. - •R" Tr , . - ~ ~,, • - .. -- 1: Al ! :---- ' - 7 - 1 -- - ~, '-114?• a --- -• . 7 . - :.:- .., . ".. '.,•-, • ' - ~ '1? I ~.----- . - . ,--.1 4 '..>. ",.. . ',.; . • - , '.. , ' A - -.:- „...-. ____.:-.. .. .--..........-?.!-._ .. EiSTABLISIT — irIThifb o.T.Eit.t smut Dv t• t WHITE:a. Cd - D.. N. vrLrrrrr.onr) .I.Th'. TIOED lITISEST,D,T Dalt TO -11 IT. n 0171 CL. , , " .. • NWT rEt T ----. —• • • --- --••••••-lf:yr,pir sintwin TWWee , i7•-•-•-••--..-- ••••••••• 5• 91 1 , , W.4.11y on r•IvIon , ••-- •-•• .2,u0 .. M. n Clal.i, at I. minced rate.' : ! ': taws cs' or --- oko ' vettTi scriai AnciEFD ' ) UV T 1 E PITTSEIFItCIII . rung& One ytir le, I❑ I!) noes of Neap nrei!,.3rlrtei to I One. a t -:,at :e.,c;Gh naltlitinnalttmertibtt, , .i 0,5 Do. ottc. week 1.7.5 D. Iwo week • a.,00 ' fki. Or, wecks•---. 41 , 0 one month ttitri two Monttt----..---} IN . Oar, morthg.•• • Do. (opt months ---• o,oe . lin. 1.4 ninnrii• • • -p 2,00 rn. ...n•-• • • —2••• Booth to CAA! orle..,lpee , en nenn . 10,00 Ful rare etin erect,le nipivuture (per :ni no) es el innve. n' the p per ce• • ...... 00,00 Far en,b addition*: cove, irsertrdnver.une mnnth, ton fovuOtili tdditional i•uunrc inecrtnil under the Icitr.: 17 mine; half price. Advertiercients erretAing, n iniunre Una pot over Aileen Pne•, 00 lc aurora coo and n knit. Publigliery not neenunlanieli.r irgain4rcninements bernmi•the amount cliargcd r • I , lr pus'icauan. Announcing cant:it/nix Inr 011n.c, to be charged dm 11.1. • WS Othf, advertmerlint.S, Atlver on: worked on the ropy forlo epee.- bed ftn.hor it.ee rt.... 1%, will toe continued lilt fortoc, aod puymenl exurood accord_ Thr i ,n ii ge. of ye. riyad rerti.et, Trarlie ftoSned rigidly tolholt .11 other: adver -I.l.rtiol`lKll9l.•erolintoe u. thcir regular (Ann:less, an mined 101. In he paid cetra.. Ail udt'mi•n :or ehorttni.lo oleotievots,:fire lope:des. owl public ro nail rnrb I.ke, to be eharged bolt prioc,payable cm-ay Ir Moe:lore none, In he charged 5, . . . _ Death iniurevitiro.red 'althorn charge, auleip accom— panied by thrwral invonioni or obituary notlchrl sad whe arrinuparitrd to pout or.pa - Prrahir ads. efiJii• :a, uud .1: others vontlin oirtur nitatioov. or low:tong notices, to eannittrui tido to Four.. Rohr., Conectl.l, fir dry rut.behritier talroneu., where chasten ateaaJ. or notirei of ',rival, siK , nciattnnw—evcri, 11.47 fl.f. signed to cull norrymn to prton, et:lemur, cafai ten or stictuirof to yrorarne indtrnlual inicryin;e C O One, ly invert,o void' the undervtanding tlfat :ft Fame talc Ir paid for. If infrnded to he invorted to the lo cal tit , ra will he charged at the rate of Old leso than IP crp, no pot line bishop or Fist Nonce • to hoollareril triple prier, Toner, Lioeuvo IfefilSonv;l•leath • Legal and Medical ruirertirceicide to ha it fall once.. Real Estate Adonis' and .Anetionerru f ailvertier• menu. not to be elarod under yearly rue., bat: to be alJowed divroaot of thfry three and one third pet ecta. from the amount of MP f. Woulgr oa rei Wttatr IN DAM! ftelr.S. On , Ptputro, dart. invernons• i•— • • • .e, 1 Do. erteh additional inrertiOn.•• ADriEr2-11.1.-MI nest. One Square, (Id hoot.) one Joirrtioni--...71 P b.. - Tv each additio , al tnieriien• • —25 ;J. All ttanairnt advertisements to he roof in 110,1410 e. WRITE & CO. Gerotte. Li If dR1 . P.11., Po-t. • ROOT M. RIDDLE,`JonmtP j JAME• 3 P. RAPTI & Oft.. Curonke. , FOSTER S lIROTIICR, RifPatrit.• JOS. IiNOWTTSM, Plereory. JAMES W. lIIDITLh., Arerienn i lIIRAM KAINE, Evening Tlib44. P1T1711711011, Des. I, fem.!, CARDS, Sou% A. pAxi.K.lN.ori, ALVa2 MC I r 'R LI t" A b l7Oiar All ussu;:! Stade! to. • • 11.11.13.xAsoun 13. INAT6O.II, A .TTORNEY AT LAW—(l2:ire, Cotath steel above Woal. - ' --- • ' DAVID C. TOT`I'Lb:. t ', i ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Comatimirame for l'ennAylvania, St. lonar,lgo. . ~ I, •• • All communicaaorts promptly answered.! oaPIT-1 yI _____,_ JA7IIT.AI F. NEFORII., k I— TTORNEY AT LAW—Mice on PotiAb Ware., A between Sentibettl ur3 Grant,rittsburgh. • - EU Mc!=me 1-I.A 1701iNFS and Counsellorllor mkt Law. and Commit alone: for the State ,of Pennsylvania, St Lmoniki Pao" (late of l'ittsbc rem.) • - Refereneen—Plsbumght Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton 8. Miller, Illeandtras &McGee, •Jolin K Parke, Kinsella K. Serople. i lVemord &King. anct±ty B I I: . )VV F. L L VORWAIL . DINO ZiIe:MORAN TS. GiaJvcr, Pa. (Smith's Terry Post Ofiint) Baying permanently heated at.this place, a new and substantial Wharf Coat, We am prepared to re. calve and forward promptly to all points on the ri,rer, and Sandy end Heaver or Olio Cs naLs. fl it Ca. Olakow, /one 13.—jell MY. aAdaLLr.: . eetwa•yal ar. H. WOODIVA.- • " - • ' • • • - AUALEV, VI7OIIDWAII.D it CO, Wkaicsale Gm. , <en, No 311 Martec at. Philadelphia. .P 4 Plt.bOlgh. Alkg-11 lVOrks. BENNKT r, BERNS le CO, hlnunfocturern of sod. Ash, Blenching, Powder., nlnriniir on SAilphoile Acid , _iVatchonse No —;Water .racy below Vcrry. nn•B3.ty Frederica Bran, Gem, Reiter. 1/DR.AIII , I h REITP.R, Whnl,alc nd rx, I p r ,,, ij Fitts, cornet of Liberty and St. Clair 'area., ing. arab, Pa. apt rL John—A.-erair. nallintr CRAIG & Forwairdori f7nmo [mon Merchant, No 20 ori,rl I uuLaralnpi CCA- MG.N.ALTV sOl, Fortr ri onnng and 1.4 , m = Mite Merchants, Canal Bann,ttsbnloO, Fa. inn! c. ',,,o,lnwinriras,„iiii;,io,ltl.ll. bt7lo. XI4 In fiersey— ... • Andrei, Flnintur R. K. riming nettsw.v, a. co, commisstoN Eltell A NTS , —For the nolo fella. .nrilr,Woolnn, and Coon:IA:nod.; 01.0, 4itAlrr, in all kind, of Tailorirfrirtning.i, No t/7 Wood at, door from FLIThi l'Oninurgh. Reforrnee—Mossin. Wm. A. Bill fa Coinaoatra. lanai I c. salon) 4 . 31. A. INV.. BAIRD & 05115115511 0 5/_ N cncllA NTS and 13111 N. 114 ..4cnidl wret. Plll-1.10. neg 7 A. 'WILKINS t CO., EXCHANGE B ROK E RS, S. R. Corner qf Third and PlarLee nANsecrson as ulcer Carla. TAIL D .61115 — I. trecrarr. (IP‘e English, Gallagher Mg . Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Cmarlission abdrrnr. warding Merchants. and denier. in Pradate and Pitts• bailie Itimufaxtures, No. IV Wood AL, between Id rwd id etre.. ' • Dell %vat. If. 41 :t. COM Ni1:3.310N 1111:11LIHANT No Ild tregond rarrnorgh. _and( GEORGE E. ARNOLD I.:- CO. CIMMICIE CoIN, BANK NoTag, ao N. 74 - Fourth street, neat door to the Irani or buret,. • to OW birch. IWA LT,I4 64.2a01 B. W. POlRP.liraTii.E.a. , r`r F.NERAL CO}I3IIr , SION nod tor... Wing Mer <bows sod Floor Dour", N. Zu Mork. , .'reel. Yhdadelphia. • /32 5 111 ff LEE. (.3 , oo‘rror ro - Mrrrpbp k lere,) Wool Deal er Ord Coorrullzsio • Slercirans, ..(pr,prre crie. or Amerit.Wareon., orr . ”o4 l ro sth r•.. 17 13 - AILDV, JONTIA n Co, Isaccon‘ora to Anvil:, _U. Jones k Co.) Camrovccon sod Forwarding r shunt, dealer.. In Vittsbargh Manufactured Clocu.s, Pa caehlr IMMEEMII (she - cans. TO 11•74‘113. nat..1,1 EIrORTER A. Dealer in Preach and American Pa per llanamcs and Lktftlem M , oth". Shades. Fire ard Prints, An. Also—Writing, Priming and Wrap- PMlPaper. No-d 7 otreet.ttelarecn Frt.. iftra Diamond rimy, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. febl3 011ri AGNEW, lota of the firm of Chambers. Ag larea , %maid resttect the old coo tome r* and the public acumally, that he will stilt roe gone to carry on the Green tile's husinen, in all ll •ariettes. and is prepared to fill all orders for AnOthr canes. Veroltere, (Dotterels, Porters,' Viols, Jac- at., porta.. to his basilic , flis warehouse is No 2; Nark. street, batureen FWD A. Somalia um. f yitlftlam 11r4 D. :',14110A.V. - Witife - Sala...Taroute Of In Dye Sties, Pair n, Oa., Varnish., No. A 3 Wood street, one door youth of Diamond Alley Pittsburgh. an.l DlitZF:t.L., Wbo . r.ate. I i To •• eT,LOlirrtiFil.lo7l Jal...ant. and dealer in Prods )'and Plustmagn tdanufactutes. Nutt Water at, Pittsburrh.' CA' 11..1 D,eatr.• ■Otter Llcr TSAIAII DICKEY A C.n.,MIOICMIC CIPICE7I , CAM. ;Minion Idelrhonis, and dealers In Prodnee,Nrrarift Water. and to 7 rrnnt street.. Pitinlntrin. rona Jobe e. Ihlwerth•---....—...--../WVZP:I DI I vit/na JB. I/ILWORTII & CO., lblicileotle. Conor, and . Agents for Nereid Powder Cu., No. it: WI, Pittsburgh. dacy id Ne. 45 Market it, three doors above Thad st. Pitts hare., will hare eonittantly on bend It Wei Stk.EV.l le Wurtruent ef the best and ficahert Medicine+• which he will sell en the moil resennable tenni, Physicians Sending indef., will be prettily attended to, and top. .Flied with articles they tear rely even as genuine. • it - T Physician. Pecuerintions wilt be accurately and iL ar ay pybpared fro best materials, at any hovel ha 40 Of le• • • • • 4146407,1 steel. of (stet sad . toed P*rta Inn- lrirlL G • r al • AlAtebtnti; 140,," cie)TteiAtlldlAttth, heAdAtt I , i,Libett " y Istigotteeet,to'44.e4..: &Or nbn ti tles end ethetu th ; tei ltittheeh lte e,4, ~41, _Akan ILTLI 11 aerd etteetjt,iftmhwet r 4. 77 O. A. CAUtitiNti, Azentelet' the • Laiii tri;-Na— ip.peahrg.r, Poe Ilenyer 04' the 1 ,2 122.—(11U2 ' • threfedyelAr Watr'r 1014 SzoithiS•le - lANtill A. : J' Iteirislletehieon *A7o.j CoetnAledee ./. I cWhttAti. a2CA.22212 of the Ft. - :LottArAtetterVlWOr 'liefittery , • watirr 2•2 , 1 22 franUstattgr lll,ll. E Y • NILS Wacril street,ydtrit. • YTwissagrpsitn7AtqAmi• roDD~lle at~eadldamptt9 to ;To - • a 800.,. • • OkaroA _ Da1341:; :*..:III:I.ST.NESS CARDS 9tELLI3E., Whole .”4 . R,,,!! o.ler 11 in.fgelte and Niust.l In.lrment.; Sy... Ito., .gßl . nrarr. Carlf.,,an 4 kv.itatisT:gentrally,tio. Fl W. 4 .It,lPltt.burob , 17 tkoon hoorht or trkon in N.klat:4l-1KL14,41.1tr. of Warren. 011149 CollVllh 1. rrtp and £4tpartlnr..tilorrl4.4 and hoinak aewer.l4-{ Itelerr• Ch--txr, 144.14,, d4b, an= We.ttrn 'Nett 4444011.44 14- ota 8.44144.60 and lVeed,riusbarghn i. . rb•nts, 4/4-oJarx 144 YTeedtre sad Pi11Ak.4 6 ...r ettitter. • - ;rizrift 0111.14, PVVWSBILI6II. I't. ENO:SF:DV :4 :IMA'. , c Wyly perior 44 I..!Lcet.atg, LarP! Tvfmo.sl44 ihmtnK.- • • , _ •- • 0. ' 'sToCU-TON , • • • Market and Thad Pitt•burgh City Glass Worts. • •W. GU NFIWGIIAPt G m F - 7 , 1 ,, N r ran - in LAS S. d Second, Tete•bco eh. Va. (Cr Particuirt enema. rent to .1d owns. Al:0, Resler, FLINT GLAsS, VIALS, norria". 