PMSB PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS BUSINESS DIRECTORY ALEIANDER GORDON. Coinntiwien . and Forwarding Slarnbant, Wino and 1113 Fromm, rowburgh', • metal W. FOSTER, AlieftiVy and Colmarllor at •E ' l • i.:114 %Are 111 twiirrin'a building, [tip aunt] 4th .. de c 3 IT SI/ ER 41f)IIDON, Coranuasbn and Lunt, came, oLFrant aue, and novra . _ _ AA TIN 00 13, JO3llOl t.C0.., Conuataaron and Nl,ch.nla,l34t.e returned to tbetr old eland, s, at. r 11, Fro,l Attiet,, rott,!.trah,_of t2l AI T L: , A , t ..? * , te , a , a4 ,tt crr r. et ...kIVAr ery r/.l.orgb. l'alvu Al: klitl: L K %V A IS, I.o;ne, as Law Fourth aaAl4-01 y ... liVli INCILESTEit. ~, a tre mall l.nrlk. of I. •T• 01 Ir./ A iul,..i.M1,. :01...1i Leaf, and he vb.. rst I. m.l- , ,,,, ..., ,,,, 0, arlsomealc and nein!, Nu ,AI li.. itl ,treez. 1... Wt. 1 , 11 eAroral,a Drik. 11N.•,. IR 0•01 W, 671.74. itA V A; ILEITE, %Wholesale and ll.tiall Drue.,,,ts, r.,tort oi 1., ,, vy and :4. Ca., SIITCI.I4 nsayl4 D ARILD %V. A. r it k;13.• , V.ldderal, and R. Intl ..::11,-taple Dry (2.4, No. 4d Marla.", d e..nd• :trd :Dor, A. FAO Sltt•Toc* t CO., • 1) A. tatttal ., tlS dt, Comerusszon blereadet. Dealers .pt P...buralt Manufae• Meal artret. 151.dere, sure 4, 1•144.,10u,rgh oen.l • 41:14.211T11,'W aute.a.MlS loner. In I Vodstrecr, 1 . 444,. 4y 4. 9nizTll,ll.lC: L.T:',5l, CO, is'holcnle Oro- =I %targetl . o• Wefu 5, 0. Not., .4400 , 2(1 , A.1: , 1e45t1.."t 4 1' 4 CO., rur•Vil01+11( and V • 4:5.4....• ~t, 4. Cuilay Dagn, Pinmeldg•ugh. P. • • ' 0.44 .INlvO 1111UJ1J5, A.mmoT et t 0.., of C .. AVE. J..r,, Y Jr,,J, .... .de. Jas. IV 140.i:nran. .(,) ° of ‘ tt r' t A:7 CO, 11'a"u".1'144",541 much, ,n 1,1454. mg• of e•cry des. er , 4.14. tonet.g.e.dy on n 4 Coo et. Watidsuuse 43 Woo 41.4 . 4. , du I bar... I:otel. 10114 aanotel .ho:ret. J. Camasfa. (ttllateli CAP.OTILEII.9, IVholeeak ar0%,./trio, %,./trio, 1a au., des.cra Produce. and In all argeles of P4.s.urgh snutacturcs, No. IA Water and II) Pima "creels. no.'s • IUdniCINGILATI. e. BONNER, W hadessje Gm aud Furwardlng Itlerchunt. dealers In , odd Pittsburgh manufactures, No 141 lig).. _ Psta !ON • j s. I. NCIL3.III. AltOitCli diaI:CNIGIIT, ts ueceestaa ho 11. • 0., I% 1,01, Tiroecro, 000191.1011 d Poi , untegue, [mud. Dealers in Produce and PittaboTgh ... Sixth weer, beta east Wood and I.ltprol.hurga. Pi ; oesl4 (oli r EttsteEtt., 111,10. ttr hod reaolesale and Tetad seleher.t 1%4m.y uati Ic Vartely Goods, sign of the 'Jilt; 1..01111, Ilurket street, neat ldberty, row burgh, Pa. peal_ li. Pre:dune sed - Fanoly R, ta utirt,cer, No.thildoerty at, mai door to cot. tier of alerlet s, • I • 1:a ty - - • • -- • I.ll.T.,4llll;ELL,Ci....!l>nater,elsce Lamer Ctierry JJ . Mick laud WuLer Firrrt jpS,' James thump. J. Harmon SowelL DU.SLOP a .SEWELL, .Anorney• u Loaar . Mice* on t‘clutlitiehl, between 5J .n 4 4th ma melhi y • 1 WA. .10111 .11.241/.12. "V, WALT,' 6 GEDIIART, Wholesale (.1 ces,„.deuief Inks} e, and Pittsburgh ntsnufae tures,eorurr et and Hand sts., Plusburgy, P febl: WM. M UNGLOVILL lOW I. MICOMMT. NGLIMII t 13EN5ETT, (late E.:Latish, Gal- Ed§l.+tr , holt. -aln Grocers,Conanumon aod Forgrardolg Nlerchant , tad Dialers In Ytodueo and l'instoogh Mianntarltirco , 37W00d nree4 LWOW,. Second and "nook no. 1 ocil F It Fr.rod Geo 1n.,. James Wood. I;atEND, RIINY de ct0..13 . h.k.. , .G.c‘ , 14 • and lonors,-10:. Ni,clotioa. and Agoo , ofo , U , Vdld Cotton N 0.57 h ate rand me , Flout me-1.1 huroly o. felob . ULU NE, Ihnom Um Munufaelorer and deal. .er ,n undruments, IPS Wood street. near Filth. mebl' IMPATTI VORDYTII . 6a . r innntissio!n "' :Uttrurar " l7aing .1: Merchants. No. du t 1 ter st. Pirtsburfftl. mayl4 VII,AIf CIS SELLERS, Grocer, Coenniatelon .1: Nerebantd dealer w l l ,odoce, Cordage, 0.1. k tee t he,tee t he,NO 17.Li an berty rt. near Canal Hasid, Puts:ars I, • N. 11. Oakum, Pitch, Manilla -Popo, he, always t i n band. • '' " 3— 1.? SEITZ, trbolmalejand retail dealer in Leather .thls. Candles, Gtuernrei. /he, No. lid Liberty 0, and corner tab and Sin ddield sta. • 010. WOLUML. WATLEY/LE PALM' 0. EOILGIC MOR 0 A:111 &CO %Vholesale Or U eels and CortimuiconiMereliants, 191 Wood at t Pittsburgh Pa anti itir.o. A. BERRY 41.1rtilcsala an... and ka - tato." lilerehant. rind Dealer in Produce an .Pirtsburen Alanutlirture. No 19 Wood at, Pittsburg i-ittsoargo ns., Penn and Prtt streetl. , • Joni iEontar. COCHILD.3I, Commtmion arid For. • k..T warding Merchant, NP. Wod strvei,Piusbargis. playa ," SsunL C. Hill. Hes, U Browne. TJILL HH.OWN43, [successors Hold•hip 11 re. Browned Irtiporteris soil avanuntetarer Papas andU•n•ral Paper. Warehouse, Na. 17 Wood creel, Pitt•burgb. . HU B. BOSWORTill• & CO., No. 43 Mar . het suers, next door to Third strcel, are ivt oPin• tag a new and extensive 16•071121 C nt of Hooks and 810- iinuery, whirl. they Will ell, wholesale and retail, at sr= thtleyesuTees. yreirs & iIROGKIWAY, Dramsta, Pio. 2 Com- JUL mereiee Hew, near the canal haste, Vittetettieh mcb2t.lly . Ur A. WEAVED" Wholeaale uld Remit Wooer, 1/..Center m Salt, ?mitten and Ptliabutab ttreit:No l6apte at. Pitelargh, Pa. Jana HLJILAILY /1/113NOT, WHITE h RED LEAD Mimufarturir. Paint ati Merchant, corner of La. eriy and tr'llartt fey Patabar6h. • isilan.latccei. • itOlzaT It. BAIAFI DICKEYS Co, Whelentle Grocer., Contintaßon Mereltanti mA dealers in Prodnee ffiul 06 %V.A., anJ tor Frent R(Mcrj, 11011.8 . - lOIIU . II MAUS, ..%tsniney at Law, l'inaburgb 1.`.4., as, lc.“dua , .l tuc prucllte or his Fdofesaion by, athce :ID I.l.l.llmga,thant 111(=1.0C coiale4 aura; 11,5 al,ecto2,, T. 4. iiigb ,O ain d and J icwer AXLISS 13EN.NEY IVltale ale end Reis,' Ciro or) ter srad Lea er ilaases, No 141 Lamm . street, l';Usbuish. J ..-- . . OILS . DIOILt: Ati, Wlsnlenale , Druggnit. add NJ dealer ni Dye hlud., Cantu, Una, %arounten, he, •No Oil Wood matt, one evor South el Diamond Alley, riunnurnti. janl . . - TA/LES LIEILLL, it. t.L.. [...censors to Joseph IL.L)a% le! t•uip L. Water st oc3l J OHN or Extra Cash Cast ramble and Nos ' oho So.!, Gum. and Enginn Blister elteeli which he will finnan too most accommodating term, _mews 101131 11. BlELLORcWholcante and Retail dud.' er :Mune antibiotic.' login...Ma, &tool Books, Paper, Siner,Oteet Pena. Quills, Printout Cando, and Photioncry. gmerally, Ida. el ,Wood et, Pittebargh. intigki or taken in trade. lepls JIICIIOOII3IIALCKIL & CO. wholesale Dug. . gists N0...1( Wood st..Pauburgli. sepl6 108NPLI NON, Commission mat J Forwarding Marenanis, No 19 Linen) W N'PF."- Non Mfirld tronirmon's 2110 JOIEIIL. GALLATIN, Attorney at tam. °Mee lin st,,buireen Cram 'arid Surablield, south oda, Pittsburgh: Po. Willa's° intend promptly so banner . !nem whinhoutLeoutities.i . : JAM. TAMES COOPER & CO. Whole•Ge dealors in Produce and Pt todnugh roanufacture.:lio fA Idherty si. opposite the - mouth of OM tor2l 101I2€ D. 3AVIS, AUCTIONEER, comes POO and Wood toreets, otti. • 1111.1 N C. lODWELIL., Agent, Whalmialc Gro cer and Com.:on - Merchant, Water Whet , and altos, L . Mo m nongahela I.lrsdge, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nall. &c.ut manuMmurers' prteca. tussle' OUNSTON.. & STOCKTON, Bookselle J Primers and P.P2r umoufactulers, No. 14 Nark it, Pittsloor;ll. 04$ j , L. liiitAEVS Book ,Store, th,near Market it. . rhen!ogical, Iliatorical, Se/loot, Ali.eel alheous and -Methodist Doak. and Stationery. apnb TAMES J. DELAY, Wool Dealer and Contrasuion tJ Alerehttni, wareloruse MTh, of Cherry Alley and Plttsbnr.lh, Pa. ' kI.OHNILTSON & CO., Banker. arnll Ea J.ehun• vie., corner of Wood and 'Mini street., " • thalo t oro Pitt.burgh, Pa. hoed al the usual rates heal _Q:rettrreney pore,_ TOIIN Gm'n.rt dndlO laPket el dace, thrbor;b..parittfactot'ftrj Tin Plate, Ake. &e, No O.: Liberty rr, , YNtabuo h. John Floyd. " Richard Floyd.. A. R. FLOYD, (late Floyd JCemers. No. littLibeny, xtrect.. 41 S_ T J AMES 1) &LSE Wholesale rote. Con row RI. klerchant. and dealeratfotduee and PritklArith nianufientree. •.14 WWI: rt. L s• WATERMAN. Wholesale Grocer, For . or ar.l,n4 and Cronin...ion Merchant. Dealer ia Pitt.burch Manor...nos and ProdeC.. Yw. 21.W'“ and el 2 I root rn.. _... jo LEWIS 114TCHLSON & Wholesale Guserrs, and Coritgairorqu hlsrchuuts. and dusters in Pittsburgh /illtztutseutrigu. k., No. 43 . C . D . do SIDIPTON, er• WEI IVO , vmming and Common.. Marelmata, Lenten in Crosinen •ad Citobittan manage tares, Not 13 and 135 Wood?imam*. • feiNd - John t 0 1 ,601., 'N. a Buthfieid. Jac' D, M.GmL.l...LotilMetirairs,anMtitt'" ;fr. 4 1 “ • - -- —049 ' Ater. N Mtt.: , Wm. K Nusick ALLEN k. Co. Commotion nod Ftwanoditut . Itleronano, Wno4 and Houma, between Wood ARK AVllotoule Groner, Stec /VA deal., riUdnanan alanufanturca, and all,lyinda of Fafnir, and Demesne Lonora,Soliddreld twiny b... Fauna ran , ..d Dart caul Alloy. PsOnboinh. sopa 11UNTAEIL & Co, Wholesale Orpeere AI N. Lawny rt. • x.lO MILLER & racusmsoa, Nbotc.•le Cm eer. and 111m10215 3 "1 , 1:. 170 it.ibms •11•44 Puu.l3argb, Pa larkl4 kM22I lIGIITT'DAILYT'''',GU MeCOILD & KING. who I and Cap manufacturers. a(Wood and Fifth esale and retail flat ad dealer• In Fancy an 3_ r a la wears, Dealers in orerarding and Commta and 23n Wood trod•, - XL. Produce Rod Sal4.and Fo MMON ISRPHY, WILSON & CO.. Wholesale. Dry WI Good. Dollen, No, 6 Wood street, Patebtleit .cent .N - 110LEIES do SON, No. 55 Market noon, sec . ond door (fop comer of Foortb t Dealer* to For eign and Domes,. Sd4 of Fachwqre t Cerateates of Moos. Bank Notes and ope . e... Coactoicou mode on on the priacipol titles sued e 0 do R Sett. decl7 R NV Puindritrt. UtcI,CTIN IT LC IL 1.0.00 POINDEXTEIC. h Co, Wholexple Gtocer• and Comma.. rod Forwarding Merchant., No 41 W ‘ nter meet.dectno 00000. jr. T. G. 00,10101, - - - • • • . . • RnitUcE a , CO. Wholcaalc. Gr.-era. Canais ....... mon Me o rchullr , anti dealer , . 111 . Produce anti Pmanorgh Mannuteturea Liberty 61 oprocade Pluah field 4‘.. l'anOntrich. Pa -- _ . . • - • - D ICILIARD BARD, whoirsalc and rerad dealer 1.11. En Leather. Morocco, shoemakers"rool• and Add ,,,TandmJ . e t t . s i ind . trAe.• Tools, and Tani.. 041 ;, ZO. p MIERTSON A REPPERT, Produce Peal ers rd: Condruseton lucre's... No lUD Second sr, P loopogh. . sepl6 .. • . . D. lIERT DALZELL 8. C0., ,Wholciale tali Lk xers. Ctn.:du:on and'Forwarding Mtrcbtuas, clei- Icrs In Produce and l'it.bugh Manutacturea, Libeity . Je1e....4 .. .reel Pitutuntn, ra. Runt. 101130. N. I. ROBISON. R 110111.80 1 , 1 & Co.. Wllol2le Grocers. Pro. . duce and Commissar,' Merchants, sad Dealers In Pullburgh Manufactures, N 0.1,0 Liberty street. Pitts burgh. Pa. twat. D OBEIIT 1100ILIC, Wholesale Grocer, Rectify LL ing Distill, dealer in Produce, Pflotulrgh Menu factures, •11li all kinds of Forelgo and Domesue . . . . , . WI i Lawn., No It Liberty street, Pittsburgh. if. 7 N. D. On hand .4 very large stock of toper., Qat Alouourabela Whisltcy, which will be Sold low for Cash. uurn-ly 1.. 0. Reynolds. J:1.."41ie. RENOLDP 4 MIKE, Forwarding and Loin now ion MOIC(11-101, (or the Allegheny ReverTrade, dcalrio in Groceries. Produce, Pittsburgh Alanufaciures .d Chloride of LIMe. The highest prices,in cash, paid at all times for Contort Raga Corner of Penn and Irwin Sr.- 17 I' Sha,klett • 'll)t,. 'lt W tote. sIIACKLETT & WRITE, NVhOlesdle Deu lets 111 Foielgn end. 1)ouwow Dty,thzdv, No 99 Wood arrect, f . d.hurgli febl7lf S.& W. g Alt ur a, Inty and vonunitation !Herat..., No 33 Wood ,:r. SAMUEL PALMER, Attorney n: L. Otani, Breed's lbutl,fin3, No ad Fourth atreorbetwarn Wood and 'Smithfield. novdd&ort STEENNIII BARNETT, ' Manufacturer of Fan ry,Slinving and Toll. W Comma Soaps. inter and Com prrsscd Laid Oil, &c. No 17 Fifth at, between Wood am! Market eis, PitudiutgL. Pa. oc3l SP. VON' LIONNTIORST k Co.. Wholesale . Grocer , Forwarding and Corninissiou Merchant., Deniers in Kngturgh Manufactures and Weflern duce, have removed to their new warchotiky, told cord/ N 0.3.5, corner of Front st and Chancery Lang. nov7 SAIIOELII. KIERi Forwarding and Commis mon Merchant, Dealer in Malt i --Crafuee and P it.. burgh manufactured article., Cana) Battu, IleOf 7th et. dcl U n. INICKEILSILABI, lltalcr :reed., Flow O. cr.. Fruit Trees, and Agricultural Implement', No IlE! Wood ' , tract Pittriburall• fcti2 - _ TOIIN DI TOWNSEND. and Apothe• a/ eary, No 45 Market st, thine doors above Tined at, Pntsborkh. will base constantly on band a well select -17=1,1bl c.. bc , st 671 d ircalmstAled.claco,wh,cb reasonable 0n... Mystetans seeding order. will be promptl, attended In, arnil .up plied with article. they may rely open es aenuine• tlrPhymeiarls' Presenptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. Alma for sale, a lam, stock of fresh and good Perin. .221.• Ta th EiSTTU de CO, Cornntis.ta l o t s!STe ' r r r ' ha r' n ' t., .L.dea:en in Salt, Lumber. Produce and Pinilburfb Alnnufac tures, _ , Canal_lls:in„ Lit.rer_ty:r„ TA. lIILLIEIt, Lookutx Glasa lon and I' .Frame Ilanufacturer,• and Importer .1 . km; Glass Plater, dealer In llouse-IltraLrhing Ilan'ware, sad Fanny G06d5,1131 Wood street, near Fdat. • t o TICEI. 6 211•CAliDLESS. isoceesso , . lo 1. & V J D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers. Font - anima and Comml.sion Merthants. dealers in lain. Na,lii, CORA., Coital Varna and linistiorsch Manufactures p,salerally, come of Wood and Wat., I:tisabarah. nchLi anal,.. Lon as cents. nicl/13 Co., Acer A. I.n- ns for Y V Inoni. have on hand & an ananneent of tot roper:or woad Box Viva.. Shovel. and Souk, Jana M. Leech &(( / M,ALPIN e, Co, S lebn /lleAlpin, Pitubergh/ TATOGLVSALE GROCERS and General Commis V illOO Merchants, Galena, /IL • _ amen _ _ assn & Co MM=l Wrrmonic & WOLPP. Importers and Wholeutle Deniers in Hardware., Cutlery, Sad. dlery, kra, corner Ltberty wad St. Giza street; Pi.- 1A774. °LIMN, Bankninder, has removed to the V V corner of Wood and 'MN sta, Mnive C. li. Kay, where Le is prepared to do every description of Ruling and dint iag. apt ur 3y. WALL Lczz ) to ane and nnII ine,nah =T ing catablunnaent, Ne. 244 taberty an'y near the MIL w*. X . CCTCRXXX. flour. X CUTCHLOX. Wk R. 31 , CUTCILIT.ON, Wholesale Grocers, . and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, and Western Produce generally, No. 11t Liberty meet, Putsburgh, Pa. m3I W.B.MITCIIELTREE., Wholesale Oro , V ems. Rectify ing Lbsullers, and Wine and Isiquer Merertants, No. 160 Liberty .need {opposite Sixth . ..) Pittsburgh. , ma)l9-dly lAr GAILILARD. Dealer in Fancy and Staple . Dry Goal., No 19 Market street, Pittsburgh. • • ansl3ally ig7.l.l.C.iiliCiaitatiy7Fint — dTG met r And V T Dealer ifi PIVVISIOII3, No. MO Liberty, b doom a bove Hand street:Pittsburgh. oct3 ccrtuarAsittroictvoittit, iGrm the 6urot PT District.) •Wholesale Grocers. are now loomed at No. US Wood et, where they offer for sale • large Oat., mentorGrogeries and Pitbiburgh Manufamures, at low mites and on favorable , term. nsayl3 GRIFFITH&.& DIXON,: HAVING commenced IM. aware of Soule., !Meseta. Bay and Men re Forks. &c, on nn evert. sive .ettle. are prepared to II all orders for ,oMr a ni-1 cies at Eastern rices. For thOconvenienceof th r cuAmmers mid dealerstn I such artieles, they have. a po,nted George Coehran. , Cownentrimon Merchant. No i t Wood -timer, their Agent ! for the sale of there mantifac are. Allarders address • ed to him will receive prom eartentmit, on the mien nd , trantageous terms . I 111E11 rHS S. DI.XGN ':, P--_____nalirch. July e—elly . I i WOOL, WOO WOOL. - J. I. W. ',detect, 7- tV .C. , Vii .... p - Ael, paid for all grailds ell washed l' leeee 'J.G. W. LEF WICH &Co "!! - '" m c k " T " w " h ' l ° . " 1 " w '''' ''''''' RECEIVING. FORWARDING, -, subscriber, at hi. warehouse o ` Sorthbeld street. h I And ComalliF Merehanim. 1 worn 4th street and Diamond r . PLAQUE NE, La. . • ' a n t.' ya . . .% 11. 1 1.1 A n 1 BARKER. ~P A RTICULAR anconon ‘ paid to conaignments of : , EAGLE COTTON WORKS. :.1 sugar hill's, Engine., or other mch-. for (Ireton.. :' PITTSBURGH. and Andvari. • REFER I'll—Mesms She , eld & Lightlow, his Tho. ; , MANUFACTURE corroN YARN, mas Lonerick; New Orient. , . . Candle..Wlck, Untying. Tarlsle, Covlrlet Messrl. Lorton & Ltdier n. Mr Z r L M. Shelteose"! mile. • YARN CARPE T CHAIN. WARPS, in lnc., ' KING. PENNOCK & Co' _ _ _ ---- ____. . _ _ - • , shlessn. 11.11 & tia.peer. . r. Wm.' 01,,eary Robert' ' 111., F. IRWIN. Jr.. bac •Cpurrhased the I 'Wightnran. Armstrong & Ni bola.; Ptrialmr.b. . . IP.occessors of Arbueltr a & AvcrY.) !Proprietors WDrug of of Edgar Thorn, corner or Perm and I: Messrs. Revan. Toad &Co. Cincinnati.. 1 Jan/ . .. (land- We.. 1•111 steep a coroannr auPPil a dte Item .' Mgssra. Hynes , & 'Crate end, Mew. . Edward. fr. ! D. W. Ma - reatorn. or. I. r.ertit. encdtotert. perfoomry. ac. . ,AVlnteall. Bon. /11711011 La. au e, Ilan John Dolton; AIATHEWB & PATCH. • Phymeian's-prescriptton• carefully can't...mica.— !Plmloemore- L. ". Medicines can be had at all hours or d.< night. dec.lB"y I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , 1 Is larreaa. , C W Atrimaattm, fehlndl hind') . ' , : - No.ll Water tit reet. Laren( Pittsburgh, Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn. ST, LOUIS, IMO. • VITAL H. DARLINGTON, Attorney at Law .. T EIMER & AIDE SON. D,l.lrt• to C...., - W Mei arucular ...ion td the scßing ttC Pro yit ti t ,,, I , , 0 ,.. n ,„i.„„ Io ~,,,,. ~,o m . •14 Forwardm. and Corn keno. Merchants, NA. e ~,,,H.,,,, b order. ~,, p ,,,,,,,, goosaiedgm en , an d t o mo o r D,,,u s , L ea ., Gonumas, . Front street, .hove Bmadwity,Cincinnatt, Ohin. KU. rat-Iteurge.Morgan I to., Pittehurgh, P.. Depositions, or any othe- virtung Ginner mil or nor,) to , Ra.r„.. 're — _ t , smell be used or recorded in Me Store of Ohm. Game on . . All.. a' e, ) Third street, above Sin it Stela. . tell.lf Bagaley & Solon, ebrootturgh. Wm. Bingham. Betsy & Shepherd. Mono: & tile A later, i Nashville, Tenn. Yeaunan & Armistead. - .W F L ane & Co.,Loaistrille. Ky. Springer ile Whom..,( c ,„, ~ ~, James Johnston ac!Co. ..... "- !Gwen, Reran & Co., ew Orleans. Maggreggar & Moor, New y or g. Dusan Keighler & CO.. Balhmorr. erni.h,ltagalcy & Co:. Philadelphia. Motel Ihmhein. Boon. Mar ker street. no• 7 Vcrili7iNtritinilr,.WbOlcmge. and rcul dearr:Tn Ir • •Foreign asid Dome,t. Dry Cikaroda, nor coat dor nerntSlarkel and Fourth am awed' VI T • I%I A I O L lTtf la t, l ll B l :k .Zlttd 'A . Cats and other bummer. •tictided to with punetuolity. Itarszywas— &will It &lapin, B A Fahnenock A Co, Graf, Lindsay A Co, Junta McCully, Esq. hdrdy Wm. Croghon, Jahn I lerron, frith, John Wright, Fag) Maj. William Lamer. AUCTIONEERS AND COM'ISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS.' CINCINNATI &, ST. LOUIS' CIFFEK to fell at either ent*bbohrnerd. all kinds of Tlet.chandise at the lowest rote , . of Comonnotion• and arrralsray l ; prepared-to make aOrauers. The bent of reference 'riven, if required. Letters addressed to caner lloase onll be omotptly attended to, iyalcity DRYAR. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, S • SAD RIVOLACILS 11A•LAR IS FOREIGN k DOMESTIC WIALS & LIQUORS, A'a. 114 Liberty bl., and 5 Diamonthaacy, . PiprzulußUll, PA-. ADAM H EH WIIOLDMI.E and HlVili Iledler DI ull kinds of ..,te.. gars, Smoking and eneming Tolmeeo and ?MA% Union meet. rear the Diamond. Pittsburgh . inyVl WARRICK ItIAIIIiIN ele Co., &mays, Otairrs in gm/langs., Sank N et .. „,,,g Con Corner of IlMird and tVrnd Streets, ' n;•iii,dly Pittabnry4h, Po. II W Williams. , . 1 'Wm 11 Shi nn. ==ffl lIIIINN. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT cri-Olfice No,l,,ide n( Fourth st,elairc.innhfield.,(X) fel,l7eld.orlyr WALL•INOPPORD & Co., SECOND, NEAR WOOD STREET, 10. NAM. & CO.'W Staet Have on hand a lull voonnnamt of CAST, SITIAs, lAD+ Dust= nod Ouanan Sac.. • A Al WaHim:ford. Jnbu F 5,„g„.., ArALLINOVOIIIO re Co., and For-. VP 'warding 3lcroban4, Second, ;liar Wood wreet., i Pittsburgh, Pa. (rid n "(JEWELRY—An aesortment of hue Jewelry.' all . 'Nora Wood street, rte Cameo, Cluster and other, flreempios, Ear and nutter Rings, Gold Paned, oaki, 'Pens of Sue queli.y, wiib o, wohout rholders;lo.l at low prices. • fahl7 APhINEDY. Jr • ' : . . le: . J. HENO.R. - ATTORNF.Y nod Counaafhaat CINCIN,NAT4 OILItA Conectimos in Southall, Ohm and al ladarna add an Kemoicky, promraly and c.c.fully umndnd aa. REFER TO—lion. Ili bard Oiddle, O m Ibll & emh C ono, Win APlCtairht,Charch &Ca trabora, Wm fin! Rm.. Jam. P. Smart. %Valook & Davao • WA, 10111 DI. 111C1111118, COMMISSION „MERCHANT,. I NO. in, WATER ST., OPPOdITE CISEAPSIDe BALTIPIORIC, INTINDOW C 1..., Otets Ware, Dried Fait, illece7 Vi wan, andLenuttry rcodue. Advances on coningairtents. Satisfactory: Or , erence to those addresong I.y road. •• J nl'iteehno, - C DConieriiion. JOUR DICCUI:d.OVOII & CO. __ Commission a n d Fiansiarding. Nos. 93 & 95 fit/UM tit jantily. DOWLINU'9 WHARF, Baltimore. • •R. F. JACLSON. R. CRANSTON.' Late of the Actor Reuse Of Ravilton, Rockaway EUTAW HOUSt. BALTIIIORE. - . JACKSON & CRANSTON, IMOD N. COubrp will be in readiness at the Dolan and LANE. tins to convey PahedngToi fn. d d.wse, to ithidll the Sou., • ' fACTURI. CAMPBELL* CHESIL • •' IF.11.7“; I/4VMM. OF FINISHING SAILS, HooK HEAD BRADS, Iron and Copper Tacks IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, Pattern 41/aker.te Points, of every descripticni. 'Omer No. 2 St. Charles hotel. Thud street, fet/S PlttaiSstrghs --- .1. B. SSW El TZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offiee . 3d St, opposite Si. Charles Hotel, W X. ,E li n 4si F so ay a r to:V a no t tf , p r %z , :o o C4s . l ‘ l , 7 4 . l l . l:,lti Wash Co F. • To 1.17. Elimekroek. Bell & Co I Church &- , Ca 'others einsburgli. 1.) T. Mut. oclally . GEO. B. MILT 'NUEUGEIt, ,STEAN,I BOAT AGENT.. • • COMMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANT, PituDuct: & AIERCAANDIeF. BROKER, _ ologlit lace. No. 58 Water btrect, Pittsburgh is I,Vaf. — ATWIII - 41), Bello; removed to his former V residence on Peon .feet. two doors below Ir win.where he will be hapPy to attend to those who tnriy require los aerate,. ir ni 9 (1.. ill. , ungl 5 I'. :11., after which hour he will altad . to in, one, except in ea ses neeeshay. He woo turther say to those who [tiy think proper to employ that Le exFeeta amine diute pay wrote, willow the ec esadg Ins parcof send int bills. • jetBif Bonbognr - ' W. Bonbrtght. J. 5..1, W. 13 NERIGIIT. MANUFACTURERS OF STARCH, of al low Prres and nn good Tom, ri ‘ erel lye Deaver, Pa. BOLIVAIL Fl E MUCKS WARRA NTED 11111 K nor o the beat E "Stour bridgeon 'hand and Or sale at the Waterousa `'Slosoki h'arf,"Canal Itaai orgg J .•111AW NIACLAREN 'rr — 110 S. KF.NNEDI:, Jr Locking Ul. ea l'ilandac e t t a rel. and Dealer /a Clocks . . tondo., rind arty 1i00d.. , eorner of Wood and Foorllt /.lreets 119, Iteudttanees to Itte Old Country." Nl ° ll:il Y to. " d n' AV.t, P 7„ " :o ° 4o72l 'd o ' n i ru h r ., : .° ;tr ' suivpurehasem AI,LES KRAMER gnu, E.tehange BrokrEor 3trand wood rt. tC3l==tl= EMZEINOMIIIIM= . . ' PITTAHURGD AND POINT BREWERIES: Corner Barkers Alley .d Penn IBt, and foot af-Pitt PlOsbeargh, P. C. DODGE., SIGN AND * ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, No. 49 Marla! at, bet wernl3d and 41/4 d; CIO NT I, ES to rzesufs Signe: Military Flab., Ban ners. Ttanspartneisa and all kinds qf tr.tamental *nrk at the shortest nonce, and at once. ix at camas riassibly tail to suit his employers jam& TM09..7. CARBON. & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ! . Nose and 9 Light St, - BALTIMORE. ErCash advances militia made on copsignment to Ee aboco midst., by Ault ly CAR. OS A MeKNIG lIT, 9inlb st. Tllfilltilith WORKS, sou TEM .I.T. Or BOILER IRON, BOILER IFEADS, FLUE fr. FIRE BED IRON. E. F. SHOENB:ERGER. • PITTSBUILoH. PA. flartna taken the Warehouse Snorerly meowed by Il Ahoy C. Water. S t near Eustis Stearn Mill, Will keep on hand ta full supply et 01 won of [looter ro In nad Heads. Flue-and Ittre-Iled Iron, made from hts Lot Juniata Nemo, which Will be sold at the lowest =net rates I -toy-toe Budders andtits-, are toy tied M o roll and examine s stock. Or era promptly at ended Wm l' Young. C Ihruscn F l'inoken. YOUNG, HENNES d PLUNKETT, F.L I INT (:LASS -al ANU,FACTURERS, ita:t.Ctornti c, l 1. rts; slr: t 4torranted conal 'ter uty in id. country. Al: autvrn .111I,IVCCIVE praupt attention end ft.led on rmo.onable 'lc, mbar. and ullier• cumni iCity ate to. Ogorc purrhaomg eliew3 ere fr.Ll4 IMPOATATIONS OF IIAitIMARE LOGAN ac fiIiNNEIII, fidroßTE 3OF AND WIIOI.II , 3ALF DEALERS IN H JLOWARE, CUTLERY, ^fr.., No. IN Wood St . - • P TT SOURGII. I' IA it E now in the roars, of"Leciaaby . 041f14Eift•Verltrirrbl - .n F. 2 lglaorZ drect ' ffon; the tlanufactuler+ in dos country, euable• theta op of ter no& on terms sarpasxed by bone and equalled few Purctaaori are respectfully mulled to call. =Mil DOL.. 11140111,07:1. THOMPSON k, CO'VIM ISSION And Manafacture Nu. 20 'Coin m GIN (11.C1811 PAID DOD septt. y F'I , LCHANTS cif IL.linseed 014! Strut, • 01110 ..rsclp,c) WUITMoItE , A IMP° UUUUU A la hardware. Call ii=232l Maddlery, &v.., srett. 13=11=123 rrrr,:nul A R LX.7.77•TiZarr.,I • ardwa're. Coikry, p the maaufacturtra of HI , • ..`a general of nanufaetotiot of ale Ea. 1 awe are mpeofully • imek, au we aoerm ovedsreda. ' • •:±arannar,' ' 'Sugar hin. aining imponanans rthaocd fay rasa, threcl mann.. and Amer - real; ilendwarc innn and Wert. led 10 ut eialainal , on of ed to &ell lei, for cash or . . . MALCOLM LEECH a. SON,. L ATE „„,., a L n i erijo u tt?ll ' e U r . r. ' l ti t a V nt li. d . r . ot ( r ' . ' " 11171 ' i ::711 C.onotry Produce, Copper, rin. Tor Plate.. Tlllll.ll , Tools, Iron and Nail, Zinc White Lend Dye cloy., Ru.roa e•her I Iron, Lend, Co ton Yarn., Soh. h.e ,cud Piorhurgh Manufacture. gerlerully. Nos 101.91 and 91 Lito.ny btreet, one door above the head of Wood Pal.l l Urgh. Pa Liberal advance.. in cath. or goods, °mi . & on con .igninento of produce he, a mehla if F Conway . TointinsOn. B. P. CON% Al' & CO., O ORP3MOCTII, Ohio, C 10141 / 011 .1d.rotwarding I Alerrhorit., and Ploduee 711 t le r offend to the Purcharke, Sale :rod Shlpme I of Pig tom Coal, &e. Atwood, Jon,. & Co r Brown. ll.iiey & Co Loran,. :aLtsling & Ural Chad', Lindary & Co I/ Iw cob & Co Lyon Sborb h Co Clarke & 111.1 w niarifidl, • dam. Minas earine ship. P. fr. 13. 61" .ng tuten ni p,rtst , r.l,pp 1. wahlheirn Nlr. Po.tley— I•ttir.. will hemafirr conducted tinder 11r n.anr of S NVI.SON & Pilt•burgh, March 13 I. I,NEL., it %Mr, • If. P. k. Fl. NELSON ir. 101 ANCFACTII !MRS of Ilainmr,pd Woe els •nd i.ll. Spades. floes, Hoy and Manure Forks, h<. tc.e. Warehouse No II Wood street, Pitt.horgb marl 3 J. NEWTON JONES STEAMIIOAT AGENT AND COMMIS lON MERCHANT. MONO NGAIIF:I.A 1101!SE, sbc!rAL, Pa. r A. tk.toiilPX . trci.)., • . No 77' , 7 s NAL STREET, NEW ottLEANs. t.(I.:NTS fort Ii Atinsin's Eststisive Steam Sogar Refinery. ."Alwayr on band, allure stork of Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Bastard eats, in Metres and Darrel.. Alb, Sop) {loose Moto ow.: Prices liberal and a (sir allowance Wide on all sales of, or lhave, 50 barrel.. triehll - WE. WATT F.RNON, FORWARDING AND COM SUASION AIERCIIANT, Itedbank. P. tlr pobbe hot h. Go. token the formerly oceoptrd I,y IF. Gould urlicre ba II tran- I ho.a senersl Aceney. Forgrardine and Cantu ~... Part.colsr attpnitott Kier. to all moms, Went, Chorees tpasonable. ' 'north( Itstlnsok, Morph I. tell :JOHN MA4 . l 7 „ A . ll l . l l . Tl e, of . Tit i s i , , ?opper, andltheet Iron ;Nate. No 17 Market •I1( , (1. The n s n u ' nn c ' t d . fully call. the attention of the. Machants, 'Country dealers, and others, to his Imre stock of mon rfacnired Tin and Coppe r rah„ aswrn ilea) of Imported House Famishing Ilardmare Wholesale buyers and ttio public generally, are in•t led ball. WALLINGFORD .4, CO. COMMISSION MEW ARDINO MERCHANTS, Second S near Wood. DE:ALERA 10 Fireboat filinufacture• and Hear 'lltedorare—will keep conantly band a nee of earner, &plop an it d axles, He, fife proof caltll,l•lll , llll,liFetbl,kamith,p sledgento.,ke- metal PITTSBURGH. - VVEDNL DAN • NIORIsIN -- Notice, o Out Orrice Or TILL MrbiONAILUI I l'OtAbl DROPOSALS will Ste reeet 1. o'elork e. si., on Atondny for the eonstruetton o an ad. Dam No t ,l, no he fifty- itx. by o. an the el anther. I Yropo•ala w.II stair the prte for Cash paYments al. 80. nor pa yments sn Cy 1 nficato s of The Company' pay a %le might years after dhte. witlinterest. Plans and speatfies ions of tLe wort will b eet b'a'ted at th e once ten day + trec.ou'o no the Irtung, and info, ng the tram, Will be given loy ~ lyanus I...whrop, Esti , Engi n eer. ItRitPOSAI.S Wnil tolso heov of a: toe tame tone and place. for loagitat the Co pony' Twenty Thousand dollars, upon the toontos and r ,rtoficaoes element:l. 13,11'0,1 .1 k SlOoRItE.11), l're , 't Ilartlwart , Tertria} - , R . . &Hers., c. JOlly w4..Lxv..n, 6e. 131FORTER ANL, , FAL.t:RAn Formgn and Dornew 1 Ye lista, ate. seta 10l reitheeifuloy 'Worn his frtenid• 211.1111 e [AIM. genet, Ily, tla ' j be :• now rcreoviog t.' ti t rwc supply of Barware. t the old stand of Wooier .4. Wo .:e tr Wool e; No . Woad h /tech which hr will dtepos „ of ton th e most reat.oninhle to ins: Ile will be c0n..411) redelvlug fresh saltrther dttcrl from the Nlamninetuters In' rumpe nod thn ea..), which w 'dl enable Om to ctinpe.te with any e.t.d d s h.:. ent. e aher 'Yost or 'est. , ~• , . . Wye, ll Merchan s are irovt..d to cell and exammel his stock before pure wtintle...otitt re. mars ' Dr. Moira a'. Iktorm Specific.— rpm,: .s to rertofy TM, to" lot Ing one Vaal of Doctor I. lame'. WuroaiSpetio.l a child of JAM, "thaw • 'tamed upwards of Flo woo dm. and by th e we of ...I calcine a child oft t r Cyr 0n.... , 1 I I large worms.- It ts 10 Om must eurprrng Worm nicatconng ever F omen I ins ma t i.o ma i C va , a ‘ 1 .05,1,1, , ,,,ini..mi0.0n5vm,..h., 11.1 No 00 NN God street. Pam . mehltO , . . •tul retpectatotellotelc 'mord. to famdtes; several cloth, J Lant.ekeepers. Also want- I er o f f gond clerks, thlesnuth, . elers, laborer.. Le. A 1.., 00 •It land nee, Alga, for men, boss and girls. ~ 'il gert r and ' 'l'S''A ' l A n ' t C e 17i I g ' e ‘m r l at g e ' .. ; ; S / i lic e c h ' ' - .i. No In Si (l in,. AlIONOS, 1 1:3 A lIELA DOUSE, , ' I,OIINEK OF V. TER 4 .8)11TIIPIELD STS, ItstlEl4lll, Ir.s. THE undemogne , Fre trtlothroi of the Mononentrtln 1 11ouse.announch ho not ithlol.c that the )louse,- ' now open jot the ...coo on of 4.stic rt. 1 They we cum.. a of I oval, .opared nn expense. an EldAnoOlll4 eqabl rhmet I, iiIILICA a at) le Ini.lo render every comfort to o th tpr Guyste. 7'ney loom. toy orant ai , C .d anent., to busonese to inent th e pal mange, so ibcrally bestowed on thelate Mottiongulteto Ilemsr. Jr CADS:SAN k. WON / enclo4Jtoprl ' . I t LIPPINCOTT IKON WORKS. ' IRON and Nall Slur:444 Ac.' for sate a, unr now Warehouse, No WI Starer Chez. near Wood.don• aim to Front , ' c old stand ItlcNlalter's Ravelaa4=er. '" t • ' ' 1 flaying made arr add tio'ne to the Rolling ?dill, oil onlerrean be fijk prom UV.. 00101> 11;RAFF. LINDSAY & Co TOUNO LAICIIII.SNLECT SCHOOL. i ALLEM IDNY CITY. Tlliti Inothiution'ls• b i rieently been emceed under! the tuthan ofA r N. I ' .' 1 1 at the Corner of Saudnok • and Strawberry oto4 Tar .ureeer. wh .h hosithis far attended tha• Fehool,l in tts establish:tarns and &rims., has (nil y equalled the' ,perant a m. o f ..:In•trul•loy , and Proprietor. and wars rrantr the hope thai he wo , t ',g ...nod in ha, edam la a,dr, It a & c rop. 1 ...on for the coloration of. Fauna 'motes in 41Ic;the y and .100011 y. . The For.. Net. no( Ike ' hest Aradetnie )ear, willi Iliminaom on !do day. I- bii,sh. Tac re yet a eve •. tic,es to be filled. but as wlter! nor bar of pap,'. .10 d art rally nophatmoti tutte" somble. For part color. relahre to term.,kr... consul' Corrtdrs nr appli to thellninruetor. fehotf, , - CABINET UPiiildratitElNO - : - - - 1 lAM prepared to do rill tants of Calomel tttqlsao Sofas. Divans,gua.r. , l7liatr Seat, at thannotsreq Ordem . ci tenet Mr. too Tom., tt. promptly attend.' ed to. • ' 1 BTReptunogritull t:L.4. '-"''' . 1 1• hs BEN N ETT LBi BROTHER, ti rEEW NsAHF: MIAs uPAc‘ruar.ns. - 111rmtughisw 1 u or Pittsburgh,/ Pa. IlarthouW, tYi.. 137,1 ll'ood sleet/. Pinsbur*Ai -*---- _ :;" 1 / In W eilttat ' lft l' at h 7n " a d ntl g urtur:! " l ;still ATENT. PRESS BRICK RIACILNE •••` supernr, , Imlay . 1 Wholesale nod rountry Mei . y 1 , r ,thre,t,er. bacon, otomoned a patent. May 16 ,ham.. 4.10 1 , ..p , i.11A11y urn tool to rah and es t 1 lOlfil to riess Brtels :dacha., and having sittce then amine for tio-1n4,1 le, Sr {, r .. r ,,, ~,..0 0„ ,,„, u. , ~ thoto t thly tested its abithy, are now.prepwrd to sell I cheaper than Ilse ever tocliolot been odiord to the pub.l nona and contract to &freer ntsehones to any part uf I tie. I the 1.. o tad Slate, The moraine In deragned to tmake I Ip - Orders •cap 1 y ton. 1, accompanied by the rash oi l . Bork front crude clay, and wlll matte MAUI Foixl I env icier. nee. 11l " Is. .i, , ,,, r n0r ~,,,,„,..., ,n ~„, . 0 .0. farm briefs prtdal. sootheomntl , boo" , '^ .l'`. lop' IiAiZA Sill IP S'l4li` BE ..', .... In Mr kilts, thus •voooling the expense and lalns hit., , ' t . •-- —•- D. .J. Nco tr• tt• I II sl' i tt: 1,1 NI: 1 parte . the elay.dryang and howdlong the ItIICA atter , .., ~, , ~.4 , , ~ , ,,,,,,,,,t , • ~ • I rant tamable.. It ot %maple...trona. not halo's. osp.t out ' I ;, , ,. - „4,Y73.T n o ., 0 " r. . th,.., yt ' ' .*"""" I I noted retmor. Atha mroncrorted thtot a can be Mk..., I - rer,a - sIMr" ' • •• . - • "'!•.. o ••.rw ,", , 4 oc Monet ona•tro oo•natk . lon, nod put oup-ther "rah ere, famlot).ths tinder- f and A a:le:ay ray. and ibeir unmet! ono ot as. Wit urn now hut:data inarlanms..-atod 1 t 0n0... irtnershavethown•hem•elve4 ran woman:hem on shoot non, Fora full dettappnon aid wort a mach the now to sureos•fur Doe ra. almvo lb. vttlF o 7 Pte/nte '•tStnnri , teent.. n.r. and. they give Gaziam's ll , ! the orencienee, rampl)l a Moll creek Inutotn.newr the West end of,Frahth Me, where we. shall trebapp, to explain eveyythtmg he , " .I''' d '''''S'` • i‘. be . 'i'''' 1............ an d ..,,, ~,,,0 , ,,,d ra w, ~ m all who may ca . w, ty, al , ~ rencentenS Bedstead ,n' 111.4, The following testornonsat i .". : 17 : :: : : R Pt s. !!L": 1 ;::: . :IF: A r t l i t : '7 . i n . N i * l p t , 4; ; U N i f t . l . ' ; ' : I ..:::: 1 1 ., :e: F :::,::: 1 : P it t '''. e. l s k' o ' (1 itch 4 '' 4 7. 7. b ' ' n ' :d '1 : Ire' pin e ' l i I .';', ' I. ' 4l '. .4cst ' mb r ' y n f : h r. 1 . tootp.ll79Tiftt ATI. oly that sec ha4e.largh oho rmat m manpfaeture bed-, PlA...wogs V stead, omit load sant .r P teal Fts.trtr.ogrcand ern ,., ~t he .ante nmerior to un fastcnina• wah which we arr. lUniii titaN Y MW-trAt=ll:J.4N.o. ga.37,..........k..,m.: .""rf, I ,;.„ji co ! !' it=ir.,;r on her era> be there from II tts.M'A SI . •and iotn.4 S. 1 R Donley, 1 . Jame. LI itarr P. SI r each day. 1 I'StWg. Ocasher tk 46 John I.lglmt, Jr. Jac l & Son ' 1 Lemm argo ry Inane 1 I all,. ; }toddle & Drennan Thom. Fahey ! Itugh II Wan., Davtd Lull.t .. ! Ram,- & ArCtelland ~ 1 ' Hugh , T•l , Pee • i bloom. ' ll...thick r • Ihr , ./.. 1 ll.takey II I Fur Rights to maks Ishd ...', the Omer Bedstead- t, mtply to, I 1.11.111NF:IF-11 F G AZZ AM. 1 . 1 &el.' I 1 I • Patentee i - No IS Wood titreet • iNi . H • la tj t i s N' e A s ° ioU{. : : 16 it ' d : 17 : 417 " I 'd' ut C at nt ;to :} :n ‘ rt ~ ' '" •l ' 1./sile.o. Arcordroo,. l' reitroon Caps. Clocks. Cos., Imposer Jewelry an . ," limey, G as rt arra. y. - I he adverultm ire ...king, mente in the. looo..itt or, 10th on e ...Wit thenintes at the purelaor of bronoe•ne, rid the nation.. el many Foreogn Goods, they se.ll toe abl to sell at Eamrn prows The, msprewthy .oe.: the a wthtuta tot ' , wenn, rs ,„ tanittalr ' 1 ! A. M. Walinn4Ord. I : PITT NIACMINE WORKS AND FT.II.7NDAY, Prrnl.cl6., Pa- JOHB.WRIGHT di CO.•••1 A RE prepared no build COl.ll and Woollen Machin /I. cry of every description, airch ai,Cextlinig Ma chines. Spnnotng Frames Speeders, Male ng Framer, Railway Heads, War Pent, Twillerin.Spool • s, Dressing Framer: Lams, Card Ltriddero, Ae., Woolght Iron Shafting turn ed all site. of Cast Iron. Pull,,- and Hangers, of the latest patterns, tilde auJ band Lathes, and tools of &Ilk:not. Casting. of every de.rtption forombed on Abdo no ice. Patterns made m order for Grorso4. Fran ratting, dm. steam Pipe for heating Factor..., 'on Iton Window tegrh, and limey genet Under. left at the .1i archon... of 1 Palmer fr-er , erty .melt, writ baud prompt attention. lt.laa ro' ' • Ineknock, Bell & CG. J K liroorhted & B 'Warner, John Irwin & Sonic Pittsburgh. • C & J II Warner; giteulienoillu• . janlti COTTON and ICOOpLEN NACIIiNILUT E SIII/Setabrt• Ule now enlargnig !Lea hotitilish ..ta. and are make all kindled' Colon and Wootten Machinery. on therms! teasonable'terms Orders addressed to us will meet with ptompt atiention N'IGHPMAY.s DALZELL, Lacoek street, /Clleglieng C iv N 13.-11. Wightman, who has a patent fm. i yell important imveniem the Card, and who his been engaged for the pro lain fifteen years in same of the mog egienswe and successful Cotton Factories of the sm., giee his personal attention to putting up, to the sat wiaetion at thaw` concerned, all machines made At this eabthlishmenL . . ADZES Who G•. Commit. Prepared cook, L often not aware bbw irightludy tI it to. the akin' how cow., Low rough, how sdllon, )ellow, and unhealthy the chin appcars after usteg prepared chalk! tlewdea,iii+injorlous,eoitta'ninealaradquut ut)y of lead. We tit'e prepareed s bCatuifol vggetutne ahelc. which we call JONES'S SPANISH 11.11. V IV ItITEI It is perfectly innocent, beingpanfied of all deletecousqudither, and it /mph.. to the akina natu. tal. healthy, alshawer, clear, living white, nt ttiC some whog as cost:net. on the akin, swains 110.11 andissnootb. Or. Jame. Anderson, Practienl Chemist of Md.. - chukietts. rays: "After analyst./ Jones's Spanish 1,111. White, 1 bud It poa.ea.ea the 01..1 beautiful andlitto ral. at the ran. time innocent white I ever saw I certatnly chtt connetentiously 'recommend its asenail whose akin requires health() tug" Ig - Price tn cent. n Loa irjSoid by WAI JACh..SON, at his Boot an.) Shoe Store. eh Liberty whet, herhl.s.Wood, at the then of the the awn. " 'l IV GEORGE' WE. YUAN, Mane. rrrrr and bk-aler in all Kinds of i TOBACCO. SNUFFS, AND CICIARS, AT has Old Stand , coats. of Smithfield .nret and Diamond Alloy. Pittsbutsb, Pa, would respectful. ly all the 4.13110 u of Country blereharia, Ilotnl and Steamboat Barkeepers to a largo and superito annort moot of Imported Svgara. wrong which wilt be found the following brand., viv Kagle, Regalia, Cavellos, Principe, a Norma., Star Bramd, hlincrva and /kills. Regain.. idle( which will be sold ar low as can Le hail at any other bor. in the city. ' 1 Al, constantly ou hand and for sale, a 64e and well selected muck of Virginia, and Fine Cu Chewing Tobacco- Al.. !banana, Cuba and Common Lea( t e a l ? contrantly on band and far sale *teal?. ,t..... -_—, c JOHN snsitiip a A • i ie , No.. w ..d 94 Frnnt so, I „.. .,..dr i rocnnnr and G 4. ru, i tram nAIt I ' ' ' :.' r. 9" pin i t7 , l `, I"- ny • . _ante,. (goal to 1 .. , .. Ai. 0 . floo. Carina•, ..,.. , 1111 hed 3 Oldered. Ca• Fit. .- -.,r' r=„71:1e " 1 1 : , P"'""' "4 o no, on ilovl9.lty. ' . Wu, the undersigned. Asia old inform the entrees of Potshotl;h nrul ete.n.o) theh we hove appointed Mr. If. Klrbet role Agent for \N:rst.rn Prtisytven.a. tin the ...ale or our Nigel° F. tn, frrint whom they may be oh. tented at our own [Nese 'rotkl once, UNNS & CLARK Nevr York, Sep 1. VAG—nit/Mr Na-s• Shovel, Spade r i nd Fort. Maned's.. tor*. . WA 'LACE, PITTSHURGiI tri - EAM D AItULE WORI{S, No..' 244 and 21G Ltbfrta ret, nsar Canal. AA LWAliz‘an.hend and mad to order, a lame Varie ty of Marble Mantels. Per, Centre Table.,d Bureau Tops, Tomb Swoes,lll Itetnct.. ; all arl M lh beets made of the rhmeest m rble. and ma n0rm...0 pcmclpa4 by machinery. will be. sold low Mr rail, N. 11. Persona wishitig tirclm.e. Mantel., aro informectthat .t is bencelnnh atire”uary rot ;hem to go Cast. is I eau furnish Wen, seJth an article.; all respects 44 good. and (freight, intim:wee, Ac, rim-rider. ed) me ellCep Ilan they can liurchasc iln far dm to Fast. Cal' andpe_ JOHN W. LKIGR, announcealker . Wood.ll] Wf] , t t yl ;t r i t , to hot :end, and th. nubile illut contosuce the ardwarc busote.s et the oltia,and, No tqi Wood street Ile would ,•peetfulty when a ottlotuanee of the patronage heretofore na belly . l!e.inwed OOKINU GLASS ftIAN 1.4 Famihinig Warein: , .•.. ra WI .lei I..ngli,b and French Eng Jhpanned hnnknr(, Gla•• 65' Tal•lefut . ,); ~Pmmrtulos. of all PI ter lir,tannia Tea %VA', in Por.uil and 1 ., Fl 4 Fsmlrcon. end Fenders; Mahogany Tudel filn•se German /dyer and Bram 11.11 d lklarnefyinc NI/114 , s‘nulre..4 C .. e "' r:‘ ! P ear ' e n nla n d i " n . g ) Ca Corn)... !lan. Itru•hra, he `7 , -%lertliannr. •nt liberal tem, end prarkmg ca !LdL"!-I.Vlf^`?..}. MR. .D . ' ' • ' h nod Mar. A N,D,., `,,',11.1'.' i!n::":,.. F, ''.77 — ' h ".1, 1 „,...,, . 1111. Inentunon differs ' nom ' n l ' Oih r e 4 L n i . n ." 4,. ' e' Western Staley Its be. bee amply w ned during Ito i D. , estahlichnorni en th.. coy fur thd In. seven vent, end Ms new work nom Siva, lomilionh.hseping, the r oc / rom pt e m rrect o , c upon It to 11r0,11sh of tbe'se.rorr ye; published.) GlllOlOl hint t wadi this department of the ...fence in the most orrice manner Permits lenr• wog Hook keeping in this the Outten hove tondo, ad vantage ore .11 others—On y hav e an oppornindy of lOCCng Oa ert penstuen, sm, boon wh cb 111114 cduca• OTI II for the c • online house reLain s incomplete • Pia,. • • • I acetylenes. glven'in all caw., of difficulty Inoue • n mdt rinsing Ills rch tit's or Strainer's Hooks, ma g out I, !cisme sherts, sung mid admitting dr need bunks de. Ilhors oil (Mains, 10 to IR , 'clock, A. NI ; d to 4 and 7 to In .0 the f” mle I • , • ill AiiiilC4 CREAM-' 11.14.:$ IIiCOUCEI3 Lel all lbws now Shave w o never Shwoed before, And NM who always :the a now Shore the more. IN offering Ins supertor :She ing Cornrow:010 die no. nee of inn public, I ran sad i coaGeence holy that the L opinion of a I wlin have Iris. it•prdnoutice It the most plearoni , cminomition that fit y have ever need; and in order to place it within the re eh of all. I hare reduced the price low ',tough to allot oprsortunitr to OVOII person Matra a a trial and judger*, themielves. 80, Gentlemen. if you lIIW fora rich, luxurious . vhdon, on with your shaving capc,don't he sr, red! It won't cost c h m fill them; and, if you arena. satisfied, Ma mon ey will lie returned. 'EITEPIIF.N BARBI:TT Iron Cily Lard Oil Factory and Piracy Heap Works, felilll , 6MM:opposite Iron Cite Hotel _ _ cami - t<!_ it .t Maxie ally" /2 140 An sale by J SCHOONMAKERk Co whit, 111 wood at TeIR/v For nae Lg J burgh. WA lifED-1 ~ e vy taR houara pri chanl,croin4a, nurws an e n.. place...for aLnund vrarcbous. ay, achcnd rr for several boys of daerr arvrral colored Tnealand • All lit:Adam Ageosien gra Prraac call at' WI-, . LLINISII.rOII.I. & CO., CWINIISSION & FORWARDING MERCIIANTS, i Ix it EAYr II .S lI , D %y A R A !.; u PITTSBURGII A ANUtiAcT,URES, ‘N T :7: ' ::: l l ' l ' e l i. ! . ' l ' r:Prl7 l : " t7:;e7.:T:.. V .t t ' rni ' l ' o 'd r tale 160,000 lb* . urtnd Uteel. ,z: ~ . Naylor k. c!. clot SqfPlf. Mi.,. nod (rerman le-1 . , Jour • & tjulg". Am ,Uhl., "Tung Mild Fork' . . tuu dee ShJetle. spatte4 '21114 }.01•!, ' ( top 4` nadiA il, A neile. Onuoy. 13o!e:iire.. Ipetent nod rotor,” 1 !oulgeA, theitge Nlnul ...trowbare; Furogne Rufger..l.l., Ma ui : Imil,) Slauoelo, Cl f !• 'gm/ email I'leye, , Ace. S.e)th ... Nck., Log Chaur,&c,.:Ar e .: i 11_, - ., , ..1urnmel r Flu. l'oai,l Safes. hal, "init.., 61,114 allii other I'M ...wish Mmutikeler. gold at 4, 10v.r,1 E. i , ' el..' -.. "5 EA LER ialTrlnanvOg...vall Valielyt:6o.N.Tortot•c , 111E11. I'm,' slid 1i11(4 canbs,Wooll,n Vara. and Wanord, Iluzialls. Nr.i:116:1 . .w0. - Taprot. Ilra,d,A.r., N I , 61 Matter 1...16.c4a Manumit Mill .iliL ••ro. IN1:41 Trp - T Iteeejeda;l7of R.. - Jrd:y - il ItP:AD, Foneth J nn, hlarltit . owe : I . le ,e Lo,opity ill Madrelphasen. end apputent thirn• . elca from the French of Epode'Su h S wane. Intellrotool l'io' Ilea Ana Nlohat, The Foren.hi'Frtred lo•i)oting lad es on the subject of E.thentodh h) hire Pitetp, Atnetooe• or laternt}trei. roopi.thm o r .kep.h,.. ~,,d character. of Vehla.l, ldtaraturn; by 1 Udlnt ay.,. 1 . ,,,• 1. , 01 , pi 11,,i3 0 ), the dtrenverer 1.1 the Ne•fic neeon; I leroapdo cor ~1 ihe conanarOr of Meg no. and . rrzlirri•en I•rz,r, the na h oeror of Pet, inc. et tdopodd Am -nc, lout f us , peon Akehon- . a•.szni. aneeddle, th tdmintoto., ti, , And odd Any en atovitp: ify Nuns.. 1, f Srenes rn trr ,onvcrsUltOner for chrldr,o on lan ltanitol ,: and .. .s“1. uwir a. t tl. edhid:y. by Mr. I: F. Encl. The VIIIIIIrer, rornrraniV, y. t it r the rrtn cples rod pr..- uee GI Amerlgno. 110..d.r/ r he., e, bl llon. Jct.,. Ouch :!..Mil ilr.llii ; t Ramble. to pli.eti.., qv I Latrobe. a Leter... rant ar.ntion•abd S T Cole. ndge. j 1 1 I . 111 knynnha h. AnexpeoLdin of tnekir•cal3l...• I, U.`: 1.n1.1 'hp.. 1r.0.1., eV,. trt I:Ir./ruler, rlnty add priirl!cg-I try Rev A•n Mohan I r_ • IIII:IIICAl.. Th. Inrallilli, of Meti.cdpt.,hr Math. P , aae.' A. li.. ~ 1• D. Pro.e.. ob 1.., , 0.1”., ,, •nf Medd:dna and Mot Men .rll the Lint , :er,o,Pofi New I ink. • The iroutatint of 11,onoy; 1.) inn. M. Unit 31, IV •lllrrrrll , lrrAt/II:1 11/141:IiIIVPIortril 01 111 V ndntrr lortitlrt .irr Win or VI T.,. nt ditton , hurgh. tol7 NEWI II Alt ir , WARE II OL.S E. • . .7(t.EPur woomvELL. Corner of Woh . cl ttivi 'ACKI• , Pittsburgh, • 11.AVING,411toIroyrti knot the uld flan of P.:oilier A Ci t1..,„1 ...retli, no of ‘st ol Januntx, 1,1, I tuke ti prerrartro nt riontrocit g In My ificlrdirdadh2 cry and criorrlsT t thel have opined my new More tit the Film, ntrlt.ed Wore. Hays/NI ptirrhd.thi ray plods for eo•h, and made to strAgernanirrtruilh Inanillnelliterlr In Mr. earn., rind • Errrope In rrd en:woody Suppl,,,l, I *err hilly preperet to lorne.b Hardware ni 0 itedo. on a. good terms and um Io.A, ~, city hou.e East or We.l 1 Merchnol• ishil others Ora, rcapecnutly .tatted to col ...I e....U.21 . 1, mark, linfore pon.ha•in, eUewhere. 1 'Ehe foi.owo, c0mp:1.4.0 port of to) t.tdrk • • tit lout lid Smithery Ilardwrar,. Orin Trlllllll.og, rile , . Not lor atvel. tllle,y, Edge Tonic, Anvil., Vi er, Lnek, .ntritea. Swale, Scythe., Butt Hinge , . Servo, I.ltoo 1-neloryl Plane•. Saw. Al nhogon. lalded. and rreirtrers, Sold oil mbar oeuvres eon meted with the Ilardoofe bu dte•• 1 . andttilf - 1L1.1141R. I-AcTv ant. hi] thoey .104 Wood *heel, near .ale and N he Nos or .hngle 1;;,‘.1..0 Slrtatnhom•heft on efally NAM to 1 . ... fe1.17 IT FF'S SUACK.LETT 6 WIIITE, XTO. LIU Vl l , srD above Daniend Allay, I would enll lb. 0211 1 ,111100 of env and Vonntry Mer lon , Io , t now stook of AISKIIICAN and FOR- I.:11:N_L RV Ii(R)1/S. i. It entopri.tio 11 or q large °tn. - intent' of TrooUti, Cotton nod ftiarts-(7nodi.. wall variety of Fine Drial flood., and 4 full awiOrtniellt of 701101 . 11 Trtoorgno, Reetrivtng eglitar Jcipplira of Prerh Goode. direct frbinlnenunal , issrrt, mid devoting largeahare their 1111111111011 10 F:010,1 A 0011011 whlch many foo:dp.rnlfT-.--T4trnteil'i'layn.:l:l.nre"pUfehh molly 1 find it to aver itildrit to ritualme their monk. 111 C hl3 PHYSIC OUT DISEASES I DR. KATZ'S ANTI-1311.11011N LEN.: PILL II are the hest Owheine et tho known world to steam : plt.b allinportintWork. Those •dhltad with Dyepekels, Sack &meth. Sean in the Side 4ad Raak , i Lincr Complaiat, !wee of App.. e, Weakneis of the I Stomach and'Bowels, Costive- s., Fon.r:~ltd Alva; Dllloosaodoabno revers,shoold mance obt•lkt a box of two of Pals. They pnnfl the Blood and rOttovale the syetem In seeb a Meaner that It is intpossiblrifer DiseirWicrrowetat when they a te 4nd according tdithe drectiOns. Price bfweete• 1113.4 !welt sopply•C. the &beets, earbeiwe but .nos by WIC JACKSON, 901• ' et of Woad &: 41 .4. 1 7/ *IL • - 7 - - ', MARCH 31. 1847. • N•rmAnos Co, • MO.:Hama 3.1E47. Wed Il{ this often op to 3 te Oth'd•T of April next mortal cut none Lock a • o hundred and fifty fee DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Inanimate Catayani of Phtladela.' FIRE RISKS uen tuilldinr and tnerehandiee eveg Keseriptien, sn MARINE RISKS upon hulls or tartoes of veitels; taken upon she most lavorabld terms. •• • ir s - offing in the Warcliouse of W. It. llolinra, & Bro., No. 37 Water. near Market anent, l'itts. bur. I Nghlt saner.. of Mei Company sin.. Ilona catab.j,l lislonento' thelAgrues INS rity. air ItPfinfill. nail aerWity ith 'stock ever' Maim upitti mem for loss lin. teenndmiord. (oily r rant int in tn. vikng nonbilener and to trontige of his mend. and the community at large to the title...are M. C. lan nonce Computly, while Jt the additional adcantagri or in institution alimony late -most flourishing id Philatna—aa having an ampli paid in'eapligl, which. by the opera:inner - its chart e!taconstautlyinereasine as yielding to! , nefiTheratan insured hie daraaltice.el the profits of the company ioltb . out" itiVid)itig' hint to any teapromibility whatever and therelore at posseaing the; Mutual principle divested or feory obnoxious feature, an I in its tlest attractive form. no:4 NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANcIi EIL'ANY p I I Make in4uraliee. 05 y knot connected wtth nslri t trinsportal/on and .11;and nav/gat.on ;.to 111.11 i. ageoi loss or damage by Gre. ellotrr Worelrott. Hoilditrga m meal. Goods ; %% tor, nod Nretchnorlta and evely deneription of perional property on Ara: Or , favorable tenni, A ppheanooti for Insurance attended to without dela at the office ; N'o T.l Wood ..rret. SPRINGER'IIAILLIAC(pI AC l AT an F:leelion h I ni ihr.oflice m N.i • :limy 12th mllowmg nnmed gentlemen were chosen .114‘ecior of Iles Compan. (or she eneul....; ) ear. VIS: Joseph W. t , uvager, Stephen MIL John John MeCh.. in. • (1 W. r d, W Campbell John Newllrmee, JAoli!,lirirr. Morro. eprme, - John F. 51aF,e. J.,eph . . John J.lllcrrxic. And at a imbr.equent Inv eung of the lioard.-JOSKVII W ../k V AI.E: F:q., was unal,.nequAy re-cicrwil lien u 111 for the ermalhg year. W 01. JAMES - j) - 19 l'oat & Journal ropy Serrr.ry._ FIRE AND 31 - ARINE INSURANCE. rpm: insurance Company of North America, through ito duly authorised Agent, the subscri-• her, oilers to-make permanent and limited insur ance on property, in this cityand its iricinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers. • John C. Smith Preet.,. Ssuinel }looks, Ales. Henry. " Charles 1 ylnr, Saud. W. Jones, Soot. F. smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, • Jacob M. Thomas, , • John White, John R. Ned., , Thos. N. Cope, Richard Wood, `' Wm. Welsh, . s Arthur G. ColEn,Ses. This is the oldest 'lnsurance Cnmpany. in the United States, haying been chartered in 1794. Its charter is perpetual. and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all rels of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as uttering ample security to the public. MOSES AT HARJU, , At Counting Room of Atwood, donee dr, Co., Water and Front Streets, l'ittstuirsh. ap2114 • • INDEMNITY . , Ag inst Loss by Fire—The FRANKLIN Fire Insu rance Company of Pt.iladelphia, WILL make Insurance, permanent and I mailed, on every description of property, in P rrs- BURGH and tho SURROUNDING COUNTRY, on favorable terms. This company has a perpetual charter. CAPITAL 5•100.IXX1 paid in. CONTINGENT FUND, Office roamer of Third and ;Market 3%9, ll—tf WARRICK AIARTI N. Anent. Indemnity agalumt Loss or Dams-Igo' by lEEE= . With the n(141 44111nitrity ot n Stnek •Cupani The MUM, Innirunie Ct., 4 Phi CIIAII/'Elt th or ,r lona Atwood, Thrum. el 1t0e11,, , 1. It. ,t , u.ut.t. IVre. II Thefue-ru. Itaket. George %I. Struol. Jule , Vueolellcut et 'ILL mtatkr,,er V by ire tu Hous ,trims emu o - ther tore, (;• ea, unie.%s'ares auJ N1...C11.:,1,V 011,, must. favor - ile tuitre. Princlu'a• coullnu,..!l with nt - ‘'!: ,7 1 , . Cap.', unit the ,d her utn,e,uu. this Cornpuuy. hold ..11i 1,11,0 or profit and surety. 10 10 t. , • , Insurtnre, tottluou t and etatni nation or those TI , eireenng, thive,b.tirs the marl tt • method el r the Coaipefly. without on, .1h,0,', The quliterriter.v.:ho It , • , Cr the alustre i • Ihsurtince. at t Lttlice •ri • St. rh.t leg Hole:, Thtlit greet— tad Hill g,e ail talthl-r .1. \:'l - . - Office in Phi.indaphia. No. 7:: IrColnuf .7,tro t IVNI DA Facbwara FRALUT, • • ri n',.l and Cmnpno) r.,1114,i.01 10 “r. Air reiland”, Furouure und'prop.. erty mum an rot ilazardoo•eltar.letet, 10., or damage. by Gre. App.. , for moutancr....—. ni.d ne,ldoorPood. cao I Le recd. and ri..44 Itht perpelyaJly or ce, ,rln. by GEO' COCllliAN:.:Agitn. novl2 No :NI Word: o{. 511, rn-tant by ontiwal 'f•lr< or the la:efinn will ht by A1...,11411. Mc, FRA N kI,IN FOUNDRY, • IV alloes So Co, all all, vir/ou• neat,. air Hollow. Ware ATM loc. Stosn• god Smug Places Light & Plenty Illnehlry Wagon }loxes Eng ore, Grates .kkend Irons P:ovoe Cason, Ploughs rune', Cast s nle•.. , :e Ike Nladeol the hem motor:al and of dle lossoSt poses I•utcha.uss aro o.v :re andosannor ono Stock the archnu-e Liouny stre.o No 'I. ar. the head of Wood wart MA 11511.11.1. Wrtt VV. WALLACE 01.:5111" glefiCA NE ~ BbD [{N. ll Hors Lout) - 01. 1:y .whrrp hr hopc• lo all h. ..1d frtnna, „ Z • I,etn gout Ito ...fn.'. Oat: •;.t.tvl v. izo hn ;it chrr.r :PENN COTTON MILL 1 7 1 • pH P. above esisli,isiiiivat it, sore...valid pr railon,wii very'y. issiirlr of lo i 5..., to 11, triii.l trade, Irlileh r 4 u ril t; al ryt,'lled .iy n y oihrj out k,i riiimiry The ;Went.. ol ~iocloisrrs is ,sis~cJ to i 1111 iiS.l/4 FICA N K LIN IRON IV (MRS. Wrchowe' corner of IVold and Front st.innlA riTT:3I3 Itt; I I. Co. nott erteo-orr atttloooo. to ihom. tr to {ro man to roots , t to fa.), Iron A. :Vali& uti ',C., wman./ et,u,l to t tlto tort Orel We n:e.o k cep nn hal. I Splng n..l Amen:an tai.O. , steel of the lII.n 111.1,11 fine pruparrd •.3pidv bro. N•ili II r(11.1.1r, 01111 on gomi crnTA 3 111111 br zt. tnil 1 II COU EXFIt- 1101 , PIITALt NOTICII--Pr0tt0....• t.‘lll Inc rc J. 7 lt to - ea , 11,1 111- lot .t.t to . Apo! 1,1:. tor tin. on , •• oi e• tot of ground. •••• 0.. t It • u,l Pl It+ll arr.-, or to , ro to It !Lovett uorer. ot ~to. ootrt . . titan two utile• hog tto:Nrot Court Moto told toot Ottr tor a lit - opal:O. I- dott itroto.totto !: • ..toll , •1 tl etotertittion of Ow not tne3llo7l or tht int to well not Ow rect. nod Irm. 'mom ks I1.11):11 1:1 1.. i't,a.r.nan ( . 0 1 / 1 11111.—JolotGralrnit, .10111 L 11 Sl4O/11,C,t, Win. Latimer, 1:.1). Glitz nu. T. NI ..401.541mn-r1 r WO, I.nnels n vI e. • A CARD 11.11C11A11.13 T. I.IknECIII, Jr., ' I hIPORTKII and L , ruler,n Fnrelpn and Domestic Fad Ilardownle. eod. t:nrungr. Tl:mintnTm of der,r,otior, N01:11W.,,,41.tret I.Te• leave . zlnnounte the 1 . .0.1. T• ••. adtllet., Canino il.lerchantit, mid hater. ihat hr expert.... open for a. ihn :taw, ....ll...ante laiter ball ai A I ;. ' \ 011C r ,a1 " 4 fl RItIA GE TIOAIATINGS. larlud.g • TT. y I.lrocie u•rJ JR Ihone do Tam:nrm, such De, : r and C.1T.1 Iln.r; i'alry, for t•nvel,...• Maw Tnek., U.I • . Noddle and Gig Tr., Skins and I.e.nin-r! raper. Se. All ot which .ordt,be.enid...trhoirinle ami 14tn.1, ni the lowest resierti-prlces, and i i)11.,55110 ha VC been tit the habit of flung Etat to l•n_y their goods. have only to rxll and eaaintne my simit and priers. to wati;ity thetunel VC, ItINI time and motley met y,ed, I.) . spectilitis both at str e'er, enee-in the beeinea, and determined to denote his o tint,. time and attention tett. he hopes to-merit a share of politic patronage. mehltif — 6.liitOriner• .- • rk. the andershened. bane r ed:into Copartner , I'Y ship Mr the purpose of Irene...lts( in l'roduer Connuisalon and Forwanlineliii4nene under the my of oftom, metaitmw a: Co.; • and been 'alien the yealthouse. No 6 I.l6romortial torceb,fornterly occupletl by AI r. 11.' 11 Paso where all Int•inese entrained ho our charge . proropllA and 010 folly ou6odedl to. • . ORRIS 0 Rll6l. Lowe ly of P 11116661141. • T110:4 1:1 ht eCiR FtW .^ • Fiabbflelai FINDLEY 0 ideGREW ", • "o 2 Poullo,ph. /March Si.l 1142. D ADVE INSURANCE! JOII I N PINNEY, JR ITEEN2 F 1.. . THE !III:TU.1i. PRINCIELE COMitINED col awl INSURANCE American Fire Imam:ince Compatt, 1 . 1111.AD1.1.1 . 111A. Caearm - PreerreeL. CAM.. SZA,..teel r. ll= . - J A.M 1,, NIA RSI I ALI, A Les s\ DER BRA MAW Win. W W A LLACE DENNY ID tit: EA KV. =EC TtIIRMAII 011,-r e al "P;111-. li- NMA K RK for;. it !'"? 41. .1L - , - Fi AIL SIi•EfIMAN S OLdISAONIAN, ' ASK THE:SUPpIicKEn t . . 'sox ; ri• — ,'• i ASTHMA' • _l l l - • 1 nhathas reused him in each •sh I time Yrom his'eli • knit, of breathing, Cough an suffocation? He will tell pin films o .the 01 niatt,ew All. Healing Bahans, l. A..k , that onisudiptirel what has allayed hie Cuur, minuted .. ' the Pain'n bit • Side and, I ~ checked I.i. r ight . i atolll, • e placed the row of th ;1 1 • min. clieek2 d 1 1 Le will trli y,.. 1 • ', &HEILMAN'S OLOI ONIANa eft '• -a" , ' -A I.L.HE ALING LSAM. :1 • L Ask your (Amide if they know of a W ing that will m epee ' Cl i trs, ' Z ' s ` gi r s - L. `d L i 7.; c 7,.. 4 —oii • :.,: ic.1 6 4 8 . ..7:4 dowse. ' of the Throat, as trit ' Lliomoi :won the yasitt tell you—No. There omen yet. has beertk "' remedli itilowlimed to 11.'141 notice which ho term parlyargre of sllmuchiowel in so short alone of time. Read the fillowit4l ' t Antonlalatmg • 04taresi 1 , _ 1 t satin. Bonn; the etlebreted Boston r keri baker, 78 Nas u street, Brooklyn, state. that his ilk hi i boon afilieted with Astlona Le :kJ years, and could - findlpernmoeut re lief from 'the best urcdieal 'advice *lath ?few • York and Becalm could prmlum, wee induceiytomyfihissialt reme dy. She is tem nearly well His dinglatreitho we. suffer ths from the same disease, tried it,aiel was Oh, cured by IL Mrs Wei is nowt's° well that aloe a able. Id - rise her 2 :, bed early lathe morning and attend t .e: owl dreier th ugh the day without any initelance from ll ier distressing any. Ile. Jaw anon, 19th street, sa e 4 the Listhollie ' etry, came te, the mime for the purp.a a Lt....i•ini , • honk 6r O.' Ohneaniati, having boon a®weed's th the l Asthma foe more that, 11:1 years, and was so eel:saluted ha hil l elareival that lie could out speak. • lie prochued - a honk gild reelt hicnc.— Four days afterward •lie walked froajltis residence to the oi dee nabout - fatigue,a distant= of.dier two' salmi, to. II 'of the wonderful relief which he bad tperichcal fro using I %hoof one half of nee bottle. • , 4-- , Coustaraljallon of .t r e Mange. Mr. Conrarr, it . , While street, s wilhw in the nth of December last. that he was given 1 1 , by Illaphysie Ilia , Ira fr`tends entertained no hope Grids oreryl;, Ile was. a far dud to try the Oleamonim, and to surpyise it bat far restsml him to health that be is no' able aii'yealk boo the , signets. 'tr' Mrs. Arraer., , the wife of . Wm I At , or J . I ‘ .. s Fri and Gm. U. 11.,,, kaq can II boor testimony frent their van exiimiente of the hraliu4propealim of this Gm. Rented, in Consumption or the Lungs. ~1 Spatting BT . oll:f: kart. Tuounoultho,, Xii Mon , street, who had been troubled kir a great lenglia. of aim 'by • siren ugti, end 00000,1 quantitie s of blood, nee relieyed bY co :Utte bottle of ilia 010.011100 and declares a th e grimiest retard, in the work]. bErNII ' MAJ.', Lai Waterl 'ett - etas iho relieved Dra m the'esme complaint, attliouga leas very much reduced whet. he tom. taking 0, heel 1 g heedlunder the cam of hit physician during the past winter' . Al th ough he coughed constantly mid was very much trouled with night sweats, q bottles of the remedy. enabled hi tt to return to his dallY work. lit nal entirely relieved. • 11 .Damosllswortamin, 60 Laight itreeq:Geo Vir Burnell, formerly of Newark, N. J., Ilcutt Listam, 1.93 Airington street, and numerous other person., hme hoot speedily and .permanently cured of the same anciplaialLbythisrema•y. i Tlae Arrayori,Na ins which maid he produced .of penonaWho base used this great remedy would mate than fill a cohnints. !amen the number rar mar panuirard to refer to A. 5 1 1.01101 sire, HO Barclwy al , hlr IYelmo of Hoboken: SIP 1411 of Okoniilowa, IN .14 James B Devoe., 101 Heade oL; Mai. Nl , Caffror r so Ammar, .1., F. Smith, ..2 Third,Avenec, Ws Win. 11, Mimeo( Ilsti city, and Mr rchiceld,M Whilk a , 1 1 ' Sold wholesale and retail by . Irsh 'Jackmo, at! his Ptent ilediciue Wanhouse mid a..... 9 tin. Sio, , , No lllidelline ty street, head of Wood street, frhl., Fnortal per kot tle .r.• . . . • :: °j • THOMAS P MOH, MANUFACTURER ANI,/ IkIFOHTER OF WALL PAPgFL',• - . Fitt Soon/ Prints. Borden, Lithrepi Papeti'Ornomen tol //micros, Tronspetee. 'indoni Minden, ote.. , and Levan. in Irrilio4,itod Irropriog Pope, Bonnet Jr Binafera• ' Boards, 4- ke. r , No-47 kiarket streeL het en third and Fourth PITTSBURG)), TA,, • • H AS stm o w d. ,7l a n Zo ib ri r t7a r a r T il „L o, atkii;tlren c :ese '"'" l i reirr etfully ins .frs the nuctift h sa t purchase tn., Ileum. pro,. Trench and Amen< I V0n.., , Hall, Office, Chamber and elltllllill . s Room Foyer :'•of ever y WitelltY • The colWre are brilliant 511 thimble, and•the quality. of pan ears unsutiothara. Hy i i I ,ltegulisr of Pick- et 4 het wern Hoerr and New °tic and fps 11,,' F'ac--.2 it' is talway• iii netiktf operatinn.lntid utiltorm. 1 ty .uppilril with di, fie..l worit,n Mc coinary 0011 fur- 1 so-h. irenoe et nit& con, dial thr stirin and summer, w,i. be made tt, th e gweili et -elate. Fricee, moreoter, I wet hen i extremity Ince! ',la ,ig Ic. iiiool liar view ot 1 ne ITIEIOL re ~, .11. a nd 001 0,0 Merchant. nod likuse. l Ler,..l. 0.10.011 to 00400,110 tplri p4ge for Ihrin.el eels. 1 that dbo. : I, e• e.e. wilt be r..,.rarely solhaerved by be, .11g at !its est,ad.shr wt.:.l r! ',- - I V.::. - 1:-.,. T, 0 and 'N.: 1, Scrip.. token on trade. .ir tnseetit tll Ilif neon list roar k • arieen. . nnlll-1 /1 - i- ----,, .1. F1..1114 11. Itell'and Brat, round. AZ.) er. n.tareiontt aftt trottnnomttellnt..itte.t.. at t'- , hiNd.a .111111, W ere. he ti.,11 . 1". pleasatd tn / b. :2 ..,, In 3 old cu. titettt nnerrtends. t •,, ~...O, ; ;Ze2 Cnt,telt. :ilea Jtoat. and relta aCevery if7 -. ...7., ..,.... trot:, 14 It 11..(.11'potimili. CPO (men C.,*.i . ..,,,tittett, , o'.. Or ....; aptftuvcd ittotter,tt: and t....,:zattitut ~ ... ~ a Mtn •1,1,29. Chneral Water l'araptt, I .fintttrtj'llLts:tutt. tIP• , ert nttt.ttt-t tytta eyetY s' , ..t.OY .f1tra•.,C. ,,,, 1ng , , drcnutrt e.l turned and iitti.lted ttt rely iteittettl: Innatter. - ' , Ili' A. P tt. flat talc p: qtr., unttin lil.l..ft:TS; A=l - tttr.t, MMt L. 141 ili•t.•, • •.... nii , d for th e 'Tedae.. 111 inaeintter) Tile 110. e• and Cumpittt , a.: !,e Itatlatt, clot 1.1 ign.... . i..." 4/. PI in'ICCII AN i'3. ";E:EL, - t erten, V Mir: , ..,ii .1. Aftehi xtrrO. Irl .1 B. We.." , :1 i • ..,•cle to, ' •t the / DERBY la: NICKERSON, i '.l :EAT nue, ..,,- 1,,.:e 00 two oi an. moo. I. .j . . m,,,,,,,,,,„.„.. g r . Iv • • -•• t nt ., ='" l, ` — • kAlttti '. . . Ilitt'V elni r t;. " , ..,... ...,,,. and manlier - Illti f antedongs. Satiated in )VAGON COVF.RS ANP GRAIN RAGS tl • •••eneate vicinity xl,ll tiTEA 31110 .XT LAND. i !., . • , 1 or ALL DESCltilerlo3S • . -.. • VANK`t.'EXCIIANI OFFICI-3x. and prineipttl I,; NO. 31:1.1. South Drotat Street, 1. ,NTILF: lIOUSP.S offetX to•TR A 111 E , 3- Bodi , t f .T . A. Ivib te. , 6 bi„et W., , f , , ..• 1 - SiS t.".. , S NIEN de. Mc milivee:encetxvo3.lo , , ' Nat . g PHIL tIDELPINI.A...' CA '"" E ' '''' 6"1 : EME ''' 01 l' ' ' .... "' 'i, " j ". ' A - Li.. rL.r. 1f..a . .1.5..r..1`.1r:0 at the oflict , lkth. 1 .. r .• • , t+ , 4,•••rt• ~ ., -• •:, . ., ,; 1 . ' '.` ?F' : " . "' -. '" ''' • .43. v ;,I - v.. IPI' II I ". will i IN tly 1 th-itr 'Unc!;Par lora and .... t'. ma• e • e • • .. A or c g . l. l, w ic t KE .e ß, o c r n, np .. Iters are all forte vd in •Ittodern •oyle. watt ° l o 7•T',' o, !- TlllaS. G. DERRY' . _.. .. •• ~ neve and elegina 11.1116 N 00 I:then,: mope : ''""Ai`x'"V i t -- , ----,----H---• ~ ....• ewe aril obliting en •''' ' th k . " . '" c3 '". ,TO so tr , ria rs itN AND WEST raxx . 9 E.R- T". *. ....), 2 ' .. .' 1. 6. ' er ' t fr ,.." '., CPANTs AND DILUGGIS•XS. .. ... r.. he market. oloril: • 1 . . l• l i 1 %GLENN Ix SON. itllpmai yawl .1.1,411,11 i it.., t tt , l•ropueotr, who has t d loag experience i tins ' i ego I;;at(... Tottir Benste.. neat , P / et ire ,. „, „ ~ ... ''"'"'"'''''' "-"°"• '''' , °s 'r , i , ' '' . ' " ° 5 , , , 5 , ,L h ,,21.07.- Amtke 4 ,_ 4c.. No. 20 eGUTII - FO T OO rnrt - v ,, 1 , te 9..1.0.. , . or. Y xemot o ..F , IItF.iT;4 Threret mad Chrs.nte neorryott yntt. 5. , .., tttti, wet,' him watt 01 • r eirstan. , 1 !At levien ti,,,, if Lateen hand a large attortment ea' X'i Gm... , ootX I 3 .XX: exx .4,11 miro-n, —,. ~., , 60,,,1. them linc.oftheir own importation and anatadae da..., 0 , 'lte Pte.' . ,0 ( ,;....,1• , ,„ „ ... i ~! I tare, I Whirls they will tell at thr 'cry lox,. rims, and osi fII9 " F-A `,...• ...Y 3 ''''''''' I laVeral leritir they at .4•iika 2rt xmanination of - ' - 4 ••1- .. -- " -- e -- I tletraiaorktnt confident that the ipttlity and pricer will ivn. lifeC LT k.. Co.' - ; i gr,se aotire natiNetion. Among the ankles are thc fellow- i IMITATION !e..' liar Wrench an&American Hair Erielhes,l.s miner.; H'` 1 ;`„", 0 ,7,17:,);Tt1, , 0 0', 0 -Y.,!TZ:". 1 .10,;i . lz T' r t, Ltelhes 40 pattein., el.a•mg Bentlce 30 attern.: dp , 'te late, improveilt extern lielteet ovegi for ID, , hail', Comh ..'a Cloth Ili-tithe, Shelhßulfalo r rieury and 010 now prepatei to in etnith anart wino( Win- I Horn Galati, irt great variety. rerrunice Caps;• Twersera, d.•te • i . la ...coon I, a not gdl lx , ior to 4iny C)lilltitr 1 , 10.41 i F,/, artslrommen Reoes, S•gar Cates and , S•ouff Bat.; OP'. Litiled eq.1:0? , Ila lattiltitle It to clic I l'i•clul /1011. and Wallet.: Cord Canesand Soereoirs; Fancy 1.:m..1,1:1'pm,, i , !" . , No.' , l( o t;p!e t Word and Ohm): Lad iia and Gent's Drew W^ . 00 ri.z. ''''Y ' 6 t veiY entragr , J. 0 ....^ I i^gr Co"; iMirtirtoes and Chen-Mew Gilt Gootta to enrieir I l'artute of Conannit Windo Gln. and Itrugg‘ate' Vials Smelling' dad Toilet Bonita; 2test .d Conitenn Dalt; la aml Bend., of,,ry tle.ertp ton. Dealer, generally we ~ dirt , Comlatniont; flood Cao and . prom; A econlientxuatt tr,,ted 0, t,ll and exanni! for tbgnijelvea,Al out ware- , Muaie Dozes, Els.nd Drinking Cry O r peel French Imo-, N 0.133 Wood qrne jrambufgh, Pa. ti l Tapi•ne Ittiror Strop., 4.c.; rink and Mae Sven: Per .. I . Both and Schet.. e-- • .` - - • PITTSBCII6II NE, IliE , iu.,uno,n. under' care oh -Rev. J. al 1 ANLI WI:IC[I4n tile .ohd and or nano. otnl bratiOtes of a lin .ritud edheallott are tlarght . /lOW . ior the rveption paptl, at - 1e No. 52, 'ravine Rersr, Liberty. Street, between :14 and 4tb wet.. lb,: St rand Sea.ion will commence no Mot day Ella of February. and it j. rttorbrtant 11 at any who 9ay dcairin ertrrring should he pre, 111 3$ /5 praet...ahle <Mier or at that eer. - ice.'6r Profes•or it: 11 :4 l',ano and Galan', need reeoinawnlatlon Also LATMF:IiT, author o: nato,r France.," and othe, nati, lAnguago. trrsay And School a le Thema .1110 de m! thutiiugh knowledge of do welt lo place thernielrea They havo set u , ett the a. troche:. of 'Ho wtoil• 100 well kllown to the , croxe, ot Mono. CAS -Chrr , annlshi- de la tail valuable. -ch o ral Look! , In übtam accura., PrrmLango tt.1..011 tin: et b. ineiructlim poly' 1 . 6 the Prtecipal . . _. .. 1a ':III.V.,COMPANION. I Si-:!:.,I THE Lt! NES. n.I , n. 44 ~r ( '4.115..mpt , nn. ! t..t..:;•,,rt. On the Laws wile and le !.! ~,,ut,l , - !.. WA rodUCC l'..r.ainp. ...11,:.04.• :Pam, ....Ipintt, ', A. 1.,!Ii!, Serniula, Piles, l'nplamts, Its rules, easy, guile: to prerct health v!nr. 2:4 rag, 50 os .%511iEI. SII I!: L. li 0 N ,TilEi !:lI.Q. \ D.. 11: IV, NE IS IN V.11.V.1111.E LI IX 173 Vuu-es. Avaln", ird Divay.o. ,•i of I.rmge,,t) I o , odt. • and cure d 13.vveis, I:rued, and Feirvdo prat..lC4i pur , , 4111! 1); lingr nypri,,on retolt:.,g one v tnuel, to at, Jr 'IV, :ly r.t.,rrpe, rect. ive pin. TLn tradt .uppneti. • 4:.mrsr N. Jsme, 11.11N . ,l CO, an 4 licalrro to thls, Itnal MtteNt!uktarr.J . ,truc'e.,bovr witl cellentl,...oglmenl of sirrti'oar ClArtry Al!ry, O HL ACS 1 . !0 r 1 : 1:', ,,, AJ on band nt all I:rne• n:f X00 , 3* thrlr “tic. I,ll.l.terh • nuttn:s FFIXTU ALIA* mum . 01. "V . LII gr 14,1) ...quern!) t• ax... Wed 111 .int Ile•h. mut rei. 1;140 ..n.l,:lue Elun. au.. I .. , ..I.thetty sure, bead to'. reater.....l El )Mr turesl by 1110 tvte N•bur; '.%ftlb:lll(l.o.* Indan.nabon, and con 111 cd-r+ ave. no ,atn or I byVV J AeKsos.. 10 Wntebouse , Pitt•lnagh. l'etee r Agent far W,RICTI iiiii •old by HIM 3 . 11 11,1 ample direction,. he. W Jark.o.ll.ctitg Ih, Prita,rlFals, ~ teat. I. g•r: o; 111 A nrparlird Agrs;,...! N. 11 A l'ainphlet cat, tr Lit ate woo. , uktd addre, A 1,1 ~ 1,107ia of r. ~..;ta, .i, , STRIIV In 110 - NNE'r AID ILIT WAILLIIINNII, N.. 1.1.! 93 Al A Itli.l;'r illtgrr, I'ITT. , :UURCII. It .IL PALA' R o Lk, 1 ..le onai favor: 1 2 , able len. , a. tnity boom r.. lin Philadelphia, a ntal.lcta Atiatin*nt .0 r Sttaw, Flo reacc, Itut• lantl, tel a greatlvariely of tanq LTaid and gaup lionnem,olthe apitye Fay!, rl • ... - . I ALSO Palle Leaf,*tnatv and Le4horn Harr, Arti4 I 0r,..* -he - r - ' ' Inehn .. of thr Plopriei,,rund-i•rt . Jo,nhpr r of oarkb,Atle i reen or the Store. COSIitiSIA IC :I t, tI,IY u ” G. t. . No. 26 Went: , , : cOI o T ., IIW.F.' -- ' , 200 MEM Aft. FACTORs AND PRODU6E: MISSION !CIE RCRANTS. 1,111 tlirre!tddardas value in SRI yam, in C nr ana a.a ". afg ' gag to odr . Nl.arlld'allindford d. Tylor. )!Itt•lgargli. Nagada. T Hon & Co. tiongeoort. Ohio Plulagdelphga, May S. gmay:Mt( N. IddAldproaluee cignid to a• is igarggroi in the sapreitgangle Wa on• nhieford IF Taylor. rtnolturgh, or Igl oai mare C. IL A Co. . TO IyA,TIIMIAILEILS . and'EIRALERS.--: LADOMUS,, lat PORTER at lVagehet. gclonaler'a Toole, end • L ,W .cll Ma`..ergang. orhoeg.ale and regagloo4 oak:. • , InnllY Ott Ingle ai.ortn. nt of Lonette, , Patran... a ag ma Igndo 11Is , nrt.a Vere, ~ oo r ds, d.nq i‘obatplete a•Nortalent n Dgal or all.'dooda and Mad • koala lagloaagdg to ttro - tradoovna n lara4 n••oranant of God end aggllter Lever, Lepinc. and giant WatOh'ea; '- all of sohicd . bag will guaranty to !CH at the lowest Nei: pdgeas.:!lorgio, from the coward puncnialry - eirtgatedl. N. It egdDlou ry Merchant+ and 001,1. , are invaedgdo oral andeaadaine'al the-01.1 Stand, Mourn, shoed Philaglodonia - knldd Bay I • PTA J11*717 •, _ I ':• II STEAM RAMMER. Toad' po.sosoes inan7 solvent-2.s over -- : colong which teal, be mentioned, Illytacenldruem—lfie mplifitity arul lament blow may Ll.,eudtr h alled wtth the .grfiatestl ease, while 'th e L ' amm.: is inOperattott. and the hammer may be itt,ll melly riveted, and suspended st ter any heigilt . .I.- It• OntSertullity .. , or enormity to s orkof MI 1 kinds, flons the largest bo the ernallest,'ut der the same I henune . : I ; .., li. Simplicity, Comp.:titre: old Cheafinceil. - ` lot Atedonnhdity upon all ante., b the woikmen. All the handoers ere made Self-Acting. t The conustue to .create orders for them hmeniesaeor ell stet, Utmit see:tunable tertlia , • . , '__,•, For Further parbculcm, sontor4 , of • 7 -. r MERRICK & TOAVNE, - Assigneeo ofdte Pa ent t fort. Ended Stems;, • • th'"' 7l 3 : 4 Southsvcirli-roundry, Phyad'a.: . . , ~ • . ST AD MARBLE: ATOMICS; . • fiiirt Ra.l.rsloore spring Gardm .5...1 ,PAtiods/phie. Ta " n i ,t ' lit ''' t l a ' a l toTg=l .. .!: " „ th i ' eritt r tia n c7l 'i rentli • krudtscif &Mr tle Rork in a super,or st,lv, the lowest:Orme for Hash. _ • . l The Purse t owl best aisorimmit of Marble Mantels ever 14ehire offered to the puldte rosy to seen at Me Ware IR' ;to which the anent'. of purchasers is -,. respectfully , laviied. • Itnbostrall Hard Statuary and Vase" of the Mast temetoll dettigns an en d proven.e made oil. finest mud. hataloainest.rdescripflon Of ha4au Alortile; Tries fur •Illmrlilfit'isitPorted, laud always on hand, and for Weal Me most resit:onside Prices .. ' . : .. ' irrAl rttl In Curters can be supplied et all times with ..• t any luirrdte, 'of finished Ma : l.k or Table Tops, et Sc- . dues& Str linleattle liners, sod the Trade unit be furnished et thel Skolat null". vs. ell-Studs oftAlarble its the ,' :' block ~ot! sit to sixes for. Slott Moms's. &e JOHN UAIRD Ridge Raid, above Spring Corn. st !fit : 'edit.. Februnry 3. I+l7 Matifirri -., CARD [LITER. JAM EtlY I [LITER. CO. ; _ I - PBC/DEICE AND GENERAL COMMISSION . - I I I .fiIERCIIANTS.: b' OIL thnskle of Ficour,Urain, Seed, ala., having Iwo I; eater:24re Werehouses, one situated on he Ikla. srarelNo 41 Worth What:ea, and die oiher on the , ltsil.--- roadprou . Istieet. above A reh, P.lnlntletplua„ , Al) sou mots.. ot trusted to Iltsfir care . will be pouclually aneuded la and lernittances Made as soon as . so ld. -1 Rtranable advsmees made on all consignments if . ' mos ed. I ~ t 1 Resssmect.• --,- John fiL i ßchnedy &Co ~A C Duarte, Morris Par %;,;;;lncrit‘Htli 6 19,1 1 1:ant VlT. '''. E"' ' C''''thr " th' llr alel l ,b..Stoith, Sus..4 , lseully, lliller A, Rick : two - -IL slturglot : . . , to NI COunt.ll tc.fitoutir-New Drtchn, PA. VI ...H.lVallach t -Port Ilutner,ol.' IL. Ito • TaktccEit,llll.oTllEßS I Co _ .. .: ( 031..)11810NAIERCIIINTL : 1 . , sVrthe sate bf Prances genernby, L ' l . : PHILADEPIIIA. I. r ; . J•Littrisal advances Mat:eon .11 , Mo:seal...LI i I --.f! I Pl!!r keembet •fie 2. dial. I 1 II CII Duanul veer ' 4 Reuel. Soak. CISAIIES .147 DANE:VMS:WEIR & .00. .1 . ; r TO S .; . oilmissi-pm V ii! I; ell A N l', 3, . .. :to :South Wha r ~,, mid No 117 soirth ,Vert,, st '.. PHILADELPHIA: I >allE: o f Inattlp Ma trade and dealers generally of Lk ItAishusght that they hoc, =des:telt Ar rmogertic vita li ilie !Await. manurrt,tlm. re and the Growers Of al PV rsti t% ..1 Ind.., a lid tab,. r 1.11.1., a, wlll insure a nergli .4 r oris,Ali 5.-Ipply of. i 1 ,... atllowing detertp- . Ft of Tott.te. wxcle ..:111..., ~,,,r „,,, .,,„„,. ~ .in.:l,e,.3.:t•rvd r h., c. In IL:s city or 1. , wittre, alltl MI . good b ords root them will be war , r . a ' Ica etjull to reprelern,:ton.- levao bit. Lantun gui ettunt., Porto thco: ' ,Pcon'a./ SeedLeuf To lt.; I•l !gut. 1 and floral& Itseeo: e ALSO4-41raneh's et:lett:wed Atom. j c Sem Caves: difh, with a large aisitruarot Of DM, popular brands, and qualities or roand,loa Oa Its ICs and MI. Lump; Seri..,-, and Ills Plogi Lmlies' Twist;. Vt.:glints Twist. Jci. sweet lend plat 4,1 in whole sod half Ato.rec,. - -sorst:e and lip, tOgether withrevery variety of article behunt, in& m she, trade. _I jelfiallV Labels ,A Lo aLI le 4 gant atter eat a ind F.t Stir SO A 3, of It ioni .n talitirs clnp . 34 act . Can Le ithrfhatad in thr th'ltited Stant— - I kl.legnot 'Althw b,W furniihrd without elmrgi, and ye-kin Warranted. 1 •delph In, Statels 5, •• 0101.1 NT VF:RNON 'HiTUEIt. • No. Ii)cl Katt!, Sfrn.d St,eL Piundelph;rt. suhterairm erspectfolfy infarto tbe &fixers of Pitt.. 3.4ettAch Ind FA etterofenotOvania, that they hate taken the abate. haul, when, ibev nee papared tu the' iternons 'haling the Cita Of thiladelphis in the beerst,le, and on the Inuit amebic terno The house it within one sonst of dark street and fiat undregtme a thorrnigh ;alte ration tadtrern rs, atal is well calculated te accommodate pershos whit ma favor us with • eall ' • •!lite tut !call .d we feel confident Ton will he salitGed, I t' SANIUL.... A ERADT.• I Frbritary tM, 1E47-,ln • OLIVES. II I. It ATLI.: P.R. tai Ii S.a . AV I; IrAL W I Wona ,Q2 l /ITil, n IAGALET G. CO., vaelc,ali. kJ et, tri:Ur 111;go. !Int ket f•1r.i ,. 1, be Inv h Aide, 14- • !'! i l e C I.I A I u L I VE IIAO I. S I .LR-1,. Chei -117LL1.1.17 OG I,E coacrr n l ND 6 ISS 3 ateof f lir , o ma , Phtitallain,l the , f Ogle 4. Wateon. r evepro folly informs Iris frier& '... r , _ , -and the Sly, that he hat - mtd I,lll . lltete. n h.tad alai Grr sale, tr loarolarme aleortrticat of l , Cartiaget Witte!. of all st)lee and ript lane ire al the aloe.. poteialrnatice marl execoterl, itt roamer, of Klee-le material ' fa.t2.3rly ilirrh.lo4lll LION It A - ll.ltitt VAC - CORY, ';i.ft I DG i f.: ROAD, above Buttenwned Stieet Phil, l "Iki ode phi. At this esikh ' , I-ailmnt e may be fadiiii ie; M great !A Vanety of Plan, anal beautiful! PattettiO :err O ' RAILINGS-in the United L: tates, In f ,. which the, attention of thrum in wint of ai. di-scrip. ;tion.and ;especially Xer,Cealetrtriext, if p ititularly invited: 11 - ' : __ • . 1 'I he principal part ol; all the 1m edromil It'ailinze iit kau e lldl, hlnegritent, and othercelebrated ti•eineteri x in the eity and comity of Plaidelphia, .st !deli h,ife been an [lightit extolled-by-the public press, w te executed at tile Ittatterictely.i . _ • ' A big Ware , ltanni is connected with the eittab• lshment 'where is kept constantly en hued -1 farce t i B eek of ready-made Iran ;tailings, Ornamental 1 rim Ititer. Iron Chain, new styie plain and ashamed- If ran cater, with an extensiventrortmout of Inatr mit!, Pedestals, Iron Attuirs,-rfiet. Alm, in great, Tanety, RTaught and Can Iron Ornaments, sailable Iniltalliegs. and other'porpriseo ' • 1 The Tubaerdter would elan torte that in kis Pat 'leen andiDesigiiin Dniartment. he tins employed name of ihe bast talent in the cnuutry, whose whole I tiztition is aerated to the hariners—foratiingoltn• ether one or the tenet ei•ntplete and syytematie en. ilatilialn'enta of yhe kind in the Union. ''• I 1 ROBEWP WOOD, Peanrintoc•. ' Ridge Raul, alinye ittit•mtvoott etreet.• , ' rhilddlelptria, March Id. tail ?rimer. CHEAP WATCHER. '• I 1 iEA Pncr (iOCO ANO LVER ICATCII . lA. 1d Leven, JecrelleA ier do do 1;1 Eplre, Jewellegl, er do Ao Id uartiers, Rae quality, Id CVatrllne- +loin -,,- ,_ , - 1 1 6 , s I 7 !IS O no o .Io co , _ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers