X r~r. ;~ r ~ _. 1 ;~ 1 .. ~~, . , .....,.„.- , I :,„- ~ :‘c . ; % 4 .4. . , . . • , i• ~.,: •';•;1' i l . c.:, ,1 -•:1",: ;,..C:1-44''' : 1f C. : .‘' • "is 44. ...y, 41.-trc,r,,,t ' 41 MG, ' Itti N," or 1, !, ••••'..t,,. ,: •;••-•;•-:14.*=';1),4,' - 4% 4 ' ,', ;1 ,' t. 3'„?4:c4:•„.,..rf '•';' 4'4' I . .„. .40 4 - ii. 4 pt:% •.-:..f.1. 4:--,,, : - I.z ..., --:.. - ~., .., , , , A i -3-. A.z - 1,.... `.12. a_i•:•,: 4- :iN‘4 2 ... : ' ...•;," , 4 „ ,',..4. :. i - .":•..., . 4 1: ..,..i-:: ;? , :,..... AlLii..: , *; , =:•V•Pt.,.. i ? , ; v. : ....., . ...4..4, 4 % , .-'4"1",.. -,... I ' .N.' "';'''4, '-'l•4"'' P''''..r.,." ;;;;,, , :'; 1 ~.. ,: .- 4 .vi''''•"!= -1 r••••.=::: FYI .1',4,17.04',1**11.51": ' 4•',;1; '-:,",. 1 ..4k, i'•2:,54:=:. ;01/: i'k.t .-:•:1., ot,. . :-t , 144 ~i • • • • 4 . i lhji M:7,, ', 4 ',1'.•714-c•':)4 0:•:iF-4k,...:1 zY;''''.','.,.,l' '1:,.,:r..',. ~, kit .v. ...•tylf,i.,z. ~,,, *ltti• . v=.4. 1.-..,!i'A1.„-:.•. •Itz., .1, ' °111'•444P4' I,'• 11t."1..ix -', . cltt. l'i'•1:1-1•'. 1. .41, .4. ,1•4.,.., N''Lit.'4,161,,,,,, - :A ‘i i i ,- 1., •'',..,t,..,•:Z• '' 4 " r 1 '• }i•.o , -.1 1. . - . , .14. ) ..: ... -4.1÷,,•., 4 .. 1 1.44,4.; Irl J - 01 4,..1.>31,•A 1., ''':•i'...;53)"?.1i,11:41::•-•,`,1-,i, , iv .. '.:'' , ~-:•.' .:.'•iv :, ~=,l•-'l, - '..-i •.‘l.''''''''l 4.. kto.t. o ~:.:: ..14;,:'1.4:„. s, 1, ..i.-• -:• ' ''ik-,,,...1 ;::,;',. ! -'•:i : •,;,- ' .. ..... 1 .? . ...iii : •-••••,-;i1P , ~., ~....,- • :::. '''':- 1. ••:,- ;•,',...t.:i..1.:, N.....,.t *,,,5, y?4",,:0. ' 4 ..- , s. ,4-,0'4.:4'' .' , .!4ft •'‘''' •',..'7, .;,:-. • ' 1 - • I 'e• -r , '• ' •,. 4-.'`,.,-4., *:-Z ' t - _:'X' ,, V . - .—n., ,z. ;% ; .•-•4 :I N , ••••••, ••..'.,., ;(,,i'l '-'• , '.1.),';-• 't,:i'lqiiito....'l, • .' c.'2'.::- f: - ;;- , 4 1. ': " '. • -4'c'.••?l'.'.:-.,1k....-,:, ......s.. -`k.._ - rBY MAGNETIC TELYIRA°H. 4 &Ptoriip zmicau.i,eimixo OR Tit k: 1'1TT3130111,111 DAILY . cfrAZEIII3 THE d.51/03 TIME. , 1 J . Nor You, tali 73. The titemachtrAala, Cipt..To dicta. arrived lirav, at 0 o‘kr..o on Monday - moaning: 13ha le Liverpool about eclooc on talardat. 13th Mat, and his Merettro made the thne tram Liverpool to Halite.% In 13 days anil 21 hones, which to aqua! to 10 dayi and 5 haute to &Mica; a: 11 days and 1 hoer tallow Toil. The Asir brings threo • dare later hilaiLigauee than the Atlautic. • ThOdsia's news hasnot been received. It ir CI here to bs expressed from • Portland to'Bostos, as the wires, toe dews. COZOLLIOSSIONAIs.'. Wosuincrto 'rho Akliosiiog is the . !via:Woo of ;yesterday's Senate - fioiMeedimss :; - 4 Mr. Clay said, b conclosioo,' that ai the ilia of the measure one Camp:n.olB , 3'll4o sub now in' the hands of some Aye or, tie; Salmon, mhos* -votes were rut abidately certain on caber aide perhaps It would be defeated. It would be a 14. umph of abolitionism and free aoditm.' . Mr. Clay concluded within acquarit adjuration b flair of peace, sr.d berth:my, and the. Uslon; Thn Senate then adjoiirned.. 7 • WaturtorrOst, Jeff 11 Rotorettdr. Fcatherstbud teirodeced a ret , Sr the negulatiou of Vtg. ptyinetit of Intermit . .. l .' 7 ' 4i " against the Undeatatent and pretroulinf 500.0 engeged In Ana late deptninent jrcin aeorlkee, claim area's egitext the entenirtorz -11,3 foe'. lance was ?clewed to the Julleiart Ll' l neL olll4 ,,„, t ",_• Reports'of Committees were wo on'," Comerdiu-e on Claims reported the S.D.,* Pall to establish a II nod of,Accont.,..trUth 'lll tad •tt enunnitteeof the Wa o 'l ooloo3 tate•° ( rteL'o lll Dniels, from the tool ocumittee.repotled a substitute for the abstrubtlywhich %Sett atimilarlg Mr. McLane, frotnike entuirdnee out Commeate, reported a 6,11 making app.:9llolloa+ tor entrain • it.oren, and maws, situ ,dras• referred to the Committee ti the Whole; ou the state , of the Uoion. A large number of repttiirete ktteldesad.airti: pities- referred. , • . • A heel wet pcterd king:p marovision for holding the United States Coon, wheat therieball be slek tleU or distbitilr of the Judgels ; • ' , Allot erase further - munportat4 inerkiessi the Sueir-4 eopy.of Mr. tjorotio r i'inistuttlaii; went to cheGovernot, of•phiojitras before the , Afro the -cootideratioo •of i !he - regular Warning be-ben, tbe Omnibus 111,1 wis agalti taken up.— The question riesling being , upon Mr. FOOle* amend.netit: presiding ttoxt California shall oat at tempt to • exereiw joriediction . over' the 'country wen of II deg. '11:1 win. until iron ribottnan of ninth. Hating a territorial Gout-lateen,. ,itt Almon:mop Oita have bet übrnitledtoitts people. To ney moved to emend the nmendmeocat sons Satin theme CAW-toils ' wtielishe Atli hate thin reduced her bellndaitol.tonatentlain.ConvinationAndforno ea a Soon Coustitution.l . • • Mr. Cid y exposited the la* that the amenduret would ho rated down without Celts*: The qitestion being tat:ea.:dr. rutuentanmendt meat was rejected—Yeas,•Z—Says Die. Davie of Mississippi wooed - oz. singed the amendments, to as to provide,- tor the repeal of the local laws of the erinetrilubibtag slavery Mr. , Yuhre sicgetted that the words and vole b- nehttiored for 01 , 55ea1." „j„ Mende cuicrardilnt the Southern Addiess - Interlace to pat MP it CO4llllnctian upon toe doo trioeof Doe Inierrention; 4 he had tontended and as the bill We s ented- ' '• • Mr. Yule* addressed thqSznate al some length mt the bill. Mr. rants nespended in nice* Of ammo. • • Mr. Yulee retioa.ind Mr. RAlia reioined., Ana stone farther iebatz, too matron of _Mt. Davis wen rejecned..l:- , Oa motion, Oro forthsr enedcratitin - ortheldll • was poetponed U - 41 i0j1:111 - 3W. SonersMeootOto , uotitte Of Untold culla. which they intended tatfer. - • After a short time nerd in Enni3:3tiVO ' Soaltion. the fiance adjournedi • - • • SATE FL OM. HAVANA—REGELiE OF A. .I.lgricaN lionsers, (Vs') n OY 23. The U.S. enamor ainekhete pr.ftday Man ' When the F.i.tu left tiavone, - all the American prisoners bed tron,roirianed, and planod on baard , the 11. S. alerp-or ore.; Arbaey, to ea ukett to Pansagiols- - • 6Y7OI3ThIENTOF E 0717411. -•,. CumnAti r Jaly.23. • tlon._Tionna , r.o.zor his boota oVingoOod ibb GPTOFIMOT of uoio, to on Itbo Antony Ori.l.'tikd Etotes &mats, mats vabatt by 0* nsliamion of Mr • • THE 04LE AT NEW YORK. ;nut ..Jaly , Doting the OM ea E . : 7 lday last: and ship Nita, betb,Capt:ll4ags:frass:let bora lot this port...cat mbora at Four. Arm abut 11ta Mies oast of Fip /8 1 + 11 .4tIllt it tondwrtek.•Tbara ms, Maginot' board, an of waom'are lost. TM stem caostaztl of J. • pattaii; throe of arliwo:went; ferla lost was Sarah NfitigiX; Among the per . engs__ et Faller, bynt miage hhembiegess or AssoO.,wi - I her btuhand sod Sea is yell known le the .testy word—testot to:Wished several at,lm. which will stied is a morale:wet of her great pow er of i5te11e0C , ..9133 wet ft native it Batton ' nod was et th e eFoing of 194 G, with thehisr quis ittriwethe Struggle Or Deny. In Itant 'aunts the ItSmtptif and himself took the gide Mr. Messy asteder;or Boston, she perished. • TIIE 'DAY PP MOLTRNING. . • •' - • . •- • Nsw - Yeas; July 23.'- To day being W...t,ipatt for ten fishers.' obsequies of tbe late P,reSidents business generally is saw pended.• Toe eity presents atannur.fill sippesranewi All the palls buddies*, and most of the pritude limn aro eisd ict tractining. "- The skipping tit all astioas_berebssittielz Lags •no prom-Win was large, imposini, and WWI Pre sweets ads erowdid with people,' and :as died be:. !aro toll kipis sit direstions. Tan day is piessan4 snd the whole sffait is at Odes ipand and inspolitn• CIIOLEFC6 11 , 1 ar Lolijs.' ET. Lari',= July L The total numb tr.:of trierourets for-the weak. r.,...-;616; 110 e 1 wb;cl vitro of Motets._ Willalll to.• Douro estaikou 016¢6sy. 'llO, 224 az 6, P. Si., intm acre 33 de!qhir,'o of 'which were of,ckolrtn. . tCIIOLERA, &a.,i AT LOVISVILLE. .: • j_....Leakavaas, July 23. The Choleta'breie cat la' two .hfaelts 16 the lowce part iar the c peezerday, us a tallest Gem. Uec lain Wahl, there arm been= cues Sad AO deaths IC that •10ca1,57.1 The cause weloti • • peed of •tega).ut vitt,ll valet, tee Dees faludielth MO, tir,hry on:zero easal. "ana . parts el the city ase tuaatter., • The rata 1* utak 3 feet la Who water Ia the Canal. . The stoaxers,b.acken., hat Ilaulturt sze up (max h?lotr; f • CIiOLERA•INNcINtirat. . CtaMoan. la!y23. Dann th.2l I.ets,'enal as at G... 42. to any, :awe wart dcatbs fattst.h6l4.4 112 222 tram *that Gtr • • • . CINCINNATI taAliZer. nveinuna, Mel*Thcrii U *told deicurl, with -.ales of PM b!. atlllual 40 trg °Wand 111 Pi ,111,65 for ea*. Wigat7-o•Pug et 210 Pt , Pti:tt• Lard-54C1 I10(014.:** 4..1 010 ta c t at tWls~~~ . 1, Om at sad s.itt PlO7. PIIII.4bEIRELId. 14ArLKE r. p15.unumi46,10 1 1. 23 . Cdttrork — Ths !twice is drat. Soma beldam addiud - to 01 , yetela6t:i are:title ethic* or the steamer 'Atte ate rind* puht t o:- The =het is tuner rot tweed entre. • • • •- Floor—Ttth Poptotdistre detniel de past Wee -d a l e "" b"n"makrasetall,ahe *totals mach re duced. . BAN:. of too tbb rot canart,4l 54140 Do per tat rot common ! WI seductirld Alb p„ut-.stcar,tea u raw reibbl, Corn 141:4-4h 1 e* . di iifrabOoktdblttsots 2 ek Per OtalnerAttelpi tonttatta con% m e e t •or the 4 break in the Dtttaantie canal , aid tte high water in the sovertni. Silva of a satalltetot rood new red Wheal ntSl,l l per ir 3 .htl , ti.tei 400 Utah• ell p.o.e. Ala et 65:. Tho market Wm. awes. low Corn nob ,f ttero It would conmaad ~ , ta ads Wee 0n 101 l quotiltion% Otis am iu 4coa.d, -with - ,.lei 01 2034 .t . 40 . Pecan. LI ptrfrii•ha. WhlkkorTealei, ist bbia 4karal Mile tur a . , Br. LOUIS blettlET. - I ~: 87.Lotus,-J01r43, . The Is rrket fa very du`aFaud • tbe rerelpts of produce lir,h. Grairrdidet of 2200 bu.‘ "test . id - Magda per be. , lip Wes or Coro, buyer* aso holdwip Oats arc seg:og at ts, per Prollaaas-r.len .1 9 tits of good moll, clear Igoe rd.,. sr Heostr—The Motet is eakt, wiTA Se= of good ro prism, At &53W. 5 . 9 pgriat 'SOO. s , Fa:or—Slice of Quircp Cirr•al 51,5 0 pa. Mk Totscoot-The'veatot.isoerg eno tot atdpplog at 115,11:41f5,70; and of itlpplog .roods u 4 64/ 00,W; Loaf. $13.05M7 3 per 100 '. Teo rives is lilies.' Pis is 'Mai A. IWIL/Cl2lll & EXOHAPtG'E BROKERS r r .au'd mule as. ;T.XSAGI*I3II ..1:1111 1 , 1.0/74 piTiCSSUPOIL NOUBAIt f. :lerriTirs l'enntlettenette.r as WlLettltat veir, . ral kikb 'men' Ilticla for Faun sad . Alloarala4Zais Cu be gui ea nikalaseele austa: Woo, BY=MI COMMelikl, RECORD. killtallt OI RICILAIM C,OXIdiTTEP:, FOR - rasseeti...gp r ceeen..••>osr. Zara, Brother Jiiikatkaasi: mg skui Vist ill " " 'LAU An I I mime rr sus Aneelge -lt be tiro by rofeniskee le sin lel/peplos ben. net the LAO wut from Live:Tool ta Mills" was S dare, arA dt haiireecull to 10 dire, and fluariieti Deakee,and. Weak., sad r Laur le New Tea: Tke I r ieerpoolle New York, :tia Let 111?, wee 10 - days end lb been In, le 00 1 reVZine -41,34 tLs t Leib.= dam, ean lAA t!,.s a°•° Vo . "`• - ••• . • Mylose of. ism • P:ITTIBISVaIe/E .11A•alEZT, ram mews= 311.rsa iris • ?ha' neural vastness and.audatas of the mareet eaticsa In 4.41 pi amok... a. , ....IN and with few emplane utibtabol3ll,l* las StalDa as . given by us to thst Ts. view!. • . • •- • 1u . .wheelies been vim unsenitea, and we have which Mire had the tendency to keep our Mere In good navgable order for alt therm.: Iwo est bat weekly Leone, Win of lie Liverpool aiwcri, (AD America, Anomie, and Aila) have arc deeib* bat the . commerciat - Witilliginie brought by . . lbein bee been such as to ioive very Hale Mauer-en elm preadclefis and Provisions In the Doom mar. tam. In our own Malta we have bet %Cur chaplet of wapoitance twnetke In those leadag anicito Le mule ASIIEIS7Wii notisie etialirtaed ithiethess slid dull .e 0 in the Ansa market, and Cs smut et this *ease ter till,Teldrairheraaki.demand.4 t material/9 tatter Wee light eensamptlort of Mom articles, sake have eanerilly peen Ter) Itmited.. We eeralrore one gaits: Owe( the alrerent Mad* as fellows:—yeart mit,eo CI; Bala rums, 41ISIm Presah• 11t311r, Bydß Aah, 11 0 Oevrebings at Diellla . - .... - . APPLES-Ore:El ApPloi are beginuidg lo anis. 1.t7 (mit. led al" "tally pined up on the what. ,at bleb prien-say. Si a tamps 0f 61,23. to e 1,72 "Lb!- ' Of Dded Apples the mutathu, (or wen time, been 1 ALE-We pollee a connived goodtensed for Pin.. , tants sinufactated Ale, at the unStrates veldchste WSW, Cask mended, for lira boner ne10111 . 0.. - . - DAMIN-I,Tatene no etiscies to notice In the Ell en market, unloss Übe thsariees are a thile Snots The Sales of thi aver sum aria eon =auks Inut seerniotweeters and city cowed, S. few tilde llants,7 Shil: &ea fitalf, tend Shoulders at , lie. 06this .04 tend fan smoke bean, nth wild at a alight Itextriee Oa 11111 at:makers:is, end reet1it..1....11612 eared 0 lawn nun; WI nodes lath aunt fair - .eyelid of assume rein need enemata hams, width an in eleadi demand, by the use, at 13h tole° tor_common to prielewashty. Considenthlo quantilien of Dawns have been thlyped to the east, bat the 'applies left ea nth le Orn market an gales saltrnent to the w i ne of the Inds. • , DUTTEI-Veij bale hell ben dont m the intent, neenting in a retell way, st ltellie for fresh roll and print:Other descriptions are dell, steal pries nominal BROOMS-We node. fair minden In anskee, wi.h wiles in neater Sawed iota, eta ratite of 111,93 her ... ..reenerchmitatilo, sad 61,73052 for the better . DM--The sappily, In market ore limited. with nestelate Wes at 51,120 LOS r fins, for and qualities C11F.E5676m51l hote amines eft arrive teeth the Werner' Seievieu . bat, owusig to the hat warner, the Ol likit 1.1&110144 'rival have psnielly decimal -- Stieshave - hear cogincd to male:ate lots, .3 I tthge enhOeis. aliening to quality. BRACES'S:LS. 7 .We rive the tollowiat as the highest. mutet On teethe dlifarent asiciire under thin head - : Witter Crencrs, pie be -.7.-..-....- 0 -7-0 1 0 1 , 10 Saner do --...----•••••-•••• SPO Displele do . w ......-........i..... - 4,es Pent nal, , . ....................-.. 4,90 =. 7 o ..kelle Puf 8, ...-- --.. " .....w. - 9 . • CORN fdDAL.- - Wei utiles .modem;? de mand in the Market, as 53,930137 P lad (Ma 11014, mint 350 WM p be, teem tha with. - , , 021113,10„E-Wo thine no father change in pethear. The following ale the tine Entente prices ; . N„,,,,„i1.i,,,, u ,'et i th ,4.--...i.. - -I.the 0 6: do White Re", by c 011,.......•••• -lie u . do [ate- II.! .. Tarred Dom by c0i1,.... -..--• leo . . doDe '' Packing Tun, 116. N.--...-...... ye u u do . common,- .•• &o . . blaulllai, 1116709, 1 " 273,7 S ILA. do e ece.....He ~ n. - llemp, 111,60064202,0:1 p dos. siaeoe WS • hianille, VI ---•••••• --Darns 73c IP dos. linden Conage le sold reeulaeth as lelo IP_llo- COTTON YAIINS-The lidloseth6 is a comalad istelthe vatioas ardsles ender Oils bestir. NO 1 A muter Lie -•- .IO N,II. 13 cterf IV ....42 74' u .:=.7.1, u 1 1 1 u ..:.=irs 7 fl, -._ -.- - 110 .. ts . 0 .. : -...es . 1 11,.. .., ~ ....--• d o .17 . re.. --th .......47 tile, ! v.--do . att • ' 0 . --23 coot No. 630, diner 0.....114 ei " No. Pitii the %meth,: ••••d° I .OA " 2 0 9 , '' _. 7rn .. . 9 .lepe r •• . • de Carpet theth.n,......-42 Conalecrielel ---19 Coverlet Tarn, • -.7-21 Dee Ftning,......-.....d0 Twine rth fliseino,bio 1.0,3-1616 D COTTON SIIESTINGS-We nem. a Anneal in Pittsburgh minathetared, Yeral Mils, with salve of No 1. se Se. and common or Nor...thofr, at 71. 0 Lard soSpES-The nester .thriderd prices lie are as fellowii-CUSMIne, cake end ingens, 120230; I shoe, 290; and old capper at Ole Sp b. r DaDos, manaiNEs, a DYE DruFF6-Weeve tlw Gellowing counted list of prien of mote of-44e . [ princfpal ankles ander this head s . 1 Aloes. be 16017 I Woollies root ••• 70 9 Alen, . 410 4 . ball- 48061 Aw,, i th e , th5....210942" Lae OM- -•.. • . . 45 ° 42 \ Snow Seat ° .....11ield hilissoeses Cash-93030 m Ageste., u • -40011 Madder thuhr0...1411716 Bore& rehned•••••110 . 13 Myerh,Tarkey....2 o o 2l Ilsisam Pern.9,11001,72 ' 00 V1tri010n...... 40 9 do , Ceparta..23olB 0 Casten . ..area thr.2l fleimenne. 0 ii... 4102 " Caeca . 4.6304.16 2 ''' ale '" l t rt e.i . ...... " fele:l.-117a t:ltinewl 1.1001.71 " Depth:t.. .96301,2) Tartar 12663. Oyinut. Tuthey,slVOSA3 Copperas ...Ile 4 Oltdilitue .--4,1004.14 . 0 the, in Lb!... • .111-0 ill Rhobsrb, r001 i ...310109 Galls •••-•...nOss Sal Atrone• -1 2 . 126 . Gan Arabic...4( . 07 1 3 Bel Soda.- .7•-•••• •40 h . C0pa1...-. 27,050 seusa -.......1f05S :: St T ria 6 c f?: fira ' t i ro " l l ;D A ne la 11C Mane • ••• . 1,73 larpotod, Obta•••s 0 7 twee •••• ..... :collo Irma= ..... Me 3 /step, peredered,o7olA toewead,eldpped, /124 izowir-m. maw 6rriryi 6,1...iiir Jolt efeisd, lets bees way nemettlod, cad prima haveimet a farther 'alight decline. The nompte 94 the 77449 hams been bagel` worth enwilloothiSstid missiles at pinata, are enelandireil bed , Teanalmilon Jena Sim hands have ben lea'moderns talent s at 114.1404,60, and fact tune in molar dray load legato tha ogle, as 111,50111,021, eat In semelostnees 114 7.1 la otrialcid for small los of Ike Warr viatica Reece ass mostly weasel, and will. id all probehibtk,pleld to a farther decline spott the ppearkems of ate now mil, ariar r ia it mutes. Thu, however, will depend - um the. far AO dentand,and !wheezing Upois the eaatern rep 2.1.• . Dot Fhoni-Semplies as* fight and rte deausrlleed crete.71135073,73 are the neednal Met ,'. "` F1311.-The market Is Iroutthm, bat pnearieneraly, - .us pupapt ammo, Wi th regale limited fuslin4lo l7 UM the followingqathetione :=l9aloon., 11119 for Olt% sod OM far wet; thad,Slt lITML. NO .1 alsctirel, 1111,400 SI S No I, SI °Aar Dome No 2 at 01,22 0 tdd; llorr o ll, 1 304 , cod Cod 10, 54.23 P ran. PetITHER3-117e hear of.no abeam In prices, and centime Wer qaMstleos at 31071 c r 0. - WSW-4U desisted is rats with sales of restos at Lad* • bor. Sales of Atonal., st ISOM" kle of Orecnd meta at :61,r301,37 fbent; it PO 05 th', nOnr,cuf Farris, al 708 c; of Cream nom at 610 10; of Santa Conant., at 90111,11.04 Sr Eafthlh WlllOllO at 7 Ofiq Oranges, 743,50, 1.15.,11013, f %Lemons, Op 001,10; Comm taWits 6 ;e. • inn i ' FZED-We nonce the receipt of several Mt/ of bran, wok feir talcs from 'drat blpdh 0111013.. and from store ra le 0110 Olv be. Sales al city mu., . 1 110111 for bran. 2303 So Ames, and 134/40e for clop FUSCO Iffd-The knowing NO the Canal tate, froro , eds pant cut, which ate surer sasettledr I Due. k0encr....... of Tildes- Ikea Boor, tmlio 2 i 0 ithl...ltte Maher -• 761 Beeswax eat Lo4l. .... Beiglee 4e fieje..... Ole Laud &Lardoll ' 4 1. amass 76c this de awn •-..•.-..... bee York, Ibis.... ..... It Pe Drool &Medicine.... Sae Hap, ew5.....•-•. We Eon •-• Sec& ... ... -.-• ••- ado -WWI Fro117:-...... CS sktos, Dreer . t. lloeslo 730 pther. ..... .... 12, tobacco, Oath- -- 1 Fors & Peltrits...lMie Do EY----••• 0, p n .w . a, -.-..116c Tallow 49 Earnimse••• • ...... ...irne Wool 97 Olasseren•-- . .... Us Whiskeylibl.-....t pl u .s., A e ...... . • lee Sheep Vette. ...• - Mod . 0 .• • • • ... •. r • • 73e Ike*, Sops & MAW =. Rim Pnoantra-4widg to ail - fall maim of water; and the seercity of freights, the chaste. from-ibis teistwest are mosparaftvelYjew for umr NUM 'llw emelnal mute are,loCinetemul, 50023; Leaisvle, 0$; It Louie, 31071 e PIM, • OROCESIBII-SOM Dee eir ter• nocidonte. I.i. ‘ b. era county she same as slaw' n car feat Weekly Review. Seen and blehawrire Maw, and sit beta . o .lther r a w. The stock; 61 tioso articles, hank:. 114 _.1 or Ilekar, an Skit le this market, the sapplinbr .._ . I ° m or oar beet Wefts la me pretty nearly mn est o•Pro• onea have been confined to Waited lota by /Ad. to city and sewers meth, st4lool forth,* better gall. Itica,with ea advaNng Undone/. Priam In emolo• tEI and taker waters markeu; aro (oily " 6!46 .51 Intl& mann hth5,...,,,, b e uulp quoted at 241 f/blo to 41 7 Um* Semi so. toldtag 0;1533710 city. sod sod m 5 01 07 ril e vr. mane 511 hfolasses al 320 I Me r tau, I. mull low- SMCodee la am/7, with small sales 51 10 1 0 1Ille IP b. Lest Segal reelo. 0 ... Steles for cosseutertoprne eit alu e wies, I s D litsaile-lei priabeetent aLserelpu to soy emote% ail! tollgates lee' dol./ lo the train market. Oau base deethud 103317 S Oita Suttee,* co r e I. worth at; Mem, oorP 1101, 0, 4 717 4, and this utiele iiiith ,,,,s s s 104 S 3. scup be limed ariScAnd fOorley ir ..r.,al.:ise-rhatelse is Ogle lit 1 71ndOWCissa 1 upespf o needy S tiy to, its soli is ti u at Kg dull kV be& , _ . . omuurryloasasti gtl4 .0021-22.. qmwatte.o illy, by Ile glis,for ben sora. : '• • IRON fr. NalLS.inta folio.. to a pet of pOOO of the autoo, artleliteander thin head: • • 474 0 1' 9 . •. Round and slat. - OW . 11. d 3 a 1 -0 *Hoop 3107 a! ° Shoat " 4506 a Noise-la to 0 peaky 2323 • kogi to • 9 penny 3,0 • -" -6 to 7 penny. 44' 0 " -. panty • 4 Pro. 403 ° - . 4 3 to 41in pinny 4,50 9 Brina.. 4• 30, 3 ch. Cot, 5 to 6 inch 4,00 ," - Cat, 9 w 71001 apt izeliss-vve hoe 56008.11°..50605 19 0.0 erteiou articles wider:Ws bead. Ualtunora aola 020 ,024, and Pi at 18012 e." 6. . 1.2.11 D-The mukci Is doll, and Salu have lean ate WO, 011101, in bbliand keg. Dom amts. 1 . LEAD-Them 6a Smola. demand In the markel.ll 505.14 tot pig, and 504 for bar. - Ltan Pirk-Tho preiront rano of yeinasof LoadPlyro b7oiga sm, new.= to Site.- •, ! • Starr leat-;,-Salei stye by Wm .hast, and no 4P a Witita Lun -Pare lead is selling 0 V,"1191 Ne to $l,BO P keg. .• 1,15.1 , 03E9-Tho folkiwing list of peter. has been, idoptoll, by a umber of one deafen, to. take acht if. tor ota first ofJaiy, last 1 inch Common 1001,110 1000 feet, . Sit CO • • dO do - de. do do • 11200 " 11 do ' do Plank, (9 1.1) Jo ' ' 18 00 • 2 do do 'do • do do • 21m - do Clear Cooed, Ida •do 31 an, 11 do' do Phu., !di - 2o- -75 110 -' a do do ,do do. -do 5910 Pine Joat, itti • do -11 te sof° • It Scanning ,19t0 • Pine do . do, • 1100 ,Shin flea ten 1.1 (Water) 2 75 2111 PAL-Of 0;4110.11, the folio.nr dues hat. been tessteacted datiog du past week-:W1 tats R.& Seek, al 00315, O ' mor;st 010 tor. 'Oro, f ldrat 51915 4 mocand 9(.100 tool lillion at 223.6 nms. 0101-Thereiarkey ilitla Linseed 011 oilisred le the mukst, and ws 1.0.. no sales of ronwittence to re , pow .8.11. of No.l Lanka% 55.0.150, of N 0.2, at 420 500. Mawr Licluthad sperm, 01,501 115'onblriteked 614,5 i Pall do, 61,#61,40 go . Bolt. ' Tauten` 001 may to quoted at 21515116 0 POWDER-110.1 and Capone Rdo Powder... be quoted In large qinititltler, 114151 nod by singlet keg, att....030501f keg., Rook Powder at 03,121110 11A 0 Or lame and smolt quantities. .0.1430-Tha mast rang. is 1103/ 'tor VA clean semis TURPENTINE-Saba it Lbls at' 4800 072.4 .214bida vitro chage. , • eldsod by az adni , nea Intim cum: . • SPICIIB-Catals,3ol9 3l e; Cloves, 280 0 0c,a. Nat may, at, (or,No. 11.1501,30 4 9 . ' soar - AND CANDLEI3-S2lo of res. Soap, 04 041 e) Grata Cane.. at 22901ai awed tallow, 100; Sod romeon dloPed at 90 IP ID ',TAR-North Cud)pa is glitOted Od et 11334,21, viresaus-rin. 10010 tams for good elder Tons. 'pi tree store, ire 91010 e P.goil - ' ' WHldltes-We,ixrilett waoples la It. mark et, babas, have been ceased to moderate sa l sa, toter.' ttalimici, 014 e; dir ieailZed. . - - . .WOOL-The Wool 500010)0 mar seuiToirdr. 9012 an oteasiwasl sale Die coo, for the mins arida, of froseits m 454. . Wei enie informed; by aka 5f , eateicoal dealcisohat soy he bees paid ter the Utz per* . Woof. in Washlngicli iorgr. z, littieki, and Maui/ 'flazitiit. - . rIddrIVION, gum a fah he. borndung to ertooks - We giro the folkni - ju lister tam; With Sales,. foe ad we ttaSe aahertabuid, dialog Jut past work. Par wat. MAU*. as. LPL lid Dent et Pitutberet—CrpiniVlll,lNACCOl • Dividend, Went end Ne•a4 4lr evil. •• I Ea WI Exehinge Bent —tkeitel,lll,ooo,Coo;lde. • WO and Noe.) ip et• • dd , 49, dei Idembante , end II eenfaenneie Beek , - • • Carital,SetAl7oo; lXvidadi (MI eae W.- go at Plnannteb Gee Co.—Dividend, ISen. and • j a m 4 66 SDI AnWi.ni Midge Convany-- , 941 aa in ale.nor.the.:" 21 32 • ..... \Vance. Lasaranie Ohio t Partnnylannia Railroad, CM 0110 / .. Pcnitsylrattia no Atuburgh at, . ... la ea Allegheny Connly Wan l2l •to ea Allottben City loan --•••••• 100 90 909 PittatiV A Boat= Coppet hitn.Co,div,o6 100 I.kath Alikenttao g LO • ti • • fn . Plusnataitt len anal " ", Pia Onia Trap iteett 13 ' hos eit7 laming fknnow.7 ' 91 Pittsburgh. Clncinnao A Loairrilkt agrapb Co,-Cattiutl,lll42tetDtvidand, A 001,1523, 3 cent; iltatak .l 2 2 o Atlantic It Ohio Telearaph Co—Capital, _ 2300,14%thridettd.60c ?skarn fosJan. , . nary, sad Onuhert mares. 1130 .• • t SALES 6TLIOII3.—We hen A. tellotring Wes to thetPirstargli Binek Ifni Int daring Ike mu area 9 ; 12 atn Pitt.bano9, 010000 01, anti Univac Tao. C0.ai.1150 IP-abate.- 90 sha Pitnailtr9O GOO Co., 1 0 ° 1 0 Iti t 4l " 1118 ' 950 ahairtta gal Altaic Coi, at at l dare. -- - 11.VALLY:0728.An the gum approsetten Ithe'nec of%focterneri?it ant of nut Winn Oa "finale, cr ii 2 iranimites . 114 a ad on teen acint . leitekle Pstenict wilt ba felt by pen holden 'Me description nt eaetency te mw facie byllseaCeis age tan: t: Ile cent, dist cunt :Cattli — Marketa4 ALL. 11331 1 ., Joly nEivEsr. e6ainsu the yard to 4.1 awe... o 4 'game ZOCI head, which were moo4l.taaoot• 1111 4 aerarrhoy qaahty, (root 44 to 45..." ewe. . 2 Thu a deolino hew jut week's qootatkiao. . . ptiEEP—T'4e olleticy4 were full, with 101. to a ha eater. et 101054 each.— 1100 =-11be number °Tend Iris Invited, and We eat repel no sales al GOlSMillellell. , rialncia. Jul, IS. the offetiagi ttli wee! eamplbe 'tine lead flee( Cattle', CA dro en to New York; SOO Coen and Cans; 11111` , 4'.4 - 110 Sheep end Lambs.. ' Bee! Caltle—Tb demtnl her. been tether Haas se--, fire, bet orlwa tee well mflnttineJ. , Sadist Kl4OO 1.111 ICC ' , (town h - celtes;-Miletttain - atowm optiairele, 11100, and Drr Gown 17613 via. .__ lions tat In (sir rennev. at In on Se IP Inn Sing and I..etr.l4,7Alittql4 a1 . 111,b10114, an Lb tits - Jody 14 Vinle;;Tbitt iffetinga albeit:ensembles:46y rentb.' itd the beed.of fleece; of Vitifeb 150 were ee'.4 td city bidet...l.loo were dylven to Philadelphia. Pricer rangt ad how Int to 13.01 on the heat, mehrle "WV nets avetweinc 1/1 game tba !stall vices at Sleap. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. „ . _ • itins—"Fhltre.werel3.loet laetaKin Atanst, by Isitalizallylasievembmg et dokoind falling. • . • • Azarvtm. - suesitisst,' Ma" • • Fabian, .Peebtear Ohmheth. Atiands, Pslttwkrt, rogintHine. =smbs. Iswnstille. • s•tstatist' arm Stelisespeff. Seaghtagtenr. Chaffee, (Busons. - 'Litho Ent. Cluk.Hesset.• - }motet, ijorrirtl). Yilmaint• ilictitca,rties. l3 etvit. Camden,ltertstrierui, hießeespett. ' Nate, FM:shah. -Male, /mobs, Bsssmr•itis• , • Solastle. SlLMlSmS.Brolhurehill.• - Vaughlorhesy Medea, Olsagser. Sitmlos,Camptiril, - Brits Smit h, Penimomh. • K. 131: Lmit etratansti. • • • - BOATS Lgeven? Tm51112.1r. • iranitgesticAy,o r; K. - eiticelmATl—xeminorro o • wqsziaria—eaarini, A.ll - Vatnya, KaaatA 1 0 star. Thdltalisto draughtateasm Soma Whe4lasi this day, at 10 A r • Pas Ite; Lonta—Tai eptandid nue guar Kentucky Caps atadlans, anti leure as above, ills day; sat-on :re nv surOnsil—Pa.Coukttia-43 stets woo', 76 lade ta, nark fr.- nailer it . ttlo do, Imeek & cG 9 do do, II Ilriclivrilas-mixia dnu.-4 bls boot e odw, owlmmt 4n Pte b ts top, W Betel I eri . ' 7 e, bx =tee, Clark& Thai; 4 bbls b e 4 .11 en do,, .Wm Dyer; BO Ws whiskey; McDevitt cot On bacon. =bet candles, 47 sett teathers, 9 btla *ltts 6.77.171,4*0-• . . , Psi Lai crt Itereu-18 Mole tob.9 a mks damn& et elm itrattent, lemon & eo; 37 ebbs brisslm, CII eta hexer, 61 Is/ 505.7,113 mete wool, I:3a rk do nave; 7 b. stone. Mend ett tr. co; 91.bge femme, Carson k. Mail:101 9 hbds WI, Its do. Geo Weyminclittuisdo, l WO:mon& 104 car boys, Bennottallany tr. co; It bble lord 01l bes, chamberc, Agnew 4 err, eks bacon' Bingltcatt V • clot rodeo, blittenberder; 1)0 Porterokgotad & Me . Bride:7 esp pets% Bator M Forsyth; 36 buts orb, stet, y tge petite re cerl be, /But; U bze mole, A 0 Itlar D AMERICAN HOUSE, $O. iIMaTELOWHY,: Plop?. etor, PaoSha IMitisysbar gig; Pa ESTEN.Oie=S. OrFlON—Tee n j o . Dot a : Be Lio dw ro., of Smote eat the OM sad Wets/ mut._ teem leaver Me komoo. • 1"4134124-4gfElturNO3Mileactdo;el; il. so bit Selenn s ems in h=e No 1 Menlo • ot doe patent Moo Washt.oxedet Weals eapatitte ON= '4O toddy tat Mt • " 40 1 Macao eopettor Peek Town .. L toe DoCeold'a emu* Hsieh , Foe lab br • J D WILLIAMS k CO . Coo Woo,l4,_?_pkele , nufg warn 7. 1 pc i t y r .: 17 1 : 1 , :, t wi tmo ll 7 p i leas aiz e i. e . cone .„l ,7 943_ll, 11 11, 41 2 : A"' ' F. 11111.4.49 tottioreavov:VlLOrlpok -rs b i ns lAke Ebel; brio Not Herring; • . • ; 10 tole v Eiseterobl, • - ..,• • • • If bf Nodao lugs teal Boa Orr male by JOILNI WAIT/ CO • arkc F —Mario, Da ' r ' sod, and Colui: o. glarilel:lll;rib NCI, tor covering dune.: Tows pm •E'PrF win*. ' - - -i4otan dew beriberi* Varied guise, prier 412 - pri liericorilot HAWORgH, FLY Atitt. i! ,143 7 0 g eenE Ira** V. 4 .16,414. U. LOCAL MATITBR• avorrzo me res• rrrniitr"vatic UWTS aIIDOI2I. birris.-7-our . .hitiMins-arire atartlid 'yesterday a:entice, by at' allatattoftiOelli cr:tho death of lir. Sot-axon Sctioria, who II itt4 tan . seen !bout our streets. ttp to . a late batmen the evening preihmi, attindinglo his business; lulls ordinary vigeritts health. HO retired to reit ibotit eleven o'elnek, to good bisiti.., and hie wile Via awaientd about three In the marnitig, tollud him lathe agonies of death. Ha only lived st tow nao• mentiarier his aituation,wu discovered. His dia• ma is suppose d to be an affection of the heart. I lir. noses man ate nalveli and favorably" kaolin to our citizens, as taunted broker, sad his *odder' altraOpearmaie foam the tialks of business nested no alighttemation. He leaves a Liao family, a Wire and is ebildtio, . Altlsoulb fa vigorous health, oat, ihe sreekTefete faceted bis Melo the anioutt of See thousand dollars. THe that shows FL hair important life, that mous who have not an alopla estate, should take Ida Means of prattling fit the what& of theirfarit leil, IA ease of their res. to by death. Tug Warm. Datum Cave—• Chancellor Wabreath. the Comaiiisionier appolated by the Supreme Count of the Ratted State► to take test= many is the Wheelingkyr,. Cane, witted la this city on Monday, and .examined three. wane:see yesterday: He leaves Pittsbutgh this mornicefor Bailee. Hotel. nearTonlo'Creck, where the re,. maladet of the depositions will be mien. Cinaccomes tiquivr—Slicarint.—Thd Canner held ma intinest on Mordry mended, on the body of, eyeing matt named leen Shaffer , tilled in a riot at ttie Clarinets Railroad. We undeirtatil that. verdict of wilful Murder, was retianed spinal dome person or persona noknown. Musztos—Huton Cana m.—We eerily believe that if 6 Little Agnes" does not cease her ilmile re,, oho will induce a chrome pun in the aide, oat alone to ur, but the numbers who ntghtly chuckle at her' nondescript ponratture of comic char.:kis. The very best of our lour comedians hero failed to cell fin . th more Immoderate lough: to, aid approbation. •The collier Who termed her the 6 Lunt Lob DI" lilt the mod: exactfy, tor Abe whsle spirit and sworn of that wonderful men acerceMutpped up In this little animal nommodit ti: The other girls needino praise.. Infect the whole is Inch es eteuld command the rptesence and sratronageof all. By request of heeds of funilier, they will give as atter:oast performance to day, at 3 o'clock. 1., I Mae Sessarne—A. mu; cm; esobbl a law night lrl in a drunken brawl, at the cower of Smithfield land' &Tenth Streets. Ile is, we understand, dangerously weunded. We did- not bear his lOrate. Pzen...Sanutel Paisley, ■ Wanly rerpectabbs - Mama QC en RIO Ware, died yeaccrear, or the Cholera morbMs. - fle Mid omen mom encumber! foe mapper the day before, tits death, and bend bid alum bows allermards. DECIT OP FEMALE BEAM!. • irritESO before mar tieltr,iso females ...lat., • sorktbet glearnew of et:att./se., acal brightness o &pan.. Though not thirty to years, tbbfthey. ,•Ns'hy have le. u of youth l Declass/on than /hey ought in poem. at thu of .pi to Wiser, and gene./ debility' long c0m1.., without archive res.& 41 SD .erected tenanted., and a veto of • FMldal; erideb coo only.. removal, .and thee/tattered eon. who.. restruad.by ;Mae titho a gmanct.des.... ion., Melo*. alto:Mi. Etryetti. PePaisllY. edited. Ile.. and deliettUt Constitutions. • . . Easchtsart, DR& Dt.fEss. Ilelee—Dear Eir—For neariy two year* my wife h. been gradeally &Mini= wuboat any ' thsente....the symptomhowaver, Mte general do. bLi .y, weslatera. osectional teem puns. and •ir. mkgriertiles.of the emnm. Oar family physician . Goalie told me iliat there was . hope as tho ap. "n ow warm weather would ha atittroteLle. now per... her to try Dr e. vi !lotto & Shakier DttreaPeril gazed ardent her evil* and • nh.te eras soon perceptible, and by the courts. um of It three mons...wing tux betibee, her ;health wet to. stored. her stre.th and gab tegaiaed, and Woo how ening sound ond rablust health. :SO peenniary coo, gd.nunne ego ever repay.the.obliguitin *wander to you for remorineen Wile to health, and lomat cheer; tally 'ow E-nly robot& Medic Mc, .ItIPLE.II auLuNtozu, , between 11am and Wei - tern Row Da sun onefenavera far Dr. d. D. DOWE - P 811 A KER SAlLdeLpsuLtd..d., urn take no Ws Is the only Partaparills.. acts LAM Mateyo, and Blood, atiwir woo time, sad Mane Its r cb tatty andeneeete... • for sale by J. A. I . Jortini, Pehaorio.cr t Col: W. Sleek. It. W. Meant, J. M. Tows..-end, J. bloglei, W.Jaekwa. Pittabonth; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny city; AV R. stor.atune,ilnehrster; P. Crocker, Odle; and by •'• DR. S.D.(LOWS CO., i lairl.4/IwI7T t Gana. lialt.Clneleutatt,ea .. . _ . . . .. , • 111E.': TO WAY :BEDFORD DPBIEDS. '; .. , : •• . Nto Bight Tiatroko' • Molt Room Boot m Elroonnall, Soso by day ligdat „PP , to Comber Nod, and darn t Sturm from Cant. nonacid to Redford—Fate 09. no. • rude. learn am oboe, Mondays, Wednesdsin , and /*days, ate o'clock, A:M, via Mount *Walnut aml *magnet, id Bedford, adllsmg art Wean! netttij i t-Fsm Illa. Iti t ragipl , Ant for Natitctal 'Spot & Food vont !Roo Co I) l {b,i.t. - -•- ..' ' . Mar Improved Piauosi •. 0 0 111 1.1.1 1 .HSEIL hu'letet received o at. elScent7oetasePteti•whieheoetales several new wed tautly hero maul Im ptarealeola. the *zanier 3• of tye most elegant and. eowitde•etlpitou, and Is made in the ROCCO. , stela,' Ike tutcrier couteina two wywn ma tldms,eaustug the Bus criem tie tau oTetaail *Dose me Treble talc ge‘prodecang al once atone Met, fall, and eke. The .sttlogs, moreover, ore do arranged as to-news • tentalsoua string•thee Duo honke d MA. cubingno leetworenicouce like that ',Pima attend. the 013 method of striuMne. . N.l3..l"hidd bung Abe Ann .Putuo lel the kin dc ow, Weeallt m rimbursh.ttu, Peafowls and Amgen's of g. c ity D re , maeemfolle Invited to tall and.examiat, 144 to geSatt of the Bolden ilarp,lollbitd al. liter 1,111.14:1148 1 1.111.4E1014 • . J. Plumy, Jr.. .claret for de Psnrui. ZIA Insure:2es Co; etf P 1 t iFfintri of the Woman losersoca t:oompliny No; el Woof street; ?WA oroh. ' , ; ,Polophlets, trial ell neeettary Inforteetion t aid bloat forgot *alba famished. ' ; 'Hatbands eon insert theit lives Ali the benent of their wives tad ;children; etedttor the tires of thOir de The virhete . p . reEti of the • Cottony are &tided *moo' oho hoiden oflAfe • - The lioldeten of the put two yeanitutiebeen deb per eer Levels 7C6T. • . • • 101, TIIE owner. Sod ewasinces of goods 'arriving by the .Clitecue . , Portable Boit Line,”-will please thee notice toed they w,ll be required to pry fteicbt at our werehodso, isecordlog to rho receipt, before the I TOldnd• -. p *IAIIIrLTY &CO bitmayaa Dry floods at Malt Palos. •1 - I .13ARA3A-INSI BARGAINS! wM. I,IIUSSELL;Sign of the Din 8 01 Hrrs, hf east meet, between Viird 'and 'Fourth:will contbine selling Mere Denman! Dry Goods, all Wed.- newlay, Jlly3e, and will continue from dart; day until all dm Massaged goods am sold. 'These goads are , ;slightly damaged by water, and will be offered to eash parehasere at less then half the original cost.' • Our, mummer cdammere and Me public in Wen , ll please eallasen and secure bargains. The gab& were dainaged by water mile, and many of them will he found almost perfect. Mem 'of Mem we will :ell •at el west Amy 'price. Please remember • Me' more, Tte 52 Market street, between TC led , and Fourth, ;sign sente Dig S ee Ilbre, wherein* cash customer wUI be sent aWay without being perfectly satisfied. - • • ph oar name will be opened for felon trade on ibis ocolteMm • • WU. IItYPBELI: 00.PAIVITIEB.SUIP. MIS subsortbai Ease this day formed a cimsolifncir ship tstutu tha 6rm of W t I , Wilson, for the rat tes of ttstutaelinit the Wholesale Grocery and Corn poise= B .4 atNo W Wfelg i. fca u x ts . e, , ;. Phisbat FRANK. WILSON /ids FERMI • IV*42-Idariti-e reef, Pittibtere. - t MASUN & fire how prepare,: to •Ofret ID Cie tho publiC thole gt•od a damaged 14. tLo lam Gary licoes el•ghllY auto. g walett may bel found: Cara dagnagsd g t eke; faralture do 9 to Seems; merges do, good et) les, Ut td cu.; Mons do Lela. do, 3 to] Mashmerristo DOL 10.125 t patio striped da l e); 44 Preach pratto do 12i 42per.Outtala - Chlutg, half pricey tiutshaMll de: Sieiothoet C.utOet , paverf 12.1 ao co agars; Islearring de twiner V to Ito. Together 1111.11 Wu usually !Sago meet of New and et fact Ooods at a great redaction from former pitce a NOTICE, ?VISE Vannetshlb beret - afore existing . .. between tbe subscribers, ander 1411 DM Or ihnbidep, %InkOa I Co., was thu day disrobed by mutosl.coarent. The busibessetWi lt o n will be settled by bOolgo, or Wm, Jr. ei th er of whom iseudtor• lied to use the name Or the hem Ils labialise. • • W. 1it.1221.11113E, • WM. Wil.eoo. Jr.• • /N01 , 431101t1.1 tr. dp. PlustTEN Joly 1,1840' • - •• . CO.PARTZIEJIIU"SP. , • • . . . , . iTtry - :I:=Tte:;.T.l . 4 Lgt.7, TA A7ofeti. bm, . i. g urom, u, ism:watt. i W . holotato Grotto' * comm tiststal Commotion ileslnaur,in the Louse Ittolt *a lit raibodge.Willon'6Co, iiii Water •t. Pnoinatoh, lily I, itoo,-1314....., , ~, -•-- .-• , ~-. . , ,TO nOAT OUILDESSe , 100,000 het lecuoned Dealt Plane; b tri13,09 ga Law, Pam% at. Deeselattols of Partatrablpt ig - Paremokip hatchet= r zieting between the kith tn anbacribenbunder the Stet ont 0111111/MTS, Agnew le Glen Ittenteneturers, wan &united by mental Isenteeet, on ;begun. day tegaly,lnenet... , bilge:ee knowing tbenowlyes in dablen to tali firm an request ad to.make payment to either ad tte panic, witbele, delay, and VI perms limns anasulett taco:tut with atett In eta Silted to- prewer theta Cut settlement - Igenttdiately. - ALls.X.lNvga oteaulias, - - ,Jio‘dma , • ' Untentie ce CIL&BIBEIti . • • p . ..110MINDID- ITOC 11.• OW 61.&110131 &lilt. s -11/0116.14 & ORAIIO4, N 0.176 & Nlloentrestroet New Yost;,offet for isle the sallooriste ewe& eic '. • 0001(Ceesse -linter. NM ie oso no pl& •••- 1 4,655011 lissenls sad Floot t .wels sesesseess:' ,- •• .. ' • -.• 1665 el ft &heeled Veneers from 16313"314 kilt tr,": - •.. • 6130 0 81yetiot blauled Id shostenn ._-••_:_.-•• - .. 2 ' • -; :- • . - 5060) a ROMIOO4 irentefg, (=la 1 , .. P.Ai . ,:' Also,,Wkill 06111 of all lisleteass. -'lke stranagel H 6 1 ? = st i .= 4' l=l- 7 V4lll*ar :I 1 1„4. ...4 pected , s - • - - ••" —•,— - ._ • - /111:41.11.. 1 L ~. .... 01411%1 t 1114611 .4 .1 , 41.0 . 0 ! OS. WM 1 0.1 1 1 104 : t • WILICI*S • iTiiirraL!siiiaktilnisotisin! , frllld:ummetbellin eetabilatment being eh"; .11.tilmed led ready PM beinnennthe Warrant? waste .Teikteettelty solicit it. share of the palate patronella Ile MARA by giving his full altentl-ii In the blalneset., le Mahe thn home motormen end -confersble meson for the either., of Flashers , and fur the tonally., genanly - . ' • . .Good intendants will he In waiting. , even , ed• mi.n shade to sander the estahlishnsent worthy the ernmenenee sod sapper , of an Irtelligent eastimentta , The TWO-SPACIOUS HALLS ' S - turd Or Tartlet. Concern, Lecnnes, Valhi, serfl pebble meetings. will lit by the evening or week - on an fi bers! terms as en, other In the city. 'any BAR and RESTAURANT:egos! style end I " g r euT In the worid, will be tept famished with Pare Wines, Choire Liquors. oft ,Cord Potters, Ales, any , the eoehlistitt.relresliments he 'eaten. Poultry, Game, Flat, Soup, Oysters, and Comet nerved no In the beat style. • • The DINING end 10P.C1tEnhl SALOON, Minion the fien doer, and easy of ecemis, trill beacons ntail? supplied with ell the Leanne. end Delicacies of the season; and al so, vrith such statue:dolt as the =kelt afford. • Ftr7 4' 'm"Pogr in the grat.shgthent G ent entlemen lt their families. sienna the a n y an, he supplied with tefteabrnonts 0101 kinds at ay oar or Me des. - Coed tootling and in attentive Livery Els FA. meat it f onnecten with the licit. Dinner of I Woloek..DredtasiiadTea at the utast 'how , • .Faumnio for Lion. to the Ice Cream end Dining 'Saloon, No 07 Smithfield Wort. - JeChinf If. VAN DFINSSRLAF.it Dr.:GnYsole's itztragg at Yellowy Dort • • and Sorsipselllas 1101./T no In the Ittrolon eland battles, slanted. mote A of the sure Moneta. ttarlayarills than any ether Preparation -extant which Is chentle•ll combined mtn the I:Street of Tel low Deek,the Fituset of Wild Cherry, and the Balsam of Fin Meet:taking rite rem,- fly note thoroughly efficient than any other Strente. Win before Ole yobee, At die rime nose it is serleet-, ly fine from all mai era r inane t, which cannot be sad or any ether of the Susapaalla conteentan The valid should ttware of nelson,! Mercury, Iron, qt. nine. Potash, Ledo-n, Satphar, ittactatt,and 'lnner ether mineral end metallic potions eider into eked feat] the Uttar. boas of most of the S staaparld a and Ponies. of the day. Omen's Compound Estrset of elost Does end tternmanlit does not <ordain a Tattle!e of these sehreincet. ie etty one eon easily ate , ltal tt by spy yin g 1116 teentaty lone - 1 he pole.. meg eve astonally rewire disease, hut they so vitiate the blood, and so cam:lentil Impreg nate the whole tweet with then baneful eters that the first meld: or the firm attack of diseate, prostratev the antenna tuength. and satinets amt - or bet to Abei most exeretining torture, end renders smother cure a P l o M le e ep k i o m n m a ed re te a raannd hop less. d e nse a * u m r in d o t . a Improved Fennel or Tallow Dock' and Sarnearilia, which is tbenealther acetic., per...et:sr barmiest, end purely vegetal , kinds of disease yields to Pageant Inds..." • • CURES. Serefela Cancerous' Tumors, Caudle. , Panicle., .LT.1)44 , 6°,110., Paroles, cr Pimples on tbe Face, Chronic Sore liyes, Teller, Scald Head. Chem.- - 111 m, I..l,,largerrient or Pales In r e Doors or Joints, 'old and stubborn Clean, Fever Soren Hlpp D' ,Swelling of the Gleads, Matches, Slphilitle SYmil• Inrobago, Dropsy. lhiPePtia, dindulleeiOWs , tisanes, Salt Rheum, AChottons of the Kidneys end • disegres amine roman irdadieloos cset of Mims Misdates Intro Throat, Weakness of the Chem, Palmonary Attendee.. .A all other Chesses teed- Ins towards Commotion. Limn Complaint, Female Irregularities and emplanes, flick and Nervous Heedsehe. General Debility Low Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Nicht Sweats, Pliant In the Ws sad Sheelders, Expaters or frupteden. In LID, Chron ic Consthotionel Disorders, sad u s Sltin ennfier of the illootiqtad General Tonle for the Spiel% it Is unrivalled - A ealrof Uktraud L Ilsofaurem Sarestandilig. r imp is an extraet of • letter dated Unice *7,1E:0, from E. 13 Portion, M. D., n highly respects, physlehtn of Markus., Ohio. Jona Pala-rDeed Sim I ban under My can • yeang woman whoifor lean, bas been eel- Arles teem Ulcerated Limbs and who.. case boa teen pronounced kopeks by three of oar best IMF satinet. I toot her tato rev /away. and have used ,Cloyeenta Yellow Dock and evmmilla treeiy, and am enehtlent that the Yetioar Met and Sarsaparilla m.tiref.ret• petmsnet tom. She Is Imam in general health then the ho, ever been herbs*. and walk,. lls v ran without fatigue or pans - A You ago she and crutches. I will repast the case in due time. Very reapectirally, E. It PERKINS,. • SCROFULA• it In. been remVed, by eminent met, that In the varied catalogue of teases to whlel LISIMI is IRON there iv mastety one oilmen imporlaneo,' and of enob interest **Scram's, whether we look to the obscurity of origin, as baud coo Mamas, the number and satiety of organs that It sneaks, or its restarkable 10.1 curability and emend. Welke. • Scrofula - has bodied the skill of the meet eminent I 'Partici.. le nd lide troordrY ood EeroTe. Sot More le I an nviti?ot e for thls disease in Dr. Gegen% Errset,ofl Yeti., Desk and Na menials," whiell it Waning lb I sell a perfect specific 1s the most areas , gems of I An exttaordinary ale of Serefuts , eared by the' . win on rAntor GOYIM'. Compound Syrup. It will bt nee:: by this rem der Oar this men has been I under tee meauritat of rental co'sbosted physicist., toe the past eight yew. whim deriving ray bencilli,l and hat Vera efeemaityaureaby the om of • few I+ol3lo of Dr. Goysoltre Compound Symp. N;vr hou,/ane 7,100. I*. Gerson—Dem Str,—Owing talons debtalitich 100007 cannot pay. I mused seed to make p ohne ktowledgrocro of the benefit I hove derived from your invalnaVe Symp.. )was sorely 'filleted ant • tern- tie Serofeletts inseam, itermbiny us oar thouly,l which commenced on ray neck, *tit, continuing 001 spread soon matted soyars, sensing int , my bead,' lied extending sit over face tech; and lower es- / wonkier.. .1 became dligustilft ohket to tot_j.pett. I -Aldine! my dissivis was gnushat lWO...Otto sleep or he dower and the disease este sding Iwo roy.l earn sr tioosly affected my bearing. My hoe was ono ONltiUtionil sore, from which a dlsehanc of mover andwater kepttentionally patinae= Peep!, avoid cd ma suppokeis 1 bad the email pox, or some other infectious disease, and I was eootimisentlY obliged to 'reilecele6 mylossinms. , Noureltbstanding I bad drat best medical advice, and tried digeseut plena of meat- , went the disease contloued toamwwore,ontill gave up is despair,' Fortonately I fell in with a passenger / oC b th i s d lu th n an , 110 ! r sop t on. dn g oM y h“ C h na o ~.altitrn lit tlryl, mid PE 12 using your Syrup ha speedity cured I lame Mery p mewed the ar ticle, commented acing it, and now, ate 7.tistring used' less then .ti 101110s:1 am well and able to amend to my business. I send et this state= li the as on not of Mange, only hoping that n soar Indere inflicted to make ore of the net medicine, and thereby taro them moat nage ring and expense. I remaim your obedient servant. 101113 Q - SPALDING. Core afros eggraraird rot, of Erysipelat. , - The cures pctiotmed by 'ln. Gaysons Extract of Yellow limes end Seneca:ills an /141108.0. trent., general health conmmes to improve allsr easoi% fetrOvtd. Cores are not chronicled until time Last,. ily tutted that there can he to telapse or noun Of the disarms Nolte/LT, (Destinies CO4 Feb:l6s6. S. P. Illortgrr Cc:. Gents, it tsvrith greatpleasunt that I write von *boot vesy. happy effects et your I Yellow Dock mud Suaaparilla upon my son, who Mu - long been setting ander that dreadful, toothsome dls. Ergalpelta, with whick he was attacked to tE4 and woo ter novena month• attended by some of oar testp3ale'ana;woe tired their skill pervevoilogly for Ave months, wiltionst any bensfirial effects whatever. De becomemdeerd to a perfect ekekton effect, bad el. nen (=this hlp obis knee which were etionticaliy I discharging diegassugly offensive manes. Medical nod ocrolootatill•wao- belt& -.Phlabrkok old Mot his ease was kopeless—there email be nothing done fewest those weights mingtencing ulcers. My neigh. boos and myself *meta sue dissolution near et hand. One ratty ne lathes*, who bad soused a Child Glaciab aka with your invaluable medicine, muted ma to, mato tflol Of 11, end more from the restless dealre to do a 'teething while life lamed, Men from any hope or ' getting rtlief,lprectired throe bottles of yens. Yellow Doek add Sarsuparille.” and coureenced using it and to ray astonishment, he commented traprovieg he had need the thinlbottle, and before he had used. half dozen bottles he could wait oaf .He used to all twelve honks; alit by October last be VV. PerfietlY rut wed, every vestige of the disease ezorpt the scan is removed, and be remains in perfect health up to the Prevent ittne. r Ills recovery, ender the blessing of lied, Is entirely owing to the me of yoar Yellow Dock' and Sarsaparilla, Led I imam butt teat I feel myself enter great obligations toyed, and It is with great joy tlut totem you of what your Sarsaparilla ku done •ier my sots. .; RespectfUlly, • - JAS. RUSSELL. 117Nonegannine unless put op (nitrite bottles, eontaining a, gine, and th e nerve of tee Sirup blown in me gloss, with the writthn zimmtn re of S. P. Ben. nett, On the "elude wrapper. Pace pt par bottle—or 6 bones for *St r • It is sold by , L'D. PA RR.' North East turner Founts nod Wainst' streets, entrar ea on Waluat Clammed, Otdo, to Rhea) all orders lOC addres Cartrr & , Me; W. P. : Johnson & Co., Wider ford; fllin-&' Cmoliv Abel Terrell, Biontrom; Hiram law, Towanda; Hobert Bey, bore; la Roderick. Da L. Wilcox, Jr, Pitt. burah. emne rof Markel s treet and dm Diamond. WANTED. • to do hou.worit. Aperient:nand plea. A aant olinatiott tan ba bean! of by applying at thin atilt.. • iyn:dtf CO•P&TATIEMSIIIP. AVE, dry, &matted nth' me Mr. 1.11 dome, In "the Wholesale Grovery and Pmdzie. HAVE, ihowyte a the Min will be A. Cnlbonso3 Clown. '• 1.1;3J A. OULU/2E1150N . • a. CIILOSIRSO3I . IL C101:01Z. • A..cvl.gmaTsoi • cLousr, W ll s l:l lFs _, ° " e . Gß ! C 'e f f' S . or d , Co :PA;b 5 1, 1 ; Mane*dtdred►[Nelea, ignA r bel . 7.l, PiWßarlsh, Tjr AVINti iLis day taken George IL !dowry WI; jj partanrhip me, the hamlets will hereafter ha coadaeted la the uaaro o(N Bard la Ca r • RIOII4OEO BMW , annuli) taint taw,. I. iseWsT D. DAUB tu - noLv.sALE: acd Ratan deleers In Bides, Lea •VW lbw', MONO!. Shoe Findings. Tanners' Sam C.e triers' Toms, and Tanners' 011, No HQ Wood illltet Yittaburxb, Pa. lytdim 11:151:133 c L. 7, lo place CHOLERA PATIe,N7 . I7e; ha Hospital. aitnatc4 Laceyvllle, They have else appollit.l ➢r. Cor er of We Fifth Ward, as City ktystcsee. ➢Y order et Sachet) , Corconittee. A. MACK, Chairmen., EIME2 J. 3..MTERS eget. h tooradonal unlen to the citizen, at blanches:er anti vicinity. Office. and sesidence, for the prevent, at lioteaale t fo bixtehettet, ustacealatcit above the U. 9:ibiatine Jimmied. • ' telWattaz 1311VIDEAD. ormeot the Allegheny Bridge Cebilmbril . , Plusteugh, lely 1.1, DOA s T; President and Managers or the CeElyany Yor emcees . a Bridge over the Allegheny stiverop. siodte !Illiberal, in the Comity or Allegheny, have this day declared a dividend of oae dollar and senmy cents on each share of toe capital stock: standing In 'ilia name of indleldnals on the bootee*, company, auto( the mho or the last air siotelmorhieh wlU he paid to stockholders or Melt &pa represettailves rorthwith„. llAlLl'Ell,l'maserer: shit aPbog ht. mete Dom emenlield street, les old mend en the comer of Wood sumer eta Dis Wend Alley, (wend start) arm • Pellicle & Flitter, tiathanga mace, en. trance but. tel Diamond Alloy—whom may he fimai s m l= c v t=i ‘ ozwzb b ls, monal . llogati and Caps tlies mad% lo eider. • }clB4 . .tilleag '•.sia-Piaas - kiiii - 417. - 7111 , 1a1110 Wilk IWO Nitiii7f J=roe taiti3l= l ) Saao, Uohlrn 11 ; 414 8:: o!- Peat, the latat Ipmremest. a. Own is .probably the isn't Med iambi. eta etten4 adobe. witb a 1414 Ilidalual iad avraW, /100 • RIXJ X fiTBAM BOATS XVII Will Allll ANOMMENZ 1850, 121 WEEK G ` Mti '' tE l invlte "' G"' • . - - • The iteil and that steistnetlOVinucilltifi• rirtligflu, Muter, will mare tripillietweat • dittvbiro ow tiord Olotgovr•inottaitTli,oheilid,l ~, 7 Ait. , nod rittaborrn at P. In. • • ' T Ola he Toorldoshony Whist IS looloto midi. and can be rrlied on as It regular packet; thtonghout the mason. For freight at mine aptly on hoard, or to 0 BIDWELL. Arent ; • ' tiltilNKLL K CO. Glasgow REUULAK WEDiIiESDA* PACKET 0121011I1Arr Captain Wits:oil. Kamm. Tido spienilld boat Wee beht by the oworire of the steamer thaw biewi end other. for to Cliteloyed sad Pittsburgh ' Psehot trade, sod wid Were dem .Viredowday, for Caielnalairin PL... 01 the New Hygiene, No. Y. . -. • • • For freight or peerage apply on loautkor to • wag 0 It MIA,THNBLIRCIEL kW fiorosuwesLi uooms• 111111611 JIM thinly f•. Stoat's,. • Yin Cromwellla and :Ceniberland to liallimers and Plila4el Pau vo Ramoa e-i• F' • •-•—.11110 01 tto. Pnuonstictie,--' , ....—v 10 00 II.IE morning boat IMmes the !Mter", *boys the bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely, Time to timere,"39 beam; than to Philadelphla,4o hoer* Te aseuleg beat leaves dolly, (except fluday ay. enipigs,) at 0 o'clock. Peasant:ere by mailing on the evening best,miU ores. the ISKI1011 : 11. In Asset, next day, and then avoid night travel. bCCUteI your tickets at the 00" es, Vencegaiela Muse, or Si. Charles Hotel. ocill"tv 3.151111011F1V. Arent REol4,dlit' WLIF.SLINU h SUNFIeIr PACKET jaThe !HI running WF limner Cape 11, Yoan run MI a ttir.lol placket heiereerr Pittetioreh,' Wheel. Ing,litidgeport, and Fantail, twang Phisbareh evrry 'Monday afternoon, for and Idridgenon.andeyery Thursday aft edeoonforSiege. ‘Vbealing, Bridgeport, Caplina, and Mullah Rel2.J.g, looms Iltklgy port aa finnarh every Ties day afternoon, and tendril every Prtday afterenor,t. • l'or freight or plume, apply on tonne, or to ROD viusiss..Aven. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKHR Dm aolctdrci fast mein" cram., LOUIS at eI..ANE; Dr: Ik Burma% ft .th aslt ,e r 6 ri a z i x= eade h rr . c . e ll.,.. a ‘ t . hor . regular packet. Wow= Paul crub V&i Wkauildi, leaving Pittaborg6 every Hauday, angular 4nd Friday menden at 4 weloet. , For limed er Peaaaga apply on b". . .4 U. .. ' . . Issa W. D. HERLER.Agent. , .. TOR CINCINNATI AND LQUISVILLE. . r7"lftiV.i="Df.,,. Itoonts muter, Wilt stave for toe igEIL norm anD all lmolutedlata norm on tbla day, dm Itlth look' at 4 P. DL Pr lrrithr Or PUNK. IIPPIy On bau, 344' JOlll4 FLAC. AM* FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. • The Ano rim 11104 drought steowe KENTOCRY, Maxim, iasteY, will leave for De vo soul all latormealae pars an Oh day, the Tit Inot, at lo o'clock, A. , DTI ARMRTRONO CRATER. 'Fos Ike fine light Arnett mazer, lONIAN. ti=kWfil mime kit ntinfier Ittfit to Wheeling al. fin, Imelda; Plitteeteh 1111 01001 eldeday,Weilitendentenfi Pd. dee, It W eteloek A.M. rat P"S""P iggtA liglenC Z^ ft OMAR PITFIjI3I76 I O I IVF KEELING PACKET nalL. dllarH Tl" l4l7:lllte 44l , ll4l4 l i ma far the bora add all intermediate porto on 'Tory Torsiay, Thursday, lad Ilatarday. For freight err gulags, apply on board. 3rif PITT9BUROIIt. WiIFhtf.I9IO".PACKET. • epieseid & fast =aim Ovum ABU' Cr, 9. Carnal] master, havhignager• ear a regar e rti th er= t ilt;s7ll kf a7; Wliseling, leaving P t every Manday and Th0n9137 complete, at 9 abloal‘ r."" 4 / 4 "Rorie •WT lVve:ViLier in JO% •• IVWki.f.p.3ll; SPEED INCREASED. nialaa 1850. /Ma autumn AII11007fINENT• . . MT/W. LA lOW GM r to ilir=" 49 4N , PA. PENNsiurathiqtours.- Two Dolly Lion Erpms Puke% Boots, . ' Alma mai nevi oar., (ExcLusysza A ) TO PHILADELKIIA AND BALTIMORE, 'Via the pocual Rail Road tad Paaa'a Canal. ■lO =deo Rail Road, iad. 1l odes Cana. Tara--56 Maio ,Faro-1110 Womb. The Panto nail Road le pelted La day light. riN an *Act Int. act., ( kith „feta the Cc:L=lßa kis load will ran Two naps rums rossmaza cam from liaadogdoo to PhDs/gelatin. The Clio on Me alum mad ad the Allegheny Pammo Rail Road ate all new, and of the eery best description in the country. ea With the tacuand speed; on. the moan ulas, pesserauts Co through will:l6month. A. Packet Boat will leave eimy mina( MIISO , sleek, and ens, ceetung at Velma.. • • For Safety; Speed, and Comfort, as ma Ls de. chledly Me nom pfsferable now m asp to dos Eastern 1: " P"" c ° 4 1 A7M.742.T. , Base; or to .D LIMCi!k CO, Canal ilasin. • P. B.—On the Ist Sep:matt, the Cenral Bail Road will be open to no lidaysburg, when 'Mauna go Capita toil 3 hours, . • . letl nail 1850. ea= eatsarzi.L AT. matiTuniii_ FORWARDING MIOICILLNPS, ROCIMWER, PA, ~, _., Ifteaver Poled.) Or.Altente for DIDWELLIVPITTdIiTi RG II AND 'CLEVELAND LINE, ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINETO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE. PACKETS; towing and Awing barmen Ptusbaryb and Rochester by steam boats Michigan, Lek. Ent, and Dearer.. • • • tET °aids' iteelpted and promptly delivered to srl planes on the:Canals and Woo at the Invest rates. Shippers will please print 'aceli to Aftdartll's LICA," " J.. .DIDWELL. , • • - i ' i •:'Watesat,PiCstnellt• insuaincs COMM OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL WOAD& • J. Fuorm.tri, Say. •1 . has. Will I.¢lla iDt all liens of riots, ; FIRE Al • • !Sienna wine litutualill ; romp, A 11. he insiltasto by Dlrectors sets; on well hewn bathe eerantenny, anti *he ere dawn:can ed by promptness end liberality to nuibitain the char. acter which they have assomeil. at otierinir the beet mow/wise those who desire as be Innered_, ihorecreas-11..Jr.,0c 0 . Blast, W./Utter, N. liolmesar.," Holmes, C. Ihmeenjleth W. Jaakeen, Wes. X. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, The. IL Limb, Junes 11'.anley, Nictlet,Thro. Scott... Oms., No. the Water L (warehouse of Epee" t; C -04'atairs,y Plurbot TaZ the City Ferrates. N reamanee *Van Ord.Lamm providing for an In- Clells3 of the Eleven= of this My, pasted the Nth Ars ell, 160,k settee is hereby gives, that the .City Smoot km left In voy oßee, far methadon by all interested, a list of the perms doing ammo in the c to b e e .lre * p m en g =n=lMto peresek Mill Mtn k themselves antlered by theamd assess ment, they Mall state the 4/1110 16 an airdamt, which &Admit 66161 Me certain a statement of the iron meet of, these sales, as star as can be ascertained; said altdavit to be made and let with the City Trem serer, within two weeks from the doe of the fast madman of the notice barmaid: See.O. That Bo rap* Mall he taken bet by the alltdavit of the person or tine agertmod; eald atnJavit to be COMIIIthe evidence of Mellott atatedm minden to the ammeter sales. Appeals must be madk within two weeks from thls doe—July le. 050. 8.0. JOHNSTON, fhtY Tamar. rn roiae t An l r sil" r *• m te;tttoned =e*rm ,fo > -- - Dr. J. IlitaoWs Sarsaparilla, Xrr luAlaa Pithiness, arrel Blinad Pacifier, HAS been extensliely uud for Cid , yew by the Doctor in en extensive prietice, d , an Is coon. needy recommended to th e public for the enre of all Impel Ides et the bike mid genera: debility, rheuma tism, dispepeth. eenberi. co l ds,. brooch:ye, dropsy, nerve. or geberal dcbutry. female complaints, bier. mirth!" elthates, elects, dotes, or aroptenth and de eabe.of th e thin, neer complaints, in abort for ill Papirmes of the Wood. It is ..oily vegetable, and may no trdien 9ttllOT any circumstances with per fect safely prepared by SAMUEL ItILAXIEfL, add mole, ?dd.' For sale,.wdolesale and retail, by E SELLERS. • al • • Wood at, Pittsburgh. •siovifre. Co., IL POWAILDIA 1111011,011A.ATZ, Gkierty. Pa. (Saga's Ferry Pau Orgy) • Hands, permanentily located at this place, a new and thyntial WWI Lout, re are prepared to re• ellen • &Ward pramptly point, an the river, and e 41. and Beaver ar Ohio Canals. ar; co. Glamor, Jane 13.-lelo,_ 01: • i u on. lanaera , • ale Ull Tao ben. Olt; • 2 leu Ws bleached waiter Elephant Oil; 990ptla do On 011; .of role mardei,Pperol On; icu on Sperm Caottes; gala by ALLEN lk taIiEDLEIS, to & 93 Booth NJ Ghee, Philadel 1,10 - 173, ao-600 bn Onatoo, sz prune OfBll 949 brat LIDISI3I4 . • • 3./0 Dz. Atattim; • 4UU 4rams , lOcu b¢2.181 Ilteretr Peitorm - • IOW) Peach tad Track Lasko% Jolt retired to: opibir.__ ' ,I I 2L b IIER t fiNITH No 3 Nortl. Whams. Ploladelttita. S UNDRIES -4S ink No I Lard; • • - •,• ; hi bri dor .• ; • *Moods • do, • . • brio Liressr. 1 bil Tallow;' bad Hoom I litres War, • - 3 brld Outing; • • • 9 racks loathers; • It bon Gintrag; TO ortios, for solo by tt ISAIAH DICILEV k CO 1111 • • : Water a k rona ors EASTEJISMALI. PAPER. at towel rum, *so 0 wrathy superior to say ussaulSoissod to Ode EMT new. opens by . W P 11AUSHALL :We - . ,V 3 Wood ss Setil tiliNG3-11. oily• best quotes, Vor — oirie - Yr me- . 8.1135, marruxwe li CO II Tr.idit''. .0,;) !!'''ll2.l tri,:4 4 l"«f? .-10.410.in-4. v -ftsc,psmejET .... - . . 13" -- 1111. lag IriWuh • BURCIUTIELD Whip tow, Brras i lLaillui *I • mu alloarl low Pie* of * WP ul OtA akft*VilaSlan, ft . Leinaj,r , WNWM " •.' P. w. C!ATES r : 1 PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREW, PATEIiTBID MAY 11,:18.47 ~•, , - , , THESE Dl}24 . baHring Leen adopted tnd highly approved in an the princiral shops -tit flew Yett and Philadelphia, are now oared to manufacturers, meth inats, ship worths, &c., with the miner eta fiance, as the meet perfect article in are or eating w o w,* .i • ~.. • ~- , i Their superiority over any other Dies - heretofore used, coosias in; their' cunint a min= Scarp', whether V orl4/vAItE thread,by was peering over toe iron to be cut; 'advt . rrapnre no oixdallOS or prerrato prryarati•n, as the dies cut the thread wit ci the valid it without ittrart It in the lama; in their greater durability, rapidity, and 'affection of work; and in their , ain t plidny endiittle liabi li ty W get out of enter. ~ . • Partaircaculaj Aug. W, I lißd, This is to emit, that Ws boas parchand from P. W. A ases tats tight of odor ids patent Diet for date dog bolts. In oar oploloo,lls Moos are lima sapo. nos to any other. we are acquainted with tor th e alispose of tatting bolt.. , •I P MORRIS & CO. Pentancizata. An s. n. 1e49. Hanlon hail? W Chums Faint Glee in am In nar establishment for the hurt nine months. Mr mining iti lu irXeirt ' eila " ,:is " .4ll= - I:::ll% d et t s b a g :ST, they halos so Mr .moth—nn th•al rer sent. Maisons than nns others now in a.. RANEY, NPenn EAFIE ft CO. Tbai.to cnttit tint w7hrote puree.ao the yield to Itto;dlui odop,d In 401. londises, P W Ustes , test ellfeW alittf,Nalehlre highly approve or. We tan do nut note wort, and evoked.. It will en, pan in dorobilhy 554 precision,. reset as seen:mfg. of IsUor, sny dies known to . TABlttlit de MORRIS. Pruunartut,ltk nrontb,sent day, 1t.49. thw 3000. MR. JD, leo. Vaal.ll# adapted P. W. Lists,' oPaiantlAss" format• tint bells, we take pienlitill in haTlng. that 113010 than ...mere oar experiallora. end have no !elks don In giving so our Oa inl.4lha‘ hfu execs any other p:an In presents= for egalrg holm • : TF PECOS. CO. • , . WI. have P. W. OstePatent Zee' fro cutting acme% an.l the economy or tutnar them Is. so vary considerable, that tee loot upon Ibem as ittiLlopento. Me to every emahliohmant haring any quantity of MotORMICK, OGDZN t CO, Cmcasa, May 1t,,t49. • ORDSALICI °MCI, WOMINGI7.O7I. dth Pept.o43. I have purchased of W. IL for the llalutd Bute., she right to see la all do arsenals and arms,- kWUSE 1,411. FA1146. /cm POI% aura ?he room' To°. heb wig: gasGttin~r. Entrauee up Market street a • E. D. GAZZAM. _. • ---- PO . . , , IL 111A/Ys' • • ANEAr Two fiery Dwelling Heine, on Penn st, Worsted in the most desirable part of the city. Per particulars, entrelre at NollB Penne:ten inalAfter .. BOIL azarri trisiio Frick Shelling Rouse % In Seventh wee, 6r , J Centre Avenne,or fdls.ersvlli• Road. Rent low. Enyulra of '' • JOIIN WATT CO& • • : That largo estruarapits Dwelling Soap ad Lot, on which area pod Stable and Carriage Hope, being obe property of, , • and lobs the nat. deuce' of Mrs Jane Alaa gee, Ceased on Webster eb rear Serena streeL Tor teats, imply to ' Al IS LOWREE pipit( • : I !BS Wylie 111. Ts BRI9LBUILDIIIO4 . 4 by Vet! ? re. Norix irozo=y toloor.tbo'f;4. __Faquite of BOWMAN S & GBPISON., coN34• Pittsburgh FoomNY osl ;To Lint Wattling W* , ' TIM flap kThia yi Watt n ; J; be:Ow retT7 AMC',ranWnl a 2 Ova lauae- street, ea reLlemble Wrzgoi dluety, Erquim°f p.L,LOAENZ. febibtf EISTATSON Y 1 NNS! 1U LT FOR ILILE , —A. Lot of Ord ensue onPeun arcei,bettrocu Hay and. Klemm entunui uttlfaubit tits bow and lot sour occuplcd by Richard Divan% 'lntent; Onntof 25 feed, and in deptb 130 feet, mil be fold cm Larocablit serum. Tido onexecyllotable.. En gam of • o.o.LooML9,4lba,cauwood. trinloire Pit ittUfiti4-,', To Ileuthara sad Wester* Ilsraigult* ooussii.9; PIIFNIUM PERVISMERY. t— Tire [lb subscriber respectfully Invitee POI , . alwation bit armoire stock of. Perfumery, Soaps, Shavimg Cream.. he., w ithi n urea Silver sag two Golden Modalslisve,the last Mx years, Deer , torlamted by the laminates of New Yolk, Boston, sad Phila. &Islas, the latter befog the only Golden facials ever .warded for perfumery . either In Boma or in Ws Bersam.l Theeteall2l2 011•1130 tabeined, Rase, and Ambrosisl,l universally aMatoVittaltall is be superior witty Shaving Cream In dos tosnuy or Oilloni.L.Ta SaamMo—Beaatffully iminsParmtt, end poareating, highly Serenaded) , sad cmollirot prOpentesi Sspnaccous Compund; Ambroddl Shur • Miblen Military Shoving Soap. clumwors TotisSoaro—elatend, Rose, Milleleure, Botiont„Metschlo, Mus Petabotaly, vardber,Flost inf. ?tans; trent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Cimmerian 1 =ltectil ens TUX ItaaniXeciUlee, Joanna. Plormeet do Carolloo, Gomm., Jean) , UM, ktouaso. line, Jockey Chili, Magnolia, Clematite, Citronella Borst, and many other mmictiosa la , W gal MIMI= perfumes. • , TaMee Vials—Florlds Water, Eat de Toilette .Oranga Flower Water. sod • great variety of Co! V:vralgrs"'4" Warn . , Sear'. Od, Antique ce, itandaltho, Ran Wirth% Olathe, Com pound Ox blenour,llelz Dyes, Insot and inpowder, sad Thilocome, teadJeuey Lind Semitic... • Oatorstosc ,tinarseartnag—Ltalsamic Rota Tooth Paste, Congeal Denuifice, °denting, Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder. • , • CreleartM—Vegetsble Cosmetic Cream, Ameading for Coined hands, Cold Cream of Roses, Clem de Foray Lto Salve, Raspberry Cram, ge. Depilatory Sessile% for trMOTills I.:pettiness halt,: Paul Poweer, Illusive do Rouge, Aroma& Vineger, Vittoria !lair Co other NM= halt., besides a greet variety of other melee, too tenecreus to be =media this advertisement. .. • Tee subscriber hopes to maintain the reputation whirls Una establishment has acquired, by durataing of nothing but fast rate enicles, and will be /survey to famish than who may wish to oeusret. either who:male or thud, en eh reasonable terms aslant/ es. tabilshment In th e United States. L. XAVIER DAZUf, Sueiciosr to and farmer Director of the 'Aliments, of BUIDENII4 ROUSSEL, 114 Chesnut Erect. Port.mery.ta for eels by all the ogee'. psi Dreggiste In agoowsr. • opt74iyi 111:112:33 VP 14.13' " Litt : TVtorn ' tdo l t l3 %. vet trATlca. pounds *Arms adjegoiag add tow% _ . . Or.e bap thrum:7 Fleming Mill, with fond pair at On fset ,sod art tho machinty for manlbetermr; Pat., at F. Mon, silo Druid afam 4.e. A mai boat toop load nloot al than% Ake, aCation Factory with 10:0 Spindles, for Spinning mshe, a lot orro.i.a upon ',china is anted . tarp and sultalwast .11 heat Mansion Mown of Wm andlnitk, two natio high, Ina Frith Eittlen, Wuh Montan Ban Moue, Fr Thu, allllddltryi tit., • vory .desitiable emery mann. Also, nen nasty ' lots oath Roans of AMA, non; ke ...noted Won" of gnat. and' In sins dwalm bUOtofolly sauna.' AM, bouldliog oferko+ n Also,Ss want nissuare4 and mints Lei Maniac missy qc.., with the repand wen pow... Sun eloinn. The atom Wills, Nato Power, •ta, dwell ng Ilonsmod Lots on tiarand elan Wa minis tell of Omer atm, where MISS is tome ket of the wholesnana of in - Aslssronloorith a -.Gall Wu of abour kat, is Won nab wile atom an Yasuo an Now thron a aen distmote Wow. The Ohio ad Peons. Ran crad enatinntion of dm Faun. tlallnal from Phila.:, rim: burgh) pawn Omagh' 01 to the lans and the fa West, U nto the'gant.Ns heat Ownor at the U. S., whin' wanst soon mho Darer Faills.the Sanest. for Inuit* MM.. The end from Ohio to the Lobs also pas ato infant of it , AM . ttaet of 913 Acres of Land eserlookiog that lolled Omer, ad _inning We lutes tad of Itrighten, ha vim of on Qui la Erie adGtxlud,ao. no of in rall road. The Peso goad trim flannel In Cieraland passes Wang blue Man WO Muse. and tuner feces,very Mel; an no LOW Cis Maio. and Garden. Pedan Lod oat 111111, ed, and • en of nal rider. Will to told an witon or in aunties to nit panhuat. brat of 450 ea. of hod, bonded by.ths pool of the mean the cut. by Ad scowl Ile all the:annuity Stghlatt on Wm south, an Maud- ing Ina tam rho .0 00 ra... Bad fload, show MO eland. These ore Gann Milt Imre two sloty SW. homy. alto Una story won dwelling house: and what Inaddauga. • The tarot part of Ile met is , lent aid , fish, mike beauty of Lonna,futility of soil, on main of stony and gnat Manse is ran as twannanel nom. I tarn-Pr nylvann. Ms wallaby/plied win timber, teal and on hang springs of pan inatar,nd lo well adapacd to Sawing, gardens/nor no prima mittenen, and will To atW 1030110 r la umulas to and puntoson. • „ IWith We neanalbed valn pawn! Int ad m and al at, sad tatainiled 'seraph.] penson, nut Mann ha value more avidly perhaps Um boy other pans of tan In Ws Wad • Alse,„2/ 1-ts et groan atone in NM anotos a atetowns puh lb. e a lt wad bonded bonen the se, dm and int of Woo caul. part Oman part Wow We Railroad • All this pc.ieriy en=airar I try booadmgwtU c it 11.1 ' e4 4 MI 93 =Darr= tabitatto. eanal7whth pants lt, S an with the Ohio tires eat La/rata • at San and Cleretan; and ths Oh - dust l'esaw.lL litoa4 bow latutuing mm eplollan, aud whin lams though moth of lt, king It within It hamta low thow of Paulsoree, sod pow to nod through It the gnat good of rmaran, pro damson wornsadiss from tho Ead and West. • I Al oat anon for maufschwas, tattletales_ patent; on I for nentry voidness far non of boa llattsba* as far mania honshont of mac), no phei tow so may ineeemouta - Tema of tan stabs mumble an advantageous tb per-. chum Fot Anther portleats ennire - of Junes Pam , wm,pooprlbya . W m. . ' Attamp Dm .al Ite4lEdate Apsts, 1.15+11110 • • N 0.10 7 Vastrth Rene, Plt.but.h. 0 ALIILYCIALIIto AILDVIIIITIIII3 I X4 Dana's & CROCKWAY, Co:noteletton Mena-oat; netetsmento City, Conform. Ltberal advanced made on conslyeermat. and id agency amine" promptly at to. m tomato .. 1 46 w:Asoccors,T,' s. nndsout emu. miyl3Mlmettra • J. ElAlia.zeon ranwsiLuir AT[OBNRY-AT LAW, blllo STATE COMMISSIONER Dc. aitlons,.Acknowledgmentag.Pe4. l.3 , tkillice—Fonnk atm; ano.o • Clove/Wad. Warren -eaL4 - Pittalnavett. Telagreph Oesakrany. • tore 1.14.5""ne• of feectletiest of the Board at Ditet• of w Cleveland, Winti, and pluo.sh Televaph.ComPaul.esperitng or Societal him." out and cam to be vehdehug ,I. nn ustsesers Mona the Sue an exhibit of the financed sad other eiThlis'of We company. I labials the follatirfag art — The line of Televise commas its Loveland and terminetes Plisburgb, p.ang txto•tb C"ol. FL: , . Frankun, p•Li., Warms. Nettosimmon, and ess Bute ogs ens New pante strot ifecessest, to Seta of penney image, hl white points, there are cocci loomed feie the : receipt and tesaludeoloi °rhenium& . The kook of the line tee miles—CaSeet Stock, site pets alootAlOg a total tasted itote of *WA of wince samara Lettail co haft bY alms the goo, coot the balance is Mid. by Cornell a Speed, the coneremen. The above .moat et isab.. *mildew' by . elutelM. have beet Za - Ao Somme ds, aped, Of TruSted hue le _exit( JE/71111.210 K UAW, Stumm/. ISO WPM and Meade ey WY7 1 1. 4 40. 4 ELL • 6 .. la. the Imllll.ldeden of dna Deeindonen, T. W. bite fee ensiled women natal, Wet, having been tried In me of the lane •ee nalb id !pond to be serf efficient end eneelknit' • TaLcurr, c.. 34 chause.. Sono of Yates dap ivecis kt IVannEolca„Seed.43l,l Conalderlng Goias' Patented lamnreelatilt tot dal ug scream on metal to be intialnablo One, 1 liires, by authority of the ilotioratdo Secentary,or Nam purchased of the Atiorneia of the Patentee. Woo. R. Scoville, and Samtvel !dower, Inv MS tight to oak and oat said iennvoyetaent for tho , JOSEPH Shllii, i Chligat In owner by • Dorado Worka, Reese & Ashley, Rabestey; • Roww3k. Co, Oloneestor,PLYJ Haywood R. Boyden. Sett.Yß= .9 4 .1 N Ellrooek. New York: H a Dalaatater,"Pbeenix," H. FL Dunham &Co, New limb; • Denaread &Co, Monametit WOOL% P/MR4 Van uren, Roamer: blott & gyres howl ork; 1 , ' &Ulm. Works,: do: - Prase & ?astray. do; Wr:t Point I. °madly; . Nora. & Itro, Plailadetr.bia; ♦ Jemk% llmedeabor an, Pa; •• Walwaito & 110 test tad Hew Ired&t. Lowell s.lsobine PLop, c • - Aseecakene Meenimaus, N Lyman & 800 her, 0.0014 ard numeral othairt' . . No 1 Nuohooo., tete dies JO, ums ft I to 911‘.17I: Nog do 'B., . do, Ito If pr.l NO3 do d. co: :to All older, wistrawywd ran F..W. tyrants, 0b100p,43. B. Hai woo, NoW:Yot k, D. Natehollk Co, 4149.• et.ll bin or - 9 It. It. tcolid.9 et. bor.; Uoiono, ate Dim and Ti, wi th arstiWoot kmettirawi formats; Bums, WM =eft with prompt ,rattetnion, CMC464a. MAY 7.1230. 1 ' 4 1e4.3016 ninen. nedfcal wad 6tirgleml4eotlitek, TGREW, hl former P Palladelratld, enQ • lite of New Whoa, Cot 10, lake. pleasare In art. =meths that Its hav laGsted elf. pc nattnenUy la Plnabtrgh, for the parintst ef vrartirng etc Gana. branetea 6(lv:bane uld Sutler,: 'Galls prat:ll47 attended to at all boar. of %Ie day , aral night. Oleo and mid eded Not:WM.O Matt, ketreaa and Grata. _ . • . Reszsasnot—E- Swann - Erg, ~VGattb KLV• • KSYS /34 , 0k/0 1 :Cr Glatt.Gar, ' WVed ittece4 R. Kennedy, Apothecary and Ontgaie, Penttsv; 4 P 5,413, V. biomass Ann dim lirmashai-301.23111 Oaf Cbtmlesl Snap Games atm piempusnoss maw Or,. mun amain, sullen., and whiasa W akin giving if the sentare and beano at in Want% °num', ham Rum: CM damn, are anon Ma Say ". Maim!, Inn er-red by its ;as at jest UT= 1 !Mao clans in Nay Yak know, who use, It In sash coo, and bad It mtfaltag—to airm - Pneanss, Sunman, Fasarzr,ot any other sit adis. sue. The reader is tamed ass this is ms etch pdfed matram,'as onncriai will pate. I miald tenet salsas/ Ea persons cured of.' . Sone 11000, hula Lam ann Saar Dzaaa-iiii :LW sal use It, and the it..14,-/ is asalo assamd/ not cruelly sell's forth* &hosannas& 1 known. to k 311 1 slats. Those who arelieblo Ifi Clacian, oz Cum. Flash, aslll nal Ws: cart. Any one nellotedwla any Mae above, Jamb- discuss, will had this all and US= gate (, We in Its prune:sas):tan I sties. But, ander, the stores are Sanded with tout and be MO you oat fa: JONES'S Co= 80141. Sold by hIY JACK2O6I, Libela sawn. , Pictsbarsti . ondoLit-IX • wr Tali.= or • ras at LS acrutprericrd - - diet than& bad, putrid breath, at dark, yentrui Outtait • . . f ed 'nth. lfputeout have thur it a l: th .n et i e ek ar tua tearb ww - , Mae e t a tail=l g a r= cd,s et to tl. 44411. 6, • - Itatnidlifesee - ig tbe Gumi, situticy . ai alum . dee , wad fur the Teeth it id utreptenef, removing tie teem, •,,:,'„, rasieting.et£,Seuttu,thblut.t . . 4l by e ,L , lNtol!tjt^i ',•":•• .. 11 t 5. re-idVd;eVeadiiittrei lr•; • • . ..Thoth r AutiOte: rt e3re s l7 Ref - IL:' cz tld,.. . mit' r.„ if,' ad , .IV,,:r "IgMks,,ft , ! Wadi 'aicriattlimhquAseritange %Y/27 palp.VirreuseVi aterrgt -"are Tthei , t0 . ,,,, ..,- , - intattearesubaer ad:pbeeentue'inttistimelbuit '''' ' td Corn ny'llattier, weed* ierttoteianettbeetritratee-t ably gum trytuferettd. emetic*. will by drellptetee'll e•' ".•• -,,, - - lute put up its 6esattfu I Enditeb - eilamt Puia.lattbille. ,, eutas. Bad by Me Agetfti WU. ittr , uX•4oabetlt"•% • • - "'• Ass itooa =WM us Orgasm 'AMAMI Ut al - Wowing aro the maxi' qaag ties Nola ail boas o' Jograk 'Coral tlau R 61 1 ,31140. &kat elm wor .bo ithey cannot these highly, T rap:ammo ok4kaky ioe tried lc- fleo..Beeket, 4t Cot at,fiew Tort. •;- Mn. Matilda greres,klyrile ***Era. : kik Wm. Tompkins, pe king at York. ha. Tam. itc tarn, A/anima:lll'l.d, near Firkairlik H. Cafflosklatt barber airktobenit 8. Amara& • • And 'more than a b.nar.l l of an ewer-then& itd rand mane, that lr7tfU fords thrii her to grow al ifw head or fazootop it falling OT_, strand= tin re Art renarnioVarf and itantiall'aek.' thu roots, mai int litiV o r gray hair assa4e -- a Era dark look. kW ter ,ItarA or wiry Late rahlaitoft, chart awl beast acrlikart bog thda• Bold 6 7 arlitgent, WV. JACKSON,' Ml Weary at ' Pinabaah. Pato gri, 50 eentik and ono draw latint.s Aft.V. CUM ffilltt Au • •SII They ara G etilmu C et i guntly =win= If to to Um skin! how nano, bqw nragh,lsw ul3 Row, Pan , and .annuallnY the skin or- -. years andiaatudyinyarellßo. WWI It injasiowi notushttny a . • Lugo quantity of Lettt . we bans prepwcAl teattlfill artlahl which wesall - JONES , EYANISI). LILY Mint: La poufnetty in•••••••••• belay parittudof atingle/di ona qugaittes; and it inaparatonntakmanatural,,Zwal, ttly ; ellbadr, cigar, living white; at. Unman aaang; au a cuanena oaths ain t nusiday It soft and wwold• fwid nY law fiduot.WICAXIKEdAN, IRO LID. 011.1 c, Plushugh. Yuma uni cents: • • and:Atm'? . •'la 434LEt.p::• • ' ' 11 • g.']OiiN MARTIN it°,:eg=t, located blmself tbis alty,tor the paves. af brae doing Ibladielne and Surger, ta aft Val{ollll b146611* lii, Dane Ls au Fourth strdet,l'o IGO. Rasidenna DAU 131/HAUL—in • erne ;noses out or ten, hat( ; . breath may be ettribeted lb a ocklecto f Om Moth, by which ulna is allowed to accumulate upon 4=4 end caws foully erne. When this is the cane, the • - breath canner be entomb, than bed, and the perverts • thus falai% net only antler Roma COIIICIOUNICI4 of • each being the fee'. bat are alriolutchr disagreeable te PIED one they approach. Jelt) PASTESLA VIED CHARM/At. Tarolll Ls not only a remedy thr Iral breath, buts/411 prevent he teeth and ' gum. froarbecOndo e di.easedianil aloe lathe tam a hnllisat whlternota Charcoal:is admitted by all screw tile ,pc moon to be ono of 11M greatest J.lslorettlog , agents known, and is highly appoint by all oar ben {, Deunsts as a dentifrice. The arrow-no* , don to los nth' heretofore iron born the, ddealry of getdoßß a bore and free fond roam puttolea; The ProlUvara .JHABCOAL TOOTH ;Pest% ranthely obvlsum this dlrktrolty, as the coal front whirth ate formed la popler wood, burnt in an Bon oyhorler, and .redneed Man ; urrpalpatde powder.;- The. otter Minnetonka of the manlnch as Berth a rectaved wand nen or • adenine Buraboru, await take. - tibial in their effects. By the ,usif of Jules Honeys Panted Charcoal Troth Paste, tho mon discolored • - . teeth will, in a ikon time, antrum a pearly whitener.", and spongy rams innate gem end health)y. JU,Lrp. 3 itAUEL, POrlunlef and Chranbt, ,.. , . 193 Cbestnntstrect, Phila.' For -deli wholesale and retell, by IL A. VAecutoo I & Ca, and R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Mu.' . gent. und'.l. Miteneit. A itealmbv Cito. P.. Iv 3 " IMPOELTAAT 'PLIANGIE. VALLEY'S MAGICAL iPAIR EXIIACTBII'. rrIIIS never Wang PelekEeskro)erouldsttrunn 0911 alit i Vl7l 48=41 1I hero Sere , I a nd Elpre t t=ppl es, S z ae ll il mu, We l'.. b ndrel o snen f eTery diseases: 7_ C '' • IN A NEW ENVELOPWAND DOXIZI OF MECNI. •E.NLARGEIe SIZE:I I ; , ' . .. . 1 - - OAIPriON. :COonterfrits of DA.LLEW'S SITRAOI - 011 In the ww. wonersa goad the market. Mum them as Lot woald poison!.! lilt ..trying Ind smile in the NSW DI4II ' you avoid the danger of tieing Imposed optic by mow terfeits, are rename( gelling We Genuine, enigma, atoreayer, near La per cent au lea aterage: Caution; to 'D•selaken. Gran Impostlion is. pmetistd. open Doilenh by ort; wropuloos ageraors, who pet op the eeenuidelt MU( in a eountetteit oral, old watyper, mixed with a few brats e"be genuine. ineseh.Ldrisen, and thus offer it ~ for ,ele at a reduced price:, .Tam nart Cannes mug. , deal, ts;' but them'rOidiogr howeent mumme who uses to,. 'pit iota article, paystoe penalty: Wa te ring;. Dain,'ltnnlghtly tenni . and marks ruraltirc from revs,. bureeorotoods or sorehand often lime a Ill* Walt,: an the coneequotwa. .. Como In Point it.' Intoriistlet 6 , Portionless Of ope of the mod Severr.ty %lna and leisured suffer.' era et the late and ditmoront HAOIIE - STILLET hie • P : l idri ° l: l A II ft.72;Ii.ESI. Ix v, I ait,4l./. P. and my AUTiloillZED.Asshirst i „. . in•See.the New Cirmeasi for tau. .. murk' the watch, on the Lew dreer —the Triangle, Serpent, Use, Sun, Dove, our Coyle, and' IL Silky' WrAvold danger and 6nag, and buy Sslieryts SI. tromor mar, In the new twos mei LUIS Nagar ' '; 11. DA I.LIeV, 414 Broadvra7,.Diew York. , Hurt P Smtivsmo, AaeghenyAtetterslsnaWboio. Cola Wm . rocas, Agent, PlathUritii. N. li.'+-The tame, of Dealers who proems th e Dui ley Salve; new sire, from tatter the premium Sm. , , self, or from hli aotturdsed agents. win he Pnbilahua to the plows, as agthla to the public, Witmer clear of .awn. : .• - :., - wavvitdeowled , • , Valuable • /*party Um IS ... - AORESABLY to the lot oda and - utufhtut of the tens Willi= Teem, deceased. Tea ant:. cc ucecoffera for tale, oe +err ad dumablEhlt um., either - flo erb o f,, or. pan. et Alle ptoparty todoagoog to the Cum of the; raid Wel. Tease, ateate rot ilia steel. able, of ILandienaot, .dioinini the lateghony priogii. o o o nnoeg of 3 thiels story hanses, two at toes ootno nowt p i ‘ ..,,.,,dr eitiited end to goal order. -.. Aleo,forr a: dream organ:ad adadtungteeztorre... - „am ~,,,,, oi ,oonded, ea. mar and tilt plardtksota; A 6 0 ,4,...r.1 tau W the totang o of Lowicteurellte. A . tho o bttet of the sale is to Omen the orchards Du the talent *(the flost4Of dr: deceased, ttat greater rsiirtl*e=o "!r-bW'P'4l/.' c '''' 1 "• rP ll4 cifdr Tole priterlY prece.nts a f”orabto caper:near fir , 00 r one renting a comfortable bona on my tuts.- . _ --- . . _., • • :' To !..Tir—Oneofthe atorea karats mat be rested I. a god moan/eta serf low rya ..., . ' _. . li for forter infonla.27 apply to , :..',', eliAtr. or to a lCifi L 14 1 Z ? ./.Ibert - id. ireVZ—aunt ya.a . !..21 e . 4% , . AIM 0* or how,• lilac amiss. viefi, by ; Vett - RHEY, MATTHIMI &GO - - —•— peturTwit! I'AVE;2 7 —llttoentboorpaperio • • 414 do. ' a r k :* ' do. dors prioddg; Star, 7 .. 1 /1.4 do -do ‘32za7O. 7 . So t , do,„ . ".gdO - I , :iroir "vr.' -.6;7 1414 . „ do liaiddi do ". - do ti perifodir;l j dtpOld "ro l kll4ll ."' .l.l2r ins r —470•11.:n1L y . oustsbui der ‘..14110, bIiTTHE r' We raj' for uHb ~- ifiliYi MSX{~4PR,R~ I!MBEMM
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