RRAN a ro Kiri, A Towx.—A late How CENTRE HALL REPORTER, ~ FRID. AY, NM AR, Toth 1860. eri e————————————— A SETTL E R. A democratic subscriber of the Re- porter loaned a radical $100 in paper and took hisnote; when the latter be- came due, the democrat demanded his tion ensued : the £100 ia due, I need the money and demand the amount in gold. Rad.—Ho, thunder, what do ean man, are you crazy, do you think I'll pay you gold for the paper I gat | from you, why that would be making my debt over one third larger ‘Dem.—Exactly ; I'm rot crazy, but only took you to he a man of principle, vou advocated and woted that the bondholder who loaned the govern- ment paper, shall be paid in g old, and | I'd like to dicker with you upon your own principles. Rad.—Hem—haw (spiting)—a-yes 1 ain'ta fool, and can sce there's something wrong, but darned if just that I'd pay gold when I only got Paper. Here is the bond question 1 “darned if it's just to 3 = iv AD a nut- the n zhel, pay honidholder in gold for what was got from him in paper’ '—it 13 making the debt one third heavier. Dut this the radical policy and Grant advocates it flat-footed in his inaugural. @& —o--® GRAN President Grant once followed tan- go poor a hand that he had to abandon it. As a cabinet ma ker he even fares worse, for his did not stand as many days as it takes uing, but was, work o binet broke down in less than five da had On our outside will be found Grant's and to be completely at .s MAINZ — second attempt at cabinet hha 3 rsx) ! the re-constructed cabinet. Should the : 1 re Wb 3 ; . a President have to re-construct ns cab- inct as often as the rump cou y gress C= 3 3s sx vth ho $a Ris southerit stlitels, lhe, et through : 1: I 10 {1s jato. This president 18 aboutl wnat was ¢ cabinet Lliunder of the new xe cted “mum candidate from the : he is not hat 1s to be Jamen- a statesman, aud, w ted, he nated * 3} Jed to his aid men i 1 an has not ea for etatesmanship 1s trae Iish on Washburne Hamilton may be improve- ment in the state de- . 3 wainet 18 still a Pp artinant, but hi IS nC (i that £ or alld . wenk ulie, con wal former presiden Ta ne gppaintments he shows he cares little or has no mind {or ciples—Stewart, a {ree-trader, wa pointed for the treasury ; Stuart not act, aud the president appomis a nan, Be ul HY or anti-tar- this t Dex- A- well rampant high tariff what 1s Grant, tar -’ Nr SNOW, if? we presume he would answer question himself by saying that in nag ter is the fastest trotting nmerica. ‘The rumors from Washington are ) that the re-constructed cabinet will not stand long, and that it is alveac certain it Massachusetts now Boutwell and Hoar. ada GRANT VS. HISINAUGURAL. already turned Y will have to be remodeled. has the lion's share, President Grant has some glaring shall point out In his ment itself contains consistencies which we to the readers of the Reporter says : be f immaugural Grant But «ll laws will whether they ineet He broke this message to congr to xem ja A. T, abili ait hull; Dy appro ronh ean, ASK 1rt from 1789, wl ir ie: Washington, stew ties of the act of the signature fo Georg and which Was wis 0] iv mtend ed to + o- vide a7ainst just such appointees as Stewart, but asked congress to set it aside, and thus defeat for whieh it was wisely enacted by our forefat! A little far to execute, the very purpose ne we sle ther on, Grant savs “ will of the people, yet, near the close of the ‘inaugural he recommends the | of the negro which he knows ratification suffrage | amendment, is in di- | : 1 for if he kuows any thing at all, he all the states where ib has been submit- | ted to the people. Is ug the lie to his own augural ? Wi LE A el In Chester county a woman is a culi- didate for county superintendent, and | A Bellefonte p: aper proposes we elect, ¢ 1:1 to the same ii e in Centre coun- : radic al will think not Grant giv- | 18 eg a pee pr Epes ep A Writer in the Todependent style Hor ace Greely a nan of “swe rot spe s sok’ the following excellent suggestion, If vou wish to kill a town, put up| no more bnildings than vou ave obh red es yourself. If you should | accidentally have an empty building and any should want to rent times its actual value. Look at every new comer with a i Turn b} cold shaulder 1O OVE ry one (vo abroad fer rather than purchase of vour merchants and manufacturers al same prices, Refuse to advertise, so that persons at a distance will not any business is being done among yo. in your city. of these rules will ruin any We think this applies to Centre Hall in a certain degre of half a dozen families who would have asated at this place a year of which would have addition to the place, hi heen exe luded by the high i for property | others ean't [hee use there are scarcely r houses tor altho! rent, not move herve, V ever ri there are per- the means to build. Hall been much mn t! standing in our ow 1a) The growth of Centre has retarded very Lats we are only & ap The Rail Road. Buililo valley is warm up y, and }s nig HS Wil iit. y nm the st ‘ . ; .. a Jeet of 4 ratl-road trom hye Bollef. Lire WIL] uch 10 toy er 40 miles road tim. to a . . . rale ol 3% and hop? ' an) i may 3 yeople of Peo } ty do thet 3 +1} bats road will become a thin SIM RAIA mer than we 3 . 1S SO, d we really wish all " : o afiord to make, will not be Y nmiayv ho nay iI Y 1 should wd, the road the other this so much needed 1m sCCUlring ment, and more than doubly what will If Union means to start then Pe We rail-road, their own oni Uday 3 1 ». money tt have “id Now, friends, . }- YOR 3001 ceihioriha SUHUICTIW, now will Ce it lies, spent in that dir you with you. ection, fit he road i 1 he lost and t 1 property no ider 27 } The hi country ha 1 1 f il ne make cen t. richer. vistory of rail-roads In this this already, that proof here I.ot the ol with prety . 0 vy 1a 1th elf neizaouors and show that they that they will not terprise, and hing in this age of rail-roads. Let us | | “3 arinrd ‘a rail-road. < is LIVoO ; and her tw he i of the In| or: int the S SR I} .¥ - . a Mas=ucl 1 the ( ub 1 huseflts he member : tors are at the mnit- {ees tors tron of 114 WY Grant on the Retro In the first Gro! to the Renate, Mr. Stewart operation of tho eich Lact of 1789. In his see i” [ that body, he has HICH ho CGN e | sage “to relieve Preasury.” This titular desigu | tion implies that Mr. +t has heen appoited and qualified, for, if he has not he never was Sceretary of the Tre asury. We hape this 1 not the | © ise, for it Wo Id ba too bad, a Fler all | the trouble he lias had on account Lander, iH CX Pose eo EO1 and the Stew 131s 13 ( erin 's Stewart to PEO pay- | Ff mett of ; porter while Secretary ot the Treasury it would also be awkward for him | be cons to prove, inidefense, | that the message of the President | the Senate stated what nol tr | Really, something ust 1 | President | Garant of Wi ashburme ad | “bold « soldier be VS They will get him ito cont: nd tirere will be in wi rained Wis . rid ho HC 1:0. : 1 11810 he ) 10 soe th in 0 i request to = World, Mareh 13.—Tha Hon | late United States Age | ! at re; | [0 dav Louisuille, id Oo ‘ie, » 1d ” a1 ck, til iv, POR FSO. a A The following is the present state of the great ent terprise of Washingto n: ALT. Stewart, nominated forSeere- | te ary of't he Treasury. another in Washington, for the Presi dent, Mr. Borie was seleeted as Ni Wy. He to (an ints P hiladel Hamilton IYish ' ' fle took Seeretary contributor house, Of sta was a phin » Secretary a large investment purse which was Ceeneral Crrant, nvear or two 8 by the merchant princes f Now York, Mr, Hoare Altornes General, Grant is indebted to him for the pres ha Mr. Washburne procured fi in the made oro hi 1! ndsomo for up ri). 18 of a ndsome library. app antment . +X b ) . Ho eC vVeNS his reward i? pointment as Ni by being selecte S101, Moe. Sharp the Ii strict ‘of ate as to be a brother-in-law Presi jd UA 1 1 tO of the P IA f Ni. onel brother +1 J Preacher, with a Pare of Whiskers all Runs Awan “9s Yi . 0S a 2 over his faze a ' SUNKEN CVUs wa a bout from { nity rod pounds al had 1. i Th | vier md ACK anc od RISK td) Ii 1 vhe il sh 3 00 rapper i wil ii iy . ad he iY ont il white and ) Ty X31 W Colkit \ i= a) finde that plase Direct { {tO GU i! He I’ +1 ol ieman lost (root gent . earty HE viiieh flow | through He announced the narrow friends, expecting (In ’ of 1 1¢ his “] alw: dVS sh ow. Ee Sitka is the place where tho ‘0 a : either loses or gains week. A person that was {oo travoler ON diy 1n tho -» 0 1 3 Cast wi oT day which the one oes to the West, and Sitkads the point where the two rec eet. The Rus [at th g ins the | Dy Who o Kounings n an eastward rin celebrate nr bath, while the reached 1t by a westward America, finds the business throug r i Sil J | who has by JoUrnoey d01033 shops suspended on his saturday. , & ny il —-— P- x yo tarch n bafore the erlaration ¢ {O-( ty on hoard { from i TT 21) il sh | Nha [3. COMINISS] New 12 of YOVISIONS oY anne AM ’S. Lydia Be 334 Ane r, ¥. Henry W ar d Bx secher, died in RB: ydav, axed eighty Hot rary The Mysterious Air-gun-— ‘he Si- | lont Bullet—Are the Secret As- | sassins Thieves or Maniacs. | Over a year ago, at one o'clock in the MOrhiRg a Bro ) klyn polic Q officer arclesaly sauntering down his usa ben when he observed a man y hidden behind a tree on the ide of the streot, Wl and carefull Gp- {ul 1 : IovVvenents, i 1y man’ na 3 Nal iden thi nine man Was oha "Wye | CO! 1 .; Fn villk Opposiie, ho treo steppod 4 om his nla 0 vl d AVI tho Ys the police June him, \W hen ll within and Wi J! te mao t the alrung sly ceaiment wal “ON Wi i his fell miir- nly slapped add TQ and i ht hand We In hit ad way wlay pnethine his who Holts remain : oun bullet was fired : n Cen- «oy . ORES WINAdow 1 from. thes an ail awnbr . . In the evenin On M thr ndav ugh ag ire street, silent mess a Window in Vs editorial done evening last week t found mn the 1 1 | Viloath oo Of death ecamy \ yg rooms, two bul let in M residence, at To this Le 2 holes Wel Thomas panes YR HOOUN { I i ~nmth street. list With —SIR: See- unt in YOUR 15311 ets flying into ¢ that aftern the same my I’ lac 0 Ol he 1311 1033, ane of glass in he nls ‘a win- about OI, SLO otal tod visi tO stad vesterday edt He OCCLIrrea Wi ing o laree i | looked For t let on the floor I"ronr the fact ex mashing in of the window, and the great vitly which it came : [ anr ine lined to ] opinion that ging used; and if not 1 consequence L . my 1 4 partly flattened, OL no report nt the foree Vout Hie Lhe thy Y the ni Lhe pe boaeomae Serious, iN 1 . Jruiv vours. 1 8 Ae J ANIEesS 11. JONES * . 7 i. ! ECW 10's, 3 ) $f ifehruary 3, 1861). Bp po 1 i for thi norte 1d street he Thon | aly : | lest the Civil be made subordinate to | the Milit: \ry element ; we need to en- | courage in every le gitimate way al | study of the ( (lonstitution, for which | | the war was wi aged, a knowledg of and | ) r+ whose wise checks by 5, ns they dash it off hur- reverence for whi | i An Orting aphical Puzzle. A hit of orthography is at circula- tion in ome ol ‘the liter. \ry and other f Boston, and some of its great ber of naistakes ricdly 1m a manner which implies that | they are sare that they cannot tre of her- wise than correct. The plan is to read | it anybody, ed let him write it | | those 80 soon to oceupy the places fill- ed by their seniors will be the only hope of preserving the Re public, The | young men of the n ition, not yet under y . . the ¢ rer ( { ust esist the | without seein the written or printe d | a ol of party musi r (\ We | | tendency to centralization, and out- paper on which it isto be foun nd, | ha : led wen) le | & growth of the great rebellion, and be it verbatiom: It 18 al | I lol familiar with the fact that the country | e the per ep i tort of au harassed’ led consists of United States and that, | an 1=2meme, of al i aN b Ot . | IDA IH 2 when the States surrende red certain | ¥ { great rights for the sake of more per- | feet union, the retain rights as valua- | bie and important as they re linquished | for the common weal, This sound old doetrine, far different from the teach- Hs that led to the attempt to secede, te give the RY mmetry of yoo le ld | , which a sybill had stabbed with | pon ard, ne eding the nu does of whan hue, when on they A to ce and aunt.” Kx-Presi- Harvard Collegs, is said five mi in made los gauging i nr Ii willing than takes ; | * the Union hy the ispirators that happe n- ithin their borders, must | advocated with the cn- of early manhood, the | pe ruled hy the carrt pt i Sallivan county Y. Pa. | ¢ ee Ton of the COI mercial circles, wien, plethorie trom wealth, anunu- Wartzboro', is ally mizrate to the Capital of the y Jail doing pen- | 4, 0” puceh al Ry st Oo mate Ally torturin “ hi i Till the Whee tutives of : On the trial it was in Cont a fullv exhibited ordered hig son LO 0) i] divi ree views and interests of the whole day nation, laws ¢ bho ni | ) without ero. | full di heh y ) Ye odd taken ont of acts of col to dwell wit a received and t! husiasi { people will Ware en have may mike of a confidence ich vou mav feel. oda or 4 } ybinntions A Monster i One . ty in the Sullivan coun ‘ . | . hv 51 3% £9 > { VM 0, a shee legislation, . i : 1 (}] the neonie wee ' shown the nore ir " $ 111 1 | f iL! l } vHINR Ald rol Wood O11 | wianbow wae yale . ometer was below st of Some 1 1 but when he \ ening he Wills hy } tho people, in allopte erie id {0 k! ailmiyv re- resting 1hi- . » Ia 2 i 1 : imistraiion of thetsov- : ' » Wii : wit to (od, | ! > 1 that, HX0 aim, ders of - vn with a ie i LY aptain, and | »hoaten bi au 210 Wa 4 . th 3d 51 th tino. Loe sis y fat. Te threw hi +1 im GET THE BEST. $135 Sent by Express, Cash on Delivery. The Genuine Oroide Gold Watches IMPROVED ard Manufactured by us are all the best make. Hunting cases, fine- ly chased and beautifully enamelled, Pa- tent wad Dotached Levers, full jeweled, and every watch perfectly regulated and NY, to keep correct time, and wear and not | to solid gold ns long as worn. These celebrated watches we ore now sending out by mail and express, 0. D. od States and Ca- ble on delivery, NO MONEY IS RE vance, as we prefer that UIRED d- EQ in a 1 SRRR receive A single Watch to any address, £15. A Clah of Six, with an extra Watch ta | the A gent sending the Club, 800, making Seven Watches for $30. Also, a superb lot Lddies and Gentlenien’ s wear, from 10 to #9 hes in length, at prices of $ 2, 81, 86, and 53 ened: sent when ordered with watch nt | the regalar wholesale prices Describe the Watch Required, whe. ther Ladies or Ciontlemen’ % sine, and ands dress your orders and letters to The Ouoths Ware Co. ~ 148 Fulton St., Naw York, u ve raigned having fedamantary on the Kstate of the late William S. Gilliland, late of Contre H: dee’ d, from the Rois ter of Wills, of Csntre cranty, all persons knowine themsélves indebted to said Bes tate, are hereby notified to, édme forware and settle their necon its, an i those Ravin claims against the said kstate are requester to present the same duly authefiticAtad top settlement DAVID CGIERIEAXND, (Contre Ii H, Mure h, 19. Exécdtor, Age nis ww tinted for the , Life an Ti mes mes of ST. PAUL, $3,00. Comnlete Une thrid aed Edition, as pprataid by CON Y RE ARE and HOW SON with in int rod; ie tion by Bish np SMPs 55.9 quienes of the appe aranee of ii tod ia of this great w irk, we Favé been eomnelled to redidee the Pp wice Af of Edition from 3.3% to 33. E. B. R EAT & CO., Pubs, 654 Broadway, N. in; rly, fw ANCERS—TUMORS—ULCERS. PROF. KLINE, of the Philadelphia Uni: versity, is making astonishin z cares of Can- rand all tam "We, by dH Hew process, A CueMicarn Caxceg ANTIDOTE, that re- ' the la gest oo ancers and tumors or the use of the knite; with- hirsinz medicines, fe loss of a drop of blood: eall Ar address R. H. Na. 91 Arch Sereet. Phi- A. : marix 4w BILRBROY Woolen Mills. Pu. marl) NU rene %.—1 he i d lett Ler “ijt . 1 Comniete Mil pain wusiie, cating or couly, ' ' . CC pleasure In new ¢ iy: . . HOANIVI «Ae pudlic ge ratlv W ’ Wonlan Go ds of all Kinds, i the abdve celebrated Fae Aory, FINE MEDIUM, aid COURSE. R vy n ree . SE. CRA — LUMADEOF THE BESTSTOCK., Bs antial manner, attenion to vis black and fanéy CisSimedes, and perior Plaid Fiannels: #aual in Finish atl Quality td the Dest eastern Croed =, abl Mach mere Durable. y~.4¢ will wait up the people THEIR HOM 23, ad nd! ia with a larg: va iety of these WQ L, L N WD, and SOAP tiken in ex- . » {x ) nls, ir nd - Varie- ind at bis re . i PAPER; of Frey kind and atin i ee John OC. Kenip, Centre Hill, Pa. )N IN PRICE most HJ : - i the nydes especial - i Fine Sunes) AT ay Pp psi i" FiMMIs, » sen” ol every * . a x HY a idence re IU UTHH Ar Tae Ta» Bslléfonie Boot & Shee Store: FE. GRA a & SON: ONE DOOR NORTH of IRWIN & WIL SONS HARD-WARE STORE. day in cdze- Woo bwan the first whan the ofl: dil In four ' i ide own State ele COOrs, : beating, ¢ YO! }) \ \ of food. The hid me re. the boatswaii? and the car- pent I’ have been arrested, 1 that C ONITESS can 1ohit, whi 1m : (zovernme Le taken airing a fundanrental nt atself, It is to the existence of the States » the protection of the lib- of the people for the right: to select the electors in whom the pol liti- r for of the States shall be lodged, involves the right of the ot gover itself. When deprived of this prerogative, the =tates will have no POWE worth retaing: all will be cone, and they will be subjec teil to the ’ i 1 ich ean i 1 A ’ VILNONT Cm ; The depth of snow iu fle woods of | Maine is almost unprecedented at this season of the year, lays seven foot Wy Li Orties The 1 : aeep on a level. 1 DOW { ca State *: 1, of lumbermeun, in starting to coi ne out, have trend It nacessary to put horses upon large sleds, to be drawn over the drifts by men WpOIr SHOW It has beeow it npossible invsome sections to get supplies to the camps, and conseque atly operations are to ne waoption, through partisan influ- jones extant suspended. Many lum- of an amendnyent directly in | Moca] fom the neighborhood of Moosehead Lake have come out. ret with the original design of the | ee Grant favors the appointment of Horace Greely as Minister to E ngland. He is being opposed, however, in quar- stretly within the line of tle Consti- | = 1 wis Se ppeition “bei oy ir tution. Their boundries have been | 7 ae . pote is hoing songs air | ured for England. accurately defined, and neither should | " be allowed. to tresspass on the other, | | shoes, Congress, aud then he Government will be centralized, i not by the passage of laws, then hy tl cont This proves how neces- | sary it is that the people should re- | qu ire the adminis tration of these great cnn fs MP = nme Late Arizonn intelligence says : Fn- dian depredations and murders are nu- served rights of the people and the | merous, The people sre becoming ex- mSLates., The roubles of the past four years will prove to the nation blessings, | is sugoested, commeneing with . | massacre of the Indians residing on the men | government reservations, : EE a A Washinoton spec dal to the World, says: The Spanish Legation have | represented to our government that the Cuban insurrection has been kept of | by expeditions sent from New of: their | Orle eans, New York and Boston, and expired, and hundred of | requested our government not to re- national obligations were | coguize the Or cinttonistr til alter hay: A manly people will not | ing heard from M. Roberts, the special egiect the tre aining necessary to resis t | envoy, now en route for W ashington, tb) pon those whe heeame v ouny AHS, the A fivetories, amd the schools | Union of the States in defense comrades Minufd turers and Dealers in GENTS CA 2 B: YTS, warranted, n +1 nz at SS por p Iv. HALLS Kip BYOTS, warran el, Gx at $5 per pair at Boot & Shoe Store, ham & Son's door North Trewin #nd Wilson's Fard- ware Store: A large sssoftmen® of Gum Cloth Artic Over Shes; For the Season. The LADIES PEPARTMENT Consiste of the best of Custom Make From the n'ost fashionable works shop in | Pinlsdelphia, and warrant eyery pis. | Besutitvl Puttoyr Boots; Fegfaofclastinte. We have the hep ss & CHILDREN Shost in Bellefonte. Remember the place, one door Nortl¥ of Irwin & Wilson's Hardware Store- Bellefonte, Aug. 28, = i} | 1869, i PITY SBU RG POST. The Only Democratic Pile Piper in Wess tern Pennsylvania. Daily and Weekly. Tne Dany Posy, inaddition to politics, contains all the news réceived by telegraph! from all parts of the world ; full reports of cach day's doings of the Bump: Congress, Legislative proceedidfgs, fall market re- ports, local intelligence and miseellaneons matter received up to the bour of going tv’ press. t— Tir WeekLy Pos®, A large quarto’ sheet enjoys a larger. circulation than any political paper published in the State. Each number eorkains a complete compendiunt of the pews of the week, at home ant abroad; elitovials on all leading subjects ; | po try. stories, full market reports, and a | vast ammount of useful and val uabie infor- suited to the Politician, the Mer- all classes of readers Itis the largest, cheapest ard’ bes po ica and literary paper A West and is filled with matter ¢: culated to instruct and en- “tertain the family circle. TERMS - ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Daily Post, one year, by muil.......u., +138 oy do six months, do... ...0 40 do three do do ......2wy eekly Post, pery éar slanting, 20 We wkiy P in cliibs of five oy ov er... 1 5 7é5-Send for specimen copies of the Diri- ly and W eekly Post, which are sent to an, address free of charge. Address all Jette: to the publishers, "das. P. BARE & Co : on i i | only ¥l per phir: | scrtent of LADIWS Shozs OL ation, chant, Farmer, awd acoression, hut they should be zenlote to confer with our government. Pittsburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers