F ~ ~'.~ ESTAttISIIED IN 1786. 0p . t.7T.0 . :FK: ,INH E:4 CO. 2 , lyrolnr • is, !amm 2,24,A.E512,',t!rt irrsErt,iscrr rooz,r, , Daily pa .1...........,•••••••-07,00per u annitrit. • ' Trl•Weer.+:.._.•..... • 5,02 Weekly, tin advance).— •••• 3 ; 0 " • ' Do. re Chant, et !erodecad rate.: CS OF wrivr.n.Turnroi AGRELII UPON BY TT g PITTSBURGH PRESS. One Sow re, (101 inn of Nonpareil or len) one I One Nur re, eath so 3 didoont Inttnion• • • 0,!-1 . Do. one week.....__........ •-• 1 : 75 • Do. two weeks-- 3,00 • its. . three weeks—. 400 _ Do. One 5110 Do. - tab months—.—.-..... 7,00 Dr. area 5,00 Do. six months•••• Dn. twelve Standing Card 03 liner circa, pea 0000 w 30,00 One gen re, ch angeable arnica.. Wet nom) exelerme et the parr... For re ach euditlonaLuare, Intoned over One month, via for addnal imam imertedonder the Poor ly rates, hot( prim Advenixements eteeeding a some, and net over fifteen lines, to Ise charged as • same imid half.' Publahers not accountable fer legal advertisements beyond the omount charged tor their pubtleation. Announcing candidates for dace, to be clam:zed the Same as other advertiser:scot. AdVellhearelo Tot worked On the co py far a sped. god numb er o f iooe.erions, will be continued till forbid, and payment erased accent • • The env:teem of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly to %brie regale, business, sand all other adver tisement. netpertaltring to their , minder business, as agrix t 4 ter, to he paid eStre. All advenioemems for charitable tnslltntions fire meanies, werd, township nod ether pabtot Meetings, _ _ stanch likeito.tm charged halfprice, payable etriztly Ir advance. - • Marriage oclft•es to be chimed 50 eents. • Death ootlus inserted withootcharge,naleisnecom• wanted by (Mend Invitations or obltenry notices, and hen so aticomperned tole paid for. Sender odocruse es, other. minding memo. Mentions, or requiring notice• designed to call atten tion to Fairs, Settees, Concerts, or any public enter. othmorntawhere ehuges ere made for admittione— all notices of private asseelations—every notice de. n4ned to cell attention to private entertinses ettle•la• la or intended to promote individaal Interest, con on. • ly be maned with the andersiending that the mime 'Lour be Feld for. If Intended to be thorned in the la cal eolomo, the stone will be chmged at the rate of . not In. than 10 cents per line. ' Bishop or Fist Notice. to be ekataitd triple price, Tavern License Petitions, in time. MI prat Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged et e. Rent Watt Agent' , and Auttioseters , advertise. mente not lo be classed ender yearly nth., bat to be allowed discount of thirty throe and no third percent frotathe amount of bills. wiaslT ha Tit-weelLi r. Balla Parr]. One !tonere, three hirenlons. • - --• • • 41 50 Do., midi additional lusertion• •• 37 o.troganssomers to 'mans[. - - • -- One Rtaniet 110 lines.) one , uMertion • -SO eta Do. each .addltiot.al Ali Itanalank adverdscinentsie be Paid in advance. WHITE k. CO. Climatic. , • ,L HARPER, VO , L. .Nr.ESTBIDDLE,.TosirnaL fA %/ES P. BARR tr. CO.. C%toniele. • .. FOSTER A. D ROTII ER, Dispatch. VIOWDF.I.I. Kemeny. JA %IFS D1DD1.1.., [Lawrie.. 11111aOl RAINY' ilnursay, Dea..l, CARD& JOAN A. PARKINSON, 2V MAN,MES Fifth Ward, Fein ,stree, beiareen O'Hara and Witlntu.• All Main.. promptl sna y at . lan ed ta. yii • ALE:IA/WEIL N 1 Nyf.Tllolll/4 • A Trontux 'AT LAW ,, qice, on Fourth street 41. above. Wood: • ' ATFOIiNEY_tAT LAW, end!Commkuiouef for -PeuusyJeanie, Si. Louis, 1$10.• - All et annualsalions promptly ausmeted.. ' • ' T. U. UAW S. P. ptettett. DAIHD it ISTEIZZLEITT, A 7TORNEVS and Comellors Law,Focreir et, ,A4L betdrcan Bmlibfield and Grant, Pinabargh, Pa, • Jelin It. Lome •• •• •• 0 19.. c.Friond. • • tanOz - i'ir4ticati,'" • Alrtau TTORNEY! KT LAW; FOentiaiset, Weak Okra. • 4Altt F..U. flfl r A frTORNEV AT onFoerti street, A between Stanitse.l4 .4 Grant, ..kntsburgh.. Benjamin. - . William, Bak ewell PATTON i 13AnlirrIVELI. ..A7G rCili t N erh .f elgte t tel S riii.V•e l47ligh,! lat il. " A - 117T.N01331rik - bil. 111 — ii.1 - 11 - Carceic 11111? •t e lldre el d {lirrl 54 1 71 i'lltrow " itu n fllVnt . l4 ld , err par, No. :9 Wood meet: between_ Fourth and Ma mboed alley. Florham's; Pa. cell JOIIN 11. SANKIN, •• • ..11, 7 2: C rrf714 . 1e alroTi?c r :, - ;t: - ..&, 4 .2= Mo., Ilata af o rtitabarrtt.l Referenees—rlnaharabt rentard,,llayna. Wet Miner. WC:anat.,. tr. Are Care, Juln F.. Blmell• Hemp!, , McCord & King: .. au g1.1.11_ Ina 40a1... .101 SIS S. COSSISAVIS IL ISOODSI,III.. --SASS'S lISOSSXIr. ADALRY. WOODWARD & CO; Whoics Oro• cen, No M M st Philtdelphis. - vol Pltuborith Alkali Werke. ". .DENNET DERR V & CO, Manofaua ran or Rods BleaohLa a A.. dc", Moriatie ano trot ph+ I o Acids. Wareboamo No—, Walorotreet,belola Forty. (karat RI rUN.tr, TIELTER, Wholrsala land Renal Drag net, comer of I.Jbartg aunt St. Flairerctus, Nur • SOLOMON . soriaven, nomtissios MERCTIANTABook rind Bill Drok er, No (ID Booond •on eel. ' • meet-017 Dsgneaae SPriag. Axle, 5t.441, and. ices , . CIOLEMAR. It absterit 4k.. CO, Mansfsetorers 'of • V Coa."11 Pod EIIDdo Sorlogs, - Hammered .d xlco, Poring and' Plough Steel.. Iron, Ao.._ Nyarehouso on . Mao, and Front Antic - • • Also, det/ors' la Cos. Ttlmmogs and Alollooble aadnN- . oell2 'ATLI(STRONG di. CIILOZ nOSIIIII9BION MI ICItIKTI. cad Dealers an Pro• daea, rio n pr*arket atieet, • , • IV,S. 111)M174. SKI MIMI,: Porrrardine C 061.1 isoloa 1111archanu, No VA 2,lltrket st.Pimbwrrh. 7 t apll CA. Me ANULTY k. C/),Fonriudint and CoriF P V. mission .Nerebants; Civaal .Daun, Plltgnergl4, C• 1 4 °11 n1IrTiTZ ' reVr T I.Y 1 :.IN T /t 7 V .4l!" V u'd R e rey.......•Amlre Iv Fleming A.R.. naming: . .1 .111111,11E1 , 4 rt.tetura* c0.,1 etommISSION DIRRMANTR—For tial&of aekr.7. t1 egg e ,2 1 4 P,.,4 : ', 3117., G r , door from Fifth. Pittsbarßh.-, . Reference—,Memas. W.A.m. IWIe Cthihtiaieri. a—lcutunst_2 : FTTf Aaiun $. ',norm.. • EN 4 .Gritaen.. and litershanu, an et d dealers in Prodsca and Plat- Ilsztalietures, Na 31 Woodstbatareenthl and wron catw&itDiNts & COMMISION MERCHANT W No ill Second at. ritisurab.. Mat • CI WIWI; COCHRAN. Commission and Forstardlne - l 7 Merchant. Na.en Wood street, Pinsbanstr.! n 071 7 troceersor to Idorpttr t Les,) W • flea I . er sod GOLlntillt.W. Northern, for the rale at Amatora Woolens Liberty. 00POSIle Sth fobt7 . . irfICIAO2., =CP= =ALI), , c..pujoin,Joßll♦ WUQUI, • 't""&lucKVrllg7V4 - p. NomE r..AT. novx,tr TrAr. JFk .4 O3, (acesserrs to Atwood, ."_I. Jones it. Co.) Cortnntssisa e" Peter! Ales. ..h.as. Oceania Piastre& bissiolettissa Bogen+, p.. • - • ...ten • A.R3114.1•L5. , • • trocemsok To taxon .c. MCA,' IMPORTER lc Dealer In French" and American Pa'. per liaising* and rs.. ~7lndow-Bb' _Fire ard Priem Also—WaoNti Prinilnk and Wrap. D!oit PaPer..tio.R7 Wood areal. hearten Fo urth and Diamond atm pelt aldir,firtabnrgh, Pa. , -real ' Wholesale ikroKrtert, and del Ole emir.. Palms, Oils. Varnishes:Re: NO h Wood Ors..y one door Soma of Diamond, Pltraunrgb. • • . , ;spa , rlorADALZFA4Snolet.te ri roe er, COMM man • • Nerdhata, sad dealer In Proda-e and Pittsburgh .. " 6 " ...... " N.94 'VW./ ei.1•1•11/6. IMAM TSAIAII DICKEY a Co., Wltoloaale Ornoets. Com• 11 ir.isnlon Moretonls, and donlan In Prodoeo,Non.s l l ,Ml iRI l'tnnt tOreint.Pinannnet. non* Gov, ^oocrob • • Jogepe 1.V0 , W2r4. L 7. DU WORTit & CO., WbotegaliVrorers, IMO J Atonl4/0? Maud Powder Co., No. 27 Wood AL, . TWIN kl. TOWNSEND, Dreyrist .ad Artnthreery V No. tt Market at, three &ton shore Third Pitt.! ityryborrtll harp eenettentlYmt bead a well eclat:A mu' 1110 , 1111 en, Of OA beet end (frittrer Medteitter. which he • wilt well on the meat rearonahle term.. PhYdritthr 'settee; Orders. wilt bll,Yeernotly shetntel to. and piled .with ftrtirles they our rely earns the gertelee, _ pleyeletere Prebentioli.WlLl be etr:m.lo,MM seatly yreparrtl from the best materials, at cozr heir al Ahe to: ute, a lan. malt et Rawl and alai 'l.- _f- CAN VI D, Warren, ()Mod o, aim W es te r n g Ba uer, whoale dedurr in lasers. , Choose, Po t s nod Poc. 4 Asti,. odd WeV , rri Prodare generally, Wow , street, between 9 midatold said Wood, Pittsburgh. TOUNSTON 15TOCCTIT.d,llookseIters, Philters, odd Pspor,Otaiddasuirers, rio. 44 bliirgrg ritzy. Pittsburgh. John Kay& • Richard Floyd. • k R. FLOYD, Whatnotla Grocer", Comanasion T Merchant', and Dealer" In .PrOds.e. Roaad . - ,;;;Okstrck.ltaildlaca, fronting on Liberty, • Wood and %Oh street% riu.bargia, Pa. ap4 • • , I°4l,o7S7ag.Te.=` dealer In. Produce...ad Pittsburgh Magantetureti <ar or Liberty Red Rand streetsSytabargh PL kltZt ifa A.CA.UtiIIEY, Agent (or Oa Latc - 'Erld and Idicidgan Line to Beaver and the Laltea,-0:140 Oa corner of Water and litaiskitg sta, 1414. BUSINESS CARDS, • Jiktrr-s . A. 1 tr.rrCtILSON, Ea Co.—Faeces...re to levetatertehitelt Commission. Merchant., snA Acme , of the FL Laois Steam Rarer Refinery. *to 45 11111:CT cad 02 frontAtetets,Pittebtuglt. 1011 M 11. MELLOR, 'M'ltalenale dad .Rotall dealt , J in Magi." and Magical Instnanents, School 800., Saner, ? latrg, SR.! Peas , Primers , Card., and e/anotary generally, No. 91 Wood gLAPittgbarrn. • - Tiny, borscht n. takon in trod.. la r t;r7l . 1 1 14;f, 7; '' h aT ill; t me, ILViILt-prompte r to Colleeporitj Wagbinfton,r oats and Grfeaveurtles, 11F.FEVTO Dlathloci, Still & Church ac Cuollten, D T. ATOTERft. SCIIOO , IStKE.II & CO, Wholesales Uniggutun • •NO 'Wood street,•Pittehurch. - 14.4 ... , ..tartieles Canal sin, nett 7th et ~p 4. • li PNPriffiLLTVlV , liiittrall; F.NNEEITY t CHILDS & CO, 51 - artutnetarern of I ,n ; &... n le e e7 E 'L l st i tro n o: . 4 : 4 Sheeting, Caepet.Cheip.2..Zon ==t=ill= L • Swig , TALZEI.T. ft. CO, Manafaenuera of al . eines Bar, Sheet, Boiler 800 and Nnit of the be.. quality. Warehoote 54 Water and 1115 Front street Junig I .Vra.•3llller,l7liln,i.C. N. Riekeisan, Pttnamrgh. & lIICKETSON. Wnole”lo Grocers, ona LIU.. Impolite, of Ilrandies. Winer, and S.zzo,,, N. 1; . 2 and 1:41, corner of I.4 , erty na Irwin noneo, Paw burgh, Pa Iron, Nails, Conan Vans, &e. &e , coq. otwaily on hnn,l. ap4 John MIDI!. James D. hP6)II. " C. R°.' Air eGILIA A. ROE, Whole.. , e Grocers and Corned.- /TA den Merchant., No Rig Liberty Bt, Pittsburgh apd ,IlMrlllll/6117TER.-ATOTtliiriittlflinTWG AND AXLE FACTORY. mike roma, stuck ,; prom JONES it. QIIIGO, , 110 - ANDEACTORERR of-spring and bli st e r gteul r 4.91 plough steel, stet' plough wings, tooth and slip corner of Roc, Alta Front uts., N , lloLalk A SON, No SS Markel it. •echnildo. .L 1• from corner of Fourth, dealers Foteiga mad .Uomerdia Ban of lehangc, CeniSeatew of Dean., Dank Notes and Spec,. • hrou ETCout the t lcletion made 01 all the. prineittal, khoufted Staten. oat Clues At, lil/01011ASTEl4 A una• aa—lithee. Pe urn ski - Crlthird door above Sudthreld, tomb tide. uveyoncing of all kinds done with no aseatnt cam and legal accuracy. Th . ca to Neal Ihriate examined. he. oe Gltly iN a ICT.Tark. ANUFATUREILS GREEN GLASS .WARE N , 0. 17 Market Greet, l'iu•but kb, Pa; keepconstant• ty haud. Inake to order all kind •of VIM*. Ilmtltt, • Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of sit parlor quality. • Particular attention palate Private Moulds. thavaly Lithographic Lbstabllitturtorat OF wm. SCHUCIIMANN N Third ot. oppoolte tho Post-Office, Pittabargh.—idaps, Latriscapeo, Bill. heads,Shonobilis, Lobed*, Architectural and Machine ravrdigs,fiastners tuul Viniting Cards. iceontraved or dray n on stone, and printed ha colors, Gold. Bronze or Mack. in the 1150111 approved *Girl oral at Vte most reasonable prices. octithly J. 0 PI TTIO FLEW - , ercAm. BOAT AORNT — 44 Orvcz &nova W. B. llmatzo & • "n pa 7 No a: WAlrf tarret. sitectaz,RTT & wrcitia, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. 201 WOOD STREET, 'TATE in store, and IN i 1 I be ecciraantly rceet•iog Ai daring the acason, a large and well &elected as aortmant of Sunda and Fancy Dry Cicada, which they will sell for cash or approved email. • Western Merchants 'arc Invited to examine oar and Ll l . 7h L alltle CO on ' ; ' err, ih b o c ruT:=l Cooroissien merchants, and demo, in litobarnh Mannino area Mir San. SOrinln. The, LITT= Spa. IC. 11011`Mn Tjp °BEFIT 1110 ORR, %bride , mar Grocer, Rectifying RA, Manner, dealer i,n Prods, x , pinyrigigh hianola n. Winn, .0 kind. of Forw in and DOM , SUC Wines and Lsquors, bin 11 Liberty Street. On band merry largostock of sumo°, old. Mationgnhela wookey, %loch mill be sold lota for • mph. not • '1: L. Sills. EkEyNouts.a.,sual. ,Forerardmg ni,d Coheorls• .11, mon Merchants. (ovine Allegtteny Myer ['rode, ‘eakeeru Groceries, Pmhdorm . tore r, heti Chloride of I in.. The ttlrber t price, it ntb, paid at all times for toottUT roes.. (terror ?tom ann Irwin isa .09 Run Ear DALiltb:l4, it Co., Wholcsule. ttioecr, .Coronsission Itteruhants, itch term 3n Pradure said Pittsburgh 731nattfucthres r Liburig sheet,. Patsburst, r - aplb DOISIZRT A. CUNNINGiIASC, Wholreule Grocer, Ltealst in Produce 11.0.1. Pilo burgh bliutufacturcs. N 0.144 Lamr,) . streeL ai3133 & faclii Iron ping la St: el War ks—atartatactarcrs rt cf hc An& U. Ewing and Plough 'Steel.. Xs o—ttaritacz i llsletaXices, vit.; &&•._,Tlicy incite sae attantton of merchants and cotauinius to Otis . Cot Lefton Pat caS7lng eLsc whet. They.trar a their article& to be cyan LlBay matte is th is country or "'vont& 4. C.•4/14444.4e4 • cnoa.-iteri— . . . lIACLEXT.k. WHITE. Wholesale Dealers in 0 Foreign and Demesne Dry Gond% No. 9 9 Wood rll;atmith. non' in 0 in Flour and Prnahret reneislty, and Fumazding and Corneninaion Aletatinms., a 3 %Va., Wert, Pitt.burrh. ' [2ll,la,seg, — rtmescm , va. 0.1 swot.. Q ELL.P.S.l.4.,Nitlol,S,Pre.“mcriula e.titeml Com 0 onseirm Merchants, P.. Liberty flyer!, barn.. Sperm, Qpit....41 im,l "Lard Oda. I spin F VON ItuNNIIOItS & Wh0a,a1;(:,;,.. Op earl. Forward., e and Ceonnekalon Thole. In PoOlbar,rit Many- natures and We ttorn ProdOee, barb removed to their new warettou.e. (cid - stand,) No. %, earner al From street and Chancery apt; - ZIOIII/AIS G. tumor/an, TEA .AND WINE MERCHANTS, Dist side Diamond, _Pittsburgh. apIS S.Waterman• • R.N. Winona anr:o,V.Ph Waterman. L. S. NV STEMS 4.8 .lln SONS, 1(11110LESALS GRODERO. COM3l3llloo4lmad For. warding Atercbaros; dealernrn ult ittads of Pro duce k. Ptltoburglit Al.ulacturd .ftrucie,; an. Agent. far sale of _Richmond -wad- Ly.hburg AtanafsctarW Tobacco. cart WM. TIMULIN. _ 'ATTORSZT AT. LAWi Butler, Pa NVILL also snood to collestion• and ail other burl sera antrosted to him In Br.tler and Armstrong &maga; II- Later to : . ~ r . -": J.& R. floyd, Meat/ al- 1 , . W. W. Wallace, do + . . . . i James7.lars4•ll do . ( Ilitabarah. '1 44 • , ) ray k. Co,.Wood at . . J . 1.7 • &.D: Dashteld'••••4•••••.—-,.•Georger Diehard: , , 8. B. 017STIPIELII & CO., - {TrIIOI..E.SALU and act•il Dent.. In Groecnea 111 d 'Dry Goods., and Commission Merchants. ..N.6.22ol.iberty at, Pitt.burth. JOLLA & .CO., cbmmwsioN MERCHANTS, Clstaitssia,Pestu street, l'insborth. m 76 PRODUCE, AND FLOUR. FACTORS, - bk., aiket, eine ; 64 Commereo ste Abrenets made, by either of the above, 06 COO lig 11. menu of Praises to either House. /. ter° • : PORNARDO,G A. CoMbIiSSION,MERCIIANTS .. AatllaSUtOlf , .p t 4 'WOULD rerpectfully solicit a .conitoonnent of .neigh t, from .Westerd Merchants, thay are prep red to receive any mount. Line and Section Uoans tanning teal:Sand day, the freight will not be detained,' as they will unload such boots at all hauti. febtSelin Bartisburich Feb 20 182,1 • I: A %Vlllima- -John Batt. , . 3. 17: WILLIAMS & Oa., UTTIOLESALE & .SCE AIL vrthin.v.c.RocEns, 11 •Fonsardinq and cammisslon Merchants, and dealers in Onar.try rradnee and Patatmerli Manntsc tares, earner of Wood and Filth areas, httsburgb. Wm. U, Paley.) , Wu 116 WILLIMIS & CO., .BANICBRS ANVEXCHANGE BROKERS, S&LS Sill cornet of Wood and Tbird'atm Premmung. Pa. mg. SACIALICT, lOU,. •. COWLVS, W. U. wo.arnon.., le res 6.WWL - Cr. 11[1 1} 1. & CO.. 'WWI , rude Groccrxi 18 2011/00d atteel,ylU6l.ll.ll. Tot? • 3003 V. NICE, WILD 11e..1101.C9. VirICK 41 , CANDLLES, (metes.. to aJ. D. WICS,) Wbele.de Grocers; Formardinr and 'Commissiongirettnon den!ora in Iran, Nat tr, Glaas, Catlin Yams. and rataOutstt Alonaractaort rtnrtat ly, corner . of Woad and Water •tre cis, Yttltsb arc b. r.l7' fff — &Stirorciiiwrichr, vvwcsale Groan., PY,...lteettfrlog Distilirn, and. Wine and 1-4 quo r ..11ereaasa,-AlF , a—lmposara of Soda Anh and Wrath. he. Powder, No.loo Liberty. ducat, (oppesi. B.lla weed Ptrabargh. Wl.7FWlL.SON,Witt,hez.,.ldveeiri,t 4 ilver Ware .11d fi.d.,:eartee of , Iddtket and Peetteitreetx.Tatsbeten , I. N. LL—Watches and Clocks ear:filly repaired. . ar,l7 7 to n. ii x 7 . VIlIrs:13 a' en, Duller* In LAWhei, Ty l ece'll4.3'Libert ntreet. Arrri, egenerusos. tAri It IdeCITIZEI MINI, Wholesale Grocers, VV:a dealerk to Produce, Iron. Nails, Glass, and rotsl/aern bliarafeeterg generally, Liberty street; Pittsburgh. on D. WILLI—JD& I. CO., TATROLESALF. AND RETAIL; GROCERS, For. arattilllN•no Comm ie inn Morchwfr, Dealers in COOIIItY Prndoee an d Pißnburgh Alanufoeturey ear. rier of Wood nod Fah Wetly riustnirnit. Pitintingb; Hatch k ANTELO. GENERAL cowassuri ha:imams, tr,-I.tbenl advances made on eansissmaents; Va. /011111 W 4 tVll.l4VVN,.. l.o nreiv eed , e -e. Painter. Rooms, teener o , PeeeOffiee Alky t end Feline meet. entrance :onFourth it, neat Markel. a7AJ;I. 1. 7 a - rai - ,7C: oes:1111610 Aloraiantr. kr. al old Levee N (Mean., keep eensteAtly en hand .lute se.:.artmi . ntor Hear:dieser the follow , brands, which thee error for sale ai igen. ler J. Durand aces, [lndeed., all: Mac10n7. 1 • 1 % , ..1L Dv' 'etonl tr. Co, Lareehelle, I Parana, Cognet, Ade hl tn. ; leaas AL A de .I.lendors,Je. &el aloe. Are hot Gin, tlordeaux Red end White Wines nk io x er ; rw::cs .. p e2 ,,, eeni v an io. th . e n a d re s b ... y.th ju rt D rg o .. m d wi t ran. . . • • tricinovAi., P ALMER, HANNA 00. have reerimre4 their EXA..I. Odtesyo nanh west eirpter of Wood sad Tairi irtrcou. FP4 1 , fi, : . ; 't•,• ; , • ..... - • . __. 11, , • _ _ • -..:::::::-_-,, —.-- , :3'. - ...... - ' - :_ , . 2.f.;', - LI 7_7:2' ".... - 1::_i•- - :::: - .1.1 - ..";..-Ta._.... ..___7__...;:_._._,_ --- --•- — ~,,.„ ~ ---- - -- . ._ ..,„ „ 1 , . .. I . • I i , V, . I , ~ • 1•• .I.' .....- . -.. . , . , 1..••••'?•••• , '* --- '1''''''' . . 1...., 4 :-'• . . 1 . - .. ' '• , . ' ' ' '''' ' • .•• 1::,--l z : - . ... .• ,-.. .. „., , _ . ...., , t. : . 1,1•.,:• .. -r...; 'fi< -, } -,.. 4. . i - -;" .:-.1 .", a '. , I : .;:,.. „,.,-. 1: ~,,., ,y t_ ~,,.. ~...:. , .,...) ....„. „..: w , . _ ;,,: c 16 '... ~- ,47., • Pea. .llnekine /bop. HWlGlTTMAN—Minsfactarer ofallkirtibl'oteot . ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa The above weeks bedog now in fall and saceetstal ay: oration. I ant prepared to ascetics Wars with disputh for all kinds of machinery in ay hne, tub tu pickers, spreaders, tads, grinerng marlines, ntliways, draWing frames, speeders, thressils, looms, woolen cards, double or single, for mereliantor country work, muleajocks,te.jslide and band lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, emplane gin. en for gearing tiotorles or mill. at reasonable charge. Rana so‘..Kennedy, Childs A Co, Illacksteek, Bell ACo., Mug, Pennock A. Ca., las. A. Gray. --BENNETT .111. -, BROTHERi QUEEN/MARE bIANUFACITTIRERB, niflubsgbans, [mum Plttabirrekt,i Pa,. Ogee, N. 17 Weir, st,', brume. Afars and Wood, PsUs hr rigs. eNVILL constantly k cep on bead a good aon: mut of Ware; Of our own marinieetere,and uperiorquality. Wboluale and Country Met- chants aro respectfully invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub lic. ECTOrderssent by mallineeomPutled by the each or nod Inference, will ho promptly attended to. rore 111521 A 00A.011 IhILOTOIIY, Air A. WRITE & CO, would respectfully inform NJ.. the public th at they have erected Ono on Lneeek, between Federal and Sandusky streets. y The mallow making and are prepared to receive Order. for every description of vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot's, Ca. roaches., Buggies, Phtmons, he., which from their long experience In the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they bave,they feel confident they are enabled In do work on the meet reaaonable terms with Mew wanting articles In their line. Paying particular attention to the aelecuon of mate rials, and haring smite bet competent workmen, they have no hesimtiou in warranting their wart We therefore ask the attention ofthp public to this matter. N. D. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. WM. D. scar.. _ SCAIVE & ATKIXI4II7 "w"'L mime, arrwarn Woau A. 151.1 n, itrrammart, (NorNTINUE.to mmulketure a ll kinds 'of COPP ER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Alao., Black. =TM Work. Steam Boats bunt to order, Special attention given to ate= best Irma.. !levees bands a finesorment o l'Copper tad Bras. Fiettles,Tin Wan, de. de. Steamboat Cooklnglitovea, Portable Forges, various esea—a gent convenient ar ticle ter steamboats, California emigrant., or rail road companie.. We mould reVecliolly tame steam boat men and others to calland see our articles and prices before purnh•sing el POW bons. tv:l7 W. 4 J. GLEAN, Book Uto . droto. Mr E or Vrtlc=iird Ne we are prepared to do coy WO* in our line offal dea ole's. "We attend to our work pertionally, and saw. faction will be given in regard to na neatness and do, nobility. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and Wind sob intiatiy. Books in ambers orold books bound caret folly or repaired. Names paten books Is gill letters. Those that hue wort In our line are Invited to call. Prices low. iota:elf tVotko RadYouaArr. P 1771.11011, • JTOM WRIGHT k art prepued ta build Cotton. and Woolen Machinery re ve r e description Inch a. Carding Machines, Spinning -Fearnes, Spcieders, Drawing Frames, Prillevay tirade, Warpert,Spoolers, Berating Franies,Umms, CardCriodere, fie. Wrought Iron Shaftinngg turned; all sires of Can Iron, Follies and Hangers of the Intent putems, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all tinder Castings of every deuription funithed on aeon notice. Panama made' to onion for Mill Geeing, Iron Railing, an. Steam Pipe for bent, IngFactories, Cons Iron 'Window Snob and fury Cass tiortgenerally. Order. toll at the Ward.. of 3. Palmer fr. Ca, Liberty street, will have prompt allen tioß Refer to Blaetetoek. Bell ft Co J. K. Moorehead & Co, G. F. Warner, Jahn Irwin &. S l one, Paul:are] •, G. & C. J. U. Werner, Steubenville: ianth rifAxoel • Til.E.,b"Ze}r:lrx " : !0.0g:..13 I.tygg VC tire Pianos, with and 'asthma Coleman'. celebrated Atolimi Attachment. The above Instruments ate war ranted to he equal to any nimmfactured in this coun try, end Ted! be sold lower thee any brought from the East. F. BLUAIF, No IS) wood at, IN door above Atli N. --fay Soup will be taken at per for a few of he above assortment. myJ F. II Viltstr7TOr TINS is to cell* that I have as; Istwagston, Bonen & Co. Sole Agent, for the sale of Jeanine% Patent Dimmable= niter, far the nil ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOILN GIBSON, Agent, • .evl.; v s • for Walter Id (Ithaca, 349 Broadway, '.:`• N. VS We have eentn ° na eLl' " one a of theabove unities st Stu once of the Novelty Works for three mouths, Oh trial, and feel perfectly sahafied that it welltl iavesitinn, and we take pleware in reconnaeueling them as a use fat article to all who love pure ivater Orders will ha thankfully received and promptly executed. octi9 LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN & Co TI AII£OMET£II• • • _ m: attention of die Dubuc ta,.respettlady tolled to T the follearing eartifieateilt ls. S.. Earres—linving tined a quantlry of Geld tirelabed by year Arc:metal., Ifir.d. the remit pros. your inatrament COTTCC4 and reeonunend the nee of at to thoae going to Cartfornia. as the beet method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Reap. yenta, J.B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Ihnatrargh, March 1,1E41. Per Mammy March 1,1942. Ma Ealrlte—Dear Sim Having examined the "Arco. meter," maw:ties:tonal at your room., I do not hentate to commend it to dte use of tho.o gentlemen who am about removing to California in search of Gold. It Macs a oboe upproxime deooo the apecifie grail ty of mends, and and certainly enable the adventoret to .certain when Inv p It p arer Nang Gold. merit. Voce. ro.OY. J R. NIGLIIV'MftaI NDIA TLIDDIER CLOTIIING—Just recetved fordo, I California Expediunn, a complete assortment et Guni Elaine:Clothing, nt pricey ranging tram Snit , to for sun of coat, and nat. Yor sale at the India Rubber Depot, No C. Wood st. dei"ln J d. II PM I.I_,IPS _ _ -- Sham Belem We7rits tor gals. HB mrbscriber infers for wile, the STEAM BRICK T WORKS,above Lavercammille, compriallia a Strata Engine, Boilers, 6 Moak/ Machitie, capable of mantifsclunng IMAM. Pressed Wicks (out of dnp clay; as taken from the baink,l per dry; with three •aeres of land on the Alietgheny neer, on which are 4 Mhos and sbedm machine and elay virlicelbrrrowa trucks, shovels, spades, ice., every Ming requiliie •to com mence operations at an boars notice. Priem Including the patent right to em said machine, $7,00/—iumas u/ pan made easy. 'Without ihe land, 116,0U0. Foe particular*, address HENRY bIF.RRITT, aus67-dif . No il9 Ifldflongsdiela Mouse. • T""pip heretofore exlsting under the firm of A & C ISRABLNY, is dissolved by the decease ot Mr. C Bradley. The boldness mill be earned oo by A Bradley, Who - arlll settle the business of the lam bra REMOVAL—A RILADIXT has removed his Foundry NVarehousefrom No 112 gueund street, to.No 1D Want *nun, between First and Second streets, to the ware house lately occupied by CI A Berry...hem he onli keep eonstanily on hand st generalmsortmentof Cut- Inge. Braless bloom, Cooking Nieves. he. WI3 . . . 'FRE eo-pannennup heretofore talatlng between the subscribers. In the name of Conitabie, Burke is itue day dissolved by mutual consent.. Messrs. Mirka & Borne. iontwittle the business of thaeoneem, for which patpose they are authorized to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL COMer&BLE, 11-10111 LIND BURICE. THOMAS BARNES. The Undersigned hate this day usociated themselven In the name of BURKE & BARN 6.4. for the purpose of re.rdacturing Fire Proof Safer, Vann Doors, to. te_.., at the stand of Jae late lint of Constable, Burke *Co, where they will be pleased to receive the patron. ego of the euatorners of that house and their friends. EDNII/T1 nun Kr., - THOMAB BLIINES. In retiring from the firm of 0/imitable, Barka & Co., I With sincere pleasure recommend Meters. Burke & Barney to the confidence eau ft leads and the public. Feb. 0, 1840. NATHANIEL CONOTAULE. tel,l3.drf Co ARTIVTU.NO'S HA"Mt frtite'tbe Beaten Mies, and 1 receiving a leap variety of seasonable Goode, to which be retpeethilly Invites the inflection of march anis and prniara No 84 Wood at ' (chit Wrought and Cast Isom It.lltast. T=bombers beg leave to inform the public that 1. they hive obtained from the Ram ill the late and fashionable designs for Iron nulling, both for houses and cemeteries. Parsons wishing- to procure hand some pillteril• will please call and examine, and judge forthemselves. Raging will be famished at the Short t notice , and In the beet manner, at . the,corner m Craig and Rebecca %tree% Allegheny city: , aerm-dif A. LAMONT IL KNOX.- ECONOMY CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, d SATIN 14 , Env, received on _consignment. ba d solo A U e ware house, m manufacture eller., by brae lIFIISNS FLEMING &CD Joart LYONS, NO. y STATE STREET. BOSTON,. • Ageru foe Muss ernerdierovery of •Praperty rn Bughtrul. HAVM; spent nearly • year in the various Re cord Otfces, National Library, /se, daring Mr late visit to England, Investigating claims (or persona In oar country,' and having sneered efficient and re• sporuable Agents in Landon aril' Manchester, ho ra prepared to afford all necessary lefonnation and Menlo permans who seek to recover their property is that country. • ' J. Is keeps a list of the D.A . of F.ngland Dividend whsch may be ern:mined for LO cont., or tai or etch letter of the Alphabet. Ito fermium in Boston: R.F. ADAMS, Notary Public; JAMFA %TEM), r... 9; • . HENRY K. MAY, Ern; •• ' rll-3ln JOHN W. R11)01tWAY0 Esq. , 111 , 001 W 46 CO, tn. 4 Mammon to Id'CorC& Klngj Washle:tattle Ittati•Vee • • • Corner of Wood and Rea smay, ARTICUL auention paid to our-11mnd Trail& I, tientlemon can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our cotabllshatent of the our =mute and woltuluicani, of the Laren 1111.11, and as the Layrier Mrs& :. Countryblerehants, purchasing by wholesalo,.ara respectfully invued to call and examine out Monti as we caa nay whit eonfidence Out and react, it will not suffer Ins ebropulsoli Ninth any none In Phi/adelpikia. - . WIL]LIA)I ID' DF.G9 lease Io Inform bis (decide and onstome tit that j_7o he It Just receiving hi. new 'pries Meek of Goods, eeinprising, as anal, all the nearest and mist fashion• ebbs style. of Cloths. Cegrienertaaancy Vesungs,cot. ton and linen summer Inaba, and every atonic suitable far gentlemen , . wear fur spring and munmer. It being im m p/ade to describe the beauty . , rituality, or quantity of the cook, the proprietor hopes all who aro IlLerata of good, bl ob, fashsouabin land well made clothe., will give blot a all, as there is no stool this aide ol the Allep,itenies that can compare with it, , Tile ready mad. department is very extenniao, laalia all MOM Ball road contractors, coantry merchants, and all ir,no purchase largely, are particulatly invited to cr am Ina the stock Letere parenameg, arrarficaTar at; walla rsis paid to the wholesale barium; in Wit esiabl 'la, Den. Ba err ardcle In the tailoring tins made to Order In the eaglet laahloaabit and best =nu, it tb4r thorult PITTSI - 1711GH; SATURDAY "MORNING, .1171 T ' ,,- .::;1 - N , Sfit - A . N,,F,-_ . LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Initial Life Inintants Company. 1411:. OF rainnirM Rimy= 25.1itt Capital, 9120,000. JAMES .DUII/10 to Co., Agents al 11Oalou16, PA acisan or utairrreN, •z raierom, Wirer maar. James Ho,, Jr. Joseph C. Potts, Presl. Baniarein Fish. 0. A. rerdirsrns, V. P. John A. Weari, pit Morria,SearetruT. Jonathan Fisk, Treasurer. • REFEREE!. mmanamnitt. Hon. James Campbell. Dand H. Whim. A lerander Cammmte. W. J. P. Paha, P. M. NSW Comptrolierof Nola Yost. George Wood. Jnhe P. Mackie' David Dudley Field. I Joseph Hox.:e. Hi. Van. (Joy. HaulmE z•Gey. vetoes. W. L. Dayton, l U_& Bea I 1... an Witdrink, M. C. O. DII.FA V. S. SeA.l Wm. A. NOl.ll. M C. E"°' M. R. YIN.AMINPRS. A. Elttioey Deane, M. D.W.I W. Creganl, at. D. ho Warren st., N. V. hot Walnut It., Plt Wth.llPti Norm:4l4.lk, 11. P. Bell, Itl. D., George McCook, Al. D., 1 Allegkaay city, Pa., Pittsburgh. Pa 1 Tho Agetts of this Comaanr, at Pittsbanb• 100 00 . thotleed to 'take every first elites risk on Ufa at a ITLlCellini OF IlrEnT-IrtrE ram Cont. from tit , anal rates of premium, as charged by other P.ttlP2.l)i". A man 30 year" of age. taking &Policy ef lama Moen for One Thousand Dollars' • • • • • • • To ran for one year, pays only . doseven . do li fetime ,^ And In the same proportion for any seiblup to Sl4ro,ialuoh in los extent takes on any Ono h. , This Co, any commenced operadoni on the let October, 1-nil, and Its monthly tinniness to the lit . October, UM, shows a progress ascuonto that of f "loethi; t VlrvoidCeonTi poanyproong ts "'•: The be. declared Co the nssared on the let Jiwaary.lBso. Pamphlets containing the various tables el' ; rates; and all the neeentry information on the hationant sehiect of Ufa Awnirancei will he faralshca cation to JAhlEts DUIIINO it CO., AireinA dolt Odoon FIRE LMICTILAHOE. TIRE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN BURANCE COMPANY will issue Policies 'of Inroninee against Lone or Darwin oy Pun upon Ihnillion and Furniture, Store., Goods, Ae, An, on application to JANIEBDURNO CO., Ago , ta, dol? Odeon Dutliiinuk ==! PRE DRLAWRRE MUTUA SAFETY INSO- L RANCE,COMPANT.—Ciffiee North Room of the. Rachman, Third sneer. Philadelpeia. Fins Inscraancx—Dirildlnga, hferchandiae and other property, in Town and Country, Insured against lam or damage.by iiire,at the lowest rite of premium. Moma, laspiemtme—They also IneuraVesee le, Car goesi and Freights, foreign or cauterise, underolmo or special policies, as the counted may dem, Inane Talturorramos.—They also lemur, march and'an transported by Wagons, Rail Road Can, Canal , Doom and Steam Beats, on avers and lam, on the most liberal term. • DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Real. Edmund A. Reader, John C Davis, Retest Hatton, John R Penrose. Sam a.. el Edwards, Geo 0 Leleer, Edward Dsrlingson. Isaac SI Davis, Win Falwell, John Newlin. Dr It )Masten, Jae 0 Hand, Theophilas ?melding, U Janes thwees, Henry Sloan, Huh Craw, George Serrill, Ape t Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J 0 /chews, Wen MY, Dr Timms.. Jobe Sellers. Win Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBUROII—D T Morgan, Haab Crate, John 'T IlAfran: WILLIAM MARTIN, President. !Irma. S. NOVDOLZ, Sony. fig. - Ogles of the Compaq. No. 411 Water street, Fittsheren. 'Tient:B.lf P. A. MADEIRA. Art. LIM. wad Ilealtlt imauraeatete 11111 H Mutual Llfe mid Desalt Insurance Company 1 of Philadelphia, Intiorporated by the Ideals!algae of Penner..., Nara, INS. Char. 'perpetual- Capital, 5100,14/0. Rama tow. nun Aar YrZnerb ve.Ste Coatrater, and full m per cent lower than the meal rows of Life Insurance, as the following.. pariaon will show: Thus, a pereau of the ace of 30 tu toring for SIMI for lee, eliee pay in the Girard 31,36 Pennsylvania, airM, Penn blatant, Pid.:l4; Equitable, 114,011 New Ermlend,l44,2tq New York We. 043 r., Al bion,3l,4A Life arid Walter Philadetplattatnl, Dotrevonv—Samuel D. Owlet, Charles D. If., W. F. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Ildyes, kl. hf. Reeve, M. 13, Chas. 0. LI Campbell, LesitsCooner,l. ROdinaallarker,E.lll. Butler. 44000 R. Cope. Prerideut—Samnel D. Orrick; Vico Preet dent—Robt. P. King`, Secretory—Francts 131nekbarne. app./mans will bo received, and every itiormellon given by • Stall,. FAIINESTOCK. deb ' Mice, Commerold Rooms. corner or Wood and Thad ets, Pitinhurgh FINE AND fIAILINIC INSURANCE,. rpm: INSURANCE CO. of. North Americ a will 'nuke permanent and limited Insurance on pro pcny In thin city and vie...T. end en shiplatiro br Canal, /Leen, Lat., and by Sea. The oropertlee M this Comny are wen invented, and term arrovall able fund for p the ample indemnity of all persona who desire be be protected by neneuwo. beylb WM.Y.ZONES, Am. 44 Witter at 1111ALTil 19;IIli. NCR, at rstu.be.gb.. The Spring. Carden llealth Instance Co, OF FILLADELPIII/I--OAPITAL 5100,(0), litI.9URES Male" and lAnnalen against the Itspenim and Loss occasioned by Kicks,. or Accident, by an Immediate allowanne of from 161 to Ed pet week, Cue one, tern, there, arbor years. The method of claming this Insurance. and the manner of nwording the sick iiitimirancp, will be folly .explained by the Aanntd MIME A pitmen can menta actinso ttlekneca or Accident which will detain dire from his ordinary business, am foliotra, vin _Ear ere year, by raying 114.2 r, and terrier 03 V week. For Mire " 7.,6, " 6 For (our " Or . , fora period of four yen., the mini of 014,40 paid nasally, will encore ed per reek while inch. Fiery necessary informatien will be adorned an the abide. of Insaranee'reneralty, by JAMESDURNO fX), Aran% Aran Sirs and flaring ln.nramce. rill*: °Friel?, of W. losurante Company of Noah Atnetien, hos been removed to No. 14 Frobt at coml.(,bond. Tec subscriber, anent for the those old and ...pots. ebb, Company, Ofid totoo POliele• on tlO 11.11115 s and their nontanth and on ohipmnras of Marchand= by B.= Boats and other vessels. ap3 The Pe sanvylvenele Company For I Me .noon LIVILI Mtn Gunnnu A he =hr. rpm; lirat Lire Inearanut Company In the U. Slims. Incerpnrited M,reh len Inil—eba , ter' perpetual. Capital O.:A(4OOO—AD prsid in. Ravine autbonsed the undersid to receive *PPR. a a li ens (Or InVatanee, on which po gne lieint will be lined, according to their proposals and ewe, widen ha node known to ephfiethis la hi. office, No. till Wood meetO .rn (/FA) COCIIRAN. PITTBDURGLI PISPIAI.N. INSTITUT); B E Second Station elate Insitagert. ander the T hare ortdr. and Wt. Goanome, (yo the present atademia yearowill commence an this day, Monday, Fcbraary tmh, in the tame building., No. 64 Liberty Arrangements have been made by Willa they wilonyl Doable to furnish youn lodic& facilities eq to In the West, for obtosnin g g & thorough English, oal Clmml cal, and Ornamental education. full course of rh. end Chemical Lectures will be dalirered daring the winter, illustrated by apparent...! The do pillnlZlGlllSof Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Ltingnages, Drawing mid Punting, will each be under the care of a competent Professor. By Close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pt. pils, the Principals hope to went &condonation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto ctdoyed. For t.mi.trarai.,dr apply to the Principals. .11ERSEY FLETEING,Si.Ca; • HAVE V FROM TRF. MM.:UP/LC . . - ERN MANUFA • Whits Flaamels, oil Wool. Red • do do Yellow do Dimon do 'do . . • Mack Salient.. Stool teuzed do Black Conan,. Fancy do Faller Tweed. • Roper Black Broad Cloth. Buper,Broorn do Super Green do Bader Twilled do Super Black Doe Bklor Super Drab Cuhracre. Soper Omura • do bo per Black do - Oalltontla Blanket. Scarlet ' do Bide do Drab do • -• Main Pugging. Brown 1.411t5; At the htenufaemters , Pittsburgh N' 6. io BOOTS. Si 50 ricer manufacturing a bcoOttM I SUMMER BOOT, of good materials and work• mnnsolp, at toe 0507 U' D W AMINE No 6 Market it, second door from Water IL apl342ra 'Tribune cony) NOTICE. THE underaigned having pureluned orG. A. Bay nett. the SW= Saw NO on the Allegheny River. above the Amen!, axe now prepared to bit all MI. of Inlllbtf of any'rlea and Itnntb, Neuf GU it.Ocuntwarda. Boat biding, Deck oar nice, John, e endilleg*, Truntuer., Ltonat, ac., an the rhunan action. lambs coustanly on hand. Order. recatved nod. any Infonn• anon given by ,01, Illlghttuan, corner of %%atm. and Liberty street% or. II Noniron, No 100 Liberty street, and at the taco alba rei .1, atplo4.laa • WRIIITMAN it MORRISON WALL eahrently TV New It e N v eati t lTltthtil ln ., M :in ::: u f r rOn ' t a grricT agertetts,tht wett't MOP{ tpprowd Killen of PA. Pqr littethrhilitgether with Owiters,:tira boon Priors, Ltd Testa Tops: For cola itt es wood 11, be tween roarthWhod Diamond allOt t iwittPwor 0 10114 , a • . ' ree'd per' steasoei ft/1 61,16 We .Athii—d basis. , A 7. and for axially the battel or single pounil at the Drug d . Seed. and ,rerfumery Warehoste, C 117110! of Sixth and WoodAreeta. WICKEIL3IIAAL asi „. atotipiitio - p.t.na Soda Ash. 4ilA CASKS of the above celebrated brand and LI'S bleb mat t direct from the mutafeetarevm casks noel Oa toe way from New °plea. , and ex pected here this meek ; and 314 will shortly_ arrive la Daltimere per chip. /Galata, Chesapeake, Dame.. one, ana Albrts, widen will be sold on armed, Id the lowest market piles foreash or approved bill, W & MITCH ELTREE, apt, • • No VW I.lh.hrty . lIILIVIES. - A Lt.perogui.liarisurharabon pat pa, their hoodoo, Pa conforrthty to O. rowlation or Coaneil., Vestst.she Booms nr did Board or Trade; mood m . larTrier of Wand sod Third ida. endpa • y foe the same. SLIAInt.L raHNEEITOmiC Ale".cant pnooramwrzoN! , . Rcrow ell men web° ate sick and eflieted with dia. ease of the bladder end annals, with rheuntile pants In back or loch., suffieints, old .rat, lAbSnad Matra. an. that they can be cured by Ming tg , r e . voleetet Yon may talk about Ms b e i ng rIOR ttl as much tut yen please, but this doe* not make Deo, for am proclaim In the face of en booest cOulmoodlYi that has virtues which ore not conned ta any other m n m g from di s tant wano I. rAft ke , d enws.hPatl r e lief fr m m Roy of the ills ennumemlad above. Deader! it eon very little to make atrial. This Petroleamni no wile. tare—no enpond, pat as for the Pioreole Of imposing on the community; bat It is • remedy elaborated by the muter band of roman., and babbles up from the he. ante ague mother earth In its original vita), and of fen to suffering hataant y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap care. It has cared Ptlea after other' rmq IMAMS have failed to ren der any relief. Dims eared Elteammlem of lone standing, and strike worst and men palatal diameter. It has eared Cholera birches by one or two dean. ; it has eared old eater of noun., 10 'Mehl 0701 7 nu' 77 remedy boa been of act avail. As a local remedy In I barns and meld., it la better than any medical cam- ETVs o " r Tro L' a ur ted n ke h t a , lo w a ' rwowapOprlle lt Will nuon'Tocabbitt ed testimony non be (crotched of the truth conmined in the above statement bycalling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Baste, 7th ntrnen anther ar the agents geyser A. McDowell, corner of Wood Street and Vismn E. Sellers, S 7 Wood strew, A E liot t D, M. Carry, Allegheny city, net the agent. nanD A en YRICIAIVS •VESTIIIOSiVe "I HAVE FOUND NOTHING TO cpum. THEM . " Ittecutme., Va., March ft, AXE ft E. SELLERS-1 hare dwposed at all the IY/ Cough Steep and [Aver Pills yen sent me, and IS dos of the Verntifuge. I have weed all your Family Hammes m my family, and have sire prescribed them In say pmencel 1 am very manni planted '.oth them, and hove Atind nothing to equal them. Kord me o doe of your Vet - mirage, and tO don rank el the Liget nil. and Rough Syenp. Respectfully ;Wars, [F.rtrart of Leiter.; T. T. lacantas 'nose highly polluter medicines spay be had of the proprietor. R E SELLERS. 57 Wood at, and Druggists Eparidlijathe two cities and vicinity_. 4.0 PAUSE{ AND READ t The moot Imp.. cant Mee on new crd t—thant Tanned y tdroaa Plllesit R.D. o P. BROWN'S eelubrated Eater.] .Ameli. D eon Remedy for the Plles, has already proved inter to be - the only sure core ever presented to the pablie. Since the discovery of that yaleable end the large number Of entente cmses with winch. Dr. Drown has treated, no one has tailed to be entirely . cured. Untike the many boating balms extant, after months and yens of experhinentalisigg, hat too often lan the pourer where they eemmeneekar worn: bur Lltelln few days will decide die can by effeetier a perfect en. FrtLOW CITIZEN", I aim!' not erter into a lebotcd or gement to prove my medicine. I introduce It span lie own taunts. bylts Oren I intend It shall stand or fall. If you prefer that loathsome disease, the PILES, to the Tales °La few dollars, 1 rest the case with yea. DR. D BROWN, , 52 Lloyd alien, Detrain, N.Y. Sold wholesale and retail by R E SELLERS nave 1 57 Wood st LA (41.1AILT iLIOTTLES ►Oll TEI 52211(170.. WED MlllitAlfra cm 01 ALVD157417/ IMM!EiIEMgM Serailln or Meg, Evii, Rheentathan, iutdn.t. Cana. Etepouns, Pimple. or Pe-talnon the Face, lllnches, Chmoic Sore Ryes, Ring Worm or Toter, Scold Dead, Enlargement and Pain at the linen and Jointe;:itebttorn Ulcers, Syptult le Sympoone Sciatica nr Ikrteliego,--ced dinette, name Mize ae iniudtelotie use of Merry,; kn. tater or Dropsy, Exposure or Impredenen an Loci !Un--Chrome Canna t enamel Disorder., hr. TMa medwine hr. tacquited area extended and• emblialacd tepatation wherever, It has Been used, lased entirely on, it. own merits, which ii. enpellor effiskel ha. tatotatisuelatned. The enformene onkel torrelliterrdiamsc, with enrollee 'Sande, contreeted sinews, and hones half canon, has bent restored to health and Tiger. The aecrofetom pante, covered with Alen., Imenannoc to home( end his ettendeela has been meat whole. Hundreds of ream., echo hid groaned hopelessly fur year. Miner ruin:Ton end glandular Casordere, chronic rheumatism, end meaty other eompletate springing from a denotement of the secretive menu and teeeireulatann, have been raised as at were worn tne rack of diaense, ond.aow, wok regenerated constatudon, gindlY testify to the efficacy of Ike locsomatale prepwation. 'TRUE IS STRANGER !ILAN FICTION"' The at:cation of the reader is milted to the following aro, fishing cure, effected by the sire of Sands . Mersa ^TM.. It to certif. that I have ocolorvd woman who has been anilned for the lash Ova ~c.ufule, anal sill the remedies I used had um "reed in ormsung the planters at the complaint; an the ontrary, the rann...ly grew worse, rod after cm - moiling brush. pip end IN, with physicians, Itandes hung other popular romethea Vsiihnul or the ninsase had mitt away the earldoms or her nose, made it* ap pearance on nib.... pubs of r ooth dy, and had Dually commenced ltsraVnge, In tin oot of her mouth "Jo this dreadful situation, With the prospect dela stanng her to Me face, I stated her rare. to Dr Dirmway, ithent for blinds' Dimmpardla tkNese• barn, N.C. by whom Items adneed to use tha tonkle, and to My vorprise and that of mjninglihots, Whom her cane wan known, alter using four and a hala s hat tine the was Icel.:bed to pmfact health, wad that In the of three weeks, and was Able to wort W two weeks from the time rho commenced taking it. "In winners of the tenth of this Mamma. f have hamlet." alttind soy name, this IhthdarofNemtember, 1647. JOSEPH MeeNTITI,II. . Jr.. "Mouth 0. Neuss. River, ILYttven ca. N C. 11312E1=1 Tile following is an extract iron a truer received mu Mrs. Uevari woo had teen aillicred several year, iIL &tofulour Ulcer% Dysprisia, he., and feeently alleedon of the throat and chest:— •Ilmharssmie, Vu., Dee 13. "Noun. A. U. &Al Samoa—Selma 1 commenced using your San•perille, my sufferings were almost past exprerition; mythrom was completely oleirated, I had a dreadful that ish, and dime • wens frequently. weeks tosether that I could wat speak .c o re ••whis per, and timldes,lbnflarmandon from my thrum ex tended to my head, so that nay hearing arm very mach iniptred. After taking the Banapaeutaa ahem time, ray health was improved, and My threat to now well; I am as (ma f,rea cough and Sabine. of the cheat as ever 1 war, and ten hear quite ihrainetlr. My throat has been well about three monthi, the cure by which Lai been effected entirely b 7 thi nor of your ER"e parilla Vicar friend, LOUISA 11. ' Ito inflaming wan:Walla to the vidne of the darn rarilia,ls from the Hey Luther Wrlcbt, aged 714crirs, Clougragadonal Pdinlater, feuding at liketrarn. ' Wriscar,lllass., Slam h :10,18464.71. "Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, rem what I hare so. perienced, Lad from the information I have reccauT tithved from a numb year rmas of high respecsa. er who have used Sarsaparilla, I have not the lout drulln bet that It is • moat raleable medicine, and that the Inunerous cartifiutee you hare renewe d of Its efficacy are fully sustained: by experience, and although its mrcitanort and lenity are very extensive, and stand in no need of ray hatable efforts to no:lmm them,l weal all who are aillicted by &seams to be come acqumated with the efficaey turd poiver of your valuable medicine. a HALE, URF.RA, AND AT EAST UILERB, PRIDkS: • B I Blue Deminr _ C Ferry ononaden; airsire offered at Factory price. Ham Leagaa Stifling. • Cheeks and Stripes, Xer7 henry goods. Tailor. , Goads.' • Red Padding, saperdig Vest Padding. Ilacktitaii TellorgCsits ass, heavy do ; Brown Linen.,Silleitda Drab Berge, bl ack do s . and worsts*, ; • Blank and White Tape; Illaek.Tadsli Drab dos. • Linea Cheats and'Drldi;' Stuart'. 0 cord NO Cotton; do Lined, Thread, a paperior Silk trigared 'Vestin.; Bizet coda ado' Mown Holland Sala Bilks; Batton, Cravat., k a., die. arehonsa, No 127 Wood • . am, gentlemen, gratefully end very rerreethlly Ynieu, LUTIIKIL NGIUIITR . . Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail. by A. D. S. a SANDS, Druggists and (temma. Ille Fulton street, corner of Willi s ., New:Yell. Sold also by Drug gists generally throughout the United States sad Can ada_ Price SI per tittie; six bottles teens. For sale by a WILCOX,Jr., S, A...-FAIINESTOCK and LI/WARD FMOIOIIOII, Pittsburgh: Al.At ytt:bvti,. N gmrni Ittitte , anotrl loNt4-.100541r ve ' • —7— SLEDIOVAL. CtIURCIL CAIWEILES£I.& CO. have removed to ii , roo7. Water at, between Wood & Aleraeb Is the house formerly occuPled by. lardy, /ones & Co, , ap7.3m IC7IRIS ProoPPatur, Or astiaciul slate Just received. Ste Tee ohmic rain! we have had- In sin for five ears, and we- can' confidently recommend It to the y poblie;for anduse. as Tr perfect Eire and water proof paint, and to stand the action of the atmombere wohou glatag.. For sole by . Co II PHILLIPS' ..seta _ __ _7ha Wood at *AAA GAIL kfANUFACTUREII. O% CAST STELL, end Nol WI and N 0.2 AllteliC1111:1111ilne Seel. Alto--dkti to Steel Filet; of all alrerf and CT:Reboil% and Shoe Kulp., always on heed and far sale,dither at A le ' , Oa: ale Steel Wetka,” 011ara ttte.G.Flith Ward, nn at the oaten in toe Iron .Storo ot•dIOLLAIANS Cr. GA Rltl- SON. No Wool of Wood siren, PALO/urge. isar4dln. We tho undersigned, baying awe-J, with entire pno islatdon, the (hot Steel nod Eitel. math! by Sesunel AIM( cies', at hit tegle Steel Work., in this clty,take pleases-ITO weinurneuding them as equal In quality to any ever used by to., of foreinnbsufacturo. Pttubetsb, blends la. Ii • MattufaCtntera of Iron and liens, rittsberr,b; Pet. . XNAPP tclIfCll.lV., Iron Fotteden'and'llderhinlatr, Plncliorgh, Pa. CriLi;MAN, IluultelAN A yin,' • INLI3III9ZILITIL of Epupos, Alter, Poring Ste"' anal . Hanel, Pttuburrh, Pa. Engine Belida'. and Mdchlue Card Muttufens- fors, Pittsheraii; A N Bras. Founder, Pittsburgb,l'e. • •• • • aI I,UItAFP hilidAY STS, Manufectuteni of Iron and Nail. Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPIITONUANnUN, Locomotive reiglnc and dhip Builder. Pittkiinerh, ' W W WAI,LACre • . Marble Manufacturer, Machine On it Engine Build• gran or, Pittatinni/h, Pa Ells 161.11••• TIIE•PIIMnIrRILOOLICInfinn Company now Kee to Ine stabile then' l'renoluin Chrtuteel:Store Polish; and sun/toot egagger•lion, Of roar of conkradtletunhhy thous who bare tested It, pronounce' it fur auperlor to S OY ou t er in' the market., The consemerriced hese no apprehensions of willing enrpets, AL, LS Ira-mom.f inal fi nt p erc ents a duel from arising When twang ap., piled, schlch must he done when the Store It end , quantity required is rd little to produce, n.brau• tiful Inane. A swung Glower tiny per cent to Insured to tins coneununn. A tu conigapplied to storee, Pipes, Ac., when laid waray (oh the mentor, lea euteppre wentathra agatriss.reW , :After Paring. tied it once, (((it is acceasiblel no pnrsori .ussi- soy 1;?. the' Pnahlx blanclactuttng Conipwlyie Premium lekteant cal Sine Polish. , Pot mashy - • L .. • ; IS • • wit . Comer OW4I Ong W.5.<4 Attcsl4.. MEDICAL.' MGM= ;~N2A~fa i,L i i t 75: ;.' ~:SAMET, } 4.IN ,N 1104tgo OA,. 4; go NTWarriVaVer6ll, l X,t'%: l t Y hii a nrCrpa .. 71,9 eabseribera have • fitted lino store at No. £3ll tilierlY 84mi:in a - stilesptriet to any of the Med in •Prltstialgti,where thew will always hays a tare as sorting= cf.fino .Gresexics, -and supsrior7 Teas. to which they resneeltallylnVito the 'attention et the pub lic... • Of every article, they will.. endeavor to Omen the beat of Its kind, and, confideolly recommend their Tr as not to lueiniireldiesoe swat= In the el- Tkei 4iiil'eoll ' iprlseCruy . end Black Teas of all kind*. from 27ki emu; t0'111,150 per pond. cyd• . •.• ers o 4 grade. - LOVerinli a ituirara,l4al; Cee.lred end Palen?lied: 9iett yrult,agne Hen.* and - N. 0. blotasten Cure °lowa, Erotica Wrote. .iaad Ppiees, Ketcham Eiaenees, Bader Cared llama and Beer, Fishoften kinds, Ppertni tird'and iWbale Aloeld, hperm sui4 Was Candles i joeether with ma may MiitieS which eonil not heretofor e be had in Pitts. oureh, and wie!. Bete would rail to enumerate. the eriMrGond • derieeved Irmo( charge In every pall of mde, . . _ Pollen .101/rd on mon reasonable terms. • WM..% meqLutto Co, mil . No. 2I Liberty .greet. • bovn Wood. i. trmalattri.3.,en.]lA. worreneake, . WtSTERVELT & SON. gpio*ri VINITIAN 111.1,0) kr/RT:RS. VT keeprmonantly en hand or make toorder the hest artielelnlheir line, nt their old remit, No. 1J St. Clair street; aim. oi,hlq.eo Slat ket tweet, accord st ory , entrance' in the'DlAinond.' Veritinn Shutter* mad e order. and rdd Illierie heath repotted. ' Dela TO fignetben. anm WOOCII*Iff. Myreheliets. DOUSIik.LIS- PREMIUM .PERFUMERY.— The LL subscriber respectfally invites public Intention to exICILIVC stock'of'Perfumery, of 'Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Cocanly, ?GC. to which seven Silver nod two Golden liledals have, the lest six years, been awarded by the Imlitates of Now Wit ; Rostonflnd delphia, the latter being the only Golden &lodate ever awarded for perfumery either la Europe or in this °annul, IL.sisras Urateraudm &ovine COLIC (Almond, Rose, and AMbrusiabi unlvnreally acknowledged to be superior to nay Slava' aciitt lbw culinary or Europe. ()Leonora root Slimline—Deautifully transparent, and possessing highly Sapeneueous and emollient T Saraonaceous Compound; Ambrosial Skov. log.Teblet; Military Shoving Soap. StreitionerTiphyrbtosea—Almiond,Rosa,Mlllegeurs, Bourn. Piatacfilabbfusitd PmehtielY, °Mufti.. Floral- Jog. Transparent, a live il, Windsor, and Grannie. Fdtruers son our fl....linirTeCutur—Rose heroin, Bouquet do Caroline, lieriutiose, Jenny Lind:Mousse. lin; Jockey Club, Magnolia, aematliy, Citronelle Ramo, undranany other vedettes, in' all sixty different perfume. . Weram—Florida. Water, Ean do Toilette Orange Fluke( Wmm. rand a great satiety of Co: lows mid Lavender Watara. - Piterssramons so. Ilste—Genntne Belles Oil, Antique Olt , Benda:lnc, Eat Luatrale. Nein; Com pound Ox !Harrow, flair Dyes, liquid and to powder, mid Philoconi; Ricinlne, and Jenny Lied Pomade. ho st , , , Vrarraearions—ltalsamie Elite, Rose Tooth /fast; OhafraoraL peritalce, °dentine Tooth Paste, rind Tooth Powdir. ,Countries—Vegetable Comic!it Cream, Adimudis• for clapped bands. Cold Ceram of Roses, Cteam de idp Salve, Raipberry Cream, le. plinaloti Powders, fir removing superfluous bait, rf"atlPowlltfi Vids4rd IT.W, Aromatic Vinegar, Victoria ..lair Composition Yresion NO., besides a great variety of other articles, too nomemnia to be mimed in Cm od rinement. : • - *no spbscriber bores to ensintain the reputation which lbw estahliehroptit has acquired, by Mgr. /tang of nothing bet brat rue *metes, and vela hethappy flattish tose who may wish to Pottothee him e Was wholesale ter remit on ha reatonabla terms as soy es tablistment in the United thaw. . . XAVIER Bliccessor to end flier Director of the Lobotomy or EUtiENII HOlhohEL, Mi Chesnut street. Mr. Burin's ?creamery I. fort o ri sit theyninda- PO preen:ono Milne country DISSULUTION 011 PITUTIIIPAISULP. I it , " rot Don busiums, under tine stem, a higwl, Mellor° re Co, was dissolved by In u tuna came dt, on .Ist James .51 1.'1;11 and Henry M'ctrary basin: parehaml irarrvit orwo. W. toe. Inc send firm. The Wollner.. in future will be. contlnned m ail Its heinous branches by the subseripers, under the name. and endo of Marshall t 31one/try, who mitt trite the linsiness onhe sir Ann, caddis whom all persons In debted ore requested to mike prymerd. Warehouse, corner of Wood end Idberty streetn enyo lIEN JASI.I'dI HV 31,1 V 7.11tr.n.1.1 RV,, 41 A UNGLISEIek; lIENNETT. CIROORICo, No '4l. Wood lat.. V V offrrt sato, 120 rigs Y 1. Ilan. 121.1111.0 has M. R. RA sias; aml florlyoorder Teas; 'ma boo clutter Jo; 1251 ms 16 Igo: In do; 11.0 imgo Rio Colon; /6 oasts bob Currants; :Aid bolo NO ilfol.peo; 15 bald 1-1 W. maid :6 hada N 0 Saga , 13 do Anon Nuts; 250 boons atoorted . yite, 15 do .Filberts; Gl AVindom ass; 100 do Pea * Nonic' 40 tito riper; oI o 0 tra Ovellad Almond,: 100 boo boo Root Candy; Ito bid C 111• 1 .144; 5 cases Lictoonwt 7.0011. CoOfisbt 10M nincipee Regnart 50 brie Tornio.' Gil; Cigars: WLltcs Chocotam; 1000 Ball tbonnist; ' 50 del Bed Cultist. - •3 hie Cloves; • ' • - 'locoil. Manilla Rope; cina Nutmees; 20 be, hplerd - Chemolate; •3 retrains Indigic' CO ttrga licpper, .25 eines Lemon liteoPl 5 bac. Alspice; 2; easel Pepper Sauce; WM tam Hernoz; ' 10 cgsei Tomato Cutup; 40 tests Vinegar; Ground Spice.. of ell tint.. at hale. Candlamckt 40 bormis 'powdered and 00 boo Starch; Loaf tenuorp 10 ties Hire; 2 bit. Madder; to tals Chat; 10 bits hnicg; 501 drams rips; 51 woll ctore tot d art a• petrol Nlumtfaicles. TILE TEA MA RKET, Eau side of Ott Diamond, Pittsburgh. rilll V t o ur 4.1Tc0 cesinat 4,e eu bough t mrewhere. .1 Tit no r sbe Tea against 75e. Tea tamable Itowhe Try our 75e. 'ten •painw SI Tea bought elsewhere. Tab very-hest Matt Ten imported, we are wellies m. 2.3 cents per pound Gree. The very best n Tel et SI per pound. We are &widely oppom4 to puffing, instead of which we respentfolly solicit Cotb part eon, a s the best Method of noting who sells the twat and chemmet Tens. 111011.1t15 ft 11.1W011T11 Propnetor. al the Tea Market. 4wrmarAn or Phuborigh I,p4a Imported, ere ueeellinb •icic I , Acir. T . 150 TONS ICE, to arrive in ono lot. for rale/Otero by O'CONNOR, ATIONS & CO ware Coma Darin, farm, et- and W Wt. , Wadding. •- in, - 1 supcitor Woloy, ion weaved from / %/V Inanoneturer, ott Outing:vocal, anti for redo at worn prier, at the otworoctutete astrohootta II'FAc,...ILEMING &CO, • •• India 11.13t.tonr Hoar. JUST ratelocd,.3oo3• llama and 2 plo, of all rises, and far sopartor w loather, for axle by J k II PHILLIPS InavlP• • . • 7 & Wnott.ot. . . I,ls:tt Al INU Tth/LS—A Vompiets agsnruncnt ofThe I.egl quality of Cast Side' limes and Corn Scythes, CALIaI SIOCI•40,& 4 prong Forks, Iva/WIN; Cas Steel Hay liguteg; 10 des an tioaggneck floes, gelfd; 10 doe coalmen do do, for sale tats at the Drag Ind Seed Stone of ft N WICKER:3I4X snaylll lean of Sloth fr Weeks', G ROOERIES-10011.gNili3nr j sr Mr (N pimp. Rio Coe : • 'Mt( eh'. 1' Hymn, various grade, .• - ' 30 .110 Gunpowder and Imp au do Pm.cliong • ' • / • 5, do OottinF • ' 61 caddy. Ina.% 11 Imp& G PP. . el tas 11.5's and d Cis rolmcco . • ' •' 35 middy tarl3lnowig s's do ', .115 boxes titicCl , 50 hits do hf brls &denims , . N o" ini dll 7;i L l l d aotlrl:CF 6 lll ' 4 ' :, l ;:i:ini:t b A y ll '''" ' C II GRANT 011Vnimr on Gowan* Malin PLOW& 0010111211. untlerugned Steve been appointed, ermine in Tl'l.Tattiburg 'Err the sale of Ovaries Marie Fattee's Celestes. Renders mill be sappliectet rennufacterers prices. WPI, A bleCt.l.llt()i CO Irmo In VIA' Liberty st. No 1171 , 11.111; . itiliiiit 0p p y I, Noy Oil, Mastic &NVllito Copal Varnisla 'Enolo , a Nlilboordo. aa.orted of zet l'ilailoanitx,radel, Charcoal allak , Vire calor. in 'kaiale nab., of all kind, •dart mall, and for sale by ' J KIDD& CO Gil Wood 111 troi iii/PPLY , ricil received, or the most approved AlolL wake, andowitatile width. • . DURCLFIELD, mart) ••• • N R eor Fourth k Natter *L. TEA-PRODS EINGLaIIII3. ww.cimnLy the IW. kind of Pelona and Rouen ll%vored Teal that are retailed In the old country u.. and As per lb. can be obtained for 500 and 7.3 a per and nt Tua Ts. M•egii,Vlßl side of. the Diamond, 'Plusbnigh, or at 'Wn A. ie leotth'i Wine Dore, FC4(I2 1 Surat. Allegheny. The dbova Dna CHII. weTone, ' erector through our Digital% Agent. direct Iran tie queen', Banda% Warebottaes, dray free. =Mall TEAS I TUST opened, at ;ha Pitteburgh Family Smeary at . 4 Tot Warehnale, the fallowing so ?mama et Green ani tit tatth Tear— nelong; Macoones Far fine all • lavoronne; Caualao Irotteheer; Nl,oortg I ouneeestary ta, put the nt.ove Trak; ISey epeok tug we soak is. Cale trasl, end we are coniallsot they until 'please botli prfre. . • W:11 A ACCI,VRIII s, CO , • eS , Ll.loene a, Young 11710 n; F.loVozarc do; Extra hoe do dui :Gunpowder. lfl a •:.410 . ) , :ta 5 1 , 4140 0 ;ap , l i t i renandO INCab/na o'4 Lump. Iv hal Jona. te lludann•s 3's Lump; • • bltbas'Rotzeff tellohlob`m LAMM catcall dwarf ban 31yeelt4/ronnan: 4 do 3/ do Tanal44' Nectar L 4, ' • 1 do do do Gold Loaf, XllO ! .r it ' l L eal IV.ItZ ftrfl " in , 71 3 1:3 & 174 Linen) , toyer.. utGARXLIi-N N o I. On AI • do do ' Noll .do do , Nod; fe. PYrtirrolda: 13 51 dn "enamapobte/ Ft llarnanl,lmos; 10 31 do oar; for wen by .0.013 3111,1/E! , l 111CK7341N .3t4,t'fAglo ;T piraft.' brattil, 4 •10 11 4 figli d Tatt. l" al ' rM ' ci k r e 7, cabal, for try • W 1111 311TC1fEl.Ta32: . Lanza) . , Wndidorc~utwidWM •stiablinsta) WA" P * 4-ii l; l l l4 ;:iAtiteti.;t3 ' wayl7 ' Wall'heperiltote,6llll9l.4o.,, DRY GOODS, &G I:Wawa' maid Ilowast $111140.11L, MUMW it 1111JRCIIFIELD have received an •d. ditional supply °rebore 600d2, filen ling various styles of China, Pearl, filbone, and Gono Bennet% While and Colored Gimp do; and Riliboas or all colors •nd nose, 01•07 l'a)t 7 fT.Tm MURPHY wanting attention to itteir very fall assortutenajoat m.31;2, a P illr Block Botneuzinet, Itomiuratne finialt Alpneess, Black Monte de tainet, Mourning Noah 1 Silks, do .. . 'rinted Foulard', • • - Rattans, Tigiines,Elieillui 'Agues, Alhaarneia Plain Mart and Printed Iwang, Mack nntnoidereil do; llnnn.t Ribbanx, Snarfdo, Voila, ho. , • tonal, • aaaaa de Labass AA. MASON a CO bare received, per express. . and nor, opening 30 pet cboice Barer e de Laks. 2S pea Plain Mourning do. I,EciiiveD per express, and els day opening nt I% A A Mason is Ws, 61 Market st: 100 Mode not'd Thies Shawls, ploin embro:dered; Also, e 0 pct Black Oro de Rhise 13i 6 pet do Bann de Chloe; ' do 4 pet Task Satins. amid c UtdblEld COATING-4g ins Cashmere., named 0 colon, et EMU desirable anion for. manner cons, roed, and cos 017.1 , 16 bi A A MASON 4. CO - mayl9 - .1 • 1" I ti tillAWitkupcnor high colored Thibet nails ii, comprising Comma, Orange; Pint, Blom •nd Cam colarsd, just reversing per cypress, cad rho gay opening by A A MASON is CO mole Mi Marker 2()L' k i ltr e ed k. Tges i ,lee.ld .Fi rr uk r . erproo. a .L . e PTZ, %ping by mayl7 A A MASON & n • ' — Mick Dallas AA: MASON &CO aro dim dal opening 1 0 P . c. , • . 27 inch Blank Oro de Rhine Silk; 10 pea .7u 11.0. do; 100 es 31 inch do; @pea 34 Inch do; Ond 4 piece.. 36 inch dn. ensylo Weren Ilandk4rebtoth 400 dot Ladies. Won Cambrio Ifilkf.olll prices; ISO clic Gents' • do do do • do colored borders; A A MASON & cO 02 Market st. • • 25 des do do Received this day by ma 10 CA l ll . lgg..T . LINEN L 'HT tt Z pevei Me extreme loceirs . keaa j e r lx;ard. meyth Irish an& Drawls Linens. SW pee 3-4 ay's Bar end Mapes 44 Brown Linens; 130 pee Grkley's, gnii Alexander's superior Irish Linea', now opening by magi° A A MASON & CO Fresh Arrival of Dry Goode. WE are now receiving lergoaddatione to., stook TY of Spying and Porruner Dry Goods, and are pre pared to akar ea excellent awornaent at our tarsal low pricer for each, or oPP..re , erediL . •ttentlon of VIC Zlefll 02.1C111 If partlealavy re• guested to our goods, as we fee! abandon; of burg able to offer anutual le:dot:mm.ls to make a bill with as. Cell and examine at any rate. - SLIACELETT A WHITE, Wein 101 Wood street. riTSGTGarrrairNS--60 pee Gln6haet Lawns Just received, end now selllne at De yery low prico of lei eau. per yard, by A A MASON & to LO INS & DASD:6E4-100 pee Parts Prlnticl lltroges, tenon styles; 23 pet da at per yard Glu pee riot, Deleted blasting, all es:Willett 1.1.0 pteeel Got co l ored Muslim at 80 per yard, A now openin CO tneylo A MASON & C. YEAGER, - - - AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS; HOSIN.IIV, RIBBONS. LACE S, GLOVES. THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS, Etc. Al.. Satin and Panay Pasting*, BLACK JND,PANCY SILK CRAVATS, NNGEE BANDANNA, and LINEN lIDKFS, o general co sartra of PANS, and cam 'minty Of Innuadna, anal GOODS—We aro roar 'recovering a very r large and Goo wont:omit of Spring and Summer Goods. o largo portion of which have leen purchased eta great reduction from the prices brought by the same denriptlons of goods 121 the early pats of tho oratory or that In almost every kind of goods we win be rumbled to oter Great Balplinfl to Cash Beyer.. whom we would respectfully invite ie toll at ho bfr Market at, north welt corner Of the Diamond. rosvlS -• ALEX ANDEIt fr. DAN M U th a err i tee r atd n on U p ß gMc b o= tftnp7lftV. v ani offer their bends and buyen retteisdir Ire choice ttssorMtent to tetect from. . at. fitriled to look Itt al the wkplesafe rrnmi of w . A MuMby, up Malty, where • Oral aupj ply Mws inho been rcevred, and urend kind• of gods can be sold nt lawcr prlnca Mira OdraL rnyl3 .. - A. MASON & th, el market at, mit DOR OP< O il • ing choice MO Gored Ihmeger,Tismes; 31aw. Lawns t.a.,n ., ll .l l.l m re u d . eLe: pr k± l . myld • Mllic, by opened by A A AttAV:v., -. mold • . Bargain. Ina Fenlard t ladies I;liitsb UEI'ITV d: IL U a n tsz e d i lts, D a i tte t iv a r ri l ee . e i tl Bile per Tad; arse, roper do. at t e e s; a Nara Bilk, neat Wads , at reduced tutees; and a large as sortment of I .IMIEGES &GRENADINES...ad Ladle. , Vas Good. generally, of newest styles, at earth eat corner of Fount, and Market sta. mayli B&BCHFIELD, at nottih 'east cornet IVL of Fourth and Market eta, have just received a surpl y ofeztra fine Irikh Livens, waranted part:rasa; to whet, that invite the atom:lon of dealer. [161W_.5 Fancy Casein:taro.. ' INURFSIY tr. BI , RUIIFIELD have jail abetted an WI. assortment of Fancy Cassinterea-adapted for genhemen's summer wear. Also, super French Broad c!ollis; Satin end nasty Venue e ; sjoen, Cambric, and Salt l'oet•t Ilandterehk(e Fancy Gnaws Casaba& and linbfeached Conon Hosiery; lii mad Lige Gloves; Silk, Cotton, k Marine Unstershitts; all at loss yeses for quality. . scayttb • DftIIEGIE DE TAINS CASES plain and figured Barricade Liras, swan , ed colurroarl received, and telling M vett low ' casyt.3 A A MASON A.,CO 9 CASES. fast sedated Lawus received susd now, sv , opettlag,scilin ar the .I.ITIZA lowpriee of BCu per yard.' may= A A MASON & CO . A . 3 .71171t".."4:4 Ok 6 I"I7VW:L'AV r 2 Markel si.. PxuAt I: ° Ps r ett U ery ' lte kind e t 4 ") ts rta U n ° g ?lift v J, flavored rut* that are cold In the uld G unte r . five ,billlne• per poond can be obtained for :Se pe of terySo HORRId & HAWORTH • LOST. been A. Ttr l te r d 'r i t :Vo 2 o l .7 " .. t ir ' ee ' .. t., l" n " trtnro d t to Bll " Peer!. Wareoeure. The under swill be reworded on returning tiles to the owner, No. 20 Wood street. RNA, • • BeLLNS-11 barrels fa sale by J SCIItriINSIAKER & CO may 9. 7 1 . 1 6111.:— . 45 brit:superior riluburgb Glob for asl;by %_T lneirld • UGAII—t I btils N prime quallor, an Core la and for sale by J(IIN PARKER NCO may S ly 5 Cornracrclal row. I.lhcry NI MO - CA — S--170 Cris a U lilula.re• ' a oak ortis, for rate by misylt JOHN PAR KER lc CO • Lunpatweic—a) 17i 77- 7 mo,ut JOHN PARKER k CO Mittl• Burlap. for Utsal fin Ll p 6 111.11tt.alFIELD bar< reeel•od nu. ply,ot abavo good*, +cluck they Offer loor whole sale nod root% BLOOK k..niGn, Mall bon, meet,. ed. and for tale by s N WicKERSIAIII Cor Wood 6 rtlxib st. • AIR BALLS— An asormen4olcmn tala bo n,#l 117f i i 101r.t.LI erALL24-1 moo assoriinizes, faiisale Az by mnoJ .J a II P MUM pp 11A / 1-1V bd, °°"'"VilleirLeitKv A CA HE"...1; "'"'°-istkrif•b7c'Kp°,., TOED eaLtaY/r.take-,l , Esjtot Trc , o. tor ettle R, morn lt SEIZES 11111R.111 I.lllEbblr-11 eau* .upyrior quality. for gab: by mara R. E. I.4.LLLEILS CORN -32 *net{ th 22 dAy reed, fors by MISTRONG & VROZER C7ZM l rril 4 " bV b"l6- VllCl!'V e l)kT2gr marl/ .7 0 wa.e..t. fIiESI.I S—v 3 h.* rte's per Lat.. Eris and (Mem % . g i u Iri d ii and for sale by JANES DAL4b.II,I. les hire in .t9re. int maim or .1% rttly24 J(111r PARKER ey) ITT'aVn•ydl° Shtliats common 'Ohio Beier*, lei Rif , : by rtlarlt I k II Fl.Ol t/ Cu tna-7 La e~ Pmes sod Altnesst,lust ,eeelsedi and for sole by It 6: SELLERS' nasy6 . l 67 Wood et S AL. PoI.CA—W tasks Ell fer surd by .. II A FA lINESTOCK & CO 4," Cot. of First & Weed sts. • ?Minima. t.tni -I=rtiplece•bilagam cloth Joe carriage purpout s just reed. Ittld thr sale by J It PHILLIPS • trury2l ..? & 9 WeadAt • Modern and Antique Furniture. JAATE9,I7I7. SITOODVWXLI., 83,Tnian Sr.,kErrsaczan. J. W. W. Respectlelly inform. the 11. tr” , , t.t. • public that Go has rom , pleted litsupnne meek. ECILNITCRE. tbn tatsc.t and nun. varied assortinent ever offered in lhia 611 0 eamprlring settegal .ens of Rosen:non. tu.sur, and Ithaca vvumn, ClLl•fti, nA,nentnl mad main, suitable for Parlors, Draauce end Odu llottros, all al which mill be sold at, the iniorrst p revenue ervirtrg Forth...or any Oeve . ription, re speeteelly Invited to eel! and e”mtne his meet, whir% entente.. every description. from the rheapest end plainest lodic most eleaunt and cosily;, of, which the rot iowin corn p rf.e. pare Tete a Tete Sofas; Pettis Tee Divans; Converrauon - Chalrs; Elisairelniart Comm; Reception do ' Loots: XIV do • Extension 'do trurfet•Eniquet . • • What Not; . Tolle% Tablas. Louis XIV Commodore: Doke of•Yeraibi Cocchi GOSofas with Plush and flair-cloth cover.; 00 Divan., de do do; 40 dna Mahogany Parlor Cherie, -El Rosewood •do do; - P 4 • 4 - Bit Wolned do dot . . 40 4 ; Cane Seat do; • idahogiu.y Rocking do; . 2 4 , do Piano Stnolsi • to Marble Top Centro Tabirr; - 'l2O do do Wash Stands; .MI Mahogany Ikdsteads; • p Ai do, • %VardrobeE t • 18 PIA W.abaut do; • , 8 Cherry . do. - •ue u large assortment el:Common ChCrafini Othd, Rannturatoo tedious to mention. • . „ , Mar Steam Boats famished on On oluanwif notion'. -Alt orders prompt l y atternronto..: ; P. 8.--Cahinet alters esti be Papilla y 1010404, or Mahoratiy, Minna% oat yearenro, ,nonsigennty„ Tartriald PliCar " FOUL XTh. 2.59. BOOKS- MUSIC,' &th • TILIgOLOGIO ILL ,WOUSCS• TDWks LeonaldWOods, D F.cn lic dley's Miscellanies.-• , Too,nr, Lady's Ftiond. Mrs Faints. . Chrootan Manual.. lioball- The Gospel its oven Advocate. o:brit:fen. L. L. ti Posthorn os %Vett sof Masters. . rsm.lT NSTecs andConunpstanr. Marsden. Alelvilln Bemoan. ' Gran's :sermons. . Caludo eenson, For isle by • JAMS DIA/CR - WOOD snlyitt Fourth st - - TVSI received at the wire elite Golden Bann— 'tl The Ma,gerenn Valle, rota:wed and dedicated to Mr. Devid.}: Della Yellin Polka - composed 'and dedeated to Mary .I.n park:by Professor Rollback STEPHEN 11 FOSTEIVS NEW SONGS. . Brodder GUM. Carina la RIM all Night. Alike- Mee Baker. Stay, Summer Breath. Any Down South. Dolly Day. Oh,l,cmael. ‘ Sumner Lensing& 'Soiree Polka. - Doley Jones. othoie Mnebeac,' bylWatson. Oh, Think not . oat I Lore thee, (alpine Dom. Oar Chddhood , ,, Home, as rang by Miss Kraft. My Mother 1 Obey, words by C. P. Shine, sone by U. Kleher. Also, a root :variety of New Bongs, Polkui Wallres,,ke: fat sale try 11 ICLEIIER marg. . 10PThird at NICW pVIILIGATIOBIS. AA N Bisterieet and'CritiCal . tow . ef;the Speculative Phil eln the Oth century. By J. D.lklorelr,Ell7. " " Letters of the Pee. Samuel Botherford, Pretence of in the Valversita-of St. Andrews, with • lthetch of. his he. Ree. A. A. Loner, anther of Me . pelts of B. ti.l4cCheyne. The Theoloskal Wert. of the law Bev. Denied , 001ne, D. D. Edited by the Rev. Saul Frey. Become .edidou.. . ,•• LRarsselas. Prince of Abyssinia- By Dr Johnston. Pleat tattoo. Bracy Oft Christian Balitlint: Bi B. W. Nod. ht. A. : itts ' t l r:le% n o ui m b :e g iN&l ' flet l itp ‘ l,;,•b ß r y il i orol,l7 l°` " Il- The Philosophy of Unbeilet In Morals and Renato*, •dlscovenble In the Faith end Mencius of him :By Rev. 11. thinker. . t The Mor.L.; of Joy, betel{ • seqael to the liight of ety thn Bev. Boner Kelso. The Golden Nolen. beisr a Practical, Ernenmen in, end Prophetical' 't.rpoiluon of 'Psalm XVI., by Rev. T. Dale, - .51. ti . The Lighted or Closing Scenes in the Life Of a Beloved 9ittsr, by Dolleni with uprefaeiby Roo. Fur. Jay. The Commandment with Premise; b the Author of Nita Last Day of the Wets," Illustrat 'by /lowland. I Memoirs of,tbo Life of the Bps. Jobe Williams, rflrsionary to Polynerla_ Memoirs of Ilse Life and Writings or Dr. Chalmers, bts sort in-law, Dr. Hanna, la. three Nola. Vol I. Also, a larger assortment of Now S. B. Talon Pub, Deations. For sale. 67 , A IL EN lirtod GLISH &CO •I tasyr,l inazoTon.T. Card.' FAHNESTOCH begs lens to unnonnee •peirons of his New Directory of.the cities of Pittsburgh and Atletheny ,• and berotighs of Man chester, llsoraingluim, rte. Mot the work to mar needy reedy foe the press, and will he put to the hands of the printer somewhere betoken the 20th ~.The citizens geacradv: and whokel an Interest litho piroduction of a complete and podhet Direetom ijaztica lady those who lava eat been called au, ard 1 malty oblige the p.ll4her,b7aecertalniag that Watt vanear avocado. and •otecea of basilfeev.k. in noted for publication fa the Directory. Ad cards to be Inserted; tneet• ba Lathed le forth•. vvltb. or at the fataari by the data above lamed. me,IO lIXELODEOH P1A219111, , . .. TUST reteived. and Immo pe ping, IMO elegamlinso- Q marl I octave Melodeon Piano, from the cake rued mantdoe ! ory of alma ti Cloeinna. This Is a surctict ihattuntent; of fine tatle, and very - mad enanowdon; a so, oho fine 40 C 110 M Melodeon. 11 I:l,E.Ult.lt'9 plxvic Store, 101 Titirdatreet. • . NEW pciaLacetTlopil.„ ASYSTEM or Aiirteni and' Centime.). For dense of anhoolantuf chutes Llama, 1.. L.P., Professor of .Grack ouLLatto langu ages in Colambia - College,TirmelferT. The / listory.of England, from IYa lieration ofJulios Cmar, to die itbdicouon climes 11,14,4, fly David Borer, Esq.: n neeredltlem; Nita the aithmis last cor relations and. Improvemente. , mminch piefixed • short account of hii Itfe, .mitten by 6 I'M.. A School Dictionary' of Greek - andßoletan Andqui ties,abvidyed -boor the law, dictionary. By Woe: 4.• L. D; sellir.correcimna adloaprovenicons. by Chulis Amhon, L L. D •• ,- hlcomile of tilde and Waimea of thirTee. Thos.. Chalmers, D. 11,,by his pan iu hw.iho t ley. William lianna, 1.. L. D.' in theca Vid 9. White Jacket; or Life inn Man of Wirt. By Ha man Melville, adthor of 'anion Onum".,'ALardio and Redeem: ". •-• Yrtio Works Of Aln. Mershon& bring:thus only oak , 6 " ° 'edtttaa.'"•Pl4b/il-V-4 /Mks litutml.Stame. la htzmen volume.: • ; • - Fury TAks, Imola* patiou,' , Ity, Anthony R. iloota:ba, with twenty tour 11l OSIIILIIO att by %Doll& Wialon Harvey, hall cr.her tales. Ehdae . The hlktionol Spacial of Doak Keeping, adopted to *II part. al Um Uratotl Si.tate . klemkrg, no- DAlso, a luau as.° Mont .ortkramiCut Lk B. llaioa ookr, au baud, hurt torssate b • A. ll ENGLISH th.C.O gokeenora to hILLIO/7 St IIIIGLLSII, mayl4 • • . I erect:, The Far • sea Guide td delottlde and Prurient AgriCtWIMPS. t.revity St e phens, F. It. N. E., of Edinburgh, the 1A - celebrated author of the wHmli , ertbe rem,. sad rroteraor, Norton, of Yule Cotlege,Neer Haven, Are - preparing for' the press a book under. the •bovo tide. It will embrace every n:Neer orTnibettat.d Connected with Agriculture in all its Tartans broaches, both Theoretical and Practical. bSclente, in as tar as It host up to the present time. been nada available ni poreuen, by experiment, will be treated An its NI.. don en every operation silt 'occurs in the course of den SCALIOIII64 . Trio writ snipe airange.diunder fool distinct beside, tepresenting this seasons, beginning With WinulPund eitdinK with Autumn., ' • , JAMES 11.1.1)CKWOOD, Tfoolueller and Iromrtei,lo4 }mink et. NEWrtitslatoAtlONS7. Nls..litemcra Werke, the .Antttora The Neighbors:, a Tale of Every May Life. A new sadrevised 'edition; wilt an introdnotion written rapreselrier tbb cilitkus by Mics Bremer:omo, cloth . Uniform with Irving`a, C.mgcr's, and Sedgewirk‘s; and illastrened with toortruitand vicwrof the authors tesidence. Homer; Iliad; trinibited - by William Cowper. Edited by Rebell SoUltry.L.L.H., with notes by M. A. Dwight.' A eplendid edttlen. -ori large paper; Il lumined with twelve engravings in • mitotic, Irons da mn. by Flaxinin. royal tionicioth. Also, a ebeaper !niftiest for reboots. • . Noldomittga Works, inclodug a variety, of pieces gum 'Gut collected. Ly lemon Print'. (lin:pieta in 4 ,ols. Whim, clef tinily pinned, unkonn 113 . .4 lo with Cooper, Re. The tehak.pearo Calendar, or, Wit endTriedem for every Day in the }ear. Vetted by W. 0, In very neat volume, nom*, c10th,33 emits, cloth tllt, Weenie. • roe tato by -- JAMES D I.OCEWOOD, aryit . Bookseller and lingsinerattei Fon' to st. M!.1 . 4, - : DA .11r lONQUET OF CAN*ISA .111 s h e,. author of X./ ulloeliilayi" in 2,615, cloth, foe rain-ty migy9 .1011N11UN t:STOtIgTON , SACIIEII HAILHONIIsT, a temmoliecuon of Church Merle. Eilhed 13? George itinnoLy, Au• • ar of Social 'Choir. JalteniloChoir, Ate, Lt. ;, Sabbath Liebool Gerrie of Music and Poetry, desixned expertly for tho-Sabbath Behool; byq. le A. is:ma. A nose Treatise op Aitronomil and the Use of to 119 lobes, - la two patio -Containtax Attiondraiett and •pthar defvddensimotterksaudlheattheaellßOseogoota itnd planets; Kep.e Vs laws and Thary of Gravitation, Virseuen,Tvriliebti and nitrottan,Contieetions, Pe- OPP, Dinah cex, rhenemenained .guitadel of dm ,teavonly Bother composing We Solar Symeat, Ito; ' an extensive co4le et °wattle woo tumid Trott opa on Oa, UP of the &Bobo. Illnetratad,by a mt. able variely'of EximPer, Ae . ; deioped for the Use of nigh thehoolsond At Rootlike, BY Jothall afelethe, ,lr., Prole:ter of fdatbmnaties and Astronomy ;the Central Ilith'School, of Baltimore. Deck and Pon, ' o t th n or! e n t o s i , d eton scir G a a c n raise o W e United ' E r u ßio i P n g eirONsi p malor, Was, 11 o s o A , Sec ea 'FM/WISED. By flea. Walter Colum, U. B. N.; author Of Stop and photo, ta. Fornolo by • ' • n.. 11: Emitt9rf tcrO, s.ccinson to ELLIOT lo • No. 97 Weed meet. a. P LILs A rite' I u or . I3VIV j-"1 !11 D agl " ot nuf eld, or thetre e Z,Vistake t : ar Story or nerd Life.--kletegrove; or Me Bone teboot Uoya lioetracted...—abe nay. of tram' or the ;Danger oilJneao coficd Afillatme —Sterisiof9ehoel Dun thief.—?hr L of ,I.,o9teri watt eyemal !Octal:tee to it 9 euillr period% caee the oveclog 5999Cii of the Re9211179AL00: by Dan,. 'Etbbrf.D D—A 90mOtary . os thblteal Antquattea, tor Bebools and Enmities. . Publudied by American 9 Union: , rot sale by A ft feC,o,z Socoastota to madurr tr, ENGLIS, 79 Wood Wert. H . • rOLITIO A 1..." CIIbISIT3I - UTIOIN S. TAMES ULOCKWOOD,has end will pubilsll Shortl y—U, Mimi% on the Dkybie of Government. unittinied filial the Preketti by R. O. &Ugh M.D., Oman. :*ectbb editieb - ,llrotOnnte. mc,• 3 10. t MI:WOOD %ME tneIENTIFIC SaCTIAN.—The them. Chem. It t l7 t tb . e ve y r7R‘ l rt l o c o a n 4. o e f n th " th el o r roVitr e is ) eot now oared to thsal!eboola aLthe Cotten &aka, under em Lille American rothrots of IL AL Reese. r I. Dr Mete ftupCrintehdria of l a bile Schooth,lll the City an d County of Neer York,' : I. Ultaxithent' Treasury of Knoilrearti, • 11. Clarlea Draaringeind Perspective: . chambers' blicsnents of Natural. Yldlarophy; Y. Held & Chtatistry and Inecuicityi Ifainiftetea Vegethtde add Animal rhymologyi ettanthera , Eletratua of ToologY, with him.; VII. l'ageni netnews or Geot c ogys in keeere th at the edit tattpuoltetutra of thole aroma Os Mew. Chaim bark, of Litinbargh) are tole to as:mend the beet talent, lithe prepare..l of their booth, and that it ts prietieete dna! trithfully teas the flablic.: The aeries: will s not a r e th e reasonable eapdetatthesthueeheiOk They are plepared by author: lo.oret pay ay Ca pame o rdoing Jp•LICIII0 their rerpectivo u no et tithing a, and alto bare evidently bee:oared moon ittent the W.. ..e.eaeary onus and laher to adapt throe 10 ORM' rpose. . e recanutund them It toachere and patio. ..its confide ma. The 'kit hinted vedouto.in Lb., hands of 6 Vaulter of the yamyor oughtiuribett as 11, tryexhaastthle fond of tuneaement and inattention: To.. woad eordnitate I ticirtrraiona ,to a am. try of inrettrgitc children and Impart a` thing for tuaewledgei—LVermontChioadele. Published t.p. A. S. Wrote Co., New. York; and fof.a•lehy A it ..••••• wit '4 Wood n. ififINSTON b STOCKTON TAW ztouttsl 7 iiicw 'itoolcs t AF: Ir r...41:5. , LI TRI;ARY varor Tanta eiNtsal, oiposlia Na LIZZIE LM (ts. DoNtatie Tale; brcaltilcaDialt.! . nOllOll Sant opearr, No 13. - Nomitts Na. 7 • . , Ezdapao,• at tavralary, lha.l4lt at Earlte.46 Vosaga to CoLfatnta, 07/ 113. 1.10,1 Tayl?r , ' Livtdit N • •••• /11,01011.ry M ..za • Slant's Ittorobanl4'assualsAor Mejl Ylalatheallelta , btattlig APril l *Ad , • •'-` .41), 'lnorpoia ‘4l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers