EASTERN ADVERTISEMENTS 31010.1 k L3l AN ZINO. i \ T lW i l7 VOlTso n l ' i ':: ... '", .7 l ; •" „; ' :bn y Yo ' ; ` 4 ' 7 . l,o "N II in ewen per reeve feat. ,Corrogetrd it Orme 327. 07 aa for roairt T, tin Lthilthor and depots Slip Etherabinr. 14 012 Intl,. from 24 to 33 none,. Spikes, Win, SpWin, Eager Molds, Perforated Zthe Zinc Paul. et Th., mathaat tbelr metal rare. end fret from any adfmatara of Iron, or •ny other substance, and re commend it (no the munthetare of most an etc, it, - - - dit imam, farolthit.2 Ica so it deAr, nor r.,,.,, I. ~,,, t affectedly th e scene of water, sad may to polilthei , tzolnted, woe J atthn• td ,otooloo. mndela, Plann, epecifltatione, and other Infornuolon mar e ke lad of their •gentat— .ll, Lai. a Prance, Nem 1 ark; anINFON. 1.0. M. aCO . liarOO; ',. Noreen l'at nth & Co , Peithe t ethb* W A 11 klelth.o.BattlAore; arose, Dar A Ititheters. N•T•Orii•ZIC F. NILLIROUX, Retident Arent, .2 Hanover at., New Tor 2. Lk`., May I ma7t.3 E.3m IEIOZ BINDINGS AND LEATTIEEL. Prillwir•rd A. rsorspecy, 16 Rosa Calvert at., mar Baltissonr ft.,Baltivans, - (Lath E. Groner ft suns. N. V.. lISIPORTV If etri. on r tel g ., and Dealer in Leather. of vat can k.nder Ed Orb a d French Bid ikins renett calf skin., Pr ...I Leather, Mormthe, red. h - :• and pie's roans. tin s i err, as.. Lasting., Francais. PILE 0 sI.I..trONS A N. fr MEM ;Ns. I se. is, Weber . Shoe Entree, Awl Riedel, Oh , THREAD, Bird. T. 1.4111100 Nails and shoe PEGS, of all • res. Ei A. G. bovine erttrlished me above blarney& in Baltimore, Is enabled to slip woods &kith or Weal wi h ten almost derriamlf, rna rt thelowest prices- Manalscratirro. dealer., and, all others, may rely span attaining every GLele to the trade, of the best quality. ardion lib. cal trims. i 67 . 61 In laetrile' . or B. tti, Boat Tree , Shoe Trees. Clad re. Grimy,, Peat Stretcher... Sr. A l order, will P.. , I , evvutrd I. w prieei far :with. A aria erne contele.ing a romp Lin not of every Gain rhel wade will be forwarded to those who mat desire EL - 1, EDWARD A GODFREY, Id S. Calvert eel. Id ayYlitiVer near Baltimore et. Dethrone. BARNOM's HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway. corner of maid.. Laos. LTHIB ea.etin re t o hey b.en Leered by th. sublortber, end has been completely refuted in e mon elegant mowr. Large addition. are new bete. made, whir!, • be.. cempvted, will make It the 01041 .21.1. , •V How to N-ei lOW. kis tist , e deiersoi• molar. of Mt preen/do, to make it equal, In every re ap,t, to any mime Ileiwe In the United !ruts. la lo cotton is the rand denratile and cential in the ally, be ter in the fashionah!e Dart of tireadenty, croveulent te all the pubic i planes of •mueetnein, and bayinces. Grateful M. •he paironsce received from Ms western IfttfidS, addle at Cumberland, Md., and more recently at the Wedded House, Cleveland, (thin, ben spectrally .o:rtiu t renewal or their patron. 4 1194-far hie new estwlishmena ai New York, aud top to a...ffe theta tout every effort on Ms Cadet /isl, b glees to adminine• to their main andom. A. 9 IiIIaILNL3I. New Vert. Berea. t:',4o.—l.rtf-1. A POILTONN. PMEI LI 0 or TIRITANNIA SPURTING PORTRAIT CLUB, C-urge street, Plymouth, England. The managers beg to .queint their numerous tatro.thut c next Distribution of Portrait. co Re. 11J , .11. wail eomptin those en cued for the formeern on Grand Nutottal Pane ßano the number of share. to be limited to 60.0 etch clam. Paw el.. 19,112 ,, Cf tiq second ele. ditto LI Petit eppliection for the on epproprimed there. is tweestary. A patty sonserti. - ing ter more than oue share hu the elan, of gainmx an ..1 Camber...a Those member, who draw the vertou• Portraits will be presented with., foi• lowing totem— Portrait of lit elect bon.. MI ditto Winner, or 61.1 Hum .6.0 i £lOOlO n S mond liorse•••• 10,000 0.000 third theme ..tea 4.0M1 Divided among.• Srerte re• • • • 6.003 30th rsoivottorters r.,000 00 Then nn 109 boon.. in each cleat, Mel twine ta nertrwr I' horse• ent,e,... for the rime The Drawing will be , abducted upon the tame leeitimm: principles es thee ,which ehememrlseu law 8t twoger end other •roetedinea. Fti , l peed-elev. of ere remit roll be w e t to townt m•mters iwmedierly after the dr- Caton. that tech natv knorrh•e pm. non Stiorerilvera r-ei-treed and rerip !emu-led on re telpt era remit ente. Bill. of Fr chance. Cr trot, Dunk Nate., Ra *dares ed Lad mad- pavetor In the Mon lime Directors W. J tal ES k. Piro p•r trot eomret•alon to be reduced on the pr• ,Lun n of beauty. Miritt-'let tiff Oj • Re t D HOUSE, peso KEITH t DAUBED. Proprietors, Ptd.hc Sqvar., Erie, Pa. OFWRRAL AGF. OFFlCE—fay:ern TVeste•n, and Southern Stagy', leave this hop, derv. Cs.- to..ni from Stvrun and Pad". Roma. Grata • W K,rs lave of t,r Ap,,,ppo Ilneel , Isle, O. W. finsaca, tare erne titnaman Hotel, Ohio. EMS rtGar • Jimmi Murray , ' Fluid DIthIt'ARED ander the :mewl.. care of tag le. 1 venter. 0 , 4 establt.hea Car onwards ethic , " year.. Tut 'logo rotonnitto. is recommended in al. vases .1 nu- acidities, got, and gravel t. the myth safe. our. coo cdectoht farm to Magne.to ma., awl thdred th- col c ono in remit I. On, hi to be cent .ited ovvitswng a I the prop-rn Ins whgnehilt harem genri, , use. 0.n.0.. Noll listre I t It, to firm eancruos ecncrehton. to the i owe] , eireto ewes haw Chant wmoot hjhrlng oh Coot, at Qt. aoda p.c.. and their On bon... arc in n in do. it 'q.v.. , .0 (..ad DI it fatal turning ohm: in all rhet. or a {Amato., 'portent and it rec.] I. Ir aihnied in leind.e... ht. Ituinichreh. Use) test , fie .1 the. tir I , V.I. Ant 'Mt. onioole eorotttimootto scab or e acid • sit. 41111.0. KW , and a rse. g their injurious tend.ney, when other adhalico, a..d area hla i ralsw. itfielr. earl (oil d. Fr RA Stir Philip Ctanepton, Past,Fargeon Genera to the Atm; in Itelartd:— .13.4. ca.—Chem ran be to doeh that Magae,. may he atltn n ore sr fel in the Cretet warm.. cen.ret d aolatron than In estnant.e, lot tuic a. aps• y other t-kruns I +to al opt ttin th•t tae Fats! \td Ada d k sta. Lae rer7 •alasbtr 4.lklitiall In oar ,Irtert. , eta laq,es Clarke, tqf Cialariland (lettr•t Slaps at Load., lora.- I y cortatterlt Marrs) , gnee:a. as Orin , Ant teore , and eon n•ent o tte eel d, (etc Katiaa tsar ..tenting the constant net aoda or nntast Far sale tty the Importer , ' and nroOrlettorsyzeas Ii A FAIINI - ...4TLiCIL Ott Car. of Wood Franst st ICF. la harrot Rt•ert, that Oil or ekhoet the VS.h of April, the euhrenhere hed oat ed to them at •• ellabeteg. Vt,.eateorertny notea, —A role Owed. ol G. A Marun, p oelle to oar ender. der. Mao., Aprd 11111, at 4 mort.bs ell, 817.1 t, Italf &eon y Jona Orgati..ll2e onto and time, ref Sill .7, awl • note draw : by icon Wed tr. Lle, in favor al John 0. Morke'l, and twendorwel up no, doted April o.b, at font ste.dea, tot 8,75 ebeeen notes ware never reeelsed by in and II to Caution oil against iradit le for or buying the en net, payment ot toem htt.s born stopped, Ba. IV HARD-WWI maylsl I !MCAT' 'Path & sUMiIB 11. GOO US. A. V . r r alYierce' . •elle eh^lee C.oea 01 Fresh [Sprier su *I Enna, boos. has net been opened at Alexander fa par's. No XX Market west, north west Corner of the D.amond In calling the ansattne of onr r e and the nubile vis se sck It effort*. gre t pleasale to be able to 947 eintbioers esnEAT 8.1.1i.1NS in al mom r •ery dose? purse aondr, as a earns re*rnon of it wee puenhaavd at the recent extenteve as 'den sale. o ebe eastern eon ea Our. aemertenven, 1 -in of 'army and • ep a goods. is veer supenor. ens adeed• 00 all cash tea err, tether by 10049.454 our rstafl, • fine op payumey of LAD *ell •nd .nr LADLES' DREs — S GOODS New style • u.o. eu Oa., rosy cater; mesh plain and fixeren eh argeedne eller. of almoellevery a pie and comity, sup:, pieta and e cored Oise. Alas; do ble f fess sod .02, barer:* de la an new and hand* .• me style: - at style I: Trete, English, end sketch sawn. to greet &mein and et very lola pester; plate, inared. and satin outpost de lain, of an km.* and elealetles. nee* lentres of all shades and color*, ging* barns, chine:es, pries, SHAWLS. Beyer clsateeleen NILm.II-1011; plain ens. !Spred bear& doe plain and embrol lewd Tha ee de; des* rain. mare do; sayer plain and e nbro.dered anew and colored crape do: •,..^ 11 10 1 eel *ls. An, Winn: GOODS. A fine assortmver or mune, leate&oks, Imm:era, Strisses, Cooke, ela . c. 1 4 • 4- oe en. BONNETS. Reese a Ready, pearl 05.00, Flamm. braid and toper 'English &raw nonne•• PARASOLS. A. flee cork of enpenor plan and fringed nub and Satin Tara Peresels or all valor. 1,111 CLOTHS di CASSIMERES. A large assorunenes of super 0101304, English and Belgian clothe and eawtruerne et all quininesand Peer., to mann we seroald invite the &tent= of the gentlemen. DOMESTICS. Our stock of brown nua ample/Ind mo.fire, tlckings, Cheeks, chambray., d.nlinse, at, Is very large, and at We vary lonia. prices. Alro,.i lime tot o( table Mantra and table cloth., brown and bit:arrw; Basra art Sante h riapetr, era. b linen Imams, mt. and wool n gnats for Inert Aued b orn w-ar, Irian t• ens, rod. Whie, end yellow Ilan. rel., domestic ginrli trns, ion and itirea Was rood rare. or all t...as notinry and bonnet ribbon., a . trial 3 irer or; to all e'er:s we would rerpertlnny krna are attention wito'eogla and retail eanh tbrerr. ALEXANDER a on V, menu P 3 War., et. tit - 14a.retnd ECI3 1801 no. preporra to furt.:.ll Apple Tree, trt m the welt known Nort,ry Of Jaoott t. ;Low,. The be data., d at , he wharf et ottttoargt. for $ La Per oattt,l .zug good thrifty treat .hoood lealre their order. onecl Ir. Drug Aged, and ittlaase,ccrner of %Voce. aortz4 2 th agal A Id WV:al-A-DAM KLPIOVaL. WoVNI;i11:0, tV,,atcs tVARF:IIOCEE. 1)1 ,1 6Y 1.11 ~V N 4,111. nave rros,, , to No I.:0 D Wov.r.o. 24 tioor L. tow tm 110 H ' , NSA C, as.. removed tb L liz,ntrge Oder. ‘4.0 and .17 REMOVAL; CAE , ;. o,„ C N 097 W.wr t hrta, el N 0.04 • AVlntfi, 0e , 0c003 Jo.. O. Co on L.lo, ST•HCH 3: -. 7:711,nn , ri a .f,l, 1311 nx• :7.4 Te". •-• and to. won ny einnt•l lan .ns•r end 010.aa.o• ISS do ...no f.t, o k torl• • 711 t. rc...ri. •'o •Tnre . !7 elle I, %lit len It I. r C i UP.ANT -• 41 %Voter tt feY.alcs t 11 GRANT 71! .I.lvv-v • 1..110 do, 00 tel. D. Mac]'. do; I.e. ra.....cd Der( round.; 6 tr.s plain do For vale by Dr/vi ,oLt.V.lts It NICOLA 111 VA b , CO TIA br • In itero and 111 (0.•04. hxyLib(t.uol p vt: , 0 0 1.9 LIT & Cii Gi tin -Lacy' — A ec.l.a; No 1 :Twin t;•.r; - Just retalveu and for eri jet', 511,1,ER & HICK F:TFON I - 10 I.tr•Z In ElJse , e, Lawn,...,) ~,„ r,, t an Le cel,l and for.., by J 1.10.•4 00 2..1 U Z 9 P. Torrarend's frar7;jii , lit..r. , irn't b) ' 0 in2l . J .. Dr , & rt. 011.,81.1KE:r.aVi-NDLR :Nll.n. a . ..0'7i r.;r:-.TelT lei it..,0 1 KIDD ' i )11 ciaTEll-7-I,n.tv; Nil Tnr - 110 bots Poch, nn enn.linmnr) eGgi inly.a).. I y [lol4_ , LELLr Htf a - IC() LS ritrialiilLiC-inT - atairCc' grar74.lol7 y ir• kW . J 1:111D 409 . , 'ME LLOR. mO. Si Wood avec. be. /om sortromal of PIANO MUSIC, moon which Qe the following:— MuilY, do you Love me by S. C. Foster. Oh. mayweir the Red Rom Lire A/way, do. do. r Lady, le Ned, do. Guinn toay. Ran all Niel, do. DoilyD Soldiers Wedding, by Glover. Tb. Robin, do. Oh Tone/I'oe Cord yet onee again. Sweet Memoirs M Thew "liver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Song. Thee but Wounded the Spirit that Leve&Thee. The Conscript's Departure, by Glover. Dc Ktod totba ,eve Uses at Dome, Home where e'er the Bean IA Toe Yankee Mold. Low BaskM Car. by Lova. Do volt ever think of me. Slumber Geode Lady. Jennie Grey. Ehrt. Cellar/as, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Widues Batchelor, Maiden, Della Welts, Concert. Ladles' Soavenir, Cully, Elvin, Lily , Alice, Evergreen. Sara. tins. Adiew imd Polkas. maids TEAS/ TE&SII 'MASI II AILTE enter not Into the list of pulfervoresain.r.bing about Hundreds of Chests, Importers, Large Capital, Bought for Cash, lke. In feet, we well not humbug ih any manner or town, we simply invite the elsewhere; to compare our Tess ~ nh went they yurehaw elsewhere; Pits Is the best method we know to ascer tain woo sells the. best and eheepest Teas in Pinot burgh. We ara now selling Good and strong Tes at 40 and 50eents per lb. Aprime article, 75 do do The best Tea impprted into the U. States, PI Low paned, danargeo, or Inr,Tior Tees we do not keep. hIORRIS & HAWORTH Proprietors of the Teo Market, jet Raw side of Diamood. Oraas automata IltiieltiartlealWiiilet D. Appleton tr. Co , Nen York, have In coarse of putt lientirto, in put., price twenty flee cot.* enett. A DI CT lON Ala Of Maria4l.l, Maname.; Enc• Wink.and En innearrng; dengnsd for Prcaund Wninng Elm, and those inward for the Sngr ma-mg Freffs.num ZDITXD IV °LIM IST.. THIS WORK is of large Ciro. sae. ano contain uowaea rnom, and upwards of co stmt. 14. 11.1.CattATIO.. It will p.erent working.eraw , ta d deg,riptrpn• of the most important mael.inos to the halted nudes Independent of the results or American ingenuity, it will Contlin camp:etc preen. e. tread el an Mechanics, Machinery. Engine-work, end Enginembut,•4ll all that le useful In more than ace thousand non worth of folio name.,may.- sines, and other boo a The real objectot this publicanon is, to place be fore practical men and students suds so amount o , fheoretical end seictulbe knowledge, In a condensed orm, as shall enable them to work to the best adv.. take, and to astild those mistakes which they might otherwise commit. The amount er , ttufel aIIrOTIMBII, :has brought together Is almost beyond precedent I. curb works. Indeed, there is haidlT any subject within Os range which Ia n t treated with such clear ness and prestaion, that even a mull Of CM most ordi nary capacity cannot fall of urn!crshwi log it, and thus learning from n mach which it at important for its to know The publishers sire, in abort, determined, recardlers of enst, to make the work on complete . possible; and is hoped everyone desirous to obtain the work will procure it as iasced in immbers, and thus cneourogo be enterprise. This work will be issued in semi.mouthly nambers, sommer.eing 14 January, ISSA,and will progress with treat regularity. The whole work will be published In 40 numbers, ate cents pernumberoind'completed within the ear. rent year,l6so. A liberal discount will be made to War. ' Any one remitting the publieb2ers $lO in advance, shall mem. the work through the post office free o tzpenu Opinions of tits Press. " re our ramer°. Manufscurers, Mechanics, Es. sad A.m., is will be a [Who of wcaltu.”— Provideace, (13.1) Jame. "Young men, arm Townie's. m e nd s knowledge.— We can with confidence recom seeders to pour. themselscs of ha numbers a. fast as they ap penr."--American . _. . . . ... ..kit anhealtztingly commend the work to those en gaged to or interested to mechanical or scientific pur sr., u eminently worthy of their exammautic and Mod y."—Troy, IN. Ye) Budget. It is Italy a great wore, and the yablistien de serve the thanks of inventors, tonchlulsts, sod mann factoren4and Indeed of the public generally."—N. Y. lo 4Zill/le 't ticoary will be highly useral to y ale I tacchardee, and value. to all who Wt. h to a r‘ rottet . nt toemseivey with the progress of i11.t.011 in the me chanic arni."—New Bedtoid Daily blercary. i "It oung mechanics ought to keep poste up to thee menu! well as pract ad knowledge, cod th is work aril above thud jut how they statoV—ltubary 'Nu, venire, nWo to km it to be jut the work that scores and /mu deeds of der Intelligent mechanics have desired to poi ntn tic verde ate to desetipions. ant so tall and now. Its trpeeiticanons, that n Petal. to 43 that any mechanic might contra: Fan, nt testae It describes, on • recgli ofua engin:ll46.d batmen° s."--N. Y. einusetnal Advertise, • I mt.:tense umehmtiez rhould mil them 'C. el tm advattmee• 2 -1 ,- Msyllull, (Peon ,) Jour work of erentive practical 'Witt and Feat ire -a and valuta° the r•ptdly tact . ..mug intern.., ,ttuntry. raga,' the wort as cattnan , l) el to Drew-re the elute ti acinnre and Lb. 01 art. and to tt{.l4,4lawo ethaante tnfor ma =l2l/11 .Preet•eal men in all the nrlel vials. of reeehani ^al .11.11.11.UfatUrill• tint Attu, engineering 4e.. art in shit worn • 11,11 , 07 C whir ti it •11/1 tie to dint, Prot top oy MO Whig. "We have eatetatly parume.t the nuat , ers.airt bae betta.ion in atoms, Mai it i• Ma b, st work frr t cbsincs, tretimmen...d scientifie men, ever patilite ed. jt contains ramose Liformation on every braves of ma =sensate%) arts ann sciences. espreowl in a aerie and !arguer intellignils to any .r aJer of ordt nary copseity. , —,..loscesier, f Mast -) Nriss. - We are sure awe ar dome he ' me .r with mid other pane of Connecticut • wrote. by hrtnei. g the wort to their attommedn--Norwich, t: I (Conn Courier. It isjost such. work as every mechanic sheet. pOtarl. u—Freemenhi /carnal. tVz coned:settees of the melt steettil end Important pubocetions Ditto ere. No mechanic can afoot lobe wirithoot ”—Nearard. J o t Comthesmal Coon. P. • II all the canoes pa:dime...is navies tor their oh. sort the etusidanon and ativaseemsnt of the mech.,. cal arts and artenees, nine that we have wen, is to full of promme ac this h— Buffs Cent Ado :it to h e and cheapest work c•er celered to the amenf•tie and practical engineer and menottnic 7he Mat si et • be ct ssitifally executed - -Wael.unmon 43;ols: •Lneuonary is o.ic of the SW" 1/Stril works ca r te publiehed for 'can, nod the low pried at which i• ccgd makes a veceptable to all"—.tooth Curoltnien. t'We regard it &sone of the most comprehmative and - - aluable, as well as ettespist works ever published" —Baltimore Adverti•sr. "Blight to be taken by every one desiting to keep pate With the progress of art and amens, in every one of the labors of civinzed life "—Random Cosner. "It Is designed after the pronto', of UM'. the en. ry a only that It is morn devoted to the indebaneel and enioneering professions, end ahoy. atl, t valuable its occomplbhmg for America who pre has done for Elogioad, viz : dege•thing American machinery and lenrce aft American. "Otis punliabed In numbers, wm et a price so mod.- rue, looking at whet taco:Bawled inn ch notriter. Thad no one who has the _jOILItt .oth molt. need be Even'. pp -no Mg sad every oite who doe s so, will find that be hz • in a condensed (arm an manner of instruction which would be ot•taincri, If at ali, i nly . by the purchase of eery many volumes."—N V.l.:twiner and Enquire., , '•t he eamprehen•tvenow with which tan subject. •re, treated, the admirable manner in w hick they are illustrated, consplre m taste this one efthe most ilmil rabla worts ll—Democratic. Revew. his worir sliortd be in the her:, et' ev e ry mechanic, net nun, and mznhfactoier, toe 'ally Wore who have the teats rupirationa to excel to their respeenee bust• nester hase.e.efally Claltalled it, with a view of retorumendinit It. to inrenows. To them we woutii say to the strong lanunkee rub.. "I , I. Ifnmt" — Bettimore Inventory' Journal. Nor ira to 114 Prcprtaara of Noon:opera arrrughaut Unleed :Szarea and Canada. the foregoing adver•usement is Inserted Pea times 1g the year, and tee ember emu:tong It sent to us, of the wort will be soul gratis in payment. rn•witT ELIALLIVITZLLIS OLDITMILNT, Containing no Mercury, nor egker Manua. eallE following testimontal vs. given by the CelTe hted Dr. Wooster Bench. the author of Me real medical watlr entitled “The Jimmie. Practice p. Medicine and Family Physician." 4 liamng been made acquainted with the inmedlente which compose MeAllister's 11.11.11 ruling Olnut vet and haring prescribed red tested it in sereral carton my private practice, I have .o hesitation in saying or cernfying that it is a Vegetable /remedy, contationg Ito mineral substance whatever; that its ingredtenti cornhined as they are, and aged as directed by the Propnetor, tee net only hermless, hut of germ valae, being a truly scientific Remedy of greet power: and cheerfully recommend it or u compound which hat done much good, and which is adapted to the cure of &great variety of reset. Though I have nevsr Miner recommended or engaged In th e sale of teem medi cines, regard for the truly honest, ounseicntinas, hu m character of the Proprietor cubic Ointment. an a l the value of hls discovery, obllge me In say 'tt:u much retarding it. W. blEdell, D. D.^ New ork, "April MI, Isle. is one of the beet Woo In the world for Horne. PILE-S.—Thousands are maly cared by this Olut. ment. It never faits In ylvind"rcrief. For Tamers, Ulcers, mid all kinds of Sores, It has no equal. If %labors; and Nurses knew its value In cores of awollen or Sore Breast., they would alwsys anpry it. In •orb oases. If used according to dam:bons, a gives relief to a very few hours. Around the boo art directions for acing Me Aillster's Ornavent or Scrofula. Liver Con:minim. Erysipelas, yin,. Chilblain, Scald (Nervous Eyre, galncy, Se r a Broectutes, Affecnons, Pales, D0e.... of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness. Fay Ache, Bung, Coma, all Mycoses urine trk In, Sore I rpri, Pansies. ate. ' Swelling of Ike Limbs, Soros, RheumattYm. Piles, Cold Feet, Coop, Swelled or Litc. ten Stoat, Tooth Ache, Agoe in tho Foga, foe. From the Reading Slagle There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be. fore the public, that hug In so short a time won rr eh • remand. as Me Alllster's All.Heance or Wool.: Solve. Almort every person that bus made trial 0111 torsi. warmly in its praise. One has byren cored by rt al aro me.t painful sheunnvism, cumber of the a third of it woublesorne pain in the side, a math of. d'video IN the Irenhs, de. If it does not give saner es, relief, in 'lvry ease, n con do no ribury, icing appired ourwahlly. tot ano het evidence of the etroneertat bettling pow tottotred by we rote., Milan... en:ma...tie. from re.etable eltmen of hi tudenereei tmeauhip, in that coolly: almdenereek, Berke co, ils.th 3t, 1547. "sttm. Rifler Co:-1 desire to :Mono you that I wu 'sstell cored of it sever panu in the beet. by the tam of aleallimeei /111.11eallog solve, which par. Ot. s . d 4 : 01 ..70.-I.6erod mob It tor aboto en yo ns. and at rbeht wrvaansblo to sleep. Moil. ihei tried eetkior rer.ciezonrWrib tier re prescribed :or me blPh).i.'"S".allter person., well: out reeelvt tte any Iml, and atlammtvde trial tit Ibis Stove, ha re rill iaw ably ' ''Y''''l''.aneettliOn I not now enure. ly free from we porit - ntrd entity at night a pence; ul and creel tdead--I.2.B.lnratourea the Salve nmee fnr tooth oche artd.raltetternsply,,,,, resalb. Your fnelltaocev A.,../uult ff,;; f r it n 36 Principal Oetteyl4.o,"4Nctlyalptlid LI;4 ph ` PRICE gretiNNlTTli - - Aovnera no PClTeDelictrf Ltdof tVeOJ - and, 1041 it1i..).T40 Lid Lihrty lettere VatcOX:Jr., erfree'r or.alaraz erre; and we DlafoaDd, alv6;comer Of Fin rearm Mree . a; Car t kliMitereked Peon ...eta. nth Wand; ant T sad RI the Ocarlu'Mri is SumbSeld et door front Settled' In Allegheny City by 11. P: :Feb Worteitini I Doe g lets By 1 G. Smith. Dmagott,blirminalmon D Nr g t t , EU,. Liberty; 11. Rowland, aleKeentorti 1. A ....des te son, Monongthela City; N. B. Bowman& Co., end Y. T. Rogers, lirountmllet John Barkley, Beaver, Po; John Walter, Jr., Elizabeth, Bonbriyht A Erwin, Poe , reter. febllendty MiSO.IIAIEOPS. Valuable made:lentil, Water Po•.rer co let on favorable terms. frliE Watt-toll N IggTioN co4p A N T note prepared to Irne, the tt ater Puo• or er the Grand Repflis to 11.1 amount ',Mel. at to propel Guar h.dred pairs of mill s one. The treanon .s bated h o ar a ene4 founrlerion and rt.e pow, ran con,- ettenUy •rol ed nn I.coh Wee clam-neer. The groin of the WI i r River, se 'tell on tit; , V•Lash. can lot" readily fenunihed or Om pntnt R rth e 7 , lothee , iron ore, and road to the Learnt aboneanee, and of tope, r quality, can be wily procured through the acme enontry Tenant—Una hundred dont. per arnum for pow er surteient to propel Ito Jo or. of rnednrm er,o. mill..onrs fret period of fifteen . yror. tot the oft of .enewe' on the °WT.. of the Itco o' (ow •n , urronn of the powe , cter,o)ed The one of thr rc• , : or me0w...," included. wa6enr f,rth e , eh, from hhe Cospe.ny. 1.1) elder of the D.reetrre. AtINLR Preri.ent W N Vlse - cm-e, In , Mari t,"ro TH. F.@ H VEL'S Mbt , ICATED NFNpu b o p. —The &tin of many peen , 4• cittlrered ssdh C.lbt erepu,n, •• ptmplep mornhevr,&e . and when se M merely r d..ca•e of at, sate, as tt is 4n nt.etT tone rues en of evrry 7,7,7,7. It I. re . moved Jules tieuel's Ntreph Poop is esps•ty adapted to dineases o sr eep o ,n re r e• ,!, upon ;In mthnt.r pores. We:eh r Ivy, im retire. esnan to from impeller. end by Its hel•etme I..song rrthemes rrnii,:tng the dialect sod toughest Ara solo, lair, and b.o mthg. Prrnons who have been in. the habit of hatneoldii osry roan wilt be astnefshrd n tie bencil tM"•ffect product dby the Nymph t.etin, rn Impartial, nt I.cate b'no a. nrcychhog . the anti: lace or hm.l. trop clap nltsyme all trill:ion, and reart.scm all mann ne eruptions It pos,e...cs erfame, a n d is entiletv devoid of ail l k properties, rendering it the °My snic!, which can be and with tar.) sad comfort in the noessry. A that, whose Item . .. necks are disfigured with otoinles, blotches tan. roorphass, be . should make tr a: of /ales Hanel', Nytt...h Poop ae the prtrletot postuvey usecres tithe..m that its ese will render the most dtsch - nts l'. the rot:ahem skin monte, hid the most meemcd skin healthy, pure, and bloom tog dole. 'lnners Nymph groin I. th• nrly n—tzle which 1,11 etreetanlly prod., the nerve rlf eta rn en short time nnd lienl. one sesseli % tte e.me woo 1.1 poswert.d Red en (rely harmalees only by JULIA Ilerbtos, aid Cbeentat, Ch,teul Ntr et. Mil.. For ale evbolesele end mmrl bl II A Fanestock Co. and U. E. se I.rn, P:ll , l.nreb: end John San rent and I Ild.telasll. A .lersr 1,1 scamp nni,D 4 GOOD MoDogczy Pano Fr r.e , G OCIG Velt, iccond hand •-• 0100 00 A hnod.me oprizAt wish Itostwc. Pa G “C. 3, 01.0 to 100,1 o Nor •• • • IGO GO A rt , vin 51 Octave , Plow. 33 411 A goo I 0.4.••00 Ptano•• • •• .• . ..... 75 40 A good 51 celltve 1 swo, wrL harol•oxe. fn u 1.11, .......... . . • 73 (0 JOHN ti U Wood .t IS= Metall° !light Llght • rPF.IICF.DINIi the Wo,t:en rt.ttts and teitt, 1 - • eußthuvti 4e, t t.ro p - e• vet.. eztl.tttn, Ferrofote fro much ottio,re to in all ttter - liosto Otte tab'. bpt,ot. ul nt toe crnrtmn latop etl t Nine Hu,. a t a., lat-Lee It nr,t.h of ttate, vet mein, ptldtti,at ttu•rtto, 0 , 0 1. Received and lot sale JOHN rt ,IttRGAI E5E133311 J UFO' RF , FINFO. re the Fatutioret Fentaly Gm eery and Tea Wurrhinwet S rare. Free], 0p.., in tla cans; S to Plekied do, it ja .; 5 do do Co, In pant co. The a' nee Fresh Oysters are pm a-d pat up In Cithly eence.araled soon. •nel, r. , 1 in hertheilcilt ly tented eons. and will ter p much 'Deur than those put 11.. In th- orduntry way For sale, wholesale arid:town. by WM A AteClatlito & Co, mr.o . st Great A mat lean Itleetsersleal I l P F-RTON & rO., New Vai, have to tact , * e Wort, andEnriueef fen practi‘al ‘r or tie n. i en. and n:e inteneed lar the E..gint et inr Prolate ndlird, Ti.. *art le or 'wan Rao the. and will nOnfatntwei th-ttsane pas nr, end urward, of sit non•••llWtl.as3a twee. It nil , no. sent unhurt .' , a tines nt the Roe. impin tea me' lion, to t! .t tatted S vies. Independent th- rewit.ofTAltartcan In. RP:wily. it wt.] efnapiew proteuctl W1,1:11, on 11. abaci-a, lt^el infra. Engine W,lt, and Engineer. tar;with 01 lbw is to more thf.- one leotard do Inn wish of foga voltrec.. w pet rlws s,d sant! books Sir nombefs . jeteiecl, w-11 •nr tsic the •.4 nt, R till Rwl :• knonli NEW STOCK. OP PIANOS. w4,i._ R'3 ' .I.)___. 4,-_,_co:,ii,,t, ---i,, • e.,,...,.=.•,_iz....5,...„.,,..._:,,.,„ A, L' . i..,‘ ~.,:•-t*:-...;-, r ' ::. ' Ott ' ? '.... L ~ &,- 1 7 - - ti'd• -: ':4. - .. - ..e t_ -illt CHICKEP.INd'S PIANOS Jetta 11. little', Si tcoit Strca, Pittsburgh, .kart io tve.tern Prr,y f•.r the .ale of CMCKFRI • Is . . .41,1 '1) 11.tbra be Lae ow t0,,0,cr• •-a rce• pre •ne , o•e, 10, ale. n "la/. g ot r,ovtb. ,e 4.. ttd von.nCe tale moil of P 80/ r.e, 0,1-Th,, .. r 'or Bo 1 e 114 tho oreii—ara.mg the narober vv.ll be r0ut...1 • tal lovely of .Der.l, curved Ro.eneed Putno Forte.. all the r•evot tor:prove/310nel! In tc0e1 . ...11:a ane style of eateriar. 6plen.illy carved Ile,iqoad revel, ortave Square P.ano [loathed tette Elizabethan cod Loalo it V. ',lle* With n I•roe •tort of or thn vni niyle• of Pin t 1nt1... nnryin, in pitont f.om crn n Anon nnr SIP 0, p•ernte[ by ?It. lot iLe ptt-oen: ycnt • 4RA nnrnr d M: cp:t en, , ovt:pnr. to I. Pt, II the mpnutberl , ty to Ft ..Pll , .. x.,:r.epirt• ”np•plrtntir, ,11 4. ,. , ••• - 0 •::L] rt: •,:t orPct, nt.y Lim u. :Le cao, mrl.l 1111 r, :1.e . , to I -form the public that b ba‘ drclipel fa,e; of. 1,13 Son P Id Ln. w 0 a ni:l cc Jou. the ....inn 121:.! Cosa. a.aval bus:ne...: et the o ter,. r.l Path litter, and for %cow !...3,t a C01.:•/1 atuce of the liberal pstra mar,: herr he.vwett lip en • ii/111% DAVIS, Apal 9th, 1200. D:..1'15, (SUCCF...Ssua U .101LN D. DiVISJ AUCTIONEER MID 3,0571 09 WOOD •00 1 521.1 LUBA.. Er.a9a on d V V Doni,lio by w. r 1 c:ope nt en on to 0 9 , 9^A9. to merit cant.cuanc , .t" 19: .4,part and p.. iron,- ~ .rcity c.9..nutu to the forms. hum... Apt. 9 h 1,5” =3fft===! ELELIANICIis POILTABLE tIOAT rile steeessees of the netivonenner, In Philadelnlllo. lithe lute .10.2 e, M Lxvt.CJ roslncess s o teserrasszases to tLe Loeinete—arraysnestnens• Isere t,es, sonese erlssch I=CEEZ toretotore valeta Lus (Deemed COcd ander [ha mane Dame oat/no t oio Jarter rt it. Jon s ;AT. nsa S Co.. Patahurgu. The etrattnriaare of the pettona i , or our many frit oda la respeetfoity 'oar, .•. if oar parson% have demands airairtat ihe eon, rit. Itt , y Isre repettcd to p • Sent them forthwith, for Panihurgh,./Cpr.l la, ':lo. ;Mr S Mira ntil7 mg partner. SX7IIO:,E , ALF: rito corm , of TIM and VT Wood querm, odor ;or <nue, ineorutqc terms . IV/ MI. 11 beqog; btaelqa Caro. Am-nonte.; I‘o do A1ta,5. 0 1 do q.nferqdx. no do Cabe . um do :11,00 25 do L.seuplalook; :A;0 do 11,001,1. o Root; 0.51 do Woo. Rod; $l , O do Irmo 010..; 13 do Compbor; PO do Rod r•oo , P 1 ‘. 18 ; 20 do sp... grocoo; 2:AI do 1...;oolvel Amer.; 20 do °purr; vn do do 10 00 hrunslone; 2. , do (loch., Lr‘qes; 8 do rlorcs; Tlu do 111mqnr1; 110ot; do Clinel flowery; 4;0 do I , ..rqap dq; co.se, Rot ltarox; 2,1 do I.eo loa do; 25 Comdr Snap, 210 do ...KA Rocher;e; IS do Yroxllon Lque. (501 do 8,-;dlttl.: , '.:ztort; 10 do Cal , : Moq;•cso.; 5.01 ;iv Pow, (la oberU, 13 .10 Chrome Utern, 5111 I slip. KOsi 5 dsdo 1 t ILO do do U. 00.1,10 do Am Vero,ilmo; 1t,5 do do L q Root to reams -toll :':,r;ql, 1; h:1.; L. baq. A;r..iy Somme; .L 0 oo do A , .)cr.ne: 25 ti It. 100th.. Core.; 5.9 to saq. Li.,c; 750 s :1 ,:pa. Old do Ilan Tin. 1200 11.. Cs.;c Ake, t 303 do Votasta ;an 0„ U do MI U. Raa an (1.3.4, Ver.4 15161 da a- •en (lather; 73 do (Inrhatral; Ito' d 0 CEcil do ilyd l'atashi too ki.o Tana' lc 11CW" f.t. CO Mace. 100 do U , ci Urfa, « Ca tilwordlo Lotion febef.4l4,,lnlT PETROL F.LbI, OR ROCK 0H,.. "Tarry ble tiGre thtne,:. r.-.ve,..,-d rant, Than ale dre.unwn: •5 , rrrne.'y and thecol.stwo It, tO te orrortmet, al Induced h.or t.•,hove 4..a0: do er Saito la bel. nod threc oom TOT.t{...'.altr It of .h. 2 put, It. The PETItitI.ET pr..e. r ls.e.n weil county, et a depth of f,.ur o - • pure nu•- dultcratral artieie erns .• r.or lant an 11.25 e• f.0. - n :sate ea tam at nut:. .proper r . 11.. r. .. nolmngetmoeon hse 2rea . ses , a: lna,U tel mtait oe of •aat er r :once. to st , 2 i ~ e gersir.. and irtAthe boom of health v os2t .n.2. , y • sof lirer Loiig before .he .1102 , 20 ..f Up to hote.ca. la .04 a emlttllal .nr me .-are of .bs. ease. The 1.02%, ot and ie..; cren,ne 0•1111..1 tt and several 'rosier .2... 2 . 2 ,, 2, 2p.r sore tridivatto.. or !war 2.0 r,.• .t 2 . .r.dc opt—arl a..p1tr...0.0 to tht ltl•tt We On wish to mit, I of 2.2.0 h eau , . tin wr rurtlnt, tout rut: ea% sour. work ite way in.o the ra,,, who . 4 , 0 , Lo. r.c 0 ra:ve. Wi.tist ire CO att. 1 , 0,4 ft.l t• • universal app.teCion evers o.s tee 2 neet.e. tingly say. thil /I. • naiai.er .7hronie Disco , ., It tg anrteuLcd Aino.ist there may be enumerated t all diseases of the mucous t.snota, nueb as CM:Wilt: OrTfi , N it. ea; siuce.2 Asthma. and all 11-conoit of the air poSsores, Li 02.11 OLTNIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. litlthces- Uter•lif. the Illaddet rod Kidneys. Pans In the Suer' Sitio, Nervous Dreases 2 Nertalg.l 2 l . ...sy iih.ste . ..t.e Pros. Elryetpur retter, ilingsrorme, bat:, 23, 22 ,, Iltunre,ts d Sore,, AC., AC. In c 11,4,3 of dorniity re. oohing from exposoreii.ng and disc.. , this m dteul.r wtl bro.. teller. II will act a. a genera: TtiNIC sod ALTER ATI VS. in sue, caste trartltut tO.te nnu crate, Int..e w!ado a ing iil.strocitoos. opeiong the sluggish Smarms, wh.ch cam, doe we rind u ken awl givrns incremsd and r,v2 - 0 ent rgy in :be proms at rAiel Illf penuti en es.r it..ws of several 2...5.v of PII2OS that iu otact trttaid•t, grt wet. ander'itte a, or the PEER" ILLrII lit • *ht. iota The prnol C.l Purnell to cup per... wh a p_al,.,,. Wan% geni.th,e ahois th, signa.ure of the proprielat by ;us - s.urictor. f. 51, h.lba.,llnr.al Darin near Seventh et A , ItS r-I.L ENS. 5; Wood aq and—K./A .411 a Nt`DrlWl,l,l, tuner Woad Pt ant! at . , It tap who •re his save-otv ...autn•tt. aututts.teti Arent. CLIPORNIA RUBBER GOODS —4,1 revolved. Ts Camp Maui..., e 4 of rm.; 1.1 pro Pomo 18 pstrs I.en lined ilutios Hon, , P 4 'ohm, Pose; water TWA, q and is 4,1100 s eve:l; :+0 ear:teen*, P0 2 .0n <orb; I dos Bookok.a Money Brno; Ito oiled earelmo do do. 'The above goods for valo Ihe C. ‘ o 4 l liotxdo. No Wood os i uragatig TR ANSPORTATION LINES , 1850 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. DOA TS of ti. Lmc 1•111 leave regulariyoula O p LIA t, (remote without Banehipmera. J C BIDWELL. Biss.hunh, J ER COLL I• F. An, }Agents BIDWELL & BROTHER, Rochnst.r, • lB5O BIDWELL'S SSNDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Pitt.,Sur,FA to Columbus- and Cintatlern.i, th e r wl s and poprilads onuaies of Cohnrn. tlaau, C.7m11, Start, Tif.lrar arras, Ca/Lorton, Li rksng, and Fron.klin. eun,pivoon of the Sandy and deaver Canal onen up to our nay through this great natural t[a.rai ' MO, a direct commonieltme to the shore as well tuo the cdpriolna enemies t( Wayne, llolrees, X..., and a-ls wore. From this section of Ohio, the trade with Putahargi has been, to a greet ran,: en. otl, in convegue.ce of .he Het; noes or itan•normon, whieh are now re. du-ed ond at. Per eon. Beata of ;hi. will leave daily, nod ran through wonn..t. trltiphirment lb. Canal company have ca towed upon this I ne an interest to tbc cmproce. detted env...nage. of their r hurter. and thus secured to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering chairgoods by ll' A ELL'I4 SANDY AND DEAVER LINE, an egu•l inurest tins a vas:lave. Ago. 1•: I.C. RIDWELL. ertiabergh, I3IDW ELL & CO, Glasgow. CratalVlarl. n nolmes, Eptees hinis, Ohio; lt A Guy. Wil..amapert 0. Georre Kv odor, Elkton, 0 ; h lior.nen do, Henn& Graham SG, New Lrabon,ii; filar Nlenn.•s. Ilannvrr, IL;b , ,ets hang, hi t . nerve 0, Ft, okra . & FoOre do.; J• , reph Pool a Co, ; Huh rt But., Cneica Mena, D ee ", do; CII Iturn.hol & Co, al aorta. ;It K Gray. Wayne.. burg E tot “0:41., eo ; Lase Teller, Map..., 0; Ei de.lLd .li,t Co. hlagnolle, 0.; Ibrknesa,do;i 'V ter:end N. , Pend, vine.. Pp L• ff., Peab. ..e go a ..rt...r.heurh ...Inver. 0 ; Shriver, Un J Mus4nlnn, 0.; C.ll2lle•A C ; n Roblnvon. CaloS,l 0; Fertig ft Torte). tonal Doter, 0 ; A.hledbury, Rosen., 0. L K War. nen Nett erk. O; Fit; h a Dole. l'elemhos IT, L 0 Mar. trews, Gicaeletid, It; Rhode, & I:recn. do. mall TILE PENNhYLVANIn CANAL E . OPEN. : " 7:, PITTSRtE Ii TRINsPORTATILd LINE, 1550 flAt. V. Penney/van/a Canals te. Aaj i lioacla WCONNOR, AT. INd A Co., Canal Bolan, Liberty orGh; ATKI O L LItiISNOR & Co., 219&::0?dark. Meet, Ptiklaftelphic o.llt, CPCoavnas ft Co., t o North street, Baltimore; itt.vrs. New 11110, I I fbaw wtt•ct,ll ,, r.on; Ilatt moe Goar,7svide, Kentocky; /lam. a Co.. l'-aiumltt a street, Unctorwis E. V. sae Lon:lord', BAUM, lii`ol, A Ito., St. lOnla To &Swore of Afttchontboo and Prahto to tend fn.. I Alt:dolphin, li , ltzetoro, N. York, f Boston. to f Oar w raetrod omen: bd, se era,,ni fine order. we am pt . -pared vat tveyblew pneva. tve tuts all it...rd.:nu a' any eharne ha.lrg polieles for over IFX3O,Ot/O. and with the fuldowthe extensive of Boat• fret confideot of clown entire satioteetion to bustness ,neuter to nee cam I 'or hosts Ira all new, and commanded by captains of exnerience, and oar entire Inn in conducted on ink, sofiCatA Lapin, 1112 d frotperanwpfinelples. tears. Captain. l Boats. Captains Iron City. Beton Penn.} In gala E I nitwit, nierylvod, Ma' Wail fit. LOUIS Cowden C.netnnatt. Sands Col. llowani Ridley liu , h Anna. Chid,. tiler, Defiant, Sims tiro Atkuu, Pretend nwerpnwa, Kaytoo kernel. Iti'Quade Junar, 1140V•12 ilaston, niter Get. Scott, Onto Gsrdnda Kiley TologteohNo Calla finaririns Porta al tfoySPCJaada tsliveßranehlAssoer BattoieCtlppoißdey Athenca Perry lildo Bella Kearney Mermaid fildioltean Hemet Monte 'SK. Fox fill.jande Julia Ann J l.oytady A ..rnre. !Woo ll Te eteript, Nemec,. ' Lo..dc Sharp NonaQcoes tow nltippers ws. And It to the., ~root .ce to go•• .4 • Call. 0 t...oNNON, ATKINS a tats , [WWI Canal down Ltherty Pdtsbarca. Traumportation Company. ElEt 1850. . _ _ D. LEECH & CO'S LINE, - DF.TETEN PI PHILADELPIEN. BALTIMORE A NEW YORE. . . , . . na Pt.r...7.qtranra Canal ara Rat! Road. T " c E. c.m i' pc ' t . e:r " der C , : ret 7 x r Z:h t e " ntiti7l7, ' „ b cTeS: ' „ 'n e rew the L•:". <rm.+, u carry • large wan , nr pro.lore xt,l fon T•el oot mg:co-c o: thy Ltne nt•4 awl comre -04 to) the . E=IIMM Ai,J !LaV, 023-, !Arc. it, Pm ttOrphin. Po.; .10 , EPII FA' I"qt h SUN, No II: Nom floavort et. Hammon.. ; OFFICE No 7 Wr.t it. Nev. Vert; D LEECH & CO, Cana Penn H. cal: PaoSurvh. Mjlzt f 1850. UNION LINE, 0211 TRY PENZPA AHD 01110 CAINALEI. CLARK, PARKS tr. CO, Rochertei, Pa., Pryor's. JOHN A CAUGHEY. Anent, Office nor SinlthGeld and %Vete, et. Pittrbergh. CILAAIREttLIN, CRAWFORD A:MAIO., Clovelond Ohio. IWS well known Lana are prepn od to transport freigh and Paoreaxery (ran 11 rrsiturto it and ..t - PP , AND. to any paint on the Canal and Lake. The facilities of the Lime art cassirpat.Al ounnicr, guakty and capacity of lows, experience of captain., and rff,clency of Agents. Ono Dom leases l'iutbureh era Cleve'Red 3.11 v. ran. in connection with u UDC of data Wats be ween PITTS MIR ill oral nt,A anda Line of c 11.,. Steam Propeller& and Vessel. 00 the Lykes!: •.. CONSIONEFAi Clork, Parte& Ca. Hoen tor. P. F: N SE Co. I, .11114 , W11. 01110; '1 Taylor, Warren 0; A rt. N liu,k. .le eton Poll., 0; Bror ton a Co Revco.. 0, Kro. 0,1.01 to Co Franklin, 0; II A Miller Cuynooga Fa'ir, 0; Wheeler, Leo it to. Akron- 0; Ch.mberho, Crawford to Co, Cleveland, 0; Debt:ern; A. Co ; , tazidosky, It; ['sachem to Scott. Toledo. 0: hil31:1111 k Ca, Ortroti, Aliete Wiltiom. A Go. Arilwaoloc, Wm; Al or'ey h Potion. Rorie, Wis, George A ( - Hew., Chicago. III; Thomas Hale. Chicago, Id. 1011. A LAC/GIMP, Agent, mrHt corner Water aaid \ Smithfield at. 51M 1850. LAILE ERIE. Ara) mcniarix V 7, flit. EXTklN•ditiN ew'XILL . . . CLARKE- PA n KS it Itnebecter, Vroprirtora. q HE Pt. ',ctn., thit old and wed known Ltne onia •Wor. the, p0b1.13 Oa: no.y oic non In op crayon t Tcr t,c prclect ,cron; and tail, cocclacnencl Freqbt a. d',ankh lb, are fully pn.pa,ro t , carry wntt Ftaini. o n the Canal and LA ICE.S ERIE AN toLidlet APil. At the Icerc.t r‘lrc. One the Boara of dir. Li ca .0 011%.1. tly !al.dittn,lntoac Monongahel a Snag, to tccelve A.CALTGREY, Agent., oven, eat Water at.d qut.1141414 Pit2talmiL R Po; Mltcac , t,o A. l'o;ackt, OW I In•l, Slot - pinog; Wick, Aclirc 2c Ce: o. lirecnvlllog I.Val Henry,Lla4tatown, Won Pn, cr. eon:. •• Joan /learn • . r. Eric; /con J Fl.dorter n, ,r,410 Pact•totargh Purtabl LIE(, t2af lB5 O. -delta fog tag IRAfitrelli,rlo:lNAl6ll.llT TU A.‘t, F.ll P 117311117111311, P:111.11)E1.1 f tlIA, BALTIMORE, NEW 1 0104 111./efTIIN. A e. Toofeas Ilaadatoax,T A O'Colatoa, l'hondefphat I f tttalarah. If E being now open, the prof I 0 of au. 1. long C•tiallirllld life al .041 at their Old rand, ,rcrp, g nod forwardafe Nerrhlndine and Produen at let , pada font reffff .the pr, mptonee. Co, fetal?, Lind anfoty p•no,:f.: to theft 'yawed, and Londe •ff trart‘p..frzatann err:ie./ice tran•itintatlfit is rtre, led. with %LC OA. cacti and probalfialy Of fl see. ?deft, and Pr. - place ehlopcd cant or weat,end GL nfl. - toTWAllled (ref Or fh.tro for (noise,,. cr • c':gf Having 0 mere+, di eJror Ann., .1), .t,amifo , :s, that of ,hr owner. f• con.u%nd when fnnpping Ihflr g.. 4• All f ~A nkiolfatlgne to Its foliefortng agents prompt !y alltutind LO : l 1,111/11A . 3 BORDIUDGE., No 'no Mnrk, •trre . Philndelphla. .4., TA AFFE & 0 C.,N IR, Corner Peng-and Walue street., Pittsburgh /01111 Mresi 'net & 1 17 , ,f.th et, nolo I' it yli,y, ciLI •t, 4.0t.n0, W.ll r raofrott fr. it . rs ooutet sr, New tort, head. WheeNrright, Ciftetn. IDILLI BINGHAM'S TaalsetviTliii ISSO 490 1 3 s 112 N tweet. Pltteburgh asaa f. t Can, d ot, kre ready In broadanbroad pc ontot, y, ntatwc and otetanand,ie coat tot , l we BESMEIRSIEWNE Mr.A..ar ant Jr.me•rhsr , mil , bp ..errlved end for ward.d ert•t • , d wttl. c. at, rA•rar for ha tva d a advAr.rt• ,rrlrd,..cromtat,tt.n orto•nre I.‘l,n‘: .ur,atet.,i„ and ad daexthats cuu rd:iy tu pply t., tVM Coat 8..", co, Liberty cod A ,ylle F t.. UI NG.1.01 t DOCK, No t t et V., tiLlt h Wt. itint. wiL.ttN, A ot, No HA, Nero n 0.. , ,: Italltmoret AI.A IiI:46IIAM. tort 6 no w, vv.iit N.. York. paeseacer rims Remittal... Onflea. ItA7, ;OWN k CO. coati:zap to tinny person. iwoto any mom of Ergland, lr-inud Scotland ot tViile•. un the Mo. 'therm terms, orttb.yhen umul pancomlity p o nds ttention to the wont. and Sono fottpf caomeranm Wu do not allow oat passengin be fobbed by the motedling scamps that tnfost th e um ng lobe chine. of them the m enomt they Cr oon themootoha, and ace to their well being, nild watch them with°. any dew.. by the Omit slope.— . .Ay coy Mt. f.utimitity, we defy one of not passe. ers to •Loor that they wero detained SI bin,. by an in t.trerpool, cub°. thousand. of miters •no dammed .onths. until they couldhe sent to gem. • rtraM- al a *11;1 p tote, ...Met. 100 ficquelitly prover. Mita CoMos. We intend to perform nor contract, uonorally, cool what it May, mot not act no we. the case last semon, ni's ether oMccra—ewho miner performed not all, co ort i an it suited their 00‘tilierlIC111,11. . D ra mdraton l'insbutgll fon any Ron from Ll to 1.1000, payable at any of the plor,letal flanks in Into £,,f d, Soot:and and %Vahan. ROBIASON, na - opean • t.d Cenral Agent, nien .traa, Wo.wt I,I4LUAS—Ie ni Urnndq wd D';" 6 call Isij Kum, PIO 61;61 Me 0 - 6 4 N , ccaAl z , vas MISeFIAANEOUS. J. IL MELLOR, hi Woad Meer, has recrirta tn. foaerreeze New Name: nn t e l' at r e a llo a tly "' C ' tfoc! ' th`,":itL7k e 2O, l itTl l e o d n'; thee IllAnelie Alpen. Pima thee. When other i leads around thee. The eat beneath the hills. Were thou bat mine. Annie Lam ie—Seoleh ballad. The Kobus —words he Polo. Coot. nes e be Stephen Glover. 'shoo hate wounded the apt rat that loved thee The rimer of Wraniegten. The Ir'sh Mather', Lament. fed Sextor.—iluatel. lie dumb all •hlusa web— Woodbury, ISTidnve Msehret —Smell. The cotta., often MOOtr—fiuurtignson. I ow barked ea--LnYer twin lettJeree—complete. The Nary BelL The Bridal er Weddinr Polka Jenny Land's A rterioan Pets. Lissy Po.ke.. tone. &Merle. 'emits Tip Tarp Amenean 101. La Belle Balumorvon Polka Jenny Lind Polka. The Otigins Sr his! Po'ke— Juke, Salutatton Polk.. Flirt Polka. Josephine Poke Summit Polka. Resategol Potku. The Pro phet Qsadtiller—llleyerbeer Jenny Lieu Quedriltes lbe *breath and Delay Wal set—tin Ernest. The, itt sits Denver Boy—vevantlo.sly Curtly. Meta:men, S. , un''s from Horne hVr. cher'. Dattuhier. quietan.n. Louisville Much and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick p. ly' CARPET W No 76, Peal fir-CLINTtY"K is n • Spring P.. :k o( Primmings, de, eoisprisin • Extra Super Royal Fdelisb and limed< Kure Superfine Im, . z. l Superfine ARF HOHSE, rto ¢, anal reprivitir his CARPET ()IL CLOTHS, ►i 7v part •IT following, vizi ilcot uT Pilit Colas, vestry Brnstels vela) 3:17 5 • daperfire Ingrate Curate, Extra fine Flee Common, all veriii " cotton 1.1. / ane I Top Ten Car. 1-4,1 and TedParp 1-1, 1, 1 and 4.4 plain Car. 1.11 , 1 and Rectomen., 3.1 Printed Cn Carpets. Extr. swqr pateciCbczae Hugs; Roporfine do do Rolm Tuned Derr; Fire Cnmnion • • linra Common do Chenille Door Mare; Toned • Sheep Bkld Adelaid • S-4. 7-4, -4, Co 4, 4-4 and I Oil iflotii.; 6-4. 0.4, 4.4, and 4 alairing. Id Innh fucnt On Cloths for main. rte Extra printed piano rovers • table Embossed Piano Table Printed woolen Embossed Stand LlllOll and wostaid • 4 Datualk Star I inen; Turkey Red Chintzes; elm ice Bo rdennat English Oil Cloth Table Covers Brown Linen cremb cloths Woolen Eras+ Stair Ends; Stair Drogue.; Carpet Blodinxin lute and Coco Mats; alibuit and Skeleton More; 3-4 and kit Green 011 Cloth lot Blinds: HockebscaDlaper; MAO, Ocact - thrtHoa Bice at.d Drab Cloths; Cr m.o. Piarh• - Coach Oil lolzs • Dnmarla Llrdap; V; awn', Morel.. . . Her Holleod tor *Shades; Thumper.; - I French ;taus Veneuto Blinds; Denting for Flees; 7-4 and 0 4 Table Lanett; Roads Cruh; Feoteb Diaper. Brown hues Nuoklthe Human Oil Club Tibiae Covers; Saar+ (Ott Cumoa from the most approved Eng nth and American mminfacterers trout 02 to Select In walla,winch vet I be cut to fit rooms, baits, and vestibules Many wise or shape. The undersigned berme imported direct from FAT. land, ht. Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. TO.CSO Carpets, which are of the la cot and moot elegant etypee and patterns. and of the most gorgeous colon, swill be sold at paces as low as tbey Cl2ll be perehased for to any of the eastern cote., abso, m o " a n t b i tullFF toe n s ll :41 ' 4! ;RYE ' d PLY and watch far impasses in quality Ind ettearinesl. of price, any athortineut ever tor tore brouebt toting Ile also invites !Steamboat Alen and Conch : el to large sod vas selected authr thent olTIttll:111N13, and other articles acres thry ta their basoth... _ . The eadersigrird 1. else seam thr the crap Stair fled blittiefte.ory lc PhlladetpbL , ithd Is en:pared to seil coder itan tan be purchased elicso here to this eny. milG WU. ritt:I.INTOCK. . Mew Goodell — tow Gleagsli - -• Ness Sprsne and &mama Dry Goods for 1830 ILLIAIII L. 110/SILL, ••. WtsaLlmli and Retell Dealer in British, • French, UM American Viet WOODS, Market' turret, between Thin! and voiretn. sign of the Elia Bre Bryn, Ess Jut commenced receiving end °perms one of the ClOll4 rich. splendid, and evens:re clocks to tied. end Summer Dry Brads ever offered ror sale the Western country. All of these Imported Goods are fresh opened, end received per the 101 l 1itt . ...101 tram France and Eartiend; as also Irish Linens, impored &mot from Belfast, all mew bleached, and warranted the pore arliCle; there Linens on all imported by the sabseriber, and see all pure ant yarn, warranted. Also, Insh Unto Damask Table Cloths, the very beat Ali n , sod Dish Linen Reeds of ail kinds, imprinted direct from Beirut by the atbseriber, nod will be found the real Etin•go brach. LAMPS' DRESS GOODS. - . New style rich nark Senna, all colors, vplendid kn.,: black Turk Satins, all price., fie— goods; block glace miss, all color*, late Importalloid French Rid wove., all colors. the belt Imported; plaid blank At— tar, re, lan blench steamer; new style paiornr s. •f.Alto, a scpc.th ard :ergs: of black t.: u•-els Lace. for tr.:towing ladies , ares., v•ry heir good., plain Us:reeve all colors, mely lw, bcauutui good.; black rink Fringe, all whirs and pricey, very cheap, Fr. nob Lawns, new al•alca, per last French tocamer, plain block taro De libme, high lustre, aoperh goolloi blink figured Gro Dc Rhine Broeadc. rich goods; fern, b and bnall.lt I Ce.hincre., ter.fry lee, hos utiful goods; splendid figured cm.. good, far ball doe-see; tick en:Oro:cared MallA (or eve mag dtem elf Swiss Edging and i 1, 'ening. the bentapnried,lailk Thu:es In all colon and praline:. new so le, plain arid saun stnpldAyact f10re,.., all poor.; panted Lawn.. new ftyieroca fito 05 cents pee:: Llamas do Lea., a new atonic Ind.as' dr Alm, a leree and auperb flock of MR' style spring Domes Ribbons. the very best im ported all new. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Canton crepe Shawls, 11l emery, freer: Rom the Cu.- tom Home; lark Palo Shawls Splendid goods, In all Calor.. per last alarm, beamllal chinks:able • lace ail, Suawls, aeon impurtalran; whim embroidered Canton Crepe:shawls, aperb knorla,• green embroider ed Canton Crape Shawl., .plcudal goods; Lopm's French mode Ftebroidered ThibeL finest importation; Para painted 0.111.1 . 0 Shawl, all prices and quali ties ; I.4,es' sammer Cravats a id Scarf. In Ereat.va n.ll Freheb worked Capes,Col. ima. and Cad a large aßisirtaltal. A Largo Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. 69 balm unblesettedtMaohno, front 3 to to emus per yard; 16 rules Mr:yelled Mashas, from 4 to 121 cents per yard II eases Irish Lane. tmpmwd direct frost Ireassu II bales Ticking; Rom to cents per y•rd; 8 eases bloc Drab how et to 124 'bents per yard, ho. erde• a fait • ..omens of Bummer eloltko. Also. Das ...therm, Tweed's, Setmetts, ~,d goutacky Jeans; fro cotes dark Calico, fast colored, front a to 121 mats per yard; Stases lloyl A SW.' English Prints, yet{ emporterl r 6 bete. Rawls. and Scotch Diapers, extremes ty Awe, frotoeteeping Woods of all Clods, very cheep; V O•Ies Roy.. Crash, from 61 to 124 cents per yard, beildes e large .ioo of Cheek and StArtnig stripe. Also, Comm. Fla:mete r all colon and moth ies, at low prices, red, white, end Yale. Plestaele, very cheap; bleached andunbleached Drillings, fall Moor:menu 6 ease. hoe Merrimack Collects, co mely low: black and unbleached Table Dsupersoill prices; Bird's rya Cuomo, all prices and Tunnies, very cheap : • corared Colobliev, a full assonisent, 'stomper than ever. tl bales Darlaps, from lag to t 6 el per yard. Atm,a large week of Conon Table Diapers. Abirtsters' Skirting— A furl assortment. very cheap. PARASOLS: PARASOLS! . . The largest and most eplenind cock of Par./. ever opened by tiny one house In Pittsburgh, Is MO day received, sod are all of the newest French stiles, which, for richness and bratty, cannot be surpassed. As we hove a large lot of these Parssele, they will be sold meoper than any Met noose In the chy em ford to mil the strut Quality of goods. The Ladles aro respectfully owned to examine these Paramilk no they will bud some of the richest and neweststylesever imported from Europe ' 'these 'ernsols are all e of we richest and most fashionable colors, and arc worthy of the atteetion of the ladles. Au of the above goods will bo sold od at prices far below any house to the oily; sod In order to pro. the net, the public will please tail and pries these goods, and compare them with any other house la th e one, and be convinced of the abravei.mmon. Toe odoicriber would here say Milos austere. eels. :Owen and the public in general, Mat (Leila WO two te atr bee hive stems in minket street, pri lending to norm writs toe Mg Bee Hive, which Is adone the only ,ete.rc.:,lerel far fumed Dry lioodsoatabllstiment In ri11.,Ur.41, rue sobseribir ...therefore say to all P.0./et • of Dry Goads, either wholesale Or retail, that the lim Dec Blue, on Market tide. between Third ant/ Fem.. is now opening the largest, richest, and most yn.. stock en yd. and s um er Dry Goods ever edited for sale in Punshurgb BONNETS! BONNETS! Nsw Sena. rex 16.10—Tho 'argent and Most Whia/. able stock of Boonets ever opened orthisielty,ll lust received at the sign of the Big Bee Alarkek street, between Third and Foottk atoms, here !dry any of every description me miring cheaper mm any other house to the city. the pubile will pivots tale notice that there are two other bee hive atoms on Market atm., who pretend to compete with the Mg Bee lime, between Third and Fourth streets, where the public will find, at ail times, the largest and nearest style of Dry Goods, (tech opened. tip Plr se man cause, Oast the store la Mtweew 'fled and Fourth meets, sign of the WU BEE HIVE, where Dry Goods of every derioriptioo are solin g mt.,. WILD it lkilLptter house In the city on . WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. Dre.lbood• • . k A. MASON a CO, r,u Market Parent, bet-.en 11. TIVIV and Follftb. are now rreeleing a lama aw .onm , of ge tlara De L.ll, Nosiest Clot., an en ure article; Pallet 11, Crape De Lai., fte; I Lupe Intent of Lawns and otter Drew floods, of too tate.l styles ahti mom faaalonabla colors. 'pa le oFFFI7 - -ddba ns prune • le a{m urt; ennomm- be. ranted dipped, { andsperm• Cemdm-.lsotru Cream end English Llairjl IS no I-00 dee Hemp tad Atari!.; Cuss-SO Mum; Ilumms-{ barren Cranes-60 111 Common and bolfSpulahL FLU- Y 5 brie aitd ha , f belt IllnekuelAnd salmis; Ut,ss--ail nu courted Susi Ilanar-1000 Prime Venleero leoO enenr Cured; I noun-100 1411 F nod Slvlll Imt-15 era • 'ammeter Mack tealCoyyle,yr Altsneurs-e0 brie N Orleans; 15 boll t,rls Sag. Hum Ala•ennb-10 du nmestert moisten; Alsrenvent-GU lba Malmo au/mw-60 Ina do Nis ,s-seu keg. users Ponnas-11 dealers ne,or ed; Pau brsheis baler.; Parma 50 ream. awned; Peru. 100 lli. 110I4C.I.I; ro•r-SI , GSA Cum mod Cast Steel, ors -IC bloM N Comma and ClaliPredl Tae. -no pack:m.6,u and &Sneer Tenneco-ea ben le, o,llilk luny; llourna-50 nonentens Zink; For anlo D %WILLIIMS a co =OX2MMI 1 . ../-3.1 4-.1. CRS! FUR! 1.11144. !—Tbe Imbsorlbenw Intl pry j! for Coon Mtnk. Altsvk Rut, Gray and Rea kblt, and all lundi nI Rue, tau nigher gnaw, pracvt_ McCUhU It CAI, 11:1=t:Iti2it! paper Donaginta. PRINO SELF,c,IUN.—WIII ue rreelved, by faitt emus: chtpmenta a new and choice assortment of tc all Paper, of the latest French and Eastern styles, la gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors. W. P. MARSHALL, (tate A. C. 11111,) melt 13 Woad PUCK Co.partnetwop heretofore eilwing between 8 1. o. Ithehheld seed Joan ftlethlh ander the dem al S B. Swat,.la a Co, In Om day diseolved by mutual eonse The home's of the old fins will De settled u, S. LI Bushheld, at the oat eland, No CIO Liberty street, Pittabwah.. S D DUSIIIIELD, March 1, MO JOAN 11cGILL. Et D OUNIIFIFID and UEOROE RICHARD will continue dot Wholessie a d Reuel Dry Novels !and Grocery humans, at the old stand, No to Wham it hener me tam et B. B. k Mare , . 1,15.4 —Nana I;Qat: th is day anoetated,ernb me, m the Whole irate Grocery, Onzuniseles, and Forwardlot 0. 1 UM. my two bone, R. N. and W. EL Vial9ginan. Tbe ail new la .utme will be conducted coder Me style et 8. Waterman L bons, at las al stand No 9 tor end 68 Plan past & WA nalkili"kilitUttegar . - .IE-DICAI; GEM 11110RIAAT tIIEMICAL DISCUI6KI CHEMICAL COMBINATION Fro= LEs Vegeoqc :Krogdoos, to repel Dissum Dr. OdiseWs Extract or Yellow Doe! end CarsaparDlA. Craw cot:sump:v., seroniw anneal., theumastem, gout, limn eoutplaii.ts, urinal affections. Wee., pia., deepest unbina, piles, money, edemas. et the bleddes md kidaeni menunal rapt human, Pugh of Wood as the head, fever mid eine. temile anspninte, emend debilmy. dsspep. slu t less of appetite, headache. colds, costionien, morel, niebt twee . % Melia, caseate MM... palpitation of We Lean, Ihiles, pains In the side, cleat. bock, &a. ILL infallible ln all diseases arising tram an In pc re state o! rte tined. or lrternlar action of the sla ter. In the Vegetable li,ngdom, an All wise Beteg ha depoiited plants end herbs congenial toot? censtiten lions, and adapted to he care of disease; and to the erectable kingdom does the reason or wen, as well • the instinct of ani ale, tern for antidotes to pain. The Syrup is • reieuriLe compound of the most sal unite plmu to nutnre entirely free from deleterious and enervating mineral sabstances, and as It expel dine.se from the system, Imparts Ingot and streugtha aeorrespondinadegree. CERTIFICATES. An eitniordinary cue of Scrofula, Err:Moles and 0 errs cured: by the sole use of Dv. lluysett's Cora tcdtdd Syrup. Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Broo/an, Nov. DI. GCnorr—Slrf I leaner my uncrre thanks for the great benefit I have derived from the age of your valuable syrup. I he been troubled very bad dit ,:tototoos sore, which made its appearance on in chin. I did nut poy pinch attention to it at find, sap posing It to be nothing hut 2JI Erllptl. that appear perso , a far finally began to increase. until spread to deli port of the bead. I plied to • physician, who attended me all to no purpos ap e. I bud tried every thing that COOLIO tic tried. I saw your Cyr up of Yellow Dock end Borrimarillaii and concluded to use it, for I knew that Yellow Dock mu one of the meat valuable articles In Abe 'world for the blood. I bovebeyour Syrup, and from the are of one bottle, I could see • great change in toy system. I continued to are It until I was a well man. I now feel like a new person; my Wad it perfectly cleanud and fret from all twenties. There is not a goution bat tha your newly diacoseren compound Is tar superior t any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold. This certificate is at your di.poul to publish if yob like, and any ,one you may refer to me I shall be hap iiy to give them all the Information I can about my tam, Sm. I remain your obedient servant, Gainor-Li. Jouterna, 113 Mutat creel The beet (Mule medicine known. The Extract xl Yellow Dock and do sanguine Ina patinae, apcedy, and permanent c an all complaints Incident to ore Fttal•LF2. Its mild, alterative properties render it peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate connitunon of the ferssio. It is nonvelled in ifs egrets upon such diseases as incipient co:lampoon, baritones., carboys, en whites, irrcealer menstruation, inconti limbo auntie, and genericl prostrabon of the system. linos tamely coonierrieth that diareasing nervous nevi and bnaiierie Wcommon to the ferrule Inane, and Imparts en Panay and buoyancy us surpriehiu nr they are urethral. We ' have evidence on file which induces us sofouls , to recommend Ibis medicine le marled people cells have not been biassed with od spring. PnomPau Vesta or Falling of - the Womb, of au years , standing °turd by the. (inyson's Extract or Yellow Dock ud iCarsoparilla ober every rata, known remedy had been tried without relied. Watauga - rem Ohio, Feb., 12 , 12 This certifies that my wife, aged 27 years, has been coffering under the chore COMploint for file years—nearly all of that time confined to het bed. I here for roar years coustantly employed the best reed ical talent tut could be procuyed in thas section orbit country, without my benefit whatever. I have area purchased every of tinstrumen recommended for in. cure of emir diseases. all I proved worthless. lu the tonne el I was induced by my friends to try Dr. Guysottls Bellow Dock nod Sarsaparilla, w loch was smell for (our mmillaa. After alto bad used 11 tor about foot week. It wu evident to all that As wu improving, and from this time the itnplo•cd tap idly, and gained Et and strength, mtil the therms was entirely removed, and she is mw enjoying most Whi hirltiFOßT. ' %ic ii` t ' ret h ri7 ' ner th 'iliibars of Wet. andbrdle Monfort know btu tut ahoy* Claternent, al to the sickness a hy oa r, n o d ..111 rFe core Ming e l uted trayson'ir Yellow Dook and Llarrapasilla to be swat!) WC. JANE EDDY, lI&JWi YU WSII2, Great Cure of CleMeltmagitioMe Hammon, Jmusry 2,151 f. Mr. Bennett—Dear Sir: The great benefit wittoh have dented from tear Entrant of Yellow Urea am eartaparilla, moue. me i 11.5 an set Of JILL/CC, to matt the following statement: After waszatiginr two year. from general debility which Limit) , terminated in coneumpoon,l we, rivet mp by my toenail and phymeimis on beyond by aid e edielue. util a la]. MIMI. I was toeneed m tr . ) )011r Emmet, and hove; panel but two bottles, an eordem to your direction, i cm entirely well. oroald therefore earnertly totem:fend veto unequal led Compound to the altlicted who desire • pawed*/ ptomain aud safe remedy. tiratchally your friend, • {VAITh None genuine unlect put tap in large equare he lien eantvalling a quart, and the name of the eyrup Wawa an the rate, with the written eagnmore 01F Den. nee outlet nevi, wrapper rove El pet botde. co. air Lo:.lvs tared. hls sold u. J. D Pun, corner of Fantle end Wel 'nut streets. lAdo.l.:euelal Agent or Lowe add to venom all onion meat it addre” ed. Rimer • 800 ,Er W. P. Judson it Co., Water lord, Olin a Clemons, Crowing Ille; Abel Torrell Montrose; Hiram NIL., Towanda; Robert Roy, Wells bores L Roderick, Csllensbure; I. Wilcox, Jr. Pu,, bursa. corder of Alarbet Wert and the Ihamond. ELLERS' am We 0 medicines of the Coy.. firemen Station, Ohlo, May SS, 1E49. ft E Seller.—l think it right, for the benefit or others, to mate mane facts an relation to your escheat Fa. mNy Medmines. I have and year Venn rage largely in my-own handy one vial cretinettly expelling lame quantittel I•uy 1W m Man worm) from two Onionen. I have etre lord Tort Liver rills and Cough Syrup in my family, and they are, in every it:ounce, produced the etlech cleated. At I am engaged in merchandising, I am able to mate. that I have yet to hoar of the lan( failure catere your medicines have been used in any onetime of the country. In ethcitsion. / may .true that they are the mediemes or the ithy, and e dos.ined to have • vest ementiviithularicy. Youth, re m iite i tfl i t . l , lk, ,F.l.L. Prepared and soli/ bv SELLEad, 1 n .t Wool street, and sold by Druiststa generaliy in. the two ekes and vicinity. 6,11..g.xe1ts Astir. sin in. I," Medicines or the gay.* fins we's .4reriog, Ohio, May P 5,1111.9. R. E. Seller.: I think it right for the benefigrof others to state sortie ihe's in relation to your excellent Ewan. ly Medicines. • , I bam °sad p rt Vero:(tge l'srgety in my own I en- Ily, one vim fre,uently um:mune for expellirdfl huencitios Intl Ito MO) worms from two child's& / have also end your Liver Pills end Oaugh Syrup .0 my (mils, end they hams in evem instance produced the elect desired. • As I am inga,ged in merobandiOng, I am able to *tate that I , wee yet w hear ef the first failure where year medic tea hove been used Jo my section or the country. lit corw.lusion, I cony note that they are Mr medicine... l th. day, and are destined .0 have a very extensive populanty Yours, res .vi dolly Prepared and sold by R. If 1 ItS,No 47 Wood street, ittofsold by Drtiggit y rencrally ih the two el. twy and.rficiniy. mv3l ovirrkat COMPLXINT — ,. eTic. Uoriginal, only true, and gcnolue Liver Pill. • Bhp= Lana, Ohlo county, Va./ March POW, 1819. j Mr. R. E. Beller.: Dea r r Sir—l think It a duty I owe to yew and to the pttle n ly, to. elate I have been fielded with ra the Liner Complaint for t a long time, and so badly that an abeds formed and brute, which left me in a eery low cote.- Having beard et your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A B Sharp, in %VIM Liberty, and recommended to me by my phystcian, Dr. E. Smith, I concluned to give them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to set what they arc recommended, THE BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED; and after wkibg four boo r s I hod the dittosae has entirely, left me, and I ant new perfectly well. Respectfully your,il CLMAN. West Liberty, March 00, left. I certify that I cm personally acquainted with 111 ..oleut • ,stn can bear Lewin:sun) te So truth of the nbrve eruLcata. A R. SHARP Tete . enotne Liver Ms am plowed and *old by . R E i. L LERS, No 67 Wood meet, and by drocristd to tot wo ohms. TO IRE PUBLIC.—The original, only trne and gen uine Liver Pills 111.0 prepared by R ESellera, and have b , s name rowniad in black wax upon the lid of each 'au, lritl ins immature on the anudde wrapper—all tther• are oo.ierfates, or base Imitation. Nato R E SELLERS, Proprietor WATOrIES I I...CHEAPER PHAN P.VIER ! V , Jell ree'd, an invoice 62( full jewelled poled. le. Mantle', 19 carets Gne cales,,which I can .an as ow to thirty and Ilan) , Lad dollars, knd warranted to keep 'aid lime. Also—A spleodld•nosortment Of JEWELRY, nook petatv . We v..trrssoad Matchmaker ie.t .111.., and boat patients and dome.lel, CO* SIOSPRATT , B PATENT SODA ASH Pyles ttcrancad THE suoscaluhatz) .01 ael , ninsntwlt's best iuaLt) and togh test Glass and boo" Makers. f.o.bAlb, warratned sneeraor to my otbnr L and I 24 by the quantity of 6 tor s or nos arcs for currency en unp.oved NOW., al fear months, or a for a lew gun. W a 81 ISLITCHELTRD., Lit r ce Liberty eve L TAILORS , 00001, AT COST 7-- ESSEY, CV, hntrulg ortanged to girt Itstr eon. tincntlon to the sWO of domestic Woolen and sisnton tiosds, now DM. rash large stock of Twines , Trimmtbrn Vesting*. French m.d LI swam Cloths, Doenksto. o!sstlmercs, an. at ben cost IJKILttLY, FI.L.IIIILti & CO leg t 9 Wood at gLEACIIISiCr Ft -- )Wbbi-20 baits Jos Mosprini ye:Wl:tong, a *acct.,' arttele, loz sole by Wert 1.0 it N . 4;Tc:up:I:MEE %AYb"~~tnyrnu~ dungy li:a7rgal Iu • Ule•Cbleg reerk:er, nen red per Chip (rienbr.rt,,, and now Cnuainj au !er ra:e hr 14 tr. NI 61.TC11ELTRES: N. o.—They reCeive. dune' I.ce• f 4,1, ci,V1,..1. wars'. Rosewood , / or t. Piano .1 (ram the eele,nalr,l al..aafretary of ratinar a Clark, N. V., of supe tier MAC, MA: a. , taOdelase ariee per rau lry (I. KLEISI:kt. dela .1. W. %%loot:ard. T / m. ft ,. .1 , 1 'l tn Y: . ...t r i o li n l' i r...4 , ll c l, 7110gr e ll , sabotanees dextructive to the Teeth. it Is .I,ltetoua to the taste, rieaa.tha the maw!, healing and Itreogthz. Inc the pima. a.. 1 p4raf,tith the breath. • For Roth wbolegiale and ratan, by .leOu PELLIMSI.O Wend at CZUR FLUCE—Br • •olablo for rnueb or min`, 11,771 ZEGILLS & RO6 A NIP Ant.-no larl• renetrnA end for by 1 4 1. 1 JANIES DALZELL rfOr en• k • for role low, to elan., igin•nro meat by (MI DALZF.LL_ JSI Thie ratiTiietiina Po VV /71 J ISIOD eCO We'd per Illdyrel7. Line / f o r ...I A by nab] JAMES DALZF.LL T , IRE RICH—jo, in uctno In tune owl 4., rrls by !AMEN DA' 7FLL VC°":-.60 errl` - 4 roar; and ror bY bc.261 S WHA SI;AUUIi n' A ti D--60 ar.7o7loTTillrby I S h WPARBAUGIT SV 1.4,8 VV ' g ' AJ oo treiona for sale by Jetil s&w HAMMY:GiI tire - R -- -Tn finds N767iiiiiiTi — iiiiite ri — rdita,ln `Direr -=V) and fcr sale ha. S. h. W.litaltoAUoll. CAM C 5 two lOW sal eh oat deralatk it es 'A *NOW - -4-snn BOOK TRADE. 1)IEL Ladner'. Railway Economy: a tread., on the nar nn of transport. in man arentent. pro.p.e la, and rnations, commercial. financial, andseme, warn an egrosition of „ pram, al resells of the railways in operation in the booed Kingdom, in the Continua and in &melte. De Donysino Lardner, 6. C. 1. the . The History or the ConfessionaL By John Beaty Benton., D D., Bishop of the D o - 0... et Vermont "Glee. New Edison of tdam•es Gibbon'. Da ellne and Pei of tbe Rnm.n DdTPT 6 T'hi.- Lasoartmea Last...lb° P.w, Present, and Fevre alba hieratic. By A1P110.5 Do Lunation. ~i , u i ty. .l c, n . % a, l ter Dry Pamphlets. No VI. Salo/eM, " 2 .MLureer new Nanb--The Delors. G P. !tiaras' new Noved—Tbe Old t tat Chen. he above water recr,...l Mis da • , and tor see by YON WITICKWN GOOD BOOKS Jr OS Pa. 'AKERS John . o. — American Parrner's Eneykloprodin.9ro on Slid Shrubs, earl Browtn—l rem of omen. a. t Sao ' Thomas—Atorritan Fruit ultirriat. KUM. Hoy—A Cable to Be Orchard, Ittoo Butst—Family artrhen Hardenv, Abner-1 he American One Keeper, tame theme—The Alarm. Poultry Yard. Dr.co Marshall—The Farrow r.m.l biniarsm'r Mod Book Aden—'fbe American Fii'm Boot, 12mo Doortnig—Fruit end Fran Trees of Iscaeriaa,ll2aro l'ouott—The Horne. Sao Bennet—Trio Poultry Toni, Mrao For sale by JANUS 0 lOCKWOOD je 7 tot r ec .o, . t Am• - rics ournal of boteme• Astcl ct.t. . nUNDUCTED by Prof D. Silliman, Prof. 11. Sit man Jr . sattl Janie, Um a, Newth,„ n , a n , . tactical. This Journal Ir iimasd every two month. ii: bombers of IS' page. each. cackle! two cameo volaraca a year, each w th many iliastra.... devoted to ortailial articles on etelebee and tre An. Condensed Review, or Alt...arta ..1 Memoirs .rid DworeriesFarb., n Perindiettla., Notice of New Pubiteations, nue a Grimm! .1 recent Sei, rifle Carte The fir.: retie. emit •ine CO rolutrits,thr In,t of which is a general Index to the 0 volume. preccdirg. :4108er/tutors SY a year, in advance. J D LUC/40 , 0HD, te n t for PrOprietors, Jelb . 104 Foaelh at Good Books for Sommer Reading. Ormarn—Turarsh 11rening e 0 rnammacors, lomo. • Taylor—FlOonidn, 2 rola, 'man Co.mon—Fornytan Life an.' Manners., 2 roll, 12mo. Dickens—Domby a no Pon, 2 volt' IS no. birmkoy—ropolar Delumorm, a vol., 1.220. Marvel—Fbrah bilronmo, 12mo C U. 11—Norman Loam, Ltro. than—Enahatt I kern:ore. Itmo. Prior—Goldstar/69 Alnicel/annotra Worka, 4 vols. bloyo—lin norm, Wroo • Taylor—Vinson Afbo.l2.ano. tiluMbcidt—einatos, 2 vols., Ittno. F. 4 ask by JAS D LOCKWOOD reM3 111 1011rtt 00 . rL LIX:AL AND COMMERCIAL COMMON PLACE HOUK—Containing Hie decision. of thy Rueter. Court of the Mooed buttes, and of the nopeoroc State Comma es Bill. of Exch•nae, Cheeks two Primmer, Nous- defining Moir remstsitc. and properties, andlnvettigalina tbeir relation. to, and pro p erupon, parties The whole ...Tonged to an erodes most convenient for referenoo, and imitable for im tnedieto application. Hy Wm. Lam, Counsellor a , Law. Jo.l received for pale by JOHNS roN c dTOCKTOId Booker!lenh nor. Market & Third sta. Beoks—Cenerai Literature hlortr—r..rfnaurry 11.11 Us. and Illatinfariara. Mao. Phiinsophy of Nazar, Irmo. Chinar—Arhoroms and 'lndeed.... 1260. hada—Earl.. Latrarons. Irmo. Davis—Leprrndra lllmo. /iryant—What I saw In California. . . Pierre—Peal nod Virgtcla_ 2 vol. 18no. Aleott—Letmre to Vounz men. 12me. ifuruap—ftecutude or Num. Nature. 12m. Vertroar—Mcdem French Literature. emollte—Phllortophy. Nownharn—llaman -11nenetisul. Nemboldt—Nrperm o Nature. - • • amdarip—Zoolagitnt Rocrea •• ons. For solo by JAM 69 U LOCKWOOD Joe 104 Fourth rt Fontana Now Igthloplardlets. UWINE to Ran all Night; Dolly Day; Do:cy Joner do down to do Cotton Field; Dolly ins a lid), 6-c. , ALSO: • Be land to tke Loved Ones at Home; 8.,9: thy boat lightly; True Lore, by T.Roadi Oar way acres:: me sea, drietg ' A new medley msg, by B Covertf Jenny Gray, magic by . hituler, Joy, that were crowning, %Toddloif Unroll; God blest the hardy mortar' lichupkill Walt* . Connetipt's Departure, by . Clover; Sounds from Home; WW C. ILIZCS, SLCTarlDaZkilebC Co; Last Rose of Summer, miry variation. by He rs: United States Nits L adner' Soagenlr D rs: Corn Cmcker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Seamiest of Italy; Deems, Trios, So. A large .A0(1111.c211 of New Masse on hand. to wSleh addition. see made weekly. Far sale by • felui J. ft. MELLOR. 91 Wood at. Ski VrlVEvole. WAR wail =LIDO, by it. B. rip! en 9 .L Elmerts of rhetoric; comprising an Analyels of the Laws of Morel Evidanoe and of Persoestox by ILlehefd Whately, D. D. &say on Chris.= Dept."; by Baptist %V. Noel, A. The Clitilrles, a Novel. Fairy Feb.,e from all NallocK 1v Anthony li. Mon lathy: with 11 Jail tre'd by .1011NSToN A STOCKTON, dela roonor T,,ird and Market AU CO • -- New and Eiegyaad out Llookal ACRED SCKNUS CIIARAI:TERns b• 7 T 0 ileadey, add eleven original designs by ihdley Poems awl Prose %%mds, by Rlchard H. Duns; 1, vo . l, rau•itn.._ Montnnted °none of Sacred Poety, with ala Sinatra done engraved on meal, by John Sarum. Jest reensved by JOHNNTON n STOCKTON. de*/ nrr Tood and Meokot nu X. .r PiIIDISCIIIICIAN AND, rATi LINT, or a Pr - anneal Vies , tea minuet dsties, relations and Interests clam Medical 4nessiou and We Community; by Word, - to Hamer, N. D. %Vorim of Mame! De Mormaigme; competing hi. Emmy., . &c. By Wm. Hmim, timereh and ira Remains. By Austen Henry Lay- Eq . D. C • Simms or Spain; or Votes of art Onfintshed Toar m ISI7. By S r Want:. Tapper's Proverbial l'huosophy, new edition; Mu , ended. Just received by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, corner Mxrket and Third atr.ata - - - btaDdard 11l • Uslltzti If re zRY OF EN(.O. Nitnone pun k" apor Oro'., in 6 ooze cloth and Qr. oto cents per vol. Three oze receieco, lend for •rn laze by OI L tYKINs, •pl 7 79 Avolfo liciblings,Foorthßooks. et.. Now — EDEMILVI Hie Fizet Voyoge, by Hermon Menotti° lb author of eTYpec." zzl.lnzazo &c. History of King Alfred of Eng:lood,lay Jacob Abbott; orttn fine nog - racing.. Sidania the Sorrel eznq by Wro. Neinbold. JOIINSTuN A ATOCKTON, nov2l corner Third and Market moats "Dee of Ike illon &mar &his Workr Of J. Are.. NINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; with account of a visit to the Cliandwan Christian. of Kurdis tan, .d the Texidis, or Di. Tit-Worshippers' and au Inquiry Into the Manners and Arts of the A:lntent As yrians. Ely Austen ticary Lapin', Esq., D. C. L. With Introductory Note by Prof E. Robinson, D. D, LL.D. Illowated with 11l Oates and maps, nob CO wood can if collier°. Cloth. ND). "rho book boo a rare =cent of graphic, une. vivid, ple- Macae narrative "—Tr "Th ul e work of Layard Ixths most prominent eontri bacon to the shady of antiquity, that has appeared foe many years."—Clicist Ind "Net one excel. in interest the account of Nineveh and Ife Ruins, given by Mr. Layard."—Washington Intelligencer. A. we follow the diggers with brevities. Intorest In their excavations, and suddenly bird ourselves be fore a massive firnre carved with minute nee racy, now lifting Its gigantic head from the dust of :MOO yrdrs, we see wady to cry out with the awonialied Arabs, 'Wallah, it wonderful, It is truer "—ln. depende. For .ale by JAMES D. LEICEWOOD, nevlo C 3 Wciod et --• • • T HE WOMEN of tee Old and New Testamentl Edited by E. D. Spragae, D. D. 1 vol. Imp eve., elegantly bound; IS erquisitely finished engravings; with detientnions by celebrated Arlene. Clergymen. POEMS DP &MELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,/ a new and entergett edition: illustrated by engravings Goa original designs by Wier. I vol. square bee elegant. ty booed and gilt. dibio—A variety of spicrOld AM. Gs and Gift Book. Eil!?Sigl= TIIE MECHANICS ASSISTANT, adapted for the rue of CovenWra, Shipwrights, Wlieelwrights, 'era, Lumbermen, Student., and Artisans generalipt being • thorough and prurtotal Treatise on Mei:sore bon and the Slitting Rut, 1.17 D M. Koper, A. N. Gahm', Trent.. on Greek Prose Conworiwin. Utteridord'a E/ementary French (Marmon. By ProL Greene, of Brown Ur.iverritv. I vol. 1b... Roedigerla Gewnia a' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. Geettdrut. Hebrew Lexicon. • • • LootheMtigothometry wed Logarittanle Tablee. I rot (sheep.) . The Eageshman's ()reek Concord... 1 val. Va.. AnthorPe Chian! eel Serie... Webster's lberuntary, revlsed ea. 1 vol. Pee. do do onabrolged. .1 ern 9to. Hern hale e's Nottsog. and Quornions on New Testusent. Wly's L Moshe:eV. EscleallM.al History. 3 cola. and 2 vol. isaiey) Vestiges or Creation I Col 19mo. llornums among the JGatil. at (tome. 1 cot. (cloth and paper.) Pcco. where the Tempter has Triumphed.. 1 vol. teeth and 's paper.) Doom Theological L.:cwt. l voL boo. (cloth.) Altlerh Pronouneivr Dont.. Deyer's French Dietionary. Sonar. Horace. For ilk by ft 110PHLNS, novl3 A roello ,• Feu ru. at blontaigne, edited by IL 1102110,uoviprising tits thvays. Letters, and Journey , tbrongh Germany and Italy, with notes from ant. Cronnicalators, Iltographs ie. and Btbitographlca! :honeys, /cc Theory and Pistol.- of Teaehtnr; or, the Motive. and bletheu of limed Sebool•liceptn7., by David A Plage, A N 3l, Paiuctpai of. the Mula Notatal School. ibany, Frank Forester's Feb and Fishing of the U. States azd Sm.!, Provinces of North Alft[rlet, by Malloy Wen Ilerh,h JOUNhILIN h ..STuCh - roN, oaf:, Ltd", r Thud and Stagkhl his The Olden Timm. LAMES D. L., Vo liontwoiter •nd lmp,rer, ftj Woui rtrr,t. ts te, en.- p;ete, tthe reniar,:a 0: ILe e..:1 , 100.) of th, va:ustble woti, deve.ted ct P re.t.en leNl other sutheutte I ,, ntutt.a.ou Ittltt rig to Inc cars •.- p:ontinne. •eldement end improv,mert of the arot..2 the hex.] •.0 the INIto. fly NIOIO/10 eratig EN.. of Ptas,urgh, to 2 IrOIS nortv J._ D_ Lk/CI:Wool, y i t k l E atlL Y' A 4 „:le . nr 1:; " 5:mu 6 e1 E 911.1, Fig. Illustrated anal I.7threengraving., ere taled ußome9 vols., 690, =don. "nth rttseoui Illsunleal Works. Jan publathea arid for ate by JSSIkM D. LOCKWWD, 13notseet eta 00v10 hammer. ea Wood st VANNII N 1 SLE.IN jrALV:intsonat , l7.4lilo . o 12ma 'Jo MRS. FANNY VCA-11 OFCONeOLATION - o . s k ban itharewe4 to With a catighe d s ' f ti 'W olaiia.of it* author Leta "ea pad( rued from pemuni her other arnuasi adespet thee of thought, united to 0011 , pore wothattik athee feeling than say other rlOducwart 01 the r u d u , with attach we are sequinatea "—Eve. Miner. "It is a one Aptc•llie a n d readiti.le beak, written u. Fanny t7le--4.01d, apleited Clad enter. tutting. We rc.mmeod it TO 00r leaden as the Der publiaatiou of the neason."—iteadmo liar . _ contains the Jarmo.' of a wheel Weisel Europe and maid,„" to Italy and Is one of the plea...tea sad most ,nweeeuuis Loots of the.o thiemirek. "Amery characteristic book. We have tea It iron One page to Colophon with titchattit ir.irreat. A In rid pieta., of tdb in Roma In all respects enninentt , rcanable."—Kruchatboaker. Fat sale by JAMES D LriCKWOOD, tatpik a fr• Bonkreller & lector:or al Wool st . bboas sad riosr.rs. 301'de: 4lfh P rf tfl the i 71 " 11 8 :1:1 " meatVO. ad* 1 9/ 6 111111111.14, dig at A A MASON le KOOS 0 'EXCFIANGE BR()KER' , . N. 1107,1111G8 6 BOAR, ILl•lak•ra. Nay hango Desk.! •N.L. DUNI CIS IN NOTES,DRAFTS,ACCKPTANce.2S.GOLD,..iII.VEE AND Ea NE NOI VS. COLLECTIONS.—Drarty. Notes .std Aceept.ceo payable .y pan of the Vaal, coll.°. on .4 inn favorable teed.. EXC taNGEort !caw York, Ptaladelelme, era Eirt. now; Ciocionath Segal Lou.. oubb New °etyma., tionsuntly for rale. BANK NOTE73.—Note. on all solvent bant• la tho United a...distal:int. at the lowest rte.e. All 4,n. of Foreign sad American Gold and Stiver Coln bought d sold. Wier No. 33 bleutet .troot, between 3d and 40. Pillsbury!, Pa. bra° t0:11 41.41,1,00 n BILLS on England. froland, and Srotiand booth: any aracam at the Current MA:, of Exchange. Also, Crofts payable In any paKof the Old Coo.tr,ce. from .1.1 to £11:49, at the rate or Ss to the .L Stettin!, without deduction or discount, by JO:Si:VA 1:01.1:1, SON, European and General Agent, plc. . ono loot west of wood. octlint .11..1‘31.111L4_1_ ori”..111•11211 & BAUM, B AN6II- AND Fac DA aln th N D D in I. ofetra end Doniv.la of Eretm,ne. Cc,- unonten of linfosiin, Bonn Nous and Cvia, cantor of II find Wood suoctn,d:Traly oppotne Si. Charkn Flo toid. uula wrzum IPWIDS Tv iaataaki, Ithavane, Bank Nom: eltrehneetl et the lower rates, by N. HOLMES IV. SONS, eepl3 3 Nunn creel. fitu.rirovirteusacig=s - ii h re. h . - New York , Pkiladelphts. and naltiarnrs, Clonsmatty for Isla by N. HEIL.Wt et EON& eepid in Market et. MI6GELLAINEUUb nionAtin & MALL OLLTM, VOTIFYIND DISTILL EMS D ecO ;etch ed Wine LL Merchants, Bart slde of te: D.emne.i,le•Marcb, me new elmnee et the re a re lolirc. prte-S nnfe. Rec °Led Whiakr , e, lila oral Dearest c Ilrendy; difl p clench Brasov, Hollnce lansel , ••• Sp e ta, Lon. Me U., !nab lit try Hum, Car. 1.,•13,14he , m, term, Chau pp; Cleret Mu. Well, Malaga, Tenet reit!, and Idabe Wises Wholesale & Drool m 3 oRINTING PAPER—!!way. on he cd or mad, to order, ;ha 'anent rim. of Printtog Paper, Itng Wrepplan Paper; C.v., n, Medal at, and Poo' to Crown coos Straw Wtapplng Paper; Crown, diedturn, an 4 Doable Crown Post gams roper, Punt:board, d e ke. W r MANGIIALI., OS Wood at, amyl, Mont for Ctlntort NOT.M.CL. TOON WAIT & CO. Nora removed theth nook of 11 . Groceries :o the opposthe side of Lanny st. arls WOMAN IN API/MICA-11er work and heave. word. By Matta J Mcltoosb, author of "Cbstois Coameeebarnts,...To seem nod to Le tt t vol moo. Latter Day Pamptdc S. No present By 'Mamas CarlyaM CMAENCILS...4IC6IOI(II of Lea nod Wrillops of Thy, Chalmers., D D Pteleettea l on Batmr'a A calegy, PaleVaßvidenemlof etaistlanlty and Hill's Lenart, oa Divinity, ..its tern latmdomory Lectures nrd four Addrestes debsered • in the Kew Cotear, EMiaborah, by notatu CbabMora, D. D, L. I. B. I vol Item. Ca.i.vra—Life of lota Calvin, empitrd from laba. tie sources wsdprirtiettlaty from tua earicapatviermes. lher, otth portrait. 1 ant I=o. . . 122221 a ii . ortntss io Founh Combs! Co=bet 20 :!,RTs r.Vcr r1.t..;1.0 00 ""U "o' 11 " wper Kurt. Hem IleddLec 6 " " Pocket Coster 600 " " NA " 1000 dot art'd Fine Ivory; 20 " ord . ..lWe Comos '•super' Itree.ltundor'l 200 groat tts'd 2tde ' 40'druld evr trJe ty feL5 YEAUt.II.IOI Sisk., d Buff Bolliaadl - 01.4 Holland! AKE NOTICE—That W. McClintock rho Ws day received yeveralemea of the heel,.and beat toad I 'indium Ilellene, to which he mcial.l moo respectfully colt the aueonou of Ws mummers ood ilia potato to general if:rCarpet Were Poomy 75 Peerth st 1.71. A PIM very lice oulrAa.s, Just rte'd from the cricbrated manufactory offlarttn. and for .plc by latl3 1 U MELLOR, 51 Wood rt. TILE Complete Works of John Banyan; 2 vele, eve, in t eel, ...tented; ma 'Co gilt and pit edges. blarbelre litblical add Sabbeth School Civraphyl ane vrerlr; I vet, 12eno. Tome'. ,pollee. Life of Jobn Q. Adneer, by Wm. 11. Seereyd; I eel, lron ono An pfca,n,l ll Sou. D. U.. nnewrndmon, vols. includtng Discournt, Pante-1 rali in'.`, Meep,rxtrn; Eta. For sale 1., R. HOPKINS, rer2l Apollo Cnildbga.kkn,...ir... 'ante ricauteon I.IIE undersigned, SUCCCS3Or3 Arthura Niehot /I Bon. brie ' , ore to inform:he ClLiio,lf. of Plitohurgh and public renerally, that they' hove 'unit - the EA le Lt. 'FOUNDRY and nee new to fall opriabr.o, unit En hove pan fit their pauents reedy for tr.. market:— monirot rvlleti are Cooklng t , tover. Inn] anu Wood Stover. with n splendid air.neht coal Sieve, which is bow arperceding In other eine. the eumeuennd Stove. Also, a cheap cool Cont.:a Senor,e.. at J. 7- ted for stroll frimiliea, ivilh a full oesorreerii of roc.- on and itiontel Grote., We roue lit per wider . ..? ir • vim the area:ion of persons building to call at iitr artrelimive before purehnrine, end yr...toe icle oi l ers/oriental (tenter, fauslic..l in Env etylc— etrirely new to dna market. • • • • ‘l, ardouo, No. IEI Lilieny ot, oppoiLe Wood lu aartS:dLl N 11.11101.531) l'A VIVE PITTSUI7ROII - iLIPOICTATiONS C a %TAGER. Import, sod Alteteso tt,,,e, is PANCII ANS VAKI I; I tiOnDS.: Sign of the fitlt Con., lte Matt, at_ Pl6l:turgh o Western Merchusts, awstiog Pit...lt:trek to ptweense Used., arc ts-p,tfally to call anti cast:nine the erfenstre ut.trunent of Eng- Ush, Ameriton, Preroh and barman Foney Goods. All kotelgo Goods at tote tsteatitlteltat ere import ed &stet by myself, and patellas:as may :Sy On get ting goods from Eric Sena..hose largest assort meat of ortlelts, in it. variety lice. to the l CiTy f Plusburgit—all of which lea sottllow for cash or city accents:lces. The Stock euntitts, In part, of Lace llhods,lloaiety, Itibboos. Shh Cravats, Shea and Potent Tlonads, Sew., thihr,; Spool Cotton, rapes, :Suspenders, llatto,l, Pins, Nee dles cod Cosery. Gold and Silret Watches, Geld Jewelry, all aids of IPrualtea, Combs and Raton. Percussion Caps, Riscolsere, Pistols, Moots, Silk it Conon Punta, Spectscles, &se! Peas, Mimic Doses. Carpet Bags and da.skeis. Bindings, Findings and Trinurangs. To • and Fancy t/oods: together with a Largo ••rio sy of Policy and tilopis DRY isuUlls, C. YEAS S:A is also agent for tee oelebrausd Canter COMIon. C41:17 Great Namllsta Maracay. I - OUR CouthaCalcit,Aataut Eva Conoterotoe: Th. JC (MCAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the ct rc of OA arroyo dicruoca, to the RUM:AI:UN DALSANI OF LIFE, &scour:red by thecelehrived D. Dothan, of London, Entluel, end introduced into the United StAtt.l ander the r ncrnedirue nupettraezdenen of the I nvenum. The extraordtnery 'use,' of this mcdwine, the cure of Pulmonary &scales, warrants the lameness. Agent in soliciting for trimmernt wenn posuhle m acs that eon be found in the community—cases teal watt relief cabs fromwhy of the commie remedies of the day, and to been given tip try the Mall iliatingetsued ph yeutans coninned and incurable. The Ilunguti ea Sal hen cured, and will cure, the moat desperado of vise. It la no speck r.osertne, bat a standana Eng lish medicine, of enourn end nuabitibel enmity Every !wady in the Centel etems should be cumin a with Bechaela !Warman Iltlsein of Life, not only Is h o . cunteract the oonsuennue tonic:x of the mn, eto bo stead oars proirenuee tocdtterm ail cas of *olds, cough., spitting of blood. paw to the Sol e Led chest, irritation end enednow of the enters .brochma daMoulty of becalm& hecno foyer, /ugh wroals, . Inner tad serseraldebnity, naMma, snleanca,whoogins sough and croup. !bid m lasso bottles, at SI per bolts, with fell 111 . ..- dons for the renotablon of health. Pamphlets, reateumag a mass of Englira and can eettutearra, cad toner asideree, shoorms,tho ttw squalled menu of unia great 11141.1, Remly, sit; be Obtamed of tla Aram. gratasously. For sale by 11 A I:MINE:STOCK fr. CA, roo t er . at and Wood and Wood and Sal O.e 6: , ,eLL.r.ILS' IMPERIAL cuCuti 0 /10111.611.. c. • Prressiaou, March 07,1617. Mr. R. R. Sellers—lo jUILICO to yru end your incom parable Cough Ss rst b, I uric leave to main,. we Den. odt of the community, that my wif ba. beam several Dines IllMettA wilt, a moat e‘streasing cough 1 pur chaand, In datinarY last, a botue of your 50r.14 wltme toted a cougn at two mouths' stausting. About one rush rimer, :be cough returned, cod was wa revere that she eoold durchy ra..ve, from amaantsa a nd brcaat; sent forcer hon , c of your Cough St rap, a pad of olio bottle ce,d the cough "gave the Dinar to n Journeyman +h. , was severely adLettat, who bad, to to bit own words, i - eatso enough cough coot, y re, cure all de retro to Padourgu," if the caucly had been as good us imercrented. )pare, respoelfully, /mean B. Musa_ Prepa cad told ay FL F. omit strict, aid sold ht Druggists geueraby , rote. _ tir.l/ AiLtaimuraary ',Ern slam BLIIiDI Ant/ WA 6R , r0:1.. J. A. Bat tWiii mould re2erit ,,,-.4,. fatly Inform the public, .het be - seeps on hood at his "Rad on the side of the Btu - nand, A !le gheny mty, a complet e imam. mentciLLiV.lllthirlsialsoVe ,.....---eSti ice in the hem style, tvarrurted - way, to wy in the Unlted States. tut Mimic e. rammed with out the Md. of a screw ilsver. tatilishmect of !tummy a. , f;=—. --- -7.7`..= land, ton prepared ID fcrt.l.4. their old restemera, the ,both larce,,mititi every thing in Wealth. Afency, Mn a Wood Watt, Plushoigh. ettia. J A (MOWN 1 - 757.7ef . • 617 EIBEEI2I3 WI., to elms, fat aztiv a, CO ( lilt ID cast% t. uy UMILD llLLP—iouneilbe sager eared reanda oti,..ef smoke, for ludo by n , ePt.I.FRot A Ni(1 , 11.... INDOW GLASS-34L0 bxsoa (or " A r 1e.14 SAWHA ILIAC( lAttetAAP..-71. rea ny Jell A It nISTItt •, I A t n r aER ?MEN VINLGAR—Io t.r's .er la t ARM PHI P.., h VitIIZER FirANAßgri-4 ben teee by Pilot No e, AjTah1,7,.1„,. wit7Z 77 UAt HECP.IVElx—taw keto7 A Ines 3 ply Gll7lll t) HO., (or Fire Engine purponen, wirrartr4 io ben goal to kWh- bt oven' rcrpeet. The fire depart. nre invited to all 510 extant. the at it. to.. Rubber Depot; Nos. 7 A. 0 flood Street J A Si ptliiy I J ARD-41 4:. No I, soar laeding, ano for ono 07 ISAI Ail DICKEY A Lin Jele Water A Front at, 1 OLISvILLE LIME.- 7 5..r.. in •tore (or eels 67 i• Jell ARSIST/10:).0 d CFR ZRIt Ipli k trUE...> 7 ),Ml,B telecom' for .41, DI • ARAN fIICSI7, I'ItOZTR teemtubt...4-3 casks i** J. * , tv w nro.zin .nnatT ifIRMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers