r-'-'4lko.* ' i , i , 7:,WLi , :; std --, ,"e '1 4 ltlet . ols_s '- . 44 1 : 0 '''' tiL Goommt Vgleiivared Away inns. nem Yitwrestrontilvt.PweqPlle#lo -the,polite pC LE I titailis as a van and eitietesst retomiy to removing those complaints peitittailb fib hete; Prim avant or ex , mine. or) rat 4101001 ni ItriSstsfa. obsiass contimptem, aarr,entanterpet :att and Netvotta aieetionn; irbenellths have **MAW tie Untiring and pprohation of the most emineot led Steles, and autpy- Mothers, Pot sate Vihohtn* and teal!. by - • • - E SELLERS.: - Ageni, 'sap 10 - 211. Wood Boreal, below Sesead. . . . . . WK. ADAIR" Bost and Skss..Urther. Libviy St., appetite as herd of Smithfield al.', PittltiMrsk.-- The sufraorther bee ng bought out the stork tee late rborinitilaffessy, deceased, has eommenate business iu theold staid or Mr. R.. and . Is pro ssedto ezeitite altilescriptions of work In Miller; in Mitchell manner and +Oh the shortest notice.• Hefieens cot stantly on hand liege assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and ate , hest goaittn. Be sal - kite the patronage of the pith. and of the craft. - W)L ADAIR. seplo _ , 11110ITTSBITRGIT MAN n. UFACTORY.—spri. • k cod Axles for Carrico* at Eastern Prices. .Itio subscribers manufacture and keeps eonstantty on 411;4 CliaelLt And Eliptic Springs (warranted.) Juniata roil Ailes. Elver and Braes plated Mask Frames, Brass and plated Hub Banda, Stump Joints, PalenC Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. JONES 4. ent.EmAN_ at.. near ti e gleetetty Ftristre. 111 - D. El ELLCRS. M. D., office tihd dwelling in Fourth -a • near Ferry street. Sep 13=1y LOOK AT THIS. Tim attention 'ftho•e who have been somewhat seep Heat in reference to the numerous certificates published FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. DERSONS desirous of procurlne Fruit, Shade. Mad -11- Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadei II la or New York, are reque.ted to make application ns as possible, at the Dull and Seed Store of the Fob riber, where ran he had catalogue*, gratuitously, of the ,cwt excellent .aristies. F. L. SNOWDEN. sep 31 No 1114 Liberty st reel, head of Woo,t MA ft Eit.F. M ANI (TF.t UT:, ft Y.—Pal rick Car. (feta re- Poem fully areal:anis bi friend* and the MAI le zen era Ily, t hat he Itaarommenced the !Marble. hnsinessat the enrnerar Finh and Liberty sts- where will he constantly pn hand. inunt. stone., mantel Mere,. monuments. hemt and foot atones, table dabs for cabinet ware, and every article annertairtine to the Mildness. He will warrant his work to he well done. and his eliartres will he moderate. He reapectftillyaska a share of pilthtie nal ronage- sap JAMES A. VCAZEV. Forwarding and Commission Nen:hunt, Aernt for- Steamboat Cleveland and roonqr l vallln OW. Line 11nvine rented the ware. hence formerly riernoied by Itirittirt2linan Co.. Nr. 60 Water Si •ret el wren Wood and Smithfield, le prepared to reerive and forward enod , In any port oil the Ohio or river owreaconntileiernts. pep 10 CO-PARTNERSIIIP —G. P Smith k W. !Tampion. having narociwed Themselves together 'miler the Froi of Hampton k Smith, will continue the wholeole Drr Gond. , Iturine, in the house recently net-opted by llampitin. Smith 4 rn where they will be - ei-eiving te a few daypa Hew stock of Rail and Wintei OurYila. They rrFperf fully invite their old friend:, and merrhants gen. vision; Pittsburgh, to call anti eimmine their Sept 28—d3m. Porta'de Plat ((Vat Scales on wittelS, to neigh 2,500 pis, at $55 00. do do Au do 2.005 al ;5 , 15 00 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 al 25 00 With raising levers tin addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the u.e of tYarebouses, Flouring Milts, itv—the same prices as 4botti. Also,While i s ['Meat. Counier Scale, with 0. Young's improiehtents. and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from C to 315, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills, Saw Mills. Salt Works, kr,. doable and sin!'e geared slide lathes.foot and other lathes For wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. (Jail's patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's um ehittesand tool. nfall dscriptions.also for making Mark lag boxes,a superior art ick governors for steam engine stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired: printing preseplatlens turned and printing presses repaired. NI MAY, Agetf sep vOUNP: 4. Nit DRURY JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer anti Commis - OP skin blerebant,.Nls.lo6,eorstr.ef Woad* friftk sta. PitisZarsh: Having been appointed one of the Auction eery fol . the City of Plistromb. tenders his services 0 bens, manufacturers and deaterig, who may hit disposed to make trial of thismarket• He is prepared to make advanests on consig,natienta of all saleable commodities. and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick saks,and speedy Mad favorable returns. That the various interests Which may he confided to him, shall be shietfttattly orofected, he brings to the aid of blown experience in business and acquaintance with inerehandite generally, the *orrice:l of Mr. Sanest Pardtaurrncil heretofore advante;eoasly known. as an impottet and -dealer to fliftditate and Catlery, with whom a permanent ettgazenient to made. . Po Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preal. °CM. m. Rink. .6 Dartmgton 4- Peebles, “ Robert Galwity, " lames,M. Cooper, " James May, • 8. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh .• Wm Robinson. Jr. 'Pres't • of Exchange Bank. • ljampion.Eadth, Co., • John D. Davis, " EaMnel Ciare:d, ItiOothitad, • les. MP,Ertiwn CO. S A!' - S B*-4 1 91 ,11 4 CO: • Smith 4- „Egaley, " Minty it al NEN* • 30/11Mitidiki 4 1 4 .10hititit4celt, te** l MEM _,~ : 's~ ~. MEM ' “pitos• -Ecrus Fet ri m" awl J, Pepin, ui tic. af FM* - • 1 1. as 14‘istillti fhe DAT OJtNINC , POST . FrilESlthscriberst blaring Maitelaraftemeahr. to m erge the' AUSerlean Mausfitetunee_anif,rittaikurgh Manna r* fill° ope Jatlrnal.ttluse concluded to roldbtk, a daily paper with the title nettle Dana iforttias Foe- The-leading °idea of the "Porn" - wilt be thadValvtßaa lionond defence of the polit kat prieci plea that have Wit 'afore been maintained by the Editors, lo their nmpective - Palters. and then Ithit crafts will still he dProted'to the advancement and stieceigt of ti;olle doctrir4. - . Although, in politic.A; Min paper will he thoroughly. dealt:or-TM lc. yet the' Editlfid hope, by gild* an honest, candid history of passin events, Foreign and Domestic intelligence, and brief notices of 311 mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the snhere °fa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in crevilog to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir• respective of party considerations. In addition to the political anii Eeneral news that Witt be found in the ..)Worying Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the business, community- with the latest and most Interesting Ceolatnactai iketct.t.t• Utellet fnam all parts of the country, and to have prep* red suck accounts of the Markets and the State of 'Pride as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Lusineza Men in their several catlings. Terats.—The Posy will be published on a large imperi al sheet of line paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at t lig unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per an num. payable In advance. It will also he sold by news.hoys at the low rale of TWO CENTS a copy. Adverrtissraests will he inserted at the lowtst rates Ehnrsed by the other daily papers of the city. trl4; tV ENTY ar.tive lads are wanted to sell the Post. who Will iii cid:l4Ni on the most Itherat terms August 31, 18.12 100.13 EDS. Et. LEAF TOBACCO. in : store and for sale by J. G. 4- A GONDeIN. OOP 13 No. 12, Water street. BY Morrison Co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner or Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 FARM FOItSALR.—The undeislgned offers for sale a raci of land shoaled 4 mallet freepoi i, In the direction of Knrannike. 