4 . cenotsonoi, o. nnoc, . P. C.CS:iVgG.PL. W.. Altne.r, elated; C. W..Rn:kooon. Pteci!Auccre. VI HALER& RICNUTFON. .ito.crllt Wont rx, nod tnitorteco a( Brander, lloucc.and Sg., zt I=4 t;e,eoneceof Ribero - nndLr<VlO strcent, Va. Iron, Non. Conon cony dn. An:. c0n ..1'0171471Pd Oinloc Wb .NT If.te L W o Ice ( MI g.:-;;• '1 , fIL uM TTTYRI/Vitti ll AND. AX STEERLE FACTORY. ARR. .4Wl' NU nine loon, JoslcK a Q,UIGO• 'IICtrANDFACITAIMILS of epr.r.g mut bli.ter al: plough .dcel, v. plough .nds, coach and elk` fr,pn.r,,,,VddnYncred Iron mien, and dealer.. to ml cl.qtne lardwand couch trannung4 Of.R.Ors and Ftont sta., Eitc , bordly TT/il , ,XV * dod - hiTiontorO 111 Po;nier. Rooms, onion, or Vale (Idsce Aqq - 7 and 0111111 ICC on Fourth it, nenr,do4.o.- - .CA J. rao, Comintok•ton Plertitantn N'bandalargta-rnnm-ntgor'rnadmt the follow. our for of:ev , Inc J. 1)cr...1 & en, nordrook,,v. !doctor, J. Er di .1 Du rand tr- Ifordna. Coqnae, Aa A d• M It. A de Moodore. donut be .I,e; nio, Anchor .;in,Bordr....to R. d and NV bite Wod.l In'co.ts n..d ..a.r .clertcd wan nova daft Do rood /1.0.; besides' Char:Fn.:lc IVd, and Sorernilygrandy Yoct.' 11OLM4.7:rt. snN, No SS Market et..r eio.l dO • froth cr uel of routes, dr.eler. to Fcrs l 7lt and Doree,tio 1311Ot of Eredlogo, 'Ctrtilicto, iFfiDoPooh Itnak.:l4ote , and .pl c . . • • Errolelenoryt made on all the principal 'nine. tirvichourlheilnlind Stain, sipe itrretud.stE m .... N-01 " rou • St. 0.4 dooz.t.,:s L,nrr:yanrinn or sall, kinds done Inuit the prenteei care runt 1,•I nerniury. Tit es to item , Idetme. elan:tired, hr. el4-ly It EIS. sit Oes• ANL' FATBREL.St OF It KEEN t.I.IiSS 0. ,7 Marini sire., Paladingb, Fa keep unitise:- 1y on hand, an nottic to order all kind- of Lane. Bottles, te. Porter and .11,aeral %Vetter Bottles 6l sa• pellet iivaltlY• Fartitillist attention paid to Private Moulds. nirertaltar • - fisttiarscretable tf.•ie,iallstieeterilt . OF %FM. N 7. Third ss, oppeons the Pos,thltre,Poislettiitt—fileite, Labels, Architectural nod l ealinte Draw - mut Binnacle and %%shine Cords, he ,eneraved or dra ott stone, =nil prnittdin color, Gold. Goan. or Black, in the most approvedlatt le, and at the linen tourmaline pruese' uttnitt - - carts N, LETTIX g CO.. Ds. 142 t.tii , riy ilrea 'Gracina, tdcreliants, and dealer• in Pisansrgil ildnaufar y;4' ()BERT MOOII.E. iS haleaulc.c.roecr, EtecoripLp; Lib Ihrtd:cr. dealot l'rnduce, Potabarph Munro. Om 5, 5,t1 kauds oaf -Forourn and Ircrocctic W hen and I I.l.lbcr.p arreort. .(ac.hdrd crT tirl:e 'Tack of puncrioy nar:uhrl ocoldtcy, , cloth ibc . pold low Co , or:- _try). Co. 7 d[C,u.r.: sUct. M - NOLDS :v. SILF.C. For:worth:4 and Con- R liOn...iferclumth for to. A Itrgsciar Roo, Trod., toalent ii firncerie•, Produce Puma:argil, Sian:Afar - Utr.sooll Co:Orilla of Ido:d. The LTgTs.t Pricb, ao rash. Pun at al: lialfg for a‘rit.d. , .. Co si ne I:dd . 111 dr_ Pittaborga Alanafactorce, L.:Oen) . wt.", Pllod:o P. tY lc 111,11. cur:moron/Imi WIIOLFSjr.LM GROCER, Produce, Parrcan and CAmmissiiin Merchant,. aoo Device le Pars ' burgh *awl lion:ire.; No.= Liherry ttrcur, Parrantrgh, e. 151,C41..LK nl O l. a. wnva Q Hit:KLETT k WHITE. :Vhoc,Lis icr. IJ Foteigo cod Dcolettio Dry GLKKLI, No. go %%dolt otteot.l.l . .moorolo o;:17 Aln,chanta, I),nim Sin float and Prod., ,a , nctally „and Vonsalding and Conlaiunion ,:•• "*.rt. rlttrlnrab. r•LLY,S Prrrall,Coll. 30.11 N Q WY N1G0L 4 .1 . 1,11, , tu.d Si-nerd COIn • n.Dle No 17 I.ilierry strect,/ s -76urth.. err., and 1.4 , d kills. er 17 s r t BON 4 I/H.1114 CO ,;t o . 141., ttlia...c.l I • Lu ti. 1.1 c•ps - nre, r.t cet and ane. • a-,17 DIOILELIS & LIAINOILTII TEA ANI WINE MERCHANTS Tir(Wl,ll,iesorne the erryors,y pub], oreu;led by they •ve ta ken the ..41' won-bons, f tbe lsto Stlemon Hesoyer, 114 ierond n Sr aid eollosiodtneless - seet , ose , they sorotdd Invite ottenuon of pet.oa l wring goods to GP.IOI of got.. They will sj . swgiva almst:on to the vett - eh...he tale ttrithttet Ponds. !se ' see, . IL N. Water laa2l. • W. 13. Waterman. L. S. 'WATERMAN At. somp, • wilmp,,,, , rusn ,Al.O moo: ER C0...,06 Dad rm.- dank:ll,ll.dt km!sof cat ral.lpars4 Maatiractun . d mete, a.t. AirM. far raid or tliella.ond and Lynchuarg Mane... Awed Toba , ro. • L WM. T;MULLN, ..A.TTO2LWV. I7 'AT LAW. , T " roVI codzmyy, Rel. to . • J. le U. Floyd. Lit. erty at. 1 W,Wri.lece, du I 1,-mea Mar.:half r Piltib•eyhi Ca., / pan], S. B. But Lim 41. ;•••• • --;••••• • • • - • .i:ro rte. Kxcltit• S. O. nos.nvis.Lo & co., • W r t• a r L pt I,lberiy2 . ; : yittotT, tr, • £ co., FORW A COSI:1111i- 4 inN MERCHANT Cacvi ::.•.n. Penn 411 . &4 ral!tallte h. "1 4 4 4/.IIIIOCS 71. DAVIS & CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTOILS, No.:L . :Sint . let, and (.1 C,lttmcrce at, l'biludeirlicd Advances sunia;ls7 either n 1 the .bore. nn eons men. n( 112He__ mr 6 1 J. D. ' ... ... ---•Jubu J. D.' wiLtaans & CU., , virr HOL.EA ALI: 2 RE7r.all, FAMILY Haoctri Hoarailnion Moron:LEILA An 003: try PrAnce arid Pdriburah dlonognc. tom, nor,. of Wood and Fifth menu, kataburgtt. =Sl==l WILLIAMS a. co., 13A 14 1: Elt.i AND EXCHANGE I:P.OKERS, North En..l o,llc r of %Vocl and Third . PA. 1111.11_11. WO, 11AGALV.T. 31:110. 03.6.11AV1., no. n . • a(unt SAOLLrf. I[Ar 3. kIAG,ALEV..& CO , Wholoollo Groecti, 19 V and oil Wood lIT<C , . FlnnOont apt a .11VIIII • WC• 701 ... 17 yin CI: & Ar0,,NDE,E1.5 , , fouterrnor , no I, A J.l), 1111 Witt,l' Wholes:dr Grocors, l'ornoudiaa ond Conoraio•ion Nlorrhadtlidedlei9 In Jr., N 3 ,15, (.1,0; Cotton Vara?. orid htt.t.utgli Alanofacturos generall I;, Wand , and - Wale( a tiers, PAtsburall: apl7 IA" - k'33.SGT(lllVf,Ctilitc;l'i 117 ~lairocer , . YY Itectda;ng 1401,11(r., and Wine and ['Nand fOrro , ano. A No—lotparteri of Van A.handlGrat!, , , i., CuardOr, No.loo Lberty Groot. loppoado I•ll3. l ntrah.. ;W. - V,11,91,1 , 4 ‘Vido - 1T:4;37,0 . 0c1i .- y,iiitver %Vire: Vlf . and' Milnary Good., corner of Murk,t and' Cour., street% Yntalnorn, N. B.—Motet:r col ot Clnota careild ((Talked. ?Id. Was Jonn a. at'reric: TAI 51.y4 & Pea',ere In I.Aanaer, Mails; yv ..,143.1.nberrY cart. lan&ly ‘V. ,arllrmo,llnol.. ttn.T. n'nuntrinnl. r 10 R. McCIITCREPN,ocere, Y dcaler• In .predatn, lee, NOR., Ma C e*, and Putstraren Menufaeture generally, liberty inree..— ritt/holgh. • - ;near if/O.PARTNIZILATIIP. y HAVE tekert WM. CORK into porinerninp ant . . I me in my beednear, which will from thu date be carried an under the name of "John Porter &CIA , . March • J(IIIN PARKER. Jobn Cur. JOHN PAKILLEI Co., Trliatzde Orteers, r Latins - in l'rodare Fantg • •tt7td luuißul 157a1.67:. *tree , ' • :': 011 , 0 • • Pn‘bargh,P wAxs.e . txwi nutra, woo, wx. HANNA- es , CO.. (131'reessors. to. nurvey, Ilk.. dr. Co.) D Po n and Do rhni e s tef Depotne, te nant Ztl , neo? and skeld—North west teorner of %Vona nod etreet, Current money 'received on dopoolto.--Sight•Chock• for 'sok, 511 d koliettiOno mod* mialearly sit the principal pointo kite Crated glutei. - The lachert krearlirfi paid ror,Foretka sod Autertdon Xdoineektuarie en tencgranzats S.& last, on litoural tern's. •to.l A. 111471.17RO : il,, (9giAS TEA LEAS, Now, Lihri:o semi, aGove Wood, ' _ 11.4 ban.f large e.mattlmer•tet a Char. tireigifAnAPAliSirterTnaar••Alro, Foreign Ennis cot party Wb 4 h l .3o_llli_frattajk_ /kilos suppliOtee the. i . • • MISCELLANE OI tOURTIi g-rithEr. Pint,BpAcHofr,.... - ernim mennthcetd.establishment. Dello raps, 1 Meted and Toady tor bustrtres,tl,mprvprictorminahl. respettfully solieir shoes , of lb , piddle palivau4e, twangs by giving los Cul aitondonsodhe brume's. totnutho the holuve pleasant and condonable resort Jos ttie <age. a Potshot& ami.tor..the comity) . Goodattendants inn be ill'Ortatirni.And ev • er,. anion mode to, rendes the ettahltatunero IserrelltY,tho co untenance and soopon of amitaeltinco?.notvuntry. The TWO riPCIVILB ilALLS,Lttett for ?miles. Citron, I-centre, Bails, and pall,. meetinm. wi A.. Icily the cation or lortit,oll. ll lilarnt Mom as any rn4er in the rim. • . The LIAR and RESTAITHAPPY. mom) In my , nn't beauty tot y' in the world, will be. heat thanshed with Pure Choicteadquores COrdinlit t l'ateorat Met, andel:llm cool, ilea. maresloneramaf the-set...PP. ' l'enitrY, GAM:, Fish, Soap, Oysters, orta serettd up in the best style. The RI NINS, and ICK CREAM RA LOON, boor no, the Gent door, and easy of acne.. will constantly 'supplied with all the Lurorled, and.llelinesnovor rha ses.soa, and also,veltb each substattunts uric tehysiltly lc*'d'gth l l ''"k 7 —v "fl:o7l Su.porsar nisels Or par .—,:bed • nonce unntlatnen with their families. vision,' the nity I,e sang, with relenahruente of atilosis at any hour to the litablimi end an cc ....tor 'Avery Ilstabloth• meat .cunocetytt wit 6 Mt lilt ltlito.or at] °tole k Brett kmat and Tea at th.s moat long . itlotronee toe Loote• to the lee Cream and Dinsa4 Sslann,Ne 47 innitliflehl -wren ' • to gin:.' • 11. VAN fil_NstiElstilla 13=1 A• WESTERVELT & SON. Ar k - J.L KNoWN VENITIAN• 131.1 ND ktiktli r keel. eon.dantly on Land or make to ozo, taut 1 , -.1 Oracle to their ,tna, al their old atatd, NIL I'l I'. el air mr,q n ko, a 1 No.en Market stTeet.P.reond,rr tO, entr.m, lif the Thmnold. Ventl‘ad Sunitul made ord., odd old Id {oda neatly repnl red. / orld N. et. J. iIL.E.SI9, Boot& Bluelota." rtill engaged in tEe above buiinew, corner kk ri Wont!' and i s etrect , , Putuilurf alien Re' n,f. ri,pnr,ll In do any wort In our but plJkh. IVe ;Mond to oar work perinnuay and ko'ne. saerson will he riven in regard to its onainc3a anel du illnak 'looks ktled to any pattern and baand aut.; elortiol,.e. , Porte in moaner, or <Unhook, tonii4 ear:- (Ole or mortieO. iSeyne. pin on lunrk. in ni:t eP eat !Inv. work in 0111 . 1,ne ate Wined lu cal'. turtotl ==1:1=1 .-HWIG/ ITNlAN—Mantfurturrt of ralklrdle of ent ii ire ton rahldroolletl, oturtatery. Allegheny ody i Ps i'tle :Omer work.: In Inc pre. •, eutterelllr• oP• oration, lan pcltered in ...elite orf ere 1.10 tltt,n elcb for all kinds of mathicere In r•Y Turkere.rcrenter• cards,grinai fe n. : n ls sh'cin o e w t, feu ood In drntne ctutes, ardrconic ornlncle, for Increlutut or country work - , rr.dle, jar kr, lule And hundlatited nod Lord= in Kan. era'. All loran of Chaflinc wade to Ordef, er pi an. cit an for crnrirre thenneten or fit Nuartuchle charge. fierce In-:Kennedy, ard Pier•on•lr , A, lirs, BENNETT ‘, 'BROTHER, .111/EENztIVA R F. 111 A N UFACTI.:II}I.3, alrmisallawn,imaar PlLtabskrgh,i Opics. N. .31 tra ,, , 5 ,! letrwn Maria ,y l 6 Wood, Putsber Of: w ILL constantly k env on hind a goo.: won. yy szc t n of Visra; of oar ow n.naanutkOure. nnd ts. • superns quality . twin...an anal country trier. chows arc scspactfuny tosaad Osanti nod e x snits :or somas:vas ox ins her. insterlc-lta.l lo tell cheaper that: hits user newts Item 6nerti.so the Po,' Itc. DwOrfleas sent by ntell.accompenled by theca. •r nod reference. nu ll be rrnfnntlY ft , fnfb.l. , 14. lIEW COA - 011 FACTORY, .. a, M & in , t , ortu n Liaeo . e.k.lietreZt ' F , rra: are now horihar. and et , Prri=red =G=rebe eollr= every Ilearrirtton voo tThr ;ha! • r'r=chr... Woe the.i lona' oxpenerire in the =atm - farm, of M.: and the theinheo the: eourolent they .t.o emoblod to do work on nor =eat roazimaltho tortios artir lea is Maio I:no. Payton particular attention aelo =lot. of mate. rlolo, and linantr none tom comprtent wortinon, they ha., heaitatton in yr arriannf thea work. We Moreton. aAk :be attention ol the tellies metier. N. li. llepairms. Mine In the brat manner, .r 1 an u:e omen ronmonable term. laid_ • , 1b- b. sc,ra. JAN tS ATLI' , SUAIPE: it• ATKINSON, Fla =ln., brrw . ..es Wtwo Nlwiazcr, Crm. Cum, .(I.JKTINUFI to cuon(Actorr all tic.a. of (11,1•1 , TIN AND :311k: MON ‘VAIT.E. Also, 1.14:1E• sma.:ll 'Nor':. • tutu bwill to order. ec.ll.lglren rte..= bwat work; Rave on f.nt l.l Lir reniet, Tut Ware. &s. orione le Pores, various sass—. >cm; saissenisrit sr , Ode or ...casabas., Califon. ealgrafin, or rail roac copanies. e would respectfully In Rai steam boat ince and others to coil ona ace cur snicks and prices betties purshat.oc el nnslicre. Pita Karatlasi worms wad restattry TOON WELIGIIT&Co., ' nre. nrnr.rtrod to hard Cotton and rs'orlon 4lnchinnry of nanr , d ,- triPnon• Carding, Marrone', tSrintniny Prams,. trin.adnr ,, :l Urns...l4 Fran,., kraikray linu., Warperr.r., ,, alerr, rstatmins rnass. Lyons. Card 'ScW rot, g:a I Iron h.itilt tanind, ali o: Past Iron, 1N.... a , .1 !fanners of the blast Inctrt,r, slate and hand Lanes, j and to..,Ls of all kind.. Curt,r,ga of every an:at . ..nor fOrni.! , ad on short nonce. Pattorrn made to ',dr, for 1:0 , Gcr.-Lnz,lson Itar:ang, :itcan rlpo for haw. Ins Ea Ullorovr F:nst, and inn. r nos. general') ordsra lon thr or I. Palmer 4 Co., L.btrty .trot. wi r. Lore pt e 1 , ..• UM/ Etc', to Clnal.stork. RI- , S. Co, J liar-brad L. ',V not, Joon I rn - rn .Lhons. enr ornarar, ; C. &J. , Var-rr cu. a - • an at. . • PIANOS! sub.:A.4l,er Offers fin sal, a ',ran Lod mplandsd n.nr,nan.nr roar:gond nod mahogany grand ne• non Proco, v.lll. •nd arrtiont Colnontlf a nelrin ante. A-rtanirnseol. Ti,.' a soya are .str. rarued ic, or to any ......nnarturca la this cona rry, and or Le roil Josvcr ir,a- any torougOt I/011111,e i Last.F. ;:o wood st. rd door nbovc.h N. 8.— , d1 Senp wdl be %sten par (or • fe be above •••ortme , mytl P. LI Stearn Orleft Work• for Bale. 1 111 E oder. ,Tl-IANi 1 011(0 Ift_blth4, aL , oye Larrreaer,:lc. SWIM Ninchl 4,40, 0, Inanatitexin...; Trebled Bretz 10. ~ r y • 'I, .5 tAkce 11010 the t,a.u1.0 per day; 00 0 Mr, tale • t.l lane ne The Alicglievy ritrr, NV1.161 am 4 silo, rbre*,lnnell,do and clay on oh , 1k I 1.. *hovel., rpldr i-. A every mar rnenrev.perahnn• . ati hey, now, Pro,. Ineluatrr. M. patent neat ta smol , slochonr. ..• pavrorrt mvecirsy. Wolin. the lan,?, 6.4,15,0 ; , sr:lealara, aderus • 31Flutirr. Nn NI - . _ 1P: roughs and Cast Iron 8.11106. , MITE ,r, , ,,ertners m tartom th• pal , :te !ant 1. they have nt , tamed En, ail the 111. 41,11 farhional,:e degigno tor teen Itosimr, 11116 tar on4ool ano ceieettrtne. Per. , on. : , roevrr borne nefteren will please 01i I 11:1,i ~.1•111‘.:, and 'l - 'r n for . thernarive , li.afito; 0,11, br .117117 , ,ed at the Crnot,ee, med to best rvannFT. at th e corner 1. aig and Reberea streets, Allernr., ;ay. A. r.A.0N,1" RNOT • WILLIAiII 131(1111( DFAif , leave to ',form ht, friend. and coviontera Ili receiving ht. new swing etoele of GoOdC, goinorivli.g. a a 11111110, all the nervy, and nest raqtkiiti• cols icy iv• of (loth, mere, Inner Vectings, cot Inn ann. linen •Loiniver and none article ceilotila for ge111;0111-1•11). veCAr far .prise ~ad ,u,nnicr- It tieing tro7,eisn'ile m ilearribe the be. 11.1,1, quality, or quitiatit) of the at tbc proprlntor liogt vall who art I:l'vgant of good, etrap, faahionable, and well mode clothe, will glue Ism a call, qs there It no .took thie aide of the Allrlhetuee that can rornpure with IL The ready made department is Only extensive, a4ap. ten to all mitten. Roll toad contractor, country merchant., 1.411 vaneurche :arrely, arc paiiicutor:y Invited ro,ra. tan Mad. kelor, purcomni,, a. poriteuint at tnniaon pad to the wholetele bu.inev. tq title mtolr Is:antnt. ile Every article in 11, la iinrint li, made In or tit t c ” mpg neslntonub , e mod best manner, at tbe Monet, n.. 0. nut 2 . . . . MMEI =3ll 1 RE prattle rahlp heretofore exi.timr, under the firm of A h C BRAMAN'' , d' , Mlyeß by the deer , t`t of Mr. C Brndln y. The bovine•• wdl 'l4 exterted !af A litaAley, who wdl settle the brain,. of the Lam beets nuaICIVAI.-.A DRAMA, ho.' removed hiv FounLy Whrehotim Mon No 'Second huoct,toisvo Wood •Beet,between Flr't Seaond street., to Me WO f , • Inns, lately MClaple.if 51 G 'A Berry, wfiete.be. will keMyvonstathly on hen& n nein! amoral - moth( Ca:.• Mg, Mama ' V.tove %, Goo I: int Stoves, Ae. yylp Ain V F.L DI H-E I, VV, 111.ANIJF . A0 FUR F.;{ , :t Or cArrr STEEL, end Nn. l end No. Anions. Blow Steel. Alto—flea Cant Strel Files,.ct ell 1..; and Whet - smith end Shoe Mew., WnnSe . hand and for sale, either et hie••l'la gle Steel Wor O'Hare sireet,Eifth We rd, or et the oil,. lu the Ism Store of 130I.firotA NS h. GARRI SON, No 4loot of Wood street, Plitt hetet. , - - - We, the andentinin, having O.ed, with entire rot• tftrttaa, the Can Sten ael Filen med.. by heron lkg,,{ T y. at his FAKi, steel Werke, in On • city, tore picg,Oio roonrworndlog them ea revel In qualny to any cyrr need Ity u., of foreign manuilielofc. Darr h Vt, bill. t: S 1 II k cf), • blonufaton /err of Tree and Naltr,l V•rtl•tt tenet's. KNA & Iron Bounden and Slnettlowie, Bitteberou COLEfiIAN, 11)11LMAri & Pm Illnataentrers of Sponge, Aile, Spring Steel and Illwot,Ben bar 11, Va. F & WItI B •FA 14. Engine Builder. and Machine Cara (den: tutu. KTE,Billebureb, A 8L1L1.114 Bran reorder, l'ittsbarkh k ta. ytyI,AFT,trArILTSAV & C blnafttetotere of Iretnand Netla. l'ittabergh, I t .. JOSEI'II Tom I.INKI)N, LOCI/motive Brigitte anti lihip Iltaldereßilralenkb, Plc W. W AVALII.4CII, !Tattle natutfartnier, Macron gnat:at.. Bend worn at, l'in•lner¢h. Pa. D I penlarLinn of tiortnerlanp. hetdeen ter 7. l u E b. l :l:i t m n,c , r,l u u n p d _the .. , Lintr m e : : f rise h njy b. Cp., Linn Alunufaatuley. , 4 ay. &waved Inp tun coapeal.au the first Mir af July, lomat. MI ;mai/. . emoting thenaSel•eo indebted to ittla Gen tetizie“ ed In make payment tp either of the pefere,nph-ul aaluy, and all pr..... he erne Ilamattibdlitco.lPle VVlth saki erellll.l.l. IC present theta Air oralerts , I az mudonly. A LIAAN OPWCHASfSERII, JOIIN AGNMP, D. IL cilia:toots. Pnre tVtnee and Ifaandler _ • . • for raldltin•l : 0 p l' ::?o,7n,frzaoor,i,ayt noon.h.7,ldittlg i quart or wholeome. RI din Ten II:44171m atorer n 1 NORRIS HAWORTH.... elde Di. n orid, pr o tqtrgb, and Federal etrect,Allsgbeny, neat the MISR at 11,13 -WF,DNpDAT MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1850. 'TIC511.110.0f".! INSIIII.AI7CF. TIIE ; • tis:t..e.WAßß tritTYYNte BA.FETY'''INS I7- .').. I E.d.riCkl. COMPANY.-'Other) Nolt6 Racaaaf.aba. streel..rhiladetpaia , " ,, Foralrolcuricr. -,-Baildiamgdarchandise Andes:het ofam Intoned lOU Country, Sainted a Rshen Mtge bp' din, it Me loirest into of premiss. , iMaatimitcsestatert. , - , Tbegslasiluure ,gpfsand refight*. fariga ot,aoastariteotudet opener .Pgarqcsa.**, Issart&saT dual, Tasnsposzafron,r-preg alsq re march-. andhettalmattdd TWIN - 404101ra gond Can,Cansl poatnand Bream iloatVon tiqess 'and fatty...VlM% DA.084...-tjoseph ILS.11; Edmvaid snao, John 'e Delhi, twitch , ehn RPoarove.S l . t.t •1114.. t Edward., Geo (I Istipar, le.qe!tri'''.l" It Davi., Way Falwell, Jahn Or u :21,4 C Hand, :Theophilas,Pantategvll-7onds, Woos., 4 . :4114 5 .1 1? ? . .AA,*0% 1' t(P 1 : 01,6` . ,117/': ; `1, ..n.-4:46.1,0.-I.r.,ißm, Jr. , !„. vikecrcno ltirietiVEcal—P kid&-creclep h gm - • NAVIN, l'imlora. Rmassn P.NrwsoLt. PICO, -a tEr Olgee of the Company. No. 42 ware-entreat Pettobarga., . .( P. A. MADE1R1....21.0. _ ... fa -r} Flp 0lit? 1... i..... 1 1 1 "of it r% 144°1f: tg; To" ' ''''er, V tgelr4'" of . PrAntyhnurif iT...6,air•••cout.r P4'o= CaPital L ellid,ooo.7 , Ruts in . .rrtai MIT PYLINSIC. .... vitatta 6 . 0.1,NT, and fall p a s clavyr Maratha *anal rata. of Life leanfat e, the (allowing eaten, parjaan yeill boat Una,' or ftie age 0110 In pt 1 , 4 . 1 t , . I g , fo,r VW - el lily,, mu,, i , , , rt i xv , ....=- 6,4.44td.bc,t,iii 4 049 - 4 . A., E O Won, e2,40:1.1fe and Helth, 'I/0 , 1 , 10k ~,1 1,7 1 = ,, ..; -11ralcrois.t—Rtinntel D. 0 ti"olliiirt A O, hi. v , W . FOloone, ..itobeat P.. King. harletag . . 1t1.6, M. W. lialdivin, M Al. Reeve, DI. 11, Chiot. 0. Li. Campbey, kovris Coq'? t, I. Rod din* likrtrer, F.. 1 I. 12 . otlr, Eilvilp y a ,fp„,. s rpt , m 7- 57 ,11 it „ct .... ..ie.,,z 1, ,fm,,. „kW& ituo.i traT6`4” g07h .. 4% 2 Vire! ' fifp " rWu n‘ yn e. given hp . 45.,14,11.11a 0 CV.R.:: o.lc e.. rim ril la I IttunD, Vopirt Of oao27.diT . 1%.,f , ad Thld ate, l'atibusgh I FIRE AND MARIAM IN SIMLA. Cil. ' pill; ithiugrinpn co. id Nor* Anac craLerill at ,ttmaYßtYYteatetit , atnif i'lgite - A lhiltattne an war potty la this any and yienty , and en elfin enta hy ^t I. Rivera, L 4.141,11110 by, .1,/ii.. ? . he pro ether of thoa Company tae,teli invektiol, ant furnish an avail able fond int the ample indemnity of ail 1...(4. , .1 1, .. &sae to be protected by uladrance. =I q V. M. Y. JaPik,a, fa. W4llTnlibta, It OF, land /410,141.4 'newt-Amon, THE ' , EMI': V Insafnuca Company or Noah Ameriea. has been ye.:, , ,0ye4 ip No. 141 f , onl 41 an of Wpm,. The anbsenber..aKent NH the above 444.ne reagen. 4:ble Company, 111,41 lona Pone!. on Gni and npnr nontent4, anl on shwa:Was of Illeynti•nnlna by Steam Boats and name veseele. sea IF. Y. KRNF4I,.. laaderti aDu AntiquiViiiiittiie. " %lemma w. wpglowELL, 83, Thum Sr, Pim.... W.W. . RespertfullY au. " petite that he boo cam le , pleted tag spnnuatoe of FURXITIIIIP, the inturskandpostrartedlentortruent ever entered for side rn tole eltr, d 0114112 lever.] trout of rioeintrnon, hisatorteut, and " .earortl, orstrudental aad salted< or Porlo”, Drawing and Lied Ponces, all of which will' be gold al the lowest priers. itd,ons desiring Furniture of any description, are speedulig united to call undr [amine his stool, which embraces ererg drserption, from the cheapen and Ppiuttlelt to the coast eaguiri. and costly, of which the foltoetenrcomprtete a parr Tete a fete Sofasi Teteet Toro Diva.; Converosuon Choir.; Elizabolloan Coale* norepoon do Lome XIV do • ILaretiorbo do Outlet I•Ultque: Vida Not , . Toltec Tables; Loofa XIV eduriaroPre; Doke of York'. Ccindt: to horns with Plash and flair-cloth covets; SO INV., do ao to doe It: allogany Parlor Chairs; TO Iltotrsootol 'do do, 12 Wit Walnut -do do; 2r, " Cone heat do, 4 halo:igloo Rocking do, 1 go Piano trtools, 5e Marble' r.+ ll,lk. TAble, ,•to do Wadi grondtti tiv Mototaany 1t: , Waohattiati • P• Bilk Walnut do; lieberry do. A seq. largo assortment of Onstmon Chain and oth er rumour* too tedious to mention. tyt Strum Bouts farulshed on.kha shortest notice. ordeis promptly attended to. P. it —Cultinet liken can be imported with atlas,* of 51a.herrdo2, Wendt. and Vangers, a•I considerably red ororer.. fe1.16 MERSEY, FLEMING Si CO. lIA VW. FOR SALE, Fl2Oll THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST ERN MANUFACTURER& PILICkIt WtHe Irlannela, all Woulllß or teals; Red 'do do Blue Demi.; Voiles do do IFaugy Colonadeet ID art Dream do do oared 6•Faetor7PHem Black SatilM,M. Revel meted do Home Last. Skin-qtr. Ulue do Clerks and Stdpes, err, Lean do noaertoodE Clark Corveneres Tailors' Goods. 1 Faiel do Red Paddinr. ...Per d ' FncriSee•Ja • •" ' VernCadlne, Unekrais, rape; Mori, Woad ['Wit, Tallors'eateass,beavy do; Nes er Bremen - do • " Moen Llhd6.,'Sinesa's Snver Er•en do Drab Snot, black do, . 11 borer Twilled do am.l orOMMili Caper (Nock Doe Stung Black and 'Mine Tape; Rapes . Drab Cashmeres. Mack Tedm, Wit do; Sate, Beard do Linen Checks and Drink: . Soper !Hack do Maori's 6 cord Sr 'I Co non; o•!HoHna UNnketa. •' do lJnen Thread, a es r . et de ee.. ruel, Stun 00 - , 114 Ftrured Vs•Rop; I.lob I do Illute• t. alll3 do •- J Ernes Ragging. . Brown Ihßland Se'6llll•E likoseu 1at , .., lhaunt, Cravats, Se.. Er. At rte AlsoularMecle V% &mhos., No l•"." Wood. rittsbenglo , 1 rats 1 • ~. - • e - -,,- •—_ __-_. Diesollllicse. Milt: co-permit...tip heretofore existing between the sobveriberit. in the nonce of Ceilidilble, 800. tr. CO. I, lb,. day diisolved by rentual convent. Neva. Itnrtef Iliwnes will settle the business of tbe concern, witictXporpiose the)oraliorrged to use Meng= of Me concern. ire ChaNgiTABLE. ED NI i C eD littßiig, Titomo DMUS ES. Thii have tliisdhy a.euuiaud tie mseivelf hiiiitr ueliNIN. fge tio potpose t`' AtadulatuttiNerili, Proolt,Snici, Vita. titoiv, ho. . I,l^ ha{ 01 .he late him of Constable, itaike rt tio "%Awn. tho{ will he iilrhittid to receive the patron. ant 01 them...goers of thnt haute and their friends. EIi}IUND rilo3l did DARNEdit. . . In rentote (rota the Amp( Constable, Barite & Ho , with plenLare reeottlitend Mccita. Burke & Horner to rho eonfidenee Of My ftiectl• and the public. Teo. 9. may. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, rusts-o,f C. AILIIVTILNOT rAS joss rens cairn anm the !Eastern Cittes , , and •n L rer , slec e hate valets of reesonahle featsl,o Mi.... re.carunity_inviies Mr anent,on of welt h 0,0 plaints; Eat NVood fe3ll . _ _ . IItrAt.I•,PAPC33—W. P. Martsitohn owinintlf TY ceramic, from the Wage. mmidarnoriarnlo Nen. .rk end l'lnladalphia, and also from Planet ant• dries. the newest and Mat approved sty lee of PP . HaanKiss, totedtat With -Verde., Fare Board Prints,k aid t[ster Tops. For ante at 8.5 Wood at, ba. tweets Foutn, a and Inotaeon alley, (Materna to is. ifln.i . . I 1.., Pi a o ..d a are w pen . 3 1 371ciarlii . .V.i: : ,,r. ``-' s N`Vcrittil,ll!:fhl° ' able anspistzei Patetit soila — Anta. 4114 t'1",.1,"..,,1,tth,cf,r0,"70,7 1 .1`.'"7,7.tt b ur:nj, u d,4o on tto, way from New Orlearrsoind el vi en uVw or,rd here Oria weak t arid Mk shorrly arrive 113.41f11f , r , per .hips Juniata, Chesapeake, DoraaS. rut, ano altars, which will tie sold on arrrealork the lowest market price rot eirsti or approved bilk. & MiTetiELTREE. •gral Ni 'NI Ltharly o 6.IIIICAL STOVE POLISII Pturtits alanuisetnring.Company now oder tO thrroeldirs the.' Nelnielft Mell3leal Stone rcalia, and wtthour artaggerstlon, or rester CO Lacuae!, b y louse cellulite. tested it, pronounce it far superior to any wheels the um Set The. reasomrr need haven* npnrehenslons of wiling gaglig 7 ni, Lc.w Its coof. pcsltlon prevents a dust from arming when bein co g up. Ord, whith intuit he tiOne when the Stove is ld The quantity tcqul red a to little to produce u luau. uinl lustre. A saving of over 4fly per cent is insured to the ..onsomers. A coating •PPItO to Stove" , e i lF . l Ac., when laid away for the ournmer,la a rare psi vrnlative ny,a4l. rash "After hiving tried It once( it is itces,blej no period will tcse any but the lAnnelsetuting.corupsnY's 'Wild= Chianti, cal Stove Polish. Foe vale by Ist men WoorLeyeels. YITTOUTPtiLi JIOUDJSIBIO STORY, Cnrnet at Penn •nd Si. their .veers. W M A hi.;-‘A"En. " . 3 ," :ltVin i. %o r t 'i ltnerg U l 'time r nth.rF 'ittnurintiCpurpones c on got Int moon TO 1104,T 'I2IOII6DERS. t o,noti feelatonseted Peek 'Pleat; 11000/OU fret Coal Coal Skiff's. For sCe by ROBERT aIeRIVICIT, AtfOrory et loco. Fauna to OOL 1 WOOL I will be beid far i 1,15 vktV 11ARB1UGli 91111 r. owner. and cnellgnees of goods affirtnelry 1 the aCitiecne.,. l'orlabie peal Dna?! Arrill,pkalf tue potterer thal . Way Nrlll be mplifid tb'pay "freight ni oar ~mkorhokre, .eording Vie receipt, before Ilitikupdr RTC relesorol- 0- A blld &NULTY &CO , • rtfitil OLD F. 31101110 31RASDY. • • Swale far .iiindirmid Prirpoies. 444 . ~„1 41, ,,u m e., the slow/ ennlage frequenUy 1 scored. The oubsarleers brie rtine ell liana for alp at une.Pollar per kettle; which they knew tri.lta feriliitte; it re a. 1004/4akrlkrarehtt,` l l l Fr, Ka., 44d 4 4s para.:umbels they banxlif • , tdOttICIS aHßwdß7 'lyi ': „Taia W/O0 Meratimone, eau ride of the Dlaniopd. Priab Arrlvall,of.Cluilas Tea. •. ,tOttILIS Jr. - HAWORTH, ht the INsoadiitt time ju.o methyl! froarslea.inspotten. nooittir VO poly of excellent Innen andli teen renwernieb chot: stre note retelling fram.the , mliyinal ebeata eifate and A ., r l b. rb o , day aorin the Ueda - tn Wet the q. .a 7 atlha Pnae.' W.r..PB.fig!Y 'obeli the pub. lent, I.hOMV purchalled <leer lettere at CAM ICTORIA FIELD ".,DixrX of Vag TION, Or Mutt Otos bp, Pen .11.1311,1"enell• of. Uri ttSe vtt for rode en d . Loenopr wtth , tlb Engravirdo fod.bi ',wog luntu4 obleitylrion 1 , 10. 110 ...4Y .Oa 9 ICT TOP b.' comptotl in about rtrcl. 0. 140, tgAlle uqrxurs: ~ - .---.--,,--... Hy `t.hpi Ptrasldetat.,olf,tAte Matted States. TN' purulence of law, I, ZACIIARY TAYLOR Pre- L iiidantottlie.linliod soot• ' f Am d 'h . • 0 erica, de 'hen-by declare, pada:take know.that pghtle sales 1,11 be - hell at dm undermennoned Land Oillee• in the State of 01101111390‘, arthe periods hereinafter designated, At4loi Lard Office at SitlILT WM MARIE, for den Gate lisperint 'Veleta,'" oommenetng on Mon day, the sixteenth day Of September neat, ror the din - I posal of public lands whirls ltin following named townships,viv= . Noah of I.6 , Boas'ilize, Grid into of tde pr ty '< ve t _.n wfriddrrt. Township 11144(:ilir . and ft rr n 'd '""hi" font' tikalrtte:l mango two. nohfiet4fivezzlfiiryell, end frnionel .a o . o o7Z:, lr4* F an.l tap forty Tammiun. fOrttalouad , fonty ennan,and fractional thwtlrhini fifty and filly one, of rang. five. hi Exactental Wvenshimi tarty - heves. forty eight, forty 11 ittlilli 4 n 4 1 41 141i n t ' n, &Vtt, 4r. 0.... , L.....kyivi,...„, .Er h: „ --/t_..„,;,..l:: , 'il.thirul,'47.l l :7 6 rw i ntZlgy T. Z. 4 : ,d Or " Fcaell g o - n t r . :ll - oasnshlps thirty nine and tarty 6n "nor and' fittd:sto Winds. end tarty Idiroo` on( lm Ott 4 ' -I ' ir . mn 4. 4 1 , l'lngio! fog 1 , , ,4 foiA fidiT 4ve y‘cm4o , Fui r olinnal town.littoithiny fuss and rani on NUT don" end .2quawo le/raids, and townships (Opt/114M, NM four. and fartrfille, ef tinge ten Fracuonallownrinpathirtyeightea u Littlelßeaver" Island, thirty nine on ''Llttle Seaver , . and' ' , Front. Islands, Ind fatty eh .IThiskey" blend, add town ehiPa fopti 44 0 110 WI (hitt Wed AMY Ivill V twig, eleyen ' ,„, , Fractional township thirty .:ithi Oh " UVII Windt township forty Iwo, and (McLane! townships forty three, forty fear and forty doe, mimeo twtol ye. Fractional townahle than on the MIA book of range lizteen. F , .a tees. lownsluns thine nine and fort , on lip M l 4 P,t f :i l ettitil it etgigifi r etelght, thirty : l;lls, forty, and forty 000, on the main land of range eighteen. Precuonal township. ;luny tin on"Stsamer" and oPorertynlslands„.thiny seven (including "Sommer. Island and an Mew and thorny eight, thirty blue, a n .,ed fpny ?it the Me 11l billilyiltll 101117,2b411 irrily 00d . WILY two, hn 1 ring' three, of fan o nineteen. Fraetinnerte,Whslalps finny nix bn 4 •St Martini , and i , GuIP Wand., gam nodes oh an Islet of ' , Little Sommer^ Island, thirty iiti on lilt ;lain iail,.‘ , „ „.e l•netunlog the I , tan iip secLohrrlyed ye ea and twenty eight) and'fetr, wed Lib =MP fd li Om on the mew, land, of ra n gen twenty . Practinual townships thirty cam, thirty M., and forty on the main land. of ..6e twenty one- AT THE SAME. PLACE, nommen/411g on Mondsy, the thirtieth day of September next, for the disease! pf ihdpublie lands within the following named town slip aka too grffil townships, to wit— iy.-th Of ;11; I.i i s 47 . t . 4 tell wet. of ail xrPi.a.pi ..pridf... Fractional Winship thirty 4 yo and Misty IL; 00 main the lend, of ran twenty fent ti Fracorwl townsh ps thirty three, thirty lent, and thirty live, sod township thirty au, of range twenty . flee • Fractional townships thirty two and thirty three on 1.40 In_1( land, and tomnisluo Chilly four and: therty ,h a, el fettle twenty...iv i.Fmatarinst toonsfilpe MUM one, tufty iw9, tbOY three. thinly four, and thirty five oo the main land sod tritimalnps forty sir, forty seven, and forty eight, or range Menty .Terk. ' Frictional townships thirty two, Minty three, add Marty ceyen, Ind loam - Mips thirty nine, fortY•ifi ferry se .113 1014 , .404 of mai? iwnaq Fied Fractional townships thirty scion, MAY eight, tifid thirty nine, and townships may eforty two, fo rt y three, forty 1011 r, forty five, forty sta r forty seven, and forty eight, of range twenty nine. Fractional townships tinny Moe, township font', fractional alownsiop fang one, townships (arty two, forty three, forty fom.fany five, font' sil o fort) , Myra, lArty eittit,and the fractinmt of sections thirty five and tr iny aic:•l tun allgial /LW Dv, of snip fitly nal., or range thirty. Fractional townships thirty nine, forty, and (any one, townships forty two. forty Mee, forty (oar, font ' hoe, forty sin, fony seven, and forty eight, antil traa- Canal sections unman:mend eishteen,on “Traverse" !gland, in township fifty four, at range thirty one. 41 rup SAME PLACE, commencing on Monday, thy ttnirtraniit JO of cups olso, tor the dinoOsal of tbe public lends situated sinite toaroshliie and Intelitenid townships to wit:— . North of rho care fins, and mat qf the prireotpal _ meridiool. Fractional torrnship forty one, and to forty tar, fatty dare, (any four, Pony five, and fifty, of rays- titirtysgro. Rscitynaj t parnstups fifty and fifty two, or fangs tans, tare., Fractional tolaughips ally and attY wa of Min thirty four. Township fifty, of range forty one. Fractional township forty eight, and townships forty nine and fifty, of Tango forty two. Township (my seven. fractional township Tony eight, and townships forty nine and fifty, of range forty throe. Tow*lfir friy 'even, forty eight, forty nine, and fifty, ensile Any fol.r. loweidlipa forty %evert, forty eight, and 'Ong nine, and fractional township finy, of wige forty fire. Fractional townships Pony =no and fifty, or range Pony Fractional township* Any six and forty seven, torn:ship forty eight, and fractional townletip forty obta i n( range forty aeven. Fro:normal townships forty WITS, forty eight., and forty cite, of range forty eight. Fractional iorpahlp forty eight,of nage forty nine. At the hind oQui 4, lOWA, conmenetng on Mon day. the aixteentb of September next, for 4a dla all of the Onolla. tondo onthis tha undstroondownd timtal township, yid:— Nora of rho door fine, end west of tke prineipal Section. one and two, the east half section of three, and tendons eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, twenty four, twenty Lee, ad thirty ate, in township mine, of range NVICII. 2apdy appropriated by lam for ibe am of aebmils, , military, of ether purposes, mill be meladed from ate. mks. The efirrinv of the &Love mentioned lands will he commenced on the deys apnolnied, and proceed in the order in which they are advertised, with eon verneut dispatch. until the whole shall save been of. (reed, and the miles rhos cloud Dint no sale shell he kept open longer than two weeks , and no y errata mory 51 any loan the land• will be alitattimi anti drive the czpiratlon alum weeks. Given under My heed. at the City of Washy:glen. this thirteenth day o( Jove, Anon Domini (meth asand eight hundred and trty. lip the President: 7. Derraaviszo, Commismonar of Me General Land Mee. NOTICETO PfLE-EMP PION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of prewmptios to any of the lands within the townships and (factorial townships above enumerated, Is regimen to establish the some to Me ammfaction of the Resistor and Se• <elver of the proper . Load Other, and males payment therefore. soon as precnosble after seeing this mare, and Wore the day appointed for the- cosantenremant of the public sole of the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise such clam vita be forraitsiL J. BUTTF.RFIELD, jy6,41 SW/103 Commistior_l2:_i Bousrott's America* Poultry Boo*. fl4lll-: Poultr tre y Book and .Fowl Breedßreeden`Guide— ' Being • ed.e on the Breedins, noising, tot 4:sorrel Absenteinem of LAnnestie Fowls, with tio• weans orronel deseripuoim and Portraits from Life. tty John C. Drone", St. D. Th. 11..., will be found to corrtMn• [neater smodni of art - glom and other sblirmatloo, bath practical Mel urefir I, to regard to Fowtlimadlng, tban contelekd n al tn other .iennart, pits together It will ter lllastreved with nearly Fttty Portraits of the mast motes remedies of American and Foreign Fowls, soma forty of which ans from life, from drawings taken <specie:ly Mr 011 n work.of the mosSlreportart breeds, and scrotal of them from lowly very recently Imported. 'lle publishers bare spared no expinu to bring cot dos work In a superior manner, both to reser./ to tie engravings, the mesas of rho wort, and the Iteneral .'" 000 0 v 4o, 7Pert a the bud, And it m - beliel . - cd that the work will be Mond to contain more rub io si n...anon on Meaning and tdatutrag Posoeinv Fourta than any work tossed in this country. Pot sale by JAS II LOCK WOOD, 101 Bookseller and ImporteFortnh al. L 7 UMtiOI.DT'd - 00.9 . 5d08--Purnos; a oketch of p Lg. PhyalcelLesertmlon of um Universe. By Meg. Vri Humboldt Translated byt)rue. a vol., Lhito. ; Jail rtceived - fur solo by J D I,OCKWOOD 1010 Bookseller trelroporter. 104 Fouith et ICNOLIIBII {{TIIOLII4ALP. GROC WY. offer tor sate, CM Fags Y. H. Imp. ti Blaell and gnpowder Teas; 1.15 bas 'Prawn lee bl , gs Rio Caine; MI 104 N u Molasses; Iddis NSugar; 1151. , boles assoTted Wulderer.Ellass; 40 Lea Pipes' , 400 hit reap; ilar bra Candles; 3000100 Codfish; ;Xi bale Tamen' Oil; 00 boa Chocolate; 0 dal Red Carda• YO coils Mangle Rope; LW bm Spiced Chocolate; 111 blip Pepper; 5 hags Altpiee; 1 WO bra 'soot; 40 tale Vinegar, , 30 treleataadlerennikll 40tore Blare!; . 10 trey Rice; II bale Chalk; ,100 drams gigs; , A. well es a general aisortmeat of Pittsh •rgl bliuutfactored &melee. ' Mr i ---.-- A PUYSICIA.II , O TESTIMODIY• "1 HAVE MOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL TR e ' Iluitasono,Na., March 8, l Ito.. R. Rs. bELLEItet--1 balv divined of all lb 1.1 , 1 Cough Syrup and Liver Pill* you mat me, 0 10 dos or the Werunfage. I boot. died all your fanny Medicines PIM, 0, iIY and have alms prescribed mem, in rug preduce, I very irm t: , ve mull pleated with ' them and have fOOO4 no to equalchem. Bead me Er do: of year Vonallltab, t PI aoa tack ot Me Limn Pllhrand CoarbSyrop. ''• ' .. , . Haapaatfully porta, ' [Pail...tor Lenor.l , . „ T..2..1 'filo.. highly popoini medichies mlr be had v. de propeletor II M R'SEMERS' 67 Wood et, and Drag t Immu i nity n a tom oftiorirololedolty,'• '" - ''. • oSlN...rfaiifoila - A . •lslFfiiii shat . O us. II IN Id sikperfor quality, amiable tar p Motto*, (Oat acitiood.and kr ,nal• by 201110 bIoPADEN ACO . ' 'PP . . .., , OSO Canal Bain. Patin al , nu.iix-2 too jestraomand forialeby • . • ti2jyld___.. . _• , J•80U001411ACRICA. 00 : t pOTABll—biiski pureMiii - 5,1147 77,,--.--. " WO I souoorvisKita aez , ifACKglit.L••-139 has rib .a. 5t...13.0., iondi.s , for we bg .. , KILLER a ItIOXETSONt. , . Wt.& xv Liberty. IV •. r i.!{ - 4 0 1 - fiL i r .. 7 • 2o boo blordearell bfgt.Jallen b10M0, ,, :,•: , , 3)bpiLDlargauarjoalyoohi.tottala by, (ins - . ' - WILLER k.RICKRIIION , 1111.07 - Cl tA iVffleir—j. Aos..aasoMsamott of .7romob , : . Wyolfhty,esi . lark mbiCar. Justatal at, ; ~ WiffrPLOUlt-* baga• rnii: — ..4l - feitiiciitte. 1 J. 14, Pl.t.test maid and for gale b) o__ _ • ,•• rkm •WM A ISI4CLIRR ISAIL'e el* Llbetty.et, i'IIitRENCII iII.HVARIS-1 sew mtdainarde Aroma. it;r, j2 r it 44"' l ' oarami l ly "i ll ' s l it77 l, 1 1 ! I n iV dit r" t t4. ' I Tr, Wb!!!.MOCI ' Milk CO 9501.11ontii: fr : , vOgssibir r,-------- ------ you anis 11A , 11D SA.Lt;S'. .'• • DIMIZTTi .11.9,.1i0 41 Wood street, r10D1.44 111. It. Ra‘siam; 141 ha. cluster do; 1316* do do; 15 casks Zanta Osman.: • IS bales K %Vainest; 13 do Brasil Nets; 15 do Filberts; 100 do Pea Not.;' 1,1 bat shelled Almonds; las Rook Candy; 5 case. Laquoncei 11/ 51 Principe& Regah G u ars, loon . 3 boa Clov B•es; 2 cans Nutmegs; 3 gammas Indigo; 23 cases LEM. SYreP 23 eases Pepper Bane iti ones Tomato Cate p; Ground S'plees of all 40 barrel. powdered nd LeaOlagar; hhda Madder; 10 bele Milting; wines:nu :Va►, Woo 4 lid *ft ss MY GOODS, &' WHITJA GOODS DOD, DILESSIZS. I~IVRPI BURCHFIELD intrilet tbe nifettunripf, ladeshto their extensive assortment of While Ganda for DeGses. commie, of Scotch and Salsa Malts; LtifisteJ Sarin des Embroidered dot • • • ' Victoria Lawns; Low Priced Darresi Jaeltaset for morntne fine son Inishrd do; and a large •assonmeht at San. , Masllns. with colored eralitindary; printed Jackonoteir. Lama., Dames,lce., at north - east comercif 'Venial and Market streets. . • • =l2=tl IUtURPIIV.t. DU FICIIEIIit.D awe. wiewieed a.large .upply etthese paw., eery cheap; 11-at rtyie brown at 12*e; light do. In great variety, lor lain lbte Also, embroidered and printed Melanin andloohonot, of neat and newest style. mull:men once to:qualm ; and north east corner of Fourth and Milakel 'THE GItEAT 111-311-ANNVAL SA.LE. OF DRy ,GOOPS. A. A: MASON.a..OO WILL commence an ?dandily, June id , Their immense entabdalunsat, with s their VlTholeale Roonot._toritl, sou thin occasion, be li`.lkelt open torWrett. - Ttusu, and all of their eil.flVe• week Mill be eared to re tail purchasen, ate discount of from ett to 30 per cent. leer then usual pnees. TIMM STOCK OF SILKS Comprise over fnur hundredre piece., and will be sold at an irtur - a Ono The ftPltPr awi t iw t was l iesimOwl. ad oae olt s, Livens, Muslino, Ascot:cut, caMbier, arid Dress floods generally, will be clewed enistment/Alen. about one half the osealtrater. -. • 11 eases Foot colol2d Lawns will he offered et Pc. - do Damps, Pr: do Muslin de Leiner, • _ • Sayerlor English end American Calloodt • 101 c Ile. 300 dolma Linen Hencnorniati, • 3e. hte b irr lteSe Celina' some as low us u. b to Ao. hiking in all one of the tsdetwae'ritso assortments in thocountrY,wc c o y marked down:to ['obeli wry, kr.cest thin t at their- payload Annul Igl.Tite Store will be eln!ad Syne Thurellay and Fn lay May Nth .ra i l lot the purpo. o 1:4 „„,! x e r &Wen ,I;(OAVattXl.lSr. _?V_ ==l= • - AA'MIMI' ¢ InilikijilinELD have reegived sup. IV.L 4.4 French Linens far men'. coat. and sack., ladies , sante, boys? and ehildren's wear, of the moat desirable 'hada.. . . They ..-• • • . , .. They invite ultentinn to ther' large rivinninerii of Menlo and Bond StIIIII4IER WEAN, of rinierrist 111, terials, asul all of whioh will be raid low. .. lei: ?ARAM/LSI PARASOLS! i mp Liv DIRICIIPIPLD.have eel yeil iienther ppirof ahbyr mai*, aNar 'e enabled to . up: p i R aa loroat any quality an 4 color wanted, and at the I, crtah pions, ,sl5 Paton& Stale iiii — alpth.toveir W rt , q , TOC , ll , : has i!c . e . tve4 thotriay, at tor Gloth..Core P 4 of very a liTul Z' ae o ti;:p i . ll , 7 , r;; ,- T" '" .. O T, ' • to which we invite the attention orPozeharel'in jet?. Sleek 4 4 Bli - ? . 12' I Oro et o tr .. o fir c o to ,, d l t ap; Plata CKi t ntafr ' oro rl;l ' ee p ars upllerate7tOr Id Plata Black Llrraye for Id4e ; Bonnet Ribt•etts (or du per yard. Ladies are looked to call and rtyttruloo our .1010 k of Itoodt_ o brfofit 'Porphpin elsearlwto—. Rao, Ol, eatt earner 01111 Kai 51a(4 , 1 Va. 1.19 EMM:= RE c orE. ED otai'.,TlVal b p,.T.'tt,:f V'"a W jela- 75 Fowlla Ft ArIURPIII( .k. 11•0 a la!Ke stock of 01 nary and Staple thy Good., ...E.!.ad ci arnatlY trarege de Laura, it lals• ./100121Glall of beautiful patterns; Malls, Jaeonet and Swias aluslitts; A splendid lassonment of Black and Farina Silks; Baron Lawns and De Lianas, reaterkahls Cheap; Beautiful e., Foulard elks. at 311 teats per yanl; Lkaatitul Calico, rota of cents, and upwards; . .r y lia . ste , : t ol t r ,D o . f ., zwa and Ill.nobed 3)nslilp, I 4 P Bonnets and Parmals, at are ag e redaced priers. Cloths, Cush:tares, mud V.ew age, of the best qaality, remarkably low. Toqedter with a large swat *flicking% Apron and Stdrung Cheeks, all sr Idtba; Drown and 'ne . :bed Sheeting, mad S titt oar; Ir e, Linens; together with oil other articles in our lure, at north cart earner of Fourth and Market at Irlo isugtalFlLLl) Gaye mai' ter Clved Jjl. arm style Foulard Saks, very fiat, plain, and figured changeabte silk., or almost every siyie md qualitr, aupar plain and figured tintylroills; do Waco. and usenet ; barest do a., new and It and. same styles; new mini' French, Engllih, and Sketch Lamm, in great variety, tea at very low prices; plidn, figured,. and mina striped de (atm of all kinds and quarries; linen lustre. of MI shades and colors; glexhams, chime,, prim., kke at north rats cd.kr of reign& and hi arket siLeßr. f. fii. - latiPW of A trod Silk., Dist received by oz. to now/ morn lop, at ootth east corner a k ion. az d Market Jcs 1.1711.; & DUnCIiFIELD am. A4u - Krliy DURinIFINID are siclUng bong. and Denim N. D. Lathes ai very low prices. at north mat comer of Fourth. and IMAM etc jes DDLeCH 811.6 LAtES—EXtta wide medium aa D 'narrow trimming Lien of best quaint, lust reed mid fpr mje at Northeast career of Fourth Moe. ket aioedlo .& - Bonovata wad Bonsai H.lbboiaai MURPHY k BURCHFIELD have received an ad dnional 'apply of above good., iaelvidlorvarlous Myles of Chnia, Pearl, Minnie, and Gimp Bonneto; White and Colored Glop do; and Ribbani of all Color, and prices. ICirdaift - iill:l s ..Crirll - =.500 yd. 44 Floor Od cloth, rlvn received from the factory. and for .ale at the Waren:en& N0e.7110 Wood etre•l. tell .1 & 11 PHILLIPS MCRPIII ,II 4 I IMCNWRIVIIYvo IIi o ' tho attention of thorn wanting goods for blooming parposes,• to their very fall nwortmenbiast rcccived, loch ao Mack llombimines Bombs:tn. finish A ' lpsecos ; '‘ l Blank Mouse de L 1•111., . . Maiming Wash Silks, do Primed Foulards, Rabi . es, Tissoes, Sicilian Lustre*, Ainslie - um, Plain Bloc and Printed Law, Black Emiitummed do; Bonnst Ribbons, Scarf do, Veils, &e. orayl: Q UMMEM COATI pesCashMVrew,Mrsorted t. 7 colors, a most &iambic article for rummer coats, reed, and now opening by s A MASONie CO mayl9 GI mart. Cnm,lon. Orange, Puib, Blvd, Green, and Corn colored, Jost seeming per express, and thus day opcuing by A A MASON & CO amyl. 69 Marker. PIECES Ponn Ptak, Green, ale;-CArll 'Colored Bartges, !led per expre•s, :d r POW oPelbos by tneyl7 A A hI4SO o n Black Dress hitiki. AA. h 1 ASON A CO are tins dny opening 10 p.ee • h Inch Bleck Gro de Inane Sdk; 10 pee al) iad. doi 10 pe. 3otochdq 0 pen 34 ineh do; end 4 piee. 30 inch do. mayld lIMEN=M== . • . _ 460 do. Lathe.' Linen Cambric Mars, an priery; MO dos Genre do do da 1M dos do do do eolorrd borders; Received WI day by A A MASON itaili its•ylo 62 Market rt. i yA61111,676 LINEN LUSTRE S-60 pea ettaniittl.da " Lustre., at the ea tr Cp. L.A. price of Mile rer yard. maylo A A MASUN S. Cif thaws. Linens • *sander's supenno MagoN re co Irian and Drown pee. 34 and tUei pes 4.4 Bin I= c* Gray's Bartley's, and Irish Linens, now opening wog tO yGood-. ; to out Coed oodt, unit lue pre at our twat redtt, Prooln At.Prol of 1./' ~r now reeeiviltK la pared in oder eacellent asstn low prides for cash, or ePProvt , The attntr. westein dealr guested to our goods, as we feel able to of unusual indoe.ment • us. Call and tamale at any or , SHACK gotty6 101' I.trort.oulotty confitlont bong to make Ibt With err & %ruin; IWoott inteet: C. YEAG 10$ la Sirs•tOrt : sr Ltbertn) ;ten In 114PORTC AMERICAN, ENGLISH, ANL, GOODS, HOSIERY, RI GLOVES, THREADS. COMA FENDERS, Sr. Alto, le 4 i I NMI* and net MACK NU FANCY S CIO BANLIANNA, and LINEN aoroneta of 5. 7 &NS, and every vat' atal ;ERMAN FANCY MONS, LACE:', uurroNs, sus, • Gating.. V ATA, PONGEE, g a vaunt era imp of trimmings. CANES plain and figured Harege de Leine, assort s/ rd colon, lust received, and •elling nt very low, prices. en.sVL A A MASON CO& • LAW - I. 2 CASKS fast colored Learns rceelred nod now opening, selling et the extreme low pito oIN fits per yard asay23 A A MASON & CO _ . - GINO LUCKS. 3 CASES full colored Giaghams, recd, and saint/ at 12 cents per yard A A 111 &SUN 6: CO mays la Market at pAcon-2a bhd% prune t.boalders; 21 Mule clear U *do*, landing and for male t 1 4y1 2 t DROWN t KIRRPATRICIC. ry , Att AN 1111,—M Orr, Pc 0. Tar; Noe Tanned. COI, for sale by IylB BROWN to KIRKPATRICK. DRJED 1.0.:EF.-10 Ilene. sugar cured dried Reef, Rut received and for sale by 1718 SELLERS d NICOLS. brio D I o i b . 1 3 • se s k it e L OL; Fi S wi da a. S N I Ler F by ng in ibis often nildiemil i 317 LET FENS ana remain 1,113N.t, g: t4 -4.„1 , -4;:, , ,-..K4 - = , 1.,-:,...-,p,m,:7, , ,y,:;,: ' ash Illusions, and Bo melt, treesirtd In..' fl 7 , MURYIIV & IIUIIeIIFIRLD. F RESH T , T b r . r . ; ue louta , nuy. re , relaug.sgsh ets itTrelPtia, and halr%Vem " t '' t.Ze P lin ' s: burglirsunly Ornery uol Tea Warehouse,. '.l.s4,Lis estretreet, suortment every , grade a nd ' flavor, such as is natio be *unused In Putsbuge. , V 4 elneparta feeling assured that, on trial, our ITeas will be found equal, If not Impute?, tonal , no the wasprice In She cup.. • "1717 -` • ' '1 , 71d. A. Itfc(Plltg.& CO. hint EAR—A van • ankaaaaal 1., .0 4 4 3 4Plad for Brea! ••• • - ; avaraid, inn i ‘tarvacl • ba- • •:ai Ate mate of • til OHFIEGD: - " eimi‘sna T ic ' IMSl...ll.l.l4l4l2)o.coEATJADimtel..i.ear; • 12,17iiirvietotit ; - •igtrir!ta•Traad • do;:. •; ; , • • IPll9tr.i..,,Wlfilltvi/ ; ,•- Anterunas: Fitnad.aad - plata Nett s illsek dog fte:—•ta vrEddtl" "ter tat Ne atianaoa of boyar, • , 113 .7 lUoll'...—be barrels Fanner te Kirk's, erne bfiLad3 nieeleed na for nle by paweensel^ou . .-rxisu—so Ws Na 3 Ittookere4 lb bill liartbsi to, I- I tif3Tl3 561 A • y Ito sawn; WATILICii G_OV V.11.,N:111-...„NT,A1,..' PROPOSALS SPQR 41- 14113. ---- ' TilEfleventh end twelfth reereiniroithe Act of the Gene.' AsretchlY of MI? Gmmasurenalth, entitled' kA taapplemein to an Atreiditibil L iin Arius eruct a :hating Fond., .wirt cmiprovide•for lee'spradual 'and certain extingsishment of the deb; of the wealth qind We rathatird' a loiiii,o appiordir‘ittM . 1 t d sr 7 si r s ' cort !" ‘L i '.e.rtd. rOaall'i'll i p7. ' slo"7 n: 4 7t rU i V h4 ; l:. ‘ 4 . l . l — l j " t a i Three ,eletrited Theasnorti Dinka • ' red metii:' ' ,lam years hem the dam of shantWipt en the • -ate - of Iner,l 'net" tercedine - tour e r centre.; per Annum. PeTaildria gold and mlyeelst , ti .annudert I upon th e brat days of Fctintory.amb• s ts t at each Sr.-ic atid exempt' (rem 'even!, PIOCCICS or taxation. blokes, rhat etc/meals for said leant will Rid received, shall Ye published to nn least one rewspdper i n the. fts,ooer•of Iferrishare, In - the cities of insbereli, .Lanearder, and.Plinladelseitst,,,,, i n 050 , i , . 0 , New 1 York, Heston, ards nalticiare, fee.% pert d not lees thee three menthe tenstra the openthe c y ry td, ~,..i. and, Me/suet .eltaernare,- if , deessied - Incii eery, and. u p on . ‘it,, day aside - not. for . that pastime- c ies dli notice, the Preporala Shalt be ripened in the errs ce of the &accrual, the Seereitaryol - -the , Ocititaran ash, and Auditor (renews', and the lepreshali ken toted to the highest - bidder Cr bidder.. If Cie ant of the bids shall exceed:aka. saietef; the rutty " the same shall be distribute:lpm not•amengskthe hi hest bid:, den, bat if the - whale Could lean shall c then be' taken the lineemaar may renew hotter; wi manner aforesaid, from time to ume,eillthe wheat oast of said.leats *hell hemtbscrlbed. Yo condi nal bids slirdl be considemd; sad apedisrintrtllaq'a It leans, or any part tittle:it, eertirmates,wak.easeso for the Interest, - shall - lb' fritool therefor by th Aadlior dot-non It it " !Md. learsithatl be.sah riled, ii 'shalt be and It iehdieey npprapriated fee payment and ci4tAisdabsisent Of lheAtedrd debt of ii Coin: modweelth, now dot, qt. le Intelsat dee, • ring the Tear alie (bed (nod glitleratred, and 511 y. a• il roe the payment of ahem= of sitetryfore thousand ne hen., tired and, four Ottani end„ eighty. Odd ne i 'i irde • liF doirt.dc'ertllileik: ' 1 ,Irtisesimmedeaf the previstew•efordiald nallee id fmrchY Xl•edi M. , ,PlOPesals gral. be tr.ler/ d - at the calftre of 'the. Elders-tare Of the Canton:mare he unlit. I..tdelork :P. Id.'efeTaekday. the Zoe Rap e October next, attgabsting for • loan mike Catnap- elli(for "lot SttirpOltds net' forth in the geld am, cif same( taree militant three handreddthusaiddoltat redeem able In thirty years front the date orate. ea .• etfPfiett thereof, al O. rate of interest not greendi, last per, cart; .per annum, parade - in ' gold adil sit r, tend •110.4,11p00 OW Aral slays of trebreary -en Augur ofearb year, and exempt troth treat spcFte of tax, aeon, Cerli4craea or crock (di the said :Dan, with for the interest will be issued in the awed ma naule transferable by the owatee, tar the bob Auditor Cieueral`s Departracel• • • The peoposali will be' reclaim! to suite • the amoral offered•whieh Wiall not le any tc , il one ilaquatuut dollars. tholate. of . . . exceedete Cour per co., and the premium p Inn elate.re.eines thr tight to nee e pt . the any part or the ewe. 911 - Cl.l.4lliCtil the elope. late lotto contralT• ...Was for tbe £OOO Ma I:4 . direct tour nap'. conditio n al proporala nnll be reee teed. • Upon the acceptance or Ore pro soh. throne) mixt be paid into rbei PtateTteastrt, t anntaf v shag be directed by toe Governor. • Certificates or stock will Le issued In psych o °unto ..ndp Le tequested by the Tender:. Tao proposals to be direetedl under sent', o Ibis otre, entlotscd, °Prordwult for not to ftpered no diveloeed 00111 'the Penod for eltlV Iletti hos elapsed. after whiolono.oltdratio• in the terms oral Lc admitted. A 4 RUKS1 7 .44, Senrchtrj Of the CD • Scurrahry'A thhce,.ll.hrwoutg, Junh 6th, 1. ItESOLOTIOH ~.. , . . kYL‘TIVIL TO ANa'alMlsatariT OF 102 clash. SOS. it 1 , Z .c r.. , 1 . 0,.. , 0 v) by Ih/1:: , ...<031d bad Muss of ltrt. seota- Ith orregolyhssta to meal. Assembly toot,That the .Coostaultod , Of ea. ' rat.: wealth be ilmeeded la the setdo.l toctiott of the aftb I kb, , Kt that it 0411 real as Ocoee Tie 3 tidie oof the S ream .4. VOW., aft:: nicial Court. of 'Loam. rhea, ad ' Dozer other COW, of ltatord as are or oloiil La earshlestatil lan, shall b• clotted ley the quantal! 'eleh,ll of th e Co otoos wealth, ia the maw, bollern lac, to vitt ' The. Judger f the . Soprano Court, by the quelitad cleetors of th e C wraith at lartr, the ~moot Stulgei of the term er=f!, of Conatao Fleas, and agouti other Coarts eflteetol. art or shalt be tataShoLed by law, Dud aN oil= iodate ~• aim, to ha Jeaeued io too lag, Iy On le.anded .t to rs rll re4poutie die:riets our orloch thee Sr. to prathie Or et i lodge.; ad the Ms.:date Jud;es of th e Coerce Co to Pleat by the gratified' elettors of the toouta.,rerkee web The Judger of the Supra.. Coact Will hold - th eir Met for the t:roo cf fifteen you., if I..ty alai!. so to , g her themseloes well: probael 10 the allotmett berebrala p. siird for, subeequeat Went ant elettiol4 th o ' F ee d.i tot,. of the several CIVITiJ o f C..... Plea., old o str o i llair Courts eras-nod as at. er stall la colablithod b :at And all ether .la4ges tquisid to be_learael 1,1 ` , lt o la Uhl thou. cane fur th e Lena of to yoo.ryt that oh It. ka—,, tabu/ thetaaseote well; the "Aarrattio' dolga. t I Co-rto of Camaro rk.t (hall hid their efete I f tarot Of fat' yea -2, ifltert 1-t h • hog hits th . to welt; ad of whom .he: le tcanissfemad - by the Gove no but for any reatosala otassoohjah Wall.* Del. grounds for Imya,hatast A. Goveninr 6111 IMP, Of lb.'. LC t • 1111114 0 C Iwo 1/60, a r oath 'Liaor b' r . . . LE! 4.1111-3. The 4., alcratima eitall take miaow • ii frini eTtlki Cotrimouweralch nest after tit of t.. at Cliicklinna, and the tommitetaos of, th Ja.d,,el who nay be then in cif.n shall emit, math Ol.aday of Dezember filltoWloy,whei the terms arch et Judges shill mouratuet— The persons who shalt the b elected Jody, of the Shpreme Court ,hall bold theirs me as f !besot Om of them for three YMais,"oue for tie • on me for awe years, Got for twelve yes.. art oat foie Il years,' the term of each to be decided by lel by the Jud,es, es mooJud ; es, after am elentitat edraMmiealleical t. so cute certified by them to Om tingernar,that the ell ea ow may be ir.uld in a...cords., thereto. Tl• lodge m hie will first espire theft be 0181'1,3.8kt d ira erm, teal thereafter each Judge whom m.0./trial first same gnat Itt tarn be dm-Chief Justice,and if t more commits;one shall tapir* on the game day,the Jo ,ms bolding them shall decide by lot which ehal bathe e Jostles. Any ratnencies,hmlensirag bidreth.ratualie otherwate, to any of the said marts, shall he filled b rp potratment by the Goverstor, to tooth.- till the first cm day of Deeetebereurceedieg the nett general election. 1 , 1 Judges of it.. Supt.. Coast and Ma PresiZtots" o thl -etre! Nuns of Comm - a Blrm shell, at elated titan,ire far their . sermnis ell s.bunale cc's:mews:ion, to to five re obit!, shsl not amirahhed dericy their Matta: •et edu,• ha /bushel! rerache to fees or p ce nor hold atty other otteraorproat nude rtnte Caestimbee Ws or under the 'paramount of the Uatted Wales, °gamic State of this Ip r sicts. The Jiotg.s of the Saineme Co .t dungy their continutoce to shall ierhie withteti C,mmonweelth, sod the vb. J atm durtng their coot • ene• in Am, shalt reside within the diwnet or county to wh kb they were respertnely.electe.t. 1 8 bIeCALIIOBIT, Speaker of the Hanes of flaprewutatire RES r, Hecate Of dm Seim* a . ,1 .f. lierm Sn bnr e g, r. hammy 98, 1E.50. li I, Fantod W. Pearson,-Chia' Clerk of the liMete Pentuylventa, do hereby certify Otzt Ile foreraie, nmolattp (Yo. In oh ,beSenate file of the premot erroon,) mail', "amolution relative to an mara&mot of the Costatitutio —it bets, the num sot tiro which ems sigma es pr • j.,ray of the members elected to auk Roux of the A.rgettature -after hasirg been May red 'tad ruses, was this dim agreed to by • mojersty of the entomb elected Mend serving la the Senate of Peonsylmais, at present KM., as d will appear by their some items on noel ramp of the ressolution,as foll!mrsh tin—. Those voting in fear of the passage of the resolution we li. Joan Brooks. J. Porter terawlev, William A. Crate - ,•••--. -,,- ..‘,---.-- _,__ __ ___.,_ Immihma J. ConmOsam, Themes S Fenton, ;Immo 4 ; . 11XBE,F,XtOti.-,..4 -auk a tietnaTfar relerby• - rarryth, master Frmtry, itonbiTt Nr. Frick; Henry Fulton, II- Pear . ~. . , e W.11.M1241101.1 I .'. W. ".‘ , '!.7 , Wi11... limiettr ht. Ha g er. Th.. , jr Q'llic, -- - 17 ditis17 - hieW.M . trenTy I - IrliZilita .11:iy ne Res, L.A. Is . Joom iewPh Kmapomkere tleorge j • C."l weiord Id - UV St , - A. A,M).-40ti - lk. Ca'S Lawrence, Mammal Alkmlin, e•niarr, - , ST.LIone, Itenjs n ' Matthias, (leery A. Itiohtenhes, mt s ui s . 1,.. .p.,k s-.. CVlAtrii--3 btir B. bsrulant i ` t riZe, trr :-, . - - • William 11. Sadler, Dus avi/ Skey,Pelen B Savvy, Con i . , . ; I,l%'ngli-F _iIa43kISVA 13S.mar,Itobert C.-Merrell, Dmitri Stine, rarrisle. Sfrimi , John It, Itialimr, and.Yalcarse, pan, SpeLiM... Vets 29. Thom ran ma i egat 'the raMage of the retIIIViCtI In acme Dams., Almada* I . and .Alsrandef Xing Nays :I. ( Eatsact froul the JsoarnaL) . - - , 'B.l-.N1 , 1.. W. PtAIISON, Clerk., • • In Woo Rocas or lll?ir.nr.Srf Vrtr.s, 11 IntiAtirg,l6tireli 1, Witham dark, Chief Clerk of the ,IlovisOM de.. tslise. of Pawasylnanis, do hereby vanity Rod She ' • arSdr_wesolotioa, (No. IS eh the Salado Ste, and ho' I 8 the se Joooo.l of tbe pre.ent I.li., ) .ailled hition r au ela.t to the al...Amen( of toe CoasUldtioq„r—r beide tint mom resoltitioo which was agreed - to br'y soured or the member. elected is each How of the Last sate-aft... hating been duly emaisered rod discove,d, dila day, dreed b y I..ll:lay:xi., of the tnembefrateotul I ands tem; in '.me limns of Ittomsratatives of .reitass esoia, at as pfeseitt ...UM.. as twill appear by heirs t ote gorm, ou the fiat pavaam of the reocdiddin, folio Thou hone of the maga of t he rrolatibmweer Joha•aleker, John imi...,u,vr.,nuuttaker,Rotertltoldwio David J Bebe, Cnid Saddle, Jaremith• Mown, Willi.. Brindle, Daniel H.U. Drawee, ,1416, It, Durant, John Cum. Henry CluselL Jolla N. Conyaghanti o.lreowe Cridlond, Ikejablin G. Dalid; U. ifism .1,1/e63 bias, James I' Downer, Thomas Doman, Willem Coati Williant Ropy, John - 11..P.raeL Walla& Reads, X. Stot Kwing. Alexander B Feather, James klowar., Ileiejtaiid P. Fortner, Aludiader fithboney,Thotet• Omer Joseph P.', Vivaria. Joseph (hirer ! 'Jacob 8. Holdemott Hart. Leffut Johla Noshing., Willem J.ldemph(B„ John Hodge, henry Lams Ilerford, W.wthiarma Joelodo, Nietta'as Jon. , ceuTi. Kinkead, Robert Mots, liarriles I' Laird , Morris Leveh, !Gallium D. ILret,,' An.oo iwonvd. ).m.. 1. Lewis, 11.0 1) 'Little...eau IL &Mill:dotty, Joh. F M'Cullveh, Iluandor L. ('Curdy. Jolts Isl•Lauatillo, Joh, 111!Leod, Samuel Moro, Johia Et Mut, :Michael Voyeri, Joh.. Miller, loop). C. Molloy, John D. Maui., atidliaM T. Alotilm, Riektel 'Slowl, Edward N leklmoo, Jacob Nicely, Charles Job. I) foekerolompla c'L luau c.m.id, JAu 8- Ithey. Luris Roberts. Flood Robtavea, Jahn 13..Ruthei fort . chn-i 810fiaa, Thom., C. Bhaffur, Richard Shoran, Eli Slifer, Willi.' Eidth, Wiliam A. Stithh, Demel,l9 Smote. William IL.Eloodes. Thom Steel , David Rtew-ard Charles Ettockwell,Ed win C. Timm. /mhos. Wade. Robert C. Waller, - Thicrimo Wotan, Bolney B. *Tell., Rims A. William.. Dahl! Zerbey. sal John fr..M.Catmont,Spaltet—Teas 67. - Thom votime eawsd lb. twomee of the rosohittes were. Antigua K. Covnyn v David K....v.:Ad& Java.M . Porte (Katmai Trim the Journal.) WILLIAM JACK, C'erk:` lareh 10 A. W. BENEDICT, Pep. grey or Comsooriwpalt. 1.10 certify Put the above and tomirch, it ,true till earrect not. 7 oni otigical rewhotoon of theStethott Ate. noly, emoted itennhatton retatith to so aeornoireent of Pas Cotatitutian," iss the emu. reran.. on Me in this In unlovely veheteor h hays. Wm.., to , 0 , th. hard; sad ecnsett to bt frond the *eta inf the Been e— Anltt Other. at IlvrePlfr, tbit fifteenth dry of June, Anio Politico ono thousand elht 11;ndee4 and j 1717,... • A..L, F.L.E., &eats/ of the COitieedwea:th. , F 0 R the c OriVt.t.letlee o(itrotettirects, Ittialieprieterf of the iattabergh City Milk have placcOorta tor the reeeption of orders to Flrld.avec :. hr Ira*, "* ‘ N•ViEiTT. , e; 3 4 , ifriAol l 6ll hrotr K7"n 9 V 6 °' d • *lntl verier.i;l4.ka.av afriaa , grallitga7l s or 7F t 7 VikfilitriTlOlorefoltiii te:elr42l l .lh rice 4.4 rn; ' rgr ' rfrV=rl , 4tittiC6MlA 7l)llY r . gritt ' , ' 7 gpurd.ri. two it, Inurement, airwe small endeavor to d e them lord.- rl cosuzurrni ;loam , snraptirtutioloa.r. kegs Sorarrilla , • ' 20 bezeirltereeo entp,melpihrik keep OM • qcorr.d !tad for ou011;#119! ~.„. SEEM 111-414iti i C A L -.PROCLAMATION. sassobesildie sink soul alllieted with Ala. re daebletkler antribLeys. with rbesualsto Pelee tabaea ar 4wbry Itiffjoinut, old wares, rumba ulcers. As thatthay sae Asotored by lithmg the re 'ttrifinyltigkl not staLl=ge . wevoantata ortaelec b ' enest community, Wit it has valves 3 r4 1 01 , 10 110 oaf. remedy.. lire lAA *lli rgeg,ed with Pan and fwnir/ Coln attneWleleiA fergavic,,,to,, tel riettet mown Is e =„ ‘ g 4 1 1 1 1 V ab ore . Reader i l j i lt = tine-00 Colptia, ;We,. 'ft Tip, Of I.32Pegin Tana matairostika bat kg ehaprupt by '" l} b '' d hehtse r anp reon the ba. rasa of u Snotberoarth tie MIR mal polity, and nn rem to ere y a reedy remedy, a mann and cliesPents• 'Litt cartSVPsteiVreAgehiedtelsies foiled to reader w 3:rcft it has oared Rheateau ft - o f wo g IrbltAtlvVer IPN henedrbd dairesef I‘3"ll.=rtrwrer::" eayß 'n temulyl.beerk &ftlb AS le local remedy horns soil scalds; le it bettor Ugh' litti medical Maw ppoonator =leto rte fes4p t lisa i ti ets; l =elibe. ed ItrYseerl israished of th e tr ot h contained Bamad c hi. II" ' _Keys , * hfelYOWell. career of 15r07,17 ;met and sure Alley; it. , s. , Setletts,s7.Weargineet, 1). A. 13 trot a M. Carry Allegheny city, ars the agents. lona • suslverpti••••• lly eoec -,to • eded lam beauty la, more etenntett 'in' this country than to any mhos, while at the sems tiero irls stutr'hl so oiler roan tsy is it lost area young un sze. rioardhls is true to, a Ag W laia tarifa:affle lasts Asa ilaised by ate salr.4l aplrrdsatincaleet your pervoual appearance', bu t rea the following, and Tau aced not leek — good 1ook11.• These arteless ara rrientibe yra pars tores,aadhaveallettirirtedienlek TalnalaritY. Jm !". psis, Aria! , wilaccauin Num 'Beisl•rfOrretttellinft tan, arm urn, pimples, blotches, and othmoraptions bribe ahoy therstrest. perfect eau enator of iterta f e7enkrussFs....l's, tame uohlts PiltPodliaT mop, unless it busily moms Pinched:, 1- Jet= Borave,Pllttmx oa Caption 4 . ovrop, Car Isa. ! parting' Isedlielnos bifinki:ebranlearob a null= whiteness.. loitothind should tparactataflaira tam Ail Chad the use o(a powdcy lee Shaahnn,aa many of ihosti sold aro eery lerlarloda.—lfy CklablePowder is compounded,in rs j selenliGis.dattortar,,fund traotalos Ito turredlent Witch eau eosslblatollteatualajsrp., Haan% Tistdatotrt- ParOtry'fb - rhatottss assert:Woos hair. w 0 .4, f/;$11:11, maiiihtivhan ham OP.n the fate 'sir arms of a lady.. This anlela w il l reourresbin • short soh i Val:grid thinsiktedity tatty ina.truntent. . — add , flaostrlWaraitra 11,1QMED .1011 1.1 11.1{ linpart to red, ribllacof arty hair, a beoutdon• black, !brows. or ,aubuyo ! esslor. It will of.* rya hair bat idandarigdoirdadd-snorn effectually ibsilWeil .. 4! Other Rcl liarladelliola astir listrabbl' Cll.l l l It really a pleas sure to shim rob slos , oratun.qrheire , la tam of am ainaribigsensallon usually. expecicaoadru,llte sae Of most Soaps. Cloths tandllOives the elan smooth and toil ae V Wkd'odatul"taliAlltdeftri , become ehOPPod. ..lobassHatable RosaTooirt Tart the hale, we think the Teeth yreralatensted as alsarreatess oroar merit to die human face; Soilitten,segteeteda ooth l .9f le so dishauring,''or larlykicklyleenl 'offlroms Tooth P r e ' 71 A le' eTal ', 111. " et ''""''"1"1"" ' ' brmand healthy. S Also me. band, A.,,ic. k l / 4 .cf„...m.,,,„l,Eastrysnleles. Nit., Yet tam r and'ffhenilar, , , Sfaßniosistatairfeet,Thltir For male whole:tale and retail, bylloodrumeatoelt Co., and /1i E. sellers, Pittabltrillt; aua,Joba Sar gasto.d:J.:lli4alt. Alleaberty_tf.l%. 'lT27—co plirtlp au Le tat nay, .41ed hOlO s stspu- It -ND . . . • ...41j/ILIDLOSTP t d00rt..14.. ow ASoftneuest, ata 4, e•Tril,finareet ,- , ABU .21/10-Wilibettag bees In gin:rat . pineg n ef=fo e nttea. 0 . 6 . ' 1, 1 : A... 1 . wg'a of cam : ~,..foryr)3lWhisq m iOtaaana mod sireiletAp i peCAlLMll Run" • LArdettrUli devoted d bated, re }mem:tuna thou complidnut(dtmetopue lime he hoe Ltd orernmuce)trid hunnted.lePo Pei tenu then call ever (Miro the' lot oranY'privato . titionery.amply orodiheroldin..tnedfas.aeltattlees e.r 'froth Ireedy, permanent, and sallefemory enronn.pl42liatect delicate diarnefe;=d - alt detente itillnS Mona from. 1,0 :1 Dr.Dreere.moitidiritonn thosoanleuidoetat private f, • Illseuesvrtifettlievelmearte - chibeic - hy time er .irav by the aura anv.offtio omarobtertentittra of -0.,.0e d ated ay,at their eq.P4. 4 t.CIT b.n.1ia.147 " 4th°41 ghlyeitredt torhavlog tivennis tatetkrattention the treatment of such cases, and stioeeddlddhi hoddrede of Inatenceetn curing rereads ofittilmtetation.of the neck 'di the ' bladder, tad It ri dred &waste *nice often renal{ from those we Vilma. datufs-lititie Leekulenui their] to hope. despair, 1.4 partentlarlypintee ack .1 Ile haVebeerlanier.d'unleicdeiefellYueated bJo there , Lto,qpnaglt whanavery vatiafttettohdelll Warren ,f them, and 'heir cup treatee in•natatththtoPPer and thtelligem.niandefiroittlia on" b 7 a longexpe once, atedl e nuttnvestigndersovelotrilielreressiensfe thole ens - sued in gencrellrantice_nf r emliatateee eve to emerciede of dtietif. ' CD - Bernie or Ito ptars.—Dr.timrtv-dieithYtiiip par t. lgonsatitated with lierui4tosit n iploimpildpants3 tier attention tolladdleeati CANCERS dui euraf,. , , r . '"" ' l / 4 Vent &en . noes.eieo Lk lei 00,4 toe " • 6,-Year-fluor either win tivrtig ttidteiai oe by mating their disease kt,rOng,iiyig4.l.llollymp, tome, can otnalnreedielnes wi th direepona for, sue,. bp addresdng ffixowN, trzbVitoi .g•fe•-• - • Ames No: cl'lrtimo4o,Ar;opiaitts t.4.3s;aledy Rus'iul.r l37 •BrerP?2l4l.l7idliterrealiteent. • forltheam thdff !Veep. yan tattill.llll7.4, for .. Out painful imitate. : tieveefadij , P Odic, and Private V. , lsaltire- Rooretkllia_ad3)l Mend the y, ritulitireti Pc The' tort. elw a boss. . l4l •••• ••• •• • 9.0 z• Pito 1 Lk .A. M I ASIO h N , it.,F l ;l7 l ‘lct:Ga Illirktaltileetramoo gro7allYTt Trili t ol 7 r d ;;l7altl i glfign;l4i of ONE,. IJIINDRD AND c f7F/IFPICIff Kflgg of Alearrable goods forereaftoornolonfarlanlmoad 'alga oaefnO talcs, at a gie al Taal/Mon (rap_ prima . of last Apnag, wawa 101 l l. the offkodlo' deb' boiler otas patron, a...manly, .1% mooldi,Latagalgas to at inapt to-allot:eta/ate Mei Oicil - a?gottext cock, and. .theteforo, In!ito_lbe..earlp•altetOlon , 6llla4e idea& and the pa bilo, 'IPA dm aaaaraaeg of obllfralffsbo. lag airtZed toanativardbla. ' - ''' . 7 ~ 018 •; wo Pb. csizzaiurOirAfiii4:44 ci9t:, - . •:- ~ ,A. BOX o foi l thi , lOacialifti - ae#OlilaYO;tliiipfilla4;,, Rie F rollireet % . 4 tr o ' rr 6 atifflr '&l'°'''''-r'a` :: pllol.. ' - ottglO'' - ' — 'tif 7 l6lAfrrirfoTAT ,a 9- %,fi'Z...^11 DuitE:BßANDitsicifitzi*ifaiiiinTaiiit:Z - ,e- - ,„1AX.21,1 1 ,1m-PET.--- 76 - I, Fippy.. --- ._. :. .:74.' ... ...I on,,gfierga.v:itto - 6k . t." - ty . . 1. - putz,i'mu.t'lLu.iiTir_P. i . ',ll?" .24-1, tc ,31,-( '• • .220 L , ;0F.,..a.i5i.. 42 7,..5. •DtiClN.:tolifiiiiiiiiiiiiitienple'd for, lila br ~ .u. bau . ••• • , ,• - , 1 ••• NI tr. WfifiRSLUMI I EAR—QO pigs soft Gaisns fos sale. ••_,• - • }MEV, PIATIITEWSW CO B AC4) :000 -4116 ts t t i its: 415—" ,. cad-: 1 •• i: , ••-• • i SOXiibs 'tor auto iA'tip NIES% SEVTIIIMEMIL. DO E AST flt ) Y.4 3,14 - PAM*, ittfossatimitelViant anatity ponErt to any manufactored Ilia,star Ur. now ooco/pa , - WARSHAW ROAN :10A1 . ---4,1c0r tad, on LontUovhienvellli in44l eh ospini -" b r iar.. • " WICEEIL3IIAISII3, L 4ylolxeEEbomL- •• L, '"' i; T U TV:t7A . sl it`Trilt 4 ('Ps Lys — tririiii. %Ts or are (1:177P'. MTIMMaiSfiM Lb MON SYRUP.—th.dertrood's be' . .btabliatia 1....).+11 Syrup; a treadkajostirobeived fay ule b iY2b O _ l litit A D-4 tegu a tnaezlar ma .F, 1,26 :- - - ‘. : r.N.AMetnArarrk Co - V , tows 54 Lyirlhicrat reed for tole by iv , . ~. , ! -..,- . - - MILLER ealdirli, ii:IN •,. Diovia,TF:o - 614 — iiiii.7174 - 111, - : TGruitii ' ..c• load for solo by ~ ; , ,•- • ~*. . ~.,, ~!, 1718 , -. . .• - Witolvit - a lcurtintalcic. 'roan CCO-eu kegs aowtorltoolte for halo by 5 /MOWN Kutmentiat4 T • E !: l a 2rl l' ir 0-fed'' %ffatth , W,l p NPol4.olN d B ot, O GltltifitB.-:4o , ,oolnesorooneLtors reeeliTia oohs by .f0067),5.1. W. lIALCBASI7OIII'. frft.a.TlTPUPitib- y kinupithoOt af4 Iry **ye keep . on'tlald'tbd almie woods boogbi directly from tho Importer, nett cromulted-lennilb— alto furiher supply of \Veldt Gaitoo,Fkomboro. coOrad thio minbar.. ,:•15 i:Tifr di( F.Wa7-11.:TiditVnjo ni IbT l t r , f ` Vn;ii ( eint.i 4 z l3AstpernattiAmaelretaeelti = s e . iliP3 V4 .'/" .IP ArEn7 -40 SMOfuriTrU47 7 . l 7 72 . g i -' , . 4, , ' Strver t _ bms, berty,it.teDigi, .^, .. 1 0 , ...4. . , J senourdwAsErt &Go. I.{ . berP-P92ttic'c'e'fialicr:Vdstri uel l 40 . Or llAlitS..N.W.l.—lnera Tariiin by ~,,,,,, I,3_,JknAll ~ .... . , J.F.CIICONbIACtIt tt - 07: IT NDloo:l3. — curadatow tr I , ur g. - .1 SC1100: wby Kegd pure Iv Leat4.dsdAdt ? i ar.g4 . S. & jr "l 'dmsd,l — d 4 fo k t ' i ' Fl, ( ; 7 3 ; ! .- , a y f av , ; ,4,-, ici - zro ; !s3O .1111.1014,,, ICI Al Prlmipe, ar orredfoidi2dir • lov Aare and for KY brGLl!ffi & piNiret* A) 14 (11.1 Walltert.pb :3 3,3. ...E., • • I Can thr 7.torkaa , a; 1 VW. SILIISOM; jpn 6,1 r fp J-SCIOPINMAKERIC.IIO:4II FIE.LD have race-land a sappty of a. bcriat aniolas; 4.0. , 1.afr' n ger . ; 4 " . " ,F. 4 1. 9. POW /eliminated toVaiot al Dom , , iu lI F do blanim r Aswa °. matmeig 44 " 11.17<e. , 010 ' n t a 16 Chvadr walls OA two Bawl 130.te1.00.141:w...1=491 1 %. AutantiPitUtb.oo. "itlw 4 . 24 „ br , , , COO, :591r. WilialaiVAl , lll • :• 1 ) 1 4"' 4 . • • - , v i ;j . .t,twa 4:0 z.: 114.4 ~Bk~AOA KC:I M=!;1:A 'MANTA h.,C;01,7
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