BY ItACTiquii,' !E! II,RAPH aiiirdptrevrttli a Tilt; PITTSBURWI DAILY GAZETTE ca,Raneei:ioxwc Wgsritbotos, August 29, 1520. Ecsat•c—The Wert Point Appeopristion hill Wis istreid vp and emended by the addition of provlefon re:eire the faimleti of the professors.— The bill we, ornered to • ihlrd restful. The Boring LA et! ILIi te. [shoe up. Ur. Maws genvee arorneedment, praviAir.g far the issue of mithary !mar whthh obeli be re ceived In payer nt for pub . . !sods, oo roairer by whom preieviod, i o•reed of !cattier, io the war!'" the epee of loud LiArtif, or reoetviog Treasury Seno for 5100,.e proposed by the oom• mittee os pub.,. lad.. 0. The dehatc orsa continued ora quewon 06111 ouvic , ouLt .a xaltuout among to 'me the further CotAidaralio nue., u of tau eutject la as post poned until ta morrow. Tao Bonet oben went trio r xarotira reation, Which colimuld the remaiVer of tho day. House—Tho morning e,!inn was occupied in disc...4or the refoNation oriered ye,terdov, iv bring Dlr. Ritchie tn :he bar c 1 tbt. fio.*ef, tempt, In to sire the • author of the "Bun dlecund" letterb. Mr. Fmcli crertnonily de. fended Mr RAM., against. the 1au..43-liattle by Eve., of Mary- In the afeemneu, the llocee - re.sunlea the e.ruid rmion atilt Tele, Boundary. Bei, when a number of amendments .irere 'prereed and debated unid ■ lase The debate Iraq with mue b ~,,,,f„. 'ion; and tbe'Hoc.i rival ly i,djourned, Coming 10 pay eeueimieu ou the subject SENATE CONFIRM ATION, Amenc the Secato confirmat on tics week, are the toNowiec— Henry F. turncy. tote ha italic Trenitirer et Samuel Mason, Lhstrict Attu I=ll of Oho. 3.1. Seretzer, Deeriet Au rosy for Wester:l Peno.ylvauto MciiENNAN'i 1t:11;1-CINATION Wn9 ;NG,T7I, Au ! t. 29. --•• • . • . Mr. re;;Kost..l, wan a tliat•lly an nottoced In day. liin let., hi ~,grntte,ln. fi•ad It W.hingii , n. Ps Preg.:..!ere Fel Jaw. in 114.1, ya!,in ye er!y Ler rm• lewymaellear.t kansmin htta tiaraismcie eft Eine. - -- PIII/ATSELPLIIA. 11.4.1iKET. . Pnalt .+ll, 11.11., Attu. 71. Font—Sopalip. ate tnctona .la. with tales a' frtsh rrcuad al 55 31!-. rnd it onod brattala, and extra. 'or any ate.., .1...5 Wll,O ' 75 is I.hl Rye F%xtr--t.itee• eta ...Heated at S': 97 .641. Coln Mr4l it I,...tzur Loose enquired fur; hi fir It prihre. Grain—Toro rtnr;ct i writ cut:plied mitt. wheel, hOt It' • ettn,l r. turned. bales t.OOO bosh ted et !005 1,10• cet mom,. antl Nottot g te.diitr.; in Itpc. Coin in tocody at 65 La gaud vct,o v. On, are in braes demand with bet, at 31615. and at 'Prntt'a et 33!a10- to bb.c. Wonky—farm In a 6"i . 4, nattl, with ask, io hildc at 261 , , and to tp;tls at gallon. I.TIM:.):1E MARKEL. PALV.II 11.; Anetzet Grain—Jae market is cuteunt enaay... Tobaem , —Tae !market is vrp firm, and In gond demand at hill prmer. EMT YORK MARKET. Nzw Yu., Aug ."19 Flour—The roartr..t aa, eady at SI 2501,44, to common 10 s.torest Grain— eeltig to a lair (Moat 100, gni good Ohio. Corn in heavy at yesterday' Pron.iont—The demand hr Pork Is toceerale and prlcr, ego nntnour chnne^. Wool—There rrrs n pent wool aria yeetrrday abittly coaripored GI 0 The be't wet brunet,' no by one or oar airy broker.. Pricen ranged Iron 204 to (2r. Toe oct proceeds of the talc amount ed to 5117,Ct0.- N YORK, Aogne 99. Flarts—The rtml . r! steady, Lot oat active. The salve araouut to $5 MO lons at Ittts:.torntatea pries, Gain—Whent hnn n tprJerf:v. P , ovignnt—s , PC , k $lO 2.!:;710 37e Lead Cafes2 lluo pile r.O V cwt. 9:ock.—ttle cadet is dull, wilt, a downwari tecdtcey. d'INLINNATIRIit:T. • Clam-, Ti, Aar. 29. Flour—flare is a fair dewed in the market with sales of 1/ hitt. at S 3 61 fa 59,63 p brL Whir key la may nt p .oIL Liaeeed o:l—Saks rpt , . GMCCOCA am 4,111, of 1T:1 price. 155k9 of cor feeln lot at Lead—Sales 200-o go at 41 p It ha. ra , ara 44) d AV. The live, is aattnaary. S 6 tilLlsll rit CLASSICAL. A CADI22I T. TlnsLust it will lit to openen fa: tiro tccrottra of lads ion young grstelnon, on :he his: Pcnday the livened Car hes., miler Pen. Tr e fCanel it • A •hileiur corcrirc honiire. rut ti racinv a liberal ccu•u. it VI•,11C am Scientific I.edirinc. Inc ti,.-,, Lau: urn., a tui CCUTFe of Cansmeroin r•iudinc. tr•s tic vs r/ zl.tar.e. es of eicinenuarr Id u • tt, 7he Institution I. fain .rd •••• the nec^ , hr-, Map*, filobeit r. ...nric.. , A s.rcnr.anieu.. ChconCra 'App.., Ly which Ihr papits are aided to noquifing h Ltd re thorough Scow. seAso Pi the sittdect, of studic. o'6; fIrCTIONt. Cr., Phinerost. Wm A I , :ce., .1. 51, le•iria-tor in the Lorin and Creek lancosers. John Bre w,„l. I.t ;nctidrior in 1 1 / a itemafico. Janes C. 1,31, Ige.t.cto: in the Assand. idectal, aryl Moist hot-n. rt. John C. SeL 11,1.1,1 L. D., l'ia [env r i Modena Lang. P. Duff. Prolanior ..boot ii , raino. J. U. I4i Pena: .•lilp. ACALFMICEDIFJCii... The Academie is no Frial !tree, betwern Fourth and Llitny. ifbe, bal ding in large, own moo: ions. 0n..1 tub, and beina 001011bn nooral par of Om city, it iod c awl trl4rd,u..l‘,, tendon in arty desi rab , e Circulars nail be oniainnil at lin oak ore. la both clues. Ponespal con I.e icor. at the Oa. Lidonny. A. WILLIAMS, 10 Utro.. atnialtmore, A GENTS for the se!. ni etndo A....F. Bleaching .11L. Powders. &r_ nave on hand. and rt. v r ee*lving duet: from the Alennfeeterers, the tt , ove ar.ieles of the best end roost approveel btu lds, whlch they otter in the trod: 111 genet:lies to end at lowest market rotes. ensln:lller wooLi.E.a GOODY rpm: undersined hn. en herd. end tt ibis ear re- J. ceasing teen thet. nnufer'ltrer•, on enroirnm•t, a latAr lot of I , •nn;:el.. .1 cola", plain and Also. Co I 111141,Yet, illuntret Connor, Uneven. C nth. Cas.tmeren 11,1 T... 71441, arni,h h- trill roll by .be case or Wee, iOnneinnterr,' nrie.s. The aLtemboa of dealer,h w col en boo.l. 15 :IV I tett, 111,1,E, ` angle v v,. vorlckt. OfEce or riti.bergh cr. CoMpany, Attaust 17. p.a. trim Stor kholders of the Pit/Merge Gem Cementer •re hereby noillicd, Met the Animal Netting of Me tater kcoleers Int the at Tra•irea, wiii Le held et the pc., of the semi pan, in the May of pm,. burgh, on Mondry, aortal./ ilea of S-piett.rr neat between Me bee, of tee aril tor aelark. I'. tar the purpore or r g trio (.01,01, 10 :VIVO am Tr.. tees lot end rampant, for three )ca re, trent the rate second day of Seritere , ..r at et:: Tl't'S. It. KEIVELL. revel PROPOSALS FOR TIIIILIEIte Oilier of the Offirf. ♦ Penn. IL 11. j Ft arboreal PROPOSALS erritteg received by the ondelticeto nettltuesdat.oheln dny et Onrolwr. 10T the deliver, of it.. efloff nett ...pored for latter, the tract of the Ohm cod Veduiliverten Roll load from bence to fdawit ton, a dirleuee of 11l mile.. 'lle numtwr of ties ',maned will let stout one thousand nine hutdrad per mile. The tits ore to be of round white oak or rock oat, rub!evi to the Itepeetton of the engineer of the eon:prey: into must be rot with a taw, Imo !cog - Moot emit fret ft of raved eyesth m to be revert by ettbi roues.; if of ewd umber, they am to be. lotted on the top sod bottom to a width of tirlfl Menet. They mutt be eleer of bath, detivered ard the hoe so dimmed by the entities ',to - Ireton the be.: ofJoeM7 and fact of flay rem Lidtere are toter strd to stale whet nembar ttil they repast to deliver, and or what oeettons'of the tail roothtley promote to deliver them. They Way it:spoor fort ever ebeetout or Mouth llr.f locust. 'botany be no ton la.. rtutro. Prep:tolls ale riot forked Cot Istol;lstre mad pill s of 'ohne pow howhile rah, t, he four lir tine inches square, otd eltruero to twenty lotr lett Meg, to be de:ivered on tee 'fro nemad at rhot e. %W. SOLIINStiId. Jr., President. ausleedloott once: BAIN or liims.tvo r , Arie. let, mTIE Striekhoiiiei• t I ursi, Rentrril rn•etir e Stai, holden, will be lick! et me day. the crib 165 of :term,' r.e. t . zu A.M....1 , n it , er,eled lb. ilKl.loturc i 3 145 rr••inn,gill he 'aidthem for their acceptance or 'ejection. Dr mdcrof 092 n, of Dirre•oriie ___lruL9ll..n. e , CS2Zga Itt2llOl7AL JAran WILM,N team, HO friend, and the poblie that ho hoe rotottrod Li. Lon nno moot from SinitltGed rtrerytt ht• old and on Um tooter 01 Wood wort dttd-d.f , d , fottoond no') over • Potit4 te Fxr.tulre trance boolt t all litiontrotto - Af , or—tolotto may be frond •laftte and ta•kinnnble ntttorohort of Unto Rod Cop. tedored wirer, vatutdosa4t end rota. trote too, to ottto• ptd0...17t s'.lmft • IF/1 _1211.1 , M (.01211— et r;vi redo .nprrier mvra4nutc , l by Nl'm Litz LL, So( &be t. y „k_cuLnFtrr=ov k CLOUSE 1ft.5 . 1..:1,rr1y at jiu'R,L.7..ii':!M;4o4.oiri 0 , ILL. C. , n - ,1 - 171 , rtv,rto n, nr3er 4, pale be 'JOHN ?Jr PA DF.i4 Ea CO, 171groll Tani, tren *, -1:4.11)ta: Ind. yo.d fo r - .armor . nu:m . ..9N an{llnnix n.O Linen .t CO--5'17 IdAC"kobtanonn tidf . .arop Mhr. flav:^e.a do nll.r..fif vets' pouriposorn h...< and .r esio Ly, arell4 RICIXETPOn7 KORPIIV,fr. pr:PCIIFIPLI) +xa kaadult, ron.l. at re.l,r4 P , l^do. A fen Tlarcgri .at yr II In .'hard n.” IcCetvf I - f rasa %V ILAJMILUGGI ?''' J;7(;;;4l - "lu 95)A Ai, 111!:CORD PITTAI”.. II BOARD DV TLCADY COMN N ;TTEF. FOR AUGUST. callorrml.•• ••c W Illf.11,1 , (,• •• • r o Cein's Ltne—P-org Lirtrikvl m Nero Yo.( ATI.ANTI O .--1Ved.,,,1y. Aucun CI. ACI VIC— W,!nr•d.. v. ,rpirmbcr 11. ATI.ANTI ',Srptecmcr ATLASTP. , —.Wrdneitlay,Ocl.l,er XI. Ft on: :V,,,. l'or,( to Liverpool. PAClFlC.,•torany, Aug. 21. IC—Saiurdar, ,apemt..7 C-9stamtly, Sert,ract AMAIN 11G—eqiuml Ay, ~tober Cw,,,d Line, otoppirtg ar 11.26fa.e.) raom tar IIHr001.: C . 111.(13 %Tar. For e lots, 3 Aar; Front r.0..t0n. Avg • 113•1011. 1•• " Now lark, 14 • New ) orl - , 17 " 11.• ton, 11.3 , .t0n; AI " " New York, " Now lon, Se" " Boston. 4 Sept. Now lon, 11 • " Holton. 7 pt. " New York, II • " 110 in, Al " " Neve look, " " Ncso York, 7,+ 114 , ,nn, A °err, " How°, 5 070, •• New York, 9 • Now York, IS " Lto..nn, New York, A. " . Ik.lon. n Nov •` 14,, York. , 1 No , New I ork, Yto, , ct " " Ilret. n, " York, Now York, ".1 "1.7 " nom, 411 N o w Yr I I)Tc. " New York, 11 11,.. •.^. 11 '' •• :V 1:•,1•• lit.:11,1 A NNi. Copt t Auttio N, tAard. OF:IRMA Capt. Crtitirr- 11. t. 21 . Czpi WA AiMANtt!IINItION, 1.,5).1 111- From 11P-ctry Yuri. WASI-11Nirrt,S.Cn, , 111.31%1 r.r. re:, 1, , 11,. 15 1 1 1,11,1.1 , 1 N, C-Ti .421, 15 1.1:k xt. Nnv W Cur.! I.loltl. IYc. IS Grog -.s from -Yr, Eu. 4 EVEIRF 11 - v, 13 CHEIIOk El. Capl 1% kali., AuK. From Nrte reri • . M Lft,t :It. r 4 ev^, •:irror Mar! —IzL ). ..10,T Scptert.,. r, ,-tnt,e Motor", —Abnt.: Ore r; tor., rt:terolo :--In April lone. Anrost October. Derrunturt runt Fut,rowty lTrafttlatill mettsep orrwr. rn - rsnrt.". , :nztrrs, azener,!go. . Ntopretadiutynmalet Vev..ttlav, awl we heard of uo 0Der..t.0.,114, i•rgr cnt to e{ 'f Iren,v, clear atul dry. A.v.:l: but Int;.• proet,ct of raio. FLOUR-•Zb,. mfttL, wag dtWer, if any tliknr, 30 I n ro,. fOlnve iurcr Tr;el; t I )..r.t..tit4y ,t, en dLgh a` (0 r.crr nor, navznit 10a tlI n• NI.K rat_ ttart nu* be pt..: at ,f 4, 1 31,' , 7•P LOA. GRAIN—We notice nt ine ”, th e rain Inaskrt, v, .0.21 howeirr. 41 , y malr , i !tan, utlrr.cra r nu, Wheat to hrm :trma no NT T , ICT, at. T ome has been te:d at Lameraro 1., It: 2c113:1.4, at 43, tarot Cu, I.4frUk. t'rnm stare. Rrt lll , n orth .1 , 0111, a L d l r y t . 3,1. 4 No isomer hors too tor Gram. 413.0 , E1Z1E:3--Tae tmakrt .• crnrral , y Orm, With •n mlortectez tendestey war. Y01a....c, and Coif -e •ho, aarrnes in ez Rio Cofmm pit 'ma . ..nett ver7ma..-ttal;y in this mat Yet. a:al is r,un ). al:. above , mws of h.) era eonoequenuy It assricalt to qome with aertiraey-I•Ze nap Aceiven a, the present 'ohne boar, 'rah an ad aarmirg trndane',i N so fitm. scab Baler in small lot. , by the Ebd. at 71- yr 6 nr1i43,01 it ...HIT, at '..1712,3; for N O , and S 11, sale. of Rice, to too, at 401 c. I . Rolll±llllitil—We emirs n firnoc.rora to ance.. all:rcufr stdee tray< r owrararrve,y lir at :rates a: Wer,ern and City sued bat,. from .tare, et 19 9 i-rar bar erd Emma, and I'0:2 frt 'arra, cared can- J,seed. Dr,rd Ikea% I tail_.:rAr•pty. and ar Et.m 12, P batted, ant /A.?? I far r . a:n Aye vote regular .a.. of 14,1,1. at .I^l of 6r.oaidcra If IP lb 1.11,1 ir , 0112.1. bi, at 1?.??, o: ' ~r: lair. wits atlee lif¢ll pr,r-en. of 20 I.!4l`in ut 1.6 bl.: - .es of N, a: 510,4 apl,7 ?in I :!.14 Dbl.— 7 , 131 m on, .1 il:rr)ng i tbe 4,ual mt, . . Ofi ,auge mart et, and m,) ”ar qaov.,on• 3.!0:13. olb nc vtr. ta,r mar, , aim • alr• of ,c0..1 cum. \V. ,at r 4,, ,f, uhtl Of Cream at 61c 0 in. CRACKER fo!low:.; it the mimu(ucterers' ;iwt or prm.. Wa:^r Crag Lem per bbl Maw, Orl - P'll,:ar Orke'ePrr, per 6"i:e • ; WHlSKiri—r.:enturketl• ready. vt 2;0.25 f r ern ire:. Pa TATO:.: , — , er., r.. el P canesr 1"1.1.1 , —,...c. co tio. vr' , Ar'racgc frcm 3c In l' KEri:t.. II; • .lint gni/ v dae I. tozo! e! the Nest ru Ern, VI, ut.Jer volt en.! o Ihr Wem then, is =3OO room !or the rot o!pren , n...!...!ter IC:, 1,4 nJ *. ev.inn The stn.!'" neut., b• moNlelo neep fa lenrth oroui.l Le env!ualOn ttn. term,. I: n Etta'. Engl.., and 1 - n!! to! ner for nor nee •epnl.und 1,/,.,1 0:0.0 for a.,. ore than of the Astooo.,...tna!!er 'on retty nve wark ell. Toe cOrtecitire tan!, whir la nu: better mllcers la:tor .i rn.,. 14 4, t e Lia l n4i is n rou, of butter, we do not tito.k tt 15e only or, - 4 %V., irere teturrlly. • •t.,!, o r p.tti, up tun, mor4,. rue natter. n Icl. t. of tut 1,11., In pra rol.tanurg u.e to,ot, T. o pot; ur. then pa..., io 1100. 5 , 1r0 urfamd tuldr sa't Tlu• mod, r r octal, U. of Irlett oud ..n.urou t , oplug sweet. to it- warm,. c.,1111e, .10, a lar, forrnzre.rr.—les eta: crAmlceell notes perrOrl ”g CO nn tne "Amen ta Rant of lAttearn Co. N. V.. are Iv etreols,n In nn leglevof !MU motet, Pearl:ter, (iertnautern and I'.:lledelpeta. Tbc . note are caarked Ittt. A, old dated May 15th telt. CoYarneet er FP4Nct.o.—Mr. Mica, We Col. tectoi of San Franewo, Oaring charged Judea on good. reitetved ti: of the 'immix Ina be taiLmus, or required boner no the product nr <Wpm,' that they Lad allencla p.i.d the Al:untie cot, nr were of Arocrienn ongin , Lie . Cnirwin, on br , rigKErmed of the facia, hal lr.u, d an ord., to Mr. CoMer, to cunt, timid", on Mt proLUction a a Itat of the gliodit 'hipped, with tt.e :nark. and numbe.., the nu. of the scare!" by avi.teit sent, ant an eflidiivit of .be m pets. Nem Vora, as to toe or.giu of rho ur haviaig paid dunes. time ,e. er 1-:r.-nrivnx:a—The Pkilade;p:i.a hate, elves thi.owmg AU.2.rfilef the finance, of thr Tral,ry, W I Jo ac., 115,1• for the fr.,,lq of J ..... • 6; .7. c:119) 1 , .)1,i1.1 13 D Jaci p-, tu. Italtnea 10. Trewary. Jut./ al Intenu ou .11e debt p..d Aug. I .Itar , z , • In Olt Tv-as nry after P.P.:: tic Anew., •• • ........ -• • • • V 011,603 01 an 1011.'61 f I . 4_ , lnejliand or! thr ISt day d: wn+• • ........... eqd,e11,931 Unfunded deli, s nnn taut • tll4,litel &Tokio,' a" t. t E 5 l'hut erottl4 otoot to ay.. StaottO brPotett g to Tito F,itaking Fond, which tr*utt.dLo wore,' drAluct. Cattle Mark.. tizienar, it us,. VI, • The cCenng. et the Seed, an :110iio, ohnri the <u ml' rcylaunil to supply' Oar CollveqUrnllC 11:11 , 1 ctreteo .c.O. • of which were tttin tiOw hn,,i; aced' w ncl, anti tivcrapriT /1.1 g ro•I American. 'DU F. 11311-14 nth/. Potaxh, u tr!tel inr by snug-; %I h mac AN L1.1a9. rj5llAl TnllAit(S)—r:z 611bi)reri. ri;pcnor r.row,.c To: *CC.. IL: • I'Ll N,,2 • No J larg, •y'e "FE1.1.1 NIC/10!.S 1 natee,.usn, Can ra2,:d Ilref /lama, a prune ar1,1•• ..31e by YFLe.F.ItS k NICIIO s Witl l F: FISH-1u rre'il for gale lay WeANIIESS i )OTAS/F—V rusk. p a r reed it..a day for pal, by 31WANDLEY8 lIVY Ly.,14 A-L . ,91r• 1% _lf.Fhitlnf eN1)1, 1 recd end for We b 7 engle_ ma(rA-Int.-P.As O gt'f...k It :.5 0.. pr,, II ertore rer Inee by • mucil w tr_ NI- 3 1 1T , :liv,i,TrIF:ii , a ), . l .kan'ti ,- i-5 Lot, for ra c u.a , a, t,.... MI.Mi ..." "Y talro 21 A I'.‘IINKSTO Le CIPCO OCMZI:M2 1a co 4. n I,n .13 A FAIINESTOCIi 2,cci - DActm-, cask; Nagar Cured Harp*, L 7 4 c.) 4 aS ^ S; eep iJl uore, oral for ;We /ow, lo oboe comminowo,,l.7 tot; lit/TCITIR,ON ‘G-* J A ":Ni.l t•lf:3 Fr; CO • F , , p a / 1 7W - - :74 rlead y c 1 / 4 1 fa e ' a q rs r II w maagau94 j - • ,r. ' OF PITTS Fitvat —There were 3 feet, U tech.., us channel. by metal suard Ir•t event'', at that, and falling •lowly. ARRIVED. Mieh,pan, Dries , Betiver. Fannie:, rechlt., rarl.isrin, /Wile, Jacob*, Hronnimille. otiewin h tiny, Ilartypee, Monong•hea City irinuivon. ilitnning Rock, Toweriri , r•. 11,14.11, Wheeling irtimdrit. IVlter. Tlio. Fcett. AllileriWellsvilie. • • lemma, Lpiton, Wheelinr. ,IDEPMITED. Michignn,Sßries, Beaver{ F 11.1014011, Peebles, Elsa Bohm, Jacobs, Brownsville. ' Atiloubc. Inexhilmbenv, Honoree, PlonongoOsla City. Cashier, ala I tl.n , %%Peeling. Reveilie. Rees, %Vilerlire. Wirer, RhelTer, Queen, Gormley, Clntinnste Tusestais, Hemphill, Wheeling. Wilehington. Mania , Louisville. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. MONONGAHELA ClTY—Youghiogheny, I r. WHEELING -1011.1M, ST. LOUIS—Fart PM, 10 a. N. ZANFSVILLE—Emprev. 4 P. M. ST. LOUIS —Gcneva, 10 a. ar. I r L0 1 . 1 19.--Clnderalla, 10 a. PT. 1.01.71;. , --Shenandeah. 10 a. m. Tho •tao Condetell% Itimng been onavoidably do tamed, will leave for St Lou., at 10 .. N.,thi. day. Fan Fr. Lori. —The rimy Fort Pm having been avowlehly &lamed, vrtll leov, rule .d eertatn, a to o'clock thm.loolning Fos ST Lot le.—Tho fine fast running steamer Sae mu:dotal. Capt. Cole, ortli leave as above this day.— To. accommodations afforded on the S. • equal to the best, and must eaaore comfort and care to the pas. lAPOILTN OY lUVKIL. • I-IF:AVER—Vag 311C11113 AN—N ha. cheese, Canfield; tio do, 1)9 doe br0.... ito.rtn,o, & Clouse; OS WI. paper, lY & K Ale ls u.rheoo; lot rernOore, owner. WIIEELING—V to t nolts.-3 , ales wool, 5 rolls Cla , t & Thaw; .h.ta lob, al9 bbl. floor, 'tV ao.alian, 50 do, 11,1 A Liegett. Keel boat in row, 1,101,1 arab boor, arid tin r, for L Pas RI" su, —23 131,da sugar, Le k' Co; 10 c.d. s hart, I.or.ith this flour, Maelorkan I' da an. 3 1 ~,,, k Ili roil. leather, aftaß.: Liggett: 0 hlois liror, 1 r, plc t-r a;Tr •Irong k eraser; a Obl s, 6 ;Rec. scrap &C•uinri HANGING 11 ' , Cli-lita Jur; assorr-12.5 tons pig R Fanner k Co. Dr. Glaysost • Extract of Yellow Dock • red Bar...parllls. up in the largest ailed bottles, contain. more / purr /loader. Sarsaparilla than any rren,etion extent which Is chernic•lly combined real, it, Km met of Fellow Illoek, the Eat.. of Wild C.:erey, arid the Balsam of hr, thus making the reme• dr more thoroughry efficient than any other Sarsopa .l3l ra fore the pub!, At pie same tune I. permer. I,' tree tmo, err intreyal !alarms. which cont.ot Gerrard ta any ea ley o' the Sarsaparilla compounds. The in valid should beasare pf poisons! Mercury, Iron,Qui rano. Potash, loillne, Sulphur, Arserde, and many other naneral and metallic poise,. enter into end form the basis of meat of the Sarsaparida and Panaceas of ore dry. °cryogen's Compound Iletraet or' Ve lota Imes and Sarsaparilla does not contaln • portiere of :heart aubstanceri, as any one can easily arertmat by eat the necessary testa. po.nou, levy oecumnally reamer diteaae, bat they , o vinare the blood, and an completely impreg , ntte the vsbnie aystem 'rah their 0.0.1)11 effects that the first cold. Or the first attack or drseue, prostrates the portent.. strength, and notnects him or her to the m.-at ezeratianne torture, and renders,lnother cure :limos: impossible aunt hopeless. Let all pinsonour Su.supari , o or - enema,na alone,d us . e Guysnit's Improved Erract of Vellose Doak an and Et..pulite, wrack is thoroughly cGmacions, perfectly harmless, and purely exerted, All kind. of diseue la as game! influence. CURES. Scrofula, Caneernot Tumor, Cutaneous Eropttons, l% 'y sloe las, Hiles. Pustule., or Ponylet on the Face, Chronic Sore Eyes, Toner, Scald (lead, Mamma us, FAlargernent or Pain. in e Bones or Join ts old nett stubborn Ulcers,Fever Sore., Hip (Amalie, , Swelling al the Glenda, E3torches, Syphtlaie Symp {lllllf, larnhaeo, Dropsy. spepsta, Jatoidten, dims.Sall Rbenen, Afferaon. or the Kidneys and diace.e. urine from en injudielnue etc n( Met.. ry. :11nosier'. Sore Tercet, WeLklle es of the Cheat- Pulmonary Affection.. and all other ciae au. tend. tne toward. Conaunption. Liver Complaint. Female Irrecol•rito , And Comp: aims, Suck and Nervous Headache. General IFebilay, Love Spirit., Los. el Apr cute, !Cern! Sweat., Punts in the Sale and Sboulderv, rannrore or Imprudence In Life. Citron. in GerAtlttPinna I Disorders, end ...Spring and All Purifier el the Mood, and General Tonic tar, it i. unrivalled. A ease of U7rerated LialSs of •-rxtern gran standaxg. toile ins is au extract at a letter dated Marsh tram F. II Perkins. Cl. D., • highly respee,a ble p ea i slr Lan of Marietta, Otto . I hewn J Dcar„ Sir: he ender ray eare woman who. for insteelt yen, has been aut. :trill, from iterated Limb.. and ,note ease be. beer, oronouneed hopeler• Cy Lawn ot oar beet phy. •len,:. I conk her into en wally. and have used Vel!ow Dort and bklrsvpa-ille freely,and am rembdn, the Vcilow Dock and SmasparsEa will edicta p.riaenet rate Sne I. better In general health than he lts, <ter beea beton. and walks • snile two wnenat fatigue or pima. A year . age the and erme!wa, I er,il rey , ort the ea. in due time. Vet,' restiwmtal4, E. B. PERRINS. kI , :IIOFULA. It Imi been remarked. by eminent men, that In the varied entmoeue dinune to Newel, t 0... la !Mule, then it ac•t<ety one of each fropmtanco, and °leach inter - cat av t•crolola, whether we look to the obseaney origin, it , . mold i t proureaa, the number MAO variety ei organ. that enact.. or idremarkable in euratniay anefesiensive fata!iry Scrotal. h,. ~.fed the .till of the moat eminent phyaimner in :bi.,ouotry and in Europe flat there la a 1,11.101 • or dt.enn in Dr Guyo:V.l.:girael of tel nw Lank end t•waparille” whirl it proving It owl, ner,eei rperifie In the molt wren eana nrolala. An r n .I,nrofir3ry cane nr Scrornl• Areal by th• rnin n• -,or truyort, r - orntrn•antl :Imp I ,I•orrt , tnron •ar man hos tn. tsr trcrritnent rn,rel r-•et, rntna pbt,clann r,npnro nro, ten, vngthorrt derrlrsc:r any In-celt /.111.t...ern nrt•rttraly rnred I.y the utr, of a ft - imrrrrie a Dr I, 3t.olt'illomroline Pyrur. lisw leas, June;, tete Ili I.erompr—Dane Sir.—Ow to you • debt rebteh money ennead pay. ana indueed to me • public ae. nown.da oem of .1, benefit I have de a ri t ved from you, inrainol , e P3r,p was sore)/ Manned with • terry. , erolulnc• otseuse, here nary in car faintly, h commetwod on my noel, and. faintly, iv I nn soon revered mY eves, ranning kneo• my brad, and extending is, vs.., my fere, trek. and lower et• irumaire. I nee me a M•goeting orneel to hest upon. At none, one 4101,10 wax so areal that I was unable to Veep or lie doer, and the disease extendleg Mee my cars seriously •derted my hearing. My face vow one nenoonnnuo sere. teem which a dereharee of metier and wmer Lent contiounlly amine out People avoid' ml me. • i bad the moan pox. or some other infer . , ,iscase. and I Jena consequentlY It to relinge sit my bootees. Plowienhattanding I had the brat medinul tidy Ica. and toed diferent plana of treat mem.. he diueiteeeenmanued to grew wore, until I gave op in despair, Portenately fell In ardb • pauanger on the steamboat, whi:e travailmg Got mt health, who minoneil me that his son sr. at one time in as bad • nominina as was, sod tant by moue men. Syron he woe Prorenoly Coen, immediatell promved the sr tete, ennosieneml urine it, mut now aft• r having Lured less then tit loathes, I run wet' nod ' able to attend to My burn.. I scud too this statement as en act t i justice, tint-/hopii g Mau It may illflUev the abated in make 00001 the right medicine, and thereby save them Much sulfating end eteemea. I Muhl, Tour obedient Q tiPALDInig. Core of . oggrorated row of E.ry.repolso. The rure• peitosmed by 9.4.l.ruysat's fttwtel of relow Dock and Sarsaparilla are luting. The pm bent , . genera/henna canto:toe. to Improve after dis ease is ratntesse.ovrd Cure. are not chronicled until time th Las f e ully ted that them call be no .elapse or return of direa tioasval, (Herkimer Co.) Feb. 1950. 3. F 131,Mrriak Co., (Sea, it is wnh great p/eatale that I waste you übobt the very happy effect. of your Yellow Dusk and lieranparllfa upon lay son, who h. oar been Pyrennaunder that dreadful, loathsome dt.• ease. I Yyslpelas. with tablet. be was attacked t and wan Int several months, attended by noose of oar be•E al.* woo toed their skill perseveringly for Lai months, witnont any beneheiol eiTtent Whateter. Ile bedsme minced to a perfect alteleton He had ul cer. from h. hip to ha knee. which Isere conuncally diseharging dlProm.maly offensive Planer. hledleal hod swath& skit! sass bathed. Physician, said that his Onto was lionelesa—there could be nothing done to arrest those terribte gongs - riming silvers. it neigh bors and ro;ers: thnuelti h. dissolution near sit hand. One of toy norphbors, who hail corned a child of scrof ula wok, yotir inaalnytne alin . dannna, rotated roe to, math vie el 0, rho most from the reale,an desire to while r e lasted, then from any hope ot go ling 1. - Lei, I pi - neared three bottle. of your" Yobow Dock and Sarsypsetlla.. and cornmenced thong it and to soy noonisionent. ho commenced Improving be_tion used the third bottle, and before he had used a hall co,n bottles he Could wall out. Ile use in all twelve bottles, and by t h e t ie last he was perfectly sea ored, every vestige 01 te Y . except the sears is removedn arid he remains in perfect health up to the Prethol recovery, doder tot blessing of God, is enti sal y.wing to the use of your Yellow Hoek non Sass:lpso-Ma, and I assure yeti that I feelmyself tinders r. at obligations to you, and It is with great}ey itist I intorro ; nu of what hoar tiarattoorina has done for say son. Respectfully, 81 011 id II J 55 51 laht. RETSSF.LI.. D - -None ermine unless net up In large Potties, En,llllllZ :• quart, and name of the Syrup blown the el gar, wan the arritton gig:Ware of S. F. Fen ian, on the outsede togapper. Price per bottle—or for Si. It /• by I. D. PARK. North Eeer Comer of Fourth Wa!eut retrial ee on %Velvet •L, Ci.clenen, DUG, to whom ell orders mud be addres sed. Carter & Pro. Erie, W. P. Johnron d. Co., IVater.. ford, NM & Clemons, Cro•nizreille,• Abel Tureen Towanda; Robert Ray, Wan.- taro, L Kedersek. colleniourK: L. Wilcox. Jr, Pies burcli, corner of Harker strret and Lb., Diamond. Valuatle Coal Prop,Cy at Avatan. y' J TI.E.sLiAI." morning September 3rd. at II o '•e.ork. a. 111.• Comm,riat ilea roam, Corner of ood aao 1.11.1", reels, arta he sold A tract al Lend samard on th Lust sqe of th lgononanne In Maar, about four mi e les above Illonon• e linen Coy, loran:fly owned by Clamart and'lltait. t!'onintelea utont n 3 Acre,. ODE half of w.heb is under •Cult.vattnit, will, a form lima, and. also ma commo atone frame dwentnes In eunnectinn with the Coal Werke The Pit opened iv fey orrbly bested for draining and vent:Mann. trio of Coal fear feet In depth. and , litany Very. to:parlor Title Indistnable, end e tone credit will be given on part a( line PUreh , SC money entgirrleT&dfattagt 111. DAVIS. Ann. 'Jas. saapratt Sot. , Per firm Etddlt Am. 834 in •tore, aLt d hl: t;tle: c le . b r r t a n te . d r hand, pan rive this and ta tarn, per - Anna fltrn,” "Fa tops, " tellerlin" and Erin . shirty, in pal tdrlplaa and Dairen:wy, ararrati, nd gal:wren both strength and quititty to any in tha mart et. for side at dm lower orates favaavit an& yeti proved bll.s, by W & AI 111ITCDLTREE ears- Lib.i7 street , Mosquito Notting NiU ri ll y Ty b k. Bli t l;.2lFT. h l e ha i r rzelvett - itp. Aho, Nur:ad (A' .... 4 :,;ll. C ande.: lirr,Rr Le lsil LARD ATar ARIIIIIII La 1-6 Sege rd, 11 box (5 •.I Duller fur sale by W No ad x ...N ro.l lLBf B / L nags Sees re. 441 fer - wale bri t lIARBAUG fro I'lstote, suo lor Pale 'V t M MITCHELTRE6 MAE In store forsaleby & M UITOIII,I•THRZ., T LIME—De Barrels Liras reeeTyl JLvand for salt by • • mpg 15 IS W. HARBAI7OII, ' ILETOZTISD ►ol 11112 ►ITI The Oftomu to Nubrte.- r .—We tr; I . fr.; the Mayor of Nieahany,,,hdr, Flemings nod trots the Stem to' mmasioner,. ?Tier. Chet the eholerildia aka./ dinapiteirentjrom this 'Veiled di"e fn StlfFgk"t" :116 Wed ',there were tad n ew, caeca, •two Whieh died donne the night: - s",esteyday,ltterelstereoidy two now aad one death.- Tee •oeighborbood an areund stelonsen in .ivhl94 the4.hrtdeth.his been raging,recomplette/Y ireefrom thedliseastet Lime has been aptieland;all alinind;sit4 eideryceierthse made to etearwe the fattorssintd ° §eal POO, and purify the air. Mr. Fleming has been turremltilng in hit attet -10011 to the the sultertag, and deserves the tl asks of the community for the prompU. nude with which he called the Councils together, and proceeded to.abate all nuisances which might be dangerous to the public health. &manna Annum/cr.—Two men were very se. riously injured on Wednesday eight, while they were repairing the wheel of the steamer Fort Piu. They were standing upon It, when the engine commenced to move, dashing them against the stern of the boat, and crushing them frightfully. Wo uudmstand from his physicians that Mr. John Black, part owner or the bolt, ode of the unhappy sufferer., W in a very critical condition. The o;ber poor fellow. a deck band, named Brown, will probably recover. DMUlrit'S ADAM ano Eve.—We paid a visit to Phil, Hal I, where these magaineent works of art are now on exhibition, sod examined them with great plenum, yesterday. The paintings are two in nmpber, one representing Adam and Eve In Paraffin, the other, "the Expo!sine.' nasal:ld as is the first scene, where sway thing is lovelb. neon and serenity, it excites comparatively little interest, Cie the beholder Is irresistibly attracted by the Expulsion. The lurid glare of the Lett:nag, tech has just rent an oak asunder, near Adam and Eve—the grim look of the lion, now awaken• mg to a conrciausaess of his power, and the whole management if the figure. which seem to start from the can sass, tagettier with the exquisite assuagement cf the ligL shade, have rarely been equalled, and prove that Dubofe was well worthy of the honor of luting Ow /avatars pupil of his disatrioas masses. David. ANNUAL AUSLICULTUZAL FAIL—Our report. or the last meeting of the Board of Managers of the Allegheny County Agricultural Society, contained a rod blunder. According to it, be Annual Fair of that Society woo to ha hold on the twenty third and twenty fourth days of September, instead of the twenty third and twenty fourth days of October . Wit I our friends in the countrg be kind enough to bear these latter . datm in - The Board of Manager. will meet auntie, prior to the fan., oa the twenty eighth day of SePtemoer pert, at the usual place of meeting is the New Cour' House. Man .nor.--A shoemaker umed William Flu. chanao, melding in Al:derma street, Allegheny city, fired a pistol, loaded safes large shot, at Thomas Graham, a customer of hill, on Wednes• day tnght, severely wounding him in the calf of the leg. They had quarreled, we believe, about a pair of shoes. Buchan. and his wife, who wounded a corn• pinion of Graham's with a shoemaker's knife, Were arrested by police odisen Scott and Adams, and taken before the Mayor, by whom Ito) wmc comoutted to prison. Como:ma's ixquorr —A young man named Samuel McKee, who was mrerely cut and stabbed, in a frames at the ()cowl Taylor house, some month, age, died on Sunday lice m6ti yea thought that his death was ranted by the wounds which be had received, and they accordingly trot one of the persons—named Mullen—who had stabbed the de ceased, arrested. Melee's relatives then manly ed to have ihe body disintered, and a post moment examination ivadel so on Wedueaday night the cortmer.accompsuled by Drs. Shaw, Irwin, Craw. ford, and Dover, proceeded to the Allegheny Cemetery 'albs'e the body was bones" , Dr. Crawford had attended the deceased efts' he • -. wounded, and watified that the injuries were not sere ramous, with the exeepti. , of one In the back, winch W. prattle deep. bet did not penetrate to dm longs. They warn all gash wounds, and not necessarily-fatal. Judging Nen the condition of' his loop, the deceased died d the consumption. Dr. Oliver swore that the deceased came to his dice chomp• after he or attacked by cossaumps • tion. tilt lona, were then affected. and he Was of the opinion that he died of consumption, and not from the effects of thla wounds he had received.— They rn.ged have hastened bin dmat, hot he could not he mnnive. Dm. &thaw and 'lrwin agreed with the nputesna Already expresiett. It was plain that roultunptent Thorns.. McKee, brother of the deceased. swore that he believed the wound• were•tbe cause of ha being attacked by sicknees. Before he received them. he was stout and healihy, but ever after that he immune reduced in flesh and strength, and dr alined day by day unill he died. Ajaer he had been wounded he epic blood, and complained of pain. in his °hod. The jury returned • tet-Ifitet, quit iiintuel Mc Kee died of the ennitimpt Tun WUTIIIA.—Too incliner is" cool and plenum', and we think 'Walt it continuesto, every vestige o fib° cholera our, soon disappear. DX/111, —A German who had gad from tiro disirfe. in Allegheny where the cholera has been so fatal cf lace, dad yesterday, no Birming• Athest—Lasccer.—A man named Wiglam Barret was arrested yetferdsg by officers Hill and Lowe, of the Mayor's Pohce.. charged with weal. mg forty dollars from Dasfel Spaded, mho resides near himereedie. Barret hsci been arrested, and put in the watch house, oar before, for the urns °Tepee, but ensued to make his escape. Re was eommitted•to jail. DIL. •. D. LIOISTWS I=lE=l IN QUART BOTTLES, ITAS ndllnl ta Perrainvilly caring and et adi Al_ clung front the eystent'atl CIiTANEUVO It willcreetaally eradicatetfrant the system and cure Salt Ahearn, Ringerortn,Tettel,Ffeald flood, Drop". Searry, White Swellings, Elms Evil, Stiearatgie Affecdons, and all VEM r. WEAE . ..? 9E3 Ana Ob. lrariionA, On rrennek p, Whites, Fluor Athos, Falling or the Womb, NeTTOttn, Sick Head Ache, Langur, Pointing Sensauotia, Paipitation o: the Heart. Low Spirits, General Debility, 'Dyipepsta, I. Ter Complaint., &e. It la Falsely mad Zniltraly Vagatablo. It has beentued Truth the moatiigneilsoccesii by the Prolesitien in New Fork and New Hampshire, and the Pastern Suttee generally, for maul Yee.— and of • genusl pourer of the blood end Invigorator of the stem—an a I :until. Family Medibineand an US. Female Medmine ha. no count. The parity and efficacy of the Shaker preparetions are Tull known ; nod this medicine requires no long list of certificates end cares to MU . ..multi it. inereuing demand for the put twelve years is its but mum. endlitlion. It It put ap Jrt noun bottles, and Is the only Sues, Simlla that Ur , on the Luer, Kidneys. and blood at the game tittle, which render. It altogether More vain. able to every one, partieularly to knulas Dr. Mummy, Protenor In the Ohio Mediu/ College, urn the Snorer preparations are truly voluble, and recommend. them mthe public. The sick end ofelch ed are requested to gal end obtain • pamphlet, mad purchase it haute of this voluble family Medicine. SARSAPARILL B. ow/ niul Inq A, a n d ja7d take noHother.OWL'S SHAKER Pm. St per hottle—ri I.'l, for 11.5. For sole h J. A. do J. Sehoonmaker W. Illnck, IL y W Means, n J. , Id. owns std,, 1.& CO, W. Jaekun, Pittsburgh; D. A. Mott, Allegheny airy; W R MeCieltand, Manchester, P. Crereker, Brown. Tile; James Paull A Co. Wheeling; J. 11. Patterson anJ 5, O Marge la, Si Clairsville M Reap & Cada. Also, ter silo by DR. S. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors, I Col:Tre Dalt. Cinetnnau, 0., To whom all orders mut he addressed. augriditurlyT 14T.EACIIING PUWEd.IIi-30canke Musprattn' Lem Dqd ,„,, p., o!op Doha, and now or? t►a waY by canal, for •ale at dm lowest market price, by attain W & Ft AtITOIIELTHER EZIEME aaad for sal. by PHILLIPS 192E.1 lc II 7&a Wood sr H(Ca=ss - taia . irriartainn, Er core, in7l - Zry 0 low by INGL/lift la Imam/ITT. FLOUI/—:a alarms Away aluta,,nak.Cloar sm. zen , akand for axle by & W. HARTIAIOII. F teII4:SZ.ZeTW -13EF EM2=i=art 8 I WAIARBAUGEI. JEHOWAX-1a bids ma received arid for are by owe 3& W. HARI/AMU, • - R NEW HONTFILT-INSTKAZINtv, J..e, 1H.741./oLAAgoal, now oo 25e. pearl nuirdo.r, by • . HOPKINS bar -• .. 78 Apollo Beildlniev,T,oordi Diet/UNARY Ire.: by Byrne -12 !ambers of this valuabla aro& now far sale at per No. by fauayl R HOPKINS I.IARLYLE-SI.AITER DAY PAMPHLEYS—Fram VlOOO for ale by (0e631 • H HOPKINS • -.l4:.;—"vatr ;11.11NMATATObA NV :S"U a t to tt=r4 " 9rt " tV, l i:rge lV b • •UR7 - -uutaralucE& inaftaiikt 7CYPLEs--= mis • %VP - - - ERMimi Ong Iv.t/.104; • • Sl bf bile 49 .bj - • - WSW, ib MeCANDLuisa Par it SATES OF DISCOUNT. 01•S i e ultN 1 --COLIBEMt ksu Bi N. 1101.51.109 6 80311. int batge proktia, N 0.119. Market &treat. neat Ito s • Poiessg•Ftaisit , a. , 4 /a Ulan... 3 . 4 '4.1.'11001P Cllraneket. ..lactiange Bu( tarrlnVcc,P, /lamb.). Bank •Vat Varalsalin. )(e.... I gw.k .. . armors k.of Va-- • " •.ittte tessior.r• • •• Chester Coutity• . •par Bk.p? VItrollia•••••-• Co.. • •Aar 5 1•&51. ok, %V heeling Moat • pat, Z. in Ii:-.12cka.ovn=4... doluethisalridge Op • Pal , Doyle:man think 0.1 _ P arketabutt •-•••• Fortner.' Bk. Ileadltil•Vat • -06.19w5w00• e. merenisetinck. Co. pail l/ k•Orionsibtsee•-• • 3 Fanners /111.anzas'rgobt Fltr•At. Mersitdo. ••••- lanconlot . • •pqr &cress. • 3 Lancanter Q tr, lilloo Bk. • ••••• • •••••—•- " U.S./tot blank —•:•••-•0' ..... poi-Mute Ilk of Maseuri•-•••• 1 Washington Ilk.• •. • •11 Barth Carollwas Sellyobarglink....-- • Ilk. of Cape Fear 9 Chambersbarg. ••••—• • n blotch's lik„Noweem• .1 Susquehanna CO. Bk.• - Sank V Lesumoun. - South °strolls., Middletown •• •• . , Camtiondlk•—•• •• • • ear:isle of Cliarlemon••• •• 9 8k....—. 0 g Cotra2tivial Bit • Farmers' and Drovers , Bk. of Georketown—• Bank, Waynesburg• • taut Hamburg,- • • liarrnbarg Merchants Boi,oadidg Planter. a. Moons% Bk• Lebanon p.,,8k. of South Ca rOdlia • • .1 Palomino._.....Mar ylantd. Wyoming ....... . • g Balnmore Bk. ...... • • •pai Fort ...... Hal tm'e geo B R Scrip •15 West Branch Bk. g Cumberland Bk.of Alla. Relic Note• 1 Shan • • ...... •• • •• • I Ilk. Stilt. Piim•da• Bk • of M. , 1 1 . 01 • • " Scr , ip-Pitub. Counivl Fanner.' de Steam:Lies Al gL l fo n . y. State Branch& 1 Bogermown Bk ltoudt Pleasant-.... • Bk.--- Stonnenetllc—.... • n Patapsco Ilk. St. • • u Wiuduipoti Bk— .slanetta • Bk.orwomminttor • • • • ti New Lisbon• Michigan.. .....• n Ilk. of St. Clair••-•-- Colninbus do- . Ilk.of Rivet Raison . Michigan Ind. C 0... Zimerrilla Fgt.& Ilk•••••• 5 Wl• TorritN. Wmostar voldar.kFi re I 11 blasallion --w--- • I Caskul••• Yandakty ..... .. •.• All solvent/tanks Chula • • • ..... •• •i Bank of England Note. Norwalk • ..... 10 0.1..1r. eii:.l,d-----: ra.ld ii:ipici; ihl., Xenia••.--.• •• Napoleons —••—•• 3 Etl o ar "._.— —...—. 0 Dana.. —.• • 41 100 2 00 11rnteqt Rename.— 0 Tesain.old • •• •- • 10 00 EraFeitilPk Co 102112.• ° L 4 6lei nom •••• . 10 00 chini, ot h, —.—.— 0 Doubloons. fepanian 16 00 Lane }tie. 0 Do. Patriot.— —• 12 50 .4e lots • • • 0 !fosereiglis 4 03 Lancaster •--............0pine,eas -- 5 GO Hamilton —• •• • • •—•l3 IrsdeneariPars•—•2ll Et Granaille .. ..... •• •• .60 Ten Thalars • •• 7FO nemYsß't Centee--611 , fe; iforliers • - Urbane —.. NI Loaled'ors.• • • •• • • IKwatack7 e • ra•hainere. itt of Nentneke I New York •-• • —. *pre. RlALopjaville . 110 adelphlt • • • --.-f pren N, , kern /fic. licato'kr• . o . .litil.n. •".•••• • i prm wile leirk-ente NaLit..ear leternr IqF-- ISCE LI, A NEON Latlles•L ..... ry Institute. Comer or Pena .t and Ilasker's alley wee wing or old COIICIFII lanll buitat'ng, cottanen gn pton street, nearly °panel:tithe Rtehange 11014 THIS Inst.liplon wltl Le Re-npened for the ready non nlYoung Ladies. on he first filondee of mai month, ISentember,l ender the ouperlntendenen of film P. DAVOi and DAUtiIiTER, late Principals of the Female Santinary.Loniaville. FOI t 0,,,,, me - wen/am, o, apply to the parteipata, 111=M11 11<, • U, a i E Hee re W.• Tim 0 If Itiote.D . I o. res, Her. hiattiaMe l l if Wes D t, . 4 - 1 ~ J. gid lfoopathinid, Her. W. D. Bossard, .1 Richard hithwarils, Era. aur2143.• IIiCXECIVICORS ' NOTICE. 11,11111df: is hereby riven, Ma. Letters Sestarnen'ari 1.1 have heen is,irair to ilditobserilives, es a:rel. - ors or the lasi Will and .entan eat of .10.•• Ate of thy city 'of PdtrLorah. Leceare.l. All orison, there. re, having (Jam. or demands artier tie ecue of said decedent. are reqUallted to make known the tame to them vitil.cut delay. THOS SCOTT, CHARLES HAYS; @or :dens. rItHE Vet To Ms Citizens of Allegheny City. BOX tor the retepLon of °Mem for Csty M Ile Flour, I. HA et the s cm of hinter k. Robins., Federal street Such orders - sod; be promptly sup plied mast° WILMARTH & NOBLE . SUN' , 00 0R$. -_- '. A. MASON k CO., No .4 Merkel arreet, hove Cl „ surplied the 4011rtee tbeir•toek. mimed Ly fire, rind ta now re ode,nedy In mr the cmt of (INK HUNDRED AND El F'TY PACK AGE'S of desirable pod., poreLarril from manufacturer., /Ltd l arge a untron sale, at a aireai veduetion from pores (last Sprmr, orbiels snit be otered to their outlier ono pa trona aercrdindly It a [mid be oselm• to at Mann to enumerate their well orrorttil stock, aml therefore, /none the any ntmntion of their (need. anJ the politic, wtth the ...ranee of Low mos tes log affixed to each ante Ir. _ Soleil... and Widows. Clai m.. T HE anderetened, tot. Ayent fto paring United atotet Pension., at Ponoturyh, ottend to th e p tottec anon of polder. and Widowt* Clown. to; Pea woos •nd Bounty Lands. An oreial Chureenrn with the Polled Swett Soot eminent has mode me familiar with ate roles mod roans, as well at the decisions, of the Pennant Depart meet at Wl...hunt. Gay. Most, Widow. and heirs of Pee, otionary Seidler; Lao 01.10. mat 4ay lot ,he obtained by proper apt pileatioe. J It. GuTittur; Oates of Wm. Solitneon, thy., oppoejte the Mayor's Cliaee t .roarth Suter Powhutab. July on, ti.a byt.itdditelm'll NSW Ob obo • 12,7 V.J . 712' .. t:/tS a ttu:Till:StE4ha Ford cloiS • M. "° e' Railway Vaonomy: a treatme on the new art of tran.vrt, tto teenagenteat, prorpeet., Ord relntior,s, no.rorre ta I finattet al. and .nthai, with! a expnritien the nror nen! res.,. t, rarltent .in to the Un::4.l tor drau.on Conor en:. and to America. Hy Many eth. Lardner, II At. Ire! Ina:1110th ra.t. o re and Future of the ilep.H.fir, gnat. tn! from tor Freueb of A Ho Lemertine, author of fieronui.b..” “A.lrmott. of my Youth," - Its. phaei," e I vol Moo cloth. Iltht. nera.d Rerorro• in Lecturer Addre•.en led molt WM.!, by Horace Greeley. 1 vol ttoo clo. T., Mcllnpalep °, yof the Confewionat Jahn Henry ti O. Limbo,' or the Pleeele of Vermont. I uni Moo cloth. Tlth Co , que•l of Corwin. By the author of 'Meta. • (01. air Warburton, Car ,It vof. Cp.anne, • sit etch of n physic., dererthrterT of the Uorrerea 11, Alex Von Mutt that, traorinted Torn the Getalsn E. I re.ti limo cloth Gibbon's Itrthltne and 1 , 11111 of the Homan Pmnite, with nate. by 11. H riamer..elo,„thir.,, Mao. Jo Et romplete to 6 volt at doe per too; 4 vol. recetvcd for tale by R 111 , 11,1 , 441 aye 711 Arol!o roottle 7 Sew II nate • IkIOIIRN theere satinet, When en er Mende Round Ikea. Corarrie'A decay ure end return Annie ',June. Are ere alum,r there. bow barked ter. He ‘loeth ell tenure welt jCelry ina i.e.. helver moon. Love Wohu roe. in n nee, eer enden,thereera Deed deter hay. lie kind to loved o, re at. nOnIC. CLeermy tern Jeanne. Oh, Lone :J. Sating flavor up Welter. Elan waha Nrenleberes IV4ti thaluuttion Polk. Lieuv Pol. a. Ravel Polk. Jrney Lied Pelle. Linde Quatkatep Month trap Norm.. The ellorre arm jute received, and fur vela by .1 II WoodlN., %LIP t C STOCKIVN II•1 received fer sale, vni 4th of Ribbon's 11111:04 of We Dschne and Fall m the Wohnn F.mptre. L. to end Lens.. of Thomas Campbell, In 9v. Is Riled by Vim iteslisc, NI I), .ry v, etellet of Moral Plidern•yhY. By the late Rev. Sutter Orndh, M. 4. LOCACC/on the Mlle de ill .sleeks SjeteM of bet. get), vy &maws. 1119,M. D. Talbot en Perrot, a Novel. The 8:.1.<1 . KUM, a We or tie seventeendt sere tory The Sear:et Letter, a Tamara:las By Nathaniel •ll , w !verve. —1.20 y JMIN Me v ls'is 1/NN & Crl ra i ss i rfa I e' Lime recd IJIIRAN aug7 110 Water It BRCObIS-113 dos Corn IlrocAnslor me by nnYn WICK St hIi * ANIXESSI S e rll? "lNG—ti y llllfty, , ANL Onci I.IIIELP :A/ . 11. nlwow'. Russell & Itobiumos es, and other 610/co bremtht for sole 67 420 A CCLI)P.RTSON h CLOUSE ILO.ISY BLACK Sll.H.S.—lteeelved att.:morning, LT 0 4 &pre.) ot•toie of AICRYIIY & BURCHFIELD, N. East Comer 01 a rnarket.lreeis. Gila u • th -. 3 sciirNA.rAd& Co, No :I th'oo.l Btrre 11 A1 . [UW AK!: YetrEtzi t t!t i zu nr he asgrle v y 41,.... t 11,1'.g' 'LI A,KEttic CO. II b 7 .11ab 1 meifOONM au. bthiaLllu kegs tar sale by aug2 SCCOONMMrEIt & CO, NDIWLY—b Cases for sale 10-riTy -1 1.1 , 0 J Se I I II ONSIATMR JJ ril. 8.-73 Kegs puto White Lead, :cede TT od and for seta by mug!, &A W. Iteicnn UGH. El...n lll,l ;aWNitrer. - -rdnit7rty — Ell t i. 'way, keep no hand the alma,' r.od., bought directly irony the Impeller. and warranted genuine— lii3o a 'fur her •upply of %Vela!, (inane Flniuntla. re calved this MOrlllillf. 1,1 4 r.1411 Sti I.TA .. fa ailc vi on band d rot it:l - 1 , ' -- WICK & aIrCANIII I F,I , I I.AUaI.;;AUXII-I,nIUND. alia• 4 ,- (1 • , .<1 ' 1 , ,1 . ° ! i UP sap , by [i). 6 ) , WM A aIeCIAIRG deCO' WlN66VirfiEns.. , iicKio - b . ,vir. . 4 . —__.,.... jo3 . s s ____ • Plies lor • sa.e ory vUN.IIIIIVNIIOAAT& CO BEl.,l‘,,,.x—,:tier.uowl.thog for sale by DleicEle a. Co EATHERt—i/.1 sacks DicicEir * S 1 J R DILWORTH& CO ULASSES-70 bri. IN Orleans In Hire' • pE;111 7 t1-7 caAks)s ' , l :Z itTi r b er ' BI• 100 tildiTeud di . AM T, rgiecercwhitt • • SIIANtr,47.WITITE jy3l & CO s o d to ep - and - An sale by ENEjui3n .A ewe., & BENNETT'. co • INF 41-1-ceroon • ne qual B v.for sale • y jyi, J FCAL)OI , II6IAKER& t7O lowtirts 8 F iBi'dota ealmigh, 3E77 MO- A! 86,118ItBAUO1I WIN Ke—tqAenor ay b au, tept . courtaralyAm be p nd by Tw • . • 'A autaiErtrsom & CLOVSE ivi'Llbeny ny t' LLE LIMD-50 . unfit • ' &. V' WILSON. C U"A ' Z ' °°FLY jytt gtJAIRS & 1 . l t. oil Leliervegui ir • I can Oil Bereauni • • ' 4 " P-94148 1111gOragrinci ' FOR T. LOI MS. e t : lt!t 4laat di ar. ICI leave for d a y :0 , 1 Ak.g.:;, d ... P°""" Ilia dty Fur tutee parnago apply on board..l - rwgarl• • - 3V1VMC1N15VX 11 t1 ,1 1”11 , ."1431.79" . .. ' 1.6../rll•lo,l3ise ~naß6l2•ia et ON leave fon the iffroWrOdiU,lntne. " • • ^ 4 0,- R1, 0 3 0 . 030 .000'11ny.',A0k.30, 4 . For frniabciipipiniag RYto ""z1 • FOR O100:11r4tA7I : ATild 9y 1 .01.113" .• • ' Willains,intsler, Inava for a* one and inurreandlara porn, , , an thin day, urh last al 10 olclonLA. • • Far !inlaid or ortar , a,ro aprily on board. mop FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. The splendid steamer • PORT PITT, jv amour, Will leave for abov. !:•1 - An sittil all iniermedla.e ports pn MN day the 3Mb inst., et ID o'clock, A. For &Mohr or pavraka, imply on board. tog 30 FOR MARIETPA AND ZANESV7LLE. Tho aplendid snow.: • EIPES, Pox. mailer, will leave for the ahoy. and alinterm, P.di day. the 211th inst., old o ' clo c k' e M. ate, pore, on Mi. For Herald or pusage, apply re honed. or to ova= W U WHEELER, Ago FOR CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS The edurcly new and afnendid steamer WASHINGTON, W. W. nlartm, :Boater, sani leave for the above and all intenuediale inadinga on this day tire Cbrh LI.I , all.. N. For (retch. or pastors, apply on board. acirW FOIL CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS. /••• • ;. Uri nidladiair i cz u ry t chi. a tli lar i s . : ,, chits . ar d r , . ‘ :ll . l7 4 e . fo n r o stre s day, the arta of August al to o'clock For Ireirrht or po•+o60. nrply REGULAR DAILY YACKTIT FOR MONONGIA lIELA CITY. Tito aplandld Worm( YiittHlCll3 HI NV, Copt, Hatt:tory, will leave for above and I I intermediate landings, every Oar', at d &clank, P.M. For rreieht or paarroo apply on board. loogl7nitter Packets arriving at and departingfrons the Port of Pittsburgh. • k ruVb•ie WBPPtiFtBDAY PACKER virtouvarawr, Captain Joan BlithlntOnent. This ertendld boat was het by the andof the steamer Isaac Neernin, and ntbera for the Cincinnati and 1.. n ka Pittaharah Parket made, ant vitt the y edite:43 120, .y, Ciazion4B - [n Vneai a Pal pitryi ittWane, For !might or passage apply on board,oe to cdneu B !il/LTENBEBGEB, Apt Ne_.Si t 1850 allEtZ) YHI LA PFL.PHI4 w llTTsfirAtc,m. THE Eihgems , FtIIIIIIILE U 9 T LINE. ONTINUES !o 6 rward (friar to Pittsburgh via %—/ Hail Road au! Cann!, on very reasonable terms and wok inn usual despatch, (tea our large drp . at No.:CP Market street Philadeiphla. formerly occupied by Messrs. Utugttorta & Dock, auKT.7.Om _ w POPMF.KTF,U '0 Ca , IiEGULAic wnEELINdIS4ONE,r. bat 1850 maa The serql peeeteger etemer vp.43 i Robyn EL 1,4 ,0 ,- 0 ..4. Mol q l hve Yntsburth every Tut easy, Thor:day, and Saturday morninaa, for Wheennu, .1 10 n'e:velt, A. 111. Returning mill leave Wheeling for Porstrargh every Monday, IVednesda 420 y, and Friday, et A. Al. REGULAR PITTSBURGH &WHEELING PACKET The *Hartley 41011 Ell., c ikEit i fil'ltitille, tamer, will leave for the above and Inietenediate ports en this day, 27th Inas., et II A. For freight or parsage, apply on board. aright BIONOZIGIARELA HOIIT*I '17111" Only 7i I •• Banging. Vu Bron rt agilla and M Cumberland to Baltinnre and Pout To Babnaoaetlel—a • • •--MO 00 in 00 11111: morning twat I he Tithing, aboTa the bridge, daily, at 8 oclock precteety. Tine to Baltimore, 31 hour.; tone to l'hitadelphia,4o hours The event, boat leaver Jody, concept SeinJay mei enigts,) at 6 o'clock. yakegogoig hy mooing on the evening hoot, WO crop the tom:runts to engem teal day, antrth us avoid night Bagel. Swore Tourtch% at the Once, Monongahela House, or M. Char no les Hotel octtnlY J . MESKI3IEN, Agent PITMMIUSIGII & WiIk:KLING PACKET. mai Tho splendid & fast running attune, .9tIIP PELL W. E. Connell, master, honing ander. tone a thozottgh repair, wlll run bore aner its a nntplar packet het wee Pin.butgh and %Glenna& leaving. P. it.borgh every Monday and Thursday rr.orninirr, at 9 o'clutk, For irs4gtil or passage apply on ho d. or to .0 *I V.O WIIEE, "" SPEED INCREASED. 1850, Naga SUMMER /LiERANGICMICAT. CINTRL RAIL ROAD orxl TO DURTINGDON, PA, PENNSYLVANIA ROUTg, Two Pally bora Eiprcss Packet Boats, And xe•II 11¢,d Care, ( Pon'P•sastialit•,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Central Bud Road and Peuriba Canal. Q4O miles Rag Rand, and 140 miles Canal. Time—.sG hears Fare—Sib through. The Portage Rad Road tr, puma In , day tight. (AN no eft, thin date, (loth lone,lthe Cement Rad ll Road will run two b.:1.1 bnoint fAssulaint GOB froin Huntingdon to Philadelphia, The core on Or above rood n.. 1 the Allegheny Pottage Rail Road are all new, and of the very beat devertpuon is the country, fod wall the increased 'peed nu the mono- Mot. post.en, , , r. go through with eurpateh. A Packet Hoot will leave every morning at G 0 1 . clock, anil early evening at tectoelt. Foe gtelety, tireee, and Cower., Mi. rentie I. eidedly •ne oel prcteroble now in nee to the Eastern , d e - Ctn.,. Por n poesage or information apply to W SUFCl,lllonony.Lein or to It & CO, Cone Basin. P. S.—OL the Int September, inn Cenral Rail Road well he open to Ito lidayaburg, annex, pessengeer wilt go through in 4) boors. 1850. I7i3sN= L. & , FORMA RIANGBIDWE MELRCHANTS, RUCBROTHERHESTER, PA, IBeaver EG - Aaenis for DWELL'S PITTSLIURCHI AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND KIEALWILLE LIM.: TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS, to.tnß and ehtpping bell e n Pittabaryls and Rooberler by steam boats hlichig& - , Laka Ene,' and Beaver. 137 . (roods reeeTted and promptly delivered ta all Owes on the Canals and Lairs at the loweat rates: Inhipphrs wall please duvet goad ' s to 4/I:dwell's UM," J. C. LIIDIV ELL, Water at, Prltgburgit. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL lioo,ooo. 1. P "V i rg:e`y• I R. Jr., preet 7sl; A L o l.. , irt. F IR I . oliberellJ idmated cod promptly A borne insttation—manaccd by Dirertors Who are well known an the community, und who aredetermin ed by p onto., and liberality to maintain the char acter hicli they hare arsurned. . altering the heat pr.. ion to dire who artier to be nsured. In a cromi—lt. Miller, Jr., Geo. lllack, J. W.Etutter,' i r N. lid Meet, Jr., Wm. R. Holm., C. Mum., Geo. IN. /spawn, tie, M. Lyon, J.. Lippincott, Thos. K. Liteb, James bl'Aaley, Alm Nimlch, Thos. Shott. Urn., No ba %Cater street, (watch.. o r Span: - it C 0... sta I rvi Pit.d, rah. imk.tity PITTSI3I.IIWII COPPS= ROLLING MILL. THE tridemiened hating completed their Rolling Mill ore prepared to Ell promptly all orders for 11. aver end ottior Manometer. Copper 01 any le- qui red sta. Made from Ma Copper of We Cliff . .. Mina, Lake yap, Gov Tips Metal has helm thoroughly tested by crane. lent sclentt be ensii to the service of the Government, std pi onumial snootier to sterility, among., and tenacity, to any in pea, end Is math preenca for the 1001100Lelurr uf I itJnotee Led oilier Terresrp. . II is Mcretoie e 0 dulcet! y recommended as a ma re. Mir article, for nit oats, to any in market And we r-Ppiietially a. licit Ines attention of purehatere and 04...ers le 11. 'paw branch of home manufacture I i present the Wurchou. is Nu 8 Commercial Row, L P ray Grept apart C. G. GM*. Va. CV etl Flramou'o bowman., Coon. your of tliw City of PlusbargEC enigrAL sioo,ooo. J 1. McORPJI LA 0,—W. W. DALLAS)Iko'Y •111,:Corppopy 1. ,ow orormedo agatrut J, AIRY ”AILINI4 RI:AZ a all vum Office, Second Stopy, fin]. Algonhe. Hotly kaOcrton, Wm. A. R IC Hanley, A If . Eimpeon, JaMoo abeam, Wm. Edgkr, Commd Grqfig, A, A Anohom, Wm. Co hog wood:Ji. C. Sawyer, Chu. Kom, Wm Gorman, OA/L FLOORKAGPIMAIIDS. 15000 FART Worked o.k iloggict Boards. , for by . 1 ,0 0a04 d 7, and of. enp.rtor comilly okiZdt, B. CLARI.E, gharnsk,ool. " Peoolanastelon. V ' , trine of a precept madame:4,3.oas. iagg,, Prestdrittoffh6 Council Corninon 'll 3 and frir the Filth 'Judicial Dlsulet of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court of (et and Versant., and Generali Jail Delivery,ln and for acid Ihistnet, and William'. Kerr and sintauel Jones. Esp., Associate Judges of the same eousty, in and for the County . of Allegheny, dated the Mb day of Auguat, hi the year at Oaf Len! one thousand eight hundred andjfl,,sna to mu directed, for nolding • Coat at Oyer Ter miner and Gtneral Jail llt hien:, at the CO L , Hans, the oily of Phtlbutgh, ohlhe "Patna Monday October nest tato o'clod A AL p h ylieh hh il ee h, hereby given to all, /niacin of dot Peace, geroner, and Cousables of Allegheny, that, they be' taco and there, ln their proper. persons, trim then rolls, records, inqulsitions,:ezamtnailo..and .other rensembronees, to en shoat thiugaraselekto their rein:restive offices lushes behalf 'appertain tot.. done—and also th ose that yrusetata prisoner.' that sera em or may he In use joiloy,,shdpmmn, tot Atiegtien e V be then sap there prosecskOzolost memu / Given under cal hand at Pittahlirgiir%thitalGth 412 o admir e of *nw, in die year Lord grid. adatand d = o atAllay, rictoithaVaannonsealthlhe 7 • 1taf40414,141' Cana CVanir Oa= O. W. CATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. ~. .." THESE DIES , baying been adopted and idghliApprovid in all the principal rbom in New York :Meneapd Philadelphia; me pow offered to manufacturern,chi o h a, ,g dp ~,,,,,tht .i . . ..., with th . ~., om wzwi t`, Ile the riultt perfect article in me or Phnom armlet. Their aupe_ridrity over, itny, other Dim heretofore toed, etieefithl in their cutting a PELF= Scaria t whether V or. urtite thread, bi ."' . f .i g.v"lh , ifotVte te ent, which rectum Po'rrtetigiAL• ~.,,,,, pn•psr utimc.,IMILIO th eft c u t the Intend tart of the solid, iron, without raining it ittthe lem4 'jar their greater durability, rapidity-, tad perfectioti,of worki and in their nimpliray and liule Wait? to get our of Order. . ; A. 17; ISM Thts is to certify .bit we bows nerchendfrafe P, `NW Bates the light ofweing Ms patent Dies for oat dug bolts. In sof opinion, his Diu ere !touch nee War to any others we Ullacensinterl suit tor - tlus • Purpose of cutting bolts. Rai I P MO a k CO. , Puna=Pula. An 21. lets. a rrire Led P W Pales Stue Dles sa In onr I c r:,..lrlonent roe th e hot ne months. ro e them ra.ll%;we4:u4,lle,..e.ry...regLeveet mo:fmumtngt.ln, they Walt to fez auperfor--eentaklerthe , them 75 per neat. cheaper than therm then now in "'" HANEY, NEAP/E & CO Penn Work., es. Tina la In vanity that yrc ban parenaseri the to a.e, and adopted In car bootees P VirOutest.Pa• tem Perow Cutter, 'Webers highly •PPro'r. Or. ran do mach . 0 . work, and we believe It Will int pars In durability not preelalun,aa math en econOnli of labor, any die, known Wu. MORRIE, TAIKEP, kIORRa PlltlLA.DttZttla, nth motatb,=`,. dy,16,1 Hemp adopted P.,,V,t1111":. tint holm, we take please , * in saying, litn /.;:nore Man answers our expectadoca, rand Imes no betita. lion In it a/ AM Or inien, atilt LIU asasla any Inner plan In preseat p o far caning la, SEGNI t CO. rara We have P. W Gales." Patent Dies" for cutting mcrerare, and the economy of nein; them it sop ry considetable, that we look upon nem as te.dimerm, tile to ever, cemblishatent having any gamin., of *Crew. to eat. CO, C larK, eiDEN IL Cusc•oo, May 10, eCORMIC Catltla)sca elerirs, Wennusul; eth Sept., 49. / Lave purchased ef W. 11. Scoville. far the United lutes, me riunt to as* In all the meanie and arms- SUIJSES, lit/11% ttAttlil6, 86c. TO j‘E.r. ss A COMFORTILDLt . 4,lAa commodio )Yus Irelim,c,i Avi•srl gy, F r itai won APP iLtaul.JONEs a co 141 Fonsi m • PIM RENT. -----------"--- A APPALL 110IPSE on Pride street, in the EllMb Word,—Rent Idly. Apply ot Ono Geo,. tugs TO FKTe A Ugrlf , grntla.l3, l 4°l 7 T.ht7ceetat op ¢2l. Tlaird as ALSO, Seceed and Third 'Stories of Werehonsa No 3 Mello:street. &NOIR or C STOCKTON, Booksellers, 47 Market et. HE I .1.114114 r are fop story ne atOlum . .so, on Wining, 4c„o - Veorlr stir, riming from 14 atpr Fun . cM rn,Laisrla of l term. 0 IN M 1.1171 give. 11.115 fotlAtt F. LORENZ. ATALvABLE: REAL ESTATE ON PSNNSTEL-r V POE SALE. --A Lot of Ground eistate on Penn street, between Hay and Alar4Ar4 greets, adjolnini te house and lot no 7 oneonied by Richard Edward:, mir LI 4 riwtot of &Peet, and in depth 110 feet, mill bi lavorabletenion. Title unexceptionable. En. quire of 13. 0. LOOMIS, dth et,near Wood. onal.dtf Pr*petty Si ,ALlelinSii, CO7 En/ Pala. rrHE aubserthers onler (oi age a ha:ober° oho, m JI Lola, annals ia tainteeead Ward, (rondo • an Cedealio Vik, on alma Lerma Inquire ot - W. O'IL ROBINSON, Any at Law, St C dr at or ofJAS ROBINSON. on tnapramme a etel7tdiewtr7 MORRIS Is HAWOJELTD, TEA AND WINE AIESCILAIVS, out ante of the Dammed. LL7elient so no r in, tie pettor qualities— 7i do, The - beat imported IMt do. Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas me DE t'id at IN, etmhilstment. CAL 1 YOBSIA 4.1:01191CILT1SICIIIGINT. DE.M=I.7O DROCXWAY,Commirsion Moralism. j„ Sacramento City, Califarnb. Liberal edemaea made on coasigrstmos, and all agency beaies, promptly atomised fo. A. nAI.4 VlArlaidk.u4 J. VA /9O! SY W 'ATIMINEVAT LAW, ER Cur taking Deo 01;°„7,,Ifitottmg,'11°.:", 5. Office—voarth street, above dtgith'eut t i. tritS-41r.v.T 0 W—:4o tt — i .,7 l2 - illfeirWhale as brL Tanners' (ht; ILO br's bleached winter Entphant Oil; OLU brlo do do Whale Oil; WO gals winter Poem Oil; ILO to C bia nuerandtesi for sole F 34E t tytdeodUr 00&47 eoLW aIo;.DLF:t A e lPins II /// 8 U. 1141011 • la J. Flamer, Jr., Agaa forllis Pun Life Imurancs Co. of Pilo. UPPlitt: of the Wutzun Inallegueo Comp.:wry. ; I Dd Water street, Multi:llh. Pamphlets, with all necessary. inittemation ; and giant torn will be famished, llashuds pita itlsepe. hint lives for the beviefil of there oyes add children; crednols the Urea of their debtors. The whole profits of the Coinpany are divided =song the holders of Life Policies. The 2 ITldet4 of the put two pears have hen Vioh ty per cu... eat E. year. We_ E.LI:R, A. xchaag• Bank et Ppy.i.blargh. A GENKILAL Meeting n( the theith•lacts el the hisieri”go think of Pinsbersirswili L. held of the Ihnlitag Sloe. 00 hloaday, the eih day ofideptecnoor /Int. at hi o'clock, P.M.. fertile oppose of consider , ini •ad deteretim. e opta the ea puma at Um /Mk Pceal. ,00 the Legislator; emending the tenth/ inereof.! Lly order of the Directern. 110;ifAS 151 HOWE, Castuer. August 10. Ihoo.— CtloP EfIEWS'ER and CHAS. HARNaI haat atm o Ohm% St inti7reeha7rir es !.' sfa7l l' aftC;l ' o n a d o e l : tra Wholesale Grocery, Predate, and•Cosemass:oa bad. acts, at no 17arsh 122 Second ants, betstocis Wood tad Vmallfield at. Pittsburg • elm= 1,1860.—aa PLAYS SVOIIiSS. SIOSEPH-D. ABELL, ANUFACTURFR OF GLASSWARII eltrerat , Vials. ito Iles, tent idtt as and Flks, Yon., scateh Ala, ,Sa emo. mitt V A lne Bottles on hind IN a gene W ml am: S. nt of the above arttelra ALStr &Zell:, as the oiler Green Glare Feetorits:are ata. name, aw is the meat. satteast, Tilts F 1 ['to.oool 1.1 aria OrilaTlOS, and wilt Continue in operation both manatee and winter. Orders mrpeettehy tolleited.itad will be filled an the shortest nodes. . • Warshatme,No lid Second street, beMsten Wood and Smithfield its, Sitisban GEISEI== &Ap.theß, '• WHOLESALE GROCERS, Prodora and Cesonisszon lifertkonts, And dealer. In - Plnebargh DlansfacturcA Articles, Nos. 130. sad 133 6.0002112 intr.**, Rettrecn Wood &:•mithfield, Pittabum . k. .11 BANKING H•OLIS-E. J. CAROTHERS ac, CO., No 13 Wood stress, Mitastosagb. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT: Collzalons made on all the piinSipal cities of the United Slates. anglWly Cleveland, Warren sad IPlttabargh Telegraph Company. IN perm:Lance of a reaolutten of th e Book of three. ten of the Cleveland, IFILITee and Pitabargh Itelegraph CemPeny,rerstesting the Secretary tomato oat and mascot. be pablubed in the newspepers along the line, ati exhibit of the Mendel Ind other again of this compmy. I submit the fallowing Reports— The line of Telegraph commence. et Clevehrid and terminates et Pittsburgh,. pasaing throagh Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton b ads, Warren, 1 ottngstown,' and Lowell, in the State of Oino, and New castle and Rochester, In tie State or Pennsylvania, at which point. there are. Mimes located for the-receipt and transmission of bailees.. i. The whole length of the line is 149 rePm—Capital i i Stock, Seth per rifle, making a total capitol stock of Mt 2,150, of Mum mount 41110463 Ni held by chile. alone the lure, an the balance is held iy Cornell & Speed, the c o os mors. The atm'. amonnt of rub. matinees bycluienit, have been paid to Cornell & Speed, for which the Trustees have their receipt. Jeleida JEFFERSON Biti.M, Secretary. DISIBOLVTitiN rum: peon etabip ofJahr-stoolsSulekton, composed 1. of the undersigned, has this day bush diesalsed by mutual cement., S. H: JOHNSTON, - P.ushurch, P.C. EC-COMMON, PIIIINTI4O Hu08.13/11WING. THE OLD' ESTABLISHMENT, Ho 80 Third, b.low iftazkei W. 8. HAVEN, (Successor to Johnston Ze• fairreloonj T. Ai i s o f m tie , Vs r a t tveFs purehai.ed the Printing (Mee and Pont Bindery of tne firm, lie Is prepared io execute with ittealheto and ut• putt,, try drier oleo al WOK a. JOB l'itlNTlNti AND DOOR .DINDIN4 litiritiar had the management of the Printing depart s:at at of Ihn lath hien .or teventeen years pant, no (eels confident of being able to render bauataatlor to all Who'rnai favor him with their pa:Mien!. Anineit 14, ltihC .- aogld:dlm JOHN itirLIVS 81410 . 1. BILK, firpnrusly /et Ertritte: 'IV, avoid the many IterlOnni.dCß:auending the use of the customers. Skein, the above artich, hat been meth, and for a Wag erne wanted,. Ii has at.rpya. bees a matter orumniehrnent, that IrliPpt We maroon introit or Cloiton, WAY T .Teni tMlY a i i l/f f or ge ar , pi' a, rfX 9l l i jchtr,Lttttrtrapled ltfe3adgi so mock a I 2dibert;elft:lll'arenon'hlcoine. the puhlie va,oXered a good article, handsoacty put op it, a cos- I 'talent form for domette one. Tbeemy ohjetsion orged against this article Je the 'apemen, •Tbls easily oyploinea. Sea Spool In wertneleal . tat tamale tht yard. of Silk; while the ordoery Stein, aathei once, boo Oat au IB Tani. anaemia qugraltit;'darjihir from 13 The S end pool Silkl y ac Late,ed* ydr one at the title of per. chase, on. fo to copTlnce the saosi skeptical au, supenomy in quality.' Indepondentet the Wog Inn cforrenitot fora to whlth Ste Stroinhol, it has great advantmree over the Slide,. 'Woes sway with the tediumk of ;winding, of fen:Salon of taaaho6, lad the Sold Ir 7 Wen . fL 1101TbTd1eNY tiArtt LI PlentiThlrd al, Philadelphia; • • itOILSTAIANti. Biwa 4CO • ' lethe,rhievelierk. IM=l I( r 4~ a• UHPU 4 & BUI{CIiEIRLD haul mend %AM lor=i l ll tlll4= es; 114,1 1.1ak Slot COrOac ta4 uptif 11'• , PA TZIMICIIV:IirAvr s, 1f47.! Nee under the , saperrielon of this Derertreee r P. ; setae tiro for ea nis,c . •. crews on thl, th ey W. 'beving been tried In two . t'ats !slit en7er e ials; arid , found to be refit etßeient anstexectlertit •d. TALCCTT, Col.Ordnaue. alltikr Or Saar, •ND • - 'I/Vesely:wren, Sept. iTs /Eft , Cartelderitig Cotes' relented 'lmprovement for t•. 1 10001•3 et, man; taboo Secretor one 1 bare. by authority of the] onorable Secretory of 'the flary 3 purebaked of the Attorneys of th e Patentee, Win. 11. Scoville, and Fetonel blower, ice the rif'bi to 1115. and ussieeddituteovernem for IS, li. S. Nam JOSEPH SMITH, Chief of Hams. ,• . us* sloe try , Baklo Works, Beira Reese & Ashley, Reshowen Roston & Co, Gloucester, N. !IC' Boy wad &Border, etaylk:ll County, ElbertLhow York: /loos & Deism:ter, s i r :trouts," N. Y; N, kc Doak= &Co, New York; Dormesd & Co, Nonoment Works, Ran; Caren, Rodman mow & &yr. New Yak; &Boor Works, Poses & Murphy, do; Weal Point Foondry; r. Nom , & lire, Philario'phla; A Jean, lirreCesSah, Ps: WalwerLs &F.'osarislewtort au&N M ow Yo Lowell Y.oulrlifel 6hOp, Lowe akeat Co, Nortek..., N OdLyrae & Soulor, Booth Boaroo.. amorous oßters. 1 M woes, 10 nil! dies it taps f I to 2 In. pet. PlOt : New Terk , .lAu orders addroned to P li. \ J . r t , ' 1 ' . ' 7, ".. & (1 4,7P,1 ° .: deltriiHan= IL IL Scoville IC . CoLos a hero, for Th. .49, at' without' tatehines for veldt them. p 74::4.",,,nmutayrzlgoa.tlertlozr. • AR. 716. J . J. MYERS otters Lk., ipinfeesional ver!ineo Sco to the call:ens or litenehes. rr isms vicinity. Oi and restsierce, for the sen hi Manchester, ascrcedharly aliove pre the t, U r El Neils.. thaiotod. ' • A CARD. • PII.IOIIN MARTIN respeettally tntotnees to the el:lmm of ratibUrgb, that Ms peso ent:7 ated himself as the eity, Icq 11 e curets, of - prse. Gene klmiteine and Forgery, tu vatloartranets ea. Ills °thee On Fourth street, No Do, n",,!, No-SG awe st. PLOlkkr_ InPORTAXT TO Toll= AB,CTJZO. Dr. Drie's Cdebraled IZemaltes. D R. JACOB S BOSE, the d.semeter end sole bro praetor of thesemost poyolno and hTeietet raM temsesould also rho 111,rt,:do of :he celrb-1t0.6 Instrument for frestmg the t ate., Ca oath or , breath diseases. arm a athotof a ot thy;ace. pb.laselm, Domor Ith), c, and Or a rrsd Ate of the Uacerlatty of Itennsy ;mom, nod tor ds-tv leafs Coco bas been es weed In the theca Jcsatun ofths-are, and the •pplacatton of vetoed/ea -I.e solo Tb roach the the of his anflnit.g. Labe, in connection with his Proptthleede Syrup r.,1 other o'hin remedies, ho b&. gained ho meats!. led On poet.,: Mite cathedral sod fins etatcd:es Tsbereater Cols atheption. endeerS L St•rr Rhenreett-m. Bettor and Ape, Fedri , of zd, rulo, GPilbss tad ail those ot , oludrin 01.,kse, seratlar to females. Indeed every fortn of the an, of hit resnedleln, ..•1•101 bumanily to I,dit WC by the Dee of eon conects,/ oat Ir. our that 1. Ps codspallble sot tt .I.l.clest Lots, hat by the cm of Ids =ed./ adapt.' to end parse. shed tor teat tO otlJoar Sem oedsease. D?. Borebt Tomo Altmane Fig, , mien rood nee itthariattly to lob seitertor to all otter. Si purgstase Or over 'pit), loasmae., na they leave the tome. perfeettj free from cesdavetthea, ss oleo his Golden Pb!!. as admitted by the faculty .0 possess peralint properties n.,opted to female tlarensea, but tabaz sSisbed that n bare Blot i, stas,e eat to roinkdifh what ban been sold in the mods of e norm skeptthal. The &filleted are invited to call opar, ae ment pro,ara lateens) or.; of tab Doctor's car..ohl. u, Ordog s,detailed nedounl st;elt remedy tad it, opp`lra , lon, &sr sale by the folimotne cecn.s, au usli es 100 must druggists tbroarboat the coy . rdry J abboonmaker k. Co.'s bk - God maces, p,mbeatit. J 111 Townsend. (1:11,..7,1,:t,qi Mark, et , do, Lee A. decal:lsm, do near the 5.0. Allegheny el'Y's Joe Barkley. Datilstkom, Beaver to, Pa . Joe Balton, Ecout Va'lay, ' do; Tr/dater. Bea Se t; do do; I i• must's.'" PLINSTT'S BITTEES Creates it Pee lthy canon throutheat the boJy, rettere the asipettle, ritual it the otocatetton. ;Tice Wad cad energy to:the erystcle, nett emits a power el rrrial oiltiaze itrall lit moms, sorely to he otnalsted. hetwell pp perforce • speedy emi p , rnearleal cure of Intligeguoth Flatulency, rl.ta - tot llttleY. t;olurdalril, •nd 10 the trace ef re;elaMS COM- Mora! called servo., affection. HEADAIIM WM be inlitedlitely rel,eve4 to the ere eittbitl local eablegoenpouna, which is powely vegetahie, nod to adapted to all nee a.e4 eewiiben% ralllA LS Will 8.11 Otis deilo F are a. paiEanable preparatieNs eQyhixntion Tani% s L it t ez , ;! , , a c ill .. Ageiterit 41 - 11 - • U7g7p4etreYal:V:trthattSis, hos on the Liver and Digestive Organs, leaders it a einn;lete Antidote for Fever and Agee, and Bilious .11'fyriaus Foyer. I have used the neat le pl ?Innen'. inner, .11 nova dented Creel benefit trank thr:r.. I i.eve been 'abject for neer - 117133110 f end Ag.b, I.v. 'lnca irmodadtion of pmt tte,.:, r have eltur , dy canal/ed ley usual nntl aJin with NI/Ifitlctell tenon:la:end them nt nee of tbnb,. ionic. in one. your', • - - Ali Deis See. -lighYta me meet pleroure to lidad, Mal Ee Ryorpe'boin with which my ill, ban 1-con •r lo m 3 led, atboorfrom inadrlnn of we !suer has bare e. drelY bberconse, and cured by ill , ur-c. r 11;7 `neaten able preparation of !lidera; loot I•3r your is enc as la reacontaeoduor Item. raise Etta-or tar tb,:dta. raprOlwirrat a.kernit, C L.RECfr. Apod., Plrealrßeod.,William T. Ifick• Jr. Co. Its and 15: Front ar 'York. For solo by aogY;earain R E SELT.r.RS. To Igetrotharsa and ,Westorth=irrohtxxsta., (>OI.Sr•SEVIS PREMIUM PERItEMERY.— The U, subscriber respectfolly incites public attention to hio extensive moatof rename ry, Songs. Skarn+, Creosol,. &a., to which seven Slier, and tiro Cold.. Memel. bay!, within the lost six yens; tµen awarded by iliert:lnstunte. of floor Yintit, Saxton, end Milo delpalm the latter being the arty Golden Yledalt ever awarded Mt perfumery either In Eurityr axle, Mu co Ro n utry, n.% Uoirayabtan FIrMIVI,4 121,14. (Alninnd,- Rose, and- Ambrostaly µriveter,. acknervlrd:ed he superior to any Shaving Crean, in Con country or Europe. OemAneentroa Suammi—Elenctifialy trunmemen, and poutessing highly thcioatietoun end emollient properties; Saponutoons Compelled; Attamoriartihav ing Tablet; Mtary Shoving Soap. dreMiXtitirotirrSo u r s — almond.notclhlillcgensv i Beinitinel,Pistachlo,M.k,Datehouly, ttmuit,int, Pleat. rrinopotent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Cireenion. E:Yritarn soh ins Jano4, Bouquet de Coronae, Geroxium, Jenny Litte k hlo.aci. line, Jockey Club, Illognotin, Illcatnute, A-camel!. Boat, and many other mimics, in all Maly dXruent perfumes. Toast Tomas. Vrantes—Florida Water, Ean do Toilette, Oraege :Plower 11'stier, - . and a rem variety or Co lognes end Lavender Wider. Puttraaarions 70.. t. Ilitt—Genulte Beare OH, Amiga.: Dadoline, 11. set t,uenra!e, theme, Com. Pada , / Dt Marrow, Dar Dyes, liquid nod in powder, and Pidlecome, Rlentiae, end Jenny Lind Pomaded ()Donau,. Posracor.oox—Elelmoie Roco Tooth Paste, Charcoal DatriPec,. <Monona, Tooth Pans and Tooth resider. Cosarra—yczetable Coemet*c Cream, Aumodiste for chapped hinds. C'eld Cream &Doses, C,eam de Pere, lip Pelee, Raspberry Cream, fee: Depilatory Powders, for removing superdunoa.hale, Pearl Powder, Viotti/gra de Ituuzu, AtettaatiO Viftgltf. Composition, Preaten tolls.besides 3SirwatVeriety of other snacks, too ta1.1000116 to be named to this advertisement. The subscriber homes to maintsin the reputation which this emnblishaimit hes acquired, by dtepoetcy of nothing hat Gnu rate aiticles, not will be happy to furnish those who may with to patronize him, either wholesale ar retail ou es reasenable terms as any es tatilishmenCln the 'United Sister. • xAvrEri DAMP:, Succesior to abd former Director of the Lst , ....arry of EUGENE DOCitiirEL., U 4 Cheroot street. Mr. DIU Perfumery fa for ado by all tho prmirf. pal Druggist* India country. : apl7:dlyl GIirfIGNSIIVItOI.I 11CPVILL. (Fisunaretre (J Srace.) rr HE subscriber havieg !cued the above oreller.eSro aud excellent establishment, Le now rfrepurc.l tO easeful° ifs friends and the travelling publie Ke a ts• miy, lathe 'Seri Manna =4 on the meet reuse:34le TADLE will at all times be ravelled with ecer7 ed fc ,,,y of the .tasou—ant his Dan wfth the best of Liquors. Iris Stabling is very extensinerend every ittilage mini Bea been nude (Or the need:immolation or D seg3-ff E"SilLooll, sitilelfh'slil.'aorry'}o'nelttteis: Room otei. b:Wititanne corn, corner ot• Wood and FinJnainects. Rev. Wel. D. I Imaged IM ~ IH. Walt !' U. Lowfm, Rev. De. J. D. McCort. E•i, Re, Dr. !QUILL J. D. Willnuris, Lit I. ' . ;.• CO.PARTISERSUIP.. I!id. dor, atcemtded with me Mr. 1. 11. c0..4:1u the Wto!coele 4:r cry cad Produce busiocost the etJ]e of the firtrov.^lll to A. Caleercone *A:lame. 073] j A. CULPLIPIC4.)I4 L cotaryrimi . - It T. mans. • 4,.0 ox.itEliTSON 0; cLousE, WHAS . *.se e 0110cEits and Conmuiton ?UT... Manor..and ast:l,l;l3 Erd""' " ''''''' .. ~ tttn i .. raub..t,h, ht., ii. 41.' CARD. are COW reetivlnineer ca)le(.. ncfr" Eit: lll7 wsl 33 t b lr ' rhigaT;7 l l2 ' . Al '7. Tb ' Y jn the baz“ will IW.P"WirlriAtilfelttlitu'onierts". • ;751:6 , r City .3111 J, ' PI.ITsEWINII GLAS3:1101111g. '-` • A. &J. D. H . C - FA At EIS Ft 3 3 &CO.') teipeatfolli infonttile 'owed:Den of tba hmt WC , I es the palate ' they late will contuthe thtrtheettfehhato vcialutowa Less , v l l4.kf i xtox* mseic, 4i CI thCovitthtletb - et the Old B:and, aro la Womf et, S p ada . rvivngs...r.Roc kx „.. 4 2 , 4 ,l?Tolfftt: • • kgyileiscsiotipuito. fr . 's?" ' 4 " 1102 %'•i " niowErz, 4 44 "' • Nowt %riot, Coaaar.Lut, L. I. July C. BUNDING Zune t:r1,15.10. W3L CL&WSO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers