THE rtrtsßu4erili Gams, PUBLIMULD & co: ===l nme - 29 .18SO vim :I pima:sumac CIO . 1 TICKE vox Call&L 05,131.10.4 L - •-• TO I 7 A DUNG Ali, Ix gee cosy/. • ' 701 rmor . naNgi , a ~v. 'S own NYDER. , , •a; drAPCOUttI• •V*Tus. 30516P8 tie" °EASON, ,431 VlNAtarum County. =iEEE •11011 A• X. TIORPRI, m. 011611nOrPRIMO. MITI TOW OMUMIZO• - • lin A. 111. nalaT , ISIMITMIL •• • 1/0715M11 1 , JAMES CAROTHERS, as Imam 701 ASSINBLI, X 01110• 11 ROBERTSON, P T. T. Mlol,l%Lower St CAW. R. C. WALLS Vaal:nth. JOHN SPCLUS Reonnsoa. /AXES FIFES, Snowden. remconmi asesser, MUNCIE Cr. PLLNEOIN, iticubcret. Z 5121132811. SKIVLIZI, North rayons. intros, WK. FLYNN, L01ret.80:211.4, D. N. 001DITNEY. Ohio. Diniat lass PAGE FOR LOCAL MIL TELEGRAPHICI NEWS. &. Hoe. Tatum= Eirrimes.—Oor Wuhioitoa earrespeadent, In a late letter, makes vane Marl IMMO drtetttta open Write eiparaOool of }lon. Thaddeus Stevens, of thin SOW. hot eel °° 4° 9° alai tie occasion caned for. We have not es yet ' sees aBM report of the honorable mamba's re marks, but fiat the condensed Mon of the Pm . estedinp ache House, published in the Bigrublic, o w b e sited aid int report or meta Meat originated from neWePenefe end letter wit airs k was "WM trim beginning to end"—q, 'elms him Out FM& lace of haire.—"it eon• noted6om the meta ignorance of editors and let. imbue Virbei soak wholesale and aweeplug charges az Sheri am made as the door of Congress against u m ar,mgs mused elan ofmenthintigh whose aged grim stole of the ordinary intelligence of the • day Miiirculeteds and who are the somas et toaroclien and general information to the great maws of the people, and who exert as influence farmers potent thandhat of Congress Or any ohm muse of impressing and moulding the public orals country, It becomes • matter oftener , sky and duty, no well as selfrespeet, to repel the unditutirred aspersion with proper and well merit of severity. Was ouch charges made in any less public plum than the floor of Congress,. even by • man of the deserved influence end celebrity of Mt Steven", they would not be worth noticing; but it . b occasionally necessary to 'Wiwi= men know, that however high their position, or brilliant their tablets, or keen their wit, or cateniive their ac quirements, they cannot transgress the laws of de cency and propriety. - There is an infinenee,back. ed by general integrity, extensive information, and Mairing industry, which no man, however malted his position or great his mental pore:, me with stand,„%nd the man who is no fool-hardy as to roe gill with it, will soon find himself inglorioualy biting - he 'Slum • WI freely admit thit. Mere are false hearted and am men to be found who have tie control of wrappers There was • good institution but hid Men abused It. But it ie pm as unjust to prammee editors and letter writers, as a claw, a ..prolthe MOO el tiara," and to denounce any report which originated tram them, as false from be. eoning Wend," as it would be to call all the mem• bars a - the House Mani:wards, because Mr. Ste :Teas chow to make web an exhibltion able skill ••ia the lith womates art; en the door of that distin . Hajahed Asethebly. What would Mr. Stevens be hicasett,ir it were not (or stewspapas t Our member. of Congress might •- wriarle and spout mail doom's dap, and the people 11* . som On wino! for their oxisteoce, if it Yore not - fur the untiring anti laborious exertions of the mach • , 'astatted and ever patient nevecePee prat The prima is Me' moral' and' mental ight of the lanai oot,end a worst than cimmerian &ulnas would overspead this vast and newspaper =light. ' 'tined EtOtthlie. But U it originate nothing but fehmeiscod, and its conductors are a ..prolifia race of llama" it were better to dwell even in the darimeto el Egypt, than under such pestiferous inlinecce. Staiinans, certainly, will not desire that hit ....truthful and eloquent speeches shall reach the pub - llama *tooth such avile channel, for -feu that the caitamination Caf ttm "ace of liars" shall neo uslisaithe good efforts be alms to 'Predate. He h s iheolvial editors mad loner writers from all ob. . Wacker to AMMO him hereafter, bat we doubt not beweedd feel this stern silence and cool contempt • ,eat depress as a greater punisnment than he could bear, We um* that hereafter he will let the press fi inteiert lanadmittedly pest abilnie4npro• ,;;',:,:i',I11401110 Iwellitracif the country. One thing is that ante ft not for the wholesome sierted'aver some mambas COngress hiti.dier....l the press, both their speeches and'eaidact.weeld be intolemble to their more in leiligentplui better bred college's. The 'Dtepritch complains of oar position on the mad Mae law.. It is only necessary to imnarit, that when our polio sernsta, umeguested and *midday& menet a law which has been a deed team on tins nitttne boob for many yesn, that 'showing Maths people, the foentain of authority , lens yepudialed lies zumessary and oppress:we,— 70r NM they rommoot such a law, they can. -not b expect that it will be disregarded. It s which so duty of legislators never to pass any an teach uot required by the people, and which - they . not in the general cheerfully obey. The attempt to seem a people to keep an obnoxious law, which alfenta merely their own woven awe, sand which decision involve any civil or moral du. ties Of rights, is a geckos of folly which might lead, to engem= consequences. Such laws ought - to boat once repealed, ms they derogate (mm thenottednem of law, and we siren the tome lad effect: of legislative enactments. We hope the legislature, therefeue, at So next session, will remote this and every other n alit= the stmt. nte tomb. Watt secounts rats:ant the Wheat crop, gag antounfaud quality, unnprocedented In Oda MIMI. and in,thrashing, the wheat inna otdbeacs 01011th/a was anticipated. Of scans, pike! rule kw, with a downward tendency.— The ,Cuteinsatf Gush, up that the Wbeat of Whltowiter Valley Is beginning CO COMO to market.. quality is good. The farmers are manias ft to the MIMI along the boo of the easel gins brlikly. Tho market at these several ple a* ban opened at 60n per bushel; .a price which L conableredfeir there, and which it is 11 .: 0 4ht ecatantes. A decline is anticipated rather 'thanes admits. At Cincinnati, the email rube 1 4 23 azds: At Louisville, the receipts are fair, and prises Tugs al 70,43, tad 80 wan At Alton, Mehl, the asks arc largu, and the best quality is quoted at 70 onto per bedded. At St. Louis, the re• ceipte ace beast and prim rine from 73 to 52 oats, scourding to quality. At Sandusky Cray, 200,000 bushels have already been reeeiftd, the highest Flea ben 29 CCM On the 21st, the Saadusidan reports males of 0,000 bushels, to be put an ship board, at 78 cents; 4,000 at 27e., and 20,000 at private tannn On the Wien:Awn of the 21st, the Mirror says buyers offered but 75a The tees/pis tt libuldusky on the 20th were 12,500 The Menlo Commercial Ittivettiser,of the 21st, reports I 1a.4, of 33,000 bushels, not prime, at 79c Th. luelte• teeteM say!: ."lt seems to be the soma impeemien that EOM, must min farther wale, and with this baiet; millers come into the sifts tsttl rehietalt*, and parettass sparingly, body Whim is kssp their millsin opetathm. ehmaing to defies laying In their "Minter smoke till Ur *Mud has found blared, aad prices become smug seigled." shois tatictics, oar tonna will be gge to jailiwathe pried VOA will nab year.— Ude= Is a irocsl dap aimed, wheat tout `o verf koV4 Y theft Is, awe la ' =wag 'lip can be co mi sse it. , The duly remedy Is to hiccup Wm° comamption b 7 hmaludoi anatifotures. %ea gtorriarca.—Lake .B. Davidota, Esq., ' ; beesc appointed 'Postmaster, at the Wilkins Pair Mos, in this county . , in place of ..t . irtnns F. Gas, Esq., removed. itir-Basidsoo, ant feel as• paed, Gorr car IcarcrA:ditgi d trim, make roptia cad obligiptodlom 160NiT . 1111T10111 OP ItICIUGAnt. It maw alwayi be an intoreonieg etnploymeet, whin free people, with whom the "Once of Goy. tent is a abject of every day and practical importance, to contepplate the labors of their . !ow Citliens of the different States, to their fre quentefforts to amend and perfect the fundamen -T roles of their Government. No sight um be move .astemishing to the people of the Old World, while none is the eubjeet of more just pride with 012114tilef, than the frequent assembling in this copnlil of delegates herb from the 'people, charg ed enthuse important trust of altering, amending, or radically changing, the very basis of our institu tions and laws, and Mai giving direction, life, and vigor to the most important earthly interest of man. For this purpose there are not assembled renown ed statesmen, or learned doctors, or an ancient ao bility, or the representatives of crowned heads, but the farmer, the artisan, the merchant, the lawyer, and persons from every profession and employ ment of life—the learned and the comparatively unlettered, the aged and the young, the ploughman and the lodge—the troe,real ,honest representatives of the feelings, desires, and awns of , the whole people, of the aggregate of the community they re. present They meet woh no pomp or circumstance of State, with no military array, and ender no out ward or inward fears or alarms, sad w i t h cer tain knowledge that their decisions will not pro duce any disruptions of. society, or bloodshed and civil war, but that if the people whom they repro meat ere satisfied with the result of their labors, they will ratify them, Wool they will reject them, and continue existing fundamental laws. This an suably hoeing met under these simple republican eiresomtances—sublime from their very simplicity —and the members having taken an oath to dis- Muslim their duty faithfully, and having humbly in voked the Divine blessing through the agency of n priesthood, as manly and unpretending, as the in newtons they are about to reform and re-establish, they address themselves, to their labors with honest sincerity of heart, and the result usunlly is that they' produce Belch master pieces of workmanship in the art of human government, that 'they will ever stand as monuments of the wisdom and iptelligerice tE the age. The Convention which lately met in Michigan 1 , has concluded its labors, and presented the instru ment it bas formed, for the acceptance r of the peo ple. It is, mainly; and excellent constitution, gintrdlng with a jealous eye the rightsand liberties of thopeople, but possessing, however, a few ex crements which sane future Convention may re move. It was adopted with but eleven votes in opposition. We avail ourselves of a synopsis we find in the Buffalo Commercial Advertises, to give om readers a condensed view of this Interesting doctimeat.• • The first article defineel the boundary of th. State. The second permanently lomtee the sent of go eminent at Leasing. The third relates to a division of the powers of government The fourth defines the powers, dee., of the Leg. illative Department. The Senate is to consist of a: member. Senators shall be elected for two years and by single districts. Such districts shall be num bered from one to thirty two inclusive, each of which shall choose one senator. No county shall be divided in the formation of Senate Districts, except such county shall be equitably entitled to two or more Senators_ The Coniention, it will be seen, very wisely adopted the single district sys tem. The Rouse of Representatives is to be cons posed of not less than 64 nor more than 100 mem hers—to he chosen for two years, by single Dis. trims. Each Representative District to comma, as nearly as may be, as equal number of white inhabitants, and civilised persons of Ind tan descent, sot members of any tribe, and shall consist of con. renient and contiguous territory. The general provialane—in relation to the pow. ere and dunes of the Legislature are lath as have been aerially engrafted into.constitutions re. ;wady adopted Into several of the States. It can not grant divorcee—nor audit mallow any private arca or account. No money ran be appropriated or drawn frees the tremor, for the benefit of any religious Coot or society, theological or religions seminary, nor 'shall property belonging to the State be appmprist. -d for any inch porpesse. The Legielaturo may authorise a trial by a Jury of a less so mbei than twelve s and shall not pass lay law authorising the grant of license to sell trfiant *pints or Intoxicating liqunrs. The fifth article relates to the Executive De .artment. It provides for • Governor and Lint. Governor, with the usual powers to hold their offices tier two years. The With article organizes the Judlciati. The judicial power is to be vested in one supreme mon, is circuit courts, in probate courts, end in mauves of the peace. Mollie:pal ccurta ot and criminal jurisdiction may be ertablishrd by the legislature is eities.• The elective prior p'e Is recogolzed and established in regard to Ibr Jo 'dm:ray as well as to the other mikers. Thie prin ciple will Kola doubtless become the prevailing one in all the States. '.b e Legislature may also provide by law Tor the e ott at one or more persons is each organized who may be vested with judicial powers not s eceding chore of • judge of the circuit court at chambers.— roere is to be not exceeding four jusxree of the peace to each organized township. They shall be elected by the elector' of the township. and Mall bold their offices for four years, and until heir wocceasora are elected and qualified. Article seven relates to Elections. It provides hat I. all elections, every white male ciLlsea, - ,very white male inhabitant residing in the State RI the Roth day of June,lB3s; army white male inhabitant residing In this State on me Cunt day o tannery, 1550, who has declared his intention to become • eitixeu oldie United States, purenent to ,he low, thereof, six months precedirg an elec.. -ma, or who has resided in the State two years and air month., and declared his intention as efiiresald, and every civilised male inhabitant of Indian descent, a native of the Untied Stites, and not a member of any tribe, .6.11 be an elect. or, and entitled to vote; but no such eitiseuor in habitants shan be an elector or entitled to vote at ' tiny election, anima be shell be above the ego of twenty one Imam, tad hu resided in the State three months, and;ln the township or ward in which he offers to vote, ten days next preceding suck election. Here is ■ new restore, that of In. dim suffrage. We believe that the 'native." are not snowed to vote to soy other State. The Con vention also adopted a resolution submitting the question of negro suffrage to the people, as was done In New York. The Eighth Article provides for State sincere. Teens ls to he elected at each biennial election a Secretary of State,. a Superintendent of Public (taltruction. • State Treasurer, • Commissioner of the Lind office, an Auditor General, and an At torney General, for the term of two year,. They ' shall keep their offiee at the seat of government, and olio➢ perform sorb duties as may be prescrib ed by law. Article Nine fixes the salaries of the officers as follows:,ool9-C i rcuit ledges, 51,509 --rremiurer, 91,000—Auditor General, 81,000— Superintendent of Pablio luetroction, 51,000 SectufFY of Stole, 0000—Attorney General 6600 --Commlsionetof Laud ,Office, SSOO. So far ae emoluments are concerned, offices holding In Mich. igan will not be a‘very pmfitahle business. It is a mistake to make calories so km. Competent men cahoot be got to discharge highly responaible du' ties at =Oh befingtalaries. It is asking too great • It above ■ niggardly spirit to give men OR w►em we bestow such high pests, inch miner able salaries. Article Ten relates to connties—dnit organiaa tion—orwen and their powers—Article Eleven 'to urirrahlos, and Article Twelve to impeach. The Thirteenth Article is devoted to education —providing Cor a general system, Ste. It declares also that the Legislature shall encourage the pro motion of Intellectual, scientific, and argricaltural Improvement; and shall, so soon as practicable, provide for the establiatunent of an egticoltunil school. The Legislature may appropriate the twenty two setainis of salt erring laude now en. appropriated, or the money arising from the "elect same, where inch lands have been already sold, and any teed which may hereafter be granted or appropriated Inc inch purpose, for the nopport and maintenance of such schcol, and may make the same a branch of the University. km instruction in agriculture and the natural sciences connected therewith, and place the same under the super. vision of the Regents of the University. Article Finned relates to finance. In relation to the State debt, It Is declared that the Legisla ture shall provide by law a sinking And of at leas , twenty thousand defiant, year, to commence In stgbteen !mann and fifty, two, with compound lammed at tie rate of 6 per cent. per *seam, and au annual increase of at lean five per cent., to be applied solely to the payment and einn,gulshmene steles psi% of as &see debt other tux too . . liatetinte due tr_.:u.• I tOrtriri . . adr. be-continued matt the_eittoirtrOirrioyr tbmmG The tuifanded debt elan dot hat fortiltdor iaittorm, ed at . value exceeding thotlitttihp*Ab l IJ etghteen . liiodiedind forty . eight The Fifteenth n lkli , piaeribeif the iniiitter organizing corporalions, dtu h provides that no b u ,king vriaw • &nuts .9:terenf, *bill have effect until 016 same shall, after its passage, be aubmittte to a vote . of the deems of the State, 'at egeneral eleotiOn, and be approved by's majority . of the votes cas t thereon At lucti election. The officers and stocks holders of ever, corporation or association for baoking purposes, isrning bank notes or paper credit to circulate as money, hall be Indtvidttally 'idle for all debts cootracted during the time of their heir g officers or stockholders of such carp°, salon or easociation. The following is article sixteen, by which it will be observed that lateral exemptions have been provided for: Election 1. The personal property of every resident of this State, to consist 01 such properly only as shall be designated by lam, shall be el =pled to the amount of not more than five ho. deed dollars from tale on execution or other it al PrOatOl of any court, issued for the Lolleciion ,l soy debt contracted alter the adoption of this Constitution. ... • 9ecinin.2. Every tgimentead. not exceeding _ .. . .. forty acres of land, and the Joel leg ribose there• on, and the spurtenances to be selected by the owner thereof, and not included la any toa - n _plat, city, allege; Cr is/steno thereof, at the opts. of the owner, any Int in any city or village or a corded town plat, or torch pane of lots as shall be equal thereto, and the dwelling house there 11, appertenanter, owned and occupied by any r '- dent of the State, not exceeding in value fill a hundred dollars, shall be exempt front forced le on execution, or any other final processes f m a cone, for any debt contracted tier the adoption of this Ctonntaution. Such exemption shall no; extend to any motlgage thereon lawluiltet,btaim ed; but each mortgage or other abenation of sorb laud by the owner thereof ill, married Mon, sholi not be valid without the aigneture of the wife to the same. . - Section 3. The homestead of a family, after tho death of the owner thereof, thrill he exempt from the payment of his debts contracted idler the adoption of this consoituLon, in all muses during toe minority of his children. Section 4. 11 the owner sf a homestead die, leaving a widow, but no children, the same shall be enemy',and the rents and prate thereof shall accrue to hr benefit dining the t i me r t her widow• hood, unless she be the owner of a homestead in her own right Section 5. The real end personal estate of every female, acquired before marriage, and alt property to which she may afterwards become enti tled, by gift, great, inheritance or devise, shall be and remain the estate and properly of nth female. and shall not be liable fur the debts, obligatlens or cumagenients of her husband, and may be dovi• and or bequeathed by her an If she were mamas, vied. The balance relates to general ►nd mLsocllane one provision,. We iestet to learn that the Choler► prevails, No some extent, in Allegheny. That city has hither , to remained oomparatively free from the scourge, Oat it h►a at length made ib appearance, appa- really in an epidemic lorm. The first case of th present visitation, • fatal one,ocenrred last Frills 03 the bank of the Cana!, above Chesitut street. Since that, the direst. 0311 prevailed to • copnid• crable extent in that quarter or the city, being mostly confined to the German population be• en the ennal and the river, 663 , 7 . 0 Ihe nen, duet. A few caeca have occurred, hoccevet other parts of the city. As the air is pu:o and bracing, and the weatl quite pleasant, we hops for • speedy abatement of this terrible senurgc.— What particulars we have will be found ander./ local head. Sherdi Canis made a fine haul of Corkonians, yesterday. The Irish belligerimm erdl soon find that they had better beep the peace under his In. risdict . s3, or suffer the consequences el' a resi• denns on the hill on plain food. Mr. coil.. an old soldier, having "reed in the mar of Ibl2. and be coolly and firmly proceeds to the discharge of his duty, as a matter al coarse, fearing nether brick bats, paving stoner, abillelahs, nor fire arras To the riotous and disorderly he show. no quer ., although he possesses a heart ova doterurg with ins milk of human kindness. Toe Pennsylvania Rail Bond, says the Phila delphia Ledger, usillbe opened about the lat of Sep. tensber to Hollidaysburg. At Floilidaysburgh the rood connects with the Portage Itcnd toJoh.. - town. Patrengern for the West will have a con unuous rail road front Plulauelptusto Johnstown, a distance of two hundred and eighty miles. At Johnatuwn they take the steers, going through di entire distance from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh thirty two Iwo, or Lr roil road and canal. with. the 10c ititrht trot , ' h or,d, in forty houri ti Trm. arid Ftroottnt to I=ll tnnnF pant.e.gets to ek..P.r. i.. 0 pale larcar, - rtmo TO Soi.rru CAROLINA. —Junes. the arch.. intends to glee a serteu of lecture' io lbw iountry upon the clovalni . ewes. There is a great mount of chivalry in this country, and It will be nterestine, to contrast the modern with the ancient Pixies:win \ %tab run —We are assured, rays the New York Tribune, upon good authonity i one who profiessim to know, ttnt Professor Webster has made another and full confession, in which he ad mits the premeditated murder of Dr. Portman, thus falsifying his previous statements. This conic-ion is in Ihr hand, of the nultioril9c- 4 . hut will not he made public until after the exitrutton. snow W AS HINGTON Corfropowlenee of the Ptooburstt Gazot Vlsantsorros, August 21116., 1,50 Dir. Hampton, 01 yo ur Mstrmr, made n d titration to day, on the tartf. He'moved to add a auction to the general appropriation bill, enacting in substance that the ad adore.s duties alba ta. ritrof 1516 etionld be levied upon prices fixed a• cording to the average of the year 1845. ?hi would be in effect establishing a home vabiation and epemtio duties. It was ruled out of order b the Chairman of the committee of the whole, Mr Burt, of S. C., as not germane to the gencraltub jectof the bill. An appeal was taken Item lb. dectition, but the chair was entwined—Eyes bl. nape 75. This nor comprehennive and important the annual supply bills would have been dispatch ed, so far an the action eight,. committee was con cerned, today, but for the policy et Its friends.— They atipposcd that it the bill were reported to Honer to day, Mere would be no poonlbtlity of get ting at the final question before adjournment. ii they should Mil lethal object, the bill would nave gone upon the Speaker's table, and might not have been reached for weeks, and there would have been an even chance that n could never be disencumbered of the load ender which It would soon have lam. It is hoped that by deferring action for the pre seat, the bill might be reported at en early hour on Monday to the House, and forct d through by • late sitting on that day. The Hoene adjourned to day at one o'clock. Mr. McKennen left hare this morning for hie residence to Washington, P.M. on accoont or impaired health. II he should not recover it enf• Halently to warrant a return to she laborious du ties of hie position, within a few weeks, be will reeign but place to the Cabinet. Of course the sudden departure of the Hon. Secretary hos ei cited a great deal of speculetion, which, however. mostly tuna upon the contingency, I trust a very remote one, that coot:aced infirmity may re oder it occeaeaty to abandon a rtation be la Jo well ti* to occupy with ...Id to himself and adanniago the country. On Monday there will probably lirs • day' of Woggle in the House, for I am apprehemive that the chivalry do not mean to allow the general *pi. propriatiort bill to pace. Gentlemen will then. be required to take a poulion between revolution and government, onorehy and law. I learn that during the nest week, the President wui w.thdraF the t,nuorinatiOne of mien! Post Manteca u impardutt otScelli among which will be that of thc Mailer at .Cakago, and two or three more In the nortttwest, of AM samioclass, as to prominence and extent al compenmitlen. Tee Cavino via meeting in New York- of crazy etanift.orriet% Iron negroet, and runaway Hives, Is cresting quite a superfluous excitement here.— Mr. Yoke read their proceedings to. the Senate, at leant as much. In anger as In tomtit*. In fact he appeared to be delighted to find aUels a choice bit ofreading, and he pounced upon this aped. _ men of speckled !herniate, this ipoued agglomer ation of white, brown, and btick With the 'Mal of • union mow upon 01TAL., nc, attempted bit hold up do colleraptible vivifies of them redku- Inns and intimated men, as the. public opinion of the State of New York. That la quite tiellelent to mark Mr. Yulet as • lunatic or something win". .firrous. .Fsteanhb Rap. nosos.—The MN' delplan 40cWitayriqail nods have bee gr a / b et:4lW ilielelley fareters. , 1 housands of dolkira'SiorthOf New ;by York. Tha maturity of Burlington is travelled -,bg dealers from t h e - latter City ;IN, purchase whole ired orchards Twenty seven h _ _Niakell of Teaffies; for New York, passed a ver the Camden and Amboy Bail Berl on Thu y and Wanes. day of this week. These peach were nearly all collected betweeriCamden end urliegton,though some of them were from the or s in Delaware. Tho freight from Philadelphia to New York is only a shilling a basket. Pickles and cucumbers have gone over the rail road by ton's weight to New York, The demand has produced an enormous product in Burlington county. Thia shows the great value of rail roads to Far mers in the immediate vicinity of large cities, giv ing them a market for a great mass of produce which would be otherwise almost valueletia— When our eastern and Western rail mils ore fin ished; the farmers of Westmoreland and Beaver counties, in this State, and Colorable, Portage, Ma hoening, end Starke, I. Ohio, will be brought into direct connemion watt the Pittsburgh market, thus greatly benefiting both the producer and consumer. A Pittsburgh and Washington road would be of the same benefit to that comity, while toe blempfield reed will be of little practical benefit. The Mobile Advert ser ova a brief account of a meeting in Dalian county, Alabama, at which Judge Hunter, one of the delegates to the Nashville Coo- vention) was present and made a speech, in which "he mooed that the object of the Nashville Ad drems was to premise the pnblio mind fora dissolution of the Union." There were only about sixty per sons present. • Cgsstis Rgreass.—The borough of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, has a poplation of 1213, being an in create MlO5 since the year 19-10, when it was 1109. 'rho nostiber of families is D. 7. The popuittiion of Danville Pennsylvania, is 3300, of whom 079 are foreigners, end 2620 natives. The riumterot white mules i 11725; white females 157r1 neva. 30; me. latices M. The pupils attending school number 600, odd Mery are 270 persons over 20 yearn of age uotibleito read or write, of whom 157 are foreign ers, and 112 native., The Danville Derrtuerut say that the above amustics exhibit a decrease from th • years 1'8.45, and 1816, which is mounted for by the blighting effects of the free trade tariff on the busi ness of the place, there lacing G 4 houses uninhab ited within the limits of the corporation of the bor ough, and 54 in the township of hlnhonning in the immediate neighborhood thereof. giorrible litardee—Attempted Elnlades A diraditil ease of murder and attempted sdimde is recorded in the last :Poughkeepsie Telegraph, oommined in rwhlcill village, on Sunday morning by Mr.. Hannah &scold, who eat the throat of her servant girl, named Mary A. Smith, aged be. into 15 and 16, with a razor, canning almost on. mediate death, nod Men cot her own throat. The Oireumstanees ere thus stated: nThe family of Mr. Secord consisted of himself, his wife Hannah, Mrs. Berry—mother of Mrs. Secord--and vary Mn Smith, the servant girl.— Yesterday morning the family partook of breakfast in their usual manner, all appeared cheerful end happy, and nothing was noticed unusual in the Manners or actions of Mrs. S. About half past h u'olock Mr. Secord proceeded to the turn. a short distance from the [mum, for the urpo•e 01 harnosstng hie horse to go Co church. Ira ;Accord, Mrs. Eerry, and Mary Ann we eh in the house. The gwl Mary Ann, about a, - - o'clock, went up Anus to dress her self, prepara tory to her going to the Sunday School el the Methodist P.Fusoupal Church, Johnsnlle, near by. While there, she desoried from the window some of her neulfiburr, Mr. Pollock's family, and told them to stop for her and they would go to school to gether, as she was most dressed, sad would be ready m a few minutes. Mary Ann came down stairs and passed into the parlor lathe looking glues, and was tying a nhbon round her seek, when Mrs Secord came suddenly belated her, seized her, and with a razor cut her throat. Mary Ann gave but one vervain s staggered to the sill of the shed door, Id ie . .l over thifeeps ca her face, a corpse. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock were just eamtag to at the gate, nerordin4 to Mary Ana'. request, when they atm the gW tall. They named her; she gave te •• ,tatts arid ber spint sensgone forever. for. &cowl was sent for. and when they came he went to look for Mn. Secord, wan found in the orchard with her handl over her throat, the blood streaming therefrom, and the razor in tier hands. Assistance havirir, been obtained, Mrs. Seesird was conveyed ti the house. A messenger was sent immediately to Hr. Lewis bb. White,. of this village, who was promptly oil th. spoi, and used every effort to Imre the lite of this unfortunate woman. Her throat was horribly mollified, and the wind pipe severed. It had the appearance of having bees cot in two attempt. The woonds having been properly es amined s sewed op and dressed,she was taken to hs oont, nrai to a very . t leet'Aatteetton was oincrwine ravaged, she tool • penknife front her pocket and tried to re-open the wound., hot wan prevented in time. the es. pressed no dcaire to live. It is the opteton of the doctor teal her wounds are notelet, though she may live it few data "Isfortwo ion wan sent to Attolphon Vendecrs tee. F....{...ttholeavran, one of the Coroners of the ..mote M=l2=====o Ei Ann Smolt, wa• murdered by Hannah I.:poo the rendition of the verdict, Coro ner Vanilewatermimedtately issued his warrant tar her apprearnorm, bat from the assurance of the dame. that her condition was almost hopeless, no arrest wns made.. To such another scene may the wetter of this never be milled. There lay that beautiful innocent curl in It e Unit Mush of womanhood, beloved by all who knew her, covered and clotted with blood berrd nuddenly into n ate prfonco of God Seeord roamed his wife some six or rave. 'tors ago. They have no children. Mrs. S. was :low, Mrs. Bush, at the acme of this marriage. inaiden norroa a Bevy. lu The opinion of ib• • ner, Mrs. S.'s mind has bevy deranged for nom • Mr. Secord VI a member and offlcier of the Re. formed Dutch Church—the Reverend F. M. Rees, pastor—a man oldie pumtst character and virtue aged about .1.8 year•, and affluent currunrishsit ont wale is also a member of the male church aged about t 2 veers. Moody Tragedy Taor, August 21. Ail appalling and bloody tragedy came to light ths morning at the St-Charles Hotel. A bent ten cerioek this forenoon Mr. H. D. McDonald, the proprietor of the hotel, thinking there was some thing wrong io the non apprentice. of • man and woman who had stopped as traveller, ' went op to their Mori and knocked at the door, but Neel. wing no answer he opened • small window over the door, when • horrid 'pecti:do was presented. Both emu and woman were dead. The bodies, the clothes, and the bed were covered with blood, and the throats of both were cot and horribly mu tilated. The man and woman came to the hotel about four o'clock on Monday morning. From facts which were brought not, It was found that the melanoma was William A. Caldwell, s ree. ident of Whitehall, where he has • father be all. fle was from twenty six to thirty year, or age, and he was well drested and of respectable sp• ors ranee. The woman's maiden name was Lou isa C. Van Winkle, but it is believed abet was of late known by the named Knapp. She was be tween 25 one 20 years old, and war very beam'. fut. She Was dressed in deep mounting and la said to be bow Brooklyn. The Coroner of Troy being oot of the city, the Carona, of Laatingharg was sent forts hold an inquest. The jury, after hearing the faew in the case, returned the follow. lag -verdict " That the woman came to her death by honing her throat cat from ear to ear by the heeds of William A. Caldwell, on the evening of Tuesday; and that Caldwell came to hit death by hie own band." ROI Roads—The Farmer. Thu law Rushville, Indiana, Whig, makes the of lowing reference to the near prospect of a direct all road communication between that town and the Ohio river, at Madison: , "We are growing impatient about the Comple tion nil our rail road. The work is Progressing very firmly, and the road will be completed In the time designated by ns lasi week, should no accident occur and the weather prove favorable. The Wmlbyvillo and Edinburgh rind sent up a freight Liam on our road on Monday. it came within a Couple of miles of town, nod brought freight and passengers from Madison. Our merchants opened goods in the evening which were shipped from hindison in the morning. Our femme= unload Mien' here in the evening, and the next day . it can be carried to the Ohio river! A new eta in bust. nem . about to commence in Itu , b county! Far. men., hold on a few days with your produce, and give it n fair opening: The road will be ready for you within two weeks, and from (beams forward the shrill found of the. sham whistle' will make music fui the people which will replenish their pockets and augment their business." - There would appear to be hardly any story coo cerningpublic race too improbable to obtain circa latioalhrough the public press. If than could be ens tou absurd for such countenenee, , we sh o uld have supposed It to be that which has found its way into eenate presses, charging the late Secretary of State (Mr. Clayton) with having abetted the recent (maiming expedition against Cube, amity= with having subthribed money in aid of it! Every le minima& editor, we should have thoththd, 'was t o e welt acquainted with the Vines takerc - by. Mr. Clay ton to prevent that illegal asp/pilion, and to bring its participators to penishmetimagive a ja aa ,,,,p a credence or eountenance to the ridieblous story. Since such a charge haslet into Mat, however, wane respectable persons may.rannas to behave It, if it be notuuthothatively coatradieted W 0 there I fore take mum ourselves, tp stplei of Mows knowl, Page; that she iale Secretary-of State was unreetie hog i 111.15 aorta to defott.that meditated ettoeiorn mutation of the laws of the il/olled State"-and of our neutral obligations; that the . Proclamation:de pouncing nand warning all sod Citizens femann pactog wiz plowed' by . blin,•whilat th e Pre indent was thievish= the racy, nod lotivirdetloi him (then at HarrEbuqj for his approhation ; ead S i gsmture;titrui thanu usury particular within his Department, and in counsel with the Executive as to measures of which the execution devolved upon other Departments, the Setretsty never for a mo meat flagged in the discharge of his whole dozy of Secretary of State, under his noble old Chief, tate gari to tho entapriso against Ciabai but fa which meertions of anapitnisittration sizing tins unlearn rig enterprito, ii might have etanteeted In Mlle dangle«, imposing, if not mote respeebibia,.thaa the enterable abortion of the CardenstaEapodaitm —l. Nat. Intel. Prom the North easenean and Q. td. sheen, . Tit* Tarltt—llow It Works. . The Importaleto PhiladeJphia o:rr the year cod. in` the 301 h June, 1850, =mutt to gloooo,ooo The exports tar same time about 4,000,000 lEfference, 10,500,000 Th o m it seems that, under the ISIS Tariff, the city of Philadelphia has, for the year ending 90 h Jane, 1850, dole, apparently a splendid beanies.; but it may result in what some people call a mashilag business. li the boot had been on t'oth et lef, L e. toe exports $8,500 pOO more than the imports, then the thing would took senate. The question bare comes np, how lose will Philadelphia be able to pay her debts, (we allude to indisidnats, of course,) if she annually imports $6500,000 more than she export.? Where is Sir Ratan Walker 1 PAUL Ply. ELYGTOILI m GLINT Bariara.—A parliamentary piper has been printed, which 'bows the number of parliamentary elector. in Great Britain and Ire• land, socordinflo the registration of 1818, 1819, and 1850. In 1848-10 ;the total number wan 1,011203, whilst if 1819-50 the number was 1,050,167 In the Uptied Kingdom. la England, on the ?relent registration, the number of voters is 830,797.; In Wales, 48,019; and in Scotland, 20. 205-making the total of Great Britain, 9 7 8, 121 , and in Ireland, 72,0110-.mahteg th e total in the counties, atlas, and boiesghs, 1,050 187. The liberality of the English system is illustrated by these statistics.. With a population 0128,000,000 the three islands contain 1,050,169 entitled to the right of 'nem°, while the Baited States, with a white population of 18,000,000, his 3,000,000 0 elector,. According to the proportion indite cone. try, Onset Britain and Ireland ought to base nearly 5,000 000 of voters. They have actually about one fifth of that number, yet the English bout at being the freest people on earth. We pity the Dllad 13 to sight by Ms Po Ireton:ma. 8.8. Lumen—Sir I wish to bear testimony to the medical virtue of the at called Petroleum. I was for • lung time afflicted with a badly inflamed and very sere eye, so much was to low sight entirely for shoat three months, with very Utile hopes of Oyer recovering the sight, and hot • slight prospect of having It re lieved of the serenest; my attending physician we tuitseecessful la making • rare, or in giving relief, end afforded me hot little encouragement. I beard of the Petroleum about the let of Aprll,lBso, mod gave It a trial: the result la, the eight is restored and my eyes well, except a little tender or week when I go oat in the sun. ANN IRELAND. Alensfield or., Cincinnati, May 14,1850. B. B. Levrer—Sir. I have been etieted with Piles toe ren years, and have tried ether remedies, without permanent raker, until I heard of the Petroleum. I knee seed only OW bottle, and think I am entirety cared. I mem:anent, it to all who are stirred WWI ' Piles. I have known It to be good for sore eye. Cincinnati, May 05,1850. R. C. GARRETBON Roe sale by geyser A McDowell, Ile Wood street; R E Balers, 07 Wood st.; LI 01 Carry, Allegheny elty; D A Elliott, Allegheny Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, P. M. BIER, Irk Canal Dade. tiovanth at, Pittsburgh Omee 0101110 and Penna. H.R. Co, Third se . Prurient., Ragas! 5,1050• Tx. Stockholders of the Ohio and . Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are hereby notified to pay the elyhth instalment of Eve dollars per sear•. at the Mime of the Company, on or before the Rob day of dulast. The tooth instalment! on or before the Moth day of September. The tenth instalment on or balm the Toth day of October nut. Q - Tee 7th instalment eras called for on the 40th Jay sug %itf WM LARIMER. Jr, Treason, bi'Lwre. Vaurroas—To News. Kidd & Co, Druggists, corner of Wood and Fcrinh streets, Pins. burgh, belongs the honor of waving indaced the tor of this great remedy to oder it to the public. This be has donsgrough them. It has how been beTore the public ill more than a year. ft has been Intro dacal Into all sections of the Union, Where It has been tried it has been pronounced the best remedy for worms ever Invented. Families should teem to without a 'supply. We add the fallowing Cram h• drvd• of shah. antanoviabh— iillowanl, Swaim a Co., Ky., Sept 0.1647. . .1. Kidd .t. Co:—.We bad a .t of your Venues-de, and can recommend n as eye of tha best medicine ter worms we hat. ever had. Dr. MiLanets Venal fags never has failed to prodded the desired etifezt. ALLEY & CO." FOT sale by J. ALDO & CO, Neap Woad street. uradter9 FILL ISNILTATIUM OP lllaplf/RE. LOGAN, WILSON I CO. 199 WOODETREET, Am now prepared rah a large and traett !Stock of Eng I di, German, and American liardenme. Mrr mpersor indneameme to buyer.. Thee 'MAMA to yerelmee will promote their lniemm by looltma .both oar stock. so May ere determined to sell no the tenet mammable term. stale M'CORD & co, bM!2====l HATS, CAPS & FURS, Oer. Weed &Plata stc, Pt tt•baorg b, Mem they error a hal and compn. Sleek o Ilan, Caps, Fare, kn., Owen guilty ern style, by Whoie• sale ani Retail, awl Write the .Halt,, of their 4:w ren,m andpa/chasers generally, aerating them that they will .11 on the Pen wvanweantre MOLL abgtebt R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 09 Wood at, beiVer•an Third k Peneth, Are now receiving Weir very large and ouperlor Fall Stook of BOOTS, OBOES, AND BROGANS; Also, BONNETS end FLOWERS, all of the latest style., and espressly al•plea to the Tees/tea Mee. Il has been selected with great eery, and as to Clot. and loth Sy is not mourned by any stock to be found Oth er east or west. Oar customer. and mer chants generally are molted to call and cantina, as we are determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. Alto, Goodyear. Patinat Rabbet Shoes of all hinds. • auatardtf FOROAIIP Ella :TIRO DLEECH & CO. rollran one of Weir packers to We Deer Creek Lott, leaving at 7 o'clock on Tbar . sday morning, WM lust. For farther inforn, apply to D mano b. CO., Canal Basin, avau&ln or, WM. BUTCH, Monongahela Houle. 0160. Z. •RNOLD & 00., BANKERS, DB/ MA IA lICIIINBB, CIIN, BARK ROM •e., ate., II e. 47 vouzurn ovannv, (Neat door to the WO of Pittsburgh) 4:dese . • nE Autobiography of Lelgh Rant; with remits. T Iseenee. ot :.midi and ooutetlipentito, in 2 vols. Cartilets Latter Day Pamphlets—No VIII, .abject, /midst. History of Dories tha Grim. 13T Jacob Abbott, with 4 lnlraVa ' arard, a Romanee. lily bin Martin Ball. Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution —No 2, The above works received Ode dav,mal for nate by R C BTOCKTubI • au 22 Cor. Market ir.Tblnl et. mow BOOKS I If EW BOOKS AT 11.-DpAIES' LITERARY DEPOT Tiooo Slam, opposite the Poet Mita rlii.Vl.o Copperfield, No la. jJ Bleekvsood'e Magesioa for Assam. London Art Journal lor Aarmet. Mull a Living_nee, No 2:M. International Miscellany for September. Bolton SheWaage—No New L011401:1 Shekepeare, Noe I and a Jells Deward • romenee. By Mn Bed. The Heart.. tale. Dy Martin P. Teyper t Esq, run and The Love, • ROW novel. By uen, sand. TJ aire2S I i ACON , -40 !Mee assorted on band for eels by ISAIAH DICKEY Ps CO Water 1. Front age. POTASH - 10 cast. ht *DM Ift One avd for We by aura ISAIAH DICKEY it CD S WHITINO-10 61. In store, and n,N b. weld Inn , 4 11:2c.3 stow lalttl DICKEY k CO rIOFFEE-100 bags Tema Green lo In store \J oura ISAIAH DICKEY ACO lI.F.—A largo quantity or assorted In store end for se eny ISAI 11 DICKEY &CO BLOOMS -117 tons Nippier Blooms for sale by • n 0127 - ISLIAII DICHEY ACO VALVADLIII HALL SITATIA ter BALM fIIHE inbeeriber offers fot sale, on favorable terms, tho following real wade, in lie cite of PlErberthr No I.—,Tbrei red three slety_llnek Dwelling on second Street, Penmen Meat: and Ferry street, tee lote'belnk meta* Feet (mat 14191 deep. No O—Coateins 07 Coot front on Indrd street, ad loitting thel'hird Presbyteries Chmeb, on whieb erected sine 4 story Dnek 110.16, w e as printing Mlles and one story Diek'Weloase. ' • Lots In Pallston, Boner , 00 MT. b.thF lots No 2 arid e, bathe 'bootleg tat Meese, en add.. or.enteted one blank Mbar flame dwoUlege and sae I edentate frame dwelling. all 9 merles high. • No 4-000 Let 10 footed nt Ottelaek stmeLopposhe the aborts Ind ortendbor the top of the hill. . Na .5=T., Dead" late, eta 10 feat froet, and not. Mug from Hat malls love waxer mask, On the pie Deaver. , • No valuable Water Lot, 2,0 (solos Wheal liter 4 %station sham watet power atnehed. No 2-4 Mer --t w a t opposite thsorater lot, 93 feet front,' end orteadiek ulthetop of theta,. which le erected 111 .0 e2 . ..usge . k i Zore s e , /e . 9 t rzl i toz, 98 by SO ft 4. • l 4 lff - vOne lege Latin Newilrighton, Deaver ei boingsbealedo rm 04 sHare nod Melia inV 'dee t erootainfir about le aeret en widen is erected moo , large Prelim In lumk com Fn.= 110010 used lion *Mt*: ILL PL.LooLt7 wyLioniterlY *copied +tiff'. Cr, COW, sod oi very &wally boated, bolisterAsueedlitely °Walter Lit. Fail4oll ondis. • • No 9—thao Water Lot immeditter bele* Past. Bridge, being about 100 feet in length, and extending Cr,,, - Water Street to low water mart or to pith. The aeon's property will be sold on my tareraba Apply at the Book None of IL U. IlmkEtal, comer orPhird sad Market assts. sni4gi ttirmai 11 , 1 tr=i Agu4 MOLAssss."-avablu'ti 0 Messner: . . Ws RJR do: Jut '<cc:n:4 Rix SHRIVIER2:3Possud at BARNES 13t1fr. filo by INE TR-54 bflA a good BA RNES .1:. god Asa by SBRIVER k BARNES Aogg7 • 130 & 12A &mid st. MACKEREL—SO hhis No 3 twig So harts dee -20 hf brts No 2 do; jll3l received by SHRIVEN h. BAIq!tES SlaughterlngkPaalglogliGstabUshme s T . . HE well known Perk and Beef Slaughtering and Packing Concern, owned and formerly occupied by the late /antes P. Campbll, is for rent • ' The establithment is' located In Chillicothe, Rom county, 0., on the plot of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Selena River, and has one thousand feet of amend front on cash, Thetaclosere embraces • all acres almond containing 1irge 1 .4 . 1 ..d commodious alaughtering, hanging, eatung, smoking, and lard rendensg bonne, brick boom for el onk and every convenience for handling TWELVE HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY, and rendering the lard from the untie; as there are a doable flue steam bailer and angina for scalding bap and comae lan!, and two tanks for rendering offal by Gram. There Is also, ma the premises, an lee ROM.. WV • enough to contain eight thousand bushels, The SertnerValley, of which Chilliemhe is e thief. market, la one of the largest Pork and Heel Markt, In the Wm, and hogs ean always be bought them at lower pnees than at Cincinnati and many other. pointa,and eimpemze rs nbunditht and cheep. • There I. no drayage necessary,. boats may be loafed at Ithe Packing House. and the facilities for shipping direct wont this via the Lakes to New York or Philadelphia, or Baltimore via Pittaturgh, or to the Fast or South via Nes, Orleans, are at ail seat°na alba year Polly equal to those afforddd by Cinctmati. Money facilities are alto good, there being tea Or twelve hank, within Pony five miles. Applications for renting may be made to ALEX. IL McGUEFEY, ... • • Attorney at Low, Cloctonatl; Or to FRANCIS CAMPBELL. aug2B:dlnool-6111 Calllieothe. 0. [Seim Os:. Prof.Thampson , e Seminary far Tonna WILL commence the tall session, on Monday, the Sid September, at his rums, 54 Liberty at. between Third and Fourth Streets. Asa limited number Is received, early application will be de sirable. FO.ACTIIO3, apply to Rev. Dr. Riddle, or to Mr. T. at hie rooms ca above. Dittabaruh. Aug. 27, 1850.-.111e17.1211 REMOVAL NHOLMES At SONS have removed (lath Bulk . lag Exchavga Office to No 67 it (our doors tallow old stood. aui27 PFWO nevr'and convenient brick three story . Dwell 1. log Henley, containing nine MOMS cacti, attested on Rau rues), neat the corner of Front st. rant. , Sian given on the ist of October. Aprily to isAKEWELL. PEARS lk CO Wood st, eon of Second st =MI APoCKET BOOK ev u found in Birminaltana The owner is requeineat to call on Henry Snyder, on liarrieon sreet, prove property, pay ehargra, and take it away, °Fen VIM WILE, A WELL made and handsomely formed Wen grey A four year old hone; racks well and any under the saddle, and trots fast in barnres—perpectly sound and free from all blemishes Also, a strong and well made Iron axle Boggy,with gears tor the same. Also, a small Menem Mustang, perfectly .1 most bentifally formed, and gentle as any home could be, limbic for ladies or clan,. MU &FEY, WkLEION & CO 48 Wood st IG IRON-150 tons landint P J T k. co 31 Need QUOstore AR—r.o for bhstla de U. Yoga, a prime &tuck, ia 13 sad acre' S k IV HARBAUGII _ FLOUR -100 bets ewe Family Flour teed by omen S A W HASBAUGII BITER -5 arts packed la to and for Bale by a. 6.27 8 & W HARR/a/Gil S - - - ODA ASII-7 casks Soda Ash reed for sale by . acer 7 rc lIARBAVOII E INOLISII CUE SF ID tizs Imitation English. s very superior article, receiv for sale by Whl A IIIe ed CLURG ur. CO EM!= PINE APPLE CHEESE—A prime article, recbl by as 127 GOSHEArdaliklSA—iiit reed for awe by .. r n • WM A AIeCLITRO &CO SA P .. S r A:O CHEESE—lg t orkill , rar l lira by ARDINES—Frrsb Sardine. , in whole and half b 0 jest received and for s ale by anal: D 1111 l altos ei PartMorahlps VA:I7IOE is hereby given, that the partnership of 111 the subscribers was this day dissolved by enamel consent The button. al the lautfam wall be settled persona r k o n f o twhein sgu t hem se l v es tm t d h e e b o tr l d d a s rer d e , q a u n e d t a e l d l to make speedy payment DANIEL HONIED, HENRY HOMER, Wilkins township, Aug 0, 10.511.—er3x•T INAIITZD, AflgtAl.L TOW HOAT, light dnutgld, good engine add odtcoriat In. . good order. Apply to WILMARTII a NOBLE go gdO City Mr OP STAIRS NIITRPHY k. fiIIRCHFIELD inform their custom en and buyers generally that, In eoneequeneo of workmen bring engaged in ealarginßand improve lug their Store Room, they have removed their good. to the Savona Stain of the building they _occupy, onol the Improvements aro Rooked; where they mill be happy to me their easterners al asual, moiler the troabte of walking up staas, will try and temunerme Mein by militia them Cheep Goods. trrEetrance from Fourth street. itagtia MURPHY a BURCHFIELD have jam reeelved *apply of pew aryie Dark Fall rums, fear colors, at P/Ie per yard. Extra Family Flour AFRESH liapply of the Poland Mills extra Family Flo., a very choice !widen...reed for sale by A CU LISI , RTziON R CLIJUSLi. LIM= 421. , YERVING ELM:It—PO brit on hula , ar tale by 0 aulo. , A CIa.BEKT , ,VN k CLOVBH 0 OrAIN Serrar—GO bag No I Jon reed for wale by Pro .00 A CULBERTSON re CLOUSE; VIRE ISRICE-10,0t0 in elan and (or axle by JAMES ONLZELL -1: 10 Water et COFFEE -1100 bags prime Rio for sale by •agM JAM by DoLZELL y A l l OIL-20 Nis No 1 for sale by 44.21- A lrl! JAMES DALZELL rILANNERS , OIL-14 brim for sale by 1 11 JAMES DALZELL 104 3CEREL.-73 brls No 2, for sato low to close esisnment atile• /LULU DILLZELL Fill SAUCE-0 eases Wells, Mier & Pro- Cs soperlor, lost reed for sole by IVM A ANCLURGI &CU use LAberty is; pkaTt ' TO C O 0 , ty et; _ S U ltra . r in egl a aTt fot . N u: L T A; th — Xl i e t h e e h af . o7 ' gist 4 ne it ea be bought West able mountain. augtia WI!A bIeCLURO & CO LI • h OlL—Bardenos, Marseilles, A. Nice brands, I_l j • received laud for vale by WM A NeCLURG & CO SALRRATUS—IeO bey to more and for sale by STUART & SILL alarm lee Wood st B B MS—Ledo . in store and for sale by STUSILT a. SILL -La -- - . GL&SS—ZO bxs 7 z 33 Su 13 S kr, In store and far gale by suriS STUART & SILL _ CIIgESE—A mall lot prima Ctoom reed by co 04 rir U ART a SiLL VINEGAII—Ib Wl* old, in BtOlo and for sale by iry. 111 STUART 4 SILL BACON -4 Mid, prime Sides, for said by tug 26 STUART & SILL A7TING-50 boles No I, Ln en and for sale by ft ruART &SILL - 66i n f s t YARN Asso r tett in-COzlLW—Lhferantu l, ses, or aby ' STU AR & SILL ORACCO—So by. umbl Vs; j 3J Imp A wrkti jun reed for .ore by DROWN & KIRK PATRICK 1011 Liberty or AcKERKL-10 0 Ms No 3 Imo artirlafr, for sale ougl6 BROWN a KIRKPATRICK F LOIE-100 lain R. F. in gum, and fox sale by MOWN & KIRKPATRICK COFFER—BO bags Rio arriving, and for sale by • BROWN A KIRKPATRICK - Dielerible Course UIE yl subscriber will sell, on accommodating terms, tbe property on which he now resides, between Allegheny and Mancheiter, containing Bre acres of ground. The above property .la probably better stocked grape vines, !ma trees, gooseberry ba s hee,mspberries,strawberries,asparagus, rhubarb, kts.ohan any ground of the sante extent in Western Petteryleanta, the er e of which annually yield • large Thera also on the premises, con venient to the house, a never felling spring of the purest water. The grounds are 'sheltered from the pelth by Mils, and mum aiy. rentainthe tarminus of cities In that directio n,and be Rhea), fere from smoke and annoyances. The front of Mks property 1. on a handsome strain, and ennoble of being laid out is,to lots, leaning behl..d Otte Ot mare of the melt de arable locahons for eeentry residences that can be imagined. . WM MARTIN • mtgalidlw Head q. for Good Tata. MORRIS & HAWORTH have obtained the repu- Bohm of selling the Best and Cheapest Teas in Pittsburgh. It you umpire their Tea with what you purchase elsewhere yeti will at once acknowledge it. euperiorily. They are very careful In the seleenon of their Tea. They tiny altogether for cash from the Importers out, and arc satisfied with very. email yentas, these are the retina, they are enabled to sell sock excellent Illaok or Breen leas aide c per lb Superior mtalinea•—•—• - tic do The bestkihiletmpoymed•-•—•—• 11l do • TEA MARKET. East aide Diamond Orsiie win. Good Port WIA, Frdnrh 171 firantly,lfollasd Oh?, English Oin, E;rglitat at bat , per bottle, for sato hl' actsat • ORRIS & HAWORTII •eiuviau i 8A.8.N1111, N . C 1.9 10 end 131 Beeped elteet, between Wood I Ono thaillfield, neer for sale DO bf .d gr eke!. Y. 110. P.,lmp. &1111 r Teas goo boo I lb I lb Pe and !P.N. manard Tobacco; IVO bag. Me Coffee 50 brie North Care/WE Tar; . 20 brie Moue; • ' 20 brialknern:Tanners . 06; • - ' 10 ;Dna RIM :10 bxs Ground Ginger; GO Gee Mte Pipe., 40 ban 111 Cbacalate; • _ . 40 bee Varlegited Soap, - 200.20 pepper'. . 16 bag* AirPo2Ji , MI boa diarch; .• : 12 I:: fl_eovar &m me, Tab., awned rezeg 16 daz Heelers, &meted eirM ' DU reams Wrapping Paper, areonrd: ISO bze NViridow Glen, marled, 6 tasks Seidel:or: - 2 emu= S.F. Indigo; 1 cow Maio do; 2 hdds Madden; 2 cases until laquodeo; ukaTogrelice with a pad lotoondiont of all irk* ea groom BACON-29 cuks Side . sal SlRosiders tor rub, by sitral BROWN B. JOBXPLTRICR --- • --- LIEATKERS—.2XI) Lbt my fer 0,11, Dr turn SHRIVER it BARNES 19;WKWOM INAOTASH-2 brit jolt roc , d fbr sate by .tqrl4 SHRINER it BARNES QUOAR CURED HAMB-13 mks canvassed. a to store and tor tole low, to close otossistwiso; by 7AME2 A HUTCHISON & CO 93 Water at t 132 First at ACO —3 cas• el • e.i , .13 tasks SbnnWen In slam for .ale by u 624 JANES A HUTCHISON It CO • " A 'a 11%TC ...4 41810N LOCO TAR, PITCH ItO9IN-10) • rid N. C. , A. SO bris Pada; 50 Who Rosin: in nun. nnaB4 TAMES A I.IOTCHISON &CO _ L IN . S . END OIL-8 brta pure, Gresrebra t. eIHEM-15 0 biz prix noul4 :CALIIa. I ,thz,11741.D wersuag Di casks and brio do. for rale by I B CANFIELD JUST reed—co es ayeans • eper—C 3 7---- , iotO lbs do do AMOliCant 15016. do do African; J KIDD A CO CM Wood at Far F. by aug24 , , ~ 1 .11:241 —linsf A idlif •My DD & co ri UIdeAM.PLI . 8-700166 reel or ra e by , Llr ausi:4 -J KIDD BLUE V - fieffir 1.--f Rah. far aileTby Rug% J KIDD & CO S ISHITING—SO Arls remaining on band unio - GL ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. i'51.17 Water and Front au CORN & WHEAT-8 brts Com 4 brls Wbeat, In store for We by 'fanlA] RH£Y• MA HEWS &CO I lASTOROI-L—Y. Sto ' tostrei — V for sale by RIMY . , kierniEwi &VP ..we EIEGKESRII V IRINA HAS become an established and almost indieperm. able requisite in every well provided family, fromlut remarkably wholesome and r.atrilloas quali ties as a food tar the healthy as well as a diet for lo yal da, and also for the santenance of growing children and infants. Varlausmodu of cooking and preparing It are given on the wrapper. Though well known in the east, it ban never been introduced to any extent in Pituiburgh. to subscrib ers have, therefore, made arrangements to be eon etude , attendee wills It, mid now offer it to retail denten or families on more favorable terms than U has ever been sold at in Pittsb rguh. Wht A breCLORO A CO Kula XS6 Mull at N - AO - 1211Sti—The subscribers have been alienist. agents tor the sale of Riggs' Patentlllult `(VT Wedding, and are prepared to supply the trade at eastern prices A CULBERTSON & CLAUSE anr23 19 5 Liberty mut. ULIAe• A 5 kegs 6 taut, a atpartor ae, oomed and tor ode hy trur23 A rig.FIV.RTSaN 171.0115 F. 7'Jiltall&N`Vragir B "°°"s-I° d" "M T4TC7E ' Z i ii ' c r eZIPPLESS torM "DOT AS —l4 caste pure a Prime article Aura WICK k MoCANDLESS t - brim. reled far se by J_L avitr3 WICK al & bIeCANDLESS (*RC lIINGS-10 clukt4cir d tl tLe i Nvims ant2l 1 714 k r • ' t)aerls has Trout; In bds Pickerel; Jail received and for sale by au 23 WICK bIeCANDLES3 13-40 clot - ICleveland Salorpans; 15 brio do do; • Yl bzo do WICK Pc MeCA4P,IDiaLPETS STARCH -13 hos !forthright'. extra; 32 brs Claimer'. do, for side by 4ug43 WICK h. fiIeCANDLESS VASSE.33 a 2.3113- 1 23 pe. reeid for liale — by au.l3 WICK t. iIeCANDLESS T AR -18 barrels N. C. Ur; 42 61 brls do. far sal. TT au. re . WICK broCANDLESS Strawberry Flasks tor Salo at Groom wood Gardeas. Duisrs Prize, Hovay's '3eedlings, rind Victoria Thrse are Os argon and best flavored trait amoonst all the different varieties now grown. Orders addressed to the proprietor, Wesi Manches ter, win receive prompt anemia. J MeHAIN. angt4 VOUNG SIPAIINAHLY, ALLEGHENY. TSehonl, under the direction of Mr. & Mrs. N. L W. Metcalf grill be rewpancd In "Colonnade Row" Federal Street on Monday, September tad. A primary department, & a number of optional branch es have been added, and a corps of teachers seeured, so that instructions will now be given to scholars of all agog and anaingienta. For partimilars see gIirCUIRIS which may be had at the !wok morel—or consult the Principals at them dwelling on Federal Street. Allegheny, ang.3 if. MODIATOE PILLS-IEIW compoend Extract of TOIDILIOC, a.sulualtate for Oxfam.). on band and for ea le at Null! WICKERSHAM'S Mgr KLESER bas just received • fins Sot of Brass bum:rents of the best smadtfactrinr, selected tu by mrelf with great care; for this market, seen as Satre Trombones, Sax Horns, Bagtemearnet•Tsbas, he.: also, a fine refectionof 3lnsie Boxes, playing two and three tunes, Strain., ftecordeonsoke. to. Alm, sr penor Gorman and Italian Strings, and gents Me Neapolitan SIGN ng tont lengths, a splendid article. OF Tlai GuLDEN HARP. .30 , 1 Int Third street. urALL PAPER —• largo assortment of Waj gI , Papers, from ego to Rd per roll, Jon .•calved to the fall Hada by W P MARSHALL ang22 83 Wood st ____ WLUTE'S celebrated STICKING SALVE AND STRENGTHENING PLASTER. pries A sem:m.llsu remedy for chfoule rheumatic attections, weakness and lioneems of most parts of the body, Fuld, barer, SO M., of most kinds, cuts. swellings, opal locises, corns, and felons When btu ecming. Also, di ns, e resat convenient one sale sucking salve or streugthenieg plasters and Wats on the Met. Poe sale by B N WICKERSIIAIS *neer . Car. Sixth tr. Wood ats INSEED OIL-13 Mr Rut received and for sale by JA anger BRAUN & REITER DATO W BLACK-15 brlijast vr.o4 formal° by m A BILVON &REITER FANCIT PRINTS,-5 ease. yew 'Wirral! Psints jun maned by SHACKLE - PC VILLITE net 101 Wood a rtASSIMERES—A few cases Fumy Cusimaas lj bright co:ors, Jan Tetelvdd and for sale by Nara 'SHACKLE?? a. WHITE INSEED brio for sale b L y ruurn J 13C110021MAHER CO TILIFSTE YEA Mil b, y b y • J 841100NMAKER & CO (111INESE VERMILLION Inn tec'd for .►la by aorti J SCHOONMAICER & CO 9E PINK-3 togs roped. for We b y R..rteJ ISCHOONMAKER & CO TANNERS' 011,-2O brio Co. sale außtt J SCHOONMAKEIt A CO ARD 011.-10 Orbs for Bobo by nogn 3SCNOONMhXER &CO LOl/1101.-10 brio for we by aturft J SCHOONMABER & CO CONSTANT supplies of Worth's superior Family Floor will be krpt (or salo.ll RornwrsON4 REPPERT 121 Second a iIE first class of preened creditors of the late T firm of Met: laws, Wade lc Co., will please call on toe undersigned. et the office of FL C. Bina:ANL Miller of Market and Third streets, and receive a dividend on the interest due them, by order of the Assignees. sug2l JOHN FLfildlNti, Agt Carpets Carpals' WE are new opening • large assortment of Car • pets at our Carpet Womb:olio, Fourth Mom, gonslmin in part of the billowing Ttrielitig— Extra Smurfit,' Tapestry Carpets; English and A 112.10. EtnnwL do; Extra Roped.) three ply N Carpets;Superfine 4.4,3 4, and 5.9 Tapestry yen. Carpet.; Superfine bean= Carpets; ' Extra lime do' do; Fine do do; Common, all Wool do; 4-4, 3-4, and 9.8 Common Vim. Carpets. ' Also Stair Rods, Window Shade., Mats, 111 Oil Clo ths from 94 ft T ' 1!2;11 ..The above goods will be offered to those wishing o: orcine at priers lower than ever offered in this act. We invite the attention of all, to call and amine onr stook before purchasing elsewhere. north W hfeCLEITOOK RUGS 1 RIMS t UT MeCLINTOCH Du Jai% received at his Cayce . Warehouse No 75 Fourth outer,. very hand some assortment of Rep, to which fro invite the at tendon of patsttaxers. amen TOBACCO—GO kegs 0 mkt teed for rob by auk= HARDY 3001E0 Se • VEATHERJ-4 bap Air web j anEW HARDY JONES &CO F.AF TOUACCO-30 MIL for .Ale b y y acitso HARDY, JONES t INDIA RUBBER PACEiniG-30 0 0 lbs snorted thicknesses, from 1.32101 inch thick. The above pecking is prepared so that 3 0 /degree. Fahrenheit dl not effect h, and is superior to every thing else, as no suostanee bas so meek elasticity which stands au high a degree of heat, and may be used about all 'parts where packing is necessary, viz :—ateabolf plates, piston rods, Steam Jonas, steam chews, cull der heads, ae. For vale wholesale snd reAtilPy CU/FUSE-4S sac., prime Green Rio far sale by V amON A CULBERTSON & CLoUSE TNALS.RUUBER BELTlNG—Jostrecelted,• lone .1 assortment of Belda; of vanesis verytoir from ih to Ii Joshes in width, tar sale 00 J PITILLIPS N.ll.—All Delis sold aro piano:need toast torches er to be topenor to Leather in every respect, and to give satlsraction. Any Belt. that prove doficlent whille •ited an ced or the money reloaded. aug79 HO9E! HUPHt —Warranted to be far superior to Lenther,Jost reed o(the above • WO feet I mels klydrant4 3W do IS inch der • tiOu do IS Inch do; • Cu do IS Inch do; 400 do 0, Inch EOHOC Here; - FOr solo at the Latta dabber Depot I t of Depot PICILLIPII 7 k 9 Wood at L' IAbIILY FOUR—Jost maim!, a lot of superior Famtly Flour, maaufanured by Wm Lille, Fag., Polorot, a, for mile by A CULBERTSON k CLOUSE • UM Liberty at 166 °. /t i rt U trygirlateM JOHN IdeFADEN & coM3 Hada: R„ tee lass :es • a: 14 6: a% • r. Ai N sutl.4 ' rafla: his • asset Ss 17 . •• • siss OTT bas Cavtaess •• as so en Myer.' paand hump; In mono and for ale by annl MILLER & Tucrsivor IkrORPHY t MIIIMPIELD an selling neat and V/ kudos* styles it &bon goods at Missed ♦ few *ma Bunts attV rersakallas tau bIiIIaSONIPT MEI • .PO4 PLAID PLANNFJ.2.—A large astertment of Plaid Flumels just received and for sale at trenufae t.rde.ll 1.1:1i cystnberly et Clatt , 77l:B, nu. ac/7/1-401/ yds 34 /,g,ir 1, of daft/A paue ens, just /Ted Istric7ll7 , , p ' 7 IIILL , r , ais2u • 1 T a 1/171,M "POLACK OIL CIOTIT for Cairiales-10 1 ) yards 4 4 jip rarilled,rao reeeiyed and far Rale by anptl - J tc. /I PIIILLII`r, opAcco..—zo boxen Almcfactuced Tobacco, on rr hand and W arebre,lor aslo Ly sap . ° A CULBERT:4 , N & CLOUSE_ AT CING-3.50 bole. No. I. o. am] r, on 60-a rend B I'm solo by A CULDERTsoN k cLoCsi: SVGAIL.—Loar, Clutha, .4 rowileted :ages tem eintsuntly on hastattforg A et...,E etly t augsh, JAPAN VAHNL' , I (, -1 Ws, &good attic!, 81.1 re• et ire& by • • J& H brla reed - tor Yale hr avr , 33 brllud ecceired for .ale by J & pm! Itr. Petmoitelslp and Copy Books. TE above books baying been niroduee.l into nblie arnlerissle seboolzin Pittsburgh end Alle follz:i:b..e axle In the sabsetiber agent Teseber• and ethers swig be supplied at nuhli.l Ws pines. as hinted In eltealar. l II SIELI.CIit, 4..10 • .4 11-,..1, 30, C , Vi d Slia r tzttf b E y lcnehsng row dtr, JuA re. IV* M MITC/IFLTREE, Librttv tt DICK-2D tea pntne fp_ .. 11; Na canal, and for sale trf anal? iiELLERS ,tj Nicots tiOFPF:E. I .It4 hail:prima gross . Ftlo fin • Ate by ll llngt7 I•I:LI.V.RS S. N1C.01.8 TOBACCO -30 bit . R.sell & Rob!won's i; ID b Trice & liss i dgenod's .9 . iii 3 cases Ran erns' ta lb limp; , Received find for side by purl . / SELLERS & NICOLS MACKEREL! MACKEREL! -100 MOM 0( those lugs No 3 Alarkere.. .le by C A MeANULTY ec CO, Cloati Ltioitt. avgl7 - A LCOLIOL-5 Mahal reed for ante by . 11. .1 I: tsip CO VSTIte - SDAYitI LOU'S DT'S for redo by augl7 I KIDD CO gbflid for bbil .117 , .I KIDD et CO IPIDNZKL - 43.0 Ib. litlionaor snle b • nogl7 I' KIDD CO EVILVAIII & WILLIAMS, to Grim. st,..Lialtenturs, AGENTS (or Iliet lode of Node Ash, Blenching Powder., tee.; have on hand. and ale constamni receiving direct trona the Nanoracturess, the Oboes ardcles of the best and ',Met approved heard., altien they offer to the trade to: quantities to ann, and at lowest market rate.. a0.19.43w WQOfALEN-O,OODIL BE smile:nig:4'd boa on band, and is this day re- T eei•lngg Irani the Milltornourers, on COMiglitur nt, g large lot of Finnan's, 101 l echo s. plain and b.isio.l, abo, Bed Blankels, Blanket Coansig, Beater othe. Cassimerea, Satinetis and Tweeds; which be said solf by the ease or piece, at mansfamoressi poet.. The attention of dealers to woollen goods is invited. II LEA angl6 lsiteriy st figll—lo„osnto reeelved for sale bg audin Bk W 11ARTS/I[lBlt CCEEM Office of Pittsburgh G. Company, August 17,1051 lIE Swekhoideri of the Pittsburgh On Company alp hereby notified, that the Annex! Meeting of the Steletholden for the Eleetton of Truses, to held at the office of the ettimpany, in the city of Pttme burgh, on Monday, the ;nand day of September next, between the boon of two nod five o'cluck. P. 111 , the purpose of electing two percens to serve as True tees for said company, for three years, 10001 th e sold second OM , SePluthbcf ntet7tattw THOS. IJAKEWELL, Pryor. FEINITURE eoz townie d ra.ra table, wand, and bureau covers, beautiful patterns and prices law, at - Nrs 7 & It Wood at. ausla .1 t _11111_114,11.9 FLIJUB OIL cLOTII-40e0 yd. 4 4 Floor Oil Cloth :we yds 3-I do ) d • S-4 do 4W pde CA do For sale, wholesale nod it oiy trr J H incurs 'a 7/a Wood w gin RY OUN/P/43 IRON-70 tons roftirig L.F the Allegheny Wharf, and for rale by .111.5 .1 h R Fan D Nisi' received from Ytalhorrdle 1- wary. ineo yd Oil Cloth. Crash, diderent patterni, for ante by eagle .1 1p II PHILLI PS 1000 FEE!' Gum F.lastie Nom Iv Hydrant.. Mit neePad far me 6y Jk II 1.1111.1..11' 7it Woml ro N. 13.—A1l Rosh mid is warranted to the poreliutert to give eatilihretion equal to leather or the Cringe re• turned. aveltl SINULISEI & CLASSICAL ACADEMY. THIS Institution be romp/. ne- ton dseminar,. of lade and young gentleman. on do brat Aioaday, the second day of September next. ! Tbe plan of Ws A-calmer to compnrhdrisiven em bracing a liberal music of instruction in Claesic and Scient.fic Lemming', Use Modern Lon/mune. a fail course of Cotrunerotal Studies. and be resit on brit., ee of elemCntar(Engllsh Placation. The Inuit:Woo is forniiked with the memory Maps, Globes PhyslologicaS 'Astronomical, Philo• sophical: and Chemicsl Apparanni, by utile, she penile are aided In acquiring amuse thorough know- Adge of the sabiecte of varies • BOARD riF INSTRUCTS - MC F. Corers Punicirsb. Wm A ',West, A AI , InetraMor in Um Latin lull Greek langoeges. John Brews A. M.,lnsunrtor in Mathematic.. James Rend, A. M_ Inmractor in the Natural. Mental, end Moral Sciences. Job, CL Schadd, Ph. 4,, Professer InModern Lung a- Wes P. CMS rrofessor a Donk Keeping. J.D. Williams. Pdrifebsor in rentanmbip. ACADEMIC EDIFSIE. The Academie Edifice Is on FerSi fumes., between Foulth and Liberty. The bet dine Is !urge, cons , omen us and airy, and being out attic Lasinent port of the city, It to ;met and scared, which snakes It a or,, desirable location fcr animates on efLemstinu. Circular, can be obtasicd nc. Um book n race in bath ctues. rnnespel coo be teen at the Ac ademe. lad:vir CLIEE.Zi:-13 La Teed rot Ted- Ly ll .05 ; 84 W fIARITAUCII kirdS-3 if e'd per a E Cured, and d cake corniie - alThilis earner Reveille. (or •ale W 11A k BARG/a litUtlNti,-400 Via m Morn and for golo by •0015 tl & IV lIARIIAllrilt H ASlS—Kairis & Sorift% einelnitati r ug. du i c d; Abacey's Indiana do • • Virginia . dr, Scow) cared, not gmolred. for wle 1,3 , WEI A MeCutlau• & cO, L'IX hibeny et I I la. ab.k.F—Joe. Ow.' Clo. coo d Crttorarod; 1 • do de, a For .ale by. 14.151 WMA bleCl,llltti 3..C0 EOEFY - TONOVFASL:A reredos for Aii , el.Y anyls ' WAS re bIeCLURO•e. CO - ENISON 11.0151.—A tear ebotee Vrei,en Ileum anota Illbt A Merl.ll Ms A CO St•am Boat Tatham:kings. WE:invite th e attentiois 'of those fatnialdng ft ma Ili:mut., tus 11...1.123.110f Trimming., compris ing In past of the followinp— ... .. 64 and 7.4 Table Linens, Dann 7+s,Phims Huckbank Diaper, Sootch Doper, Can" Table Covers, Crash, Canal"! material of all ge- I Eva, to. b. set - lotions, - MoCLINTOCIC. Caton% Warehouse. 75 Fourth at. Velvet Pile Cerpsta. iIIeCLINTOCK Las In store mud for sale the V V . Itrttelastortmert of Velvet rile Carpet of the but and CICIFG/t styles ev ri otter el in this city.. whtch we invite the special el tention of those veishine to poret.nse. Waretoorn. tennis rt. avai4 • • Gabbed- ASMALL Lot at Gibbed Herrin r, In prime order. tot oda by /011 N bIeFADFN &CO aael4 Canal. Bann. PROPOSALS FOR TISILISCR. Ogles of the Ohio. i Penn. R. A Co., / •1 Pittsburgh, Aug. 15,1 PROPOSALS In writing will be receilleflib y the h ndersigned until Tuesday, the let day of October, for the delivery of the cross nes required for laying the track orthe Ohio nod Pennsylvania Rail -load from hence wtblasithlon • distance o'lo7 mile, 'rho number of tat will be about one demand nine hundred per mile. The Iles are to be of round whine oak or, rack oak, eobjeet to the irrpection of the engineer of the counting. Thee roust be ent with a saw, into lengths of eight feet. If of sawed Umber, they are to be coven by eight Inches abeam . if of hewed dotherithey are no be flatted on the top and haunt to a width of eight Inches. They mum be eleegot loork delivered and piled ler on the hue as directed by the engineer between the first of January and first of May scar Bidders are requerted to stints' what camber of ties they propose to deliver. motor.' what seedens'iof the tail road they prepare to deliver there. They May p 'Deese for ties of ebertent or lot 11.31, if orb:must, they may he scree Mame:muerte. - Proposals aro alto invited for furnishing mud 'sills of white pine or whtle oek, to be four by nine inches square, and from elgliteen to twenty four km long, to be delivered on the [the of reed as atiore. •;I W. ROUIPISON 'Jr President. enenidtisettl TiED WHIBEERS AND DARK 11A1111—Tlos m ' LI common freak of eaters. for which we ate at e loss how te uccottet. And we mutt say that the con trast Is far from producing an agreeable effect. but it may be obviated by the ere of JULES IinUELN celebrated _YEA:I:TABLE LIQUID HAM Dvr., , whi l b instantsncburly produce the most t and sterol looking block, brown, or chestnut wit out injohng the hair or botanic the akin.. These. colors are indelltble, and ate eel affected by the 1.- 11011 Of rw.pinktiOn of wider There We man finds of Hair Dye on sale, bat they not have auto s. material objection to their use; some require n long nms te produce the street, others burning the heir n , .d Skin, and amt. when pat on. Rive the bole tire ton to trf•newly War ked store f. IDLES lIAUEIeS VP:l4n.. TABLE LICILIstD BAIR DYti in the or'' , mre achirrEr' is r.atimly free tram the shore object btu, Id vrariar,n3a, entirely Impute's, end will produce a bestanel One natural looking color le • shorter time than Itilf othelril dye in use. Be cautious in purchasing, to'tilierfoni.r. Ishtar Itas tunmy name attached, a. 4 Mere tea many Imitations of this celebrated article. austl-Bp • !IMPS TINISFIZT2O ; . . JMINIMWS 2a9Woodo !IteldlOnl . and WadOVlO'Claligag.:. pnasseation of Soldiers and WidoweclsimslOCre.l*... glans and ]lotio n offhelak connection Isith the raked Puoiletiov rrnisions ken. medo me hmilini wish. the rains 10r oans, to yell as the dseisions,ef th e Pension Ilektiti=" oansat Washingtan C ' • vridOWs cad heirs of Rivp etionary Soldiera"., tme.Aimma thy goy yet be properlre.,. J. R. purrißlE.. 0 oace or, Wm. MIL so Robinn. Rsq.,oprsoellerihn;A, Mayor's Ofilee,.Fourth Street. Phtrnorgti: July en. 1000 Pv , ralUklesi . 1 r Bun or Swersoseo, THZ Stoikholders of the Bair of Ptaberrt.. mi hereby bottled that • genentim•etieeergra c k, , • holdeis,arill be held at the Buller Ileaseravrears,.l - the fifth day of September it. at tee A. U., Uteri the charter &odder Ct,Rll enacted brkho , . Leglestute le ft s last sessloamll be lald before Berea for their aceeptanea or, reject • By orderer B.ard of nireetori, aaelbditands JAMEMILSON informs his friends and rha pcbl le that ha ha. removed Lis fiat end Cap Establish nun horn fladihkeld tercet, to his old mad on the man of Weld stead and Dlemend Ailey, (tuned woryirketir Patrick. I Piked'. Exchurre Office. em, Macs bull, WI Dirotood Alley—where may be foomi a late and tullemable asarrtusent of Ham and Caps ril&tattizzlems,srhrgskslo dui :Mal M i l 1 1 " M gal •ML(44 M=E ws=m!m ILISEIOVAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers