THE NITSBURGEGAZETTE ivklITE at 0 0 ", PITTsIIVaa IY 2RIOAY MORNING, AUCOST Set, 1850 y 'eartette4 to tang sear lathe day ar p -amicable. Ad.....e...011 Mat tr.sertee tor• ape, ant ti ystsicst PtPer at tat eyelid agenors m Pre. ROT k....Pailmielpkift, and Bost., and is •dttionsed to receive subscription. and adverti.steent. for 55 reti3Ortrit. Ppm. Atitaxteaat—Adoeilise: ruinla end sebseriptions to the Narth American and United from riasette,Phtladelphie, re ceived,and (or warded from this nal., cppettAriletsuuttlorpsaireptt Lair —Sufmeriptions. thytill, saleable paper, will be reteivid ant forward ad ..(0113 Ohio oily, FtslXlSsess mattiticsts—chsctipti r itthim menu foe Ws paper received and forwarded free o alexia from this °Mee. trr Clammurn Mona —Advertl,meni. and subscription, for lb,. paper, alll be met ved end argrareed from this otteo. DAMOOILATIO WRIO STATIO TICK= Tut usn.s. commnonn. .10tillUA. DLIN(i•AN, ~, Bucks Cortn.ty. rt. Asnrrnr a vmer.• t . .. VENN W. Sr 4 *I i) ER, avr'^' '—'' ' TIM Fr TT! , , a • ',PAL i(i9..,. iir • oF.RPN. lin o,,,mntlon C.UntY. ♦}llmaooule and W big 211 era Walton" for Alla gheny County. 'cm 111 . -{lll 11=1”. CONORMS. Tio n 6 Di. HOWIE, 7011 rßcoruens 0,, =OUT rItTI CoNOIIX-,4 lIARMAR DUNICW, I=l TOIL Wt.", JAMES•CAILUTHL:KS, olt 11111.-^sll 101 /.11 ..... MORGAI tiORERT,3O?I, PARbureL T. J. LIKKOANI. Lower s R. C. WALKERKR E , rl Y ast. o ... OIN NECLU, iitablum. JAMES EIFFEL pr.osternxo amain, EILANCIs C. ELJ.NEGIN, PAuburrh. wasnscoAsA,. EBENEZER BOYLES, North Faye.. ASDITOL, WI,L FLTMN• Lower SL:Chth. 4 , 0R1 ISCIV67OI. cOtTRTNEY. Ohio. =BO NEST PAGE Fug LOCAL MASTERS TELEOR &Am if • • • Pittsburgh 111.321 d Washington nail- The Mashie re Reporter does not seem to be well pleaded at whit the editor calls one "grata' tons advice j' in retbence to the Pittsburgh and Wetthlngton Railrciad, but offers co ragnmen, against it, except to remind us that sometime ago we were to favor of • Plank Road, while he was In favor of a Railroad. Trio hoe no real bearing on the subject under consideration. We are ling In favor of a Plank' Road, and believe that soot, au improvement would be of vast utility to the people of Washiegton county, probably as much so as a Railroad. It should he recollected, also, When We advocated ouch shi nitrogen:tent, there did not seem to be nay probish - Itty that moms could be procured to build n railroad. But when we grid the people of Washington begin to talker eubserb leg liberally to a railroad conneetten with Greene. berg, and propose that the county shall take two or three hundred thousand dollars of the stock, the' antj act pm, ems a new rupee in regard to mean. Them le r great change also at ruleend of the line A private .3:epee! Is con,ouctlng • coed at Chattl.rt . • Creek, six mites lees, w we seepage can be need as a part of a P ,ttsbnigh •nd Wattl ing= road, nod lb: setae ettwptcy wit! have effi cient arrangement , for cot uert me the mouth of the creek wile Pittalimr. Our W. •hington editor moat adroit that in all these tarts there as more ground to hope that a Railroad can be constrnmed than when we advocated a Plank &odd. As tar as we areconcereed , the position of the _ subject te just this 'the- papers of WashlngtOn eiralsty soy that they ate ehte to undertake the car-, stfitetion of a rose, with ...evil farrago help as Bet ote get, winch a•,3 ce,tt dollars, a part at it through n state where hey have no charter or right el wan, and with no probabi.ity of ever getting either. We e'advishem to make mond to .!atsbettt, pr , t,renee, se will sort them lees tnan one•to:ad of We tratey, wd nem,. In our opition, tletr perp,ees better, and where they will labor under no,ll°Ca In it, 'pea to statute nod right of wet'. Toe Reporter that!. our concern for Waohlngtoo eVety erg:notes from SClfielaSC3A,ltod ferim a fear that the Hempfield road [WOW Pittsburgh • The Warttwgten c loor is ...Len. Veda rot fear the B u t fl'ld p:, j 101, lire . hove not the Calmest idea that It to It cm, be earned oat. There ejnatlpt ovaeles o its pan. gal aft, an. raering tatrutted far a Wee day,. woader, It be heard of no nor . . II W,-tt rglon counts dons net stetted railroad corrections with p,Lt.. WO, she will, in one sober an I triaturei opinitr , Dot .have them at all. We leave onr - 41ews WILL the enterpriCog and worthy people of that turrets for what they are work. We have great faith in their good cense, end therefore most confident!) believe they will sever undertake to construct tic Ilempfield Railroad. In -noticing gold wining in California, yea• terday, an error was made by the composite , which steeds docrection. We wrote that the Vit lonia-mines yielded "fpy rants" fa each hundred pounds of the crushed quarts rack. The compos. itor, in his' superior waidow, made it .110 per cent.," or fifty pounds: of gold to 100 you ot rock , Most readers will dirtraver the error at mot. Ourobj•oct mai to show, by a comps/Won, the vast superiority of the California Mites over the Vlrginfa, which only yield th) centsllir each 100 ‘ poneds of rock, silailo rho California' mines yield $l5 (or the same nuMber of pounds et the • outs. Tax CCM, —The Fair Ward of Pittsburgh' aceordiag . to the retorts of the AtSielant Marshal shame k population of 4210. The number of =- Macs retarded last fall, is 1332. At sto a taxable, this would show a population of 6910. or 2705 more than there really is. The actual MUMS about only about 3 inhabitants to a taxable. It i. plain that any estimate (minded on the number of tsitabka caaott be railed upon. - Birminshak has ipopulation of 3750, about 9i to a taxithist, Elisabeth Borough has a pepolaUou of 1090, about 4 too taxable. The population o* the city and esual Ira) he lea than our entimate. • • ILea,EDNiaID 51111 m, well known in this cny, has been nominated as a eaudidato for Cleatrnor by the Free Soden; of °oils. Na lessecocess.—The editor of (Ga.) Constitutionalist, writing to his own journal from Coma Springs, Alabama, rays he uuderytands from persons at that place, Mizzens of that State, that many of toe planters in their section of the State have notified the merchants they deal with that they will-mOcreafier, purchase articled of merchandise manufactured ar imported from the North. We perceive that the New York market reports mentioned a gene it absence of Southern merchants from the market. - - Wr..rete. Dow klarr.—ln the mountain. of the (lama Stllle,lan week, the mercury in the Mei , morticter wes 27 degree.; below zero. People shivered over wood Meson/I enteral home. with icicles upon their chins wail be lids. That will do (or the dog dap,. • • ATTiOreg sY A Neale ra Cogger • RAE-- Th, Nero Capturvi ara Itung.—A. young tea., , daugmer of Mr. 'tension, reidding al Villag. Creek, Tyler county, Texas, having strolled into the woofs, abort J Wince from her fothei's reel• deuce, was clectipf.Medly seized and immediate ly my .,t,hy a negro, who made great efrotta to vindee her person, Sec is said to be much toured, the ucgro having beat and bruited her cousiders• bly_ by atrikint bee in the face and otherwise abasing her. Us the alarm being gicen, ho was Pursued by a number of gentlemen and overtaken to C,ney sealoment, where he had taken refuge in die wheel berm, bat dotting Mowed Morel, put weed, be endeavored to Make Ms escape, whets t wend Bans were, &fob:aged at him. two loses taking effect la his body, which to - &Fabled him that he was emu apprehended. The father of the Young lade he codeavored to violate wan seuffor, nod after bearing his statement, and deliberating upon the matter, the citizens tionalmonaly gra posed 'tangling the vitiate. which Was Immediately dace.—JapeEastern Tnon, fie. Fecal ST. Deauwo Putter, of lb° enhootter Nayarit), 'glitch arrived at thin port en " T , le 20 days from Jercmio, tyrants us that the Emperor Facucle L was Cuing up on tipe• didee egaistectha %Vied ward Inland., both bp sea god teed. II WIC esid the navel tome would con dal of two lane twain° rigged vcencle avd . pro• getter. Ile letter wu to eomin part et Extopt, int:deed la Bulged. Some duce week's previon to Capt. P.'s ash. In. three white lettabltante otieflitecce, bad teen beheaded, for '.bat the . eatborleea wandered too bee eeprealdee of pbllo oplcdonte—N.Veri V0°31......Wer...., • I™ ' e==s2_===, PROM WitiIIINGTON• CentlePadatiet of the Pietebarghflasaket, The Reuse made each • progress with the civil nod diplomatic billy to day, as to aljoid good hopes t hat i t ma, be-PM4,lPilltitikZ...sPetkitPl might have been aecompliybea today, hind not Its Meads' rather iniciildivetelliifvertisiai rie allow the Post Ronne Bill to be Ostia This bill, how ever, is of no little importance, and was discussed and passed In alMosetwo hours: "It grovidesa stern bout twelve hundred . , new routes, chiefly in the wt and southern 'dunes I believer the extension of the interior mellservice provided. by ibis bill covers even those remote additions to oust stagdifi eaat Ca' pire stMehlte west of the BockYlidodatains, New Mexico, Iltak,balifonite, " an d 'imitile'ssion bectini-ting indeed waken ed duo Me.ldellenese.centeaOttes retg 'from the tabinet.., in is toy bet:tech •I'S'Petted. He will probably retan , to Washington :end remain In the discharge of his duties Until after the adjournment of the present session. I trust he may yet, howne• er, conclude to retail:L*lth, present honorable post &inn; the existence of this administration. But, should the result be contrary to our wishes and hopes, as it would be inexpedient to go oat of Pennsylvania for a successor, why would it not be a goa d plan to take Mr. Hampton, who retires front Congress at the cod of the session. No men is better qualified by habitrof business and appli cation, by industryend a knowledge riche political wants of the country than Mr. Hampton. No - _ . , ore faithful representative of the great principle of protection to domestic ;industry could be found awe the member from your dist, ict, and it is prob able that that is the question upon which the polio• cal di,cussiona of the country will chiefly turn, after ffie settlement of die pending dispute upon slavery. The following it the amendment upon the tubjeet of the tariff, whinh M. Hampton proposed *. Saturday, to the Civil and Dsplomatie Approings tion Bill: "Be it further enacted, That from and after thir ty days from the passage of this act, the duties im posed by the act entitled 'An act reducing the ditty on imports, and for other purposes,' approved 30th deli/0846, shall be levied an goods, warns, and merchandixe imported Into the United States, agree ably to the average vain° s4bieb e,milar atimle" bore in the principal markets; or the United States during the year ending the thirtieth of June, 1816, io be ascertained and fixed under the direction of she Secretary of the Treasury. Its two leading features are, a home valuation, sod prices fired upon astable basis, which in effect change the ad r afore. duties of the act of 1846 to specific duties. The free traders rated this amend ment out of order, by the vote of Ell to 71, muster. lag only four majority. Of course the advocates of home industry will not bear this first repulse in silence and patience. Iron I:traducing and manu facturing is the first and the greatest matenal inter est of every highly civilized and powerful nation of great territorial extent as ours is. The abun dance of iron and skill in making and working it may be almost considered in this A4O of the world, the chief test of civilization and power. It must be adequately protected. It must be brought to the highest state of perfection by the fostering care of the Government, if it require It. There will therefore be other efforts to procure the Beees., modification of the misungtariff in this panicular. I have already referred to the means by which the subject will be brought before the House under moru favorable ampleee than upon the late attempt. The vote on the rejected elution inclines me to believe that there is a map:wily in the Home for the drained change. There rue many estimates of the probable rote .. upou the Tesan boundary bill.passlng from hied to hand among the members. They vary from one another cis widely an night from day. By one the bill will be passed by a meagre majority, by others it will be low by a very large one. The Richardson Committee in about ready to re port to the House the results of its investigation , nto the charges against Mr. Eensufs management of the Department of the interior. The minority of the Commiuee, under the lead of Mr. Vinton, are making up a counter statement. I imagine Richardion's revelations will amount to just noth ing at all. Ile thinks he has made out a caw in the business of the Barron Maim, where some BS,OOO curopoowl interest has been allowed on an am stmt claim, older than the revolution. That is a .malt affair to make such a fuss about. 'I nere. was a battle royal in the Serrate, to day, over a motion to purchase - Z*o o copies of some book on the geography and commerce of the coon tries of the cut. Mr. Benton came down upon the practice wnh terrific fury. He is very decided agutest .y thing of thin kind, unleaan. be for the 1 .tlory and advantage of Colonel Fremont. He was mcce.,_ful, however, and Kented the motion by a arge ;rinicritV—.79lll Ir , ; Irstrn. F,cro Waitungten leporter. lir. MeKennon sod the [Tome Depart W.:I, tweeted feelings of pin and plea. :announce the return of our distinguished fen,. lownsman, consequent upon his resignation of the office of the Interior. We are sorry, sincerely sorry that the country will lose the benefit of his public services, and yet we are glad to welcome him back to the duties of it private mires. Already had we begun to miss nis well known voice in our councils, end his hear ly co.operation in every goal work. In ga.l truth, we know not how our ' ancient and goodly bor. otqh" would get along withbut As there will doubtless kid' moon conjecture and •ievil sormisings" about Mil abrupt termination of Mr. 3.leltennnn's official career, it may aotbe amiss to publish the facto of the cow. immediately upon the dissolution of the late cab inet. public sentiment seemed to point to Mr. Mc-, Kennon no one of the advisers of the new President. This opinion was justified by his long and well' tried devotion to the Whig cane, his unimpeacha ble integrity, and his extended reputation as a wire nod prudent counsellor. The Whig delegation in Congress from Pennsylvania unenitnously concur- id in recommending hint td the consideration of the I President.' Eminent poittiCians, in every quarter, I united in their opinion of his fitness for an adminis. irative officer. The President'. personal sequoia taco wide him prepared him to receive very fa vurably these various considerations, end, accord- , nctv, the arduous and responsible otAce of the thane Department was tendered to him, accom panied by the cordial wishes of the Cabinet that he would aid them by his presence and counsel. kaUnaffectedly averse from public distinction, and' thsfrustful of has ability to 'encounter, the immense !abase of the office, our friend yielded a reluctant consent to enter the Cabinet. Idle immediate friends here who knew bin pecu liar temperament, bad their misgiving.. Mr. Mo- Kennon has the misfortune—shall We all of of I having the keenest semobilities of any man we know. Be identifies himself with any Me of in- tercet entrusted to him, and makes it Jan own case. Ilia concern for n client ,M an important suit has cost him many a night's Sleep. The fears of those who know him best were re- I alined in the short experience he had of the over whelming duties. thear r plexities, and weighty re. opomiblittim of the artmeut or the Interior.— Business had_ neuron noted in the interregnum. I Questions of vast importance, involving the Inter. , este of thousands of persons, and tens of showman I of money would come before him for his decision . The widely extended and constantly enlaiwing In- , disci relations—the vast and Intricate machineries of the Land Office—the 'unwieldy Pension sys tent—the complicated census system—win, their , varied and messing claim, to aucotton would be presented to bis consideratmo. Jaded with his journcv,land somewhat Indic pp~~ sed, be entered upon his office; beta short week's experience served to ponvince him that his rebut. ' emus to take office was Well founded, and ought n aves have yielded to the solicitation of friends. "Prom early dawn to dewy eve" them was Ito re. ' spite from labor. This was cheerfully home, mid to those who had liminess at the Deprtmeat, all seemed well. Alt were gratified with the prompt and conciliatory manner in which business Was deepatched, and the Administration was reckoned fortunate in haring second the services of such a' M,nister. But the. cares of office could not be shaken off, but haunted the pillow of the Incum bent, and whole nights were passed without repose. His health began to be seriously disturbed, and af ter anxious' reflection end consultation with the Hon R Reed, whose well kaowsi medical skill and intimate 'acquaintance with Mr. McKen ran mob him n most suitable counsellor in his nee, there seemed to be bat one omitse la be pur sued. and that was to mean has office. His resig nation sees accepted by the . President, and with the kindest feelings on his part and on the part of the whole Cabinet, bb left the federal city to min gle once more with the people of his own winch loved Washington. Flow cordial will be his greeting we need not ray Mtl=! A disticrninhe4 physician of Chanter Co.. gone the fAlowing benuornl story in • letter to friend: At the cemmcncoment of my practice. 1 was relied to see an Irishman's child who was labor ing under a severe •hart of pneumonia. The poor ludo fellow grew metre and worse for rev. eras day:, until, on one of my vial% I Mend him very low, his breathing extremely MlScoh, and the extrennuesolmost cold. The 'amity saw and telt deeply the danger. When 1 left the house, the father followed me oat of the door, and, as I mounted my horse, be said : .Docter dear, do you think little Jemmy will come out of it,. 1 replied The cam is very doubtful ; but their Ia tome hope." ...Shure, doctor. are I have no hope at all—norm to the world. so 1 haven't. His mother on' me have often' been spekleg about him, iw too hare. arid Oiaire.elYeclthl in ram. hiLi Such ebil4 der reset be: rarod, I doubt ; they never. stay trig " " A b,.lloctor. .. 11 e* 4e*wii " Y. be° lime VIAL' tattle 'gni lei hulled with him-hey treated above among thabkeeed. ° _ . IL AVE Esc r. 1.1 rrer AT i Flin,keiartiratArs—Jadri Porogns s - Ihseharge J tAVSialita. Raisaninnann,i Ang.24. pasioars.—Commorivrealth sm. 8 navel Wile eqe George Brooks, and Bast. Tht tee three de• fendants, negroes. escaped during Cle month of fronssbeir tourers, In Clark county, Vs, het, Battletatarn, or Berryville, Red as the same night the owners of the negroca missed also, three horse, saddles. and brtalr. SV , ltiateTaylor, the owner of two of the slaves; and Gorge H. Engler, a resident of Berryville, as rived here some days aro, and made lulattntillon before Henry : Beale, 'E.g., charging the alave nutted ditendents with larceny end as t airs fu• gltises from justice. Upon this a Inerrant vas is coed, and the men were arrested and lodged in jail: On last Tuesday, an applicatlon was made is the Court, then in session. In bring these men be. forts them on a writ of hellcat brqrau the next meraing,Which was granted; nod the next day the Court decided to postpone the.. until Friday, in order to demote of the jury 'tisk brat. t PS Oht TOE r 'Amu. On , ast Friday, defendants were binght into Correspordeuee of the St. Low. Repstinces. Court, defended by Messrs. Assiut ~n , a Judge .S.oirru Paw OF Too RoCar Mousivainsd McKemiy, two eximeot lawyers at at Hu.— July Sth, ISM 5 . The owners William Taylor, Ctn. H. islet, ups Megan. Entre.: Col. Estill de Cat's. return mob derwent a long examination, and it w,aa uncles line from this point atfords an opportunity to drop s i ve (' proven, (as the Court admitted) that these you • line, anteh, it is hoped, will be of some lu men were Drage. from MO elate of Vtrgiehr, and tenet to, at leant some portion or your readers,— that this homes etolen were, no ;Sadhi, used for the relatives aud friend& of the errograuta no this the purpose of rendering then . ear-4H from bon. route. pretty l There er has nuruli heel co of deaths naiderable among the aicknesa, dare easy and •ffective. • end a . cr The whole day of Friday war recopied 'op this emigrants up to reer tins point, but the number exammettou and the migument by counsel on of pow came has ertde Th e i during tonounce he , both sides. The priaccutlan Wan conducted by pent rite dabs' travel. physic:au. pr Messrs. Trunkel, Lamberten, and Car , cn o, oilers II the diseases which bare proven most fatal to have known ns the moat eminent lawyers i our town; I been the tilerrime tad a criegeitive form of the when, on Saturday mermen, his H nor Judge l mountain teem l . Many persons who have travels Pearson dekverod the fallowing opinipn : rid fast. "Mink that out coo heir ef the cznignilieu 1 These eases were before the Court l en welt ni . has pa....r..d th is point, but I think from a 1 h a t,,,e corpus, the di:lcebats hashe r been coot that I can learn, that something ever one half minted on ...arrant+ tamed by a lattice al the hove tntsed over on to the watem of the Pertie. Peace. It seenrathat oaths were M• 1, charging A large number • f cattle, (killed along the Upper . / them with having stolen certain pr petty. Cu Platte .d Sweetwater, by the pat./louts Alkali theleoatin Warrants were ironed, tin deshnclare a , Water ) lay .attered along the road as We passed, arrested, brought before the mug istra . and with. I swelled to me utmost treat. of their hides, est. oat a h e arh,g , ,010,,,,,,,,i ,rf i..... It might he I bendy the einem of the life devouring water.— implicit, and is •dmilled, that th e ed.., it toy, 1 Gress 11l. y scarce in the vicinily of the road was committed in the State of Virginia, , upon a the water count., and consequently Several objection. ha. been raised to the reg• t team% of both horses. and i nen attached to wagon. clarity of the warrants of commitment, t have muttered me:raider ably for want of gnsjegance, 1. That it is oat stated where the offence was not being able to ternhills aid bluffs to committed. ; my cons , derable dirtartee in search of grass. to 2. That the ownership of the property stolen is this tcapcct, peckers have had greatly the sdvans not sufficiently everted. rage Where they hive Wen proper tO embus. it. The defendants have also given eviiience to Thus tar, 1 have heard of no trouble. to the MM. show the irregularity ol the proceed:us, and op . Crania Item the Indlant. In !stint, Indiana have what eirentiletanCel the charge was founded. — ' come 0 thin sight of my train since we reached The oath wee made, and a note of the facts etas the Platte, tacit Sioux, who were exceeditgly Led on the docket of the lustier, Lin net signed frien6y and civil to ea, acid wished to t, tree With by the deponent. Or for ..g.r, either, •nd whisky, with which tall ,. are of opt ,. that the whole pro „ e di n e tier we were unable to eccommodate them. The is very loose and Irregular. The warrant of com- Pawnees, Crowe, Snakes, r smaller ne h men , ehootg seam who pr o perty wan stolen, tribe., hove from some cause left the roads for pod s where (bee lle., tea, cmmitted. Had that menthol past, there being no fresh signs within 1 proceding been regular, 'w e ahould not base, miry tai es of the read—in fact nen° withtp the I looked beyond It, except when called on to es range Of tunepic-nut hilotht f r who not ellfre• the amount of had, and p.atbly to gee whether 1 quendy go from five to ten miles. from the road,l any gross mutate had been committed by the and by whom large number. of buffalo, elk, antes magistrate. 1 lope, ease ileac, W., hove be t e a,,l e d. The defendant% have called the party making Large timbers of antelope Can be seen on the thy charge, and alto the man whose property was • ~,,,q,.. " o we, but deep depression called the South &hedged to have bean Widen, to show the ctrellni- 1 tease el the Suety Mountains, or as some Writer, I stone. under which it was stolen, cad from the i ni.ire forcible, but leer Classically, teems 0—" The evidence, it access that three horses were taken 143C:1,0,10 of 4 air rt..' The gap or depression is in the State of Virginia, probably by the three I , t ,,„, or, to metes de. sad the ascent from the pratoners, who Were protect to be absconding A.,N000 ode I• att goalie, a s far as we have Come,: Silent—tan of them belong to Mr. Taylor. Then. (the Pae.fic S.irings, three mileo,l that emigrants , it is stated, took w•th them two of their master'. I moire by tin here, tale 0. how far it is to the 1 hoes., with saddles and bridle*, rode them shoot isoutti Paw," sod when informed that it is three i thirty miles, and turned them loose. Miles behind them, they took iceredelona. The The elev. were pursued, and th e torsos roved ewer „ notes f , 40 , the ~,t , , rent swm .l where they had probably been abandoned. In around the re ph end of the Wind River Moan- 1 the ca. of William, called John, Strange. there ta ,„„, en d r 0„,,,, ~.„, ~ , ,,,h , ,,, ~ of the I hounder Is no evidence that the home was atol., althoute p,„ n , ( li e there norente , nr , ( p rerocn 'il a peak , it is alleged that Wil:iars rode off a here,. b ilone. 1 en ,„., the notene , , , no" of the Sweetwater, lilt mg to Mr. Littlejohn. We have no proof of Mr. their leesat:melee nigh ate the regions or perpeb' I Littlejohn'. horse barter been sleben at all Frain ~.,) ) ,„„,, e . To e e n ,. g r e ,.., here inducing us to Mop, I aught that •Fieetir'• he mite have beenlent. We a day ter to 0,1 wort out to the Sweetwater, and must, therefore, *thrums Willman without further followed the ',Clan for ione mila up, to • fork investigation, as there is no petard whatever for to the river, one branch coming apparently round' committing him. Several qt....ns have been 'Me western attic meuntaine, while the °ill -1 raised by the defendant's rennsel. cr, the largest note, seemed to Come from the Fe d That the proceeding could only be she am Jet of me snug clkd oriental., roiliest tucker, , tained under the set of Caingress,—therelore the cold water with great velocity over it seedy, and warrant was illegally issued au an oath made su e0n „,,,„„, stone n,.4. A hu ll nrantri along the 1 Pennitylvmaia • We have no doubt that the war - southern Mich of the river, from the north we, rant was improperly issued, . the oath abrield Mine the susses lP • curae round the souther.) 1 pave mated that the crime was committed in V,- root ,flue Wind River Mounistes, over the rum gillia, and that the defendants had fled from lose nett oh the Pass, when it bursts through the hill, Fee. But we de net antee to the Po , tiott a.m.'. , and continues down the Atlantic s!ope. The val. 1 ed that the oath must be made under the •et ul ' l ee , eoe ,n ~,,,, a ~,,,, ner ,„„ ~,,,,, en d at i„ base 1 C urns. When so made-and properly een,fied. !op th- Pneiti •sitie, seems ti the eye, when stand :r ashen the indictment is found in snottier Sane, ' ~,g t,“ the eI, tower men ld t the chbil anne l were cut l m the and properly tothentieeted, we rOnteter it C tn. nye,.... And romsecr itrutlS, Wehe decor, and We have no Heel to irentre bcycod If ,intOliab, me Swoetaosief would poor its upper Rat when fugitive. are pursued into Pernsylvsuie, ' waters thin toe Instead of the Atlantic we consider It strictly legal to range an welt before : Orem. Here a Pellet i• pr, sewed far the eye an officer of the law bere—bave a warrant issued 'of Me Fos ...end stns fir! ton filtneralagtat, e y e —the party arrested and cornointied, in order to , ~. a , ~ ~. ti a ~, f o r • r eel depire (al may be await • requiseien of the 0 ferret - , of the Stare i 4 4 4 MAY ri, 'lie e T , o , •Inon.) JiroOOTOOMOOTIOIT, as If from which bed td. It is not re reach a matter of ; h,,,, ~ ,,, by sons , ~,,,t o torn , presenting a ace-, „ m p h se a „1,, „ sa lmi, cf on, Win, to Fri ; ion •if Ire feint: , teenteton for a Very g ra nt depth. 'leer of dangerous &torment , We do not sus - ...cis, •trette teetta. wag mineral. to g•ent variety lob. that F rl. "`" d ' S ' cie ‘" "' rt. ' "` ' be s '"' , 1 1 - 0,.. I em watitiertng turn the °hie, of that letter, whose Laws are Minted, Elton, lion far Taff own ' ~,,,, proo r e aa a he it :met - shoo I The. ~ the last .ers,rf. We are well ewe, that the 1...g , , , : ,. .n0 r.r ~...•,. ~,,,, wh•,-o T oo writ, lit et! probability, heat Congress. Is cad., se in many esses ; end it tee ir ..,, esi ihiid. aid void next news from them rights of Virginia atone Were 4:0414•4,11t41, she contd t h„. 4,- ess , i d '1 , ,,,,„,,,, ~,,i ~,, ,b,:„ ,„, a sire' ant info us to do more th” care r ist to cage. the , m eelol t•tp ma pm-lona Ole, emu:ration, but I. fear Ceingressional . provision. But every h e has a W 1..,d Iwo.. led ens same T oole, i n m iyti en r ; right t.C. protect ita own elegies from the felons of ; hue coil 'al. in wto, nrn Mill behind us, and whoa, other Stoles ; and if quiche°. to permit our magi-- ..inck Are I,,,catly rrrlty a% ell lemmen down lor wan irate, to exercise 011(1 jnlnadtetoln On an oath ,4 to 4 tied prop, ail., on on the part of the own e ,a4e or.der 00 , 0 ,,,, I n o., the Wit oo charged .oi., te ti pi a narrative of :mire •oilerine an with fe;ooy cannel lavviOny il-nr,da:n. ...•, -, - n .: doo .:,al :ilnel 1a,,,,,,--4 , 111te , Th • Supreme Conti of Niesss•hased, th eetfe t it it n e LA• i Li,' n 1,44. 11,1 44,, 44 , L to Mtge 53 , 3, decided Ihel the, attl cl Ai..eioiir 00- d' •J. ..i.' 'hoe-sta., who, a the. do mat .try, thOrraing • Meade. prce erltng. did not 4 hag e . w b "iii i'o• Lit , ;-i , i ''' i I •ih•ie 1, i.hich. :Sem - alien r , } := C ' e t ,:::: 1 1 :',,,,' '.1 . , ~' and Z . ~7;:,..''':,,', ' 1 ',I ',"', ; , C g ' e.J.ll.l " .: ' l , Z;F:4l:l l. ' :41114 .' './ :44 ' 4 4 ' , .14%1 ' 0 4 4 4% n 4: ' 1 . -4f ' 1 . 1 " 4 . 14 ' 71 equally valid ; deprived of such raver, • haste .;:,,,,.. 1 ' ' '-"."'" O.'s , . cond . ... 01 the portion of the most daugosous criminals womd i , escape pociehment. 1 steno nano.. Stubborn Stets pretested daily Toe only quest.. left open is ;is to the guilt or ' ..1 . 'few. fa r eie to 'Teal' Oleittif .abet the meccence cf Smoot Wilson and llvtorge Brooket. .r.V.. , 'd_...1!! .- : df , ~.. out 1.. Many eusigranta by ATI tOefTlfd h. been wade to prove that these ; ~::.;:,,,,Lr,w,..,:::-;•,:....,,,,,p,d, Pref. , eaie and emotion, I L t gotrd eutalttion. end those men were in tie a county at the time the orecee . , . 0,.,,,c1.4 .0 vur tram are among met fortunate .Itreeny mat commated, for the put, rte ea' show se nue.ber. 1 therefore, 0411 be I hope, excused for s grow mi.take in the charge, and rametoubta as a,,,,r, toll .yeah ~,, , , ,, a , eorraae,,, „,,b,a.. ,... to the identity. • n od ildton fay that mere cannot fail to be much We have no doubt wh 3t ever that these men a m° I •ffel,ug anima, a within 01 the rantgratiOrt, for the slaves lelooging to Mr. Taylor, sod fled at the . wait ..f she . lo oenrport ‘he ner„,rarres al . life. time and In rte manner Mated by him. We have ! anti :ur wma of n u:Lemuel of food with those also no doubt that they took the home., .d. 11.. i who nil; be dilated a long time on the rued their We, canc. and bridles; far although there is CO direct proof of e.oh, "1 the weak, starved Condition of rra. the fact, yet the men and the property disappear.. ad from the same plies at the same tne, and the I Mores are found in the &Melton the men world pass to reach this place, where they IL-clear... 4 ; tint the only point of any doubt Is as to the hers. 1 fiats with wh,oh they were taken. When one man elandestine t y carries of the property of another is 1 the night time, the fair presumption Is that he in tended to steal it; trot that presumption tray be repelled by natumatances. The party charged may thaw that he took_the article for a temporary ' purpose—ned with the tatehtion to steel—bat Mere. ly to lase, intending to return it, or leave it where the owner might get it again. The defence mainly depends on their being abase. endeaverteg to ea. cape from their masters. and using their homes for 1 that purpose, sod not animus funanaft. If there Was soy seasonable doubt . to the Intention, It would be our duty to send the cares to a jury of ' the State of Virginia ; hot we have none; nod if the men were on their trial in Court, we should be obliged to imitruct the jury to a •quit them. The rola of law is gelded in punier. , rages. and et cartoon oetiods of our judie al gingery, thet, if pro:. petty is taken, even clandeatinehr, yet ant with the Intention to steal, lint morel* In we, It is not larceny. If probable cause to believe these men guilty was made out, as committing magiatrates, we should retain them for trial ; but we do not think that rosy Crime h.beeth proven against them, and that the taking Was • mere towns.. Aonthcr point hatt been raised i That the Co or; will not permit those men to be arrested, as they have been fraudolently weed, Imprisoned, snit brought into Court , . a criminal charge for which there was oo'fouodation whatever. We are by no means nrepared to any that this charge was plaudit/snag preferred; hat on the contrary, two of the deferldante, Wdob een and Brooks, car. only carat. a trial and pro con viction, from the fact that they were Mayes, en deavoring to escape from the custody of their master, and merely used the horses to aid them in theft &lee. We would not permit Mr. Tay lor or any other man to gelho his property in open Court. which would be • eontempi ; hut he has an undoubted right to take these me wherever be can lay his hand nn them, peace n. ably, and if violence or distuthanee ensues, those persons are criminally responsible Who Caere It. We have power to prevent tag sheac of bpi roceu,hot we hare GO legal allthorlta to prevent the rerapture of these nice, or any other the ownee, when Of wheresoever he may proper to cleratee hie right, except in the hivethtnk of the court. It la therefore ordered that the aald Simnel W,I son, Cloorge Iltooka, and W Nam (alt. John) Borman be dischsrged from nontinernent. ,rand the ellaftnnettrtlent of the eh i v,.ileeeron the woes of the alien and he noverante pm, weeded to the 101 l In order In inn, then, •• et no i t • be keeper :or the Wilton eh 'nil discha•ge th-m. A great Winged, chiefly men posed of Ordordd our.. ne had by thin time sintembl ed In front ctf the 11, , and all the avenues leading to the prisnn vete k led with men, women and Wye, of al: co- fors. As soon eke the duos, of the prison were opened, end while the slaves were still in the vestibule of the prison, Mr. Taylor seized hold of one of his men, when the slaves reclined, and a general melee commenced between slave and master, inn which the slaves were Modly overpowered and hcuff ed, bat not until after woos revere, hut not danger. our amends were inflicted on both sides, in which the slaves fared decidedly the worst. One mode his ...ape, and it, no donbt, safe enough, ern Min. Whale this melee, or scuffle, was gang on, the neared outside encouraged, mul SOITO assistcd,ihe slaves as much to possible; but ware principally prevented from doing much harm to the 111C0 en erhedin the recapture, by the large iron grated door in front of the vestibule, which war closed The Court was made racguainted,. with the fact that It riot baring ectumily commenced, or was a bout to commence; apps this information, they Or• dared all the men entrees.] us the vestibule alba 311 to be &mined on n charge of wroth undbot• tery, with intent to emote a riot, and all parties, sieves and owners, were committed to prison. Immediately after this affair was rome what set tled by the confinement of all the parties, the Court commenced Issuing benctrwerntote, for thearrest at the ringleiders, eiders and abetters 10 the rin t, and ten arrests were actually made in the course of an hour, these, men were placed under heavy hail, and some of them commuted. Oa the reassembling , entre Court in flue after noon, APPliestion miasma& fora writ of habeas tams to bring these owners and assistants in the rseaptar• WO» Um Clem, sad IA their disc/imp, from confinement. This was granted, ted the case ass,usortediately hmnityn o p before t he cram, when,after alengtbyeniainhailoo on the pan otthe 'Commontweslth, the parties were bound overliths stunof Sralith, to appear and answer at thF next Coon of Qtril r Scskovi. 19 the cam:dr:4,24r. Taylor name before the Omit. and made Information against the Lane., as part. cipants and abettors in the riot, on which thealaves were committed. and they are now **jail. There is no doubt that on Tuesday next (lowhich day the Coon goads adjourned.) a writ of habeas corpus will be ',waled, on which the slaves will be hoard, and if liberated on bail, we may expect sm other tumult. The uproar cool excitement during the day were very great, and the Judge of the Coins thought it adrivable , to call upon Gen. Seder for volunteers, Who proitifoly obeyed the order, and had,in a very short tuna kutactent ;mintier of able bodied men under his comnint,d; with muskets and bayonets Axed, to diaper.° the mob, principally composed of en,entind women, from the front of the jail. All is yule how, but I fear the wont n not erne.aa the owners seem to He deterimned to reclaim their `property a(sql berards: newel Inelnanc• of Gardening. If tticro were eay Deal as to the indaence of gardening on the minds nod general habits of the woriing clam., the simple lam that the clergy of ell denominations ore hutment in the ranks of its pale°, red proluelem Should convince us or it. loudening; but a ttaannory glance at the iointitur or a cottage where the garden Is neatly m 14.051011 is enough to show that the concomitants 01 tectitslry—cumfoil and prudence—reign over toe of the rice. in a work, which we barmy recollect the subject 01, there was almost a eerie,on comprised to a suagle senteoce. It is strongly Impressed on Ma memory, and is pertinent to the matter hem Too Milner : • Garden lon In the most rational of all recreations. It lesenee forethought, industry, and economy of time. I: exerts the mind, invigorates the frame, and constantly reminds en of the great God whose bend is imprinted no every lest, and who, in Ids bountiful goodness towards us with the fruits of Ire eerie. To teach the cottager to manage his s-tlen, is to lead him to happiness. To induce the nigher clarets to love 'burets. is to find them M ae e.rit gratification, and provide employment for in.,,inands." There is Oath in every word of this. o Gardening is the meet rational of all Melee tient." It to healthful, r ewarded every hour expended in it as an <mermen, in r by the riled of it on me mop, Toe industry bestowed on • gar• des is al Nnye proli able, and the profit greeters Wm, It is a sorry thing to contemplate the hours thst ere wasted br the laboring classes in theme places where there are no gardens, and ills scarce• It' is he helped. What m a man to do when he loaves hie wink ? It is notto he atiproand that be can n.t down quietly f boars; yet what can he Deriipy hie Mud Well t He may while away some of the time w:tb reading; but reading, note w.•ll. , erathog cheap literature, Ls OZpregiea. He seek, in warty the amusement which be cannot find state, and eomety ern only he found at the pm.lte !muse ; hot there in a doubM evil, becaure, 6,...,3 the wimte melanin hours. there Will Or. en•aty expend a urc 1 or,pernaps, he resorts nide skint° Drootiil, the beptelle table, or other gems hl,ny a uumments, in which ease the loss to his Ito It is for more Seriolls. Men Is a ICCiel rini, nod, unites he has Erection:lna, he gets into minettlet. It is alumni certain that a man without a card, goes to the public bonne, and he cannel do nl without 'proems Meech wind, would It. UnefOt on hi. children's hack, or in the purchase of timmehold entofartn. M•ny an industrious tot•e, Denied to Ili g, hes been totally ru nest by his lelnure ; and it Is miteh to be regretted that there am no lornor of profitably entiiirly log the interval I, •iwren butanes. and lied time. If n man hae his OnrJen, he b elide arearernent sod other. end n..nin with boil, (linden tog Wencher forethought, h-esuee ail We operation: new h poaxes°, are ereminewe desid with re a view to the tonne. to reap. WO pins all our eflitilif With regard to some ulterior, not a present result; and Omelets us a halm of thmaing and r I celculation. A niece of ground in no sooner cleared of its crop than we begin to WOW' what la the best thin to occupy it wlib, and how soon it will be vacant again.— Gardening noel!, the mind; crane fats there can ha no doubt. lest and flower proclaims the wisdom and emit:De ri n of the, Alm ghly. The moo s een c an weleh the progress of vincetssien and the ellects of t h e without being impressed with a proper retina et his Maker . . bounty, must be mar :tali to everythiog. Gardening m ews. ales the frame. There is scarcely an exercise so linalthfol ; the Ramie hay is la motion In the dlr. fcrent opactlons The digging, hoeing, and weed• In keep ell the muscles ta play; and it Is fidmit• Led by ell that the emelt of the newly turned earth is cangenial to health; a feet proved also by the Immunity and hearty Ryon of ono egrlculiural Is. harem. The man who togas Insgardev, yardarm Other a musement, and imilaad of wasting his ash. s t ene o in the very attenal punnet of occupation for his mind rime, companions similarly e itoeted,lie hod. every ehilling' in Ids pocket, maths economy at the household greatly emitted by the crepe in hie garden; independently of which, there Is downright • njoYment, is every sense of the word, teem the time this pound is dug to the period at * reaping the fruit- The clingy have aeon this, sad are, therefore, warm patrons °llan science. Teti base secs, wltb athatsatteactlen, that to stye a man • garden tom &plain' rental:At, occupation for his [druid. /KO, and keep him out of into. chief; and they kayo amyl been Casement in Op promotion al ittrandiniasaeatbsaadelkemeter. el lid to the pcor. II le gratifyiyg to see tbe *laic Ma ism been egigkilOonnibig** * peg, selbigeslY the dotaient of birlicaberel'lrie Wattle enocurszentent of collate pageant& If w iro ...moo mimeos theimprovement the* kar elionnents Ted ustulmide U is Mud lobe regretted that there swot mesas tide toliacreete the number of gerdens—for there are very kw thlugsthst contribute so much la Mediating of idlers aid drunkirdi Into useful members of society ing as the meant they egad of pmfitib'y g M e Melt Leisure tba—Efortietarsral at.ltraz cMse . Twpperatto Pp.t.—Beal. Taylor. Tapper; ivadaertlY Al the by is not half so posttest as- Moo Prorrird b --Philcsophy," were ems. hit. the me (tie L _always shooting at it, .. sad ought hifie enure _timero a. -the following tribute toGenerit r rayinkerhyrh ' , LitcraallolliaLOch•aVa liffordo in the came len ,-ogioo tied 4114 wittamtimal apposetatlon of the wqnhy ofboth eo,untrier,arill do more than any thing else to strengthen the hoods' of broth erhood between John Ban ind Brofner Jon,- than. At le rcttlly gratifying to read the lumen:me and high wrought enlopnew which the Eegl4h press curtain on the character of General Tryler. They aped[ or him, to he were an 4egliatimin, and Nam thei4right and pi to praise him, mid as Topper Kaye, claim him too." PH.ESIDENT TAYLOR. " Ism prepared to die—furl have tried To do my duty !"—Weo itNelson's twin Who padre so lite a hero, when he died, A Carignan hero, with forgive. Yes!—it re one, Colombia's honest pride (Awl mother Eagisseg joy—we claim him too, Woo now is gore thr other spoils to win Then lee of Palo Alts,—higher raced, Trophies of nobler fame and praise more tree, 'rten those a grateful country well deckeed To her Best Son--ber best and bravest 800. Rough for the tett, hat Reedy heart and band To mato It up again with vagary won, In war—seld'peace—the Glory of hit Laud! improv•meins Ia DentisUl• OR. G.O.STEARNS,Iate or Boston, Ls prepared to nufsetnre and ant BLoeir Tenn La whole end parte -rt, Fe doction or Atmospheric Boevou , r a` e "' RID CM where the Ital.e to i go o t ellft6ce and [cadence next door to die MAT or s Fourth Street, Pittsburch. Flown thh—J. Id'r.i.ten• FA!. V .... 100 DU. D. nvaT, Dentist. Corne ofronrth land Deem., r bet.rtell TIMM= DEMI llogstoodbis 51gb - i. by Um Ps• at Wigwam. S. R. Imero74-811: I wish to bur se•Umeoi I. the ;wheal Innuo of the Oil called Partliello. I was foe =MEM Iwo eye, co couch so as to lose sight entirely for about three months, with very bills hopes of ever recovering the debt, slid but a slight prospect .1 having it to- tiered of the soreness; my •vending PhYstetsin War unsiteressful in making • cure, or in giving tulle, .. .. . . and afforded me but hubs enconragement. I heard of the Petroleum about the let of Aptil,lllso, and gave it a trial: the malt is, the sight is restored and my eyes well, except a little tender or weak when I gd out le the teat, ANN IRELAND. Mansfield at, Cincinnati, Nay 14, 1818. S. S. LtsrosSlr I have. been afflicted with Piles tor ren years, and have tried other remedies, without penstanent ral.ef, until I heard of the Petroleum. I have used only ono battle, and Mint I em entirely coed. I recomanom. It to all who are 'Meted with Piles. I have known It ter be good for sore eye. Cincinnati, N4 lO , IBM. E. C. GARRET/30N Doe mile by Keyser a. McDowell, lie Weed wed; . R E Sellera, O7 Wood std D 61 Corry, Antibes) , dry; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Mail.% Allegheny; also by th e proprietor, P. 61. KIER. • Iy4 Canal Rusin. Seventh at, Pimbergh Office of Ohio and Penna. R. R. Co, Third sh Pirrsaulen, Aegust 6,1850. Tux Stockholders of the Ohio and l'enasylettata Rail Road Company are hereby notified te pay the eighth Instalment of 800 dollars per sham, m the aids .r the comp.'', on or hew. the Shh del of Atateu Tea ninth installatell OA ot herons the 00th dal of ' September. The tenth Instalmeel an or before the limb day of October next. p- The TJa instalment wit called for on the libth o July last. L eh:dtf Why LARIbIER, Jr, Tleadirer. 1 Vansetrodet—To Mesita add ge Co , Dram., cotter of Wood and month Wet ti, Flue. burgh, belongs the boned of raying Induced the Muer• ter crane greet remedy to offer hen the ratite. This he has done through them. It hut new been before the public to more than a year. It has been Intro "teed Into ail •fetT.C4l of the Unto , Whoa it hat been tried it ens beer pronounced the brat remade fir worms ever tout:rod. Famines stedd, neve: I'S without a iepply. We add Who fella ;ng trfan htm dreds of strider testimonials:— Howard, Puubca S "J. gild to Co —We had a lot of your Verrnifoge, and eon recommend st us woe of the heat medicine. for worm. me have ever had, Itt.`a Vont. foga never hie toiled to roduco the dotard offeth & Cm lEr For rate by J. KIDD & CO, No GO Wood street. nagtll , WwS FAIL lIIITETATION 0? 11111DWILE. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. I'JD woonsTnrxr, I Are note regaled snub a ktra aid heath oth of TTT TIAT t.ettutta. end Aan twat Itatdwore Am poer t tbnettor tadocotcat. TO theirsnut, Tama vo btote toil promote woe. It lacatna henaett oar %melt. t they are deterstobeff to sell on them on to root ' eagle NrCORD & CO, tato Wholesale& Real Manntartemrs& De e'en In HATS, CAPS & FURS, Cot. Wood & Fifth sae., Pitt abate, h, Where they offers full and complete block of lima, Come, Fare, ac., of every cinaLty and style, by Whole• mule and Retail, and Invite the attention of their cas t/mem and porch generally, asnthing them that' they Will tell au the Port R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, Wood at, be forsook Third la Faccrth, Are now receiving their very large antiaaPeriar Fail Stock of BOOTS, &DORS, AND BIDGANS; Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of tha latest styles. end exprenlyadapwa to the western trade. It has been selected with g reat care,and 10 k to saes and qua Ity is not carp assed by any stoc to be found either castor west. One customer. awl rear. we a r e chws generally aft • invited to tall end egamine, as Vetermlued to sell t o the most reasonable terms. Also, Goodyear's Patent Rubber Shoes of all ; atigitdlf ENCOURAGE 110.17111fi INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Plttabtarghr C.C. iIIiSSEY, fairer.— --a. W. NARKS,Seeig. Orbee—No. 45 Water weal, In the warchease of C. IL GRANT. mt. slily bo".e...,W=Vettnias7"gotVisi racrchendbie ttndaot in store, audio inertia earache, ac. An ample anaranly for We ability end integrity of the Instittwon, Ls afforded ha the character of the DI. moats, who am all citizens of Vitteborgh, well mid favorably known hi,tirecommimity for Weir prudence, intelligence, and integrity. lhascroce—ai. O. noway, Wm. flaseleyXing, lto , Wm. Lee Jr 4 IVelier Bryant, Hugh D. Edward lieszen, Emmy, B. Ilarbaugh, S. AL Wei. CUM= • GIRL aboat 14 I oy Iye ats old, to stay in asln g.... a IA family. Apply at his office. LOHT. ACITCK dream, by steamer Coionsbil, [Adored it Pe nnner. Douse Co, In laver or [Adored 4 Heather, or bearer, forllB3 78, dated 'Sat or Gni inst. The finder will please leave it yelih We oneeengeed, a. payment has been slopped. C BIDWELL to= g __Water sL 111. UOLEISS 1111- BOZO, Baakerr. £rekaige Dreke r r aan DIFALIZII 211 NOTEq,DHAFTS,ACCKPI'ANCE.ff,GOLD , PILVER AND DANK. Nen FA. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptances payabletin any pan of the Union, ardlacusd on the mil favorable arms. EXCIIApiCE on Neer Yrk, Philadelphia and Dal. tiraorcr, also, Cincinnati, L,onierille, Baird Louts and Now (Orleans, constantly for mit. BANK NOTES.—Notes en all solvent banks in the Unsted biases discounted at the lowest raw. All kinds of Forrian and AntericanOold and User Coln bought and sold. aus3o Li 1221 • 10 - HOLMES & PONS have ire roved their Bank rag and Exchange Office in No 67 Market at. loot J..on below old stood. . _29V_ SPANDAU, DUNTON k VMS, No. 77 !Market atraat, Philadeiplata. Aro now receiving then Fall Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC D'RY GOODS: Including a handsome assortment of • . DE NV STYLE DILE . SS GOODS. N. II —Potboiler attention 161 be paid to orders. nua7fed2wkwtocllB' SUGAR HOUSE AIOI;ASsEs- 3 o brie it store for ea abI,,.JAMES A it u roamer.; lr. cu aociu I Or-.-18 tea In Iteite.4l4. tot sale by ' • - aiagal JAMES A HUTCHISON fr:CO --- Fromm buomts—.34t4 crusbed; ati. o eru o;te d IGO MNdo; brie double reed eroded; SO brill 11 powdered; 40-brls C' • do; SO brie 0 elariled; • Or 11(070 add ta sale by ' • .TAME A IIUTCMSON A. CO ans3ll A gts for Belcher's Sigsruls Sugar Belga ry TEMIINE CANDLES-4G ,Ixas fir day "rain 0 and for aata by WICK & &MOAN DLMB asl3o . ,- 'ATOTICE Is betebY giyan; rhos My WM; Co'herbs. VI Heil'', bevies' len my bed end boerdernhost any MS can., all persons ere hereby cautioned esalsen trestles her on mpiesount, as no debts of her von. us e deg anarthir due will he paid bAr it .FALL. FASHION. ,. . A ?VMS amnifai 141rti 'now teenlyedould 1.111 be Istrodteed one ' rday 3lst Inn. by .14aeORD co sigla Cot. inde .Wooden. itlbAtbWiliVaraill• Ekal s• Fx fe.. l .li.oZrOrhtewssivit ADAA APED PARRRIggg LlESEatittgine winks if art, 'Oudot ene hundred doomed dollar*, giro been exlabited in the pal etas of England, Ireland.- Seetimmdt and the Voited Staten, to the adrenal admiration o f over two mullions of prone. (pen from Ole he morning till 10 at might. I Admanume ts. Cluidren 14 eta. aturadler• - - - A display of sire Worts,,will be exhibited at I ' ROSEDALE• GARDEN , ON SATURDAY evening nall,3lSt inn, corensene jos. B oTolook.prsotsely, oemlfrefolt moat new and boantibn picot..., and eonelathog with a splendid monmental !Seca In yahoo of Gen. Taylor and those of his u ofEcorearbe ea at Rents Vista, 011 the pa sod 23d of Fonroary, Mi., • • ' Dolt ..114 lorre.the leret.of Pitt itreek, at 6tand 7,11 o'clock, to conecy passengers to the garden, aoo, a lino of omnibus. Soon the end of the 01/ Allegheay Ufhtget each half boor. for the seem par dolase. Shoulq. 4 the weather prove unfavorable, It will place the .r. pleasant carping thereafter. _Esmoticularn, tee small bills. auKS_ BOTIOIC A LI. persons indebted toZetrarm Etna , by boot acemant or odurnute, are hereby noufied to c UI on his dasignco, A. G. Ilmanagr, at hit office, No 45 St Clair it , on or before the brat day of Octotsur next, and par the same, tithe necessity of an early settle ment of Mr. I:sanel's thaamma will compel the as. siner to leave all ac y count, remaining unpaid at that da g re las the heads of proper °Mehra for collection. A.G. REIN NAST, Assignee of Z. Khmer au r29:,131 lb 141- Clam street OAP-150 bus Louisville and Cit1d21.13.1 Soap • Shand and for ado by noes A WALLINGFORD & CO DRIED VENISON RAMS —A prime article, Mare and for vole by KIER & JONES ougtO Canal Berta, Save nth 11.1NIATA BLOOMS—IV lons on hand, for tole by augdd aIER A JON FS ACKEREI.- (.0 brie No 3. Maataellatetts brand, 1.1( Jorge, in umre and (or tale by VIER teJOND.3 ACON—llaam, Shoulders, arid Sides, a prim B arriela,m ainokeboasa and ta& alla by •ss,o HIER &JONES BOLI VA R FIRE BRICK on hi augia j;00 FROG FARM—gem.) , Payer mr pare! roofs, all putting on the saxe by ang3.! XTOTICF; is hereby given, that my wiled Bridget /I Reynolds, haying left my bed and board without any lust cease. all persons are hereby cautioned against trotting her on ray 'entrant, as no debt. of her eunoacling after this daze win be paid by me. EDWARD REYNOLDS Birmingham, A ug L 2S,l6so.—aug ,9 nlat e SILKS—A large income plain changeable and floored silks thls day opened by aurOu A MASON &CO 1 8--o largo stook of these gotolls clotting t bort/mos A A A1ni302 , 1 It CO 72,, " .0 1 DRINTS--3 ca.ra riuu P just reed.ol Itra price ,o(F} per yud by utc2) A A 1IASON& CO POLL CAIMP BIZETING DLEECH & CO. artll ran one of their parka. t , e the Doer Creek Lock, leaving at 7 o'clock 0 , Teurrrlay =roma, Mk Inst. For farther I aronnanon, apply to LEITH CO., Canal 13asin. angattlar 'or, WM.SUTCH, Monongahela Hoare. ozo. B. A11.N01.0 & BANKERS, DEALERS IN UMW, COIN, DM NOTE No. IA NOUIITI.I OTELENT (Neil dooi to the B.ek of Fluaborgh., NEW BOOKS. T me. Autoblogrophy ot Leek Hunt; with cattle. Iseenece of mend* and cobwroporaries, in vol. Carlyles Lauer Day Pamphlets—No VIII, subject, Jeeusuees. Mao ry of Dories the Groat- Ely .Taeob Abbas, with enJuba gieslng Ho s.. ward,. Romance. Dy Mn Marlin Dietorial Feld Book alba Revolution —No S. The above work, received Due T day, andOCK for male by It C STON Coo. Marker he Third et. =IA BOOKS EtliCW DOMES t AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT 71.1/.. STOUT; apposite tbe Past °Mem DAvii) Copperbeld, No lb. Bloctweed's blegamus for Assest Louden Art Journal To August. Linen • Lased AIM, Noss. International bitteetleny for September. Boston bkdorpeare—No 22. New Loralea treakspeare, Nos I and e. /elm Howard a lomenee. By blwrile . l. ToeWtt i, a tale. Br Venal F. Tupper, Earl, Vint and True Love, • sew novel. fly Geo. bond 13 - 71.,% N-40 hum , aiserted en brutal tot ...Is by ISAIMH DICIrt.V CO au. 47 .Waler Front am. DurA,li—lu amt. Ist Notts m vot DICKEY sale by J. .OE , . ISAIAH. et CO Ar HITING—Iu but in .inne, and will be sold low close non.ignment, by S o to 2' 1, AI NH DICKEY & Cn corn:—zoo Wain prima Omen Rao in more n y g yy lbakinali DICKEY at CO 1 TI E—A :or,. quantal . of ntfotled 7.11, in more and to .a c I,y WA/ell DICKEY fr. Cu %Jli LiJA BLt. ANAL iiSTATk for SALE r No I.—Three valanble three Cory husk Dwelling flonvos, on Occond street. brAirCell Marks: and Ferry turrets, the loin twine each lii feet front by EU deep. No 2—Contains It feet front on Third street. ndi Seising the Third Presbyterian Chaseb, on which is erecter' one 4 corp Linea Ileuse, need n Rontlng ° thee, a bet one t, story Brtek W•reloolge. 3—Two LAM to Paltvton. Pen rrt ennoy. baine t o o, So 3 +lntl 4, reale about too krt nova._n wlech r ree:rd tea blocs 0. 3tur Intone ttoteltinge eta one 'tenor,. tram,op/aline nit ..,•teries lush. No 4.—Une Lot 30 met front on Beek Greet. opposite the above and extending to the bard' the hilt. No G—Two Beach Lots, en. It 31, ket front, and ran !Ong fain the road to bow water mark, on the Big DeUrt, No 3—One value , le Water Lot, 1., feet en Wheel Baer, anti, ten shares water power attached. No 7—One Lot °proem the water lob at feet front, I and extending totht top i•thr. hilt, on which is erected 0002 Burr Brick Btu. and Warchnere, ba by :0 ft., also, ore Fran. Dweltmg, bunco Man. No a—One large Lot in New II tgliton, Beaver ea , holey eiv,at 140 feet on Broad Way, acd about XX, ft deep, eontaining about sere, on which Is erected two large Frame I...elitnes and ene smell Frame 110510 aced on an office. 7 eta property was fotrcetly occupied by Mel% lb Goold, toed is very picasarttlY located, being unmediutrly opposite the Fallstou Budge. ho 9—Ose Water Lot immediate. below niaelell Bridge, being shoat fret in letteth. and TZttllding front Water street to low water Alan ar tawny path. Tee a oar pre pen? will he told on very f.o.b. tern. Arpty at the Book Store ol Stockton. war t of Third end Minket sate.. auctantlw JOWN FLEMING, Arent Vittibeti Wale by SD 04527 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO M - 1 - 71:;311.4 DI 30 brla Sli en; BM meelved fo aIIEIV ER & BARNES IT/ A. 13/ aecond et autr . VINVF good article, NW( Cris and tot trait bU. IOIIItIVER LIARNFS - itur/7• 130 Second et. MACKEREL—CO bbls No 3 large; ist hebtls do; so hf bris No 2 de; lust received by sus27 SIIRIVER te, BARNF'n. ' • Slaughtering a Parking Establishment FOR RENT. 'VIDE well known Pork and Deaf Slaughtering and I Parking Concern, owned and formerly occupied by the late lames P. t,ampbcil, is for rent • The eatabil , bment is located it, Chillicothe, Ross county, 0., on the plat of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Selmer Paver ' and boa Doe thousand feet of ground fronton rub. The enclosure em homes six acres pi ground, Co.mining large pens, large and commodious slaughtering , hanging, Outline, packing. smirking, rind end Tendril* g rouses. bit , k house for titter and every convenience for bundling TWF.I.VIj It VEDIIED lit ICS PS ft DAY. end tendering Bin lard from the setae, on thine arc a Citable Bee :team boiler and engine tor realdine by end ce•it' g MB!, and two tank • for rendering *gel by Bean , There is also, on the eremites, on Ice it,— encugh to contain tight thousand bushels, The .dote ValJey, of which Chillicothe 1, the chit, matket;i• One Mille larger Potk and Deer Districts la the West, and hogs can always he bought them at lower prices than at Cincinnatiand many other pints, and Cooperage Is aLundint an d cheap. There IS no drayage nscenery, as beam cony be loaded at the Packing tionvelrand the facilinea for shipping direct trout this . ma the Lakes to New York or PhllaJelpsia, or Baltunora eta ?Mahwah, or to the hooter South via New °cloaca, ore at all acetone ef the )ear folly equal to those afforded by C.ineunitad- Money facilitiesal4 o good, them being ten or twelve banks within aro forty five miles. Applications tor routing may ee made to A LEX.II.IUIeGUFFEV, Attorney at Law, Cincinnati; Or to FIIANCIB CAMPBELL, ang2lidtnovt —Slit Cnillieethe, O. ^r Prat.Thamyeres Seminary for Young Ladles • WILL •nommtenee um fall session, on Monday the 2$ September, at his moms, bd Liberty M. between Third and Fourth streets. As a hmite • number is recenred,early application wilt be de suable. For term., apply Co Rev. Dr. Riddle, or • btu T. of his rooms as onoye. Pambargb tem.— nnltrtd2t• - U 0 BB LET, TWO new and conve.aient laiek ebi Jar May..., cuylaltilng tine 'too= Oh Root silent, neat me canter at . Fl yiun given on the Sat oflOctuYe.r. apply to IMICEWELL, pEAustico ‘VoOd st, Yoe. 01 Fecond st FUR SALE, A WELL made and handsomely formed lota grey A font year o:d hone; racks well and easy under the saddle, and trots feel ia hasneas—PelPeedi sound and tree Irom all blemishes ALsa: n lamas and well made iror. gout for the same. Also, a small hlencan Mustang, potbelly and :beautifully formed, And gentle as any horse could is satiable tor ladies or Millais, Nuarliv, WILSON CO Woret en PI IRON- , 150 ton* landing for gala by J B DILWORTH fr.. CO • 91 Wood st anal? QUGArt—So bhdc N. O. augur, • prime wood., In CI .tor e acd - for rate by __aur27 14 1LOUlt--400 6Th Yitin Fibur reed by • Sk. N TIAIIBAtiGiI 111001111TER-46rIsvrekedlciinorr owl for talc by • • fi & WHARBAUGH 1 S°l A ASit'""A' S*" A ria r tMi r ,ZWittit It ,p 7 'bx.,ltnitanon Engltlh, 1:4 "" ""'1" • tie tteht by 'Fillala"ECUE:ES,i';-dr.Zigreltuno CO& iWilaitlifitat—Tha totals by , . ..-‘, ,r3i27 WAVALMeCLUFLI#CO' • gattlriOnFrlltiiiinteb bbbibiekihr iu 'bit° FICIMEVAL-100 taus tbsom nib by lass 374 .WKHAUALSY iCO QRDINF ,, --Fr. ph fardinei id whole ad Italthls . lost received and for sale El •' WM A mectMior co NVAIFTXD, ASCVTAI.L. TOW COAT, Hybl draught , pod engine; and other ire uo good order. Antolya WILMARTII &tiOBLE ' City 111111 Ili OP STAIRS uHrtiy & BURCHFIELD la.m the mama -101 ere and buyers generally that t ln emegvente of workmen bring engaged In enttryng ar inthrov ng their Store Room, they hove removed Ur goods the :thrums Srogrof the Iltildlng they ompy.nnul the improvement. :re. .finitiedt ;hero tioliwilie boppv to Fee their customers usual, at for the teotdde of walking up main, will try and manedu them try imlling them Cheap Goods. trf Knirwiee (tom Fourth street. itta23 IJ RPFIT & BURCHFIELD nave juel mined a supply of new style Dark F•llPsinu,f•so:ors, P. yard. InZ6 Nxtza r.muy r/onr FRII supply of the j'aland Mille extrrobally 11. Flour,very choice article. met reed torte by A CUbBENTSON G CUSE sued le6 Liberty el - - SUr..EgINK FLOt A a . t c., — ,3 l l 3Z r o s n o l i l l arkd jor I] U3IN SOAP-40 bx. No I jtot , t feed for , saiT A CULIILRPSON &LIME FIBRICK-10,06in awe avil for wall a by' . Jp314.5 ,, y . A ,,, Z2 1 L. "I F ------- RF.-100 bugs prin . . Rio for sate ty CCi * F nog.6 JikAlf.S DALZF, , ARI) 011,-2j btl3 for s j alat t • DALZE. 4 aulgt:6 Ara TANK EMS' 011,--N , kris far ZI b IS DAL2EI ___ • ACKERE.-7.5 brts No , for 6 •nmcr solc tootle. to AIL coost t ougt2s JABIESDALZEL. P EPPEE SAUEE—O cotes Wells, Mill 7& I !wpm tort I"' for Ct 25t. Littcy sc_ . . . . `U AMOR 001.0NG.TEA-10 Lf enests very 1 . 17 Just reed and for sale by the hf chest or Ib, ash as it earl be benght west of the • Jrog2G WM A tdeCLURG /c CC rhl.lllll A Nice beam low rreetved one or sale by Whl A hIeCITIIGin CO SALARATUS-1 00 boo lo store sod for by 124 woo ITROONIS-60 nos in more And for ute Ly _LP jot4;2li STU ART & SILL G I, S 3--4111 bx.. 7e V; . ra . 35 bra 8 xtrh in storetfle by . .. carpets i Cosposo I ouglh STUARTT A SILL Ttrz are now opining a largo usortmett of Car' CIIIEESE—A small lot pm., Cream reed by ,VII pets at our ..4:orpet i'Vatohouse, Fourth . . West: 1..../ nand STUART a SALL honsistlog in Raft Of the tolloonng valetas.— --- VINEUAL —IA brls old , In store and for sole by —'. F. 1 .77 InaPh 76 . o . " 7 CniP"'i oared En HA sod American Drosses do; STUART a SILL. - hi f,. .. p , rfi , t h,,,,, p ly n , 1S; BAVug76 raids prime Side's' fo i r tgleVr & mu, 1!?,°1 1 4`,°.% 4 3-8 Tape d iry,lttni.borpets; So perfnie Login= Cis - Pets; ' - --- Extra fine do . do. -1.... Fine do, , de; , Common, all WOol do; i 44, 3-4, end $4, Common Von. Carpets. Aire, Ster Beds.. Window thadee, Ditto, Binding 111 Clotha (tom 71 ft to 07 Inches ve ld's. The above goods will be offered to those swishing purchase pride, lower 15.0 nor uttered in ttos at , rket. We invite the attentlon-,or .11, 10 call and 'ne our stook before purch ssi n rdg elseurt ere. W eCLINTUCIC RATTING -50 bole. No I, in Ann .4 for rani by rug% SMART & BILL COTTO N YA.R.N—Aesorted ncßsy r SILL ECKETS-40 don Venom . Bockats for gala by au• 23 swan . dILL )ED CORlPS—Thfrerent sixes, for sale by bne96' rITU bRT & SILL rI3ACCU-60 na. nast , d s's: 30 keg, 6 twist; just rec'd for ode UT DROWN Se KIRKPATRICK i 92 Liberty at MACKEREL.—tabot ill;llNClN;ti"RrltYkitirCar LOUR-100 tab. Rt. F. In store and foreale by: ang.x_:pßijr%%7l& KIRK! ATRICH COFFEE 166 bags Ito errivieg, and for sale by ' p 2 _ BROWN a. KIRKPATRICK DesLrable 11051dC/Ilfifor rp HE subscriber will sell, on aceentioodaung terms, the propertyon which he now resides, between AllEtiCtly and BlSlSChefilef, containing 'five acres of ground. The above properly Is probably better sleeked with erape vines, fruit trees, gooseberry busbes.ramberwes, strawberries, atpatagus, rhubarb, be., than any imbued of the same extent In Western Penneylvalna, the proceeds of which annually yield a large snot. 'them is else on the premises, ore. lenient to the boom, a never falling sonny of the purest water. The pounds are sheltered troll the north by bills, and must always the terminus of the cities in that dlrection, and be always free. tram smoke and snuoyances. The front of this ploperiy la on • handrome street, and capable of being laid nu Into lots, leaving belated one or more of the most dor &treble 'ovations for country residences Mat can b - imagined. NSI bIeRIIN augaiellor • 'lead Qraa tor Good,Tea. ORRIS A HAWORTH base obtained the repo OA ration of selling the Best and Cheapest Teas i• Pittsburgh. It you eorspare their Tea with What To purchase elsewhere you am I or once acknowledge it superiority. 'hey are very careful in the seleetio • et their Teas. Theytry aliorether for cash Imp tb impnrien ea.; and are smirked with very seal profit, these are the reasons they ate enabled to se mien excellent Blink or omen esta at Gee per lb Pupienor qualiiies• • —•—• •• —• 'Se der Tito best Muds imported•--- fit do THE TEA MARKET, I sootH East side Diamond NVEET Grope Wine Good Pon Wino,lPs h h Mandy, Holland Gin ' , English 01 n, tsn''slshAt c ot et :we per 'male, for sale LV vv ta ItIORR!S tr. HAWORTH NOS 130 iind 13. Feconcl fueet, between Wood wol PacbGci i. effir (create • - x d nr . cliemb V. II , S. & Rik Tem lb I lb s's and b - bi Va. mannf'd Tobacco; ga Rio Coffee North librolina Tar; hr , Rawl.; 30 brln Drown Tanner.' Oil; 10 iir,c* Riec• ' :0 Oen : l:mum' Ginger; ro a. %V I, I . ,re, So i.e. SI Cboonia , ..: I Vari,gat, torp; 30 F*3* Pepper; 13 hare Shrtce; larch; 1,5 dor Beaver Outlet.; 30 de. Tutr. ...Bed 15 de. Keeler** assorted otter 130 ream* Wrapping Paper, aesorted. 23 1 1 be. Window 015... as:sorted; 5 earls *elem.: 3 cercon*S F indigo; 1 rase 11,1nOla do, 2 Mots Madder; 2 caves Liquorice; Together with a general aesertment of all artieL in ti .e "merry lite. aug34 BACON -20 talks Sides and Fbaaiders tot /Ale by aualla BROWN & KIRKPLI RICK FEATHERS— 310 lb. jest reed for labs by r urn isliftlVEßt BARNES 'purl FlR=griii-iirailiiTritTei'efoTssle by IS north 911 RIVE R DARNrS I)(frra 4 ll—o kola Just reed for role by norrl SHRIV_ER BARNES O VGAII - Ztriti IFAT'd casks c,iiviu m fi! , l amore "a 'Or "ISZlTP:4oltralaglgari &'&1 WtOor st /Ina •t IDIACUN-3 calk. Suter; 1 1 ) 1424 15 '.t' A k MA Ivdm lllrol l it b C y O DlCE — pricne jvat reed for - .2let by JANES A HUTCHISON & CO T"' PI ICI RpelN-1 , 7 t t . 7 1 1 . 11 , i.A. ; m1 to bell; Rosin; in genre FAMES A IIUTCRIRON Psis pose, Gresgial&At E l iifirinensile by .7 B cApij_lv.l.ll S A"lrgll'-110 do for B i•ANFsr.t.t) - JUST reed—Z 3 It: Pe do licr—ACe. 40n 150 lb. do do ‘'or von by J FIDD ft CO .1.112.1 GO Woals, For •o 'n by ~ .21 WiIFIC7a-TaK—DOO Ina< r sere-Ai --- aort4 J KIDD & CO dillal CAOV'IDII.-7. 0 103 reed - lOUwirel 7 i A T nnel. J KIDD*. CO 1.) LC F. VITII al7).[—DerlErs (oiaalT by [3 *nada . J KIDD &CO 'nali—.oo brla remainina on InTairni v oil 'WOAD DICKEY & CO. Wow and Front alai s m, nu (117 CUM & WIIELT—e bre, Corn; • 4 brio Wheat, in store for see fertetitt.W. MATTHEWS & CO (fVlnbr — troVes Mike, atom wok for sale •ap tnr, taiLTTOEWS & CO 7 111100 , 11CICRII F IRINA flt edema an established and .!moat Indlepens. Ole requisite to every well provided btabilVi frait its remarkably wholesome and cotillion quad. ties so • food tor the healthy at well lt • diet Inc la. rol de, ar.d also teethe austenance of arguing children and Infants. V Inoue modes of cooking and preparing a are given on the wrapper. • Though well known in the east, It-has never been introduced to any ateet in Pittsburgh. The unseat,. ers have, therefore, made arrangements to be eon rant. supplied with it, and now offer It to retail dealers or families on more favorable terms than It has ever been sold at in Pittsburgh. WM A fiTeChIIRC & CO ausT3 '156 Libert at t -- ADDING—TIe tubed then have been anoint. ed agent. for the az of Map' Patent Bleck and White Watidiag, and a Frspated an .apply the hada at extern {lkea A CUL, .RTSON & CLOUSE los Liberty meet tat---";7—"upenor arttele, 111111 UM) h-43 teri rereived aad 10e ease h uneel A rUI AIL,-1.10 kegs ar,ur.el ' AIS:73/7. 1.11-14 ens s ru,sl tHRINC:-.4 rats res;visra: m ek m . t , „,.. H _ 0 RCIIIN63-10 el.k.o^" suer.l t pk:ATIOS.kS.-4...5.5s Is ISI - sll—Oi brls Trs , V; - IPbrls rickets): JUlt reseived mid for eel QACISIZATITS—Io esrk s 15bris bis anon , Buggy,with TIARAAVM I'A.R!;I.I-12 b Boob: r ht's c xtra; Gs( ' do, for saleiby ae" WICK & CANWAES ("lAN Vitt , Ell3llAldfl—ta ree'd for salslatt n 11.74 W I pee CE 4 bIeCANDLI439 TAR-1',;;;V:11: C. for sal bz 1s nog ."3 _ 3VICK tIIce.AND . A strawberry Plants far Pala at:Gratn::‘ . monallilardirna. •• ' 4 1 84'"Ili nd tutu weenie,. all the Illflareatailthales atm realm I. •-• • weir* ad/hewed la th e peepeteter t :West blaheheue teroillletteelve promyt .. altennial. Met.* .1161511.T0E PILLS-IEI6O easipoond Eithat Of Tommoe j sabaltaus tot Catnatelon oalid and fov Ws at WIWI WAcligitekl+l4l YOUNG GNIONES , ,SIONLINNEY , • ALLEGHENY. MIS Itebool. ei der she One 11011 cif Mr it bits.ll. •W. !Unwell - win reemeeeil i'Veloortade marle Street on biorsdan.Sendednber ti:UL &paw:aunt, chamber of optimal - Donate ,Dade barn added, and a earp6 of that ituaructions ..14, now be aoa and etwnmen/r. 1.. literal* Wailers For particulars we clitrutsrsDkll 1131iT be lad at Is book Cort•—or .coaralt Ute PrieelpaLs Ilea; selling ell Federel Strbet. I -New Goodil Now Goods! ' ;LEBER hes lositteeivel avtitr 3on of Rove 3. 'non"meeu of the beet manoftetore, 'elected r airh mon fiat, for tnisanalket, sorb as eL le o Tiombonee,PentiOrPlN ße g ,ef r eornet o ,Tabr, e, in fine eeletilon of, Music Boxes, pialirg Oro hn 't r ier ranee; Flutinen;fietozdeone. fie. N • ,crierG semen: inn! Balton ittingty and gene. or bienpoiltan Solt O, lobe knots. h enlerdbl envie. BIGIbBriIIEGBLDEN BARI% mns, BE "'lna went. L_ PAVER :hog. __. agerment of Welt "P"' "°' P°'l; . d l foil vase by 4 4;Rtims W_n2. ;I' ;M . ”.--77e1 e---'----STICKiI4(7 SA1:111 AND tr STRENGTUENING PLASTER, pnee 11ietv— A"s'e,e4lo +.0. 4 Y 6/r eloonte gleamed* arfeetteek seam,s oud lameness of most putts Or. the body, Reads, burnt, soma, CI most tied* xots, iterelliese , Alto, t h e bruises, coeds, and taloa. mite. SW S ur most eolavethent awl acre, Otekter-talre Sur erettathecing pleuters tad draNetthe fee. For sale by ~ ' Slair/041AV anal , :.. Cat:ILI:It & Wood tts I INSV.EDDIL-15 brie lartreeeTtled and tor sale ta .4 *.tE'L,,----L-------, BRAUN kiIEITFIR_ pATi:NT BLACK-101AI% 11:111. test.l for salp UR earl airicv-iiiiii"ircares nes.. rills Pall Prints Jo" t'neWnd SUACKLETT tr. WHITE 101 Woad st . bri,bt eplors,/...•7r. c .N A awa CWIII2E by 1 1'22 for wet b • ' T MEAD 3CIIOOASAKER & CO Li TRwsre.vmatiutori—i ivst ree'a • J swoon NI ?OMR aCO /1/lINFSL VERAI4.LI.I?N jut rVe,,,gr:t o u 031; MINK-5 keg . s ste B ZL i t J bayop's*AKEF___ t CO Tjavoas' 1-"P.A.--...-,.-:,7N4%.111A )IE4 d. CO ;tICOIIOI.--10Vig tor iSCto by • IC. oroli •• 3 IIOO , 3I4AKFR k; CO. Eats*, rasolly Plow. O('IO,ISTANT spoplies of Nonles sopeilor Floor se'lf Lv k ? ' f ( tUll ie V fITION et ItEPPF.RT IM. Second st ' 311DGS 11171381 . , • LIcCLINTOtit. received at Ida Carpit 1 • WirthOUSO; No 75 FOPIlli Meet, very band it. 1L1.11111.1 eV Rupp to which we invite the it. taloa or tureltuer.- • ODACtO , -40 kegs 6 Orin reed for imle by , cU 161/6_._ILDV JoNE.._& tItOLL. ' ? " VellltY , JONES &Co IlE&F TOBACCO- 5 9 has for mle by / mr. , o • IL&RDY, JONES &CO Ileitneße= e it?la thick. ll" Ter sett pastes to prepered•eb tad 200 degrees Febserthalt settnot affect'll; and ls 'superior to every:thing elee, m o ettestenealm mensal elasticity which etmds so ialt a degree Of Mat, and may be awed Mont le all Pan where yao*lng .111 necessary, via:— manka plea; piston OM, steam joints, area Meats, ay be he' i n ar .whacual d ;MOPS 7 & 9 Wood at naFEE-43 siez. man Green Rio for sale 137' V per - A CULBERTSON b CLOUSE OBER BELTING—Jost received, n Purge atortment of Belting of various ulna, varying I,oui to 15 inches In wAta#, ror sole by & R PUILLIPS Belts sold jai: guaranteed loam tomb.. C 1 .1 0 ,0 suparitit 10 Lauber In 11, fly respect, nod to give tauslaction. Any, Bats that Poore , deficient vial h exam - need or Ono money yriendedi on; • • It tamale • to .be farsaperter leatlter,last tee'd ;gybe move lOtal (earl melt Hydrant; • Za:; Orr lch d Lin do: le k loch lo d o, do It tech do; 400 do; nlnch Engine Hors; For ale lathe India Itabber flepOt of H'PHILLIPS soglle 7 (c. 0 Wood's ' • surrant E.arid blathertuttleal E;e1;ool ve l Re-Opctt ' ee fileaday, the lath kW., at No ;I Webateottcr, at the held of Foreutl it. stoat./ LeIIFIXINF.I..9. —lt large garn - reir - e toirlaid P Flatlets just terelred and for.aale at scanufae acres meal • , H anolit • ' Liberty st ot, nagA, 011:CLOT11- 4 9 4,- vds Ft.= C dbles et pnuetas, inn real for • JPHLIVS. 7 3.9 Wo L od at MIL:AC:MOIL C4OTIL for Corriocee-100 Fordo 4. LA iwideri iist received and far cote tic J _ _ - , to+c• Ntanu , neturett 'Tobacco, Ost hal , d al!! to atztTe s for Bale by .1M A eI3L7IIII7ISON 8 ctovsr. AUPINt-830 boles Nos I. e, and S. on lismd and for satiny A CULTIERTSoN & CLOUSE GARS-Loaf, Crushed, nod Powdered Savo. 0 kept consalaily on bond one for sole by • • • r,,0) ULDESTSON &CLOUSE sj PAN i'AUNISR-11!brlijo;good,ortlele, Sort ris• - ,veivpd hl InnrlO J & II PHILLIPS I , rAs. aliNleir—s• stucv:S/v 1 J b II POILLIPS DOILY.II 4 recessed for sole by nue%) 1 • -3 &fl PIIILLIPS and' IP INlsmanstsip siss4capy IlogsYr. • HIE ahava!booki beilms beessAntraduesil Into -- pablie'indprivak set:cols Iririttabursh arid Alle ,. the, Itupss has appointed the subsea= sista their side 41014341Y,' sachets andothsrs wi'l be supplied at publisher'a • see. as stated. la CiittlidT. J Wa 'l6lLndl.l.oll, 19 ,••• • CASES , llliigray.i , Blowfly . ; Powder, Nefte, " °_'d t "dla t7` M MITCIIF.I.TREE, 19 ; Liberty sin cum!, aul unla air • .uall 1, • • E.I.LLERS b. NICOLS.I — fai sale• Hell bp— • • SELLE.IIB t NICOLEI T onAcco, hx. lc It °bine on's 5%4 10 bss Price & lloldercod"s Vs; II casts 8.-reers'.hr lb !sop; Recciied wad for side • .1,17 „ sELLEAs Niebi•S lk ACKKIIEL .IJACKERI:LI-160.611% more of .111. them l lm go No 3 DiszlreAtetil%,,ztg d: CO, A Le°l l 4 " " '" • ' IKTDD &CO 0517 . CO Wood in _ $1 I.E SOAP-10 coon toed for sal 37 an 17 . . 3 KIDD &CO ErSrIVIRL-660 galls ree'd [or nle b 7 .417 J KIDD & CO riVitsj2E,4o bs assotte• soil? un WORM cror tr- - eb — Sos suonr4 luxe & table, stood, nod bloom covets, beautiful parse s • sapless low, at Nrs✓7lo:n7 o3 d 5. assid I .4.II4IfILLITIC FLOIJEIOII., u1.0p17-4000 yde 4-6 Floor 211 Cloa: i• : two da. CO Vds N • do • 460 ea 6-1 do For 4oe,wholplarlo. 4 stoa t , enit.tirs 7 & 6 Wood et IZOODIRRY PIO IRON-70 rang rat II: UM 411rgket7 Wharf, and for 111110 by • avrlttj , • Ja R PLOVD USriceetred (orts Pbllll;Wilie f aewry. ydi Cronbrditilarcrapatterm, for sale by ...Id k II PHILLIPS WOOrEsr tits Ems. Oyrant, tut feeePted for Ole by Jle PHILLIPS 7111 Wood IS N. il,..jisno,o - rold Is warranted to the pure) ostro gpro miakeiloo coal to loather of the to 16 ' ret; rn ued: . , • -- ole y CU reale for We by / maga ' t. W 116118M76116 EMPR4FIg • Y'#B—Evans & Sarin!, Cincinnati tacos Voted; H MaceTV Indiana do Vtrninta I do • B4otekicarcd, not smoked. for sale by WM A McCLOURCi & CO timid YC6 Libeny st V,ILL lik&4,--Jnotorie,Cut;loCin7,driotirriesed, FM .ala by leiintOl WM A m,alfiltTCU up,firiairra.PlotiZTlVß-A fyipa , n by . 0 - augIS&McCLURG & CO TENISCalifi.l5ll . l.. fent chidon Ve nison Boma oeri3: WM A MeCLURG & iFIERTSON • of bURF. I unto./ ard .or b 7 0f...8150N L CLOUSE c • Tnree'dfor Sala ~9 ICK t fiIeCANULF-SS . I , a aN SCI: kIcCIILESS It. a* Deal Ll'7B inHta the adcirdou VYY Pons to cur imam,- iuu In pan or dre:followlar kitid 7.411,1d0 Lanus, Linen Napkin, ' Iluckbuelc Ins Per.: . Scotch Diaper, Card Table ,ikdscrs,' Crarb," Curiainufasellid of *Ude- Mara, trz.. .Vitalaaai or gate by ICE &bIoCANDLEgS & bIoCANDIXESS iVlllibied , 'iB3IALL GibbedlicTein, in prime olden Int vain bl .1013 N fiIeFAI.VN b. molt, • . Canal &ALPc. eirlanta Sidrrodil do do. , do An in O, iptc zt mccANDLom WHI.4ICERS 'AND 131.11 - 11 ItAILI-Thu u , •common Seat of name. for which we are aa.m. 1 . ,,, P•i0w to ace ount.• And woman say Unit the ton- . "" troth Plndltring agree ablci effect bee lit,. may be obviated: by the us* of JULES DAUEL'S relebrated. VEGETABLE LIQUID HAIR DVS, Adak till inmate netusly produce the meet and normal fleeting bleak, brown, or 'ollraticat roimi without iniarter the hair., burnina the shin. Thew . cors are indellible, and are- not afferted by the ac itnt brat, Imrspiradon or water . There are many .kirde of flair Dye en sale, bat they all have some maters I obieetton to their air, some require a tong Una produce ihe,effect, etticia Minden the hair and Atha. On note; 'when psi on; glee Or heir the lustre of a newlybiarked mover. .1I T.VS lIAUEL'S [IDLE LIQUOD HAIR DYE is the only one which iv/entirely free from the Waive &lacunas, is warranted •nfirely harmless t and wall produce a Inaattfal and ~ i ttnral !oolong ardterter time than any other lye In Os. '4lB esadoas In tonvnba.iorn to rate ton, Titled has not my name attache, al them are many 44InIkans of shy nelentslnd arneln m4-ip JVIAS Cligulat MEE ,~. :.,. ,:~., ~ _. d 6es t common flit • le, ferule by & W lIALIDAVGH o and for as ahy 8 A. W HARD AUGII Trimmings. of %hove Washing "'UM lento( Trll9/11itlith campus: Med.INTOCIC. Warehn.6.73 wth r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers