2102.11E1,111A12 ZINC. - TIIE Vieille Montagne CompanysneplYthele gut= • with Roofing and flooring in sheets 307 (emir= 11 to 29 ounces per square foot. Corrugated In sheets 307, 07 on for roofine porno headings and depots. Shill Sheathing, 14140 incites, from 24 to 33 ounce. Natle. fliptlree, - Wire, Eager Molds, Petforated Zinc, Zina Paint, kn. They, warrant their reels' pans, end. free from any admixture of iron, or any Other substance.; and re commend it for the ananunmiore of =oat ettcica is the hoe= forolthing as It does not root, is not .Rooted by the action of seater, and may. 1.43 poliahed, painted, and japanned. Samples, models, plans specification% and other "Information may be had ofthetr agentin— • APCLL & Britowl, New York; • ATIISSON. RoLuw & Co.. Dovon; 1 . 4.47111.14 nor= & CO., Philadelphia; • %V. C 11. MelLue, Baltineore:: ' ffivasx, DAT fr. 9Tacrrra, New Orleara; F. MILLIROUX, Re.idenidgeot, Liege, MILT 1. 11.0Ver st. 4 New Yolk. roor.,:ed.Wa SIIOSI FINDINGS AND LMATIIND... Iligdward • A. Godfrey, 15 SorriA Calvert a moor Main rtto rt 4 ~.,B altimore, tisane &Godfrey Ss :ions. N. Y.,1 Illlr , orrilll of Sloe Finding', and Dealerin Leather, of various kinds: Flagitsb and French Yld Skins, French Calf Skins, patent Leather; Morocco, red, white, and pink roans,lln Ines, c. Lentlngs,franeats, — MLR GALLOONS AND RIBBONS, Lacets.Webbs, 7 Shoe Motor.. Awl Blades, Shne THREAD, Blued Taelts, Shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of all elms. E. A. G. having eamblished the above business In Baltimore, Is enabled to ship goods South or Weal will, the utmost despatch, and at thelomest pokes. Mannafacieters, dealers, and all olliem, mays tell upon obtaining every article In the trade, of the best quality, and on liberal terms. Alsuutactorez of Lots, Boot Trees.Shoefrec7 , Clamps, Crimp., Boot Stretchers, &c. All orde n • promptly executed. Low prices for cash. • A.• catalogue containing a complete lid of every • etc in the trade wit! he forwarded to these who may desire it. EMAIL° A. GODFREY, In S. Calvet{ It. ay2ll Aare teto Itallimore Lialtimor!. BARNUM'S HOTEL,- • NEW YORK, Illroadwaiy, corner of /laid ea-Lane. TeUIS extensive HOTEL Las been Mated by the subscriber, and boa been completely refitted in most elegant manner. Large additions are now being made, which, when etc feted, will mate it the mort.exteastve Hotel in New York. It is the deterred. radian of thAproprtetor, to make it equal, in every re. spent, to any *Aber !louse in the United Butes. Its 10. carton is the Man desirable and central lathe city, be. leg In the fmhionebth part of Broadway, convenient to all the public buildings. places of amacement. and business. Grateful fat the liberarpmronage received _ from his western friends, while at Cumberland, hid., ' and more recently at the Weddell llouse, Cleveland, Ohio, he respectfully solicits a renewal of theirpairon. . age, for hie new establishment, at New York, and bogs to 11.14111 . 0 them that every <iron on his pan Mall be given to administer to their comfort and pleasure. A. B. BARNUM. New Ito*,March, 1,F.44,' A FORTUNE FOR .£lO or 15. EITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, ..Bl* officer, George street, Plymouth, England. The managers beg to acquaint their numert. Paw.su thel tee next Dint - Illation of Portraits of Rare Norse., will COtOpli. those entered for the forthcoming Grand National Derby Rare; ttle number of shares to be limited to e,tiOn each class. First clam member LW; second clam ditto IL. Early application for the on. appropriated Marra as necessary. A party suttees:M- I lug for mom than one share has the chance of gaining an equal tattler bonume. Those members who draw Me various Portraits will be presented with the fol. Airing satrw:—. Portrait of tel class bonnets Yd ditto Winner, or First Harm .f.,Rino 1:L0000 - M Second Rowe— Maid , A v Titled Dorm _:.tact 4Ao 0.001t3,0u0 Nototßarters exalt] I.opo There are 20* bonuses in each claw, that being the number of homes entered for the taco. The Drawing will be conducted upon the same legitimate pruninles as nom which character:mu the luxe Pt. Ledger and other proceed:nee. Full perjeulars of the result will • be met to absent members Immediately after the de. that each may know bin pesition. Rahscriners reentered and neap forrennled on re cotpt of a remittance. Dills of Fs c halter, Erefts, Bank Notes, Sc.. addressed and mode paynule to the Matweine Directors. W. JAhIES Faro per cent. commission to be-reduced on the promntattbn tarlds2ru • 01501 REED HOUSE, (ISSO & 11A11124.111, Proprietors, Pattie Spore, Erie, :(tENF.RAL (Wiletl--I.:catrrn, 'Wener! !Intl Southern Stnnre, once lit to..nre Hotly. Co rtninto to nun' (Coin Steno: Paolo: 800, Ciotti,. int. W. Erryru. lets oral , Arnr nron linr, IG. k. llantru, tate or tho lithstnau !leach Oho. Kyr:p..l6m . Sir James SS is-reeky', Fluid Dzng - ,n•st.. PRI:VAIIED miler the ieniedm re, of the le ventor,a-ml .7,7d:di-bee ro eobviates of mutt' Years Thlelegant ptcjinraSue is ei. ded in all eaub , , of tile ' , nciiltues, tbdire,o nuinien nod gravel. as the molt 'loo'e, easy, tine eneetax: own in which btritnetio milt', luderd the sale one to which it ought to tie exhibited. pOwessing ell the ptopertle• of the May,netia now in general use,without bcwg tiable like it, to form ales ngerou c leered ins in the bowels, it cake:as:ly cores he-althorn without injuring the coats of rite. stomach, as soda, peas, and Mete car ' bonus e , kno as u. da:'n prevents bee food of in fants taming none; in all cures it nes no a planing oweriellt, and is pcindiarly spleista Sir ILarophrey Davy testified Into tins subotaa fOrMS Soluble cumbitinnons with one soul rn catch of gout-and sass:, tharliy coontainaidia their Injurious tendency, when other alkalies, oud even - blugaesta hail idited. From Sir yinlip Cram:RlM, fnirseen General to the Away to Itclanil7 - : "Dear :OT—lththre can he en de-lit that Magnesia may be adinitbstered more safely in the form of acne. eentrsted solo:jou lbtm 'rtitismnec,. for Miss and snarly other rearous,l eat et oinnthn that the Fluid idagneeth is n vary valuable itself on to our dowel. Medits. CRANIPTOPC. 1 Sir James Clarke, Sir A. bonito,, tie Ude.. and Messrs Patine andiletbert bias e, of London, strong ly recommeud Momay's Flail ittagnesi. as being ins Stately more sate and convenient tom the r 01.4, and free (rent the danger attendlng the ecarlant awe soda or pothaa. • FOr-sale by the importers and Morrie:vat's atents, 11. A FA11141:-Yrt7CK ai tlst Taney! _. Cor. of Nos la- Front sat. .TOT/CE I hems , gisen, i.•i on, or a' out I AN °CAI'S, the wise-Ames ied a. ct la Sen. ellsburg. lin, two lonowinero.es, * argent by, G. A. :damn, pr4n-le is outot — der, dated Apnl lath at 4 moistis, roe 5173 G., si...cae drawn . John u. blare., mule date and oaiL,fo - Silt W. and a note drawn by Joist Wait de ,tc favor of Intin hlarkell, end re endorsed by us, dated April 9A, al loaf month ., for Stld. Toe above notes were never received by as, and this to to eatition ail persons against trading ' for or buy tisi the some, apayment . them has been stopped. W IikENALGII mayt9 PILES!! f o rgo 311311:11ELL GOODS . A VEILY largo err! choice aloes of Fresh Spring iNYnhrlf 11 . ritc u ntr b' ee e t, n n o ori; ‘ i e sir d ea r l Corner of the Samoan In calling the atteution of Oargroat ce-harecra and the üblic mill. 11 se/el, it: stnilti or pleas Ore to be ble to say embraces It SEAT HAM:AIRS in ut most coo, do.cripbon creole, as a forge pinion of Mora:purchased at the recent extensive ariao aisles in the eastern cd.am. Our assortment, Lob of tante" and stole gouda, to very mficirmr, aird (fords to all cash boners, c.ther by WhOlcialO or mail, a fine Op patiently of miring timh mine mid nary LADIES.' IdRESS GOODS New style Foaln to pkg., very cheap; .teh plain and flawed elmegcabe ef ntrairot every hiy le and quality, super plain and Ileared suks, do ',I rmo], and tionnis, borer< de Is rte. new and band sihe style, 31aW It reirh, hnelsm, and Scotah awns, in great variety , and at reed low prices; plat IS gored, and satin striped de labme cif ail kinds and sisatisBa. linen lassies or oil shades and colors, ging. baMs, chtnims, pont, he LAW! Super chameleon seta 334 , 3.:6; plain and Egured blot do; plain and embroider-Slink ciao, fine cash mere do, super plain and embrandi red white and Color./ crape do W twesto HITE GOOLK - ', A yen assortment of Mulls, nuarooks, jaconets, Swases, hooks, Water. law as. 4 c. BONNETS 2Anzh a Ready, smart braid, Florence bratd.od gaper Ikmlishigisiw nnoorto PAILASOLS. A fine stock Of superior Wain and fringed silk and S.W. Tarr pamisobi of +lt colon , and noisqups. CLOTHS S. CAtiI3IEILLB. A bode assartedetal 2 wirer re sch, ha:latish and Belgian clothe and eitssimerea of all caalitieS and Prices. 43 3rliictz we would ilyrie the attention or the gender:amt. BONIEST ICS. Our Mock of brown lad ranched nuiltne, nekings, chocks, el:ambits y ditilings, die, in very large, and et the very losio,t pore , Also, a large lot tilde dispors on I ialiteottis h , brown and bleach,* Raiss o and scotch diapers, ras been. nettling, cotton and nor.l in pools fur Weil and bay.' wear, la rk Seen , . mil. white, an I hellow dam nels, drones. martinets, silt and ;Mien bitlfs and glover. of hoqray and boonet riiihoiss, arm Ural (tower c, Ac. to all watch we watila respectfany Invite dm aidention of whoicsule and retail Las' buyers. ALFA ANDI.ft GA S, inayS) 5h Elatiret el-N W ror.of the Diamond APrlTbtir: b: tot I t um me Lit now prepared to toodett A Oide Tt^eet 01l bnoten NargrrY of Jacob N. firemen. The I teem will. be d•laveted yr the what( et l'ittoborgh for lilt SKI' handfed. Perron, food tlattly trees *boob% lave Weir order, •onn at them Drug, Bea, and retiatstery Wassboau, tomer of Wood-ttd Salt& VB. Y N WICREIteIIAV tOsmoviu.. svnv:iv. trtoN WOrti:s WAIMIIOUSF. 10/01.N.Y. till') VN 5. Ctu.nvo. rcuv.c.l to IN. j) Wslet 14.4 doer In the Alcno,tssltch% Ilot.e - • ai 4 ZILIVAL. PALMER% !{ANNA hove removed their Exchange Once to tenbh wept comer of Idloal smaTbiril etreeth7 sett ro CcratoniEnv. it Co. !Aeon removed NO 77 %Vs:et eh helve. , Weed Vierteh le the h 0 00 formerly occupied by IleteltSee.. t co. - ' - ,p4...n05 . ,_ St AIACII-ll: bk. flonnntht's et SilTi - bir 15 bz, z,r611,. dO: ......--. - . ?lb,' 74,1111 , ,i ft. Tonto do: pa.%,,,,i,,a and for w, ty ' Zill.l.F.K In RliniliteiDS ••• Plantation Sugar and itiolattea Iki blots ,ommor,,n,r, I, 141 nm l'lnntation `Kira; 210 oak bilz Ylnaution ilotnisnr; • 10 cypic, bill do do, in 01000. for isle hi MlLl.illf.t iticimrsoN itl7l7i It 177 I.or-rto AO 117/ITbiTe.ll-17.111L-4, ior sz.. - 4.1 71 II t; RANT je11..-- . 41 Wo , ClC.:tie,iiii•T;i4.-iir"----- - - - R l _ jell_ . CII .11.kit,TPIG:-.Di I OITL/010 : 1 10,1 ior . j : 7, 0 4 RANT 11 41al—i'f ' EV-I Vl ' e.lN 'l' o 7 :;,. 'l2 ; „B a - n ldtnill'ott . . 30toil:yam , fr. niaift • On, . JAltcs D. Macy 's do; - 51115 eanyasscdlieef found ti • • 4. in Ann dO Forme by !el!) _ .._ nk , . 1..1.4i 9 1i;` ,1C 91 8 ., 50 - 1701 :500 II& DElifli stoic ail 1 0 ,„1, by 1),19 . 1 tiAIBIZU)N.I.III be, la LE & CA) n - nqi4,-ietyriii: ii,A1 . , _,, p , ,, , vs.. ,;; r , 6 ,, j , :. ,,,,,, ••••• .... ... , , 10 :as :id I ito , in Szinpi Jiirt roceizyd and . ; for for bi . . :. l I 11.1.}111 lc 7ICEY:I'SON jel7 ---------`" . Isreso - t anJ T. , a.‘ 12, r t 6C / j...` 7;',.1..;.,-, • .1 SilDil Of 170 -0 4 Dili S. D. 'nninzinni s ..nrszkat Jz. .4 sale b •,,Y2 Jrlll J YID° k., CO . (1; DY lflaa..'V_V,:. Dij : i= ..oqtsl./:c J o nJr. IfDan.D s lzl tzony.- '.Pi )i,i . . _ ILP`9f''' i'l:. 'Ir .iintvif lerkalt Ly ileu l4 : 1 4/I , lYl4kg •iItIOIS • kVitil.lgrEALP.-'4,,b,kidDo ree'd ~ .. 1 0 bY icl7 , ; OUPDOC9 • J. IL P1LL1.073, Na Ii Wood sums. ho Iwo rewind • now as. coftwOok of PIANO MUSIC. =cog which aro the folio Molly, do Too Lem, me, by Et. C. Poster. Olt; any the Red gots L Moray, d e . lau a Lear, do. Uncle Ned. do. Gott. to Bon all Night, , do. Dolly Day, do. Polders Weddiar, by Ohne,. The Robin, do. , Oh, Touch the Coed_Yet Otlee Wl* Swett Mullahs Of Thee. VEMIF.MI A. New Medley Bong. nem but We the 3pitit that Loved Thee. The Conscript's Departure, by Glum Be to to the Loynd On at Home. 'Ti. Home where er the Heartia'. The Yankee braid— Low Baekil Car by Lover, Do you ever thi• of me. Blamber Gen•Ja Lady. JOILIIIIte Grey. Eifin, Callarias, Weddinn, Wreath, and Daisy Weaves. . Itatenelor, Maiden, ells, Concert, Lodi& Souvenir, Call? Sutra . Uly, lEvergreen, Sam ova, Adlea nrui lAily Polkas. maw TRAEt TEAS I I TRANS ti WE enter not Into the ilst of puffers, we say netting about .Hundrede of Chests, Importer., Len. Capital, .Bought for Cult, at. la (net, we will not humbug to any manner or form, we simply Invite Bo public to compare our Tea. watt what they purchase elsewhere; thin Is the beet method we know to ...- lath with sells the best nod cheapest Teas In JUMP burgh. We aro now selling Good and sunng Tea at 40 and Wee= PO lb. A prime article, —••••• 71 do al b. A best Tea imported Into the U. Sales, ID keep. mod Low alie.d, &mated us mtw or Inferior orru Tree we do not Proprietors of the Tes Markel, je3 East side of 0.m..d. Groat euneneasiltactiligideal Work. - D. Appleton & Co., New York. lava In course of pub. Hendon, In pacts, pries twenty Ave cents each, A DICTIONARY CY' Machines, .111cchartho , Engin. Work,andEn. ganrenng• designed for .Procrical Brorharg Men, and those intended for she Eng. oaring Prefettens. • =tram DT Masa DMZ , ITIMS WOO: is of large Sao. me, and will contain. TwiiTaorlaten not., and upwards of int van , logetarfriatlOßS. It will present working-draw. loge and deserlptums of the mat Important machines to the United plates. Independent of the regalia of VAnteriesth ingenuity, it will contain complete meal. tread ea un Meettraite,bleehhtery, Engine-wort, and Engineering; wills all that In rueful more then one thousand dollars worth of folio voltunce, maga• sloes, and other books. .„ The great obleet of this publication is, to pieta be. fore practical men and Misdeeds each en amount of theoretical and scientific 'knowledge, in a Condensed form, as shall mtehle them to work to the best advan. tage and to avoid those senates which they might otheivise commit. The amount Meseta infonnatma Wm brought together is almost beyond precedent to mich works. Indeed, there is hardly soy subject within de range which Is not treated with mink clear ness and precision, that even a man of the most ordi eery capacity cannot fall of understariding it, and thus learning from 11 mach which it Is important Inc him to know. s. The pablithen are, in short, determined, recardless Is to make the work as complete as possible; and It is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will promise • it as leaned in numbers, and thaw entourage the enterprise. The work will be tuned in send.iciontldi numbers, commencing in Jenuary, 1830, and will progress with• grunt regularity. The whole work will be published In 40 numbers, rents D 500. numb, completed within the cur rent year, 18 A liberal discount will be mada to agents.. Any onc e mene the publlshen SIO in' &deans, shall receiv the work through the post office freee, of expense. Optsitom of the Prost. o re our numerous Manafitentrers, Mechanics, En gineers, and Arbour, it will be a mtu of wealth.a.... Vrovidence, fit I.) Journal. . "Young men, Val yourselves with itsknowledge.— We can with confidence recommend bar rename to ponces %barnacle. of its taunters as fats as they apr . prod.”—American Andean. •-We anhesimungly commend the work. on these en-. gaged in or isileremed In mechmtical or Micro:fie poi nos, as eminently worthy of Wain exanoneUon and tedS." — Troy, IN. 11 - ..) Budget. it truly a great wort, and the ptiblishem de cree the thanks or Inventors, useeldniers. sad moon sett,eria, arid indeed of the public generalty..--11.: .I.lcpcodent Dictionary will be highly useful to praetioal ncebevies, and Teinable to all who Trish lei &enamel-- ne:wives with the progress of invention to the me •hanic arts."—New Bedlord Daily Mercury. , Younrebuties ought to keep : portei up the. iota u m well es react eel knowledge, and this will show them Isar how they stand..—Boabory sat Adruneer. We tats it to be jest the wort that wares and hen ry of oar intelligent mechanics have desired to pot ,. :to ample aro in descriptions, and so tall and ate its specifications, that it wean tom that any Chumlicht contract any machine udescriter, rim th °(its engravings end instructiorao—N. Y. renal Advertiser. interested In inechanie. Ocala avail them. of its advantagea"—Schuytkill, (Penn.,) Jour. naL `A work of extensive practical milky and great imp penance and value to the rapidly increasing interests of the country. V. regard the work as embuntlY calcalated promote the came of science and the mechanical arta, and to doncontuta citable informs bon on there rubjects.'”—Fanner and Mechanic. .F • lfrottral men in all the varied walks of nuclear• eat and manufacturing indianyi engineering• ke..virill find on this wort • treascut which twill be to their p .91 to poweva."—Troy Daily Whig. "We have ...fully perused the numbers, and beta no hesitation In sayingthat it is the best work (urine. ehaniee, trade:nun, and wiceufic men, ever publith• ed. for It ecntaira relate information on every branch aux unchameal are and smences, tspressed to a style and language Intelligible to any reader of ordi• nary eapacity."—Cloucester, (alarm) New.. •aso we ate doing the meelautes of Nor wich and ratter pane of Conneeticat • stroke by brinaiag the work to their ansution.^—Norwichi (Conn ) o ddrkr• ••It la dot ameba-work as every mechanic should po,”<”, ^ —Freesstaxes Journal. Wu consider inane Mate men useful and important publ,..Ons of (beige.. No metawle can afford lobe witeriMlL"--Ncwerarltd•d.4Cocikeerciai Courier. • Uf all the various publications having for their ob ject the eat:V.llton and advweeinent of the uteeltant.• at are and usenet,, nose that we have sae.. to foil of promisees ttus "—BulTslo Cona.,Me. "It a die best and cheapen work ever oderml to Pm acieuttfic cad practical engineer and mechantc. The plans are beaunfally esenunt."—Weehington Globe. 'lna great Dictionary la one of the most useful weeks ever published for years, nod the lowprice at which alt to scald miles It acceptable to elt.'—derath Carolinian. unit. regard item one of the mertemarrrelteuein and namable, w well as etcaput works ever published* —ltaltimore Advertiser. `dbacht to be taken by every one desiring to keep • •ce with the • rogrws of art and science in every ono . . date labor.. eliflized life:'--Rondeat Meaner. 111,. is designed *Sterile pnaciple of tire's Didion. ry, only Wm it le mom devoted to the set.ben.cal and cagmeenng professions, and above alt. ..• valuable on OCCOCINIANNI far Amerka whim Roe hoe done for ghtstud viz: eclelibing LISIONOIN Machinery and wens diet n—Egientifie American. 'llls published In number., and st • prke so Modes. rate, looking at what Iscontalned In each cumber, that no one who has the taut interest in i n chmatters, need be deterred loom ?NOM ingot; arid one who does so,arill find that he has to a condensed form tat nOOOVIs of imunction which would be olnained, if at , ' alt, only by lii:trehase of very many volnetes.^—N. Y. Cnnrier a Enquirer. “Tha temp =Mamma with which the vegeta, nee 1111/V4 NO admirable =Ant/ in which they ate illartratml, conspire to make this one of the most dui. rata. worts ”—Denterratle Review. a I his 1.10,0 shonld be in the hand. of every uweluatic, Amami, and I.IIIIf*CtOITT, mpanally those who have the least aspirations to excel in their reepemive bash. mum. We have eanfolly cimaniedit, with • 'kw od reeommending it to inventors. To them we woald sny in the strong Seagate. , of the Bibic "It is good.n— Raltiroote Inectitorsidatinal. Notice to Ma Peopnetareef Nessupaper, utrougieva the (Anted States and Canada. If the foregoing advertisement N inserted five times during the year, and the paper coataing It sent to as, • ropy of the wort will be scut gratis in payment. einl4..lkwlTT 'AIALISTIEWS OINTHIS Containing am Mercury, wen other Minima. ilr, fonarmillg testimonial wee gives by the cele hired Dr. .Wooster Beach. the author of the grew medical work entitled wile American Practice a. blediciae and Family Physician." , Ilaving been mule acquainted with the larrethents which compose hfcAllasters All•llealing Ointment mot baring presetibed aid tested it in wveral caws if toy private practice, I have .o hesitation in saying of certifying that it t• a Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral imbalance whatever, that ita ingredients combined as they are, and need directed by the Propneror, are not only barmlcas, ho as t of great valor being a truly scientific. Remedy of great power I and cheerfully recommend it ace compound which has done mach good, and which Is adapted to the care of a great variety of eases. Though I Imre never either recommended Or engaged in the aim of secret meth. emes,rtgard for the Wale hottest, conscientious, km mine charsexr of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the infector hiadiscovety, oblige me to any thus machregarding it. • W. BEACH, D. D.^ New Verb, AyM1112419111. 01111.N9e,11 et thn I.st t. for Boma- , • PHA:S.-noontide are yeasty cared by Oa. (Ma. merit- It never fent in glamor relief. For Tamara, Ulcers, and all kinds of Soros, It ha. na equal. If Mother., and Nantes knew its value in rases of Swollen or Sore Weald, they would attempt imply it. In emelt CaeLV,lr teed according to directions, it gives relief in e very few hoots. mound the box are directions for rising McAllister'. Ointment tor Scrofula Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Triter. Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Bye., tloloert Sore Throat, Ilronehites, Nervosa .11reetiona, Pains, Discos° of the Spine, Bead Ache, Asthma, Beerier., Coo Ache, Sums, Corns, all Dmeasesof the Skin, Sore l'Ape,_ Inc., Swelling of the Limbs, Sorsa, Rheumatism Pile., Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Bream, Tooth Ache. Agee in th e Face, &c. Free:lite Reading Fiala There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that bas In so short a time won prelh a reputation as AleAlltater's All.lleulitta or World Salve. Almost every person Mat has made trial of it epcnt• •.119311 its praise. One has L.. cured by It of the most painful rheammb.,artother of the piles, • third of a mettlesome pain In the aide, a laadh of a swelling in the limbs, Ae. If it does not gins Imme.. Mate relief, in every case, I; c.a do: no imary, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of the won derfe I healing pow er po.seased by r this triVe. INC subjoin the following tertillenie, from a reapectable citizen of Maldenereek township, in tine county; Maldcriereek, De rks co., March 30, ISO. Krems. Ritter & Cm—l desire to inform yon that I was mainly cored of a revere pain Mahe hack, by the _nu of MeAllistef• All-Iltaling Salve, which Par. Irons you I aulteredwith it for shoat tat years, ctrl at night was .able to sleep. During that n sae I tried aremedies, width were presetibed tor me bypariciansted ether perm,. WO/1111ittateiVirlig any relief, and at ht.. made trial of ' this Salve, with a re. rolt I•00oihi6 bey red expectation. lam now entire rfco the mid enjoy at night a pelmets' .d swot sleep. leave Mao used the Salve since for Minh ache and , s.h , ..laplsints, with sunhat happy resells. Your friend, Joan lloamantacm IA.111:3 MeALLTSTER, Sala Prepriater t h e above teed {eine. . Principal Olice, Nom Noruerta r d meet , l'hSadel• phis. OMEN PRICE 23 CENTS PER 130 E. Mauls IA Pternsvaott,-11. A. Pahneatoek A. Co.. ern-ner. of Wood and Ping ats Wm. Jackson. No. 21e Liberiy onset- L. Wlleorar., eorn.,„,( - street and the Diamond, also earner et Fourth and Smithfield streets; 7.41. Camel, corner of Walnat earl Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore 1p Smithfield street. RI door from 36c011ti. In Allegheny City try /I. P. Schwa= and J: Douglas. By '7. C. Smith, Druggist, Birlednghata; D. Negley, East Liberty; 11. Rowland, McKeeaport; J. Vessader A Son. Monongahela Clty; N. IL Bowman A Ca., and 1. T. ItogersAlrownsollten JAB Berkley, Beaver, Pa; . , walker, Jr., Palasbeth; /Rtabtigirr , P,iVittl Rochester. feblittitßY SIMIEidOMMI Vali:Able and extol:Woo Water Power to , • let on favorable terms.., Tm WABAPIL NAVIGATION COIIPANY ans now eternised lease the Water Power at the Grand Rapids, to an amount suCtelent to propel four hundred, mum of mill mute. -The location le .based noon • reek feendation. end the power can ermsa niently be studied on both aides of the river. The mute' of the White River as well as the Wabash, can -be readily fandahed ai.this pram. While timber ' iron ore, sod coal, the greatest ahaneance, and of; ..p.fics,,q.dity, can be essay procured through the; mama 005007. Trots—One hondred dollars Per ...Fs= foe a PP.r7 er surEeiem to propel atingle me O. medium .toed mill stones, for a. period or Aileen years, millt at right of rentiell On the expiration 'of the lease; at a fair millo al msatn ionoct h r e y pioneclnu,d em,p w lo i y t e o d t fTteh e si r te Of the charge 4 from the Company. fly artier of the Directors. • ; ABNER T. EIJIO, • • ' President of the W. N. Co Vtactmra, la, MeV %MO ttiy31:4261 • TELEZ HAVEL'S MEDICATED It YkIPH SOAP. IP —'no skin of many persons in disfigured Ina Might . m miens, u ramples. morphew, An., and when this is merely a disease of the skin, as It Is in ninety nine eases out of every hundred, It is very essily.rm moved. Jules Banal Nymph Seep le opregely sdapted to diseases Of the skin, as 11 Leis filreell7 pea the raiment pores which cover Int surfarre, :Uansing than from impurities. and by its inuiramth properties heali ng and eradicating WI eruptions, and rendering the au.areta Toogitelt akin wall foie. and blaming. . I Persons who have been in the habit of UstiTitirdl nary soap, will be astonished at th e beautfalelleit pranced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a - delicate bloom, preventing the neck, face, or hands from chaP- I eas pkng, allaying air Imitation, and removing all enlant. passerepoona Itpoeation, possesses an eaquialte perfume, add Is entirely devoid oral] alkaline properties, rendering It the only article which can be rued with safety and comfort in the nursery. All those whose totes or necks are disfigured with pimples, blotches, tan, atorphew, e, should make trial of isles Iltsur.Ps Nymph Soap, as the promititor meetdi assures them, th at Its ttm will render the most discolored skin white, the roughest skin smooth, and the most diseased skin healthy, pure, and blear. Jules Ilaners Nymph asap Is the only uncle which will effectually produce the above effects In so ghat* a time, and the only one which Is at the sem time ill powerial and endrely harmless. Prepared only byi . JULES NACU,, Perfumer and Cheralsti 123 Chestnut street, Phila. For gale wholesale end retail by U. A. Falinestoult It Co., and R. Sellers, Pittsbargb; and John Slat as nt and 1 Mitchell, Allegheny city. Pit. -les BEVOND UMW PIA3OII. AGOOD Mahogany VI ano Forte,6 octaves, woad hard— -•—••---•-• ..... —4lOO 00 handsome upright Plands — with Rosewood Furniture, 6 oeuvres, and in good order • 10 000 A. plain la octave Piano A. good octave Fiano ........ 73 00 Alliod Si octave piano, with handsome farm -• 71 RI JOHN 11 muLtop. 61 Wood at_ por .ale by may 28 lelotallo Alight LIMA. UPkIICIMING the Wooden Floats, and being In• combostibla, thereby tuonemlses the oil, and pm. vents ignition, heretofore so much objected to all other Coats. , Ona table spoonlul of the comnion lamp oil will last Nine lloorsor any farther Wig, of thne, according to the additional quantity of al Racelsed and for tale by JOHN D MOROkN OYSTERS. • TVST RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Panti4 t/ coy and Tea Warehouse: 5 cases Fresh Oysters, la tin car& 5 do Pickled do, in qtja,s; do de do, in pint do. The above Fresh Oysters are parboiled, era petty in a highly concentrated sour, enclosed in IrronOlcsi• ly sealed cane, and will keep mach longer than Those pat up In the ordinary way. For sale, wholesale and retail. by WM A bIeCLURG & 250 Lanni at_ Client hnierlean !Mechanical Nor; DAPPLETON &CO, New Vort,have to 'coati . Ofllublicationila sans, price twenty Amen' ach, a DICTION& 1 if Machines, Mechanic D. gine Work, and lEnsineerlar, designed for Praideal Working Men, and those Intended for the EOMMICOMCM Profess., Edited by Oliver Dem. This work is of I urge Pee die, and will contsie Ise thousand tinges, and epwr.rds of Ms thooctod illastrm Cues. it will pit corking drawings and deteripi Dons of the on Impectrat machines in the Caned [Lama Indentation& of the results of AUICIIC. In geonity, it will contain icinp!ete preelicel treethceac Mechanics, Machinery:Plaine Work, turd P<inco , log; with all that la nonfat to ream then one theureand &Mims worth of folio volumes. mayasines and Other books.' She =obeli recelred, L and Mr sole bY fha agent, apt 3 79 Apollo Dal:dings. Pouch NEW STOCK OP PIANOS. • I hu IL Mellor, 81 • . Sole Agent in Went.. CII Penn CE ryiesniz. for the nolo of ICia:AING•tt LF.BRATED Grand and Square Plano P Btus to otiose hit drienda ee4 the molest Pehlke. that be ha. DOW Invoice., and twill -oche and mot vele. daring the mood month, the bogret an dedrable etwlt of Piano Vases wrerbliered for sale in the wen—acrunig the number will be Woad atoll supply of seheeety caned Efoiewood Grand Piano lilleoes, with all the wood baprovementa to iseekanina and style of anterior. Splendidly carted Roo-woad sewn oetare.tgeare Piano Porton, finished in the Eldabethan loofa XIV. style. With Itege stork or 'all the varlet,. rtylet 1111 f no Forte, untying in przos• (rem 1C..75 Irltue and 111110, prepared by 11.1., Chieketrud rat We present Tet, tledet ) Pure , weer ate d thatther , w of SDI Chit t einut • nano. Lave hew., end mt. cent,.c tol Le, the Of of lbe rentorler tot, In trerron. tviLtoulohntut for transportation: and will be delivered and eet up in pet feet order, in sap penal the citr. w:WOPi hula. anr9 A CAISD. TlF:undersigned begs leave to Inform dm pube s that he has declined !testae. to favor of hit San, I'. M. Davis, roam .111 tonnage the • *Aiwa and Goan eatssnan berate" at the 4,4 teadd L re leer of Weed and kifth streets. and for wham he weld "Len a ca nna nee. ef the liberal patronage Jamb:4o , r ,Leatreeted et , on the beet. • JOHN U. IiftVISI April eth, Ittno. P. Al. DAVIS. •occessson TO JO ON D. roAvm) 10CTiOOSSBA1yD COMBISSION SRILCDANT, Coax. OP WOOD anti runs senzerej SUVA. midge sales, en fitment lammed Foreign and VV Intentstie Iferebandlls, Heel Fletatcri limb, Sol sod SOK. , by experience lOW clew attention to basineaa. to merit a continuance of tkoi emotion and patronage so liberally extended m the foutsr,hrmas. April v.h. JEWthei to our Patina. UMLIANCIE•POSTABLIG 1:10/1.T !LINE. Mlle decease of the active partner, in Phitittiviphia, I(the late Jame. M thsvis,) prod.... no tttprt o o o de to the basinosa—erniegernems have Veen made which es involv We same intmeats prociaely, which bare heretofore existed The busing. is connoted undet the same name and GM. It.— hl Dante & Co., nitnaOrta.; Jones .M`Faest 6. Co., PiltSblllpt. aintituance of the patronage of our many friends ie respeetfally solicited. If ray penkme hive demands against the concern. they are Seciarated to p. t sent them forthwith, int payment. Ihttshargb, Aped 10, , t0. JOHN BITA DF2.11 apt7.ll PervfnLottstlehr: B. a. PahmostOOk 119,110LI.TU1LE DRUGGISTS, comer or 'lnland Wood streets, offer for rale,an favorable trams: 100 bblo Whillogf 600 lb. CarbAmenortm: 00 do Alma; Wu do AU1111¢11 , 11; 010 do Dya Wood% 00) do Crude 'MG= 23 do Laniptdoek; .600 o loquorlee Root; (0 do Yen. Red; 301 do Irish NO.; 11 do Camphor; 1301 do. Red P04(.388220; 10 do Span..Drovrn; 130 do bolomel Amer.. 20 do 5 allow Ocher; do do ' tint; 10 do Brimatone; WO do !Amber ;.raves; 0 do Cloyea,• 00 du Ithtdntl. Root: 3 do Chant-Flowers; UM do Sump.' do. 14 ease. Ref. flotatti eno do Gend.d do; 125 do Castile Soap; pr do Bat Ro antic; It do Ptumian Woe BM do Set.llll2;blimara; 10 do Calc.Alaanesii; 00 da roved Itliatfarb; 13 do Chrome Omani 630 do do Blip. Elm; 6do do Tallow; 100 do do G. Arable sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do ' do 1.01. Root W 11 . 3011. 0004 Paper 100 der do !hien; 13 bop Sicily Saimaa ..00 do do A6Cayenne 23 76 b r. Salph.ale. Rec Morph i ta Corka 30i1 (Mo T s 200 'do Satoh. ;; inc; o M, 1200 lbs Cope Atom 200 do Tamarind.; 106/ do I.ll4throm 1.00,1410 r da tjaick purer rim do et.k /loot; 270 du th dead Peel; 1501 do 'flukey Umber; 75 do Cochineal; WOO do Cream Tartar, tio do Ilpd POtuh. 600 do Tartaric Acid; Co do More; 101 do Mrs Ulm; 1$ do litanville 1.0110 febt , d/avrAnT - EneTtsox.r.vit,On ROCK int.. "'hire are mote things in heaven and caul; Than are drtrapt of m philosophy." • Tig VIRTUES of dot remartiole rehiedy, and the constant appliemion for n, to the proprietor, has Maimed him to have It pot ul In bottles with la: bele and directions for Ike henelit of the pablith The PETROLEUM I. procured (loin• Well in thin county, at a depth of four hundred feet, is 4 pare one. dalterated article, without any chemical chmign, hot Jun as flows from Nature's (treatLubrator))h Theta etnitains properties reaching a nein. Ler of Onnotoor,.is no longer a matter of oneeruntoy. Thera are teeny things in tho omens of natureiwhiell, If ktIOWII. might be of •113Culefillites. in allestating suffering, and re coring the bloom or health and vigor to many a loi terer. Lang before the proprietor thought of putting I it up in bottles, it had • rcoulanon for the ogre of Air. ease. The constant mid daily increasing cells for it, and several remarkable macs It h 47 perrforstrOd, Is . pore indiontlorl"of Ito Hoard Copularity, and wide spread application In the t..sro of Macßae: , We do cot wish to make a long parade of cortls• earns, as we see C 0111.601. that ;be medicine v...., wort 'its way into the favor of those who suffer and with to be beetled. Whilst We de not claim (or it a universal applienurain - C.TY dlseue, ese anliesits tingly toy that a number or CbrOnte [Smarms It la annulled, Among these trlal 'ho edatiterated—all disease. of the comm+ tissues, ouch as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUbIPTION (in its early rage,' Asthma, and all diFelPe• of the air paw ages, LIVER COMPLAINT, TIVSPEPSIA,' Lhartirea. ;Di riot of rho, 1111414er radßidneys, Pains in the Beek or Hide, LierzoLarDiAserui=lstn,P.alaore,hrm,aties= Braises, eras of debility ow. tatting frout expourrn,or long and pratraCted carat at disease, this medicine will bring relief. It will act as a genetalTONlCand ALTERATIVE lit sorb eases, imparting Moe and energy tome whole trims, coral , obsractionsorating the sluggish functiona,which MIMIC disc 110 and a broken constrationi and e e l . , lorrerad •rad renewed energy tp all the organ. or Lae! The proprietor knows 01 several cures of PILES, thou resisted every other Reattach:it, get well ander the are of the PETROLEUM' for • short limo. The proof can be given to any person who deitred it. Nude genuine without the Annan:re of the proprietor. !led by the protium.", H. M. El KR. Canal Saab. near Seventh at At, R HELLERS, G 7 Wood at; and—KEYSER & etwoWELI, gamer Wood a. tad Virgin alley; who are his , sesame], avornewil Agents (lALIFOBNIA ROBBER GOODS—Jain received, `I 11 Camp Blankets; 53 officer cow.; 12 ply Pants. Int pairs neutined Mining slioots; lsthmos U$ wooer anks,.43 ood gallons each: 00 canteens, gallatt asehl daz Bantsloo Money Uellr, I doodad gamine do do. The above goods far to Coll. long. 0.1110/ 1140,0181uwal• Nu w 4 • IMI~I3S p4!3 • 1850 &MI 1850 . . ERIE' ei‹ . NIENC/VILLE'LINE. BOATS of ads Lille will leave regularly, and dr lives &Wallas without isaaaltipmant. g C BIDWELL, PLUaburgh, I JiCIMICOLLINS, do. }Awn ' • BIDWELL &BROTHER, Rochester, inayel u iggil i 1850 'mum 111DIVICLLV SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Pitishures. to Colennhos cold C . /redeem!, throve*.f.kirruisastil lapdogs+ eons:into, Cann. duns, Catrolll,ltark, Tosccoontsi, Coshocton, 'Licking, and FronLisst. • The complaeis of dos Bandy and Basses Canal spans ep to oar city Ihron&D tbla amt. muted camel a direct eetnanntle won to the above as Well as the adjolnlea amnia of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Iklaware.. From thro section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh hae been, to ri gm/Lt e:rent cut olf. in consequence of the high rotes of transportation, which are now re. dneed lit, SS. 50 per tent. Boats. of ;his line will leave daily, and run through without transhipment. The Canal company hare bestowed upon this line an Interest in the eforce. dented advantage* of, their charter, and theu secured to the middleponies:a of Ohlo in ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BerotEß LINE, an equal, interest in this advantage. Agents: J. C. BIDWELI., Pittsbmati; BIDWELL, & Glasgow. R C Rolutes, Spe.4 Nils, Chloe' & A Chi, Wilhamsport,o4 George Kemble, Elkton, 0 Allultaion, do; Mona, Graham At Co, Nei" Liabos, 0; Alter & Nichol.; Hanover, 04 Ilihbota k. Door", Mi nerva. O.; Speaker A Foster. do.; Joseph Pool & Co, do.; Hull true, Oneida Mills, O.; II V Boyer, do; C & Co, blalvern, 04 A K Grab Wayne. berg,' 04 eyaolde, do; Tour Teller, Magnolia 0 .: fiJ BorkdallAGo. blassolla,o4 Wmlleek ness, do; J hi'Farlaad & Co., Sandyville, P P Lad's; do; Ford, base: & Ruh:6.th. MM.', 0.; Willard A Ethel's', do; J J Rolrdiaa, Massillon, b.; Cumeolos A Co, do; Jobe:Roth:sou, Csoal Pulion, O.; Prodg A Tetra', Canal Darr., a; A Medbary, Roscoe, O.: L K War. tier. Newark, 04 Fite): & Hale. C01a... 0; L 0 Mat thears,Cleveland,O.: Rhodes Green, do. may!) • TILE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL I' OPEN= PITTSBURGH TRINSPORTSTIIm LINE. INN& 1850 Ea= Vka Posallsylvatalls Canals &Its.lll3e&da. I , IOI9LITIVILL, O'CONNOR, - ATKINS & Co., Cansl Basin, Llbeny street, Pittsburgh; ATKINS, O'CONNOR & Co, 219 & 250 Market street, Philadelpr. Aal2lllll, (Mormon & C0. t 79 Nonh street, Italtimere; E Buzz, New ti arty num & Gene, ll.Doane street, Boston; Kentleky; • Bass Co.,Colambia areet,Cineinnati; E. WOOL Louisville; Wan, limn& C0.,81.1/01111 lb Shan/errs qf Merekradue and Produce to and JOAdaitelpiist, Boirsasorr, eY. York., Boston. Our rosin being now in fine order, we are prenatal W forward goods as above at arry /now priers We Joiner al (might/or ofany charge having policies for over 15133D,000, and with its fallowing extensive stock of Dolt. feebsonfident erg - wing enure UltiVlCliell all badness entrusted to our cam. Our boar. are all near, and commanded by captains of experienee and our entire lute it nand/wind on aria ratesih buying and temperer. principles. Rows., Capons I Bows' . Copt• ins Ron City: Hagan Pennsylvarix. F. Layton, / c if, incinnati, Rand. CoL fluward Ridle y n IRuth Anna, Chatham I Mary DeborWillarts 7 Win htkins,Renroad I.:weapon, Ranton G. S cott, tore TelegraphNo Ishieldo Import, Al'Quade Boston, Alter . Gaslinda Riley Celia Ileartias OlivellrenchGoarer Ballm'eClippartrtley America Perry Ohlo Bette Kearney riternreid bree!gto Hewer ILnple The Fog 411./usle Julia Ann I Loylon Aurora gl'Uoweo Telegraph No2Oevte loot Sh•rp !de m. North Queen %hitdo Shippers vvih had it to their advantage to give as can.: O'CONNOR, ATlaNft!‘ CO., arrel6 Cane Basin 1.16...ny . or. Pittsburg. TreaisPortatioin Coickpasy. Meal 1850..M.41;, D. LICEOII ti CO/II LIME. OF:rDILEti rErslp!cni, PHILADELPia&I Avturylvaa4 Cava and Rod Road boats nod Cars of ate Lute hove been put I compete order. a 1.1... the madman of seven near onto to the Woe, enables as to catty a tarp oeantoy produee and geo... Tbe enure ttock of the Line Is OM sted and contra ad by the eroprietrra. AIMS'S it LF.EI:II, Not:lS:nth Thud st, Alai at the Totowa° , ne st, Wareheaseat Phs aElepttis. Pk; JOSEPH TAYLOR k NON, N" Z " oll•7t:X;roTtie ' st il s ' l '' ,Pia s sr% ? :SV; D LEECH d CO, Cana Basin. Penn t, mak Potsbarah. Ea= 1850. UNION LINE, Ol TIIM POP 1M AVID 01110 CABALS CLAUS. r`picts 2c CO. Itochostac, rt., Prop.*. JOHN A CAlJCiffp,l7, Ate.. fi Oce .r Smithfield and Water en, isbarpts. CILAIIBEIKIAN, CRAWFORD a. tom , Agra, Clevel..l, (Mos Tlll5 well Imam. Is. am prepawd to Waroppon freight aml Passengers from rirNnuaoli and CLEVEI.A,N D. to .7 point on We Carat and Lags- The Medal. of tbst LS. are **au:paned in won qualsty a:layaway a Sawa. experien. al cspWOJ and eLciennyof Arra. OM Mkt daises Patrdough.slCleseassi n sing In atoms.. wdli a Lino a Stearn w tkoos tweon Will , .d 1:P E .AVP. al a 'Joe Pun gists Swans Stan, Propellant •lr.J cassis, the Lats. CONSIGNEFYit Cloth. etas & Co. Rochester, Pa, "IN Park• & Co. Vooriestoont, Mier, PA U Taylor, Wu,. 0; A & N Clara. Noonan rall&O; I Morton & Co, Payton. O. Kmt, GrOldell A Co. Croatia, a. /I A Alrllet,Coymoga M. Wheeler, Leo & Co. Al .on.V. ChatulArlin, ergot:Ore &Co, Cie ve laud, re, Itilitiont A Co, Someway, I Peek born A Ace., Toteil o. 0; 0 Wtlllase. A Co, Detroit. !Ate& Wtlltsoas & Co. Alilwaukte, ‘Cto: Klorfey & Dorton, Ramo. Won Oeorge A liabhe, Chiesso, lit, Thomas Ila:e 3 t.;!rsea7.g. o WOO c i oge i r Water a0°112.1011,1%, EH= 1850. siati. LANKA IKIIIII AND IR ICIIICIAN LINZ, ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKP, & cu &Detester, I4aPonolt• Perprlexers of thla old and w known LI. I OM{ iJ thform the public that they all arm novo 10 op miclon for the gramma season; and have commenced teceivirig Erciffht and Passengers, which they me folly prepared to carry to all points an the Calm' and LAKES ERIK AND MICIIK.AN. At the lowest rates. cue of the limos of the Una will be constantly at the landing, behave lilonangnhela Bridge, to receive froth'. .1 J A . 'nut, Ogee, oar Was. and Polithlloll ma, Podsbatil. CDNSIGNEF2 I : It IV Cunningham. New Castle, P.; AtAdmitm. A Co. Pulmkt; IV ft Maims, Sharam J & P DICK Sharpsbarg; • Pilch. Aches & Co, tireenvillir, Wm Henry, II eneniern; Woe Poor, Co...amine; Jahn !team &Co, Erie; John J lloltuty k _f o, llofelo,N V. wen Plttabaigh Portable Cleat Lime, illtda 1850 - M.SI roe VIE mtamroaracion,or 'owner • , TO AND /00/1 PITTSTIUBMI, BALTIMORB, NFW 'YORK, BOSTON, he. Tamest floasuiDos, t hoarse R O'Costioa, 19.+Itidelphia. y Pittsburgh. trill: Cacti tieing now open, the prop usu netorr of thi+ 1.. long established Line aro as al at their old stands. reerieleg and forw•nlitte Merchandise and Prod•ce at low, fates , and with the pit cor• taint}, and rafety, peculiar to their ay stew and mole of IrtrrpOrlMUoll. whom Intermediate tranfhipment is scolded, alit... the eoftsetplent delays and probability of damage. Merchandise and Produce shipped oust or wesLand of Lading forwarded free of charge (interes t , m , • advaoc.ing, or storage. Platin no di remit . or Winfred) , in wentolioria, ti lt cribe 0.'".• is solely consulted when shipping tbetr good, All communications to the following agents pi ty attended to: PIUItMICTORC TINISIA2 PORIIIIIIIIIII, No 572 slotketPlohnletroin. TAAPFE 012INN011, Coiner Penn and Wayne street., Pitisboteh noon. John hl 6 h t PO,O North st,llain P.ll. Marl & Co. 25 Porno sL, Poston, W. & J. W. 'Pepe°. ei e 0 South st, New fork' Junes Wheoleinght,Cinen nett. n 1,25 BlNGllird'S TILANSPORTATION LON, aadE2l lBso . Between Pittsburgh an uteri. l%ltles. TbeC.al being now open, we are reedy to receive and forward promptly, produce and men:handier rail and wen.' Frelghts always at lowest rates, ch•rged by respon• allele line. • Produce and merehaedite will Pe received and fur. warded east-and west, witkoat uny charge for for. warding or advancing freight. commission or stoma. Wits of.isdlng forwarded, and all docent - me faith fully attandOto. Address or apply to, WM. IHNOHAIII, Canal Uncle, nor. Liberty and Wayne ens, Pittsburgh. BINGIIASI fc DOCH, No ile3,Markel st JAS. WIL between Mk& MIL Phil's. M)N, Agt, No DM, North Howard n.. ltaltione. JAB. DINEIBAAL torte No 10, West steel, New York. uiaimsri k COY gilladtt.lllll4 Onienh itrotIILNRDEN* , W. continue to bring persons fronsany pen of England, Ireland. Scotland or Wale% upon the most libeni terms, with their armetpsnetnality and attention to the wants and cam. WI of eremigrants •. Wa do nof &nowt:tor passenger. to be robbed by the avriedling scamps that lam the ma pa rte,. as anclatecharge o r Lt.= moment they re porthemseltes; Ira see to their well being, and de witch thorn wi*ollt ? ay detention by We ships:— We ely thlrilessiesely, as we defy one of oarpeetten tors to show Out they were detained 48 Pea t / by Is in Liverpool, whilst thattisiand• of others • ere detained months, until they oadtd be sent in um' ed emit, at a oh; p rate, which too frequently proved their cairn,. We intend to petaled our contracts eonontbly, eon what It 031% and not act as was the ease lest season, with ether ellicem—who either performed not all, or When it molted their convenience. Drafts drawn at klusborst for any as. from II to toed, d a i y en& a dam; o a f n th d e V r aoler.soHanks in Ir. bi Th JOSHUL $0131618011r, Eutopearo aid Gem tot Agent, rall ' fifth gnat . nes dam twin. weed` pipes iiiiinTreiatd, Dopuj, as • apiece lidltaad , • 1 t 4.-- 7 ••• 1t 6alis N Elam; ' ' • • 1 • rial pith Wittstrsyj for rale by asyl ,Of M MMIETIECI J. H. MELLOR, 61 trod' iirm,. 4 o." , ekar ths folloperug Nese Mum: • OIL Weeny. see y the Walk's holy Rahn dedi uted to Rev. C Cock. 06, think not lees I love thee. Blanche Mont.l love thee. When ether friends around thee.-.. The cot benceth the MSc Well Mon bat mine. Artie Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Robin —words by Ellen Conti, =mile hi Stephen Glover. Thou hut wounded the spirit that loved thee. The Grave el Washington. The Irish Mother'. Lan. Old .Semen—Russel. He dash- all things welt— , Woodbury, Wulow lkisehrer—Ramell. The cottage of my mother—llatehin... Low backed re. , —Lever Fyn' Walttes--complete. The Melia Bell. The Bridal or Wedding. Polka. Jenny lAnd's American Polka. Wry Polka. Soiree American Potka. Tip Top American Polka. La Belle Idaltimorean Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The Origin. Scottish Polka— Julien. Salutetion Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine Polka. Summit Polka. Ressingol Polka. The Pro phet Quad /I Llca—hleye thee, Jenny_Llnd Quadrille. The Wreath and Delay Walter, — M r. Bracer. The Serfs. Drover Boy—veriattene by Canny. Monument. Sounds from llama Wr•elteee Dwight.. quiets:to. Louisville Mu. end quickstep. Wood Up, Quirk. atop. Iyl CARPET WAREHOHSE, No TO, Fourth Strout. TV . BITLINTO , 'S is now constantly receiving hie IT • Sp ri ng .1 of CARPET OIL CLOTHS,. Trimmings, ac., co... Maine in pan the fallowing, vim .1 Extra Soper Royal Velvet rile Carpets, Tapeatry F q E nglish E and American Briassela Extra Superfine Ilmirrial , ply ~ Superfine MI!!M!EMO!IMI lilunrfine do do RO gE Common U !root, • " cotton 14,1 and I Tap Ven Car. 41,1 and 1 TwitPd Carp. 44, 1,1 and 24 plain Ca. Lin and }Ma Carpets, 84 Printed Coma Carpal. Common 71 Extra Wilton Common do Cherdno Door idnu; • Tafted Sheep Shin Adehull 841,7-4, 6-4, 6-4, 44 an 4 I Oil Clothr, 6-4. 64,4-4, old 'Matting, 18 inch palest Oil Cloths far stairs. Cram Tamen/as. atm,• Extra printed pia. covers table Emboss., Plano Table Printed woolen Mnbowsed Stand Linen and grOStaid Damask Star lint ¢; Turkey Bed Chu we Bordering-, Huffish Oil Cloth Table , Covenii Brown Linen comb cloths Woolen . _ Brass Sushi lied. Steir Dolman Calm. Bindings; Jute and Coen Mats; Alicaat and Skeleton Mats; \54 and 4-1 Green Oil Cloth H far IM& aekebeek ' Diaper; atm, Blue .4 Drob Cicala; Cpmoon Plash: Conch Oil Olottts,• Damasks for Linings; Watered Moretn. am, Der Holland for WShades; Transparent tramp. n .Voneuan Blinds; Bunting for Elam_ 7.4 and 6-{ Table Linen; Russia Crash; Scotch Diapers; Drown Linen Napkins; German Oil Can Table Covens; Porn Om CLOT. from; the mom approved Ens tt and American menufacturer. from 12 to 24 feet width, whieh 1•111 be cut to be room., hal., and estibule. of any Id. or shape. undersigned having Imported direct from F.nA• land, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These Carpets, which ate a the and most elegant sires and pattern, and of the Moat gorgeous cola., will be sold at prices as low as they can Le purchased for in any of the eastern cities. turf l aio th n e abrfl ' ll t U47.lg. 'r adgEltrAll c kWßV: PLY and INUILAIN. CARPETS which far surpasses in quality and cheapness of price uam y mo:tent ever before brought to this city. Ile also Invitee Steamboat Men and Coach Manufacturers to his huge and well selected ...donut otTRIMMINCItouni other articles necesrary in their trueness. The andersigne4 is also agent far the only Stair Rod Manufactory in Philadelphia, and to prepared to sell lower than tan be purehued elsewhere to this city. atria . M. ISCLINICCII. _ gi war GOoda t Mew Goods I CLEAR THE TRACK! Nino &meg and Summer Dry Goals for WA . WILLIAM L. LUTHRI.:LL. ••• Wilotetaet and knelt Doll., Britlch, • ' , French. and Auterican D RYGOUDA, Myelin Plfe(t, ',craven Third and ' , yah,t to the • • the Ike flirt, Ho fat themenced re,ivlnt • and opening one of rt etch. culecultd. andel tellEtia SLOG aof Ppm,. cod hemmer Dry Goods er °tiered for rale in the Wettern counitp. All of there Iterpontal (footle are fresh opened, fled received er the lest ateautart Ito= Fteince and England; p as also Irish I.lnerhr 'imported direct from Lielltitb nil (t•gs bleached, and ware...tot the pure article; Ibtee I,IICDR ore all Import,: I , y the ...Levitt...e t end are all pure tlas yarn, warrutted. AlsO, Irish Linen Damask Tiade Cloths. the very beat manufacture; cod frith Linen Good. or .11 kola. imported clued from fells— by the subectilier, tool will_ be (tted the real LADIES' 1111EM.M. Dedfdl.L9. Pica style web Turk'Matuts, all eel.., splendid ramie , black Turk Patin, all inners, Deb Faxia, beck elsen '3lk,, all eater*, late Ilnpoltrliit, 1.1.1 L...., Il,e best in,puns LI, ;laid blast rniures, per mad Fienek ~suns, new rtyle pateted flit, get, ralenUal goods. Ail., aaaperti and large amca of aide black llrowdls Lace, for trimming lades' dresses, •ery rieb armada; plain illklage" in all extremely low, beeetifulgowlm flack tvlk Fringe, all wblths amid priers, riff entail; French Lawxs, hew Tier; p ee feat French risen,' plain blaeedlre Ile Rhine ; lugh.lnattd, superb gorals; Linea figured lire Do {Dime Ilrueitae, rich geode, Freimla site English D. ‘ abeee.res, bew stale, beautiful goods; splendid figured hsrissepoils , ini ball arrears; rich embioterred Paths Malls tar earning amides, Mara. Easing and leeeittep, , te Lest imported, bilk Tl•sues in all color, and awrixtles. Tags style, Wain sod,satmt straria Lbed! llaretes, all Idler.; printed Lawns, flaw luau td V. 5 cents per yard; flange de 1,1.11, a new article for ladies' slissiaS. Also. a. large SKLOT fa. ~urea of new style opting Bonnet Radiate!, the nary beat Ma . Ponca, all new. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Cantles ersim Shawls, •11 cralan,:fresh frees the Cos t= 'lapse . 'Eark Dada Shawls. epleudia deeds, le all eaters, per lasi ll:earner, besmildi cLanarable ,leas silk 5ha.11, (mato Iraliortataia ; while embroidered Ca nton Crap* blt awls, sorra. green crabreider d Centon Crape Sbewle, splenahl rmale; Lapis's French made Embroidered Ilabet, hoes, impala:ion; Pares painted Cashmere Shawls, a.t priers and gash tie. summer Clavati and Mesta to areal vs. doll; French worke4Cspes,Caillus. and Cellk.• Dade userUeent. • A large Sleek of DOMESTIC Nit MC arl..F. (PIOUS Whalesmotor/m.l.s° Muslin., loin .6 10 111 reins per yard; IS item am., Muslim, Irmo 4 Its rof CC2441 per yawl II ease. Dish Linens. imported enema front Bellew; II be,. Ticking, Irmo cto cern. per yard; eeases blue Drill, Wool a to tge cents per yard; be toles It fotgamortment of Summer Cloths. Men, Cam •irnmes, 'Tweeds, tsaleetts, and Kentucky Jean.; memos dart Cale, fast colored, from 3 to emits per yard; 6 ease. Boy! & 24181% . Englsh l'etins, best imported, 6 boles Ratios indtkatrti Diepert, extreme ly low. Also, olousekerping Goods of all tiods. very champ; 6 biles Re.. Crash, from .a to 111 cents pee yard; besides a largo stock of Check al/ Shirtiest Stripe. Also,Cantoo Flantwla, all colors and quells wee, at low prices; rod, white, and yellow Recalls, very cheap; bleached sod Rosen... Led Ilnlitego, 1.111 assonsnria, 6 res. Woe blown...act Ch.lc.e, ex- treacly low: black and unbleached Table thane., al t oites; Bards eye Diapers, all priers and /p.n.s, very cheap ; colored Cambric., a fell ilsosameot,. cheaper Wool eve& 3 hales Burlaps, frimit OS eta per Taro. A 140,1 lqr,go, stock o(CoMm Table c heap. .. Illanners' Shirting—A fail maortmeny eery cheap. PARASOLS . . I. RASOLS! The largest sod most splendid striek of Perusals ever °period by ally one tome in Ittobeith, ts this day received, atol are allot the newest French styles, A. for nebnem end cannot be rurpassed. A. we have a large lot of these laterals, obey will be soW cheaper than any other noose in the ea. con afi ford to sell We lime quality of goods. The Ladies arerespectimly Invited to...intro these Parasols m they wall land solar of the Webs,. and lowest styles ever Imported Isom aharope. Them Parasols are all of tee ritheat and Masi foshionable colors, and age worthy' of the attention of We All of the above goods will en .14 of st priers fa. below any house In the city; and In order to prove R. tact, the public wall please call and price those goads, an. comp are them an. any other booze iii the fit!. and he c.cal of the above asscrwon. The tubsenbet wniall bete say to his liniment. rum maims and tbe public in seoeeal, that anis. are Iwo oilier lice hive ~lees. in market street Pet tending to coins with the Dig Ben Woe, which is alone the only oeleldmed aod.ht Date. Der Geode establiabinent rat Powliargho;'fbe seller/tier would therefore way to ail purchase. of Dry Goode, either wholesale or retail, that :be Dig Ike blive.on alarket torett, between Third and Voir.. it nowopen.. We largest, richest, and most splendid stock of spring andtaxamer Der Goode beer oaore4 for sale la Pittsburgh EON fa ors EON NETt3 NEW Sart.as POO I62l—The largest and most fash.on• ante slack of Dunne. ever opened in Ibis Mir, is lust received et the sign of the WR flee Hive. on Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Goods - of every deseriprion aro cheaper thou any other house in the city. The punde will phieve take ranee that there,ro two other her hire stores on bLarket street, who pretend In compete with the Ing Dee &Roe, between Third mid Fourth 'suer., where the public will find, al all limernitte largest and newest sty!. of Dry (foods, fresh opened. U Nesse tate notice, that the store' in between Titled and Fourth sweet sin sf din do LIKE HIVE, where Dry Goods 01 re tr y description ago itelhug 11114/11 than at any other booms in tho Pity. •pl 3 WILLIAM L. RUSSFI.L. is Dre• GOOd•• A A. DIASON & CO., lo Market street, between : Lis 'fiord and Fourth, are now neeet•ing • Imoo es . serous., of alaregu De Lama; Persian Cloths, au co. nee new article; Pallet. ta; Crape De lAtos, ate; with • a large ammessnent of Law. and other Drees Gomls, of Or Ist., styles tool most fmbielehle eMora. Nod arlOFFEKe:ati bags prone Ilia and Java; krt . :sante-40 1 , 14 mould, dipped, and spawn; Coac.-16Obis Cream sod English Dairy; Coua-20 do . t Ileutp uml .11.11 a; llsrn&—f4 Malls; Cara:—l bated; nosas—bo N Common and tab:Vanish; F.-25 btlaand ball bt4 :4,ketelAnd Salmon CLAPS-501;Es ansoned sizes; 11011-1290 Primo Vetdmn; IWO Sam Cutcd, Iln S F and Manilla; low—la do: narrisons Blank and Copying; blot.sts.-23 L.I. N Orleans; 15 half Ufa Sager flouts; Morrson-9a dos assorted unisons; 111accutorn—So lbs Itulinn; V1M.C11.14-60 lbs do Mau—ft: , keg. assoned; I.lcous-5 do:Pas &stunted; Poscuts—ln basbele balvnt; ruratt--OArentils .501 tall;, Pnues-100 Its Sordeauxf SuAr-50 toss Bonin and Cast Steel; Strata—lD Ohda N Orleans and Clarified; Tik-00 packages Omen and Emelt; Toucco—VU beg ix, U. R l it, temp, WAsn Itoolke-30cichpatent Mo; For sale by J I) WILLIAMS k CO meta Comer of Fifth .d Wood ' Wati*T/Ins FUllSt VCRS: FU i.57;i17 , inticilbers tor Coon, Mink, Musk Rat, Mot , and Red 1000, and on kinds of shiPPinif mess. birCtla feb2o -corner VIM and 'Nod...lots. IlmaglngS• b i • CITING SELROAION.—WitI burp, V of PVal e l ' en m'i pe al „ P oli n lL U nk lai -a . ‘ ^, :7; , rac d a n h C an h I ,l , 7EF o tc:ni 3 113 Wood tr 1/131101. 1 UT1018. Tlll C.partnenliip hereterote exiatierbetlieeti U. th.hbeld and John McGill, under the Erma U. U, Uisefield & Co., ta this day daseolved by mute eonset. dr old blue be ttled b S. U. BashfieldThe, atbelintal the old the eltuld, bi 0.220 Llbett ee i Wee rittehoteh, 8 U. BUIMIRELD, )larch 1,1940' JOHN MeCULL.' • S. R DUSIIFIIILD and CIEOFIGIN. continue the Wholesale soi Retail Dry Coals and Groom bolattess, Bathe old auto!, No. 110 Llhesty ay under Ute (um of S..II.I.IIJOIIFIELD dc CO. March 1.1a60 —Darla - -" ilittWtre day aeronaatedieritt‘ zee, the Whole. Jule Grocery, Commisclon, and Yererardin trsi. neeeiray Iwo Yonc . 33. N. trip W. 13. Wate farm. 'he ..,.0 in Intattl=ll Clian, 44 4. Any lir S. WAtenoes .A 3 Übe DA euku4,_ 3 4. and CO Front Whet: I. WiT aJusx riaoaish,o l Al44 Isar _ . MEDICAL. GERATIEPORTAta CREMES!, DISCOVEBT CHEMICAL COMBINATION From ds Vegetable:Kingdom, to repel Dimante Dr. Guysottei Extract of Yellow Doak and Sarsaparilla. Com eonsumation, strefala,erripelos, rheumatism, nom, liver complaints, canal affections, ulcers, np iteilitAadiderr7nrlVii[JPailes, curtsy effcenmas cr h rash of bld in the - tiend, fever and. vague,a female cemplaints oo , general debilitY, fflrPeO ia, lons of appente,lsesdache, colds, costiveness, gravel, night sweats, cholla. orgasm affections, palpitation of the heart, bites, pain. in the side, cheat, beck, Ac. It is infallible in all diseases arising from an Im pure state of the,blood. or irregular action of the sys' tem. . In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All.wise Being ha depositeilpluits and herbs. congenial moor corstito- Sons, and adopted to he care of disease; and to the vegetable kingdom does the ressonol man, as well • the instinct of ani alt, torn for antidotes to pain. The Etyma is • ecientifos compound of the most vat noble plants in - nature, entirely free from deleterione and enervating mineral subsuumea,:and as (tend disease from the system, Imparts rigor and etrengtha acerrnspondinviegree. CEETIFICATIM. An extraordinary case of Scrofula, Erysipeles and tens, cured:by therwle use of Dr. Guymiti's Carp pound Syrup, Yellow Doek and Serrano:ills ilsoolum, Nov. 17, ISIS Da. GaTuari-41a 1 tender My sincere thank. for the great benefit 1 have derived from the use of your valuable symp. 1 have been troubled very bud wit • .melons sore, which made its appianince on m chin. I did not pay much attenuon to ti at first, sop posing it to be nothing' Mot an erupton that appear on person's far t. It finally berm in increase, non l spread to the ,auk pert of th e bead. I applied to • physician, who attended Ma all to no pupa.. I had tried every thing that meld be toed. saw your Syr. up of Yellow Met sod Sarsaparilla, and colleted.' 'mostuse It, Poe I knew that Yellow Bock was one of the most valuable articles In the world for the blood. I bought your Syrup, and from the use of one boule.l could see a real ammo In my system. I condoned to use it unul I was • well man. I now feel like new pennon; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all Irdpurities. Mere is not a question but the your newly.„discovemo earaponnd is fur saperlor any mrespokille ayrup ever sold. Thts eedificate la at your disposal to publitb if you like, mid any ono your.) refer to me I shall be hop• py ro sine theta all the Information I eau about my ease, to. I remain your obedient sent, Grazes G. Jonsson, 113 Market etrest. =SI ro The best female medicine known. The Extract 01 Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is a positive, speedy, and permanent etre for all complaints incident to PEDIALFD. Its mild, alterative oroperties render it peculiarly applicable to the slender sod delicate constitution of the female. It is unrivalled in its elects oponsnob distaste. as incipient eonsarnpuon, barrenness, len• corrhoen, or whites, irregular menstruation, inconti• menet. of urine, and genets! prostration of the system. It im:n ediately counteracts that distressing kennel nms and lassitude so common to tho female frame, turd imparts an energy and buoyancy as surprising as they are eremite. liVe have evidence on file whicb induces us strongly to recommend this medicine to married people who have not been blessed with of ann.& turnatees Unlit, or Falling of the Womb, of, five Yars , Wending, cured by Dr. Guysott'a Extract of ellow Dock and Harruparilla t after every other known remedy bad beenasuln tried without relief. Worott, Cello Feb, Thin comae. that my wife, aged 17 yews, bat been. auto - Utz miler the above complaint for five ' , ewe—nearly of that time confined to her bed. I bare (or foot year. conetantly employed the bestowal s e am talent that could he proceed in this matton of the ary without any benefit whatever. I have also purchased every Instrument rceommenaed for the curt of such diseases, all of which proved worthless. In the drum of I wariudaccd by ley friends to try Dr. liaywuhs Yellow Dock and entreepnritla, which wet tired for four months. After she had used It for about fuer weeks. it was a...Wendt° all that she -yens tioptovinc, antl Flom thin note oho improved tap Idly, and naitted tleflt and strength, the disease was entirely vemoyed, and ate to now enjoying most eaceileut health. tVOI. Aft .rirOlt.T. ea t\'o heroic r.e.rtbrdis of %I'm. and Jaho Monfort know dins the duos:: statement, vs to the siekness o !lira Alsofort, sod ante Ow cure tonne effected I.) tiuysatt's bellow Lundf and nnorsoperills. to to ottietlt traa. 411111; EDDY SALLAB roviimt2; 'Great Onto or Consumption. HAMILTON, /moat) Y. litw. Mt. I.lcralcu—lloor :lir: 'rho treat hermit wlnott 1 !sari droved (tom your kfr.frort of Yellow Doc. and tmor=apoolsr, lodorto ow, sr oft art ofjusfico, matt the fullumring arafeomenz: Atter rt...41;r: lon two yrs..; (tom several Jelmility which Email, fetru.noted forfrorapoort, I otos slyer. op tsy toy inendi and phyuiciassr loycout the old of tredwine. A. t lam ..fowl. krau toduced mu try pout Liftoff f. sod Iforssumliaut Dat two Uuulet, ac avgdni!Z 1.0 )4Alf ffirreousw, I ran courtly w 011.0,1 t o ld thereleres esstorwly reromutcul you csacquttlf Ird Cousraand to the utllscoul la:10 desire powcrful picksanl and salt toussuly. GrAttolly lour friend . , M. WAITE. None genutne sale.. put up In large square tootaas conuatteg • newt, and dna nettle or the syrup bless In tee glass, wah the terate.t seDtature Ilan nett (aline ettuitto nasppar Pace dl per heals, e atz battles ler t 3 It i. Anal us J.D. Part, corner el Fourth zed Wel nut alms., C.,. 1t11.1.11. Ohl, General Sinai for it. South and %Vass. to astute all orders must La aldres ed. Carter 'll Dro , Erie, IV. P. dudrou fr. Co, W. ford; olio C. Cdrrocnr, Crogronglillr, Al,el Torre blositrwe; Ilsrava Illas,Toorauda; Robert Roy, IV - ell Loro; Roderrok, Caller-3,1.m; Wilroz,Jr.. Ym Lorgb, eor..er of Market liver% land tbe Diatnoud. rtpl3,lkorty:lT EI.LE3tB , RANI Mk:LILCO rimy ato the S medicine., of the day..` - . Graham :Rattan, Ohio, Mai . el. Intl. R F. Fellet•-1 think It tight, for the benefit of vibe., to sole own." (ants to rel,ttnn to youreaeeltentFa paly hled , eities. I have used Toot Vrenr.:(4:o largely In my nem foully. one •i•I rectos only expelling large zusintille• Itay Ito to ait/ groin.) [root two children. I have aloe used fate LIP, . nett Ostrich Syrup in my family, and theyaye, In every instance, plodcced the elf«tiles•red All I . ion engaged in tnrrchtndlsing,l ant able to v . vve. net I hal, yetln hove DI the brat ratline ivnyve ) aLf eteusetnes have been v•ed In any •erlepto et ine est:duty_ In oiscla ton, I may 'lre that they nit. We we..isetwedo of the day, wade e Jr.:toed to have a veto e /IMMO licpularity. Yours, respenfally, W It I'INNIRtIt. Prepared and Bold Le U. K SELLERS. N 075 Wend cmeet. •nd 501.1 5y Druggist. generally in the' two ities sod !jemmy. _ r-LLe.Rn 14.MILt --Lucy me b Medicines of the day." liartutatli tvraMon, Ohio, May 05,1349. FL E &Here, I Uinta it sight for tho !armful:6(.6m _ to rate some De's in relationko year excellent Fatal ly Medicines. I have us yi Vermin's!, lxitety In my own tan- Ily, otie via fre.,rently •nrorering for expellinyl .go qrontilics may Ito wo) worms from two child.% I have also sad your Lover Pills and Cough Syrup in my faintly, and they have to every instanCo produced the salsa desired. ' As I am mooted in niereiteadising, I am able to rate that I haat yet to bear of the first Dilute where your medicines hove been used In my rocuon of the Coantsy. liseenchonon, I May stole that they are the niedtesnes at the day, and areele•Usted in bar, • very extensive popularity - Vann, reit Prepared and sold by Ft. I I. 110,1Vo 57 Wood street, rod sold by Druggo • c cnerally in the two er use and mr..ls ' 1;15Vof , LiVER - titiMPULINT, by hi I,ll 6 lfs 'A igi r nal, only tree, suit u kr-nettle Lance Pail. Stool Cotta, Ohio eeroty, Vs. Much V1L,1049. $ Me. IL E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think It • duly 1 owe to yon and to the public me sa ly, *Ulm that I boon Delia with the Liver Cumplalut for a long ISOM, and eo badly that an &bocce formed and broke, which len me in a very low state. Daring heard of your cc:cheated Liver Pete bring for rile b myy A It Sharp, in West Libeirty, slid .commended to me by physitian, i3noth, eoncluited tO rine them a lain trini. putehascil ono boo, and found them to it Sir sonar they are recommended, TIM LI VER PILL EVER USED, and atter takink four boxes I rind the doer. bro enutely left me, and I em noel perfectly f l O COLEMAN.. Wrest Liberty, March ei4,1840. I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr c.lere .:,000 can hear testimony to the truth of the atic no :trillicole. MR SHARP 'I ha intr., Liver Pills are prepared and sold by 4 !JAI'S, No 57 Wood sue., and by dwiliSDD Mina wo we TO I' lIE elitiLlC.—Tice original, only tree and gen uine Lives nu. 010 psrpareil toy R ESellers, and have his name Stlitilyeils,in black leas upon the each Ma, and his rano tare on the outside wrapper—all When are counterfeits, tie ha. apld It E SELLERS, Proprietor , I)VA'TOsIICS I lee.Clll . .Al MAN r.Vl:nt— VV J dm, reed, an invoice or (all jewelled potent' Yet Weiches, la carrot fine ca4l, whi;ll I can ten ni low at tinny end temp hoe dultttrs, tu.d warranted to keep geld 11020. A1.,-4e splendid assortment of lEWELBV, earn . putty Ike canon, and latest styles, tn.! beet patterns 1,. W. WILSON, nwhotakec and Jewels; • _ - NIUISPILATT'S PATENT BOLIA ASH. Pelee Iledue•d. T " „U t y M n . C. P k he „:" Peed. Alit, warranted eueerior to any other Wend the ueit r currency rt 3i ey etel q Nones,yofb 1.',. 00 opw ar• for aleesgo. appto MY IV 1 Id MITCHELTItEb., )06 Liberty Greet. TERSEV, PLUMING A CO, hoong arranged to give Welt entita attention to the and of domes. I'dOie end Contnn now offer bolt forgo moat of Tudors' Trimmings, Teenage French and German Cloths, Weldon, eawitneres,dc . c.at (wet cott. !JERSEY, FLEMING Yr. CO ief Wood st biI.I;ACIIING POWDER—L . O Enepratt Lb ;one' brand, a superior article, far sale by nor, W AluApvtiu'l Sada Asit, and tu tech% I kJ Bleaching Powder, nt !Wed per ship Oienlithige, and now corning on by colon', for snit hp • W h M MITCHELTRCE N.ll.—They will meet', coring the winter, lace. a,,,wowe 1,1•. 1111 l term now SO j lictf ree'o, Oct elegant plant Rosewood et oat. Piano e from the eelebrarpl manufactory of Nunn* & Clara, N. T., of {Opener tune, und very moderate price. For talc by If. KIACIIER, '. dent at J. W. Woodmen,. ii\YlLLlAhl..niVultY PEARL TOOTII POWDER. for removing Tartar, Emmy, Cankst, and all stunces deproctise to tho Teeth. It le delicious to thitaste,iteatteing the month, heeling and etrengtherc in the gums, and punfying the breath. 'or sale, vetoleule and retail, by 1 • dean It V SELLRRR 07 Wand st • :,01111. FLOUR-10 Inc sale by' 10271 & ROE feeelving tad for cola by SAM DALZF.LL LAI,r --20 Pon iilitt—oo owl. for solo low, to elope con•liro. moot. [El] JANIDI DALZF.I.J. filtitiOAEE)::SUlliajiiiircceived for sale by tYI3 }MED& CO IEItESE-03 mime, - reed ror Ilitlvrefro Lino, far 0010 bY . JAMES DALZEI.I. FJE. BRICK-10AG ln.tnic and fny salt by an JAMP.S•DAS.ZFI.I VIM, ' 3 01.-3333—W coal,. (or •+le by D 1r ~ 3 taW lIARBAUGII VLOUIC--VT - bila no brie errs do, reed on cnnoisnronnt, and (or onle by Seib] 8 & W 11331131331 W Te ir ce l l i ::4ll ' ,.l(r — sarest - " " jr.W. Y S .t. W lIAROAUGII S trelf . proToo — anicie, to _0 23 , • and !or - by W.VIARBAUGII • 24.TfIE,1Z71'!"'" " 4 rcliraigl)ei' ig4 Pg WPM D— FL Lanlnees Radially Eeonomy; a treatise on the new an of transport.. he nounagemenhnosinteta, end relation*, commerciat.,inanelal, and aotial, with tm expentition of the preen resulti of the gailweye In operation in the United Kingdom, in the Continent. and in Murtha. By Dlonymes Larduer,D. C. L The Ilistory at the Confessional. BrJohn Bony IfispEine,ll-0 , Bishop of ihe Bocce. ol Vermont Harpeee New Edition of ninnies Gibbon'e De. cline add Fall alba Roman Empire 0 vols. Leman-nes Lest—The Pitt, Present, and Future ef the Republic. By Alohente Do Lamartlne. Catlylete (totter Day Pamphlets. No Vi. Rubieet, aParliaments No 2 of Levees new Novell—The Dalton*. 0. P. R. J =ex , new Noveli—Tho Old flak Chest. The above We. received thla day, and for sale ny JOHNSTONjovo & STOCKTON GOOD BOOKS BOIL .WARBIZAB. • Johnson—American Fanner's Encyclopedia, Soo Emerson—Tree and Shrubs, evo Brown—Trees of America 800 Thomea—Americon Fruit , Calintist.l2mo • Rey—A Bride . tSe Orchard, 12mo • • Beast—Family Eitoben Gardener, 120 Miner—The American Bee licer,larnd Brown—Tbe American Poeltry Tard.l.2mo Mersholl—The Fenno od Entipara's . Hand Book Allen—Me American Farm Boot, lapo. Dowing—Fruit Frait Trees of Antiellea,lnann Youott—Tbe Horse, inn Bennet to Pordtry Teal, Itrno For sale by JADES I) LOCRWOOD t,.7 alt Fourth at illandialCala Journal of Science Ana art.,. CONDUCTEDJ r d. by m i. ' ell ( ' D. .11 S tea l lAr P II ' a r e et, VO li1 n • neeticut. This Journal is loaned every two mouths, in numbers of 132 poges each, mating two octavo voinmen o year, each with many dice ' It Is devoted lc , original gine. Oil Science' anti the Arlen Condenaeil Flanigan , or Abstracts of Menjiirs and lhacovesies from Foriegn PeriadicalsiNotice of New Pablications,•nd a lielinral Bulletin of recent Sole. two orlt a The first series contain a tOnolatars, the last of which Is a general Index to the 42 volumes precediag. Subscrtpion, SS a year. in advance. LOCK 0 OD, AWL for YrppriecotA trio 1(4 Fourth at Good BOoks for Sommer 11.4041nin,1 Mown—Turkish Evening kanertuarumus,Bano: Taylor—Eldoredo, it vols., liken ' Colman—Europe. Life and Mannenr,2vols,l2mo. Dickens—Botany and Son, it vols., blockay—Yopplar Delusions, ii vols, 12mo. bt arvel—FN 2mo. C. (1. 11 —FNorma n Glearsingo, Lesire,l l 2lno. . r rhaw—Enehoh Literntore,l2mo. G Prior— Goldsmith'. Miscellaneous Worko,4 vols. Mayo—Ko.o.ab,l2mo. Taylor—Views Afoot, fto. flumboldb—Cotooos, 2 bolt, Itmo. For sole by JAS D. LOCKWOOD .1c2.6 ' 10,1jtoutth at :pin LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL' COMMON PLACE BOOK—Rontataing 'the dedltions of the upreme Court of the. United States, and of the tis. spective State Count or Bills of Exclonge,phecks. and Promissory Notes—defining their resale:tea and properties, and invest/gluing their relations to, rind' .elects upon, parties Thewholearrengedm me order most convenient for reference, and fishable for ins mediate application ..Dy Wm. Lime, Counsellor at Law. Jam received and for wale by JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON _IMO _Bookstilermor.byerketi Vend ITrltclinfikiie• Mores—VELLSIISSLV its Use and Manniacture. 12mo. Philosoplai of Nature. Itherr; Chdow—Aphortsras and ReSsetiona, Ithem Shaw—English Litt:rehire. lahoo., Davie—Legondro. Itom. Brymn—What I saw in California. St.Pierre—Taal and Vunicia. 2 v,01e.. 12mo. Aleott—Lettem to Tsang men. Blank Borneo—Rectitude of Hum. Nature. limo. Vericour—hledcre French Literature, Smythe—Philosophy. riewnhatu—lluman Magnetiser. Humboldt—Aspect , or Nature.. Brodenp—Zoological Recreation. For sale by JAPIES 1/ LOCKWOOD RS 104 Fourth rt Foster's Noo. Ethtoptarr - ficiThAtrz. WINE to Bon all Night; Dully Doi; GyWD. Utley Jotter Go down to de Cotton Field; Nelly was a L udy, are. ALSO: Be Kind tone Loved Ones at home; Row thy boat Ilgtely; True Live, Of T. Ho.d; Our way aerate MI sm. &tout A new medley sung, by B Coven; Jenny Gray, music by Mal lcr, Joys that WELL crowning, eVodding'llllsreb; Gad Mee. the hardy reunite; Schuylkill ATOM ' COLlSSript'll DENIZLI:ISC, by W. C. Glover; Sounds Item Home; Nantes, t3teyertneekinetta Co; Lit/t Rose of Summer, easy vane:ions by Her. • United States Polka; Ladies' So:lemur Polka; Corn Cracker quadrille . Louisville quadrille; Bewares of Italy; Men's, Trios, kn. A large assortment of New Mennen htmd. to which addition. are mode yrcslly. Fur sale by 10625 J. 11.111ELLOR, 81 Wander, !=E . . THE WAR WITH MEXICO. by R. R. RtlddYl role Elements of Rhetoric; compsising an Analysis' of the Lane Of hlorel Evidence and of Persuasion; by Richard Wbstely, It D. Essay on Chrouran Ilaptism; by Itapilst W. Noel, hi A. 1 The Or Lien, a Nord. Fray Talc, from all Nation; by Ainbony K. Mdn ulna: with 21 illustrations by Doyle. dual rued by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, dela earner Tlard and ISlatke k t times s Acrgrbtlilit'2,,M.Zll,ll 3 a,: z .i. T Headley, Ira eleven originol designs by rley. Poem. and Prost. %Wimp, by Ilaclitnlll.ldane; 2 v 01.., noolln Illuentntued Gem. of Sacred ?only, pith al. llivalm lion. engrav , d on novel, by Johanna:l.in. /um revered by .10ill.:SlIVN 4. IiTOCKTO:4, 111,22 carnet. Thinl.and Markel v.,. 01=1 D lIVSICIAN AND PATIENT; or la Practical View of the muloal duties, relstions nod Interests Of the Medical Prolenion and dui Community; by Worth. terton Hooter, Al. D. Too woo. or Pilchard De Plontaipeol eomjleloiog MA Crazy.; Letteraote. It y D•ric Ittaleth• ; • • and its4terstair.i. lip *oaten Henry Loy. ard, D. ALE' . • Wimple. of ?pain; or Noma of an Un.finialied Tone In Icir. it S. T. Wallis. Topper . . Proverbud Phrlo.pby, now edition; Muse tolled. Juet received by JOHNSTON ..t oTriCkTON, porn corner Alrirhot noli Thuds:zee. et•nderd Firs;sory. -- 71;All.:r III~1'r.it1" UP Ii r .h i ",N . I :nit r,na bid p riipe T. 0146 00010 pet vol. Throe . vii'n o ri.oeivvo, and toria e by it • err Oh Apollo Uoilditjp., Fourth at., New /leek*. i h E . D u LCI , I ; N r i ilia Fi , t History of Kine Alfred ' of thoiland;l4 /torah Abbott; With fincecogravines. Sidonm thei ..Sorocrecir, by Wm. lielnhold. JOHNSTON ..e,,S"TOCITTON. uov2l corner Third 0.1 Market Meets •Chte u/ lAs Alcoa Reolarr — o Toth — lt''orko of NINEVEII AND ITS RESIAINO . , with An accuus of. to tho ellooda,u; Chriailos of Kunio . _ , the Yeablis. 13.,34V,..rshippersi and 101 agility into the NI and Artaor the Alleattt • Jo yy ra..Up Austen liens) Layerd. Esty., B. C. L.,: With Introductory Plow by v.O(. 1. Robinson, D. I). LL.D. Illustrated with 13 plates end mops, and 92 . sec.! etas. 2 vela klysi. cloth,l3l,XL, • "Tbe book lute a rare asaannt of ntaphlo, vivid, pie.' memos unrmative o—Tnbune. . "The stork of Litywd is the mosc'prontinent ennuis; OMR.o to the on.tlY of antiquity, Wit has appeared for! many yeats."—Christ. lnq. "Not one exotic in interest the account of Nineveh. and its Ruins, given by Me. Layard.”—Wuililligton Intelligenew. "As we follow the diggers with breathless interest in their eXeavialialle, non suddenly bed ourselves bo , . lure a maiden figure mused with .ntinute accuseyi now lifting Its mantle bead Irma the dust of :OM years, we are ready to cry oat with the astonished Snaps, 'AV stlab, it Is woodettel, but, it Is use" "—lni depeudent. Foa sole by novlo fIF WOMEN of one Old and New Ternamenl I Edited by F.. 13. Sprague, D.D. 1 vol. Imp fool, cMgantly bound: le ...hely. I:Plotted engravingl; lamb derenprion, by celebretcd American Ciergyrned. I . OFAIS BY AN.lll.lA,lsLra.llry, of Kr") a new and enlarged cention: illustrated by engraving, limb original designs by Mee. I vol. groan: boo.,.cleganb ly bound alto RHO' Also—A variety of eplendol ale end Gill Rooks. . Sewell'. Child'( First Dook of the Ilietor; of Rome. IL vol. lerna. THE MECIIIANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the nen of Carpenters, Shin, venghlit, Wheelwrights, Sid. yen, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisan, generally: being a thorough and practical Treatise on klensura- Pon nod t h e Shdlng Rule. 1111). N. liertwr, A. ht.' Boise's Treatise on Greek Crow, Compositson. I 011endore's o,l:notary French Grammar. Ely Greene ? of Drown Universirtr, i vol. ler.. Doedurer's Gerrnins' Iletwoor limn:mar, by Conant. GescOme . Hebrew Leoroti. - I.oomtn' Tngonornetry mut • Logarithmic Tables. I vol. lithcepl The EngloMman's Greek Concord... I vol. (mot W.) Authon's Cl-.asleal Series. Wchatet's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. St do do annbrithred. 1 vol. 41 Dame's Notes and Question:, on New 'fee. Whately'a Lore. hlostioat's Ilaclesinatical Illadory. 3 volt andl 2 volaloheep.l Vestiges of Creation. 1 v01.15m0. hlornotms mom; the Jcanto at. Mime. I vol. (cloth and paper.) :Hens whore the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth and pipet.) Ifogun's Theological Imetures. 1 vol. nvo.leloth.) Ahter's Pronoun:hug:Basle. lloyet's French Itionortory.. Smart's Horace. Pot sala•by R HOPKINS, novl3 Apollo fluildogs, Fourth ad NEAT DDOKS - iUST'llirCillVllll.-cTizoiiiiO Monolane. edited by 1180151, comprising hl. Essays, letters,nnd Journey Simnel Germany rind Italy, with notes from laitioiCOOßltetilttOta, Most nliA. Mal and 1111il10grephien1 Notices, 15e. Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Moilima anJ kledinde of cowl ttehonblieeping, by David l'lsge, A. hi., Polooiroi of Ito, State Normal SetWol, Albany, N. V. Froldr Forester's Fie, and Fishing of the 11. States and Undsh Provinces of North Amoco+, by (Ivory Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON k WPOCKTON, • flood cooler Third and klatictats•_ Thai Olsten Tinto. JABMs D. LOCISO. slob, ibioktelter and importer, Nu. 03 Wood street,bas for sale Stew topic. cono plate, tthe temouidet of the edition,. of tins valusble work. devoted to the Prosendition Itt Docemenm, and other . suthentle information reboot to the esrlys•s• i plorsdons, settlemenband improve inent of the eeurnrl around the head of the Ohio. ../ly Neville U. ( 51111 . /eq . , of Pittsburgh, in 9 vols. 800. novle J. D. LOCKWOi2P, uA lifit . ork, with mew of the Lllwrty '' of l olfr Y' Ancient Nttlloo.. Elliott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve engravings , ekOs owed at Roma. 2 vols., Sao., aulform watt Pre/elattli Illatorical Worts. Joel published and for We by JAMIIi D. LOCKWOOD, Bookmller addm WoO,“ novlo NrkitifillticiNfeALY: aatboriiisTilidonr 1t.40. 75 ota. hl RS. FANNY KEhill/k213 yEau. ,OF CONSOLATION. 1 The reading of this book hes t a Titemed us With a notch higher opinion of it. author l an we had formed: !romp o m. f r m 1,, other tdtsplayandeepat tone of thought, united torn.. Pk",wlllifloltlTgraelt of; feeling than any other P.5.,1 ° ,.. 4 . e. 1 4 17 .11. 1 mindil "' "b whlh we are u4a resdaile boo,Trrt in: tyle,bold, spirited fi mull itte enter.l mining. We Avon:m=l;l it 10 Ott leaden as the t ! est poblteallon of Woman, 0,...1/ohding comet:ladle Journal fie travel thilagh Ituropea . 4 andone of Mal pleasantest ho d mos t m tereeting took , of —Me seasonlo-Lbior. and Miguirer. • sa, seri eLsrsetetistio book. We hitlrt Madill unto yid pi H of alaPho o with unabated interest.. A vii ctactife In Milne. ' ' In all tespeelll elainentlg 4 .l o .Amekerbocker.... .l I , 't - o r mla by ' JAMES D LACKATOBH, mots Bonkaeller A Jammer. 01 WOod o ta t :graa asid' t 301: I do. - Flowetao r f i' afl i ttiZ n irlsa ' t Itirma ' alla7Al ' oa abillVarY4llolo'dthul day at• • , • A MASON a CO, wi Pu-Aff f): for saltTbi 9doW ii/r111:1AUGII • a Boxe s -- sm.:tors, siouweis• Hit•k•r en,..lm4cts z2l:. AN NOTES,DRAfTNACCEiICF 6 3,OO6,SIIIVEII • AND 13ANK NOIES: tOLLECTIONS.—tirafte, Masi and Am:matinees myable to my part of tie Urdon.edileeted oaths most taMeable terns. , • EXCANGS, on Neer York, rbilvielphla and Ital. dream Jae, Cincinnati, Lo nit. Saint Loins and New Orleam, coustauttf for sale. • IitANKNMTS_ .—Nonm on all solvent b./ All Ms United Stains amounted at the lowest rates. Al! kinds of Foreign and Ameriem Gold sad Silver Coin bonen and sold. Glace tie 65 Market greet, between 34 and ltb . .Itkeo Irv. Putsburgh, FL =llls ttit tri,l Engiand,lreland, and Seodand boxed any; =mutt at Oa Current RM. of Stehange. Alto, Darts parable in any part of the Old Countries, from-41 ut at the TatO of SO to the without dednetlon or discount, by, JOSHUA ROBIN SON,EgrOPoir. and General Agt.44.eles Rh:. ono door watt of wood. oetlEUr i i • • comas) uTix • & mina. B c oel_ g n sad Do e 9 AND 6 m e 13% U o l fltek4e * Crt. 4ficaded. of DepoAit, Bank Notes and Col_ ,n eorney of 34 dud Wood guests, directly . opmdte St 7 Cho • wrarasiza stumps, • • • • ! szhihk79 • Bank pareheaed et the iOlf Sit MIS, Nota bY .116 N. ]IOLIIS9 & SONS, Market street:, B il "N '( :i °- leY ii".llbt . 4 " k. ituiuptda l3 ina • Caiutais.l7 tor ale by N. BOLSI ' t SONS. ilept3 ht. Market as acroickunia. HAVQOIII.II, .. k DFCTIFYINO DISTILLERS4ndA a und Wine Lil:, Ilcrrhariui, Rest side ottan Diamoh Pittsburgh.. are now uttering az Lauver! lowort pri ea for cash; Rectified Whiskey, Gin and -112.3 , -..a •ndri al. , Fzeock Brandy, Ilolimai Gin. Jamaicaprits,Lon. Writs, [An. don Gin, Irish W.hiAkey. Rum, &c.' POn,..herry.Sla• deira,Chumpugne, Clams Maleatell, Malaga, Tone- , i;',' =Rio and Liabon Wines Wholeiala &Rmul. my 3 P r t ' h t l e I :r A a ' P i — oTt 'l e w s ' o l t ! VP .' it ' pr m r " ,lll Wrs Piping Paper; Crown, Urdiant, arid able lima% slags ittraw Wrapping riper Crown, Mathew,and Double Croion Pounding gaper; Puteboard, ii. ian: P AILIVIIIALL,BS Wood et, '!rod9l7 /Waif,. Clinton Mill.. - . MOTICI4, TOIIN WATT le CO. hove rimoved their cock of tf (traceries to t.tio opposite side of Liberty st. ' , NOS OMAN IN AMERICA-41er wort and her ro. :ward. By /Amin .1 alelotostt.anthor of “Charms tercharmA n "To seem sod to be!" 1 vol PArio. Latter. Day Pamphle's, p—The present time. By Thomas Carlyle. . • CoAtlbbilb—Mm of Ltfe and Writings of Thos. Chalmers, D U.. L. L. D. 'Prelections on Batter's Artsiogy, Paley's ENidenees of Christianity, and Lecture on Divinity, with two Introdselory Leethres nd four Addresses deliVeind'ln'the"New Calico, Edlnhurgh, by .Thomei .Chtbborsi D. LI, L. L. D. L vol • C,, yty-Life o /John dalvinicionpiled from authen tic sOurcearand panic bblily from his rertbepOndeucov By Thomas II Dyer, with portialt. I vol 12105. j For sale by . It HOPKINS. apt, 79 Apollo Dnildlags,,Fourth it. 1 ', vokiebit-cak.b., 20.1" P ',“"Vilalr,l,4° do _,d° 7" 1 °"°' ! i 12 " super Fnalisikrion, Redding . .:.6 44 ~ rouser:Combs; . ' : 1 , (9 4 , . Woad !•• . . 10.) dor. aced Fine from; ! . • 439 .' :i•tcll Side Carat's; .. • . to .. super large Buffalo; ,200 grata lured S:de Camila; reo , ll and far sale by • fo',s , LI IMAGE/C.106 Market at , - - NOTICE-4%st W. hlnCitatank has this day . i ' l t e ' dCferlVoillg , f,c .j ovs ' tlet.t f e t trord e us " otles b' sro l e t tf " !y a Sell:the attention of his custeiners and the pubn'eltn : elynre Roam& TiFontth .L Guitar. IA FEW very fide GUITARS, bat reed from the celehrnied mmialiguory of Monio, ood (00 by inns 11. MELLOR. di WOod st. Hooks Just Itesslusd. (VIIE Complete %Yorks.( 'Ohs Ilunyan; 2 vats, BTO, 4. ,is 1 vol, illustrated; mast:ll2llr and gilt edges. SinehelN Bibnell and Sabbath Shoot Geography; neW work; I sal, '*.ven'enntlysiv and Speller. . I ete of John q. Adana; by !Win. 11. Seward;Jsol, 14tuu; Ppents by dlra. Ilerriann; Vol, linno; . tauslin; a. Sunni's Serniona—Serinoti4 preached upon MITTS{ °newton., by Robert South, U. D.; a new editlon,4 soak; mewling Postai:moos Diseotirses. Samo--1 vols. in 2; sheep, nuns; Svc, For snle byIL77OPARtS, lebal Apono Bindings, kaolin at. Mint nicnotura ' I • w. a. r•TfIll. FitFlT,l:24lte:ea trien'fo'reitTeigtitthn:O"flll',rNatvglh -111.114 public generally, that thgy hare rebuilt the EA WA: FOUNDRY Anil arc now in full operation, and hate part of their patterns'ready for the market:— Aotongst which are Cookim :More., Coal and Woed Staves, with a splendid air-tithe Coal glove, which is new augmenting in other titles the: counnou round Stove. cheap teat Cooking Stove, well ulna tan for small Moulins, with a full assortment of Com ment and mantel Grams :NVe would portent lo uts the b e of peskent , building to mill at our warehouse benne purchniuM, and examine n splendid arnele of enammelled Witten, Sub bed in tine sty le— end rely new in this market.; Ward:rause, No. lat . Llbdrty at: opposite Wood et ulgt..M:dtc ' & YEAGF.R. Impotter end Wholeaale Dealer in P.a.hiCa' AND viauF:ry GODDSI tot at the (tilt Condi, Elarhel at, Pittsburgh, P.. Wemein Miiectiaita,' Falters, and others Piumargli to paretimnaloods, tea invited to call end examine die ementive assortment of lib:ls hii/4 American, Frenchiand'German Fancy Goods. Fureignpoodsat this iiiilablialuitent are impait edalirecaby myself, and purchasers many rely im gm deg geode from first harals.l I brae the largeatawort ' meat of articlhe, In :the !variety , line, in the city of .Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or city aceeptaudes. 'the Stock conaista, In port, M liace nods, Hosiery, Glilirca, Haitians. Silk Crayata, Shod end Palent'lliteads,Sewing Sdool cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Returns, Pius, Nea• Was and Cutlery., ' poll and Silver Watchei, Cold:Jewelry, all I mils of l.' sites, Combs and Samara Fercusaion Ceps, FICTOiVerf, Pistols, Clock., Silk & :Colton Parses, Spectac:cs,lStcel Pena, Marc Cirpet Cage and Ilarkdo. !loadings, Findnig , ainl•Primatinvi. Toy. an d ballet (kettle; together with a large tate ty:of Finley and Staple DlVii . WOLK YEASEII to also agent for the eekbrated Lan. carter Combs. ' . tort 7 Great egargyllett Remedy. I t tOß Coughs,lds, Asthma and Causumptintd The GREAT AND ONLY ARIIII.DY for the care of Me attest< •diseiroes,• is she lIUNGARIAN 11A1d/you OP LIVE, discovered by die 'celebrated Dr. Duch. of Landon; England and introducedinta the tinned dtiytes coder the itatitedlide superintendence of the inventor. The extraordinary accedes of this medicine, In tha Vita of Pulmonary diseases, warren. the Amerreer, Agent in soliciting Mr treatment the Wenn posaible set Mat one be found in the community—eases that seek relief in vain Romany of the common remedies of the day, and have hecq given op by the moat distinguished physic:atm confirmedand Incurable. The liengurb. ad alsam has curadound will cure, the most desperate of ca se. It is no quack nostrom, bat a standard Eng bah medicine, of known and established efficacy. :Every family In the United Sums should be supplied vAth Dachan`s Hungarian Daimon of Life, of ordy counteract the coasseaptive tendencies. or de Comae, bk. to by used u a prof es:tiro medicine is all eases of colds, coughs,. spitting of blood, pain in the lode and chest, utnetien sad soreness of the lungs, brochitis, diitmaity of breatisur: hectic rover, sight meats, outset. mien and general dchilityi asthma, Indiana, whooping , sough tooPereep. , Sold in largo betties, at /I per ben* with fail dint dens for the reatorrdion of health containing a mama( English and Anted- Mtn certificates, tad , other evidence, showing the an • rquallod merits of this groat English ' Remedy, maybe Omitted of the Agents, ammitonsty. For sale lay II A rAtINLETtAA Co, toner, it end Wood end Wood and oth Meitavra iT,EiWieg;Tni rEtti.tt. uouu at t Nolumo Luta fit JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, . G 3 Woo 4 rimsmann, Marra fr, Mr. K. It. Sellers—ln iartiee to you and tour teem's-- parable Conga Syrup, 1 hoc leave to stain tn WM . ;L; of the conituniry, that toy wife ha' hcett ae•end Vines alittEted wits a most tbstretatbkr rl'b. I pup. chased, In Janustry last, a bottle err! . S t rap , w"li eared a court of two tumults' itaed,ult. About ono , nonth Aiken, the cough returned, sod wits so *east. that the could hardly move, Mat 'realm , . in the breast; I sent for one bottle or your Cough Syrup, and part Of one bottle cored the creel , !gave the other in a journeyman who was. e.Wril•taicted, who 50.4 to lace his own words, bra. enottlat eonah randy to cure all the people to Ibtaburett,n if the ran d y t , been so (0.1 at renrisentr l. 1.71® B. Knott.. arn itlil.LEll.9, S 7 Wood tse 'olfsel, and aotd by Da.t1 ,43 Itt the twO aitie. dell, the. public. ' tenon that ho on nand at at don In !zr=r- - -.... -- r - dir , Wert side of. the !ha gh , ttY city, a emott m le% is A SO L r e l: n inon: f Venni. ULLA.; also Ye netters am made - a nted o tn. der iuthe best at 1 e warra e q ual t ." .'T hued Mato , Mud , eon be removed oath ont the aid of a fere. driver. L0 ir 1'41.1".g ', 31 , 71b.` tabinet eta he .1000. t j:r.,7,114%tYt0 "`.their ,- old CUILO I / 1 .11, as Wall ' . the table at large.oriih every thing in their lino. Agent). No .1..'00tl street, l'atsborgh. J. A. DROWN. p - r 44, 'at lnlx—nt WM, to eon., lot za+a 0, • lel7 J NIIJD CO C lo rs t i t 7 Jll. st_lL.7o otls, ettrtire, s J i tli t nbi a co Ltilre3 casks, to melee, for sale by / 101 l • J JUDDk CO a %KIEL tiIKEY , 7Iu.WO tbs guitar eo.._ ILI out of matt:qr. solo sot ONRf,I.VRI7 PG iTitA ter tiLUO b il WITTV 01...199-3:to 62.. 0 1 ItigtfIIELOOMYI-73 dozen teed otritile JettPc cnozlit_ VINE.GAIL-40 elle to start,it —, by 1./ tell • AIIMSTIIONti R, CROZEtt T: , L - ACT - 6-.1 tato IC e'd bv PllOl No t, for oak. "V r ieji " • •WICK dr. MeCANDLE...*S__ Utlp 1112.:1-2VElt—GuY het of 2 tot 3 ply UM .5 (or Env Engine pumnaec.satianled ble I yval to Leath, in ere(' te.peet: The AM In-nls are invited to call sue examine them at tha India Rubber Depoi, Nos. 7 kr. Wood st , eM • -It• .1 &11 rimueii.. ARD—It brli No I, nos , landing, and for tale by .L.S • ISAI Au KEY a Ctr etq Water & giant ma • • LuutsvlLLE LINE-76 brts in etore for sale by I It ARMSTRONG & CRUZEN. IioUTAWES—WO receored for solo by _ Jell r ARMSTRONG & OROZCO. lIV.OO- TINDO.-3 cask. 8 11. raqb— RAI 77—. 101 l . alv H,M , 6191,1111401111110:1414lti1100 itedlite4/0 10, 'Ms lof 014 Yo r P IIAILSUAJJ, ILAreP9,I neMiLiIIiEOUS, zAorat FOIIBDAY. 2== ?•.*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers