lhe i A a CENTRE HALL REPORTER. terri) CrxTRE HaLL Pa. "LOCAL ITEMS. Mar. 10th 1869, BLANKS —Blank Summons, ] Notes, Executions, and Judgment and Kx emntion Note combined, for sale al this Office. 0-— he IN A SNARL —T burg & Youngmanstown turnpike comp. is likely to have its peace disturbed. At the annual election held Woodward about a week ago, there was quite a warm | nw wil and exciting time among the stock yn the subject of the additional tod-gate un was erccted about 21 miles east of which to the Fort, several years ago, and which has divided the share-holders FoR and | : - - i At the aforesaid | AGAINST the said gate. to th elaction tho party oppose 0 ried the officers, the new board organized jon for the immediate | gate cart | . gs ars} and passed a resoiut removal of said gate, and which was to be | put in effect this woenk. . Yea dl 3 the now board was not lega ) aszzert that chosen, and the old to surrender the baoks ane ty % i N board therefore 1 i rou =e papers, and | will apply for an injunctipn against the re- “ veil +h 3 a | -, » moval of the gate until UK dispute Ins Jed 3 » settled by a course of law, . ~ % + i wu We give the pro ard con just as repo ! A ( to us. Let the people settle this matter iy : : hich srry) nase building a rail-road, which would ma the turnpi'te compand so poor that ils vosd | nshin ch | te ni would become a tow ree. +h . vit Bhs new hotel, 1 ' Pos, Is shortly to be opened. . \ ¥ J ol of the Cumming's Halse, wil proprietor. {0 is \ steam ee-nril} i ) 3 i tion near the j a miles east of 1 Qo in nl 1 lea BK, Ml, ALT WOON rived on the spot last Mr. Emanuel Motz avd a ) the parties in this (ridrpris - 0 We direct the attention ot oar re: the advertisetfifnt « Yo) Komp. given his Goods a fai he least hesitancy in recommending firlish pare with the be t the Kemp comes atound t i -—1iN aualit NE | : - TR RHERTREE | § er most 1 Le bh 3 Nit) oe vX 1 sine LOR, don tnt to exalni joint exhil iron church, on \ passed off ered 1 1 ‘ Was a tended DY Q Crowe FLITTINGS. —Fli litt Iino Fi hy KIN FY { tata ' . ' Ios ao1t \ ¢ are ively witn ta ther roi Ing east, o Taine: 3 going *aiven with teariud : 3 ur sr} Lh ¥ Ping season arrives—ana watt ot flittine day tle. what a confusion, | : Hani, Feb. 23H -—1t 143 wer thre ort Aria \} Ne ong in vas present 3 rometaber the Wis Dresciid : nt ftv set self. the teacher We rk ' wi ic I i 111i so many boolis upon th He fuvor of the office” ; ht tha! rate Bt olde Conny; of whom Stop, think, before you go any fa If he en vhat u<¥ a Sn a school, I should like to Lear present Sup't was. good tescher, havi ben two terms under his instruction, will tell 8S. what makes a i hool, it t competent teacher, teacher all the Supt s will smoun ] I aun not opposed to hod] svsiem, but favor it; or, opposed to the redial forth by some of our teachers, s can be found by S. in his « in the Reporter; as for the people in my digteivt are opposed to if, and your afguniechis buiit «foundation: . EE Grihan & 5 at the Del and Shoe Establishment, have just received a choice stock of spring goods, unexcelled, all kinds of ladies’ and gents’ wear, styles, and just the place to lit and su —- — ae ré. “all het mide] ' SAVE, Tail 30De? ming fait ¢ . " . ; 1s Yar mistaken, at . ir } Ja hide # we wouln have mt fey rood S. i men (ahr shia wot i 1 l + ii ¢ ' tell me of IR MH. atu ¢ ZOO ne and il 1 I an ih i asd el ie of witit'n wpinunicatiofns T 11 #1 ofee, ali ure upon a 3 1 ary bor tion » 111 On, : lntest if i YOle: Public Sales. &:. (4 Shaniion’s sale, Centre In 26th March. i Sale of HT Norris Oakhall, farm stock. : M. Krumbinéd's sile, Muich Hall house furnitiire Nale of Rev. Settlemoyer;, at Centi¢ Hall, | 20th inst... hovse-hold goods; Sale of Henry Liengle, 23rd inst, in ter twp:, furm-stock and housclivld. } i l. on Centre Pot- | i i © — DEATHS At Contre Mills, on 14th inst; Kiitie, in- fant daughter of Jacob and Cliristie Ocker, aged 1 year, 7 months: delist nf MARRIAGES On 11th inst.,, Mr. James Alexander and Miss Eliza Emerick, both from near Centre Hall —_—————— A house in Philadelphin, vecupied by a family camed Kidd, fell on Thursday, from bad construction, burying the entire family in ruins. Mr. Kidd was taken out alive. hut his wife and two children were instantly killed. > Pp —— Isaac Pickering was a shrewd citizen of Connecticut who got a neighbor to assist him in digging a grave “for 4 joke,” and then shot himself to fill it in dead earnest, ——— A now knapsack has been introduced into the British army. It is inthe shape of a game bag and is carried on the los, with the supporfing straps so arranged as to leave the chestand arnis free. * > “Fleecy” clouds are said to hanes or er Wall street evey day, = | | | at Spa. | Gains of Gambling.—A bill 15 now before the Belgian Chamber of Repre sentatives to abolish the gaming tables shows what nnmense against the players, The lowes of the yroprietors a the roulette table an- ounted to |7.006, and the gains {Oo 2187.928, or A balance of profit of 8180062 ; for the trente et-un the loa. | { i | | | . hy I nd * . the ganis $240, ¢o, leaving a profit of | R170, 599, the total protit being 8350, Sol we - | Ras Jus finished the model of a ute in bronze of Goethe, which 1s lo inaugrated in that city on the 25th ff August, > > An old Bralmrir widow buried her self with her husbaud’s corps¢ sone time since in India, and she Koglish | Governor hs sent all'the man engaged in the “suttee” to prison fo¥ seven | years, | ADIES LOOK HERE! [, the freasury of Belgium was #150,712 being 851,022 gteater than in the | previous season. Yet notwithstanding | those {acts tl ere are persons who be lev thy the chances the | plavers and the bank Spa is a town and famous watering | phace of Belgium, wear the frontier of Rhenish ¥russia, in the province oi [aex Peter the Great, of ae Wer between und are nearly equal, oO. =i, 111 1717, 1 principal s | He The ; *3 1 “i y ¥ mut the pump room { ‘ ) i iwi} prings, the Poubon, \ 1 chal RET A > “11 Kinds Ol Spl 1 are Yheat, UL IMLNDY Pd SAL :.} } i OH Wa neiehborhood. no ty rm 4 : . swivel toed t3vh lv so much frequented that the | : ap i Hamme » s : . *% 1 jt ) . } nied to al LCrag baths. { Le. aad - - - Glue is now made simply by heating ith } oof oe Wi wale unger steam pres } ; : ‘ thy sis i ‘ : % Ey i OHA i i H 2 3 ry iy . a 18 said Hig it 111 . 1 12 hot } i (ue aud can pe $3 2 £3343 333 tiladl Ld 1 » aarvasirlr alla tha ¢) eT ¥ $340 iy remarkauie for tacir graye | ho 3 mmense stomachs, + Fi | ] 3 "Indl re Ua rea 1) LR IN 4 | i“ 11 LA) 1 hicd Nd, IRC wherein EL Wy ann 1 ed Lada +1} : } i. 10HHOWEU 1 i $ i * 1 could not : * } whereupon the girls him. .. 3 ehiry ashe Fr, T, ADEMY. wened on Tl oT ht | +1. wn Cle .. mn | &) HA LL } iH l168- Hi marizt } INATHAN 0 Millheini, tem This 14 its Ne KRAMER'S HOTET Pa. (formerly Wm, : well-k Hos- nown Hofel has been The travel: $03 v3 8 Wr a iin a 1 Ban Si, : i yx rohit! hy l Ar: yl Ww roprietor, invited call. His table will be kept firs his bir always supplied with choice li- quors: Drovers will find any number of horses r t ols nl CLa=sSs, ang accommodation | tiny] 2. 60tf ne. or | [Ent"d secording to Act Congress, fa ear 1858, in Clerk's Offico of Dig’ ouzt for Dis's of Massachusetts.) | ( in our great GOODS Cutlery, &e, &e. PREMIUM RATES OF SHEETING : For Club Thirty, “ow Sixty, 1 hundred, 21 yds. Sheeting 42° “ fe: GO “ « ‘4 “ All other piemining in same ratio. Enlarged Exchange List, with new and useful articles. See new Circular and sample. Sent to address free. EL. Please send vour Money by Regis- tered Letter, addressed to : [9% & 130 ik HAWES & C0. 15 deral st.. Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box C. decl8 16w any FAIRER | & CGO » 11 » yo ltelonle, {1 Mo win big Wes, Lans, v plteo'to by sour Silk Re Alpacas, Delnins tin. Calicoes, Tick: Irs, Flinels, On ri! Flanels, Ladies Cont Gents’ Cloths, Ladies Naeques, VW hite Pekav, Linen Table Cloths, Comnterpanes {} White Mri pt iors Molinirs "™-, Brillinnts, ih Counterpntes ] » Napkii Cun and Colored and Kdeinges Zep hy I Ziephy I Put 1 3 Vierlton, W\ 1: terns, 1 Hie te SENDOWNS, 4 ti White riiimery, of Coos Ribbons Cords bretnmings, HI Ladi HOOP SKIRTS, Hosiery, Fans, Bo LADIES AND XM ISSES SHOES t! Lida ld ry ng that can be thouel, wed 1 thee : Y GOODS oR PS ¥ NOTION LIN] 1X | | | | { | | PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Wheat dull, amber at $1 65a1 70; d $1 60. Rye at 1 Hal H7. Corn, yellow at 90. Oats inchan ged. Clovarseed as £9 Tonl0., Timothyseed, 83 623, IMlax seed, 22 40, CHMAGO MARKET, Wheat, No 1, 81 14af 14}; No 2, 81 10x 10% , No 3, &1 01al 013 Corn active, mew at 52ia531: no rade at 48 ante, Oats at HlahZle: Rye, No 1 at 81 18a1 184: No ( » 0) a HA Barley, $1 801 #2, Cloverseed, 87 H0a9 7.0. Fimothy seed, 82 Gus OO, Live hogs at 89'7oa10 70 for light {O gookl, | NEW GOODS | Now Openirg. Tho wondersigned having purchased the { + NEW YORK MARKET. Grofd 131 b. Wheat, No 2, 81 44al 45: No*™l " -~ a" f1 20. Rye dul | wesfern 81 5¢ Cotn dull, 87a00¢ for new mixed it { } Outs, T34e for western, bat law Raton Barley unchanged, LEWISBURG Wheat 81. 40...... MARKET. Lorn, new Cloversed, Hum Foy 20) M....... Potatoes 0, 80 Pork Na 1 8,00, ...... Butter 20 } a) Apples ih. O08 Side & shoulder 1]. MILROY MA} SAE. a LCorn 08S pert 10,00, Salt per sack 3, fart y) LOO... Butter 40 beeon Sides & Shoulders 1h, ; lard 14..... Potatoes 1,50, ed 123, Barley 1 H0Pork 10 y dR REY LN "rR : BELLE ONTE MARK LTS. W bite Wheat $1.40, Red 1 80. Py Oorn 0.973, : SCloverseed 8.5 L.ard jr pound IN, Mmtter 40, 216 Tullow yr Ue ETS Wheat > $ iq ‘13 il S dr Aye Burley ekans Potatoes 1.40, JLork per pound 14, Plasterper ton 1.....Bacon 20...... Hawn 2h .e Eres 14) 3 v \VAGE & IIRO, (dSucee > sor ta N. Hillibish) Wholesale and retail dealers in Stoves & Tinware, , Bel Hefonte, IP Street I’a. prirtial ist of Cook Stoves New Eo And Paris (ne hy * fi! W ood or Coal, nt J .’ 1 " Mi, Attention is endled to lie stank of Roonne Mish: BM Hivw SIRO, w hitch Lie hae Just rece - HIND It makes better job than the Lean be furnished ches 1H town. sie y i se al Por than x + ’ ra Snolit ng nl Charges reasonable nnd satis- { fin iY i Promptiy $ig3d f ee) 1th NA ERORGE PECK S EATING HOUSE F& OYSTER SALOON, nn High <froet, nt Bush's Areade Restaurs int Bellefonte, Pa. This excellent tat iH 104 oCty Hatt '] je ve had ot all hours, Roast Beef, . 2404843 ‘hind RT warn or cald,) Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Tripe, rl Ga THO Driggs $9 = ail ol wiht, Pini \ J] 1 AA nian Ji amaion jig wes the frame, nun Will cease at once: tote all + I tis nll the same; '\ fi fl dunee wi ¢ the CHtise, 1 Y}.+ 1 tonbis unless The pores will oven and drink Pars | : . PAixr: | A bsorbetits 111 with ease: westores the weak, the sick, the faint, I'he greatest skeptic please, I ion Cons the i 1 bigs: EF. vaporat 3 1 , x As mfiamniantiol Hot "ao vd nt the absorbent's base Makes Paint mn VADOT rise, Y nvaee crrde i i Pri¥t removes all doit, thus Pat Removes the very cause By pumping inflammation out; On this woe rest OUT Cause, Wolcott's Pain Paint is gold at all Prue also, Woltott's Annihilator, for the of Uatarrit aid QCulds Sent by Express on receip 181 Chatham Wolcott, Prop ire in the head, of (he Money N.Y. RT, febdo dw + » \ . Square, N, § } tt, Pr WANTED! WANTED! GENTS of either atx, jn 2% and village, for the largest ONE DOL- LAR SALE in the country, The smallest articles sold ¢an Be exchanged for a Silyor every town # tt 1 1s ie your choice of 208 articles vipon exchange list, Commissions to Agents ltrger than ever, Send for Circular, Ny. ( THoMmpsox & Co., 136 Fedtral st, Boston, Mass. YOU WISH N IE Try the Combination of Allen, Atwood & Bates, GREAT MAMMOTH SALE! I.icensed by the U. S. Govt. Having had larger experience, we are contfident of success in our ONE DOLLAR SALE. £26, 4w #1. NOTICE. .zar We will present to any person sending us 4 chibinour GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheo- tine, Sewing Machine, a Carpet, a Watch, &c., Le. : j ; ALL FREE OIF COST, Greatest inducements ever offered, Circular and Sample sent free to any g4- dress, ALLEN, ATwooD & Baigas, Noa. HT Milk, 8% 24 WA voushire st. febh2o 4w tston, Muco { i { f rackers, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, &c., &, comprise the bill of fare, Billiard Table connected with the Rostaurent, Ovstersin ery style —also by the doren and huns red, deeds iy Wall Paper. vad, 3000 New Patterns, just received from New \ ork. | | | | and fopianishad it with new goods jorst prir- at the lowest Cash prices, feel contis dent that it will be to the interest ofall whe wit to buy goods, to give them x eall bes fore purchasing elsewhere, They have placed the store tides the i and who will at all times be pleased to show purchisers and others, goods, and make it ment of all Kinds of goods usually kept in fn country store, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, A\DRHW ARE, 1026 Miles TT.» OF THE . Union Pacific RAILROAD ARE NOW COMPLETED. As 634 miles of the western portion of tho line, beginning at Sacramento, are also done, but 200 MILES REMAIN To be finished, to Open the Grand Through Line to the Pacific. This Opening will certainly take place early this season. : Besides n donation from the Government i pawy is entitied tog sobsidy in U. 8. Bonds on its fine az completed and accepted, at | the average rate of about #26, 500 per mild, Caceording to the difficulties encountered, | for which the Government takes a second Vi n as security. Whether subsidies ure given to auy other compaties or not, the { will comply with all its eon- | tracts with the Union Pacific Railroad Co- pany. { tor which the Company will be entitled { have already been delivered. | First Mortgage Bonds at Par. By it: charter, the Company is perm t- | BONDS to the same amount as the Ge - Bonds, and xo Mone, Bods ure a First Mortgage upon the en- i ernment These | tire road and all its en#tipments, | AT MIX contract, both PRINCIPAL AND PAYABLE IN (044), The U to run. The longest six per cent. gold in- terest bonds of the U 61's) will be | due in 12 years, nud they are worth 112, if they had 30 years to run, they would stand | A perfectly safe First | Mortgage Bond like the Union Pacific The demand x 4 . (Lhe 120. should approach this rate, BOOTS and SHOES, Huts and Caps Drugs, Oils and Paints, 1+ Wood und Willow Ware, al Wall Paper, Fish, Salt, Leather, &e (ri us a call and Nou mist he convinee | that entre Hill is the place to buy goo | heap Vi i: | } aia ¢ OOS, Grarr & TnoMmrsox, Centre Hill, Jan. 22. "ou, OF THE BONDS. | shoty that SECURITY It needs no argument to a road connecting the Atlantic and Pacifle PERFECTLY SECURE. The entire | amount of the mortgage will be about S30, - 000,000, and the interest $1,800,000 per an- | is Slates The present currency cost! 2,000,000 per f this interest is less than 3 PN We alco buy Hides and Calf Skis « or which we will pay market price, eit in Cash or Trade (i. & 1 f 1 1 aed THE CHEAP New York Store. Fol Joseph & ('p, We have now opened our new store or \LLEGHENY STREET, (McBride's Baile Bellefonte, where we keep ont hand a cheap and well assorted Stock of 3: \ im + . Non the finest and be 1, | i: ’ PO notions. every variety and kind, | pt Toth ng a most splendid stock, | » f age = furs. furs, Intest style | Furnishing Qootls, Coverlets, Napkins, Towels, Uinbrella:, linen ” Watches, J ewelry and a grent yard to pietion, N. B.—Particular attention paid to ti repair of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry 3 ely of goods too nutmeror s nll work warranted! “(uiek sales and small profits” is ow motto, A Lberal discount to the trade. Aive vs a endl, Jund fin I VE (COAL AND LLUDER. 4 The best COAL BURNT 20“ Ovoer 5000 Pieces now on hand, and tor | sale at Wholesale prices, »8-C ood paper at 0, 10, 12) and 15 per Bolt. ut. Fine Patterns at 17, 18, 20 and 25 ets, 6. Best Satin Papers at 80 cents per B « Also : Oil Cloth, vii large Stock of OIL WINDOW SHADES, TABLE, STAND, STAIR & FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all of which will be sold at the lowest market price, MMANIGALS MILROY. AT WV. J, an20,tf MAE INE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersighed offers his fine prop- B® erty at Centre Hall, at private ale, consisting of one lot, thereon arated fn good two- A story frame dwelling house, good as new, with a new and convenient kitchen attached, with hydrant in yard and cellar, and a large two story shop, very suitable on sceount of location and size, for conversionto an FIRST CLASSSTORE ROOM with cellar under the same, a large stuble on the lot and choice fruit trees in ar «der. For farther particu- good bearing order. For farther partic lars apply to SAMUEL HARPS ER, feb TO tf Centre Hall, j it Lamps, forks, chains, &c., at ; BURNSIDE & THOMA FRVHE Largest and Bei Stock of warran A ted Boots and Shoes ‘wigranted to give satisfaction, at seduce prices, only to be nd at RITENSTDE & THOMAS, rices, : repn'a, who burn in : Patent Flame Kiln. which produces the Bost White-Wash Plastering Lime, offered to the trade The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all times, prepared expressly for family use # A180 Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prizes. Also a lot of first and sec. ond quality year Ie’ FROM WAY BUSINESS only on AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 700 MILES OF : thi. more i lian FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. The details of which are as follows: 1.024.005 97 2. 040,233 19 ol. 425 08 136,255 OB 01.626 27 104,077 77 449.440 33 201,179 09 O08. 430 32 ROAD in operation, were i i From Passengers > “ Freight sis Expr n=, | Government trodps., ke freizht Men... tiiajerial Contractors’ This large amount is only an indication trafic that must go over y few months, when the the through line in "Pacifle coast travel and trade It nes: must make the earnings of the road | from FIFTEEN TO TWENTY MILL- IONS A YEAR, As the Apply of these Bond: will soon | 3 * 4 3 grein tide 03 1 will begin, is estimated that this busi- | i cease, parties whe desire to invest in them wr their interest todo so at once. I't:e price for the highest is PAR, and ne- in currency. : Nabseriptions will bereceivedin CENTRE HALL BY FRED. KURTZ, and in New York san Street, AND HY Jolin J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No Hf Wall Mt, throughowt the [United States, ANEW PAMPHLET AND MAP was | more complete statement in relation ty the | yalite of the bonds than can be given in ap advertisement, which will be sent free on { application at the Company's offices, or to | any of the advertised agents, " JOFKIN J. CISCO, Treasurer, jan8, 3m New York, OYSor Kinds, at BURNSIDE « THOMAS". ' ATOTJONS of all kinds, Stelring’ gloves N Handkerchiefs, eons, . x . . 4 lin all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE & THOM AS, i 9 LOTS FOR SALE! 3 | vate sale, Boalshurg road, near the Lutheran church atid adjoin anch other, The undersigned offers three very desi- rab e building Lots, at Centre Hall, at pri- | apply to TT ANE J. R. ALEXANDER, janS tf Bellefonte, ceived, cheap at Wolt's old stand —try it. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. me-Just published, a new edition of Da; CurvERWELL'S CELEBRATED Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spern- torrhaa, or Seminal Weoakness, Involnatat | ry Seminal Losses, Tiapoteney, Meatat dud | Physical Incanacity, Impediments to Mars | riage, ete.) also, Consumo Epibgsy, and Fis, induced by seif-ludalgehge or sexun! extravaganes. Ae Price, ina sgule Tho corchrsiedt authat, 10 this a BAN RFR® HC B\ B®) / ¢ S0ARDS, BROAD RAILY and plastering lathe for sale chewy, Office_and Fard, near Routh, ead of Bale Eagle Valley pe Depob SHORTIBGR, & CO, apl0’6R ly. : Bellefonte Pa, OIE COLLARS, if you dont want : your horee's slponlaers galled and mace, sage, got good hese collars at BURNSIDE & THOMAS, “YANNED FRURTS, peaches, togatoos, J pias a5 ales, and peas mm great varres ty, at SURNSIDE & THOMAS ASKETS in all their varietics, chaldrens carriages, willow ware, guns, pis- tols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, &e., at RURNSNIDE &« THOMAS’, senivable pasiye tearly demonstrates frodn a thisy vores" sucess fel Braiden, that the, mii ing copgequences ul selene CEAY Be rad- ioally cured © ¥ internal med uw 4 stipple, cereals, aod effectgal, by means of whieh every atl ik cond ion wmny be, pay epre Hause cheap- 2? Jy, privately, and ragieslby. i | every youth and every way in the land, Sent, under seal, iw & phan, gnvelope, to any address, postpaid, on recoiph of 8 seats, or two. post stapaps. Also, Dr. Culyerwell’s “Marriage Guide,” price the publishers, CHas. . jan29ly 127 Bowery, N _ Krixz & €o., .aYork, box 4586, tr tne \ - a - i Centre County, ss, THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvan', to John Rishel, administrator of Matthey Katzmeyer, dec’d, Mary Kiatzmever, wis | dow, and fo any collateral heirs of 8 of | the ] in the county of Centre. You are Ler: DY { ted and nanded to be and appear at an Orphan's Court to be held at Bellefonte, in and for the county of Centre, on the 26th day of April, det, then | and there to answer the petition of Daniel | Ludwig for the spevific performance of » certain contract between the said -Danie! Ludwig. and the said Matthew Katzmev- er, deed, and then and there show cause, if any you have, why specific performace re t i, 1 Wik i 08 ive ‘om? said Court, according to the true infemt and | meaping thereof, Witness the Hon, C. A. Mayer, Presi: dent of the said Court, nt Belletonte, the 1st day of February, A. D.. 1869, . P. GEPHART, eens CTS OF COU. MILROY FURNITURE mar}? ot Warerooni. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con- kinds of BEDSTEADS, (Cottage and plain,) W ASHSTA NDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, EXTENSION TABLES, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Centre Tables, Sinks, Doughtraye, Cradles, Cane Reated Rocking Chairs Cane Seated Chairs (plain) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs, Plain Rocking Chairs, Windsor Chairs, Children's Chairs, seitees, lounges, Complete suites of Parniture furnished at short notice and made in the best possible manner—HomeMape and warranted of the best material, Prices Lower than Elsewhere! 16. Persons in want of Furniture will do well to give nre a eall. JOHN CAMP, jan8 Milroy. ¢) MULES FOR SALE! The undersigned offers two good mules four yesrs old, for sale, They are well- broken, and will work whereever hitched. The animals are sound, and the owner hav- ing no use for them, they will be sold ata bargain. Apply to ” D. RHINESMITH, mer). 3t near Centre Hall Agents Wanted--$10 a Day. TWO $10 MAPS FOR $4. Patent Revolving Double Maps of America and Europe, America and the United States of America. Colored—in 4000 Counties. These great Maps, now just completed, show every place of itnportance, alt Kail- win J to date, and the latest alterations in the various European States, These Maps the land—they occupy the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverser, either side can be thrown front, apd any part brought level to the eve. County Rights und Jgrge discount given to good Agents Apply for Circulars, Terms, gnd send money for Sample Maps, to J. T. LLOYD, mars, 4t 23 Cortlandt st., N, Y Warehouse at Milroy. Attention, Farmers The undersigned takes pleasure in infor ming the farmers of Centre county, that they have leased the Warehouse recently erected at the Stone Mill, and are now pre- yvared to purchase all kinds of Grain for | Cash at the highest market rates. Thank- | ful for the liberal patronage herd tofore giv- | en them, they hope by a strict attention to | qusiness, te merit a continuance of the ne. PLASTER, SALT and COAL, on hand and for sale at lowest market rates, M ATEE & REEKD, Proprietors of Lewistown Mills. A. S. KErLIN, Supt. Warchouse, Milroy. fan2l.3en & fr ) /, Uy Collige Cor. of Penn and St, Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. | The Largest, Chenpest and meet Sucecs fu | { PRACTICAL BUSINESS COL LESE in the United States. FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENT From Thirty-Three States Years. | IT} m” LILY AY FOR LARGE QUARTO CIR Containing full information, Outline Course of Study; samples of Cowley 's | PREMIUM PENMANSAIP, | View of the College Pailding, diffess { Departmpitls, Oily of Pistsbargh, &c., &o ddd COWL as the Pri SI 8 ittsburz i i | | } ¥ CT 1), ™ ee { -— er 3- dous Stock cf Goo AT BURNSIDR & THOMAS F———— ———— A ———————— — ———— - INE GROCFRIES, mocha “ofies, old cov. java, hest quality Zio coffee ong hlagk teas, greew WOas, lovering | syrup, golden syrup, Drips Foe w bak- | {ng molasses, Tice and evervyining in the grocery lino af the lowest cash ; rices in the market RURNSIDR & PHCIAS. is ths plnce. WM, Il. BLAIR, z i EHS 8 FTITS ATTORNEYS 47 \J 3 : Beltefonte, Ya. | Ofce- - Oh tive Diamoagd ext door (0 man's Hogel, Qongultations in German | Englisn fehl, 65 of BOOFS; By tho: thomsar 2, all styles, si- | sesand prices, far men and 00ys, just ar- rived at Wolf's well known (ld Stand $5000 valuable invention. Ad Tes: 3 Sheond:St,, Baltimore id | | aplo'os ty. a, B TF 38 nomt ala wav. Lit Y. BTITZER KR. i 3 17 AW, i 1 + 2 § ad n Sr 2 awyear can be made by live agents, selling my new and Avroce Y Ayzainy Lives WJ. £2h05 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers