=MIEMMMS=M2M=I :tIWERf.' ABLISHED IN 1786. HITE:4 CO, (a Lusa. .DlllO4 IN= ntizr, mar DOM SO Du von ernes. . . pesdiumun. at a natrusul ra CS OP ADinaurisimel AGREED UPINA I rivraurnon mums: ,(101inei of Noelkarell of less) • rtion• insettiottatirsotion•••• OM t •••—•• two vroet.---•----'" 34. three weets---• tie one —.—•••••• nob 7.00 three numbs.-- knrr email ••,-•••••••••--•• / 0 • 00 • Alt nionths•••• •••••-- ••••—•_it• oo twOftiomiths•••• —7.— • • 10...1 One Agr i q MI I One Boae te Do. Do. To. Do. Do. . Do. - - eiazulgiam re* meson- iv. One Span, ebessesEM atpleasare ater an. . tram) anted.* of dm paten--. 1 13 , 00 Tar each addidoall mule, lessened aver one wadi, ems for each additional edam Maenad muter Ma ly rates, kali when • Advertisements eireeding a mann, and eat Dv ' SAWS .04, le be Omni as a imam end a belt /1 Pitbinbers not amommtbla for legal advertisements y~aedaha animateasedbr Agin Itabibradotti Laoaeclad candidates for ales, at be darted tle • wan I . War advernersatats. AAlTlSlStarritt WI masted on the topy kw sr speci fied samba" of ineenions, will be cohtinspg tall ft s ,cll,L sod psystentexseuri Weal* .. - lb. peellegis aywuly adrertisers will be ermined rlpdil Aar rmeW blunter, and all other @dyers liStil6.l. irManin :to their regular barium, so *greed far, to ea peldsotnn All obrutbenstets for ebarltable restitetiOns; to iiLto towns* and eiberpublie =wings, - sad Ute,lo be charred Itallldiee, payable strictly Iradvanc. . Marriage toUree to be ain't/ 00 cents 0002 notices maenad without charge, unless sewn- Pealed by funeral Invitation in obltesty notices, end when so scedrapszood to be Feld for. • Rends: advertisers, and all others sending cosmos nicallens, or retelling notices designed to eon miens Woe to Fairs, Soirees, Cosa ens, or any patio enters ISIAM3II.I, weer. charges Me Mae for admittance— all dodges of private asseeistions—e.sery notice do. troltrlL'l'lr e r t, P = 6 :171 na" eelerir Inserted wen the and mending that tat cite ' e it s be paid for. If iniendj to be warted is the los e eat eolams, the same •Cll be charged at the ram of not less than 10 eget. per lbw. , Mishap er Fist Notices to be el=edlriPle Pride, Wrens Liens= Petitions, RI Una sad Medial advertise:roe:us nib* charged at tall prows. Reid Estate Agents , sad * Asetkewerst advertise ments not to be clued ender yearly rates, bin to be allowed discount of ddny thus and ass third wenn. 0050 the amount of Wis. • 1'x.,40 Ir..y P • • •.t •• e..*.salp• • . 4 Oes Equals, dm= Insertions. • 60 Do. each additional laaartion• •. aDTZTIITOrIOO2 alllllXlrl(PAraa. • One 13.101120, (10 Una.) on .nass. !on. --66 eta. Do. eatb addstioaal All Damien adverilacmanil 10 bo_paid in adsante. WIIMS t 00. Damao. L. HARPER, Po•t• ROW? M. RIDDLE, /carnal • JON ES P. DARR & I:lo.,_Corocdola. FOSTER & MMURE Diapateh. JOS. SNOWDEN, Dierazry.. JAMRB W. Ell BOLD, Amarlout. • /DRAM RAlNE,EvonlairTrlto ass. PrrnanadE. Dr.. 1.1040 CARDS. ALNIAJIDICIL N. WATSON. A_TTOIDIRT AT LAW...Cline, on Fowls nrent above Wood. min DAVID 17. A TTOIDIDY •AT LAW, . Boa dommissionee tor Peossylnola, 8t Loa* !do. All eammoutleattoos promptly annorred. octM•ty T. IL DUO 3. P. Dan= BAIUD & STERUSTT, • 7TORNETS and CinaseUm at Law—Focith JIL. betwixt 801.1theld and GILA Matsuilt, Pa. .Vha. C.Frisod. TAABOZI t TPEISENIL TTORNEYS AT LAW. Pout mut, was Gnat. jyte-if =:3= JAIME= F. Millll, ATTORATEV AT LAW—flare en Fourth meet, between Southfield and Grant, Pittsburgh npUt•ly betuamlz Wan= Batmen. PATTON & BAKINWOLL, A TTORNEYS AT LAWOISoe lgbaan Flan, 41. k. Groot 114 oess Oa Coon. Noose. •- tabd ICENOLTSH k co. iskowirtea, .cuuk.a, rs• and Sendai School Booksolle and &slow o oh k i n d . of Wridov Window and Wtappina P.' per; No. :0 Wood otroot- boopota Foorib and Pls. ...don.% FRIA A, Pa. - • oot7 JOUN U. RANKIN. A TFOIitNIRT and Ceaseellir it Low, and stoner kw the State AC Foamy Wards, St. Louie; Mo., (late of Itittubargh.) ilorererwes—Pittabargh: Mom W. Forward,Haw. tea & %Manatee* & McClure, John F- Parke, Semple, McCord & Kier eurr4.l. 11011 1.100•LI/T. • •-• . .... ,• • • •1011% 0. Kr/AnaVIL W. Z. WOOOMM, UMW 0 IMMEI ALIALRY. WOODWARD k CO, Witidoprala Cro ce No Market u . Philadelphia airk Plualruesb atkas Plarks. 'IDENNRTT, BERRY k. CO, Blisnefactsnere of to JD - /.. de, Bleaching Pander" Merin& ane Balphasie Acid. Warehorice No —, Water weed, below F.. 7. ! ~ agnallt , en - brana. , ueoree Reiter. pRAIIN 4 REITE'R, Wholesale and Retail Dm tspkeerner ol Liberty and IN.Clide stream, Pitt. apt nozonestom hIERCHAN7,I3isek sad Bill Wot- No 110 gessad ave. lasst-dq Daquuo 'PSIS/. Azle,- Mash Ud Iron Works. fIOLESLAN. HATLILAVI a. CO, llhanafaenvere of 1,,,r Coach and CLOW Splay, Hammered Axles, 114W:tura!! Plaudit 13fti, lova, AA Warehaaso on Wifelt*Slat Prom street& Also, dealers In Co uto Trimnunp a nd lloolleabla asthma.. «us Aneirraosch a. cannon, nomusstoN MERCHANTS . and Mahn is Pro • hj duo, Noe Sfortai shoot, PlMbar& Ertl — Nth A. co.ni W. S. Skinner. CRAW h SKINNER. Faros:dint sal Como what Nohbaso, No 16 Market st. Eithbarok. • stp.4 . r 1 A. MOANULTY k 011,Torhardlog and Coss. Ai. shako' llenhasus, Cone Rano, Pirtamtb, .F. C.. P . °RANT ' orwardi~ Bleronsallo. 41* a, ..d mot Ira Idersor —• Andrew Fleming IL IL. lilersing. • neiumir, PLZIKING & col4lllgElli IN INSIICHAITIN—For the sale of Do. marie.rilealen, and Conan 0004 also, deolen in a's& of Tailors , Trimmings, No 10 Wood st. yes from Falb, fituborgis iteferenee—News. Wm. A. KM ft Co, Hankers. • rz.inwhi :rixgrr, nu.. 'TZ.14 Y ".57.1.' r ' Llt Co d Wholesale Grimm, CoLidodsin G ted p o , wie lder idegehents, and dealers In Produce ad Pin. birth Menulheotrei, No. II Wood A, between ti and id streets. seal .WM. U. JullmsToN. "DORWARDENO & COMMISSION MERCHANT jr• No 11113eeited et. Pltielointh. mist lligllD COC dia. Dostodsiglon end Forwarding lterehtutt. Ige. go Woad street. Pittsburgh. InTI7 A. L.g . ..(.. , to Morph & lAr.,)Wool Deal ' sr sad Deatsulsekot Idetehant, for the W. of flimi;lesu Woolens, Meng. ornoidta Id, st. rebl7 • wit. pia.% naluma••• nom& &MOM gnu, t rid ." a. caecuncom &rs & &rain& • • D & BUCINCIit, Tabasco Commisdon Ma. • &MON 41 No AWAY nt, f. 14 Nara Vannes, - - . R a zir , JONES ES. 4 1 7, 1 0 ",== .ate :gun= a llaSlODUsiva ssetell w. a. saut6tl*l.L. fincesnsa re Sarnia. C. MMO LP1P011.7132. & Dealer In fircaek and American Pa . "Winds and Etardars. Window. Shade e. Piro 0 Prima. o.e. Alco—Writinn, Printinc and Wrap *"g*.t.so-97 Wood ones, baMreen Foluni weer febla awl Di/MOO4 allay, wells slda, Pitisbarik, Pa. • otirffil..l er In DI. Hula Paints, Oils. Para des,dot No 6 3 *motions dam Small a Diamond Allay ri tubanb. apt TATIMADMILWArIiainsaga wooer, Gammismon el Idaratmdi and &alai Is Pieta 0 and Pltubardl atanalastama. Nail Wm. at. Piondip eh. apt •••11111 1.1,1111. USW SWISS 'S. 11/% 101 MC W 1144111434 Mein. OM. w a wa Ihiorritnom.aeY&alm In Prodane, N 05.60 w o w& and 117 Front atirl4, Pktamml.. DII.ORTH itikoh,"tre D r a r t 14 =is ki .. l Muni Powder Ca, No. v Wea4 st. d•sr julltg TOWNSMIN Driidiirt wad Apotaccary 40. NA is Watt at.. three doors above 7114 at. Pine, 1,111 hare eon se ea band avail Wetted erl arwoncot alike best and fresbeig neteltw.whle6 be grill sell De the win ntaigniable tents. Pkyclelabs tot orders. grill proeitetY ebaridrd p t yd ilia with antigen they me? rely WPM b gc,cdpc: -. " 10' MEW. lit Proserintions grill be warmly and goi - ay origami from Iha beat gloleriela, at any brow be day or idea. Also kw edit, a largo stock Of teal and geed p c ,c,, AIM 0 - CiLD, (lab 0( Warm , . Ohie,) Ceiba:747- e, sloe sod Forwarding licrebarib_and wholatale dealer le Western kimono Chorale, Boner, Pot and • rove AO, and Wawa Praises tooonity. Water aura, between Balthteld and Wood, Pinsbartb. youNerron k BTOCKTlKlkooksellers, Priam, aP and raper Markketarers, N 0.44 gasket sutra, Pittsbarek ape Molt. Alehard Floyd. T ao k R FLOYD, Wbokoala OfDeen, COMadatiOn • lidereadou, sad Duddy' to Podo.o. Itoodd Comb tlaitaloyd, frond= on Llbeny, Wood sad Oita oUtoo,Fituborsi, re. ' ITIT° ON WATT, Odessidor u, Ewalt ).bean Idleolodoio Gro end rdsulthdloo Moreko duly IS addP w ittsduryk likballakallerill. Oar. ot Aar o(Libany sad Davi rove% Pitubsuck Pa. jag A.CaUGUIS Agent-le MO Lake Ede and Ulelffan lase to Beaver and the Tiekes,--Ofe• eerier of New sad Bauckiele eta Met .2AIB ee1"3"11131' . ReadiOn Comailitiou Ifieseieei l / 4 na unal er 81. LAMS Stoolalillf,9 4l / 3 41 7. 10111 ifusistaalff trvalstriliosPiumbinglh' . . _ - c •• - ................. .., .. _ . , ' .• 'r,.. , :r .. • . . , .........,...,....,_,. ;,.......„,,,.. tz.; , 4,,.- 4-,''. ' 4 t 9, . .-t" .' .1 4 0. )- -7,5 . 4 •,..• . • -... . . BUSINESS CARDS, 10101 K MIKLOR, V7holesule and Retail desk * in Musio and Musical Insinunenis, Gtlonl Moss slant, Slaws, Steel Pens, Quills, Printnrs` Cards, and Smarms) , tenermillyi Nn. H Wood si,Winsbufah. irra.,,,hrarht err taken in Irada 8,03 U. B, YOTZF.R. Attorney at Law, oche< :WJ ite u t;t. to Charle c a Pittal•rah, utend I tions,ln Wuktorton,Fayetto and Green counties, P.. EFER TO rdatkalaek.lTell R & Co n Church &Carothars, - IPlttaburch. TI T. Martian. SCIIIJOAM&KKIt & CO, Wholest° 4/regent , ' No 24 Wassd Pittsborgb. nal rt salt aDM a 'oryeargbeg and — Cnramtsuon Net. 11 charts, Dealer, in Produce and Pittsburgh mote utautured.artieles, ossnal lOsin near 2 , h st. npl E W.NNEEDY, CHILDS & CO.. Manafaeturers of *en Papering 44 eneuing, Carpet Chain. Cotton tanne and Catlin.. ip3ll-1 y Vesuvius leenliirOike LDALZEI.T. & en, Linnnroamvre nr .Lies Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron antlNstk ot the t, qaality. *Wainionse,d4 Water and IV Pram_ street Wm. Miller, ?Tito& C. W.Nirketson, l'autdirgh. fiA ILLER ILICKETSON. W.rdesale Grocers, and Impottarn of Urandins. Widen and S• gnu, Nut. .172 and 174. corner of Übe rty and Ir win anTrd , , bates, Pi. Iron, Nada, Cation V..., ., rte. aunty on band. •pd John hI'GRL Joann D. hIOIII. Walter C. Roo. lk ACC ILLS &ROE,' Wholeeote Grocers atol Commie /VA Woo llotohantn i blo Int Liberty St, rittebo mit •Pt PIIOBIIIIIiGLI FOREL WORE - WM.IRM) 411.1 D AXLE FACTORti. DOSS PM% oJ UM Ir. QM.. 30111E11 f* 41110 0. M ANUFACTURERS of spills , era blister steel, • s?Pwast`,Tatt ' * :L7 ° E . :d7gl ' e rA In d ' Me r l • "salts saran; fire engiad I amps. and coach rnmauues L eLtrrsilY. tamer al Rots and Front sts., Pitt‘bureh, fehtS 110LBI ES &SON, Nn 35 Market ht. dear lid door . from corner of Fourth, dealer, to Foreign and nonionic 0111 h of Exchange, Certificates or Depots, flank Note. and Specie. . . 117Co!elution. Dada on 01 the prinsipal eioes breakout t h e United Puna, npi NIIIICI:MASTER, Atzairses—Ornee, Fount. st, . third door above nerwafield, s oath aide. Coaireinneing of all hinds done with we greatest rata and legal error.). Tides to Hem Miele e. !1=! 111abi9141119.91., — Virg adAs di Co.. ► ASUPATURELIS OP GREEN GLASS stiARE, 0.92 !Market onrets, Passel:lga, Pa, keep crown at on hood, on, mole to order ali kloso• of Vials, . kudos, se. Porter nod Mineral Water Booties of su pror qoahty. Partioalar saltation paid to Private Mould, ptvial.l --- Lithographic Establishment OF WhL SCIIL'WIMANN, Third st, opposite the Post-Onn, Pinsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes. Labell=7 , 2: 6. s v ftw i t4tut r e , r 4. al a s:J . ,I n l rr ae . h v i7 or drawn On none, and printed in colors, Gold, Bronze Or Black,la the most approved style, and at the moss reasonable prem. nettlay J.C. Pi TTJGUI W. nat STEAM BOAT AGENT. nays WS... Ft. Nouns. k Btu, 2517 No. 37 Water street! ' O MAC K.IVE T'T di Ml,ll IT E, DRY (JOODS JUDDERS, NO. HI WOOD STREET, 11Crtaylin mare, and will be conmantly meet', me Mat of s.,==yVyt:V.rViVt i ol".; will ea Wench or nnProtrt d Weems Merchants nee matted to examine our SlOok. • o 193 L~ber•T nun[ b inu0.1,7 Nazar. urn. opt; bOttßal. TEM TITTI.Y. Salt. n ItaFr.ov inal °DEBT MOORE, h o les aI e Ureter, gee-I,lllc Ely Distiller, dealer Yradace, Prusbaish Manus.-- lam, . all hods el' Foreign and Darsesue IViner and Liquors, No. 11 Libeiry street. Un bend u very large met of awserior old Monoogelrelr wd:rkeY, winch wail Ore so , d low for. wh. I EYNOLDS & SHER. Forwarding slid Commis lion Merchants, for the /Virgglen) , Raver Trade, calm iu Groceries, Produce, thitsburgb, Alsuuree-' ures,and libloride - or Lime. The !Miami price, in oasts, paid at al) times tor • navy raga Conic• Penn are Irene sm. apt 1)1011ERT DALZLI,L t Co., Wholesale Gaetera. Cesumisaiou Alesebunts, dealer• an Produce and Pittsburgh Mawslhernaes, Liberty state:, Piwba,•l., Ps er . DOGES''' . A. CUNNINGHAM, Who!emit, liturtr IL Crater to Prodaca an- Mubarak Manufacturer No. 144 LibanY mrraL oala QINOER. HARTMAN k. CO, She!Gold Iron and Strel Works—hkanefactuters of Am. R. Spong and Planet SteeL Alw—donllllll. VACVA, Val, &G. They We attention of morello,. 14/on eanemosers to dear sto•lo borate putehartog otae *bele. They orurrwit thetratuelo• to League to any Made laths coantry or Imported fable QIJACKLEIT & wurrE. Wholesale:tent in Foreign odd Dzmostie Dry hotals,Do n-Wend atroet Pinabareh. evil al, Wool hl 1,41 Sau Floar aud P ^ Kellen:ly, awl . LOW mttnen Me, eLanu, 1 , .0. .3 W 3 . r 1.w00..., nary v.. ELIAI66 Sc a... 1 0-0,4 ~ movvion [Antenna:a, N0..7 Latrrty suet t.. r•n. S burgh. Nperm, Linseed and Lard Ulla. opt: F VON noNNit uftsr & CO, Whotrr; le Cr° , Forwarding and Commirvion Plerrnantt, Dalars in Vl..burgh Mann mamma and %Ve4.1.1l Produce, have removed to their new marabou...oold stand,) No. ON, corner 01 FM% glrea and Cb•nerry na ROT 311011b111 di IIAWORTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Ran sada Diamond, Pinaboret. •pin 8. rratanasu• •R. N. Wnltiman • • W. D. Walelmmo. WATERIMIN & SONS, • NirGLESALR GROCER , " Cautrp.i..ton and Fnr warding Wrenn.ma; dente. malt ktuda of Pro- Pgh Manuinctared Anieie.; Agern. far sale of ilichmoad and Lynchburg Markesewmd Tob.reo. 1.0•1 WM. TIMULIN. ATTOSNUT AT LAW, Buda., Po also attend to collections and all other ball- TV w to him in Butler and Armstrong soualia,Pa. Refer to J. W. W. k.IL Floy Wallace, d, Libert doh so James Marshall do IPittsbargit. !ay Nay Co., Wood so J AlO B. B.Baaatclel••••—• —• • • •Mcortte 'M. B. BUSEIPIELD t Co., WHOLESALE and Rout Dealers la Grocertes and Thy Gael. and Conannetton Merchant. No. na Liberty M. l'ittaborah. matt JOHN 111,,PADEN di CO., FOILNITAIUMING & COMMIFSION MERCHANTS, Canal Been, Penn street. Psttsburch. IVO JAPLififl D. DAVIS . • PRODUCE AED FLOUR FACTORS, No. 127 Market, and 454 Commerce et., Philudelt Mermen mote, bl• either ot the abate, Oa coneign thefts of Produce to either Hoare lore - Anti WilliLlAlfiLlt a. sox, . . IbiIWA.IIDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAagteenw9. 7a.. WOULD tegpectfelly solicit the eentignment of liarittbargh freight, from \Vellum Merchant., /5 they 1111/ /ftplltta to receive any /5105.1 t. Liao and Penton How mining night and day, thg freight Will eat he deulaed, as they will aaload tarn balls at haus. fetes-am liarristnugh,Feb.2o,lBso. 7. D. WRliama —John J. D. WILLIAMS C 0.,& E:OLCSALE & RI:TAIL GROCERF, Forwarding and Commission Merchant., and de In Couutry_ Nada. and Pittsburgh !tarmac tarts, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. saciss Wm. U. Wllliams•—• • • • —•-•1. B. McVay .w_. 11. WILLIAMS s CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Earl come of Wood no/ Third street.. Ant Prrrnmag. r,. loon 11.,./.Ava, W. S. wuoawaamm,. 1•1.1•13 WU. 1191.7ALE1' & CO.. tPhole•aie •low,. 19 all and ID Wood dlree, Flttadadh. •pl; DAVID We/MA.Oc WICK & lIKANDLF.P.P, Proceed...rot te I. de J. D. Ty Wiek,l tlrbolerate (tracers, Forarsroine stni Comentellon Mettras; dealer. in Iran, Pis , tr, Woos, COllOll VMS. •stl - P.ltab with Dl•nofsetutes ~oera I. earnsr af Wood and Water street., nit,b•re h. ego , : VlT—CJCiatrial - I if or r I<7 • Becurving Insulter., sod Winn end Idnunr Meraltasta Also—lespertent of Pods Art, ntol Ineurh. toy Powder, NO.lOO Liberty Went, (Opposite Path Wren.) Plttrlntrin. W elz e Si Iv, f, War, V . and ltdilliary GOOdS,C o rn r of Narlrel awl Fauns streets. PtUostlett, Ps. N. I.l.—Watcnes sod Clocks earnfully repaireJ. sp W* • T -- OON,. JO. 1111'CURIL W M. Y ., i l ) , g,sa b. •t n ? r o . i. ,, De c IliCI • to LAILI kir i ll 2rirlil;‘, . ... „ _ 'IL leCIPICIMeI. R. IN cc ICII.I , IXT IIIeetrTCHPANU. Whole...de Grocer., VP ~ dealers In Produce, Iron, Nails, Glare, and PlatbdrlMMonoraelitro generally, Liberty street Pittehingb. isiil7 J. D. WILLIAMS& 6 CO., • ..DO . L a Tt g A . L , Z ex t . Ng i. R .. .l . o :lA N l , L re il : l . R n it ‘ l , C , h o, 7R:i .. r ., o , y; ro and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, cor ner o Wood and Firth somas, Puritan' th Ping:Kb, March IVO RIEFICIZIL & fLATEL . GENERAL COMMISSION MEEt —TzIItADZI.P 3 . - 1117 - I.lberal ad.:tees made on con ignments, Melaka M&mum wiLsroN, Parmad Miniature Palmer. Roams, easier n• loot 0 If Alley and Founh atm% entrance on Fourth at, ne r Market. decksitf 7rir. na,Cornantsalova PI ichnntr. .XiO.M. Old Levee .t, N Orleans, kreii •onmaealie on baud a large amortment of r follow tlhrlindas which they offer for vale ek nnent• on J. Dorand A Ca. Iterdeauz.vii. biactore, I.Eraud.l tru. rand A CoiLatoelialte..l J Durand, Cog nal, A de M arman, • L Ifievilln, A do klondam, lean Laois. Pte., lUri.....A.eltorGlll,Llordeaux. Red and Whim Wine. in cask. and ca... .Meted with mire by John DJ rand ge10; kali. Champagne Wine and Sweet Mime ed 7 ron. • • tebt-ty•_ aacuovAL pALMEL 1164 Nick. CO. have rernovrd their ?season. Mee to Ilea Ilrext tamer or Wood tad Third Meet. • O3 Olankany ana Pita, plain and 1411/114 MAIMS LIACkIiZT: & WRITE INIZWER Mir WIG llTMAN—Mumtfacturr rof el - kinds of cot lA. ton and woollen mactinery. All”grbeny dty, P. The nbove work. !mink 110Nr irl full anl succcrsto I op. oration, I um prepdo.,l to o scesto off era with dire:l:eh fornl I kinds of machinery in r. Y !me, Ilch as willows, .errsader., w cards, grrielog nweLlnrc. railways, arm:rine (mews. speeders, thloJa. looms, wonlra ennts. double or sinrlc, for merchant or country work, tro, jacks.&c.t.ltdo nml !mod IMhes and tool. in mei rrid. A:I land. of Nhaftint ord , r, 'ny e., nor Erasing factories or mills at reasonable cheror. P.orto yo—Neonctly, Childs & Co., Ii lektdock, k King, Pennock & 01,J... A. I.roy. BENNETT ayBROTHER., UEE NSWAR E N RERS, BlrminErham,ta r Pittsburirh,l Ogee, No. 37 Water s!,' b•trraort Iltarlet and TV,od, Patsbn rg.,#? WlLLeOnatantly k eep on bend a eon,: 411.01 t of War.; of our own' enuutfretu re. xne 'l^l . supet:orqualtty. rotr•o Mer . 7 chants are respectfully tnet,r.l to yell and ex amino for themeclves. an are are deternuned to sell cheaper than has ever before been offered to The pub• he. ID - Orden eent ty mell, ¢ - open lei by the ear!, nr otal reference, wilt be promptly el,rvete.l n ure . M. ",ielv,`l7T. - ,,..Tii,r71`,10t,,":',7,`;, ( 1",T .I'47Z; Lncock, between Federal end Se y y ere now ranking and aro prepnrg.d rreeivr or& r. no every de%eription ga , vehicles, Conehe, reedit, Meninx. Plimlons, Sc., the., Willett it ir tong experience to the inanafacture of the above work. and the (aching.% they have. they feel confident tin', are enabled to do work on din mo‘t Fr-mu:Ade teran , with ibeve wenting.nrnelet in their bee. Paying particular 1111011titOI to the %elredion or mate rial., and having none but ceinN•tent werlin , ii, Own here no henitrition in warrant., their v/oa We W asln attention of the faith.. if, Or.runner. N. U. Repairing done to the ben manner, and on the uto•t reittottalho terms. •-•• . _ iri• norrokom WOOO so, kikkkrr, I^I,NTINI:V..IO maroteneture ell Look e of NJ 11% AND ;4-.IIEET !RCN WARE. Alor, sWith Work. —' I=M =I - . :peeled I.llvotton pven mcum Lent work. !love on !mods fine e,orirmell of r opper ar.4 !Irmo Kettlr.,T.n Warr, S..,arnt.ontC4.loe, - .,Stove.l, Fr - triable Forpe4, yarrow , •Ixe•—a vrry rourrilh , ll Ar- Ilrie for Ccuoiboats, California ou,,,,ute, r.I road cm:unic, N%e vrnOd rrlpectfully !team boot men rind other. in rail oral nee o4r articles n:,l owes 1...f . nr• purrha.-In! -0 17 w. & J. GL - kltigi, Book Blvdera. TUE •te •I 1 cog:wed to the ot , ove I, wtote—. corner VV .1 Wtool and Thtrd Itatrltarebt veto, wo ore prepared to do oily work ot on /U. wah paint,. We ahem! to our wort: to•t , ttottity. nod ttuott (anion will he given /1,1.-1 , .. and 1111.;It Books ruled to any pattrrn and hound so!. ntant,a.!y. ltoot•innumlK orn!,l books folly or repainl. Nano , oar on • L..!: worro. Those that Lave wxrl tr. our Inu. no to• 11$ Prices low. Pitt innolzinit Work• and Foundry. TOIEN`WRI6IIT tr Co.. err proporod bui'd Coo., tj , nod Woo!on Ma,ll.oory of overt , dr, F l•r Drowno, FrococN, lia•two.• arpc Droorto„ _. Frame, Loom, Card I:1,1d. I, r•. Wrwri, Iron Sladono. turnrth •i,• of t'at Iron, 'Niro .• a•.d lInnoco: °Oho lat,t paoor.•• , 41,11 i 4u. ann.. and trol• of odd tin& 1.14.50n0. of I'VrrY e 4 .• • 0.04 furnishod on short onto,. t.. 1 .1, 10 or., ••.r Mill Gelarior, Iron ~^3lll ropeoq lII{ F0r10rn...C.2 , a lion 11 . 1:,11 , m :nuts cenerlly. vet r:o aII Palmer te Co., Liberty Istr.ri. %di Lave Kok, to Black..tact. 11,1 Oc C.. J. K. Aloorobriol Co., U. I. Wont,. John I s , n.. , C.. C. &J. II Worm., Strut.ert,Ot PIA.:110N1 iTIII , , raiment', of,s 111/ n lerroenJ I.. ,, oruntnii of r0..rwit...1.14 • uotn ulth t,:e.o“ts ACelion Al.rieniftnt, 'Fite vuov,, ri t in..,.- ft n Or• . . tatizrd in en)lnalwarturr , l t try, and will ne roll Inn ,t a Kn, MIMOM=I N. 11 Senp anll be taken et .t he •licar my . / V 11 V 11..., forlr...a W. 1... Tuts ir rerttiv Dim I havr• roultra lxvill•roo trrrlo Agrrnr _forth.. rl , , or Put,ll Mar , rnfir, nit,. !or cat Der Ellz•narri it itot JrrIIN for Walter 51 l.tt,on, 34r Itr.sauray t ut f rrtr . t . ::. otto, orttulurt a nflo. ofore t` tor :lore Int - woo , and (rot i+crfcr , satorurd Out tl• u•tto. Rod of o Latte ;ti irt rr,orontrotlsfor tiont Vs , 1141 ftrUrle to alAvho love purr er.ttor rtrr. o thankcolly recoverd and prontroflt rirootr.l won , LlVlNto , t,!tt. irr u:1.17( 0.11 THE nttenenn addle pat.!, is eespc.....maly need to 11, foll,wine e"t'iheate , N. r.attem---rilevieg teeted • quanta,. 0,14,1 wei,bed 11 , your Aretameter, I lied ma te•elt revel Toefteetroracto correct; end ereetervetd the arc PI 4, a 0100 C For er to c!..ferniet, ne the 1 , -1 reettind 101 the rentvile, of G.ht, J. r.I)I'NLEVI. 110111 Mater! I,ttri.ureb, March V, 1.4, tyr.l.lsaak e, 41 34Cs: r tam art ell r.t• vsscr va. , ,,as 1•01, 1 art, V•alrs, ;4 '1,1.17 , 1 ,1 1'V :Si DIA rere4s.al Cli , 10(1 1 12 Guns F.sas.ie t::ntatag. r.s, s. F atr fro,. 1611.50 fur gust of eta,. p.m:4 :tall I,aor sa, Rubber isrpoz, No 5 Wood st Gera, .11s. 111'1111.M, Steams lirtr. Weeks for Ante. rpm - . nut. rnhrr odar, in. %ale. 11, - ',TV, 1 , 1111,t mVoltk,, ni.vr I.2wrrneello.., ...molt., Ften I]. e, Ittet ~1 ,11411ter, . .1 , , Ines. 0/ ) a• at tr...n .tan,.l r dat , ate. three aert • • Ilne ea :Le Alltatiteter rtvrr, rat ...tat, kg. 4 tratelatie alai r.v • i•ret• %lea :.•••retv- •, tamer!, ettery Ilene tetta••• - t, te • te. Metter tete t attan• at stow Itra the (weal tie.% we pavviam matte et...v. Watt.: Oa tend. 2.,talt , ret particulate. atititeas It 1•All at EH attaa;alt! Ng, ll.' .heat .110 THE partnership Artenutrett eit•ttete. Itratat• the hi= of A alts , cour.. by the. 01 Air. !triadic, 'lto tro,lll,•A `,3 raf 0,1 en I , y A Wad:en who will .61,1 e the at to , 13w Faro It.E:MOVAL—A BitAbLICV bra T.moved h.. Vu lS umlry IVurchouke from No It: e, cond tercet. le \ali'..od wee:, betwere. Fir .1 wet Served to tit a et,. hoti...e lately nre.we.l Imp A !.serf. be, Ito tr.l keep oonste.tly on Lund o. tor., lirstrs, 1,414 t-te_vet, tte 1,1 Dina°lv. lon. THE ealmrtoter..ap I:cretalorr exi.timr ia i.umn Balo7-a? CU, I. 1111 a day dtaaalved t.y to on rt I rem.aant. ar Make It pampa aa:tliettle buta.a•• o• Ore coned, for whickrurpoee the cre aao.nr.aq u•• nlO.. of Me conc.:tn. ,rA111.1., l'!.1) II Tlll.slAta 11AII1 ' The uoJersionedb•vo thif dny lotnr ooed to the Warn.: tal h: lIA I. tor at. patron., o fSal,. Van!. 11an,.. A,. kr , at One Etno.l of Or Ina , non ni Unnalltre. at;,, ol,ore thor will br o,ratanl :n raaa.note thA a t;ton.l. Ng, of Inc CLAW:nets ni that .t Imo, anal thosr fr.end Nil 1111111:::, • 11....itN1 In mfrrint from the Gun ,•t" enrtal,te, 8.6.1' It CO I .ithi.frn•ord% I:ork,. Borneo to the ennfid..nre ot 0..4 th, Eel,. 0,1,419. fet,l4-4:1 C. AItitiLITIINOM TTAS io rclurned ifeon lhoro and $ mer,jo, o hree vAflrt . ; of oortsonuhlo linfol, Which f oo,octfoOiy Inc niter lino or no ft h anlo Ind prallorif. No hi Woo Wrought and Cast Iron ' '' ''"''' Ural frolannalile rl , ,ignai kir Iron Wolin, 1,0. iiir 110111 , ana reingtariee l'agiona In acme gallant+ will plovat call am r.r+.run+•, jail , .•• forlrtnn.elv.a. Itioliag will lir !union. Ili. Oita:- rill 'miler, sing Intl. la, mania, at the norliar u. Craig rod Rebr.cr a Arica, rig on, wartaaalir A liA g. KNOT[,_ • NenNf /11Y cLori IS, CASSIMERFS. ,AT,N • ni m g . r2 u 7 ; recei. , cl 1111 colt.4giame.pi, and for ,Alt• °OW cluser'• 1,3r.11011., Iry 111,11SE1, FLF!!lliNn h Jons r.voNs, No.s STATE STI: Err. Itnr.TON, Agent for Clam.nrr.l 11,earry f I'rnl , nlu 17, la ord. 1117:: ," N 717 o r ,7n . I n I .3 s. cricy " : v 7 t r 1•. •I.lt to . 4 .... .' 1 . "7 . "' 1/1 routtiry", - nod bottom ne , ort , o . riottaltin Arlon in 1.0.1n0t nod Moor Le•ter, los t • prernred olio. nit oreco•nr) 111.1101 1101 1 tont n.l vow to ,r,11.1 Who nt,t to tr.,. Omit potio,6 thst contrt, . 1.. lierpr n lot I f titr • .1: a I.:tnt:nod v I whsle in., Int tiro .r Ott CCM, or nn tor eve , . letter..( fill Alpha. t. t" I rri' A 11)k N^ ,,, Y rubh , ; /AM'S ‘ , l '. l '. lil , j . :lo*K V ,7n• . . M'COILD fir. GO., ja(Seem...ram M'Mnrd n lit.) 72.•hlossabl• II•Lter:1, Caron . of Woof and Fifth Sfroott. PARTICIIJAH at:ridden paid to onr Oct. Trade. (+cence .° e. trip npoe ectline her II t. ainl Carr from ocr cm.nrlttnent of the ter. I.l.iter IA end wean:A:neer, of the !Alan rr.m, and nt the LOW {lll morn. Courant Merchants, pereliarine by "helcsele , .• reareetfully in %rem) to eon and out Sloe ac, we can ray with confidence that On mgardr trustl and rams, it will not • 001,13t1,011 Vlllll any C 1,.. in Philadelphia. 1,1.17 • WiLLIAMDICaiY lit L•nve to inforoa bin friend , nod enolnmer•thn Os Ir,a ja.l It,CiV1111( ill% fir w epos, oorlo o n , eon r •.?nn , u• a, Mil wa d „ •, to . resit en • t•lnon, Ca,oarFea. fanny Vn•tion,...t.t• ons r.., nnrn nonsoner f staff., nnd evcr, nm arn,l-.ann , In: wc.sr or ,spring and nurer. II 11013 r 1, , •1 1 . , (0 d,Crtl, ne.tu , y, twolay. nf one pro , r I:onn...”11 who 11,111 want of rood, chnan, Nob ~,,, and wen onn•l -wt11 ante him a can, 'nese sa 11 4 1%4'k Oil • .de 451 the , A neahnntes that ran Compare with it. Tan ready made dep.:fun:lt is very es.tenaiee, adap. ted to all te.tes. Rail rand contractorJ, country Inerrlnnta. and all who pateltase lamely in Incillarly iwevleal to Gr. amino 11.0 n ee before pntentnone, at par nons:ur Velma It paid to the wholesale lootines. in WO natal. tioloment. Every sniece in the tailorina line node on order on the moot fuluonabto and boat manner; at the .hortest antics. mai MIMI 4111 P. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 22, INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANC Z ! Trenton Mutual life !Mumma Company. RATIO OF 1`111,1:VZ arnortn,?. s ICR C,T. - CopIIFLI, 3130,000. JATIRS DURNO h Co, AKeno, Pol,borghl Po 110111. 1,11.10:1, .121,,A11,1, IMAV TEMA. Ilov, Jr. Jowph C. Palm Preet. 11—pktnin I'mfiror •, V.P. John A. A,. =1:12 MEM= TInV To". rmAtruma. eomnotte: of xcw York. I lion. J,ttro enlopbcll 1:c... go Wend Nvid U. Whqr. Jo,. i l'. Hors if. A friandrr Cunonors. I,:a.td Iho h ov Fold. IW.J. P. Mille, P. M. Jdoepa 11.1.1:5. MEW I ILMIT. Ili. KIP. any. i iillnce.F..a - ticw. Vr..m. ~ D ".. L. .yto.l. l' S 4 n.S I lwao Wiltirick, 14. C: I I , WOl.rx 1 , s. n.l Wm A. Mr .6,11, M. L', E.. 60.. M. Pmwrmm molt. S. 17. limmluml. .. ..... ..; ..... ..... ..... INII:UI‘7AL. I . :X AMINIIIS A. ~ .I, r y Duailr. M. U.I W. W Geranfil, N.D. 3.... Wti ‘rre V. N. 1' :111 Walcott., PAR'S. TV,.,. Id'. 31orgnn. M. D., 11. U 11.11. M. 11 -1 4 ,,,, ,.. (..eprg.- Mr(Nlok, M. D., I Allegheny &Ail l'ittOurch. Pa - Tne A. 1.-.. 01 tlurt Cnrtionsla, RI Pitl.bursh: 1h'1u 4 " . . 1 . 0 tare enery firet ula.. risk on Lak. ' arnurri, or TWILNIA•11,1: Yea 1...1t. From 11, LIMO r.. , of Num um, as rhongrdloy oiler Colepanie. Ani yo:nry of nr,. wk tog a roller of Intilt nc: (or slur Tbnuculd . . Tu-luo fur au. year, pave only c9O. do pe vett liksto, , , " " " 117, -1 And in the se prop°. on fat any oprinn? 1'..1 , 1,0,vt,h it the .Stmt token on any on 4 fre tompanv ronmener.l nnerattomi nn i.e I. 41.4011 f I', 1,.. 11.111 ...notably bu,no.% un to th” In Uetol,r. ow. , ',yarns:* ..‘ccentma Plot c. WI nth, I lie Con,pn no on ”eugal. Grq Joesdend of p,oth. Aor oletlered in th. no•nr..il., 0,1.1 January. I-on. 1 . 3 , 0h10t• r.ontn.ninN tho verind , I.tlOce of rate. onion:Won nn the impottunt 1i!1(1, ,, i tor forni.nhed eirpl.- rz0t..1.1 in JA (I F...‘ I tx. err rteihituv. ErIE TRENTON 511 , E1 , LIEE AND FIRE IN. 1 SUR wnl i••:neof iri•lvrahr, o , ono 1...%0) OT Po nehy Fon, upon Non.. u nw..l Loco., he &rn nen'on ion JANIF:S DERNII it CO , Act d IMITIMEZE III; TW.I.AII'ARF. 1.71 . 1' F...AFF:TV I/ N 471: CI otlr. NV — 4 411 , e Nonh Room of the Elehrirlr, lopmn •. • , r.ttr , S.,,,..,...—Rutht,,,,.Alrrenandt,e nod n•Jier prerc hurry'' Ln Town nnl 4 'oun:ry. or nt rnte• of ~o•-sfliton • Ot.Nt y mew.. enr *AU 1'e...e1.1... I, r.lrn OT CO, nIN under op , r. ue %/I it trnot.r...r.e.l Warort.-, Rol! Pam! rot., Cuoul nn.l o Titer. .nit lakt... on die goo.. Iran• 1.1/111 . '"tt .I , —.lnsefth 11 Sera. Ftlmtllttl A Pen? , r, -lotto t.t Ito Itoto-it lion°, John 111'ror ,Itt, Vttn, ol lotr c, %Vt. rottvro. Jt tt l/ 11, too, 1,1 1 . Itatta Tht•tortrt.t• I . ..totott II .lo , t—t 11:tott, henry /11,11 Crtt, S< , "". Kol:t J Jolotoot, l%':n ll.y, Ilr rhototot..latta tvA, F.Y.re Jr, . . , AT I'sri , isulouti-1 , T 16ffmr, II J.,1,1t T I.,er ft • • • MMEgVENI= No. .11 .Ir,t "} l' .A SI.tD:".IIIA, and Ilessllls Inatteloce. 51.tt ",I lirou, 11‘, , 1,r.Compa,y o I::rotpooki,d by "o ~, o , 4, Cilar.er prn".tust. Itkrr4 LoWL3 Vl.ll &CT 4 , „„ A „ . , o il ,cr cent Intect tlan lln MMMEME • .:11. 1 ~ um, 1.1 Ow yrcn <-4 :.4 1 1. N N.., 4'l, LOW. AI. 1144411.4, /.1111.-1,14.—.S . 1•1111,: 011•11 . .ra V. 11,01, W F I h/Ot,• 11..,• M. W M 11l . 011 C1 . n0w1.,1, 11.,4a..0t 110...,1, 1.,, ,Isna Irni—rl I/ Orr, F/-1- .1,0 Ito., .ort• soil eve, rA1111.51.44,., FIRE, AND 111 A 13.1% IL INN:4: oa Mr Oa, Do.: II lAA L7'li 1ni!..1 . 1LANU.11 , .. at ri...unnch The Sprin! Cardfn Health Insnrartr, (o , l'inLai,Et.eiriA-11,P1T,11. SitAkt , ' 1414 , . • •.. . tlr col .1 (4.1"..)4 n , WU, JAM E.: co, I hlrAnt Vlre and ]trine Insurance. , IIF: ne NMI 2. .•,..tll far Ow al•ovr old Ir.pon• , •:nntroil:e t.: '1•I.• l'aaa.ylVanl• Company A, 1., Mg, • :n the, irg.l.rsulta of h{n tt7c 't •rti P/TTSEitIIOL:II VIVISIALI6I II:ST/TUTU. I nr e 3.1, rmr.. ot Mr. aid Ur.. 11.Kii.Z. for a- yeu rooltee Imo I rch rum ry r: In the ran towldinga, No .GJ 1..: • r Arraheentents have hern made I.y they Ise able to f..rmih your,{ hsthes rgehi In st , l; the Yost. for olltetn,e t o•oroe , Th cal, and ~rnatorntal edn,etton. A faU Pi 0...! end Chen, L.ermtr• th• 111tt•tr0. , ..1 'l . hr ;.‘11r1.1 , 15 , Vnyal Ite.,vote urn v.,tieuch he 1 , 11rr,0 , .”1 , n n' rotrl;rete.al ITorroortnell I.rwrioel6 boor in eroiniomno. of t,llOlOl rwronts, teev kayor. , .,yed Fry ter:ro.,.te cam., or apply to the • HEIISEV. FLEMING & CO ileivic, FOIL seLL:c, • Ell UM Tim MA A I:EA.!! uitEn:4. A .I) AT EAST. 1 ERN Al A NI , VACTVIII: , ,.. NM; 1.4', ,rI,IIA Eiior.ch., 411 Wo.J 111 [I. Ilrlit, fled In ~,, ~,.. 1,,,,,,, ~,,,,, 4 . J" ~ ,,,Y , itonn.!r•L ell ',v. :Si oA'a . ,:o I otirred nt Fartnr,,prir eq. , 11111. t 1...111,1.1. I home 1....z0t r+liii . l.og. i ~..I Avi.e..l •1•, ii.er " ,(:),••• kg no.l ,t1.1, ,, 1, ..n. 1.4..1. Illack CA e. 14e 1 1 n..nr.' tioo.in Ear.., n 11r..k 1'.1.,0, , i 1 . ,. .. -..1,- 1;:., .l ~.n.l t'Antl. T 1t1.q., , ,..... i,..,...e. ,to, ~., I:,otv ; an 8t. , . 1.11,..., ~., .1 ,or, 1., ...n .In I. S•rc.,r, i.'. , ,... C.o. t ~.orr 'I w:1....1 .o. , 0r,,,1 wo r ., I. ~,...• 111.u.k 1 , , Slot III:nen ..I ,1,1,1",,, , , ,i,:11/.1 , V.,rnere• I:.,ek 1...1•1, 0r. , ....... o, u, 11n,, do • i 1.. A .1,...t..... 1 Jl.lol, r..are..r Ilin..k . l'ily ,r ' l:.4 •••••••• .....,• ....• C.lliforio3 111 inlet.. , . 1.. , , flora.l, oc,'. ....... ........ r ..•'• L . * •-• • . llQ•• 41.3 4 .1 t Figur, .1 Vt-. 1.0,.. llr.il, do . 111.111. e:111/I ,In Grnii, 11,,,thg. Mow,. II.o:nn.1 ~.!',...i1t.. 11: ow, 1.r1., 1 . .q.,,...1 1 rAv 11., Ac.. A .1 n 1 11..- NI ..f....tuir.3 , ' % uretsou..c., No 1':I W.,.. .l • - • lq ° •: (1. 1 31 i 0 800 T 8. 61 ;if -.0,%er.1.er it 1.,. elllgmforturto, I 1.. \ 1,11 It 'Num of ',tot %cry low it,c, MCC, N" Morkrt enail Oa, irorn %ViLl^r tr iTrtheinc rpi, . _ Nwrtmg. ri1111;olonrol pitret,•-rd oq oii purr , l t-• Ipl ..11 Iloat c mOlort•Yt 1.10.,,,y t• ~ , s.l', 1,1' , 1 y It W.cll torn.— c,f 1,1 ,, r, Wert., or II Morr:Y.,ll. No ILO I.iheity •trenl, dna WIfiIITNIAN k MORItI,/oN_ -- ... ._ wAIL PAPER—W 11. hlAu.o•hi. r• nonceody "C.... 11. from -ihr Inre... In4o...netnro . . to Nr....n rnti , nod l'h;lnolr.rhln, a., noo irodo I.hen , h agerirg, the ether moot nrned nt yl. to Pa pnr llnhnion, tor wuh 110v0.r., W. ILourd Fria., nod 'Fratnr For. lor %..... al -, Won.' ~, 1.,... ..”., Fourth . nod lhoL ....... I mn..„I•VeIP3A. l. F. 1101.1 1 ...I • _ . • N,l I.: Al.l.it: l'A !VI nl,ltnr I.rohr toAr. or mn.l, prowl n: Detig, r.n , l IN:riumcry Wa,c0,”:41, conic, t• illt and Wood rawctt. N WI _:KEII-41.01. nt St"(ln Ay la. 4t; nttw ire wny Itcto Nt.t.v ,clYli twit. ltt . mid txt'l ,ortly tltYlve v.. Iltnittle 1 ntr Dun n.. Moo, winch ts ill Gr. ttttld on ntrtval, nt the • a rh or apProvett 6,11, lorrcnt ~nnrkcl p. ice" ' NS 8. MITTyILLTREE nBEILING A 14. yen. 1 . Jul.! l nomhers put on their bourns, !I. i orodormey m a reed:colon of Conned.. tattl W n en oe evil at the Ilordos,t the Count of Tradei oremm rtory, career of Wood atigillord •ta. and pay for the tame. SAMUEL FAHNESTOcK CluOurgu, April ea ! 1E44,), ~_ , .1 PROCLAMATION. IrNOW nil men Who ate sick and Maimed with died Lease of the !dodder and kidneys, with TitelltirMiC eninm buck nr Inch., atißjoinui, old sores, running n. Or, tint they von be cured by taltine the Pe- Indiana! You may.talk about it. tieing nostrum an n.uch you pietist., but this does not make Its,,, for sae proclaim in the flee of an henrat community, that a has yam. whirl, ore not contained m any 'dm , remedy. The man who is racked will, !min and au& :cling tritti3 tittleade. Can fOr tiny cents. get relief from us:3 attic ills enuurnerated above. Reader! It eons very little to make atrial. Thin Petroleum is to Itill.- tilfe—no eft:Upend, put up for the purpose of inflaming on the community; but nin a remedy elaborated by the master loud of nature, and bubbles up from the bin snot claw taother eanh in in original portly, mid of fera to saircring hutuard.y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap care. _ it has cared Piles niter other medicines have failed to render any relief. It has cured Rheumatism of ;Dog :standing, and of the sanest and intwt psanui character. It bus eared Cholera Minima by one or two detest II lint, cured Old eases of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy Lea been of no avail. Ana local remedy In bunts cud scalds, it in better than nnvnteiliral emu. pound or Ointnicill that we Inner lir It will curie c blnins or fringed -feet, in n few anallcatimis; undoubt ed teAttuonTaan be furnished of the truthcontained in lb. above statement by r.lan, en Samuel Mire, Vanollivain, 7th sleet or either of the agents. Keyser A McDowell, coiner M Wend and -Virgin AIMy; R. }f. Sellers, ii Wood smset, D. A. El liot to IL M. chcny ray, area the ageing. anti P , STRSTIMOWT .1 CAVE Fott lIING TO lidjliAls eincit“, Va., March P, hi ll R j: tome disposed of nil Me rui,...etd Liver Pills you sent me, and le Cot oi On , afecmlmge. . ta=l , • Is, :Spit - nil yosie Family Meilicinea to my family, and have ale pr Abed than in my practice:A am very much pled with them, and here found nothing to coma them. Send me if dot of your l'ermifuec, and lu ouu each lit the ;Ave, l'slla and Cougts Sjr4p. :Itet , pectrally you ra, rEitroet of Lciterl T. T. Jut. Fox. T4o.c My popular meMeinca mar he haul of the proprietor. It I: SELI.P4II 07 Wood at, and Druggins pence in the two ro!irt ar.4 waintry.__ ns. The mast Impel taut Discovers , 011 Itt cardt—Mare Remedy for tb. Plllst n,1..1) P BROWNS ertebralcd Ertcr.l 413 . o.r ritehay uirca.ly proved 1 , %c11 0. be .he only !lire cure ever pr,crile,l LO the; I uhlir. Sine, Ihr 41,-..3very of IL. erouohlu inedirine, rug An I.lee 11.11 , f a ,xtreme env, mrott ' , Ouch Fir Notvil emr Ls, .Ird line enUrrlT • • ••••,41 thr molly 1.031.t5z extant, atter month. •..1 'CHI, It( t ha• too oft., fra tat.sa Ilan romat..nced. or wort,. I.u: trw,layi ay.:l decide the rn ae I.y elftehrg 1 , v.t.0w Cer, est t,l clot ter Into la Ntorc , l or estr.ent to prove Ulf 0,141 . 414. J Itacoduce It upon its oso ruerss. t , y ,reet I 1111.14 si 41allt stand or (all. It yoa prcter leath.otne dtsea,e, PlijiS, to the value 0(a few dollars. I test Ihn cosy let th yo. 1)R. n P BROWN, - Si Lloyd umet. 11,11Thle.N V. Sn'd mhote•ale nod retail ny R I SELLERS may W,,od •t. . INVILiAItIGIATORY IZEISTINIATISDIN 11(1: AMERICAN RIIEC MA Tie qAt.eAmr. A NEV. rrale4, in. - mewed in we ihinclatilp I:ieedoin—n •u, and perninneni cure for all n:r•tlilli 001L1.1/.11 In. IP' /14 luilionoietury. Chrome.. keute and Mumma! Illie.imau:te, Gnat, Lunitinno, tlff 1011‘ 'nl 10001 for. It hog been rid Ith. ginat,..to 4,u:..1 not be voreg; Int! there to renardy dr,..,;ned baton, for a.• :art e.r,ry 6. tare. the human ry:zena I. le! ~ r 1 to t.iut 1,64 110. been (nand that eure , IZl.eolnottann of the nt form--ene of the r 4.4.4 ye W othic vegetable pro -4Jr-tir,,,.. of Ore carth—l4l. ra-a+a. , end m..•unymrmm aaa a ‘,3 , i,Jerol ',tow, to the 012;t1.1.,n , i1', It arc. volil,o4: tt,t, re..en...1 Or 1,111 And vlr.ot in the who, a, ,sn !Als dartr,r th Pt•t rarer mom Sr, over - yl c-n,ra tin. were rotz,Grrocl 2rat,:e Certfira.r, ci me elaalier, F.:open4, of ttaa eardi caJiia. 4.1 :!ir Age., übiege put uo rent. ma ttp..urrme;•-r, up the pruprArtur, R Tilt Nlift. It.fuL3, N. V rorntr Tkini and sitok,t Sold al,. toy F. 'I 110:4 CDIC AL AN!) !CMG IC A L. 131 , 1 , 1 C No. 03, DIAMOND few slyor4 I•eow Won , : raw, tt- v.ndexpenener pecuharly qualay I,na : trans ..•....!tioatly devoted L., <lndy treatment of inn, ;..p;v. al t • I.ld n..re nr, nee mat ha, cumi more pr trnL•L.. the tot of nay pryer. prac tinoner) ~ , na to odor ugitranret of v.v.', perm: utnt, I,..!..an , frctzry eate :o aft:teted ..ttY isiwats •11 dtre a ..n.IPE tLut from IMMEEI Dr. Drown world Inform their atbetegt with prlYn . :e. rwl.ien Lave I.ccome erroolv by time or re ared by ti.e age of any or the common nn , romeof L'ay, tx,r romi.!.mar. can I•trar:mally twat 004 rtv,..40 Cr{l,ll! stttnt:or; !O of vo , b. r.•r•. 0.1 tn^r , eoled I. hundred% , ,Lor•on. of tollsnanatinn tratich oft., 1,44 e con,to.La L•• ''' 10. pArt.-10,•y eveb ~.. ~;.... nr A. (7 . :l•rrt• nr Dr Tiro., It,o Invites pa 3111/r,i anL llPmta . rall, to us Las pua paw.. allsrliuu to tbo. of scars. . .1^ 119711 a ill ill MMM==l N.IS-I..:t! . hts of ei.4.,1121 howg oI • 4.ttsot., by cam.; their dise••• Ir wrthor. ceeimeg eell the •pal— thn.., oWnlo mein.otes ..thn.reeti.es for sp.. by .1 , 1,..•1ng T. 1/110i5 N, dl. LI., I.•t vattl, and ertelv•• II e re• enEr• No. •5 Deamor.d al:•l• ,, redtits th• g05. , ,ra,n1.--11, Prow,. ,rwly do:overed . , r wutir.cr..n remedy. Ir r Ml= Ponms, No. P. 3 .1. Pal r,l re, P. ;lea Lk.ctor it alwaps •I 11.11C.f11 , 11 - A.I ! BTOVIC POLISLI 01T 1 t 5 I " l7, l .7 '" l7r 3 ll ' • '' ; . l'n .. . c lo ' f " M ' Cr m tc " l7 ) .:= nd r 7.; It6nn. 4 or (earn( contradictin%!by who bore trd it, pronounce rue superior,. •nt o• 11, in tile ni.tetri. Tier rort•uniernee4 Cave no t,rbe , •lo,l Of entlins. corpet,Ac , it* cool. yew,. c from salving when bring sp. d...foeff °IWO, i t ornrn tbr Stow; Is co.d. Tr..,11•11.110 trquired ir ro mill. to prrdure bean. ti , al A or over tilly pre rent Is in•uted le me A eronttnc opplittl to !lasts, Pippt, y. „1....:”ru 1.4 amisy int thc st sore pro.. 41 S 2 og tuAl at Afice lining flied it once, tit forcr.,•4lr) no per,Lon out art y but the Pi. K. Alnne.lnotut.i,,qComp.).* Pectolutn rater4or, I'ol,ll. Fur olle by EIMME G ,, , GE, I, • Modern and Antique Furniture. JA EiSS W. W 0001,11Kil.• to, ' rills° :it., i . .riattrrion. J. IV. , p 4. 'storms the ••• r.st.i.,. h , 1 4 ,oIL,J/ ri• astir rt.:. t... lo ea) •••ti• of Ito fli owl tV•csici, esev , ,l,moan...ft:ll th:r tor Parlor., ltruwtsc Ilium., all wlit,b ha told at Cr-ironi rkir.ntirr of say .I.....ription, too •pititohy 1011,410 00 nodes-mune ...loc.. winch ~, .... nool 140 rhesior.l and pia l,n , •‘ to ohs tor.. codify, of winch Ito tothssiloti ro , nors,• part• Trlr Oro a Tr,Tr;e a Tim cm:v. Ci.ons;Cou,s; A...., • XIS Coninnolnre, ot fork's Couch; 'An:4 1 . 11,4 Ln.i 1t",,-cloth covers, do, , )1.4.0011i Clam ! 1 ,, • 1. 2 ff do an; 4. " Conn tiv..l .1 "11 aitossoy Ilurki.. o sts, Plato% fin NI alines ay Word.olien; I- Itrk e.,erry A v,, ilrge aa•nri tor, ni rn , lnon OstarßAlV cllll , r urns urn 8.41. 1t.r0..1k,1,,1L clinnegl nollCt. ..+n Di IILI. Dlr iCJ•:I. V . 17 , 11PA1.71 . 1717P7 7 1 7.11711-. and No 1 .11 . 0,1 No Aat. 1: I.ar 711...-lt Ca .1 ,aa I 1-,lt, 171. ‘nnil; sad: 4 la. al, at- aa I.n ill 1 for al hi. 1 .1.77 t• / 111ra W0r01,0,7171.a 'at,. la !raft II 1 71.1.1.Ns• A liAlt1)1• 7 , 1174 N. 1,17701 of W 1 77r,rt, 1 . 177.1.ufgb. Oaf lilt • %Vv. the u.ln•tqa” .I. , tv tte null, with enurn 'be 11,11 tar tiaztucl ort•l(plvy. ot Itt• Eat, S:rrt %V a,•. to rtti Ott, ett),lteite rir , l-11Tr on rerossilitcntfil!g lion t•• equal Ito quoit:) . to utty. r vrr tit.t,tl ni I,trtoms MArt.ll 1:1, 1,011. & 1 & CO, M.vufurturr.r, of Iron and Nat. Pitl*bure, l'a. IZNA & OTTEN. I ,on not4l I'iu•.burt!t. CoLENIAN, IiAIC.:II,IN 170, 11.oldinuters of Fr.og^, Axlm, Sprmg Kirrl nud Ifivri& Pa. • • & V.' 'll I , AIIIIR, 11nline Milder' , and Machine Cmy4l Mot.uol,iti• ;yr, l'itlelq,ol. Pa. A 111tawm, nsa. round, ' I . 3il.l.taßli. 4 .IIAFT.I.INII,IAY a CO, 111.1manctorers or if. nut V 11151, 1 ,01, Pa. .11.S1:1 . 1%'1'0 1 111.1N1411N, :.0C11111.1 . , l'Aglna awl Slup 11u11.11, *ALL • I,larb'e Nlanufarturcr,lll2cl,loezuvl 1...T10.111.1d a1,:11 er, Vltl.tlryt,, Pa. - - 31eL LINO oirAT Ii.V.DUCIL D tiiLLlCtli:St A LEXAN DER DAY.rorne,the Finninn,l Mnaril eilect, orb now selLnir off, r.i redueed ivricet. their stock of Winter Good., eenvistinfi of and Ladies` pre. , (fond.. in great variety. Alan—Lit lank.- in is and Flannels, Cloths, Carrees. ran, and et fall arrortinsint of heavy Ltihion Good*. tionident that better hargatntcannot. be hail e 1... where, era invite the attention of ,Ifureriii ALIMANDF:ff. k DAY, isnl2 IA MAcher 131 • LtERS . baits awoort. nioutrvt., J. 31 Ch4suktiborghtaanufirare,olthrAtebi awl A .Y44AAEA. MEDICAL =3:l t=== MENEM =l=3 nick mitovirmr, having ttern rr.et!ertyedcroted to the medical pr0r..0p0,...A.,-tn for tome time ',tyre coaerri to• attt.; - .41 , 1 to t cuol Ito., 4r , iertc eta, p“oot• tor 000rto,iors p.ect.ce =tdlelr.o 10 MO to t. /v. IVICILMIL'OIiski, Corner of .9/.:h And Wood streets. roPI Ai3.•es 040 10..11104,0 V.OlllOl .0. „ al 00, ot If I 1 tJ MEMO Is at* • • • . , . lal ( 1. 41,1 lII' SOMETHING NEW Under the gun of Pittsburgh 11 TtriLL be opened about the Sad of Bitty, a Family VV grocery and Tt. Store, is the Plulsdelphla The entieeribeta pate Sued un a entre at Mo. MO Liberty meet, inn tittle eapetior to any of the kind.ta I 11tAbUrgii. where they will always haws a Ilrya •ortiticilt of One Greineries, and superior:7. at, 10 which they teepeetitiLly invite the attention of the pate. Of every ertiele, they will endeavor m .keep the be.,of It , kind, and confidently recommend their Tms as ins so as suara.sam, Ir Immuso In the ttl ty• Their smortment will comprise:—Oreen and Black Ten. of all blade. from 3:t cams to SI W per pound. Coif,. or ev my grade. Lovering'. nogsre h Loaf, Crushed and Pulverised; Strom Syrup. Sugar wise and N.C..tdelassa.; Ohne ohne., Foreign Ficus and Not., Spices, Pickle., ketchuns. Ersencrs, Edgar Cared llama nod Bee f, MO, of all kind.. Sperm, Lard and Whale Oils, al °old, sloe rrn cod W. Candles, together with many rarities which mild not heretofore be had in Pitts. not oh, and whirl. t me would fall to eriusacraln ID Good delivered lied of dim go in Gum puler the tw•o eitt.t. Dealers sopped on most ..... noble Mom. WILL A bIeCLURGI I CO. mYI No .1.16 Ltheny sireet.anove Woo& A. WIS.AWILLT, u.J Ja. Ineezereze, A. WESTERVELT£ SON. WELL ENOWN VENITILN BUM) KANEKO keep ronstanily on hand or make merger the best erleie in their Ilse, at their eta Mledillio.4 St. ei et r street; aho, at NA.O6 Market meet, second elm, entnotee lAA Dimond. Ves tal= Shatters madam order. and old blinds neatly mowed. matte To Southern, and Wearers ilemillinGta. Dovesßt.'s PAIIIIIUM PERFI/BIERY, The subecriber rmpeettally invites pablio attention to hie extensive stock of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Creams, as., to which raven Silver sod ems Golden Nls.ini; have, within the last six years, been at by the institutes of Npyr Tyr's, Bonen, ma nil. delphin, the letter brine to only Golden idyls/trnt awarded for perhuncry either In Europa or In the, country. Roossah% llitarrahhan Banatno Cm'. laMmlnii Rose, and Ambrosia nnivenrally aelinomindged L i p superior to any Shaving Cream In this mama, Or °Linens.. mat 5yM 7,3 2 - 1 1 ..Utira, u 0 .0 2 7-.4 and po .... ing • highly Sanintaneims andeinolleat wooer ties; SimonntenimCompoand; Ambrosial Min- - Tablet; Military Shoving Soap. Tablet' TomarSosno—Ahnonii, Rose, nutiquet Ponstehio, Musk, Pare itintly,l.lllldbps, Float. log. Transparent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Ciressilan. F....M.1 Tog Tug 11.1..,137-4:1030, atilahh 47,c1 Le ggroline, Geranium, Jenny Lin=se i ; .ine, /pricey Club. lingual* Clematitr., 110,01. 3200 many other Varian., ill all aigly gifetrant perfume.. Tatsr W.xes—Florida Tirana, E do Totten Orange Flnwer Water. and a Mill Iriulety ot tonnes and L”cnder %Vat.. • • • - • Paspaasslons rya Ism Ilan—oenalno Rear's A mit, .ia fill, liandulino, F.a6 Loaves, piano, ROOS poand Da Marrow, Hair Ryas, lipoid and N wider, an/ l'ldloostne, }twining, and Jana! UM Pomade.. Ondarasom AAAAA imoss—Balsamio Radar Rose Tooth Passe, Charcoal Dentsilien, Odonisoo, ' Tooth Paste, and Tomb ['mode, Cootetwa —V. getable Cornelia, Cream, Amu:dims fdr cLenne4 hands. Cold Cregm of Rowe, Crean! de Pete, Up Salve, Illirphergy Crp!nr, ke. Irretlantry Powders, far removing sisperiams bah, Prow Powder, Vinalere de Roam Arornatle Vinegar, irtutin !Joie Composnlan, Pretnan Salta, beside. o errs. varlets of other c rueles t too 111113.401.• 4) be nutpc4 in sat edvertisement, The euboriber Appel to ininntain the tnputadan tlvs rol•bli.hlTpl iIINIIC4II4ea, by dirpradog oi undone but arid cate azllclea, lad Will pe happy UP wraith those who may wish to riataniim him eathte ermilmaie or retail, on as reationabot team as any ea total/tat:mot in the Vatted Mate.. ZANIER BAZIN, rbiceemior to sad former Director of rho Labotabary of Air Basin's Pernenery is ibT " Sale by au the PSI Inagsi. to Of roam,. Reil:n11) DISAULUTIOEI OW PAIITN110111111.14". rviiE Pan hento heretofore eileangbentecirjagLea 4 ;.pall, Wm. W. Wallace, artd peaty, te a et.t .ran burin..., ander the name Of ankall. Ca. urh. diswired by mutual ea:Meal, on the 1.1 teat. , Merphall and Henry IWlioary be v iJse purehated the entire Metal of Ws. W. Wal lore w cud fine. Th. noun. In future grin he contino' ut all ha ray.u• branch, by the IghettibtllN.deT the name end -We of Matahrtil ANI nicety, oho will nettle the bo•oneam of Me lase fircn, and 12 whom all person/a nt...al ern ...fnned to make payment. • Weretonn, comer of Wood and 'When) cent.. JAMEY' PIAIIPALI, RLNtiwotrs tIVESSYTT, • telltiptlOO, No 41 Wood EUVoI, pka• Y. /1. Irn. Mack' and lioallowderTe Trl.sero, h3r. RID Cofer; Ina N 0 Malays.; Ca N 0 Suga, .40 bores assorted 11120 Window Glass; 40 It.. Pipes; 4. n .osp;os 1.1,0 C .:000 HA Codfish; 11.1. Tonnars Od; IA. ham Inneolate; dna llrd Cards; os', roils Manli:e Rom l•as Spn,C Chocolate; 10 , •so, l'eppp.; bog. I.s• le; i.l v.nevoq }o •-3 17.• au Li a ,t3t,h, la irco e, Cho It; drcr. Flan; As well no a oenanJ 111,3ofocitrod eruelea. 900 bas AL R. Rah. WO bis slosser do; 13 kgs do do; 13 outs Isom Customs; :131ides 13. Wonots; 13 do BrazllNots; 15 do Fllbertz; 11X1 do Poo Nom; to bzs shelled Alosoudr, 29 bzs Rook Candy; .3 ease. Llozoneo; 10 01rioeipto..74 4 itagallo Gig MObl Half Spartish; 3 hx. Cloying II sans Nutmeg 3 rattans Indigo; cues Leman SissrP; 33 eases !raper Nukes; 10 care. Ground BPiiaTs of all kinds. 42 barrels powdered and Lost Spear; 2 ht.,. 2dldder, le bar Whiting; assartment of Pinsbairk own rine P 4 A. MASON CO - • . 01 tlas tolloA.xn 1.1,•6 GOO., viz:—Soper gitt Twos, Pernoo cm Vorrse, and Carer. Dr Lai oar 1., mod Buts. La. =7=l Are receirriog addirions Ipso" iheirorpletrlad dock of er Black and Fancy BA% :Webs, also,/doornini `.141 acart, and Buts. , rr•• 1:aml• tit 611 th•tr 1..: . 41; rn e Nis Chamois, (Told, plsin.Vird fiiiev'ecdons, trc Lren therivedommther with tro is.riattik or Fiend% "hider,. ilte Board Ptimu, and Teeet Tops in (told and Velvet. W P UARVIIALL, mayl Wail Paper Rowe. ea wood street. 112MIZEM SITE have 150 LOOS lee for talihro Deemn a nd rinu.l Koor. will God Iyyo flew advamags to coil ou CMCI)NNOR, ATKINS & CO., apin Canal Darin, Liberty st. lOEI 150 TONS NS ICE, to amyl. in one lot. for cheap O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO Mina! Basin, Liberty Et. REMO VAL. (I/11112CM CAROTHERS tr. CM Move ramormed li Nu 07 %Val, 4. hearten Wood & Haslet, In the hams formerly occupied by Huey. JOU. k Co. n , tam lOVERS 1,01.41 TEA are ameted to We c trial of the Tea for sale at the Tr. MAtt.re, tad Mk of the laimeeml, Itittehargh. W. Am DCMlllts co to hace r o e sem:tenon or schleg Tot Mt Ti. remoaem AIORRIS & HAWORTH. Proprietors of the To. Market. iIAVENINE PF.PII , .It-3UU lb. AllallCKollo Pepper, juvi received, and forma by nry4 J KIDD b. CO j jitiNT,—A large witortincial FriWy aThrd — Pila Volum! I'fllllS6 of devirablc alyles and bat mane• faunirc i opened anti for sale uy • raid SITACKLETT & WHITE C. UNINIER W KATI lull ottoman= of MeV/it:af t,'" tau, 1.111,1. WM Worried Slat fur immtuer elethlnyi an hand, alld 1,, Flit' by :SHACKLE:Tr 1. WHI TE nip r ANAL Siir)7rlct--.5u do:en/km.' canal mewls ‘..1 J.et received, to: vale Dr LAXIIAN, WILSON & CO, mon Il Wood ob. B UTTI',II-1? 4 117: R :r u, i Pi n d kr, sale b 7 MI=EI 1 ARE. SUPERIOR—us nyelcal Character, Veg. .11011, iuroah,compuerf With thou: , of other ntid nlnolnr tee ion+ fly Lours /immix, With a RV roll yr of lb , Tour by 3. k3llnt Cabot, and totanbutions othrr nrireinfar gentlemen. Elegantly 11131.1ntefl. I vol. rvo, for rale I,y J D LOCRWOOD m. Fourth et Et.huiV Paper—A new wooly of riftWir Pm m,m r'"""-"°%1TVIrtArgid'Ah`.," s fin 'Wood wrooL "11 , 0AR-5i Muir crime No Segall A litids N 0 clarified do, for sole by " 34 ' l OLASAbIa-110 Oar N 0 Molasitesi IY 4U brit* II do, for rale by 1114 y a BROWN k KIRKPATRICK ',AVON -5 capk. pnme shoulders, neea for mee by 1) morn DROWN h KIRKPATRICK t"„111:;-It° ho. Na I '‘l;llWPilerlilVP/Z74:l°Cr/7 w 11 y r m l4l r t o OTl44.li l i kliPASTI;r l _ NiAl ita , :t i ve l 't ic azd En fo s r ti amt At ta l by corner of NUM rind Wood ,4..l, — "Fet tich Gold Wall . Paper, In otyle., With Tapestry border to Bawler "" '" Not received by ripen. Ana NV I' MAKSHALL 1,144 dd Wood st. 111,1•Asil--4 reale for sale by .1 KIDD &CO t 0,4 AtteA MANILLA-16 dozen Jaeop K rit i tt , trut', 0 tor 'tote try roc 4 I'LrIIJR-40 WI, Fenner 4c KITIVo r cur brand, to store, and for •rle kty 111%4 ARMSTRONG tr.CROZER j task.. tA.L.I.AIt , --4 du:. to store ( and for sale, 43 C cosulgument. by nqf • • AMISTRONO & CROZER If)l:l7rblft—do begs In stale. and tor sldally I b me )r.l.He. HAI b—l suet ree'd, and for sale by nly4 A RbInTRL/NU k CROZEI " d"' Iwtl led In NOTIa g- - 1-6—.- s) X 6. "rre"— t b dc: Fhteb; Tor rule by RIIES,Y ATI/lEWS & CO my 3 _ () IL -11141. 1..11111i IrJ du Tenuers' 011 for sale by myl nil FeY, mArrnEws & co, se rio 3, J....teemed +! JOHN WATT &CO, NO Merit, st. MAONg REL-66 btls L L.:11.111y - _ O-2 brie prime bbw, Jost read. for vale by JOHN WAIT 00 • -- ur.2 No lum Tee.. for ri • I I.L. .32 JOHN WATT& CO 121. A XSEF.D6IL-1.11 - 11rilee, from Boma ...al' Just rceNyed, for sale by mYY JOHN WATr k CO - _ ItCPOSIS—SOo mom • 'sus lor nil, by LP .71 JakiN ViirAlTt CO ,LICCAR=3O ree • , for PPP , by =PP - 'JOHN WATT aCO 'ILIOLAS-910-20 plitp•PP. H. in 112,14, In CIS ' W ATT t " • IMINZeMM DRY GOODS, V• .. A nom'ON as CO sew do detrain 10 pistee4 cis Mack Cl. do liebs ;10 pes tack Pi ad tub do. IP poi 31 lea des .w Al fuck des ..d4 rise= 0 Lhasa Ilam&karolalat& 400 gin imin. Lan famakia BMA 011r4444 100 dos Elmoo , do do t 4 dm 4ba do do *atonal book s& Rocalwad this day by & 41 MASON & (X 1 ma 10 II blarkat at. .: ~. letab• Iver a vis Lima sm Ergrzwrwm...... .7.0 Li-- "Wa r/ MASON Wreak *rafts* of Dor 61smidtst WEass nos soothing tarsi adatedoas Woos sock D( Byttat ald amass. Dry Goods, and pr. paredY ood&err as asselkaat assortment a: ay weal to mess W ..A, u approved moth. no menthol et woods &odors is mdsalasty sitar pods, a. we imot fto Sltb Ws aasaal indseetatat. to soaks a WC U. Cali sad wake as say task en&cmgrr & WHITE, Boyd 101 Wood 'Oast rdlryttiltam lawns jut 7.n aowsidllas at dr wry km pies tdi Wald • ooll,lnr • O MASON h. CO $ 8 & kIAIB2OES-810 an Paris. Mod; 111 ==q.8 re" gr ""`"?''= Yu!!➢i silua , vr, I , 1 ,1' 14 t° bye maylo , • , ••m~eoN& • N & 00 C. YEAGER, . .. .. .... • AMERICAN. A ND MNGLIS I A GERMAN Luray r a cme r s intsim i i a l k in talgtoFi!, HUH. PENDERS, &a. Nana SarVasey Vesting.MACE kND FANCY SCA CRAVATS, rUNGER. BANDANNA, ant MIEN HMO% a= „ as. swum= of PAM, sad arm ntisty ofz 'apSl _ EltBll GOODS—We am Dew rearming aver, Wee and ins mermen of Bpllm sad eamater a large melba ef witch am bake parehased as a pea- retina= 8 . 018 the plea brought bb the sum deberipthas of geode la L. *iffy pert of the mama ia that Is alum mei thel el geode Berde• se will be enabled to eggrOmat Bergatee . I Ca* alas we maid resprelhlly mite to eall se so 85 Wean a, none west eermer Mae IL Div IL 4111ra 111111811811a.n - _-.. sia ...arlELD vs nos red lag _..lilcalr - Weonl tZ ... ef Goads twills fierleir e ink :tfth . e . if hiattili Rit#4ll7 &la* ea to holm • irr s of guide tan al ply Det=i Ilarre Inellad is leak la at die wkolseala roans of Wlt iky=a . /riorlites a freak up. Wso beta i nn eaten) lino be alt ai War awe anal. nyli - ---- CHEST FLOM OLL croni-o. had, • los so- CI amount Mil and • yard Melo Flow Moth, oploo• dui pun* Outdo( we will ea to order. em otos, at emorts sitektooloomeo •t H (WIWI* ~......1118pript MO market 11., aavr s• Wand Bartgar,Timea Kat. eata " %aea all at mama Max my la VAST cetass4 Lawns ad Madan, at tba law Nies of Ildb Will do amen by A • MAIM CO rENCEI PALalni,• • limo I Co an Raw o rtl i tt=s a arr gabioldemod Paler Ilargatas la Irealapil & lulls Wialk 21117, INURPHY BURCHFIBLD at mead • lot in of Piloted nadir: ti . o. ot Prim of ree For yorM s oopor at higher Nieto. Woos 114itio, Aoki es to e drol a andargo ro eonmsotof Dam Goods seeeralkhof morsel silles,al mink eon earner a/Pineal sad Ofaitot na mold - I NUBS A i kr e _nrolLaa..l4:7l.:= rr a . , 7r Ras la all %Mix vairtiaa , tU813111105120:a a 7 as as mn. Haat of Blabber Goods, eranduing of tha Woe.. .—Ladlea , Mod Cafe. a fanny ardalu Ladies , Hur Tier, Ram Cow Tabasco Walling Purr and main Lee Proemort,. Lamas Bonn Water Tani• Bandung Fined Oosil• mad' Woven Law' Weob Woven Money Bob.; and a variety of otherasides Co. sale at Co. lubber Darn, 7 a amaal PHILL weal. nem JH IPS ST. APAIR. of Gold Spectaelu, so:9mM to howl been dropped to Wood mow, to twat of Bolownill A Pear. Walellaam The fader will be nwituded tot twortilog awn to tho owner, No.lllWood atm. oP3) UN% ari Spiced deg u m .dog tor Ws by sail{ WM .1 11PCLUNO a CO I WIWI( tillo—tl Ma nal, sad tor • ery • %;./ 1111 13 8113,.-- Ma. :4 —IIXO vd ff, may cur • riled torn:6: ,. . t 3 Iln=nM AIITMLIO ACID—INJ he ina7l rIIIOCOLATE—Va AJ main& day. WI Or rsay by sy7 BAGALEY & C.O rIIACEO-4155i Ortera FL 5 by Jaw Halr bys aberreed de; .j Ism lailler unin,-555, hafts', and Ibr ale by D 5713 MAIL II DICKEY &CO - Pala; la sere,mil far ale by REYNOLDS Is ear, mon got. Sum s Inds meet. bHit. re TUIIWENIII.III-0e We la Axe order. for tale by ' msyll J 8C130020.1A1C1111 &CO CREAN CREEBE-10 boxes Floe old elude; 100 do neerekeeee.tad sale„Oar =loll J 11 CAN DUITIOI-11 WO sail le boo Oen ri c AWELVI, .13 Jen mil, end Or We by .1 B mot 1 1+ wrlkLied UMW w was. wits try WALLINGFORD & Mu, SOAP—Loslrrille bad Cl=laud sabp,a roman ...PPG' for res by WALLINGFORD & CO TTT sTiFoßD`rid subla—ubluis pries N Raw, for We by mbyll • CULBERTSON, • lib Many c OLASSES—fd bris - N 0 Molina. Lot isetl and A COLS N Ti. for ale by saajt ' brlaivat ntet i lat saas!)y TOO4OOO-1 moo Barrowhs rc may 9 II de Bastad Haidwe r AV N by friulttallg=nl r mane T ARD 01L=I btlirier steamy 11.671 a State, for EA We by OARS DALLZELL =TY IP Water si . titrVillol-20,10) (ay mak km. t• clap ii. X meat, by muff JAMES DALZELL Toe.Looo—s Iv• ado ase. • mr. br wat Jourarros, its Iladmll du 'a Nam • WM Ft JOB STON Tr - 71W 41111 BIi.UUM*-10 was J • • KI •• • kr asle • ER►JONES, Case • • • Seventh R. Grin “1. 1 b'y , t • by 0 ft GRANT 'MOT DALLB—..lut Gratired, a optanthd ankle or FOCI 11.11. cord, 7, had 9 Inca diasunot, ror Ws SI the Goodyear Dabber Depot, 7 a 9 Weed et. J k.H PHTLLIPS Pub% tauroe% tor rale - by JOHN wan. e CO e pet reard"aisa 1111-1° Up d JOHN. WAIT & l a) E`► 50 kr ahem Itee Reim eregpe - Qu, lee TMack TM, en Mad, sae le A u c rearia r tr aye Iu Lae gr. PACEED '4lof 1 • pt eonytoon a band by , al tor t yak on nominal& to RTSON nna to the math ITEM ll PZAS baleiblinUrajair A Ned, and cor sani by Si. LARB-111 tap for sale by man I Y TON BONNBORST re CO its bawl. • • MI PS& Eno, by am and for a& by STUART & SILL ON Oa., Suns: IW sis 74 GLOVEB-100 dategasaeW• I laid Wawa; - X 0 dawn head awl Pram do, aew spelling by Don A A MArOli t (a) balAtl6-70 baabels small *Meow% wwW, it tale by OW/ AWAIT at 6111. OATII-40 bags Wading, sai Sot ast my/' ROBERT D 1.0) IlltdPSEED—lo WU hat Nett fat lude - bv mud I IlD&O. 1 1:0 SLlNl.lB—Laaonag's dodos rained Loaf; • do do do Cradled; do came PaNallasd; do Ins do de daft daubs& Clazilloi; NOW do Chltaaa Nasar, Or yak, mrkolasula awl rata% by WM • td , CLUO •• Co &Ala de Maw sylL___ SYRUPS & mausstz- til t - T i g ra H I AliWodfi marl N 0 de4 tar tale IT Wol • 11 , CLURO • CO eplilittp-Pries old Java; do husisiaat ir , d° Kan"' dims its rodaetiva of a• Oh be a t A JVCLUREI aco Plea; kr sale by " Roam UsulaMfratrA NM.- lkfi tAINT sad ."I'l.v,Pr= weal 'Ogguxicsow Weal strict er gy.,yry Irba Vs a inuto v fork airs dookl arink s i ouaama—vom avaldvo eds, vas sew: by mil MOLDY. JONES lc On • Slisatleng 4 Ma as Iluis; de 449 sainegoss. 'loading 6444 rummer Meatiest Itit. sal Or m. by ILUAH MIST e CO .a US Woo 0. === VOL ' XVII. NO. 244. BOOK. MUIC, itc. Ireturiarrooirs DiltiCtTiMY. imamsrocr bens kan to announce to the 11 , 11 1 =! .., :t hi. New Larceuny of the oilier of imtlitnor and borough. of Man chester Skrrainir.n , be: that!r the work •in now Oeltirldia for the pecaa, and win p u t inthe hands if the Winter wane where betwe e n u th Mtn and 300 instann • Theeidzes. generally. and all she feel Mt intereet In the production era complete Lod perreet Pirectoey. pasitealse? those who base • not been willed on, sill ,greauly oblige th e pabllsker.by meettoinior Poo th eir listaacatheasesas sad eases of business, dz, are NW fer nblieseen In theiXrectoty. An earls In be boserceth mut be handed In (omit . yea, ll or at the lathe, by the date above named. mu • XIBLODZON PULHOS. TElrfr tratived. and now opening, eon elegant R cr,e- II mood a octave Meade. Man.. from the eat tralad smealamory of March t White, emeinnan. This in a soviet manuncat, of fine moo. and very mold imanetanmen a soome fined octave Melodeon, alll KLEUERTS dusk t‘tore, mayl7 r . tat mini .ume NEW PUBLICATIONS. . . . &TEM of Ancient and blediaaral Geocreptir. For the sae whools and colleges. By . CY wiles L. L. IL Professor of Greek and Loan tango• arm in Columbia College, Now York. The /Emery of England. from the InveziOn orJeliee anew to the abdication of James 11, 16.43. By David Hama, Bev a new eitilidtl, with the MlthOnt loot Col , rattiktal and ibuorevemenui t• to which i. prefixed a ahem fitment °this life, written by himself. .1 vol.. A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman noiloui., tjary.abddical from Me larger dictionary. By Wm. MM. L. L. D • , eorrection. mid improvements by Charles AtabonJ. Nersoin of the Life end Writings of theße,. Thos. 0.1/.1 by hi. son in law, the Bev—William Hamm, L. L.D. three volume.' Vol O. White Jseken or Life In a Man of War. By Her iota Idelville, anther of l•Typee thrum," .blerillo and 710 Works of Sherwood: being the only uni form edition ever published to the United nude. to sixteen volume. , Palo ieles, Boos all nation.. Bi Anthony 11 Moatiuba,mr/lb neatly roar Blumelona lor A. Doyle. Wawa Harvey, sod other tales. By Arias y..lge wink. he Milken] jalrotOCl of Book Freels', adapted to att puts al the United Steles. By John Orioles, oe ' etsustant Also, a large aserietMeot of American S. S. Golan Boob. am lush and lot hale by - • , A tl ENGLISH &CO Kaciessors to ELLIOTT di ENGLISH, masa 79 Weed aired. like Farmer's Gut . - Practical • Agriculture. IL 13. K. of Edinhoreht the J. celebrated author of the "Kook, of tho form,o. one Proteitaiit Norton, of Vale Coder., New Boort, an Pet , orher for the press a teak ander the above title. „It will embrace every sobbed of imponanee eoeneeted whit Apietiltere lu ail in 'talons beonebee, "tat Theersibsal and PraetleaL Nieienee r iu al for LS 11 boo, =pro the Fesent iithe, been oe4o available to plionee,b7 •Iperyeent, will be mated in he fame d= OD IJ•err C1941M100 it OCeIIIII th e come of the eassonno Tao work will be =ranged oiler four • distinct trade, representicy,tbe easom, bCgillll/AT Whiter and malic! with Autumn. D LOCKWOOD, orad • Dmkaeller sod lemorter,.le4 Few* et. W PUBLIOATIONS. MISS Bresoesi.Werks, tee Amber's Edibers— The Neighbors; a Tale or Evers Day Lire. A new sad revised edition, reithres introduction writte n T=Y:r oi this r : i ditifm by Miss Lyme. loth illastrated IgtAtni7an7;i:w " orgelu7:l ' l:; ,' :; tub/sate. - Haaseria Iliad; insulated by' William Cowper. Edited by Hobert flaidhey L. D., wish by M. A. Dwight. IL .spleadid editlon,an large paper; laureled with Melee enartvings In onthne, from de mon by Mums. royal tea, dad,. AI o n o rtiaper edition fax school& Goldsmith's 'Works. Inclading a variety of pi coca now fast collected. by James Prior. Complete In 4 vole.lento, elerwitly printed, tmlform in utylo with DOOM Cooper, rte. Toe Shakspeare Celendar; or, 'int and Wildem for every-Day in the year. Edited by W. C. Ilithmtiln. in a very neat volume, alma, cloth 39 eats, .014 Olt, Occur. Vol solo by JAMES D4..itefilVOOD, nave Hookanner and Imnorif,nlo4 Fonnh et. rattat.t.tr IsAltAlvr. lo t', a istikr eulircuoli of March Mask. Edited by Moe& Slug sky, Aa r of fYoelal Mohr, Juvenile Moir, he, Ito. Sabbath, School Gem. of Norio mod Poetry, it eciaord oardoly for dm Sabbath &heal; by.). lr. A. enak- Anew Treatise on AstrOnamyi and . ..the Ure of be Glob., In two parts. Containing Astronomic, owl other deSnitionmemmens and positions o hbe sunnmon and planetr. Estrices lams snd Titeoryo f Gravitation, ReHaqloc,Tvrlligitt, and Parcells:, Commetina, Pe- Sds, Distances, Phenomena, nnd Magnitudes orthe Heavenly Bodies composing tho Solar Sysient, !cc.; also, an extensive collect.. of the most wool Prob lems on the Bar et the Glebts. Illustrated by min able variety of Estansples, kc l designml (or the Use of Illgh &brats nod numerates. By James Mclntire, K. It, Psofesorr of Idatheramies sod Astronomy in the Canna! High Sebool, of 8010 mem Doak and Pelt, as laeldenta of. Cruise in the Coned States Frigate Congress, to California; with Sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lints, Ilonolola. and San Francisco. Ely Rao. Wader Colten;U. S. N 4 anthor of flip LA 5i..., &a. For sale bY A. IL ENGLISH& CO, Elseemmats to ELLIOT & I ' .N 0.97 Wood Ft re, YAW P rgBE Udall Bible Dietionary.—Tbe Child's Book of 13.11.10.—.—Mazdenald; or the Groot Illininke.• tory of Real Litt—Eltaserove; or the So milt- School Boys Contrasted.—Tbe Env of Iron; ao Danger of Unsaiiesifird dalictiqw—Staries of Solana Bola.—lneango, the Ilasu elliel—The Life of tditber with special renitenee to its carlierperiods, tad th e owning steatite - the Befortnalion; by Barrios Ran, D a-A Summary if Biblical Antiquities, tor.Selools aad Fassines. Tablisled by American Si S Delo. For sale by A H ENGLISH & CO, Baceessots to ELLIOTT I: ENGLISH, toy! 70 Wood Street. • COL•IVE.WAL. 11A01112PriTUTIONS. • • - . - - TAMES D LOCKWOOD has 111 press. and wt i f paint* shortly—De Monaco on the-Divine Ong lu Of Cloversonem, Murata.' from the French, ley R. It. Salter. BL D.; Boston. Second edltkon, I vol. Moo. my! • .1' D. Locxwoon lif.dneaktonal Cemarse. rrHESCIFZITIFIC SEClltiN.—The Messrs. Chem. bersliave employee the Stub Professore in 8.61- /IMO:ix the preparation of these works. They nen me , offered to the Schools of the Cotten Voices, n tntm. the Antsrlean revision of D: H. (tepee, 31. D , I. L. rt, late Superintendent of Public Schools, in the City and County of New York. I. Chamber.' Trenstrry of Knowledge, It. Clark's Drawing aud Permeetive; Ifs, Morahan' Elements of Nature Philosophy( IV. Reid & Bale's Chemistry and EleetricitTi V. Hamilton's Vegetable and Anima Phynology; VI. Chambers' Element, of Zoology, with plates; VIL Page's Elements of Geology, illustrated. - Ilia well Immesh. (Monson! publishers of these moths (the blesses Clumbers, of Fdinbargh) me able to command the best Mentz in the preparation of their books, and that lei, their practice to deal faithfully with the patio. This Sink& will not iliwpolnt the reasonable upeetadons thus recited. • They are etc. mammy wortmprepared by authors in every way en. liable of doing notice to their respective undertaking., end who have evidently bestowed upon them the no. reesrmy time and (Mbar to adapt them to their putpose. We recommend them to teachers and parents with madame. The first named volume, in the hands of a teacher of the yeanuer classes, Ofigtilfiltrtihrl an M- I exhaustible food of &moment end instruction. To. tether they would eOnfilitina a rich treasure to a fam ily of inteihrtet children ' and Impart M thirst for Imewledga--(Vemoont Ch ronicle. Pehllatted by A. SA:lames A Co„ New York; and for sale by - A. H. ENGLISH k Co mule . No Wood at 11111W - PIIOLIKKTVoms: --- 7 A 6LIIIIZ—Lata Sapenur; its Physical Character, Jr. Vegstattaa, sad Avlmaiv .Bra. • .t IStalcast—The East. Illaitrated Bra. Hinthothr.—Cosatos. 9 rola team khnhaaiar—Arpcess of N... 9 vols. Pesee. Biawit—TarklakEverters Entertsuacnts. mon. MaChzia.—Bargleal Attategly, ColQred plates. 410. Daza—Poems andlProse Wddasa. B vols.'l2aah Totzseusaw—ne Optimlsh nem. Wanes—Poetical Quotations. Bra. Corm—Homer? Ids& nem. . _ liaew—Pooalarlasiosa. 2 ye.. Chao. Par sale by^ SAKES D LOCKWOOD avad Roolraeller & Itap_orn ICA FOlnth St. AC lr.A. AV PAMPHLETS, edlied by Thomas Carlyle. NA IV: The Non Nomad buret. eeehred, and for dale by ors/9 JOLINSIVN & STOCKTON ENV BOOKS I NSW BOOKS 1 AT HOLMES' L.tTERARY,DEPOT Tans Bram, cyposiie tho Post T - IZZ I E LtIOH, • Domestic Tale; by Charles ens. ?MO 6 emits. o Shakspeore, No B. Morning Call, No. 7 Edorado; or adventures in do path of Empire—A Voysta to California, by /layer: Taylor. LittelPs Linstudge, No 31.1. Dictionary of idectisnies, No. S. • liant , s Beret: ante Magazine, Me May. , • tilekerbocker for March, April, uni Maya Mayl4 . DEA NUTIS-166 sacks Tennesse (sr min US E amyl° WICK .Y.DieCANDI.ESS C ASSED HAMS—I 49 for sale by 710 WICK A IIIeCANDLFSS DOTABB=6 carts for rel lrog. for Wet .1. amyl° WICK ic.IfIeCANDL.r.tr • 8011.4. - 10 cues reSied — BOrnr, tor al , by oraylo WICK .t fiIeCANDi.ESS EO5O - 11SALTS—zu bar received. soil for r,ao , by . mayler WICK A BIeCAN DLES.S ViIATHESS-7S mote p.ier — Feii . e'by JI: oravlo WICK A. MoCANDLESS IraN—tO Ws fast reed, and for W. S N ‘VICKEIIBII.ANI tos7locor. eisth and Wood st. CANARY BE -1300 lb. jou teed of new crop golly Ifpood,stuf for gala 11 , N CT:LIN GREEN-0 onset Jott read. 18; rnlr 4•y 0122Z10 N N WICICEIVtIIAM fillflOhltra-L—WW—t3 .jott rpr , O for tr, fir toOTIO trN WICIO.:1t8ifft:11 SIDIABS-4 11 abds tIontsOo; TO brio Loweriogs Pulverised tooo 20 brio do C ds 10 eases do D refined do; 10 hf easesdo do do; IU brio Powdered C; is brio Clarified; LO bags liratil;jost we'd, sod for sole by MILLED a. aIcKETsoN 171 & 171 Liberty st. DUITER fr. LARDoa contsiament, for sale ty 101 awls MILLER k. RICIan'StIN Q IN lou M Planck Creek bblogles,. COl2 IZT slgummt, and for role by • us 0 )IILLER t RICKNTSON Cr,ljrZ Co d'ee .by iILEF&RICiTfON, to do Jo do crwior gordcoi TO We by . EIILLER kItICHEISON C IRK i:URir APPLY: 4 -1u bum Crib Oder, sad 4 bail. Dried Appie far mile by arkyld : _ ATILLER2 BICrF.TEfI•t CsWeal asitililthit• 'Wadfitagc ifin BALES.=Puia— ion•nrearrod fram atumfaearer. tro en..lgamen4 and for solo at flallefiniftUra Oft lialrafaetorcrs, voarbousa, , • . TIVBEYFLIZTING 4k Cock ,14 0 * levlo24#ll _ - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers