_ ~ _ _._~ .r.~_ ...._,_ BY MAGNEfIC TELVRAPEI. & TELItGUAPIRED *OE THE PITTSBUDIJH DAILY GAZLI. cosanEasiosia • • Witatunoron, Jane 3. Srlll7.—The pending question being upon an amendment offered, by Mr.,Foote, establishing the northern boundary to be proposed to Texas at the 3tth degree of north latitude, aud providing that nodsisn to the coapromitte WI shall be con. *trued u impairing tire right of Tense Wall the terrtery she clainw, provided the !hall fall to to the Mans prepuce& for the settled:tent of her boaudaect--et long and uninteresting debate on. sued upon this recipes was at taw with drawn by the mover, and Hr. Douglas moved to establish the boundary of Texas by running a Goo doe Etnt tium the Rio Grande, mous the South end of ,tho 4 ..Toranty of the Dead,' to the gad river,--down the middle of said rover; also fining the ei•ritlivg ridge separating the stature oft he Rio Gra ode and the Gill, as the Western boundary: Mr. Jeffermn Davis then addressed the Sainte, it opposition to the entire proposition for lading the boundaries of Texas by nay of the modes • proposed. Wicie, he Di ked, did the United Saba get the puma to purchase this Territory, and wherodid Tense derive the authority to sell? contended that the thing vres wrong, and the re. Solt of the pending mrpocitions,lf agreed to, wou'd only be to rub the South ofa Luger portion after.; rkory, which orquesnonably belonged to, endwise sailed tor, sieve territory., There remarks drew out a repetition of the fare mer diedession upon the occusity end propriety comproaq.;rz the que,ions to the course of mhch Mr. Foote ttlomplistetly en• senesce the et f..t, death, burls!: and extern:in' lien of Fte_Soilissa, end predicted the speedy settlement of all the controverted dentinal; dare day, and the overthrow and destruction ordeal'. gognes by timuswele. - • Mr. Hale revel...led in a tone of pungent heap. exp'eselog his airmen" thutra to hlc. Foote for having come out fairly and squarely, and declared that he would not so or ins mrasnre, if he sup. pised it would add a foot el free soit. • At the conclueion of Mr. Halo's addrete, Mr. Sonic crone and denounced nholnlindsm in no Pleall , t red tertas, no Well as dechued the blacina to' be heart; in hutrian farm, and emit to live free.— HeLlso read an editorial from the "Dover Ga lan-2V *bleb he intimated Won then tinder the control cf Mr. Hale, to which elm 'abolition. Iva are handled with tenet' 'severity, and an abo lition lecturer named Thompson, Is threatened with a rent, inside of pine. and outride cf goose, - or In other termi; a coat of tar and feathers. Mr. Hale admired the general accoraey of the 'statement hi Mr: SAO, and that within fifteen years, his sentimenta had changed: nod proceeded to de'cod• himself with considerable force against the uperiiona upon his coarse. liorse.—Mr. Phelps av ovvcd that Mr. RitiLie of the Cohort, and the getitlemen of the South had edvnested the formation of a State Constitution by California, and when ibecoastitntion was formed they opposed her actailistcc. ifs declared that the a daptioo of that Constitution teas not a child of the Administration. as the people had determin. cd t ,at before the Aaministfalmn- mooed to the Mailer. Ho earnestly advocated that her ad- mission ought to bare bcca constimmated long ago. Mr. tliPMullett licensed Ills eolleagva , (Kr. liniumonel) and the gentleman who had Jost hyp hen, of biz being in favor, of the Wilmot Proviso. illegal. It as temay,he said:thnt those who even vote for the nticautams of California ' in advance of nil other questiorm, he might at well face the mu. Me, and gallop to the aide of the Wilmot Provieo, or the revolt will be the adaptation of A - erp on nod Eutaw.. free States. wanted Terri torial governments for these territories, and con tented that Coale.as has no tight to astabliah or prohibit slavery. Mr. Allen proceeded to show that Ike elm Mbd purpcle of the South is to divert the Government from the Written Consthatiou, which was farmed to perpetuate the blessings of liberty.tbat the pow or of slavery relay be perpetuated and extended forever. ' • Mr. Thurman argued in (door of cue:tiding sla very from the terruories, and of voting Mr the ad mimics of California .disconneeted from other questions. The Commil!ce rose nt 4 - o'clock and the Haute tcrak a recap nail S o'clock. FmE—uOILEA.ESPLO9IO:7. -. Ciscamen, Jane S. • The has by the are which broke oat is Deccan ilk Co'. chair factory, on Friday night, is estimated at 5241 or Ste/AO. This nf cructoo, at 4 P. M . the boiler of John. goo & Norton's saw mill in Fulton exploded; the bnilding is totally &strayed. Mr. kinsman wee scalded, and his life is in danger; three whers, rdhernasn, and Hammond, . ore tdriously Injured. • Oae rain woe blown 'Through the root; but escaped with little iojory. Less *9,. FIRENLEIVS RIOT Cmcnvirrr, Jace 8 direrneebal fight occurred between the Waste ichten, No. l .. and the Weiorre Fire Comyalles. Several persons were woneded by pistols and brickbat', cad it I leatetleeme will not recover. Prompt action will be taker, by the Fire Asses eat oa, and the companies imphested will at once bo dogmatic& - LoCI•VILLS, .jene 8. There are 4 'fit! 11 inches seater in the eentL— Weather bat aed.showerts. • CIIqCINNATI MARKET. , CENCI2IIII . 7I Jane '7. ~, he market contieues very quiet. Flour dell an no erica of any remr,quence tato transpired. Vhiehey.dullui 23,a9:de. • Sager in good deinand--salen 207 hhda at f.lifor fur. Cane 91g.% Cheer° ez, and dull. The river hie fallen five Inches. Sue appear =CC of rain. . NEW YORE. MARKET. NEW YORK, Jose P. Flour—SoprEes ere fair, ard the detnatd mod. crone. Prices are wariest earuse. • Grain—Wheat is held very !ugh, end nothing Is doing. Corn-has receded, with soles of Swath= Welty at 66, and of Wes:ern mined 11 OW. ',PRlViSiOcis — Por!: is eicady. with eales of Mess of 31067, and of ptirce at 3575 . per b:. Lard Is lquict at 7c. • Bancr—Sopplies are scarce, bet prices are ua• ch.r.sed. • Toitaceo is without amine. Oat are venire, said holders aro astill an ail. TGO,C. Lead—The market is heavy; with Wes of American. at 54 SI. and of Spanish at St 75 per owl. • Whiskey is deeliointr. Mows Exchange nothing is des ing. Sterling 55 2SIR 652R} lor. franca. The supply of bid. mat bsdatge for tbo next steamer. Money realms without change, and is pressed upon the market mere) , for employment. The Banks ere latrine - Gm! ChM paper at 5 per coat. E.3E-10 bxs oh hand, th cllie • ki St.] tiruKar &SILL' 111106316-lOtt don in sum, and for tale by . : .110 Jo nOT A§1.13 casks prime, u non,tor siva by jt3 teII:ARP &Sift(' (11:ltlftl-13 bets of too best qualay, tan recd. end I lot sale nt the Deng blare corner.?bulb and Wood eff<L, le3 s k WICKEIittIA 11l lioLLASagiithorri V.. e flNo— o p nut seeeived j it new naleta la rota worker, for sale by IVII A NeCLORG tz CO 03d Liberty a fiber n0v671 . . )V L oa l a ' aTi K kas t i L roVd, i f . o P ill' L ;i ' bT r" .. - it(ll l D.b. CO jc'lCO Wood at C. l 7,Fr cati,so gotloba - Cor solo b i m CA k•L • DDA lI CT;OLE.I... It/ DO j(l.t rac'd, J ; i v i r o s i ;La t tv e . O ..p11 -al to Is Nova Ocota o. Norms, 15 Ws fbabod tO brlt flab:more, do, . bola bbai ; 30 b: Lea egad 10 otore, and Cir sale by BROWN k RI gO,ATIUCK raspo 144 Liberty at Lloy: moo, •od for oale I UROWN KIMPAAJCK - porkTpei-4tm , t.,,, z t r .11(7fto. by m3IP/304k)i115TCC SKF:TCTIC9 bbd Rkrti , dtl. 11; J. T . ih..61 7. Women of the Attetleata'neyonucn. By tiro. F. T. tot An .," 0 , a,. , Qurrtr.t. et'Polon. tiy A. Georg e. Tias 11.0 t: Tdtilt oft Neer Took 131 Char , e. A lOW eerier. of etch of the be verfr• neelied t a je:l.7 rind lot oak by 30111,461-0:4 STOCKTON t Fn.t American.lll4 et,onlele. ern.) B , g}, ri—zooo tb. b Ste Joules Stserrayra Plettel Dican t , e , T)REPARF.D .onder the irtnedla e tare of th j Trine, ard estatiliatird for upwards of at ,, n t This elegise: peroretion as recommended cones of bile. eeiditte V, indigeetion,Kont,ned sax the most onto, u'' m, anti canoe/ fern wh, Magnesia ton, and indeed the role our In which aught to be e ited. Intoning a:I the prepeme ee r the hhoenenis now in general tine, without Lelng flab, /c , to fano dangerous concretion, in the newels. It aeon:oily cures lien:thorn without rioting 000 , o f t h e i...eh, he rode. Coins, and their en. Inmate. are knn an to do; ft prevents the food of In. sour; to oil C.C. It UV. as pleasing aperient nod is y eta 111:ly adapted to Semen, -fir Humphrey !levy tcatitied that this neJ,ition Amon seduhle rem:A/moon* with uric arid rain In eve a toad gravel, therhyvouhteruenug their inJutino iii n d eh ey, whet! other alkalies, naa even Moroni& Itotlf, bed fait.d. Tram Slr Gamy:oa t Bart, Surgeon General to the Army in Deland:— ear C—Thera ran lie to doubt that Me, ea mayy be inkniniste red - ore ante:, in the form of aeon cc:nitrated uolorion than In so:licence, for tato and m.ry other tenons, 1 am of opinion that the Fled ay serval& Is a very Voila bl e &edition to on nleirria • • CRAMMON,o Mr dna. I tar /tries Clarke, OH A. Cooper, Dr Bright, nod Mews Guthrie and Unbent /lave, ofloadonortrong 1p recommend Morny's Gale Magenta, as brine in free Rote sale and elln•en:enthnitn the wild, and free from the danger A attending the constant two Of soda n pietas& a d NCS b ., the miLI n n FAII aive teTUCK ~ /c e G.) scents, Cot of Wood& Font eta. ----------- 1,(157—e--luu tons Li Qom, - jI3 front yeamer Eopkraieg. for may by .119AIAll LiICKEV,Y.OO 1 Frpri • frei , a erif;Ut Lr,Sti-a COVERCUL RECORD. i PORT OF PITTSBURGH. PITTIOUIIIIII LIOALLD OF TEULDEI ' AIM =MIA 31'11 ZZATLATME. COMSI.ITTEE FOR JUNI: JOSILMI TAMOML..- • ; .C. ITZI,IOI. Orrica Myraritioan curs:. Z .? ,' Mona. Morning, jar I. Sgtinilag. as venal on the . last day re the week, was gegeNly ro 7 Q eiet, aud .. ucryljttio was. ,:Ding in the 'ray of arena 71,, weather War nava and cloudy, W 4 frequent siightilioireri c . r? rain during to alder noon, rendering . it earlier ur,picarant for ocadoor bast• gees. FLOUR-71c twin!. of flour Amounted to nhont 1000 lib's, SU of whlstSweroliorght by stmr Ctn. sea from flronmarrillo.l Yon of thTe Sot was consigned to one of our dr.aSsrs, end n pais was for rule en the wharf, bat sernsiocd uosold o m aline hour. We tiny continue our quotations fowl S'ris hands, at 115,10, 05,10. sod from. 0.4=5,63 for good brands s. f, sad 10,73 for extra. - • GRAIN—'Na receipts of Grain have been moderate, aria yen confined to mall 100, at about the followtng noires t;--Mmt, ILSDlrtht Barley, Wet Rye; 0 , 01 cc; Ccragdo, and oat. at sioloc from first hands. GROCERIES—NO Pupae in smell lots, by the Ithd , Is regularly dimpealid of, at . CIF/WM blolasms Las farther advanced, and tonal! rates are now reported to an, at Millie in oat bble, and 3 . :034in eypreer. Rio gogre bait rma i thing firmer, With sales at Itt3ltle ig 18. Other arthems ...quint, with DO chance In Price , BACON—the Bacon market continues quite firm. at feti priers, Bay , for sweeten and City eared:plain banal, 74. and Cum anger cured ettnearted hams, at a ird-rjr. Bales oflSide• at blade, and of Stztredders oe-afftrc LAR se Inal . als cuitt, and vetylitlie 110114 prienir ado unchanged. ASIIE:4--The market for all descriptions roatitairs quiet atone last quotstlOns. Soil Ash continue. in fair revisit, and sales bars bees to la fats ascent, or 41 0;;?.. xis continue our quotations of otter Lions usifollowsl—Pearl Aal.ec,Salersua $/, and rot a:SY*/ 4tOtic Ott,. near° the reeeha or reveral Irtv of bran, (err sales frdat first haadr, at 151.1:111c; Lad froth core at 14915 c ir ha. Srdea at C. Mille, at 140151 - Or braa,1269.11 for khans, and 35945 e far eLop Coraaird realm cas—r4s, mark** i*SM*l, and *a/** **.,* rate et 410:42 FRUIT—no du:lanais fair with sales of rats:. at p 3, 5 IP. box. Sxlee of Abnan•ls, at 132110 c ft of Grocod outs, at SIM 4: boa; of Pencant at .1c ts of Filberts, at Sc. or Czoicra cola, at 70; of Zanto Carta* at Of, and of tplish Mlclnota at Eoloc U tb; Ortoirtr, 5.V..0, Figs, 1/112016 coma pc: to; Lemons 14,00: cocoa NI., 54,730100. 'Pl4ll—The market eentintes eery tinn, with an ad eattainj Leaden:l ort porno descriptions. We quo e sales to a faircatcrib tithe folleartne rates I Not tab's!' CY; Palmon SIS !Vs bbl, and SN v. wee; No I Mack. Mal Ste; No 2 511011,59 r. bbl ; No a Machetel ss ! e scarce; and walla command 19130,22. for t s r bet er qualities. Sales of Herring, gsalt. impaction, at fall. SOAP tr-CANDLF.I--Seles of City and Cincinnati COLlNl*tured min soap, iiebbllc per Ea . City !trammed Star Candice are In fair request, at me; of mould tangly at lee, and of 'enalliitin dipped at 9e Cosmoses orPlrmiscroth—We into from the books of the Pletchants' Exchange, the following. list on some of the leadinparUcles of commerce, received at this port by ther, dating:An month of Play, leda; atso. (tom hit Sept., 11411, ]let or Ploy, _ ' t !dor. Frcnt Sept 1 Flour, bbl.ll ...... • • •—• s:nl 52107 C51c9,194 ' 0116 51,945 0313, Ltt• ' —. 6,946 97,472 W 9411, Itrel ,L limity• —•' ^5:11 .7),M3 Daccn, 9991 6419 4: 4'13 L 'tatd t b tis• bbli -- . .9,911 21,951 , 415 6.611 Do kg.--- 419 21.991 Tobacco, Thd9.4 ... ... ....., 1180 6.494 Do keg,. ..... .--• 211 . 1452 IVldakty, bldg.— —— 4.636 85,05 Su rar, bbd••—•—... ..... 9.D a. 710 1), 9914 . 471 i 7:7 1 1 1olisce•,1-1/10. • • • 979 19,890 1341', Ws 479 2765 Woo' mks-. -- • ..... --- 91 4 61 .01 Featijss,' 614... —,,..•—• 711 7.9 llctnp, Or. 7.51 aoz4 1.4.91,1949•••--•—•••••—• .6,5,19 91,855 WMO9. G 1949, b 00...--. y 6 61 CI: 11 , 7 thls.,i 0i9.--c- 3,5 19,658 SILIOS nee. failing Path Destroyer, and certain core hie Rnn,a , Scalds, Pdrn, Sore and 'clamed Eyes, Cuts. Wounds, .Braise.. Inilarneuatory Rheumatism, Sweliings,bore Nipplea,Urothet Breast, Pull Rheum. old and itheteratc sores, and W emancoas and irdsmingtory d.caLmi. IN it rißw ENVELOPE AND BOXES OP hIECII Wool Markets. ENLARGED SIZE!!! 10 0 ., (0 ) Jone 5. • CAIIT/Offy Woo l l is coming in very brialv. Oar st , ems have Counterfeits of DA LLEV'S EXTRACTOR in the oho beep thronged for llCitrat days with Moths evil loaded- c wthersa flood the market. Nbon them ir• you Weald with this marketed., product. The prospect of a con- • poiroi.!! Ity buying the article in the NEW Drik.,S tiderrible increase in the amount received over last you avoid the danger of being imposed upon by coon yeth, is quite eneouraging. Prices rangeatom as terrain , . arc cerium of getting the Gethine,ang pun, Rabb: lam meek , f rom f 5 to .15c; though itm average moreover, near 50 per cent on the average. may be card in he from IS to '9, to' grad°. thst lest Caution to Dealer.. year bronchi 2-5'.321e. Rums are net yet abundant, Genoa 'repetition is practised open Dealers, by an. and exlibit no evidence of exhauation about the ...putout °perste., vote put up the counter:en stuff pocket. ' • ' ' in a constertea of tho oW wrapper, mixed writhe few box. of the genuine in earth doz., and spas offer it Snare of the better grades are coming ;nl, and cam- f° ' .°140f4 colored price! Tole •4 ' 4. etches .4 .7 moe.., the le , ei the , r ,„ ke , i , pr i ce. Tee i o . e .„, dee dealer.; but the carifiding, Innocent consumes. who as tvell as the higher, command an advance from net use, he .S 4 ' i "" ...°4l4 •PM • the Pet a h. tha...S. year'. piles., O t t,. ran g , tram ,0 to Ste, secier th e , Pai• , , unsightly yea. and marks rentlong from severe cluslitY and ecadnion. Tie very beet mil°, have mil w°°°°. "f 44, and afoot I°se of ht. ii 4 eifi ) - 5t been offered. boa will bring thine Pc Ingber. ere the.canartneneea. . Casa to Point s. Ini•restlng Particulars ri gs° o e y,,, s, m e , , adore of the renal severely burnt and injured thfrer.. S cout , c,, a , esz, in e rt Mexesv.l%, o • s e . ery at the late .1 dies giro. HAGUE STREET EX gar have been lisht, sod the e fairly all 1, . ereeid ITOSION, In New Volt. will shortly be publithed. thrith, the trarcactionv see of a boated ch reel, but Mind the NEXV ENVELOPE-ft the LARGE BOX . priers are very full r,theraliy.thl then it Limber sham °'•, end my A LITIBLRIZED AGILNTS!! othatee is obtained for fair and prism qutt'it4“ ]b. KY'S, Lbe Now Circuiars foe 1050. sales of th e peat three dap; embrare about ;A:ll,Mls. 011 i `..' l the sYmb° l4 °. ‘M . deem.—the T0402'21 the ticomie Sl rt• me for inferior to common, r,iy.tri: Serpent, i.lOll, Sun, Dove, and Eagle, and 11. Dalley's to "1' fsir porn' to Bee the 2lth lest. SO ends; C/CIISCLi C ume, 100 te!..51 hid., and 142 LW, ' tractor on., in the new lam and Lanus sesta " " • • ' "" " hia brown' /lemma Saga', 413 Broadaray, New iOrt, for. refining, at So. Emtwawrz, AtleghenpGeneral and Whole- We lAre no material <Largo to r.otiee in 1 , 10!t.,..rx, tale. Arent. the forpfy and the demand betrg bo , hll.ll.ted,s,ll, of Wn. T/101.4, Arent, Pittaborgh. Abr.% tee previous ranee of . , or fat, to the N. /I.—The names of Dealer, who pruners the Dal beat (B,r-ern:iv; 100. 21T5.t.1, ptime and t';', Irrdol•e. now rife. , rom 01100, the proeLor V roll. Arlivcd ..ttee toe 21Ut inet,ss3 e nr (rem hi. mothorixed ngents, witl he ori trobli.Led 1., the papers, tLe • guide to the pleJlie to steer cleu of There hes been bat a moderato 1,11,e. 1n,,, in itn trend. curylltdeowarni Cane, the . . lea hately meeting bee or 1310 ban:.at NOTES LOST. ranee of 7Xilf.l-, • ceording to ogelitil t'd' tea' rates X : ,,,,,,L, p: ;, : „ . „ . a, b,.. g , : ;g4,, In b._...p,,,, • e gr . 'XIOXICE Is hereby green, that on or about be 2111. rent. ' II of April, th e =Werth." had mailed to them. at . _ 0. ebfr to V.., too millowlng notes, vire-A note driven by O. A. Masan, payable to mu order, dated GREENWOOD GARDENS. A prd Ilth, at I months, tor 11173 di; a note drawn I y NOTICE. ' John 0 hlorgen, same date and time, for 6111 17 and 11DIFAVIPT: been annoyed for some time by gangs of • ".. 6. '" * • LIP-J•k• Wm' AC. , M favor 0,0 6 at SOL. tatzehrevou boy., injuring the thrubbery and little:l, and re-enderree,d by av,,dated April Ilth, at frt.., Occupying the awing. to the csdurion of more 1...e.r.0nn1., for 6"•• line above note. .were never ploGtoole 'mama, de. To prevent.. front ectenex, r'•''‘''''' by as, •••°' this In W,'..... all Wm. s transient visitors will be tarnished-r,lth a beget at °gm.. boos.l oi* 0 .7M14..'"•• ".mot as payment the. entrance, for IS cents, which will ha received in m "m1,1•1..0a. no m buying Ott. W Unlit/Atli:111 the sabot. for 16 cents to refruhmenta. Fetr.il y tick. _TM.. ets tor the ...son will be furnished by the proprietor. - f ar g y f pl •eg a si • xyg g . sogget g . ...,,,,, w . : ,... A . The Saloons will he turnlated with Ice Creay m PA.LIIIGIIs II&NNA & CO.,Fruits, alit all the delicacies of this ...on. The garden steamer, Hope Na 11, leaves the Pitt at (Succemers to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) landing at the beginning of each boor el the day and TANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer* elenicg. le/ jl In Foreign and DomeetieEXcliange, Certilleatee Allegheny City Berry. - of Deno: Re. Bonk Notes, and Specie-North meat . comer of Woad and Third streets. Correct money THE outstanduig Sett? of Arlecterm City will be received on drpoille.-Eight Cheeks for mile, and MM.-ama by KRAMER & ItAllsl collections made on neuly all the principal points mylo.d2w&l mg( Rio Coned Stems. 'F'aiiiililol:7lnaexcesulve IV seer Pulver to The highest prenclum paid for Foreign and Amerlean let ors favorable tering. • Geld THE WABASH NAVIGATION COMPANY are Adyanees made on consignment. of Preda . cprip 00. prepared (a rear the Wiser Power sr the pad (cob en liberal Wren. Grand Boggle, to .1n amount et MS.. re propel foot J. li. 11EL1.011., hundred poire of Mill s'enc. lire location is hosed upon • reek foundsul., and the power ran coven. AP I 8 i Wo 'l f!•;: °, ??. 1. "'* • • -Ic e• • •••• lm*, merrily be appbed on b oth aides oft e rarer, 7bn ~ L , *.r , ....!' , . PIANO MUSIC, among wma ..* grain of the White River,. well as the Wsbnsh, e. Me 0 .••••••0: - he readily furnished at this paint While timber, Molly, do )0a Love be : by S.C. Foster. iron ore, and coal, on th e pewee/ abone.ce, and a Oh•my me fled Rose Lire Alw.Y, do. superior quality, can be tally procured throughllie 0•"; wee. • Ludy, Slatae COMilry Uncle Ned. do. Tums-tbe hundred dollars per .m.,,, fora 4,. (Seine to nun all Night, do. er at to [novel a tingle tun of medium tired / 1 .'7 Pay., . du. mill stones for a period of filbert seam with the Soldier*. Iteddme, by Glover, right of renewal on the expiration of the bur, at a The Rubio, Co. fur VlOGlttiOtior the power employed. Tire :Ito of rho Obi Tou. •,rite Cot fi rst onto elm. Mill Or vasomotor) , it:minded, wi th out farther charge Sweet Memoirs et ee, ROMMO Company. Ily , o rdero of the Directors , raver Mom'. AD;,; E R T. j i,,,,is , , Lament of the Irish Emigrant - , Preellent of the W. N. C.. . A New Medley Son. •,,,,, : .. y .„„ :: , , p :, xr, 0. 1 , 0. ~,,3 1, ,,3 m Theo but Wounded the Spirit that Loved Mum. rEOBACCO:42I7giGedge&.IIO7TuTt.i en ioTa, b y t 1. - and for tale by ItRoWN A KIRKPATRICK ry ; , if,,,,,, :, e i,., et. jr •w ii - , -* OiI:ASH, ag..-iti C u Ash; • The V.ltee Meld. .L. . If Cu Cheese; • Low I.l•thrri Cu, try Lover. ' St bags Potaumg, tie per Dad: Do you ever think of me. well . * Line, for solo low, lo rime eonsignment. by Blom., Gen.le Lady. el' JAN ES DA !ZELL Jernule Grey. (11:31 ARAIIIC,.pated, for vale - by E fin, Ceilariu, Wedding, Wreath, and 13. 4 , !...31 i , l ' J SCIICIONMAKER k 'CO Wel... f i e toy ARPS GREEN-4 rent, eetebran.d t. brand, A:Ti iterttee ,, !..t.,.l met. wet. , C•nc•dr Ladles' sal Tel I bCHOONMAKEK &Co Souvenir, Caliy d , Li. rm. Lily, /Ike, Lvergraen, Bark I liceliALT Llks SI, 000-30 lag Io •ans d ft, for - laic ego'- Ad ' a" an Ida, raft". mull_ .6 )0 J b , 4.1100:1MA.1:1.n fr. co EXTRA PASIII.I FLOIILL ("IliD 'LIVER - 011.:=fraTioiiiririg:UTu7i7e7erec it, "EWA the renvm.lerice of the citizens, the proprietors %a Pm ado by EL E SELLERS ..L` of the Pittsburgh City Mills have placed boxes for M 3 47 Wood Itthe reception of meet. at the following place.- `I)WMFEi 14.-11371 - eiropTifillegt for gale by - I& 11 Ploy& corner of Oath and Wood etteets. TV ill lt II SELLERS Al Hayward, sham Platt. cur. Liberty iblarket sea. A. notirn, stem, Third etreet- D u l o . , A ß L E , V q A a n i h u r i v . E lt i 'g r t,",. 13 ,,,t 6 . 148-..-' t F . IVimex, re.,:lneggist,.r. Four th & Smithfield. ' John It* EmPh. atom, corner IRV A WyliO. E Su* Wedrtle Puce on this riztaretqu i bro. T,,,,,, freg ga , pn,, sate. Ehellerre or nvo. 11 C Kelly, grocer, Fail, et, corner of literati ellky. Woods , Praaleal Trcatiee on Roll Reeds. eve The Phliouphy of Hamm tifOtirc. ',on Id Ore, store, Penn .0.4 Ninth Ward. The Row ware /ma will tall owlet or thrice daily A Itellociory of A reUlteeture-emarr. gyo. for orders, and Mc goer. ke. deliver. promptly, either Arebtecto ref Maxez.ne, corer hue In 3 vela. Ptro. In 6 ; ,,,,,,,,r ~,,este-treet dour Is preferable for t &mil Apluselenit add rug.,uonn. N.. t to. le-withoot charge tot Cartago It la plain al no Campbell*. Peet/tar Works Sailer Mar. 3.. ' ' 0 'wed and th at drivers can have Thempean's Scuona. Supeeltion iten me•ord, ran be • o , „*' . imuntroon to leave gear wit mat payment. FOI 10, n bY IAl. 11 :3 4 D I.CHIMO O O We lug, the pol,lte will be_ pleesed with this at. Ic3 Vil ro9r11• O. . ronaeineut, as we. shall endenvor to do them la atie& "--- Dond - andilortagga Vie gore. -- InayraiWILIIARTH k NOME ONF. for 85,000; and ono for SI,MIO, well vecotCd by - __. , - eity,pmperty. Tor pardelec r , . L.lvirr n, NEW STOCK DI , j e t . ...._ _ . N i o r V. ' ll . ;V n o il vitt Y rr . ct lir ' ' CIIICKILII1110 ( 111 PIANOS. *POTATOES-5M be Canada part reed end Mr gala - 101 IN 11 hIELLOII, rte. bl Wood Oren, him .L by m)3l. , STUART & FILL e) ft , cortd, and bow opeu for OgatolnallOO .1.14 Chalagreato• Slliti - Showlef f :eraa IUrtIBPIIY a E.Ticcil FIED have ro t a o hand. imlrtorm me/ of I I Weltering, Berton. IMll tomranonment of ab ove geode, of desjeehla. Tele.. and aollitfrara are reopertfelly Invited to cob.. n ,,,,, exemine a Tory beautliut Cason Puteo, received with .11118CSOLLA7t140013 LITEIRAT Vier. "2L'-'l-7. ' ' ' - - rov,o A NNUaI, of evientifie Duen t rery.l2mo. . 'LlterW AILD. JCL" Noble Deetir of Wanton. lemo. y OPT -On Toeedny evening, the Viii, laßtant,Orl M ' , i. , . 0f the 31 tItI l l , nt ,, Y ithleittrioei Irmo '.• .I..rthe hank of the flanal,in enact atrcet,or between Macialey's ',ivory of Flestanl, lileoe. iti it and eel., •treftl, a enroll Cunene Cased Gold Nitrates Gibbon. RulOo 1 2.10. ." 1 Witli . li, will. cl e ar that, and a goon ga:tl chain. The The (lptimiat, by l'eckerm. , . / 2 . 0, ,. p ,,,, n Cm:0 . .11 no , a Aai'l La oaltably reworded oe Goldra.tar t a bli.rellanaoao Work,. Prlor, Itire brier , / Ibtm In M. . I _ ll m,•Ft..14,11 t Ill. "",' ll " m i ".The AVoaa 'of toinewl\l'oet'a, D.C. pro . . ' er ni ler were of 'ranee b. Cr M.o.', COloef CO 1N.11.11 /13.1, of Jean Palk lerno. . ' and Wayat a2 . racia. , OWN, Item.' Poem, 14,00. • Codorieak tttrdlett. l'ime. ..,,F.or •ale by • JAWS D.S.fiCRWOOD LIVE INSURANCE. J. Plessey, Jr.. 1 - -, u .0--c ir !!." 4 " 11, 0 In, eln j r ,: , P.M , . ot- Afro /or tin Penna. Lift horlruntv Cu. d rid,,. ,r_ ..;,•,, -1 ° • ,, k , r, i..... re ed , .ad l er reitTiri ,i ' rpitlll of Iha Weloarn I neurance eciaspaoy Na, AL1it31je7.1,51,::, LrrLE , n, co m i oi WOW ...it', 1 . 0. olot/R b. , ~L , ,,, ,ru.a or v .e , Rd,l.!raa, I,_y i t amplilett, .11h eill iletiimiry Infortnaliall, and 13,7ilia;i1: - 4 — d - ', -- '`."_'......_!•!1.0,_1.4,1,,,,,10; blank OM. WIII be fa Initilod, ~,,,,.., 8 ,,,,, 4. 1_ , NiCao 1611.7 iOl rrintlir, to iitorhao COOlofnankhnd, loiliouro lima itaeli for 11. 6.1414 of Mang '.. I 4 • . it t , ~..u ., ,, , ,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,a. ~,,,i aaad,ta; eradnala Ile hews or tbair ~ - - ttr Wand st .30.10/0, riutEzio - --- bil.e.„ „a-- --- r - - , -- Ten ',holm proCie of 14n Cnraptay an dlo Wad a, 'y' n, ~ tql , t t µea I,ty • or rata by gf: :.<1.11.1 'mg ....13 tia. /wider. al LIG Pollak.. R. T . ... , ,,, ,1T.i - ,,, - , - ;:,7,,Tii„ . ..... 17,4 _ , .„ . ,,, ~.,,, Ilas of the MOO IWO yea. hay m been roar,. mn.c., n r ~,,,, , i ' l ',‘ ty pot eel I.„L,;.aeltjtior_ atjati FlCii4T.P.:::rai - r - dii -- - • ,--- - - 1.. , - ,1, -•',' L— • ---- - olf lai'iti it la . . - a./ rearrl prime Cie Coast, la., r e '. I. 1 • i-illtprt:yiiii - 8-_- ...,._., _;,h: It (MAN , TLST n..11.1•V1.1), at len l'lttstioral ratan, Urn. 0 netereel ''.' P"'` {,Z . ' ill i' l B . 6c , .. i ? 7I .1 " Gi V erer d ; l l '. 4:l V i (7;etr:, ' ln tin rank • IpiedeiN-110,tilieonpi--ILA-2217 :3 do Pickled do, In q, _ D and rm . rale by 8 ~, •„ni“,, , r; . !47-, : 04a do do, In pita do. T AnD-4:1" key, dee iirjrn7, - ,8 - 17,--- . tt"lt ^ t?..!`-... The sheen rreati aware RIO raflonllad, and poi up jj i0. T 22 • ',,,;.,, for ,I. by to a highly concentrated GOUP,etintriaad In ha Mistime. ~,,L4. 8 8_88 8 ,ii . , 8 ii,c- , --..- - t...:_, 1, 1 &111141.711II ;ly 'rated cane. and will eery edema tang. that, awe, ----- ' yet ap In the ordinary W.I. Ur' :MI boa 1021; window • and Tee nein by s e. W rir2 ,l ; i r Wore, ory, • 1 la, Rale, Who:Ratio end 14 syteil, of W A 04.AM1111 Pt 0 Co, ~,, - /pOZIACC4I;.3 hlifi - Oiro - NTCreerrirfaT-------, .133114 _ taid i.mtlig . y I - 1 1) • t. •, ; Tii ' . • • . 1 . Yid le . I•OI .IN " S ' AN I Ili 01.1;111.1Miffilitireinro7F. 1 lel We 119 &geed 83 1 r., an InuAlIT a ill • Ftv:•.—Teere were 3 feet 3 tactics in channel in evening, by int Lel inarkoind falling slowly. ARRIVD. Brie., Beaver E . Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parks..., Brownsville. Rattle. Jacobs, IRsownsvllle. Beaver, Clorilon,.Wellsvilie. Camden. Hendrickson. Manes - port. Youchiocheny, Marsh, Reaves. W't/tville:Ntrung, linemen. Pilot No 5, Davol,. Borkingport, RZ9,llle, Ger, Cincinnati. EPED. Attchicen. Brick D , Bea A, m RV . Camden, Hendrick son, Meßeesport. R Fiwtaino, Prables,lslzabettl. Jaenba, Brownsville. Astatine, Parkinson. Brow:mine. .Beaver, Gordon. Wellsville. Youchinahenv Marsh, Beaver Iris Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Battturg, Colwell, St Louls. Evltt. sl /, Alueleun, BOATS LEAVING, TILLS DAY. DIUDEEPORT—NVeIIsaIIo, r. Y. CIN CINNATI--Canag ncr, 10 C INCINN ATl—Coitag 10 BEAVER—Your Mottle ny,3 r. 1. Tu. floe suns Consignee, having bees unavoidably detained, will leave 5110 A. 31, for Cincinnati. The eplendid light draught etatr Cititen,Cipt Germ. ion will polittaely lenee en 10. a. te., for Cinder.el.— The Cititon has jut undergone thorough repair., and presents a clean and teat appearatten. Tbl' rum .Vre the regular paelet for Wheel its nud <uuGati tlla dai s nt 4 r. IZIPOILTEI DIT DIVER. Denver ds Olaasgosv—Pni Dassas-42 bole. cGeese, Wiet, it McCandless; 60 kg. strop, ra bss do, 4 tote not e.h,3 since sepia-stove k. Cough eyr 31 las stasis, R therelli 33 do do, MD Parton; 23 do dal:: bids, 1 Ina scrap iron, Ci Tel Harlon; 3! boons e heese, *teacart 5. :All; di 630,70 do cheese, It ten bet. ter, Canfied: 34 to, cheese, StoWatt k CA 7 elks pot nth, 11/tot & McCandless. wh..n. g -r" Castrrax-95 eka bacon, Baker A- Bowyer; :5 warp beam., Grad rt to; 10 Les candles, NV B Holmes 6r. bre; 15 sks wool, Ice boxes glassware, 11.1't 4 r0 6 . 3 tolls wire, 6' Pohl l boxes bacon. Bel/ h. Luracle 4 eels clnetar, Lamers& e/hIptoo; 10 sack" bwoal, Clark rt. Tal.l<P, 64 bbl. floor, ga aka core,o krbds bacon, owner. Inaprov•m•erca in Daatl•try. DR. O. 0. STEARNS, late of Dorton, le prepared to manufaetere and set Ithaca Term In whole and pmt of se., upon Suction or Mesospheric Sootiest Plate.— l'oorm aCIIC MOM /01100 101117111, whore the nerve 11 exporrd Moe and rondo." next door to the May or'. Dace, Fourth meet, Pittrhurgh. Ram ro—J. B. IdlEadden.F. It. Eaton. lent D kINJAZII2I BOIWN, WHOLESALE, FRUITER & CONFECTIOAER, No. IBT Libarty lig....ir Offers torrale the following fresh gooda,Joat 400 drams Smyrna Pigs; uml lunettes:re do; 5B: boxes Bunch Rsisham 175 half bat, do do, lea quarter bozeit do; al Cep Sun Ilalains; L halt tens do; 130 Aram Palermo Oranges, 2:0 bozos Sicily Lemnos a cute, Sicily Licorice; Hl dozen Assorted Pickle; 25 Cozen Alpine San.% 23 Main Salsa Oil; 025 boxes Sealed Herring; 15160024 No 1 Herring: 50 boxes Jumbo P.m; 60 bas Vellow, Whits, & Red Rook Candy, 1 50 bags White n..t, LA bra linterlngl eroshed & powdered do; 15 tags Canary ,Seed: 03 balsa Sicily Filberts, 20 bags Brant Num; 151.11 itt.ltela Pea Nor 00 barrels Paeans do: il/ bogs Soft Almonds; 25 Lost s Shelled do, All flavors common Candles Ific per lh, herein:ly packed. warranted as pod as any tu the 0000117. No 157 Libor."' .ti tan doors east of Si. Clair at. marß _ lIIIPORTANT CIi,SACM NMI'S MAGICAL PAIN EITRACTBR. LOCAL MATTERS. *MIL= FOR TOO ermines DAUM GRUM TLa Fire an Vridsy Night. rCaruca IMITIOULARS. It has not twee aboolleteea la what inane, the destruialve Aro, on Viiday Glee, originated. It la .cold, by intim to tiara eurorianced In rho third sorry of itrii6t huildieW, by Acre, in the fourth. At broke out el 0.41 401 peat eleven o'clock, and tram the &faces oithe reiterlal the flames spread through the immense building, from Path weal to Virgin Alley, In a few trimutes. The firemen ex. erred (hemming nobly, to prevent theca Sam communleating with the runounding bi 1 1 141141, but, notwithatanaing that there was scarcely any Wind, the inteurity of the beat overmastered their efforts ; the magnificent now church, belonging to the Second Presbyteries Congregation, caught, bad, in half um boor, was reduced to a blackened shall. The Walls, and the beacallal stone front, are still standing.. The walls of ftyaresfactory fell to the ground. The fire communicated io several other contig uous buildings, of smaller ;account. A row of small brick houses on Fifth sweet, nett Market, belookmg to Mr. Henry Campbell, caught, and three of them occupied, respeedvely, by Maiones, barber ; Mr. Nippert, baker. and Mr. Turpin, Inn keaDer;ozere dastroyed. The loss is estimated at 63000, on which there was no insurance. Two old frame bnildiegs, on Virgin Alley, one of which wee occupied by J. Dorris, as a black. smith chop, were also destroyed. The office orate Morning Pen, and the block Of ware house. adjoining, frontiog on Wood street, Were In • critical situation, hut happily escaped Without - illy further dactago than that occasioned by the water. It is difilictih to say whet Will be the amount of the loss to the &wand Presbyterian Church. The walls of the structure are supposed to be eatind. The building was insured for PlO,OOO, which will, ' 1 at the farthest calculation, more than cover the loss. 8.5,000 was insured by the Western, 81,000 by the North American, end 81000 in some other office, not reported. , Mr. Ryan estimate. his low at upwards 0fT30,. 000. 85,300 was covered by Insuraneo, of which 02,509 was in the Franklin, and $3,000 in the Lyeciatlng Mutual. lb intend, to rebuild imme diately. The establishment woe occupied by a Comber cf factories, of different kind., and the loss to the several proprietors was great. The following law far es we bate ascertained, an ac. Count of the losses of the different firms. Meant. Rhodes ac Alcorn, deader* in !pieea• mustard ; twoctriesi &0., have lag about $l,OOO over their inumum... • Mews. ii. H. Reno & Co., Turners; leers $2,• 000, on which there was no insurance. Hews. Walters & Augers, Sash makers; loa $1,000; no insurance. !demo. Seal & Ottloco, Box maker, ; los:5030; uo tosuraoce. Messrs. B.- 8. do IW. M. Hanneford, cabinet makers, lost • large quantity of tools end Muff. Their loss Is estimated at 32,000. Mr. Boyd, Sawyer and Cabinet maker, saved the moat of their machinery and stock. Their lasi is Shoot 8100. Mr. Gdleapie , looking glue him* mannactorer; lose about WOO I rally Insured. Mr. T. Kennedy, In the same business, laved nearly all har etoek and tonic. . Mr, 13. Kennedy, in the same bizaimma, tat about $3lO. Mews. Smith& Creighton, mar.hiniata, had ja . o moved in. They Install their machinery, angenit= lag to 1.500 in velem; no insurance. Mr. Joseph Newton, Machinist, saved all kla machinery. .2deottl. Ponanthe* Magmw, 822 make»; tots about SIC°. Mr. Lyon; Frame maker, loot .111 lidYnachinory , nod stock, to ttto mama of 50. Mr. Rubinson, &A maker; Lou about $3OO There ace a few amaller establishments of which we have no account.. Same two hundred men wereemptoyed. in all, In the different branch es of trade carried on in this bee hive, who will "be thrown cut of employment. We believe that ao action. accident occurred th life or limb, =rept to Mr. McCollister, Tabors worst, who was badly hurt by a fail, while wort• ing at the fire. We cannot conclude our account without again alluding to the intrepid bravery, and almost ell perbuman exertion of our pliant firemen. They worked for about three hours in the moat indefat. igablemszner, come of the companies at the de. trident peril of debt lives, by the falling of the Immense four story walls. They were nothing daunted by their danger, however, and ad on. damned that one gentleman narrowly escaped e heating for endeavoring, in Ws kiedemse of heart, to nentenstrad with them to, thus exposing them. velvet, to intend was their excitement Tux dunce - new Cssa:7Tbe littld gut, Oglevee, was brought into Court befbreJudge JWChare, oo giusirday monsicg, upon a writ of liaben Corpro, taken out by Mr. Snowdenceouneel for the step mother. Mr. Mellon appeared tot iefeadante.— A letter ou produced by plaintif f from Mr. Ogle wee, the little errs Esther, dated four week-s ego, on his way to California, le which ha .pressed' o desire for his daughter to remain. with her step soother. Mar hearing the case, Judge McClure de. sided that the proceeding ofahn'ttenle in * 'the abduction of the child was Illegal, and remand. ed her hack to the ctutody of the step mother, th • Judge then left the bench, and Spoke to the little gul in private. She In understood to have ex. proud to him her preference for living with her cock. The Judge then returned to the bench, and said to the uhcle that he was decidedif wrong lo the abduction of the child, hot that from What he had been informed in regard to her own facilerkin, he was willing to deliver her to him if he would take beat meastwea . The lade immediately took out a writ of hab eas corpus, and the Couraordered the delivery of the child to ho charge. The plea of the defendants was the neglect of the little gitlon the part ofldrs. °glover. It wee *hedged that she was suffered to run wild in the creels, on 'deadeye as well as during the week, and that no regard wu paid to her schooling or royal training. A large number of witneeseswere examined on the other aide, who testified to the good character fed oarefol nisasgement of Met. Ogieree, and her kindness to the child. Annan Fats..-A two awry foam house, on Bandon' row, at the estremity or the Fourth weed, In Allegheny, was destroyed by tlre, yeeierday e ve• slog. Rama owned and occupied by on irdcalrims end worthy colored men, named Myers, a carpe'. ter by trade. We saw,Me poor repel, mandlog over the ruins of his homa Itp told in that ho had I net 'very ooaf he had In the world except the cloy tea which himself and family bad on their banks. Fie had lurniabod the house neatly, cod bad also • Chest of tool., worth e 55,, Ills lon, altogeth or, amounted to 0400. Ho did not know how Ibe flre originated as bo was absent from home an the time. An Itisrwartoe.--Tho laditor of tho Journal, by a captious misconstruction of a sentence con- Seined In a paragraph of ours, accuses la of charging our wont worthy Coroner whh taller ■ trunk, belonging to &thank, the C 41111113 who w au Orovned. The weenier, alluded to was not wiry elegantly constructed, but the inuaolog was' au Its tightly clear, that the trunk wea already , . tteicd When found by the Coroner. Wo presume iho helmet only Wends a Joke at our expanse. Annum JOWUJIT 81'06111 ROIIIMD.-0111 set tissue has received a talegraphie despotic!, how Cincinnati. Informing blur of • robbery cornet kited upon so extensive jewelry eetabliettment to that ell. No particulars are waled. . TIMATXM-4111111104 Pallor hoc effected no Ohgegolgont with the celebrated European vtweb. Wu, Mr. Malone Raymond nod Vaunt,. They will appear to.olshlitt a grand teutleal entertain. Want called 'An Hoer lo Ireland and mbar tokadN' sonalating of sons*, duets, glees, dco., toterspersad Walt arnUailts Wean:hes of national obsrenteriatier, Isbell from high and low tire. One of the luting ladles encompautss iha enterimitiwout with tin OiltU). The Arne or rho 'Quion's Owe,' it, which Mr. and Mrs. Maloof !taloned appear, concludes perrounattee. AIA/101 , 110 , 1 an lifulrmanut Vi.oleta 11.13.—.Ths Laub of ro AlleShany and $llllOl - littsr Plank Iload, tram eporne4 by wo 0.11111.1111410n0r. On eculdry. Wa Na pl.atad fo lapin That O . illOffloltul ISODOnt of StOOk WOO .11a01144 In .1014/4 Iho Wows, at lha toad. , www. tio 'pen 'hie imouing, 91 gin MU. oflam's,ll. 1N.,. A. w a .4 6.4114 Mitt, IM4 w 9 &Ina tkil 99. 9tqu99 was own*, likotoll to 1414 411111* Laying of the Comer Stone of the tri . gir Poor House. . . . We ate Indebted to the pubic:ten of our friend, Alderman Moalow, Clerk of Select Council, for tho folinvion Interesting aceotutt of the excursion of it number of our citizens to the Poor Route Farm, sod the ceremony of lava; the corner store if tao new building. On Fr. lay morning, the Mayor, Members of tfei'fikihls, end a number of other citiscar, eta barked on ihe BARR:media boats, by invitstints of the Board of Guardians, to visit the City Farm, and'be nrrsent attire layieg of , the Corner Shane of the NA. Poor House Badding. The compaoy wiz received and entertained in the most ratisfectory manner, by the Guardians, and Capt. lierriott and family. A thorough and approving scrutiny of the whole evabliahment, was made by the guests. The well ordered household, the farming, the live stock, the barn, in ohm, every thing exhibited 'strong marks of thrill and good management. The company having Resembled at the site et the new building, the Rev. Dr. Riddle made a touching and most appropriate prayer, and Har mer Denny, Esq., after briefly stating the object of the meeting, deposited the plate engraved, with the names of the Olsen, eke., and sundry pieces of American coin, in the niche of the corner atone, which was then formally and firmly adjusted to its place. Ridge Lowrie then delivered no impreativo ad dress., which wiz listened to with deep - interest. After the ceremonies, the company partook of an excellent dinner, set out for them in a cool, green arbor. The afternoon was anent very pleas antly ; indeed, the provision made by the Guard. tug could not fell to make It eo, and not the - slighte'st thing occurred to mar the good humor end kaiaky of the guests. Previous to leaving the ground, the company wiz organised into a meeting by calli_ng J. B. Mut ray, of Select Council, to the Chair, and appointing Alderman Thos. Steele, Secretary. And, on motion, the lapwing resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resdeni, That the tbanlrs of this company are tendered to the Board of Guardian., and to Cept. Berne% his lady and family, for the very ample and efficient manner is which they have comae tad to the comfort and enjoyment of our visit to the Cite Farm. Rcrohti, That Judge Lowrie be requested rn furnish, fir publication, a copy of his address, de• livered upon the occasion of laying the corner stone of the New Poor House Boddiog The Guardians elated that they had already pre. (erred a entailer request, which bad beet acceded to; and the company returned to the city highly pleased with their excuraion. .Surce.'s band of Emptre Minstrels commence t perms al ennetql, to wed, at Waking Mai.— This is the company whloh draw crowded houses at the Apollo last summer for upwards of filly nights. Cool White, the; "s.laakspearran," is well them. Blurstne—Dr. Morris' Mumma, under the of Prof. Peale, has become ono of the most attractive places of revolt in the city. John ston's Serenaders perform to the Concert Room at nista to delighted audiences. Tim atom,. cast m Tog Flora watt.—Tbe man who was arrested for abooting through the door of Mr. W. H. Barker's haute, has been en. 'mined before Alderman Partionon, sod diacheg. ed, on payment ot a fine of twenty shillings rie,ons dered by city ordinance, for firing a gun within the cap limits. He had been abutting rats in the neighborhood, Mot it did not appear whether he was the person who had shot into Me. Be house or not. If he did, it is 'supposed to have been from culpable careleasncss, without any malicion. In tent. Ifttewszno.—A man named White, a chair map ker by trade, wee drowned yesterday afternoon, whfte Issuing in the Monongahela Meer, in the nelabbothded of Pipetown. ARbsareo.—Otricer Fox &mated. on Yriday,Sthe ~,ego Vito:mins, who crabbed another Mery named hio'cut, i34l‘, on board the biloomagshels No. 2, &boot cwceir atoce. He was committed. Cm z INscalasts COMP,Ai.—We are re (vetted t, %tate that none of the leauranee Poli cies or 'he buildings destroyed 41 , Abe Etc on Fa day nigh}, wercio the *Om of this Company. Too TI . GSZeea of the Seated Precityierian Church, Pc:thumb, desire, in behalf of the coke greguion, to express their thanks to the Firemen and cifirces fir their efilmient, persevering latiori to preserve our Renee of Worrhip from the de structive Ere of the 7th Meant. And also, for having owed . large e portion of our 'morn val uate effects,at ■n imminent rink of their person al safety. TOE SII AKER SARSAPARILLA IN 'QUART BOTTLES, As proposed by DR. S. D. HOWE,' A IIEAD of all other prepsrotions; because it is composed of the choicest herbs known In medical science, its and principal herb Wing ' HONDURAS L•ARSAPAUILLA I . Which makes itthei et pareat end be ever yet preeeme4l to th e ham. remtlY. . . . . . ' EAT, DRINK, AND LIVE AS USUAL! Parsee your meal avomalems. Von need have no fear of expevere, as DR. S D. HOWE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA le warranted to be purely vetre• table, and free from MI da. germ,. drag., and Is the beet Female and Family Idettsclnte ever bnowo. Call apron one of ear agents And get a pamphlet— read Ito wonderful cure, performed by the use of Or. S. D,,,IIONVE'S SHAKER SARSAPARILLA alone.. 'flee Stper bottle or bottle. for SS For ..e2lOl, 17rtto:Iroiromnkes it Co.. J. A. Jones, SVALlsok. ft. W. AleatilbsTillisisloreJ. ftl: Townsend, J. W. Jackson, Pittsburgh': V. A. Elliott, Alice coy; P. Crocker, Browsmotllo,• W. It McClelland, Mom easotor; and by druggist, generally. Also, by the PrOriotors. HOWE A. roaytt.ddwlyT I Colloss Cincinnati, EASTERN ADVERTISEMENTS SURDS FINDINGS AND LEATIIICE. Scdward A. oo4fron 16 South Ca/r.qt at., near Boltiuwre st., Baltimore 11le K. bloater &Sone, N. TBIPORTF:R of sKoe Findi , •gs, and Dealer In Leather, of rsrinl• kinds: English end Fresinh Kid Skins, French Calf Skins, Patera Leather, Morocco, red, white, and pink rrosna linings, de. Luting', Francais, SILK OA LLOONS AND RIBBONS, Limns, Webb., :Shoe Rnlre•. Awl Insoles, Sheer THREAD, Blued Tack., Slam Galls and Shoe PROS, of all • sea E. A.V. IL having established the above or In Bellmore, l• enabled in ship goods Smith Wen With Inc inmost despeteh, and at Ike Inlet. pricer. dlconfacincre, dealers, and all others, may tele upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the beet gently, cod en liberal term. (D'S .2111 far turer al Lasts, Boot Tree.. Shoo Treep, Clamps, Crimp., Boot Stretcher', Re. All Antlers will be promplly executed. Low prices foe cash. A catalogue containing a complete list of every •niclo In tho trade Will bo forwarded to those who 1.121Y'110.11el It. EDWARD 'AIOODABEY, Id.. Calvert at. Mar Belitirrane liellicnn re. TEA COMPANY, 136 Gnomic/. arra, Tao York. frGE proprietors beg to call Ito attention of con. cedeseure In Ten, and thr head, of families to the chola. and rare 0010.011 of Teas Imported by them, and hitherto unknown In thts countrr, which, by their frost - num , and delicacy, combined with virgin punt, and Mang% produce en Int - union of aurpavalag rich. 13,111 snO anvor. The Teas offered ore the following:— The 10400 Mount. a Black Tea• —.St CO per lb. Niphon. d 0...- 075 do ti Marl - do 0 bti do ^ Greece, a Green Tea —• ••• I to do ii Toodelae, do 075 do . TM kl•tela a do .. ..... ....• ... 000 d o .. Ud•ii ?dui..., . rompound of We now rare end choice Tree Frown on the fertile end genial sell of A. ~m. 100 do •Inew to roe/mese the Introduction of these uutioltlese Teo, II I. the intention of the preprictore to distribute ht lot, among the ;4,01 ~,,,, • quantity „r c0,,,,0,ti to the PI,. You Prollts on tho sales carcted. ace ' , purchaser ertll memo enclosed In the pack ace, It lientbetrd cent6oetr, Glutting blot to one ,/41:0 h. the ItimelLellan fo y tidy oent• Intl not, entr'n t the tenon.. atnoentins to 6Ahuro, the under. cdparer!. of TEC to the velar of ton per Cent, or 1111,01 , 0 WI/.!.11E GIVEN AWAY as llonusee t oectontos to the lull )vrtni 5 pr.os 0f500.1501 Too each at 10,2505 or 015.0 10/ zi 1 , 1 do do do 500 10 or LOCO 10 'O , IO Ihrno do do 000 bor 0510 IVO On ole. do do do WO Ilsor V4OO 2.0 du 110 do do do .50 CI or IMO 421 Niece rit /M. 11.41. , 0 lb 82,000 Tbom pennms who prefer leer priced Tea. ean Wei.< then prime In mammon, or they be tek gaucho:led tor cash, al tednenOn Of 11l pet tent. ;1 1 1n wary Arr. Wanted. ApplickliOnslo beads Jro.'and, poet pmd, to the Company Depot, as above. aslfi 11011111CLDIAN ZINO l i lv ".. v l .15011"IVIelt.tr C ' 74 In Tercet); Cl;'fe'Tann: 1„,,,,,‘eap0f equate fool. Cemented In sheets :1 47 1 07 01. Os marine petal. bullelnee,ane depot.. i/to pb.,11,tn,, 14 a4O whe., from 44 ke 33 uce.: Noilo i Olio, linger Molds, Perforated Sine, Man Vann, be. 'Ploy warrant their metal pure, and free frain any admixture of Iron, nr any other aubataroed, and re n01.141114 It (or the taanufacture of moat articles in I rt t slang lane, al. it doe. not ran, to not ie l e ' :el ' il .dotted lay amine el Water, nod may ea pinball, painted, and rapanned. elarnplea, muddle, plan., epeelfications, and other Information may by hod or their ageats:— Al%;hank HIPOMI. New York; M01t5,14,1101.1.1nn & Demon; Narriall Tiornia k Co., Philadelphia; W. k 11. ttlel:lrm, {Palimony 122•1114. Dal & firevrren, New OtiollllN Y. 1411.1.11t0UX, Rerident'dgrott Liege, May I. 2 Ilenover Near Yotk. taeradlot Amargosa Gall amid Maatera liCzehanfe: bimhort promlum paid for Anierietu Oald, d A riurtr. En hang*. au4 Par P 01144. rl the ES. ango and flanking noun of ♦ %VILNINS t CO EVAI,ROT A VERNON—A new and interesting 111‘0,111 ono. 010111LJVAt ree , d em y.b., by 0114 09 1 1:107011 e 152VVITON STEAM BOATS UIDEI/1/11 AIT.IIAZGILTLENT7 - ti&it 1850.' i6;;;:f.1 BEAVER. ssarirs FEanv, • PACKI • SAND GLeSGUW 'Thenewt .1 bate draught stea .T. mer YOUGRIGGRE NV , iIl make dally ntpa betererto PierteirgtrAnd ElArCO 3 ..(VM.Se...reOtrrt,) leaving. Glasgow at 7 A. n), and ittitotrgh at WE- IJ,• • The youstuogbany i• but Le, tnel•re. drnerpht;tana ean ba relied en I.'l roketni thieheirOuLtba traeort. -Far freight or kaosagoapplo on boar:4010 _)en .J C IIIDWRI.L.A7II . REGULAR WEDNESDAY-P - ACEET . 'CIIeOI33,ATA t • • ' Capful .SVir.raght Y. Nortriz. Thts of lendld boat who N e wton, b Owner. of ate ma rue' loose '2d Y oh ead others, for the Ctoonnall one Fitirborgh Pocket trade, and leave every. ilVedntuloy, for Ctur , tno•tl, in place, el the New England, No 2. For freight or pauege aiyitirier ertot tp r 3i g ß, AK, ItsBUILO/1 AND WiIEEDNta-VEGLG:I:- The splendid feat runntnk sttame, **** s LOUIS hieLANF., W. B. Cammell, -' 4 3.1 .. .4 master, (having undergone a they.' • ‘l't.t•Ft..., . ough repstri will run hereafter ES a regular pee et between PittsburtS and Wheeling; leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday . and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to landW.O. witrrt ER,Afent. EIOIS,OAIIELA. ROUTE. m t m fr Only VS 2121/e. etaaiag, Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Manton and Philadelphia. FA= TO Dscrnoav— • ..—..116 CO, no. PO I L I OELRma•-••—•--.."1R CO rrHE morning boat kayo. the idler!, above the bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, Tx hours; time to Philadelphia, 48 bourn. The evening boat leave. daily,- (except Sunday ey , c o= :olt,;;i • e k r . ora P rat ' llo n tal i t I t ' n ." :4. o a n n t e n r e t day, and Moe avoid night travel. Se,ere your ❑etete ett the °Mee, Monongahela Howe, or M.Charlea ocll4-1y J. Blatßl UEsi, iteent EIILW AZJIAIIGICEIZAIT. M!at 1850. MMa PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lines Express racial Boats, And Rail Road cam .(EICLUIIVILY 102 PASBEROZII.,) TO .PHILADELPHIA AND RALTLMORE, • Via the Now Central Rail Road aad Ye anhi CanaL Time-00hour% Fore-010 through. 030 miles Ilan 'load, and 150 fallen Costal.' ON the lot inst. the new. Central Ralf Rend Compa ny commenced lancing TWO WM rums 1.11/* meson Co. from Jeekstourn to Philadelphia, Ileamg there immediately after the anneal of the Packet Dears from the West. Ily this arrangement pasta- T 7naelte'lthlrouathwllld''detent ion. leave every morning nt 5 fs , and every evenlng at P &clock. Thin rsate, for Solely, Speed, and Comfort, Is not equalled by any non in use to the Eastern Giles. For passage or Inlernialson apply to W tfUTCII, Monongahela Horsy eel : DI.KECU CO 3 Csnal Unite REGULAR WHEELING SIINETA-E PACKET. pp e Tell nuiting o VILLE, packet between Pt roa tsburgh, I heel.. g, Bridgeport, and Smlisfi, leaving Piutburgh every ItiondtY ler Steuhenville. and Bridle nand aver* Thursday afternoon for Kientien vlllo, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Camino, and Sunteh. Heintrlng, leaves Bridgeport mid Vortfielt calm. Tues day afierr.oin, nnd Punfish every Friday afternoon For freight or passage, apple on hoard, or to apt) It WILKINS, Agent. tQI lite fine light denten nut runnlny areamer CET Captain Connley tonne been int./uglily repaired nod refetril, s alt leave tor Cineninuti and all unarmed:ate rem thi morning, at 10 o'clock. For (trial. et paatatte, apply on board. kW TOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Tice epletand tem. =Ong steamer CLCVSIGNEE. AleKirdery. Master. strill !cage for the a , ova and all Intermediate land ing., on dos day, th e 10th Inst., at 10 o'clock, A. 31, in place or the Buckeye State. For' freight or pas.ege aggly on bonder to reit , ]OVEN, Agent. tt The fine new bald thaught ahrtme KENTUCKY, Maclean, master, mill leave tat th. bore and all intermaidlate poets o this day, the nth last, at IC o'clock, A. R. ':leg A ATISTRONG & CROZER. &ea N=Mil .. . .. 4 6 : 1 1 The splendid stearaer MT. VERNOn Kounta mane:, all! :tare tot thp sapre and all inthratedtheal porn OD this day, the 7th ill., at 3 P. M. For freight or pEthrage apply on hoard. or to h 7 ' .101 IN FLACK, Agent -FOIL Sr. LOUIS. , . umqU The El3lttli.iid I:O3MT ; DAMntiad, .... Srojth,.a o tr, ...til t [rare for . oboiro 7ill lost, ot I o'eleXl,.P U .I:l.7 ' gjtf,, ' :);.. l" ? th' th !` 4 " For Aright or ponnt o ottyloo board'. . • 107 frrig• GEO 1.1 MI TFAIIERGFT. 1, Accra ..., WEBT!IIIN INSU?.ANCE tV4PANT OF PITTSBURGH CAPITA 011,000. J. Ftioml Ir., Sre'r; I n., , Mmtelt,jr., Will insure against all kinds of risks, 1 , 1 RE AND IuARINE. A LL lassos will be liberally adjusted arid promptly, paid. A home imiltulloa—manageil by Directors *lid at* wall letiowie r 44 ll .s community, and who arelletermin-' ad by pima . and liberality to maintain the dial , sates whieb they sos•-..laail. to offerive the bnl protection to those eslittie,llre to be libutej. D: Blot Jr., - Geo. Slack, J. W N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. 11. litters, G. linsen, Geo. W. Jackson, %Vm. N. Lyon, Tata -Lipplotort. Vial. H. Limn, James 141 , Auley, Alex. ?Notion, nos. Scott. Onnr_u, NA 37 Water street, (warehouse of Span, Q C 0.., stalss.lllittsba rah. - *mawHz:llY AND RANtEMSTRIL PIALD/t. ROAD. - • OTICE Is hereby given, that books/FR . ..he opened N for mescription to the slack of the manebester Plank Road Company, by the Counnts sioMra •pnamted in the act incorporating tht . said Pony, at the following' places And timer, here a ll {lemons dosirous of subscribing ratkqequested to attend, the Shams being twenty Leo dollarreench, and s onn doll. per share to be pall at the c bingt In the city of Pittebargl; at the office of./ReiVa. litakewell, Pews dr. Co, cerneV orSecoe.d and Woeil streets, on Saturday the thh. Monday tbe Illtit,Tdesdny the JIM, Wednesday the IMb. and Thursday the tarn of June, between the hours of 9 A ht and 4 P. AI: In the city of Allegheny at Todd's tavern, comer of Resent and CMia streets, and In the Borough of Man serer, at the store of Tnermend, Carr & Co, en P.I. My the Ilth, itaturday Mel&h. and Monday the 171110 Attie, between the kneel of 9A. hr and 4 P.M: lit the home of Cant Sohn /fay, Ohio Township, on Fril daand Rantrday, and4th and 14th of lane, between Laurahof 0 A ta. 4ti at. THOMAS IMEEWET.L, President of Lloarl of Cemminionena mayintdennjel7.2 Greenwood Gardena. 'llg/8 nUttlhlEft . IthTBl3.2T I now In fail operation, and supplied wits oil the deliertetes of the seaman. The stainer Hope No 2 tuna as I...win packet from thranr to the finderwe leaving the rooter Pin etwei at 9 &neck in the note. Log, and al the Ueginnea of each hour, until JO nt night —riondaywzrepted. 'No lo:orienting drinks kept on the premien, tnt2o 1830. ;Wort Pitt Works, 183 j Corncr of O'llara and Etna kith Ward Dissoln don. rp Gm of Kamp /c Tottel tam dleachred on the 11 cf Aptit by the float or W1e..1. Totten. Cbotte,a Kemp Jr., booing orohnacd the Internet of the late Win. J. 'Dalton, Ito the (trio of Koch & Totten, of fortned o etayorteerrhip with hie. brothel', Thom L they will continue toe business of the concern undo, Oho emote or Knop & (1)., - ond will genie all eJaime egainat Olio late Emu, Cell receive all debt. and demand. lathe tame. f.Y7f:ltf, Exchange Umiak //took. kFEW. . tarn or tKo.otock of thi. book w0n4 , 71 h. Exchneto °Moo or A WILKINS &co mayla Blacoaront and Vermlee l / 1 .. FRESll—ltnism hlacaararrand Vonnicelli,for aa:o r ty mynd yVNI-A•hfoill.Llß(.3 .a.so Fate su annum & stratnnn Goons. AVERY forge and ehnlao monk of Froth Sprinx and Sommer floods hat mat bora opened at Alexander A. Wl's, No BS hlartat street, Dotal wen earner ado Diamond. . . . In calling Ito attention of our:customers and the public, to this stork, it affords as tproat.pleasura io bo able to any it cnibracee GREAT LIAHtIaINS itt most every description of goods, as a largeiportion of it was purchased at tharecent extensive Quenon vales In the eastern clues. .por waortruant, loth of fancy and ample good., is very superior, •o 4 afford. to all cash baler; either by wholesale or total; a fun op, portunity of station bath taste and Dorm, LADIE:;' 111:1:55 GOODS New style Foulard silks, nosy cheap; Mon plain and (gored changeable who, or almost every sly le and quality; super plain and 'lgnited black slits; do. ba rece• and tissues; harece de lons, new and hand some style; now style I , reach, English, aud Scotch lawn., to great variety, and at very low priers; plain, figured, aid satin striped de loins of all kicals and qaMittesi linen lusters of all shades and colors; ging. barns, cluntacs, print, he' ';.IIAWL.S. - . binek 11.4'heVac'le'rti"tiro.AaewreVrgeltniliVna4enTslid merci dui! super plain and embroidered white and Colored elope do !moire e.nd nel WHITE GOODS. A fine asgment of mull., enemas, Jaeonote, Swisses, [wok m s, bishen„ tarn.. An. BONNETS. Rough , tc Rtady, an braid, Florulea braid'And map. EnAlith ettavr bonnets. ' PARA:NM:3.. A Gem mock of impetigo plmin and fringed .11k .nJ Salim Turd mormool+ of mil color. nod nraoraloo. • CLOTHS & Marge atentunrat of super French, thetllsh and 1/olelan cloth. and eatrinerres of all qualities and DOC., la which P. would ILIVIte the atteutioll of the gentlemen. . DOMESTICS. , ' Our stock of brown and blenched muslins, titkingr, ebecka, charnbroys, dulling., &a, Is very large, odut at ibe very lowest paces. Alpo, a large tat of table diapers and table cloths, brown and bleached, Boson and Scoteb diapers, crash llnen.,neanYtus, cotton and wool n goods for nun and boss' wear, lush linens, red, whom and yellow 4naa. nel,o o tasestie gingbaras, silk nod' linen hokfs and ,i„,“g of .11 klocts, hosiery nod bonnet ribbons, ami go,' gosoks, kt, to all which we waulct respectfully 0100110 the attention of wholesale and . re tail cash ALEX/al:Of:It & DAY,' . nakytlo 63 Market W ear. of the Diamond. CO.PARTNEZLEIIIIP. IHAVE taken WM. LI Ault into partnership with me in my buaineis, aided null from TIM date be carried on ander the name of "John Parker tr. Co." March lit, Inna. JOHN PARKER. John PAIMEOO.V.O., Wholevils Graces, Drake in Prodoce, Foreign Wino Liquors , Old Monougaddes . 'and rattited Mashy. , No. 4 1 couparelal Ban; ;ban ism; ' Pao buyti. Pa HOUSES, LOTS FARM, k TO LET, That largo commodious Dwelling Room ••• aad 1d:4,ml which um a; good Parable and egpc■rringo Moose. being LW , e properly of, ne 6 ". and lore the residence of illre Jana Ms . gee, Ithated on 'Nether st, Dear Seven Street. For terms, apply to 24 It LOWREE -• " - • •tEI Wylid st. •L 'LUSO/SOME STORE, en Market envy between Thardaad guards„metal 'WI math ethapaed bp filr. White, ss • Pr, Goods Pion. • •- • ei Airo—A law well Combed ZOOal ire the SiOn• MU 11. r Mr. Den Mercastaa Colkte. Thu roa m wad si•uftd, ind suitable fora musical ustoon at Arat . lany, Or could earners-wait:ally thinaged as &kith offices •.• • D. CIAZZAML a Mk*, Third • the lb, Post offi , th ' • 'o A lIRICE 131.M.DING,.w•by tO feet, three, aerie. rx nigh, with Engine, he; totaled in Einaingbam, Immedtncelq below the Ferry: Enquire of ratf BOLLMANS cert MON, • Pittobargh Pozna' T . Let, nm larg, three ato To ty Brick Warehono, on Wee', below Ferry asect, rowing from Water: Finn !IMO, on reroonable lent!. POESOLSiOn giren diately. Enquire of fehln-lf VALUABLE lIEM , I , .WA.T.E ON PENN STRE.t7 FOR SALK—A Lot of Ground eltnate on Penn atrnet, between Hay and Maury streeta, ndlolnin the Iloilo and lot non occupied by Eldora Edwards, haring a front o MS feet, and In depth 1:0 feet, 'nil be Sold on favarabletarrna. Title unexceptionable. En. ,qtd.r oe.:2l-dtf aof C. O. LOOMLS, in, near wood: NEW MUSIC STORE , Signet' the Gad= Harp, 101 Third •t.; next door to WoodwollOt. !beeline/ would reapeetraly infprart the chi. tens ot Alleheny, and nity,that be has openedPlasburgb his new , ad elgegant establishment for the sale of Fiance, dlauseons, teat, sraraterv, and every other article in his line. • PIANOS—RoIe ageecy for Nunn% & Clarke's cele brated grind and square Flame with and without Coleman', Attachment. - These Plano. have lately receives utters! important narrovements sec. doing them exceedingly brilliant or tone, and e ' xtra, ordinarily durable and lasting. . Also, T Githert & Co's (Borden) celebrated Pleura. These Instr.-ream have a wide spend reptatation,and we core idered among the very best manfazinred in Boson, where they see decided favorites. •- .1 B. Denham, N. Y, of th e Brae of Broder* & Den ham, tins appointed the tobecriber role agent for the sale Obis Naas in Pittalturgh; Ile firm of Stodart &Dunham is oce of the o demand beat is this toontry, and their mancfnetere for fatness and brilliandy of tens ad beauty of workmanship are second to none The celebrated Concert Piano, of Sassadnor of Bremen and flamberir, will - always be kept for male by the subscriber. It willinlet essay, that they are made ace of by all the great Pleas player. at their Conceal en The Continent. The salrec ober bags Inane to direet attention to the itoonnant feet of tts bay special agents both in Earopo and Ills country, who carefully tenet and examine every Piano tent to him, which enables him to glue a mitten guarantee with every Piano sold by him, pledging himself to tensed the money in ease the Piano ho proven fealty or deficient. adlsupply be newest and moat popular Musk will constantly be kept for sale—Curniskod by the beat pabbrning honees of Cotton, Ptaludclplon ' and Dal& more: agency int bieesn: EnEarfenberg d: Luis, New York, the moat extensile importers of foreign music in Phis country. Sole Agency foe Car!wilds Patent ra.iodon and me..kon manufactured ...I perfected by Mardi & Cincinnati, with single and doable sons or reeds—the best reed insteninentssee invented. Also, Genius, Fluiet. Clarinets, Violins, Eagles, Fat Soros Tubas, and every deuription and variety of brass Instruments from the ben makers. Strings for Violins, Guitars, and Harps. gl:?lnatruction books for every instrument Selec tions of mate made, music books bound, Pianos uinel and repaired; Violics, Accordeons, GOMIS, he., to- paired on the most reasonable terms. .cola Nato Sprang and Summa Dry Goads for 1950. WILLIAM L.AIISS-ELL, ANbitemaaska,and Retail Dealer •in Drilfsb, French, and ibmerican DRY GOODS, Market r,__,CCAI cam, tanween Third and Fourth, sign of the 4 ~ Um R. lima Mullen commenced receiving and opening Gra! of the most rich, splendid, and extensive mock. of Salina and:Summar Dry Goods ever offered for sale to the Western country. Allot there Imported Goodaare fresh opened, sndteeelved per tit. mst steamers from France and England; as also Irish Linens, Imporad dire.ct from lielfsari all tars bleached, tied warranted the pure article; them Linea., are all imported by Also , briber, and are all pure Mu yam, warranted. lrish Linen Damask Table Cloths, the very best manufacture,• and Irish Linen Goals of all kinds. imparted direct from Heffner by she subscriber, and will be found the real &imps LA'GOODS, biew Kyle: nch DIES Turk Beans, all colon, imleadld goods; black Turk Patins, all pews, etch goods black elate Mfrs. all color, late thmortatiew French Kid (Roues, ell c nlors. ben be imported; Meld black Aramt.em, per last French steamer, new style painted Derek., splenaid goods. Also, a toperb and large, stock of wide bleak Liressels Lace, for trimming ledied drerms, very hen goods pick, Ilamgcs in nii° colori, extremely low. beautiful smuts black Filk Frier,: ell, widths and pikes, very Cheap; French Lawns, new styles, per lam French rieneugi plain black fire Le Rhine high hope, 'iamb goodr, black hutted are 'Be Rhine Brocade, rich' goods; French end• English Cashreeret,' new mph., - beautiful, goods; splendid asiyea Stows goods tor ball dresses - rich embroidere d Start Rulla for craning does er Swim Edging and ldrening.yee bat lrroortedi Filli ' 'llesues to all colors and qualities. reler mile, plain and SALM etriu'd Week Enreace all Priem; printed Lak.. ems style., from d to uh cams per. yard; Belem, de new a.m ., . far Indies!ilressek Also,k large and ..pub ranch er pw style cpticg Bonnet Ribbon. th e Teri bust fm. arted, all now. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Conlon entre Lid!awl., ell mars, fresh frnm the CO tem Conic; Tort :title Shawls !plendld goods, Er all ealeta, per Jost steamer; beautiful ebaugeablealaea edit enrols, fresh impetration; •vititte•embroidceed Coition Ceara Shawla, superb smear green esobteldar d CanMu Crape Shawls, spiendid geoids; Luplo`a French inade Embroidered Tht bet. finest Importation; nub painted Cashmere Shawls, an prices and Tian giea;. summer Cravats said Scarfs M great at rim; French worked Capes, Collars; audCaffs, a large. A Largelareill of .. DOMESTIC Alf Ir STAPLE GOODS: :Whales' unbleached blotting, from 3 et, latent. per pyardulaet-ya cues breached Muffins, from dto 101 cents. rd II eases Irish Linen. irepor.; direct from Dolman II bales Tickles front 8 to 03 terse per yard; .fi CatCS bloc Drill, from 8 to Irlxents per yard; he. sales a filllll4±Ortctent of SnmenenCloilm. Alia Cos almetes, Tcredr, Cannel:l, and Kentucky lean.; It) cents dark Calico. fast colored, from 3 to MI cents pty yard; Scare s Hoyt Sr. Seas , English Prints, Lest Imported, 3 baleen...la and Scotch Disperse:nem, ly tow. Also, llourekceplng Goods of ell kinds vary cheap; I bale. !haste Crash, front Cd to ldi cents per Surd; besides large stock of Cheek add Ste:rung Stripe. Also, Conant Fleaucts, all colon and quail. tit B. at low prices; red, franc, read yellow Flannels very cheap; bleached and unblaar-hed Drillug3 Pali easement; b duns blue Merrimack CellcacS, ex tremely low; black and unbleached Table (Superset! lA penes; nt's eye Diapers; 0/ prices and dAtilittee, very cheap; conned Cambric', a Sall assortment, tuna far than even a bees Burlap., from 141 to ms .prr yard. .Aiso, a large stock of Com/CP:Ole Diapers. Mannar.' Shirting--A foul assay mans very cheap. PARASOLS! PARASULfiI . . The largest .and most splendid stock of Para/nix never opened by any one house In Fituburghos this darrecetncd, and ate allot tha newest French styles, which, for nehoess and beauty, Cannot be sir:pawed. de we have • large lot of these Parasols, they will ho add ebonite than any other boosts in the city can af ford to en.kshe same quality *food. .The Ladies are respeetMtly tiptoed to ex.*. these Porasels, a., they will Bud some of Dot richest and newest styles ever importgd from Europe. The. 'Parasols ore •all of the richest and most lashicriable Warr, set ire worthy of the attention of the lstlios. Alt of the &bora goods will be maid off at priors far below any hope to the coy, slid in order to puce this Met, 4ho public will • please. call and price these Roods, aiiipare them with any other boast to the. pity, and tm ootavinced of the above ainertion. Too suing rihor wont,' bete soy to tos 0nt0... , oat. tamers sod the poblirl to general, that Caere ate two other.bre here storey marltet street, et, tending to copewit,the fly hive, whlch oboe the only ,colobstited midfor famcd Dry Goodt esinbllshment la Pittnutg he The iiihstriber would therefore say to all porehalars of Pry Goods,etther whotesate or retail, that tho Use Here, oti Alatket street, botereersThird at:drank is nage, opening Site largest, richest, and coosad id stock Of spring and numMer Dry Goods tont oacred for saint++ Pittsburgh vt• ' ' BONNETED LIONNETSt • -. • - • yaps Snarl Yon I&so—The 'sagest end roost reel:dens able stosk Bonnets 'ever op even in this city, Seine; received a; the in 141154 llig lice Inept on :Market street. between ' Tizird and Fonnh *trot., where Ws , GoOdll of every description are selling cheaper than any other' bottle in the oily. The puthic will pleaw tate nodes that there are two other bee hive floret on Mattel eavet, Who prttenit to compete with . the 111 s nee thee, between Third and Fourth streets, vhese the public wilt find, at all times, the largest end new a st styles of Dry Cords, fresh opened. try" se.talto nOdee t. that the store Is between Third end Fourth streets, sign of the MO BEE HIVE. where Dry ,poods of terry description are ielttna oncost Eultittny other boast in the city. ap1:1-11:ku • WILLIAM . 6. nutiser.L. I°so. ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. 8°,17.°`,21,1,Lxtrztu'i1,211:79.".1V-in • C 1111.1%11ELL, Pittsburgh, - JAMMU COLLISP. do,Agent. BIDWELL t.llllolloß,ltochtmtell 1850 DIDIVELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER From l'iltAttrget to Colitrg!,. cod CIE-re/and, th_ry, , tepthe rscrs nod pop,* t. coratrie.r ro . f Cohan . band, Corral, Tuv,tratcos, Co.thattwa, I,ll4.Q,lguni, Licking, nodFreaddin. Ihe con.µro,tu ut 100 unruly /0.41 dearer. Canal men* up to ow city through this great natant; central ote a direct etnerdantestion to Me above as well no the ndloirang counura of Wayne, /lola., goon, And Delaware. Front true wrtion ol'Ohlo, We trade with Pittsburgh hr., bevn, to e went extent cut °Win conseque nee of the high fusee or transgottatten, which ate now JO. due edge, Mt and At per cent. Boot, Or ati• tilte Will leave daily, and mn through witbont tratannputent. • The Callal company haw bestowed upqn lint an intermit lat the unprece dented tatiV4lll,l{,ell or Mutt charter, and Wen wound to the middle pqraons 01 Ohio In ordering their good* by lii00"1:LL'il BANDY AND 131daV 'lt LING,am squat tit:crest to advautace. Agents: • • J. C. BID eVF.LL, Pitoborgb; I.IIDWALL 3 CO., Gloagow„- C Ennaa'n A . GAY, L l oh tn ntt, Wihssport,o4 George liembLe, Cavin g n do; Gann., limbo= Co, New 1dshoOLO; Ante biteriotaa, lismover, 0.; Itibbeut Boor!, Mi. 0.; Ppraker e. Potter. da.; Joseph Pool S. Co, de.; Heil Duns, Onenia 11 V Bever; do; O ir Ilurzthal tr. Co, Makrern, Lt burg, Ltd 11101 nerds, do ; Tiller, Menton*. P liwkddika Go, hlngeolia,tl; 4100 y gystnemd a Oct , PoMY rdiet Pl . l,sffer, do; Petit. trqugh a Strtabaug4. ooltrar 030 Willard do.; Shrive r WV; J J liodentin A Massillon, Cummins Ca, John Itobnoon, Leant Velum, 0; Fenlg Towel, Canal Dover, O.; A dleabwy, y„ nes. Nest atk,o ; Pita h A Hale:Colutatioao: LO Nab, thews,CleveMad ; rad Rhodos tr-l.toon. do. _mall) soot. a. sPettlte.) toga n. _ . WIZ. A. 112 , C1.11116 a COn fiROOERS AND "TEA DEALERS, ' 1r012313 Wen, greet. above 194:4 Rare always on hand tinge oamwem of Ctrolca tirrieeries and Flas Teasi Rift, Foreign Fruits and Nuts, 'Malteds and Rua. Denials supplied on this lowest terms. • _ melt, ; ILIRRIOVAL. •WRYNE IRON WoRKS.WAREROORR. BAI t.L'Y, BROWN & CO. tt.ro reatovpl a No'l2o won Ft, at OCT WOW 13444/30441W4i 1 i. MEDICAL G BEA T Ell/ ORM!, CD SE ICA I, DISCOVER! CHEMICAL COMBINATION Froa the: IrrirteUe ATegorms, as repel Daiwa: Dr. Orisottve' Extreme isr.T.ellow /*de and Marseporllla. - Cams CnriZSlrti,ll, scrofula, eristeelai, rdestre4sea s , eor., li ver eoraplalnts, mind erections, eleee4 c 7-, tiehl,ladednfr7ler 12f:11.4,"en'ic;=1Ydr'se;:X"sZa: ram kottars rel, of blood ‘o the Head, favio.4O .o'o'.44;sonP/amts. general Zrbilily,..ppels. sie, Ims appolte, tendert.. cold,, sorovsusTh gravel, night sworn, elolie, equal - 0. areciOrg4 _ palpiredda or the heart, Inles„peins la the 'cheat, biek,,fte. - r /tlelarlißitle io ell; diseases arising. Gera en Am. , pan state Vile bleeder irregular anion of !he 'tit In.tbe Vegniable Eingdeen t se Ali-wire Beteg ha deposited plants and herbs; congeniai to sue ceilidhs., dons, and adanted to he curio( else:km; and to the vegetable 'itimllons does the mason of Maltose well a the inatinetorani al3 lem forlantido:es to pain, The Syrup to a scientige compound of the mosival sable plum; to nature, entirely Me hom dclaterlen and enervating edictal substances, nod re h canal disease (rota the amen, Impute vigor and strength acomeporieing degree. 1 tERTIFICAT&'*. An extraerdirunT name( Scrofula, i&rysipehlairat tt cm, curie by the sole use of Dr. Guyautt's Coin" petted nyittp, Yellow Dock and Barsanarllits . _ • . Droo . onn. ov. ll', Idled Grtworr—ate !tender my since e re thanks tee the great benefit I hare derived from the use of your valuable syrup. I bare been troubled very bad wit screfoloos sole, which made its appeannee earn , - chin. I dfd not pay mach attention ton at .first. retsina It us` be nothing bat an en:peon:that appear. on pereon's , It fiwai T brim to increase,. mall sprud to th ,nW trek part of the heed. ' I applied tea pysician. who attended me all to r.operpose. I had tried everything nun weld be tried. I saw your Syr.. afYelloW Deck and flareapaillr, and conehided to use it, for; I knew that Yellow hl for Me most valuable artlelea!in the swithl for thehlded; beeght your:Sy-sup, of from the use of one bottle, I - could see n great change In my system. I continued to use It nen! I was et well man. I now feel Like 4 new eSON titles. blood is perfectly eiennWel and Wen from oi l hope rides. There Is not a question but the your newly= discoveten compound Is Mx superior, any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold. Thu eertifieate ls at yore diqpron topublish II pea. like, and any one yen may refer to me. I alma be hap py to ve Meta all the Inform I amebae! my cue, the. LI remain your obeilient'servent, : Gooses G. Jon..tiori! , ILlldarket Maul. The beet female medicine known:. The Entail of Yellow Deck and liamparilta is a positive, speedy, end permanent cure roe all romplsints incident: to Its mildiii/toiative Properties jmdei It pecallat'y epplicable to the alender and delicate Constitution. of the female , . It Is unrivalled in its effects "pen' au., diseases as - Incipient consumption, banenneva, leer contece, eta eennel, irregul. Incestranlon, intone% ammo of mike, and general prostration of Meal mant. It immediately courneractuthat distressing. nervous,' tiers and Dissuade so common on the lomale frames' and Impart an energy and buell.Ce yin rnentleint en they are griliefeL Vie - have evidence On fite which Induces us ',Remaly to ter:menaced this. Medicine to married people who Immo not been blamed With A. FtmLevariv Dram, or Exiling of the Womls;of nom , tin ding, cared by Dr. Guyaotro Extract ef, Yellow .Dook and Sarsaparilla, aria eyes" ott,EC known remedy had been triedwitimat relief. Vismuncron,Dhio, Feb., • This certifies that .nry Wife, axed X7.years, heti been angferiax ander . the above complaint tbr•• yearo—newly that time confined to let bed., have fer fear,yenta CORni.M.l7,[lllol7Pd I .lent lent talent to p e could be prove eel to tinastiotlon of this counuTovltimat any benefit whatever: (bate alio. - pant:as:4 n. cry iIISITOO[III. recommended for thW cure ofauch .dine sea all of which proved worthier's. . In the spring of:le-III was leabeed b 7 my friend* to try Dr. Guysollis V Dow Dockland he b u d Ii for for fon months. After ehe bud awl' kr Oboe, Mar Weeks.? was evident to all, that the . vas Improving, and flora this thee eke le'ptoved Idly. and soloed tl , sh and etreet ub, wall the thugs," was entirely removed, and site is now enjoying most excellent health. WM. hittliFOßT. We beinenclehbette of Wax end Joliet Monfdrt; know that the above wslenent, as se the sickness, et ; Mrs Mean., and. a• to tie core being effected •by Dayson's Yellow beet and Earapwlllo. to be strlol.ll. tree. • JANE E,DDV, • SARAH ?DIVERS , • [Greet Curs or Cosset apnea: • ' lia=trotr, Jemtnry 2, 1:341 . : . ' ide. ykneaa—Dear Sir: The great be:m.sl*inch / have derived from coon Extract of Tallow Doet , and Sartapardla`induces me, as en out of.Joidco,rb make • the following tammeat t • i - After wasting for two years fromLytooral which finally terminated in constanNion, I was given • op by my friends and physirians beyood , he ad of Asctedtcine. s 'last wenn, .1 was Intoned - to 07 your Extract, and having- used but two bottles, nn onndnig to ?our directions, 4 ant entirely wed. ' Weald there.pre earnestly resomniond your aneotill. led Camped:ld to Um afilieted solid desire a poworta4 pletuantand itafo remedy. tiraQUlly your Mend; • DI. None geatone matelot - pot up In large !l WAIT sayer pt eantamiest *quart, end the name of syrup !nom m the 2.41 y-with the written signature of S.l , Deo. nett on the oat-side Orrapper. Puce 61!per bottle 'or' • six battles fOi tdi • It is sold oh J. 1). , . Perk, tomer of Frrinh and Wal nut .streets, Eadridnati, Onto, fitment' /tient for the. • math and West, ta , whom eat °Nen mdst ha addretriti ed. • Carter Es Dro,Erle, W. P.' /talon lc atio: (ow; Clemons, 'Ciosslns , illm'Abel Co.,, Turrell," 51ontrose; , thisma tam, Tommnda;" Robert /toy, bora;L. - Itmlarink'Csilensharat burp; eat-actor 6lnsket street and the &nomad.' • splld&stlynT ' ' • • u • Tw, ow,. 4. • vita airitLa in. ut tuvt ot• rive than a bg, putrid breath, or dark, yellow duels ad teeth. If pergona have there It la (heir own fault— L 4 Y faa rwo bay au panicle that Wig mare then breath pare end meat as LW Spay Airs • drabta. It cures ditharrs of the Gores, spongy or aleeratadi and for the Teeth solo novithtled, moue:ear, the Lamy thstemng the teeth hi the gem, Adel Wear, Coot 1114 wlwe .s the corm has., mean Nora • - Sub, reakr are the properties of Jontes Arleta. Tooth l'.aste,'„ali, with pmuong % Gamely. tort. what one of . ear most respoOtrable and sumutin Drit dos, 31r. E. rime, oiNes• York, says : have bo th asul and analizhd this boaatlyal and lira Penile.' ankle, (Jona' Anther Tooth euse,) can recommend/A frossesiing all thrqOaliuzaelsor., ed for tha /header,. era Cart Atty. mom to COneilltiei only tent if yen toy pod otice yeti will be well pleas) :1. It is pat open boantital ChLaa Pets, foe cants. thald Litho Agent, WU:JACK:S(II, 210 Ly street, Pith:ear:a. oteaulterT.: • Mr pl. nem. 1:10411..1my din iollowtetans the anent quanues of 13a bottle:_ loaats Conk Ilan Restorative. LI they denet Op • word, they cannel thern ininty [cep:etude entzetut)...._i wao nave true ' . Mr, G..,Receet,!4l Mtn Cl, New York..• Mn. Matilda Reseal, MYrtle nvl Drbek/7n.1 . Mr. Wm. ]onapkins, te.: King at, New Yern: mr; Tel e. leaser, Meringue Intand, neanYieteLn ;it =R. E. Callen, late barber steamboat S. AlactiCa4 , And more Wane hundred other. state, theet: AI • mast se.tee,lhat It will force the bate .to spow on ate toad or (ace, stop it falling off, strengthen the fr inflating slot( end dandrnlT item die nines, into ihr light,. red, or gray hair stamens a fent dare mat, ant , keePtng bawd, or wiry taur eon, clean 044 besantel, eery, eery long tnne.. - Sold by the Agent, WM.J.naIiSDN, 210 Llbarry'll rittabornh. .Prite 371,:D evens, arta or,* dollar. • , irr — nanry ax nun rla tan Chemical Seep cacaos a free purspimuon, • Li t" .11e same titre rootiSey, softens, and wuttens ins main ming it tee texture and beauty et Rh fateful.. ; mavv, , Satz Ruses 110 Saxes, aro.' aeon nee Only healed, but eared Ay its use, ea at seals seven t claw eirem m New York know, who use' it Monett rasia, and find it unfailing—as also In - • 1 • I _ Plaints, I. l l.oveuery.Fasestes, or Rel . y enterer ease. Teo leader 131:scooted inns:his 13 no e retnan puffed nostrem,'23 one itial well'pro.n.: I =ld cntn.. aerate at lettst en perry cured af • • - Sass liren,Solut Lana nen dons and use it, rod the reader re again an col cruelly sbll tt far tto snore carets /keen 1, to. b. UIl cam •Tnose who are ltahl e ' Clam, Cusecie, as Misr. Ftirstr, tit Inhils aana. /Lay'ana Reacted with any of ins 100 o r ..s anat. Lv diaanses.will (LW Cris all and even mots (*.Mara* bin in iteII.S..DIIZtIr I state: ' • nut, reader, the stern. are flooded alth' Lon 0 1 011114 sad be surtiqoa nor tar 11.1 Ni ri, , ,PS Indian .Cl males/ Soap. kfuld..by W Al. JACIIIrON, 21trLibany Scant, Plusbarelt I • angd:dn .fret=air. • SIING C0N.3101.1 Vitt:PM/Ea They are not aware taro frightfully inranoca.ll am ID the ukral how coarse, bow ['WV; how a 5.1,.: low, Yellow, and unteelthy .sate ape pento after using preparwl chain: sales it is injurious, , ontamang t..• ; • f!. larga quantity of Lead 1: • . We hay& prepare,/ a Leaman' scan:able rt , oll/1 Which we tall JONE-S' SPANISH 1,1/..T %Vlllll.v. 'lt is perfeedy innocent - if/mug punned ur all doh OM ens quatitialf and It/raper. u tud'arafi • natural, tat, illy, alehaster, clear, living orldrs, at the sumo leas acting its anesmeno on the rain,' making u sot• sot amount. Sold by the Agent, JACKSLIN, llto Lib,. ertY at. Inuebtimii. Pries tin emus. Ct.II.IVOILI4JI4 AU V iani.T,t • Di LAWS 'At - . 0/:2111151i011 MtqC:lll.(i% innertannnto City, Cal.otala Lab:4ll. atlsaatea made tot conatgronents, .1 an Mau,/ baili.oo ppamptly ar.aaaad la.' a. •: 21,1.143, aaVarwaT, innureas- maytbl.tartitol J. .cisc tv'sra.s6 , . 41 . /Nino STATE C46I4LEIS/i10:11612 for tatleg Deilt4 leoes. - Jl4/kuovrleepacust 114.15, I.l2iec —Fourth lueet, 4bove tie/16441UL - • , n/WIN ZINATIN Rs , noliPnitiononti to ifie. entre,.of rimsnap, Oath. nisi perrealitentr. loculcd Melina in oils, eayi fur the.purposa of prat, using Madleino and Norgery, in ail itsennons bra/tens; s. e Ills aline, la on Fourth atrent,,No toy. Ilesuteliroi No SlaricticAl. a.l dt.tam.e IiuDKRT tiatf.slollT, A TTOR7fV.I AT LAW—OLIce o, toigh . 11Ide pr A Fourt.b.s.t,'.betweta Cfterry litua.t. arkdistl&Nlcri Prapery tut anconsayenty for rub ' T"4 aubniAtirs oder far liam a trambar_o ehdta Lnia, sitanta in Ilia Sceor.d Word, handy, On. trOsind, an aAsy terms Laquira'at • at'i..rir, St U .1r CI .111:11 or cif.3:tiS ROBINSON, on thearmakiii ,1110•trt rt101.11.itu.V.1 . 1 . 30,31. BY.TiIiCO, Of a precept under tae hants 'at lien, Wm. 11..Welare, Vteudent of 03 Court of Clan, Mon Pleas, In and for hit sa, Jullcitt Mullet of J'citzu . wivame, littl Jusltae of Me Ceartof er d.Tetinismr, end Genera / Jut Denver) in and for mod Iris. tat, bad a nd %Vilna., tierr, Janis, Astocre Jansen of 11M same Coons, in for•dm Catun miyoeur, cuedmid O. O W. 407 01 May; to the. yoar of our lAN, out 6006413 eight hundred and IniJr, non to me directed, for &aiding a Coon of ltict Jr, immiber, and tie tern{ Jail fleivery at the Court moose, to the City of rotatoftrfikoa the Tfard ..Ilooday 14.1 mm-tom at lOo'aloclf,t , Pootte ca ner la boteby irlyian to MI Jostleea ttti Peace, Counter, and Constab tee of tint Count d : of Atte &mon 3,30; tat, be men and Mete in ,tutu. intim aria their rol It, record% ittqs ' isi dons, 'e 0 0 0 40001. 0 tat Mae Lll4r [Cs, to do Mose 0001 which to their rya 0.4 oppour. to be aooo—antboac w . ili ruoe..cota putt pr baron, or may to. to 114 a Jag ot' putt Coaunt of X 1140007,10 bataeaandt;acts,trf pr.:Tula *punt knees aa shall bloat wider my lama at Attabotehltda:7ttt hop of Noy, 150: year of oaf 40rd,1934 iaott of tea Coo*. oasavreatat too Thu. .CALlLTiat.OnialkliLeta., - - QEOR E E 43 . EA A .LE ft %O sal L , 1 4C 9 . raciiii,o2s, coin, RANK N 0.74, MOW, DILI( dockr et ust %RNA le Cow cour.g.tun.d, aj Wit , ,42 elfitrAlktit 044,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers