a ——INEA ress | le Ping, dun, CENTRE HALL REYOR FRIDAY DECEMBER, 2d, 1870 How thie Highwaymen Twice Cap {ured the Central Preifie Rail rond Train—Nasks, Romance and Treasure: : Mr. Cun mings, the baggepe-mastsr, makes the following statement of the trans action to ene of our reporterst We had Just got about ning miles owt of Verdi. The moot was shining brightly. When the | bréakman went arennd the cars, ne he al. ways does, to soe if gape any “dead heads’ on bo lly ave, | beosaw two r the ex. | press car, and a t doing there, when THES ‘pistol to his face and told him to get ipside, | He came in the baggazecarging tolg the gongugtar, | Mr. Marshall, that some won, outside drew | n pistol on him. Marshall opened the door to go ontside, when they pat the pistal to | his faco, He came in and picked up a hutchet aud said they had pistols ont¢' ero. | 1 told him not to go out with nothing but | a hatchet, for they might shoot him, 1] then said we had better etop the train and | tee who was running it, weorthem. Whila | we were talking the rest had climbed over | to the express carand detached it. At this time the train had juet stock tha grade. ! hoy wero i i { ! } of fifty miles an hour. The engineer | whistled dun brakes. He then looked around, when two pistols were planted right in his face. They told him to go en. He sacked them where they wanted him to Here he pulled the whistle twice, when one of the men asked him what he did that for. He answered that it was to loose the brakes. They then toid him to go down to the lower switch. The engi neer, Mr. Small, said, “The other train is due therein a few moments, and we will be ran into." “That's all right”! one of the fellows said, ‘we've fixed that all up.” They had placed obstructions on the track When they gotdown to the swiich they took the engineer anc fireman, and made them stand onthe ground, and then they went to the door of the express car and knocked. The expressman, who had seen gomething was the matter, stipposed it was geome of the train men, and opened it, when they put a pistol to his head, and told him that they wanted the specie box and must have it. They were all masked. Thenext time we were robbed it was done in precise. ly the same manner. None of us had fire- arme except the expressmad, and he had laid them aside and could not get them in time, Two of the robbers were dressed in sol- dier's clothes, and two in citizen's dress, and they bad two Henry rifles and two carabines, besides revolvers, in the party, and were supposed to be deserters who escaped from Camp Halleck a few days since. as they had been seen within a day or two in the vivinity of Independence. As soon as the train arrived at Leano, Divi- go. engine, with men, to Wells for forces for by daylight had three different parties on their trail. gine and train for Garline, stopping at El- ko for Sheriff Fiteh and posse of nine men, « notifying the commanderof the pat of the circastances, and asking for a squad of cavalry #4 start on pa suit. Tmpressions are that there are so many and so experien- ced scouts in pursuit that it will be impos- gible for the robbers to escape. Acthere is no telegraph office near the ecene of robh- The excess of males over females in the different countries of the world has recent. ly been the subjeet of investigation. In the United Btates, in 1860, ina total white population of 19,060,068, thore was an ex- cess of 498,736; in a total free colored popu- Intion of 431,440, there was an excess of 17,- 047 females over males; and in atotal slave pr pulation of 3, 204.318, these was an ex- cees of 755 males. In 1890, in a total white population of 27,007,314 théré Was an excess of 780,544 males; in: a free colored popula- tion of 487,008, there was an excess of 19, 900 females; and in a slave population of 3,062,700, an ‘excess of 114% male In New York city, atpresent, it, is asserted that there nre 11,000 more meles than fo males, while there aro 132,000 more fumales of a marriage ible age than wales of that | class. In Greal Britain, mtheothor hand, there ia an exoess of 700,000 fomales over males; and in France, Austria, Italy, Spain and Prussia, with a population of 138,000,000, there are L0H, 000 mora {e- tales than mala | f i { From the Titusville Herald we learn that | the predugtion of petroleum, for the | month « fUctaber, amounted 16 20,120 bar- | rela per day, or a total production for the | month of 624902 durrela,. Contrary to | general expectation, gho district of Wast Hickory shows ‘a detline in the vield of | from 200 to R00 barrels, This loeality du ring the month of September exhibited the largost incranse of any distriot inthe region would bo fully maintained during Octo- ber. Tho Sapramoe Court of Massachusetts has fiftean hundred divoree cases on its docket. We are not told how many more there would be, did not one or both of the parties go to Indiana or Chieage to be relieved of sheir connubial infelicities Up tothe late war of sections, there had never been a divorce granted in South Carolina, Since the war the blacks of that State almost come up.t0 Massachusetts in the number of their applications to bo relieved of the mat- rimonial yoke. Bad practices are more catching than goo l ones, which may ac- count for the spread of the divorce epide- mic. Massachusetts just now seems to be pretty deeply afflicted with the complaint. The Courier-Journal thinks: If Gen. | Grant dosn't mind we thall have to run him for President in 1872 <that is, the De mocracy will. He has done an immense deal for our party within the last few weeks, His intentions are all Radical, itis true; but the results are all Demecratic. Hesent his bayonets to New York, and the De- moeracy have swept the city and State like ! a whirlwind. Ile sent his bayonets to Alabama, and the Demecratic ticket is elected by a large.majority-—a Democratic Governor, a Democratic Legisinture, and the assurance of a Democratic United States Senator in the place of carpet-bagger Warner. Hesent all the Federal office- { holders in Missouri to the block for their | supportto Graty Brown, and Brown walks | over the course, .Forall these kindnesses | the Democracy, if they can't consistently | nominate Grant for tha Presiaency, should | at least add a magnificent mocumental | wing to his villa at Long Branch. Let it be done by all means. It is stated that the new Lggislatare of { Louisiana, just elected, will c¢.ntain four | colored men in the Senate and about forty | in the House. South Carolina not only elects three colored members of Congress, but a colored Lieutenant Governor, elesen colored State Senato s, and eighty colored members of the House, besides a colored Secretary of State’ and a Suprem Judge. Alabama has elected a colored member of Congress and a number of colored persons o the State Legislature. To Remove Staixs—those . of bery, and itis an uninhabited portion of | the country, it may somewhat retard the | capture of the robbers, as well as delay | geiting information of progress, but ae | soon as anything relinble can be learned | t wall be reported —[San Fransisco Chroni- | cle], A msrp ost: ln. eo —— a rw Si Fire to the Cabin—They Escape, but Are Pursued. St. Louis, November 21.—A most horri- ble murder of a whole family, numbering five persons, was eommitied near Potosi, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, in Wash- ington county, last Saturday. The par ticulars, as related by special dispatches to our papers, are as follows: John Armstrong and Ches. Jolly, mi- ners, working in the neighborhood, went to Potosi on urday to sell some mineral. They drank {recly in town, and while re- tursing home, called at the cabin of David Lapine, a French creole, residing a mile and a half north of Potosi. While there a difficulty arose between Armstrong and Jolly and a'sister of Mri. Lapine. Mr. La- pine interferred to quiet the disturbance, when Jolly drew a revolver and shot the | oldman four times, killing ‘him instantly, Jolly then turned upon Mrs. Lapine, who had endeavored to prevent the killing of | her husband; knocked her down with hie fist, then hot and killed her. Armstrong, in the meantime had pro- cured an axe, with which he knocked down Mrs. Lapine's sister, and then completely *evered the heads of all from their bodies. The two children were also murdered. The men then fired the cabin, and burned it to the ground with the bodies of the butcher- ed people in it: The murderers then fled, and have not yet been captured but tho of- ficers and «i large posse of citizens are in pursuii, and their arrest is regarded as certain, o yb aR TA a an i A S— a —— The following exhibits the population of a number of the cities avd towns if the » { i . Ny 8 : State, aceording tothe present and preceds ing censuses ; Mod 3 AL A SUMS rant uAY va Tym York rears K,605 Alientown. mesdnieass is rernnn ai LI Laslon...,....... 0 8.0545 Lebunonti 00 75 4,419 t 8 1870, 45,762 £10121 14,008 | 10.010 6,72) Scranton |... TRE eee® cas apes ca grass, grape juice and the like—from white garmets, dampen the spot and hold it over the fumes of a lighed sulpher match. — Grover & Bak ers HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. The following are selected from thous- ands of testimonials of similar.character, as expressing the reasons for the prefoerénce for the GrovER & BAKER Machines over all others, # #% J] like the Grover & Baker Ma- chine, in the first place, because, if I had any other, I should still want 8 Grover & Baker; and, having a Grover & Baker, it answers the same vurpose of all the rest. It does u greater variety of work and it is easier to learn thin any ether.” —Mrs. J. C. Croty flenny June.) # #1 have had several vears' experi- ence with as Grover & Baker Muachine which has given me great satisfaction. i think the Grover & Baker Machir.eis more ea-ily managed, and less liable to get out of order, 1 prefer the Grover & Baker, decidedly.” ~[Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York.) ¥*%# '] have had one in my ‘amily for some two years; and from what 1 know ot its workings, and from the testimony of many of iny friends who use the same, I can hardly see how anythine could be more complete or give better satisfaction,” -—— Mrs. (General Grant.) #2» 41 helieveittobethe best, nll things considered, of any that 1 have known. H iz very simple and easily learned ; the sow. ing from the ordinary spools is a great ad- vantages the stitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work beautifully ; itis not iinhle to get out of order,’—Mre. A, M, Spoones, 36 Bound Street, Brooklyn, The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company manutacture both the Elastic Stites and Lock Stiteh Machines, and offer tho public a che ice of the best machines of hoth Kinds, at their e-tablishtments in all the Inrge cities, and through agencies in nearl® all towas throughout the country. Price Lists nud sanples of sewing in beth Doylestown... .c. ois 1,723 Sanbary 0c 0a as Mauch Chunk ............... 2,954 Carlaje....,,) [D000 7 sles Rideawyy, ©" 0 79 Wilkesbarre......... tigre 2H Williamsport........ oe tiieiy 4 53 Erie... ... ANCUBIET sinsvanaeitss Reading... 0... 1,601 3 uot #885 | rn — Charles Snyder, a citizen of Mauch Chank, ina tempting to shoot a cat od | Monday morning, - accidentally diss! charged his revolver, the contents | entering his heart, killing him instant- ly. The next Congress will contain five | negroes stitches furtished on application to Grover &Baker 8. M. Co., Philadelphia, orto F P, Greene Phillipsburg, For sale at S. - An A 5. SA + SA So TO TEACHERS. - Toachors are hereby reguine applicants, will be held at the Superintendents office, in Bellefonte, for three or four Saturday's in succession du- ring the present month. All must bring request from Board, as per law, Vieancies exisc ing the Eagleville High School, alse in Spring, Potter, and Mar- rion. R. M. MAGEE nov. 4t Supt. KET CUTLERY-—all makes and HOC P : pricesat IRWIN & WILSON, apl’od The “Little Giant” THE BEST For pointing rails, sawing firewood, and all kinds of sawing, such as LATH, PALING,SHINGLLS, &e., while for boring and mortiaing all kinds of timber, including Fence Posts, it is to-day without an equal. The time has come when almost every Farmer wants a machine for all kinds of sawing, mortising, &o. To all 1 would say, dont buy before seeing the LITTLE GIANT. Machine, among which are the following It is very amall, light, and strong, with- out any unnecossary gearing, is farnished fv baring, making the motion regular enough for railway or any other power, without worrying the borses, It has a larger capacity than any similar machine, being eapable of sawing 3 to 4 cords of wood, twice through, per hour, and boring 75 to 100 fonce posts in the same time. ret takes only two men toran itin posta SIt points all kinds of rails ready to pul in the fance and mortises posts ready to set un, at the rate of 50 to 60 per hour. 28 No magter how erooked the facility, Ha THE LITTLE: GIANT [s always ready to run against any similar machine. Its superiority is established. It ia impos. sible to got out of order and there is no wearing out to it. Fixtures for sawln shingles are always put on when desired. Capacity. 5000 to 8000 per day. THE LITTLE GIANT was Patented April 20, '89, and sold in every County where it has been exhibited. For township rights or machines apply to GEORGE REESER. ljulém Aaronshurg. C. CHEESMAN, NOTARY PUB. R. LIC AND MILITARY AGENT, and Conveyvancer. Deeds, Bonds, Mort- gages, and all instruments of writing faith- fully attended to, Special attention given to the collection of Bounty and Pension claims. Office vearly opnosite the Court House, two doors above Messrs. Bush & Yocum's Law Office, Bellefonte, Pa. 10junly HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and flodings in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE s THOMAS". A CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co. Machine Works. CENTRE BALL CEN1LE (L,Y 2 Having enlarged our New Fouxpry and MAcuiNE SuHors and AGRICULTURAL Works. Stocked with all new and lates! improved Machinery at Centre Hall, an- nounceto the publicthatthey are now ready to recoive orders for anything in their line of business, S haf tings, Pullies. Hangers, IRON & BRASS which now stands unrivalled. This Reaper has advantages overall othe: Reapers now mahufuctored. One advan- tage we claim for it, is the lever power, by which we gain.one hundred per cent over other machines. Another advantage is the hoisting and lowering apparatus, whaereb: the driver has under his complete contro! of the machine; incomingto a spot of lodg- ed grain, the:driver cantehange the cut of he machine in an instant] without stopping the team, varying the stuble from 1 to 14 inches at the outside of the machine, as well as on the inside. It is eonstructed of first class material; and.built by first class ma- chanics. We warrant it second to none. All kinds of Horsepowers and Threshing Machines, Hay and Grain Rakes, latest im proved. All kinds of Repairing done. Di® ferant kinds of PLOWS PLOW CASTING: The Celebrated Heckendorn Economien plow which has given entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmakers, our patterns are allnewand of the mostimprov- ed plans. Plane, Specifications and I aw ings furnished for all work dune by us. 7% \We hope by strict atter.tion to bus « ness Lo receive a share of public patronag, CASTINGS of evary description made and fitted up fo MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, &C., &C. KEYSTONE HARVESTER, All orders by mail promptly attended to CENTRE HALL MF'G COM'P Ap1068tf. NATURE'S TRADE MARK. 3 Re § » » Hair Restorative Contains mo LAC SULPHUR-—No BUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH- ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Peisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara- tions, Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest He SAFE CLEAN snd EFFICIENT-—desidera- turns LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft. glossy op pearance, removes Dandruff, is eool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all Humors. eutuneous eruptions, and upnatural Heat. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Groton June- tion, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Muss; . The Genuine is put up ina panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the nameofthe article blown in the glass. Ask your!Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. For sale by Wm. Welf and J. B. Selt Centre Hall 24junly TE MA AR WINES AND LIQUORS Tho subscriber respectfully calls the at- ention of the pubile to his establishm n ropared to farnish all kinds o Domestic Liquors' wholesale t where he is Foreign an od tobe the beat qualities according to | heir reapoctive prices, His stock consists Holland in, Port, Muderia, Cherry, Blackberry ¢ best articlos—at as easonable rates as can be had in the city, , Ginger and Rum, Cordial of all kinds. particularly invite Farmers, Ho. pers and others to call and examine priv, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy, which can seldorg be done when purchas- ng in the gity.. 2 Physi asante rgapoci fully rinbield o givathid liquors a frial. ap Saati HALL HOTEL, ‘ J Jony Spaxarer, Propristow Stages arrive and depart daily, Br all points, north, south, east and west, This favorite Hotel has been refittad and farnighed by its new proprietor, and isnow in every rospect one of tho most. pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania, The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations. Per- sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of the most dean. tiful locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con- venience. aplO' G8, tf, "COACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILLIPS, T HIS manufacturing establishment at Yeagertown, on the Lewistown und Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on hand a fine stock of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies anu Spring Wagons, which he now offers for sale az superior in quality and styles te any manufactured in the country. They are made of the very best seasoned stock by first clasz practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or in the Eastern cities and ean ba sald at lower prices than those manufactured in large towns and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices of liv- ing. Being mastor of hia own situation, Ho vial and free from uny annoyances in his basi- ness, he has time and ability to devote his entire attention to his profession and his customers, rendoring satisfaction alike te all patrons, operatives, his country, anc himeelf. Call and examine his stock and learn his prices, and you eannot fail to be satisfied, REPAIRING of all kinds done neatly, promptly, na rensonably, Y eagertown, Jnna 12, 1868 —1y, OUBLF AND SINGLE BARREL ap10'68, fowling pieces at IRWIN & WILSON. W 4. B. ETTELE HOLESALE WINE & STORE Bishop strect, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil- ' 5 LIQUOR 5.1L. IOI 500 GOOD NEWSFORTEE Great Attraction and Grent: deteryain popular demand for Low spectfully calls the attention to his stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand, D " = x id gost and most varied and complete ment o ny Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality. Whips, | di t everything complete to a firsts olash satablishmant, ho now offers at prices A better variety, a better style of Saddlery bh serod to gl public, 08 tock and elfewhere. Determined to please nkful for the liberal uality or Sud as never Pe Ca and fore Dienst atisfled ‘before purchasings my patrons and share of patronagé I respectfally salicit a continuance of the ‘pnd of ACOB DINGES, _ 8pl0'68 ly. Centre Hall, / NEY FIRM, NEW GOODS AND E ® @ . Panic Prices. FOSTER, DEVLING & WILSON, fring urchr «ed the extensive store of owell, Gillilar. 1 & Co., and addedto them at panic prices large assortment of NEW GOODS, They are enabled to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A iarge variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods Great Bargains in Muslin and Calicoes, Ready-Made Clothing Warranted to Suit. Our Cloths and Cassimers, Cant be excelled. THEIR GROCERY. DEPARTMENT, Astonishes évery one in assortment and low rices, ’S ‘rap, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Canned fruits, Yo Domestic und Foreign Fruits, Cheese and pastries of ail kinds, and every other n1tiele bos longing to the Grocery Department. They Wholesale at Philadelphia Rates. 2% Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers | look to your interest. One dollar saved is a dollar in pocket. Then call and s e at what astonishingly low prices FORSTER DEVLING & WILSON, Are selling their Dry C oods and Grogeries, 74 No trouble to show Goods. “9% ding iormesly occupied by the Key- stone Bakery Takes pleasure in informing the publie that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of choieo Foreign and Domestic Liquors. in contain the quantity represented, The attention of practicing physicians is aulled to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, for medical purposes. Bottles, ugs, and dewijohns constantly on hand. le has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquor: are warranted to give satis- faction. barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand, Confident that he can he respectfully solicits as tronage 1 RWIN & WILSON are constantly ro suitable Please customers are of public pa ceiving new goods in their line, HARDWARE i Wall Papers cheap rout 12 0.20 cents pey bol ta M17: eda’ ‘ : B UFFALO SCALES, of the best make from 4 1bs gp to 120,0000 bs. apl0'68. Arwin'& Witsox. \URKEY PRUINS, apples, orang®s, lemons, all kind of foreign fruits, Hans, bacon &c., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’. RY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling forsale by Irwin & WiLsox, aplo6s. ital Chossoue AND MILL SAWS; be make at gIrwiN & WiLsox. aplO'ss, Attention Farmers MILROY GRAIN DEPOT. _ The undersigned take pleasure in inform ing the farmers of Centre county, that they still continue to have charge of the Ware- house, attached to the mill, at Milroy, and are still prepared to purchase all kinds of Grain, for Cash at highest market rates. Persons dealing with the firm, can rest as- sured that we will at all times render sat- isfuction, in paying prices as high as else where, resolved not to be underbid. Thankful for the liberal patronage here- tofore given them, they hone, by a striet attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, PLASTER, SALT AND COAL, always on hand and for sale at lowest mar- ket rates. REED & THOMPSON. A.8. KERLIN, Supt. of Warehouse PUMPS! ofeverydeseription being opened overy © aploes — | 16sep3m Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Centre county, and Pennsvalley in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing THE BEST PUMP, mude at home or elsewhere. He uses none butthe b: st material, HE WARRENTS THEM to give satisfaction, as being the most last- ing and durable, SUPERIOR TO THE OLD | wooden punp, being arranged to let the water off and prevent freezing in winter. Pine, ha or cucumber pumps always on hand, His matirial for pumps is all sawed from large timber, and are thus Secured against Checking or Cracking. All orders by mail promptly filled. PIPING, made of the best material, of five inch Monuing, Joined together with coupling blacks, thoroughly ban “and wa ranted®o.stand any EER 8%ed, and for ordinary use. Prices of piring range from 12to 18 cents per foot. Send orders to sept.80.1y J. TELLER Milesburg, Pa. If they are not as represented, we will | pay you for your trouble. Don't forget the i place. A-TURNER BUILDING 8x | ap20tf Allegheny St., Bellefonte Pa. on -— hi RT + Fuss at Millheim Quite a Sensation and Fuss has been enused at Millheim, as soon as it became known that J. W. Snool was just receiving a new stock of Spring Goods! AT OLD PRICES. which he purchased lately when Gold was down and prices had fallen. His stock consists of Fine Dress Goods. Dry GoOds, ® { i i | { 1 | SUGARS, MOLARSES, COFFEE, CHEAPER THAN EVER. MUSLINS, CALICOELS, AT OLD PRICES. Ne. The public are earnestly invited call at Bnook’s store in Millheim, and sa- tisfv themselves that Ie Offers Greater Bargains and Sells Goods Cheaper than ELSEWHERE. His stock is always full and complete, and selected with care, and keeps nothing that is calculated to deceive. No purcha- ser leaves Snook's Store without having the full worth of his money. New goods are ordered every few days and whenever wanted. The highest prices paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and sce. Snook never surrenders. marll,y STERNBERG Has been to the extreme end of the market. For BOOTS & SHOES to Boston. For DRY GOODS to New York. For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. tw. Each article bought directly from the Manufacturer, with a de- sire to suit this market af FINE ALPACAS from 40c to 76c the finest—equal to $1,256 alpacas, SUITS —from $10 to $18, best «ll wool Cassimen es. 4 tx.He intends to close’ oud HIE stock. HE THEREFORE NOW ORE BETTER BARGAINS TH. ELSEWHERE. =~ | Carpets at old rates, trom 50 conts to; cents per yard, for the best. ——- LDRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 12} to 16 cents, the bes: ealicoes, and muslins in proportion, at rates, § “4 Women's Shoes. common good, to wea, er pair “$8.50 to $7,60 for; Fine Boots from CLOTHING i 8, bri +72 7a | for the best. LAND SEE, ple to come and see They only ask pea ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee | mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, e., ab URNRIDE &THOMAS’ i ac CRE RE TROT OLD PRICES, the very best will Jou 1 1 A most beautiful wariety consion ing of the novelttes .: ower La other places of e sed 4 White Goods te oods into The finest stoe wa, bo. t & if eries quality, and prices. HOOP SRIBRTS The best makes, latest styles and lowest. rates, (IHlats and Caps in great variet Linens, Towellings, checks, Denin gs, lot Cassimers, Cloak Re. es BALMORAL BKXIRTS, Spring and summer shawls, in fact, we kee every hing. and will sell at a very sma advance on first cost. a | we ask that you will before purchasing elsewhere, as we do no consider it any trouble to show goods. ALL KINDS OF HARNESS silver plated and Yankee Harness double and single, bridles and halters. mayl'68,1y. VAGE & RRO., (Successor to N. Hilibish) Whole sale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa, Read only a partial list of Cook Stove Wellington, Waverly, Ornamental, Oriental, Royal Cock, Prince Royal, Bea Shell, Artisan, And American Parler and Office Stoves : Morning Glory, Tropic, Brilliant, and New Egg. And Parlor Cooks tor Wood or Coal, and 00d Stoves of every description, Attention is ealled to his stock of Roonng Plate, a mew size, which he has justreceive ed, size 40x20, It wikes beter fob thant he old gize, and can be furnished cheaper thar any other establishment in town. #9 Spouting and jobbing promptly at. tended to. Charges reasonable and satis metion yuarantecd, et HR. ASKETS inall their varieties, children carriages, willow ware, guns, pis- tols, powder; shot, enps, eartrid &C., 08 WMBURNSIDE &« THOMAS 15 the very best quality just receivedat Wolf's old ang CENTik HALL The undersigned would respectfully in- form the citizens of Centre county; that full operation, in all its branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price: will be paid for Hides of ull kinds. The highest mar- ket price will also be paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage is solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. de3, mf MILLER & BADGER. Ladies Trusses. Thisinvaluablearticle for females, is now to be had ut Herlacher's store, and no other place in Centra county. . Ladies remember that these trusses can be had at Centre Hall tf. (ommings House, Bellefonte, James H! Lirrox, 1 ropriefor. The undersigned having assumed con- trol of this fine hotel, ‘would respectfully ask the patronage of the public. He is pre- pared to accommodate guests in the best style, and will take care that his tables are supplied with the best in the market. Good stnbles attached to the 1 otel, with careful and attentive servants. The travling pub- lic are invited to give the Cutaniings honse a call. 27my70tf ARNESS, collars, cart whip earriage whips, in great varieties. govern- ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales check lines, cart gears, tug harness, bugg harness hames, ete. Everything in thesad dlery line at BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ N% oves 1 ONS of all kinds, Balsa ’l (at books in all their variety and very chea andkerchiefs, combs, poe 3 p, at BURNSIDE's THOMAS. ———— A ———————— NV PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re duced prices, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’ ABITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and .le- ons, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap Je es Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palmso: p, Elderling's soap, and a great variety of other soaps, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS’ Uns DE & THOMAS. ; Offer to tho Public one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan- dise, in Centre county. Call, examine and see for yourself, - INE GROCFRIES, mocha coffee, olc gov. java, best quality Rio coffee, best oolong black teas, green teas, lovering syrup, en syrup, Drips fine article bak- ing molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the marketBURNSIDE & THO '. ie the place. ha 4 ADDLERS BUCKLES, hoo spots rings. Everything a sa ks. bit ddlee BURNSIDE « THOMAS, HE Largest and Best Stock of warran ped Boets and Shoes, warranted give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be found at B BURNSIDE & THOM. 3, ssi \T 18 known to all in Bellefento and LX through the county if you want a good article B to. yr NY : : URNSIDE & THOMAS’. A large and e nt assortment of Horse: A Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Buifla. lo Robes, at very at low prices ones MN TRNSIDE &T HOM AS highest market prices paid for al kinds of countr; ce BURNSIDE & THOMAS TEW STORE.—LEVI A. MILLER at Runkle’s Old Stand, ite the ron Front, on Allegheny si Bellefonte, is ‘Where Pennsvalley Farmers, e cheapest and best Tobacers of all grad es, Boots nufacturers; and all others, get th 1 ew York M Syrups, Sugars, Vinegar, &c.” Try’ him, once -janTtf ARLOR COOK STOVES “+ Parlor Stoves, and foursizes of Gas J rners constantly on hand and for saleat anl(’68, Irwin & WiLsox’s, w ibraitt Tail WEN JAP Atay asd rive He: 2 BET aes als ; FR : enlleltl tu [TNE wl i $ pit pp 64 5 i fe ide: e : igs ikt AL 4 ged pl. FIR TYE 5 raibacd 8) Quan A301 & to 0 | i Goneg 4vinn 838 BaqurRy ad > PROMPT TEEATHENT | § a ie 3 3 e i TO RENDER EXIgy ENCE DESIRABLE | v a — i 1 If you are suffer from favo Itty d does it ce uj Yous eral 1? Do you feel wenk. debilitated, easily tired? Dogs a litile ex ertion : pitation of the heat 7 Dole your Hy urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre of order? Is your uti ly get out : times thick, milky ar flocky or is it on setting? Or does akum the to Yor isa sediment at the Bea ter it'has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing 7 Syspepsia; ? Are your 0 you have spel Is of y barge, whet gen ’ 3 bowels constipated ? fainting, or rushes of blood te the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is yonr mind constantly dwelling on-this subject? Do you feel dull, Bot “tired of company, of life?" Do you w be left alone, to get away from ev body? Does any little thing make you or Junp yr (TOOT Tout tre at Do Biane Tp phe Juv our eye as bri your cheek as bright ? Do yo enjoy on self in society as well? Do you'pn “your business with the same energy? Do vou feol.as mm bh. confidence in yourse|f? Are your spirits dull and flagging, givento fits of melancholy ? If so, o not Iny liveor dyspepsia. Have you restless n Your back weak. your knees and have but little appetite, and you attribute thix to dyspepsia or liver-complw Now, reader, self-abuce x RD spies hadly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capableof producing a weakness of the ‘generative organs, e org oners- tion, when in perfect health, make the man. You everthink thatthose bol defiant, energetic, persevering, succesful iness- men are always those whose gans are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are ni vor afraid they cannot su it business: they don't me sad an discouraged ; they are always polite an pleasantin the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downeast looks of any other mean- ness about them. * 1 do not mean those who Keep the organs inflated byrunning te ex oo These rll nat only rain their. eon stitutions, but a de busi ion ey those they de business OW many men, from badly em eaces, from the effects of se Boridigr excesses, have brought about ‘shat state of wenkness in those organs that has reduced the general system so mueh as to indue almost every otherdisease—idi yu paralysis, sp.nal affections, suicide. and s. most every o her formn of Misears hak humanity ir tor-ind the real eanse of e trouble scarcely ever have doctored for all but the Fight oo an tive ore 3 2 DISEASES OF, THESE ORGANS RE. : § QUIRE THE USROF LX" "= 4 DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S. FLUID EXTRACT IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, AXD IS 4A €ER- TAIN CURE FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, j ES OF THE URINARY - OR- GANS, Whether Saisting in no " Fx- MALE, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of hew long standing. « ro 1f no treatment is submitted to on - sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aresupported from thes ces, AND ALL DISEAS m these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a of atpe Lon vig A Te Aaa HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU getablished upward of 19 years, prepared Bil« DRUGGIST, ire iA HH : 594 Broadway. New York, and 104 Soiith 10th St, Philadelphia, Pe. | Jisinoly rot Sut Adlai Price—$1,25 or 6 bottles for i. Asa T i : $6,50, delivered 10 any address. . ~SoLp BY ALL DRUGISTE EVE! I Toy 3 sade a id {8 STIR Mg, on Sz PER, WIT H FAC-SI MY r a - a- . unlOy H.T. HELMBOLD. =
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