- - -vntri said the nurgist - . • - I ' , ''..Beery' one knows th nut at +rare ~- • : 1 16 '' Ms + reeied Nell; I'M tit like 'ripsaw where rought to be, at all times; hot last night, if your worship wishes to ; ,-- .llMitt the iruth, l'evoseo my _way. to Arlitly i -tirifitViiiikeitiie wa s Tad that wits sliep- WPWlttfiteni:; , ' `;'' .. Ant, pray, *TC/ell, said h is worship, how ala Pig - kin so sudden an acquaintance *IIh thiirespeciable looking womani rknevi her fur years, said Nell; I've seen her in other parts nf the country, often. - You were more than an hour with her :,-l= night—were you noel said his wor ship, • -She made me stay' . vvi-ther, said Nell, - kiss she was a stranger, an,'.of . coorse, -.. 41ad to,see a face elle know, afther the . weo ' l nett she got. - All very natural, Nell; but, in the mean t, the might easily have chosen a more r4p.eCtable associate. have you actually lose the sum of six hundred pounds, my good madam. . i have positively lost so much,, replied tilwOman, together with the certificates of, my marriage. • And how did' ou first become acquaint ea with Nell M'Colluml he inquired. The stranger was silent, and blushed dttlePly at this question; but Nell, with more presence or mind, went over to the magistrate,and whispered something which caused him to start, look keenly at her, and then at the plaintiff • ' I must have this confirmed by herself, he said,in reply to Nell's disclosure, other wise I shall be much more inclined to con sider you „the thief than O'Rorke, whose character has been hitherto unimpeachable ead,abnve suspicion. He then beckoned the woman over to his 'desk, and after having firstiinquired if she could write, and being replied to in the affirmative, he placed a slip of paper , before her, on which was written—ls that unhappy woman, called Nell M'Collum, your mollierl - 'A:ssi she is, Sir, replied the female, with a aeep expression of sorrow. The magis trate then appeared satisfi d. Now, said he, addressing' O'Rorke, state fairly and .honestly what you hive to say in reply to the charge brought against you. Please your worship, said - the young man, you hear the woman say that she brings no charge against me, but I can proye,-on oath, that Nell M'Collum, along with, two men that I don't know, except that one was called Rody,met at Franklin's gate, with an intention of robbing. an' it's my firm belief of murdering this woman. "He then detailed with great earnaftness the incidents and conversation of the p}e ceding nigh:. Sir, replied Nell, with astonishing promptness, I can prove by two Aiinesses that no longer ago, than last night, he said he would take to the .highroad, in or(lher to get money to enable him to marry Ellen Neil. Yec-you villain, Nanse M'Collum heard every word that passed between you smaller it theaGrassy Quarry; an' Ellen, your Wotship, can prove it too, if she's sent for. • - This had little effect on the magistrate, who at no time placed any reliance cm Nell'a assertions: be immediately, ho Weal ei,despatched a summons for Nanse The carman then related all that he knew, every word of which corroborated what Lamb Laudber had said. He concluded by - declaring it to be his opinion that the prisoner was innocent, and added, that ac cording to the best of his belief, the box 'wile not opeh when he left it in the plain tirssleeping room above stairs. . ‘The magistrate again looked keenly and sutpiciously towards Nell. At this stage ache proceEdings, O'Rorke's father and mother, accompanied by some of their friends, made their appearance, The old man, however, declined to take any part in the vindication of his son. He stood sullenly tilant, with his arms folcW and his browslinit, as much in indignation as m sorrow. The grief of : the ,mother was lothlei, for she wept audibly. Ere — the lapse of many minutes the con• stable returned, and stated that Nanse was nab, be fbund She had not been at her master's house since morning, he observed, and they don't knaw 'where she is, or what has become of het:'., The magistrate immediately despatch. 'etrtwootthe constables with strict injunc• lions to - secure her if possible. - In the meantime, he added, I wilt order you. Nell NVCollum, to be strictly cOnfined. until I ascettain whether she has been pro duce or not. Your haunts may be search ed with some hope of success, while you , are in' durance; but I rather think we raiihkeeek fur her in vain, if you were at lama" to ragolate her motioaq. I cannot extinct, he added, turning to the stranger, that you would prosecute one so nearly re lated to -- you.• even if you had proof ; which you have nut; but I am; lmost certain, that kakbeen some way or other conctot net] in tliorobbery. You are a m thst, interest Inc woman, and =I regset the toss you have sustained: - At pr./sent there are no groitode for committing any of the parties chatted with the robbery. This-unhappy toodtpu'l commit may as a vagrant, until her i4fiee is found, alter that weohall prob ablijuit able to see somewhat farthrr into this • strange affair. Something tells mo, Sir, replied - the' pirsmr,-,that this young mania as 'limo- . cent of the robbery as the child unborn. Wit togintention new-to-think of prose-] notistisior; What,*.bare done in . thel insuiemis-against Own wishes. I GM )4 4 yen t.liestrYou r.t: the , -Foras• aselgtiiiirlhe parents of O'llorka., oh prataitnther hand, , with delight,andgrates , 441: The ratt,,aP4 gree uars;tut - inks. felt her 4000 h4v*Ytiti?'a bnieticiTt`,o 6 *4o 6 '- 11n ft i r *44:44 **fp •-;;•• A44'44V -Lt.lll i p rec . . e. , t, .:, ~ _ .e..,1 1 -;‘,- -,t,,: ~-.4. , ‘ , .-,te_:, , when • efitr4 , 4ltur* L3. :' 1 ' '^* l- on 'lT'''•': or IVO,tine : , - i, , , , 1, ~ ::-. • B ~,..,!,,,, e, . ..iVirtriula.of iiieile4if,- '- ' aimed - ..d ma .g....,Y0X-Xick4 bcaara.ia- bad- aborg:heri ni abont any one ilifi you Won't lay a hand , upon he r . i Don't let.: _her,' for- heaveu!s mike, said the wile; her eyetwill kill:the woman! You are not aware, said' the magistrate, that this woman is her daifeiter• Whose daurhter Pleali your honor' •said the old man, intligaaney. - Nell, M'Collutrra,l be i returned. 1 es false as hell! rejoined O'Rorke, beg gin' your honor's' pardort r for sayin' so. L mane it's fake for Nell if she says it. Nell, Sir. never bad a 'daughter, an' she knows that; but she had a son, an' _ she knows best what became of him. Nell. however, resolved not tote de terred from getting the stranger into her own hands. With astonishing strength and fury she attempted to drag the insen sible creature from O'Rorke's grasp; but the magistrate, disgusted at her violet - Ile, ordered two of the persons preser,t to hold her down. At length the woman began to recover. She sobbed aloud, and a copious flood of tears drenched her cheeks. .N-Itorde-..ed her to tear herself from O'Rtirke and his wife•. Their hands are bad about you, she ex claimed, and their sun has robbed you, Mary. Lave them, I say, or it be worse for you. The woman paid her no attention; on :he contrary, she laid her head on the blsom of o:Rorke's wire, and wept as if her heart would break. God help me! shs exclaimed with a bit. ter sense of her Bituaoon,,l um - :an unhap py, heart-broken woman! Fur twiny a year 1 Italie notknoWn what it is to have one friendly breast to -weep on. , She then Caught O'Rorke's hand an kissed it .affectionatelyi'aftei which she wept afresh; 'Merciful! said she--Oli how will I b,.) able to meet my 1113 and! and such a husband! oh,-heavens pity mei (To be Continued.) Pfifi PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCIIIANAN, Subject to the decision of it Nat hmal Convention., DAILY MORNING POST. TVs. PHILLIPS S• WIC H. SMITH, MOTORS AND PROPRIkTORS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1842 See First Page. The Mutiny The Courier and-Enquirer of the 19th publishes a semiaoffical account of the un fortunate affair on boardthe •Somers, from which it appears that the brig had eighty apprentices, eighteen ordinary seamen and an orderly sergeant of marines, a comman • der and lieutenant and five or six midship men, including acting midshipinaw - opett' cer, When a short distance frorrt.SlThorn .as. on her return fro n the coast.of Africa, Spencer detailed his plans to the purser's steward, OK Wales, who pretended to join him and learnt his whole plan, which was to murder the officers, and seize upon the brig . and :turn pirate. Wales communicated the plot to the purser, who informed Capt. Mackenzie. Spencer's pa pers were seized which contained the de tails of the plot; he and his two confeder. ates Cromwell and Small were seized and ironed; the .opinion of the officers were in favor of their immediate execution, and af ter a reasonable delay, for preparation and acknowledgement of their gui't, the three were hung at the yard arm. The rest of the crew resumed their duty ; and on the arrival of the brig, twelve persons were handed over for trial—four of them having been preVtously kept in irons on sus picion. These, we understand are the facts of the case, and the Courier & Enquirer very justly cmnments on the enormity of the of , fence—pictures in glowing colors the hor. rid results of a piratical vessel of that kind, a swift sailer, scouring the, seas, robbing merchant vessels, arid murdering their crews, and deems the course of Cipt. Mac. kenzie, under all the circumstances of the case, to have - been just and proper, and called for by the extreme -danger' of their position. The - Union of the same date, from which we quote takes ground against the course pursued .by Capt. Mackenzie.. In this neighborhood we heiar but one opinion e - pressed in relation to the conduct of the Captain, and all who considet the circum stances of the case folly;ttod,t eke' into con sideration the. enormity of the crimescon terripleted by the inntineers, _ justify the prompt puniibizent inflicted on thetn On the 13th opt., at Bayon Cheene, La. two, men, who w e re .maskeci, Jushed into the house of a Mr.: Matthews. arid shot ai 4 him, but fortunately Kr 111316.34 him, knocking his son dorm, :stabbed tbe old man in the arm, cut /pen a - feather and made Mt. pull out whet:4o9nel he .had. $203 in apectie, and -:to them; and, with.thetnety, made gooCtbeir -yule. 3 . , . , , a**l:l 04e. ' .4 A1exiti,1 . .,,,.. ~ - au 4 . 4 0 - iiii. i p 1 - i t ,04: :4 3t 0 . , :r0 0 r , 44, pa, - - -,, . g-r--4 34 -- - • q o t ik, ,„-, ..:, ' l -'..t. wi-,,.„.A . , .--,. 4 .= 4 . -. , -....- , , - -,. 4 , "4 - ' 71, ' - ' '1101(.00101444*, :*...ff. ,7 4 - ,. ' 611%. 4 %..=.. -I. 7.!•?.... , l'..;;.`f - ~ .-. ';'-':-.....k::i:,,,.. . - ...vr' ! „ l ' i ti '''';.:-"-•-' i I t '''. : ::, l ' - -; •:...'f.: - .1, 41- T -- i - ''''' ... -7 C. lir . Getrettikt::fill: ': : : 14 .P' - Z-14e ; (L A - . vir : ek pli ke . t;''F it klca 'ti4iirrti tfingiprtetell 4 sive view , Jibe condition anti protipects of that triatirartaiii.-111*111.1ila int n 1- ibil:goVernineu t; _. It will Int4lA•itliit tliir - exranCliaTindal irraniV• portationtoribe yi . ,l- en ling in Jan 'last was Cod vial rably less their ilia or The preaViiit Testa a Mat, procluoiribyteutling off unprofitable and use.. . -.-- • less rotates, estatalishitiA idibers ',Ore _oecilikii , .',`' and of course raori? preenctive-, an d- 114 Ahe-nani•ii vigilant executionlof th: law - . There have" en added id ths service ,by recent ooni'reets_4,,, miles, at $1142,17' loss thin liei Gartner eryltsV-- ; A fcriber extensicip rfro.ttes is. ho Ve.ter, h;irilli to be expected, while ills railrotds charge the depar meet so hedittly•far irdnap irtclon, and Con gress leaves it withoat priatectioa aplinst the com petition of ev.;,ses . c and priv 4 til carriers. 'Poe pastatee' Oes milli 3115 of franked letters nearly $153,00, - ' `aloe ally lodt t a the Cavern" ment; and the infliction is so*g.asto of the sane penalty tap in, him ' wha 119311 the frank of another as is imposed upan su:h as aSuse their own frank ing privilege, Were the pest offire to he o.ied as a sonrce ofrevent;p; it would be gitiirtled by more and higher. pentlties, wilier, would be enforced severely 19 the letter. I Thd replit ackiid.vtedges the call a of the a u bile voice fir IL reduction on the p istage of letters.— Since the reductioh of rites by Great Britain, the, number of letters has vastly , increased. Th 3 head of the department awakes no suggcsi , ions now, bc. caitae it Will s»ii be his d i'y to /like a special report on this subject to the Seoate. 'Phone who have fearel the ton great•aceumula tioa of mail big will be glal to learn that the P. M. G. bat 'tardere I t'itir in taitfactdra td c -a•3o.tt We think a perusll of tin repo; twill convince tho reader that the Postmagter G.Mpral has intel ligence and ability, and meuns thoroughly to per form the imp vrtarit duties of 11;s station. Toe i yab•ic sery tv:h) d ..)s this sh)uld be cheered and applauded in his work. The U. 8. Senate. —The f4liiiwinc , ta, hle shows the :political complexion of the U. S. Senate, after the 4th of Mitch next: Demacrtes.—Maine 1, New Hampshire 2, Connecticut 1, New York 1, Pennsyl— vania 2, Maryland 1, Virginia 1, Notilt Carolina 2, Alabama 2, Missisiippi 1, Ar— kansas 2, Ohio 2, Illinois 2, .Missouri 2, Georgia 1. Whigs.—Nlaine 1. Vermont 2, Massa. chnsetts 2, Rhode Island 2, Connecticut 1, New York I,:New Jersey 2, Delaware 2, Maryland I, Virginia 1, N.lrth, Carolina 1, Georgia, I, Mississippi 1, I,:rai:dana 2, ICPritucky 2, Michigan 2, Indiana 1 25. Should Indiana elect a delnocr t, parties a will stand etjual; an.' it will be Tett VI Ter, nessee. (tow :unrepresented) 1 , 1 deride the character of th;! S •natt., extra sesSen havi terminated withOnt.g ing in to an election:the eltni , e will . detto've on the !lel , Legb=latu..e to be electe„.l in Au gust. Society in .drliandas —Murders, Robber ies, 4 , e.--Tha details of the miss! brntd m'trdeirs, rob caries, &c., are pub ished by the Interigencer, a paper poblishedi in Van Buren co., Ar'kansas. The outragcs were committed on Grand River, abotit 11 mi'es from the Grand &dine. A company of men and women being at supper, and unsuspec ting the approach of foes, were atttcked, when Mr. Medley was shot dead from the table, the ball entering the back part of his head, and passing through hia eye. Mr. 'Finer also fell dead from the: 4.441 k. The ladies made a' attempt to ese'.'....Attt were soon overtaken, overtaken, and one of thbirfb - e - aten to death; the other was so bruised and mangled that her life is : despaired of. The murder ers then robbed Mr. Medley of a large sum of money, said to be abriut $llOO, and some store goods. Mr. Medley was e merchant, and was universally respected. The per petrators of the hellis!l deed had not been discovered. From the same paper we learn that a ph). bad been formed by a large ntimberof ne groes in the neighborhood CI Webber's Fall's, to plunder the citizens, end then de. part in a body for Mexico., The plot proved successful, Several .stores . and houses had been robbed of Much valuable property, and the• negroes, about forty in number, had suc ceeded in -getting away, The Cherokee Council had taken prompt meamres; and despatched a eoinpany of active and deter mined men alter them, who resolved to have them if they were obliged to seek them in the heart of Mezien. Cornstalk Suggr.—The Lou is v ille Jou r nat says, that a gegileman in that neighbor. hood intends to cultivate an acre otindian corn for sogat next year, and he: eayi he will crmvince. the West' that :a th - o - asand pounds can be produced from an acre. rilmost a Real Tragedy.--During a row, the othelknight, in till Avon Theatre, Nor. folk, Va., , Alr. Preston, the rn*ager, in st tempting to arrest one dike Otters, had a bowie knife Mann into• kris band. The Ali!linty Convention asPembled at Washington on Monday the 11th 'inst. It was not very full. ,After an animated diso• oussion on the,prelent militia system, reso lutions were pits:red and a - rnenrrial adopt. ed, praying Congress to renrg*izetha Ir sialon ot;the United Sulu .-41.Elow7Mtri , ./O*111(AIW, - LVIVi ma.. "•~; -. ~ `i. fir:= ~. ..nr~sb~ ~~"~ ,". ;x~ f ',,,,, ~. • . „..._.7 , ~..,, ; .- - z.W.r , f,Z.Fi., ,, ,4:7::t.74 - .. • - '::' , ',...,;: 1 "P1e-4 4.- ' ' b first recei '`- • -,'"f• tiff*, *ppearri tiiirliegreat,Pii‘putaritrin every part o tr• world. Sid different nations hate; vor• hi • the last yeat; increased their tangs, and a seventh exhibits atlispos tion to follow their The is a list etthe new tSriirl passed 1. - nations,teing their resli peCtive dais. 1. The Russian Taliff, issued' November 1841. _ Duty from 2 to 300 per cent. Rd 7.. a. lorum. Printed goods pn•hibiteda 2. The Portugese. Tariff of the .12th Dec., 1841, by which the duty on English woollens is raised from . 300 to= 800! met; pet'i J •n 3Akiits-H.,.. - *lrench Tariff of the 20th of June lif42. Duties on many articles of tm port double. 4 The Belgian Tariff of July, 1842. Duties on English linen, &e., almost pros hibitorv. 5 The United States Tariff of August, 1842. 6 The German League Tariff (d . Sep tember, 18.42. Duties raised 30 or 40 per cent. It is expected that Brazil will be added to the lint, the government of that country having given notice to that effect. rCrOf forty persons indicted at the late court in Wilmington, Delaware„ . l4 fraud at elections, two have been tried e ennirictedi and fined $lOO each. This is a paltry pun ishment fin such an offence. It should be made a Penitentiary job. 0:7•A country paper ecutta,insan adver tisement which reads aftwthis fashinn.: 'Lo=t, seven pairs cf unfinished woman's gaiters'—whereupon the ba cheinr editor'Or the Boston Ameriean inquireE: 'Wonder what kind of gaiters 'unfinished women' wear?' Butler Counly.—The democrats of l 3 t• ler held a large county meeting on the 13th inst.,for the purpose of appointing dele gates to the Bth of January Convention.— motiun it was unanimously resolved that Gen, John N. Put viance I e the sen atorial delegate, in conjunction'wich Alle gheny, and that Hon. William Beatty be the representative delegate. Cabinet Changer. It is rumored at Wash ington, that Mr. Forward sill shortly go out of the Treasury d partmrnt and that Mr Spencer will succeed him; and that the 1-1011..1, 11. Porter. brother of Gluv.Porter, w ill h e appointed to the war department. it i s sail here, that these changes depend upon a contingency in which an Flown a. hie gentleman of this city is interested. Latest from Carripachy. 3 fight bettoten the 'llexicans and Yu calanese! —News to the 25th ult. ha.; been received at New Orleans. The land and naval Mexican force made a combined at twk upon the heights surrounding Cam peachy on the - 24th f November, and af ter a desperate struggle, during which both parties displayed the greatest bravery, the Yucatanese were . - driven from their strong position. The Mexicans have thus secured great advantages, but their advert, series appear to---be in no wi , e discouraged in consequence., The day preceding the capture of the heights of Campeachy there was a regular engagement between dip Mexican fleet and the six gun boa's of the Campeaehanea, itt which the former were repulsed with con siderable loss. Desertions from the Mexican forces were frequent; although every possible precau tion was taken to prevent them. Among the deserters are several sergeants, corpo i..lls, and other minor officers. Great dis satisfaction seems to prevail in the klexi, can ranks, but tl e officers in command continue to prevent an outbreak by 'a rigid system of discipline.' The Mexicans observe peat violence in enforcing the blockade. Nevertheless, merchant vessels laden with groceries and provisions c4ticue to steal through the cordon of armed vessels at night, and de; posit their cargoes within the city. While this continues, the Campeachanoscannot,at all events, be starved into surrender: At Merida-, rumors were rife there of treachery in the highest ranks of the army of the Yucatanoes. Gen. Pedro Limas, the.Corntnander•in-chief of the Yucatan ar. my, and late Secretary of War, was repre sented as having proved . a traitor; and the acting Governor of Yucatan, Miguel Barbs chana, left , the city of Merida for Carnpea chy in great haste, in a volante, on the night of thellet Nor. This act of Per. Lernav, if trite, com pletely belies his previous life, and it , was the belief of many that the repert, was pat in circulation. by the erientie of independ= erica, te,fiestrny the confidence of ilielde , - .. pendent- party in their leadere. .!'t rue that several eminent men - have favored "Pli i ikiby.titOiainihttp ..-: ~, . ..y. , ,i....:4:-,- t --3 ! ) * t:a PArtile, M. ! 4 . 431 -v• -11 , ) k " 4 4', ~.' - `• - .4 0 k4- i formorui*eurAit4te , %. 't.; ii..-.Z. , ".; . (:,;,1., ' ,,, p f,!,i- . ,1 X -4,11 P-4 ,, ;:e'-'3:::,)51,,.....--,-. ~. •'..41.1_:*- - r r p A intkit4:* 7,:1` ors Was fou n d Tettet 7 fronan Amerienn, who had heen tionietiine inAteridii,gitfte name of Blois, whom it is said is from New Or. leans, and a Creele t of that city, tendering his servieeit o 00.001113tsiata:iiikapiTio. He was inmediaiely pat in inisoc„l THV `lll4vogiturr. rtEworiATIG.--MEETING. ' . -Piirstiatit -to; ~ ;notice. 'a meeting: of the . Demooratic .citizeps of -PAtsbuigh - was . held .61. - 11,...Diiffy i s, on Thottidav eireaing, . Dec. 22. • , • On motion of Mr-jobn - - M'C lifts, E 54.,- was. cal led to the, chair. W. H. Smirifwa.4thosen secretary. Mr Harriett offered the following' raw lutiOns, whiCh - were unanimously adopted: tzes ? lyed,:That thismeeting recomineriti to Ahe Democratic Repel:dice - it party of the city of Pita's. bargh,.to m :et in their respective wards, on Wed , - nesday, the 2,sth ,at 6 and a half o'clock, F. M., and therrarni there select five delegates - in each' wa-d't r .neet in city conven'ion, on SH•ur day the 31st inst., at o'clock, in the 01,1 Cluit Hottsi•, to nominive a candidate; for Mayor.. Resalved, That the Dcino2ratie iparty shatild acvcr desert: their own cause i re) m ike political aspirants ninny party, abd we won@ call: on all go id detnoerats to raily in 4upport of it:- pub/jean canjijate, %v . :O wiil turn lawn office all unworthy men. On molten 1,4 Mr W. Alexander, Resolved, That it Lc ncoaritiended to the Dem• uer.ds to t.utuittate Council Tickets in their res.. peetiv,! wardt,when they -noel Lu choose de'cgatcs io neon hate a Al tyor. 1110'lUtl, Resolved, Tilai the p-ucestlings or •h s tn^c ing b 3 printed in the Deina,cratte pipets idilic city. Adjourned. tilrll. McC LUIZ E, 1-V. H. Smith. Sec'ry. Char's, TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION. WASHINGTON CITY, Dec. 17th, 1542 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. After the di , rposal of some - unimportant business, Mr. Everett gave notice that on the first Opp:), tunity he will' ask leave to intro:lnce a bill entitled, an act to revive an l establhdi the public credit.' This no tice caused much laughter. A resnlulion was offered by Mr. 'Huard man, calling on the President for a state ment of the expenses of the Penitentiary in this District daring the last five years. Ohj,2clion being made, it was not receiv ed. It was, however, subsequently ,adopt ed. On motion of Mr. Fillmore, the House then went into committee of the whole, and resurnd the consideration of the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. The Tic stion pending was still on the motion. of Mr. Aycrigg,, to strike out the appropriation of $50,000 fur continuing th e coast survey under Hassler The poi of dispute was the alleged mental and .physical incompetency of Hassler. Mr. Joseph It, Ingersoll having the fi•our occupied his hour by a glowing eulogiurn on th ,- t merits of 1-14siler. Mr. Rf-ytiolds, complimented Mr. Ingersoll on iList able dt.fence he had j.ist made of. Mr. Hassler. He said U. 4 worthy friend . could not have di .play. more energy for afq.„(langhier.) Mr. R. proceeded to at:001i it the fair d..duc tion fioin Mr. Inger46lN speech, was 'that if Hassler sho u ld be discharged,the Wheels of this great Union must stop.' He, Mr. R., did nut want to destroy. all scientific_ works, but lie did want to have the work suspended until the report of the survey from Hassler should have been received,: . Iti reply to the objection that no written report had been received from the commit-, tee, Mr. R. argued that a report dot's no t necessarily consist of ink and paper, but that a report properly emanates from the intellect of the members of the committee which the Almighty has given them. He tholight the country would furnish scores of men equally. competent as Hassler. Htt thought thVWest Point Academy especi ally, ought to furnish men competent to the task. If it could not, he would Vote to 'strike it into non4-existence.' Waithere any' great art, he would - ask, in the mere sounding the depth of water with a piece of lead? (laughter.) Could not any . of our Naval officers easily Ic4n the art of ,sur veying the coast? After further remarks of a humorous character,Mr. R. contended that harbors in the West were of more importance than the Atlantic coast. He wanted an equalization of the appio l iii,4 [inns. He then argued the necessity of ap improvement of the Mississippi river. 141 r. Tillinghast followi3d-in a very sien• sible speech. but. as the whole turned• up on the alledged incompetency of a single individual, a further notice of it, would be interesting. Mr. Gilmer next obtained the floor, a midst, a crrof 'let the.. committee • dilpier said he did not desjre the committee to rise nri=bis- at-emu-14 A voice; • Rise Jo piter and STIE the ' moon. Mr• Gilmer proceeded, and atgeed in favor of a suspension of the appropriation for the present. With - cult - concluding, he gave way to Mr. Steenrda, who moved that the committee rise. The motion "to rise was negitived-- ayes 57 nces 7g. Mr. Gilmer then resir ed, and e.oncin ded his remarks by,...toving to, amend by reducing the appropriation for-the aurae', from $ 50 40-, td..201:100. - This ‘lte ac cepted 6q Mr. ikycrigg, the mover of the ori i nal surto . Mr. 13urite ;fill` Mask., next obtained the floor, hut, the hour being late, and.ihe mem. bent being'' hungry ; the committee rose sriihout taking the question, and reported progress. After the reception of some ii•ii , eniive sir ~00mniunications, in answer-to- resautiont of inquiry, the House adfottrinsa. Gen. Jaikeon's rute.—the V iiginia 4 401 *Ulle Rt.TY,4oegatei: plithstid , Lr e air ~• 5401, 4 4iiO4ru c t i n g 4kticenalr '''' C4*- c '' ' o4,- - for rqUiiltifliV ''''' 'litok. - th........,,, , ,`,.7.--•,•••' 4 '' '- ' „ AL. • :,.. .4 _! - IS ' • ' 2, -,.. —., ' • ' ..Amjili•v•- •, ~ -44`" *': '''. "." ''','"" 3 '' ''' ..", 2 , - ' .' , '''''4; • Z'N'4'.'-, t s. .4t 4 'lA- v. .,f ' ''•.'-ihP t •$.l- - - j' r e -- ~N.."-` - - zoirenzo B. Ann% a you n recently committed auicide i n on account or the neath L The G. W..T. A. RocAety or% Stkce /EOM rt'gelaf WeeltlY nteettlli toe STaikiatilt.g;A*4* at tti dhurch Penn et. Waste. Jelko t et: iterehe•-, Jos. Knox, J. Ilitker top will address the Soci ety , da d..mt e4 WM. CRAWFne+' - - 'Gen: JAcyteon ANDegASICS CA. by contained In the following letterm (114,,7,111-; has been shown to us) fro th e y • tlittak. tolleenre Pease 4 - 800, 45 Oitildoe • pinion not more flattering thee n.,7 selves-have-frequently had oceteley N . - qualities ofdirferent remedies tor iii,,,,, P111111 L; cold. and do not hesitate In eiriky ofr—reift arlic'e munnfeelthed thity ok • - He ZlOrti, ifessrs. Join Pease 4 letter of the 30th or August . teemed pre.44.ttit of horehound cliyirepflu tion, reached ire in duo course et ik l i negy tin k arrival incapatile of wielding my h i l t It&..an to try the effects of your cut, eelei it ever since with great he 41y a fair ex;ieritnent to see whether ent. rely. I flail it In the npatherart W e have been using it in whoottistyt". ily with much benefit, and I runytd„ , ieine for the tunt:s. I tender 700 MT 1 title present. and receive it with gm t d c evidence of your solicit tide for my 1 011 , • dien ife tendprio you my hest wither for py r Z i u;and.happy immortality. • ANDREW 1.. t The :shove randsly. can always be prottni commercial "Sri; Pittbbu rg hAi r Th• Reported for (he Moroin; Nat 6 3 h it FILDAY MORSING;Dee Owing to the closing seagull °hi lly * and the new year at hand—wheit Manufactures and Mechanics mere!, and see what they have been d 4 101 46 affairs stand-, vrry few importdnt,k,k, made, end few changes in privv,ui, we abringe our Rt ports. The Af tqlet about as it was last week, exceptErie&s* has improved and may be solacing cent. less di-count. Flour —Plenty, and sales fr o t v ,,, a44 at 82 50 a 2.75 per bbl: frTatves24, according to quality and Grain—Wire t 50; Rye tiltA Oats 1 i a 1 1 per bustle!. Ashes.--Senrchings iu delasi,rionti 4a6l; Bee F. lLea s r a ls ies sas .1. in ct a s perie. roves lb. . t 9.71 oz 100 he, and for good elio,ce,3 a 34, Pork—Sales of killed hoes 1, - .5 vy for 2 25 a 2:50 per 100 lb., Butter—gond Roll i Ih ; ready melt demand and ready sierfet 5 a 6ie per lh. Tallow-54 a 61, per lb Beeswax—Quirk at 26 a 27c. per tb Beans—dull at 37. a 43c, Kr bus+ . Cranher r ies—Small sa les at 343:s le, and scarce. Fruit.—G•lo,l dri.'d peaches, I ,'25 peilf4it a 3,50 in de -nand, apple •-, Sagreco, per bid. Feathers—plenty an ! dull at f2I a'4: Gro-'!eries—our niarket 14 wa I supiak ' —sales in 1 arge I )Is - till gas', at 11' 10 city. and to the cmiatry IoN.II S , gar—.7sre.v 0 - leans, newp:r6ais old a•. 41 fine qual.ty 63 to 7 ill b',1.1 M r ees—sude•4 new,2ti a tat t he- e +ow ry 28 a 3J per - gul• Seei . .-.oioVer•ieed in dcrnana othy dull 1,12 a 1,25; Flaxsecd - 1 5 / 1 B!o $5l Pig Iletal—S.uall at.ll2J AB* aurtion *aim ASSIGN ZIES , SALE AT It Os Friday ruoroing iiegl a NI o'cloct,l4 rash, money --the Col w 1112 ,«i-. Mark and Colored . rigd. Sil ad Satins -Rootlets, Silks and Sdt , ns,Fhor,it Shawls apt icarfs--11rorlie and Mouse Del*.• Plain .111: , ek Chaim, and Monne De •• Mouse no Lames, Fashinnaule Style—Dinti 511.1 k flloVes--110unning Veils and 1140,-11:1 trace% Blorirk--W bite Fig,' Blond--Sup lid Pplendid assortment or French woad* Coller,--Scorrh Worked Case+ and Calians-fd moalins--Figd. and Plain Sat in_Valenernaul Vest Ings-;-Plain Black Cold ilantut and Stlia assorted nether:--Fashimible Roam. asd bons--Biack mut White Worsted sad Zvi's, —Ptnin and Embossed WI sold SIM St ll' Cloths, Ca - sal/news. 9 '" 6 ", Calicoes, together with a variety P. S. Tile goods aitl he mad! for en Tliosoldy. This Stock being lar•.e:ndafi ity.is well worthy the attention of dedfll dec, 20. 1. B. GL1110,,, ROOTS AND f HOES AT AUCTIP:-. - X) large assortment of superior made all'irivate sale for this week only, ronOrile, Woinen7s Grecian Slicing, do - 130.17.4, Men's Kip Brogans, do Calf do do Fine and coarse Boots, Boys Brogans. j• n. orTAil • _ D R. E. MERRITT, • DENTISTO . field, between Second and TAtri $11.• bU4lngs.3 from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. Manufactures Prue,tlain solMear of cood qUality by the hundred or polletk • of teeth with a beautiful artificial WI , I°llll part setts, will be made to order at t nevortol,, I.rwardine an exact impression of lie P r' far sale a few machines with empry wneellim , and &tine-miner& teeth so user& willbe sold low'for rash. Wirt Lectures*, F. 17.. ALEX. B. BROWN, Proiteo R[era Jeffergon College. . tv attleittg7 ,. Lecture of the course this (Thersdat)6"i4, Hatt, In 4th street over the Map:ttt 661 ^ at 7 ciciock., Hallett—To/de, its Importance auv Hon. - MEDICINES DIRECT FROI tle has received a positive Colds . ; It: very pleasant to tastr.roi ng o i art dren cry for it, after having once td tk to buYJnore on account of its trire..,alart Coughs or Colds in a shorter tirrei' 4 ";Vegaiii, eine now in lase. The price is triiWZmagn " 1 7 23 mita a ifettie, he sli re ass. 2 4 '"' sons of Anoisseed. at Tattles k' Strict. LUMBER FOR S.4t L E.—PoP lar P'4lll' weather boa rd inz and Seam lin:. Ak l ' eti ‘ bourds of various lengths and titte ne° ' steamboat buckets, braces. ts.• o r " rin" zee. by wholesale or retail. A eltlY jAm g . .; C. v. Dee., 2191.1343.-2 n! 111 the District Court of Alleghe n Y of November Teem, 1812 Levi' Merl- 14.illan.,Bank of Pitts. Ar m no ,, IQ 19..1842. Q eo; VVallace , , --, , 4 4 isliwn;lotgio. appointed Pl ifiri . ed lil a t v ea di n i L r leor ile. ,ll ..7 ; . ...A , " -Ike procecds to f the 50e 1_11:. -,, + : - .. , Ftoolll,eotr 'll4 the " ' - - The And itor above rut 113-o,oente-Or-SO:ritir * HOMittalit 8°4111°7 ejelit.".1111114311111. On TAlefideij, the lliti ill.' --_,,,,,L''_._f''''.6=l)llrposes or tis am oilitle o •-••lgre- ill • as Interestedsre tolibeil,P ' i 1,,. .',.,:,': .. ~;''.c~..: i Yrr~~ . ~:: =~: ~~ EU! 17- Dso , b ea r is '' atid Olaf a ,e , te ,,l air e - a brilge at the coiner of W. alle). Xhe water to justify a ferryman ie fl)r imbilo_accummodati emed th :a ge i 8 c MOS lent. t hing should be d \ :Accidents daily occu , 0 ( 0 4, 4 ,0 F stream at this d a y a horse came near erossingovel! and th e difficulty escaped. ms's Candy.-See G r, find thit: go to Tuttle's he Ladies Temperance , ast 'right with eneutiri of our citizens, w ho f e . littfemoney for the ben. yet this opportunity of di ill . • The ladies .deserv , the t nanner iii which th e rn Im, Mid for the gr les they offer for sa'e. . 'Latter iortrard. —M ived, and has for rale, an of the Hon. Wetter For • ein, an artist that never a faithful liken&s of a 1 who wore not,a_cquat ,ard at the ante the port telt this engraving is a the you - h^ul a"ppearan , o'thia pictuierhat all it is a sinking like d towastoan. Thos= ft Copy, would do lord at an early. day Coors meet next Sat i'rni.e of nominating it, &c. 'Change—Night bvfore m and wet, and yeste e and snowed a I,ttle. :82r3 EDITORS;-- As th - our citizens aritoppost on of party politica in 11118, you will please pu g Council ticket for t' f the it:dependent voter tl .Counci/ John Birmin oa 'Council rk i l A c Got ji John hi W nt. '% MANY The Ai.gtiur atilt Ex;! New' York Expre,s e IParn from sourc . ;Hiree. fi lence, the I psrticalars:— he first place, the In d b. ("le his arrival a e execution took 111413 ►ber, several days heft : the mutiny Was dis. r "Mackenzie:-imps smite of )14 (Ace ives and went nu, oiler - ordered ail the coins aft'oe the qi r carne.witb the rest Jett. the cemtpiltder put in irons. 'Spence e, but turned up the 'teceive the'lroas. presence of the crew sed:Spencer expected or. But there was If. One or tivd - dls a 'en were put in irons. is _bur days before he e day nr night previou . . an examinitinn was h d to execute three• 1 o'clock, when the rt tiseicpiate their er ere.Assenabled to wim - Spencer received the s firmness and apparent , On .the signal being I run up at the same i Spencer on one aid the two men on the o odies were aftervea - Place', in coffins, a til•iun down, whet to 'etch coffin Co den read the burial : _ b er hee e ad e: rei ;i i tu i o it f te the d, b w r i i t g h P.reeeedir us were sem wit ba rge from \:Cyart of Enquiry. -;i-Piiiiets skates that th ' - railnade on the 7 i 'After lertiging St. week before reaching 412 **)v: "Spent:er's y_Atato by solile of kb jinn' virehm from ba 4«k24. d rather thoughtles9 u rn - trietribe kablastudiolls, j 4 ph:46IOMI fti _ i . 11 )44* *laic* his ima car** out •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers