rußiAsiren nr. WHITE:4 CO: Nimrs • • -; tumor. TARTS ADIIOI, TIMID STILECT, larrr DOOR IV Daily Ye per rum:o. 5 , 131 u Woekly, •In advalies)-.-- • • ••• 5 , 00 M. ,io CIO n, ate reduced nu.: EMI CH OF ADYERTIIII2IOI • AGREED UPON 13V TI E VITTFIIIVEOTI FREI& -_...----- Otle SmeriNitOlinea of Ways:ell crYkraral • one I ilenion•—•*•••••• •••••—•lkOrg , Ore Nor re, each additional ineartioa•-• 0.20 Do. one week I.l l d ' Ito. tem 4 ,003 Do. three wecta•— • •-•-•• .0* Do. one toonth•—•----• 0.00 Di DJ.atortib.---:--•••• 7, 00 . three month.— --•-•-• Da. lour months 10,00 Its. nil months.-•.-.- 19,( 0 . Do. - metre meths- •.. _ (o . liners7tels,) perZsaun . : _ _ . One Square ,changeable utpleantre (per mo tom) exclusive of rho paper.— WA • For each addltional squaw.. inserted over one month, Ana for eeeti additional square losertedander the year ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding - a square, nod net over fifteen bees, to tin chotged as a square and a hall. Poblishers not accountable for legal advertisements beyond the senoont charged for dal, publicaden. Am:wonting candidates for fame, to be charged the tame as other advertiremenw. 1 Advertisements not marked on the copy fora sped , fad nunder of insertions, will be continent till forbid, and payment exacted accord. • .• The pnvilegca of yearly advertisers will be °magnet! - rigidly to their regular bastueo, and all other ROTC, li.ldrnittoot Pertaining lb tLelt regular business, as agreed for, to be paid arm. p l anks, w rth a w rd er , i e to n w ts n .f sohri pc a ha oh b e le e pMublireu tmßmee s t n gr s e end such like, to be charged halfpriee,payable strictly Ir advance. !damage notices to be charged 50 cents.. •• Death notices inserted withrtat ehurge,tudees enema: - panted by foneral larttations a r obituary notices, agul when as accompanied to be paid for, . Recalundreand Olt others sending CORIUM. requiring notices designed to call att ela tion to Fairs, Soiree, Concerts, or any•pablie enter tainments, where charges ate made for admittance— sll notice of private useociations—every notice de signed ro c cal attention to private caterpnsea calcala. ted or intended to promote bad trident Interest, MR on ly Inserted with the onderrianding Met the same le to be. paid fur. If intended to be inserted la the lot cal column, the same will be clialged at the rate of not sh ei or 10 conts-pu oe /aen or [hat Noticed to be (barged triple price, 'Panel" License Petitions, 52 erten. - Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at MI finer. • • Real Estate Agents' old RTICOOOOelle advertise• meets not to be. classed under yearly rate., bet to be • allowed discount of thirty three and one third percent Dom the amount of bide waxen . OR anioressati IDAIL, W. 1 2. One Equate, three Insertions• •----- • • .41 • Do. each additional Insertion. •. LLVIROWIRMOS m WILIORT urn. One Etuare, Os lines.) one !nterdon•--•soels. Do. each addittosal narterdon.—..% All trarmient advertleemento io be paid in advance: .WHITE k CO. Duette. " _ I. HARPER. Po.t. • lIDIPT rd. RIDDLE, JonrnaL - • JAMES P. DARR &CO., Otwortiela • FOSTER BROTHER, Dispatelt. • JOS. SNOWDEN, Mental . . JAMES W. DIDDLE, American. HIRAM KAINE, Evening Tribronta P 1211101431, Dec. I, 1541. CARDS. • JOlll4 A. PAICINISONe .• • , 11 LDEBNIAN, rirth Wsrd, Penn street, between 01las and Walnut. All business pressntl? tended to. . • mein ALEXANDER Di. WAT3ON, A ,tl - OIINEY AT LAW-oMce, on FoWh M above Rood. eet =dß DAVID O..TIITTLE, • . A TTORICTaIe AT LAW, wad Coaltadonet fo A Pommy aU St. LemtF;' AU commantes.tiau• Paa*Ul snrwer.t: -- • octl3-11 . T. 11. Dabs ' —4. P. Sterrett BAIRD A. ISTETLIMTT,., A TTORNEN'S and Connseilate t¢ Law' —Tottrtb et; IL . between Smithseltl and Ors; Pitteburgb,Pa„ Johnß. Large .• ........ ••• —•-• • •Wrzu C. • LARGE & FLUEND, • • • • ; ''A TTORtitso3 AT LAW, Fourth street,near Onuer. X/. 10 64 • ' JAAIN.S P. REICH, ATTORNEY AT LAY—ralca on Fourth wait, between Sautbfield and Grant, rlusborgh. _99 Benjamin rattan.- Willi= 'Batmen 'PATTON & DAIEZNITELT, A WORNErg di'LlaW-06. in Tilghman Ralf; AGrari. at, near the Cann Ileum • tetra • Fri:NGGlSil—ti ilitr4,-"-Clais—Wa; Aand I:ndaT.Sehool Boaksallera and deaterr la aft . kinds of IN magi Window and Wrapping P. per, No. _fo Weed street. between Fortrth and fa mond alter. Pinehargh, P. anl7 Ecs~t,i 1~~..~.~ ATTORNEY and Caralsellor at tale, and Cconstia stoner for the 8I of Pennsylvania, St. Louis; Mo., (late of Pittsbnraiii - litereitnECS—Pituburgint Mom W. Forward, Ilasuro ton te Miller, I.PCandlels .k McClure., John E. Parke, Bluets Semple. McCord &King. o asesiir MOM COSOILGAIL— AGALKY, WOODWARD X. CO, Wtiolesale Gro cers, Igo 241 Merkel et. Pkiladelotrlc. .4 Plegabawait illka.lll.Workaw V:NETT, DERRY CO, Manaranarers e Sods It ME. Bleaching Powders, Nariadesaa Salphayie Acid. Warehouse No —, Winer atreet,Leloar Fan. n0ir2047. WeTsTrii , il.fiscr.• • BR&Mi & RF:ITER, Whotwie .1 . 111 Retail Dv:v. pt., Comet of Liberty and EL Claa streets, Pana. Jar ap4 SOLODION. SCIIOTKIIIr - • lONOIISSION tdr.itCTlANT,Stcek and nail:10A • r kr; No 110 Second turet. • ' Duquesne Spring, Azle. Steal. arid 'run Vidriga., " COLEaki, AMMAN & CO, ilanafaetarers of Coach end_ Enplie. Springs, lissainered Scoring and Vlang6 Steel, Iron, &a., Wareboun on Water and Front street, Pittsbargls. Also. dealers in Conch Trimmings wad 31illeable oettt • siting' minsTrtorm & Csozcfr COMMISSION MERCHANTS: and Malan In Pro duce, No Market street, Pittsburgh. ., 7611 i: - • C RAM tr. SI;INNFR, Forgr mans and Comm uPdoO Nerettonu, No 25 St.ket ot.Pluabrgh. ap3 • -•- - MeANULTY & CO, ForUntrang and Cos. C• mission Iderthants,. Caul Baca, Pittsburgh, NT, Wholesale 0 roeer, CommtreLon and C. It. "A at rarnrSint Merchant, No. 41 roger.Pvius t.arght I Andrew Fleming It. K. Fleming, • 11101916,i, PLUIIIING & om:4llss' oN MERCHANTS—For the sodo of'Do ,osstie.Woolen,, and Cotton Goods; alto; dellerairi ail kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, No 1O Wood at, 4th door from Fifth, Pittsburgh.. • Refereaso--Messts. Wm. A. Fed IC Co, Cankira. ' . . . • m. h mum • • - . . . LINGLISH tr. DENNETT, That English, tholgigeg Jel A. Cn.l Wlnslecalo Grocers, Controlul o roduce n and Pula- and Tar- warding Mereharoa, and dash,. in P burgh Manalaconta,No. 3! Wood IC, betarcrAilA tt and :i Greets. . _ __ Tiroy ____coe, -----Tni; li.—iyaNit . •. FORWARDING Cc: COMMISSION MERCHANT .0 -No lit Second at. h'lllenGl 2l -------,_ VALGE COCNAAN. Column anlForw.hYlit Merchant. No. 29 Wood stmetTiMabstrei. myl7 triTtif,Ts.oe e liesphy & Lee,) Wool Dept. 1 . Cr and Casontisslon Illerehytt, for Use sale of Anserieon Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th st. (Oil --- irnints.s.i.oTaltiiiiiii. Ib3il-a.- . r„ nre a s.por, = wai n =ALP•-t" n.c.vta sMALTO or A TobaoConmisson I 4 es- EALD , DucK N ater st, Pl 6 Nortb Wh e y nos, crams 4 North. • AZ. 1. JOAN. • ,A.. ..119T. • Atwood, HARDY, 'Mira & Isnecaasora to , /*wit Co.) Coracoscon and Forwarding Me,- .ebanta, dealers,ia Fittabarev idagaraatared Piralwrah. P. -, • •' . , Inch27_ • mAnsilikL/01 - ht TtP c"'" To ' "ul' e . htnr freeriesn Pa- P° A' b. rk"ler F";' , .l„da. sh.d— Fire etd It i rrg,ll . ll . s i'' ‘;;;Aop ?rind.; and CV ping Paper, No. 87 Wood street. oetureen ourth Wed and Diamond alley, west aid% eitubursh, I .—f t b4 l 2 l) 1.10 • aJo MA, and deu Ves 6 st`i, A rig I X t, Varststrts. &a, No 93 Wood street, OCO door South of DiasnOtol Alley Pitunotrgb. 'MeV; Ant 2 grai,Xlhrti 11/ Sieretotnt, and Ogler m se vastoses. Nett ""A'a gangs. 1.0111130 DICIIII. SW, lAN 7:MTV( & Co.,Wholessio GroerrioCOgio . 101iiiou Yer o huilsii and doglegs lo Produce, N 05.31 W o,.and 107 Front meets. Pittsburgh. • nogg' , tor 7 DOurorrh•—......-....—josuph T B. DILMORTII CO. 'Wholeasile Grocery, and iro eget:tales liggard Po nder Co., No. tD Wood st, rittekifo. • de./67 'ft)llN TO M OINSMiD, Amman sea Mareneemy ej Na Motet st., three damns have Third st Pittel bereb,srmll lame emosumlll9h hs. 4 a smal *Matted les: eortmeet *Nos best and freshest MeOleirms.whi eh tut will sell on the meg Amsoce.l.le terms. Physi emu iendiu w ill be promptly emended to, and sap. plies with.arti des they mil , rely nen as Reanine. ttp rtrisiebtel Prevrietlotavill be teeermely sad prebsted tram the bat materials, atm beat of be ay et night— - /kiwi Mr axle, bile lees ei fresh and rood Pert" emir. _ T ' 11- CA tit Firiblr, Soto of Winery Otric,) toeul. aims and . pormardlue kfcrehout, and whelthale denier in Wortem Sorter• CAICSej Boner, Pot and Pen,' Mb, sod Wettern Produoe generally. Water otreet,bettreten Smithfield andwod, rildutrurstr; • TOIINSTON & STOCK?" Tbokse hinter, ond Per Martufacturers, Nl.lo 3.1. ct rant, John lloyd. Richard Floyd: -a A. FlDVD,Wtialcsale Grocer., Corumisalan IP • MatchanU; and .Dcalars sa Pradsva.l.llaaud Church ituihilno, (=dna labcrty, . Wood b and Birth sum., rinal.argh, ap4 .. . . TOTI WATT, (neeessor ta . Earslt 4r, gel; hitt tJ Whalen!. 01.0001 and C.otondssien Me:eta/at dealer In .Prodsee andPittabart h 11 ..uf" tue, "T" pr of Labertt and Hand Meath Pittsburgh Pa. 1 . a25, JPiO. A.CAlitiaralt, Agent for thir r AG - Eii. add Michigan 11.11 to Bran? and the Lakes.-01liao 014-at CDULtr of Water sad frataiald glie ivi4 i • BUSINESS CARDS. I AMES & Co esneil .—S on eceessol t Lewis iletehisort & C,sei tart:being, tad Age.-tu, of the S. Loess Steem Sam Ream. hie 45 inter sat] front etreets.fitUberel. • tent. • 1 OILN IL MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer V in Plain,and Idusical Instruments, Sehool llicioss, Paper, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers* Cards, and !tallowy gensrally,llo. El Wood st.,lPiusbuigh. irr Rites bought eir taken in trade. seri d tirßnifteitTiZEß, Attorney at Lem, office de a., opposite St. Chnrles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also alteAd promptly to Collections, is Washington, Fayette and Green counties, F. Blackstone, Bell is Co., Minh A Caninitms, - IPutsharste. 11. T. Monts. • . riaIit:LIEEIL &.CO, Wholesale Druggists. • . No ell Wood evert. Pittsburgh. apt_ Kin • t & JONES, Forwarding nisi Comausnon Mei ctutcts, Dealers in Produce sad Pittsburgh CM.• ulaet• red.articlea, Canal D•slo, near 7th it. afil — PTO" Ir — ITL - L7Frnillit osl ETP X7 V - E.NNEEDY CHILDS & CO, • hisaulacturcrs of no . wry superior 44 Sheedag, Carpet Chain, Muer, Twine and Balding. , . _ _mils-ir Mrl===! L . . . . . EMS' 'DAT:ZELL hCO, Mann facturere of ,t 1 sines Thu, Sheet, Boller Iron and Nobs of the ben condi* , Warehocae, 54 Water and 105 Front otrect Miller„lliilad. C. W. !Nampa. rttliburgh. Ik4 ILLER RlCRETSOri.Wholesale Gramm, and IV& I:aperient of 'Brandies. Wine. and Smaro, Non. IN and 17d, tomer of Marty and ltatia - rtrocta , bamb, 1,.. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, to. &C., eon mmtly on hand. " ' , • aO4 •- Jaba Mill Junes LP. a n d U. Roe. lkiictilLLS A. BUIE, Whelesakt Grocers andCommi•- .1.1. alpa Alert hams, No IM Liberty St, l'lttsbe rah I upl , • • • - FriltinntliFirrin.. ---- wislia --- a 4 rCtirtiltif; • AND AXLE FACTORY. DU, Naar, IMMO?. IMO. JONES QIIIOO, IaANIIFACTURERS of spring sold blister steed, I.l.l;•Vough ned, otod plough wings, coach and oho MI TRE, hum": g ag10 , 5 , ,2 , u , s i d . d:ge t rLlnzul IrtopTly,o.omer of Ross and gine p Front_sta., Fiute, • "PO' 1.101,11 ES &SON, No aid Market at, second door . Dam corner 'of Fourth, dealers m Forcigu and Domestic. Dills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Hank Notes and Speet. IjrColeletions made an 'al the prinsipal cities hT!lgt. haat the United State. apt N . Aingureit—t Mee, Flarth at., third door above Smithfield, soutk rid. • • Conacy.ting of Ends done with the greatest core eadlegalateuracy. Titles te neat Estate examined, tee. omfin•ir • . CS.l4W:tit 'WOFV OF GREEN GLASS WARE, . 27 /Starke onset, Pittsbatgit, keep conmant 1p on hand, ant mice mord.. oil lona+ of Val., Itottle. se. Porter and Muer. Water Bettles.of en• periorestality. Farcical. minden paid to Private. Littitoitraphlo Eatabllahmeat (IF WM. , SCLII.ICII hid NN. Third at, opgaslta the Post-Chgtee, Pittsbargh.--Maps, Landscapea, heads, Bhoarbills, Labels, Architectural and. Machine Diill,Kry Haziness; and Visiting Cards, &a.. engraved or drawn on scone, and printed In c clots, Gold, Brame or Mack, in the most approved style, and at the most icaponable price. flett&ly J. 4 3 . PICTTIGICSVV, STEAM BOAT AGENT. OMR &lova Wac TIM our= A 0 apr7 No. 37 Water Greet. ‘SHLOILIa.DIT'D WRIT/D. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, jio. 11l WOOD STREET, Hew ! la store, said will coastkrrtly receiving' derma the •eitson,_a baps and well selected ea seduceat of Staple and FaneY Dry poods, arlcch they "sill tell far cash or approved credts. WosiOns merchant. are Invited to czar:duo our stock. .• mr9 • R°BINE ON,LTITLE & CO„ No.11)2 Liberty street fittsburgh • 'Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Ctutoiltslori -I.terehamts, and dealer, In Pitubsreb smilkevrer. .07 _ . ti t sLortaost. • I.4_,E?l'lne.' Mrg 4%ltotecele Grocer, Itrot,fy tog R`'BERl',7"°RF,,Pmdate, PO/g:soh Mena.- e, Vi*lill en ***l" of I and Doexttio IVtner " If * " Wl* • Gres. Co hand • vcr4 Ina o Iwo Met of_inperlor old GA NTotitis waiaor , ecloch be sold low for reel, myl EVNOL fr. DS 81115 E. FOT , Pirdlllg an ti i Commie glen Me:el:hats, for the Allegheny River Trull den in Groceries,Prodikee frittsbargh, alAnnrat Cares, and Chloride a Lime. Tye hielsen pries, In put at all tithes re counfry nee. CorllOr re. .1 , 01 irIVIn sta. wry jOtttiliCC DALZELL & Wbolesale tilocerr, JA: COIIIIIIjII4OP Merchants, dealers In Produce Pbusbargh btanofeetarcs, Liberty stree:, Pittaburst, Psi • aptS 013EFLT A. CUNNING lIAM.--Wholesato Gower, it Denter in Prodnen riusb.irilo Manntnotraes. No. tat LibenTstreet. •4 , 10. Q te CO.. Shedvald Iron and Seal, Wetkradmlnfacutrero of Am. 13. Spring and Vlonatt Stool. Attu--sprineo, axles, Vico>, An oils he. - They ittlitt the ¬ation of me reheats end eottsomors to their "took Were purchasing else. They warrant their articles to be eq.. le any mode in Orb. country or Imported. [obi& >• i3tISL C 111.11.10.N1T MUM ISACKLETT y. WIILTE. Wholemle De.ters to 0 Foreign sod Dr - auntie Dr)' Go 010; 80. OO Wood street. Prirsnwsh. .1-I.7C,rtraLWL — tifeieruns, Dec,* 0- in Flour and Produce genersily, tad Forsruding sod ComMissiOn Aierelmour, No. n 3 Water stroet, Patabiargh. . - scums', RM... 70. %COY, 114.11.439. aELLEDS NICOL 2, Produce sod General Cum 0 mirsion Merchants, No. t: Liberty streelaior 'burFb.Beerm, Llni•ed sod Lerd 011.- uirl7 Q Vi3N-BONNHOItSr m Wholes. lc Grew 13• nem Forwardind Cammirwon Merchant., Dealers In Pittsbur gch Mana'actarcs and Western -Produce, have removed to their new warehouse, told sund,) No. 35,cent:rot Front sweet and Chanerry Lean. apl7 NOVAII S TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Flut aide yinraod,ll7lfro_rttl \fa =sum. •St.. N:ltVatersaan• IV. D. ‘-`4termius, • L. S. WILTICILM&M Ad SONS, WIIOLESALF. GROCER. Commitaion and Far warding Merchants; dealers m di kinds of Pro dace & rittabt.rgh Manufactured /minim and Agetitio• for sale 'of RiChtuOnd and Lynchburg Manufactured Tobacco. nut WhL ATTORNIG T AT 1. . • Bader, Pa k • ema colknnlons uod all other boil- W i t 4 ...onnetod to him in Dotter and Armstrong tonstlesira. Hetet to • 7. k. ft. Floyd, Liberty U. W. W. - Wallace, do • , .. Jantes Marshall . do . Pittsburgh. dl) Nay b Co., Wood It. . . _ . . S. D.Unahfield• 6. B. DIISIIVIELD 6 CO.. VIRVOLESALE .d Retail Dealers in Grocener ilea Dry Goods, and Commiasion Merthanu N 0 .220 L4benT n. Pluthneek... _ 301131 BIeFADEN s CO. FORWARDING & COMUSSION NIERCILkNT'S Canal Itlisinca MeV. Plttgotrz JA.IIIIL9 N. DAVIS & CO., PRODUCE-AND FLOUR. FACTORS, Market, and 134 Certemerea E., Philadelphia. Advancer wadi, by either of the above, o a GOD? ign• monis or Produce to either Howe.4l. - roe , 7 -- 1 - 74CSIIM - Vr&X.CIACIP —&7III FOSINAHDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Itaillalltitaw, PA, IYALUDISTII=PYA4II:9I the grAVTA4IIt?!. as they are prepared to receive Ely amo.t. Line and not Boats TAMAN( night nod freight will be deudned, as they. will unloads u etboat. at 'A boon. 'All boo. .Itakrislo febt.T.4loa • ••• J. D. WILLI/LEIB & CO.. WHOLEWHOLESALE &, FAH! LY GROCERS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and SALE in Country .. . Produce and Pittsburgh Montage 'tures, corner of Wood mad Fif th WW2. Pittab nrgh. autUr B. U. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS & CO., DAIctERS AND EXCHANGE IHWKLES, North Eut corner of Wood mind Third streets, JoniPrrrprosou. Pa. mth a. di - Wises.iit, — 1.0 11. IMOODWOM ILLTIt "gird. BAOALEY & CO., Wholesale OTOCCIP. 10 ll' and att-Wood Wee. , Pittsburgh. .07 ,------- - folrff 11. WICK, W. st.caser.ners. ILITICt & arCANDI.E.S9, (successors to I. a 1. D. yy Wlelt,l Wbotetals Grocers Forwarding and Cocomitslon Mere hen% dealers in iron, Nols, Wars, Cotton Varna, and Prwto grata Zdanufactores general• dy,, corner of Wodd and Water streets, Pittsburgh. .W .tr. rd. Itil . IltiTlMlt 7.i..71V-hr Grocars, I.lcreannitull2-Pent=oVons% a s ll ll i ce " .l7- tog Powder, No. 101) tdbettY greet, loPPendia Sirl stroet.)Fitiebargh. . . _ e .. 1p17 VAT • i VT WICs Watches, 3...iri, nl , ,* vi .T .. . v v and . 161 (Marl Good., corner pf Malket and .Foorto streets, Pitraboreht Pa N. B.—Wotcees and - Cocas caredoUr 001,04"!..------------2----'" ATitia produ. e *ad Pitintnirnli ?i• Tint 'Mum • • WM. YOUNG it Co, Denim in L;coner, lodes, yLA ~_14 . 3y, b_sa :street larklt XVIMITICOEL n. x'ccreezom i . earre oCrN‘‘V h isV,Ur" YY tPae,lon. b . el ytoec.. 3 PllobirVMungranata ronor:11y, Pittstugh. • . t .3. D. WILLIMIS is. CO., • • Wtri°,.gralf,. entrzitillf,lll.7.l`=l.F.'7; Cousdry.kroduct. o.nd Vitto.bafgh Manofacturcn,cor. :ter erWood sad VI). streets, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 14.1_truh.: ---. GE • nssucar.u., ADITILLO. NERAL cominssloN tasucluorre, — t—' , fr.rtatieral advances made on consignments. )snid-ea _ _ 90x, Portrait and Miniature NlA=VOgtiale%coreer et Post Mee Market. alley arta Fourth erect entrance on /earth et., near d' aTT .'4"h edoa, ,ommtaatossane Itigeohnunt en s. 0.31,01 d Levee st,N Orle. keep conontaly Tband alaree townsmen' of !treadles of the follow. t l lbtandt vrbieb toy offer for vac A t agent+ (me S. Domed a. Co. A d Bordeaux el:: )I.riovi, J. tind.ebt J Dr. rand & J Laroehelle, I Durand, Cognac , ter., Ale Bleville, dp Uondort can Iwalt de; also, Anchor Obt, Derdeanx Red and Milo %Vines In cask+ and cases, +elected era care byJoba Dorm% .r.Co; bealdeeCktaspagste Wine and Street Unreandy feb74l. • PALMY.% HANNA k 00. Laze romolotilt •Erobanto OSA. la Bonk wen soma of wood old Tldra incur 2====2Mii 'Penn ELaeleine Shop. WIGIITION—IIansf cturcibfall kiwis of cot• la. ton and woollen macbincrr. Al rglreny tilt P. , The above works being now - ln full:end turcesatti op eration,' lam prerwed to centers otters with dscern". for all kinds of machinery in ley We, etch 1.. i Wows, pickers,spreadern, emir. grineing Me:Lines, relreaTni Crewing frames, speeder, looms, woolen cards, double Or sincle, for rocichate or country work, mules,jecks, &c.; slide end land When and mols gmb oral. All kinds of sha ft ing made in'order, or preen gigs en fob gearing rectories or mills al reesonnble charge. Runt so—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Bleckstock, Ikll & Co, King. Pennock 2t. CO, /sm. A. Gray. BENNETT id, BROTHER, CIUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, El rsalughans, [agar P tetabssegh,l Pas Ogee, N. •37 11 , sarr et, batmen Atari:et and Wcod, Parsbrtrgh. g) WlLl s constantly keep on hand a good assort- Slant of Wars; of on, ono Inanalf.t.c. and saperiorqualsty. Wboleaale and conetry :der , chants are respeetfally invited to call and en. andna for themselves we we are determined to sell cheaper than hussar before been offend to the pab- lie. frrlioidere rent by mail, teeampenled by thecae} , or ocil reference. will l promptlyauended to. turd NEW COACH FACTDELY, A. WHITE & CO, would respectfully Inform . ti public that they have erected a shop on Lacock, between Federal ar'd Sandnrky streets. They ore now oinking and non prepared to receive o.llt, for every drscripttoo of vchirle, Coaches Chorsolts, Bs rouchr., Phrelons, &c, h e., Which leant thee long experience in the Mllllo(acture nf the above works wad the tacilnicx they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most eduannable terms with Alone wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attrntion to ththaelectton of mate rials, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesinthon In warranntig their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to thin nastier. N. B. Repairing done Ith the best wanner, utd on the mord rest...rabic term, • Oebrtf SOAIDS 6 ATEISSDN, Errr. xtrwssA WOOO Main, Ihrrsemon, ONTINUF , to manufacture all kinds of C COPPER TIN AND SIIF.RT IRON WARE. Also, Illstok- • south Work. Steam Boats built Weeder. Spectal attention given to strati boat work. Utter on hands a fine .mrtment of Copper and Brads Kettles, Tin Ware, loc. &a Steamboat Cooking Stoves,_ Portable Forges, various aims—a very convenieut vein (or steamboat., Cobfernia emigrants, or nil road ontapoulei. 'Be would resywetfully invue awn boat teen and others to call 011 ti eve oar articles .d prices before purchasing el sewhert ty:l7 W. a. J. GLENN, Book Wald era. "WM are toll engaged in the abOVC business, comer Vir a( 'Wood and Third strcett, Pittsburgh, when, we aro prepared to do any week our lino with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and satis faction wall. given in regard tts acomess and du .. Monk Book , ruled to any pattern and bauna subs atantially. Books in ;mothers or old hoofs. bound rue fully or rcpaircd. Nantes put en books in gilt letters. Those that have work in our line .0 invited to rt call. Me. lour. Pitt aschica• Works ind F•undry. TITTISECGII, eIWRIGHT/4C.. are prepared to build Cotton el and Wenten Murthine ' rp . every description: nich as Carding l one .lues, Spinning Frames. Speeders. Drawing Pru REIIIWIIy Reads, Wropeni s Spoolers, Droning Fraibea;Locens, Cant Grinder, ter. Wrought Iwo Shafting tamed; all Ores Of Cali Ron Follies and llsostersof the 'strut patterns., slide and hard Lathes, and tools of nil Idler. Casting of every description farairlied on short notice. Vatnrns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, dec. Srearn Ihge for heat ing Factories. Cast Iron 'Window Sash and furry Car :lnge generally. Orders lon at the Warehouse of .1. Penner R. Co., Liberty wart, 'nil have prompt surn- UDR Refer to Blacknoct, Pen A Co., J. K. Moorehead Pc Co . (i. F. Warner, John Irwin t Sons. Pint:burgh; R. C.Warner, Steuhenvillo. 12.1119 P1A.510.31 Trr Inharriber offer( for sole a large and aplendui nuortrnent of ro•creood and reallegon boot , A , lion Fbanov, watt sad wahout Colter."' celenrated Loh. Attachment. The above ;I,l(ot:rents are one ranted to be equal to any nbanttliseturcd In this coat, try, and will be sold hewer than any brought fro. the Rnet. F. DLU.MIi, No il_ wood st, deor above rith N. —Gay amp Wit he taken a par for u few el be above re.rortereet. miry . / • F. _ p ~,,,,. for hydra. Watem. THIS Is to certtfy dial I have at, opointed Livtngeton r Regyen it Co, le Agent"; fee the cote aiJenning ; a Yatent Dinprabgut Filter, for the eat hese Patsbarvb and Allegheny. JOilN GltssoN.Ar , n!, - ma rt :4-cy for Warm M ((throe, Lig] ltreadway. 'e••• : Oct 10, ige. We hoot beta aging one of the above article. at the ante of the Novelty Work( for three 'north., et; trial and fed perfectly that Itie a every] ravention, and we take a i l wh o in retort:mend:4. them :is a ear , fat ardele ail who lone read tearer Order( b• ,hoohldlly received pr.rrtorptlyberreted.. Co toil itj'toN. Rocan..N _ TLlW.aa.EoMieTz.n ., T HE stteraion of the pal be , ta Teepee:um elated f the fotl - treing cerubentert s.A—Having tt , ted quen rtie taly_ef Gold yroteble4 by your Ares.Cter.. I fir...l the retatr prove. totostrunter.t nerrtru roul•rettanteraentlibe sae of u to those troths Coliformeo Ss the. Deny method tor ob. tairting the real tralve oft:ob.!. Re , p. yocru, J. DUNLEVY, Gold Deets, Plttlibargb, 1ttareb.0..1512.; 1'771777a40, March 7, 1F42. r 12.7 — itonlng eXortiv , l titn“A me oo tc:," lantraftetared . yoni roorw, I tlo 0. nsclutel ,tymmer.d It to the ago ihoso rot.lnmen who aro Ooot romovtor to to in 0r...7.0 MO.& - it ctn.+ onprozo.tion to the ont:ll,' grill ofreneval., and 11411 e.nain:y erAitsie the r:Terallral 145 — tPterlalci . 0 hen EiA pinee: ',MUM', Gold. rtnnt.7. Itt M•i,L;NTOrg. . • giDLA KllllBblfi ClAYlllititt—Jmn re^rivr , : for tf.r. Celliurriu Ilitfrt‘ictun,•ur.r.t.t firlot 11:sufue.1:1.1r,e,. a: Flirt, "tr.. .1: IT,. I,:k for not ce, it 4.4 hIL. F. ,lc m. are Irolla Rabbet bkinat. tier , .1k ii I'IIILI,IY3 der— Stomas Ltriok 'Works Cox dotes Tl.lFs %absent/es carts for sale, taut tsTFANI lIRICK j alone Lasko nee,lle, • comart Steam Fag. rie.2 IWO., 0 auto Sloe flier, Muirri-retrirrfte •04,10.31fir•r.1 ery taken from Lanka per Asp: nnto thtee ~,,, land on um Allegheny 'rivet, on winen aM . 4 Obro ann ahods, machtnc.atto clay shells, wheetbutroms, trak, therein, spades, Ac., evegy Ming se Mine to cm! , lllfeff.ts oberatfen• at an boom sworn S i nce. Itteleding the patent rigat to use soft nue/one, 17,t/On—saes of payment room Without easy. Witht the land, 11.0.1341 For partieolaw, aultera lIENRY NlFslitil TT, Oq,l74fit.tba 11. e blononeirsTela !lons, • "dutiea j.rrtinpirtnmhip beectofere extsting and the firm of A Se St BRADLEVos glemlveu by it accessee el Ur. ettragley. The buainess will be earned on by A Bresficy, W/10 Will settle the enfants% of oho ton firm. TIEMOVAL- - A flout-at boa temoged ism boaftas7 Warehouse from Second ettnetAfYlge lo street, between. First and becond street.; to It, w i lt beam lately age opted 410 A Berry, where be onti keep constantly on Ritodsigemetal meortntant of Cons ir.rk gitatca, roe yea, Coaltalg fusers..k.e. 013, Di•adtriitalm. • CO, ner l Is this Any nisatefotod'hy ;mutat c'enirnt• Meese, Berke Is Barnes se i!lsettlef tfuoncl. flitt eceerna, for which purpose , they air nuthenscdlll-11.0 the none) of the concern. NATIIOSTEI.CONSTAI3I.I:, EDMuNt) The nude signed have this fl ay ntormiatialthell2leVC! to the none of 13USSISE A BA ANF..I. lot ten purpose of manufactutlext Fite Freof Salta-Vaal, Route kre. Sec, at the ovarsd .be late firm of ,Cno,cable, eCo, where they will Ise bleassd sgeoltre the prtft.l• age of the egg:emcee of that houfnuabd their (stenos. TIll1b1At; lIARN 1 1 ,Feb2:1,1Eal In Wiring (ram the Dion of Comtiiii,lei-Darla A Co., I with sincere plea.. recommend Me... Due. & Deep. to the confute ocean. flab. Yaut the WpS ublic. Feb. 9. 10C... NATIIANLEI. lIIIII.TrA _V0424:1 li ' Cs 411.13pTillittrW : AS Just manned front the Earrinti cinge ; and i receavlng a loge variety of scroodable rte.!, to sea ch he respectful ty teethe.lnv Altai:lion of 'reach YU and pedlars. Do klk Wood ab......., febld Tluw,..g ht. 0.4 CRO.ITC4II.ILUing. C.bsentare be leave In Ildtirnt,the public that (.athey bolo ebtaincd from the East all the late and tonable designs for Iron Itaillng; bosh foe hour. and cemeteries. Per.. arisluni .le4 , th b eure and. .nta pattern. will plea. 'all and eke..., and lodge f0e...0w15.. Ratting will be furnlslied at the t 1., Lmn.' re, and MD. beet mon., at the gxerner ut Craig and'lletreeen sine., Allegheny city. ing99,ltf A nil A KNOX . .... tONONIT %AMOS. CASS'llttr.ntn, ft sATIN ' EATS, received on consignment, rind (or gale n. Ittl:grittg.taleell•llllCtieliSC. by , 11 Ex. s tv, 71, &NIA°& c o - -- 1 , JOYILYi GTONIii - NO. 9 BTATC STILET:T offitosopi, Arent for Clam.. owl llrc.nery Property In Bogland. 13-AVINO spent ne•rly n year In the wed.. de- Ll i cord Offices, Diadem:el Library, ht., ddring his late visit to England, avesogating claims for person. in this cruntry, and having scented edment nod m spo.ible Agri. In Leaden one Manchester, he prepared to afford all neetoseity informabon and ad• parsons who reek to recover their property in that country. J. L. keep* alias of the Ilabk of ,Pngland Dividend Books, veluch may be examined for fdi cents, nr . lot each letter o' the Alphabet, , Reference...ln Ilnelon. C. ft P. ADAMS, NOM, Public; JA.1119. WID.D, Cm; HENRI( 11. MAT, Col; trtrint JOON W. 1:11iro.:w AY, ie.q. .. 1 CI - 001%. 1 : 1 4. CO., jebla Iles tt (Suceesthis to bl'Crad A King) A; Sat ratAblOctia ar' C.M . t . of Noel orA Fifa sir, m. 110ARTICULAft attantioa peed to our Retail Trade. .IC. Gentle.. can rely upon getting dime Ilah. and Cape from our establishment of 0.0 nor YLIA,II.IAI.I alld VIOSILTUNSILIS, of the warier MM.., and nt the L. 0.1. 1.110. CoUntrt Merchants, parchesing by wholesale, am respectfa ly invited An trail mad examine one Stuck; . ore C. Nal with confidence that an ',lards ex.., and yams, dwell net alder in a comparison tenth any —oliiititi Philsdelphla. . 1,517 '-----Wlisirfd's'ZdliDfallir-- --' __ IBINCOB leave In Inform hls Men. and customers that la he Is 'eat receiving his tic. spring stock of Gonda, Comprising,. usual, all and 311061 fashion. able at of Clotho, Cassim fanny Vesting', cab too 0.1111 linen Stltt4er ....In, and every article suitable for gentlemen's was: for spring andanntmer. It being the to describe the beauty, quality, or quaintly of the Stock, the proprietnr tapes all who are thara.M. of good, cheap, faitoonablo sod well made ajnthes; will give film 'a tall:. there Is no . etock thigaide of rho Alleghenies dint can compare with It. The ready mode department is very extensive; adap tad to all tastes. Hall toad contractorn, cotton": merchants. and all who pure.. largely, are particular', invded to ex• amino the stoet before pureetasing, as 'articular at e...even . paid to rho a-hateable to this est.. Ileddithal ""e Made to o,' dyer) nrtiele in the tailoring lino made to order in the moot robloaabla and bat manor, at gm shOnnit notiaa , Wirt • • GA ZET _ - - • • ~, '7 6 s , . - - VOL- -XVIL -NO %O. - • . 11 • MONDA INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life Immune Cant turn or rarratz arracert 25 PQ. czar. Capital, 8150,000. JANES MEMO C0.,--Manta Patraurfh, - • - S A: t / 3130 7: 43 :14 .z. 1 i t , ?;J71. ( 1 1 3 : Urn i ,,, Fit J i3.lin 011 Al l t u. r ni C e ti • F . • ILEFEAMS: len.. Toil. l'IMASItall • o.mP'rollerof New York. Hon. James Comp 11. Hearse David 11. White. Woo'. lota Mackie Alexander Comm' rs.L David P. Dudley Field- W. J. P. Wkite,P Tl. Joseph Hove. _ ... ITCW His Err. Gov. llamas.l 01-o,ov. Venous.' I W. L. Dayton,ll. S. Sent. 1 ts.o Wildrlok, H. C. G. D Wall,FY U.S, Sen./ Wm. A. Newell, N.C. Ex-tiov. NI-Dickerson. Hon. S. R. flamilutn. MEDICAL I—NMI/INTERS. A. Sidney Doane, M. D. It W. 'Gerhard, AL . D. Warren st., N. Y. lot Walnut sI. s. Nl/.. M . 4 ?il o rem. NI D., It. R. hell, N. D., George Tile Cook, bd. D., I Allegheny oily, pa., Pittsburgh. Pa The Acontcotthic Compact} at PitUbtlegia, are an thoriterl to take emery first ciao' risk - on Life n. invc....vosi r0.C.31,71711 an COM. from the Usual rates of premium, as charged by other Campanile. A roan 30 years of age. toking a Polley of insurance for One Thousand Dollars, To run fife one yem, pays only 50,50. do seven, " 510,0) do lifeume, n " " 5170 And in the some proportion for any senile]. Io tatters 5w.,.-ge.hpt.."The extern..dea,,,,°=?,',.."orftie lst Oetober,ls4V and ‘ rin monthly businers an Seth, lii October, 1540', shows a progress 'legation, than CI any otber Ufa Company onnecont. The fuss dividend of moats will be deelased to the ssured on theist JeumMT. 1810. PoP/Phlels COICIOnirI the various tablas of rates, nod all the necessary Infourpalion on the Important subject of Life Assurance, will he fern/abed on •PPlv . cation to JAMES DORM/ Odeon., Agents, dein l3aildiugs. iSsUßAziThcir.. 'rim TRENTON MUTU ea. LIFE AND FIRE 1- f SURAN CB COMPANY will iv.. Poities of Insurance against Lose or .Dateano by Fin. upon Develltnys and Yurnitnen, Stores. Goode, tte tEn., applinanon to JAMESDKANO tlOCO.,.ago•te, oat', Odeon Itoildingle _ INISIIILAINGE. Till , . DELAWARE. MIJTUAL SAFFAT Pll a- RANCE COMPANY. Office North Room of the Faehange. Third street. Philadelphia. Faa kosrosnma—Baildinge, otber pro perry, in Town and Conan, insured against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rate of premium. Almon: Inisruorca.—They else insure Vewels, Car goes and Freight., foreign or COlLStOrine, under open or special policies, no the moored may desire. inasio Tuartromno—They als gortsure merch andise ft...ported by Wons, Rail Rd Cars, C.ed Dont. and Swain Boots, on siren and lakes, on she Mott liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Sooder, John C Danis, Robert Burton, John II al Edwards, Geo G Le{per, Edward Darlington. Ism. R Davis, Won Fal w ell, John Newlin, Dr R Hainan IJ. C Hand, Theophilus paulding, Jrnov Drools Henry Sloan, Hc¢h Craig, George Serrill, Spence Charles Kelly, J G /abeam., Won 1110 . 0) S Thomas, lobo Seller.. Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITPSBURGII—D T Morgan Hugh Craig, John T Logran. • WILLIAM MARTIN, President. FEIManD S. Nrunso., See!7. 11_7 - - °face of the Company, No. 42 Water street Pittsburgh.r ligmn-tf MAMMA, AG. Life ADO Tl•ali-hlnsokranco• • TIIE Nutnal LIM and licalth Insurance Company lof PbiladelpLia. Itecorporated by the L< arse* of rem:Alva., March, Paid. Chan , perpetual. Cardtal.sloo,o{/0. RAT,. LOW. ZWI mar PIL1:011e OANIA Crecrage, awl full 20 per cent lower than the um.: rates of Lim Insurance, the following COM, 01,11 ell. , Thus, It person or ihn aye of 1 0- rie.g for 5100 for Ur... must pay in the Girard t Pencrvlvanin.,l2=‘, PC:111 Mllltlttl, 52,3N-174/11illbiP, New England, 02.35; New York Life, $1.301 Al- Lion, 51,1 th Lih and Ileit:th,Phtlodelphia, ll s l . Dtrea-ruitt—Stunuel D. Llrrick, - Charles 11: Ball, W. V. 1,10001, ROl.l P am Chile,. P. Hayes, M. W. !labia:tn. 51 51 Reeve, Sr.s Chu, O. 13:Campbell, linen. Coopfer,l. Rodman bldrker,E_ll.llutler, Edwin It. Cope. Prezident—Sarnoel D. Orrick; Vice Prem. dant—Kola. P. Erne; Secretray—Frar.els Elnekbarne. 4 pplteutlono wilt he reeeiveri.and every information green by 5A511.. FA lINESTOCX. Act, 02tete,Carnmerel•I lancnre.errner of 0cr,:7,11r . Wood end Third .00, Pittsburgh FLEE AND MARINI: INSURANCE. Tlll4 INSURANCE CO. el North America will make iterolautot rind limited Insamtute on pro perty in Rim ear' and yteinily, and en shipment. by Cuitud, Riven, Luke, end by Sea. 'ton properties or 110. , Company are well Unrested, and furnisl an avail able (and for the ample tacmatri of .11 Persons who drum to be protected by insurance royir WM. P. lONFIi ace:R.4l Wilter.m. 17791.11tANCE , *1 retftb.rab• The Spring Gardcu Health Insura.nee Co, OF NUL A DELPif lA—.CAPITA I. .TIDO,OOO, 51xlet Female. sons the Ebrdn. , .11_ ma n I.ota orcaboned by biain, or Acca2ant, by tan inublatto ellowact a of 1113331 en 10 So per week, ire nat. tore., three. or four year, The method of effecting that Inauranre., anal the manner of *trebling the beg allowunce, will be fully explained by the Agent. • =Alms. A peraon can insure seittati Siclacirm Aerident tchach detain kiln Iron his ordinary bur isms, as aty: For d ne ;ear, try r aying and receive SO P week. For two •• " 0 4 " 5 ° ror four 1045, " " lir. h.: a peeled of bent years, the aunt .of SIM. paid abetaq, vb.! teens : sat for Week whiln h. I err, -••n, In b - ;!i ,horded en the bat, ea t ra, he,,,an, pence... by JAMES fthil)Co, Agee., Oaleen elr•mud Marti" Insurance. Pre: OFEICE of the Inv/rooms Cenreay efNorlte Art^TICII., Las been removed to No. 141 Front at ee.-1 of Wood: he ea`keerlber, agent for the abate old and reopen. chin end node Polletes on a nd and rd-ton and an .htptaenta of hietelLandt.o toy hmam floats and meet verrety - • - - -• W. P. JOrsigrt. The Penneylvasta Company Vex 0,1 Lvmo ANNVTIZI. T 111: fit, Lice Invariance Croatian,. so the Stoles. Incorporated March ln,l9lb—rbat ter perpettud. Copilot eson.l , oo-411 paid in. Having ...hurried the ondersiirnod to reeetve appn eatrona for !wanner, on which polletes .111 Lo loaned, made to their proprabie and rants, vOl.llOll be trade koown to apttiteantO at Ins ortee r No. IPS Wood ntreer volt IRO COCHRAN. PIT.TSI3URCSII FISIEULLS: lINSTSIDWrIG T 111 : Second deaden of Oils Institution. ceder th e rare of Mr. dlld Mia. riostiolg, fol. the lin:rent academic year, will comenenre no this day, hlernileiy. l'ebraall lath, , lit lite tame buildings, No. 32 Liberty mreet Arrangement* have been made by which they will t e to fu for obtaining a tboroagh English, Claim, eel, and Ornamental education. A full colleen of PM. icnphical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered daring the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de partinnom of Vineland Instrumental Music, Madero Langinvea, I/marina and Patntir.g, will Oath be under the care nf a competent Profesaor. illy eta. , aliennoe to me moral and inn:account improvement of their pa pill, the Ericeipals tope to Merit a confine...ion or tha liberal pato:nage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms see circular or apply to till, Pallet*. fe1,1 . 5.40 __. HERSEY, FLEMING Si CO. nivs. sort SALE, FROM TIIE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST . ERN MANUFACTUEERA' PRICES: White Sonnets, all Wool. Woo Drilla Ited di. do 11lot Deados. Yellow do do - Fancy C 0111311% des; ail are him wn do do offered at Factory prices. Illack Satinet...l. Maw League Shirting. Steel mixed AO Won do Checks and' Stripes, 'o[7 Drab ' do heavy goods. Block Commies. Tailors' Goods. Fancy do Bra Paddldg. super do; Pansy Tweeds. vow Padding, Bucksaw, Super Black 'Woad Cloth. TailoreCon•ass, heavy do; Soper Brown do Blown Unto., Stliolals Sap, litern do Drab Serge, Watk do, s l !toper Twilled do and worsted; Napes Sack Dos. Skins Black and While Tape; Slopes Ural , Culla:erns, Black TeriAt, Ural do; Soper Drown do' loch Cheeks and Diilla . hoped Mack ^o -. Stout's 6 cried Sol Colton California Blankets.. do ' Linen , Thread, Kesrlat do sopetlele article; l, Sae Lo !Silk Focused Vesting.; Drab do ' ,Illock ftatln , do t Groin Datprtins. 11..61 Rollnd tn' Silks Drown Lulls; , ' Batons, Cravats, hr., an. At the Mtantlactotess' V ocelots., No 167 Wowl • PillshorgA-- . mr . 6 _.— ----- --„_—__ $450 BOOTS.iS ISO rilitr..uhrerlbcr to now monatoeturlng • bounufol .n. 1,4 1 SLIM,MOIER the I'M BOOT to , w ofPO gond motenols nod work , " 091 30. DANIEL RIILtA, No 0 Market sti. eccood door from Water IL enll4l2rn antt ono rorrY.l . • - • NOTICE. underrigned having parchaeed of G. A. Bey ard, the tttetm Faye 741110 n the nornhony Rr•d'• the Arrenal, am now prepared to rill all tithe of lumber of any rite toot length, the GO fi. downwnviin hoot Siding. Deck Plank. Gunwales. /MM. Trimmer, Llorivilr, kg., on the !Morton notme. Laths coommily on hnnd. Owlets Meowed mil nn.y Inform• mon given by R Wightmm, corner of Water R od I.iberty meas. or II Morrison, No lag Liberty mach mid at the Mao Altho mlll. aFtreddm WIOUTNIAN k MONNISCiN_ N~ receieinyr, From the gest " ent tt s le c :lo n rVi l n New York and Philadelpleta, and also Bons Freer), agencies, th e ilt:S/C11.1.4 most approved style's el! Pm por Iletheings, tonethes with Borders, Vac Bonn' Veleta, and Testi:4in. For vale at 91\u et, woe. Fourth et awl lhansond alley, (evacuees to C. !fay •imp Eri.eLLIC VetiNfZhiSireideii-e-i'd per eteanee. /VI and tor talc by the barrel or elosle pound at the Prue . , Betel, d Perfumery Wathbouth , corner o Sixth and Mo an d B N W/CKERSHAAL .24P Pat...l9oatia Ash. 415 : 4 CASKS high directth r a r r m v ethe: 1 . au .. 141 ,A 1 u a , and arts now on the way from New Orleans, and es• arra,/ here this weer; and 314 will shortllarrivo six flak:more per Alps Juniata, Ceesafeske. Domes rar, 000 alb whita a 111 be sold on , no the IOW[AI aowtet pilot for e proved Lills. eI,f 4 D IT MtTCUEI:rIU E; 50123 No INl.4lelly NIUDIUSGILING • pot on their hinges. P"1""" h"i""raTellion of Cooneils will t " " e r"U"ti of the soard lcaa.; please ea. at the oorir! „ nod Third A r _ second story, corner of Wood„, for tbe same. Bowe.. Pitt4buritta April Spa IePP, Ira OENING. .TITNE 1 MEDICA.L. PROGLAIIATION, • K ria4V . il rt i h rtr e h n la whe ,r ia n o 4a ti k a i k d, r el d , a . Cl ,. i i c ih ted ,t er,l u tti o . d l i s ; . pains in back or Limbs, Min - joints, old sorer naming .teen. ! o, that they cars be cored by pakin ' t the Pre =team Von may talk about Its besall P. nostrum as roach as you please, tot this does not make it sc, for proclailn the face Oran honest mansuallY:thal it has virtues which are not contained. m any Mho , remedy, The man who is ranked with, main and sal tertnu from disease. can foe fifty nen , . ISM colmi fm m 211). of the ills ennmuermed above. Reader it coats very little to make a trial. This Petroleum is no mil turn—no compold, pot Up for . the purpose of iorposhm on the commamty; but st ie n remedy elaborated by the master hood of nature, and bubbles tap from the Do sem ofrmr mother earth in ita original purity, lona fern to !attiring humanly a ready rusnedy, a certain and cheap 0112. It has cured Piles alter other medicines hare failed to render any relief. It bas eared Rheas:marmot long standing, and of the worst and most painful character. It has eared Cholera hforlma by one or two doses; It has cared old cases of Diarrhea, in which every other comedy hos been of ratuvail. As a local remedy In burrs and scalds, it In better than any medical some Poland or ointment that we know if. 'twill cure chile bialas or frosted feet, In akw 'puke ations; tradeable umdmony can be famished of the truth contained la the abeam statement by calling on Cmtutel M.. Bier, Canal Basin, 7111 tureen_ or either of the aueuza. Keyser McDowell, corner of Wood street sail Virgin Alley; R. E. Seiler., 37 Woodarreet, gent s. . liot k. D. 21. Curry, Allnutlawy City, are Me 'aril A PLIVSICIANIN,TESTIRIONV• H DIALCi.AVE FOUND NOTH ING 3I6, Va.. M U arch 8 TO EQAL T, 1830 HEM." MR. R. E. SELLERS-1 have disposed of all the Coug h Syrup and Liver Pills you cant me, and 19 dos of - the Vermituge. I have. used all year Family Medicines m my family, and have also prescribed theta in my practice: I t5l very much pleased with them, and hove found nothing In equal the.. Send me 8 dot of your Vermifugr, and .10 cot each of the Liver Pills end Cough Spray. Respectfeily your., (Extract of Loner.] T. T. JACLION. Those hlrlily pormlar medicines may he had of the proprietor. It E SELLF.RS , 07 Wood so, and Draggles r!.9 1 . 11 1" 10 Or two cities anivieinity. ape PAUSE AND DEAD I • The most hapotumat Discovers . on Re. coral—Sure Iletsmoly for the Pllest 11 ni t. D. P. DROVVISPS celebrated External Ameri -11,L., can Remedy for the Piles, has already proved heel( to be the only sure cure everpreactual test. Since the discovery of this valuable medicine, and the Was number of extreme cases with which Dr. Brawn has treated, aeons has raged to beentinely cured. Unlike the many healing balms extant, alter months and years of experimentalixine, has too often left the patient where they cormr.ffneed— or StOrile: but; attar a few days. will dechie she afire dit tHuctieg a perfect cure. , Plcuow Orrusts,l,shall waterier into a laborsa ar gument to prove my medicine. I introduee It open its Men merits.. Its effect I Intend It shall stand or fall. IGyou prefer that leaps'sme disease, the PILES, to the vol. of • few dollars, I rest the ruse DRO W with ytra. N, fed Lloyffsweet,,E,a‘li,al,..o,:..,l.r. Said wholesale and retell by, It E SELLERS MIT. IFYOVAI._ A 32 ruciusmer .IMo:ix ALL MUM= mitelle !lOW. ilteerte STAY. of VIZ 111.1,0 e . CO 11.11 T or Ties Mr., yen Berotnis or Klegia. Toil, Rneennatiem,Obetinarceenni e, Eton, mons, Pliant. cr Pustules on the Face, Elotelie, bile. Chronic Sore Flee, Rine WO= r Tract, Stall Ile.. Enlargement. mod Path of the Ihmes and Joints, Stabhorn Ulcers, Syphiltie Brae... IScilibta or Lumbego,—and dl . . arising Oil; an Inindiciona use of Mortar), &el utes tir Dropsy, Elbow. at Imprialcuee In Use; sim—ChiltlGteCoomtetiosal D.torJers, he. This niedmino has acquired a very , °smelled and cm:Wished try .110 acquired it Imo he. wet, I baied entirelyns own merits. which its superi or Oh:ley hayadone ...Medi Who unfaranyte 'tenni of arreditar - 'dreenne, with swollen alen•loneostre cell girews, and ' hums half canons has ern rcioncil r d health and vient. Tee hi es patient, covered With alerts. 'natl.., to hien mil and tits attendane. net brie made ~M.r. Hundreds of nelsons, Who had gro•ncil hotircietsly far years andsr Ltiter.cio. Cad Flandelibe I:ll.4trt, eliroille reeirrialisill. and res. , of liirr eozolliatnwigirliigrier; fr.drinine,croent of ~.he.. e,,,,ire o:o+ooi,ne and H M , ae rs...non, have been raised S. it ware stem the rack of disease. and'novr. with tcecneriord ennititationd almily leetify to the efficacy of the in eittioilli.lC WT1 , 0.0,1011. .. - Itc - rti 1i STRANGER THAN FICTION.' , The attenhon of the render is mailed lathe following erre, effected by the nee ot Sande Samos part la - -1., ~ .c. certley that t brine anointed rrotti t in who ha. bean afficted for htie iwt bra year , with Se iota's, and all the rermelles I need had no effect vi va nteting 'the bloaters of the complaint; on the • i site ' shams:gill grdw worse; anilaber expending letween , Stit sini ti- , with ph> visions, beseles uM., ,Hoer salonremcites with:it. gliceesN dB the tsa r bed ex.. eistio Mt celibate or her nogiohrols ie arr. personate em•arious par. at bee body. sod had Sa l ~......‘‘.r. Ise ravages In the root of her mouth .1n this id:Calf:it ...thaw., with the peoodieft o death Carer, Iler in toe face, I slated her case til IN Ilimmeray, Oa error foe hair.' n eetillt1111,1”1 to Ne.W. been. N. C., ny whom Yarn et to tit anlol4 Ltt sl it mY saronso end shot et um neighbors, to whom her saes iars hod... slier grog sour nail a hap tot p a r she was restored to perked neal,b, and that in He pre of three We.tif, and erns able to work in two weeks 800 the time ibe commifnerd takiha it 'Ha wttness of tint truth cf t his mateisric. 1 have hereunto affixed my uarde.this loth doyen September, lola. JtieEPII bleerrlTV.R. J. P.. • .Mouth of Neese Hives, Craven co N.C. • • SOllli 'IIIBOAT. • The following he . extract frdin a letter teceived from Mr. Bevan. wriobail Leers afflicted several years with Smettionn Diners, Dyspdpsia, &c., mid recently an as.. of the throat and chest "But...area, V.,llee. Iff. I.IS. iiMerirs. A. D. & It nosy—Metter. 1 nemmenced naine your termapidillii, ray softetlhatt worn almost Redimpreistoo, my throat grits completely ultetateil. a dreadful cosgh, and theta were fregnentlY , evert ei 'Wenner that 1 emitil not opeak above a whi. per; and beatilesolte ineamenation Born toy throat ex. ' tended to my head. go that toy hearing was very much teripaoc.l. enter taking Ha Saisaponila a short woe, my health Was Improved, and any throat 13 now welt; I arms , free from conch nod tightlie.e of the cheat as ever I vs., and can hoax muds dtatinCtly. My throat has been well about time ..0111.111,the cure of Which has been effected entirely by the ore of yont !fatale hard,. Vont Blend, LOUISA H. BE VAN" , ilhei lobe - slag teaurooni al In the value-of the Sara. partite,le from the Bev Lather Wrighhaked 7fi year., Corarcgational Minister, rctieleg at M a rchrn. .Weacaer, Mum., fin, ISIX.V.I iibleser. Sand. Gentlemen-I , mm what 1 hirer ta r:Menem], and frominformation I have reecuuy received from a nut:Hier of pc:roes of high respecta• bility who have need your Sorinneeills.l Mi. , mil the lent doubt but that it ia a most voidable mcdaine, ' and Bost lho .inerous certificates you Nava received of Its erne:lcy are fully sustained by experience, and. although Its rep madars and attilty me very extensive, and stand in no need of ray humble efforts to Ineream mem, I wet all who are attelemd by disease to he. coke acqualtited with the efficacy and power of your vatuaele medicine. `it am, gentlemen, prenatally and very respectfully years. LUTHER ViltIOIIT," Prepared and said, wholesale altel mt.. by A. It. it Di SANDS, Druggists .d Chenittlx,loo Fultobetteet, - earner of William, New York. Gold altar by Drug gist. gemerally tbenuchout the United Stoic. and Go ad.. Price Si per nob: maim bottles for Ad. For sale by Ir. LVILCOX,Jr., /1. A. FAIINESTOCK iti co., ~..d F.I.JIV-1 it D ff..% 1./ERICH, Pinabelgh. Al Ili et sNt rill. Itrl.l,Aat•ir Inoll-ile,ale , seri ----- -- -- iffirlffilliar. --- ÜBCII, CAROTHEIIS it W. have removed to noNo 1.7 Wette. r et, bettVcen Woelll.O. Market, In the noose formerly occ u pied by Hardy, Jon. & Co. noil-31 , 1 Filial 1•11.601,-PKIN'IC:-Itrincilaiteiii Ptit,ticw Too , pro°, Vat., or artificial alt. just reetivrit. abort 0515, WC have bail tit use bir five yeim. and we can confidently recommend it to thet publicWor tone r. arm am e iii elect hie water proof paint, 11111 i in PIRA the :mien' of the atre.phere V.l - shout ovnig. Fur Pale by J.! 11 PHILLIPS mavltl ar 4 0 Wond Pt . --------&A,AuEI. nutsica.v lc, VI ANEFAC tUltEit OF esisT erTELI., and No I Ceti and No. s 1 Anierienn Hooter Steel. Alice—Best Cam Steel Estee, or all Mies; and Blacksmith .d Oboe yt ai ,s, mien,. on hand end for mite, either at his 'ilia etc Steel Works,o (Pliers pieces, 111111 Word, or at the wilco in tha 1,03 Stole of BOLI.NIANS & GAltlll- 1301 d, No hoot of Wood .tees, Pithistintgli. mrdlidim 01114JULAN. Wrii thinnilersigned, ham.' used, with m __ _ _ intention, the foot Swel end ' Files mule by s gth , th Megelvy. at his Pack Steel Wm., in (Lie nitro. , plectrum in rorninniendina them ageonal In quality 1. nny evor used by as, ot form. ruimufacWro. Pinstourith, March 13, Ina. t.:, J 11 SIIOENIIPROPP a CO, Manearnirms of Iron .d Nan., Pittsburgh, Pa. ENAPP k TOTI'EN, lion Founders end id achinists, Pittiburah, Pa, COLEMAN, 11AlLetAN &. CO, Manufacturers of Spiings, Axles, eyeing Steel and Knots, Pfniburch, Pia. E & w 111 FABLE, Engine Builders and Machine Cord Manufartu rem, Plitstmegh. Pa. ' A FULTON, Bows Founder, Pittrbarßhi Pa tiIIAFF, LINDSAY O. CO, Manufactuten of Iran and Nail.. Pitialwrgh. Ps JOS.PPIITONILINOON, Locomotive Engine and Ship ilu W ildeir.Plitahargh, Pa W WALLACW Marble Manufacturer, hlschine'ead Engine Iluild ' er:Tinsburch. Pa mail --ii-11.11110AL ISTOVEI — P7ISI.I — Ta It -- TPlicenix Plamclacturing Company now diet to 1 the pubile their Prete.= Chemicel Stove Polish, .. dathem exaggeration, or fear of contiodiction , by those who have tested it, pronounce It; far superior to o n . 1, 1 V b ti v t o n n tb . 0 . 7 . 1 IlLk i r i t , T r l ..n e rp e ITT; r . n u e s ed k ll .. anL 11 ,,, 0 . posltion preVect , a dust tense arklng telien being ap. plied, which must be done when the Stove. Is coid. The quantity required 13 .0 little to proilnee a beat , tifel lustre. A saving of over fifty per emit is insured t r , th e coo<Onler.. A minting applied to ;Move*, Pipes, ke n when lard away for the auramew, la a sure pm , . ventatiyo against rust. Ante hiving tried It once, Of tt Is acoeusiblei no pollen wilt a . toy l i ,u t h e rhanix Maucleetnring Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. FM axle by if N WICKERSHAM. nye cornet or blith and Wood mOO% .MISCFILANEOIIB. SOMETHING , • Onder the Sun of S I ILL be opened about the Tu4.9 l. NaR • Fused) Grocery and To. SturrAln the Philadelphia stv r. The ..h.rib<n have hued on Raton Liberty street, in a style superior to any of the kind in Pittsburgh, where they wilt always'have S. large as. sortreent of tine Grutietlex, and auperier; Teas, to which they ttereethdlY InTits the •flo." 1 •• of the PO' Ile. Of every artcle, they will ennetiVer le [keep dos best of Its. kind,'ead confidently recommend their Tins 1.5 nor To II strinsusro, 1/ Mali= In the el. ty. Their assortment will comyriset--Oreen sad lilack Tees of nil kinds, from fi7i cents to $1, 50 Pee Penh& Coffee. of every grade , Levering's Pwrert,Loeg Crashed and Pulverized; Steam Syroy,So get H m OUn Na te, Mel e AChoc Mates, Forcon.Pru Ketchups, Ereencas, Sager Cured. Hems and Beef, PlAellen kinds, Sperm, Lard tui getherd Wh wit ale Many Ot, l'ilould,EPerin and Wax Candles, toh rarities shirk coald not heretofore be bed Le Pius. buret, end widish lime 0111 d fell to enttaterele. MrGoods delivered flat of charge in every pert of the two cities. Dealers sonplied on most reseonible terms. I _WU. A bIeCLURQ & , • I MY/ No. 2Z Liberty street, above Wood. 01241.41 . , MI • tf1.,11,131 , Un 3 ; A. WESTERVELT 4 SON.' ELL KNOWN VENITIAN . BLIND Id&REII.9, YTkeep constnntly on hand or Inaba to order the best article in their line, at their old stand, No. ld Bt. Clair streeh' also, at No.ed blarketstrect. second 11071, entrance in the Meowed. Yetdden Shatters made to order, and old blinds needy repaired. To Southern and eetarn Inegebouta. OUSSEL'S• 'PREMIUM PERFUMERY.—'7''e htteabeeriber mince ifully invites public attention to it extensive stank of Perfamery.. Soaps, Shaving Crews, &c., te winch raven Silver and two Golden Medals have. within the lam six years, been awarded by the (minium& or New York, Boston, and PhDs. delphin, the tatter being the only Golden Modals over isrardsid far perfamery ettliev is Ever. of its tt# country. I se, Unavatmos artrattle,Caum, (Almond, Rose, and Ambrosial,' univenselly neknowledged to be ammeter to any Shaving Cream la due nointry,or Esinace. Ch.loramin non Stiarau—Bemitifully transparent, and possessing highly Saponacems and emollient properties' Sitponaccous Compound; Ambrosial Shav ing Tablen Military Slavinaliosa. sersammeTeuxeS.oara—Al=nd, Rose, Milledeurs, Bouquet, riatechlo, blank, Paushouly, Omnibus, Pleat. in=..rstaercon;,ollve_ol.l; Windsor, and areamian. 11 treentrota—Boae Junto, Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Penny Lind:Mousse line, Jockey Club, Alapiolia,• Clemente., Citronelle pre; and many other varieties, in all sixty different 4.mMs , -FlOrldn Water, Ea de Wiens Grunge Flower Water. and 'a greet variety ol CO! Wanes and lavender Waters. Plteraikriohl eon min Ilan-Genuine Bear'( Oil, Antique Oil. Bandolitia, Eau Luattale, Oleine, Com pound tlx!Marrow, Hair Dyes, liquid .4 in powder, and Philoeinue, Ricinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades. Oooterahere l'altrAttarloati--11alaarde EllatrOlose Tr,,,th Par.., Charms.' Dentrifice, (Monti., Tooth Pas., mai Toodi Powder. COMMemor Vegetahle Cnemetie Cream, Amoadiae for chapped bands, Cold Cicala of Ro e s, Cream de Parse, lap Salvo, liaspbetty Cretan, he. Depthasry Powders, for removing supeet/cous heir, Pearl Powder, Tamara de Boom Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria Dale Compoution Preston Brits, besides arrest variety of other article., too neatenns to be warned in this advenleement. • The subscriber hopes to maintain the reputation which thus establietutent has sequined, b disposing f nailing hot fist ram articles, end will be happy to lurnish these who may with to, patronise him either wholesode or retail, on as reasonable terms u any es. mblishment the United Mice. ICANIER BASIN, Successeir to and former Director of the La Lot Moly of EuGL, , ai ROUSSE', ((4 Ctresnot amt. Mi. Bsein's Perfumery le for sale by all the ;lanai. eel Bracelets in the counter anl7.llL" DISSOLUTION OF RAILTZISIIIIIIIP. TUE Pan neranip heretofore existing between Jiang Alarstiall, Wm. W. Wallace, and Ileum , MGeary , the east iron business, under. the name efhianhath Wallace a. Co, wes dissolved by mutual calmer, On let James plarslall and Item lilies Lavine purchased the enure interest of Wm. W. WM lace in said firm. The tinainevi in future will be eborinned to all Its vniionn brenches by the subscribers, under the Carat and style of Alareit all & MeGeary, who will settle the business or the Arm, and towhees all persona In debted are Invested to alike Velment= Warchousc, corner of Wood and Liberty it:meta . JAMES MARSALL, HENRY MCCORT DENNSTT, EMMET! ' • 0 , No 41 Wood Am% 1.100 bx 3 M. R. 4tx'xio -100 bx. <10313.3 do; 15 kge do den - 15 cans note Caosessl4 15 hales F. WICLIII13; 15 do Denzil lints; 15 do Feberte; .105 do Pen Null; .10 brt shelled Almendg •S boo Poen Candy; • TITIIOLLALE GROG' Ity offer for sans. IN pans Y. H. /MP. ECuutl M Gunpowder Tete; MS Ire Tneasess, Ito bags Rio GodUe; 000 brie N 0 Molasses; Meads N 0 Sugar; • IA boxes assorted sires ‘Vindow Glass: t 13 bual'ipes; 1,15 As =cap; allan=l2l 100 1i• ‘03•111•3; woo 11. Codfish; 110 ii2;712702ee&T/egaini 30 bogs Ta•mcni' nil;. Cigars; , 20 hos C•ccolste; 1000 01 Halt Spaniab: 00 dos Iled Cards; 0 bin CtoveN .. 20 calls 14. PR Ropc; a cans Namects 30 bu 2plced Ctiocointe; 3 moon, 1101120; 10 bars rerrer, 2 cases Isznou Syrair; Slurs. Al•pire; • 33 cues Pepper 8•12 x; 20000. iirrnngi 10 eaves Torn. Catnap; 40 bolt Vmegnr; Groped Spiccopf all kinds. 3100!00 C•Alecrtek; 40 barrels 900011104 cad 40 o%§.otxreo; Loaf Surat; 10 toes Moe; 4042. 7 1 ,141042; In Crl• Chalk; ' 10 tolls Main; 500 dnusis 0100 . A• 1.11 t• • goon! •ssormant -of Phtsbollll4 M•caractured uncle.. 40,30 . Tug TEA I)IA.EKET. Errs the Dianand, Pittsburgh: Tea ego-Lost 4PeTra bongtir eusesrhen. j Trr our Pee Tee against 7Se Tea bees lit elsewhere. Try our Plus Tea Realest St Tea brraght elsewhere. The very best !thee Ten imported, we are selling at cents pot peen& Tile very best Green Tea imported, we are selling Sl per pound. We are tleeldely oppeterl PppnOlog,instead of which we rnrperfultr eoSe it Comparison, •% the best merited of Proving who sells the best and eheirpost Tau. hIOIIEMS Er. HAWORTH I Ana 211 Propnelon of the Tea Market.. 101110E1 , ICII, s ( r ) ll . !e r rt , ozw , k z rt : ifilr lutle zt ebl ey )U b Camat 13a.tirc,•Litmrty .t. may- Colored road I,lliWagt 00 riALM - impictior quaint, lust rOttl•Cli frost manufacturer, on consignment, and for sans at stem price, at Um maneatturers' "'earthman, • HUEY, FLEMING CO,& Inn Wood , • Indln Illabber How:. UST received, 31300 !tot Host, 9 and .7 plc, a et 1117,1, and far superior to leather. lovvialo by ' J It PHILLIPS 7 re 9 Wend C. • 'VANNING TOOL —A,eocapieto maortmept of Me IC best qooldr of Cast Steel told Corn Scythes, warranted; Caet Steel:,& 4 p tong Forks, wocrardba; Cast Steel tiny Krover, 111 dos do Gooseneck noes, solid; In doe common do do, for sale low, sit the Drug and Seed Store of S N INICKERSIIAZI ansld Cor of Sixth & Wood mis• G rIoCERIES I O :o li ,,, b c dlLN ß %gatr . 7'2 bf elPa V Hylton, various grades 70 do Gunpowder and Imp Zni do Pnuehong 5 do Oolong O 3 caddy ego Y II Imp & GI P el Iso I's , re, and ttn, Tobacco 35 caddy bsa Bartow's Os do boom Surds 50 brla& hf brie Bearable Indigo, Madder, /Omni Ginger, Pepper, ARMIN , ' N mums., and Lamp Illadk in kegs. fee sale by • • CGRANT • 04 Witter at Gemains aerie Farina Otatig TllEundersigned 116,11 been appointed Writs In IhtLAbergh for the ilale•of Charles Marie Farina'. Cologne. Sternness will be supplied at manufneturnra prises. Wit ItIeCLORGI tr.go snag ntid Ildbertt at. Kg il' MATE itTALs O . /X and English twilled. nippy Oil,Ncu Oil, Mastic &White Copal Va rn ish. regd.& hllllboards, allotted sloe. IStahoanny Pallets, Chnsteal Snot.. Flue till Cola. In flexible inhes,of nll kinds.. ill 51 teed, zud for lupe by J KIDD*. Wood CO • marl/ _ . OD n Piflovidise itrishst. A siIPPLY pm received, of the mon approved a. make, lud suliable width. IdUIII.IIY k TIURCIIPTELD, loovtd N F eor Fonnh , 4 hintket of. TEA FIMOSI 70111111 L MID* LIPRECISELY the Fame kind of &mono old RoVOII L ilgyored Tel,. that nro retailed In the eottatry at 4. and per 1b... he obtained for 1500 and 75e.t+er pound nt Tos Te• MaasaY, cant aide the Diamond, l'allburgh, or at Ittortis to Haworth's Wino [Store, Federal buect, Allegheny. The above polo Corm TCAR tee receive through .oar Englieh Agent, direct Croontbe Queens Deeded Warehouara, duty free. being fotexp?rallep. ppirl • TEAS! TiCA.SI TtiFr opened, at the Pittsburgh EMU) Gs J ° and Tea Ware Mose, the following LWOW= Green awl Vac; Teas:- 011e111. Young Lipson; nen Young do; • Extra bee do do; Imperial; Gunpowder. Oolong; Fine Oolongl Extra fine doi Benetton& Choultm Bonehong; Ninitynng do. It Is unnecessary to puff the above Tea& they speak or ,hemselves. MI we ask is n (alt trial, and we aro onfident tbeywfil please both in quality re and price. WU A 51.`CLURG CO !Zit litheny rt Toill'illCO- 13 Br bYsitlytra. Lump Cavandtab; 20 do do Superior do; • 10 bra Coldness :Vs Lamp. 111 bra Jones & Hudson's G's Luray; 15 boa Russell & Robtoseuls 5r Lump; n CU. 49 dwarf boa Mycr's Otonoro; 4 dO 31 do Torun.' Never Lt . ; Ido 8 do do Gold Le a 8 kgs 6 twist, in store, and for sale by 11fILLER & AICKETSON znarl3 172 fc 1:4 Liberty at Om?SaPrinelpees, N o 45 al d. • do 1.1 No I. do tin No 1; nal do do No% 1101 Itagalla,Erinereldo; 13 Al do Coemopolue; 9 11 Henan', 11.‘s; -'lOll doAil for sale by ••• anti & lIIGIGETSON i A dit MO - 14 brad,o, oriradi-gliisiTrailrots,, I.4•Blllaspratts'n and high test, arriving br canal, for sale by & 11 1111TCIIIILTHEE ma 10 taberty sweet. Shotttit!iii Itlisslins. P ABO PPLX Ott received, of all the dliferentwidths, 'tom one to three seem wide. .morn • . MURPHY. is BUELCIHF/ELD w l — • -----------, APEit .t . fo; r it:tWig s ca tos milli Will Mon OM% e• Wora . . . DRY GOODS, le, awalhauset ;MIMI& I lIMPLIY & =RC MEW) hue iceekrea an a& Manienti apply ofabovegoods,hisl as fsTutl t r ul c e:67,l4lZgagb llaolszar: and prices. - P*ll7 ------- NOD • • 'IrofPHY & BURCHFIELD invila tho attention tbaseerantlng goods Orr Hootning PtisPssegr to Ike& Tory WI assortmenyjust received, sq.& to Block Boarbssines Bomb.= Ilnish_Alyaress, Bluk Nauss &i Law& • 4 • MOUI4 I / 4 1 Wuh Balkh, - do- Printed Foulard., , lissnes,Sisalan lames, Albums, Plan I, l llroid Printed Lawns, _Blank Enslrsoidlued rics, Itonnst Ribbons, Bele' do, Yells, &e. mayl.7 Dosage de Zaino' A A. MASON CO hero tteelved, pet .flpros: 1 - 1.• end now mulls 30 pet oboists Boma do Lni o4 l 40 pee Plan idoomin do. TREAC/llED•Nernatitil 4r'ing 100 Mode coed Elhowlo,Pod 0 k esdiala md ; 60 Block - do. Also, 00 pea Blaek • Oro do !Mize pkt; • 6 T V 4r.. f r i rgti ,c r , .137 SUhl haat COATING—AS pea Cashateretaissaoned totem a non desirable uncle fro mem= =CA reel, and now oral= by A A 8166014 ACO mark =Makel Kt rIIZT llHAYYLB—Boperter kgh colored • "bet Shawls, colorist= Carron, Orange, Yank, Blue, teen, lend Corn colored, teat reaming per t =pre% and this day opening by A • m& - W & 0.0 mon arket 20 eir..:c Pula Woe. Mk. Oseett — ,i - t - I e - torn Colored Surges h reel per orlinwla ate now Owed= try. . roayl7 •A A MASON ICu --------- _ Black Drew De kl. i ' lo pi a • A.47"1 5 nit1 act Flo de Illblii ate We 414 10 iies 313 kith do, Id peen inch de; 6 pea *pleb 40; . & 14 , theh da Line*: usbadkoroblot• _ .400 dos nail& Unto Cambria IMMd• stimm.O OD doz Om. , do do do colored 4dabg SS dal do do • A A s CO Received Old day by MA N er t. maylo _ .... smi two)." p.,comireabtr 1 lAIEBLEE LINEN -- -_ _ l2 , 1-11"""d"ZMul°sTridirASKA. MOO, ULM &S.d SIMI* Llasassi...f 400 ped 34 sad 11:6 Iles 44 IttOWIS LLMIA ISO P 44 Cildrs Baldry% and AlsmiWil superior Irish Linens, noir opening md7lo • A A BIASOP4 &CO • Wrest. Aiiirtfral et Dry peteghti WE me row receiving largo adou OM W nons to OCK ' of Poing yid 81M31110t Dry Good., anii are Fm" Wed to odor an tulle* amr c %ext at .oar . anal siottprlem for emitter ‘PPlolfild MIL o attention of weft= dellam la r 4. , I. flamed to on= as ma feel immanent of being able to offer bednemneens to ateX• ► bill wIW CO Call aml examine ataial. r ,„.... , ,„, Wood street. e1:F.1.1 " pas n'l sat was ast Is received, and now rolling or the Seirkist viols of 191 emu, • r tor A' MAKIN co MIN* 4 LIISEGES-114 pee. Paris Printed Buses, lawn styles; pas do at Me per yard wo pea Ken Printed Blualln4 all qualltter,:lloo. Pieria Gat named Zdaillna u Bayer 7rin=g7 strata • C. •YEAGER, 108 ;Malaga sr.reaty (guar Llliarit74 orroznus ram maw .• ADIEUICAN ENGLISH ANN OBRINAN PANGS' r i gg 11 7 1 . ,J=k 4 ;f d 1 w rgl , :lAge s tlL • ae . % ails mussy INstlakis. LibiCiCNILFANCY SILK GII,AVATIN PONGEE, LIANDA.NINAr c artia LINEN EIDILFd. a fena.ral art! sermon el PANS, Lad every variety Ottani:wags. apat MIRESII GOODS—We are now recanting a very .1C largo and fine use/uncut of Spring and Summer Goode, large portion nf which have been purchased at a great reduction from the aka brneght b o y_ the =.1.7:211r.tErg.4 4:ntagtsrt"irelril be enabled to offer Great Bargees to (1A Dams, whom we would respeetrallr lane to ca%vt ho 05 Market at, north west oar= of the Diemen • marl 3 • ALEXANDER DAY is URPUY a BUIDAWIELD are no* receiving their second aunty of Goods fat MIS %ramp and ober their friends and tares genetsity', &large arid choice assortment us Klatt avu, • G:r Dealers are Ipviterl to brat In it tie Mhelesale moms of IVMarphy, slam wherein freak glop. ply ass also been received, and. several kinds of goods can be sold at lower prices Man - smut aryl, A A. MASON & CO, IMinatket at, a411: 1 aow own. gllia.,thigl=llr..l:llatad 11 red=lie= " 4 l. MUST tale,. Law. a. Mull. at Ste pSee of Me, will be opened by A A MASON & CO maYla Bargains In Fairlard& /Vella 'l4 URPISY t BURCHFISZB have, tecelved *.,1 0t .01. of Prteted' Finned Silks, at the tow pekes of 37ia per yerayalsO, woe do. at higher Ones. Want Bilks, neat plaids, at tedoced pekes; mud a large ma *enemata SIAILEGES&GREADIPM, sad Dress Goods generally, Of newest Mks. at north east corner of Venni zed Market sue maylS Bosom Llamas. NEFHY k BVECHFIELD, it sal* Mt 'gamier Fourth ant Mute a., tan) xtrsfualtto Li celired 1 1 ,3 2F iglet . i ' hey Irate iliebatu=n=alemPl.s724l' Yana? asithisereiht MtTEPHY M HttIitIHTCELD have ltrat opened= assortment of Fancy thmadmeres, adapted for gentlemen% ananher wear. AM?, anyer.Frene h Broad cloths: Basin and Putty Vesungs; Linen, Cambria, and Bilk Pocket Handkerehief, Pantry Crania Stratehed and Unbleached Cold Hosiery; ICA and Lisle Gloves; Bilk, Conon, A Maxine Undershrrisi at Misprints. for quality. mal23 AILICOM LAIN'. gCASFS plain tad fora Dame di; Wray ma* ed COLOIr, put secs Rd, sad selling at TUT law pacts. mat/7 T A A M4BON k CO' ns. ~ • 6) CASES &sr colored Leona recelend and neer pealag,ileying aat Wanton* lo& pric M SON e el CO ta wird my 23 01111511111; - 3OASES fast colored Olaghoon,ree , d, and gelling at It coma per 'yard AA MASON & CO • • 02 Markel at. tip SP Precilelp the woe kind orrery strong and rough, arored Teas OM are sold In the Old Oinnos7 at filre Walborn per pound can be obtained to 754 voile of mar& • BIOMES & tieVoirrit LOST, A PAIR of Gold Spectacles, tarjed to have berm A dropped la Wood etreet, . of Bateman fr. Wasenoase. Tao ander wilt: be. rewarded on returning those to ene must, No SO Wood fare.t. Br E424S—H ' l'm" 4". .l . ltlMoNitA ll2ll &CD 91 W,ird.Atre at A.v&-15 Erla raperior PlurbargitGlro for sale by mgrsHlDqo QUO/Jr-5i rasa N flow, prime viklitr, Mere 10 Rad for sale by JOHN Prbfk.. , & co maybe , 5 Commercial tow. LiberlY St. XffOLASSIM-17 1 : 1 brio N Notaesesoaak barrels, Milo' sale by =7sl' • JOHN PARXEII &CO 0 . 11 , SUOMI—JO 4 swag ecwe,fer ee lOHN PARK& 00 Wide Burlaps for WoOl Sotto. SURPHY 6 BURONFIELD hrfir Wolfed a sop. Di ply or &bore goods, .huh they; oars low whelp moo and mall- may2l t 1.1% - .Eled; nod krr Ws by S N WICKERSHAM . . Car Wood k Marko. An assonsunt of Wrenn% LIPS maTZ J H" PHI ,LEES -1 gross asiOnsd si., for Ira .maylo • .1 S. II PHILLIPS Pb u y El .: l c aD 7 4 19 0 brO 114111 l ir ralW 3E.. OndLog, sale bi mayl9 ISAIAH DICHEY & CO far We DIMS- Y & co MIRED rEECIPLTRTS- 4 rompti LE SELLERS C 01 1 .14 riots thla plidrescdacriecbirozEit . ACICRREL-4 0 hf brim No %for sale low. to dose il, e,sigessent, by JAMES DALZELL maySl .1 713 Water at. alrEESltrrbiltrb? pot 1 3 . 1AF E:4 4 ' DVZ M EIr toJA o , : • B."'"'" . '"lbili k allit & Co may% biNrVilgkEY-439 bola pore Rye Whlskey,_on Kb hand, and far tee by ' /011i1 PARKER k , M• ARC ^"' common ris OfiS7Beear!., fot sale tiy las/ IR P. PLCArti 0 - 6 . Rltg-3 bales Porter and t' .. lad for we by mTA ?'.ems! 0010 b lA—oo outs Sololgo.RicK &y co • ff A F tii:Ot Von it Wood std. etalt DlMlLttefo ti7 slSGE cuurit—i eaX6"' "7"7' "I' I,Ca 7 - 0 WII PHILLIPS „ odors and Antivis Furnittre. - • 311.1111R11 W. '417000NV1C 1 . 1 ., 133,Tsaito Re., fOriOrmas. _ W. Amp • ; pab plesod bis at *nog stook FURNITURE. Ilto largest and Mouse:Jed assortment over offered for ludo in this city, comprising several gads of Roainroon, fdarcesinr,:: an! Sues Wa199.,' 4, ornameotal and plans, salmble for Parlors, ihooiog and fled Room, of whicli will be sold at the lowest prices. Persons doalling Farnham al 1.7 ElVetfely lavitisd to call and oramins his stost, deneri which sothrsees evert deserhalon, from the thaapost and plaltiOst 10 the most &qr.% alla costly, of libith the following comprises • pair. Tots i Tete Tow Sofas; • a Tete Dien; Conversotomasedor, El tabetblaa Cour% • Rooppuoo . do Lon. XIV do Exon do Bole. Eulhati whatotr, Tollot Tabros; Col h; Coanador; That of Yottls ustleh; 60 Sofas with Nosh and Mamie* torero : GO Dl ollw do , do do; 40 do. hlshopuhp puler quarts 10 ” Rosewood' do"; do; 19 " Welch do :I do;• le " Cane Seat dot '4 " Mahogany Roetini do; " •do :, • Piano linsolS 60 Marble Top Centro Tables; DC do do Wash StsidN 28 !dummy Itadloteds; do Wardro bosh . io lilt Walnut do; M . , a Cherry do. : mans of Chairs and oth -. A very logs awn 9;4.,....F0r05t5tre too tat:law:4.o au. 111 Orden prot.P2Z , "" d fi,,,,ipuedlttu anti P.14-ooblezt Yinsitt, at Ocastattrabty of nautitrAY , • kISA nstOoll VW"' • . . . BOOKS. .14,USIC,r -.T8i11040010 vtonss: . . .. . 411112 .!.1. . w oo- Res W rler's e lt lAa lseer a lani - -1) 2 11 7 ... ... l. V - Yaw . Le.dnariartd. I Mrs Pattiz. Claistoui Manual. Hall t. _ • Ilis Gospel It. men Adtveate.t.Gripa:L,.l.-D l'ostbusuu.s.VVorksatChalaker, ' ' . Pasn'qy Prayers and COmeacratry. • lillnfiroll.' ~- Malvin% Stinriona. I Grime's Sermon • • , . I . . . . , . . . ! .• - Connt p gbines.Serzonns.. ' . Voi.calebv ' • IAaT6B D LOCI WOOD . ~,..7 . 2b ' 4 , Itil Fourth .t , =NW IETIViE:77 Ifr mollies! at the slim of th m e Golden I'ho Flans, composed and dedloate4l is, him Dodd E rands bY Ftormses Robbook.. Balla Velum Polka, com ant Unli In Kiss diary Eons Palk: by Pro posed fessor Renboc mitedk. .• : • STEPIIEN H FOSTER'S NEW sollos, • 4 Ey Mader Gum. • ausilat to Run all Might. At;e- Ilnsr stay Sommer Bmadis.: /oar 'Dowd.. Saadi. • Dully Day. 01.4.14dide. - Balms Polk*. Daley - J=lm tntig"73tlvirtz - bitsw.trz - d „ , • OsObtlatoodls Home, as sung by bliss Ilrafc Ely Mod= Oey; moods by.C.P. Shims, 1/MMO O 7 11, lueber. Elm, a groat variety of Plod. Soon, Eolkai, MMus, db.lor sale by 11 BLAMER .moat . • • EH Third Ill_ NEW POIBLIOA4'IOISII3. AN IliaWriglSCA CrititalNime of Can Speyelative Pbilcoophy or Eery*, in the 10th cannery. By J. D. Noxell, A.M. • • ' Lenart of the Vent Samuel Rutherford, Professor of - Divinity in the University - .or Bt. Androori, 'rib • sketch of bra - bleb oy Hat. A. A. Boar, alas: of Be aton. of R. N. bloChorto.' " • The Thoologicel Works of 800 late-Rat. Duda Boyne, D. D. :Edited by titi Rox,Sani Frey. Becloud edition. Risselas, Prince itnYO , litiu. By' Dr JOitaiiin. Nara dt Huai 'on Ciliate Baptis.. 818. W. Noel, it. A. • rkip Contribetiono of Q. Q. By Jana Taylor. 14 !minted fel= originel designs, by Howland. - The Philosophy of Unbelief in Morals and Relizion, as discoverable la Bin not* amd Charanten of Non. Ry Hee. 11. Hooker. _ • 'Cho Morning of Joy, boang'• sequel to the Night of Wool ag. By the Rens H. Boer Kelso. , • • • The Golden Lisette; balag a. Practical, Experimen tal, tad Previte-Ural Exposition of psalm XVI., Ity Rev. T.IWo, bL A.' • • The Lighted Yeller, or Claoing tioncent the Life of a Beloved Biome, by Itoltee, oriel a preface by Rev. The Commandment oriel. Promise; by the Author of !the List Day of the Week,* Illostrated by Borland. !domain of the Life of the Roe. .Job,' Brilicano,, • Idisalonary to Fairmont lileatoirs Of tire Lira Ned Winless of DT. •chtdcasit,' by blown in lair, Dr. limns, le three vol. Volt. • Also, a large asooruncnt of Nov B. B. llaon 'yob, • For sale by • All ENGLISU&W marl • ' 'Wood it . _ • VAIINEBTOCEVB nuuccTonv.. -, 7' I§iFAIINBSTOCK begs to amterretee tp tbe . patrons of his New Directory of the defer( tsburgh and Allegheny, and beroughs of Mu chester Birmingham, /cc., that the . work is ' now - o ' ready for the press,, and will be patthe hands of the printer some whore between she Vat and 70th Instant r • • The citizens generally; and all aho feat en interest., In the production era complete and perfect Directory, putkularly thew who bane' not been culled wi t . greatly oblige the publither,by encentielng that their vinous ILVOCKIO,III plxces of boriners,..., are meted for publication I. the Directory. • • - • • All cads Id be inserted, must be handed In or at the lame, by the date above [Mina. VEZLODEOIISI ri*.13101:16 . PILL Z. I' d; onlieagerltro a ( r ' o l Tge n c al I I rived manalaciorp of March Cutelnnau., Ws la a superior tosuntnent, of tine urne,and "cry. rapid enunetauen; a se, one foe 4 octave Melodeon, 1.1 ELMER'S Music Store, • email?- NEW. PLIDLICATIONS. k SYSTEM. of Ancient and Mediaeval Goography. For the nos of schools end colleges. By Charles Anthca, L. L. D. Professor et Greek end Latin Imams. , 'eyes tn Columbia College, New York. The History of Essland, from the Inmssion • of Junes' Cresit, to the abdication of bores By David Elns a new Widen, with the •elnith'S test tendons and improvements; to which is prefixed s' short accormt otitis life, written by himself. It Tots.. • .A Bobool Dictionary of Greek and Boman Aroigei- Cos,- abridge d form the larger dictionary. By AN'. Stahl, L. L. D,• with corrections' and ire•TOVethenth by Charles Antlion, I. L. D Memoirs of the Life end Writings of the Ilev. Thos. r • Chalmers, D. D.i by his son In law, the Bev. Hanna, Lls D. In three volumes. Vol 9. White Jeekeu or Life in a Man of War. By. tier. man Melvin', author of "Types °moo," “Marato Rya. Itedbarn. • The Works of Mrs. Sherwood; being the only sink. .form edition ever.published. la the Batted 13mtes. la sixteen volumes. • Fain from all nations: fly Anthony U. Identrobs,wlet twenty four Illustrations by B. Doyle. Wel= Harvey, and other *lea DY DB. Bodge. wick. The Nationel System of Book Keeping, adapted to . in parts of the United States., By John Iltudag, courant. • Also, a Nags smortment .0f AmericanS.D. notion, Books, on hand, sad for sale by A B. ENGLISH tr. CO Successors to ELLIOTT et ENGUSII, Th. Formic'* Guide to Scientific au • Eretationt Agriculture. •Iralf Di4Phena, F. B. E. of Dllulnughi The r celebrated anther of the " honk of the. Panto," and Role-sum Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, are preparing for the press it boor under the abet* • title. It will embrace every .Übiet at imP.n." connected with Agrieuhare In ell its verlout branches. both Theoretical and Practical. "Science, In rut far as It hes, op to the pretest dole. beta made • bailable, to practice, by experiment, wilt be treated hi its rel 11011 w every operation as it occurs in the .courre the seasons.. The work will be arranged enter four distinct heads, representing the reasons, beginning with Winter and ending with JADES D LocsivoaA ; la__ Bookseller and Imparter, 104 Fourth at, HEN IBS 'Weiner'. Wosket Anther's M :Thelleiguliors; &Tate of Every Day Life. A. newt end revised edition, with an Introduction written' expresalf.for this edition by Miss Bremer. ithuri,cletlia Uniferm with Irving"s, Cooper's, and-Seagevriers; andlliustrated with Portrait and view of the authors residence. llemees Iliad; translated by Wan= 'Compel,: Edited by Robert Southey D., with nines by Bsright. splendid eintion, on outline,Pcri lustrated with twelve engravings In (rem de. alronbyroftlaralL...,ro.7,alSit. „Oink. hlw„scheaper Goldsmith's _Works, 'including variety et' - pieces new heat collected, lames Prior. CobsytetteLlo' 4 vols. Melo, eleaardly printed, uniform In sule.with; Irving, Cooper, de. The ShaksPeare Calendan or, Wit nod ririedoilifor every Day In the year. Edited by W. C. Ilicharda In't rem, neat velem*, :tow, cloth, 3. comp cloth gill, ce.44llits: For gala by FAMES D Locuscciop;:' ' myg Bookseller and linporter.l44 netts st. o II -hot t QITTOfrSF CANADA By the a._ ‘.../ollochelayst," la volt, sloth, for site by ' JOHNSTON b. STOCKTON' i. 15 - SiiTX rTeir Church Mule. Edited by Geerge r of Social Cber. Juvenile Choir, f‘c,ac. , -• Sabbath School Gents °Music and Poetry, designeik ex,presaly for the Sabbath Bchool; by J. & Cola shrink. • . _ A new Treatistion Aeronomy' and the Lire of he Globaso in two parts. thinurining futrononeen :and other dedraltloos; 111011.1311.115ul post ooseltbcryn,moon , and planer, Keels law. end Theory of GlaritariMi s flefruition,Tar ht, and Parrallat, onnemlobi, Pe riods, Distaneee, emotion., and M a gnitudes of the 'leave-Dip Bodies composing the Solar By tuna, fro.; also, an extensive collect on of the most axial Prob lems on the Use of the Globs , . Illnetratel by a sun. able variety of Examples, le.; designed for She Veq r High School. and nouneeles. By Jn les AI/Intim 01. DS Profeuor of blathemoties and Astronotay In the Central High Bohool, of /Jettmora. Deck and Port, or Ined ems of • Crit No in the Undid ante Frigate Congress, Xo California; 'with Sketch. of 1110 Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima, Hornless and San Fillbelsech By Rev. Walter Colon, U. Si N.; setter of Skip and Shore, As. For sale by . A. IL ENGLISH & CO, ap ~lgnecesaors to ELLIOT & ENCILISII, - - • Noel Wood street.. lIE Union Bible Trictionary..--The Child's !tea of Ballada—bleedenedi or the Great Mistake:. a tory of Real Lifa—ELmsgroxe;, or the Sunday School Boys Contrasted.--The Itir of Iron; -•or the Humes . of Llosuctibed ofSdisho Boys.--Inessigo, 1110• Besse Chief.—The 1.i.f0 of Lathe; with epee's.' reference to its cruller periods; end.the oponiog scenes of the Reformation: by tun,. ECM. D Summary of Blblioal Antiquities, & for hoots and Fawhcs. ' . , -Pithlithed by American 8.8 Vele. Vo tea by A H ENGLISH It CO , . enceessois to ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, • 79 Wood street. - HOBE 'I • 0 ITIVAL , CO•IsTs% 7-7 1 - I — Ll Tatra D LAICICWWD bas press, and er sit pabnO. shortly—Da Tasman on the Wine Veva of Government, translated Dons the French, by R. Saner, AL D., Boston. Second eddied, 1 yol,ltooo. ova 1:1 14cgwoup R 013ELLERS 57 Wood st - - Ghialllo.b• MdIILCILWMaLI . rpm SECTION.—The Messrs. Chem, bore have employed the And Professors la Scot , land, In the preparanon of them worka ',They nth 'mew offered to the Schools of th e UniletiBlntee, under Wa American revision of D. M. Reeve, Al. lt; 1..1e lam Superinterultust of Public Deltools, in the City and ',Cotter of Nett - York. I. Chamber) Treasury of Knowlediet • 11. Clark% Drawing and. Perspective: . ' Chantbets'lllernerito of Natural Plotoriiptin . IV. Held & Chemistry andEteewlelty; V. Ifataliton , u,VegetabLe and Animal Phyaiology; VI. Chamber. , Plentente of ZwketY. with Oaths; . VII. Pne , s 'Cements of Gelhogy, inasueted. , • Ilia Wan knaiTill that th e oriel nal yublithe ro attic, 'lmam Ms, Memo Chambers. of Edinburgh) are IWO, trareaunind the toss talents lo theprepanuiem of their books,: and that It to their mecum to deal faithfully with the public. Tido aeries swill: nt dTihsaepaorne es., wssoenble e roociat!ons • worlo.PrePt.a a ' aw" in In of doing Jaen. thetr respective ri3lEcttahri.4.,' bestowed upon dirm the lie. , canary time a cad Nho hove nd lsbor to adopt them to thanpare we reconessad them to teachers mail parents wash, cOnfidenec. Tea first named retinue, in the Lamle of teacher of th e of elem.!, might furni+4 an tn.' eithousuble fond of amesement and sortniction. To gether, they-would et:montane a rich treasure to a fame Dv of intelligent children, and impart .thust for k.,,,,t,dge.—{Vermont Chronicle. . . 'Pubbsted by A. 9. Dorms & Co., New York; ind AT, sale by - A. IL ENULIStt & - thrTe No 70 Woat ai- " - 1 ATTER DAY PAMPULLTH, edited by TiTama j(Mrtyla No. IV: The' N'alr -Dalmatia 9tn.4:1.• HemMcd, and for mla by • map • JOHNSTON /.511.,A10N _ XIM 113001,[5: NEW BOOKS: : 4T,1101.111E3 , LITERARY DEPOT : Taw Cum oppmite the PostOtEleF. . Li e ZLI : e.RF6I:, ste 1"".1e, by Chants ptet.. • Boston Sbalgpe"' • ts. •• • • EldO? admatucs fa ite p;.111. otrapire—A: l'oistge Vali/orals, by Bawd - Litten's .•4•DlAttiltb 3 LI Vallonary meebattles. O.- Ham's Idarr.hanci . Magiu2AP.,lol Mn. IlakerboeltstiorMitd, 3art l and -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers