PLIBLZHEI) BY co'WHITE dr. P A TTIeIIVROn. MONDAY MD NINE, JUNE 10,,1050 reorninttio r inin t s in I - Titrola Worn, Walla catty tuba dove ractleabllt. ailyWthextbins nartnitetted fora rpisai s Slail inns will insatiably bo ekawed until ordate4 !tat ..4 3 ,1 4 . , , rarti a! blj liptuay, apd agiborized to ?salvo subsetijZ t is lidrerilsemecou for as. • -• • • %unsex. Alistitriettptio.umul metal. r this pare r r received and . fcmmtded (gee of dbarte from this office. .. umemion,ter a t na Gaserts—All , efEca will be eats reccired and a7TEddzum•Alcad.cuy et MU sa ble paper, will be reran ed sad forward • d from Add office. • 10 - Part.c.entutc. .Nedent Axexteue..-41dverttser edbecriptionr to the North American and UWted th "" 13 . 2 .M4 Phlladelphlz, received sod for yrtuded hex this *Sec • Asatlmitsouts sad vr tag NOM/DIStiOXILM- VOX THEM .{0.431 (OtO{b., TROIKAS 31.-lILOWEi To StrOXD TEMIT CO .ILI, '.IIIAZINA.II. DENNY., - JAMES CAROTHERS, or wancri. .100 •1/2111111 . , ' • XOROON ROBERTSON, Plontrinith. T. J. MOHAN, Lower St Clair. It. C. WALKER, Elisabeth. JOHN . I4 , CLOSSEIt, @Daimon. . 1 / 1 1.1.E9 FIFER, Soowden. FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN; Pinaborgh. corottutoxii, EDEHEZEK 11017.,E, North Fayette. WM. FLYNN, LoweiSt. Clair. c)Cart =MO; IX N. COURTNEY, Ohio. Vl= NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL NATTERS , • ! TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, ;cc. EILITMVI AT rtcx ESCILIAOO Roona.—lt will be aNneil by notice io another column alto days .pa. per, thit meeting is to be held in the Board of 4' Exchange B• 001113, on Third Minot, on to mono'', Toesicy evening, to take into comideration the extraordinary act of the Peimaylvania Legislanne in reference to the Hempfield Rag Read. As the ' Mattes to be emoting intoned discussed at this meeting fa one of vital importance to the inteicat of Pittabargb, me hope to tee the meeting fully at, 'tended; that tit ornate: may be bretsht before the people in its proper light. Tax tholiSnrsin R 111101.13 dt CCT.—ViNs .do not know that Philadelphia is a party to thin scheme, so lejurious to Pittsburgh—it can hardly be possible that she would art in such bad faith to her western sister. But if the really desires to compete with Baltimore or Wheeling, and if Vitginia will consent, of which we have great 'doubts, she can have a Railroad from Pittsburgh to Wheeling, byway of Washington, or to the north of it, and thus return the Wheeling trade over the whole extent other Central road, Instead of -letvlagout that part between thin city and Greaniburgh. It is supposed that a Balkiesd ten be built from Green thaTti to Wheelleg in a d. tenet of 7t miles. Ono can be built from here Si Wheel ing In a distance ofeam= 4fy to sixty milts-- Very little would be saved, therefore, in distance, by going direct from Gicrasburgh. Philadelphia will see from this that it will cost her IC= money, ifehe has such a project on foot, to maks a branch, road from Pittsburgh to Wheelteg, instead of start. Leg from Grecneburgh. We draw attention to . this, because we do not apprehend auy danger from this charter, whlrb bat been rosuggled, through the legislature, uslens Phlledelphla Mbis bold of it, which Is scarcely probable, as she bee as numb on hands now es oho can well manage. The irregularity in the ea:mention of the mails at Bmver, oaring to the non-arrival-of the boat in rime, hay be= • juat subjact df nomplaint for years. -We See by a letter from the Firm Asins teat P. M. General. that the evil is to barium:lied, or thiSeentratters deprivee:ef their eontmets. The Despoesh mons that the statement of the Itrlneon - ahets li pnLfirwz, in relation td the tegro Goings, So incorrect: Goings, says the Gespatob, was in this eity at tho time of that oteurrmace, as can be folly proved—never was in Monongahela City—and Mr.Wilsongbe magistrate bane whom the Stalls sEeded to 14 Monongahela ca 7 was et.. &mined, called here at .Tail to see George Galas, and mated positively to Mr.Glems, they'll. or, and to others, that George Gotha was tot the =in at alb: Ho has co brother, Hoe. Atenasw J. O. has been totaniontently nominated for re-eleemoo to`Coarreas, by - the Witio of the. District eompose.l of Somerset, Fay ette, and Greene. Mr. Dawson is to be ran by the oppoailian. - . DmnonAny Cl Mx/tunes, Emma Woltz, Ann Fasnumaism--No. eleven a this splendid Work au come 10 band, and Is for talc by Imekwood, Foirth 'street. ' INIPORT&MT TO WWI - talta• ACID TULE ASEISTAINTE. The Republic makes the Morin explain. rout— olta acme? to several it:quirks relating to the omission, in the 1101 of 231 May, to provide corn• imusation to marabale and their armlet.** for the, extra copies of their returns which tho law re. vim Mem to maim; we are able to state that the census bill; a, manned in the Home of !Copra. aentatires, contained "a clanoc,almart lona ttimoruily adopted, providing compensation for each page of those returned. This provision was stricken mu to the Satiate, we presume accidentally, because attached to a plan for paying the mares:do, for which was substituted a different mode. The omission ties mot foiled to receive the no tie, attic proper department; and as allowance has aeihrmly beret/sine been palmed for the per. femme* of the duty, and al this part of the coca. peusation Is richly deserved, we cannot far a ma. meat doubt that provlaion will early bs Made by Congress to supply the detect" trireme or as Eorrnan slim commenced on Monday forenoon, the open. bag of the famous Theban mummy, al Baton, la the presence of o highly scientific and intelligent auditory, a largo portion . of which consistod:of la dial, of coarse. We give an Interesting account . of the ceremony from the Beaton Transcript. The Tonne) ups that the lecture given by Mr. Glidden Allailff the IMMO, (which into be completed on Wednesday and Friday) was exceedingly inters eating to the anCenee: write cue of Wycannere wood, ornamented with hicenglyhica. was placed horizontally upon s wend, and while Mr. G. thecoarsed open the N,le cod the pyramids of the Gan and the receptacles where the mummies were found, an officiating esrpewer took oft his coat aid with a smell saw, Proceeded to saw the eau lengthwise. • Atli this had been done ea two sidesan occupation which be about half an hoer, it was ready to be taken spirt far the disclosure of what It might contain. This sue done by Mr. G. and his assistant, le view of the whole audience-- The mummy came out in besutifel condition, as if , It bad been deposited in im cane but yesterday, instead of I.SOO years before the birth of Christ.— It came oat swathed it linen , emooth, and bet slightly discolored by the lams, ef time. Oa the front covering were a eerie, of hieroglyphics •01 a hub slide color,as distiect ca If they had just been ;dieted. A bust of applauie and a 'mur mur of aurprise from tho audience, showed the seretation which the exhibition prom:teed seg.* the tidy thee brought' berm, the , public way, according to the 'taut:titian on der stereo phlox a person of rank, and the daughter of a high priest, it was nwutaily expected that the In terfered the case (which, by the way, .w ee je Wonderful slate of pretervatioe) would reveal tome areaments,-jewelry,thinketa, dee., of 'sam e , Eat this expectation has not this for been grail& ed. Probably the interior faldiegro, which vim sot be disturbed till Wednesday, will reveal some at, _tic:althea of this mum es well as some specimen. of papyri, and a e Seiratreas", or Papyrus of the dead usually deposited web the. Egyptian dead.— The audit:ace seemed highly interested, and we doubt net that the the second lecture, on Wed. Asada), will thew an incresed attendance. "Among the incidents 'not act down in the bill,' was the unrolling of the mummy of a while ibis, et which Profcesor Arias,is presided. lie alto _,itimitedthim head of a girl alto beautiful silken hair,'of light auburn color, onetime head, and the vary dedicate foot of a lady." AU more pullet:duly slowing who this mum• milled lady is, the Boston Courier lays: MU stated, that (rem all he Won able to learn Elm the hieroglyphics on the laser coffio, the body Wu that of ..Selacnottae, daughter of the Melt Print ofTbebes, Oor.runiu," . who H ee d between B C 1200 and 13 C I'4o during the time of hioses;Shoul 11201 year. eget. A. poriinn (tithe Algae of the deceased is obliterated, hot her father's tame and dignity are quite divinet fa the hieroglyphical cherctun. The !earned lecturer was quite poetise that Mad. Arch pas of dlatin• washed parentege.7 Tr— Isaanistion,—We 'tern frost the lilheboygwo, (Wisconsin) Mercury that OH poseigers landed . at tun port ended the week ending on csturdsy Jut. The number landmiliere duties thence° pc rod area 2„..121. Add to these the numbers land ed at nazism, Kenosha end other Wisconsin ports and the aggregate arrivals for the week will foot op shoat four thousand. At this rate of Increase the emu of tbe preient ,stammer will "set ve nal:ado perry well - plum_ wastusaros-. Centsponden. of ins Plasbessh Cetine. Cuban Allies—Totes MU {the Onus Was 11111—Th• Wilmot Proviso Defeated— lowa Contested Xleetion. \Ye Ei l reilio'allnillitthettlitie elnitesittetear Cabe, but the eocurteiiitel* We Meet abut:. 0 1110 1.4csalzastrate .the cortecsamicitheAtelli. keiscer fivWsutied iiii*ii . il4loll66q lb tie tat 100, 11 4. 5 :Ki.been a . empvpAikicelbt. 'were Mr. Clayton and the Spasish.liStaister. do widelt,Mi:CTiVtriiilikd tatd dovld eittii - giii; known's, the ..doet4e>keld hl;lbilitatialmsenti ielittiVpM the r.Fittri of ts : eittzeni.igiusx it leialaaPtarcs,itagnsonthenefitcd ItAii‘,.;fia*shL meal. We haye axeportef theixeention off Our Americans, brit 4preira:mitik . is that:these were apart et Mat mannible bent. taken ii the very acts of plintge, marderoad,antort, Alt:puch are the proper leims by which to designate the sutra. small Lopez and his snag* Cardenas: Let a Man, however, be put to deafit,Whe hes any iost - adz to the Immunities of to American mime, and to tne protection of Ida icteersmaect, and none can doubt that fell and ample retribution will he visited upon the anthers of the wrong. Several important votes have were in the Senate to day, on the slavery sadism of the Com promise BLS. The amendment if Mr. Chase, of Ohio, to this amendment of leder= Davis, was rejected, ayea 25, 'nye 30. Mr. Chase's protasis boa was, that nothing .contained in the election should beam:mimed as authorising le permitting the introdriction of slavery into New Mesion7; Amongst those who voted against this mere Cass, Dkkinsoo; Dodge, and Jones, of . lowa, and Sta. gcon, of Pennsylvania, from the free &stew— Sturgeoe, it will be seen, sada flust to his Knee• anon to the, South en this questioe. 'Probably no body expect/ him to represent Pemusylvenia. Then C-61110 up Davts's amendment, the ambience of which, was a prohibition to the Leg-Lida tuns to past any act adverse to slavery, bat tem tog it at liberty to prOICS2 and establish it. The vote upcn l thhi was !lea 23, mica 30. Dickinson was, the only dough cake who disgraced himself by voting for thin scandalous and audacious at tempt to legialitialarery loin this free territorY.— Even Mr. liennatiebulted his bate subierviency by voting against. the proposition, and alai the free.Stlderts Mr, E . rmioice, of Delaware did the Thin came the pureiunadultenued Wilmot Pro. vino, moved byhdr.Seward. The vote was eyes 23. noes 33. Of course.,the ayes were . given by North. lens Senators, and of croursethe Southern Senators voted no. Sat the following from the free States refused to give the cause of freedom, so bivalved la the only decided and practical exemplification its leading doctrine, their support, namely Cur, Tfickineen, Dodge, and /ones of lowa, Sturgeon of Penarylvetnia,tiod Webster, ate in number.— "Two aouthern 'and one northern t3etiaton were absent, and the neat made varnot by the death of Mr. Elmore, still "remain; go. The absentees were Phelps - of Vermont,: Walei of Delaware, and 13orland - Arkansas. Had they been th 'their seats, and had the vacant seat inint Beath Carolts eta been filled, the vote world have been open the 'Proviso, eyes 24 or 25; nays 35 or Zfi. 'How the absent Delaware Senator would havevoted; I am not quite ratified. Aa things were, the Arte to pus the Wilmot Proviso in the Senate, since the aegnisition of territory to which it originally ipplied, was defeateti by the majority. After one Se two additional votes of no great importance, the question was taken on an amend- • meat submitted by Mr. Berrien, but originally gusted, I think, by Mr. Webster, which was a 001:Anton to the legislature% of either of the new territories to exclude or establish slavery. The vote upon this was . eyes 33, aces '27, se it pre. This settled the whole matter for the pre sent, and the balwas amended by striking out the provision that thelegialituro shall have to power "to pass any law respeetess African slavery," and the aututtitulion of Berrien's. Dlekinson, Jones of Sturgeon and Webster, from the free States. 'cited with the South, on this motion, Benton with : the North -Even Cass could not swallow this proposition. In my judgment, it does not mason. 'ally direr from Davie' and amounts to the um& lishment of slavery bi the Legislation at Outgrew. Thus, suppose colonies of slaves go Imo New 'Mexico, as somebelieve they will, under this it terdiction, the legislature Wfil be able to pass no law against bolding them, not for the protection of libialave should be appest nVill the claim of the • uttect: to the anthotityjuf,the Mexican law deelr ring it unfutuded. Of unithe,alavery will be there, and: the only remedy against it, hive been taken away by the intervention of , Now, what these • voter indicate, no respects the pc:Amish, Cots of the Compromise Bill, I would tan undertake to utttmise upon my own respensi. Wily: Some suppose the defeat ef Davia's =end meet will repel some dozen or mere of the eaath• ern extreme:its final the support of the bill, and that it nusttemasequently be dekatei. But the rends will not he determined Altana this with re tetenee to slavery. The question of paykqg too. nep to Texas will cause very great difficulty, and ai lens two Boosters to whom the measure Ls onterwiso acceptable, will vote against that clause, and If it be not stricken out agaiestthe bill containing IL It is stated that the Committee on Electioca have aimed to report to favor of the claim of Mr. lei to tha seat now occupied by Thompaoit, Demv era', from lowa. The committee have decided that the votes of those precincts in the frantic: =Man, the poll of books which were. stolen by.the Liamoornts shall be counted, which will Or' Milier.a m ajority. it a Whig. There Is a report that one of these missing poll books was dejected by a member of the commutes in poe. section of a certain, person here in Washington,, a very singular circus:mutate. if true. iirlioat AEW VOREC. Correrpaadertee of the Pittabinh Gazette. New Yclea, lane 4. The most Interesting item of news to the read era of the GMette, to day, is the sale of a pert of the Allegheny six per cent bonds, at the handsome price of 95 per coot, and what is better, sold to go shaved, to France; they were sold by Winslow, Larder 0. Co., who,.you will see, have been well ; paid for their confidence la the hoods of Pittsburgh, for Inch Allegheny City is in fact. The amount of railroad securities in marker is now very large, and this sole tells well forth° credit of your re. men: The closing rate of Vatted States sixes, of 1%5, is 117: Unned States Coupon Stock, 120 ex dm; Pennsylvania fives 965-e, end Reading Stock, 4‘i The arrival of the America ban confused all boa nwui in Cotton, though it has given renewed con(• dente to financial circles, where a lurking (ear has extsted, lest the Greek question should involve England in a war, and temporarily disarrange the monetary world. Government Stocks have been io improved' demand, together with some of the leading Fancy Stocks. Money remains in the most proftife supply, nod the rate of interest is very In political affairs there is ant mach stirring he • upon the aurfuen Wu have a rumor every morn ing, that Mr. Clayton mesas to resign, but it or ales no entiverratlon among thorn who know who, is going on. •So far from intending to retire from IlusCabinet, be is stronger there than ever, and Iron New„York City will receive support stronger than ever. There is not a shade of doubt about this. Mr. Clay's' friends here are not dead or a sleepi and as a pert of that pnlitiral history of the links, that does not find hs way to the press, it may brl said thus, even now there are In etristence a se ries of resautions, impulsive as his friends alone as indite, and warm in his support. It has been denied that the Clay men here are organized at all, bombe denial goes for nothing, and one of these Will have another demonstration in favor of the old veteran. The c ommencement of WIIMI weather, in good earnest; has filled our streets mld hotels with pleas ure travellers, so that an attic is very hard to get any where. The City never offered greater aurae. . Genii than at present, We are healthy beyond all pre dent, (thanks to the doctors who have kindly .allowed nature to have her . own way,) abound in amusements from an Italian Opera, and the Na- ' none! Amitlemv of Design, dots-a to Negro htinis trots and Penman - 1u of the whole world and it, en virons. At our fashionable hotels them is quite a delegation from Pittsburgh, who are au fah in all matters of elegant recreation, and who will make a proper report of proceedings.' The dilitanti of Boston, jgry now, arc making a per. modem •examination of the mummy of the daughter, ,of . the high :prtest 'of Egypt, who died seiate3;3X) i4nrvaga., ,Thaa fu they have opened tholvao and find the mummy in a perfect state of preservation, find the linen in which she is sweat& ed but slightly discolored, and the usual writing up on it almost as Clear ma newly printed sheet To morrow the unrolling will commence, and the whole process of embalming be explained, by Mr, (Ridden who i 1 moot wampeteut to do It Asbes—Pots are selling at $45 5 3402, and Pearls 'at S 5 56: Flom is heavy, with salei of 1000 bbla a 5 With G. far- Gammon brands. Southern floor is without manthal change, While sales reach 100 bblaat 5 75. Rye Flour and Meal are in good de mand at yesterday's rates. Crain—Wheat is held fumdi at Previous inictie at ritn- G5c... Oats are easier sales at 49.51 c foeflarer =I Canal, and 47 i 40 for Jersey. Cam. --Soles 0E14,000- bus; (0a70! for Western Miied Yellotr. • Provisions—Pork,. ;sales of 100 table at SD:18) failthiss, and ES 75 ror Prime. Beef, 150 bbls eonnliy at lac'. • Lardilei's of 100-Ws-prima Viljakr7 27*c. C. Froth the Pewlsylvadin Telegreph. PEINSSN-LITABILie.I3ENA.TE. _ . . • Fm theinforwation of our reader. generally. and by way of reply to numerous inquiries, on the we publiati the tollowtorrwa: Members of the Senate of Penardvania Whose term pr Office exptre■ at the'end of the =Won o 1531. Wm. A. Crabb, City of Philadelphia. Peleg B. Suety, County Of Philadelphia. R. J. Brooke, Delaware county. Joseph Keinemacher, Lane-age, county. Daniel Stine Lebanon cotinty. • Robert M. Frick, NoAhradberland county. Jonathan J. Cunningham, Mifflin minty. George V. Lawrence, Washington county. lucre Huss, Somerset county. Mazola McCain, Greene county. Timothy Ism, Potter county. Riga: Wkigs end titres LooTows. Members of the Senate of .Pentasylvania whose term of office expires at the end of the kid= of 1852. Thomas 8. Ferran. Pbiladelphia county. Joshua Y. Jones, Montgomery county. Henry A. Muhlenborg, Berko county. Charles 'Fraley, Bobuyikill'oenny. Conrad Stainer, Northampton county. John W. Gummy, Tioga oottniy. Wm. F. Packer. Lycomingcomay. Henry Fulton, York county. Benjamin Malone, Bucks county. William Hulett, Butler county. John H. Walker, Erio county. Bight Locercem one Arm Whigs. . Under the Apportionment Bill of the last teas sloe, elections for Beaatonin dt be held as follows,: In IWO, the District composed of the city of Philadelphia, elects The county of Philadelphia elects ° contain* of Adams and Franklin • • • Cumberland and Perry • Blair, Cambria, and litintfritdon • Luzente, Columbia 'and Montour Bradford. BurguehLins. and Wyoming 0 Mercer, Venarim hod Warren " Butler, Beaver, and Lanirrence County of Allegheny Co.'. of Asmara:a, Indiana, and Clarion, In 1851., the District computed of the city of Philadelphia, The County of Phildelphia a counties of Cheater and Deinwue O a of Lancaster and Lebanon • of Dauphin and Northumberland • a of Carbon, Monroe, Wayne, and Pike u of Washington and Greene, " of Bedford and Somerset, . el Inniata, Mufflin, and Union 0 " of Westmoreland and Fayettw to 1E42, the District compoied of The county of Philadelphia of Montgomery d " of Berke 0 Bucks The counties of Northampton and Lehigh The COCILITV of York The counties of Lycomiog, Centre, Sullivan and Chhton Tb, counties of Tiara, Potter, McKean, Mk Ckardeld, end Jefferson Tile counties of Erie end Criviford o conatx of Arieghone ° of Schuylkill Theta are 12 W 145 and 10 Loeotooi, holding over. From the itarrisburgh Telegraph. The GoJphlsi slam—Losefoso robberies. In regard to the payment of interest upon die Galptun claim, which is made the basis and pretest of an this outcry, and all this vituperation of the President and his Cabinet, it is sotfunent to say that Congress recognised the jostness of the claim, end authorised the payment of whatever might be found due by the proper recounting onicer of the Department—that this was under the Adinisitars. tine of Idr. Polk—that the Auditor who inrestign. ted the matter, was a Locoroce, of Mr. Polk's •p -pointenent, and that HE reported in favor of the payment of ROTH principal and interest--and that :a addition to this, it was declared by Mr. Es... Se cretary of the Treasuy, Honorable Rohm J. Wal ker, on oath, as a witness before the Locofoco Committee. appointed by the present Locofoco House of Representatives, to investigate the whole transaction, that had he bad the opinion oldie At torney General before bum when the matter was brought to his notice, while tkoretary of the Tree. miry, he would at once, and without the slightest , hesitation, have directed the payment of the inter. est. In view of all these facts to fully sustaining the honor and character of the Adniinistratima, we my it is plain that the editor who affects to see coy thing dishonorable in the payment of the Galphin claim, is either a base and reckless slanderer, a libeller nod undocer. by intention and profession, or ebte a hopeless and drivelling fool, who is capable of comprehending the weight and force of undisputed facts and the positive tesgmony of nnWripesiched and mammeachable witnesses. In contrast with the fabulous "Galphine," and other imaginary plunderers under the present Adminisination, we beg leave to present the fol lowing list of real vulturrl who were s o cessful in thrnsting not only their leaks, but their whale bodies into the Treasury under the Icocofoco Administrations of Jackson , Van Buren , and Polk: Nome, of plunderer, I F Wingate. Bath. J B Swanton, do Mirk, York, Po. II Warren, l'lsmordb S S Alen, Bruiro!. S Swartwoot, N. Y. Jena Hoyt. do It Arnold, Perth Amboy. NF Williams, Baltimore. .1 Fitzgerald, Alexandria . L Mose, Tappahannoc, J Smith, Va. A Rogereon, Camden. Bloodgood, Wilmington. It Cochran, do Isaac Holmes, Chirleston. E. Blounger, Savannah. IL Wall, do A B Fannin, do A Erwine, Tenn. Beni. Wall, do W Brown, New Orleans. P F Dubourg do T G Morgan do Trist, do Thos. Barret E R Hopkins, St. Loma David D.1.113 ' Mackinaw. . Nathaniel Denbv. late Navy Agent at Marseilles, in France. Major Scott, Navy Agent at Washing ton. D. C. hu,ooo Eli Moore, Marshal of the Southern District of New York. Patrick Collins, Surveyor of the , Port of Cincimati. 1.1000 A Notion Agent in New England, name not yet transpired. Grand Total, *3,357,303 Add to the above list, a comuleds host of small petty larceny thieves shout the Pont Offices, and in the various public SI/Ilion, under Locofoco State Government, our own Canal Commiansioners, dec., and wo shall be able to loon some conception of the amount that hlll.ll been plundered without the slightest shadow or pretension of claim from the public Treasury, by those horror stricken in dividuals who now throw up their hands lo such ill-feigned alarm and astonishment' at the pay. meat of n just claim, reported by their own of- We would urge upon those Locofoco editors who am now preaching up honesty ; with patriotic Indignation al the contemplation ot fraud upon the Treoury to look upon thin lint of Locofoco phut. derma, and proclaim it from the house tope, with the repent:a of their long pent upand righteous indignation. Sorb a mono would exhibit evi dence-of repentance and a change of heart alto gether neceasary in them to "carry Conviction of sincerity and principle to their readers. Tux Canon Ruttoas.—ln relation to the late alarming rumors telegraphed from iNifuhington, concerning the Cuban invasion,-and the demand made for prisonen. the North American say.: "As all thin reported inteliigeoce came to us without any information of an strive( to justify its authenticity, we were ciaittraliy inclined to di► credit the statements which appeared in the New York and Philadelphia papers of Tactic:ay. Bat, for the purpose of ntisfying ourselves more ex plicitly, aa well 49 to relieve any appreheoslon in the public mind, on a anbject so grave and impor tant, we took occasion to communicate with Washington, late In the 'evening, and now have the pleasure of informing our reader 4 that no ad ditional Intelligence hash°. received by the gee- ernment from Cube; and, therefore, that all the foregoing rumors we wholly unfoonded." A Ml 3 ICuLer,—lloairmar.c Harry --Alegi's der Paltattba wee killed on Wedovvdty night feet •near New Cumberland, about 12 toilets above thia city, by wing run over by a coal boat, towed by the Clipper No. 2. It appears that Mi. Patterson In company with another person, In charge of a raft, had gone to sleep—the raft tlaatthl into the channel and the night being dark, the Clipper ran so close to It, that the coal boat she had in tow passed OTC r that part of the raft on which Mr. Patterson was eleepiog, croaking tam to death instantly. Hla body we, brought to this city on yesterday. He was a resident of Winteravillo In this county, and we understand leaves a family In limited circumatancts.—Struhronills Ilcrald PENITSTMLIIII RAIL RC/AD.—MA roedong of tiro C , malltleo . of 30G, held last aveniog,, a forth, ...ount of 5100.000 was subscribed towards The completion atlas work. It is now understood that the District of Northern Liberties will.subscribe 5100,000, and that of Spring Garden ~.00,000 to the stock of this Company. Wo have no doubt but that Kensington ancrSouthwnrk wdl eollow the example. W. mast here congratulate lb. stock. holders of this gran work upon the cattail:lay of raising tha whole amount for the early casaphalua ciao) read—Phi(, TEL GILLS TVEILL or TIIL BALI1X021: fin _ Onto BAIL Re:kn.-711a is eae of the gr w ee r worts of civil eugineericg now going on in the world. It is s few miles from hlcegintowl t , Weaa ern Pirellis. A cowczpondent of the Plaltimere Patriot, who has - been in that region.-tinth d e , scribes it: From thence 1 visited the big To noel, abciut 8 -spies Mt I never bad formed any conception of the Ineddis operandi of these/tan:4 Trisibmiti to Yuneelling through a mountain fur a railroad tr ac k, a mile and Mont:ter widM Thme are already Emit three shalt. some 20 by 18 Lau, and from /75 to 185 deep, and you will see hitiodrods.otahan leer, rentiodingyou of • new lows in Calikirala. Tbb .bade briog now completed -to the' perfect level of the road, Aline number ef bandit are abledrogo to work, tunnelling through the rock—:' all of which has. to be brought through the shags, except at the two Extreme• or aides of the mountain. They:work day and night—one set during the night, and the other by day. This Is a an:Tendons week, and under contract to the ens terpristeg contractors of Messrs. Lerattion, Gor. Dan & Co., who are fully congdeot of having the whole completed in less than two years. They have had a hard time of it during the winter; contional malty In the expensive preparation for en mighty a work, in a Matsui and mountainous region, where every thing like provision was scarce, and heed to be procured at prices greatly beyond those Indomitable cu o u btai t e an d I , 7 e o m nrEastem erpriao of thos e eities.TUcon tractors is about, however, to be richly reward ed by the large monthly eatimatesthey will be en abled to have made them hereafter, by so good a pay master ea the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and will, as they deserve, be able to make a con. aidentble amount of money for their inceeaaot la. bor. From the Republic. Poet °Mee Department The increased intercourse between the United States end Europe, consequent span the increase of steamers plying to and fro, and upon the Unlit. ttee of mail transportation established by !tauten tient! arrangements, is strikingly illustrsted by tie statistics of the New York city Pest Office for the but month. The total number of foreign lettere, includieg those from California, reheived at and sent Gem the poet office in that city fur the first twertyqdne days inllday, wee three hundred and fourteen thousrnd three hundred end flay. Pompano thousand are hundred were received from Cali. hubs, and twenty aro Mousied three huedred were sent thither. The largest Eumpoen malt seeeived was by the Europa, on the 22d, amount. log to twenty am thousand five hundred. The largest sent to Europe wig by the Quads, on the Bm. amounting to 31 400 letiets. The largest California maificeelved was by the Georgia, on the 7th, amounting to 23,700 lettere; the largest Celifornie mail sent was by the Ohio, on the 28itr, amountleg to 15,400. These statistics, it will be observed, relate only to foreign lettere, end to letters received by sea from Califlorela. The Mermen, of domestic cos. respondence, if nee the establishment of the pros. eel rates of postage, has been conrunensunne, we presume, if on more, with the enlargement of foreign intercourse by the malls. So great, indeed, his been the lacerate of the former, that the reduction el the rams dif postage from their former standard has resulted in en increase revenue t o th e pepsin:fleet; and there ore crony advocates of a still further redeems', on the ground that it can be made without loss of Income, ; while the public convenience and the business lll terettli of the country would be promoted by it.— The New Yerkiettreml of Commerce, from whose columns we have recapitulated the foregoing sta tistic?, eddy: The Poet Clelce Department, under its present organization, is in a better rendition thee II has been for peers, in point of efficiency zed prompt. nese to the trensminkin of mail matter. Sedge Caliamer has proved halm a capable and effinicnt officer. Changes have been made in mall routes in every section-of the cooing, where env time could be raved, and every suggesticn tending to insure &match secures immediate and favorable coosidentioc." I.79.VIVULL lielnutO Arrattarna—The Tribune desert:tea an ingenious contrivance to use at the Central Railroad Depot in that city for hoisting doer. The upparatus resembles a treadtrg mill in an upright poritico, the top of which projects about , one toot shove the floor of the upper story, and the bottom the same die. ranee below the attend iloor.—Frorn what wcoid be ea:led - the ic,niclng dour or bed (were it a treading mill) project four pair of arms tout dia. ant from each other, or about ten feet apart. The barrel is rolled satinet tins reVonlag bed, and ea a pair of anus comes up from the Guar, the barrel is taken and carded into the roost above. Immediately it arrives at the top of the bed audit. momentum carries hoe on an incli. end plane, tio that it rol a away to the side of the room.--Thos It unloads ttaelf, and only needs, one person to feed n below. It Is Raid to save I the tabor of five [new IL has Irsen operntd for five minutes so La to hoist at the rue Of one thou. sand bursa no hour.—Tbe bed commonly makes Llama revolutions per minute, carrying lour, bar rel. at each revolution, 729 barrels per hour. The apparatunl. eroded by steam, In connection with the pale elevator, in the same building. Hears Fmarrs.--Tho bprieggeld (gala.) Re. eobneao etnour.oes the failure of Memo. Doan dr. Packard, Cu marinfacitosm, ofgBprfogdold, kr about 5.50,400. The deprevrod Euro of btutlnosa, leaf the tunpeneion of no iron manufacturer of Barkattre, LB given as the canoe of ibis fat. lore. Bcsrr:~cn to CTIOHLISTOrI last was •sentence day° In the etinetnel court at Charley ton. An Irishman, named John McNamee, con. victed of aiding a slave to ma away, was sen tenced to he hung on the 13th of September; while Reuben Dickey, who, when drunk, Inca dered hie brither in law In a shackle; matter, wan convicted of manalanghtcr and sentenced , ct nine months' troprirournent end a line of $5O. Another similar case received the same pniush meat. Cuba was discovered by Columbus in the year 1192, taken possession of by the Spaniards In 1511 and they soon =terminated the mild and peace. able natives to the ■moans of 500,000. The hills are rich in mine., cod in some attic rivers. there it gold dust. It uras Invaded by the British in 1782, and Havana taken, tut given. up to Spain In 1763. Amannt stoltn. 510,992 13,101 27,00 16.333 70,671 1.200,00) 247,500 77,033 365,149 30,072 31:249 11, , R3 31,321 22,327 194,817 169,872 17,924 114,873 • 4.7,.306 48.937 Lr 4.5 107,011 • 36,921 212,232 6,031 79.000 12,023 30,000 load Nramano Marrrra.—The Nor York Her. old eanehi des a halt °alums:, notir.o of the late Jobe N. Madia, thus No doubt, could el! aeeset deeds be known and all bra bean revealed, men would acknow tedge that John Newland &UAL was not so barn as be has often been deacnbeo to be, or so pure In bra catminr bib as his Wends and follower" re preaent atm to burette* : He was the food of hie own vanity." The Harrison Queue, published at Corydun, says that there have been ars 'deaths by cholera in that county Jut week. The perinea were en gaged In peeling tan bark en the river bills, camp ing out ; and living principally upon fresh fish, which, ato thought, clued the disease." . . Tim Braman Susan GUADLLQI:III7II arrived at Now Orleans, a lew.days ago, to ply between that city and Chtgros, but in consequence of the ono of Crain at Cuba and the various unfound ed rumors afloat, panangers were reluctant to embark in a ateamer under the Spanish flag, and the Intended departure of the Guadalquiver fur Cbagres has been In consequence postponed tin. til further notice. Tux Lasessue Drvince Cum—The Huston Bee, of Monday morning, publishes a lengthy Mita:neat from a friend of Mr. Lawrence, in which it is deslared that, hr conrequence of the notoriety. Riven to tine case by the publicailaa of these parte details of tho trial at Louisville, Mr. Lawrence la preparicg far the pre. a full account of the on• batman, circumstances connected with the affair. The statement In the lice is rather severe on Mn. Lawrence's conduct. The National Weltlatcncer says that the frigate Gibgres,, which had orders to proceed to Hasa. noisome time ricer, ha. been detained in conae. queues of hiring to cot her water, which was ULM for the soya re., and that she will not proceed from Norfolk to Golan until Thursday next. Duni or COMMODO,IIS Comm—Commodore Benjamin Cooper, U. N N., died at his residence at Broakiya, on Sintordsy of. pulmonary complaint Copt- Cooper was • native of Nov Jamey. He entered the Navy la 180 d, and served ender Capt. Lawrence in the Horar t during the war of 1512. He attained his present rook in 1839, and at the last publication of the navy lint, rooked nu Abe the Stet of Ma grade. Hie last command was that of the fleet on the African elation, a pont which he was eLliged to vacate on neconat of the lailore or his health. His age sane 57. A Loon Sbner.—At Wolfborough, a few days since, it tanner haysng occasion to repair u tan vat, put down tlneen year. ago this spring, she bottom of which was a 111 atone night fret square, found ern bedded under it a toad, a Wide smaller than a ten Un being liberated, the animal opened pis eyes and said or ocetned to soy, mornin', gentlemen. —Mrrrairl 4 Bragg Gazrge. Ltar-roN SPINDLL.—The whole number in th. world is estimated at tN,t , 5.1,000. of whteh Urea Liritato has 17,500.000. France 4,300,000, and th. United States 2,500,000. The Cathedral building, at laTobile, the !lambi yg, will probably be the luind,oniert and must ina ing church ednaee in the Union. Mr planet!, of Virginia, one of the editors of the new Southern organ, abolit to be established td XV.bingion, tret3 armed at his post The Secretary of State of Oltioestimates the pop ulation of the Slue at this time to be two milhons and sixty five thousand. farer Stockton applied for a farlensgh two year., which was refused, and hence 1113 resigoauou. It is reported that the snot of the British (3ov. moment in Canada will be removed from Toronto to Quebec. During a tornado ' on the oldmo, the court turuseat Artder• u,Oriures ecnraty, Taxa; wan towelled triththe ground. lt man burnt three Tear. ago. Colonel Richard M. Johnson, aril. content to nu for Governor of Kttnuky, If his fnends desire it. An curing °man 4u just anined at Salem, Um, from Afnca. t Episcopal Free Church u ma . • atingle ea the 30th shim% =rl - • Thormucrival£Ml--Cla Saturday night het, between 10 and 11 o'clock. the extensive steam lime mill et the Imam ender this borough, balers ing to Messrs J dc E Botg og i o s, eau/hare, and woo, in a few houto, reduced w a heap of nem. A large quantity Oflnmber in and anent the mill was sin conserved. 'The loss is estimated at be. tweet/ four and live thousand dollars, of which but two thousand irseemed. by lantrance, wnd falls heavily opcm the eaterptising proprietors, who had Jolt net the•thell into complete operation and were beta/ming to realize . something. (or their heavy . ooday.—irinirturnsg Firs Prwr. IN_ 6 IMY WAY 0 1, MANUS titans' Camilla= 1 4. 1 cameleer to obtain lavers from the ptide than the chari!ifet .emen. 4 r,abßewd pmaoher, after an 'elopstena charity sermon, said to his !rearm, " I am afraid, from the sympathy ptayed in your areanteasneetg;ttiareente of may give too much: I tandem you, therefore, that yotraboold be jig ;before yoO are genet. em, and wish yen to tindetsomd that we desire no one who cannot pay his debts to put any thing in the plate.' The collection was a roaming OWS. LOGAN, WILSON &., Co., 129 WOOD ST., ABOVE Firri, neve hist received large addid."4: l • o 11 ;e 4 r 1 spRIRG StOCR OR ERDWARE, Co.7l,ERrote Imported by biut p bets from - Eu ro pe, and to which they would epeclelly caliche euentian ormehavers,.jie l vinir ow p re T o .=,. • InayboiterlYT , end!, satisfaction. , vr DR. D. MAT, r • Dentist. Comer afroarch and' Dicatus, betweca Mutat aa ocidlyin Boald et the Post and Ankle Cured. Gratt—l am deiirous of ranking known to the publie the great effteezy of your PETROLEUM in say own case, which wee a severe scald of the feet end ankle; upon removing the cocking, the skin peeled off with it, and left nothing bat the bare surface. I expected to be laid up all winter from the eticeu of this scald, hat we applied the Petroleum :freely, by mean. of a donned cloth amended with it; at first, the application was painful, hut in a very short tioto the polo abated. I had no pato in one hour afterward.. In five days from the time of the application of the Petrokum, I Was able to go to work. I tate pleasure in stating these facts for the benefit of other sufferers, and ato.dellunts that they should be made nubile. I would also state, that I find lormediate relief by the use of the Peuoleunt, to bums, from which I am a frequent utterer owning to my business shoot the engine.. I would recommeed it gm the moat prompt and certain remedy fot barns I have ever knows. Misted.) J B COG, Engineer, Sitar/Wm:lh Allegheny Co. Plftdaugh, A pril.lB.lll. Dor •.le by Keyser & Me Dowell, 110 Wend street; E Sellers, 67 Wood D M Curry, Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, ap97 Canal lassie, Seventh at, Pittsburgh (*.Da hrLasra's Lama PM:a—this great Ameri can remedy for one Of the most formidable Ills that tech to heir to, Is now acknowledged superior to any medicine Of the kind over offered to the public. The anion is easy, certain, and attendant with no un pleasant result. It hAs never been tried without pro. d acing the moat eabMtry acct. Compounded by one or the most eminent physicists in oar country, I t is the medicine which ecionce, skill, and experience Milers to Mira. euTering. Call and purchase a box Ernie sale by.l. lII.DD d Ce:l, No CO Wood street jed-da.erS EN9SULIAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS 'CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pttt.bargb. c. a MISSEY, rases.; • • —A. W. BLARES, Seer. o:See—No. 41 Water Meet, in the warehouse of C. 11. GRANT. ie now prepared to insure all kinds of risks, on' houaes, ocanefactones, goods snereltintidiso In store, and in hmaita flood. , ho ./Di twin anoran:y for the eldity and themehaen or the Institution, Ls afforded to the ehuaeter of DI. rectors, Who are all citizens of Piasburah, well sod Deanship known to the community for their prudence, Intelligence, and foment), DtracToitn—e. G. Hussey, Won. Betgaley, W,o. Lor Inter, Jr., Waller Dry ant, Reich D. Slog, Edward liessehon, Z. Mosey, 13.11arbaagh, 8. N. Klee. apatett IftPORTANT DIEILTISO A Alaimo of the BOARD OF Tsang: Assocismcv will ha holden its the Room. of the IL T. and ;der chants' Exchange, on Tuesday evening, the 11th knit, at 7f o'clock, to tyke Into consideration the enb/eet of the recent paeans at an Act by the Legislature of tilt Commonwealth, Chilled nAti Lot to Incorporate the licmufteld Rail Road Cartipmy.” Citizens generally art invited to attend the meeting By order of the President JOHN HARPER, Secteury On Solonlily evening, Bib inn, 51.0 xi, wife of Wm. Unatey, aged - 00 yoars. The friends of the family am mecemed to attend the (anneal this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to pro. coed ro the Allegheny Cemetery. - - - - ---• AVING divided into sections or fowlers of from in two and a celebrated era act. each Fields} nicadeer ends of the lfroddroki. m gnu flied in Allegheny county. ,on the Alenongahcla River, sine miles !rem the city of Pittsburgh, 1 now offer the cold sections for el le, on accommodating terms. This location hauhnirably salted for country seats, for gardens, or for a- menufacturtne dionct The country around-it is healthy, productive, end thickly fettled. Ationdoet supplies [amber:brick thy, limestone, cool, and writer, me of en :the place, end in the neighborhood. The, wenery, too. fa lovely. Al. together, the location to beautiful and renowned: Eat for variety and comb:notion of advantage., is almost unrivalled. 13mdincen Field, Inn few months, will lo acces sible from Pittsburgh, over three leading tborough• twee. Already, by tee Monongahela Meer, steam boats almost hourly pus It, or rep et this wharf when required. The Pennsylvania Rail through wch is now being Fended, is !meted directlt By this mute it will be reached in twenty minutes time, from the city. The Pinsbutelt and Braddeek's Field Plank Road, for which the Te et sas already been eon• ; netted, form one of its st A . dlee of an hour from the try on this route will lead ta it. LIURC4OIELD have a !wee stark or -..a. Fang and Staple 'Dry Goods, seinng 08 et I Sbentlf Persetne, also, who now keeps a peralic Mod= ay fernoon.. greatly reduced pnees, vtn- leg hon. in the large brick Mansion, will show the Ihrege de Llama a large assortment of beautiful progeny at any time Plans of the grounds can be pattetnu en at my melee, earner of Wand nod Fourth anemia Malls, Inconel and Swiss M.alinsl Pitubdrgh, and also at Braddock's Field : . A splemaid awortment of Black a n d Fancy 5,1 k.; jeg t era • JAMES rat uccirANAN Refuges, Lawn. and De Leine., remarkably cheep; ; Ileaulifal Foulard Silks, at Xi cents per yerd; Valuable Properly for Sabi by Auctions Beaathol ClIICOS!, ( meta Crag, and upwards; ‘-shN Jme ear at „,,,,„ k ~;„ 6. Sol , A large Week of Drama and Bleached Mashes, die ei on the premi•es, near Mush' Ren,6 Boas town. per yard, god upwards, slate, five valuable to of Imd. of - Venom, rhea, Wires Bonnet, and Parasols, at greatly reduced prices.' ;insane upwards of CIO acres, laid sole in Juts anneble BraththCasithaerw, and Vest pimp( the best tar guile. end ether perpates and ;meeting a good remarkably low. opportunity to th ose who Malt to Oblein a pleasant Together with a liege rock erricfi'fillth Apron and comtry residence, being but a Wort distance B eaverf Shining Cheek., all widths; Brown and Blunt el e l., j thjee dj ete j yqh t h e hat , „ the 01 the e ev er Meetings and Stilt Pp; Irish Linens; nil/ether with Ruud. The locale °, eminently pieratrat and he a l t h .hither mill!, in nor 11[10, qt. north test corner of al, aid the T ay if abOlialladY with em. Feranit and Market at. lelo 'ar d ent water. Terms of sale, one third cash in bend; , and th balmee In three men permeate. Peremptory Sale of MI Dialldlag Leiter Apia an of the lots, and further particulars may be On obtatne4 by epplicinion to thoprog newt Lecky, the premises, or at the office of Debt. 11. Deets, N Thareday afternoon, done 11, at &clock, will I An eh b eej , c i t y. be sold On the premises, erg ty two eplendid I Ara,, at the .any time, h ail b e or ae d Building Lot., laid eat by Beery Damen, h.q., on three Lou. in the city of Allegheny, two on the corner ear that beautlfel Wand, near' tho elity of Allegheny, eon. cif Beaver and Sam son sts, having 20 feet front by footed by a whom:Mal bridge to the main lanq. The 90 feel, to an alley ello feet behind, ( th e curb *tope of above embrade very dextral, eltestiona for mg., e these lets la already set t ) end one tot On Sunman at, dwellings and menefeeturieg purposea, and offor I harin g go feet heat, by 10 feet Terms of sale. the great inducements to those wishing to parasite real haqe IVILLIAM LLCM( estate at low prices, th e owner hence determined that jam, every lot put up shell be sold without m ove.-- ono fourth Club, resider, in ree equal an• Public Sala or Real .Estate. noel payments, with teleran. Plans can he °brained ryniE mdmigned will apes. to sole by Pubdiei at lb- sale. rooms. P M DAVIS, Auctinneer 1. vendee cr outcry, net Taeeday, the 11th day or J.e, iluahnt, at Jo clock, r. at. All tho right s title, and inthrest of Z. 00.10 g. in the heeds et Ms as. , and to Lain Non ' {ett n ril er jf, o Paln u ter to Lawns p1an, 290 in - Alleghencity, sitante near the miner Of Mat n and ;Velem three,. oLoan, 210 and kV, hare each a front on Main st. f 25 feet, and exceed in depth ICO ;ratio Carpenter's oley, mil 21 feet in :with of Lot No. ran. which ex• tenth back 100 leer 10 Carpenter's alley. Nara La, have erected thereon four brick dwellirgbenses, Sale to be made on the pramses. Terms made known no day of rule. C LOOMIS', Aesignee. Pittsburgh, Oh feeder at fiat! beet 4 o'clook, P. Ei. , Anna youngest daughter of John Irwin, 27. The Amaral will take place all() o'clock on Tuesday mut 7 th 7 S, Juno 111 h, from the residence of ace tether, West Common, Alleghely Day. At Coal Bleak, %Tashi/mon 0001117, Pa, on June 7th, ALive Casinos,, Infazi daughter of J. H. and A. D Logan. Popimit Coatc•slon and Prhateraft Ex- A femaIe.LECTURE, 11 m the Confession.' • by Popish Ptims, according to the modern o(Popieh Theology sold in this country, to answer the use of members on the Rumen Catholic Church will be delivered. on MONDAY evening, J 0 lutn, in PHILO BALL, by Ike. E. LL'AILEY, D. a, late a Monk of La Trappe. t,17. Ladie,and youth. are positively prohibited from earning to age Lecture, as some awful die. Molar., will be made. Gentlemen admitted at nicts. jelu Mtn Xi - CRP/1V 111 TO awn..s of property OR Wood, Liberty, and Penn net assessed to paY d•ro•ges incurred In ox. ; teoding Hancock ,assesse d You ate hereby requested le Inset at Washington Dell, Wood street, between Pleb st, and Virgin alley, this day, at Waldeck, P. AL jet° rpm; LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL COMMON I PLACE DOOR—Containing the d-eillona of the Supreme Court of the tinned !State. and of the mt. speeder State Coons on Hills of Exchange, Cheeks, — .._ and Promiasory Notes—defining their requisites and (1 REENWOOD LEAVES—By Grace Greenwood. properdes, and investigating their relapses to, and I,J kor sale by . JOHNSTON & STOCKTON effects upon, parties. Tim whale arranged in an order ley - most convenient for reference, and suitable for im. - mediate npplication. By Wm. Linn. , Coonsellor at , IN I S,EVRiI twd io liemtd. , i nnn encOunt of a Law. Just received and for wile by -". se t to the Chaldean Christiana 014.1.1iMaj, . d JOHNSI'ON A STaCKTON • 1 toe Yasiti's, or Devil Wershipperil and an inquiry reto Ika.haaiirrh, ea, meant A Third am. i Into the manners and arts of the ancient Asirriana _ IHy &natio Henry Layarilt Esq., D . C. L, For ra . o at . _ EVrRACTS of Lemon, Vanilla, Rem, Diner Al- I .: JOHNSTON & STOCRTON'S monds, for flavoring lee Creams, Jellies, Cy nerd 5 i .le7 Rook Store. cot. Market & Thad el & Slimes, for sale by ll P. SELLERS i ... . t CORKS—Minentl am] Porter-7 bales Prat ree'd far axle Veto] it F. SELLERS SCI,;TigE 4NEATIIB do. 11111.7, E. 5 14 1 .w0 , 100ri noehanles, Welaback—Mochnoicr .d Fngineortng, 2 vols Meld—Chromotnr, Mallor—Physic end Aletoorology.R.. Hartflold llouse Carpenter, tivo. Mojondlo—Phlololooy Mothill—History of 'lvo Evans—Mlllls'nghsa Golde, boo. Korieh—Payaheogy, Marsehei—OdClo. of no.oneiry; fiyo. Wood.—Preetleal Trosilec on Rod lipadr, 8.. Allnifiedd—Mochnnlcal Drinting Book, FS.. s,,,,,,,—Fnilorophy of the Hum. Mind, Hen. For ride by D LOCICWOOD )00 F9iY,b ATLILITED 0 the hoary& Church, Allegheny county, near Plum Czech Church, a small Black Cow, TO white belly, and white on her tall, about ten b ean old; came on the 100 ult, The owner ibdrairod come forward, prove propene, Pay charrea, and take Ler away. teletwitoT -- ItWr on. 1 ••;- REV. JOllid DAVIS. Eellynahineh, D ow , , will preach /o the Assoetato Rearmed Church; (Elev. Dr. Prettily's) Allegheny city, to mot, row afternoon, at hair oast 2 o'clock. lee NEV BOOKS 1 NEW BOIMES At Minus' literary Depot, Third nem, opposite the POn OAK. HATIPER'S New Monthly Magazine for Jane. Morning Csll—Mrs. Ells—pens 0 and 10. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine Dr June, r 4 ladle Magaslne for June. LAtell's Living Age—No. 310. Doman Shakspearo—No 17. • Dictionary of Mechanics—pan II Pictorial ECU Book of the Revolution -parts I ae The Stewart By H. Conlon, Esq.—part a. The Mu er l sDaughtet. Dy Dickens—price acts. 1.9 %RANGOI--A lot off reel, Melton Oranges jut re U ecived, end for sole lovr, by the box, by MIA 151'CLUBO & CO Je9 ..,2511 Liberty et CT49,1,1,Ty5 - ' VW: auVd t'C'6"` pAT EN T E FFt Eva—yial td E7l¢ c 7% 1 b ra„ ApopoforNt•by Geed AMcCDAO& W lELLOW BAE , KETS lad tie& not Arc erkie b yy Je9 WM' A AfcC:LURG ROOFING PAPER—Tsid. for male by I SCHOONHAFF.It m CO . 94 Wood NI DACON PAYER—Large, ciem, and atrcsk, made mark ex t p , r l e a m s a le yr eor< Jn S C h H am UNoMA the c ß incinrui & CO ir. TIVDIUC—:2 caaoli ftte quality for sale by J_ fo3 • 4CIIOONat&IMV.& CO BACON-11b5ds mamma, riaM listing from steam or Col oablan,'formtle ' 18 Kier DICXEY & CO jai ' • Water and Front sto. LARD -1:1 beg No I loadir,o,iod for one by e , ISAIAH RICKEY k. Co B - 4 1 5051.4-16t0;:ou, Ncrpter:lnnd , ag, for sata by . . ISAIAH DICitEV it CO q 1 F.,.100 pigs fresh green o.lld blot . for sale by iea DICKY k CO SALERATUB-49 brim pulverised, .70 lbs each; 13 hi' brie do • 110; ; do. • For sale law by • ; Cll GRANT lea • I W Water at . T EAS -7) hi anus Young Hyson: 0/ do Imponal and Gonpourder; 40 do Pooeboon and Cholan; • 0 - do ertra fine Oolong; wi 40 cuddles GtmOwder 11.1 Many al the above are choice, and all ll be sold mterlpy,tntose. by • lie6li • C H ORAN? R & PITCH—IS brts Tar; ' 5 brla Pitoll;' for aale by C H GRANT , QUNDRIE.3—GrouniI and Reef. Glngbr, Alga, Njxt C. , ' , emir:id:go, Glue: In kegr, for We by je9 C 11 GRANT ONE Second flu d llolstin IE3 g Wheel, for We by C 11 GRANT DEER SKINS-4 bundles foe rule by Jen CHEF, btATTBEWS It CO bu jun received fur sale by - Rimy, MATFHPayB & CO LEATHERS--4; sacks uncle Ey forsale by i 6 HUEY. MATTHEWS & CO F LOUR -30 bele (welly Flow for sale by • Je9 RIJEY. MATTHEWS & CO F brie new No 3 Naciervl; --- 13 Ws No 1 8 ( brl. No 3 do; . 23torle No 1 Herrinr, for 18.13 by mArrinms & CO T EM)—' 740 pigs soft Galena for sale by RUES', MATTHEWS t CO LOUISVILLE LIME-74 brill for solo by RIMY, MATIHEWS ft, CI & PITCH-50 hrle ria brl• Veal:l:deg:on Plreh. for • le RUBY, MATTHEWS & CZ) VITINHOW GLASS—ao boxes assorted sizes of ►Y Smith & Ilerron's mocullictureocarron ed equal to city broads, for side to reduced mice. by Jed SHEN*, MATTHEWS ft CO . . TITLES NADEL'S MEDICATED NTIMPII SOAP. kJ , skin of =my persons is Measured with slight et - options, as pimples, =nephew - , kin g , and when this in merely's - dine, of the skin, as it Is in nisety nine crises out of every hsndred. it Is very easily re• moved. Jules Hauer. Nymph Soap It egprecalY adapted to dimenees of the skin, as it arts directly upon the minute pores which cover ite terrace, clernesing them from Impurities. and by iu naisamie properties healing and eradicating all eruptions, and rendering the daraest and roughest akin soft, fair, and bles ming. Pomona who have been in the habit of using drill nary coup• will Is, Astonished at the beautiful effect produces! by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate bloom, preventing th e neck, face, or hands from chap ping, allaying all irritntion, end Minor:nig all °mane ens eruptions. It tthiseesses as exquisite perforce, and Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering It the only anicle which can be used with safety and comfort in se the nursery, All them km or peeks are disfigured. with pimples, blotches, torn =orphan., deo, ehould make vial of Jules flatters Nymph Soap, as the proprietor positively mums them, that its Use will in the most discolored akin IR the roughest skin smooth, andshe most dtseased skin ' healihy, pare, and bloom ing • Itatielle Nymph Soap to the only article which efectually prcuthen the stove effects In 'so short a hoe. and the o• IF one 'ranch Is Mthe titan time all powettel and emirely &tentless. Prepared only by JULES DAM:L. Perfumer and Chemist, IMP CleOsttut street, Phila. For sale wholesale end rattll by B. A..Fithnestock at Co., and R. E. Sellers, F l ittobarght and John Sar gent and I. Alin:bell, Allegheny ally, Pa. Jeff Timm PILLARS OF HERCULES; or Travels in & Snare and Morocco in David Urquhart, Eag ,M. P. For sale by M 7 )OIINSTON at STOCKTON VITIRPHY & BURCIIPIRLD'have j net 'teethed In new otyla Foolootthlka. very elm.: rich, plain, and figured changeable silks, of almoei-every :yle •sad otality; raper plain and Spired black gilts; do tramper and timmer; bare. de laths, new and hand some styles; new style French, English, and Scotch Lavins, to great variety, and at Very low situ.; plain, Spored, and satin striped do lain . of MI blade nd yealltier; linen lostree of all shod. and rotor& glethons, chintte., prints, ke., at wrath east earner of Fourth and Iclarlrat went,. leg Backe—General Literature Mom—Perfumery or Use and Mantlfeetn; Phitompby Or Mecum into, . Cidlow,Aphanstos And Reaemlorts. 1"mo Shaw—Eorloth Ltetramrei Ltmo. • ! Druid—Lrrendre. Drynot—What I rnor in CalifernlA St. Pierre—Paol and Virefeja. volt. 1201 o. Alcott—Lettersto Young Mtn. Duresp—ltectErde of Homan Nature. Illoto Veriermr—ltcdent French Lltorntore. • SmelKe—hdosooLY. Nerrohmo—ttotoon Mattnetirm. • IlaronME—Anneetr of Nowt. Croderip—Eudagieol Reermoionr. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD Ira 104 Foe,-1 2.1 DEADDOCIUS FLULD____. ~ od.lbrorude WHEREAS, I have this day constituted and al, YY V poi tad my brother, Cyrus Black of the city of pithog rg b, my agent, 8110111ey in (ant l ot me. all per,. ons, th erefore, having any lawful claims against me, nod all persons indebted to rue will Mew cation him and settle ther aCtann,s, as he is legally aatheri se d •to attend to 0111.10.4 Iran, nOllOllBlO, me. He will Le found at his Harr, wret mat or the Diatztond, Pitts b rah_ m] 'CAROLINE SMITH 1 LINTON PAPER MILE f, Steubenville, Obit:s— ki Agency at of Wood street. Fccr - J, and Flaw Will Its2cr, recently rcceiren Je: P SIARSIIALL ONE COUNTER-10 feet loon, rated , 'alb cherry I top, for sale low, by J SCHOONMAKERA co ill wood u• HINTING PAPAR—AS tme 2 5 535 inches.. h.d Xand Cu rate by A. ENGLISH tr. CO ie7 511 Woad st . _ . C_ELLERS' FAMILY MEDICINILS- 4 They are the . kJ mcilictimi of the day. , Graham Smiles, Ohio, May 95, 1940. R. E. Sellers—l think it right, for the benefit of other, to Gate none facts in relation to your excellent Fa . roily Medicines. I - have need your Vemange largely in my own I family. one vtal frequently expelling large quanbtlee (ray lOU to our wow.) fmm two children- I have theeho used your Liver Pills and Coagh Syrup In my mly, sad they are, in every iastance,preduced ffect. deeired. As I am e.rigaged in merchandialrig, eta able to etaie, that I have yet to boar f the brat Whim where your 1120liiC.ILt• have been used In any section of the country. in co I may state that they are me medicines alba day, and am destined to have a very calm:Goa popularity. Yours, rencerfnlly, W FINNELL. prepared and sold by R. FL SELLERS, No 75 tw o street, and . sold by Druggists genurally In tha two cities •nd victnity. Je7 For flats Chaap, ON - 6 havirome boggy, entirely nen, from a eel. brated manufacturer at the east. Also, a delphte bell: ececntl heed Balky, in good eider. En demo et One , jeG DOSPELS.TVAI PATRAT SODA, ABEL Price It.'need.' • ITUE SUBSCRIBERS said null hlneplatt's bete quality end high lest Glass and :roan Miami soda Ash, warranted rdperlor to any other brand rt 3f by the eioconity of 5 tons or upwards for earttney or •pproved Notes, at four 111001hs, af 31 fora leioiqUlLLl Lilo. W 2111TCHELTUElii, eta /Abut/ larva. - P. :W.-CATES' PATENT DIES ; ; FOR CUTTING SCREWS.' rsorzwraD NAY 8, I?4T. ••!•• • TITE.S.£ DMS having been adopted and highly approved te the pt th e i p „,i sh9F. in New York and Philadelphia are now offered to inanufactorers, machinnth, ohip anutha,Sre., with the utmost emi• fidencei ■• - the }no se perfect article is tria for crams screw._ •, • . Their ever any other heretofore tired, 'consist., their co tog a rrarcr. &maw, whether i , or sQuang thrnd,bg ooespossit.g direr the iron to be cmi ahich require no 'Magi, or prcvrow yrrparbticry as the dies cei th e thread cut or th e solid han k wi th out :eal, q it in the Itmr+l; in their greater durability, rapidity,- and 4ntffouti9ll wart; audio ' their simplictty and little liatultty . to get out of order. . . . . • 1=E!!!! die. 17,1841 This la to 'certify thet we hamigueeltisettftoit P. W. tildes dot right of says his patent Dies for ant. nog bolts. In our opinion, his Ines sr 6' r imn oh sispo• tier many . other's me ars acquinted Van ter as purpose of elating Obits. ! 7 P monis * co,- Aell:• 41. /e 48.. Rasing had P W Garen Patent Dim m on. f 2.011/ establishment for the lest nine mondia,.for mating tolts, , _Uro eon in asap respect recommend them in the highest toms, as we brae laid sat chessmen., the, bolt g so far superior—considering thus la per eel t. cheaper than any others now in ma: • SLIMY, PlEgPsSat . This la to certify that We tine purebtiid thdrialit to we, and adopted in car bumps, P W.:Gates. Pa tent Beres. Cutter, which we highly apprdya or He em do mach more werkeand we believe tt wOlint , pate in dambility and Mein . .., es meet Ike too dentr or labor, any dies known to as MORRIS; TaSICER MOBS'S. - Pantatumenct,gth month, nth day, IE4B. • Haw You, An , 79,1819. Flaring adopted P. W. Gate.' aratentitite for entl• tins bolo , . Nye take Namara In raying, that Imola than answers our expectations, and have; no hesita tion In String it its our opinion, that ft far tied. any other plan in present ttio for caning • T BECOA . is CD. • haie P. W. Gates , oPuteni Dice for mating sere..., and the economy of Using thOM/S so very considerable, that we loot upon them as thmillesum hie to every estaollstuneul haying any quantity of .Crow. 21> em. IdeCOHETICK, CODEN'te CO, anuou, May 10, 1949.. n11.11..EC1 07110 E, WAsetreornv,*eth Sept, nave purchased of W. H. Scoville. for the United States, tee right to ore in nil the trvenele moth- a DI. ma TO WELT a OE, Sole Importers fortFu. market, . . . . Elnepract & Pena , Patent Sods nib, A RI now reeeiviog, by canal, large ouppite• of the L. above celebrated article, both glare 'and nap makers , beet quality and h+th.3at, vrblchialtey UI bill at thtflorrest market pnce, for nub otappeaved lls. N. D. In addition. to the. above, they hale several shipmenu to only. t orte tail trade. • ' Jel Five Milldam: Lots ct efeediend; ON Vonday attelooon, To. 1021, at 3 o'clock, will be bole on Rt. Premise., file very desirable mw of ground, sienna on becond stint, between Ferry affect and Redoubt Alley, having each anent of 20 Icel. and extending back 73 feet to.. alley 10 feet wfde, agree. at 17 with plan ofJohn Caldwell, Es q. Terms, ono filth cash, maid. in Max (IMO ionnal payment", with late-rest. Jed UM=== • N O. 47, MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth sueets, Pluebargh, THOMAK PAL MER would rnsPectfally cult the •attentleas ft his friends and customers. to' his present extensive and general stock of inembandide. It will be foaadte eono prise every d Acription of Amerlemt and French Paper and Border for Parlors, Balls, Dining rs Ream. Bed Chambe, Coming Remns,te.,ratling trawl-2S cents to es a piece. So great a diversity of prlees and q can nes can hardly fail to suit the circumstances and tastes of parebasera who may favor dish their pauenze, the old established stand on:Martel Weal: ntotle• to Contract airs. • PROPOSALS will be received stutollsnsday, the 'Nth fnatmt , lorglnding and Inidgieg dot portion of the Pittsburgh and Braddocksteld Pleat Hoed from the city line to Butner, WI, above the six mite run. Platte and speeiGeatioo 'Win be =Whited, end In formation given by the anbletiber, at the office of 11: Woods, Esq., Navy Agent,' far tone clayey:ll,lm to the tentage. 130 TCSOlntion of the &ini Gin/teeters, daud lane 4th, Wee. BYLVANDS LOTIIgOP, . led.dat Enemy; To Lot. - DWELLING HOUSE AND ot-FlCE,Wrbirdit., Darlington's • Row, a tear Italy dwelling, slate roof, with bath roam.sal fixture., aid offire, Apply to Je6:dtf HENRa WOODS, Pena or Winer nor ASII-60 •casks In store pail for nate to close loarigament, by • • left J B ACON -4 etelrnEy cared Mow, ••• and for sal eo do do , Shoulders, Jost received by Jl,6' J A ItUTOIIII3OIO k T AR, PITCH, AND ROSIN— -7.K.1 bbis N C Tar. ' • , /Cabbli Pitch; ' ' .-. "sale byjrA NI bbl, Ragn, In More; and Or JAB A HUTCHISON' k CO 87 2 r; b I y IIriPANTANE—M !Aix etwint.dnier,&T Ü b_y .lll"lll'Bl{ ' L BRAUN & R TER , c o rel L VARNIII-8 bbl.gell u a N nd . jokAilklea : _ OACU bbl. reed I■tt fen.#abi by C • BRAUN & REITER Ivino ttrigha orGovarnmslit. T T.). , L7CK Weo IP, lot roortb ntrant, will publish b ? , f h . f d e r .; the Lio ct in a n Chlyn GOTO7III2tAt, trans. f Dr. Mulct, by henry SnVer, Al. ' o .in O. V 01.12 inn. ' 7 jai NEW PUBLICATIONS. Plember..-Nlneveb, Asyris, and Syria, 12 me, B on—Travels In Siberia..l vols Lento. on—Six months In rho Cold Aliatfo .;3 Taylor—Odom:o,2 v 01.12 my. tleasloy—Drog6its 7 Recap% Dtat, limo. Mantey—Popolar Delusions, p voL 11 coo. DleSehe —David Capperlield, LI roo. Homboldt—Aspeets of Nstane..ll my; • • t Whist—Universal fllstory, 11 mo. Shavr—Ermlisb Llteratere,llmo. : o Campbell—Lives of the losnl Charteellors, 'tools. 8 Al:mend—Merest World; 14 ma. . Johnson-0;011011mi elf Gardeamgl4mo. • : witsnintryori HILL; PITTSBURG% , .1 Dot;—Tbe main s! management of cblldeen,l2 mo ~..._ ~. ...,__ Wood stint, above ri"... For sale by JAD D LOCKWOOD. . ... ar ". A '" j , . nookro, „di...„ : „. ; „. , IN f.,,,,,,,, ~. rroffnAj.',..apientlid estabh‘hmeni in non offmed far It. adsmrably • arranged.- for Concerts, Havana Olgarn ': actarea,EnAtbidons, de. For tenns. arply.ta •• . ... . i. • JOHN A FEIESIMONS, 1 URT RECEIVED. al LIS L.berty drafty On sot. II lowing. celebrated brands ofzenuine Havana 0. . p , sd i r ' . 0 , 7 w m „... gam—Penedos Plantation Ren•alabthe bert Cigar: -- _—_— _ . mmoned,and bat rearlT ...I wt h ho MitilmHlß Novaßar.cmra media Repaint; . ..., • La Pireena La Norma ' do; El Leon Vara do; '. Diana , • do; Napoleon ' do• ' • . Santa Bata . Plintipa; Star • Ere. °maim La Vielka . do; ' Old Zack, . do: t - . Koasatb • do; . ~. • f - Also, Robin won's eztra Carcadial; Tobacco. for,nl.lo wholesale and reratlby • ._ _ : , Je6 PHU A tifcCLURO ik... (Xi. .. .... ... ...... en t h ora e y u ruLeas—.3.6f4 revs dm, apt ROBERT DALTELL & CO. Liberty stretl, L AHI) r AIL-le.bltreusie ale v fltsrisrat L.L, • No :0 Water west; 147ooLwooTIpe 'she pnee euh ur 1 D il l af . 132 Libertreneet NIVEL` Tarrero. At tlia Sip. of lho Golden limp,' No. 10, ryda;,t. HAS Jinx !wow . The Lord's Prayer, {beautifully erubellbtned.) Our Faith then Fondly Plighting, topers Lindy) as snug by Napolita M lue, as tog byad. Eisne ng r...rt. Ifts sl , olSerseelant.i. .1,. PM Queen of a Petry lianti, do. Play Beetles, as sung by Mad. Bornstein, Status Ole!, as sung hr Miss &gig Ern sut r as sung by Arad. ElisetieelantL Call tee pet names. . • • Piper of Dundee. Yes, ere we suet I Wits a lover, • Old Proton.. Wedding Wslt. Sylph Wsltses. • Aliquippi Waler-11 Rohboele, Morse lone Polka. Prins Prlkn, ter., an. [jet) R . ICIATIER. , ZS. end Siliss, just retained by expresgthls mOgn.• • at north east corner of Fourth and Ararkit;' m I S I JR. I L Y _AI 3 I I _ I .9 H ?sift/RV/IV t BUR , ./IFLIXD and 13nrage M. D. Leiner; at eery low prkel, at north out corner of Fount and Market ats.. jklt DLAJE BILE LlCEB—E:iVciiidera irW --- ra and LI narrow trimming Laces Oben qoality, run reed and for nit at Northeast corner of Fourth sad Mac. . ket streets Jen MURPHY In BURCHFIELD PtittitriElC--20 ruts Miters Ws best DD Tit lay 'pp arrive ,In Philadelphia per , tbip Delta .to jrsr vale by• & seeet, TAIT.OIIII , GITODIR,. CORpr , IDrERSEY, FLEMINti & boesng 4:n.nd:to vo the ir entire ottcraton to the rale of dositeitle tack of .K i l la tLv!i%Go l ods, now Iffer littir large German Cloths, DoesSlXtfll 7 ofe t r u µ " ' c ry ! ! firizslEY. FLA3ING :CO let 10 :Wood lit • • `A(tuxlf~u=tw nil to strTive,f or safe 17 -7— s. /241&11 lIICKgr • -• uwYltn—atT~ol ~ 3hi Ms do; out. ocoO e/dos; 3 costs Sboalden; CAA, HMI; __ I cook Roomed MOM =43 NuPP. Blcookarto &0i1y... for oalO jet tIAI1& T n IN G'S 1. nom t. 9 vols calf it clotb. Taglors Eldorado,. 2 vols. • Irving , ' Worts, complete. 19m0., cloth & gretdg , ... Downing's Lsodsespe Dardenieg. evo. • Downing,' l'reit Trees of America. Unto: Salothiel—Croy. 6vo. Cgapraan's American Droving Dick. 3 Nos, Co., !leasehold Words—Dickens. NO, Ito 8. IVesies audit:owlet Serie, !Pm. Deihl Coppetfield-r,017. Illtao. jet ForM by J 3 IEII n tocrwoon! 104 Foortb el • I _ 04% i - "Vvgibt. rime. Mellen merge, linen in essb, will be pald fot the diderent grades of Wool. by • 8 & W 11ARDAUDII 143 First .1 A. no Second st -140 brim Flour, reed, and for . • 8 tr. W HARSAUGIT 'era aupealar brana,teetuve B&W BAR/MUGU Qblii - TuiTlZ:4TRis 1.7 for role by jcl LARD -DU !Legs No i Lard- . 10 btlo do for sale by jel 0 OA:-& - )bzo No i Eroap, rer..a, an ft, -.-. 7, - I,' le9 eAN.DLEB-23 boo bfooditi - ndlerby I L , ki , 8A WHARBAIJCII TEAS! TIC/1511 !Vitae f i• •: MITE enter not Ina, the list or soffers,we ta7llolhlng Vlabout limdreds of Cbests. trapattess. Large Capital, Booght for Cub, !so. in fact, Ore will not hautbois in an, manner er form , we sWoply invite We publte to comps. oar Tea's wlth whet they pasakasa .hasdessi this is Ito best method We koseWta juea, tatamrtto sells the best snit cheapest Tessin Plitt. burgh. We are now soiling . • , cooed and gang Tea atleaed Ed eettld Pdh TieA d do do best Too Imported Into the U. States, it • Low plead, damaged, or Inferior Taws we do not keep. MORSII3 HAWORTII pish:lra °Me Tee Mukel, - Ean *lt of 174upurad. , rba ender the enpersbdon. of the. Department, P. W. Gates!"Pabent skeeter eanieg screens ea mew, they •baeing been tried In two of the brae arsenals, sad fecund to be eery ealcient and excellent • d. TALCUrr,, CoL Ortinasicia. Dtaxin o.ltsiere Arot. Docits,. Irtamtrntrx, Sept. tn, lets S tornddering Game Patented Imp,ovesseat far tat— terrWe en cieudle bee salelole one, I been, by an wily of !the Hooorable Secretaryof the Neel, plirehrycd . Ore Atteeiten elite Pateence, Was Esonllc and esuauel bthrocer, bee, the nicht to mate and nu uid improvement.tttr the U. &Navy.. , /OdErti SMITH, Cidef of Bares. I In use also by Buffalo Works, Bolalo; • Roam, & Ashley, Haeharter; H datert & Co, Gonceatar, N. V; intWek hew York ] Haywood &ISlayden,Sehrrylklll Comely; • . II ayw & Delardater,"P2arela. 4 IL 1C..1)411111U4 &Ca. New Vork; Demand & Cq DHOW:tent Works, Halt; . Van Caren. Hoollewer: Matt & &yore. prewlYork; Allaar Work., • deg ••• •• P W e a eae t Arletirldry d l ; Norris & lire, Philadelphia; • w Jenks, Breedeshaeo, P. . Walwarth & Nseae Homo wtd New York; • Lowell Machine Chop, Larval"; Ameaskewr Co, hlaneteater, N II; Imaran & Scaler, 26 . 411:1 Boston, and numerous others. • , dice's; a lit to . e in. pri. a 1 . ;:9 24n "4 „ s LIP to 1 price 840 NO3 do.B - do i,to l, C h ic otdeni . oddrv!oed to P. lootejt, Chic.* - B.: Lintlion; Plow foik F 1.).111Oraholl kCo, flula. aott H. B. &Soar, Vomigo, for Ditto• o.od Top., with or or IMoui' topobittoo for mon ittont, IMP meet with prompt Wootton. • ' • Latcwo, Miry 3,1830. • fekdOnt AMUSEMENTS THEA,TREi . , Lures and Mailayer roirrEit k 0... Circle and Panyiette...— . ... cam .. Reece} and Third 'Gera . Gallery (for colored per5ea5).'....—......15 Doors Mom •1 7{; Canala will rise at $ o'clock. First night alike calablated RAYMOND FAMILY. On moediy, .I}lllo 10, VIII be 'monied hir &algae RBrat.RigitiatEetll=4otE'Cli LNDS, anil37 : '. .V 4 t , t a ZAT, P° Arpg7ott i t s r :fre ; of Bergs, Dreta, arel lee!, ite ' moied from tee. MOP b<nellfill melodies, 'lmmersed With *ketches of elm 'feeler from blob end Ime repartee, manes el' the peasantry, mom, betum—ln two Velomos. M=M To eonelade'vrith the admirable fano of • • THE QUEFIN'S OWN. • • Phelim; (oat of the (mews Owe) tar M. Raymond Eliza,•—••••.--•••••••-•—•hlta M R,alo>•nd ORANO, FLORAL, CONCERT MONDAY eveninfr, ;lane 10, at WILKINS J HALL, PROFESSOR. SING lIAM giro a Omni Fleral Concert, consisting of the beautiful oratorio of the Festival •of the time, and Nevem! other pwees, ITILDXI . " , / 31nger . . from the tellommig School.From ) : nd .he Pittsburgh .institnte, Mn. Ges• horn, Liberty street. • • .• • •• • • From the Allegheny Collegiate Insillete„ Alfa balm, Federal street. • , From the Pittsburgh Fenitde Smelter. y, Mrs OiFlyng, Penn un et: - From the High ElehooVFinrilk Ward, Pena street. • Flom the High School, Second Ward, Borah, and Mt Hingham , * Academy, Fifth street - • irrhokes, cents; lobe had at Mallet's, Ekberw, and 0 Yeagethiillarket at, and al the deer. Jeentld . . ,• ,r S,DDINGMAM • W. pith again Ili tongs to Greet Yon WILKINS lIALL-iiALII.• ROOST • MONDAY EVENING Atte 10th. and EVERY SVC. NINO DURING THE WEAR I 11..alltera , Original ENIP 114.1iN ST R EL S! . ' • tan nrgoss. R. U. J: P. Taunt, k. D. Palmer. I. Genteel', 9.0. Snyder, IL L. No., O. a Drown. C C. Vail, 11. L. Yourerc re and the artterterl couLAviiirr.. The beet Deed ia rho World! 1. • The Empires, aa Veeolivo, baron:mite Perform ert,llellocarens Falaplote Chareettr, or Dancing, DO7 ccammort, aoa calt.txriox MIX WORLD to predate their equals. The, programer.* will eentain 'elections from tits Operas of Leortora,: Norma, La Solattarnhoht, belle, La quote, the,Ertekaatrepe, finhetaiatt Girl, and Bronze Ilene. Together with all the motto..too ter Eahlop4al Biologie* • . • Jett; . _ PITTSBURG ) H,IVI U.S EU I% B. N. ldOkltiß : Prrprictor. E PEALE...Manager oflijusinm Red Lecture Beam. THE PUBLIC are : nereetftilly informed that the Ptopristat has engaged the popolar 'code:lsmer: Ireupe+Johnstorils Misrule Ecrenaders--eho jive • series of their chaste - end intmenbio Vey alan4 wilt inerunmatel Entertainments, eommencing Thursday men, Jane Ottl, IHMVand conunue every events du ring tie meek. Palonus/me to commence nt f - Admienon, 311uteula .4 Lecture Boom only tls PITTSBUBIII. ZUSEllat & LECTURE, ROOM,. . • . Aporizo umai,::;rornTri BT. dpErr fiom .8: :tut!: tut 10 P; Admission to /Museum anALecture Boom, i 3 costs; Itmemtsentmlyi cents extra. ja3 • THE GREAT BE3II-ANNUAL SA O . ll'Y GOODS.; . At, Itto Oao Pelee Stole or A.A. MASON & CO 'UVILL eommeitee on 316)ey. Jane 34, WV Their' =merle establishment, with all their • Wholesale Roma, will, on this calamine, be. thrown • open for Reran:T and all et extensive stock arill he oreiral tontallearchase thei rs r discount of (mot SO Mo e ar end. Mit . than Nlnelprier. THEIR P(104.4C Cl' tiILILS Compri. over fur hundred to sold u as intramme Their aisortmeni offilawis,Thircricatimes, Gem- Mines. Fordrud. Si/ke, •/Awna„. Mealier. Jae-owns.. I C‘ iftg c r ' Jire a l r i4 ro n ab? n o tlnf, ,° :An 11 cams Fast Coasted Lawns sill be offered en el 'Thr. t /111:firl i' de f: Laine4 : • •So a Englieh and Ammicie Callers, 10 drl c l ane dome Linen Handkerchiefs; • eA y r A large lot ot Wrought CeLdn , untie as low es le. • . Together with a complete varlets of Demasileaed Whitt Goods. /kilotons, Hosiery and Glows, Meteo r : Making 11l &Rancor the most overate. assortments ' In the ernictry,arclea will Wreathed down to much towns pr.ccs thurat nap of their: pretions Annual •••• AlOr The Store will be closed Soon .tittrsdag and / ay,Pday 70th and 21.,, for the serum of armor it g and marking down steer.. No autumn?' to Psi, cm. • royal ' "A A MASON fa CO ' .": • Hentirlhola Words. J'o Dickens' 11'""*. WINDTOIV GLASS--01/0 b0*..4 assorted-me, NI prlmeorder,tweale by JO/IN WAIT& CO lea • • • ' Liberty Erect prime n ro.rorii trUi .• • • JOHN WATT a cgt ENTEReit E COOKING SIOVL-Y-4for sal., to clom p at $l7 each, by. O II; GRANT illstbar . l37 g? . . 3b % P Chee s se n r:Wp C o l t. ' lr g .d . l:;Vgt ed e 3 ' .1 LI CIAZIFIEtp poittoboairc,ksnr:tr. 11136,ED, PIS Pllo . or TAINT-10 br:lqornqUie We by NEW 14"4."EL—'1.1trfliftePAidli LTA CO Imo • cn. .Rmu & • • CI FLU) ok /lERltileci fa one. foe. ii.T.Erf:. ; 1,3 11361A1l DIChY CO COD - Milan osle . CICELY& CO . 'NCB BRICE a TILE—FOr sale . A. 3 19AfAll DICAP.7 Urfa:l—J I.oc •ale by Je3 ARLI GREASE arl* ty 1./ ie3 ' ISAIAH DICKEY - - .10riubl PATIINti for sale t,y V]. is Audi .DlCXEttr,cii, natl. PURE PD WINE ft, YrVAD,4l;'l.l7''' wheleelle. by • • 0 AlultßlS 11.A.WcAwrit" 117. Tee above irennine Wine,and *and, vve% bounht in Portugel rad Eritrea eartelser, end we geerantee Eicoilat - 131:1 far vale bo neerr'—'ol,7 n—••• hme. by NORSUS HAWower OAV3OStaI: 1.31201,71A-lok, fr,b, jur toyed for solo by KEA &CO 24 Woos st• • ili j S_RAyat-30 reams for 17 ...osmAxiLtap) 7 e tro nicknotyr—Al c io x ,:d sm. 76fiy a ro a r• co .a. I-4 • N F.tv7iiitirkT, T lIOLAIES. LITERARY LE.POT, Thud street, oppolite the Post OZee: rrISTORT or Pe adeutis, by 'Meek enut—p, LEL , hishetott and his ,Paccessers, by Washington Irstag—eamrlete. Rose Pester. By Reynolds. ‘,/ Black groat (or Arey. ' • The War of Wonsan. By Reims; • Bosuns Shekspeate—No Id. COASIIC 10. By 17 cwt.! Lend. Da id C0;0.101-0.'112. . . Dictionary of !Mechanic...pan Good Doran tor Mamma* Reading. DO3IBY SON. V o ls. `Jane Enc.: . • • Farina's Tama. Dna Ruly 'exam Minton% le Noah arteries.l2ma: Toee—The given and ether Paean. Utfrol. Ptetnes ham haly—Jaanbag.. ump . 'TIM Adams` Liam Haarkrame. - Nola '' halionh—Maya Ulna The Bachelor or Me AbbanY. IMMo. The Image of Ms Father—lllastrated. ' Maim* a Lewd. Per sale by . JailEd D LOCEWOOD • 14 101 flank sure} 300 1111110/GEL3 lot D`•lung, ol“ -- 7 7 — .. d " .. /BAIA 111 DIUREV &
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