;~. M ~. t. 7 -'1 ' 0:11 ~ESTA~LISHF.D `Il~-°_~'~6 PUBLISHED in " . WHITE:4III. CO n. wurrr I [ll. BAUM. . !Arm.. tu,,D1::101,.111111) =IT POOL IQ DOW paa mum. " Wucklyi m ;pp . Utlublot redueU4 • . . lajej C$ 'qv AnviraTllEo'o lIY TI (Inc Pram •e, (I o Jinn of Nonpareil or lees) . ne •- One O Sour re, each additionatinereafleas".• • leo. one week ..... t•-••••-•s•••• , •••• LI tb. two RAD IX , -twee drnen On. one th • -- • -...-••••••••• t mou 1'..1w0 TOO • lb. three woroths•••••,:s....a•rw,, 0,01 Do. toter months .... lON Ito. six months. • ltdin Do. . ewe , we months. , a•--• • .1 8 ; 0 r nd inn Card (0 line* 1air...11,r annuls 173F - ,,1, One llsionre.elaingeahle nook exam (per Ws morel exelneove of the paper.•••••• • •s•• roe each additional square, inserted Over onsang" Mlle n fon earth additional novo Inserted ale•LT, th '", g4 ! .- ly odes, balf.price, • • .• Atleettirennente exceeding • was.; and am over fifteen hi. be changed ne a private and half. rubliehers pot Accountable for. leg.' eir•Tt' ... ”' °° beyond a:cover/lint charged for their )01dittd...,..; Anntolnr in; t srldid vie. for oßocee.) a c° ° q`" same as other adrertactnents. , •• •• I • .-. Advetti4mrdebot 'nation% AO eopi 4ro , rpr et led norther of insertions, mil beet ntiewedpll loVd, and payment exialed 7 . 1 e rattler., of yearly ade rapdly taste reenter Menem!, and airotnns.ensr• tisemeola not peruining theinferddr.blPleect,X, !ed, agreed ear, lobe paid craw. - • • All 'advertisements far ellatitilble thettelorle, nopanielewird, township and otherpablie entetiowpt, on a ..<4, bk., to la cluremlY.l4.ll",P.T.b te.,°UiV'T le entrance. •' • r• ' ' hlarionne notirin to to .7 1, , , m01 5 . ern*-. , • t Death nono es downed vranont colones...mu ate - OWL- .. rattled fiy (ioneral Invatticess Or SalltilArT.rlfitrieonyik. when en anetneehdria. Witt paid for, Repulse ad rertoces owl all cite riatnd tim [IMMO. ideation., Or lenalrfag Pelle. designed U. tall eaten lien to roach F•lrteenc•none none, be wily pone cetttt." tat all tanen r bore charges ore rootlet for adenatutor--, „ a daearro . OP/0e Itestrt lealniut-everf llt signed to cell attention prattle etiterproven cede alw ted or onrendtd to promote endlvidaal intettayealowns ly be layered with LI. anderatanding Oat t h e tall en be podia . . lt , inteenkd to la loaned fa coterpn,the Male Will be chatged rho -Meet teat lestoban In cents per fine. •- • - • Ithrhop saint flatters to he charged triple ptieet lawn. lace nee•Vetitions, rank Legal anal PlahlAnl advartutentubl lobe charged la Real Catitto Anent. , and Auctioneers , itAvertilCe. meat not be classed tinder 1end...b.., b... be bt allowed dieermer tri three an& onsibird percent: ,from the *Mount 0f.11j1114 - . •• • •• • - watarl..% on; armor/Ma i 1 t 'vr . itirta i•nder, ' One :square, three lowsniens• • ~•-•••••is• Do. cacti additional festrilon.... • .'attetrammttorm rtectxrc '•‘ • Dec Sastre, (lie linerd one •nsertion• eta.• I.ln. eacb additional wwotdon•••'''‘ All transient advertieesnente to be rold is advance.. • MITE k CO. Rath:atom ?••r • r •'' 1. IlAltrEir, Pelt •r' `t " I R4•I3*I'MoIIUIDLE, O . • -JAMICJ Pl. DARR CO.,•Otantdela: • • Flttrl'Eß. iIROTHEIR Dispatch ' .. JOS . . 6 eIOIVDF.N, Mercury: • ' • • JAlll}O &merle.. Innearßian, Evening PerrennieW, Rte. 1. 1P49. • . . . CAD 8. 'Jaws iki:rcivicissoag A I.DERMAN;;Fira, Nt'sifl, Perm stre e t,between A Erliiret and WILIMIL plifirrts. prtgrpli • • pah . , • • Irtr, - AIL iiMA.S I plait 111.. WATSON,. . • • ATTORNEY' AT tAW7,-.otoi, on Fourth Weer'. W shore eal. ..' ' • - rarin'•'l. •1 ' ..'LiAVILO 'C. itLITTLX, ' ' "• TTOINT: V - AT LAW,' and C.a rlxissimi. er • kat - renneylyntin, Sl.Lonii,ATo. All cotrununiontioni Prertnrnly:nnsuritoil. John IC Large • ...... .... 0.2,1„,4 xopion &•inuraw, A TTCl=th” AT LAii, Fourth curet, or. Grum iTlG-tff JAIMIC.6 U.S.V.te, — TTORI4FiIt,tT',j;~~F-flßice'art Foutib street, Abets:coo toso.lnfield atol sp‘ttlY p,atenon—Vtllism llotessoll• ' rATTOrir • TTO AT 11, Drams.uso.ithel:oust. Jorirr RANkliir; • A TrofprO.H .6,tici;:noi at Fay..na Cornrevo XI. * r oof for the Butte of 'PeantsytYwria, St •Lpoill: 1.1 o :JOPitt.bargtt4' ' n' ' Referenees—Plasburgiv. !Inn. AV:VOrsrard,nliterfn Scot k. M'CoOntless IVlcelorbriottn E. Yak,. Rissells t encrypts, Me Z____,'noslikktstl4•ll ... . ....... jou, W. AtiALI:Y, WOODWA.1 2 /141f3VIT&IihOk&iti _G R..'"AttlitAir.-&11 &Malt Worl&s. -•- ENN 11Tr,7 Ni Ed)it & CO. .3 , 1 am:tin ;war. ..4" Soda b, achlaoder, riasic ant Salp& t&e. t&e. tv.whoute No OrPoi,beo& err,' "ORAUN lERlVlR,Vnolesille and Retail Drag. I_lo tlele, earlier of lillierty and Et. Clair strecla, Pat CC'rNu Ifo EceonJ .t~rt. milet etlla laiiaineme• tip-a:lng, Ail•., StO•lp .za LI laNa ... Works. • .. . r101.r../4 MC I.lAll.:llA.ti x CO, 111.aannactajata a M,_., Coach awl Itntitln 15a:tngly Ilartadetrd 'Aline, .tiorina orra.4lcatan Hue. Iron, J.. 'Morello:est , . Water and Front street:, riaahorah. -' -• • Mao, dcalo , a 'in Gooch Trimmings' abd Slallelabla ;Atka • • ,Ml."•,,,_—'—‘------------ • .... •• . -•, .-. John A. CoVt- .Skin d ner. • CRAIG a. a31,•14:71".!1..F0raaa01ia .. !! "i. Merchant, ND ttb, Mlll{6. St. tiltilhoten ~ C ---A. idcatillVrY 2 Co, p 0 ,5aa,,,,,,, ~ ,„,,,,y,,,,,,kaAhonts, Carnal /346113, Piumbitrgb: 11. —..--- -----”eiT, W,' IL tn/ANT7I-4,1":"""isrill 4 Foriwardiug Mc; V 11444 Pio. 41 Woie(ela . Fi{U. Ir.FLIP isiaa rieFaCill,`lo & (10517.11.& 4 1.5.N. inestic,stholen. and Cott ia Cnodr; ail kinds of Talton.' Tricainadcs, y'r Wood M. Mh' dons trials ralk. tinstrurch. I Reference-afilersts. Wen, A. 1711 & Cts,Mankel -• • 1 , 141.1311 T. " • • .1.3[112. Z. 7...11[ 1 1: - MiNGlitiall lIENNETT, Qat? FArikOl . C.X. lOO, JCA 4. COI Wfsolciole slrocers,Clooniasion wid For wasdina Miaclusata, and deslrro ih.Ptrairce and:Vitas, borgh NilllClActllles, N 0.37 Wood at., tietareen;ad sod , uTi Shall • ; -100RWARTiffili COMMIFISIOra MERCHANT X No 111 eclat 1.E.1. 14.1, Mafpba A-Ler and Canitniailiii. Merchant; for the ivs'e of "00[TiEin Woolans,'Liberry.ciarialita &hat f • was. two., Italurnore., S. caitos. 01a111 ' • f Philidaf, ' lar-esicsassaria. 1...10113, Tx CALI, s tNati., Taboret. COMiltiVi.; cOanta,4.l North Watosafaid, Wb :Conk .r.=l, -rTARDIr, JONES at Co., (flnCel.fs b ftt...d, lonel keel Commusinuan4 FOTWattlirM Met• thulte, doers m rata arttilkh.nsfaci : Firtablmeh. 7 • (77c717770t 70 sAnecla , f. 7717.L.,1 M ronriirt Deal tiord er e ere. tWgn Vernell .lovr Vtatle mut Atatltd• l l Pao . Fire lard Priam h., Also—Writing, Pd.:air 204 Wttp ;ring Psrer, No. bi Wood 00 , 71, beivrcep konttb strea rind thaninnd alley, weal 1176, l'insburgb, Pa. fr . • . nrist.imiden kai JA:E.RUAAgi,V, lik;ofesitWir emnnvoniOn anew o• ear. osea prA. rintlnirereU aC4n;ds..lentlArrole,lsiqa.K Plaur.axvi llfi front at nttfttFbutab.-p:1 TT Q. DILWORTH k sslitineneir; and " • 'W.,. iiosedenCo., No. Wyatt it, burgh.. TWIN ifoivtisEND,±o ol-I(.° N ° • 45 NOrtmt.t-. thine doors above Man! st. ban aA gh,wlll.hasseennantlsnn band IC Vetti Iteeeltd warmest of tlavbe,tentS Awshnst MedteineS. leis ha will sell 471 the 4,...kpattsan• order., h. Romney attended in, and sap. plied with •"..OC•'h•T ur.p zsitool o- , 1. '"1." P•t•Cittnlons will' be annaia•ll nil neat i pi,pared (minis but inaisiials,al.ani • A )" t A , sa dal e; lt, lining sack of hash and pa Pah Ilwa et ViafiCn, Ullso,) Comma .. and fiorwanlinn Nl•reliant. and wholesale dealer NVestern Finney,. ch...., genes A,h, wad Wn•l•r" generally. %Vat.. street, twAsrenn Soudtivela 'ma Wad, tiA A b A qth,, I.ollN•iTii3 k: ao d Manufacturers, No.il Ilwket sue., .04 lotto rins4. ° lD ,,Wbolevtle Grocers, '„' - . aria 1,441ers in .Yro4n., - it' 0 .7,71 Chores Ustidintst ir4nTtne en . Lisem.; Wood nod firth streets, trittiTuTts•' • • T C•Tt 4 1 ° t 1 Tgiol ' e V 1:1 1 ? , :hg c :i r 77 1 71, 4* ,q: . 42 T , I XO ( 4 5 1: —uti 1 1 12 . !etsus . J " riei hit a A n ti l f. .in li s 'ln ' Bettye r th.lS4cs. l2 omet eisnothßeln .. ltWL nn* tbn "JAME. A:1117TVIIILTON, (Tei.e-rseeessrirs etP Lessis Ilatetisetn & •Cet„ Commi tting Metelisr, sltd ¢s of ,01 Pt.' StenT Suar Eteuer,, 41.mter arta 9R fr.nt.tree Ls. Palatri4l, , ant CO Whole.o. Drvegss • No 21 ‘Vors2'strent. l'ittst.ur2n. T Attortter ett Liser, tit, opposite M. Charles llotO, rktrittirulti WU: I/Multiform:Kills IC Contetlifine,U,..lV!..Nuer .rand Green counties-, I:(l4Tat To Blactstriet,ll•ll Is Church &Curutktcris, rttl- 1 b truth. Wb"; ,r rm .ndMz~ Ifistrousents. ttchrt titoous. ruper, lituteu, Steel Pens, flationtirT Fu.II..ItTIN4I.IaIW u:r Roo bonbt or ti!tei . 2 to 01.1, • ~BUSINESS CARDS. _GEORGE E. VINP.It.P 8 '• CO.• WARM kit c4;.c911N. siNK 10T=s, dm • No.ll fourth street, nest 4oir.tit 'Pita j{, ehsns , heaters m Pr.lute and Pinaburgh stkno• SS, .11-A,T,•• PMI'S:MUGU. LA. kr,s,IFIZAF,GIIILD-A NamtinetarT, * • vary-W.ora 44 Sansone, uarpet tamn, Lotion inMAY N'Fir,llnrid. RiekeLeon, Pat.bunsb. n'iI!ERItISICK-OPPON, AVhorciale Grocers, an --Viimpnws_of Ftrandi, es. Wlnr:and Segsno, and PI, or,tanerrY and.lmn wee's, .ea, ;Ps. Iron, .Nails, GMOn . 11 Wu, /Lc and • WICAAABOE, Wholesale Grocers and C omm ,dny Mershants, No 144 Liberty St, Pittsburek PrfaipidtriffWa —C NTit c . l:l4'affMtia AXLE.FACTURV. - lons a. gam'. 40NE.15 & %VIGO. ILVANDFACTUSIF.R.S., of spring and Mine and c a l, UM, *OO Mani, Steel plongA wing", roach ll P apringa,.hatantered nes "aka, and dealers:ln mai /cable [Waft". fire engine lamps,and coach t!itamnns. genoiliviewnst etßoss and Front sts., Pitubursb, Pa. N;. 110L11119 teSON,No 65 Blatant et, see ond door from nornor Youth, dealers ,to .Foretgit and Dothtatio .I.ldln Of Exchange, Cefttfteaten Of DOM,. do fintesand %teeth. irreatfleilana, to la. .all, petnntral ;Me. bryughout the itect State , aunnatast—ttadtie, roarth .131,..:thl of door above feutthfield, south aide... , • Coavoynneing of all kinds done with the greatist dr,aneatliatate examtned,&e. . ttegnAy 16Thi VW/141A ILNUFATURESS 6RE.F.N GLASS WARE, WO. 97 IttatketstreehVittobst thePta,.lltOen aoun onhand, tn I thane to order alt kinds of Vista. Donlan, •o: yoner an 4 ylater I.l9qles oQo wally: • P■riltulnr Prititto Moalds. islillassoolaphale iCellablisluseout rtr 8011U1.111MANN, Third et, opposite the Ody.oO~ills. Ulli. dy .4o bills. Labels, Itrehiteetertd and hloehitto alitir-trii;trsiness andiitieTads,tso,enotased At tree' en otope, anti prialrd tolon,•fs Ilmote Lor,Dlaelt:ltt•the most Improved strie,aral at the ceoot Warnsable • netikly • -ipionui-CAl4.rrna& citLiba•nr.u., .11t,-Pauburg4,. Mrholcsala Crocus. Pod.. and 'Caneniutnn,llorchani.k. and dulcra in. Pltilt.lll/1 . . anl7 "' %bit , bOkES3I: _U a . inns sux, Z 011111.3. ..IiI)KERT IiOORF W Lnleaale(Dace, tteeisfecie Daigle; dealt, le Preducci Pinsbarelt bicroitee. termini Chas' of Fereign end Domestic Wines :LhpLicoore.,No: Liberty meet - me band sioety lure i 'rock a *cootie., eta' Morioncebeit sval•kti, Nagel, von be 110 Id lOW Cerruti. TOliniyt •tg. Cali/cubs. - 101EYNOLDS ti, 81= Forwarding and t!Otglitt!- L ILY %Lon Mereiciiie, Cot Allegoeny Diver TrOila, ; t i ed." DiSitoeyries, D.toaceC urer,onit Cblor)elo a( Llme. ' The. iitme, &Isl.:bin/et' c.it times Tor rage. 'Came , tivot and Irwin t 4 epl9 :WbrilFIRT DALZEiLL 1.1/COmmiceico tilerchuitc,duilen AO Produce and "Pitiaborgb Menem:area, Libetq sire", Pittsbercii, D °BERT JM CLINN/fiGAI (01,,W holesslctli roma) Ygndaea PAW , glk bloanfaesore , fr 0.144 Liberry tweet r 4 o 3 Wodh—bissiiifseiaima of dm. STiind tilad tneol. • Also—iiptioos,4lsies. Tiros, An viLs,h.i. They invite Meier of meirchoins and timagmere .to these Meier berm iiinchminy, oleo. ,orhom. Ahoy mamma their arii ma to bo <qua* my mall in ihlooomitry-rir imposte.t. • feta{ 011ACKIXT to . WHIT& Wltalevale Doaiers Fogefga mad Deangstier Dry licals, No. Wk.* stteet,Pittsbargh: •• ,• ••- ' • • - 0017 1121—,11-iaVVorTi:lrititn Dea ers Itud•Camdissibn itleteltiuts3eh 7 0 Pi ly. l"g rrear shaaa..tous. marl-L:M "rBELI-'93S & NlCol..e,"prOduee.and Galen' Cam ''''"?"‘F'M .Ecru: LiD Te,jo r t s tleari l era Y by2"n , Vlsoloaa . eGra. roe.. Btrt:rding .ml Commiaon Itlerehats, Dealers. In Pittsburgh Manufactures_ and Western Prod e• have remora - 0 their air taiiietite, Lea stand ,l Ma 1`.4, earner of Front street sad Minya) , • .. • . • • ' „'. 140114{1.11 4.IIIILWOILTEI. •TEA. AND •WINE MERCHANTS, yalt uAePtaf.wia, _ W vit 14 %V fattlll. , •17. VO3OVATILP - f el & EONSt • W IIM: IfSfZI M S ;I4 4' or sale Dr Kichinand and Lynch!, cos 111..csemrst latmeen. n,,, tta7.`.risurzalq. .ILT:LAIMA I.ol,l,ex:et:go mar; tat .l ;an r c air r ez tat o s n 4usalloo;ro... ;toles to, • .t. &IL Floyd, Liberty st. Jm.ox-sKtorolll do tqusborrb. ,t. CO, W ok ood Wt. ) jara -. R. flusli1,11••-••••--• •• • • -Georio Itichat4. :' : / 1. u. turs du tciolnuan:lT a co.t m 7 - • ,Wl:"(Elini I ; ;:: - m... 0. “ i:. . Ltr; 2 :.. .$l2 N leo Latally at. IS au rl tb• &COnJon! IMSI FOliNVAlpiha k.CCMINISON MERCLIANTS , C. os: 'Ewan, PC. street: Pin. Fare h. • an 6 ' ,7klfk . s 67DAViiiii-eo., - • s inoturcsAt(I),FLOVR;;FACIUR3,: ss ; ' , ri n'e l =i ' d rb d y l 7C:fe . :"OrO r e7 l,o % • :=V ri c ni• • • Mel. Of y!...qlll:Celo et 1100 : Ihdt: • - J. 0.-OnLI.IIII.OIS iic CO., Altruor,vsid.t tr. Rrat 4 FAMON UROCERS -7 y • Pimstdtng, and 'o6,nattirtlips 111Orctienti, an d' denlerroi Ilan,_ , Lt'n rindere'vral ralsbarfh Mantlf.s- 1111..1.:1191',IyoodapI,FOltstr.eets, Yttiftnagh. • • • ---1. B. McVay. ikiiELlAfts CO'Ag ~ .'BA/ EM AND EXCHANGE. BROKERS, Noah CORICI al Wool sad Thrrd street r, r Prossrron. P • , d t ) 44 l ;i 1iry.0..13 Ai.,1117 Wya le! • 17 • il tn . % 06.1. DATtu *lag .11..OGIaF CAND.l.E:9:l,ltocoesser.o 1. ft. J. D. •• 911,e5.) Wholesale tironern, Finsennant Coonslissonhinseiains; demists in Iron, Nal , . Wass. Coltp Vaene. end Pand Ilannfacpate gtllf ebed" of Wood and Water a Udell!" rillabal7o. anl7. 'ATE'..),.i.tiiiirr..urrtzEl, Wholenge Grocers, 'lienuflinsg Distitlcti,' and Wine sad Liquor Mkt gang , L lid.-Itnporcers at ?oda Am* sad Incarb• ing lio.der,lio.loo Elnan, r. r ..,(.1 , 1...._!.... ~,....01 1, 1 1,4 1 h ., ~ ,n _ i i_ __, ,,,:r._ i _ r iiii v,i6;44 .7 4 , , ; : iii 'A ' / ', V I lag i 4 41:0814 , Oa net or Marko and I'dartsilrionntn, Fisubargai Pail ft 11.—Watebes.nd . apl7 Crooks esrefkily . rVI:IN — C. Co, Dealer* in I.LI ; cotta it[T, Hides, ,li, ,Z,l.,l4:ll.latiyarenter 0 -o o • ' 0i._.21 , 1 : 7.. _ i. iii:c "maim. . l--- 1. 14'.1c1a.0. , . w . Iv b....a. at eel/1'0111;0N, ,Wh*lnaaln. fms, rocern, I , F . Oats sin P ro dnee, lion. Nail., Glan and Pluming** Manufaciara KClClTganer_alig.,,i,i.b.nrrf s'}lol7lbUsinrsg4h. _ 1!!.!....._ -- . --------, .111JLIKOIN-iIKEO. • u." ' Er g vast. coumissios Ileac uesrs, rrr.arerg I tatwu ata.on ci,neentAt , it'Ari"aArr"Ttln. v. ---..-'--1-'.--- '.rvivenN , , ...it ma 111..ap I.ll' Palmer:' a ,e , .., ,:,... m ,•, um._ _ 1 , , . 7 14 Fourth Went, nagr,inee on, Fourth IL, near Ma ke‘, . I' dee.thr 7.l7.l. — siCaVii I:st wu • "' n"„.., 0 ~;, 104.11 L Old Lease/61,N arleariscd.irP au. . f /allow-. LI %Awl abgrliniglaginnli•m of Ons ,i t:tr •n _ , ind ,or ,. ing brands, wide It 'Wel - offer for tale : 4 .a men I . Darold k Co, Bordeaux. gigloduwa , i , ~ A /laid in. I lund.di Co , Laroehalle;l 7 Parana, gnu, ...., . _, tuan:".ii • treviti4di 0 Irlo,ndnrotlettn L t..„fi: tr.ergg./Lnigliot Ginakudeaas.V.nd and wafte , r fi in caull• an,dpaadsoninc Ica moult gigno t tg /Oh? 1ti1'',7,... ft Cog/O . :IOUs Chantpaggvis Whoa and 'met az . 7 T. 4 "; ,4--trZli—iii-T-iiiicitente. "' T Iravit taken NM CARR taw etortAanato.p ?to; • J. the I* Irly batinans,lrhien •nrill float tuts data flirtation nMer the in ore et "John Parker Mitch lmt, IE4O, . .. JOIIN PARKER. Job it —•Atiillisni Carr Jon a PA.U.K.Ii. a CO. , Grunt, Duda rs in Praia. Farago IPinss,...Dirors, Nanoorthola • " mut Bertffoe Marg. 5, Carenuercial W. ninitit turr Pittsburgh. P oraricuirar estx(x. 'owes. 011135.. Wt. t. gisn . , PALMER, /IAOIIII/h CO* , iflrMermors to Booms, Hanna k. Co). 14Ailhg../Vi.„II:4.IICIIONGELIROFE4S, end dealers d Demesne. Ex , La" g ee Cerofmotes _of DeOoltior. flank Notes, and POe'o -44 " th s ""' eoraet dt AVsppl sue% a estsent money reedved on deposite.—eight Che. `lto for ...1 ,, colleen:me mode on neatly all the p rinetril points MollinlrettEltotota.• . • , and The Mg est prenifitiepiid fosresiis told, • ' Advancer made on cousignments .ot Produce, eniP Pod East.pn ere_23 WeLSllO.l' • 10(0... 9.0 •-ua wit. it•-lithitAniCil ea. CO, ti 0,0 1 ,P.ll-S - AND?EA Le 'Nu. 2 , 5 0 /Omni' rirrr : r.;ri•uru 't r od , _ I . l r hlstays sin hand 'I. large sow, meta al'eboiro tes"X&.',_nd Fin e Teas; COa for. tin .P,1 1 . 4 _,r2 d -114 , 1 e ond• groat Deals. g '" loogest ugsoso.• ' • / 7 .1 .'t%s:•7 gsg••i b "' cot I ,r+MAN—Monsfaetarec of all' At tad P. -- • .A.ntollon notokittoiy, 4 1 1 1 .". 'no at.— watts 'befit, him to tell ao .th„otoett ImMptxml ercodo Mt, v•IO vAiiows, for MI brOtaritittriV . 0 10 Ike% grader., cards, ataadin M•••••••••••—• -.'h wootett drawing I tow% op.d o r, o r , oroila, WM+, o work, lo .crltiliOlo./01 Warchallt ante' • in _ on . .alge r jlet igo4 Moto and band lathes-sod moo ,P l 'thg , tmi on for (Cils.no mclatica ar Mills at retuOttott Stara an—lCqone4lo.llilda 1 4 Co., Illockittl 't co4tClti, rttstitnit tkett , tats. Gray. • .• M ISCELLANEDi A. warrcavai , , gal „ A.-WESTERVELT & SON- ELL NNOVIst VGNITIAN DONS 1 / 1 41:ERS, keep eon-aunts on hand or make in order the WV beat article in their Ilna, in then old rand, N 0.13 St, (nehmen; arao, at 111e.F6 Idarketstreet,oe coed story,. entrance in the Summed.- Venitlan Shatters made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. - opia , ... . . .. BENNETT AI. BROTHER, -quF:ENSWA.Ite MANUFACTURERS- . . . . . BlromlngtultnAsSestr PltlabisiihOrp.,, .• O. No. .37 il'atir et; brhecers Ma4W awl ' - - Brood, Paubetrgh. • - .. lip. ._. .. VaLl.eonstantly keep on Amax:good escort meet rit Warm claw own manefacutte,and, sopetiorqoalaty..Wlolesalemul eonntry Met,, chants are reepertfollytnvited to call andel steins far themselves, es we are determined lo 'Pell heapii lhsnlaeseveYhefdre been offered to the-pub lic- trrOrders sent by milloteioritpariled lii , the essli . eir god reference. will he promptly emended in mei _ -.-- . Jar.vir .coscn L'sACTUILTo. • itutaflini, . . AT A:WIIITE& C 0.,. would reepeetfatly inform /VA, the politic that they have erected tamp PP. ,Lacock, tketaecenraeral nhelSanduskyytrectsi, They arc Pos,Olny.,its sad adn prepared to receive nyder-vier every decscriptson of vehicles, Conches , Cheriot`s, Bei roaches, Buggies, l'hatons, A 1.., wilier from their long exper loner in the matinfacturenf the above work, Ind the-Sendai. they have,they leslconfolentehey are enabled to do work on the most reasoesble terms with these wantingsirticlet to dies, line. myna, particular attention to the .electron of mats• ktels, and haying none hat somN•tent workmen, they h”o no Idisitation Warranting . their , wort. , We therefore ask the airentiop public to ten d maim, N. R. Repairing done in thelieet pwine;, nndlm -most re .tet.dttle. , laP,Oll .1e• IL seall'lL !AIMS A 111.1.011. • ... IiGALIRE , IS .A.T.11.11519 0111 ! Inlayer., I,IICM‘IOI WOOII •Nl, Seas., l'erriniviall, grwiNTINUE to menuinerare all kinds a( COITERs V TIN AND SUISEIr I HON WARE. Also, Mack smith Work., .. . Steam, posts built to order. - ' ,Speil illeinion riven lii cease boat work. m Slave on handl is line Assortment of Copper muddiness gerdereTin Ware, Au, he. diteambont (looking toves, Fortable Forger, rations river—• very convenient Kr ' bele for stenialmats,Califiienia emlatantsiAr wakened' ,comparhei.' We would requelfally,lamm steam boas mut arid ; Others so •slboadneis OUT articles and priest before worinmainr elsewhere 1,17 .----- W• k JroLENills dßealcid/Ssidiscar . \V bl t liir t‘s,t,.ll.lacenmAgg,i,nd th .i e a Iso.,v&l.l,,Lexonmesir: o.iiitn,r„ We , re prepared in do any wort isr ow line with dee pm,. • We mined to air wort germinally , and situ► fsehoo will be given In regardto its neaticm,end Ow r """ : " . ' k' io on) patron and bound out. Itoo n i m s numbers or old books boon . f Nom , pak au books pit room. Thh."ol,:%7V_lT!...ork in ont.line at* inv itell „ tocall. Priem. low. . Pitt 121.astlialsse Wait* lit*d.reiVstltry. onmsnimise, fa. , JOILN WftjtiHT Is Co., art ;Tottered to' w ild Cotton atol Wools. fileadoory, of evsfy dan'Tiption, sorb as Cardaar ISZLCIIITIGI., ReIIIIIICA FrOZIGN, Spre4CO, Drawing Frames .11-vtlerny Wads, Wisrpers,r ,o o o lers , Dressing Frazee*: -Ltioms,Cardtilindsra,,as, tiffrought Iron Eh opal Cu raed; . 101 s:fes qf Cut Iron, Via llms and . 1 nod Dotal tetra t. ItoneMssolide nod hand [.matte,, nod tools of all titan. Castlogs of every ileac ripuoo famished on • tort:vote:me. • rcw...emeoas calories Mel Gnome, hoe Itailton, /to. Stearn, rips for limit ing Fantortes, Cast Iron Wonlies, Seib nod fancy Con voys' generally. nlers left as atO Watehoese of .t.' ralref_r & Co., Liberty street, vain Dal* stomps n a tter' • 1 '.' . 1;71. • • ' • Refer M Blaeltalotk, Belle: Cool. E. Moorehead A Co- G. K. 'Werner, John Irwin A. eon& entobarght G. C. 343 11. Warner, Steottentolle. . mall; ' , ANOSI erllFlltii6sMillet arced Int site' a largtra66-41.&ni13 ' A moottatem &rosewood and mahogany gland At-. nom rt.°, as and -without Coleman's ettleAratod Loh. attaentoent. , Ile ahovo instruments am tear ranted to he equal to any manniamared to Mao try, and will bo sold lower than any hrnaght ,Intata the • East. , F. BLUME, Ha Mama , '.4 VA doot abase 6ds , N.B.—Gay Senpartllba taken at pat l'ar , It of • betelt.re Iteterlelp.tt, --- - -V tar ItydraztaAValtar.. ' Tllltd m to acetify that I base eel N • pointed Loner... & • I le Aetorts far the sale pliennerntl i 4 - - Yaient Ihopesheon Yulcr,Ctsercht el Genet Pittsburgh and Allegheny.l JOGAI Gillet tN. &rem. , ' • 44" •P e- ~ .to for Warned( Gihshn,llo Broadway , . 64.11 - .. . Oct 10. load. • _Wt have been acing ode of the abovi irtiaLit at the I Mice artist. Nattily Wotto far three wombs, ea trials end feel perfeCtly •atathed Wet it It a 10,411 unreonots. nod we lalto ;denture In reeedaniendtentbenn as a am fat article to all who love part *lt& Orders all lut thaokbally received -and promptly esernueit - - aetta LIVING:4IIIN. it(11.11.:V.4 • C-0 liiesin brisk. W Olt. for Sake. ~ .. T";',:rtg',b7,,:g.T. - .„, - ,::::.:::: ,-1. :. •- ..". , ' ,1 —' , .:' , ": .„....„.... Dorn-re, 6 Mould Martine, tepee., of etanutaclumrx L 11,1111.1 lhossed llbed• ttrut of Or,. clay, so taken (non the lonntd pet tlny, Nab dltten ames oh land on the Ajteghercerturs, ea Oluti itrh 4 kilo udd ' .bals, macho. , nod clay Mods. whoelteorows, one km, .htivels, spud,. At, every dung crimson my cetto tercet operetteep al eft hears worn. I . llce, tar lu.l,nß , !.7 1 ,- '_ll , P 9Zhi__, , r; .4640.,PaCtIled,§ J 1 Y - : part loularh, uddresit - ' lartiV ING H RII ITT, sone.7-tlif No IleNI obannalyzsjistats,_ .. Wranglac taiid'e.ast IreglEatllrtf. rpm; subseobets hen leave to inform thtAftiattio Shod 1 th,lttaer obtaitora (ma Me Ifashell the hate sod +d to duteous tor Iron Ibutmg, both Ito ho o t.. wid fI, MI, fiC• Persons ...been to procure hand some pen , nos wttylcese tali end raewth•. tool 5,..1ee to thoosc .. s e R,,n,st ,it, to r u ,,,t,e , ",...,,. C 1"........ -a not cc. -to t to to• r..,; ranonnt. hr Mr •c ,/ o ottg end Sol eren 1.1,--A, Al, torns r•- 1 rn.dtt A.LA dloN' A S'Atllt JOlll6 LYONS. ....._ ... —.. NO. 9 STATF. STGI-IF:T. IiCaITOM, Aternl fa r. Clal. dr.l Reamer!, ..rerrpr44 f7e RagLidate it 9917.411 evenl ne1:11 7 car {be "manor Ile -11 cord Otherer, 9s•darm.ll.ll4•ry, /e , .11 Itle laves:l,oond claim. lot peradd inlehte country, •nd hay., geese, l offisleed Inaitee. eroneddo Agdne• Loudon ond 11suee1eaRed. mrpered to elord •11 nu...ease, information 11.11 d rift d er.c• who met to recover thole peoperry thateounery. • • J. Le leer fedi., of Ihe Bout of F.ndlznd Dmrdend Boot, ',lath may be cdaseddeJ for s , l_.eents,nt Z.,101 leace . .ed thr ,11p11.9. 9 . Melted:ices I.S.11: S. F. ADAMS. Matti Fabhei JA9IFS WV.1.1), Keg; 11F.P:11V K. MAY. Feta JtrllPi IV. BIOGBWRY, Eng. OUD 41/. (Sneergwrpto Weettitilogr 1111 X ,Pairthterunlyle Ilistases, Conte of Mod cad Ftit.h Stress pAzrzi.Ae.mattelon.paut„Lo 1 L 11":s0ej Cop. llormour eLblisislent ' ol the owg rnd sroultmator, of tha um: IrrIl" mod um'tcro Coaxal Metchente, pemhaslng by whelcaika, en. respestfally tanned to ma and etamino oar Stack; ne w e cm say with oonfidence Met es regards Leanne and mos, it will not ham lit a menatellon with ant ante Fbiladelphia. r; wp.i.leui outlaw - oe comprieing, vaeal,mll the newest end most Whale. able styles of Clothe, Camimere a, fanny Vesting., cot ton atel lin e n mama Man, aadovelyertiele Mittel+, (or gentlemen's 'Mar for brill and mninior. It being impossilits to describe the Manly, etiefittsm On•fibtf of the stock, the pre bores all who are in 1/ , 1111/ they Yr cheap, l ft e " 11 rat ' : 'I%!IV" d 17;•11,Z:Z17 elan the 4.ltrebenics that Ism ampere with it. • The. ready co adodopierune ais mry catalog, eider, teal° all Same. , Ratatoed contractonb,coeutry merehants, and all whoperelieso largely, are p•strularly Invited to es• • attune the swab Wog. Isterslng, urectoulartto unition is paid so the whoterale bosoms in thir cemb. , liahment. the"vmegt =tinl' l'illettlb:l6l;aliiinneerTV'tt's'noslidoetrlelsnt !"1"' • turd] - - - Nov - film • TM'. partnership Itcraofortis Stink under the Om °C AB. C BRADLEY, is solved by the decease of hit. C Wadley. ' rho bade s will fie r 1..44 on by A Ilmilley, Who will tattle ged bolus of tge late fits. S6IOVA t,-A Clitautgy go. rd 001,1 N o 'moulder. ewe s, frogo lid Second sweet, tao 19 Wood ewes, between First •Od EL[COrid 0110..10 OCT weir , hous lately oecruyned btt A Bus, where he enn hugvostantly en hand • genctwl uurtment of Cut - tug, Grates, Moist, Cooking EIS'S., 00. lila ----7-----14116 n.—irgeitirtraco. /VHS adentlnn °Rhopotato to respeettour eels! to 1 the Itill'owiag cerdllctleal MA g. rAclaving tested a quantiff of Gold Walt" ll77ollr,Arentriews, I And the toidaTt prom your Inetramenlt (went;toeotrundod the ova Of II L 01.11004 oink to Celifornia, so plO beet method for oh, Siang the real balue?fiffeld. Rasp. yoors, OUNLY.VY,GoId Ikater. . . VILL34IIIIII, Marsh 0,1040. • . ?SWUM'S, March 7,1040. Nal gagrati—Dear girl .11.1ng•katulned the ll ASO. ..:-.dnonotattotod at your rooms, 1 do net hassle 1 ,,, mare ,pd it to the omit( those-gentlemen who an abut runidelog ble•CallMtnla. in search of Gold. It divc. n e'en approximation to Itld grail* Irggl ry,o(toSal.,,stn: will certganl enable 1.0 adulates to mordant when his placer to yickfing „ Gold._ ' mull Trlll,ll--__ SC 11,1mTsew Olip'L d N. uftUill'R OF GAI* ST"1"7,"„_11;.1 tVIB:4UFMAC A - 14 — ;riven llllmat ud Cala S.:dr•l4.7l,lst.;.orLdalla.z;:kort,..l.lidlas.r:td:i4.,nt‘4.r.hl,hoid:t..,;?.„; A b. 1: 0, , c L. A it meoN, oo • CISIC [MAU. • Nirr, tbeafidgerairdad, blame aargl. waatati , 'airline. t h e Own *Mori sod Van* inarlinArrHarorini racKelvy, al tatrei War ir 0, I dun city. Mtn platvits re in rernioninnarrolitre,utna,:iniViuln,rillir. . " 1 . 1rt, " 1;11ra °71 , 4 A T.,14: t ilea , ,Nnwtrttit st Dtsonforloartt of ItnninitpX4 l ,! . . Iron reandersisTl fef orininiritaNbri7o. Mannino wren* o(i:A..44Mg*Ar:Alflis,A ' Pn",:grIVATA, rf" Engine Planar,* ka biertilnii Card blimufacio; 1 41.1f*: 1 : ' Ulm* FoonartrAMiitiorgis, ItA PP. LI Ay et. Ilifforiforoffert of Iron focorincinve Engine *ma elap Marble htonafae furor, filastiloo rout Wfainolloaa ! ny22 'N0717,, Pa. Aft isnd it "G*4 Borra:it'''7,lll,!LitrUo7llllsYlitera' Pe11f.7;,1 art.tiPase..°. • ae"mautr W ood on;riled Ott remtang tbe4ll9 140 NOr Urea, • *O O • IiTROV., MONDAY INSURANCE IIR 21}1.4 WART: MUTUAL' SAFETY INSLI• TRANCE COMPAiliti•-offire-North Room of Exahatiee,Third soma, Philadelphia ' Fors loodmarm—,llsildingsOderehandiso and tuba In Town and Country, Maimed agnmst lust tois V iS l hy firstal'ilio to r sion rste brpremlorn. ewarlaea—Theralm Inoue Vessels, Car go, and Crelahts,lo7,ll[ll Of eraand Pee° , opetial papas, arias mowed may.destra - • s C e a TaStwrOgrallion,..Thel?l,. .t"ti 1k , 1411.e ransported try ~anon., Rao Road t.ans, Limits iihd Straortloala'On titers and !sesta on the moo liberal tends. ntaixa.410.2.44440,2 114ileal, FA mund A: Bonder; John C Robert Burton, Jahn ViPenrase , Same , el FA wnol G 14ster; Edward D. 04141011, 1.111.4 Dacia to John rieirlini Dr R 41Husren , Jas •C Its Pdi'Throphilas Parading; H lobes Broom, llenry 010. n, Hugh Craig, George Saudi, Spear!! 7 , 11. run, Charles Kelly, .1431Jobassin, Wm Ilay,lM Thomas Mar an, AU ekrit'o473.l?(ll7t T ?I , lb . 9 41 g, P2 l d p ag , „, MARTIN , prwa.nt. (Donna S. Nauruan. Seely. Na.- 42 Water street, 'Ploahurgh; P. as MAMMA, AA'- • • Lilt* lased 11lalsitb libiraralabe. 116 Llama Life and Health Insurance Company oTof Phtladelpthartareorponned by therLetralautre Pennsylvania. lt/aseh, IPA& Charter parpetaal. rOilakllleniXeL RIMS uyerea matt SST rl.11:11.11 , •111 A kx.tmlit, va fall .Al per root lower than the il rates or Life Lieut.-oe., u the (allf.efirl6 corn' parilion oellk.hoW: Tema a person of the age or So In sunng let COB for life, moat pay in of (Wardle:lX PormayleantaslMlN EMI. Alstaal, VIA FAellaelo• 44; 1 . 40 r fAt 1 .. a , FLPet New, York. Li o, j . 5.04 Ai. to., si,v., Lite. and Healer, Philadelphia, 1, d 4 . :Dl/11r1.11,—StiriVet ft Qrriet,Cbarlea It Ilan, W. EL-Wow, linbertP.' Pang; Charlor P. Na ea,' 111. W. Baldwin: ha. 31. Peeve. M. LI, Char 0.11 c...opboir. C o cooroTo. and.. p....q..., F. /1. Uer, Lawn , IL Cope. Vreakleat—Saresel IL. Oulelg; V ice IWO. hem — b ilettlZKetWi l. :2;l=e4 t in VibnlZik girth by •• BAAL. VA lINFSTOCK, AO; 011ise,Conetetelal Itoenarhootner of • ocal.ills .Wood and Tloni ata. Ihtleberlit .r-rin.EAlNDrliailli.ic INIIVIZANOII. li INSITIC&NCY. 00.'ehl ' North Ame rica L will I make penorotertt and Wake,/ lottraneo 01:1Pfe• Peril in fhis city and alcutity,, and on. ablpmeela bY CP , I II, Rtelet L.,...1...0r! try Sea. Tha prepare. ot •ilo• Compay at welt Invested, and tarnlth an weal. Able feud teethe =hetet indemnity of all persona *rho rf ~,,,",,,,, A ,(4 weerealre to be protected insaraileo. n. . . . Plro'sad-Biarras lasaraae Intritaneo Compaq it Norte America, baafteen mounted to No. lA, From at •cut of tVoan. • The subtottlfox, agent fortba above!. old and reap.. rode Clninearly, wid me Foliates on Ituddinsa an l d then. contents, and on shipments of fderchanthre Vtantralinata and otter vessels. • --" • • • W.• P. .101.4F.13: PlrriClo/1011,1?6JAM.ela lIISTIT VIM POE Receiiii Bowdon of Ws .nnact the or Mr, and art..l.ivettoeer, tor Abe, present ecadelnie year, will commenee ete doe day, Monday, Febtedly liith,telbe was buildings, No. U Libemy &wonderment, have been made by leach they will be able JO (ern.lan yang latimblttedaiteamieel m any In the Weal, for obi:tieing) thorough lingluti, Clean eal,and Ornetneniel education. A Mill course of tionedime. ami Chemical Lttlurtll will be delivered daring dm maim, •dllosinued by sporrans. The de. pummel. ei Vocal and Instrumental Mame, Modem lwrWeerwi Drawing NUnlang, will each be ender the tare oft lob/I,olod Prerapaor. fly title •Ilenllo2l Principals end intellev htlf1111•eltelll their yibi ltjdll,die Principals hopeiatil to merit a cersdnuadonOf of the , lieelal puroneue diet:lrmo - Wiliam MOTU. for tc..f.adtae, wovkir to the rttomotto. to [`2l'44 and Antique FlifilltUld W. wooreWSZL, itmna.s. . - acyu ~lfultT Inform the ,••• • OMANI Me eptiq 'Met et FerIeNITURP.II. lamest is toosimieledesummen r erre carrell ear vela In this cub eareprieweeuvetat aegis lteimortme, LL. Elbecw.lValdruu, carimf, druateetdal awl NAM, imitable for railer., 0t..,10% .I,a ma slaw., sit of Irbleb wai e... 14 !auto priena. P ersonade4rvm rlllnlll/ne of not eautlNizeti• are Wwetialty u vu tot io can and ezmnineloa mock. whir* rieltracea every dewripiieut. irow t h e I:heaven Anil pin 44. 1 ,1 ni the moat etemod and cosily, of which the , sal w.hny toinrrist. &parr TOrr,.rele. morn, I:ete.a Tete laean.; c ' ro Onion . d - I . ..aPrine; WIIkI NAG; Iro, et 'l'4r, Loth. caleamtare; Date of Vertin C4l, eh; DI Sofia *tea Ina& and Ileir.etotb mew% pd ;hum, el. de, iey Fader CAd .F It ' rrhtut do do: 46 • Ceee teal 4 •• Mel na; Co 'View bidet. So bitable Top Comm Tattoo, ' .I,Viwit <43.N ea 5440r0Lnir VAII.Lna,, • 1 . 1 d - N 7 Waidobes. IN fin 81.4111. di, dui Penetry Val/re !la:Welton CUm veto Chstru , irr ea... Loser idolieloni tbe Umtata levee. mime ridowdy 0w , ....u.d to , 7 4:u4satt . 4t.ttr. elm bezel:Thai +rid...411. 1 u m-eli.o4and Vescelse at.emmegerobll iepa Fd yeea. IIEftBEY, FLEMING . & CO. • SOAVES VOR 11/1,.b. Igtortflille elatilll'Ar3l7l6Ffillt, AND AT F.AtllT ma od a odttratreViciltb . .Vlllo l : l6 W tt•tr ata•oeda, all Woo. Ildos Dolt* fitot do •W. Woe 1......; V 01..; do do , eatscs Cottoned.. all app ord ad de oily red vit rae tot? prior& I 11.1,ric 5a4.“446 S...ri ....,1 Jo - • - -11•Ctiti.-56irtlita 6164 „- .--do .. ••• loop' .611 Ittrirlre, vary .DT6 . . do ,, . ” hartyd,do4 6- . • . elect ea...there, 'ttlolN , (rondo. . Panay • - do . Bed Vaddlog. sew Or '•• ropey ttrads. . 6ertt re4dattg, Ilackraan. dapea lltaelr larciod ek6lt.Tatettaajteiry dre 1 Si/1.4 firevre .4e . , thoto Loe., tiettesida 1 lti•,, area do rat..Hotrae, taut do, •• I 00 , Torilka do ant arondrdt Aortal Stool Doe Aloe .. etatteArai WkroA,Ttorio !too , . real. t.....lionerea. Work Tootto.lhat• do, sew, it,.... do Idnan Choet* gad d00i11,,,, , , ear, War. du Auill es 6 cant 661o:own; 1:att....11/Aetna . do .Idotan Thoaa4, • rteittrt de importer matte: Dloo . do Bilk I.tasted Vasttrigli, Intott d o 'Mark roman to Grate lii•Mtfit. • Mot. trolraed rtaV Silt.; 11roott boats Itattoof,Cravata, at.a., le. At the MaunNetntril . Ar alcho6ae, No el: Wood • .Pinatntrah vorto6 --_._ - ----------___ Maatilloolles. Tile reaps orWerottp Itott6toforo existing between tha R n.ertr.r., in I,bp nano/ a Consgbibre, Market eta, to thas day tlioaolved-lli•ocewal mutant. Itletorra Ltaolre A. BArneo 5101tettlo Ws bocipen.f that...tam 660 9661 , 060 ittol ana asothdesord on vans lamb Mite coooorn. NATIINIF.I. MF., cumsrAau,„ EDMOND DU 711016 AS DAILNI•I6.. The ordersigned Imre this day sesatiolod In DJ nome of & II&IINFIf. for the puma of honnutorroong Vtra l`reof Safes, Tony Doom ae he 4at the Au. of Jo lota flroa of Doesultile, Bork Cu, Where they .11 40 pleased to meetse tho patron %silo( the t Wolters of that hot.,their friends. EDMUND DU TIIOIIIAD DARNED. 14, titirteg from the Eire ,( Comtel.le, flake & Co., I INlne Me.. plc -recommend MIMI'S. Broke & lterom to the conildence of my Mewl. and the WOOL Feb, 9, loth. NATHANIEL CCINETAIII.X. o. AILEIVTIIIIIO9 All ten returned from the E ntree MG, and /Ler er•lng a large geflety of seasonable time/ate winch he febll rerreettal r li inane. the attention erg wench SIM RAJ ondlara, Wood et. • • WALL If/aril—W. hlssernatz roaelantly reeeiatng, from the largest suenalaotorie• to Nev Vurk tmd Plalsdelphta, sad also fro. prceeh egebek., the nearest and moo approved etTlee of Wh47:&l%tin;a!'tth elist":3,4Zl7:l. VOS(111 LLaod yarAGI F OII4 allay, (mucosa° , r eo d. I.VI abut toe sale by the barrel or *Logi* panel al Of Dm, Seed, sod rat -Amery Warehouse, xorner c E‘lxtb Ord good atrents. N WICILLRsIiA seta IPatase• -OW-4e;Taira. Palma Soda *alai 464 t'i",t7V.,".li,`::,=." , h". I L I T. 7 :.it' , " 4, pasha now Ikons New ot l pkip..hd peeled hero Ma weak' end. 31.4 101.. shordp arinso _via Baltimore pet gape will Chespeake, Dam..., ruse w idth will be .old on airivnl, at the lessee. market Mica P d chili or approval] bill.. Wk 14 DUT_Olinalial. I . - • ' • 'ln VW Liberty a _,, ..-----,-..---_ ---ICII/LitlClAld STOVI01.,:i11111 T'Zi t r,b.711. 4 int: „„ r1"..= 17, 0 7, ... °474 end wuanui eitsaireentlenbas font of coutrudletkobby the.. Who have meted 11, Manua.. It for anfultbst to any other In the *mace Thu eonsuMer nerd have no oppteloonsiona. of•*alba, , comet% Ites,'lll its onint positioO prevents • dust from arising when being . ap. plied, which mast bo done when the Suave Is eold n,,, 4 ... my required f te eve lg.*. r. ,, tri .. rn b ..:tti 1,,...,...,," , .. A 4°.!17, ,, ,....r.t°,44,pK i;-,0 sio,o•,eiri oo,. *414,T:0 1.14 away . for the stimintiti le a ore pit. ee;mitirit mgeitiii Mitt. Vt. tiolltlif .01(.0 II Otto, (it it is a000sioltlet) no person will . osie any 1 , 1•1_ ,.. tk1a Plostiti4 itinnelortUriiiii eACipUry 01 rretiereh i-eeiei rs. k t4olr" l'. !! ''h. .WON'IV'N,bITIKERSIIittit, • iirryG Covner of Shalt. allitl %Voim4 soolt_iii 2110 tit Oratellitrillbtrii.,-.7; h -- A 1.111; Vd'i'lln7,lll:4oltoooa"urne'xinlitt'llpal of Coto (1 t l ll ' n r. i I s o ; l ve " rii pleMe 'O.ll al the Roomy 'of the 'loaf& nf na= ve; sewpd mu dr:edrder of Wend and Thlrl eta , a . P let Br ismr. SAMUEL PA lINE.Slihn.• p n uoceo,•,oril 90. lohlk ar_ti ---'. if it iiiiiiiiitiitiVilTblip r t -Ottifill Card. Q r A lINFSTOCK bogs leave lo of m= are o..feirnue of hie New threcurly of rola . Plus arab nod Alter:bony, and linroeVe el , it. 4. Hot nr, thrmingliten, 8e.,. Mat tied work is rdla near, t ly , rddr 100 lan pies.; mid it be put m . tin lion.. pi tlos printer 'Onto .1066 between the /MI end .10h Instont. The chtitelie generally, end all whn feel an Interest in the otroSOClOni at 4 complete and perfect Ibroctory, pattioulatly those .1.0 have not Leen called on, rill rt re itiviitilige the teibiletim by Ilitertittnillig that Molt •ilitou avocolintis end places of Lashley+, fee , ate "."I('ri''itit lii fOrtili sSitti; rlat . l ' he ratOst; by litir ,17,. •bO.O 0.004, - - -.- Li— — ' i f ve nsaC s ini iiiii rrugscosbl eg' TUSTrocelved. e onow o p se aeroma tnt R- en o pd,6.acir a 6 todeol plane, he eel*. P.taild planalneloty of Mora. I 'Mite, Pirteionsts. 'rhist 'al a auperlps initteeteht, Or is lap iTkvere t epiteeillietatilitli ' a to one le:Tito,e, 'i taar? • ' toatiled Street. ' JULY' 15 LAND SALES. .ay.th• Presldent,of the -Wetted sflf... IN T0...n of L ZACHARY TAvi.nß Pre • Indent n 1 4. United Plato. n( Amen., h er declare and make kn... that pultlie sal„t moll be hell at the untie•menttnned Land (Mora in tSt - IRP'IIII)AN,' at the periods hereinafter de•ltnated, • . as wit:— a, At •the• Lard fibber At ittAttLT.blill !SARI F. , fro the fthate sepenor DistrEet. e cargo:enc.:le e,r, Men dayohe elzmenth day of September noel, 'or the penal of pebtte loads within the following named lown.hips, vie:— Nora vf Ms bate !me, opd 'reg of (At x rinri p3l rieerirli;vl. • Township forty five, and (me:tonal towntilitys forty giX and - forty teat. °lronic Iwo. Township. forty five and forty six, and . fractional wort:whip. form seven, of roams three Township folly sin, and fraelional toornahtp forty RV.. of range four . 'rots/mhos forty tin end fifty seem and framinlat townships fifty and filly one, of range r five Frafmonal towneltips forty seven. forty eight, forty nme, fifty, and fifty one, of Tango six Townshipa forty eight and folly nine, and fractional tossmhip filly of range seven. - Crantion• I township* thirty nine on .Ifo 10g Telma o iand forty on bltat Island," and township rty flee, rangempht. • Fraettonal towmaltips thirty nine and forty on "liog end •liarden" island!, and forty three on the mein n bottd, tottlitiainshipiisrly Thar and forty five, of rang ann. Froennovi loon - Milos thirty nine and fony 'liar deho and•lnvoaorh laloode. and townships Ratya... forty four, nod for ty five, of rorete teO Fract' townships thinly eight a:V.141110 Beaver" Wand, thirty- Mon on “1.1010 deavet'aed Yreur , Woods, and fatly on hi`Vhiakevh lehnd, and loon, slaps forty three, forty lour, and forty limo( roust, &ern. Foochow.] tpyryieiip. thirty rutli , on “Go Wend, toornstirp forty two, rind hartionel loWnitirre forty three,' forty four soil forty tier, or rso th e twr t re. oFraetionel towriehly fon), on the RAW lend, of MIME .sixteaa- Fractintual townohlpo thirty nine end fatty on the In land, of mire seventeen Fractional toornotatio thirty eight, thinly nine, forty, ind foamy one, en the aisle land of range c10th...0. Fractional townotaps thirty Mt on iiStitrimet y en Provenly , ' Islands, thirty lumen peclading "Summer"d Wand and an la nd, d thirty eight, thirty inn NMI mt the mainl and triornanlps forty on e, folly two, not forty three, of tango ntnoteen. hniwnships thirty six on "Ft hlartlnio n end " (l oll" Island*, Unity ozonises an Islet of .I.lthr OntlYnernifolondo elght on the nialn land, thirty , nine &chiding the island In trectiono togenlY prided and mart) ninth) anditorly, rtnd township forty three on the main land, of range talents: Pritchett.' townotapo eight, thirty Mae, and forty on the min loud, of range twenty oar.. Al' TILE p. AUK PLoileg.eommenelita on filocdaY• the thinioth day of September nig:int th e ,rtily iall often public tondo within tbriollniortne named lowa okays end fractional township, to yin:— • Norther the brit tine Mid vett of , the prineipof meridiem. ' 'Fractional trawnstaps thirty five told third eid on the main land, of rouge twenty fanr. Fractional townships hil,y.ilatee, thin" fors. and thirty bye, and township Porty ois, of wise twenty tittietianisi towitihips thirty two nod ttitrty direr • ; the noon land. and townships thirty tour und unity bed, of rings twenty nS rtuationsi ou r. inn , / Ono, thirty two, ditty tlade, thirty four. and on the sod sod ' townstops (any six, f ort.ge'b, andf o r t y ) nig range weenty..ven , Frscuonul towrobips thirty two, thirty serval, Gad la wastapathlrty acorn, and lorry eight, of Moor twat r Frscsionst township , thirty seven, th or thug mon, and townships forty one, for three, forty Your, ratty Lee, forty six, forty I forty eight, of worse rwentY nine; Fractious! talecatup • thirty tam, township fraational township forty one, townsh;ps forty I forty Ur ic four.forty fire, forty sig. fOrry cod forty eta tit,and the ftact=nor of saendas thirty Li d 04, at the rapes of Agate harbor, of town ;ship faly'stainof ry , "te tbsr.sy. • Irractiosal Lownoups nine, forty, and forty one, townships forty two, forty Lame, tarry four, forty tile, forty six, forty seven, and font eight, and tr.- ; geoid sections sesontesnond tilltcOitr.°' .r n i. M e" - Wand, uwarrohle fifty four, o frange thirty one. — AT THE KAMP:PI./CM, connneneingors Sforidaa, tun finineenth day of October menus. the disposal of the public lands dusted within J. ondaisiscntioned wwstisto • and frscrional towashirs to wit,— Milt of tie err 4 mist of 144 priNiptl Ftsetionol township forty ratt„ and townihips forty two, furry there, fatty liar, forty Lee, end Arty, of :sago thirty two Fran:arta( township. filly sad 4111,WW,04. tango Oirty Noe. • Prnenooll townships Any ant yilly two of range thirty foie Township alit, of range tiny one • ;Vosenensi tovernitop festr eirht. sod toWnthire forty aloe and ally, arrange forty two Towrshrp forty ?even. (tractional rowntlito forty eight. sod townituips forty nitie. and thy, of tango y taw kn lussadaps fatty seven, forty nista, forty mile, .04 fity, of range fora tour. lowagira .(firty Satan. ton, ettht.and fonY nines and Itsruannt t.rwriship Ali), of morn iorty Yrsrtionit tharnships forty t.inn and Foy, of range Carty = 11.14.0 toignsidpg' goy and fowl oven, try •ariatp forty eight. and Slam-anal Inwnsam rutty ' nroc..oltaitta terly xarr— Fritedoidal 'township , forty send, fusty ugh., and forty One; 01 /lass Nay piabl. n11..0011,1 lairensbip (any eight. df range forty nice st i r lcland on re t 10;4conmoriri:g on him -4141 iattsnrionrZniretr 'urrelti7" tr eraent trawl , am, 410. air Nirik of me /sue btu., am./ of r.i. I.x.ra treetioni One and two, as [JR. half seCiaan of three, and sections ntertn,ttctee, thirteen. fon rke n,lWeuty War, twenty ass, and : thirty Jain township nine, of range 11.1V16. spriropnated tor law for tire sad solrooir,, snrtitar,, t.e e aolsdod trout the et , a. Ta r . potrm the ittnre ea '11,40.4 land. wilt be remew aredt We illye atmaiwei, aad r,voreed tn tee,,enter In .6,04 they are aitreftw , l, aro!, eat,- 'cement disowt wail We whole shall 'twee hews al layed, ope nan the *OO, Was elow4 . tale le kept loner Ibilk two weal.. au& no ffr , sate ate ty of any Of the lead. Well he adnotte4 until etar I Nlae centreline altars anat.. Giree water nay mead, at We any of Wert:Metes , Wt. Intrweich day al June, Anted Daawn. One ihoaaani eight bundled and M. by thr Prtentent: Y livnachtta.D, . Ornotalleatetwr th. eeerroll lettui 06, - StgIVY TO FUL CHI' fltlel CLAIM kNpti. 1 T yr!) person entitled IP lb.- right ,- 4 rrtnli...... any rot the lands arlthld the umnslops awl tractroml ...lops above !MOP (61,1 is ono oI r to es.' .1 h maims Yo tas sattufartunt of roil tlegtawr and Ile ...we, of Ike prop. land (M., cod wake payment Therefor a• enemas practicable after 11<elnA thlii n 0..., of nofo, anoted (ar the varamancernent of the P.Ms a le Of 11, 9 lands ernbraelog U. trill chant., micron. Insets clams old be forleord J. liU 17F 1411141. D, j15.4l kwiewft Crilurciarlener . usamett • AMOVICIM 'Olaf, 000. I , lit: Pool. 'look and Fowl Drawlers .. 0 te -11. Ina a lielll.o on the Breeding, Italstog, awl. Inenenl Muntgentenl • of Marc.. Irushy wok nu maro.o.g.nal dcaellOttons out Ydrtruit. front I Ile 11l John C. kteunett,hl, D Ms work will be foond to contains greater amount of ortglo•I and [OLT toronstalloo.l/.h practicatuud oat fel, In teg..l to Eitel Illowitng, than la golf slned in all ether smear.. wOrk• together It Will be 111.1rased aflalt nearly ikfly POlll4. of the mutt ebolce vane. , of Ansanaso awl Force'. Fowl. rote'rot. of which 4e. from kin, from droWille taken cspeclally for lots work, of rho moil Impottant lo,ceds and Mere orthem from Orals very Wooly. '''K 'a'd s . e pblisbero haw•spaterdish exPorliole brlll4 oat thw work In • superior mono., lunt, In regard to the 0n0...v5, UK narns of the Worst md Ito general execution of every part of the Loot. And Ills belletr 4 rd that the work will be found to contain Jaime ploell• i eta wformation on Ureeding anti 14•Intgong Domestic row.. than any work Wood In thlt rowdy! Foy Webs , JAP. D 14/ClstVlalkt% OS Itoatelitt and km..., IA i oath sw OIUISMS IrruOlLTUNblatejootopene,l fog sale ./ Ma hugest amortment of Parr, Plant Uset s, and Stationery ever Wiped (or salu ' Ist rats gip; tnantber wan a lame eollocuen of new apt valuable Warta in evygy department of Lrieralass . All Pa able•Otm. rain .11 earlern I , Se - ea. Crawly merchants MrPflusr: with every vault in Wt. lintia& the most reartrunbto MIT 111.111(11.17771COSMOH—Cormor; • Style] .1 PPhysical Derippon or e Universe. By 'Ales. itroubolat.m lb Transtaicol by Odic, 2 volt, Mao. /oat rceerverl fag sans by J D tAIDICA'OOD 11.31n.lier , Impurivt, 101 Pm Ph s, IL NOLIIII7I & VI[TIIOI.IZI V ROUE: 06 ..."' ditg• liY 11. OM, Tess I' and odpedolo. Tess; 135 bn Tenneco. lad 1100 Ulu Cole.; 2011 brl. N 0 11101t11,111; 73 100 N 11 Sdpar; 1101 boxed inans., dsforled 111170 me* W 411 bits l'ipc4i 400 (a. 4 0.rq Idd dza 0104157; ;XO/110 una.ht r 4110 l'annerd . Oil; 1,3,10 n fameotate; Ati 114 a Bed Cardpi Yu coil. Jltadlln Itopoi 30 L 1.600011 Clupooldle; V WKS PdP1 , 717 1.00 030 105 liertindi • 40 WI , Vinndro; 00 !Wen Casll!cldldYi • 410b1e !lured; 10 ton. Itlre; In brill:halt; Writruenn Flg.; A. Kentral AhLiofectar , Ll (3 , 110eratuLs b s I , ‘ 71 1.1 . c 00 $1 V irr • Itto'Crefen W. II pon, imp Pr...hong In rfcr . lons rce etecly Ics.. 111 Imp tr. V Cl bra I% Jr* and ib'a Tot area rchly bs. ' ff arrow'. WI en tat froz.e.ritstrcir fAciccl. tc Vb.]. Saleritibs Madder, AlbilbAjbliCer, Pepper, Nutmeg., fold Lamp Black In kcp, fur cm le Icy C II CHAN r ul w." AiPUTSICIANSq TICATIRIONIV i 1 11a Vlif FOUND fif l)TIlltitli 11/ FAIIIAIt TIIF2d." igiaiaggoest, Vet, filianch H,latlft MR. R. E. $F.1.1.1•111 --1 have diapoved of all Cough hvfati sad Laser Pills you Sent me, ' Me sad II den of ate Versalfuge. I have Used all your Familyleilichas m my Wady. nod base alto prescrib,d thcm In my graetice, 1 mrtt ~,,y .. e, Seabed velth then, sad base found now og to equal them. Seed MO F , Una of your Venutfugo, sad la dos each of the bort Pale nod Cough Ayr., , liespeifttully yours, Illatrect of lettia.l 'l'. T.tisos. Those IL popular medicines may lie had of the .geopriettori IL E t‘IiLL.F.V.I3, 57 , Wood rcsou Druggist. gesenalfy In the two tales end vicinity 1,4 'R ri N-7,k few brig ' A No i extra %While - a - i.iri, .p,,,0, q 0.1117, ttablo lot map evatisgOta reitalved mad for suit by . 101 IN Me FADEN d Ca Jett 240 Canal Oulu, ranu it 11RY GOODS, SA Wil ITV. GOODS VOR Dti'E 951:9. IkA I , al-. V A. 131 l PCIIFIELD twrito the ascot ton of '‘'l the I••tiett Itimr us;:c r..,nruct.t of White CPl‘ll 107 iltr+.l, , Of seotett and S • les Mall, • ••ripttett•Stvi• dn; ..ruarrittere.l do; Virvetria Itawnst Ur. Prier.l Uarrod 76otonet for soortseg dresser, fete wit fa wohad Jo;wnel 61120711110. Of SYtis2 ,, Marlin, rolorrd ekthroillarT: rrir .l3 ••aonets: lawn, II trotter, UM ai east caritas of Fttlfth tad itla•l;••l•trcets:__. _ Ctirrap Lawn.. IL/F UR r . lIV h BelteLlFigt.ti havareeeierd !wee sapriy of There Lawrie, very cheap; neat slyly hrowentleght do. an great variety, tor lo to rgie Also, ford l oo : tdered and printed ?dueling andlaeknner. ol pear •11.1 wrm style. and lowest TifitZfo,rt nality. and north eaer..lslLnel!f_flirth and,TilLryskel Tar. GREAT BEIII•ANNUAL SA L At E the OF One R es Y StateGOODS. D Pri of A. A. MASONMCO, • n day, Juno 11, 1.50 Wiltetrun'w.'"gennest.Mithl'i'rbinent, with ill thci WhOleirle 11001TIlli Will, on Ilit , necaliorti It thinwl open for, It irran. Thn e and all of their 0110,161. nack till to °tiered to remit pureltaliorth at maven. of from to :itt per cont. leer than usual prices. 1111:111 STOCK 01 , SILKS Comprire over loci hundred piece., and will be sold at ill lunnenve dii MIMI Mir nwortment of Shood.,lll/rezeaTio wee, Oreni adines Foulard Silks, Lawn., Muslin.. hereto.JaneU. (timbres, nod ltrese Gonda genetallr, will Fcd out immediately . , ot about one bed' the uontet este& II owe. Fnit Colored tenons will be acted at Fe. 2 do &veg., 100.. , 4 do Myelin de Laines, I ne . Superior Fogllatt and AVlGTielli CRUM., 10 &al WO dozen Linen I loodterchiefe, a& Pc. A loran lot of AVtruptd Collate, rime e$ low as 6c. Tece ther'with • complete waricte of DomeaticAnd White Goods, Ribbons, Baden , exil Gloves, Bonnets, tee., ice. Inakinn In ell one of the mom extensive totoonments in the country, which will marked down to mach kora prices than it any albeit prenvions Anne trrTbf , Flora will be cloned upon Thortday and Fn lay. May lalltb and 3lst, for tha purpose of timing. Irg a n d waiting dawn rock. Na vaatenon ow Ps, rim tuyat AA 51 Alll'EST & MIIRIM•V teriacii a sup. ply ef 61 and 4 Froncielincira inr roar. an auclueladdeal sucka a ti,67 , '. arid. 6,otllfeu'a.mreirf, of ihn unlit dnrir able ahadca 'I hey inane ention 03 their large &ornament of Meld. ai.d Boy.' nil hlld Ifllt AV 11A 11, of different wink. and all of which will hr .old Inw. tnl7 PNBASOLNI- • *x;!.v..mtc!mrt?x,y,,7,7xedT,;le t 7. r 7 all 110•1 any quality and Color *ranted. and sl i t s e Pntana Bt ali All Cloth C * tl . l. n"se,. Oil Cloth.Cen'erin'opoi e \Va' er; handsome pancena L. colom, fo whieli ern frail the attention of parch:mere. -2- - _ it I LIV idltllh;6l. , ,are nor/refitting nooda 111 at /rely re nerd Kin. taros from 6 cents ur, -4.4 Lithelia from IQ mnu Pp, 'krauts far Idle; :nook 14 rage for Idle; Bonnet Ribbon. foe flo fn o . ,ns.l Laiticil arc inviind to call and examine our run , of dreier coeds before pufellaring el.where— rfonh cam earner of Fourth and Market ars, )61.1 tY titre , nee orry sox, forty I hi. ly 1. and ATiaiCstat.s. vED Aro At. day, a trb anortmeZt of Ahem k, or Grata Alan, at no Carpet Wan room of W IIeCLINTOCK •- 73 Fount. st ins too,, ~T ty sy• e, and lt/r ''t 'IIY Cc Itt/IiIIFIELI) Gave aIECTaIa Efl INAUF:ncy and Staple Dry Goads, erlur.R otr (math" 'educed prices, 'tic:— t 01 beacdi 11irefeta [Adams. altr4c acratusr.n paitein's; , Dlnll.,jacones and lisriss hltolitts; A •plontlid assortment of Blank msd Fancy silky flanges. Lawns and Be letines,Yeasskably cheep; Ito-unhat Foulard:3llk.. at33d cents ptr yard; Ile s sulaul Ckeicolo, fromtli cents, and apwanig; 11 !sage Coat of Iltown and 1111000 i hluslitos, Ode pet yttn, and aneardt. r'/re !n:.t”lP'--r.a:'c,ge a :iy , •110,1;,,.:,,,—,.ta.,,, , A rica. i remarkably 16w. Together with a Insgi rock of Tisataka. Annan and fihirting Cheeks, all widths; Oretan and Itlaached, rhsettngs tort Shill ntts• Itteh 1.0 , n5, togettict with ali otltst coos mot u ' line, at nenti raft corner of 'Kart and sorted! • tart earied ICIURKIVIEttriffeVIV.I.I) have toot I.l' tlew style Foulaorrldkcvery cheap, tteht PIM. nod floret et:winnable rill• al almost evety ryin and quality; taper plain and ' firered black•oOkr; do. baseritilua tir.ucti Lorne de lain.. new and hand some styles', new talk Fteneta•Koalish, and Orotelt Lawns; In renal •arlety, Ind at 'very 1..... pe, plain, Gloved, aod calm strtped d 0 !airy of ail kinds. and qua ale, been 1051.11, of all shatleaand colon; irnithantrt chooses, prints. ltf., nt ner•tt r”t eorner kfleursh .ditleritet trams. • ` ices A l'AlifiTEß;:iixi-r.e..1.-;a—...iTD,---c---nd f;;;i..-;---„,.. La o red tants, lost received by pante.. this soon- Inn. at toil! east cermet - el 'Ensltlt utd Mattel rt. 03 • 411tIlItylK k. pllttrillzln 1.1. • . _ N1.V.1,1,1.;1 J,.l4,Lirir:rfae.ll;,l.l,.. r, " ;:7- Li s 1 4 ,1 gp na : , e. ,7; : , ! 7. ., ern ear corns, of Faenh and Tlotket:fis. ' 3 ,i B LACK SILK latlvi , ' -' ti , ,. 4:4,1 , i 40kt - tint ns.d worst's.' wanton' Lace. of nestsnsaltty ...•. said son *stash- et Nortticatt corr.( of Vourth load :gar les streets fob ••'MUKHA' 4:lll,!Atitillkll,lt Oylea Of Chute, Aldone, and (atop Ilondeue V , . h. add Colo.& biutp do, add Ribboraaf all colors ,ma)l7 -,411-.1.:I.l,t11--do. Fleet Oil Cldth, r Treerve.: from the foeudy. ned Tor sale at the laddero.d. Not.: & e Woed P 1111.1.10 11 WiließVlNte Gletibit .1.101 11/111.1.1•11%; 111,11C11E1111..11 ,00.15 the atteation 0.1. 01 0 0 . 0 ....ott 10. d. iyt 51,...4 P 0 1 .4 44, to war Tell h , ednutund, Joe recoleed, such ris _Meet llornhasineo, leontbsztne 14,th &Ireton', • I,llsok !ado. de Lain us, . Mourning I% oh do -Pritded , Coalatat, • - Versant, llirtief. fUrond LOtires, Athaevdef, Plaid Week m.,l' fhldtad I.Btons, Bleak FAltrroldeted • do; taw.. Scarf do. Ved .. hr 0_.Y17 4..t - Tiabi 7 .ll 1.7 robot., • Dual dewlrehle ...de I, furbitler tatia, ree , al, and tom opening by A hlAOOle .441. X), 42471 i _,,,,42115.1!1% al 1 !1 1t t 'l e n . 4 1 • n O ' si 7 " Putt, 7'lll l [l7 . t.reetb - ono Coon l eototed, 'o ' er taz p tea ' s, and this openitl by A A ew. Al AhON A .0 PIECFS Mae. Pint, Otte& ai a Corn Caddied lleetnes, tae'd per esteem. and non opedlinepy.., may!: A A 1,11_4?..11 , 1 A o A. MASON a. Cl) no this day Cc '0 p 10 pto (t. _7lOOll I_llaelt CO do T.blne thlt 10 pea Idl Id pet 11 . 1 Inch do; tpc , 12.4 rob i do; add 4 pieta _ynayllo MEM doe lAdte S. WIWI% eutotnit tnr, all : 1k" 1.4 dot tiunted do Y-5 dOO .10 • ddo coled clute..d tha Coy la o A A MA or •sON Aet) C` Vavkrl .l molt) I iAMtillff :I g?Tr. rll 1.1010 rev, nt die e't Iresac low pr. et 01'1•21.. vird. ma • A A MAI.-011CiC • Irish. and Drown Linen. • • • ebo pre 3-4 end 2 , 16 pee 4.4 Ittown Linenci 'tabFez Grim'. bar klay'n, nod..Alaxender's toper,. 14.44MACWraeW4pontarts by.. • •; mart A A 31AttV , r1 I resit Arrival of Dry Googis. . W 44 arc now teccietnellit,emilltifionatoodr flock ofte. ptitiaatml Bummer Dry Goods, and are , pra- Ittced•la orfcr an radiant amoreardit at Our aerial low pricer ref cm h, at approved , Tan attention of ...dent umbers VI particalatly yrc• quested to our coeds, 14 we feel ronbdent of being able to tire mammal mettraments to make a hlit with : Or Doll and czar:dna at nay ran. ' 5/1/0314414T3' WIIITC t . Ittl • tow atarket licroket, (ear Libttcy,) 4..0 ANIRRICAN, 11N :1.1611. Aril) GERMAN FANCY Li 00 UN I 110SIEllY, 1111.1[10N3, I. A 1: ()LOVES, Ttlitt:Aut4. ei.olllll, nurroNs, SUE br.etr,, Ac. Ater, Satin and t.anar , Ve•ti maga, MAC): :141).VAINI.Ili SILK. CRAY ATD, llAril/ANNA,Itnd LINEN a gr.:demi s sortment ul r.'IL:46, and every vane of ltitnimuse. •rdi ' 1:114/11/4AL• •. .143 No 41 Rood moo,. • CANES plain and hytited Defeo de Lain•, liseert• rAI cuter, !art received, and selliAs et very low mayrh A A Al AAON k. CO pll*lat SI. R. Rslslssi en Clones •do; L 39 its gto dni 115 casks Zaolo-Currants; 15 4olas 1 , ...,55'5101/Is; 15 do Rrosll 19u05 IS do Isllliests; list do ro. Nuts .0.. .r.L.::71.,L71,..A„Ty; , 5 rasps I,isoolo . si In 51 Prlnclino it 11000110 Cigars; IRO Do !Ulf Soanisb; 3 bss Cloves; Y Stilt NtittlsrFs; 3 ecroons holigui 23 essOn Lemon Syrup; 23 c .,,... 1...m1,54100C 10 nor. Toeunto at Ground taco. ul all k Intl, 40 Wares powdesod sod lo•ISogns; 9 hhdo 510.1110ri . to NIA vibionsi LAWS - (all enlorod Laiirtts received •ind now o opepatr,,,Calltg at me citrenic pr . ten of c per parii laya3 A A ii(AltiUil h. 10 CASIN fail colored (tit ghnnii, reed, a/ at tit ern. per )atil AA hi &Si (..`0 inskyail etlAtrirkot •t ------- Ii•EATIIEIGA-311 boas now on band, for rale: by A. pItS IrtAle II 1/10:1:1.. il• t'lf , :! morals ou bond. tier solo- 1, 1 . -- (.3f it.. t t G r'''.6 ..,_- . 11.1211A1f IlliliblY..t.(l C B "LS- ' ;171c ','k' S I ;7X:derv, t-arks elder; 4 rat IL s al .011 rd, nowlending. for t slob) Jett, lartloll 11 GaltlY.. GO '4lel aleblear Od ere r S 'i'lll'' 4 'VI ‘41.1' 011.-1 1:15.1 y eals unbleae l led do ye Ituo eels WI; - 12.0 no I 0 WAChed toll; • • ben gulf 1Q 'V. 40001 W14‘11:1 Oil, ill 0101 r rind fOtr,isrntibl, p, RICK; rsns Olt; Illi do 171 I.lberly .1. . .._— Tr...lit:Got illl.--oln , g.tlt e bro d wn ni 00101, 10 n,lo, 15 I,lls remmon (el, ,0 '03040 to snit, I.r Irke 5111,1X.11 .5, 1114:14.111' Soot -,-.:, GGsi•altoL--4U 5t on r enonnienont .o.n:it:sir - - 0 let s , . - . 5111.1.1111 0 111(1aIsllnflet , F L" '.• ' illanl.:lllAVVlll . l%V. s t fr. CO IrIO . 27:r Itl Al•rket st - - . . . ... - • ' Illria. , Tea. • R-EOGIVFJI at the Pulobtrob Fatally Grocery and Yen Warcliresa - 5 bl ',learn el:to bonotne. Cllc tear.... le 9 05 paper 5 do Closlon rets . eboant leas in Not Ilopenr, 5 ,In do slo de 7 05' Tlic above celebrated 111,01 t Tons ern' r do; reoved duce; 1, uar Ma importer 0, and will be 0014'101 top 0/1 ,bry Lt, baymobosed in Ow rest, ante the arldinon of holgsobolosabt or relall, by • • . , WAI A. 111c01.1/Rtifc CO jel2 . __, _ _ 1156 lolny sa I, AP1....}.-A tplendol astornudnl, of toy, own 11507. • Oboe, stotaysieuts every sionotir, !octal.. by _ 1 ,42 I _.,„._ ..-. - -._ - -•!. I.! . .l A 'lr lt . (1..1115111*-..-oogrOOSs lalCill , iltyk.lllolley 1•01111., .. , l';. OEII an roddlog dai . . blaress du side do; ' 10grost Siamese yocketernbs.foroslety jell/ , ~ , ..... '_, _ I_ ,_ _Cll YAtilOll.- 1_11.51t11(1 , 1111 'ASI4:I I TB OF' NA.TGR 1".-iTo - tro'. 1 . .i.i. 4104 bi Mrs,anbipi. 2 vole,2reo. For sale by'. 1 , 4 g ,. ' 1.1 V LOCKWOOD onsortrooot of Pol%bool 41,3,1 GOVE WN-111f - N 11111 l PtIOPOSALB'VOIe. A lapAN• lot the 111 eleventh soil twellih .reihnt of the A, rt 0(4,. "A eitipplernot to In Am eimtled on AM codmem a Vnktne ..'eged -and to (meld:. Int• .Ib* C o.4 mmpn rensin to of the debt of. le. wealth nod to atitheriee . loan,” approved ,he IS th to negottme• a [Dap ter the lam p 1 Three Millions Three Ilamileed Thousand . Deism, .reelerinstild to thins feel" from the dote of the milmeription. dancer. et r.e of tomest hot exceeding font per enigma per minion payable In gold end' Silver, eeret.enenill , open me GM days of Pebraety and Reg.. of'esoll tear. .ad etenipt from creel Mweig.g. Nonce, that proems!. for geed loan will Va. meeoed. shall lie published to at lent one newspapheroes. of er in the Ilerriebaek,' In the omen' of l'insbereb , Lenges., and Philadelphia, and in the eitice ol New took, Bosom and' Beldame, fur • pln !ben ibece menthe before the opening of mid proposals and by 'mot elsewhere It deemed nicessaryoind upon the der amide:id to'for.dietoulpose; ah the proposal* shalt be opened lathe . prg semen 01th. Governor, the Secretary of Commenwe.lN and AMMO' General, and the lean shall be installed to the highest bidder. 0, bidden. If tbo eguount:of the bids shall exceed the sum of the said loan the same shall he if pro rota lamented the hitchers bid- dam, but if thetwhola of. !aid losn.shall not then be liken the Goscrhor may renew nonce. in do manner Aforesaid, from time to tone, till the whole'emono of said hien shall be subeettloiL Na condnal bids shill be consideted; and upon vending see loom, or any part thereeficeniamens with commis fpr the int/reefs shall, be. mood . therefor rly the Analior General. ' Similes IL If the 'aid loon shalt be autteribed, shell be and. ills hereby.appeopriated (or the payment and ergingitietanint Of the fended debt of this Com. nonmetal, ease. due, Or to becomadm, Moine the year age doomed eight bundled and filly, and for the payment of the mon of nighty . fore tholitanal died and four doltars.and mighty eight mina, dee to dommtie eredlows. In puretanee of the provisions- atotemid, notice to hereby %M oe, the propagate will be Moe:red. ed the alien of the Sec n retary of the Commonwealth until 4 o'clock •P:fd; of Tonality. the 'first dicy of October nett,stipuletingSor • loan to the Common...llh, for porpoise vet forth in the mild me. of the %um of three miliionethree hundred thotsmoddoliwredeemi ohle In thirty yeses from the data of the eatiseriPtlan thereof, at ft no of Interest COI exceeding roar per cunt per. pelahle iirgekl` audmillver, semi oopen the first dityg of Pebreerpoind Miguel of guieti yen, altd etcokt Omit miry speelm of =- Mir. Gettif ,tibeates of stock for the said lima, with coupons the intereht will be Indedin thessual 'tenser and node UMllikiobl4bY the mows, on she booksar the Auditor Gineral's Department. • VI, proposals will be required to [tato bapiletly the amount offered, which shall not Ll 2 any gage he lets ,hen one thousand dollen, therm? of Interest not el reeding ghtrr.per rea; thapremiemytiopose. The . ..tete rererves the right to aceept whole o any rill oft he sum offered aulasstho roposids stlyu r led• tools igmt s most be direct and explicit., No PA,Pokals wlll ba'eicel•ed. • .ron the acceptance-Of too plopoaals, the money mold be paid into the Stole Tnasttryinsueh manner ibali be directed by the GOI*IIIOOI. Certificates ot stock will bo issued- la sack amoants as mrty be reqc.ted by tbe. Too proposals to. bo dlwated,'erwler Md. to this othce, endorsed, "Proposals for:Loan.” .They di :b Lot . opened or ditelosed until the peeled for reeele. mg them hag glapied; after tehielruo alteration In the must will be admitted. „ Alb Rl49ELL,9ecrelary.or the Combh. Be emiarratabes,llarnabota, yene bib, icla:dltairania • • • RILSOIXTI O I I f neihnTlVl TO Mt antENDYWIT OP,Talt c, sTrrUrloS. fenwmO dssombly ecierrThrit - I.lettstiloboo' of this Cotwonot, wealth be thheenthod *o the second weetionef Oh V that it shell read ge Platen TitsJudgea oflbe &Verne Conti of the lonia] Courb Ccenerino elevi nod or eoch other ' Coors of Record ea era ett WWI be retehl tatted bylaw, • Sod be sleeted . by the ouslifed electors of art Commou errablit in the nwer Wowing, b WIC • The Jaya of the' heroes:at Court, by the guelifted elenton Of.the wealth allow; the rresadent .311dires of the several Courts cdTworew P1.5.,11.64 of Welk oibtreoarla of &nerd as He or shall be establehed by law, and ell tuber Judges tat:lotted Id Ed berated in Ow levy, by the ionalified electors of the . 1 reatteettre dirieleta doer whsbh they Ire to pr or set is Judget; and the Aworiate hulgya °Gibe Court. of Cynerow new . tht 4=101.1 electors of the wunliwi rerterelleely. The lode,' of the Soper.. Court 'shah , bolt • thetroflr • fir the term or ette.o yutith tin ate' ; bd. , * themselen Intl, (subject ta the ellotowt • ittralaatter pro , • retied Ls, seltwegeen , to rho full eteetsenty Ole grelident , Judges a th. several Cowls or Cenatenet Chas. and ntauth, other Coortworllererd le hie ho be alibligied by low sod stt other Judnen wqmirol to let Waned in the lusetalL hold their . frtee for the urn of ten yew" If they [h f l ling of thentialow waft the at word , "tiodre of Cot • Courts of Comte., three 0.03 hold theanrises for tee, teem or Ire ye-whit" they dull so long behave thenntehn well el of icsise shall be ,townisitioned ItY'etta Iliwereor, bin for antreyntikee MIX wltveh kali we be eadhcient grounds fre ire penthment, ll / Gkoveroor shill reuene , of tht ea the widens: of twatialnreof seek !WWI of the liegistelow, The Ant election ehall ..talt place at the rooral election, of tho Cowdoewcalth , an., the ado, ton ofs wneadment, end. eta tecaplunicart Of wit the 'Jury. solo se t t, le then lo t Cam .411 ...hire on the first monde! of no , thrtturviny, when the tarots oftlot Dew Judge. shall - etetonetteot Th.. v.*. sball tn.. b. eler tea Judges of the erre am Court •1011. held their es One of thew Cortyiarsione gig vtirs, toe for forty years, cos for twelve rfrov. 04 "cp. film! oiti - . v o n of each to be etrided by„lct. 10f Oh, n s.'nid, Judpe, trie d ater the tiert-tecetistnent,no.d than railed c• runed by Oven lo the.l.l.lmnstrOluellbss eplcul!..imuyl may be on accoNsure 'thereto. 'Tfeltidge 'show witwetwon fast-Itt ehelltbe Chiedaetelideneg ot term,col thcrta2er contaJazlge whose weaunisaio st, hall ; i sm t epos then tdre berbeChief s a me if f stibe isms .mac doll expire cat the same day, the Jodin. loddia.g. them , ettelt deride 111.191 Ju•lite: • iktri rk[ll3.6...bsppen hief akrbyteatts, res;Kunalooi'vr whoe/see, its, any of the east ewes, t im e loun loeoe d by ap' yalintreent 117 Giteereor, postinue the fint Moro day of December wrongdoer tbeetrat gaunt ehrtioo. The kiwi,. of the Supeww• Cetutind the Presidenta of• t savant Covets of Connate rlta#l.4lo.(.4.l , ta.,.rcerc, for litclr intrires tu editydali ortutpco‘stioni thho Wolk by leer, vitocls tud he dionstushed.derntrthac ennloontimr Wadi . , but they stones - chive bra few or luttpt sites of trEce, nor bold soya/Aber - 4km of yeeftterediritlit thoenoestealtli; or ender ths goreaweetet tlut,lfutted, SU^ oo soy other. , :gate a Ha. Unbolt. The roles of the Soetcpc I"nu.; during their auntiosieontle offiret sltall 'fluid. within' ittir' , i;cortmettwoCtltt .a the rubes Jurgeltderjugtheiratootxlm sore ace; shall riiblewliltitithe'distriet in em for shish they wore respeetwely sdededi • • bIeCALItON,T, Speaker of the Stowe F•of - onejnorwhdolniril tertifylat.nOrocrt•b/r.1.1.10,400 00. 10 oo wie Yew. of iin,preser .I.toolutier ntailto to= ounitolowist Elf lb. Comeittriba," soma reeeduliea whirl "OM otaw. jt., .4 - Om mostion io rist, Horn of the lait Lel:skier,— oft Wit Inns date . odordertele . tH w..ed, woe Hoe dr scrod to by,• majority of Ott. oirolooro elooleft.l sod opervink so Ili. Senili or Yosinelleaaia, at its rrirstreemili, me d wlll.oproor votes - tiOn , He . final purge of Hie o> tip,. • ; Thor ootitig rwior of 11H Innoit OrtherieileWleeireie, H. Joon 8r00k...J. Porter Sitottey,. WirisoO/e. CAM, Joinihao J. Coonioginmelloncon S. Fenno, Tynan, U. ninth, - Muir Polite', HA.) W. Trick, finny Folferci, Job. W,/:on. ,WilWmßulny lair Hesse, Timonn 11n, Joihr Y. Joon, Joreph Hartman . ... (How Y.. I ',newel, Mormon HeCaolia; Bre ) osoili Hohloolowx, *Harr Y..Taelier, id HeOtelt rH.6 ,1 2. , YoCau , litomerAtorinillsionott, Doom Htilit"Frokell.Hirron, Jobe, 11. Welyer, rid iialliiroa Tlion . eon's gone( monis o the rowiet rt wo were, Urine Mien, Armin. elto, Lod lice . cia). 3. "Hewn' firm McJoino4.) — B/1.14t W. rAtcsor. cwt.' in nu I.lorsc Ellernsannnints, g 'lltrtrin• Mintiftlaj • .1, Willis. Jack, akar COPY of thr Jinnw of linpn g " 71:11.1rat Ztlin; Lan o u s I " on ' s• Jonnol'of ths 'remit andoO4 wslifloi:"Datita - t Intim rebuts to ths amendment of the OnstituiJors."—it lain; the nun mainline nplikh was agreed 10 by aajar - 0i of Om anuttberf.eJecin leach tialtsa,o(Nhalma.Largianj lot --man nein hen day naslancel apd d maned, 7, thin Car...Ca t t bra na)orily_erf int menthes Tarried ' :and sitting F i n n .ein nif llannentainra nfir . Onalftl non al 'lts amain. as will aypear hy rotes.t ,inn thy final pasta,. or thstraiolninn • Thai. Tang in (nor gin parnge of Ow cenobitic* went,; Jun Acker, Yolin ATGu6,ATtdna Wer,llikare Dahlw e, • Derd J Cent, Cent, Jidemin Jena Dowels, W Minns Britain, [Panel 11. B. Drone, Jesse 11., Itturata,26. freirf . Clncli, Inn N. coiligltaro,ll. Banner .Crialland, &Akan. Or Dank, Wiliam. J. Dol. Use, Jinn 1' Downtr, Thomas Diarmill,Willa F k fl Duon, L %Vann Parry, John O..Evain;Wlllliti . Rant I-Of t Akmatolar B.Foaltar, Jane Flowers, Benja se min P. F. Forme, k kinder °Oniony, That= Greer, Joph Geialm Joseph Dieffey, Jacob at Badman nane Leffeet Hart, John findings . William I .l l maphill, John 'lodge, Deny Lorwitellerton; W akingtonJ. Jsctostaa, Japea John W. Killingtr,.Chatlea j k„ If talon, Onberl o n lierriaen Leech, Jeutc,tin D. tact, ...arlanaled,lansnJAherls, Henri Jona 11, orCliio34,2olv, 111:1,1,th.,A1...kr, 111 . 1.4nu1e. Jon la %an. him, Join bamuel Mars, Jun 11 &leek, Michael Mayers Jotn Miller, Sompli 11,1nerit, T..hltrinej Ite.hwel-; Motor. Ellned ri telefoon, J enotilk Nay, Charles ONeill, John If toed,. JUnph C stews.; J inn B. Jon B. lawiellolmen. Duna annown,. Jahn B. Rather- ' toed tlien.i W. de01.14, Thos. C. Snake, William I tiha Ron, Tiklmrd 1411 DUGAN Nit Dlion • Smith,' W A. /inn, Amami IIL Porn Ultima snider. Thorsen C. Steel, Don Steno& Chain llteckaNll. li nun C. Trona, Andlew Wadi, Deafen C. Wain, Thomas as 1401,e7 B. Men*. Ilicasa -A. tWillianekt 11.0101 Zet key, and Joliet B.latCalownt,Spnakel—Yeatel37„ Then Cnting ars,o4 the railasc of the nailution were, Augnnes li.Cannagtlhod awl, lenses M. r,,tor- 1 ?"'.11.0 't'd2inVll3.latit, .°"uey aco..denw.ith A W. 6E:4 EDICT, DO. • ftwirt•vas , ldu t..111. , hat the abets and.fortpaing is s .1 rr.rl .0, of the critical resolutioa of the C.:tarsal At. 0.00. ...nestled Itreolutiost Madre to an s*ndmrarof net co st.tcuon," sa,the lams rtmatcs la facia th so ,• lc tretimerst nohw(' I hats isersuatn, ert sly t• hard, sod mord to triitrtstd'llle ;sal of fhittri.rs ---.. 1.1,0 On., ea 11.740acrt. alto Etsentloday.'ol Jung tt.smscs rine st.nit e , aht ik ^wired ortal , AI. HU St*F.s..L, eserrtary ecamocstaa th; * . • IP:XTRA FAMILY . PLOUil.' 11R Pa , onar‘lenion of the onigenspihe propPlelora F of• ,he nusbwo co Mille . beeepteeeAber, fu the reception 91 oders etiltn (allowing pUitego— .i A. 11 pet A. corner of Sixth Erni oodm rhe. Al 1141,110 J, shoo Mole, a0r.L44 , 11 k,kbakei.ets... A !Salon, store,•Taild 14(cel. I I. \C AC.. ir.. 411%40.4.V 14,1110: k V emna , span, corner 111ge.k.:Vis be. del. • Tellntgapll lane, roach sirent. C poet... Fifth gt;enmeg orMaggetallgY al 'iglus...l.m, Digna Wad. • doer waggons will tall twite 4it thrice claol for ooleisonal litedOMNlFA.Z•elieeteartnertfi r,rith ‘ r is barrel• soeter-vtgkileur, preferatOe toctototli use--7i.teoot chute for c a rt a ge It is plain that ia arcoonts ear, be ultoltedietne . Ifralt drivels ',id barb Do pe neiseem teeee.fterleobim , P . Y ° ".lt hope the public will be pic a . ga at - We moan. N juslactg " Ta 7. 42"." " .h.11d1117!IiiilT11 tr. OLL E. • ktpe Sods A LitSIOD irz op. Pools: 22 de • do:• 1 • q bele, Leriton Fxrup, wade (rpm pore lemur lune Just 3Calired ll leolV2,ls2 & R icKersoN Jeld No; 294. MEDICAL PEI,OCLiAnd ATIOnI. KNOW an men who ate sir k nnil'allgeded.withilis easenf the bladder inid_Ridente."'ne ehearnetle paler en Darter bi, obl voter,' clinnin!F • he. Mat they can be eared by tektite the Fe noisome , Vim may talli. about it being a titetNut as much a- yen (Irene, Manna dom.:tot mate it to far we proclaim in Me faceef an hornet community: that it has virtues which rlie nut contained' any °OW ' rem ed y,. The mee why is racked with pain and suf. term' nom ithcaia. confer fifty cent, get relielfrern any (tithe ill, enenmaritcd above.. Reside, it costs caw Belo le make.% trial. This Crtnaleten is no mix ture—no comymod, put hp for the pathetic of impovinC 4 on the community; but it is a remedy elaborated by the master hamlet emery, and hithblesep nem the be aom door Weber earth In its or purity, and °l ron to sogeting lintrianO , a ready remedy; a e.t.a , . nad cheap cum. It haamthed,fhles Oar. othermeilicinea bows laded • to rendir any relief. It hs•eurod Illimmtatine of long standing, and of thenrorst and most painful chatertet • It has cured Cholera Mottles by one er two doses; it boa cured old eases of :Mershon, A so l oc al ew very other reWady bar been 0(00 avail. - sa o remedy in horns and teal.* Cu is better than any Medical eom potted or ointment that we knower in eeM him!. or frosted Met, Itt • for. applinnuons; nndoubb leetheeek Canne fitraished Of tbeWnth cont•ined In the above natemenr by.calling on Samuel hl. 81er, Canal Basin, Ith street: or either of the egetsm. Keyser McDowell,. corner of Wood street and Virgin AllepltilFrAtnetihV Wriedettel, Ayta but &D. PI. Curry, /Ulcghemo city, ar e the agents. Ithfil - pAong *wig AD I The matt trapotterit • Date ov oo eh ha. eordl—Sure Remedy for the Piles' DR. a Pi SHOWNS celebrated External.Joacti elm litemedy_fot Alas already proved' Itself to be the Suns cure ever presented to the public. Since the discovery of this valuable medic be, and the large number of extreme eases with which DrAlrown has treateil, no one hue failed to be entirely cured. Unlike gm rasiny heading balms °Mat, altar months and years herexpmenin ha. too often left the patient whe they commence. or worse: but; alter or few days 'ill 4cciae.lhe roue by eirectiVE WlT'Cr'rinems,lll2ll not erder Iran laboreti -* to prove my inedielne: I introduce it upon ita . ite, by ha effect I intend it ulna stand or fall. that lantbtome disuase,the EILFZ, to the .raw dollars, I mut Oa nose , with von. • I 'DR. D P BROWN, .t nn Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. V: Bold wholeinfei and retail .by. E SELLERS sr Wood xt. Oa Wu or sum Sanaa, VT= SesefolaVr Ktnes' Rail; Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous EMMA., Pimples or Postale/with° Pace, Blotchea,;lliles, Chronic Sara Ryan, Rhur Wort , or Tatter, Scald Head, Enlargement end Pain of the Bones And Joints, Stubbs . .Ulcers, .Byphiltio , • Symptom', Stiatien Lulelingo,-ond direases arising from in initulicions use or Metcury, An rites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; ' Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, he. Thlimetheinei has ncipiired Avery. extended 'establirhed reputation _whatever it has been used,. based entirely on its own merits, which Its imparter; • efficacy alone surtained.. The unfortunate metier bf hereditary:diasass, with swrolisa glands.,contracird Meters, and lanes boll carious, kas been testoted to health and vigor. The Fe/031one patient, covered with 'Alms, loathsome .lom.lt and his attendants Las been triada. whole. Hundreds cf persons. who tog tone maks rataassas and glandular_ drror,lers,.ohronle . rlicumanent, and twiny other complain/slate/int front n de/an/cream of the reeretive canons and the circulation, have been caned as 1a weinfrow/he rack. of disease, end now, with ',regent:mad constinition, gladly testify to the efficacy of this inestimable preparation. "TRUTH ITSTRANGLit THAN FICTiON.. TIM altentioOf the reader Mulled loth° following astonishing sure, effected by the are of Sturdsl Rama _ uThis la toenail's , that I have a eoloredwoman who has elatefili eta for the lost five years with Hvofula, nd ill the temedleal used had no cirri in ammtung . the Mrogress ol -the somplo.int; on the contrary,she , corenantly goofy scone; and after expending between • , • 499. 0.1.413 t shit physioi.s, . s t i l l norm whew • 'popular tcrocdies 1411100,sec cres. tl the diseare.bart .- • eased - away , the carUlage.or fail - nose, mails Its op: pearaWoooOtatlonf hll , O Of 110 r h0,131,010111 101 f 1 1 111 T.. - • edmolioneed'ill tivagefitithe rent ot berinouth ' ' • , „ .sI4 Cd•.!Headful anuation. whhe ymnpect e. • ' death staring het to.the• faee,l mated. ter ease to Dr ' • DimgwaY , the agent for Sands' Harmparilla in New. , • , beraffi.C., by . ,Wboni I was advised to ii.e that article and th my surprise and that o(my neighbors,to whom her ease woe: known, after using tone and a bell bet, • ', • .t 1 et oho woo resMrtd to perfect bralthotedthat in the' pace , of. three weekTuld was a hie to work in two - r weet6s from Mali= t e gagmenrc4 taking it ... , s c r e am itness of' the mob Of lids statern.t. ' ° Mfiled My . nat., this 19th day of September, 1164,4.i't . itc JOSErit f-Ncure Dl lliver,,CeCOTTL.Bon no. N. C. . , .. '*h orav • 3 ,• - 3 .- '• BORE THROAT: • • ' . 'llie folk Wing is n.e ezrotot from .• letter, melee* • 4am PI f0.1149.,.iteit had becaallactul several. prate with &Mishits% Ulcers, Dyspcpsts,-Ae.,and reeentSl ...Osman Of the.thront.nud ekes.,, • : I ' - • -- " _'.'"Usirmaatroa, Va., Ded.13.1515. - I.losts. A. B. D. Sands .;-Defore Fotonatteitart• ,• mgt ynnr..ttassaparilla, my suffernv,s wens almost, . twt erpresSloo,' toy thrbat wan completely 111Ccrule a, - t had a dreadful onset, and there were ft-retiredly • - weetirtosether that I mould yotryperstabove a chi. • per, andt4sl.loo, the Vilommailori from my tlcrom eV tended tortly,bend,•so that my hra ring wr.svery maids . ,• impaAcd. "After mking the Samara rola a sheet time, joy 11191 Wait hoproved; and My tli-oht is now-well; " Lams tree! d, a cough nail tigliniels Of..ll4obbtal as .• .:, • - are. oriocarla can hear quite distinctly. My throat. bas been tell- arroat- Mks , months; the'eurcer which' •- ' ' hos beerverected entirely by !bon,* of yCuf t6arla._ • , parillt. 'Tear (Heed, ' r...GUISA IL III:VAN , - • The dillowingdesilmonial to Mt *Chord' Shorter:qt. Pull*, ja Mom tbedier Luther Wright,nre.l76,yean, • . . Congregatielliffilielatcr, middling at Vtolmre. " I • ..,. 3. ,• .. .66%11'0ne-0,4116a5., March qtr,lStE. .-011esers. Saridsi Clectioneo--Frons what 1 havens, . . perieneed&and.f.ron,ulsho ber jilfltert.ll,:tyliaovierreecenetrlt tlUytt, ave. used yoti r Sann,parilla . ,l, have not the lend dimbr hut that dlo ammo% valumbl o medicine', ' ' and 349,09•01150cr.• .eertificattayon have TOCCIOOC • Of,llo,ClthChey too (oily pertained by.eXperience, and anionic% Its repstsiden and wilily aro very eitn-orive, andiet.din no mato! my hunable-efi r cnis to Increase tkom,l Want all who me alflicted by disease to he. Mime, acquainted with the elfie.y mid power of yosir p. :l, .17 gehtlented,,irt6efoiLt.4l.7 . ..y . , ,or i fig , 1t".4,...4i-.1; tot ' , ' wholesale sail retell. by A. 13, 46 . D. SA DR.. Dmggists fthd Chemists, 100 Fulton street, 'cornt of. William, New lurk.. SAM -also by • Drug- . gists gendallyihrovhem the Onitml.Steteo Ana Cars, . I%i trO,Ste.!NrtiItWirb.I.6.TRINIZSTOCE • . A CO.! and LDWARD Ph:NI:M:111CH, Pittoturgh. Al. .r. hr , no, P.. fottrrst thidr....v.. ' lau2SesedSswir ' ' .—iflitaltit9llll.4.l'6ll.lf 1111S.101111-ketlial• - • Tllb AMEHICAN HRH U.MAT IC ,114s.LS A Mil ~ rk NtHe'reinedy lattly discoYeredie the Vegetablo I'l' Kingdont-a ore ~ .1 permanent tone for all • R".l'nl=tre'trl,4a.riV 4`c'ut.r „4 , m r ~,,i.i - , .L Illieumunom, Gust. Lumbago, •• ~ .• . ' :spinet Allectio.,Ac. ~ ,Thiariedleina has long been sought kir: lilies 'been, sold teat Rheasnatirm.could .tbe eared; boo there tat • a remedy designed by atom far thecae° 0: COCll l dis , clue Mu the hell3olllllllolll It Subject to. At last • te, toed,. bps ticen found abut mires Rheumatism of Me_ ••• wont form-t he e of the moat valuable vegetable pro, ductionn of the earth-the greatest and Mont lelpertent diaderery of the age, and a soorulerful blessing to the ... humostratallY. It cares wt bout sickening or debilita. Ong, net r.cars strength and' vlgoo to the whole rys- ' rem. It Ito, oared, 00clug the past thrrom.ths, once 100 eases Mu were considered ineorible- Gong...woof the curative. properti es of thls =mit , • nine rah be stn by calling Co the Agents. , .. „ • -None gennitnt unless pot up with an engraved label ' opar, dm °abide wrepper, Halted by the proprietor, It I WINI3t, Dulalo, N. Y. . sok by . .. , : ..' • 11. MISSED, I_ „ earner Third and Market V: Pittaberg,,,. , . , Pohl oleo by G. F. THOMAS, , , -••••• .- - - -Pie VD &fain et, Cincinnati.° - AI 41:019A.1.A11DLEATJUOIC/iL OHNICIII, .. . .. No. 41, DIAMOND ALLEY, a ' . • .. fete demo - ht 'trot World mixt, W r. 2 ,, ~..__,- ...; . ‘ llO1 ril l. a rSli t o WA, iidisi been t'4 4 .71 , .., o'. regalarlyedueated 10 the medical X7P-..! . pegcsaiony and heenforsons• tints.. ,• V ,', „ t ri,j 4 7q. \1,;".1....i1pn,L.ug., now rearms I inte r i t.•". Homo privai l e Ind 6 dclicortl ' ; o99- ''''6 - '4 , . - 'pliirtli, fair:Mel IA ennertannico " 0 , '. )fad.a.rmisttee pecalinili 1..117 ~. tam. 14 years assiduously,devomd mouldy dCfreatctotot of thdoe e ompl aintsMmta 2 llis , limo, lie hat.ttitd more tvetot,ce and has cured more par :cots:CLIO Cllll Cite fall 10 rho lot of 001 proralc parr • Utiori_ r) Impty-Vaes 'halt to offer turoninemi 01 00.64,Pernmnent, pod Satisfactory tare to all articled with,tholicata diseasszoind I.ll,dinSa.eo srtstng Mars, 8Rc..1 , 1 , VP r_DltlitlreeWoaldifilotstitheesilfileted with privets diseases 'which bele become chronic by time or ag- Elevated by the sae of soy of the costoomtiorirotet of thy dayl that their <omelet ros eau be retbralty nod diet; P_naltlY lured; be tiering given hisevreful totemic:, to tvetrestment ofmtelt moss, and succeeded in hundreds 0$ instances in coring perecuit of intlaminmoin CI the neck Of the budder, en 1 k i n d red disc R., which of tro testilt frtts tbore e A.R . trilefo , ntimrc ,have eeverted them to tvelet .1 dett.tor. Ile pattlesintlytorion nary a base been lora end it nen ere-efally treated by others t o ~,,,,,,,i z binc vim. VIC ry sat:max...lntl still be stern .111els,01111 their eater. trc died is x 17 nre,horotigh meg ~,tetheato msnitrrNointed Ott n lone experience, ady,sed loresuy,atlon,Wl.tch a mimpormble foe those w" 0 ,1 in roe's! practise of medicine to pee to erlferola or . Rooters —Or. grown also Invites Fars ens spieled ertth I lemis to call, as be has paid parts; 1 .I.R.Alll.l.WV:.l.ohltideei ;.". •••; - . , ~ . ts . • . : gate. Chlltri also II a, Palsy . , sta., apesolily tared 1 1 I Chet ei,Yery low, • -••- I 74. - Patients of enber.s. listing at a duintnee, by Gusting eir disease In writing, airing all the ref 1,111.• 1 L0M,1,1) obtain mettkisei with directions for use, by 1 ,0401..4 '4 7.../JUOWN, EL 11, post paid,and ermine, I iria a . ' - Of/Scottie. 61V. Illaosondalbry,opporlti the 11/overly 'lleum. • • . llQUWATlol.—Tir.ttrown4 newly diseoseretl rest. ..ly foe Ilbearmtirosi3l speedy end certain rtEr.,lly tot Oat PILTIII trouble. It never fell.. ~ , Othee e.d - Yriesto Csissulting RDOITIIIf No. f 5 Di.. deed al ey.fitittibargb, Pa. The Pectoris always - - home.' I ' , . , , ... - • •, .... .(NlOlin no sy, • De c. ~, Ist,.
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