racnulous escapes they havemade ( lower cloud, and through the balloon, and tho grotlo a on the « relate. : site side of it; that is, the grotto’ was|~ I trust enowgh “be on the oast side, and the sun on the done to show that an go np west, side of the balloon, and it was late(the air, into theeloud, in fhe. g in the aftetnoon. That m te by duy or by night, stigat cause is Mferred from. the phenomena of the fipper air without prismatic eircles of light had appeared incurring the accusation of being reck- in the upper cloud surface, when theless, especially when high officials of state use them -to escape from a be- ‘eaguered city, and governments send sun's rays passed through the gas of the balloon when sailing above it. sor them off with maikroute.agents to dis- tribute daily mails, i This phenomenon only occurred with a — lp tf fp a ———————— a silken balloon: Blk becomes trans purent when varnished ; cotton does . not. A silken balloon is also more| Tha N.Y. Evening Post cannot be . “Bagie Spastardee a : susceptible of clectrical excitement, |elassed any longer with the echobs of ‘tage. roe un tecarpt af one 7.3 thun one of cotton. A silken flag erep-| Gen. Grant—we judge'from the follow, Rajon LAE FG tocwios olen brs, Bos : hj itntes in passing from one current of{ing from its editorial eolomps— raf | roy. ! ar, tev another, a phenomenon not The one eausé-~the only oné—ofl ys you want to® y x iH a® ware & peeepiiinie wi a;colug pie, General Cox's offer to resign, and, df Queanswyrg ae Twi ww thunderbolts, When a certain field the Secretary was unwilling to pt sti-{If you want to buy your Boots 20d Shoes, Es , ' ’ ' i . > ribers space of atmosphere contains a number tute his office to the serview pf" mere: ws and Caps, eli apa Rs » ileby, || Dubhrhed of them==und. I have seen seven at one party ends, and the President was de=}_. ; HE NEW YORK METHODIST AN EIGHT PAGE WLEKLY = Hin its Eleventh Year, Jubliches Ser- Biron » tery vans week Cais ae ren’ s Story every w wit | dttle Fol Editorials the best = Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Corresponden full rt- ents of Religious and Secular Intelligence, Price $200 aycar. Liberal premiums or cash commissions to canwassers. Subscrip- The Balloon as an Add to Meteorol NG A Ld Eve Sl J |A'PAPER READ BY PROF. JOAN WISE DE “The d ‘eamp_ 1 FORE THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Laon 18 i ted. Y - The formal garvender of Thionville] In the science of meteorotogy there occurred yesterday morning. The town |is no instrumentality competent to do ‘wd heen burning since Tuesday [so much good, and which has as yet te eS —tyereived rq little attention asthe bal: the papers of London have ben, loon. The phenomena of the atmos: officially warned against supporting{ phere, in their relations fo climate and Irance or unfavorably criticising Ger [sanitary efficts—to agriculture, to physiology==to our mental forces and temperaments, are more fertile in sei entific developments than an ohserver cotintion, an from the earth would suppose. Meteor will imitate. ological Tnvestigations are as occult, Movements looking to the Peoncen- tame, and spiritless, without the aid of cinl) engine will come Mong on the i ea RR Tal Le] a gn $ bs 0 CextrE HALL, PA., DrcEnrerr 24,1870 os as Look! Leok! ha Not for the Locomotive! But for the goods, «oper magna AY J rahi Containsa Christmas BR { Centre Cony } - heen reduced Q a single. gevepue fligteiel—N esse WAL - J. Young aad Capt. Dunlap having their.diy sions abolish dud merged any. into one, With = Kin TM The Times intimates that Russia will, Bellefoute, a8 U. 8 Assestor for the he firm, without elosing the door'to ne COUNT ate ox brn attitude that England : le Bp LE. "ATABANA ; web | 1 . : es aio . A a : 4 hi- - . [tration of the German armies continue fan wir ship, as would be hydrographi High Handed Outrage by the Rad lin the north of Foance. Large bodies | eal investigations without the water odgal State Senate-- Attempt 10) ,f Prussians ave wmnrching south, lo i-hip. The deep sea soundings, 80 preg Prevent thes Lawiully . Elec/ed take positions around Paris and near pitant With interest in their revelations Sule iB tion 18; and December, aq Ts 8. Sor Sedprend Ocléd vey . (of infusorind iife at the bottom af the 4 Terhderatie “Govenio " acean, find {(héir counterpart ih’ the if ® wi day | Shi ed 4k s been, 9 Wis bi hi gure Bight aaa Colt BGT m, Cweuit Court, Judye) jupetions Festpaitnng the, presiding officer of, the Seite tram, coutiting the vote fop.ihe Gowernen, and, Breasnrer. Soli Fait walt.one o'clock “the (wo houses met. in joint" Conventions, Mr, Barr, Pres. | ident, pro itenr.; announced that he coul®not operand canrit the votgs for | Governor and Treasurer, but that he would! count foc. other officers. The! result of the eouut showed that the wjorityy of Noles cash in the State was! 2 hy * . n Lom Ca . 5 ba 1} De aor the following candidates, all Dem | agit of. i — 1. Moreh, Lient. Governor iL 4877 él 5 Parkery Secnetarylof Stale si, L 4450 Georze A, Sanford ings. Sépator Molney than. offered a | resolution that Hou. KE. Moren: be swirn in-as Licutemant Governor of i, J} over the joint Convention as. the legal | presiding officer of the’ Senate, and fo #8 clfamber, which iv did, and im-| mediately” adjourned. Mr. Moren in| the ‘meantime was sworn" in as Lien-| Sil Petersburg, November 20, ing noay Mlentified with the, latter: London; Nevember 2 inganscaitotial, article this, morning, * bans, an; attitnde England; will imi tate, | i The Times this morniny says there are two hundied thousand Germans in the in the valley of the Loire. A part ty of Prussian dragoons on Wednes- day entered St, Quentin for the pury se of stopping. a railropd train, but their attempt was defeated by the “rench. Movements looking to the concen b DOSE © in the north of France. Large” bodies” of Prussians are . -. i same direction. 1 Several Prussian divisions passed! Tha : } y NY .} Soissons’ going toward” Amiens, early | low. It is reported that General Mon peigne. The Prussian entrenched | campa Laon is nearly completed. | The formal surrender of Thionville| y of the Loire. Skirmishes have The Gardes Mobiles of Amiens the vote. -. i The Times this morning says that| time, small onvs—1{hey deposit rain in fitful showers, but discharge no thup- debolts. When (woror more of them ¢ontesce, thandischarges of electricity fallow.. These detached nimbus clouds ara prevalent in the months of April ana May, and produce what we term “April showers,” During the heat.of summer the thun. dergust proper prevails. Its. constant 'agtendant is heat. We all know this from common experience, the prece- dent suffocating heat before a thunder- ust. When these meteors are gener- ated suddenly they give out snow, hail and rain, The snow melts partly into hail, and partly into rain. Hailstones contain ing their center a nucleus of In rising up from the earth the looking down through the atmosphere | (CHOsItion irom a Sond gros Sigs to the earth from an insulated position | 77 Rp Inara. nniy yo her Foe of two of three miles of altitude. The|"?5¢ of a cloud, when It18a dense mast; garth looks concave, nnd ‘the horigon | 0d Rs you Nsaln the cloud, this mist is loomed up above the level of the | beeomes thinner, until near the top when it ceases entirely ; at this po.nt ‘the cloud becomes warm, and when emerging from its top still warmer, When this phenome. | chused by radiat on and reflection ; and | then follows a twinging sensation in the [{ iz not an’ ancommon plants, moving along in little nebulous The'upper air is not sa barrén of} ity, when'viewed from the earth, would It isa marvel that so fruit ful a subject, and so easily to be ex- plored, is so much neglected. Thesci | SNOW. ‘cuticle of the face and hands like the pricking from bunches of needles, also when it occurs near the surface of the !. s { vhew it oc : ‘slight hoarseness, with more or less earth. The phenomena of the clouds are full | the ears, when the ascent is sudden. : is impossible to hold a level posi- Some are warm, and| tis oy bod X h nd ‘ Jos) . L110 3» Do ) r cloud. Some are light, and|, y. : i | You are all the time going up or down. |’ up some are cold. termined that it should be so prostitu- TF fongr aio bi your Clothing and un- ted." Shall the clerks PL | Goto Graff & Thompson's, Milroy. ax “SeCrel| If you wantto buy your Fine Dios goods, committees to. SOpport political ma-| Shawls und Ladies Furs, , chinery ? § resident says Yes. Goto Graff & Thompson's, Milroy. . General Cox says No. And on this issue they go before the country, ho smart. ff A 5 spt so cheap . . | Go to GrafF&® Thompscn's, Milrcy If you want to buy: anything at the lowest, In Muskingum county, Ohio, a moPketh ices, | man named Dutton had been out coon-hunting, and, after returning home and retiring, dreamed in his uns easy slumber that he had caught the coon, and struck it against a tree, kill ing it. He was awakened by the fran- tic screams of his wife, and to his horror found that he had picked up his little infant daugh- ter and dashed her against a bed~post, killing her almost instantly. a ———— N. B.—Ready-maflg Clothing, and La- dies Furs, sold at wholesale prices, at GRAFF & THOMP: ON'S, Milroy, Pa. NEW FALL rT Winter Goods. AT FRONK'S, LEWISTQWYN - § - November Conrt. Jurors Second Week. Rush—J B Jokes, A Owen. {the accommodationof their old friends in 3 A : Centre county, have (just 4 a ver Sl Miles —H Kreamer, SR Frank, J B Harge aud in ag pe h y ahaaier { Bellefonte—T Reynolds, PH Gephatt,! 3 To - J M' Dermot : : Dry Goods, A Burnside—Geo Zimmerman, Potter—H Z Sankey, J C Boal, T B M'- Elroy, D Durst; Liberty-—Jno Ligget. : Harris--D J Wilard, W A Murray J M | Loss, Benner—J M Gephart, J C William, | Philipsburg—R Athertton, A Harper, Walker—Jaeeh Struble, Adam Vonada% howshoe—~Wm Hol t. Gregg — Jonath Frazer, noward—Jas Lader, C Bowers. Pern—I’h Krider.y Ferguson—R Meek Domestic Goods, Barred Flannels, Shawls and Furs, A Fine Stock of Millenery, Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons ‘The vortex current carries you (through the central part of the cloud cous membranes, and is first pereepti (diverging the bulloon outward with the ble by smell, and the twinging sensa- [Cuiaprening , Yon which Xe ion it produces upon the cuticle of the |" H es P'S rea and vow 3 Rr When the ba'loon! Curse, generally to be drawn in again near the base of the cloud, and from thence upward on the uprising stream, ‘and so on, like an endless chain, until ( you leave it by an increase of levitating force from its top, or an increase ‘of gravitating force at its base ; in the one case by a copious discharge of bal > . | last, in the other by a copious discharge Also, the fine cut index pa | y- acu) b of gas, . of air into another. The finer part o balloon. bere f hile with a tremulous mo. | &t first, ealealated to produce a degree re for a while w > $s mo-| J Pe : LICTe Nn » of anxious solicitude, but when expe i d then falling off. I have heard : tion, and t : ‘rienced for awhile, and duly consider- ed, the experience becomes interesting . ’ and sublime, and well ealeulated to in- s so profound above the elouds that a". ’ : ; is so profo . spire the meteorologist with a desire to ite discernible there renew the investigation of atmospheric liscernible . | quite gree ' phenumena. It is remarkable how suddenly, at{F"" ! ; sy There is no disk rotation in a storm matter will be in the courts soon. rm mvs Alf Mp rms mec oe Burance—His Captors Refuse a $60,000. Bribe. St. Louis, November 26.—John P. McCartiiey, a notorious counterfeiter, - * who escaped from the station<house in Cincinnati on Sunday week, ‘was ar- rested at Venice, Itinois, opposite the northern part of this city, on Friday night, day detectives Eagan Apple the United States District Court. McCartuey is regarded as the king of the Coney men, and his arrest is con- sidered the most important’ that has been made for years. He offered the officers sixty thousand dol- lirs to let him go, and ‘promised to turn up. a large quantity of counter feiting implements. been. arrested many times, and has Jars at different times to escape from (from the helm of State; he is needed (the principles of the dispatch to Rus- sia, but insist decidedly that no after resolve sha'l practically nullify them. >> AMERICAN SUNDEY-8CHOOL WORKER.— | The Noyember number of this journal, [uhlished by J. W. McIntyre, St. Louis, | beside its ususl valuable contents, hasvery full announcements of its plansand reduced terms, with list of lessons for 1871. As the publisher offers to send this number free | of charge, we advise Sunduy-schools adopt- ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL OF | PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOGNOMY, FOR Besides Portraits, Characters «nd Biographies of numerous distinguished Men and Women, it contains thirteen Na- tional Types of Female Beauty ; Organs of the Brain illustrated and defined; ** What Can I Do Best?’ How to Enter West Point as a Student ;- Personal Beauty, how Attained ; What is the use of Phrenology? Just the thing for learners. A rich and racy 25 cent book, sent first post. Address Office. Phrenological Journal, 389 Broad- lway, New York. THE Last of 1870, buts peer with the best. nodine, as a New York daily says, |. WELLS the clutches of the law. ¢.Ahe jury in the new trial of Fred. Biebusch, a, pnoicd. Coney man; and wha. bas kal, figquens dealings with sal cCaztiey, was empanelled on Satur velay,end the ease, will progress next Weekes! i i oF di tnd rere ee soovew . Louk, SNovewber- 16.—The safe; of the. dlubeken city. (reasurcr was blpwn.open dass prightand robbed comntsAdon the past tow yours, conpon ‘private: property, “bonds mortgages, s&0d; tor ‘thes extent of $3,600. The money was-dépesited in the bank. | ee Oy RAILWAY Sposgps.—Very many! «persons, says the Harrisburg Telle- | LaPh, 1 who, travel, occasionally on! raugoads, are much at a loss to under: | saadnthe, various siguals thai are| shied 60 of which ave made with, Lhe tear. ahistle and _otaers with | fla gwrudyu. exchange paper. furnishes! sthe Aoily ving nferesting explanation! af tlems:iv ob ov. rp as. db | o# "Owe whistle signifies “down brakes,” | -bwu whistles “off benkes,” three whiis- | tes Yback Ap, seal LiBUORS whistles, | “danger.” Arwedpid succession of short whistlests the “eattle abarm o nig patie oh andson iével A$ hEsignil B57 go: ahead a’ dow. wart hiotion ofthe hid “back” at ‘night; ‘when 4 labteriF is raised ahd Powered” vertically, dt is a signal for Staging; “Sgfien swing’ ii a “circle, “Back “the train» “A “red flag waver |- upon the track indicates “danger” hoisted at a Station,’ itis a signal to “stop £4 stuck up by the road side, it is a, 820k] of “danger on’ the track ahead ;” garried un! uried upon a loge. motive, it siguities=‘engine following,” and gives warning that another (spe- ' i ia sweep ! § i tlie of eyes! “The Phrenological Journal is worth a | great deal more than the ‘price asked for Nt” ‘Get the Deeeraber Number and read (the following from itg rich contents :—Gene- tral Treochn, ovaries of Puris; What Can 'F'do Best, or ‘Whit a Physician ought to | be; George Trask, the Reformer; A Wife's |Stratagein ; Gen. Robert E. Lee; Watch Mauutaeure in Ameriea; Physical Edu- [cation ; Leétushave Pence; A Merry Christ-| mas; Loads Adolphe Thiers ; Our Visit to tBalt 1 ake City; Our. National Beverage; Spiritualism; Wanted— Young Men; Pic- ket Duel” The List of Premiums offered | fur sublertbers ‘is very temptingto Magn- | zing eanvassersand others, on’ giccount of] Lits unusual liberality. Singlanumbers 80 a vear's subscription only $3. Address Wells, Publisher, 389 Broadway, N. ffs mm SE CE AP We are about to make important im double thé amount of space now appropri- ated to reading matter. To do this we are obliged to have a new power press, which will arrive in a few weeks, and costing near y51100—this, with the ‘expense of a great énlargement of the Reporter, puts us to an ouilay of nearly $2000, and we run in debt to about that amount in consequence, Now we trust that our subscribers, whom we have regularly and faithfully sémpod with. the«cheapest county paper. in the state. and whi ure yet back upon their sub- | scription, will pay up, as per terms, a7 ONCE, 0 we ean meet obligations made to) furnish a still moreattractive paper, ¢ wish no one to think that the $2; $3, or $5, | which may be due from him sis of little] help, and aniinportant, but we kindly atk that it be forwarded, we need every: cent, | and niore, . Every subseriber can gee by the date ups on hisaddress on the paper, « ach week, how | mueir he, isdn arrears $ will Took as 20bnas redding this, and then duerus—and we ‘further Upward of twenty young women afe 1, 4 United the view of becoming © - ~ Long John Wentworth farms it._on « - electrical evolutions. The gas in ajmotion it gives to the balloon. This into a cloud when it gets into a region | outer margin of the meteor, and will of clouds. And it assumes this char. gradually draw the balloon toward and acter of cloud in a perfectly clear at-[into the vortex. This can be preven mosphere, when ‘the balloon reaches ted by giving the balloon an upward the region of frost. 1 have had my or downward motion, as, in either case, a Fourth of July, and cloud issuing| the air ship, and thus we have the from the neck of the balloun, atan|power of riding in the wake or in midst elevation of 19,000 feet, of a thundergust. The atmosphere is always clear and] It may be deemed a hazardous mode transparent after a rain storm; it is of investigation to sail up into the air only then that an observer aloft has a three or four miles high, but when we great scope of view of mundane objects. | tuke into comparison the number of On such oceasions, the view in ascend- air voyages made, and the accidents ing from the sea-shore is very imposing. related to them, we shall find as favor- It is well known’ that from the land, able results as in sea voyages, I have or the surface of the sea, a ship is not accounts of thirteen balloons that ex- visible when twenty miles off. The ploded while high in the air with their earth's convexity being about eight occupants, two of them with myself, inches to the mile, and this obstruction above the clouds, and in none of these of convexity, increasing as the squares was any one harmed. The Jaw of at. of the distances, limits the sight of a mospheric resistance is as certain as ship within mederate scope. Thus, in/the law of atmospheric buoyancy. I ascending from a place like Boston even controlled the collapsed descend~ esting. As you gradually go up, so woodland by lightening the weight in come up the ships behind the horizon, the disposal of ballast, and thus d.ifted It looks like magic. -Of a clear day beyond the trees. you can see ships at sea a hundred] So far as I have investigated acci- miles off, when the euh is in the Oppo debts with balloons, not a single case site direction. “With cloud fields be- occurred from any intrinsic principle tween the observer and the ships they of danger connected with the art. Not have the appearance above and over so with the sea ship. These two ele- the clouds. So the meandering of a ments, wind and water, coming in con- river is somet.mes : seen’ convoluting flict, cause the destruction of the ves- itself over and under the clouds in the sel. Water, nearly a thousand times distance. These unique sights are, of denser thin air, and the air moving course, optical illusions, but, without against the ship with a velocity of a a knowledge of the ecience of optics, hundred miles per hour, and the im- would be deemed mysteries. They mense mast leverage, must necessarily prove, however, how subject we are to bring a tremendous force upon its be misled by our senses in cases where framework. Not so with the air ship. science is not available to correct their It has but one element around it, and, eTTOTS. f ; (once free in the ir, it matters not, so The most marked difference between far as its ability to stand the strain is an earth view and a sky view oceurs| concerned, whéther the wind moves one in the storm cloud. The nimbus, or/mile or one hundred miles per hour. thunder cloud, when viewed from the ven with the latter velocity, your earth level, looks like an agitated and| vessel ‘glides along so smoothly and confused mass of leaden-colored vapor | gracefully as not to ruflle a cobweb when viewed from a little above its suspended from its flagstaff. Did you level, and: from a fow miles distance, it| not perceive objects on the earth rece- looks symmetrical. Bulged out above ding and approaching, it wou.d be im- and below, and contracted in its mid possible to discern that you were mov- dle, it trails along over the earth like ing at'all. I traveled forty miles in a huge smoking, fuming engine, drag forty eight minutes, in the midst of a ging its lower part slightly behind; likel cloud stratum, without being aware forty rods before The electrical cannenading as it passes| fanding. gives it quite a grand ani in| When accidents have occurred with ble, either to defective construction or a want of ordinary skill in the person operating them. It is & deplorable Pris | truth that many, if not most, persons { Haines—D Bolinger, Thos Hos erman® {Jaeob Wolf, | Spring—M P Weaver. | Worth —dJ Laird. | Boggs—J M M’'Coy. JPARM AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold, at publicsale, on the prem- |ises, near Spring Mills, in Gregg township, Centre county, Pa., On Saturday 10th December next, ‘a valuable Tract of land containing | 257 ACRES. {of which 20 neres are cleared. and in a | good state of cultivation, the balance con- | sisting of GOOD TIMBERLAND. "hereon are erected a good House, Barn and Outbuildings A good young Orchard of choice frait o.. the tract. This ir » very desirable property—lying convenent to stores, mills, &e. SAMUEL HARTER. | ‘novlS. for heirs of John Harter, deed | A VALUABLE HOTEL und STORE ' LX stand for sale.—Fhe undersigned willl fotfer for sale a valpable Hotel and store stand situated in Tylersvilie, The buil- & Flowers. A Splendid Assortment of Men's & Boy's Clothing, Cloths and Cassimeres. All of which we offer at most POPULAR PRICES. : FRONK 8 Lewistown, novll.83m News! See Here! TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the citizens of Pennsvalley that he has pur chased the Tinshop heretofore carried on by the C. II. Mfg Co., and wil. continue the same, atthe old stand, in all its branch- es, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE & SPOUTING. He has All kinds of repairing done. "Ww: , > Clinton County. always on hand @¥ ding consists of a good frame ee construction with a stor>room v25x45 with a good ware room, ed celler beneath the building. The other part consists of two ‘rooms, n good stable suficient to stable 30 head of horses, w good wagon shed also on the same. For terms address . M. D. ROCKEY, S. E. SPANGLER Executors Fruit Cans, of all Sizes, BUCKETS CUPS. DIPPERS, Cf DISHES, &C. All work warranted and charges reason- able. A share of the public patronage so- licited. AND. REESMAN, 2sep70y Centre Hall —— laugh. tf Good News for the Ladies. FALL OPENING OF Bonnets, Trimmings, Millinery, at : MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S, In Centre Hall. Mrs. M. E. Sache has just returned from Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASH- 10NS, and a completesstock of , New Bounetts, New Hats, Elegant Trimmings, &e., which will be sold or made up, as usual at reasonable prices. . The new styles are very pretty. call and see them early. served, COAL, LIME, Ladies First come, first oct 281 a ———————————————————. —————— TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanent- ly cured of that dread disease, Consump- tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fillow sufferers the me ins of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of Chatpel, with the directions for \ v preparing and using the same, which they Stove, Egg, furnace and foundry, ' Nii Soa sure re For Constmption, Coal—of st quality, at the low-| Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. : est prices. Customers willplease; Py rties wishing the. prescription will note that our coal is housed un-|jonce address Rev. EDWARD A. der commodious sheds. 'ILSON, 165 South Second Street. Williamsburgh, N. Y. dec2 ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature ecny, and all the effects of youthful in- ‘discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who needs it the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex- perience can do so Diaddeessing, in perfect confidence, JOHN G. OGDEN, Ne 42 Cedar Street, New York. dec. ly THE BEST PAPER, AND THE BEST INDUCEMENTS! This Quarter's 18 Numbers SENT FREE: to all subseribing, before Dee. 25, 1870, for next year's Fifty- Two Numbers of Moore's Rural New- Yorker, THE GREATMRLUSTRATED RURAL AND: FAMILY WEEKLY, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. ’ The Rural, now in its 2Ist year, is not puiy the Largest’ Best and Cheapest, but by far the Largest-Circalating’ Journal of its Class in] the World? National in Character, Ably Edited, Superb'y Illus- trated and Printed it is the 3 BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY! = Itisthe Standard Authority onall branch- es of Agriculture, &e. ‘Asa Literary and Family Paper itis. a favorite in many of the best families all over. the Union, Cana- i, o, Jaded, Mo AR as 3 ival in its Sphere is thi rgest Il- lustrated Jodo du the Contingut- ouch : y a fies a. ages, (double the size of most pap its Sloe). Juris the. panes nt e East, | West, North, and South, ~~ = 7% TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, £6, ~~ TERMS—$3 a Y ear of 52 and POWDER! | |COAL—- Wilkesbarre Coal, Chestnut, LIME-—~Wood or coal-burnt Lime, for sale nt our kilns, on the pike leading to Milesburg. POWDER. —Having received the agene for Du Pont's Powder A WHOLESALE, we shall be pleased to receive orders from . the trade. Office and yard near south end of Bald Eagle Valicy R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & 00. nov4 Burial Cases AND CASKETS. ———— AIR-TIGHT AND INDESTRUCTIBLE FOR Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned takes pleasure in an- nouncing that he hus secured \..2 sole agen- cy in this county for METALLIC AND GLASS JBurial Cases and Caskets, which are so widely known as to require no special commendation. The METALLIC BU RIAL CASE, with its present im- proved style and finish, its entire harmony with the feelings of the bereaved, its pers fected adjustments and appointments in whatever relates to the preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm its utility and entire adaptness to thé pur- poses for which it is designed. who use balloons are not scientific. And yet, this class have generally the most marvelous stories of blood oozing from their finger ends, and the bal- This grotto was, no only $2,50 in Clubs of Ten," 13 Numbers sent - Free; ‘ns; offered above. ] Our Club Inducements for 1 1-ate un- | prec edented. Specimens, Premium Lists, ning. Clubs,—and' COFFINS of all descrintions furnished at the shortest notice; and all orders filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and funerals and escorts super. HENRY HARRIS u we ant & Ireo-Olab Aen eva Tg Bellefonte, Pa. |we want a live Club Agent inevery Town. . COTO Te | R&dvoss D. DLT, MOORE, 41 Dark Rawr. | Ae EET New Nore ogee? fa 1 4 : subseri gota to all car 1871. Any ® rs remitting $4. rthe , Sips of 1 ira oft whether ey 0 MONT gh Ard 7a) Picturesqué’A merien, consisting ofaplen- didly execuled views of American. commenced in November. D. APPLETON & Co., Publishers, New York. *° dée2.4t’ VEN. ROBT, E'LEWS LIFE, Nearly (x ready for Publication, the Biography nf Gen, Robt. K. Lee, by John Esten, su thor « of “Life of Stonewall Jackson,’ “Wearing the Grey; wird 500 pages, Hlustruted, 1 Tole scription. AGENTS ‘WANTED. D. Ppletop & Co., Publishers, New dec2.4 hag rT HORT HAND. 150 words & Ray Te os ip cular, , SEE . Box. ) 4 fly York. af AiaR’ sirug™ dec. Eo AND . - SURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. A a $1,500,000. Grants LIFE an t "ENDOWMENT Policies of sll © “mpproved forms. Ample secure ty, low .rates.” “Also” insures ~ ngainst ACCIDENTS causing death or total disability, Policies written by the year or: month, Has paid $700 per day for Six Years in benefits to policy-holders. ny dec2.4t. DON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR by using up an old Axe. Send $1.50. to LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pitts- burgh, Pa. and they will send a tip-top Axe, Expressage paid. Halfa day lost in grinding will thus be saved. dec2,4t INANE NAR? PERKINS & HOUSE'S PATE] iE .. NON-] AE, inl VE Is absolutely safe from explosion or break- ing ; burns. any Coal Oil, er, bad; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil.’ “It is perfectly non-explosive. The light is better than is produesd by any oth. er lamp.” —W 8 Clark, Pres't Massachu- setts Agricultural College. “Itis perfectly non-explosive, gives a better light and is. wore ecopomical than any other lamp in use.” W Ww Wells, late Sup Pub Schools, Chicago. ‘he appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps expleding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp. BL PAYS in sell it. Sold by Canvassers; Agents wanged everywhere. Send for circular and terms to Montgomery & Co. Cleveland, 0, 42 Barclay St. N Y. dec? 4t $2 A WEEK Salary |—Young men wanted as lodal and traveling sales- men. Address (with stamp) R. H. WAJL- KER, 31 Park Row, N. Y. 2dec. it $30 A DAY, sure. LATTACO. & Pittsburgh, \ E WELL PAY AGENTS A SAL- ARY of $30 per wee. an expenses, or allow a large commision, to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address .M WAGNER & CO. Marshall, Mich” dee2 4t USE THE “VEGETABLE 182 Pulmonary Balsam.” 1870 The standard remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consun.ption. “Nothing better, Cutler Bros. & Co. ton. dee2 4t Cherry Pectoral Are superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung dificult are exceedingly palatable, have none that nauseating horrible Cubeb taste, are very soothing und act like a charm: Min- isters. Singers, und Public Speakers will find’they are especiall sinpten tothe voice, Sold by Druggists, Iso RUSHTON'S (F V) COD LIVER OIL, for Consumption and Scrofula; use ne other, dec dt PHAM'S DEPILATORY POW- DER.—Ren:oves superfluous hair in five minutes, without injury to the skin. Sent by mail for $1.25. UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relieves most violent paroxysms in five minutes and effects a ¢peedy ‘cure. Price S2 by mail. THE JAPANESE HAIR STAI , Colors the hier: and hair ' ital bluck or brown. It consists of only one preparation. 75 eents by muil. Address 8 C UPHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by all Druggists, ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes eashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPHAM, Providence R. I. N AGIC EGGS.—Big thing. Send for Circular to A, Tuomas, 320 Wash- ingron St., Brooklyn, N Y. SYCHOMANCY.—Any lady or gen- tleman can make $1.000 a morth, se- cure theirown happiness and independence by obtaining PSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION, or SOUL CHARMING, 400 pages; cloth, Full instructions to use this power over men or animals at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination, Spiritualism. ~~ Alchemy, Philesophy of Omens and Dreams, Brigham oung’s Harem, Guide to Marriage, &c., all con- tained in this book; 100,000 sold; price by mail, in cloth $1,25, paper covers $1. No- tice.—Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free, As no eapital ‘is required, ‘all desirous of enteel employment should gend for the ovk, enclosing 10cts., for postage to IT 'W Evaxs&Co,, 41 South 8th St., Philadel- phia. Li hargwdol sy on lOCD.44 A CARD.—A Clergyman, while resi- ding in South ‘Anierica as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple ‘remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness Early De- cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train «f disorders brought on by baneful:and viciofis ;habits; Great numbers. have been .eured by this WINTER ——— i — — — AGENTS! READ TH!S! benefit the afflicted and unfortunate send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to. Any one who needs it, Free of charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAX, Station D,. Bible ouse. New York City: ~ dec2it TAKE NOTICE.~The undersigned hereby gives notice that the Vendue notes of his sale executed on the 3d day of March, last aremow due, and have been left with Margret Spangler, for collection. All persons interested in this will please call immediately and settle the same, and save troubleand expenses, = + i. “EZRA 1. SPANGLER. novi83t TT | RE NOTICE. sunders od ing been appoin- exec » of 8 ign aot "Lay aines twp., dee’d., all per- ‘sons kno "themselves ind to said Sons knowing themselves doen dni 1 ¥ authenti-
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