13ulfalo "lownship. Armstronz connty,rontaining 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow- a good square log dwelling house and cabin" barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 hearing'trees—and a spring of excellent water can venlent to the house. FOR TERMS ripply to the snbseriliers reAhling at the Saltworks on !Tic Pennsylvania Canal, 1 tulle above Free port. TO THE WISE.—Ills now welt understood how Much disorders ot t IIP mind depend for their cure nOt?na due attention to the Golly. It is now understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accnmulations without weakeninz the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal Influence be. tween the mind and the body. It is now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan choly, and even insanity is cared by perseverintly using them: It is now understood how much domestic bappi nclag.dependsupon the healthy condition of time digesihie organs. It 'IOW well known thnt the Brandreth rills have cured thousands of hopef&.;a and helpless persons, even when the first physicians bad pronounced them pkroi r id all !tumuli means of relief. It is now not only well known that the flrandreth Pills so cure, but it is also un derstood how i hey Cam that their pehifkio on the blood that they restore the body to health. The value of the medicine is becoming more and more ma nifest, it t. recmriniended daily front ramify to family. The. Firandret It Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all noz iOll.l accumulations and purify and untie°. trite the Itiood.and their good effects are not counterbalan ced by :Inv inconveniences; being catn'posed entirely of vegetables th.s do not expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are saki lam they are daily and safely adm6lWend to infancy, youth, manhood, and old age. and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances. They do trot disturb or shock the animal functions, but restOr'.. their order and establish their health. mprnvril Flay ntsfartured heir Macflint between Din 4, street. two ire Flail, Pills ntrarture and id the follow rtgimalescwhol. coati osed of metal): No. 1, Port rift Platform ,ales Us. .6 tlgil JoUU rutit6,a, $63; Sold at Dr. Fir3Kdreth's Office. No. 93, Wood street rit tshot rzli. Price 25 cents per hoz, wiLn roll directions; AI A R R--Tile only plate in Pitts3bartzli where I he p,"no ine Pills tan be obtained, k Loctor's own office. No RS Wood street. sep 10 DB, J. B.' 188 ITT'S, Respectfully inform the citi zens of Pittsbrirgh and vicinity. that he has return ed to the city. Re hopes to share the confidence of his former patrons and the public geneiallY; and solicits a renewal or a vort,ion of their patronage. In connexion he would W.'s, cve, that the operation of Lilhotrlty, (or twea king,* he 0011 r in the bladder and allowing it to pass of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep est itoetet. Ile hopes to extend the benefit ofthis branch prnresOon to the afflicted. Strictures, Distems, it of t be Madder anti K idneo,—w !itch occasionallyfollotir likewise recelVe ahem ibc. Those from a distance Wishing further information will apply personally or by fetter. or if desired can be accommodated at his dtvellimin a retired part of the ci ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty sts. cep 10 y ET Invalids read the following account oft Salim •1 cured .of a complication of atilietioo,, in nineteen days hy the iite of firandreth Pith. It distinctly prove[- there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be. cause of disease, and Drandretlet Pillsare made for theus• fiend and be convinced. Take the medicine a runic , cured EXTRRORDI,Y4RYCURE OF RHE cLar t A JSdI D R LICEJJ, 42ND AFFECTION OF THE Ara JVG4 Jon SHAW. of Pembroke, Washinston county, Maine, tieing duly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, hack, left side and tamer) being so had that lie was ana. hte to help hitmlielf. - tind was taken into theChelk a flos• pital in the city of Poston. That after being in said hospital five weeks, noel or Otis said he did not know What wait-the matter with him, and that he could do nothing for him, noreould he prescribe any medicine. That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea &hallo the . Sailor's retreat on Staten inland. That he was I here physicked with allsortiof medicine fora pert ad .offaur months, sadreting all the time the most heart. rending misery.— That, tielidet Ilia affection of Ids bones he seas troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some. times he would spit a titian of pliterm in the day; beside_;„ 1 this affection he had a bad Diarrlima, which had ~ore or teas attended him from the commencement of Itt..„, sick. I near. 'Thar at t irises he dreaded a stool woes', th an h e would have dreaded death; that he can cont-„ nre the feel. log tO oat rinesafe that •of knives pass: mg th r on g 6m s hotbed*. • After suffering worm than •:, ea th a t th e s a yk i e r Retreat...cm Staten Island, Ihe doet'ir told him that medi cine Wag Ono use to hint. that ;le mu. 4 try, to stir about. A t this time he WaOmfrerit`g the greatest misery.. That his hones wire so tender could not hear the least mak lire upon .1 he elbow or aeon the knee, that his instep trite most Painful. that the Doctorsaid he would give ldra no snore ine.dicie,e. he determined to procure some or. Dr.:, I Etrandreth's "eitts * strhich he . from 211 . BrOadway New `Nor 5 ; that be coMmented with five pills', and shine,. times; ~creased the dose to eight- .:The first week's tue ~rich 'benefited him. that. the doctor, not knowing it:erica he was using. said, .pow. Shaw. you look, like a man again; if yea improve In this Way, you will goon be well.' That tre fatted every die of the If raodretit relieve hhn,.firskthey .eured , him of the pain when at, atookthat they next cured the diarrhtes, sad fin a lly tits *lion . , PS . his bOtteit;-;-That the medielne , neemeifW t ad Straneth,to him. !very day. , Heralded+. dosstoe;,yester:- ! day the 11th instant..., hat he reit hiesseirwskjiPtialio,, that he' Owed hisrecovryto Mvandreths . iinder- Providence tip! betted taken _ the. pteciiiittiSTevetyriay. .f0r,19 days; that I hednietor told him if . hO-iist4 kpowa...he 'hatfbeeit,taking that' medicine, 0 - 04. stayed another=day in-the bowie. • :thieomildersli Is his duty ,to mike hienublie,staretttead for titehene.fit otall.)iimitarty ttfitieled; that they may kali; where .10,fied medicine that Wilt ertre'theat. - • • .10fi1t'fitfAlin.;',; 'Atha Alossr,beinghsr: , Mktitiir aware:, thlit:f2DtAllay of •• PO, 18434 did depose 'arnjsa fha gibe foregOine,:itisie,' meal is tine. 3. Ti WMElttS.Ciiiniitioolo4-*4ltg : . . : :714R#4 1 1rnitEni 1:.!e 0 1)14164 14 LAR_ 940.10) 7 7::'. . /10.0rn%iiftififaittliW448**1 1 ,, T fie& pn [LIAM W. H. SMITH. WM. k PHILIP BAKER BRANDRETH PILLS - - ' • - i4r• ratftiatt 440 - - . 4 1 40%* frOlitrit PRICE MG TOG LILIPERAIIMIP- Tut! P 140) Litniraitto.Allisi***** . ' By a s anther " la a11i1A5riti,44114.0101040- " /: 41,,, 4 31011 ffatinlialt.4 • 401 1, - The night-hail novviStetwagtditlig% - rnildAnd agreedblei We- " nature was deep, sad taiie his thoughts, every thing= brealtell - peace an:II rest: At a tietehtlilittillaktilli pace he soon reached the in.. much difficulty passed its thiftvdlol4_,olll, l which he hoped:to be ableteinet#lMlWlP„ known to Ellen. In +ie. to hie nits tification, he was ditappointeitthtMhAlMlP which she slept, being on theilittillatOßl ,1001 - presented a window, it istruelevtll.lo4W; bin how was he to teach er , heidAitiliegi logue with her, evert *Minh' she- Vedlifisallt. him, without being oiretheild b the family? All this might-heed - 0141 , 111ng to him at home, had he been 1111441 cool for if tfeciion. , As it Mel t method of awakening her ithat think of was to thiew -several itentirellkitif small pebblee against the liritttiterit` 744* he tried without any effect. Peldsleiseitifol ciently large to have teethed , thriki would have broken the glass.i. that eIP - himself compelled to gbattein.etrely hinfitt of speaking to her that night; Witilrihmt gerieg and reluctant step* he haft dt.tito :den, and stood for some limb = before front of the house, leaning agaitilt m 1 , right stoiie, called the insrkee cress. ”alletela - he had not been more than two mkt* 4 _44 - When he heard tootitept approadingO*lllllo On looking closely thrnillt.the.daikeesiiskis4, recognised the figure of Neil 111 -4 Collene4llll. it Massed directly to the kitchen vViinitsei..wr',. Here the crone stopped, peeredin;sideries Caution gave one of the panes a -end.** This was responded to by one such kerne from within, and ;tidiest irlimedistely 4.3 door was softly opened. Front thederileaA sued anothet female figure, evidently-thostilk Nanse M'Collem; het niece: Botk ONO down the street in g northeth directions Lam h i Laudher apprehensive that therimeetf on no good errand, took Dd . his.sheettplieet l his footsteps might be heard, and anintellio; them, as they Wert atone: Theyepektiliittoi tle, and that in whi.pers, until ther,hadipiev4 clear of the town, when feeling less reatfeiellra the following d.alugue occurred bet e 6 thetni--;• ssa Isn't it a cj , tre thing, atint;iiiitt sheebilialtio4 come back to this place at ail? „ h t"V4 lu Quare enough butthe ndiattlecdatiplitliit. • —he's to frilly her; , - f: - ; . He aught to know that heYneed'lrtottliliaki bete, I think.. -,A.,Afaetl Why, you fool; hibw do :yo;i, kik:air:Abe:to: Sure the town niiist pay him fifty , tabitimi if he dciesh't egt a 'eustomer.an4ibitet.eirdit44 eosin' for. She must be geat time. Husl,ll do you here a oar? -- They both paused td listen; ,htit was audible. is Ido not; replied the niecei %tit inseehrt odd that he lets her carry the nioneyiianet hiiii trwes her so badly. , Why would it be odd? 4141r4tiiihe lakes e* betther care of it,.entd puts it firtherttlian lti does. Ills heart's in a farden, the nagerdia4m Roily an' the other will stifle ziparellsor that throuble any way. repiled.the nissornyia*tt Is there no Ude uitl her but the e,arntaat..Tr" Not one— t hould your tottgoe= 7 - - tkerefa gate %there the smile pair Woe i ones «s Who is this stranger that RAy huTiotimidt - t , up? 1 hope he's the thibg. S.orte red-headed Ibllow, Itody laysiteetoil* honest; I'm wonilerie,' aunt; *battAid pen if she'd know the place. r '_ irk_ She cab t. girshah —aa what if. tilhatimadluts She may know the place. btit sgalkkFjierple know het? ftiend •saysdibiatijitit way is to do for her; and Fitt . afeitrtiathitra,e2 to till you the truth—but wegliiitUje'llialkr.i Oen they come. There now: isr a diem gate where we'll tel d Giro. ivc ifiljear till we try if they're--Whisho ,hare Aitegs4.l arel - ~3twao4-1 The voidett of two men , nor juisSett conversation, a but in so low, artedefiliflusti.l Latnh Laud/ter could not disliactli betatyme its purport. -:•-: *liictlt The road along which thby traietettlp's was craggy, and furlt of ttits,,,rm thtoiglll Oita could be heard in the sitertee oblittliktiatainitit consideraVe di: tance. On ,*achoidoettiorst ditches were dry and Oillowolitil elder ledge, which eNtended lip licsmeihsc., tlta w toards the road, afforded 141114 , iietilibie) tbe obscurity which he waffled. 1-Witht:-...41 stealthy nice he crept it, determined to witxsp.ili virhatlitrecinciftwovi Might occur. and to Pllte a Part in.itifloist-vii..t 'cesiary. He had scar c ely stratedobbl when the car ;which they 'eitpnated,terrisa3 heard joling about talf a mile olf Atiocketisit'oee way, and the nettAonierit a cmutakorme s , o l.,' took placa in tonei,im in* eadvskeitissirtf , a that every attempt oil , iiis part: to Oita purport was, uttaticeeisfiL•, This eelotik*Oette with much earnestness, if no.' warn" z tit the car, eants., Within tweistY , Pnlebeibiaill the gate-whetliell eitcleiraeth-44 if you do, you thay-rellaseln , Saistit eel egg You iimeritmitithgtiltaiiiis at all esitlts. ftley bet hale-mom teo4, ?kW awn!ronktbia—re f r iiiiimardia4o* log hiaa, . r feel oiie touch of nabitnostOti AsirOtis lat_ het is m I noagh thcie *it Is. 0 "! rib *AI Maki yaur*aind est, irlitt hitimimpresettat Noy wOtet hate Aeatee!!ltattethill'hoss The reply which - was glen iti this co}ilmset not jle.-Lheeit ~c ll „soot I .10147 Sedaibl***001“111011 tibeitilklkao l 4# l 4o o ,- iviett ijr - ' • let • q , — -,1 1 !;"1 Aar
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers