—— i TT F CENTRE HALL REFCKT=A. Going to law about a pane of S—— cost two citizens of Sunbury one k go Sa LOCAL NEWS. —Our friends will oblige! us by sending in any items of local inter-| est, including deatber arviages, &c., asj’ such are cagarly rea oY: your friends in the west, many of whom get the Reporter. We would esteom it a favor if our kind pa- trons would op Polafecl Aun a copy of ' One poun Aton 0 oN @F, ADC fa foie ts She AR Fai Irene : § such terrible ravages off the cu ces Lae county and removed to other pa.ts, which woul induce many to become subseribers. en t at theydi in a RET Ba Bio | wages ae 3 dud | oiullovigs ols, F SL 7 Span Lak gn sha for Potte wp. In 0) aliwal gic dco dy A : i ‘he coil SILORFY OF N i E x 'mption Note combined, Justices War-| | he colnion ¢ 4 ou mp is teats, &e., for skle at this Oflice. seg) attractive plant fghdh euliiv SAD : por pi PRES énely groon, nud will FRM To Bosinaa™ Min. = WY Caro ants unt dn w \ , mont The circulation of the REPORTER, on Lf Ria the this sids of the county, is now greaterjcrop. = REMXDY. ) aay ink instantly & hult a glass © cold wxter, with f heaping tedgpoonta tile next than that, ofsanytworpaparg au ithe county, hence business men who wish each of commuofysalt yada oud Tp Er stirred into it. | 3 oon as i ving tb wi aa | Ok Poradivs: “It uny poban iy to reach the Peunsvalley trade, will advance their own interests; by adver- tising iu the REPORTER. Our subscrip tion list is open to the inspection of al- who wish to advertise. it e—— For Lapugs. ,. Hissch & Bro, at Milroy, are now selling their large and select stock of Lapis’ Furs, Bal] MORAL SKIRTS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS plain black and trinkned at gréatly reduced : 9 : y . ba prices. 210¢t3m | gn or two, anions are slicdd, will Keeh atl This vom) reaches the stomach: © Bui, fear some of the poison ‘may remaia, swallow the white of one or two eggs, ordrink« eup of strong coffeé—there two bein antidotes for a greater number of poisons than Any other dozen articles known, with the advantage of their being always on hand; if fot a pins of sweet oil, lump oil, drippings, wmcited butter or lard, aro good substitutes, espe- cially if they ‘vomit quickly. A Philadelphia dodtor says that wishin . {fies at a distahicd. ’ An excellent article” of sewing ma- pat alia chine o!!, warranted not to gum, for| EATHS. sale at C. F. Herlacher's. 3t | a, he aur - | Blizabeth Kreider, wiferof John YANARIES —Zeller & Jarrett, drug: aged 62 years, 2 months, and 24 day 8. gists Bellefonte, have just received a fine. lot: of Canary ‘bivds, most ele-fg,, harger, and was bern August 21st, | guint singers’ and 0 splendid cages, | Ga ‘buy- one, these sweet little WAP} D 0 Mr. John Kreider on the 15th of January, blers add to the cheerfulness of home. 1829; was the mother of 11 chilc ren, two of a N- ; niy which died quite young, and nine of whom S. 8, ConvExTioN.—The Semi ah: are stilk living; She wads consistentmgrh- nual convention of the Centre, Co, Sab- {yep of the Lathéran dhuceh 4 yours ; WAL bath School Association will meet at. firmed by Rev. Da. Lochman, Shebgre Boalsburg onthe 13th and 14th Deé- {par suffering with peculiar christian forti- cember. {tude, and died in triumph of redeeming TO Bh ‘grace. The loss her numerous relatives The Moshannon Land and Lamberg tained in her death, we know proved her Company, at Osceola, whose great|sternal gain, M. GE saw. will burned last summer, expect. enna les # to-have it replaced by a new one, even. MARRIAGES of superior capacity, by the time the, On the 17th inst, by Rev. Mr, Ketchem, spring opens. Mr. John H Keen, formerly of Potter twp, Ee mmm eaite fielgs Hee {Centre county Pa. to Miss Sarah Sheldon, «Rev. Theo. L. Cayler, D.D, says stof Ontwa twp, Cass county, Michigan, ” 4 ay WW iv 1 » \ - « » Ol OU Nery HUG IE ender all the Livtoimgs this World Tees : » J he nN y. $4 d enjoy pr 4 S C y March s book . Our. k ather s House possess, and may they atzo be blessed every In smoothly written, and will be POPU; now and then with those sweet little eradle lar among “the Thasses.” Ree ady., [shouts—and when they begin to lisp the SO . word pa ant nia; wé hope John" will look dia ib TES r back a ye nd a half nad hink 1 f 3 Advice. Fren—We ean tell our{ 6g 0 bout the. yankees, and. say down town neighbors how to stéer that he should never marry a yankee girl. clear of mud—being reminded of it! But we think he has taken all that back, the other day, having occasion to gh hud Jedd cE their Thee Ee and 4 — down, ard the muddy season being at their sorrows few. TA hunil—we didn’t strike mud until we i ~ . left Mr. Osman’s board walk, after *PERNAL VIGILANCE which we struck “ile” until we SOU 1s the price of Health as well as of Liberty. Be on your upon Mr. Durstine’s walk. Now ul guard against poisonous hair dyes. litle cost this difficulty can be obvia-| Cristadero’s Excelsior Hair Dye ted—order a few hundred feet of ks aoniy one i has stood the obt of Voge] Soy la « 3 ha Ae | sis. 4 the store of the proprietor. astor House, New boards’ and build a walk + 98 Your bo soon the cortificate of that able analytical — —_— ma——— ig q | York, may neighbors. above have done, and see chemist, how nice the thing will work. Don’t] Professor Chilton. cue wait upon the other, but each, Olle | tosifring thks " contain. na prion ingredient. On try to be the first to bave his walk | thet aus Taal — wr a icy fini~hed. ! poisonous hair dyes before the public, Choose tho only " Za safe and sure one. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, as » Dressing, acts like a charm on the hair after Dyeing Tit" 1 % “ASTANDARD REMEDY.” So AN ARTICLAZ IS *“ DR. TOBI- A if re SorLp.—Mr. Oberholtzer ‘of this lace has sold his house and lot to Mr. Vm. Galbraith, of Indiama, who al- ready ‘occupies it. .« Mr Geo. Harpster sold his house and lot Lient. to 8. 8. Walf. Mr. Jolin Rieber's house and lot have been purchased by Geo. Harps ter. =The, Manufacturing Camp. sold a lot adjoining the Luthern church, to George Harpster, who intends erect- ing a dwelling upon the same. The farm of Mr. Solomon Weaver, dec’'d, near Wolf's Store, Miles twp., was sold some time ago, to Mr. Ed- ward Houtz for $2100. AS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT" It has stood before the public for 23 years, and has! | never failed giving satisfaction in a single instance. Every drop of this valuable compound is mixed by Dr. Tobias himself, therefore, it can always be relied upon, It is warranted superior to any other for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Vomiting, Frosted Foot, Mumps, Croup, Burns Cuts, Sea Sickness, Insect Stings, Sprains, Cholera, Colic, Spasms, Dysentery, Bruises, Colds, Coughs, Old Sores, Swellings, Pains in the Limbs, Back and chest. There is nc medicine In the “World" that stands more on its own merits than the “Venetain Liniment.” Thousands of Certificates can be seen at the Doctor's office, attesting to its rare virtues. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. Price { 50 cents and one dollar per bottle. Depot, 10 Park Places | 1 { Pailadeiphia Market. Wheat at 1 40al 42 for western. send the receipt free SRY ESET —— GBT, Jersey Oltyr Nod Rol 41:874880 for-alr-yel lows GJ dn W NCR40 Hore Repay lis und (§adrod Noveley Go.) Saco, Mo. dock.ds Ae tno vais | INALESHEN WANTED. 70 MRS. M. C. “N, rere : Of 814 ral pay. yin, 5. TORD-(1 ia hazale (Ath Bly, J $10 Mm {3emeth sullnnd exam Ra ) OU. ts i Waotaott, 181 Chyttuin Sg. N.Y, det2, 4 100,000 AG ENTS W ANTHD FOR. W WOMAM CAN .. MAKE MONEY v \ Hogs at Ad 50 per 100 Ths nce. ngtdo firm; poor tomedivm d0al2ic iba ir steérs 12413305 good | 7% J¥hd VCE 14015; choice sees HO vlldiesn voilenp 16,00d a TAS 187. 101164 ! ort’ fed at 747 123 for live, ', Chicago Market. Whenk 1. 05 For No 2. Corn. 62 Yo lfor-Ne. 2 Oats at 40) ¢ for No 2' ° McKinney Hany, TEAQENTS WANTED FOR h) d., Barley-quiet-at-80@c—u Live hogs dull at 6 25a5 79. Hain 230. Butter 20. Eggs . A ——— en og asterper Lop Bucon 18 Ham?28 co ————— A A Yn Soe § A ———" i. S— TAKE NOTICE oD will do well to call at Camp's New Warerooms, | hat. Nots, Bedsteads, &e,,; Soe, CGHEAR- ." novi8.dmj o—— a ——————————— ———— AA 5 GT I Br a » ¥ bos ry Na estimony W fut ny that ‘thé’ Rade, ANWseries ino va is wil lpdy for trees, for transplanting to ho 850 Is jul 0 iE 7 Ir mn et 96} Dey or Swmplés sent (posta {Of Ta dy doer Buy, Jor, Yall Dullis ahd 91k rgiu bie, ig Spring is of ALL KI " blsnw % sia ¥s 8 Ww Rol ar . ol | 3 «i f, strong deep clay-loam of th pete Jong-lived, 4 climutes, na g nid : : euch ry igorous * CED CATALOGUES we A ei TH fi & $et linting, with complete lists of % v3 Ol . : FLOWES; VEGETABLE, will be ri ady Of Fruit and Ornamental Trees ALWAYS HE EN Including MINTood, Womanhood and their m byl iptosrelntions, Jove, its Inws, power, Lot, by Proll O. 8. Fowler, Bend « Oiittle at 3: 2ouT 50 tor Circulars und ppsciien mges. Address i Shit shadda | NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila. . MILROY MARKETS, delphia, Pa. deed dw Corrected by Readak Phampson. A GQ IN T NY Wanted for: Head" Ww hite wheat } 3D... Old red 1 xX)... new iL x J) ley's Now, Fresh ; 10a Corn | 63 BOOK “SACRED HE{OESANDMAR1YR New outs 35 Barley © 76 W rittentin the Author's happiest style, und limothyseed 4,00 surpassing his former works, which have sold by the 100,000, With Original Steel ping ravings from designs by out Artist whe has spent theeé years in Bible Lands The BELL E FONT E MARKETS. Clergy and the ‘ress are loud in its praise, _o] 4 5. an Agentshwré making money rapidly, EK. -B. White W heat 130, Red | 2p alyg vei TREAT & Co, Pub’s 051 Broadway, N. TD Qory DIO... Oat 35... Bartey 0. y : flee dw 73 Cloverseed 500 Potatoes 0,78 —g —— Farmer's Helper {Shows how to double Lhe profits o the FARM, and how farmers and their sons can each nmnke so lO PER MONTH Winter, 10.000 Copies wil be nailed Send name and addross VW ZEIGLER& McCURDY, Philadelphia, a { Pa i deel 4w ~ AGENTS WANTEDFOR ~~ FREE LOVE. AND Loe ITS VOTARIES, ' by Dr Jo. B. Ellis, LargeSales, Invmeéense Profits. * Stupendous revelations and s*art- ¢ ling disciosurés, The whole mubjeet laid ‘bare and its hideousness exposed touniver- sal execration. Written in the Interests of FCiviliantion, Christianity and Publie Moral- oct28,0m A DR TTR TA i Di Another Great Earthquake in CALIKORNIA Another large Assortment of hose splen- aid Woolen Goods wich ure Manufactured a the MILROY Woolen Mills will now be offered to the public. Thankfal for past favors, I'am again rea-| dy to supply my old customers and nuns bers of new ones. My wagon will soon up- pear Al Your Deors, loaded with a great variety of Goods, such #8 Plainand Faney Cassimeéres of the latest Spring & Summer Styles, Beaver Cloth, Tricot, i Doeskin, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, waterproof Plaids, an almost endless “variety of Flannels Fine, Medium and Coarse. Stocking Yarns ofall kinds. ity. Send for circulars and terms, U, 8. Publishing Co., 411 Broome Street, New| | York. dec2.4w | - MONEY QUICKLY MADE | by active men und women getting subserip- | {tions for the great religious and literary [weekly The Christian Union, edited by | HENRY WARD BEEOHER. { Having in its corps of Contributors the ab-| {lest talent of the land, - A chagming ser all story the world-famous suthoress of} He sélls' the schaol<Books that are! “1 : Bin hak Veaur | BOOKSELLER! by “Unels Pon's Cabin," just begun. Every! subscriber for 1871 receives the paper for leight weeks, nnd the people's favorite, | Marshall's Washington, (alone worth $5, )] { Free. This new and unequalled combina- | ‘tion is taking like wild fire. All are doing well, many making from $10 to $30 a day. | Now is the harvest time, act wisely and] ‘quickly. There is positively nothing that! fwill pny you so well. Copy of pape’, chap- ter of story and rare terms Free, address A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut Street, | Philadelphia. dec? dw! ANTED—-AGENTS—Tea cell. our now illusfrated Book of Travels OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA. | By Col. Thomas W, Knox. A comprehen [sive and valuable exposition of the coun- Liries of Alaska, Siberia, China and Russia 'as they areto-day. Matching our Richard- | {son's “Beyond the Mississippi,” and Mark | [Twain's “Innocents nbread’’ in Style, &e.! - : Send for circulars and see our extra terms. | Hgeis ‘misbages off the lookatd, for the nest, Address, AMERICAN PUBLISHING | sublications, and has them on his counter at | CO., Hartford, Conn. £2 w ee =! He sells: them cheaper than any one He always has on hand the best as- ortment of Bibles, Hymn Books, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. dec2.4w TEER |: \ dll eh AF a U5 he » ~ ’ R ] He keeps the largest stock of Paper wa r SH ——— NIHO dad V A BLANKETS. white, gray and horse Blankets. «Striped Carriage Blankets. | The most beautiful stripéd‘earrigge blap- kets, made in the mest superior order, and for sule ata reasonable figure. CARPETS, heavy Damask, Flowercd, Ingrain and Striped, Parlor and Stair Carpets, all supe- rior, bright fast colors, WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex- change for Goods. Goods, of every varie- ty, always on hand at his residence. John C. Kemp, Oentre Hill, Pa. apr222tf ; Agent for Thompson & Sons AND TREE SEEDS, and Nursery. Stock READY, Lo. DEEN -& Ob, Geneva, N, Y., Growers, Importers, and Dealers. NE Generally, AR Come one and all! PRICES, LOW At The Old Stand The 7 .irgest Arrival of Spring and Summer, (foods. at Centre Hall, LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE Hats, Cups, Boots, Shoes, ALSO A CHEAT LINE OF FLANNELS, MUSL.NS, CALICOES, AND SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF G ENTS THIS WAY! x ITS! SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, would | inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old | who may desire to be rigged out, . In well Fitting, Substantially | & Fashionably made suits of cloths, from any kind of ma- terial they choose. I would say that I am still in the field, and prepared to accommo- date. I have a large and excellent assort- ment of ALSO, . Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestin “ from which garments will be made'to or- der in the i MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. | All 1 ask is to call and examine my fine ‘stock. Haying just Bought ny goods du- NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES. nlso a large stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and ¢henpest in the market. Wolf’s Old Stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CAKETO MAXEIT AN OBJECT FR New Customers, AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TO GIVE US A CALL. a) 20°68, y. "WM. WOLF. 7 rush & JARRETT dealers.in DRUGS, MEPICINES, CHEMICALS, — a pe ea . COMPLAINTS, whether in young or old, tie Cape! % ois FOR -FLXa merricdereiss 7 thé: A GREAT MEDICAL wsvuv, df £hood TE TL INE thin oI II £otend ff a elircular. 10 Rae rae; - a or - domed w we Sunes sbaod ‘poy, 8 ew iPM wIoLn * L ¥ . $Rie Ditters lave ron qual, ® 5 = E 2 ‘TEs Refuse please thy 3 Jed © ," * Re " &C., that drunkenfiess ‘ard rin, bet ae frou the Nutive Hoots anil if from all Alcoholic GREAT BLOOD 43 They are tho matter and restoring dle Licodio ak : o , o §y tion and remain org unwell. ' $100 willbe given foran invursbie case, provided the bones. are not esd hy 2 Joe means, and the Ral organs wasted 1 t of repair. o£ : For Inflammutery avd Chronic Rbeu tism nud Goury, Dyspepeln, »» Indigestion, Dilious, Remittent and Ince tent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Hidneys, and Bladder, these Bigters Lave been mbst suecces- ful. Such Discases tre couced Ly Viddowced Blood, which is generally produced by derangemert ofthe Digestive Organs. “r DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Tesd ache, Pals fu tho Snouiders, Coughs, Tightr ew of tho Cueet, Dizgivess, Sour Lructationss of the Stomack, Lad teste in the Mouth, Dillons Attacks, Paliiiotia of the Heart, Inflanrmuation of the Lungs, Puiu inthe Symptoms, arc the offspriogs of Dyspepsia.” Th y invigorate the Stomach and stimu'gte the ter. pid liver sud bowels, which rendcrthem of unegzalicd cficacy ia cleansing She Liood of sll impurities, azd hmperting pew Life and viger to the wholosystem. FOL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Sait Lcur, Dlctckes, Epots, Flu ples, Pus tales, Polls, Cor buncles, Ring-Worms, £cald-Head, Bore Fyes, rye; cles, lich, Scurfs, Diseolorations of the Skin, Hurcia and Diseases of the LKin of whatever name oF Batur , wre. litcrelly deg up and earried out of the syste lu a shor! thue by the vee of these Piticrs. Ope Lottie In suck canes will convince the moet tncredafons of thelr curative efficet, = t ali E Cicause the Vitiated Blood whenever you find ita {:epuritics bursting through the siz la Pimples, Lrop- tions er Sores ; cicause it when you find ft Stbtradtcd and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when Wig foul, and your feelings will toll you whea. Keep the blood pure and the hedith of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE sud other WORMS, lurking To Ws system of #0 many thousasids, are cflectually destroy« ed and removed. Fer full directions, read carclully the circular around cach bottle, printed ia four lua- gudgces—-English, German, French gud Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprictor. R. H. McDOXALD & CO. Draggists snd Gen. Agents, San Francieco, Cal, cad $2 and 84 Commerce Streets, Now York. ET” SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. SS DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMPROVED—ANDTHE NEW Universal Clothes Wri Improved with RowzLy's PATexT Doun- LE Cog-wHrELS, and the Parent Evor, are now unquestionably far superior to any apparatus for washi clothes ever invented, and will save their cost twice a year, by saving labor and clothes, The Editor of this paper, who purchased a Washer and Wringer, thus testifies as to their value: ads A Dory's Wasner.— Washing is the hard- est work woman has to attend to. any have been the inventions to take from washing-day its dread by enabling our wives and uation to perform that work with greater ease than accompanies the VIL YOV'Id ~—— New York. (ring the last panie, I'defy competition as also all the old mode of washing by hand. As yet, New Pastor.—Rev. E. Earhart has been elected pastor of the Pine Grove Mills Lutheran charge, and has already: entered upon: his labors in that field. ae A me Sxow.—The second snow of the season made its appearance on night of 25th, to the ‘depth of about inch. The weather since has been very five a ee iris Our Friends of Centre Co. know well where to get good CLOTHING at low prices and’ we want others who have not yet dealt with us (o give us a trial—any amonut of new style Ches- terfield Coats, also Boots and Shoes for men and women at Hirsch & Bro. | Milroy. | § i nm scone i ll Mn on We call attention to the advertise. ment of the N. Y. Methodist in anoth | er column. Itis one oi the best re-| ligious and family paj.crs iu the coun-| try. 2; . Gaoorr.—Lourt was well attended this v eek, and Judge Mayer dispatch- ed business with his usual prompt- le : A number of young blvods from Philipsburg, who had disturbed a re- ligious meeting, were fined $20 and costs, each. * Another man from Philipsburg, for exposing bis person, sentenced to two months tprisonment. A dase of fornication and bastardy, from Ferguson twp., was disposed of with the usual sentence. " The ‘cases against Butz, springing out of reports he raised against some of the most respectable citizens of this place] Fesilted in a complete vindica- tion of thé injured ‘vues: In the adul- tery case the grand jury ignored the bill, and Butz pays costs of prosecu- tion. «fF YORW Iki * ui The hayfork swindfers were up om Wednesday but we did not hear the result. | Sil Be i SPO MARRIED. On'Taesday,- Nov, 22d, by-Rev. Joseph Nesbitt, at he resi ence Yq the Sride's : Die ach, .3 Of Blgoms- rietly of * Lock Haven, Pa., to Miss Mary E Conley, of Lamar township, Clintob Lnty, Pa. 135 OG. i 154 Th ere, Diffs » your goné-uto the earth- ENE Sh Sn honoted nismiber of the Ari Br seryative. May your matrimonial alli- m burg,” Scrofula Cured by Brandreth’s Pills! Brandreth's Pills penotrato the whole mass of blood, causing the expulsion of impuritics. The body feels, from twenty! By continuing their use, the whole of the blood in time, becomes purified, and the body recon- structed from good material, and a new leaso of life se cured. Dressmaking AND STITCHING, BY BELLE HUMMEL, Living at Mrz, Samuel Harpster’s. out 21tf HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSO- CIATION.—For the Relief and Care of the Errit g and Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. ’ Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to MARRIAGE] and Social Evivs, with sanitary aid forthe afflicted. Sent free, in sealed Envelopes. | Address, HHOWARD ASSOCIATION,! Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julld.ly Millhecim, Pa. (form rly Wm. te man's). . This well bieen refitted by its: new proprietor. The traveling community are invited to give) him a ‘call. "i His table will be kept first-| class, and his bar always supplied with choice liquors. Drovers will find aecoms | modation for any number of horses. Ci marl; 69tf { { J. & J. HARRIS, .. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. ' | A new and complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Brock: erhof’s new building—where they are pre- pred to sellall kinds of Buildingand House | Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hang Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Iee' Crea’ assortment of G1 : fizes, Plone : Real Tp amps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloeg, and Hubg, Plows, Cultivators. Cony’ Plows. Plow Paints, Shear Mold Boar and Cultivator Teeth, Table els, Spades’ and Forks, Ldcks, Hinges Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Lubrigating Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel. lows, Screw. Elntes, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Ten Bells, Grindstones, Carpe ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans Paints, Oils. Varnishes received and for sale at ‘ junes'68,1y. J. &J. HARRIS. lesen: > i PIMPLES. . The ‘wish it, the JOAR|4 BA] UARJY WIM Bevo p FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. And forsale Wholesale only by the | Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. | P. 0. BOX, 5306 8 CHURCH ST. N. Y, SEND FOR THEA-NECTAR Circular. “ean RY WELLS’ - Carbolic Tablets. remedy for all Bronchial yughs, Colds, Hoarseness, He has all the daily, weckly, and Merchants, save money by tuying An unfailin Difficulties, Sabbath school superintendents; send ‘or Wind Pipe and all Cabairhal diseases. The wonderful modern discovery of Car- bolie Acid, is destined to become one of (the greatest blessings to mankind in its ap- | plication to diseases of the throat and its School boards fornished with books, | the Chest and Lu Carbolic Tablets | Acid contain other ingredients universally recommended, which chemically combine, producing a Tablet more highly medicinal and better adapted for diseases of the throat than any preparation ever before offered to the public. : AUTION. Be snre you get Well's Address all orders to JOHN I. RANKIN. Bellefonte, Pa. 4nov2m } " A ISS x : how x EL 2 Carbolie Tablets ; Don’t ict other goods neh, i Fed Be RAE be almed off on you in their Place By Rev. T. De Talmadge OR co UGHS AND 0 OLDS The most Popular Preacher in America, Wells’ Carbolic Tablets Agents wanted everywhere, male or fo-| ARE A SURE CURE. TRY THEM. male, to sell this great work, ig better than SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 2dcdt Mak Twain ad RO Hamble jo sell. Big! TT LIVEAGENTS WANTEDFOR olEs. Sooend for terms and i r y BR § : m ustrated 1 omen of lighers, No. 740 Sansom St., Philadel- novl8.4t WATCH FREE for everyboly and | $30 per day sure. Business hight and | Jonors le. No Gift enterprise. No hum- | ug. Aress BR. Monroe burge, Pa. Or Socia [Life in the Great City. Women expofed, aristoeracy, ~ Marri The best Xe... &e. Price $3,265, novl8.4w| ayer giv Nn. dress, N Y Book Nassau St, NY. 0 Local Agents Wanted. want a Jia] Agent J every AGENTS WA NTED FO R ; , own a illage in the Coun-|¢é =r othe Western World. A Mug- rificent $5,00 Premium Steel angraving 18 sent gratisto every abseriber, From $1,00 to $10,00 ‘an be easily madein an evening. Bing '\ liberal cash commission is allowed. Send san for Speéimens and rize. Circular. ddress, JAMES R ELLIOTT, BOSTON MASS. hovi8.4 . BOOK A GEN 1S MAKE $80 to $200: por Month by seliing i d GREAT FORTUNES, Axp How Tuey WERE Mabe, ByJ. D. McCabe, Jr. New, fresh and original, Profiisely illustrated and beautifully bound. It shows how a poor school-master made banker, a butcher'sapprentice the wealth- iest man in America, an agksopn mechanic ven ith many a millionaire "in are; Washington to Grant. Superbly illustra- ted on steel, i York. WFORTUNES Offere dio live men. sept9.8m ST. LOUIS, MO. 28sep.3m undersiened will cheerfully mail (free) to all who Bat En HE me sof Slant! tm hy arid beutifal, . ouviog thF ~The above ‘ A osu 3 “Pa 5) balk S04 ing : . a. g x ol ; R* Cabin 5 P. 0. Box §, 138. 2 i ‘ yp : xy op sips fall front the ol I Sen LIMIT LTE black. 2 ® 2 more gach examples; how ‘energy, talent. and patient industry:have always met with success when Propet exerted ; how monsjand chicepest family ey can be made honestly and withqutsacri-|the market. fice of principal. Send for nd notice my extra terms Circular, ofc, ¢ ICE LxXira terms. Gc . a i y ASep. Publish , ¢ago, I11., or St. Louis, Mo 3sep.3m ay; New York. soa: © ur, novi dm a Fyn 8. Geo. Maclian 9 Samson St. pacha ; 8 1 toms)” SO'CLOCK - 2 v18. | to prices; durability, and fashion, this side {of Philadelphia Place Remember the | W. W. McCLELLAN. No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres, 'vestings, callars, umbrellas, ecaing, hats, | caps, in short, everything to completely rig {out a gontlemar, can be had ahd made up fin the latest style. I am also agent for WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine, which should be seen by all desiring a machine do25,68y i i THE UNWRITTEN WORD. By Daxter Marcu, D. D., author of the popular “Night Scenes.” This master in thought and language shows us untold riches and beauties in the Great Ho use with its Blooming flowers, Singing “birds, Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautiful bow, Sacred mountains, Delightful rivers, Mighty oceans Thandering voices, Blaz, ing heavens and vastuiniverse with count- less beings in millions of worlds, and reads tinted paper, crnate engravings and superb binding. ‘‘Rich and varied in thought.’ “Easy and graceful in style.” “Correct, pure and everyting in its tenden- wy.” “Beautiful and good.” ‘A house- hold treasure.” Commendations like the above from College Prés‘defts and Pro- fessors, ministers of all denominations, and the religious and secular pre s all over the country, Its freshness, purity of .anguage, with clear open type, fine steel engra. ings, substantial binding, and low price, make it from 50to 150 week: i We want Clergymen, School Teachers smart young men and ladies to introduce the work for us in every tow ship, and we | will pay liberally. o intelligent man ot woman need be without a paying business, STANDARD PATENT J11ICINE S———— A very large as- sortment of Tor- LET ARTICLES, Faxey Goods Soaps, &e., &e., The ficest qual- ity of Razor STEEL, PoCkkT Kx1ves, Scissors and Razors. Warp PAPER IN GREAT VARIETY. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com petent druggists at althours, day or night. Night customers pu 1 night Hell. ZELLER & JARRETT, . Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. junl8 ly WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral, sc., a ap1768. BURNSIDE & THON AN! YX ICES of all varieties, ground to order .. and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the enlpplacesan can find unadultera- tod spices. Try them for your own satisfuc- tion. Yon can only find them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. USH HOUSE near the depot, Belle- Afonte, Pa, This elegant hotel, having come under the supervision ofthe undersigned, he wou d respectfully « nn@ince to the publie that he is prepared to accommodate them afventhie dead! for cireular, full discription. and terms. “Address ZIRGLER & McCUR: DY, 16 8. Sixth Street, Phila., Pa. 13! Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 69 Monro Street, Chicago, Ti, 503 N, Sixth St., St Louis, Moy, ory 103 Mair, Sty Springfield Muss. iH IEG SL 2sepgm nm THEODORE DESCHNER, 210 ON SMPTE has removed to the store known as No. § Bush's Arcade noxt door to Zimmerman, Bros & Co, «pt Bol fant » where he is just opening out a complete stock of REVOLVERS. © GUNS. Fut AMM REMOVAL UNITION. IFISHING Fa FSA TACKLE, Base Balls, Bats, Keys, and general Spor. warranted. j Norway Qats. The undersigned offers for sale at his res- jundi Norway Oats. This oats yields larger than any other: Oats known. ' Boldin: any quantities; at $3 per bushel. Orders by Au attended to, i mail attenc®®™ Ww. K. FORSTER, : Centre Mills. 2Bsep. 4m style ofthe best house in the cities. The Bush ‘House is a mingnificent building, splendidly furnished, and enpable of com- i fortable aecommodating THREE HUNDRED GUESTS: It is situated nenrthe dapbt, and convenient to alt places of business] ard je the Hest ho- tel in cedtmil Pennsyivmning Its waiters are obliging: polite und attentive; itd ta- bles are supplied with vvery luyury inthe marke: its stables are lirst class, with at- For guests from the cities togpend the summer it is just the pinee ! The proprietor will ‘be happy to receive the public as often asthey wish to call “ T, HOWELL, : © Proprietor SKEINS for wagons, all si zes, at the sign of the Anvil. apl0'€8. : Irwin & Wirsox. AMPSOF EVERY VARIETY and kind at : apl0'.68 JRWIN & WILSON'S. * J OTICE. —Letters of Administration, over the estate of Dayid Reese, lute of Gregg township, dec’'d, having becn gran- ted to the undersigned, all persc ns knowing themselves indebted to said esta‘e. or hav- ing claims against the same, will hand them ir, properly authenticated for sctt'ement without delay. "M. REESE Z8octbt Administrator joet vstLf pital NPI oy 3 few of thése inventions have proven sue- cess; against some machines it is objected that they will not wash clean, against others that they ruin the clothes, and against others that to operate them is more tiresome than the old mode. A washer than, against ghich non of these objections hold good will be acknowledged areal god- send by all womankind, and mustbe class. ed among the most useful inventions. This want is now satisfied by Doty’s Wa her, one of which we have in our family, and which we have given a fair trial. The Doty occupies very little space, is easily moved from one place to another, it washes clean, does not tear off buttons or other- wise:dumage the goods washed, it does its work quick, and with such remarkable ease, that a giri of ten years can work it.— Centre Hall Reporter, Dee., 17th 1869. Prices --A Fair Offer. If the Merchants in your place will not furnish, or send for the Mra, send us the retal price, Washer $14, Extra Wringer 89, and we will forward either or bath machines, free of freight, to places whore no one is selling; and so sure are we they will be liked, that we agree to refund the maney if any one wishes to return the machines free of treight, after a month's trial, according to directions. No husband, father or brother should ermit the Sundgery of washing with the ands, fifty-two days inthe year, when it can be done better’ wore expeditiously, « th less labor, and no injury to the or .neats, by a Doty Clothes Washer, and a Universal Wringer. : Sold by dealers g-nerally, to whom libe- ra! discounts are made. R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent. Sept. 30.3m 32 Cortlandt St, New York. Manhood: Hew Lost. HowRestored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the rad- ical cure (without medicine) of SPERMA-, TORRHDEA. or Seminal Weakness fnvol- untary Seminal Lossex. Imroyaexcy, Men- tal and Physical Inecapaeiiy, Impediments to Marringe, ote. ; also. CoNSUMPTION, ErmLepsy, and ¥rrs, induced by self-in- dulgence or sexual extravagance, cénts; The eelebrated author, in this admirable demonstrates from a thirty yéars' successful practice, that the alarm ing consequence of self-nbuse may be rad- ically cured with®&t the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheap- ly, privately, asd radically. . ial Z%~This Leciuré should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a piain enve ope, any address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Culverwell's Gaide,” price 25 cents. Address the Publishers,” . CHAN, J C KLINE & Co., Bowery, New York, Post-office Bax 4 sep iy - a “Marriage rge Stock of Ladies ure, hors lankets, und Buffalo Robes at of BURNSIDE & THOMA Sen ——————— no YB Dp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers