dam v ‘ w—— : - rs i nn Aon 0 BA 5A - “py ’ CIYENAT 1 OH ('r N ; r A RE HALL REPORTER. | Stovepipe, Tinware atid rat Cans. | La KET ol RR i ies wid GREAT FALL JON F( LIONERY ND FRU M | |, iR () Y GOOD NE WS FOR THE PEOPLE. ; . rn . a i prices: i ‘ 4 \ 4 AY ( hous 1 . y » {) | Drills and hreshing Mae ine Sy | and AT CENTRE HALL PA Great Attraction and Great Bargains! | { ’ ap ron ] . exTRE HALL PA., Mar. 19th 186¢ both for 4-horse swoep power and 2-horse pr . Vv ! mi signe frog " power Als 0 "the Tornado Se perator | jor BLE A ND SINGLE BARREL GREAT ICTORY » ». SWA RTZ, 1 E under: igned, determind to meet the B LEYS GR AY E AND BABYS { that will out-thre sh any mao hine ever bro't | | to Centre county HOM K. | o Havnt gt Fellefonte, Pa. and Haupt fovea popular demand for Lower Prices, re- . yy Ar ' CAS H: r opened i ney, and first- class Con speettully call tl 1 Go a Al | I ) Old Ni: nd fe ving. To fio it he repared to serve the pul to his stock of 8 the attention of the public ({ROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, best 0 UC lic wil™! good fresh SADDLE RY, W nt M lo Ly Vet © d rif Us 0 Lt Mi thr, Ta, i hoe A Cook, | lrmake a IRWIN & Wikson WU Centre Hall PIES, CAKES, CONFECTION | now offered at the old stand. Designed es« t] ’ |! 3 ip 1076 i ( } il ; [4 nes ply of ; | ’ . . pecially for the people and the times, the lar- Ol 0 1 . the curtauns tiho arlor & Heating Stoves: also, Spears favor of the Finest d Best Select FRENC HANDS Ix MIN.C ANDIS, : we - Oh do not drawithe curtain: | hi, | | revolving, Heht illuminating stove; Spears’ | (OVEN Te | ln favor of the) not ietodied RULTS, NULS, TOYS and a gest and most varied and complete assort- fow lyre pieces at ~ 3 OO ( ‘ { Ie wo 3 ord Stock ol ; . : . cb , {lie moon shines down so «od and tt a lurpe a - FANTY ARTICLES i mented HOG » \/ 3 { WHOLESALE AND RETALL, | rv y u AND HARDWARE STORE Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, on - | b R \ ( il ) } | MN, and everything in his line, at all times. : Lh be Jus hie AE ry bare of eve ry de SCHEIN and quality ; Ww hips, ; : ar ” lssortment of good 15, which wi i EOLA © and in fact everything com ete to a first- , | l AND BELLS und DO Iv 1h Is L.14 \, FRESH OYSTERS, the lowe iL cas hh WOO af elnss sli ablishment, he pe at prices Oh o o the best bakers in h nll sizes and Kins al ’ v "wea wory stvle V.d. M MANIGAL'S, * hick will suit the times, ‘ Haul MR 1! | wd an Irwin & WiLRON Always on hand and served in every style. . 1 [he night winds wildly shriek and | the world and have more conveniences than "HIS ICECREAM SALOON * FR : A Detter, yariety, a better ? quliey or finer anv other stoves now in @ Profle an : me Plan Suen : feds Geral ity FHhUGs AND M I HY AN all waur- | style of Saddlery has never before been of- moat, ec nt of bias : |] heir | Lid BOARDS, Plank snd Scantling : A i % yh ‘ . A . : “3 i 1 wotld do well to cail atl Eure aude BA [RWIN & WILSON AND \* Ul “ “fp n nna the Summer, and : ranted Pure i? hrysie Hine pe ree rip- sored to the public. C nll and examine our And giant trees with groak and groan, 1O't 8 Alp ih w 'bekeptacrsitive by the very exe rel tions filled utall Wotirs. Pure Wines and | tock and be satis sfied before purchasings NE Wy : og © ' i n t quors for Medici | noses only A | he e, i CEN (A len oan of wil P pular flavors, cotistan Liquor wl purposes only. J clfewher 12d x { h ) i it 4 KS ly o Irs large assortment of Patent ie dicipos nt Yotermined to please my patrons and I" N MLE private partiss, &c ean be sup- M'MAN 1G A LD thie ankful for the J, erg share tronage plied ith il ips oe onfections, leeeream heretofore enjoye respec. Hi aa Cakes, ind fruit it very short ne tice, OUSE FURN ASHING 1 AR D- continuance of the Same. oct, 268 ly il Ww ARE | © sreoris Iudiftits will do : JACOD DINGES, — well to give him a cath hpede! + pitreh - p18 ly. Centre Hall New trotting Buggy, for wy og Jsewhere, Barn door hinges, from "x Buggy olf | [ Y sale at a barg Ruin, at Wolf's tvs lve to 30 inches long. Barn door rollers, K Ww ET ARDW AWE: STORE! {S Centre-hall stan | Strap hinges all sizes, nl WMANIGAL N “all P | AL'S ¢ J. HARRI * . rR * be ; . 4 iS. And HOW ohn Ix hibition al W a a Pn Ty 4 he " P RON. [ron all siz0N, Scollon arith me " » TY Y - ir froml2 to 20 cents per boltat Herlacher's. heavy ron, from host minufupt lea 50.5 BROCKERHOFF ROW. MWe JOLIE AM M Al » =~ A " . ‘ on : W STERNBERG & BR ANDLE [S at 43 per pound, ¢ A new and couplet Bard vare Store has a RWIN & ILSON 8 i IN + eprint th 1a : .4 ars . he ef open «dd by the unde reigned i in Breork- rst {great oconomy in fuel; 1% (dS / fiyek ROuESSH hotP BEIT gt | neatvess, cheap | benut : ate . vit | s PelliTonte, Pa. 0 Nailrods, crhofl Bs new 13mg hevatherare rt. . | nen , yy RU a ORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH | i olf S 4 (1 {ani » : te, Pa Con Sn | fred sell wctady'ot Buildingand Haas {er Little bed 1s dan 11, | ; ; host BELLS, at low prices, al . : arnishing Hardware, Iron, Bteel, Nails. ' f - Blister Steel And long and dre amless slumber hold LHT0TGK, Lwin & WILLSON'S, JAP LINE OF 7 JL ” INE MARE I, Spring Steel, Buggy wheels in setts, C hampion C Iothes Deep re <f within ite gilolis olds. YNION PAT NT CHURN. the best | A 1.50) A CHEAI ANE £1 a, | W ringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane In! FY i { J S in : i Wi OS | FLANNELS : by having the largest and bist stock, and | Axcles, tS Suws, Tennon Saws, v ebhS ‘awa, Ice Crear : aby’ 8 grave, | . Huse ut [IRWIN & LLEON 8, MU SEINS by having Lhe aly i u ‘ nl s 9 &e.. &e { | Freezers, ath. Tubs, ( 1othes Rueks, % ful, dplO'6s, | ; oa 11S] belling a. M'MANIGAL'S. |assoru ment of £1 ws and Mirror Plate of al! Sweet 80n0S of lullaby are Sune, | | | AN 1 ; : > hth sizes, Picture i ‘TATIICS, Wh 1celirarrows 1 § ia hea 1 A K ST 1: Hi Ory, Fellows at $2,00 per sett | Lamps, { oul Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes And fond love words together siranyg | gE HALL LEAT BARGAINS SHAWLS L (hs and Wims: Spokes, Shafts &e. | Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Cort | ( | SH “ i M MANIGALS. | Nowe, Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: AY | and C ator Teeth Table Cutlery, Shov- i Li ise | ; {ADL ERY JIL AR DW.ARE of every des- | o¢ andes and Forks Lock Hi o } by’ 5 1 : ! ee Brg 1g, 4 Jockey Hinges By baby's grave. | . | ALSO. A BGOD ASSORTMENT UF 1.0 Wp R oS! eriptio YANIGALSS. Noo Son Gl E $4 hi \ Le he ke | Norway. Rods. Ghis, Lard, ,ubricatin Then tiot ir w th ‘ad . C. . arlec er s Co {UTLERY. A uy 1 Orin ntofl k= 1 Coal, Cinseod. Tannen. Anvils. Vices Be 1 do of ari fe curiae 1218, abl { veutlery, Tea and table h 3 et and ’ : us Oh 33 lows. Screw Plates, Blacks Jats Fools | new orbicula gas-hurmn parlor stove | white (castiron eviinder)' These have all proved rn 3 : E-1 +) : : Wd 1 ; * xt] orl i i rhough all the lone and dreary night i : My Ah LOVES I Pid On baby's prave. | ; = the no au y LE ) and seo thoi sto k Jetore pur Wave their bare arms, whence leaves | chasing elsewhere, as by a neglect of thi : 1 ' \ Hi ¢ 20M ThE ny ha o ulrvead 81 ir : have Bows hood, id i ? APANNED TOILET SETTS, AND (Fer baby 3 grave. re aks ANTI-DURT GAS BURNING COOK Le} other Jupanned ware yo e Awvil Store TOA ap loos IRWIN & WILSON Jui Purchased at the hay The snow on yellew leaves and brown, | LIGHT TLLUMINATING | for sale BS [RYN & Wiksox Phat withered lie o'er all the ground | sw | aplros cf ah 'a "IY US oO farm Gr LITeR0 to pre plo 1 ni : ’ Lhound baby : grave. i as alsin ats tive of \ IE INDLI Sh EINS for wagons, all si | | ire: thay requil ry little attention; at the sign of the Anvil Che lone night bird with song of woe, | secure through ventilation of the room, | api 6s Prwin & Wise . 2 . , il (or Ha T ty { \ And winter winds with requiem Jow | thus preserving tho Leadth of the occu om from dust : nitorn | Jo \ LTS tor Buggies and Carriages, all ih }. . odin tran ail va uiiiaril Will dirg reg chant, as sad they go, In Ws ire Bolts, ditto, at Pasthaby’s grave, consumerof tl In vain, from hearts with anguish yut netor Bells, He mse Shells] 159 0ér Belk 11 St. ~Ldatil Le dll { attey In 9 - + ) x righ UT niure Lo ns! | ur | Waitersnm ted trays) gb» s.| Gong Belle dFen Bede Zirindsiones, Cubpen ight | | bo. | | MOANIGAL'S. | HOE uit Jars snd Cans, P Out 1 the dark an } svlant ra { { - (dr) Fruit Ji wg an aints, Oils ut u 11 a1 and sie | 1. | { | shes per — v ‘ : } a1 x or Sucks? . hp ‘3 | | Lemevrets at old rates, HEH I Conts FO RUNKS and Travelling Boe Inge as- \ urns ived and for sale ats | > 3 WR (rII1Vve aX 1 Andy ; 424 i { { . ‘ . oY Ha hp i. 4 % sc Yi1l SON \’ T Lo hitb) woke . J DEININGER | td i Ns per yard, fur the best. | | r il MM, : oS. sd AY. J. & J. HAL Rts = i A In this line we defy competition. I y of {+} za IL ix sOTLINICE DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, SE ATED WARE of cvery ~ COACH MANUFACTORY. b quality, at . Al r HARDMA N PHILLIPS, (2% 3 ‘ , ' t t has lin il fad I ) fran qd] Eh i J b : t rine - at ~ ¥ The dearest Jam! ) O01 {all the fold Lol y YU hey She ee rey oS | And seling feoyin 151 { iO cents, the best : : £ a - A Ta ve Ow. a ! h hen ‘ \ : | { . . 1 ' L A J ’ 1 wh 1 ne Fis ist . In baby’s home | kei : | OGS, . NOLHUINS, LUTOCOTits, Jo enlicoes, and midslins in proporuon, at old | ‘ pleces Just Pe. LL inp ': vistowr, PA ys ne ik y drider, all . | vare ; £1 ll : b- wt-en eived i redid atierhis=, OO and Dellefont urnprke, Las now on hang IS Yu S A a Ps COTY RES a ner at 10 and 12; els. i a fine stoek of Carriages, uggies, Sulkies id r Ans Lit ir { x id { ii i "a FE vit : hemo etlets MAChEREL: HERRING. | Women's Shoes, common good, to wear L Cs rr A T2703 SCARCE ey dor sxi > *Up rior in quality nod «f Tos te he } 0) LtA1a% : } wisn 11 DRENS CAL . ES, 85340 #7°d | any manufactured in the country. ‘x: ney the be Lund ch Si I the market, ! if al ~A1 A he are made of the y ry | wt seasoned sto k by W KS AL 1, T \KE PABTICULAR all ummser. al SHAD pe F pHLLr 4 : ’ if ] ractieal vOorkined and finished CRAETUOMAKELIT AN OBIJYCT | = sic] y Ye were not wont in davs of old ; aliv informs the citizen Wf Centre r hast hua 4 Foin)s 1.1 Fo shut her out in dark and cold, arison with ” . CH fq y 3 3 ha : i Wa? 3 . : ng B % AM . ath Fine boots no S550 to $7,500 for the AND ein al any work oul or in the Eastern cities iy oe hurns, Baskets, RES | and can be sold at lower prices than those 1 5 | AACS Ah AA Ls %iu manufactured in large towns and eftiod, | best nin ms prices of 1 ive v ve Th o1% ‘ Lid LS r of own ghvation, , » , assortment i able and - . ro 38 iant 1 FOR - 3 daddanig m3 srl Shay anxious to excel in hisartistical "peo ession { mn () 'aterns, a MMANIGALS, | and roe SranyainuEances in iiy ies New us HC] Se / Ad =u + \BINET MAKERS. : frtire attention Lo ns -proiessio tv £17 his © Yous pple your (ls i ar PISLOINCTS, Tepaeritig sali sting’ alike t > . nil nd \ ari brushes Ll pat Rs Fatives, ii country, and the lowest rates, and sold at 1857ces pri rout | B ristl «)n new Pi ten t Bedstead | himself. : . v rin ‘ {orron { } es.) ate casiena : . + . ; S5U1TH, fastni . and a reat many other articles you ( and examine his stock and learn his WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD } | Hid low at MMANIGALS. | pri , ind EPI R I be satished | kK Nin "436 ls i ALL Ton ) BE SIR 0 | he = 2 . + WV i % ay x : I I : DS | 1 \ | 1 \ A i i $12 ol to I f rihe laree assortment of Fane N #H ind COlli= Pai 11 1: lone eatl romntly ~” ap2lt os ly, WM WOLF. | CALL AND SE A H Will 1 | ylivet! f nts done neatly, pre tly, nd | A as mon Soi ps. se sold phe Pensonain : ' if it: anf { 1, Sterbe I" will fread, al an d retail wt AMAL AN 1 > IM : Ce ron Ju a 12 1R6R - Is a v only ask people to con and see, ; ng i y. “if they To pot wish to buy. | rong 'ELAIN AND BRASS Kettles, TT, —— pr 10 GX LE Tea Kettles, Bake Pans, &e., aut THE R of all d tions, french wi ml fl Far Pf ar ht : pi | MMANIGAL'S, 1 i skim, mizh sole leather, mo- curtains low Tp A Aglagoiil sroom twine, AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and | ha | o's, Heep ski dinings. Everything z id i ) ' . . Broom handles, | J kind at Cr PE N Ti 1h ii. Girt i In the Faatliur lin © did to glve a atds - FDC n continuance of the same dey, Ke, al appl’ .68 IRWIN & WILSON'S, |U You can bu ¥ JOUR = WilIRy aE fueti m, at BURNSIDE & THOM. AN. MMANIGAL'S, po Hd Saws 4nd other tools low, at emma iovim———————— ee Hardware St TO. ~ A Li, al whl} ye NTL Lx rh ' = AM ANIGA 1.8. | GADD ERS BU K LES. Rooks: hits may iy oh? Wittse, Pa. ho hs . : HOOT | Ol% ( 1 OTH 12 Piterert Ra spots rings. Everything a saddler . RED : | | +h 9, 1 Wide, ag : ts for the manufacture of harness, to be a Mako owns Give Mil | [JR noNnTRi sud Tu TEROSN | FMNE TABLE CUTLERY, includi Te ut 53cts. Oil Shades, all new patterns | found at ~~ BURNSIDE « THOMAS. Po Make Cows Give Mlik | IRCHANTS HOUSE, N most LORE viet, donsisting of wll | 13 apes, Tw IN & WILSOSN. | : ve UU Lue Sane meng of MOMAN 14 si] 3 § en . | : is. : % fais gi { 1 PRUNES and DRIED GERRANT, ‘ | 413 & 415 North Hrd, the novelttes of the season, at lower rates plated forks, spoons, &c.. al wens a 4 Jin i +} . : > : ! ’ . roe ais} 3 Tro X. . \ l thie Yer) best quality just Pi ADE LIPHIA. than ordinarily charged at other places, {R A BLO R COOK 5TO) kD ap lO6s, IR WIN & WILSO 33llaf unis Planing Ml i WASHOTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARKL'S, w ready, and foi vali GOODS VERY NEAR oii Sounded ———————————— ——— OLD PRICE - —————— | ROPR, \ : 1 3. WHIHLCE WIIO SHYV= iis COV y . . I= old st: nd artor S{OV eS, apd fg sien ok es Wol old Lan a it del i MH <b. Brin a i nn eres. ep S— — — — ——. milk that i= wanted in a faoily of eight | | DAT (IS | fo HG a a | : a EN . 2 ! MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. ; . ; 1 the ad o f sr AE ARP] YR oA ws : LOLMES, | F TUE ANAT STORE i= no 8 I from which was nsle two o No Cd uri White Goods Kz | a HOGS. I IN & WHRON'S, { [TO E- No i 3 roo 5 IF ding : BI ir ot & Com) an | IY pe his] UH i ow receiving «ay . ERK. in: TL arioties, | A 4. iatge 8 rg : Pete noutids of butter}: This wlllknown Hetel, will be foand by | E : . . N BOOK St » : t BURNSIDE & THOM AS. anc a 1. \ pa ‘ Ys (5, | Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Ho Mr Qh Rady ne the city, one of the most desire mbroideries ew wer OX e. | Suees “Ni pdt oy ay or ve 4 iy # OF ' ' dlery, (rlass, Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoog i as Lo Ie: sonablecharo Leon ye . : . i AAT ALE AXD A i Ol. ESAL I WINE \ LIOUOR ! ’ . qn 4 Iron also Bagcey aad Ww: noon Stock of ' di and Engl h Fook. | The linest stock in town, bo h as to quantity BOOK, 5 "ATION E RY & Dd WS EM- WY ; : > | \ HI Fk, & N [1.14 WW y INE | avery des eriviien Call and Supply Your- ¥ quality, and prices, i OLR M. Q T ) In ¥ I°1, { X RING | Se Ave < at the loa est possible rates at gre. | \COB DWELLER, has purchased the | ro : Eh 3 ih 10 6R «ly OTE, | MNGED &7 TS ) Book, Stationers? amd News Establish- | AND WE ATHY, RBOALRDING, p gplUe. J. WILSON, ds HOTE lS FP SRI 2 | Lent of Kinsloe. & Prot * | : sry : | it n ) \ FHE= len AY i ml , Ol All cheny B. k TE LL, ye od St i) ’ ‘ 7 i . { y 3 , . A ' og A . | ANGLER. PROPRIE- | The best makes, latest styles and lowes | street, near (he Diamond, Bellefonte, (FORMERLY NEFF & 1011 LOGS, New Goods! { 0 ' Ya) in orp bye) \ 1 he has ju dded a large invotee of TCO. | rates, ( Hats ans Lap 1 real Yl ' na hd y . . ' . . . . i Ein i] Aanens. Towellinys hocks. Dennings, cloths | 800ds, suet 3 ix ge ermndiy kept Hn Wi H- 131 hop stred t. Dellefonte, in the? tone buil- ) - . STATE TGS ; dif § UL aL + ? Fd Cloaking | conducts book and Stationery Store, His dine iormerly occupied by the Kev- | oi EIS Xia V Mn C Gol ff 76 S | y 3 ee] Lo ’ i «tore 11 HE of Th vo Ven al, Modest], Law fone Makery MOL LD] Gr, { x 7 . . ) * v FRY i ' . y - 1 1 . 4 ‘ 1 i x at el | BALMORAL SKIRTS, | Miscellanious, Sunday School, and School | 40 Barrels, Kegs and Casks warranted | Mork ry Description. | : " AL Book . Also, blank Lo MS, frme books, fu fo ple 1] the qu rule y IPePrese nled, Qs : ] ALL SIZES. : ; (: 0 0 D S1 § — ‘a ! i v Yl oY] stint wp «Pred 1 ¥ » a Ais . . . - \ go i Y ed suminet ‘ ! t } ep [HLSS books, dinar every ard and price Pb proprietor of (his establish wif 1. cs hi o 1 . | of eap, ICZal, Ki fetter, bath, and note pa- deasure in informing t6e public Wud he Havin a PAT 4 3 [FER, whe keeps a large i ] ph bl y ] : yn - = . 3 “0 5 . ' * 3 Ww . ? . L per, drawing aud Ussue pap ¥ #ne French | fas constantly on he and a supply ee MBER DR A sonnceted with our | Dire i rockerhofl Row, next door torch lation: dor - . s « ’ i 3 . i . Xi . A . aa Baul p : I ! A i we ask that vou will | paper, envelopes of every dese ERplion ; and {ore ich and one wiie li iquors such a2 ft eciablishitnnent * ah ae O Mmanuiace lo Post. ! m1 lonte, Ia., has Just hing to spend a few . i fLtala 111) ' . BH x Thin of 1% Tv . pe TT CHPINELY "lee, po «. inks, ink-stands, erasers, rub- )1 ¥ ceribaa ie fre OURgvAT Ke fon i ra & il oh ply of ney Li t corres | { ALL AND EXAMINE Ol R STO IK | Or fran = parent and COM Mon slates. ] ld Nectar, HOI Ione SEASONED | iy Cor Hie Hall dren | hefore purchasing elsewhere, as wo PVA He p i h i pen ils, chalk crayons, | Old foe Monongahe I, a 1 ari bao A the entre al ote 3 ‘ UE ) vill find ¢ H. j Is, we st re | Alal locations, nd the Centra Hall Hotel | CGE EC GE M0 vo iw goods, | R6, dec Lugal aid gustiogs blanks of all £42 Tris A Whiskey, LUMBER! | FALL AND WIxTE* 200DS! | td 2) P A , . cehlsvivahnia, | evervihg ne. and will sell at a very sald ashd'drovers will | advance on first cost Dil Bap, wh FOS Hm, » Fxocution "of to-lay for the murdar of (1 it and strueoled horribly oot the rope represent 1 ———— re | . . cervyy AY TORS } TE] : an oo Wel ‘ SRY AF Es cH Cente st 11 . ORDERS FI ROM CONTR. WS, Phe ammount of | ¥°™M iT, aplo63 tf. | ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, velo cn, 1 iat aM ities | Co ornac, Black! erry, ( herry, TN, Ak Mi ERS AND THE | . i #4 sil : ! Silverplate tl ING } : 11 aor«djiary 3 os ji 1 5 i ’ I i | vee ; 1 TV v1 { . 1 . . % * '? r i ins Stock } <i= = x ol {anry wa kl ard single, | F1es aid Eiltors. time the prder is received A, . Pot MM: wleria, Sherry all L AD I¢ NG Rhy i vE CO). Ta | H consists of | ler Is also X | 0 ale agoent for i 111% + { | { 4 \T 3 . . 4! . . ' . J = : 1: y ( | — . - { : - pounds of JOHN RUSSELL PROPRIETO] which he sells at manufacturer s prices, And Holland (i re NADY A da | =, : ‘a s 5 . : . { { . ik ¢ (> i 4 ris} n nd 25 » . {from oooh The old and well kirown Hotel, situat ft. County werchants would do well to give | Now Iongland Bur Pp. McCAl | 4 L ¢ he \ I Irizh Poplin, I 41 Tl ; ] French Merenos, fi a. | friends and the , . a a Te ve attention o prac tie ing physeians is .n a once + a saaseie BIE eached nd nrhlea- 2 genernl to calla y NY PAT FE RNS of oil cloths, at re- called to our stock of pure iiquors, WAtable ! i . : 3 L on ¢ has been claganil, i duced | rees, i for Jdieal AFR hes Bottles 8 and | . . « Aa “x = 1 i thor style Dee | Is offered Tor the apprehension of Sd TO BU BNSF « THOMAS’ r me i I yO Jug 1 w : ; exruse tsevaniit saeane ses seins Kina! all Four Negro Mur i vers Br way 1nd accommodation. geper of P. KR. ICES, who was Killed at the . N W e have the only pure Nectar WwW hiske wy | y NCIC ale and veld . BLAN (KETS, TIC! CIN Ee Ee. loved | fii « | store ol B ABITSSOAPL, Wn Taean and Le- ir town. | Uerers. 1! Faste'a Qe “11d ' Lr bs ¥ HA ' 1: iTS § 3 ' - ’ nesvoss (Wa. Nasi Wi Well Lh PA. | 1d a's ap, and a great vard ty of : Wg i are warranted to give satisfac : 3 ga (vers: ats, and Clothing for: both - bs LS fil. a i pil, ill. le 3 . Spee § CF B00 y * oi 3 g on ta di A CHANGE of provristors of this He tol | 9s om JURNSIDH «T § ean pleas easomers he [BOOT AND SHOE Mea and ; Frank Rounds and Geol Bailey) were | OL ' r« of this Hotel | Zimmerman Bro S & Co BURNSIDE « THOMAS Confident thi Ah he « an plea vusiomers he : ali Boys, of all : | Jishn | i shod! | | . . A’ BAUM, respectfuliy solicit a shire of public patron- Gezcriptions. He also Keeps the celebrated } . i RERES ea reluarnished, reitied, ny . f+ 2 ’ John yl a ary Cannon Bast 2d : ny { ‘ REYNOLDS NEW MARI hid - Bro ot Jdiquors will be fold hy the th art, barrel 1 v “ Iiall Boots and Shoes. Yaad iy {id ] I, | on fiest-cinss holel principles, he presen ; . » Ar ry rir dn Tar ; of tseree. mve a large lot o a vill give hs personal striet :1(- No. 6 Bush's Arveade, Bellefonte WHOLESALE DF ik 0 5 th I > \ - » § » 1 + or , + -- J xd’ 1 prisotier confesse 1 {lic and others who bil) ¢ favor him with the is WINES AN DEIQUORS | the finest grades, off hand. ‘ER I { 48 » E Lo WARE, CANNED & PRYF i : ; . i as be i A db 4 “ \ ok i "OR \ : 4 al 2 Rav 1 3 1h "lr I i ~ : i is i his cuit. Hin, le and Wells died in- THE BAL i #110 "wo. Oe Dobr above Reynold’: bank. int inct, every thing that may A v + stantly : ley AW LO 2 ral is well stocked with the” Choicdst! Brands . ro wir A large assortment of every variety of , . : . pe" The hi . siege or Rl 3: . tly ; Bailey. imafow:sceonds. Wil | Fu le gotten up i 1 follows; Ie subscriber res Ps ctfully calls the at-} == A Ps Ns ] We will not mention ,in this advertise | ¥ The highest yeivket’ prrce paid for Ie . 'H . . ; vhere hei vk Hoc to fornish all kindof | COOK. Tit lor, Office & hes wing | o : . a tod Ton : “Oy LUA J where he is pl s . ced Shoes, ana Gaiters of every desciiplion, fark a of ~ GOOD NS] ABILIGS Foreion and Domestic Liquors* wholesyle | 1 4 al ay: Pritt Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange - ' ; : i 1 . \ 15 con ote in every vil pticularand nothing | gine Jdsewhere GeO. DD. P . : Ostlers are always on the ground to tend ' Ll, ted to be the best qualities according to Stoves, S10) (ha to ¢ it tL. sive 4 ality, extent o yrice § Shywhere. Hs D. PIFER. £ +} 1 : i det Ley. . . b ’ A 134 A & i ——— ——————— of tue shroud of Eoin and then of LO Lil: iF rime ui. A . J ' His stock Lonsist: 7 PAM 4 oho 1} fdias . +3 4 st all wool Kmpre: 4 Cloth 90¢ per vd 4 $0 t! - . < rs : : : ; A portion of public p@tronige is so I 11 ‘ l Yh tof Rye, Monol auaholily Fish ah I cllier QO eadv-made stoc k was bought irom | His OW rope, (iran 1 himself Up, and licited, a 1a] oood accommodations are an u W his ic 8, nid, kin ls of Braadioes, Holland ur r ady na ougne 10 New Shoe Shop! ¥ ‘ : PTS, Milroy f their reputation, and would not sell an . y ' 2 AR l : 3 LC 3 . 8. 8. STON KR, Pr riet n and other Wines—the best article at, as Fa bin PIT2P1d ns attic le I De least inferior i'n what they BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMEN utente, tichtered the novse agin, | aug2h1y. Mirroy, fa. 1 Hresiconable rates as can be had in the City, A ‘The largest and best as sortment of ! . Y | has been starte «d at CentresHall by the un 3 . ' . , v 3 , We would invite especial attentionto our : TITW FN & WILSON are corstantly re wt Cost, od Carraway, Bis andies, Pure Jan Rie 5 and | tin val 2 Q 1 vd Wwice custom made wors —well kuiowing that up- found inthe upper and north part of Mr time, jerkine the rope violently as | : | i : N Eneland ud, Cordial of ids. Avv@lAL UY tte BEN € 11 . JRhalup- 1 gp Si livapon’s Jiouse. Ready-made Sh He, jerking the rope violently as ne ’ ew Ln ' H on tue satis sfuction rendered in this Depart- ade 06 tel keepers and dhe re to eall and examine sroportion at TITZELL'S, ness. Employing nore but neatly. gle for five minutes, some of the crowd RAT DWARLE Fine Wiite all waol, is Han J his large supply, to judge for themselves fants, 3m Milroy. : Pp : . sepllitm GE ORGE BARNS. ve I eo Phat’s Ti bia o> i his tg” of a : yelling, “That’s right ; you ought to| Wa ey which alt set bE donc Whién pdichns- First-Class Workmen. : Chas: . Held Je of evrasy decription at reduce prices- now ve 1 . 1 ’ . ' phat y v . Pas » } i v top as 1 3 ! five minuets. Towards the last four tapi’ Tovit SN for heating TFohS at TreZ¥iLs, Milroy. We are enabled to guarantee satisfaction to Millkeim, Centre co., Penna. Ww hitman's céieliiited confections, ents’ Knit Shirts and' Drawers ; “3 | who v five \ oe : in Gen { FAWETS Physicians aro réspaetfully requested all who may figvor Ws) vith their patronage. | ds and. tb (1 five thousand spectators Were pres- V hitman 8 ( $e: ate | hoc vols ate, at Redueed icures S$ y $3 $ Vanni vOEDEGC tfully informs his frien Ss an t { : . 4 Particular attention and to he ating sale purebnses pu i lic in general, that he has Juss opened ; hina Ginger or he I w }.ohurchas. sm : gi AR es, ~ ho # ‘ hn is cs ostahlishment, ‘above exan ne CS! BE Fh is shi Picks, ‘NV P1O ES of all varitiics : group to Orde RIPE: jantd, ) juned 68,1y. ~ P. Me AFF! BY & Co. is new estahlishm J : » 11. . i sil d F1IOKICS, a “w \ { YP, host ’ . x A man mn | hiladelphia has been | bs U 2N NSIDE « THOMAS oL 2 ts tho ny : Lp at Ta, a ly pure. H ARN ESS. collars, cart whips, carvigge all kinds of Clocks, Watches and "Jewelry 7 sued for twentv-five thousand a tips — rn > I'he aboyé nainéd LOGY, 8 ahd ni ny y H un th uni. u whip in “rt ol VY Tieties BOVE item i———— m— re ee of the latest styles, as also the Maranv ill for a breach of promise re \ vindepts. Buck-skin G tion” You ean only find, the nab a chee 8, cart gears, tug harnes ; . vx af -tlre month, and cof I ! of promise, His defence Dein hi Fc and Bula room "for Spring Goods. This is a 1 URNSIL E a IOMAS. k, lines, cart gears, tug 8 complete inde: day of A 1 aoht t flopay i alk : v By % ) IN : > FR - is—and it ought to clear him—that he FAN DSAWS. rif i oan | dlery line ug Padi EC rts lines. warraned as a potfect time-keeper: vi vondv carrer dvr i eee ) h wl SY ns, CORE bl NS i ¢ TD AS ies, soa hi 4. ete Vig you Nocks, Vatches, and. -Jewel re- was ready to marry her last winter mills, shovels, spa, na hoes, : i ; ie mf “1 239 NOTICE. —T he subseriptis - 7 but she kept putting it off, and, as she pr Noe iptiod pricd of & widgr 1 1 1 \ whi vis eer lline s § « [ ¥ YT doubi toods received in theee days from tl Ginger and Common Brandie = j MH SOLICITED. which he is selling at remarkably low rates i ‘tre | ney ieg] y. Moro Mi ir, noon, | 2ONSRIIRC ) . . PF. A \! : BR \ <, Pe ch et ONSBURG, 1 A. : chmar's Celebrated Writing Fluid | iizhin Wine ! 7 til 2 ia t] wotreot: Ahronshary. has xouin hoa him a call bafore purelyesing elsewhere. JA WAVE, yt BU. M. CORDIALS 4 apper- | - i re mentio : | nh i 0 i iy, ol AZAD hh 2 & vi? 68 iy { i { Wool De Lains, i HEH LID, | pie ' i. Pussel. former propriet ". o se) hy 2. mink, Anniseed and Rose oy i emnsenmnnensanssenees COG Xiisiing, Demijohns ¢ oust: andly on hand. | - TN ron i ow ONS, olive gon), Dobbins’ so: ap te 3 All our li¢ qubTs were hou rhit WwW hen Ji ines n dt thi ithon toll he above he has. and keeps 20 pnie Fire i A we A 8 ye | Pm bk lens soaps, old castile, pure, PPa}rico: 1. were low ald We re 11 the ‘m according > UL ty on ba nd, a large stock 0 i did > XH, A Re AF i! il . "ni | { | i 14 i 3 le: on the 1: of April The estab L ha . 1 a- ange, hey il hereafter be conductad £X 4 . ! Oy yy 1) males v ieties., of an oyster loop, 1n | A .an ™ r : . Bien 4 ’ “ y BOT TL I D1 [QU ORS n endless varieties. ALSO . ! plention be tl inl the traveling pub \ * yd ’ “4 A i i wp - » {*% . or «11 he f . 1: ) Ph A%s OF LEYs torr trsprdy are as |) : : be called for, can be found at his store. son's neek did not break, He groaned oes st tention of the pul: tie, to his establishmant, ment thie diffegent varietics-of Boots and | Grain IN CASI. ‘ : J that COMPPrISe our sto k— suflice to say, that | {or Goods GC ive him a etl before np } ’ y are connected with the hotel, ( ( or ik . y 1st a, , - : Be Ave im urcna- oft of his hands and leo: enrich 1 He a) ae Lue I y and. abligi iv port MYTH 90 ots PEF reed, $0 the Jowest eush prices, which are wariun } their respective prices, in the county. : : 4 i 1 . ‘ \ ] ng » Ysa eos at manufacturers in the Fast w ho are careful wn So ein Big Saas oot on the scaffold acain. The jailor anteed 1 all. ? Elegant American Merinos 40 to H5¢ p. yd, Gin, Port, aiaderin, Cherry, Blae ‘kbe rry and Heaters at the Jowast prices at I'he publie arc informed that a NEV « - Stylish Prosienade & Break fus {Sha % are. il] acl yor dersign xl. His Establis Y pushed the wretched mas ofl a’ second | 3 Chiimpagne, Cherry, Blackbe rey, Giiger e ¢ lishment will be - o Aydrdiv va . or ‘ * ) > . ’ » : l ays > . fell. The victim continded® to strue - ceiving new aoods in thcie line. Magnificent Helis [abies’ Furs at Cost, | He would particul: arly invite Farmers, Ho- Tin cups TD cts per dozen—other ware in | ment depe ns entirely eur success in busi- lw 3 key on he and, Repairing fon ns 56, “I per i air, and be certain of "proguring, Ww hy at She WY bay, a Tail aitfior ry ‘ . . . * / * . < «U1 Lr Ot Black Beaver OT) ‘ ' ¥ } i Ye. Sf 3 suffer. I'he excention occupied forty being, pane every day apl0 C8, [Fine Black Deaver Overcoats at Cost, | ng in the cit; al ors’ O¥( § "3 C lock, We has. Holle $ Syevnrer | wives v hid aii re AN cand reduction. made on whole- ent. Bakar & elibgulati, Smith's chocolidt i dye his liquors trials arti 6m |g tp od : der’s Stere, and keeps constantly on hand : A 2 ~ » ’ MN. r 3 sifac . » - 1 Arge wh fl: Te gull bi resi nto Horse outils Savill positive ly be sold to 1 Ake bud pice id them for your own satisfac- | poy gears, saddles, bridles, martingale: Patent Calender Clocks, provided with r 1 nuge Lo : harn dss hames, ete. Kyerything in the sad A ‘¥ the month znd week on its face, which is : 0 SHEN LES, rpc , 1 ] URNSIDE & THOMAS, | rare opportunity for TERN EA i slines, hao ait to catch rout at aired on short notice and warranted. ; ? De. lamps, forks, o¥ Ans, &e., at ny oT BURNSIDE & THOMAS p ; ; pinta the REPORTER is 81,50 per year in advance, Ca sh B 4 Yers, BUR NI De ‘& THOMAS Ink RNSID '& T pe ARS. 1" IS known to all in Bellefente and eT] o sepl1'68;17 W elghs 239 pounds, he prefers not to hie h is less than th at of any athe r papet : 11] alae find oid’ 2 We = Re D Offer to tho Public one of the through the county’ if you wanta UFE HES of the best mrak« marry during tl e warm weath er. i Its size. WwW e are pr inting this paper at w ito will also linda nere i 1 asgortuiont of r il E Lar oosf an {i Jost Stock of walran I cost and best SQ Je ' tod stocks of 1 wre an- good ‘artic Je 00; tos i y Tom upto 120,0001 bs. ; . eos, Jad, therefore wish to remind dur pat- | Dru, Nu yous Hose ry, tt todd Roots and Shoes warranted to give dise, in Centre county. Call, éxamine and BUR NSI br ETHOMAY ; apl0’ 68. IRWIN & WILSON. it it is of great importance tous that | and; the best ia vies, in the marke y 88 Catisfae on, at reduced prices, only to be | 3€€ for you self. ayment be made at once well us anything else you need Sonnd 1 BURNS!IDE& THOMAS - » i i iL 4 Subscribe for the Reporter.
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