THE PlTTSlithitai tifiztATE. PUBLISHED BY WHITS fr. W. TUESDAY MORNUIG, AUG. 20, 1650 UTADvRrnm are earitssuy requested to band to Ulm favor. before 5 r. s " Let y i n thdaY as practicable. Adnertisetneets sot insetted orde r . pee, Sad time will invariable be charted until d on 11:1PV..0 , Esau= agent tor ties papa at Ids arcral ageneica in New. Wok, Philadelphia, and Botha, and h arnhorired to reecho subscriptions andadreinisements rot n.: PgratortraUL No Ammucan.—Adreptire maala an d aahanriptlona In the North Marmon and Uaimd fitaum Claartal, Philadelphia, reeei..4 and fur• awarded from this office. ItretrlLLlALTlMA:osiaktrial.Ll.l—SabeenNina. tor odd Trainable paper, will be received and for Ward ad hem this office. o~~a~adeeni,e meau far Pg. , Farmland and forwarded frac of °harts from f W of6co. 1113"Coacraorrt Dana 6azorm—Adverucementa and asbacripttons, for dila paper, mill bo recomc,l and orararded (root data office. DELEOCRATIG WEI° STATE TICKET lON 47111. C 01.11510 3 ,1. JOSHUA DUNGAN, Of Batiks County. unuourotroa HENRY W. SNYDER, Of Union County. trolt JOSEPH HEN OF.RSON Of Washington County. Antlmasonle •od,:Whlg Nominations fo All•glksty County •o, renN IV O! C 01.11.11, TiIOBIAN DI. 110 WE. or krasorirrrf. Vol sircorp arrsiON, noir, rOuir coNrom, NARIDAR DENNY, or MM... I roa arX•Tr, JAt4 ES UAROTItEIt FOR, aaa[YILT, MORGAN ROBERTSON, Pitstouth T. J. HIGHAK Lower Rt. COO. R. C. WALKER. Ilerebeth. JOHN M'CLUSKEY, Rotor... JAMES FIFTH, Snowden. oreseitorto erroterr, FRANCIS C. FLANEOIN, FOotourth. 0011111.11 0 . 3 , EUENFZER 11011.F9, Noah INyetut. WM. FLYNN, Lower Si Clair. O, N. couerribr, obi.. PAOR FUR LOCAL PLATLERS, TELEMRAPIIIC NEWS, .e VU.OK IN AIIIIINOTON ' Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. WADDINGTON, August loth, 10. The Cabinet-Induction or nI . tot . Kerman and, Conrad taro their II partments-The Tar 14-I raper aaaaaa d In as Movements . The Cabinet Of President Fillmore has been completed by the regular installation Into office of Seenteries McKenna and Gonna, who took the oaths and assumed the duties of their reepeetive politic:us this morning. I have before lurnirhed you with a sketch of the able and distinguished men who torso this Cabinet, clearly sod confer 'mealy one of the strongest which any President has succeeded itt - gathering about him. Of Mr. Mclennan I have so frequently spoken that I feel it to be unnecessary to enlarge further upon hie taro qualifications• and adaptation to the post he has been selected to fill. ID him the country will recognize • firm friend of the interests of domes. • tee labor—of baton industry. He is a man who is at all times prepared to maintain, as well by his art tiona io public life as by hie wordy, that the Amer. tun workingman Is to be encouraged and pmtee• ted by the poky of his owe government, let whet will be the theories, or the practice of other nos • ernments in respect to their producing pepulatct • Hence, In calling Mr. McKim:loan to his aid, in conducting the administration, Mr. FAIDOOte bre shown that he means to act upon American .. .tad nit British teachings concerning the freedom o: trade. • And while 'alluding to this feature of tie policy which Is foreshadowed in Mr. Fdlmore'S Cabinet appointments, let me describe the pretent condi tion of the tariff question in Congress. In ate Senate therein believed to be a majority in favor of any each; moderate protection of the leading pane:tits of industry, io the country. as their con dition may demand. But no movement upon tas subject can originate in that brooch et the legisla. tare. We must look to the Rouse, and there the prospect tenet so clear. By deaths, resigns lions, and trans! ern, the Whig strength, in the House, has been materially Mornistied, so that now thernis no doubt that the Dentor_rms would have the - cetarol of the Hone, even had not the Whigs so prodigally placed the power in their hands by consentirg to the elevation of Cobb to the Speakershie, who... otriduet, by the wet , ha shown hire quite tocapet. , e of cppreciativg the magnanimity of thmu wto cm:reined wpou toe station and power. As a party, the Democrat., are and have been oppceed to the protection et national industry. tiers and there is u niernbei of the party who tries to net btmeelf up u an ex. option to the rule, but the number of such is Elul - many, nor are they very reliable. The other day- Mr. Cooper, of your Suite, gave a true, concise and forcible statement of the depression and to:. stable condition of the iron manufacture of Penn: eylvania. , To due Dr. Sturgeon replied that tit, iron trade and tnannliteturo was • prosperous and satisfactory state. Now, whe the facto mated by Mr. Cooper are notorione, hat are you to make of ipartywhich ackuowled es a man, as it, est:lOC:eta and representative, w it , like Sturgeon, is prepared with • contradiction them, however vital to the interests of his Stole i , may be that the truth should be known' 1 , But, to return, the tamper of tit House has not yeti:len:conclusively tested apo the tariff. The mats of memorials and petitions pea the subject. which eime in during the carlie part of the eon. sloe, were referred to the Commi tee of Way. sue Means, after the failure of en atecupt to memo a Seldom Committee, for their could eration. Ity an .arrangement between the easjon y and minority Of the Conimillee, these imports t pagers went !Moths hand• of Mr. Beyly, the Unman, upon his mahllcly given . pledge that ev facility should be given the mejunty for making • report upou the subject, which they might require. But, op , to this time, be has done nothing with there pa pers, nor has he itarreudered them to any memo bet alike minority. As staled months ego, Toombs, has gone unreservedly over to the opposite aide , and paw professes himself ,opposed to she testa, purely because he conceives it a northern inter est. At length. however, without dim...sloe, end apparently without investigation, the MlDerilf or thi Committee have adopted a resolution, which Toombs Is to report to the House on the first oc. easion when it shall be practicable, decicring that It is inexpedient to kg - idols upon the subject at ~. this semen. This resolution will be presented, probably, within a few days, when, it is under. stood, that Mr. liadipton, representing the th:hh , , itl in the Committee, will move to amend by sob mauling a short bill, virtually repealing several or the most important features of the act of ISt 6: and rervaltblishing the home valuation, and the geed prices of the of 1512. Mr. Datopton's bill will provide that the edge/arm :bilks of the prea . eat buiffshall be levied upon • price to be ascer tained by the avenge of selling valises In oar psi a cipal marts for the year 1846. The subject will thus be brought fairly before the Home, and, %ID It mast be voted en in were ahape,by yeas and trays, tbei projected moblmation must prevail, 'or the Democratic pretended protectionists will tin smoh• ed but of their holes. Another mode of meeting the question ,, and fem. ins salon tipon it, is by moving an am: nutmeat it the General Appproprlation Sill, now about te h e Oiled, containing substantially the same previ. siens se Mr. Hampton's bill. But, to my mind, there are insurmountable objectio g• to this course. Irr.thio first place, the motion as . ,n amendment to any appropriation bill, would b a c louty no t of or. dM, and would be scidecidod. le the neat place, it" is, not the fete, open, and many mode of pre riming the subject caber to 'oo tal gooss or the coon try. It must stud Upon It a own merits, and the country must be lammed .. who are the friends of protontion upon principle, Many a eine/ere adore. ittl Of that policy mord . a rectum to aid in any such U . ,cem`t"th'n°l coon- fiction of incongruous mob. -- lams as henshall ft' scald do myself. .: Fltrt exemplifying our present tar itypolley, it is 'worthy of being remarked that the importations into this country for the year smiling 30th June, lkirie, will amount to nownr,l,, of 5200,- . 800.000, while it in doubtful whether our exports will reach within Vifil,ooo,ooo id that sum. :inch hait been the excess of imports over esports, ndtWittantantling the large alumni ague Notional, Stain, nod Itailreed Stocks which has gone abroad, specie manor being exposed, in addition. 'do the system works, and will work, until it is chanted, at do saliva rendered bankrupt. -*DAM BUM TOMS. 1 7lae Sou' tierw-porsteee re eThilKeidtilalree if the PipabanarGrmene. , ...shies on ire respondent , of the Philadela ' You, Aug. 15,1850. phis Igerfttirer repeau the Men of an attempt tC The city was neve fallei , of strangers than establish a Southern confederacy, and gives the r now, nor were people ever more pressed for rte- , irWing account of the matter: fu January last, two. Lopez waited open Gen comModations. There Is not a holefbat is coining „ inn.. an ... , ne w p 'Mom, nor a private ledginli that bas not . 116. drawn up by leading Southern men in this city, guests that are wanted. Boniness has recommen- (Washiegme,/ in which it was slated that the ron w i t h an ne tivt y t i ed h e li x's , only to undo to South, de-parting of justice, had determined to the middle guilt seasonend will exceed ih amount • lieu aropnpmtpm wll6 too Uaoa , and ealab- Trg any autumn trade Veer known. It is to be boped strengthen!, e the r e at e ete t e ,,,i the South will not secede next winter, as such an m, overtures were to be mat'. le Monies in loin set might trouble our merchants, who are now it: and to incline her to dosci,every effort wan to crediting the South to an unlimited extent. II has Ir made to induce h e r " Mier Pr ayh te er to rev,lt mains of `• B°llaln Huote" end 'ecMt been suggested that our jobbers have been helptng v i se i an d a was hen to e represented to her Southern merchants to make large bills, and that in that her only safety in guarding against these m ilt event of a separation they will be eager to re- volts and the dismemberment of her republ c, was cover these Josephs who carry off in their sacks to join the Southern S:a'ea of thin country, and one t ewela r amier Pretence of haVeg' bore d . South - Tu n' eele n n i Trw S' as " i th o ' Cre l p Th res ' ente ' d ' ;o ' bee rt tra r t the ern merchants here look upon disunion as the i city of Mexico was to be the seat ef governmeot ; broadest of all fareesourd hope axon to ace such ac- but that, In fact, Texan vom to be really the bead bon by the House of Representative.oa will set their ni the new Itepubtic. Gen. Homo. wee also Lold r l , 64l id if he would join the movement be should politicians to squirming, sensibly thinking that the sooner the hot bloods get over their sentertent, the Gen..l-17utton indignantly refused to have any 'sooner will common sense assert Its stony. thing node with the bast and traitorous scheme In money matters there is anlight change,and the t He was an American. and • devoted friend of rate of interest shows quite an upward tendency, I th r itr i gietta . na Rh was not a Candi.. to in a good merunie mused by the renewed demand ; ' M r. r. Y rilb 'n en u n rA a r l ' il folly aware of this treasons for money attendant upon the autumn trade, and able project, but be was opposed to any admit aided by die free of on export of coin. Considern- being taken until s final proprietor° to amend the ble coin will be sent abroad, and unless we have Cutwathae n h abr." he asked coarse large remittances from California the foreign ex. "me end emuwp :v'tnet nt to any by ",(0 change list Mil rule tbe money market. Thus far we enlist the matt::there. The Mexican anti: ens hove received none of this season's diggings, lint ties received the proposition with some hesltstion, may expert from this source a large amount by ev. and although they did not refuse ii, they insisted upon a guarantee being given that th eir laws re ery strainer up to December, so that there is little lording religion and the abolition of nlevery, fear of California failing to send her quota. should remain, end tbst England ehno'd sustain In the way el amusements the city has every the movement. A proposiorn to :h., earner was thing a stranger coin require to make his evenings made to Mr. Doyle, the acting Charge d'Affaires agreeable, at the Castle Garden, the Italian open; a°,cn,Baam,:anßuWin m Monica, Mr, Doyle. not to end at Bar"m' ' Theo"' moral ploy rm ' a ems m arty °proem hut mnd Y h w e eo ' nlcf c coosult ° g r' : terra; at Burton's, the Bowery, and the National a ernment. Th e Mon eon g ivgmmeni ; fearing to chinning variety; and the promise of UM Ravels move unless sustains" by Grant Britany delayed at N tblo's next week. At the flroadvray mode r the giving en answer; and it 1. understood England „ weeen hi p o f Edwin For , na , , n new com pa ny en , :if %o r t rake° any notice of the prrject sumo toed h . the matter rests. Brauwhile, an England s soon to appear, and we are to have also emissary from the South, from the Siam of Ws new "Lyceum".under die tutorship of Brougham. sissippi, I clean a 011,00 of that State, is in Mete The drams thrives well here, any we are now al- co, end doubtless m correspondence with the 1.611- most as immerously supplied with "Temples of the " attar ' . here. Dem.," as London or Paris with th eir Emissaries were dispatched in May la Rl to P ° M am Lower California, to create a revolt there,' Sue lion. The owners of the Hall in winch Jenny Land consequently to propose and independent govern. is to song rare to have the sum of SO3 per eight, a meet, to be annexed to the South. The new. of this movement Iv anxiously looked for, and un price that makes the rate of tickets look up. Dow - arrival is daily t :petted. It is believed that ever, there is enough enthosinsm here to give her a Mexico finda her provinces revolting, she will home full no matter what the entrance us. agree torte terms proposed by the originators al On Tire+ilay night, at 10 o'clock, one at the most the Southern conlederacy; and if she will not, severe gales of the season swept the eastern end of that these revelling froavlucta can come in by themselves. Long Islond Sorted, and came near swamping the I have now briefly sketched thin blank and inns Hastert steam boats. On one heel the Passengers tomes scheme, so far as it has yet been develop. gore Up in crowds, and upon her deckswere seen ed. It at ,nee gives an easy tee to the =ove rt company °Polon and women in the greatest ter- meats which have taken place lately, and perhaps throws light upon the plan of procreate:wt. " r ` "mating ell flu " Males M P eo p le Me , which has been pursued dunes the whole of the last extremity. The boot escaped with the loss in present session of Coagreas. The hill which has her doors sod glass forward, and some law of wood jest passed the Senate for the ailjestment of the work. It is must time for another Atlantic or Inn- Texan difficulty, was bitterly opposi d in the Son ate by the nitrate of the S otib, and it will be melon accident. The of the caaaal ah,p,aoo, ada,aaa 0 a t;...2 e u ti n o tlLif i n h o . t i r i czr , %fiercely, opposed by the same ^Lunge ...theta, has caused a Partial ...Penal.. It W uonecereary to name the ponies who have of sales in articles to be affected The failure of been the prime n evens in this achern.. It tle4ri the English c,,, ereeten t to and l etters by th e noted in the notortmi. 'Southern Qollins' ships throws all the letters into the mail and the C " rtresaaa r trlat'h was the propo.ed, was en leChllelli nuts. The debates i el the ship now due, and obliges merchants to wait Congress this session will afford to est!) , ace a whole week instead of o day. Our Poet Office ready means by whoth to .certan who the Mt has adopted retaliative Mellelleee, and John Bull era are. will soon come to terms. C. The lion. Thaddetas Stevens has been nominated lot re-election to Congtwa from the Lancaster-dis trict . ca . Pennsylvania. The Grinnell expedition, which sailed from New York some months since, in search of Sir Job, Franklin, has been bawd from by an arrival 11 England. The little squadron am. pretty well o Its voyage. Every thing was going on pleasantly bin nothing had been heard of the loot nonigato Mitaison, Lear: Cot—Madison is one of the best townships on the Western Reserve,rm well as the most populous. The recent census shows a pope , latioa of 3,100. The 'number of farms upon which products to the value of $lOO and upwards were raised in the year coding June let, ISO, n 1 3.1-4 Number of establishments in which articles to the value of ,S---5140 and upwards, were mantractured du ring the same time, hi. There are 44 persons over 70 years of age iu the town, 17 over SO, and 2 over W. Persons who have attended school during the year, 005. Deaths, ?L A young, woman belonging to a highly respeeta• ble family, called in ikt the atone of one of our dry goals merchanta, the other day, says the Allan; Fntrkerbocker, and stole a pair of kid gloves, while pirchaaing a sixpence worth of lusting. A gentleman in the store called the attention of the mmehant to the feet, and he, instead of threatening. do. female or “nn t rellinq her to pay double iln prlre, gently .1.1 her that she had robbed am, And at the mate time. mimed to take the glove, lurk or receiveany rominrnsanan for them; but lu terns• or odd reproof cautioned her againiit etnonnling sin again, and told ben to keep them a•n perpetual warning. She sant tears at thankful , shame, and left, no doubt, greatly improved it rhararier by the odeeetring. LAKE Selo:mons—The arrivals of copper at the Sault Ste Marie nre very large Week before lent the eltil mine rent clown sot ufTnasses, as fut. lows- one piece 4.-470 pounds,, 1.000, 4.X.10. Every piece weighs two tons or nutoC The Minnesota Company sent gloom 111.5 e, e. follows: 4,726 pounds, 1,050, 3,400, Thr schooner Spartan passed Detroit lately with 04.0(.10 peruith mans capper. On the 4th not the London lwoug,ht doWn 100,000 lbs. m maven, mostly from the Siseowitt mines Orrriaos aT Noarnaurreit, Mats—The New Haven Courier mention a most grog, and unparalleled outrage which look place to the village of Noithempton, Maas., on &today last, the particulars of which are as folloas : That morning, between the hours of 11 and Ili o'clock, Miss Martha Cochrane. the eldest daughter of • widow lady of wealth, .htcit real emu in Northampton, was awoke by tie rnstliug of a newspaper laid on her fac t by a Loan who had entered the peen. thesedistuir her lace was covered by a pillow, either to strangle her or prevent her seresinteg. The rest of the lamely were at church ; fed she had lain down and fai• len asleep. to dies struggle which ensued be caught her by the throat, and in the endeavor to overcome her resistance, be cut the blood vowel over the mauler vein with his thumb nail, when the blood dewed orthusely, and covered her dress, the pillow. bed, .dc. The :ndy caught him by the hair, nod in the horrible strife the pillow was re• moved for an 'natant from tier month, when ebe asked him if triiintended to kill her, and say. tog dire did he wergild seer for it. lie said, "No, I did not mean that—it was an IteCidellL" Perceiving the :blood, he apparently became alarmed, desisted from bin purpos and said, 'Who is your family physician -- 1)r. r. Fitlc S feebly said "pes;" when ho jumped upon the green booth and down to the ground. On the re turn of the fund, fiem church, Ur. Hall was sent for, who founds * onnd In the neck ab eft th e length of the Dail, t blood from which was with h did ge, ieuhy Martacticd in theo arm d, an and neck black ard let le i a pooled bloo bed the lady her. will in • very faint state. The fellow 'poke in ether a week voice, sad like an American. An outrage of this kind, on one of the went re seeded laden oiNonhampton, occurring on thin. day, within a stone's throw of the churches, and with other houses near, Welcome eurearep!ed.— With the excited feeling which prevail., he might, If caught Immediately, suffer luminary punish ment. Every effort will be made for his *ppm* heenlon, and, if caught, the lady thinkashe could identify Min. - - ntx Tux SEVEN MLLE: Tousnu, THIIOVon Aus.—Elr. Granville say= ••To give at once some idea old. boldness of Ches. Mons' undertaking, we may, in the first place, state that in ita progress, the tunnel passes under some of the most elevated crests of Mount Cent—otio, In wheeler, where there will be 4,67) feet of:mountain, cupped with eternal glaciers.. over bead, at the middle of the The cities. of Brownsville, Texas, paid ap• tunnel, so that not only will the workmen end ores. tees funeral be to the mernom of the machinety in construction, and the passengers and • • t. • trains to transit, be boned to Mat depth in the heart late Preaident en the 31st ultimo, General A vales of the mountain, but all idea of shafts, either to an d s t a ll; fr om Matamoros, p ar ticipated the facilitate excavation or to promote ventilation, ceremonies. The correspondent of must be out of the question. The breath of life itself must be respired, from either extremely, with the New Orleans Doha, under date of the In oda-trial aid, shape of earl - rent. 1 •••• , air 'mos - instant,thris describe the proceedings : meted, and of foul air withdrawn, by mechanical apparel. ever at work, at leant during exravatioo, "The firing or minute guns Irons Fort Brown, which is also itself to be effected hy omchi•erY of a the merited drom4, and the tolling of all the bells new end simple nature, worked by water power, of our cot', ciatf . 'l l many a heart regret that or mountain streams, whereby the trains are also Doe good man ems gene. During the past week to be run through the tunnel, which ascends from arrangements had been made for the funeral oh. the northern or Savoy side, at Malone, all the way wiquies in honor of the illustrious deserved to its exit at lialelonneche, With a gradient equal to Taneii. • Mali universally beloved, articular! tarty 19 in IPA The manhole, mice presented to the this valley. The day- was rear and extremely rock. projects into it suinollarteousty four horizon- warm. The spot selected for the Inners! eere tal ernes of sixteen scalpels, working backward, many w“ beside she grave Dram brave and Is. and forward by means of springs cased in, and put men t s d Maine Brows. The pavilion which was in motion by the same Vetter power. While Ibex' built the occasion wan covered with mourning. nro at work, one vertical aeries an earh side works , The procession being formed, proem Jed th ro ugh aimunaneotrey up and down, so that together they I all our pencipal strews . The houses on all aides, cut eel tear blocks, or either Insulate tour blocks through h a,; the o a passed, were dress, I on all sides, exceplon the rock behind, Iron which m P .7 . • ° „7 „d and they are afterward detached by hand him. bees "" Dil Simla or lam/mix stemended. The eulogy was asiermined that each of the two innehmes at the opposite ends Of the tunnel, will exeavate da" . " Il hy Co , . AW. Arriogion, in bin usual Warsaw stale. The funeral was numerously at the extent of 22 feet a day, and it is collimated that che whole ya will Lai comp I . ; tended by 'lts A nee,. cilis Me or Matameree, yearn The gallery to be perforated by the I to mo ho , od•cg Gear.' Asaloa and off. In the al chine, will be 13 feet wide by 7 feet high, and It. to'••-••• 0.1 milled at the Council Chamber, (met ant throngh, the bore will be ruttier.' by where a h , sol 'hi dime , wag mean to those db. di gisil mea ns to ef, feet in width and 19 in height tinvoisned sena by our ' , City Fathers." The made double line of mils laid. The r-stimated coo Met la.l know not how to desenbe the ceremony ut this great is only 13 9114,9421. It is to be i —every man, woman, •nd child. of lirowneville, nantechatelyconzotenced at the northern entrance. I joined In the proenalon. Even those who Imo at Artanr Morninivers kern That the Untiment of C. S !weeny, Col. Pty.:op:on cosn• mending. which hoe Just returned !Min Fronds, and Inn scercely encamped at Jetrerron Panache, atter FGVCIE servioe, bas received orders front the Secretory of War to prepare for Arrant wren and move immediately to Fon Leavenworth. 0 - dere or inst.:wham!, we underatend, have Ingo been received, to push Mrward, with all poamble dispatch, the rquipinebt and mounting of the re crane fir the D.aanna Itamments, or whom about 300 are pia, at Jeffereon Barracks We know sot lee purpose of Virus movements but 'bey lock very mach ns te,Pres dent Hilmar it preparing to 'tipped km rmation on the gime. tioca—ketween Tex:. and New Meitc(l. The promote. , of the movetuat would indicate determirmurin to be prepared for soy contingency tut if New Mexico to to he the theatre, wr opine that It is too late 'or any rtrectire Inotement or the part ofthe army until next sea-on, nolcst present tedh should benae of unimmal onildnrca Toe fast or middle of this month, (Avg mat,,, very late 'or • la Cr body 01 troops to attempt In ere, the Plat, from Fort Leavenworth 10 ...tante Ft. The lam nedy of tramps that C11.1..C1', left the For: about the halt of August, and they experience,' much ILEs:uhy, and many petoons Ncrre teat by the cold acid storms encountered below reaching Santa Fr. Ncienhcleas, if coming octants re- • . . re the similar, the I'm...hlt should be cd to ma cloth the mmoion which be bat sod In which he will have the support o b roriority of the C01.1n ,, Y• It oCcUfn 43 OP, however, that the troops tnipto readily Loose (torn St. Loots on the dir t. or titeexpedivon, 11.4 MASA to E. 1 1 .1 toik ,o(th and theta wad turther orders.-18:. L. RepOhann. A Try sts, —A lint , HTil at, I v nrit, , fagetiv tad I , the eon.. g • r 1/ tir, Tpe , , r. ratustnuee• of he roe are thee, --A niror by b.- moue Thomas Keiltle6 f •r• Pis rie Ile no eh en —l-.4 oir with tip ivy, it 1,.,te been considered diereputablemmbr/. uf aileicty. r. O,ffietalty had existed between ~ K. needy and hi. wife h., romerune base True dine-arty had In creased to suiiti an relent twit the •uturiburs end been compelled to interfrre in nicer to protest he wife from persona% viotance end de who e leanly trcm 6i-contra. A earri autopia erne, Kennedy woe brought helots • insist , charged try his VC." with threnienteg to hitt her. and be war tisund aver in the rum or 54i0 in teen the peen, On Thrtrodey night twit, Kennedy bad twen droll:rag 'reel!, and •fler mating s retort rloitneinuce in the neigt borliceol of Pnilsdelpht•—repstreil to ho farm, situated a abort dotage, from the town.— About midnight the neighborhood was .loaned by the dwehroge of fire arms and the cry of nine. dot—sod the terobte announcement was made that Kennedy bnd blown nut tun daughter's bales An express wan immediately sent to OreenVtlie, a &stance of ten miles, and lir. Howard, accom panied by Another phyetcarn, Moan arrived oh the spot, but 'neither,' aid was of no use—for the brain. of the young woman were blown rernplese ly out of the stall, and she had ceased to extra. The IninOte circumstances or the ehnoung, One informantis unable to Mate; lent it is aupposed Kennedy, in his matinees, had aamulted hts wife and Carib'', and is doing no destroyed the life of 'his but Oulu. This unfortunate man t• in good cirromitanre, and now hold. under rultivatron one of the beat forms in Hwtowli co., Indiana.— He wan arrested on Friday morning Imo.—Can. Coot Tue ftestuaim en•IEDIMACT —SOT< of the letter writers from \ Vashulmon having start ed the silly mor that efforts had been reeretly making for smile in lime past, loonli at the South and in Washington looking to n dissolution of the Union, and the establishinsinit of a Southern Chaired • eracy, tool the eoltieet ilMVttig Leen tocithetitall V. br.ehed inn the Senate. inuring Ttionday l e eating Senator ifouthin, of Tex., wino watt named cc the pereont having ell toe etori-ti.zondenea .or ordeal therownth in los pole...awn, protoptly gave the whole etory a flat dental. lle Kutch ...flint about two creeks ogo, he had been told that a tern iblc disclosure wan aboilt 10 be made itl iwine machinations against this Union, and wh,cli he was to be mixed up. It eras not till this nioruing that he knew what the solemn humbug was. lie knew nothing of the plot. Ile hod no knowledge ofany Uranus, that wan hatching here or elsewhere. lie Mitered with Use opinions en pretned by some gentle•nen here, unto the value of the Union. But he had no knowledge of any plan to form a Southern Confederacy, or of any plan to tiring about a dissolution of the Union lie could not, consistently with his duty to Ins country, en tertain such knowledge without making it unlike If he bad any such miormation, he would be bound in duty to expose it, and not conoire at a. There had been nothing in lon past history to pettily cruel an impression He bud denounced the bullld bunt and its alleged ends. He loved, and the Slat • be represented loved this Union too well to corm tenance any treasonable design or movement. They had had too much trouble and anxiety to ge into the Union, to bane any decire to get out of again. lie was In the Union, and could not b whipped out ngam. Ilia Nate would stand by lb. Union-forever. The statement contained in tb paper before him was hula ridiculous and false." Cintsua, Point l,ebd, and she mouth of thoilitO pracee4steled ng old L lend, • IMeadci 11 . 0° ) were term Th. Only polar who wee !soli:01 to be absent woo thessahant Major-Chapmarbo Woo on ritoe pressing bash:teas at the Bram:a— lit, absence, tq. ed„ was mach regretted.” ANECDOTE 00 D'EllauFwant.—VAlcuthert waa the son of a celebrated Indy of high rank, who, to conceal iscret ion, caused him lo on the step* of Ft. Hoch. Here he was tons. by a itipr woman who earned a livelihood by her needle. adopted him, maintained him by the produce of her labor, end placed bun in the college of More minim. The young man profited by the instruction received, so that like Pascal, he made new disco veries in •icometry in hit Ifith year. His borne soon became known over all Europe, and the learned courted the imcisey of the young student of Mon 113Igne. Such wee the fame he acquired by his early talents, that the lady at last began to be proud of haring, given birth to such a ton. El • foster mother had been watched, and, consequently, the real mother ha , atatned information concerning, the fate of the child, but without contributing to Its subsistence. Vanity brought about what the ,voae of unture w iiicapable of effecting. She rum day repaired to as the college, and requested to 1 ee the youth. He came. She began a Imig her emote on the trolley of prejudice, on The Pam sh - felt at being obliged to forsake him, and so forth. "I ant your mother," said she. "You my mother Your are mistaken', I have no mother but berwhi took care of 113 e in my infancy." Ha turned hi back upon herand never sow her store; but coutin ell the .ffertionate and dutiful an of the seamstress repaid her with inereiit in her old age the car had bestowed on his childhood.— iFron lie =1:133 APPOINTMENTS BY TIIE. PRESIDENT. By trad .nth the wirier .1,1 ! I mri,ent of the Alfred Roy, Thomas Donoho, Joseph W. Beek, John MeCuteheon, Aquino K. Arnold, Paul Ste vens, Robert Clarke, John l'age, !Baden Formo, lieinfict Min:torn, and Anthony Hyde, E-qrs, to he Renwes of the Pence for the county of Washing ton. in the Dunne( orColurnbin. Absalom Fowler, Attorney of the United State in and for the d comet of Arkansas. John Trutubull Can Allrn, of New York, Charyt , d'Atinires to the Republic of Euentior. Dwight Webb, of ni,,h. g an, to he Consul o the rumen Stows for the port of Fouchou, I Names, to be Attorney of the United nd for the Southern Dittirtet of Mita,. lain M. Martin, to be Auaistant Trimriu United Slate, at Charlecton, Solidi Ca Eln.ha H. Allen, of Aluaanetrtata, Conlon of the oiled the port of Honolulu, in the Sand. 2‘ll.eya'sk yamentrus.—The erects or this tray unordinary medicine are matt acialactory to all as ever produced such edam so inwrintaneaultly. I ha@ only to be administered, and relief follows es r. of contra It has been used in the practice of h. ben chyneisna our cooniry, and by them pro ...mord sacra:, if not @licence to any medicine ever offered foQbe captaining of aroma: "It is Me very medicine which was wanicd," is a remark addressed Ito proprietor. daily. Read the fallovvoc:— Ttos may certify that ore have told Dr. 111'Lmto , n Worm Specific, or l'atant Varmitage., tLi WO o 1..• at vest anbounded tatitfactloc • powtion on the comniantty, hut is whht th taller reermnu-nll. it io 14.—s.uniwere•I sPeclfic I hote ata.ete.l w•th worms. -11 11UlilIFtl & Mud Crrck Sieuben co. tiept 7, 07" [Er For pale by J. K DO dr. CO, No GO Wood Or au,;l7-dhICY Blind litstortd to a,flt by till P S. S. Larrrott—Sirt I wish to bear Wattmeter M the ...heal emu, of the 01: railed Petroleum. I was far loon time adheted strut a badly andansed and very re eye, an much AO ...low reed enttrely for about lace months, Ivan very little hopes of ever recovering be weli, and but a slight prespeet et having it re yed 0 the stare.....; my attending physseian was unstceesstul in muting a core, or to giving relief, allordet t me but little coeval - ogee:mob heated of the Petroleum about the tat of April, 1040, and gave it a malt the result 44, the Sight laroatored and my eyes well, carer • liaM tender or 'velt when I go out in the SOIL ANN lIIELAND. Mansfield rt., elnetnnah, May I, S. S L/N7C 3—,31r: I have been •Ilheted with Piles inr ren years, and hare teed other rernedww. with*. permaocnt ant,l I heard of the Petmletm. I hd.e ased on', one tows, end Mint I am coarely r -red. re , 6,1111{1r1, it tn all who are afflicted with ft e•. I base known tt. in be good for wee eyes. Ctnetnnet.. Mtty 1-.1. E C 13.1118ETS4): 1 1 line tts,s I. y err A He Uo welt, MO Wood street, It I;Hera .17 Wand M Carry, Allegann, city D A L.., Ai, , ,,,enn 14-wan Donelas, ACryanny ..0 DT the U. KIER. 1,4 Canal Ilaun. Sen:ail at, Pftrabargh tate o: Oh ie knd rev.. IL H. Co, Marti al. Priismuten, AnSxxl 5,1,313. Tux Sior ,o.dc Is . 4. the tare and l'ellnollma fled Road Company aro he reby not,Ged to pay :he aFAth ittato!olm , t of foto per altars, .r the offate ..f the Cempu ny on or htfore the 2Uth day of Atalost rho ninth io.ta,nentl on or before the ?nth day of The voOtatnlint , rd on or tpeforo Ike Jay or 14.16,,r iminilil tin eeee etr tr. 10.trattstry R 1. 0 rrrrAlt:' , or, etc or t• karu TO 1 It MT..l.len. V II Ka t.. -DR 0. HUNT. D A nicr 4.11,n0ti af ' ,2 " GetZtur, brtwees hcouttnuic 11141.n1. Ih4TITUTION• CITIZENS • INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pllt•biargh• Verasr..• . A W. hl A RKS,Sze`e td0.0.--No 41 V. airs street, in tug, wart Louse of C. I.RAN r 1/110 etitlt . AN Vnow prepared to incites all bind.oqt on h00.e.. nuanortaciono, good. erehquJ , ..e an 'WIC. and in Iran wasAEls, he. An unit , lr amaran:y tor the antlity and Integrity of C 11114.111 CM.• /A atorded tit the eliareeter ol the 111. ctota Awn,. are all came,. 01 Pittsburgh, well and rorahly knew. to'th , roam/unity for their prudence, •nd inti.erny lime. - r0at... 1 11 [homey, Wrn. Ilataley, Win. La. er, Jr, Walter Bryant, Hugh D. Kinic, Award earni.n. Kin.ey, it Hartman, 0. hl.Kler. FALL IMPORTATIOS Utt LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 120 WlAllistarxr. are now prepared arsth a Mree and fresh sleek of E tellsb.German, to Ameran field..., thing a -apermr ndoremente to buy m er* Thor< by to purchase scil promote , thrlr Int .. r.. by looting Waugh ot r ,nek, they determined to tell on the in.t aeonabt• term , aeg IS IVITOORD & CO, Wholesale IL Retail Iganulacterer• it. Denier. In LIA'I'S. CAPS & FURS Coy. Wood & Fifth oto , Where they oC•e a full and eon:plata Smelt of Hat .'ap.,ne, of every quality and style, by WWI. tale •iul 1,1011, einl to the attention, of lb•if eu •n•I •n•I run, au•urinU theca lb .en on the mow,. /10V01 66666 mug. On 51n,..::" . mornin, inonolt, J‘xs. Malt& r al :impact and Mary hatzell, agea klub:obs. The framds of the leanly arc requested to attend the funeral this morning. at 10 o'cloc a, from the resi dence, No Ile Centre Avenue, to proceed to the Young Ladles , Lls•rory lastlanto, Corner of fenn st and D.. Wor•. elle?, upper Log • old Conceit 11.11 balldtnq, entrance on Penn woe nearly oppestte the Ida change Hotel. `UN losttooteti wul be-Kg-Opened for the recep tion ni Young lauttes on the first filen/lay a neat onth, (Septrmt , er,j under the superintendence o Ire V. DAVIS and DAUCtIiTER, lota rtinClpols o he Vernal* Somtnary,Lotorrillo, KT. For tent", see circulars,. apply to the Principe,. Rev D, Elhott, D, D. Rey. W. Preston, Rev. 1) U. Riddle, D. D. ' Item 13.111• Sparks, Rev. Nunaniel %Peri, Den. J. K Moetbead, Rev w. D. 'toward, Richard Edwards, Eros Carpets I 0... p. Is I 'UTE are now opening a large assortment of Car • TV pets at oar Carpet Warehouse, Fourth street; eobslaung in part of me following varletteet— Eau . % :superfine Tapestry Carpets; ' English and (merman Mussels do; Extre •YlWlrfino lore! ply Carpoa; Sot ei hot do do; 4 4..1 .1, And Tosentty V.ll Carpet.; Sopprfo.e li;th rale Carpets; b ore hbe do do; Eine do do; Eommon, all Wool do; y and s.ts Comm. Yen earprte. Also, Stair Rods, Window Shades, Mat., Din log Oil Cloths from at ft to dl Inches wide. The above goals will be offered to those wi arch.° at ;wives lower man ever offered t this wart..t. We mote the attention of nil, to ea and es stone nor 'look before purehuing elsewhere. aunt.. W gIeCLINTO i vv. m c ,la r . oc N i t h ,: s i!n u . A n r i c , e . e tm ivV . att ry • C h some ve.rimrni 01H up, t• 'duet, wo . iovite th- IIOBACCG-60 beg. 6 rwu A rec ß ' i d w fo , rala r l , b , y . auetu Lags foriAl:Ly y„,,Nort I EAF TOBACCO - 4 50 Mich for .ekle Lr I_. ..r.* JONF.9 & ) FEATIIERS-Ta. lbs tuft recd for solo by on V. rIIIIIIVEft ft, DARN BUTTF:tt—Hoge nog brie just read for sok by slog to MIRIIII,II Pc BARN DOTAI 4 II-4 brie lust rec'd for sobs by 1 sog,ll SHRIVEN. it DARN • _ • inIIVTOIR Oil. CLOTH-30U yds 11.4 Figor•d, C pauerns, last reed for atle by Jt II 1•811. LI• 8 7 & U Wood • BLACK OIL CIA)T11 foe ilortiages—WO yO4 4 n 14010,8.1 received end for sale by 114110 1 a. H PHILLIkS INDIA .5./HIISR PACKUIO - MOO llts assorted thichaesses, from tat tollets thtelG The above sweeties 1. papered se that 300 degrees Fahrenheit writ not affect it, and is superior to every thing else, as ho substance has art mach alarnieity studs so high' • degree of heat, and uray be toed abets an pans wherep.dang 1111 Larentall, viz:—manhole plates, piston reds, steam joints, steam thews, crib. der heads, be. For sale wholesale and retell b ILLiFf3 y J HPH JO. Wood et INDIA RUBBER BELTlNG—Jumbealyed, &luxe assortment of Belting of .adage sizes, varying Ueda II to f inches in width. for ...le by J II PUILLIPS N.B.—ail Ea:yield are guaranteed lathe rumbas er to be superior to Leather to every respect, and to give saUstaeuen. Any 13elts that peeve deficient silt lie esehanged or the meaty refunded angCo liosc! —Warra nted to be far eoperior to nl Leather, }a lb ree'd of the above feet I inch Hydrant; MO do 1/ toe h do: :do do 19 Inch _do; UV do 14 toch do; 40. do 9 Intl EIIgiIICHOM For Wei at the Indio gobbet: Depot of J II PIIIILLIP # 7 h. 9 Wood at AIRILY FLOUR—.lart teceived, a lot a sapeete IC Family Floor. matmfamtired by Wm Lithe, Fag Roland, U., for sale by A CULBERTSON k CLOUSE au 20 195 Liberty it nore—ss mote prima Green Rio for sale by lij ouriO A i'L'LIIERTSON C1.111;SE TouAcco—tm. bOT , d Nl.othatored Tobacco, on band and to active, for sale by lousy° A CULBEATISON le CLOUSE ATTING-30 bales No. I, 2, and e. on hoed and for wale by A CULBEELMON & CLOUSI guoAktcl—Loaf, Caulked. odd Powdered clogn kept eonsuncly eland . vcl d for e by nut,clo A CIJLIIERTSON d CLAMPFE f APAN VARNISII—cI brIA • good article Just ire bp lankclkj J&11 brl. just jekoltoprifslalLtpiTs OIL. • rl OIL-1b LTA r.sman•hip and Cap? BOOKS. above books baying been introduced in pahhe arid private schools In Pittsburgh and All. pileup, the author ourappointed the Nthactiber she far their rale in the city Teachers and others will be supplied at publisher price. as Staled in CI=IOU. J 11 filkiliLDd itIL, agglD Woo. A v w Fgv.pc:::::t::. l .l;ol:l 4 :si,rlo°l s irg i n7• l,l, .° o ". Libeny creel. • aoglIO:d0 3----cLe,Aots_mdmr....t.bßyleacliang Powder, r W & M bIITCHELTHEB, Liberty se._ DISSOLUTION+ rIIIIE partnership berdifbre entering under the firm I of tt. Edward. tr. Co, urea dissoloed by mutual consent, on the bilk met, end the withdrawal of A. P. Osgood from the kn. The u tine. w tiee minute eel by the remittent( partners, under mine style and bra Worm. & Co., olio rmpeethilly ao lien • ahem oldie public patronage. nieg here en band Locks, Latches, Platform Preelea, and • warmly of domemm Hardware, at their Warehouse. No. 3V Water street B. e'L(WAKUI, A. P. OSUOOD, N. MATIIIfWS aogltr4.lawllT Metal. of Matthew FL Lowele, deed. et L ecl raVa i I'l'llll th e p ay s m ' e d n t, " at; t;. o r e s e " . q at e i el.. against It to present them. duly authenticate. id ...dame delay, to either of the andemigned ext. MARY LOWRIE, HARVEY W ALTER It. LOIN HIE._ RIfIL VAllSi WILLIAM, 10 German sg, Balt,awyre, GENTS for the sale of Sods Ash, Bleaching AFeeders, Ste-, have on hand, and are constantly receiving direct Dom the AlanufacturerO the shove articles of toothst and moll approved brands, which they offer to trade in quantities to suit, and at !rest market rates. augl943w r virtue of a precept under the hand. of Wert. B BKFClure, Emodent of me Court of Common Pleas, in end for the Fifth Judicial District el Pennayivaina, one J nsuee Of the Court of Oyer end Term eve, and Memel Jail Delivery In and for .tad patriot, and William Ken and *setae Jones, 'Loa, Associate Judges of the same 005057, to and for the County 0 AM/ lent, dated the leth day of August, In the Cent or nu Lord ens thousand eight handfed and filly end to me directed, for holding a Coen of Oyer and , Ter mice and General Mil Deliver', at the Court House the 007 of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday of October nest, it in o'clock A Al. Fa lie euuee Is hereby won to all Jostless of the Poser, Coroner. 500 Constahica of Altegbeny, that, they he then and theta, In their proper persona, with their rolls, records, moitsitions, examinations and moo rementhrsoces, to co those tattrs , which m their respective offices In their behalf appertain to be done, and also those that will prosecute the su ,4 ,•prisoner. 1113“ am or e{ be in the of said Lomas , of Allegheny, tie be then and there to prosecute agamin 00¢1 as shall be toot. Omen solder etc land at Pittsburgh, 'this lath day Of Loden. in the year of oar Lord one doomed eight hundred and boy, and el Oa. Commonwealth Me l'uth sagtO,lkestri CARTER CURTIS, SbenT. VOCI V Von ti Ault Acow EKED ONE 110“al.: NUMIY , n exerlle..l • rcutogre of ,:tlitzcry, Nag .c Cbns.)'J Hutt I, Penn SIM, Ed= Odd. of P.Mmtdrryh toa Company, adrovit t 7 1533. TaTErerere"rranOtqal, temPlLS':ttf.'r.inr."l.;4lCdetTr.:g.T: the Vrtoelconlora for Inc Elccuon of Tm.rtnea, woi be harah.on Monday, bold at Om whoa of tbd ems pan 7, Id the mt. of rata the second day of Septernhrr nest between the herein of two end Ere o'cloet. e. Ni , Mt the por,mea of %eating two per4ons to .1,8 c_., True tees for paid eo i pmm, Mr Lorca 7 care, Wont the aaLe ectond toy of Septemnat t Lit. •ti ;17,12ar 'rims. UAKEW ELL, Presh. 1000 11/10211CJAII IN •MT El). J1)(1 LAM 1:110 Out a tarts natant, of Itaasa, 111./ ma Stnom ~.., d .., a, ...vest und-redta ..:, upon t. othrte7s., ot 1., ...1 ro-d,lvar.t. Hutt Nod, between Pato..inol th t nt.tte 1.1... ot ”h0....n• nun moo, 1.3 Itt . 11. 40 1 , 1, .1 1 , , na...her . Olsson.. nod Slime %.t.tdr ., may ..too.. t tot , dynn.ry .1.0 nr,dad . - trf tee Lod ...retort at Neu' In 'moor apploranon way be otadd m rt. ent.ttarters oo tot toe, or to tao abornest.) . • t-upenotandent at the 'new ltrightort trrit,rir, and stOtmesuan may he obutteted • the Itati Road 'Ol% ~. to rtttsnoran. Toe eennuT 1• very healthy, and goad WWII art. maids:li paid. _wital7;dlw ; AV tf.O:ll2lS:Ma, Jr. ',can n , 1• • i . ` .11 •r. _.__ _ _ • RICE --1 0 t. p d rw. fir.h beat alto jtmt • ccurcc via eaenl,&c tar sa. tby .07 : SELLERS & NICOL& tIOFFEF.- - 1 Wham pnate greco R. G. •ale &I ‘../ engl7 SELLERS & NICOLS 134.43ACC0-10 be. Rumen fa Foblmon'Y fo l Yi lO las Price Ilenlyrootl'a 3 oases Ilemema l tol lb leap; Reteived and for gals by _sort'__ SELI.ERN NICOLS ACK KRAL' MI— ACKEREL 100 brlr m om o Me Ivo 31e. 3 hisekera.. saie C A MeANULTY k CO Caroal Liam ALCOHOL -3 bt Is jasi He'd (or sale lAy .1 KIDD & CO assl7 BO Wood .l C AS . T , II ; IIIIOAP-10 csses reel for ', • J r ltla y & CO 0 51 . - 8 . 31f 7 13 - 0 - ill - Tree 7 C l for a. co 8R051 5 2..-54).. mart., for sale b l l' sual7 J KIDD& CO Usti A - 1717 r- 1 - • - 4liiii:-tsOlOs roSTlTorsaleliy - - 1001 1 KIDD fr. CO DISSOLUTION OP PAILTIKRIIIIP. TOPlte " . n rget ' i P g:e7,lit ' lt ra ' ten ' 4l7serv 'e s! by mutual coatent. N. BY. ST JO OCKTII NATUONN, , Pataburib, July TO, taoo.—aagl7 pularrino BOOK wigwam THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT Soso Third. boiovr Marko* nu W. S. HAVEN, laaeenuor to John.ton k tluticleton,l jL TIESPFDTFULLY Informs-hie blends and Me haying of the old establiehment that, haying parelmseit tbe Printing Mee and Book Booker of tee late 6 rrn, be in prepared to egetute with acetone rd dltp•telt, every deserption of and In JOll PRINTING AND 1100 K BINDING Mettle bed the management of the Printing depart' went of the tate firm for seventeen years past, be feels ronfident of being able to render tattefeetion to all who ma? favor torn with their patronage. August lb, te4..—eoglO:dlo tAtnestrun stsd Tribune copy] TO LET. A ND poseession given the Three Story A Ilnek Dwelling lion., No 69 Liberty street, and or The Third s AL I+3, Tile Second and nod giories of Warshoosa No 3 hlotket street. bloquiry or UM STOCKTON, Dookisilleeet to .16 47 Markel WOOLLEN GOODI TM: undersigned has on hand, and fa this clay re• rein tog term the mamfacturen, on conelywnent, latge lot of Flannels. ,all colors, plsto and barred; Also, Bed Clanking, bilantel Coating, Beaver C Salinetts.d Tweeds; which be sold Dell by the cau or piece, at m.efactorers. prices. The adenden of dealers In woollen goods Is Invitecl. nouln 119 Litany rt. win!. ÜBF, ua. r table, stand, and bureau covers, beautiful patterns and prin. love, at Nos 7 b. 9 World at. aapgle J t 11 P S Clo.h; F LUOR via a:MAU—WOO yds 44 Floor Oil SOO yds 74 do WO yds 44 do 44. yds 71.1 do For sae, wholesale and retail, by & ansl 7 &9 71losd .7. —Sae; Cincinnati, Oh.. r iIF. Ninth Annual Steßoon of th e Wes'term Female j College wdl omment , on MONDAY, the Wit iusta I I, when it lo ireportsm that ail who design to attend doting the first term should present, though students are received at soy time. The theillties now pothes•ed by this inotitutirta for intellectoal developemer t, and for thwarting • 'wand, s well .11 reined talltall., ate not surpassed by thew °rant , insthatien in the ceontry—whltat the 61. pens. lee lets thanthase of any Bientliar relgi Mach care and attentthn is given to the ious odetallon Or the students la the !Trent fondementuf principles anadoetrinco of Christianity, whilst nothing Bettor.. Is allowed to disturb the peace of those who here sent Instinetton. tinting ladles bons a distance will Ins received into the fatally of the President, where they will coley alt the care sad attention wh eh their health or happiness. Inannet• Or MORI., may require. For pantheists, see the annual catalogue or ariplii cation may be made either pcoonslly or ey letter to tee President . P, O. WlLBeft, President. Cincinnati, Augnst 0 , lESl.—atigleidit lryn.Gm - ----- T. the Clehtese of Allegheny 011 T. • A BOX for tho reeept!on of Won tor nig 51.11. 23,FrILni .irec4 finch .111:Ore of Mercer & Robinson, plied. engin d VALVANSIVITIT . SUN DRIRS—WO 00 UM, ao liG a ueq e Ico Sop prima Orono Rio Ooltlio; 13 tos fresh Rico . 40 Mid* N 0 !Sillier: • 110 brie N 0 Malone. la oak ' Landing and tor sate by DROWN & KIRKPATRICK /730 341 Witty Is .IA7 HERE. and b lingAigt ertherettial AM' ecrahlrof Peonsyle y anla, entitled an th Let rela ting to of Oda Commanaicalthi it to 114°1 ea meta gilts notice of suet elections be hal and VIIIImen.2O. In inch notice whoa officers Sit 10 be elected: lit puny tote thereof, I t Castel Ceara Sherif of the et may of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this public notice to the electora of said County of Allegheny, that a General Eked'a will be held In tie raid comity. on Me SECOND TUEVDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, at the several election districts therein The Memo , . of the Font Ward of the city of Pitts burgh, to meet at the honne of gra. Tote Little, al the earner of Ferry and Fourth streets, in said ward. The electors of the Second Wird or the city of Pitts burgh, to meet et the Burnt District lintel, earner of tiremd end Smithfield streets. in 'aid sear& The electors of the Third Ward of the city of PlUS booth, to meet at the house of Andsr. McMaster, Esq. Tao electors tithe Feunb Weed of the city ef brash, to meet at the Public School ileum, in ward. The electors of We Fifth Ward of the city of Pitts• tvich, in meet •t the PonruyivAnt. Moose, .eaPi , d by Gottlieb efsdle. late Ale. Stewart, In said wanl. The electors of We elite Ward of the tit? of Pith turgb, to meet at the Public School Home, in said warn. The elector* of the Seventh Ward of the city of Pinationth, to meet at the Public School doe.. I. said ward. The °teeters or the E4rbth Ward of the city of Phu burgh, to meet at the, Public School Home in and re Th e e l em . of ,h e North Word or the city anus. burgh, to meet m the Public ticticrol Ilea.e, in .ale The electors of the rint Wool of the etty of Atte gheny, to meet •t the house of J. Woodhouse, Robin .11 street. The elee , oro of the Steond Ward of the CRT of All , - sherry. tt went at the house of I.Vtdow Thompson, north west corner of Ohio meet and the Public Prisons The elortrna of the Tht•d Ward of the city Of Alle• ohnor, to meet •t the Public School House, in swd mo.d, on the Iht, Common.. . The elector. 0, Fourth Word of the hit of Abe qhmty, to meet ut the be.. of Alm Wylie,Last Gom Toe eleven of Pitt township To meet at the below of Mn Nancy blurry, on the Meehaejcs , and para. Tutnntke ro ..1.1,1 said tearable, except the quail. IS , ' Totems re•taltr ie 14.1.014 NOI 7,•nd it of the city dietriet, abr. •rall mote at at general elections la the nii th ward at the city of Pittsburgh. The &Wore of Peebles township , to Teat at the ed for sale by J & II house of John Metier. in the einem, of Kam Merry. The electors•of Wiiktris township 10 innet at the house of Francis Wilson. on the Fmnkaturn road. in mid townstiop The electors of Plem township to msat at the house of John Pommell.lle, in said township. The electors of Patton township to meet at the boom of Joel Munroe, in said township. The electors or Veruillue township to meet at the Brick Schcol Ilr we, near the White House lormerly occupied by Thor Neel. and now by Wm. A. Shaw. The eteelom at Eliretieth township, to meet at the house of Uaniel Server formerly occupied by John Walter, In Eltsebeth bonnegh. The electon of the Beets of F.lizabeth to meet of the house of Ramat Sauer, formerly occupied by Jobs Walker. in said tuirouh. The eleCt te of .lattrson township In meet at the basso of John Pete, formerly occupied by it. King, la said township. The elcetnee of Odin township to meet at the bowie of Semi WPM., formerly OeeerUed by ie.t. Fleet, In said town.hir. The electors of Upper St. Clair township to meet at the house of Jam... Connor, tit said township The electors of I.rivrcr Cluir township to meet at the horse of Joseph Rodgers. (lower retry') to avtp township. The e ectors of Robinson township to meet at tbo Loam of Sarah hie Fulani, foretell,. Audtey AldFas• land, in Paid toamihip The electors-of Findlay township to meet at the hour of McClelland A. Armor. fisromity occupied by John Charles, in the village of Clinton, in said were ship. vic,tvers of Moon township to meet at the he. The eleet•n of Moon iowo Asp to n.._ . of Yeter Moron, In said township. The eectors of Ohio township to meet at the how of John ' In said township The eleetet. of Franklin township to meet at thi hoo.e rice opted by Joseph lieitlllllll. in said towhattip. Toe electors at the Borough of Manchester to me? at the Public School Musa. Tee electors of Reserre: township . . Win of Umnee 1 tab,. in gthoi township • " The ale AO. of Baldwin township to meet at the boast, of John Cowan le .aid tosentip. The dentin of Boowden township to meet at the house of Peter Boyer. in .ofd township. Tee elector, of South Payette township to meet of the house of H. Hays, on the farm et O. V. Coulter, in * aid township . The electors of North Fayette township to meet et the south now °seamed by Francis Jumnon, at Ito. pre Alin, tn said township. The elector. of Ross lown•lS9 to meet at the horse of Jacob Colbaugb oaths Franklin road, in said town ship. The elector. of Pine township to meet at the how , . of Daniel Fogle. in said townroop. The eketors of West Deer mynahs, to meat at the boon of Nathan Conley, na said township. The electors of Fast Deer township to meet at the Fabian School Hone, In the Bon:met of Tarrntum. The electo of Borough of Feentam to mon at the PIIWIO S cho ol House, in said barrrekk. The elector. of Indiana township to meet ,thee tronso formerly occupied by S. Mackay, in aald town shtp. The eleeton of Shales township to meet at Jobs Shaw's Mill. in said toweship. The qualified voters of that past oflediana town ship rending In thefollowirug described bounder: , shall vote at all general elections in the Borough wf She" peurgh, at the 0 cetion poll to sold borough, vivo ocetning at a point on the Allegheny aver at .13 a upper hoe of the farm of James Ross. and running t norther.) , nurse benne* the farm. of • od Jas Ras a and John w d Franc/. Beatty, tu tho N. IL earner • f said /as HOW latut-ahetice litontsg a westerly crone to Ross townsitty tint. in 'nth a manner n womb's. t all nen !arms or lots rimmed in( oolong ham'. district, d belonging in wait OR called the rider WW2, i I the above descnbed boundary. . The electors of the Borough of Btrminghwa to mint the Public Sehookalouie, in said borptish. The eteeton or the Illrou et of Earl 11 1. nghato to meet bo inn. Ran Rosa (take ne oi Inner OrmsbY, i.l said rough. Thecleric , . of Doorman. tisrough to meet at 800 Fut.tte SChMII BOW, to sold baronet. The electors of the Borough of Lawrenceville to meet at the Pubini Scheel. Hence, in raid baronet. The electors of the baroagh of Sherpabergh to ran g in t boaof James s Sharp, in mid lwrouth. ',llesnceinr. of the borough of McKeesport t+ meet at thy Town Bat', to and /enough. The ele.o tars of the benough at South Fittabures ti c met at the la use Intact/ oceopthd by E.hl'Aerunch , at e the end of the sold borough. Ti. sleeves of the Borough of West Elisabeth tie meet at SW Public Seta!' 1100.0, in said borough. At time A d pliers the qnaliGed Ocelot, as. eureewl will elect by berm, IMO pelsln (et Once' Cecimi.• tent , One peeeor. :or teer-tyce ...neve! I 1 t ,r cer.oo . ce hull ,r twee . 1 rte ptert. f.,r l',,,rece . no Gerson in, Cr egress to All the ithespices term of loses Hampton. re a pled. tit person for :Bomber of the 3011141 of Pennell r ernons fat Members of Au=lffy of reansy person far PtneeßUns Atioracy (or Allegt,elsy One per*, f nr Connty, Canlcaintionet. ono pen... for Aadane One person for County Sire:7o, Also, to vote tar or against the follossloff Ottendosen Conothetion of this Stete cf Peontqlvsols, serer • by a tosjorstv of the members e,ceted each bon I .her - tellaniate, at two ueeesseve sessloas of lb •-• RE3OLUTIO24 RELATIVE TO AN AMENDNIMT OF THE CONSTITUTION. Reirotenn by •he Senate and House of Represents yes of me Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In licn. I of net. That the Constitution of this Coin • woman be amended in the enevind section of th fiftharticle, re that it read as follows: The lodge the Supreme Coon. of the several Comm of Comm Pleas, and of sum other %too. of Record as are o, shall ba established by law, shall ho elected by the qualified elem....pith' , Commonwealth. to the.manme rehearing, to writ The Jedge• of the Semen. Conn. by the qaaliard electors of the Commonwealth at large; the President Judges of the several Connii of Common Plena and mien other Courts of Reword as are or Mall be eweblietted by law, and all other Judge. nosired to be Married in the law, by the quail hed a lecten of ha respectivedistricts over wk lrh they aro to preside erect lulu/gm and the Assoate ledge. of the Courts of Common Viet, by the quail- MO electors of the conatimresoceaysly. The Judhas of the Supreme Coon shall hold their ogees for She to m, of fifteen yeses, If they Oen so Wog behave themselves well, (thbiect to the allotment hereinafter provided fee, eubsequeet to the fast eleetion4 the Pre. anent Jadges of the several Cowls of Common Plea, and of seek other Coons of Record es an or shall be established by law, and all other lodges required t • be learned - in the law, Mall hold diem maces for the term.( tee years, if they shall so long behave them. *elm well; the Associate Judges CI the COWES of Common Picas shell bold then °item for the thrift of five years, if they shall to long . behave themes's. well; all et whom shalt he comm issioned by the Gov- I enter, mil for any reasonable elute, whleb shall lot be Molleimit grounds foe intheriehment, the Uoverear shall remove any of them on the address of two thirds of sack biotic', of the I,llllature. The first elethoo shall take place at the gemealelection of this Cominon• wealth +cutout. the edeption of this ameedete.A. old I the eomeilthiorts of all the Jeeps who may be then to office shall expire on the first Monday of December following, when the terms of the new Judges shall commence. The perilous who shah then be elected /cages of the acme= Coma shall bold their offices as fellow.: One ot them for three years, om lot Mx years, one for nine years, one for twelve year., and one tor fifteen years, the term of each lobe decided by lot by the said Judea, as soon after the election as cenventent. and the nista certified by them to the covemor, that the commlsaione may he issued In ae• eordance thereto. The Judge whose eratmlsalon will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and therea ft er each Jadge whom eornatisslon shall first expire shall in tern be the Chief Jestice, and if two or more commissiens shall eXplee on the same day, the Judges holding them abate decide by lot which Dull be the Chieffuslice. Any 'munch's, bepponikg ' by death, resignation, or otherwise. In soy of the sato I courts, shall be filled by eppolnunent by the Gower nee, ta continue till the first Mendel of December meceeding the next general election. The Ridges et I the Supreme Court and the Presidents of the several Cowls of Common Pleas shall, Instated dines, receive for their services an adegaste cOmpenaation, to be fixed by law, whichshall not be diminished dunng their continuance In °Mem bet they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office. nor bold any other offloe of preen ender this Comatortwealth, or under the gommment of the United Stain, or any other State of this Union. The' Judges of the Supreme Coen, during thew conitmance m offiee, shall reside within this Commonwealth; and the other Judges. Luaus their coadmanee in Mace. shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected. .f. F. IideCAXONT, Speaker of tree 1100. 0 of Reprosentatives V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate. And by virtue of the loth see 11 n of the act of the ad et July, Iran, it was enacted that every person except. Justices of the Peace, who shall hold an office or sp. pointment of profit or true under the Government of the United Slum, or of this State, or of any city, or Ineorponled dietnet, whether a commissioned °Meer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who ie or shall be employed under the Legislature, Jadiciall, or Executive deportee/nth of this Mete or the United Stater, or of any Judger Incorporated dletricl, and else that every mother of Congress. and of the Smut I Legislature, of the ,Select and Common Coonelle of my city, or Commlielocers of soy Incorporated Ms. tan, inky the law incapable of balding or exercising Int the es ma time the oMM or appointment of Jude:, leopector, or Clerkaf 007 eleetiatZ of this Common. or lat h e thst any 'menet, be of Mime officer el' any loc election, Mail not be eligible to any °Mee to be men voted. Alio In and by the 4th section of an set approved the tether April, ISIO, it la enacted, that the lath sec. Lion of the set passed July XL 11339,mlitled in wet te lMe to the sleetiens of this Commonwealth, shall nett consoned ill ter prevent soy OffiCer Of beeensi, officer, from earring as ledge. Inspecthr, 00 Clan et on Omen! or Special lEleetion in this C 0... Awealth. nd t e retire Judge. of 'the respective district. aforesaid, are reflation to meet at the Court Horne in the city of Pittabitegh,on the Friday &fief the second Tuesday of Cliber next, thee sod there to P.P.. for %twee duties m inflated byte*. Given ender my band and seal atPittsburgh, thls 17th day 04 Angela, A D. lEln, and of the Independence of the United States the severity fifth. suglatC3 , s6a CARTER CURTIS, Bbede. ABH11001"3-3 M in stone laid for nale jic . BM:1.1811k. BENNIBBB `CORD • Li*-11 ouk. best qaaati.., We by N ;WM AIATILIEWEI ik 00 PBOPOBAIJ:FDR Tl~d~ • '• • ' Olthee of the MIA* Peach AL H. CAI PlUabughdiag.lll,llloA rHOPOSALS h, wridog Wild be reseived Ay the der.igned uqttlTtrearltY s the Irt,d ll7 . l ° CU ' l ' 4 °trifle delivery of the.arosa tits replied forlaylng Ma tract of tre Ohio and rettnsyltaala II from benne to itleuttllon, s ub distance of 107 Miles. The number of ues requiredbeaboat em of Moe berdred per hole. The ties are to be of wand white oak or rock oak, tobjeet to the inirpection 117 the engineer of the company. They. must ba eat whit saw, into leugth.ol eight feet. If of mowed timber, they ere to be wren by eight Maw Moon: if of hewed timber, they are lo be. daned on the top and bottom tO a width of eight Worm.. They most be Meat of but, deuvered and piled op no the hue as dlrtmtal by Me enetneer,between the first of January mid fin tof Alay nest Bidders am requested to state what number of t h e r a il en d Uto entiveri end on what sections of the rail read they propoee to delOer then., They any moose ' ten e of thestnator locust, /lot Weost. they may be sr lee/masques. Proporale ate true mein d fore ormslang mod sills of white pine or white oat, to be four by nine inches wome t and from elghteet to twenty tom lett long, to be delivered on Me line I rood no more. • W. ROBINSON. Jr., President. eurrltialtoetl • FOUNDRY PIO IRON-70 tons oft Pig hoo, on the Allegheny Wharf, and for sale by aogl6 J A R FLO% Et JUST rrieeived hum Phtllipenlle rectory, 1000 yd Oil Cloth Crash, dillentnt patients, far sale by auglo J A H PHILLIPS FRET Gan E.battle Ilona ro• Hydrants, tort reetived fee rare by J& II PIIILLIPB & h Wield et N. B.—All Hose soldtalresresnted to the pireckaaee, In gtve eati.fattlitt equity° • leather or the rands Tr • turued aogIG a ACLU TION. /FRE Stockholders of t e Northern pally C m a hereby not, d, that en election, to make choice of three Managers and • Treseurer lye the en trains year, will be behest the Tot noose of P.M. .1 bridge, on Sot. &ley, the 17 th lore, at 4 o'clock, . G. l WARREN, eleeretaxy. Aeguet 14, 1850.—aVg IZol7t. Hsold out our entire stock of good. to Mr. John Shepherd, we would take plower° in re mending him to oar friends and customers a. arty of patronage, and solicit for him a continu ance of dour patronage. V. V. BUSIIFIELLI uriele.ddi GEO. HICUARD &NDIUM & CLASSICAL ACADEMY. TISS Innituarn roll be re opened for the reception of lads and Vonore geetiernen, on the fiat Monday, the meond day or September next. be plan of th s Amidetayis comprehensive, em• bracing a Moroi crease of lustroetion in Classic and Scientific Learning, the Modern Linnenenot, • full course of Commercial Studies. end the estrous brmett es of elementary linglish Erluiation. The Imatation is furnished with the neetriany Maps, Globes, Phyaiologicra, Astronomical, Phao• uid Chemical Apporains,.. by which the ailed in acquiring a more thorough know sbjects of studies "WARD OF INSTRUCTION. it. Caron. Paincw•L. Win A. West, A fd Instructor in the Latin' and Greek Imgcsges. • John Grow, A. N., instructor in Mathematics. Je rues D. Reed, A. M., Instructor in the Natural, Mmtal, and Moral Selene.. John C. Sehadd, Ph. D., Prete/ism tn Modern Lomeli. P Dud. Profemor in Book kiceflin . g. J D. William ACADEMICsson P EDIFICE enmanship, The Academic EdificeonForry ercet, between Fourth and Liberty. Th e hal ding Is large, eons mocker, and airy, and being oat of the Immiest part of the city, it to getrattnd retired, which readers d. very desirable feuding roosts 'floatation of Loaning. Circulars ran be Obtained at the book mores in both clam dheiPmitcipal can be •sten at the Ars ndernr. mglGiLisv SODA ASH-1a cut• tr.:erred for sale by u 616 9 it %V HARBAUGIII REAM CHEESE-75 bee teed fof side by •vgls B R W lIARBAUOO &&18-4 et lie Cured, end G ezkv common Hams _LI uRtS lucid per steamer Reveille, for sole by 8h W lIA LlBAllfill EMT= LI ERRINU-4LD boo*More and for sale by 11 riagis S& W DARDAUGII TlAMB—Evans &SwilDe Cinelmati karat Cased; Macey's Indium do , Virginia do Scotch eared, W not smoked. Lor rale by M A bIeCLARD & CA arAIS CG LiberlYer D RIED e 1 EF—Jno. Lame , Cin ;fo Cur: , d e Ca nm tr . ass .. e . di For male il Dm .151 Phil A Mea.URO & Clr SMOKED BEEF TONGUE-B—A lewdos for sale by angEl WAS &81cCLUB0& CO ITENMON HAMS—A (e choice Venison Hams linen WM A MeCLURG & CO o==Tl:=l E invite tha auenuou or those furnishing 9 e arn W Rotas to cur assortment of Triottaiugs, tempt. ma ti; tt la th e tr,:,"l — ra... Ilnekintek Diaper, boatel Dispor t Card Table Covers, Crush, Curtain material GPO de-1 Mats, tr.e. !se. seriptions, , NC' bIeCLINTOCE, natl 4 Carpet Warehouse. 75 Fourth at. IHAVE for sole. • number of hoods and Mortgages, in stuns from Ea* to FALCO, motoring in tram one to into years, or in arirmal Instalments, with Interest payable nein' anntially, seevred by city property equal in vain* to mice tho =coots for which they art respectively drawn. 11. BEADY WILKINS, augltultf Alt`, at Low. No lot Fourth rt. Sirarrborry Planta for Salo at Greta wood Om dons. - DEIST'S Prize, linvity's Seedlings, and itor. 13 These arr the largest and best flavored Iran .01.001 all the different vatlettes now graven. orders scldrest.ed to the prop.letor, West Manches ter, trill receive prompt, aurnuen. J hIcKAIN. For gal•, on Long Crodlt ALOT on Wylie meet, near I.A.Otn. IW real to front by 111 feet In depth in an alley Y 6 feet wide.. Alio, a LAt on Wylie .:roar, near Fulton, 44 feet la front by WI feet in depth la aa alley tr. feet wale. Apply on 11. BRADT WILI(MS, Airy at Tomah et. Velvet PHs Farpots. W. AIeCIANTOCK has in store and for vale the V T . In ric.t assomner, of Tr'•et V•tl`T , beTt eve, ml.r J I ihl• eltl. to who I, mva, of thao. soofnfo, o our, o , r Wo.ffo oon, l'rootlf _elfw Gibbed Herring. ASMALL Lot Gibbed lierrivg in prima old sot ode by JOHN litc . rADN &IA! . Thoi. 00 - 1:111.LS. No a AILACKERECi a Bo m at f o o n , iumcoon " ""." ry Pr' 7071 Z Flo FALI4!: I 7 & 1 1. 0 0 an 14 Canal Ilaaln. Wig - iiiVto.l awl tot totte oy MILI.EIt b. hICKET2ON • TOBOCUts—SO by. RI/5,1/ & Robosson's s's Liiiip 20 tae Cnlnness do . 2l' bxs M y c rs' pound lunsp; In More and ior sole by angli MILLER is RICEEEPON - ------- Aimootais't l2111.111”.1 Com pany of the City of Pltttbsirgb. • CAP! CAL 11200,000. J. R. MOORF.II RAD, Presk—W. W. DALLAS,Sec'Y TCeinpany is now prepared to 'roam against I. pod MARINE RISK + a all kin4p. Of Ace, &.ond Sung, 117141 m J. R. Aloorehead. Roily Patterson, Hill, R. 11. Usnieg, R. B. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Wm. M. Edam', Edward (liege, At P. A.M.:, Wm. Pot. bnewood, U. C. Sawyer, Chas. Rant, Wet Gorman. anal:es/1y Barns de Lathes MOBLIIY &13111LCIIFIMD a selling neat and daomo styles of above goal. n! reduced I y tnea e f.... e fe d lo ou p , seze r ; I B o azifai Gull ftmomm . 4l4at Small Plaid CAlnghams. MUR PH V t. BURCHFIELD have an excellent ansortmeni of above article, light and dark. of ebony colors, Including one of n very superior qnsilAyi also . , all colors of Chamley Gingham, artal3 r l5lO STETALi.:-TOCTiisorl 7 ntTaVii 'Mond lo rale by ivoist3l, 7 Wlll B &HALEY di CO ENOLI.9II, Classical, and blathematlcal school will Re•Opeo 011 Monday, the loth hut, at No b Webster strew, al the head of *swath st. • ON Saturday, lattl matelot, a small Bunch of );eyes oopposed to hoe been lost In the neighborhood of ate Pont Office, the fiader woof.] confer a furor by Leavitt, them at this omen. _ugll OAK 01.0011130 BOARDS. 5,000 • PF.FT Worked O.k Flowing Boards, perfectly dry, uld et a superb:a [middy r rade by S. t-LARKP., emaltbdif Sharrabergh. WANTED: AMALL teacher up CI a vacancy In the male p.l. mar, depayintent in the Gni Wald Yablie school, Allegheny. Ako exam...ion will take pbAce at die &Moot Home to said Nand on Thinaday the 15th Inst Applications, in tbe mean C.oe, may be Landed It to any dike Almeto.s. Nona but experienced teach. era need apply. A. LAMONT, President. Alkerma, August ard lEso—saoSal .131gt.. - 43 - YAX.-11.0 Mdagast reireg and for saaby 1 aut3 S.& W. HARBALIIIII HA lIPER'SNEW - IIONTILLY Mkt:ARM K Air June. July, and /mow, Cow en side at 25e per number, by. It HOPKINS, aug7 78 Apollo Bulklibra Foll,lli at. DICTIONARY UP MECHANICS. An.. by Byrne— I 9 astabora of this valuable work sow for sale at 25e per No. by [IWO Pt lIOPKINB . _ --- . • ___ C&ItLVLI , 79 I.ATITR DAY PAM Pll LITIY--Flow LIJE . ,:. a fin sale by loorl B itorguss 13ACON:-.7 - Eouldent, Sides, and Haws for role by asap - ' - ' BA W HARRAVOII AV/WOW OLASB.-1500 boxes Elethearli WIE .law (Haw, assorted Mom, no band. far tale by aog7 BU RIIRIDGY. & ING DRAM WALI. PAPER—W. P. MARSHALL it enestann ly reenividg, Mom the largest manufactories New York and Philadelphia, and alms from Franc. Avenel.. the nentestemd mar approved Myles of he per Hanging., together with Borders, Fire DOlarki Prints, andleater Tops. For sale at 65 Wood at, be tween Fourth street and Diamond Alley, (successor. to c. MM. M ACKEREL -9 brill No I; 15 brls No 55b•Is No 3 large; 2 at brie do for sale SELLERS LR!KD U fI FIF-41tieree. Soria Cured Caivoa•ed , Beer Sam, • prime article, for .ale by anti. SELLERS it NICHOLS. WHITE FISII-20 ree'd anle Tv .u4l* WICK & IkteeANDLtS^3 OTARILI re.e'd for_nt by WICK k MeCANDIA, DRV lIERRINp-200 b. on band for oak by ongl2 tWICKk bIoCANDIXB9 SACKRIIIII—Ne 3 lane mat reed ~ad for rate try M anal 2 WWI( k MeCANDLUSS' I.3lZilratsltratt BewsrPatitat Mods. Ash. 834 sta il lt s ,7an t j b l e he .k. rem .e ni e nderiet &Tri ud b al, till= neaten onth, per ••Anna Rieh,”"littrope,aagetury a nd other ships, via Philadelphia and Hattnaoreovatata ed powder la Loth low se and r ice in nay ta the market. for sale at the est price for eanh and ap proved bills, by W,I M MITCIiELTREE sail! .Ltherty meet 10pLblaC ulna POWDEkt--30 etas Marmot. , beet vialitY, arrived_ per alap.Deltaiand me on the way by canal, for sale at the lovressma rket.prien• br auxl9 W & 14 MITCIIF.LTREF. NO. SUGAR-40 Ithdkprune, la ./ore for sa.hs b • augl.4 W&M MITCHELTBE6 'QUGAR CVRFD 11A111S—A rood *wormer% of 'V.7 venous brands, t eintantly on Vinod and sale by SV.I.LERS & NICHOLS 1111POILT42 , ' TO TII Ti. A F VIACTN. -1 /. ;Dr. Celebrated Brindles. • - -a-vi,recod S. TOSp_ the discoverer end sole pre. JJplietor VI there 0k0.% and mediate.. end •bo the inventor of the celebrated instromenlibOollating the 4anna, in creettng a care of atonic dimes*. arta a Modern of Om, enstrent 014,010, Doctor Physic, 'and I. a endunte of the Unorersiry of Per nay iveria,and for thirty yeatsainee bay byettergaged In the three stigittion of disease, slot the •pplieandn or reartedl4.llercto. Through this usa of his indent.' Mt. in connection with his PrOolarlardie Styrop and other or Ins Te Meth,. - he has gained an. ',thank led eminence in canny dime dreadfal and Strobe.s, Tiaeryabk, Con linmptiete, Carmen, Kbenmatirm, Aslt re. • De•er mut Agne, regent Of all tirade, Cbsonle.Ery and ~ell Mow b e &cow. peculiar to remotes. Itideen parry fown elder'.' vanishm us.dcr the b y of hie remedies, to which burtmeityhew— not b the ate of One comnd only. lot ta n. compatit le h Lem. het' by the y bbv of his remedies, adopted to and prese.lued tor each meeker term of Mien.. Dr. ROW. _Tonic Abet alive rplla, when med are Invariably acknowledged tfi be lumbar to all othet, as¢ purgative or 'liver pill, inweineh as they leave tie "..MilmavorY .freer from erwrivenewr as slit s Golden irle is admitted by alit (acuity peculiar propentes stapled ,to female climes , . tut being satisfied that a bare Dial it Inthe'entto esiahlt.h what hos been said in the Minds of the most e keenest, Tee strieled we cell upon U. anen t sod Proem , lorelnd one of the Doctor'. pamphlet. giving *detailed arenum of each-remedy and 'its *polemic. For sale by the followthr agents,. well rby mom druggists thronebour the ecunit Y. J Ochcondisk•r A Ca , 24 Woad tweet, Pittsburgh: M Townsend, di uggial, 45 Market .t, do, Lee A. ttecklorn, do near the P.O. Allegheny clip. Jo. Berkley. Barb:wroth Md.., eo, Ca .10 0 Elliott, Bruton Valley, do de; Adam. Beaver, do dai stung:o y B Ul' It.ll—n keg, watt teitelved o onnew 1310 mutt, and ter sale by J C lIIDW F:LL, Agt. Mintz t at PURR OLD •Fvni . son URARDT, Suitable fur Jiiediimad Purpose's. I N 4 1' :tea " by rtftise s ti s hoia r... to s m .s e ls of:l s tro s d s l ' o ' r ..le a one nolo. boWei which they loom to be it eras Laugh% by Drachma in Inflict, and u.s P so" , "b's lit7ilaraltiwoßTH, Tea A. Wino Merehantr, Taut lade of the Diamond. g - A " L i Eff ° tone ter isle tom to <lore eorTaii‘ by U tirFAIINFLaTOCK &CO angle . , Cor. FSllt ft Wood it' TWICENTINF-1.10 Lrl• far ode b vuglp' B A FAIINESIOCK & CO LARD 011.-50 4111 for • 64 . 0 PAIINEST ' OCK a Co 43COTCH SNUFF—Care.itee in Ladders, forty eby 17 •13510 U A VAIIN4MTOCK le CO - .rash Arrival or . ChrileeTaii. & ll&Wtarik in be Diamond. have IVA Joit reecared trim the importers. another WV: topple . oreiretient Week and rileen t car, which they are nom retailing from the otiginal cheat. at See and 75e per Ili, They defy any in the trade to twat tier (I,llllltY nt the pore. We rmpecitelly ttalteit the pub lic. triton/pare oar Tea. with those iiirehared elm whcra price ea it!) print... - xC - KTD - CEDUN has received for sale, vet lth . of Gibbonn Innen , of the Decline ”d Fal, el tbe Heat. Empire. Lfc tul Lettellk o Themes Campbell, in 2vt Edned by Wee Beattie, 111 U, Eine ehtary ut.tehell or Moral Philcimphy. Dr 0.0 late Ref, &deny Smart, N. the 1113141 . 1.11 Felectic System Of Stn. tn V lemio e li rN sl o;!t: The Shotilder Knot, a tale or the cot- • el-y. • ; • The Scarlet Lauer; a romance.' By Na : S ti es atsy • , T MOURN thee la mak W e.. hen other Olen It arelmal thee. Coneetiptle deparane and return, Annie Laurie. %Are we clutom there. low backed ear. lb dock all thlngs well. Pretty we. a here Silver :Soon. Grand of Waghil7lO.k g. The u haat :Soon. I:monied: therpint. Soler key. 13e Mod to loved once at home. Cheer no my own Jeanne.. Oh, Leinuel. Spring Sower Waltvs. Elan Walt: Urea them Walt.. Salutation Poke.. Betty PM/ a. 'Ravel Polka. Jenny'lLied Polka. Linda gulekstep. March front Noon*. ' ,The Mine arc lust received, and for eale by .1 It TiPLLOR, 10,0, 81 Wood et. _ B ACON -9 cuts Pager Coved MSS, 6 auks clear Sloes; 30 ...k.3bould.r..ln store, and for o•lo low.iti ale to consignment, by suoa. JAM BS A 1113TC1115031 &CO RiCY io tes in ainre, and - for tale by J AM IsS A 1111.ICIMSON & CO I . tl --- Ai3iP.ES...ddbiliNo 3 Mackerel, Halifax tn. ISt +Faction, jest received and for sale by JAMF:S DALZELL aa. 10 Water at PIiTNRCRGIIICOPPER ROLLING NULL. , • TllR.andersigned having completed their Rolbna Nib athpre7ared to Gil promptly all orders for Braver and' other Manufactured Copper of en, re quired size, Made from the Copper of thetlid Mine, Lake Superior. This Metal has been thotonghly tasted by compe tent Scientific, men in the severe seruea of the Government, and pronounced superior In dewily, sthength, end tenacity, to any inuse, and is mach prefect. tor th e manuthetate of Ordri.ce and other porpeees. It IS therefore couLdentlY Teton:mended as a supe rior article, for pit user, to coy in market And we respectfully the.tentinu of purchathrs end oth eta to rids noel branch of home =snafu elute. At present the Warehouse is No tsCorarneteial'lldrr, Libel"y street rose C. 0. II UPS &CO ' "ILT UPPRY . " LD i t . re w - .01 lag Manias Mario,: terlook n atthetr " elroryn7en ' t of the.. .goods Great easel is taken in seleettog the very beet senile; and an they buy in large quarlisties (root gap rig - eats of the manufacturers, they can be sold pt the very Detect prices • Suer 0171\G-70 belt on band11.1 .4: 11r i. 17 , , t1,i p5., .. trip 7 & 9 Wood el C.,T',I.IGAIt - - CU begs Brazil Sugar in',l are, .atr;i, sole low by & F L , l) ,, 9 , l , :— .. i f l o t e ar . e i r by noty llllll., extra Siour that aurpl S.&W. lIARRAI7G H. ' rnexpimpt pounds Ohio Semler, comic ii inor for rule by aus ,a & W.ii‘HFIAIII-111. I lieu AND 11.t 7 e- not do; I Out Surxr for told rOot.T. Wood Street • - . NEW BOOKS: IFE b. LETTERE OF TIIOS CA SIPBELL Edited Lx•by Ntlltsto Octane, 111. one of bit executor. a sole Ilato cloth. Rilibkty Economy; a tremors on thenew sit of Irunsport, Its management, prospects, at d reludobs, ortmexels I, financial, and roma!, with au exposition of th e prat:veal results of the railways In operation la the Vaidd IttogdolE,on the Continent, and in Accents. Hy Hionysit• Watincr;Lf C L, do. t cif. 11thocloth The Paw, Present, and Flitted , the 11, pahlir, Wens •ated from theYiElleil of A De Lams ndth. euthor of "The Oerondirra,“ ...Halloos of ray Youth,l , Phadl.” me. I sot limo cloth. 111010 trwarard Velour,. In Lectures, Adtirertos and other tVritioge, by Horace Gteelty. 1 Vol tome eio. The History of the Conkssional. Ily John Helm, Northing, D. if., Hlshop or the 'bore. of Vermont, 1 gal Vino sloth. • . • The Conethest of Cans da. By the author of , Iloche lale,•" Warbarnme IDA ,I von Ina,. Qom.; . sketch of a physical dcaception of thy ttivene. Jig A lez:Von Humboldt, unwanted fruit 'holder... by K G. a nti• limo cloth Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Doman Empire, with nom. by 11:11. Mllmoe. thspere cheap ediuon thero, cloth, complete in o cob at 40e per 'mai 4 volt received for sale by It 1101 . KINS boat TiTTI. — kV a ISKI•alt. enliliAkrcirei RT-1:1 i.O ta a Meountion Leak of nand, for which we ire at at lois bow to secant: And we must my nail the com- Ira.t to far from ;natural an op reran. edict, firer n may be obviated by the use of JULES 11.014:L'el celebrated VEGETA HUI LIQUID • HAIR Deli, which will Innents nebusly produce the most Ltiltio. t and natural tooling blacks brown, or chestnut color, without ethieng ehe,hair or huntitig the skin. The.e colors me inde.llll, and aee out Infected by the ac tion of bent, Perspiration °Omelet There are frothy kilid• of Hair Dye on saki bet they ad haTe some dotorist ol.:ocuon to their kw; sum o repine a look ote to produce the ether, others bottling the hair smi skin, and tome. when that on, give the hair the lustre of it newly Harked stove. JULY'S HAVEL'S va; TABLE LIQUUD HAIR Dll4 ts the wily ems which is entirely flee from the above °Dien.... In woman:tied entirely barmier, end wilt peodnee a benedifut end natural looking color In a shorter time than any °thee *ouchus, Ito enethoces in puerbeteng, to rube hart, he, not my name wombed,. there are rawly ittill6liDll4l Or this eelebrated arnete. reeirldt• AU R 419 fThertnat at. FOIL RENT. it SMALL 1101.111 E on Pride street, In the EI*MA tveni,--ite.nt km. Apply at thly Pace. aegn' '5 CW bstlateA reo'd fot sale by S & W BARB/LIAM SID' OLAblieri--6/ nerrele prime,at i 111 stare, arra!ler sale by in o _au BIITLIIELTIILE .1 rilb Is le store for sole by R. sable e •WAM AILITCHELThEti: SI EW GOODS. AA. hiAPON A CO., No. 63 Market sweet, hare auppbed the deficiency in their stock. caused by atootlei it it new rendered wienete by the r receipt of ONE lIUNDRED AND FIF T Y PACKAGESIar. desirable goody, purchased from wanufeentrers;urd large auction sales, at a great redaction from Prieee of law Spriog, which will be offered to their names • ear patrons accordingly.. It world be useless to at. tempt to cuornerale their well assorted stock, and, therefore, Ineltel the early attert , lertof their (nee d. ,tpd the public, mull the ..assure of a Lawmen lie,- the •fused to emelt article. lyle Pau ji ii '‘ l V o l t L ;VP • • aug.3 ===l /Article, 11.1111017tA ALL at a km price l tar *r Extraline beg linens lately rend AITLE6-1.1 just Tec'd fur sale by . . u .B • • wick d bieOANDLEAS. TAn It tITIN N C Tat; • hf brls 'do, for atlo liy • WICK Et. AIeCANDLESS llMolibbbkl./11111:4 7 --Ibtlye. supyslar kabala by J wigs • WICK h bite...041.1.MS BRi.ibbri . l:l7.37C73iiiTl7 - babaTactr star by taut, , WICK A, MOAN DLEK. QALESLATIJet—w cake Vaman: 1.7 data, polvdrned do, for sale• 0, %odd' 'WICK & MeCANDLVdS. cask" Yotasbot fine artick..lnr sale by (aogbj WICK fr.. IIIeC4INIDLEP_ ,ia IIIATLOTTODAL:Ci. ,7-. - - .4jTiiiis Y3t" --1-- --- -,..-!b! . t Tobacco foe sate by - i ";5-tb"' VAA....._____ _.._, Yiyll . !Ka. NeC i ANDMtft : .. , 41 . - - Vlttbris superior, Ytoity torsids by piiiaiY.l,;PiA.,_ bIYCANDLESs. it -e- .ciisks testa strut fertisle by _ t --- ' Op? : A .1. W lIARBAUMI - -- 1""1 • r e B ',Watt IWI4I:—A PlllO IttliT - t I ll 4111'— iri,Vl Y\ PIF.II - a:Kr-7rrierm — ancinnau emu Clueolt 1J Dodd Beef received for solo by_ .° D IBOILOALL. ; • • LS' M r A AIoCLLIIO So COO ro F 3 23 0, N , A INDIA` .I b° _ 2 ' , C N IKS SAL:SODA, too .*lllyD DODDAiI y i'lLOUßPF:gtifgr.-10 brio OS bwd rt i fo r r t it , "or wig -B. & W. lIARDAUe,
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