ESTAI3LISHED IN 178 h. PUBLISIIED DV H I '1; . - C O.• , • . Is. *were. 1 . Hag - rile Al" .00.0iit, ;TT*MD ETRE/7, Kill, 1000 70 ' THE POET 0117C1t. • '• , TERIEst • per ee ep, , Tri-tVeer epp ct Weekly . •••• - blEire., tit a reddeed rum; MAI S OF ADVIEETISESOI - AGREED UPON' us TI. PITTSIIIIEGTI 'PRESS. thie.Sque te, (10 ,inn of Newport l Oriels) Denion••••••--••••••-•--- Ortedegar re, each addidonalitoterboa •• • %Pa • • It t. two wee ks• 4. 0 0 0 . three weeks-- 0 Do. nee month•—••—•—•-• 6,00' , Do. taro••• 7,EO' ' De • three mooths.•-• --••• oso Da. Mar monlbs ... •---••'1 0 •CD • Dr. oil Do, itee l Ve months•-•• • • • ISPO Needing Card in lines °Timm,' pgf 10,00 - Otte H t loote•ohotetetttat at pleamre (per an. • • rutin' ezeimaxe DI thn paper ; eS it •411110,1a1 souare, Mullett mean EAR tor one, Etbliitonal square lusertedvader the Tear- IE rams, half price. A eveniteme nisceeding 14ZOItte, net over • fifteen lines, lo b clarged -leave and a halt Publiqiert 1101 cent:Diablo for legal advartittetnehts be rend the amount charged for Melrpab4eE o E o Ancoßocmg eandidatel for office, to be charged the mane as other adverueementi. Advetilsemente .t marked ens tbe cop" • "Pen ned number of ln en rain., will be easetEned 01 forbid, and Del Otent enroll accord: a Tlr' privileges of yearly adverileem will be confined rieidly Id their regales littrinesti,• and all other 'duet. linimuntit filit pertaining to their regalie business, en agreed for, to be paid extra. • • . All wlvertiermente for a.ritable theutations, fire gummier. ward. toiewhip awl ib.rr encennuo, and pitch like, labs charged half price, payable strielly Ir sidesoce. 'tutelage non,. Kt be charged 50 emus. Ilerob notices .Iwerted without charge, anleis R01.1,d Ly (000E1 00tudion. or obituary notices, and ben so accomiliMeti I° for - ' Derain, sdrertisers. tad ottettlreiO raiding einem e• I . , gic,ng,,sr env:llia, notices designed to call Ott eft ticn Moro, Potrero, Cone ewe, pr any public enter. m where rhlteXeritte Made for all itolteel of belittle REEREiEtiots--EvErr entire de. sinned to toll attention tn privet, interment calculi. tell or intnnled Vreirtole oat intr....ll4nm on if he. learned with the .undersianding.that the SUMO tOIO be paid Mr. tr to be tanned la the le. eat roister, the Setae wilt . M'ehuged nt the ram of Dot Out than le eel. per Ihte. • •• • Ibrhop m Fist Notices in an charged triple price, Tama Lien:tie rmitinns. : earn. , and Medical advertisements to be charged at - ft.iprmre. Rrcl l'Atatc Agents' and Audience& adrernar nientl Dot to be chn.d under yearly netc., but to be al erred diltount or .hir•.y three and ono thirdpereent. frown no amount or bilk. . . warn, OIL TrIAI/2.21 : 1 rn name warm Otte t , qttare, three toteetions• ••• 81 131 1)ot each ndationial thaertion 37 ....terstaarnr.ters jtt 1.11.1. TV rAtaa One R•7l --- o.llllFure;.liMeirartaitio - n. etc. Dn. each addttional insertion. ...9 All transient advertisements lo be paid in advance. hTIIITP. CO. Guano: 1.. HARPER, Port ROT? AI.•RIDDLE,-.Tonmsd. • JAME 4 P. BARR CO. Chronicle. FIPATIM k BROTIIIIR, Dispitah. •JOS. Sh.OW D :Mercury. • ' JAW'S IV. BIDDLE. Ave tie an. HIRAM RAINT., Evening Tribune. Pirmnsism, Dec. 1, 1817: t • • CARDS, JOIIS A. PARKINbiIIq, A LDIMINIAN, Flan Ward, Penn street, belmeen IN O'Hara and WOW. All tautness promptly at tended to. • maCV 2 ALNNANDER N. WATSON, •• A 17MINEV AT LAW—Office, on Fourth me e t ZlL above IV6:KI' mrle DAVID C. TUTTLE., A TTOIINEIL - AT LAW, and Commissioner for Pern.yl,nio, ;N. Lout,. Mo. en cononanionuoce promptly antorerpS. John R Large Wna.C. Priced. ' LA1111:46 ti FRIEND, A TTORNEis TaNV:tourth sarchnearGrant. . JAinuiv. Knnit, ATTORAIST AT I.:AW—Orwe on Fnerat street, bryseenisagnhfieldeldGtent,Psttttralgh. • spittly • ' lionjatula Pattco•-‘--- Wiltm ' Battn.<lt PATTON & BAIC.P.W.ELL, ATTORNIM3 AT LAW—Otrica iaTalshount I{ll. Grant stolcor ,thejltatyrt M.o. . tent JOAN H."O.ANKIII t V , A TTORNFX /4 and Coon.llot ot Law, and Commis. 11rioner for the State of Penusytrania, St Louis,. i Mo.. !late or Pottbordh.) . -... 1_ Recto:tn.—Patera nth t . ..110n. W. Forward, lhono tl,, 'mt. d. Miller. Ml.ttuattesn & TlnClara, John P. Parke, - ,,pitioells .d..ornpht, McCord & Iflog. , '' - :Non( .o . AL.. too ri 1 , . Ltkna &Ot. 4: itL ,T;; ' , ,? , '. i;; : t . Altn c. eit".."‘C:ol:itt'bro:: jur cern, No 2.11 Mart. at, Philadelphia. .4 -- Pittsburgh Altall — Works. r, lig IC & CO, Mural's:ham of Soda B Ash. IPraehing Powder., Murialie and Sulphuric. Acid.. Warehouse No —,lVater over; her... Ferry. n0.N.1 , 1v PTe d ;Tient rims Genres Itrzter. B RAT N lc R.LITER, Was ilnlnle and Detail Drug giria..rorner of labruly land PI Clair street; Pitt, tuasih, Po- aril . tioLonom ,Lziovs;ut CosiNtifisios MERCILANi • Stork and Bell lima er. No 110 Second tnay2-ally Duque - Zee Spring, Axle, Ste•l, and Iron Works. COLEMAN. lIAILMIN a CO. blannfaelarern of Coach •nd Oprtng., Hammered Azle, Spring and Plough IS:eel. Iron. hr. Werehouee on Winer and From meet, Pitt•hergb. Afro, dealer. in Cough Trinaminga and Malleable - oetl2 John A. Crain. W. S. Skin., • . I 1 RAU; & reirerarding and Cocrus sokn ria.liorsr& apt C. cni A. .A r trlNl l e : rc Ll ll . tt,' 'L C :. . 4 tts.Traa rd ln n , g r .n itt. d bu c' riRT, pa. ontrl C_ 11.6 RAVI", Molnar." Groeer, Conottiaaion and C_Forwardinc Merchant, 20. 41 Waer at., PM. b rg h. ant Fle In K FTe 714 - ra Andre,. Fleming MERSEY, FLEEING & CO., nOmt, ISSION kffincit ANT: , —For Me site vs( Do mntor.Wortion, nni Cottnn Goofs also. dealers in all kinds of Tailors' Trimniings,NolO Wood in, 4th done from Fifth. Pittshns.M. Reforonce:—Sfcsms. - Wei. A:11111 A. Co Bankers. unNNETT, tißle Gatlarhee Cil r:otnirdirinn and For anC alert: in Prodarie and Pittii, beech Minaiii Ne. 37 Worred - M., between id end, 3.1•11CC4. tint Fft 11W lIDINti k COM IrMrfliN ME RC if ANT No lid beenal CI. Itiibbareh. ' urea :If ralr'v Leel Wool On*. er rtipti Mareartt, for the arrle oh• kraitricaml‘yrolz,•, rt. fe1.17 wit. 'MAU, n+ltuncr:. • ••. . kaudc D. f...10,/1,..11 . /. •. F.ALD R Ir , rf:Skillll, Conro...leon 51en eta rot, 41 NortkWritar at, 14 North Whkrvet, Molt. , • 11.,01' . . -Ermov, tr. Co., (sorce•wa to PtOrroD3 Jnoom tr. Co.) Conionotion •.nd Forwardint clooiors in Pitubarch Monakention Goods V. mobil >A 11LNiG LL, TO sArlr..v. e. nu.,) te Dealer Vrorel2 and ;American Po T ier Hanging.. nod Borders. Window nailer For Lira Prin.. At.o—Wriunr, and %Wag. ping Popre.%Vivid wee, nrterern Fourth meet and Dieriond.aliep, 'meet ritittintet, Pa. • lihrD hlllitriAN, Wholesale Dronelsr, and den ' or in Dye Sleets. rein's, (1,Is; Varniaboa, ko, No VT Wood street, one door Sort or Diamond Alloy Pillshorg amt ma: tr.l,, ol le (OCT r:Comm %floe a) hjorrlmm, and d•d.rin Predn•e nod Pillahurgh Muroran:urea. HO 21 waters PlU.berFh. Boa • ,141 t D.:(11, • • TFAIM I DICKEY h • Cr, Whn!etalp f:rnerrt- in P pt,ch.te,d.• lets ua Prod.. Nos.Sfi Watrr.villni Front We.. .A. t. , h. nova liderow.h. 1111.worair sUbolesale Grocer. and sl • Age. for axasel Powder Co., No. T 7 Work st.; Pletabarsh. rim?? fClowNsrzfitifim . NI. el Market at, threudnora above Third ad. Pine) Orwell. sell! hese eoesteelly on hand a well elected sal oortment o'the tpem and freee.t bledicines.wiacb Li .edl sell en ~non repwinable terms. Pkysieiand • ....I'll' , be irnrintiv attended to, cad pLied nee', enletes tl.ey ulsueelf nom , 1 " .00. Er Pip:46 , es Prese,..ouone cell! be accurately and uvula or-ewer., Wm ' , eat =Varies, at coy h.* , or ha day or night. Ala° for We, allele neck of dual , and good Pork T it. CAN FlEL,iiirrn, • ...aion and roman:lnc Morchant. and wholesale duos , In Wegurn Rese r ., and Pee" , Ash. sad Ws...TO Proiset generally.' Water etre, 'wise. Poi ihneld and Wood, Pittsburgh. .P 4 _ TuNsTos nn s slicimi; W ii co r lowiterc Pedlars; sy s and Pepe, Alaadiasturors, No.t3 hlssket alle.h ,Pttlshure.:. _ JotnPod. .Richard _ ra theca's; C00:1111•1171 11 , / :letehants, sod Drillers r e o..„ cher,q. /AMY. - ‘Vood r- ond Plata meow, apt iILONN WAIT. iwretiewor to • wholesale fliroeet tilt rearawassiou Bleeet, a ,, dealer in Protid , sod Pittsburgh Alanaraeterea, ries of Libiart , nll ilan4 Erects. l NO. Ir.'C V, Age ft fUrtha • Atiehlson Llne rn trenyer and thets, a t. g. _ o 4: nn the former of Wstar. and Smithfie.l.l ar ItM AMFA A. tIttteIITSON, ttll Lewis Hutchison & Co.. Poramisonn Mernhaetl sed Aren,, of the St. Loula Stoma Rear Refinery. No 45 water acid PS final asreets,Ptlitaborsit. • - - - - h. * "' WV' f — rrzr . ele , -- otyt . :t.. .!- I. Ifeeel,'PimbgO; will attend pronintly to 0011 redo.. iA Washlacton, Payed, and Greco counties, Pi. nr.ent TO , .) C 0.,) Clsorth, Vnisbonelo, 11 T Morra, i I `11i(, 0 a,, Wan liet hoiessle d siailsler el in Mai , o end 111n•ieill riectnotenyi, Rohn' (10.3 Pater, SUVA. Steel. Pear, Qoilis,' Culp , . mid 91 Wend .1.,044.,h tits. yr nap Nig tit Of 'Attu in trade. ar P l3 . . yw . .„,r I • • T • t,„ • •ev., • • " _it 3:4*. ‘ wtPa e, , _••• • •, i ; ir BUSINa GEORGE E;'ARNOLD & Co. ' • DEALEIId EXCIMINGIC, CUirit UA r. " NOTEgt & Fo.rth oTcc , n mdcwor to tbe Donk of Ilitg horg6. crall.fte3 T A —F. ri W. 70.4, vs: i.g nnd C/ 1 111111M , 011Aler. charts Cettletn In Prndare end Plnsburgh mina unarturrti n'ttirlea,ena!lyanin, rear 7th at. otp4 ip la, PITTEBUdii. & Mantafactarera.ta • a npartor haentlng, Carpet Citatn, Canton • Jano-1 ‘ ‘, V 4 m- ITVP r i i. d o4ll 'S g's ‘ . ‘ itt i nt`l. ° l - P""""h. tVlll;apaticii or a . nd 172 anJ 174, coma , ~ , , Labt•atr and irxitt strtt., Put.. burgh, Fa- . Iratt, haus, Cottun Yanvt, Ake. , alas on pond. • nl4 John rarfaill. dams D. Yla. %Vc for C. Na.. Mt ll Al .‘r‘ l h l: 'nr :.V ' =4 " ;ocrclT„a„oTliiei7ri„ , PIitSID.IRGIFRCEid O a — WRK. — AND SPRINiI AND AXLE Plant/RV. MAO /01771, 1,111 7. gilled. JONEM IL QUIGO, iurANUFACIIIILERS of crinK and blister. Intel, 111. niough rand, Meal plough min,. conch and clip Le gp nng., hammered iron Arles, anal dealer. in rash able emalnea, fi re roar inn lr olp, nnti cone IN I I intating, genendri a corocr of Roro and Flan rtel., Ylltelateeli, Pra. • . frne. •-- -- 1101.41E4 k BUN, Nos: Murk ct el, con final dada N. (mu. earner of Fourth, dealer, an Foreign and Domestic: Nino of I:llcliapar a ci Certificates of Dermal, liank,Noron trod tiprein. ' ErColeletioncnrode on all as principal rile. I:roc/nom:ha Unitnl Sun,np4_ Nlllialal AS MR, Ariainankri-c-uarace, Roman an, a , tend door shorn nrrianfanid a rouro rid. . - Conveyancing of all kinds done wish tae greatest ease and leg•I accuracy. to Rear Estate Zee. oen10•17 it BIM arE7.1.....i A tfo., - I• A S UPATU REES OP GREW , : GLASS WARE, 70 0. Market street. PitiOnog it, Pa., town constant 'lT on hand, an mate to order all hunt. of e. Porter and Mineral `ater Bottles of an peeler quality. Pt. uc Mar attention paid to Private ;Stolid.. Lithographic klatalatiohaiout OF WM. SOUPY:IIMA NN. Thud to ahpoade the Poo Moe, Pitobargh.—Mops, Lairdscapev, Dill heads, Shosollta, LiMels, Architectural and Machine Drawing*, Pustnetv,ad Vititing Curds. 0.e.. cnrcavell et dray non stone, anti printed in eaten, Gold. Drente 'Or Block, In the mast ordered style, acid at the most reitannaLlo tomes. • 115:1, OLIZ: 074,11:171.1.; it CO. • c, Ltheny mreen 1,11, ritoLuril: Wholegalo Gtocen, Praloca nod Comaimon March:mu, and dea:ers :a Patab.rzt, 111::naine area. . - no: Dont. • 0r.% 7005. cans • it.;_ 5051..505.' 'DOPE:ET 11100 RE, Ihholeseic Grover, JUL Dlssiller, denier la Produce, Doubts's.), his.osees tures, an - dl kir.ils of Poreign and Domestic %Vince and L`eitiors; Liberty street. bare neery large stock or so:ocelot old Moncnitdmit Avoiskey, which serl lx sni . d lose for i ash. LO. DZINO D.L miss. 'OETNOLDS SHE& Forward,.[ r i ot ot Commas Kb sten Merchants, fertile Allignery. liMer Trsdes sealers Ira Grocefies, Priduce combo mn, Mantifsc tures, and Chloride of Lime. The highestmice, In twit, rasa 31 alt time.. for reentry rants Conte Penn nee Dern it, spin OUERT PALZELL h. du, Wholcsale Cancer. , , Commission' Merchants, dealers or Drossuce and Pittsburgh Manufacturu, Liberty ,repi,. kittshunri., -- aPtii UIODERT A. CLINAINGIIAM, WDDlerain U. Peeler in Produce an_ Piu.burgh Malintaelerre. No. 144 !ALCny street. ankh S u t: `,: tr " :i ß iVolin t ata N fatte L ; u et ' o 6 e h i r' f ' sl "l . At."lro:rn d g . and Plough *tech A1r.0.-3pones, Axle, Vieess, Ts e s vits,dscs (hey Invite the ottsseson of I:CW . Oh.. nod eoesesuers to tests- stork before tessehoring eime where. They:Tenant th Es , rarticle:. tot. teas toasty made tn Ulm country or Mooned. kb," s. C TH.II O,IIACKLETT it WHITS, Wholesale De•tens In Forenfn and Dsteettle MT Goods, No. 51 Wood street - Plosboub. opt: SA W IlhEllialtUfisH, Wool merchants, Itesstera to Floor and Purslane 'rectally, nod Forcusedssee and Commission hlcrchento, 150. e 9 Woset oireet, Plltzburgh. , ant: r. ...Luta ...m 0.. Joon moor., 111ARTI.J.M5 . . Srt.LKets & Produces d Ctn.,. Com • rairsion Merolla. a N 0..; Liberty arreea I los• burgh. Forma Lurirod nod Laid Oas. sp. o s Ois , VtGLo .: Wolof. ..thnsOurgio Idand . ncturcs nod Wei•leflt Pr0d.,.., Taveremuu ro !heir new WY rehouse. (oil' Mandl No. ZS, ol Fe o 1 lintel and eboorory Lone rod: ' 11ORb1S & 119vroamit, TEA. AND WINE /MERCHANTS. Ea-Asian Diamond suenorell. ants L. S. N Vstesnen• •R.N Watern4 n - .w. H. %Yates:nen. S: L. S. WATBAIA & SONS, 3 1., j • WHOLESALE: GROCCIL:. Commts,. •nd For- RR carehng Merrearne; dealers in el l o, re,... &men!! PiL.bergl. Meow metered A encle,lllo Agent. for lain of Leber-and :lei Lynebnusg Menufaelured Tobacco. nal Wlll. ATTOIIX ET AT LAW, • Bark,, Pa WILL also attend to coll.ttotts sod all other Lint men entraneti tot,. Mater tad Amerong mottles, ra. Refer to J. IL. Lloyd, Libe rt y W. W. Wo'lare, do hone, Montholl do Pitttlmrgt.. Ka , Co., WoLet .t. 8. B. N O , 210 bowayay 11111, JOllll5 MerADEN FORWARUIN(; k COMMI:SION MERCHANTR. Canal Has n, Penn ,rect. Pntsbut , ll IIAVIS - 4, • PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. V: Market, and 54 Commerce st, l'hilaslels hi. Adrucere mule, hy either of the above, oa con+ien• men. al Produce urr either House. etre J.D. Williams•••.— ............ Txj II U:SALE RFTA 11. FAMILY UROCERS, TT Forwarding and Comicionon Alidebania a and dealers in Cod , dry Prodnce and P;ltatinsigh alanufac lures, corner of IVood and Fifth streets, Pnutinegti. rld • WM. U. WILLIAMS C., BANI[EES AND E.:CHANGE 8R01a.R.9 North 12A41 tonne? of Wood and Ttord •tr.met. jant Prrnsrlnno. 44. VOY. OaCALIT Joii, • fo...“•••, W. 11 w..aow VI W M %,A •_:9 • Whal•+C, a.rort, TT R.:11 w,,02 F,l•l.ltr.qh r. IX] U.K. h. SVC? • , .c: • te, '. 3 D VT -.rtd Commtn•inn Na.ll, a. CSIOn nad r:l.7•o6Mllont 11, cora.. of Woad and Water ntrett,, nitsbuntn. •n, Wk M—AUTCHr.LTRZ'.I - 1, Wh0:04.414 Gfnooff, . Re,,,,.; 13, ItrA %Ville 03. f L qu , c !lost , .41,‘ A 1.44-1 mporto r• of !-;o14 44 , 1 ig,14,11 tlo Powder, No. 1 , 4 Lien- ore., loppo411‘0 , :b 4 mot.) , 1:44 , 13 go. 407 W. 141 W itrd .11txry Good., cornet or Shrk., Four..!rcrtr, Pt,.thEaKh. P. N. LL—W•.-P. , :d Clocks earefi.l.7 repaired. r.L.J 17 • . litit — .l4l ft en., Dealer. In Leather. atntaa, &e, I.ltrerty street . txr kg: , IlleCtiTefl.':DtC, IVitn , c*lle Grocer*, P WV :au d 1 ' ,I r :„1:1 " P '''''''. l'n' r.".". 61."., ." Psurtnugia. .turc gruertilly, Laserty rime,— i.ilt7 B 1 IiIIIIEIt. t A TZ ; TELO. GENERAL COMMIS lON M EllOll ANTS, CT Liberal advances 0124 t on connquadewn, ianlaCta MATTIIF.W Portrnit , Mioiature ra.nler. Rnanzin, corner 0 , rnet Oifire Anea and Fourth Street, enitanea on 1 , 0.1.11 it, Mar Market. - X -- & - J:Tardwas Coen mi•alan glerebarsto. mOhl Levee st, N Orlesne, keep constishil) o n iNband a large sesortmetaEtraildietof the follow ing brands, which they offer for raless ogee,. for .I. Darned & Co. Uordraus. vie: Magid, J.Eiseit, Du rand Ir. Ca, Lairs. belie, J 1 Durand, CAgnae, A de AlPfni began. A Ili filevil le, A do hfoedore. Jean !Anis. he , /he; also. Anchor Gin, Borden. Red and White Wines in easgs rare., selected seep care .y Jells Du r end &'Co; tinkles Mammon Wino and Sweet Burgundy Yolk CO-PAILTIf.gIERII-IPe T If AVE taken WM. CARR WO Daßccrthtn I roc in my business, winch will from Ole date be carried on under the nem of "Jot n Parker ar Co " March let, 1850. JOHN PARKER. John .William Cart. JOIN PAIaILUR Mara., Groans, D•alat-s Prodaar. Vamp, brpll7ll, 01.1 Illanangahcla and lirarfied IS I / 4 robw. Pin. 5, Commercial Row, loocrly meter, to r.O) l'or-t•orKh. r PALIIIIC.Itc CANNA & CO., 19aere ears to Honey, Derma h. Cod /1111KERS, I.:ROKERS, and dealer* in Foreign and Domestic rSthIIITP, Certifootet Deponte, Bk Notes, and Specic—North west center of Wood an and Third streeta. Curren, money rear-wed on deponlb..—Eight Cheeks for tale, and Collections made on ceerly ail the principal poling the United. States. The bigirestpremlem paid for Foreign and American Cold." Advances made on contignmenta of Produce, ship pad East. on liberal terms. sold -------___ •.I'CLGAO.I Ipso. c. lump 11,21.. A. 111 , CLIM6 & CO., GRO d EICS AND TEA DEALERS, No Zl3 liberty, and, at., Mud, Have Always on Land a Itrget rtmeotor Chotto Greeetiesnd Fine Tenet tine, reacted fruit_ and Whel e reeti and supplied on the ietereet term, meet • Pens 61i - Cialn• &imp SITTGITTIIANL-Mantfulorsr of all Linde of cot • Nn and woollen martinet?, Allegheny city, Pa The ithove works bane now la rol crvtion I a% Prepared to exolv to Otte:, TT.* dilw.tell fat all Units of machinery in.) , ling, itch as willow., pick era apreadon tits to main*, rani:roe, drawinF frame., tpitetters, Maude, Itamoli orslogle, for merchant or roomy wink, ineles,jack., ikedisline and Mind Indies and tools In non. and. All aind• 9t,,hetim maJa to order,aspPlansoiv. en far gearing Notaries or mills OA roasonoldn(huge. Plum, 7 , —KM:wily & 131Actistect, Pau R Co n King, Pollack .Co n Ju • • • 'SS CARDS S. tri/tIIIIV - 111, tEI werr..n.r. A• WESTERVE: . 7.&, SON. F:l.t. ICNCI7NVIiNITiAN ^ LINO MAKER , Wkeep enn•tns4tlv nn hand er matt to order the heat 11112eb In thetr fine, •t their old rend. Nn. lin DI, Clair meet; alga. at No.fslllllroketro.reer,nreond retry, entrance in the Diamond. Vanilla° Shutters mad, no order. and old blinds neatly repaired. apia BENNETT & BROTHER; 14 ll RENSWARE bIANUVACTUHERII, 11l roa in glaam . (sear Plttabtarg•hd Pa. Office. No. 37 Ilreaer xi, breereen ilrar:et crul - Mood Pstisburgh. tryWlLLeoualantly k eep on li•nd a noel •.•ort • ment or Wart; of our own inVioetore,altd auperiot quality „Wholeaole an try .lien • chant, are rcispectfully , invited t call and ex amine for lliemacl•es, us ore are determined to .11 cheaper than hie over btfore been offered to the pub lic. ltrUrilera sent by taitil, ace= Din led It• 'heath or octal reference, nettl be,'ProinlttlY attended to •tirg M. A the w r l L l ß that"="l Info rm on Idicork, to:twenty Federal eel Semi est. y street, tel re: rata malung anti are prepared io receive orders fof every description of achirirs, thitielics Cbarinthi, Iln rourties, Magma, l'hwtona, tre , which from liloll long experience, in the menet:min re of the above watt, and the feminine they hove. they (eel confident they ate riintded to do work no the most reasonable tern. with thomwanting tirticles in their hue. Paying pa nine . o mica to the tekettun of mate rials, and havinf nude ne list competent workmen, they hoot- no.liesitaboh iti wortanung their work. We therefore nob the attention of the public to this matter. N. Repairing done an the bent 111.11111[T, and on tee M.lltememtlablr.ten.. icatitf s.l.CAtvi - )4146.11NN1A10N. SCA.IVE i ATXINKON, rat cm. gm:moan Wm. ♦ND Ithantrr, Pomausau, (NJ:4'IINC Ean manufacture ell elude of COPPER, V. TIN ANL'. CIIEET IRON WARE. Alto, Blank et:nth Were. Steam Ito t. bunt to order. Special stint:ll, Steam boat riven to enm 11 work. Hum nii lisnds a fine nistiortment of Copper and BMA Ettdi, Tin Wrrn, de. &, !Steamboat cooktnOtoves, Porinkl ' e Forpecl mike... sizes— a very ecrivennint It nide for smanniunts, Califernia emigrants, or rail mad tt ivo . ild respectfully invite. twain boat men am' attic, iv call and see our articles and prices hefom ist:suns elsewhere ,yl7 . GILT.DN Book Madera. W i' n ' t " .;%n on a 'n'Ttg i rnd th stree"t b s',';i b ltc';i i tinr' g ri: %%er r e ' r o i e M itTa r t ' te d n ' S I d :L o is:7r fr k po th rso " Lilly " a w nl i P ' s Jes isconn will he linen rerird to nu neatness and do. BIWA fronts tided to shy u r n sra and bound ..rlantialiy. Boort, In numbers (ally or remitted. Pinnies put on books in gilt Innen. 'Mose that hank work in ter line are Invited to cull. Priem lens, turjfraf Pitt Machias Works and Foundry. trITIIOBOII, PA. JOILN WIIIGIITd. Co., are prepared to build Cotton anJ Woolen Machinery of every description, such ua'CnrMachine, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Irrroring Franck, Railway Ronde, Warpers,Spooleni, Dimming EIk:MA, Lamm, Card Grinders, he. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; nil nixes of Cum Iran, Putties and ILin erre of die latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds Caning, of every description 'furnished on short note*. • Patterns made to order for ficautogOronitailing, he. Steam Pipe for beat. lug Factories, Cast Iron NN indoor Sash topi fancy Cu.- lines gen-rally. glider. left et tbe Warehouse ord. Palm. fr. Co. Liberty street, mill litre prompt atm. can. It-fer « Iliglekstock,i;ell.2 Cu J K. !Moorehead k Co., G. SNarner, John Irwin a goo, Yituborah ,G. C, s J. 11 Darner, Stoohonvdlc. 10010 subteriber odes for sale a huge and spleodtd assortment of InentiVOill and atattogany grand Ac ben thabos rtn.and arttbout Coleman's celebrated h Loan AnL ve ament. The above Instruments are War ranted to be egetl to any manufactured to this con*. NT, and will be sold lamer thee any brought front the Fast. F. BLUME, No !Id wood et, door above N. ri —Coy Scrip will be Laken at. par for a iv. of be alinve ...ortinent F LI Filter, tor Ilydrast Wat.r. THIS Lit to that 1 hive ath pante4. lAyingrann Roggen A Co. time Agents for the vole of !riming , rateot ILipralmm Filler, fin the et, Les of l'illturgh and Allegheny. 11N GIBSON: Agent, iv*, bar Walter 11l liabLoa,3.l9 t ßroadway, Oct ID, E4B: We base btellosint one 01 the' alinve articles at is naive of the Noveity Works tor three months, trial, and the I perfectly riaithricd Mal int • the toy, noon, tiof see t oth plcomui in recommending them ai a ithe tio article o thl veto love pare ureter. Orders Val be thank 101 l y secetted sod promptly ....zeroed. netld LI V INGLVION. FOG (th Stamina Ortek Worts foe Frac. Trtlft subserther of for sale. lac t. kb! BRICK WOltlitl. [drove Lossorroorr.te, -.tart ~ ~ Steam Eng/ ne.tditeilefa, hl Mint • CeA. , ',. al Ma:m.telaarlnr: bn.taai ['seised Itribt• of dry may. as tatteit from the book,) per days ivvb .vse , act , . of land °Adis Allegheny river, on whir h not I sitn and sheds, shaelaue and clay sheds, eviteviovrenwa. shovels, spades:A.. 4 every: tlung tryout. to corn ett nee operations at so hours make. ?nee. ',minding the patent right to use said setnetinia, 67,1bas—tvents of paVnienl made easy. Wit h out the land, 85AM. For particulars. address HENRY - 14 EISHITT. _uagal-dt( Pio /IS Monongahela Ilona, Wrwaglta ' S and Cast iron Rnlllng. TE subsertbers bei leave to inform the public that they have obi/duet from the Flat it the late anti At•sigits for Iron Hating., born for houses atm sen,steries Sterson. evittdag piochre hatal seine pattera tvitiptt use uord exorertuo, and hole , ;o, Vtemselvra. Itstltne .‘lll be furn•iited at the •Itgor.- est notie", nit to the best monitor, at the carrots or liars,Reim., meet, AlLeeheny city. aaa,,lts A I.nalos - r A. i; Nor. N". V STATE sTar.ET. WISTI/11. Agera fol Claw. g f Propert7 • lase AKING spent near:) , a >ear to tha various flc• JLI, cord URweri, National Libras,. eo daring I. , a E ric Mod, In rest,itsliq Mounts (or peg .01111 In this enuntry, and Landon secured cffirtent and r tpon•Ole Agents in London and Manchester, Le m prepared to Mined all • ry infonsmfinn and ed• vice In persons who welt to weer. their property 11l that country. J. L keeps a lon of Me Rat.k . of Ragland Di vtdend Masks, may, be <2.011.11 for fat canto, or 25 Joe each letter of the AlphoLet References to Boman: • - - - - I. 6 McVay (caeeQ•l' CO., to NC ard & Kig) Va•lotostablet nt.t•it:N. fi E t Coro., f Wood c Pip 9. iftifIFLTICTL.I. ft Pn" , • our fo.d- L oaf:upon 1:.op. from out tan( Z. 7 woust.sfot, - , the L... Cart tr.e. , • •Cle.e.e. t$ ey•Mai, •• I, r,gard• qC•LIZI tt ::•$: :I. • ,C•rrir:eon •us•ln_ fc:4; r to iurc,rtn Lie !'nentl•..,,/ a 13 rie..tivtug l.e rew rprluK moot cf Caoos, colorc F,1,11.2.1, tho newt, szoot furt..o4. 10,1 :t of Cloa, tattawietehlt.,y Ve rung:. ent• and WIC n sarelLer suorz_ and every an s's •sila , pe fat grr,cll,•l's Wear for gpriug cad .ocitutr. 1,1 l.g inmobsa,le to Irlotixthe berwy, onulty. or tlu,nal, of the cork, the , proprietor hope. al. wl.n are inart of gond, el.rap. f.htonable., sod vec:l rook., clot: r..1!1 giro baa a call, as 'here is no 10,,t L 11,2.1,10 01 Allegbenits emt wall The reedy made department Is very execestve, adep d ;0 all ta•le, - - Rio! road [J11%.1.0". enunity [nett - banns, and •SI oho pore/Inn, largely, ere partsdatarli sn•lsed In ex. Comte she stork benne putestating, as partlenlar ut. tension Is dud to the o s boletale business hr tbv es tat, lusidnent. Every article tin the 'viler - Inv line mode to order tILI the most farldOrtable and best manner, et the shortest entire mrd, - NOTICE rr FIE partnership heretofore existing under the firm o( A !I. C is dt•roieed be the decra, nt Mr. C The businees '.e carried on 1.7 Urad:cy, who wilt Fettle the basiness of the late firm. --• 11(atOVAI,-A llnutt.. boo removed Ids Foundry Worehouse from Noll 2 Becood rrrae W Wood ruler, bow,. First nod gerund menu., to Ow Wort , haulm lowly onedapind by A Betty.. how he ottll constantly ontand *general naPottatente( Cast -og, Grow', Moves, Conking fttoveo, /Lc. jy 13 1111: AELZODIZTIGII. frilfE adantinn edit public in respecually ended. I die law:rind corttLenter: M. 9. Eacina—llaring mined a quandty of Gold erriched by your Aceometer. I find the malt p {our instrantenteorrect; and recommend the nee of roven to those going tcrealifornie. ad the best method for ole tahling the reel verde of Gold. Reno. foam, • .I. U. UUNLEVV, Gold Beater. rideborgh,Mareh 9, IMO. hrtraatall, Muds fila.Fleanto—Dear Sire Having clantlned the nAren. Mew 7," erlettal•elered et your rooms, I do not 'Militate to riomotend it to the flee of thaw Fentlemen who are about rewortna to California in search of Gold. It rive. a close einoweinession to the specific' an ty of metric, and will renal:4y ereible the odes:Mir. to sere ruin when hie plaeer le yieldinir Gold. '"•er, / la Wtll.l2,lTejt•R NI OMIT , orTI , Ii LIZ OF Ci 2, srri:u 11 ~ ..1 No 1 0 , 1 u.,1 N'. I Asn,rican Iftlater !‘•t of ail , ae.: and Illark.tnaa and Shoe or: hand and for ..le, either at hi. `•F:a• Stre I Work.," O'Hara alreel, Pl , Ol Ward, or at 0, Ow Iron —.re of 11 , 11J:0,1NA .4 7141411 J 1 4 / I N, No 4, foot rd Wood lane,, Pdtsburglr. ' • • rarlr.f.dlm 'We, the ondefingucd, home - heed, wtb r•• -. .e..• hike-thin, the tieW Steel ond Pike- "idle,' :' • vow'. I hlcifoly". at Ms Bogle Pied Wo'rkta id till, • t. hien-mt.- in rest amending Mein ernotil 111,4., t.• . , M 1 ' any ever - lived by us, of foreign Pill•burgb, throb 13,1Y50.. .. 1 Li d. J II StIOBJUBFifiL'iI• A. CLL. i...lecturers of Poo col tisilas. tuition ell. P. Klintl& T(11i F.N. Iron Founders and Machinist , { Pittsburgh. P. C1)IA-MAN, ifiLIIMIAN & el.Lt • - • 611noluturers of P.prings, Azle., Hating dice I and Nis,ol.4vflobonn, lA. V& WIAI PAULI:I, Bee nu Builders and filichine CaLd Mana‘and•-, • - tevey.PluslinvicliJP. di PUL10:11, Brass Founder. Pittidiergli. Pa. BILAPF.I.trIDSAY-d. 4,,Tr:-. Monofnetuters of Imo and Nails Plittiliornit' Phi JOSP.P.II hiLll'iliWil2 • Locomotive Engine emithlpo f utZ;l , e lt i tZir ( - fp 2 Pj!. * &feeble bianitfolurer, lilselisue ond.lingtneffrold.- - .- reetv.c.lyinstivreit.Pli. I ---- ILUST, "IT A pian of Gold Spectnelos,ioppPed to•illtlic g i as 11. drooped'''. Wood street, in Bode of SLIM w *..' Pearl Warehouse. The finder wllitbe reA11 , 404.61 , fetilrning theul to ihe ownor, No. rod stido424l. !Ara''...)l-0046,14.44-4111'..- • PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 16, no MISCELLArir.tiI - lIIISCHI COACH FACTORY, au. .1.37. 12ZEEEIZI evxti, B C. ADAMS. Notary Public; JAMF_q~t•ISI.O HENRY K. al AV. Emt; RAIN W RIDGEW AY, E•q. VIILLIe L[ ma irr ISKTOOM=a CIROU AIL INSURANCE. EICEITCI3 DFLAWARE MUTUAL RAFT:EV DISU- R &NCR Ci/MPANY—i.Ol5ce North RoOnat the : Esehimgc.Third arrest. Philadelphia Fiat I shinrana.—liaiMings, Alerehandise and other Property, in by and C 0.117, imaged against kiss or Linkage by Ere, al the lowest Tate Or premien. Malting Inoraurca—They also tuner VeCSOCCllf goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, underm.on or special policies, es the insured may desire. • Inman Tainarearignols.—They also insure nercli, outline qansponod o llyiVegotts. Rini Road Can, Cann Beats and Stem Bolt', On liven and lake., on the most libelrel DIRECTORS—Joseph ii . Seal, Edmund A. Sonde. John O Duns, Roben Burton, John RPtll•l7ll.l{,S..l[l - KlWlttlet, Geo f. Leiper, Dinned Darlington. :sits,. R pont Wwlwell, Jahn NCRIiII. Dr R M Reston. Jus C Ilund, Theophilus Paulding, II Jon , BrooAA, Henry Sloop, Hugh Centsr, George Fertill,.Snenerr Stlrllvaln, Charles Kelly, J 0 Johnson, Wnt Ifop, Dr S Thomas, John Seßess i Wm End. Jr. niaucrrotts AT rrrisiluEtita-D T Hugh Craig, John T WILLIAM MARTIN, PrOideAL Rte.. 9.6lnnouit, QT Ogee 01 We CoutrinO, No. Winer crest, Pittsburgh. tt.1.04f P. A. MADEIRA, Agt. LlDSlstel HeklthlisioaTriasto•• 111ic Mont la Omni Idle and ' Insatance Company of Phila.lplJa lunorporated by the ftegedeture nl ,Pesurs7leama, March, 1.248. Charter perectuni. CaPiink2- I, OOIM. Das. town TWO. Sot I.s.s.rb row, eualraylr, and fall 2U percent. lower Ilea the anal rates or Life losurence, a, the following vOlo patioat mill abuser Thee, a person of the site onto tn ring for $llO fur life. must pay In the Komi 8 - 2.3 f.-- Penney - lea:li% ElYaft, Pool Mutual, 8.2,26; Papthst.le SUM; New Enyltutd, 82,36; New Turk Lin...32;A Ai bion, Y2,lr Loci and Deal., PhdadelphiAtal,St. Ihmtcroan—Botunel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hell. TV P. Boone, Robert P Bing, Charles P. Ilayeg, 'SI. IV lialJoin.,-.SI.N. Memo, M. D., Chas. 0. II etooptell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Darker, K It. Butler. Edwin It. Cole. Prultient—Santuel D. 081147 Vico Ptest. dent—Kat. P. Ting; Becretary—Bouuniu Applications will. recelred.ned every ii.O/..firm oven by SAME& PAIINISTOCK, AO. 0111.,Commertial HMOs. comet of ocOrt,BY Wood and Third sta,Pitutiorgh FIRR lANID E NBC/RANCE. ' T IDE INSTAL ST/CC CO. el Ninth Americo will make permanent sod limited Insuranee on pro .gtet,7l,tofiti'Per's',Tatdr vieisalT and TtoligpnVt47Jrl'n't this Company are wellit.vestell. and :Unmet able fond for the amp'. indernulti of all pers.c. se , desire tes he protected b 7 ostirauce Will. P. JONES; agent, 41 'Nut. sr . Siva 1.11.4 WOE OFFICE of Om i.r,attrance Company of 'North L America, ho been rtmorrejJ jo No. ill Front at cart or Wv.o.t. 'tar env., tber, agent for the above.ota attizralon• rible Company, laid time Schema on Ituddlor t . and their contents, and on slmonetta vi hlrrebandisto h t Strata Doom and other vessels. a}.l W. P. JONES. PITTISISUU.GLI FILAULLS INSTIT LiTle rrilF. Second Se niarl of Ibis insuisnion, under the `care el Mr. awl Mrs. autumns, for the Ince= endemic year, will commence cm this Oar, Monday, February 19th, In the same baildings, Cie. LI pbeny street Arrangements have been made by waieh they will Ith able to funthth young ladies facilities curial tri •ny In the Weat. foe ebtainingo tliorocgh Englieh, C 16.1 eel, and Orriworriai adoration. 'd full C.a.' of Noe isophical ante Chemirod Luton, will be delivered daring the winter, illosirsowl by apperolus. The de. pat - tint:mu of Vocal and lownintertht hieile, Modern Language., Drawing and Painting, will each be gre,tm the care ors competent Plafrintor. By &doe attrition to the moist and intellectual imprerement of their pue pile, Cie Principals hope to merit a continuation of the hheral patronage they hove hitherto enjoyed. Jar terms, see earcuiar el apply to th e Principals. fabldo Modern had Antique ForellOre. JAMIF.EI W. WOODWELL, ea, TIIIRD Br., Prrruouu, J. W. W. 1 • Respectfully rnlormv Me srPcs publlc /het be blvo com• Meted his venue meet of FURNITURE, the tamest and moo:yew.' assortment ever ofered for sale in dam city, comprising several sena of frontwoon, DsflndapP. Pod Uuea WaLPPP, cleaved, pronominal sad pram, visitable for Parlors, Drawing end Red Rooms, ail al Which Wiil PP sold at the lowa. prices. Person* artisans Farnatade prang dvsm , Fahho, •arc . sPectiolly invited lo call and rand:PAW bar.torg, which embrdclee every. deur:MUM, IMO the cheapest and Nearest to the moat elegant ant costly, pf which We folloontag comprases apart Tete a fete Sofas; Tate a Te:e Diva.; Conrcrszuon Chal.; I:ll.brthi. Ceta;n; Extes.oaa • do nutlet ba•lpl I% hal Nab; Toilet Tables; • - I,oain XIV Comomdore. Duke 01 fort's Caucb 60 Sofas limb 1.11.0111 and Ifur•eleth co r cr•~ 311 DivanA, Jo Go 41 , dot 11 . 1ilawany Porter (Maim: ISZ=3 ItIEMM2==MI • go lame 2..4 4 Mahogany Rooasna uq 2 " Plano !snob, SiYalarblo Top Centro Tatdrig 20, , d0 do M1...a Stand; ECMEr= IT Bri ' . doi . A very WI, Z..47.131( . 111 o(Cotrunen Chair. enttrth er Fatriture too tcdtres 4, it...taloa. - . _ . • i r i T d lc c r . aret :ff , rft , h;d t. acf aborteit nobca. P. S --tlal•LLet hi vac. can Ire supplfcd with •ff forts . c slnhopfity, %Valuta. and Vcnccts, conaaderntfly cdue.r4 ptice• HERSEY, FLEMING Sr, CO. HAVE FOIL BALE, FROM 'EDE MAN FACTUR FAD, AND AT EAST. , - . . ERN . ltli ‘tANUFACTiar ,. I . RICI'dk Whde Flan. o, all Woo:,Sptad Vrol, lied do :.., '1.1 , t, Verolgo4 Vrtlner do do V.., ColLodpdes, 0 ..-, Illown do do ode r zcd at Idse.ry pore, . Ll:set Saudests. Home Lengde Shintng Sleetaltzed do ceeet,ar.ll Stapes, very Leary Komi., Mark CantOcro. Tailors' flood, Vaney do fled Yaddina, toper do; Fancy Tweeds Vest Padde, Itortralo, Super Hiatt Broad Cloth. Tailots . Cauvasnyleavy do, eloper urn do ii,oven Line n s, sa s, Sille Soper Groen wn do Drab Nerge, black do. a ur Soper Twilled do and worsted; :iv per Watt Doe Slum Watt and Wbea Tape; Roper Drab Cashmeres. Mark T orok Drab de: Soper Drown do Linen (Thecae and In Super Matt do 6toart's 6 cold Coitud; Contort. Mantels. do Woes Thread, a Acad. do toperior ;ankle; Mae do Silk Figorai Vealsnea; Drab do, Bleck do (irate %gyn. Drown Ilnlland Drown 14111, Unuobi. Cram.. ..&e. NlAnu'acint•rn , I% %rebels., No fT. 4.fnl. I n.n 11,11 r r hn 1. r. " t. ' lc ' e Lcu , C Euu! cons!. :0t.0.r., 11,,, A .;..a/,c• asttlt. the turners o• thcro”ca.t. purpo.e ,bey litor7eri o inc ct .ur. conecm N ATHA NI L. c oNSTArLE, F7 , IIC;ND III , : E. ThoU,ASII4.LNE.t.i. ,adethhaed have ibis aey 4.atelethd the thte.tves 4 tne of BURK 4 at flaftfiES. tor 04 ratpa. t , 44.4” , turi:41 rah h.of Safes Vaal, j44.h.h, •;.a. 4•. et :he stnthl -he 11.42 lima , ''.torat.ab le, Burk. 800, tro• •h• lief will he plea tcd to roe4tae the patron. ,e of WC JAIOGIct• of that house and the.t Cr.e.aa F.II%IUNDIVIIKE, TIIO.IIAS BARNE.S. In tr, rl.p, from HO Gm of motAblo, parts d Co., / Mt! , r,,cete p:ea.ur, rceommend Nlclotzs. Burke A, Baz lo conlidenee my fstraa pul,lte. E., NATHANIEL CONYTA !ILE C. AILBOTUPOT due., nod I. I. Ar last ir " m r e r Tie d e f v ' e n' r te ' t b y ' e Piruo ' ru n ' ti n s astuch he respectful ty invites the attgartioe of mere h ants and pedlais. No hi Wood at. febll PAPER—W. P. fdalihr.l.L. senginnie, from the largest menornriories in Nom Veil end Philadelphia, end also linen French kennels, the newt and Most ePhrh , ed . 1 7 101 of Pa . per Hagglers, to-ether with Borders. Vito Hoard Prin., r rid Tester Pops. For sale at Wood 111. twe-en Fourth st and Dianlund alley, l , areeoo. to rt. C. 11.111 aph - • ernkLic PAINT—i hrls lust te,t per an crurr, Wl .11 lot sale by the barrel or mingle pound (1, Drur, Seed. and Vcrfutneri torn o/ Ststft .cl Wood .tccts. 3 N WICKERSHAM. opIS linepratts , Patent Soda Ash. `as brand sod 6 4 r",.7„ them ce Ib sZTett I k I now on tbc way from New Infeeutonel ate pected h . ere do creek and 314 will *Amity arrive via Baltimore per libipa Juniata, Chevapeaiteb Damns eu., •no Alba% which will' be snld on arrival, ut luvreet ruarket puke for pooh or apnrov,l bill.. & birr..IIII,II.TREE. spiv Na pill !Ahem .1. 110I1; LTOVId PULltlit TIIF. Phi' .0 Munufucturtag Company now , oder to Mc paltile their Premium Chemical Store Polish; and art Uinta r saggreation, or fear of contradiction. by those who have tested it, pronounce It far sapertor ut any other to the market The unusual.' need nava no apprehensions of selling carpets. he., ea Its co position proven. a dust from arising when bring imp idled. winch must be done When the Stove m rod 'Tee quantity requard is en hula to produce n beau liful lustre.' A Flame of over Goy per relit to int•urr.l to the ....MCI.. A rontingopplird to Stoves, Pipes hr., when laid away fur the summe, m a ant, pre rentatit e inesitiot rust. After broil, Pled it °nue, its it is arrew.blri nu person will nen any ht.ti thr Phennii Alenclacturing Orherinfty's Premidru caf V % 1I ' r?"" F I:ill .”! ;c b I T C/CHR.i d t . t* /eye Corner 111 sine mot iVcld sirset. Ift. ROM - fi iUiio:ass ALL perrstp• tt seine rtenthers pet on titer ham..., its•c.onforocty In ajtellitlmiMn of Co:Skills, will pleasc call at the Doriniejtf c the Hoard, of Trade. Aecond • day, corner of WoDPand Third ••10. and any ra the shine. 011ohnsch. April 20 1,111. V:iII;tk•"STOC DllLEbtattlt. 5. s l Mo 17^ b e lie .4 I if ' ? cla . I t y o of the riimusigh and Adle ' tieny mkt boroughs of of chewer, Birmingham, Art!, tint the work is now nearly ready far the prise, and will be pat to the hands cif 'dm printer rotne where between rtba..2oth and MO inward. . P . Pnemitth and'sta who feel on Interest in Om Pr...titan ur complete and perfect DitVetn[T, POrtithtlnriy, Who have sfot been called cu t ITA I nhitaa iita Publisher, fig preerinining.thal abed risotto I hrodaymes and placer of buslnetioilbe, ere to;Litifor eablihnllon in the Directory. Ilicards to be tut , be - banded-in remit : rit Or latligalatart, by Misdate above named. .1 main, • • 4 1. 21 2 4 . •15t1Vit . E . : it o P I n Ar 11 . ..n " , it 6,, - .. iir ..cif Alelodoro P niffn: ' fronf ittt. cr,tee e moot( ty of ?third' & Net t o Cineihrtau: , rt divinpetiot inttrarnent,of fine tone, and very In fl a unclatioN • so, one Ilse 4 M o t. urMelde ,t ~, •.•. iv, . H ATAMEWS at r 3 tort, • .sja 1? ,• . -, • • 1111Ved street. • • ... I 41441111111 LANE► SALES. fly the President or nap Vatted Stat••• IN pursuant, of In, I, ZACIIARY TAYLOR, Pra sideat of the Itutwd Stows of lonerien. do herby decimals and , 00kerown,that pohlie sales whil be hr. nt unde•ntentinand Lend fltrtres hi the hone of MinIIIOAN, at thin (YriOali hereinafter designated, to arlts— At the Dud O.R.e At SAULT STE. MARIE, fer the NAlre Eqieeier Dottie," connenenevg on Mon day, the sizteenin tley of Peeteteber nos, ree the die m poli'in :vole within the following named Intenahopr..l/:—. North al' I.e.r errq rorrt of the prinripil • - Tows:Wl; forty rve, and fraenonal town rbiyr (urty tis non torte seven of metre tsr,.. 'rewash:pa forty five nod for y eia, and fructionol township flirt' rcven. Of sense three Township tinny eta, and fractional township forty me Sc: of innge font, Tetrad/ire forty six and fifty seven, and fractional, narntbips fifty undtilty rine, of ntnan five. Frneft ono] intensifies forty so a , forty eight, forty nine. fit - at...ea fifty one. of mange sax. TOstinaltios 10,1 X gig:: end forty tune, and tractions I lonsi.iy fifty of ,iese seven othirty time on "flog IlsiandH and forty od inland;' ntalitoornthip forty eve, of range eieh: Ftiottnent •ovensltior thirty nine and forty on "floc" unit • lis Wen" It Isnot. and Cony three nn the warn lend. u..,1 to ivnettys f.t!ty four and lorry five. of range nine. Freetioniti townvift, dotty nine and forty on deft" and denontv" and lotifttshir. 10(10 forty four. and folly five, of ran, 1.11 Vrac.kol.3lloWl/•hipl thirty etgln on "Little Beaver" Intend, thirty nine on "Little ftenver" end "firm" Islands, and forty on "Whiskey' , Ititoti, unit town . shire forty three, forty lour, and Casty fire, of range eleven Pi.loolli totvr..hip tinny coda on "Gull Wand, township forty tsvo and Iroctio, tO.vih , biP. Lofty tNerr, forty Lynn end ' forty five, of runge !write. Fran:Quid lovenatun ;oily, on the [Olio land, of runite vitteer Primtwin! timii.hips tinily nine and (Orly on lee mein land in, rIII., ,e en ren lawn4hira, that y e , aht, thirty lune, forty, cad the masn land of tang. atanda , o. Fraeaoaal , tovraadire touty pa '.9t.mmer" and “rovrrtya sovaaiine.a.lia4 “Sui,enne. Wand and an salmi and thirst right •.iat.•n lar , dn thr main land, and knywoirip,.. forty one, forty two. 011 .nrty khrtr. of dna,. • Fract•onel lawia<ttpx on .gt and .(nfr. ~ OP iOlet Nth' er" 10.0, thirty OSfil [ll thr 11,1 • 11 idOli Mitt) ,tn.e . ...1.4 the 14'urd t,twer,y fatty three or the int 'lnd. Of Nei.% . 19ocuonal iownst , p, thing 11t . tun a onthe main land, of twenty unt. AT ME PLACE , v; on Mor.O.ty. ton thiru-tb di" of Serewuthcr , OT orlon pubic waho. ih. fell,,ing norred 10% - n• .ibips sod itne ionnl iVortA of 414 lace live, .1.1 Terri, of the principal Fractional toottql , p, th.,17 five dal ourtv el; un the roam land, of rarue:acetify four Frmaitenal inernyhip. Oar •y %roe, shirty four. and thirty five, and mayn't, p that) fit, or range twenty he.. Frartionrl.wriships thirty two and th'rty Wye o - t the town land. and towndapc thirty (nor and shiny' O, of race tyro!) . RIX FratiAtnnaf towreeps thirty rin, thirty . t RD, Ili IF three. Ihir IrosF arld ., hiriy 11'0. on thy main 1,1 (any c.Vr", unJ (oft i 1 412 1. of range twenty •raoli. • • riartion n! townthip, thirty tan, , hittY aitJ that, .ovcst, and town•hto , thirty hint, why ea, forty seven, and forty 01:h1, rarote twenty .tent towt.,,,opa null ~d ,'thirt) tight. ttn , d woman, forty ono' forty two. forty lon', •h• • a, kO,t, rerun, ang fur y clalrl, u; rioao ta.qtd nine Fractioual tuarit.ttip• Om) nine, towit.hto font, frartior town•hip f,rty one, t o , wnEtr. :ugly Iwo. ,'brty there, tom four. forty fit, forty a,. forty Re, n, kod wry ro,ht.ttrot the 'rartouto or !now,. thir.y five an my art. Of the l'ap, Agatn thrt.or, of town „14•0 hilly range thirty . 0:1,, forty, and forty tote. townJoni , cwir lire 'foriy three f4r4 tour, forty f t ,. 'OIIV SI . g..MY 411,/ frrt j eight, and Ira, strito. ,ebt•lootht,in.on -Troy tree” 1td•0..1, to tow woo , fifty four, of twilit ninety one .7dt I . THE SAME I'l.anl;,totoor•tit,int Os. Mood.. the fourtrelith dny t wohrt r eat, tor the dkpo..! of the ,uhtio lucdr alit:m..4 within the toWcrocntionod losvo•io ra , ,tooai towo.ho, to wit:— .r 0,14 4 ltir bo.o. .rn tre, prowl,4ll ~h,„ par:mm.l truroxioulonntr. forty twe, !lady low, 3,y lowcy two, .• Vract to•nn!aps nity lon] arty taro, of range thirty threr Franpnnul temrnglitps fifty 3,! try two rrof r, nRe Td n, 4ip Iliaiy move fortv frecitut.4l tow - melt, tor, ripla, nt:d• tow., forth forty nor ICk r • „ - TorrnOtp ianyor:l •t.n.:41 own.loo fo:Iy 11,1 lowty o:, and fifty, or ru,.. (cc) .b.« OW/1.!711bIl Int r: tory nin, and of re n, I or. •• S l,t, arJ fractiOnx, AII ert,t, of ra t . , l, fiv y e Fr ,. l...pyilaarts..ftlyi 'on) wod VIY, of range lof 1.., Or, Awl rtoty rye!, •/...11,, 4.1 1"1 . i. tow..asp nir.c. JJ,rly ven I',,a.otot t , 41.111, forty .e 1,., fury end fatty nine, of rea iorr, f",,i,ozni: le forte con., elenono fofty nine :At !pod fol., enuttnenentg NI,- min ),11, %,,totttlf of Seineon,re vex, lon ,i,opo•nl W the putsiie venom unonfnientlonnd frac• Oonsl o•ofrottir .Yorfß of the tole hoe I In, of tho one .+d h.tir ge , it.n or , tlr.C, Iwo fivt' t tj t ;a • nzfiElt OtOOt of T, olerthg th..almer 1kt0.v.14 'anal r. , 1 day, ap nie on,e3ed. one peers:A in Ord,' sulach thee are etiveett , •A, yrs.!, ere. ,hr whthe uuse. 'Jetts Ili recl fte t ,1 r rt epeet .1. ,Cf 11. AP .two wer,s imam s.“ auy 0. t sr ..14.ttleti unlel ater the lisrstkm or ‘wo wrrk. Illteti under mp haed at the c.0.,' NVathtnglnn. thigthitteet..l day of June, Anno Lomb° cur thousanJ r,aht honer,. e.”, 1 •fly. Ity the Pro ...Jr3st lirrys•r sa.z, BEUEM tar T:SI , NI ANT. t:very prr‘on entolt to 1:o. roVo po -empoon to •n)' of the Iviesnoolo toweittip• and ft...Om:el to . ..tot:lN 'move eth OL promo- estotiltvh the kettle to the troaxltiroon tho p.voter nod Ile• rev,' of elye proper 1.4/ urod ma, peyote!, therefor eoon n.proctte-J. • aote• thteCollee, mod be., • Ott. appooo,l for L . , c oo oeneement ihT pul,n• tot, oi laud, •ontoottoo; Ltaet eittmo , Elro:hrteri, elo:m tat 11, (oroOed. 171' , 11.1. M. l'eoloro,!on, 11211=1 Uc::nel.e a mei lcan ro.ltry rj`11:: 11 ni r4a..1.1 lte,irm, , . won crp , m l, r• 2,11 prt,:qa c dr, 111,. t: is cani. , !:,,/ • ' • t t I.ll.llfiti • . — t t titer it ../11 :43 ; • .-t " " Wt. rttlrr.S.l or we c art I.;gpo,s, ft, ~- ,r• 11 from 41,7144,11 ext.orial , y I, • Gi 1.16.11;4.0:tan. r, • as. In, POVCILt tit 1.1, :W.. 71 tort.. a,ry rertway lArkr. C.Spla, I> 1,,, Cy: Liar t/li.,t,J :I, Duiyril regard Me . . WC. Lac rg , g3t, worajend ieruenr. /•I r,rn o..:1 ~,, rrl Vial 111 c ',lre wrV roq. aiorr plat`r• tuforralrhon on /Irerein, 111.1' rty . flomcrlle lawn MIT wort U..,,! 1i.,. Fo; Imo U 5 JAS I.(AIN.WOO!‘. 14=1Z=Mii T wiro , roN 0.• l'lper,H: auk It Jot • . u•ol ,F•te.nonety rert nd3rod (..r tote in IS. , ity; en lorge ilreuon of new n.n.l voloolde Worlo In every &panatela of Lia,narr, All 'poLlirmiopv rny of prieea..entinvy melol:was 'applied will, everl . 4n r in ll' hoe, on ll.e:inott rvownoblo om,. r i l` ' l!;?L:ni iluinlod..l Tr 311•1111 rd b, Oat, 2 volt, 12mo. Ju'l 'eon vc.l (of onle J D IP,RWiIr; & lilt reaq.ll, VlNGlabll *.. 111Cti ei .44 vr, LA/ 1101.1.. , A EX 61,0t.r. 1'. e, No 0 Wood strcel. y suer for gate, IL. pl-. y II Imp. Bleck y:. It', II IL Bo .r..; mol f•nnt.a wder Tow 11311 , 1, cit.., do. CO Ix• 1...,0, ; 1:10. •do to; 100 bop !Ito Color; • I I:, ea, k• Znnt, Curran.; zoo 1.. Nil 7'..1,, , cai 1 13 Gu.•.1.... , Va...., 70 WI- N 0 S. 01:; 1, C, 1401.1 Nut.; 200 Imre, urotn.led !Cr?, : dn Filbett•, W0 111 °1 , 01.44 tt. an 1... n N u, IC bog rip:, to 1,,,, 0,111,1 Atwood.; 91.1 , x, , oap; ,1., Ll• 80, Crud, Ivo 1.1. crm0...... eq.-, I.r.i.nnce; 3tool 15 1 Oodfisl.. lo 1 I • rM , lpc c tr. tirga...n 30 bO . Taor...,•' Oil; Clonti9 Zo ht • 1, 1,nr01.,; 110030 Ball Coo ,10 . I 11l dot Bed Cord. ;1,.• Ohne.; v 0 roll. Iflor,1:4 11,,,,; I ton. N„,, m ,., 3. 1.4. ,Ftrodetoc.alatc; :I r.ron 11. I 0 , 11,o; 101,.0* repper, 2.ic.r•ratromo.,l,,op; .5 I.Rigs Al.ptcci ::: ea nes 1 . .10p.r 50u,..: 2.11,i• Ileremo; 10 crtr, Tomeio est.ko; 11l bri• V:oror; lirontol Spice• of nll 30 I•ptel 1 3.1,t0rk; 411 Imm.f. por....leged mod 4051•,+10“.11., 10 tl., Ihr.l 11,02* Alo.1•Ier; 10 1,r:z1:1,,i 10 lola I .4bmino, .. , ,:pittrq(ns,l'i,,r .1 1 4%. M. 0.• u r..lerll n•xo00,021, co" l'ittfburo, . .1,01,11141 W,/ ',1..1v,. ..,, },, CI 311.rFatii.?—,4,1,0,1, - .1 Ii ~,,,,,...' -•---,.. 1.,7 •'2 •, , , ):13 pock' , Ri , ,, (~J«' ' . . .... I . L: lifriids V Ilyaun, vorlaut erode,. ~-5 „ , ! ~_,, i, :Id do Puc,. .do Gunphu ow deg. r um! Imp ~ 1 „'„ ",••• en do i Minim ' t i! • l 5 - deadly to, Vti '1,7, a-."c p ' ! • , ~, ,;ii t ,.. 1 , .. o',. ~, 1 1 0-, ToboreS• ' ~ , ay royally titall,Gyolvle Yds do .. , t .'a ' '‘• riti X tVii ' f ' ; ' ,; - 1 4 ; . .i I' -iutile l • Indigo, Madder, Alum, Giuger, ,. V ,ipvr,. Allrple!, 51suraegia, addiLdrop Meek iu key.. lir Raid liv L' , •.• I GRANT tliatili .. l • , , . .". ti 4 Willer at ' . ........____, A.PlVitlf OlAlit.gfilS',llslofslra - ' fl'lliVls FOUND NOTII i NI; trfalt..lo A y, ty 1 ,,,,,, , ,al '' • ' . ilium ...IM, Ve.ililorelt H liiiiii, • t - i N b .43Et.talie-i. Niv 1 e limpored oi ml the' fl l ' l t i44L'"`"' you •c" , ~, , ftlTioOlekgl,. I Lave ° ! r o hal your Pumiy 51edMnia la my Minify, mild have oleo pr.:seri:44 Atm ir, my 'ftraettre; I um 4 00 , ~,ece plrs4ed ay./tem:Good davit found noihiuu 'to mititil thcm. f evil ve b dna of your Vee.,rum and dol euela 01, clie.Liael,l . llll.und ( . ..,',pgi l by, u p. tract ArIX;r.V , Y ' u "' i T. T. Leeson. V, e aa i taalt armulat toedirinamMay to hod of ate propr Apr, I/5 t.1.1..1t".Rei, Oa IVood al; cod D ro g g i,l o . ilitet Ily,pl thextro stin!.• all vinuiiy. of!' ,„ '' 0 IN—A fen bele A,Nn I tiara •White Itosin of I • • a periougdolity, amlable. lot eosp umiiisio,iura ,mord 0 tad 5W1111414 /MIN Mc I'ADEN A. co, 1 r ittlf i 050 131.014 Sign, Pour, it •• • . DRY GOODS, &'• • WHITE: GOODS FOR DILSdHS Goo' , 'l ,R, l." , ii- A . , ! - Vh ß 6 c , l . l . F nTe„!".V.`',a - „nn't'',„"Zi: Goods for lharate, aka - mating of Scotch and Sal. M a li. ; • Idofed Swigs .1N datbroidefed do; VlC , Ofitt Low Prised !tarred Jackonci for znornind .!rsese , ; floe volt faufhtd do; and a fame asadruneul of Sdrfrx Muslin, with colored ernhroidera; priated/ackonst, at north east earner of Fourth and ?avast AIL.C.. trot Cheap Lawn. MART'IIYhfURCIIFIF.LDhoe.reeeterd„ eupyly nt Dewis Lawns, very cheap: ii•st brown er Wye: fight ao, id great variety, for win wi e : Cill , •!ahlered and unwed blaslinit butlYa4rieel,. of nest and newest style. - anil !owe. trice Ton no , end:nor:b east earner or Fourth and Merton no 4 SA LE OF DRY GOODS At Ma One Pltiee Store of - A. A. MASOfslifigeg, • IXTll.L.ronisnenee on hinnJoy, June . tI, 195tt • I ITeir immense iminblatiment, milli oil Their Wholerlie 'Looms. will, on this °pension, he 11;rown open fin , Stared. Tumr, and sill of their extensive stork wilt he offered to retell perehwers, rt ndirenunt or Irons no to per rent. Ihs, thin usrail pricer. THEIR STOCK OD SILF:S. Comprije over trio ,bundred pieJeta, nod swill he kohl 11l en immense die. count red Their imiortmint orblhaw reees.Tbni.r, Foulasd Larenr, `thimbe eo. awl Drees Good. geeerally, will t,e eluted rut immediately, ist about one heft the usual roma. II eases Fast tolured Lawns will be acted at Ver 2 do Ltuegra. do Martin on Lain., Superior English and Amellean Calicoes, We tie. 3UO Boson Linen Handkerchief., 0h 70. A large lot of Wrrught Cohan, tome to tnv ns 00. Together with a complete varlets of Darneutie and Whim floods, Ribbons. Hosiory and Gloves, Bonnets, dm., he. Slaking in all one of the most ester Eve assortments In the country, weigh mill he o arifed dawn to Inherit Lowis and tatin'ta t Shp di their primous Annual "Wei. . . 4r_rTno !rota will Is. nifty ed opor. Thursday and Frl , or. May NM and Mot, far rho purpose of tr rrnos - • markt, down 510 g... No own:nowt IA Poo. ens royal A A MASON A o, It!M ()JJ 8pR , 1111 , 11151,1./ have received n saps 1)1 44 1 L 01 1'"% 4 ;g"il''‘'1 1 e ,.,11,.1,7„V;%iC1Ng1i,2;, ith mast de•ottsle 1 hew itol , o at eraton to tlotlr Inge of MOW. and 11000 , SUMMER' WEAR. or dilit.tconntiotni Lena Is. not all of which mi., I.a old Ines. ;el7 PAI7:A SOLS I PARA S OLS! •. 7k DR PIIY A BURCHFIELD have "mined another I. supple nf elton, article, aril asp fat tnpluti In 69p. r, tfiunkt any titifility'find fifilt4 Wooled, and 4.r the ricee. Jel3 Stile ateut 1:111 i - h — Cos Cloier IXT fileCLINTOrla. has +remand this dim., it his V'Co Carpet Warehouse, No 73 Fourth et.. Stair till tVoth vering of very handsome Patterns and collo!, to whien we Invite the ttnentiOn of purchasers. 11 z" - tric:ltrituo., 174 snick . re:laded pricey Lawn. from G 9•1114 44 light Chu. from Inseam up; 8e".,,' for le:p: Plain Back Linage for tint: Bonnet Ribbons for de per ynnl 1.29:499 aro Me 4.i to call aril nsamlne our Hoek of dress goods berm, yurehainin elscribere— North east corner of Fourth and Market A. 9. .rll 4119/9U9lSlats. I)FCLIVF:D w. 4. day, .alc,ll of Alitant 11,E or (.rats hlety 4.L the C"P" 1 :." V Pir„; . l . . ' l ' tig;CK tcl3 :5 Fourto et N UR' Y A BURCH n baseE k inige stack N Nary and Staple Dry liana., sollinc olf a, greatly reduced prices, vin— Waage de Lams. e a terips mis t irtinent licoutital " Ilins " , ' Hiceatit and Slew Marlins; A eplendid assortment . uf Black and Fancy Hike; Berages, latvens and De Wines, remarkable cheap: Lleannfal Foulard Silks. or 37k cent. per yard: Mantua' Calicner, from Of re and onwards; A large Mock of {Holm and Bleached Muslins, Ric per yard, and onWardr, Bonnete and Parasols, at greatly reduced prices. Cloths, Gs rimeres, and Vest BA, ol the btst quality, remarkably low. TOf Met mph a large stalk or Tit:sings. Apron and Olottlog Chroks, all a alths ; Bremen and Ittedrl ail Sl:entities and Skirt no,; Hien lonensi together with 911 Cater 919191.19 our lira, at north tact coiner of •Foarth and Man.. on. IHO 1, itIIibIICHITTELIi have inn rceateed IT nays al;ls Poniard Bilks, very elicap; rich, pima, an [glared changeable Mike, of 0411101: rvc, 9.11 c and gamily; mapfir plain and figured black OH, Our 1..,,r1 and ti,:4ns; bare ; dc lams, new and tmid es me aryl, neyr erste French, Fluelitli. vud ' , emelt Lawns, in great variety, and at Tees 3gur an striped d •ann siped de Hine or all It illda sail coil WC, cil, linen !mitres or a:I shades end colors: 1 91991.919.1, C9i917.99. prkiltS. ho, at Coe:9 Carl tram . , of Fourth and Market Hiner, ten . I A FA itTils it rapply of Want Silks and col - 1 need ea... Juan reectepd ay fistula's. dos Mart, at veins [9.9l coring or Fasrth a•id Minim so, Jae MURPHY 1 _ fr URVII 1 A 1311403/1,10.1.10 etc selo ne n :sees / and Benito 3111, Lantos at vary IHe pri:t at north not center of Fourth and Man Aet •ts. DLA 3K SILK LACb.s--sifyiry w r de. • L) narrow trialmins 1,4999 0rt.991 quality, mi. rec‘l and for nile at Northeast corner of Fourth and Mar ket streets. lel, MUReoIY A BURCHFIELD HYSIYAITA aqiialomok44. Ribbons. • 4 URPI4I - & uuntyro, v.t.i) have reeplued an ad. VI dnional -apply of abase onde,incluitii,, viiriaos :Hiles of Chino, er.l. Aismist, trod Gimp Itnnnets, 14 him and Comer cd gimp do; and I. el' all tenni and pries n IY 7 e Honig' I. ,ta ydi 4-t Fore o i l cl ot h. ,a•• ;1;e tan.; as.d lor pato at tlic H arcroom, Pins: a. Woad vac. t. 4,11 J le II 1•1111.1.1 PH [4144(11i.h1N0 U 04.4135. Mand eons Ins to air „ eery full awortment, root received, such as Intuit Bombannes, lionitanne finish Atom., /thick hf Mini Or :.;rtes, • 31ournitie Wash do Printed Foulards, Rarngas, Tis Sues, Lo•tirs. Alhap^er r ('lair lilacs and Printed Lawns, Blank leinlimuicired dm Banat Rinhorm, Scurf do, li'ettifi Ara M. 1 17 Writ cuATitiu—prseLlauteret....rted eolors, n raon desirable article for, summer colu .199%1, 4.110 Low onsming by A A MASON & CU afi Markel at riMIIBET hign colowm Shank, comprinne Grunion, Orange. Pink, tlmn, Breen, and Corn celorcd, just recent/nig per catoeslii and Pais day opening by A A MASON a. no ' mayl7 _, L l l L O C it.Tß F a ' rs u. 7e%, th re ' n'il Pi i n it s r , e ' S r ;." ' C ' s ' s ur e 1 , Ppre :of; by meyl7 A A •i 4,1, a :7 pluck Ike.. ai A . eeon'gt • . ,„. „, o do; e pea ?Amen do; 81113 a; Le „et 34. Lla•44 - 4. Ootl.oclea.L.m., (Attic //dA.I.. .1. onec,, 1t.1. , do:. 1.,..e . . Jo th, ~ .:.5 r,i n d y Jo c: tioce do, b , A A Ales .U 1 h r ..o :.../.• ;0 ~ ,A %. .c . ... J:1177117... 7 . FL TFCIT:N ,- .71767111.3-7 , 7...7.1:1.3.7- 1 71 1,..,4.4:,er, L ale extre.e Lon a pr., of Iti^ 0.-r ) art!. ..t...ylii A. A LIA:OS S. Ct. rl•Id wad brown Lind ;.es zudaW.. yes 4.4 Frown 1.1,n5; 15, et Gray'. Outlay's, and Alcicaderrii vapcm, Huai I.dtcza, now apeuips A A MARON a CO - • • • Arrival of Dry , loollo.' %11:, , E. r, %o> if<t . ring large aJd.soni Wein Co. g 4 oi,prou a J Sommer Ary and arc prr. p•liii t , ea, on r.,llout tosioronent at out won. tow r• ire • h‘fmb,d.r eyed rl,lll The Western dealers a . paracalatly re. qussued La oar ',ado. RA we tel Lula:dont of brio!, tole to offer t:• mon . : I ,math a tall wial us. call and a xamiao •t nn) In t. A. WHITE, TAO 101 tt, on.l Ltrect C, YEAGE.I, lord Market 5...•. ,(01. niihnerelle AND DLAt[ne AM KILIcAN, I.AGLISII, AND GERNIAN PALMY L , OO Dot g 1103IELLY 1111.1!ILLNs. , Es la! A EoL, I READLL. CMS tT UrIONILL, SLILS! PISLNIII:IIS.A.,.. Also, Sal Los and Naha) , V•stlngs, BLACK . 01 11,,FA ALLY NILS CRAVATLL, NAN L.A.'s:A L. Illld I.INM.r 11101‘.1 7 .5. Asnerai RR. s.orirSells or 'A Pas, and every, variety of .21,17 al All DIG LA/Nll. •,) 81ST. , plaid and figured warren de Lams, aa , ur 0 rd enlor.,jami received, nod.wiling ai very In pri,en. tanyQ .5 A iflAyllN & i=i LAWNS. , CASE:4 Lon enitined Law. terrive3 Ind nn onschang,..lllng an :he !MIMIC low prrce on h pn rota noul:r.l A A MASON 3. CO laleiUlllAlllB. CAliL'l3 hotcolotecl Liii ?Omni, rerW,ttn 2 otlling •/ at 11 cent. pvr y A A NI I:U\.l CU • Markri 11 . PENVIEUSU ba/.11/01• 0 11h•nd,for talc by II jelrlol • ' I,ll;',EN$ll-11.u.keois /or s;le Y UItINEY ft. - , • 111.11, :111..4.Nhoulder.; J CO, • at Skies. 4 ea , . .tt , onrE.untv landlpr.forsak Li I,nl 111 L) ilk ft CO Sri:lol.k W gat, lei. ;4,, r I.2OOprIK lid do g:rIR .11; 1 . .!D0 • golf N. W. cog! W:rtJeChi r laldlart , . nnd for gale by Ar. RICKFMLION :k 174 I.ll,ltyt. T AN brg ,n w.. rack.; common - Oil, (lore to ' ...lI:JUN.Ii R 1211:10.77,50N INto.1•15-4t1 al on ennctitnnicni 141 %ale ny j•• • ttl • ~,2111461:11 .110g1•,,M,0N CO L~TA }alB.-• ~or & Marcel at ,c i•fA yr 'i rc i) l a! t ' fi h n 4 P l atttl . .„ T at!rornay Grocery and Chia gentile° For:gran Chula:aces In 0 oz paper. tin CautDii I'D•behong Ter., in oex paperrj • .• , 5* dot' do do tJo 7oz dot 'The ninny cerehraied, Tack Tens received direct trtirnille leipOrterz, alit he adTd as low ex „op con he perehozeti in theicash 'nth dta addiuon.of ("Ighl,'"'''"l St " "Will A MeCLURO & CO __;zta L.Cherty et 1 .4 N A . . , N tu e z,. / . 4r . ..::/ ...,... rt:r v ;rt n t, c, o y ( , i ludf , bz . n b i;nvo s i . jrlo _ .2... , : e VI:AGIIP, COBlO,l--40 TO , . 114cill }tllem luncY comb. .4E,..,,, , , do - ,cddlng do; .' . iitinio..v. 2. do) Nile do.. , 4.o lOST,o”*.m , 2f,loostcpTal..for Foleby )eta-'`' ' C YI:AGER -- liiiin.traidl 7 F - CiTiii' e N7,iiitl7—i;:d; B i :tellby Mi bib Ute, Stair, nom For sale by id .4160 .:. • b ....• ) , 14 ihLOVAN.4.OOD si l , .di, on :yr . 1' i 1...4. , •': . ~.......- -* 4.0 , . , ‘• ' ^ i• • • 2 ....,‘ , . 43 01,,. -.:. ''° ...-4. .....4.1...2 . . Fa 4,, ,. ." 1; . . jfaiikleA - r . .. l' , " 11.1040Mr. 0, COVE I NMENTAL. PROPOSALS II . OR A LOANqrt • G I CV[111;/. •1:13 {94 , 04.1 Ignotiftg of ,h• Centre' Assembly nf lids Commonly alth, imitated . A Sunpletnent lo an Ace entitled an Ant to a einkter; °end Vnd In privvid fir the *midi:m.l end .eartald ex:lnceithrama arid: debt of the Corrimon avechh. reel to authorize a loan," approhod Olio. IS:h 4dy or :nee d. n. tvfo, provides es rollognidedat— Amu:. tall Thad the Governor Is herel 4 V aulhorMed Id I...gentile a loan for tLe Three .Three IfundrearTitonsand Doilaratedeentable to Mins yearsdram.tbe datn of the subscription thereof. 10:0 of merest ran •xecelbox fain Po , eel..m per,unannt pavahla in gold and silver, seini.annatilly, upon tStl first eaei, or February nod August of eieb I ,. .r.'and exempt from every speciett or lexanon. I,ritniee, that moonset • for mild Idon will the received, lin published 'in at least ono newspaper In the I tßatoneli of Harvishtt re, In the rides ef Plusberhh i l.angsates, and Philidelnala, and In lin eideo of Now 001100, and lialtimory, Creel./ Antler. than direemondiliberare the eyenineni said PrwPoseal and be trite, elraveriete, If deemed .neenesary. and upon the dnv.ussiartell fa that purpose, In ouch none,. We Proposals shall bo 000000 in the primer, cents 'tiovereor, the rnecretiyy of She Commonwealth, Ind deintor General,' and me loan shall Le etwfdiled to the hdzbeit binds, or hiddits.. If the nutrient or the hide ellen exeetil the 5001' of the sold loan We salon It shall he distributed pro rota &mondial the 'Oaks' hid. ;dere, Lot if the whole of said loan shall not then be, Italten thelhaverner zany fc.3llNe.o6l;rt`. in the manner hi oforesntd, from hires td erne, till the whole nmeenr of leen shun be sebeee . .b.d. -Na conditional bids' teltrai La eonsiderriL nod upon aim-ding tarn loans. I'or any.pari thcreof,,ecnificaler odd. COttpil. for Mu lUtertnt, shall be loaned therefor Ly the Wine ifirneh Sret rit nin 10. It the said loan abaft Le aubeeribed, it shell no aril it Is heal,) upprop Tinted for Ow Payment sad es. Mourne:tent of the noted debt of. tido Com- Itttotisretilth, now discs or to became doe, during die mit oar thnitsand atilt hun4ree and Kay, and for the ! p e u c t, o m e en n four e doll sandy y s h h e ty n t e b ig o hutraedn One bun Atm to tdomeitie ermined. • petulance vl tha,premitions afore”ll.l, ntglecis Lc h gc ' i l gilf' iv ti:e n' a a c t t, p n r 3 o . s, r7k7. • T,n b L;:f, 'l .:L d th at it, 4 ef Tecadnz. ;he rout dux of (amer at, mfoulattalgartt keen to PM Coutnianweeith, for porrunee set fonh in the said pet. of the sum of' Shote mil:maltase:a Imodred theatned doltars, redeem ,6l,le ileaty years front the date of the eutarriptiou 'erne of at a rate of Weirs, am exceeding four per 'ern' per o6alo, payable' in 'adld and vi err, eemi a?anntte. opmt Me tire, day.* nf Peterstary and A ograYt pear, end exempt tram ever/ !peek, Cl 'tips on'the boat of the qs Lc. st ,rock /by Ott! 1 1111 . 11:tbii ii lytt . itb n o n tc r p . o . n a s stns. lbs owner, on it ,4 ttlitor U• nyttal'a Dryßrtrcent. • propma will bo tormtcd to ciao: crolictly the farmed' which 'not iro.any mire he lc!. Mar one thounand dol lam, the rota bilotelcol not co:cedilla folio ;co cent, arid theirmblern propt!rml. The mate micro, the rithi to tioecir'the whole or ' , tor ran of t;: , r tl^ ~ , ,T , F 4Y[bitrt eat ItitiMatoLs oboe- Imo Lo tie! ,itatiory. p fd; 1.4 metei &met and 'explicit 'No coadinonaljiMosolS So met ivcd I l i banacceptance or the velem:ale the gn , ney peat 0.1 pal into the Smite Tenantry . , tiretich menet{ to '[ Mted ttn G Lc oer:tor to tatECtleo or moor will it, nett oneb ...M. Am thoy hr ,coot,tv , l by 11,, teadtics. 1 'to tic &homed, pedal' real. to Mi. bra O. thilaMied i ..Properrl. Ali _Loehr!' They 4.111 not ha °pomace ditelotltd 1111:11 tilt period to, ream, Inc them tam; allot which no albhatiawin Itit terms will he admitted. A li ritiSP.FliG,Feceitrry toolTto Math h. liccommive ndtcc, Ila.ict c ourg, At, VI, I-Mi. litliTiVg TO AN /I. , .:UNDOTILIT or neon CONSTITI.TiONt. ESOLV ED I y the Into end r,ch.i.a af Llepreactita 11,tire. f the Cantroolirteeith Peausyllenea tlentiral Loth That hie Cambia:oo of this CUIIIIK,I - in tleti woad seeticidi article, Yhail 011,0.1 read a follow,: The Judge. of the Supte Cothit, of the - .oral COL,. of Contemn • lehei . 00 or ern other Cesar s of flamed as are or shall be ea.ibliebed by late, eh W 1 4e .solid ley the Inehloil alert:ore of the Grano.. arealtla so lb. oanuer to oh: The hag.' 0(510. Sam= Cone!, Loy the qualified clectora of the Coalman ' wealth at In gist the Pre.idrot Judge* of the, rcreral Co ;:. .i 1 Cue :itci and ornali other Court. of Ilcryrd as .c or shell lc etha , li s, thed by leer, anti all o;her .rudges required lu Le !carved LI the Jan 1, the qualified 'Ocelots of the :070010r dierirts aver wairl. they are to Iwui.le er act.. JuJsert and 0100 As . tociate lee of the Courts of COM.. Niue bv thi qaetitiad elector, of th e norm. respac4tely TI.- Jultes 41 1 , 1. Booms.. Court .6111 Iliad their ofd- f. r 11h- tirm fiftre, year., if arysbill ao to Lettere thrtaailst 3 well, (sok,rt ta, the ellh'oir threatener yym. ho, toWeq.cht to We Int tlecti.X.the Cre.ideal lodge, r (the several courts cf Cram. lob. niad &Leach at Llr raurta efftecerd avent or shall Foe atabir , alod by Nur, 'oWall ht r /oda. required to be !..rood in the low, .hal l Mill !herr&l6xt Gripe term of ten year., they:hall go long ban, therthe'ves the huociete:.Jodges of die Cesar, hf Conanyon Mesa 03.1:1 hold their , er.ree 'for ne term el' lite yea, if they the!! io batg hehbse thervelice leer; al of ahem...all tam eacurciasier.ed bytbr. flanerocr, boo for ear reaa:esle maze,, oats tin ...anent ground. f hoive:torict,t, the (levet-tam stall rent, e 4, of the m ou the altre , e of Iwo thires of arae`3, branch of the 7 Liges'ater , The fint electionviol' Cabo riot et thy rh,ioo uf this Coasoi'erealtit toll oiler the attar , two of 11, 0 unamdrurid., hid the 00 1 1[100iIILI Of wit 5 6. .ledZer who raa, be then ha 0650, skidl 0.00. the Net aloud:7hr Dicriobcr foramen,, with the feting of Lim nes Jud„ . iri .111 ea...menet. The yierscrai who: the be led rth o the Sop ':e Court &all hohl t6,r3 as I too i • "Ohe of throe Air !lore. yearn, one for et teats rose lir mac year,.'.. for their, years. uol;curs for fif *en , the urea rf 1.010 10 b. eireeded by tie . by Ine .100 ars ,10, 00 afar the ~uairuidid, .4 the At li:it orliCrolty limn 10 the Gov tutor, Laa,,L lb: cosatahriont ibee be is to•-stranee ibtrtio. rharsor.ort 1011 fart teytte• .hdlg chicto.luitiee during b;.L trim, iberru.l.4 ash Joilgs OTOOIC echnorieston :hall tint d'irtre ehallno turn be the t.laiefitutice, and' ( tumor coirteihion. shall . the mate day t he hold,g tarn. tit ell decide by hit oittrh 443 b, the Chief Ju.tire. Ao; Auraueles, (appeal. . by death, rerinatinci, rt. attic erste, '.l the .oJ cetirte, eine lir t.11.d hy opt 0; tioreraer, r0g,1.4, Ito lint Moo .lat f iteiee riberhveredite the er g erberil The lodurg of Nu,reo” '.or' Pr f L . ,. Of c , ourzi of Comm Ilea, etiall,ut lime, reef rve fa- their ggg . ere en yhte cumpettintionqao be Gard by tar. which:ant. , . be theaaniihed dcrie, their corttlitu,nee 01,40; het Oh) eh ,n is. ne fa-calor!. rill MO/arca., or hold ay. 1: filet 0 0 proG, ondiri ruCclunioolicalth, or outer the g.initucro of the United State', or sayether little of *hi. Union. The Jte,g, , of the Sep site en•t :urn, their voritienteei in office, shall C 1 010 0 r weld eel the whir Judget,duriog their coutaiu. on, in often, thrill mac ert.hie thr tileiract Or cow, fir otort they itoie reyeeitirely bIeCALhIONT, , Speaker of the Ilearss of ltelOeuntatin,' V. lIESC, • • Speaker Ocala Senate. , , SOU, Cuostaxe lisortibair;. Juttuary t:rtuttol W. Peon Chief Uerk or the /..tile at l't woryllania, du hen b 0 oetify that ea horegoicg rerolutun, (Nu. he ttenoto fate of Oa press:lt toasiam,)ootillod .titaw.latiou folatire tom amtrolment of Ilte,Commtitutiov,” —ft twieg the tame retolutit a which v. aaa o .osod to loy a ma. yottly of the c-tubers flettod %mob Novo. °Mc lost a....gto!ature—afte. Ita•Lrg be.. werdtrod Cai rn:fed, woe 1113 agreed by • th,o,O,r.ty the Merohars elorte,t to asd .00, the 54142. f. ferat,lsaaio, at its- too 4, 4413'414, rosA witl ha- their otAtio ;ton the 1.143 of '!tormittO. Nato fa•uO unit. t o ol t ihertfutotioo war+, 11. Jo., nrool.. tottatet, ". ilhem A t obit, J.'laus, Voraio. 'fa 'MOO It. -one, , :atto ltobert }kn., Foltuo. ~ Wt. .1. , 111 V. 1b.... tlt ,r A. 11l 1 , 1,40 r, t if 3,ve.),,Coltrad Faro:. It. afoot.", Joh a:I V. ot!c , oint, en, Sp..-oilr- Yetis .2.1 lone 14t. fro obtftto woo, t":,tort%. U.. 1 tan, brow, an.! 'I. Pi3g , - N.)..1 from tho r:.:3 Sahl'l. In TII, Hoot! or liarhatntrerthst,l li hrtibit - g, htatch I. WO: a a Jerk, i ; Itrk or the Ikons or [levet. Penni)ltanit, car., errtify that the rwalueot, (No. Oh to Jhe Stoat*. file, ;sad reoLII I an Oe !loom JUMUZI of the peemout ticket ) omittlad afteho. lotion relative to' Rif amendment of Coatti,iton."—il brie, the root resoluta., which woe !growl to by • majirity of the ottrobeto etelwal t r obeli Roust of Ike It I..ogiolot,' they--arttrhaelo.] been &itl cnisattweral sad Aloe:mead, %It thi• y agreed I • tr) • mejerite of the romnhere 'etteteal to and e, virg it We House of Ileprowntatiria,of ['onus)]. gm, at us pont. 00.. w as ou nit] appear:lay their role, u on the foal pa..a,we of the resolu'ioa arlula wt. rh.,— Thrfa noel. in (AT.. of the tossege of the rOnlotion Were', John Acker, John All'a ow, %V hliam Bake:, Ri belt Baldwin, Daeid J rra, 1111,11 e, Jeremiah Black, John B. Wolin, William Brindle, [huh! 11. LI Brower, Jmehll.' Bunton, John I.'.aaa.lbevy Christi, John N. Flow:. vehuq 8.100.100 CodlenJ, Beirptillo U. I.hoid, On. bow. lamer l' Downer, Timers Runes, William Dunn, Er 2114, while MR, A. Fmoot , tor n Mei S Feather, Jonte Flowers, Benjavin Fwilwer, el.sandwr olithoncy, Theta.% G. Otter, Joseph P.. OwaT, Jacob B. Groh, 11. llort 1.41',.t0 Hot Julia Rotate, William J. Ilani.hdt, John livd,r, Henry Ropier, !Retie Hes ford. hVoiltinivon./., Jack.", i 'chowJoao, John NV Adlmo,r, Ilhartes . Mimed, Itobtrt ALIt, Ferro. o j. t,aord, , hltros Jon ithaa D 1.e.% Amen I.eamato4 Jew. ] J. Lewis, Ilene) 1.41 . .. Mott It. altilio'olt, both kthCio'l'eh.A.letauder 1.1 hi 'Coed.. John J:los forLom Namur] Men, John B /Orr k, Motto,, Joho 9Dilkr, Jewel+ A. hlo Joe. John It Moor, IV Plum T. Wen's., Etat] Moo', lwahl folleklenaa, Jacob Ni.*ly, CORA,. O'Neill, John LI l'aekre, Jotrido t; Vowel. Januas :thew. Rolerh. Fanie] Holiinie* John B. [Luther , nod Own •i Oh AonSdJ, '11,0.. C.:gem/Ike, William hie Rote, Fichte-4 toireram, Ali Alv William Bmith, W Ih.n A. `pith, Daniel NI hicywir tllillgm II Sookr, Th,asss .1 Steel. David fitawaiti, Charles Stockwell, Al. 100 I'. Trent, Andrew Wade. tinhert Thou.. hVoitum, BeJnoy D. Mello, Ilitawa A William, D.j.] :fobs, mat John B. M'Calmaria, riot.; again t the riaxege of the rte.:holier. were, Atitiiitios K. Corny, Dana erow.and James RI. Furter— h ay. 3. ikatool Rum the Journal.) WILIiIASI JACK,' Clerk. itl.arrh A W. LlK.siLDlOT,Dep.lireTolCculnacnwealtt. rl,l I 11.. mleife Met I`, nlwee e.e.f •“I Y th• re . lelnal ...elution of the 0,...,0 ice. eelut.), tot.tlc.l releeire-eo arnrotllDent of It.. ttutl,” *the same rune'''. on lileTinitnle 11. • levivnene whet of I lia”m 'eat.. sot my L ; 100,1,10 , 1 endeed t o E . .eetrteed the oral of t4a Seer, 1.6% OM, at Iferrltb - Jrr, thi. tifleenlti dee of Anno Dimino one tlmutuad elah. h-sa r ,itoll 6111. A L. It LISFEI.L, efeeretarl.of the Ctilentenereall. 1.,1L41.1,343011 IGXTRA FAH ILL IFil(lliff7 ---- 1-1, OR the the citirene,llie proprlrtors r Of the ltdobotitlt City Altlls have plOcCd booco for fir reception of order+ nt the Itidlorone PlOtool— " A. if Floyd, corner orttixth and Wood petrel. Al Hayward, all, atom cor.l.dberly td Alarket A Renien,otore, Third etrcer. • . • 1. Videos, jr., drug cisl, co. rottrth R Proldthold.' lotto 2 , Pawl, op, minter IltAti 8c '\Wylie Tr:ogroph 01hce, rnitret tilery If C ;roc,. Path st, corner of 2 , 7aroct oficl" liro.s, more, Penn otter,: Nandi Vdord• Tho door W.1,4 ,, n0 "via l chtt twice' or tone°chill fororders, amdtheitlOas;/to, delivered drecoVrY, ln b:. aria or ltootooidoek flour iv p 15 efefat , l* for font ily tor-without eltarga for eaf la; e L (min that flo ricecoutto onroPe ttilooved, as I kol I drivers ran have no perm - lotion to le"ove floor without totPOdPL We hope No poblle will he ples-ol , eath !!,111or retagetrient,,Od ova ell endeavor to do thorn tu "'S* 4 " ' ; WILMA 111'U . b•rsalsarli la - Eid -.-- .0 S.• .i.i.n‘... Ril , ' .4 , '2O keg s Saran partlin 5.041.; 21 tuts... , • -di, dtl; . • n twrc. Lemon Errap,cade from pain lemon Iniees Jelln rcer,oo gad for pin bf • ~ • . ~ itia fai'll Pakr•aleSZT3ON• • 1 tx:;. . -XVII. 29% VOL. 'MEDICAL. PACCLARIATION. KN0".1117,317,ent1rir,d, 1 .1`4.11,"1ea.d.i.'. Painsin back or limbs, stioints, old *ores; - running ulcers, kr, that they ca ll be- cured by taking th e Pr. troleund Tearful talk about Ito being nostrum oi mach ait you Please, bat dna doer not make it so. fon Proclaim lit the fate of an honest eommunity, that leer vinues;whieh are - not tOntlincil In nog other remedyTheSurin who is racked with pain and •o( fenr.g ham ditenic.. , can for fitly gents. get relief from any of the illsennarosnited - assn. . Reader! it Crum Very Hide ViOntnmtial. Ont. atrial. This Petroleum Is no =ra ta:MM eiginperid i lrat up for the purpose of imposing on Dm eomeiY; hut it tali remedy elaborat by the master haid of timers, end bubbles op (mon redheDe rennn of r= " rt e Ct i P n rtm rig 1 ." re t and cheep awe. . - • It has eared flies atter ither haw. failed to render any fellet It Ites cored Rheumatism of long standing, andbf the Worst end snort painful character. It has clued Cholera Motbtut - -by one or two,• it has cared old eases of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy has been stns avaiL Al It tarot remedy to burns and scalds, it' is better dim cog medical tow. pound or Miniskirt that we.know of. .11 will cure chit. bitting or frosted feet, in a few applications; undoubt ed testimony Can be (Washed of thstrath .contalnwl in the nbonb whiement by tith e r callig Ort gumnel M. Kier; Canal Basin, 7th sneer or e alba agents. lieyser I McDowell, contra of Wood street and Alley,_• r..Sllers,L Wood street, D. A. El liot k ri• M.,,coilY Allegheny Sill, are the agents. tract '• • • .1 . P /U.lidlo IliCAl): —. 77 ,The ..0.4410150411 MILL An. 018 as. ear rill.'—lattere 'tamed) for the Piles: 11R. D. P. BROWN'S 'celebrated Elxternil drocri ll can Remedy for the Piles, leatOready proved itself to be the only net cure ever presented to the public. Since:the discovery of Ude Valuable:medicine, end the large bomber, Af. extreme mows with which Dr. Brown hwareated,nes one ha. failed to be entirely cored. Untlke;the many heatinc bahms extant, alter months and years of crperimentallsieg, has too often left the polka where they commenced, or worse: but' after a fcredays will decide the ease by effeetrog a perfect enre.. • • natant ernamvs, I shalinot enter into a labored ar. cement to prove my medicine. I introduce it upon its own 10Cf11/. by its etrect I Intend It shall stand or fall. If co prefer Mit loathsome dill caseithis PIL}S, to the wilco of a fess dollars, I rest the ea, yeltti you. . • - • D BROWN, yd *treat, aafriM artibleable and r ead . by Rll S EL LERS ,Wood aalaCto Taint ATI Laren grant mr -trot moo, Ogitaar OS Tag 5ear124,12 Sorafula nic Riurs.Evit, Rheuntattanh Olmt:serte Cosa liermil.eiraptians, Pimples or Yang:ilea tie "ern, Didtclies, Riles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Rt.. 'Vona or Teller, Scald lies. 3, Enlargement and 7.. m of tat/Danes and Joints, Stubborn Uleeni, S. yptilim Syinpiatie, Selatica or lastabligo,—and diseseea Sandpit *ore as injudici MIN sec of bler“l7, tires or Dropsy, Exposure or Improdeaco Life; Alga-;Chrottie Constitadimal Disorders, the. • Tbisbnedieind has acquired a very extended and establialted rapnation wherever. it has or,, hared entirely on. its own merits, whir:, its. . . adliiacy has alone:sustalned. The - •••• of hereditary:Abreast:owl/la inew,, alid bones half carious, his been' .• health and Vigil,. seranloits patiel.t ,V 01.41 with -deers, loathsome to himself and his altodderns has been •maird• whole, Hundreds cf, who had groaned ibepelaailit for years under rulancoue and glandular iimorders ' chromic , rheumatism, sod many other complaints opritiglng from a derangement. of the secretive organs and the mroulation, have been raised ar It vete i con the rock of, disease, and now, with regeherated tiration, gladly manly to the Mammy of thusteestimable preparation. TRUTH IS.STRANORR CIIANDICTION." The ratenuonof the reader is milled to the following astonishing cure, elected by the are of - Sanils , Salsa. parilla. 'This Is to ceitifs that I have a ealoredwoman who has been rained for the hut 4ve yeses with /lambi's, and all Ma remjsries Fused had no , abet In arresting the pregress ofithe Complaint; lb r oratory, she . constlinilypteriveolaciAtad Other eXpondinN betareet, „ 1170 dad S-n With physicians, besides using oth e xiiiisijoilogisd. p o p remedial without screen, till the disease bad eaten' away the cartilage or. her. ..tote, made in pparance On various pans of her body, and had bonne cbromenced its ravages lathe zealot her mouth ^ln thls dreadful ista... with, the prospect' death staring 1141 m the faro, I suited her cum to Dr Dimswayl the ageirt tor. Sande' Sinai/drilla in New bern,'N. C:, by whom I was advised to use that !snida andCO myrarprlse• and that of my neighbors, to whom her eam was known, alter string four and a hair bet. w she as reilored to perfect begin.. and that In the t act of Circe arecka, and wail able lc work in two smlm from the time :lie eammenebd taking it. wenres of the truth of tine aortae/ens. I have t aroma Mixedruy name, this 11th day of September, 1817; McCOTTLR, J. P -1 "Mambo! Noose River, Cravat. co. N. C. . ; SORE 'PLIRO.S.T. The followingts an extract from a letter received from him peratt, woo bad been titillated several years ' • with Scrofulous Clears, Dyspopsia s 4m, and remasly an anemia./ of the throat end chest.— - - .- • -• nflastasetree, Va., De. 1i3,1E45. - .111estre. AML & Panes—Before commenced toting your Sart imarilla, toy sulfcringe were almost east eapretalont• lay threat was cOmplemly accreted, had a dtcadfdl catkin .4 there We.lo fisequently weele together that I read net !meek above • whits: per, te and 6e:ides:the irflammatian Irani say throat ea tended my heed, to that my hcanng Weaver( moth Inipsired. ' Aftet tabieg the S.ntsepartils a short time, my heath was iMproved, and my throat is now wen; I anus frets feet cough and rightness of the chest ne ever i was, andban beer quite distinctly. My threat hes been well abort three monthly the cure of which has been effected entirely by the em of your Saran. pail's... Your friend, LOUISA IF, BEVAN" The followinetestinionial to the 'awe( the bans: parities is from the Roe Luther WmghLaged 70 year. CongtegatiOnal Minister. residing- at Ikeibum. • ,010 m., Mach 30, IMO. . "Mead. Sander Gentlemen—From whet I have ex , perianerd, and from the of I hate meanly received tram of person. of high response ! batty who Ware tiwsl your Sarsaparilla, I love not the Mart doubt het that Is most vnloabla medicine, . and thti the main:taus cenifieetes 'mu bate received ni .ts Aioney Me fully sustained by experienee, and Ito Ircr,ltiLlen am) •Pet very GI - teethe, in he frond Of my humble b y 10,111CICe*e them,Hied I wat :14 whe are affileted by Montle to he. cr. • •Cf .,, ..10ra1l the the and power of your valuator .0.,•e: sm, esfleo. X. sn, at end vciy rcepectfully LUTHER WRIDIIT.n Ca :al.lSeld, wholesale and remit. by A. D. a U. SAND 4, G , nujgt% 'sink Cliemitts,looFultou *tree*. earner or "N 11,14,, New York. Sold at. by Drag gles: crlkerclly throenhout the Coded Stem. and Cup adv. Price It per botle.stx bottles for 10, For rale by Lf WILEMX,Jr, ILA. PAIINF.S.TOCR te CO., and hDWARD EENDLRICII, lqualramit. Al. se. 1 0 KUM! - 121( RCA is rfAT - ii rOCieti SCUStATiIiAI. AMERICAN RHEU MAT! C* U A LS A AI!! ANEW rerm , dy lately discovered in the Vegetable KiCgderri—il *ore and permanent cure Mr al Rhona-re Ceehlalets, mob us ' • Ingerumatory, Chronic. Acuteand Mercerlel Menu:aim, Goa, Lerebny,o, . • Ppinal Affections, .ke, Thismediciewhes long been sought for. It has been • said that Itheuanntirm could net he eared; but there is %. , tneoly designed by nature for the cure o: every die core that the human cistern it subject In. At la**a re. istedy has been:,found that cures Rheumatism of the worst norm—out of the matt valuable vegetable pre-' a rc a n e e earth—the emetest andmost important mecosery of theage, and a wonderful blessing to um hum. Deur n withont sickeniegar sing and renews strength and vigor to the whole ,em, 1i•eC.111 . 41, nanny the part three mumbo, 500 gm et that were considered incurable. Cenifieatem of the ennssiveproperfes of Shit rs s eine ran boated by calling on the Agent.. None gendinclunlers pet up with an angrarc.• • uponthe Oeteidewreppe , r, argued byithe - • TURNER, Radio, N. I. PoldbY: l 1 , • • 11. SIISYSf 'corner Third and Market at. Pita . Sold elm by G. F.1'11031.1, reibLdkwe • vo r No 100 Main at, Cincinnati. 0 • R • MR g:011C A Xi AND £IIIIIOICAL OEl7lOl' ' . • •• ~., ' ' •'• No. 41t DIAMOND ALL 1 . • . ~ few deals bt ow Wood. 1: ,.... ~:rii Vntni. mane , • i . ' Das SRO to hr v! , ., -., n 1 , regularly educated to tl, :.,...eal '1,7 7 • profession, and been for 5.c.,• ,+ me ,'''d' - q t h1,... , 1=a0 r trvm . ,7.., ...:?. ,4..., ! . , r f,;;,., , therie prrsate and deb; . . -, • ; .. • , WV ,:' plaints for which hie oi, , ; r: it i.,-,T,1.`tr;!`,..T.M.u.1',,, ....,. to atudy & onatrltent of those eoreplaints,jalurrvv.• . • ante le hal haMre _practice and has cured Tore .. tants than dab Poet fall to the lot of any prirale f , -., - Wiener) amply, qualifies hire to oder asauranc...e 01 ' speedy, pertartatent,w‘d satiefactot7 eare te all afflicted wah daheata disuses, and all disease. art wog there- Dom.: , .' • E ' Dr.llrownwentidinferat those &Meted with meads diLeabea which Iran become chronic by. tinte• or es rlk e use dr anY of the eornmon nos tee., of the day, that Oaf dor:plat°. e. bet . .. Really ma th o y, .• 00g umi i ;ho o so ioo often MA careful attention to the tivEIaCIII dime!! taiefoi and 110eVetdert 111 IniUdredX of bastancear Oaring persons of infioreno?tloo of the neck of the ledJer, and kindred ilt,e,es which often result froth there.casu •where Nit,. haNe consigned , • th, th t,,, hook. , dcapair. De paraculerly terms suck, , es have beckie , nr and triraleces.4ll:y trented ty others i le ereeet.hlin, When every ealefn:tion will he !Liven , th , and their Oise, treated in a en refol,itiofeegn and tho Leant Wiennez, muted ailit.;b7 a !Ong ez perietrev, ~„00indiovesthation,which i; is uneosetble (or e. theta , er.rem , l in general practice of medicine to pea to 'CM. 010 Of dlt.p.ll. agl ' e rn te l t W e' ltt U l re U rra i. cto rh. C•ll .l3r , u '".4 2 fuiti '''W ea l y n alT 'S yarti ll f r i ' n;sr a:tenth:mut thts.listue. ' CANCERS alio cored. • • • . • • . • ±4lll diselren U saalsy, sta., sysectßy salad Charges very loft. N. 11.—FaUento of either sex living at a disuse*, ley ...Ling their distase to veriungosiving all the sym p ions*, eau oblain.tnediei nes with. ireetinev r no, by vddrersing T. BROWN, AL D., Yon raid, and antler., ns res. . • Whoa No. OS ;Diamond allay, opposite the Waverly nova. Thtnestreoc- 4 11r.Brolrearewl7 decanted rem, 41er 11.',e mail= Is a speedy and ecru= retard l tor thst . triveble. h peen Nils. Mace Se.d'•rrie.l. , Ceti Rodent 63 mend cky. Paistrargb, Pc' Ike Axton. thrgys V i zttit Wino' ;17: Dechloo46 • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers