I.; Rw ..~Mv;ti-~ - . -: • Ptl3LtiltED DT -- WHIT P.:B—CO. •ARLT) .DO:CS4,TROLI) 11111XIT, Ncsa 1.001 TO • r . 'Dally pa -----i•i•-••—•—& -7 . 30 ss 00 : 17 . " • Weekly, 'in advance).—. •... 2,00 Do. to Glut*, at a reamed gate.: CS OP ADVERTISING' • • AGREED UkOri DV T 1 w PITTSIIIIIIGE PRESS. , • - One Sear ie,(lollnf Nonpareil° , lest) nor isertion• • One Scow M. each iniditionat insertion• • • Cd..l Do. ono week 1,73 Do. two week s•—• 3,00 Itn. three wek.— 4,03 th e mont e h•—•—••.. Ito. raga months -----•—• 7,00 lh . three mental... . Da friar months ••—•.---.• 10,01 Dn. sin manes..:..-- 12,00 Do. wwive montia• •• 10,100 Standing Card it Inn* or le ,1 peghtithant• 10,00 One Etouotr,‘ n nrenble ot pleasure nu) e i tele, ye of Koonce, aer.— l'ot ciel additional inverted overone rum*, ono far each additional agnate insertedmider the yearn ly rite?, halt price. Adecito•ttrienti exceeding • roman, and oat 00 " fifteen hot?, 14 elisicard as a. square and a half. Publklic* rot neenutitable for legal advertisements beyond the ard.e.l.l charged for ihelrpubliestien . Announcing e I:mantel for ogee, to be charged the aame sti other eiveetiremenw. Advelliptoter.tx NH marked on the eoPY O.!' • .17 7 . 1- fled number ui ) etenlon., will be Continued till forbid, and payment ex dete.l accord: t TLe PDviteries of yearly i•lvertimita WIC baconfined rigidly in their reactor !maim., and all other advert llsements not pertaining to their MO. Inuit:lc. , " sat agreed for. to he paid nava. fire All advertiseincias fee charitable Insteutions, panic.wont, inwoithip and etaerpublic meetings, and') such like, to be charged half price, payable strictly lo advance. Marriage nOltet.tl 00 ketllZTlred tio de rat Death without charge, Ittairla Strom• panted by funeral Invitation. or obituary notices, and when so accomintmedvo he paid for. Reggie[ dverttiers, and ,• lending connate nications, Or :equine; nutlet, , deed Lit 1111 Inten tion to Fii(ni,litedwev,eoncerw og any enter. tsinnientr, where themes me made for IntlollltOttee all notices of private a”oeintlons—every notice de. shined to call attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual Intereat.o.o on ly lie inserted witiethe understanding thet;the same l a en be pail toe. If intended to he inserted, in the la- IV gal colon*, Die Done will he chatted at the me•L' not Ina than lO cent. per line. Mahal , er Fist Notice. to he tharged triple price, r Tatern latent* Petinans, It each. Legal and Medical advettistmenta to ho charged at fall prices. Real Fettle Agents' and Auctioneer.' advertise.. went , not to be cloned under yenrie tat o, Lott to be allowed discount of thirty three and one Ward percent. from the asnottotof bill.. WELILT lei TaItITI3X.I.7 171 . 1talLI One....s•sturc, three .. .51 30 Do. each additional intiertion.... 37 • ADVItIrM.VIAII to wagon cavil. One Sane., DO lines.) one I met tion•—Sa ctn. Do, each nddiuonal insertion..—art All traiwient niterniwments In he paid in advance. WHITE k. CO. Gazette. Aner.n Post • RI titer M. RIDDLE, JournaL JAMES D. BARR & CO Chronicle. FQSTEII. & BROTHER,. , Divpatch. JOS. SNOWDEN. Mercury. JAMES W. BIDDLE, Ascetic.. 11111:04 RAINE, Evening Tribune. •Perreiceim, One. 1,1610. CARDS. JOILS A. PAILKINAO2II LniutalAN, Ward, Peon street, beteme. ar.d Walnut. AN business promptly at tended to. mayo ALEX/LSD= =. WATSON, A TTOIINEY AT LAW—Ottec, on Fourth street abouo Wood. • tnrl9 - DAVID C. TUTTLE. A I TOILNEY AT LAW, nod Commix.,loner 1. Pennty E.t. Lords, M. All communications promptly answered. oetr3.ly EMEMI BAlfiXl STILIIRS.TT, A TTORNEYSnd Cm:lnac LaaFralith at, Ad. betwecri _v Srrldteld and ()maulutsburgh, Pa. lal3 J 01,13 IL Large ............. •-•—••• •"W m. C. Friend. LALICar. A FRIEND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fount , street, neat Gnat. jyiatf -- .IAIIIEIS F. ICISRII, ATIORNEY AT LAW—Otbse on Fourth street, between Snmltbeld nail Grant, Pittsbulgh. Bake..ll PATTON t. BAILSWELL, A TTO RPiETS AT LAW—Offiret in Tilghman Grant in, neer the Court House. tebt A II: utd 'Sunday School Book., Ilery and dealer. In nit kind. of Writing, Window. and Wrapping . Pa. per, No. 79 Wooa street. between Fourth and Pia• mood alley. Pittibnrek. Pa. •011 JOHN n. n.anncin, TTOILNEV and Commllor at Lner, and Camille /1 ginner for the Elate of Penney Ornate, St. Louire Me., Hate of Pittatinnel4 Illefcrencos—Pittsbargh. Hon. W. Foruned, Hamp ton ik pfillcr, MiCanilleas a McClure, John F. Parke, ll'atolls R Semple. l'ileCotl . King. inerl4-ty Pi VAG /1 IST. • • • • ...... • • • •:0•11 , 1 VT. akakkek BAGALEr, WOLIDWARD:k CO, W tiotesate ears, Pan ell Market at, l'httadeleMa. at. 4 Pittsburgh Alkali Works. BENTIETP, BKRRY hCO, IR ant cloture rs of Soda Mb. litieveblne Po eter, It!mimic ene Sulphuric Acids. \ Varchortae No —, Water ttreet, below Perry. nontN. dr — r - red 7 areirftrann. PAIN h REITFIR, I.N: y holesale and Retail Drug P r gtepnorner of Libor; nod Sr. qtkir streets, Pill ar4 _ . EOLOMON NCISOYToIIe ONDTISSION MINICIIANT,Stack and Bill Bret. er, No un S.i.cond greet. Irorytt-dly --- Duquesne klprlnp, Axle, Errol, and iron Works. LENTAN.IIPOLAIAN r CO, Manufacteren. • CO Conch snit ihipiic Springs, Hammered Azle Poring und Plough itel.-Iron, /cc. Warchooso Witter and Front wools. Pittiborch. Alia, dank,. in Coach TriromiLEl and Alallcab acting.. .112 ATelatiT MONO rt, cnozzu, 0)1311:2SIONI Mi.:F.-CHANT:4.2nd Dtalori in Pep Cdace, No TS sDirket greet, Pitteburgh. ' • — Earn John Ajtraie— N 0 7 ,7 14 rmlieTT et RAIG a ' SKINNFR. Votterardine and CL1a.1.4011 V Merchat., No % naars st. Pittsburgh. eP 4 A. hicskeSULTlr Zs Cr), Forwarding .0 Corm Vs merlon hterchnnts, Canal Bann, Pittsburgh, _ Yn. . . , 11. ORA NT, %TAW eaWn G rocrr, Con:minion and C. Forwurding Alezannt, No. 4( Gla,cy st.,Pia.. ant Ira lleFsey Andress Fleming It. Flaming. nrasEN, F16E01154 4 a co., CcEsnitssitys NTS—For the sale o( 11M tis,Woolen, and Counn Glands; also, dealers in all kind s or Tailors' Trimmings, No 147 Wood st, 4th doer from Filth. Pittsburgh. Itsferenec—Alemrs. Wm. A. 11/11 A. Co, Dank Sent/ ISM. Z. CTll.l9lt. LOMI.I. ILIMINIT. ENGLISH RENNETT, (Inte 4. COl Witoleikalo firoccra,Cononnuion nod Pon. wardlnn Merchants, and dealers in Pro and Mts. Mrionnintares, No. 37 Wood at., hors.= and 3d meet'. nett xi. JonasMori, on-wArantYa COMMISMON MERCHANT F • No Ild Second at. Ptlt.l•a 7b. FOrrdin g 7 Y et Mit ; ° " Ai nOri s lret I Orto,l Cr ICle • - eurphy gmgstla• Morel m inpt, Ar .t t . he (.1 4 7 Ametie Woolly, LibettY. opp. — int. unix, tit= ore.. x. artzetva. MUllh p hfi .1C D. c.tecrontort, roar 5...-orAzurry, . 11EFEA.LD x lIITCKNOR,Tobereco Commission Met. tr A. Omar*, (1 Nor th Wa ter 1G North 'Marvels, . ino•Z,tf •., U. 911 ,• 11110ERIW, JONFZ g. Co., (noel:nor. to Among, .11..1. /one. to Co. CoMonsmon and Forwarding Neg. anions, drator.in Pit:oh:ugh ganaractared Goods, Pitt.bgran. P. mld, - ' • R. P. ftIAILSEIALL, fireCilOOX TO S&MUTI. G nat.,) Tmrown:a a Dealer In French end Arnesi Pa .'. per Musings and Boniest, Window Shade. eus Fire sSosni Prints, its Also—Writing, Priatineand WS.P. P , rticF*P. , ,N_.0..67 Wood street, between }bush glee' and „bl 3 side, Pittsburgh, P. fe I.hicgig499d dea I In D:e b.elh rm.., Ode. Vorrthhes. Le. N 9 93 Wood trte4 9 99 door bona& of Diaaaand Atter Pitt stragh. 9 9 4 VAUML — Whale.,,,,imeel,Commisslea Marcbant.an* &taterater Poda•e ard Plnatmgb No2l a t,W Patsbunrh. apt 1.1.411 mein., - • za, TBAJAIi PICKEY a nd Grnrei. mission 111 crchnnts, and dollen In Pradnes,No./I 6 and IV Frnnt n.ng '"ET:glll:Zahrt76llC-(lTiliirgoollh • Agent• for Hazard Pala. c o 'lie and, V Wood st.i daq• TOIVNSF.ND, Draggle% and A volheean JunN M . No. as 'Market et., three doors ebove Third at. Patel I.lgh, will here constantly onhAnd a wollecletted u. sortment or tho beet and freeness 5,,,,,,1„..3,hihh h. will sell orders.e Rill reasonablo terms. lad .enamr will be promptly etteltdedto, and imp: plied with ardelen they fn. SOT I. genuine. - UT Pllasiciane Pre.erintione bn aceorately and p t -ca r ed front Ina best inaterlals,at.y tmty of hp day or night: A l. tor gale, a larp Mot or fresh and good I Porte WAIT. - T -1, • WVATTgr(I), gaits of Warren, Olno,)Cormnia. el. and Forwarding Mnrchant..d wholesale dealer In Western Itesnre• Cheese, Ratter, Pet and Pet., Mb, and Wro.er.l Produce generally. Water etre , . between Smithfield and Wood, Pittebargh, ap4 - • Toliss'rN a STOCKTON, glookeellers. Printers, and Paper Manufacture., Ne. el Market street, Pittsaburgh. John 1.:!ord. Richard Ploy/. [1,0v% Wbolersio. Gtocers t Commission tl • Merehente, end Dreier% , Itiodere. Round Church Iluildiorrt (tontine w." Bluth str!e,s, rittsberrh. Pe. , „ ° ari tiVloVeAulTre M er ch ant .rlet in Produce and Pittsburgh .Manufanntree's:gri ner or Ltb.r.y !trot Rareleunote.Pmehenth Pa. Jadld JO. A. CAI. 6 rIRY, ATent for the lento Erin la ai Wadi I.lne to Denver and dad Lute'—.o2.4 opu %hp grdndt Of Vror 114ffoilthiold oth • . VOL. XVII. NO. 262. BUSINESS CARDS. RS CHISON, Co.—Successors to AU Lewis Hutc HUT hison & Co., Cos:mission Merehants, Ind &scuts or the St- LoitisSiesm Seegh. Refinery. Ho cosier sed92 front strects,Pittsbur 101 IN ii. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer In Made sztd Musical lessraments, School Boos. aper, Slates; Steel Pens, Qulys, Primers , Cards, and owi,,tarp 'twee...117,r%. PI t a dkratsburgh. 15 Li7aw . opposite'St. Charles Hotel, Pluabweh, will also wend prozmtly to Collections, us:Washington, Fayette td Green eolsolles , Pam TO Blookirteet.'Don & Co., ' Church llS.Casothers, Trinsbettls IeafiXrCAIAKER & CO, Wholesale Draggistsi J.No el Weed street, Pittsburgh. Dist 611t:1 Forwarding and Cammtsaion Mer it charts, Dealers In Produce sad Pittsburgh mans, fact red.attic les, Canal 'Be sin, near 7th it ap4 --1.-ifillr..7lllPlGEFOitriam, PA. V`INEEDY, CHILDS & CO., lilanufactrirers o 1 13, very sapetior 44 Sheeting, carpet Chain, Cotton Tonne and Dattint. ja3o4 Y__ Vasnolus Iron Works. LT EWIS , DALZELT, /a CO, Minufactutera nf al sizes Etat, Sheet, Boiler Irou and Null, of the bee quality. Wurehneae, 54 'Water and US Front street janl9' Wm. Atiller,Yhtlad. C. W. Riekeesort, Pittsburgh. %/1 ILLER RICKETSON. Wholesale C rocco, and 01 Importers of Urandies. Wines and &Tara, Nos. IV/ and aorta. of ',bony and Irwin streets, Pitts. burgh, Po. Iron, Nails, Comm Varna, he. te, eon. Candy on hand. spa John Pit , 6lll. /mem D. WOW. Walter C. R. F,, No Da il - cG ILLS it RO Won Me chan Who IN Libe rtyles ce (I fixers St, Pitts nail Commis. ts burgh p 4 PinShant6 Ei suet. "WOTET - Vins - 61qUfai AND AXLE FACTORY._ MA. ,oast,', SOW. P. 401.1. JONES ENISGi ITA.NUPACTURERS of spring and Mister steal, alndJhalnat, anal plough wino, coach and clip lie springn,liammeted true axles and dealer. in mat fire engine lamasi ' aitd eolith trimmings . cannily, admen of Rosa and remit su., Pittsburgh, (anti N/10 LEES &SON, No ES Market stisecond dour . fromcorner of Fourth, dealers In Forman .d Donn-ode Us. of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Dank Noted odd Spode. 117 - Coteletions made the prinsipal eines hem limo the United States. alp{ GlirdASTAit, Aunt. AlN—Oifice, Fourth et., a th ird door above firelthfield, south aide. Convgyraking clan Abide done with we greatest .11113 ant legs aCCUMeX. 'Mee to Rent Falate examined. he. oct3Wly 7— lsaisiriaxas,ifS7:ol i Co, g ANGFATUItEES OF GREEN GLASS WARE, 0.57 Marker streed,Pittaburgh, Pia, keep nonevent. N ty on hood, ant make to order all kinds of Vies. Bottler, ee. Pttirtcr and/Wl:tend Water !Joules of au. rehorquallq , Particoilikr etteetion paid te Private Moeda. Litherigraphle Estabitshmosst the (i)F ro wAs c c4ECll3l .rg Ar ia TM .,.., Vil st, d izos s los , heads, S. howhills, Labels, Architectural and Unchlne Drawings, Business and Visiting Cards, Esc, engraved or 'drawn Ms stone, and petaled in colon, Gold, Bronze or Black, in the most approved style, and at the most reasonable prices. oettiblY J.O. PSTTIGILICNIT STEAM BOAT AGE NT. Orocz ♦zo, WWu. IL Mt-YU k B • apl7. NO! 37 Water Street. SIIACKIaIiIIT s WIIILTE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. lei 'WOOD STREET, HAVE in store, hind will - be cower:Cy receiving dories the season, a locals and well selected as• emu:tent of Staple and Furl , Dry (roods, which they will sell for oanh or approved credit- Westeni hterehants are invited examine our stock. RODIN:ON, LITTLE Pe CO..' o. IPlLiberty street Pluatargh. Wholesale Grocers, Produce and COMIONSiOII Iderehants, and &Oen In Pittsburgh /Donato: Ores.- apl7 =BT. .31303. MSI ISM. SAIL. 3. 30313205. RORERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rue:trying Distiller, dealer In Produce, Pirtsborsh Mumtaz an 1 all kinds of Foreign end Domestic Wines ' and Liquor., No. Xl.ll Liberty Merl. On bond aver" large otoek of superior old Monongahela. wMakeY, which will De sold low for sash. wales fINE=I eirino.rs. 1.. 1.. arm. REYNOLDS & RUM Forwarding end CO.llll. earl Merchants, for the Allegueny Myer Trade, Lea Mrs In Groeeries, Produce Pittsburgh, !deaden tares, and Chloride of Lime. The highe.t price, In cash, paid at all tim oPh es O for country rsy!. COMM . Penn nod Irwin 011. DOBE ,mo AT & Co.. Wholesale (rioters, Merehards, dialers in Produce and burgh Manufactares, Liberal street, Pittsburgh, Pa Man , EIODERT A. CUNNINGHAM. 'Malec-sale Greece, /V Dealer in Produce an.. Pittsbarsb Manufactures. N 0.141 Linens sneer. aplB - - lIAISTbIaN & CO, tabetbeld Iron and 13 Sae Works—alsnutartuters of Am. IT Spring and Plonsh Mtect. Also—flerings, Axles, Vices, Am oils, /cc. They invite the attention of merchants and consumers to thole stork before o f else: arbere. They warrant their articles: to be nuns to any mode in this country or imported. febt4 • ' stl•CII-S4IT TUC. Z. 'AMTS. ‘ILIACKLETT & MUTE, Ml:tolerate neaten In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, 80. 19 Wratal arret- Pi t tsburgh. , apl7 71S — V - ti 114111111AllOH, Wool Merchants, 15gaWm 0 in Flour and Produce generally. and Forwarding and Corcosismon Merchanta, rio. 53 Wilt!, in et, Partsbargt, 1717 r strittalW r rtrmarnon. /0113 menu, 111.1141 M. S Ent': Ati'felW.:.r•V'tr7: Larch. =!. :t n: and apt:. S.F V ON CON Nitwit:if re CO, Wholow le to. ten, Forwa . rding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in rittabargh hinge:Cacti.. and \Vattern Product, have removed to their now warehnute,(ald wwadd No. NS, egiaei.oi Front Street and Chanoery Lao, PIOIIIIIB d HAWORTH. TEA, AND WINE MERCHANTS, , _East side Diamond, L. R. Wats man • • A_ N. Watermau• W. B. Waterman. :L. S. viArzunAs i SONS, -TAT_ROLESALE GROCERS, Como:dart. and For. warding Merchant.; dealers in all kinds of Pei:t riune it Pittsburgh Manufactured Atheist; .4 Agents SFr tele of Richmond said Lynchburg Mibufasuired Tobacco. snot . . "a• ATTOILIMY P AT LAW, Builzr, a L also attend to callemMuss Ind all alms bust- W i lt ‘ ess entrusted to him ia Dallas and Ammtrong sostrdl4.l,Pa. Aster to I. G Ft. Floyd, Liberty st.l • W. W. Wallace, • do • • James hlarahall do Pittsburgh. _ dl 'l:ap C o., Wooed at. • • I lan7 B. Raahricti•••—.— George Richard. S. B. DIISIINRIBILD fr. 00.. 'WHOLESALE arid Retail Dealers la Grircanec Tyaad thy Goods, and C01.113.10ik hlerchar ry ms, S4 . o_ Lams ar at. Pitt.bra • JOAN mesen>Z s i CO., FORWARDIMI & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penn greet. Plusbarrii, nun 111. DAVIS & co., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N.. 4A 7.larket, and 54 Commerce at, Philadelphia Advance. made, by either of thee7grove, oa consign. menu of Produce to either Hamm. nut --7-4-5111V-Arit'VtailArith—&—alhi; FORWARDING tr. COMMISSION MERCHANTS liAtzsiraisini, Pa. lir°l4gerPiclifreligititrf. r li e e rti ft VeZni 'M A=nt o e f i 113 they a rt pre w p:red to receive any amount. Line and Section Hone running night and day, the freight will not be detained, ea they will anload each boom et ell Imam. feb2aum Marrisbargh, Feb. 9; IIZ. J.:D. Will iams• •...—^John mat • T. D. wiLiasitui & co., WHOLE' ALERETAIL FAMILY GROCF.RI3, TY Fomenting and Corea Merchants uld dealers in Con r try Produce and Pittsburgh tdanii fee tares, earner or Wood and FILM streets, Pluallarga. MIL IL IdnYlaY. vinz. H. WILLI&NO & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Oast corner of Wood and Third streets, _dnt_ Pir.nnreart. orig. immix roan Is. cosaattea, 11. vrosearain, nsun DiteaLT , 'Utrrit. BACIALEY tr. co" Wholesale Grocers; IS TT artA2o D h Mg V. lows. swum istsautaga WICK 11,CANDLESD, (sueeessisri to L&J. D. I,) Wholesale GIVECT• Forwarding and Comodwlno Mortimer.; dealer. in Iron, Nails, Oats, Cotton Yarns. and r,ttsbo rub Manufactures general lyi corner of Wood and Water streets, !Mahwah. .07 WY . ReM7fSrtDlDrYrt, . e nd Winn s a a n dD LQaUnr geroll4llo. Al so—letporters of Soda Ash and Bleach kepi Sportier, r , lO. 100 Liberty street, (opposite Sixth . !StL. IX)" kY7WIZSON, Watehea, Jewelry, tither Ware . and Military Ginsds, corner of Market and FOOnh street, rill.blngb, Pa. N. 13.--Watches and Clocks earefalty repaired. aipl7 • .; woo TOVNIF. bOull 1. IeeCIIIL WITM. YOUNIFtr. Co., Dealers to Lauber , /fides, pp' he., 143 Liberty strl . alLt..—'" : ; witriecirr criito nom arcureamon. tvr .„ R. hIeCUTCHI;O7I, Wholesale Grocers, VV dealers in Prodace, Iron, Nall., Masa, and .PMDb.argolhlarteraetata generally, L:hrUY Tin.b. .1.01. , _ - 1.17 o __-----_. ; J. D. WILLIAMS 44. CO., W HOLESALP ..ND. Ri9VL GROCERS Fo; Co ' anwntriZe'To'annrsh3orgh hlan:fa%tar'es,e"eo; Imo o( Wool .n 4 pith streets . , Pittsburgh. i . Pauaborgh_os-50... IMMILCMII A AATMLO. GFNEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —Tun+n4^ur IrrtAberat odv►nenn mode on nonsigambatn, }nnl4-Crtn_ M a ra gel. "' RaSs, enlerMtieet= Poen% meet, entrance on Versa st, neas Market. eleeodtf N°itootti."."No OO rien'osrolg , T , } of lQ =01r0t...0. Inv Inars4s, which therroffer for sale •• agents for 3: Defend IS Co, Jlordeaux, Tim AtaCcnlt Em..d. nkry3 & 0e; hbra,belle, J Spelled, cMnab, Ade 61 n rat is A de Mendota, lean Louis, An., net a l so, anther Gln, Boyaeln. Red and %%MIMI:es . in e ask • paid ca.es, selected end; and sweethn Parsed SeTsg hk.ldek Champagne Wine and Hargendy feb7-11. P VlT.R6"tikg,": - . Th . :: sittglerolVi n ood th awl Tizird MOIL 1::'" _ - GO-PARTIMILSPIIP. lIAVR taken CARR tsar, partrieralim with me in my business, .•hick will from thig'iium be tarried on under the inure of "John Parker &M o." March let, ISSO. JOIIN PALMER. JabnCarr. JOHN PANICS= & CO., ' lerd• Grano, Dealers in Prague Foreign Wines ' Liquors, Old Idanoyage4 and Rectified NNticloy. • . m 0.5, Commercial Row, Liberty =eel, .P Pinebor ab 1.1.M.11.111 PALM. .103.1.110171.6- W. S. PALMER, niusae. 6 C 0... (Successors to Hussey, }lnns it Co.) BANKERS. EXCIIANGDDROKERB, and Oes.lefa In Ford and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Dank Notes, and specie—North west corner of Wood and 'Thud streets. Current money received on depeslte.—Sight Cheeks for sale, and colleen°tu made on nearly all the principal points the United lutes. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Frodfiee. chip peg FASO. on liberal terms— sin 23 talosau.) 11.• WIII. A. nrcLurto a. Co., • GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, .No 2 M Likrty mot, giber Mott, Save always on hand a larae asrattmrat er Circles tisoeeries and Vino Tea.: alto, Foreign Emits and Nam Wholesale and Retail. Dealet• .applied on the lowest terms mays !==2 WlGHTMAN—Mancfacauxer of all kinds of cot Jag ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa The above works being now in full and successful op. eration,l OA premised to exeunt otters with dis7ateh for all kinds of machinery in laY line, tack as willow pickers, spreaders, conk, grinding irgat.ther, drawing frames, speeders, thowsils, loorm, woolen carda,,koble or single, formerchant or country work, mules,peks,&mi slide and hand lathes and took in get. e n All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans glu on for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Rya, so—Kennedy, & Co., Illookstock, !Jell .fg Co.. King, Pennock C 0.,& i.e. A. Gray. BENNETT at. BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Binalngham, [wear Pittabargb,llP. , Officr, No. 31 W Wacer .P6ar1.6,'8 batmen Market and ood, rgh. WlLL:eonatantly keep on hand • good now t. meet or Wan{ of oar own manufacture, and Boperior Qualm , . Wholesale ana coon,/ kler ehants are menet dolly Invited to call and ex ains for themselves. aa we aro determlaod to sell cheaper than h ...... before been offered to the pub- tic. [lTA:lrder sent by mall, accompanied h 7 the e”b or ood referenee, will be promptly encoded to. mei IfEl•lif COACH rgid magattxriv. ii{ A. . WHITE CO, would respeetfally Inform 13J1.. the public that they have erected n shop on Iscock, between Federal and Sandusky street, they are now making and are prepared to merits orders far every dacriptionuf vehicles, Coaches. Chariot's, Da vouches, Doggie., Phonons, &c., b.e., which from their , leng experience in the manufacture of the above work, void the facilities they hnve.they lc fee omfident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable Maus with tante artinting articles in their line. Pvying particular attention to the seleetton of mote- Ti and having none but compete. warkmen, they hove no hesimuon in sterna:tag their work. We therefore ask the attention of the pithily to this matter. Repairing done in the bat manner, and on the mar reartonahle terms. the - - wa .Ka S CAILF a a &Tani SON, TB seer, armee. Wain Arro Mantra Prrralnall. to rosnufacture all koala , of..CtIPPER, 1./ TIN AND 9111:ET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. Steam Doan built to order. lli g;c a tal an at a e a m i s s on a r a g: s to , st aa es aa m a bni a s pe or r ta ad Bran Xettlea, Tin Ware,e. Steamb , mt &king Storrs, Portable Forges, various afros —s very convenient ar ticle for Member., Catifernia emigrants, or rail road w oo comp . We would respectfully invite steam beat men and of oers to call and see our uncles and prices before purchasing el sewbere• fTry J. GLENN, Boot Binders. lirare still engaged in the above business, corner of Wood and Than streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. \tie attend to our work personally, and satis faction will be given in regard to its Dellalt kel and du rability. Blank Books ruled to tiny pattern and bound sub. stautially. Books in numbers or old books brand core. folly or repaired. Names pot on books to gilt letter. Those that have week in oar line are invited to call. Prices low. targre Pltt Us*Mao Work. and Foundry. rrrrannicu, JOHN vviticirr lc Co., are prepared to build Cotton ana Woolen Machinery . of every deseripcen; stub Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Mooing Framer, Hallway Wads, Warren., Spooks, Dremehg Frames, Looms, Card CrindersOts. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cart Iron. Politer and Hangers of the latest potterna, alido and hand Luther, and tools of all kinds. Castings or every description furnished on abort notice. PaHerns made to order for Mill Hearing, Iron Hailing &e. Steam Pipe fee heat ing Factories, Clint Iron Wlndoer Sash and fatcy Cor tices enerally. Order. left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer g & Co., Liberty MOGI, Vrili ktvei prompt auto- don. Refer to Mac[stock, Dell &E :Moorehead & Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwin ft Sons, Etudnareb ; G. C. &J. D. Wanner, Steabenstlle. ihnlO riA.NO3, TIIE subseliber offers for sale a Jorge and splendid essortiornt of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion rotromointb and without Coleman's celebrated Ethan . Attasktnent The above inethoirterfts one WlLT rantcd to be equal to any manufactured' - in - this coon- try, and will Le cold lower Mae env lit ought from the East. F. BLUME, do I d. t...!.5t001 at .or gong will Le taken hi fur a Ira of he Shone 1.11.01,11,,.. Teri t: 'g l itter, ter nydiremt Wager. THIS is to certify that I hole app • pointed Livingston, Rogveri ft Co. :tote Men, for the ahlh Jnning'e I rumor thaprehqm FT.ter, for Me ail brae( Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOIIN Arm,. !or Walter Id Gipson, 319 Broadway, • e N• TI Oct 10,1E48. We base peen using one of the above articles at the °flee of the Novelty Works for three worths, on Ottd, and feel perfectly soothed Mat it is a ocelot invention, and we take pleasure in recommending Memos nye fat article to all who lose r pore . .. Met . Orders will be thankfully received tictiroviqyezetel. _ • octl9 LIVINItS ON, I tllitsF2hi Co Steam Bigot Wothei Tor THE subscriber offer. foe sale, rat STEAM BRICK WußlPS,above I.aorancevi eomprising 2 Steam Engine, healers, 6 Plould 31-irnialle, antral'', of mmtufaetuning 03,Ur1l Pressed Brick:. lout of dry clay, as taken sum the bank,) per day; vs ith three acres al land on the Allegheny mu, on which are 4 tilns and .Leda, machine and clay sheds, vela elturrows, trucks, shovels, !spades, he., every thing rUcuistta to com mence °penalties at an hours nod co.' rice, including the patent rant to cive Raid machi ne,•gP7,o)—rurns of payment wth , nay. Withoutland, 53,001 For particulars, address :0141114.111., urg27-dif NCI Iltal robselm!, Hance., Wrought. sad Gut 1..00 FlAglins , subscribers beg leave to afarm the pnbite that they have obtained from the Ewa ad the late and foshiopable deurns for hoe Kailtoit bath for houses ana cemeteries. Peru.. wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call end examine, and Judge for themselves. Ratting call he Punished at the abort net entice, Red la the bent mann tr,. at the carder DI Craig And :Rebecca streets, Allegheny cityte KNOX.. alulri-dtf Le..P4ONT NO.-0 STATF. STYLEMT, IIOSTON, Agent Joe Omsk , anti Rcenwry of .P reports, err gland *HAVING spent nearly a y ear In the miens Do tard Offices, National Labrary, dic., during his Into unit to England, investigating elide. for per In this country, and having secured efficient and re. vendible agent, in London end Mencheete, he to prepared to afford all necessary lniormsdion and ad vice .to permm who feel to recover thou property in that countm. J. L. keep. e list of the Llask.of Mngland Dividend Book.. which may be examined for GO edam, or trs for each letter of the Alphisbck De ere:ices In Dolton: - D. U. V. ADAMS, Notary JAMES WEI.% MINDY K. ----- ---- EV C OHM it. CO (B e.. M occ.re to 'Cord Al . iang) . tot Fershletrassble Ile. t•r'ss Curator of Wood uros . Fife. :Streets. Ca Grotto attendee paid to our Retail Trade. .1. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their flats and Caps from oat estabilshlueet of the max 15.... uld wcraxwansi me, of the hark. mxxs, and at the Weser men. Country Merchants, Vl:imbuing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examine ournGtocr, as we can say with confidence that as regards onshrn and mace, it will not offer in • conaperisen with any o_ 1211 , !lid sl p th_m ' febl7 Vill•LlAlM—liiirlit If rtEbenseve to Inform his friends and costomers that JD jest receiving his new spring swot of Ukiah, :iiirip::fierif L ip nasal, nil the newest .d tudst Oen.- th Casslmeres,fa. ` Y esting., cot ton anil l finen summer stuffs, and everyniele Rehab". for gentlemen's wear fore pring and rummer. It being impossible to describe the beauty, quefity, or Ondn'itV of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who ere in want of g ood, cheep, fashloneble, •nd well mede clothes, will give him a call, es there is no Meek this side.or We Alleghenies that e. compare with It. The ready made deputettent Is 'eery extensive, ad.. and to all tastes. Rail road contractors, country merchants, and all who purchase largely, are particularly Invited to ex. ammo the stock before purcenalog, as particu."ae nt.• memos 11 paid to the wholesale bust.. In this estabs lishrocat. ' Every virile* is the tailoring line made to Greer in We most lashicwalte and best Wine., at the shortem mai 1.1 .-- - - NOTIONi - rr 111: partnership heretofore existing under the firm 1 1 of A fr. C BRADLEY, is dlitrolved by tin decease • of Me. C Bradley. The boos will be earned on by . A Bradley, who will settle the bu t of the law firm. REMOVAL—A Bront... hes removed hie Foundry Warehouse from No tit ceorid street, to•No le Wand street, between First ad second streets, to thn ware house lately occupied by ti A'Berry, where he will keep sonstantly °attend a general asionment of Cast ings. Orates, glove. Cooking Stoves, he. iv Et THE AItIiCIDIXTEIi. ,11E attention of the public a reapcottelly ealirA U'lM the following cortifinatse a. S. Gartan—lte•ing tested • quantity of Gold weighed by your Arconacter. I find the result proves your instrument correct; and rtmoutten methodre of it to Mom going to California. az the beat for otr. training the teal Value of Gold. Reap, yours, J. DUNLEVY,GoId Deem , Pittsburgh, March 9, Int?. ' PrrtaMauls, March 7,1649. a:Mame—Dear Pict flaying eganuned the"Arerr rhett:," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to rornmend it to the use of those gentlemen Wto are shoot emeving to California In search of Gold. It gives n close aporoximatiOn to the specific , gravy ti of metals, and will certainly enable Goad venture to ascertain when Ida placer Is yielding part. Yvart, roep'7, AVOLISTOCIL ME= 'MGR, WEDNESD INSURANCt LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Lire tontines Company surto or moot% =verb 25 reit cern Capital. 6130.000. "JAMES DURNO & Co., Agexas Panbusgh, Pa. 30A.111) or DIALCTI.I3 TILICRON, JIMM. limes 11. Ir. , John A lknjn . Weari, I .h, Gio!At.p.hpC.,i'Ficontrtz,n.,PVlt.);.t. El Monis, ScereUul• Jonathas, Fuk, Treasurer, REFEREES. ono TOIL. mirltAnkMana. Camarotiered New York.l Mite. Jake Jame. Campbell. George Wood. David 11. Joke F. ?Jackie: Alexander Connives. David MidlerField. IW.J. P. Whim, P. M. Joseph lioxie. unv Seltarr. Ilts P,xe. Gov. Homes-Ex•Gos. Broom. I W. L. Dayton, U. S. Se. luxe Wildtick. M. C. O. D. Woll.llx U. S. Sen. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. Ex.G05..51. Dickerson. Hon. S. IL Hoodlum. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A. Warri Deane, M.D. IW. W. Gerhard, D. 20 en st., N. V. 201 Wolad at. PMl's. Wm. M'S: .Morgu.lll. D., H. R. Belida. D., George McCook, M. D., I Allegheny city, Pa., Pittsburgh. Pa The Age- tail( tht• Company:at Pittibergh• Life thorized to take every first elus risk on Life m a Irlealcisoe or mvurt.rtsu ran czar. from tho visual rues of premium, unhorsed by other Companies. Neater.- A man 20 yeti Ts of o.ge, taking orolicp for One Thousand Dollars. To run for one yore, polio oulY *O,OO. do seven " do lifetime," " 817,143 And In the Same proportion for any cornier to 250011, winch is the extent token on Loy one life. This Company commenced operations on the let October, 1940, and its monthly basineis up to the Ist October, 15 shows a progress oxesromo that of any-other Lite Company on record. The first dividend of profilk tad! be declared to the assured on theist January, VSO. Pamphlets containing the various tables of rotes, nd all the necessary interseallOrt on the important subject of Lire Assurance. will be furnished on apph enuon to JAMES DUILISO & CO., Aunts, doll Odeon Buildings. ' FIRE INSURANCE. tiF. TRENTON MUTUAL LIVE AND FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY will Woo Polieles,of lustirar.eu against Lusaor D•3l/..r. Liy Far, upon Dwelling. and Fornitors, Storm Goods, At , &e., on iiPplicl7alion JA.IIIV3DURNO &Odeon O, Anew, dc Building. INSURANCE. rpnr, DELAWARE. MUTUAL. SAFETY INSU RANCE. COMPANY.--ONee North Room of the Escheat - , Third street. Philadelphia. Fool imsaorcv—liuildings, AS<rehnnlim and other property, in Town and Country, Mooed against losa or damage by firs, an the Invert rate of premium. hlamas lacsarica—They also maitre Vesaels, Car. goes and Freights. foreign or coastwise, ander open or special policie. as the assured ray desire. loran Taroreasmos—They also Mara =crab l andim transported by NVar,orm . l, Rail Road Care, Canal 'Baia nod Steam Boats, oa riven and lakes, on the most liberal roods. DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal. roimand A. Sander, John C Davis, 'Seibert Salon, John R Penrose, Sarno eI Eilwarda Geo G Leiper, Raman! Darlington, Isaac IR Davi., Wm Falwell, John Nealin, Dr RE Damon, J. Had, l'heophilos Pauldins, R Jones RM.., llenri Sloan, flash Craig, George Serrill, Spencer I Neilsen", Charles Kelly, J 13 Johnum, Wm Hay, Co p Thoreau John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS Al' PTITSBURGII—D T Morgan. ""5h "" ;I : lark ' n MARTIN. Rinuaa S. Nauman, Sec`y. • 11J Office of the Company, No. 42 Water areet, Piosburgia fientS-if P. A. MADEILLIodst. Lira and TlLEMutual Life and Dearth Insurance Company f Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 1848. Charier perpemat. Capited,..llloo,l2CO. RATIO lOW. =MI MIT Pmerears , yams 1:0310..1, and fall Z.; per cent lower than the Mond rates of Life Insorance, or the following com parison volt show: Thus, a person of the age of uring for SIN; for life. mast pay4n the Girard 5 2,38 Pennsylvania, 68,15, Penn Alumni, 51.311: Fgni $2,111, New England. th...,21 . , Nike Void; Life, 82,36; Al bion, $2,18; Life and Health„ Philadelphia, fl.dt. Dearer°. —Samuel D. Orrick, Charley D. Hall s W. F. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes AL W. Baldwin. 111. AI. Reeve, AL D. Chas. 0. II eninfdeelle Lewis Coelier, I. Rodman Barker, Butler, Merle Ft. Cope. President--Bamael D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Rebt. P. King; Secretary—Fnancis Illackburne. Applications will be eseeived, and every inforreatiOn given by EMAIL. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, Crake, Commercial Rooms, corner of oce.ll-dly Wood and Third sta. Pittsburgh SIRS AND NADINE INSURANCE. irlIE INSURANCE' CO. el North Amerira wad make permanent and limited insarance on pro perty In this eny arid vicinity, and en shipments by Caned, Rivers, Later, Red by Sen. The properties et Lbw Company are well invested, an furnish an send. able fan/ for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by Illearanee. rnylB WM. P. /ONES., Age lIIIIIIItANGE. at Plltsbarittt. The Spring Garden health Insurance Co, OF PHILADELPHIA.--•OAPITAL 8100,000. l ItStTRES Males and Female. against th y SlXpenac fled Loss ocennioned by tricknes or Accident s bl a ati immediate alloarenee of from IFJ to SS per week, for one, two, three, or foot yeah. . The method of edenung tale Insurance, and the manner of awarding the sick illiewwice, will be fully explained by the Agent. rl iantras A person Can lance against Sickness or Aceideni which aril/ detain him from his ordinary buainess. as follows, Tit For one year, by paying s4,n, and receive ta ♦ week. Car two " SW, 4 For to, " " 7SM, " 6 For four n " in. for peTinii of MU( year, the .in of 314.417 paid iirinnity, art , ' re per wre wild< stet. Every ceei ass, inlormnonn win la all - atilt-0 on the gaiiiect of Insurance tenerolll. "7 JAMES DIJILSO & CO, Atom', Odeon Buildings. del7-dam Plea sad :Marano Inatariance HU CIFFICC of the Insurance Company of North T America. kw been removed to No. 11l Front at cast of WO.. The subscriber, agent for the above old and respon sible Company, issue Policies on But'thugs and their 00111t11., and on ehipmenta of filetchwdito by Steam 13oats and other <castle. NS W. P. JONES. -- The Perwasylvartkln COMp KIS y Fan Insunwcw an Lien sea flwarttna Awurrrik THE Drat Life ',wanes: Company to the U. States. herd' Permed March 10,1.912—chuter perpetual. Capital IMMl,ooo—all paid in. flaying uuthonsed the undersigned to receive &mills cutima for inwrance, oawhich policies will tie lawful. made to their proposals and rates, which swill be I Made known to applicww at hie office., No. VI WOW Street GEO. COCHRAN. PITTSBURG/II PHIIIALE IHEITITUTX Mll6 Second Session of this IntlSutton, coder tha care of Mt. end Mrc. Grouttosni for the prevent academic year, will commence on thia day, Monday, February tech, In the same building", No. IS Liberty street Arrangements have been mode by which they will be able to furnish young indica facilities equal le any in the West, for attuning a thorough English, Cloud, crd, and Ornamental education. A full curse of Pat inoptiteal and Chemical LACIII/G1 will bedelivered during the winter, tllutrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Inutramenta/ Music Modern Langnagea, Drawing and Punting, will each be under the care o(a competent Professor. By close attention to th e moral and Intellectual Improvement of their pa pile, the Principals hope to merit •continuation ofd e liberal patronage they hove hitherto enjoyed. r terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. feblS-110 • HERSEY. FLEAIING & CO. nivs. sop. SALE, FROM Till? MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST. ERN MANUFACTURERS, PRICES: White El•nocis, all Wool. Blue Drills; fled do do Blue DeminU Yellow do do - Fanny Conortades; all are Brown do do ollered at Factory prin.. Black Stinnett. Dome League Shining. Steel maed do Checks and Stripes, c ell Rive do do heavy goods. Drab - Black Cusimera Tailor," Goo d .. Fancy do Red Padding, super do; Fancy Tweeds. Vest Padding, Bockram, Super Mark Dread Cloth. Talloro'Cativass, heavy do. Super /drown do . Brown Linens Siticia's Super Omen do Drab Serge, Idack do, • I Super Twilled do ...I worsted; Super Meek Doe Skins Black T wi stshite Tape; Super Drab Cuhmeres. Black Drab do; Super Mow. do Linen Cheeks and Dolls;' Soper Meek do Stuart's )slum ton Cotton; California Blankets. do Thread, a Seerlet do superior article; Blue . do Silk Figured Vesting.; Drab do Black Satin do Grain Bagging. Drown Hollud tte'g Silks; Brown intl.; Balla., Cravats, in., Ad. At the blanakteturerst anima., No 127 Wood e Plttsburgh • mr2e • —___—_--__-_- NE co.p.nno.taDplesolutioss. hetet:dare csieting between th • Tmbscribaro, rho name of Constable, Boric CO, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mesas Burke & Barnes vrill settle the bush:tempt awe concern for which purpose they are authorised to use the norn of the concern. NATHANIEL EDMUND BURKE,CONSTABLE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day eau:minted thariselves to the name of BURKE Ye 13ARNM. for the planless of ntanufacturilig Fire Proof Bales, Vault Doves, Rd. he., at the mend of .he late Arai of Consive %b table, Burke AC*, where they will be pletued to receet patron age of the come:Leta of that hoog an z tl i t ) hZarda. 'lloll3Alti BABEL in retiring from the loot of Constehl i e t , , Let . k u e With w e t elnere c onfidence recomriol.L and the Bartle. he igirtAlmatEeL coNnAum Feb. 9, FAO. febt..ttatf_ --------------- C. AILBUTIINOT "LT AS lust returned from the of Clues, and tri I.l.recetving a large variety of seasonablit Goods, to which he rcepeCtfilily thelthe the attention of [perch mits and peiligre. No 03 Wood gi._ _ iblil l . _ VNTALL PAPER—W. P. 51111511•11. II constantl TT ...log, from the largest manufactories I n Noz: i li e. orti b and PehsTC,...delphis, a r u p d ro al , :f t Itor .. F . r ,f el . c a h 'per. Ilarginee7togetbeara ' wag% afforde., a‘ ire Board Prin., and Testerop.. For vain at 33 Wood at, be tween Fourth Si and Diamond silty, itheeethef 10 S. C. Ilitir arn_ ILA Pi CALLIC PAINT-5 bilifFuttrea per steamer, W.l. and mr sale by Me barrel or eingle pound at the Drys, tfeed. and Perfumery Warehouse. corner of Sixth and Woodutrunts. 3 N WiCILEBBIIIibI. *OB Dlstoptattot Patont SOW. edA brand eM ... A C./04:S of the hove 0 IP* high tett, dneet from New ntot9tfitetuterq o . n t .t o n th' " an d Orients st en ixu Vil a ttirofe th il s cr " othipt .'3 unn oto,Chenpeake,Wonnee, cot, and Athos, which .111 110 sold on arrest, at thy loons% martet pilot for cub or a pronood W MITCHF,LTILEA - Kfl lOU uhilq rt. ORNING. JUNE MEDICAL rancianimitos. 17 NOW all men who nrasick and titillated with dig. 11 eansof the bladder and kidneys, with rheumetic pains in back Sc Ilathr, stiffjaints, old sores, canning ulcers. &e, that th ey can be caredby taking the e• troletted You may talk about its being a nostrum as mach no you please, but this does not make it so, for we proclaim in the face of . honest commanity, that It hat virtues which, ere not contained in any other. remedy.... The man who ta racked wi pain and sat-' terms from disease, tan for fifty cents, get relief from any of the tilt CtMlalletlita above. aderl It emits am! little to make a uial. This Pe am IA no mix ' tare—no consuond, put ep for the par of imposing n the community; bat nis a nate elaborated by the master hand of nature, end bubbl sap fram the to. soraof ear mother earth In its o r igin purity, and of fers to valleing haraanky a reedy mody, a certain &ride.. cure. It has eared Piles after other meth Ines have failed to render any relief. It hummed ninatiStri of long standing, usd of tie went and most tinted character. It hat cured Cholera Morbus by one or two doses; it has eared old cues of Diarrhea , in which every other remedy has been of no avail. As .a local remedy to burns and scalds, it Is hotter than any medical com und or ointment th at we know of. 'twill care ehlt. Cates or fretted feet; in • feedapplication& aadeabt ed testimony can be famished of the treat contained In the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Him, Canal Basin, 7th street; or either of she agents. Keyser & McDowell, corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley; It. E. Sellers, 67 Wood areet, D. A. El liot A. D. 1L Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. landl A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. .1 IIAYE FOUND NOTHING TO EqUAL THEM." 131.....0, hlareh 8, ISE. VTR. R. E. SELLERS-4 have disposed of all the IYI Cough Syrup and Liver Pills you gent me, end 19 dog of the Yerminge. 1 berg used ail your Family Medicines m my family, and have also prescribed them In my prattice; I eel very much plea.d with them• and have found nothing to coed them. Send me 8 this 01 you Yennifuge, and 10 Mx each of the Linen Pills and Cough Syrup. Lateraly yours, FP...fact o.] T. T. Jammos. Phew highly popular medicines ono be had of the proprietor. It E SELLERS. 67 Wood sh.dDruggins genendly in the two eiticearidvici_ PAUSE AND READ • The meet important DI ow Re. eordt—dare Remedy for the Paget DR. D. P. BROWN'S celebrated External Asterl• can Remedy for the Piles, has already proved itself to be the only note care ever presented to the public. Since the'discoverl of thin valuable red the large number of extreme cases with which Dr. Brown ho. treated, no one hes tailed to becntirely cured. Cott. the many healing b extant, alter months and years of experiment/dieing, h. too often left the patient where they commenced, Or worse; but: ester a few days will theiile Um mum by effeellog • = t ur c t r m ' ssns,l shell not enter Into a labored eir • gement to prove my medicine. I introduce it upon de woe teeny. by Its o aths I intend it shall PI LE ,t fall. If you prefer diat loathsome dn.., the PILES, to the 'Wee of • fow dollars, 1 rest the tore wit o n. DR. D P BRO W 81 Lloyd meet, Buffalo; N. Y. Sold wholesale and retail by Rl4 SELLERS my 4 g 7 Wood st. ILIE9IOVALs (1/1012C11, CAROTHERS & CO. have renloYed to V No 97 Wawr et, between Wood & Manch In the house &wordy occupied by Hardy, Jones k Co. ap34.lert untrmaiatrrirtaz - wiiiiiiffik wrat .L" Proof Paint, or artificial sloe jest received. a n d above co we have had la oso far fry.: regmt and genial confidently recommend it to bon ptiblje;for use, as a perfe'ct fire and water proof guar d to stand the action of the atmosphere ontboat giviag. For sale by .1 & & Wood rnsyln P Wd st iaaUl,ll.. fANUFACTURER OF CAST STFA, .d No.l um and N 0../ Amen.. Mawr SteeL Also—Best CauSteel Files, of all nixes; and Illsetsmila and Shoe gle Mao Steel Wo% nhanis on hand and for cale•ietel Ills rks,* Wllars woe, Firth Ward, of afesa office In the Iron Store of 13OLLMANS & OAIIIII - No 4,:f005. of Wood meet, l'aubargh. CIRCO LAIL We eke undersigned, having uscd, with entire sat. !striation, the Cart Steel and Flies made by Samuel SleKelvy. at his Eagle Sreel Works, In +Ns gity,lago pleaaure recommending them es equal in canny to any ever used by us, of foreign manufacturo. Pitlaburgh, Marsh 11, lea. 0 tr. d II SIIOENLITTICER & CO, klattfactarers of Iron and Nails. Pittsbargh, Pa. SNAPP & TOTTEN. Iroiroanders and 11neltinists, Pittsburgh. Pa. COLEMAN, lIAILIAN & CO, klutulacntrers of Springs, &ales, Sprlng Steel and Meets, Pittsburgh, Pa. W LI vanra, Engine Ceders and Macklin, Card klarnsfaelus rers, Pattabargn. Pa. A FULTON, Crass Founder, Piusburgh, P. IigAFF,LINDSAY & CO, HanUfartUrtfl of Iron and Neils, Pittaborq P. JOSEPH TOAILIN ti. Locomotive Coltne and Ship Builder, Pittsburg P. W W WALLACE, Marble hlanalactiner, Mashers laud Canine Builds mrlll er e Pliinongh, T!EMMC! STOVIG PULLS ?TINE Phoenix Nanntectoring Company now offei to 1 the polib• their Premium Chemical Stove Polish; and without amp acnition, or fear of contradietiou, by those who have tested it, pronounce it far mPeciot to other in the market The consumer need have no 'prehension§ of soiling carpets, ta., MI its com position prevents • Mist from mislng when being am plied, which most be done when the Some le .4/ Tho tlalsoltnY required is so little to produce • haam 111•1 lustre. A saying of over filly COp rent is Insured Pint consumers. A comma imp lied to Stone,, Pipes, Me., when laid away for the summer, is a sore ,pre ventative again mist After Peeing tried it Pf it is accemible) no person will um any bet the Ptannls NlMlClt.ll7,ing. CliMp.ra Permit= Chemi cal Stove Polish. For rale by N At:ICU:R.IIAM, Corner of Stem and Wood streets. 015. - COND II AInD PLANOS. A .001) Mahogany' iano Forte, 0 onion., tli..ond hand • ...... ...... op A boud .ec ionie rumen Piano, Ninth Roreewood Foirincire, G.mtvcs, md in good order • • • • lea 00 Apolin Si °cuts, • - •... ....... ...... r 3 oo A rood) new. nano - 73 0) A rand ni octave Piano, Wit) Lando:ono folio. For nbiC by may „t 3 VALIIADLEI.II3IIOII4GALW OILKS Devati's Wrltings, •^0 1.. The Ameticso Loy edutle, LOYCOSO Sabine, 8.0. room - nee of tbe United Dates, S vet. 9To 'l‘c,Wilting gory aeon, Id vol. 9 wt.' reth's History of the 'United State,3 v 015. ., IlaDcroft's Illstory of the Unitedes, 3 vol. 8 v Tho Works of Frandlin, ID vol. 0,0. BtatCsmen of the Commonwealth of v 01.1.11, • Prescott's Ferdinand nod Isabella, 3 vo 8 vo. R et l ee r e th e ory. of the World, 4 vol. d TO. For axle hy .14.9 D LOCKWOOD, ee enn iteovaethir and Imoweer. 104, Fourth e !Ullman'/ Amer Mark Jonrn• .And Art. American Journel of Science .cl An le con j. duct. oy.Pre festers D. Si &U. Stillman, Jr. and Jamenit D.", and pubtiehed the fint of May, end' each interment - month. Nn V, for Nap, le no ready, St per lc., or tnic per number. D LOCKWOOD, tney2t3 Agent for preprietors,lo4 Fourth et alslgrati SUPSRCRDINO the 'Wooden flaws, and being in. combustible; thereby economises the 011, and pre. is ignition, beretofoto so much objected to In all other floats One ruble spoonful of the common lamp oil will last Nine Roam or any farther length of Own, aecording to the additional quantity of oLI. Received and for trio by Jour.; D hIORGAN om • Magi. N - 1i 7 v7. 7- Pnblleattorts: T =TURES.. AM and Poems, Washington Alm- IT ton. Edited by R H Dana Jr• y hi ql ° 4o `h ,. ° 4 3 3.l. R .l,l ' „ °! la nediPonn,":ll2 . tulZall; Illustrations. ' The Elliott Featly, or the Trials of New York fleamstreues. Sy Charles Burdett. author or vThe Con•Ic0. Child," “Atthim !Rutin,. &e. Tim Psalms, translated and explained Plyl A Alex• ander, Trees*. In Princeton 'Theological Seminary Talbert and Vernon, Published by Baker A Sent. ticr, New Yolk. The above, together with n large amortment of S S Union Book., for mile by A II ENGLISH A 61 30 Nol3.lty_o_od French Ilrandilea. /OIIALF pipes t.`.1°,0"4. d onor: sv...h:;d.k&p.i. 2 PI pions extra Battelle, dark; 3 do Orard, Duprey Co.&' dark; 0 do 'Star, dark; 2 do rellevoisin is stare, and for sale by mayeS Jull6l k'ARKER & CO iLll 67o. .la , . = ,,r,eg li l v i e m r .v.rin t f oe klu . sl by_ KIDb & CO by _—Jv'st reed and tars by m 731 KIDD &CO 1113BACCO-10 kegs NOI, 6 tams, (heal, Brune, receiving per steamer Washlngron, and foe sale by ruy3l JAS DALKELL FRENCII CORDlALS—Absinthe, Amsette, te, on hand and for sale by my3o A CULBERTSON ROOMS-30 don corn Brooms for sale by rnape) NV3I II JOHNSTON V b Et-13 brie Cider VMAY'II*jOHNS;`OI4 y reara ALUM—.O barrels !Jam. for mils by mars J ADD &CO MACCAIIA tiN Intlls GRISE 7'S fICIOVII SNUFF-60016105t bladtg, iastay24 roamed, and (or mks by 7 KIDD &CO ns _ _ FAiARS— MAUI day.a, Pnncipt, and Hall CI SpanOh &gars, assorted brands. Inssa.9 MeGILLS k HOE • - - - OTASII—IU cask. for ado bv =arty MeGILL.9 fr. ROE _ . T 0 P, Crutbed, and Pulverized Sagan, kelt co L •tintly on baud by A CULBERTSON tnayTl S UMACH -75 racks Jitst.receiv , zde u mt n t l ealW ne727 IDS Lltketty et OTRAW — fajTair),,,,LUM L.*. One numbers Straw 1l Boards for binders, Clumibetsburg unumfacture for _sale! by may 2 7 A CULBERTSON OTASB-10 maks, Jon ree , d, and for sale by mayTJ I!°nlSirglill.TM,BA CO by ._ Alcohol o cal m e W it f i li F in 6j , p - o - TI -L gr- casks prime quality for reisilion, store, and far tide by A B. SELLERS roays9 57 Wood of bilijihW,,,ToodiiiiOWFfoiTlaraiT -- .I Gf LU m E s — y2R ln B E SELLERS. TIOSE brl strictly prime, lust ree'd. and JR, for mile by _rnay2sl • R E SEl.l.lp h S C oP m l . liE- 50 bop porn Rio CoLfeedoisiti! GRANT Ineed, for mle by ins,VM t rtRAU6II— lbs Bacon 9b,uldess,lom received, 17 and for sole by 9 8 W L - • - kegs and 8 3 btls, In store, fora ln bv mayll2 8 & W HARR/WWI GLABB-300 bxs x 10; 200 bxs 10 017 vdndon , glass, In COTO, 8 A. W HARRAUGIII - and for anis by , 110311fsitte.:-3 Finds Ohio Le.4:4o;fr o iNetir 113135500 1 A 2, 1860 MISCELLANEOUS. SOMETHING NEW' Onder the livals of Pittsburgh 11 t W I GdOeet7LL. be op mad Ton State, in Lt. Pt.h.dePta. Ve subscribers boon fitted un• more at No. 50 Mem strset,in a style superior to any of the kind in Patsburgb, where they will always bane a large as sortment or fine Groceries, and superior: Tem to whieh they respectfully invite the attention of the lie. Of every article, they s will endeavor to 'keep she bt its trod and confidently recommnd their es As nor es 51711.1.1.1619, Era. I .LLID n the el- ty. Their assortment will comprisei—Green and Black - T cents to $1,60 per pound. Coffees of every grade. Lovering , . Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Pulverised; Ste= Syrop,Segar House add N. o.rdolosses; Choc oletes, Foreign Prep and Now, Spites, Pickle., vi Ke sT h o u rCall }: ''krnTsr epßeurgrLaC'gdandßW h"alde Idonld,flpernc and'Wsz Cindies, together with cowry riritics which coold not heretofore be hod in Inns ,borsh, and weleh'dmo would fall to enumerate. UTOoode delivered free of ehuge very put of the two • pplied o - W n moot M. rA MeCLeasonable Jerome. 1.1110 & Co., No. WO Liberty !greet. above Wond a. warreaveur, int.] I 4 vrarterraur, / A. WESTERVELT & SON. 'WELL KNOWN VKNITIAN BLIND MAKERS. Y keep constantly on band or make to order the best article in their line, at their old stand, N 0.13 ea. Clair street; also, at No.Y4 Market street, second story, entrance in the Diamond. Wahine Shatters made to order. and old blinds neatly repaired. aplo To Southern and W n Meretsassts. DOUSSEUS PREMIUM PEJIFUNEWIT.— The ILI.• subscriber reqeetfelly Invites public attendee to hi. extenthe SW.* of perfornery, Beeps, ehaviag (.Yea nts t he., to which .even gine yasl twp Golden Medals have, within the last six years, been awarded by the institutes of New ,fort. Boston, and Phila delphia, the latter being the only Golden bledale ever awarded for perfamery eithw In Europe or In ads country. Ronsmotre Ilarroremsp Sturm Cream, (Alm Row, and Ambrosial;) anmersally acknowledged to be peg or to any Sharing Cream a.P.VI of Europe. Ousorneng roe Saximse—Reautithlly transparent, and possemlng highly Seponaceous and emollient props nice; St ponaestrus Cheapened; Ambrosial Bea, leg Tablet; Military g mchalassing Soap. tormarneTonarr Soare—Alormu!,Romt irg*Cesrarent*avueadj'W=°atter gst: irrucrs tea ' sus flerlonneurei—Rosis, Jasmin: Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Mousse, lino, Joekery Club, Magnolia, Clemente, Citronelle Rneet, and many other vanenas, in ell arty differmit perfumer. Ton= Wssans—Plorida Water, sea ge Toilette, Orange Flower Water, and a great sanely of Co lognes and Lavender Waters Permissions roe ens Ilea—Genuine Renee Oil, Antique Oil, Bandon= Eau Lennie, Olelne, Com pound Os Marrow, Bar r Dyes, liquid and In murder, and Phllocome. Wank., and Jenny Lind Pomades. Ormsrressno Parrezenorm—Dalaernie Elixir, Rose Tooth Paste, Climooll Des—des, Womle, Tooth P•ael ISPO Tor 4 PriP f• COMITSCO—Vcge b Cosmetic Cream, Amend.* for chapped hands. Cold Cream of Rotes, Cream de Perm., Lip Baler, Raspberry Cream, Se. Depilatory Powders, for retaining superfluous heir, Petri Powder, Vinalgre de Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria /lair Composition, Preston Bans, besides a amat variety of other articles, IMP numerous to be lamed In this advertisement. w :Xlm sirlopriber l ab i h d mpes . to maintain ,theb hl7rae¢ ofbetOlidth4sbrir ram iielta, funtigh those who may wish to patronise him Either wholesale er retell, on se reasonable terms im any es. Udine:merit in the United Enema XAVEER DAZIN, Summon to and former MEMENE( of the Laboratory EUG ROUSSEL., • . 114 Chemut street. fdr. Hume perfumery Is for sole by all the pranci pal Droggials In thedimairt - DISSOLUTION Or PAILTNNEDIIP. frHEPannershiP heretofore exlmlus between Jame. Marshal, Wm. W. Wallace, and Henry WGestryt the east iron b00b00., , coder the name of Marshall. Wallace fr. Co, was &noised by mutual consent, nn 4e IA bast., James Marshall and Henry bl'Heary itnf,:reitd? q? FPI 4O , RW , G I of Wm. W. Wel- The blab.. in future will be eenunued mall lie Immo. branches by the subscribers, under th e name and style of Marshall /a blebeary, who will settle the businen of the late firm, and to whom all persons In debted are requested to mat e payment. Warehouse, corner of WoAd nES LArßty ALLe s HENRY MeHEARN NOLISII & 1171101.ZbAL$ GACIt: ,orer for sale, pkge V. 11. Imp. Black and Gunpowder Teas; 135 b. Tobacco - , 100 bags P-io Co des; 7 WO brio N 0 Molasses; hhds N 0 Hagar, 2.10 boxes assorted sides _ . . NVlnden• Glass; so hi. riPe.s iu0 94.11A bz• 3000 lbs Codfish: 30 brit Tanners' Oil; ao bas Choeolau; SO do: 'dad Conic 20 eons Manilla Rope; 40 his dpieed Chocolate RI ba depeli 3 bags gs AlsPploe; 200 b. Herring; :Ot dram, Al ...ell a gai n general blaaracturesl article. Tlll6 TICA Lao side of tho rliftr , our 40e Tea ugaenat Try olrfAc't ea ugainal Try our 7.10 Tviaaalnat Toe very beat lallteicTee CA cents per pored. The very beet Green Tel 10W07e711 o ToPlw , e reupectfully solicit Coo Freeing who .112 the he MOI Propel • 75 O JOHN It MELLOR hi Wood dt ICES 101111 150 TONS ICE, to arrive in One lot. for uSo cheap by O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO may 6 Canal Onsixt, Liberty at. Co d .ad liChits.Waddlng. 00 "ALES aqtatis , qualitft last teesased from saarntlaentref, ea sensigataentoutti j or sale at &vete price, at the maaafactureTs' vueboda t • 11178EY,FLFJU d s ING CO; - ISS Woat. vAnrattic T00L8,4 complete anon:neat of the best quality of Cast Rtael Grose and Corn Serkes, warranted; Cam Steefk, 3,5 4 prong Forty wagrantd; Cast Steel Hay Retake: 10 don do Goodeneek Hoes, solid; 10 dos common do do for sale leek, at the Drag and Seed Stine of 8 N WICKERSHAM merit) Cor of Edith k Wood GROCERIE.ISIII 71 6 0. f chle lf Elmo. various grad 30 do Geopowder and Imp 30 do Peochong 5 do Oolong 51 caddy boa Y if Icon 50P 61 c a ddy ,s`a, /UMW*Tobacco abra s'a do ar) bole. Starch Oa brie k. hf brie flalesataz Indigo, Madder Alum, Ginger, Pepper, Alhake, Nutmegs, and La mp; Black In keg., for dale by C H GRANT • al Waters TEA FADE W.NOLAND. PRECISELY the same kind of &mono and Rouen flavored Ten that me retailed in the old country at 4. and 5. pee lb. can be obtained for 50e and 750 per pound at Tna Tea Haters, en.t side of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, or at Morris & Haworth'. Wine Store, Federal Street' Allegheny. The above Pan Cmon Teas, we centre through our English Agent, direct (mm the Queen's Bonded Warehouses, dray free. being forimportatlon. . aplg TICAS t TICA.I9 ,T115:2.1?e1nt;`,14c1;."°., gf::f of Green and Illacc Ter.— * **** IttAct. Oolong; Fine Oolon; Extra fine do; Elosehonet Cboul. Pouetiong; Elnitiong der t hunnecessery to partite chose Tau; they sneak themselves. All two ask Is a fair trial, and wet are nfident they will 01003 C both in quality_and prim. Wfil A bI'CLURO & CO 258 Mem , et our. Pf i.f"3,72i.; Extra fine an do; Imperial; Gunpowder. MEDICAL AND .1 1 0 1 1 i , 0 1ANA1O..NOP A P L I L O Y , a few doors be ow Wood swat, to wards market OIL 2111. WN, having been regelarly educated to the medical professionond beanie, some time In general practice, now confines hie attention to the treatment of thosm private and delicate com plaint! for which his oppormnities and atperi . ence peculiarly quality i y an umiduously devoted Oftudy fr. treatment o practi those complatets,idurtagarms limo as he h had Ma npractice d has oared mom pa. tents than can ever fall to the lot an of any private prac titioner) amply qtalifiez him to offer assurar.em of speedy, permanentoind satisfactory cora miningfflicted with moue s, mid a ll disease. there from. Dr. Brownwould Inform those afflicted with Filtrate disease. which have become chronic by 'time or ag gravated by the me of any of the common nestrumeof the day, that their complaints can be radically and thud mighty cured; be baying given su cc ee d e d cafl Inlttntioll;to the treatment of such eases, and In hundreds of Maumee. bladder persons of Inflammation of the neck of the and kindred diseases which often result from those eate. where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. lie particularly mimes suck I as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will be given them, and their case. treated In a eareful, th erough sad intelligent manner, pointed out by a long expencies, litudy,andlavestialtion,which Is . imp i ossible for i those :n n tr . d . i o n f LeLeial practice of ellt• to gvs to 1151.11enuts or Ruptura—Dr. Drown CllO Invites per , sons afflicted with Benda to call, as ha haspaid Marti. , eleerNaligi tz:lott,sadmlsiasta - Okla diseases; also U . a, Palsy, me., tonally eared Cbrinr--vPati" e la nrs . of either ace Ile Meet dietance, by stemma • etnheilroudilti'ma:cd.l,e TnewsTagattvg.:l7•o:r4 mllu IL. D., post paid, sad titmice ins• • fee. 001 e. No. AS Diamendalley, opposite the Waxily litinetrwagnial--Dr-Breem,s newly discovered reale • lbellhOlutatism Ise spectil ( sO l d .. certhin MmedY tut th&V,h,lsli.d"P'n'bviteliette.7l4 Roc.; No. di I)la mond alley, Pittaburgh, DectOr is always a t hems. wrio co F or. RP.th 160, YOU for bar s.ale by 3 KIDD tr. CO DRY GOODS, &c. Bonnets and Dossust Itlbliosts. SURPEIY & BURCHFIELD hove reeelved an . ad- La/ &Own) icapply of above goods, I:OL , fgg F rt nn o.4 lu o bile undCtealo.;erdVlrsuLpj,‘3cr and an d WI colors and Of iCCS. • mait7 110IIIIINnta Goons.. MURPHY k PURCUFIELD invite the attention on of those wanting goods for Sammie* Po•P0 000 l to their very fell assonmsoi,just reeetvcol, ouch to Block Bombazines, Pombenne knob Alyneets, lft k Moore de Lanes, blooming Wash Silks, • do Printed Foulards, Barest's, Tissues, Sicilian Lames, Albara i nes, Plain Black and Printed Lawns, Mack Embroidered do; Bonnet Ribbons, Scarf do, &o. niityl7 - _ `U MM R COATtrOiTr a p r c , ;§ , F e a .e,rmu:;‘:_oor Cato, reed, ree'd o , l a o n r !irt . ovr o ss pe d 2o7b; A A hIAEON.fr , CO mule 15214U2ket rvroru.ff Alrlgl' iillAWl.6-4-6opetior high etAorott Thibet A. Shawls, comprising Cnroooo, °Tango, Pink, Blue, Green. end ConveOlared, just renewin g g per express, and this day opening. by A A 62 IdA blirkello77 lk c) 4)r) Plilettri Inane Bite, Pink, Oree2aetc earn AA , Colored Bareges, reed per exptisk ut eon opening by rosyt7 A A MASON A B • EiriaiDress AA. MA:FON ACO are this day opening 10 pint 4 " 27 inch Black Gto do Mine. Rick: 10 pee Gu do; 10 pcs 27 inch do; 6 pee 34 Inch do;. and 4 pieces 36 inch do.. Linea Flatadlonreotara. 400.d0a Ladies , Linen Camhtle HON, all pricer, 100 do: Gem' do do do 25 dot do do do colored harden; Received this day by A A hIehON &CO moral O2 111aaltat at. I iAAIBLET LINEN LOS'lttaageabla 1,/ Locoed, at the eltreme los prli.e of Me per yard. _ataylo ,_,.. ______A A 11IASON_A. CO 11441 awl threwnLiAisga: • "U TAle wn =er's auperic 130 yes Gray's Ilariclay's, and by open bby A A mAsoN k CO UMW Fresh Arrival of Dry Goods. WE are now receiving large adOttirina worm stock of Poring and Snowier Dry Goods, and ars pro. stod to olfer art °anthem asaortinent at mar usual Pow prices for cash, or andosed eredlL Tha attention of western dealers la narilealarly re'. ~aooved td our """" we fed ~.4ntont at heinß able to offer unusual Inducements to maks a bill with. us. Call and sundae at any Mt, CEL 151IAF:IT s WHITE, ayt 101"Wond street. GIN4IrDI pea6Drilioun Lawnejr,st received, and now wiling at the very low price of Ili cents per yard, be A A MASON Ip CV NUEILINS er. 13AREGEH4 pos• pa t rts Printed! arnica, hitost'cryler, 95 pc. do al l-f c per yard pe n s rich ]'tinted Maidens, • gualitlea; lan piece fast colored Manlius at Be per yard, cow opening by maylo A A MASON & 101 netket Banality Maar Lit.oro IPORTAII2I AND OXILIAMI ' AMERICAN ENGLISH. AND REAIDAN IPANIFF gan d lrkilgra a ?. r dA,lgnog . t 3 t l g % PENDERS, An. Also, • • Satin amd Fanny Vastivsgs, BLACK, , NEI.FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA. and LINEN FIDEFS, a general as% sortmeat of FANS, amt every variety of trimmings. ; epll' • FREtill GOODd—We arc now (tette:PO:sa a neat large and hnp nesurtmeut at Spring and mummer Goode, large portion of which have been purchased at great reduction from the prices brought by the tame descriptions of goods in the early pan of Me season, so that in almost every kind. of goods we will be enabled to offer Gfeat Bargalps to Cseh Buyers, from we would respectful') M.... call at ho es Market at, north west corner of the Diamond may!] ALEXANDER it DAY llltYklY & I.IIJRCUKIEI.I. I um bow 14e ! tv - Gi treirr'gVa"aitlPAtioy'eUrrigenWortOatl"y aßilarn'g. uld cher choice assortment to select from. ti Dealers are invited to look in at the wholeasie rooms of W Murphy. op stales, where a fresh sop. ply has oho been received, and. several kinds oods can be sold at lower • nee. than usual. myth A. MASON A CO, CS market tt, am now one& A• w r ehelee high Colored Ilimeget,Titmea, wt qas, ell at endued d prices. MY ER F'VAST Calmed Lawns and Mu•lins et the low prat. of bo opened by A A MASON & CO maylti Bargains In Fanlard &Inclio.Wasis Silga ‘gURPLIY & BURCIIFIF.LD have received a lot 111. of Printed Poniard Silks, ei the lots priceeaf 371 e per yard; a'so, nrper do. at higher prices. Woo Enke, near plaids, at reduced prsces; and a Lorre as sortment of BARI:GIB & GRENADINES, and Lidihe Dicta Goads kenerally,nf newest Styles, at north cast corner of Fourth and Market ets. mayld BEIINZTT, 1113, No 41 Wood West. 000 bra 111. IL Items; 109 boo cluster do; 15 Ige do do; 15 casks Zanle Currants; 13 bales E. WAnumi to do 000011 Num; 13 do Fdberl 4 ; 100 do Pea Nov; 20 Ake shelled Almonds; 29 I bp Rook Gandy; Ili tirgi nLetetT lie ga I t a Cigars; 10000 l Half SesAisb; 31u. Gloves; 2 cans N stme n; 3 ecroons Indigo; 23 eases Lemod SireP; I 23 eases Pepper 1311000; 10 crises Tomato Catsup; Ground SIAM'S of all kn.]. 40 berm!. powdered and Loaf oger, 2 hbds Madder; 10 brls Whiting; Bosom Linens. Affuo7PFT.,.Bo U d ß lFl l a i r r k l e l j'ata p : boor n ‘" j i n ' s tr a surlily of extra fine Irish Linens, warranted pure Psi, to which the_y invite the attenVon of dealers. linayls Panty MURPHY & Ut RUUFiI LU hive just opened , an assortment of Fancy Casairneres, adapted Yoe entlemen's summer Well. Frumit WO" . cloths; Emil. arid Fim e; Li ey Ventagnen, Cambric, -and Pik' Pocket ilandkercirters; Fancy Cratriits. Diesel:Led ann Unbleached Contra Hoiden: link Sad Lisle Glover, Silk, COIIOII, tf. Marine Uncerehirts. all , at low prices for quality. ' may2s - - • DAILIECIE AE LAMS. CASES plain and &gated Barega de Lams, aeial, ed color*, last received, andiselliog at very to* prices. mAr23 A A MASON & CO LA db.o • CASES fast colored yens received and nowopenink, openinkomlling at no extrttrie lore price of 8 ets per purl ariarn ' A A MASON &CO CASES fast color G ed isghares ree'd, and sitting at Id Cool, pot yard AA MASCO: & CO cl Market nescnment of Pitaburgh an to rid) VIZTri.E. Foubl it': OisLi etrUluTt' Pstaisely tac same kind of vary strony and reds& flitcored Teas that are sold in din Old Country al %bindle , per pound can be obtained for 754: poi lb of roared b/ORRIA & HAWORTH iamond, Fituburgh. t 4oeTea bought emowhere. 175 e Tea beuebtelsewhere. St Tea bought elsewhere. a imported, we are selling LOW i A. PAIR of Gold Spectaeleeteupposed to tome.been dropped to Wood •tteet, in front of llakeoietl lt. Pear's SVareuouee. The finder mid be Teo soled on returning them to the owner, No. Oh Wood Alen. Imparted, we are &ening to pothog,instead of which mpartson, the pert method heat and che Ten.. HtlllB & HAWORTH - actors of the Tea Math.. . RANS-- 14""jVkIZONMAKER ti Wood street .. . - QUO/01-61 talda 6i U Sagsr,pame 9 ,, .. [ J0r,11 616 . 1] and for sale by JOHN PARK E R & 1,0 olay2l 6 Cemcneyeini rn.r. lA.YO o 1\ A 01,A6SES-170 Orit tt V istobv.bub ?se barrea4 alfor ealo by tneo2l, JOHN PARKER KCO —,-- IDAF SI tirls in !Owe, fors e ny , rnay24 JOON PARFER Ps CO Wade Burlap. fog Wool Soak& URPHY & BURCHFIELD have received , sop -4.1j. ply of above goods, which they ofl Wormhole• sale and retail rottyyj BLOCK TlN = dw lbs Log Itth, la P mall bars,theeiT. a. and for tale by d C oy WICRA Wood & Ptzth M M. may4l UALLS—A O 68110I111111pItt 01 I.llfleiCllt rat', 101 .11,6/10 by may . 2l • 1& II P . 11114.1PS F 1 ;SH 517'LLS- 0 - 7 I "!" 314 SI CASKS SODA ASH. mostly slabs* ithatore aopriatzi brand, and high test arriving hi canal, for alio by W A 41 mrrennuratz mays Liberty ...S.. Modern and antique Unruttare. JANES W. 'ViirOODWE.X.L. , . 83, Timm Sr., Prrlmesun- ~....... . .. J.W.W. ... ;:r...i;' . .i."-;`d d'4' Respectfully informs Me .. lo .7 .. --`' i 7 '.... subtle that he has corn- plewd Ms spring stock of FURNITURE , the largest and most varied asiervacnt ever offered for sale in this city, comprising several sem of 50.110.01 e, 515nocissiv, and Ittsca Wsworr, calved, ornamental and plain, suitable for: Carlow, Drawing end Bed Room., all of ',hien Mill he sold at the lower prices. Persons desiring Palletere of any deseriPtion, •re spectrally invited tin call and examine his stock, whch embraces every description, from the cheapest plainest to the most elegant and costly, or Which the following comprises a park Tete a Fete Sofas; ' Tate a Teta Divartl Convereauon Chatty,. Ellsabethism Cturirs; Reception do ' Louis XIV do N o do , bullet Ettique; What Now; Toilet Tables - Louis XIV Commodore; Duke of Yok o Conch; •20 Sores with Flush tad flair-eloth corer.; 50 Dians, do Rao Mit 40 dos 51thogany gorier Chairs; 10 " Rosewood do do; . 1 12 " Caneut dm 40 " m Seat do do; 4" Mahogany Rocking dx • V " do Piano stools; '• 50 Marble Top Centre Widest 20 do do Wash Peeler; . IN Mahogany Bedsteads; 12 do Werdrobes; 19 Dlik Welnut do; 8 Cherry dO. A very large assertrotht or CaramonClmirs and oth er Parttime um tedmiss in mention. Or - Emma Boats fernished on the shortest notice. All ordere promptly attended M. P.M—Cabinet Malted can be supplied With all sorts of Mahogany, %Valiant, Sad Veneers, at ce , nside re rably reduced prices. bid - ' }NFL AMBIATOWIMILUEDZIATIIIIII. TIM AMERICAN RIIEU 51 A 10 . Lltsf_. 8 AM!: • A NKl.,n'tisl,llrecaedysloarrly.didsctrercd,.i.th..V.egfe.ta, l e ' Kat.lM GTaaplale*soch as .. • Inammantory, Chronic. 'mute and Metesnial Rheumatism, GOA. Lumbago; Spinal Affections, he. '. This medicine hes long ban sought fer.tlt hes been said that Rheurnauses Wield not be eareer.hat Mere le a remedy designed by nature for the rum is:every dis ease that the human system is subject to. At lest a re medy has been Man& that mime Itheurnatiturs of the worst form—one of to meet valuable vegetable pro ductions of the eurth—the greatest and mustimportent discovery of the age, stud a wonderful blessing to the human family. It cures without the or debility tins, and renews strength end vigor to the whole aye tem. It thathur, durmg the past three Morass. 0 ,,, 500 eases were considered incurable. Certificates of the suasive properties Of this medi cine east he won by calling on the Aents. None gensune wiliest p r at ig up with an engraved label Vll7SlVerluldfl'nl:,%P.rjr; negated b y the n ICM Sold b y. cII orner Third and Market st,HPL s i gst nisi lt. ..PO l4 SU. by • . II F. T051A9 .... 5 Se 109 Math m, thiticinnetl , b_ ret.74tretraEl .. , ' TireoLoin° air •Wcnius. TEM Work; of Leonard Woods. D D. fleadley‘o Wreelbgrart. Young Lady's Friend. Airs Farrar. Cheiltion hlanuaL Hobart ; The Dorpol tla 0111/1i Advocate. G.Griffon.L.T.s. Pogthomna WorkAo(Clatlmers. Family Prayers and Commentary. "Thornton. . IDelgill'oDennanti • - Grithn's Ferman. Crudzlghoni's Dermout. For' sale 69 /AXES D LOCIWOOD, mar" 2 DA Youth at aau W • • TUST resolved at tho , aign of tho Oelden flare:— kj The 01a, paten IN s alto, compared and dottiest.' to Nrs David F. park; by 'Professor Bohlrokk. _ Balla Veltan Polka ,com R posed and dedlcaied to 31iss Mary line Park, by Profersor okboek. STEPHEN 11 FOSTER'S NEW SONGS. My I.lnnidor Ova. .Gerirrisio Bortallkllght. Any. line Baker. Slop Summer Breath. Away bow. , South. Dolt Day. Oh, I+o/011ti• SuntlnOtLeasings. Soiree Polka,. BolorJanot. ; Also, Sethi:4e Maeltree, by 'Watson. Think not Less Loire thee, (Alpine Nor. Oar Chtldhood's !Tome as mg by Miss Roofs ' My Mother Obey, wo rds by C. P. Shirts, mint oy :11. kleber.. Also, a great ,variety of New Soapy 'Polkas, Wattnes, a.o. ior We by ,11 %LRB.ER • " 101 Third at NEW PEULICATIONS. • itivinriesi sod Critical View ofthe Speettlatlis i'Lilco6,?hy of Estope In the 19th Caney. By J. b. r Lone. of the Rev. Samuel Rutherford, Prokasor Divinity In -the University of St. Andrews, with neigh of his Igo by Rev. A. A. Boner author of Ma molts of R. 14.11eCheyne. ; Ike Theological Workv s or the late Roe. Daniel Boyne, D. D. 'Edited by thelliso. Baal Foy. Second anion. Rascal,. Prince 0.1 AbyesinlA By DeJohnzton. New eaten. Essay an Christian Baptista. By B. W.Nocl, Pi Ps. The Contributions of q. Q. By Jae Taylor. 11. harmed (tom original designs. by Bala& • The Phileaphy of Debollef in Morals and Retinal, as discoverable in the Faith ad Choristers of Mee. By BC, IL Baker. I The , 'Slanting of Jay, bung a sequel to the Night of wrSi ot. By the glee. H. Boar Kelso. The Golden Palm; befog • Practical, Lianas tal, aditerphettcal Exposition:of Peel= XVI., by &eV. T. Vat M. A. The Lighted Valley; or Closing scenes in the of of 14 Beloved Shur, by Balton, withaprefaceby Rao. Wa. Jay. ma Cti th mmadotent era Pronilse• by the Author of "the Lao Day of e Weet,"lllOstrited by Howland. Memoir. of toe Life:of the Bev. John Wawa, Miestaary to Polinale. Memoirs of the Wm and Writ/g t h ree Dr. Vol by ho son In law, Dr. Hanna, Incola'. Vol ). ..eJso;n largo assortment of New B. B. Bran Par Beall C. YEAGER, apenor qiiiburgl; J Glii;Tforby KIDD & CO - %IT -4 VAX" ... 11 1 , .711A P IgaZi.'S - , . Wall Paper liltor, , a Waa.l Ilugnatulo auosre.; AA LL persists havios unother. put ou4mir Amore., ,E.S. in persons to resolution of 50,1,*, , grill Oleuse eall' ut the Rooms of tM IMMO of 1 rfWe; second story, comer Of WOmind TtCof stmt. SAI4IIE-IA FARNESTOCR for the s PlMther& AV , I I 43. , utra4 F e c°ETTS,N°MrYect.CiLlial:olln*'en . Cut g SruseMEnt,RlVi‘l'fo?iiaTllNP. u. 12y • tticionirrifOrtater.unuotigli, nail.. sick BOOKS MUSK tit. A U ENGLISH/cat/ W Wood d For solo by ma 21 FAXINIESTOCWS DIXLICIDTOrtIfs toed. Q. FAIINESTOCX begs leave to announce to the s patrons of his New Directory of the cities of Ptitalatirgh awl Allegheny, and Wrought of Itltit. chaster, Rirmlngtam, Se., that the work Is sera nearly ready for rho press, And will, be pot V rho hands of the printer some where between the SINS and 30th instant. The oiSlon• generally. and ell who feel.itn later= in the production of a complete mid perfect Thready, panieolarly those who have pet been called on, greatly oblige the publisher,by veer aining *althea canoes avocation end places of business, Ike, al*. noted for publication In the Directory. All earU to la test, , mast be handed In forth,. with, or at the by the date above named. aiiiECrilmotir PIANOS* - 11JST reeeived..6 now aminizr, am elefardltroo• vt) wood 6 octave Melodeqn ,Plana. from the tele k rated manufactory of March & Ulna, PtheinstaU. This is a eoporlor pummel, of fine lane, .6 ear/ find 4 octave Melodeon, one Mule dtore, mayLl laThird street. NEW PUBLICATIONS.. A SYSTEM of Ancient cad Mediaeval Geography. /1. Foe the me of schwas and college. By Charles Anthon, L. L. a 1191G.101 o 1 Grcet and Latin thug. ages in Colombia College, Nam 'York. • 'The History of Ragland, from the Infasion'orhalm Cesar, to the abilkation or/amee 11, Dy David Hume, Esp.; e new edition, with the anther's mt cor resuons.and improvements; to which is prefixed a• short account alas life, mitten by blamer. d vols. A. School Dictionary of Greek and Homan Antlealv ties; abridged from the larger dictionary. D 7 WE. Smith, L. L. Ili with Corrections mad Improvements by Charles Antuon,L L. D Mernoirei of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Tboa. Chalmers, D. D.; by his son to lay!, the RM. William Hanna, L. L. D. In three solar.. Vol 0. White Jachen or Life Ina Mao of W. M By Her rn. Melville, nether of .Typec Otenve," "udlo and Redbura Tee Works of Mee. SheSmood: being the only uni form edition cam published in the tinned States. la sixteen volumes. Fairy Tat., from all nations. Dy. Anthony H. Montaha, with an ( other) by &Doyle. . Mahon Harvey, and tales. Ity Kum Hedy wick. alp h as ' i!st:IDI'Vu11.111.1..B". tyKLIEIIegV.: . cannumt. fik Also, a Issga assortment of AMCIiCILS B.S. IdalOe . lw, out hand, and toe rate by & 11 ENGLISH & CO , Successors to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, : mavle 79 Wood street. A.1.-11:Marakerii-TAutde to ficlentigli — iria : • Practical /14 - rionit , nre. • . rITENRY Stephens, E. K. S. E., of Edinburgh, the ~UIL elebrated - author of the "Sank of the Pam," • snu Frotessor Norton, of Vole College, New Raven,. , am preparing for the press a book under the above title. It will embrace every subieet of Imponsami" connected with &Online. , In all its yahoos branches, bath Theoretical and Practical. 'lScience, in no far as It hos, op to the present time, been made •arsilable • to pmeueo, by a:peril:wet, will be treated in its reds. don ID every operation as it occurs in the wane Of • the seasons'. The work will be arranged under four distinct heads, representing the seasons, begleddelf with Wfmer and TAMESith Atittann. 1) LOCKWOOD,' my 3 liookimilmared LII/N,VIN tr4Toweth at. _ 2.111 W 1,1131•11a,,Vall/a. Nr • Vhe W(l7gtbt:,;:gnia th al and revbnul cdnund,with en tattadattiort tr ipcx , ii.tor this. ednned by Min Bternat. le.°, cloth. Uniform v - Alb Irving% Cooper`v, and eedgewiek , s; and nin.drawd l'ortbilt end view ditto manor's re deuce. Homer's Iliad; transirded by Witham Cowyer. 14thed by ROUCtI Southey L.L. D., with rotes by 111. A. Dwight. A splendid edition, on large owl . ; ll lostrated with twelve engravings In =thee, from de. stone by Plasm.. royal dro,cloth. Alt*a cheaper canton for schools. Golitath's Works, including evarieti of ;thee. now firs t collected. by James Prior. Complete in 4 cola. It no, elegantly printed, uniform in style with Irving, Cooper, to. • The Shakspeare Calendar, or, Wit and Wisdom foe . every Day in the year. Edited by W. C. Richards: - In a very neat volume, Vino, Meth, 33 emus cloth gilt, GJ cents. For sale hy D LOCKWOOD, erty2 Bookseller sod Importer. 104 Fousth suISHUFA I' OF CANADA By the author of - 4,_) “Hochcloya," in SI vol., elatin for sale by JOHNSTON se STOCKTON' m tl " k! ACREU }LABOR/NI:SP, a new cot re Chu ' reh 41.1 e. IditeS by Ileorge King l sicy, A o as f or of Social Choir, /used& Choir, d.e, fee. Sabboth School Gems of Music and Poeuy, designed expressly far th e Sabbath School; by J. & d Creak ah.k. A new Treatise or Asironorcryi and the Use of he Globe., hi two parts. Connahuno Astronomic& and other defialtions; =Monsoon posthous abbe stubmoon and planets Kepler , . irmes tthd;Theory of OW/it/WOO, ROITOOLIONTWiIight, and Parrallnx,Connectians, Pe riods, Piston..., Phenomena, mid Maguitudes of the Heavenly Bodies oomposing the Solar System, to.; also, an extemive collect 00 of the most useful Prob. terns on the U.. of the Globes. Illustrated try a sort able •artety of Ex.:plea:tee designed for the Coe of High Schools and A mummies. By James Mclntiros N. P Professor of Mathematics and Asunnomy In the Central High School, of WlitirdOrt. Deck and FOS, or Incidents of a Cruise in the United States Frigida e.o.m.+, to California; with Stet:rhea of Rio Janeiro, Velparross, Liam, Honolulu. and Son Francisco. By Rev. Walter Colton, U. a 144 saner of Ship and BOOM, O.C. For sale by A. IL ENOLISII &CO, Sue:cement to ELLIOT &ENGLISH, Jtyp N 0.97 Wood SUMO.. og C. MILE Union Bible DICOOOILOI.—The Child's Book 1. of lialladaacdanald, or the Great Mistake t thorY of Real Ldfa—Flomgrove; or the Southey Sehoed.litiya Co ntrasted.--Tbe Bar of Iron; or the Dmget of UthastalEed Affliction—Starr. ofSehool Boya---Kneango, the Bass& ChiaL—The,Ltfe o( tooled with special reference to its earlier periods, nd the opening scenes of tho Reformation: by Barn. dOO. , D D.—A Summary of Biblical for School. and Famines. • -• • Publithed by Americ. S. B Union "For sale by A IL ENGLISH & CO, Suc«asota to ELLIOTT dc ENGLISH, m yg 7n Wood street. roJATIO At. CO GIT LW t JAIIEt3 D LOCKWOOD has in wen, end will pubilsb shortly—Da Mown on the Divine Origin of Govetnment, insulated from the French, by H. }L !salter, hl. 1), Dog.. Second edatiON 1 •01,12010. m/2 I LI LOCKWOOD • Ellasinbassit lUdneastorasia Voutarati. T"4 SCIENTIFIC SECTION.--The Incurs. Chit:ru bel. nano employed the arm Plefetson In Soo- land, in the preparation of them vernal. They are now offered to the Schools of the Unitise. States, under the American revidoa of D. ISl A }Le . oses . late Superintendent of Public Is, In %been - lime County of New York. I. I:Umbers' Titulary Of Enowledgg 11. Claric's Drawing and .Perspeetivei 111. bers , Elements of Natant rtalorephyl IV. Heidi Bain% Chemirm7 and ilootricityi V. Huainan, Vegetable and Arden! Pliymeilogyi VI. Chambers' Elements of Zoolorrt.it_h piuOK VII. Page's Element. of Geology,illanxistma. It Is well known that the Minted publishers of these worts (the Mann. Chambers, of E4naargh) are nob 10 command the best talents in the preparation of their books, and that it is th eir practice to deal faithfully . with the public. This aeries will not disappoint the reasonable expectations thee excited. Trier ere ele mentary troths:prepared by.mthoro In sooty WA, ca. Patriotic doing Eunice to Incur respecuve undertakings, and; who have evidently bestowed open them the rte. emirs ry time and labor to adept them to their planner.' recommend them' to members and parents with congdence. The first named solemn, in the hands of a nineties of the younger classes, might furnish an in, exhauauble fund of amusement slid thstroction. To gether, they Wo:kpid G.161}{%1111 a nob treasa re 10 el 14/.. ay of imelbgent children, and impart • Wad too -1 knowledge --(Vermont Chronicle. Published by A. S. Ithrries.k. CO., flew Vert; and for sale by „ A. IL ENGLISH CO. No %I Wood al "n STITH DAT ..ANlVlll—Hlls,'cinned by Ttkomas 1 4 C. 71,. IV: Ttke New Demeans tilreee.. Receive le d, and for pale by „JOHNSTON & ISTOCATOSI 11111VIT :BOOKS; NICW BOOKS t A T o L'iir Es , ITTERARY DATOT Tom, Snaky; appos.te iho rust Mee. LI7.ZIS l.t:lt.tl, a Dormaile Tale ; by Marla+ Mk. ens. l'lree 6 atom ' lloaton :Utak veatr, No • Ilorrans Gil, Uo.l Odor.et or adrclutrri in the rah of Etztprow..• Voy.te ru Callronals, by Ilayard Taylor. • hula , larva( She, Ye 313. I/1016am of alrobaules„NO. Hanes Merebtons Magazine, kir Mn. • ' KiZteIbOOLISI 9allust4Apiii,anattal, • • • • sasll4 • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers