BY MAGNEM. TELM:RAN. rr ALIAPUIATED t T circouhinfiaD fbR Tldie P:TTBIIIIRuH DAILY GAZETTE cOaiIIar.SSIONAL W ALiIIIISOTC2I, Sept. i the 'coosideutfect of the regular reetloe of monolog bayous, blv. Ptatt moved to take op his bill to prevent the matieteg or aaristleg cleave to escape to the District of Coliambia. Objection oat made to take up this bill, to the excitation of other ptt boaineas of import. SZCS. The motion to take was rejected—yeas 170, nnys 24. The 601 melting the diet of Surveyor General of the pubbe land, to gnu, and matte' dona tions to actual rattlers t neon, you read the iturd time and mired. The General Appropriation Bill was then taken up. • Several amendments were T courted by the Com mittee or Finance, and mete emundeled and adopt • ed. Mr. !dumpier moved an amendment, appropria • tang 810,000 to be expended under the direction of ths Secretary of &ate, to defray the expenses of an agent of the timbale Porte. After tome debate, in which the appropriation mu defended, as to iii - Feordanee with eastern usage, and likely to unlit to great benefit to our eatuaterelli relations, Ly urcurirg the goad feeling sumo gourmets of the Sublime Pone. MiiiEMMMI Mr. Douglas moved an amendment, mate; rip. propitiation for the purchase of a ante, and the erection of a custom home in St. Louie which was rejected. Mr. Threa t cl Mts.. proposed appropriating SIOO,OOO for arrangements at the Capitol. Re jected. • - Mr. Galen Moved an appropriation of $I 000,s 000 towards the erection cf a r ex= house at San Preemie°, to conjoin rooms for • post o Gee, U. .5. ConrA, and other temp. ' The antendmeut wan subtaquently modified so mite limit the maitre coat Cl the buddies to MOO,- 000, and then adopted. 'Mr. Gwlnn moved so apiropriuitin el SSO ofo fora Marine heaphal It. Cci,otniti, which wa• adopted. Pending the consideration or farther amend., meats, the Senate adjourned, Horag—ln Committee of the Whole on the • ante of the Union, the House Irak it,, the Navy Appropriation Bill. Mr. Stanton, of Tenn., said that the hill appro.. plated within atracuon of nine millions nod a half dollar. In a time ot profound peace, the expenses of the Navy have grown to thin figure, and it in not surprising that tt should be a subject et load complaint.' He proseeded to show now $7:0,000 can be raved, and at the mime time in crease the efficiehey of the Navy. This wan to be done ha part by reduciug the cumber of ace men and mulrlimmen, and providing n ranted list for infirm rffisers, and n eons:quest redaction of provaione. He propored to dividethe Naval forces Into two rquadrens—one for the Athuttle and the other for the Pacific-4rd upon the ad vantages ofr cat h on arratsemeet, he preset d the Importance of suppiontics sailigg vessels by steamer,, and advocated n thoi °cab relorm. Mr. Greene trusted that refoons in the Navy would be carried cut to *rime mini. He stated the ground of his °pp.:ninon to mail 6:eIkISICIT. The Committee then rose, and the resolution was adopted to close the debit° on the Isfl to morrow at Sue o'clock. Tee Home receded (remits proposition on the deficiency reilitega WI; there're, the Catifornia member. and tie Oiegoo dcagrtee will get tulle• ace accardmg to the mast usually travelled mote through the United Stater; nod the Califernia Members per diem pay hem the time the Canter. air Constitution was submitted to Congress Mr. Gilbert ittroduced a hill establithlng a Ma rine Hospital at Sae Franc** which was refer. red to the Commute° on Corair.erce. The Hansa then adjorourd. Cmcnimat, Sept. 19. The river is statinrary, with 2 feet P inches Wa ter on the bars to Louisville. We bad heavy, rains last tight. , PHILADELPHIA /DARREL Pntunra.ruts, Sept. IS. F:onr—Tl efts Is ¢o material change lo Donee in soar. Sales 1000 this good brands. part for elan. meat, at stir per bbL Sales of IA 0 be • for any at S 3 C2l prr bl bbc Rye Flout sou Corn Meal are steady at 33 per Grnin—There is rather better feeling in when , , sad the rupple, eon..nete rmel Sales of 3000 bushelngool Tel at 105 c. nhd point, ordinary at SI per Willie!. Cno in not so much Inquired after. Hates of 6000 to 0000 be.hels nonthera yelhsvr at 044355 e. BB ts. ad, are 4.1,01 y, with 5,101 0 2000 bushels Nutibetn at 375371 e. and SOD bush. tL of 420. per bo;hel.. Whmirey inl3 fair demand with eases 200 Wis. at 27c. per gallon. NEW 194 K MARKET NOO.V aziorr. Dirty Yoxx, Sept. Ir.k Flom—Supplies are large and pressing on the market. Pr ces arc tending downward, though the demand for- shipment conuoues good. We uoto no actual change in price. from yesterday's quota tions. Grin—Thu supplies of corn are moderate, and the demand is better. Sales wemern muses at 63.1 64 rents, and of yellow at 04 A 1072 cents per bushel Provisions:,.Tbere k no elinnim in pork. Lard it firm, with tiles in hermit it 1-447 1 2 cent, per pound. Groceries ye without chan;e, but prices are Arm • Word—Very 100 e doing. Lead—Sala 300 pig., Ameriran, 54,62, cash NEW YORK MARKET. [IVLNINC. TITeltT NNW YORK, Sept. 19. We have no charge to notice an the markt, since the noon report ADE - MISTFI TOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is Lorthy given, that Lotter , Adminl• Cation have that day been gestated •o undo, wend, on the est., nflo•to %V. Ala r. , ste of the nit of TI isooreh, det'd. nil indet,d It, acid estate on re qr e.:od to ultke irnen•dillte peyote' and ;hove having claim. anal at It senli prevent hem duly ontheruinated, for ,nntrnnnt - - Rost...Tr TUN!. AP. Jr.. opll4lovd•soN7_, lut Market et, Pdtebutih BROOMS—Ite dos Corn Cavern* on enntoionert sec,: htnoil,l.9 & ROC 13 LA P 0311.--4 rant Juttista CO I. sot .ate It) cep: Met:ILLS tr. RCN CLIEESE—rn rerriv.ti tor •ftle hr & DARNIM ur3 133 & 132 Second st FLOUR -40 bras ihvedaln tontsd just Tee'd•by oet.3 SHRIVE& &BARNES Fax•sed.Viamted. T UE highem mark. puce vitz de N c o w s i Libertr .1 BACON—IIm ltbdr prime rider far •ble by _SELLERS & NICOLS WED DLa.7-12 brim banvarsed Pup: Cared rep 3 SI:LIARS & NICOLS —•- OILS -300 gnOr bleached reinter Whale Oil; MO yes do do Sperm Oih :Aorta No 0 Lrad Oil; 10 tolr No 1 do for role by r 3 O LLF.R.9 & 071,10L9 rto.._‘.. prime :or sate by septl . SELLERS & NiCOLS WiLICASITtI & Null LE have reduced the pore o their 1. ntra Faatlly Flour to eorroyand will the decline In arlesh septl I i b.:2 2 1.921—10 bC ' peeter 7 • t• eh insnno yenW - P 3 . $ F VON. 12ONNIIORNt &CO GREASP.-.31 Ws row [snakes from welter, Navi gator, (.I . sale by JSA/All DICKEY & co sepg • . Water & Front its I .yeL - MN -77 -ntib peit7..attod, apneas arbileTtn smoke, hone sal for 6112 by bIIRIFER.& BARNES nerd . 133 & 132 Second St ebiiIKECTSLLNON—A rarity highly piked in the East, bat mutt I afore brought to rittNuruh. A NV eery superior, Just reed per exprew .0 Got rata by • WM A bIeCLIIRO &CO alp' _. . • 20 Liberty st_ CIIEVB b,—,:tro tiro prauta reiVfor vile by • aue3l - . l .l II CANFIELD Fine PliouF PAINT-6 bits la stars, ler uule by arrit 1 rl CANFIELD -- Gißrrh Hock of Lbe. goods eloring• Oot at trooTbotgasos A A MASO:4 & oatZi oa totd ndfoitille .002 A CULttF.ItTtION & CLOUSE TiagE gr-7;07.17W3t. NJ A Ct!Ly/E b 111130N?‘ .C 11.47 rat alo --- A•Ta — nt r ecta r• ;17 _seat • .A rI.4,I3t;RITON CIAILTR BLACK AVADLC•4I--496... Mg.! . ,emr. gain bt ACIILIPPRIVyN h C SKe—A tars , • invoice plains Oirattoeatie and fireared silt• Inks day *nest by aug27 A AMA SON lb CO LAID F 4 , ha I - Pliantly inn toccived sod lot bale at tr•ntsfae turee's pricer. • 11 LEE: snot !Abet-Ott )3(1/iIVArt FIRS. MOOk on baud •torror tale Li litER amid Quarters far T•as. Lironais A HAWORTH, hove obtained the repo .l.V.L lotion of selling the Rot and Cheapen Teas in ritteturth. It you eocarirr Ibeir Tea .with "that you you wri at °nett acknowledge ti• superiority..'they alio very careful In tie selection of their Teas. 'POI buy itialtrathel for cash from the importer. cast, and are, snuaGett 'watt eery tonsil pouts, th ese Well, seas° n th ey ate custard to tell wad. ezeellent Work or Lireen 'less st Sue per 11, Superior qv al . 5 3a , de TB ' l ' .lklad.'"'P°rW . TUB TEA 14 ' , REV? • olg2l East aide Mamma TANSClTOTro ;: tt lil;'* SCIIOO77MAKI,R It CO .LA ILD—A tarp" gaintltv of Its•bred "Ne I asd for inre by • TSAI AU D/CICEY R CA .10,, by wicr & MOCANDLESA LAND AND DILL POD BALE, enbscriber °from, el Pd•elo sale OIXTY ACRES OF LAND, about How five o f which Is d, and twenty See good bosom meadow, and en ' which so mama a Floating dDIL witteh eon be nut 'tither by steam or water row.. Timm is on M. mid Farm, MO DWEI.I4?if; HOUSES, the necessary otn bouses,•nd an ORCHARD of karma b taitTmes. The mill gentled 4 made of cost iron, wills •three Tae of winos. - The e...e primis“ aim .hosted in 0 0. 04 mmulag settlement to Hopewell township, 60000(eoUnly, tires miles from Economy, eight mile. from Denser, • on the 110111 k side of the Oblom ter. within mrte mile. of .mu tint, sad twenty miles Rom rittsbargh. Tide utd,spatable.• • • • Pot Amber infonaation and contions of sale, en. Q01(0 of Abe anb+etiber, on the, pretna di irri, or 0( K nelson. Grocer in the Diamond, Pit:stand , . • .W.A"§"9O-414.911 uthlibibitUlAL RECORD; PITTIMUuun goaan OW TRAMS • avo COMAIITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER. oc 3K_ now. T. • cu.. Tr. 11.1[71 071FICIR IrrrilllllGß GM1714 Friday eternise, Sept. PO, 18.2). We hada fine rain yesterday forenoon, which woad have been mach better, but for nu abort duration. If tee rain was general about the head waren of the rivers. of re inch there to every probability, we are safe In predicting a rise In the 'W.A.. few days. In conieguence of the heavy rain. daring THIIBI , d iy, tu•inesa teal at a stand,utd•re heard acne trans or 0001(61 daring the day. FLOUR—We notice a m•rked improvement in Boor, to consequence of the low step of vetoer, and the light receipts. Corulderable lou arrived by river yes. terday. only a =tall portion of which, however, was designed for this market. Fame small lots were dia. posed of from river and from wavon, at 63,r703 99 1.01, for fair brand. e. f, Extra would command • high et, figure. Sxles troM score 11.0 been tort6iied to the Immediate .ranle of the home trade, at 51114.10 i for good brands superfine. flea Fuca—Very little is comic. forward; and sup plies are limited. 13,031)3,73 P bbl, may be given as the nominal priers, without sales. Gear Riau,-We notice moderate supplies, with sales in bags, at 60c i bu r far silted. GRAIN—We notice no special change to the Grain market. The following prises • obtained ai the re IA :—Wheal,73e; Rye,30.935e; Corn, 40411115; Barley is selling .t ISZOW, and Owe as We i bas, Gum fins . hrtnd.. PROVISIONS—We notice', general firm:fen In Provnione, at tally quoted ratet—ny, for Oast baeoo films, 71; auger coral eannuaed do. 10/312e for eon. non to extra. Sales of aides at 5755 t, mid of ahouldert 4ic ♦ m. Dried Deed is In denniind at 12c for best-- Ls., is welling at 0107 Y, to bbla and keg. GROCERIMI—We notice. moderate hostile., but ei general Rnaoess in price. We quota N 0 Sugar, in lots of 5 to 10 httlf, at 71071 e, to city trade; smaller tot. to the country trade, wohll command higher rates. Bale, of Id bola N 0 Molasses, in lots, at 561020 e • 11Dirst is quiet, sad sales confined to small lots, to city and country sada, at and thlefr p • OlLL.—Wegalto Linreed . at 8.50/90e No 1 Lard at be, and of Na 4.t Sec le ttalL WHISKEY—The mark et !a quiet, aith sales at 94 Dt.5,, exits and time Aft , flEd—Solon ban Dean confine , ' to moderato dartantionf, at Of for pear1..5438f for =lend., 318 11c for rodallatt, 1k for pot at, and 210310 ir 'corning.. SPlalt of the liSre - restle Blarkets. Bstratear., Sept. 16, 060. F oar—The market for H. S. hay slightly advanced We lore vales of 20. Man, at 51.811 There have been sale. of City Mills Meer, Enda,' lest, to the ex tent of 7,000 bbl., at the uniform rate of 64,77 Wheat—The .apply at market to day Wel fah., and told at treacly Tracer. We quote ordinary to Rood red. 610100ey eyed to priest reds, at 100/1103:: orbUr IChe.l . at 1149112 e; and furcaly tour white at 11.1.11 lbecll bus.- C. , . was alto in Ilk supply, and amino of wtala at 690.5 ti. and yillow at 399111 a (dm an union at 4J0.14e. Baron—Sales of 151,C00 tot Bacon 'Moonier., it (ID te; and 35 [Mtn, Sides at 55aGo. Small Wes of Ilmtu atn to I . r. Wahlroy—Priers am steady, with a moderate de mand. Soles of Una at Ve,•nd ttOd• at nre. • . • . mact•--Saiaa .nn Raiz o nto Railroad, au Um). 74f. =Erittll He hmeofts, Sept. Hi tV SO C/Ctir —The market was somewhat more med.. an igenday. The el:firings reached 820 bred of Beeves. of weteh HM, were driven to Philadelphia. and the balance were sold to oily hatcher,. Prier. ranted from F 2,4110 S3 OS on the hoof, Mm] so SIACOLW net, sod averaging $1,30 gross. Hogs—The supply so good, and the market rather drooping. %V grate at 0305,50 The general run of the safest* sonde as the former Emma the lather mice being only °Limited for choice law—Amer. Tutor or 90. Locts.—The Bt. Lodi. Republican, rcs es the following aggregate autumn of Grain weigh ed by the several welgh•asastea, during the moms of August —104,463 •acts and bins of all kinds of rain, Wang sacks sa heat, 10,401 sack. corn, 8,199 tacks oats. 013 racks barley, 1,430 sacks bran, lad auks pots - toes, thllth hales hemp, 1.4= Sales bay, 396 rooks ut.l 1,9011pi-eu bacon, 1,49:1 earls coder, t9t7 hbd• ugar . 1.5.:8 , pigs lead, thYJ torte. and 111 bbl• and keg. lard, sacks rye, .4224 hides. Agaredrue amount of teas received Ly ins weighers, 61,150 01. Excznatotz--Tke Wheeling Gazette mama, that on Weazetitay las., when ilia SU. Pilot No. 2, eras ap proaching the iorsatf at that poi.", she mei with an at- lent wallah fora num canted more sham than da r6r, and toil rued more fright aria d r headway. ore of her boilers ea - Oradea at the tide inning It rent of about 6 thaw. The steam blamed= • furious nme, whereupon m•ny, sat/posing them •elves In Me hudea of s blow up, leapt Onto the river and made their way to shore es beet they contd. For w.welY.lbe river where the beet happened to be,wes not deep eremett to drown any of them, velem they beeMmet their bends anger the water to save their hodtes, es the arm/ea dues In lan rand. nth Pt we Oulu ast PRh omehing.S.l Th. wnarf. son( ItObett Keedgem,CsOtoto Bomber, took (re from .o.or eoshbo.uble MOlClllti In , he hole. sod 111 a short tame the smoke wail seen taissee from roe hitches. the demi . ..two of the boat. Intv lame, Nu...tow:med. but toe proM,lnta• of the Cap.ain and , le pre,tarat (r .orb euaergen • •••••,1 Ican,rdluirir I•poo tle olreo• ey 111 C lo be .but ;he viaam tet ~ Ole bola Coo n a pikes on n-cte.t With the boilers fur dist pathos, sad In le.- has two mimeo, the her Was entirety out, and nn material damage de., As every •teamer eto ncridert., these steam pipes. which are sure safe guarrs, vheall be provided. It I. a plait Lust is sae, uncoil and menple, lad has never (LISA in Itarresited !Let —Cm Com. SIGHT DRAFTS NEW YORK, U A LTIIIIORE. PH ILADELPH lA, cnvc/NRAT!, LoutsviLLE, ST. LOUIS, and rbr FOLD 001715TYLY,^ for sate by A. WILKINS & CO. pl 2 Cor. Third .'r Alar Err Q lITRAP , ALE—New receiving In whole, half, and U iv:eater barrel. of the fall brewing, and C 011•401 ouppriee will be kept for tale try ROBERTSON t REPPERT orpll-1101 1 . 21 neeond it A FALL FASHION. A THIS beannful icyle of lint la new received, and will be lIIIITANCCLI on Banned oy. 31.1 inst., by McenflD & Ctl .°5" Con. Filth k Wood an. NOTICE A N assessment or One Dollar per rhare on :he stock A of the obio Trap Rock Mining Company, pay able uri or benne the Wtb of OCtr.<l next, to the Treasurer, in Pittsburgh. By order ante Hoard sepl4 Whl 117 mr:rAt.-31,31WRioTii; 1111E7, lIIATTHEWS a-CO e== G lX:Vt . o . .l , ba re i c eg e s d oo n l n t:i f 4a14 mat; tr. Mr E=2iM= 113 1110N—IUDii.7 , 11..siiierillFt'aiiimee, to uTe P bir 1.ep141 MEGILLti & ROE NNMI ILA 0.b11.Y brls. oak cooperoge . won _ bIeOH.LS & ROE lit. - A7ITO ft at U I.:K.—A few iew platform roalem w draw Ina to Irogo lba, for We by ...pi _ _ MeGILLE & ROE ijarri Ela—e bris kn . elo:c mode 11 stpll k ROE (11GARR— 13/0 Ennripe, Rtgoka Cl CUrafA,NleCted for gale Inv aepll MeGILLE k ROE Citl — FßlNTlClttitd--34 bales very bea•y, for cover loyeateadt boat dotkv, revolved and for rale by SCA' FE & ATKINSON. Lit2l — fgEl76lls on. Just 2505 202 5515 J KIDD & CO 52515 52 Woad 5t S UNDBIES--14 trio Lard; 15 Lee Heroic; I bog Beeswax; 7 bags Feather., to arrive, for entity IPAI All DICKEY k CO .00 Water t Front its r ift ezd from New York— I des large dice uell dos exira do do; I dos Dig.; I dos Wens, for aide at the India Roth. , store, 7 and p Wood at. .1 t If PHILLIrd wont ante 'and Lot for Bale. ATERFE storied Brick House, on Willi street, sCor Logstijn boils, and having h house, gas fixtu and ell the modem improvements will be mid. if a p plied nlird for, before tot Oct ob er nest If ds• sued, a lung sesta' mid be given H. BRADY WILKINS, _Ent_andmett 101 Founb st TO WESTERN MERCHANTS. FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO. DEALERS 111 FANCY & STAPLE DDT GOODS, isra. 65 lIIAIELITabiI ITELIEEIT, Between Third t Foorth attrects, Pittsburgh, INVITE tho attention of merehants ving the city, 1 to their catenates stock of Pall end Winter (load., •ekctrid with great tarp and sttentlon from Went Isopenations, large racoon sale*, and from the lead ing ananiVacturen, by Emir fesident partner In Now York. Then stock tills fall will be found to be meth larger and more retried tban any they hare everbefore bre:0,110 this market. bring replenished by raceme of roods thrust doily through the scamp u they Pear In the east markets, rendering their stock at al times fall and perfect thereby cna..illng them sao• tolls to coimete with cistern houses .76 THASICS EAGNETIC — OINTLIENIrdertin for sale by .1 KIDD& CO aeo7 di) Wood et ecqui rws celebrated Potent Trowes—A now IP lot low ree , Ared mid (or wile by up? J 1000 &CO 1 ,1 : 011 4 1 M . P8Vello Ault Busammrll4—.l des last ree'd for sale by roop7l J KIDD &CO 1010‘N DER JAL.ILY* elm. last roo'd for was by teP,JUDD a ca pcOZLE=tiobi, foaro,jost-wi' iett 0: ' • &O. / --- Mparre------ - 7 - drosmwtow bed A A MASON & CO of • 7 • 62 Market bt T MEN d received thli mond .7 jialgeont. by I.& 6 btABON & (it&gpri breivivim PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Ithm—Ybens wen I foot. t Loeb., to ebbtaizb by mud mit lag evenitur at dusk, and at a stand. ARRIVED. Beaver. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Allnne, Partmen, Brownsville. Bshie, Jacob., Brownsville. Venahiesbenv, Herniae, Bees.. Kate Eternise, Williams, Bever. shipper, Bares, Wheeling. Wave, Shafer, Wellsville. Tose TTTTT • HenGybil l ,Wheeling. 6011).10Ser. Riloafelher,Dinelenart. Julia Dean, Gallaitisr;Banerrellle. Umpire Noe, Yomg.lemisvilla. DEPARTED Ali&lran, 6rlee, J Beave- Fashion Feebly., E li sabeth. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Portman, Wolin...villa Youghiogheny, Hartupee, Beaver. Irate Fleoiog, %Willow Beaver. Thos Roil. tllllli, Wellrellle. Eaphrater, Swaddle, 0112611111 ti. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BEAVER—Youghiogheny, 3 r. a. CINCINNATICIudereIIa, 10a. in ZANESVILLE—JuIia Dean, 10 a. Fox Sr. Loma—The' fine steamer C . lnderella, Copt Hazlett, will leave for Bt Lords and intercom:Um porta, dna morning, at 10 o'clock. „ Fon Zawast-u.t.a.—The splendid new light tirattg.ll s'earner Jana Dean, Cattalo Gallagher, will leave as above, thts;dap. She offers great Indeeements to per sons going that way.t E=3 BEAVER—Paz K. 0 Joco Ootz-100 bbls,s hlf dour. Jno A Caughey, 144 bbls do, B Meelei kan;ll7 do do, V Holmes & Co; bhl cogs. Armstrong A Caner, 10 Obis oil, B Canfield:2 sets e seed. kdo feathers J A Knox & C0;.5 tts seas ash, Fahnestock A Co, 10 do do, Nick & bleCandless. Pos K. U. Buss. Piroar —123 Lai cheete.3 Om wool, J 0 Canfield . 626 boxes cheeie, J C aa do do. Stosirart A Sill; 19 sack• logo 2 bbls copper, Leech & Meal*: 1.1 orind IitOOVA, Kin, & Moorhead; 21 boxes cheese, Wick & McCandless; 40 do do, Hazier & Uor don, 05 do do, English & filen:len; 6 boxes machinery, Peebles A Co. Poo X J. B AND I—FX boo cheese, 5 eks poi ash, .1 Car.field. 50 hblo, 50 51f do thb, J A Cauxbey; 35 bz. ekes; B Bonn; 10 do dn. IS boa taleratos, rl bhl. mo lasses', PS 5.. too, Wm Bogsky; 18 dos brooms, FleOr art & Bah 02 do do, A Culbertton & Clouse; 5 pia otp p.ints, 801 l & Spear; 0 b.o rornlture, 7 D fkolly; 9 be. pommel, 10 Haughey; 18 carboys. Jag Dann & Co; lot oersp Iron, Spot & 50 bzx cheese, Wen Bagaley & Co ZANL , VILLE—Pa Java Dwor-200 bhli flour, ft hhdt sob, Leach u. Co; 13 roll. leather, Graff k. Prat n.ra surr—YS: bbl. floor, f or shipment, Gal bus bum RATES OF DISCOUNT. T—CORRECItto ti a SOa BATES OF DISCOU X. UOLEL ' Motors, No. St Market Street, emu Cu a PaWsagylvaralla. larilaaa. Sant efertrabeigh Blare BR &Branches— I kiehange Bank Par B . ateSorip • .. r• Merck. It Man. Bank •Pat Virginia. Uks.orPhlladelphia. —Par Exchange Bk. of Var• • 1 Gisela Bank Par Farmers Bk.( Va • e Dank. ofliermantoren •Par Bk. orthe Valley,— e Chester COMM' • •Par Bk. of Virginl•••••— Delaware Co.. • •par M.& M. Bk., Wheeling. g I Montgomery Co.. •pak do Morgainown• obi. N. W. Bank Colombia Bridge Co.• • pl. do Wellsbarg.—. g Doylestown Bank • •—•pai do rarkersbatg--. rumen' Bk. C o. pax, Tann•asa•. Farners'llk. Book. Co. par,Bk.of l'ennewee- •• • • 2 Fawner. B'k Lancas`r • pa,lFar..t Mcren'ts Ilk Lancacer Co. Bk.- .• • pairtaniere •• •• 3 Lwarowßk.---- ow Union U ai . &area Bank ——3 O I. Wn.h,o lhowraville 13k.• • ..... parßtareßk ofgli.swori— I Bg_...—. 41 North Carolina. GeuyiborgbElk.--. I Bk. of Cape Few 3 Chamberabarg• • .• 'March's Lik.,N camera • X Boaquehanna Co. Bk.-- rune Bank 2 Booth Carolina. Middletown •••••-- Camden Bk ...... •• • • 2 . C 9914919 •• Bk. of CharLeman.— • • 3 .. Bk •—•.. • 0 IP:ocameresalllk•-- Fanners' mud Drovers' :Dk.ot GeorEetamen -1999k, Waynesbars• • 1 lik.. . 9 9 119999 1 9 911• - •• • • 3 .99eschanu -- 9 # rluatet• 19.19.99V5Lik • ebszon par,BY..of Nouth Caroana• • 1 Elarylamd. ^te WyomLog ..... . 1 llettmor Ik s. •• • py. York nis.. • ... ....... 1 tinlitei's int) 1.1 ofd •IO Wens Bnineh I Cumtmtland Elk . o S f Ail.. Keller Notes NIBS. Pain ao• :Paz. Ilk. of blaryland • • Scrip-Pouts QIILM'fI Fulness' In ?dentinal... Allest•exiy, I . Frederick Olsto. insane'. CO. Bk. Ass. Ilk nind Ilmischss illagetstown ek• • ..... n Alnatlant • • ~ a lusensl -_. Itenbenville—•••• • • IP•lapStO Bk-•••• ... " IWssaiNglna Niniesun --.......- ak. orN estsistet •• • • Yew Li s b o n. ....—... Si .l ti d es m. Claelnnno Beats 0 Ilk. of Si Clan. -. Columbus do- a Ilk. of River %then cseekoitio—. .11;ehisan Ins. Co- • - - itifilooomma waralttal. - 7XSi ar.&Fire I ii.Co.til•larto M*nillon Canada& laminae, 7, • all aolventlitanks•— • 6 Clean. • •-•••••— • • 1 'Bank of England Note* ....... .• 7.. • --111 70 late. &old& Spools Value ....... " Napoleons —•—• E 0 " Dona. - ..... V 100 2 29 guyea..— Eaglo,old • •.•10 60 FrankllnlPlt Columba@ " ,Ettgle. ono , ••••• . 1006 chink e th. t• IVoiabloitina. Spam& 10 OD lake Eriti• ••• • •• " I D° Patriot— • 10 00 • ...... ".:b•erefgne I P 3 Gelr.eas ..... 500 -- • 13 ,Fredeneksd'orp---117 60 6ranvilla• ...... • • • • .00 Ten Thole , . • • • • • 7FI • . • • - Farriers Effk Caraon-60 Yon (leaders • ••• • 3e9 Urbane —•5O .Loeisd.orr• • - •• • • 441 VC eeeee ky.*bans.. BY of Kenturky• ••••••• I 'New York —.. Louiskille• ..... • ^ edelphla •• • = pm ";" , nefn Pk. Ken‘o'lY• " Inn.ore •—••• SR. 1,14( a • Int•nnr PALM—vm lb. received lot .s. , e y seplA 1 KIDD & CO pi LAS. PAPER-400 rms'. for role lT oepli 1 KIDD Aro K—3 brio 'on received to; zlNi k CO -u - LTII AMA Mg BLUE—I ease reed for solo by septa 1 TARTAiITh.: Aellt—lOte lbA r oils Tiy B A FAHNFBTOCK& CO soyll Cot. First Wood sts ROSE PINK-5 brio .operior for oele by sepil LI A FA HNESTOCR & CO I)RIM:rTONE—a Co. roil, foi.ele sepl4 B A FAIINESTOCK k CO Cl UM SHELLAC—IO cowl* krone, fin sale by 17 eepl4 U • FAHNESTOCE k CO Epkim SACI4O orlo for sale by rept4 U A FAHNESTOCE k CO I AMP BLACK—EOM las Bear. in rasa. and Wm. /..4 Poll( B A FAIINESTOCK * CO INDIGO —4 mecum Spanish for Yale by sept 4 B A FAIINE.ToCK k. (X) II•ve Music, D ECEIVED dos day from the emu:- 1.1. La Serenade—Betrobart La Bertmade—Arranged 23 Doem Jason,. and Jcannw—For Gam.. - Voice of by dorm day •—lromer. Away down In Cd.a—Foeter Ila Wmcbtal and Beware—Glover. Beardm many other pi:TH.Bond. and Vienna. H KLEBER, mpl3 Sign or the Golden Harp, Third at. S UNDRIES-11Z p bx ,a p g ri e. m . e . tre n e e n d .Igl/..Co.ree; 75 ban assorted Tobacco; 10 tow Pepper, 6 bap Aisptem SI malts Clansmen: DO be. Not Chocolate; 3 eases Lationrice Ball; l 0 tierces fresh prima Oleo Pewits beat /dodder, I Garrets Mem; 00 barrels toners' Oil; 50 demo patent Rocimu; LW Gas Core Broom.; 70 boxes Wbite Pipes; 30 birds prime N 0 Poser; 60 Geis do Gloisraer 100 lies Gore No 3 Mackerel; eats large N. a co, 5 do Not do, 60 bet. N C Tar tru lois Pilch; 60 brie No It Rosin; =Bibs weaned Yarns; 60 bales No 1 Ratting, lOti kegs prime Kline Load; 600 tees assorted Nails; Also, • full •norweot o( Pluabargb coumeNetored ilea, lot tale by JOHN WATT k. CO sepl:l :Oa Laborty rl TINEGAB-30 WI. pure esder for osle by wpl3 1 4 R FLOYD POTAHII—aI tasks pure for We by sepl. 1 & R FLOYD DUCKETS-40 dozer. r•tellt, for sale by Dsepal 1& R oLOYD 1 AC'll—t.Teer elute Fides end bhoolders,lnstore _ end for sale__ ke,13 . 1 1A II FLOYD Maibbeß;lee-3lilale blaneer, 3 eeroon. 8 F indlgq 11l brie Loveland; for rale by seral3 J &II FLOYD S k'lCl•Lt a 6e—b. Gags - Pepper; 10 1 .4. l'imrato; =MEM _ I bum.' Matmcir, for safe by ire.pl3 J & R FLOYD pAPER-25t1rIni Wrap!,mg Plc. , : GO Oa Cop Paper, for ule by sepll J a R FLOYD ANP.W WhaffDoot, complete tit all net., for love. sale 10. Apply to ['CAIN: hr. AT 'HON molMd]lkor2l.9 Front .veer. • CHAIN CAI3LE—A wood hand Coble for We by aeplS SeaIFE ATK19077 r lES - IrTEAS-250 hi chest , . Yomig 75 do Gunpowder; ZU do Imperial; IVO middy bro do, Per latest arrivals at New York, euiriP , l•libr wriest qualiull ties, for .ale by WM 11/WA LKS &CO sc & Weal st teitir Ile .013 W MBAC e ALEY&CO TtLACK,TEA-140 bfebs tuna Yang Cirdtga Ntir 26 do Oolong: of fine grade., per Leber, Ince, and Caosida, for sale by sept 3 Witt B&OALUY k CO - A DElliiirritalrotilWirtiruiVlWit. ETTEXIS of Adralanration, on die estrus of Mrs: Colitados tdeKtiloto, deceased, baring been granted to the ondersigood, nil pence. indebted are hereby nottfled to make Immediate payment, arod sem bevies; clams against veld estate, to meant the um, pmettly, for aettientent. dealt-1W ____ROAPRT ItetqfjOnAtiler,_ O.G OIILIIYYSLIWI • \ :`,\\ \:\ Onzier of Martel lad PIM stsoess. Ay.. _ . O ibla URS of landreetlent bekle lief exeLevening. Ben• deem esn' et any ume end 'mem a complete liereelatile Mundane consisting —of Beet Karplag,Consairolstca,Patalkn. Penner. Koncas Vir tile Compbusibe s ln, imilictirr l a . ptanasadip and Anhe Fleoung, Eq., pdastital tilaber of , koak Weeping, end Leatterer coo Ornatelatat dealetee Lew. ea- Mi. Renee wit be mime to the Lew Dapeye• sae by 'Dermal eafiabeill of tle rittliergil SAL Or LOCAL MATES, israirro POl Tat PlMStrlgi DANT 41102112 Et....—We bed Rome he.vy *betas s•derd•T, and It is probable tett sufficient rein will fall le the non two or three days to rein the riven. Hunt. Fees.-4yi4eggirl named Palternou, who left the house of her parents, in Afleghenr, wino time ago, to • At of derangement, as U anp• posed, has probably gone to Butler. Mr. Flaw• mg. the blayer„ to whose kindness of heart me have frequent's , had occasion to tam otilioisod a posse of citisetui on Wednesday; and sewed the whole emote, rooted. She has been traced terrerid miles ant the Butler road. tad mill doubt. less be foetid to day. We hope this she may anon be restored to her Mll,rted bIcILLZTONO Ihscovazo.—Tee greekroen ott that ointment the Central Rail Road!sehleh paw ea through Braddock'. Ftelds, have tel dog up several skeleton., the rensaiol, doubtivek, of am" of the odlears and eddies. of Braddeek's brave, though 01 feted army. A isionnn7 Cana■ Can.—The Allegheny Bride Cana win -be, we undentand. aped on Saturday. Pastaturr Lsw.i.—Our Alden:nem wed County officer, have been at hut supplied with the pam phlet laws of the lan session of Mei Legislature. They have been keg delayed, but better late than never. Swann Pattarrnt. Cernacu.—The re*" of this gne church are advancing rapidly, and the lecture room wiU be ready to receive the congre• piton on neat Sabbath. The body of the church will not be suitably fitted up for wale time yet. Coon Housa..—We anderuand that workmen me rooting the new Court Home with shinalem— The last Grand Jury recommended that it should be covered with some be proof roofing. Too Fax Lags—Sterusery.—We pug • yinit yesterday to the Marble Works of M. W. W. Wallace, on Liberty &treat, acd examihed With much pleasure a large number of beautiful models, the most of which are designed as patterns for marble fidures intended for the cemetery. Mr. W. has an expeneoced •culpter in his employ. 'W, who LS prepared to execute Settee) of any kind, to order. Thera was • flue planar bust of our fellow eitigen, Wilson McCandless, Eeq., la the room. We advise all oar readein who %Flab to pa:. 'no anything in Una line, to give Mr. Wallas ■ Flee &ram EsOLNIL—We were above a eery large and beaatlful steam engine, eaterday, built for the Pattabusgh Pamno Mteurg C.mpany. It to Intended to be need In mailbag the gold bearlog quart: rock. and will be the be gest is Celllettel. We , understand that it will be read? for akin. meet about the brat of October, prior to which time it may be seen In Mr. W. W. Wallace's engine room. Curs Poo. Hotiss.—This hoe huddle(' a few miles from the coy up the Monongahela !Liver, is rapidly ad vanmog to completion nod will be ander I roof this fall. ft will be one of the guest public bundle'. in the county. linpx•rn• COMIL `September 19, 1850. Remlogion v. Irwin.—D.dr,cl Coon iiiined by Dunlop and Wilam. LOT Pat to EITIPfj . SMO. CI for Derr. to Error. MeTeggart et. at. y. Thompson—Common Pkgs. Argued by Wolin. for PM to Error; Harorlog for Deft. It Error. The Local or Inn Gazelle, to reply to our natal' ih mailed to the Temperance Meanie, charge/ins with making a gross, personal, and unprovittad witch upon tom. 11 inch in the cane, we have he coasolt con Thal we wen itlatflabie is doing so.—AftegArny Eaterprter. We were mach astonished at nadina an article in the En.rliirien yesterday ancrnaoh commencing with the soave extract. Row rtdieutous la the summon which II venial., m substance, (halt. editor was luaugahi, In Leaning an anpretaled tack upon us. .4.hon, personal, and unprovu.d attache . ' are jealidalge in ho case whatever. They lower the dignity of the paper making them, and are At only far obscene pahlicauhus. fdscart van Whom:a—Tics wretched emu is Gull in a 0/1/141 CLUdittoo. suffering DOS only from the effetts of the benthig ha received, but flow the illness with which be sru snacked, prior to his committing the horrible murder, for which he It imprisoned. He is •t news iieitiiths, sod n:s mind, Coen 1.2 hu until mwneess, somas to be wandeneg. COAL Wroo.A.—The driver. of - three coal wa gone, on the road to Tempervecovide, adinnead taemaelvea by racing, on Wedocaday silersoaa. The three wagoos were ahreau, •od the horns at the top of then speed, w h en • geademen Inland Hap was knocked dawn, sad rots over by one of me drivers. Mr. H. wa• to severely opened that he is in a very dangeromiceadltion. • Edward Mallen, the driver of the tam which Fats over him, was yesterday arrested and com mitted to jct. 1 Bs Luonstlx—Mackey, the murderer of Mel. choir Bell:hoover, was yesierday re-examined by O l e Mayor, •ad finally committed. There was nO necessity for re.exattung him, since if ne sane, he is elderly guilty. Wtwast Hurrzoovn.—Wo beard yesterday at this gentleman is fo • fair way of recovery wound, Innogh invert, being by no means in nitrous as was at first soprsed. AWAULT. —A colored man named Henry Scott, ' .ged ■ complaint before the Mayor of Allegheny y•aterday, raliall a While moo whom he rcmsed ollbeating him. He had evidently received some alvern blows, and bin honor held his assailant to b MATOIe. Orrlca , Atuaerer.—One person on ly'aras broagba before the Mayor of Allegheny at ibe morning watch returns yesterday. He bad berg, guilty of drunkenoess and disorderly eondneo at O 1 ass oomootted to Ja . l for five days. No Lean. —Three young lads were brought before the Mayor of Allegheny yesterday, charged wits keeping. a noise at one of the street cocoon at late boor on the previous night. They were discharged so paying a Ane of one dollar and the costs. The Mayor seems determined to suppress all rowdyism In Allegheny, and owing to his ex ertions, though there are no watchmen there, It Is much quieter at night than its sister city, with all its policemen. . . . - Flam.—The Mayor of Allegheny fitted two tar, ern keeper', of the Second and Third 'Nardi, on Wednesday, for Wile( liquor on the Sabbath.— Not a week panes /a which ears& are not fined, yet it data not leant to be at el e6scaclout la pro• rebtin the aril complained of Momenta—Some of our cootemporarlea an nounce thin fee murders have been committed in this vicinity , whew the lint week. They have sorely made some mistake about this Metier, wince the proper tamers have not been Informed of such s number. We have had murders enough of late to disgrace our community, without any exakierantm. Marua's Onto. Pirrastmen —Fourteen per aria—black and whlta,sitended the Mayor's levee yesterday, some charged with gambling, others with drunkenness, and others with vagrancy The gamblers' were all colored persons, and we.. gond three dollar. and coals each. There was nothing remukable about the remalnlag cum, who were dealt with the usual mannar tosprovesaams la uspaustry: Mt. a. 0. STEARNS, Imo or Boston, is prepered to mamifemstre suld $.3 MA. Trot in wholo and pens of seta, upon Section or Atmospheric Sachem Plates.— TOOIIIICAZ CORSO It rr” tuoru, where the starve is "- Rom to—J. 11. 'Madden. P. is. Fh4,A lala 141100V11A014 HUM& ISETITOTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pitt•bargb. 0. 0. HII9BEY, Pl 114.• • W. 111.101.1111,014.1. e—No 41 Waal' Welt, In Om wasr.boni4 of C. H. 014 . NT. Ila nom pripared to lama all A lads of .rialls, an hoseck masafaaidoolloodo ofaroh.dba KO'S, tad la trandra Tomas, . ea maple 'amino for the stably lad latoulty of the laultaboa, la afforded to the chancier of &a Di mums, who are all clam= of P/oattargh,,arela and. favonnaly known to:las adoolaa/Of fel lhalopradeaoli lfoolagenee t and lalattiaff. DOtroloas=4:. ft;'lloasey, Vff la. Viraa Lar lam, Jr., Waller Omani. D. glad. Edward Iladoalloa • haa amds ll 4 flubodda, Zia,. apitetl FALL 1)1POKIITION OF LUIDWLIE. .LOGAN, WILSON • CO. IS* WOODSTBEET, Ara ttoorprol with a tarp and hub llieek of Enytltti t P. and Amato= Hardtratz4o4: importer dotamits• to bum. Thos e, to pardons.. grill llama:* th eir Immo by 100 11110140 oar otoeb t u iboy art 4111OtiliNt4 to will an Ik•SoltillMoiOlo MP!' 1110 DII. I. D. HOW/PI Di QUART BOTTLES HA:no rar.ll,l to permanently eating and entdi etteg Item the tYtlenl ce'r ERUPTIONS: will effectual!) eradicate from the ayetem and core not Rheum. ngworm, Tatter, Seal, Ilea& Uri:we, saacay, White Swellings, King's End, Nearugie Agrentlift., and all FE. !ALL N 1 EAhNI-SSES Mod Obstrueuen., von-conc.., Whays, Fluor Alb., Falling or the *ooh, Nervous, sort Ilvad Ache, Lhosaor, Falnttngl Scranton, ?vioation of the !kw, Los. Sp. sit. General Debility, Dyspepsia, Weer Complaluts. &e. - It IS Purely acid Ymttraly Vegetable. 'lt kat been need with the inrvt manta surees• by the Frolewinn w New York and New ilainpnhire, and the rag,m fdnua frenerally, for 01.4 yearn—and ae a (ertenl purifier of the blood and invigorator of the system—es a lienalfitt Family Medicine and an effi• cecina. Female Medicine it has no equal. The purity and efficacy of th e &Laker peparaLio. are well known; and thi. medicine requires no long list of certificates and cures to tittrocue• is it. ineressing demand for the past twelve years as ha beat mantas o endstion . . ... It is put op In quart bottles, and is the only Berra. partite that acts on the Liver, Kidneys. and Bleed at the same time, which readers It alteeether more Valls- Able to every one, particularly to females. .1 ,, Dr. IderwY, Professor In the Ohio Id dial] Collette, says the Stonier preparations are truly valuable, and recemmends th em to the public. The felt and abat ed are requested to call and obtain a pamphlet, and purchase a bottle of this saleable Pa ' 7 Medicine. 13.surs aria eisetrin for Di. S. D. 110 L'B E'B SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, and taken e other Price 11l per bottle-4e bottles for 15. For wale by J. A. Jones, J. Schee alter & Co, W. DO ek, IL W. Means, Townsend, J. Mohler, W. Jadkeon, Pi tt sburgh; D. A. Pillett, Allegheny ally ; W R•McClelland,Mancts .ter, P. Crocker, Drowns. elite; Jarue• Paull & Co, Wheeling; J. U. Putenen and E. O. Morgan, StiClalrewlle; &Mean A gnat, Defile. Also, for Mae by DR. 8. D. HOWE fr. CO. Proprietors, 1 Collage Hall. Cincinnati, 0.. Se whom all orders mast be addressed. atiff.davelYT STEAM BOATS. sail The splendid new steamer JULIA DEAN. Cap Celligher. will le”e this day for Zancevilie, at In o'clock, A. M. Fee (r set or passage, apply on board. segO FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. i he magnificent light draught steam. Cr CINDERELLA, Captain Hazlett, will leave for the above tir,l all Inter. mediate ports °n ails day,loth mat, at 10 onto< k A. m. For freight or peerage, apply on hoard, or to repl9 J. NEWTON JONFJJ, AgenL Packets arriving •trend departing from the Port of ,Pittsborgh. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI. Captain loan BISUILIGULNI. This splendid boat was built by the owners of the "rather Dane Newton, .d others, for the Cincinnati and Pandthrtla l Pnrisat undo, and will lea. every Wednesday, for Cincinnati., In place or the New England, No. a. For freight or yardage apply board, 0110 maid G LLTENBEJIDER, Sala. is6o imam PHILADELPHIA te PITTSBURGH.: TUB CITIZgNS' PIIRSIBLS BOAT LINK, (lONTINtig in fr neera freight to pot t atureh M u A., Rail Rand and Cann., n very reattonable terms No.unit the nratal drnpnl to from our btrge depot, No.Z6 Mork e: tamer Philadelphia, formerly occupied by Mont. Enright= k Dort. entr:Mtett • It 1' POINDEXTER &CO REGULAR WIIFIELING & SUNFISH PACZET. The gut lV rL e‘ L e ti Vl e L e r,E, er t Za" Capt. B. bonny, trill tun ca a repea packet between Pittsbored, Wheel. InK, Drider.part, sad EdnFel,lrevlng Poraboryb army Monday internam, tar D'ollsyllle elteuhenville, and Underpart. and every Thornier afternoon far Amphea vile, Wheeling. Underpart, Coping, nod Sunfish getarnin., I Under port and rdooftott every Tterr• day afternoon, and Sonfirb every Friday alleroorm. For uptight or paysnee, aro- on beard. area sepd D WILK/NB. Asem. REGULAR DAILY PACEET FOR DEAVER. 1°G:11 Tlto rpiondid owainet O YUGHIO H GENY, Copt. Ilartopoe, will lea. Int •booe OP .dall Intermediate landing, Iwo. 0., .1 osol.poi. P. M. P. &virtu or pi.rmqr •Frp!ton board acp7 REGULAR WHEELING PAUKEr. nag. ISSO =Ell= Robert 11. Moor, tovvter, vell(l;i d eejlt , : n r o.n tto , re ,, b vs vve to ry , "j tor leave Wltreliag, RI 10 cielort. AK. eta . r , g_ , „ Ware:lac for t b atrbtoßtt every Itozot , d and Frol•y,•1 o , N. _bag= PALL ARICA NUM Me.ll3' PZ.V(,qr,;i_ift.c.77l:9 Catitialßallroad open to Rollidaraboili 103 nrirs Coma ru Juhr.rverw-SSO ntde3 Rod Road prow; John ttoro,a . t o Poidurielpha Tl,O DAILY EXPRESS PACKET TIOATS, Ezeutt fly Paseeot•ts, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Tame throw* 43 ha al, ..... Fue-11 10 CliN on .for Nloadar, Serenther I tire. too dm!) , VP Par. et Blar ero I..sve 14. Jo! ,, :utoort, flay mare tate plenar: new ear. 1-0 m I,s three to ratlodelphot, Perna, over tre nose renn.vira , ,ta 11.1) µtout, e one u ILo v. ry t.e.t tn tt The toeteas.o spot, I OOP, 0., Mott a!nlotfigN., woo:, rerrort..toe one to the A Pa:te, 11..1 • evert. mor , ,,tr at 7 o'. lr I,y r te l. , hoed 41.) For . pasb•ge Of In tOrnl to ton app.) to W I Mooourahel• Roux; 400'1 or II 1.. rail A OM Cons' Moth JOONORGIAJRICLA ROUTR-. 0.17 73 Jill.. Vi. Ornernavtlle and Comber:and to Illaluniona and Philadelphia. Fen. to net:menet --• • • —SW 00 no Parit-an aim* •--• • 11 In THF. anorntne boat le.+. the wharf, 1110•• the Lc-War, dude, Inco'clock prrnoe:y. tc Halusnore:37 hours, tune to Philadelphia, 40 bowl The evenly?: boat leave. d. 13 random sdn,:,,y,•. going...) al it rielock. Paaarnerra I,i teauirg on the .eenice boat, 'and crone the mhartstra in wince UP de), •nd the• avoid night travel. :aerate your nettle at the (Mee, Idononaithel• Hauer, or Pt. Cheek* Hotel. oetiti• J. fiIIESKIMEN. Aaetit , .1850. await BIDWELL & nnoTtumn, FORWARDING AIERCIIANTtr, ROCIIESITR, Reatrer Point aOrAireom for RIDWELL'S PErretIIURGII AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE LEVET() ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CAPTLE PACKETSL towlnot and slnpoine between Emsbisrah •nd Rochester by steam boats blielagan, Lake Erie, and Beaver. (17' tosod• rime:pled and promptly delivered to all places ots Caned.. and Lake• •I the lowest mite.. Illuppcts will please elmct good. to "Bidwell's Litm." J. C BIDWELL wstm I'l.Mo rel. WHITHIN 1M ÜBANCS COSPAIII OF PITTSBURGH. C&PITAL $lOO,OOO. J. EDDIR , JI, Sl'o'T• I R. Jr, Pfeil 111 inure agoinort CI kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE. • . . A L p tl:ssea will la liberally adjusted and promptly A home InrUtatton—managed by Directors who are well known in the comma:any, and who are detenalsb ad by proropmees and liberality to Mail.o the char. actor which they have assumed. ae odcriny die beat protection to those who unstre to bo lowed. (neurons—B. Miller, Jr., Leo. Black, I. W. Butler, K. finin,eu, Jr., Wm. D Holmes, That. K C Ilimeen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. hl. Lyon ' Jas. Lippincott, . hitch, Jinni, NCAuley, Alex. Binlick, rho.. Scott. Onus. Scbglt Water vtreet, (warehouse of sp./ ez-..n slalte,l Pat.burgh. Jutdlr XILiVICAL AND sumach!. cirricie, No. • ir .01.016/11D ALLEY, a bear doors bi ow Wood street, to wank millet Dl.l. OLLO having been regularly ethic...l to the medical prolcrsion z and ken for tome time 1‘ , in general practice, now emit , nee \ attention to 11,a treatment al ;,, those private and delicate com• • e pleanta for which hie importunate. and experience peculiarly quality him. 14 years naminintrily devetec 'gaudy treatment of those e amp , am.,(durixactim Mae he haa had more practice and has cured mor e pa. tented= can ever fall to the Int of any private pror• UUonerl amply qualifies lino oder eminences of speed permanent, vatiatactory cure to all Wiliam, •with delicate disaasaa, and all diseases Gluing Oars: Wm. Dr. Drown would Inform those atllletan with prtvats discuss which hays become chronic by time Or ag growled by the are of any of the communnOstripas 01 the day, that their COrnplaintr elm be rad tb ally and lhoil maghly cored, he having given his careful attention tc the treatment of sues case., and •uccreded hundrect of ;trounce,. inteuring per or tuflainnuttlon Of as e.t . a of the bladder, and kindred dtseares whi ch often .ull from Move easel where others have cuoulkhed theta to hopeless devour. Ile particularly Invites sues as have bears long and IMaireeesafailly treated by Otheds to consult hint, when every sattafactioustull be gives thorn, and their cues tremed in • eareful,thorougli and i t uyllugent manner, pointed cot by long egpvrtence, sunly,wld Invesugation,whicb It is ma...dile forSion engaged Jo priseuce of oisd,clo•• gly• to ens eta. of disease. Crllersda or Septum—Dv Drown also loran pet , was afflicted with Berm. to call, as he haspald par.: War raced., to a...cue. CANCERS also cured. Skirl diseases; a/so II a, Palsy, Ea., rpordily agree Charges very low. Pdente of either gas living at • dinette., by mans their d iscu s in rerun& giving all the sync , gores, can obtain medic-law with directions for cut, Of addtessin BROWN, M. D., post paid, and eosins i llgeeke. SS Diamond Wq, opposite the Waverly Holm. RnalnitautSC — Dr. Brown'. newly diseoverad rem. dy for Rhea:tads. Is • speedy and serum reused; tot *Walsh.' trouble. It never fails. Mee and Prime Cunsulting Rooms, No. fla DI mood alley, ?Mahwah, Pa. The Doelotis Warty. home. 11,01.11. MX6OOl'Ol/1' NOTICE. Xcaws Isberebuiven, Mat LettersTestamontarr have been Inn to the sabsertbent, as examen it last will and estmcent of . Melleary, lots Of tna city of Pittsburgh, ceeeased. Alleary, per”as, thsesfere, having chime or demands anilrun the mama of said decedent, an regassted to make known the tams to lam without delay. THOS. SCOTT, CHARLES. HAYS• Pittsburgh. • RENTS—A lairs and splendid atsottosent Issati Wawa, and fall Maar Prints, now. span 01 • Plei le A WOO fiCQ P. W. CATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS!. PATEZTLD lIAT 8, 1841. THESE DIES havlng ben adopted and highly approved in all the principal shops to New York and Phitailetpluir, ure now oilseed to inanufactmers, machinists, ship man, with the tames faience, a+ the most perfect Wide in tme Of conmg Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore tned, consists in their culling a PSITLCT Scacw, whether V of uitunaajtiaread, by uses passing over the iron to be cut, which require no sennistsyr or pretnotes prep/ration, u the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without runizeg it in the lout; in their greater durability, nipidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplicity nod little liability to get inn of order. Pummitimom, Art 11.17,1549. M mfy ghat sr• hiss purchased from P. W t•aiss Ms right of •sli,g pusat Dies for cut ting halt, to •ur opinion, his Dtes ars moih supe rior to any others we en sequitintal wrm lOT ma purpose of cutting bolts. Pau.sortainst,.lltrg. PI, 1148. Having hid P W Getes , rodent AG sae In our establlst mint for the loot nine months, for rotting t 011.... evn In every respect recommend' them in the highest terms, as we have told all others away, they betne so far sueerler—vonsldoring them 75 per Cent. cheaper lbws any deters now in me. . . . . RANEY, NEAPIE & CO, Penn Vi'arks, Pa. Thu I. to certify that wa have purenaocit we mat to ore, aud adopted In tat butane. I P W Gates , Pa. tent Po rev. Cutter, which we highly approve of. We can do much more wort, end we believe n will .or. pats in durability and precisiOn, a. math as economy of labor, any die. known to us . . . . MWMaiMMI Naar You, Log. 19, 1979. Bating adopted P. W.Getes , oPatentl.deso for CID IOW bol n, we take pinnate In aspen, that It MDT MOO .1 , 0.01 D OUT eI:MOLDOVA. and hue OD bOODO. lion in seeing It as oar opinion, that It far excels any other p:. 131 present ue for conies bah,. TP PECOR & CO. We bees P. W Gees''•Patent Dice" for cutting tore.., end the economy or wirer them Is so very coneldeleblet, that we look upon them es tedlepenea ble to every establishment having any quantity of screws to eat. McCORSOCIC, OGDEN it CO, Cmuao, Bfty 10, Igo. Otr.ECIIII 077.4 Wasernorren, tha Sept., '4B. I bare purchased of W. H. Scoville. for the United States, Ice rift to use in all the arenal• and armo• ititt , SE6, I,OT vAttmN. 4ku A FOUR Story (IwoHissp slate roor, face. buh e nem, gas fixtures, and bate oven,l4,Third o Ing.iire at rat Water rimer. t. LAND FOR FADE. TAE Charuer's Coal Company' will .ell acme very dem table piece. °nand. annated on and near the SteobtuoitleTntoptke, and near the southern ten:data of their rail rood. 11 a I.d will be dividnd Into quanntles to sail por- Minters, and the term 01 payment will be very easy. Ynnaite of Y W Rt.:NUM:TON. Coal Harbor. Sept. TO LET, A CONIFORTABIF. and commodious DueWog. to Avery'. Row, Fifth street. Apply to HARDY, JONES A CO sugCl 141 Front si IMMO A ND yam won elan Imnardisttly, the Three Story A lirtelt Dwelling floo.e, No de Libryty street, tad Op! 011111. Thrd The S. cond and Third Stories of Wareboaso No 3 Market sueol- ErNeoeo of II C STOCKTON, Booksellers, .12E . i . 1% Ilk:lark. of. To Lot, IE Jorge three nor? Brick tVarehottse, on Wow, T below Ferry street, running from Water to Art street, on reavonsible tomb. Powrosion given Hume &ably. Enquire of febl44l F. LORENZ. TFALUARLB REAL ESTATEON YeNNSTRLM7 FOR asial—A Lot of Ground situate on Feb Wrest, between Hay and Harbor) streeta, adioluing we boast, and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards, having • front of WI NMI nod to delta , 00 foot, will b. told on favorable terms. Title urie.teeptionabb. En quire of 0. 0. LOOMIS, itL et, not.: Wood rest-dtf Property Lo. Allegbany Oily for r we. MBE eitbstribero oder for este a number. chow Lots, .;note in the Second Ward, Bootle on Common groned, mets, IMO. filo". at W. OIL ROBINSON, Atty Lew, St Cyr or of JAS ROBINSON. en theorem., orellafoleir, CALIF/01=1A ADVICEITISILEMIST. OF.ARIS LIMOCKWAY,,ComuthsIon Merchants, City, Celamtnia. Liberal adtar.ter mMlo on <.•t tnants, and agency bosoms* promptly attesmed to. S ~. N- rnT + [iilCVlGt - .A. masa., 4 LoCIIN ma9l23lkwet. J. SNWIDIaIr, ATIOENEY AT LAW, MO STATE CLAIMLSSIONEa for taking Oho fii onions, Acknorrierhymetts of Etods, to Mee—Fourth rushy hboor Smithfield. roridAwT SPEER.h.. remored to Liberty sweet, below LA I tit street, No IVO. Other add dweltibo to the woos bode.. lomat:dna BIIACKLACTT £ WHITE, WIIIOLISA4t DlaLllkl DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, no. 101. Wood I WITE the attenuen of hovers to their large monk to Goods now opening, and which they are preared to sell co very aecommodatir.g fresh wens r. W p e Wien be constantly roceinag gooda dew ing the wawa. aiti veiniest an examination of ,osir sock by western merchants, and others 'hitting our etir nada SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TI , IS Mailman:tent hes been reerntl . Reed ap. nt Lo *met, near Stmeme, which CODWer.ItDI •to 113 r. 1,1.• t pot. m ttr may, .Ire to the City 11.11 an<l ot^r oundm.. mut an. a ICW tamales' ..,k pow .p../ meant boat landstym The promoter. Dow am :one expert.. In the bast or•• tn city of hew Verb, ham( been ,aneeted wnh Luvrtor• Hotel for weer& year*, eonS. dent the? tnew who amy mtit bah..? WIN El <1 them Um emotion* of • Lome. LIKOWN Son irackeiseo, Aug. I A.lo—rept.U3rulry.rtr. OAK lik4(.101(1110 BOARDS. ship Worke d ()ak F%eertug Dowd., (c t ) dry, arid ef a superior guar.:, lur (,(le by 8, LAHhe.l. •arttledlf gliaryobarab. Tin: Old fins et A. t 5. BONN & BRO., Is now I.ONOT. BROTIIER & CO., that Is—Anthony Bonn, Joseph Born, and Richard Bonn, NotilioothChuies weer. between I. orshard and Gram.'. 'they have Jost received, per steamer Pocahontas, direct from Pielimon , ore I ondred boxes of Mole celehtaied Sonar< r . S.; Ott bhp of the Belle of Va ; has of ihe • ire. I* . Mocking Bird, • splendid article to re tail, at x 5 .sisi :SW. of Clisby's celebotad Sea Cured, that caps the clime wherever it coesi tocether with • number of other brands W h an d e ha a on a 402 quarter Deuce of tip top Prin -1 cipe tick ra, and n, mistake; imiorted Haven& Re- of ail kinds: COmeatie Meow Of every desetift. uon, A. we have coutrarted for upward.. of Imo bolts Tobacco .11 Riehou nd, it Io emit.] that we can aril cheaper than any other house In thw or any other cap in MC United Stales BONN, 13140. & CO replaid2w f Dalt. Amer. .114 Wal , F I DO. ,ctLaoll \ .10114 WATT & CO, WllOl ESA LE Grocers, Commotion Merchants, end ,eeler• in Produce and ?nth/torah Menu. de facture, e Liberty st., Ploithoreh, Pa. septa F cot Nl-713 brfceliolee numb; ;II 0 bro. eviterfLon; ; 0 brill Pine, arming, .o 0 .. 00 by ocpl2 J CROWN A KIRKPATRICK Co.Partncrshlp. CII A IIL li T. Golsen. Francis Plunkett. and Chas. lid.kti. ht, have this day ...elated thenateive• under the hem of Ibsumn, Plunkett A M`Kittcht, for the purpitso of mmufacionag every 'aglow of Pant “lams Waic. KeptecabUr 2, th3o.—acpCdflor 1111718411. PLCHILICTT 4 21 , 111111011 T, x 4 ANUF ACTURCRS of every yortety of CUT, LVI PRED, to FLINT GLASS WAKE. Ware. bootie, W arr Greet, lately occupied by Young, Mtn. tt urn A Pla ke ____ wyeintuiv big prune recd foe lade by %../ train S& W 11.0111AVIIH LIACUN SHOULDERS—VO,Cae lb., au, ar erapk. 1) house, for sale by La ... ly 11ARHA 411 rails surenor canvassed II aura just suerdd and ler kal by ruln l SR W HASDA In/ II ``OVA A i 4 .11- . 14 cork. to store ..I for pale It L-3_ .01.! a. W DARUAUG y ii .... . - 24 -..- - 1 UU 1. .CANDLES -- SU boo in note for pole by 11.1. r. ‘ croV , , n a W lIA RUA Ufill \ V "' •e U ;)ff . 6 ""--'' b ' tl . t ' r..6 ',‘ k f l o ./ EZZIA t y (l II ut.ut,t i-t . 0 ogle extra Flour ree'd for male by il.' "'N.! n tr. %V fIARBAIkiH ( 1.11; tirt: , --1.1,01 , common in mono, Mod for .ale by V/ erprn 0 h W llARltAthill •,..., oil I le . * nhNtr -.I oat reecivco trurn the ‘,..71,amt.:K.1u", • brage 'nom, of the ',ern aororted ii tallibclS. !Ca • illic ~ y alc tremor rptile.,lold WORIBI.I.Cd gOtt , N N WlCKEttrnllnfil ,e,dl Cdr Sixth k. Wood .it. do., Corn Broono j izr i t od F . l l2 , l .wU v k COM, nr4 Jail welded .04 f or sale by !evil WAf DAOALEV k CO rf k.lC—:n bra N. C. T.C. brli pure Tanne , 6'01; Utrr sole by BROWN te KIRIIPATRICII replu 141 lob4rty .I;ACON —leo carkt Shoulders; ITS shisks c Ir.( n•der. fee .ale by _pl2 . DROWN & raw Tt.:18 7- 4, - 3711 — e6atiV. - 1 - 1. Tea; g'o Imp. & Gunpolnkri 63 gin Black Ten; du caddy bar V. H. dr. O. P for rale by acpl2 BROWN re RIRKPATRItI • Dontaaree Woollen Goads. ONE ease Black Clod, Shawls; cote Tallow Flannel.; eau. Rod do; I can Red twilled Flannel.; tans White do do, 3 rues barred do,• eases Plain and Fancy Caerianetes; 1 ono Bannon; 2 cuss Clan Alpine; I elm means; 3 cue. Blue Black Blanket Coaung; • Imes Gray Blankets; Y eases Blab Blankets; I ease Blue do; • 11 eittea White lied Blankets; 20 pairs Steam Boat Blankets; Received on constsument, and for sale el filWriltrad birethl prides by II LEE seplt 139 Liberty street niIOCOLATb-119 boa Norfolk Chocolateil a,. / Du r o. No I, elpanish, French, Spiced, and kloascopadde Chocolate, for aide by Will A bIeCLGEO do CO " we lihnty Jim. X= ran all sod. An o m A el of But above celebrant! b b COY - In and the remake or to arrive tblal u nd ornmentibber i' Annalbrb,""Orrape. lute neer shies, vta Pbtletlelphla and Batuaran, torerrno , 4 ,d makrtn both euerenb and gunny to to not orarbet,ror We at the lowed Once (en easknoll I proved litho, by W &I bIISCHELVI 11111 lb Warty des coder the asperelidon of the Dapestmeal, P. W. Gates"' Patent gm^ An cutting meagre on metal, they hiving been vied is two of the large mutate, and found to be eery edlelent and aseeltent A. 'MALCOM, Col. Ordinanee. Smut IN Years an DOM, Wananorox, Sept. M, 11348. 5 Cone[derive Gates' Patented Impartment have,b doe 110 M. on metal to be a valuable en; I by taborlty of the Honorable Secretary of tie N. rerebased of the Attorneys of tko Patentee, Wm. H. Seomlle, and Damnk blew, liege the KOS to mak* and um sold Improvement for the O 13. Navy: JOSEPH SMITH,OhIsr of Boren In nu also by &data Works. Beni% Rare & Ash:ey, Saeheste; tionieu & CO, 61011CO•tert N. If • Barwood & Snyder. Sehrquw , , Cofer Bob ln la s. 7 t7 k !.Pitsenli,^ N. Y; &C. r .O, New York; Denmead & " Ce. hromunent Works, NA Y. Corea, Rochester: Mou & Ayres Now York; Anew Work., de; Pease & MarrY,dt: West Polot cand ty, Norris 800, Philadelphia; A Jenks, Breedesbarsh, Walsworth cad ,Ne. 1.0 a; & Dow. Low-ell Machine Shop, Lewis Amend°. Co, hicsehostor, N n., Lyn. A Soo her, South Destoe. and maser.. others. No 1 iMashtne,lo rats die. k tap. Cr i to I In. ph. 1330 No a do 0 do ato II oleo IMO No 3 do el do 01. price 1160 All orders addressed to Gales tr..4,lColahtideags, 6.13. 1111U00 Neer York, E.D.blarsltallt Pada delphla, and IL 11. Scoville k Nona, COleago, r Dtra and Taps, with or without totteldnes for uing fun, will meet with prompt attention. Cmcaao. Nay 3.1834 letdans 811.111VZII & HAWSES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Comeliest= lifarkssuo, An dealers In Finsbury& Manufactured Articles, Nos. 139 and 13A Second street, Between Wood &[Meld, Husband, /tap BANKING HOUSE. J. Cs.EOTMERS No 15 Wood tttttt t Plltsborgb. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Collections made on all the principal elan of the Palled Suter. aerldl A. W 11.81311 i CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS, B. E. Cosner er Third and Morkst as. 1171.111AMOVA AT YO•Ir LEMMA WA. 1028 GIRO. Z. ARNOLD i CO.. BANKERS, BERM 111 HCII►BBP, VOIR, BM NOTES, He., Re., Ole. & FOURTH •THERT, (Nest door to the Bank of.Pittsborgh.) ■. 1101.11311 i 110111, •. IL aaaaa g• Bral•r• NOTE.,DRAFTS,ACCIePTANCEBROLD, MYER AND BANK NOTEtt. COLLBOTIONIIt —Drell; Note* and Acceptances payahlepll my pastor tha Onion. eollaetad as Me most favorable terms. EXCHANGE., New Yort , Philadelphia and Bal. moose, also, Cincinnati, Loalsvilla, Bunt koala and Near Orleans, mutually ferule. ' BANK NUMB—Notes on all solvent bank. in the United Buda. dlacoutted at the Imam rates. AU kilt& or Foreign and Ainenean Gold and Miser Cobs Donald and Bolt anal UMMOVAL. lkT HOLMES t SONS have econsted their Bank tog and 'Exchange Office to No 07 Market akt war doors bal., old mad. ang27 Associated Irlremoomto liesulamee Coen- Poesy of Wm City of Plittaburgle. et. et PA .IHOO,OOO. J. EC! MOOHEMEAD,Prosh—W. W. DALLAB,BI4II P.1N1311 ;lard allktril77 th't Uff 4 re, Sfromf Stotr, Williss Bad. DI1.1.10A: .1. r. Moorehead, Reedy Putout; Wm. A. UM, tt. ll. Hartley, 11. Bimpeolt, Josh. nodes, W. N. Edur, Fammd then. A. P. Aashats, Wm Col. horreod, U. C. Soloter, Chas. Ewa, Wm Gamma sowl.dl 1.1,111 ■asassioil J. 7Plitat7,ir.. ell,geut for the PAN Life 1i1417.6030 UFFICE er the W. 1019 16.111.0 Company no. Pi Water alma, Pwsbargh. Pamphlets, with all swannery Inlormanan, mad sleek terms mill be furnished. • llesbaads e. insure thear Imes kw the benefit of thew wives and chills.; credssere the Uses of their debtors. Tao whet, profits of the Company are divided .mums the Madan. of Life Potter°. The dividends of the past two years hairy been Md. ty per cent, earl year. keg To Bentbera wad Western Merehants. DOUSSEL'S PREMIUM PERPUMEIIV. The IX subscriber - respectfully invites public attention to hi• extensive otoek of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Creams, de., to which seven Sliver and two Golden Ledal• have, within the lan six years, been mended by the footnotes of New stork, Boston end Midas dolphin, the Lauer being the only Golden hiedeJa ever cwarded for perfumery either In Europe or in th in ountry. Ronaaatta U 3.1111.1.19 Saavra. C 111.4 (Almond, Rose, and Ambrosia unlvsnally acknowledged to be aoperior to any Shaving Cream 112 Ilil• or Europe. OLcornana elm Betamma—Bessitifelly transparent, and pmts./Ong highly traponaterma tad emollient prone ruev; Paponeeeom Compound; Ambrorlal Shav ing Tablet; Military Slaving Soap. berammuTommlgoare—almoud, Bebe, MilLvdeura, Boninet,Punaebto, Muk,.Patebouly, Vninibm, Fliettl. leg, rramyarent, Oiler Oil, W unbar, and Ca nnata. klinacra run TUX lialanamemrstr•-lloae, Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Monsen line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clemente Cmoneile Royal, and many oilier varieties, in all etity different perrumea. • Toner Warms—Florida Water, En de TeGette, Orange Flower Water, and a peat •miely at, 4::e. lognes and Lavender Waters Peon...mon. line VIZ Outa—Genelne Boars Oil, Antique 011, Dandelion, Eno Lustrelei Oldna, aut. pound Oz Marrow, Ilair 1./ea, liquid and In pander, an 1 Pkilouatne, Rteinine, and Jenny Lind Ponagtlea Onoerrutnie reeriturnon—Baltasole I lzlr Rene Too,h Paine, enemas) Denulfiee, °dentine, Tooth Paste, and Tooth Ponder. Cootonta—Vrgetable Coonettc Cream, Amendlag for chapped handle, Cold Crean; of Hooey, Cream de Peeve, Lip Salve, Raspberry Cream, Oe. Depilatory Petra ors for removing superlative hair, Pearl Povraer, Vinalgre de Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria !lair Conon:anion, P 1.1913 Hell., beside. RR.t variety or other eruct., too mammas to be named in thimadvanivememt. The subscriber bore. w matntain lb! nwmation which that ensblishntant bas acquired, by du:owns fnothing bat first raw melee., and will bet happy to urnishs Wow who may wish to patronise him maw wholesale or , eall,na •• reasonable term ts any or talaithment t Ito United ewes. XaVIER BAZIN, Socccuor to tad format Director of du Lebec away of • EDUENB EIOUtibEL, 114 Cbosott strut Mr. Ilatin't . Portamery is for sale by .11 dm princi pal Druggists at 0011,1111 T t 01 7 ,117 1 tr. a. moult.] IMEM IMAGLIIIII 117110LESALIE ROOF. gg chants, No 41 Wood Hotel, Sr. oow readying rues, as folioed:— •nd Conuntsrion Me rreet, opposite St Charte and ofrer for Bala, at Io SO AI hf Omagh Om. M Havant and Vita t. 50 pkg, V.N. lap, G. P, and Mack Teas. 2130 pkg. Ss B. lb and ant. lump &Cm rollTob'eo. :KO bags R.*, Larnayra, in 1000 maven IN 61 Hamm, qr bu 6 AI Regalia. 1611 Prineipet. bane IR Bahian; 60 bales Palberts, Fag lish Walnuts, °mil fauts, .na Jima Cake. 130 kilns N o Son, 50 bn. N O IfOlassaa 40 brig polrternd, eraeh'd and loaf Yusars. "0 bra. Alum 111/1d Ground Net.. 10 ton Leman Brim tas Pe 801010. xv rm. yielder, 10 .0.10101 /200e01atei Ground Bploo2 Gra klad• 00 bit Flardlncs. VO brim OsL gU. lamp Oil. vll, rl. '44,3 Mae. etel. lists:1111 Silts% IIIIIV Glass ovin Pomp. nalt==d Cl= 111131E0=2 16 bas Moat Candy. 10 ball Moiled Annondl 6 camas Lquorift Rinabards Cat and cont.i Tobacco. 10 posy Mackin,. 23 bis Whne Pipe. I. roam Wt. p. Pepe, xp bx. Pepper k eispuse: WO lb SemehkEtapeeSuut lure. Rine . . Together with a general idly kept io their hue, as roman, u.muoem a! wads • well as Pittsburgh alas u lunttn—gaT his L i eise — iiii - WR - Clicise; to bags old Java Codee; 10 bags Leguaysa do; 31) hap fancy Rio do. lb of almost:halms Teas oil caddy boo atm (lobar, 411 do prime Ottani 3t, hf ehegs do; to bus buneh Ralsbug 9 bales oat shell Almond& d doz pore eluvial Lemon Fuca& 6 bmillomeoptutde kraticyChocolate 10 las Bloom, Cocoa and No I dc, 6 km Almond and Palm Soap; 60 bid Rosin and Vanegesed Soap; 6 doe Olive and Elordirear Oil; 2 doe Pepper Baum 2 dos Corkin &Walnut Pickling * do: Rose Water; calm Italian Mammon emits do Verodeallg came pure /Odle. Canis Pperding 3 cum sapodilla Rice Floor. 10 brie crashed & NW/armed BUNK 10 lisle small LoaP, 10 MU pare Cider Vinegar; SO dot Cons Ifroomr, • I D WILLIAMS & CO Cor. Wood I WM eta: For tale by tep7 • Er UP lITAIZLII.. MURPHY k. tiUnCIiFIELI.I inform Ms& mama me and hams Smuttily that, In tOatagaCillta of workmen being engaged in enlarging end tummy. lug their Store Boom, they base removed their goods to the Raoto than of the boOding they oetupyoartul the improvements are intibed; where they will be happy to see their costumersusual, and for the trooblo of walking up stairs, wi l l l try and remuuertle them by selling them Cheap Goods. 0 - Entrance from fauna street. -- runes.'— -- 0,112111L10 !SOULE'S. • ' 'tang. t is Willow 0 Polveriad COM .' IDEFINED and meeved ttereseh 'Ot 1, ..4 rod - .' AVAlbsenh having,pild paniettlas I li t i te ti nts to " Ste- d e in lpo P e ' r So k il t ed e* Crta l sl—One k' attest of neer milk, L t r.17.71:i17,m - . - - -L.-. of 117.1 oars, and eparing of hilt It " 10-41 Ti ' ll ' e " *f Vi l a ' i ir sni " Vi g"P ltl . :l .flt . ...L.thl.l i t e n e 'O tt. WA. melte them In the most the milk, till it is paste:oy dissolved end sateoth,Ll44 .g . .- - . 6.• ~,d— Z ulid.,:,,ro i i r j.P:rtzd e j ef fer 0 rds... - Ide rout the *as, well beaten; to the starek— pear the I.stos sepoist to any seanoruume I. the stand, and Earth into the balance br the milk, erldlo ben Z.:.0" 1 . 1 . 40 ., . 04 , th. tips to wow en the Cif' C 0111616111 OS h boll. lID Anee... Esoe Ileac • For We by It li RULERStit PiPe to sorer* tight le the be,,,,k, '763,• 67 Owe' st . nunntastansd by an d arta this yen have , my Lund on sub ply*, milk the warrantee ..trashed. JOHN OALVISRLY. • • lUD Rat. sun% hiladelybic .• . . TM received at H. lILRBRAIS Mule Sutra the O. felloetug Rem.— la the Rye then Iles Ike HMI. I Uwe but Thal 10 , akurterai ibashaage for sale, Ohs Waselez. The Mao and Red Rued a. 'Magee A 'l' niareillruies, as*. Ez Mee ur B. 11. Us don/tall *lap anat. Al) la user. Wail,* A. : A. RISS coA VS uew WitOrk, I 00440. 14 Oalmill4 sop .. PO flor. UN 6 Man ail MEDICAL A •~~ • • a. J OHN MARTIN resPectlaUg announces to tb• ebbs= of Pittsburgh, that he has perman p ently Rtedhimself in tins el, I na the tieing klnaltlns sod SWIG ry, n all Its vanes* brsunh. es. 'His ante is on Fourth Cram, No 10P. Residents No sr seas st. jyl.d&-senn•T 11,1 L.. J. J. MYERS oders hii profeesicwal ureic.; to the eltizens of Mooches,' ono •iciaoy. e and eesideace, for the present, at Raaadaia; In hle.oebester, now:dismay above the S Mariee ielhaMot Dr. Gayness's Matz . ..MOW TelthemeDook and Baxmagavilla. ntrr In the lamest *Med %boles, contains mom 1 - of the pure Houdin. Sarsaparilla than my other prematlen ammo whiten I. chemically combined with the Extract Of Tallow Dock, the Extract of Wild Cheri, and the Balsam of Fir; this making the rem, dy room %benignly dlisiant than any other Sumps. r.lla before the public, At the sama time it la perfect ly free from all mineral polsons,wldch cannot be said of any other of the Ebusaparillat commands, 'The in valid obould beware of ponies:.! Mercury, bon, Qtai nine. Roma, lodine, Balphat; Arsenic, and many other Mineral and mateillo poisons enter Into and form the active bails of mod of the Sarsaparilla and Nome** of the day.. Guysotrs Compound Extraet ofTellow Dock end Sarsaparilla does not militate a panicle of thaw, imbalances, es any one can easily ascertain by applying, the asevagary testa The poison may oecaMonally Mame Caen*, tat they so 'Ulna the blood, and so completely imam. nate the whelk arum with their bimetal edam* that' the ArsVold; or the fi rst attack of disease, itrostrates the pito etrengthond ensfeers bun or her to the wet aXeilltthllog tenure, and Sanders another core awned I*lp i s read oi Lloirata. 4,t d at all p use ortprontla Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Smaparilla: which* thoroughly officaclosa, perfectly harmless, and partly vegetable. - AU kinds of disease yields to its genial Laramie*. Scrofula, ellneelefee . Tumono, , outurouous Eruptions, .Eryaipelas, Biles, Pustules, OT Pimples on the Face, throne - Bore. Eyes. Tater Bend Head, Rheuma tism, Eclamessent or Pal; ii BOres or Joints, old and stabborn Ulcers, F e ver Bores. Hip Mew, .Swelling of the Glands, Blolithes, Syphilitic Symp. Innio,LitiibliphDroprh Dyipepdm Jinmdlee, Coe tininess, Eli th Otheam,AlfecUouset the Eldneys end diseases analog hem m thludictous ace of Henn. ry, Minister , ' Sere Tnroat, Weakneavof the Chest, Fo,onary Affections, and all other diseases wad ies ormardsConmmation sl idvrir Complaint, Female Inegalarldes and Gem gnats, Sint and Nervous limdaribm General Deb Ity Law Spirits, Loos of Piloa lir the Bide sad letral ti dr4,ltp l =min:deuce In Life, Chron ic, Comatitutional Disorder., and as a Spring and Fall Punier of the Blood, end Chatteral Toni, for the Bynum. It Is umisalled. deas.klUksrated Lind r of siatners years standmg. The fain Inc is an agleam rtf, a loner dated Mama IW,ltenn Y. B. Perkins, H. D.,• highly respects. blaphYalcian of Marietta, Ohio::.: . Jon P.H.—Deee. Bin. I' hal ander May care a yams worm who, for sixth= „Years, has beam me . Ming form Ulcerated Limbo, and whose ease hay been probiuneed hopeleas by three Gra best pity. del.. I took her into my family, and hare Gorsool - Yellow Dock and Sonouporina treaty, and ire confidant that the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla wan strata perennial cum: Ska is better In amend health than she has over berm betbre, and walks a mita or two without Wigwam Mt. A year ago oho pod coutchas. I will :sport diocese in due time. Yep nalacthd l 7, F. a MEMEL scaonte. It has been remarked, by eminent men, thn In Oa carted materna of diseases Wealth' Man is liable, thane it warms one of mach importance; and of meta ge rad., whether we look to the alimony nits magus, its, inablioas proatess. the number and variety amens that It attacks., or its remarkable in. surabWth and extensive fatality., Servfola has baffled th e Mill of qtr mono mpirical physicians In iii.9..try and In Europa Dm Mere Is am snider ofonks, disease an Dr. Guyett'a Extractor Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ' which Is proving It self perfect specific MS, tha most 1140000 ease. of serofala. An extranary cue of Senifula cured by the sole use of Motor GuYettl'!Compound Symp. It will be wen by this eenifienta th at this man boa town maw. the treatment of aeveral eirehratad physicist, for the part titan ye with out deriving any benefit, and has been efflietaal clued by the Imo of a few bolas , [Dr. Caysott`s pound:Symp. Nam Yeas, June 7, IRA Da. 001•01 T—Dear Stir.-0101128 to you a debtwldeb mousy ammo% pay. lam daced to make a public ao. knowiedgmentof the benefit Illave derived from your Insatiable Syrup. I was sorely afflicted With a tern. hie &rehabs., disease, hereditary in our finady, which commenced on my neck, and, mluteutta spread-am mathed my eitni;rousdny Into my head, and annulling all Crf ormy face an neck, d lower u tramines. I a dimmed* °bleat to look upeo Attunes my dinzoslmpel that Isms unable to neap or he down; and th e tease extending ium my errs orliOlUdy elected my bearrnig. My; face was ono continuous mre, hem which • discharge of matter and water kept continually acne. ont. :Fecal* avoid ed me, summing I had the small pox, or some other infectious disease, and I was Oonrequendrobliged rellmeillh my inainera Notwithstanding - I had the ben median advice. and tried different plans of treat ment, the disuse continued sigma wore,urall I gam, up in despair , Fortunately !fell In with a passcoger on the steamboat: while travelling O. toy health, who informed wrist his son Ins al one time in as Dad a ' condltlan as I was, and ;Oat by using yOro Syrup he was striedlly eared. 1 hannediale the time, eormanced wing it, and now, ls after procured basing rased ' less than six bottles, Tam well and aisle to .tread to my badness. I send lon Une statement as on ant or intim; only .topirg that It MOT' looceoth. .inkua to makes= of the rigida:satiable; and thereby save them ranch earning and expense. „ .. ,1 manor your servant. j WINQ. SPALDINti. Co of aggraiated uf Erysipelas. • The ears., performed by "Dr. Burma% extract of Yellow Doe& gad Sarsaparilla ore lasting. The la. mm's general health conmaaer to Improve after di.- rue Is named. Cams are oo; cOranieled anal time tas filly tasted that there <an Da talayme ream fa f the licessir, (Herkimer Co.) Feb. too, S.F. Brun & Co., Gents, it is with great pleame that I erritCyou about the eery. happy elects of you Yellow Dock•and Sarsaparilla upon my son ' who hm. long been wegenortunde that dreadful, loathsorm dis ease, Erysipelas, with *Mich he ens enacted to tide, and eras tor simnel months attended by Nome of our beta grgahnsuish.wao vied their skill perseveringly for fee months, unthoot say beneficial elects Whatever. He becomegodueed to • perfect skeleton He had sl ams from lBhlp to his knaembich were corahmally disc/mgt., dmirmunglY °Condo. Manor. Medieod and oirgleal at was bathed: Physicians said that hb ease warhopelem—thereebuld be nothing done to arrest Ogre terrible gungretilling ulcers. fly bent and Mere thous ht his dissolution near 11.1 hand. One of my neighbors, who bedeurred a child of scrof ula With your invsleablo medicine, wished me to, make:trial of It, and more from the realess desire to do unciething while life lasted, Mom from aoyhopa of halo sgrclief [procured three . bottles of yam. Yelsow . and ftrusparilia. e and commam ed smog it and ist my astordshment, he:commenced Improneg be had used the third kale, and adore he had used • kali dozen Doublet,* !geld wink our. Ile used in all nbelve bottles, and by October lest be to.. perfectly re. Med, every Vestige of theidisease *Merit the Neap is removed, and ha remains in perfect health up, to the pr.= tined. W. mammy, ,scar the blernust of God, tr entirety owing to the Bee of yoortielow glace and Sarsaparilla, and 1 assent pot toes I. feel myself under great obligations to you, and lab with great joy that I inform you of what year Sarsaparilla has done for my see. Emneetfally, • . . L. 100:None genuine unless Put' up JAS in IargeUSSEL boules, wal e equan. and the name of we Syrup blown in 11, glosaralth the witted signature of 8. F. Ben. ten, ou the ouurde 'mapper., Free gl per bottle—or II bones for Si ll aohl, Ay J. D. FARR', North East comer of Fourth sod Walnut [lmmo, antique, oo Walnut et., Clootonvi f Ohio, to whom et orders mast be eddres emL (her • ...i. an+3 r Rot_, Erie; W. P4ohnona tr. Ca, Wat r• .I; Oli k. Clemotto, CrotriOgrUle; Rho! Terrell, to Hiram Mu, Totatraida; Hebert Ray, We ll .- Co,. Lt. oder - let. Calltosbeirs; L. Wilcox, ir. Ptua. rah, e yes of Market ousel and ttut Diamond. ,10,441.0,:ift • -• PLA - NETT'VEITTERS Crealacalthy =non tbroonhout the body, remora the oP entralme am circulation, giro tone and energy the system, m cream a crea a ;over of must. ens. to disease lh an Its forms; rarely to be obtained. nay inn preform a speedy-and permanent taro of D7nPePsior lodiadstitm.FinitdeneY, General Debility. Llror Oomplunt, and all Mo trala of symptoms nom. manly rolled nomad. offeeddas. •• FLICADADUZI Will be immediately rei.e.e4 by the eme, of this eirnd, :1 is it vegetable, and is i :2o= WilLtiad in llas dalloant and palatable preparation, . combination ol Tontc,".a.limotire and aperient qualt• acecierly adapted to tech gamma The epec action leattliaatticlo itae LiVat and Menden Chyme, Maim" h• complete Antidote tot Favor ami Apo. and 9.lllelds and Typb. Feacra. Caurvil Joly 17Th tRW. BUS 'I have used the Uncle of Planett's Diners, maltase darted vest benefit sem them. I have been cetdeet COT jean peat id the Feset and Anne, bet elato the Intrednedon of mt. BALM, I have entirely revapeel my usual etude, end cut with confidence recommend them al one of the beat Tanks - In cue. .Rtpgclisilly parr. •• • C. N. BUNDINO Sticiann.a, /ant 2000.450. MI Dumilia. gimaa ma moth pleasure to note, that tba Liyapepain 'nth *deb m7lne las been 52 long troub led, arising from isteilallalt Lin/ has been m anly ayareotne *natured bt tlzr ate of loot invalu able reintriiimiorßitms, sad for yaw kindness M recommendan; the m , view accept my tbania. . . ' Yvaiciattenc - ssroant, C.L.LRECIL Agents, William T. Ricks a uo, In and 151 Prom Strom. Near York. Forma by nagintarnin B. R. SELLERS. 041 T MINI WILSON inform 41friends and the pahhe J. Melte haa removed LI"- arm C.ap Establish. mea from amid:Meld mmatito ha old stand on the comas orWood atm, and Diamend Alley, (second story)oyet ?wick. PsietudYnseltange Mee, en trance bet!. oil Diamond Alley—whet* may be found lame and fashionable assortment or Oats and Cap. gli7=tiotlnTer "* " ." m'ill'esbi-dttwantt Plteeial*stlea. •Xr virtu of a Precept rimier Mo hands of Wm. Praudant orals Court elem.:ton Picas, a and tot the RIM Judicial Distrlet of Penrogivamo, !lard Janice' of - the Court of Oyer and . Terminer, and General—fall. Delivery to Mui for said District...a WiDllaso Ken Cod Sameel Joon, Eqs, Associate Judges of the same county,ln and far the County of Allegheny, dyed the. lath day of August, in the year our Lord onethemand eight hundred and srty d ID MI directed, fot holding:a Coon of Oyer and T er mbar Mt General Jail murenr, et the CoArt.l a t' e ". a , La b r . 01 ,., 7 of Pittsbazh A tit the l Emote o Public ;l i lt.? hereby dyed to all Judas of the I.eate„ Coroner, and Censtables of Alleahror, that, the be then and there, to their proper phrroas,with their rolls, records, lognisitions, examinations and Other remetubrattees, to dolooe, theie Ming., which to There respeetiveodiees in Male behalf appertain cob. done--cod also those that *ill prosecute the priherrera that new ere or may be in •the 101 l cold cettehl of Allegheny, to be Thee and More to prosecute against them as 4,101 be • Glows coder say hood at . ;.lPinshorgh, this um day of Aligeot, in the Tsar of oor Lord one Minuend eight sno ado, aml 0111 Coonnonwet hit the 7Mh. ...10,,,Tf CARTER CIJRTIS, Sheriff.
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