. .. . ~... . . *l.-...t):1,11;4.;1-•:-.1i.11.0.-.11,::6."-j: seacsiara - T A. g7DITIC,' RISOLVALS DrAIW Lv JONEET IC. 01) lltalGti COOD: • • . la 101...W00t1. INVITE tie 'Niel:aloe of tuyeroi idtbelr huge pock of rtesh Wads tow rmar e.. 111. bleb tte7 art prebbree to la ea %cry bet Welabll le tobstrarty centbelrelb too•avant. ire 'et Icabon, are lcue it' to ecdmleauodaf aer cock by tentern illem.l.3o,ls;tind d It to TallUlre our city, W7L. DIG LIV, No. 13 Lib, rtywrees, • , BEGS etspatniG), to ILILLIW llll_lletnelOiali Steads and cemomets, that Le it it. teceleLog bir new mil sleek dl VLVII,e, SIAeSLNILIIP.B,..BI-311LII , MOS, of the newest 513 les,stlspicd for Mei:Two-xis Ing fell and vimer sets ens. A.I Uwe in whnt c cheep, Issteonable,•nu grottlothlng, will Eon the hiligest, MOW laslinnliblo, Celt bent State In the Vt e...tem county, at dal es , ablishinent. ' sepia gfU7S..st — d - o - fibrirtPi sierriiiiiiiiiiiireill. aid to Pltsatnlrglse . THE Penr.syleanta Rai, Rota 'Cemparty haring completed Me whole line of rill'read tO liollidnyo burgh, thee connecong to Femme But Boat to delns.oWit, end Iron thence by• boots I 4 Ptusbalgh, ari are new repared so receive d gorward merchsn. One, pr. cc, &c., to and 14031.1'11..4 . 2h addl.bila• The bo Is will leave. the depot of the ecr..pany daily for J hnetown, Mere connecting with the daily —usit, of c rs for Philaoelehla, thus .Insuring the de. Imam. of I fmightin Pillt.elphlrswithie floe days - ISP.L LicuirrT . .Agente for Pa. IL S. Co, G e ls ! Basin, Pittsburgh. ' .• . CRAIG k BELLAS,Ageets, twol6Alf Philudelphla. WRVS LOT OP SPLENDID PIANOS, • Mum Med, Musicellfugretantags, . Sign et the Gql4oll Harp, No Idi lidel street. fifMIL gl.C.Strt respectfelty — indorms Lis (timea and heyt üblic, that ha has Just returned ftom the east, with a most elegies ale entered - re assort. meta of P.a. or Canousslies and ince*, selected by Limself, ante great cart. at the celebrated factories et Nun. A , Cis mt. N. Y., Ind &wham, N.N.,ffiatt of Stamm & Deranuni,N. V.) nosing seirettil the shorn from an Immense stock Just faehmi by tho above makers, tney am warn,ted of Bowler - quality and . tone, end will In' all came Le sod at New York P.. tory prices. :Parchascrs will feeelso a 'mitten goer rimy with mch 11.00, entitang them to an csohstge Or cetera Of same If tooth Ointelieb. Attu, a lot el splendid 65110., from Ma !entity On Schmitt it Maul, W. E. They are a eap.t. creek too wailiaolen equal, if lot superior, to any mB4O In I lire world. Also, u fine ielectionof Flutes, CLtrioneu Violins, Strict., Brace mstrumente, and the newest and most . peril. mike, Including Jenny Lind's celebrated mugs. . , t - --....-. sepl3 C=Z=2l lIURCefFIELD, at north east earner IVA of C. nub and Mallet meets! not cow supplied with a fall arson:act of the canvas quainies of above desiithie goods and boring. beta potehased fano the irs rt,Ltmtleart be orsfranto4 ee3 Jas. Maapratt Patent Soda 834 F. A . l. ; , :r. e , o L t d h Ls ab i ore eel:lr v. ated .. b c rac e In ti co part and peat womb, pbr "Anna Ittch,”••Europe,"•4l,lorlta,"utd et or roust, rte Plialadelphta rod licumore, t o od eupetlor to both stroooti sad quality to any to the Man Cl, for WO ed the /zweat Pelee for cash and ap proved bills, 14 NV &hi blirell =aka: anon? Uteri, street imago Supply of Troll dr. , Vi/Later Goods. MURrIIY & BURCHFIELD inoite :no attention of barernto .heir large await of good.. Adapted for the seasoa, consisting in pan of ink and Cord Frenen Ate:trots, ' Coborks and Cutuneres, • Changeable Fop] tar, Dres•tailks anu Taro Banns, ' • • Rik and Fanny Alpaca. Soper Long nhavals, Low Fdoe do, Ranging E'Tirk naisrweisn.S.ngutb, aLliAtue.c. Flannel., whits end cola/ea. Their stock of 11GD11 , 4 ,,, ,V/r4O CLODS, ;itchy,' ,Sheedugsi.killow Cass Mastics, l'ab;e Lasperz.lowedul, an, to large, and 'u low me, lornuatitp. nage., will Lad It trithcir adv.- lade to exaair.a their tt.ek beta. pro e haung—at the Atolda east earner it ILU and Market rts. oet 7 • Sallee. , Llvaz Palls IMinicar:le All embers charkalors, Va.iSept..2o, • R:r.....F.ellerz-,-tiont rats have become.° yopu lar •in all all r.sion ot toall•you ver7 r.ea to sapeteede 613 Uthtti as a Lit d. 60 Atal-llillova oram, ex. JAIIES A LEWIS tl-tt.r.tet of Letint•l • ' Parchaven" mil recollect that It. E.:Sellers' Liver LI. 'ate the' eitsmal eon only Tine and 6ename t and may be lase et to tr 2 Weal lit., and of 1 30 1 Al a geauwly in the two cities and' vielany. • UT - 7 Gltayoett'a - kx-trato or Yellow Dock add ErersispdrLLln• • DVT up in the larger used bottles, contains more J. of the ynreli want ra• dassaparld a than any end/ prepdatlon extant which in ellemd•lly combined Wink the Extract A: Lenore Doct,the I-Xtrectot VV. Cheri, and die /sham of Fir, thus Inside{ the reme• dr more thorouxidy-ellteic et Man any other Idusapa• rite bolero the putlx., At Enceinte LIMO it is owed !) free from all Miner./ pious, .arch Cdrinot be earl of any other of the dataopalnla compound. The in would shaant panacea, pOi.li9 I Mescal), Iroa,tio! Moe, Potash ' ;acute, halyliari- Amato, and moot other mineral Jinn meildim poisons cater mro. ana toms the attire band of am, of the Sareapadta and Panaceas of ch. .4 • dayson's tnnopound Einem of Vellcrar Dace and darssounLa Coca uot coolant • • -rankle of tile= ebaidauccs, a., any aim Min caul: - ascent. by app•)td) use ceimmary ,ZSS3. be pOrrons mays dcamortaily maple ifineabei /Mk: • they ry• innate the Wood, and w compietely impreg /MU leo Wilaki4l eyrie. ant Vasil . Caudal. enacts !Eat the Int cold, or the Ord attend of dues.. prostrates I the Panetta strel.FlL nod *oEvols Ma or ter to the • • lonsteXCrutiating Lenore, ano senders another core Edda tmnoasibte and hoPelcm„ Let Sal Faaaonems -13a(tapaalCII f.tcparnilbae alone., and en lia7sott's Improseel Extract ot lotion :hack sod daraapardt. - -, Which a rappenetir ellleamoos, yelled!) 1.. 10,, amt pertly voeduble: All kulda of amen yields to Its (Wei nartinnee. Sdr_ecaln, - Cantata:3 Teams, Cottecnca Eruptions, iaryafftelae, flats, or YLmplee Guth. Face, Caron. :Jere Lye., Tamer, battle head, Itheanak two, Enlargernanr or Faint it we Danes of Jeans, out end atusibern Liters. Fever Sorer, 114 Dissuac, eferefftw; of the wands, kllctrt.er, Syphon. Spiny. toms, idtwakage, Work), Ilfrpepatit, zaunosce, nuener , . Wait almett..,,r,diwner.act .ce fancy. n .1 ewes-eta unstits Iron nit letudfetect as, a bier.. ty, Minivan; *oral groat, %V rain.. 01 we C.11..tt, tormonary Afte.l.lopll:exJ al: at ousic ea co ins thwarW C6.4.0a1 1 /trerclarlura and ke...o'awr.a. Ste. and Headache, Gauen: I..e'ia.ty, ~on 1.0, a Appetite, ti.,; kr Warw.% rale, at sad ni., anst Ertel:Meru, kizpostae or/ray...lmmo in Las, Wt.run. Constuattonal Iltsordera, ma ea 6 Spnnr, and eau idanaerU We rautar, and ficacral %tea. tor We Stater, it is nutlet:led_ Auan efigtzenani Li=dsofnaleas portaadmi Tne fella tag Is au ontraet GI a W.( dated rr, - 140, tram 1. B. I'aluis, lki. ix, a Liza!) . moped/ •ble. puys:ct. or ntuie Oat, -, -- Ye= .r.....--Dear; ear I lanne ander my me a yearly avow. who, :or 611:4Cn yenta, bar been /.o itting from' elccrs...f.Ltnrmy awl watt. Core b.- -teen pronewnne4 ItOpelcal by tnne of poi I:,ent phy sicians. 1 tool her toll my nanny, and e.t . a urn Gaywort t a bellow Deck ant D oc k freely, tine am.afacent mat t he Truce Dock and Seraapantia erlict perm.: cure. sae Is better nt (crew • bealtu Wall mho has ever bet% beftere, arm tufts a 'mile or Iwo without (*Algae er palm A year ego en t_ cm...-.., l wrll report the mut in cue Linuf Very respeeltally, E. :Safi:EFL/LA. • ' • _ It has hoer: renmikee;by otommot Elea, that in the Iratledoltraogl. Crolocr.sea to trtlielt Ina le ttolOo tOeTA fr seattoty toic of acrh tmrsalltorey sod of bort katereft we =ramie; wttethe: we Woe to the onseartt3 of It, argot, to icatd:Ous plo,rest, the number ono tO erg ant :hat It ntaeu, title ems-twat:le in OttreoOgy and eitonstto Mutat . tfooltltha ens Oa:awl tie .7.1.11 of the nest eminent phyl.l.(lB thflic.uctry d ter &troe. Bustlers in intluOt e far shah uneas en e ta Dr al uyo p tr's Ealriet CFI elKne peek and eaveapathrls i v Welch is prestos it. sell a patter soeti.Ao to to, meet severs oozes o - - Au estraordlesry case of Settrforla. cured by the 110th lithe tot Doerr., wolOn's ',applied burro.. 1, Will be soca by nits certrheate thet this thou has oyez rawer the tr01F.41.4 of several cestrraw d phyucrws; foo me pat eghi p 224-4, sylthOr.t dctMeg no; beeerii; Warless been ca - reetuatry tared by the ass of a. less botee•ocsn.aists weer taswpound Syrup. • • Novi teirt i Jurie 7,151 S Do. Grreet,-Dear Stir-teLog ayesadebsobieb - moray causer pay. 1 tts-urmdskoed to Close a pato:. Ka ituevrwstrateris or We trer.eit 1 halreCcthredlron your unearthly Sy rap. was Sorely atilreced watt a tern ' ble iiisausei 'herecitirry cur fawaly. which commencer* on sly actor sad, carve , preed, soon reached lay cuts, ruthelng faro my tread, vara.asthadin; art Over se y face, Leek, and lower CZ. -terauswa. / beano a erizashraz Din= ID look soon. At times my distt:A. nes so treat that wigs unable to isicep or to clown; Sal MO ewe.* serendrog taro my ears wrier:l,o' adze red thi ittatitiS. Aly lace was One priori... sere, tram Watch A Case/ate. of area. , Wale; kepi evert:really aniao oat Moyle swirl. Ad use; auirporeas I lac the small TOY, or ware other • bleohoire iiiscase, and 1 Iris cOrmearreally nudged to earthollish Lay 141144 c.. ProtArritherandrag I had the best medical retrirre, sad tried iliderent plaza Of thew 'ideal, the Cast-axe corithracia Were. veto, .p Fans. :C11.41 Wan n perseex 'on lee nee:nee:St, *Clrry lot say it-7.U, ULM 4 Swarmed are Mar brawn was at One limo 10 as eau • erwhuuon ns / vase lOU that by-u=tg year Syrop be f,..speeraly 20000, Inc.edweit inomasu the a, tint e, eommeaccd Wing sf. and now, area Lane; vied than SAX ern well title td•otrearl Amy bsugue.s.' r Stith 1011 ttla as aw tea nn -„jesdes, only 'hopirrg thist thorny 100000 the attethd to Make ale orthe I:ter irredicarc, Sad thereby tOetlreso Mach rawa4 arr.! earenee.. . ' lecr.a.hrt yontabadient server.; .10/31. • Cute of all gun:mated rant of . Erysipelas. :Cu.ra,lermrcl try -Dr. traySOtts earthier of — Yellow Duet rras Wthstplthaa are restore. The pa. fo4llloell Olt Improve alter ea. raw It femoral. 4.41111011 rot Chtith/PC4 6.64114. L. &by tested that 4.01.41 of tan lekthk. 0: return Of the dthewler. • • VOL• C. P: 11 141 If 11 tl ' ireat kat • diet I melte Ice clean lee very nippy steel. at your ' - Vara. Clete ate caveaperola upon by eon, who La Leen uel.r.or. te under tt Ora Ye fial,lol - rtst With mu: e/ Le or. 02.9004 to INS, end.as nor sevesel mon , Lt J.:tut/dad by coma of au/ Les: pre/ o:naa, wee tr./111101r rail/ pc/acre:tugs . , 101 dee Moutle,tele.met any ber.efe.tal eXcell area:ever. lie bedlOtne rteceol tow pt.rreet aketa.n. Ha had el tenßomh;akiptahuoooc.Wdchwere copal:9l6lly disetturgi ditEutungly, 41 .93140 Mallet. !deem. anti illagacel 4041 was ustiard. Physton. said tart Du case w s, nejeclearthuza COale La cothlr.; duce 49 artest thole tombs geoarencing deer, , wje jjeu taj , telt thous et /of Gcelecalloolle.ex at ta.no One c: 0.7 uelgunesa, Who tad castled a etuld or at tau eta arch year Intedunaia Wee:Cite,waked to , Cate mot etc. emu more :tea - . the rectlea. deur, to . j je, eej,e/l.ty artalz a:entrant nzy ~(1,15,14Vhe1, I sul.;11:11,1 late: vyttlee af you '` I cue.. Nect See a?.41 coraarn ctl slug and to try. sca....ourucht, Ce elnrunellord 9119401,14 be Mud seed th: tied oe!ose he 4rd Cite a has /.97.:u 104112 ho eeall welt, opt. lie coed le all twelve belett. 0,4 /Ist Le Wee perfect, tee area, clasp If (1:.160 0:4:10 e:realie ezesptitte .can te fileveld, t..ozeltl, In perfect health op SO Lea prewl/1 Wale. Ilse teCoVUT, ander the Gleamy al • Goo, to eJtaely otrtlig /411.0 use pr your It'eliote Dock told to :epartn., eau I d pit Mat I tent C-7.14.1 teat 51.040h1/yattana a ea /c with great joy • , that a tutarra lutt cf what y oar terraparilla asdone fleepeettally, 4, 4" 1 T Cy. " ' AV99EL ic • ircr 4 one ganuti.o orates pat In levee eautalatr.i quati, and the Lune of t,e Htrue blown to We 1414.61.,W11e1..5 Wrillel4 elgtlatllle at b. P. Live , hettjOrt the oataide wrapper: Yllte 01 pet bonle—or is twee. gut *S. • • • ' It to told by. J. D , PAIII.A, Jeerbb ' Lai corer of Anion Ann Warne Atte Ls, enkratee on Walnut a, • CincJr.el4l, ilia, ba whom all ordele.enast be addret. . , . soL enrter Ac;' iv. I , :lanwn Co.; 'Wed , i. lord; C./lin & C.ev...one; „ tti Cioeelr.,yrult; &Lel 'forrelb . hlonuoyc; /Warn !dtateJ./de.; /10Lan goy, Well. bezel ICeeleYre.. bl4irneaaly,_ WJ:ex, 41 . 1111 e. pnypn, catacr 41i , Cii 'DAP I'LL& aND-110EIL0T411[12. Mor.to9 A. //A WO;l1i:kro 11.10 Pinexondotre Ing czy.al.ne Ten, al ilcu per /C.-TUT &17 I t ocpal lUiu(ER BAN K I G HO.U .S ,E. J. CSIIOTEEEIS ao 15 Wood !street, Pattaboatilh. CURREN - I' STONEY ItECIAVED DFPOBIT Collectlitun made on all the principal clues et ilia Veiled Prxrre aterltelf A. WiLlf.l.6lll fr. C 0.,. EXONAN-G E BROKERS, 2. R. Corner of Third old MarLchts. ALL ILAZAACISONA AT 11011 LISLE, RAMA 1.31 O v.o. V.. AILIc OLD & BANKERS, DEALERS 13 EICRA NOE, COIN, BANK WES, 0., No. 14 FOUILTU OTELE.N.T, (Neat door to the Hank of Plttsborgint rt. uuf.iiika o roam, D•ok•r•, T..sehanig• Brok•ro, • D.Lin la NOTER,DRAFTS HANK NCE.,,Er,OLD,SILvER Ntil COLLELITIONS.—Diafun Nubs. cod Acceptances payable in any part of the Utuotn.liatitod an Um most favorable terms, EXCHANGE <fa New York, Philadelphia and Bal- L , mo ye, also, Cincinnati, Loatavale;Saiut Louis and New Orlutts, constantly for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all 10w, . , 501100 banks in tat Unkind Stara discounted Mike s rate. All kinds f F °reign and Anser.cau Gold sad Silver Coin bought nd'aol 1:M=1 HOLMES k :SONS kayo remand tkelr Dan L olt7r doors lrs el oVo s l k =d ° . ffi" to No " Market atE2V -. IOLLA/1641 .1•120111Z.:A0.g. DILLS oa Eugiand; Ireland, and Scotland 1.41:: =Cam at es Carrot:: Rates cf Erehengc; Azo,Jafta payable la any part of thr Old Countrien, from-S1 to /NOD, at the rata of to the .E Sterling. without deduction or &wow, try JOSHUA RO.F.IN. SON, Enrol:eta and General Agent, odioa 61h nor door wow: of wood. ILLLXIIILL laaTearitiii. & RATIN, DANKERB AND EXCHANGE DEADiEriel, &edam Mil Fateivi cincl . Domestie Dills of Fsatiaiise. Get. Lammas of Brae Notre and Cola, earner liad Wood oixte oppotite Si- Chariot Ho ol.' w. =mum.] VAS. J. 1..1.11 /ENGLISH a. BENNKTT, W 11 OLESA LE G RUCFAS •od Cornwall:ion Me. V 1 chants, No 41 Wood ranee opaosne rll Cheri lintel, are now receiving and offer for taw, at to rates, es follows: MA pkga 1 . H„ Imp. G. I', I GU 51 14 Spanish Cont. and Ellsc t 1 e..a. SO 111 Havana Roo Vitra, 212:1828• Os SR lb and bflb In IWO packages. law dc 5a rohl'ob co., 2S Al Havana, or tits. 100 bap Gto, Leguayra, 1 G M Itegalias. and Java Coat e.l 11 11 rnucipcs 50 alias N 0 traps. 50 bp 51 110,1131 SD bus N 0 Diolptes. 411 baler Filberts, Engitso ltlbrispowcered,crattdd 005;01u, nraLl Nuts, and Ice rlugara I and Ground Nu,. 20 brlr Alum. 20 bat Lemon Sytu... VD brla Tamers' OILI 1.1.1 nos 2cpper bILICR. 3121caia Lamp VII 10 caner 11crocs, 60 Oil. •0 a Alsczerel. to cpepinc'd COOCOIStO 2225 biv6414.2.162.12Gia5•i Grcund2pacca of CI klioil Isoll Il .2a oatn Soap. - MI op dards, I. lOU don rot Backe, 20 tits Garen. t 5 tat Crveolate.i 15 baslto. Candy. 25 bit White Ptpes 111 Sas bhellet rstmonas, PM was Wrap. Taper. eases Lams. 1.15 bra : Papp. &o.leptee. amelturt's Cul and 1./rn.d 6011hSeoters&acyce5hati 'Tahoe.. Itl its limn IV gross 11Incklog Together with a general assonmeist of gondl um ally kept la Mete 0110, as well as Pittsburgh mann. factures. ---cerfoieriqz•lzan.o,rtrsracii sap?. hleC1.11TOCI: ts now opening at Lis Carpet V • Warehouse, No 71 Fonrth creel ord 76 V..° st.ttet, a very handsome assortmentof Catpeang, enc.. prising la pert el loilowmg garteneu— ittett and elegant style Velvet Pile Carpet; Web and elag.t u4le Tapestry Ma r dl, Sapbrior Raga. vuu tstalrtca7.. lirrssels du, Est. mg,. 5 ply Carpets; Rugs, ext. tlpproc; Superfine do do, . I dap. 'lmat.l bus; do Impala do; Chen•lle Mann Eats inch the dodo; I tuned filer,. Com. all wool, do do, Statalle,s, do eollln CLIAMU2 I CisCO Mut.% do Molt co dui Jute do; Alro, p Te. 7 large acsorount of Stiltaraicgs far edema 17=14 Camases, Homes, tr. tnotio• A very large .110[1...11,1 agneore4O4 Crow, rouging art srcidt from V tich to fret, 01 ecrl handsome ctn., cut to at .7 tried rah., =lt, or vestibule. Toe stool of goods snll Le sold col or. op as ILes coo bo poschased in no of sOs ales. 110 /Oslo esesi body LO Cali tag Rua a or,: 018. 409 IdeCLES rocK - SunICILIE3I/21 Lad Cream and W LL Cl:testi to bass obl /Os& Cofce, it, bras Lag - mum du; 3. , bags fancy kilo do, /u sec/m:110am Tca iu causy Ors antra U.nony; 411 do plunc Limn, 2 , chests' do, JAP 0.10 uonen V tsbtu s ,tt anuilAiLl.l.3t4 dot Ourd cory•tal LoLoun do/ar, -5 bss rocupciu .4,:oncyChdco.les Io 024 ltroma, Cocoa and 3 , ,,0 5 Ltd Airr.ond and. Palm Y-oau, lo bid Conn stud V arlegL,,l .-cap, dos D 1.22 002 Bordcaa2 OA, 2 dos Pc?por Saner, taco Cierlun tr. Walnut Pickles. I 3 00: ILo,d. Water; sac Lauuti,Nlated/orsil dp niercsicc,lL, 2 owe rd ind, Cyr , oc Powder,3 ends , / anitrisnelbon Iv c ru/s.cd palvcrussd ,:uya/a, Id LC. MCI I..duc, IY brls pure Clout Vino se; Ott do* Corn Croons, Fut 221 c by 11) WiLL,.lls Co scp7 Car. A., k I IL 1. 7.1 - 11 - nlirVrii 7.4 E.--2.muyty• Jr: .SCIC/11,; EMMEIMEMI Cd zupp.. ti. and to .... • at la.. L•••• I % v.•:t • to card a good a.rt..,,,r—oc. • vonient focm tor dotacsac a.. ID. Only ObJear.a tirgclcnr. . appal% WWI goal - LIM On 004,0 vvt,L.Tlitsm Eactt :pool .orrmard la C0D:4,,,a. to rtrea a: 21,1 k; ...qt.., at lilt ploy. has Dal DA 1111.er.lan goof:tab easy tag rice. 1.3 .0 lei yards. 5.1 k is ro.dy for gte at fife ‘.Or of Oof Matzo, ftnd a. oily noels • urea 10 Go , rforo the mo:: a.r.mol calf. •Irrenor.... J. 14 eat Oll4 CanTeniem form fo 1141C4 111 s it tar groat 41 rano:gerosol aZi gray <7.11. .. se of gramam, trio 0c.r...m0n 151155105, and tie loss Of las 11. prep...fa:3 tr far Sold Li Wet. If. /11411.olalaNr's a 4115 W, GI Non:, Trued at, rail:L:llll4,u, 1101.141AN:f, Liar J a 111 I Kamm. L.ua, Nov 1734.droarro `4l.::e &fen, =M=IM=ZI EAU STOCK OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON A. C.O. DfitILEEB FANCY h RAUH Ma UUODS, • Jo. C& VIAILN-Te.7 . 11T IIYIG•y, Dcterecn road a Fourth "%recta, l'ttmliary,in VI ill Mr allencen of mettbnota msnang to tcli t to Inca cite/avec flack of "Fa'l and Winter Unman, zniceted mad yr_ent cue end attention nom rreent 3nportalautts, tarp: auanon 'aka, and fo-szt toe Mod imiamdentress, by trait reslalcut Fauber to Net. lima. 'tame .seek slat, tall will be .ottcal tote mace tar tat and more v sated Man any limy cave ever tv,..te bro./ gbt to aLto ecarCet, Latng sep,e/..acen Ly recrtj t, Stgl.as almost Maly throngs Lbe coat. a 3 tney peat; in the cuate 11 anatleaa,tendermg :noir zoo: al Lamy Cob m.“ ocrteel, tccreby ena,,,ty mew mar muddily to comp me amt., eastern boa.. mt. taw Zrocl oz CIIICH.E.LILLS(PS Plot OH.; 'TURN rdELLOH, Yto Vidal atieet, anic agent tl for Cnlcltcringla rata forte. tor Western rears • re vas, and nom nod? toe Inic, Lac follomtng assortment selected by blinvell nom me ...hulorp, cud will to •upplled ay 0.001 at tie . Ctneketnra pr ee., vs.- * carved extua }aid. betdves. a elegant Movermiwn, no 1 J. --I.theM,y, 4 Jo, 1 - Go V. a:11,, Jo, === •A. CLAD-71c Sub.: titml bas thr p•,Slitc of arnotanntn; intim e.tbacas Of I•nat.nrgt, Lial ba. attaoccakenta Willa Mr. /ono II Aiello:, loc Lor 62Clibstve sale of Ms Pi abs.o eurtra.lo enta,targo Iticstotn lenn•)lattnin., and - :burn wohn.g . Chant may bc11.1..... tbal Wen iblertstave.l, fnllp attande t t to. I C11101.11110(1 Lintbn, Lint elk a.. 1, tMM. In acitisticn to the &boos .to:k non. Mt. Cluctenng, aslew Spool) . to OdcloY front IL , lat,obe• of Adam otodatt, bacon a Ituano, 0..,1 Vern I utk, ang llallot, Clabbizen ts Allen, Ifos:ort pllbb• Vlayln.‘ Iron. Duo to tomb baubta.o stpwa AIVA • ILL 5 l'of Octobtroatt rccanN and fur .em et" ~t • Ml 7 Apollo 71341polioLIatiolvg. 4. It • To Vooplo from th• Ula 1.4.1an1c y. za.m.a . O. same ru: of cu..* Lea( .00g, L'd and onagn Viaseand Macs Teas odd .1_ n... 11. n.e on. Coluoty, Can be Laugh: at doe and 1. a pat al ii:011:11 6 llawurtte• 'la. Stale, ea•z •030 0: lila Lhannone,•-nod us where else In Eno,.nren.' edl , l ‘0 . 111."4717 . t0 Pork-it—Ann nest t. bid et 51w agency nl4:lleden iddlis, ea Wood aenti W r Ain R,11.11.1, V2..tv ntotntlo, UN o. atrEllUtt...-1 12 c enbiteni • lags of Cruelty and l/port , • , VP, of a new pnva isle by T. a. A.tkot. It ts 0.22,1 10 to Lao antttOrs beat produelions for sa , c at llolmcet Laterary Depot, Thlut EfcCl,oppottto th , .1,4 100, be Moult rirrlght of .11 Juno, by !12,222 111,1,1 U. lee, and Liaoll's Linn Age ho 5.2.1 utl -21 U boo Jail rre'CNr Bela by o od s e . Unpin" t 10.11W111,,ELD b .ivrccac,d a ..07• 1.11. 717 In goodtatlaptcd for Inoutalug lacit as 111aca Bo ttbtathett, Canton Clotas t .COttazga Yarn:ranch Errtere LI Merinos dud C,o4l{l2lCres, Aloutc de Lames and Moursung "taiPanal.. MOutraNg Coilars, liittek Cravats, Voila, 11 a:akta L ltlfe, J ll !lttl.n.,ttEa...-t,t 0 0 LA y tott tt,040.t1 at,/ tot sate " "9 010' A I .I.IICIIEtON tt. Co Agtor 151 Lin, ntetkut Seger Iterreery d'Ai r tr Oyu oaland and for .1c by WICKERSIIAAI Itunct.jeelle. quality. tor fitWOY iS MAIL DICKEY b. Co rictiNiNE.“,..tllL-13 Ur, btryr meed, lot vale by oet W A I' WILL4tel - NUT OTIES-340 lba Iced and - toisal; 11 E dELLEII3 pai • 47 Wood it --. teat W DEI4-lbbas cc d tor talc 004 . .1.4 BELLEILI CAL:SODA-4 casks ti - eetweli fur to r te by odd II E 9hLLtill9 2 . 4160 bas lot talc by {_W COI N E UELLItirS 11 ardapptnp /tape daunts tandleso, anywn and .donble orgy; vatnot ankle., band' sod for tale, by U trroCICWN • ecp.96 47 Market It Mt= ~ y~i~~tGl , L~~lLftt' _._,-__.~_j____ -- I pyl nocet, hes-ivid received a 110 Irk: li rnment cf NANO mum anion` which an' tn.. :in Si‘nl.y; do," se Love me. by S.C. Foster. moy•the Red Rose Live nelly!was a Ltoly, Uncle Ned, • Gwlue m.Run all Night, do. Dolly par. do. Soldnet , 'Weddms, by d oves. • The Roble, do. MOh, T,ouch the COrd yet one Sweet Memoirs ofTlnee. rimer Noun. ' • Lament yin. Irish Emigrant. A New Niedley Song. Thou bast Wounded.the Spirit that Loved Than- The Cor.actiptin Deparrore, by Glover. Ire Kind to the Laved Ones at Horne. • epic Home where nor the mean is The titinkee Meld. Lew Bark'd Car, by laver. lso niter ver think of me. EnuGentle Lady Jesande.Grey ! Wreath, end Mary IlutrhclOr, Maiden, Bella Weltii Concert, Ledles` Sonrenir, eellY, Lnly, Alice, Everinsen, Sara oya. Anne?. an 4 Loson folkas. mural TEASk I TiiiASlll • WE enter not into ;holies of peers, we sly nothing VW about Hundreds of Clients, Importers, Lane Capdal, Bought tor Cash, he. In feet, we will not homing in any manlier or form, we simply Invite the public no compare our Teal mint what they [furthest elsewhere; tine is the beet method We know to =der ...in woo sello_the best and chearnem Tens in Paul, berph. Nye are now selling Good and strong Tea at SU and .93 cents per lb. A primenaructr -• • 75 do do The net Tea Importedano the U. States, SI Low priced, dared, en ink-riot 're me do not keep AIOR ace RIS HAW° , rif Proprietors of um Tea h arket, tort side of Mame. d. tire." Amarteaa Dleebinloai - Wo k. Ii Appietonh Co , rev l OM, have in ottitte o pub Itentlun, in pat., price twenty GTe • no ci a, A DICTIONARY GY Illethamr, Mir* a fin gtrtenng; &nit:zed foe Peached IVorlang lllr t, and thew orohoed for the grige Itenrrng Prriessun, .IrlltrAlD 1.0 01.1rIta _ . .. . . . . TOue. WORK le of itrge deoeme. aria will eontati. TWO enoes•ap Pan., and upwards of no 20011- Otto ILLCSTRATION, it will fitment working-draw. lots and descriptions of the most important winching in the United eitates Independent of the mulls of AMertean Ingenuity, is will riontain complete practi ea tread ca on Tlachatilcs, kiachinet7,EngiumWork, ' an Engineering; wi th all that is useful in mote than on thousand collars worth of folio rolunsea, maga. sin a, and oilier books. . ~ .. .. 'rhe great object of this publication Is, to,place be. fort prattical men and students such an amountof thedretical and scientific knowledge, in a condensed fore), all shall enable them to wor%to the best advan. et : ta ,n and to cleald those mietakea which they might oth ise commit. The amount 0:1 , c3eful information thus brought together is almost beyond precedent In such works. Indeed, there Is hardly any sobjeet with its range which is oat treated with not, clear nenarid precision that CiPerl A Min tithe moat ann. nary capacity cannot fail of understanding It, nod dins earring from n memo which It I. Important for iiiin t know. _ . The prblmhers are, in Merl; determined, regardless of c oal, to male the work us complete as possible, and it is hoped creep ore desirous to obtain the work will procure itAs issued in cutaben, and thus eneonrage the er.terptise. Tito work will be issued in semlimoollrly numbers, summeneing in January, 1950, andwill progress with greusere/milT- The whole work will Ito pubhrbed in 40 numbers, et laments per uturber, and completed Virbilliie eer ie:4 yezr,lo.lo. A liberal dmeount will be 'sada to egret.. Any one tenoning the publishers Ale us advance, shall (Z,GITO the work through the post °Mee frac of superae. Opinions of the Press. "To our nomerotos Manothenurcrs, hteeharnee, fn gmeors, .04 It Intl be a trona of wealth..— Pro, idoeco; It. I.) "Tonne mon, arm yourselves with Ito knowledge We eta With root:lmre rococo:sera) our readers to possess themselves of he cambers as fast as they al , penr..—Arnericun Arnrum l•tVe trohesttatargly comnreci the work to those cu. gaucd lulu" la:ern:ad in scechartleal co actou..ifc pur' Cc eadustaly 'runt! of attic CIAIMSIII.. WIG at V -Ili • y 7 - -;• .q. is ifs:, a area: wore, and the pubtaaers de terve do :hacks of Inventors. taaelonlaw, and mono faccurers. and indeed of tilt public Ecnerally. - -N. Eadoceirdent. "This Moto:wry will to [daily aaefat to practical mechanics, and srdastio to all who wish to acquaint attioneirea with the proatan of ineratton Luth4lllC thclic bledfurd lbtl:7 hie:ears. . . .`icacg sacchunics trzect t tccp pccted ¢p /II tho t,trcl! cs crel w, pact cat kauW4r, &nl 44.6.‘ thsTsrcr 011:,•) ACscsuces. ..Wo take itJa be jun the work that ausr. Lon- Jrett of our Into.iicont Inch hatuos tare Joshed to putt set s aut:je are tiu.czlphoos, and .J mir.ate siteuitlcattou.s, that It soc:1 to as that any thechsalr night enntrlct ally raachiae it describe., on the 4.7c.r.‘th et tot e , pavitti and itottrachontt.—N V. Coluaterotat Adverolort. . 4 11 iratcreaaral 6a martacan:cs should avail Om 4,.1,3 of tu .z.ll6art,;es - -Pontyhcall. (Pear, Jour , -A mark er exterel7e prlevezl and reel na pe:tenet en,.. valet 1 , the r•v:liy tne,enlne inter-.• nl tbea airy ‘Ve ter,l the serork es retitle ,' es eu,, to - of etience ere the re•eltz,s'e. erd oJi•eerniet.eraluebtelr,m, Unit en the,eeb:ert.."—Farmer end BterTh,t-ele. . . _ . - Pratt - v.l men to all tan varied stilts or r-vettra.. aal end ni hoof/xi/alai tadastt7,•mannenring to--out toff in this 370Tk ctolsvrc vaklcb it will So to that prolt to frasyrsv".-1 , 07 Duly Whig. ' u bent Cordell; roused the number., tea be no d, tniinn in tar tuft a is the bey: work far me cht.r.ter..tradwronn, and eatenntio ten, ever pobitsh• ed. for it nnotatat ran. . Info:anti= on every Oman. of the mtebaranal an. .d entree*, eS ren pressed la a style and langca,re intelligtb. to ear der <Korth. r ear ye I noventer, rn Newv. -we ore we at< ono. It the evn..lns of Nor. 1,1,4 1113.1 surer trti of Conneautet a sarrten try ot atria; tl.l atteatten.° -NOMICh, (0:461) l.lnartor. 'lit it 'nab a wort a. every oteetiiyan sheriff iv•tt. - an's /corns. rot:Toone of the loon arot& and tesvortnnr •••.,•t itsw. he r.tewante ran afford tot. r. .• - IN Cotort,t<ll.lC•xm - t • ‘••• h•Tsnf for their etc ...Lion and advs.—erne. of the mastic., • •• Mil We ntrt wren,. sc •. v ....+ors te-rd to itiv •• L.,E , isury ti 01, ni u: e t I.l[C!.l' TV", I:na the Pra - rt.ce . • makes a c mcor t tl lq • omit of Me most comprobe,lowc rud !at!" , . c .I.lla oboapcM wort, tier roblntzed —l34llmoro Adver...ar. Otic, In coon, one doinnog to keep !tree 7. An IMlr progrr% r anowl eemuee movery one 17.;:nr: nr oivl:ezed ode . ," —tt3ndont Cooney. eralpte . ,.l Et.flpr pf . r.<l,:e UW - 1 , DIC.J.Ona rr. rn..y 41111 tt . 0 F., .li-roted o{l. mectovt,oll,lo.o pu.r.,•••,sr, nr.d irrrosr •,i. valuisle Amer., srLa• the Sae dons for .1,4,15,5( At...trress machissry sr.d rrnrs n( ”—F..c.l en La; At:class. Tit tura:rem a . prier .?mode.rote,, l•wittry at whet is conta,ned mt.: to etch nanatser, that no or.: who boo the tenet interest hi curb matters, de•erred Pawn prnedring 4 and eseeP one Who do, to. will Gad ibrtt he hat to a Condensed form an amount 011as:ruction winch would be obtained, If at al!, yop the purchase nicety annoy orolumes."—N. V. Cannes and Enquirer. 'The romprehen.ieeness with which the tribjeera arttreried the admirable manner to which they are ii , elll,trd, conspire to roaboUns one of the most desl table wort. ”—Dernuera:k Ilcrler. wore ilion!d he in the har.do of every mername, en non, and monefintater, er7rololll those who have the lent osioratior I to <Tool to thou terpertme tomt. hes:es Wr hone care:oily exothlovdtt, with a view of tocominno.Mce I, to inventors. To them we would lay In the rtronn :comm.:or crint till:ter "It it goivi"— D,Lim - ae Invromrs. Norm to Prop:natl.:qt . ltiemTaperl throng/mit the Untied &CU, and Canada. If ;he tattAtinr, •Ave,rsemrat in.erted fore UMd daring the yenr, •nd Um Rarer eon:cling II no to os, e enpy Oir.f I, 111,i be 4ellt I,(Stliv, payment C.7nterintnre co Mercury, ma ante Mineral. pIIE thitherto, rostiranetal was givers by the cets• touted Dr Wenner Bench. the %inhere( Proves,. thedtcat work entitled . .The American Name, o. Mr-sums end gamily Physician... Navin n mode acquainted <nth the meted/cots uchirh c..ropose ItlcAlbster's Orotmero sho navies preserrord w tested aro several cases II ID prronte procuoe, I twee . .o hesitation so guying of ccthtytne that it a Vegetable Remedy, containing miners] tuba:Juice whatever, toot to Ingredients 1,111.1111.4 cro rosy are, and used directed by the Proprietor, ere not only harmless, but of great value, bring c ,rely wrocinfic Remedy of great power: and I ciicorrally recommend it an a corapotrod which haA Jone Viallett ff,i, and which II adapted to the cure of a great vancty of tom Though I have near either rembeihothicd or engaged in the Sale of secret meth. eters, regard for the truly bonen, coneciontious, ha. mono character of the Proprrotor of Oils Ointment, and the value of his dtscovery, oblige ma to ray than on regarding in kV. REACH,REACH,D. 0.. cro Ncw;Lork, April ha, IMO fail; US.--.11 Id uoeof Ma ben Wong, lo tho world for Dorn, are gnarly eared by ibis 011,1 moat it never fails in !riving miler. Far Tomes., Ulcers, and all kinds of Soma, it has noaqu. If alotrcia end Nantes anew its value in eaves of !awniter, or "lore Breast. they asoold'always apply it In 'hell cases, if tried according to directions, it gives relief in • 'cry few hours Around thy: boa ore directions forusing hlcAllisierts Ointment tor Svlnfato, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, facer, Chilblain, scald Head, it,,,, Eye., Quincy, Sore Throat. Dronelde Nervous hfrecuons, Pains, Disco, of ma Spina, Head Actin, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Arlie, Horns, Corns, oil Ih=ecacsof itort4tin, Sore Lips. Pimples. he Swelling or Me Limbs, Sores, Flactunialivm. 111 r., ' Cold rem, grasp, Swelled or Bro. ten Breast. Tooth ha, Ague in the Caen, ha. ==al Tnere was neve,, perbepa, u Medicine brought be. line do' coolie, than hi. io so short a time won senh a repute:non et Meni,,l,la An.llealto; or Worn.' Polio Almost ever, person that hot mode trill of it opr most in in. praise. One has been cured by m Of WO em pornfon rnenutothnin, another of the piles, of a nronblesonne 'am in the side, a fourth of a gm,efLie limbs, nc. If does non give norroo• , lo every cote, It can do no injury, being applied outwardly. A. nether evidence of the wonderful healing pow• e t A...atoned by this salve. sec subjoin the following Cernikente, tram respactoble citizen of Moidencrerl. lowannip,in this couinny; Muldenort On, Berta co March NI, lEi7. Mmes. Ritter —1 deriroZinform you that was entirely cored of nn severe pa:nil/the bask, by the use of MeAllister's An•llsolint Solve ' which I par. chased from yoo. I s oGeryd wita iL for about 20 yea,, and at night evon unribie to sleep. During that LIMO /nod cotton' remedieb, which were presenbed nor me py phyricions and oth or persons, withoutrectivling any ;chef, lad en lost amine trial of this Solve. la a re• sult /OVOrOlde beyond rlpen/a1101). OM DOW cotta. ly tree, ITOM the polo, and beyond al night a peaceful And tweet sleep. / Gore ego used Medal. sinee for tooth nitre end other complaints, willt mentor hoppy /Mils Your friend, duels 111)1.0/AnfiC11. JAMEI.4 MeALLISTER, Sole Propneinr on me above medicine. Prlncipt" 11.11.0, bin 11.3 North Third Weans Philinial• phi. PRICE 23 CENTS FEB BOX- Acarre n Prtr&onou.-11 A. Fahnestock torm.f of Woad nod Find 50 1 Wm. Jsatnon, No. fla Liberty toren: L. Maim:. Jt., con. , Of Narfot .tmet end the Ihantand, oho comer of Fourth and EhalthGeld streets; J. IL Cassel,corner of Wallin% and Penn etfrots, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Eh:whiten in Smithfield Whet, nd door from Saeond. " •• In AllegbenyCity by 11. P.Schorarts and J . Douglass fly J. G. Moab, Tha6ntsl,lllmtin3hemj D. Negley, Cam Lihert7; 11. Roe:land, AleArestran• J. Marauder 1 4. • T B 7ll.l ' ;:g, n lfrOtraos bthL T O l i ll y e,• l J N citai M ll l t .ru: kley,ll 'k es Co ver " 'l4 Jan . Walker lbaboth; Donbright & Er;fho, Rochotter. Jr. ," reawdir TEN 011 D—= j tte il Eatta i r a go b bA) IffsCutANEOC3 lICES dEGEW AIEaICATIiD tiVfdPIIIBOAP. —.The Min of many•pmf Mattered WWI alfght enspdons, is pimpict, morOese, &o, and when thle le merely • diver,re of the skin, in many nine cme+ nu: of every lie nil red, It IR veep easily re mooed. ham flsael'eNysaph•gotte is erpressiy adapted to 11i.1.44.1 Ci MO , tel acts diroCilY kPOk Me, mine. peers whine Cocci trarfsee, Mew:sleuth= Moto mpurities, tad by Its bebstnue properties beirring co d erselecting all eruptions, and randenne the dn.., and i onah..l sbn soft, fair, end bin. mine. Persona who hare been an the habit of using ordtt , miry ntop, mill itor:Amin:ant at th, bcontifol elect prodoced by the Nynipti S - 33.11. is implante4 a delicate bloom, pre, otter; the neck, fned;or hoed. from chap. ping, all ayt g all Irritating, and removing till comae. ono ercpuo a. I' potSCtlgt, so cam:tones ...fame, and ta ea t ornly voila of all alealakv prep enter., rendering it the only ark whim can ko lased etili taferY 1..1 comfort tut , 11 i1i,..,y, . All throe hoe, 14 , , On noel , . ore dtrOgnrod w ith Pintadvs, hi mho , ton, antfohow. he, should make tE J et ofirk Haim, A itty.,-,.a. than, SA tee propnetor paatuseiy a roma it.rtn.;L; tb, Lot_ will tender the moot diacob red a 1.,. obi 4 kL,. rnvata a t ,k tt , nmonu t , and the mos don-nat.? it.= nrakity, pure, nod bloom. ing Joie, Han it NymptiFninp ta tae only oracle which will vire.. Ily Prtaltk, Li, above cattalo in to short a uric, and tic n . If one batch ta m like vane tone all immortal et. entimli 1.1144,3. !kept:red only by J 11.E...5 II a Ukl a Perron., and Ciatalat, I .l 3 l Choptioal !Meet, Philo. For ante holemic Alta iamb Ito H. A. Fohnestock tr. Co, and R. E. holler, I` nialtuto hi end John Can gent and J. licit 11, Alie,,,, ~,,,,, I , a . 1.51, 4 COND 11.5.01 D PIANOH Inhogany. mono Rdne, 0 move! obit; in Vi,..0. ocal, liatvorouil, 5 °clan, l'o 'ss,' to good °Heti • •• • IVO tro tate Fmk, .• ••••- 45 OD an l'inao " OD lave Povin, Wilt 1ii..1.011.r. NM:- AM ~. II MELLOR -1 lieoil at it GOOD -aond A handsrom Po minim I A plum Li • g od Goal A ood/) WIC - I Natalie klAht Light. ,PING 0.2 Wz,.,7!, ~s, ?MI I,elllZ Vlete,y nit, nil, 11,a1 ; Lerr,lote mutt. el.:card to in all to, Gide ,oroutri of thu onroacr. 11 last Nine llouru , any further lquqth r 'erne to tbe cuitiuonni quantity of oil. nil Sur , JOHN I) MORGAN I)l.er:tilt `ITEM" comb, %ems gn.t•l ther Dom tamp ell rH of ume sec ficcelved TusT IrfidSFIVED, otter Pittatturan Eaton). lint. cery and. Tea Wart:boor, 3 covet Fresh Oesera. ht tin rant 5 do Tickled do, to crtals, 3 . do an, to pint do The obove Fresh Oyeters err parboiled, and put up in a highly concentrated volt, enclosed In lacrenctscal ly settled coos, nod will keep much loc,cer than thou put Ol.l the ordtont y err v For sa e, wholecalte and med. WIA Ski. Vo, mph hwaldttosey UreaAmeraiir3T — SieekoilitealWork- - 71 AP 'LETON t . :Se 7f V., have In rooter • Of Üb!leatton,l: raw r nee t winy five cents n ench, eTtOIStAk a :,la-hinsa. filecheettet. En cino Wor d Elil3•••erm F dcedaned for Fracttenl %Forting Inn. and those trterolnd for the Eraineetiel ProCeealot Edited by Starer LI r run. T,,to •11,, k ie at ern size, Lod will cuntsto two thousand gee, and upeeneds et r. Il.onsund Masora. norm it II present wort:me drnarteva maul dcnnp• lions of th mot imporont teartnatte, to the United fiance. It .pendent of the results of !manes° in. cnoity, It rantain tenni& in ptaattcal treatises on 31re:taws, IlladLtnery Ehyt:te Work, and Enittnevet ina t • with all that la ueetd/ to wart. then one tholuarutl dotter. worth of relic erVetcv... magazine. and other bboks Yu nambric', and rot eele by the agent, Ilt trISINS, apt Apdtlo r{1.11,6 it. 1.11757 STOV 1°1.24.501;1. .. - - - .104,4, - _-55.-4.......-7 - .' 4; .....A o.',fit::l l z;:; , - 1 , 1; - . ' iftl ' - ' - -;tte . - 1 .7 6 i 5 , 7 , 7;c: 7 7..! ---1t1r17...?;-,..* 3 . 4 .- - • :.• I‘,. . Tii•t• • ;• , -I , ' tz ,"" . 7.,:-y- , ;;: 7- .?,: , , , ~„, , , , , - .:47, l' 1 e..•-: , -;:g..,g • '' , .4—..2 , ;:1,.. +.•-• -......1.,•41;r,1;74-.?:.-17,,,...,-,--:.,L;..., ..,.. CHI*K - ERING I S PIANOS. John 11.18d113:, 81 Wood Siren, rilliborgh, So. Agem IA Wc•z-rn 1`,:1- , ,,,, tor the Irak of CIIICKEItINfi , t7l- 7 .IICF.ATED Grand and /Iq.cra Pia.c. Voiles, DMS T. In.urin i.. 1 ~.,...., TI. usuolcol public, _DI . J.l Le his rt,r 1.r.r.,c1, ILI , . vrzli totes.* an 4 tz,-., , c. to; .vaie, thonr.g 1'... pr .., r.:,...::,1114 Ictr - tc , t ~w o,old-,,Tr - ......1 -io:t. ci r . n F,r,s ~ ..Mier:) to, ca., in the tscat—L,. , ..,-, .., L....,, ~Itl to foacJ • , rli corpir or g,,,,i,i, ~,.....ct ;1., , ,, f.ntr, Clay.° lutes. a.ll Tl., ,c , , .0. • .-.,,,,a ..., ~.vaso and ityta of erTuaor t.pLectanll, Gotta, sciaara PIII.I. Forte., 1,11 i) XIV mle• WWI a Ilrge 1:ota of on :ae svy!as of r.o Forty, varfl , 4 in 207: ft . Xg 1101 . 0. 1.0 o no- .01 101 pr.r.reai rt er:t.• 1 , 57. thltetrtlin.:t h 110.11, EtZ:z tut al :7 4 k.,17, - ..1C11.1.11c .10 a; It. per i'errpt.:, e( tie rowitoLumn. 011 ii.(,css, .Tr.rrc nn7ra• •lo •Ainr, .1,2. [WI ~..Ir,,,Tryn of a p :11 , 1e p%Ti . TILE vsLcri.. , :.. l 1,1,17, n/ pr,7..Ver.or, Li. 11.,:u,ff: h:ln Sr trc Is put i. In b-I. and t .1 , 3 a r.F.,1 COCr:I. at a 61":3 of I. an. Jul:arra,: „ , a..r cal !est a• :cots from ranitt cont.s properties tvart 11.0,1 0: 11.10•20,1 s /00ger a salt-r at,c-raw lat•rt: arc many tittn;s in the etvar, et" act"! vast a•efal/i•x• a.,• - s.ata.g turt - ..na. 'te raaang the bloom ,•1 u,,' I; V. 6,1 in La nn 6 k.f. Lang tot.f“re the pre , pf , •mt of rot it ap i.a • I, urt .14 cote. Tireco,. , :t•at c• , ;.1.1 . it, attl te•eral e..rv• I. hat 0.0:.0 . 01Ca. it •ara indlcation paru,.4,:f aaJ and, 121111111 to or h•il IVI-art c•-• t`• Attu 1,111• ~,0rcr.,.11 t,t! • :r.: .;•,-c.r., or uohr•o nay. tOr , r t. t'l fl.ratr• tt antral.c.d. 1,, 111 S, Lc ot.tto, , r.a.ol—oll 14 , .crt. to, CllattNlC ItttOrWIIITICr. CO.tttl: 11 VTION c.trq Asthma, mot rt :or tolo.c.orr. c: trOMPL.AINT, o: ,he Divider and tte Mut or 6.is Morro , " Mr:root,. Nu y, It ....ono, Potho 6owt, Erys,pc.o.. 1.cr..., tst,re, In /../..••• it! ele.bally le .ittng. (mat tiCttot "Xi Ut dtscore, toodarts... r It '4,111,1 as • general TONIC and .1,1.1 . 1,1 i V ii .r aavu a,s, t or t uctog tone and 4.:0 tO,i‘ itarnr,rercov• utg obrtruruons. cram: IL, Ccgc:ratn G fa rtcL ons, , & tau, end btrirra en tuttott, and pvino lootent.rd sad roncror.t rro , tgy co sit 11, ortotos al far! rbc propnoln, ccres that rousted o'er!". ot:.rt tor Ittocca. get 'roll away the nee of the Ft.:1,1101,k1 Ittc, ,hart Mar Too Perm! e w be ft , rn .0 co . ; ;once vt,o de,:ret Norte poem,. -.:Loot Jr 411 c prot , uctot Sold et tic ;rnprittcr. ft NI KIVA ~t ort, vent t‘otterth ,t Ane Lo it I, riji-/fillttl 47 Wood h 'DWI - F.1.1 u comet Weed .4 act.: Vt,c.l alloy who ate L. nor - 441v•coonterl Aunt. di USPELATTN L , 'LlsZotitT SOPA. ASII THE ci1;ORMIIIIV119 •, I , er gualny and s bto n les: gas, et.: ...ago alakcesr gv:da Ash, worrted ruoeoo, lt. so.y othor brood .1 5$ by :ha quanaty 015 or u. 0r...1, cum tcy ot approved Rotes, a: tout a , erlit. fat o gun. ly tV a :a MI te , Cf. I . - CARPET ,r WAEHOHSE, No 75Fourth Farrar. Aool.lPirlo'ES consiunely toceivlag Its Eq. 1 or CA It I'ET 011. SaArrlig, Li,, ho., .I...prierl on pan fallowing, la> Extra Super 110,a1 V^lve: elk se a ep t a, Tapestry Paallia and, Anaerteaa I:rua•cla Lttia tlupetttno tutt rut .s &resent . 11 uPt 1, aa ingtatn esal,t.4l:tna i,tptt psttntecnina 11.stra " ilaca, It'lnc " ,tittpurflt. do JD Hopi Common, an stool ' Hoed Roca; cotton " rtrr • CI, 1 wnd I la e VelL 1.4 , I and a ri C • a -•o n, t, d IV t ;I,r #, # end I.4 M pe nCat. C marnou tlo , n - W a. I.# Carts, aee.l,Dont 61.u, PrILed tonna Carr,s,Tuf ALA, nahret, 0 -1, 7.4, 8-4, 5.-1, 1-4 and 1 "414" at thi (lota.; •L=o, 6.1, 5-4,1-4, and Mathes r.dlln Polded ltrideo•ede In inch palace GO Cletut" table for awns lEinentsc I pl e a no't 1 " . Coach Todurunott T ble runlet! weskit Woe and Drab Clettet flei e w ee d Crimson Plash, lane. end .fflostrud imnd Orwell Oil Cloths Li S:Ar La t ch; Domes]. kr? LIOIGjtj ferkey Red Chintzes;Watereh Mow Mt. Bantering, •LIO, 11 , 161.1, Gil (loth Table BaS Itallesut int YirShatlee i l Coverai ar Transpent idneu crumb clothe French trat.sp 0 trocica Veuenar. lII' :ids, ! Draw StrJr Role; Uunung (or Finals tuivsett; 7-4 loofa 4 Tatle Linen; Carpel Pinernysi 'Husea Crest., I.lt.te COM Slats; Scotch lilepers hitcniti and Sluilc ton Maui Mown Liven Neriktne; 5.4 cod 4-4 Gruen roan Cloth German VU Cloth 'Dale for tilted', Coverin Illoceeliace Diaper; • Lein, SUM OIL CLOT. (rum Uia most app ved env lise end American munuiseuirers from Id ro to 74 feet in grime, which sr, be cut to lit rain., balls e and vestibules of any awe Or SO , N. the endereigneil 111/Tinrr 1m0nm...1 direct from Ens. ie.l, los Velvet Pio OM, riveter> , CA iwura. These Carpets, who:4 era of Etc nn,; Wall elegant toles anti patterns, and of ,he WWI uncle°ae color*, will be snit at pries: ao low no theyhp purchased for in any of zne eastern Lure, flaring the largess assume:id el the rrehest and aost laaluorial.le thUSS:I.S. 'IPI l'flft I I. Tit HET I.l' doe ....JAI CAR 7 4.:7 111/ surpasses n 9ealily end enutuastr of price, or a••mrretrul rim Itu , t'te bmaet , du• set . Ile Went nvites StlesdratMat Men and Coe. h Ctlenutzpurr s rs p. large end well selected amoral:eat ut TR I. l l4llNlrtl.rtatl other artleles necessary 11,Ir uromes. The endersumed Is alto totem rat it, sully Sour Rod artnelemory l'hlladelphia, haul In ',reposed to sell lower than cult Le purchased eisersbere in this city _I moiG WM giIt:UNTO:IH_ B. A. Irabnastook t Om., Wln iLE..A LE !MUDD NTS, corner of Vim and Wood SIIC<VI, offer for nate,on lasor•ble trr. Ilk Obis Whiling; 000 lb. Cub. Ammonia; du do Alum; 500 do Asasicctida; 300 do -- Dye Woods, 600 do Crude Tartu, , 25 do Lampblack; doli do Liquorice 1100 h 20 do Van. Red; RA do Irish Ron; - 8 do Camphor; - lOU do Red Precipitati; IU do Span. Drown; 160 do Calomel Amer,; 20 Jo- Inflow Ochre; 23 do do Eng.; 10 do lirimatona; 291) do Bucher Lenses; 9 do C 1,,,,; nil do Rhubarb Root; 3 du Chain. Flowers; 4411 do Satan. do; 14 cotes Ref. Ilona; 0101 do Gentian do; 23 do Castile hoop; 1100 do Hal Rochecle; 15 do Prenolan Illue; VUO do Beattie Miztuto; Di do Cale. hideouts; 600 do. Poss'd Rhubarb; II do Chrome (tram. 630 do do Slip. Elm; do do Yellow; Iliti do do U.Arablc sdo Ain. Vermilion; IVO do do Lig. Root. (td Mona Sand Paper; lOU do do Julep; 03 bear Sicily Rune; iddi do do Arroyeand; — .23 baled Dottie Cork.; RA do Snob. Zinc; 2506 Ralph. Morphia; 30U do Du Tin; litull lbs Cope Atom nal do Tamarinds; PAM do LlnChterm Potash; 16U do rduick Silver; IMO do Pint Root; RR do Orange Peel; 1540 do Turkey Umber; 76 do Cochineal; I1:15 do Cream Tartar; TO do Ilyd Polish; WO do Tattarlo Acid; 6U do Rue; , log b29-dicaranoT do Vra Ural; 25 do Oranellla Lotion. fe Gi ikUCIDI,tI-600 DizolN ben Lliairaa — Cru. abide, t,oßSid vitae, far sate by '7 IIIVI . IO 4 tRgrA d IVR ACO I *al J tICHOONtrIANER aCO Drees Good.. AA. MASON h CO., GU Market 'trent, between . Than and routtb, arc now rieciring II law as ei Bare, Lie I,IIIM Pr I .; . lii Clothg, an en. LIR 110.• article; Pallevit.„ PT/tpl. 1.11;110 ; AC; with • large nimortment or Limn. and other Dr,' Gonda, of the lateat rty Ica sod must fashionable calm . . ap3 Paper flanging.. SELECTION.—WiII Le received, by first canal shipment., a nen and I tavortreent of l'eper,of the wrest Vre.,..L wid Eastern styles, la gold, alatroote,oak, 0411 and high colors. W. I'. NIASSIIALL, (late S. C. mr1:1 • •• fri Wood aural - - Itt v trt i ,;l!=f;.°g."72 amm., my two Sam, R. N. end ° W. Watemomb The .• &slue. In love Will be euedeeteul ender the style of S. WaltrlZiaa BOW, al Lae old stand, No. :11 Wa. UM lad Front Street. L. +A WATERMAN. lanaharail. 1111•ral. In, ma B=M= TB INSIVIITit 101 MPS 18 atiiigZi - 5 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS of this Loovoilt leave itgalorty,ond livor freights orithcottyronshipserd. J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, . JAMES COLLINS, do, t , Agents !HOWELL k. UROTllER,Rochostar,l • morn 1850 intaat sago - =33M SANDY AND BEAVER LINE Fro= Pittaturgh. to Colermhtes and elmetand, thrtmet tM nu& ratd pbruslarus mantas of Coh* biana Carroll, Stark 21scanneaili Godrocarn, hisangram, h ieing, and FranLiat.- The compleunn of the Sandy and Beaver Canal opens up to our eny through this great natural Evora route 11 direct eocanumlenuon to the atwee as Well as the adjoining counties or Wayne, holmes, Knot, um . . From this section of Ohl°. the trade with Pittsburgh has been, to a greet externem °M to einoequenee of the high rates of uonsponallon, which are now heed 10, 20 nod 50 per rent. Boats of this hue will leave daily, end run through without transhipment. The Canal tompley have bestowed upon this line en interest on the unprece dented advantagen of their charter, andtbus secured to the middle portions of Ohio hi ordering their goods by BIDWELI.I4 SANDY AND DP.AVRK LINE, an motel interest In Mt. tadvlantere. Ageob.: J. C. BIDWELL, Pittaborgh; lIIDWELL & CO., Manaus. COMI.X2I. R C liolmes, Speer's Ohm; II y Wintaresport,O.; George Kemble, Elkton, o;Cathie s Hoffreen, do; Gonne, Graham ee Co, New Lisbon, 0; Atter & Nicholas, Ihmover, 0.; Gibbets A Booty, Ali. nerve, 0 ; Spzakm & Foster. do.; Joseph Pool & Co, .In; 11011 & Hints, Onelde Mills, ft.; II V Sever, do; C II Ilarstbal & Co, Malvern. O; R K Gray, iVaynes : burg O• R Re3nolds, do s ; Isaac 4Fm"Firea ° ,ll?„'t btfarome &Co andy eine 0; P P Latter, do; Path- Leash is Steinbaugh. Deliver, O.; & Shover, do ; lioilinan, hlemillon, 0 ; Conunins tt Co, do ; tohn Robinson, Canal Felton, 0.; Fent, & 'Torrey, Canal Dover, 0.• A eledbury, Romoe, t).; L K. Wan ner, Newer& o.4 , Fiteh & little, Columbus, 0, L. 0 No:. Meet . .. Cleveland. 04 Rhodes A Byron, to. may!. IV a Trailiportiiiiiitompany.' ME§MllBso,ft;aac - - —•—• D. I.Ip.YCII £ GCVO LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. I trim , PUBS, Br Pencry/vania Canal and Ratl Road. THE Boats and Can of this Line have been poi tr compete order nd with tiro addition of sever new ones to the Line, enabler as to cony tars quantity et prodoee and roods. The enure stock of the Line Is awned and contra ct by the Proprietors HAIIIII3 el. LEECH, No i 3 3c.U. Tido o, tod es dm Tot.. Wereboose, Dort D, Phl adephis, Pa; JODEPII TAYLOR A SON, No 114 North Howard at, Billmorellld , OFFICE, No 7 West el, New Fort D LEECH CO, Conn 8010 , Peon st, .11 Plitsborel 18 . 50 - UNION LINE, UN Tar. PENIVA AND OHIO CANALS, CLAIM, PARKS I CU, Rochester, ps., Propels JOHN A CAUG HEY, Agent, Ofßee nor Smithfield and Water au, Pittsburgh . CHAMIIEFILIN,CRAWFORD A CU, Agu„ Cleveland, Ohio. THIS k W h e t l art " d7res n ea L gr ' s reect r g P f ! gllVlM= CLEVELAND. to any point on the Coma and Lakes. The facilities otthe Lute are uesurpassed In number, quality and capacity of Lloatc, 0/F0..10000 01 capteins, andelllciency of Agents. Mt Mal leaves Pittsburgh and Clevelasid daily, ran ring In connection wait a Line of Steam Bon. be tween PSITSOUROII and DEA VIAL and Ltse t East Clam Swum Boats, Propeller: ad Vessels. on On. Lakes. IS= -• • —. Clark, Perla & Co Boehenter• r. N Ravi. A Cn, Youngstown, titi.r, Al II Taylor, Warren. I A & N Clark, Newton Foils, C; I Brayton & Co, Ravenna. ON Kent, Cinnooll 5. Co, Franklin, 0; A Sillier, Cuyahoga relit, 0, Wheeler, Leo A Co, Akron ; Chtunheriln, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0; Ilabberd & Co, Bandeehl, Bertha. & Neon, Toledo, 0; 0 Willie. A Co,,Lktnen, &both ggv7f a ; GeOoo A Gibbs, Chic ag0..01, To.ditat Halo, Mcleod, Ili. JOILI CAUGHEY. Agent, • rerihl corner Water and Vic} th eill ESEISa I 95(). plias 4aBse gatific AND IRICIIIGAISI TIIE 1:R IE I':XTENRION t'A N L CLARKE, ~ t.E Yrornr.orl. '1 /IC Pruprott,rl of L.“ I A CI A,Aor, 1 Irocld Infsnn IL. Sat 110* an up. ctatioa In: tbt . p:ctenlA,Aran: At, CA ,. Fre4Et wlitch e , e Italy prAtAre.: caNi t, all Caual and I:RIE _ . . al tka tolve,t ra,t. One of the 800, of the Lc. *tn.,: c.o.:alloy at the laz,thog,beloty Mouott.tethel 130.4g0, to rscoltro fr.citt. .101 IN A CACOIIIIN Aro", 1.)..5.te, co: Wotar an!l . SootOto:. , 4 eta, tfmct,orlt. R tV C ea a r nn e t AhCam.ala C•atte hiltrh o I't+, C $1.11131. S:ES nistp•l-Cr.: ,yeare it Po, Gircovaltv: NHoary, flanooewo, W. Power, Couneactrate; Jahn Remo O. Co. Ent John J Itoliicst S. Co. itudalo, N V. iceSS Boot ateigM 1850 ' 416.4.11 IN • INSlr.•,.rntrimon7o, •ali.••2e It Joo 0, of ern.i. 0 • .4 ru tsntnum 1131. 1i&1..113.1tr&F INEW YORK, Lk/STUN, &e I BMUS., al, S Tiutrx h arCogoiya Philadeiphia. Pittatitogh. Tt ` L '‘ :ttfzr z‘TT m;TP=":"u' t l ;ie..vine ndorwafin . 5rehad ,, , , .,0 Peudoee ei Ice rati-a, and was the per:opine., ce, ;army, Old gaiety, pecollar to their eg Cent and Allude tritnapart.gtion. wLere iiiiernyediate traiwigiornent availed, with the congelocia delay. and prohahtlit) of dawn*. Merrh•giiwePiiithpie shipped gaol." artitt,aud 11:/1 of Ladling torwawled free of charge for commie. Iron. alfimotosi, or worage IlaTlOg SO WIC'S. LI, n retie or truhre.nly ItromboJts, th at or the USSII2. IS solely congalted when *hipping their good.. All rotootool.caltuns to toe ("flowing agcnla romi.l .$ attended tC • TIIONIAS HOB 4ftipt - a., no 78 Market imeer, Pllade , fmla TAAFFE: O'CUNNUIt. Mnuit Perm amt Way!. streets, Pittsburgh John l'ileCulligh 1 Co, Nom, st, N. rrurr k ca s 111,,nr.a st. Poston, W a J T. Trip.roti ea ',loath Ist, New York, Jame. Wheelwright, Clad. rt. nrrt.s fftrihNISPORTITiOII LINE, MO= 1850, between Pittsburgh anffi l t*t es. The Canal betas now "pen, we are ready tocrcenre and forward promptly, predate and therchundicc can and nen • Freight, always st lowest ;atm ,barged by reqor, utile lints Produce .I.erthazdire will be mere. and ((re learned tali and *esz, aritiont any charge for for • reardube or Weaning height, cooronsaion or storage Bins of bading forewarned, and all din... faith (ally attended ion Address ot apply vs, WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin. cos Laberty and Wayne sts, Plnstatte BINGHAM tr. DOCE, No Led, Margot st, between 4th lc Rh, Patna JA WIL S ON, , • ran Inca , North S. Howaid It. Bal Aat umors JAS lIINGHAAL • tetl6 No 10; Wen meet, New Vora Bolles to ont Patrons. itIiGLIASIcS Po/LTA/Mg BOAT LIBEL t‘lic decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia, Itthe late Jame. at Vanis,) produces tiO Intemaplint. to the baldness—at ransomer.o have been made. which selves the Game muse. precisely, which hare arfOlnfofo existed Tar business is continued aedet Ma same name and him, al.— Jean M Mum A Co , Philadelphia, June M'Falsail a Co., Pittsburga. rho Oafaltlt.re. uf the patronage of oar Cana, 'winds ts respectfully solicited. if toy persons hare demands against the concern, they are requested to p smut them fonhwith, for payment. Pitudiergh, April la, 'SO. JOHN APPA DEN, Surrivtuanner. HA/WWII & COI • Paulen/gar arts ELeoiltlaMaa Ofiles. lIANRDEN & CO. contthae to lathe' persons from any pan of goateed, Ithland. Scotland Or Woks, term., upon the most liberal term., th eir usual punctuality and attention to the wants ind emu tort a femmigrante We do not allowemr passengers to be robbed by the gamed/tog scamp that latest the sea. ports, as we take charge of them, the moment they re. port themselves, and see to thedi welt being, and de• 'Retch them without any demotion by the first tdipai— We thy this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pane& Kers to show that they were detained 43 P.osthe by us in Liverpool, whiles thousands of mbar.. ere dctalned month*, until they could be sent In 60191 sal elan, at • eh ^ p rate, which too (thermally proved ,heir caging. We intend le perform our contracts sonorably, con sthat It may, sod Dal Rolla was the ease last season, nit, ether of/teem—who either performed not 101, or w Len lt sidled their convenience. ; • Mafia drawn at httebaralt for any alin from II to moo, payable at any of the poet/alai Danes In Ifs land, I.tglantl, Scotland and Wale.. JOSIIU/. E9Ol (180 N, Earopeart n.d Oannal AgeN, fobl FIN, inner. am door bolow Woo! L IQUORS- 72 tg p : . , r; to p r ood and , y ...i —Ota ni id, Dainty, t , 3 csko N E Ram; too bpi. wbialroyi for 0010 by vs.? Lt MITCIIIVL,Ort MEDICAL. BM James (Hurrays Fluid_ Magnesia. , DRETARED under the Itocreedlre rare of the In: I vent., and establlithed for upwards of thirty years The elegant preparation Is recommended in all cases of bite, acidities. indigestion, gent, and gravel. an the most safe, env, and effectual form In which Magnesia may, and indeed the Cale One in which It ought to be exhibited. ponessing all the properii.• of the Mitygnesla now in general use, without limns liable Ike it, to kens dangerous concretions In the bowel., g effectually cores heartburn without inuring the coats of the stomach, as soda, pout., nod their car: aonates are known to do; it prcvenu tho food at in fans turning eoory nt alb roan. It arts as a plea,tig .p ,tent. and i• peculiarly adapted to fetnalcs. Sir Humphrey finny teattficd act thin solution forms soluble combinations with nue acid •alts In caws of gout and gravel, thcaby counteracting their unnrioui tendency, when other alkalle• and even Magnesia MeV, had tatd•tt. • From Sir Phil i p Cram{ ton, Dm, Sory,eon General to the Army in Ireland:— "Den/ Sir—There emu be to daub that blerme.r. oily hr adminintered more 56101) bi the iruat e vat, 7entrated solUflOn than In aubotunae:• fur Him Sod many other Dieser:4,l am or opinion that the F:, Mor,nenia la o very valuable toblllion to our Hider., Medito. PHILIP CRAMPTON Sir Jame. Cara, Sit A Cnoper, Ilr firignr. an.l Menpor Getbrie tied Herbert Marro or London, ..trinre ly recommend Mum. he Dull Alrig Immo. ... Imam or Sanely more see and C 0111,11,111 then the avid, end tree from the danger At:ending the ...Ned Lire or end, or pores.. Fur tale by the ru,nonerinallti prordretorie adma n BA FA tiNEsT,,cs it Co minyV Cur. MI Wood ,t. Gals - AT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DIBUOVERY CHEMICAL COMIIIN AVON From she Vegetable:Kingdom, to ergel Dise.u.ne Dr. Glayfottls listract of 1(oDow Doak and flarowyorilla. Coin consornptiou, screfa la- etystpelas, :LeLinxitieln, p 4 u, User complaints, *Mut/ affections. ulcers, ay s, tirnpsy,asthma, ,;surrey, eduction. ol the bladder and etre', nict.oo. rapt Lamar., testa of Lined the head, levet sue ferra,:c ,T 111.1.1 Itera di.bilill, I sia, In.. of appetite, henduci.e, col,is. cuAtnenes,, Krusel, is eats, rhnue, gxiDe pa Ipitation ef the heart, biles, p• 1.1 side, chest, heel, St It is InfWLLle i. nil elAth.f em on im pure 014Ic ortla ,Llo,ni Irrtjulat eetian lE. ay. Lem. tLe Yr rtlat.:c Kilo:Joni, at AU wise licirq na dep,stted plants and hero, conernial tr. out Cr 11.14. atoll , and .d.P, to he CUL .I L aao,e; and to the Vegetable lairreerti does the Damn or Mabee Well • the_,lneunet avant toant ata, tern for antidolea to pain. WILL Syrup • seientlec compound at the Meat ea: Ulhie plants In notate. entirely free Dom deleterious and enervating mineral rubstvocev, and as It expel, tattle hoot the 'velem, .mparm enter arta strenghe I aeorrespondingitegree. CERTIFICATES.. An eittaeniinary eat, orSe Tofu's, Erystpelai and can, eared: by the sole mix of Dr. boyar:4ra Coca pound Strap, ) chow Deck and riotanarilla itiwomllo, Nov. 17, 1 , 16 Dlr. Gomm—Sir. 1 tender my sin, re Maisie for the irteat trateni I Lave derived tram laft 01 your rateable •yrflp. I have Men trout led very bad wit a *Monde.. mrc, watch made il3 appearance on in chin. !did not pay mach aucritina ton at first, sap posing It to be ororana but an emptten that appear on person's Orion ~ It tinnily began to liiere.e,ddlll spread to the ~aek part of the bead. !Applied to a phyeician, who attended me ell to ho purpom. 1 bad tried every thing that maid be mud I taw your Syr. up of Yellow Dock and Sump:min" nod concluded to Ma It, for !knew Mat .Potion Doak wad one of tbc most mailable article, in the' world ter the blood. I boupla your Fruit, end from the 11, of Loult,l could tee a Kiva: change In ilyatern• erattulaad 10 emelt uhril 1 acne a well M.Ol. I nor, feel like • new pervert; my bloc 1 is perfectly &anted end tree from MI imitanuee - There in rot p bet um your newly discoverco coral:amid to mmemer I any iarsepanlla /syrup ever avid. certificate ta et your !imolai to nulateri illoo lilt, and any envy ou may refer to me 1 shell be py to pita thelo the Inl'orrnaiian 1 cau about MY Cale, &a 1 carnal:, your obedient lerczni, • arida:, U. ha:awn, " 113711,km tweet The Celt Drove caellcune ke.iueu Fakrocx of I'cGour Dock and en.ceperale - esture,rocedp, cud perulanect cant 9, all c0r..,211.311 , C11-ul to VizN13.1..1?, ltv aDW: ta-toure oroperuce render r poculterly nprlltahle ID Dm Condor and OcGcco.: cormiuojec cl tGe icznale. it Po okrical!cd Ge teat:.* upon etch e.o.m. recipient co:to:Hurt:en, berme:lc - 7,, leu coulleoa, or wiults, IcregLlat mcs,truetien, fiance of taint, and wdrec. gooefel prus:rei Cr of tue cya.cok t :I Gera colieiu , 7 cbuntez,. diVavroOg net, oua .and (c,oco , re cooompo to rat to rma:e Ifrep.e, .02 EMPSII2 eticrET end 1)uoyouoy .1711,214. lacy ILJO NVe test cvtdrl.:43n i lch at .eety , Lti r3celci.,e ....ncd 4 , 4 1 4 .cue Loco G . . Lc.: elcome cG gpsins. re..-direre cr rahlne,el too t': mat h al La, year.' MI - Ante. cured by Dr G0ica....1 Litre:: Yellow; Dock ..a.7 14Lre , ,aperalla, that every nit; tualsol reci.,.) had tee., 1.a:ell aaaaut relict 1.111,{47,1, Otoo, Feb., 1.94.9 TLie •ertKri Ort: my vak, coged ',tote, bat teen , ¢Verang nit es, ccoo . levot it, bet ye , la—htarly' 11/ of that trac t co coned be, to . d. I tote tar foul yealarenc..otly er. - .plaeuitlie tench:l te4: taleet enahl to pzetta - rd to these...cc:oa of the amine", erah.on any Lentil whet...etc have el.(' c0,m4a,c..1 every tat - Icemen I . ..rec.:co:to, Mr tilt ore attach ~.selce, all ..; winch prov.4l ernr.olczt. lo ta.c eprohe sear arolcced a. 7 frien,l. ol La Clay ccoe Veilevc Wet am! gn/ce - ae.t . a, est ‘I ion tout mono., rarer tee hod It for atm.. lour week, at ere, trin.,l .0 t ohc we, ...or evaa,K, e... 1 loom tht.4 LOU. ,he n14,0..114.,3 vi 7 gelned deli, and coo,ll, ai.ol the so , C.U.Otri 11•=n9Cd, CAA W. in Gni", , :n0111.,.., , MIAND:RT belrA nerghba, %VW 3,/ha Ncrl.•/1 leer lbw. the at , ovc tta.,, , ,t.,11.1 ro tam M..oPan, and a• c.dect,. S.ar+ar:.7l/13. .114 /A:11.: EDDY. PLOSVEIIeh Groat Coro of Cionovifoution. Mr. Bremen—lke, Ol! ' "Ve ' r " :lV t all ' ii7c Y L ' icr l il-% I rare derived trust beta: F.:vv.( chow I , .tc• .40.1 , tr.•rnritt3,lNlttecs me, MI act tat to La, tt, following ntz.l-toctit: irPty la del , tl:l, 44,4 , 7 .44.,,att.t1.ti rd S.rtit rat 4,11/ Up 1., 14) 0. 44,1, .11t1.1,3, rr. I v 4 I:lsra.2l. R•iti f utl u.r..l4ut trott't, .91,1,11 10 ,0111 di/ 4,10411 I ttlt tt.cir ,4 sr•4.l ,utal 11,u 0.4., .4.41 ,1,4 ...41t. I ~mie4 pa,rsatt.. 11'1I11: Nur.. 4#,L,r url:cs• put tip •.J.,r tor. Orr ,ty:ILLog qt.,. Alta Mt 111.0 t I th • ra the tep,r US. ar • I F “: I • Zl.lO. (t.t I J., V. I t .. ii.e, Inttar foi fqo • Itt wl.l 1 , / .1 it r ..osect I fiut .lre. ‘ 4 ,t.e.tssl P. tvAallL %Vt., to IV 1.(1, ult eau,. .• e•IlEt • 1111• l• JuJ4..i. 1 nt, Kaa, Olin Y. 1. • ,. , :0rr. 1°,1E,, Alamroo , ilinoia tt/wamin :.Oro: L flo,roc g. 1:ir..1.,•1.10, I IV It l'at• toti.rBl,, eat,. il/1.10 ii' k S'F.I.LE:StS' FAMILY MEDIt:INES-- '10" .s, Lhr dui lk ahem Straka, Orltl/, Mot 7% I:U k E atkt•—l Gunk ttrtßut,lvr tto brkeht o: raw', ly 111.17 'rape lick ht ICI.OII 10 yea: CZCGI:CRI kit milt' I bare 13Gitl ),,fit Versratage targely 11, nil own 111114, One Vl , ll frequebtly ezneilinr, Intacquaratnes Isny to YOu warms) from two ehodren. I hare also used boar Ll.,r Palls and Cnnott Syrup an lay rawly, and they . are. sw I .,•)lunat.eL, produce.) Um abet .1.11,1. As I um engaged trt metelttottatni, I AIM attic in thaw that I hate yet to hem or the hrtt iattott tonere your nth themes have been rice in any st of the ethmuy. In conctarimb I mat, •tme Lot they ate the medletres or the day, and a , e deebred to tare a very extensove pupate rity Vours. reareetfulty, %V II IttttNrcit_ erepateet and ante It', It Ft Utt:I.I.EILS, N 073 Wood street, and told by Druagiele get - Araby in the Iwo .11G1 and tetethEy. Q. ELLER, FAMILY alEtileilak.O—.'lley ate it. 1.3 Alen:eine. or the nay." Glatteat's SZAS:ON, M ay Et E. &Bets : I think it eight for the benefit of otheea to state tome Itic•a lelatton to year excellent Fami ly alcdietr.aa. I lily, acrd Ir. .r Vett:Wage lergely lc myown tvcc• tly, one tinrcrering for capetlinyl qaantitta• (bay Ito 200) 'notch, from two childut I have alto •ted yaw Liver Piliannit conlh Elm in my fancily, and they Lave in ay.) , lartance produced the cacetdc sired. • Al I am st•Xliged In mrreharittrinx, I am able to elate that rim,c, yet to hear of the roll ft.iin., where your medic or , bare been 0.04 to m 7 rirehon of the country !Ile:aortal:on ' I may alai! that they are tot medleines at the day, and are iloattnal ai have a veri extensive payalartty Vow", re: . 11. riNhall • Pripaged and tout by ft . 1..118,ti0 . Wood street, and sold by plop/ ~.,orally in the two 0,. ties and Manny. mr3i kA eriglnal, only trot, •11,1 gcnuthr Livet (MI Snort Cane, Ohio calmly, V. March 2itth, 5 Mr. E. Salem Deliit , lt —I punk n a duty I Otto to you nod to the publle rmera ly, a sate that I hake becoalltieted with the Liver Compliant for a long time, and ao badly that an aborts formed and broke, which left me In a very low state. hoeing beard no your celeb.ted Liert Pula Belo u for sole by A. It Sharp, west Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I conchtded to give thent fair trial. I purchaed one hot, and found them to he lust what they a. recommended, BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED, and alter taking four boa, i hod thedlsease ha entirely let, me, and I am now perfectly Wolk Respectfully goon,lt II CULEMAIV. IS en Lit erw, March ms, I rainy that I an personally acquainted wilt. MI remit ,and eau bear testimony to the truth fit lie •estifiram. A R SHARP . Toe f env!. Llvm hn. are prepare , ' and SO id 1 , 1 Ei LLERS, No 57 Wood area, and by drugguo lathe IVO el4leS. TO 1' HE BLIC.—Toe orlstnal . , ably Insulted gen uine Liver Pills are pr bored by 111",clIcrs and have MS Dome ramped an 'deck war upon go l id of Oath Loa, and his signature on the wrapper—all adore arc counterfeits, or base mutations. aplU R E SELLERS, Proprteror %/VATOiIIgIS I I —CM:A PLR Jan we'd, in Invoke of full jewelled pawls 11.. leer Watches, lb carets fine caws, which 1 eon .nn MI low tat/nett and thaw fire dollar', and warranted to k Tarl oc l, ' t.IeIIJW aseorwmatof...lEWELl[V, cum plains the moots. and latest style', and best guilaros - W. LtiON W WI, lV,tclmakar and ',Velar, .11• TA1L.011.14 . GOODS, Ax' ettsW. Cl 1. 1t 5' enure attention r'° 111 4 e v ' Laic * .:ll..T.J . C a es ' i ‘ c ' Woolen ' and Cotton tiOtniN 111)SY oats their lnryc stock of Tailors' T111211i1114,5, M ei n ., German Clothe, boe.kzus,vamktolein.,&c ar.t roil !JERSEY. RIAjItIING & CU tel IV Cl J Cal' reed, nu elegant plain Rosewood.; oet It.ao from the celebrated ...factory of Nallas Clerk, N. V., al toper= tuna, and very moderate [qt. Par sale by H. h LEBER, data .at J. W. War:KO:cells ILLIAMWIVtIitY TiitrTli POWDER W , , foe cuitoving 'remit ' Scurvy, Canker, and all substance.. destructive to the Teeth. It is Unripe.. the laste,cleautng the mouth, healing and strengthen ing the gains, anti punfytng the treadh. Fut eels, WI &rule anti retail. by d &JP R Woodst a 4. ht p," Cogniat Romig, rano. vintages, 200 r cast, do do; 4 plyes Ilolland Ilia; itunelmons Jamaica Spirit, 2 punt heave Old bash Wholu..li • , IMqr tusks Madras Wine, do timatto dui stst ItL,ll Daes Claret, 0 W !dives k m pnoish Red Wtce, O has llordiaz Claret:: 10 hos Mittens Wine; tris French Wkda Wine Vinegar: Ree`d , coals by MILLER& RICLETBONgi npl9 • 141/ SU Lamm, P. P,„ W. CATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS'. PiTkIITZD Mil- 13, 1r.47 TIIESE DIES having been adhpted arid bigbly approved in all the principal shops in Near YOrk and Philadelphia, are now <Merril tutnanufacturers,'nuteltinistai 4 tiP u'r. °4 cm ` i tidenec, as the most perfect aniele tense or cutung sr . rews. Their superiority over F., other Dies heretofore wed, consists In their cilitilor a easel= Scoow, whether V ottutusar thread, by ones passingover the iron to be cut, which _requite no stredgmg Prqlratiaw, up the dies cut the thread out of the solid mon, without rabiug it In the leas; in their greater Geraldine, rapidity; and perfection of work; and at their simplicity and bide ttabtiny to get out of order. I=! Piehortatrota, MI.1; Wte. ?his is CO certify that tea have, porcLared !hoot W Crates the rtght Of achy a patent Lhea for vet. Ong bolts 11, rptmon, hu Das ars much suptr •tor. to a.:y othott we are acoaatted cr,ta tar the ;14 rpt , se of coolat lorlta J I' MORRIS a CO. Ilaaing had P IV Gate, YI, ?steel Den la au< In ear lebil.lencLl /De Oe lust Aire tord.dr. for cutting fe I •wo can Iq every respect rerhoduand It.em In Jrl blithest terld:, An we Lave laid cdl others away, :hey hen, gt, flOr •uerier—e.nraidering them PS per et VI cheaper tisO, any cabers now to use. • NEAFtE k CO, ten Marls, Pa. Ti-IS II to <Truly hot wa have purchased the arta In ire, and adopivil in car burner P W Game Pa lent Screw Cutler, which Ivo highly approvesor. We un do aturh more Work, and we believe a will cur. pa, in darataliry end nrechnon, ae mach aa economy el labor, any die+ known to as NORMS, TdiallEll S. ==US=Cg .. Woo Vow, Aug. W, Earinp adopted P. W. Gate ~4 448 inent Wet , for eat. Una, we take ph:amnia to alai it wore than M 1..," nor rivet...nom and have no LeOzio non ii. giving it a. ea, owl,. Mat far axon/. any On/CI plan in present vie for ea itn.a Lon,. 'l' V 8E. 4 .1.1a .& CO I - IA •'t'alettl nice" for cmurg and the voulieray or otqra theta's ea very taittideretla, that as leek upon tediipeutai We Sr every establiihnient hiortna any quantity uf scree.. to (All 04$1)1:21 >< kV, iflted klal 1.141 NAM. Orrica, an 111,11.15. CU, Pcpi , 41. I taore parrhascd of W. IL 2. , ,u0 lde. for d, tinnaLl Elates, tae rift to ate la all ariermla and anno• ht KELLANEuIIS. - - - gee James DFarrayto Fluid Magnesia. pREPAIIRD under the immediate care or the In venter, and established for upwards Of thirty peers by the profession, fot ren.oeine Bile, Acidities, and [wheeze., 1 - eon:nine Apernar, preweviAr moderate state tithe bowel., and dissoiring tine acid .:ravel rail wan; also, or en only remedy for eel tick 10, (Otter atfeeeeti Incident to clirld• hoof st is invaluable On the value of Magner!a es a remedial creel. It I. umwerissary to enlarge; but the Plaid Prepuce?. Of Air Jewell Alermy Is now tho moo calo,l hy the . petois ZWI6, on it rottenly ovoids the pemtnlizy alto, Vnlarrrouseottmetiont trariallr resetting tom 11. e ore orshr article in powder. For role by ale trel , orer o taut penee t rtetee agent, it A FAIINE-9/OCK A CO 'cell Car. Wucal n Front rr 0 1.1 A 1.7,C Olt litount;s:ll,,ift4td).binn72.:3:s'sl.p:ta: . r M ond/ els Ca mrd .e's lump; nU bac H. 111) era' I lb lump: •eepli Cu or Lae do L lump, fur sole ry 11l I Lt.t, R & RICKETS° ni 11C S rucliTuN ne, received for vale, 12 4of Blbbants luelat7 Demise sad Failed 11. c Boman Emma. L ta and Letters of Thomas Campbell ; la 2v: la Edited by We Boots, 21 L 7, Element no Seettlic• of Mast Callon:Tay. By the late Re e. Sidney Scdtb, AL A. I.:Metes on tho Arartießn k'clectlc System of Sur. :ny. Ley Benjamin 114 111. D. nulled en Vernon.; a NOTti. The lineal:, r Knot, ¢ ate et to mecca:cola cen tury ' . . ne Pcedlet Letter, a romance. Ey ridlk.aci /losmborne. analt Iladtway hkonorpy; trel.3 Co the new art 01 troheporn manegement, pin-pcms, and ream:, commercial, Enancin.l, and e.t.a al, with an ezpoution .1 the prectreol elite re..larays In operation we tinned Komderman the Ccm.l.r.eMl, and In America. Lardoci D. C. he. _l . -G!. cloth • Tee Preforms:ell fictur of IM Iteruldir,trers- M,d froM the Freed: at A.,1) La mr.n.lneot.tbor of .Tee ' , Mantra i my Tooth? 'RA pheel,- Mo. I vol leao ciotb lIMe,I Rowels in 1. 4Viiii,r.,ty liorere fir The Illatory of the Confers. D 0., EuLop or Mo :c1 Cloth. •:ah hddreone. cad I Vol 1201 n el. oC`f .h.ba Henn' reco of Vcroor, C.lct...t a Can.)a. Byj ht,7," WArbotth, Esq. Comm.; • o:etch of f ph7so &lc. Ilron :he lin... try M. C . .1 1r tiithani, Ih:rho , : anti rail t hoh, tr 7 If. 11. Mitomn. entahhhe 7, ha cluster of Iloe he role ivmo. teription or tha. traoslutni • or !lowan Empire, pen cheap odion. 4Ot. ror Tot; 4 volt i== M•sv hi I MOURN 0:“. -• CO,Scripl An Wben 02 et itlenl• roam., awd micro ion back. rcity ts, 11.. JV Thy. i:Zit c•.t. fie ir.vcrl WI P.", it .I\l tcr ‘PL, t •1 ct tog fl,ver CI d0,147i, iV3',s it•va; J t.. t'c: 1a,=41 tt—cts,!, . • tic 1..1U. •P , Jssfir.,t; , Polka Ile.ty rt. LirW/. tZI:I;CG4P- rra far gel. by I II NI• ' Worhl J 11. PIELLtIIi, SI IVood sirctt, ka.r waved Ltd follvera erg Net, llate t,.. 'ate other 1.“11111,1 time. Toe tot ti tlk ert that, Ns. it Ss- lel. LaS/Pel. he Rotitil —Coro- hy tuttni o'not, tuit ci. k , tristsett r.sku 1...1 ee..und. the •pit.l Mak loved thee. Thy 01•ve Di %V..shsos,tua.. iltk Alollter's Lemont. trtl xL..,.--.loa r t eu sl.t l thi ng. w e lt , i. tc,f Wt• h u. , . 11. L ..tit—lluichtoJistNupod i Ea, I. kits.— Ise 'L Ttte • Poik .nmy i`.. , ls 1,11 qh.l kestorivaLt Ttp Aka rles.“ f olk Ls r italtlnussratt Polka. leery Valtik The Ors, ka. Seutok:s Podia— /id:La. cut:diem, !I it Pols., Jo..ephdoe I,lks. uittri.o.t Ficstit , of Po , ku The Pro. ceet Qtdidi tare r Jcitsty Lind Quitdrilles. Trot. Wreath silo Ddisy 1% Pk-et—Mr, Ernes,. The ? , ....1/1 hinter Ito)—t !sy exerts?. Monument. Irma tom e kl seeker's Daughter. quickstep. Loctsvilie Murat ut Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick. era,. berry PleLots tor . Sale tir•eaet wood Gardena llovey'a elredihoge, and Victor.. EI V ViXie larg•st end bk. encored Init. among. ail the diderent aura:tire noys7ro x . then a4iirseeil to the pr.i letor, ,r, will receive piornpl attentrn. e A ern n==== . . I , k e t , ed w agt l o m , o , a d t , V i , spe n n4 , Irma ri ll remalknhly wkoletonta4l , sed auditions quad, des a fond tot the healthy a eli as a diet for et .al Jo, and also teethe gut tcoanec of p.rowing <gala fee Lams. Various modes of chasing add preparing t are give. the mappo, Though well "now, in doted, It Leiner. Wen to any eve ra in I'llutttgh. The sakenb. rte Lave, them:ore, maJe attfitiPFmviti. e ta !caters sappliea with it. a... 1 now oder it to retail !caters tor tamales oft more favorahte terms than It ass "vet Lena sold at in l'indwzgh. tiM A fifeCLIIRG d DU suNYI 151 b'n"7 - A - .PDS. lAM now prepared to fornish Apple Trees, from the Wall known Nursery .uf Jacob N. Drown. The met mall he denveredat the wharf at Dittsbargh for IL: per hundred. Demons wdhing good thrifty trees •houid leave tacit orders don so the Drag, geed, and Perfumery Warchonce, corner of WoodandStrdasts. Ifll S N WiCKERdIiAIII .- - - LT )(LEGER hit. jolt reamed a hen lot of brass lollzurnonts of the beStalliarinleerrile, selected by hilnfair limn great care, for Mis market. taco as Caine Trorr.banes,Sta f loons, ituales, Cornets, Tubas, a., also, a fine *eI.:CU.:I. 01 Mime Boxes, playing Leta and Mom' tette', Thunnes, Aced:deo., &a. de. Also s. parlor Darman and holier, :liana% and gen. tdeNeapolitan elder, (our lculthe,a splendid artle•e. SIESN I.IV THE GOI.DiaN DAN', avail! Aid Third street. inkl rib'..l.3 <die brnted STIOKINtr S/iLkF AND 11 7 STRENGTHENING I'I.AsTER. pone Hreert tgo remedy for ca, one recnetaric adecuons, e•knes" and Lameness oi most part,ol tne body, acrid, horns, sores, of moat trod. cats. *Welling?, irnaln*, btu's, corns' cod (clot:, when first camera. alto, the mmt tonrani.a and, safe !tucking salve for strengthening plaster. and Arad, on the feet. • Foe sole by S N WICKERSHAM •c 6.7.2 Cor. Sloth & Wood au Foote rits - NoTaititi IO lase Moloditra• - GWINE to Ron all Nithti Dolly Day; ,Doleylocos; Go damn to de Cattcrt Nellp mks a Lady, Ae. ALSO: Ile Kind to the Loved On. et Herne; - • Love,ll liuw thy Gant tightly[ rat by T. not Out w.sy •eress tbo Veit. duets; A new enecney Bong, by U. Coven, • Jenny Gray,imosie by Maa.or, Jaya that cadre eloarblog. Wedding Jiiretr Sat blots lb* hotly raa:ll* Scbaylaill Waltz; Cattaenyt's Ue;atture, by V. , C. Glover, • , batottla train, ‘,.astasa, :Ate) arta,stkiacie Cal Last RCA., "r'surliccr t easy Variations by Herr United State* l'olkaia.adics'Soaltetar Polka; Corn Cracke r quadrille; Louisville Qoutrllle; Scuttles or Italy; Doctu, Trio., he. A larriaatortmeet of ;`jes , tgastc on transt.to which additions are Ratio eakly j'et Sale by feb2s J. H I. MELLOR, St Wool to. --7 Gtsaajr It:Lam:lard llllstory, UME'S 11114. fOl.l , OF I.:N:LAND I. ,row pub .ll-4,,i,balg by Ratite.. te tiro , r, In 6 cols. ninth and paper, al 40 cents per vol. Torre aohl seeciond, and for attic by It IItIPICINs, apl7 , 19 Apotin llusidinta, Fourth at 717i•WET•30tf - rte - ptunc umand ...sin NJCANDLIZ--4(1 boa meted, flipped, and einem Onasax-1511 boa l'renta and Eagthih Ceins—s7 , dot llusup and Manillat Cassta-50 blau,: • • Ctovm-4 bturel, etaaos—OU bl Conduoo all hsleSpanlst; en.ass—'c•.. Cdf afar EI•At - I•ri's and ha.ted I,rt de dlkerlllan•l Salt:Kn II•sfs• -MN Nina. Venison, • lUntiltfugar Cubed; I , and :damns; Ivt—t6 one; f lot:luaus Inack and Copylni, Ltlo N (donne, It Id halt brit Hoyle: dna araorted enemata: Maemtuoal—atilbs !mime, • V 1.1..C11.1.1—011 lb'', du N•ms—:w kegs astOrted; itteaera-4 /oxjarsamaorted; Paacate-9u buthela 'mince; Paella-00 reams as. , ted; ' I'ayette-10J lI i Bordeaas; Soar—.lo byla fitt.ain - aud Cast Steel; tit oaa-10 bhds N Orleans and Otariaed}. patkagea Caeca and 13taek. , Toaacco-4.9 bta e. I lb ib Pot sale by 1 ' f D WILI4AbIS co \Vasil Bosillis-41/ 1111Illent Zir ' Cornet . of Plitt, and Wood sta. . REED HOUSE, 1/ 950 IL>i;lTil; fit, Proprlgtora,, Use Spare, Erie FY. GEN ERAWSTAGE , OFFICV.—keetcro s ari4,:l3oatbenti !Rare., leave this house 41.1 f. ear. O A w; BAXIIAL tEI of the Kicsetau note, Ohio. 11.11i:46th • ryeacrder the repenrivion of. Ira, Dee 2f =Oa, P. W. Oder . " Parrot L tea" for cower screw , en meuo,timy bowing been tried In two of dm 'barn.. aromas, ord . found to be very efficient and erectlynt ; • A. TALCUIT, Col. onlins.nes. lirr.S. or Yawns •ten Donis, Wof moron; Ser. 25, tee. 7 'Coi.ii4r.tltl.l !Pone Vntreted lontroeeteeat for eat. Vie r.e'reo , f to ee vonott , le one, I have, by Intl only tho itoneral, , Vectetatt of the Navy, saichave-il the Attotheya 01 me rinentee, Vut. I!. tiontle. old hamar! Mower, ISO the tight to auks (Ott me sold Inn , tovetaettt for the U. U. Navy. JOSIX/1 $5lllll, Chief of Beretta. to 41%11.1.11' BuTato Works, Bonnie; Reese, Irochesten Roulrtt 6 Co, Gloucester, N• Yi • Maywood & Snt•der, Schuylkill l'stintl, ltittreek,New York; 11T 11.i'cr,"frio',..- 1 0;7 . brnmead & Co, Monument Work.. Unit; Van Cinch Rochester; Mint a. (tyre. hew Yorr About Works, Jc, Pease & do; Weit Point rounder horn.= & Itto, A Jenks, trerdestowith, Pal • Walsworth ilk Pianos, tGialoll and hoar 'lark • - Machine Shop, tome • hsuccskeas Co, Manehester,lll , Lyman & Sou•her, South Bain, and numerucs NO IOU:clone, to cote Jtu el. taps Ir 1 to N 42 Jo d do lm /1 pion VZO Nob JJ fi . Jo Ito 1, price 11127.1 Ail Other. addressed to Gems /a 11tKoigittCJIlcaget, O.N. Ncw York. 11. 111 artholl & Co.C PMIa- Jelptuo, and 11.11. ementle to nor,. Contono, for Dltth L4li lope`, with or claw= rancLince or using them, will meet with prompt attention. Cloccom May Pent. MISCELLANEOUS. . , ALMER. HANNA. k CO. hare tett:loved lUelt rd Cretonne Omit to north wee tuner of Wood tThird wen.. owe hOTICIC, THE lhartnership hare:afore exisuct between the geccermeis ender tec firm of Burlaidge, Waives & Co., we this any a,ssolved by a utanl consent. The business of the firm will be nettled by J. W. Bur" bridge, or Wm, Wawa, Jr ,mther or whom Is mann, 'Heil to Oft dm emne of the hem in Iten,antlen: J W. IIIIIILIR11)0E, - WM. J r., LYON, S:1011.0& Pni.ll.lllxo. July I, I .J. 9, —jyl I.k.et:i4:voa:tty W. Burtandge & Una). F.4l4ram hava , tltll r,/ dny nrsaninted. %herr:entree under C., Arm or Bur . ;ridge hmg b rain ;Ur raaract a Wholettle Grocery nd Oeoered Comuurtion Ilundaern,la e:boned lately earned by Idurbrldge, W/Inon & Co,llo Water If: Yntaburgb, Only I, lefed.—Jll - CO.PAUTDI &ALS!' I raillE rob.llberr haTi lhle day formed a co-partner rhshipa neer the firm or W & Wilson, for the par retrLnra2inrthotVlols ale Grocery Ltd ComA .. l ui.s,atje2, k ood etrect. WAI. WILSIJAi Jr. 11ANIC,WIL&O' klttibc rgh. 1,1837-174 ,___ noun's & navvormn,. I, FRU VINO DICIILLERS..O tea and Mao fileretanci, Bi.ct ado elate Mamoru), Nast crab, arc now oactinc art:T..l'r,, .10 , 7<ft rrices fur cash, Rectified WhirEev, Bic and Dameind Brand„ also, stench Brandy. ifollaad filn,. Jamaica fiplitis, Lau don Wu, Irish Whiskey, Rain, &a. Fort, Chem, Ma, ileira,Clinicpacue, Clam, Alcaratell, Malaga, Tana ;elk. and (.Infi - on Writes. Wholesale& Retail. my 3 PiTING PAPER—AP:rape . hand or mein ul L order, the trarlatia sires of Printing Papnr, Ha; Wt.ipping Paper,Crocrn. Median - 4.d Doohle Crowe Sties Straw %Prepping Paper; Crown, Medium.d Double Crowe Pont Wire Pipet; Panteboard, to. it an e. W P 51,113611ALL,63 Weal ot, Agent for Clir.ton Wilt i N it l y ri ti tnlll: o l . lf ,, rziTk r r o u r ii c h h c . r Counterchroras," "To scum aud to be.. wet tilmo m. Latter Day l'amptacis, li—Tho proscct dam Di Ti 101111.3 Carlyate_ • Esstsruus.—Olemoirs of Lilo and Writings of Thos. Chalmers D. D., L. - L. D. Prelccocas Duller% Atelora:Paley s 'sEoldencesaChri,.tiunity,rind Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductoryleselnrca sod four Addres.es rid:vend to the No " Colle/e, Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D, L. L. D. 1 vol Elmo. . C•Lrui—Life of John Calvin, compiled:him nathe.•• tie scarees,•nd putictilarly Croat his correvondancos. , 117 Thomas II Dyer, with pvracit. I Toll:hap. ' For note by ft 1101.1(INS, - "73 Doildmigs,Foartla 01. •• • Combo! Combs! ..)1j GROSS eager 10 do do very Any: ••••”1J " auos`d 'trading; 12 " super En 41124 Caro 142 d -dint; r;; Ma/ dna 11.1 , t1 RICO' O rr: . •. Ohell elite C oven.; 10 " or large Mario: 21. gm...mold Solo COll3 bc. reed ord for role b 7 • fe1.,5 C YEACEJt, 102 51aratt at • ILAGI g• COUNDILV." 10111t11.0,10:1 V. W. G. 1,,1N5, I. ' . ll . E o ' n, n grglf : a. " e d e ' tn ' i;l'o e :qfZetiti A zeTl47l l 2bO b tVh . alld public eencrally, that they have rebuilt the Fig tINDRY nod aro now In fall operation, anti bloc part of their patter. reedy 'foe. the gmangit sehteh nee Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wand filbacsi with a apleoilld aieitight Coal Stove, nolaleti /a floS , mperrechng in other cities the common. Magni Stove. Also, • cheap cal ti Stove, well adap• ;safer mall Mathes, With a fall nazorment of con, Mon and mantel Lin.. We would p•rdealarly /a- Vile the anemia!, of itersonaLailding to call at oar mehanre beiore Pllrettnaing; ind e....une a splendid !ruck. of Miami:lentil Grams, finished in fine edurely new, thlemaritet. . • . Waraboure, O. 101 Libertyas, opposite_ Wood sty amp:v:4l NICHOLSON Ir. PAYNE, • PITTHLIGIiGIk IMPOIXTAT/0148. rEAr kairellat r 41.1tivay.ez.°5,. In - bigr! or MS Gilt Comb, led Musket it, rittSbulth, Ms ,Psecterip Marabous, Pedlars, aria others vistuns pittsbargh to purchase Goods, are respeettal.l7 invited W cull and overman tha.c.neusive nasorunant of Eng. heti, American, French and German Fancy Good.. All Foreign floods this establishment ate steposs• ed direct by myself, and purchasers May salt on gar cn, goadafom first bandy. have the laricataosort Meat of a rti cles, in th e variety fire, in rho' city C. 3 Potsbargh—all of ortniti- will be suld lc w for earls: city acceptances. The Stock .1.40, In pan, or • Late Goods, Hosiery, Gioves, lisbbans. Silk Cravats, Sbog and Patent Threads,Sessiug S).01 Callan, Tapes, Saspendcn, Buttons, Firs, Nes dies andCatlcry. Gold and ail Wlktut.3, 00,3 JeWelsr, kardsol Mashes, Combs and Ilavore. Percussion Caps, Revolver:, Pistols, Clocks, Pills Cotton Parse., tipeetaele,i, Steel lons, Mann Boats, C. rpeo Bags and'llardiets. Iltrutito.,,, Trim:wags. 'fors and Fancy Groat member with a largo vans 15' of Fancy and Ample DRY GOODS • C. YEAGER. a also' ugebt fur the ceSebratua.Lan ler Comic. - unel7 . Gran: itagiish . tiolt 'Ong kg, Colds. Asthma and Consumption! gg ft EAT AND ONLY REMEDY (crew. curiae( an eve diseases, is. the 111/PWARLAN BALSA:II OP LIFE, discovered by. the celebrated Dr. Buchan,' a London, England, and ifirralee cd Liao the United that" ander the Immediate sonerintendence of the taverna. The eatraorlinary. meets* of this medicine, in Use GSM of Painionery :Lenges, Migrants OLn American Agent In lacking fa venal:teat the worst possible es Eel t h at can be found in the community—..eu,s,km neck relief in vain tram any of the common re Medial 'Of the day, end have been gtverrup 67 the most distinct:titled ohysimans as continued:and inearab is. The . an Stigma bas eared, and will cure, tie mat desliert, of caeca. It is nonaank nostrus, but a a o.ndsed Eng Bab medicine, of known' and established efficacy. Every family in the Blood Strifes snordd be casettes grid, Buchan's linaganan ItalAnsa nf:Ltft. not only tr, eannteraetthet connumptive te.nenems of the climate, hn;:o 6e suedeo pedventiVie medicine it all enell golds, congas, sot:nee, of blood, p 4.1. the cuts Chest, utnanon and toroams a the largs, &acuity of bresurig„ hectic - fetes, vght Vreatit. Wen and ger.emi dobtlity,.uilmsta,inpasuu,s,6,, ; , sough and croup. . , ,• , t....strl in large lionles,al SI pet beat, sirti4 . ..bei.ai rs . us !tuns for the resrattes.of health. Pamphlets, cosulialmt a CMS, of Flee, .‘ad erattnentee, cod Otaer evnies,,e, equalled menus of tele iceent E,egu5tat,,,,,,,4,..), be oh:suited of the.Ageuta gratlitonst FOr seta by 11 A F.OLL'ik.-ite..,C, es Co, Weer* at and Waal and Weed and 6Uyts • nad a. " i.,74_,Lhain , IMP FlRriltrt.iL(alt> riovume Liss 121 PertMoseu, hlarels 9 s ldlp. Mr. R. P.. Sellers—h joints tO)ae and year leteate pallible Coagh Syrup, I beg !Cereal Atlto, for tho ben !fit of the community, that say wale basbeenaeveral times afflicted 'elm a most datreasing coasts. I par- Okayed, le Jauusty last, a bottle of goer Syrap,whiett oared a coast, ur two mouths' staltdit.e, A boat oco monthstore, the rough bottle/led, Lab' Wei so severe that the could Lordly move, from weakness fu tea beteesti I scot to, oat botlio or your Cough Syrup, and apart or One bottle cured the comp (gave the other journeytuot who wa s severely alibutpd, are foe awn MU., "eaten aneoul, cough needy to tore all lbe people to Flttsbarglo It lbso twee] , hod been as good as repro-muted, oust, •p= ' • crste . S. Karen.. said by R. R. nc:1.Li31t8,57 Wave and sold by Oranists !Neurally is the. two Cae. dolh ALLAGOIIICNY VAC:Q UID AND CALINET WA t!1:4 1 ) - fully tuiom i 'ha ail/c; at tWitl wouldie4reet llutt be t*:. Vest tade or 'a, ' V," "Y 4 ' ecaltp 7c "d ietr i f ma Meth; diva r. ."r i.thd s a rile, 4 str ' t "' arre r d,, f equw tdty i n Lhated Sums lirdt, recoterlletat• ; out the at a screw driver. pUrcOsueit se t h e stoet tools, aed wad °Ma eahinsteP • 7= inuildtawn: ci Real laud, 1 twa ttrePhred Nral gta their r..nomere, well wy the public at large, with every thine In tb6r Uwe A gene'', No S tood street, l'it..hargtc mr had J. A. MOON. Economy In Tomb' %FA:IL/M.4A the cheeped c id bast plono In ?Mr. 1./ bur g h 113 in Testa at the Et... Market. easlila.l:. 01 the Diamond. They *ell reileni at • 6 0 Pet . Saperierljunitura•--- ,. -•••• U ;T. n Th priced, d m aged, or line, or Tema aniebl kepi Woe enlatar•DEDOnh 1L0r0..-o. 4 eth. , You gron., .; !elf or send a 6,141, you. ate ...V {0 Obtain god Ortlele, and If the dodos of.the .00 is noq g pp z .„. , They readily egenange or rhe money, t ltl 2 • 1110801 S tiIASI , • 11T11, Propo" -le, CHILLICOTHE 80.11P—IMIL. , tut We by ~pti MILL , lb t ItiCKETSON P *Gloss/ Cos rt , atourists, 1. 1 ' :l ; :t i n: 4 g N i E r , O C D , Cater. I C ° Fs: '" t . oraL , a n fl t o f i i foar r.s, ail' • teaskeoutta i IWO tablesp.94l4l. es atilt, of re fii,cd starctr-sitr the store, .A small gamily of atc zG LIG, la perfect dirso:vcd Gad the eggs, wad W. 01.4 0 100 11 LECLI-..p., 6. 1.24 and stank into dm balo-aer of nos ma, wade, stir constantly SW St tai ; op, buy 6.-121balbts , Far salt by • R R irr 04ryytan • N. 004 , . ! ' • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers