THE elTTdisti att imzETTE, PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO Piwrasonon PRID&Y MORNING, SEPT. 20. MO *Denman are mummy, *mum to nand tame farm. boron. T. al., and as early la tbadav practicable. Adnrilamaenta ant maenad for a paw lad limo will invariably be ettaravd.antll mitered oat. .1 TD . V. B Fauna Is Agent for Ws paper at lila even" agendas in Noss Rork, Philadelphia, and Boston, and aathorizell to mealy. sabaeripttona and aeltatliseskants for as. • 113" Parr-mina. MATZ AIIZIMj.-..Afirertjpg. :news and sabeeciptione to the Ninth Amadeu, end United Plate. 011.10 US, Philadelphia, reeolvad and ko•- •rardui (ma this Oleo. ar r 'Porrovararotrasuaranor.loart.-15aboorptiosu. for ibis 'Womble paper, will be roaervorl and forward od from Olio °Zee. Mumma mmws.—tabseriptio. ued 114 . P.M .evolved and Conwsrled five of from .fits ales. Ct3CI3I4ATI MST Genarne—ndvenlvements and subaeriptionn for MU paper, will be received and ormardbd from this °Mee. DZEOCRATIIO WHIG lIIPATX TIDE= J OSHEA- DUNGAN, of Sacks Cory. rot azrantox MUM. HERM • W. SNVDER, OE isn , ar: restay. rva +e vvt•i **Mal. JOSEPH HENDERSON, WWWYNonEcastry. Antlmasonle and Whig Illienlnitliele Allegheny Camay. 101113211 11.00, 0011111011. manses /le UOWS. In leb= 11:11.11011, 11111 M MI? 031111111.11 M nwaaraa waxer. ==l JAMES CA.HOTIIIIIL9, TOR uaasulT , MORG&N . ROBERTSON, Piumbelt- T. J. BIGIIAM, Loner Si. Cals. , C. C. {TALKER. Eluabetlt. JOIN IWCLUSICEY, Robinson. JA.MES FWFP. Snowden. FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, it:temagt: EDENEZER DON'LIiS, North F&7113i. '"no,, D. N. COURTNEY:Ohio. jx.s.EF. NEXT PAGE POE LOCAL ILIITTER2 Ar,yon Lases.ed I • If set, recollect that you will low your vow unless you have It done ten days bakes the elec tion. Let every Whig we toads. When the Wawa Ilexrre Ciltreafek published at Warren, Ohio, wishes to find fault with our course, we would be obliged to the editor 11 be would not wilfully misrepresent our language end views. We have seen fiequeut notices In that paper of our rem grin, sad in nearly every Instance have found them misconstrued. In that paper el the ISM, the editor says that we evidently "eon. template with pleunrs, the pular' of the fugitive Mace bill," and then proceeds to express . his as. tonlelitneat that any sane man could contemplive without horror the passage crutch a mutant. 11 the editor had ahsouved oar emus sod linear with iztjeundioed eyes, he might have nudists, eel( all the distress he seems to feel at what kit cousiders oar want of humanity, tar there is noth to to be found in our columns which will jautif! hle ileduttou. We truck it woad vitt as well become the edim of not p•per to endeavor to heal the division uththb tinfortunately exist to the Whig common* is curt comity,. as to b lading fault with ni through L 11101:11 of his men imagination. He one. prolm,ml to be a Whig, and tell the Whig pin! beesme of Gen Taylor's nomination. Providene, has removed the noble old man, and ROO we have a Northern anti slavery Whig In the Executive Chair. The Free Territory Qeestion is also set lied, and there Is no real, tangible creme b• keeping np the Ftee Sell treanisetion In Ohio. Wherever it Is done. ft betrays a factieras spit , I, and an indifference to those principles which the editor once profened to love. Is New York the litambumers have united with the - Old Honkers and the Democratic poetion of the Free Boilers o Olio are going back to their baleen. Wily, then should the Free Soil Viritime of Ohio keep up a stius letthargegiathioa, the only effect. ef whlch:b.m sena Mu, the hands of the Loinefocos. Ifit Is kept op, i will rapidly deteriorate in character and numbers, and . finally end as did the cove (amens Meet) party. We hope the editor will follow the exam pie of some of the best end ablest of the member, of the Free Sell party In that region, and coos. bark again into the Whig ranks, where alone bi can oppose the encosaehmeas of slavery with ant effect Pert. Orace and Custom Ilima• Every pawn at all conversant with the imam of business transacted in this city, on behalf of tht United States, must be convinced of the necessity of the erection of a building devoted to theacespe cis! mem. We have the Poet Office, the Canoes Rouse, the Pension Office, the Marshal, fice., al. requiring a commodious and fire proof building., to eccore the publio safety, and afford the atomiser) facilities for the transaction of bushman A proposition is before Congress to appropriate 00,000 each, to Cincinnati and St. Louis, for these pmpa., but it has been teased to Pittsburgh, cis the plea that the amount of our imports does not jus tify the oats!. This is more in appearance thso inreslity. Our citizens import Largely, but pay their dunes in the eastern citis la fact, we be. hely dun' are obliged to pay them there as the law macula. But it au be altered, and tl the dates co the goods imported bp out merchants are paid here it would be seen then we are as much entitled to an appropriation fora Custorsillouse so Cincinnati and St. Louis. That we need, and must hove sow, a commodi ens and rare building for the Post ()Moe, - and for the other purposes mentioned, cannot be gainsayed, and we think if oar citizens would make proper exertions the eppropriatioo can be obtained. The Government owns a lot in this city, worth mate thirty thotaand dollars, which bat present entirely mete.. if that was sold and the proceeds appro- priated to a publio building, it would need but little additional aid from Goventinent. Oar attention boa been directed to this matter sow, by the com. maiiication of 'Public Spirit," and we hope ow citizens will think it worth while to maks an ear nest effort to secure for this great and growing city lb. name advancedes which are accorded to citim of no granter importance. The /Viral Amman um that Cowen by made ■u eh a bungling job at defining the bound■• rims& Nilo Menke and titab, that It will take supplemental kiialation to Unable Commknionew to ran the lints. • We commend the so allot( to some persons not • boadred miles from th' city, who seem It think - that crowspapere and editors are a son a oonntton propeny,. to be tued for their pleasure and coureniones A MOST Unazasottasta Eorras..—The Paw. rocket Chronicle, after publishing, raderka tit lib oretto, the oommunicanon or a correspondent who &d'art roan most ortbruntiohltet In certain particulars, appeadithis ustreationttes notice : "We csanot swan thus m nonent thalwAthlP neon:was who bar*, eat piper to And hunt srl t • " Now will the Chtonkle pious Co give as its idea. or the duties of a newspaper editor 1 We have noticed in various !mown certain radical notion. touching thR. 'doom, which, if they an not checked, threaten to Wed to the most danger ous consequences., Editors are beginolog is so, Uterout Cates to am at though rally their time vas their own, at though the obligations between them sod mbuctuttts—teat to lapaek of barrowen —were somewhat mutual. We have seen sever. ai inetanoce where editors have positively donned to come: manuscript* of a i few doses closet, tigtroo page" on both dike. eldertigh taproot, Wormed that they were oat liberty" to maim say alterations that they might see gt. We have no. deed several atrocious eases where editors have had the tattrity to demand pay for out of puke tithing maucts of the highest public importance. such so reedutioso of thinks to steamboat captain' 'Puff of new schools, and obituary notices ol Infant children. Something mat be fore to put s atop to this,or editors will SCEnt begin tothiek that they have memo. rights so Other people.—Prominto .Trareet. President Malan ku makusd 6b oboe is the gmlin Institute, fee the purpose of smolder • all to the Presideitey of in tetztltate to to WWI The National thaversity..which U belag entab. Naked Mal Cleveland. - Prof: Morita lell/ &Wangs the &dee of Pres. !dent of the Oberlla College mull tee pod tbaf bo poneeneatly Fetter Matthew poached sad aditislistsrod the pledge to 300 ruing, lllsidds. Teas., as the &I /ha. tie trill proceed from Women et. Loalb sea otiosi tides sad towns !• .the Was. gia Seidl Is stub improved. Shall WS Lw.a s Aod o o t l oo 'of 'ho Ms is, at *ls moment, an &banning queLioo It amid be answered In the affirmative without Weltalian, If Pennsyhrula Reprotentatives were all true to Pennsylvania interests. Bat while men from Pennsylvania can be Wend so devoted to Southern abetrawicedma, u Kew& Sir f.,. i t Mann, and Ross, have shown themselves to ho, then la, to soy the least, some doubt about we assa. Indeed, we reel mortified at the position of Patunylvania, mortified to find, that when South. ern Whip come op to vote for ■ mollification of the Tariff, to benefit Pennsylvania, they find them selves opposed by Let:olo=4mM the very-3 stew be favored. Well may we say that ■ how, di vided alpines itself cannot stand. But, so the WasirriparßepWlie properly rowssb: .ntalLOOLlti le uppermost again in the councils of the. Deutoeratic party. Pennsylvania her struck her nag to Virginia and South Carolina.— The impractieables, the extremism, the dertniont hes, the abstractionism, have all come together again, and have managed to sonde the Democrat ic recognition of their =achieved dootrines.— They have no time—this is not the proper ome— n le altogether inexpedient at die time =moth— to attempt any Legislation on the subject of the Toed! They could fled time enough—nine months, more or le s , to quarrel about slavery— but they had no time tor that legislation which to neoesauy to roustablteh the depressed industrial tatordts of the Republic!. There may be a means, however, of compelling justice, if it cannot be had in any other way. There are various interests which:Democratic rep resentatives areanzions to carry through, which may be swamped by this unrelenting hostility to the home industry of the cooptry. These itturrno are referred to in the following extract from the Ltepub. t'lt is worth while to study the romhidittion by which the criumfacture of every Sinte—dor man ufacture have long since eased to tie a local in terest—by which the harbor and river improve ments of the northwest—the mining operations of the Middle State. --the railroad enterprises of the South and West—have been ernbarresed, If not needled to the anti industrial doctrine and dog me of Lisa Virginia and South (*Mi. School Let us an how they look in "solid column"—on their vote in favor of the anti muff report--turning their backs upon their conatitnents, and bowing be. forethe anti Improvement and eati tardf policy of the Abatracuonurts. Not a Democrat from Ohio, not a Democrat trom Winne, or Illinois. not a Democrat from &entre, lowa, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland. or Virgin ia-90E a Democrat from any of these States ven tured to record a rote against the report of the Committee of Ways and Means ' though they must have seen that the result of as adojetan moo tie to arrest the *hole legishwou designed to advance the industrial interests of the It r lOU. (If course, if it had been declared inexpedient to legislate upon the Tariff at the present tame, by the same token it would be found inexpedient to legtsiatc oriel har bor and river Improvement: railroad improvements and tildes great interests to which the wire draw ing and hair splitting Mass of mitt every thing poi, ticiarte am opposed " It Is well known that large grants of land are pending In the taro houses, for ratlrgadi, in the west and south west, mostly to build roads whialt will directly benefit the Smith. Let the Whigs vote down every one of these projects unless the West ern Democratic members will agree to relieve oar suffering manufacturing interests. Let us at least have. share tithe benefits of Legislation, while we ash for no gills, but merely for justice. That we need a modification of the tariff, no ono but • person obstinately, wilfully, and notoriously blind, ten deny. The National Intelligencer, in SOOa ream*, on the Tariff question, speaks the sentiment, of every candid no unprejudiced man In regard to the necessity of o change, in the fol lowing extmct "gut while we are, and have ever been, opposed to an extravagant rate of duties, solely for protection, we mast my, that from our own observations in going through portions of the middle giatm, and from what we daily read and believe, there n a great, crying, and 10311,4410 necessity far some re. ce tain marmfaceiring trimmer We will one particularise; the representatives a peo;le know what those interests are. Wr say this, we presume, es disinterestedly as any individuals in the whole cowry could my it—got having-a pen ey's worth of interest in any leis beyond our it ;11 own proper calling. But repressible to go through the country and see iron runless :led for eminguishod, and shut up, the laborers dopers ed and without employment, and the worthy and miterpreing owners of those establishments perhaps bankrupt, and otter ensanfacturing estable, taper, in the ace death like stillness, without feeling nor ayrepathies enlisted for the sufferers—to say nothing of the national questions involved in the matter Aral, if we are one people, and feel towards each other as we ought, surely a reasonable measure of relief should, by general consent, be accorded to them. It is impossible (or one oart Union, or nee branch of indostry, whether it be annelid tare, commerce, or lanntailieltlrelQ to suffer great depression, without affecting the other sectema and interest. We should be glad, therefore. ehort as the remnant of the *melon in, should there yet be found time enough to enact some general prove. ion to raise thee:derby classes Irmo Mar present ruinous mil thentseing condition." Meaner. or sus A 11,11JC. -13..azt or Mx 410N .—The Arnerinan 14oatt3 of Commissioners for Foreign Missions commenced a • naval swine at Oswego, on Tuesday Ise. The President, Hr Fralinutelysen, preeded. The reempt• of ibe Board during the year ending July 31e, was suited to base been S23l,bitle, while the expenditures for the same period were S '23 , 4,329—the receipts being lima than the expenditures by 52,467. There had been received from the American It,. tile Society, aI,ECO. The number of Churches con tributing wax 3,140, with which were connoted 333, 000 members. - The emaribulions of itme Church°. last year were 6240,000, averavng to each Church, 578. The present imlebtedness ohne Baud is 131,071 The expediency of endeavoring to raise 5500,000 daring the present fiscal year, ern considered, and a general asuman given than no effort should be spared in accomplih that end. Since itts'hust annual meeting thirteen minion. rice hard, been lent into the held. The present number of mission is 23; number of Waitangi 134; ordamed missionaries 157; whole Mtn, ber sent trom this country 385; do. connected with the minions 217; number of priming establishments 12, pages printed last year 37644.fe. do from the begining fa2,11*,678; number of churches 85; church members 25,87 ft; do. added dunng the year 31017; number of neminarin and hoarding selmos . .r); pu pils instil the schools 21,7:al It is Waled in kkande's Encyclopedia. ea, n.., fewer than two hundred and lorry of the noun try banks failed In England and Wales daring the yaws 1814, 1815, and 1810, Gas...loamy pearly as much &streak loft, bankruptcy, and anaemia, •1 the great Minissippi scheme of France, in 1719. During the years 1810 and 1817, a great slumber of banks faded in the Linked 'Males; many failed in IFerr, also; and the failures in the United Sines die n ix! ring the revulsion from I= to 1613, amount to over one nmdzed and schty, with a tiOnal and s:4' pretended capital over $132,000,000, and a cir ca:nice of over $43,009,000. t... Garrern or Lizasoow, SCoTt..O.-4 pope marl recently beer., the British Association, for the air armament &Science, by Mr. _Stacy, the City Chamberlin, respecting the progress of the city, 'twee the popoistioci of that place as follows, at the periods awned. As a first sad great proof of a city's progress, let t ulcer' lodic picture of its locressipg popu lation, sold bete we find It to he es foUows : In 1801th° populadon was 1911 " " 1821 1941 11E00 100,742 147,043 ''2,420 estimated at 367,800 From these figures it appear. that toe population is nearly quintupled in 50 years, and doubled itself ia 20 years. In tact, the annual increase of the city has been found to be no nearly as possible at ohe rate of 3 3-8 per cent., or at present about 12 ; 00 per .mum. In IBC; the number of buildiugs in the city bounds was 63,028, and in lea the number is 76,034. The Gros rental orate buildings in 1843 was .£866,120; an 1830 it was 51,017,364 But, perhaps the bat illustration of the exicrisian filarTrow may be drawn from the following two facts s—lst, That in 11300 there war within the dis trict new embraced by the parliamentary city, only 30 miles of streets and rods, Whereas at P;Meent the formed nod paved street. alone extend to 96 miles, and 2ad, That while in 1800 there wits lit tle or no sewerage In the city, there is at present 42 mite of main soarers, 21 miles of whims have beat farmed daring the last MS years—the cost of making these sewers averaging twelve hundred puma& per mile. Appropriations for Custom Hons., rco la •t. Lows sum 2 Clog:lnman 11; the JEldisor fake PittAargh Gasare : Some ludo indigonlion has been expressed by ow citizens that two Weaterncurd bare been no• tined by Conitrew, while Pittabrugh it tun elluded to, and ow Representative te blamed, but without claw The 'reporting Merchants of Pittsburgh, who prefer paying their donee annunlly in New York, Philadelphia, and Bellmore, amounting to thirty or forty thousand dollar., are the parties who could bace mot influence In °brewing an appropriation, turd oolong. they prefer other elites to their uwo, Cowen will not be doing their duty to expending IMO um, Where none are collected. A new Post Moe is desired by an doess cam of Pitekurgh ;— The reverie. paid by pls., burgh, into - the General Post Mee, mounts to 829,003 pa , annum. Shmtri the Importers of Pitt/bergs pay die Gen eral Govenuaset would receive gaseous enough is ma rear to pay for building a Custom Homo, Rot offlee,&o., and the building- would be an or -11102.11110 ow. city. We maid respecifolly suggest to the blercherds sad the Board ofMade, the propriety of an =m ugged of Wm object PUBLIO MUT, I=s Nro-16e Say Ste To Tax Eprrox or nut Prnaßraon Commacha. Jotrazw.: Sir—Slues you have taken it upon yourself to mete out all the medical instruction that your readers are to gain from the columns of the Jour. nal, I am obliged to seek in the onlemul of Rooth. er paper, opportunity for explaining the points whercfn you muirepresstit Homeopathy. Al much as I desire to exhibit an antidote only to there who have been subjec•ed to the influence of yoor coscoeted poison., I am oat willing to do ao at the expense of principle, in favoricg • spirit that would eventually make every paper in ear land, either an exclusive organ of the slew. and prejudices of its editor, or a vehicle for bringing In extorted nod lathe!y gain to hi, coffers. You wool .1 publtrAmy 1LV4,01; hot Only on condhion that / would pay you for it ! In no:min/your third, and as you teem', think, grandma effort at the " portrayal of the wonder. of Homoeopathy," it ;a scarcely neeemary for me to add any thing to what I have already written In reply to your former article.. You have only persevered in misrepresenting • system with which you ere not acquainted. At find you greatly taxed your imagination In ridiculing attenuated medicines, minding to keep back entirely the acmes. urged by Hahnemann tor their use. You then endeavored, by garbling quotations from the Orminoe, to convey the idea to your readers that Hornmopathists profess so develops a " vital principle" In the preparation of their remedies. You even went so far L. to as ten that Hahnemann taught a "process by which matter may be convened into spirit, or life:' This lout idea. gratuitously manufactured by yootmlf, is what I termed rod. ••• was or straw:. In your tart tin , ele wit have bat exhausted ynur fund of wit, in ridiculing ihis "mat" of your owe green.. To convert matter into !Tint, or life, I. no pan of Homoeopathy. That Hahnemann used the word " vdriinsi," in apesking of the action both of thinners cod if remedies 1 sin (pr irom ashamed to rctonwledge. nor that homoeopathic dams are, thercfme, " spirits" or living priori pies", Mas occupy and amine° the bodies of race, Is too slily and ridiculou. an Men to merit *snorts ,tutatioe. In Then coy the term apiritoal ' bye one sistuii Cs Am, an 11s Poilw.ophy aril Mad oltic.qmte am ther. In the Wooer it is lased to denote that which is not arcim•l or carnal soil to the latter (het which it not Cr sly materiel. To illustrate its meaning in the knee cue I will roes you to ni t:heti°, coorcuirri and electrlctly, which act to a dynamite or spiritual manner. They are termed dynamic es iiptr tool, rot le:cause they are "vital principlts," bar' to distingumh them from those gor:ev which new purely chemical nod mechanical. Now every g.iimer cc cause, that is imponderable nod inv s We. of which we cite two ao huomiedg• by: by its elect., is to us dynamic or spiritual.— the d.sregsrd which you have manifested for orlmtved and tined principles, and following the enuise cf ament which you bare adopted In ref.srence to Homoeopathy, u you will doubtless next appear elevating your batteries of bombast and rid cu e, no as to sweep front the heavens the dower fiat 20,41 agd mopes the planners emend lie t centie, Irnuun Its cyan:siva 64 iMpok,:ili44 cad carder. fal to you er in q leech the benison of . 41 1 44.11143 of Tad:rare tarry no, 10 It. crackpot rt trunral by your organs q( os lo tit gird to your wonderful 'rev elation" of the manner in which "matter is enoveit id in to spirit" and the rejoicing. in vine. of the boundless fame nod immunity which it Is to twofer upon you, I arid vat. Lot liti!e. I hope, however, that yea will endeavor to uotogow your mind, for a WO. meat, whiiu I point out wherein yoo have mainly and grandly cited in setting Girth the preparation of Hamm tpathio medicine. . . The has: and grated principle laid down by Hah. Domino, In toe floating art, u, that medicines be. COme entail., mace administered fur such romp. toms in am sick, au they ire capable of produc,log, when peen to large doses, in the well. Is apply lug drugs In accordance wuh Ilia law, be Ruled It necessary ' in cutler to avoid aggravatteg the very sufferings he would relieve, to divide cad subdi• vide his doses Viewing the Increased susceptt. 6 , 14 of 'be organism when diseased, on the one bind and the dangerous powers of large drug do• sea, c; the other, he adapted and laugh . . the din:i naction In bulk — the dmatao of tie wrri'isn'nvl •ad chemical, bat increase clime theraptioni pow er—of ell medicines for horemopcbte use. The queslioa then arose—if question it may be called —how hacoald effect Cala extensive aubdivision orals particle., expanding the superficial Ottellents to therdeveknpreent of. curative power. As any pima., ,7f - etrnensusensei would do, in separating arid spreading fan'pa , v.,;:e4 or e body, be submit. t+ bin drugs io the process. utter 7_14:/b/erg en • der Ile mole or nt abating la a vial, with some non medicine/ walktancei or liquid. How much 'ng would best answer his purpicre, expert. elle Cefle taught him. N w ibis is ....h.= of llumccoparhyanJ or its planioi preparing remedies. Where in ell this is the Smut -int strry" that you so arrogantly and pompously boe.t of haring, in your lendernent of heart, revealed t Ito, you any —•iTtie subdiv pion le csienbal but o , ' , o•dyualr Its merely • ;wept. rut. for Lae snigSty propels/ whteh follows." Nowittala at., tton^rt•fasi fetched" sad noraptetaty fake/ betrays in you, either arrunpardocrable Igor,. rimed of language. orb ma:smom purpose to in i.. ivarriii fit foci. The petteats of .1.4 - Aug lo droym ecf, a d ONL i ...$4,1•4 ro staid:ride far pat-Ise/es f I onh m Iv, T I you have discovered the Orgoon, some she.:l v 'Fevre, that inflames your miasma Lou, by day, and disturb., your drterno by o;gni// / Cape 111 tie meson to doubt. lam rather eon winced by your disregard for what all sober men admit no faeu,sed by tour I troherent talk, that you lure seen Pleat., isean.‘ round.,and dreamed dreams, unknown to c 01:11rntril men. The glom,. task . , for watch you have been tunting up your imagination by the Li,. , of "f.kri Bina" ei at booth done. The "neunY o' cent - Jilts " tel t !iv our rt oder, while en dee voring to iii.fieeture :Li: nylon. iif the "great marina' the I lit ore...toned you . m., ~h few and ~,, oiso, ern•iti s woe", it at mot o r emoved. The t•mys- tery," the spectre, ts revealed to your "lean oil fircraf' ' Your torrodiretioo, lore *aerie Medic-a, of the simkes of toe " Shakers,. 1 dotal list will meet the approbate, of phrsie•rs genendly ; foe they have lona erarrhed io vote to 1108•01 a remedy tar the Ivzsztes* .lid stetpauy whivh salad some meet rendrrine their perceptions act douse, and their ideas 80 81,18, thy :hey app, a• hire less than mart maw. of,gooraccc, obtoromme the pathway tt iespeeap e ,- eo t sod reform. Whet thia Dew eeent. ia•nevhrruot amon the remedies of Homneo• rattly, 1 dotte cot the ayetent Will have a large aceesaion of porn. from the mobs of those new a;postnt 1 In lockind bark on the efforts which you have made I, uhilk the coward, bounding petards of the nen ildilmr An, I think you have clear muted the pan of ' Jant.e," to the anecdote, who he and Parwere hewing timber on a rough h RRRRRRIIIIII aide. lrOlLe's log, by tendril, began to roll, and oat doily amorreiating lie momentum, or his own wieogar", he hoped to check its motion by ibruar. ina himaulf with 'niacin; at.... upon it. Ile huh red it well, hot null its speed incritawd. while Pat, Creel shove mid thou:int.. held to it, Jamie I you have the advantage halfthe time." la ed.og I with ID nay to the public, test len plain setattec,tequiring DO toper human intellwrove or earthly' patent" to enable a. r., kind co her to learn its principles Or follow its n a pi rot will not judge it by the - •r. sermon or ono who ban timely glanced at • tat& volume, in the van library that aorta.. It. Mote medial learning than bit poeeea.ed by inch • man, i. nrodutory is order to render him, either no n0n0,,,0 of the merits, or an ezposer of the arras, in a slalom of so much magnitude in the medical world. Go to the books aud read Its pnl,ple., and to the beds de of the sick and WTl nese it. pruner. If the former are not Burtained by redoo,•nd the latter by *access, then denounce and decry at /meter. EMMI lnroaradur Deciams.—We give below the charge of Judge McLean, in a recent nit for darnagea, brought ngainst Leander Newton and others, for harboring and concealing runaway slavea. Toe we is reported in the Western Law Journal, and as the points determined try the Coon pun scum particular interest, et this time, we copy them entire: The Staid .Ndianch May Tenn 4550 John Norris v. Lewder Newton, rt. al. I. Under the Constitution of the Untied States, the cower of fugitives from labor may arrest them wherever they shall be found, if be can do .o without at breach of the peace, cud take teem bark to the State from whence they fled. 2 A State Judge, an proper . atadevit being made may ileum a writ of habeas corpus, and In. quire Into rho osuac of detention. 3. The allidavd of a colored person Is iniScico. for thkfourpore. 4:Every person within the jurisdiction of ■ Slue owes to it on allegiance. He Is amereileto the laws of the State, and the Sate Li bound to protect him to the exercise (Obits legal rights. 5. When It appears by the return of the habeas corpus, that the fugitives ara in the legal custody of the master, and the facts of the return an not dented. there is so end to the jurisslimion of the Suite Judge. 6. Juriadietioo la special and limited. 7. Vilma it appears the fugitives me held andel , the authority of the Union, a is paramount to that of the .94ate. 8. And so when so individual Is he'd anderrhe authority of a State, the Federal Judiciary have no power to release the person so held. 9. lithe return to toe habeas corps. be denied, the roamer must prove that the custody of the slave a legal. 10 If he fill to do thin, or make No Inentlis dent return, the State Jodge may release !helve. titre. 11. But the master may enbtequeutly throat them and prove them to ha his Ostia& 12. The ampler, though he may arrest without any exhibition of claim, or judicial aanction, When rem:urea, must show • right to the Italian of the fugitives. a LAVROU or Srassisn Ir.—Saturday was i busy day ronortir itia New York marine men. Pete were two steamship• launched—She Ninth Amer. ice .0d fristsmonir, both of which we Intended or the Csirorsia trade, and their launch wig wit nessed by the Turlmb AlabastadOl, WbO etress• ed hissseittoghly pleased with the speeds* In run Weems Dassa—A 70001 Wanl l lll, who save her Same an Josephine .ftroliztel3reMAired about 15, yu arrested in Chahndantni, DIMS, On• Wedoesday, dressed op In the apparel or., man. S,n gave • =gune ecoexual of lesnri said her pare/Uri had died at Banger, Mlle. In her porpwie eras to have sailed hi tome for Preece, where a blether resider ar. duetted', a numeral We rear 40117. Rm... erne Llte r r.owis 1 1 fes•thev• arlfirettlbralla Emigment Loma a PenTlvt cos. b. rat tro Parts on Inc ti.n of The .StarlilCouroty Democrat har the melancholy October, 1773, and wan the eldest son of Philippe news that fine Citizens of Canton, and a man from Joseph, DO. of Orlehos, (known to the world Wisconsin, were murdered by the Indiana. Fitt by the aahn y na of c pbotippe Egalite,") and of River, on the [hilt of June last. The Democrat Marie, the daughter of the Doke de Penthievre.— altYr Trained by careful and benevolent parents, the I The persons fc r omLa ‘ nta a n, so d Lu D thiess ir‘ ly . Lessacrad youth of the Altura Kong was marked by many ' ow' W,,,',,Hiaeta',,r,,,ed Henry &maw' henleVolence, bcapeatung a high character, g H. Weah . . sufficient to call froth the ht. commendation of • in ' that State. He 1 the celebrated Madame de Gaeta, whose wise i mourn his lonee, Samuel "so nod Judicious training was well calculated to .111 al Kaufman oleo nun o wife and fancily. Th e forth nary latent good quaint. in the minds of retertstanc. e bloody tragedy as we gather those under her charge. T. diary of the Duke ' t i on , 'ere otte rlettes from George Stuck i the only de shows that be wan not altogether ex • one who escaped to tell the tale, to hi. safer, Mrs. empt (rota revelations. doctrines, and there s, D Kaormati, end lever to ourselves Irma Dr. idea. were far front betas doncoartured by his co. H . H Niece'', are these: section with the Jacobin Club. In 1791 the young On the night of the :nth June, the company ha, Duke, who had orevionbly received — the appoint• mg traveled atone some sixteen days, encamped on meat °Mole.' to the 1410 Regiment of Dragoons, the western bank of Pitt Raver, tributa r y of the warned the c 001.11.1 or that aorta. sad Itltnaet o 'clock , Having kept watch till ten or eleven the first net hie authority wee the saving of two o'clock, as usual, and finding all quiet, they wrap elmartlen term the fury f the mob, witisetlnen l ped the in their blankets and fell neleep.— upon their refusal, to common gab many othere, About midnight they were nwakeoed bye volleyer! to take the oath required by the courtitutiou.— arrows hem; fired umong them, one of which hit Much personal Nutroge was on this occasion Ms- Mr. S D. Kaufman in the ibreheed end killed him piped by the Doke de Chartres, and equal tact instantly. At the same time Henry Kaufman, Levi in guiding the feeling,. of .111 enraged mob. A aim- Harrel, Edward MetTerer, and George Stuck were amount of mintage urns ahown by bona in sae- badly wounded. They were not again molested i" from drowning e M . do s leet , of Vendome, until morning. In the morning they found their sareogineer In the cffloo of Roads and Bodges, mti!ee and hone kill e d orw°° ""' a " were and • stale crown s presented to him by the whiting till an emigrant train should come up,. woo municipal body of thr. town. which they expected shortly. About eight o'clock tome five or six Indians come to them and endeav- In Aural, 1191 0 Mr Duke de Chartres quitted m.. to induce them to leave Vendo me with o,.""'"°"° Ihr V°l"°"°. ored l'y signs Red gesture place. Not undersiondMg the moiiv. of th e nes. In April. 1791 . war declared against that they determined to await the arrival of the Austria, the Duke made hi. first campaign. He ~am. While so waiting they were Won reined by fought at 'Palmy, he hied of Me trotopa confid• b o dy of ravages stropped of their clothing, ed to him Kellerman, on the 2.lrn September, and butchered on cold Mood, by the rive's edge, 1792, tad aftcrun t rol• , the ft oof November... with the ease ption of Mr. Stuck. Mr. attick, h e der Damourier, at Jemortoes. Daring the period boon endive:lrd of his clothing, plunged Into the in which the Doke o r cio,rtica was engaged in river, anti though fired et, and, wounded badly in his military oftentinns, it , revolution was has. five places, swain aortas the river, and secreted letting doclre of hnniaharet himself among the driftwood and bushes. He My again.. the Routh. 1 t rso.e, so soon •fixr. there till 5 o'clock, end though tee savages searched ward" repealed, see., n. ve •larmed the mind for him a nreitt part of the day. they did not and of the Duke, who earnr••:y berooght his father to him. At SP.M. a small train came along and eve seek an asylum on at d• .her.,, urging the no s . culed„larirdsfirry and ilr o il w ocer n e s v itLa y a t o l o , r4 ~,way aft.. bx7r:Toimoritsgehar L ud a S t7 e v e ' f ie L a 'U ie caratng the mountains, exerpt tone sun ul clothe, terse and provisioas. and were periling along at teem 30 eiom Were rancor, g0...r that hi. genus. so of lora' , ocr Unto dc Caen,n rr. to 3 ° in". "1:;. Mr ' du not say they had towed to his part in Lc- Tn execution any fire arms. she"' only fromstatrntioa of the bake of .1 of erwards verified ` a. " " nns g a " ° W the d ' f g'"' the melaneh ily not enrc t..• 00. the .an. He was put to ee.h on ho ti, •o .1 hotter, 1793. Ex.. act. level mono. or ' cf ht. father, the WI. de C tot,.neral Dammam,' were atimmoned beano. 1,.., C outertiea of Public gad, kno e•no one rccontrary Drum of that YAbunal, bob :net .) 'IA towards the Iron. tterst lu spite of the agar tdirsul which was eitiduneneed, they bun iota the B•lman Neiberlands, thee te pope... aun of Auorty Tne Aostaau authorocrc inytied eon in enter their arritx, but, hot:erten r, it,, cg to take op arms agabaat country, rr t.reol into private life, Cues as a trace ler to Az ta oinapelle and Cab inets towards S.' • ad, haying at tile saute irmahut ,levier funds -I ',tog hogrly beset tg2annen. Ad. Mgarromselle d'Oole•na Court toe rime C ell re with her . preeeptrecs, Madame de Uenha, hoc nor brother at Sees A latt*.n, sod 8.21,0111p1 ,, d 110111 to Zurich The younger ens of Mr Du 'ol ts;liana, we v, after a:mnGoemoi.t of terry A ' , berated ova prom. Me of proceeding in ti c . St.,. Iln Me arr.! in kite 10. Z. ,r. e b,,h e H e t, d e Oben,eu toned be F,• t.-to ditorinin une“, em bi g 07271.0 Igwerds tbu a of Orleans, and the Inagirgrates of the INT,,on dn.:Lied to afford refuge to the fugitives, foio. g oho. vengeance of France. Qokting, theiefore, a. privn.riv as roa.ible, the 10111:1 of Zurno.t, to Zug, whow they hired a emdi ho or ll are qoactly disexv• rod, they obtained, tor ire intent enion of M. tie fdrintcsiuteu, admiraon ato the ColitOat of St. Clain, ;eV kliadnaga , ,,n, 11, bake de Claw+e picrendlog through me rbilerrtot cram les of Ed . tops, by no memo w. r 'roe with mess., nod ir debted to his sett toot sod abiimer for Ito mesas of ...ten,. A. 14 r vtaumg Ea.sere a sold his hones. to proceeded arsorn bur ernend. aceolopanted by to attached aer•a.,, Roo In a. Toe means of 'he unhappy trice Ice .!atty devreped, nod a seas ktirapy yonottot, to nowt:ter this young Dohs ahrtrOd I •bar tir k s det'y brood. when a loiter Irma M. de Moo e quton informed hart that be had pro cured ler Irmo toe a usettou of leacher is the Aca demy of Houct err —a v Ur es to the .00th eastern pottios of Saroactiald. Travetbso to that Ircskty. he war exarotond ea .o ho pu Aucoro. and 01 1 1- moUtly annotated , a'ttt. t rb tee, than 20 Teen of aye. He here annum- I then nmet of Chabsq La (Mrs. knd bars to tod ..tal MY Manned Ito rata alto father. In snonanquence of vans to tnlino fl the Urinal., blodenn•ofelle IlOresn• go , ued her retreat at thutourten, and to 1. ol to :he tamer:ton of htr anon, the l'sf onts of Cll., f. Ilnoffera. At the m same !e de Muntn•fia,nu °dared the Duke di enaaf tee en esrogn in Lis own house an Bette orb h, whete fr r , rro the name of Corby unfol the rnd Il9l , anee, in cunsequener of h retreat beau Coa , ,osushf.!, he gloated tle PUhe. Tr, fugitive or or wiernired to go to America, sod rewlrttig to emboli. at ilainottegh, be arrived no Wan goy to toe beg:unto. of 179:,„ l a aio hao , quenee o' hit fund• faii•ng bun, he abandoned hi. Mee , . Benda' Pvnvi,fra Will a letter cf credit on • banker at Gopent.vvi-n, he travelled ea loon thiortah Norway sort Sweden, roautiog the North Oape to 17, , ,fr i lino ce iordatoed tor • Watt bate, to Toluca, cl.rg I neece to A 400 Ira .sing Vinland, nut %witting Kowa, few, a fear of the Empties. I:tittering.. Alter eoropitiarg bit travelt Meru, Nirer•v cod 9 wetter, an d hav ing been recogutaed at bi.r haulm, he travelled to ll inni• - 11 under no /1.1/101,! • roe. -stntmlion. mere tog/ r,..rard on the par of the D reete-e, • sit*rn t •.I ,Pe e iv*. the pla.-r t ~ .g, In do, bun in ,o 1,,t• 1. t e.lctip:lence L0t":... , , mof tae I/Lichee. EM.leaca stiotid be ,- no Ler—rd. tit] that hie ?onager hrothols thou., to , •Hrttel In ;spa LI., the agency .11 , rd,of Ilernhargb , tht• letter Was C1311,C1,1 In lln Duke, Who at Once accepted the terms rd-roil and raded front the Caoutla of ihe Erbe, in co, “rharriern,".taktag earth him lir servant la. lie dr} erten on the 21th or Septembv. 404 strived In Philadel. pt.. alter a peruse Cldreg the November I s the Tonne Prince vas joined by hi, tan• h• t•,•tter a gloomy pas ask- from blomble• r: d li., tt,,G lambent ne• latticed a: Philark Iph . t, winter. They atieThardm vi•lied M•- V. where they be. earn° intimate with aiducaton, and they moon afterwards trme...,l lardegh the western coutstry, cod ,'ter • dr. tad al.,(1.1111/C jolltOttrf they returned to Pb it • , proceeding after. words to New ;0-4 , 0.. a 1 ...sem:wetly by on Eaglma ably to Moo- •. T,. disrespect of toe Syonvh t. tlot•ttt!ed them ti deport, and they p.m eedrd in tr.. D e b. m• woody, where they were treated with inndh knidneu by the Oak. of 4.4 who, boo VI, I. did not feel author• and to glee ttiem a p•••ame to E - odoed In • kith. lab Idiom. Tory ocee• broil, en barbed for New Ydrk, and thenro se led in Eug!and In a private comae, orriviog at Fal , d, doh in February, 1000 After proceeding to I. mil,n they took up their remodenee at Twicker 0 for sure time they eery. cum oared Or imiet, belay treated with damn.. bm al: drone of perm, Hem, however, their tray god im was not undisturbed,. bearing that the Docile.% tiorlimeo was detained to :_itpsin, they solicited • nd che:dzed from the En. glob ljeveromear, permiroinn to travel to Minorca In au Coolish frigate. Toe disturbed rote of Spain at that time prevriuird thearcorophatinvot of them object, sod et, • Larroming journey, the thlien beolber• retorted to Twickenham. Their time WIN now principioly !homed In 'lndy, and no event of spy doiltubmil their retreat until the death of the I like do Mootpenoter, on the Ifith of May, I onl. The Ponce we. inter. red in IVerginiast; Abbey. The health of the Count Hewlett, soon miler hewn to detboe le the lame manner •I that rd bin brother. tie was or. doted to viait a wormer climate, and orrorchng proceeded to Mnlta, where he died to 1806. fi was buried In the church of B'. John do ltglinty e The Duke of lirlenn• umy qttitted blotto, aid went to Newell, in Hinny, nem-piing an invnatiors Morn King Ferdinand Diving his reside:me at Palermo be gained the Mr.... of the Princess Ametut, and. with the coitc-nt of the King and Weber" of Orient., be ried to tier in 1479. No event of any material maral impurtannemerked the life of the f' o .4ilo tttatt 1 , 0 year 1014, when it woa announced iti Parliament that Napoleon had ab dicated the throne, and that the restoration of the Bourbon family mom nboui to lake platy. The Dula sailed intinedmiely, and arrived in Paris on the Nth of May, where, inn short time, he woo in the enjoyment of the brine., to which he woo so well entoled, The rriorn of Napolerm, Ihri, soon ehmturbed 111$ tranquillity and, having sent hia Mindy to England, lie pricennled, in obedience to the command of Loom VIII, to take the command of the army tit the north lie remained In this sit nation ,mid the Pith of March, IBM, when he re owned hi. cinema. let thin Doke do Treviso and retired to TWirkenham lan the return of Loom, of. the hoer red days—in obedience to the ordinance issued. requiring all the princem of tho blood to take their mi., in the Chamber of Peers—the Duke re turned to France in 18Fi, end, by hat liberal „or,. inentibrendered hllllneit no little agreeable to the Ad nimration, Mat he triton. to England, where he remained until 1117. In thin l.or ho returned to Fenner. where he remained n, private life unlit the Revolution of IMO. It is needle,. now to demil the events of this ter rible period. which terminated in the plowing of Louis Philippe on the throne of France, and the subvequent history of him reign. Their are an well known nod no Mesh in the minds of the public an to geed no rerapitulanon. The Paris correspondent of the National latelh geneer mentions the following "Balloon ascensions are still the favorite emus. meats here. Hardly a day yams but we have an emenniment of the sort. Lieutenant Gale, of the English Navy, is in Paris with a remarkably fine balloon. He u.ia made misty ascensions of extra. ordinary daring. Baring made known his willing- Deita to accept companions iu his serial voyage. at the rate of sixty dollars per seat, one hundred and fifty •pplications went made to him in the course of tour days. Among theta are noticed till camel of many distinguished political characters, literary men, mists, nod moans of the capital. An interesting and extensive sale of be longing to the museum of William 11, King of Hof :mad, has been taking place at the Hague. An American friend, who hos returned, speaks in terms of the highest admiration of the pictures, and of the anxiety manifested to become owner, of some of the most valuable. Lord Hertford and the agent of the Entrror of Hotta.n were the principal compp (ton The former 'carried off two portraitit--Mr. and Mn Leroy—by Vandyak, after a moat spirited contest of more than an hour, fur the sum of thirty thousand dollen ! 'Witham 11. himself had boa*/ !Dam for • 1414 Lan than tea thousand &dam RgnaritON or too Timattat Amtoosation -This forenoon, about 12 o'cloes, the United State- %lop Erie, came to anchor off the Battery, haying on board ms Excilency, the Minister from the Sublime Porte, and suite. Ills honor, the Mayor, dispatch ed Mr...Faun:am hie Secretary, to repair on thutrft the Erie, and in and that of he city, to o'- fee congratulations on his safe arrival.- Mr. Fair men, Major Noah, Messrs Purser and Sennier, and Colonel Colh repotted on bear! the Erie. and paid th e i r reapechs to the Min trter,and informed hint that the Mayor and Municipal authorities would have the honor to wait on boa to morrow at twelve o'clock, at dm Astor blouse. and tender hint the hospitaltlim at the city. The Almoner hearted rune to express; his sincere thanks for his unespeet cal honor from this, the gist c ty in the New World, and would he most happy In make his neknowl eskinents m person to the Chest Effendi of the City. The Minister and suite, and the gentlemen wan Mrs. Brown and ladies embarked ceder II mime from the ship, and lauded at Castle Gorden, where an immense crowd had assembled, and al'. er coin* thrutrih that Imatnif tit saloon, ha rode op 'B roo d s , v to the Astor House, where quarters were provided for him. Ili• Excellency was dressed in a blue frock coat, white pants, n red scull nap, epaulette, and wore a rich order of diamtmdsn He is a tall, grave looking man, and seemed to be natotusbed at the bustle of a city,ut in be In it. infancy As he iinstaiona to reach ua Washington and pay his re spects to the President, he will leave on Monday, nod return inn few days from there to see the eu roma:tits of the city New York Earning Express. (.711.11•01,1[11 Noma —A correspondent of the Pre.b,lertall give. the tollowing account of a vim, to Frofem; Westippo.ed that year" had Ids a broader stamp up - u Lim "This morning I had the pleasure of an interview with no celebrated Christopher North, of Illock• wood. Ile lives in a very handsome home in Gnucester plaee, in the new town. I was shown by the servant Into a Tonna, Ms wolfs of winch were prormelya few hang with picture, I bad Leen seated but nitutites when the l'roliessor ared—a tall, strongly but,. noble Minton inap so. on lunge cher!, tine forehead, shaggy nut., and great whinhcrs. lie reecteed me very t endi y I apologized for 01if,1111,1 upon him, but he soon Pet me at ea., by ht. aztecatite and Itvely manner fle is now rot, rideraal, advanced In Tam's—perhaps nearly ixty • -and lea the are tip the sprtislineu. at manner, youthn of which one expect in S '. or middle , nee Ice about our ittruu• iterat tire then,ahl that Mr I tenet, fi had spent nouns mesh ht. hot Inca, clone—chat Mr Bryant had alai, called *atom, but being ahirent he dal biz roe ho o e spoke of Pra.cott, and the merit of h.e tri.torie•. LOfi.Tirll.9, and the fin -h that rharneler.xed poem*: snenitoned that he had in.l received two vellum, from Mr 'tan, and ..cerned node at sinus in our American literature • In inquired ab...ut the letvph of my voyage, ke Ile seemed w tlynk it aut intpoa-oble that be tete to let talre . a trtp to the - auudel ' though :tkruzgizg ht. ebou!derr, ten .td with a ern de, that am. out a piearaut. ;brine of ovotemplatlon. the ferasibtlity of being &leaved in the PCI Alter ha v sUlee " tak ic an t ratt S 72rt ' n:tVa ".' mth i a: " t e w "" .. ' „,Z, l , r . "‘ 7,7: rteler welcome as Amman Wan ahould he ev er tarot al with a,aa, lac purled " The Calhoun Shoe has not yet been reeoverra from the wreck of the E I zerth; as yet the tea has bona too root b. (in Frolai% however, opera /Man were n•Uona , nenntui wae• sna• f-..lrn ' hat the b-rn tn. roveled ases vs,d lhe E , era , rte a 0., 0. hir uf Ws I rrn ~ u tes and co.nn,n.-nd ills et nue sod ,InylaS 1. r.te , l••or4 tbult, ibe anis/net en/samosa eatctte 1001 will soon Ise found. Um/ or Avastca —l./poo the body of Mr. Ro gers tiorthey, who died to the poor house at Bate, Mr., tort week, were foood 33E00 in psi with he had reechtly retoroed from (Isidore. He was 11 peon red. and his death was caused in part tfy Serving • writ 0(00 bin] to recover •for. felted surely bond which he had stern afelofe be West to the gold recou. The writ throw/bins into can au:aims Veer Rear ten eel," cf the Colo robust ) Tones. whom we take to be of the In•la gender, apreara to he in • ve , y lamentable thate of cleat: Wear about the •iltetrisioo of the State of C•riforwa iota the Mime. In an am - le et:toiled Tee Geld got Con•enven—rrecea. on are Remedy,' he torte. WI/Weedy pets ire qh, soon, •• What will the woman or Georgia do t • And then toner rhately odeo," We ca a only epere•r ror ope--ouree ; and every eat.m craw aniraer on h.• titer Solemn renrenebdl wha e " A more coohriiete we have rend, for adcnithrg, a• on such Wool we are bailed to do, the Womanly n•tatra of the whet of the *mote. We are .1,11 peeled toot. dowsed how any •• other man" can be 11. ^ worn.. of Carryon.. VLILIMIT Wllliamitlear majority for Governor :mover 1,300. Senate 01 While In 9 of ell awl. Rowe 12t1 Whig to 97 all aorte—three Interm to beer from, el Write La. year. A United S.vies Senator to be chased. John 0. Sase, the vet. it; elected district attorody far Crittenden coasty, by ten majority over the Whig eandl• date. Tut Rams or • NA r•L —The t 003.1311 01 I:Apr..llAm Gretna, of the United Stair. Nary, who died at Palermo. Sichy„ Sept. 4, laid, were brought 110113010 jh• Uorted Staten chip E•re. which arrived it New York tro Friday, !rum Goo. ataairoopte. QT T. LI VILI Conmerot thr in. 'color of the Lela remedy for thel !eerie/ dices., which an ever hen offered to the pebtir. chria de• ceribre the ceche.. which Indicate s difordered rale of that importeut organ:— "Symptoms of a Diseased luver—Pale in the right aide, under the edge et the ribs, tnereaae on pressure Aometitue• the pain is in the leh side. The patient is rarely stile to lie en the len sole. Koine nine. the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently eatcods to the top of tha shoulder, BA in so .e tones cote:Urn for • rheumatism in ,he OM The stomach is affected with loss of appetite end •iektwas—ilie towel. in general are ensue., mine nine. alternative with las. Thai Lead le troubled wink pat, will accom panted wi a dull heavy seesaw"; in the buck port here Is generally a considerable loss of memo y, acorriprwied swirep•innil sensation of linen], lel undone sonictlitng which ought t have been dune A slight dry rough it routetimes s endani The patient complains of • weariness and eel , I , l7—he s. comity startled—his fret •re colil or bonding. and hr contplalna of s prickly sensation Cl the skin It,. •r.o.ijs are low; and although he Is sant bed lust nue ei•e n ernald be beneficial to hire, yet he con se reely in ninon op fortitude r noogli to try it Au duel, lie dlr. .sure e•ery remedy Hare you my or all of throw amp..? Call and purcba.e a box of Dr. Whit:Ws /.1111. MrFor ode by J. KIDD d CO, No CO Wood bum. sepl4.damS Uttnd II to Bight by the Pee 8.8. Limes—Sin I wish to bear testimony to the medical virtue of the Oil called Petroleum. I was (or a lung time .ffieted with a badly Inflamed and very sore eye, so much so as an lore sight entirely for about t hree months, with very hole hope. of Over recovering the sight, and but • slight prospect of haying it re. Ileved of the soreness; my attending physician was en.reessfal In making a rem, or lel, giving relief, and aZordee me but little encouragement. I heard of the Petroleum about the Ist of Apr11,1'5.50, and gave it • tool: Ike result is, the sight is restored and my eyes Wed, except a little tender or weak when 1 go eel lu,the sum ANN IRELANIA blanefield st, Cincinnati, May 54, 1850.. : El. 8. Lorroe--81. I have been afflicted with Piles for row you., and have tried other remedies, without permanent rape f, until 1 heard of the Petroleum. I have used only one horde, and think 1 am entirely cared. I mamma. it to ail who are aElleted with Piles. I have known It to be good for more eye& Chminnall, May no. 1810. 8. O. GARREPSON Our sale byII MoDewell,l4o ' Weed street; E Sellers, 07 Wood mtl D N Carry, Allegheny elm, D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Dougla#, Allnhany; also by the propnator, O. M. KUM, M Caael Hada .mw Oremret Ohio Red Penn. R. R. Co, • Thtrd sc. I . :murmur, Aagast S, ISM. Tre Stockholders of the Ohio aed reeti4ly.M 4 nail Road Samosa?.n hereby notified io pay the eighth instalment of five dollars per shore. it the office th.C...PanYinu or before the '2oth day of Annual The math Instaltnentj on or before the '9th day of September. The tenth instalment on or before the 0014 cloy of October nett 113" The 7th instalment gnu called for on the 20th o July Ina. aus,sitf DIL. EL HUNT, Denust.CornerorFount and Decatur, beterca Mureet eat Ferry amen,. R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, /32 Wood at, tmewe•ma Thlydb Fourth, Are now receiving their very large and superior Fall WoCk of BOOTS, 8110133, AND BROGANS; A'so. BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the Intro sty', tt, and est/ft...sly adapted to the western trade. It has been selected with great rare, and as to stges and qua ny is not surpassed by any stock to be fliund either east or west. Our easterner. and mer chants generally are invited to call end examine as we are determined to sell on the Most reasonable 'el.'. Also, Goodyear's Patent Rubber Oboes of all kinds aur22:41.1 (D M°CORD & co ; at Wholesale Retail Manufacturers ft Dealer. in . . HATS,: CAPS & FURS, Cur Wood & FILM •ts..Flttsburgb. IV re ttivy offer a full one complete :meet Of flat", Car., Furl, tee., of e very qnslity and elyte, by Whole Pale end Retell, and invite Me attention of their ..- .rate •n ee.l un d parele generall anpurtue them that the, e. the veer V(.4 y, 1,•ZOLI T. I. gloving At WO.Acr, unto, a., leriday,l3,li init., Rev Jesern N. Cbeereee, peeler a( the Preeb)tertart Church at W. Ono, EZEICI A T 00 per week rlbe tem es younl3rg [nen or good address, ro sehs neat and eautif S•rlptura c t work To }ming triune good havit, n corurnis.lon vrlll he given that will real "! from S:0 in 8:2 ear upwards per work, end cule ond ,Antl2 A u . Al y lo eli , lnrnent. Apply between Ike hours cf J Agent for V. & Co., :NZ Seeond at. N r es — Vuilientions or this hruse are not supplied to the in os slams and earl be had of pub. taller'. agent, lor abOve. setetthd3to REMOVAL m' t b o ul t. ez , l% Liquor on< Jon, shore .ffisni• A Ifolettiron if Co's , %Ware •, where they will krep one of the largest t 4.011 roc tit. of firarithea, wines, Charapas me, and all h,cn. ofme re haat Le belong tois to their Ime, at whole, 14A, IA Lilo , {'es“ and hope that they will ho able oa to dirir eu.tonters, at ouch low prices, and 0.. .oeh terms as will giro thaw enure sau•ifitc un mood(' /It (r ra,up.c coat•. I Oil. CLOTHS (tom the P0pp141,4411c Foct.ry, Dw yd. 3-11 Flom WI Cloth; 4.00 )41.4.4 dop 441. yd. 54 Jo 500 yd. I do. 11441 do, mt U ‘,14 4hert 40, lAte.ll4{ll and Lcom 4, boa. 4 to 5 yoppla wpde, ail of tha ocwrot .t) le of plow°, Sod to is-NY 4 14,, lo 4 4• 60 700 'yupp t pupil 4.4 Fa/matte al Cloll3p, 4110 yds 7-1 do, u .4 do 1., .24,1 aasortsl cacs sale, Stand, and Burs. Cos• s•rlcs• aucrns, ft.1.p1,11,111 finish. Its ds 4.1 Patent Carnage 011 Cluut, Sou )tris 5 4 do; )., n 4 4.• ) us 0,1 Crast, tor Stan, •asorted 51.0 yas 4-4 Green Oil Cloth far Winslow Bands, Mho yarss M.Hasaer ShWes. a I•rge & just racemesl te/ tireve•. .t 1 le Mrrelkautb .at _ -d aili,re ti,•hing to purehaee, are In- Ve weed a.• (ahl/ examine our a•eortment gOOO., ltitfi 1•111 eold Lae lowest eaten, prier, A If PHILLIPS 7A. Wtrod et li,- ,CU rtb I,IC.LetIC4 er,uler %Vll. le Oil, prim, U qua.s, p, for uln i.y SRI4I•EILS, sel,tl tVnod SPIRT IN TURPFNTINE—n, t, , 1• toFood order, for ra•prOl R r4:LLELLS purr ankle. for .ale Ly cat. lu. rr:i'dt...4711,7,}1., -lei botoo porter nail 11111711: 1 , 1 , 7 ; iti7B V . iAL—lUuti ret'.l far rate by ..1."0 R :41.3.LF:k3 ORPIIAIY AsvLiitt. TITAN rEll, zat.l4, st,rd ladv, La take elLarto, evf Y1LL , 061,4' and All-ghrhy A.Ytara .T Orpn•-is, •IL Itintru, alto, one u>•issltult. AN .• MN, 6AZZAhI, nr, kt. 3. Ii10150.1:0 NUW FUR .. FEW DAYS ONLY, AT P II la. 0 II ALL. GaLutel revirl original Pointing. of ADAM & EVE, IN PARADISE. rpilL.,l7; .6[qt...indigo( art. 'rallied at one hventimet thocustil • have oesti exLiEtteit in the tie of I:.,tunii, !reknit, !thotland, tiiiite io d I h oloethonii r. ...coital admiration in over tyro tuthnb I V it. the nioniiiig till lu a night Wee - Atone, vie. I f e et* iv (MELIA. roN. Proprietor. 11111=1= 1 - 1 , 01 - it , Er.LEIt AND STATIONER, Nu 1: NI triiet street, Comer of Thad .1., .1 1'• n 1,1'7 Lefler, r. l it Y• . . I.'. r... nod Trunk l'inntil•, Itook nn.l Cewg 1•• • Ink.. whirr. l••• Vtli or.) rime V. XI 11 , uul. No. JIG Liborliv.S .Ytnd hr. new . stork of CLOTHS. CASSINI Eli E.. sod V EFT -4,01 bed neoe." 6161 re, !L.:opted the approach• tog fait Anil winter seasons oil thore tri want of fs•olonnobr, *eV good clothing. End e ester 11/0•11. fasolotahle, and hi, stool! in tbe Western 'country, et llos csi•biisbmera. 1,09 XZR . A , ~ .0 ; A j' o ti c , k,. /; Clot. do, pone l ion e . On, Jenny Lind Hsi, Glass; Arroositc r, s. ronnion, Puuehnt Sony. for artritooing i to •Itio; Shillong Croatia, Bose do to, A.. broom do do, llo.ey estop, Flo , Atztandtbe do, Harri.Ntit Ski do, Bone do, filorsionalloso do, 4,1 do, [grown W,odsof do, Be.,'. Grease' Ike. For ralo.wholesolo and remit, by It E SELLER-4, 67 Wood st — 7 — PRt Rb Elks--16 IS guaild on the °ulnae... 11 1 If at do Inside. 10.1 reed for teie by 1 A II PHILLIPS, se p tit 7A9Wood •t ! D1:11 I'OAT.I.-2 Jai rum els.t3c Pea Cow, • light nni beavtifal sale by srp.o JAII PHILLIPS • —. G UM DRINKING CUP-I S: i f:l w w . it ,ecelveat handle.; d uud f.G . sale by *,lO J k H PHILLIPS Atn wASII GLIIVES-2 dna pairs, • firG rate 1, an e!r, last recesvrd and far 'ale by •., I P J k II KSTI.I , -NIV:N . S 61.11 V ES -11 duces; pain, a good evticM, received and Mr sale by ••pIA y PIIII.I IPS BAY STATE SHAWLS. rpm:l4: celebrated and Justly•wiedged so- I pert°, goods. in Ma latest coining and ost Im proved .tyles, sun be furnished by h e t subs m cribers In any quantity, at the very lowest pores. Parch.- er• will picase notice that then enuin ay e B .rtate Atom. lie•r tick°. correspondig with the above Wt.arol they will also be distingolshed from all orbit', •olcn Shawl. y their superior finish, fineness of texture. stud lull lane, of color.. Order. solicited tuna all section. or the country, and he t same will be e•mnittly attend d to. wilt • • • ,•urehasess slso Gad In par phawl de IlrflO ...rumen, of all due other moat aopro gd makes. and nowes , designs Or American, Fri, and Scotch ‘Voolen Shawls, em• I.•,einß u Kemal attely of plain and medium si Ties for Inends. ALXU, illroelie tong and square Shawls in est manufacture—lligh lustre Mack Snawis—Lupitis Mark and Hoer atth, with silk and woolen Fringe. Cashmere an I Terkerrl Shawls— otdered itrupe shawl.—New sr, h. 0110,—Nest figured Vitro Itruelia k and Alti•le• tlelore.l In tniand Seal Skin Shawls—l . /silo 'rench Trrterrl Shawl., fringed and r:eneh Coldred full two yard. wide for Shawls. ! Whitt ult.! •t7qlorrd liarrrlonn end bole ot I e nr.l 110111 , IIT rot-LAWN l Co , Ii Sown Second an, enlideifilii a Superior Puri horg“tyle. and r: need Sil colored ThAct --Sas Psis," Sam end Ern.. l's..ttd Pain] S , Saaori Imps, I.tmg StsmS- P Ain , Colored Fr I .stnd—h:Sthi ale Cloth. rwr s.r, ilssr,) r.eut.ce Slimy. , LI ItINA—A fresh Ira or thlsexcellani pat recd and for %Os by S N WICKERSHAM, Car. Sixth & Waod rlrerr, • -- lb. prime meg' Der canal, A NIES HALZELL 70 Water Pr. I"- It n I IA artick el d .e pp LEArtt LY .:,:79 "'` by bag. Its. Coffee; 10 ies Etre, tee* per rune;, 1.1 ,1, 1 JAMES DALzELL For enle by cIeaITRAL ROOTIEt S OF TIM NSW Mb ROAD OREA Tab PIONBE Through In FOUR Days • TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. :~E take in of hd aLno,yr , tf- n to t tiet i. n lif e e . 7b , an c.. ts . tetchy, that on and after Mot day, the 10th 01 cep leafier, we will receive and forward geode via the . Central Rail Road, end guaran we item to be thwart In Four Data Cur esienalve stock of Can and Boat. enables us to offer the above expedition. route to the public, whast 11111 crotinue our 0110111 lines via liar-tinhorn and Colombia Merchants wishing goo!. brought from the East with certainty and dtspatch at los rant, or produce chipped there, are incite! to call on O'CONNOR, ATKINS h CO.. Pittsburgh. ATKINS, O'CONNOR & CO., Philadelphia, Proprietors of t he Pittsburgh Transportation Lim; Orthe following agents, O'Cotutoge & Co., 70 North street., Belttmom E. Bbocc. 0 Battery Piece. New Tornt ELLIOTT a Game, 14 Doane street., Damon, se , LBW WDIDOW GLABB—.. bu of the but Ocurau b r .„4.,..bmin, an U., dm. la ascend anatauct aoaEanutt a agpnaz p, FIRE AND MARINE INDUILINCS NDTICII3. PROTgCTION HISURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. CAPITAL FrOCI a.7n MOLL" MAD, 5t, 00 0.000. CII4R TER k D 1835, T HR undersigned has been appointed agent for this old Mown pol company, to sceeeed Mr. Payette , and Is ready to Issue policies In tho Flre and Marine deportment, on as favorable terms as any other responsible company in Ibis city. GPO E. ARNOLD. 74 Fourth at., nest to bank of Pittsburgh. PROTECTION FIRE a: MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Annual Prernittp24, Capital Stork,4.Suridv.. Fund 1,00 09000. 'll Ilb nedemigned wenid call the attention of rum. clew. and others basing propeny exposed to In. by Fire or the perils of Navigation to the superior adsantages offered by the Protection Ina nrano• Company or 0r.1rr 1 ”.c3331, Irlx:— I.—Roter of Premium as low sa those of my other RESPONSIBLE Ornre. 2.—A speedy and satisfactory adjustment of losses by the General Agent of the Compmy for the Western and Southern States. 3._jsmuration jot all dtfferences which may arms) by referees mutually choyen. 4.—Awards proruptly paid In Specie, Bankable Funds, or Exchange on flew York, Baltimore. Charleston, New Orltans, St Look, Loolsmie, Pittsburgh, or •t the Option of th e insured. . . IE t'amohleu, setuog forth the mole and prin. eiplee of adulating lossek rates of premiums, damn. cotton of hazardrs, Ite, forhishyd to the eaetomers of the rote° charge. For farther information, apply to the undersigned, wbo is ruby eothorard to Insure Ihrelllows, Stereo, Hotels, arehoese 05116, hlaoufeetoriev, Bat oe. Se. Household Formture, Al. and Goode, %Vireos, and Peter ehuothze. conislord or stored therein, against loss or dalunic by FIRE. , Dry Good,, Groceries • , bl Uo anufaemred Goods, Pro. duce, Household Furniture, Live bito•k, andearn' other description of Plerch.dite or Personal Pro perty, eh pped or to be shipped per rood steamboat, or boats to ard trona points on the Western Waters, or between Eastern cities (via Lakes, or other inlan d route) end any towns In the Western country, a mast the tturtrd• of INLAND THEINSPORTATIUN• AL 0, Shipments or Geed.. Witfo9, and Merchndixe, per ssod vessel or reamla between New Orleans and Eastern ports—bemire- n New Orleans and o th er Galt po.—between all American ports aid &gash Of European ports. or to any other maritime poet what. vcrin the Anemic We...against tne PERI ra OP TILE SEAS. GEO. E ARNOLD, lotinti al., next to the Bank of Pitutrurgh. seplindipsol PLASM ROAD MEETING. 1 MDR Commiscionem named in the Ant of Alisembly chef fence the rem ; etanceadle and Nobleßown Piny k Rued Company, willmeet •t know of Samuel Dell. .on Chattler'• Creek, on Saturday. the T.mi tmr, at! o'clock, Al All p-canoe friendly I, the cram,.ate paanon .tomcod to Gieni. GEO. • LEDLI E, Al. B. BROWN, AICSOCI CHESS, Comm Aire. Sent nth, IF:13 cepinntlt.karl SEAMS A CO.'S EXPRESS` WEST, Via Pennsylvania Rail Solidi proprielors Adam. &Co 'a Exprek. are utating •rreneensents, cud will, in • few sem complete Me ramie, for ca•ryan. parcels and package. between Pittsburgh and Plidadelphra,by the Northern Stale Room m. 0.! Penney-Bone Rail Road.—Tiine, 3a,se hoar. BAKER & FORSYTH, Astons, piSrave SRI Front at. Pennsylvania Rail [Load. NOTICE, TO CONTRAOTOI3.O• l tenth of occsber. for the Graduati • on aud masonry sof the reinainuig sections on the Wenner/1 Division of ‘h: Pentoy t Bail Road, Including sections fif. teen to thirty. except matchers eighteen and twenty seven, airesd y uhder contract lhl• wort lim wholly in the traffics of Tonle Creek and Struts Greek, and include. a large amount of tnuonry, and some heal y earth and rock work. At the sone time proposals will be received for the Graduation and Masonry of the Branch Rail Road to Blairsville, two and dare quarters miles long, upon which is a Bridge over the Conamatigb River. The plant and pieties wall be ready tor examln anon October Ist, at ale Engineer's (Mice. at Mehl. Title, at which time the line will tie prepare." for con tractors. Intonnsuon may be had of the Assistant Engineer on the line, or of EDW D. MILLER. sepleadoetel Associate Engineer, 1011:03 I ltr . lfe ' v ri tr, 3 !ft ' e h s ' W' ° lts ' i under thc ha of John ll'hevtlt a. D us ii ~was dtsau!ved uncle the PM toot ,by Me deeth ut from'Deritt. The , signed continue the homes.and Mier this eats, ahem the firm of John fd'lMettl a Bro , at the old stand on Liberty street, apposite the head of Monk hrid, where they van attend to the eettlernent of, and c mune up of the bonne. of Me isle hrot. JoHN AVDEVITT, Ws'. :Mr DEvarr. rlttsb .I,IE, Auk WAOI .p TED, A CUSIPLISITI)II- Apply a , t!Ill. . • • ' 7 S ALTPAR E-10 bog. cat,,vivizm.,.snljoby rep t; W.lrr k. Front rt.. DLOOMS—.9O tons Nappi, (cure), for •ale by J_) .ept7 :SA(A) DICKEY t. CO /IRFASE-13 brim now landing limn !mune) En. pbrotro, by ter.pl7l ISAIAH DIC4E) &CO ED-11 torts o ri. Nol. now i•nding, for rale by a Rep, ISAIAO DILWEV 000 rj EAT/IE3(S A I.IELSW A X non landrng by 1 - • RTC HalAff DICKEY &CO N L 2 -1" bog "1,1* . A.T.' fZr7 re 67 scpl7 147 LibettLst. VISO-31 , 3 WO bongo Mn.. No 3 Alackerel; iI , b i t n,m neo. ,w, bobs do .43;. p ep, 111111“ k r iFTli7g7tEV by C:K 1?10 ,;,, ,, tCY itrett best, rr•rr• .• r .nrl 111<1. ,, r r‘ A niftgl`A s IJ4A t. MULASsES-5 , / hllat NO Eugar; lOU bll3 N 0 Illolaste5; 45 brls do, sepl7 BROWN /5 KIRKPATILICR S EEM -110 brls pritie Clover, _ hrls prone Tuasnthy; far safe by 3.07 BROWN tr. KIRKPATILICK 12:13103 ATWO STORY BRICK HOUSE ond LOT, or, Pran 'treat, comet of EVAII. Alley. Inquire nf emplialtf ROBERT AERNIGIIT • • . _ Low t Son's tlospo—Warrantod Goonlas )BONN R'lndmr 80. Betuoia, honey, Nark Throe Soaps are highly celebrated for imparting arnuothnea. to the skin • Potrbased 'tom itorrort4r, and for sole by nopil R E SELLERS, 6> Wood tt ta• pr., R for see by h VON BONNIfORST h. CO ALbIIATUS—O3 b. for sale by 1.7 ,e S p VW. BONNIMRST Co V INc/ AR—LO b.4''F'l,`;`,rivlii7g,fll)4Vr' by co NA1.L.,1g.D9-ItbV4vJgaila..•Amtatrre:l.(t7 MOULD CANDLE:B-40 has Caoeinnall for .ale by sepia 8 F VON Lk/NNW - MST CO 1-71MH WI9HROAHD3-83 doa flolmea• saierior, f, for tale by J D WILLIAAIS _repit) Coy. Wood .11. Firth no. COMA P WALL PAPE:R, at 6, 8 II and 12 coma per roll, for aele by W P MARSHALL reprel SS Wood at R USE COLMIED Wall Payerc , - , A e rvirlyl iALL e l th —B 66l:Odors; d i : Bider; au bbCs Ilamc (by sale by 2,1f1 SELLERS & NICOL 9 L. .4 , lU6 i i , CURED lIAMS—r tea varloua brand. S UGARS-Ir . 11 , : zi ana 67; brls crushed and pulverized :agar; ',met W LAC:ALF:I' & 0, AL PM ATUS-200 bhu l 7 " Vitr(ir&Vot sepia eu PAPER DINGING AND SDNDERS. --- 7U ItT tereived from the extensive manufactories of I'bniadelphta, New Vora, and Boman, at the old established stand, 47 & 56.Markel .tree[, An exceedingly large nod general stasortmeat of Wall Paper end Roeder., to which, with the mock prelims ly on hand, priampalty of hi. own maw:Aware, the anenuon of Mereh.onte and housekeepers la semeet folly a.tted, and which will be sold al price. comes poacher with the times, and satisfactory to easioniem, s-pl6:ttivr THOMAS PALMER Opeasimig or the P•strisylvaiala gallßoad to Pittsburgh. T' MICE Pennsylvania Rail foil rr ao freeing completed the whole line orad 140 lolltdays. burgh, tho. euneeetior We Portage Rant Road to Johnstown, and front thence by boats to Pittsburgh, •re now plepared reed... and forward roerelsan• dile, plootice, 60., to and has Pnaborgh and delptits leo boats arid leave the depot of the company davy for Johnstown, there connecting with the doily hob, of cam for Eltilhielokua, dins inguring toe de livery of all height In Philadelphia within five Jaya, EL & Arum tor Pa. ft. RC o , Canal Basin LiGhLTT, Ibusturgh. CRAW & BELLAS, Agents, nrplfi:dlf Phlladeiphist. • r r undersitned hurt., 'hie du., alsoelaied them. 1 .d.,* under 'ha him or Phillip, Nest is Co. for the 'burin', or riaiwututturng every variety of Mtn, Ult.•Ca nee. WILLIAM CUILLIPJ, JOHN BEST, SAMUhI.APCLEAN, Jr. PHILLIPS, DUST 46 CO., Ill•nulecturer• of every mkt) of Cut, Prtased, and Plain Flint Glatt Wore. 01114.:RS filled without delay, at the lowest mar ket iirWe, st their (emery, on Trystreet, near Seoesd, or a; hu Walser 'ilea, Pittshistabs sepltdem Notate to Comernotora. CySALER Proporale will be mccured until Satirday, the md, September lemma. at the oNee of the •obteribes, for tanning th e Allegheny , and Almoner. ter Plant Road *nag neater meet, from Naterinnh to Strawberry Lane; Lao tor fa robotaug 3213,000 0200.20 fret R. AL of Iltmlock Plank, 3 Incite. Mica, el feel long, and Dot more than 19 Melee wide t to be Colleen d along the road at directed by the Raaglneety al to, fr .30 Mu lineal feet of liew/odk. or Pine 21110, 4 by g Inches Ouch, to be delntered In like manner Propomn to b for the whole or pan of the work Or matert and the company .... a the right to di vide th e ., ids. pmponda to be addlosiod to Mot. Balcearall, , r resident of the Compan * Farther teformadon may be obtained at the °tea of the subsenbeL WM BAYS WELL, tepid:ad Ben &Trea'r Ak. M Plank Road Co rilitketan 1512a1.212. MeGILLS Rtrh.L ILOUIt—OO brio Moffett* Nabs for sale by Nfl J OCHOONMACKIL CO 14 Wii9J ti • if:l/AYR& nnerst—to hgg. •imerlor for sala T Iwo& WAI & VeULURG& UO B OITION ORACIiMiS-3 . 1;r1;Co tie r Cr; eke"; 1141. Ctrari do lord 0 WM A MreI.IIRG CO Sir James Illiarray'arlold Magnesia. REPARED ceder the *dudlsm care of the In P seder, and eltotitshed' for onwards of 'limy years ho the prtgenton. for 'ketosis. Bile, gclaittee, and Indigesnon. etenoting •Apeee., pre...rine • modera a male ache bowels; and dist:dont uric sea is Grovel and Oesb oh, at on easy resconty ive era sleknese, and (or the febrile affection Incident to r h hood it is toralooble. On the, value of Magee,. MO a remedial agent it it ortriecagiary to enlarge; in the Plaid Preparation of Sir /limes bloomy I. ron g roost soloed by the pronendon. ac tl gg,,,,,ty the poostbillty of more dangerous concretion. ass,. r e c ok t ng (tom ti.e toe of 'heart.. in pooder For .ale by the imporroes.and prnortetede a g e,. B A. FAISNESTOCK a CO Car. Wood fr. Front s. CHILLIZOTHESOAP—R3O boa for lode by rept! MILLER & [URN ETRUN ibeiiiVß:o - Ple:kof Tea 70 hi chests Ninoiong and Won, Meek: 170 caddy boo V. Upon I Gunpowder, 'or eel. by 1..11) MILLER It R`eRETFON (11URR2-Iso,o[o genulne 7 Pricelpe 20,C00 lioveleati—eßereent.O 40000 do , Rego.Las.yariove bras 40,000 Imiteotoe iceloe; ~ • ..• • • 100010 Philadelphia onside ht. Spnotib, In store and far aide by MILLER &. RICKETS° TOBACCO enlams; 20 has Cablncite lomp; tas S. Mye.ll , l lb Imp! 70 qr las do`. s lb Inn p; Porulehy "septl M.1.1..15R k RICKETSON SUNDRIES -IKO bne flordldee—Onilltnihn 10 boo `[6lli6o Dail= Manneroo ll YD boo de •do Verrniee I dank Nutnartn, No I; brie Cloven, 30 bukrts riouleavi and Ilaysetlten 01 0.1 17 i C/i1; 10 01000 and for silo by & RICIKETHON ID ICE-50 red psi rte'd and far rale by repil SSMFBAFjUTOII BONS CO INSSEI) OIL-75 brls pate, in amrpiikues, eepll 13FLLER9 A SHIMS 11110 R CURED HAMS—W.6M* supertor for 11111. ty septi 'SELLERS Ss NICOLA a 1..-25 Irf tale lyo Ptii"Ckertlt 05 brill • dn; • 100 bybs No _3 nutria dot __, Just 1041 for salt by " JAMES DALZELL Abate 1 ' 70 'Witter, n, INDIGO & MADDER-10 <elven, A: F. !alio; 7 hhd. hladd.r. for rare by map WM BAGALRY & CO BACON -8 lalds Bides, Blois, flooldery, just ro• cpived mod for .de by : STUART & SILL Yeylo Wood .t riliEESE—leo tam beet Cheere !or sale I y 5010 . STUART & PILL FLOUR —A. email guarani Shearer& Noble'• extra eeelo STUART & SILL sa , e by sew° AgsvaLUTES I&nC - 265 LlLetty mt. SPANISH WHITING—WbrIa Just iee l / 4 1 - 67, N WICKERSHAM'S Wood &Sixth Cs ,g BARBAROUS OPERATION—If A Ether ill render persone insensible to pain, it to elute, the duty of those who sellimany of the articles purporting to be Shaving 6010.10 present each pur haser with a s ufficient of above in relicee their zatiering while undergoi ng the oper ation of abett ing JULFA PBENUSMSHAVING CREAMS M now admitted by all to be the very beet article ter shaving to be found in title of any other country. In the v., of my Almond Hose'. Sod Pistachio Sooniog Cream, Instead of being en 'operation to be dreaded, shaving ts really • luxury. The ingredienla of wslch it is cam •osed are of such nature. thin • finer and etcher lather can be made then with any other article, by which the beard I. thttiried, and the skin is not liable to be burned by the nitell which forms an large a portion of other shaving snap, nor will it become chapped, but will remain Moot , and soft as an at lantic No one, alter lying tins Shaving Cream, coo tree be Vv.lvvvc/ to oat aoYlother Caution is neces sary in wham ng my etharltts Cream, as there are maim Imitations sold Ask for Jules Baucl's Shaving Cream, and pot will then gape article wh i ch render. shaving easy sod pleasant. . JULFS HAUEL; Pr rthatar and Chemist. Ithentahl at For tale, wholesale and retail, by B. A Fahnestock A Co., and R. F. Fellers, Pltreargh; mid John Barrect and I übirehell , Allegheny City. sep3-0 MtTALLIC.RUSHER CLOTH-114 cda a tplerd id article, for sale by J & H PHILLIPS aeple 7k9Woodat S OAP-Lofomad Wiade do do . Honey Soap; o Cinema. Bar Soap; Philadelphia Variegated Soap; • Pittsburg, ' l a 'IN Camel. Soap; Olive Soap; for axle erboleertle lane retail by rrple WM.J, McCLUROer Co NEW BOOKS! AgVYBOOKSt AT 110L1IfEs' LITTERAEY DEPOT, - CIISTORY of Pendennla, Nod. By Thaelteray t lintekerboeker amgamte ter September. nom, dlerettente' Mageztoe.for September. Wit.' Review for September. with an engraving of Oen. Seott, Hinton Siralerpeare, No> 1 Littera Living Ago No Mb:, Whir Porban Gallery. coniGaing fifty two engrav ing. of distiegoished Whig. North b idea Review for Airpo. Democratic Review fat Britteint . er. Eclectic Review or Poteigh .L.teratara for Screw septa fIOSPIP - AL -SHP-111Nri-P Ann wiielet made ropteiel7 (Of that porpove. for vale Dr (tenth.:. & H PHILLIPS —.— Hrudleg a IVlssFs, li la, dm. 50 hlpgins.C.o.enise vanoTrudaget, 4 runes Holland Gin: 1 puncheon. Jrunt puncheon. Old 1 Gk F.llithey: 20 qr cask. hlaseris Wine, 20 do Oporto do; 20 hld. Burets .2 to hf pipes Spactilh Red Wine; 53 boo Horde. Clam;;1 • 10 bx• Muscat Wine; • 5 het. French White Wine Finesse; Recht for salt ny MILLRR R RICKS SON .00 g , C 4 222 Liberty It (111E‘lSE-5111.4. pnme tredno :vet reed by I. .1 Rrplo W HARBRUGU D•CU7I 81110111.DERS—leYtho the reed ter tale 47 seal° E & W HA RUA tun SUGAN-10 beds - MT - Eager reiaier sale Ity via& 814 lIATIOAVOII T-611 R-40 tale superfine. eve'd %AO, ny F arfILI Pk W HA ROAUGII UtTADLE ter Sledleiell ;Purposes, alioni• on Olathe sad for tale by Ike in It'e qoarLer tralthn at hlOllBlB & ti AN:MMUS see& tia. it Wine Store. DILTIUNABY and Eneineering No Hybl," bee. re, th e,e Holmes , Literary Darer, Tett& meet. arteries the Port Office Every kneeliandenbould byte this work. we; Ho RPER'S Notobly Maga3lbe for Sepleloto r. 1 3 13forml Meld Book of 3be Revolution, No R. Ju•t reed for sole by R C 1 1 11/311111,14 ear brunette TWA no GIIItiNP&L VARNIS II -5 10bfb;14,Ld 10 kegs, now landlog for sale by ISAIAII DICKEY & CO wO4 .Water & Fronts SUGAR it MOLASSE2— , O rhos N !1 tko N 0 11401ormer; 10014. whiie Otaxil k ougari 30 Inle•SokartXonaLed. 30 WI. Looming's pol.`di Y 3 MIA St Louis ' do;. 1u tam Lave ring sLoa r; 'JO Otis St Laois to; r , MILLER k RICRETSON lo r?re and ar late in' • lir . V C ra L h INT°C o om, N K o ' i f; rev rflnge r t a ' r ' d bl 7o %rut ' me,. • very handrame•SAOrleatill °Mulcting, eau. pence!, Al put el the And followingtarietiem— Rtegan elegant etyle Velem VII. CatTerl lamb elegant etyle TapesSry Wastrels deg Snot trio, Enalirb and Amenean Muse), dm Extra up. 3 ply Gyulai Itomeztra Chubs; Superfine do do; Sup, Tufted Roan; do • Moral. do; Chenille Mats; Eztra fine tr. fine do do; Tufted blot.; Com. all wool do do: Stair Rods, do cottha obtain do do; Corp Maimdo concur do do; fate do. Al.m a • OTT large assortment of . Trintmloge for Steam Loam, Carriar, ' , Mirth lke. .oil Ulu& t. A very large asrortment or Weil Itition•d Oil Clothe, ranging to width from 47 Inchon to 24 feet, of very handrome styles, cot to fit any •Irril room, hall, or vertibole. Tee noel of goods wit be std . d al cheap u Mr./ can be purchased In soy of the elder.. V. Invite every body to eallwho wish a bargam. m _ • pn MI IdeCLINTOCZ Q UIIAC-10 too. on hoed and :tor pileTey CI ImpO A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE DI:BM/to , ot/ARUo - rintou — V - -j conacThreFiii: bero/oth manocattora on hood to 4 for We by A CULnewrsoN C4OUSE C U.E.BBE-83 b." now %%171;1%1V & Co !ITN F • Water & Freer au. ; t rees for lab b ----- C° FEE-3A' J . & a ;Lova. "cps Rolled Char . an.s- 2. packages V & 13Isak Teas Ti n . umportstion . lot sale F 4 wl/ Prts large No 3 ktaekere4 bt two os and 3; do; ID bas sealed Denis g, for asle ,„/„....&,0 FLOYD_ AIL 01L—.50 brio brown Teener* , Olt; 50 Arlo Carolina Tar, for sale by I tr. R FLOYD Ici•—•4 tea faeab beat alceObr - aalz liana --- .- 1 gAVITEEL—.I(7O mules N Y solo Lemhtr, for sale t's /./ .trY _ _ _ , i J .V. a FLvVO polfACCii-ico-tZle• hiartatelguria Tobiverv. of j Hn:re'l IV. R 1 4 1111.20 1 ,4 and oclm isvorimbraTA., P.r we bv Itr9 .:'l t ft PLO% D ______ lliktaL 4 E—..ll3o lb. W Ra irep mo, - 9 R FLOYD FLUOR—So brio Poload !MIA ioperlor forolyFloo!- 1W brio 'overalls fanfily'Floor l; , for solo by A CULeERTSON &CL 11, .00sy__1O5 When R IIO FLOUIL-20 bdh juLt retry for sal .L“LULUERTS.N :CLOUSE CIDERV bb VINEGA-33 brie iedetler 'nag reed b ‘2._....80N i t. MOM.; BLEACHED A BROWN hal.LlNet—• amert• UM.; W withlas and brad s, direct from ute mattofaetateis, at the loots . aY oep7 • , A:A atAPON 4al frea Erg. lon ri o'4 fel sale by iscp7 XOI2IISON. LITTLE C _ - Gtt.Nr i u 7 r. i ..P ut ,.. r. E lt - ;4l: e br ito k! limitation W P ha e illllll.llLL For rams by - 007 Wood. y INBEED Griavnibl`s brand reed by .e Pr J . 13 CANFIELD 1111 is BRANB-2 Et 4 ree4lfor •zle by .e.p7 J D CANFIVLD menu CHEESE -2(0 bzo iton re o for leb ) n• • OA NYIELD , 1 1 .311 AL N C jari Q. I 3 010 N 1 ald and far son], 3101:ILLS 4 ROE BACON -400 pea Shoulders; 30. pea &Me, Mph iNA Cwt.! eemt *GILL, & ROS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers