BY MAGNETIi TV,ECRAPH 00a THE PIITSBIIItIai DAILY G. 5.21.1 AILRIVAL OF TILE tiTEAttli SITIP AMERICA. Raven Day. Later from Europa. ilout-ox Toletioph Meer' Aug. 27, 5 o'clock, P. M. The America arrived et 5 o'clock, P. M, !tin lag dates-from Liverpool to the 19in Inst. _cotton ,is down. Mide:ir.g has declined in.— oi6er kind. are without ch sage. Pariatnent ha, been prorogued. • . Miss Cashman W I accompany bonny Lend to America. -Mr. Wilbur, brit h di.patrier from. England sod tie Centioent't tits mmittry, mime pitmen,. gee lathe America. The Donlan tree ea are about to be seated by the intervention of of er prwr , r. LIVEKPUOL MARKET. Provisiilna-11.cris.n retailArmisad at previous Prrk MOM' in deinand roe the hoer quaittira. . Ordinary iicrerlitio..s of 131,011 CUM. maad full pruner; frier <pongee aro dull. .Shout. den aro Jo fair demand. llama ere very dall.—. Small 'ldea of hard are burg made, end . , dor market is lees Oros.. • , Molasses—Largo sales hare token plant, .4 .advanced intro.' - Ashes have advanced :"Is re cut. , &al Oil Las advance-I t 2. p ton. .o;ber quatalioasare:walront chary, imtrOxt purchaser' are found.. , Wasn't:lmil3, Aug. 27. Seam—After the considerat7on pl" the motn• ing tinniness, and a bill to refund certain monies to the:tateof v,rpalet, the &nth'. nn motion of ktral•rolio, went into Executive tension, and 60 ermined until the acilromennt. House—Tao flown retooled the voting on the innendMenln to the Cwil and Lecr!matte Appro. pnitheti Ihn , report from the Unmeant. ef que V/nole, on the abate r the Union. An amendment appinprketinit 0,000 On nista., ties and outfit to a emerge &Adar: ito N'esengna, was concurred In. Yea, 119. :q.t.', 55. , Amendments appropriation _50(100 In tire re•l lief and Icl,non of manner!. oa CUt watts; a n d 055,000 for the erne in,, of Canton:l Honor and Pont Moo hoddmo at Cincinnati, were also concurred In. Mr. Darr moved to reconsider the veto making an approprf Anon ',Lino protection of moriocia on the Western watery Mr. Burt moved to lay the motion on the table, arittch wan agreed to. The Item for appropriating S'AOOOO for Gnver4- Mani building. at St. L?ola was then taken up, lad rejected. Mr. Bayly moved to rovonoider the vote which motion won rid on the tabh:. A Dumber of amendments of!octl i.l o a wcre lelleted, nod others coneuttcd m. rho hate finally pa cped—trea,l:lo. pays Ca -- Mr. B:tong gave nonce that he lo.ntorrew morn to tote up the eurtt6e.ed 'et: in the Cain of the 4th d atret of Pearaylvdnin. Tue lieute ti ea adputaud. WrauteGeom. Aug. 27. lion. Henry an and wmrned:•,e T. A. C. Join, arrived last n.....nins fer.m Kew york.. SEVERE SIVICII nt stORFOLE. Port.sortsnts, Avenel 27. Acoonnta from Na.fek represeet iho Were, on Sa:urdey, at the reve,,c kooma on the Chesapeake for thirty pmts. The •tramrr OSOC4 ola had her uteeibouse blew: Oil end reveal small VW., mere ran aphoe., sr. esern. c ! °lithe capes. The storm wan FROFF.Obtar, Aug. 27. .Friday cent will Peal the fain of Ptah:rear John White Webster, ill rzorm,ed • very etreeit de sire that hm family shall na! know when he is to be executed. Strange en It rosy ream, lam told, by one who roll the family, that ea he: they do on know. They hove cheeped one el the days on which they have former:y yarded hint from Friday to Thnreday, in order is escape the ammyance of orient venple who not in the habit of crowding the couch la which they titnelly took passage to the a,ty, for no other ptirptore than to Rate at them. Thin chaos° mill metre their lent visit Coro, oa Thunolsyrtett. Dr. We:M, de• sires that they may bs• nllocred to vit9 him the same on that tiny net on any ether, end go away the same ' witbint knowing that it to the Met time they unit see tom. Some of the friend, of the family think differ. ently, end. are of opinlom that they aheold b t , formed of the day of execution. In answer to this, Dr. WeLt er assarealhe pwreona who belesie them, that hog fondly do not sewn to know rho day, bet desire. on thew:llmq, to be kept in ignorance of the time. PIIILAPEI2/31., Aug. 27. General A. ht. Provost; a member of the Phil &dolphin bar, died stddenly this morning.. NEW YORK 741ARRET 2:04% Nr.w Yore, Aug. 27. • Flour—The market is monettled, With Rome *hipping Inquiry. Bales are limned. Grain--The market to well e d with w h eat ; and quotations are heavy. 'Ciro is quiet, cm! Gso is rated f.r round yellow. Provieions—Pork is geicl et SI 0 itttCl 37 for mesa and Ph 3I OS 37 to prtmo. .s geed,. at di er6,le. Elc'tith id 71, Groceries-11 gter prise RIZ a,kdrl. and s fair busineprt to doing in b^rcearies. The market in failyxnpplled. Lead—Hotden are frrm; with as of Spanish at 51 37, and of Am:A.:end at $1 62 4) , cwt. Hemp—Too nyirtat n 11016 , , with sales of American dew mated at 5112,at25 j.,t New Yomr, Avg. 27. Cotton—The market continues firm, at former pricer, with Wen of 1500 Wes. Floar—The mathor, with a moderate htislneag. In in favor ofbnvers. Sate. reach some :MD bbli. at 51,23 a 51,41 for common to atrwala gam. Grain—Wheat enatinues "heavy, with aides or 'MOO bashes •t 112 far prima white, and 100 inc. for southern. Ler, is doirg In remand the market bat a downward tendency. Sales 1;000 bushels at 020 621 for heated and mixed western. b•les of Rye at 65 a 70e. per hurtle!. Promslont—Pork is dnll of tale. The prinei• pal bosinera to Hon gin prime at $5 21 per bw.— Lard--Sa!ea 1300 koga of Lud, at 61. Grocrerma—Gotfee Is tenet, with axles of Java at 12e., and St. Domingo at h 0... per lb. Nothing of moment is doing in molaesen t The lent colts 51 of sagar were made at 1 71 for Porto RI, 21 p 61 for Cuba, 62 for Chicane, and C 1 to ie for brown flavaaa,idbolea Wh , akey—Sees of Ohio, to orri ee; at 9.8}, one of 26e per golion. PHILADELPHIA 151AHfii..71'. Pnicaord.rnra. Aog. 27. Flour—Km:elate are increasing from the brittle.; and from tho Welt. There is tome little Inquiry for export. Males tor city conanniption,aie /darted at yesterday's prices. Grain—Wheat 1. arriving freely, end there is only a limited' enquiry for - milling purposes.—. Prices have slightly advanced, with antes or 6,000 hush, fair and prime.Sout hero red at 130 c an 12c bushel, and of Penntylvaola red at II fe. E.yo to scarce. Dorn steady. with sales ol Smith. ern yellow at 0.." r•, afloat.' Orin are not go picot, ; a cargo of good Vtrgtoia cod at 33c rtv herb. Whieky—Siles in !Ms at 261 c, and in hhils at 2C02.61e P gallon. CINCINNATI MAIINEr. - ,Ctacta,o n, Acrgust Flour--The market fa steady at $370 to brl. Grain-9ilea of Whoa et 10015 ea Lei. Coro: in bulk is selling at 015 a arc cull. gaWsisksy is actin* en 23e. Groceries are very turn. Previsions Are quietwadosithout change. Unlaced al—Estes It 7::(C , 76.... The river is receding slowly. The westbei IS pleasant.. IMPORTANT TO TUX. AP IMICTIGIS Dr. Rest's Celebrated Heatedle& TAIL JACOWS Itt)t.P.. the discoverer and rote pro . • plietor of them most impals and betieftelal teedtelees, and elm ih amontor of the celebrated instrument Mr ltillanna die Lungs, in effecting l'eare of Legate diseases. was a madord•of that -eminent peasicittn. Ileelne Vl.M.m. and I. • endeate of the untve /tam of i . utinsylvaaia and lcrlhiriyy leers Mere bas been ergame In the investigation of dioemei and the spplieettan of temedies Motet.. Th0r...11 the 051 orbis teaming tabs, in t aaheotton with hi. Noah/I.lm Syrup nod other of his famedies, he Imo gained an, mmuralo lid entinonre in curing mom.. dreadful gad (mai stadodieu, retercelet Coro apace Cur ,e l' a, Khennetime.••glott Fever and Apse, Pe,. of all kettle. ChumatEry sipelia, and- all (Lose el...anew dlsomastsgentent ft maims" . Judaea every loan or d..ensommithesorder the pp,' of bluvemedter. la schist'. humemay whet's-. em by the V" or nee rnmpnund nh , 7 Mini is is, compatible art it l'hymolusimo Law, hot oy at remedier. adopted.. end artgeti,s(l o 7..,T . peculiar 10MI • , Dr. Rolsi Tolle - Altetauve COM, when rood , Jemmied, acknorlettend to• be veTedevtd.eitettherll am • potgatite or liver ou the toy, the bcroi•M perfectly' ( re e from et... Witness; It, toy, his Onldmallilla is 'pdtuilvel by the faro!, In pecoliacpropartles adopted in • temelta drmengoo...b.. being satteShd theta bare triAtlssetteent to •ritat Aiiill . r.lll theteludo of the mast stemma). rimehOlig u d. are lorded .et Mill upon tee etc... am grommet singe of thlt Dueler's entups l .:l•,attet , lf stecudicaramonnt olf emelt remedy Mal it. rtOldlcet stunt • Forhalaht, fulloortita att11t1.."P.'1.177, Lymm dimmest,' thionrhoet the tummy. • !I • • J . Selteftetnaker Co. pl Wood trueetantetbasab. J rel'Oentketel. .11 egatots.V4 hietkot no" AlosthaSitatm do near rim P. O. Allegheny : city; Jos itseld.iy.Doolintaoc, /May' , " e;ro -2. 4 7- hilllobh.nanntt• po O Lteg Adetea E•af Er, • do it,; _itery N TUD: • A MAE icaelte'r 40 fin tattarjr tar. (Mir Ill) tAatt7 dcpanment',l tLe Ittrt 'Ward Public aetooi All , r,t , nr, evniOnallon.witi tate Mars at lite &tool Haase In tald:Woliton Wanda/ the 21411 Lan. - -Tr It • • .r . . . , .. _ . Aliionr. in the ecte'ritrylsnew — iurli finniSiniii in , In any/emu ad. directorp. .Nrine Ord experienced tenan ted need'appy. A. LAMONT, Preside. Alletkede, Aagastard ttiai—sueadi LOUISVILLE LIME-30 4N. L Lime received tcrt sale by BUR/3111MR & P 1 wiwiact ii QOM fiI.ERCIAL RECOR% - rms.3U.l'oU AWARD OF 'TRAMS AND wronampre. =mum.. 001WArITTEE FOR AUGUST. 11511 crovnuns..-•c. W. inearrerox•—c. C. 100111 M=22: • PITTS.IIIIIICIII MARKET. /01 1111 wilt .1.1(20 •CO. The week jusi eloeed ho. prezented r.otbiug nevoe- We notice. however. 4 4:14.1444 improvement in bovi ne,. gmerdlly, and the full mule may now be 'leered as hoeing (ably vet in. Eneudrtaffe have .aired more freely, punieu'orly Fleur, large •quantilies of arlilch are bring ehilipeil to the met. the titer has gradually fallen doting the past week, bat at the present amour it to nearly •t • eland, with a tufficierry of water its channel for all die purposes of trade. Tarte quantities of dry good. ate beginning to wave from the east, designed for our own market and the ibffatent points west, which, together with ILI vitlprnents of iron, glass, and Other asticle• of Pius. burgh manufacture, which are now being shipped freely, hu added a considerable degree of activity to business on the wharf. Therates ot ireigh , continua neutrally low far the 11.,1Y0U, and from the large num. be: of steamers now engaged in the trade, and the comparatively good stage of water, the rates was; continue to Lic.Mray throngbent the tall tensor. . A 11F1.9--As the fall semen apptoechm, which al ways hringe with it an increased demand for Ashes we nonce an Improvement' of feeling, but am yet, r. no harked change in poxes. tialra have not be heavy, hot have nevertlmlese, been to a fair extent, a the fellov.png not _pearl Ash,OXSCLSalerums 51; l'otaibl4l3ll/ Soda Ash, 310:4; end tiMmejfing at , ffildke pV . Receipts have been fair / and son, addition. are en Mug to surplice, in close of the an proeekihg dermnd. , —We nonce the receipt of coneiderabl gonna*• of Gteen Anp.eo by river. nod enles on th whoa nee e1f,..1 at o rouge of 752e.7101U0e qp , Lbl oe to geniny. Al,b; -Them is a remalar demand for home brewed. a,we o . 4 ei manner rams-ray 11-00, crib Metalled. BACON—We none, an Inergund firmness In Be Ilmen msort, without, however, any material ad. vu, r ta per . . titles titles tp the extent of 'PMe ill grim, wemmin and city eared have Onward during the week al, for plat. I 7}, Sides , 51351 t and Shou,d. en, ar 4411iz 9 D. Saint,. Cured harm, by the tierce roe alt' Pie, for prime to extra quality. tt , eles of prim, bag,ts . 10.1113 at battle # BL rrEit-w, Roden tbn c"snate 1. of bbt and 6,1. batter, Ins have beard at no reporraL dale, and rticeF arc nominal. GROOM--liseerpt,ly e been more fell, end cup plies 'rive intreiled. Salaa to.the extvit of Wu doe. priers monk]; la , w , ording Ia qualtty, from 814,110E9 Y iti.E.twA X —We hear of no gales to any large e • tem, sorpltes bola; limited, but may quote al 21022 Pb 011EFSE—Gcod ions have noritred from the Western Reserve dosing the past week, nod we notice lair sup plies of boner qoatitimi in the market. For good eon,. to prtm.W. EL, we entire n fair bariness, nt fief:Land f'r ordinary do, at kit Y !!ti. The shipments east are OIL tho increase CRACKEICS.2—The '22:12.22.:24; 12 the manufectom, tin of pr. 22.2: Water C rur kers. per tb I • - Butler -.ln Dispeptle do I . dot I rn I MMM - , CIO'rTON SIMETLNGS—We notice a firmness I Pitisbarien mannincture . d, Penn and Anchor Mills with sales at No I et Pe, and common or Nonatook at :de yard. CORDAGE: the note no further change In price,. The (0110.3111 g ere the Manufacturers' pewee ; Illaludatopc, by cod,-----•111c r 'do lsc TT 'T Miter...yr, by coil,•-•••• .. ... .11r TT cot,--e•—• •• - ..... lee " Tarred Tiope, by do cut,-----•—• •• I I " Puclrmg Tern, • et. Cn cauarnort.•--•••• - • ec an mesa. Alamein, 81X6.2.-103,75 Odor. do 4.• coil.• • • .11c " Meier, $1.:irei12,25143.00 ir dos. do in coil, -.••11* " PLOGGIII LING, D. Manilla. EC) • •• • Itemp, 7,••• p dor. Kvaiiitt Cordage is sold roveil•rte n tnio P COTTON YAILNIV—The follooduc is• corrected into, the variou• attielea aueer thu heed: lOVIN•D • • 19 • • -do --- CO No. 13 414 per —23 14 " 13 to 17 19 u N. 5, eta per In " 19 " o. Ca9llewiek,l.._..A 10 No. Pod, pordox.--d4 arsufariorer's rote tor —d o pone ets per lls•• • •1111 WO " ' V Ile, " V Carp:, Cmln,••••••—•..n Co rer!et I"itree,••••—.--2,3 CDPPER—The regular take and ingots iv riViPs'29 er Correa..E.e.Sisa, of :brut copper are rept latlyetre.rted m 2. : an d . old rapper at 19, V Lb. F. DRIED lEEE—Titemarketts neatly bure.and there 19 A rued derma/ad for the better 1130101., 0) 1.20121 e ElflrGS, k DVJ STUPF,?--We the rof:o7irkr, corm:fad List of pores of some of th. orsoetpoi.ortletts o,ter this herd : .doe., 1111. •• • ..... 1,91: ;(4gnori...• rn, ..0 9 ',Nana ....• • ......-:I1 4 -I - 1 , ,P I.- att - Ai ~1 2, 1 w .8 00 ,.. ..... i 0.91 1 ,1 11.arn....n r.e. 25930 I tott ri I tiaad... l'lnbro 1441 f. 1)01., trfinr4l- ..... 77045 %lirrls, 'for key • •• • ,•949:41 IIII)am Peru.. • •:.,1113:22.7: Oil• --• • • 19 :. Ito Copayrn• • • -34:4:*, 4 ' Castor. rn 4,1•• . .117._0n 14,014100, r a••••-•tiaL, ~ C...., 3 buit4 re Can.”l,or.r).f. ' 40.341 , . C0.,-,-. •• • ••!...83.00 C]loinle liole. c)l4 sj, " 1 ermn 3 2 5093 In Corlso,nl 1:4 , 411.70" rep'.4l 2.14344340 I'm. 'Tartar ..... .. 33 5 •9141piorn. Tolley • I,:anzgist3 c*Pp , r.. •- • - , •- • Ain I,Q6imisr , ••-•• •• • 1.1094.14) 4,lr4bbi Mal ~Pliltuttmrh, roca• . • .440100 (.•;••—, .. .. --4".43:.'14a1 Munnat 4,20 411 ,1 ar3 A ra3 tc •• • -•••••t11970 Sal 5A41.4 •• • 16 ....... 40 6 -- . ..... 41-311,50 .sennt• • • • • •• • • •Iti443M . Trncnrtnlh• —140+9 rnrinrie A cid ••• • • .41930 S4chlle 001 , Illne• • ...... 11912 Ip<rat ••• • 3,1.- , '"92 • 44 13411.40nd, 2MA. ,• • 6 lisl I.altatZP 3;10 , 3 P.lie ... 2.1/ ? ) alnr, pnlttc• :•al • •F0731,0u I....rytwoal, ehlpT•cd•-- --31 remote of Floor have nonortnlly In creased durtod tin paat west, and notwithstanding the Ittavy sl4pmenta oast. we colic! an increase In the supplier all the matltet Prices nre without any ma te rial charge since out tall weekly retrivar. The antra no the whorl runt ita come SOO. Ititso bids, principally at 31,1 a, although acme . ha. mild as low as 81.1110 St p lii. hales from Flare have been confined to rtgalavitmlted lota to city trade, at 61.370k41, manly at retort flutes. 11811Vre notice a steady demand .the market a, prietar—ray, In, Markarel No 1, •14,50; No a,lll nod No. dot SOM p bbl. !cep( Salmon at 119 IP bbl, sod p 1 on. Boles of flemng, TO p bbl haft at •nd Cod 6th • IMMO kEtTllEßF—lieeelm. eck , end the 111.fitill.11 wet • ',sterner ‘ t :;243, V IS. PREIGiIT3—The are been bur darirg the II rapt/bed. We r, tote good &ream Canal rates from Oar a:a.m.:Jed LTI7 Bacon a Da Iter. • • a. Beef, sall4d. if' • • - UV Lloc, ...... G 2 Llrigtics &Malt 11.1 e 74c Lase tend 4r. Lard Oil • • 4re Oils Not, bbl. 112 e D:ug. VASS ...... • Drat/ 02egA de Skins. Deere Buffalo 75e Hlnor Yarn+. Ilrmtra. ..... Malr Tobacco, COI.o ITar Ar er : Wool • ‘ , 41 k ti-1,. ° i • lorlykore =7 0414 . 44, fiape.2 Bug'ng LOc mt. Famous I—thome to die (air amen cf water tent the reareity or freight., the charger from thin /mint %vest are er ametratlvelv lAv for the tenon. The nominal rale. •re./o Cincinnati, 20.3—e; Lonth•ilMi 23 and fn Lotus, fOe V I L PRUIT—The demand it fair ',with ~lea of calsina I at 612303, 7) P box. Salo. o f Almoudt, at 1600 e • lb; of Ground nuta. at 61,7301,37 • bar; of Praeans, _cone; of Ftib o o o t, at %foot CI Cream noir, et Cline, of ,'Ante Carraroot or, English Walnuts at 7 0940itt000m, 110160 • 6, Lemon., 65,00 063,01; Coma trata, 66,23 v. nonce a pommeled &mew in So Grocery tnorket, with no ntheenetne tendency on lament the lighting artictec. Sager in eery 6rm with •. . . ittlnsin lols of 010 10 lads, •tFilOrYir, no In quality Mitd Leone of sale, neck light. ALA ..... Is also Lrni. aL.TrIL/37e for N 0, and 4so•fon 13 IL The monk, or Rio Coact, are gale bowed, and( Owing to the recent ...,„.„„,„ in the east,'Vrires have'tooaatcrlally stiffened la ties market, and It generally be lithos, the views of boyers—ely.l24lolo tar to. T e regular rating rates far Lent Sagtr4 re 0,14010 e, Oncordlng to quality.- 8 timid Riau id Leyi.z.srma ' • (in/set—Ten r ecq I pia olTlVlstiat hare been roe fair il Omit, yltat toi:el her Orionima bon7.endoparittlrely ligid. l flalea elf NTLealduriog . i'iti 'meek sate upstome 0o:1.i.V1000 hoe; el eie V bu.lio is receding, and ta n i held Iry her in store than flee 41 , Dal delve from Stet Lag de at 4:445n 0 , be. - tio'lleintn. 'sees or Rye afGen, and of fern at Cll allle from &FA Land/. .We Lave 'no goJes'ssf Vatic)/ In report. very Ante 6.armved. . I ' GLaa?—tVe i•ntire no ebee4e an Window Gina. l Oates lon'eity brands, Vby 10, et 7Li10.14.19 atB.lo I 4 , 4 ) , ..1 4.. Lai. t. . j ,! • 1 skinidry 'monis are RIM let lower priVci;andrrtiey he 1 trebled ill folling.t.! • : • - f. 110 tly .13 tt , by, 10 by.-I0 I{l t o by,l7 11 V—Tto,,retp. of is etop 14 wagon ta 'l* f .f. ll ; 4 f.lA rtgolitt is'es it e9fii)asto,4* • 140 N ik; 51.4 11.4—T4e (lowing is a eoriveled Ittt of a...priet:4 , o lie .and siztv.and domenpuon. or rieliiii 44_ 1 1400tottivivtiron. .I.Vo give U. oottide ratCe;o l. 4.f!l , , . - „... _ .16-i_Ev4:ll I: . 2,`.4...... .. :.. ...... . --10510 •:i .174054 otoi -.ivre , 1ier...................v 03 a ' , n " , ',' .... -.: . ; ....... 103 k , , ~..• ,: = .... . ,, if - 7--.--• • •. ” . ........ 3406 le • ~ . ...... ... . ..... 4 ............. a/ OSI, • Na 1..., 0 , .V) Xe. n n: .... : ..... • • 13,25 p keg, 4 .41 . fie:. 11 1.331, ............. 330 r ..1 3444444•1ptanY ............. 4.0 u ,t• 6 • • potion .............. I= u .. 4 penny 1.30 u 3 P lllll l 3.1.0 u th,...—c.t, 3 to If took- • • •- • • . i, • 4,e0 Cal i 5 101 l each •••.- IA " spa 4 W Z O CI4 --•---- is, " 4 • LEATHER—We notice tie moral firemen to Leath er, with sales or Baltimore sole at 2000. e; awl of Pies, York torte at 'rattle ♦ b. Par other descriptions, the market is fine. at fall prices. I.l 4 .:AD—There fa a regular &Maud In Me market at 1:4 1 / 5 1a for pig, and k for bar. LIAO Pu.s—Tho present range of peat. of Lead Pips I. 7pm. e root, accotdlnt to CIL. Sum Lynn—Sales at die by the chest, an tie ► D when en. WIRTZ LLD —Pare lead al selling at 62, and No I at p kea. LARD—The market continues doll, with • 'limited be tines., in bids and kegs, at Oi97e r 6. of Louisville Liaue.are effestad ail,t3 ♦ Dbl. LUSIBER—The following aic the rnline,prions from We yard,: 1 hien Common Board, per 1000 feet, lit 10 1 do do do do do 1900 11 do do Plank, (PHI do 11300 2, - do do do do do 91 00 1 do Clrar Hoard, do do 24 00 1.2 do do Plank, (P IV) do 71 00 2 do do do do do 40 00 Pin. Joist, (11 Al) do 11 00 II do do • do 12110 H Scantling do 10'00 Pine do do 11. 01) Shine., per H (seam) 2 23 OILS—We note limited aales of Linseed at 550, nod of No 1 Lard Oil at 53e S. gall. 0,1 . , Oth , .r. ' via . out Change. POWDER—Hazard end Durant Mlle Powder mar be quoted in large quantities, 14,73; and by single keg, et gs,zog so le keg. Roca Powder at SAD lln 13,50 or tare land gamines. RAGS—The usual range to no p for good deal Lord. 8110 T—Sales 31,50 IP bag. SALT—Poles In • regular way at SI,US f bbl, which is the regularly established price afloat. SOAP AND 'CANDLES—SaIes of rosia soap 44 4 414}ei of Star Candles at 21371 e; mould tallow, NO; and common dipped at Se 1 4 4 m. STARCII—SaIes at atone, for coatroom to Last. SPIRITS TURPENPINE—SaIes an bbla as WPM ♦ Rlll,caah—bbla extra charge. SPlCES—Cassia, .210— c; Cloves, V". 422.10, and Nat racy/. at, Tr No. I $1..45 f lb. TOUILCCG—,iIIe• Of WO. 1,111 Mal at it Otlie ► ib. TALLOW—Supplies are small, and you may quote m 7011 e SP Th. TAR—North Carolina it quoted at 111,0004,95 VINEGAR-71e regular rates for good cadet Vine gar from atom, are OilOte p gall. WOOL—Tut Wool season is now nearlt owes, with an oeettatonal tole at a range, for the various grade, of front :9 to 45e N. 5. WIIISKRY—Wo notice for suppltes fo %be marken but sales lave bean confined to moderato lots, to tes ta.. trade comm. et 240t,fe, for recUrad. AL -roam, Axis. 17. I.IF.EVI—The offeriuga at the yr.rtl on Monday, mounted to rotor Wu bend, nearly all of which were aken by butebere of 3104,11/.lWto net. Cnethao.--The following Tare the names of these who died in Allegheny city, of tho etiolate on tidonday Milken Tuesday morning op tot/ o'clock. John Atigheobaugh, lamb Berk, John Pfeiffer. Pmumnem, Aug.ll Konrad Boller, M. Zcereher, V. Standar, M. There Isere atiered at the yard dunces thee.. week' Saba, Beck, and three other pellet:o, whom about les° bead of Boot Cattle, of written no were &Iv • en to Now York. ttle Cows tr. Calves, 3.50 Llogs,,klol/1/ 001 "Ce". 2. Sheep and Lamb. Dr. Rem was also attacked, and was gloms op Met Cattle are dull, and prices -are rather /ower— sales at 15,75017 e tto b.. t, y his physichtn set 4 o'clock, yeztetday cannon Cows h Calves—Frosh Coos tangs front ale la Ro cc a t eeper .3. 0 took the disease, but IS now, Springers, 811.170, and Dry Cows trout et/ to 14, oath. flogs—All co at 15,5003,75 p lOU Ihs we oaderamed, out of danger. Subsequent to 12 Stec, and Lambs aro le good demand, the former o'elo et and op ta 9 o'clock Int night, there were 11,2304,50, and th e latter at 111,50081,50 each, as - • I seta/ity. viz es w Cate.. IL will be seen from the Dili. which WO give above, that the sufferers were all, with on exception, Germens. The report Wert latedithroogb Allegany that three phyamiano had fallen maims to the Cholera, Dram Cairo, SIIEIiP—A bout ffnu head, br Ina. the whole' nu abr., . &red, were sold at 5t,25a1,75 each, aa.ln tinahl;t. 110 GS—A Harmed lot was offered, all of wltteevnira *inn ti HOG • 10, Mamalots, At(. f. Cattle-1n consequence of the quality .('tack be. liqr much beffer on Monday, and the number offered beam *mall. the market was more Itvely. The offer- Ine. re •eheel SOO head of Beer e.. au of mtleh were void to 'try botcher* offrint. ranging from 111,60t053 on the hoof, equal to 6383,7 e net, and wveraguagsl,73 grove Ilogs—We quote from SS to 63 30. )1, - - Pittsbargh Stocks, and Money Markel. l'lrnacinen, Anew v 7, IWO. The followlng Is a COITCCI litt of price. at mei.. ith the vales which have trampited dating the put eh: no. Dank a Pteehargh—Capital, 211,300,0N0 fed: ed, Dividend. (May and Nov. 10" cent •• • 850 11.51 131 Esbberten Dan tr—,:ar.lts.l,llLsoo,ooU; (May end Nay.l et•--• —--• • 00 50 484 Merchants' and Manufacturer.' Bank Central, 6600.001:1 Drvidend, Ililay end Noy; 45V cent•-- ........ ——•-- 50 51 NI fbestoureb Gee Cm—Dividend, Wm. end " 1 1)4 P cern- . 5. 101 t l o le . th u eaD . rb2ge Coal:any . 341 , n.d Street " " .50 N. Liberec. " " 50 %Western Insurance Co• --- • 51 Ohio a. Pennsylvania Deemed. LSO petd 50 Pennsylvania Rrulroad• • 50 Pittsburgh Crty 100 03 05 Alb,bony County loan *OO V 7 0e Allegheny City loan —• •• • 100 00 VUe {bush's & Roston Copper Um Co, dry of 00 VI PS North dorienemo 10 Rd PO Pittsburgh*. foe Royal " " paid Si Ohio Trap Roet ......... • • • • I IA Iron City Alining Company tg g AgireiCare Mining Co-,1111,5013 i shoo Pittsburgh. Cineronatt& LEEPIVIIIIC Too egrapli Co—Canital,2l72,o.2, Di vi dend, Imlo,l ern,: shares $OO AO Allantre. A. Ohio Telegraph CO--Capital, teirteldarn; lhn Wend, ;Or IP share for Jou vary, Aonl. and October; snares, 000 • • • tiALER 01 , STOCKS —Sales of ILO .ha Pittsburgh G. Co, an u PORT OF PITTSBCIRGH. RIVIAR—TbeTe 'art. 3 meal, vrant, in rhainaizi, by eW mark last rvi-ning at dust, un,t (n tilny ARRIVED. blichigan, Tiros, Beaver. Fashion, Peed.,lubeth. Atlantic, Parinem, Brownsville. Rabic, Jacobs, Brovroodlle. l'sueilegb•sy. Ilaneriee, Motwegaitela City Milton, Davi.. At. I 0 .... Allegheny Clippie', Weirdo, Wheeling. lonian, Lis... IVbeeling. Jenny Laid. Gallagher, Zanenville. Thos Been, hillier, Well.ville. !DEPARTED Michigaoßrien, Denver,' ' , albino, Bechtel', Eloabeih. Baltic. Jacob., Brovirosstilu. Porkidon. Brownsville. YasthioaßmY, Ilitrtupee, Moi.agehda Wave, Andre., Welisville. Reveille, Red Wheeling. Camden. llensirickson. tlanfith. Cashier. Wheeling. Colombian. l;rreniee, Green, Lydia Collins. Bunter, Loui.ville. Tandoori., I lemphill, Cinema.. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. MONONGAHELA ClTY—Youghiogheny, y P. K. WIIRELINO—OuIyer, O A. K. ST. LOL•tE—Fon Pitt, ID •. K. sT LOGlS—Wuistmay 10.. r. WHEELINU—Ionian.9 y. ZANPSTILLE—EmptYta, 4 e. r. vapours ni-iiivEn. ZANEHVILLFI—Pra Jess Loco bs. p•oer, kg. bourr, bbd. rob, H Graff & Co; Mb bbl. (Hurt beech &Co; 47 do do, uhnrer & Darner; I4U d r brooms, I Lox clothing, owner. BT. LOUIS—Paa Alison—lo molassee, Cam blla lard. salters & Nicole, 50 bbl. floe, S Clortnn & Co, 0 bbla scrap iron. Coleman, Hallman k Co; 20 hhea eager, Roberson. Lisle & Co; 5 1.1,1 e ma. Sbnver & Barnes; SW bze eoap, Leech & Co; 1 toz, Daher & Forsyth. Revasees-11 bads sob, Leech & Co; le3 bbla floor, 3 bade sneer, owners; SS bap eer, oebeet, Vs'slmoslb & Noble; 29 bLls *odes, Arsostsoug & Craze, DEA VER—Pon Micuto•o-54 bee cheese, Ninzty & Knox: 17 do do, R do do, D Potion; 7 liblo potuh, 1 Dickey & co, 41 boo chaos, R Dmo; LLD Louie, Nicoolooni 7 rollz leather, R Eland, 4 tau rem, Witt & aleCondlezz; 2 eta pearl ozh, Drown & Kirirpoirtr k, t 7 inlio popro Chrittion Advcit•ta; DI bid& flour, Roliertron & Reppirrti 12 tgo 40, owner. Jues. IDmapratt dt Sens. Patent lads AO.. 834. i tl n ik . 7 o %Bor n t d hl . above a fee e hr , t tad part d nem month, perl' a Ann• Ric7.7"Lrrope,'7o:i,tt an d ether ',inns, via Philadelphia end Baltimore, warrant nd superior In both etreumn and quality to any in ika market. for genial the lowest Pelee, for rail, and ap proved by & IifITCHELTBEE intuit Liberty siren ell=ll2 IHAVE for .ale , a bomber Al bonds and mortgage., In joins from 0300 to SUMO, maturing In from one to ten years, or in umaal annulment., with Interns payablo penal annually, mewed by thy property equal In value to twine the amounts for which they are nmpooilvely drawn. 11. BRADY anorl43lo fitthr at Lai, No 101 Founts n. PLANETT'II BITTERS Creates • healthy mitten throughout the body, restate the appeute, mnila° the circulation, glee roue and energy to the system, and create a power of mils. ante to disease In all as forms, rarely to he obtained. Theywill perform a speedy and permanent ear. of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Flatulency, Ueneral Debility, Liver tthroplarni, and all the train of symptoms Coati manly called nervous affections. • HEAD/LC/1E - • Will be itninediataly rylicred by the ale oribil Laval• adble camp/mid, welch is purely vegepiblo, and 4 apted co all saes and PEZIALICS . . Will find in this Aeheats and palatable pinparallon,a combination of Tunic, Altennthe and'Aperlenl gnall• Ilea, peeollarlftilepted to Inch syalerna. • • , , . Tat e apeelge *ellen thin this artier. bed en - lhe tiver 'And Digeative rendern It a ioniplete Antidote far Fever and Ague. and 11111ois and Typhus Fever,. cu........t.., L. t. my 17114 18w. WEED • - I have used the arbaki of Phthett's nit/env, Med have derived area, I-retreat treat them. I "hat. been eaNeel far yea. peat 10 the Fever and Arius, bat Oar< thetotroduelans at year Bitter., I have en entatied rey beard althea and can with eepfidellett tileonateend theurav one er a bast Tahiti lit use. nespey yours. C. 11.1:11 LUMr Brustort.o, Jatierfth ISW. MT Dm Sm. I . vv.. moth pleasure to Mote, that Me. Dysperminwith which my Ina Ass been so long trobb ld,orwitig from Inoctlou of Me Weer, hos been en. lkclY overtime, andoured by the use of yow Mow, able preparation of BMus, mid for yoar kindnees ZGCOMlZendlrli Mem,please accept my tuns, rosirobeytiesa servant 1.. {.RIDE. Agenit,Willlam T. Dicks k. Co., 149 sad 15/ Ynmt BlreW, Dew York. For sale by •• aorfeelnlin . E. E-Yintityys.. B1:10$12011. t oa'•=^ 'TOBACCO '-001111881011 MERCHAIITS. No. 41 North Water Street 4 No. U North Wharves. A. J. Itochum.PLULADELPHIA, F.0t0 , 0 Hoot. D. C. McCootstoot. itA.WwR S. Loci% -Au=s. - _ =Norris) 70IL 'La tirratMall ?AIL! o.lTrcri Istreasaar Barman lklaiitad Or salt *Aix omor Common.—oar readers are probably aware that, for wen two or three ail& Pint; the cholera has been - raging with considerable riniler is that part of Allegheny City,inand in the immediate vicinity of Chemin street. The . blajor telt it hie duty to call a special mann:ref the COUllais 1 0 order to take some ammoniate prevent the iwitti. knee from spreading farther, end accordingly the member. of the Select and Common Comma, met la their chamber. at three o'clock yesterday after. noon. Colonel Reba:won was called to the Chair, and the following anamcmlcation wan rem': du 8.1,a end Conamit . Councils of she City Cl Alkiheny Gentlemen, Owing to the prevalence of the cholera in our city, I have taken the liberty el calling you together for the purpose of devising ways and meani,il polsible„ In check the range, of ibis terrible disease. Prom the moat reliable Information 1 could obtain, I am confident that there have been twenty lye deaths from cholera In this city, since Friday, and It is on the Incrimse, aa eleven have died within the lut twenty tout hours. 1 would moll respectfully •waygest the op. pointment of a Sanitary Committee, with power to have all the gutter. and receptacles of filth within the city hams, cleansed and limed atlii 1 feel natu•el diffidence to giving urine to those who knows so much bona than I do, bow to meet this emergency, and can only say that I will amnia cooperate In any 'chortle Wawa your wbdam May soggest. Your obedient servent, H. S. FLEMING Allegheny, Aug. 27, I After considerable debate, the %flowing resolus lion way unanimously adopted Resolved, Thu the joint mettles of Counoila recommend and auttiorizo the Street Commission. a, in conjunction with the Mayor, and a Commit tenor two person. front each Wad, to purchase and distribute lime In the street. and alleys Which seem to require it,and to employ medical aid when neccoary for the relief of the suffering; also to procure a suitable plnce for the reception of such of the sick an am destitute of a home. The fullmving gentlemen were appointed mem• boniest the Sanitary Committee: tot Ward—Messrs. Logan and Borland. 2d Ward—Messrs. Batter and Smith. 3d ward—rderars.C.ampbell and Rogers. 4th Ward—Meaux. -- and Walker. On motion, the. Councils, having no other bud ten berms them, adjourned. Baa. Rosh llaor--.4rress d Riares.—Oar emetic Shenlf, Caner Canis, Eel „ aczampanied by the ..?esitt Go tide, Capt. Rowley, left Pentergh -on Mont ay afternoon, for the scene of the late riot en the Oh to and Penn.'s Railroad. 0., their arri val attention No. air, they Maud everything gni. et, though the laborery were apprehensive of an Attack from .the Corkonisna. Accordingly, eller sapper, the military were stationed at valet!' poiets along the mention, between Courtney'a run and Bockhorn.* tavern. The night passed away q amity. howes-er , not • shirk rimer laving made 1110 appearance. They were overawed by the Sarinidahla prspe.-attons made to matte there, aid most or the ringleader. took the opytortnnry .1f escaping during the night. The nest month ea the military were marched to the new county tan, Where upward. of only at the Corkin:own Were greatly at week, led tree S:lertef, going op to the contractor, Mr. Sanatel A•lama, told him than he would feel It his duty to arrest all the labelers, and take them base, Alder man George H. Starr, Of Ohio township, us aster that those who heel be to engaged in the riot might he 'denuded =WM Thi. was the room Demaktary, as many of the sailors.. against them Were women, who were afraid logo near ti to caw Comity road. Mr. Ad m. made no obje ail the Sheriff addressed Corkoma as. In ling theta that they mein go with hint to the Alderm au'a office. They expo:weed their periect w ;nen to do so, and went into their shuttle • to eat their ineiirtasl. Aker Brest• tail they peacestd r accompanied the Shordr, and the wit muses On a primmer, Were mare omit whew thirty two were IS Intlind and taken into custody. They were man hell on board the steamer Caro• den, and brought t m In Pittsburgh, onnng the af. lemma, when the r were Immediately committed jail Oa conettr g them they were fe..taal to he thirty Ave in numbs r, leered rf the thirty two ea. med in the commute ent.tbree haying been branght op throngh mistake. We [laden:And the I every thing is now gent-ten tie mimed, and ri io that the progress ce that important Olit Wit' not be again totem:it:Oa. no shanties winch were demolished have he. ir rebuilt, and the w °armee have removed late there. A Naw lona —ll.l,yor Fleming, of Allegheny, yesterday eon mine d • number of drunkard• and vsgranti to jail, marl, in addition, wateneed them to labor white .•here —that h , to sweep out the jail whitewash and clear. the cells, and do whatever work of the blot they may be requeeted Io do by the odor. This a a good idea, apd is the only al ternative which tan be adopted to give employ ment fu Vagrant's, as we have me work bowie. Suiclol.--WI thin tittle more than • week, bar residents of Alley hany county have conindued sus tooth. It meth. If, at certain times, • mania for self destruction pnrraila which, when it once commences, does not ceme until several have falleu victlms to It. First, • German earned Shaf fer, hung hhuselL He had inert 'attuned from • camp meeting where he Joined to all the religions exercises. Ma mind did rot appear at all Moor. dared, yet he had as manor returned home than be hung himself to the rafters of Ms haulm. Next • lady, • resident of dllegh coy city, but then on ■ visit to New Brighton, cut her throat, and died In ■ few minutes. On Saturday night, Louis Pease!. mayor, • German, also cut his throw. There Is doubt, however, that he was demagevi at the time he cammlned the awful deed. The last victim was Rebecca Walker, the. unfortunate woman whose •ad cave we noticed la yealerd•y'o Ga gene. Felt—A fire brute out sr • Isle hour on Mon. day night , to the dry 6.1 eels store of rot,. J. D. Chambers, Federal .tree L The goads mere all more or leas darr.aged, but ries names were sub. deed before the building heel sustained any mate rial injury. The Allegheny engines were prompt. ly on the ground, but there was little occasion. /or their services. Mr. C:11 hag to, 11 , 1:1 understand, covered by insurance. Rs:um—Two tavern kl.epers of the Third and Fourth Wards, Allegheny, were brought _before the Mayor oa Monday, and fined ferIIMITAFINUOr on the Sabtsun. tilmont Or. ?mg Piitaborgh Councils men on Monday night. the Bolnnt. Copped, 'be Presie eat, Mr. ja m ,. B. Morns?, took amyl:kir. The minutes of the lag eleittleg Were react and aPProved. . The Prestriast rend a - bamter , efe ItiOe (mai the Trerlaurer of the Pittsburgh , Gas , Wozior, stating the7egaraitou of the legleial fedi - er Jame . 6 blusrsgZEsq., o Trustee °fluid Goa/Pally, else ted On atothatirthe Coreat4tee pmeeteelod to ballet foe mi Trustee to all mid vacancy, maid Jam:ea-B. Maeray,wita do]y elected. The Preaident piemeated a statement, trattehtlt7 tad by the Cbahciatt or tho"Pleanea, Ockedaittee, Tram the City AINIVIOT, lettibteng the element 'of Pity acid Improvitheat Tax for the premat year, ea lohowa Weida. — ' Cfly Tit:,: , ltoprovassent tii,.g. First, 890 k ha 84379 69`; . - Second, 7973 SG ' ..., -N l 9O-Z2, Third, 9909.79 395912 Fe 9 ri 2 ,-. 2967 32 4455 72: Filtb, 4659 27 ~..2217 28 , Sixth. 3679, 22 Ism 12 Seventh, , 1840 51 ' - 828 17 'Eighth, , 1., 224224: • _, 1019 la-. ..Nina. 1875 65 ' - ' ' 850 37' 150,07913 693,19710 Mr. Edwards, door the Comma' ine on Fire E. ewe end Erse, mule report,ae ernapanied sae EdEndef IME411110;m i read II Fes gag and elL adopted ; action ennextrred in by Common Coln. Resolved, That the Engines and Hate beard they are beretry ‘ sinthoribed to pur chase 1100 feet of hue, with theateusare aerates, 6,,n, to be dbirMuted as f0110w.,i4; 600 Ices br the ladependecee Fire Co., and 5011, feet for the Allegheny rue Cu : also, a eon he apprapriated for repair-taNiagara Regina Route e tas, that they be authorised to purebuc tat and erect a haute for the nu of the Relief Are Copany, •t • O cat not exceeding 152,500; also that , hey lot sad erect a house for the tee of the Indepeaa. I race Fire Couspany, at In cast not exceeding $2 roo. Resolved, That the sum of $6,000 be added to appropriation No. 4. Mr. Gallagher, from the Corn. on Wooden Bi t dings, made a report on the auljecf of the Wring down the steeple of the old Coen House, adverse (berate. The report wu read and accepted, sad the resolution committed, was,on Mallon, laid on the table. Mr. Rinehart, from the committee on Streets, made a Report, accomPouled with the at:Wonted resolutions. The report was read and accepted: the resolutions were read three times and adopted. Resolved, That the Street Commissioner of the 2nd district be, end he in hereby directed to adver• toe fur proposals for grading and petting Diamond alley, from Smithfield to Grout street, and, in con junction *lth the Street Committee to let the same to the lowest and best bidder, the same to be paid for in cash Resolved, That the Street Commissioner of the 2nd district be, end he is hereby directed to MUM , Dinwtddie street to be opened to tts cropper limits forthwith. Mr Gallagher presented a petition of citizens of the ith ward for the grading of Miller street; read and referred to committee on strceiN concurred to by . ..C. C. Mr. &lards o petition for grading Mu lberry alley (ruin Wilkins to Morris Street; concurred in by C. C. After the trannaction of some other LuisnerA of no general importance, the Council adjourned un til next Monday evening.. Coartecrion.—Mr. Witham Law called owls on yeaterd.y, sad requested itte to state that he had never promised to marry Rebecca Walker. DR. 8. D. nowsts SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, IN QUART BOTTL'ES, H A L, sl .. no g p r 7 . rallin . lrnan m j i ndy caring and end". CUT.LN WES ERUPTION:4I It wilt efeetsally eradicate from the synem and cure Sall Rheum. Ringworm, Tatter, florid Dad, Darla, t:carry, White Swellings, King'. Evil, Neuralgic Attention., and all FEMALE WEAKNESSES And Damnation, Itarrenness, Whites, or Athos, Falling of he Womb, Nervous, Sick flood Ache; Languor, Fainting Satiation., Esipitation of the D or a La.. spirits, General Liability, Dyspepsia, I. ver Complaints. Ac. It le Ppr ely end Entirely It ha. been used mph the me.t dune] sure.. by the Prolea.ion in New Fork and New liampaire, and the E“tent Slate. general:, (Dr moos rem — and •• a grneral purifier of the blood and ensign - Inm of the system—as • Genuine Family hiedlelr.e and en eIS• carton. Female Medicine it has nn equal. The purity and efficacy of the Shaker preparation. are well known; and title medicine require. no long lin of eerUtwatka and cafes to introduce in its increasing dement; inr ihp pitst melee years m us best intern. nendation • . It Is put up to quart Suebl,. - -USArI aalk. Sees. - paella thnt set. on the Liver, li.dney. and Blood at Me mime lime, which render. it almgelber Dare a/Pu eblo to every one, particularly to Impales. Marsor, Portman. m the Ohio eledleal College, says the Shaker preparations are truly valuable. and neap them to the public. he sick and et, deli ale requested to rail and obtain • pamphlet, end Wok,. ear hurtle of this valuable I emily Medicine. rostsrmsAMrSPT Dr. S. D. IIOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARJ and take no other. Price IM per hpulx-4 bottles 4.y AL For eels by J. A. Jane., J. bet Aperrager po., W. Black, FL W. Mean., J. hi. Towinand. J. 4TOle 4, W. ackson, Pittsburgh; D. A. EJliott,Alleghrey W It MeCleliand, Manchester; P. Crocker, Brown. Mlle; James Pull & Co, Wbeeltnr J. 11. Fetter.. es and E. G. Morknet, Claisseille; & Kean, Cadre. Also, to, sale by int. S. D. HOWE & CO, Proprietors, Epllage CineltinaLL, a, To whom all attires ntdreased. eekr-d&selyT - Dos Glowastak Walesa' of Yellow Dock and korsoparallas Pi J°. 'pon the:7" tans 50..".`"'"1 mere y other T w ePo c s: d Ds Cherry,•n Balsam off'ir, thus making the f reme dy more thessittyhly clfteient than toy other Serpens. silks Wont the peke, At the name orme tilt portent y 'from all mitered tolsookohlell eons., tie said of any other of the Swamp./ illa compounds. The In• stand should beware of poksos! Mercury, koo, pia Potash, lodine. Setphor. Arsenic, and many ether mi.prfil and melanin poisons enter into and form the amp, juts of must of the s •reapariit• end P•naress of the tits; fitiyeett's Compound Uwe. of Yellow Ant mod Sarsaparilla does net restate • title of the.. rshatances, •• any one can easily .erein by •PriYlut the necessary testi. ka paining may occasionally remora disease, bat ,h e r ~,late the-blood,d to completely_ ampler note th e amebaameba spiral wit so h their baneful effects that the ten to, or*. first attack of dares., prostratee awcopni.m4 noblera him or her to the inoarh.sermlating mann, opol ;ander. soother ears 'towel broplde nod hops:eon. foil .11 poisonous Sansparll , mrtpanition• alone, oral pa s iscartnred Entruel of Yellow Donkend Plarrspapitsi, onielt to thorthritile eldemilors, perfcci/r lispoksk, not palely vege:ahle. AL Aqui, of iltseue yield. to searial cuurs &Wel, Caneerovs Towers, Canenetto• Eraprznits, E., wlex, tar Plololc, the Pace, th.rnme Pore Lyes,Truer, Scald fie.. Rheas.. tow, ilt.hogewent or lb•the in r Ar l ene,J • oid and slob.. VW., Fever Sore., /lip -Done. y.", co the Glands, Mole be., Sy pillion- Dont. toms. Lumbago. DroPsY. 0 1 , PoPlio, Jeandire, Co.. nyenrw, Den Rheum, Affiebonaofibe Diane. and .. . iron an inimgclon• we of Mecca. ' • sat. !ann.-ter!. rt... ?areal, Weal; owe of the Chew, et0w..... deet... , and all other disease, trott ing towsed. trowamption. Liver Complunb Female rm✓ and eompl•in :bet and Pierre. Headache. Orin-Tel Debilty, Low Spirt., Loss or in lhf, S , Li c a bro an n d . I, Crowit.onat Disothere, ar. .s ex!:: end YO: Pang,. /graid, .0 General Tome fog U. St mem.. Is ansurgt.d. A tate of Uk•rturd ILwt df pg.. yea's standtv. The folios ing is an intact.lona, dated Marva ' VW.7I, from.. II Perkins, ki. 1 ... Webly respect. btu phyri.rvan of Marietta. Oh to. g out , gr„tyg—Dear r gin I have under my can a! tor en eat. has Le s 1.! • yew. ilearnaol4o, ) en a retina from t trey.. 4..arobs, and whose can hat boon Poinonnood hoPlew yy th ree of our beet phy- I loot her Me 511' 1 7, and have wed Guyana's 'Wilma )ark -ted a' -Wail. nemY. and $1:1 congdent that 411 Yeti,. Do ens Depaperilta .01 siert a perantwa eate She beguth than the haewer been hero., and We., a rote or two without fallsae of p.n. A year ago ate nerd watch... I will report the vies. thedor tune. wartatettellY, E. 8, pattilitill. dUROVUI.A. It Lae bowt rematkcd, by eminent men, Me d Mt ;he •:nod vatslogar of diseases to which man as !tab., time at searrely one of garb imponanco, and amt. inin-in es LaenanaLa, whether we loot to the ohacunty of me origin, ite weitthins prooess. then umbee and varier • of or.. that it meets, or de remarkable in• carvta.dy end crane...44y. gersigs ha. brag. the 4,,u.0r ghe most eminent ph.... gad In atrope. Dot there l. an omitted a ion thus di... Ur. is ; Extract of • Yellow Doelr nod flatrapasilia,n which In graving mit a per.. eye.. La the Other ageere Paws of scrotal.. An extraordtaari case of 8...60. plcuse of Donley Cllyan'a Compound will he seen Ly this St rand that teat man has bawl anger the LTaatrOCLO 01 Sarelal cebobraird phy.ictane, h op Pee. ot eight Yea... Wont deriving an y' benegt, 444kt0 effectustli cured by the 0 . 0 of • I°. Lando of Dr. Oulsotra Lump.. sy roe. • New )itax, June 7,1518. Da...Ccrtsorr—Dear PlL—Owingid gait a deb WASTERN INSUILANCII C 0 API II t we et '. I am induced thaw. /public at. knows, alaTnent Of rha handl{ I have denyed.Dom your OF PITTSBURG H. sy.p. I aras lamely aglicted 11/4 a tem- CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. hie ScroAteus disease, hereditary maw gimpy, or b, cob .obeneed on my seek, and, corium:WM to .1. Jr., gee,. , R. Mr.., Je n DNA weld, wen m eehed my rare, running - Into my head. Will insure au-install kinda of Olaf, .d extendnyv. l over my face, neck, and lowcycg. VOIR A-ND MARINE. b o ,,we a titsgnating ebagi Io 1015), Una. A "iossra Faith. itherallY Warted and-noin/nIY At time. toy die tr ees was so great that Iwaalthab paid• e re , or I to dose s• sal the disewe rittemsiNr mu , pa' A bomeituttitaticn,..igedi br Directors who are ear. wriovsty ederted .my hearing. My face All one well k.sin in the community, a.m. are determin. ...none.. sore, rro m wt , lett a discharge OF MS. t pi by prolaptlitte enlist:m.lllZr tO maintain the Cher i. water kept continually onslng out. ?cape, ovoid- pal %Mich 'they hare astsumed, as acting the boat , ed supposing I bad the '.tall P 0... we. alto, protegiliOD,ie th ose who theatre to be Insurcd_._ Ink...A diseases and I ere.t.,"mrnnemil obliged prillaiolL6—R.Miller, Jr., Deo. Black, J. W. Botler, I e,heoetah 1101111alaiL NOlTafl;oLandial I had the N. No , lcums, _Wm. EL Holmes, C. limusen t liew. W. best medical advice. and tried dain. - ont plane of tient. Istekeaa, WM. argolt, dw• DlP.Ploeottr 'rho. ir— nael,l.lLa disease continued arrow . op an refornot:ed:t7r.inrb*.th.aFit.'l"!ni 1.1 oil n i one 'w tt n et :'" a ...I:::A'.'itimh7nodtbit'el‘r!gproi*eUrredB.l,.""l" 1)Y .4 .4 0 of a P"'"l n "'" this b " 4. o r WSP' bele, eomsneered using It, and now atter having ...Id rionilein Of the Ciiiirlofteruall,....r. leas than We lollies, I ...ell midi ante tetrad tb • in and foe the fLgh JodtolPiDiEDO .ii•di•••°.°l my ballot... Lend you Wa y tt n eor ...mahatma of the Clout of Oyer and Tenn.., and Oak., only hoping MAID ma induce the afflicted to Cy'oti, for and orate meat the nabtmedidoe, and thereby erre theta Wt and •°°°°!. .°°°°' " .!4°° `` .°!!!. '" 3° . • ! mach au/raring and expense. J.,. if the same county, in and for the tkainty of• amen your obedient unarm, • „ul o ,o o. ny, dared the leah day of 4,urmt, In the year JOHN Q SpayurNo. 0 . 1 .0 it nue thousand eight Mineral gal 6_l_l ,and Corr muated rasa of Ery,ipolas. of me dice - es.': , fo r °°h/in g• i°C° " l of O y er ° I " 4! The o os ei , y o t totooro b y ha root t o t , MI Jail beJtvely, at the / aisa4 Wilma Dort sad Parvaparilla are laming. The pa. In the el. of FM* Monday ge....1 health continues to Improw alter the- stoinher oast, at "Ai°. M. caw tesboved. Cures ars not chronicled 111410 Irina Pub. ocalre o bY , 1 1 1 Yen 01 . 0 . 01 nudn• o f Lax fully tested that there c. be no relapw or return Peace, Coroner, ana CAlbiAbie• of Allegheny , that. bf the Owe.. ,key be, then and thc.. Otei,_: P.P.! pp rune, with then . roue, reeorda, induretltone. epdolnalloas and were reilleinbranalan , o ehr,, WIADr, which to Welt. respective ogle. l umen •Pirin to be ocor —and M.D. e ppm:into arimers woo arm art or may be in the Dal ott Oak nih ..neglimiv, to Ice thee and thew. POO.CtIte • th,. ans. la Juni. em Divas under lay hand at Ditlebtagh4ada 41 ,: tagaronstot year dour LOW Ono 4000aalt1 ...„, d 4 ra .thi /1_0 4,.._ nd ..1 %/12 ..._. _ .,ol:lA!lal .u th a o ,l, Cani nt ln o n i f . l in o aV {l, • ; NOMA; (Herkimer Co.) Feb. LOS O. ), F. D.0.T.!. Co., Gent., it l• with; rest pleasure ~,h,„ f mi . llo yen about the eery hippy <deals •fyour yap., Dock and Sonaperilla upon my .on, Who ha. 1,,, been moleems under dim dreedfor, loath - eon. di,- ' ~..... b),yeipolse, lei% which bo W.I. lomeked in ~..1, , 1 and wee Jar several Wombs ...bolded by .ollin of vt. - by.ei pyeleiane, woo tried their skill renemetingly me flee mootbei - wHboba earbedelleial effect. whatever. Ile become rodeeed to a perfect idelktion. no had di cers from his hip to hie Yore, which , were continently ihnn.... disgedowly oterrative metier. Itledieal an d skill 0050 loathed: Phyalelans said that hi. cue was boPeJeee—thero could be nothing done teamed Mo.e terrible marenting Mien: by neigh- bore and mreelf Ilmeght his Maud utlon near at band. 0.,,,,arey neighbors, who lied coned a child erector. n i n ',jab your invaluable medicine, washed: ma to, men , m i n i of it, and more from the renders device to ' ~ do nntrani4na while life hated , then from nay he of ', youyogyelked,ifiHMeeeA Hiree.bmlleeof 'mat uYelloW b,,, dad Sara.,mille,?' and namMeneed goring II 1 a nd 50 my ostoniStineni, he summarised IMO/0410g he had need theakird bottle, and before he had wad a balr - anen Aollleo he costa walk out : Ile - need rot all iwehe banks, end by October Mot bb arum perfectly ' 7 0 0,0004, avert vertigo of tho diocese carrot the sears ie removal, and he females In perfect heal. up to the orelClll . rime. /lie fveoverl, ander the blegaing of God Is entirely owing to the a. of your Yellow Dock ' nag...partite, and 1 exam yon that I feel smelt ander great obligationg to you, and It le with 5000107 • that soy tram Yee Of what YON' Sarsaparilla hag dope for arm . :' Re.ectfolly, • • . RUSSL. irrNo" Ileaollo NO.. Put ap- JAS is largo . b EL ottles, .nnntotelme • quirt, sad the name of the Syrup blown ' I the glemiorttb the wntten sineatunt of. S. P. Sen . nu ,. ma Dem. sr:upper. YAK. $i per Imule—or • , Notts. for D , \ le gold J. D. PARR, .NorthPAst corner of t,„, oth and &butt streets, entrance on Walnut at., a n , mined, Ohio, to whom all orders mast be' addres wed. o n , tor & Hie., Stir, W. P. Johnson & Co., Wat r knn, a Min & Clernong, Cresdnasillet Abel Tom!, Koran, el t = k l,4 aTemtntlei Robert Roy ? WWI* , latti ihrix r Pingo trit, L ia =es dr MOPE Itl b llli dad lb Dit361.:1, IT 1, 14 . STEAM BOATI3, et== Tdo aolendid gamer GLAUCUS. • • • Filbert, master. mill leamafor above and in tatme•hme landing on this day, the t&th of Assn.! at tO o'clock A M • For frelght or passage, apply en board. eng-li FOR CINCINNA AND Sr. LOUIS. • meestifiee i rilllel: p r t azllht ff slr, c4 o ertli l l N eL ° lre for the ;hove lOW all inter hue parte on this day Aug. st le Weledk A. M. For tight espaseerre, apply on board, os MI., NSIWTON JONES, Agent. Full CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIS -- v Tbo lien draocht rummer ()META, Wilkins. manor, Will leave. for t oo a, k ,..,.0nd Intonnediato•pou,... thi s ..; I_ clerk, A. M . p omr g in , ‘ or pluoano apply on board. nos es •:PDS CINCINNATI el ST. LOUIS The enureir new and sple n did ..:entset WASHINGTON. for .W. Martin, muter, will lure the *hue and ell . Iratupodiaio to d dip g , op th y, 441 Ills Wilt inst., st 4 r PO/ IMO( or pusageopply FOR' CINCINNATt 4 410 ST. LOUIS. .. The sple. neon..Ft ltst..„ Mt,Mil ler..master, edit yin. %,,,,,4 f or , end all Interatedhapm„, h ,%° ° '' the iNth hut. at 10 o ''''`%, A ;.I. " ' Par (relit.. PeeeeM .PPIT on bdunEN -A. FOR MARIRTPA AI'iID'ZANFS VILIZ — The splendid steamer • EMPRESS,Cox, master, will leave for the aboSs and all Intermediate ports. on this day,the troth Inst., at 4 o'clock, P. M. Far frehrbt or passage, apply on board, or to 5 .1 4 W It WHP.K.I4II. An Packets orris log at and departing trout the Port of Pittsburgh. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CIROINNATI, • • Captain Joint Bauman:tut. This splendid boat was built by the m ile i Lowners of the Gessoes lease NeICON and others for the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh ' Packet trade, and will leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place or the New England, No. V. For freight or passage apply on board, or to „ • ma ll Gil hIILTENBERGER, Agt Naia 1850 lila= PHILADELPHIA de PITTSBURGH. TAB CITIZBIid' PORTABLE BOAT (11NR, CONTINUES Is (reward frelabi to Pittsburgh via Dail Road apd Caps!. on very reasonable terms •td sub the asoal despatch, rem oar large depot No...tlablarace meet, Philadelphia, formerly occep;ed by Moors. Itlnghnen Ir. Dock. aneb^:dYin 6 W POINDF6TER t CD REGULAR WHEELINU m ai m 1850 AEI , The swift passenger steamer REVEILLF., Robert H. Motor, mama, will leave Pittsburgh:every Tuesday, Thursday, and Patuiday moraines, for Wheeling, at la o'clock, A. H. Returning will leave Wheeling for Pitistungh every Monday, Wednesday. and Friday. al et A. 11. atte2l REGULAR PITS:3.1111E011k. prraNo p4cfcgr The alien:ter CASIIIRft, m atiterililltn, master, will leave for the ore and alt intemedlaus ports on this day, trth InaL, at 0 A. of. For weight or plunge, apply on hoard. aer97 musogoensu.a ueinr—s:" MIMS& ASI. Oa/y Ta 11111•4 at•glag. Via Brownsville end Cumberland to Baltimore and Chiladelphla. i 9 Rtia•rmTr 51112 rrME morning kat Mayes tIM aboya the /. brides, dolly, at 0 o'clock precisely. Time to Balthnom,.2l boars; time to Philadelphia, 40 holm The ercolug boat leaves dally (except Sunday ea eninge,) at &clock. Passengeent by malting or the irrentng boatorill c rop the moantalre amp. Mgt da)), and thtta avoid night travel. et,.ra your tickets at the OtActi, Monongahela Hausa, M. Charles Hotel. liettf.lY • • . INEN Arm , pirrsututtn! a - wiroziNu recirEr. The apleadltd & (am running steamer RIITPPER, W. S. Correll, matter, hiving under nene • tboteugh term, will run here. VirffeV, lo g VtfitturerVilroU rd Thursday oteruley i 0 ' . For &tight or vit.4re apply on board, or to 00 4 IY. P 1v11t.t1F4,441- •• _ . _ _ 13=I nalTbe kw ligbt dught mer az, I ra ONIAN, Will rem ee her regular aim! to Wheeling rUla day, lea, leg Eurburgh every Monday, Medneaday, mul FN. day, m 111 detect A. M. 411 " 14 4. AROUOWAIL — , RIMULAM DAILY PACKETI FOR MONONOI lIELA CITY. Ili a The splendid steamer Y• 11F;NY, Capt. ltanapce, arid leave ler above and all dav, aid p'<doek, P. al. intermediate landings, every Far fteiral a , PaaatilP apply. board. (aaglTatta, SPEED INCREASED EMS 1850. MAR 513111111CHL •a4c4rp/MIGET. CIATIAL 114114 rali.D CUB N AUNTLNIRDO3, PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Dully Lints Express Packet Boats, And Rail Road Oars, (EZOLOLITILT . POl Pnnesnolu,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, 240 miles Rail Road, and 140 males Canal. Tane—Sei boars. Fate—RlO thmogh. TP. rpruv , Bell Road is puled N daylight. ON sn after MI. dsto,llinb /mama ma Central Rail Road will von TWO Doll, Dulls. Irosalninga coo from Ilamlogdon to Philadelphia. Th. ears on the st.INIVC road mid Um Allegheny Postage Rail Road its all newnd of th verg edst description to the esuntri • a;a, a 1 the Increas rpeed the moon. mom, yamengets or Omagh with dOrPoleh. A leltet Boat wilrleaSe ever)" woman at G o'. civet, arid evening at 9 o'clock . For beet,, bpeed, arid Comfort, that room Is de. cidedly the loom preferable now to use to tho Eastern Cliree For wattage or Infonaut-on apply to W SUTCII, Monongahela Home, ato LELTII & CO, Canal Buns r o—O nthat lid September, tile Cenral Rai Road be Open ID 110 Inisysborg, when paesengers will go altrough In di bola,. till mail. /850. Altilill 1110WICLL i pnoTruen, FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCHESTER, Ps„ Messer Poi AND LINE for 'TIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND ELEVEIAND LINE, ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE, WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS,. towing and slapping batsmen Pitubo . rgh foi;V::r i l s er by Mara boots illeugan, Lake Lem, (;Dods rOrpsinei an/ promptly delivered to all UO. on the Conals LOOS, Si the low at rats.. nippttp pall Osman direct good, to "Llidwelp•Laoe.” J. II BIDWELL., Wator rawrono i tapirfie ,ittPLLtNa ITUIE underegood jurfite r eqmPloted the'' RAII " 1 NW proostrotl atottziot ottterlow • KIWI e$ slow, Aildiolicoutfti CovittArtlo MAtftoir• Lakosco • , • ; blot, tt.s‘itonillOwaSt4l 4 . l .ol" ...4 ' 6 ' , tsz at toottlfie lathe *alive ..0t:1tt., , 0 , tvcr..% 4 •Atn. uty . totanatiatomof Ofttn: mutt Gabor ' •••• It UM/L(OM sonidentlT rocoguaroded as a=pe.' liar go Otte. for ,AU•r000. to aoy to matte* • Aud•ann •floWltilikoolioit Um ottoman of poretwelo •oiltott to tOls noarbrunah of botoo stattnactozo. Al prooota theAwooltottoo is Nall Comoorolailltrw, .I,Theryr 'mud. , • 0.0. HUBSEY*I:4) Ass Mahatma Zelrasaam's ,latasta ammo cow, ,Pair. at also Olt? of P Inaba/Eh.. '. Ca 1 120 20 10 0• 1 h!OORI7II6AAP 7 M'h — W. %%DWI." Seel Taltrztatrigrglidlitr.,g Offiat,..lassad Witiasu &atm J. K. Woo re hmsa. ihM7 . 2aaansta. W. A. unti R.IL y R. ?Mayan, Jrnhu akado..V7sa. ' m. Pdhar t &mord Chan. k• P. &Dahlia, Wm Col. iharorsoo, [Maw, Chas. laza, V7m Germ= austlaily OAK ITL•00111.110 BoArum 16,000:41g r aiRi a ,aanr" 64 1 . I° V'ex, Or Ntle br , OW • •-. • ' '. -VA . • • . . . , •• • • P. W. CAMS' M PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS!. . . . PATILIT/CD .111rAlr 11,:164!Z 4: ; THESE DIES haviog been adopted and highly approved in all the principal ahr!pairl'New Ter k and Philadelphia, are now offered to anufacturers, machinists, ship smiths, •••• with theuzmgc.°4 fidence, as the most perfect article in use or CUltlllg .crews. ,' ! Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used; consiste in their cutting la natreer e cßzw, they Vor weans thread, by ealtspessing over the iron to be cut, which require lick....leAr l-y. 17105, prepsrorion, - as the dies cot the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it In the prig in their ginner durability, rapidity, and perfection of wort; and in their Simplicity and litUo liatirly to get out of order. Cartlgicates. Ymui22.2124, Aug../1.1.648. ill'This is to certify OM Pro hive ?lactated Alm P. . O b oes the right of es:l4 paunillies femora , riOf jrnhe'r'sr trrot:LiPmiXer se'V)PfLf; P. 2 p020 of cutting bobs. J P BIORRLS & CO. Prut , sollrzni.Aug. 21, 1 2 12. Hering hod P W Faunal Oies to use In our ernablishinent for de lest: nine months. for cuuiog t:lf2tar in recomm end them they being 'so tot superior—considering them 22 per cent. chance thou eom i tl i sr . reira p er i e" co • • Penn Works. ka. Thto latent CM!, that ar7l,avo ntm ,e and adopted In rat buttons P W Gates , Pat tent Screw Cutter, which , :e hiehly approve of. We can do much mere work, and we belt:tan It will enn pats in darabil itr and flrteiliall,afilittieb.l. CC0110.4 of labor, oar dies known (ova .110)1111S,VASKER & MORRIS. P. M.L.W , ..e, with month,tith 6.7,1E48. ___llava %rang, Ao& 10, 18 , 10. Ullg boa. w :ia..• "Patent Dieo" for gni ..)q.r, that II more Liam, and have no %calm , _ _ gas our opLnioe.,l,., for l'mcr 0 1 •11 in present oft far excel. our • •Is . boltr, % BICOR & -••• v, l byre P. W. Gates' •IPatant Entsvfor tutting mewl, and daleoonotny of nstra tboaa. to very eattsiderable, oat 're leek upon Ora, . la to every establishment having •any comma, :f strew. tO rob MccOLMICE, OGDEN CO, Gamow, May to, ISO. Oanttattca Or co, Wasts+itosott, SepL, I have porehatati of N. B. Br-0,0433, the u n i ted Stales, the right to ureic 14.0 rite ROUSES, LOTS iti'Althi6, &e. TO LET,', • ACOMFORTABLE nod 'comnuidions Isetting, in Avery. Bow, Rill strict. ApPIY to lIARDV„IONFAI k CO aagQ3 tAl Front st roi'uoi.W Cool ititimaisr at Atratort. e I N 'TUESDAY mowing: , September 301. al II o , clock, ni th e COMMatelli Males room, Cotner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sol 4 A tract of Land sitriMei}.ou tae Fast aide of the blononvithelA Ciser,abont font miles above Monon gatelg City, Intently owned by Oilman, and litun.— Contninlng atout63 Acres, one half of 'Follett Is antler Cultivation, with alarm lions.. etn4, ak+o lux comm. Mons frame dwellings to ottnneetion with the Coal Work.. Ths Pit opened is favorably located. for draining and ventilation. Vein of Coal ion feet in deep', and oaths' , Very smietlor. Title Indisputable, and a long credit will be given on part of the parehaso money. ass&wisTkdfantra '• P. M. DAVIR, Vor Sale, on Long Credit. ALOT on Wydn Logan, NB (rat ut front by IYI feel In depth rp an alley 0,1 Net sable. iff4E o o i ,4 f act y y d n L o n .l afar Fallon, 44 feet In 'Apply to' t.a. Net *ale, , BRADY WILKINS, angl4ahf . Att'y atLAlrr,lol FonSh • YOU RUT. A (WALL HOUSE of;ilo rave% jn the Eit4t4 Ward,—Rent Io.V. • pply at this aye. .rego AND poesep.ion given iromeddate_ ,ly E.ory pick D klltng Nome., No 09..Lahorty erne h'end oprosito Third eh ALSO The Second nod Third Stor ies o: Mullane., No 3 Nukes strut . Empire of R C STOCKTON, &aka Hera, 47 Market el. TO LET That lois soldnurclions Dwelling House aid Lot; bri *Mob are la goad Stabil and Egi Carnage House, being tat moony of, and lone tho 'coders* of Mrs J •a Ala gee, Bloated onWebster at, near ' • rands oreet. For terms, apply to ll' LOIV EE =Tad P9WISn t. iTo Lat, • ggllfE largo th ree story Brick %Vaudoise, on below Ferry street, manta& fun. Wotan, Aso meet, on reasonable terms. roasear4r, Oren diately. Enquire of folhatf • F. LORE a. ITAIXADLE Mild ESTATE ON PENN ST • LET y Ir OR SALE.—A. Lot of Ground stun. o Penn street, between Lily and fdarbury streets,' adj. Icing the bows and lot novroccupled ay Richar d at, having a front of lift feat, wan fa den* 15d feet nt sold on tar °rabic terraa. Trtlf,atteasepttonab s te En , qaireoj st, atm' IV ed dtf ti itvegamiii city far is 1.. THE alit , * erthers Deer &Wools a numb , . o •terti Lotto, mats In , the Seaond Wud,frontin Conran trotted, onessr term. Ingo. at 0'11.!IODINEON, Any at Law/ ez or of JAB BOIIINSON. ie.dtartfl Gi.J•Ites"DIKETIL ALlyagifsT/SUISJS:JS • EL'ilia t trottExavAV, 00161910410 R Mere nu, P Saeronento Gay, Canton,. Llt , end ad ..ees made en .nelgrauents, and all agestey busmen promptly attended to. • 1. a.Fr rum, wZaacciarat, UM. mayin Adapt.' J. CIALLILISOZI 14.1i‘114144,, ATTQW? LAWS (VITO STATF coin 1:10 vjr ittans,.ll,ear.low;edgmeawar eda, sc.. tigßce—feurth Emst4al.l. tara.olsT MEO AND Wlolji AIIeOh.IAINIT'S, earl-ll : idea the Lareilent Te.• . :41 re( - S1pG(10( o 7 5 'Me ben imported I'oo 40. Low ptieed, damaged, or Mier.", Teal ate eat teat at ma .tabliahmeat. 0 let. tanners' Whale Diih NO beta Tanury; Chit be.,ltL bleached winker Denham Oil; kW bet, do do Nilotic oil; • MAO gals I.ll3l.Candles Sperm Oil; Ito Las Sperm ; int cam by . ALLEN & NEEDLES, lk,14?I lIIRSDRANOIIks J. Fltnnsy, Jr.. Agra: for the Pram Lift bisurailes Ca.'rf Phila. oh;hI . Fot; Western the Weern Dorntance Company No. street, Pittsburgh. 1 Pamphlets, with all necessary informilion and qlank terms will be fornitheit. • Iluslituids ply insure their lives for the benefit of their wires end children; creditors the lives of their debtors. The whole promo of the Company are diclded amoog the holders or Life Policies. The dividends of the past two years Lore been elcb.! ty yes cert. cub Tear • in Ilichaage Itarakittsbursta. A GEN ERAL Meeting of the Stockholders el the CS. FlOungs Pitug of Pittsburgh Intl be held at the Banking Home on klenday,tke Vitt day cfSeptember negt, at 31 o'clock, P. u, for the purpose of consider lag and determining tpork the Act paSsed at the late ' wswin of Ake Legislouire,, ~e nding the Moister thereof. DY Order of the Directors. 2 • _- THOMAS AI 1101VP..Cullter. Asps, 10. I234—asigltdul CO.PARTSLEteIIIP. OMR.. P. SIIRIVER and CHAS. iiMINES have this day associated themselves together; under thn firm or Shrive, S Dames, for the transaction of the Wholetadelirocery, Prodoee, and . Commission bad. nem St Piiir /Lai al= Second - street, between 'Wood and Smithfield at.. Pittsbdrish, August ),140.—au4L NAglan,lLtallS JOSEPH IVARELL. MANUFACTURVII OF GREEN GLASSWARE, Vials, Settles, and Flails, Yorter, Scotch Alei fillnerni Miser, relent Medicine, mid ki , lne Settles elaces9 descitilicur. CP, W..INDOW GLASS. 'Weeps consantly on ban d a general assortment of the above articles. ALSO STATE, as the ad:teethe-en Glass Feetorie• are ALL erorrma, as Is the eastern to spinner, Tuts FACTORS to NOW in eau. ortnesson, and - will condone 111 operation troth summer end winter. Orders sespectfelty solicited. and will be filled on the shortest nodes. Warehouse, N 0.112 Second street, between Wood and Smarmld its, 'iusbargh. )50:diT um, P. samMICI cs.s. SHIMMED. & & ARMES, WHOLESALE OROOERS, .Produrs and Cornatitsson Merrkants, And denten In Pinstairlb . nanufaenmed Artiel a, XQII. /30 wad '139. Elgtooml stre9t, DeameenWoodAnntbfiald,yiusbardb. an, BAN KING HOUSE. J. oiI.SQTRFS.9Jc: CO., No R Wood liisst, Pittsburgh. CURRENT tIONF,'Y RECEIVIXD- ON DEPOSIT Collettlons made on ail the priwipal cities of the Untie 8 41e#, upriul/7 Cleveland. Warren' and{lVO. Telegraph Conapapy, f e etiolat Board of Ditto. I. N to P r o ' l'lft . e ' Cleveland,Warr e nand pinshargh T , lnt'sPh CamPattY,teriesting the Secretary tomes. out and caOSO to be published in the newspaper. aloe the lire, an exhibit of the financial and etaer stain of Ltitis company. len taint Iltofellorstsig Went— i ..• The line of Telegraph connsterices at tilevelsed mad terminates at Pittsborgh, puling thrott,gh Rtiftrfin Fans, Franklin, Newton Fills, Warreri , l r tiaaX: l l:2l ll reel t sA w el l' IT . jte Stale IPT el ' n " ill 11 a i N C :: , 03 kb palate tnr . re re . ages toning rot . the receipt god trausetlation htlaisfdpa. • ..' r....., ~.• - • , .' Tild whole length of . th_ortgi is apt offica,Colofot Batt, 04 Viper zinc, mer { fc a qs.k. *pow aim 11. of eV , '" ofl9Xla a kniohni.4 94*.ii,,bru,}4;ibY-falXens tr A tet, ttkatil 4 , - Wier WO.. e 3J-0 . 5 1, 09 0 /n4 l a ii, tho qt , , t , of so& .- . max. • ~ .3 , 4sPrl*P°3 4 KY 4 iiipmajoralloih.r...,,=ll ..taumit• .. Pricl_ . . !f r :sllllloletr,l l , 3 4 'O2 PAINIVItItiWNLP•.•• citar,, odfil4thfo"Of4.o4lpottOcAgfeltion;cocip'utc.l E,off,tbo,„OpLetel4l.'..4.4iiPti kq,b.,,,1T" orolotsCam...., l :”:4l` 4: irtAgb 74, . . 4. ,,„ . piiub.rgh.. l . l7 '..!s,94strrriPit . .!: ......._........- ~., , . , ''..Y . : : :raillf..iftileif.litsctwitfit k• • - T . ll W:4`144.',g0,1'.:41:11Vtpa . .m, E NT. .. 1 1Siikili*rat t bdwar Multi*. 56 . • • ~..(Siceenot ua ;Johmsoli ESPECIPHULLY: Wens:a his. friondratuldbe eat ' MOW el: the add establishmen .hay basins posaltated lbs. Ptirumg Orrice .a Doak Bindery of the 'Manny Its is prepandio caseate with acaltets tadlapateb cooly deserintlen of • HOC% . a akt puumreti :AND aisterc gmastoopkot the Making doyen. Seat of the 414 ems tor seventeen yews pan, he feels confident of being able to render eattsf“ton to all who may favor idm with their patronage. Asaustlit t 1830.—analtollat FLOtal-4U gnapcnor Flour ter able by 8 WICCt IdeCANDLEM Ito 4 PLAJUA-430 bra "Amity Milk" rel3bs tor babe by 1r 1 6 6 6 6 W. 461/44%).04 Iries under the superclean of this . Penang...4 P. W. Putee.Patent k les. fbr centre DDIVI. on =ate, th .baviny•,heen tried in tsetse the large me), mad ey found to be wry efficient and excellent. , A. TAIXOTT, 'Col. Piety:num ' '. . . Braman ow YAIIDD ADD DDkle,_ I ' . , W asontorou, Sept. 4 . 5, IRS. Contldering Catest Parented, Improvement for car ting screws en petal to be a •atuable one s ! have, by authority of the Honorable Secretary of 'the Navy, purchased of tiro Attorney* of the Patentee, Wu, H. Pc 0v111e,.416.41.1 15101C01, , t1:11, ile r l i meht to mak • nod nun " id °s 7(oli n tl e lT : ti, edict oranrew In use also by. Buffalo Works, Marano; • Berra &Ashlar, Rochester; Bendett & Co, Gloucester, N. Y;7 l • Ilaysiood & Snydr, Sebuylkill Coltntr, Bltbeik. Nes I wit: Pat tot t l7:=WlL b or 'r 4f4; " Dentnead & Co, Monument Works, Balt; o, Rochester . ; ' • Annus WYosrs,„!'",;olu'k? Peae k Mornay, do; WNoorotifnroFoundry , b_al • A Souks, Brenterborkb P , . LAllJlTao.kihtilln.h:kl6CNoN"fi?l,StilL;°"th4l47:74.l7o:l:l7.;". 711 and numerous others. . ' Parcae.. .. ... No 1 d do ashine, 10 seta dies & toes fr fto • In.,'prl. F 330 No ' _ *to lic 8230 N AZI do 4 :, do Ito I, pr ! . 81$8 All pratis addressed to P. W. Vale., Catiell(o.o. 4. Hanson, New York, P. 11. Marshall ts 00. NW?. - Salida, sod UAL Secardle lc Doss, Cedeago,.'for Dies napsorstth or without rsatchutes for atlat LS.P• "&stee_t swab priatuentioa, . .. .. .________-`7,.....T 3` MEDICAL. „:4,'iteorfellitruiliu.ty4t.l::'lle: 41.4 •- & CARD /142.141:M.11ery,i,F.M.4 of Taal on at.k„,_ 4 3 varionibreac "1 0 % frAtidenc• , - ~, ... cum). --", , 1 D ... ' . l: 1g42.! I PLIT.I.Z . ::'="; T , . 7 . U 6, • and readeree, foe the present, at Pe ..'" In Ralebealer, abatediat,ly above the U. r 3 .• Masa; liospaaL . 1e1a . ..11.1ta i - - —-- - - ___ ilvll .., Lit.. __ T. ii.olitimm'u;N:Z, Etr,, f.:kr,tlt,teAl„ In r4d Plash' g that be has totaled 1,,,,g,,,1F p er .,,,,,..,,,,. Plush t ab, for the purpose of pert'. s a h prompt braze as of blotbeLuo uld Sorge ca. tly attend dto at ail hours of the tlay ...hught. (Mon ...In own Ho ltaThird wee:, batman Satz/141i and 0 ant itaaarzem.-.E. Stanton, Esq., Fourth at:; F. Say, llookller. and Stazoner . Wood swot: It•rhosaody, Apoth ear) and Draggist, Pena g. jea,:gily 11,11.4 AN: We 10 4, tit I 12t, IN IN A . , , Ell MAGICAL filil EITIIACTIO& rnever felling,Pc/nDeetrayer,and ceri sin °aro Seggo,4 . 'ihot,_Sore and Indented Erna, el iPtit i t i Mtn 4°.pu=rol, l l="B-1 d and Ineeterate notes, end 4/1 enlarge.* tenuity dieease. 'AV ENVELOPE AND BOXES or melt ~ . ENLARGI•II/ SIZE! it ~,,....).. :Counterfetis.;(4lM,Vg EXTRACTOR In tb.ono urtgeu.., poen the : tear/et . Stanthete es you weld k.A.cte,. • lip heves tho simile in the NEW DitESS Oa, 4nold.the clang.' of being Impend epeuty eosin. thrleits ue consul of getting the Genuine...lead i'oln, werehur, hear 50 per cent on the avenge. Chartglosa to Dealers. Grans imposition Ls practised opal Dealer, by an: scrupulous operator, who pupa the counterfeit stud: • counterfeit of the old ertaaper, mined with • few bone of the genuine to each deren, and that etre, it for tole at ti reduced price; This Ram catches nosey dcalerrr bat the confiding, innocent 'consumer, who Du. dm apogees aniele,pays the penalty! Surering. LIP, ungainly testa and angle tesulting frog severe % wounds or cores, and anon loss of life itself, are the snairseuttences. Cana I*.Pottat 4 gap rag Partioularn • Of one or ihq Qettt aetetelY Warta and injured saga.. ors ankh/five and disanuous HAGUE STILEgT EYa PLOSION,ixt Now York, will shortly be i I blit heti. hiaol the. NEW ENVELOPES, the LATIGE /AA ES cad nay AUTUORIZED AtiENTS: ! , kreSela tne New Circulare for 1930. ask ll*synehtils on the new dinerthe Triangle, Squeal, Lion, S ots, Doocontl Englganti /I.llallers woven signature. ILTAnaid dna...en/ad ( Mods , Vki boy Dailey'. Et. tractor oar, In the news ersa and Liana not es. • H. DALLEV, 4 0. 1 treadweY, New - York. 'Smut 1' Nnewonaa, At bib eLy;Ctenenal and Wile le sale Arent, . I V4f.'kofstat,Agetel, Pittsburgh. N. 11j-,The nanaerof 'Dealers who procure the Dai ley Sabre, new go, from either the Worley's hint ing. ex Nola his tall prized .gems, will be pithlished in the mere, in, gable to the public mare. eel( Of IOASI9 deter:ad To Shrtittana stla Wsustorst Illlorshasstoe Doussiam ppranuid kEEFIJAIERY. CLLL unlssellbor respectrUll;blVites pebbe &Udall., to his egteustee 410ek pertusticry, Soups, ,Okavottig kwaTded by tbe' !Mimes of Now Yorj e ssestan7and khlL dolpbfa, ilia latter being the only Golden Medals ever awarded ibz pe:fentery author to Europa of fit this • Roomer:le Untirrausu Bann COLN. ;Almond s Rosa, mod' Amk000l,) univerFolly acenowleYamt ler be superior to any Shaving Crean, in this country or . Europe. ~ Ore°meet not SnAvuld—treautifully trterparera, and posresiing nlgirty eapontwootss and emollient proporgesi gitearteCol3l Compound; Ambrosial Shay ' lag Tablet; Pat:tare Winton. Soap. [suname eTotArr SorsaAlmond, Rose,glillgeurs, Cunene; Rillehlo, Paterinaly, entaibtai, Float leg, 're anrpesent, Olive Ott, Windsor, and Ciretarl.. Erman.. TOT TOO 11 • 116[6 1 1 C4 1 1611—Cone,lalmia, [baguet do.Carediae, Gernnitun,LJtany Lind, /doom ' me, Jockey Club, illogoolm, clerunt,,. Citronelle Hemet, and ninny other ••11111161, 16 all wale etifferent T4Uder *Aetna—Florida Water, too de Toilette, Orange Rower Water, and a greet vattelf„af • Cer, to tad .I...ender *ate. . - i?erieranovions Pon TIM /IAIA--Cennthe ilear l a CM; hoilqao 011, itandollno, Tau Unroll., theine, Cam po-obi Ox Marrow, 1101 r Dye., liquid and in powder, wad Philoeomq itieudno, and J cony Lind Pomade. °DORMAN I'ZIPt.II.3II-00102uie Mll% Rose Tooth 11.14, Charcoal Dentrilke„ . Odundoo l . Tooth Posse, nod Troth Powder. Cianiarso-4egetable Corinne Cream, Antandiso for eltapprel hands; Cold Cream of Noses, Cram do kerse t Lip flolve,ltaapberry Cream, he. Depdatory Powders, for removing nip< canons ham, Pearl Powder, Vinaigro de Hone. AtarAilie Vlnegol, Victoria !Uri Componnon, PleolOa Soho, Leann, • oreat variety of other article*, too Immortal. to he mooed in Ws advertisement. The subsanbur hopes to maintain the reputation which this estahlialtomm. ha. *minted, by dispeaing (nothing bat kat ram ankles, and will he happy to fennel, mom who map avian to pitnanise him, miner wholesale or rein/ton as reasonable terms as limy es. tablithinent in Om United Sou.. - I XAVIER RAZIN, Succassei to and formmihrector of the Lobanatory of , EUGENE nousaet.,. .114 Clitaarit Street. iliasiit'a Perfumery later sale' by all rhaprinei pL Gr4itists in the country, . . • 01.10ESSZ11{13.011 80TWL. i ••• Cllamutroa's Mai Bum.) - T . nE abiesiber basins leasedthe above welllawarn mu, extellent estabushaseot, Is 600 prepared to entails* his friends and the travellleg 'public: gener ally, in hobeat manner and on the most reasonable terms. - is i b Ills T BLS will at alkinies be impelled with cowl eelteac of the season—and his Ma with the'best of Llyyeorl o g:lest h been mile for the ateoemaddation :of Dro strig3- I ' WIS. CLAN*fri ito 4 1 3Wol Aki an a , = l 4TVoldn7•7 l &pi. '6l tt n it: Room T ... J. D. Willi,o' mom comer of Wood lad Ell elmets. _ MOM& Rev. WS. D. Ttarad, I Dee. Wei. Est A. Lewes, Rev. DE EJ' tient, ' I. A McCord, Esq., Rtev. IUI MoUsIL J. A Inhales, Esq. _net—sf . CD•PAUTNEJIISIIIP IHAVE,' this day,' assoentied • with me M. I. H. Clear, In Os Wholesale Coieery sad ?rodeo° Union of the Etat arid be A. Carport.," &Chem I. ijydj A. CULBERTSON weo - ILL QUM. A. CIILDERTSOX & CLOUSE, WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Meer sa.M:ltit=ulsub.ry°l4.ll.llr*P s h h, . 173 • • 1 CARD. . •.•. .. WHAVARTI! , MULE ate ansercecliing new k ryp wheat, which is of ssperklimialirt: They can now runtish families veil frets Flour. Alcides" kit in itto beans will be prosopCy aUsoded isi. WIIMARTII k NOI3LS. City ?dills. -.. , ViTTSBETRIM OMB ,XVOIKS. A. , 4 , 15. H. CHAMBERS Virozad lisOtetralt7 inform the' ea goatert of the late piya; - •t alto the public eanetallY t that they Col3llllla the ammufaeatre of WINDOW GLASS, WALLS, BOTTLTI to ~ /a in their ratieties, at the Old ∧ 'fio:l4 Wood id, between Pi.% d : - jriTalhat ' lillamintto Batting. MeR,PILF & BURCHFIELD reecirrit a fah OrIDIF,OI abovo amen, whips, bareg, gnx.outd 1.1.1,06 right ssidlOi also, bloc aad pu2k we liett cOvond cas Ligitts, de. • rygli r' • Aro comenaorpas, 0 ATII.TV 11.1.a4 by tao barrel or 1I feet; O I'OWDEIZIOXII tip Waning, extra spealll; Llama a taaah's alamalutare, for ark by . I ~ Water tinnt.. -. ' 7- , :. To City 31terebant .. '7" ----- • , • eaan Pepto 11 iurerier y flte u tot ElLutiam - • • ' , .0 kess Hamd's 131.1.thr Fnoder; i • . ~,i'' „ 711 : 41° ,,,,,,,''' ' ' .4 :;,,,;rd, '" 4, inh' 0 lb.? ibt."idlitaar!"l:l:rawltioeordslitfr"(.{s cx,goaL 1..,,, . L,, yonr eaden i Ikey 'rill reecho, ;moult anewon; br . , .. 1 1731 3l Woal 4'. • Neisulte Prettiag. IIg t TIETELD' have re d a:g 0. XL, lanit ' uoul Notklir coronlag okiudeo, • h OLIVE& VAX _OW it—akaao dna.— b Fire kr; pis by ikk) JOHN NeFAMM k qQ_ HievaiaLava l at .11a alma. BI7IWEIFTELD an galling a ant I.V.lltrlitill Dmira Dress Law= at the k w plea ?I da % I:lie& at i , 1174 •=x_qwrg 140.0010 A -if Wit . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers