ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ' PUBLISHED BY WHITE:‘ CO. ixit. 'gnats 1 Is. Mo.RR. kArtris zusos, Than arnarr. RUT DM'S Psi per annum TA .Neer • ^—••". 2,00 Weekly, n estlvannel--- •—• 0 Clubs, eta reduced ram: ItAV II DP ADVICRTIII2IOj AGREED UPON BY T) C PITTIIII3OItOU PRIM. Cree Styr re, (Ifilinc. of Nonpareil or least orie I qerrion---, One Sons re, each additional nwertlon• • • u...n Do. one week ykt. two week.— • --- .1.00 D . three ..... —•• 4,40 month— •—••-- 503 twb months— --- ;,10 De. - three monih.•—• —• • -- Do. . roar months ...... rpm Do. • Ws month..... 10.10 Do. twelve month, • . tem Reading Card (0 lines or lew.l per ennem • 1 0 P1 1 One Square, ebwigeable al pleasure (per no. • • mini) excluaive of the paper•— Z.OO For each additional wpm, Inserted over ne month, VW for each additional square inserted under the near ly tares, half price. Advalbaquents erceedlng a equ•re, and net over &fawn lines. to be charged as a square and a half Publisher. not •econntable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged for O.e.r puhlicution. Arinouneing candidates for other, to be charged the att. 10 other ad vernaements. Adeertb,rnent. not marked on the copy for • !Ted der:l number of insertion., sill be continued till forbid, and paymeutexactei accord.. • The privil eegs of yearly airrertlaera will be confiord rlgtilly to their regular business, and all maw &dyer then:lents not portainir g to their regular business, as agreed for, to be paid ant. All advertimments for cliaritable'lnstltations, fire grannie., ward, township and other public meetings, and tech like, to be Charged halfprice, payable strictly It' lidatura Marriage notices to be charged 50 cents. Death notices inverted without charge, unless accom panied by funeral Invitation. or oblmary notices, mad when to accompanied te be paid for. Regular advertme re, and ail otters vending comm a- alcalionv,or requiring notices designed to call !men den UrFairs, Soirees, Concerti, or any publie enter taahroeuts, where charges are made for admittunee— all notices of private associetiont—every notice de. signed to call attention to private enterptises.akein• ted or Intended to plumate individual interest, can on ly be Inserted with the understanding that the same lota be paid for. If intended to be inverted in the ice cal column, the same will be charged at the tau of Cot leis than to cents per line. Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged uiple price, —•- " " - Tries% License Petitions, $1 each. Legal and Medical edsertieements to be charged at hll pnces. Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneers' advent.- Um, Tot to be tinted under yearly rates, bat to be allowed discount of thin, three and one third per e•nt. from the amount of bill. :t3 Do. each eddnional infertiort••• lINVITIINIMINNIN INII.TI rarcL _ . _ . One Noma, (10 liana)... eta. Do. curb adDtional ansertion• All transient advertisements in be paid In advance. k CO, Gazette. L. HARPER. Po•t. RHIPT Al. RIDDLE, Journal. JADES P. DARR tr. CO.. C....nicht. FOSTER k BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Alereaty. JAMES W. IIIEIDLD, /mane. , HIRAM RHINE, livening Tribune. Pr:lunge, Dee. it CARDS, ADELE A. PABLEINittON, AA LDNRINAN, Fifth Ward, Perm street, between O'llara and Wslnah. All borinew promptly at bonded to. ALEXANDER D. WATSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Orice, on Fourth street above Wood. multi - DAVID C. T UTTAR, ATVOIINEY AT LAW, and Consuuseioaar for Penney Jeanie; 8 Louie, Mo. ALL ettmeaustmations promptly answered. JAIVILIS F. KAMM. ATrORNEY AT LAW—Office co Fourth moo , . between Southfield sod Oruro. ntichuush. EMEIIM:=MI TFORNPX and Counsellor at Law, and Commis /I. Wooer (or the Stale of P.:lntentlia, tit. Louis; No., (late of Pittsburgh.) Iteferearea—Tittsburght lion W. Forward, !lamp boot Miler, WC-godless k }feeler, John E. Porte, ()linens & Semple, Ntrenrt k Nino aosl4-1, BIDWELL CO., vortwAattanto BPr ILCfII MT B, Glasgoso,..Pa. ('a Pm, Pont Wan ) Haying permanently lammed at Ws plane, a new and mthatannal Wharf Bac4 we are prepared no re , echo and forward promptly to all points on the nye, and Sandy nod Beaver or Ohio Can W. B a Co. Olvirow, Jane 13 —JOH WY. ■•••1.11.. .-•101111 O. CC...Mt. eao.l.[T. BADALEV, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale G ... ro cers, No tal Martel el, Philadelphia. •r,l --- Pltletwarch A I kart %horror. BENNETT, DERRY & CO, Alines:toren of Side. Ash, Bleaching Powdrs, hloriatie ane Sulpho tic Asada. Worehonse No Water street, below Ferry. noirlo4, B RAN £ REITER, Me:Antal., and Retail fln S gnu, corner of Llberty.gund ann . meets, Pat• unit, P. apt CA. hIoAsiULTY k Oh Forwarding and CO . mission Merchants, Canal 6aa n, Plushurgh C. 11.0ELANT, Wnotesalc 6 roccr, canta., a. 0.1 pomsrtling Mere Itvot, No. 41 Water at., Pitt% 15 IL Ira Hamar ---• Andrew Flenain( R. K Flemi n g HERSEY, Flat/KING i CO., (105121IISSION MERCHANTS—Pot dm role of Do ‘„,/ oimsle,Woolon, •nd Cotton Goods; atm, dealer. in ail kinds of Firth, Tmomoings, No IC. Wood m, dab door (tom Pitt•boroh. . Befereaco—rdemos. Wm. A. Bill dr Co, Bankers. land S. Ssllpsj r. .. F 101.,.... seta° a. invin, (4034 S TS EISSION MERC HAN and DM Broke., ‘../ No 114 Second wee. Poushlsf h. mals7 ra.LI. .7......", Josnop I. •orm-7. NGLTSII RENNIKIV. (late nbob, Ganether r 4 4. Co.) Wpotesale ()racers, Coortolseion and For wartUne Merchants, and dealers In Prodsee and Pins bnegn nefaetarn. t1i0..37 Wood al, between Id and Id semen.. oett TOR. 11173uUNSTON, - OMT/dint:VG o. COMMISSION MERCHANT No 111 Sccand Yitul•or6h. coal ROWist W. Po.lWrils‘l fir..... Lwisorton R. W. POINDZST ER /a CO., ziI ENERAL Coal Inn , SNPN and Forlyan.lng bier. .I.lnts and Float Doak ..,No Ca Alma • reel, l' adalnaia. 023 TICALD, BOOK NOlt & GO TOBACCO CudlsllBBloN MERCRANTS. N... 41 North WIL.f Street d. Nq. 14 North Wh•rves. 11.. J.Bocsnoa. t PHILADELPHIA Ward ..•53. C. J..A. nLEV, (soceessilatorphy d.L.no4 Doa, , en..nd Coomassio. erohnO4 moy 4h. 4414 44 kwarle. WOolen.. Lil,ert7. o DPOlitO sth at. febl7 4. a. vtaroi. , W. P. 1051.. ARDY, JONF.S & (meadows to Arwood, H /ones fr. Co.) Coment!lon and Forwardior Her. chants, dollars, in PAdabarik rdadafatnired Goods, Pittsbarat. Pa. tora47 To 'Tamen C. 0b..% TBIPORTF:K At Dealer In 'French and Maeda. Pa. j. per Ilanginri and border, Window Shades. Fire board Prints„.te. Akio —Wraing, Printing and %Vrap. a n Parer, Pio. 87 Waal rtrect, between Fourth *Mel and Diamond alley, We ll side, Pittsburgh, Pa. rebid PITTSDUSIGEL GLASS W01.1.1R11 . OLIN AGNEW. lete of the liras of Chamber.. At J new & Co, svoold respeetfully Worm the old ells Somers and then alate generally. that be will stlll eon' Untie to early n tee t,reen Glass business, hi all us V•4I4IIIGS, ands oft -pared to fill all orders for Apothr - caries* nu.,114 re, hitnerals Portent, Viols, Ar.. tie, plittatelng to his busines. ' lll4 warehouse I. No Cl 0,44:11141$11,4016 64.1 , 4reen Ftr.t A fereond j7l t : da. IrollN r iCidnßfi A 'lTSVholegale brugglstant--17—lesT 0, or in Dye Stoll, Paints, Oil r,: Varnishee. fee, No Kg Wood street, ono door South of Diamond Alley PR Shuck. TI Shck. Sri ITA - Ati ES DATter.L, Wholesale GrocerWsom . smoit ,7414(Eht1111, nod: grater to PrOdn, and Pittsburgh hlanufaetaret. Yin el Water tt, Pitt...Stet/eh. ats4 11141•11 11/.141 11011“ T 01 0 110. TIAIAII DICiEV A Co., Wholesale Graces,. Com. Minton Merchants, and dealers In Vroduce,No6 B Wilder, and 107 nom str.tets. Pittshortb. 00 00 IN I vroTtn •-- • •• • - —Joan pit Dilworth T SI DILWORTH 6 CO., Wholesale GISIGert, •nd tr . Agents for Hazard Powder Co., N. 5. 77 Wood et., Pittsburgh: deft.) rliellid."-Ti/W-NSE.SlDTovogrist sad—Ainvihnearl J4s Marto et.. three doors above Third at. Pitts batthsastil have constantly on head a selected as: aerates of the best and freshest IHrdlntnasotrbieh ha sell on the most reasonable 7 7 1 777 . Physicians sending Orders, sill be protoptlpattended to, and aaP plied with articles they mat silt anon Is RattAlad. AS%NH:steno , Preseribtions will he accurst-ly qn.l prvitred from the best =tit ials, at-n,.y hoot 0, day or nicht. Also for sob, • lari• stoat et fresh and rood Ye7 , s 77. 101:1 john poyd. Richard Floyd. y t lt. FIAWD, Wholesale Grocers, Comm...lan aP . Merchant., and beaters In Prod,c, Round Chareit BaiMinca, amnion on Liberty . Wood and With , street., Mild..ea. ye. ap4 • 3 — NO.A.CAEGIIfit, Ayr. for the Late Erie an a • Miciiiyan Line to Deaver vadate trans.-001c an the corner of wilithiald ar. I ad_ VAMElSA. — iftrrClitgo.47 - 7 - t • LeVrit I ace Conarnisalon Miirchant _as/ Agags of the St Lon.l Meant RaSar Rarinn.7. dilu. 111 avatar and 01 from etreMaulhusbarik. 1 --- ditUr)NYl/I , KKR k. CO, Wboleoniegins No 24 Wood Siu.hueth. " ap4 10111411.u•le Waetenate and Re,i 22' in Merle sod Atll . Seper, Slates, Steel . Nue, ltp . lli,'Prirtieta , Cud., Stations!, renevally,No. aoci ] 127 er rekrn in grain, .4.111 Uhl. t COMM. Id and Forwarding sfrreh..4 ',,ppie.j . dealer to w stern Cheese, Boner, Pot and Yee- 1 Ash,' and Western Predoe , gene ratty. Water firm" between Smithfield and Wood, Pttsburgh. .• • apll 'II !ER t JON F.S. Fen...medium and Cannalsaina Ater . .111.. 'eatnut. Drainer in Prodgee *Ad Pituintrisk amna ...;_lifactred article r, r'snal near lth rt. spa IPAIIIIII4III.L.V.PiTABi3OII, PA. • !IK . VPIETAIY, CUILDS •Manaraelarera aa Tay periar ttagetias, Carpel Chain, Nut. ?um. ja..lu4y DI. 0, STOCKTON, 14 ATE labiate* Y Rocklan, BOOKSELLER, STA.. ' 'TIONER,-PRINTER, and BINDER, carrel , a . kit sad Tbirdigniat rttiOarso. Fa. gamatr • THE rim BUSINESS CARDS. Pittsburgh City Glass Work. W. CDS NI ITO t MICo I TC Teßt 14S. or l , Ydenhorgla Fa. (Fanteolstattention paid to odd mem. Also, Nato., in FLINT °LASS, VIALS, BOTTLIig, On. W. Y. onOosn, D. CC1113.11.1. 11:11111•111N, Wm at tiler, rhilaa. C. W. Ric Iceman, Entsbansh. VIII.LBRm RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer+, and .1 , / Importers o 1 Brandies. Wines and Urgers, No.. 17e teed 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin lateen., Pint. Laren, Pts, Iron, Nests, Cotton Yvna, de. de , eon steady on hand. 114 John MY7III. James D. MIDI) W• 11. ), C. Um , A/WILLS A. ROE, Wholossic Grocers and Corneae- IV/ slob rderchaow, No 194 Liberty St, Entaburgh Rol ETFTRMURGII STRKL WORKS AND/ I)YRIND AND AXLE FACTORY. SOMA V. 4,11111. taus. :on , JONES & &MOO. INANOPACTUREILS of spring and blister steal, plough meal, steel ploggh wings, coach and :11 . fire llc c" eng i iTo n lan .' l i pZiN d eoteVr s tm in— tnntire comer of Ross and Front sta, Pittsburgh, lebes MPIIEW tvmsnx, PortedhltinUinin Painter. Rooms, corner or Pool Oleo Alley and Fourth MM., entrance on Poulin at, near Market. Tao. Tagaloe, Com =linen alairelmatta. 1ik.T0.3l Old Levee at, N OHM., keep conatently on LI hood a large assortment of kirdltdies of the follow ing brands... Melt they offer for sale as agents for J. Darand & Co. Deddeetag, Maglory, J. Iltawd, 3 Du rand & Co, Lanoelielle, IlDutand, Cognac, A de M (roan, Al, !flotilla, Ade klontiore, Jean Louis, . &e; alto, Anchor (lin, Borden. Red and Wh,lc Wines in calk, sow ea.e.,aeleeted ant!, earn by John Durand A Co, beanies Champagne Wine and Sweet Bargondy Port. fr 1.7.1 , • IsT HOLMES &SON, No L 5 Market a. seer:natl.:tor . from earner of Fourth, deaters in Forelga and Domestic Rills of Exchange., Candle.. of Depowt, Dank Notes and Spent, tErColetenons mode on all one prinalpal clues haul the United States. ap4 IHICKMAStEIt, AL.11.10,111-4.tLee, Fourth taint door ahoy< noubbeld, .outs sade. Conveyancing of dl kinds done lank the greatest eare and leg•I Tit es to Peat: {date examined. &e. Litekagtraphla Ustabllshment OF WM. SCHVCIINIANN. 'rhsrd st, oppost. the root-Office, riusburalt.—Mapir, L.S.idsr•pes./.ltll. heads, Shot:shills, Labels, Architeetural and Machu:le Drawings. Business and Visiting Cards. A e ,eneraved or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, (told, Proust or Blatik, in the most approved style, and at the tcost tensor rinse* oetlaily OBIN - ON, LITTLE & CO.. • tr. 255 Liberty street h Wholesale virocera, Ptedner end Coultnit,ton Merchants, and dreier. in ratsbnesh hla.r.ufac ores. apt? LOW, • 111115. LITTLX. RAM, n. NOOIN3O. ROBERT MOORE. %%h01e...1e Grocer, Reci.fying droller, dealer is Produce, Pitrobairb Mroufae. rote., all kind. of Foreign end Dorecroe (Vole. and Logan., N. Liberty erre.. On hand ...cry large mock of roperior old Monongahela ....key. unlit+ .01 he sold lore for i aro. my! L ...10101.14.L. auto. /A. ETNOLOS & ERRE. Forwarding an L. d Commis sloe Merchants, fur the ititcgrony River Trode, Leiden Groerries, Produce Inunliorga, Plarofac tures,and Chloride of Lime The hight , t prier, In cash, paid at all tame. for country rage. Crone• Penn and LrWlii nolo li. ° Eit r is! ) lO , ri L filV ' re l l ' tti k7,L le ' alYr .h . ° l ' ll " rr ' oPurral Pittsburgh Manuf.croro, Llberty meet, Pittrourro, Pa. apld It.. A. C-IIiNNINGIIABI, WHOLESALE GIN/CP.II, Prodoce, For - wan/Inc and Cornznaxion Mrrebay.. and Dealer in Pins burgh Maziotacuares, No terDLlberry street, entahural, Pa7l • C hiIACKIATT 'MOIL s AII.. lIACKL T tr. wfurr_ Wbolesalo :leek ei In Figroligu mid Domestic Dry Wads, No. 1,12 Wood sire, Plitstiorrti• •pl 7 CN Ir. W - Dnalers ijol o in Floor •nd Produce generally, •04 Forwarding C11 . 111.11M14111011 Men:hams, ICY First street girl lig Second sweet Pinsgurgb. • Yr: F. s¢trits, rrr Osysos. norm lacut.s, nosy ....0113. 0 FILLERS Ilvaduco and Ovneral Com• 0 mission hlerchanta. Nn. t 7 Liberty street, ntro burgh. Sprflll,LOOnecl and Lard Ws. a . ;117 F VON BONNHOIIS er. CO . 7Wholv.inrion U. Ben, ForveardtnF and Cornarocon hlerettantr, Dealers In elllibumb Ma. antures and R'eS Frodnee, have removed to tut nes, warehouse. told starad,) No. 3G, corner of Front Street and Charterry Lane. Rol: sitxxissurnon HOTICL 111•11.rolip Um, STAND.' andr entertain hi. mend* and the ravening i•ner• •Iy, in the beat Emmerr and on Urn must reaso.,•ile term. his TABLE till at all tares he sups it'd with every' deltele) of the season—au!. tits Boa with the best of Liquors lits Stablieg Is very extenstse, ;and every •rraose.. meta has been mute lox the aetoratoodauon of !ho ver. sar.2 if CLAWSON ftlOHllla a lIAINORT/LI. TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS _ Dna indeDtoultond, Yenstrgb •r' BAIRD s !ELVIN WOULD info= the pubbn. they have taken the weren't:re lurmerty oerrimed by the late Mr Solomon Setioy er, 114 second rteret Ita•lng • latee commodsous arate'doure, they would invite the attention or per.. bating erred. to cor.aien or wore They wilt alto pine attenttou to the purcktue and gide of Note...DWI, Mind.. he not: EWE= L. S. W ATER MAN a SONS, IIOI.I , SALK E., C, (.1101R..innueoion and F.,r gy warding itlerenaniai Oral,. in all kiwis of Pro duce & Pidsuurga Mulinfactura 4 Article.; at.• for talc of /Lebanon,' and Lynchburg Illanulactured Tobacco Earl Vi7sl. 'STKIiarL ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Blair . , Pa WILL also attend to coneetions and all utter neer entreated to tam Butter and Armstrong coantlea,Pa- Refer to 1. & IL Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do James Morahan do Pittsburgh. dly Kay & Co., Wood as I pen 7 JOHN BO:PADEN i CO.. FORWARDING 11. CUMAIISSIO'N SIERCIIANTS, Cans i Basin, Penn etreet, Pittsburgh. mre JAMES DAVIS i CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.1.-2 .2 Market, and 3.1 Commerce to., Philadelphia. Advances 11110 C. by either of the above, ou calorie n. menu of Produce a_ enter floes.- taro _ J. - U. Wtlltions J. D. W1LL1,1315 i CO., WIIOLEIALE k RETAIL PAMII. tiROCERP, d Forwarding and Commission Merchants, an dealers lot Coo.-try Produce and Pittsburgh hlanufac. fares, corner of Wald Lod Fifth streets, PllGhargh. mrm Wm:11:1•ifIlllains--• •• • • •—•-•1 It. Me oy W 11. ii. WILLIAMS dr. Co. BANNER-1 AND EXCHANGE BROEEES, North East corner of Wood mod Third street., Ant P117.11..111• MIL ua . cc i ,loll” • Cusill•Vt, . - W.II. WO. W• 110, 'OLP& ILOOLZI. NVAO A & CO, Wholesale OM. Ot, IN and 2U IV,KnI street, Fillsnuta h. spl7 IOW" L. wit 1, ..•11) WICK & M'CANDLESS, (successor. to I. n. TT Wholesale limners, Forwanhow •nd Coinenost,on Here Lanus dente r• In lean, Nally, 1,15...3 Conon Yarns. and Pdt•t•uffgh blanafamees genet al ly, corns, of Wood and Water •treet,,P:nab•reb . t'REtind whoyuri-udr--, 1112 " c;1! Poorder, No. NCI Lrlsesty street, loppoelte Rath etreet,4 Ysttrbotrell. .pl 7 W ' a V r;ink i et i o r li ‘ i:ro 'c dreo ' , ` .7: l` . Y e 71.71`,1 V .7:1 Fourth street., Pixtsl.orek Pe- N. B.—Wotnker and Clocks carefully repaired. an l_ WM ?W... WM. YOUNG & Ce ., Nene,. Leeihee, &e.,143 Liberty once. ine&ly sex. salecrecnurr. 1111.COTCulLON. SIeCUTCLIIION, Wholesels• Grocers Ir a dealers In Produce, Iron, Nada, Glass, an• P:llebSrgn Manufacture generally, Liberty street. Piusburgh. ianl7 A CARD. INT ILM A RSII, NttilLif are onw rer•ivlng new YT crop wheat, which la of Lawler quality They can now furnish latether with fresh floor. MI orders left in the holes vittl be prerentty attended to WILMARTII AC N0131.F., 1131:d!1 Coy Mills __CU.PA ItTiilCO.lllllP. IRAVI: Wien WM. CARR into pant:amine with me in my bailors, which will from thin dm, Le carried un under the name of "John Patter at Cu" =CM Joan p o rke r Carr . JOAN PAILaILEU, i CO, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers In Prodder, Furnen ;Finch Layover, Old Monongahela and (fedi/C.l Whsafry. No. 3, Cronalare .0 Row, Labarry 13,130 Pittol.arra, I' 111/•1100ff•fl .1111.00, lIALNIN•. h• PALMY/LB, HANNA dit Co.. Ginceesvors do Hussey, Henn. & ci & DA NKER. 4 , r:XCIIANGEUSOXERS, and dealers 1.) in Foreign and Domestic Lachance, Cemileno-• Of Deposita', Bann Notes-, •nd ets. w„, cornet of Wood and Third stre Correia money reeeived on deposite.—Sigto Cheers for .1, tolleCtlOnl l made On neatly all the principal point. the United Stales. The - highest premium paid for Fennell and American Gold. Advance. Made on consignment. of Prodnee, ship ped.Esist. on liberal tenn& aprd tato. s. noao Wa. A. silecoao.) NVII. A. WCLORO & co., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. No 2.W Liberty erre, three Hare - ilswiri an hand a hole aaterudeel *IC/eine Groceries and Fine Team; also, Foreldn Prone end Nara Wholesale and Raul'. Derriere applied on the loootal terms. meal -- a noliiiiir• TV. AND WINE MERCHANTS, east side of the Thamond. Ereallent Teen— RO So per lb. Hsperior qualitlee•—....— 0 75 do. Thn ben reported I 00 do. Law priced dentaged, or inferior Teas are not teat at th is establishment. ireb - tavolira W . !,1 ...OL.INTOCK has lest bas reeelteit at hi. Carpet rehouse No 75 Fourth street, a so , / hhha soots aatioNoteat of Rags to which we invite the at tatoi.itratitehasetti. ausho To tit; CRlsaias All. Cis". ADoX to, the teeeptioa of omen for CIO 41tetr, I. lea of the stare of Mercer* R gel obins. , Federal amt. Dui nter. will be m1...V. pu•A axpli e Dir riomox, MISCELLANEOT's WILKINS HALL. FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. THIS enagmficent establishment being now eat:m ulcted and ready for business, the proprietor would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage Ile trusts by giving his full attentthrt to the heathen. to mate the house a pleasant and comforteble resort fof the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the coluttrY generally. Good attendants will be la limiting, and every ex ertion made m render the establishment worthy the comitenance and support of an intelligent CO6lll2OllltY. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Partim. Concert., Lectures, Halls, and public meetings, will be let by the evening or week, on as Liberal terms as any other in the city. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty to y in the world, will be kept furnished with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Porters, Ales, and all the cool, light, relreehments of the .euon. e. Firth, SonP, Oysters, and Ciams, served op to the best style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, M . 1.6 on the first floor, and easy of access, will be constantly supplied with fill the Luxuries and Delicacies of the seeson; and alamerilli neck substantial' so the meth.. afford. Iloirding by - t h day, week, or year. Dinner. or Supper. for individuals or panic., furnished on abort notice. • • Gentlemen with their families. ' m ut t , the city ran, be supplied with raireulturents of all kinds at any hour of the den . . . ()mg Stabling and an extensive Livery Entablisti enent if conneeteJ with the Hall. flamer al I o'clock. Ilreaktald and Tea al dm usual bow, • • • Entennen fne L.di•• to the Ice Cream told Dining Saloon, No 67 Strotithebi street ien , ttf 1 11. VAN RENSSELAER A• WESTERVELT - 8a SON. WELL KNOWN VENITIAN lILIND MAKER& beep conetantly on hand or mike to order the hero •ntele in their line, at their old r and, No. 13 S. Claire:sem: ale, at No. WI Market street...o.nd awry, entrance in the Ilsomond. V.ntuan Shonere made to order, and old blind. neatly repotted optO W. L J. OLIOIIIIII, Rook Waders -c t rEerull engaged In the above business, corner TT of Wood and Third tweets, Pittsburgh, when we aro prepared to do any work to oat line with deo patch. We attend to oar work personally, and sous (Raton will ba given in regard to Ile neat.. and du rability. Qls Book. ruled to any pattern and t.oond sub- Canna , iy. Book, in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Name. pat on books In gilt Letter. Those that haws work In ear line ate invited to ear. swine. Inv, ruietteif WlGHTMAN—lllanafacturer of all hinds nor LI.. tor, and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, ra The above works being now in fall and srotal op eration, I am prepared to elesam otters rink dispatch tor all kinds or machinery to ay hen, leach an willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding nisaldnev, morays, drawing frame., speede, thisoulo, looms, woolen cards, double or single, for rs merchant or country work, males, jack ,Ac. slide and hand lathes and tool , in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to ordev cr plan. giv• en for gearing factoner sr ai mountable charge. Restalv—Kennedy, Childs drict , !Leek since, Dell • • Ponnnpl, 0....1•A A "Get,' BENNETT • BROTHER, tyUEENS%VARE MANUFACTURERS, Si r caingluma , w•ar Pittabsargb. I P. Ofice, N. .37 Ww, e.• Mg.rLa and Wood. Patsburgh. 45? WILL constantly L cep oo band • rood arson ment of Wan; of oar own mavalaete, and mspenorqualay. Wholesale and venom) M. chants are respeetfolly Inwood to call and es• aomne for themselves, as me are determined to call •=ii===l try-Orders unsi by mall,seeompanis4 by thaaaah •r nod r•terrnee..lllba promptly auindrd to. MEW ODAVILI FACTORY. 1\1" A. WWI'S & CO., would respectfally tan= ILLLLca pabtic that they have trotted a rho? on Larock, between Federal u.. 1 Sandusky street. 'I hey we neve ovittng am/ are ptepared to receive order. hir livery deset,ptton •chteles, Coaches. Chantn't, the reaches, Waggles, resume, de., de , wborh from their tong exprience to the manufacture of the above sr,,k, and the f e aeitinet they have, they feet coundent they ana tabled to do work on the most reriaonable terms 1W ewanung articles in their tine. Perna paztieular .tendon to the trelecuan of mate rials, and having none bat couspehrot workmen, they have no beak:mon to warranting their work. Ws therefore ut the attention of the pubtte to thu d mat N. B. Repainng done In tha best manner, wi the most reason .lo terms. lert&tf WY. Z. INC4II. 111,3340• SCAIVE it ATKISSON, sirrw.n. AI Prwaso.., C4IATINUF: w manors/lore all kuvls of COPPER. TIN AND SILENT 1110 N WARE. Also, Work. Steam Boat. botll to order. attennon e to steam boat wort. Have an hand. • finelven •••orrirrent or Copper tad 0r... K e Wes, Ware, to •e. Stran.bosr. Porlabie Forge+, arrant atre•—• very e.41111(.6.111 •r• pate tar siensabosrs, Cal.forma eroarratus, or rul road co W emould respeettelly man estens; beet man end ethers to call and see r lumen end prices before m pebastee e I ermbere oa le uv JOILY WIZIGIIT A. Co, are preparad band Cotton awl Woolen hiscisisiery of evert description, sash gro C =4 r F Grindtra rP , w roa l' sin I r., ron pOisftros maned; .11 saes at Oast Iron, Paths , Hangers of tba isowt patterns, slide and Stand Lathes, and tools of WI kinds Castings of every dasenpuon intrashed on short =aka. Patterns wade to order for Mill Gearine, Iron flailing, Ass. Stearn Pipe for beel ine Factorws, Celt Iron Window gash wid fancy Cas uals. geners orders lea at the , Warehowe el i. Palmer A .o. Liberty stress, wia se prompt attetr • Refer to Rbreenoolf, Hell & Co., J. K. Moorehead k E. Werner, John Ire. & Arms. lf,ttehergh; U. C. & J. It. Waf ner, Strolrenektle. PIANOS' rimr. subscriber Olen for sale • large and aplendid ateortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ae• on FIRMw. Walt end without Coleman'. celebrated /Rollan AllatalLtral. The above maul:menu lan wat• t ented to he cquai to any rr.anntactured in this en., try, and will he mild lower the nay broeght Nora the YAst. E. BLUME, No 119 wood et, tEI door .bete bib N. D.--city Seem will ho taken al par (or a few of he above assortment. Sulam lArisk Works Or Male. Tsebseriber oder, for gale, the STEAM lIRICR 11, WORKS, above Lasereoceellic, eomprtorig • Stearn Engine, 9 IlMiera, 6 Mould Machine, capable ul tennufactunim 0.1.1 Premed ltriek• (out of dry clay, as taken froin the bank.) per day; with three sere. ot land on the Altegheny river, on which me 4 kilns and stied., ronehine and clay sheds, wheettimeowa weeks, ahovels, epodes, he., every Mingrequisite toe a:mice at lin hours notice. Pm,. inelumng the patent tight to a. acid machine, 17.(10—leirom ot payment emy. Without the land, 83.003. Eat particulars, addrme HENRI' MERRITT, augl7-dir No lIY Monongahela lima.. Wrowistit And Cast /row Walling. HE wa i b ,n seerr ob t ained siberh from t,: teuforin the pull., Ihu T the y , nil the late and fashionable dragon (or Iron Railing, both (or bowies and commence. Pal•011a it to prucera band. some panerna will plea. rail nod etas:eine, and nide. for Rathim be tarnish ed at the short. est notice, e nd in the best manner,. the corner el Craig and Reborn. streets, Allegheny eity. aumM-dtf A. LAMONT & RNOX. B F he lone to tnform his friends and customer. the gji he is renewing his new spring stock of Good. cottoning, a. anal, nil tne newest and most (anion. inn styles of Clothe, Cassimeres. fancy Vesting., rot. tan and linen Inserter studs, and every article minable for gentlemen's wear for spring and summer. It being om possible to describe the beauty, Onsii‘l , tuenotl f the th e proprietor hopes all who are in wood of good, cheap, fanaanable i and well made clothe, will give kilo a call, as there is no Mock Una side al Ore All. thence that en tempera with it. The ready meth, department is very eatensive, nap• ted to all tastes. . . Rail toad contractors, town", merchant., and ell who perchwe larstelforey, are pantestarly invited to ex. amine the stock be bereaving , as perticelar at. ten m uen Is paid to the wholesale banana in Jar wadi,. fishmeal. Rnrrr article In the tailoring line made to order In Me mom faahimmble and last mariner, at the shortest nnn re mreg =L'`a . ...;°,ted7.'..Vg bylhe de of Mr. C Brodie,. The batmen will he carried on by A Bradley, who will settle the badness of 00 late firm. Rl2.llfoVAls—A Ilitsotatv has removed his Foundry Warehouse from No 119 Second striset,tolfo It Wood street, between First nod Second street., WM, WM,. [muse lately ixempied by 0 A Derry, 'where he will keep constantly on hand a general assartmentof Cast. loge, Crnte., Ntovet,Cookinc Stoves. tee. 1y1.2 I=l No 1 A . N n liKr`ly , LELly ri TtX LT. t p L EL i s i t . n o rt Cut? dee' hies, of all amen, and 1/111Ck.lith and Shoe Runs, raw*, Yo • on baud end fur se either ht. gle Steal %Yorke," O'Hara street, Fifth Ward, or at the oaten in the Iron Store of PULLMANS h. GAP ill• NON, No 4, foot of Wood Meer, Pittsburgh. wadi L., M==l We, the underntatied, baying spied, with entire itat islartltilt, the Cast Steel and Piles made by Samuel McKelvy, at Id, ragle Steel Worts, in this city, take {skint. , reetittinieuihng them a. equal I/I qualit y to an, ewer is.ed by us, or fistriurn manufacture. ritonuiels, b y mb 13, I. & 111 SIIOENDERGER & CO, Manufacturers of I ton and Nana, Pittsbosit h. Pa. KNAPP & ToTTEN. Icon Pomad co e. •nd Piltsliatgb. Pa. LEMAN, lIAILMAN & CO, Manufacturer. of Bring.. &ale.. Saone Steel and Rivets, Pitit burgh, Pa. PL \Ytl viawit. Engine Builders and Machine Card Manufactu rer., rutabaga. Pa. •A FULTON, Br.. Founder, Piluburgb.Pa. IIItArrsLINIMAY & Manafactuten of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa. • JOSEPItTOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine andtlblp thaldi!,Nutb.llll P. WA.LLACF MMarbleMasufas torus, Machias and Engine But , hi• tartei •r.Pittsbarat, Pa. fillasolatiesa of Pertaerahlp. T i a i n E bs P 42l,lfde l r e trtm c t i ' &11031. 13 4, e . Co., Ulam hl first mea consent, on the first day of Jul, Instant. All pardons Allowing themselves Indebted to sind firm am reqaest ed to mate payment LD either of the rraneeorttlioat &lay, and all haying unsettled . or sent said firm, are Invited to present thein the rantemard immediately; ALMK iN A A NDSH lyltddin • Pare Wt.., Dreadies .uf or , idnidrciiiit.riattable for medicinal v iit prid=Vin. y ‘ c k e ss ei.iirai l dr i. aal . Al me ARIEI hwelirtketit:ia. of aroma : body sad Mail CNC, 11114)01 , 0111a119 iMarlo4 • OP • . _ . . . . - , ._ _...... ' ' .. • • - , v . „, • . . : \ .- • .. •„ ,‘,.,. ..*:•...: -,'; • •.:•..: -.., - ::,,." ' 0 • •• • .; v. • ' 11. 0 ._ . : ; - __.; : -1 ' :i ! • PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20 ; 1550 THE LIF.LAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSC- R aNCE COMPANY..-06the North Room of the Erchange, Third street. Pint wielpel. Free blercisandise an t d r PatiPern, , in Town and Country, thsared ligo thee or iMmage by Ere, at the lowest tare of preutiam. Mums losnamosa--They also legate Vessels. Car go,. and Freights, (Orebro ith emmtwiitti, uddetoPeu or apeolal policies, as the ranted may stew.. Inane Tearmenrianoiss—Tbey also blues march endiee tranaported by Wagon., Rail Road Can, Canal Root. nod Steam Boats, 04, riven and Mims, on the Mort liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, F.dround A. Bonder, John C Davis, Robert R otors. John R Penrose, Swath el Daps,.r Edwards, Geo G Leper, Edward Drallpgurn. Isaac R, D. Fol 011, Jobe Newlin. Dr R Moon, Janc Uand, Tboophiles Paulding, U Jones Bruins, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Set tit' , 8 .P."" lidelllvaln, Cherie. Kay, JO lotioson, Wm Hay, Dr SRI Thomas, Jobe Seinen, Wgi Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS PITTSBURGII—U T Morgan, Hash Craig, John T Logan.. wiLumti MARTIN, Prmid.t. Rolm. S. Nowa.% Seel. JD - Mk. of the Compton, Na. 49 Water street, Pittsburgh. flarniStf P. A. MADEIRA, Ant. If. .ad ilaalf.l I.ll.llllimMiaar TAR Naomi Lath and Ilealtti Insatance Company of Philadelphia. kmarporated by the Leglirlature Capital Pennryivania, Alma. INA Charter Pentemal. Capital, SIGOASS. Ram insign T. LAO Penns. Cmovam, and fall go per cent. lowa, ths. the rood! rates of Life losoraned, as the following corn. parthon will rho.: There a person of the age of !IV in. oaring for $lOO for life. most Pay to the 0 .' 4 12 . 30, Si 3tl, Penn thou. 111.3di SY" N•sv Kngtend, SSA Near rock Lath. ll l. 36 i SI. bioa, $l,4Si Life and Dearth, l'llladelphia,Blo/1. Draseroas.—Samuel El Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W P. P. Boone, Robert P. Kthg, CIAO. P. (layer, M. W. Baldwin, hi. ht. Reeve, hf. D., Chas. 0. It Campbell, Leads Corm., I. Rodin. Borger, MIL Boller, Morin R. Cope. President—samael D. Orrick' Vice Pre. dein—Robs. P. lthof Seeretarp—Prams Blackbante. &printout. will receiveiLand every information given by SAML. FAIINESTOCK, Agt, ORe., OOMmerelal Rooms, corner of rent7.4lll Wood an t Third Os, Pardburgh PIRAAND M AILINiI ISUBANVIA• 11 , 11/3 INSURANCE CO. of North AVACriti Ws!' .1, make permanent and limited Ineararthe on pro poty la this city and weirdly, boil .hipi.e.n. by Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by SCI.. The properties or this thompany are well Invested, anJ an able fond for the ample Indenting of all ysomis who desire to be proteered by insaransA. myll4 WM. P. JUNKS. Agent, 44 Water at. • In. and Marla. 1.. " Im eiss l , C k ' t ' oui l be th en i reTo rn re ' d e to C' NO P anY . V . r. :j n o t r' at b out of Wood. ••• . • , Th. sabsenbee, gotat No the above old and reopon. able Company, WOE lessa Valiales on and thenenntega mad oo en:menu .1 Algona:el...a by Steam Dogs and 01140,..C111. aN W. P. /Mari. Iloderg 1111 d Antigua Yaraliare. J.1,111:11 W. WOODWV.LI., tar Tamo Sr., Palma.. lifft r* I ": that d 44 Oo b.= p egn,,o, Dieted to spring Wort PURNITtIRE, We largest and maaSaned unrtmrsu ever offered for sale in this city. enterprising moVen.l sorts of Rormarooff Manswans, and Dues Ww...snr, canal, ornomental and plain, suitable ler Parlors. Drawing and Rad Rooms, WI of arnica bir sold at We rawest pawed Potions desiring P1.11,:.0 of toY doe o llOoolir tiro rpectrally Ilsvited to roll aud•gssorwi los*hie. embraces every drarrlpdorri r plawest to We most elegant and cosily, of whirn lire followings omposes a parr Tote KM. e.of.t, Tete • Tete Dream: Conversarion Claws; trisabenitan Reeeptton do Louis XIV do r•Senerun do Under eXrique, Wrier Nntri Toilet Tawas; Loam II V COUlPladOret Dille of Varies Court: SO rad. with Visors and 1/girwlint corers: GO Divans, 40 dor !dahogany 114 ad; Parlor CLUCK 10 s Rosewood do do; - Ig s Wit %Wool du do; 40 " Cane Sear dui 4 " Mahogany Roettng Co Piano Swots, 60 Marble Top Centro Tables; `dir do du Wash Stdads; IN Mahogany Bedsteads, Ih 12 do Wardnubeel ElPt Walnut do: enemy do. or • very largor amortment of Common Chol and ork o 184o:rep la meows. ID Swam Roars faraluted Miortest sone*. Ali orders promptly attended w. Y. S Mater. e•n be supplied arab Lawrie ol Matiogawr, WaWst. ruin Vaurress, at eournierably reduced pnees. rebid IMMEE 11• VIC FOR •LLIR. FROM THE MA/AVE AHTUR ERA, AND AT EAAT ERN NANUFACrUREItt , YHILHH: Welty Flannel., all Wool 0100 Drat., Red do do Moe Hennas; Yellow do do Fanny Cottolntder. all an Brown do do °gene,/ at iastoty paw. Blank tiannetua Steel wired do p° ,°. 1...41idl atahaj. Woe do I.ltwahand - CRlpela. ear) Rreb do i 0.140 goat, Mack Cd•stinelld. T 1 •110.11` Hood.. Fain do Red Puldlog, o•l+et do; Fancy Tweed. Vac Padding, Herat*, nape, RiNet Broad Cloth. TatltusAtah•uhaeatry do; Soper !hewn du Homan Linen, P.n.'s Roper lirren do Bob'r Serge, Wad It do. • I Hopes TolWd do , and wwtu •d. Soper LII•elg Doe Sam. Ellact and • tuns Tape; Swot-, Dada Cwt... Bland Tww, Drab do; paper OFOlde do I.tneo Chooka and DOW aloper Block do rwurt's 6 curd ntel Conuo; Califon,. Dl•olteu do loneo Tbread, • Pearl. du ritpdno, uric. 111.. do +Oll Flawed attuned. Drob do Illutek thtlin do Orson alsagtor. Brown Hulloed Sea Saar, Drown Will, 11.14.. Cr.,.'.. de.. 0 a.. 01 the allutolactwer••Vt stattoo.o, tto 111 Wood. l'atalwrie .. _ .Inl Tut:ceeportuenolp betetotore eslunig betreen pie subsenbere, so the non. 01Constnnic, barge a CO,. this day dissolved hy motool consent. Meas.. Hawke a Borne. tool settle the bounce. of the contest, (or sritich they ore outbonsed to use the noses of the colleens. NATIIANIEL, CtriS TABLE, The anderstrned have itualg7 egs'xtem ,'ivn In the name of 11111/ICE 111. BARNS. Zoe The porpoTh of stanweetn rtna Fire Proof Bale. , V.. 1. k... le , at the •Isa,rof .be late firm of Constable, Berle hrre They wilHbe pleased to receive The potron• age of the elastomers of !Sot house and tbs. frlends. EDMUND III:RICE, THOMAS Belts In retains Irani the film of Comilabla, Nara p I Co., orno mneere pleamm recommend Mews. Make lb Berne. to The confidence of coy hies-de and the subtle. Feb. s. to-ts. N /anemia. CON.STAIII.E. 1.41.1-drf 'LIAM lost rammed from the Enstatti Cane, and in LA. recce auto • Reim vanety of Roumania Goods, to which respeethaity invitoi the •turction of Welch ante and pedlars. No eH Wood et. ._ . _ renal WALL PAPER—W. P. MAUL... is constantly raaetatog, from the largest otoosfartorma Now York and Plallailaiptilo, and alao from French ag•netes, themarest •nd room approved style. of Pa. Vrin t he r with .ale " a d i er. ,f! 'a! tweet, Fourth 05 sod wit:nand allay, isocommor to rs C. 11111.1 .0 TruHMLIW/1111ff - -5 brill just rto•cfier4caeler • DITTALLit, _ WI and tor .ale by the barrel or mute poond or the Dreg, 3ecd, and Perfumery Warehouse. corner of Nalh and Wood streets. N WICKERSHAM. apll3 ■upratl Pura Soda. AO, 464 b . o . ye lb e e elebra . tt , b u r ,v an . 4 a i nj , cubs now on direct erray.from New Orleans, an d' no. bere ; u 3 314 will shortie •rrttr yla Baltimore. per ships Juniata, Chesapeake, Damas cus, and Alba*, wbtell will be told on ranee!, 01 the !Glum master price (or cub or apinorcti bills. W M MITCH ELTILEK, sort No tan Liberty sc. 011/INNICAL /MOVE T izrba b . i virt.r...rriag cb comr.v s nom .47 to . end witL ' ut e ' a t ait ' Ac ' rale t ' or m fea e r m of c c a ontrn e etiouTi those who hen Lotted It, manliness U far supetinr to any other In the market. The consumer need have in, apprehensions ofso iling carpets, Cc., to its teal poaition prevents &dual from arming ashen being •P plied, which most be done when the Move Is raid Tne quantity required is so little to produce a bean MI lustre. A Baying Grover Ally per cent Is nciored to the consume.. A - coating applied to Stover, Pima, An., when laid away foe the summoi, in a sure pie. ven tsdive against rust. After baring tiled once, Itf Is neeessildel no person will as. any bit the iNicenia fdaterlactoring Company's Premium Chetnii eel Stove Pollen. For N sale by 'KF.RiIIA M, mid Corner of Stith and Wood street. PITTILSIIPtIII 1111 °Linens° lITOKICi MEM Corner of Penn and St. Cl. a street.. WM ALEX ANGER at SONS, Forntshing Under- TV lake, where ever 7 &mete tor Fonftral and Mourning porpoot• can be got on Ivan:m.6lo wt.. if 11:dam .• TO BOAT BUILDICKH. :::: 0 0 0 0 0 0 r (eVt ' C ' o7ll3: d sttflrng r . 4 ltt vole by n.OIIERT AIeRNIGIUF, ...Ye ail Attorney lam Fourth 1:=2123 rimy brobosr snorter price rn Cash will be paid fur 1 the different !peace of Wool, by 1113 _ lsa W HAIM/MI/II (11 - IHEowners sad consignees of goods arriving by the ...Citizens' Pomade Rom how,. will please, tate notice that they will be required to pat freignal at out warehouse, according Me reeeipt, boom the , roduare removed. C A MeANCLTY it CO Pll7flif. OLD yardmen Suitable for Medinnal haps.. • IN One moldy tome, the amnia artistic as freqaMilll required. The subscribers have soma on hand roc sale at Co. Dollar per broils, which they It nevem be $C01110.; Mal hen boughty by by themeelvee an Prince, and 'n at pure as w theught MORRIS IbSWORTII T o y I Wane liderehuMet taut side of the . Diamond.. Fresh Arrriall of Chola.. Tots. MMORRISHAWORTII, lath. M &unch hey. Net' received teem the lespettetv; male, lance Wir su of eseeluet Ulacit eytd Green hasher 'eh they ere ewer Melling (rain the otigmeiW e ad rve pc.; lb. They defy_ auy in the toads beet the Teeny at the price. We reeYeetfally 6011011th. pal, he io eampue. our Teas omit duos pustule/1 .1.. .4.f0 sailll gICTORIA.L.FIELD 800 K OF TUE itbrVOLD TKIN, oc Illoarstioos by Pert and Yenta of the tory, SeetterY,l ll6 lo•ol, .ff adiaum o nh b %%lb, hourpeadonew Uf Bottoooli lamditsg, *lb MI Nolyrootote •ukprou:X: by Loot nbYl Uouou, = ts a: i: t i tlt A 0 MILOS aeie _ a übrient INSURANCE. lII=I C==l IRDAIUND UVRICK THOMAS BARN. C=l DRY GOODS, kc WRITE GOODR FOR RP RIARSIGR• M°RIMY & BURCHFIELD invitn the attention of the ladies to their •strnaive owl:neat ot White Goods for Dr. constantly nf Scotch and P • Oa Huila; Flyond Pavis• Embroidered do; Vinton!. Lavrnm LOW Priced Barred Jecannet for morning drease.; line port Gniahad dm end 41444 4 44 .. 1 ...T 01 , " . 6. Muslin, with colored em brut der: Printed Lawns, Borger, to., at north east corner of Fourth anti bletaket street, je2l MURPHY Se BURCIIFI ELI) have received • har , supply of Dross Lawns, very cheap; n-et stYls brawn at Idle; light dn, in great •attrty, for 101.124 c Also,enahroidered and printed Muslin, andlackonet, of neat and newest style. and lowest prier for quality, and north east corner of Foorth and afarket ate THE GREAT tiIIaII.iLININVAL SALE OF DRY GOODS A.l dm 00. Frle• Ill Ore of A. A. MASON & CO, \ATTLi`t",,,t.l:Loneet sl .2l"l:lg;nit,'tr'ill'l d 'a Wholesale Ro om.. will, on this oeca•ion, be thrown II rheir open for HIT,L. 'rasps, and all of their extensive stock will be offered to retail purchasers. at a e dl•eounl of from tu to .70 per cent. less thsn usual pmees. STOCK o' SILKS Comprise over fsto hundred pieces, and will lie sold at an mimeo.e dis. mint • Their a•portroant of Shawls, .Tialoes,Gren ndinev Foulard Silka Lawn.. JAcon..., and Dregs Goods gonerallv, Will Ins olored ant InoneJantel F, at &boat one I,vll We aso•I rates. II ease. Past Colored Lawns will be odered at 10c V do IlvrrNel, do Alo•Lon de talon, 10e • . • Superior halal.). and me•leaq Calk..., 10 k II e. NM dozen Linen Ilsndterciouf., aA 7e. A lunge lot of Wee ught Collars, some as low Al se. Together with a complete varietg of Domaulie and Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Cloves, Bonnets, de., he. Slating In all one of the most el tees,. assortmenls in the country, we ieh will be marked down to touch gourza phony than at any of their previous Ahnual gglgu. 11:7The Store wilt he. eloaed aeon Thursday mid Mild , Blur 3Utti and 310 , for thu'ilgrposo of arva•g leg and martinis down stoat. Go v.ipavo 11 Phl egm rnydl A A MASON &CO M==! MINI/ We * iiitilitllFlßLD have received a sap piy uf z 1 and 1-4 French lain,. tqr Hen's eat. and ',iota, saris, Luie' 44.1 chtidren' t of the moat devisable .b.d.. hey In• arenhon in their large ent or 111,, and Boys' hl R WEAR, of different rtra.. tens!, add all of which wid he .ntd love. )cl7 P•11A KOLB I PARASOLS I URPIIV k BURCHFIELD bra received aeother apply of above article, and are enabled to •itt• app °main? and eater wanted. and at tee lowest owls pn,its, • trovur*. WWhIeCLINTOCK has teoived dn. dey. at his V a Carpet Werehoese, No 75 Fourth st.. Stair Oil moth Corenng ol very handsome patterns and color., to which we inane the attention of parehasers. 013 IV.I7JIIPIII & Ea/ ma now Miming goods t areal:f .cd.sed Lawns from 4 emit* ap, 4-4 bent Chintz hero Fa 'blot* p, boraxes Ire 11;e, Plain Black Denier for 1.:1c , lionuct Ribbon. for - ea: per yard Ladies ere invned to call and veruntrei our mock of dress 4004. before porches.. elsewhere North east corm, of Founii and /darker am ject Allearal Mats. ;7. run m etil ant Sc' gIeCLINTOCK let! P 4 iaarlk t. MIiRI t, d C PI a C t i i !T i t; s 4 c g'Aontt o_f a greatly ...timed proces s ma— do Lune. • ',areal assortment of Leasure! P T7:l? i ./acoht and Swiss Mashes, A 'a...lid mautimer.l of Muck and Pitney 0111 s; Dente..., Lawns and De Laines,remerLstily N0t4,114,0 Foulsr4 Pil It • at 1 rents per yard - , Dexpiml Ca.tcoo•, nom , 4v,ih 4 : 1 1 1 4P,111.4 ,14 lmeo stork of .liovea c ud Wasellea Mt..4,llfile t r Fer lowerds. Bunnell and Parasols, at greatly reduced prices. eemilrltefelt Mid Vest ngs, of the beet nualitg, remarkably low. Together with a large sleet Tiritlnga. Antall sad Shirting Cheek*, sit valdthit , Drown and Illea. - bed • Sbertings and Shirt err; In•li Linens; together wtth, all ether entries /11 mir line north ea s t. orner of Fourth • nd filmtet et 1.; C — H .TA i 1.71 7, - .71071 mingewPisll77l:Firaol!,l S ' ..tht, very cheap, nth. idinn• and figured changeable eilks or almost every style sod oably; ii4per plain till ' bq erect Muck nits: da barges •nd /14.14/11 / tor, do rii,9 hod hand twine styles; new rile French, 1 , 10.10• Mid noateb Laing, drCill vaticry, al very low puees, plain. heated. sod stun itrtp , d de lan. 01 101 knob sad qua nu', last.. pr enadr• .0 moor, gloehria.a. ceiroara Mots, ,st imn• elOl oteer of Faiinii end Market .t.eet.. t e A VA& sePP , .1 Pluck at :41,, 4.1 d 1 and trill.. rust ',used ir a tal it 51004 /1/01/1/ ing. al non,. east <stars oor enlartel ra . ,cb Idl3lll/14Y t AOCCIIFIFLII Ailuava a an; ...Laaati;;.4;.. /AI mid Bence 41 a Lards. It ars,. Issr•Bri es. st reel . Cnfall, of Four th and Ms. am •t•. iss DI &OS 311.1 i LACF:2-14tra wide, malthro and ppnarrow tnnuating Lacer of bec lasi ree'd anJ far sale at Northeast corner or Fourth end Nlar het street. 103 311:111 . 11V 4 RVRCirFI KLD d BeNtual ILlbbosas. A,' CR Pti ISURCIIFIELD have received ad• ditional supply of •hoye 06414, tueludtne various styles nl Altwoe. and linos. Umthets, Wrote and Colored Ginni do, and KAM°. 1.1 1411 cola. ..1 pr.resnia4l7 laL - Ainit - GIL . 01.0111 UV yd. 1.4 Floor 11.1 Cloth, 0.4 rerelve.: fro. Me factory .la d tor at th e rsoodm. Aara • WOW 4/I/ /414 i t 11 oitILLIFS 410414%1Na. LOSOlsa. 1111y1.;111 . 111" A in KClll'tEl.ll nor,* Ma attenflon lor rho, w•„,,, ssadis 11l Moors., piirpdada, , to il g i r eery fet,/4440/11/I[lll, /UM received, seek as Black 8r...a ricer. fim..l, Alper e•s, 11mcs blouse de l.aincti, Must Nag do Printed Bnullsrdc greilt/1/1 Albaurnea, Main Mack an Embtobtered Jo trona., reed do Veils, to. mall? Uhl SIEII pea Ca.finterets.aasoried o.coMni, Wlykort desirable erne.. for summer con., rood, and now opening by A A MASON & CO vinyls f,2 Marker at 114111116'1•1311AW La•--Popetior high colors IMsber Shawls, comprising/ Critnrad, ()range, P.,.4. Green. and CP., colored, just receimtie per express, and 1111, day opening by A iPA l eel eithyl7 i)Y FIE.,..ES Plain ill re. Fink, 01 . 01 . 0 / air Corn C.ored BILOO.OI I . reed per eepnew, a e now opening by may 47 A A MASI/N Black Dr... ailika. • • A. MASON ICO are th is day errant: 10 pet • • , men Iliach tiro Jr Rhine It/ pea:lol4st do; 1 0 pea 1a web do; 4 pee al ,nett do; and 4 ricer. "Jal/ /111/13. LII•••• Ilandk•rent•es.' 'llol_ doe Lad,rN I.raev Cambrie fs, all prices; 1414 do; Gents' do 40 lex doa do do do colvmo h0td4.4 , 4 Rticel•e4 WM day by A A MASON &IX/ TN"' fa 514.1.111. I !AMULET LINEN I.CteFR ES-50 pea changeable I.aattes, et the esteems lows pries yard. maylo A A 141ASO. fa. CO Irish and Drown Lio•Is•. 400 pc. 3-I•nd nor pea N Drown Lition 134 pc. bray , Hart layis, rind Alexander's superior i 411.2 4 Lay.:llF, row opening by 10 A A MieCINI & CO Prisals Arshriall of Der liois4o. Urt: arc now receiving large eeldittions Wont Mock VT of :Siring a4l Sommer Ilry floods, d our a usual low• to oder an excellent assortment al usual low pnee• for rash, or approved eredit Thb attenunn or simmer/1 dealers Is panical4rl, re que.jed to our good•,•• we feel confident of being able la oder unusual inducements to mate a bill with tie. Call and examine at any ra m SIIACKLF.TF & wan's, unky6 lot WoOd 'tree, • C. YEAGER, lariimt a lUe 4,) ,urowriptuaun pu.p, Iu ANIF i rICAN, ENGLISH, AND G ERMAN .WABOY ti 0 081 111.911:1IY, LACES, GLOVIIS, THREADS. CCIAIIIS, BUTTONS, BUS. Pe:MASKS, 6e. Aiso. Maths mad *Noisy Vesting., BLACK :NU,,,,FANCY SILK CRAVATS, rONGLIV, BANDANNA , .n 4 LINEN 111OIFS.. Rnneral.a orUueut tt 04N6, and every al Img ml .e... *pal Washing * ['lleac blare, and Idleaet•lssec intsiell. Di•scrutor —Put the clothes Into Vold weter and ICI Otero soak over insist. In the morning Trying them out end pat ibetn in 0 a tell c of {norm, ureter, to whirl, athl Ow proportion of ono ptal of date to debt roan,. of water —stir it up and boll Me whole moldy rnduiec The elothes prey then be section , out In Well ctotal In clot. cold ward. Too pato. ol tt to sillit met may be most ended, such as vettatbait , •ettl ^ liars 01 stuns. may its slightly tubbed hero • moat Ma ud M the elotttes will he Mend pcoectly clean whit dde W med not to ini•re the find! fabric and to dirt p< eft t ..denims. or the money will be I mended err 'wholesale and retail by IL I'l Oldt,Lbßii eel+ , f? Wood . • 1111POItT•11T TO Tll/4 •IP VILICTICD .11r. Basc'a Celebrated Remedies. I . )n p . o .l .o t , C , oll ,,l S th li e lLS t, o t b * e d r i o s p c . ct i v . c , l rt ,, r o tn d b, ltO u l o e f, p , n ,.. , mode and end •Iso the inveto of th e eel , brate Inc Id II dung lb. La ng.' lt, ,ft c•no gI, of • trifle ittsesters. ed. a dedeid UI thut dhinee physteten, Dueler li lingo, dui le la erstluete nt ti Itibeeinty or itenintylverds, and tor au., neer. .1. hat been et Cured tit the in•rstig•ll.o 01 atittlsec v .I, Ma appbcation of renedie• thereto Tbdos it tbe use of hts loaning tube, in r °unfelt. With laili t sephsloette Syrup and Other of his remedies, he ha s game an daparne led in curlew those drcadtel and 11101 maledles i Tnberculer Cott. , gumption, Centers, Seretnll, ttbeerassant, .Astitme, Fusco-one Ague, Fevers Ofsikbioo4l9liiwilu F‘y• eipelas, and all Mole ornotpros delotostra pcitulles to females. Indeed every forte 01 discoed vanishes under 1110 an of hie remedies, In which budianity dt bole— ' bot•bP - the ern of MWS.MC.lol4ently..lor that.m.bk I compatible en h Physiological Law, but tot the u 1 of Its rerstallca, adapted to and press:tatted tut cub patellar torn of discern. ' . • • Dr. Ross's Tonto AIL/rear. , Pills, wben, Peed are Inverodily diutowledged to be eeperios to all . Mid: MI RI porgeliget or Liver pill, totatnueti as they itmve the bowels_parfeedy tree from condi/ads% se also his Violate Pale rs admitted by the faculty id. pO(eete' peinallac•properties adopted to feenelo discoed, bet being Wished that a bare trial is eudietont tnestabllsli what bas been and in the ortodsol the moot ekeptierd, The afflicted are Molted 10 call upon Ute agent. sad procure iterate. ono of the Doetar l eperridl•le giving detailed •ccount of each remedy and its application. Foe sale by the following &genie,oo well as by most druggists throw/hod the errantry. J rieboonanikar A Co, UI Wood strectaittsbergh;•, 11g Townsend, druggist, 4511 aaaaaa t, do; Les A. ....ham, do neat me V. 0. Allegheny cat); Joe liarkiey, Darlington, Beaver ed., P. Jno Mllott,F.anou Valley, do dm • - T Attilt.. Beaver, dil do: auglltrillll R ISIS' ws priset=seldirmleaos 6 co GOVERNMENTAL. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN. m: eleventh and twelfth sections of the Art of th. T A Genethl Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled Supplement to en Act entitled an Act re emote a Sinking Vend and to proiide for the grulual and cart/ eXtingutthment of the debt of the Commons tali and to authorize alio. the 11 ," approved day is May A. D IPSO, proildith as follows, viz:— SF.. or It That the Governor is heth.thy authorized to n min a loon forma Isom of Three Millions Three Hundred Thousand Dolan., redeemable In thirty year. from the Me of the oubseription thereof, at a rite of there.t not exceeding four per eentam per an um payable in gold and silver, aeon-annually, upon toe firs days of February and August of each Year, nd exempt from every apeciee of tomion. Netter that preposals for said loan will be received, lull I e published In at least one newspaper in the tionneith of Harrisburg, In the cities of Pinshargh. Lancaster, and Philacielptath, and to the eitth. of New York, n 0.,,,,, and G•inneore, for a pe:lod not leth than three months before the opening of said propose/a, and by letter els...Dere, If deemed neeethary. and upon the day .slgued foe that mons', In such rimier, the proposals shall be opened in the ro sent. of the Governor, the Secretary of the Common wealth, and auditor General, and the loan gall be awarded to the highest bidder or bidders. If the amount of the bid. shall exceed the sum of the said loan the same shall be thstrlbuted pro rata amongst the highest bid ders, but If the whole of said lota shall not then be token the Governor may renew notice, to the manner aforesaid, from time to time, till the whole moths of said loon shall be subscribed. No condltional bids shall be considered; and upon aw.rding such loans, or any ;pert thereof, rerdficaths with courthas for , he Interest. shall be issued therefor by the Auditor Gel!. Saco ort 19. If the sold loan shall be subeeribthl , it shall b and it is lams; appropriated for the payment and e. Ingulehment of the fended debt of thn Cm monwSolth, now due, or to became doe, during the Year enie thousand eight hundred and thy, and fee the payment of the own of eighty Are thooeanil one bun died arid four dollars and eighty eight cents, dire to Ames. creditors • In pursuance of the provisions aforesaid, notice is hereby given, that proposal s wilt be received at the ogee of the Secretary of the Commonwealth until 4 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. the teat day of October net, stipulating fora loan to the Commonwealth. for 'he purposes set forth in the said not, of the sum of three millions three hundred thousand dollar.. redeem. able in thirty years from the date of the subscription thereof, at • rate of Interest not etireeding four pee cent per Minato, payable in guld and silver, semi •nntilly, upon the tilt days of eolituary and August of oath year, and exempt trout every specks of tax• anon Cenifirsie. at stock far the said loan, with coupons for the wiriest will Le issued ill the UMW meaner and male tramferalile Lp the owucir, Oa Mc' hoots of the Auditor fir ocral's flepartowah Tar propeaals wilt Le required to implied/ the amount Offered which shall not in any ease be lem than one thousand debars, the Ml^ of interest not exceeding four per cent, and the premum propowd. The co o l entres the right to ance p l the whole or any part of the o offered unless the oroporals thpn. Isle to the contrary. 13/ds for theloan meat be direct and explicit. No conditional proposals will be received. up on the acceptance of the prcivall. toudt Lg. Tl.Clioldit, to such wanner a.; shall be dirdf tril by the Governer. Contactors of rock will be Issued In such amounts G. may be requested by the lenders. Toe prenatal* to be directed, naive seal, to this omen, endorsed, ..Yroposal , far Losn" They will opened or disclosed until the penal for racers e thew nes elapsed; after which no alteration in the arms will be ear/late,., hochreury or the Cotst'th. H. recta fr. UtGee, Ilarristoog, June i1b,11.10. IMMIZGI RESOLUTION CILATIVI TO Me klairtDothatT Oa TOl C,NaTITC 0 1•1011. lyttsol..V ED by lb. 15e.te end home of ILeprewn_le• "" :1( Thal Wet C0...h. at thy wealth Le t0cu.1.4 N . weund rectroaa of the fifth steak, altall red as talleerg Tb. Judg. of the Supreme Cough of the .rural Courte of Common eke., gad of stab other Qt., of Record as an or shall beestabledied by lave, ehail be ebretet by the qualified elector. of the Cotonou ..lll., in the meaner fiollneistF, to wilt The Judges of the dupetroa Cuturl, thioquelitied of wulth at Lew: the Treselcat serseel I,:eurte .i.fConitan fleetiel olitec 11,04 of ljeterd at a. ur 4.11 be atleb . 4 by lard, .4,a all other Judges required fie liheithritt t • law, ft IL. akrteire qr reJpn the lietriete itleett they arc to meal, or sp . et . 4 .4 e. .4 Ito dt•hfeltteittfge•of lbtf 1, 0411.4 1 :40 71 44 1 . 4 v hT tb, g 541•4.4 .kct4ri r.( awe Wu i. ryyuv4n The da4,sy G,T Shp.. Churl shall 1.44 flues orices foi the Ulla ai lama 'ears, if Ile) .1.41 g hew. thertewleci well, (e.Ject 1* the 06..0 hceelealwr 04th for, to the fine etc...) lb. Judges ..f the ...Ira Coutto of Coot.. flea. d elettl othert .111.04 . tee en shell be establehrd ty .•, .4 .11 •utiet Juates reguwed to be teethed *1 he by e r 'al held thew ode. L• the tem of tan yfterndf ow/a Lei Nbve theeteiree ••11. IL. A... 4 degges at.. .01 of C. 0.. fleet r... 0 their. afrohe I.r feta, ji Ibtp Cali* • Wag betties theme.... ail btu. shsi. 1.. tcruaiethhicA Dr the Outeryor, bat for any errato,slle Rah 010. shell eel be ...1..; 0..4 1. ialethibalteat ,th n, e General"' Ibtll 1 1 0 4 1 4 erthert hi! • orarw, ef thard, gears, the ant els... h. ter V.. al the reeeal .Relit at tho henenoworeelth ocat eller thiwdo, •he al roa elaruduest, and the euensitele. of ell the who eoey tfi-e /hell the hr.. 1110457 of Lheember follow., let„o Is,. hr.. of the nee 4.14. 0 4 .11 roinwonee. The per.. who .311 ILm ei electe4 Judges of the Supres• evert .11.11 Na Hare (ler ..f Own for 11. 1 .1 yin, O.: ger at tears, ear lee am. rum w. wr lerfie 'ynee..l oat for b( n. tea-, the aerie of tech 10 bc .11.14 br be by t h e mid fades,i lit itiost Ihr tierto.wereorealett, end the re. rtified by thiett to the tr...., the the cu5a....01 turfll7l, ewordeare there.. Tt• 701ke wawe nmate,. eel Ilest erptre eh.' Chtef oeowe dualtg lteseetler ea. Judge whew ennotwoon • •hall heal esp.< shell et tutu Le the 1' bed Ju,hn, red If two or C.MUlir•Ksti• shall rapir• Ike , ran. day, dm Jukes •1“.1.1.-g Wears .401 Jetta, by 10 eterh he th e Ch.( 'Jail., Any retwories, happettiog by death, reei4getwa, othereoe, of thy saul Merl, 4.11 be ailed by ep yeeetownt th. ht.greoe, routine. tin by Wet We, of peer.....weerdttig the w.l giver. e'er q. TIAS Ju4gte of the Supremo Caere cud rye rev t!,,utt at' •••••*, re.lls of C-4. 1 4 4 rlf 4. 44. al 1l a l O4 daft , . ev,,,a gee ifte tarl.ool so e4l,,itatc mat. le V. 5.4 hy uot he .toa cobtsouthre ea • /fi tut they 41.11 new or to. I. I . I tt ste, of olfect, 1.010.1 guy ether oface end .... it Comneunteealltt, or owl.. the enevenewut of tier (holed Stet., or of nth. Mew of th. Ileum. The Jeep. of the Surma. "owl. dueteg their rota 111 office, 0.01 mede the Chhateonte.lett eod the.nlnite`• other .1 during` ., he routs.- ea .00., su.ii ram', with. thr owriror hooey fur wheat 0.7 •er• r.rrtbnly alert, J n h1,11,1MOZ“, 41 . 5..i;T°fell i At•TIL:pr.orktativer Speal•ir allot Sea.. agaves Cu AAAAA , /tar...burg, lulu., K.I. IPSO. I. Stumm! W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the Setrate of Ponn.ybrants, do beraby rertsfy dast It. rasegoirg eirolut.on, Oin. lit ort 'b. ;nu. file of dm present raw,; entg,..,l ..114.11c,1Y1 lOU rxbitive to to ani.o.lment of l',,r Cwaalar l / 4 1 . abs," -.1 heir; !hr. ,yo, rrsol a tira a Lirli'veb. agreed t. by a ma. (nu, .4 tit. nienteen elected ach Nonni of the last Leguilatute—aller imvirg berm ( duly ens. dryad and ill. cowed, arm Oki. der greed to by • maj tray of the membtn cleated to and wreing in 11,. Senate of reanaylvist.t.i, ai its pee-aeol, as et 1.1;1 owes. by %m art. gran on the final 'wage of the resolution, as 1,,P0..., Thwevotiog in Poor of the p.m.,. of the resoluta. kale, it. Joon Brooks. J. Porter turtwley, ta. Win= A. l rabb, j,ii. g a 4. cuaniggh.m, 'phew.. PI . E.taun, TP-maa 11. )ortn i . ( Eftte r r ' f:re k l r tTetaitsiTes r' le l l i t,_ . .... n air 'k . l . l ;:t ' a ' Yii ' a l o ' T; Judtat• E. Jones Joseph Kcal:ach., y. Lawarnee, alai well Ale: ult., Boujamin bletna, Ilenj•rain blailhity, lle.ry A. Aluh.nlam.g, b Paeltzr, William S. Smder, Davit Sankey, Pelts LI Sarary, Conrad JoP. Job, 11 Walker, aud Velenttn• Ibtat, Bpaaker—E... PS.. lime< yeti , g itgainst dte pa...riot Um ...Iloilo, nc r., (korte Duane, Ms,¢slus ONEI, mid Aleasodtr Knag— Nays 3. (Ellen.. from Unr oPay) SAII'L W. PEARSON, Clirk. In TU. Rec . sa or r l , laKgagnyvglysg, i , k i Ittite. I I, tlitliir,m Jack, tii7.; Gat of the etiso. uf R. wanton. t.f Pcnitolrauil, do henby nerd y lkat the Ciro. r g aultitaut, ;No. 11l ou the Scuata dl., and No iLI I . ‘ .it ' Llo ' usit Lunt nal of the preamit rtmion.) entitled "Beau. ' lon= relaliv. to th. amendment of tb• lanntlinsiou.”—it heti, Ott mir resoluta.. whieh was .fined ioby a inaj.rity l of the member. alerted In owe al thi bat Legishi tout—eAer having doly cm, I .red mad dismtvwd, tau this gay agreed 1, by • rojority dm mernbar. tletted to and • t vats In the Home of II i pa...latter. of A 11113.1. 1 amnia, at sta present ..1/8103 a. will appear by 16.'0910, gir.n cm thy Anal rartag. of the re.cluttun, as ;Mtn la, • m Thaw. troth g to favor of the 100095 o( tan r..olution were, tooh? AU,ar, 4 ultn Aii,o,NV,.lntm Ulm., Rebee.ll.l,lmja, lard J - Bent, Craig /1144 le Jeremiah Black, John S. ik w.n, W.lliain Ilnadle, Dani.l 11. 11 Ilniwer, J. a R. neaten, John Co.,tenvary Church, J.abiu N. Cony.. la7rn, SI Irisalbe Ceivllatul, ' Btojnmin G. Vamil, \S'illiain J. .4. Ito., tames P Downer, Thoants Duncan. William un, wat am 1 7 -art, Jahn C. Evans, William rart l at. Mt Ewing ASCILA{I,I4I. 8 F.. 8 ,.., .V..i 1 01. , .. , .. . ..I. P. Komar, a Icattntio. fiikboary, boulas L. timer, oorph E. OriP,ln. 4.raeph a1u??..7, Jamb 5. 'Warman, (learge 11. 1 11.8.. I..ifeal !Init. tutus I Imtior, Witham J. ik r oho Hedge, Henr7 lloptel, Low. Um ford, Wathin J. oakum, lash... Jar,. John W bitiliuVrt Ch. , E. Kiult•tol. Robert K 1...., Ilavris. P lAstal, blare.. Lae., Joi,,than ll I ael, . nano I..onatd, tuner 4. Lrwes, Wm, 1,10,.4a0s B. Wlilintock, totir it' 111 `Call'ab. , " c ?Jitcordv, 4ielip Mit....1.131. tab, AM... Samuel My,., Joim B, ?Aicharl givlsrs, John klilke, Jamtph - C. Moduy. John 11. Morn:, Willtmn T. Alorlant, Ilbaluel Monty, Edward Nickleson, Jacob N lolly, Chtarl.. O'N.ill, Joh', 0 l'arkee, Juwith it Pora.:i. tn.., ,a. if.,44,.j„),,, R. Rh... L.titte R. 1 . ,. eamuid Rolunann, Job. B. Bother. lord I i let,. W Scofield,T bom. Scofield, Thom.. C kin:mike, William Shaffner, il.eltsrd Simpson, Eli Slifer, William South, W Ilium A. smolt, Dana.' m Houser William II Sot doe, Thomas It Stsel. David Stevra.d. CA.,.. Stockwell' L.I. win C. Trott. Abaft., Wad.. Pol.. C. WAD., Thant.. Wow, Swim, U. W.lle. thrall A William. 1- , mkt Zerbey. ausl tub,. S. 111 , Calmoul Arsalie,,V.... C. T 1.1”. volpe New. I il t . roassagr of It., r•solutton ...... Ma 0.. ., K. Coeur, Dad 1..... r., suil Jr..... 51. Pot ...- Nay.. 4 jllitrael foam do. Journal ) WILLIAtaI JACK, Cl.llt Barn 'I Orilrr. Fi!r.l ?klatch 15 Itatd A Al'. BEN F.DICT, 0 p.Stety of Continuo math, I=l I Jo rt Oil, the 'lure etc! forerun" tt • t - f".' .el to y of the otirtnal reetiotue of ter tie r et'Ae streb., ettitled • Itre.tlatoto relettre to en Itruertalinrol Couttoottoth" at the recce routes co nte thu / et* le trousetty who I h., tune.. ut my L. s. heed. and reared to fretfuett the uel of nu Mee, MP,. et Ilertoletry, thot falettoth day of Joe., Auto Dantlilas Ong tLmuao.l ap I h stilted sed A L. It 11. SELL, Correia." of Commute...lth. jeapilswatelll • r - IIJ.XI , II* VAlllll,lf FLOOR, o tihe e i e. I for the reception of °tarry et t aßh city he following pieces:— I J ec S Floyd, earner of Sixth and Wood sire N cpeeppf woo, ear. Liberty & Alto ketta. A Settee, store, Thirdo, street. L druggist, car Fourth & Smithfia John F Smith. stere, tomer 1141 & Wilt*. I Telegraph (Idler, Foortb *tract. 11 C Kelly, grocer, Fifth et, corner of Blanc% alley. Thee. slim, PL. street, Math Ward. floor waggons will call twme or thrice daily 'or order., and the dour, &e. delivered promptly, either In barrels or sick.—rack flour Is preferable for Madly usts—witlmut charge far Carlago It i. (AM* that no account* can be allowed, and that driven can have nolrTlosspelarbetoplexie.llwoufiwir p or e t payment. be e reagament, as me shall endeavor code them jostle. wt.) ____ WILMARTH & NOSE'S i. r ..portila Soda to Salmon Syrup. so trio saga do;ah. lkoio; • NLao 90 boxes Lestoo errop,otado from pars lentos Wee; Jost reconsod and En We RA W! , riP 010.1EMPI MEDICAL. PROCLAPS £TIO 12" - NOW all men who ate ti `k - and edlicted with the. KVease of the bladder and t Idneys, with =curial, Pei. in beck or li mbo, stifle sure, ohl soma rename ullwrkes that ithey can be tired hi. tear. the the Pe urn! You may talk abor tits beiirg a comma as not as you please, but this does tat make It ea, for ere 11101•10.1 ID the face Or. eoneeticomoluelty. that It It virmes which Oct no, contathed so any other rem dy. The man who is reeked with pain and sof tering from disease. oan fokfifly cent, get relief from .y e :f the ills ennumereted above. Reader I! it volts very Rule to make atrial. Tele , Petroleurn la no Mix tar ner eampond, pot op for the purpose of imposing on the uMummutY; bait Ma remedy elabinated by IF the Ice hantof nature, and bubbles up from *el. wetf our mother eallkinlts original purity', and of fers suffering htuntmlly 4 ready remedy, a certain old heap ewe. Ilk. eared Piles alter other needleim. have Miley , tore der any relief. It hummed Rheumatic= of toes Me leg, and of the wont and most painful abler...ter. It ha. eared Cholera Mottos by one or two doses; II hue red old caste Of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy has been of no avail. Asa the. remedy In borer and ...Ids, It - is bettkr than any medical emu pound or ointment that we know ot: It wilt care chit. lel.. or (rooted feet, in a few applreationsi Ondoubt ed testimony eon be furniehedef the truth centained in the above statement by ealling on Samuel ht. Kier, Canal Beein,:th meet; or either of the agcma Kefeer & MeDowell, .corner of Wood rtreeiand Virg i l Alter R. R Sellers, M Wood street, D. A.'k2- lint D.M. ear., Allegheny city, are the ages. I VpatlTY—lt Is atthrersally conceded thel !meta/ ll' gp More eoannon m ote te coentry tin in any other. while.. the Name n is eau: the tin =other goon t.y is it lost at as young an •se plew thIS is ro ue tO a ...tarn event. hut the low is often caused by ne glect. Ar, soy ale all. do not neeieet your perm.' pocaranee, hirtaear the following, cod yeti peed not lack good bloke. Then articles are scientific pre parations, and have all at a Inch pooolanty. Jot... Ilares.'s Eon Dm. no Vanua non Nmersi Boot, tor removing tem mnburn, pinapice, tolotehve. and O th er erePttOne of the Arm the moat Portent con ...Mr of beauty_ every known. Purchase no PuiPortine to be IYYlliPh Help , antes. rt has my nelte alleeited. Jet., Ifs MN Pirannsh of Canmeg Pommes, for int• parting in the tnom bus complemon a radiant Mlnmness. In nedung thoug a person be more care ful than the use of a powder for, the slum as Nero, or wow told are Cory Interinne hly Clones. POlnter componmted In a. seteutthe manner, and co ntains n, turredient whte bre. possibly Indict an Injury. Jong. llacen`a DtHLATOrf Powol[l,., for temente! sepetguess halt: What in mote unstghtly Ora r .putt the fa. or art. or tidy. This articl n e mil l remote n in a short WSW; IN.LbOat the noel any sharp manes:teen !VIA, VoriZZABIA IsIIZCZO ton Pre will OistoliiiineoUriy an to red, white.Ot gear hair.. lisepti'ully black, brown, or, auburn color. IL Int eo en the hair to a shorter time, and mom edeetually than any other Dye, being at the muse time brdelllble. Jtitia phosomo Cass—lt Is reallY a plea. sure to almire with this cra Thew it The id &oho of the smarting sensation nasally ogperieneed la the use of most Soaps. On ounu&sy, It leave s the skit smooth LIPJ ..11 as an infant's, and not liable to become clothped, demo Harah'skorsTorrni Pries—Neat to Ole ber, we Mak the Teeth werelntended as the grentgit orna ment to the human fare; but when negleeted; nothing Pis dirforliruis, or so rioiCklY wo i ni B°l2 t oo. oole will Impart no the teeth o pearl unique., at uniet time Looping the Sams ohs and hrAlly. Also o n 'LTA, I complete ortialluelitoflFrenelt, Bibtot, had American Naito:Wry and Carey 'articles JULES LIADEic Perlumer and Chemist, lal Chestnut street, PLO. For tale wholeiala and retell, by It A rahnesthek & Cu, and IL Sellers, Pittsburgh, nod Scan Mtn 'nth sue J. hhtenell. Allegheny Pa. 1 —lp I RY CIL ESE/Vial ease reel' by ac .h 4 Whl A hIeCLII &CO SiMe—flieelved and for rale m W b 4 1,./ sup= M A &CO COFFEE.—SO bags prime lost ree'g by HA hi .^r2 118 WMer st ser2 SODA • 14 . 4r14 ret , orlor 1.41e1y MAUR .:11.4.111HAN1 14 . .,1 - I.i•EHEL Nu 3 313.. c. 'rea'd. &rll dni veabl gal. by CULLIERTV,IS & 111p1JSE 114 Lsberty Lt • Urnlu.tteekl lot .v 1 J KIMJ k eA WO; SUAr —SU '..x• V.i.dxur e+ .1, lo ha. CastJ , , for ..lby by sucll J KIWI& Co Lill fill—X.,o lbs just recall...l'lpr aslc I , y lanal i J MOIL., CO i ,01,,11 0 outs Issraale by - - . . i woet , ' ' I 1001 j kCO . _ N. OOAH—AiI itliai - Fl:6B . .N.Ari;sOffe, for tale bI _ JOHN Yitttlilll4 Or. CO.. ...a •sia.4l , ll L itwny st rr ; L' 0 m 1..A14. :1 1, =, br zi. ti t;T O. Molasses, IR at, r b. 1,.. augll JOHN V2s.Siiio , .., CO 16141.3.--s3bst,S pruING..,I ItTsan styli . S, 111 ail IIILS19 . :b.111S V 4) Alct:S sth s just. een far salt by ;;, g="" U CANS , :I,S • 'us," store bs• in ore ss4 In; . bYI , anunt 1 ltrlsne , nr.ft Agit/Lisa. PA Vett L. W. , TY Paw& Iron bpn - to at per rod,IIISI IMeflVed in Ise nal trails by W. P NARttIIAI..I. VFooti st . 13ACON - 417Uhdrarson . rel , a , b . ,, , v , :,jai: L t y co sug77 W. 1.& Fres* sts peitAsti—in gifts In tonna. nom and 14,0210 by 1/ICKF4.Ir. (10 ons In sine, ou.i unll be bold low Io close connr,inunt, b n0,•4l 1 Af llf nicKr.,l & co t age pnme Ones Rio In nUrc. mou":s 1.4 A IA II 1.11.71:I.:11 & I: INF. 11.1.11._4 & goo d ~„d i • ond tot salu by 811RIVF:li & cl./IRNRS nuity7 ILO & I..T.lBne‘inl 20 ttl,ro No in; lust iectivni' loy u RURIVRR 011KR , ES '" - New al loin verynnl. nlllO SUPEA;INE FLotr !, I • onAllidatlbi . y un c 7 a F "".=-7" •:a:l7 31 Wend al OGAR-50 End. N. O. Eagan, a prime staple, in lama aril for sale by l • turf , Ch W llSRFatrn ULM; It-111.1 Int. ext.; Slt W 11.0113h11611 DI :17E111-4 pneked in etorr. O L _ltd? S SO tA, A I AIf —7 cask. Soda A A s E N v il :r L y lS ,tp lt W3l A NIcCIJti, aug97 An (Ahem. st plftli . l , ii , i n ri'Lld'eltliESE cv -A prone asiiels,l ice./ by M d 7.I9LIUPti A CO (11 - 0811EliClIEWnQTisteiediffor aogin WM A ii.loCiarAll& CO az &droll SNUFF-4/niirea's in bladder+, far sire Isy 0 smell/ 11 A FAIINMIJCI( &Co • DIU 51Y.TA1..--1110 ions Afiasir Prioiaes, Plz Thial / for sato by B /WA LEY & CO - • ‘ I Al' SAGO ease tus4 11— .1,17 WM A hIeCLURG A. CO A 11U11414 , —Vrt eh nenttnes to — arbole , abtlibalebra . 1.-7 /K. FcceLvcd abd or .ale by our:: WM A AIeCLIIRO &CO lj OZ , IN SOK r —:so boa No t jam ;co/ forta . lTly /.1 ourai A CULIMIITSfiN s Ci tiUgN F ilth liklel6—{o,ll4l 41 store J = 3 , , td A r i i l 26„ ... .aug`a 1 . 0 Water st , C OF . V4-IIX/ bag* imam Rio j ll3l . cal t l , l;7 .2t.LL ' LARD NIL-Eabrit No I ror tole by .IAIIIESDALZ4I. r ""..R3' "". I ( A k A 1 7. N arritrO Erevat sAtint:- 6 cps,. Wells, Milltr Pro 2ost's supertar,pla rr.'d for sale by ,• M, Al ..,:44C1.1:R13 d. CO 40 . 2.5 P •ft ,i.O&T; MA-- lUB ehesPi fiery don, pP.I rep`.l and for rata by the PI c1e.14 or 4., ulnw asi rep bp we. 01 illy nupposps, su t pori Wm A Mold/lid S. CO (ALIVE 3lars,;ler,k Ntei bravJr If earl r. ccivni and for talc by *WC WM A ni.J.Luit4 ay.) 8 ' • L ill ztli'Lt. WM= tn muse and Or .a. by t "-- atkagg , l U A 4. SILL G I4AS3 II 4 Zr e 7' at — t, rn store .ad GH bY auret STUAKT t SILL_ GllESSE.lonaall pgirue Cream ree'd -- 1m0.% 7YUALIN h SAL, ould, itilte And for DViC V Igtl TIJAR'Ir i SILL T ,~"~'F I it lades Nu 1 . . n sunsnu.l ht ..le by u 62. SrLIARit . 4.A114 t. _ &Kt.— Anonal Na:d vAtt V nu t = fkavcr EacleUi (of rie by ' 1) uu STUART SILL.. I )tl3 , Tuanz•—Lntrneut nznA, (4:4111; 0 174 I gni, I au.On V' • " ,:.:c . nno: inn reed fontak, 61 ' ..- 111tOWN & KIRKPOLUPK .' ars Libeny I\ 4 ACia /.: a EL -10 a brie No 3 larye al., i1,r,,171.1 e I\ atly.. - .e - DItoWN . & KINKPAIYRICIC ' 11.1 , 0 R -LOH Nig'. rizi . - ia , l 7-- 1 - iTo - riale - bi L , Appel DROWN'S giltlirA.XFOOK .. _ _ .. . i g"NOPFKR-11.0 bap /; and for ae by 1..., ikaatal , DROWN & lORKF. PRICK Qwt.:Kr Ovalle - tvi, - ,i; Good Port ;Wan .Fteaelt s -, Ursula,. Hollaall liin, Rag bah Gun. Lae ah Ram, 43 .. - 40 per bailie, Gar ule by i •aeO MOT , RO; & lIA %TOUR ....yOAr-130 Vie Loymolie 131131 Ci11ic31333434 2 3,373- P on 4721 band and for tale by _ L .0 , A WALLINGFORD A CO , 'ARM) VENIguN lIAMs —A • prior 1_1„ mom awl for Ly KWh A.. 101 1 ,24 ai5 . 41 Cantil ll.n,ScVnlth at Bee ,x . eriloat. Tx lounl mg.. : . WF. inette the .xenon. of dente fatniveine Eq... iteete et tit ueeththeat 44'4;am:sag% hewer. 1 of to pan of the fallawte .- 34 tand 7-4 Tettle Li...., Itthhd 77h7khrt: II itetteteh Duper, :Scotch Made!, Card Table Covet. (trash, Cumin meteliat Otall do. Dials, ke. A . . 4 ectipttons, • id McCLINTOCC t,Witatinno,7 l . l eartl .o : sigli : Cupo VOL. XVIII. NO. 43: MISCELLANEOUS. PITTI*URGO CLASS; OUL A. & Es; A. CHAMBERS, 'l . lL.xr. nts.mEar,a, aoxzw & .4x4 • Would • interim the monomer., of the 11110 the ,ouhlie generally. that they will enrolees the tooratfaeture of n'IIIDOW9Less,vwsza,BOTIFLKII t• In CI •arietieL, at the 014 Stand, No 11 Woad at, betereell Pirate Water Jrlinnen Id !LULU.. GLASS VVORICII• i D. ABELIANUFACTUROSFAEPII L, OF GREEN GLAkiWARE, Vials. Doilies, and Fluke, Omer, Scotch Ale, Altnerto Water, l'htent biediene and Wine Bottles of every dem:H.l , llOn; glen, WINDOW GLASS , Ketpll COnIISIIIIy on hind a gnneral aseorunent of o,e (WT. articles. ALSO sTATF, es the other Green Ulu" Fnelnliell are ALL VlVlrrtn, AA Is the omen in summer, :rll/3 Fannin, MAWR n 111 u. 1 : 1 111ATIOn, and anlilLnan tn operation both summer and winter. /niers fetteetrally tolleitell, end will be tiled on the sharleat snot; . . Wuehoi4e, No 112 Second wire; bedlnen Wood and smittiLellllle, Plushy h. 29n11 it .7 .. IVj e LpaleS , o aa , I.l.,Nutf° &lituda7 - of Sept. MIL and Mb etreeta. Rev. Wm D. 'lower 4.i h<.. Walter 11..Leerrio, Rev. Dr. Elhott. J. D. McCord, Rev. On hleOtlL J. D. WHltares, /7 21—if AUL.. P. SCRIVER and CHAS. DAVIES haw of fivereta ted fort yes togetber, ender tha: firm of n th. Barnes. th e treattactlou of the Wbothrate (theerll' Produce, and Commlnioa but. nen, at No):11)* I= Second street, between Wood and Smithfield td.. • Sinatra rgAu h,'gatt Ifso.—ttagl . CO•PA#T.AACELIIIIIP. ll ` HOE; thhi day, akeneteted . enth se Arr. J. IL Clouse, In the Wholeesle Grocery and Produce Ilusir.e.i the 4yle of the firm will be A. Colbertun &Gloom. , 073) A. CULIIERTVON etrisursoryl It. a. cum. • A. CULBERTSON &CLOVSE. WHOLLSALE GROCERS and Coannualan Bier chains Deniers Produce, and Piushanth Irattufseture'd SD:v.lo,l9 in 5 Liberty et, Pittsburgh, Pa. _O3 PITTSII,U4OR COPPICE ROLIAIMe • ful i fli n ond m ersighol r ha prexree zin fi g i en , rn o e p e u ted y ni tl i nr . leite r p f g (Hoer and other lilanufactirred Comm of aery qulre4 im Made from tho Copper the CUE Mim u rr Lake Superior.. ' ThIS Meta] hiti "been thoroughly reeled by enktlle tent eklimelia men lathe seance of the Government, and pronouneed superior In density, strength, and any 4 tat, and is mock peel/maks for the _tanonfarture of (sedan. md other purpose. ie theofore conlidentlY recommended as • impe rial •nieln, for all nos; to any fn market And we respectlailly sokeil.tho attention of purchasers and others ty dos new !remelt of home ounnfastures At present tilt Warehouse is Nob Commercial Raw, Ltherty kreeL ; 'serf C. 0. HUTSON &CO 1111.015SICLIIMI ZING. riluil icille.filontagne Company amply their agent* L ~,,, „Hoofing and Flooday to sheets fie: fect,frout 11 t 02.1 • neesloer squats fool Correetted la sheets .la 7, F. a, for, • pekoe public baldinha sad depots. Sap Sli•attany, la s 4C, inches, from 2110 MS ounces. Neils, F. Iles, Fife, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zino, Zise - Pasals 60 . i. , • areal their metal pa., and free from any athnixtate of Iron, or •ny other substance, and ro coalmen it fur the saaaJoature of most articles to the boa foruithiny boa as It does not raid, is ma elec.,' 3 , dtatialan, 01 :water, and may be polished, pawed nd ilhauned , tiampl .. otal,ls, plans, specifications, nail mhos i0u,,,,f, may be had of their ageetr.— WU LI. d. t`TIAOII4, New York; asst SON, Route, to Co., Miaow Net Tames .t Ca, Paliadeible; W. h: 11. Moll ISt, llatissorc h • CIA as, Dot ff. Etta/Pr. Near Otlesnr, E. MILLIZAUX, Reaidsod'Ageat, 2 ltanovet st., New Yost -I.,.entirjer 2.—5ec1,1301 P4UI.OSALIS FOS. TIZIUNIII rtfan t , on ha trivia, & Penn. R. R. 1.,/ nittabarsh,,lS3o. S DRi/P9S'Al.i. msontios stir be received by Who II aodrioOrto'd tamsT a,toy.lpe Ist day Or Oombea• for We driorm If of tte CTOIII, bra requital 'for laying the tract of the Ohio and I t enakylvonla Rail Road treat better to Marslllon, a dortanceuf ICI miles. The number of ore required will be about one notrusuill nine hued" , p e r Stir. Thu tier ere to be of wand white oak UT reek oak. 'object to Mu intipeehlon of ;le otille company. They MOM!. eat with a qua, solo leoittlts of etf,titt ftet...l? or imam/ timber, are to her 'earn Ity eight' Inches equate; if of horned ttorh o, , thrl aye to he dirtied on the top and hollow to • aritt4i of 'etcht Ittehea They m.Ol be clear of barS.itelivued and piled up 01% the nee as ittroated hr rem. rostlieer,herra, en the Gret of January mot an t of Id ay Ile. Ifiatlent are retprested to state what num., of bet tbrY P.P.. to defiant, and on what see:ions alike rut read they propose to deliver Mena nen mity prepare for toes dfchestnut or too eat, it et tacoµ titel may lac I. dtnisteLes s atioare. Yrapossia aro also intrilad for furnitning . muil sills of imbue pine or White oak, tribe four by nrna inches square, Reti hoot elgrAren 10 twenty lone reel tong. o Le dayertd'on the line of road as above. W. ROLIINSON, Jr., ktreardent. el a us hiving & Packing Ea tablta hums. t ' won. EJEDIT. I ls } a : t w af . n " r k tv ' e " e ro,. " o k ar a n n e d d 804.1.11 and d late Jambs P. Campbell, to for tent The estahli•hincitt Wrioested Ross comity. un 'the plat' of ground Civieing the Olno Canal t . rom the' Shun fliver and has Olge thousand fe..t Of ground fronton each. ' Tlic onelintere embraces tax n 0.., at gr...." 1, eens...r.i, large pens, large end ,vrooty .I•ll4AiliCr lee , cutting, pachog, ..moking, and clad render g nooses, brick house tor °face aryl every convenience for harrilltagyVVALVP: IleltiLMED 1101:S DAT,and tendering the lard from the same; as Meet are a amble Poe molar boiler and engine :or wielding be ge and eating lard, and two.tauks (or to:admits alai he steam. There is anon on the rrclaires, an Ice flaunt, large cheuTh le ettutain 'eight thousand bushels, .The.hiewie Natick, of wench Clidticothe is the chief market, one of the large .t Pork and fleet lhatricts billi'r/Wert, and hogs cart ale Day• be Loggia them at losserjriem than at Cincinnati and many other points, and cooperage to ationdent and cheap. There is' no drayage netessacy, as 11; ti s envy for direst at the Pecking H05...814 rho i ties f .Lippi ng[ dlct 11001 Vil.the Lakes lb New York or islirfirieloblo, oe, Balt pore via Pittsburgh, or to the Lost or 0 00th via Near Orleans, are atoll mason. of the year telly ennui to those &forded lay Clayton.. Dlonel faellitres men also good, there Wog ten • twelve banks Within forty bee railer. nyylicattoss tar tenting may he made to ALEX- kl./detSUFF*IY, Attorney at Law, Cinesortati; Onto FRANCIS CAMPBELL, angB3:duitovlslebila Cialbeathe, O. N3ciota Oax. , ppl•snraph Company. IN pumnanee of ai msolutatu is Me Oman of Wen & t o r e of sty cleyelano, Warren and Pnwhargh leleemitti CoaManyi requesting the Secretary to matte out &inhuman to lo palnistied Is the nearonapery along the 1.4 Sato of the financial cod other affairs ol iltiamminany 1 rebind the following Cern:— The Isle of Tekgrapanommencea at Unvoiced and terminates at Pittsburgh, paining Simi" Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton Fails,WantiMr It °magnum, ,yod M tlin.Ptate of Ohio. and New Cool, an d liocheyter, Si... State 'of Pennaylearna, at which points MGM are names located fur the nstelpt and irantmistioniennisitiesa The witoltrlceeth of the line I. Ida miles—Cepital Cozel,letoistierattlk, untold eztal capital lima of eta.,Tht, or wane au.oent 310, z TXI beld.hy citizens eking the line, 'one the baienee is held try Wenc h , 414V1, the Comedian. The above assent of stab. settOttons ht .eatzen, hare been paid to Cornell t Speed. dor Whlch the Trustee. time their receipt. lell,dtr I • . DALM.Hearitten. :wALy , I • AF ETV VU:44lythe,b;rrel or hi.;. ; PONDER—NW keg Blasting, eFtra outortb Lathres & :43ith's tuanntactture, tern l," by • • 1.1 C BIDWELL" AV.* iY 3O Water arm,- NEW GOODM AA. MAFON & CO, No. G 4 Market area, hake .; topplted the defieiency 11l their atock t eatteed by bee, and it is new ,cnaiii eta Catia4ele by the neeipt O of NE MINI/lOW' AND Flfi PACEAtifill of drain:6le grad., purchased ham manufacturers, and barge ancLon Attlee, eta great reduction from pewee ef Ltat Mpning. which well be intern' to their ton.. p‘trolle scrordingly. It would be ageless to ate empt to wen:aerate their well assatted mock, mul e thod . i rt invite the catty ancanab of their (Mends c publle. with the &mast., a • 104Ielleli be °. ./...1,11•enplo .010 WOOL IL /GIC UUUDI underripaed - han on !tend. and fa ads day re, 1. at/v..1,0mm the atom fact antra. on watt` ament, • lathe. lot of rtattrla, all eolutty plain nod barredi Alto, Bed Ittankr4t, [float ed Coating, Beaver Ctothat uuseateree, hannetta and Tarceds4 wale h he will cell 'oy ttto rust' or peer, at laanefe7totata' pries.. The 11.3111411 of dealer, in Woollen goody la inaned. . II LEE, attain t LoherT . n'ILW UOOKB . Antillangraphy or, (loot; with rends j, i.scenct• at mends nevi con.emporsries In 2 not.. earl, lan . Liver l).2 Vamp/Lies—No VIII, subpset,. IlLttoty.o( Duthie the Caca.h Dv Jacob Abbott, watt nit IsAting Roma., By Mrs Martin Bell. l'ictvri I Yield Bout af the Itevahnien —Poo 5. The aliisvp winks ynceived nibs day, and for sale by R O fiTOCYTOSi i sera - Car. 1,1 Taird n. 2 1 •310.41Yeaskoomblp mad copy id theobur(h and Alle gheny, the author but appointed the eableriber agent far their kale In this city. Teactretzand othereoril be ”pptled at pablieber's Prim. as Anted io circular. J II iIELLOII, OlagliS • Wood •L IW& Ittat . DKR PAClilthet—Soteribs 'lusort7J thickoessen, nolo 1.: to 1 toed :bleb. The above pOlki.g to m o wed so tryst bend. grecs Pohtenhell al not I , an! le superior to every dant; oboe, nano renstnuee bay ao moat elostielty winch slantl• so Ugh to ilegroe of beat, and may be used about all p sooo wbe t e roehnss is necessary, riet—soanbola plates, p 1•14111 rods. .team joil,lll, eletm Cheat; Cy loa der bcads..t.e. t • of sale wholesale and retail by J & H PHILLIPS atotea 7 &V Wood st T.l4= 'RICA MARKET, East aide of the Diamond. 7' th • ortahltshetenl the' palate may al eays do ,-% penal upon being sarplieil ritA civilian' Teas al u ronaluapekar.--t l ler bate i:sarnent Teas at ...a.... upaner quaildet TMO Ue).l enl I en nets nacaty, lab eheaprst •nti best store in Vitaniuria al. MDR kltr lIAM'OIIIII • • rreprielors. 114 r U. Ramat] y Piens • A MESH!onIPIY Of &do Poland Mins extra Pawl). I,Floarda 'try, aotee •nlc le, just ree'd for man by ' 'A:CULBERTSON & CLOUSE anaoa : 9O Wrcft~ at JJUNIATOP 1341X1h1S-120 tons on hataf, for Ns by mg* . • 1116 R JONErii ID :Alper lb, U 75
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers