E=32=M HISCELUNEOII& AtAft M !S TE L , • ' 1 1 lnsit..ffAffoor of 24,1filfiefiLittalli >, etlithaves 17ffEL.:firea peen teased by the sebettlbeer lbilltai beef estop..4olY refitted lit e t • most elegentsaaallere . Adt?6:llofibtontr are note i balnemalleortben eon !WA trill Mahe, It the • Mom ezteselve Noels New ette fillitheAsleinrt. it ew o a I t. propritter,tffinalte it eileariti eyeiy_re .. i p e doe airy oder.flease Mlle United Stsset. Iti I. canoe Is theraost desirable and Move In the city, be=. tog la the faltionabSt out .a Broadway, eenverdent to all she WWI bullthegy, blates of amusement, and f 1 buiscu.- 'Gram dal for 'be liberal patronage received I I flantla velum Meads, alslle et Cumberland, Sid, sod more recently at the Wedded lianas, Cleveland, (Ode, letrespeettilly salklts •tenewal admit. patron. I ems, belie _nem establishment. at New Vora, and bap ottoman them that every effort on bis part Or"l be riven to administer to them comfort and oleamrs. . . A. d. BARNCII. . . . . New York. Maieb,l6sA—trattaffot ____ .-1!50). , REED HOUSE, (Dsco liAllit&II, Fr.PTl•i*r • • . ' Pali • Square. Tail, GENERAL. STA OFFlCE—Eastem. Weaern, :SouStern St :leave 'lts bottle daily. Car. thAes so and f .1= lad racket Soma; Gratis. O . W. Karrit,l alba Duman Hotel, re. 0. D,am. I af the Duman InOr !Wild= . 1.15 A sad inns few BAIA. A FLOUSINti MILL, with foet u s. of moses—orts IL of the best loestioas for boslacm to the west—snot' • ant raw Savant!, on an almost never (siting stream and is eats AscLia . ael, goodrell i ing Hoss;, ,,,, Tesant: po Ohio Mauro:4omM tooted ales. ' . ' & l ' so, ' woe the abova,a hewers' Farm, well Improved, coo tagalas SW mese For tames, Ate , , etstaire or WILLIAM H. JOHNSTON, UV • 118 Second at, Pliottrah. Oreat. Amorlows kgrorboontoak Work. AosMoo& CO, Now York, kayo in coarse or pub. Ileszkor, la puts, pm* moor, five oasts ma, A DICTIONARY • ' Qf 31i7iiav r .21.1trainturg En gine Trak. ami SA. /migrate; gimegagi lar Pragmagt Working • Nti* and Mom attradad• for tie Elf." 4. Predawn: .• frMIIVORK le of large BMW*. end will contain A. ewer ream= PAOLI, and upwards of siz rotor , itgaratrions. ; it wW ptesent werklng.drur lege and ducripance of the Mort thaportutt machines to the United Water,. bidet:ardent of the teethe of American ingenuity, It will conteig complete marti al antes on Itticobseics, Machinery, Engine.work, and Engineering; with all that Is useful to more than no theasand collars worth of folio volumes, msg. dotes, end other books. he Wrest object of this publbsuron Is, to place bre file practical men tad etudentasueh an amount of /Wachtel and seleraige knowledge, Ina condensed Loos, is shell enable them to work to the best admire red to avoid thou mistakes which they might mmtrwlaa commit he amount of uselhl information teas Wooed tagetheyis elation beyond precedent in week Worts. indeed, there is hater key subject within ha range which even treated with suck clear.. eau Oa preCteliett, that even a man of the mort ordl. nary capacity roman fail of nodetanuoding 11, and "thus letrulag from at mock which it is important for hionto know. The publishers are, Ist short, determined, reeardlen of eat, tamale desert as complete its possible; und.-' it is hoped every one duteous to obtain the work will proem Y es tuned innumbert sad thus encourage aka enterprise. - The Work will be breed in semi.monthly numbers, commetteleg in /unary, 1850, end will progress with gnat regularity. The whale work will be publithed In 40 numbers, - at cent:Byer numberofnd completed within the cur rent yew, 16:10. A littoral discount will he made to Any ate' remitting the publishers 110 tri advance., shall receive the work through the poet oMce free or °pled 00000 late Preen. - 'To err =lsmael litunfacuirers Mechanics, Ete. Wzies, end Saimaa, it will be a mono pf wealth.o— tee, (Rl.) Journal. "Yams men, arm yoriluelves with Its knowledge.— Ws an with eafidenee recommend oar readers to Walesa themselves of Ito cumbers ae fast es they ate peaco—Amentican Anima. Wirushuitatingly commend the work to those en twain°, leterestalnmectomicel or mieruifie par al emlownly worthy of theta eammution and May.o- , Trety,(N. Y..)ltudgr.t. "it listnily • :greu wore, sad the poldirtere de serve the thanks of. inventors, muhinists. and maim hewers. and indeed of the public generally.”--N. Y. wiCiritionar;will be highly useful to peaches! - snethanies, add valuable to. all who with to acquaint usconschu with the progress of Invention in the law ellinle mien—New Decherd Daily Mercury. • "Young mechanics ought to kup posted op In the eraucal am well as pram cal knowledge, end this wort will show them tut bow they sluon."—kokberY Massa Advertiser. 'Wattle it to be just the wore that scores and hun dreds of oar nitelligetumechanies have dewed to pa use So &motormen, descriptions, and no full and othooto iq specificenons, mat it 0000101 a us that etny mechanic might contract any machine it describes, on the ea.pgdt of imengravings and instructions.e.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. 'All Interested In meeberdes rhoold avid them selves or Its sdrutagsan—Schnylkill, (Penn.,/ dem. Arne nut ir of ro t or exenalve meatiest utility and great lOW parlanc and l iotharspidly Inc rust ng Interests of the coantry. W• retard the work as eminently calculated to promote , the cute of science and the inetthanital VW Wed to disseminate M ea l ti on these sablects."—Farrner and Mechanic. "Practleal men In all the varied walks of oneehani , eel andonsoufecturing iodate,/ engineering, he., will Ind in this work a treurrire which it-will be to their pros t to patinae—Troy Daily Whig. "We have,carefally panned the numbera, and bare noldwitation In taper that it is the best work for nee. chanter, tradesmen, na scientific men, ever publi 'h a, fern watains minute intormatiou on every branch of the oneeltenical arts and t oo=mes. contused in a style and Immune intelligible any ruder Morai ne, espaelty. o --siloncester, (Mum,/ sere we are dents the mechanics of Mer edith sad other puts of Conneeticut a anise by bringing the work to their attenuoa^,tionvieb, (Cenn)rtweer. It is jam etch • watt. as curry mechanic slocaldi posertsPreerome, Journal. We weeder hone of doe mon useful and imperil. Pubtleatlona of the age No mechanic canal:lord to be witbooth."—Newers, IN. J.,lCowohrtmel ceetWr. "Of ail the varionspublicanons having nor their ob ject the clueLdsmen and advancement of the elet sett and seieliCee, nave Mai we have wen, it to fall of wont:lieu this "—Lind sin C 3. Ade. "It le the best and eheaiiew work euroftered to rho lielederad aeld practical engineer and meenenie. Tee plates ere beautifully eseented.”--WaihingtonGlote. neat great inenonery Is one of he roost went works evert pubaled for year., end the kiwi/Wee:at which nis add makes . t ot accepleble to alLn—Ektrab Coward.. We regard has one of the moat compreheative and uhrable, as u <bunco works ever pal ishmL" —Minoan , Advertis er. rtesight to be taloa by every one desiring to keep pace with the progress of art endive.° in every one of the labors of eivilmod tife, , —Rendoet Courier. It la designed arm the Ortwiele Um'. litewolte• ry,'nely that It is more dented to the onnase Mai end ws"g=taffrfor rind above tre. ( asZne " l4 ,l Footed, els t oercrlhing Ameocan mechmery and waits of ute—EcluniGet American. "las padialted la numbers, aed at a price unlade. Ms, looking at whet isuntained in aeh nombertetial 00 needW *h rr h ed f t r h o e n t p e r n o e c t u r t i a n t g t lenr a. d e ve r y u e ners, who does sos will And that he has in a condensed Imes an .moat of !astrachan whirls worths be obtained, if at Yonly by toe parehue of rely many 'ohne el.o—N. Catrier Rather. "he compreherAlvences with which the subleete an treated, the admirable Wenner is welch they ere iilartrated, cone Ore to make this atm of the most dest robin worts. , -Democrule Review. - ..This work L ebo all belts the hands of every mechanic, mama, and manyUacturer, espreisily them who hove the IWO upirttinnsto extol to their rerpeetiee bui. nesten We hove carefelig ned it. with view of manaustendwg It to timeworn. To them we woold say the etrang language of the Bible: "It is good. , - llakintere InventorsqoameL 'Works to Ike Prspndors Nosorpopm thruzekrat • the Dada ..scatta and Canada. • lido . foregoing advenisement is inserted bye ti Wing the year, and MO paper counting It sent le espy at Sus vrolk will be seat gratis payntela. spiM. Mete JVA.I.LIST.F.WS OIHTDIENT, Conned . Ring no Mercury, nor other .lifinerob MOE Ibllowmg temintoul was given by the eel,. breted Dr. Wanner Reach. the author of the great mediesal work entitled •Th Ameriews Practice o. Medicine and Family Physici e an." 'Having boas made amputee:el with the Ingredients which compose Menlitsuerls Albilealing Ointment and having meseribed a-A tested it to several eases i 3 my private pumice, I have hesitation in saying Or cerldying that Elea Vegetable Remedy, containtng DO esteem' substance sdnuever; that in ingredients combined as they are, and need ea directed by the Proorietor, are not otdy harmless, but of greet valor, being ste e ly scientific Remedy of great powers and! chordal) recommend It en a compound which hes done meek good, and which Is adapted to the cure of a great matey of eases. Though I have never either tressed or engaged in the sale of secret .medi clues, regard for the vele honest, conmicatiou• hu mane of of lim ?modeler of this Ointment, and Um real of ids discovery, ob li ge me to say thus mar t t ,egar.tding bIEdCH , D. I)." k. April 22d,1646. BDJN! 1t bane of the best things be the ',orbi ter Barna. PlLEA.....Thomends are yearly nand by this Oint ment. It never fells la goyim kdL For Teem, Ulcers, and all kinds of Corp, It kin • en anal, • . If Mothenll awl Nunes knew to vales to auks of Swollen sr Boreßrew, tley would alwayi enn ii r iL sashCanna, if treed accord* dimllops, it ves relief In a Kerte. hoar. • , Aroaed Om box are dlrestionsfor using BreAlliwer's OilsolOaDt tor'Serofele, Liver Complaint, EryslPeltub Teeter Chilblain, Scald. Mod, Sore Eyes, Quigley, guru Bponelutes, Nervous Affections, Pains, Di.g.. -- tittfup Spine, Boma Aelse, Asthma, Deafness, rape, E" 1 1e 5 .7 1 V,1314 . % ,""" rig the m in;_,t"ik,V: Ladd FM., Croup, Swell ed or Cm! ken Bram, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face, in. -. Dteedrite Bending Eagle. nem was aver, perhaps,' a MEl&Mint , brugtit be. his the pablie, that has b so short a rime woo seek a reputation so McAllister% All.rfeallna or World Saba , Almost every person that has made trial of it speaks lwarmll in its praise. Ono has been cured by is of eke =WA painfal rheummiste. soother of the piles, • third of a troublesome pain in the ride. a fourth ore orelllug. In the limbs, de. If it does not give loime• Aisle rellif,ln ovary ease; It can do no Wary, being appliedentwardlY• - AA anothar,evidence of ibesvoriderfal healing pow, es misused by thin salve, we subjoin the following toggridesse, from a respectable chiren,of Maidencreek terwndzip i thiseamity: • Maldenereelt, Decks a., March 7a,1847. ' Kan& Etas & &are to inform yea that I vrasen=e;tofAill.sieiv,ze.pahn Larthowbtifk4liypts.o. rhss l ial from yen. I suferedwiiii it fertmat frn yeast, Gad at sten wan unable to sleep. Dicing shot tuna tried Mimi temediee, which were prescribed tor ma byphydciatut aridetherpersoos,wnhont receiving any relief, and at last made trial of this Sarre, with a so tile fissuable beyond expectation. lam nowrentire /y Imo tram **Pais, Ind enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. I have Idea aged be Salve since for 1100111 sae and other complaints, wills happy malts. You frietul, .Ichur 1101.012111+Cn. . /ME Mr-ALLIBTED, pg. proprietor of teskioremedielne. Principal Glace, North Third se e; Philadel phia. • I..PEICE 95 CENTS. DER DOE. *emirs ut Daum:num.—Phan It Ether, earner of Liberty. and fn. Clair streets; aad Jr., ear ner of Illarkst street and me Diamond, alto comer of Fourth and Etelitbdeld sumer; J W a rd: l, comer al Wertat dad PC= MMUS. Milli and cold Id that Id Ent afield stmet.34 door from Sim& r Vllll i elteriyCity try IL.P.matttatte.Dflarreat - Dy J. G. PAsalb., Neer', SW itd.lddilt dig.telPart; Alaviadcr; & & CUB N. D. Cowman & Co., tad. ECSVII,IfroI nsTILW Joint idottley,Binver,l44' lye Waltahlr Elizabeth.. - - fablleadt fa IMO Q 1.1., CLOTH-4340 yaninA7l-Terizta —cia 43 "1, 4 MOP u>'a'B PAILLIP9: -MISMLANEOUS. ; Chaim 2taMilard. ,ll 13r31, ES I ll idtOTlV ENBL/=Mmu Pbh • lishinglyllasPnr-d•ilmeririn ll creailleth nu t 1.9„..i,,,c„,„ppr.y01.e3h0te vela veneavedoiroi t 4941Pr110 flaitding,Fourth lliactirmateal. -D. APPLETON trAirir:lll44teg:trarrae.: earl, 71ditrbince,IlectanIca'r; chretWork. and Engineering; designed for Practical Workfax hien. and those Intended for the Engineering Profentort. Edited by Oliver Byrne. This work Ls e Bvo rim, and will contain two thousand pages, sandpwardr of sin thousand illustra. neon It will present working drawings and deserip tiortrof the mom important =nobbles m the United Batten. Independent Of the results of American in genuity, it will contain temple= practical treatises on Mechanics, bleetrintry. Engine Work, and Engineer ing; with all that Is use to mons then one thousand dollars worth of folio receive. mercerises and other boobs. die numbers received, and for sui t by the agent, it itoexisg. arid_ 'PI Apollo Building. Fourth a.. ______- NEW STOCK ON PIANOS ; 57.4121 -- 1 .r._" CHIOKERING , S PIANOS. John 11. blethir, 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Bile Agent In Wertem Pennsylvania, for the sale of CIIICRERING.3 CELEBRATED • .Grand mad Square Plano Fortes,. EON to inform his mends aed Die musical public , , that ha has (law invoices, and will receive and expose for sale, during the present month, the largest and most desirable stag of Piano Fortes ever offered for sale to the meat—among the number will be found *rat supply of Superbly o f Rosewood Gmed Plano Fortes, with all the remiss improvements in mechanism and style of exterior. Splenebily carved Rosewood seven octave &care Piano Fortes, mooed In the Elizabeth. and L.A. • xiv. syln With Marge stock of all the verbs. Myles of Pla n* Fem., a ced in prices from 8273 to S9OO and SLOW, prepared by Mr. Chlckering for the pace t purchasers are assured that the prim of Mr. Chiek trines Pianos have been, and wilLeontinne to be, the some as at the ramelactery in Boston, without charge for tromportatlon; and will be delivered and set op in perfect order, in any panel the city, without charge. mrg A 0/111D. • .. rilH% uuderstgned begs leave to inform the publle 1. that lin has declin.i barium in favor of hls Don, P. M. Davis, wbo wdl contlens the Auction and Com minion busbies , at the old viand, corner of Viqpd and Fifth street*, and for whom he would solicit a coma mace orate liberal patronage_heretofore bestuwed,op. on the house. /OLIN D. DAVLS, April 9th, t 950. • 11. raking, (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT COLD. OF WOOD A....FIFTH wrangle, TATILIs make sales, on liberrJ terms, of Fasciai and YY Domestic Merchandise, Real Estate, *teas, &c., and hopes, by experience and close attention to hustners, to Merit a C ~,l nuanna of the support and patronsge so liberally extended, to the former house. ADM Oh. , =CCM 11.11LIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. Mlle decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia, J. On late Dunes M Dais,) produces no interruldien to the bushiess—artaneements have been made which involves the note interest. precisely, which have beretofore existed. The business in conunued order the some name and fifin, Vir— .1116.3 M Davts Philadelphia; Jo. ll'Pan. St Co., Pinshoren. The canii...Ce Of the patronage of Our many friends is teepee-Idly soticited. If any persons base demands apemen the concern, they are requested to present diem forthwith. for p•F menu Pittsburgh, Aped 11.1, 'Rh JOUN hPFADEN, apl7.rt Surviving partner. --BoadiraTlLTslii's—Mabbosseq Les IL PALMER, No 101 Market street, is peeper. ed ie offer very treat indueements to bosun of &Mi lmeeY Goods, of every description. Ills Moot coexists of every desirable style of Plain and Fancy Suww, Braid, Gimp. French o f and other 80... Jenny Lind. Caltromia, Round and Square Top 11., foe M uses Muses and Inlams. Boys' li in great variety. Men's Leghorn, Straw, Braid, Chltarßearle and Selma flats. Rib• bons. Flowers, Bonnet., Silks, out other Millinery Articleo,.., Le. apUsw — Browns P h il li ps Co, Hu removed to Wareboase No. CO Water st „IX haw.. Wood and Market, where will be kep for sale,of eerie mannfectenny, a tasortmento Iron. N ai l., Outings, and Liot Blast Pipes warranted of the best quality, at the lowers rice*. Me. 30ari BEST, of the late firm of Taster IL Best having pairbased an imedest in the Arm, will mite charge of the Warehouse, and will devote his entire ettention to the Immerse, and endeavor to render sat isfaction to the friends of his late firm, and all others who may favor aswith theirpatronere. BROWN. PHIL LIPS "k ace, .I.lm 09 Water it. rinsba h. StIAGILLIDTT i INIIITZ. No. tot, WOOD STREET, nri AVE la learn nerd are rccetving n largo S meg of Dal; GOODS, selected with great care for the vrestent trade, and to oduzh they locate the alt[1:111. of city and western merchants. Great 'Ll:Soc.:tents all Dash haTetra. (ale ' • EDlalet.agalistlas. wad aria& Lammas. lUr MP ti BURC LW/ELM are prepared to far nisttH their costae...l and buyers r enetalty with the very best make of the above goods, and will do so at the old pricer, notwithstanding the advance of gnat Some extra fine Boson. Linens, warranted pare fox, /atellr received; else. a supply of Linen Table Maths. Diapers, Crisb, are, lug reeetred. Do:erred Towels as low as 75 cents per dozen,. dk cents piece, at cast comer of Fourth and Market eta. • aplo • A POILTUNE. FOR. AI 0 or .t 5. DRFrANNIA evoirriNe FORTIItIT CLUB, 1) taie[e. Crow erect, Plymouth, Eitgland. The mongers lo•c ..comont Uteir lionirrou• ektronsthei tee next Distributom art Portraits ill Rare norms, will earciptite them entered for the forthecming Grand Nutloual Derby Rare; the number of shoves to be limited to ANN each class. First class member :AM second Oast ditto Lk. FArly application for the en. appropriated shares is necessary. A. party subscrib ing (or more than one share has the chance of gaining an equal number Lei:nisei. These members who draw the various Portraits vein be presented with the fol !swum same:— ' Portrait of hat Gros bones . . Od dine Winner, or First llerse 110,000 .ilO,OlO " Secondllome•—• IMMO .5.0G0 IMO [terse 5.000 4,one Divided amongst Starters••• • 6.0.0 3,Nito " Nou-Starters e,OOO VDU There are boons. , In each Mae., that being the nomfier of horses entered for the thee. Th e Drawing win by conducted open the same legitimate principled as those which charactensco the late St Ledger and I other proceedings. Full particulars of the rends • bei ;eat to ,bevel Menoe. iltMediately aßer the do• elsion, that each may know his MmitMß• Subeenbers registered and ecrip fersorded'on re ceipts( e remiumme. Dills of Exchange, Drafts, Back Neter', ae., addressed and made payable CO. Mansging Director". W. JAMES CO • Fire per cent commission MiLie redneed on the presentation rfhonoses korrttlei T_[llTelhlg.lthatikes'l'd lIIMJAZINE • ler open, .11IbM. Contenno—New.York and Erie ItaLwar, Commercial Sketches with Pen and Peociltthe effect of Commerce in Abohiblog rertnetiont months! Trans. ler ofProperty; The Anatomy and Philosophirof Bank ing; The Proileetthst of Exit to New Vora; Ran k MOM y. 41anktne, the.; egarency—lntereet —Production; Free Trade Protective Tariffs, or Strictures soon the se port Of the Secretory et Treasury arts United Stairs (or I'l9, relameg so Commerce, Estee:non of the Rus sian Empire to the East le. ilie• BLACKWOOD, for blanch 1850' ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, inr April. et llMmes , Literal! Depot. Third eerier apposite the rest nitrite. APPLE TUXES. T AM nowprepared to furnish Apple Tree, from the J. well tumor. Plummy of Jurob N. Brown. The trees will Le delivered at the wharf et littlatiorgh for SIR per handfed. Persons wishing good thrifty tiers should leave their orders .non at the Drug, Seed. and Perfamory Warehouse, corner of Wood and Birth apll S N WICIIKRONAM 11. A. ratisasstost. t Co.. WIIOLIA LE DItUGONTS, corner of Fins and Wood auras, offer for male,nn favorable terms: 100 bbla Whiting; 500 100 Carb. Ammonia; 60 tdo Alum; L6O 60 Aasalceuda; 300 do Dye Woods; 600 Bo Crude Tartar; 25 do Lampblack; 500 do Liquorice nook 10 do Ven. Red; 300' do Mill Mon; o do Camphor, tin do Red Precipitate; , do Span. Brown; 130 do calomel Amer.; ' 20 do Yellow Ochre; MI do do Eng.; 10 do iltimetoae; 200 do Metier Leaves; 8 do Clover 01.0 do Rhubarb Soak 3 do Chu. Flowere; 400 do Sanisp. do; 14 eases Ref:Borax; ilm) do Gentian do; id do Castile Soap; MO do Sal Rocheele; 15 do Prussian Bliss; lAki do Seldlits ATistare; 10 do flitle. Alagnesim um do roved Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Shp. Elm; sdo do Yellow; tun do do G. Arabic sdo Vermilion; Ire do do Lig. RMS. AO rem= Sand Paper; Itai do do /Alan; id Dna 010,10 Sumac; 10,0 do do Af.Cayetine; IS Mies Bottle Corks; 270 do Snip!. Zinc; 750 s Sal* Morphia; 300 do liar Tin; 1200 lb. Cape Aloes; 200 do Tamarinds; PAM do BitChrom Poll:kb; 150 do I.joirk Silver; IMO do Pink gook 250 do (barge Peel; 151 Al do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal; 1333 do Cmtio Tartar; 20 do Hid Pots*: 0110 do Tartaric Acid; 00 do Name; • 100 do Urn Unn; 113 do Granville Ledo. febOeflivileiT - PICMILOLEVaI, 11.001 C-011... "There eye more things In heaven and earth That are drearept of In philosophy.. rriiE viltruEs of this remarkable remedy, and 1 the eartetnnt application Or to the proprietor, tom induced him to have it pat up Is bottle, with la bels sod dircedou far the benefit of the pobile. Te PETROLEUM Is procured from a well fa this county, at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pare one dalterated article without toy chemical change, bat Just ea flow s from Nature's Great Labratory li That it Manning properties reaching a number of diseases, J. no longer a Matter ert uncertainty. There are runny things to the artiana of natureivrinek,lf known, adght be of van amfaloces in alleviating suirming, and re storing the bloom of health and vigor to malty a. car fare. long before the proprietor thought of pulling it up In bottles, it had • rapottiton for the cure of for t e. The oast., and daily inereannir calls it, and severalremarkable cores it has performed, Is sure Indication of .its future popularity and wide sprimd application lathe tare of disease. We do not with to nue a langyarade of cora. ates, as we ere cense.os that the medicine can soon work its way into We Oyer of those who tufferand wish to be heated. Whillt we an not el '''' i universal applicatton eV.). dineare, arananenr riegry salt that in a cumber of Chronic Diseases it Is •nrivalled. Among these may beenumerated—Wl dice.. of the mueett. Wm.., CHRONIC "psalms, RONSUMPTION tie h.. ali disease. of the air passages I IV - 1111 CUPIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Divan, uindaer Kidneys, •Pate. iodic Beek XII Al a Nervo.Diaeas Palsy, aigNiss, Teter, ntogworms, Bur., S.W; !area, At., An. is ear. Or debility e r nrlvng from emXMOTM or long and Arne eases. domase, this medial. will brag lief. It will am a. • general TONIC end ALTERATIVE In each canes, imputing lone and energy to The whole frame, remove Lug 'obstructions, opertingthe sluggiskfunetions,which Inman dtattatto and . broken constitution, and giving Intrensed iced renewed energy to all the organ. of The , satiation:limners of several cares of ~,astal every other treatment, get well nod. the use of the PETROLEUM for a shart thme. ,TO•ptoolean ho given W tiny person who denies r. None woggle without the *agnate. of the proprietor. r l 4 b c th , jriattr Itattiiimeltt Settentirt. ,itt Aka by R. E.SELILERS,SYWOodati • tridt—RGYSERAthPDOWELL, hodel , Vi r eall is ! andltinfigla alien who aro hip • phTS 4 Ut ' Ffii/T - OPPldlilnd Agent* TR INSPOILTATION 'l 4 PENNSYLVANIA CANAL l' filllgyfiCitAnitsfTßTATllift LINE ! MallatlB's6' 171. Paatiasylvikaas Canals & Bali Roads.: rsonurroa., CPCONNtht, /MINS & Co., Canal Dula, Many eistaburgh; ii.TKINA, O'CONNOR & Co, VD& DSO Market area, • o , Comsorm & Co.. 70 North street, Baltimore; E Buss& New York: £l.llOll tr. Nemo, 11 Dome Iltrefg, Boston; H.lLl4} GOAT, Kentucky; BALL & Co..Colombra sueet, Cincinnati, E. %Vas& Louisville; Baas; Haar & Co., St. Junta To &we. qf Mercktroduo and Produro to and from rilladdpAio, /3tartatore„ N. York, Boston. Oar route being now in fine order. we are prepared ns to forward got awls at eery Ans. plea. We iure oil fret /roof any charge having policies for over 1630,0:0, d with dm following extensive stook of Doers feel confident orgiving enure areistaceon to all business rounded an our earn. Our boat. are oil new, and cornaranded,by captains of ezwienne, sod our MILT lino la conduct.. on errict nab.% keeping and umponnor principles. Bonts, Captain. Boats.' Caputo. Iron City, Hag. Pennsylvania E Caro& Maryland, klarsball St. Louis, Cowdro Cincinnati, Sande Col. Howard Ridley , Rath Anna, Chairmen Mary Deborah Sims Wm Atkins, Penroad Enterpnse, Karon import, lirQuada Juniata Down BOston, Alter Gen. Seon, Gore Garlinda Riley TelegraphNo IShields Celia _ Hawkins Point Mill Eloykpaaads IlOttn: , e?y,p — pe'rl§l - ey oliverhanchaosser America Petry , Ohlo Keaine Mermaid APOolgun Hunter Single The Fox Jana Ann J Layto Aurora AIWO•rell Telegraph NoWavte Look Sharp Derry Nosh Queen Wible Shippers will And it to their advantace to eras a call. O'CONNOR, ATKINS k mrla • Canal Basin Liberty at., PAW:Argo. Tranaportailazaeompany. I EIE= 1850.M.011 D. LEECH & COMI LINE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE df NEW YORK, By Patna) , hernia Canal and Rad Road. 71111 E Rot, and Con of this flue have been pat in j. eotope order, and with the addition of seven new ones to the Line, enables to to carry a large quantity of ptoduce theoods The entire stock oLine is owned and eclat. ed by the,Propriems. HARRIS LEECH, No 13 South Third in, Arid at tlnt Tobacco Warehouse, Dock at, Pldadephla, Pr JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON. No 10 Nonh Howard at. &more, ?,14.4 nrPICF.. No 7 Wrat el, New York; D LEECH & CO, Cm Ba•in Penn al, enrl3 Piusborth. Mg= 1850. w iEL UNION LINE, ON TILE PENN°A AND_OMO CANALS. CLARK, PARKS do CO, Rochester, P., Prop'. JOHN A CAUGUEY, Anent, Office cot Smithfield and Water an, Pittsburgh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD &CO, Ant. Cleveland. Ohio. 1. ITIIII9 well known Line prepamd to transpon freight and Pusengere from Pl ITSBUROII and CLEVELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lakes. The facilities of the Line non auserpswed In netiefiert quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents. Boat leaves Ptusbargh antiClevelud daily, Yen inn in commetion with a Line of Steam Boats be tween PIITSHURGH and REAVF.II, sod a Ltne of Foot Ciao Steam Bons, Propeller. and WW1.... the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark. Parks & Co, Rochester, Pa; E N Po:rksit. Co, Yoongstown, Onto; II 11 Taylor, Warren. (F A & N Chit, Newton FOD, 1 Brayton A Co, Reveuna, Kant, tirmnell & Co. Franklin, 0; 11 A Antler, Cuyahoga Falls, 0; IY=Lrett"bee r cT4levelmtoi Hubbard & Co, Sandi:mks., 0; Peckham & Stott, Toledo, 0; ti Witham & Co, Detroit, Allen W 11141.16 it Co. Miluraukie, Wit; Motley & Roane, Illy George A Gibbs, Chicago. Ill; . Thomas meg, CldonAq DI. Jaltri A CA and Arent, come Winer and ttinithheld su melt itab§M 1850. ji, LAKE IGRIE AND DICIIIOAN LINZ, ON TUE MILE EXTENSION CANAL. ChARICE, PARKS it CO. Rochester, Proprietors. TILE Proprietors of this oki and well known Lute would inform the public that they are now op. eratton for the present Reston: and have comma-need receiving Freight and Passengers, which they are folly prepared to urry to all punts on the Coil and LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN. At the lowest rates. Out of the Bosta of the lino will be cousnotly at the loading, below Monongahela Bridge, to receive freight. JOHN A.CAUCIIIIV. Agent, Office, nor Water and Smithfield .at Pittsbargh. corsisiuniEESt W Cunningham. New Caulk, Pat Alitcheltrul dr. Co. Pututi; W C Mogan. Sharon; J&S 11011, Siupsktug; Wick. Attire to Co, Greenville; Wos Ileoty, Ilartstosnit Wm Power, Conneentiallei i°nnilFlWiffer'tPeßueato_Nv. - Affit, 1850. nagsli /BIDWELL & FORWARDING Am/WHAMS, ROCILdrER, (H roint,} JD ... Amato for DIOWI;LL'oi PITI,DOM/11 AND CLSVELA ND KRIF. AND 51EADVILLE LINE TO ERIE, WARhEN AND NEW cAsTLE YA aod CKSIS: fIc s te am bo Wippitio between P LA illsba M slb Rhemor by e ats Michigan. Erie, and Braver. Good, reeeipted and promptly defamed to all places on the Canals and Lakes, at the lowest calve. Shippers will plum direct goods to "Bidwell'aLine." J. C. BIDWELL, AE n t, melD Water at, PanbaMla Pittsburgh Portabb neat Lim., MIMI 1850.1". rot nil TICIMP.IIt•TION CY IMEIGNIt 10 LSD flog PITTSBURGH. PMLAOF:LPRIA, BALTIMORE, NEW YORE, uosrcs, . . Tomos Ilanarunno, Tonere lc O'Cosmoa, Phtladelphla. Pitivbargn. TII E Canal being now open, the proprietorn or this long es.blithed Line are as usual at their aid stands, ameiving and romarding literchandise end Produce at low Talc, and with the prompiness, ter. P unts, and varety, peculiar to their cistern and mode of transportation, where intermediate transhipment is avoided, with the consequent delayaand probability or damage. Merchandise and Produce ohlpped easter west, and 131111 of Lnding forwarded free or charge for enemas. eerilydvoneing, or stoner. Having no the dl or indirectly in strumbons, that of the owner is solely consulted when Clipping their goodS. All communication% to the following agents prompt ly attended to: FIOrOrrOIVO BONBRIDGE. No p 73 Mattel otteet, Philadelpnia. T.i&FEE & O'CONNOR, Comer Pinat and Wayne street!, COltbUrgh •GICITV .Tatin NeCullogh Co, G 8 NOM st,Baitt P.R. Part & Co. 4 Doane at, paean, W. & I. T. Tapaeott &Ct. no South at, New York lames SN'heclornght, Crock 1.11 180. 1850. BIDWELL'S CLRVIGLAND LINE. fill; IS LINK, with uncurpused facilities la now prepared to transport Freight to Cleveland, the Liao. ports, Ohio Canal, and intermediate places, on the most favorable terms, ond with dm greatest do. ' , p Sh atch. ippen are referred to those robe have heretofore patronized this line. Send goods to "Kidwell's Line." AO.llll-1 C Kidwell, water as Pittsburgh' & Braker, Rochester, L 0 ftrautinuer, Cleveland' Rhode. A amen, do. vA)Nslutike.s: A D !subs Yungrown; • CFI LeSingwell & Ca, Warren' • A A N Clark, Newton Fall,' • .1 Brayton & Co, Ravenna; Keno arcane!' s Co, Franklin Mille; Tlinmu Earl, do do; A If Miller, Cuyahoga Falls I W Stephens A 800, Akron; Wheeler, Lee A Co, do; ID&JM Wan, do; J J Iliemm, Munition; Commas tr. Co, do; Win Monteath & Co, flatralo; K J Gabs A Co, Boothia); It Morino &Co, du; F. Ilukell A Co, Toledo; H N Strong, Detroit, htorphy & Dottan, linear; tad & Elkins Southport; Doom. & Co, L it tl e oi Dickinson, Fon; Kirkland A Taylor, Sheboygan; Thom Dole, as lislßoomy & Co, Ccago; e, d hi o. Pittoborith, March 00.140. BINGIII2I TELINSPORTATIMI Lltir, intal2h 1850. Ikti•ISZI Pittsburgh an asters. (Bites. The Canal being now ~pon, we are ready In receive and forward promptly, protract and esorehandtre east and en. freights always at lowest rates, charged by repea lable Imes. "Produce and eear'"' will be re“Pred and for warded east and west, without any chums for for warding or advancing freight, tromadmion or morose. Bills of lading forwarded, and ail directions faith. (ally attanded to. Address or apply te. WM. BINGHAM, Canal Lula, cm. Liberty anti Wayne m DaOCK Pittsburgh. ; BING BATH tr. , Pin N. 113, Marketer, between Ilth 50,.P1d. JAS. WILSON, Agt, No HO, North Howard at.. Uniumore. JAS. BINGHAM, mad No 10, Wen seem, clew York 11ADiiner4 & Passenger sum nandthiamin Ogles. iiVitt.NRDEN /kW. continue to bane Pete.te tom any pat of kbniand, Ireland. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal tome, with their usnatpunetualay and attention to the wants and eam fon of emeariratas We do not allow aarpitesengers be robbed by the meaning waste. that infest the sea. ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and we to their well below, end do !patch them without any deteraletrby the fleet We say dal, fearlessly, as we defy one er?... anno yers to show that they were detained 48 P.m" by es In Uvarpara, whilst thousands of others • ere detained months, until they could be sent to some lid waft, at a abaft rate, which too (trauma) prowee, their coding,. We lotted to portal= par COlttrartt 4Ortantbly, cog Whitt It may. end not set es Mil the cue last Belson, with ether elleen—seho either parte:Med not all, or when it salted their eotaceirnea. Dashs drawn at !Sartori& for any east front SI M.:f.ain_al any of the proviselel Ranks in ho e peeernieolland and Wales. ROSIffSON, '6'oo. I.llZl' -12,tri'qtrt,Wt ALTP.Ewar.--acm lbw mulct now lan_dyff,lani_to .4le MISCFLLANEOIIB. CARPET= WAREHOHBE, So 75. VOI/Xta SLreat. I , ,, 7 . .,C k. tp , oz A cimtl 4 3.l.gapaAt t i i : Wilke following, via: Etnihtlo r par ;nu EaTreig, 5 , Engliih andJandic. Dniunig Earn Superfine lateral 3 py finpeihna " " axe*, Sapertne e it Ingrain Curs, Extiwr patentChentlle Extra g.; Fme . n &merit= ao do Rags; Common, all wool, " nt.....lltniled Rags; cotton o Fine 44,4 and 4 Tap Ven Car. Common 4 4,1 and It Twilrd Carp. Elm Wilton 4 - 4 ,1, i and.l.4 pinin Car. Common do List and Rea Carpets, Chenille Door Maw; n 8.4 Primed Cotton Carpets. Tuned Sheep Skin 84,7.4. OA h 4, 44 and I Ad'hnid n Oil Cloths; • auto, covers 4 4,54,44, and I Muting; Ext ",i lim ' d ?:;',l7 18 inch podent Oil Cloths ..,,,, for stairs. n,' Table Coaeu Tarasumix ' -- n . Printea woolen Llnboiled Stand Linen and ornstmd Damask Star Linen; l'orkey tredCElntree; . . Blue and Drab Cloths; Crimson Plush: Conch Oil Cloths; Damauks for Linings; Watered Morena. &Ira; 71,;,d.inc Belli. Oil Cloth- Table Coven, Brown Lama climb cloths Woolen ' a Brass Stair Radler Stair Braaten; • Carpet Bindings; Jute and Coco Mats; Itslicont .1 Skeleton Matta 2.4 and 1.4 Green Oil Cloth for Blind.; llockeback Diaper; I, I the most approved Eng- Relater. from 12 10 21 feet reel to at rooms, halls, and imported 'direct from Eng. apestry. an d CRPETS. The. c latest' molt elegant if the mosygonscons colors, av as they e. be purchseed den. ..7 MO, Barr Holland for Wahader, Transparent French tuner, " Venetian Minds; Boning for Flanst 11 7.4 and -1 Table }Anent Russia Crash, Se n: a: r . h Dispers; B I.lr in Nap_kinN, 1 .. Getman Oil Cloth Table Itsin ns Or.. Currna from . 'and American triannfa In din, which will. be ve' antes of any sire or • 'T ha andendgoed basins land, Ida Taint Pile aad CarpeLs, athick arm of th styles and patterns:and .3- will be Bold at prices cat. for in any of We eastern el ttiment of the richest and IS. - IMPERIAL TURES '.PETS which far Barpasten priee,ann ataottment ever . Ile alto manna Steamboat wars to hi. lame and well hlMlNGStaradotherartleles PL 1 ; PLY and INGRAIN CAR yn.lity and Cheupneu o 1 before brnoghi lothi. city. Wen and Coach oolocl selected asicinccent or 1011 their bucincia The uridorsitned is also a tart' m I lower than can ho purehasC 2.4 man - agent for Om only Stair Rod in, and Is profit!! ed to roil td elderrhato WM. 14,CLINT0.11f. Drools Goods. A A. MASON & CO., Cu Market Weal, betwett Third and Fount., ore now receiailie alargo 1 , 010610011 of Bongo Do Lake; Persian C 14131,04 re• tiro now artiele,• Yolleums Crape D. I ..M.,..wistte; 10 4 n largo oasorinsent of Lawns one other oseafflioass, of ths lateat Idyl,' and moat fashionable to!oralt'.. ap3 COFFEITO bags prime alio and Java; Carnsuns-40 bzs moth/, dipped, and spe rm ; Cams-160b. Cm. and Engßah Dairy; Ccana-20 doz Hemp and Manilla; Cassu--30 Nam; CLAIV..-* banal; Croats-so N Common and ball:Spanish; Fult-ABS brlaand bad bd. Mack...and Salmon; bas assorted .is; Ilaus-1200 Puma Venison: 1000 Maar Cured; lanroo-10.1lbs a F wsd Mann.; do rlarlsons Blank and Copying; Mouars.-D bobs N Orleans; . :33 ball brla Bug. Hoar; 31...--20 don Intoned canisters; Alacr_aaoru-301. lath.; Vranarthrl-CO lb. do Nans-aUn kegs assorted; Prechas-3 I'aacarns-30 bushels • Palma -SO reams assorted: - Paean-100 lb. Borden.; boae-entu Norm and Cast SAM; treaal-10 Nora N Orleans and.Cr arid.; T.-40 pnekag. Green and Ebek; I .' ::4:Van k i 42 .l " tltai k pa l te i nt " E ' Lni ' . For sale by J D WILLIANS Jr CO 3.19 Cornernf Fifth and Wood ars. WKISTED. . _ 'VCRS! IFURA! FURSI—The oobsolibera 'nil ray r (or Coon, Mina, Mask Rat, Urarond Rod Fog, and all kinds of alliypiog Fani, , tlio tugboat •ostern jileCollo k. P" ;r n l.2o corner Firth and Wood Bra. DI - SIOLVTIOII . . MGR Punuer.wp howtofwe exlannybelween Jamey .1, Toasty and John Boa; in the Grocery, nods, and COMII4.IOIi balloon, wu th..0 1, b4 by ..‘bni content, ou tho 14th.inal. Mr. John best Lavin/ pup eboaed the enure inceest of Jansen Taney, the arm, the business will be settled by him, at their old grand, Ito. 33 Waal TA1.4.71KT, feluld JOHN story. Paper ['semi's. SPRING f3FI.IICrION.WiII be received, by 6ret 0 tonal Woe:sous, • new and choice astortmeat of Wall raper, of the latest French and Eastern styles, in gold, chamois, cull, plans and high colors. W. P. AMP-SHALL, (tale el. C. 14113 meth SS Woad uteri M2== . . 11E Co-partnership heretofore century/ between S. T ii. fastback% and John McGill, ander the firm of 311 Busefield & Co., it mto day daeolved by manual coon, boll.. o! boll a th e obi firm twill booetned by 9. B. litmfifield, at me old sand, No. VOLawny Plaantreh. 9 EL 1113911FIF.LD, hlarth 1, teal. JOHN MeGILL. S. D EICSDFIELD and GIMRGE RICHARD will continue be Wbolesaler a.d Barad Dry Goode sad Grocery basin., setae old eared, No. DM Laren, 4 ender tun arm of S. D. LIUSLIFIILLD k CO. Mare% I.lada —fnirta A - -oamedmatia ma m an the Wen ale Grocery, nm s e, my two Sone, N• and seTIL. - EL - inaft.wTre • esteem io thrum wall be roadected under the atyle of . - La S. Waterman A Hone, at me old mad, No 31 Wm an Front meet- 4S. WATERIBAN. ' Panne, Hatch Isk ACAUTION—About tee ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WPSTA RV , BALSAM 01 WILD CHERRY, th e treat remedy for And toe but tecdotate known to man for Asthma of c••ry masa, Liver Camplaunts, Bronchitis, Inflamm, Coughs, Colds, Illemlang of the Lange, Shortness of He, Pains and Weaknms in the Side • , Wealth Re., and all other disemes of the •• PULMONARY ORGANS. A very unponsuat disease ever which this Balsam ens ens • very powerful Influence, is that of • DISEASED in this complaint It huh ondoubtedlyproved mere effameutes then my remedy hitherto employed, and to camerae* instances when patient. had endured long nod severe soffcring from thethscaveapr Itheat merle tar the least benefit from Tatham terebthes, end wbcn Mercury hat been resorted to in vain, the no of this Daimon has restored the Laver to &healthy action, and •to many *mime. erected permanent cares, after every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect Besides Ito athmaishlac eZeaey in the dim...hove mentioned, *e ol i o hod It a very effectual remedy in Milton, a complaint in which It bas been extenaively used with decided mem even Macaws of yean' etanding %Withal increase of Intelligence has grown up • knowledge of the element. of health. mid a re. Bud Bot h there, and commensul with almond. of .aceee ave we meowed the me .meof arresting dis rear, and/muting Its revues. Nothrithstandang the progress we have made, statistic+ show drag even how, orte melt of the whole ?opals:ion die amotalth of coneumption. One or the molt important dianoveries of the air, le maielioreuus the s e Of Om large el of safe . feting humanity, DR. WISTAWS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Manes Balsam of Ala Cherry is a fine Ilerbsl hicalcinc, composed cherry of Wild Cherry Bark mad the generate Iceland Hon, the latter unpinned express ly roe Baas purpose,) th e rare medicinal virtues of winch are aim mumbaned by • new chmakal proems, with the extract of Tar, thee rendering the whole compound the most certain end efficacious remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still (dither evidences of the remarkable curative properties of this Inestimable preparation: Um:thymus, Brown en., 0„ Aug. 21.1d0. Messrs. Sandford it the R eny About Hi weer. ago I received the ageney of %Voter's of Wtld Cherry, Ma with some relnetance on my pan, for the reason that I had been the agent of so many pills and other nostrums, which were cracked op to be something wonderltd, bat which turned out in the tad to be of PO account whatever, except. to the ro•n tmetarer. Bat I candidly admit that this time I have here deceived, for the extraordinary cures Erected by Wiens , . Balsam litre eeirifieeed me that "good can conte of Nazareth." Veer agent left me one dos en Width, which are all gone—hbving bees the means of curing several obstinate cases of Consumption— and on umake; for what I see and know I am bound to believe. One ewe in paruculan Ayoang gentle: man in Winchester, Adam* county . , 0, Id:miles fro I um place was cared of Consumption when th e doc tors has given him up, or at least could do nothing for Lim, and it was the Intention of hls friends to convey elmm year city, and placation under the cans of some eminent physician there. Bat a friend told him of- Maur, Balsam, and that he conid obtain it of ma. He sent for it, and before the second bottle was goon he was wand and well, and attending to his everyday bestows, As there are several impudent for the medi cane, it would be well to forward an additional supply without delay. Very respectfully, years, LAMBERT NEWLAND. The above, Irma 1.. Newland, Ern, &highly respect able country merchant, commends itself forcibly to the eandid attention of all those who have doubted Uoi great merit of Mathes Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the original and only genuine Wilder's Demo of Wild Cherry, was introduced to the year IRA end has been well tested in ail matelmata for whirl it is recommended. For 17 year. ii has proved more efficaciotut as • remedy for Coughs, Colds,linew eniu, nraltehill pi, Mania, and Ceniemption In its la eimeat stages, than any other medicine. LOUT YOU'D., w kn., RESTO g. RED! Ne Burma, Aelo,lBoB. BD. S. W. Fowl,: Having sun many Serigleatca published in relation to Dr. Wistaria Rats= of Wild Cherry, I mike this opportunity of offering a word in Its favor, which you ate star at liberty to publish. A law month. linen my wile's lunge became so much ef fected with a sodden cold, that site lost her voice, and suffeted severely from-pans to the omen. tier snow non emoted her ;Deeds much alarm. Having heard your lialum atonal] recommended by those who mod it, I Parchared a book, from your agent in this place. kihetook It accenting tredireettems, and It pro• d aced a wonderful effect Define thing one bottle she had completely recovered her voice, hte pains salmi& ed, and her health woo soon fully noestablished. Yours, Indy, HENRY U. 111110 irrsi AN. To Decagons Ake Deatmei oil liiketcrem—Titi cel ebrated and infallible remedy for theatre of - Consurtm. non, Asthma sod Liver Complaint, has by lot own me. been avidly, sere and purely working oe Way tbruegh the opposition of quark. and counterfeiters, unlit, by its true •elne and intrintdc excellence, It ha seined tor Omit a mostenviable popularity, and estab lished itself in the conk/fence of an intelligent and ere lichtened public, from one end of the continent to the other. The testimony of thouands who have been m• lieved and cared by this valugble article, will show that it stands nerivalind—rd oho head of all other me theines, far the cure of diseases for which It m recom cended. The gemind Dr. Wistues Role= of Wild herry is now for aide by dulLappointed Agana, nal all pectable dealers in me • ines,in all large coke end res all important Warm throes hem the United States. ritici tior.Bottla Eitliodies for $5.. . Sold by D. PARR, (autumn to handfoi4t.Parad Penult tad Walnut streets, Clnetnneth Oka ' Wand Agent kir the BOUM sad West, to whom 144 dais most be addressed. ,o. L. Warms, Jr; dermas A. Jones; .I.lldd to Co; B.A. Fabhestock & Co, Pidtsbagh. L. T. Russell, Wash ington; W. Lamberkin, Fraapho, B ow l." Uniontown; IL Welty r Oreensburght ILlfoents,Bonte •,' sok Seidl*. Gilmore, Sndfonl; Rudrg, g oo lbw}, don; him Ulfolliderthe.M; lilidebren I Co, Lush - .14 J. K. Wright,W KIUkt , MOM linos 0. Co, Wank, Wier A. Wilson Pon, Witynesbaren ditFarland co, k ,cek i dp; Meaning; Barton k CO, ES:111 J. Makoanshissionst Samos Keay do obllatler EL Salitit t Beaver; J. th klanklertnn,Wattefark.h.ACALZOlSal, k Wip CandkraPktk.Pakrr"CrOakelVfalla, iht4k SLOAN'S COLUMN. AL the blechobleb allyerbsed by W. Wood street, and JOHN P. SCOT? I tgritz P so ' bVIIIN G. sum,. 411e0.7 CS; by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ tta IL CURY. orbs Dent amid Cbsapoot Florio 'Median* IN THE WORLD BILOAX , II OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, Ens tornado run nom.. For Purity, Mattoon, Est. ty,cusel Thurssightssur, EWAN'S OINTMENT Rauh Lod is rapidly surcersedcos MI ocher Ointment/ and Unit:nuts now In use (or the CLLR Mace following di! MSC/ 1 Freshemends, galls stall kinds, sprains, braises cracked heels, negbone, windbone, windgalls, pol evil, callus, species, ',meaty, fistula, alnico, strains lameness, sand crack, sanndered feet, scratches or• grease muss or hone distemper. The Powder will remote all inflammation tiiiiYever purify the bleed, loosen the skin, cleanse the wider and strengthen every part of the licuir, and has proved a sovereign remedy far the following dlsceser. Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, t. `wain, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, Wiens from hard eserciee• also, rheamathon, (commonly cal led slit complainq which proves ao fatal to manY val• sable horses In this country. It is also a safe and ter *sin remedy for coughs and cold,which generate so Many feud diseases. W. IL 'SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, Mimi. TIFF. PROOF. ===tl==:C=MM . . . . . By the use of Sloan Oinnient and Condition Pow der, I have entltely cured • Urals on my horse and otherwise 'motored his condition mote then. LW pe cent. on the eon tithe 111thitine And a now which war so feeble aa to be considered worthless by myself and nelghborkwits restored to good health and strength by the use often than half a package of the powder, and is now doing better than any other cow I have. Email Pox, May 13,1et.3. W. 1.1.. VINCENT. THE BUTTE:RING CHILD. hereby cenify-that one of my children, when na ked, fell into a large fire other coals, and was horned severely from head to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four, or five day, without say relief—eneh day's sufferings Increas ed till his groans could be heard at a great distance, at which critical period one of my neighbors recommit,. ded and presented to me a box of Sloan'. Ointment. and in less than fifteen minutes alter the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the safforing child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily be gat to recover. My residence In is Hell township, Vet. tidllion and Rune of Indiana. ' THEODORE-L. TiaIIIAHL Chicago, August 24,1848. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. . April 13,1818. Four mile. north of Chicago ton the roadie hldwinakio,) Cook county, Minnie. Dlr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of my heroes had a large bony roomy on Ids breuM bone, Immediately under the cellar, which busted him and rendered Ids services of no little value. I faithfully applied neveral bottle. of Dr. Taylor's Nerve arid Bone Liniment, without the leasehenaftt. I Men procured Wilder, Celebrated Bone; Ointment, and used that until I became folly whited that it would never relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a box Of your ualy valuable flint mem„ and in lee. than CO days from the feat applica tion the tumor antinaly disappeared. and the berme was Wall. Yount, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. • • Upends: opinion as any criterion of the member en ankle, we Inuits the incredulous LO read RI least.. few Otto many volantat7 certifieem. that appear in MIT Dolmas respecting the gnat variety of remarkable cares elected by the ase or "Blean's Celebrated Clint. went and'Contlatio Powders! , The., rentedle. no longer remain among these or daabefel sultry, they have passed from the tide of ex periment, Lila AM eland higher to repatati•sn and are becma More egternively used than ail other Kral. alas atlas kind.—hlieta. City New.. THE HALF MB NOT DRFSI TOLD. Fox gnu, Jme 14,1818. Dear Slo.-43111 Please *end by the bearer a new supply of you Ilona Medicine.. They are the twat exedra of the kind 'that I have ever used, acne hay. log be. disupointed In their sloes asi I have bun L 3 the Use of other.; even the most celebrated Ointments, Lintentat., to., ofthe day. I all very atueit dile tes tate in them, that they do all that ta promised, and :c l e f h a o. thLreash ittra La contrained to add, that Respect/La. CEMIEZI The ordloarT ointments and liniment+ it le win/ known are revere and partial In their openttlena , - Ellosses Ointment is mild yet Lhoroagb—it reaches and removes the Calm, hence It gives real mad ponawleol relief. For panty, mildness, safety, certainty, Ind thoroughness, Ittiannt Ointment excels, and Ls rapidly surpereeding all other Ointments mid Liniment* now ln avo. WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Bite'. Grown, 111., Oet. 24,1E49. Mr. Sloan-Sin 1 have tested the mini. ,of your Ointment in the care of rattlesnake bites, sore throat, banes, and many other Lennie*, and s evert ease It hse surpassed our expectations.a family tent. moot, I have never seen its coast, Mid for beasts we can't get Mang without it. loan, tn., MIL} M. JOHNSON. F2CCEL !.EN7 OINTMENT. Ur. Sloan—pear Sin Fora considerable length of lore I w005...1y &Mktg-0 with the rheum., com pima; and applied freely the venous liannents, paint Ctn., i 0., without obtaining my relief. Mier which your ag. as at this place influenced ma to try year Ointment. and within two weeks from the time I com menced acing it. the pain craved, and 1 waseffectunlly . cored, and Mall recommend .11 who ate .mater( O llie.] with the distresung complain; to peones your eseellent ointment without dela' Item'y yours, OSCAR F. MOTT. Prineville, Peon& co-; M•7 l. 15ki 1M From the lion It V 5- Brooks, Agent of do 11Intuus and Alleluia. Canal Packet Boat Company. ' Lluuoq Jana tll. ICen Dr. W.D. BMan—Dcar Bin Paula last 3u years have had oceasion tottoss many horses, and have used the great mom of linumnits and ointments In me. isk3 lava never Manta Arthote -- teroun the last two JentalrfAtifeltoplied yournintment COMe 60 horses, for varietal 'mune*, and In every norms. It has pros red • sovereign remedy. A FINGER OTTTEN ENTIRF.LY OFF. Taro mike multi of Chirapo. Sept_ 14,19111. Dr. 9162n—Pir Chs L ae POI insmnt my Dm had a fin. pliedbt.. r entirely 91 ybor.. We tomediamlv your eelehrated moment, mhtelt obeyed bin, sir pain In rew•mlnites. and prevent. the 6 er swellin4 the least and the wound i t healing yours, 1. BpoyCKWAY. DOCTORING IN GALENA Ur.Sloan—Dear Sin About three years ago I wan W. O l Waved in one of my legs by the falling of a pile of wear which oteastoned large running alton. Nearly eitery doctor in Catena tried to cure them; but toed in von, until from sympathy and Improper Irmo metamy other desl became as bad as the one original ly wounded. I aired of ever being well agai bat in order that I might neglect no means wino* my roach, I porebteed of your agent In Canna tome or yoke ointment. and you canjudge of my surpote an I gratiofile better than I ran errors, it, to find copse entirely well before I had finished aiding the second be g These facts I mate known that others aftlicted may believe and not delay_ using an valuable an ointment as yours has proved to be. Reser yoor grateful fed, Canna, 111., Dee. 10,1510. RYAN DAVIS. ONLY Si DAYS. Detbm the following ostler, Munn. Vaughn & Co. parehued large supply of Slow, pisparationa. Jacsam,lllieh Feb. N 4,1549. S. K. ilibbard—Dew Sin I am out of Sloan's Condi tion Powder and Horse Ointment. The tale far ex. needs my expectation. If you can manage to tend me dosen Ointment, I will,pay for them the first tiara that you are hem, and presume 1 Wall be able to tell • large quantity WIWI coarse of the year. veil be an object to yo as well u myself,lo keep Ms eon study aapplied. a, Very resPY B. Yourai S. VAUGHN i CO. MISSISSIPPI MEP.. .Sr. Leas, Feb. 22,1319. Dr. Sloan—Sin About try year. ago, while nning On the Mississippi river, in Tarring over the rapids, I was planged Into the water, wag by the rail dashing Assout a rock, crushing Mleft leg and otheranse sc. newly Winning me, so roac h that I lost all gensibility. When consciousness returned I Nand myself In SL bowsoarreninded by my weeping finally, Good Writs in. and medical aid, enabled me m about two mouths whobtde around with We assistance of scratch. The wowds only partially healed, leaving large running wares at the knec,"which for many mouths discharged blood and matter Of the must otrenelve chancier. My puns wee was eat inexpressible, at times my widened w , as great that death would hare received a bratty web ca. fonunasely AIL IVtlaan, lose of my neighbors) adVised 'me to try your °tunnels. I obtained a boo applied it according to direction—the sores won began to *MOM a healthy appearance, and in three months 1 was entirely cored, and enabled to do hard labor. roar obedient screwy WHAM W. THOMAS. e, the underaigned, nelglitmrs or U. W. Thentnt, were acquainted with the case above mated, and nnow• log the cireauutaimes, moat cheerfully confirm said Thqtau' matennent. VOUGL ASS, JA E MFit 11.1tEFL LAMB. GOOD NEWEL •,• - • • Cuiesae, Jan. Oh, 1818. W. O. Sloan—Sim One of my horses was hoof bound nod aliin wounded in the stifle, In which ho took cold, and bebamego crippled that he could scarcely travel. kly the free applicailon of your valuable ointment, Ms hoof , were soon softened and the mid. permanently cured. I have also nand the Ointment In the Cole of Foll•kIvil and nu severe galls with equal coCC.R. On a mashed finger that was very painful n opera. led like a charm. Yoami ke OR DE. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Slimes Oinimeni and Condition Powder are as knowledged by all who have used them to be the 1 ort remedy for horses and Cattle that ban been discovered. Flesh wounds, galls, steams, bruise., ringbone, poll evil, and in short every outward disorder or injury can be eared by ibis wonderful remedy. The Powder Is designed for inward strains, distemper, bide bound Tommy Oh exercise, diseased eyes, g.c.—Lalt County onicle. 'BATHER LIOURTINIGLY. BUT I THOUGHT WOULUTRY IT." Wtaudrra, Cook CO. Feb. 13,1818. Mr. Moan—Sit I have a fine young hone dint was taken with the scratches last fall. 1 paid out about three dollars for tnedreine to earn Mtn, but be grew WWI. I then boolpit abet of your nutmeat at your office when in Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but thought I would try IC Judge eon aurprise and my Opitunn of Its beneficial qualines, hen I totted oly horn'. legs snoodi and well in tour da w ys the time cluunetteed applyiog it. Your obcdtenr, E. F. COLBY. FACTS FOE 111 L PEOPLE. • More than fifteen years of unrivalled eucente to the GYM of every variety of eels ma aiseave• aturndu ries nick as eptelos, bru Wes, c ate, borne, cutatuido arid. lions, *ore lips, sore bream, chapped biome, bites, ulcers, cot., pains an tlin back 4 side., or otherpane ditto system, rattleenake bites, !kr, beard ample testanony tharteloculs Ointment Is Jowl. thing far the hoar. Certlfteet“ without number lame been received by the Proprietor from dieditcrested individu ate, giving details of remarkable ones by Its um. A WISCONSIN WITNESS. Milwankie co. Wis., 0ct.12,1678. Mr. Sloan—Dear Bin Recently my h orie .,.... way with "05 which cm land otherwise inlared them seriausly, ao much so that I comdared eny team mined (or businem Fortnnusly a (dem re . commended the ass of your Ctntment. I went to hllb 'rankle and purchamd a box. It soon removed Me infia.nunation, and in akw days the wound* healed' The peat benefit derived from the use of, your Gob meat, en at homes, induced me to acquaint yon with the fan, believing Ito publicity would benefit you and the public. Respeettlely yours. GEORGE comsrock IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, And has become a common saying, that (NW. (nutmeat and Canada.% Powder are vapidly nem" c .g. din all other manila. for all dmenaez of. home and The be Lary orthe medallists. monks In Illicit nd sassy, In mu: tan may be mad ever Ye y riownenyilimiterorat-ealdi es ray,othin main= Oceanian bedlam use, and. arm fad in MI W ..11014 1 1 MI Nigs . bismili MEDICAL. LLERS FAMILY MEDICINPS—"They . W Sbledmines 01 the day." ilitsrissflPragroskOhlo, 'gray 1 . ..,18151. IL E. Sellers I think It rigid fortho benefit of others to state some faxes in relation to pier ,excellmit Pain/. ly Medicines. I hove turd y .r Vett:mirage largely In my owe t.eo• ily, ode frr. xentiy nuswenng for expelling( .Be qumtiliss lust , Ito 20Ot worms from two alias* I have also • red your Liver Pills and llongti.Srap in ray family, slid they have in every texture produced the elect desired. • . . A• I am swiped In mect.dutudiaing, I am able to slant that I have yet to hear et the first haute where your mcdicams have been used In my section of the country. In conclusion, [May stale that they are as medicines at the day, and are dmuneil to have a very extensive papulartty Yantni.rnsvccault . tv. Prepared and sold by IL •Worrd stiect, aud sold by Dragipa • sienna! lit the two tics and vicinity. ml2l • S.r./ ill ''r ' CURE OF LIVER. COMPLAINP, by he 1,1 o n Mel, only tree, and genaine Liver Pill. Snort Caw, Ohio mmay, V. t ' March Skit,l3l.o. S Mr. R E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you dto th e outdid /men ly, to male that I have been a eted with the Liver Complalt - Ririe long ume, and so badly that an abeess fort e - mina brake, which left me in a very low Mate. Having heard of your cerebrated Liver . Pills being foe:tele byfil It Sharp, in West Liberty, and mcommend-KJP,IIIo by my phytheien Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to gore them • her trial . I puteheeed ono boo, and found them to impel what they are teem:mended, TIIE.UPST U. VLIt PILL EVER USED; and alter tithing four boa.. I hod the disease, hes comely left me, and I m now perfectly well. Respectllally yours, D ll COLEMAN. West Uheny, March *HO. I certify that I em personally acquainted with %I 1 Coleco ,and can bear testimony to the truth el the above eertifietne. A R 1311ARP Tae yenaine Liver Pills ore prepared and sold by R Ed - LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by &mints in the wo chits. TO THE PUBLIC.—The only - tree and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R ESellera, and have his name stamped in black wax apart the lid of each bosom, his manatee., am the'catalde arnmper—all inherent° counterfeits,or but imitatimia tinß B SELLERS, Proprietor DLL. JAV11159.6 CUMIN (NATIVE BALSAM L's RON the Rey ASA SHINN, a well known sn d pop .t nine ClerkymonettherrolcolantfdethodiktChurch Tee updertogned hump been Meted daring thepul swim terith a doease cube smallish, screeds.' pro 7 decals great pain in the stamech for tenor twelve homy without tmernts. e'en ond a ft er hiving tried yariosi remedies 'nth 4Pect was (welshed with a bottle otilr D JaynetitC mauve flotsam: This he made& cording to the direct,ons, and found memlably thauhls medicine commit/is pain to abate in three or four min.. ales, and In fifteen or twenty minatesevery uncle)7 sensation wasentlrelyqtacted. The medicine was at. tennrdoased whenever indications of the approach of patnaretepereelyed,udtho pato was thereby prevent ed. fir unmated to use the medicine every evening and sometimestotha morals& and in Jew weeks health wu so far res tore d, that the sufferer was terms ad froM • larie =mute( OPPres_ Woe. plait. Fran n.. 1 ra ) rienec, therefore. touldentiy tett:Km:wool Jaynes Cerrninatia a Holum. os a salutary medlelfi for dissurs of thee:much and bowels. A siIINND Allegheny city. ty3l Fur sale In Plttahmkh at 11 sPEKIN TEA 79 Fourth street, near We o and afar at Melton Fmroetil P SCHWARTZ. Po ..ral street. Allegan's, • • VALUABLIC DIIIGOVZILICI CONSUMPTIVES, BE Oh YOUR GUARD. MAYNE'S COMPOUND SIRUP OF WILD MUM!. Ina o=2 Innearf volt Ootruniption, Coughs, Odds, Antony Brosehltis, Liv er Complaint, finnan Blood, Difileulty of Breath ing, Pain in the Bide and Brent, Palpitation el the Heart, Influents, Crap, Broken Con. a salmi, Sore Threzt,Nervoue Debtlt tyrand all Disease. of the Throat, Breast and Lungs; the most af. • Cecinal and speedy nu T . • ever known for any of Me above discs. es, Is Da. OW I,YIVB'B' Cloomponend Byrum of Wild Cherry; This medicine is no longer among Move of double' atibty. Ilbas passed away front the thousanda daily launched apon the fide of experiment, and now stands Mahar us reputation. and iebeeeming mere extensive , ly mod than any other prepanktion - of medne aver Prodaced for the alter of sufiemog man. It has been atroduced very generally through the Vaned tares ana Bursa, and there are few towns of imports ce but what cent= game remarkable evi demos Its good alects. For proof of the foregoing motel. ta r sod of the value and efficacy of this med. Mee, lb proprietor will Insert a few of Me mazy thou eand monies which have been presented tohlm by . use of Do first respectability—ma who have highs-, lima mare; reeponsfbillty and Mace, than to err- Pry to to , become it will do another • favor, and Mental es no injuetice. Bash testimony prove. eon, alaarre t hat lin surprising cleellonce it established by its ti ti 110 mood., and the unquestionable authori ty of laic opinion. The inmanornemis relief li af fords, d the soothing Maltese , ' Mead through the whole mole by its use, recideie It a ntOst weeable remedy for the adLicted. • uttri, o men, soling from emaciation. napalms, atom 'ty bear testimony to the truth of a thing, or partieo r fan, web puthoony, being eanoop to their quaint interests and purpaes, causes Cadvietioa of its te n and rommenO itself In s• special Man.. te alven cradence."-,tPllorrat's Marti Maxima. HEAD TUE HOUK CIiIitTIFICAT. Eh= Amrtes*CClM CM PorMortrart Caermirrrome— There never was • remedy that bas ban as suceessfal in desperate C.. of Consumption, as Dr. Ssrayne's Catarina Byron of Wild . Cherly, It strengthens the .ystcn, and appears to heal the Sleets CM the lungs, even, g 11011/ and 1411 . 1:alai; power prosessed by no other slime _ Comma Co, April Mb, 1948. Dr. Oa tine—Dear Sir 1 verily benevolent Com p...pa sirup of Wild Clintr_bos• bee. the. mean.- et saving my on e , ca:gli;. a TOM 1.0 cold, which nada .lrellyisgteredwalrtreth ttifSesawTrh 'Put iriersuing until my cue e ehthlted all the symptoms of Pulmonary Commotion. Leery ad1.J.1.044 ty thin fricatrattharellasatiyaith mint up ell hopes it! my recovery. !fleas time I was recoquaeoded to try you.invalutile medic/en I du/ so with , the most Utl ey mulls. 'Moira boule had the effect to loosen the. I, causing mow expectorate freely; end by the ethe I bud used sth boteles,l was entirely well h ud sm now as bearry men as I ever was in my Ufe, and wield be happy to gins any iefortemtiousespeeting my care, meo w ther sufferers may dance the benefit for 'Ouch grateML For the troth of :the above lawmen, I refer. you to Peter Rush, Grieco, Wilt Chester, PL h cif whom I parebued the totolielue. BorruMOOY YOuthi blows Minairrjui Cars of mmakaid Miouthes Ile, Swerne—Deer Shif I feel debt of gratircde the to yon—sad a &mite thealffieted venally, to offer my nimble to eery. in Giver of your Compound sy rap of Wild 'Merry. Som three years since I sue violently attacked with tol d oud intlarontatkm of the Lunge, which wee ucompaided with a diellessitth cough, polo in the breast ud heath • very coneidera hie discharge of offensive moms frost the lump, own natty anon change of weather, however w a s at best I feltho alarm about my condition, but was pretty soon convinced that i rapidlystoteglitto touting. .fen. I grew daily weaker, Led so length With Se MD. ahle to walk about, or speth shone a whisper, such woo ihrisheersPop Weakens of my lugs. Donn. tiate 1 bad tried steeds preparations and presenp hot found no c u e d to all the time worth. hod Dail I was ad o ud certheded by a dear friend in Wilmington to make natio( year Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I Mast emus teat Creamed . : I bad been prem. Lose quint patent medlnees, and I am mill against those coming out of hands of emperles, bat ander mending yen &lima to the prefeume and pmetice hi th g ,ing implicit faith Ln the eerie/01'm, bl ea de ne efortlonth purchased of thr.ShleriOrieriryour egeots, few , bstiles, awl commenced Its ace. My di. nth mu at tlisiiitme of W/ or 1.5 monthesdaudiug, con. sentiently It arir.tfropty sealed. I toned, hoverer, considerable tenet-tram th e nee of Sr fine four or five bottles. Bet betng a pablle speaker, I frequently at• tempted to preach with my inereasieg Muesli, mad thereby repelled those vesselithat had already began re h e el; thistway, doubdese, my anus was greatly retarded. In csasequence of meting thus inthradenth I bed to use twelve or fittthe bones before I Insp.- fectly restored have no qUeetion, a much small • number °Cholla. it would have made me sound, ha.. the above Indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the fan tat habit, took .way tbe distressing ough, put ago . , to the dmetosthe of Matter from the amp, and gat t h e ,,, en d t h e e a u, system toed heolth. I have deft red offering thia certificate until now. Inc the carpus of being perfee.seutisbed with the permanency es tue care, and novr dirt (el perfectly well leder it with I picture. Joiumet. Dublin sour), N. 6 • hispostiosS Dositton—Read' Recd' Tere is but.. °amnia° preparation of Wild Cherry, and that a Swat:ries, tho first ever offered to the public, which ..as been sold largely throughout Me United Mates awl some palm of Europe; and MI pre paration. .saes. by the name of Wahl Cherry have beenpet out Glean this, ander Cane; of Mile deneplaeo circumstances order ro give currency to their Mlles. fly a little obseenonlon, 110 pergola need mistake the mph,. from 141. ouie of the !Fenn= le enveloped wit. a beautiful steelsogroving, with the P likeness of %Vitaenn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's signature: and .0 further security, tin portrait of Dr. SeeaystO will Li added hereatteroo as to distinguish hlaprepaxtioa 'Nom all odors. Now, it was not lor the great cyrative properties and known Tutees o r D r . Swayne's soupsound Syrup of Wthi Cherry, pcnons would not be Ondeavortug to give currency to their “fictitione nos , -asisn by *waling tin name of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear mind the name of Dr. Swayne od be not decelvod. Principal (Shea, corner ofklighlk and Rasa sweets, Philadelphia For sale who nide and Mall by OGDEN & SNOW. DEN, ear W and Wood Its; It A FAIINESTOCK & Co, nor Ist on. Wood, and Mb nra Wood aq WM THORN,S3 hlwitet cry 8 JONES, Ito Liberty .e; JAS A JONES, cat Dowd and Penn as; JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny city, mid by 5/1 respectable dealers in medicine. oatl3 W.P.Dr. lllo.llL a ,* *PP MIIIIII Plantar. Da. W. P. INLAND, of the tdedical College bf Phil. adelpbia now oilers to U....public kio boll. Veg. tnble Preatiem Plaster, the gamin.. of which after lone and tried experience, has bean satinfacteril d y es tibneqqt,. To all woman who may be !tithe. with Prolaps guar a nteei n g allen Womb, be recommends his Waster, • sure end speedy cure in the short specie of from two to thee wee if applied with care end.rett—dleemding all the croontlem tustruments and eopenlive bandeg n ea long in use. This he feels ienocieutioes t. In stame m , inasmuch m be has not failed one ca. out of Mina hundred And filly-ilima pa dente. Aled forilheuntatiom and Weak Recut or Back, as wult pain, there is nothing to cede this Plaster In affording roliefor airoming a cure_ For eels by L corner of Desmond and Market at Brae, Os Reiter," Latterly and ht. taste Dr .1 nargent ° Federel ot and Diamond, Alle gheny ctry Jacque t Co, " Denman and Diamond ntoming bana. la 3 VIVIACT COF kk.te—Ari article which li ra .;l2J pidly coming 11310 autos a wholesome, nourishing and de , icions oclrerage, being more plenzant and pal. amble than common Codhe, and Tar cheaper ail sunill paper o f only mu emus, will go aS t fat 4 four poonds of Cyan, Aranufactii red by JOICIi S. AULLEJA, Mahone", PA Sold .wholesale by U A FAIIIIES'POCR & Ca, corner of First and wood and Blob and Wood atneets, CALIFORNIA . GOODS—Jast received, 28 Camp Blankeug 1.13 of f ices' comet 12 pr. Pator leptons nett lined Aliang Ltoolai 12 Isthmus Cam water Tanks, 6 and r 2 galloqs eachSU earneemn gallon each; I dos Buckshot Money &Its; I do ode 1 cambric do do. The above pole for sale at the Call fornla Outfiting ratablia/toscot. No'i Wood et. mob% , J & II PHILLIPS AiiiilLS—Wroogbt Iron Anvils, from the tjapet . aneeville mkt, nrerranteds will be eneetantly en hand and eiteOledbY ~19 • ft AN, se ctund 1/14t.- .1761 pipes Brandy—Mud, Dupuy, as; , Y pipes 11 , 11Innd tiLni 5 eras N E Dula; elaibbla Wtdikey; for We by nove IV &NMI reit wrnp.n rKACEINUTowIigit—MI bulbs Jay niugprsu dons. brad, • superior =leis, for sale by novil WhM Mat:lit:WßVS; CASKS Aluayraws Scda Ass, .Li' 10 etas 75 Illeaching Powder, arrived ye alp fluabridge, sad saw commies by basal, for 41:4 . 0 . 1 , 7 • llt 8.Z411;3Y - iliih reeilvs, d the *wet, to in41441.ia ECM 0 44 . 4 4 041.191111 BOOK TRADE. SPIECIAIa NOTIVIM TO TEACILMIS. IDROFE,SOFICDARLES DAVIES has inn port- I - red a new anr=eall I vrea, a COOT of ',Web Ura l 'telaTo. "mixt t claw pol7Zar he' ll h' estir oA. 0.•}14.14, e.*Co, 79 W oo d n i m i,rify.b. rg iZ (post paid ) The Work Is evoled, GRAMMAR OF -RITIOIETIC; Or, An Ariarysis *(the Len,eage of Igor. and Se ance of Isinpiers. The following notice Is copied Iron the Pima York Tnbueo of Jam tr2d, teat— uthimotas or AMISICITiCi 1T Csah Dinits,L. L. D. ti f.., pp, 1444-.le this Wink the butgar trots, and constramlon of numbers, are Card The alphabet, composed of ten figeres—the wordr rived fromthe alphabet, and the laws by which the Eigures are connected with saaretheraate dearly °Vie et an:dye's ' Otwrtist there ' ere hat linr hertL Arid and eighty eigtd. alexientary corabimuleris Arithmetic, each eonerpondum so a wont of oar eon mon laniptagm and they these conibusationa are,an connected together a ct o be IL expressed by May sixty three didenent words. The system wows - to commit Mese worda to memory, and then read the results instead et spelling them, as now practised. °ln another respect the system propose. an Imp Oat chanitei if MUM to *insider and Mat ei fru/lons menthe dans, having% Wen relation to the =ileac, frees which they mire derived. ..We scarcely seed say that the hole work evinces the ingenuity mid ekilfal artslysla tor which Proforma' Davies , trolling on thin subject are lady celebrated. We cot:mead it to the attention Of prectleal teachers, believing that they will led it crowdedhrith sew and seeable suggestion.° Front the Proluttra at Was Pant. • "hlrtzraat Anemias or U.S. Wen Poixr,fan.l7. • !'The Grammar of Ariitunene, by Processor Osaka presents the subject in • a new_ light. It so analy z e s Arithmetic as to • Impress the m ind of the learner with the first principles of mathematical science in weir sight order and connection, and the new rules for the reading *flumes are &great prudes! value. Signed, W. H. C. Barnett, Pine of Nat &Ex. Phil. A. E. Church, Prof of Mathematic. D. U.lliabui Prof. at Digineezing.n BARNES &CM erould rispeetially armounee and toall intended in erwhcorsUcal l i rtfc ' illonat they anll publish, on or Wore the Ist TH A IMarifiprAIVOPBTAITIEMATICSi• Or ui Analyses &Aka Priosiples or the-Selence—or tho Nolen of theyeasembig—and orthe best Methods &Imparting lastrarition. - By Ch. Dairies, L.L. Author of' Complete as System &Mathematics." N.D.—A. B. Bones t. Co an•tbe pahlisbers of Davies' Systemorldatheteatiga • • For sale in this Oily hp A, 11. ENOLL4II t C 6, No. 79 Wood sures DIM • Falter'. Eltblopteus II•lodl•s. TIWINE to Rattail Night; Dolly Day; DaloY Jno/oc, Go down to de Cotton Field: Nally was a Lad), de. ALSO: Mt Wind lode Loved °nos at Rome; • Dow thy boat lridly; Tree Love, by T. Hood; Oar way across me sea, duett; A now medley .nob, by D. Covert; Jenny Gray, music by :duller; Joys that wore yrowong, WedJing March; _ God blots the hardy marine; Schuylkill MGM Coneeript's Departure, by W. C. Glover; Sound. lrom Dome; Waltzes, Steyenuarklsehe Co; Last Base of bummer, coy variances, by Hero - United States Polka; Ladles , Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville quadrille{ Beaune. of Italy; Dons, Trios, de. A large assolusern of New Mode on hand. to which addition. are 61/40 weekly For sale b feldS J. 11. BIF.LLOIt, el Wood et.' NZIA DOOII.SI frIIR I NVAR WITII Mile% by E. 9. Ripley; 2 co Eroent of Rhetoric; comprieb4 cot Aludysio of the Leen of Moral EvUence and of re by Maud Matey, D. D. EMT on Chsistlan Baptina; by Daptict. W Noel, ht A. The Ogilvie., a NoveL Fairy Tales, from all Nation i; by Ambony IL Mon falba; wit Q 4 Tales,, by Doyle. Jest matt by JOHNSTON & BTOCKTON, dole COMBITuird and Merkel stree's ==E=== ACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J. 2 0 Headley, with eleven iniginal designs by Harley. Poems and Prose Wei Sum by Richard &Daus; $ vela., muslin . Mated Gents of Siena Peery, with els instals dons emsrayed on steal, by Jo Sartain. Jost received by JOHNSTON STOCKTON, . dcYd comer TN and Market eta. RZ:n=l MIIrVEIC/AN AND PATIENT' or a Prudent .View of the mutual doties, relations and interests of the Medical Pro:wish:on soil the. Conuannity; by " Worth ington Molter, N. D. Toe NVorts of Michael De Montabme; ion:prising hi. Essays,.Letters, to. DT Wm. ffesieu• Nineveh and its Resnais. Dy AILS/en RCM Lay. ant, Eq., D. C. L. • Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Onfolished Tout In D 47. It S. T. Wallis. tLeiper's Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; Just received by - - JOIINEMIN & srocrrtifr. . nor4l earner Market snd Third streets E=m OCKIVOODS ILLUSTRATED WORKS—BIE- L emulated books—Books in richly carted binding, illuminated and illastrated—lloots toperblyl,oand Velvet, Silk., Morocco, and Coot, ovition, in imitation or the ?diddle Ages—Bibles and rta:cr Book., be. , brolly bona In Velvet and Morocco,mtigniScenSgor unmated and illaminated. •For sale by • • JAMES D. LOCWOOD, " doll Booktellar & • nee, .Wood at Christmas arid Now Tsar Approach's!" ELEOANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS;. , In Alairajtana Am*. BifaiS/g,for the lialidsp; TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Duokseller and Importer, 63 Wood street, has recessed a Waatillal collection of Illostrsted Books, bound in the most splendid MILEY r by the best London and American binders—among item emy be round; le of Ar..rt3,•r rounnozwilipmirausgin. WinssrortWs Greece; tidily tilmaratert. Td t , eather, distniasted by Owen Roes, sad booed • carved Wood. The Bong of Songs; ilinminsted by Jones- - Mowers and their Kindred Thoo l ghtsilllatablattd by Jones. - Heroines or Ethskspearej Mort:rated. • Mts. Jamemes Chttreeterirues of Wooten; ilissirs tad. For lisle by JAMEd LOCKWOOD,. debt Sit Wood meet • REDRURNI Mahlon Voyore,by Hermon Atallettle author of"-Typeo,”.0moOP to. I listory of Klog Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott, with Boa engraving*. : - Sidoola the florceream by Wm. blfeinbold. • JOHNSTON & STOC6I'OIe, • n 0.21 comer "Third ami Markethireete 'Ono of dr Mai n lissiarials Work, gra* Aga." NINEVEII AND ITS REMAIN& with ...want of. a visit to sliii Mazla. Christians of Kardie. WI, and the Yonidle, or Dell-Worshippeun and on Inquiry into the Mamas and Mu of the Ancient As. spouts. Dy Amen Henry LayanL'Etiq,D. C.L: with Int/winnow) Note by Pro f s ßobinson, D. D, LL. D. IthisUnta with 13 Osten awl maps,. nutiNP wood inn. 3 vela Bra cloth, NAM . "The hint has a rare amount of twain, etvid,pin. toren:toe no:Tanen s.Tritinen. "Tho wort of Layinl Is the most prominent contri bution to the study of =Width that has ap peared he mead ye nre.”—Ctuhrt. Inn. . . "Net one uncle in interest the account of Nineveh and iu Raiz% given by M. Layiudi n —Wastahlitith Intelligente. , • A. we fallairitha Carn with tireadaect iatereal le their C1V11V•40113,..134 raddettly Lod ourselves be , tare • mantra drys camel with agnate amuse). now llfbiu its ipitataia bud tram the daft 0f.2=0 years we_ are ready la cry oat .arlth the aalonished Arab lt wonderfal, hat Itia truer "—ln. p & For sale by JAIMI D. LOCKWD, aterla Wood. NA RINE WOMEN of the Old en — d — No* TestameeL ,g. Edited by P. B. Spregee, D. D. I vol. bro.,. elegrustly bowid; la exertheitely flashed engravings; wan descriptions by celebre-W.. American Clergymen. POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, Ry.,) a new and enlarged minion; iihrstrated by engramngs from or mioal designs by Wier. I eel, square eve., elegant ly bound and gilL Also—A sanely of spleid Arum as and Gift Woke. • , Sewell's Child's First Book of the Illitory of Roma. I soh tame. 'rim MECHANICS ASSISTANT, adapted for the nee of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lambennen, Students, and Anizans generally: being a thorough Auld prudes] Tre.anse on Measure. don and the Sliding Soto, By D. H. Koper, Al AL Boise'. Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. - 011endorMs Elementary Preach Glummer. Dy Prof. Greene, of Broom University. 1 voL tame.. Ifordigm's Gentling , Ilebresr Grammar, by Conant. Gesentus , Hebrew Lexicon vol. (s Loomis' Trlglonennetry and LogruitintlitTables. '1 heep.) The Lhidislituan'tiGreek Concordance. I vol.(mu. Ka/ Anthon's Classical Series. Webster's thitionary, revised ed. -1 001. eve. do do unabridged. 1 voL Co. ' • Borne'. Notes end Qoesaions on Now Testament. Whatcly's Logic. B/ ashcan's F,ceicsiantleal Iftstory„ ryols. and 2 vols. (hemp.) Vestiges of Creation. I ~1.1Boul: Mornings among ton. Jesuits ea Roma: I vol. (eleth Cod pOper.) Scene. where the Tempter has Triumphed._ 1 vol. (cloth end paper.) • ne u fZP lt ro e n=ltrir. ". .*-1. (CM". Boyers Pram* Dictionary. Smart'. Horace. For sale by HOPKINS, aorta Apollo Boildions. Poona of works o j.. 1 Montaigne, edited by IL Hullo, comprisig bite EmnY., Inners, and Jenne, through Germany and Italy, with notes from all the Colpolettlalan, iliograph- Mal and Bibliographical Notices, &a. Theory and Praoliee of Tearththg; or, d m Motive. and Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David Plage, A. Al.,Peincipal of the State Normal School, Albany; N.l. - Prank F.:avast. Fish and Pt.blog of the U. States and British PTOVineeS of North Amon., by Itenn Wm. Herbert JouriErroNAirrociarori. . nova corner Thirdand Id enmity_ Thai Oldan TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller end Importer, V N,. Cl Wood street, hes fur ultra revs coalescent. plebe, (the remainder of the editton of this valaabie work, devoted to the Preservation o f Documents... , ether authentic information relating to the roar . 2 ' plorationa, settlement and huprovement of the eounqr around the heed of Vie Ohial Bp Nevida Crud , Esq., of-Pittsburgh, In 9 Toil ' • novlo 00 0. Meer of the tle,t r u:fTV:At2h:2o2.° ,, , 5.., • boa, Rol. I lloMrsted with melee engramegnrene , mmedal Rome. 4 vols., Bro., uniform Irak PremOtre Historical Works. ' Just published and for sale by_ JAMES D. LOCK‘WOof 63 Wood. st • 1110.10 surbonzetredaidir E A co I2.II NIFY 7/56Lgals.riolNtRS. FANNYY4K6MOL ER3 YEAR , "The reading of thol' book 1100 imp relteli higher opinion of its sorm: . ‘ from penning het other woman) nee of cone 0f t0.6 1 . 1 1.' gra the female odud feeling than any o 0" alrned-^ — L Mirror. "I ther wnh wk" we . re " 11 is ► very stVe end readable book, wriden lir oldopia tuning. Wes rccommaadltmoat reader zdthett. bei i pobbeation of the alvolo,^—:R . a ,g . er *lt coo nun the roamer. stmt .of ..anddand c asanter „.. ,n s e,,,etertstle book. We have read It Semi Ar cotoptioa with. waited inthicht.: - A - v/.. ge ' of life us liOrtus. _ rt'adtd,l:.” s—KMekerbookar. In a ll respects eminently _ r ' For sale by: JAMES D DDCEWOOD, Boolueller lotht O3 Ri.'d4 ---7—irftTbosks e , • 301 laT.l=lPati`j, wbb°_, 203 Ow styles, rah' tad., omit mohlr , A KAMM - Kaska &LSD Bel:F-1%000 lba ••••••, rr. • • 0 40 1131 1 04 fat lib swats a mciaia EXCHANGE BROKER 2: N. MOLISE i 111.ing a Ur - LTD IMAM. IN 1.10-IDRAFS,ACCEPTANCE.4,GOLABILViR - AND DANK N et IXiLLECTIONS.—Dneth Notet 'arid Mr. payablein Kay pan of the Lotion, colleeted olfloao favorable term.. EXt , 4ANG eon New York, Philadelphia'Wild emote; Cincinnati, Losurrtlle,. Sun Louis' and New Orleans. constantly, for sale. BaNc NOTES.—Notes on all solvent basis In i llnhnLPuted dlseconned al the lowest tates. An kladat of Foreign and &mem. Gold and Wirer Coin bough and sold. • • • Once No. d 3 Mattel street, between .141 and Gb, Ptnabsryrh, Pa .-: ocnn VORIGION XXCELAINONI• B e t Engi amoaat ltd a Vand, and Sotli ases :entwashi Also; Dna*. payable in any pen of the Old Cortouteo. tromtll to LIMO, si the ratoot Is to the .e Sterliug, erithottal deduction or &woolly by /061117 A .ROBIN. SON European and General Agent, oZco .11th et ob. door *est of woo& oetiptl ALI= S InXlClLisli Ai urrICIJED I3ANICEBS AND EXCHANGE .I.OIO6KHD. dcaleni ForeDgn and Dag:tenths Billt of L.Yenar-ge: Cry- As of fiemita, Dui Noma and Coln, eoxncr gf 9d and Wood'inceets,dDrady opposite DI Charlet Ho- HI Enatt3dl ,• ' •'' W IISTZUJI 1/1111Da•-• - " • payload at the brim nun, by • . N. 110LBIES & sonts,, 'eras • Mirk et strut: Nil :York, Phib -- uisipaitiand- Constantly for sile•by N. .1101.1531 S & SONS. ulna. ' _ . •MS Mutat st."l MSCEILANEOUS, MORRIS & HAWORTII, We11.".°01321„`.70,1);," Teo vnd Wipe are ova offering at the De ry ioWePlpriteS for cub, Ban tifind Wbiakay, Gm an/ Dumcate Grandy; also; French Brandy, Boltud Jab:mina Spain!, Lbn don Girt, Irish iYitiakey, Nom, dr.e. Port,'Sherry.bla. , daira Champagne, Claret. Slues alell, Malaga, Tenu reitid'azul [datum Wunts Wintileula h Rebut. nayl PAPCH—AIarAis on band or made to X order, the various sires of Printing Paper, Rog Wrapping roperierown, Medium', and Doable C r owe sizes Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown. Medians,. and Doable Crotin Post Office raper; Pastelmard,A4- kn. W P MAR.4tIALL, 83 Wood at, Agent fat Minton nine. TOTIN - WATT tr. CO. have semlved their wok of t/ Orooedn to the opposite side of Liberty I. TlTCibiAlt IN /I,IDERICA—Ber work and herr.. TV, w ad ard. By Mafia./ Mclntosh, authorof 'Charms &Cougerebats,'.. "To scans and to be." I v. 0112.110 . A Letter Day Pamphlets, No It—The Fraiche By Thomas Carlyste. • • • Cdstmlati..—Memoirs oriole and Writings of Thos. Chalmers, D., L. L. D. •Yrelections On Batter , . &walegy, Paleyt•E•idettees of Christionity,and Leetara oat Divinity, with two Introductory Lorton.; ' and loaf .Addresses delivered in ih• New cog e n t . • Ediabargh, by Thomas Chalmers, L. 1 vol Moo. CaVrm—Llto oflotta Calvin, compiled from antf,eg: •- tio savdees,wld partient•rly from 11, eormspoodetieei.• • By Thomas H Dyer, with portrait: 1 cot For sale by R 110PKINA. apt. ' TEI Apollo Buildings, Fortith at.. • DOILIIIOIIIII Claret • • ; - ; From the New Vork;Tribune. ;;.. hose i n most reliable, and who has no po — 's - s l lle 1 010 00w o"' in theimatier, bet one of gratitude, desires onto ray. that hi has been cored of Inveterate deafness, by the use of abearpa's Compound Afteottstie 011. 1 . 1 a Philadelphia medicine, winch is rot for salain this Nay, bet which he thinks ought to be, fog the good of the alßml d. ' Ile hes a sister who• hos also been eared by It.; Ile urgently advises all Who - Ivo "aerial from deafness, to try this remedy, with so , • . warmer that, unlesathe ease be,extraordtostry, iLet, , experiment will prove abundantly mccessfel. ' Foe sale tit PF.ICIN Th:Ar•Tr)RFL, ; - 70 Fonftti at Pittsburgh Condit* Combs! an GROSS toper Polka; 10 do do very fine; •01 , 1./ " avt'dßedding; • 1:1 ooper Enzlizb liarn Redding; . • . 6 " Pocket Combs; l . 'WO " " Wood " dos lut`d Fine Ivory; 311 Shell Side Combs;• ' . Oa, ~ s uper logo Manta; '9N ti r os. t.ed S4do Cortiht; reed Lod for talaby lebs - CI*LAGEK, 10Z slahet.t ILLoa Ilellandt Duff Holland! rRE NOTICE—That W. Ideelintoek hot thiaday recelved aeveralwes of the finest and bent Holland. to widen be would zoos t resOeetf ly - colt the ittentiOn of his eustotucts and the public in • , 17abet Ware R00mi.75 Fourth ei. jaa3l AA g'lStmtUTAr tes t roo d Elrceia,7 eLTdrrj J 11.MELin.si 'oaks Just Itae•lvad. - - T Complete Work! of . Jolln Banyao; 1 t 2 vole, Sri, gilt ottd a Te nt. tki 1 vol, Hbaa. . , Te Analyta and Las of John Q. Adams; by 'Flirt. Searard;''' - 1 4s4=Irs. , 1kaaans; . 1 Tat. lt . aa; otriu h e ' lol7=l,==ariinicV Basne-4 vploi. 24 ebtem, , I Flo sale 6J'. R. HOPKINS, , fetal licildings.Fountt MT= TIIE undersigned, successors to 'Arlberg er-Niebal-,..-"gi j.. eon, beg leave to infer:m.llc citizens; of Pasbergia and public generally, that they have rebuilt she EA- tiLt tJUNDRY end are now in fall operation, and have part' of their patterns reedy for tile tearkett--. • Ammar which are Cookies . Stoves, Coal and Woad • Staves, with a tplendid ais-ught Coal Stove,whiels is •••'•-;',, pew .sapercediug In ether elec. the common' Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well what.... led for small amities, orb li a full monomer of cam manned muted Owns We would particularly 'its' 4 •'' trite the anemic. of perroashollding to call at nor warehonse before purchasing, and examine splendid aniele of -grommet led Grates,' finished in fine style— entirely new In Dili market. ' Wareham, Na 181 Liberty M. ooppsiteWmarsre , • NICHOLSON A. PAYNE IPPPTIIIIIIEGII IMPORTATIONS. !YEAGER, Importer end - Wholesale Dealer to C FANCY AND VARIETY GOOILuL liligu of the Gilt Colub s lUS hlarket at., Pittebargh, Pa.. , Western Merchants, Pedlars, rind others maim- Phishanth to purchase Goods, arerespecteallf invited- to call and exareinethe extenstve assortment of Kag-: , •l• lish, leaterieem - Prench mot German Fatter Goods. All Foeagn floods atthis establishment are intport7.-,, .ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely 00 ' ting goads from first hands. I have tae targmaneson.•"•••;:! meet M articles, in the- variety line; In the city of 'Pittsburgh—ell of which will be wild low for cash elry Mengel:me. .The Bunk camists, in pert, of .: • Lem Goods, lloilery, Gloves, Ribbons. CravatliShoe and Patent Threads,Sewing Salk, BByyoel lgtayer likeytenders„ Damns, Pint, Nee- , .Gold sad Silver Winches, Gold Jewelry, athlete or. • Bombes, Combs and Roam. • Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk A. • Cotten Purse., Spectacles, Steel Pens, Music Dales,, Carpet Hags and Baskets. .Ihuthage,'Findtegs and Trimmings. • •- • Tays nod Fmeyidowis; together with a large 'lllli, ty of Fanny and Staple DRY GOODS. C.l YEAGER' agent for ten celebrated . 'nester Combs. Great Zuglish 11.sasa7. FOR.Callichs, Colds, Asthma and Con.mption! OREAT A-ND ONLY REMEDY co th cure of the • above. diseases, the LIUNGARIAPI.I3dLtia.'d OF • LIFE, diecovered by the celebrated Dr. Illuelan of Lontlon,England, and introduced Into the UnitedEdnes amulet th e Immediate mperintandenee /dike - inventor. • The eztraordinstry nem,' or Oda , ha Ito. • cere of PahaNtary diens., meaner. the Amenean • Agent in sulking for treatment the worst possible caw. .., • ea that an ho found In the community that seek relief In vain from any of the common remedies of Ma. day, and' have been given up by the more distinsubtbed,a • playsletans Gas od dalan cumbe. Ther Hantatt-- . in Mils.= cured, and wcare, the met desperate: Of clear, 1014 no quack nostrum, nsadard Eng lith Medicine,. of known and established efficacy. • Eno Cannly In the Dulled Stoics etweld be_supUned., .• with Dochan's Hungarian User, of Lire, net only tp, • ..,- Coanterletthe consamptive trndeneies or the' etimate:: ,, - MI: to be used as a preventive medicine all Omens OP c.'••• nag., of blood,. pain au the side anal; • elect., tramline and mreness ot the luogs, btochitia,, eluDrolly of treating, beetle Ihver, night sweats, Mien and genenaldebibllt i ' eo ""a wh.. F in lK cough and croup. • I per bo Bold I..a a rge potties, at Snla, with felt • Ilona for Om restored. of health. • -• . , 1 ,,,,„ 00 ..,,...w0i0g *manor Fagliall and Amerl;- can certificates, sad ether evidence, showier, thee.- ^.* equalled merits ..• o f da. siva Englird Remedy, may be °blamed of theAgeona. Mao/Ready. Far sale by II A FAIINk'StOt..K & Co., corner at. in mid Weed and Woodandutlain__ luldkwy FILERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SY RUF-Tstaaa's SNontuteld. hi • •.• Fromm. n, Atarrh 27,1947. justice to you atsd you 10101O ro,aZish sy,ram I beg to Stle, for the bon a. of;the community, that my aire has been aeverat „,„ in augtotarl wtm a most distressing cough... 1-int inhaary lam, a - bottle of your. epoo., 'stitch cured a Conan of two =oath. , •Manding.: Atunttono month .nice, the oolsgh tetemed,' mat 'saris 'so' Pere s that 'the could hardly mote, (rem wealtoom.eia she biast.; I mat fur ova bottle of your Cuugh kyottp, aid par( of And haul., eared-11m conx4 r (covet/mother, to ajostmoyinan whu wo'screrety who • to ma Ids own words,' 'Oaten enough caned, candy tia cure all We people m Pittalmigh,” if the candy had' oaon good at rebresanted. • Veer., tetlrmt/bIIY, - ,lttaraco IL Nam.. Prepared toad told by A. R. e6..t.rat,s7 Wood; street, and mild by • Draggiats g enerally LII the two mtlea - -dein g•OrIENYA.D; ALL_ VVIwAe kittuosl. . N PL" ' . A. 1111‘..WN `wettitt ' c-* (sl ip Inform publle, d ttl o t the : ' keeps on hand atilt • Alin - • "td° " •=sue f . C y t ' . t 111 d a Ice va •oShrersasee4nWe r k 4"al,t =dG , 1 , .t) le, warranted ' eyanl to H" the nay an finnedstates , can be removed wait. srwg. the.atock„ !. .4.1 wand cathr Mi(nu'erCtn es bort a :e m n:: ,,, /i n it r.0 7 ,:rd , ..: 01. : mcii as. thu (albite si A "' every thing in then hue. • V p,,uoamt, , Ne "d. 41 A. ITICOIO2, , TINT reed, an elegant p!ain Rogerrood G bet. Pinnoi IP from thecelebrated eartnefictcry Manna. Jar Oak': etraperiar rune, and yen , ccealethte pries. Por vale hi , H. Kl.tillt:11, • ' , at J. W. Woodmen& • • (or 1LL1A14.4 , VORI'' PEARLPEARLTOOTH POWLIF!.2I. . etweetag . Tartar, PeoreT, Oehee , sa4 al : silbehusees:deetioeuTe to the Teeth. It is &impala to. '4. • the Uwe, elgoailag the mina, he.sliag atpd stteagthen-', lothwieute, .a. penrying the breath,. . I sale; wholesale .6 retail, by • •'' - , !three ~.. . • ' . ~ , RE. SELL ERR, 57Vreita1e1:-.': travoigssi r—CIJKAPER -THAN - EVER!!:. llf Jos rte I, an invoice of NU kwelicd lon:Ted Wate6 u r . 7 r,ifl alms ft c , a7 u .., rig s aL le: I eon . lOU W.i7toootoa.7ol? 6 6 =sald i =t44TEW ,..i i . 111Veos.1".. a:WA/AMON, W . VA.. kat and P.. 1 1 1 11M4. FR% :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers