TEE PIITSBU4GII.- GAZETTE. rusbizaisu BY WHITE & OD =IMO= 211E5ED&Y IPELNING, JULY 30,1850 ertAmims us anarum, rammed to band to Ibitir Wen beim I a. at., and aa early In theft , " to pfsadeabla. Aturtbimaauta lot maned for a aaar• lad dm win larsatatdf be obtarpd antll oniared oat CM IL l'Aixto It AEU fa tits pro* *a* wad** Nes Sart, Philadelphia, ** Ilkom*, Joe asthatcal reed* a**.ttri.loss sal whig***** ET Pleats mein mad mad eabocriptiens in the Nash American and .11 V i g il hu from m U Ud su ite, Ptiladalplna, received and km w& IllarfatozattostaCeouraarLaylsre—babseripdra. Ow lila valuable parwr, will be r . acwared and forward ell Enna ardaparo. Ilr&arramarnarca—Saboartptirowand LaVaraft• mato kor Mr paper recalvad wad forwarded tree at alpwire from this calm COrilUrg Lar Gesernb—Adrenisesess mobwildnet ter ties paper, win be received and orrardad tINII We ease: lONIKOOINATIO o MIA= TICKET • .Joe fl O DUNOsy, of • • County. ; •11112.41. fiSNROf W.Cmo%•BI.IYDEN., • glim 300E1%11 HENDERSON, Of WasfilaorinCoano. • MEII:EIZEi TACIAI•II M. SOWS. saniiii moos, man nen ammo, DL Y. JAMES CAROTHERS, 101 ALIIIIINOLT, MIRIn* ROBERTSON, Pittgoirgb: P. CWALK t L r R JOHN BMWS M. tn V, Robinson. JAMBS MFR. Soo din. ! nececrnme Arnim; 111ANCUI C. FLANEGIN, PM:burgh. IBENINMI DOVLES, Nonh Poyang: oonnos, WK. *LYNN, Lower Bh CWt. cantor inrsorso; D. N. COURTNEY, Cr614101161r PAGE FO& Loam. MATTEILN . Taxosurato NEWS, /vs. Thera Is 101 l in the pennon! acorn which has been rteing tie )he[ et Washington, Consequent be the lackota tell Cablnet,and on the great eettalaty witch hisita over the fate of the Omni bus BM to the Saute. Tele quiet will, howes ~- er, be of short duration. The. Cabinei, will soon be parker ongleised, when the subject the threats of Tenn, in maid to New Mexico, wall be considered, and the paper ictiora decided ep ee; and the Omnibus Ball' . cannot much longer *hes ihensibehee in the Senate. The Haase a low idlit away ha thee, awaiting the dnal ac• tba of the Senate, and the developeonent of the policy of the new Administration. When these events take place, the scene of excitement win be chsapil to the Ball of the Sense of Reptetenua. tiros, where a abort, sharp, and exciting contest, will take place. Whether the Oanilms posses or fafla id the Benue, the excitement and Cunt === will be pressed on its asked merits. We ea tetrefure, look Mr wino times during all u• month of August. We he? no fears on the *object of the policy of the nevi' Admintstratioa, in minion to Tex. and New Neste. Tae integrity of the Territory of Now Minim, as it now stands, or so received by treaty, rill be dimly maintained against the wanks of Tenn, nnill Comas, or the Supreme Onut, shall establish some other bound:toy line, and, it necessary, of which we have no fears, the army of the Milted States will be used to repel sditessioa. This is the natural sod true policy, and will meet with general approraL Nothineellit will be done this session, rtfmr the •rvM coilitkon is disposed of in some Way, ex Dept to pase the nproprieucts bills. The mese , bars are lesion out, and will hurry the adjourn. Lent as the main question Is over. Thereto . not =eh prospect of any thing-bring deco to teihsve the suf.:ling industrial interests of the istutitn; by the present Congress. We <hall War to Infernider the Tariff 016 til we sleet a new Congress, and until the astounding results of the census of MOO shall show the North bee strength, and the vast imporuune of her man. ohs:Wring `purenits. Then, we trust, there will be • pannisest sod banefient change. Ourio--Witicivr.--The Cincionsii Price Correct mitiniates the crop of wheat in Ohio, for the pre.. 'eat year, si 'Zi,OOO,OOO of bushels. This,at an av enge price of ID cents, will yield to the farmers of that Stale $17,500,000! The crop of 180 was ei. bathed at 10,000,000, which at 10.5 cents, the arer fje irialded 510,500,000. The crop of this year is, therefore, worth 57,000,0430 more than the WC, in the article of wheat alone. Bot this n not all. Thii not crop will aiTard occumitiori fee a One number of persons in ratios it to market, std its loVr price will enable consumers to lire - cheaper than before,. Its beneficial elfimi wilt be- OM is ttai whole commenhy, and they will be di. rethiy felt is thiser, where the trade with Ohio Is lugs arid ineraming. Ciassamestia Estiosamos —A Idler le - the St Loth ReYabliesa, from Fort Larimie. ays, that tM magrwitMl scram the Belo% this- year, have sacred hire:ill. Among a list of names given, of dame who have died, we eee malwase trim ressairtvinia, that of Ales. Mattis, of Boiler Octaly. The Dame* of the* majority, however, eosid aotba aseeitaitimi. We copy some Mama which give the latest news of the progess of the 'miasma natigimkut. Last year, and this moon, until within • kw dap pam„ the city of Louisville measurably es. raped the ravages of Cholera. Sot on Teerthry, the 113 d, the pestilence suddenly appeared in its Most fatal and tere.fic form on Market street, he. mime Tair' end Eleventh, and op to the 25, pre. veiled 451 great mortality in the lower part Of the city. The upper and middle sections of toe eity eratinue perfectly healthy. On the Mu, 115 deaths Mao Chokers, and dint from other diseases Via thedere broke out to a portion of the city Mat spat made land, and Is known-es ..spriegy grouse: The/aortal, after rising the location dasielpdonal the plague spot, sire "?lie Mader has no! , before him a pretty full " description orate, locality of the pethlence—amid Its page of water under the ground &ors - ad caftan of the dwellings, back yarda *stunted with water, and coveted with decaying dl, b, the marshy edges of thepood, end accumulated rierspings of the greets to years, the cholera sat brooding and hashing • pestilence, and a fearfol ode it IL— senbera rose yesterday with all the logs of life , beton Wm, and before the cue had reached us utatidhit, they arentilocked In the lc/ embrace of death--low hers who were waiting upon the . dead dad dttag after diaocr time, did not live to me the mut set In that narrow circle of !thin; • befogs, there tute,ap to I l o'clock lass night, fdt . cslet&,ead Ikaty Oahe—no ease has yet re. ' urinsred,' nor showa soy signs of recovery.• Chll. dreg that was plums about the door, apes the entrenue, of tbe papacies to i.e o ther patients. irate 'booked in fos Poteenee, and prear-obed for fousediately, sod all bare alike gi e g—.4 ose to whim , cu . s prescription ewe delayed as well as thole pretoribed ke immediately. - ' be peaileocs Mowed as IssPeef Peft"%faust,nor medicines. All isvocations for relief ended as, rdutb. A. inetasericets workman In one ofthe leandors, was sesunooed froze his wed, YestrOday nonsisg, to see his .111tUd—be found is dying--anotur was attacked, sad he remained with It, and beg • before sight, the child and the father were dead. Ose oradsissa cute up is tows, after tenable, be a physician to nub his wife, and at 4 o'clock, ' wife and hatband were deed. These (=- dam show the fearful power 01 the pestilence is Its confined limits." Tie Worn Moinrria—Of the seven Cabinet Ministate heretotere announced as having been appointed fry the rtettilleat of the United States, with the advice and ennead of the Senate, the Iblicrerini knee tempted their topoinuneeta. and, b•tog here Weed, have been ditty eontrahtakeed, Jar, wipitei. the EteuretarY of State. . Mr. Corona the 80Cretaff of theTtentury. Mr. Hall, the..Pottoteater General. - Of the remaining her, it is anderstood that the tollortni accept their aprointmenta, bat hale not yet reached the city, viz: Mr. Gahm, Secretary of the Nary. • Mr. Crittenden, Attorney GeneraL—Rat. *Le Batsislar. Tta kliiring go:times nse now *direly en . - peed in oltichintag the datiga of Heads or e i • pia:beaus: Department *ratite, Mr. Webstr.r. Deportment etre Tommy, Mr. Calvin. Osseo! Poet Ofitne, Mt. Hail. Depsztimat of Situ. bi.j. Oen. Solt. Dvormeit of Nary, OJAI. Want:o47 No!, Ifltar#P Tin Vacuum Mecum Cang—We do flea to Ind that there were some pawn meacut. at the late brutal and nelawhil hanging of t he ee lf re GrzYwdb In Culpeper, Vinginta,to whom the cen. sum open the mob In genernl does not appir— some, indeed, who evinced a noble hermen in their endeavors to uphold the outraged -law and humanity; which became the Oceaskal, and end. , des them to the cooed of praise always given the good and faithful citizen. The Richmond Times sale: "We bear that Mr. William Green, one of the most prominent citizens of Culpeper, appeared be- , fore the mob, and need every e Tort of eloquence ' and persuasion to Indiana them to desist from their Illegal purpose. They thanked hiM for his advice, but au:wined that they would have the life of the negro. Another gentleman is said to have 2 is played the most remukahle bravery, in endeavor. mg to save the negro at the jail. Taking his pa. anion at the door, be is represented ID have ievit. ed any erne men in the crowd to come forward, mod make with him a band of ten, to resist, with , their liver, the 'tumult upon the jail. The propo &Joe not being responded to, he deliberately took paper, and, before the faces of the mob, wrote down Ma names of all the persons be reervised, avowing his percale to , report them to the legal authorities. Much conduct deserves the omen. mired applause and support of the community. This occurrence on Culpeper has excited in Richmond, and must excite threrestiont our law abiding State a deep feeling of mortification. No parallel m IL State, ever before, within our MOW/M . taken place In Virginia.. The Mormon settlement on Beaver Islaud,Late hUmbigan, now numbers about one thousand per sons, and is rapidly biereasing. The colonials have built I'l=4ll schooner for trade between Uto 'emend [steads, and also possess. another vessel, called the "John C. Spencer,. for the purpose of trade at various port■ on Mire Michigan. The Spencer," a few days 11131. e, tell the poet cf nine for Beaver Island, with seventy passengers and a fall cargo. Among the freight was a press and materials for a weekly paper. The Mormons are prating op a wooden temple, sixty by one hun dred feet. They intend, Uin said, to make sine:. Pensive (inning settlement is the interior of Big Beaver Island, whkh Is thought to possess superior agricultural adventages. It 4 seven miles wide, by thirteen in length, and coracles six small Laker. Itscorzzonolts or Hosm.—We find' the tallow ins passage Iris late reprinted speech oyJedge Johnson, of Ohio, Whig candidate for governor.— The speech was made some whine in the Reserve, we believe in Coyaboga Colmar 'There is a spot of earth amid the rude wild hills et Yd . ° a Creekosy heart turns when groin& less fears hotel me. There are the scenes and the Glenda of my childhood and youth. There the streams where I breathed, the woods where I hudtod, the brooks where I fithed, the fields Where I toiled, the shades where I reposed, tho springs where t drank, the rocks where I climbed. There the song of the bird and the gush of the fountain first ieppired .ny reel with poetry, and the loftiness of the bhts firat filled my soul with ambition.— There the natio beauty first taught toy soul to love, and rustic honesty first taught my heart to confide. There are the honest tubtica in whom 1 then confided and still confide. Thither I look for courage. knowing that from the mouth of cid Yet. low Cres I:, where Danothre's bloody war began, to her highest suttee, where the chalybeate foun tains gush from the barren h eery man end ev ery woman who wee acqoainted with me in youth, would hang down their heads to coofusion, if they were told tact I feared to speak the troth as it is In me—hero or elsewhere—Norther bouth.^ Daniel Webster. Though the precut Secretary of State le rota Immo to Ito. couutry, ton no long occupied publi stations, an d ia ao eminent te., a stateruma and an orator, teat his WWI, aad his rime am as farothar al household arords—sull, baron jtst bee. cai'ed to one or the 1113$1 elevated posts of the Gayer.. meat, it intry oot b 0 inappropriate to glacce briefly We find tho following, cot. athi. ercatful Ile eise sketch in tto Inquirer,' cf Philadelphia: Daniel Webwer was born in Salisbury, N. H. Ma father was a farmer, and served bath in ate French war and the war of the Rev,lo•ion. Dan• le I received his early instruction from Dr. Ahbxt, psinsipal °lithe Exeter Academy. where Cam andather alstingrushed men Lid the ground wo•k of their education. He afierwanle entered Dan• . . month College, and graduated In 11,01. He was compelled by the ohm:ma:sec. of bin lemily, :o labor for his own support, sad his profeasunat medics were often interrupted. He entered the Oho of Mr. Gore, in Been., and in 1805 woe ad mitted to practice at the bar. He firm pursued his prdession at Roecateen, in his-native Stale, but atter the death of his faihermin 1 . 507. he removed to Pomo:math, where COCliair in coal awn h that dietiegushed layer, Hon. Jeremiah Meson, hat mind first deve loped In tatoaderfal powers. la 1512, he was elected a ream...meanie in ("anew. from New Harnett:re. In IStd he retired from Tb . Congtem, and went to Tinton to pursue his - pro- ; leaden, nod fur six or eight years devoted blenwid w eau.; 541 . 1 d00 1 Goa , •••••c. m scenes: of exeleeively to ilia law. la ISOL) be was • mem- ' the shdoctien of • veiny Polish clot b, a tear° in bee of • convonuoa of delegates w "' a ja r thee, New Oilcan', nod her lobar meet restoration to olitalioo rawnmebusetts. In the same year he , , ~ • delivered hia celetrated eddrrss the 2do . h seed- ' ela ' 'I l'e u eu.tuu- • ere • g vorsary of the Ithdieg at P:1 mouth. fn 'Set deem. tht.. con,r, was elected, front Bassett, a inemael o! the Moore but it appears from the renewing, I,nm the Cren• of Representatic.m of the United SutteA. end in : cent o f t h e 1 5 t h, t h at open . 1820 he tees elected to the :Lennie of the L. Siete. , oopply ft s „, hick , h .,„ 1 °my saw the celly other cowrie, bur avenged her onry , 1530, No Webiter reads his famous con when the man who attempted to ruin her stitutional argument ra the Senate, in answer to Gen. Rayne, of Sloth Carnal:la. le 1533, he wee tette:Mt to the Sew.... In 1530. he winded Eu - Friday !meth obey tho order of the court, and re eve. In Hersh, 1511. he mitered the Cabotetof 'Aorta to her relatives isle the coirpaelonshm at President Harrison, as Secretary of Stale, end Jaubert, it acme, been fully satufied of the tinned in ogee Mating the adottnia.ration of Hr. 1 falsehoods by which Ibis man gained her person. Tyler until May, 1543.. In 15t2, he negotiated , v a cater.gy, wrought op to ircea? by the viugra, et Wohtuguth en the part of the United States, t which he had entsOed upon her, she uodertock with Lord Ashburton, en the part of Great Brit- i with the aid of retool.. and (vend.. to retook a ale, the important treaty by which the ditmulta in summery revenge. She visited Jeolerrt at hie re ation to the northeastern boundary was ad - i store, corner cf Jolla And Tehennitottlan street. - jested. red invited him to welt with ber, walk g at the Mr. Webster, In 150, returned to the Senate of I time, that she had jast ercapcii from the custody I the Halted States,of which he et:grinned an lode- o f her family. Toe briber of Janbert, auspectier ' count = 1 dial- 0 6. 111 .d umuther up to the Pte. s, " ; danger. Insisted that he should not leave the time. '•Jecose,hat the fellow. declaring that be would fare the world If Rebecca were with him, donned his best attire and accompanied her. They proceeded to the corner of Atiritnelltipo and Rice tercets. feliowed at a short diatheee be three-frierds of the giti,utho were there to aid her in cum of emereenLy. Danes the walk, Janben emennualeated the tact that he bad aliened one thouland dollar, to an acquaintance, it be would ewiethico in echo tatting her troin the guardian , ship of her family. While thus converters. Re berme truddenly threw off bur bonnet, embraleed him in violent terms for his infamooscoerse. told him that she was astiefted of the Jalwhrod of his solemn oath, that he was not of negro blood nor marrkd man, and thee with a cootie!, too elide* to elbow We retreat, she drew • pistol from her ip,eseeted it and fired, the ball penetrating his cheek and altettermg the teeth of hie left Jaw. Jaabett stsggered, but the desperate girl, floilleg her work but pieta:ly done, instantly drew ;moth. er pistol, end planting it directly in his flee, poll, ed the trigger. The weapon (,fad to second her intention-0 seat ped, and ber Mends fearing vio lence from Jaubert, immediately came up to her aid. One of them, pt.tol.in bend, edvanced to the wounded man, and offlred him a fair combat, hut Rebecca, declaneg that she could vindicate ber eon cause, snatched the third weapon and again essayed to shoot the companiosi of Der lute dish,. Jauben rettested estate utfurialrd girl advaeced ; sod he owes bleat, to the fact that she could cot, with her 'guanaco of the weapon, dacha:pa the load. A parley hero corned in this singular affair, and /tubed, before the crowd of periods athembied,_ declared that aller.Rebecca bad led her borne he. had bet two Intel views with her, both in the prey. I cower others. lie exert:wed Itiameif moat pent. tent for his intended crime and poet deceptions, and avowed that he hod received but his desert, These statements tepeerlog eetisfaclorY to the pertles,they drone off is a aarilige, leaving In. belt to seek relief for his wooed. One of the pm lice came upon the spot at the elate of the affair, and attempted to arrrat the ; but, we end standt Mrt et Jaabe amid that he had no charge make, end bed worsted ell that to had receive upon which no further effort was used to detain her. • _ The New York Tnbape pays the biltiorinqiust tribute of praise to the late Post Muter Genera, Hon. Jacob Oe.latner : "ln thel withdrawal from jet rice Of the Into Pool Matter General, Jamb Collam-r, the nation hoe rustained no ordinary loin. With iaeorroptibm integrity and • large capacity, Mr. Cabernet ewe.. bleed an uatitiog assiduity, a ceascientions dew.. don of his entire time and thoughts to the public interests committed to We charge.. of Whteri the Dolls were most I euefizent. Bra yearn' service in Congress. and on the Public Land Committee whereof he became 'Clialtrnsa, had enlarged his local knowledge, espeelaliy of tne newer Dentine of our country., and ho went into the Post Office : emieently qualified fur the discharge of its manly responsibilmer. Om ear was never deaf to any suggestion of improvement In the mall ter. vice; be had no time nor taste for any thing el., when such improvement appeared practicable.— A simple list of the new rooter established, old ones accelerated. tea offices opened, doe., daring his fifieen service., would be a noble mon ument of his north. And, while the moll eervMe was thee increased on every ride, the Fest ()Mee seventies were never more ample than under his able and vigilant supervision. We know his coo oessor to be 'one more of the note sore—a work er by instinct, with • mind peculiarly fitted for the mastery of dedads • but even Mr. Hall will have el:mutated nchly, lithe general rerdict at the claw ofbisferviet, abet pronounce him watthy to trend ill the footsteps of Jacob Widmer. We trust Mr. C.'. retirement from public life is not final. The public service has need of him. Sot= CA INN. rIV Softel CAEOLZIA Shell, of South Carolina, threatens to unfurl the banner of disunion, to protect the interests of has State. The Union, to him, is of no value. Lot us see (says the Baltimore Clipper) what estimate was placed upon it a few years since by a more gifted son of that State, Mr. McDuff,. That gentleman said "The Union prevents us from wasting and dc• struying one another. It preserves relations of pence amonecommunities, which, if broken Into separate nations, would be arrayed tigainst one another in perpetual, merciless, and ruinous war. It indeed contributes to our defence against for. sign States, but still more, it defends as front one another. For ourselves, we fear that, bloodyand Mournful as human history is, n sadder page than hasever been written might record the sufferings of this counuy,should ,we divide ourselves into separate communities. We fear that our coon• try,- in case of disunion, would be broken into communities, which would cherish towards one another singularly Gores and implaaabable enmities." This (adds the same paper) is the langtmge of patriotism and of common tense. Mr. MeDuirte clearly foresaw the evils which would result from disunion, seine "calls upon his countrymen ton. 'Pohl them, whilst Mr. Mien urges theta on to their own reis.—Nut. bird. rildwodu Wrenn sew Stool/eh—The thisti3n theriesPoadeulldthe New Yore Tribune says: Protouor Waver is in remarkettle toned health, „ fa coolant in his devotions,. and appear. like a man who resit es the awful end Ignointnione fate which await, him. He is allowed tit I usual -at utiles lo his cell, that. be had berme the deeta leth d mention Ibis, became some have thought lee matter of curiae that he should be allowed half. and folk, glair ware, ace., they being ten• pressed with the idea that be would comma anti. dde. He once sold when epithet. to upon that am s om ach of a Clauttan to aostait eritide.” We &tall see. Bets ran biab tbu he will never ho bung—.bat ho will take his own thhers are equally as fierce lo petting that ha 'II be bun. Prof. Webster le, according to the jail record, in the hsth gear of his age, and is fire feat two to. cites and one alibi!' In height. The University of Uzicrd has eourenod the bon. only degree of Decoy or 0i74 JAW oa Wag. ex, wcll kamAtioyiesa !Ocilla ! • MOE • 001,nuspoicleaur of tie Intlsbcrsbiinrie. WListrWital, hty ,RS•, damplatlas of the Cabinet-Chased to PartagalAn tatareatlnd day lu Itauste..--No result. but ComPrutuf ta looking up. The President mated again this morning Ms/. be could Slot consider the Cabinet settled until after. the arrival of Mr. Bates and Mr. Crittenden: The for- mer gentleman, it is mated, ham been heard Dom I on his way to the White Brilphur SPrings, Virginia:. and and may be expected here very won. It Is the President's desire to appoint Mr. Bates to the De partment of the Interior, for which his 'position as distinguished citizen of the grew bdiseihfiPPl ley, and his intimate acquaintance with the internal wants of the county, well qualifies him. There is a report, proceeding from apparently good authority, swing that the difficulties with Portugal, concerting the payment of American have ban adjested, and that our demands will be paid. I him aliA is well bounded, for al- though Portugal has before admitted the justice of claims, and promised to provide for the pay ment .011.., it would not look well to see this lit. seat and moderate Republican government follow jag in the wake of that hard. and grasping power, treat Britain, whlth appears to know no other rule in dealing with — her weaker debtors than that of Shylock, when twisting upoit the pound of doh nearest the heart of the victim. For one I h ould rather for e g o the collection of this petty debt from the poor, prourid, and decayed Hidalgos, than to wring it out of them with the strong hand. Tho interruption of our commerce with them, and the mherpowers to their vicinity, which would all of course be affected by a rupture, would P.M , great er loss and injury to our merchants in one month thnn the whole claim amounts to. Again have we been disanpointnl in our eapecm• Lion of action on the part of the Senate, upon the Compromise Bill. Throughout the day, until the last moment of a long sestina, the Senate has ap peared to be on the very verge of a decision, and the event has been watched for with unibated in-' tense. It has not coma, however, land perhaps it may now be considered a little doubtful when and what it will be. But it has been evident ail day, I that the friends of the bill were confident of a sue easeful issue, could any result be attained. All amendments, and they were not few, to Mr. Brad., bury's test proposition for the referenco of the Team boundary question to Commissioners, were voted down, and that amendment to the bill would have been concurred in by one or two majority. As usual upon such occasions, Mr. Benton .110 n re. splendent in the struggle at resistance. Be piled amendment on amendment, like Belton 'Ton awn, and finally, mnounced that if the vote was to be forced to night, it should not be done until alter a a fair trial of the bone and ataxic. I have before strongly animadverted upon Mr. Benton's disponi. tion towards n factions rwisoince of a manifest ma jority, and should do it now,if I thought the censure deserved. But the argument of old Bullion, that Massachusetts and Ohio are only to part reprw.en ted, and that to wait fur the Setiatorn expo cted to supply the places of thane who have paired off to go into the Cabinet, would cause on irreparable de tention, is a sound one.. Alr. Ewing is known to have been appointed, nod only waits his commie• siotrto take his swat, and it to believed that by to 'narrow ur next day, Lieut. Gov. Reed, of Massa chusetts, will arrive htre as Mr. Welister',i soapy. son. Mr. Banton sapper,es that both these Senator; would vote with him, against the °man, plan in its present or proposed shape, but I think it just a bout an even chance that he tray be dosppoi sled in this. lisle's amendment to preserve the arose quo no to me pOSISCI.iaII and occupancy of New fdexico we...rejected, 2: to3l, 110li rallOtri other votes were taken in which the friends of the pion were ovally successful. The last two hours and a half were passed in skirmi.hing, and struggled to adjourn be tween the compromisers and their opponents. The former beat the foo at first by 22 to 7.2, then after n harm hour, the balance quivered no eprefig that the veto stood aim tel, then 2/ to 24, bidet kogth at five o'clock the wind nod bottom of the anti cum- Awanivers oarried their pour, nn by i"..) to 2.5, en ; adjournment wan carlied To morrow the etrug;le wilt be renewed, and I have an t note -sewn with a more favorable issue for the Cabitillo6. It in said they can bring in Clement, of "Osborne, who has heretofore been against any pos,ble arraogetnent, but is now understood to have surrendered. He wits not present to day. In the House peeling has been done but to talk over the Military Amideiny .kpproprietion tldl euoka Mnzo.—Too moon now Macente, el 1110 lost., &Gar speaking favorably or Oa elan lands In the States, as adapted to thu cultirattoo of the arum cane, says "The last two years have brought a anal eultl. VllliOD;Mrelle, 'when', Men for any previous Inn years. In this neCtlon, It, sugar told le rapoll,V taking the place of the cotton no. lon ocOecopled lands ere mow late cultiverion, and even Ile worn out and abandoned cotton Gelds are Inept , well adapted to the wrung crop. There are now being amulet!, in to v.cintty, no lull than fifteen fuser mills, at, probably, ell avera¢b cant otslo,ooo each. 'thin will bnng into colo ration prat lea. than fOOO acres of laud, throwing Into the market 100 000 togsbeade of sugar. whl.# will gind Its nalaral transit through Baton Rouse. Oa Toetday, inei"wilosd a mac named Janina., in the lover r part of the cliy, was aiteked by chats era. Dr. Knini,i was called in, and, by his ruction, Jacques wept for medisine. On his re. turn, he inquired anxiously of the doctoi how bin wiro wet. He was informed that the was is a collapted state and could not possibly live.— thereupon he calmly mob oat his u,tcb, and, Minding it io his brother, raid—. My wits is gain oldie, oldie, and I cannot floe without her ; I Shall die Mo." He teemed in pe.tiet hoalth ti the tide, hat all tho symptains of cholent made their op. pamnee inan•dtattly, and bodied in dune hours. Laus4vill. J.,ureal. . N. J., the 'ot see dav,ihe managers of+he railroad to Trcntos w re put to a nomplus. Tho locomotive which wits to carry the morning train to Trenton was missed, and could be no where found. The en. erre, was compelled to get another, with which tie went to Trentov,whera he round the runaway, Iv:stems that sometime during the night , an in alne fo'low had gone to the engine. made a. Ere, took in water, greased the machinery, and then set off on an examen oil:1;809Th dome the road r lie passed ell the (1.1110219 at a flying pace, and did not stop until he had reached Teenton where he said that he arty wanted to see bow hist he could Make the thing go. TELAS ito mated drouoticai id* islacalovst- • EXECUTION OP'PEARSON. Bakrax,Jnly26, P. M. Pearson the murderer was executed here to day. He Was taken from the prison to the scaffold about lull post nine o'clock... While on the platform he ; made a speech to the audience, or spectators who , had aseembred to witnew hit execution. He con- leased his guilt • and admonished all to take warn ing from bin sa d example and avoid the commit tiert of crime. "I nut here; he said," i meat:who ly—e deplorable spectacle, steeped in the bitterest anameand writhing in the deepest agony. I have been brooghttothts coritunialcoaseouditionatep by • • ste Siti encroached upon= and the evil tempter did not cease until my Roods were stained in human blood. Let me then romans you to avoid the paths of vice which have brought. me to this awful con ditibri. Use the eminple thus made of sae as an admonition and wanting to yourselves. lern justly expiating a most unnatural and high handed crime. 1 would ask 01411 to seek their salvation. Let noftemptation deceive you. The way of the trans ,grosser is lord. The p risoner seemed fully penitent.. At half past tea .o'clock, A. BL, he was launched into eternity, and seemed to die without a struggle.' About one hundred persons were admitted inside to see the execution. A large crowd, boarever,had collected about the jail, and many climbed upon the tops of adjoining houses and disturbed the proceed. inkeTh — ythouts of the most inhuman kind. rwo well dressed young women entered the jail yard before the prisoner left his cell. When he ascended the gallows, which he did with a faro rep, their very unbecoming curiosity led them to gale upon him andh an refitment which amok" te ther have brought the biugh of shame to thnir cheeks. They anxiously viewed all the imple. memo of execution with as much coolness as if it nrk r ed an public 4 o o admissi on n 'm t b : t'h'eliTry femaleso tit modesty of females can thus give way En such graan curiosity, is almuit incompre hensible. ' While on the scaffold the culprit read the Bible with mach apparent earnestness and devotion. Be. fore dropping into eternity he ruined his eyes up. ward., tooka last look at the au, then viewed the surrounding scenery. His body was taken to his native place, WM mingtort, *here the murder was committed, for bu. rial. interview between lref Webster and eir.s.lttletieltis The New York mars, of yesterday morning, anemia a despatch from Boston, dated July 25, giving the particulars of an interview between Prof. Webster end Mr. Littlefield, alit . principal wi en. alpinist him at hit trial. The Interview is thus described "An interview took place yeamrday afternoon bei jweea Dr. Webster and Mr. Lek-field. at the ro. heitatkm of Dr. Webster, In rho wearer., of Mr. Andrews, the Jailor. On their entrance, Dr. Web. ster atepptd , forward and very cordially and taco. Minus!, se and the band.of Mr. Du:afield, re marking that he had lorg desired to zee him; that he could net 6...1 a 1 cane until he had made his acknowledg ascots to him, that he felt he had done hies great irjuance, end be asked hrs forgiveness. Mr. Littlefield promptly and reeling!y replied, that he forgave him with all hie heart, rod tapreeted his pity abd sympathy for him. Mr Lbeefw Id al so told h ra that n Was a imolai duty ho luel to nekton's alien ho took Ito ailed cud Minified *game h it, unt that he felt It a du y which lie had co right to ahrtuld from, rind if he had silted any thing wrung, it was Uuicicatiocal. and he ' was very sorry, and caked forgiveriew. Dr. Wel,- ' rte replied that ho had miereprerocted unthieg-- that he had told the truth. Dr. W. maid, howev er, ea s dying moo, that he could out bring the sledge hammer tp his recollection. As tic tract , view was drawing to adore, Dr. Wahrter .gam look the hard of :dr. L ttlefteid, arid thank , d h.m Corralling, and expressed a wish to see Mrs. LI; Liddell Mr. 1,..114 fi :Id remarked tart they nod always, wh:l t al the Mediew GJi.ge, got aldcg agreeably and p:estsauLty tugether, aLe that he (Ur. W.lbaa always treated ado kindly, A:n. ld• Webster sani that • Iced and Irtendly letting hod always exoted co 1 is cart rnwards bin L and to: Istirly. Ir. wrehrter spoLe et Ina pretest 611.1103.1th.] DUI he was tee:geed to his Late, but tell deeply fur Ids lemily. Iduring the entire inter. vem both parties sdrased deeply impressed, and they paned is tears." Musson C.bsmoossal bloto.r. —Commodore room embed •1 Mb port In tae Vaned :nat., eater Vara, to Tuesday, lanai 016010010 u ID Cuba. Wu 10010 may Cu too 1 Ito Lbrotal, forty, two of the Conn pt trotters .5. Ir.l u 0 of .te Ingato tonorroas, at It a an 44 %I, v., toey vietc ektoetqueul.y 11,11.01...“4,1 Ltd 010.4., of war stlbany f bey worn Ecaeraly;.•.d of 106:0 tad Leto O.IIFGDO4, 0.1 bad beta toot to. and Ire:stn.! $.l, toe busprao vu abete. Teo wens Out deontaro by me 114$1.ot,:ier. UI toen. 1:10¢,000, 02006 tore sta ll, 0111.01 0:000,1retla el utcrely as 02 I is Lobo veal sLai 'too Snot, Calor, taros c ere .Ifterro of the captured ouabbLe, to La trod, word.. /41- .0 bz apaer..4 nbdratrtl. Tho Asany wag to igr rouser:rot oo tno 12;b, and trotod keep the prounera on LArd et suat placc, watt Cr:ors to 1 rela:loo to troot atodl4 be no:need aunt %Vena togtrat.—/Stpufbr, The Wet mettt tliaLtsa ly Leon solr.s the wood of tk. rapera, {bet 130 dratb 1t001t.,.. S. Inatht, ,, ..rrtoo rzicntly ocot.rlgtl at itlOWle. Wry oOewswocto by I.o.ccdo, undo tae wont .13rgrar Obi wrousorutoms, la 1.01/ co:Ore:well. 31r. Halm wan rerpec.ftwy tirow..l mbae at B:cht!e. fl.- prbs'obrO WOOD b 3. i..elcoti Cr Imsn; tt to lay Urge on. ;cfp . A.{a . .,e ac,• oorw. Ho r. sc.{ rt. , re croursltom vjoi,ro Ot itz ill 1111%C..ts a slon .hatac rc rum, .:ay 41 the al a 6:t:ed, I ;Air or 1.1. • o Cgi..ste vti Inc ~.!3z.u. tl:.l , a .wan t Lq a rLI iWyrr‘wr, as .41 tast e Deco c0n0..1.7 clwarr_ of awe, Cr>=l2,(l6l • Cr~azat.ato eon Wear Nawsos Pr-o, Reno —Au tibtottrat surbary m the lt,iamnro see Oava aralmaik..aed is our cap, ea a -Aire tow.- tlneone—proteat• natal in tat. tele:unto ark, CO9! 01:00t for the Lanett. Leo ot, a Plank (toed from Conal,ilatie, ID blaratoud. td lee :rowboat slack water anvegation, whoa al Wee: Norton, thirty t Lees once ease rf Pitts burgh.'!here ore already hem ef loroptke reeds canting between Cumberland one West Newton, sod the des re is to eeetereel the pines read ou toe teed of the tom yEkti roods. All the necessa ry Icon! righis for the grope actedepterhment of tee Otieet tette nova fully secore.l, and to week 1110 be peewee:CO won system, emnotoy, and vigor. Thegrowing nether alot.e Me mum will tarnish cheat If and teeecclet.tly the learlll rita• Idiot, and poncho 1111,111 a sew mule will readily festoon tt to the desired teem. By tau sea line of Intereonscrieleatiro, We leant, the di.tikeml between Bahimore tad Plus. burgh will bnctortemed .IWenty cities end tee tame et trussl Vol be thorieuett twelve hours.— ' Their are turo 'Yery important coesideratious af. leak g the comfort of traveller', and cannot bat bars taste Ind :seeds., When ttsarded to eons neethro with the &gettable clung., to divers. .fy the male. In coming iron, tee west to the oast, the treadle, will peeceod from Pittsburgh Up tee Yougmegimoy river to West Neivion An a commodious steamboat, he will shoo klrdoornmeh ty over the plank toad, In on easy coach, et:llun Wear eight lo Ito Miles per hour, to Coodnermed; and thence pane-red In this railroad tram to Bale more. The three halts or modes of travel, en: by steam boat born Pittiburgh to Wen Newton, Plant roadie Cumberland, and ttadrcad to Baia moss--are calculated-to attract the traveller lotto. mute, and when be knit., oddities, that he can peas from the Oalo to ashimore, or rico versa, in about twenty hours, be will prefer it beyond peradveuture. Our ohj.,e: in adverting to MIA enterprise, which is la eioei eta, practical heads, is to wrens the •t -teelinit of nor community to It, as one which is cheated to thee favorable coLoideration. Its ebi feet will be to: only to keep 13a lorrere io the en iyeottit el its present share of rue Western travel and tqde, bet atm to increase h, and zoos to ens. file oat city to ma atson to civantageous polutton in rerears to the Weel, Unfit ode relation. with that region receive the seal of ...um and indestroe• tiblo intimacy, by tbo completion elver railroad to the Woo river. Bet eat nyes then will the traction of 140 Flask read mute cease, for It will still 61 an easy. ogre.eable, and abets medium el ineeradiameniestum, transeniplog tit this direction the trade of a beetiOn of Fetleaylootilti, el which, experiments:ly, we keel. bet bale. We blare that week oubloriptina books will be <Toned here in • few days, and we coutnatud the abject to public favor. Thu Cabhat Mita:serf of the United &stet mince the coinutcbc uncut of the Republic, have been Davi tom the 'event., hcartete cf the Uuton, ee 1.31101 es . . . Slave S'ates. Free Sin Sire De per:went I t 4 Tte nos', Lalatrztrieni 4 I:I War 1)-patime.•i IJ 15 ~ 'N.ory Depvt.... , t 111 I'l `l,..ule,cr,O,Lrralls n Attorouy ti,,, , :5 15 1 A Lb. Dick, who held a coffee henna lir-Cirv. clean, was token with Cualern on htmaday, ran through the various stages of the awful peatilen• tint mammy, and finally to alt appearance died. While lying upon the cooling board, a barber was tent for to abase him, nod doting the op. elation, the supposed dead men opened his eyes, and•with his arm peaked the bather cut 01 his way: He commenced breathing, and cutting his eye, about the room, and amidst the coaster- Wien occasioned by this, an It were returnee rion,Yrcm death, the coign was brought Into the moth In lull sight :of the person who was des tined to occupy 1,1 Ho aced about ono boor after this, end finally went calmly all into the deep of death. 1:30 avouches the Cincinnati COM. martini of the Ithh lest. Cht.enuroew.—h. eirguter death occurred in New Orleans, no the 14in not. It appears that et lady, named Anna Monty, went tote the thug Mae of Mr. Cdotti fur the pursgrso of baring a loath extracted'. Dr. Booth wished topertorto the operation without admioisierlng Chloroform, but the lady obiecting. he put the neceumy quantity on her handkerchief. Just as he did this no wee soddenly called into his front ellgen, and child bottle olChlorokrm on the table. Acton:tine In few 1:111111102, Merravered thet the tedy was ve ry weak, and naable to sat up, and laying haven sofe,she Mid In a few minute. It to euppoeed that during the doctor', absence, she put more Chloroform on her bandlierohlel; cad lolmiloh au Rau quatirri d Correrpandenen of the Si. Loa's H.Publims• TRAIL. •OF Trilt. CALIPOIIIIIIIAIIIL , FOZT LISJJCZ, Jam: Stb.'lBso. Dun Stite-13p to last evening, 12,170 men 3,0438 wagons, had passed this post. To this number may be added some 190 personi,wto, owing to thew haste to. retch the mines, had not. time to 'register their names, mates the number about 13.000, at this moment tolling through the . Rocky Mountain. The head of the ox isoluthe inay be considered as having.now rattily reached tbia point. Heretofore only the light brigades of horses and mules have shown thernaelve., with • small spriokicy of footmen, wheelbarrow men, and band cart men. The main body will probe . Lig be mut this point by the end of the preheat month, and by the middle of July the rest guard of the "Grand Army," consisting of delspidated genilemen and loafer, in general, will elm, doubileusty, have passed. Tnere has bean con. 'alembic skirmuddeg ou be way, but chiefly amongst the emigrants themselves. Two or three have been billed, or covertly woundod, with bowie Uite. and platola,bot the mein loss lam been amongst i lc horses and mules. Many have changed owner., and not a day pastes that two or three complaints am not made to the com mending clncer by emigrants of having been nib bed by tteir fellow emigrants, end eel edrillsen the prairie. As a shrewd old farmer mentioned the other dry, he "aura: mind the wild Indians much, if ho mold only get oat of the way of the tame ones, be believed he'd turn round and go back to rho Etetes, for :hero most he a power of honest people tame alone so many dishonest ones had Too rule of notion which appeals to prevail on the prairies is, the wholesome no , of "enelit men far himself, and the devil take the hindCLIOSt oar." i donut knead to east redactions on the great body of the emigrant., for they •p. pear to have come from the meet respectable. portion oldie come:many, and would bo no addi tion to Soy country. butt merely wads to intimate that there are moo yr more penitentiary candidate, on the trail this year thee tb-re were last. Col. Fremont's protege, Kit Como, arrived here a low days sinceorocu Meta Fe, with :tined of thirty horses and mitre, nod in in camp a few miles dimwit, trading with the emigrant. Every body who has read Fremor,t'a wors,and there are very few who have nova...lobes to see Kit. veil the ODUSGqiltlilt. it he hula. a grand levee from moreing till rush which is a soorce el great annoy ance, as ho to a modest man and not fond of such notoriety. Guide buses and mans of the road have ho chance agai^st his word. A youthful emigrant of some twelve years o r I age was reeked up, e day or two since, withol a rew mile of here add brought to the post. ° He had Goa Mamma strapped to hie bees, and a sulall bundle in his hand, and with each an outfit was trodging along as unceremoniously as it the goal at his wishes was but ten ivies distant, instead of thineca hundred. Upon being questioned, it ap peared that ho had Leen turned adrift en the peal. ries with his five btscutts, by a gnu/mon whose name I torbeait to mention. TM, is but a solitary instance amongst handreds of a similar nature that hasoccurred on the plains this season. We bey° hod considerable rain tlately, end the grass Is consequently much loonsoved. CIik:YENNE. Fonr (dnl➢ls June 191 h, 1550. Ursa Eta: For nity days one unbroken lino of emigno•s ho. b:en mostog along the California trail, and there a no rigs yet that there will he an rod to their coming. TLC leading wagons are ens, within a abort distance f the mines, while the hindmost once have scarcely loft the Lanka of the Mirisouri. Up to this morning, thirty thrnsand nine hen• dt,d nod sixty fr.d. re.d. f.-n. I ur dieti and thirty nine women, Can hundred and a $h children, and •even thousand ono note,. d acA tt werrna, hive pissed ti to rest. Se virral ',winger trams Si. t eve rsieenil: gone Theta has been hot little airtniria or the road thee is.: tin ..ac man forty persons lis +ins and by Mreate, atict. soil Jrnwadd lu groat haste, lour, ' CHEYENNE Fcrr LA4.1111, JrUe 210, WO OWL Sit: the ex p ress WWII or the States to stmt fifteen minutes, and I Live only tune to inform-you riot op to this morning 3.5.(A) emigrants and 7,500 wagons have tareed be)i.sd it t a I On net tdieve fiat there are mere rim it or 1 itoo yet behind, end the are majority et them this side of lnr, South Fork. of In, Plena tit •ry atteem rt rapitity thing, end the La/am, river has Li ielted the gnaw on tome 7 or b,ro, a, tow nutetl: w.'ltfl for a to:. •rein . •t 1 quartile throw in the cront:tree this year, area is the crave of Ott huge There has been much richness on the tows., per. iteuistty I.e!ote this point. Or. Haas's train tt,ll rran't tete rhos morning. ' Youre, in si r i F i nb,rt i eaetred on Tateetty n;sl:t.luly 2d, et It u't:cek, and Y.:Tabery Telt, r, the eitno tow cc tar LiV.: tithe nett Tae•day._ Lien re. malt aL'e cltVanatiste,+: that Ilia tale area test aa. lien. of the vier!d should each Ism: can weal:. as odd: ay as If tay a oat from Heaven. n T.T.o4Lts 11:!Isr of slats en latiret it! obtcret tier. UM; and acopto rel.6l•Td. Nc.:Sact :TT t!:e or. decry crave of natire. The moat tr./1:"; at eanses, aaoacles which had thse b^en I:Treece:l [night here horn oto•ded seta,: ecy amt. Lacopht Uotn to the Curt. It troul4 teeat a. if Tina:dunes had visNy int^rpeted tot,c,vs'y the 0. Near World well la, t4Ol, Ice•aci that ail ITemast e"yenr:eace it e.l O , and that Onle , ootence tone guides the dennnies et Salsas.—N. I. Conriet. CIA PEI-1 0 511s all colors last rAell awl very el•rap A A MASON ft CO Joss Ar •111111 - 121.. .ns.11:111t, rr.vottrref D,1 , 1 A A N. AM.*. fr CIl or a ittror S.r Alarm Moatctiorn iv It, NI , J 1 ,1111.. i t ,00.0 co , d . roach..!" Cbrue:cle, hes eddrer...erl to toe Ctrs! ittbM, sod an iunml `' to the tersl her.ds cf those shunter, a 1040011. rsql A A MASON &CO that cue *brit:id it:mirth from oraonc 11.eir CO re tigiort,.B ntern'ot r the new air, This eeen• ell, witch formerly evoritterl of Alros!erns 020.0• sivoli, hes now cagy 6%p Moslem meethera. A [rout. cAlegb must have taken place wore the due ofthe sever, Frrrltt . ClaierrlS onlia lowan.few seen sco. s..co rt.e.z . art tot on,y eusrrted against the errevis of prrjodic: sad mtolertnce, her they hare stecre,2 to therm i hat ecesideratino to wEtca they ere cal! .I,kt cutatuoil rub ellen of Wall>oo ter creed The ofrihera of the Nave end Marine Corot, now in the city, preceded by C.aromottores Morn. nod Wearington, after paying their reap,. to Preetdent Fil'otom waited on the fins. Wet. Ittihad Prem., line Secretary of the finny, at 11:0 residence yeattriey. The Milt.' o: it erect on the part o , Ito officers wort h•oe been highly gratifying to :Lit. PreoldO. and if nn tVlafflCO of their aporec...tiou of his oharactek We shin !corn OW the clerks of am Depattment tank leave of the Ltecretary the day LatedOls, and that a mumsl iatcrchtuaa of kind rSpre,riorb passed between tTe Secretary and bin rle•t• ae e•ch took II h idl line of hint.—fiepaUle if Jaly 25. A lizann rut. ItsrLy.—A young gill, about St•v.o years IA sge, won alLed by an alfieist. how :rage abr. eoppered her Liod to he, to "rhino the sonn het coluorsble rsadoress rep!ieU: "lie fa to grant thst the Hessen, cannot entataill him, and yet so lot , ly nundea. ending ; as to 'awe!l in my Lida [matt." LOGAN, WILSON 4. Co., 1119 Ireer itto: re red lerge ad.thipt, their .• SPRINU STOCK OF IMIIMARE,CUTLERI,Lc lower.] by late packet. from Europe, avid to Walt, the - wOI2IJ err:eta:ly eat: the attention vl yttlet.e.rre, believing tell very ex., 114Ve atorit: and !ow prices will give enthe gatirfaction. ntnyd..d.ivrlTT o .. Deannommuct meta i.reaa, P, one of the most common, an the most mil:addable ditelOrti known to Amerienti play giciann. It hat an no ease Oiled to e 'lran rim Moms: allefilridt from the Madly in all smarm:sof the thiieta. Mill, ho wooer, thounends annually perish, end thoanende more ate suede to feel life burdensome by skin donee, The M.Priri o ..: o l . kl`Lane's Lifer Palk Mel confident thnt than , offcr to the afflicted a remedy which time h. tented, and bee never failed of memee when a lair Mal her been e we. it. Call and ' , melange a box. .alo by J. KIDD & CO, Fo 60 Wood .tenor. iyal•clAwS improvements In Dentistry. EARNS, WAD a r llozon,ll pror,. d to onnufooturo and net !Juice Term in whole n ail p d :o nom, upon Suction or Alworpheric Portion PlitZeol.— T.I . II2CLIR Ci EU in ilex MINCM, where the norm II ttiLre tad ran:donee next door to the Play. er's od.re, Fourth meet. PsontnirelL finned 11. Raton. Intl (Mee of Ohio and Venn, R. R. Co, Una 4 . trirettn.E.., Jane IS, Toe P. tool of It.. (lino and l'enneylvtinin thil hood cvnipany are hcrcf y notifird to pay the air at frorofmt m cf hoe dol!nrot per thane, at tho office of the Company, a. ncretWere, on or heron the P.t.r.h day of June next, and We remaining Inslannenta of N per Am, on or befit:, the 10th Jay of soon .J. I:ceding month, until the trholn aro paid. JeCOtatf • Wlll LARMILII, Jr., Trenanrar. 131 Ind 'Sonoma. to Bight by Mt pa. crouton.. B. 5. btsmon—Si,: I wish to bear lesllllloey to the medical virtue of the Oil called Petreleem. I wee for a lung time atilieted with a badly inflamed and very sore eye,Vo much was to lute highs entirely foraboM three, months with very Utile hopes of over recovering the tight, and but a blight {steepen of having It re. keyed or she Serene.; my atteadieg eliVeletan was usteueemotal is waking a care, or in giving relief; nod alferdess me but Mlle encouragement. I heard of the Petroleum about the Ist of April, im,..:.d - two aul.k the result In, She eight is Ttesed:end soy eyes well, escort s little tender or weak when - rgo oat in the sun. ANN IRELAND. 'Man tnel d et, Clnelnantl, May 41, IMO. S: S. Lumen—Sim I bane been ablicted with Pilei for ran years, and bane tried other remedies; without permanent mine, until I bona or the Petroleum. I Mao 0,64 only one bottle, and think I set entirely eared. I recommend it to all.who *Mated wnli Piles. I tome Mama II to . be 6b04 (or .o.kbYbb• may no, tabo. E. C:.OARRETSOM Ina sale by lierrar en McDowell,llo Wood streen. E Sellers, 67 ‘Vond st.; D 01 Corey, Allegheny Illy; P A Elnan, Allegheny; Jemeyb Donlan, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, B. bL KIEU, Nal enfildilnlPOUlle Thcmltylnenting, tins lath tn sf , by tlsa E. P. Pig', Kw Euro dWusr,o m Mr. I.MU cOOllll. of Pittsburgh. osicAm turn °alum . ADELIGUTPUL Emmet Itetrec.ti mile, below tha city, on the back of the ON. gl.ee. A steam boat leaves tl:e foot tic beginning Woe, the Old Alio. nomy firldnet, at the . 01 each bog hunt, I WWI otelo:k P. al, leaving the. gatilen Ike lan up trip at 10 P. M. Two lint • of tinitubtleea run troat tho wen, Lod of the •liegheny Wiest to t.be gar. &n, one lino tWhitc , t) tunnies until In o'ciselt, P. hi iy3o • ItleX4lIN ray.o. ALUDIO&L , I,IO7TUD.E. paor. AV ALTF.II:3, of the Fetortned MadL enlhnitm a, of Lot ilvil.e, Kyort II deliver a Fret, tee tate on the 11.:tuti or Medico.' Practice, an 44a,acy .o,Alleskeld Co, this evenlas, at half pan l s y cerul '- ' 1 DifiROLUTION OF PAILTNELUIUIP. ' rrlinPannorob:p of Jearutor...t.Stoaktoo,comp - md 1 of the urdti. good,. boo Oils 'day betn &mired by matoo.l cousaut. : S. R. JMINe•TON, R C. G'I'OCnTUNr _Pityibursh, 161 i 19, PPI.-131:0•23[- - • OTijoircTozi, • ATE lot) Nod StockLan. BOOKSELLER, STA 1311.41ukAg• Natiet a la l rtat and lid rd nrccss, Pletabargh, Va.•. • • 13 dZIAST.Pta LOST. Irsr, on Euu.:ay ntornog, Lttweca Second and Fourth tituOts(On Mane!, or on Fourth street. between Matketund Smithfield .I=l9, nemall Topes Breast Pin.. Teri fi, der will be linerallymeardcil or leavig it at Ile Itore of 301114 IL MELLOR 11:10 • • ' • 81 Wood at' 12 1 .1=1 trim Ofice of the Charurr , a Coal' Company bare .l. cloyed Onto No :lit reon.street, rlnt burgh. to COAL ItARLIOtt, nt tonal:Moo of their Ball Road at ailtet , i hocks, on the Ohio Myer, two god a half Leila below Pntsborgb. • .' Z. W. Iit.SIINGTON, Marragcr. July 20, 7930._35. OLOUCILISTICIL .lito/31 WO/11[4 GIC.CRSICT, 11: J.. surly ehmsata subscribers listing Inudeoitit site allerations I in theirworts,nre nowprepaned to receive orders tot all bird, of WEATtoNeatv and MARINE EN OINXX,IIOI6CKS,LOOOSIOrIVhar,StiOntIt LILLIS Rio/ OVCIY derempuon of:NULL WORK. Alto, rude. for IRON and ElRd.n.i CASTiNGE executed with devputch. Rat ng secured the valuable vertices of Mr Minh Motonew, RA rape Retention, (woo tins been for lieu year, Interims - In the Iron Work: of Joan ellatehroart, now the Vluesn Woke,lMlxmore, and for twelve yews superintendent o le Mohawk end Hudson and utc Uttes stir Scanneetany Rail Remelt, N. Y..) they feel evn4dent than all orders enttocul to mem will be (utntelly executed. Caving an ext. ;mite Media front of their Works, it will sifold a rare h•rbor tor all classes of steam vessels that may :equine repatra daring the winter.. C. M. A J, C. BITER Glourmter Jule 547.15:0.—07d1e1nWwd2W Aetti3TEillATll TREATISE, lidologi at, and Pratailai, on the Principal Mamma of Ike Valley of Norta America, as they appear In the Caucasian, Attie/an, Indian, and Bequirtutuz varletioa of population. 0y Camel laralte, Nti D. Joel re. calved and tor nate tip 1 El bIttLLOR tYdd Ed Wood at . (toward and Chrooleie TO CONTIIACTORB• Q AFF.TV 1.1.tt , 15; by the b orrel or Al feel; 0 VOWDE.Itt—,I.SU kegs Werner, extra strength, hairnet& hatal.'s saanufastare, for ssle by J C jy:t) • wear street. JOUR ILTIAL . S SPOOL. SISAL, • Exiensly for.Sorivg, WO avoid the ninny inconveniences alleneng" the ,the cd55,555Ty Skein, the above article has lwen notch, owl tor aWV toe wated. 1. huialways I exi a miter r cont. heierli. that MTGE the OlMensin ravel, al canon, wee conveniently 'papier for gene 11 - ral use—ells, s much more valuni.l - , shorld Wore bee...pilaff, Ili treat which .a mach trouble, • larills.Xlias seine. The rhaiesliy hoe at attest newt overcome. the gehlie is edited good eaneli, banes, nely put op in a eau - velment lona for eioney.le The enroll of l.et'aa tared rival:al this article 6 the Tarn: .into quantity cia each n,ool. This magi& olio...in:el. Eat Spool 15 wevriantrd to rostam Tp ; yard• i.t silk; while the ordi. nry Sarin, 'a the..ae p, in'. k .r Lui err iinecriain gairdlivnvailiv6 fee. /, I. rJr. The Sispot Silk into dy for are at the time of our chas end Or.ld 115545 I 5 OW, to OLLITII•Ce toast' stepur e, al n(iir oreenority in quaolly. Independent of The nest anl cativo...a forte u. which II is furnished, hes great adventure aver the Skein, as It Cots away with ire teednin ,of winding . , the vexation of m~ riml, avid w, Ivry urumn le preparing It for act. Sold 00 NV o.lt. HiJasTaIANN 6 1 1 / 11 e, 51 Nosh Third Cl, 1'h1105.1511.5; , lIIIRSTAI/a5151, /1150 . &TAN e New York. ivflrbderthlria S.ltailo Ansi'. SGooria lrt[e bi - 116x do do, b e prime Green 1/51 Cater; la bee irate Me: ill bids N 0 bihbert ' .. • • ate N Alcdpdediliowk Lending and :or sale LINO WN 2 SUR I'ATS.ICK irLO 141 Liberty , 3r11.:C-7 lorcivet. an col 141:. I 11,16 6.114: .11C Sy 1 C•r.11) , V111.1., Atm Witter st F Li'"lt 'Wo e . ret'd - ol col olg , for solo by • • • Ji.ll to IS 13.ALGE1 pl r role Shoole.ots rce , .l !or sale by jj j, HARBAUGH EIEBBE . XS V.K.1.101L —4 onsls prime for ••;: by a fr. witAan..ainn . LT ARD—kfoor Irr:.* No retV tea ralt by ) 7 2t. ' 20 tlf uri t: CIdLEO HAMS-IDjr , ‘ . . J . 2, DA 6. 4 11—:O c•utf iaed fm•sz••, et ' & tv IiftRBAUGII I.l.Tf:n.st 'WV(' :-.lt:NTEEpANfa+—“,f. freely,: A A AIAFON 6 CO ou foment by 171:Varffrt 37.C141,,_ Stoaqcklto URN'S" fr. BURCHFIELD kayo r,eivra !nif IYI a upplylni :Cm% euttelf r atole,Lo , t'j, coon. nr.d blot, of we root width; BLIV4 Woe cod putt war nett for COTGIIAII Clautddlern wed liiitygliti2 , ,e 109 Drown Lawns Si 191 cans. ' - A 11- 7 111'11Y lill!Rellririal are etl.inG a Dear :•L Mown. Lawns at the law ante r lila per yard; else. a erect variety , b l.,, Y } •' li(ht lv Attu,. Ile, an..l per Tlrd: V.loxe 1,, a 4.: fa, Ildlen Ort.aaa very !O r . 4...L_J NAGLC. GLASS WORKS. .It. , EPIL D. ABELL. • ANUFACTZMFR OP Gr.r.F-N GT.ASI,i , NARIL, let Vials. 11 , 1de e. end Finskl, Porter. Wooteh Ate, Miners; Water. Wrarnt Ne.ll:lr^. and tV:nelrsttler. of every deserndiern aloe, WINDOW GLAWA. Keeps rens woly on hand a conceal essortertent of the ahoye arn Hes, A UPI rTATE, n. the other Grre:t GlZlll.Faelariel set AIL rllltfllk, RA in the eestnta In rummer. Ttarrsereas re now to sew. oraasnort, end roll tenons.: t aye can both, trimmer and winter. - .Nen rerpeettally retrited. and will I.e silted on the node, I7ltrboa,e. No lin iiteennd street, between Wood and flto.Lliehl I`,lllbOrr? . . jyrnrdly . . . . ... - - —,,— - - -- WIIITGI N— , ..9 btle ba bend arseor 111. le by .1 to NOM IPA .29 7 it 0 Wood et - . ou Wend ler *ale kw / l a ft II PHILLIPS 1:1(NRIVR yANARRA —ll des trett for ssle by R SRL F.R.9 L 7 %Vold st 0011 P. T.T, Olt Fl..Ysll - )N11 4 , lb. far mats b jr-? - I,AIMT WlNE—S,meriar stiallty far' family. use, 0 kart rouatmatly on bond be . A CULDVATSON I CLOUSE iYO IYS Liberty at PIU: !WANDS', or tilt. rtionfactltre of 'An Da rand A Co.. anrclequa, Or VATICaa vintoges, kept c,IrtaIJIIS on band by A CULDE3III3ON k CIAIUSE _ ANUFACTUREO TOBACCO -1u Boxer Ro+•ra a Irothorons owl other choir., brands for sole he. .170 A CI;LTIEFITSON h Ct.(rITOE SIMARS— . II4 Lrl , Unvariai , a Cndled and Pulver it,d, inn recsived foe .at , tiv jvv9 A CUtaINIITPON TiAt-11.0 hi ',chem., 'IL, O. Ikaik Ti.., reeked and int.. fat Min Iv iv A flUf.tir.feTSON k CLOIISL PI& TußyEvrirm-2 . f0n1 , tn fine enter J SCLIOON SIAKER &CO %Vend at • _ COPAL VARNISH-1 0 belt fofealf , by Irt!' J SCHOONNAKER fr. CO \A7 lING—ZO Lila One And ten . 3 ,, by Vti ir.l) J SClinoNntAust BOILED LI N SEM) OIL for %al. by fr.ll J oteItrION‘IAFF.II it CO PITTSBUIGH GOSS WORKS. A. & D. H. CHAMBERS liars cumtzum; tt,t3t it CU") Would rerpentrally inform the Customers.of the lam lion. its alto On piddle generally. that they wit] nonnatie the tont 'dictum of peISDOWV GLASS, VIAL 9, DOTTLIK3 to ho. ell Witt varieties, st.the 01 i Stand, No Ii) : Wood id, 4 emits n First a Witter. ' - • Mao solution .f Parl.llCrightp. f 11111 lidrionithin totetnihre I sitting hoteriwin it. 1 enhaorlhoot. ender the lion of Chnintisiss, Arne.. J. Cn.. antis aeon rooster, we, dirtied hai mates] ota stilt. en the Fret day of Jolo, inmost. All rumors 'knowing then:rely, indshied to said film nre moue., cd la mak, payment to either of the pontos, without Belot'. nodal) portent timing unmated accounts with said him, nos invited,M. ptintont them liancedietely. J OHN TWX AGN •AANDR FAV ILCIIAnnEati i , D. HOCHANULHP. - IN ." TAAFFE&OTANNaR Suffolk,isttricelved oud . for 'Rh! by StIAcKLETT to'NVIIITg ' tot Wood sueet liTio.. Es „ n di r t l '.o.l.7.li.. E gi — A e . , T , ' /P . ,'" " u s° • . ACKTL7I4 R WITITE BLACK , WAPDINU-4 hale. .I.rgn hPnvy Jl. teetived ; , jr • NFIACIFLEITT wurrE ------- Lift: OIL —3 outs for si!e by • - I ri HININMAIZER it CO r iNgsKD br2. tor Rale by I . lyvi SCHOONMANER & (XI RtiN 'S ease fine 4.. A Drown Fread. .B i gIiACHLFITT wurrs• ifferAND ORATNI4'. eaneii;en Wit II Da o 4 .ange, and fine bine minty, new elylec - • - 811ACKLIaT 4 V. lIITE )yi6 • Bb arc, teary, lan rood YYSI. • SHACIMETT & WHITE unit i 7 LTI aziu Darr! AlueqUilu Nettinw,juiti opett try i r set i l , l: . A to C:LET & WHITE 11 ryal 391 ILWOUTH& CO wig's in eiTARU-174 w ., w p g# 99 - - AMUEMENTk':: rA11t1 1 ..7 • PITTSBURGH 'MUS;EU.M J .pOLLO HALL [ -vocrwric ST. ' T . A. W. M. 0233...... tioprietnt. . RE-ENGAGEMENT OP T 11r. II V. 11.031 IT A 11111.14; TVlgfaaer',V.atiAralVAßY ANNt 97. Admittance, t 3 titbit. WILSIIINGTOR DILI; rmsr,BEGL 137 dr. 133 Woad •5 above Wilk. rVIiAT c splethhd caintrhotunent offered - tot Rent. h to tnesolenSly arraztpoi for Concerts, nettueo,Ext.lnhlons,Ae.- Forte ems, sap)! to • JOFL'i LIT Wood A FT/ Zon1011£1; rt. yralP-53 griperior r o tr • '1 io i r i i o 3 7%,,, moI,ASSES--.41 bat N oto.l l, V . W rii • 00 . 7, , nin , N. D i g:GAR-4a bbd P repn,woltrri &CO. L 611-60 brie lame No 3 ALetecel • r jrla • • • DILWORTFI tf. C(1.1 'IrIRtSERVED PINE APPLES-2asas trash Ila• rang P re" T! 4,11" •WITIVII I IRG k CO : iv2ll • 2:6 Libe Ely U. • LI.MON STRUP.—Vadererood,s celebrated r by un aysup; a Irtaalatbssi received far aaJa ;)2,, Wbt A IIeCLtiRGI 2c CCP LIUSTAIIII7 -4 Iteih •• i•Pnriee - satoe; cLuß°&c° • 110,0RDE.S.UX .6.1.K0NL/B—s, bags sett sikelledlo r.eV. by WM A rdeCLURG !e.. CU. lUFD DEV.P—V 7--- rLm• CD1 01 .••!d . / Dried Dea received ftl ili vila x •l teo m nito ccl MU-lI:NO.—The weights artsetted to'n Pate t" Plat form Sealeorme faved omit amday artertmes, on Greet Street mil l ater ton . teem by lee end PaYINg fo advertisement • • • za minx W. romns.crl .. . 1wAttme 22 . 3,7 i 3 " 7 .9 - 11e , 117. POINIINSTICR IIII;(00:, t et EN ERA L. COMMISSION =a, FOMILIOitIf ble 1,_7 chants awl FAMIT Dealers, No _270 Mark* emu; letntaddpla.. . • - • • , 1723 _. , NOTICE TO - CONTIMOTORII. E rg and Bridging , th ICth of e remaining portion of the Piushorge and littolzeters Field Plane. front &Minn Tarn near the Six Fenn tot he GreuElboltit inke, on Tartle.Creet. Plans and see.theatioirs.will'bo exhlbitd,and cods,oven hy the enbrenher et the eflee Woods, Esq.. Water street, pitttbargh, for tom . day's Ore v loos to the letting • t • Dy eeollol4oo or the Raard SELVAIIUS. e Pittsburgh, 3011 01,1K.0. monnis dt HA awn AND WINE 2dE4LC • • iamond. IFAcellant 611•-•••—• • Soperior.4cehic , TAabestloporteo Low prlied, damaged, or late at 01. cruthlishment. • purls Ulnae and nalidlea , F ear awn lamOrtafea. - s• iablo for• Meals-Mal O pusposesientsuWly ou and ror mla by the qmn or wboimale, at the Tea and Mine atoms at MOR813& H a WORTII, east dde of Diamond, Pies ham!, and Federal strut, et Itegbeay, neas the =Met, 0 54tU Ism reed fora e ' • Coo Wooded Slxtb N.. Ity(NATIVE 13Y liU P—A few dozen orthia ti. ' fallen punnet of the blood yet o t hand, and for itoe et the . on price of fit per boric, for Gala only St bad WIGKERBII.B.3II3 ' Q CO A 11 - HOUSE - 31 - 01TASSVAY 1 4.6 ilia afardeleta & p rtt. Jame.' Refinery. lee ret, by StIiiIIRIINIE & INnfllllad, Ivit . , . . 116 Water street, - - Fllng — '"9llllVitiVohl:k INGMLAM -- - Fete Dina • • . NIT BITE Furniture Dimity for erteetelef Quilts, it T the 101• oleo of IYIe Fur Ord. to' he found sr el Ore 4: Mgty & lIIIRCIIFIELD • jy , l ' - • Cor. Fourth & Martel sm. - Colored Moir 1111 l et LtUIiCIIPIALD have reeehre4 au ef .131 ronumet of the varloni - colon...tad of .new and . I.enoWal patteme; also, White Countenputee of ye ti:oz.. once,. •a , . 1y24 ==! ONR Rex, markedoel G. Weed. ritlibunh; ' One tlaidle, ;nuked 'Charlet INltXtitriTy, line. burgh. The owners will pltese call end p. the enoweer. and tare them ellny. - • • July 21.1, letA —Jr-a WALLINGFORD k CO plitsbmigh City Glass Wort& w. cURNz oni'e ac Co t ,, "It TAN lIPACTCRERS OP AV IN WAY 61. A SS lu. No tin Musket street, between Pint aid Second, Food:o,h.Ps.• . . Ponleolor oster.tion w 0,5 to odd mt. Alto .11,clers to PLANT teI,ASE'., VIOLS, ROTXLFA 47..c.cnkvanAnt; premix, iy , ot v. er3snon.ag, n. ttttsan, p El' y lppt ettlit;b—lS *TN" -2 '"7;l=l=l4T': Drurtitexv—lo brl. lu wilfe'uld tbi We Er 9•73 • • ENOLI , III & BESNETT., k. a 0 rfar ink by _ Erb NGLrAIi amerETT .Pi E • AR LEAD—tXIIII4I m morn and for see • P nri ENI7I.ISII t 1163 sbox' I) 0 I ABU -01 club la atm .nd fay sal. by irtf & BENNETT. T .- A MGR TUED...a - dia - Di awe iita ?or by— /r-a EVGLiNII & BENNETT - DUCKI.CS-25 des sn atort and , or our Ay i)nd ENGLI.SII /lE:vricrr S US—VI M bolf M sarorted bran/c; M' Regalia. • tlo In ”.r.re ion fl voleLr ENGGIIIII k BI?INETr ZilCiiiittsl•6.- -- ;:igiiiirra - iTilriitrste..Thi" .- 11. • .• KNOLISII G GENNETT V //AG ArNSta FO3. AUGU.ST—At , rarl Ocrot.3d Wart, apposite • the: Pon OffiCai Graham , s l'ileiczica algae, Peterroa's Lidice Nadonaloar Avian j Shatter iiToarniscud`a laby. , l lo . 3, price d cm.; bolepc•Lady's Lito'r, for Augt Union Maritima, - for AngarG 1k- loii e, or Garay. lied Sacral, a tali by Talc{ ; Children r Lavo. by Galicia 000 firarll, a IlL , ql by Alm Marcie, price, IA cis. , The Vale a( (leder& or the Mimi, by Graca Aguilar. autharof Vitamarda ship ..:1521 SBOAR-83hits to store, and for vale M. ' JOY ENGLISH & BENNEIT. .__ 'eV, -- o.___ MOLASSES-201.1v, in store. and for silo /1 •bY WV} fiNGILISII & BENNe:I7, , 8 . 0 4 V P -44X) boars. a n t. s l ll7l,:nal 4 r l. l24 . 7 er.irm start , owl for elle by,. ENGLISH & 11ENNETr. odj o eal A e low by ENULik , H. ft I:2MM vartitaa PAPER—W. I`. MARS lIALL, is . or;3tsll. 'V iy reeeldna, (r the !anion manufactories In Now Yak and Philadelphia and. who (rom, French aceneleo. the nearest Lodi:noir approved strict of Pa per Ilaaginga, together "dill liordam and Pnota and scot. tops- - For gala at $5 Wood or., [...- tree. Fourth street and Diamond Alley, (sile.ceinor to 8. C. Dili). j)2o IFont, BACLTNO-4,113RP11Y B , BCIIFIELU r hi still ott head a te. pee Oenabetse,of tight width for Woe' Seeks; which they vitt elor oat ' lye —— ' • 1" In EN LVATII PA—Blue, Green, 8V311.14 aut, sod LJ ether thati:s.ot Linen Le sUts, reeehrtd aqd *ell. • 'HY k DIIRCIIFIELD. Aebalance et lloods dam . It 'Matte% meet, aIG. be Call. aeon and eeente bu, A. A. MASON CO. GOODS-A - e chaplet° woortmeat of. 1) all ofl thbe and gruael, of Oki ite - aoo4le. va , Y (jOlOl A./a MASON C0..1 TT INEN lIANrKERCIFIEFS--150 dozen caper Un a./ ..41 Ildlds, at the Ina price' of lnic, at _ _. • 10 0 . A A SIASQN dr COYB I L 'Li - HE - CT li,th - lint=i7e r ni - iii 7 oinneut 'of. Frencb r wrong t CapenCallars and Cutri. Jam ree'd at JS 2n . AA MSIOII &C0. , ..1. rilen - P - iiir:iriininThibi. - gniand, iarn Bice Kt, Flonr, , nut toed and for ado by ..• . jyRO .WAI A hlceLtiftti a. CU, zn T.lberty rt. 'DRENCH liltitTATlO—l titre "Uostard, 'Arores• E Mad Dlts , ard flavored with d!4/rer.l herbs, teethed and tor see A NeCLURII k CO, tiaLtberty rIAPER..I-4 car. (Volga., rw DB ati li ve o d .. u co d f . ar kj gala Di Liberir rt . . • • n ecre,'ltnd tml . e , hISOL.9. irjoanll`,lk.':-.S gaze anielt, for tale b. I: 1720 ." JOHN . D NI:0110/iN. A 0 R AND —4 . ..7,;:itifeelpirpli,ii. fni gale hr 1) IV: , JOHN•D AIuMIHN.., ? : VWIES-1 bait. for Bale by --- ' ...''' - 1 1. N 1 -3 nil ' ' ' • JOAN D hICIPOAri.• ._17,..t. • Livp.t. I • U.A.--1 Voir for rale Ay. . 4., o..:0 . L . —, 7 l Oll b N D ArcIFG4.N. . 2 rv i .g lis Ai. tiOltt.: ri er , ,_ l'il* JOHN D MORGAN_ • h$ .$ I'B tt .1.2:N1P BLACK. (or pals. hie, ' 3 I,v : JOHN D A . l *086,4„ iiitifitaiD - O=or - ailei f -- ' V Irm • ! , -JOHN . 1401 ,„..1r wooLl , put Minna mune% pile° in Cu/I,WD bnPod thodUrertm trades of Woo), by : i 7 15 • W lAA inveduon. in Ow ps . d...J.V` uv ry k co, le Dr. A DA LULL, I . lie. 70 Water at. • • ri; ( I7I EIS-1111 . ; II AB. PALZEGEry 74 Witter LOUR—iyo brla osspoki,r; 176 de' BM r Lmdlnl F end for salt by IVN_tTorrr„ A A idA ,,, D N co, 62 Market 'MAO, have ..an . pollerl the deficieney la their moc.k. ceased by ED AND enagkqe hy the receipt .1 lotiP. HUNDRED, ND FIFTY, PACY,IIOES of po refaced from asanulaciaten, end 4,1 .b 1e .,!:;;1 g a at a great redaction from pita d 'n e "'"" ar . hich 'All be offered to th eir mama, °rt. ' 8 ' 6°15 iy• It armed be aimless to at. ems patrous sated . ng *elf well accosted Moak, and. I lf r . e.tylliTitia the early intention of dud: 140=4 and ae x p , o d h i n: i lh , :lterte mate of • wanly:yr. blink sad Irony Bil k s. thts dm. TIN PAn A. A. xmorzi a Mil • Gi.INGIIAXE-3 cis., double foi4Glagliart.habih. -lag rake aria and 121. ra , d, - 1!18 S A. MAPON A.CO. .AVMTh, titri.nry—an Memento mom o(iii3j • vx4l, at very tow ;Idea-Baas( opened by #lB s A. A. MASON &CO. .I)E.HAGe.a—CO - Airantellaned,aed Tem cheap, by • iria A. A. MASON do CU. WHS.—Q*B raelio'skaited Caradanningttom tam- AlrolghnoY CHPOrn and - lor ea% et , • . big i DROWN a XIIIRPATRICg. ItA2itrlakr p ri me Ppaalders; &eat , 1118 • . AND 1,1 Crta N. O. Tar: as da Po. ' Tamen , (111, Sir ale by ' • " • :1118. •• •• .• • • BROWN R IiCIFINCATRICK. 6 Dlen . = T a t ti r e;::: , : T r cattail . , itielßee /118 SELLERS N NICOLA. a ba... , la.rek sdal web, Ne. an...km.4 6do IleTrliCit7fift ENIF) SELLERS. 11ICOLS. wr i m ~,. ii7alning in gas oleo *Nut To VliiU*Eu NEWS—A loge assortmem of Firored 1 %41= pa ar, llt i tte.; p v l:i d n b Wan Neu, 1717 : lIIURPIII77I3IIR&IFTELD. UKMIL 'ltata,We are eenuanny arTh 11. , greens and blank Tesmodheet from the Impanels In PhUadelphla, and have nos on hand, o t the Vivi. bores Finally Groom and Tea Waschense VZO orry meet, an assortment of early grate and flavor, inch as m clot to be surpamed ,n hyaena. We Irv lte• tomparlson,, feeling. assured ; ghat, on We!. oar Teas artn be tostO aqui, if not overt or, to soy at the same ,•itcai /11 • - • • ....WM. .I“.IIfeCLURO B t, pU'd w g.n. • 7il vaned war:a:cot 01 too, gert ott ied. see Vtot, " „,=ron F in - ,l, ` „ C d: the ettreeior WI? )11UltellY •e. 931 ALL R&M- ttbln An totestes , *sit of JIL the Post Ofilto. - &Mtn, sC. at Oar meet, QAL:P7PgiIIE 7 —..AS hap erode, novr errs=ensifr - on — i • e 10 tot tab E 7. 18A1A1 - 1 MOREY & CO. jell . • • Wales and Pront sta.' Wrikrlrdirrio bar resonotog oo • : :XBl_4lrl.ll DICIFY &to.' Wner sod Front as.' 110 AA. rt—do — Wda Lrdned, en tama, for by .1., • . 1 18A1Al 1 DFIKFY tr. C.V. 1 yi7 : L Water owl Front via. FRT.ii r linalMle,T , riTiresaWlare lifeii4 - 4iridele, - received add ained,wbeler&le It'd t0n. 11 .4' " 111 7 '.! " - -; L r4II.IIWHY it }11.10011F161.0. SI FAVISII tloo7n-10 bili.,tnt' tale b 7 _. HooNnamataa CD . hill , ' ! ' it wood _0 UKIICE S K-9 TUN cede for ask+ by itf_2 13 _ • i . FA lINEitOCCIc CO* rylll A ccu—of iqKac!'2o2bfraiitirs, -• ari be soLiverylovr foam eon enema. - ISAIAH DICKEY &CM hff?Ml/03 Tanagers: CHROP, 13A4110,0,13, for .4)47 • ' 1y104139E8-4R)baritllllllWMsY & _11 , ) • Battle Gonda A. IL ``.l' in Banana fnt'sale by do .Bsl At 4 , jyt , BROWN lIIHKPATRIRLIULHWB7 : TU — Si r i - ncelan2.-1 Rom Dt Ga a7. , 9 v anap . and , tatanla 41 1 . . • Nn W 17.71.1 onTn, . . cut aids of 3.44 ..10) so per lb. • 0 75. den 0, Teas gra not krpt Lures and ••••• ArAPHY DIJECIfFIE.LD neva re-rebels lime , astaterd +I - end Victoria s and Lacer, • Lunn 'Work 'Thread doh : • Volum =nes dni • Swim and /atoned Figur • e nll Do 13nt.Silk1 Anyinethda,ten Nets Worne.. doD o — • t O which k nUOO of b 1,3 ' -nd, 15 r.. r ..c uji r — ‘4 69 .1 br or_ l• we Fe b nc y e : r el a:wizkii,s„aeunntamstaizoi; MOKED HERRING—MO'Imi NO I, reed RIO rat 0 sills b ' 173 , W S o l AILS ' IQ casks super •IN on oal" • for rah, by • : •1 4 l W NA RtIAL4III B ACON-30 lards prime. stionidm • 10 hbds .Sldes; •; .. • . ilO WA. 'do Mum teeeived . onionalmtre mer,sall for oak, by - . 101 11A.ALIAUG II fIEESE-b9 itigran L l EA Ins prime NV. IL do seed for oak by 'RAN.BARBA UGH. jut reel rale, try . C - 1)3 , , 9L WHA RBAn'aft ) 4 7 ,8 3 —nu "r'''.ll=4l"l:V47nAminrort 'LAUD -7 7 7 • • etond it W - I•+ ' I : TOEIACtX)—;33 trito No bat on4lng 1.1. .1 ala by 0.31 HARDY. ioNES it C 9 UAG2=-7irCo - r. ifairiaCo,uiiTlicsiiir - Firld far ennbrt , A , v4eroeeci IL.e. Oilßergamot: • ' , , _ I .110 - Y. , 011 inn recd SCIPOONIMARER A ,0 p1UK7.79.10r15, .4, CNTO )*(nb—Ll ' " lttgrATllg; rg i A1:..1111.T115-0.5iit ptim~ , lo•r euetr or r. 'l/47 • • - • :••firildaT SILL Pcreni.-2 cuts lan re,lveril in OAT, • xlttele,.l•ltable for retaillnr wbtrh wlll In vild low for caaa,by • . N WICKER tM AM r 4.00 LIVER OlL—Port white's:id freob Sin mad 1..4 for role by . brej SELLEILS ;prow FIAILSAPAIULL A. 4 blle rnoll tons jai UK, 'col ror trr fi) R.; t•ELLERS )1 KX WAN MIK •• AP/11111.1.11--a We for Dnle ny -• SELLERS 1101.5. , --111 bales Is sloes, vral b, sell lore to eleis eonslasesest,. ISAIAH DIOXEY it CO. BALL—Iu B A .F4FlNB.Brifer. & yEmr.ocH.RE — i3v;f4vAitz,l,lF)i.e. fiIi&IIINEAL-1 carom fine ava , aT Carole hi. J 7.16 SeIIoONM&KER &CO ALIL:-3 ionajoa ocrora far InTfa hr 118 , 7 BCBOCNNABrII a co OTAPII,d. cask.cur ale bt • • P3yla. •- • • •:• SCR OONATA FCFR •t• CO •brcimpri,-13, 4i. No 3..Varp. I.o'rir, ' in.& by • U.ILLE.II & BICX£IBI,Ii • OS • . VI ':& Libeny eiLAILET—B/ bzs fleeces; `EL Julicn Ntedse:' , 1„ , 0 ._ 33 bxe Nareauz, pnt zsed fin Webs le ' ' ' ' " 111111 FIR h. BIBLE - I:EON ONOREES "11)(1B - rOl --- .3. ).--(4"lss. /Nese!! & Bala V babe SS Lump,iust (zed far rale by ~ .../ re ' rEnr i on. BOLLER t RICKS - MON P A A A -raiiiiii'd fo ,- eibeS7 ''':" V./ jyte . . BIZAUNA.REITER a ItINCIPE CIGAIIS=ICO At ishm 1; 2, an.) A, or !. it Sons!, jun rectivell for rate DT i IG_ . AnctEß a tiicKiTsoN b b w.g r i "ANIIERS. 4:41 7 2 ' 20 bVit low priced, its.l tecHvta '' ;41f11‘ NHL. TM I , wicicurPoN • C SIAMPAGPiE-12 bar Hpoist cot; 16 • do.. blotto& Co's ' thltery, ces; do do pts; Pin teed 6n , tale br, DIILLERI RICKETEON LlOO LIVER 01L-2 br 7 it;elinin'llant.7"llowtor. r mar own baportation,j4t4 tey.iired Mr.'s by j7lO . ' DRAIIW RUI.TER gitttlNK CaNbLge—ao bore, alga. , Candi., • miaoPotior trunk, for We by • , WICK AareCANUILES.I. .I,APK.Sp.EI).-1. art hub Vrtia , t reeds Jost tso'd Jl.t. at . WINO 11931ANsS. ;WIC Cot. Wood d.. SLyth auk trill SOAP—A fvw bra on wide Vrwin mold cheap, at b7lOl IVICI:ER6IIAUB INSEED 01L-10 tag for 'Welty • 14 lria uoauv asErrEst. Burtcn. LiTO eieived and for sale by CANFICLa I Btail Cur" ~ayrimeinlelt'~]dei.l a, ,gl""itAnagrii.S°2* Pi RISS OF TUBER:iII Nti , --:45 ban In otoro ) to BRAUN It BEITEA OPAL VAONISII-elAsl4tor.. for sots bi jyta 'BR e ON Ir. REITER soiriesc. i tVHE Annual bleetiogo of thb Shartheleoro of the Nonh American Moine CoMpowf of moms .”It • be held of the office of Palmer, llama lc Co., to tie city of ttitMbortch, Pa, on Mondry, the filth day August next. between the hours oft° A, M. and 2 for. the Eioction of Directors Of the Cowpony, dDr i‘ch balance* oe may be prerented. In orcanisoco arith the charter one bye horn of raid COMMIT. itac uitorl, Poet PittAnsrge,Joly.l3, Ifee..-11161ind - Lawn Pattans. Prtrits. Or It Rae qtaltty and beaatirel alle 5efi1",!!!. 12 ,1 , won. of .117131 MURPHY & BOUM F 1 L „, JZIVC-7-tqo oahou. Doan er Jen- - ..70ftif4fP4PEN & CO_ -Jm.L Plaid Olnillo N_Jl.ll the y■ Wig tia On, lII' too and otbite,g,,,, sod whit:, tricorn and w o f Yofloro net. bud bandrorae cylcs, of our. 4, ond Yowy nest feet-trod and afford orb' ni core or .1,16 ~_ .S3,in!PALY!•_YU!, 9 i/FiLELD t;;T;Ii1310 r"M for I` jrls !I& lIMIBAuCTI • 1 attr—= kegs priookaf roefrod for .010 by .10. • S W HARDAIICII Wb I r 10 "'"'" ." j r a% jys et CO, r... -' • ' . rrtitre. Brad Bcgrr , b cnnlil 3 pleg Brrrthete,rearted. 40 , . o ,,, A rri,. Ur erg left in 4.12 r ear. by 51.1.171 tor, pleb 1.0?.. • • & W 114.1111A1;011 .. ..... .... ....-, ... . - uo4lit COIED HAMS -7 tra rxid W. tele to 'lO3 - • sa W LIARS At CM i s ; Ag t 6XISI I-' . N ° la, now laridlog from stOaroor , '6o2Delialld No 2, for tale ny . ISAIALS PICREY & CO. J GBFASE-2 We now landing for see by lets • ISAIAH DICK KV & CS) M bilsnow lae •me tor sit e kir • • r• . ISAIAH DICKEY& PI 1"1 "I" IS'! 11 DICKEY /t. gPV II t-sli—lff-,-- 6X--Itnica pow attain; int aa , a - W -- " . citl- • - DICKEY& CO EATFIERS-34 Buts 'landing for tale by brIS ISAIAH DICKEY & CO -- • 'l.hX>a6'6D-obd. lafd tj 110 b *& _IRAIAN UlC~l'i 1 r`o fIINARNO-11 bo is tow la nglirtc tor sale bj ;j713 ICAIAkI DIC/LRY &CO 1•011, f 1 ter alebtll-7:.. s ptI,LERPI by 17 Wood st SlV i rr OF TURPENTINE-40atZ WlLEttiri fIORICR-12 bales same and baiter, for Ws by jyl3 R E SELLERS IWESE.-1110 biz W. E. for sole by 8 V , VON, DONNIIORST &CO I VTra—"btrje.VrorTgl=l7ll.6" iseg c r n h ico . , do; etrloai ice. for rale by ~ 3 '. 81 , VON noreinosurr &co SCORCIIO (AMP —lO trlsler tale bi .1713 ' 8 P VON PONNUOR.ST &OD LIVIJ we arN'd fo, we by. Y NW. twikontrrepit G 10T • VIM & 9ILL ' • tit Wood pwase Wtllced • 1 • t- V.-%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers