VitiGNETIC TELEGRAPH. mune 1 " 7111.111G114 will soot mast ttrength of a telegraph, --u , szom New Orleans, that Oen. Q 51,111611 hat realty resigned his office ol Governer or Minisslppl, and has gone to Cubs as oommaa• der of the revointionary expedition. Another despatch announces thejanding Often thousand revolutionists On she west end of Cuba! Senator Dawns'e speech, yesterday, iu favor of the Compromise, produced great effect, and the prevalent leans, thts morning, is Itighlytayosuble to the success of that plan. /mans. STE gt!dEEL CONSTMUI lON kSUEINED-LOSS . OF LIFE. isizaruu, 420 22.. , On Monday loight,al 9 o'clock, the steamer Cow. 'Mutton, from +Bt. Lows for New Urjewer with eight or nine hundred tons at height, consisting ottobiieeo; flour, baceo, tom, 010, hemp, lead, and beef cattle, caught lire ltt the whaffr nod arms totally mown:lei. Toe iluaea *Mad to the wharf West of Shaw 6: Co., sod 11M.,terrY hog, which were slim destroyed. The fire spread so rapidly that the boots, mon ey, dw., on the Coostuution, were lost. Several presorts are supposed to nave - been burned or drowned. The bar keeper of the Conatkulion, the oat, one belonging to the boat, is missing. Beyond thie, uwtertaloty, although tt is believed mat some three or four others perished. They. were e'en by perwas Dottie what, so mthrounded by lames L 3 to eactude ell hope oitheir rescue. Outtf fifty cattle, only Moe made their escape. 'toe total low will probably not fall short ol ' Sle0;(1Ce. The ferry bolt wee thawed tor 82000. Shaw& Co. estimate their lou st 525,000. They were teamed for 95000. The Constitntlon and to cargo were valued at $25,00&-Wnerthenco 5t6,000- AlattvAL OF GOVERNMENT TRAM FROM SANTA FE. • ST. LOOTS, May 23. A govuument train of meal four wagons, has arrived st, Fort Leavenworth,-from Santa ko.— Chdy 24 days were occupied on the Journey frail Santa Fe to the Fdrt. Among me company are. Col. Washington. ex- Governor of Now Mexico, Col. Beale and too t and Captains Bent aed Judd. Lieut. Willtaraaoc, with a large number of Cal. idtraia emigrants, was met near Council Grove. There was tittle grass on the plains. A largo number of the inhabitaota Santa Fa woroproparing to leave for California.of MORE INDIAN MURDERS. Sr. Lome, May 23. • The Minnesota Register, or the 15th, record' another Indian murder, near Fort Snelling, • A large number of Chu:fp:mu moaned the riv er, and falling on some or the Sioux. killed one of them. Both parties seem determined on war. Thirteen of the Soak, recently engaged in the murder at Apple creek, have been given up at Fort Snelling, bet liberated on parole. 1.41711, May 23 . Tba new Preabytertian Chumlf; at St. Paul, Mitt newta was destroyed by tito ou Friday week, CHOLERA AMONG 'IMMIGRANTS. ST. Lori., May 23 The *neon Itepublicsa of last Dotards". eel. tains a letter from Dr. S Menders of Weston, stating that the cholera had boaken . out amongthe. California-emigrants. . The writes says, that at the camp on GouShop. per creek, 00 miles oat, on the 9th of May, the cholera broke out in the train of Dr. Clarke, in its most virulent torah C. H. Moore, of Milford, Dols, is dead, and two ethers mea t die in the next twenty. font bozos. One other is recovering.— It is' feared this rwiril disease will increase' The Marshall train_ numbCf about &V, we are travelliug very slowly. The grass is basely oaf. Alvient to subsist on, but the oxen we all doing well. The RePoteiannatmeesthe death, in Weston, of Jacob /tidy, of Edwardraille,' Illinois, of iellammitory yore throat. He wu.oo Milroy to CaliGamis, in company with his brother. Major wav-f.,,wartiritexister La the Land Offleo io FROM HAVANA. Naar Gnu" May 20 - - The steamer Guadektuiver has arrived from HITy . It, bringing dates to the lib last. She brings despstebes from the Spanish Consul, but reports no SIVA of disturbasee. No mops have landed at Stabile of Pines. • FINES AT CINCINNATI. Coicirwari, May 23. A fire occurred to Deer Creek Vain! about 2 o'clock this moromg,vhich destroyed tumor three dwelling Amgen ; and another, about 8 b u rn ed Sycamore, near Woodwind street, which tea dwerllnasi 'madly frames.. SHIPMENT OF SPECIE. Ninr Yozz,MY 23 Aboat.s2oo,ooo in specie were taken opt, as freight,l4 the steamer and packet, which left yes• tardily, for Europe. • • PHILADELPHIA mazer. Patisituatus, May 2a Floar—The market is firm. Receipts coatis. no quite small, and the demand is limited both for shipment sod rAry consumption. Sales 1000 Obis common and good brands, in good low, for export at 60,20, !winding some at 11595,151 e .per bbl, but holders genersily . demand the higher ofilues. Grain—WnesAis scrams and Is demand at ad. Iraceed rates. Saks of 3000 brilliant. and south. era red,at 1160117 e. Rye sold to the extent of few hundred bashed' At 01c. Of eon, - rmher ate is ollering to day,with sties of 3300 bassets yellow. at eue per be. Oats are in demand with asks 3000 Oa Penes. at 42c.. Wilbger-Supplies are- scarce, with moderate sake 111 Ibis 231 u, and in IRA: at 22A pet gal. NEW YORK M Nrw Yoaa, May 23. Now _ate Cotton—The market is heavy. .. Floor—The market is firm, with a good space. 1.4. inquiry. 6,,,!.--wheat Ls unetiaoged. Com Is itelliorc at fitafi s o for westem mixed and-yellow. : ?rusts:Mar—Pork Is doll, with mall sales to re tail deafen. Lard is to fur regent. Hemp—Hemp is lower,with airs or /interim dew rotted at $lOO per tm. The stook cdiAmeti• can hemp amounts to 10,000 bales. Vibitkey--Prices are higher, with sales of Ohio at 2.10 per gallon. CINCINNATI MARKET. - G/SCINNATI, May" 23. Frionr—Tke market La active ' watt ulna of 1600 'Ws 55,,i6 for mixed, and 53,23 kf straight Into& Grata—Coro la active' wish safes of 119,000bn. , aboutkaki° arri v e, 46a1 9 c fur yellow, bulk , and 50(e.433 fa sacks. _ WW I /ma—Sales at Vie net am!' FonkiCll2—.Baken 0(201 bblf No.l lard at GIN Sal" 330 bbl. mum pork at sops cask. Baron fa ineeired for bat we have no sales wont' TCPWV Groceries are steady, -arid prigs aro without change. , ST. LAIIp biAMST rarar —Tae market m active: with as active loader:ay ia peers. Bales of 2200 bbla 1P,321 (115 0 . 50 Per bar. Orrin—Wheat burnt-titer admmeed, with sales of 130 MI choice qualOy... Bales 2,000 bit Cora at 20230210 per ba. Bale" 100 bo Oats at 09061 c - per btu pp:oilstone—Or Pork and - Lard, we have no Oaks. bless is worth 2232,40 per banal. N.-. 1 LIM, lo bble an/ times; would commaad Mid 43c, and kegs 01001 e Per lb,. Itimn, b dissli L seedfor, with sates of 140 errata Eltoulders at 31 s s i s s-- r msed &dealt 41, lad of Ciao do. as die. Sites of Hams at 7a _per • Whiskey—Sales 200 bbl. IL•ddied at 23k,. Hemp—Ssles 450 bales geed to per... sani, 400 per ant, sad chott-e at 501 Tabaroo—Saes or lags at sl,ooaaiittei.ith ar lea s4.glls per 100. 60 . 1 The t• nine enveY. The htles.pligi wee were not in wen* deeheyoLid Chainbcrsourg. Lea ooantogi witgb Via Repaint en the aoo•sppeannro of our p:.nreuicguildespatches. In cadres paper; - ~ la XTIAA FAMILY FLOWS. ' - , FOR the eeltre . knee of the citizens, the proprietors of the pouturgh City AIM have placed batons for iklEfgllPFrog.t;ru"e7ole,.,. egrizz---..,...-;: .4. , M playwara, Sheer Mote, CO. Lih O SEY 11 1, 1 thothil . itso A Wenn, note. Th in street _ .. liablfrila.l",=, ul,Nyt, PVTJ'PIy ° , tat„,:g<k;lgh - sT,T. , ` - ... „ ( lark., 41.,;: A.l Oran. stare, Penn nivel, Ninth Ward. fie. near and trill call mite or Intro dally Of orders, aad the floor, tr. delivered promptly, either . Igi batten or int •—eact dear Is preferable for (sadly .pronithear. charge far cartage It is plain that 00 , .. coca/pit . / o . r: Ilt V.10,7,1,„.031, without &were can have ° ire hOQO Il ' Oot penile wilt be' i= thli Sc ..„,,,,arrient, saws , shall end_erwaria to thee 'hurtles. ~.yro - 08 _ . ...... 11111 kt-._ •• Ro to m ro a 0 , , ,r------------Jsnsrr terklibths —Gowns, jog. sad itesii.b twined. _ . ._.. .. _... g.... Nay Oil, Natio &wimp roplu'Verauts, pm Xlllbcards, awned ins. ',.7 ' ~ s ... D i paws, Charcoal 81147.2. pi.. ' tolers Lea deslblei taboo, MO ktota, _ - - Jot meth end fort 001 1 JODLI4 Clo ;•-• P5T444 7 0 1 '7 - COMMERCIAL RECORD. P1TT1411.111.,9 , Al BUM= OF, THAI D csit*Kas COMMITTEE FOR MAY. 3.171M1.071 • arms, Prnsseaan Fader rooming, May 14, les). Tim weather yesterday wee very pteesard for oat. dooraransactions, and consinerathe activity prevailed tltrettgiorat the market. FLOUR—The market continues gene firm at lug qaotatlies. The Inspection yesterday. amounted to' abonloso bbl,, mid the stiles from first hands to some 403 bble, at 81, which Is the prsseat" mites figure, al. dough some ulna whoa wheat has sold higher. Sales Ro lo na More in lots of SO to 100 bbls, 85,101 for fair O G w ae de., end 135,1905,25 for extra. Sale* of extri dry mills at 13500601, in small lots. We no. Ikeda radpreent yesterday on the rime Federal Arch, of Nffibbls Floor, rat Cincinnati arid Louisville. • PROVISIONS—The PfoVia.ll Duarket' was quire actres, at till retell. We Itagyht following sales eat of city and cared meat r--301rads sw at bows at 015 blids rade. at 411 0120$ .gas eared hams, eravaered, eke; and 30 tea canyear.d deed beef, at Oho ir Si. From make heats 12,W Rs ham were sold at filet 4,000 Da aides an 51e, and 4000 Rig shoelaces at 41: V D: Sales 0(50 bbls No Lard. at Cie. G OppEßlM—Ttio =rte.:remain. palm, bat raker -am generally fism, with an advancing tendency It Sam mid Molasses. Sales 0123 Ws fair Seger at 5 . . 63 days; the ruling Imes may be giveriat 54:151,mide1 In Walt. N 0 Molasseecontinnee firm at the advance, and Is held at 314 generally, without salesto any large extent; S El is held es 43,1145 e, wills small rale. In Rio Coffee very little is doing - 001011e ere about the aid, tog rates, with tiOdirele sale.. Sales of Loaf Sugar at 80010 e, and of Ripe at lie P D. in • *Mtn 'MY . .. - GRAlN—Nadia the past few days, the following sales have been made at the City blil4r-000 - hcahels Wham at 100 e for red and mixed, end 1020 tot Petra , white; 1300 ha Oat. at 40c; and of 50 to 100 ho Corn. at 50e r ha; Rye Is lower, with sales at I:8e r bus. We heard of nothing doing in Halley-00e may be quoted from More. LARD OlL—Seles of 5 644 No 1 at We; of - Ne 2 et 450 f gall. MALT—We nolo Wm of, Batley. Malt, al 151,.:5 f bethel. SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh mannfactered relict rasp, at 41041 e, as In quality. CAN ULLS—Snles of Star at 210, of Iderad at lOor and Of common dipped at Oe r D. A9IIEB- , rtie meeipts of the various articles under I this bead hove been file, and we notice eiraratm . cleat to the present demand. The sales or the week have been confined to lots of five to tin tons, at the following rates :=-Peall Ash, Ge; Salersurs, 54; Soda 'Ashj 3101 e; miff Pots, with fall sepplies, at 41041 c IP' 1 4. FLBll—The market has been very firm during the wee*, at fall prices—my, for Salmon, 819 ir rail, and 826 P tree; Mackerel No 1815, No 2 it MI, and No 3 at 89,50 ir Uhl. Shod are telling at 511,59 for No 1, trimmed, fall Obis, •and 110,45 for Mont tibia Bides of ROttmere iterettff at 11635 bbl; and of caisth at $4 at cwt. led by in ng Wawa ;penance be bulgy Tozacco.—There were acid et Clarksville, on the 17th lost. Ed hhdt, at puree ranging from 81,65 to 4,73. In regard to the growing crop the Lioptisthrille Press says: The matt dlstrrating intelligenee in relation to the Prospect of the tobacco crop for the protest year eon. Limns to reecho*. In addition w the isjory sustained by the plant* from the late frost% we learn that the fly has now made its appearance, and it working grest dealt - action to the plant lisda. A number of farmer" neared us on,Wendel . that they had already put a passion of their tobacco lands in corn. Corron.—The Tram:able Alabamian, of the 10th inn r saya • The prospects for a cotton crop the present year are cad:lndeed. Every paper we. open from the South, ites accounts of the gloomy prospects of the planter. In onion portions of South Alabama and Alissasipm, the cotton has teen planted andte planted mi many as three linos, and the continued wet and cold weather ass kihing Mitt:tat which had 'rome ay. In this region e believe, the larger portion of the crop has been re-' panted, and the Mutters say, that under the most fan. arable eircamstancea for the balance of the season,the crop mast be *short one. For the last sig weeks there has been a .accession of heavy.' cold mica. almost unprecedented at this season of the year. Within the last'doy or two. how ever, the elortishave dsed in a measure, and we halm lame prombre of M ile fair weather. • PEOLUZI-Olnt, Mu 17. The Iron acarketeentimms doll, and prices ere hard ly amtained for Pig Metal. Piles of Rat tone pion S cotch rig. part on 020.3)021,50 gg ton, and part private term., lanindinc '3O ton. al 1101,75; 300 tons Anthracite,o Railroad at , tors arid No a at 11170 18 T il ton .!kil on time. bars have slightly do tithed. We quote 501040? ten. as in 'Vain,. 'The Import of Foreign Iron at New Tort, from lan. let to May lit, have . _en as follows: 'gm 1819. • 9217 13=7 • 13,42 e Wei) 40,137 10.400 Pig Iron, tons ..... —••• ,Bar, tons Sheet, Hoops, ae, mos —Co= , rani/ aan WllMar.—Tbe imports of Floor and coafim it the three moat important lake pens, in the , v.„ Floor. b 2.10. Wheit, boo. Floor. Wheat. Buffalo •-- 81.407 162.1 , 43 auat um§ 110 . - 14.312 1. 58 , 429 Tolao• •• • 8.5,21.5 106,844 . 705 54.58 Taiga. •• —129,M CIO L.OO 2{BBoB lilaurrecia.—The value of the exporta from Balti more to Foreien pone, daring the weekending the 11th lastoeat E==l Da17111.r..,1y 20. Cut,lc—The supply of Ike.. In the scale. M etal fell olf, and nearly an the former purcham. of the trade beteg estmasted. the limited numbs, sees much sowed after. rod pekes !momently ruled higher. The olferinglreached SW head. and all were told to city bleu pricey rouging from 83.25 1.115 on the hoof, 4lual ty SAME 9,75 me, and Ohm averaging:ele 51.1.5 gross: "e from 14,—Auser. .1850 'MIMI 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. B OATS of %bI Line will leave regularly, ml witheettranadonlant. C BIDWELL, Pdadeargh, • JAMBI; COLLINF, do id.deeu BIDWELL"! 111102THER, Roche:ter, mardl FRENCH GRAPE WINE—A dellsiona article; for sale by maySl MORRIS & HAWORTH - • . EN2',ll`''''' 'tains a IIAWORTII me- PUBS PORT WlNE—Stleyted expre•slT for d'l44 P'*'"; i'P rO3lll4 ask by • =Lyn ACAULEYIaORY - OPE NGLAND—vaIa P.m:bland Abut lendJ. and for tale by malt JORNdTON a STOCKTON QTANDISII THE PURITAN; a tole of the Ame d. non Revolution. Sidra Woo.), Fen. itmt roc% ror We by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON PICTORIAL VEL 4 I):r . ) ,0. 1: of the.ite7cdatioo— • zrogrylrlii!4 JOHNSTON a STO6KTON pit? IRON—no toot OtoreAcz i tilltriliv i rgy 23 Wood st 8u , T . V2 4 -40 B °U "I f intligligpfr, CO MOLASSES -100 bile Flute plantation, for oils by moyl4 .1 9 DDIOYODTH a co. .FOTABH-211 casks potash, for tale by magaJ S. DILWORTH &CO . : rIPOBACCO---2 Ws Ohio ifical, for Pahl by ' J. easyld .1 8 DILWORTH is CO leivi*TrArEtt—A coiT olapilyTor RdeTfiiig 'Paper for gravel roof., of superior qp&ity, for silo by mayl4 .1 SCHOONPIA OA ACO OIL-fangob pure Sperm Oil; 100) gal. Whole Oil; . 110th TIMM' oil, for sole by mayl4 J BCHOONMAREIR & CO b D"..." 1 ,3' 97 drTiNt'ei'lgiev.ll , lo Y.... .1. 1 11 are doily receiving eases and package , of We matt choice and drairafile goat, MoVi ififiAll I Tir.A.B4-4 ='opened, al. the Pittabaib 'Mustily Grocer) Tea Warehouse, the folloorlog 'asooluneel of Omen and Black Tettj: ' G 11133. 1111 AL X. Young Hylton; Wong; Fine Oo:ong; Fire Young do; ,-, Extra fine do deg Flan . * fine dm Imperisl; Pei:ebony; Gonpowder. ' Cheviot% Panchen; ' YOngyeng do' It is unnitecorary to puff the abase Teas; they speak thr themselves. All 1..0 it o fall trio), and ore are confident they will please bath iii quality nod pried. WM A hI`CLUIIC: tr. CO 001 'Ahern , ..1 Lome, May 23. TEA PBO2l "PRECIELY the game hind of t.12.0P0 nd Doran L dowered Teas Mat ere retailed the old' ernottrY at es aorl roper lb. met be obtained for We sod 7bo twr palled at Teo 11/1 Masan. out side of the Diamond, Deleliorgh, or at Morris k, Ilewereda Wine Store, Federal &rem, Allegheny. The above Pelts Coma TAO, we recedes eirough ear Deghsh Agere.dtreet t r ots site Queents Bonded Warehouses, duet free. belog_l:le2let_treajim- •to ODA ASIL-174 cub Slaspraue patent inala lust arriving by canal, and for sale by W & td MITUIIELTILEE Liberty stennt 4 . Torpoptine t TURPENTINE -21 Arse em re e T d, Llted for t•le b S " JOAN G MORGAN sale by babyl4 WilinSG"4"'W Vtajilitl^rl;VllGAN COhlaAaNU3ll-4 bile Zir c r u la. f. r i ll a tV49 fIrINE & .1 7 74:12 . T y iattessi (;:opTab A rel i teg L TN:rn ell , runt When) , n EXTKACis & Ie.nIIIINCES tor devoting—Estrum • of Vanilla Lemon., Rove, and Inver Almonds, 4.".b.Rawtesmender, and Cologne Water. emit - WM A McMillin & CO Tuts. and team , verYwholesome Cid agterabla dyspepues and children, , roe nele by WDI A MeCLUPO d: CO ITWErralkl , 011,—Itaabton. Gait tr. Colt genuine NJ jot received, and for sale by 7 KIDD tr. CO DI Wood st /ID 43 at Qom k ftas A 3 l l l, 43 31 do , do 1/ 1 13 •i S(1 r d „ No 1; d I , al Retails, I,43serlddi N. t IS id, Cassopolltei . 9JS Rerto, 1 . 3 ; "At " 311 14 11173 I' C I RSTEION iIDgEIi r rnaTEgRILVER - lori 11 t ler — a co 1V 131a3k, fr4l7l'"!gli. &CO . . PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 14=4.—Theta were 4 (get 10 tattle+ enter 0 dam nal Lail and hlll g. ARRIVED. McMinn Bees, Beaver. n, Peebles,Fashio Elisabeth. Atlantic Eamon, Brovntstrilla. Battle,Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsvilla Cacclen. Hendrickson. Ateßeesiton. Lake Ede, Clack. Beaver. Pennavlvarda,o make, Bt. laais. Cashier. Melaka., Bridgeport . Wellsville, Yonria, lihidgeport. Laois McLane, nnel, Wheeling. DEPARTED. YlrLt'Ra4 Dries, Beam. Camden, Rendriekses, McKeesport. =Peebles, Elisabeth. se ohs. Brownsville. Partmson. Brownsville. Deaver, Gordon, Wellevgle. Chief Jostles Marshall, CinelrulatL /as Nelson, Moore, 'Wheeling. Lae E. Calk, Deaver. Brilliant, Gram Cinelenstl. Federal Arch, Bewsnan, It Leal. BOATS LEAVING YIDS DAY. ST. LOUlS—lreatacky, IS a. Y. WHEELING—ImaIa Matsu. 9 A. Y. • - lIIIIPOILTS BY ax n. Beaverpotat —Pal Mono se-33 bee cheeee, 91 btu, bx. 8 cks oes, J C Bidwell, 4 bble bunter, 99 bre cheese, Jl3 Candela; bbls wire, E Townsend; 93 bin cheese, U Desell. Pot Colon Ltes-7 bale paper, R M Riddle; 9 hags bno, 9 do potatoes, C DI Bartow 2 ale bbls, Coacher; Ipr bellows. & co; hblit Setup bum, 3 keg. do, Jones 3. gales. Wheelhagg—Pas. lawn Nouns-3 bbls mdse. Mikes & Forsydt; 3 pkg. do, Rbe7, Matthews Jr co; bbd. bacon, 3 tea lard, Lambert is 91,1 toe; 21 nett. nods, Charch & Carathers,l 101.1112 sec 101 l bbl molest. es, Miller es Me ketnon; 19 bbls dour, ID do des G D Moore; 3 bbls eggs, Jai Black; lot esslings, Mn Cully. Terre .9lnute —Pia Vsturoar-29 boa tubber atones, bx mds. bloFaden & co; 191 Cl 4 bacon,4 4.111 fnshers, 3 lob ecrewe, Forsyth t co, 9 csks bacon, 11 • bbls flax seed, 11 Spence sacks feathers, t do sock% Von lkomlorat A er;l bZI sodrs, Fehoestock & co; 2 0 bbd. bac no, 40 bbl. whittles. Clark & Thaw; 4 Collo , I all pnocer, 1 bls foie, Leech & co; 7 bads 10 4 4 J 140- 130.11:4 bhda tab, I & pasale; l bbl mineral water, E U Hutson. Bridgeport—Pas IVsmagrua-13 hilde b.e00,4 bbi. floo, H Btegbarn; 9 bbd. bacon. Bell & Liggett; 4 dodo, Union Line; 3 do do, W II Halmeir ask ware, /no GUI. St. Louis—Pea PIMISTLVAELL--3 bb oklos, I do robes, x 1 d ends", Graff & co; 3 111704•4, 3 oalticators, 8 ploughs, 8 tells barns, J T Wooed; 101.1pka tors, 9 do saga 9 bls eklos,6o bbls bacon, Clark & Thane; ED bbls s, 3 Ajlatchlork & co; 39 esks bacon, John Bcou & eo. OVISi AMBV I ebar 13.11 f all Work,aglsoevlsijg aka Plea a TUSi` pa' tithed In =diem folio,. 73 tenth to sob el unbolts. 11l to non submnbers. Part V. 'Of specimens or the stone, Iron and timber bridges, viaducts, - tanuelm maven, to . An. of the United States Rail Roads." By George Duggan, Architect and Civil Engineer. The present pancontainabeantifally executed place, elevations, and rections of the timber viaduct across the Canewacts, Creek, at Lanesboto, Pa, and the de tail. of the Buirmeca Stone Viaduct, near Lanesboro, Fe.,. on the Ilse of Ness York and Erie with specifications. bills of timber. Ake. IL—That work Is publishing by subscription of Lied most eminent la the enginerirofession ot the United States, aud will be c o mp lete d In It parts, at , 73 cents each to those who remit their nattiest and ash seriptions before the let of Jure out, whets the first Mx parts, or one half the work, wit be published; after which the price will be rased to 1l pee Pun To then tusking a present remittance of SS, and the remainder, et, when they have been supplied with the first six parts, the work will be forwarded mitt , latily as published. Parties remitting V shall re , ceise it monthly, Post Free, in any part of the United States, It is awork that mu a great desideratum, and manprose of great benefit to the engineering profes. • Bon generally, and especially to the tyre le practical engineering wed mechanical knowledge; of truth it entices us. that it would moire yens, of labor and ' potent toll on the part of • yoang cogineer to prepare thograiriugs, and collect the information that will be embodied. in this work, and can nose he seemed for tee ttilittig sum of 62."—Belentifite American, March 10,1850. "In coMmetion with this subj (i eet ron Rail Road *remorse) we taktmoceaston to call attention again bible Deegan% 'Likable and measure publication. exhibiting drawing., with fad desetiptions of .the various atone, iron, sod wood beds., th" nets, ective , ts.Ae. of all the Rail Roads In the Volum States. Mr Duggan's an aceomplishedArchiiect and Mail Engineer, who CS= it= Iceland to 10111.11,13 try to exereme his profession, bat Inittror rail rcwd con struction bete, in many respects, Crown tram ~ that to which he was accomomed In Europe, he a, oiled himself to the, study of one system; and the foots of his investigations embodied in this work, me well calculated to meet the exigencies of engineers, and to assist draughtsmen, badge bailders, mechames,and students "—New York mortal of Commerce, Feb... art is, Ism. ID' Published by GEORGE DUGGAN, fitki Broad way, New York. to whom all communicallons should be addressed end subscriptions for•arded. mar.u.ddi CAL IVOUNIA. ADVERTIIIIMICHT. 'DEAR'S k BROCKWAY, Commission Merehents, Bnerantento City, Califon:dn. Liberal Oversees made on consignments, and all agency basing. promptly gummed to. • a. ttacawn, a. a. mats, IA mayinuitharika • Pub . 'le late of Iteal gelato. T"proptietota will afro2lrth foe= at dean, day =- Wednesday and Theraday, and Zee co Malt on the premium in the lawn of Wellsville. 0, 160 saleable Ilaildtna Las. the elk( part of wltici .ent%testasa.-shn-tclerehted and Pittahargh o•az • to • pablle must cabin= lirtats: Tee terms ate liberal, and will be announced on the nettraled of the sale—only one fonds of the per. abate money will he re qslred in band. Title led!. potable, sad free of all lie= or encumbrenees. JOIIN W ROUSIITSON, .JACOB RIPPEILT, 1' bt DAVIS; Asetleraer. I Pittsburgh, Mar to WO may2o TEE TEA MARKET, East ride of ao Diamond, Pittsburgh T V our nto Tea guest 40c Tea bought elsewhere. Tr) . oor 50e Tea against 7.10 Tea beeght elsewhere.. Try oar 75a Tea against St Tea boeght elsewhere. The very best Black Tea. imponed, we are selling at 75 emus per pormut. • The vary ben Greta Tea Imported, we are selling at St per posed. We are decide], opposed to plans, instead of which we respectfully wash Comparison, as the best method of PrerViSg who seas the best and cheapest Teas. MORRIS k HAWORTH Prepracture of the Tea Market. MUMS 111P/1111110 & SUNK= GOODS.: A VERY large and choice stock of Fresh Spring Aand Summer Goods has last been opened at cumander Day% No Ed Idaho% areet, nook west comer of the Diamond. In eallinit the Intention of on es:sinners and the' public to dos stock, it affords asirreat elegant, to be ble to say it embraces OBEAT.BANO AIM; in al most every description Graced., as a large ponion of it was purchased at the recent catensive.auctimi sale s to the eastern cities. Our anonment, tron of fancy and smote goods, is easy superior, and affords to all cash .haters, either by who stale or small, a ens op. portanity of Colons bath taste and prove LADIES' DRESS GOODS. New style Faulted silts, verycheap;--slch plain and Geared changeable mitt of almost every style and quailty; nom plats and geared black aft.; do. ba reges and among borate de lens, aew and hand. some style; new style French, Engin/4 and Scotch lawn.. to great variety, and at verylow prices; plein, figured. and main striped de 1.1. of all triads end hams,oatni ch es: listen lodes of all shades and color,; Itint i:mak prints. ke SHAW LS. • Soper chameleon sill .111..1.3 plata end figured black dot plain and embroidered Thtletdo; One cash. mere d r plain and emb white and WRITE colored cra pso: bower and no deter • GOODS. A fine assortment of malls, =smocks, Mame% Swisses, hook., bishop. Mem. An. - BONNETS. Rough A Ready, pearl brad, Moraine beald and 'seer English 11111.• bonnet• PARASOLS. A fine stock of maperlor Oslo and fringed silk sad Stun Time person'. of all colors arse neelnias. CLOTHS it CASSIMERES. A large assortment of super Irreneh, EWA and Belgian clad. nod CUIIIIIICILI of all pi:slides and orlees, to which we woald Melts the attention of Ma gratletata. DOMESTIU3. Our stock of brown and talcachod marlins, Oohing*, checks, chasobrays, drillings, ko , U very lame, and at the very lowest prices. .• Also, a large lot of table diapers and table cloths brown and bleached' Russia and Roush diapers, eras; linen. nankint, tortod and wool .0 gad. fur moo and bboesrs 70°.":.L.T h eL l °,a".;."1:1 VAT. ( =a' (torte of 01 binds, holder) and tannin ribbon., WI • fietal dossers, Re, to all which we woald rsspoetrolty invite the attention of whet:male and quad - slash borers. ALEX ANDER OAX, .• Inerto SS Market N W 001% or Me Diamond. 'PLASTER PARIS-00a bd. or wino, quality. L finely ground. arblia, pi niad•aad.lteraud, and imitable got laad, &a salow W W WALLACE, ap23 _ Da & gal 14.ty ot. HYDRAULIC CYJIIILVY far Ws by ape. W W WALLACII "EIRESCII DURR AINIVLAURILL 1111.1. esTONES, beat. Tansy, warranted, awl It was , . lower than tine balm. Wan allaml dila 01111• Al W W W AMAMI apib -- 11001. TING CLOTIII, ell lllSlbilfil. Wel oilify, .13 warrunled, an/ 44,.4144E Vde.... 4P25 W W WA 14.014 k A ARIJLE - TaTig. dtriTdilViirelty, uy awn IVI cnonnlncla to, on Won an/ nod. at On an eltee. noice. W. W WitltltAtili enucetelorkereetet 40-755-Aftaloplou cogimmi Milli iC,WW-I;ii CI O Mayil --. ' Wm. , * WI WO ii , 17,1 . 9 ._. 14d l '"' kO, ~,„ -- 1 - 3 4, trwrlcal. ft ..itti. it.. WM. UOII4 PALMER, 11A1MA i CU., (a.ceeemars to 11.4.11, Ilinn• A no I 15111ANKV.Ug, EXCHANDE Ulloll IMO, 1.14 Aralani JlOl In Foreign and Derneetle, tferilkeka of Depostte. Pink Not., 0..1 1040,..-4101. o+l+ corner of Weed and Tblrd fUeell. Celll.lllaigmq =nets * OA P :2 1 =r; 1,1 :11 Clhlsikrblnarpila ti l l,p aitr4 the United Maw. The hilliest premiere paid tot Forum ea Alain/MI . .. GOl4 AdV.ACtli MlLde 011COM1006011, Of nOttlllt chip pad VI Il M, liberal term I _.__ G ROCERCESLke-73 don Draemri Pomeroy@ 02111 • 30 boo Merl. Candle. • 10 boo Chocolate No 1 11 hoar-otos k fV1214 Dolmen Su boo prima W A R Limos 40 boo Saelnk Miry COWS In WI. No 3 HoeIto;e1 • 20► k hobs Noe 1 and Ido 10 Ms No 1 Remind' 210010 k hf W. No 1 Shad I brio No 1 Salmon 90 has Sealed Harting to. imporiat Ries 11 bia osporlatt Oleo Yaw 90 has Pentland No 1 Starehi 10 hf ehetto slum Chuloa 7.0 20 do YH, Imp.ll P 60 Gaddy bzo do d o 0J dos patent Else Waolboatu 50 btl. pore Cid.. D WILLIAMS k CO N coo Wood k PIMP ilk lEitiE2.stiilgggb2l OBACCO-8 kW No 1,0 Ortot,roVotroloC.S. T bloishll,fOrbr ma. pAmuLt. LOCAL ,MATTERa - - • Tern Tyri errrintirces WALT OLIIITYII „flown:major milE Vieille Montagne Coppsegeniply their Lgents with Roofing and Pleonng in sheets 3.7 feet, from It to 21 ounce* per equare foot. Cerregated in 'beet* 317.' al om.,for reeGer feline bu il dings! ind -depute SW:Sheathing , la x4E , mehei, — from rein 35 minces hiptla Sinker, Wire, Sugar golds, Perforated Zinc, Zinn Pane, &e. They searrent their metal pure, end free from any admixture of Iron or any other substance, and re- Commend it for t he menufacture of tacit senates n, the home famishing lam, as it does not rest, Is not erected 1,7 the action of enter, and ine2 he Prdialtod , Tmid span ced. Reielde , models, plane, rperelficatione, and Other ' infOrtnation meg he had of their egenca:— Veto. & Samna, New Torit: • Alemeon, Ronan. & Co., Boston; PiA.T.I4 Tann= & Co , Philadelphia; W. & !gators, Baltimore; Suez, Day &- sThorrcat, New Orleans; • P. MILLIROIIX, Resident Agent, Twee, May 1 I Hummer at, New Volk. Gunn Concarr.—We are pleased to announce , I. our magical modem, that. Mr. Henry !Heber will give a concert of vocal and insuumental mat ale;on Tuesday evening nett, at Wdkior H.l h r t He will be assisted by several eminent: professore and amateurs, among whom are 6143 Klan , Bt nor Giausbani. Herr Vogel, and a French gentles , man, Mons. Langan, callous performances on the violoncello are very highly spoken of. The eons cot promises to be a brilliant affair, and will uns doubtedly secure a largo attendance. Dertuasnat Ifintexatics.—A letter mu received at the Allegheny Poet Office, the other day, from Alexandria, D. C., directed to "Allegheny, a little village, opposite Pittsburgh." At the next census the population of this ' little village' will amount to about 20,000. Some one should aced a grog. raptly to the writer of that letter. ... Gases 8. J. Clntke, the popnlu' milkman, la at present, on a visit to our atty. Tuseraz.- 7 Th — e School bi Sendai will bo performed to night. Miss Logan as Lady Testae, Mr. Logan ws Sir Peter, and Mr. Oxley se Jo. sepb Surface. Mier which Mr. Loam. will tip , pear as Aminedab Slocum, In Chloroform, or Plusborgb • hundred years hence. Cris Poucz.—The Mayor diepoeed of six common eases yesterday morning,from the . torobs, by fining and Imprisonment.. Awut? 91.311 an Omucts.—Yesterday morn lag, as officers Fitssiromons and Hopp were en deavoring to siren Some drunken rowdies, in, Mama Alley, the brother of one of them,,lny tattered, sod being pushed side by FimenamonS, drew a . pistol, and attempted to discharge it up on hlm three times, bat was prevented by the bystanders. He made his escape among the etowd. • TIMOT.X FAII.-A little fellow, ten or twelve years old, lell over the hill on the Monongahe la, seer the damolny brfore yetterday. Swale to nay, he appeared to be bet little hart,lthough he had passed' over two clidh, cf at leut twen• ty feet each, in height, in his fall. ALLZOffiNT Fed.icr.—A number of cases were disposed of by Mayor Fleming, yesterday. Gan man was knell for aelliog pop and porter on Sun. lay. A number of colored men were tined for ritmottlerly conduct, and one man for corryiog a 'pistol and flue-Maxi:4 e'ery ono he naval: Tic, knee, was sent to jail. Matthew Drake, who arse brought up a Cow days ago for abusing ■ family of colored per sona, wuilrought up again and held to bail for triaL ' boy was brought before the Nay; or yesterday, on suspicion of breaking into a state room on board the me= boat lasso Newton, and Mulling aan of money Mini a trunk; al so of an attempt to break into the clerk's othew He was discharged, no evidence appearing to shwa that he was the culprit. Clorts.—We understanittitatshe co:ra nd For this man will enter bail 4r bim dna morning, having succeeded in procuring the re .ttired smonnt. Duns Hawn searched lb* house of a woman is Binningbam, day before yesterday, and found about StO worth of household articles, stolen from the Monougabela House. The woman had been employed in the muabluthme4. as a washerwoman. A FOOD Moyur.a.—We um a woman who had been arrested by the police, yesterday, . walking imp the upper part of the city to the Mayor'. of fice, with an overgrown lap dog in her awns Which the was canning, while her little child,a were Infant, was toddling behind, without initiations. Whiakey presto= strange tranisformanous 'lb ha man nature. Poewanwoo—We saw three attempts to get op fights at the Canal bridge, on Libeny street, year terday, at the same =mem. There la some need of the proposed InG(<11/0 of ponce_ force in this neighborhood. press Joy so tho a.ld I-11. nail. and mandwil. to 8 MAK .ER 11Q11.,1311 Leentrouerel ?revered by steam, and put up in QUART ROT 'TLEN, fee the removal and per mote of nil diseeeee eriesng from an impare sum or the blood, it habit or Me system. etc FEMALE CON PLAINTN. Liver Complainte.Sero. (ale, Wes. Pimples or Pustules on the ?see Chronic Pore ?yes. Ringworm or Te need, Itheunta. oar. Paine in Me Bones oi Punts, and all dismiss arming ire. an ( o c her Use or Memory, A:. Far explmit end o p rulers, cell open one er nut agents and gm a pamphlet, rc•Ot care fully, imd Midget if Dr. N. 1). ItOWE'S !MAKER NARNAPAR ILL,A Le not the very medisine to cure you. N. EL—Remember * net) label on Me bottle hes the Doctor's eignatere, 41. U. Rowe." None other genu ine. Prtee per bottle, or 0 booboo IP. For sale by nor eigentc—J. Heboonmaltet &Co.. J. A. Jones Pitubterilt; A. Elliott) ItildlOci ) Si P. Croeker:Brovre*•4l l e; W. 11. McClelland, Mon. cluster; and by &QOM& generally. AIN:, by rho HOWE & CO , proprietors, • telal-dt wlyT 1 College Ilall. Cincinnati, 0. 1171I'Lsmils Vameiream—The proprieson of this I pest medicine Lave received hundreds of certificeres souring the cseallence of the medicine. They motet the following one Owns hundreds:— L0u...11e, April 10, Iq7. Ideusn. J. Kidd & Co.--Gentleinen—Thie iv to cm n fj that a child of mine eras ruhllt ted with worms. I me tered maim kinds of VermiCose and administered them, butwith De elem. 1 then purchased a vial of M'Lane's celenfeted Vete:Mese, from Pam! Venovrine, drvegirt, of our rep, and after giving a fell dote, the Odd diseharged a fall quartet worms. The health of the child. Improved intotedhitely. I would teem. mend Dr. lll'Lane's Veronese to the public, as ono of the mast safe and ersetaal remedies for anew. now in are. J. U. CUTLER, Aletchant • irr Pot We by J. KLDDL CO, No GO Wood meet.. Heald of ens Woos and Anklet Cored. Me. Knot—l am desisone of making known Inc line p•blia the peat efileacy of your PETROLEUM In my own ease, whlah was • neon, Scald of the. toot and mikle; upon removing the mocking, the skin peeled of with it, and left nothlng.but the bare .ecfoce. I eapeeted to be led op all -moor from the whets of this scald, bat we •pplled.the Petroleum freely, by mean. of a flannel cloth saturated with it; m dent, he applleatiOn wee pdoful, bat In • Very ehon time the polo abated- I had oe path to coo hoer afterward. In five days from the time of the implicates of the Psuoleum, I was able to go to wink. I take pleamre In stating then farm for the benefit of other suferters, and am dean., that they should be made public. I would Wee 111.11111, that I find litunethate relief by the use of the Petroleum, to bode., from which Ism a freyosni lingerer modes to my business about the engine. I would reeentimeed it as the most prompt sod cattalo' remedy foe boreal have ever known. (Signed) I B CUE, Engineer, Pherpsbargh, Allegheny Co. Plitsburgh,Apsll.l6 so . • Mr We b 7 Keyser & IlieljovreU, 140 Wood stem; X II ■albrn, 07 Wood •t.; 1) Al COTT, Allegheny chyt 0 A Xlllott, Allegheny Joseph Domlast, Allegheny; *leo by 101 l aprutne, . P. AL KIER, •VJ7 Csitalllasln, Seventh et, Pittsburgh: • Mo. Edibir—rieeie announte the name of Jaw. IIeNOS, rot ,of ettoindrs Lownoldp, an it candidate for • wodultly (afore the ottoroaeltlng Autintabonic and Wide Dundintion. Mr NM Is a man of ability and o.lirliy, and would make a member on whom the potopla wood depend. SNOWDEN may 11214.• uneT _ _ ligoyfil•prijo, uo.:lWns, towitswp, will gupporl- Vi N Vgvii3,lll:::nolatiuoar themtng4unwn,,,,,wn.rad atioas Metlvan, m i.e. um m etd, Pittaborgh, t salmi., tad lor nomination Comity Commlianorier, ai Anti amide Convention. APri Masonic or Atte. 011001 envoi,. —Kamm Nina, of the Seventh turd of hind/midi, la hereby rocommended to roe Conven- MAt„tflledto nivel on the Lith of Jane next. e.• can. OW lon Ma odic* of lirmityComorivrionef • MANY VOTERS 'Fos •ononnoop —tioloss thaan, Eno., of mati. 14*.ifible, will IM yeaportrd fornoiaination, on n Caro yolain bq lan Aenembly, Won Vac Anti blapoina and WY y Ilannvonno, by MANY •VOIERS • innyi 41bAntol . (400/Itl , 7 4 ll—Tuomui M. ilvws wlll ba axandb Auto 1.1010 Ma AilliM.Nolo .41 AVLby Conykutton, I noialonilon far Canes., ansyltdavoloT AIMIXIWT—Wo Sr. all/ban:ad to antaarnea JAaaar Y. Vasa, KIN... a candid as far AJolembly, rubber a the d•aaslun of We AnUataaoaic and Whig Gamma- ON• knaylaalkartoS Calfni Coluanatollint —lteantsaa BetUditorNetth Foyouo township, will he • candidate Cot County Conentissienat, insbitet to the decision or the Whig andeAall alesnale Nominating Convention. =twit anneal MANY FRIENDS. Tam Vataza, Esq., of Baldwin tawablp, be aci a=dlZt:imagl i wilane t r it l ir rkt i rtir4 lhaloga D vd willitAlarawaa N; P. Pasuox of Binal4ham boraosti t. will be /imported for Covnir Vaniniwainno , •. , th. wt! avd Anti blaadnin Convention , - b7.MANY PHIL BS • • COI4OIIY/SB—Coir. llamas Dense will horned by IS Mande. far a nomination am a.candlasto for Canavan la the approaching Antimaeonie lad wh, Oonvantloit. taeltbafeancB 0111WIL MUMS lba rorporied for naminttlon t In the Aotiomonlo oaf Woks Convention, for and Oleo of Mom Coonolsalooer. losltedfarte3 Nituk Ward,Pittairellth t W~ltur7arran. saithhhhhhishhhh7 will ba - Rounirareuunit, .47174aw10il •••; 4P'‘. • n'" ALLio.littinnilf n • PLAAH ROAD. NOTICE Is hereby given, that book. will be opened for subscription to the stock orate Allegheny and emachester Plank"lteed Company, by the Commis &loners nroontial in the .1 incorporating the said company. at the following places and times, where all persons desirous of subscribing am requested tel attend, the shares being twenty five dollars each. on ode dollar Per Hume to be paid at the time al sub. slashing: t Me office at Mean. Id the city of Pittsburgh, a Bakewell, Pears & Co, tOnlei 01 Second end Wood ' streets. no Saturday the fat. Monday the lUth, Tuesday the 11th, Wednesday the 12th, and Thursday the 12M of dyne. between the hears of 9 A. ht. sod 4 P. N. In the clip of Allegheny at Toad's tavern, corner of Bearer and Ohio streets; and in the Borough of Man. cheater, at UM store of Townsend, Carr & Co, on Fri dm, the llth, Saturday the Ifith. and 'Monday the 17th of June, between the bans of 9 A. 111. mid 4 P. M. At the house of Cart: John Hay, Ohio Township, on Fri day and Seturday s ihe 14th end 13th of June, between the bouts of 9H. rind 4 & THOMASBAREWELL - President of Board of Commissioners. mayllld&vetnl7.S. Bowling sad 113ommis Ribbons. UMW /a BURCHFIELD Alva received an vd. WA dilional supply. of above goods,including various Mini of Chino, Prod, Albone, nod Gimp Bonnets; Waite and Color d Gimp do, and Ribber. o f all colon sod prices. ' " mayl7 aoona. & 111117.0l1FIELD hod. tea attention DI, of them ocanung geode for 4 51N:ening petpelles, tv thelreery fall noodling.t leeelied, such se Mack Ticalbrtine Gnia Alpaceacy Black-Monte de Lidnea, - Idearatag Silk., de Printed Foolarda, 17armce,Tirgael,Biellida Loamy Alhaarnes, Plain Meek and Piloted Leers., Bleate Emtnoldered de; Bonnet ftletko_2_ne Scarf do, Ve e1e717 WALL PA PEA at IVeii . .. A=L im Vira Cap.r&STloort a N Ceroyee, b 7 " CO Ri,flL.Yl7 JAS. .!, '." ;fir n r a C d iIiSONT pO PEOPLE FROM . TRH OLD COUNTRY— iliv:re7 !NIL nal"sTe*etril4inot7:7)lfge4'4:r fi'vhe rkilllme per pound can obizieed for The per Ib of MORRIS te HAWORTH 11310111N—Y30togiVritolitinix,Factee. Car I - sale by WIL.ION co& •_— 67re AS HA it 01 , 4 Malipratte iimidyiiig N high a n , ini•in TR it. _by qilll ' I "1 W IIIigKEIC bag in stu,an d for gglia tri varrad...l. , .OUND NUM-100 nu tenne.see Inc! reed, for sale by WM it itreCLUilolll. CO ILO Liberty DOE FA_ - L° TON ES.— GU• A iiieCLU fpr ELi rale• G by O itO 2 ! may er RAMS—A few cbelie Verde. Ilea. V l @Me by 'WM A MeCLUIIO tCO Wirtlna Cilium. THE unarmcord mac. been appointed ngent. in Psasunto for Oa mile et Mario Marie Farina'. Cologne. !Wailers mill be supplied al manufacturer's prime. Wll A AIcCLURG CO may 14 SGS 14berirel. • India' Daabbar Mama; Inn received, 3000 toot Hoed, a and 3 ply, of all s s, and tar soperior to lealtrirjr a ta .B wityld 7 MI Woal at. • IsOla Rubber Bolting• 4000 rroEntrligangl!,..qiin67;°.nlit'idllll the incirdseturrs s prices. Au lAD sold l e t ou r eatabliA Sotto will bo warranted so be equal to leather, sat recessed, f or sale by tr. II PHILLIPS waste , Asts for Boston Belting Co QM'S TIIRPENTINE- 177 brls in plisse ler ju S g 1.7 reed, .0 Gm sale by R E SELLER . . G 7 Wood at _maylG I,I•I3IISSEL'3 EXTRACTEAVent Ead &Jockey Club la. do .. Rose and Almoud Shaving Cream, Jay. feed anSfor sate by , R E SELLERS maylS__, _ . . ()CID LIVER 011,—.1 <nays Unsion't porn white. las: `_Yell, for rate by nasYld U E !SELLERS /lite:Am CHEESE—de his inn traal•od nisaoulijcs. 4../ me., and for uslo by' HARDY, JONES. d. CO tY PEt3Ls NENT . 0i1F.724, ground in Oils, in lb cons, lust lecerecd, .d for lly xi 6 00 Joy yid . Cilyys.A sl LAUD 01L-10 brlalloreburd & CON best, lust on bond, for rola by" tor IS J KIDD k FINK 111210 T—003 my for lbsjimi received, le try maylB J KIDD k. CO 'DOW DER JALAP-100 lbs last teed. for wee by utayLd 141.1pA CO' lI ABLS A SHOCLDER.S-I,.ert r i to m o ., lders; per stemot Hambutch. and tot ••141 by JAAILDI A HUTCHISON to CO 'VAS NG TOOLS—A complete tw sotto:teat of the best go:tidy of cad Steel limo and Com Scythes, worrauted; Oat; steep., 3,1 e. 4 Droop Forts, warroodd, Cad Steel Illy Knives; • ID dor. do Gooseneck Hoes, solid; Drages eotomen do do, or sale low, at the and Deed Stote of FNt WICKERSHAM unt9lB Cot of Sixth 4 Woad .w. ALTPKTRi:4O b.p etude or bog. <witty, to at titre, ior as. by ISAIAH DlpoiEY & CO Baring• Qs L Alois Ok A. MASON k. CO hoe teeeived, pet expo° od swooped/lig pci c holed Bodge de Lon - pen Elam MondpEdo. - 1; p MEWED per elms., and this day *peeing at It. A A Mama A Ca. 4,411 Marker at: 1A Mode eoi'd Tkrbet Shawls, plea & embroidered; 5a }back do. Also, 00 pea Black btu de Rhine Silks; 6 pem do Satin de Chine; do 4pm Turk Sall.. maylfa , 8 COAT/NG-5V pes Casinuereto,aasorted . colon, • most desirable ankle for summer coals, reb . do mad 6 0 1 opening 0 s A MASON &CO ma is 69 Marker st busheb lust rce'A, for.n!e 07 Ly a Cr!! PEARLS tor sale by ylO D CANFIELD •011.41 , 416 P"' CIiEESEB3u Fala° new Chem for solo by I B CANFIBLD DUTIEII.-4 brlr freak rolli In dabs, for sa , e by mart, J /I CAISIYIHI4) _ COD FlSll—ltitcs on band, and Car oda by 19AIMI DICKUY &co Water Jk, Front las ai,uAR-71 Mich N Orklons In core, for sale by 1,7 oisyl7 ISAIAH MIES &CO 14 0 L ,„ A . .;.p.5.-.7.3. br I o N O, I k il A i b i rire th a e nte i r ' 2 or , d6o o by MLITXTHERS-4LnO !bow stoic, for Set 14: — . .-- .11. mall) ISAIAH DICKEY &CO EVAN-ILO brls on band, and for wale by . .I. Inoyt7 . ISAIAH DICKEY &CO (IDEFISE - orlo mod, nod tor tali KY kb• I n s a y t W 7 YTISAIAH DntI.CKEY & CO ✓ for h oak A w e to cl H s O coWogomT- obrlion bon d, ' ma)l7 ISAIA DICKEY ACO 1:13 ISAIAH DICKEY solotrtiaTtlyts end qullitY,Vr wale. by ntoyl7 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, DOCK SALT-Steam refined , tor refin tabl , use, for •tio ElL'ltv m.yl7 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO 'LT' nifiri .ale by tel & W HAMMED!! relea, ana F i st l 47 —XU" m " al " 7 "' lft b nerßlail " ioeilTaut. tor salt: by 8 h SOl . O kit CIIB - 813 IlAblB-10 lien.. Allard brand last received, and for sale by may If H G W AARBAUGB lilL-7 7 1 . 1 btla No 1, just we'd, for oda low to close eunstypsent, by JAN DAL2ELL u) t 7 rpit Adi. V -40 rusliCul er canal, foils's. by JAN EtiazELL Ctur iiiltiubfgi omp i AWLS—Su ing per/4autan, leit colored lidtTet I shawls, O range,cris Pork. Mae. Green, end Corn colored, just =easing per espress, and dot day opening by •A A MASON & CO 7 01 Marb et Pt _.4 Coia:ed EN, Won, (Were, led 4.5.;,3,' " d m r " erste., and now. opehitsby " lesyt? A A MASON ACO • fitlN I'SIO—NiU3iLINs-3m cue. choice et — , the eludes , low pri of Ige per yd awl upwords, recd Sop der , Myr/ A A ,MASON A CO ISA.CONL-10RIAIShordders, Cis cored jitete - ed, I end for wile by STUART & SILL tectivirq nr mayl7 STUART & SILL CIAW-0 0 0 bushels In Wore, awl for rale by nceyl7 STUART & SILL TINE-100100hels in Mare, uld Tar tate by •tneyl7 prtrent A PILL OA —l9 Ll 9 4141 N USurar.l.ii• ror -- .W -- etviT - e. ns ,ent, yule by J DII,WOCTII. CO Wood et :1 . 0;1;1_ : y r: 47/51;3k7 I ce T ed l a m id:dr Mil jog received, and tat wde by ^U 1-_ .Ii(DEIL--4,10 to Ky. Rifle; qr kr, d.; 12.7 bits Mini J g.)o.iniv.wtee*, for gale by oluni kv) Co 236 Libertv.l.l 171.71171:1t—Yrann nxll in v . bY _ A rd '' CLU H &CO d I I O ATS—loo bathes Wu's. Dirts„,,za co Ertl 117ertinifei7 t z SZI N Li a ttr l r ty v e . my. 40 Lo n in instadwror pale n • It ' ma i 7 I{-6 14.6 DA f LZELL Y CCI PuAll _mayl7 C°FCg-1 P"m 1 AITH LAM CO WWl—rih da Claret; 10 bxs 9t &mob Me 49; , • -20 . his Haut Tesmits,staßriedizifiroe4,y liaglagis""l.l 4ld, 7 , 8 DiLworm o co 007 . . wriTsnoson AND LOVINVIVUN , - STEAM• PACK ET LIN Isr and well eeudeohdLtnea,tbe ova ers of the folOvr read ing L ne sicesten base arranged them into Line IrerweetiPinshurah and Louisville. One of the beats will positively leave Pittsbergh on every hdornvre, tWeDlEntlai, and FIST E.Nitrai o'eloek--fuil or not full. The first haat of the Line will start on Monday, February Mb: Steamer Genesee---••-•Captain T. Moore. Taylor.—• • •-• " ht.Laess. " Newburg. ...... J. " Fictinet• ........... a Benedict Fin catmint W. Ebben. Por freight " P"'"firdILISNBFtIOFR fdbili4tl REGULAR WEDNESDA.Y TiCEET CINCINNATI , Captain Viu.r.unt J. Korrxrz.. Tole eplentlid boat was built by the ilaiowners of the steam. [ease Newton, nd other., foe the "Clnelnnatl and sod ppkertrude, .d II Move every !Wednesday, for iftneieftFlL is P 4o e of the New England, No. e. F O r t 11:271ight or P"'" el rh'ilYtaggigrft, Ago ITErStlUlttili AND OTIJN The spletuild foot Atoning alcsultet LOUIS MeLANF, W. S. ConwelL aster, (haring undergone a that , o ' ugh reptdr,l will tun hereafter ae • regular paeket between Pius and WLeellng, loving Pittsburgh orerr blonder's We awl Friday mornings, et 0 o'clock. For (might " parings "917 on 'rl o f r aF.ll. A rcuL lane td• i',LTALLtIik-4-1511 Only Iri 1:111to gcliaitng• Pia Ilroarnaville and Ctuaberiand to 13allitnore and ' Philadelphia. FADS do Harmaoas --•• • —Sib 00 , no. Ptatooturtue,------ L^ 00 limit chanting boat ICIINCe the wharf, aboye the bridge, daily, at Et o'clock preetvey. Time to Baltlanore, ' S2 hours; dote to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The evening boat lease. daily, (except Sunday av cuing.,) at 6 o'clock. Passengers by leaulog on the seedling boat, rill croon the Inounulta 10 gages non day, and thus avoid ;light tratel. Secuto , your Octets flatt the Wiles, e•, Houle or st. oel. .1. h1E8T1311 . 24 , Arent NEW ABILANGIAGJIENT Ana 1850, awns PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Liars Express Rocket Boats, • And 11lin Road Vars. (EXCLOS 11l roe P•onsgozzo,) I TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, ,Yin the New Central Rail Road and Pena'a Canal. Ttate—C,D hops Fare—SlO through. 9136 miler Rad Road; and 1611 miles Banal. ON the IA inst. the new Central-Rail Road Comma, ny commenced running TWO CWILT Tarim ram not. cans from Jackstown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the arrival at the Packet Boats hem the West. By ads arrangement passen gers will go through without detention. A Packet Bent w rong leave ciery morning ALB Is , - ttionit, onEl every ewe at 9 o'clock. 'This male, for Bocoty, Speed, and Comfort, in not ,quniled by any now In nth lA)theta/nein Cities. For passage or informadon apply to W BUTCll,_ftlenongatiela Mose; D ts CO, Canal a. ILEUULAR WHEELING & SUNFISH 4460: oatsThe - lbt running Warner WELLSVILLE,' .g.spl. D. Youngorill ran as a resolar packet beta - ten Fattbarga, Vsfl,l.. insfdindsepors, and Straub, leaving PittsboraKevery Monday afternoon, tar Wellsville Steubenville. and Sridgepon,•nd every Thursday ell ' arnoon r Stenbera .ille. WhecttaFt Bridgeport. Captina, sad Sunfish. N.l.Tpililt, leave. Dridgeportand Sunfish every Tues• day allernoonowd Sunfish every Friday afternoon- For irelght or i =fade s aPpla on board, or to ao3o D WILKINS, /tient. _ --__ wESVILI4:- . 716" P k 14 1 11 abalrejmo . m , . will leave frlbn d all Lwero/ . ed_Lue ports Eistusloy,"lo 2Coh.t.ot.;Ot WO For "o'urP"4: m. 721 FOB CINCINNATI &St. Wins. • . Ppi ono ne r. l 4 lfivivi6ll4.loromet Maclan, master lut, Lave ir Love and all ermatditua pol4s ou Ills day, the 24th. May,el4 , o+dra.P. ,l ray2 , l AREISTRON .4.• C d eta. FOR ST LOUIS. . maththe mavilheent new Steamer,M '' FEDERAL ARC. ,- Bents!. tinnier, Mill leave ter the Irate and all 'Men:Cedilla landings, thin Say, at newlelocii A W. Finn Weigel or peonage- heel rly on board. mr.7o • , , FOR ST. LORIS. ' lee new and splendid eletmer _ .X is Egp . CIIIEF. • u. 11. *err.JUSTICE martyr, will AIARSIIAL, leave tor the above and Intermediate , pens, on rids dav, dadlneranl. 11l 4 4 . 4 4, For treidllt or pas/teat, apply 00 hoard. nava., sons A. PARILI2I6OII, API., 111.. ' Crai=ETAIIIT7AI Ftlll7:::Vata . I at tnded]. amyl_ WESTBILII INAURANCII. COMPAIII • OF _CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. 7. Furair, Jr" &elf. R. Maxie, Jr., Fuel. I Will insure avian all html, of flake, FIRE AND MARINE. ALL lows will be liberally atLuoted and promptly paid. A home Incitattrot—managed bY Director s who an well known ta community, and who am detour.- td by promptness and hberaltly to maintain the char acter which they hare ...mod, is co:forint the heat .protenuon to those who desire to be Insured. ' Diaarrora—R. Miller, Jr., Geolllaek, J. W.Batler, N. Hoboes, Jr., Wm. D. Mohnea, C. D olmen, Goo. W. Janke., Wm. Lyon,Jaa.,,Lippineou, Thou K. L,ite A Jame, M'Auley, Alex; Ntokiek, Thos. Feott. Owe; N 0.34 Water street,. (warylmaas of Spang ft Co.. no atalm,lPittabargh. • I mtdlr • IMILPORT&INT L LEI'B MAGICAL Pitt' EITEACTEM. VllllllB never felting Pahl Destro} er, and certain cure lur Mans, Veside, Piles, Pere end Induced Eyes, Cuts, Wounds, Itruites, Inastematory ttheumiutsu Pere kings, Sprain., Sara NlTipleg,Ltroken Vat; Ahern, old and Inveterste sores, and all cutaneous .- • and mdsmetatory diseases. P A NEW ENVELOPE ANII DOSES OF MUM ENLARGED SIZE!!! CAUTION. Counterfeits ofDALLLY'S EXTRACTORin Meats watomi good the market. Shunthhin as sou would poison!! By buying Me article in-the NEW DRESS Too avoid the auger of being imposed upon by coun terfeit., are cattantof getting the Genuine, and gain, ottoreovet, near SD per cunt On the average. CoAttlola to Dealer*. Gross impost Lion is' practised spot Dealers, by un- Geometries operators, who put op the counter.° staff I n a counterfeit of the old wrapper, mixed with a few boxes of the genet. to each doe.. awl thus cfftr it (or sale at reduced Fier! Meatier catches many dealers; but the confiding, innoceut consumer, who Imes the outdoes erdcle,psysthe:pceslol Maiming, bal , unsightly scars awl marks malting ham mime : intr o ns, wounds or sores,and ofbm loss of bit MeV, re the CollaxqUatitall. ASO to P 0511.1 XXI s PArticuis.s O Of one of the most mverely burnt and littered suffer en at the fete 'and Omuta. lIAGUE OTREtT EX PLOSION, In New York. will shortly bo d. Abed the NEW. EN YRLOPES, the LARGE ItuX MI, mad iuy AUTftual ZED AGRIVI'S!! 117 See the New Circulars for IhNt .Mark the symbols on the new dress:—the Triangle, Se9itut, lama Sian, Dove, and Eagle, and 11 Duller. 'pelican °seaters. CT Avoid danger and fraud, and bur Dailey's Ex tractor OXLY, In the DIM LiCas and Lalla. lOaaa. 11. DALLNY, als Broadway, New York. 11101, P Srmwmatt, A,leshitny.lieneral and Whole- Mite Agent. We TunamAgent Pittsburgh. N. D —The nuttier of Dealers who procure the Dai ley Salve, new ore, Bozo either the proprietor hoe 41f. or from his iuthertsed ...vs, will be published la the papers, tts a guide to patine to steer clear of fraud. - maylEalcovracel ' lILICUOVkIet WAYNE IRON WORAS WAREROURR. DAtLEY, lIROWIS &CO. Ite , o removed to No 1M .1.) Water et, :hi deer below the elononealtela Rowse —ptssitiElfr paltirtinlaSH P. ' rilifF. firms ofldnru , Ooe, Limb & to, at Brookville, JedcreareCovitty, Sift , and Limb, 51orsitnnw & Co, Allcoheoy County, hove been disaolved by mutant consent. Person. indebted to gold Enos will make payment In Limb & Co., and claims spinet the same ttuy D c presented to Llteli CO3_for R M weßlortem.. sTEPIIEN ORRISON, '• . IU Y H MORRISON, • TIIOAIAS IC LITCH. ALEXANDER MILLER. 111rt'zl. Pan —rooydidlin QTRONo P.• 11.1.1 the Pare Dahlias, Carbon., a rc cow coosed of Me choicest saris all cultivation, arc ready t oo plantlal. Orders left at oar entail, to the Dionliwil dlotkot, where. co:alone.. may be had, or by we. Yitialmmk Pre.t Office, will be preptly at tended to. „ JA!dES WARI/ROP, • ----- - Merchants , sad Jllasturestark.t o Wasik khrmsuaolt, May 7, ILV7i. TIIE Marches& d Menententlers , Bark his this an day declared a dividend of four per cent, en the capital sine Lout of the pronto for•the lasksre mor ths. • W It&NNV _mayn halit IL PRIMP PAINT— U tone Make% Patent Ftre Plow Pilot ; or enamel slate /eat received. The above paint we have 'had in nentm five years, and wocatto confidently' recommend AO th e pnblic for gencal use, ea a perfect fire and water proof paint; and to stank-the lietion of the wtrocaphem without Riving. For sale by JkII PHILLIPS _tosy 13 tint 7 k s AirlFro ALLIC . marble, C f i co lL. r sale 17r it Ir* pieces mI & PHILLIPS alI3 ri.AH;e75O pigs so ft Galena, in MOM, for • sale by -1n0v,3 RILEY, MATTHEWS rr Li= rca Ittia - "fisLp Cavendalt; M do tio Sdpe tide do; Yo hes Cablorsa Te Lump. IP las Janet k gr. Lamp; ea Lis Russell k Robinson's Pa L.mnp; caws 48 dwarf bet Myer's flronnem 4 do 3/ do Tadirms' Netter Lf; I do 8 do do , Gold Leaf, 30 kgst twist, in atom ; and for sale by MILLFIR RICKETSON 178 /4174 ',Sleety m. • a pare,Plet re ed CA , NF lot lewF.LeD by 'I le I .1 • uter r ° no Racks 1110 Corea n kith's Y Itydoo,t and I out.. Mato 30 do Goopowdemp 31) do Pondbtrair 6 do 00164 1 . 6 caddy% Os, Y It Imp & G • 1 dl bkoll,6l,acidlfroTobocco", bo*Us , 33 ooddy . •"" •30 to &11l Soleildid' • ' Madder.-Alum, Ginter, Pep*, pripiti; Numtp, apd Lamp Black et-td dor nbb 0443at i rttleagirmsfrt*,... omi 4. • IUCKSVION USES, Lo'll3. FARMS, aro TO /XT. • That large daidaoaioai threMay flease ""t Louon Tablet! are a good Stable and I Zrriage Hease,•being•thei progeny or, and lona the residence of Mrs Jim Ma: gee, simated on Webster It, near Seventh street. For terms, apply to DI LI U)WIME= nkYerHr W Ile si. FOIL MART. • • A.HANDSOME STOILE, an Mullet ennat, Warns Thin! and Fourth ends, at mama *sapid by ldr. TARR White,. a Dr, Goods More. 1. 1 yell Studied ROOM R ^ cam door to Mr. Dun Ideneantlie Coty awl ion : ea, and mitalde De • nunical encomia M nonventently arranced lodged ajd•tr ODlR.Third va, . leeia storb J AI anv. rr, . CIAZZAM, tn. Pod 011ew f o' I 43 _I To Lee, ABRICK BUILDING, 211 by 50 high, with Eegiee, ke; located '—oredrately below the Ferry. Form DOLLMANS Patel" three stories Binalashaml, or 611111130 N, K 4 Foundry . ILET—The store onidarketstneig door to Mei, . sill be rented low to a good tenant, and posses soon Alyea lecroddlately. For terms apply to,. • mrtrt.dif rWALTFR BRY - ANT.ItI Metlrk. story Let, TilE large three story Brick Warehouse, on Wales below Ferry street, mean from Water to Ftrsi street, on reasonable terms. Possession peon imme diately. Enqitira Of F.LUBSNS. UABLL • - AN $r AMON Ph i DIBTIIKET • f FOR SAL H—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between Hay and harbury street*, adfolnlng the house and lot now oesupled by Richard Edwards, having a front of 05 feet, and In depth 150 feet,,orill b. Bold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. Ed , quire of C. Ch LOOHIS,Chst, near Wood. oet2l-dtf NEW MUSIC ,STORE, Sign of (As Golden Harp, . !. 01 Thtrd at, :text door to Wctsodrrolltib VIIIHE nob miner wrodd respectfully inforre the chi " mus of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vicinity, Mat he has ope ed his new and elegant establishment for the nate of Pliteee t hinonapas, Wysto, blinnesa lit srenatere and every other addle in his line. P 1 ANG e agency for Neonate Clarke's cele brated gr d and square Pianos, with and without . Coleman's ' lint Atutehment. These Pianos have lady races a several important rmerovessetta, ren dering them secedingly brilliant of tone, and extra. ordinarily du able and lasting. Also, T. Gi n A Co's alostoul Criehreked Place. k These tnetru ma have a wide reread reptuatimhand iv.e.nonaidere among the yea hem Ctennfeonaiml in - Boston. whem ey ale decoded (*acute+. JG. Denb o ,H. y., of the CV of Status& Dan- hem, has appoi ted the mbscriber sole agent for the sale of eta Pl in Piusbarlth. The firm of Ehm... , A Dunham Is on Of the o'dent and best inthiacennury, , and their ma ne( utie for fulness and brilliancy of tone and beautyoci . vernanship see second to none- The celebrated cert Pianos Of ateunitaalf, of Greaten and (iamb ra, will qiwayn be . tept for Onio ny the subscriber. inntlaudlect to say, that they are mule use of 'by ell the great Plane players at their Concerts on it. Continent. The anbse Fiber begs kern to direct attention to the important fact of his having apocial agents both In haropc and . Ibis country; who earefally select and examine.every Piano sent to him. which enables him to give a Written guarmace with every Piano sold by ' him, pledging himself to retard the money in cane the Pisan be proven fealty or deficient. A fall supply of ,the newest and most menhir Mo see I will constantly tro,kept for sale—furnishadly the hest publialiing booms of Boston, flbiladelphin, and Said more: agency fordessys Scharfenberg & Lois, New 1 York, the most extensive &openers of foreign music in this country. Sole Agency fov r Carlardt's Patent Melodeon and filrlodeon Pianolgastnanufactomd and perfumed by. !Lurch A White Clintinnati, with single and doable Betts of reeds--thebeirreed irouraments yet Invented. Also, Guitars, Pintes, - Clarthets,.Ymarts, Bugles:Sae Ilona. TOIL.N.gud curl dittottntign and variety of brass Irtitruitienigi from the .best miters , Strings for Violins, fisher..and flares. . [lTlnatruettod books for arm instrument. Seim,- dons of music Made, tousle books boned, Pianos tuned and repaired; Violin. Aecordeons, Gaiters, &e., re paired on the mop reasonable term. my 6 HENRY 'MESS'S. , - - _____ Now 0.0 4 .11 Now Gleatel a 01.1 4 TI T Ti4: o l . 1 ' Nina Syripff groi ' SnMater tfry WPM , tar' LEffild. WILLIiIII L. avisszLL, 6 . - 4F74:-::. ,tigi...-tuNse:,.za.rd.nt a street, between Third and FO=lE - signet the ffro Bra litre, has Jost commenced meeiving and opening one of the most .rieh. splendid, and eitimsive stocks of Spring and Somme , Dry Gertdt ever offered for sale In the Western eperpry. All of there Importedliocula asp freer opened, end Meelved per Ilia rest steamier. from France and England{ M . also Irish Ltnefis, imported direct from Belfast, ail grass bleactied, -- and warranted the pnie article; th ese Linens are all imported by thernb.riber, and are all pure Inn yarn, ant:ranted. Also, Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths, the very .best aranafacture; 'Mud Irish Linen Gooda of all kind, lonoined direct front Belfast' 'by the subscriber, and will be toncid top Isalkkinsigo-' brlgh, • ' IoisDIESP DRESS GOODS. , New style nett ?ark Satins, all colors, splendid goods; black Took Satin% ell prices, rick Spear; bitch glaen entv, all colon, ha. importstiou; French Eld Glove., all dolors.the best mtporteil; plaid black Mounts, per tun French Meaner; new style *Mal Benzes, splendid goods. Also, a superb and large stock of wide Wolk Brussels Lace, for trimming ladies' dresses, very nee ponds; plain Burge. in eli colors, extremely low, beautital goods; black Silk Fringe, all widths and prices. very cheap; French Lawns, new styles, per last French steamer plain black faro Dc Rhine, high lustre, superb goods; block figured Gro. De FlldneDraesde, nen goods; French and English. Xasheneres, new styles, beautifal geode; splendid S Bwas goods for ball dresser; rich embroidered Swaps Meng for evening dm. es . 'Swiss Edging - and Batten. the beer imported, 9illiTissues in al! colors • and quelities, new style, plain and sexist stripkl black Rexene's, all prices; printed Lawns, neva styles. from S t 0.4 cents per me; Barege de article for ladies' dresses. Aue. • Wrge-mod mined , meant new style sprieg Bonnet Ribbans, the very best im ported, all new. • SHAWLS. SHAWLS. - 'Canton craps Shawls, all colors, fresh from the Co. tom lion.; Turk Satin Shawls. splendid goods, In all enters, pee Wu sweeten beaurind changeable Risen silk Shawls, fresh importation • white embroidered Canton Crape Slistwitsinpert , ge o de) great embroider ed Canton Crope.E refs, splendid scrods; Lanka', French made Emkehd ered Thiber, finest importation; Paris painted Cashniere Shoves, all prices and..quali ties ; ladies' summer eras., and Scarfs In great vs dety; French workedespes,Collars, nadendr, a large asilannient. A Large Stock of " ~ ' DOMFSTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. t2i bales unbleached Muslin, from 0 m 1 0 cones per yard; LS eases bleached Muslim, from 4 to 10 cents per yard; Il eases Irish Linens. imported direct from 1 . Balsa; II boles llcking, from 9 to ad tents per yard; B eases Moe Drill, from 816 111 cents per yard; be , rodeo a Intl weed., et Summer Cloths. Also, Co..' eirseres, Tweeds, ;Sennett., and Kentacky Jeans`, al eases dart Calico, fast colored, tram 3 to sti cents. per yard; S esiesireyl A 78410 . kluVith- Prints best , lyle.. I" 4 tAse, t ltouSTeepl l ng - G old; of it ' ll 7in ' T ' si, :4 cheap; 2 bales Bemis Cmeh,:froureld to 121 cents per Surd; "besides • largit', , tock of Ch and Shining Stave. Ana, Canto* Fltsmichtall orders end qued ties, at low priemq red..wM9riend yellow Flannels., very ctenkblelrherl snit iMMIWhed Drillings, Pill aster:Meta; 3 eases bluti-Afferdliseek Calicoes, ex. 'namely low - , black and unbleached Table Diapers, all prces; Dirdia eye Diapers, all prices and qmilitles, reel cheap; colored rntirles, aft ll assortment, °runner Wan ever: 3 balei Burlaps, teem 19110 es per yned. &noising° stock eternise Table Diapers. Manners' Shlrting—A fed.ooemen, assortment, very - cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS !-, The largest and mono splendid sleek of Parasols ever opened by any one ,house in Pittsburgh, Is thir dly received, and are all ofthe insert French Styles, which, for richness and beanty, cannot he surpassed. As we have a large lot oldies., Parasols, they will he sold cheaper than any other house in the city cut at-. ford to sell the some quality of . goods. L. The Ladies ore respectfully turned toexaminetheie Parana', as seer ill find some of the tdiest and newest styles imported from temp o. These Parasols are all of tne nehest and most fashionable colors, and are worthy of the aueurion ratite hair.. Al: of the above goahrwill humid off at priced far below any house in the city; and In order to prove s Mot, the nubile will please price these goods, end compare them with any o therbraise in the city, an 4 be convinced of the above assertion. The subscriber woe*: here say to his mime.. ans . =lntim and the public 'in general, thet There stretwo oiler bee hive bon e s on market Went, Sc. tending to cope with the Big Bee 111 re, which la slow the only celebrated and far famed Dry Goodiesirthilehmeiitin Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore say to all purchasers of Dry Goods, either wholesale or retail, that the Big Bee Mee, on bluket guest, between Third end Fourthos now opening the largest, richest, and meat splendid stork of spring and summer Dry Goods ever offered for sale In Furtherer ', BONNETS! BONNETS! New Resins sea 1150—The largest and most fantleit able stuck of Bonnets ever opened In this nity, _issuer received at the sign of the Big Bee Hive. on Market , stre , r, between Trani end Fourth streets, where Dry Goods of every description are selling cheaper than other Imuse•in the city. 'The pubsic will please take notice that there ore two other bec Ewe stores on Market street, who pirmend le compete with the Big Bee Give, between nid and Fearth streets, where the pahlie nil; find, stall thnes.the iirgest mud newest styles of Dry Goods, fre4l, opened. • l . b. Prone take notice, that the store Is between Thud and Fourth streets, sign atlas RIO BEE HIVE, w beer Dry Goods of every desorption are tellies CIIVAten than at any other hence in the eity d ...rads., WILLIAM L.. It DRELL. .IFA 1860 ni&2 ULDlArgleLlil SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Plush:awl. to Columbus mid Clorehold, ttsfo , lol tla MIA and populous COMlllte.lorotstra• Otono Cot-coil, Stark, Tose...mew, Laiductoir, 111 ttolingqty, Licking, and Fratalits. Tn. completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal opens Up to our City through this greet natural textual, route a direct communicanon to tile above as well as the admitting counties of Wayne, bottles, Knox, and, De lamer, (Lout Nos section al:tido, the trade vial Pittsburgh bite nern, to a great extent eat °M in consequence • he high rates of tramportanon, which ate , notes. dased In, Mr , and ho per sent. Witte leave daily, and run throughir vrittar "transhipment. The Canal 'company haver he,tovicd often this line an interest In the unprece, Geared advantages of their charteriand teas secured to lite middle portions of Ohm to ordering their goods he INDWELL'S SANDY AND DEAVER LINE, IA equal intexest la this advantage. Ageism BmWELL tt,CAL,Glasgovrj R C Holmes, SeeallsO U & A Goy, Wilitamseort,o4 George liemb HM le, Etna., ; Cazhie & 110 man, 4o; Hawn, Graham & CraPieur I,lshoo.' 0; Atter & wham, Hanover, 04 ilabbels & Boom den. 04 Ppeaker it Poster. do; Joseph Poed & ,Co, o • Hull & Buss, Oneida H V Hever, ; e1,,,0-thed &Co, hlahreni, O.; it Y Gray, Warne .. E Reynolds, ; Isaac Teller, hissolm 0; RJ iisrkdall*Co, Magnolia,o4 INuellarknessole; J. ht 'Portend tr. Co, Sandyrille,o; PP Lalier, do: ;V.ib^ hciegb & Bleinbanah,,tsolorar, 04 Willard Jr. tthrifer, do ; J J Hof man, Multion,o4 Cummins & Co det; John Itobhuot,, canal . liultoo, 04 Fertig /c -Toro*, Canal Dover, 04 &Median, lioseoe, L Won ner, Newark, 04.Fitok ilaJe.oolusobu,o; 1.,02dat• theses.Clevelsnd.o4 Hiftdes & oreen, do. aura . . • • OUNDATION 3111.11.11134 Crown LlAlses. Dock mms, Cotton Yarn from m 6 lISSO's. Also, ING—Best Sperm Braided ma, Chandlers , Wia, Wmidiot , Door, reo r ., mumfaeture6 sod tor solo on tho !mart terms, by D MOEWINO 163 Pearl Merles Yost. •-• • - pOTABII-8 casks of the beet gualitJe_hlq!‘?ltiht eteallleg, for sale by J ". mar 4 - OY OA-NADA IS mu= a tsm9 7 W ratfittrklUlCTON fat br G REIBI° bd. MCI= it CO =PS BACONS hhd. Hams; IlladsSides; 1661 as Stionidem •fa - RYAS 11114 .-#?4,N5*,59 • .., Olin? LVIVITINVCIIBIICAL DISCI/lElh cEtEmmAL . .cozenturncer. Frost the i r rida/.4 lEsearr*-11i Dr. Caystat , a Detract 'Of.lreollow ,Deck sad-lassaparklla. , • sr Come conaumparn. serotals, erysfPelaa. —feamtatmlar Soar, liver cemplalem, soinalisacctions, stem, ay. Valls, dropsy, anhats, piles, scanty, allheuensof the bladder and kidneys, memorial stivearresr rapt humor., nab of blcod to the head,. (over ague. female complaints, amend debility, dyirpep-- or, lon. of appetite, headache, colds, eottiveacses grave!, .eight smeats, cholie, anemia .afeetioras s palpitation of the bean, blles u pains la. Da aldaa cheat, bark, It is to la all diseases arising Gm ter biro pare state or De blood. or trregsdar Radon ot, Wa q*,.. tem: In she Vegetable Stngdom, an Ali erise Ulna ha , • =deposited plants and herbs; congenial to oar consilta:':•'- - dont and !adapted ea be cure of dame; and to the. , •.t. vegetable kingdom does the seasonal man, ia veil o the 'Satinet of and alt, Yuri for antidotes to pain. The Synth Ls a scientific compound of the Moat vat_ • liable plants In nature entirely free thorn deleterious'- and cnereating mineral substances, and as LI expel, disease from the system, imparts vigor and strength a correspertarig degree. An extraordinary cam of BeratlkErysipelaf did Ut errs, cured by the sole use of Dr. Guymon's Cam pond Syrup, Yellow Dock and garraparilla • •.• Bsooszlet, Nov. 17, IBIS • •-••, Dn. Geysers-Bln Imnder toy sincere thanks •Ibr the great benefit I More derived from the use of year - - , valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bad with • a mrotelous sem, which made its aPPeolenee on all' chin. I did not p. 7 meet, anemten to aat grab MP posing it m be talking tot an emption , that appears on parse Arras i.. Isfinally amen to Increase entitle spread to thr ark pan of theihemb / app lied to b; , .0 physician, who attendedine able no Purpose. ' 7 hod . tried every th ing that meld he - 1 saw - your Syr_ f'. •"..• 'op of Venom Dock and Ssnairarilta, and eanelaleme , '''' , to lase it, for I knew that , Yellealltook. omen. ofehe motrgaluable articles in the. rorld for the bk.a.lit,'"'4) boughtyou Syrup, and from Mir.uve of one bottle; •-' could see a great change to my vistas. Deem/need ' td .te Atelti / mana well man.. I mew • new Penn.; toy blood ia perfectly cleansed end free ' from all uri imones. _There r.otarinession but the year newly' discovered tar supwanirksii.--yt eve sold. This mrtikeste is at yonedispeaalto publuktir Pole like, and say one you may vete:o.o nth, 'than ha hap. r - pi le glee them all dm information I can Omit toy ease, e. 11 roma/arm obedient scream; , Guises G. Imranstr,, 117 Market street, . The beet remits medicine The - Mime : if Telledir Dock Bad 811=1913Iiila Is a poslthes,speetty, and permanent - care nor all complaints 11144cht —la mild, alterative broperties trader It applicable to the Blender sad &haat° ecastltatlon og the female. It Is unrivalled In Its effects upon sad,: diseases so Incipient conntroptiont hem:dn.% canto., or whites, irregular trientartuolott, Want,' craws of urine, end general ,prostration of the systelL,,. ; It ism ediately cow:tenets that disuesslng persons-, , Bea and bu striate so cioninion. to the, female framesi end Imports an enemy and Insolent, ex siorprOlng ir- •-• they are gondol. We - have evidence Oa lie induces us apngly to recommend thia =dodos; tO matted people sato - hue not been blessd4 " • Falling of lb. Wanda of 64 Psouvntra Una , or. 7Yera' sittaling , mired by Da Ggyettut fishnet of • sallow Dock and danspitrilla t after every other known remedy bad been bled without rafter. _ Wavwoaooe, Ohio Feb., 1513.- This ate** that my wife,.ased - sy yeen, been slap bag- ander the above complaint for to years—nettV aft of that time confined to bet bed. 'I -have fat tow years constantly employed the best med 4.. lee talent teat could be petered in this wen= country, without say benefit whatever. I have Wan iftwellased every Instrument. resommendel care of reel diseases, all of whieh proved . In the amine of lege, I was induced by se y. friends T.., le try Da Grustialt Yellow Dock and garraparllla.. whieh was pod for taut mootta. After the had osed, it for alma-fair 'weeks. It wu' evident to all thatehe was improving, and from this time the improved rap ,'- idly, sad gained ninth and strength, mall the &we was entirely removed, and she is now enioyinuttest... • excellent health. • WIII,,,MONFOET.' ~ We• being neighbon of Wm. and Jolla Alr - ' know that Withers gunmen; es to the dal Meg, M. Monfost, and at to We can being eitee eft lig, I;.' 0 aywn's Yellow Dock sad bd aLte4 , use. ' JANE EDDY. - , t • (Groat Cara or Consainptherne - • • klaansorr,Jmuary &ISM Kr. Mennen-Den Sir: The great benefit which I • have denved from your Extract or Yellow Does and l at e s fo sEv v il i ::, g in . ::=l n t, as au act onus:lets, to nulls._ Atte', wasting for two years from general debilitYi which finally tenatutual centsumpuon, I was Oren • ; ' opop byory friends and physicians as beyond the aid' of. :. _ medmeta Oa a last resort, • I was induced to try "". 4 your bWract, and haring used but two bottles, no- . ' mordant to y our directions, I am entirely would therefore earnestly recommend Your unegani , - 0 . , 4 . led Composed to the Maimed who desire powerfirli', plettanat nod safe remedy. Gratefully Your friend, WArry-. Mows gennlne unless put spirt lo.ige square bOtles, • „,, erunaming a quart, and the name of the syrop blown_ ' hints least, with the written signature of S. licn nett °elite outside wrapper. Pnco $t per bottle fir" six bottles lor P 5 , _ II is said by J. D. Pert-, comet of Foarthara net streets, Cincinnati, Oldo,Gentral ASeln fortit 6 " . .; South and West, to whom all orders - mast on eddrrak,:;-!.., VL Carer k 13ro','Erie, W..P. Judson & Co., NVistet;'" - ,..7 '.. ford; OM "dr: Clemoms, Crosstaguille; Abel TorreN, , Jdontrose; lidrarn kla,Toorsnds• Robert Roy, Well.- . ..,., - . 1 taro; L. Roderick, Callensburr, ' L. Videoz,dr- Prai-''...; 0; , bunk, corder of elutes street end th e Diamond.,,', ' eel:kdk.s•tyul. , , • • , TCLIIRDLI Or • ins HIM= 0011110113 =pal' wan than a bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow shwas , ed teeth. If persons have theta is thew °warmth... mattean, for two shillings, bay en eraislo their brtsth pars sad sweet as Sas Spiry &rat lames diseases of the Gents sp o ngy uleassed.... ,, , and for the Teeth is I. unequalled, Telrul mg the 11[1.420 fastening the teeth In the guess, end eisau theme .., white as the mow of thefrasse Nowa. - - • Saab, reader, are the prevent. of Jortea's , Amlser Zz. - u Trout Paste, slid, without praising a ourselves, what one 01 oat 1310 st respectable and seueatifte Dean • tins, Dlr. E. Field,Wl New York says: - t 0 5 have both used and unalize.ittas bean „ 71 ,... and palpable ardele, (Jones , dasher. Top )an eon recommend it as.pnwessing all th. , dam.. :1,1 • ed for me Reader are owl ray nom °envied only that if you Witt. owe you will be well slaver -1 . it la put up In beautiful English Mina Pets, kw tyrants, SoldP ittabanth.. by the Agent, WM. JACKSON,. AO street, - • • autredamfl- thl r kitt " °°°.:•= rogir.r.7. 37= -- -1011Z9V Coral Itall nee. I f If they dOttht ort mod, they cannot then highly respentabb cltint2oli , who kaee tried ic- Geo. ueetch Elm r, New Vent: , • - • him Matildaiteeves, Myrtle at, Ifrooklyn: ' l I . hlr. Wra Turanian., _W2 Mossy New York. Al.r. not. Jackson, Mounters !eland, near Pittobtrel-' It. E. Cu. late barber steamboat S. Anterlear And me re tnan hundred other. auto, though , thou edam, that. it will forth the halt regrow on the , head or face, atop fallthe off, atrantjthen th e re , reaming neer( and chuldroff from the roots, mal mu?" " light, red or gray hall theme a fine dark look, and-. tequila . dry, harthir wiry trate meth; not; elan be.llllol. • vely, Wry long UM, • • Sold by the Agent, WM. JAMON, 240 Liberty st,,• +7 , Pace 321, 60 eenla, and Oct dollar.., !Er Marmots sun Bata insasaiadUrse.d.n. lan Chendest Snap CalAea 'a free patotranad, s the same nme mollies, adieu, and strhitertato giving tribe tezntre and beauty of an Sassy, Sala Ragas sem Sown, at Nara hip: Amur, healed, but aural brlts toe, as at , loast gem' abuts in Near 'Vora Pneworho us* Lit tu,sucit and and it unfalling—as also In • ." • StiaraXS, Fasten, or any ;attain case. - The gender, is *slued dun Ws ut no paced Mntrinti, as 01113 trial-1.111pm.. 1 =ld '''gram at 101480 persons eared of ' • Son kitass,BaU - lanciaxo' Sowalts.uns. and use it, and the madar.t. agsia Argued 1 *wild not ernelly gall it for the above unless I liztaart.,to bk. .. all I state. , Those who mailable to• -- ••• '• • .- Caana, Catingst,,na Cuarxtrikstrg, .et la ante. Aug•bneugheted with any of dm abergs:.ff 8 .i 2 " * ill, diseases, Inn find this all and even inure: l. olmin. Ile itspropertiesaan 1 nu,: • Rat, mad..., the atoms are doodad with' tml - itri* • And be sure la c ...I for JONEWS Italian. C. against. loop. Sold y N JI. JACESON. 210 Libertistraet, Pittsburgh S r LA.DIe. ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST • SING COMMON PRIELPAKKOCHALK. , - • — They are notaware tow frightfully Waren. It •: < to the skint kale coarse, hove roast, hew sal: • low; yellow, and mate/UV thee skin ap. • pears afterttsing prepared chalky , • (<4 IS injurious, .etainlag • , • • large quaati,ty of Le ad I • , We base premed a bearttifel . vegetable • =tidal !fa ' , - which are call JONVN SPANISI4 LILY, WILITL.- •!. It is perfectly IcituDeeset, being pertfied Kllll4.o=l\ • vas glialitiell; met nip:parts tbe akin a stataral,',,...: illy, alabaster, clear, hying wilts; at the same Jam, - . aaa conmatic on the - skin, making It. soh and: s:, , set,*.th. Sabi by We Agent, WI& JACKSON, SO erty : at,klttsburch. Price L% webs. artr7eUttaT. , Proparty to Allscamay City fera , EM seisenbers ogler fat two I .I:mm6er°' ohms T,Loo, sfmate le the Sated Ward, frotnin Comte. ground, on easy teams, 'lnquire or, 4 W. O'ILII,OI3INSON,AVY at Lear St GAO or of JASROBINSONM msl7v3tnrif7 . aT B , V virtue of • precept adder the Itabds,elf ken— Wm. D. lIPCIare, Preaident at the. Coed of Cam, , . moo Pleas,ln and for the Itth /edictal Diluted ofPono::,t , sylvania, and Janice of the Cowl of Oyer IsTennbter; and General Jolt Delivery in and for said Duster, sod: Samuel Jones and' WW I= Herr," Eager , Associate redoes °Cate same Coons. le an d for , h e Cenral of; Allegheny., dated the 7th day to( pOrty,„in the.yeaeof, oar Lord,bne theartuld mghtbandred,vatt Sfry,and we directed, for holding a - Coate - of eryEr*. Terodoer, . ot treneral'Jatl Delivery' at the Coon Iloase,re the City err/Mahwah on the Third Mondry Inlooe =Xt. , at to s'eldeir.,.A.. hr. Public 'notices Is hereby given to all leettoes of Na Peace, Coroner, and Constables of me °wort otAtte-: , .. - ghee', that they be then and thme, to theteproOef persons, with - their rolls, rece *noes. end .other tememertmeos, to do Mote. thtdl l which to their respective omee.lo their behalfappesg , to be done—and also those that wilt poomeate .peireams that now are or my he la the Sall of nal& , Calmly of Alle3hecy,to ' he Men and Inem,to prordatte, against theta as abet' belase' ttiven ender my hand at Pittsburgh.,this ht - j, , moor, la the year or oat L0td.15,56, end or the Coot- ' setworattea the 741 h. CARTEt& COIC;19, &het& ataytedttinseff . . .1. EIABIIIIIO3 NIVWII.I.L. ATIORIIEY AT LAW, OIRO STATE COMMISSIONER for titan D epki . .... atioon. Acknowledgments of Medr, be. OlSm—Eourthotree.toloms SaaltamleL ant-dfr.arT • . A CAu.D. „. • ~, LtR. JOIM MARTtri rsepecually Innoonens to: , citizens of Pittsburgh, that he las perApsentl, a himself in thus ear, for the ;mayor. "inVi'd‘th.s.°4 ul its varier , ' brlU34”, 'ea is orrice n a Foots o street, No UM . Residents: 1.112_L7 sense st. Sol dir.sr3oseT MDW CLOTII !MODS. T. D. The t is ßT AP co or PtditadolPld.r • a igg i 67.1 VZSTVI6: And TAILORS , TRIMMINGS. atonuecnprites,wry ... low for each, at No. 116 Wood it, ttezt to MoKearta's Anttion .04/miff somata/ aleaszatir, • , tli side A r p row Ler LAW—Offiwazta t 0 GEORGE E..ARNOLD DPAt V. 4 DY7 . .. • 1 xxonalkas, COIS. DANK NOTICS, Its. 2 14.2.74 - Fmnh suisei, xndoor to tl*Bitiak Pitts P nowt. = 1 ' 14 . 17 ‘ 41"'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers