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';' . .!!1•:• : ::,`;;;! - 1..Z.A1:1 . 4 ii: ' Ziliti'ili:it: Z. ' . : 1,. . 1. :•"'il t : ::;•• il l ' ...1..k% • ::.... *IV e 6 • : .4 -.• li , ) * •,3. - 41444,64: -1;.;• . 4.,.. 5 . ..,....W.t. • fik:ifi.7. je t e . : :, ?:; . ;";:::5••. : .3,'IS:CS 447; :kiAP-1 4 iPY:14: :: 4 11 !iiiii..:l2';',i...lltiii-,415.N:c.:'• 1 re•.:i . t.' .. ,t. :TRO4 1 :::: :::;i:: i . 'i:sii .'''!. l :4%.fi,' - ..: i• : !.‘ ~..e. . . .1.1. 4 .:: , :.-v:.tt.:. . •,* t . 414 , 4,A.i45!;:i•gf,:t*.: .1::: i t . 4 ,.....: +\ ,,,., , 1 5 .. . , , 11., T. .4 .. 1g .:•tt, IAkAV ! 40k% . ; A ' 4'•: ..,_,..,..,:,,,,, : p• 1....,:z;.t..4-4,...c.g.,4 - 1. • 11. 1 4, 1 r,gt , 4104 - . 4 i; i'..., 4 4 • ' •'-'.• 44 : ~ .;. . - . .4 4 1ze:- . ;,?''.• : i f , t;:+• . !..,.. .41:1:.4:?4-1 4 i1;* '" '- .t . .....,-;&.. ,:.:::;:wg.pc::..5...: •:, ‘.ioli ,- . ••.;eri . .:;; - •i' 7 :l:' , "4: ~ • 4:!, : .:.,.-42:4•,:..;,,,,t.t:-...::eiK... -........ r..,14: , ;411. 1iu. , .:45. - N - , ....P., it•dtt.. 11 ,1: 4 ' , '.,..: ;'. - '' . . - .'.f.it... f::.Y.4. : •-• • r) 41 4: Z :•."..4,'N:4!...,.4.:, i i;.:l4; jk 1 . 'Y.-1%.:. .- • ~ 0 e........-. 1,... 1 ,41,. E t »,-.... , ,i, 4 . 31 , ...40.: ; -,,,-:•.ir , , cti , 4.. : 1 h;•.1 hi...1:,41T.44 • t•-•••• ! t 5.t. , "•7,.. :. ..,„,. -, :.,...,--, , Ar 4 p i•, ... ,i • ~., .0. ~,,,,,4 ..%,_. : ~ t ~ i 3f•txx--,1::; I 1 ;.-,'41414,1 .- . 4 4 ,•?'.1: .4 • • :. - " ; TlS 44 o, 4 l:rte.ti •;;... • :•..,.. 1 :: ..+!...,•'.4t• .: • I :';,..1.....4 : ~.,..., ife'„•,c !c.--- i ~•,;::,:',4 - : L ,: . t . ::: . :, ::: i:.•::' . ; 4::1,...•.,,,:it:.'•_-;.,'...:i 1 1 i : i it MM=l=l THE , I'ITISItt7 411 GAZETTE. MILISHED BY WHITS & 00 PILTTant.IIIOII. rI ( In -- ....W.CDNESD&Y:IOOIOIII.IO, JULY 23,1150: Big STATIC TIOF.JIT • SiIiKRATI9 ~,,Y6' • '23rona. • _.. . • , ~., • 7° l'lT k. - „Dv irti -1 / 1 ••7- •• —-: • . -3........ 4 . 17 "-i•-•`. iDtatc*a Ocnin!y. , • , • • i : spe icorrill.o..Sll:Wt ~ „, , ~ _' • .• • ' !,..utztay. w...,;:,',', ~._, ..L„ 4of Utdan • !'I ' - 'al siravrielimp. '/' '-':'-. - - i i i . . Of • : 4z . I ' . ?, IP tr w ll ash HEND ERae t r• : : : 1- ..:i.--.i ' ' • ' - • -4iiiilamaDal end ear I eutr.- . fir . r.,. - • ''' ..:... . ' ,----- - 1.3,..i;--,,..'••• t • " roi nrreit saveaccaraium, 11 A 111 It • It OMr 13 Z••••.' • • Aso, 8 504 10 : 6 70 szaigmi T=lls glmn owsuls. DAINV,Ir ce • • - sommuis. • . .IAIIES •CAROTHERBi • /011 •11111111111 LT, . , . "tower noaerrsolioranbirgh. T. I. BIGITAI, Lower Et- Clain p.a. a. W. 11 A.LTER. Ettlabs_ JOHN , CLUSEEY, Betanso. .16JILE3 FITTF4 - , - hrtaTelmas Artoosr, ' miNcas C. FLANWIN, Titbit:TX 4 '; EtitlttriEt BOYLES, Nark" Faritta ! n tyIt,..,FLYNNI, Lower St. Clair. j ' Alt • cgO ltritY, °th. . I .4anresr.etrxr PAW:: }VIP LOCAL tAATTtAi , •Tile DOO tThr W . ti tan tio ch. o r want., tind,hat ended sodeep ;rearr-rininenal inured is this coutory for gouty ao ',that of the murder of D. tarkttan. by ..varef...Webster, we lay befsre oust:adore to day, r 'Pan' Pitrwediten in this (amble tragedy All , • t.:lopAOr radon is now cot off, sad the unhappy nuns, go ntsourre In bin world, but in the IS* titlit datles' of a preparation fora better. Tee 14w Tort Camtnereial, in anion same reaterh `'elfin Jima sad caireof Ann= frailty. nano in- oPrdalrai7c that.awpping back into Om ° f ib° preseat—the fiat that Professor Wetatre isle be ttec.l-1. ,4.tcrndef wauk I to veake — sloa .71pornom or Ito tingle ny of light deaths dealalon IV I I/o/ 11 4 4 0 111 sPiah , ll neciourf. -10, Mead thesghts noted upon oda. t.tifitteigat 0'561 eintkaiince he, who baleen to yglteth casuist Joem,'went koia lor lig fatally to oeihniallievoesttoni and -returned at eventide to ahltftienti intramiles, and to be _solaced with kihaliadoinefrdons. Whitney were the detects I° 'debieihtirialli, among his uscalates le walked tusulmed of that leak ol Inimanaymputhiee and *,..bltf • tg"tnattary of keener which lue V.. , , eannieted. Men *hook hands with his, as tr1;10/ , end a brother; nor 'a...a that 61k:it"a eittela drink km blot with abborreme respono who in secret Dad slain lue friend; igas r s :vial# in* onward slime of compunetion or en. tiothoat hut lbw tour den labored l° dostonevery ....inathinnttlie nine; ' e•-t." l Whet days and. hours of bitten mow mast. ' 4 ;Oat; urn' Eta Wen the close orb' now tad r. 4 lbtedY 4 etkrtonco• What 'amnia' of been and "111014 Of the and await thoae . wloa le hes In. iced, hot whose fond and truthful I. — re* aan Owlet the create ( weight of cod. !..,'eftelott arra a Crime mud inownad &tome --11. 11 641.1delity of all. HeaTCA grant to, the widow' -Nialribs. fathedess—fde they are even ea =W." Commix* aad enesolation they ma* and gbo *eau! man among 46 - 1,111 Par aw that. lvietkorliptrtr, of sofas. and 1/12111* "impala" Old bAlthlt wdh eillteltneen to any lout& mat in deemed upon the unksopyriaseist nibs k Whisk or kb cell. Nor ant we dramas the•Paini. `43 ob Diet ' Wttlaitat .linfaillaling Ito vettalysis galefrAelly prt:lle. Med' 111 the and history and sad 14Rosptattlia old at one who once seemed fare. mend Awe tritch u coniononatint of,inivoryan its reached in en can lanai btorna " csiews pa per: aro Zion] . ardttaoo3lllllta Ora aiglf . ,:#loi,.‘ribl[y! p re. ied 1111 reararifto Sad nete ! ii.il l e' region , raw ist the blotuttnieS. trii•ex' tivr wrclinis to P.istou. - .. Om/ diensge -sena dens to ileum, fenceensees, enipeiebieryin fr. world till roe otupeper, Autuily 4ii4lie it 'him; (Win. acc'esiitiOratetdays enzio woria; Tee Philadelphia' Lads ^Mieite . StiordeP, says: ' 1 • / 3 rAls ;Sros.W Asti ins : Coors —The gores at Tbarsday see Fliday.baireAuced disesnola - Tabs interior counties of the Siam la seize counties_ ewe :crips.wer* net harvested, and tee graiiraebbeen 'prostrated is ail directlopt. Is 4h;e4itil - Vaqii this arbeat .. 4ailioca, nearly dlaoy tbocign amen call remains shoeked in the i.Aelds,..ebbjes; to toe coigne" or the 4 W+Se...The oats cave ihma thrown A an. fa every directive. ,suidTtilhelenbiWtishetheie tkiicrop - 141 yield • ayerag ' Telecom has Shea verybask Alaudahett the irhole st.r achseleszasoarid le _soma- +acetates , has gross burs few welts. II "`fiil bees intim:mad la ell &recasts, ty.d the Was t.qt wi beank rorc bees pissed over . _ . them- It - se o.oovre. no+ L nimittrs, seta labor, day bli - rateil end Awash Of lb. can tasseterd.: clod bee dodo secat damage-, tarn a Vba;stie mate la many placer:bed hmkaa Otaaenea and twits are stoma. ..yoenortifir .53 , .4th too Yoadij: Ala ma limas w" a tud 'aisaatronii , iitatielCatt S.aallitill It ceeceed vises 'draani)d. via' vs win ankles' swept of by the. llsods i end the river Werslei rapidly. • . riven}. lives hsirei Win bsi att thurtwc"by tbalichbet• Jeer men .lantre - Ottiont-ti eai ulviile imd two . boys ; Got 'Sri ,ria• to nisi - bees &Maid at Coelho: Looked, Cue,/ et iiseastsk, and • hule'igiel A 'Psi lipanerie tiara lost net nte: -- rhateltasbreeeh is the anal at Meat* entl.h Mali below Elan this..tatte_angLotihe. 8 3 ' 4 Ark! at the as* *hose Prourrale, - • • 4 :WOT:if ,dtteettou, hot noly In oar Owe. trot .41/./ Stile %the 1419ral eppeara m eavataired anti Volvos. rbe Eut mete - was whettat fall ol .traraiaisiot - tnatalea ishtithandeeloo-ligtatag;-1. ilettat:lneletei,of Fre*, Yale - Mao - Wu *vermeil _6,6o 4 1060 0, !Wt. orr the the 'ratio's dimale Ia arterithri apt* latibamt ?riersoatiSfool ;andel: 40 Death at lilt Robert Peal.' 710,laialwiritetard,Estepe;fiitage the lamer. • tart aaacrancreatant 'at ekes death allele° of the sirstsidebrmatkautl ialseatial"praao' dessEagliel AFP*llras Per. ..2 18 kutiello* of Weals& atrelbaaatsted: 'Oa :Saturday evenfer, ilAiti t 99; leeifit'proesedlag rem hts voider:ea to r WAlishalkt,ti . OpSitiewles El4l;hiShatitt itaddaai tp sbyedstsetaatics pualagiktetted-ap htwheet4 and thtitsoSiekibertoatar,blS had ea Ida het. !Latent' reigned insentatast by die 1011, Sir Rob. - sot Retained b.:Oaf-um *al. Sad lb. Sidmalttaul „sheeted, kat Iltrfoashaa mad (gallantly epos thd Paatthd. saaistaiteea ;sad Mess. tssilarynts oicel biacarriiseaa riesived to a l ilV".1; 14 it :WWI? bigr. 14 . 114111 4 tittat taidlaattsiets. of_ sondem spa Wet tibia miepoic , rper tilted carts were Catania:4r- , 141 feeteje2 s'e%ekMl Ttleheer . eleh4 "Pea the 63 d Year dial! Niirsiallt Taw.* ti sea thebalkiehaa eta. Id! Peasant. sad Fattiest tde..! ..ItielteiistfeehhaSa the - tadlat sou era 'mita, Ceetwo rL , alad .o,44_B. l restaanr irg le . h.ls,.4739, ova tr. 81.411 tooled stele* educates at th*sedebreed stit,/ , tf i k i M , l= 4lll . 44 ta• Vol. see. sielshet of 41.1 11116 ra t. ,s r -ircid• Is 160 D, 117D0111 es sated *Ma etiettZewit • •: tstd to sto*t.oit tamer, - ' la tare 'se wa, coo, r.. ton 1. -losses, tad lel2.seat.,a ii.e • aasSat P.l.lh*Oretitretn - Itesnd wawa assorstallosotatersteridorfhlatef ittatttrsor-t, 161.1.5 e • , ess elected' tb Piet t Wat ny 'the liaise, thoterrothar of tee 111 tI 4 4Ca ; Igirtioaiis.:ZBbl:46l-50 tyalased his "Seezet.. tee el 13 '.9Tttle k .: s'oe 'n pt 'u ct c r7ll6 -4.3. 7( Ikett i O n • Ltel/!hatoosilt. te st: p i l ri l ifs f r i i i } its er.t tee !tests. Woo: Oa the weenies crl'Otawas to the - Pre:Wet' I' - nhl 1 . 16 MI:oel r'"iffesd als *des, sod s ew etsp the.laty be Sautioti. tit* OHM. ri ISM. Peel tesitasd the one of - 11,mo Seotetary, gad talks suds Maw( tzlipA s i , • *et t C aohi3 - qtairAme Os this *Ake, b. :•11tst leek the erg OS that ha adhered b ths tee Istoiaahwp!iiitbdt nu{ he was usi ow ails idirkts orketaad s Sad tbssoptebeastest of* Wit. etee'nfte,liete,eertelll estitat****s. Is IC% h 4.g""" r tw eT te A t au rr ga r i tt A.ftslthe oftlacoalateby Lord &tweet. Tstwastfea hD"dfegbfarsarprvos.. 03 the opehngof th e lesttsee eet *Om as fl4otit : * lllll , ol4lll43ll,llthrrramr - Drootte . rwatir 610 4 0 ro.tdd Aiwa ettelssi the deltas el the (lobs Mr: }pa t .bq taw des step, r. - aftilkifeksati , ttes aeoest ass small dorms o .11,IlesSO'cetteht% :Catilf.a.todAirtsdstmatoott seifia.as mem war redistidt v 0 w rstd***ll , o th 4 11.1 too Wow.• 111 OM: H. wants lb. teller aiibs pelsto' . , • U 06,11.0140 or comm 0. sad cm ' asla ' - PI A .0141thealArt:bglPt90“4176•Orie, gin ( sir)• •i. OM , radii of 11thi'iOgite, :whin • Wellegtost ates otentiVided ttiArto • new Macs fiery, herniated.ldsetegneenon, Work; tam . a Tory adeetsfenition. , lerss imprissible to th e • welsh toy elate 0- 10 11 e:sentbnect •. • - • • On dwasseenbling of the lentlefotberertement is 1833 , be rotted the number .rd him edhemnts dwindled to - abota one third. He slate set ide's& the work of disciplining his .party. In a 'amebae he fated et the headers powerful interest, which beld a middle sewed between the Obstinate. Tories and the radial= Whip, introdne xiga . new eleateat into British politica - that of Cintiervalism, PeePerti.aWeiga'When theChlelbonine Mee. Wr.was &misted. re. . Int, -Perk was summoned ' from kith:where be ems traveller foe.recritenen, and, inerewinionwith Welleurtort le form a Dew. tidadaistgilloo, He. ecenbinof with ittesectioo Of 'tbe Wtugs - cedar. Stanley and Gra. ham, sod after lon g ' delays, sueceeded in comPaa tine a Cabled; of= which be Was the Premier mad WOlinvoit the MintatetefForeemAtesics On the opening or: !Whew Parliament: in /b l m• the Ministry was defeated Mite Choice ofSpeaker as well as ma the widen. The wat April lbowas compelled; together with hL colleagues, to reign, on the peerage of thetipprovistion Mama in the mash Chure.n . Dia; 71 He spun found' - himself ! leaderof the aristocratic opposition lathe Home of nose tune, - be ,sepported the Ministry certain reforms. that Woe ma meanie; • tent with his principles. .1u 2119,. the Mireatry • • ing dinaised,'he - anerepted!le form It new Debi-. net, bat soon resigned bs . power, etc amount of - a misunderstanding with theQueettbirelationto her household. The Whigs, who . had taketithe Wins; were again discharged se .1841,, and before:id e pew Cabinet, tat a traprenhisminciples.-Aller ear trot such do. aga"ell: mauorel b 'lgruod7 t fever of f ree trade rant he toned tt neceapary to 'wad, ruts resiguidea Nownabei bto returned bn. peke - daring 'Me peel month. - He it oat*. peepOwei hie plans la regard to theeee lois and the Irish guest. Being de, rested oh thelaW, he rosigual bile/Bee on the ah alone, sad the Cabinet - was decayed. • •-• • • Hat be bad maimed, eluded :through both Homes; by the bad. of the Dike' end Ids 'nicer ors nraziesotie.liebral • of ' be C ° "' La" ' 4lh- White, fir stood or ill,batname will ever be idea. died: ' Nona bat be real have corned that Ito; 'Portant ebetara; sad be weld hardly Oise doe. it at any mbermetare Man the swoon ofseareity, and pane which renewal the allareoftbe Potato. • - &tee hie rodrenient feeteStie. eansequera en the astenotie el Ms pertY by the .porn Lee thee. iiiajoihaie Hobert bat remaleett la Parliamentorie beld en Indwells! -bit ens/dolmas position. - Ha atood aloof from the Tory Opposition led by Ben gr a red Disraeli, was: detrained and bated by • them, 'tad. frequentli laved the ~ vredi_,'lduilstry. from .dafeat, Amid' never adhering to their petty, Nearly a handed Tory members load with him, unaware known as “Peelltes.. These generelly aided the cent.throogh,thetr receot relerathei elf the Mfg Ohm . Lae*: and, kindred . measures. Peel - bimeettivoWed hie bullsocabion to . ewe to power and . bash to withdraw al together from public' gin., His death Magee • great Mant In Beaked, where be was widely 'needed . the ablest. Mintwer, Poillicsapeo, &nee End Ontes.darease, ;His. admirers aro .00nfinedrie country, anti& death lve. severely pkired throughout the eleilised world:. He was 83 yak* oldbut Febreary,. engaging - in niannee tamely to person, mod posseutng rein bercesinaltliitles: Vatted /tales th Perfigal. The late aceoaeur Attat:Eakne are cake :groin .1;484 lithe estatiak; tektite= the Vetted Staled aid the, COM of Mime' Tie aceoteits Llsboa ire the 94/64,taith; widett lay that pint eititentettibrivelle there Ira ausieWleace of the inirel or ialatterbtan mood iiii - bithe Tagus to 'Aim claim of 410 . 1 Xtti twenty owe date Trete illowed by the . Amerkin Ceserwdeircee.allsod „reply; •fesei .114 re !eater. tahted Of, ,_feAttel PaVel'alito have determined to resat the deosabd air= theta, A Cditesitaidatit -4 the .14 1dati Timed lire. the S?lleetaytesteetent of the *mi.:. tlreeleith to the initial of cortehodosi •ift;e, wee. via the behroulares frask.seera,-61r. Clay, (the Axton= Charge d'afatra I called Op. cc the bilitielay, of Zoe/0 Affairs; awl Tetb ,ll 7 iatbsatei that be aboold ,aril. hive the Goren, sew twenty toes lasuri kw a deal reotatton upon ttedlfeltal Cabal. -He append to have wawa , . st•a ble ultimata= tkerrehey; bar to tare telt It to be barred that be espeeted the'. wiped of tettedreatier the. Whole of she elalma. Mt Coy steato.ol wate7 deefstee , tone. whisk had the el feet of sign* the Goyentassa% .het - .S' behave thiy earn Otitis reselatkihof Count hpb, as. Amin a Roes table. Clay to the afoot, that so tibiae:kb at Wavy four bona cotdihte edam ted to the Costal/ of late/stare unless briprettented it la ertittee.' I hear theft:9e% wthelo has - thione• ed Cotter . /Ant, ttlit he Ma kuhka In= gr. coy that half a dawn, ddhireat claims of stoutest date are pante% he rem= ell proposals , kw sobitnt des. and tea winter lodkatay the pommies:l. el ample towers .ad thatesetlins eta 'the :dePtrt. seat State at Witettlagtoa; it was abet stated that lia Clatroks, of the depilSl6llllt at Walley. imbed those as fetal diesadinatiOe r 0 UT* with ter REM Baiirte,pf to bear any 'exolatte. ttooW Ea-tileridu to acme of the claque attsleg kola the &erection of tee Alliell'An engar aroLoroos, in. the Port e, Papa, by a Britah knee feseato , . i>taf vetoer; Giotti'ilnasnoilh thi.:llcatitilnieitesit publishes this loiter biker,- ithieb. glees &pinion 11i artoosi of herdeitinitiesi , hy a British. Naval ,9tree,izi 1914, 6i the Porteiveie port of Fagab.-. ,The.Naitth American to ;v i sta mote ittereil, give.o B :sirfah sahourt;' being 'the reiidetit et Fiyet, au eye Intl:Mil. who wrote if tor. Co3 , :cm:s Begtsur (publiipeif *heti . It tporti;e4 it the L , l9rebelierre obe ocorre.tkits':4' fs'eee very impartiat eeeciont,the eirentivateei ieneeitt pretty: eh:1014 ortiblhe AttftfiCiDdeeen* Ilia of the battle; the differences, where zati =MOD the Enestatian'sside, belie zither to thi of the lactate itentitrome this other. tree; as %dere her't petite of tot:neat tratehei suir_kier the ...ptyniteer, farad Of twelve, the autilierpot dove in the Aitieneatt %initiate • • •• • • • ' 19, vs - America - a pritswei C. ACOStrODIt; of NOW, Toth. 0111111Bitl Samuel 0 RAD of , 7 gees sea 90 wee, arrived bete on tee SOth alt,about ttoell;eaveatece defoliate that place, kir the papier, of obtsizilig The ciptett ieeiny,nothietpo the hozisatt,'wis lodised to en. ettor. Bifareth% lapse of many boors, his ta 4 4 Carstamon came le ohd -Archon:4 noir . 'About , stx,•.l4.llttemy's ship Plantagenet, el gad -lbc Rota frigate, came in and an. Mowed also. Tao mode of the privateer and bin friends eantoted tbe .drit - tutiteritteti.here about bet sectutty.- They'all conside,.d Iter par. rattly beettre, and thaf be MsieuVectilners ware too weil acquainted: with..tim respects- dee ton Metre port to mien her. -BM to /be stem sup prise of emery one; about pin the evenlef. four mats wore detonated, armed and mama; front hiffdajetty'ratifpa, the purpose of cutting her mut,:.l l hcisit glamtathefell Mae moon, the Might permesly .clew. and take, ire Meld ice movement made: The ' beets' appiereeted sapidity to 'Midi her, *Mtn it appear.; the captain of the ' privateer balled. these, end told them to = el Weviril Ilinea% They, notwitimandini d 00, and were lathe-ex of , toadies, be. fore any defenee wag made Worth* privateer warm contest Monied du both eider. She hone .WellituollYarePereed with great lots. ‘. The Anteriege r now calculably on a very sat parinegeteebeing sent, eat to. cables and rrired the privateer ohne to Moan aide of the hit, wilbte bilreore. taste, where...M. moored har l itead and .Yienti"*Ah Tnit bum - The geranornow met i remonstration to Car,: Loyd, of Plantajenet,•eltalnat met Retied um/wend tmsted that the rottener wend not be furthistitto l .9(edi last.htivit le the dominions if Patttipal Itindulhe woe of the entio,wis /waled to Pertgeneut prousetion: • - Cape. Lloyd's answer eras that wan Mined tO 'destroy the f_ easel, et the expellee Mall Ways!, sintr amid any protection:be given her by, theptoUhe mould not leave a house Weeding in the -einem All the ittiabitants were gathered about the eras, eipaeling a renewal artist attack. 'AI midalght;'ltenteen launches.ware dlicovered to tionenney. to netatiOrs;fid the Propme: Whoa they not /within dote gunshot, a tremeadous and ermoral diaelmsei was made from the pirate', wlikth throw the beat/ante confealcm. net now retained a spirited 'fire, but, the printeefkept op a mien' td flre;but Peivaleor op no "tun a. till udieettarte. it eras topostlble Cif the bolts to make any proymin 'They foully euenceded, after Inonetille 1011, JO itet slave f idek:tif her, sod at. to rptedtdi . board at teem quarfar;cb , *red by the 'Mice* whit Istiont of ',As yammer," whim:Lae eteniedMMonly hear, at wed as their slide ki and , Thir temelnitfen 'Was near about a tesal is. Pnm or the .Puota.wel• souk; and but nee poor setitor DMus moored death to • tom ;bet moaned fifty aortle—he wax 'waded The A. mericaos koala with yen flimmern Some of abe beettferehe left ittlitogt ramie 'maa to row them; other, with tbree to fom ; .60 moat that any me retuned wok vitae/0W ten. Severe; tome that. *4 on thorn foil of deed bod!err weal to. feettenele4se,.tet they were msztord grub Wk. ml nten, Sed commanded try .the Let, second, tbhd. lied knelt lieu wows of the Pianteger.et,— Ina gist, eeeoad„ aunt. mid fourth ditto oldie Mg. ate—end the-dreg officers of the brig-.egether with a grew suather of Midshipmen. ',par whole tones exceeded 400 Lava; but three atom er esped, three of witii:ll were , wounded. This bloody and OAG/eh:gate contest lasted about forty After the Erni iceman; 'sloth:rig :owe wo tt. tompned teldeptotht cent crioreteg, once the Car mine heeled ileogokto one cogeget her. The VINCISt sill enstlatied to %eke Ruio upu ti j t d e . tee. These' Veterans reminded cm n 1 Li.. meets dylap WIN the Chestryng Deol pee tip the oblp r The Caipatioo lost oho other teetheetN, seri nee mit won abet away.. IShe wee iseeh cut apla end recolood reesr it lOW istt7 111110.. Teti Ofted ket teetsolelf SO MOOD, tad to ewe grief' ' • Tie Aiticemis. Coat, IWO/taw ., Prlalli , c ll tlt ti d ead Tioto-aoil claccrel'_othem,^iftspoccrose; ot tor:mast yo Oureffew a farm 1 Om • tlitreGcm, Eat emir her Mott M tie eke*: 414 or • Ws itlattct tier Immo. toot mil km so ill mow Citithintediti;cllll ocwitimic; eitly ims mot kolas heft of As "Omar, although mock eat nit is 71/0 bele NMI %VW 140111210 01441.4104 flow tutrigxla, which vent on hoard, taidint provisiatts, sad sct tor int fir& T -Fat then droner, we wertlemplejed ttl bury. intim:dead that wund on shore - ill the sire-- The cumin*/ British killed extorts 120, and 90 wounded. The enemy,to:tbesurpriseofman. kied.lestonlyteekalee,eedeeenierennea, We may well say, - Gad'deliver tut ( tom' mit , in:. mien" if this la the way the Americans ight.. Ater burning the privateer, Capt. Lloyi,ciada -a demand-of the -Governor o deliftr. up, the Intern:jai as piiitoneetri' Oda in Governor fused. .He then - thetratened.to head EOO matt on shore, and take them by force. The Americana immedlmtly lettred.With their !wan .to an old cethie °anent; knocked away the" stolen draisbridn„ Cud di:erentaai to defend themselves to the last. Tho'CaMain, bonne, thonght 'bet. tee-than to wad hia. den. Jae then demanded two toes, *blob, he sad, deserted f oat tie easel when In AmerbM, The-Governer seat far the men, hat [mad Done of the description glven. Many Amain meal : Jed muslitspary on shore framthe gun oldie Qoation. A woman, tinier In the rhumb 'story erne haute, bad her thigh . got off; ands boy had Ma arm broken:. , The American Canal hem has made a dinned cra the pottiness for thousaad dollen for the privineer, which our Ono!, Mr. Parkin,' thinks, (nitwits; will be paid, and that they will claim' on Englaud. Mr. Parkin, Mr. Edward Bohm and mbar English gentlemen &armoire at the outrage and depredation committed by ant Tants on this ocaaun:= The vessel that .way :rhentel,ed to Enema, whir Ibe eroaided..wee cot pertained to take a elute Fitter loge any pee. . , .. . . ... Being rue ate loin:elf co this tanniactlon, I have given lon i cancel sonorneat te it occurred. • : WOO unx; I limddro. - /I. S. P.' ... . . . , ateeral Taylor lied Kra: Blies, end De.' Weed and. [tunny. hate left Thihingio' tifarßalti• cacie, atter; it is urieeretood, they letead Female. Mr.Filionorobas removed his reud* white Houw. -A letter dated at Canton,no 028151 htisela, says, ,4 1,1 r. John NV. Dam, now s oar Commissioner'to . Chink has asked for MS recall, and we well some anxiety to- know who will be hisinecertor. The aloe, indeed, hmbriees -lbe` funtsiotts of toy , error, judge, sod law meter, io far. !ICS America residents Aare Are Coneemod2l - . :maim:that the alleged insult to Mr. Barringer . by General Narsoutost tbd oflonerls Proved to. boa sheer fabricatioa private letters, havinirbeita :reCeired Isom. ilothager, dated .11ine utak to 20tb, in which ho aiendria . atado of any - such &duel:mance. On 16 contrary, an aearnmtia aiv edortbe.participatiod of . Mr. lanbget sad lady . 111 dirdpatallo pretOritalion, on - -The .17th - to - the Dach;n3 or moatpem4eiisiiger . ,6 the ;lariat's?, wbo only' lately arrived at Madrid, where - their to. ,erption is spoken of as' basin* been highly einne,. oaf atatiuour 'Rost Ovnispe.4eme of ie Pittsburgh Gar' et, _ Z o nr 7 021 ,T 01 7 2 0.1850. ijatt artful swat violent atoms ever felt itt .laistittle,pit *5.1 as on the alght of the Oaf.," par about twenty fon, heat' the iritad.bleie perket iarluk4o caning- hitt:maw deitut — tatket =to the iltate Claes; bulldlogi l t!ad AfF , Plog iboollj. atu2 :ate ddlituatiag crepe of all Cada In the ; aklntty: Neap, „butidtaga, lu ocento or oculists warp Mour n and muted &am, and oria4 ' - eiga and awning - 14a putbautiltaii the gam eiataital atuateredhar sad talk - Notadsuais missals liner beast wrecked tin tie dons of lion Laud gaged, sad rem the east Ira bale Inn totmar a aid tolikattolt ea blanacbturtta Bay itavarldla abated atter:idol. a gale: Many ye*. ordo west aglow in ear bubo'', but uct th e. were 63: - .An the loteittipit I;utaare btaketiotalitbe etty eels ow nom al quarbar, alive by the Ma k' arldolitta'allo 6'iairanged. , „ ' - • department, by by a. °mesa? pf 79mirt Irthee*lbs al gt.7,6l:9„'whiab i . La then:ol . to be the eirial pc - i - werfot In the coiled Stab* botat cipable 'Or Whirl t o tie iop of . siy A. Tee room onto .watistrine' to stittioiMod fiaea opwith an eletince out often serpowerif in prime boost* not !cutting chandelier* raupelaand Piano forte, designed in pert foirtheiennvicarsat of the Lay hammy meet b..* a As mclPaYlou'Llf oEem ' II BIArY Tsp lOr and Madame Cho, two.ehatillialatepeesorha s e ematicara abeiya command a coned pu re ‘ for des trite Department • Fuell,7 - sad. Mrs: Dr. ,Trpplur-, gait, who rendered such viloable temistatim at this *TM SintetNeplentott, and Rh/emir !Nom; our" oher.e.:**.. hbed tanitteettairlessainiess> 'thiliTsulots' Tildes °aim haigot Intothe bandit .At wee* tlese mechanics are op. on a : strike; Ai' rixt ot tisei that one tawseeted withers ..Tinian:. Not ariamited, howrivr, with idling themselves, thelr yCitenlay wayttudetwas of their poor compacions, whom childreatatat be fed tied tool: from them the Work given out by the boW SW, who ai care sot• the police sit work,aod by lerchtatali the shiers:shwas& Meat to their arnica This Pro9inivaiieemeary io ahow Mulct', Uni on that their rights do note:mod eo "fat at Meat. ins the work of men who mom i afford to lie Ids, in the ram hope,of getting an advice. in the pries of labor. If the hieehrusias who are now so clam. prom far more, pay' would spend the time they sow * 6 b; bi..d fir rum and beer, Mel would discover a. Moab athari. inroad to . wealth Ilan they arenow parming.„ hfoorrizemainis the maw abgadratt article is mu. Let and the rateacureasily low, as low es 4 pet Cent having been am:pied for;. quite Imp, time: Newhard. tontine the favorites, end bank, and capitalists vita selected et - the 'bonds it eighty, how scramble far them le itvu awns maaths' time i-2,ted this is what th ey all in Will Sheet ..triwearat 11q . stock is 4rd trios So; and in more demand to iosestment than last year atoo. 'The company has a right to cell in irslecome boots at anizstomornt;ancroile of these dsys wilt borrow money under 7 per -Coal. and try it, Ashes are gelid at t 4 tit both .sorts. , Cotton is in peed elernald et higher revs, trade; 'the' intoenal of the news of Mimeses* M2iMiil;;S= ; _Cora is dalloo2 1..'4 63.- ,; . ; ' biffellid meatitio'd:u4oiiti.tiCOCT4loll?lllid• - lirSiaves for Spain a, good Email ovvi ** arE• 9 3 • icirelpes, and 615 .4 - IQ, hhdi , ..T taiuo is in active reqUest, at 7 3.6 for ten , In 4 49 . hetilhigiterbuttio tales.. , ht wool the receipt' coritintle to -lnaeaaa; and, Mere bids Mr shortly o be a isiiiiSfertbto lamp* ort Me matt. t The seeolyt,s for. this weekts.vo now reached to IZO bake, of which 5,10 are to be sent;- - Can:widow; but part PhiledMphia,lestelog 1270 bales he this - market: Mooted thew airi'vals base - itiorbeeri Sampled r r Oran!, iut '"alriai 4000 the Ikon' batarbeesiold; of sirtouiinules ad 355400. MOM: .Ttilquotaimite befog from pSo, for eitioioom to 4.S . tor We leuer that in Boston yesterday, - 11,100pctuarls lbw% ardetip-, were atalrt. at 3;101 1-2,0 mac ,There is& ommitlenibie diTerenee bet wemt the two; marketi ?oiled wool is very Aare., bare, and! 'aitieb Waited. Holders of ho sew etlp, bait, are -Erin, hot mute= prima era not readily even by . ' wasuraelorent. _ . From the fla .W to harming Exprzam. . ' . Tlirtlllag Iszelgeni r Oa Itattirdii hat. a middle aged man living, ha Navy Istdadr started la a until caucte,• with Inv sea, a lad of same twelve yams old, for °him. we. The distance le short--leis Matt irtite,.me should say, and although the curvet:tot the river tiinalto rapid, the trip Is not &unwind • with soy 'hazard, tithe beat la ma aageJ with tedleary stilt Rat lanai cue the mar eras very druak, and on. ly embarrassed OM boy, oeitte„boat dtilvd below the mob of the &rev a-before the' bite cool - 14 1 . preach the aliere. fleeing the hopeasib:bly at -veachivg the Cattada shore, the b turned her toward the bud of Gut Weed, peddling web vareristeg Smug b laddeatattlf rho, rather b•"" , y Kerma althorn resat:lag Wm any eillnlnat 'The boat Mu swept dews with fightfat Volpe" iv, but me i Ltay . .tyihryled moat persoverlagly, and *belt she eras driven iota the reply, he had Onto pelted bet an flit acres* the Claude chum! so to direct weer clam between the middle .04 !pride stiter, the 'little Weeds lying °Wilde of Orolst • near (by tipper end., There lon fall of loam adeen or twinge feet, just above the little Wets, ereadthft measly areetslbet Canada or Mile able. eel of*. river, . Mortal aid weld lot tiave avail ed the Opt boy lad his father, If the bast had pdchild over this Illf.• They mutt emtaltily have sone over`--the 'YOU fill, which COW bra payer guard alive. '.-;r .-Awiteept the imminent peril, an the beat wt on the mane at t vault pumtelee, the led rpm% into the meta, destines hit Giber tiler hied; end miurimietag u kVA peetion *thereat dlitoel y, upheld hie beiplate punt Matti therivere gsu reed 4 7. 1 . 1 tePegithe Pant the village et. the PAIN. :who IMO eultsclea M 1440 12111mt.f) on the aeo n , eppeainn W the helot - era:in On brim Mee amp dotted. The Dom was-dashed to pious to pomp te! peep the melte, red the fragments esteem. tied dose the: NU; kftme the min end his see were lekon- to teMletti, • -- • - " .firv4tukilvn. Parker ofta to vnuOsjoh: feats lo ° p Rte, by, bi!mr. ,42 ° iigalot dm Imo fnhideal Taylor oa OUnaaLl tbst thay nes sad quit Oa clugch•ilktaes Pomo ____.... .. iiiEuikurt le '*itar,azong. . . -....- "'- e' -vs- thsiOri yof caws , I , ni ts / tem 4. - 44twatd.,,....Oorreipont.Parkicalii *W 01 1100 4 14 had W 4 reeFieleW Atlases a watev Yolk Gauswt . - .. m. ~ r.. ....' ink:see of Berilohileft lis hottstand (sadly as taus • dela of the -.-- -ae- , --,------.... "are VC. - e m eee , anises usual Awhhi t n senor mused , alai= upon the * ltew•AldMallihttnnonvhh , to tentolls n t h e absene, etTeed Wit 'coarse of *l4 wlnckinill' be ;molted ty bp, - way, ttid onelind the Minden of the people In . i Lend wetuni.Boston. „ In the..ctunse of., aday,_or , , Ftliwwsii istYW."' . i. "*. - ''' ' i typaillrllll undennixrd that ups ai had - said °Mon la no greeter cauchttlon afforded here, am De, N e h teett met hino= In the , or•ielsewhent throughout' the whole counirfr it is b y ti m, 4 emi gre , in th e W ed pin of the ay, net behaved, for the le" et. the thee riesi m dslir thad , far from battens:. I o'clock on the dui of his dia., r than. deideed *gat the • Plalletai ---...-..... i• e a'. - shoenienco, had that be then 'and them - 0411ga known principles of his successar. Mr. Fillmore ..w., meh . f , ww t h te; p,,p u k u i an hook In. Isla the. prior, of Ise; In Ile IrhgarrOf eminhoodihe w hie t i c h e s - ud hm t if i , e mb e d towed the mig,,,,, ban been in public aervice Wag though to bionhhi/ . doc „ . . aborts and k's- "thalPiss " 4644 sod all thst a • Dr. P e au Actaeon by other persons, ad .. " or ii hild hw i.r Pitss tia......And"sm's .non isd W hi g' .'about the lam time' of dq; within forty wet lor n— o IR.. wave . tha........, t .t necessary • oh ~e mm me (m ega mit t "m eg , qu i c kl y 4,, to "I of - that be i. eaa" ea ilt.fer 20 - d ft. These, with tither circurostancon.daw*, tine Whig is ultra, bat is national and conitotato- , tee the public soled toward the Conga buildings. tire. Dudes man ~ill'',..o t riA i .ttocenSLOWOU, .J . l The next Friday, one treettaltu the disappetto. wi t.! h a lga . er shit tin e s: I a. " : '....77ini".'itttee" for; ...."' I ante of Dr:Perkiest:, the dismembered putecifa --e— —i. --' --__,- --..._ ~___.—' - ~_"--. good _ e' _`'.. i homy body were lona= different pieces Wand aim; he canons Permit oiansa.w. sasa,adests nude: the rooms occupied by the prisoner ln that hir 'versional+) mini him in the discharge of In .College, - some eeme of sheer le '.a furnace,' nearirde• offload donee .'• - ~ ' ! • ' ',rayed hy Are; • wane of them packed in a•tea True, In the dispensation of this hate:nage of the Government, be will regard those who concur, cheat, wbe te m e wh a m my . • ".' ,• , Whh him' ui piilitlcal sentiments, and co:Operate - s aav i etene we , e eue,44, d i ed on hi m , ai m ki, with Mim e is °Swging el't " PnwiPlis ; Ind l ' s ' was - arrested and ' minutia In Levered sttact °e g et, q ueLg a ltar a heleir, equal, -r e prefer la all 'it Coroner's kens& u ended, and after political friends to:hi. • • _ —.thee to:bie po l itield' o ppon e nts_ pt No practical man, at this time of day can eXPect ' from an exmative elikei any other aorta te Co. don.- But this troncipte will rare; I am pore' evaded, lead Kr. Fillmore to appelat anymieto °Mee of whose pstriotbm, Integrity and ability to. , discharge the ditties of the. a li ne he la not folly Cl one thing all menet the limih and tho Rath' may be waved, that Mr. Fillmore. to hie . pried. lila end feelings, is Ametican, Ile is aeatimial, not a scatbeal meta: As a private admit*. high arelabie, mutbutolve, and, not peniesoinue I bit .who -yet Mei from these Avec:Gristles that ' , be ,would be beidiaileger twuld, or cotnprealaleg• ie : the divas:prof the dem which the law Impt ill epee' bin,, will: tad himself egrogion,ll In e .He win stheinne law according to Its With:. Mid' : .pint thedmill: '•lf day equiren It he will iiithe. itio notary - Mat a 1 gOeer Limbed With duceres' ty of thelaw,•ean be aithemed by Inte l adage, eldinigh tie Cloy agate have Mee a sword by I lie side. Tie teximedta•ase Data sag-saran stimix.; , i, one "woad by , ion hem Ws teethe j goat—the vary bottom of We bee*.era ebaCd bus eeigency demandit, .Le williglie tlie legit Mot as would the ntilatirurdshed '&41,141081 who In carport to the greet question nate huger die.. ensilen, which haw long taterropied tee bold I eem of. Correia, It =extol be settled by Iberia. ousel the 0111 now lane the Semite, bat it ehl;l1 be settled to some way Robust:Malty oti they klaso .. of that" bill tiufortnetelri members of Gager More an el themselves to gramme committed for or - gainst the bill, speedlany; eta nen am- Magenta do' ot enact to the princlphte it erns hoax", - I Watt' the math of tho r dnevelon wit be la isettlecnient of the distorting. quathere..... I When that is done, the old comers la &lettere beteceonhe poetic:Neat pertiesof.the mates will betivlved, ead the exament oh the' "kb , I Ject elf slavery will' be allayed for. a ebalber of years, and pm pa thieve , la th e isticuthl coon. I Whoever eaterathe great calm that • eqe seeded the mantle of the klisseari ritt • , coi will have Will lip Is tit la this prediction. T , the de of...the nat.asdeb /rept op by the al ai I North" and Rath wilt cease, "ad the old w Rads of impassioned ekarence will be dried Ari l mitt or become t trickling rilh! , • . , . Them are many now in the aonatry , 140 Isola balsas President from the Carnet in reference to the livery questiou alone. - They sapid net hive a Mask bigotry made as to serif lad curacy. and internal haproftmeele, or pay &leg elireareetleg the great bussiess operations alike country, bat only this—shell the Cabinet be for the North te the !bath—foe soretY-cialld to ill Bot the Freedom Is not gni *so linntilid le I hie enema he rally supposes that theta le mosigs titles else to be done, to thought of, in theigirecd. cal eteratiou of the Government besides damn* I aid Wilmot eteviscsi. • • - •'• ' . I Deetalea of "be Rewrote,. Colas!' is. the Crueler Peareaser Jake IN'. _Webb:, ter b..Cerasalataillea MeraimiloTeldieril /Magas& Seth:Vixen as lasi par et Mx.' , •estlea I..Reipert",eaqhe oemealittnio. -Address .; own tleigge. .. . The comminee ea Pankow, compose d el Liens. , ' tenant Governor. John Reed, Cheiimen! of Yer.,. mouth; Dr. Luther V. Bell, Smaimendent of Ilse 3I cLane Asylum for the Insane; lioti."sate . cat Wood, of Grafton; Hon. John Timm, of Melba. en ; lad aloe. Charles DX Oweo, of Stricktmdge ', met at ID:o'clock this mensing, and submitted their Anal report tithe cue of lotus W. "Webster,, to 1/si Gorernor and CouneiL• , ~ . i. - ' _ The Councifead la their cluitaber, and held thit . mid= .with cloned doers. After . amenthiltig, sad ? beat calhid to war, the folloWleg rep** met sated by. Lissat..Goe.lieed,elearmail oldie com micro ca pankets !!—.! ' ' ' ..! T IIEPORT. .-..., : ll The CoMmince on Perdees. to wheat nal itss minion ofJohe W. Webstee,e . der semesenoldtemMuyilig tulathatfel• iteseY,' and me wife and athlete, the Govendir ad Coed oil roamed to tee petitioner a commetetion of the punithment awarded to him, also a copy of the re. cords oftbe Com, containing the trial mei acmes* of said Wthster, and also madly other petitions god argoreeets referring to, or iv suppm: of, the po liticos 'geoid We t oter . — scw.rePcn. I ' • • That by void recerd;il appeals that yid Web} ter wes regularly lothetted for the crime aide tour. der of Dr. George Fatima, and tee lo: 3110 bar at tea Supreme Court at the March term, thereof. A. D. ISMiyand there, having Leen enquised uf how be would segue himself cooceraing dui ; prentileA, I for armorer said he was not godly, and thereof pm himself upon the conetry. ' - ~ I • Demme, ems th ereupon assigned foil thiepriseeer. On the WM day of March following, said Webster an 'seinen to the bar to be tried. 1 A hay wits erapanamed and swor n;,) sod after full hesring, oil their oaths demand mix the Midi. W. Webster was, guilty. . 1 dad teureafiewni,il nix, on the In day ef I Aprli, is said Coon, said Webeer beteg pleader. the bar sentence,for It am de otatidsd ut bun by maicood 11 - be bed anything to my ethitelthe meteors Amid not be dittoed upon the prouthee and verdict a. forostrid To yawn Mid Webster nothing Luther admen:4' - Tmereopee it inn considered by the Coed, that the said J. W. Webster betaken to the I'd whenre he came, and bate to the place of execiaioamod Lambe rouged by tee aeon ,taut La behead. ... Slate pawn said *CS:deI:ICC by said Court, an. mama whim, and arguments have 'bison presto. .ed. to -the - Excretive toe the full pardon of said Webster, receded upon the belief Slat presummiou he never.committed ennuis homicide.. Recent events, however, relieve the commlittei in a greet mtesureifrom the comfderation of all ism!' erg. menu and petitions .. i - ' • , Oa the lied of July , A. D. 1310 , the Ave. Dr. Pare e arn, ilia!, by eppoinunestr„ appeared in behalf of said Webster, before the Coamniuro on Pardon,, end read s confession madeby Webster, aOhnowledg. mg that be cemented the homicide, add denoting the manner and eircemststeas thereof-lead at the sometime presented said Webster's pada for n commutation oldie swam IdareataLl .The peal. 'boa and contender, were seppaned by , an able at , To this cateelmand argument, end all grew mats acid eeldence supporting it, we have clan Our most leriollllkod axiom &amide:load waged proceeded to consider the some with l beans and minds desirous to know the troth,. and our dray, gad with oboe pagan: to do what Lek . ....basail re. It seems to your commlithe that as *Mare hi thease eledd Webster, bevies beeu*Lsed by the Coon, after a fist& ad fair trim; in the course of which all the, facts and Mmunastances which could then be brought to light, were letrendy and thee. mighty invenimued nod neighed by this Jury—and having been fully elihead,•sifier a earful 'revision of th e lavromea trial, siacchad by the full Cowen solemn argument of both aides, there ePpeers to be migrated for Executive ittlerpbaithoe, Except" it may be road in the subsequat confession .. •of the .Is this view.the only mations. es.it Seethe lose, whether the simmer* which wild Webiter how makes in la coefeerlon, of the :Manner and . COCTicittaoreeuf the homicide; intro chain:fled by other evideime, or rib bulasically , probable, that they ought talk, received ea tromatid ifirue,wholt• er they vilify the Executive Ina comMulation of the ptuatehment • • ' •• ' ' ' . -. • To dune question,. the minds of the eammittee - Lave been most carefully directed Rode, they trust with no oewillingness on their part to:. come to , en alilmetive canclission, il they could do Kt co:oaten-I ly with a supmee repro to truth and justice. But after all the yo..thastion which they have beet a.: hie to hemownponllaboonfeseloo, and under the' light of all the evidence and the comment, with It hasten ecempented and supported, they, feel' contained to sty, that the ellecilii, net becosuch : u to eatlsfy their minds that the podium of themes 1 Li materially changed.—ln other Won* the tab. ling facts end eircummees pet forth lathe confes. Mon haw not been so coa &road, by other evidence !end crestiestances, na to form a proper and mai. cent basis for Executive interference. , . To this patella conclusion the committee have anatamouslycome. . The committee tbensfdre respectfully report, that they cannot, eotubtestly with what they conceive. then duly, recommend a commutation 'of the eery trace, in theme ofJoha W. Water! as. rayed for lo his pada. . .- ' Nothing now remains fa the committee, in the discharged this painful duty, but to , advise your, Extelleuey to detrrmlaioogg mem a ilia for the exe• name. amt the - name FRIDAY, THE THIRTI-' Elli DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, as the day, and recomriseed to your Excillemito decide upon that dt r Y al quo deal for - the execution of John W. Chairman. Couch Clunper o Jaly 19, IBM theAn.i Colusiop of the readied o(the rTon* ids Eseelleucy, Cyrano , Briggs, read to the Coen. e:1 ob. following ADDRESS ' TOW notorat4 Council : ""' - - The Countll having considered sad eeled on the 00K oflubo. W.', Webster, a convict .under see. leandellith It her:omens my duty, eh the Chief Eseettlisa dHodisintie of.the Counnosweekb, to make a dual decision on • question Involving the life ofthepristeser.-1 feel the welabt of Its reepw. But it us a resposettblllty found lo the path or.ocialduir. arid taut slot dtsposed to swede it, or us shriek mum • pot eliticameh • pan this estradirdlistry cueim i n med* dexpand *sinful interns unto** dm psi? : pia a tdmeschnoose.esni alba whole UO , t 14 homey u brief it is terrible and minx , dis; entry nw deveoPennent in its protocol bit boll WPM Rtapp, 1144 big inr.nriacti UM. _e,o. car■ , lions exitnanatiOn into the bets ebb cats, con: -dueled la seeret,therety reported that the remaas fond were pans of the body of the hue Dr. Gentle Fianna, that he came to Ida death by . violence. 'ln the Medial 'College I. Boston, On.Frfaav, the 23dder of.Novanber. aid that he violated by Tuba Webster, ' The evidence' taken berme the Inquest was not glamor the public In Jade. my; 18M,the ease wee laid beau the - Grand /hi ry the mutat! of Suffolk, and the lareangs. We, before thitt body resulted In finding int:Wins. mint status; the primmer bre the.marder of 116 .• He was ertelped on the Indlattneel and Nerds ed as jail. Two of the ,mo a t able mud &na phthas inwyersef be Commonwealth, were:cia o, biome lieWilaat algSliCd to him a s consist by the Separate Donn, and his Mat be fore me toll leach el thet Mat . 11. ed the , :the:lSlltt 'day of amen. Bimo time before Me "day - o( .the Auemey General, feralmed the cannel( of the prisoner, not oily witha ha of *enures of Use lawman to be „oiled againat biro, which Is re gated to he dons In all capital eases in adistkre ineneMahh, but alsoirith aeopy,of the teatimone" taken before the Coroner's toques; aid when had !Kea produced sitainnt.tan bcforo auk Gland The time appointed for the trial attired, when four !Woo of the Supreme Court were. premed, and sat during !betted. •In purartaoe of the pro. videos of teer, eixty - jarers led been drawn from the jury hex in the- county of. Suffolk. By law, the prisoner bad a right peremptor.lyi without giv ing any reason, to .ehalltege may jurors. andldr r- gocalawroluito object to.nay where whose agates might be called. Jo emputtielling thp iciey•who tried hlm, the prisonee,exerehed aria. paeritplory" right of charm:os in only founcen tameness. The trial was oee• of surpassing interest and solemnity, and lasted Oben days. , On the pored the prisoner, are ewe was mooed with emu ear. neatest,. ceederoiad by - the Honorable pi lay Merrick, his union After denying that the...evidence on the put of the Government wt. sudlebrat moos. that the ptisutw killed Di. Perineum at all, the recital took the ground that if In eery *math* jury should mans to the actin. .ices that he did kilt hen, then the etrereatitafieef of the cam were Bah ae to eatiary.thens that the kin. Inject:al ea have been premObated; bet the exult den: unexpected coodieChettreen ale Per. tin and of aixtden pesdoe. - . -, This partition be *edema'oed to enaintanhjeau tagenious acrd powetfal soma to thwjery.' - The ease wasefirsed on the part of 'theCommomireidth by the Attorney Genend,by addresainf singular point and effect.. After the Attorney; Gemmel had dashed his topmast, the Court informed once that he bad tbo nest. *lath he might exeram or not,.. be Messed. to malt such remarks to day jay am he saw fit. The prbtorer rose sad far sand time addreseed is. his own behalf. •Ati elaborate, clear, and merapteheosive charge was given by the Chief Joao, aftsr conversation with die caber members ef.thd Coen: Oho sat with him jury retired to their zoom; arid. after anab., sea of throe boas, hite do Saturday evening re.. • turned Into Coat with w verdict of guilty, The • neat Monday mercies theprisonerivies Deana In to, Court, and received 'foes the Chief .TWAtte de' ' sentence a the law, which, shamed Ike to stager death et stick time a theExer.utiori eta'. mmonwealth should appoint. - • • • le • few Myatt captor the record of his merle. to awes transaignad to the Govemaand Council, by the sheriff of the county of Suffolk, aceadits to itie direction of the ,nunte. , Oa the lltus of • Apell; ikeiprinoser mat by th 6 heed a Ma aimed. to the Governor and Cayman,* petition for pardon, alder hie own hand, ea the growl at entire imeeenee of the crime of which ore bad been comeleted and be which he watem , der seance of death. All preactilegaise Mitt patitioS before the Executive were tutspeeded, in oteurgeeseesor, beam received nodes troth the - enema of the - prisoner the; stey were about ty make applicable to tat Einfitsmo Choate/a writ • of erne to be toned IA kaftan', on account of a gala alleged bregalantles, libels had , been covered la the course of the proceeditsge spina bin That applfidstiOs was heard WA N . 00 tap remit, aid or/mated. - • to . he Me opinion of thethert epee tilitspft .e ~fri4 t uditemlerratte•OnteeTesifieeciff tffe.p Inge ter the easse are deelated robe ateerdieg established jediala rams had Ilse laws of the Conareemeattb. , • .00 I ate—dayand beam Om gambit no the writ °terror bad . beee settled by the Omit the liev...De. lemma. be the prhenet, aided to be permitted to withdraw the petition *WO hid been presented to the Oloreinerami 46r 'tither comfderaticar;.Tlai menet was complied with by the Onyeaner,. aid Cocoa, and alwitra ties in a day or tiro weal:ended to Dr. Fames. On the fill dmi of filly, Dr. Paean - Placed ia the heads of Chierror somber perinea, signed oy the priooner, and alas bra conndation„ of hi. meters. On the second dsv of July this petition wee re.. feral to the committee oa pada., and on the, silll3l, day Dr. Petal= appeared before than and made a statement, which he' said wan author Med by the prisoner, In which the primmer adulated that he killed Dr. P. at the time and pliee'etiarged Retitle Ma, tad deeded that the eat was premedi• take He narrated what the pavane!' deemed to be the mimeo of killing; and tants. the mode and renew to yellers 'hi body of Dr. Nehmen was dbmosed italic death. • • • Tee peeneee alleges that ther 4 . radoete blo*Settia vvek of, woad, mo feet lag kid two inches •h et," by which Dr. Putman was kined, was /Oen by him Iti a aronhatit wise "hewn excited m the highest degree of panden,'ind a stadie Dr. P. 1111131•11 was rehiring end an baiting itt • the moat video and menr.eltig mutat Ihra Whig the leUereed-kis fiat Is end- tar bit fay he sated wbaureerthiag was bindiat, and that wie a stick of smut sad dealt tar tato an Matinsue. pus blom,,willialtalie roue thai-passiou could give and that be did not know, nor think, toe are where he *Meld fut him i nor hoer bud; dor whit the effect woad be" •• • - • • Von this intement, add, upon the ether &eh proved apoa the trial, Di: Putnam addressed the committee at lamb, in an able and lathieselee arramett, In Cane of mmundtlng the sentence of cheqer!. A Almon from theftrinily Of the prim, °nee Was bet:lathe committee, had a lame nees. her of-o-ber Wawa's Pew to perdal. and . Gamester's toommutadon were le the nand, elate eammidee.' .Moir •el these petbiona • were from people. men and women; In alharEllarimitad gen. ,eguy•plaredtheir petition fora rendesien w. mit.' Mauna of the sentence, on the monad el' the great. doubts of the , prisatier's guilt. The 'committee' Rare flagellating, offer tire . meeting_ at _which Dr. Putnam addressed them, sad listened 'a these. wile desired to be heard in aid of the priramt's Pell'iool stolid aniteort of Dr. fatnam's. viewit.-- The committee on pardonsc'eonratiof of ibu Lt. Governor and roar Councillon, a l oe a fall, careful said patient hearing of than:rola be of. feed by thertneinds of the • prisoner, nod by :oth.• ors who were Pleatedto, be heard in his 'behalf, • musintis 'the Uninfaxes dedaloa that there .ernee, nooolleicat resume -;6'justify than le mean. wet diag the intandiolentfeaticaivg clemency. Z'oltnicStaumendid that the Gavetnat be ad. wised to here - the neatened of thelaw pm. nooncedbytheCoast;•eirrled i n to creel on . the 30th day of Argus' 5ea...." ; The Mend, with tat one eideption, a_mear. led - stal ;be repot; at the senumilleo.turtadvesed the '.ocnialior to catty oat the - seantaeold the Colin"us arcommeedee by them - - - • carefully and anxtoesty extuninlng ,and - slderlngSte use, I do nos ieet authorized britay eatialdrations which have-boa poseented to my mind, to net a side the' deliberate Tata .t the jury, arrest the oedema decree cf the law:as pro. =need by the hlghentrudbial !chaos' eftheCoca. mouwealth; and disregard the OpledOli 'and 'advice acme !Arun ell. _lithe chnninstances Dribs killing, as amted by the palpate, ore. lama lobe true,: a may well be qteatioaed- whether the Exsamee Council could laterbre - with the untexceovithotit violating the waled - laws el the land., In tils chime to the jary le thle.case, thii„Chier Juana, say/ "Ii is • settled' role, that co* privoestion with words only majestic, a mond d upon proviso laneume,the party tatentionaly ejecage himself with a atonal blow, it is unties. tionaby murder t' Teo city ace feetMenght tolled al to loss depeade upon the w,red ti the prisoner. It will hardly be reloaded by nay. one [lnaba dep. la - radon -of a person ander sentence of- death, should be permitted to 'outweigh the dohnte crib° Oita and nay, gad rebate ben from the mesey emanate which are to bib, their preeeedisp.... It ls tandidly stated by Dr. Patna, in Wads se gement, and by several of the nankin pahaettied to tarot of commutanott, - recanted lance fils cods frsalms,that, standingah he Ith veld ben. lilted to no credit. ?Alf the elterantlences disclosed int 'the are relied on to summet hts statemeat, the sapht fs, that th ose Mrchtestanccia were urg ed In Abram. beers the jury, sad they tave dectded , agEntt him. The fame of UM appalling sus are ;bele» the world; they will tateallerfill one of Meellem. tat Ogee la the reenrdfol crime among Orlin. It la undisputed that el tie hid day 'etNetitns her, 049. John'Wtille Webster. 'a pashissar Harvard I.7nisentfty - i. and to the „Method. c o th,... in 13otton; did, at midday la kb room, la dug ca. lege, within a few feet of th.-plaoe Inane be dale ly littleAlind delivered sclentflo Itit r uiei to huge due of young men. With todallful violence nme ,he liar' Dr. Gene Prisimals a empeetablectua men of Baron; who hid come to thy' room at Me ecoil.* Islands of the Mid 'priairaer rand Mar, atet.tskine h s lie, be eybteenned;' Ind in a man. air Gina' .elsoalott tP - bible/alb =utilised, the body of his Vieille, bonded partied h ink tanutee, and doceelatig ether partite different places In the boding,, where they were gaunt be - Perseng Kaki; a* Dr. riuksaa on der #Oll4 temiWWWSWhasar; sped hieneelt.to,vddchhe bed* tight..,lind committed slid another crim e, btitalthagEttseziarke Om Mammies ; oPligemmiaeUed - 111C<X111114 lascandis the ditectitinarMur Mb/save eminent odgw.shamuttaing thentmestacCoart.of.M.asse. owns, alter a long. pelmet and inipailialtrial, atiallter ha' ring in his defence the arguments at !canted stud , tioneent counsel, upon their oaths J.Pund hitagelltrerruarder. - —t;. Elko verdia, the Coati MaiianieedShe awful mentattiilor.Mmth. • . 1 inch a cue there should be obviois and Conclusive reiliCtl3 man thorim tbe pardoning "powerto interpose WWI .111 N reit the swordorjuume do not gee Mews reo. oms.. Tho'coloolutd arettliistances or the elite CJ0 5 1130 filb CoOliF.1011; that the:safety. Or the cOmoinnitl,the inviolability:of law, end - the. prip wpht or Impattiall justice, .ditituad execution of :I hope JO* not, neeesui for me to oven ,it would)stems tie, onapeakable, pleasure la acme to'a*Ercrent result, and Meal woultdti any ming on meth in in! power, 'blot orviolatiog de. M; to Micah& the initheinss era criabenlind bre. heti:Wined OEO. N.,r Council Chamber, 19thinly, ItOO. • ,We loans that the , member or tho Conned who voted Co the negative sma Copeland of. Ross - - • • i 'lamer a ricoixaCes • the death of Sill Robin. Peel, onntiLuni by ■ Inn from his horse. This adds /41011MT to the fist of English Prime. Minister/lash° ban:l , 4lnd from , violenee. — Percival was nomad naind•; liana 'two. was. hilted by a. rad - reed win one attic first ever run, Cnalterenglacumin hied sal- Rididtl"Peel ioaremedli the stand lag &all sh sttesman:Rh denth occurs et a critical period of Piggish politiesi and will oenailon genytall The Death of the late Preildent fa announce la Mai Wawa (Canada) papery, with tb6 markt of panorama ,uonaily adopted , by the knioricah P4mr•td . u.olt Wee. Tho - Aincricatt yawls, 16 thebarboidieplaiod their col* a 6 hermit oh iho tecopuon dote Ostelbaeace. ineotton •of a Hole tad Wing, called , to a roWlaistk.cuiWkweatilimost mein the olden trawl was fading/ bat , beloW. and imood whioh thie6 bosomy! wonsoo torso weaajaaVonbldlog th eir oo chum, the aolowir,orclanned brother— .S, Witaeokow ineolards bare , td Emu Wear wailer , bora, aa. , • , I'.LOGAN; WILSON 4 X0: 1 119.w00D ABOVE MIMI; . -Dave. jut. reaelved largo addifloss 'theli• • BPIIIII4-TIOCI OF MIEDIVARk CUTLI3III,&ti . • Imported try. !lute traekiii frem ntiope; theryirspid evpectely brtl the lutactiaa • • I of porokaaarh beliaving.iterlr vemextrz• • stoc,ka and be. prees,wiL i pm• • , • enure latisfaettax. ••• DR. D. 13#10i, • iocOsu.aancraporrtti r , n114; pceanr, - bet w een - •luiprirromaasate to Daatl atm.. ; DR. G. 15,13TIIIIILNS, Lau or Barton; Ls prepared to manufaeuva Ind Butz Thug ',la whole and parts ..of acts, upon ductlon or Aimarpharte Su Won flates.— , Taxman= crud) to Num xuuust, *hat (ha nerTa ls aznalaxL - OfFna and raudenee next=to The May. olbee, Dna rth greet, Pintsbargh. . • Dun IDFadden.F. IL . • ` Lip ;; ' OffittiorOhlo and Penes. EL 8.C.. Thyttai- Parrrettert, hung IS, Me. -S . • . , Suivlattldc re, of ; the QUO of Penneylventa Rail. Raid ;Compiler); ars. berebp aotilied-to pad the titikbaitetutera "(Are donate per ibete, the eta*" "4. 4,0 aiacoif or. b ,-I, l**.zh. Julie iext, mad the rectal: 41g inatalptexes et ,UP,Per du or, before thermi4af entien ens c*lttenamulai die:whole are plate ,; " to br .lAO Pas: I with to tieir ioothisimi to the assdirsiviitue of lite Oil ealleakhafoleara: Isms for, a taro ratios iflfiesed With la Mart . I . l a cfa,fai itiob so as to liiefieto entirely for about' lams swarths, ista sdirlatts bqra dr, aver retwriiiny 'aigla r and brit;ii4lloll.KF,speetat.igavliii4 re. Lend or 31. - 4,sieosn. mi..glesalla t physic= was isumitenial is Waking a curt, or is evil:tenger, sad afforded ms tat 4ttlo Sataarnealeat. Ward 01 - tip Naafi ofaabiaa:lias' of.lfpril, ISA aiasavo, !Lai/Jai. iis sight is reitWodarid my "ayeavaa;ilcept i'gnots asides ofwasaliiiia I a.. wile the sen, ; ANNIitELAND. . its.Ciasisaati, Biaggi. 1 a:0. _ , . . P.: 8. Lierim—Slie y beet litee arilleterl with Met tor r a n yeiri,ia Pere 444.40'.+ tmeetes,..4li4. mull Deere of have , Fod eel ore DeDWeee: 'Wet i ear entirely came. - 1 rtroeusene altitho are alllctedira Me. I buyer Ismen 4lb be geodror sofa eye:. DiDelentf, Alaf ts v 6, : VADRETSO74 Derails- D 7 Kereer lb Me Darill;l4o Wood atreey 67 Wood as; D bytrerry, Jaktle.,ty 'D Ulla" Doeglart, elleybeeY;" eh* Di , De Y „ WElblt,", -," . • Elit':ol7l/60IL I.IOIPL/G, ►afBTiTIITIOIy' CITIZENS', INSURANCE ' CoMPA:44, , . or. pitio a g C. CLITCSSXY ‘ Olea—Na. Ws.ler street, iathl wr,nbc.neor O.: I~YIIIB CUMPANV..II tmw. proaird Lorate•alf, zirtatts daks, on bo.4...malittlectoom,..goode - mezeitanclue 'COIL, sad to traryelialventsilx: b.mp:c fukranry.tar itmlimepiti at, rho lulivaton, 111e1.0.0,1 in the: chuocur Glum - Di-. wto ate all eiiticaa.giyiattatg me/rand ; raTorably tuawn cilay.maty for ptehltradetice,; Lratiligenetr, azi Intitritr: - •- • • Du.tsomC.iliTi.e.ry, Wzri:Sagiblet. • !Nat, .1r Waltar D Nina. Edorardi Itenehao: Y. Blakey, S.. littlaatirt4B.2.l. War.. - 2 • irr woo.: {Kozo'—Vartovitherirter hiP,eLees pined reLuire to the origin airmierinat.iropes,ourtl : .yet UP quintile lea vend up ainereit medical Irettuirl— Up' ' Of 060 leci; hPrirer; ail ire farotiepi onii la, Prue% ell eseee—itor Pralipuut el Pe lirleente thir Pert co elLU4rie; Are alift4lloo or Pe nu Ls one phieh the raiz*, or uitnrurAp rup..tiregept ..ea . MP. Aknorousocs gree t etepuri la. aireepg the utenden or parents !Ir the Vetmiturs or Pr Mktg": It Li( one of the roost ezu.sulinciri rrediehteitrierPtrodieedietbeirrpirrernt !Pauper 1 fansferpeceu *Perk 117"ftc We by J. IMD &kV* 60 Woo 4 Met • bo ISievi!nr. Notion, at 10 o'cl4o, Ma Ems Lk, evriconotetinThlionniinCifAmm .• 11,mi:oral will iakoplace tkioallerroon at 3° , 0 ock (wok She minutes of ref victim AMR. As. Bntun North Colnizion;nileiheib Cl:Y...'llik;iriions:of nos inflikiteAlo anent' , . Yeuerdty =oniintilln &unit= • binikiieral:iibl into ilaccifrizi Ats itanceindence in AUCkkony tity, Mk; aninicant, Ilk friends.of,tD. focally aro inched to **mild colthoin f hide:comic - a. • • • , •`Aro. l a icsillenes in the Ninth Ward,' Papzr.. Mt Irian?* and the filen da da'faintirlie mnast . Lata' alxid . iilal4ml Oafs ceaLiak. . Young. Mibsicilereilitlle Library' aid . litllliglbreesora of We Air orlagrineBllll to aide. oomed.e.the.rpcipt : o , iratheble eerittletif Dun erasers, JarnaaJinderron..tierillo 'Memo Bakewell,ltoo. Dr. Uprold, Oro. W. teak era .17. Derrarro ,Ttompoori .ittletreell Afire. Gar. W.. .Fataeaurck.D. fl. Drama Cud orhare.,.They are alto' l.eabled to the hberalny of Me pubrlebers of Boyden's llluetrat orrof PletryeeretfOr reoprot therrueutp. lut , waskodisho.huitno of whleh, tofu , . Pehirhod, are neon ar,,theirregale.. ' Their I, bray . - Ons..bren steadily on. she ktenua'Aind.'at thla rime einerdna .LOMI7 garen - hundred. elelonree. ,A.:Aiird of Atoll three hundred dollar.liN . 'Due. boon robed by a sob. loriPtlon of Ave doll ere ouch. front ,la.norutter of the Members; le the who of width is to be approprieted to therporehaso of books, aarC .pof.arblah:trto.boes "ordered; au4 are noon on'tholo.erioy to Orly. ' 'They would to very glad ter motive douationi Woke or moray from all who. ore roribly disputed la-1 1 / 4 volieel of, oetablithing, rabli CLibr.r. T e r w would hreire el/ amnia Celt at Melt reg.; on Donah outer, Orel whom how teach has been done • • . Tho onercianen has been le eorporated by the Lies. jedare..and ham appeerance of perroleettee erreett tor Angler Inethotiou of ale arty his ever inalnee: • • lyeadlt - • I.TirtNEYJr.4're.etdool. PIVTI 3BOO . O iI - 04AS3.WORICii, 101 IN, AGNEW, lots of tbs foot of Chambers, Ag• SP now & , small respoettallk Inform to - .A. Umet's and Oka pottUe gensoally,that be sS)II still ten. 000 to ratty ooltiliOnienitilus business ; (p all ib 'ams, and Is mlars!! to GU 11111indeT•Var Apodie• Virit etatnitnte; Mussels; Potts., 'fiats, to-, lite.; fatifttning whim business. .I , ba warebOaso Is 21 ain't, street, ts:osesn rust & Posoul Cs. - Jruluf.TM' 10.1.76 E MOLASSES-40 bits Go & odates UU 9C jjgas , utefinety, formals - • - • • , LataLautrxica INthiaANt, F wu 2r — wub"' n irurifg,Ailt7k.,,onit l si : :IFtarsiltard,4ollailtp, Pulitittr' Malty for et -Ty , the tt low pito; of Isle pee , yatd. to mind kt atnra of . • . ttURCIIFIELD..- . 424 •.: • • •'• Cot.:Vouith k. Market BM"' Colored Mar_ ikATRPIIY & BUfttgiFr dli r otihe *moos k in* "ethed ;11%is"Vtirn'n el.*, .W144:4 ' g'4.9l' P"kaggs lailfoea • . ~, , , NS r., - a 'ked Bersai'G,Woid,Pittsbatil l : ' O N ' - On:6la m mlle ' ,,matired .Clantles,DocghertY, Pitts blirjh.,The wornett , w lll l l ear:col:tad pay-An ' 4 77176",1e.i0 4 ,441! s7 vlitaanvinto 4, co - - -- rfittiburigh'.4olty" ell AO, Works. ;• • , OUSBIONGH4.II.IICCO., StiSISPAOTTIIERS. or 1 4 9U41DriiV GI. A S NegSlilialoesstnan.betiorebaTing sad &Oak I. n th 414t o s t k lai to 4 oitge , 4tr, 4 ' 4 • Wecricdosa.ar. •iN DEPprawica-i2 bx: ex,• rt f z r . ,, 4 . 14 , 1 t, JTL . • - ENG II IrINEOAE , -.6lbeitltex Vbibiar foitalw by ' ILI2- , ,' , 4l6,Latt BENXLIT 4 17111/4i rEIZIO brim lac:km.lmi On We by M - I a 2; h i r , • 14;u44,11j.,,,,g BLtt i ' Eat—ow uu el won end tit itst• ' • V.NULfSIi& VENN ETT Pbik ?. ..ti es* ill store aloe fm sale by___ A. 1 7 X 1 .BANAMOS,GIANWT ~ ..;.:2.=:, r+ . =! x ~ -.-+...~e~ •.,~w,.;er°s~-~...7..; ..e t.~.w.`s'^'—y,s+~:~':: 1/2ln - "Amos Tons—a d oar. sod *mirthbr : CIOETS-23 m , sume - sad Orr sale r SeNuusti nenNtrr A' SR:HOOPS-6o Al. inc.:re and for ads bt & E 124 91114 r r6 / 9 1 : 11. pe sl;;;Sbn:d . 101.1215. do. Id nom arid fa We by ENGLISH lb aranrr R• wi l l °Pee i dewiest awl keg. ....Wt. Scheel, - en` the kV Mall&pt. new. Room ever /I. a Wintuah! shwa,. CI Wood °O. , nil Ett.ts, - • 14, Iton. wetter FL towiie,' Eq..Ell•om J. D. Meeont o Rey. Dr.' - • J.D. Egg. IIiFORHATION WANTED—DI bq.bend, bu s H. SOYA left Notate. Vi., *bolt tete. maim mace, end meet entutlay tome Wee to rithidelbble t ma.. ,0 PlUalart(b. kla•rtane MO tbes be wu rumba% au ono of tta I,T3eelloly boat. (twisted b. beetecet for eel Inforouttioa respecting 'bbb tbet w4l enable ma to fuel butt ' He tae emitter by treeoo. Mt, beotirortuag at mow af Wet sees, at l ure (tiled tailed him on eny_o, Ma • 'Het eau be fafi et Ho Gamma of ' • N i f AGA EIN , ES FOR AlialbliT.—.At nolista , Li* ti v-i .bg 7, * . l t egita d • g r f e ji4gi c ittl 'i no l X l[ = elm/Q.O, for Napa] Strieser Towsseisre Miseet• 1 .9 To NI , •:4 pica ems; 6.1;0 Gars Booty SPY Avgala; tilanakes Eaton tg tbt nogg He- Was, or I.llsarrellea Stare Si tall Ay' lvi; 011 c by Eugene sae Wee Amid!, • nova by Ars n ose VeleerCalare. or** rtyr, by gaqyz. bora Wailaa's Fstirait. •JYY2 hA~ i s • ll47 l dall 2 1 114 ! N, -.1, 1 1„.:r7: i grr . Ll o' ii - Ektnyazid,.... E ; 4 4 llB t " t .. 7 2 .1," "; for sale by Oyu KNOL6tI • us.a.r4 tUAP—ZUn4m; s a t i g.VB l l ea! ittze,-„Y,tvii-phra."7:lll:l6-"Lir sUlitt K-32 bags 18sgit, n ser,Aa.• Aga low by EN4l.lkiEl & 81.APPETZ rsear: I . w.7,l..irantwEast.l ctro F ituauxu,piai.. , PALL TRADE,,, , . J• • • • • St J• N DICKSON ,C 0 --111 1 1 h - #l,/, k os.sad Sp-j 1p rrolusat 12e.1432 M1.4.101•1)=.1.3.17 • . BT 4 PigO/RY GOODk TETI= the attentins Art: Weean aud Southern Merekants their-AUTDIMN STOCK Of Staple and Fancy D= . l, or thiii4inr ‘ lsiniumtatithd, and trout tne bear . Tney will eshibit mieTenstrostrinty of entirely near Fa 11114 Winter Preis Goods • Sigma English b. and American CLOTOS, IN GS, 1101ERIT and GLOVES, P **ma. AN, lima mim mtitufa ' red esAtimar ord. ri and other bran Goods, In roar aity. • Wan Clouds,: Jaironetts, Cambria, So., isanarte• tired to order., • - A general variety Otitolions, lielnant GaildThtbdi Patent Thread, sod Cowin, .thanolaersinges- Pr rs= 4aa 7 l;;Ugi '- 'Aid- - Bleached :Sltrullap and Gar ratirily °Mall and Winter Goods, generally, In all their rituals, vAll aerinducements, both la grata ; and rincr, to aeon and raoarr aim . - . : N. -PICKSON k CO: . . mutet am it Itmeiim &um.. '•-• • Soldier.' and •Widows , Olatfas.' fr II E den! d -laM, Aunt for payinx Vahan ' SiatesPer= at Pinsbaryli, will Ratan Ulna prosecution of Soldiers and Widows'. fnalmairr, Pan. 111.11 and nostar last& anent coarcetkm11111:1111.0,111211;. GUIWEr loot , aramint nut made ma familiar with arr,raircartd forms, as well's the derirms,of ak &mina Dryart. 'lawn at 'Praia:won City. . • ; Many widows and bars of Revel:tin:lm Soldian bare clams may yeti obtaiard Z i rmer -Mies of W. all.' RobimMa, n D. ag.,,rcimaips. Mayarft OfSce,Pourch &rem. Pinabargn. •, • • • • yaly"M,1800. nrYdritwlm] WALL PAPER, -Vi. P.lllO/1911ALL eointsal• t receiving, from the largeitlassottactorictrist New Volk and rhilerrelpitle, eati Lem 'heath Mender, the lamest ttad most Imo:need rty lel DIP*. tOgreiber with • nrc , Ward niece. hetiTester Tope Far We atCV Wood et...be tween Finnic item Ira ilistoond Acucceseer 8..C.)341), - 1191700 ti SACKINCiAnIitEIfr. & mmenneEtt VV. have name bend a icw pee Ornaberve,orrght width for Wool 811421, wad, they viii elem. oa2 lope T th of Own, Brava, .L 11. 3, • - • 24171411 Y . k BMW IDIL &Cif - 1101101-121NES,MORPHY- t. BORCIFft FIELD has terelsid • ;apply of *bate minis. atio.ldoorniss Aipll66/111f40. sad* sow seend ipte of Onsiszione. ; a itiFFottnee r iya sad for anio n t& i. • - : 'll.ajitil.Letord stilts V fat tale tr.' • • IMO) 3L CANF7BLD..3 gA do F!ilia. o IP ES - Uss ankle_ it - ill - as - UTZ/ . _ 1 BOANFIFILD. balehtila. 1201Le--..dtst banostrof Goods' dam: , aged 6, ex, et No. et Market tweet, sill be rioted it tedten4 prior. . colt. noon and seam Wit , Saha , _U12 , 21 • A:"4. MASON t CO. -ISTOTIZSISt of Li widths and ignides r of thero_KopOs. very ebenp, at. MSG). . A a sON a CO-11 "rT , Tgrrsi lAttr)ffElitiMVB- .7 47sodisen d en 800, aids low price of Me. at • , irrn • -._AA MASON a:C0.1.1 l i lbErac.olßK—A e — . ..TTO.Ibt Capes, Collars and Cults. ty. ry. , dot • - ':E .AA NAEOMA. CCO11.• 1015.t1A1in:f-bii.-- eri..43Pir , F bor. reed and rot rah, by • We AVIA A blteLTlßti t CO.,MLIben at teA ' S-2 atm Capate Caw., roe , aft t,. s¢l *ale by, • , _WM AATGOLVItO LintLYl BYARYN-1 f “VHIIIIIIIO trFt es,a," a. War Y ble d,flav ored with di reetheirs IA for rile by • jWMA MCCLURG k CO, ZS rPbt. Aria ArclizisfiliiiilfC - Taii UOilertl" sb, hkstors, i r ld fior sale by • . y2O • SRLLYIfB t rrrcots.. peitm WIN —AMIN frrulTe73.l. sale by • ' .!". "1 F 1 '. 7 1 --JOHN UMOR(AN ~li G cASKS SAL SO• A, tea .4.3)13 ' JOIIN D SIOROAR - . • 1 : 3u""4"4"1 tis - 7 - -JOHN • ut }Mien motet Calk 'alibi ptt3 64 T the dirorentip4e•of Wool. br _ ivl6 . -• • . k'qr riARBAIMFF I • --le urns. mar - 7 tee. Yt red Ll-, for idle Ovel. —BrZLEESNICOLIA. IrMgilidt=i oo brlisiNo:addiektel,lard 4..iaspeetten. In prime ordei,jert reeelred der/ (M , 1 / 1 01410) A IdeANULTY* al. -2 71,1 ACKEREL-12 eds. No. 2 Alsetertl. re 122,2421 PM per C.212 1 / 4 222 for talsbT JAS. MIZELL, :_jtl2 .,.. • • • • • - Ple.lo•Witualt.. TVP. IS . : 11.V1, 72 . Wi'2l;'pl.'.• ligs4w - aoops. . _ _ A,.MADON - &-DO4 Ne. 62 Alezhei fa. - *applied theoleflelestry Di doer stook. eassest t 6 flso - end It Ii Dow Declined &melee Dv the nettles ONE-4ISINDRED AND FIRTY , PACKAGIII et slcabto - flo: i lgatlarAfrOut lerisf a spauenD ese. rf?srbsnoiortileh al teill i tiristrt l vd Ihel n T ' s= ass Datsees Seeol44i :11.2asald be eselessto at scope 46 - Aoteenste their well *stoned week, And thstefeeglavite the - ,eatlT lutentlen of their twe ee and Nhphha news/set of tow ebe legiblheit la oath - . 0111 ?-Ye pea bitetittel tavey - 811ke, - Was • darre et. 4.0.1 at - A. MASON k CIA'S ensest - S told timelnss, at Um low pace otlgnml Meper you& by tiool.)e—Art Immense nom oribee.. gooesiatury towptieur opened lay 4 reitts= l6 :liiiiTbledir.o4:, - ind green. loot oporiedieedeety;theip , b% 4 l' —,.2d meknnh Corn , uosa Jer.a4. GAlleebeny Clipper, and ter tele by • • . .11ROWN XIIIKPATAICK. liCOPi—et beds prime ahoalderm xl beds Mem . Slam, Madera ar Mr tale by • , 1719 . . • BROWN t KIRICPATIRICIC_. /1 7 1 a—it s brie saperlti • m /74 ea fumy uurerre .1718 : . 7 'r , _ Itafli/N t ILIRIPALTRICL. P.P."Atfr° bit. N. C.-Ton 23 do pin Old • KteltrATHlCit. D. . .tsk..E.F—tu tierces near eared drirdned, X/Jed received aza for {dr by • • ' 1.118 • • • • SELLn:lit n NICOLE. Inacerreh• do - Render, In jeir by • " -•!- SELLER:4A NUMLS. L El' CMS arc semainlag ilui officio adiremid N. uotsecr. (iltriELY; ON llKPORAlt;,frasta to AA wanly Reforms, in Lec ttttt Adatelnek. St. more welling., by floraesfireely, • - Hoban Ppotheribis Wind mniespotatca, - mltter by his eon, the kte v. C. C. Seestkop. /11. A , 'part ajao reemsed...- i.et tiro Arnoid,.-A bavel ‘ by the macro Tae Nub:lvo.; '..:formalas • Attage,". ltatisoFt , -Hely . • • A lesson i tabula, comaratog Brew ,_cf -- reading' in lam, ,prosody,andletvw."'"; *ebb g bissoo•lo• sante fatalist .nark at:cabal:lN by Joie MSCII t Wk... Lk lb, late PloCcuor et Ancient Lavilago.. Diekhnlonealleaa. A fear copiea of each of the -isbora sorb and icor sate by JOHNSTON A 17 . ,. n7;1 11 ,:,. , jyl7 - Corr of Norkst__.._ VaIGUREtt NETTS--AA large auemem et IFKrint(. N.us, of newest mks; alio. prt. sut , MW ! 1, sh ttloucasjand'ltabiaeb..r""" J 717 • • muarnv s UUStuli EtRESH.TEAs—w. ire mnts234lxeterlingete is penes .11 black Te.l4 tn . " ‘ ll n .till sfs•et, avorustfar of vier? gt. 4. and ar . n . each are act to be psvmsell'at PM& , Av e .th! I In “moulson, faeling ...Wed 43c tw o .) Taos will - be kand.olu4 "1"4, thi ratae paeanto ire • " Ars, 0 , ftwirr:vie f el ...,,vor..4...usv•e- , 0141t. to •' .thehers vl7) zapiwarasoacnntux TI tpnettesi rpnTILWIt COISPAXION. iNdat diteNiaas farAlltai sh 4. ?Limo sins ons in s rinsing ,thetna .Eintordi tag mum o; rP a,. "11. ), a=" 4 41 41:5 1r 4 I " , rus'AtITHORII - PitINTLIMIND 111BUark• rsiu . .12812•TAU 4 T. Laclrding thlete.trus eimals its pct.( 0111141Manism of books. For g_Ortly_ • 171 7 JCPUMMIN A AIMUCTr• 'f . AMUSEMENTS, PIfTOBVIGH MINIUM k LICTUBH Apormalitikut. r -volrwrn IT. (Wltk6 Is well 'endive.' and ceikl °mar anlia-,..tkiera..nriar-io-Ptr. B. .DS toptieor. lint Director-of I...cettan Rolm , CIRSAtIRRXES9 OF TOE 11,AR•E; 1111Clion FAMILY. IN Wet tOaecoauaolateirmilapeLniea,ama ladies 11Ibe enact Kneed at alibi arta" their ch'thea, Oen inn bei • Pellermanet tad Van meets eirrallyseete, 4vapetrealeg Ataa reelect moll. 4 3 Y atteadfas early, an.mrporteally earl be *Co ed of see& ar n ometese Voiles arta., Mein ca meace vista 411Z i rll,MV .1= 1 7 9 r0 4,01104 i wlllisllleeellaaeoalConeeza-Tbe vaolneoecaelo2e ad. • war measles ad called "LIM 10U/10 . . Admitsien to Suomi and Losegati Itono.4lr.eno. alars=les=t-VisPr.tres=rbftlf'.. T 434 CAilltri*LLlf.itilc, COMI9GI . leriallll4 Kilnb4/1:4 , . , INPF.ALTIC TROUPE.thoorteloal enorcli k mod . Clll UP87312, ALNISTRELM, - Itschori of thew owialook, bao. *Moser to olueosoce to Ito Lock. owl Geoemen at Pittiberet,ilost they vitt or:Mono their Pcoe:st-Emoertolowy l ui over, tight. gall firmer mace, ilumodootoseecks asking. of psogra.ise. . 071koong Opoo sill &a mt. .Penoratento:o c 0 0.4 . 4 AtobWoo ormA. • D 19,11. . GBO. 6.2I[II:IBE!sLY, KnoteTr. 1910 IllemMEiklaamr Path, riIMAT rplaailld..ablittmarai u sum alem4-far j Itemc 11.1 a admirably anroadd . Immaresta. Forlarm..apply . . • JOllti-A F 1 12d111C , Z1? woods& AtIVALL BC4 £l3. wain' Mai w.lt Of Ma a Pest Ontaa Add. au ke.11. 0 a:Olt Gica. • - rPEWIE-4.* saaaloaa aida pi come, now iscimg ISM DICSEVrk.II4O. Water inal Pow , nit reconlows DICKEY d CO.. . Water and Fmc r,2 . 7tCON—O? 41144 assonedonrfinicrii=l4 • " r- • • nAmn awkstr& • Water and Front ics. - BY.SCH V1NC.,48,43(!mf00,001.1.15mivr1,124 k.oka rueited mid mared,ula 11l ZdURPLtY ds . *UCH! warritvo.so /AI . 137.11NJASIT thritt-10 bele toe eefeLi 7-7 ' b 7,3 Is .7..tiCHMAllEftfrgo -eti et • vvELLOW'DCHHe~IP brM ferrate hi . tgt,wo th..e'crail , rfer sale br I." - ' '• aCtIOUNBUKITA A. co. iPaAßigitutttttftlmi eyks p•re resale by . , '" J SCHOOJIMAAFICk CO 14 ACILEREL-430 bri, No 3, Mats, Inrn, at Ibtule'MLLE@ RICKETSON • eft Et 233 Libetty • 7 • • . 1 10 ass Eltnt , A , m,'Nle. iallen edov, . - 33 bx A AlArgaux; jest reed for axle Ml," .. , ,ITHP" "'• , , . MILLER & lIICELTR9N NURIIIR TOILARCC—„% x'7 - i - Wiiilf.Altob stFilLA.P.last reed /or fele by- •- . • • T. • . •, .. .. . MILLER & RICIETEON WA .. • -,-1 ieTi. loriilitelif" --- AIM ~' !.:" ' ; , - • BRAUN & REITER ' PRINCIPE C1a6114-41S0 Br Noi 1,4, and 3. Oter &80&04" 44findfar D i[L 13CA 6 IIICIIECSCN . 1 1UNNp . 1 . 40 . 02tbrIt ; i. Wlydslew pdeedjust reeding .171'6 •- ' 'fidILLER RICRENON ' 21/ ptts/.lelek'oh- IQ , fintkozolO Co's Eilleri,o; h_mdo do Kr, ree'd for sok"idn.4,l4l3,;&_4lCTSTgo;sk_ OD LISTS. OIL-2. t 4 P , lloorq C amnia impbrbtdon,joiseetived for 3411 BRAUNAt RbITDR atl3lltNB .ceriPLEe,7o bout Oto OmPk.dtek • kg .elTkeDsticet stuck, tar able by u. NICK>< Mer..11.14DLE8.3._ itere.BEEo-Abo • /In • - .o;Mri a arhTts.. 11)11WIN . SO' A •=A Mir biron hand, which will ilk sold ebtaiNst., f.r716 INSEED.oll,4oll.lstinseletar.... • 116 ~ - • livAtlnf a airrEii,,, FIRMS OF tit. fe ~ c rce 1 9 ,4 _ D&AUrf & ! W tTe R .:, oOr y ik VARNISH-0 tat* /ILoreaollialVar, • - THE donne' Montle'of OW Eharebobleti of 6`w North'Actericao Aiming complexly of Now, will bo bald at the OHO. of Palmer, llausia* r0,.113 tool eiry,of Pluxboaab,.Pa:, On blotalwa. the . 111,0 day of : Amain oarebatareen Eta boort arta Al N. ma 2 ?.. 1 1. xor Ike Elleelloo of Worm Of to •Cooloony; aPal (Cr bo.loosa In VII, b , l•OrtZtlted.l. arettalvlt* 7'W" Lamm 10ti l at, • r!atikri,PritAto. ' • ' .gmit;iovlt.t.** :4 ti;n. 41 Ina. 061,,.1.117RP“V t.,111111001141.4i Douvr.a. bait:kw-J - 40w cht o t,v .1 . k!.:4 4 %Ur' an ` 1411*". ..11:111N il'aVA 1167 ;:_.,/faull. Plaid Gllnglaasaa i , attaL,Lit'cl.; 41;111aPa'Cn. ews :arrbitathafte nr caws quolitr, rod vett pakci !atllnyttivelnd Orared low as yore or, 'JOS - --- —__ : tumnii-73 trlDpiiiie. Okla rzWil for ialott ;• -: ',..* t r - pis... _ .., . . • • „.34 k. IN litltStl.loll. I UAW C-7 s .StOlD;Orito lostie et bred tr soli tir....,' -. I t 4 i7lll • 1, , ~ , .. IRA IV iliall3MlT: It IWIIIIIM,r4. 4:l74'lltafrirEltbl.66S24 11, , 4040110111.411. DOR two Boa ' dAtoxce. cootahaloir I?Donetr, worked . r +Dr. . thartioti Slo.tburigh. o IDS Jo. oar •em re.. 4/_, 4texti, Away pan 1:070. : . St STILAIRDASGH 3 'Quaes CUBED HAMS .7 ter, reed ODr W.. by. 771 • Ila , & OF ~,• 3 , . ... . 7 ;.11G .5y itAnnevanr• ____ -r - • IV•tiods'•'h nimlaiidlnBfron eterieisrii) CF.lnkinte_aktfl . l,4l;listki - ; nrcicke k CU /14&:••• !.... • .w.tcr& !WOE—. po . . now landing (fir sale bi IBAIAB DICIICTSc CO' 11 . 0 r* --.3 ante ui 19AIAli DtcKgrt. co. ALLOW , for . isle by, ..; : - ; .7 jy .. tlAtt WiEet4 , 4-1 tierce 30.1edt , .3. rnr ,, ZeiF " ' IBal all DlClier & m'sziomva r ULAXII btis binding for mkt " - - • ISAIAH DICIEEV & (Tr BEN43—ft bags bow landing. fcir rxlei by } - • • - IPAIAII 1)71ABY & CA} _ CAMtit Onerlths No I.Cor ',`• • • ' i . .. Klet:Ll7l3' QPlltri3 oP 71.1aPKVT. iNE-14 brliror LI br. ky, R SELLit / IDEXV—It balm bokinv sad ponir, for sae by lIPESE-;40014.5 W. 8.78 r ggli It . ;via ' 8 P VON SONNUOIier &CO ~g• • • ' v.,* 6: •er • twitsi• 07117 .1 13 P YON , OONN/10/18Ta CO BF,% ° ! s ••u°,',l7l^,gvellif:i7,Wl%-- COROMID lIALTS-40 brL. Rt We Erj - • If 11 • .....i I" VON BO NUORSTS. CO WINDOW - 0 • • 13 10001411,151ittfiroTiiria F VON BUNNIMIST /CO VgIOtSON.ILOIt—aO fnt tale • • "Jil3'` 5 F VON IIONNgORSTSCO - FAXILY FLOULN—IS) bits test reit%for see br . '11! VULDERTSON.& - • , trs u Bnudit ht., W. BUTIIICW fel 1717 A CULEIEWirecOf Qt.ltiAß-4$ bag Lo era ins crtuertami iuutracii 0 En!" but Medved for rale bY 1 13 -*.onarEwroolirt tmotise SUMAC—ISP"I's ale bi CVIIJAR 1713 • - A CUL • Vt,tklito.4/0.•411111 aoireeellran We •A •-•• CIUXERTSON &CLOUSE': BALCON4i= kfionlifikg; . - t uholtdrm we'd filecifis fir WHARRAVOU FALOI.IIII,-72qtis Puilabflizr frau Maanf or Wale , : r viue, rata.. by. . &,I9 pDA",,su.llll:crsk.:l9l4-47 . r;ree' 'ifor . , •13tW-11A111.111.4:11 rThEicsr,„.4reeeltioaforiseek, , bap prEme Ohio, reed for mile by . JO , ' • •!-- SeNV IfAhddl;Gli n c.q•zr4;: — act ;!r.k.,t El to ain. in mar e,To - tra y r a • !,. t.N la SPATR,It ; .' . cams &Waved far sale bT - • `1.015,: ° el nix wet a astgPailiCa ccp ipmu—qua an 6 tirfs Ne tos akar , „ I 01 5 • • BROWN & 11111TrATRICIr . °. ' .l " s trt`oi6, l llll7l — ;.& . ltit C 70 `ISM • • 1713 • • .. 111097 N • gPATlltelt '77; ° . - "` 4 "1/N4V1:711/pAmrimc Ot...llbaleOliVeolonz No 7,'lreosired for side by LL J 713 •1- EIItIWN a KIRICPA.TRICE. ENISOI4 HAIM-42 mien n...iiivoent tar oiali - BROW7II tr. ETRIPATaItE, - .l.Bo7;—.46sisissaciled, h} sale —•—. • If ; •' BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, - 7 10 casks clear aids*, ea 40 owl loom : i fyti • ';!!".11."411VVVI III7ISAVCbit•• P A T"*. 4 ."t" No . ao Wisitt st' • ALS WHITE-2ibe lb. aped°, yolier, twit re. 'viva foe ear by MOO -.1 MOD &CO WllMAO—Ortbrishist retelml for a& J LOD CO " PATENT GLASS PAPER—TO rims 14 1 ram -la/ tale try (1,1 . 11 ' J MSG fir co .jorASII-4 pill prime quality MU Jill ' • 3 NMI, h Ctl "1"`"IV2 hav f"T: tell , Cor Wood 4 4au,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers