THE PrITSBU GB GAZETTE. Contspondenee of the Phisburib Gasetts. Wasumates, June 6.1S:10. Sending by Telegraph -.Voting on the Compromise 13111—Soulher. Men Clo- TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1850. Ittg np their nanks—Geneva—World , s lizedbition at Loudon. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO IMEM=fI • IC?' Anontriirees are earnestly reqtenen to hand in /.7:1 1 • tied rime mill invariably he eh /Men emit ordered out ♦ntlmuonlc and Whig Ziominationa. TOR TUTS, SECOND CONGRESS, I'-130MAS .M. HOWE. CT 11-LlallafT. T‘ll SCCOTO IMMON, Tltttn TIIIST 11A11.31AR. CT rrnstriNtt TOE CVCATt JAMES CAROTHERS Cr WILE IN, rol ASSEICIILT. 130313 AN ROBERTSON, Pitisbnagh. T. 3. BIOHANI, Lower St Clair. R. C. WALUER. nizobtth . JOKY JAMES Snowden. TittlirCTlSlG AS/VISIT, FRANCIS C. FLANEOL4, Pluabargh. BOYLF, North Fayette VIAL FLYNN, Lower SL Cleir. C . 40 , 11f rams D. N. COURTNEY, Ohio. rirSEE VEST PAOR FOR LOCAL -MATTER° - BINGHAM'S GLAND FLORAL BONGEMS.-MS. Ring-, barn will repeat bin grand Floral Concert thin even ing, to give an opportunity to, all our citizens to squad thin delightfol 'musical exhibition, In which three hundred of the children rind young ladles at- tending our Schools take a part. Beside the • pleasure to be nfloitlcil by the exhibition, our cab neon should feel n pride and duty ni encouraging a musical taste among our own ehddren, and should therefore cheer their young hearts by their presence. Tar HISSITFILLO HAIL Reau.—The serious ef fect this Fejt& will have upon the welfare of Pittsburgh, should it • ever be carried out. will at tract a large gathering at the Beard •of Trade RoOrne, this evening. We presume a Committee will he railed to Investigate the subject, and to watchover the interests of Pittsburgh, in the pre - sniper. Oboerso a iiirpoSitiort, to sumo quarter!, to blame the Governor, and to attribute to him Im proper motives. This is wrong. We cannot ex pect the Governor of the whole State to watch over our especial interests, to the disparagement or neglect et other section.. We presume if any opposition had been made to thin project, from W. city—it a remonstrance had been presented, ahoy ing tts injurious effects upon our interests, and properly . representing its great injoatice to us and to the interests of the State at large, he weld have interposed to prevent its parsarc. But as it time to tint without a acrd of dinent from soy quarter, it could hardly he expected that he ahould volunteer es the especial guardian or our inter. rests, which appear to holm berrto etraegely neg.. teeted by cur p,..epresient It tt clipped through both houses without its tree, casracter being dia. covered by our vigilant Representatives and Set atom it is not likely the Governor would discos. Pr it in a runs .3 of legislation embracing some eight hundred to one thoueard different subjects. • It would he iatereatiag to hear what on: repro arecr,iivcs have an ear in apology for their nape. reaVearc.:ce•aers lazg'.ect. hi,. Do MO, we Ire ticer, is cut at home, rod the other members live in the .entry. We suf4:GTC we shall scion have what Information they can give on the eobject. , — We hope they wilt ho able to present u ealltfacto ly explecatien. P. s.—Wes learned, tile above was writ , ton, [Let .Mr. Barnes, one el the Engineers on the Central Road, has Leen granted leave of alaence for the purport at making eurscy• us lbe hemp. -SOd lion, and that the pe,iamt, or a similar one, ha, beta talked of for conic race, by some or the cm. errs of the Pennsylvania Rail 17.. e. The debate on Slavery in Congress appears to ;wrenching the culminating point. no excite• Tien La 'both Howes is inmse., and the voting his ~ortitaecCed in . the Se nete , exd wale...aerie° in the Houle to ay.. Lot as hope that the cause 'of human freedom and of national justice will be austained. We feel more =rimy about this. than hors of the safety of the Union. The Unit n issiae enough, hot there is denser that Nonhern .DoitaliTaces will yield to South= dictation, and tut= promise of Southern rotes for ante fa vorite =lndiana for the Presidency. We rejoice that PcnneFivania is cot wholly Tepnsented io the Senate. ale. Cooper bee eo fa, with =sly reei....ted ate Severy ex tending icalan:le,whiNe Air. Sturgeon he. as re. gularly and habitoall:,- =caged his 'rot; for S. veep, as.if be c. , el born in South Coro:lna, and be , littred Sfavcry to be a bleseed and dtvtue instia Vlt noLotstand that tbo raw Beater road for , this !ength 0r cnc mild acd a quarter, is finished, commencing at L2Flie'lf tun, and that the can• artet,ra are at work• on the Rail Road, at Enema . No. 7, on tho Narrow.. nave Vern on that road • will do well to recollect this. Those who have cone over the new toad say a is much rev-alder than the old. Cobs—Ottlelal Correspondenee. . The elThrial correatpondeceo in relation to Cabo Flu bccu publitbed., A pertwal of it will ccuvince any impartial min that the honor of our govern.- -Imer.t end the rights of ctie citrzene are perfectly safe in the handl of the ;.resent administration. • The only portionpf the correspondence wo deem • • necessary to rub!i4, is that referring to the pool. . - Sion taken by our. Government in regerd to the • prisoners in the bands 'el the Cohan 'authorities, which is as tellowit DZI,IVISILTZ CP STASI, Washington, /one, ISSO. TI,. Secre...y . n f State to .111 r. Campbell, Cowls! at . Memos • [Mr. Cloven instructs Mr. Campbell to impress • • upon the Count of Aloay, the distinction between • prisoners who Imre ounrinitted a crime, and those • captured under the appearance of an iMIaIIIIOI3, to causerie a crime.] • . • • The PresidentMeator to claim ,for the Ameri. eon occupants of theldezican b land, that they are . 'mot orctiap - or any crime, for which, Iv the lam of tiathsed nations lazy mould ‘ rueerdente. They laity hese been,ana probably were, guilty ofenmee (or which, this government ought, to geodiaith, to ruci.rh them underthesstrof Coupe( of April ,---- 20, ISIS. But supposing the factatelatlng to their • capture to be as they are repreacr.ted to CM, the President has resolved that the easter •crarit and shall protect them against any punishment but that • which the tribunals of their own nation may "Tell the. Count of Alroy to wend them home to euceknter a' punishment which if they arc hono rabic Man, will be wore than any he could inflict, in the indignant frowns and denunciations of good . . into, to th6r own country, for an attempt to rio late the cloth and honor of a Ration which holds ite character for integrity of more Caine and high er worth than taint., Amines together But tacit him It:their:est Inendly manner end the true spirit _ of our annicat treaty, that if he unjustly shedseme drop of American blood, at this rattling parial, it may coot the Into menu:. a I.guioetry woe." Mvartarin G 05117317,, ELECTION.—The 8010 malt , Americah table, rhonting inftmal ly the vide car at the-recent election 'for and a gaited callings convention to amend the Consoto lion. The result iv .For a Convention, Agninun Convention ri Mrtjarity for a Coni.entlon`, Trte Taztre.—A Washington letter to the 11, .risburgh Inteltigencer sere "Mr. liamption, or the minority of the Committee of woy. and .Means, with the assistance ofhir,Meredith, end the Whi; members generally,. in preparing a Ind:I - bill, and so !Otis as titan to perfected it will be presented to theliouse." ,Licent.' —Tics sithjo;nctl extract or a letter from Ciorcencie Roberta, bf Libcrut, in Anew, G. of Sow Ttel, pol;titated 1,1 the Jour .. 'lath of COLLIZUCC, of that city, gives intctlligence of an icaporinnt tZlellsicon of the territory of the Afrtean republic, by which it will ho enabled to root otaJhe sin's . ° trade from the whole wiiidWard civil of Africa. The letter is dated, Monrovia, April . 'Ram happy , to inform yon that nothing has on. carred ray lag letter to You, to interrupt the treat progress of•GOr•pUb:i,: MEW,. By the Lax em PACIMt and barque Chirfiam, Mr. McLean seat tie annallnatount of funds, to aid-in the purchase of territory—rind which we have turned to good account. .Weliove just purchrded. three tracts of country its the ; neighborhood of Gallium, and p.m the . 6ratirapaltstent. . 1 um now about to visit Galli. sus myself, Co Conclude the purchase of that famous spot, and two other tract., which will give on all • the territory lyin; between our present northwest bUtradary line and the Bar, and which will enable at to extirpate, effectually, the slave trade from the whole wit:award coast. For Gallinas we Anti .• have to pay several thourand dollar; therefore we look wits deep concern (or astitthrow from /qr. McLean by the return packet." raCIN INABIIISGTON Your paper of Tuesday morning did not con tain tbe important despatch which - I prepared for You, and cu muted to the telegraph on Monday afternoon, relative to the important news of a dif. ficulty between the• United States and Spain. I toti informed by the operator here, that it was promptly transmitted to Brownsville, where it ar rived while the operator was at supper. lie probe. bly did not return from supper that night. We have had some mere voting in the Scouts to day on the omnibus bill. The pending propo sitions for the abolition of peon servitude in New Mexico, were rejected, not because the Senate did not think it a very bad regulation, but because it was obviously one of those things that could be best managed by the territorial legislature, hut par. ticulaily because it is manifestly an abuse which will disappear from before the face of American settlement and customs, as rapidly and as certainly as de ' before theStin. But Mr. Baldwin submit ted an amendment, the defeat of which was a mat ter of real consequence. lie proposed to recognize the existence of the Mexican laws is regards sta. very, as a means of determining what were those "constitutional riihts? which were guarded by an other portion of the bill. This motion was ket— ayes 23, noes Si. Dickinson, Cass, Sturgeon, Dodge, and Jones, of lowa, vaingagainst it. These men are earning for themselves a very full measure of contempt and hatred, and I have an a. biding confidence filet they will yet receive it. Towards the close of the sitting, Foote made a movement which I considered a pretty significant sign of a certain under current of management, which may have very signal results. Yesterday morning, Junes, of Tennessee, introduced into the House the Compromise Bill, word for word, with the exeeptiens of en alteration in the clause rela tive to slavery, and the substitution of the thirty fourth parallel of latitude for the thirty second, I. the dividing line between Tea. and New Mexico, I and made althorn, though earnest appeal for - hit Southern fricads: This afternoon, Foote intro- duced this identical amendment in the Senate, ta. that it In clear that he and Jones are acting in con cert, and that some progress has been made in drtiggooning into the support of the scheme,the im practicable portion of the Southern members. The Senate his given a solitary sign of grace in fixing upon an earlier hour of meeting. Eleven o'clock in the mining is now the appointed time for commencing business. Ten o'clock - WWI lost by a considerable majority, as "coming It a little too crone' fora beginning. The House will have another night sitting to get throughwith the speech- C 3 on the California Bill. Pie. Ewing and his able assistant, Mr. Kennedy, arc carrying forward the arrangement for common. ring the taking of the Census, with energy. A por tion of the new building of the Department is turn ed into a great warehouse for assorting and pack ing the immense piles of documents to be distribu ted to the Marshals. The contract for distributing them has been taken by Adams & Co., of New York, the well known Express firm. They are to be conveyed at the highest practicable rate of speed, from the Capital to the extremities of our magnifi cent empire. The documents are packed in tub &atonal wooden boxes, inttend of paper parcels. My estimate of the receipt and quantity of this matter was greatly underestimated the other day. he weight will exceed Sil,ntin pounds, that is to say, if the preliminary tables, blanks, and forms, sent out from the Office, without regard to that which will be returned, and to the general corres pondence. !have rereival some information in regard he World's Exhibition.4o be bold nt London, lane, thlt, which, I doubt nol, will Lc received by the Mechanics and Manufact ' iii.cos of Piusbur4 - h with interest. All articles noel:tiled for this vast emituopolitan fair will be admitted tree of duty, and will be exhibited without charge to the coast er; but to entitle them to this privilege they must hove the certificate or comp dm central author. Ay of the country in which they may have been produced. Our Government have appointed the National Institute as the common arbiter for the Ilt,ited States: That institution hoe delegated the very irapa-tant natter of forming rules to regulate the choice and tratsmission of articles to be int , warded from this country to a select committee, of which, t is reported, lion: M. Filltame, Vice Pres ident, is Chairman This Comouttee will appoint, or recommend the appointment of Sub Committees in the several States, from which it may be desired to send articles. . It la prohable that the Franklin institute, of Philadelphia, will be desi,--noted to ful fil this office for your Suite, and the National In stitute of Now York, fur that State. This great el ls:LAl= will be ungnestionably the greatest as semblage of the hind ever known, and almost one of the events of the figs.. icons: WA.msoT(\, June 8, 1569. The Wei. ther—The Texan Claim—Weir= Debate Is the ilotise—The Printing The weather is scum, very warm, aid dry, too. That I furnish you as nears, far a more obstinately met and said opting I never new, nor, it appears, has the oldest inhabitant. We had almost given up the hope or trimmer, as we bed all expectation of action, by Congress, open California, or any thing else. And acreingatar to the coincidence that upon the very first decidedly summer like day, the Senate gave as an earnest of their desire to get to .work, and on that day, too, the House held a long night session, preparatory to scene. next week, that ore expected to be a goad deal warmer thin even this weather, with Fahrenheit 91° lathe abide. ‘r.atestlay the Senate committed an elaborate palaver over the Texan claim to New Mexico, and the tree bcondary between the State aid the Territory. Mr. Clemens, of Alabama, had pro posed to recognize; as a matter of fact and princl• pie, the validity of the Texan claim to the Rio Greeds, feint its mouth to latitude thirty two North, bat after five hears most indttairions meat, the Senate decided, by 17 to 37, that It did not believe any thing of the kind. Bat no other vote wes taken, and to day, I suppose, the discus elan will be renewed. It is evident that the course to be pursued now iv, to permit the Glenda of the bill to have all the votes they want upon the details, so as to arrange them to their eatisfaction, god to revive the gen .eral debate open lt, when it shall be reported Goat the Committee of the 'Mille to the Senate. In pursuance of:this plat, we 'hall, no doubt, have, within these few dais ensuin g , 'a fell discussion of the indemnity to be 'paid to Texas for the reln gnialiment of hoe claims. And that will he very interesting, for it promises to be the rock open which the bill will split, should it escape every other danger. Several southern Stall/Ora, who aro said to approve the scheme in other respects, declare that they cannot consent to pay to Texas, Or any other &We, Inch a gratuity as le proposed. Possibly en amendateat MAY be adopted, whisk I onderstand'xeill be proposed, which will have a tendency to reconcile oppanentiron this partieelar elsitse. It is to provide, a one of the conditions, of the payment of this money, that Texas shall re lease the 'United States from all liability for her . State debt, ea it stood wises she came Into the, Tho tone of debate In the House, yesterday,' was very heated. I have seldom heard a more Litter, spiteful, and malignant speech, against-the free Suttee, thou the, of Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas. However, kin attack. upon Moan southern Whigs whit, like Edward Stanley, of North Grolier', has manifested his contempt for the Toombs and Cling man gong, upon one side, and the" bluer endera'' of tne Calhoun school, upon the other, was Almost eqUally envenomed, co that, althoegh the poison wy tot extracted from hit shafts, the fc.tbere that gaVe- it direction were. Noi content with ablurs 'rata n at the top of Moir voices, in the balls of Con;ress, there people must go into the new.- papers, and howl their dolorous, discontent there. The einfonuard e Father Ritchie teem, to get the most of nice° eoropliinente; Venable, Meade, Bart, and other totatrilincs, have lately given biro reach more than a due ,bare of attention. The fact is, that the owner ef the Union has too mock at stake, In the contrast for doing the public print. log, to take that puticelar " shoot,” which his In. cliolhons point to. Ho har,-it-i. true, written • letter In favor of the Nashville Convealion; that is to say, in laver of disunion upon condition. that til l supposes are inevitable, but, in hie pap,,, be Utica 011/0 to keep the gulden media utissino 0 , ' political trimmers, though he cannot quite conceal ki/pro 'livery iiitineta. He boa very large cams, in foci, iivo or three fortinesi dipending epee the mercy and fiSibeaiance, to say nothing of the fa vot ofCocgrosi. Let us hear any More tiradea, from that quarter, about the Infamy of Free Soil, the baseness of nonbern rout:cum, and other coined terms of reprobation, and then farewell to Hitehie's hopes of future profit. llama] be as near neutral sa ha can be, until She printing molter shall b. scaled, and then, or loon thereafter, he will Ws OCIIII6OII to show that there eras no need or the "Southern Prue." By the way; I perceive that Ellwood Fisher, spoken of as one of the edt. tors of thelatter, has returned to Waahlisgton. Mr: Hide, on Wednesday lut, gave an expla- nation orthe scandalous and impudent swindle by which $12,500 were filched from the Treasury . for the printing of the pamphlet containing the opts, lons'of the Supreme Court In the famous alien passenger cases. He did not mention the name of the robber, but he gave each a description that nobody doubted who was meant, and no body pre- tended to doubt, or could doubt, the truth al the accusation. There will be a splendid report upon this case, and It will be shown to be worms than any Cialphin cue under this, or even under the paid administration. Rums. WHOM ftIiCIAT YOUR. Corresponesnee of the Pittobargh Gazette. , Nov You, Jane 6, 1950. The Wading Men's Congress held its filet are. sins tut night,batdro nothing except manias. The movement among the mechanical laborers here, is very wide, and cannot fail to result in good to all concerned, and should not be stlguiatized so a racialistic or fourierius movement; for nothing can be farther from the fact. These labor maw' elation', at least the best of them, an farmed upon the modeler Odd Fellow and Temperaime lodges. Each member of a trade upon admhsOm to a so ciety, pays an of fro, and in case of sick. none or loss of work, receives a weekly:benefit.— Ho o also visited by a committee, and all'proper means are taken to secure the Society of wlurth he is a member from imposition. h this way, ma t.] aid is extended, and not only this, bat the vs societion is made useful In producing an elevation of the masses. Trade; Unions have never yet sacceeded in their object, and probably neve:will, but every tree friend of the working man moat hope that each associations so are now forming for the elevation of labor most thrive. Our city legislature is now In full operation and with mach success. Business Is dispatched with proper celerity, and the government made fair more efficient than under the old plan. The mean. berv,however, have got very hungry, and are af- ter the Insane. of the tea room, a municipal cat. ing house in hot bast. In all probability the eat ables will be forth coming, and the Aldermen once more keep open house- I believe it is a settled point that our "tea room suppers" and •alms have feels" on Suite eceaiiene, Cannot be rorpassed on the Continent. The mail news by the California steamship, la upon its lace favorable, at least the newspaper part, but they malt receives rather cold reception, ea it is a fact net :o be disputed,that editors or pa pers rather, have given them a large interest in all new cities or speculations that prowler, to [pay large profits. The private letterset more hope. ful in their tone, but these by no means make it certain that the average profits of mining are equal to the hestird the diggers run. The rate of interest continues low, and some large loans have been negotiated at the amen. price of three par cent per annum, a point not he• fore reached. ALI kinds of paper goes low, and seven per cent is rarely realized upon good names. The sales of United Slates Stocks are small.— United States 6Te 69's, sell at 1161. Reading Bonds '7l/ do 5t0c10,791. Eric Bonds 981. Penn sylvania fires 90) offered, and 979 asked. The sales of sound stocks are very small, this descrip tion of security being scarce and in demand. Litt weather is upon as, sad business percepts. Illy diminishes, so mock ea that the ware houses begin to be deserted and people on the wing for the watering places, many of which are now. in full bas. Newport, thee fa, taking the decided lead. • A suit, of interest to Insurance Companies In your Sum and Ohio, has just been decided bete. Our Cauca have decided that the Nimbus note. of Mutual (entrance Compaalea are as liable to taxation as houses and Liu. This dicision will add very largely to the taxable property, and have eject upon the aril assessment list. Some foreign companies Will Der be brought bale the paying :ist from which acy tare 1991 been ex. eluded. Henry O'Rielly hu just effected a combination of all the eta= under his control, in this oity,and hes established a centrag,Station at 181 Broadway, from whence dispatches can be sent to all puts of the USIIOII. The catetuy of Mr. 0R.., =- trusted with the fibberaldy of the owner of the Dui= Bail Liae, Mr. R. 0.7. Smith, Rives the best of the business to the new line. The eteamer to day, hemp the following date. Went as to the iron trade. I.•on—Them hu beep Icon do44r this week,nud with an order in hand ve eduld puritan both ham and mita, to day, at rather within our last quo. Wiens, though the largest makers do net now lower their pricer. Scotch Pig in more demand at 455. for 1,4g4 numbers at G!ugowi Swedes £ll II:Ire-CIS. Lud—The Refiners are buyers, R✓estpea both in begs and bble, ■t 30s. Markets Save hardly opened under the Steam er's news. Corn Is firmer to day, but raw porsens are Melia cd'to sell et a lower rate Man 10 eta. for all der ectiptions of yellow. Sala are 10,000 boob. mod of oblab, bomeoer, was sold.yesterday attentoos to ID, for good yellow. PJrk—ISO bble. Dieu sold at $10,55.mad Prime at 59,63. Beef-5,5006,50 (or country and city prime, and 6,50at0,00 for mete. Bmf Hams quiet at 514 50. Whislcoy—Nominal at Wk. Ashes—Saks of Pearls at 8,62' and Pot at 6,82 05,681. Flour—Sales sum op 1100 bb4 at 5,11413,23 for Canadiao, 3,5065,611 for common to sultUrta awe, 5,6985,88 for mized:to fancy Pdiebligto.and 6,12166,18 far pure °encase Flour. Southern Fleur—Saks of 200 tibia. at $5,25; by mums 5871 asked. Sales of 200 bbis. Hyo Floor at 53,00 3,121. There 4 but little doing in meal: prices a before,. Wheat far milting is held at 1473150 for good o prime Genesee. Rye 64. Oats aell at 47. C. IDAILIFOLLNI2I NEW' The specie list of nominees by the steamer Cher, otee, - at New York, foots up 61,1W.,361, in addition to which there was about stoo,ooo in the Imnds of the passengers. Among the consignments, we note for Baltimore, 54,532 to Turnbull, Hall dr, Stade; 53,000 to H. Mankin; $2,000 to Hayden dr, Cask. The consignments to Adams & Co., were 5141 2i I. The steamer Tobago, which left New York on the In of 'unary, arrived at Panama on the 15th of May. ,Sho was Nrlaya on her passage from Rio holm. The Now Orleans, West Point, and New World, had not arriveds* Panama.. The last named wan at Valparaiso, quarantined, to leave for Panama, from the Inch to the 18th of May. The lueainer W. I. Peasehnd been spoken in the vicinity of Vidgaraisu The Legislature of California adjourned on the 22d of April, Brier a session of one hundred and twenty nine days. Among the Mars adopted was one Which regulates the Lemma of mining by for• eigners. la relation to it, the the Alta California remarks: " It is a tanner of doubt In our minds whether the provaions of the law ran be carrted out, or wheth crany power exists by which they can be enforced. It is proposed to grant licenses to foreign miner., uolll Congress shall mike wine enactment with relation to the mines. In the event of foreigner. refusing to take out. a Ilene, it is made the duty of the rherilf to summon A posse of American enlaces, and by force compel them to muse operations; an ti for continuing to min; subjects the offending par. lien to imprisonment. The Governor is empower ed to appoint collector. of mining dues, riseelving g 2 for curb license granted. We question very much whether the Butte Leglr tattoo has any right to pea any, and are impressed with the belief that riot rind blocdshad, instead or being litezetiled, will ensue from any at tempt to enforce it. In many Instances it will be inertly legalizing the Most 4/Operate attacks upon portions of the foreign population: end although till amount or revenue may probably be derived front this aotiree, it will um be sigkient to wan terbalanco rho runny led @fleets which will Wile Goa the operation of the act." On the other hand, lien PllCiArl Plows holds these opinions • Instead of being a velem for conamitliaer wroos and enColl,lll{lllll oppressive Pal Inward Ituirign miners, we behove it will be a more safe eon/since to the 1/011CSI foreigner who may viol our Mines for the purpose of enriching hulloed(' at the expense of our just and national Matins to the trelauted of California. Heretofore, the alien fate jostled he American citizen In Ilia pursuit cf what he 'moldered pcmc hotly belonging to himself, sad self Interest sad pe• holism both court/teed to insect bun view wilb cum pleeetiey eny measure which might banish the Hui now, with a Inman' in accordance I with the law, he will he viewed as one wire has conartbuted to sustain the body politic, and will be allowed the fullest opportunity ofjpining the outer. plans of the country.. Front the But Prtnetsee Newt, of May hi. Since the sailing el the Int steamer, one of the moat inteleteing coosideratioos se the WOO Of California, his bees the action of C oo per la ny gard to our admission into the Calm TM delay of jacks In tble cue excites gnat discontent among the people °fa parties hers. One of the primary causes of moitatient is the matarary conflicts of authority between oar State imbruey and the revenue department of the moral gm eminent. In the absence of Federal Coons, ad miralty wen have been tried in our Dianint Courts and in aceenting process. some unplimmaut later cause his taken place between the repreresta. time of the State and Federal anthorities. Tian to be setteh regretted, as each has, no doubt, Ws lowed a consciention discharge of duty. Oa Thum* evening last • large meeting wu held' n Portsmouth square to lass into consider anon the coadlilon of oar ann. A committee of our most respectable chasms were to report at an adjourned meeting, this afternoon. Serena speakers widowed the mening, of whore strongly ropported the authority af the Stan; awl the assembly seemed ottionnwastto support the present State suthornes at every rad - The immense commas cif Calikunia has filled ear harbors with shipping Sum every quar ter orate Globe, and our hways area nowded with the natives of every clime. in this condi. lion of things we have to choose between anarchy and law, and If the factions in Conroe 11111 pre. vent an tram a psnielpattou In the lama of the Union, but one alternative is left—we most "be a law unto cronyism." Castrossaa asp sax Musa— The °Okra's" rescautiona sere adopted at San inaelsco, Apra Mb— Resolved, That a buge majority °fuo people of California, being natives of the United Salm, have lost none of their attachment to the Federal Union, but if admired to a participation of Liable*. sap, will be among the dnt to delhad itsintevirp and the last to abandon It. Resolved, That we deeply roVet that our spa plicatlon for admitnion has pro d uced as dm. cession upon inelavent questions, arraigning lea nal melon sectiou, and seriously threatentrig to disturb the future welfare Ohba government haelL Resolved. That the territory belonging to the United States is the property°, the Couladeration, bad by Congress in Rust for the benefit of the Milan and that the Federal Government, while invested with the power to "make all needfhl rules and regulations respecting the territory and other property of the United States," moat otter else this power under the matzletions end Santa. tans imposed by the Constitution of the United Stater. Resolved, That the territorial condition Is In. tended to be temporary, and not to madam beyond the time when the citizens oaths Slue shall bays acquired inch strength of numbers u will enable them to conduct a State Govefement of their own, and entitle them to representation In the Congress of the United Suttee &wired, That a State can be admitted Into the Union on one condition only, that iv, u the equal in all respect, of the original parties of the Confederation; and the Congress of the United States has as power to supervise State Cona ltn. dons, or to look into them for any other pozposa than to see that they are republican In kern.— That the instrument we have presented la a fall and fair expression of the popular will, and wan adopted by the people In the exeroise oftletir Nov. .ereisroty. That a State Government has been or ganised here, securing as far u pessible the en- joyment of civil and political lawny, and that we cannot coma to abandon a fall back upon a territorial government. Bemired, Thatell Interests which an aSboted by law, should be represented In the government which enact., pronounce% ac execetes the taw, that California palliasses tatatestasestaaaly Met ed by the revenue laws which tag her cotnineta• and divert frtm her tramtl37 into that of the CM led States the imposts collected In bar pats, and that she possesses other Interves will mere harsh ly affected by the refusal os the part of Congress to en abl ed b y territorial government in the seen. Thy °fhb, liberty, and property, within her con. fines, or by neglecting to mum= the State Of. ganization, which, In thee:arable alba isdefees. able rights of freemen, the people of California have established for their selftmeservalott. Raolced, That the population of Celitoroia, from the moat reliable information we can obtain, is at least 140,000, then entitling _her to the represen tation which she claims in the ouma( Represen t/OMS, apcording to The present standard of resontauon, and if the . Pougrass of tee Untie& .Stein lass f ailed to utl'lt.h Op; that by do mode moody adoptel in sicch can* 1t la no fault of Cal rfornue, _and allot* no rune wh%nat which is entitled to repreeentation and aub to taxa tion ahead ore be represented in its entire intoesc both of the sovereignty to which it is entitled and of the population which it actually Rooloci, That these resolutions =ratted to our Senators and Representatives at Washing tonC , and by them to be respectfully submiund tt tbe it & mgress of the United States for their con sidemtion and action. The Pacific News boa the following details of a difficulty between the State nutiorities, tunliltelicot tenant of a British steam frigat• "Some time hist areek, proms issued front tho Diatriti Court City against an English bark in our bads", On Monday an °dim under the Eiheritttook pompaion of the bark by yirtnes of that process. officer thakthir the seizure re. mamed on board. Yesterday morning • lieutenant arthe steam frigate Driver with a pmt'sveer= rites, went on board the teat, and mmonneed his intention to take the waft to sea. The officer of the Court Informed him that the bark bad beata• Cached by the civil authorities, end be, as the rep. nmentanre of that authority, should retist any at tempt to interims with the exercise of his duly. Tbd 4ritish fdemeasnt replied that he hew so. dung of the Mauer, that be should take the book to en, sod 'deputY along with bet, Indere . hp ;howl go ashore; and pottunenced wengkng imp T h ais ogles; 91 the Goan did corns on shorthand Immediately anted the funs to Judge Panora.— His honor, without a moment's hesitation, do. cided upon his course ; and was In the eel of pee. eine a despatch Co mmodore Jones, when Cap. rain Pickering, of the Amerman sloop of war Warren, anti Capt. Glynn, tampon:4 on board the Wanen, came In—having heard of the conntancov—and offered thew Mani 011 a in aid of the outs anthorinee, to bring back the barb by force and at all bawd. Untold the attempt so withdrew Gom the jun:diction 0 the Gottit.„_„— The Collector, happening in at the mama also proffered say =donee In bas paver for noisome Purl". in the men tlmpoint osptain or the British bark and her . consignees, getting wind of the course about to be adopted,and finding that Inch proceedings as sinus they, or patties conameed with them, had consented end derided; were Ito; ly to be pm down yammormarfly, tams late Conn, pinked°, entire imams of bett opte4l the prat" sad the tory which followed. were, kowever, anated 6r contempt, and ksid mower Maim This outrege hp develOped eale=l fbet Our &ale eutborideo !Ivo 4 1 be ,r merely by state power. oat by the 110tif0 bas melons woopention of th e federal tikes; of which no pod citizens doubted, ebould sa saw gency occur requiting their aid. Tar Looproop sT4Trs mortar, The fallowing sale* from the Hafriskarg* hstalig aux', in reference to the Loceibee sate nominations, Is worthy of the attention of am reader& There will doubtleas be • warm and animated canvass this fallousd If the Whip ;me mat a good ticket to the people, we verily betiere they can elect as that selected by Lthe Demo• emu they ate ashamed of themselves. Of fir. Aferrsom, the editor of the ilea/linear says ha knows nothing, although he was a member Otte Isst legislature, and the editor wss in the daily habit of attending the oosatotoN What a rare ow , nine be most be! A member of the Wagers Wotan as he knew there was such a man there and that was all he knew about Wm. What • useful, active Legialatoti &Amber member, who served with has on commilbses,uys beta a mere eutomaton—onli capable of moving when he to moved by others. A nre Canal Commissioner -hp will make! The Loveloco Neilliastleas The Loca&ce Convention which met la Wilt lieu/port, on Wednesdsy last, alter a enemy and boisterous sedan of three days, dating widen bri• bery and corruption wad comewittes or tnrestigas elan were the standing olden. of the day, Waled its distracted aNderrouess mat go. immune day,encording to the ohrottieley of soothsayers, and which seems to indicate that the candidates thus presented will certainly be Irani* ale—Sways excepting and providnsg that they are not Aangal. , The ticket they at lad agreed open, Of at least pretended to agree icon, Or prenme tt wth lewdly be conteeded even by the moat ardent Lo• cothoo himself, arm the dlepaceful wanes that occurred, that there wee any thing like the soul of concord In the decent:alines of the Convene too,) were, for Canal Commissioner, Wet. T. !dentine, of Montgomery; for Auditor Chismal, EMU= BAWLS. of WSW; and kir Surveyor Oenend, J. Posen BlAlitalro of Cothrford. It would be 'edictal:4 PlithlTl, to HI of this ticket, that It la the result of a compromise, end not of anion of the disatudiuth element. of the ConvemUon,,that, view them as you will, they ere all third men,—that main of them Wu thought o 4 until It wee Wind Impossible to seems either the first or second choice of the. deleptis preseut—and that, eonsequetils, Instead orioles the unaulmous choice or the party, they am not really the choice of any body. We MI other compromises, after it has ban settled, It turns out that Donee( the pertinto it are salistled, as all who observed the rueful visages, and listened to the bitter oommeeterice of the returning delegates, must be perfectly coati need. Of the pwroxelir of the ticket itself, with ones-. 0.000. we tre hardly yet prepared to speak: We know but liule of It, for the simple reason that is I Ha never been before the people. Mr. Morrison, It t. true, was a member of the lot Legialstorm— bulges be mooted to peewee a greater talent no i f. leen then for active, ehergetio, and vigorous statesmanship, though we were every day in.the House, of which be was a member, la the cM,, eater of a looker on, It wee not IM after the ad. Wtrentent, end when he was en ht. way to We ithetesport Convention, and he wupothled out to as WI 066 of the Myelin minute rot the based Nein fay , who Cbounhtelener, that we bused who basin reesonally, be may be a very NM MIA or he may be e very bad osa; of Wows ate unable I. speak adirteadly at present, rolitleadr, proillao. as he obtained umlallthth,Went through the active spun of briber, exi Wu, si u a aounusace of it, u wig eogap Imre sun abbonsses saidoestatica of tM Fsr b d a f pmu*ss of Sis.psny is Mum es Ms cubist* en a patinas me tmportabt and responale ought to have. Havmg progned once by theme of ine• anteatta, it In hardly to be elpected that be irM be prepared hereafter to look upon them with that loathing and &must, with which they may Ism heretofore inspired him. He who =menu to molt by dish:tamable practices, and to take ad. vertigo even of anothee knavery and comp• tion, whin:nen:my have bees his Wanes enno- Mr, O certainly more than half demoralized alma. dy. The harborer of a thief, and the reception of Ado* goods, on unnenolly regarded as bot IPte better than the thief dimselL Mr. Morrisen,though he may not bane had any hand in the bribery and corroption which disgraced the sittings orate Con• vendee, is tuavertheleas the crest= of that ewe roptkm, aced shall reap the Walt of the fortuitous combization whirl its influence bu ptodeeed.— We psi it to the people of Penturylvania, whether or not a man in this petition is atevepeapteion ; and whether or not he Is to be Mutat ... Whatere have said of Mr. Morrison, the candi date for Canal Commis*later, will alan apply to Mr. Boob, the candidate at Auditor General. BM pmerion Is corral* quathinahle, end he is liable to the 0/120 supiciont—his conduct Is equally liable M reproach. 0( L Pater Prawley, the candidate for Survey or General,welhappen to know something more. His Legislative career has made Meanie and rep utation such a they are Jamllier to all who hive had occasion to attend the Mathis of, the Legiala. tore. As a politician, tam has been but little re. nisi makable in his ooh hag hut theopen. da ring, and avowed protiliga and recklessness of his character to attract arte tan. It I rot* recklessness, Sonata clamber, beeline/ that Mr. Hawley has disposed to held himself . Those who feel to Investigate history, will find the folW — reecords of it in the written memorials of our stews and pot houses. Bet whoever thinks that we intend to enta in a full and lengthened exposition of the charade of Mr. Brawley, and thereby:abject ccusehrie the charge °redound. ed abuse by those who &mg know him, le oils. taken. We shall pursue no such course. Tt e worst thing that could be said about him would be the truth. Like the fellow who was brought before the judge, and told, to compose his mind, that he would have justice done h,.ft la the very thing he docs'ot want, and he who undertakes to reader it to him impartially, in the present campaign, will be charged with bitter hostility and penecntlon, and will go near tosiskinegmartyr of him; be cense without - seen* bins and knowing him per sonally, it will be impossible to apppreolate the foul enormities of hls character. We would ari da oar catemporaries, therefore, to spook of him as sparingly es- possible. The best policy that can be adopted a reglad to him ism let him alone, and be will sink by .the weight of his own infamy. We may take occasion, hereafter, to publish a se. ries of resolutions passed at a Locioba meeting I ~ Crawford county, u an evidence of the nigh Oen in which this portion of the ticket re itiarithe great body. of his own party in the county ware he resides. Whatever we may be called upon to say of Mr. Bewley, daring the I campaign, we shall be careful to say upon Loeofo. co auttanly, The condors of the Convention it. eal4 in reference to Mr. Brawley, the imphed cep sure cast upon bim, in the utter refusal to consider his pretensions for the Wilco of Auditor General, the place to which it was well known he aspired, and indeed, with the promise of which it wan pretty well known here that his op. position to the Apportionment bill was bought off, is suMeient in itself, to prove beyond a doubt that he had not the cenidence of those who nomina ted him themselves—end that notwithrtandmg lay bad not the moral courage to resist the corrupt and sordid inflognmes brought to bear fa his bar, they noserdieleas wisely determined that they would put him In a position where,* the entrant. ly doubUul event of his election, the Injury which would necessarily fault from would be emu emotively unimportant. We cannot too much admire the medium and sand* which promo. tad this come.. To have laid open the Treasury to such a man u L Porter Brawley, would Indeed have been a calamity, at the very contemplation of Which all who know him would have held up their bands In wan:aimed remonstrance. This fa the ticket presented by the Locokos par. ty, alter three days of unexampled turmoil, bribe ry and corruption of every species. We call up on the people of Pennsylvania to scrutinize it well —to examine it in all ire parts, and determine walla:ear not they can sustain it. ==l &unit Mum= .and Mama Kaki—At:ad Upon Liu ("pew a. Panama “Echer—Peri low Surto,/ Arai. Attrwhag Titerans—Goo enter'is Proaneerioa—Meetmg of Ms Afferent emends Residues is Panama—Prow: cf a. Bread, Fnmck, Chiliad, sad the Unita State, We like the following interesting intelligence from the Pau= Ilan A robbery having been committed in the print log taco of the ranama geho, mu. Sandal'. the 12 le mai. and • trunk, belcotgiag to Mr. William' Need, the editor of that paper, 'Maimed some six or eight hundred dollars in money valuables, ta. kva theiegom,seteplelon,bore a variety of theme. lances. fumed upon a ookued boy, named An acleto Oudennas,at tat. Johns,bliestsgua,who had Mg employed about the ofEce. . Altar being charged with the the 1, he tacitly ad. netted it, and promised to return the trunk to the once, bet falling to do no, be was confined to a room by Mr. Korai, the proprietor of the Eon, Fir near a day, when towards evening be siid If coy pence would go wt'h him, he would show Inns where the tent was, Finevest/ this time, however, that be did net take a, bat that ■ boy that was win Mr. Need and Mr. 0. M. Vinton accompanied Om bay outside the walls of the place where he said the trrmk was bid. The natives of the suburbs were informed by the boy that the Americana were taking him outdo nazig.hins and forth with they rmbed to the rescue with rocks; chitin, and knives, and seizing thit boy. lima, put his keep. as to light, . • --• • • On the sobeemtant day these facet were made known to the Governor, by the &Wipes of the one side, and M. Need and a friend; ea the other.— Shortly alterararda the boy was arrested by Mr. G. W. Morris, and a few others, to whom heaw l parelgeilttmile took Uhl {milk, end wopld Wig them artietilt m ight be found. He we wir.r.o to the printing office, a crowd of ku suburban aitip following cloeelyafter, who, on their arrival there, commenced a furious assault, on the window* and inmetcs, with rocks, clubs, • knives ate. Tipt fracas lasted some fifteen or twenty minutes, during which a geiet and peaceable citizen from New York, Mr. Wm. A &tippler, Wm pierced by a knife, sad stabbed in several places, causing his almost natant death. The bleed* corpse, curied through the eteepte, excited the 0 7.ruP* 1 4 lad !ale! 91m4Am.ric.a who 4e,?1 %mai , ntain that fdr.Beseples had been killed, It tteie 8. Omni; imentiltuely sought Out the govern;rr, sad demanded thet Me name who bad eautmitted the antrder be invited. The Governer .prandeed to use Ms Mtiost Cathleen la have hita brought to jetties, Snots LA sem& tot each nation congregated, • few of whom mad themselves for the eonikL The teem In the streets beggared description. Al was reollement, consternon and alarm. The Americans, moat of whom were unarmed, maw them 500 to 1000 - demi mews rushing on for steughter. - while ger °Whams beet the olher, ben the meter the disurhh4o, he'gresier the move dram amerstl4l4 edmb of twilight the'Aitteilean consul, who tc= buy end active from °wont to the end, company with the Vies governor, addressed the multitude enn oy cute** sties on the Pls. ae. U. WIM loudly applauded and wall received, sad the novenae impended through an interpre ter, giving him asmumace akbasty co operation In preservation of order. We have ascertained the number wounded; report says come en or levee were killed, but rut the emigrants shot at loos distance., and under much excitement, the erect was an ocean. The funeral obsequies of Mr. Sampler were per. Granted on Sudsy morning. idle reins* Isere pones! by a Imp concourse able countrymen. At en early hour on Elanday morning, the body of Kr.lobn Everett, of Cayuga county,. N. Y., wasdiscovered near the •caty well, hirable , mon. W ed, and his porJrcts, completely tided of their contents. In the aftemoon, the reredos or Mr. Everett were otanductedto me tomb. the pritoomigri tickle beeped by bit Ezceiletwirlite Awing Ooventor, and OoL E. W. Team, or New Odom, acting to bebeli of OW American Coml. The int evening alai exeltement,!t volunteer panel of 40 men ww organised TAMuIDr-Ross. of WWI% whla, in 33 minute* , were ready for any emergency. , The Gloveranr, being gent !Silo obtain his con• atUTBIOO, adrisad therm Illtil= 14 more Pon*. dual,. Matfett whlchwair d. T. boy. Irp lauNligs.l4oo2 arrested by the autheridee rime piece, and is now =fined In jell, and every thing Is ogle, and peace rescued. finterquattly the Snehin Magda 14 Panama, for England. Fna*et lois ow Malted Stews, met and *awarded e pretest to aka goyentO, end called upon all ciums of their respective nai tops, to eliml and arm, and be preening at.then consulates whenever peace Is menaced. The United States Consul advisa W Meal. cans to erode the Isthmus armed. LOGAN, WILSON ie CO., • In WOODEIT., ABOVE FIFTH, u m , jut meelbed ta,n IWO*, tp thel* IPIIIIIO BTOCI OP HIRDWARB, COTLEILT,ht Imported by lato packet. from EllTOpa. end to todch they mould eepeelally call the attention ot arri t iroPe b t e tM ul t= ZiU eagle muMfastiem mobdairlyT • LISPORTAZT A Mama of the Rosen es 'rases Assonances win be holden in the Rooms of the IL T. and ?der ekents , Endear, en Ties. 47 esening, the nth inn I at 7+ O'clock, to pis into consideration the Wiest of the !U FA pomp of no Act by the Lesjsbuoie of this Commonwealth, =MIN "An Act to incotpotsto the Ibrmeileld Ran Rosd Onoirsay.” adieu PussitY us intriton IV =end the meeting By orau st go Preadult. lota JOHN HARPER, %ennui,. Isettroyentents to Dentistry. DR. 0. O. STEXIBIS, Ins of Dorton, pnrintS to asastirten = gift hai r i ale rod pa ne srtr "lP "' I IN " WTsh where tt nsfri; ...., 114 ttAM Mesh te Qs Day. 61 1 ,. ..T. i Wilffid 4' !Pt rX04411, MP • &W. E. LEA HEY, lase a Moult of La`treppassill • pear in 'dome. Drtss, and dellves hie LAST ORE en TUESDAY Evening, Jane smy .1 acloek, at Pllll.O HALL, Third mem. Belden— Popish Nurseries and Auricular Confession, aceerd. MeV Bishops Kesrlet's and Hoehn , Mr. Leabey above, at the close eWltt T eta - rs, that he made solemn veers as • Monk of La Trapp,. waa sahrecoently released from his KIM= Vole of Celibacy by the late Pope—was afterwards =anted to a young lady, by the •Bea Felix Barbels, a Jen it Prle,r BL Josep h's March, Pbtladelphla—thesaid Priest Babette conspired with Illshop Rentick end Prlird Mallen, of New Orleans, In me Anal leparuden or Mr. Leahey sod hi. wife, wbseh wpansiter seas obtained by Sarerdonal Per7erTal cetrebomson of the above materrient, Dlr. Leahey. at the elate of his Leetare, will exhibit anginal Latin Documents 'from the Pope and Buboes Bemired by I. Swill, Esq., Mayor of he City of Mad kits. Ladles and Youths an yacht prohadted heat Mains to thie Lecture, same awful dieclovares will be made. Gentlemen admitted 128 cents. ielLdlt• S UNDRIES -9 auks Duflie.W ackerel;it Seger Cured Dung 10 brie No M 5 brie Gibbed Denim . 5 casks Petub; 1 brl Ground Cully 1 brl • do Pepper, I brl do Ginger, 1 brl do Musta rd; 10 keg. Alsplee; 10 kegs Pepper; - 20b0. Starch; • 10 bele Crushed and Pulverized Suds.: MO lb. Zante Correntg 10 Id chests Chelan Tea; 10 de Superior Groen Tea; 40 bra lee and extra do; 20 kis Cider Vinegar. In store ar.d for aide by 7 D WILLIAMS ICO fell eor. Wood fr. Fdtb .to. Tusr RECF3VED-400 feet ofs Inch 3 ply Guns Hone, for Fire Engine puree.% warranted to be equal to leather In every rafter. The Ire depart. menu are invited to mall and examine them an the India Rubber Depot, Roar & 9 Wood Street. jell J t H PHILLIPS AIR BALLS-19 doe litedyesei ev 8./ 1 .1 Maned eats, join received. Bold wholesale at the man. (+ewer% prices, at Nos. 7 It 9 Wood evert. Jell 7 a II PHILLIPS VLOOR OIL CLOTH—WO yds 4-4 Floor Oil Cloth, r jest receive.: from the factory, and .for sale at the Wareroom, Nos.? & O Wood street. tell .1 b. H PHILLIPS GItEEN CLOTH-7120 yd. 4 & kr/muter Green 011 Volk, (or Window Mode, teemed thi, day from the Phillmsville Factory, , or We. at the Wan. room, 7& 9 Wood Be. ben] .l It 11 PHILLIPS Gerd Maki for Bammel.Baadln I. Mackay—F . l,l=l*r Delusions, 2 vols,l2mo. ToylOr—Eldorado,2 volt, Moo Gley—Story of the Houle or Waterloo, l2mo. Erman—Travols to Elbssio, 2 Tots, Moo. —Napoleon and Ids Alarsbs, 2 Tells, Itaux Dickens,pcmseludd Words, Nos 1. m!, doe. Lee—Naoml, 1200. Marvel—Fresh Glenolop, l4oo. Fullerton—Grande) , Manor, 12mo. - Leo--Life of Jean Pad. 1400. MODEIt, a Romance, 9 vela Edgaromb—Rarringran and Thoughts on Dores,l2mo Taylor—Lady Mary. For We by JAMES D LOCKWOOD 101 l • lO4 Fourth stmt. VVIIITII4O PAYY.II-171 na. Baled Leaf; ).;11 144 na. do. Post tot We WICK a. IdoCANDLESS APLE MOLASSES-9 pen for seta by /U. jell WICK tellelleNDLEB9 OTASII-8 casks pars Potash iCeo , d far siiiitby P Jell WICK & aIiCANDLMS SALERATUS-20 risks Deues Belem. 40 bzs do do tor role by jell WICK & BIeCANDLESS VLAXBL72I—% 4 brla reed by Pilot No 2, for sale say 1: Jell WICK t MeCANDLEI3.9 BOOMS-140 dos Corn Brooms (or solo b. Mlis WICK & SacCANDL63B brt roil Bauer, JO kg. packed d,, for sal, by Jell WICK & MCCANDLESS C " J I N E'-'2"" W. R. al ginat=teNblTLESS "E‘LOUR—SCO Ulm marina and extra, for us. , by 1: Jell ARMSTRONG k CROZER IDACON-2000 lb. hog round reed for ule be /0 }ell ARMSTRONG t CROZZR LOUISVILLE LIME-75 bria in awe for salo by Jell ARMSTRONG I CROZER DOTATOES—IICO bu received for gale by I - jell ^ • ARMSTRONG & CROZER CIDER VLNEGAR—IO his t a dote, for 'ale by Jeti ARMSTRONG it CROZET!. (IORN DROOMS-73 dozen c'd for nltt by at fIOFFER-8 bap Rio tooloso consignment forsale V jell " fathISTIMNO k CROZRR ARD-1O keg. No 1 reed for solo by I J • .1.11 ARMSTRONG k. CROZER UOAR HOUSE MOLASSES-30 brim for sale by. S PHI ARSISTRONO & CRUZES, ,TVERS , HAIR-1 out Inototo for solo by #ll ARMSTRONG A CROZER, IikKURPHY d BORC/IFIELD hate a large stock of at Fancy aid Staple Dry Goods, salting off ht greatly seduced prices, Damp de pates,• a large assortment of beautiful pattern.; Malls, 'atoned and Swiss Mullins; A splendid assonment of ar.d Fancy Bilkm !images, Lawns and Do Lahlia, remarkaMy cheep; Beautiful Poniard - Silks, at M coma i r r yard; Besathul Calicoes, from di cents, and hpy.yd.; pa a r 7 1:30 .. slek ir of Brown and Bleached Mashes, Cie Bonnets and &pawls, at greatly minced Cloth., Cassimeres, and Vest ass, oftbe best qualityi remarkably low. Toraho . with a large Mask Tiohloga, Mao. and Shirting . Check., all widths Brown and Bleached bheetingit and Shirt nip; In ch Linens; totalnes with all other articles in our lbw, at north tut corner of Foarth sod Market st tell) Peremptory gale of 111 Sandbag Lots, On Herr's Island, rrs the Borough niDtcquesns, Ori Therein" afternoon, June 13, at 2 yekwir, wa ll be soli on It. premises, Mgtwo splendid Heading Lots, laid out by Wary a men, Peg. on beestlrui orgr the dry., allegbeny,ron heeled bg-ga emboli mita brides to the male len& The above enibrace very dental 13 lamed..s for p,ig gt a dwellings and manufacturing outposts, and. offer great at to those wishing to perebsse real estate at low prima the owner banter deem:tined thm eV.") lot put wand , be sold Mauna mum. • Terms oun let cash, residue in three equal an. mal pail:tient!, with Immesh Plans can be moaned at M. tales rooms. P lit DATIS, Auctioneer ' 2107101 i T 0 mown of moping on Wood, li berty, and Pam stmets, asteuted to pay damages Insmae4 to en. tending Hannon/I atm. Ton ate hereby Sa.qonlont to moot a: Washington ITA, Wood CVO, 0K1...0n Rillt a, and Virgin Welt gay, toblook, P. M. Scan. LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL COMMON PLACE BOOK— Con tainina %M dreisioas of_tle menus - Court of the Vatted awe% and of the ne• speetire State Coriu ov Dille of Esehenge, Cheeku led Protalmory Notes—dedolog' their requisites and Pmoerilee, and insertion* their relations to, and offsets upon,puties The whole arranged in an order most eauverdent tor rethreuee, end suitable for In mediate applies:don. Di Woe Lmn, Comostliar at Law. Jan received and for Bale ha JOIA9PCSNABTOCKTON jet, aestimilers, ear. Market t Third eta XTRACTS of Lemon, Vanilla.. Rona, Ritter AI. •dianda, for Cavorting lea Crown, Jellies, Canards, non, for We by E SELLERS alb • .61 W •si nEr—lllgtml and Pqrurr-7 biles imisiniAl far 47 lellll 2 SSELLERS SCIZVE SHF.A7IIB- , d dos talepatetd. c d, iT Znirlineerling, Ineehanten, Le. • WeLbask—blechanka and Engineering, 8 vole eve Field—Cbrosessaa,Sive' blallar,Phyata and Mattorology,Bvo. 11aldald—Amentan Howe Cal•yeater, Sao. MaJendia—Pnivialoay . e 1 .111a14tecinze, are Evans—Mill Waghtia Odds, bye. Naseb—Payebology, Mr.*. .Harsaba:—Ontine. Tv of Astronomy, Woods—Practlaaleadvea Iteadvd3vo. Minified—Mechanical Dmving Benk e tvo. Stavran—Phileaopty of the Hum. Mind, 800. Farman by D 0C11117(1011 Biel 104 Ramat at W 10W BOONS: NEW: BOORS I 4f liVitiate Literary Depot, Third arre. antonte lA. Post Ofeo. HARPER'.3 New Monthly gamine for Jots. Moaning Call —We. Bait—pun 0 and 10. hut's !iteration,' Magazine 0 r June. Eeleatio Ma atine ter Jena. • Littellts Livia' Age—No.3l4 Beaton Bhatapeate—No 17. .. Dictionary of Mechanics—pot IL Pictorial Pled Book of the Ravolittgat —pale 1 e The &swan. By N. Citcl py,il2.4.,pan The Bllopa'a Panetta. By DiCkelit—ptice GM. 011L&NGES—A tat of heel Main& °ramps bit re ceire& end for uric low bf Ore bar, b• ' • Whir A IVOLUDLO &CO ioS 13S Litany or CVATor pATENT pattgltslagibtrd as a wp m nnu beep& for sale by De) WU A bIeCLURO &CO /11.0W:LIKSEET8 inat re e d, and for sate hi -- - he WM A bIeCLURG A CO 11 . 00ITNO PiPEß—Tar'd, for sale by SCHOONMAKER CO Jea 24 Wood • BACON PAPER—Large • algae, and - Wong, made <lame? •foc natal hams for the Cincinnati .. 1 2.4 lA* ottlo b. J 01100SMAKER ACO TNDIGC-2 cases fine quality for ante by .a.r. lea J BC HOONM Ann A , Cct DACON-11, hhdo woppSJ , now iapdiag Imo strim Colyablin, for gqlol7 . • ISAIAH DICKEY it CO 18 Witco sod Mont au. I f A i trilaii No 1 londla t r zi o A o l i tga v bi t CO Nappler. leadin . g, for Ws by . 151.E.1 6.118-11310 t owe LA Jet ISAIAH DICKEY Jt. CP r E fj .,..)pkg• fresh lereel=tilittcrOg CO SALIERATUS-40 brl. palverited, 200 b cad; 13 tif bd. do 150 1••• b A" GRANT w r q 1 . RAZ-70 bt annals Yodel Uyaorn £0 do impend and Gunpowder, In do Pond:land and Chalani II do' antra fine Oolanc dp noddies Y U Gunpowder and InanwtaL Many ot -thr abeue are dune', and an w il l be sold o n in, to 016,43, b 11e91 C H GRANT TAR 6 PITCH-18 brla Tar; lea brls Pitch; lbr sale by 0 II 011ADIT Q VNDklat—.Grottud Att4 Raeo OtAter, Mom, Nat o e9 em {plea 4n 4egt, for tale by J • CO • ANT /VIZ Becoimi am 4,11014111 WllOll,O I fi la I R .7. XJ n I G DEER$¢ { $--• • undies Pr tale by P 8 RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO LAIBE.EI).4) b. jut rreeliad for nale by F la . ROBY, MAVITHSWect FIMEATHEIIB-411 asks pi= Kr On sais by REMY, 61.171115 WE /CO LOUH-30 bris y_Floar for lilac by FRORY. MA? HEWS & CO F ps -14 Ma new 3 / l i3lllackere 13 btla No ; 313318,31; id bits No 31% 38 We kip 1 Ilerri3t, Art Ws by augY, VTB s %I P. w.! GATES' PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. PAVISMID ISIAT 8.1E47: TDEsE DIES having .betu adopted and approved in all the princleal shoos inNew y o ,.k and Phihidelphia, are Sow offered to manufacturers, machinists, Ship the taman fideneef as the m oss perfect article in we for coning mews. Their: superiorny over any other Dies heretofore used, consists id their cutting a rtarcrr Scente tt eheth d r Y Or KUM= thread, by omens:sing over the iron to be cut, which reclaim no nnedgiet r or prerww papdrotion, as the dies cot tie thread out of the solid iron, wi th out raising it in th e 'na; in their greater durability, rapidity, and Perfeetion of work ; and in their simplicity and little lidnlity to get oet of order. • . , . : • ' ' • • ihta.LazitaU, an. 17, Ttds Is b eerily au we boss Perehlod etc* P. W. Gotta Lba light af •CD, reseot Diet Ibr eat= Lira bolts. In aplabinAlS DW are Reel nape., riot b tar caber wt a» avgasisito with ris,stto perPon awls; balls. • P moms 3 00. Ir. 21, In& Pitn Haying bad P W 43,,5 0 0 ma r o om Due la uo non eaabliabetent for s the last nine =oaths, for ean in ommeed caning ae highest ten/IN cary nsuhays eat ha su d ell oilers .at, they b.isg so far saperto,......c oo mmotor t then 71Pper ant, chum than snink y s new In won 11 Per ga rnotknn ; This Is to Gently that we hare parehual the tight "lo war and adopted In au bones,., P W 6ates'Ya• teat hum Cnuer,whiehlre hlgbly ewro,s of. We can do matt sore work, end we se it seillltur pass in durability and precision, as each u neonamlY of labor, say dies known at as MORRIS, TaillrElla monsib. Pannansunna, nth ntonth,Peth day, 1645. In taw alga by Baralo Waba. Bala* ' Bosse & Lobby lioeitesta : Roasts &Co h litisasester, N. Tr; ay Heamol & Belaylkill Canty; Itisbeekanand orin Heiri A Detlcetialer,.Phmelz,n N. In H. K. Doan= & Co, New Yank: Darman &Co, Nonament Works, Man; Van Corey : Nathan= isAims hew York; Alluu Watts, as .Paute & Nitutal. do: Wat Point Yosedryt Norris & Bre, Philadelphia: A Ponta, Breed abash, Pay Wahrottn A Ni.... Baton and New Yak; Lowell Plaatiots attop, Looralq ionsolkaat Co, Ellonooetne Lyman A. Son Der, South Sawa,, and munetants others. • • • • No t alselone,lo sets dies 4 tap* ft lan prLll33O Nov do 8 *tot i poet 114 a No 3 do , do , to I, price IBM All orders gamma to P. W. Baia. Caicos.. O. B. Hanson. New Yolk, E. D. Nasal! & Bay POI.- dash* and H. x. Santa &Bons,ror Dies and Taps, with Or without makines tot asiiti them, will meal aint prompt auention.• Cacao. May .7, MM. M L E lt l : -7to pigs ad HMGalena tarATT sal% ' V, WI3 St BO_ I CAIII.I.IBEmEN'I'S. • Nsv lroast AU. 19,1(42 . Hatin,a adopted P. W. Gates' aTacentlriwnfer cut ting balls, we take pleasure La same, that It ~ Menet:meets our expectatioes; h and bare no tattle. lieu In 6Wlnli It lw Ow unlatch OM It far excels way ether plan In present sae for canica bay T P noon & we lona P. W Gates , "Paint Dies" Ott nailog oorts.s, and the economy of using them to so l'isry considotablo, that no look upon *eat as tadimansa. biota. ovary establishment taming 007 paanddy of genie, to ont. MoCOBNION, OGDEN It or. Cmcaoo, May 10, 1841). Oanuasca Orsics, Wesonteems,* I haso purchased of W.R. Sam/Ile. far the Ualted Sudan, MS 'lett to use to timeatseuals sad arras. • OUISVILLE lablE-74 brli for rale VI .Li Ir 9 11.11MMATMEWS CO TAU 12 PITCH-3042h N C Tar; 23 bile Madams Pitch taisals JeR ROBY, A7IITHRWh & CO .%Dow GLJUSI3-610 boxes stated shies of Smith & lierren'ssitaanfaetom, warren ed equal to city broads, for tale at reduced mieM . Jen lIHEY,SILAW &d I O TIMES HAVEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. el —The shin of many persons is didgmed"wrth alight premien', as pimples, merphew, Ants mar Whoa this is merely a disease of the skin, as it is in Marty nine canon eat of every bandied, It Is very easily re moved. John Hanel's Nymph Heap In ermamir adapted to diseases of the nlna, as It acts Meetly Ito aniAee, :roLbe tatlszl loh Lnref . u ng Zz o r ip .ty properties healing and eradicating all emptionsoind rendering the duxes ned roughest Min soil, fait, and blooming.' Person. who bare been sn the habit of phi/Ordi nary coop. will be &stealthy! at the plaid item prodeeed by the Nymph Posy, In impardng a dello= bloom, preventing the nook, Cue, or hands (coat char. ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all Mtge,. ens mentions. It menses an endirtalte Derfeme. nod to entirely devoid of all alkaline ptopertiee, enduing It the only artiale which can be used with Well sad comfort in the namely. All there whose fuels or necks are dlslign red with pimples, blotches. tan. mOrpliew, Ac, durttld 'snake trial of /ales Hanel'. Nymph Soap; as the prtnitistor positively mimes them, thets ase will renter the malt drteolored skirt bin, roughest akin entomb, and tits most encased skin healthware, and bloom- Jofea Nymph Soap I. the only eniele Mlle& will eget:Nally produce t h e above teems in all short • time, and the may one which le at the emu time all powerful and entirely Mande*. Prepared duly by 120 • JULES HACH!" Perfamer end intim:ha * MISHIMA street, Phila. • Foe tale wholesale and retail by B. A. Pehriesteek Co., and R. E. tellers, Pittsburgh; and Johh gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, - Jed. • r E ET LIALREI OP HERCULES; er Traels b t ; 184 : 97117 D 914 tint'thlr4 hi • JOHNSTON & STOCCrON ibiIIIRPHY t EILIRCIIFIELFChave jut reenact! new Kyle Foulard ailkaorerr abeam slab; plairb and Enrned changeable stowal almon every stale and quality; npsr Nab and Scared bidet sari do bangers and timing barna delalaknare and hand some style.; new sole French, English, and Scotch p i fars t o awe'. dread at and Lir Oral M e di and nannies; linen lances of all alZst and colon, ging hm, chintzes, print., n.; al nenh east comer of Fourth std Marta streets. leß Botats—Ginairral Lltarattuo..: - Mostr—Perlamery its Use Manufsetaret Moro. etallo—Philosepity of Hamra. 12mo. ; Chilow—Aphorirmsand &inactions. flb aw—Hos lON Mascara, . - Davis—l,rgendre. . . Dryant—Wbat I saw In Csallbrula. Piero—Paal gad Waists. vols. I2mo. Aleou—Letupto YovoSS Men. !lima lunap..-Beetitadtrof Liam. Nature. 14nd. gcsteurtr—sfedirn Freston Literature. Smellle—Phllesophy. - • Nownhaur—Uumart Magnetism. Hantbeldt—Aspeera of Nature. Krederip—Zonlogiol Ilegrotions. For sale by . JAMES D LOCKWOOD la 9 lO 4 Fourth so= BIULDDOCIL'a PIED. ITAVINti me eluded We sunless or velum* frea and u• acne earl, the weed., Man . eine celUttssedhalt Br us auer, Fled Flues, slur Wed L. Alkihe.7 eeeneu Pe, on the Mostrasahels eles mile. from tbs'city of Pitubstgli, I sew oder ..tho sale section. for .aele, oo neeerssieduting .. . . 7 hiolocatioa is ailourabli suited for colour) acids, for preens, or for a mannfactsting distant. Th. Foamy arovad it is healthy, productive, arid thiekly monied. Abundant sappily of limber, briolt elay, limestone, took sad water, are on Ike place, aura in the neighborhood. The 'corms), tapas lovolY. Al together, the locatiou is besdatilld and renowned; and for witty and unabsttation of advantages, le - almost embroiled. 2 Braddock's Weld, la o few maths, will be i aecooi sible from Pivabuqb,'"iver thee leading thorough., taros. Already, by tee Monongahela Ilient, lima= boats almost hourly pass 11,er stop at this Vale when , re vh. drek... y - : i , . ivattla Rail Road, which Is now bele.. ' Faded, is iodated ducal) through it. ily MU rent. 1 a will Do snachod in twenty miasma doe. firm it a city. The Plusbanyh mod . Ilraddoolds F 1.11: Plas.k Road, far which the lumber ho already beim - eon. meted, font one of its annals. A Ores of ea hour, from the citron Ills roam will lead to it. i .:-. Puma- whiling Id Porch's* will Ind mothers every Tuesday, Tbltiday, ond Saturday af omens. Sheriff ffurrythe also, who now hoops a public board. Lag baitsm la the Large brick =neon, wilt thole the propesty at any time Pisa' of the groundenan Do .Isea 7 office, moor of Wood and Founkotmets, POW) , and about Braddoelde Miff - _ Jed JAMES W BUCHANJ‘N Valuable Property tor RAU by a* Mica. , tN Paltredal. June *Dillon V *Mock, will :be and so 'U1,1 , 161.14 noir Wod Rm's Rot* town. five valuable lots of lead. of 'redone sit.,- caw upwards of JO sews, laid off in lots "Datable Cr mica and other weans, and pr a good oppottualty 'a nose who dabs to obtain • gra country reoldenee,.belug bus *bon diatom Ule eineo and Immedlattly on the new nut. eff Om - Beaver Road. The location se eminently sma indlealtlw fol. and the oboudon4 pla sappliad With ex. sealant wow. Torrey of sale, owl thltd. cosh la hood, and the byline. 0. - dtros missal payments. :' A Won of tha hats, and farther particulars may be on by application to theproprietor, Wm "Ashy, on the premises, or at the one. of Robt. Hi Davis, Allegheny city. : . Alio, at the thine tithe, win be' oferod thr. Ude. three Lea th the city of Allegheny, on en ths comer of Bearer tad Rea recto sta. hong ' feet front try " fre'r V , / .0 ( IQ ltef . kehisd, idle manatees of these lots n abudY NU WI coo I" an B.*Eln heathy feet font by tout . Tents of sale, th e ea= to thooth . 7 LLIAM How jeriotd • • Monet Ho. • Pats Hale atlllaml /Utah's . ; " JTIIR undersigned wLit sixtdme to sale bi yobile sendoe or outerY, on WaelartY, the Iftit'sfaY of , Imo, Instant,: at 3 e eloo Ali the right, WI% and lemma of H. Costwin the kends gf , 104 at Mane', of in, and to Lout No.. XlX!,Xfll s and-100, In Warner, Painter & Latins_ lea, Lib etry, situate near the =Mir oc Win tad Walnut Street& Paid Lots, Ed stuf q t kator each a front on than st of greet, Of extend an depth tfattethi Groomes isle y and XI feet in width of Lot fleACes Which ex. send book Ili feel to Calpenotes Watt , Raid LOW have erected thereto' four Mak deelling_houles. - Sale to be made on Om .preoldses. Term* miry 0 'mown on day of eat*. C LOOMIS, Itsgltnes.l Pittatoutattle3,l6so—le7ultd _ 9 .111 rgall :" 4 1-1.1 1 17 SarInt i rli d. ISTElriad las Ileaeseran with aea oaoof■ i s.l olot to ths Childs. Rotations of Yarman, and tna Yield's, or Devil Wonhippets, win en 1 ewe, Into the mason and arts ortko snolelit Pardo= By Amin Hoary Loyo rd llNS , EsqTON, D.C. L. STUMM: , Par so JOeft Ja7 • Book Blom eor. Modal& Tiled eta. (7ournol, Post, Ohrepkidi, i Ametioan, 'II7HMREAI3, I ham .day eenstitated tad sp. IV polnual my brother, Cyrus Simko( thil, MU, Pittsburgh, my scant, attorney la Pau foe lace gal rum aerators, haling any lawful skims sat..., and all persons Indebted to me will Mame eat a s Ida I gad mule their fleet= is, M IM 4 locally a tubed to attend to I, bastufga townie dons tor mu . .re Will bg Mu tt qt store, west Edo of th e Mato Pina tas/A_ ' . CAI OLIN 6 BNITB qINTON - Piirkkill MILL , ?gutsy at BS Vi mod street.. • W P ILMASIIALL, 'CII, DRAWING ROO.llB-4413:0, Chamois, Pod% and Plain Wall Papa, woody received 1 . 7 N 6 lilallnlily. 01 , I.,Talfgam%ean&r=e1X"' " .0 . i lz wap at i : tIIII4TINU PAPlR—f,alaps a _..4oaa t op aairl o and Mr We 07 . :1, ;V_ J.4.ogda CO . gETIF:Ie,..4IIiOY 11i0 141 djit• 9r the day.d lire _, • Grabeeo etas (.., Oldor MIT 23,177 p. ILE doors-I Witt It nett, tar the !lonelier OW% tVlo r i . ilifi L lasta to relation to roar pi. . • 1 7 11 ave Me ea. used your Penalty laisly it jai ••... randly. one vial nevus:o4 000e///eOl / 01 110 itoalitlen lesT 100 to 403 looms) from tarp 010/.lroa. :1 hen f ly, un :„l , 7h r e ,? • l7 P tr oftvglnittiaz f l l eet. &lilac,. ' ‘ " , P r ' th As 1 im enieged La meeshar4l2o4.l . We to ...mT 4Ll l.76 o..,{ :.: l 9.7 oL ity: : bEn y :s e i t .t i r o w lusat ys....74 :l:l 7=, vr. ft...:7:Letiarttriceir. county , Id aouoltiadia. 1 Sk.7 MA mat 11.ey limp. Selland sad old by IL E. 111iLLEm pft um., wee; and sold by DINIZI Plinlliki hi ibis Iwo' chic. and olisiolly. , . . . , . . war - esp. ONE andaaaaa any, mixeir aaw, haat braise tosstasellissr at. Oa aut. Also, Mat: delplis Witt wand band Salty, in goon sy. En quire at this aka. • wurrawrri• wow' SODA av PM, annellisois4. • • ii • 'rag etrcunimmts irtil sell Dupes, tsis quality It'd Wet Mist Glass lad Wits Maw& Soda MA, wsnanteet Getaglat aar Wau °nod ' 31 by Os aunt) ea tans spirants for airriney at risOlt at DV mialianitme i Atissi• W stilllt. Wes tinder tha expertrlident or thee Department P. W. Galea , •Pateat .1. Weft... caulx srmirs on seta*, thay taring been tried in two of the large arsenals, and round to be very efficient and excellent Y TALCOTI, Col. Ordinan--e. Staran or Yahoo it. Coal, Wasnancreost Rep 25, 2±lB. tlneterowConsidering Cares , Pate n moth lobe ted. i oable mp!ovensent for tat aatoa mre based of the Anon:arra ef the Patentee, W. geowile, and giunnel Eloweh ken, the right to make and ma saidimprovesnern for the U. it Navg. JC*EPLI Clatter Paean. • • • TH EA T R E! .• Lem* and Mauer ..O.B..FORMA. raki, or c.n.losistok. ' Wen Melo cad Panintoc ews: flocoad and Third nen— X) cl " Gallery (cot colonol 0,1 'DOOI. open at 71; Coltman wit; the at Walock. Stoma night of Mr. MALONE RAYMOND ard Foarladles of ht.filmilp. • Yla Taeseley Jane it, Ph. Malone Raymond's MUSICALE NTER l'AiNhtaN Yn Makohe l iayaed prelde a the Ltano rnaf`r.m::""•v a lN.Ro.4pi= etorts , itimg o l f i ggg E L A llVUt . A 1 2413 ) 6;16., it:. To Conclada with . . • TOE HUSH LION. , • Tom Mom —Mr Malone Tamped (In width he min deg, "I Pan Paw light one ntahey NW," accompanied on the Piano by M. *alone Playstona) Mrs Fit:gig— Km Moline Raymond in the coarse of the farce. the Mimes Fanny and UWI.6IEIII euer the celabramd daett,..lKnotra. Bank. goo 111101E132 GRAND .FLORAL CONCERT ON TUESDAY erealita r 'Juna as WILKINS HaLL,I PfIOPESSOR. BINGHAM will give a Oland Flint Concert. coneleting of the bettettfat Oratorio ef. the Festival of .the seve . ral ether itteeei 6 V ari. HßOdyingers from the fellovneg Schaa neA From thej Pittsburgh Famtbs Institute, Mrs. Gos. bons, Liberty street. • Pros:at/us Allugheag Glleglate restitut;Mn. lagleq Federal Crum. • • I • From the Vitaburgh Raid. Seminary. Mrs CPFlyng, Para .treet. , ...Prom rho }Dab School, Fouith Ward, Peen .Itltel. From the Mak Scheel, Seabed Ward, Ben u , wad -Mr Bingham's Academy, Fitih street-- OTeketa,23eentai 40 had at Mallor , a, , Klebees, sad C km*4% Market at, arol at the door. jeldtd'l 8 D UINGUAM W. Verne again with Song. to Greet You . ' WILMA . 11111-:BALL ROOM MONDAY:IE I 7EI4M% Junis . lolh:and EVERY EVE. NINH DURING THE WELK: • IL. EL Slitira , O,llLsnl- EMPIRE MiNtiTIELEI rL\H . Sl!tert!'.l%.X:tl47:ll.'"4":ll:.°Yd.".!, L. Powers..d the renowned COOL INHILE. best Blnd In the World _ _ . The Empires, as To:mulish', intim:natal Perform ers;Dellocators or Ethiopian Character, or Mimics,. DUI ContSILTION,.•2I3) coast nos 202 pre:taco their etpula , Tbe programmes will. contain Ise/cedar.. Prom the Operas of Leonora. Berme, La rossnentbala, List- La Qaarte, th e Enchantress, Dohetalart Om. one Bronze Ilona. • Together whh all the /103tpopti.- EttOplallSlotodles.. , lett PITTS'BURGH:MUSEUIVW B. W. 11108818-- -ProPrkao , 8 PEALE. ”Manaserofalarerne and Loewe Roam. THE PUBLIC are respedtfally. haforeard Ow th e , .Proprix tor Lao epiraged'the popular and Ishotrdi tnome—Jobasten , a Mioptan Serenadero—who To Andes of Iles elaans' and Inunldable Vocal awe . nitnimettal Eatenainmedta, commeselbq Tburvd•y . Tihk.lcule Oat, IFS% and coarutua every evening . du nng the yields. Perforsonsies to commence at Admission w Edminics and LaCtilre Room onli PITTSBUIGE KOMI LECTURE ROW , . APOLLO lIALL.—IPOURTII ST. OPEN DAILY, (root 8 N. till 10 P. nr.. aft/salon to Musouriatio I..conito Roost., ZS colas: Reined Rau. U cents ems.. lea WASHINGTON HALL, PITTSBURGH, 137 It ! 130 Wood litroot, abOve 'l3llllr, 1111 2 t1M3t1d . LstAblirent is nowoff e Ln , d for .10.dartaH411311.1333, le. Por , anas.3l , d 13 . 110 , JOHN A ITISSISIONS, • loldtt • 137 Wood st. Ate & 31. lIATO aim T,11.1i1 Sole Impanels Cot this made t, of JAL'. itictspeast. Re Moab , Patent Soda Rap e A RE tam nativism by canal, bade a-applies so ap za. above celebrated ankle, bleb gloe %ad ap waters , beat. quality sad bleb teat, 'vitae .11,ey wJa will at the lowest market price, far east at approved. Dina ! . *Ultima t the abo they Line "r ahtputaett to antra. torthe tall aae. 'jelal • • • Moil** to Vordtraelidris. -•- PROPOIMAS drill be neelved nul Tbstriddy, tad SIM indlatNist trilling and bridgini dud peted, of the Pidaldrgli and Braddeckidedd Plank {teed from the city tine to Stamm 1120 . , above dm BLT. mile Phu sad welteadattsesill be eeei'Me 6 d, sed in formadon even by the sobeeribes, et a..l2ce of IL. Weeds, Esq., Nary Ayes; for font lays pervious to leWars. • By resole:don of•tbe Bond of Threctori, dated Jam 41b,, IeSO. .1 syLyeNtra WtIIROP, DWI LUNG ROUSE AND OFII6E, fa Thtat st, Dolliotrtroes itow, a four story Owenby, slata too; with bath room, 1011 Simms. sod office. Apply W letkdif HENRY WDODp, Poor. or Tf mar es 15 . 0T ASIII-6P oasts in store sod for uI ei to rhow conslgrommt, by lett DALZELL. ina5 3..4 17 '.1 !1 -l e4 Yo" .l 7 d e tilrr ui c°*Hlllo"rrek:*edco T AP, Prier], ariD 110HIN— ,-- - NC bin. N C Tic -, 10D bblo nen; 2 - AO bblo Roan In owe- sad for JAS A ticrivnisoN r, co rj ,Qr .l.7o '. lasemirby k o. P .J. L a kITIE.-:lL a b s ab .. lin u_r n 4.0 •• • Ule by • ' BRAUN 't =TM COPAL VARN/311.-8 bblr matt and for ogle let *. BRAUN & RBZWE Cafr yearn ,. sn-4 bovetzure, Dlvftui 400ev.ersa.ruint. IMICWOOD. 101 Itongi tile:torliErarith IE4 VA% "g; mc n bvt-- , a er, N. D . One eel 10 MO. • • • • - lea azw PVDLIF/ATICII 2 / 2 . - • inevim,-Nin.i,e2, 223724 and By Ma, 12 mo. E11222-122n 2, m Sibsria. 4 vats 12 2/a. 222221-81.2 maths In Ow G 214 1111222,12 212. Taller-E1421222, 1 . 2 1.0 sak • Beiudo....2n2gLas , Book, 12 ma.. Maley-Popular Delnlon% l n 417 mo. 1222222-Dsvid Coppodead,sol 1 12 ma, 11•122214i.Wpcen. of 112ttue. ,W2lt2-172irenal Illatary, 11 , mo. 221m-11221 , ab Mentor., 12120. C2,2222/ 1 -Liya or C • P Aureoltert, 1 2/12 2 • Auit,,,,2-2221221 World, ' Jobaton-11ieU22212 of ••,„ d • „ • Ball-T221222u121214r II F 211 • 10 ' • JAS D e aCK WOOD. o. 12,1mn.r,1242.2r5h .f. liavalan Cigars. - 1 UST at SO labeny strew, tho W esiebnued brand* of he beat Ct ann—Premidoi Plantation IlegaLlaa, the Atporled, and bat ?tools mat with la Plnalm'Lk• Oxus. media Regallas; - La Dunn.. •• • do; La Norms -- • do; NI Leon VON; • do; Diana • do; Napoleon do; JiutoSairs Princip e ; , • Wu Nraeiss - La 'lslam. • o; ON Zack do; Yosattla Oonleson's extra CaselidlahTotnao, for alto latogt osPa - uadrotaltby telf - • A NeCLI,7IIO t CO teat 2 8 al t rb .r y iNu "j __,no L ßE , !tT D. Llb .i!LLZ ELL 4 . 4 A ) A id eetY AHD UM—Mob * recaiviaii Iron maw* NO *Mono Biala, and Waal. by No t.l DiLZELL, • O3 • -,•• • . O Wain surd Itgbsat ynea Istaash *N H amat** No. 1.19 Liberty axes_ PANNI PR apply of Blaerillks fay ", Old eilk•Out waived ay *apron thle otos, $ at moth oast earturr of Tamil aad Matket • .AIVIIPNY t BIITACIIVINGD • Yay Bona 3.L1: mut Derain M. p. - Lataas ato**7 low Flu., 'earth last ironer of Fourth amt. Mutest its. • As Nt •I) marrow t at Loam of best ougllty,lm reed and for'sabt at Noillssait *must' Fourth sad Mar- • a51*05555*,,,...."4 ..NU BURCIIVIKLD "1 ii.e.Ao hIk,POW .811—Q0 tuts hlaspr.V. best II qnsligy atAte 'Oa PkiNdelohla per .ado MU. rbs . sale D 7 11 Wt M MITCHELIIIKE. Labenl vr.a. .1174 In bait tee'• for gale •7 KIDD & co 0 Weed el ;.~ ~ ~_ M =NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers