BY MAGNETIC TELECRAPH. sLUP V tttrCD 'T N:LZUit6 MIX II FOR Tile PITIMMUIi DAILY GAZETTE .CONGB.I:9IIIOHAL Weeititorairev, icily 23. 13 Wasig—The considairration of the. Omnibus Bill was resurried in tbo bonnie to day. Mr Dayton offered an amendrurot wribirg ern Mr. Bradlhswit ameetimeut, and . ranthariziora Texas to fostitute a tint in the SqDretno C,ourt, la the qoestion of the bonnalary. of New Mexico.— Mr. D. brudy supported Ids amondalent, in a few remark,. Mr. Ronk r'etiled tho authority °idle Court, in the - metier, Mid objected to throw the tetponsi• bulky co - rein". God. Monroe was the aragresw , r. and be should br called to account. The 'Court Would delay the settlement f r years. Mr. Dayton repo anal.' The Court was the speed iest way to sonic the dii2 •tiiii. Mr. Denton followed. lie considered this case was a trial of th't ineory of our Government, which COMMIIP tech cases- to eke jorisdictioo of the Supreine Court. •• • Mr. Tainey rap eke inTairot of the amendment. Mr. Dayton ' In gnawer to Mr. Clay, mild be shoed vote inf.vor ot his amendment, butsgataut Vie bit. coowcpue co of which remark Mr Uoilerwond sold be scold vote against the amer &mint, niihnogh Its originator. Mr. Bunion woke against thenmendment,com pisinrtfl,4•ty tae delay of the lion of Cel,fb.4 a . AILE 0/11 , OWOSed Ilradhory'a amend ttl et He veto faanr at a rlfilemna of the qatation vo the Saprenie Court. Af er a lorg d ante, the que,tion Pia !ghee en traitoo'a z to-harden!, and It was rejeeted.—Y-aa, 15—Nape, 3i. Binton tnoved lo emend by adding n proviso Chet a pciann shall Ns appoiated connambnion• er who hai (aimed or exprerard en °pupae rpos the roman; cad that sled commlaaloorr shill be aware. IC, j.led—Yeas. 12.-3laya, 37. , Tee live - alio:I Was .then taken an Bradbury'e amendmen - 1, end it was relented by ahe CO Several other amend nicata•were propowdaind rej toted. . .. The Sisato adjaraierd at half pul 5 o'clock. Iforn.—Mr. Vsndlke irdreilookl a retaliation, which was adapted, to pay the expenie weeding the Lewd nen:v.'s/laden:San base and alto to pay Mr. hillier Ma ripleage .1 per diem from the corn [zones:brat of the 11[10,104 is the day In which the nommen was drehwir • Several wtemw• Were made to papirenletloas for the emfy acjournmeat of the Hence, bat GIN The linuae Ono Went into Committee of the iiL ii tieln re the Call - owe Bill The pending prop. ositior wire rani, oat the people of cry portion of the territory, when annenitiled in convention by the Con„,i,nno., have a right to adopt or exclude African Serial; and the detete.fortion of Ala qeryaCop 'cat, ebol,de to the itdrotrutort eta Siete Into the Union. Thin war agreed to—Yean;Bs. brays, f I. At as o'clock, af. er a Wu:ly &bate of aaren boon, the Elate a 4 pticoeci, without ornriag in any onto ninon. Idly 29 The Tx ibeto elate% ea tho authority oft *de rivate thapittab. that Q. C. Wo.throp will be op to.eted by the Gera:net of hlettatettutelte, to 611 vr.rapai , oec.,l3%ed by 'ha tailgaatiatt of Webiter, io Or. C. - 3 8:n at,. • ctlouaa, 4cc., AT LOUISVILLE. _ ' Lowtoirous, July 29. --The wirolP nurater of itateroteuts: during the 49 hours eon .g lon cronies. were 45, of which 97 were of cholera, and IS child:co. The river is fallicg, oth 4 net 2 inches in its canal, thw tnorum,l. NEW YQAti. MARKET. 1=13131 • Naar Yuen., July 29. Ficnne—.The market for common State and info. floe brusda .Wertera le dull, and prince aro ia to. trot of bay... o.m.r deamipiona or %Voltam tell to a ram evert, at raper purest Grain—V.'a rie!ea, pees 1.1 (sera, too fair extent, mostly et yclt,rdat.. quitsuoar. Provitioii—There to acme ix . ..dative mare. /men in KO, toe iv,ltti . iirices are a.ked. Sales, however, too modtratr. Lord to onlet. Groecticito..tfee fe inscuse. Sugar is firm, web lief t isles of CO.. ..A former prices. lanes to is gall drat tud at (all vise. .I7?;1117. 7oaa, July 25,1950. hcan. Coto,co Ste", a. cell. lag is 51 67} G 5061, ttrislibt Biate 5.06, 5,121; faccriti.:2. 5121 GP ejx:4 021 n. Inillorr, &a., 5 CI 5,124 mixed i LllcalseJ. 5 Gr 5,121; atrraht en. nd gwd Oacr 6121 8 5,25 1 Scla} do. 5 25 (th:5.371. lattlbt —Mace renta!na 21 last cotteed. Con aim I.ght ictPict* rml ye*. 11 , m. SAI•s mixed 'were runic at 6110 61c. Ycilow 61 - 0 65 per butbcf. . • • Wbilkey—Sslea of Ohio al23n. per gallon. Prow orom—Pork is dull, With sales of bless a $lO 311,0 10 371; Pf , lrle de.B37i. CoGee--3 4 1. , 1e Is a Isle - detiland, With tales o Rio at 9 aict f•Cr ib.• 111ILADELIET A MARKEL l'aa.A.Drulaa,Joly Pore—The receipts cf-i& ete...crspiloos arbrtsci sta To c..ittieue smelt acd mmket firm. Tau export d•tn and lar Four conhaties limited. n !tiers acne $5,121 I, snood ort atm Y h r rye. Pr•ech rshau 11 m £5.10} to for coo• theta god or ra lash.% "L. Ortii.— I herr Is newt, it tt , h Wheat coming le, end prices ate steadily tosit tuned Coro mixes be very sloarty. The sretsgia of 3 eitow is Ochs per buthel: /f.NCOIIII , eOa: iIIidTVZOTIOIIS CLTIZENS' HNSORANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh C. G. lIIISSE.V, r eso , s, • ----A. NV. MARES, GleT. Shlies —ls o. ii Wain: ann.:Lin We warehouse of N. GRANT- rim's CONIPANY ie now prer to Daum all kindA TWA, cp. house., punalUctonee, good. theret sr.rd.tie In time, ant In truneita Vessel., kA 'j An arnp:r. ecurnnzr ice. the thing and integrity of the Insunclun, is aron'ed In the or aracter of the Di. teeter., who ne ail citacno or Vinsburgh, welt and tATOT•IAT I poKn le illycetankurdty for their piudenee, trJeSI , VIIC, oral . IDna.zaxrtl G. itCany, Wm. Begeleg, Ler ir, , Waller Dryota. Ilagh D. King, Edward Lie ore Itrn,'. Z. Zurocy, S. Earbaugb, S.M. Kier. • pn. D. BORT, 'Dcutitt. Corner ofFeards • end Decatur, between JNartrt ACI,IIIIII RF. IVILLth.MS will open 'a cruelest and Eng . li.h Sob, a', on the fag Monday of Sept. nes!. Room over J D. %VALI... et.loo corner at Wood and Filth irects. . MIMS, IL Rev. Wm. 14 Damara,l lion. Walsw D. Lowrie , Re Dr. 171 J crord, Esq., Rev. Dr. nitti,ll. J D.W.ll.flou, Leg jy —lt ! • NvEturtls TL LL, sowing 5612 . . Er, PITISBURGII, PA. Tfi15.:.7117,",tr0 - r - gi,l?-7:^o:.rrLng4=wc:id rea?eettaltyt solicit a &tern of the public pationare. Ho meat. of toying his foil arming In the businent In mole We horse a olenhant •ad comfortable resort fur the C4lrri.ll of PitirrilrEti and for the curator generally. Good a tandems will he In waitir.r, and every ext. moon mode to render We ettahliehment worthy the eeer.te t epee arc estrinrsof on o re/ item emontininty. The 7WCI . £ , PACIOUS HALLS. hued for Pattie, Center, Lector., Oaths tint Dalai , met:MA...ill seal, bith, teenier, or week, on as liberal terms rer to thir.rilv. The DAR sod II E SPA URA NT. eqoal in style and beauty to,oh. In tie wmlt, will be kept famished with Pare Wiens, Viiotto.Linvors. Cordials, Patten, /Om, airtallthe coil. light. retrealtalents of tit e mason. -Peel r, Ooze, Firs, Soup, Oyster., and Mama, ea Med atto ln ti be tr. 6tyle. Tim LINO NG rat! It:OS:I:CAM SALOON, being Na fast dostriand zmy of &Cern, will be , eorsitstellY "initedWith ell Uc 1.11/2lier sod Feiltinifir of We elmt.mitr , d6ll4, wall smolt imbatautials es Met:markets titan/. hr the day; oak; or } cu. Doiners or eurroqo for Inairiduals or para.% iuoouhrd or oh", Gentltroica with t 1 eir les7Wee. tr',sW re the ei: ea Le aar•ahms retzan.rttet• of all kinds at tay ha ea the a•v. Good ," a.d nn eVeraive LlTery FrAbliigh eueLti. ro, iced ele 11.11. Let a. ,131,71 , ta5.. tend Ten at tle.catal tte lee Crram :Ltd llLLing Btloo 1 No 4; IL V t rtmssEteEtt "*PA /ViCUlisnlr• IcHAVE. U. en?, .rutinird watt ca. Mt. I. 11. Mow., In 1.1.. Plackor., rod., uir.sti thC MT' " cte 8 u. , ..1 b. A Culverrtgrou WI/ A. CULBERTSON A. Chia , lersev) e,— . . tr. ...... A. cv Lex T so. alittor ag, I ' IX7IIOLr.SALF: G RRERS and C.,,,, z w,„1,,,.„1kh.,., V•rh•T lA, Peale , :.. trail:le, .. v ,,,,,,,,,,,, t , Matataa.ated ut.clc , us Llbany ai,d.w.b.,,,.. g b, F.,. —.______— AVING tole ea lakrn Gaols, R. Ida., bd. pmerreht; wlth ae, the heveess wilt t,,,,,,w ca llondecteel In then eof A Nerd 1k Co jyYnlina , _ IdlellAßD Mum I zmaAtz IIaRDI - tate. solunrri n. DASD lc CO. lorrliCil.F.cLALß and l ßrisil deeiera In Illeee. L.. TV thee. Moroceo."Vbee Fiedtels, Tennere tad ' Cu rrieto Tonle, and Tauten' Oil, No le3 Weed etre., Pheqe , reh. Pe. lythetof TO BOAT BUILDERS. Inco.doo fret Selooned Deck Plank; • 100,0011 !oat Coal Mot Stdius. For rale by ROBERT fiIeKINIGIIT, DT , Ltf . Alt.rney. aLLaw, :Itlo.qulter Netting. `VgURPIIVIL BURCIII , II.U.D brae received a .10. 111 ply ot•bove at 4Cle—tVtUtit, BMW gnd ea. /Orb Pink and lime Not, far coveting th•n. Len, Ike Se • 1111 [rOAM' of thi belt IA t‘e 17rittd Rue prim $3 pet 1 fnr : Mutt itlf. liA WOKE • Fdkßis WIITE—ftCO Denmark? goallty,,lnet to. tund for gide LT 6 1 13 ) Mriall t o WllfriNG-20bYLIJast rscciyea ler sale by hp - C , trirs Y ATE.NTOLASS-PAPER-3CO rem* lia DD Ho rn, for Hie by , •it)laJ J KIDD kCO . 00rik 511—e to k. 1 male by ,I)13 1' . • KIDD %.0 wiartisialt gp ; iv/44444AP i COMMERCIAL RECORD. PIT2WCIV RP I/ suARD OP THJJ)II Amu smatarrs aeeaeas COMMITTEE POR JULY. . LI,••••1•11 coonlit••••Zortr. 11CCZ• n. Orme", frrnscaeu Mims Tuesday marring, July 30,1840. / The a:Feather yetterday was arms and ittotearY and a general asuetzteso prevailed thriaglieut the mu keti - FLOUR—We notiee a Canker decline le Floor: Re. (virile COMM. liebr, and we C 321 capon no selor of suz ponance from fins hands. Float, at orestat, would not realize over 3423 ♦ MA, on Me wharf; $4,37* to RUA hoax atone. We know of sake Jets In atone, iedlzh could be bought at lower dom., and other. which are held Waken. Prices aroruy unsettled, bet abOw a declining tendency. GRAIN—We - cardet no wriest* Of *lra: yester' dsy, and, onnssadenllrean repass no ea:ralL de i ba is the pries for prism. 011 J WO emirs from store at 730:11. Rye at !Me, and Corn &triad:4e. OROCERtES—Teets is a aenersl firmness In the market, at prlerrs..4ny, for ft 0 Sugar, OlOILle for fair to prime In hhds, and 0107 a to bbl.. Molars',. Is steady, at 3G0.17e. to the Oily and country trade. In c.rer very Hula ass beers doing . , Vie= mtg. Wm 1 0 1 .mlllOl b. GREEN APPLE:S-4Y* note a sala of 406612 on the west(. weds l bbl, and dill. • El/WON—We notice no change In she market; mks hate been confined to Moderate tmatartiont, at, for mgar cured canvassed hams, 8,010 , 3: plane hams, 70 71; aides, 61; and .hooldora u 410 P Et %Ira note sale, earns. edit a inl ahealde re, from smote tuns., at 45 tor shedders, and 25 for rides. IiVIIISI:EV—We DOW lantset antes metaled at 210 Ido P gall LIME- - 13a1s. of [Andreilie Mom at al 2.51. bbl Immortal" TO gnat DOLT Mitt —The Cincinnati Board of Underwriters, have resolved 'that after the Ist mom. not to ware the bens of berg-es, nor cargo or freight money, on either barges or hulks to be towed by aseataboats, provided It may be proper to insure the clam upon •aingle barge In tow of a ateamboalon the Olio river, when the crape of water mutes it nevem., for • steamboat to convey • portion of the cargo this meaner, the, barge being expressly built for the porpOse of lightening. Not to Insure proper" on mem boats/10 deeply fader:ilk/tree water comes within let, than • inelset . of the oat plat k sheer upon r wall of the boat, commarded by any auk, who shell came additional cargo to be put= board his toy at any port after he hat been nolfie I by the inspector Of the Llseretree Companies, that It not prudent to take in more lading, or who shall ref... to lighten hie beat when he fond it to he overloaded, so as to brit g he r the provision. of ells resolution. To charge, an add,tionel rate of premiums upon the hullo modest-goes .4 steamboats, whims may :or the time tats inch bark_ es or hulk's In low, tempting upon to, boll. of coca MlLTAbOatli as may hero a logic buys In tow, and as slighter upon the Ohio river, as contemplated by the .11rat of those reswollons To r joet ant metier of a sasemboat who shell disregard those resolinions, and any end all beats whose owners, dial ea:sedan such disregard.” 011 !dark's-1. Nary Bmeents, July 11,19121 Sperm—Markst active, and full pyres are obtamel Sales 230 bbts at trOa • ga . l wenn pnee le ftwoy of tired: =Miran. Ann matter, . In Nan tuetet 1:1.137U Nis Mad matter, trr, told at a trate= bc lo .lVoc.lervAng the market bare. Whale—llart s and r too letla lower; males Mai oble around neqr,uiet dart a n d lit W roast, at SD, 31052 e. A cargo of 1310 beta, sold at tippiran, It runs, n. Ste Whale Itone—Sale• 45,t00 En South fien and N W Coast kt 31e; and 1.3.1M0 do Polar M 01. Ismeased tisk) in market. Foreign Alarkellawally the A• 1••• Fry Et. luine, Brads,* Co.'s Circatoo, of tho 1214- Lean., .Irl.T la.-. 11.1. wetter has 'lncome Watel and' igeotal. eaft - the general repay. Of the greeting Craps , ate veer favoral.le; owing, however, to soon Wheat. T he advance of Ltd. nos taken p‘azie in Wheat. 6:mud for Coffee and 80. ear has been less active, but bolder, bane shown brzetwerut and Vt . ens Can hardly be needed tower. Cotton an been in great Column, and a §lbigher. Tao delve. for raw silk cup shoot kw Loma active, and the no counts trout he manufacturtng dts•steta Connalted eihrewagil Inlto au }cm,d remark* wit he found t recur+ at Me plumped trahaxencn• of the day. • Coteau—Elle demand has been less antics thm week, and of Woo casks, LOU Olga Plantation t›.)1011 alarm -1/44, nearly one half tots been tat n in , as bo.ders would tott scriptuy rytteattoo; ore eattn Jamaica Dare realize. neat] rata, From • stuterricol itturd by the Trading Comp., it tom tr. that the quaanty of Coffo-a held by them en Depaan NM... on 1. 5 tut.. Was tr7,7,GrU bags. Tra Cast Walter has aWaleed a decided firmness, and aupples of Lome Wheat have been very small, an adratt, of ls to 3. fr or has been reedit - 1 ' obtained, for the nett qualities of Foralco alto, dearly a r unt. tr ma Ito o manta has bett obuotted as welt ns tot cargoes all tat, bit Me demand fer torer.or thots mts been rite 'ten. Fir nets Jeerer, being now quoted I:le:la to Mon Corn rather snore Inquired fdr, and ttaisda More sale ble el HO Gd. tiroor—il: trade haring supolOd them seires cell anteirauon of the coarge,in dull, a, bare shown leo domino/I to purchase this week. and not more than 1 bio Wads 11. Wen Indies have been gold. 103 Oda. Mel bole Porto Bird hare rcalued fd Of :WM/ bag. Mauritian, Bengal, and Madras at war ton, biirrly one haft' foetid ta.tra, imponer• oeclidng any reduction. • Tealerte—Tbe teethet continue* tractive, 36* 9d on the sect; and Ns 9.1 for the last three sheathe aebrery a e °earth, o .6 tor St Yetsrsbere hoote—Ttte sales el cnl,nfai , wh eh ceerweeneiid 17th olt. were brotight toe elwe yeatentay 01(43 hie were effete& the I argeat nitwit/thin ens ono eerie.i the whoth were readily taken Senor env toes of comb and clothing were eagerly athitht after at the ex. Matte rates of Mat. Gat a redoeuen of lithrld ace Flan In lamer sorts. Exporters have taken MO Dales Manna a Pte. ptit -11amm—Prire• to favor o' hay .F tioni...m ;Cif; 011-111 e•ue P ft .10 II ddt,..l in mekl LO 3i,,a Mr, goanOy of neon on the smoker; sales of nt at :00 40.1. in let. and Ark ils For •tdri'a ow- India lice( lit MUMSt o trio • e d9a Or India me, Soto lON prime ts , ss Carlo eS. V tree el Ad Of; India Port. ro o 101 • Ore; Immo ro it. CO I, and Hotta :AM • con; par these are eoseldered eitnoac price.a. Lmrateet. Saws. Passim's MA JOLT 13 issl , Mg seles t .as at CS, le ewt 1.10. Of 11030 smut Ils his. Mein it 7LLl•tilp dart, ard, at gli ti 4 to at ikl 41.• and ebvnt am tavern at Llign.S. two. Sates M.41150:0. Beef at pert oa. ewes; a. d of 381 bats Pork; prime mess, 4J. for Lao • Litaarani COMM Mazer. FRT I.l.—The leadhst conuotte• fine for the ersp• Grab in this coontry. and en she comment Alaract Arm, ant wralioat moth change it otters—lndian Coin quoted eta Gd to Vs for mixed ano yenta.; lama as to as go # 4 . ; W C. 'F7tar,ll3 to 13. Catalan, td t. tto6 J; Ms gig belt tie. tour It.. rd.. Corn Meal, ails bbl; Wheat bold tog], Gd 9,70 tha Impnr, of the meta, 4 •15,710 gra %Vb.; 5,74 hbla Floar, and 20,210 grs . Corn. layssisoac lean Mona, , /cull—At the QaarteTly Meeting In 131ml:tat= yettetday, It was doom:nett to where in the oat In ten alias preparatory mooing. and mato no at elation in prices. Qat...Coco In Li e. erpool: —Merchant liar Iron Si 24 140, Ids, titwp~ £n lar,Pheet £7 tor; hcolch Pig No I, £i Or. A. WILKINS & CO.; EXCHANGE BRO K E RirSi S. E. Corner cf Thireleanel inetrint su.. LLL TRAIIAACIIO6I At Mit .113CLAL LTQ Jets PITTSEMPOU EIGOJELA/NG wr,pas, Corner of Pen. and St. Our areal. UTAI 41.1.:XhaLIER du IS. Furnishing *leder- Vg taker., where every article for general end latrurrong Reopens Cant be got es tome. . PITTIBVIIOII GLASS Vio/185. JOIIN AGIVLW, latc of trzo firm of Character. Arr. fort to, would rarpectiallr inform the old to.. :Oaten and tho p curb o gencrally, that towslynn l so. unmet to carry mg MO Weer, 01•14 bit/Musa to eO !Ls 'Merles, and la pte_pated to fit all ardor. for Apollar • emir,' ' Nrllerals, valor.,, fn. do. pertanong to Ala burners. Mt 'var.:honor is NO sr illackst meet, batrecco trnt Bccooi SAL jyyllr4rm Clevidand. Warren sad ltlttebargla Telegraph Company. TN penance of a motet/on of the Board °Mime '. tors of the Cleveland, Warren mtd_Pataborsh Telegraph Cvrapany, reteeoing the teeretary tomue etit and cause to be published in the Iteltrlnot pert Wong the line, an exhibit of th e fi nancial and other affairs of this company. I aubfait the tallemung Report:— The line of Teb•ges ph commences at Cleveland and terminates at ihnsbergh. parsing Ulmer h Chagrin Fall., Franklin, Newton Fall. Warren, Youngstown, and Lmerll, in the edam of Ohio. and Nett , Cottle and Rochester, in the State of rennuylvantuott which points Mere are °Rees Iccuted for the receipt and tranansinion of business. The Yvbcto !env& of the line Iv 141 miser—Capltvl Kock. /1130 per mile, =don t a total capital Envy of 1111'404f who, amount OM= t* held by chlrens aloor the line, sun the tilhusele Is held Loy Coined it Epetyl, the contractors. 'lke above umoent of sub. vottptionv. t y dunce., hero been peed to f&rnel/ & Speed, for lotich the Trot fres have their receipt- JEFVESSON BALM, Secretary. BIDWELL & CO., PORIVAD.DINO AEROII-ANTS, Gicupts. Pa (Solidi Farr, Post 4%,.) Hanna parartanent4 Ideated at thia a tun and oaladaratal IVharr Boat, are we prepared to re. (flea and Usrurard promptly to all poinu an the river, and nand,' and Dealer or Ohio Canals. lb & Co. lilananyr, Jana Nis owners' Watt, CII; ll brla Tanners' Ott 10 ben bleached wtnter Elephant Oil; • 200 II dC. do O Whale .24•0 gala 'slater Ppenn Oil; . 110 DLO Boma Candl.ta; for sale by ALLEN k NEEDLE% lylulaodOw 121 k SO Bomb W tr: ars, Philadelphia . 1 . 7M3,110—1A0 has Oranges, ta prune order; aou bra Lemon. 320 big Ital•low 4EIO dram* Figs; - lOU° boatel %Semi' Prfaloce; • IOCOU Petah and Tract 'gasket; • Jag receland andhar sale by & 8141 TH ' No 3 North %Vanua., Ptuladelphla. and ahrtd, for sale by (Jan ' al A VA/12.1F.STOCK &CO TiOrrner7siv — Tr• T 0 etikreeprebWi7.6l37l3ill Hallow Warn- will please come Forward, prawn .„ . ,,n7, sad take will away, or they will be sold . . o law, to pay charges C H GRANT 04 Water a TEA, —4O , chew received for otir by. inIOWN EiRKPATRICIE 1 .. '/i~I9LSi~IfN;J S ALT ?graS-113 1t go refined, in rale by • - - 113 • .1; yAONK.:TOCK CO 1 : 7 -161iita pa - rfor iirecroi • DRO wyr NIOMPATRICIC r,31811-30 M. Nq 3 fdask333l; su nth )13r etnn • 13 ht Pi awl: for Ws • 413 r - qtowat gni" rATII INC ° LL ITII '°""f , Ei.°/1176 7"lrlTUol,l47Zatr'l4l.l!lill 4 1714" illadilachatagagelt PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rtmol—There • mere 2:fect 0 Inches In channel, by crmal mark, last emaina et dusk, end rtrina Mcml7. ARRIVED. Michigan. Dries, Beaver. Fashion, Publes, ElLsabetti. Alhnk, Partison, Brownsville. Deltic, /ace* Brownsville. Camden. liendricksen. breKeeirnirt. lioaabiliabenv. Chaffee, Olasugow. Late Eno., Cleat. Beaver. The. SIO3. Beaver. Reveille, Bees, Wheeling, DEPARTED. bliehlannAßries, Beayer. Camden, Hendnekinn, McKeesport. Fashion Peebles, Elisabeth. Jacobs, Brownsville. Annette. Parttime. Brownsville. Yonableeltenv. Chaffee. Oluagow. Lake Erie. Clark. Beeves. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BEAVER—Youchlogheny, 1 e. Y. CINCINNATI —oosicrella, 10 &. CINCINNATI—Wm rend, 10.1. x. lIIPOftTB nit myna. ;.OUISVILLF.—P.• bin bal., Clnrk & 11 . q bbl. ell, Oral & co; C Dbl. lard Oa, it Dbl., 4 be.l bar .; Drina & co; 51 Li. l.rd tao & Atkin.; a Ma. ginseng, Atka & co. a 1 tow pl. mut, Mcflanly & Loots.. CINCINICATIpkit G.naVa—l Ott mJ..O ..ek• feather.. 3 do wool, IS do rags. 1 kg, I kg. mdse. 3 1,41 , 4 01.4 C II Grow; 4 An , . feathers, Meg, Matthew. & co, 211 , b1sapplea Al Cavanaugh. • PuCato bas-2) tee honor, Tat To h O'Connor 30 hbL enolatort, Brown & trlrepattirk; 6 • k• wool, %Vol Barker; ll .ka wool, Al:quire & Bane; 6 teka tetolaw, Baker t Forsyth 00 eke bacon side, J One.; 10 bhta I. B A Patine,tockt lot groceries, El II Attu:tie; Mr •hbl• wbiokey,R do Woo nt k water, J [bran; 0 les e beef, Groff & co;3 buds lob, auk A Tomo% CAbbls ap plea:owner. • WHEELING—Peg lernas-7 bbi. glassware. Clark &Thavnir bla eat meal, ldo seed. Ramie% & Alcorn. It be +knobs, I.l•lsgston, Roggen & eda lv bbl. bat. t es, Bedlam & ea DEAVI3II—Pot Mrzmovf—TO bdl. window •orb, H D Krill; ta b Is dada, r 8 b4l butter, A P Dr.. 9sipsott • Extract of Yellow Dock • and Sarsaparilla. PUT op in the lath eat limed banks, ZOLIIIIIII , more of the pure Honduras Sas.punll t than any other ntvpatatlon extant which is heinic I y combined with the EXtvact 'Yellow flac k. tho rxtreet of Wild In*ll,tted the 11•1•31 R of is, thus rocking the mute ly mo thoroughly camel. an any other Siren , . rills before the pabl e, At th e , me tanat his per:eel iy fire from all mit etal t 4illl. which cannot te slid of y other of the Sinaga the compeu• ds The in vivid horns hammy of millions! ble. eery, con. Qui nine Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Amebic, and non y chincral and anettPte poise, •tin r and them the arrive !mei. of ran nt the S traipse. It and N.C.., of the tap Guyatotts Compneed Fr ram pare tot, /M. and Slmatott In does not 0.21. , a particle of these substance*, to any one can sally cenvin by allaying the mcessary tests he pout., may acct./finally remne , thtease, . they en 'mime the blood, and au CO P 3,100, nate the whole ayatem with their batiefut rift Ct. ihst the first old in , the Scat attack of tiro or mottrives the patient , . UT, schices hun or net ihe exerutiattne fa rad end tend, r t another tare almost impoxalble and bopeleth. Let •11 ;m.0.. Sairapaill a preparatt r• alone, d use oohed. Improved Extract ol Doak and Satestterlhai which m tromeahla cfßeactotia, perfectly I:armlets, and purely ve,talle. All binds of disexic ytelds to Es gut. LA oenee . Bernell. eaneerons Tumors., Cotangent Reign... ysinel., Biles, Pagel...oe Ptmple, on the Pane, Chronic RCM. Eyes, Tatter, Scald Head. Chem. tiem, N Isrgrment or Paton in t e Bones or Joint,, old and stubbnest Ulre., Fever Soren, Hip Ihrease, B•eleng of the Gland., Slott beg, Sypholtite Symp. toms, lumbago. Drop', bropepsta, CO , - drum,. Poll Steam, Areebonsrf the Fidnete and die... arising Cram an inindielous ate ef Meteo r,. Mlnleleeti Sore Trout Welant u of the Chem, ffulmer•ry A O'er tin' so il all ether ...sea terd• Ina totted, Cot/ranee... Liver Complaint, Female Irregularine• and t variants. Set and Nerve. Headache. Genre.! DebliitY, Law Spirit., LOS/ of, Nl,l S'irGIVO, Paine In the Sale .4 Shoulder., Front ere or Imprudence In Life, Chem in Constitution. IL/Murder., and as • Spring and Fall Punier of the Blood, tool General Tome ter the /Beim it I, unrivalled. Acassolllktralset lira:of mama yeara 'foamsg. Tne roll, tug •u. eutratet to a triter it de.. At it 47, PAO, item 11 Perkin. NI 1.,. highly respect. hie pte del./ of Marietta Perkin., Sorts Pant —Dead sin I tote ere. my en. , a young won.. who, foe %lateen yea .b. beer pa , faring from Fireweed Limb., and re . l.. raw her been proronneed hopelre• by three of nut bettyty. rice.. I took Ler into MY and here vied 1 Vel . frm Dort and if ertspwitts freely, and am gentile, titer the Tenor Peet •rd leareipartlli will etre:la basta rote. She Is better to general health than the s weer been before. and wallet tile or been without fatigue or gam. A eear ago she teed eretehen I will report tie cage in ewe time Very reps-ei ne), tROFVLA E. PERKINS. 8 It has been remarked. by earamint men, that In tlie nailed eatatogent cr ra via to ortiiett man Is Hai Is, there Is ...reels , onA rf mien iMportanee, Is arson, interest at Seminal, whether me look to the eliseanty of its origin, 11A Meta ous ere. teas. the anther and variety of orranatbat it anaets, or int remarkable lei coralitlity and extensive fmalYs. - . Serbiala hao h.©•.l the a 1 4 ,1 or Ote nett eminent phytuetana in O'% vntin Eurvrpe Bat there It an alai. ot r tor thlti dtmaor to Di Go)on'a Errant of Val var. Donk and rtataapart:ltti , Whitt, it orowias it. salt a perteet epectso In tho, loan stover° nowt of ectolals. An extraordinary ears or Scrotal. eared by the 11 , i , Ore of Damn, Stavott'S • onietind :meatt. It will be Seen by this een bean Pat this man can been under the treatment efsewrai eetebrated phyractans, for the gait eight Imam. without deriving any benefit,. end bad been effectaally eardd by the IMO of t few borate of Dr. (init.'s Campalt nd Syrup. tins Naas. Jana 7,14hg. Da. Gaimar—lPar Fir—Gyring corona deht which money ca w pay. I am i-clavert make a ae -tinavetedgmen. of the benehtk lame desired renal your lar to wks sari' with • mert• • le a d rofatbas diernak, betdditary at our Minds, which commenced 'on my mica, wtd, eoirllning •gread Bonn reached me twit rs,,olng tr.. my b eat , end extending an am fags, neck, and lower . ex tent:nines. I became a anmastmg oaten to tw, upon . At tames ray distress was en Qv tims I wan unable to sleep Or 11, Cairn: grad amosos extent:lig 3 , 3 , 0 My ears re riously sreet - cl ray bearing. alv fan t was one sillautlas site, from Which t , disetitreo a/ matter and water kept mill/Wally nand,: Cot Peopicarntd. ed me. meowing I Soy the Snit'. pat. or sum, other infecticos unease, and was r inseaaemly atlmed to vidnatroth ray bannem. hoistrahmandir.g Lad We best tied: advice. and teeddiffeeent ohms Mucc i:menu the time., tonunued bateau, Mare s tinlislgni• up In despair, Form mmly I fell In atettli e paskertger On Ille SlettnOo.lll,whi mat/tilling for MT health, oven unformed me that his son asatone time in as bad a condulon it I milt s and teat c ling Tear Syrup to loaf treolle cored I lamedlan procomd tan ar nate, ermanmmed aline tt. and nom, aft- baying used less than c it bastes l'am well and able to attend to my business send d dna matt - trent as clam al jastice, able tapir g that It may 'none the as eted to kasha arced the right medir Itic, and thereby save them mach naming and etnense. ruiaaina you Obedient serval. .10112 Cl SPALMNG. Cuto of cm aixrave,Led fuse of Eryriplea. The ear, proton into by - lit. tin) am. • Extract of 'Yellow Dock and karsaparttla are "wog. The pa ne nits general health commons to liaprat e after din one Is rentovad Cores are not chrotacted unit time Las Pity lased that Were can be no mingso at rittan of the ditenle. . . ?kW.). illerhimee Co.) Feb. 1°93. s P. GevlS. it i/IVIlh pee,. plea lan. that I ovule Ina about Ina very floppy crier. , of i our Verner Dock and Sertepethl et en, DI) no.. who he. long teen ruff.tine undo that d.•.efel, d.. none. Erysipello, with wadi he [C44.. tr end wee tor omen! mond. •aended . .y • e of n,tr last plate act wee tried their. .6.1 comply toe five months, wino., any beeetwerl C ve w.t en.. tie become reduced to a perJerd eke den •er iced of. ears !freebie hip to bit knee •WI wet- en,ain direherpleg dioterongly ntlentive mna. eee,e.l and vowel chill wee Intl— hy, been. x 44 inal bit care wee hope:co—mum roan' tr v.. the , to arrest those terrible iy.egren lot &Peru. AI • v./ge l/ore end rot red' Moor ht te• dicta el o. at bent Onto( my ileieh , ore, wun hat carted Ovid a' eon . f , el. with your Invaluable teed, Am, w12,G..(1 n.. make trial of lld Tore 'rum the re •,eve' retire in to S'Teelhing while life 1.• cu. thtn lr. mt• ) al th ' e U reVg ic .% ? r P:l 47:Ti d ianZn l e n ea o % f rlit a n% voice ii and to my rolonohment be corn Inured lag he het/teed tile third bridle ' and boat., he hod used • vnU "En nettles he nova walk oat. Ile used in all . twelve troller, ant by OetoOr r lest be was perfroily res wed, 4 very trestle of the except Um teen it removed. anti he remains m perfect h op p, toe present time. Iris recovery, ender the bleitrtne. of God, it entirely owing to tie use of year Who w Done end Partaparil!e, and I emirs and that I feel Myself under greet obligation. to you and It le with great jny that I tnforte you of what your Serennarrila hair deue for my coax Itrspeetfully, JAS. RUSSELL. mi ne e genuine Uhler. pal lap In lute Oodles, er Waltia. and the Pitmen( 1.40 Syrup blown in cue on., Will the wfitten Ocueture of S. P. Urn. nett, On the ontetde wrapper. Dane per vows—or o bodes fur $5 It in oold lv J. D. PARK. North Eastcorner of Fourth and Walnut Ort<lll, palm.. no on Wolont Ft CirCl.ll.ll. ta/10, :0 whom all Wen. well he addres Carter k Oro, Erie; W. P. Jobnion & Co. Wilier. (mil; Olin & Clemons, Cramlngsille; Torrtll, Mimosa: lii-am AL!, Towanda; Robert Roy, %Vali.. born; 1.. RodetPlyisllommoia, 1... Wilcox. Jr. Pitts. amen, corner of Ma'am Abort and dm Diamond. j)lo:dasel,:i/r CU.PARTMLItSOLIP SHE Rohm:Abets hare des day formed a ce.paytner -1...th1p under the tom of W ft. tt Waren, for the pier rese of traowctiug the Wholeralo Grocery wd Com po/relon Satinets, at No tO Wood greet. WM. WILSON, Jr.. PiSahelgh. L 18.50-Iy4 FRANK. WILSON WIIERI 81111. C. • No V 2 3.l<tria rtrea, Piwdurgli. A A initSuN a CO, aro I,ow pleyntca to offer TO IS • the NA L° their gnoo•dotongeO b 7 We lab big, among cadet. any he trued; Cahoot. .I.gtly damaged .1 tic; foraltore do Scone; lawnedn, Fond itt les, ri to In con.; Mons de Wanes do, 3 to Itle, ChoWthere• do IC to 12e; yule strtpeci do lei; 4.1 blench ciww do 17 piper Curtain Chintz bat pnee; thrghans an Weainuost Counter paner, IS.' no co •stre; blooming de Lathes b to toe. Togetc er. with oar twitchy lane .toot of New aid Prthot Goods at a great rodoctior.fromfor=tr pilots J3ll CCF•PatitTNlffikalr. • TAR. W. Ourbridgeh Beal. F. Ingenue have this al day a.soriated themselves end. the firm or Bop bridge Cs inglaam,to transact a Wholesale Grocery and Genera! Commission !lesions, in the house lately oeminietk by Dorbridge. Wilson &Calle Water at. rtcsberght July I, lIPLICADID PIOCK OP 11 1 / 1 11013 &DIY. HAWLS No. 1703 178 Cootto street Now York, offer for gala toe followitgatookorta: 2.8 OM ft CrOteb Veneer. from 113 to ZIo per fi; 4.5 DU ft Boards and Flank. aaa/1 0ar...0M 15 . 10) ft Shaded Venetia from if e tu 3je per e; Teo ft &motor Mottled 51abo.anyi Ld etIVH Homewood Vensera, fromg to de oar Itt Also, Whl.e Drily of Mr wick.... The arloanuge. we poorer... in importing and sawing enable vi In mil as few es the I..VZIT. Orders promptly filled alit carefully packed. A PPLES-10 bib Dry Anne., rust reeetverlinair LI. sale by JOHN wATrt 410 Jo lAbertY st SUNDRIES -4o Fie extra Cream C.c.s; 1 JO hf brie No 3 Alec k crel• • to bri. do do; 0 kegs do ao; 10 lots Saleratea, 0 Lao McoW Candles; 00 hie Not moreli; 2$ dos-patent Six Wushbostax; enests goperior Green Te. 4. Iltles4dy his Co dot lU hf ober , o loperior Tess;' • tooDuthold , . exit& Ham; Vo(mea bv . J WILLIMIS CO #l4l Wersiklas* I LOCAL ' MATTER& Dimas Tro 101 ins tit-Dumas Dam , Ina= 'Tits Manucm..—Bevjamin Sec Max,. who was committed to jail on Seaday, charged with killing hie mother, was visited yesterday by his father.— He is evidently Insane, and will speak to no one. We recollect of having seen him brought before Ceptaintgerren, last year. He was as.e cased of having gone Into a school Nona at the earner of Fount' and Scaluafteld streets, and raised a disitubance among the scholars, with whom be was totally unacquainted. Whenesk ed what he bad to say Mr himself, he pressure ed au °biome silence, and his hagardg look, coctromirg with his wandering , oyes, evidently told of °a mind diseased.° lie was taken down to the cells, where he will preserved the mime immovable silence, hot was discharged when his relatives came and made the proper explanations to the Mayor. He should have been teat to a ionatie asylum there, but as wo have none in Putsbnrgh, the expense was tvo xtem for his parents to boar, and he was suffered to go at lame, generally sane, bat at times oat at his senses, mill he murdered Au csahrr. We on dermsod that he generally treated her with great Madness. Oar evaders will recollect the fearful Storm of Friday sat, when thu fury of the element. wan let loose. The wind over.oraed houses—the rain fell in torrent —the peals of thunder were deafen ing, nod the denies of latbining more vivid than median]: It was in the undue( this rueful 'norm that be eJmmeted the dreadful deed which de. prived him et a mother'. love. Be hail nettled tt be sane (Jr exec time previous to the storm. Hay it not hove been the war of the element. which roused his eon to Guy and rote away the poor remittent of retina he pounced. CUSEIrCTION.—In yeatorday'a paper, we men• tinned that Colcrtali•Spring Feaory,in the Fdth Ward, frad been blown down by the onto on Fri day laid. This was e mittake. The Spring Fee• tory la uninjured, I ['Jilt now la awl , . operation. It we. the Warne work of a new Belling longing to that gentleman, *loch was prostrated. by the wind. understand that hlessra rt E. sod W. &tweeds Co. who are connected with the extensive roblishing Howie of George Virtue of London and New York are shoot to es Wilma a beacon of met, Urines, us Pittsburgh.— Trier publication, are ea rich and splendid dm sett r, illustrated b costly and heal:taut engra triage. This enterprising house hi already outsh ine its bean:tell in Ohio, Kentucky, and Matson. and we bnpe Pfueborpa may prove an equely favorable location. De !Clarion et The Saimaa: We have been len:mond [bit n large number of Idle young men and boy, are In the habit of playing cards and dealing to rho woods shwa Allegheny, ,es , my Saheb.' Crowds of thirty and forty may be seen together, belted and playing , Ct• money.— We hope that the pcliee will be on the alert. and estate tome of These g Mr,. NATIVe A 31113.1 CAY CONVM210:11.•41111 follow. Ina is the ticket nominated at the Native Matti - can Convention on Saturday last. Canaan—.l. Cullen, Long Term, and Jahn A. Duahley, Snort Tete/ EcnAti—John Davidson. Lenist.a . rnaz—James Henderson, Wm. Mayes, E. C. Fanner. H. W. Coevrtn,mid J. K. Speer. Paosttn7rto Apron:tar—a AL Curry. Comer, Cost-examosan—V. Shorts. Acnrroa—Henry Philips. Corm b'cavavos-i.Cisix. John Woods,Sr. Mussest —The Heron Flintily hem been men• plied, and will appear spin to night. A very goad bill is off - era. and they will doubtless han • crowded holm. &e advertisement. NerSANCIT..—We would call the attention of the Allegheny Street Commissioner to the manner in which the carcases of the hones and cows dying in thar eiy, are divose4 of. The air Is polluted by the uoisionie stench arising from them, mace they are merely put re the river without being towed awl Into time current, and remain along the shore as t:te Water falls, mad the neat rise. As scarcely a day pears in which a dead horse or cowls cot dragged down Ihubilwors Street, and tumbled over the bank, the citizens living in that neighborhood reel very :mach aggrieved, and de wand that this nuisance should he abated. Will the proper authorities recto it Barn. Rrarcalt.—A man duns himself J./- slept, B,J, was a:rented and taken hafora Alder man rallanson, yesterday, charged with dealing bandlc of c'olbleg from tha Hotel of 5.1 r. Allea bath, la tha Fifth Ward. Re was committed to 1111. Tsz Itrazazotz.—ad the Sze pins of the nfth Wald were upstate yeaterday. Wo ceders:ase that workmen were creased to doming out the relocate, sad lbw they had let the stater or kr that purpo•. -- TUC W .. waa —Yo,terusy, had the lIIMCI Phere been a /inlet wean, ar3edd have seemed • parcel April day. Sunshine and arida •lierated notalovalv. DIeCHAIWID —Gawps Itohtoron, who eloped with Mrs. Watt, wan brought bakre the Mayer yesterday, and discharged. We underausod the. her husband, mho dotes an his erring w.f . °, ha. consented to take her beck Duals —Mr. lames M. Cauapoeil, who lertphit chy tut week, with wear li &eremite " Fishing Club , died at Freeport, an Settling, of cholera motto., He was tuned with military honors, the Duquesne 9oarde,and Scott Guards, accompanying the to octal procetaion. • Vtiw or rtn.lloooll.—Sines one notice Of gm:innate* new view of Pittahorgh was written, ...nman• the lithegrspber, has deepened the ehad.- Df the window. along Water street, and wade tretVeral other improvements. It Is now, a very bcaultful view . Xleteorologleal Table R.,p0rr...1 fur Om Pousbargh 6aztUe , LW for tbr ianth.olaran I vonutr, Wasl3lncoo City. 114.10117 0? Tar TIILLMOMSTZI,, tdo zld 13 July th• Dye. Sau r. 9 a n. 3 r ris. 9 r. n Daily mesa 3'67 T 3 7 7P3 8 61 7 8 3 2 7 4 24 69 80 PO 83 8! 25 70 IN 94 89 84 26 75 81 78 74 77 27 70 76 87 60 79 28 74 81 PO BZ 82 The Select nod Cowman Coun.lo of the City of Putsbutah met last mhgt. In the Select Coast ed, to the absence of the snails Chairmen. Jw. B. Murray, Mu luso Jones was called to the Chair. . Iu the Cmnaton Council, Mr. Robert tilclCallst took the Chair. LE&TEI OF GEN. TAYLOR The renewing. rcaolatlon•, re:ativa to ther!eath ,f too late Preeldent. Were read and adopted: Rewired, Tbat tee Select nod Common Coon. elle of the thy of Pdteburgh, to common pith their fellow ciesene throughout the Union, have-herd ori:h prof,and amour of lb. death of Zachary Taylor, Preeidcct of the Vatted. Slate., no len eminent fur bin pernonal el/meter and services, than the bleb motion to Co btch be mu called by his countrymen, and from which he was taken by Dome Eton dente, le the zenith of hi. fame. Rsuira4, That not less to mesa:trim the man, than respect for his high of we embalms one earliest cfnciat Inconel; to caprews our regret for this auddeu hereavoincro, and our tegsrd for the memory of a Oriole so:dicr, true patriot, and an honest man, up .0 whom public 000lSelccoo to croogly and det,tendlY rested, until the hour of hi, death. Rad red, That, sea who'd respect for the memory of the deceased, the Council Chambers shall be htmg in mount:Vim the period of as months. Essayed, That e Committee of three, two from • • Common, and ooa Coot the Select Council, by appointed to tiscomet a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. Mourn Seminal Morrow, of the Select. and Ed • said 'Campbell and C. Yeager Of tho Common Oconleilf, ' , eta : appointed ea the &brie committee. The Common Council went into an election to supply the place to the Board of the Guardians of ho Poor, left vacant' by the death of EqUite Christy. The candidates ware MOWS. :mph Pennock. and Batter Alexander Bieck. Mr. Pennock rer calved fourteen vows—Doctor Block eight, so Mr. Pennock was declared duly elected, Mr. Pension preaented a petition 'Bern the Rae wens itatociation, praying for an appropriation or hose. Referred toile Fire Committee. Mr. Yeager presented the bills of Mearra. R. E. dr.t. McGowan, fur surveying. Rale:Nal* Clive -4i gn ck Qum Na 4 Awns's.. Mr. °olds!l praientod a Mil be stitlopisy. from Mr. Loomis.- Mc&noillAissasoCcoominee.,,,,t Mr. Garrison preatioted,a, report from the Gal .Commlttee, recommending that :tie gas pipes be ettended along First, Second, and Third Streets. The report vas adopted. " The unfinished bisinesi of' last everting Was taken up.' Several repels from the street ectonduce, red commeading tit grading and paving ;Of parts of -Virgin Ailey, oil au, alley between Western and Grant streets, of Federal atreet, of Carpenter's al.' ley. Tannehill street, of Quarry street and severs al others, also recernmendlog that Congress street. be opened, were mid. The reports suers adopt. ed. A resoletieh auttiorithig the pinatas of thee leelloDs of hose (sr Ithe purpose of washing ea' the market house, was read It was adopted. A resolution authorizing the laying of, wider. pipes OD Federal street was read, nd adapted. A resolutidn directing the city watcher si enter suit against the Saint Clair Erect bodge :company for noirance, was laid on the table. . A resolotion proViting for the taking down. the steeple of the old Cowt House, was referred to the committee on wooden buildingi. A resolutionprovidiog for the increase of wharf age on logs,from twenty five' eut. to seventy flee cents per thou d , wee read and adopted. A petition fro the Fain:lloord engine company, praying for an appropriation of throe hundred feat of hose was read, and: the prayer of petitioners granted. Alter the transaction of some business of to general interest, the Counciisedyourned. Fiuoutrut. ACOlDirf.—A young ma; mud Robert Wright fan from the Armory of the ficOtt Goardo, io the third awry of the building, ht ilje eornerof D,amond Aliey sod Wood street, to the grotto& beneath, yerterdoy evening. His leg. woo broken and he was otherwise severely injured.— We underworld that ho had been hannlog the tlag orrhe company out of the window, when the wind Dawning it suddenly, be lost till tialeqqe, an a l tell. Timmy A ocnortr.—Four workinctigvere ego : mod on.the .bnarttar'e Valley tiihord, ay in dining under an embankment. The earth, loosened by the Imo heavy mita, fell ttPuo 'helve baryir g three to a considerekle depth, and the re• rosining one to his middle. 4 lure solo ear workmen at once curbed to the spot. The. man Who was only partially boded. named without m meal Wary; another of the soderent was dug out alive, though so hombty mounded that it will be imporstblo for him to rerover. Bath hie lige and arms were broken, as were selStal of WI rib.. the other two were found perfectly dead the earth was removed. Coroner Arthur' held so (agent on the boat& and I verdict 10 accordance with the above Guts was madered. We did net loam the names of the unfortunate men. DICAY OF FOOALB BELOIT. ToNG before rnetnrity,troo reit females emaciated, I and the clearrece of cam, lesion. and briennen of the eye, departed. Thatch not thirty In yearn, they hoer leas of youth than they ought to poems, et any. Why thte7 Deprestion of epirite, languor, and general debittly long continned, withogt seelarg rem to in an enervated conitionlor ant a train of FEMALE comrLmiers _ . . . . . welch esn only be resolved, .d the shattered con. antenna restored. by some mild end `ends modicum, *hose tonic and alterative propernes see peculiarly salted to aleaadst sad delicate constltntiont. A RI27OBnTION. Cinmetwn, May 7 TIM Dr. S.D. Uwe—Deer Pir—per nearly two pan my wife ha been cradaally declining ertstroet any dueler—the symptom* however.. - were general de. Why, weakness, occailortel serer. panm end regplatittes of the system. Our family physlllan finally tell! no Cat there was no hope es the ty pe...ChM/ learn leather Woad be enftareble• now pentaaeed her to 47 Dr S. D. Hoare'. Shaker 6.matnttite, Titan .ralfrtt tar ariP) *O3 a chop'' , was atson perceptible, and by the aratett WO a Cr three months, rainy ste honks, her health eru re. anwed, her strength and flesh repined, and she now enjoys rand trod tabula health. Ito Teetotal eon• siderauon eon ever testy the obligation I am rata, to yes (Be restyles toy ate so apabb, and I soon cheer. ally recurnmend y oar truly notable Idedlchne, - JOSEPH MAYNARD, Birth eh, between Piero end Western Dyer Dr rues cowl sepirefor De.S. D. /111 W OS SHAVED SA SSA PADILLA, end Mite no other. - This-D, the nay Prinaperns that seta on the Liver, awney,aand Blood, t+e tams time, and hence its ampler ME cat? tai anew. a for sale by J. A. Jame., J. Sehoormalter & Co., W Riser, R. W Meuts, hL TOWnedega, MAter, W. Takao, P 4417141; D. A. Ethan, Albeit W McClelland, 11-tech tier. P. Croaker, Browne. vile; and by DB. S. D. HOWE A CO4 Proprours, ;et)ldtwlyr I Milan Hall, Cinch:awl, O. • AuTv—l: Is enter , s. LI eingeslad{bat be Is I re common In this country 4164 IA sty olOtl•. obits al the rant, time It Is said that 0 PO other mm- My lett loot at so yew. an RIZ. iNTIVI UM, le tans to a certain extent, hat lee lee se elan een.,2 by ne• glens. We say to all , de not neglegi Y oe, pets:m.l norarance. tot tele the follonong, and y. aged net irk loekt articles-are aclentibx pro sonde., and have an'attrlned a 'sib penalvilty. Jet.. tiara's EAU /..T.S. Ilui Rairtrages, the most deightiol and .®stem *Mel* toe the Misr, overwrote., It wlll prevent the In ling .1 Of the hair, sod brier Is Ore-hue whore It bar been lost by olnkne.a or other env... /home seelmitabene I Jet. HOGLea Eon Cortes DI Vista son Pliant Soar, tor removing tan, sunburn. platiiki blotch., and other noon.. Meant; the mad portent 0011- servialt Of twi r l! every knot.. Penh.° nothing purporting to be :lymph Soap, oaten n boa my mime attacked. low Hann), Pfau.. an C. mass NATO., Pei Im parting to the inos,7bllloas complexiph a radiant white.". In enables .1,. a pers. be mere Caro- With.. the an of a poorer for the sitm t a. mu , ; of too.a told are very it onions Mr Chino o Powder la cosopoitudedh. retentthe manner, and contains no ingredient which can to oohly tolliet on trim, JCL. Ibsen'. Memo., Powers, for remnitng women°. hair.`Neat is mete arr.. it thin hue apart we Mee Or arms or a lady 'this antes, Wilt inmove It Ina short tore,without the too of any sharp strument /CIL, linenll Flattest.* Lem MLR Den will ti stantancouay Impart to rid, welsh, or gtay bale, a te.u,Pelis block, brow, or Auburn osier. It will color the heir in e shorter time, sad COT* effectually ths, any other Dye, being at the same doe indeltible. Scum II arat... CllllL—lt is really • pna. tare toshare with this cream. 'There is norm alibi mantra sensation tmeally experienced in the use of mod tbapit ern the con tren, Itiensr• *herilin toceoh and 'lnt as en infant's, and tot liable to become cheeped. • • Jaw Mem?. ReezTOTM Paserffitextlelittahair, we thick the Teeth were (Mende° alibi greatest Oros. meet to the bosom face; bat when negicated, cantles ts so embamieg, or so quietly sleet Aly - ULM tooth Paste Intl impart its the Meta a peat!) whitraers,a the same time the gems brat and healthy.. Also on band, • 'complete as eminent or Pooch,' Bra:0, arid American Perfumery and PAlf ey articles. JULES 11AUPs., Perfumer and Chemist, 10,altinstnet street, Pella For rate wholesale and retail, by if Fahnestock • A Co, and R. 11. Cellar*, Pittsburgh; sad Jobe Bars' gent and I Allegbeny Coy. Pa. iye7..rga 11pJdlara° and Widows. Claims. Tl 6 ondersigned, to,. Agent for (eying United Safes Penemne, at Pittsburgh, will ant ad In the promonifon of Eteleter• and Widow.' Claim= Mt Pen. sites end Motets far ds. An allelel ceneeetlen with the Iletteill ffiaVitGe•• eminent Ass made are familiar sunbathe rules sad forms, as well as the decide., of the Pension /Seven. Meat or Washington City. Many widows end laws rf Revehdenaty &tidier. have claims Mat may yet be obtained by proper ap phestion. J D. OCTIIIIIE, Mateo of We'. OM. Rol loon, Fsq., opposite the Mayor's (Are, Pine) etreet: ritte,litgtt. • July 110, Mho (lyeffhderstrim) I ; LIVNI INSUSAIIIPXIs J. liolamly. Jr., Aeon for as Penna. life insurance Ca of Phila. U. 1 4 ittE of the Western Insurs.t.eo CompanyU Yo 14 Water street, Pittsburph. Pamphlets, with all .neeessary Irtfortmlott, antl plant forum will be famished. •. • • Iltisibsode eon Insert their lives for. the benefit of their wives and children; crednors the tees of their debtors. The ' the whole hoiden ( of ts of the Policies. - Company' ars dii:ded mien ilk The dlrldeses of the past two year. Myra been elth• ty, t each sear New Improved PISMO. fpliolt. EDER Int just received nein. tilfieent7 octavo Puma which contains telrentl hew and hlgtly 110 f anent 1 , 11. pavement*. The ex eller ta of the moat elegant and eallg dasetiplion, and la made to the (locum° ogle. the In te rior traumas taromint ate bridgee, equaling the San siring. to run over and above the feeble Margit—Fa:luting at once • tone rich, fall, and dear. The strings, moreover, are 10 arranged tie to :ler•• a remaining suing when one breath thee cocaina no irrestitenienees like that which cicada the old method of stringing. N. 11. Thi. being the non Piano of the kind ever brought to rittaburgh, the Premien. and /minuets af the city ere riereelfailv invited to yell and !Wilk. it. at l.'s Son of the Galileo II•ro.101 Third at iv 15 fa OTIOSi, rrillEomerit lad consignees of .goods arriving by .1. the .Cideees , Portable Boat 'Linee will - please tale notice tbat they ve.ll be required to pay.treight at our worei.oliae, according to. too reecho!, before thegoads rue removed. C A idIIANCLTIt &CO FOTIOZ, THE Pent etAhlp heretofore calming between the. Mame ribe re, under tot firm of Durbridge, %Vibram h. Co., was tills day. downed by mutual consent. The business of the firm mill be settled by J. W.,80r. trtl doe, or Wm, Wilton, Jr ' miller of Wham:lts amber. lied to ate the nand of thefirin in J. W. tiUltOiliDGE, WM. WiLbON. LYON, BHORII a CO. • Pittsburgh, lair TDB WAY TO BEDFORD 1111508. • As Night. Trauma. BY Steam Stoat to liromnarilla,,Stage by day llibt to Cumberland, and day ilabt Stages from Cum berland to Bedford— 'am DO. Alm, a Stags leaves oar office, Mo. Maya Wednesdays. and Frailly., at 8 derma. A. AL am Mont Plramant'aad boutaraehto Bedford, *miring In Redford neat day—Pam V: • • I teItAKIMBII • . AO for National Road &good Inlaall align Co. Dasisayeet 4r7 Geode int IlelUPrice s BARGAINS! BARGAINS! lulu 1. HUBBELL, alg. erne Me Bra 11,is; on V Merkel street, between Third and Fourth. will continue selling those Damaged Dry Good., nesilay,July 3d,aud willcontintte from day todaUtintil .all the demised goads we !told. • Tiles* .goods are slightly damaged by Intel, add be edema to cash purchase rs at leas than halt Ma original rust.' Our numerous customers and vw public in general Will ylea.e call soon and secure hatpins. 7 be goods were damaged by water wily, and many of them will be found utmost perfect, (Ahem of them we will sell at almost any prier. Plata!, remember the score, No Market street, between T. led cud Fourth stun or the Mg Bee HIM where 1;0 cash customer will_ be nest[ away without being perfectly sanded. All our Mew veldt Decocted ferrets/ on Min -M a "' P 7 2 4 1? ). .... Ie.SIMPIO gTE QM BOATS. eDMIIFGf AILHASOMMEIM - g ai n 1850'.. T . 1 : t1 WEEttY vir Para FORMAZEI4 GL a& The new and light drought steamer YOUGHIOOIIII lumped ' master,wlll males daily nips between PittsbneghandGla•ons,feanelaro excepted,' leaving Glasgow at 7 A. M e gad Pittsburgh Est, P. N. The liemehlogheny Is but IS Inches draught., and Sim be relied Cu as a legatee packer, tbroagMut the tenon. Far treightar Pololtff ap off en board, or to DIDWIRLL. Arent. len •. ' BIDWELL &CO Glawrow. . REGULAR WEDNESDAY pAcat -ciscrissATl, • . •Capiiin WrlLlabiL &MM. - . . Tbis splendid boat was built by the . • owners of the warner leascNernan. and others, for the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Picker trade, and will !etre every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, In place co the New Foglend, No. C. For freighter pesesge apply on board,Orto '• , tura/ • GPI IiIILTFNBERGER Act 111109015021.113 MA ROUTE. ;;. , s? 0111/ 78 1111164'Skaging. . Via Drowns . ,Me and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. • Pala To DASSISIOUZ*• • • 80, PHlLiDiLrall•-•--•-••••-• 12 00 • rintE laming 'boat leaves the wharf, above the 'bridge, daily; at 8 o'clock preeineiy. Time to italtimoreo3 hours; tuna to Philadelphia, 411 hoary The rectiluv , boat leaves daily, (except Sdn'.ll7 el l en% l l a ß t, ° ;ilr e ir ietirt=s " talL ' l ' n 'u s i t r ae g s o nex t l day, and thee avoid night travel. r it. 0 1E . : . 1 1 :1 4, 14 , 014., hrpnompthela oetol.l, • I. IttraRIATFN. Asset REGULAR WIIKI<LINUG SUNFIcII PACKET. The an running ffteener ,• • WKLLSYII.I.,E, Capt. B. Young,vrill ran a, n regular packet between Pilisharch. Wheel. 10 g, Dridgepon, and pan fist., leaving P; n church every Mondayafternoon ' . tai Wellsville, altenhonville. and BridgenortmalereryTbureday afternoon for Stechen. villa; Wheeling,' Bridgeport, Cambia, and AnnGai. Moaning, leave. Dridgepott and tfonfich every Tone day aftern6on, and Snafkah every Friday afternoon. For freight or passage, apply on h9a rd. or to - aOO D WILKINS, Agent. piTTSBUACII AND WIIEFINfir PACk:ET. ' qrrq;?4,Pli! rvpntng u9ef', ter,byLog undergone a Ur. ough rcialr,) woll run bercaftet or a regular packet between Tincture , and Wheeling, leaving PlUsburgb every Aforgay, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at II o'clock: For (men cr passage apply on board. or to Jana • W. B. WHEELER A. ent. rPg cirsciNN4Tl Tho Reg draught steamer PERU. Rennet, muter will leave for , At abasel o Ind all ntertnedloo polls or thl.daN the 3011; lust ;at to o'clock, A. M. For freight or pasure empty on board, ok to /133. ARMSTRONG a C ROZ ER, Awls FOX CINCINNATI AND ET LOUIS. a. Th. unlheent bine ete.m. er CINDERELLA, Captain Na: ad, will let ve for the abore acd el inter ediate pens on due day, .Inly 31, at 30 e clock A M. h'er Oa tht orpun`e, apple on board. j AR e DTh ON 0 a ChICZER. Att. • - FOR CINCINNATI )01? Tim 'splendid o. , irmeanie? ASIA, imatinJ F. Boyd, /master, grill leave for the above and all ltdermrthato pow, on Ws day, Va. ,eat. at 10 de look A Al. For frelahs or passage, apply on Loud. jyt7 FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE' Too .plendfd revert • . MIL. • A/T. VERNON, toms menet. Will leave for tot *bore and all intermediate pens on MO day, tee Mb Inn- ate P.M. For frtigtit err paange apply on board. or to Tv& JOHN FLACK. Agent "Mt CINCtNNATI AND St WWI TOO lirdtt ant dtrtaNT VOKY, jlit stratart DE Maclean 11111Aer, Arm th y bore, old all Intrtededinto porta on this day, tha atilt Intl, at to , dolock, A. al AIItnISTSONG & CID/ZED, Ara. KR, kinktki, s l% „ Will reeuoin , her rernlttr 14, to IVLeoling this day, earl Phtebori h ovary Monday, Wednesday, and Fri• daT, axle &clock - • hoe freight or poesvo. Co bawd. or to i3SI .ARVIS MONO tr. CROZE.R, Atts. litpuLAß?rrraßoßoli A wmaaanG Pectic r . me Memel. . stun, tOl have for Ao shoveratd Entenotdica ports ou. everrtee•lay Tharyday,And timerday. Foriteisht or psalm apply ca board. 1791 PrrPIPUNGII er.IIEELING PACTCET. Fllll. O rvort T E 11. nnic; ineamer .C 4 4ls.Comrell. Winner. havintrander. ono a .ternaglk repair...Pi run bets after is a reaalarQ .. arkei ballast.° Pit abargb • ant Vrbetling. Icairitpc ntt.surAh retry Moatlay aLd Thvilther merninit a, at a o'clock, For .rclirai ur pagans apply an ba.rel.or ea /7 2 4 W.jl WilEkaiEß, Agt. SPEED INCREASED. atEd=lBso.'Magla SUMMER ARRANOICITENT. CrNIT.A.L 11.41 L ROAD crs7 m 21C:111.0DON, PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Bally Lim Fipttss road Ent:, /lad Itall feared Caro, (Exot.tromsts roe! ?cosmoses.) TO PHILADEL 'HIA AND BALTI3IOIIE, Via the Central Roll Rotd ard Peon'. Canal . 1410 miles Rad Road, eid 140 tulles Coital. Tone—,l4 houra..”•••• ..... .... Fate—SlOthroach The Portage Roil Road ia raved In Joy light., ON an *dor dile dole, Jun.,) the Crrizal Cell Road will van MO Dattil rent. ...mimosa cans from ilanilrgdon to PlAlsilOyela The can on Inc above road end the Allezbelly Po lake Rail Hoop are all now, rind of the trey real de.etlpnen to the cconirT, tad the leertithed opted an the Coon. thine, peonage go th tong with e errata. A Pocket Boat will leave every roololog ate o , clock, and every e.entng ati) q'ciock. For Rem, epeed,lted-Couitlen, dila route le de cidedlrbe otostptsiotasie ppoocow muse to the Eatani Calms. For pa...lva - VT info. allot; apply to MOnougaliala Bout; ottei • D LEECH Co , Canal Bum. P. a--on IAO tu bersli , the Celina 1411 Read will be open ier Ho lidayabuiro, mien Ithathogor, go through in Ala hour. 1 , yell • Jai l 185 t Jigia= • '1311.111711CLI• at *snowman, FoftWARDINU ALERCIIgan, DUCHEBTF.R.P.a., Ille.rr P01n1.4 CL I ZPVLIfeLig i r f t e. 1 :0 - SINIU - 411! • LINE TO EhlE; WARREN AND NEW CANTLE PACKEeSt towing and •Inpning between Pittsburgh and Roole•ter by stoma boats, alioidgan. Late. Eno, and Deaver. fErboods reeelpted tind promptly dellverad . to all plde. on the CILIIMie and Lear. •t lowest tales. Shlppora will plume dines gooL to 4 li.dWOU'aLlna." Le. BIDWELL. Water it. rinaborgb. WEBTEIIII 111811BABCS COSPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. Flange. Jr., See). 1 R. Slatax, Jr, Pedal Will Inter. sgeinst all kinds of risks, FIRE AND ALMUNE. ALL lowa will et Ilbonlly istnusted and promptly paid. A borne don—outlawed by Director. 'mho ,ass well known to the oommucity, and who are dacroun. ell by prompt...l, andltherolity to maintain Lb. chic • acted which they have assumed_ as offering the best protection to those who desire be Inured. Utsgtross—R. hillier, Jr., Geo. Illaek,J W. Butter, 11.11olutes, Jr., Wm. 11. come., C. Geo.', W. J.kaoft, Win. Ai. Lyon, Jae. Lippincott, nos..K. Limb, James INPAuley, Alex. Nlnuck, The.. ScotL Onus, No. Du Water street, (warehouse or Spiny tr. Ca., OD ..irs,l Pittsburgh. ' outdir BATTING—I.LOO W. in store one for men by 1./ IV. • •MT tr. EtiLL 1 . -ttle--o:l4 . plgs .011 Galena for nal 'by • 1110 ' RIMY, mATl : eihws co 11121 01101.030,2, WWI Pas etCes; taloa. tor I. law, to e oso soastrt mem. br ifirdal M.T rti Ewe CU VAS I ERN WALL ut lower priers, and o .1:4 Q 0 alp, superior UP arty rosuadscutreu Ist tilt. t• uow ape:tat/I' by I W F ATAIVIIIALL JP.O RC, Mu F.V Wood .t ON 1.; 9—l qmkr best quality, tor as tef t Ulu • !BIIEY,AI2IIIIIEWB &CO - MEW. MACKEREL-100 brN No 3 Just arrirrd for .1. 1 salt' by tIrIOI JOHN WATT & CO vb.& crtram.-411 ket. rotna Ke . ttuolg7 Silk by jr to RHIOV , ;M b AI rttE.Wri & CO_ P (i i. A g ' r?‘l'-47" 21,7111/1121:117II:V=1 teL2ll-42 brls slaw Whits Fish; , . , 32 brit Liam Two: 25 boa Late blind; . 12. bits Na l_ Ilbrrin2r - IQ b. la No# Mackerel: • Irrtif brls No 2 da.,jurt freed and for titre by JYO . - JOHN WAIT k CO Economy , Is Teas. INF. CI DEDLY.the theapnt and ben p'ana in Phu. Ay bone to hay Teal" at to Tea Salaam, eut ate of din D emend. They "ell • "zee lent Tea at • «- si "0 per In • Superior Q.ialLtk"...-- 073 The very ILO Low priced, damaged, Pt talenot Teas ere not kept et dos cetablishmee,,tee/olon, sou o th oo y ou go yuar self ar .••• • add, Yoe set sure to obtain a good lodate, and the Maroc of the Tee is roLepproved, 'boy readily 'exchange it or moot the motley. jyll • ItIOREUS ts. HAWORTH, Prop.letem Al WrgrA LT—SS bags bon omit :us deity us mi. jest 'staved tor one by • 1,10 • WM A MeCLURO &CO THIALL-3 eve on ittatd err 7rizruleieyßTl,lmm SIG/Orison PISMO with two el Meade gIIST received at the etre of Go Golden Mato, one tl superior 6 cetera Melodeon Piano ' vnth twee .cos 01 Steeds. the latch improvement. The above I. probably the been. toned instrument ever °noted for sale here, with a hight• !intoned and elegant exterior, lorvale by O./7, it 1:1-1,11F.R 1' Gs'AYl:l-terl ems find bootpaper 10221; iht dO do • do do do moat. ILO do news prirator, alza7. - 100 do do Jo'- 60 do do do secs*. seo do do do Lovi • VA do Elsie Envelope, xo:l 3;* in do Yellow do Ins.O, 60 doMultla, do - sorck as do UM 40 Snort do ed vr d e o apPins p I. pen ta nom fa gals try . JOHN H H1A.1414 . • . Wood - P. W. GATE S ' PATENT : DIES :::FOR CUTTING SCREWS'. PATIENT/CD 11/L= 8, 117. , THESE DIES having here adopted and highly approved in all the princ i pal shops in INeer York sod Philadelphta are; fk now ored to manufacturers, methinks ship smiths, dm., with the Utmost also Silence, as the moat perfect arliele in use or cutting screws. I ivi Their superiority over soy other Dies heretofore used, roots in their outing .a crooner Seerw t whether V or SQUARE thread, by 11,4-1 passing over the iron to he cut, which requite Ocierrectiejr Oe previous preparation, as the dies cut the thread out of the .id irim,. o. ittiout raiong it lathe lean; wtheir greeterorde d u rability , rapidity, and perfection of work; 41 in their simplicity and litnit liability gel oot of I.• : . rip endertub raptorial.. of Mils D•Osurtrht, P., ‘ Mr. CatetP•P•tept t Ws* for conic tr retell,. ott t t. ,tocj hieing heel; Weft le two of the large arrenels, and found to be Very etbeiem and err client : ' A.1.0,1,C447, Col Ordinance. , c!irttleates. Pazaawsu, A5a.17,104d. This la to earthy that In have purchased from P. 6atea the tight or arty tem patent Wu for syst lira holt.. in ouroplaton bat l'iss are much supe rior to any otters we ariacquabsted wait tor me purpose (denying bona J P MORRIS it CO Pnintnitornto, A. 41. 1f49; Ifavien hen P Gates , eaten Diem use lu cur eymbila men, for Ile last Moe womb.. for evilly, f olio, we eve in cony correct nevem:tern tbeve in the Lifter Imes, an we Fare Ind on es ewe o ber, they L bel gh t R so far eneerier—trmeldrtne them 75 pee et/It. Owe per then env cohere now in tee. 'RANEY, & CO, Porn Works, Pl. • Thu is to certify that kw, have pure natal Mt aabt 10 12 , C, and ' , derma in. buvine•a, o "th.' P.' tent Percw.Catter, Whiebore highlyayitrove or We can de much reeve work, an we believe It will our pro in durability end precialenoto =eh at economy of lake:, any dine known to us 1 10 RELES, TOENZR h MORRIS. PIICADSLP/r4.9th month,thith day, 1E49. Nr. You, - Avg 10,180. Boeing adOPtee P. W Gates , "Patent Dine" for cat- On( bol'e, We take Pleattne la papaw. that it awe than our ciPeetators, nd have no le.tta. non to c!vics it tr. ear (Onion, that's far exerts any other plan in preant 1100 lot cant r ba)'. T F t3ECOR te CO. Wo horns P. W. Gatesul Dies* for Vare,l, and the economy or E.SilI PotentK them Is socoding cerr considerable, that we cot upon them as p.dirpertto- He Pr every estoullohment Ilaolog any gaseous. of /crews to cub Vert/PM - MX, OGD.ei d. Ploy to, 1440. , 011G2A.NCY OTter VIAMMOZON, Oh Sept, '44.. have corebeied of W. ii. Seovil le for the United :invest. L . :orient to ose in all tin 'serene. tad unto. IRJUSES. .LOlB FAHMN, 6k • - italunblo Paupers y tor Sala. • •A OREEADLY to the last will end testament of 21 the late William 'Caere, deceased. The anti. terlber offers for vale, en eery accommodating ter Mt, • either the whole or a part of the property tWorgivo to the estate of the raid Wm. Teem, sitante on the west slue of Hand street, adjoining the Allegasny Bridge, eons:sting of 9 three story hos,ttro ot them r ovally new, e lse amed) situated and in good order. •. AIN; haver 4 , c lola ofinvind adjoining We above- soil retire or diuded, as may-tail the Pemhime_ Afro, several lets IOU! bol.ollgO or Lawrenceville.. . As the of4eet of the vole late invest the proceeds teethe benefit of taleilinf the deceased, the greater porn., of the purchase money can he retaimed for alguen yews:: This proserir presents a favoralk opportunity for arty one ‘•••••• a .441;14We. bozo on cagy terms. T 0 LET—Orte of the above hearer will be Mated to . a good talent at t Ter, lava rasa • i'oe further OtrOrMalOo, apply to R. 'WRAY. Acxecutor, • ataultf • Miro 14 JONES,..brai ting. E Llben FOIL A LONG - ROOM over fay Cdelsolirs Dry Goods mtg.. Tse mom fs west 6131311.4. d tarnished Wila sttings. Entrance on Market street tglits fittings. E. U. UnZZASf. FOR BALZ. A NEAT Imo Flory Dowelling Mat, on Penn or sneered. fir the mart desirable part of the city. For pa elable. .ieelera, enquire at tip t4B Paha arm. re OilT, TWO Mick Dercllicor !Jousts, In Seventh Ward, on Cenue ATCZELO or A!lnenvale Hoed. Itent 'OW.; Pagans of . JUIIN WATT S. CO 1•74 TO LET, .., • Taal largo commodious Dwelling Haute • and Lot, on which aro • g axt limbic and pie Carnage Rouse, being Jim property or, It a+. and lorutabe rendence or Mrs Jana bill _ gee, slimed Weimer Peacoat greet For tonna, apply n al It LOW RIM mytitf • • E 9 Wylie st. To oy A nitdK DiaLDIN I.. ' kloth 3 .lrlll3 Ensitie, L , or 1,, .4' " ''Y b4' ° 'l' l=Nt• k I. L WARPISON. • DO mutt P.tubvrgh Foundry ' - ;To Let., MHZ Largo three story Brick Warehouse, on Water. below Ferry rum, renaming from Water to Men turret, on reasonable terms. Posseasion given imme dintely. ;Enquire of feblg-if F. 4.0111212. laTifftri,ALE PEAL ESTATE:ON PENN SPET — V. V FOR BALE...—A Lot of Ground situate on Peon we, boner= it.; and' Marbory curets, adlohning the :mate audio. uow eeeepkd by Ilichara auv.arv. having a front 043 feet, and In depth OP feet, will M sold on favorableterns. Title unexceptionable. En quire of 1 CLO LOOMIS, 4111 on, near Wood octet iltr ' Proplrty /la ALloci:tour City itcr r rab2eravra oßer far nit a nembero riot, Lou, tit:nate In the f. , ..=o.l.Wart.froad: , Cararort groznd, on easy teems Illy Dire 01 W. GI(. ROBINSON. p n 7 at Ls vr, St G sir e • or of JAVROBINSON. or thspremme • --- To 801411111,0 and 000 s n Merchants. 1,01.193F1,43 PIIEyIIUN Pe.IIFUNIEIIt:. the tL sulterriber rwleetfully invite. relate Burnt on to his rXtenotwe Ms& of Perrentery, entree Vltsvis, Cst•ms,Z.Slovirtorrlt sir tsvn 0016 cl. 3irserla hate, widift the last six years, teen ewer tied hy. the InStItrASS or Neer York, 13okion, and Phil* deiohfe, the letter heir.¢ the Goliteu Medals ever uawarded Gat ?tamely either in Europe or to title egret:try, Iwc.sea's Vszsrulro Ccule, I A!nwr.d. Roe. god Mob:m.l4 unleersally iwlrnowledg.e4 w he s.per:or to any Sbavios Cream in Wm country o, Ecrope. • throirrANs IC! EnathaS—Elealitirdlly itansgartal, and no:etas:no bnsbly !'upon notes!" nod erabiliern pleoerstos; Eh Fount coos Compound; Ambrosial Ebnv. in" Taken &unsay) , flumuth. Soap. dersarrksTothrr blonrs—Almoml,Rose,Alilleflenn. Bouquet 1./stunt°, Flualr, Palatal:l, vmnibar,.Fl"ss: Tzansparent, Glivr Oil, Windsor, and CireAssath. I.=nalsTs lOU stia Ilnaoanzwrce-•-llone, Jacobs, 11 , orthei JO Caron.. Gammons, Jenny Lb:W e ld mare, line, Jockey thab, &lagoon" Clematdb, 14011G110 [LAVA. KW marry o th er varleuss, is all slaty di/Terms! 'oilmen. • Toast Walesa—Florida Water.,Dati de Toilette, Drawl Flower Water. and a great Tadety al Ow. Vey and Lavender Weller. aa.nam - Yoh - Mrs Ltant—Genuine Dear , . OH, Antume Ull. Dendolice, Das Lottrale,'Oleine,Cem yound Oa hlurow, Hem Oyu, liquid and in powder, col Philmorne,_Rtitalne, tad Jenny Lind r OlCladta. 01113.1afte YlllrwslaXe-113.13az0i0 Elixir, Rose Tooth Poem, Charcoal Dentriace, (Moraine, Tooth Poste, and Tooth Powder. • . t • I Camaterco—Vegemble Comeeve, Cream, Jamuullao for chapped hands. Cold Creme of Boma, Cif:l=l'dt Pros i Lip Balm, Raspberry Cream, .4e.. ,• Deplatory Phordere,, for removing Irene:Snout bath Peuri Poromer, Vmaigae de Itonne,rAlatl3lso Viptiglat Vieletill !lair COUVOttlitri Preston ndts,•betudes liAttllt variety of other articles, too nolirrem to be Lamed In this ad rewire:new.. sttnenocr her to to marmain eVrepatation INl:tch tltu .tablianment tom unlisted, by doming of amid°. Ito Etat rate ankle., and will be happy to hatiel these who may wish to pattern. him, caber arholtrale or retail. on to tem.:W.llo tosses as any es. tablisament to the Lolled bUtleb. I.4VIER Demi% rIESZIOCMOT to and fanner Director of the Lai:anew) Of- Et:GENII RULlthill., 114 Cheinut street. Mr. Varhes Perrumery i. formic by all the Fuel. pal. Droopy:triode CMIZIttr. apl7:diyl voit eaLics Wer " rizall ' W et=jr " ret ' ntlo i s l r7s Iri d gh ts ten' coaste CaaLta g;o 4 aids ad Fuca adj.:ag taunt. n: Or. lap Umtata.) Owing Mal with Gar nf fist t tud ail it.. =chiral (a tovatacaung East B. F. Faa, K•La Dna tan ruad, 4c. a aual bat isay taxi ad mart iv Mao s Cot= Feebly eriat 1610 Spindle., be api asia' paw pros. olso u bt of pound opals 'skids b ereetall a Wire and sahassasalvisa oasis Mao,. U. of hew rd two stoat a high, with Bask Kittle., IVaeb liaosestal Be. anat Tress, Ilheabbisp, ase., a very dos.rahle sahaby resiasson. Alas, about twenty lob with Hoene of Bork, Passe de serest. Pm:on s et posher sad Ina .in a tiptoe, basubfuty situated.' Abooials Inaba; lob Oraerioui Pare • - AU* 15 wahrt lot., unimproved, and sm'abla for Mills, Manufteoilee,Ao t with thereqvind water power forum. chider). The above - Minh Watts kronen, it is, dwell og liou•essed Lots ant eituated upon too midd le Jebel' Beaver metr e ' where the tall binary feet of tke whoLetolaos of the river, Ademin te, with • fad all of aletut tat fon, it about one miosbce., sad Valiant, and New (nightly ' slain distance below to. -Ohio and Fern 114 lead M it 'annuli= arta* paw. Railroad from Paha to Pill.. burgh, pews through it to lb. I.k, and do fa Wed, ilwough the gnat lC heat Garner o' lke U. ft, whirl; noel emu unke Raver Fells die Matinee, lin Finning The rat firm Olson; Ms Lakes sloop. o. hit, soot a. Ala • um ot 4.13 Arta of Leodorerkellit g the Falba( )kayer, adolniug 'soar end of Drishto, in no Ma w of Lepel to Edo and LI vetted - . . 1 deo of Me mil road. The same Road term II unmet to Leen Lend pose throng jt,— re tb. 201, ch lured and mtntr teiee,fee, et teblerfin alsadoers end Nenicse 2 roil rthend red was. id, end a inn if tool wader. Will be told it, whole or in go mans tont purchesent lho, a nut of 451 i eerie of to d, toned. by the f ool of canal= Ow rasp by 1 d emnille to tinsmith. 0, Brign,son Me a ankh and tun , 1 mg west nerna the Ohio and Pen. Rail bled, about' ASO ' '•leared. ono oo t - b lanes large wen ea It two eto,i notothaine, Aim swans Wog stoic detailiog Mira tad a boo oildnge„ The Ingot pan of in tratt is level and • anb: nett ior usury of Lorain, fertifty of soil, &oder, mile of efwedy gnat narrow In I , ll.unnepand to wee , twu Itie well oppled with neuter, toal and timer ;alloy !Triaged pun wane, sod it well odspOd to fkonion. rd. nog. or tor Front revdmeesond will be , mid nhol gunti'ke to nut parr haws With to tetra/awn we., F A I. spit adore and below it, .aa its nari• ;1/4 iteograp',inr Sefton_ It montane:e vents CUM rep dly parhapi Man al tither piece of had in . " I to sf. rattail • itahl is New Brighton. mit of th.ftwii t e piths., nibs. betasaci by et, Isatlssaa the bend . gam and }mbar the mai: Itaz‘ rtn ,,,, at , ' AEI this property Ixbutifallt siraltel,ln • bebbthyreb,. 117, aboananig with seal, umber, builttr, go, tan but three mama and a heirs hi from Via teem, .1,1 '3l wiloe from Tiltstet.gai Iba aim latish pewee it, affordt•meattuswat mni the a n d :1 trio Late mem tan Ltivatain , ; sat, IL. a and roam. ft limn, sow hatgaeing to munpyettaa 'ad which i 11 , 110 tbmagh Mach of M will bring it Aram an boor or lent lion of Pittsburgh, 'dad you la and threugh it Mgt gnat of gamagitivee.: damand antrobnioine from tha East c.d . - . • a.• Itabeefor manufactory. cncelactiesierde en, er 'or eon try In-. same. Gann of hula/4 oe rot pcull able ineotaccat of smarty, oo pium am elfin Tann ef .ala null be mammal. an I le put dont. Far tbtr oniculars eaquiri of 3200 ra.7. 1110, progristar, or Wm. tlamwm. 6A/detect er fn • p. o Ly . ll. Flat f Ett! AN. •• /Worn,. at fan cod licalYame. Art , le l&-floell Nei. 107 Fourth Sarno via/bursa c al . ,! LIF AL; . 4PA.• T AMR. WILSON Lorca's* his friends •ndt , e , public thache !inflow/Yu! Lis llat and Cn, Estatco mint • from • Emiihaeld. tweet, to dm old stand on the corer/ • f Weed ' and '1,1• , ..a Aney,(tgeotut twracom' P. lrteta 4r. p,teAdv Exchange steno. en. trance, beta: og gooregga tcy—oche re mar be foetid • iac/la end fashionable assortment. of Halo and Cope at net/deed prices, wholesale sod retail.. - lists made to ostler. - • iclELdtßslafl, • ' hem ppr i tirna, . 3112,fg,..4.1".1"....t Grurt: Of /9/ 13*. iiI.I•VSET , I4I7 17; Alit 1:4111Til ['am • • •f nriur of Y.yoo ' 'Wn9mo'NA, SrPt =3, tiny-trewslOrlitic GAO Yetroted Irrrovent eel ff by n Petal to he a • *motor coo, I boot, by ataborSty of ,hr klimo , able Fr <set t y 'of t SIT. t*Ob. , d ah the Atto`o , p , Ps.ente,, yr.= B. ..corille, or& San art ;,: oaf ., ksq , the tisk% to make and stsy Bald torToYers rot (at tie Banti. In ore tillnly I Rudalo norica,Dolotol Petro &lea, Itocheeter: Realm &ro Olotar, et r, N. , Ws wool & Fri, der, EclnylkUl County; Pilbeck. D eor Yea. De; m•nd:& Co' Aionsment Works, rut; Vas Caren. Pont men Dirt+ , & Apr I,I,NYOT&L; • Pinor toorka, do, CI&C, & DEttrl,Y, do, • 'Mt, Penn, Pcoo. - .11 - ; Won, & tiro, 1. 111&.delph15; A donkey 13 , c , de.N.rh, Pr; I lNinon, Porton ood MIS , Yeah 01fiebira hop. 1 oar. Amoerkeot Co, Slaneatater, N IT, P and no L . y mer naso & non her, South Boston, omi cabana • I me= Nllliseameilo seta Cho. A taps ft to In. Pri. RCS NOY do ti do to lf 11 0 250 No 3 do ea 0 do •to 1, price 0100 All crm Sddressad la P. W. l,otra (Macro O. D. I.nliaon, New Io , Y, 11 D Marshall & Co, Fma.. del , rod N. R. lator.fle &alto*, colcogo for Olen and Ten., ars.] or owl hoot machines lot ruing them, swill meet with promo, attentton. CiOrk(lo MAy 3 POOO •de IIIi:DICAL nn. r. r. 111YErla hth irroceigionol reretres JJ to the Ohiscos of Manhherir do yleintty;* In , h le n e e haend• ,e a e n , idas r o ty the preeretaet I.S E O f P t e h tl rh e e • 1,111,7:.' A-1041.1ta. ' • JOHN MARTIN itcsirec,luy orrooo,. to ihs eitiaros of Phltlt loth, Ott hr. lota rrranntotly located Loom io am coy, ior t!, run ., vf ,rio ,10 .3 Arvild.o ood * R l,ll l , ' l 9, allitnololoot brooch,- oleo is on Pon street, IQ. Re,ideocs No 07 ranse.i. 15,143&-x4roor , nadloal and Surd*mai:Otte. T. GREEN;6I. D i lorrorri of Prohtdelphea r , and hoc of Now Lisbon Gkin y , mtge. ;lai:re nn. nal:Mang that he hr., located himself pc rronnorl7 is Holborn, w f the parposo of prAttis tg • tie awseeta branches Qfat edulna and ttotgory. Call. prompi4 attended to all Hort of the day and night. (Mew art rosi.lenco No 142 Third ',tract, moon datitatold and Grant. , •—F. S. onto°, .r.rq , Fourth at .7 F. R'ar, Onok toller and entirrour, Wood sacott .I.:e..t.e.dy. LP0th. , ..1 , ad Vtotcirt, Penn v. 1.72: 10 LET L.C1710:41104, Silt U , saags.—suist.s. Int len Chemical base CIL.. a flee. yonyurdon, •cd a the tame time 60111126, .oflt. end - I.C.tir - 74.5 smut giving it B ats non. Intl beauty' of Cr germ Mutat A. Coasa, an soon no only • belled, but cored by ea ore, as at least raven a wn ' • clamin New York grewwho tile n Wench ',its, and (Indy' anfailittg,as also in : . Pratvgke, Eta/elms; FIitICIL.S,. any inherit a dis ease. reader is assured that this awn elan Palled nosnarn ' as one trial will prove. beach ono. • move at lettatEO paeans eared of . ; • Bona Mat; Soca Lacs La Sees Buss,— try II and en ly and the reader is again started I , col cruelly sell it fat that above indent tem. to by all I state. Ttette who are liable to . • • CP.6.Vity C 14.215, Vitsrannsect, Will On - this' run. Any one atilloonlanth any el theabose, rare Liar diseases, oath nett this all Led even me (s ntina, hie in Its Pregalliaa7than.l nate. Bat, readerole mama are goaded with Inn 4ti011.14 and ba sura JO. rill f ns JONES'S Italia.7l vaCRI . Soap. Sold by_gly-g.t-JACKSON, 210 Liberty street, Pittsburgh • , auge , dg •T .Er • TEI strant ear, vria Eznhta is not irate reia eve than n bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow MECn ed teeth. Hoer.. have:there it is theJtown (nit— they can, forty.* shillinyi, buy In artiele that will mat e that: hicath pore and tweet as tht 6ytey dir• Atoka. It Cttrea di ttases of the Gantt Sytalfy , LOCOtatai . -and for the Thoth it 14 onequatled,reteut tag tants. fosnoning the:teeth In the gams, and nisei them as rrtute as the irtovd fdafrolos Nara Snob, reader, aro the properties of, Joneetsf.Ambet Tooth Paste, tad, without praising u ourtowtd, her t what one of our most respectable and selenune De . Usts, Mr. E. Field, of New 'lora, soya : "flown both weal and anali Om beautiful ais4 int palpable article, (Awes' Amber Tooth Pole,' •r‘ can recommend tt wty•owiessing twain:social , - od for tt." Reader, Wo call Say CO more to eonvinc'si only that it you try,thts onee yaw will be wall plena I. It I. put up 4u beautiful :English Chino iLk, for craw. Sold by this Agent, WAS. JACKSu:g, r. tv nicer. Phwhorrh • - = theliALL Goes, ctrm•ana are nonerams t a e llowmg are Meat:Cul Realities of •Zs nestle o /mimes Coral limo Kestorative. II they timmt sat word, they cannel Mese highly respectebla calla is: who have Iliad it : • • Mr. Coo. ticetet r at Elm st, Neer Vert. Mm. Matilda Keeirda, Mania at, fircotlyn Mr. Wm. Torotkine,lN King ot. Seas. 'Vora. ?dr. Thos. Jacltann, - .Montours Island, neer Yittalalt ga IL E. Callen, late butter atunitiom S. Amesicis and more than handred others nate. Meatalt at • must cogice, that it will force the hair ti mod; vn .hia h 'ad re face, cloy It:falling of, strata:: CO the tb, vine muff and dandruff (tint the room, mai Li g Lahti red, or gray unit mime i m a One data , loot, Old beaul teeptifuing dry, ai ur tY lair moist , Li ft, demo and very, siert . tong Line. sad,' by th e WM. JACKSON, 2KI Liberty et Pittsburgh. Face al ; S 9 teat,, and ono dodar.. anfsiMeiT • E' LADiES ADE CAUTIONED AGAINST ' *ING COlialtlON PEIN'AIZEDCIIALA. • Thay are not aware hots frightfully Lundeen It is to De thin! bow eciiirre, bow rough, bow .at, low, year,and unhealiny ' th e skin ap• pears eternising envie! Ile: aides it is kintrinra, containing.* lege quantity:of Lead! We have prepared a beteliful an ell sublet, ere call JONES' SPA NISIELILY • It is perfectly itavocui, being pnrined of all ant , enj to qualities; and itimparts to the Vile e iteelell.. iliy f alabaster, deal, living mane, at the cool, boa ' meting asa cosinelie,oß the stip, making* eon .4 senoo. Sold by the Akent, Whl.4/&CILSON. arty at, **Waugh. Price eeete., awc7al4,,T cuLsok. DALLErg 11,96JCAL .Rlllll EVKACTOB. rums never la-ding;Paln eerte.n a.¢lo L for Burns, Benda. Pars, Sure and 14 med Eyre, Cots. Wounds, DruDet, Indarnatitery tittomtatazo, swelitnsg, Sam Naiddes,l3roaen Ike nu,ltsl t Etnecn.Ald and LtlteltMle aorta, and uU celancona and lefizzarnatery .dipoases. • IN .A NEW EN VI,LOVD AND BOXES Up MU C H E.NLARQEI) , tali!!! . CA UTION. • - , . • • rounthrlitits of fth {-EV'S pu n 808 L atheout wthrrifa nod the.nea L rket. *Pun them C m') wocuit Pe.erdl By_ buying toe nitte..c in the Nr.W llffLpd you avoid the danger of lietayt ttopesed upon by coua tertete ore eertath of beLskine, au I gun, utorcover, etas 30 par cent on nie Friela-l . e. • Causal= to ,Dcalers. Gnus Imposition it practiced upon Dealers, by to. stotheleith who Put up kno crinkle Or *toe fa acountertett of thl old wrapper, inure with a tow, hazes of the genuine h dosen.ind thus off..t,lt • for sac at reduced prier! This esie:les mad, dcalcrci but the coh6ding. Innocent int:mother. wiu . ores the tpuicaul article, pils tot penalty! • ticffernth a pain, enaialnly testi end mat se restiltit , g froth Remo burns, wounds or tOres, and often lent of the their; are the tottreperneet. . : • . . Gess In P watt 0. , .,1e5e atesttegt Pstieletslars 13: one of the tam revere) , burnt and; infureet aug'44:' ete at the late and eltatua LIAI33.7,7TRENT IX r1,0:311.111, in new Volk-ern, shortly be, nnleated: blood the NEW ENVELOI . L.S, the LA lttrbi BOX+ • ES, and rne AUTIIIIIIIZEtt AWN l's , n - Ste rho hew Circulert (or thtb.. ••• Stark the symbelton the new erten—the Triangle', Serper.t, Lion, Non pose, and &Wu, UW-31 Dentra arriben signature. .. • . ~• • LI:WA vote daugef brittle, en.e 1114 1 1 / 1 11eIrs Meter ONLY, in tho blow HMS, and attea aut.. It. DAI.LjaY, Ate Broadway, Netwlrora....- ECIIT &attain;,l3c3.tral end , coin Agent. Tunas, Agent, Pi:taboret/. , .' .• N. /3—The name+ of *alert' who penal:we the NI. ley seise, new rite, froatjeither the,pronnetor hen. co if. Or from his •alhorized ogees, be published, Lt the pryers, al 1:10,13elp the pub it tri Stare Cleir or , . testate deoegna Dr. J.llllasonea' Seseeenreltoi or lledloSe p•nncanSeud Blond Pelletier,. • Er AS been extea.tvely Mt Li Doctor in an re:emote. , riot iee, - nee conli.. Octal, recemommuled to the poLlit Affstm I ere at ell itellotill•• of the bleed sp4gsperol Geetlttf , Tboujoig.. dfsvapals, nuashs, colds, brodchnis dropay.:. ottven• 01 sellers! Celiac', female etts4is ale,, MO?. cunt! ,thelles, tker, , ,eore,..., or n.upt6n, C 1.41 Or elm •• to, teeter, to , Zinc eomp:nlon, .I.or, - ler el terporitiel at to.. to ow, It is .s Nods. sc„,o.U.c, sod tell to talon sheet CI! el) l llsli'stre. wtllllltf flee eater; Prepared ey SAL krlst. iiititedEtt,'il,,,t - wore, Md. roe 141,0, suLOie• 111 r tot. 1 . 18,1, y JeV 57 Wood to, n rtu.borqb ittenk,wa' .71.4;211t0ixa, A TTORNLI' A on so4ui A Fonnh rL4 , esncn Chtni C167'8114 t:rzafP, GALLI!! I.IIIA AUVlsnmitA,ltax.lur. D Knitls & 11PWK Commtoslon Mo•cbmt Sumatran 111 h, Catitoroi. LtOtral td , ., mmlocouslgiiMouts, 'too W stenoy ba.mtat promptly attmt.c4 b. t la. W BZOri.mr4T, SI Lora, -- • rtintealt,ff %Ina s ArlentlVEY AT I.EO STA.II.- w. c telt bg Atkon‘irleCitir.rhis sni 11,44 Deo ee—kin thetttet. at.ovt t , lnAttlf4 .• ' ntr4..441.7 LeLtll2.-ia, lerfela for 17 1 • V I,o' 144.1 t I IIICW4 "! _ • r D !b. [4IZ Llunkba,... I faT it' , • Nrerr ,11,14.4 - = 7 77 a 3em nes 42; ea• breast; 0 111.1)n; 3 (vsli V ' • • I 4.1 E a.; 3 4rLs.l - I..:lted; • I t iv,k. tut: It plug tAi1.11,..g. To lathe, ht u • by Ail =REY &CO if , ' • • %Tater* ktontsts I I.•a GE.O UU-.UP rale pare, for gala LA by I t.CrlUtPlif KE ot R CIO • - Wow. k i t ULLI6.9 - 16-1:33 rri 4 c 1:0 cues.• /TA 1,34r15S 4.4 for sCe LLCMS' N. LITII.I. lE C) je.29 ess L . l2ttrly. TiGAR — Htft.'SC 1 , 301.175/... •,).; DIM AA fcr gala by jc - tb) 3 S ulltt Mack C 47 GUM it../LeblC-'-= los sons to, a r7s." ---- 7 — . . II a. 11 5 57IEV7E t ct& A CA,. trh. a: Woo 4 Ls. .lut.AR-44 • • fa 1111.0 - 0 - 91 4 ' crls
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