BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. SIMPUATED 4 TELSOLLAPIIED /OR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONGRZOIOXAL Wasinnatort,. Avg. 10. Sault—Mr. Seeley from tho Committee Commerce, reportril ■ bill for the eatsblishment of Coles-live Diarists In California.. ATher the eoutideration of the morning bosinela, the Fogitive_Slave Bill wu token op. • __Mr. Union moved to amend by strafe( ex' after the tuneful' clause, and inserting a set. , is trite for the entire bill. chit.. Dayton Offered an amendment to PL. • .b. sterh Mr. Casa nave wake (bat ho should op se the amendment awed on by the Comm' •of Thirteen. Ur. Dayton briefly explained, arid advoe led this amendment Several amendments ware elfered to the F es tire Slays sad rrjemod. The thither consideration of the bill was s toned till to morrow. The Supplemental Perim Bill was taken •p, and the House amendmeets disagreed to. • The Eleriale (boo adjourned. • Horst —Mr Thompson. et Pennsylvania, f the Judah! Committee, Vepoded back lo the ' o. ate the boll supplerneotal. to the act for taking he seventh Cemu•, lostroasing the comPensittic , of the Msnihsle ktc, end proposing the tallow og amendment: 7e strike ant the words"with e Intrintion of keel:Meg permanent eit'zens,. In the rigouts that tha ennmeratiou to Caldorals, Utah. New Ms :ice, and Or, gon, aborld Include those who left the United Statue prior to the ant of last lone, and settled there subsemietily. ►her Knee collveriellne, the amendment web agreed to. Yeas, I 91—Nars,SO„ Another amendment authorizing the ucw See. relay of the loterio'riai-eileitid the tope for mak•" leg the returni In certain moles, w its adopted, Cod the bill passed.' ' " Mr. &bane lc tin paid ed amend meal offered on Satorda*, and it ;nits idaptel h appropriated $20.000 for book, G3r members. Mr. Morse offered a 'resolution providMiii For the P ayment x(818 , 319 to Ile or"dop al Z.chrry, Taylor, for his unexpired term. The resolution' was su'ed out order. The Home ehnrUy atter adjourned The . proceeding. were charietertztd by much' contemn. WAIIIDMITON, Aug. le. Johnld. Davin, IL 8. Conimlsidonet to . Chin., arrived in thin city tot night. relti..ranuint•, An 19. Doling • ISrelrt_thls Roottore,tem pen of the el i fY Teeteoiny morning, • Swirl welch ease 'maker, t• - ed Itreacrant. wbo bed been is ire eluntry on y three mot Mr, awl elot deed by an Irhinnan nutted Nolieh 2.ll.ain.wba Rol arrested this owning and committed to snewer the charge of monk, I~IASSACAUSET ELECTION.. Borrox, A0g.19. In tb Tat Distitrt• there its but a smell Vote, pp to the protect time. IL A. Elliott, Whig, wt I doubtless be elected. In the 2d Distdct, C. F. Upbeat' will probably be elected. • la the 4th DistricOt is suppowd there will be 00 ebnico. The polls closed &Lai:lnset. CINCINNATI NIABBEF. Creme:ult. Aurae 12. Flour— The mulct is Weedy ai $360 (d 363 per brl. Whiskey--Sil!esregularly k Me per Proviaiii . e.--Notbiartioi4 wordy or notice. Licread O.i tias declined to C 6.: pet Groceries—lbe market is quiet, bat fircq, Tobacco—lrlannaletarcd is active, and prices baye advanced lull 2c per lb. ebeese is m good demand at 6c per lb. The neer is slowly receding.-Witt B feet Ic channel, to Louisville. The weather la cloudy and dot. l'an.amassaa; August 19. rout—The receipts of door ateinereasiog, and Tule a taiga comb:ref boats have arrived by the tide water Coat!. Them is rather More inqu , ry iu deur, both for shipment and for coy eonsumptho, sad prices us steaMly aisintilsed, sales of 1200 bids. at S 5 55 per bbl., rat old stout. and 55 37} for fresh ground, pert for rotors delivery; ineuditg sound ca.m at S 5 75 per bbl. • Cam bleal--Scnall rake at $3 per bbl. whichis the uniform eskirg price- Grant —The receipts orgrain are increasing, and wheat is arrisleg freely by tide water canal, add the market I. generally wel suppbcd, with an increased demand, and wiles amouwing to mum : 000 bushels, good new red, mostly southern at $1 13 ta $1 14, including a select lot at ti glee rates, a cargo of mperior old retina white sold sill 2.3 e, and some new southern, pence or quality, at 51 13 per bit. Cora is in limited demand, and prices have declined. The last sale of valley was at 65,, edem—several cargoes have been . awed. Oats are dull, with sales of nevem:ahem at.3/19 32c per bushel. Some old Penns, sold al .45 (i; I 5c psr bushel. Whiskey—ls in limited demand. Barrels are held at 261 - and hhda at 26e per gall. NEV YOLLK MARKET. NEW Vont, Ainuct ID. • MOS lII.POZT. Cotton—The market is firm. Flom—ls firm, with a good eastern and borne demand. and some shipplog 'tunny. The sales reach 9000 bbln at tlratordaa's pacts. Oraln—Corn is 14 steady demand, anti sales of 40,000 bindle, Lono !Leo Lugar at ni 0 81.: No charge to notice in other anicien usually quoted. _ Nzwr Wit, August 19. The millet open. Lei. looming veil eoinile.. W. hive nothing new, Or toy celngo le notice (rani In rep itt. NEW ORLEANS MARKO', A.., Nam 03.1:isss, Aug. 1.5. Cotton—Prices are much armor aim the wt. The tales to day Wore 2300 bales, /21.012 f for haiddliug. ~* Grath—it .ra is doll, with asks at 5001600 p be. Elam Oats eel at 23. Sales of Wheat ,at 75c '6,—..?0uM0 till Tanne s nerit' rs , Oil; Wh❑ Oil; !co hrte bleaehed winter Oeptant 011; do do Whale Oil; 00.0 g 'rioter Sperm O il; urn by s Sperm Conitor (et nig A k NERDIM., Wily I 7 Sot' Sooth.Wt.z ve., - Phlladelphla ILIAD i 11LVIN jyl-deod9* , TITOUTZ)I.(O,O, the nubile, pi b) have ratio the YV wareLoete tor,werly ncespi br the late MT c o Schaper, 114 keetskl etrem- arelei len. and emantodiorm ware:teaw, they would invite Um Th e y °rimmed', herb W.erlh"gh or . 40 . 1 ". They will sire giVe.511,01.,,,0 to the purchatte and sale el dotes. Draft!, Donde, he- LOTS iiroa BALM -100 of the,inone ...aunt/ as ulna Building Lola in the Oill" 4 T prices Which will allow it Weekend Pmita is 41,„ th ose who pmehme to sell .gas ~ and In knee/tom Which it in he MAW will give 101 l an. ailaekon to those who buy ut improve and occupy. The/Au I trq about to mile from the NSW Coon Hoist, •*dieltdog the &vent!' antlFlghttiWards, and front on_Yrmeartvalma AYISALX,Ltuaa4c% Smarr, Cosuckaca. Dun.* and Ca toe Oi4Yete. Those on SconsrlV.Ma chsible for private dwellings, and are the only Lots (or sale on that street Mal have a siooo e t the Lae weenyof Sto Noonngshele (liver. Those on the Weadock street plank road and•those on Cot amen. skeet, which extend to the river ate well Mee .04 , !er agnate/swing andother bosinewestablishotents butt roach sear, the centres of city business than vet woe properties 00 00 .Alleghelty 020 /vet th e Meson go helm tool ham twee sold at higher !price• Pity undl terms Made knetven by WILLIAMS A, SHINN, Attorney% at bait, Fourth st4-or HL DGIAZZAIiI. LIVE 11g511711.AldOlds J. Plensays diguist few the Pews lift I usurenteo C.. of -Mita. et the Weston Insurance Compat,),No. rot Water street, Pittsburgh mephitis, with all necessary latoneatien, and elyak tortes will be famished. lisabwids eau insure thentlisei for the benefit of then vita aud'ehildrett; emitters the lives of their debtors. Ilse whale mutts of the tleroparty are divided am.sog the holders of Life Poll. es. , I he dividends of the past my years him been eels. ry par eoeceseh gear. • Jule tormlistag• Dank or Plgtaltisrlyla• - GErfiliAL ?denim( of the LStedthelders Of the FL Rs an. f o Baak - of Pim/booth ad' he held or the Dunking Iles•re ea ?deaden toe loth day ef September well, at 3f o'ciack, P. M., ler the purpose of consider ing and detere •Icing epee the as: passed at the late sesame of the Legislature, cateadiog the -charter thereof. . BY order etC to DlTennt.. . 71101t&S M HOWE, Cashier. Aegistlo. 10 , , C( i-PcLaTeccutirLii.. SASSY.. P. , 511 IdIVER and CHAS. DATUM Imre th i s d ay eras 4 toted themselves together, adder the finis o(Si:irises h Hater!. (or the :transaction or the wg g kaste woe et 'Produce, and Conunisaion barb no, it No )30 As thn !Second street, between wood and Smithfield at. • at L Pittsburgh, MO 'Ai 9 TILICLN 9 9r. CO., EXCHANGE BROKERS, S. Co* r e Tura and Nadal ua ALL IT AxsACTII NA AT lIMT !1.331 , 1W; }eXl' linvF AL A. tins. - 9i1.11111 „. tissloN ltEnomorrs. a nd 'lid Eiroie“, Preand tree.ripimtgli..2o.o E(1.7,-.RIF-4,1 al( Spanif . peittelpe, assoruld hnu..4 •in 14.8. vatic fin • la nam:ana MINNEIT, AV! "OILS - -rio UiFl irsorrereeni leen ShilkorarooUs i 1 e. 0 abuseDoe:JlM r.e.l for Bale b• Ire . , t SCHOONMAICER &CO i — -- "ILAS:IIS. SomeszeiLs-1411ftrillr a BURCH. 1 , 7.1.1) hoots reooor a,gi 4.13 poly of • bete aniela , , so, I loaning A1P111.111,,a0 allicle now moth clad oI M mirol ca7.ll;iiy :LIMA NANNEIT [tida== VdI:O:I 6 4F.NNmT . r. 5 b warrz COMMERCIAL RECORD. viTTNisuauni Inman or TB.A.DR. Ls. olzscluxes mak.: COIMITTER FOR AUGUST. C11078.2••~•C. W. IRSZT•011.•• -C. 0 . LOOM. Oince, Freezer.. Cravens. Tend. morning, August P. 1.3, 1850. The mulct yesterday was without .7 materiel change from our last report. Eacrything was quiet to alcirece bordering oit daturas, and we can report no Inge iSSAUCtionla in any article. The weather was clue and ' , Ant, with out, light showers of rain dd. ring the day. FLOUR—The receipt. yesterday were fair, but be ing mostly designed foe shipment east, we heard of no sales to acry large extent A sale of 50 bbls sepal - lot Ohio breed was reported to as on the wharf at $4 td per bbl. We-beard of inlet front sten, in ['lulled lota at 51 31011 3111 44 per bbl, as in quality and 1 rand. RYE FLOUR—We hear of bat little doing in Rye Floor. The pales Rom lint hands may be toponod al R 3370330 par bill. CORN MEAL—VIie commua our quotatiom in small way, from store and from the mills at 12 00 SIM per bit. and OISIMc per bushel, with fair top. plies. OBAIN—Ws have [lonics now to notice to the grain mulct Wheat continue. to come forward pretty free.; ly, hut as the moot or It la broutht out of the market, we can report no sal. to any large extent The meg abits luting prices Ono first hands, arc to ast= per tunnel. Sales c( Rye at fdlr, of Corn et 5403.5 e, and of Oats at 320M0 per bushel, from first buts. OROCEBISS—We notice • continued Caren.. iti the ground , marteljut sale. have been confined ,4 small ogenuton at the following rat. New Otleassj Soffit 0 7071; N. 01 . 1delanea370371 per gallon: Ril; . Cori 1010111 e per th, BACON—The manet Is quiet, het priest. M. with out change, ray for common begged hams SoBle, foe Sogu cur ed do, ttfliee per lb, as to quality. Pale. of sides at 51, and of. Shoulders at 41041, from store and. Rom sntokekoase. reecipta bate been more fall,mtd Mo . / notary better. Wo note sales 01 4 40 boxes cream 111. magic; and regular Males of common W. R. at LI VW per lb ABIIE..o—We hrofe sales of ashes is a stoat! any at, for ;watt ash eti of rots at 41alle, of Saleratus at 01, and of soda ash as aleal f m. FISH—We nigice • fair demised at the following . prices—Salmon $l9 bbl, and CH tp tierce, No 3 blacken:l, 116 60; No. ta• $11; No. 1 $l5 f bbl No change In other descriptions. New Coeurusati—An altered not: on the Farmer a Bank of Reading haa Mat appeared. The principal •*guette is three human figures and a nonde script an , Oa tight end, tmo hamari figures, as d on the! , left the fikate 5 a large die. The name of tie Ran t and the words "Butte of Pannolvanin and R Coding', dened —PIM Ind. COMIVIVCI OV BALT.BIOII—The amount of fareign exposit from Baltimore daring the week coding on khanday, was 15161.0.91.83. The lesding cr ooned were SI,MIS bale of Floor, tll7 bushel& of Coro, 610 bbl. of Cwrn Ideal, and 1,617 align of Tobacco. A cemnleto MORO illllol3 of the articles erported, to getto er with the Import. of the week, wilt be found under the proper head--.[Amerleau. Looms ST —SCTerll Tot" entre the Peet blaster General appointed an agent in this city, to visit the steamboats coming to oar landing and inn- Leming the lawn forwarded by them to evade the payment of postage. When this was entered upon it was supposed small business, and that Mc postage collected through this ageney would not prove suffi cient to pay Me missy of the agent, which was Axed at 11100 • year. For the last year our old friend, Capt Jo. Harrison, Mu been the agea.—snd a men nineteen . - . • else he ie. During the yur be has Iskultoto the boat. to the Post Office 1'4.709 letters. the postage of whist. amownect to gin-ffiffi,:el A snug lisle sem ls thee saved by the CSPGDOIllifif of the mall salary allowed to a vigilant penile Officer Gas. Wocav Cony or 1850.--The Wheat crop for the year IESO, will be the/arrest, by all odds ever relseillin the Orated Stites, and the elfeet of the abendance Is &- ready feit la the tow prim, of Floor. In New York the. harvest tea bountiful ow, and new wheat of a very superior poultry, Is dooms in from allparte, of our greet gyrAerics. Ohlo has made. hentelf, as are her espanittes mein agricultaMl Stale. We hear of avers] Aetds whiehtive yielded from fony to fifty fins bushel to Ms sere. The late golden fields of low., Michigan, Indies. and Illinois have alto turned out enormous crops. Whatever gloom may have attend ed oar tetcmal petition! prospeets as n nation, '4A. Lord of WC harness" has been a bountiful giver to our people.—lein. Atlas. Coffee Mar tale BALM.; dug. 16. COFFEE.—Thu market has been tolerably brit thimaghontthe week, the aides being entirely to the • MAO except a parcel of !UM bag. R., which was tn. len to Raoul of the market. Toe transaction. embrace ratta bags Rio at 910111 eta, principally at 91010 et., ' far ihferior to fair green. 'To day them is an imprornoi demand. and ezlas could readily be affected at the pre. .ailing al the meet, but in eon•equence of an ad ranee in other markets, holdersnow ast Mem. Toe import this week 1. 1000 bags Rio. ID - Since the foregoing was prepared, tales of MOO bags Rin, tot another market, have been made at nit la cents, with mine very common quality at 9 cent.. The smelt at 6 P.M. be dare la menet-aimed to be as al lowsi—trlfffalbags Rio Coffee, 4 0110 do f.agvayra,l,9Co do Maracaibo, r do Porto Rico. PICTORIAL FIELD BOOR OF TUE REFOLD. mart, or lintarations by Feu and ?mien of the 1 21 1 rllideTifefrn d el: riy"D an 1,1 1"" with 020 EnsTnetnce an Wood by Lo n irn ' i j a ci . rte."4 chiefly nolo otiginal cketehett;by the amour. To be complete in about Zti Not. at t.St. A .Rif sale by '0! R HOPKIN LT OUISVILLE LIME-6O bela WLimo yeecteed far :Co by DURBRIDGE& sog7 HS Water .t FLOI.IR-30 • arts ".dmity reoal for sale by aura tl & ArrELS..III , I/NNIII. S--garphy rat - cabala al- IT ways loop on hand the above goods, bought thready from the Importer, and warranted crname— alto a tut Let sappiy of Wrtra balm Flanual• rat dotard 1010 roOna,lK.•ag4 _ . y_ll.odrOtril.ACK iiikarotaLor; la Lei Eerresol al 1110 e e BURCHFIF.LD, aog.3 N. nut Comer 4r6 k marker rate. • L iNsam-o-a..-_- 2)-E,„ puiiior de uy J KlltrON.MrKkltt. ft CO. No Y 4 Wood M.. 13FAISDINANS IrAYEN—X , Rm. on.ortal, _ traor, Insp. hem & strong, LC1100:s MAK ER L GO. 73W0 - BORAX-6 Case. Just received and tor bale _D.. by aob2. 9 ht.:OWN &LAKER h. CO. S L x tth 7VlllrFulativi:eonu —A IV. AOIAA of tho or. L ton oh. of tbe bleod yet on bend, .4 (Or we it the elite of &per bottle for cafe only at lv WIC.ICErtOII/041‘__ A— _ss for sale , y 7 SCH•ONMAKER Or. CO. Iwn jk ca, and V A l Ti agel, ottke; Y p7l Ditte " • • Ite - f. tbe Valley of Nord% America, as [ h ey appear be the Cableariarb Attie., Indian, reel Detamx varied. elks populaion. By O t ani Drake, M.D. /we re edited awl :Or sale by J LI bIISLUM al Weed et wr 0. moLAisau—w ed., in store. and ITr 172 - i u. by 1.0 4 .,1 ENCILISH & BENNET?. EBBit.ip--100 baes Lab. scaled. 3n car. and BIM ler awl, by Ilya r .) ENGLISH& EMMETT. ID GRIN BoAP-300 bozo., In more, and far We by H ENULIS/I s BENNETT. 01_typj. ding lot naleTtly IBAIAII DICILF:Y k CO UN I. —3 Inks his a ALLOW for sale =CM= SIIGAKS-13 orbs Loverang's Cresbotand Pulver ma, Just rottlrod for rale by 012 A CULBERTPON i CLOUSE rip4;A6-Zo at taken. Y. IL, C. Y., dr. /Mack Teti., packed 'tea loose, for ule by jaw A CULIIERTSON CLOUSB r 123. 11.99211010-90 en. In hoe order J 9CIIOONAIAKER a 00 m St Wood it orAl. VARNISH-40 br la best quality far rale by C J SCHOONMARER a. CO fos y , J SCHOONMAkER sale by BOIL KO LIN SEY.D OIL Or sate by Yen 51:1100NMAXER it CO • km. yore paler & CO pro L i lo r ft/IFX. & CO ==iX= i in ' 7 ," %rnl l V team boat Caleb Co" Hh W 7713 giJOAR CURED lIAbl5 —7 tell teed tor eate by ITO BA W IlkitBAlloll LAITY—a 4 or. 'o I • • Ihf bat a • hula. In Cambert.:;4. 2, fe. sal; w 1"4141r from u " 2 ' /70 =AMU MOMS' CO .• W•ter & Front sin vrot, is BURCHFIELD ,:ise still on hand a : few pea Osnabatia, of Hitht width Saelts,ortuch they will close out low. Ivan . . 117ICIIM:VE —PhiladalpPie Sight Exebanpe for xy. a b, by (anal & W HARI:MUM! fr ITLE11;1 " A A cKEREFAti IArAA No. 3 IdaeltlTATiii Al t o w, übn, olidlrgoeriori.eaV.l.,..4,6, eW by 3.,,itskeTecree—jitti per Con&I, and &Wade. by IC . 4.,,, llt MANNEJlantat-106i,: r.ala n 7. 1 old• , JAR. EiLbUR-180:Perftire; /73 la fine, landlal and far gala by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK. 1718 1 OOACCO-60 tap 6 lirtg ldi r_ ft '& KI RKPATRICro fired for dal. by K KLTPETRE-75 keg! red . F oa Ait f o o o r ale m bi c Aco 1.3 173 • • ifi — ANNtit 1713 BRI2S:I6 7 IcitHI e llA !‘ 11-4 b" " hand aad V/WERPRAIri VAlllN(c—irinrl store ur , , , / r 6Nali.• n ut j. .K_K r 6 Ly..)-4 4 4 pip sofl (Wens for e 7. • ta RHEY, MATIOts,SIT I CO ClintEL-100 brl. N. 3, Arrived, for se. by IPt TA AMC k O'CONNOR IM tdoaidenl 0114/ Ms Sidon 100010 s lot sale low to clove cons RHEY. mkrnixws k 00 .. . • i r stacif 'milt. re rEm. as lower r i i n tw o 0 d. ....r0d , 0 . qnslit7 enOWT ..Vrjj'Ani3llALL .p.. 74, by fi.l Wand rt . .AP—A tew het on hand, which will b nj - WICKERms R cue s ., u7l 1". oatio boe for m. ILLIP R clad" XSEED-3 WI. 1.4111,1 tor nth hy r - • • ISAI Alt DICKFN r 4/ Gpsghlgt.;:abithis - 000r larolino solTtaly tylS ' !NATO /I DICK RV to en yIS ', bt!lo 'y 1, i!,r Or 'm P IxE' •la ,P ' Cu" k" gc4ll7a4ralitia & CO. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. I mama vol Tint :erresiosint DAILY 11A2r1111 Mau—Them were 3 (ant L Inch In channel, by •• • Lat min lam evening at dank, and falling. ARRIVED. Michigan, Dries, Deaver. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Atlentle. Perlman, Brownsville Belt. -. Jacobs, Brownsville. Venvhingbany, Hampee, Monongahela CDT. 'AV eve, Shaffer, Wellsville. Reveille, Rees, Wellsville. Pilo , No 2, Dave% llockingport Camden. Ilendrickeon. Wheelie' DEPARTED. IlliehimuLtDrlea, Beaver. Camden, Ilendrielmou, MeßeimporL Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Battle, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atla sue, Parkinson. Brownsville. Youghiogheny. Hartupee, Monongahela City rho: welleville. !onion. Liston, Wheeling. Slsioner, Conine, Wheeling. LydinColltes, Hunter, Louisville. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. MONONGAHELA ClTY—tionthiagbeur, 2 r . LOUlSVlLLE—Cbatumooga, 2 r. u. ST. - LOULS'Vermont 10 A. M. LOUlSvlLLE—Ringrold. LOUISVILLE—Summar Fat SAM Locue—The fine aleamer Yemen', Capi liatlelt, ban been nnavoldably dela7ed bet aftll po. - lively Inane flue anernden L for Stir:llia and all Inlet =9l=l The fine stesnier Ringgold, Capt. Cops, will leave this a:mm.on for LOPISTIit, Tee EL has last been then ugld I tepalred, and is now in ample trim for the a:sommolation of travellers The splrndld ah‘ light di. ught MeVUtf, Chattanno ga, Capt. Barri., will positively leave dna afternoon for I.f. uitville, Thi. is the Aral outward trip of C. and hot aeoainntollatlona are copPrb Pot ',cement-1 —The fine light 41.001 steamer Summit, tilmon master. will leare as above this alter. • at 4 rieloek,offering a Sae Opportenity for antp• pen and passenger.. IMPORTS UV RIVER. 110CR1NOPORT—Pt2 Poor—,T.2 bbd. lob, D. Leech &Co; P 661. Coro, 4 do Wheat, I basket eggs. 'they Devise , . 46 Co; 200 1,61,, floor, Con , Dollogber; 0. hod lob; J. AR. e; IY do do, Clark &Thaw- len bble Flour, kleGllls & Roe, 12 des broomol A II Floyd, Co tobacco, Witham II Johnston; 30 bbls apples A Cordell. WIIEEELINC—rao Se - arm-80 bbl. Flour, 8.11 80 nM. fi ' o i rr, lg irrn g t b p.",L't i t " . k k W r rt .t. Wtlmarth A Noble . :2 bbl. ' Flour, Beak ' tl.s do do, II Gran' & CO; J.Ol, thruhing eutings, ' 3lc. Cully. CINCINNATI—Pea Lama Comans-3 pae keg., On km. and Foray tb; I 9 pieces came., Shoenbereer C.; 50 bit. *Me.), P C Martin; kew coon, WM d o lan V A Hill and Co; Ihi o.Uerces llama, TO bn. ma, 11 Ur. and Co; II bee, Clark and Thew; 05 bbm loaf roe., Wand Co; 40 tierces bacon, Sellers and Nlebadr, 7 bbls ginseng. 51 Allen: . and Co; I broken .prang Coleman, Hallman and Co; 45 tel. lob, panen. 1444. Past Calmo:dm —8 had. bacon, 15 LW. laid, 3 bar Leathers, I Dickey and Co; 23 weirs nuts, 'Sauk. ba con, d kegs had. J hPFaden and Con Coboon. mdo, If Allen and Co: 30 mai ran. J W Chadwick; S Abdr totals, fr 3112sukan and Co; 5 Welt eottoo, J CV Dat• ler awl Brother: 2 do Forsyth and Company: 139 bbl. sabiaary , W Ntekle: 55 tads do, J Patton Jr. 1 bale deer W t., JS' Dilworth and Company; 3 do, C Grant. BUN Fl:5ll—P. Contort-176 bblo Flour 5 lab... bane°, Dell and 1A.., 60 do, J B Ddwortb; 49 bids tobacco Clark and Thaw. WHEF.LING—P. lONIMI-31 ride lob, LI Leech and Co, 19 bbl. flour, Vankirk and Pon; 13 do John Black and Co; 15do, Lambert and Wotan; 7 ca. • ba- Bn, B. Dolnall red Co: I I bbl ergs, 1. B Watermau on,' sack wool, W Brownlee UHJUJi Daman of Provision. and Clothing, August 1,1930 CIEALED PROPOSALS, enderud .Proposahl for 110 Mel," and "Prepesals for Perk,^ as the ease may be. will be received at this orrice until IS o'clock hi., en - Thomd air, the :oth day of AVV.t next. for Co rat sh xltd• delivering, free of all cost and nek to ere United Stales— • • • thousand four hundred barrels of napy beef, and two thousand seen hundred barrels of nary Each barrel to contain not lest than two hundred pound.,. mu weight, of bee( or port, no excess of vrelg in either article will be pant for. To ba de livered at the respective navy yards, at follows: Barrels Beef. Barrels Port. dl bnelestowq Mass• •—• • • .900 At ?trout lyn.M.Y I,OOS. 900 At I:iosport, Va • -- • • • 4,Enil --9 to 5 400 2 710 Said beef and pork men be delivered between the first eles• of Junery, ho l de 31.1 of 51ay,1551, sinless :culler delletrice s be reuired by the chief of this Bureau. Payment to be g made within thirty Ley. after delivery. Bider., must specify their prices sepennely and distinctly in 'connote offers for the bee and for Scri I port, and ror each of the places of delivery, cowering alland ell eherges. The b pe e t o imes, be from well fattened cattle, elaughs lend bet wren the tat day of November, IMO, and the let Othe o f January, ISM, and weighing not len than six hu rd. red muerte nen %weiht, reek The legs end leg rend, of the hind oane g rs, and th e nun. Ur shaulder clods, and at l leant eight pound, from the neck end :of each fore quarter, or the puts marked I Nos. 1,2, end 3, on the drums or delloution of the (ore and Mu quarter. of an on, which will be at tacked ta and form • pan or the contract, mutt be wholly erreludest from reek barrel,,d the remeindet of We cal ease mu rt be cut In places of not leas than eight pounds teen.. The poet mute be peeked from ecru fed, well tat tend hog.. slaughtered between the fins day of Nuember, ltriti, and the first day of January s 1,11. and weigh irg h ee d: than two hondre• pcunds ethis excluitme rim John, necks: Amide , . hem., lege, fear, Ims, Timm leid, and all ref.* piece.; and must be cut in pieces weighing not lens than sir pounds each. Both the beef and pork manbe oohed with at thou one ermine bushel or Torte Blend hie of filar, or St. Übe. Sett; and the beef man have five Ounce. ef fine rulveneed artiste reee emit barrel, cm:helve of • preki, to he outdo from fresh water, as sumer, u telt end mole it The barrel. pent be esurely new. era he made rot the ben etruoned been of white ooh naves teed heed. leg. to be ail less than three fourth. of an Inch thiek; and to be hooped at those three thumbs over with the b ea s mythe oak or hie rue/7 bod P.. Huth buret an be Warded 17 Munroe on r• head "blowy Beef," or "Navy York. as the evle mar he. with the Contract Jes name and the year when T ot Toe beef and pork wilt, unless othenethe directed hy the chi. f of thie Puree, be inverted try the In. emoung office, at the respect+, navy sante afore. mid, end by roma - . sworn thenemor n ary molted pro. Winne,. who will oe selected by the Mapco -Live • or, caudate ofEreerm butthen chart. for t web inepectlon mut be paid by the reepecove emotraeLors, who most likewise have the barrels puttn good shlpplng order ' to the astrifection el the commandants of the teepee deo navy yards aforesaid, atter Inopeedon, and at there own expense. Two or more approved sureties in atom equal le me half the estimated areount of the to nee • t evil] be required, and ten per comma in eddolon will be with held Irmo the moan, of cash payment lo be mad*, as collateral weeny, lon the doe and faithful perfotm• epee of the reettextive connate., which wilt on no mecum : be mud until the co, trams are complied with in all rum.. and Is to be forfeited to the United Saes In the event of failure to complete the deliver. ice within the prescribed polled. In cue a' fai u on the put of the contemner to deliver all or any of the beef or port above mentioned, of the outlay, ai d et the Vme and pMeee Leave provided, the untreete will idrfeit and pay to the United &Mel,. liquidele I damages, • tom of money equal in twice the union' of the contract price paid In ease of the uteri delivery toereof; which liqUeleted dameles may he recovered from tone to time as they emetic. Paymeut will be made by the United States el the periods above epee!. bed. le xeeptieg the the per eutem to be withheld until the completion of the contract, ae before elated.) after the grid beef end pork shall bane been Inspected aad received, and bills for the some .hall have been pre sensed to the navy agent. respectively,l my approved by the comMendanto of the ropeetree navy yards, according to the term. of the contract. The pens elle beef to be excluded will be petite. laity designated In the engraving to be •tteched to the contract. Pereene entereeted eta obtain them on ape leaden et this of f ice. !Hidden •haite proposabe are accepted land none °them) rerill be forthwith notified, and as early a• epracticable a contract will be wansentmd to ma for exceution; which contreet mutt he returned to the Harem, Within ten day., tie:naive of the time required for the regular 1444•01011I011 of the mall. A Maul or duplittate of the letter Informing a bid der of the acceptance of hie r roomer, will be deemed a outfit alien thereof, wredn the meaning of tbe set of ISM and his bid will be mode end accepted In coo forruity with thus understanding. Every offer made must he ucompeetied lee directed in the 6th section of the act of Congress mating ap prove. lona forth. naval scene. for 18111 , 7epproved loth Au .041, leo,. copy of wench le subjoined, by • written gueranty, signed by one or more reeponsible persons, to the effect that h i e they oudensie that the bidder or bidders lei I, or their bid be Accept. olds enter into an obligaren within ten days, good and euffielent It:retie., to furnith the orricle proposed. This guaranty moat b. accompanied by the .ern Sella of the United Stet, district ateorney, navy •gent, or some officer of the Genent 41044.411111ea1L, Or individual known t the Bantu, that tee gutrantor• see able to make good their tummy. - fle proposal will be considered mikes accompanied by urea seemly. Tire bidder* eat, and residence, and the rime of -earth member of the gem, when a company offer., •rilt the chrierian names written in bat should le die tined! Ma e& Eadrace from the An of Conderese approved Aug- Su/ 16 , 1846. 'Pee. 0, And be It Junket mulcted, Thar, from and after the Frunze of this act, every proposal for naval oropp , im Inviter by the Secretory of' the Navy, under the proviso to the general appropriation Mil far the navy, approved March Arne, eighteen hundred and tarty three, Aril le accompanied by a written goer. rye •Igned by one or more nopoorible peruns, the effect that ho or they undertake that the Weiser or I bidders will, If his or their hl be aceepoed, enter into an obligation in such time as may he prescribed by the. Secretary of the Nee', w ith good and sufficient scomers, to iurelvis the to pltho propened. No pro. peen stell be considered melees secompanied by es ch guaranty If, e'er the acceptance of a propene! end • notlficel'on thereof to the bidders, be nr they shall fail to enter into an obligation within the Mee pre. thribed by the Secretary of the Navy, with geed and ruSeient gout!, for furnishing the •upplies. then th• Secretary of the Navy shall meowed to centre. with Nome ether person nr pentane far furoithing the Wd eapplies; and than forthwith cane the dif. (evince betervon the airmen contathed In th e pro pont 40 gollestiord and the emoun for Which he may have contracted for Banishing the meld oupplle• , rethe whole period of rile propose' to be charged up " " "" • " DIOXhY a co against mu- ler or bidden :and his or their-goal antor Or gusrantorm and the same may bo immediate ly recovered by the 01111.1 States, for the use of the Dewy Deparrasent, in an act on of debt arrainst either nrall ,fartiLl person• , ' NuerthillfratirlToes tr HITE LEAD. -7S Keg. F ur, With., Le ad,reeely• a and far sate by • or 4 8. & W. 11ARBAUG11 . mizzen Cigars feceived sal far J g gle by titsg.3) . 8. it W. lIMIDALTOIL yes bleak and fancy ttna ireflog!. A. A l lIIASON Ja t.TiGiW'PAH LA NY DuACK, toy ”IP by N D MORGAN j_V w V . ER MittFlll.ll-t 6410 j - ter ) bhro-a- UAWN— ta D 30 casks Sbogidess; 6 casks £6666; 4 izii;j;iit'a,,,...landing.forbalb by - ISAIAH LYCKEY & • livitLelo.l, in cora an. 1., sato by DROWN ft KIRKPATILIC -ULUkati °KANO!: eases vest taus yid bump, Ind !We blue prta n s t iuff etyl4, OLIIO LOCAL NATTERS. Tug Dclmmo Wurs Ix tho title of • nem oov- el by Hr. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. The admirers or this popular authoress, will be glad to see this novel in book form, aa .1 is her last work. It oat b r had at Holmes' Literary Depot, Ttird "tsolt opposite the Post °See. Also. Lit tell's Livicg age, No., 327, and dm Nags Head, or a Scene among the Bankers, a tale of the we shore of We. Gontir's Ilduasnins —We are indebted to the enterprising publisher, for the September somber of this interesting periodieaL It contain. many fine tslcs, and poetical pieces, in addition to a nee beautiful engravings. STABIII7IO Cat.JA young man named Melville was severely wounded, by some raglans on Ches. not street, Allegheny, last Saturday, having received a cut Boron his abdomen', some iaches in length, and of considerable depth. He is now lying in e very critiod condition. The perPel,n l'ors of Ibis outrage have, an far, eluded the vigil• tome of the Allegheny police. U acts Sam—Uncle Sam, in theshape of some of his soldiers, was somewhat Indignant at a nonce whicn appeared in yesterday's Gamete, and called to explain lbe mailer away. It seems that the gentleman who received the blow so stoically, yr. recruit. We mko vouch for his pawning one of the requisites (or a great General, viz: dir eretion, which, as every one L•oows, is the better part of veto," Beent-sae.—The .tore of Mr. J. W. Boiler & Brother, on First street, waa entered by some bor. gtars on met t ridgy night. They attempted to blow open the iron safe. Lot failed, and made their ea• cape without getting any booty. NEW Mote OP Barmirio.—Two or three little fellows, the oldest of whom could not be over ten years of age, went into the store of a friend of outs on Market street, yesterday, and handed him the following line., written in lead pencil on ■ mall scrap of paper. Will you please to give as 2 or 3 culls to leis , . n Engine. We will be very 'ouch obliged to you. 650. The gentleman had sufficient good sense to giro them nothing, and they left ht. establishment in high dudgeon. Lire Inausattoc—Mre. Solocaoo Scheyer yes terday received from the Keysteee Mutual Life lernrance Company the sum of Gee thousand dol. lays, being the amount of the policy leaned to her !unbend, two day. before his 'death. M. Healy Sproul is the Pittsburgh agent of this useful com. patty, and Doctor Speer it inspecting physician. 81nantra Cass.—A bard working woman, who has the astafostune to be manied to a drinken husband, wished to make an Information be. fore the - Mayor yesterday. against wotih. kiss companion. It seems that he had auiden an the money she had in the world, eighteen dollars, and she singled him arrested on • charge of Larceny. As.thia was impossible, the Mayor issued a warrant against him, on • charge of oo* wilt and battery, which he had cosmalusd on hi. wife. Gases Srossa—Our attenuon was fisrelbly Sr. tested, while passing up Penn street yesteithy afterroon, by a .number oglancient monuments and grave metes, which stood in the yard of • marble cutter, half detkeed by the action of the element., and prcbahly Intended to be used for bulktteg purposes, It a but ■ short tame, cornparatively epesking. since the lira white settler built his It g cabin where Pittsburgh now stands, yet since that day, generations have come and gone ! Thousands have been committed to the grave: their memories have palmed •way, and the loot taken. of kind rgard•ereeted over the spot where dust moiled with its kindred dint, are now removed arid er bet to to desecrated. Boaz Herts.—The, boat races are not so well needed, at late, few of oar citizen. tablet; the rouble to go to .no Oleo. Oat of the realtena is s d to be that • recent we is &fledged, in the let glage dike blacklegs. to base Irmo " so'd," tad those ertro Were so toolosh as to bet mosey acj lase It, hese so socainakou to toy !bear luck aisle. Mame. Oertce.— , Teen wet. low err, com mon eases before the Meyer of Paten:mei !este • day. They were all eionatnittel toptil for various pent& Einuoga..—We •ieited the Pollee cifi2es of Mears Pakistan°, hicM•eter, Levi,, Mem, and dletaban, yeeterday, but could not glean • elogla mc"e's item ofintereso. CHOLLI4.—This dowarto racy now be said to have entirely left oar city. We hoard of co east a 1!!=a Eita.—r. alarm of Arc yesterday eherneoh as caused by the soot in the chimney of a eon. n Webster Weer taking fire. THIRD WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE. Ms. Eorroa From auitementa w hich •ppear ea, some day. since, both in the Genetic and Tr. bun; calculated to make the impression that it would be dangerous far echelon to occupy the Third Ward Pabbn %hoc:, the School Directors of said Ward deemed it edviaable to hold • special meeting, on Wednesday last, the ISth Mat., when two of their number, Mr. Adams and Mr. MLQuewan were appointed • Commit tee to have the premises examined. The ittipm taut duty , in question was faithfully discharged by three practical and experienced ortukmen, whose report we take the liberty of appending, he the Information of all whom It may OMISCMX. JOHN MECASEEY, Pres% of Um Baird. Jos. W. Loos, Stoy. Mouday, Aug. 19,18:0. Prrusincou, Aug. 16, 1650 The Board of School Directors of the Third Ward having requested the opinion of the under. signed to regud to the foundations of the Public School Hour, In said Ward,vveuld atom-- That, to their opinion, there Is no Immediate came for Harm. The earth to very solid under the want, being composed of rock and slate, and not likely to be affected, unless by frost. We beg leave at the lame limo to call the as of the Board lathe very =favorable loco. lion of the building hi, the purposes for which it is intended. to the winter season, especially, the children attending the school are exposed to many decades which Mijbl be prevented by the selection of a more favorable site for the building. AU which is respectfelly =bat Bed. W. H. EDGAR, _ . THOMAS SIMMONS, WILLIAM WITTY. DR. s. D. 1101i9L,11 IN QUART BOTTL&I, Tr AS no parallel m permanently eating and era& . 111, called from the symans ail CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS: It will effeelaally eradicate from the eystem and cure Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Te der, Scald Heed, MOM, Seam, White Swamp, Kin& Evil, Neuralgia Alfeetlone, and all FFAIALE WEAKNESSES And Obstructions, Darrel:thus, Wham., Fluor Alba*, Pelting or the Womb, Nerve., lick Head Ache; bansuor, Painting Sensations, Palpitation of the Hun Low Spirits, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Llver Complain.. to. It Is Purely sad Mantel, Vegetable. It hu beta used with we meet signal curers, by the ?eatenlen In New York and New Hampshire, and the F.astern States generally, for meal years—.d as • general punier of the blood and Invigorator et the *Wm—. n Genuine Fatally Medicinea. an ell• cute,. Female Medicine It hat no equal. Ti. putty and. efficacy of the Shaker pmpalatione are well lee., and dd. medicine regains no long list of certificates and cures to Introduce in its increasing demand for the put twelve year. Is its best totem urn/mien it is t hat p in quart bottle., and is the only Rana. panda ems on th e Lave., Kidneys, and Blood at the same time. which renders It altosether more valu able to every one, particalaely to females. Dr. frinsuy, Proles.. In the Ohio Medical College, says the Seater preparations are truly valuable. sod recommends teem to the public. The and sake, ed are requested to call and obtain a peothblet, .41 purchase bottle of thls valuable b et Medicine. Do sues ans. os fus Dr. S. D.llOWE'd SHAKICR SAKSAPa.RILLA and mks no other. Pnce SI per bottle-0 bodles forts, Fee sale by J. A. Jones, J. eichotthmaker k W. Clack, P. W. Means, 1. A. Townsend, J. Mohler, W. Jackson, Psdeberg k IJ. A. Elliott, Allegheny city. W. IL McClelland, Manebeater; P. Crocker, Browne mile; James Peal. I Co , Wbeeling; J. 11. Pattencn and P. Al Morgan, Si. Clalrsville; M . Sc. I Kees, Cadiz. Also, ter sale by DR. M. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors, 1 Colin. Halt. Cineinnad, To whom all orders Mast he addressed. augJ davelyT YOLFIIIO LADIES , RICEILNAILT. ALLEGHENY. Tius School, ander the direction of Mr.'k. Mr. N. W. Metcalf will be re-opened In "Colonnade Row° Federal Strom on Mondav i September MM. A pnaiary department, Sr. a number of opuenal branch. co hale been added, and a corps of toocherameured, so that isirtructiona , will now be given to echelon of wl ages nod attainments. For particulars ace circulars which may be had at the book stores-01 . consult UM Principals at these dwelling on Federal Street. All hefty, itort-3 lb HEALD, 111701/5101/ Y CO, TOBSCCO COIIEIB6IOI MBEICIIIIITS. ri•. 4 North Water Street it 4:0. 10 North Wharves A. J. Flummox i PaIidDELPHIA EDVD H ues. McCaw/if, T (T, P►SW , a., MISCELLANEOUS. 11.1 or Prrpahmos, Ash. Ist, 1610. TBB Strokboldem or the Bask of Pittabhmb aro hereby notified that a general meeting of Stock holders, wail be held at tb• Banking House, on Thurs day, the fifth day of September nail. at um o'etortr, A. 61., n the charter and the Net, as enacted by the for Legislature at le lam session,will be Mid before Mean their aecepthnee or remetion. By orderer Ltoatd of Director mr3-o&srtdit roux Gas nem Pres. JAMES WILSON informs his friends and the public that be has removed Lie flat and Cap Eatablish meat from Smithfield street, to his old stand on the corner of Wood creel end Diamond Alley, (second storyiover Patrick• A.FrieniP• Office.en trance back, all Diamond Alley—where may be found a at large .e a c nil fashionable assortment of lUDs and Cap• tt'tm il a y a rs i e n ti:, ,, w „ holeaale and _ •4001•1 W aal Wlaaw.e Via mHg undersigned, late Agent for paving Univ.!' 7 B, • tcs Pensions, at Pittsburgh, will atread to the Prosecution of Soldiers and Widows' Claim. lot Pen slow, and Ilnenty laude. An official convection with the United States' Gov ernment has made me familiar with the roles and forms, as well a. the d•eisions, of the Pension Depart. osent at Washington City. Many widows and heirs of Rev& otionary Soldier. have clams that may yet be obtained by proper ap. J B. GUTHRIE, Office 01 Wm. OM. Robinson, Esq., opposite the Mayor's Olfier, Pounh Street, Pittsburgh. July 00, 11100 ilyerViDosil I D. Guys.lla i:rtr►et of Yellow Dock ►nd S►rs►p►rlil►. OUT op in the largest sized battles, contains morn of the pure Honduras Sarsaparilla Mao any other preparation extant which ts ehemioslly combined with the Ilzuset of Yellow Dock, the Extract of Wild Cherry, and the litigant of Fir, thus making the reme dy more thoroughly <fitment than any other Barmy.. rills before the pui i.n, Al the same time it Ia perten, ly free from all mineral poisons, which cannot be said or any other of the Sarsaparilla compounds. The In valid should beware of poisons! Mercury, Iron, Qui ninei Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and many inner mineral and metallic poisons enter into and form the strive bards of meet of the Ilsrsaparlila and Panace. of the day. Onywlt'a Compound F..strart of Yellow Dank and Sarsaparilla does not contain a particle of these sabstances, as any one can easily ascertain by applying the neeewary tests. Thy poisons may oeemtonally remove disease, but they so vitiate the blood, and so completely impreg nate the whole system with their baneful vents that the brat cold. or the first attack of disease, prostrates the:atient's strength, and aobjeem hue or her to the mo szerntiating torture, and rendersaztothw care almost impossible and hopeless. Let all palm:mous Sarsaparilla pr , parattons alpoo,.and rao Muysott's Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sanraparillg, which thoroughly ki n ds adleaeMs, perfectly harmleas, and purely vegetable. All nof disease yields to its tome uxnaeltoo. CURES. _ . Scrotal., Caneer.• Tumors, Cell:neon Eminent, Erysipelas, ililes, Piglet. or Pimples onthe Pace, Chrome Sore Eyes, Tetter, Scald fiend, Rbeumn tine, Ealergentent or Fever he Hi pp r Jon., old and stubborn Ulcers, Sores, Dimase, Swelling of the Glands, Blotches, syphilitic Symp toms, Lumbago, Drop.. DIaPePON Jaandlen Cos tiveness, Salt Rheum, Alfeetions of the Kidney. and dims.. arising from an injudicious tea of Mercu ry. Sore ?Oren, Weakness of the Ch.., P Isnousa AA./ nay and all Whet diseases tend ing' towards Coannip " Wig Opne! int, Female Irregularities and Cs ' s% plaid* SICk . :ad Nei.. Ilesdache, General Low Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Nleht Sweats, Pains in the Side and Shoulders, Expernrc or Imprudence In Life, Citron ie Constltutio.l Dieordarn and as a Siting and Fall Peorial. of the Illood, and (Wend Tonic for the Siete. It is unrivalled. At...el - Mtwara Lionbeafearteales rears &mann/. The folio ins is an extract of a letter dated Mann 57, 1850, from i. Si Perkins, it G., • highly mine. We physic-Mao( hf grin. Ohio. Jona Psay.—Dear; Sin I bans andermy care a ' son g woman who, for sixteen years, haa been ref- Iclitt• NOM Olestrale.d Prob., and whose ease has beenpmetoneeen Impeltidly WWI , cr car best by stria. to I took her In Manly, 6;:we Gitinionl Yellow Dock an Samaparllla freely, dud am confident that the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will effect • permanet earn. She Is better In general heal. than she hoc evet been benne, and walk. a =ln or two without fatigue or pain. A year ago . b . and crutches I will report the case fe doe time. Very respectfully,Tl.A.. E. B. PERRINS. SCROP It has Lees riewarOed, hi Mitten men, that in the varied asteloeme of discuss to which mad Is liahle, there is scarcely one of sash nepotist.... des of moth Interest 00 1k,,p1.11, whether we last to the Obseelliy of its engin, Ito tesnl..• proem.. the itemiser and variety of organs that It attacks, or its remarkable In eurabality and extensive (nutty. Serofnla lase hafted the skill of the most eminent phi`elan. In thiacountri aid In Inarope Dot there Is antidot e for this disease to Dr Gnyott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," which a proving it. sot specific in the most severe eases of An extraonituary emu pf e. fat cored by the sole rise of Doctor linintt's Cont emns as It will bo seen by this certilicate that is man y bus ander the treats.nt of several celebrated physicians, for the pan eight years, 'without deriving any benefit, and has been effectually cured by the em of a few bottle of Dr. liaison'. Compound Syrup. N aw l'eas, Nine y, tote _ Da Oci•ol,—Dear Firg-Owing to you a debt winch motley ennui pay i am Induced to make a patina rt. •Eibsdig4Mrtt of the benefit I hare dented from your In•aluabirelnyriss. fray sorely . .Dieted with a tarn. bit Bertfaloas disease, Lortintary to nor fannly, which commenced on my neck, and, comaratia to spread. boon resthed my ears, reedits loin my bend, •ed extending all over my fare, neck, and lower ex tramnies. I bee me a dtsgusung obleet to look spas. At times my digtren was so Real that I was enable to sleep or be dawn; and the disease extending lea my ears urtioarly seemed my lisaneg• Mr (..,, w..... unadneous sort, frora which o discharge of matter and lm s heet contlinally or uses out. Peoprt aroi d en Mn, supromag j ;AO the small pox, or some other Infection Omeasa y •nd looag prianelmmlY n WOW/ to talindOisY Mirboamega Net•ltlltradarod ; earl the best madam! advice , sat tried different plans aired,. menu, the disease eordinned to grow wort, smut lobo up in despair,Fortunately 1 fallen with • puschger res the steamoat, white travelling for err health, who totoreted me that hi. rd vas at one time in as had a 1 CMidltAe m I was, and that by using year Syrup he as speedilty eurtd. I immediamh procured toe m uck, conartseed using a, bag floc., after hating used lea than ate bottles, I am weir se'd side a attend to my baronets I send yea dos blitterilent asan art m peace, out y hap n g th at it mat 'newer the and•cted to make use of the nghl mrtheine, and thereby sere them 'moth maenad and ans. I your obedient servant, JOHN Q nPALltreiG. Core er as o,dg rPl , aali ran of E.egstpodox. Tla con-s pet squad up -fir Ciayeat g katritel of • Yesow ages tad nersenartil• are 'led•d• .1 hn me e t a e Sf . rt g reU c to r t l e ' d ."'' arTs ‘"n4 are r r ?ot ... O ' he i ;4c r n e ut r % . = hoc folly tooted that Mart can be no eel•pse - of reide , t , of the disease. :reties', (Herkimer Co.) Fob. lek). S F Boman & thi c (icon, 41 ts vtill great pleuure that I mete tor elinot the very [espy edema of /out ' Verret Dock and ?snap ii'" °poi. my eon, who has long been sardine ender thin ...obit loathsome Jit ter, Erysilmias, will. which be was unused in let .) , and was for several month. attended by some of our bast primmer wootned their skill perseveringly for five mons, werort any beneficiul effects whatever. Ito become reduced to • perfect skeleton Ito had sl ap Don his hip to hi. knee, which were no diselfarging disgusungly odennve manor. Medical mid musical skill woe baffled. Physicians sod that his ease was hopeless—there mold bo Lathing done to arrest nose tornbn pm: renting ulcers. My neigh bors and myself Dianna his thasolutior neer at hand. One army neighbor& who had curter • Chlld of serer. alt with your invaloable medicine, wilted me to, Male trial of it, and more from the resilen desire to do something while life herd, then from any hope of getting reliekl , procured three bottles of yoer"Yelfow Hoch and raaparillm" and ham inf commenced ining It and to my astonishment, be orming be had need the third bottle, and before he had used • half done bottles be could walk sot. Ile and or all twelve bottles, sod by October Imi be was perfectly res need, every vemige of the disease except the sears Is removed, and be remain. to perfect health op to the present time. His recovery, under the blessing of Gat, n entirely owing to the use of ypur Dock and Sarmparillm end I sigma° you that I feel myself uside r groat obligation. to you, and It is with great pry that I Inform yosi of what poor SIMpllll/4 has done for my son. Respeetfelly s JAS. RUSSELL. ll7None genuine unless pot op in large bold., eontslnleg a quart. and the name of the Syrup blown in the rim, with the written signature of S. F. ties. nett, on the ailtyao wrapper. Price SI par bottle—er d bens for K. It le told tby J. b. PARS, Ninth Eno corner of Fourth end Walnut streets, twiner, on alnut st, Clacirmad, Ohio, to whom all orders mum ho addres li Cuter k Ore ) Eric, W. F. Johnsen k Co., Water ford; k Clemons, Croosingville; Abel Morino.; Hiram Mrs Towanda; Robert Roy, Wells. bees Roderiek. Csillensburg; 1.. Wilcox, Jr, Pitts burgh, inner of Market great am) the Diamond. EA011,11:1 GLASS Woos■ JOSEPH D. ABELL, MANUPACTURFR OF GREEN GLASSVARE, Vials, Bottle*, and Flasks, Potter Scott Ala inners , Witter. Patent Med'clue, an d Mule. ef cuol de...Orig..: also, WINDOW OLABS. Keeps cans anti) on hand agenes's! naserunent of the above. mucks. ALIO/ STATE, as the other Osten Gina FltelOilell are era. ours., a. I. the CO4LOOII In mottles, TIM Ferro. is Tow in rod. orzeurton, and Or entwines: operolon both summer and winter. Orders respectfully solicited. and 101 l be filled en the .honey notice. .Warclause, No Second stout, between Wood and Pialikaeld a., Pittsburgh. jytlVAly PLANETT'S BITTERS Ciestra a healthy action throughout the body, restore the apprise, eel:tabus the circulation. glob tone and energy to the sty mm, and create • power of realM. anee to disease i n al l form., rarely to be obtained. They will perform a speedy and permanent more of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency, General Debility, Liver Complaint, an d all Me teals of symptoms com monly railed mirectith affection.. Will be Immediattly relieved by the oaci of this lovai• h ank ampound, which i• partly vegetable, and I• adapted to albage• and condition•. =BM Will and In thin delimit and palatable preparation, a combination of Tonle, Alterative and Aperient quoit • tics. peconarly adopted to thee oymentio. The specific action that this oracle hos on the Wirer rind Digestive Organs, renders it a complete Antidoto for Melee and Attic. and Mono and Typhrto Fever. Cluarraa.; L I. July Illb LEW. Doe Ste I hare weed the article of Planctt'e Bittrnh and have deny./ greet benefit tram them. I hale been cubical for years pest to the Fever and Agee, but else . the turred•citort of your Bitters, II hare entaely escaped my visual attacks, and can wth Confidence recemmend them 111.0111, of the best Tecate In use. Jiro:no/ally yours. C. N. BONDING. Srauttingto, Jape 20th, iflo. Mr DIUII Pty halves MB much pletrOlt to Stale, that the DYrpeptia with tehich my the has been at long trout• l e d, wising from litaction of the Liver. has bean CO. dryly overcome, and cured by the use of your ktirldr• able preparation of.littters, and for your kindness ir recommending them, please accept my thanks. Your odeufirru Jortunt, CL LRECA. AV.', Wam T. Ricks Co., HP and tai tree street, Maw York. for sale by aug.te3mirt R. FIBELLEAE. CUL, WINS! 11YL F. sfll l.) SURIVEII & nAnnEs, WHOLESALE GROCERS Prod. , ' and Commis...on lllinAants. And dealer. in Putsborrt Manttfantnrod Arnoles, Son. 130 and 139 Second street, Between Wood& Sintthfield. Ptttettureh. 2_151 BANKING HOUSE. I. CAROTHERS dr. CO., No ILO WOod Pitutbargh. EURRMY MONEY MEET "In ON DEA) ET Collections scab eu eIM ca pg! tles :top VAnd Palk i1y1.417 STEAM BOATS. so at mica ARRAIR73I/ENT. J EL 1850. IMUMtin==e7Z=l -• GoW AND WELLSVILLE. , The new mid lieht draught steamer YOGGIIIOGIIN. NY,, master, will make daily trips between Pittsburgh .ud Glasgow. Hundays eseepied,l leasing Glasgow 7A.hl , and Pittsburgh at 3i, P. M. The Tor etungheny a but 15 Inches draught, and can be 1.01 , 1 on as a regular packet, throughout the season. lor freight or passe, cipolS en hoard, Of I. C CIDWELL, Agent. Jett DIDWFS.L & CO, Glasgow. REGULAR WF.DNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, WILLIAM .1. %octet. This splendid hoot was both by the owners of the steamer Esau,Newton, and others, for the Ginelnantl and Pittsburgh Paelet 'trule., and ...11l leave every Wednesduy, for Cincinnatt, in piney of the Ness Frfalond, No. U. For freight or pessagr •nriY on board, r te m2O GB MILTENBERGER, Art MORONGIAFIELA ROUTIC. IEO Only 73 Dill•• Staging. Via Brownsville nod Cumberland to Baltimore and Philad,lptaa. Fans TO UkLT7MORIT.-.....-.. =MEI It" I . lllbabeLllM---- 11 On MllEmousing boat Moves the same, above the bridge, dully, B o'clock precisely. Trine to Baltimore, 01 boom time to Philadelphia, 90 hours The evennte boat Mayes doily, (except Ssr.dcy ev enings,) at It o'clock. Pomensers by itabir.g ell the evening hoot, will eras* the mountains in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Recurs. your tickets at the Office, Monongahela House, or Pt. Charles Motel. cotlgslY J. 141ESIIIMEN, Airedt RIR:BLAB WIMP:LIND t SUNFIsiII PACKET. The ram winning steamer WELLSVILLE,' Capt. B. Young, will ran ea e. regular packet between Pittabargh,iWheel ing,Bridseport, and Einnast,lenvtng Pittsbnigh every hlonday afternoon, tor Wellsyltle, Steubenville. and Bridgeport. and every Thursday afternoon for Stcatten. "Be, Wheeling, Bridgeport" Caption, and Sunfish Returning, leaves Bridgeport and Sunfish every Tue.. day afternoon, and Catfish every Friday animas:tn. For freight or passage, apply on beard. or to 1100 D WILKINS, Agent. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PADGET. The anlandhi fast running tremor JIMLOUIS McLANE, IT- S. Ennwril, tug ter, (having undergone a thor ough repair, will ran hereof. as • regular packet between Piral orgy, and Wheeling, !roving Plimburgh every Mn, day, Wednesday mid FL day morning!, at 9 o'clock. Fur freight cr passage apply on hoard, or to 1.1 W. B. WHEELER, Agent. pirrsuvamt a %V lIF.FJ.INn PACKET. 4E . The arlendid A fan running ateamer SIIIP PER, N. S. Cnnwell,marter, having under. Anne • thorough repair. wl , l run hen, aPer as • rvgabw packet between PlY•burgh neA beekßig, Raying iNnotoßel unnrY Nion4 ay and Thursday turning., at o'elJak. ply on board, or to For traight n...4° HEELER, An. inner_ w FOR WHEELING. The fine light dr.. , W. 1., ( lONIAN, R ' 4l li eerinl ' ricl cl h aVleWn i : r pilt.l eve ry Monday, Wednesday, nod Frl day, at 10 ,'dock A. M. For freteht or p.a., apply on hoard. or to tltti ARMSTRONG & CROZER. Ants. REGULAR DAILY PACICET FcFt MONO:IC:4 The splendid .roamer YOU.; HIOWIENT, Cant Hance,. will leave ior above and all intermediate lauding; every Oa., at 4 o'clock, I'. M. For freight Orliasaage apply on board. f aidll7!ddor M t M 3 2M" . . . mai The spleadtd ocamer RINGGOLD, Copt Cope, end Ware for the above rid ail Intermediate pore on this day, the ran inn., at 4 P. Irl..roOnrelY. For frenrht or . pasuge apply on hoard engiiiL . FOR CINCINNATI A. LOUISVILLE The splendld steam, i UnlnllT, Moron. master, will leave for the above and intermerhain landlins l s en this day, Me 90th inst. at 4 . o'clock, P. hl.l For freight or passage, apply on board. .00 P ita l ati r n i ffl e i n Lli- seand light &attain steamer CIIATANOOOA, - C. W. Harris, master, leave for the savor and all intermediate port. on this day, rho Wm IntiL, at 2 o'clock, P. M. For Gel& cc passa,ye, apply on ooard. or To aag2o G B MILTENLIFRGEII, Agl -- - FOR CINCINNATI & FIT LOUIS. The spleng eza o ri ., ijayi,:o, opal. ; %Till !ch. above and lawrrne4l.: ♦`ofU tnit de y, lEMMRIMMM IMMII=I2I The Atm new belt stcsolet E elean, m g astf ' :: U W ' ll l ier. for the -boot and all tote fsnrthste tr par, on Ihls dttli. the .0:! Last. o 1 to , elock, A at ARMSTRONti A CROZER, ['tom Tbe fitta neva •ati Ilellll,ll. • N A VIOATTIII, Wm. Dean. mastrv.alp leave tor tha aboat wad mtermatliate lanainta, on tbta day. 17,6 ina t. at 10 o'rlo,k, A. M. ==l== }UN CINUINWATI Jr. ST. 1.01:01. ri The .'"'"6a t:r..A ` rius. Ebben, neeater tvili leave tat above aed to:ettacalthte e% day, the Itlb a August at 10 o'clock iiJ FUR CINCI , NATI AND ,T LUC!, The ganorns,nt `Lemdrnonht •Ipnr, cr CINDERELLA. Capt. , Mor.'ext, 41 !cave for :Lo above aro trocr atodinto ports on tleo 4.7 Aug. l; It 10 n clock A SI • For (ru fltor ponce, Apply or to P 6E417 > NeAVT , LIS loNF.:1. c.rt. FORMIREIRT - I"A A 11) A TUe rpleudul • treomr T ' S ' orne w ri2ej:el;;. ( o ' r ' t., " o= dai. ter icto ra 4 r , " a. lb, ICIn mn., ca 4 o'clock.. .--. or fre:ohl or passage, apply on l.oe rd. nr to, angle. W H WHEU.F.R. ATI - I , nunilt--na sacks ebtatcalCorn. landtsg tat Ream 11l VO ST. Lochl._, er Al,cat,eny The aplandtd weamer Cltpkr sod tar sato by Vs On` RlatPiN 4 KIRKPATRICK. a., ' 6 l ROBERT ROGERS, ll 5 - ITE-skit V )7,FPIN 4 A V PLE2-2 ca,...teAtt irr, Rutzher, ,1141/f, wt . . losl,e for the ! 1 Yalld. Pn6arYall,lost reed loa PAIE by Nava and all intermedlate yeti. an l WM A NI aCLIIRO tr. CO this day, lb. lazhiltul, at 10 oleloak, A. M. l IY,. _ 2:6 Ltbrny at For (talk. or prantge. apply on board, or . I II MON STRUP.—linderwoodla a etehraiid truc soalfl OFXJ 13 al ;;.YEN El h:RIIER. AO. JO L.,-10111” ruin a! est, toljost rte[ll,4 fiDt aale oy - FOR PT. LOUIS. .. ; 14 WM AMr OLE RN 4, CO Thy, b r ,,, 6,4, d,,,,,,,by fp . ., ~,,,,,,,, I 1 . , ' ‘., ts!.l.-Til AI USlAtiliZ m f A i l i A gs, m a c, tor . n . r .,, oru c f. ) , , steamer CITIZEN, 1 .1.:./ It ='l Captmn Gormley will leave for Own,l i taasult L ; ',6 11.,UACiAl--.50 - 1.1 Itatotell . 4 Kota,- . . . , -- ro II interadtate pore Una day, at 10 I„, aaula d a Latallt, 10 0 1 re , f , l l l ll F : R `llli i y micri . 2o:4 TANNERS talL—.... Ws brown; att tall low Wit( d, Rust received ;Yid 6111.1. ER 4 111ChEISON o'clock A. NI. For frelaht or passage, apply an Load mei) FOR CINCINNATI. The light draught steamer GENEVA, • ' Wllktne, master, will leiter for nt eve and men:lMo,, port..., this day, ib'h inst, at lb o'enek, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. men_ FOR CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIS. The splendid steamer GF.NESEE %surf'. Moore, Muter, soil Irm a for Mayo ma intermediate ports so Nu dry, the 14th hot For freight or passage apply on boar 4 at to itur:4 J NCWTON JONS,I2I, Alt The eplendid new steamer ASIA J F. Lloyd, omelet, will leave for the hove and all Intermediate pose, on this day, Iltb lest, at 10 o'el.k A Id. For freight or paszege, apply on board. .1414 SPEED INCREASED Eadmi 185 ) 0. =Ala, BUJ mit AII.V.ANOICISIENT. CENTLAT. RAIL ROAD off. TO uurantapos, PA. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, And Usti fond Cars' (EXCLUSIVELY ■OB P•sernalits,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via Om Cent's! Rail Rona and PeroVa Canal. R4O odic. Rail Road, and 140 miles Canal. 113no-11 hour. Fare-310 through. The former Roll Road It putted In day light. ON an alter that date, (10ip June,) the Control Ball Read wall run TWO DAILY TWOS ressAnage cogs from Mutinied. to PhOndelphla. The ears on the above road and the Allegheny Portage Rail Road are oil new, and of the veil best dererlntion in the country, and the Increased speed on the moun taln•' niusengers go through with deepeteh. A Packet Item will leave every tharntorr al6 o'- clock. and everyevennag at 9 o'clock. For Sammy, Speed, and aConneat, thle room le de cidedly the most pre( rnbie now in our to the Eastern Cauca. Focgassege or information entity to W surcti, Monongahela House; or to D LEECH it CO, Camel Resin. 8 an the fin nepternher, the Cenral Roil Road wilt bo Off n to Ito lidayeburg, when 9 9 aandlroo go lb. - mph to 13 hours. telt Jai , 1850. ivalgag BIDWELL & nitoTzt FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCIIESTER,N., (Beaver Point,) s .. Agartts for ntnvvr.t.t. , s prrrsiwitmi AND CLEVEL/OD LINE; EIDE AND MEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW cANTLE: PACKEIMI towing and shipping I•etwcen Pitmtough and Hoc/letter by steam boats Michigan, Lail. Erie, and Be G arer. tEr oods receipted and promptly ;lanceted to all on the Canals and Lakes, .1 the Inmost talcs. Shippers will plasm; duect goo& in "Ibtlecell's Lint." .1. C. [DOWEL!, Water .4Pittsburgh. WESTERN LAURANCE comm* OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. J. F...., R. Mitxak, Jr., !Neel Will Insure egninn all kinds of tura, FIRE A_ND MARINE. ALL loss will be liberally adiatted and promptly es paid. A home in by Directors who are wall known in the community, and who are detorm i n. ed by promptness liberality to maintain the char. Bete? which they have assumed, tis offericy the beat protection to those who desire to be InsureJ. Ihascrom—R. Mlllcr, Jr., Geo.lllsok, J. W. Buller, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Rotolo% C. Ihrasen, Geo. W. Wm. M. Lyon, Jct. Lioplocott, This. K. Luce, Jemes APAtiley, Alex. Ntnook, lhoa. Poets. Om., No. SI View, meet, (waratenee of Spepi Coe up PIM rialburib, P. W. PATENT DIES FOR PATENT= THESE DIES baring been adopted and highly; and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufactured tidenee, es the most perfect arucia in use or cutting', Their superiority over nny other Dies hereto Scasw, whether V ursaptatia thread, by teusexpessing or prrinays prtparolion, as the dies cut the thread 6 in their greater clumbility, rapidity, end perfectiod to get out of order. 13=3:15:152 "1 1849. Thi• iS to certify that we have purchased from P. IV. bides the right or snug his patent Dies for rut ting hole. fo our coinimi, toe Ines an much sum por to any others we aro actimunted watt tor SW urpose of elating boom P MORRIS te. CO. Promrizonro, Aim. 21. 1212. 11g rd P W r.. 1)k. m M a...hi:Omen o ! for the G last riina e., months. r coding tint., we ran In every respect recommend them in the hithert nirms, sa we have laid all others away, they hitte in fsr•soperior—nonsiderin. them 75 per ern) chc•pet than any others now in use. RANEY, NEAF IE orkr , PZs CO, Perm Wg. nista to retry dist Iva have purenme the nein to toe, and ndoptce In cur busmen r P W Gates' Pa tent here's Cutter, wkice we highly approve of, We can do roach mote wort, sod we behest It will sari picia in do cabana cal precision, at mach as economy of Clint,: toty thee known to us M.MUS. ToSKER Paushetzuss, gth to oath; 21th day, 1'49. Dim Testa, Aug. 10,1819. Prying learned P. NV Oster' -Parrot Ince for .1- ,o twit., we take pirt.uta an ritylna, that it Wore than norw err our expeerattora, ad have no heatta hun to amine it al our ennui, that It far exert. any other plan In motor we for awn - g T P SECOR & CO. We hoe P. W. Gateai'iPatent Dim" Mr cutting screws, and the economy of using them is on very considerable, that we look upon them as irdispensa.. hie to every camMiehment having any quantity of OCTIVMS to Me0014941C14, OGDEN ie. CO, Came., May 10, 1549. 01:1"1.1. Maws, NVTartirovorr, 11th Pept., I have porrbaved of Wit Licovitlo, for the United Stains, tLe right to oat in all tit , . arsenal. and arroo-, HOUSES, LOD MEM, &c. TO LET XT2Z= , D "17; I Intl nrn{ V Carnage Howie, being the property or, ;47 , r o: wet. For Dln Jane nth terms, apply to Ii n LOWREP, royiddif PO Wylie et T ?ET, Let, W se liE large three story B,ick arehou, on Water. 6,10 w Petri' sttroh running from Water to First street, on reasivenble tenni. Bosseasion given roe dime'''. Enquire of F. LORENZ. 1 / 1"U. 1.111. E REAL EnTATE ON I..n.NN STREET lull b6ALE--A Lot of Ground situate on Penn treat, between Ilay and glarturyntzects, adfoining We house and let now occupied by Richard Edleardn, hawing a front of 25 font, and in dente - LID feat, vc.ll b• sold on favorable terms. Tineunerceptionabla. En quire of C. U. LOOMIS, 4th at, was Wood. ocnil-da Property te. Alla Chesty GUY for Pal. tilE stibecribers over for sale a number 0 chat. Loa, simile in the Second Ward, frontin • wi Common ground, on easy term.. Inaittre W. o'll. ROBINSON, .htty et Law, 'St C air el or of J.hlllollol/110:i.oa Ws practise a. CIALIVOILDIA ADVERTISEMENT. Pr:Allis& BROCKWAY, Commission Merchants, Bacratarnm City, California. Liberal advances made on consignments, and all agency Inman. promptly aliened to. a. a. Fall., 4 ."117117:1E.ZZ Si LOUT. may Illidirscbta J. L1A11.11.18081 ATTORN4Y AT LAW,; OUiO STATE OUAIIIISSIONFIR for taking DP sitions, Acknowledgments of Deeds, Sco. Othoe—Foonls sireei, above Smithfield. mol-dfewT Pitts bergtil7ll sy Wixom 'Works. w. cuasinrcinmi & Vr, ANITA CITRERS OF Vi INGOW GL ASS, In No tS Masked street, between Find .std Second, Pntsbargh, Fw 117Particulas attention paid to odd sizes. Arco, Dosicrs in FLINT GLASS, V DOTTL ES. COO/N.1.1, S. ounces, ayfttf D. CTAIMaIIIAN. D. .toxin. MM. W. IVINOt.Caj (WALirl C. ututorro. R. W. POINDEXTER & CO., GENERAL COMMISS/0.4 and Forwareing Mer elinnt• rind Flour Dealer, No CO Market atreet rkladelphia. II 25_ . MORRIS & itAwo - ivrn; - , 7 , EA AND WINE MERCHANTS, emit' aide of IN; Diaroon.l. Fate/ lent Tens• • 00 :0 per lb. baperior i m portedinielg• • ..... in d o . beat d do. Low pit , ,ed, deniage.d, or intoner Tens are not top , at tot, einat.,ishistent. JYnn BIDWELI- Ghugoin, Ps. (Satilie.g Farr, Paa 00[1 ) Ilaveng perrnalleatlf laeated thts place, ane and not,stannel Wharl Boat, we am prepasea to n , et lye and Corwurd promptly to all pntnt2an 13,:e m and Beaver Or (Hug Cuaal9. B Co. 61a•sow, June 15.—ic13 Cia•cland, Warren mad Plltsb¢reb Teies T ipo company. or a ; at the I.lnathl of Dime- C l•nd, Warren and Pntzburgh V.pgrapb ColnpaLty, rev/eat/N{ore Sec relat y naarre uat one cat.e to be p•lntahed to the noweropera along the line.. eiblutt ol the neauctaA and outer athure of :nth ea.:log.11).1 oulautt the lotlowthe. Report.— of'l:eof Telegraph COMITICnce.3 C.eve:ned and trr.n.nn,c. at l'atuburgh, paawas , throagh Crtaarm Fri Frwilithk, Newton Fall, Warta°, lounratown, • 1.0 wr!l, In the State of elll , l New Urretle a,al rn the bthle of Penney/van.. at wbrott' otheelt theatco for the receipt et.d • Tee wt.oletee*lt of the {lce ti cal , e,—Capital f nn!e,,,a'...a, total CAp/LALI 0:1 • al wo:e- one 4.4.4 an nein by emzenal COIIS the Ime, one tee balauce held up Cornell Szi epLe.l, lac ntraetora. 1.,e. above aof sno-r wr,pnoue Lyetuseua, ueen pant tu moun tcell , ~per, : for t.e..ich till r..stec. na,c were receipt. .1 , p dt( Jt.:llFt.ker/N Hnt.ll, Secretary VA:Nit:II — WM I IN6-45 brl :or .o'e IaTT,:IO CIO,C;; • con.rAntnent, uy 1,,A1/111 eu _,!.;./thler.ll-ILL—Ao,...,nefrae,.t.,..:„Ty.xti„ttl, Yk.a..LuS, LA- oil. or .41C ey ,1 J soatoutOlArCEß 4 CO U btl o t. itcia l te o k•t, qpte . to do blumen S. Co.' yUlery,q , 4; 5 Co do do pm; )...t teed for,itele by 5111.1.4:11 S. ItICKFT'SON WIN VOW r11,66-0a) bar ••••01 . 11,1 o lac S rce'd Id( tt.lo by 3131 S es W HARIJAVUII /6 - 11[1 1 7.43U be Melted 1u•1 NTT - T - 07mb) by 1..) 113 6k. W 11A1113AUGH L ARD -15 take er r erii,ibec tv' t; ' ll ' .11 . 1;11=N ))3 Second et Q 1 k '7lVietoiiXi.."txr-4.63 kci; Su 1, just lazuing to ana for rale by 13 1 31 HAMM', JONAH& CO NJ U. SI:CAR-43 bads prime 11 • )01 1 ..2. DILWORTH & CO - 1716 - 7 12 60 brie large Nu 1 Mackerel r (0 . •. a DILWORTH &CO ifi n.,..ur. — : U bads •Saolleo 04 0.4 I. WI by ISAIAH DICKIiT A CO . 171 _ . . Vint. b. Front sin. 42A1.. - M — .TRIT--Jtilirra crude now In more— p 1151 ISMAttIIICKEY it CO , A—iro brio new l4l3.lllllg . ( or 1114T3(1 - AL Jot IL , MAII DICKEY it Co - --- (Mill:IL—MO bort, in .r tale rrrli IrrMAR DICKEY t 9 CO mA:NLobACTURED TtairtutAb—tai boxes W.ll. 'rant's e's, Russell & Robrnsons Vs, and other choice brands for sale by ryM ' A COLBERT:4ON & CLOUSE Ar:KEitE.l..—to WI. Pro 11, large, Raba inspem In nos, first emoted and 4 t o L a i lV & ...y U tY rUE VIIILL.-1 bale heavy Suffolt r iasi recirid LP and foe sale by 61IAItttLETC & WHIT!: „ T. _pat ICU Wood street 1 .• .11.1. RTING TWECILIe—t case prime Imbign JJ colon, fine blue cheek., rust received by r you SHAW:Lb:CT & WHITF hACI: WAI)I)ING--0Leic~ lorße.dae r he.vy ,(~ )uvl reeena •J Ly eIIACFLEI F WHITE 0 Ji;rlir-3 t rtilliil2lPllAKFlt kCO I tbo' brim No 1 Icc'd tor alb by 1 )I,lc 8k W HARDAUG /I 4.2 Uri ALL eLical HAMS-10 lee reed for safe by W 11A,RBAIJOH 4-11— LU casks neti for sale 07 CI 13. N 3 W lIARGAUGII nil colors Imo ree , TlTaa very hrrp A A MASON k CO till.l:,—Acoiher flint., favor, of ric h Myles Die Tic rfilk^,inia opened by • A A MASON CO lIGOoDrk—A bee moruneut rf theme good 6 received, which perch re respectfully tit•iird to examine. 10d A A MAPON k CO k b er Ret.stal:Plne,a,:&;ortm. lrmx IltaiEtica I.— oc I tocifili. qua.° y IWZ—He-Pr— kl /YI 6 J pCIIIJONkJA kCO rl.llUftihrls tl F ieo'd . coney 4, fet ea Id ky— ly:Pl Sk 11ARUkt1011 k -- lE—Superter queink fee dandy pee. ‘,/ kept eo.tamiy on band be A CULUCHTItON k CLOUSE 11 ,9 1,1 LiLetty ti 011,-.oT,EVTattners or) Inv ...e - by wr.l W t F I OUI:WILLE LIME: -411 tmi. 1. W Lime for me! lV d. F WILSON 0 011 ,7 1 ,, LH F T, OL 1 HTUNE—OK lb% rt , •Rie b t E SELLERS p ltF t; c o i f na v n a ti n f: u rt:ire iv conaka key ntly on hand by A CI:E./A-AT:SON t CLOUSF L ,itch, ND in more, and to: sale by 1320 SELLERS & NICOLS. D ACON—lla Mina prune Shouleels reed for bale by IvIN n & W HARLIREGEI b°"--4 jyp P r: W 2111411, am — ;r• --- nMly% X received sad utlf• Ted whol•sale ana nits% by /IV poke= b zyscanzia ATES' CUTTING SCREWS. IIAT 8, 1847. approved in en the princiPal shops in NeW York machinists, ship smiths, &c., with the utter coal screws. fore used, consists in their cutting it rratrx47 .. over the iron to ke em, which require no wedging tut of the wild iron, without musing it in the taw; of work; and in their simplicity nod hale. liability nes under the topervlsion or thta Deportation , " P. Mr- Gatos' tt ?wont bias^ for cuttingwrews on mate!, they having Inca there in two of the large arsettala, sod fogad to be very elholeat and ezeollent. A. TALCLi e rr i Col. Ordinance. 8M. , " oP V. too •0* Poop, t Wo,pnioopon. Sept. IS, 1E49. Cansiderog Cries' Patented traptoremeat for out ing 110I000• en coeval to Lee E tuto.le anu,l have, by authotity of the Honorable Fortooppy of tad Navy, potobaaed of the Attorveys of the Patentee, Wm. H. Scoville, and Samuel Mower, 1. tor ,the opt! to make and use said lopptoPeinent (or the U.S. Navy. JOSEPH SIMITH,ChIef Boreeci. • In uer oho by ' Buffalo Works. BI112:0;• Rama & Ashley. Itochenterl • Routes & CI, Gloucester, N.Y' Ilaylrood.k. Snyder, Bebarylkill County; Ilirbeck, Ne..w 1 ork; Hogg Delasuater,"l'MeniX," N.Y; 1.1. Dont.= & Co, Nevi York; Deamend A. Co, Monument Winks, Balt; Van cur n, Ai:wheaten mMult &ay hew York; oor Works, do; Muippli, do, Wes Point Fonndry; Tiro, Ithiladelphi. • Jena., Ilreede.•burgh, Walwoltt, it. Nowa, Snow; and - New York.; Lowell Slanblne. vhop, Lowe Arnoosbetur Marebenter, N Lyman & &mime, South Bosun, and MUMMY., others. rums:, Not Machme, 10 seta dies & taps fr 4 tog In. pet. 2050 Nog do 8 do ito it pneo 0210 No 3 do 4 do to 1, pnco 1118'0 , All orders addreased to P W. Chicago, G. 'B. Batman, New York, E. In hdonbell do co, Pella delehia, and It. 11. Scoville & Bons. Cole:Igo, for Dies and Taps, 'vi h or without machines for using therm lOC meet with proomt saltation CrOcaoo, May 3,1830. RH. JOHN MARTIN realtectiolly announces to the citizens of Rituitiutul, RAI ha hot pOrrnanenßl ed himself 111 Ow city . ; cot the purpose cf pao trcinit Medicine an d Surgery . , in oil its various! b much ea. Ilia otEce is on Fouttli Watt, No IN. Red.:enc. No Df mine at. • jyt it seine T TIM. J. J. MYERS Ont. hIS professional service* 1.7 to the citizens al Marches:es' and Mace and [coder co, for the preen., at fithiedule, in Manchester, nothediot, ty, above the Marine ISltecani fdadroaJ and Surgical sotto.. hp GROEN, M. P., lornterly of Praladelphia, and late of New Lisbon, Ohio, takes pleasure in no• unarming that he has toasted Itharelf permanently to Elnahorgh, for thnpurpow of praetiamg Me-various branches of Idedtttne end Surgery. Calle promptly kneaded to at all. boars of lb day and night. Office pod residanca No lati Third iltrect,batorein Southfield and Ca./. Ruz...—E. Stanton, 'Esq., Foerdi en.; F. Kay, Tleokmller and Stattener, W 0041111.134 it. Kennedy, A potheear7 and_Ornafist,N.lll7 Jr:V:6 y 1111iPoRTAST CHANGEI. DALLEY'B MAGICAL PAIN LXFP.ACTOL rj:IIIS never ( ailirm Pain Destro) ex, and arum. onto Darns,for SetOda. Piles, Sore and inflamed Eyes, tits, Wounds, Brakes, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Swellings, Bpraine, Sore Nippins,lizoken Bryan, San Rheum, old and Inveterate torso, and all cutaneous and inflammatory dlmases. IN A NEW EN ipa.orv. AND BOXES OF MUCH I,7ICABLED SIZE!!! CAIITiON raunterftits of DALLEIPS EXTRACCOS in them.. wean.aa good the market. Stun them no , n.l would poison!! Dy buying the anicie in the NE' DOESS you avoid the danger of being imposed DY cotta terfeits are certain of getting the Genuine, itad gain, moreover, near 50 per cent on the average. • Caution to Defers. Gross irepoll.ll is practised upon Dealers, by ren acrapnlons operators, ctho put up the countherett staff In a counterfeit Mahn c. 14 wanyper, mixed with a few boxes orate oceole: Ia each dozen, and thus offer it the sale n S Weirtheel price! This sale catches many drer.s. oat the wwthding. Innocent consumer, whe WC{ the speinoas locale, pays the pcmltyl Suffering s pats, paw, unsightly scars and...acts resulacg from severe barna, emends or sores, and alien Ina of lith are the consequences. Case In Porn. a In llng Part... Oars Ui one o( the meet severely butnt and Wanted suffer ers at the late and dlthstrousliAtiEF. STREET EX PLOSION, In New York. will shortly he üblished. Mind the NEW ENVELOPES, the LARGE BOX ES. and my AUTHORIZED AGENTS !I Or - See th,.. Nov Circe - Inn for IF.IO. M.% the symbols on the new dress.—the Wrangle. SIGNot. Pd.. 5 .4 Dove, and Engle, Mad IL Dailey'. written signature. ID-Avoid danger and freed, and bui Ex tractor any, In the new cans and Lanes scan. • • - - • 11. DALLSY, CIS ilroadarnyi New Pori. Mona P Scuwarrz, Allegheny Ai errtal and Whole tie •rcrl. %Yr. 'Mora, Arent, Puubergh. N. o.—Tbe no.. of Ikalers who ptocure the Del- Icy -.Odor, tow Ore, (rota tuber the proprietor boa ". 00 from will he pebtlahed ic the papers, at a guide to, the public. to fleet ale. of newt. tuutta deowlui To Roughens staadi W u 1111erolvalats. D GI/SSE:US'PREMIUM PERFUMERY. The sobsentxr ree spcually invites publtc attention to his extensive swot. of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Gramme, Rs, to winch seven Salver and Coro Golder. Modulo hove, within the last sin years, bode awards! by the 'minim. of Now Yolk, Roston, and Pkilo delplins, the latter brlng the only Golden Medals ever awarded for psifentery either In Europe no to thin 001.10117. Rovesn's buoy:leo easist, ;Almond, Rose, wd ittnttfoslal,/ universally acknowledged to be superior tb any Sttavult Cream in tine totally or Europe. 01-r.OFILUM rya StrAvans-13000110t117 trnitannainl, and roweaaini mthly salon nctons and umcfflent. pia} s; Sivonov.eona Co naround; Anibre.e.l6l.•- ing Ta1.;1,; hltniary SLoalnK ti‘nap. neruStm. rots.. Sewra—Almond, Rose,l%lillefleura. Coaq,et,i'mocaln, horhnnly, Onn.lls:te, Float- Lag, I . l.spazenl, Olive Oh, W indsor, and Cireitarsln. Erra.Arcs rot Too HANnscicoLv—Ros,, Bcdquei de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny land, Mousse line, Jockey CIO, hlugnolta, C1erna:41. , .., Cannata* Bnaat, llnsat, and roan) other varieties, is ill !rainy Were. perfames. Tonal Wariau7Flonda Water. Earl de 'initiate, Orange Fiuwer great vaneLy at CO. longues sad Llrendur era • Sear's 011. Antique (At, Bat.dollue, Eau Lustrale,'Oinute. Com pound azlatx Dien, liquid and in powder, and P hilpeone Thci nine, and Jennyromader. Opr,..twe PrAnnaAno-114.anne Rose. Tout! raute, ns Charcoal 1/craziLee, W0W..., Torah Paste, and 'Fonda Powder. COSKLTlCB—Vigetsble Coarcellt CT.., lout erns° for chapped hands, Cold Cream of Hasa, Cream •de.) Pena,. Lip Salve Raepberry . Cream, &c. Depilatory Panicni, far ramov)re say:ram:ma bur, Pearl Psalm Viailia de Route, :rtm.latio Vinegar, Victor). !lair Composition, Preston bcan;c• a areal variety of tuber articles, too name-ea to be named in naarlycniument. eisisslintiet bore. to maintain the reputation whioh lb.. establishment has aeon tred: by dmpoemz . of nothing but first rote article", and will be happy to furnish Mow who may avian to patronize him, either wholesale as retail, nu a• reasonable terms as any es uiPit•hineut in th - a Dolled tizatea x&vica DAMN, Succemor to and former Director of Me Loboi story of EP t Mt. Dada's Perfumery , Is for tale by all toe linnet. pal Druggists in Mc GOollitT. • 1017td1.0 GI it C IGP SII ti It OH 11.11Tici. IllauarOU' Tho Srajen.) THE subscriber having 0a loathe above well...ern and excellent establishment, l• 'now prepared to entertain hi. lriends and the travelling public gene. , ally le the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. • . . . Ilia Ta.BLE wilt at all times be supplied with every t!elleney of the seeson,and his Bee with the beet of Liquor*. Ills Stabiles Is •ery eatenrivetland every mune.- Mehl hu been wade for the accommodation of Ilro• rem WM. CLAWSON, •- D E WILLIAMS Will Gyro • classical aid kirig• R IhM •thool, on the first Monday of Set. nen. Room orer J. D. Williams' more, comer o Wood and Path stream. _ 1.1134/2... Rev. War. D. Howard,l Hon. Waller H.' . 'lnto, Rev. Dr., J. D. McCerd, Eel., Rev. Dr. MetWIL J. D. Wtßianns, ESN. if Re —li • . _ HAVE, this day, assawated 'nth me Mr. I. 11. I Clown, la the Wholesale Cresol and Prodaeo bustarsa; the style of the fate will Ad A. Culbertson. Clown. [ll3l A. CULBERTSON A. crutirrsolll (1.5. Cocci. A. ouingliVson & ctoosy, TATIioLF-sALE ORCiCERA and Canitisiattion Mer l" V chains, Dealers In Piodnee, and Pittsbnegh Manufactured articles, )0$ Liberty at, Pittsburgh, Is. /13 Wor g re n e liti . y i . n WO; 1:n now furnish families 1•;6 hem Flour. All orders 11 in Um DOI. will be prooit2 atiornie4b ! WIL ARTII. it NOBLE, City Mill.. PITTSBURGH GLASS WORKS A. & D. H. CHAMBERS, Ilan numeral, nen. , & act.,) W.ould reepeetrelly Inform the eustinnera of the late Aria, as also the poetic general% that th. 7 yin commie the materna:inn in WINDOW GLASS, VIALI,IIIITTIN3 data In an their varieties, it the Old Stand, No 13 Wood st. botwoos First. &Water. .117:d3m =22=1:1 • it 4 IMP II V & BURCHFIELD have received a fall LILL .p ply of above am , it, alio., based, green:and lilac, of tee right width; aloe, blue ieid pink woe WI .arc Cbandelier• wad Gas Lightc,A,Fr_Jr4 TO CIONTILAOTOISS. QItEETY FUSE, Ly ths Fthttel er Wasting, norm strength, d. Smith's attanufsentre, for ssinJT 1.0 1111)Wk41„ Age, Weser street. Oro City Honshiosto. - Moto ft superiof eaten Fuse tnt klisoties, dolO' kegs liszatirs Ilitoung Powder, Isms seP d r , do Rtdo Powder. The extensive Fad e and wide sfdrood refodatiOn tl,e above Crowder. ~• hest summate* of its good r osidl. Leta , " your Orders, they will receive prodifit snooty', by J Pi DILWORTH &CO 1531, 31 Wood at Menemlto Nettsis: -- a tuFtPnY k DiITUSIIFTELD iive rbeelved imp. al pay af above erdele—WAito i3atted, and Color. Ytat =II Blue Nett, fir covering chsnde. (Lem dee. Am 11971 l i t e vtav o tt. r s ks h t y 4i— r w,eau ungtn , a4 notmar - le-°U - JCllll , ilitciADEN tr. CO Drown Lawns at 191 agave.. MiIIIPItY &IiiCi10112.1) an, *elfin; a neat aniele of Brown Dress Lawns at the ow print It Ifte per yard; Mat. a toast eariay of arylea af sh& allee,Mo, and Me pix.yard; ahoy Wain. Ggas Of all lands (t ladies *roomy nrr7IPR. 4p
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers