ii F: T A .....i H ESTARIJSBED - IN 1786 w'H I T E;41.:.c 0 earns morally rump sTarr4 arm - Doom TO TivclayOn " ClebsoU relae.to !AK. .;17 .) Cl 7 ri9itivlzsArear.'' AGREED y, Hy Ti C PITTSIIVEGLI MUMS. Om &mese, 0 •of Nmparellmlm) , • one t••••••••••10:01 Om Oque re, eneliedditionot imertion.• • att3 Do. two weebt.........• ••••—•••••• r Do. thr.ormeeke•••••••••• •uo 5,01 Deti '7,eo • De. • "'Dom Do. km. months " nix - sumd Int Card (alines or less,/ Pc , am"' Vo n ~,, One Eqmovicheageeble alpinism!, (Per num) exclusive of the papee.- .• ..... • ••' For tack additlenal anaite,,lniatedestr Dee Meath, LIM for each additional Nuns Y"'" ly 'rates, half price. " Advertisements eiceedleg a votsre, and net over fifteen hues, to be eh greed as a misers and • balt • Publishers not accountable for legal advertisemests Deiced the amount charged for their pabneittion. Aosonocing candidates for office, to be charged the was as !titer •Arertiecorote. .. • • • • . Advartireatents not marked on the copy For Lapses, . 6e4 number of. lawrdswe yilliaeostinued till forbid, and payment exacta/ StelltC • Tsson s g s w sr nerdy advertisers will he ermined rlgiNy to is s ir basiessa. and all oil.. ulver- Usements not pertaining m their regular builders, as agreed for, ur be pall anra - • • . AU advettiscrocoul far charitable wertitutiorts, fire meanies, ward. township and ether puhUe nseenaga and sack Mato be charged balfpnee, payable latices ir advance' • • _ Manias. aollessa to be charged 50 cents.. . . Death ootiessuiscrted without chargeosoleasseesre. 'panted by fatieral lovitationl,er obituary. notices, and w h en iv encerapantedito be, paid for: .Iterelat tiaverusers, and Olathe» Standing easels-t'l Ideation., or mooning netlees designed to call stt es usso la Felte. l '. ol toods OM erns' o*. Re* putale Ater. elf ulines;lirlierecharges toe need for adatittsmer .ICOII. of Nitrate isswarladisar•—•emerg Mum do , signed to emit attenOaa jo private eutespmes calms's. tett co; satanded moment individual 161.01,C54 04. It b.. insetted with the undemanding •that the sareer le to be paid for.., if latended4o be nue Ma 10 o .° h ) " cal.colam e, tbe setae will' be cluirged,ai the Isla al sotlose than 10 cents per Rae. . Bishop orFisi te be eltorgulftlisla price, Tavern License Patidens,rketters. 2 .6 0 had Reek* ednutisausents.to'be charged at Real Estate Agents'. end ',Attain's:seers , advertiss menu not to be classed cadet yeaelyjale. , but so be allowed discount Mildew Oxen and eta third per east from the unman of Ulla . cWT , 7114 CW n Y : 1s LILT te r m, , , q..E4aare, throe:teee• osetl4l .Do achaddiionallon..., ;57 etnsaisautazs wawa ease. Slit'tere, litics.)ane.snsenion.........so eta: Do. eschaddltional " Alf Irerojeut adverti.oments in be paidine4vanne., WHITE & CO. Gasoyo. , . 111ARPM, ro.t. _ . . , - ROW? hI.DEDDLF.., - /eanutl. ..JAMES P. DARE R & csl,Ctionalele. .FOSTER & DROTtsisAMelt. • JOB. SNOWDEN, &Screwy. • • SAVES NIT.. DlDDLlE.Aloaricins.t. - HIRAM EAUSE, Esaning.TWlnatis.„l.r Ptrrritreatr, 040, ~„ CARDS. ALICIAINDICECIL WATSON, TTOILNEV.II2 LAW—Office, on •Foniantriii above Vood. tang-" DAVID . C. TtIeTLE: AproariEy AT LAW, - and Commissioner !or Pennsylvania, St. , Louis, Mo. • • • • All commardenzioni promptly_ answered. • T. LL SRlrd• ' J. P. Sterrett..:' DS2ll.ll'& STERRETT, A TTORNIMIsid Caintrillent at tatei-41annb'it; 13. between Ethilthtiebi aM Great, Piunbatith,Pa. Johu trtan, ••;•:-,•• •—• • • z. Axiom Jr:R=lmo... ATronly' BATLAW;PaIiiII, ut,rchOuhu JII.IIIWII . V.llLiata, - ATTORNEY: AT LAW—Office ao Foinh ewers; between f3ninhfield.d Many Plueburgh Derwin:l3' kattail- . & lewd! PATTOS .111 r. lIAEGIEVIIZZL, A ITORNEYWAT LAW...041=10 •l'il•timen Grua si,uess thercoun Mom: CO.. Theological, amain!, andSandayfsch,ol Itpo L asul ma. 'Plk`: . l. • ~•1117. . . - JOVIIF A rroaNta - Cottit;ollor atYaw XL-Wooer for the Stew of P!orypranto, - ,lt, ( f ol. rd., Otto of ritabaraLY • • - • Referetteeo—Pittfourgh:,llon. W. Forward, riaort. tent Miter, & MeClore, John F. Porte, 'Moults & Semple, McCord & •0141) MI OEY; V! WARD& CO. , Wholesale Gne. Jr) eery No a 2/ *lOct It. mgsl Plats!neigh AlkaJUI Works. IDIENNETTBEIZTIV k CO, nishatitturenbt sal tob,Blenehliig Primkto;bficiskesnA Putptank Aids. Wareboase KO Wukrreet,"pciowlerry. - redenck /Thgae.:Gtonrellaher. Bneurck iterrEit;WW . ifiailut bartelt, cpmer of Liberty mid Bt. Chat sine* Pitt 1371rinlind. Plonti:Sicel,lrern,rite; •Worehanse on Water and.Frornstrects.Pitubargh.., , Ales, denim in Coineh TthozonviCond mug wrzioncravonozidui = OlansisioN mfatcueicrs;.4 Doan: *Ph. C doee, No 112Msulr4o4,Pilio bare'. — J hoti6uß W. B.Bkimer. CV:" KNlNt&iffutt,grrpe4 aou, o s -- - - CI A. AiIitANULTY t.co Fonmdtpir land Ct.. lie filial/OR 7.ltrehtny, Pate. CII. GRANT, Whnte.ala GrocerSpandoslon ind . Forwarding Mete b. Ira HOISC, Andrew Fleming . Plempijr. ir Hausa, visaisis a.. CO., Ob.IMIBSION MERCHANTS—Pot dm ple racsile.Woolin, .hd Comm Goods; ilia, &lacy i,i an kinds of Tailars TriatmlerVO a Wood . .door from Pittiboqb. Ater..nee--11.w. ;CU!. , taxi!. tifiaaiirilloriariv jug Co.I Wanlesaln Grown, Cominir skin and For. "sardine Newham., and dealers in Praline and Pins '. saran Ildnalastares, N 0.27 Wood st, beams ad and • . wk. vil . 7firtilis• • • MIORWARDING le - COUISIInSI9N4IE#CIIA NT .11: • No I Ia Second at. Ylnantrin. m di • (I tURGE COCHRAN, Comaluslon andlerseardina T aterelLant. No. 90 We.d street Plush:reit.' m 71 7 111 . LEE. _ Daecener to Marthrk Lere,iiiiroal Deal. er and Commisslint liferehant, far the We at t ilkesrse' 'in %Vaokne, Lik.lll. 009.141kie U. fahl7 miiai Lansirs.. ' - .. A. uascueit aMow =DD _ 1 • " . ' n.e.arcne. MIX I. Wske . . l , • itt.l) k. BUCICNOR;Iabie De Crommisdna Mer lull. ean% 41NOrtliWatsr si t & II North novls. Wiotrr les, • " """ " 4 1.4 , 14111101.• - • - • with. mem 11CFAIRDY, , JONIN t Co4p(inieeeelein to inteined, 31 Joaee & Co.) Genuntstion and .Perwerdime net- Rwba dealeteln Pittabanit Menall,tened'Gnede, •W. Pp. , • hreeeeroa m. 11.410111.:de UMW ISPORTE& & Dealer In Van e& and &mediae Ye- P" end Border& Wlndevollnedu The hoard Plitaß. et. Ala-4VtiliOge nirni " . " 4Weep. Ping P.ePer. No. 87 Wood street. between Rn& sweet and Dymond alley, weal side. Pninbuer , P febl3 .110114I&N, wneseeele Denggist,ead.deal Per In Die &a& Mats, Mk, Varnishes. he. Nd ea Weed strtai necdeer Bowls ~- atiliannot Atbny Pluamthr: __ • 11 TIM tigUnisleesee oft:peer, Cements= * harsh Its. *.aleetit. Ptah, e and Plttebareh Manufeetavee.. Nel4 Warr el. rOlel,gre,..' .1414 "."Haan.• • to•urr•cactel, ,0. TBAIA/1. 07100egala 10100100 01 0000101 0.0 , 00.000 en 10 Pred000,770‘,.0 6 vhier. and 107 Prot streets. Pittithinrh, • , 0070 wor Ir• O. DILWORTH It CO, 4meep, and' I • Agents kr Hazard rignkler Co; N. W—Waal Sio. itartet7We ben obereTki A n== omb, wit! knee eantnintlyee bon4 *4.11 edreted refil eminent of,the bow fteobest Illedietwo.which 001 l on the rood reesooablo team , Pbeoiewee rending anion. will be prourellf ouradefiareei willt matfett' thetas, Wiro.w so ut.. m r p mown., privriodons InU to nwness* awl 04 1 , I NV 17 . 1 fro"th a*, ketbriPliTien. la Wilmot A4 1 47= P.? 4 • orr FIE , (lase of WarrenaOrno 2 ) oe and Forwarding fdrrahtlat. and wholesale newer lo Welters Beane elteesee.Bawar. kki Petri Aab, and Wasters Pteelsee generally. .Water away Weems Sagthield and yaraog Pittburgh. 2 2: • TOSlNSTeritteSTOClCTONOlciiiheiets, , ltlatets,' ./ sad Pnity Mptafactarew No •M' Mu!" meat, • Jona Mort. , - Flog:: aeAk R. FLOYD, SinsiosilinGrocers, Commission Memnon*, mot Dealers ProsTro.,Ssand . Mann .Bsinlinrsi;fooninir •Wsiosi 1.34 1 Sixth etteeui, riurgly . „. , . 1 4 0:tri WATT,Aneciisoe, to 'Entort* in•a rd ittaT Crow And .Commission r PrOdur.li and Mann& ifsonniescomi te , onilliserr no Hand stroms,Pinsbaroti 'll 1. OAUGUSI, Amon for Om Ia a rgito sia Weaga:latirtilytirite,Lnkasr.r.o64s• so *Ramos of Mier noninnsiirsur" , *Jigs- ii.,=Hinwasobi,“.... t to 410411 Midis= is 4 1 =2 . 140 NgaIIiPOVAIIVO.te ,• • • • .• ; .. • BUSINESS CARDS, • 01IN IL mmikti, Wholauds and 8/.µll deale r J in. Mails and Musical Inatrumsnts, B,lw B"", ‘mi Mates, 81ml Pe iini Tin., Printers' Cards, and senersilp,No. 81 Vocal stsiPiltsbarlh. irr Ran. hoaahtm taken in wads ityU. PWEITZtia, Attorney at Law case as st, epposits St. Marisa Hotel, Piusbuigh, will also attend promptly m Osilestinna,ta Washington. Papaw Lad Green comics, Ps. REFER TO Waskstoek, Dell & Co:; . i; March & Carothers, PDtsbarthi. D Dorman: betSila SWHOONNAKER Se CO, Wholesale Drage-ma IJ. N. O4Wased soars. Piesborea .Pi and — Ponualsol on hrti: woomned.ottlefor, (Sand IFIT•rsBTIC4II7Eirr. --- Tr ENNEEDY, CHlll.O$ & JHlLllilforturero of 134. 44 7. 4 4P4.194 44 Socctios, Carpet Chain , Couo. Twat/. Rod &amino. 1a30.14' BIFIB''DALZELT. & CO, Mantes enters of al Li due Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nell. of the bee goelity. Ward s°, 44 Water and 103 Front deed' Jenl9 , Wm. Miller, ?ballad. C. W. Wakeman. Pausbargh. %/fILLER It RICEMSON. WOolesslo Grocers. aud ab.l. Importers or Urandies. Wines and Bagaro, Not. in and 114, comer of Laberty and Irwin stream, ratts• burgh, Pa. Iron, Nail*, Cotton Yarn., me. tun, eau- Candy an hand. mpg John ?WWI. Jassei D. ?WWII. Wit Cur C. Roe. ECM!..." it ROCiWbulessie ti roues* and Commis -0.1. start glerchunts, No 11b1 'Liberty Rh Pittsburgh FiitabTi ANtiTIVRINO _ . . . . - -- 114.411 P; . - .108211 F. gOlOs. JONES Ir. %woo, ANUFACTUB,EII2 of spring and blister rteel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and slip 'rr' crcd iron ''l Z' d dri' t . eel:seengiroll i coach Iri . terally s eernes of Ross and Front sts., rill,Lt7agh. HOLMES & SON, N 033 Market st. seeand door . from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign aed Domestic Sills of. Exchange, Oertificates of Depomt, Bank Nola. and Specie. • irrOoleletiorts made on all the prinsipal eines lirouithout the United States. bpi DUCEMASTER, Atoosams—Offiee. Fourth at., .Lll. third door shove Smithfield, south side. • Coarcyancing of all khads done with the greatest esre and Legal ternary. 'oon to Rest Estnte exemin ed. /M. octal:l.ly i11.Y.1 is CR lima s TWILLS i Coro S ANUFATVUERS OF URA:RN GLASS WARE, N 0.27 Marketslreet,Patsbut gh, Pa., keep noncom-. ly m band, an. mato to order all kinds of Vials. limper, *e. Parlor and Mineral 'Writer Bottles of so periortionlity. ' " ' - • Particular tactual paid to Private Mould.. Lithorersphlo YR stabllshosont irIF WM. SCHUCHIRARN, Third .t, opposite the 1../ Post-Odiee, Pinsborytt.--Maps, Liahttaupeo, Wl icads,Showbills, Labels, Arehlieettiral and Ainehine Drairints;Dusioeu ood Vhiting Cards, &n. enyraved or dray n on stone, and primer! ineolors, liold, Bronze Or Mack, is tho molt approvedityle, and or the most 7easortiblopmen. . antltell J. C . PA TTIOREWs a IM , ' .. —PCPEAII BOAT AOENT . Orrien tionWs. R. litmus &Rao., 0917 . No. 37 Willer .tree._,. • __ • a puik to jtd,ll,l3 . ltr, WHIT 17., itRY GOODS JOBBERS, IVo. 101 WOOD STREET, TjAv, wilt be constantly teeming ;AA during the scationi_ialartia and well selected ae. • unlit:tent of Staple slut Saner Dry !roods, winch they. in Will sell fax nth or approved credit. Western Merchants' are invited to examine els rock. • • - errs 7DOBIII-Off.LITTLE fr. CO- , * lod !Abe rty street AV Piitsburs It Wavle-sale Grazers, Produce and enfondiaten: ISlOehant4, and• dealers In Pittaboreh Afabufartres. •- - , • - .07 :A."' ' , .... 1 _1,__TF....Y1711 -- ____' .... J. , . - 2 !!..Pn"..2_..-- , t ., I4IBERT 111001113; 'Wholesale Grocer, Recur) ing Distiller,elenJetid Prodoce, Pittston, h alanntae . sressr, I. all kinds of - Fotoorn sod Donotstle Witte. - d ,Lkonts 7 No. la. Liberty street. fte, hand a sery lartfa stock of idperior old Idooongahelt sraiskey, Sobsch`artlibeaotd lots fur r alh. Inyt_ . • —• . 1 3 ,EvNoLus & sum Fararachnh and Commis- Con hierelhota, for the Allrgieny River Trade, t calm in.Groeerim. intsbargh, Menorah hare, and Cbloride Lne. The hit/beatprieq,'ln. cash, veld :all Omen for 'coorllarrano , Corer Penn and Irma it.. cad 1)011ERT DeLZliWit Co, Wholesale Grocer., AL Comoirsion.Menthaitte,4ulers in Produce an d rirtsbirgit.lifebeillibares, Liberty meet, l'imbirrre, bole , , 's;,,,hiii;:i., c o7tii -r„ c" . ..72.1.1 7 1;.,i - , LP+.-14.1.Liber.r ' , Veer. • a•II Nro : SINGER. RA HMO? CO.,L !Meted Iron sod rk* , ...Sionnractorert R. 'of Am. Spring al ?tones Vett: "Also. , ..Sn' dos., Azleg. Vices, .fin viis,toc., They Writs ilto attention a me rebnom and F?_ .12orro -1.b.mr21 porronun ~pn!. . .etoplogc k 0 L , 114 7 min . c 1 . .41:13X1T. Tara 1.. WUT. QUASOHLANir WHITS. Wholesale Dealers in Potelga nnin_Domeitit- Dry tioods, No. 97 Wood rreef htmaareh. apl7 S 4 :O Mai? Milo, eWaZeirsl4y":llh-.16.111. and Cormarron Pderehauts, No. ad Water must, irOsshorgh. opl7 t 711111...113, nrn.eaou. ;41. NICOLA. 1•11•1.4,13. FLLEX:i fr.LileluLt Proome and ri...ner• I Cent i.. 77 Damian bleretorno, anNo. LlbellY • trceA,Pir.' b . aeda- Lim eia,ood d Lard Ode. pl 7. F VON BuNNtioasr & eleGro , teem Foeeranium load Comaiesio4 erehants, Maslen In • Polabeceger Maneaclores d Pleasant 'Produce, bane romeeri,lo Melt PeWararebome, (old smolt) No. "al,-ebedet or Front turn ad Clopreery Lam. apl7 • 11101111111 a XIAMORTII !TE . /..,AND . ..1F1NE "MERCHANTS, F.ami ndo itiamona L Pausbargh. aplB .1...15.1Vate110a0.:1177 - FtVatermiu, •Vir.'ll. Waterman. L. *AriGILISAISIA SONS, iUDIOLESALB GDOCERei, Commiodoa and Por- TY irardint,Mereatia; deakrsio all kiadsof Pro ;date IL-Pht9by Plazialactared Amok.; and igrento, !for axle of Ilk and guld • Lynehb arg dtanafamored. iTobacco. ' out ; • V • WM-TISIOLIN. ; ••• - . - ATTORNEY AT LAW, . w ßutler, Pa , ,-tir .. TY nvi enutaed uthim In Thaler and Alumni rroendes,PA. Rater to - • '• • - -I. t. IL:11o7d, Liberty at. W. W. Wallace, do i ,' ''' - "Jame. Ittorehell 'do PttOborxt. dly .. ~ htsy A- Co.,Wood N. r • iea ... .&B.Buskkeid•_. Georg. Siehud a. & cep.. TIOl:ilarALE and Retail Dealer. In Oroeenes wad Dry Goods, and Co, nisrioo hlerrhaota, No: Stel Liberty st, Phtaborrh 211.eFIS & FORWARDING to COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, C.anol Raga, Penn limn, Plushare h. Me „JAMES N. DAVIN & PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS. N 0.7 Marker, and M Commerce at, Plislarlall Ma. Advances mile, by either of the above, roa cattalo ; setts of Produce to either Mete. AILLN — NotALEOixfmn. dt soN, FORWAILINNo & COMMISSION MERCHANTS lILLI.ISCUSOrt. TA., WOULD iiapeenally the conalotoont of Ilarriabotsh lroght, from Wenem Merchants, as they are prepared to receive any IeMIOL Line and Seetkin Rasta =ming night and day, the freight will not be delaiond, no they will mama each boot. at all hoar. Wain= Ilarnabargh, Feb.SY, ISA J. D. • . —job. ma - J. D. WILLIAMS i CO., WDSLIMALZ ItErAll, FAMILY CIROCER, de V iLro ' inZf d fl rr=a * : l • Pft7ill k rald ' a U rio latch corner of Wood and Filth streets, ritisborsh. —•1.0. fdey.y .Wl4. U. WILLIAZIP C 0.,& BANSEBtI•ANU EXCHANGE EI:WEEMS, North East comer eir Wood •ed Wird streets; Ant , Prrunmax. Ps. W . , • ig.. SOPS S. C.C..aiSTS, W. H. ''"111../11,11•411.0..11'. TVII..HAtiALB.I4 t CO.. Wholesale (inseam AEI .essol se Wood mega, Flashursh, spn 10/111 O. WlOl, 0.710 11 . 11WDLOZ. • Ur MK 151.°ANDi,E5g. (Weeewors wL.P.J. D. y Wieg t i _Wholesate- Groner. Forwarding end Commission Me tenants; dealer , . ' lron, Null, Dlnuil Cotton Yllll4. sod Plush avgh Unnuraetares gesicritl. In corner of Wood and Water • tre ets, PAULA es h. ' • apt 7 Wr' rord. bilTCtrat Recurring Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Alenchant 4. Aloe—lmporters or Nods Ash tad 'Deitch. in( Powder, No. lob Liberty street, (opposite Slash tr . ngl3 opl7 WWtWILAIN: . Watehea, J 'retry, to Over Warm titiuull Madan' Good., a Market and ?GLUM streils. Pitutbargn, Pa. N. R.—Watches and Clocks earelldly reputed. Ron WY TOUN). .. . MIN IL leCtUrg. M. Ytil3NO & Co, Deniers in knees. 1114 e., TV VV &c,l43Libnity stmt.. )anblv sva. sitnictrzos. Inn. Ii'CITICTISON. UV .R. MECUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocer,. In ,deaferoi in _Produce. iron, Nni , ., ph., and Pittibserii Blinitinelart renernlly, Lawny iltreet Pin.ohnlh, , 1.17 WILLIAM; & CO., tu7goLE3ALF AND RETAIL GROCERS, For; • V V warding AMY Ganual.iort 111erebania, Dealers in Cr:ami Prndiroa and Vittrbargb Alannfanimes, non. flood and Fif N ' mem, Pitrabargh. PArabrirga, Marna 12, Oda: - - _ asireolort & ANPrieLo. oEivis.az. cosiIIUSSION MERCHANTS, --I.II3DELT.Ii ITLlbers!advalcei made Cu Co,l2figliOrals. hArATTHERW !rennet and Massone ,Hoome, caner d PortOffiee AVey and Faded. Memo, Culture on FOorth at, near Market. doodndtf. Tnotleao Oomvalsalos Sloretkantr. gIL a OM Levee at, N Odom.. keep eonnowtl7 on hand • lame anointment of t Hnedies of the follow . /nand. arbien they ono lit sale ad offento for J. Thttand &Ca .11oldems, ale: Muter/. viz... 1 .1 On rend A Can Ladoehene, Puma, Coanae, Ade M at. tr .., 4 1 . Weeettni A de Wooden', Jean Louie. Ike., Am aminehor GIN Bordeaux Hed and White Wines invests and eaten, women' m ob evel9 ➢aned hyr ,Indon Domed ..k.r..m.tnekidu Champagne Wine and Bevel Erankernd? DALMF.II, 1:1411N4 414,CO 3j have removed their eguee of Wood AsiARPDXIOdbI. ,9 O riaaga u T-1 11Cr WlGllTAlAN—WanaLletarer of all kinds of cot 1.1 , . ... b inn and . and woollen maelancry. Allegheny eity, Pa orks being near in fall and meeesstal op. 01E1100, tam proposed to exegete criers with dispateh for all kinds of machinery in lay Lne, saes as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, striate, =satin., railways, drawing frames, speeders, *mulls, looms, woolen cards, doable or Bogle, for morehantor conrary work, ...leer/oohs, U., slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kind. ash...fang made to order, or plans gin. en for goming factories or mills at reasonable charge. Bz." Td.—Xca.ed7. Childs d. Co., Blackatock, Bell & Co., & King, Pennock Cr:L.3as. A. tiny. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Mlnzataillana, limas Pittsbatlghol Pa. Office, No. 37 Water U.! bdrceen Maria and . • Wood, Patabargb. giIWILL conmantly keep on hand a good wort. meet of Ware; of onr own manufacture. and eupertorgualny. Wholesale and COMIIf, Met chants are respectfully matted to call and ex amine for themselves, so we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been ofcred to the pub. he. (TrOrdere sant by =note computed by the tastier cod reference. will be promptly attended to. ma BMW COACH VACITOILY, ALLICUST. ltff A. WHITE dr. CO, would rarpeethdly inf Ann 111... the public that they have erected a 'bonen Larock, between - Federal nod Sandusky streets. They are now making and ate prepared to receive soden for every description of vehicle., Coaches, Chariot's, 11. reaches, Bnggles, Phretons, he., which from their long experience in the mmufactureof the above work, and the facilities they h”e,they feel confident they with theseto do work on the most reasonable terms with these wantinkartieles in their line. Paying particular attention to the 'electron of mate. and having none but competent workmen, they have no hesltetton In vrarranung Weir work. We therefore ask the attention of the nubile to this mater. N. B. Repairing dnno in tie best manner, and on the most reasonable tents. itrAktf,, •71.1. sum. names anmoz, SbAUTE Th.n ranntan Woon Alm Masan, nrriatrmaa, (N.iNTINUE to manufacture all kind. of COPPER, I.) TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Alan, Mack moth Work. . Steam Matti built to order. Special attemkto given to steam-boat work. /lave on kande n fine assortment of Copper and Brass 'Ecules,TinllTary,tin. dr— Steamboat Cooking !Moves, Portable lam., various sues—a very ecmvement m ode for steamboats, California emigrants, or nil road companies. We would respectfully tombs swam boat men and others to call and see one articles and mice& before pawl:wine el where. 1r:17 W. & J. &LIMA. Book Binder& Nrontlii=g We abovo ba,ineas, comer we are prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. We attend to one work personally, and sans faction will be given in regard to Ito neatness wad dw robing. Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and bound nab atantial:y. Hooka in numbers mold books boond care fully or repaired. Names put on books In gilt letters. Thope that have work to our line .ra Invited to eel. Vriees low.. mTYklf MC==== 1171.011.4 Pk. "(OHM WILIGIIT fr. Co., are prepared to brdld Conon tiP and Woolen Mackinery of every description, sueb ae Cantle y Machines , litploniny Frames, Speeders, Drawing FrAlittit, Roil. y !kWh, Worpers,Sooolers, Dreamily Frames, looms, Card Grinders, ke. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all aims of Cast Iron, ?M ll es mid Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and braid Lathes,. and tools Mall kinds. Castings of emery description fundatted on abort notice. PILLIP-Mll made to order for min Geanng ; Iron Railing,ko. Stimm Pipo for beat loy.Factories, Cast Iron Windom Sank and fancy Coo bogs patently. Orders left at the Warehouse of.T. Palmer It Co., Liberty infect, will . lore prompt anon- Refer tO Motkrtotk, He 4 & Co., J. x. Moorehead & Co., O. E. Warner, John Irwin & So= rturbargh; G. C. &J H Warner, Steubenville. . PIANOPII THE salmerther offers for sale a large and aplaudid asmrtmenkof rosewood and mahogany grand Se ttee Pianos, with and wane; Colemne• celebrated N.H. Attachment. The above ittatruntems are war. Mind to be equal to any mannfactarod in dam coon try, and will ha sold lower than mly.brmghl Mom the East. F. BLUME, bfq't t 2 wood at. tbi door above 6th N.H.—City Peng will be taken at par for a few of he above assortment. rayll F. U. Willlar. -- tai — u - 0 — ... THIS is to °cruel that I have api 4400, tile Age ted l tl i tTt i rthe ' an t l a a p tirlentin: o • 4 Pident Diurnal/gm Fiber, for the cif darialf Pinaltargit and Allegheny. JOHN GLablON, Agent, for Walter hl Gibson, 30 Broadarlag, N. YI Oct. 10,1918. We have 1MG.W.3.111111 One of the above artirk• et the Ohm of the Novelty Werke for three mamba, on teat, and (col potfootly Wafted that It Is • ttotful ortcnuoa, and we take pleasure in recommending them as e eve fel article to all who love pare water. Orden will be thank fally received and promptly executed. neat , LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN lc Co 1 TliF. AIMORINSTED • .: T ti ftE sztentionse the public ts respostratty sailed se the folknriag certificate..., .....,.a. EL Eaasstitested • ty or Gold martums+ ta those gthig ici California. as the ben =shod (or ob. , tam ti salsa *Mold. Gasp loan J. B. DUNLEVII , Gold Baca. , . . Pinsbarsit, Marsh e, ISO. ' Prtmouns, Nutt 7.1 M). hi. Eanne—Doadeln Hawing examined Gut "Ams s mett:,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hmunte to commend it to the atm of thme gentlemen who aro 'about removing to California iu pearch of Gold. It itthet,apPntattruttou to the speed, /met ay of mends, and will ecrtunly enable the adventarar to aecermin viten bin placer to meldtue Gold. Inuit Yours, resp'v. J. IL Idh".3.INTOCIL NDIA RUBBER CLUfrltlNG—Jaat reeetved for rho California EZpftlitioll. a complete assontneet Of Gars Elostie Clothing, at prices ranting from GAD to 511,55 for suit of coat, panto and hat. For sale at the Indta Rubber Depot, Na 5 Waal at derma J s H PHILLIPS • - ,hero n ffers for sale, tke rWEAM LIIUCK J. WORKS, above Lawrcncipolle, comprising o Sot= Facinc,l Boilers, 6 Moold Machine, capanio of mostufactnittig,lmo Premed Bricks (out of dry clay, as taken from the hank- ) P. dog; wt. ih.• V.. V !And on the Alughtny river, on which are it him nod clods, inachlne and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shovel., spades, tre., every Ming requisite to ens, mango operations so an boars notice. Price. Including the patrol right to in. said Intebtne, Ei,C.....M0Z0 of pronsiit malc.c.isy. Without the land. s:/w. For porumalsni, address HENRI' JJERRITr, tuag27-dif No 118 Monongahela Ilnumi. bowl - on 'FHB pannenlip heretofore calming under tbe dna I of A& C BRADLEY, is dluolvee by the desease of hi r. C Wadley. The business will be carried ea by A Smiley, who win wine the hardness of the lam dna. IIESIOVAL—A DIUILIT hes removed his Foundry Warehouse from No Ile Second street, to-No 14 Wood sweet, between Simi ad Second streets, to the ware holm lately occupied by G A Berry; where be will keep common, on hand a gencrulouorusent of Cart in.. Grata; moves. Cooking Stoves, &e. iylll DiMlolllltiOn. • THE eolailnenelp heretofore existhur between tbe ardatertbers, It the hums of Coostable, Doha II CO, bled. day dim:dyed by muteal consent. Hoare. Harked llamas arid mule the business of the convent, for which purpose they aro authorised to seethe name of the apneern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE EDMUND BURKE, • TLIOMLIS BARNES. Th. imderslgned bave this day anotiated themselves in the same of HUME & DARNED. for the parposo of memaleetaring Pao Proof Safes, Vitali Doors, &e. km : , at the stand of .►e lam arm of Constable, Dade &Loositere they will be pleased to receive the patron• age of the elastomers of that house and their (needy EDMUND BURKA TLIOKAtI BARNES. • In retiring from the Arm of Conetable, Berke & Co., I wage Hereto plcasnro recommend Memo. Berke & Earner Co the confidence dots filecde and the pablie. ,Sc b. 9,1249. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE • kb' 3.41 tf Co ALLICUTIIIOII/ Ira lost reusmed from tlus Eastern Clues, and I Ira a largo vanes) , of se &mumble , Goods, os which he respectfully the austotlon of Wert ► asos and pedlars. 64 Wood It. 11511 Wrought sad Oast from Balling. HE IML.Griben beg leave to Inform the pablia that they have obtained from the East Li titillate and faahlonable drain. for Iron Railing, both for howea and oememriac Pomona wielder to ;Imam hand. Woe ;whim ',Maim,. call and examine, and judge for theameivea Railing mill he famished at Meehan. est notice, and in the beat manner, at the earner oi Craig and Rebecca mreata,Allegbeny city. itaMM•dif A. LAMONT & KNOX. MICONOMY CLOTHS, CASSIAIESES, & SATIN ETTS, received on contigmocni, end for nolo the nranotactnieri vouch.. Ery vOIO lIHRSL'Y ? PLEIIIING a CO ____ JOAN LYONS, • • , NO. S STATE STREET, BOSTON, Agenl for Clams and. Recovery of Property so F.ssiland. HAVING spent nearly a_ year In the viriouo Kee cord Offices, National Library, hr., daring his lore visit to England, Investigating claims kir persons in this country, and having mewed efficient and re sponeible Agents in London and Manchester, be is prepared to afford all necessity laformotion and ad trine to persons who sect 10 recover their property 111 that country. J. L. keeps a het of the Pant of England Dividend Ilooko, which may be examined for ea cents, or 23 for rash letter of the Alphabet. Reference. In Saslow_ IL B. F. ADAMS, Notary Public; JAMES WELD, Erg{ HENRY IL MAV, JOHN W. RUMMY AY, Fag. BI , COILD & (lbeeessors u /Word King) Ps•hloaablis Etatt•rX, Corner of Wood end FOIL Stmts. ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. P Gentlemen eon rely upon getting their Hate and Cape from oar estahlialunent of the IIASSZILLII and weassacr, of the Lame mt.* and ape worm IWO= Country blernbuts, purchulng by wholesale, am risepoottolly Invited to call and examine our Sinai as we can my with confidence that an regards eirkLITI and rams, it will eat staffer in a comparison with any oast° In Philadelphia. table WILLIAM DICIIIT EGS leave to loam, his friends and customers that. B he isjast _receiving his new spring stock of Goods, compriain, as usual, all the newest and moat tostuo4. ' ibis styles or ClO4ll, etlifigla tot, lane/ Nroatm/s.oot. ion and linen simmer stem,, and every aniele writable (or trotlentants wear for spring and summer. "It - being impossible to describe the beauty, quality, or qtrunity ot the dealt, the proprietor hopes all who are In strut of goad, cheap, fashionable, ant well made clothes, sill Ipso him a call, an 'here is no stork this sides tie Alleghenies that eon compare anal It. The road) mach deautraent Is very extensive, sdap te d to all tastes. Tail toad contractors, cowry merchants, an/ nil ho porr.hate lamely, are pall Iliad, lowiled to el 'swable the mak before men mom, as partleolar at. tiara is paid to the wirolosal t miners In ihir 1, 'AMMO. Emery article la **raided ng toad. to order Is demos/ Aar Culticubif hag hilthrtir, It the' re st PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY iIORNII4G.' *AT INSURANCE-. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton !Initial Life Insurance CompanY• urn or noon: aroma. 25 PER CV.T. Clapltal. 6150.000. JAMES DIURNO t Co., Anew. at Pittsbarea. Pa - 110.. to DILISTION ST Timm, Ins M.S.lti. James 1101 Jr. Joseph C. Feria, prer'a Benjamin Fish,. G. A. Perdiesra, V.P. John A. Weed, Eli blorric,Seeretarl• . Jenalt. Fisk, treasurer. Ml= IMF Toll. Conneronero( New York George Wcod. Joke F. Mackie David Dudley Field. io.oph my Inset. His Ext. Goy. Honer. . Es-00 - v. Venom. W. L. Duran, U. S. Son. Isaac Wildriet, M. C. H. D. Wall, Er U. S. Sen. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. ,ERCon. M Dickenson. Hon. S. C. Ilasullson. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A. Sidney Doane, U. D. W. W GerUard,lll. D. 3t Warren st., N. Y. SOI Walnut.. Veil's. Wm.hriC Morgan, M. D., H. R. Cr!), M. D., Heinle McCook, M. D. l I Allegheny oily, Pa, Ttin P Ag iti o sb e l tgf ttsh. P ia Compus , at Piltsbullels.. 00; therised to min entry first c lan , rink on Ltle at ¢r0.210.1.• or IWILVIT•IrIVZ P. cm?. Soso the usual rates el - proud run, unhinged by other Composite. asostram • A marnti years of age. yak ing • Policy of Insoranco for One Thousand Dollars. To roarer one year, pays only 80,10. do seven gloom do Dream, " " .17,90 And an the same proporticin for any sample to .S(W, Lich the extent taken on any one toe. This Company commenced operations on the lit October, 11W and its monthly business Ms to th e ID October, 113101 shows a progress ascrsanto that of eilscr Life Company on recerd first dividend of profits wit be declared to the assured on theist Jannary. 1900. Pamphlets containing the retinas tables of rates, and all the necessary information on the it:opens= subject of Life &manners will be famished on sari— cation to JAMEP DURND & CO., Agents. dcl7 Odeon Buildings. TFIE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY will lune Policies of oranee swains Lou Or D•2l/100 Or FILL upon Dwelling. and Pornitare. Rome, Goode, fee , tn., 00 21 , 011010100 to JAMES DURNO t CO., Ago' U. del7 Odeon Ituddiage. INSUILAHONG. BE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU. RANCE COMPANY.—Oboe North Boom of the change, Third street, Philadelphia. as Iturn-am—Lluilding A Merchandise and other property, in Town and Country, Inured agettat loss or damage by bra, at the !owes rate of premium. Matta I.IIITIANCIL—They also inure Vessels. Car goes and Freight., foreign or commis°, underopen or special policies, as the .cured may desire. lasann Tasturcbox.—They also Insure merch bidiso transposed byWaguiut, Rail Road Can, Canal Boat. and Steam Boats, od river. and lakes, on the must liberal term.. . . ' • .. DIRELTORS—Joseph 11. gent Edmund A. Sander, John C Dam, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, geom. el Edwards, Geo O helper, Edward Darlington, lame R Devi., Win Indwell, John Newlin, Dr It M Heston, Ins 0 Hand, Theophiles Paulding, II Jones Rama, Henry Blown, Heat Craig, George genii!, spencer Hellenio, Charles Kelly, JO Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr S.Thomna. John genera. Wm gyre, Jr. 'RM.:CM:IRS AT PITTSBURGII—D T Horgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President RICBI.IO 8. Nnernous, gee!. . Ug - Otixect of the Company, No. 42 Wok, street uotlorgb. liorM4f P. A. NADEIRA. AR, - mad Ilealth Tann OTRR ',lineal Life and Health Insurance Company of PhiloAelpkta,Streorporateal by the LeM Penneylnuun, 111 arch, /nit , . Charter perpetual. Capital s sloo,ooo. Rani Lawn VIAN WIT PrAitrart- Vattla natenT, and full SO per reel. lower than the usual ales of Life fusurnaee, as the follerwmg com parison anti show: Thus, • person of tao see of SO (n -earing for pin for Ilfe.maS pay Si the ()inns , sax— Penneg T hrania, VISA Peon Muuttl, RASA Equitable, rsi.'RZA tin land, 63,76: Ne. Yolk Ufq Al hi Draccrota—Stuentel °sick, Oilskin tabiall, W P. Bonne, Robes P. Rine, Chaska P. Hayes, N. W Balderin. bib!. Reeve, ltd. lia,b Chaim 0. U Lewis Cooper, Rodman Darker, &IL Ludes, }Astra R. Cope. Presideni--Samuel D. Owlet; Vice PrePl de^,—Rab, Kior, P•vrvierl—Prancis Blnetburne. applications will be nice1y...4..4 every intormenen givms by RAM!. PAIINESTOCK, Act, Officet,tbsonserezel Ronan. en ase r of 0et04.111 Weed ar.J Third se, Pint burgh PIPE AND THE INSURANCE CO. of Note America, will J. make permanent amt las:trans on. filo pen, se this city and vicinity, aud rn sbipincras ti Cunt, Rivers, Lakes, and by Ara. The ployerliea thie Company ate ore.ted, and famish an avail able fend for the ample nu/emelt, of all yr...ism write desire to be proiecte• b insurance. mylst WM.P. JONE-S. Agent. 41 Water st. tilraLlettl INSUILILIIIOIIt. at. Pletsborilb• The Suip Garden &gib Instaasee I:COMES Males end Females against the Expense and Leto occeelonoi by Bic knee or heeidcin, by an Immediate &Ear.. of Crew t 2 to ltd per week, for one, two, three, or four Teem The method or erecting tins Insnrance. 'and the mariner of saran:beg the oak allowance, .11 Le ' aaplaintd by the Agent. Aiperson eon inmire agaio.l sii•kneos .+r Accid.nt venue 'Mid... him from too aid.nmy bo,lncs, a. Col,oors, Foe Ulu 7,93, " " 3 For leer " Or, for a print! of four yearn, the um of 811,40 paid annually, will assure Wper week while sick. Every nee 44444 y information will be alluded°n the traWeet of luentnce Reouall9 WY JAMES DUIL I / 4 0 4 CO, Ara., (Mean Unildltups. _ del7,dru Vire "Ed Marla. Punaramee. r i d B m . erl.^ l r ti ' lua .l ,,:t e n i rrx.:fi ' to C' NO P . 4 llll ' i' f roTt ' sT can of W. 41. Tae aub•enber, agent fur the above old and re•pon• Ohne Company, of mean Potuvc• on Dundknge and *en . Content?, sad ou ohipotento tot Meru hwolltas by Stefan Boats and other •elsola. op 3 W. P. JOMIII. Th• ParataSyllvaatta Company POl I eae•pn om 1.1.01•.G.Tr01u n wirrrnes. first Life It:Laurence Company in the U. Stairs. Incorporate) hard Iq I.El2—chas Let petpetnal. 'twits! $500,140—a1l paid in. lirathorned the undersigned to reeerte appli cations for inearasee, Ott IN Wel policies Witt be aceordtng to their propewala and rates, wtoeh will be made known to appheanta al his urine, No. 20 %Vaud Street. spit GEO flOtli JUAN PITTEIDIDIIOII FEMALE INSTITOTIC TIIE Second deacon of Ono inititution. under the eon of M. and A 1,.. Gdanume, for die pivot:a academic yur,wlit commence on tine doy, Monday, February 19th, in the mat buildingt, No. Al Liberty street • Agrangenients hare been allude by which OCT will bumble to fund. young Ladles fatalities equal to slay In the West, for obistaaug a thorough English, Clam • cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of rhs• isophicat and Chemical Lecture. will be delivered daring the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de. parimante of Vocal and Itnarnmental Musty, Modern lat Drl rnagee,.ll4 and Pointing, will melt he under thee:treats competent Professor. lip Gk.e attention to the moral and laelleCtilli impro•eutent of their pu pus, the Priticipala hope to merit a Crilltllll.lloll of the liberal pirtqe they .r hero hitherto maoyed. Fee to am apply to the Principals. MING & CO. HERSEY, FL HAVE FROM TOE MANUVACT RAN IIIANUWACT While Flamele, all Wool. Red do Yellow do do :keens do do II •A.Lli. SMEEMI Iliac Dr IL., , Blue Denasor F.ney Cottatiadri; all are circled at Factory prices. Home League Starling. , Cherls and Stripes, very ' berry goods. Tailors' Goads Red Padding, roper dr; Vest Pulding, Bactrian Tatairs'Cia.••••, heavy d uo; Brown [Amen, Haiti. • Drab Serge, black do; • I Black Satlncite. Meet elided do Black Cush:ter. Fancy do Fancy Tweeds. Soper Blade Broad Cloth Super Brown do Super firs. do Soper Twilled do Soper Black Doe Skins Soper Drab Cashmeres. Super Brews do ' So icir do California Blankets. Scarlet do Blau do Drab do and worsiod; Nook and While Tope; Block Twin, Urdu do; Linen Cheek!. and DWI.; Stout's d ord bp . ; Cotton, do• L innen Thread, • • . silk artlele; Vigurtd Vrytings . I Mack bawl to Brown Holland Ilettnt... Crayon., r. nrebousa, No 127 Wood . Grain Bagging. Brown DM.; Al the Manufietuters' Pittsburgh 3150 800 T S $l5U:' I•ti r, anbseriber is now manaraeruring a berroteal tSIISIIOKII LUXVT, of good materials and work . muddily, at rt.e very ro u vr A o;l orktileso. Nod Marko n, second door from Warm It opl3-dem [Tribune copy.) • • • . T HE undersigned basil purchased of 0. A. Say ard, the Steam Saw on the Alleaheny alms. the Ar. 11.11.1, are now piepared to till all bilis of lumber of any elle and length, num 00 downicanla. Woo Siding, Deck Plank, tjunamies, Joist, ricentlinnai Trlcurnem, Hoards, AG , no the Sorriest .1100. eonatanly on bond. Orderir renamed and y Inform• ation g lean by k Wightunin, corner of• Water and Wiesy treel., or H Morrison, No IGO Liberty meet, and m tits ollice of tha mill. apton/3m WIGHTMAN k TIORITISOIS VITALL.PAPER—W. P. Manual-2, a copttantly TT reentvine, from the largest sannufantorlen In New York and Philadelphsa, and alert from Preach ageneine, the newent and most approved Style. of Pa per Hacking% together rank &orders, biro Hoard Prluta, and Teter 'foga. For aalo at 85 Wood et, be tween Fourth al and Diamond alley, lsoccessor to S. C. 1115.1 ' af 3 ite • eller, 1.1 , 1 and Fto r rale Ily ;be barrel or alugle K pound I A at the [Mg, bad, and Perfumery Waretioate s comer of BLath and Wookatreva. 8 N aglB PaiCeedal *.b. • 464 EIVII,I-thAt h e now the ()acting, and en. peeled bans Ole Week and 314 will ahnnlT amve ale lialtlnlaie per ohltui Junlata,Ohesapeato, DfUll no, and Album, which will be cold on arneal, at the laWe" !""iiini" ' W "h /rIIITITYH J EVRIHP., *PI3 • iao Liberty a. surtonanga_ Amuuses. • A.l.l.4eisor haring numbers pat on their heater, Ka- eentownity to a resolution of Cooneile, will, Odium call :at the Norms of •the Board ,ef. Tradei, Nomad story, Gomm of Wood and Third Its. andpay . (fre the elude. BMW* p*lropmeit iluablutihikrif %Wl" • • 1 4 44 • • • PILOCLAPATION.' ' ••• K.. s° .r• W e o a l l ih M eb i l:drer%trAn a ggiTish rd ith a 't tre . pains in back or linibs, stiffjointa oldeorets.remoing ulcer.. As, that they can be cured by ,Litkb2t the Pa ttolrogn! 'You rasydalk about Ils being a...wn ar 11,10/ •5 you peen but Ito. Aloes not woke it so, the we proclaim Intim ince of on bonsai commundy, that it has which are no! contain ed to any ether remedy. The man whole racked with pain Band ce: teeing from disease. can for fifty cents. get relief thalr any oche ills ennumeratai above. Reader it coats very little to woke atrial. Dolt Petroleum is no mix ture—gm annpond, pat op for the purpose of imposing an the community; hut alai a remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, anti bobbles up horn the ho. .our Motor mother earth in it. original purity, and nl. fend to cofferinghumaniy a reedy remedy, certain mid cheap cure. - It has cured Files after other medicines bane failed to render any It has cared Rheumatism orient windbag, and of the wow end most painhol character. It ha. cured Cholera Malthus by one or two 1106.; It has cured beenlca of Diarrhea, in which every o th er remedy hes bee of no avail. A. a local remedy In barns and welds, It Is better than any medical emu pound or ointment that see iknow of. It WIII.CUre chit. Mains tir frosted feet, In a few applications; undoubt ed lestlmony can he furnished of the truth contained in the above statement by calling on Samuel M, Kim, Canal Basin, 7th Inca; or either crib° agents. Keyser I McDowell, corner of Wood street and Virmn Alley; R. F.. Sellers, 77 Wood tercet, D. A. El. /lot D. hi. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. ian3l Avid 11. Winne Alexander Cavanlnce. W. J. P. White, P. M. A PITTSSOI/05.11 WESTMONT. "I HAVE FOOND EOTIIINO TO EnEALTIINALr flaacuarata, Va., Marra a. pat Nc Afnc„ft.,ll,?,' 3 „,;'...,FTLth,!7 d ;a77 d t .l‘" " mra e." :11r Vetnclfage, ° • .a att I tatv........1.11 you. Family Lledicines in ray family, arid hove abut poi-cubed them se my practice; 1 am very...a pleased volth. them, and Lave found nothing to esprat them Send me thaw, ti dog of your Vermiluge, and 10 aez egeb of the Liver Pills sod Captilt Spray. _Respectfully years, (Emmet et Utter.) T. T./s.coaPla Those highly poplar medical., may be bad , of the preprint:llll B SWAIM 57 We st, and Druggist, generally m tvralcl,._ , l vicinity. ars. PAViI £NI W,FAD t The meet Important Blame/err Ma Re. eardl—tare Remedy fee in. RII,PeI Tlll. D. P. BROWN'S celebrated 'lternal Amep eon Remedy far ow Pace, bait elreadY Proved itself to be the only sore pool ;vet preaanted to the publie. Since Ina discovery ergo.. ra44ble medicine, and the large number of exuanne Poses which Dr. Drown has treated, eti our hes failed tole entireW cured. Unlike the many healing belme exteht, after month, and years of expevisnentelising, bas too Ditty, lett the patient where th fy commenewl, or wo a . bet; alter few days will dentin die ceaeby otrectitg a perfect mire. Feuwer CeriMmts,l shall not enter into a labored w pm:rent to Neve my medicate. I introduce it upon Ita awn merits, by its target I intend It shell mend on fell. If you prefer dent toubspipadiaceee, the PILES, to the value oft few doll I wet tea opt aal‘a you. • . DR. D P i et, nukalgikowN, 52 Lloyd Sold wholesale and retail bystre It U • aSII,LF.II,O iny4 S 7 Wood of INFLAMILILTOILY TILE AMERICAN RHEUMATIC 13 ALBA MD A NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable Cingelom—a sure and permanent care far all Rbeanainla ConaPbsiate, was an Inflammatory, Chroale. keine and Merconal • Itheemetiesi, /soot, Lumbago, Spinet AneetiOLo,4l.e. This medicine has long been sought for. IT bas beep wid that Itticamatinn could not be cured; bat time /0 a remedy designed by nature for Mature of every dim, ease Sun the human aye to is subject to. At hut a re medy ban bean found that cure. Rheumatism of the waist fowl—ono of [be moot valuable vegetable pro• dorlions of the earth--the greatest and mom impertent diecorery of the age, and a vendetta! bleambig to the bead. fatally.' It rare. without richt:6lll;or &Whin. Sag, and rrnewa awallgth and vigor to the whole wa wa,. It ha. cored, tonne the tau three mentbs, over r•OU eases that were considered I nennible. Certificates of the eorative properties of HO medi cine tan be even by exiling on the /Wets. • ' None gent.. unless put op math en engnered label upon the outside wrapper, sigimd by the proprietor, It 'TURNER,I3OfaIa, h. Y. Sold by H. SNYDER, earner Third and Market ot. Pittr urgh. Sold else by G. P. THOMAS, No UP Mein at, Cincinnati, 0. 'eh/giber/40 Dig DECAL AND 811.1111.GICAla OFYirDD:r No. U. DIAMOND ALLEY, a taw Dr,. Waft Wand street, M oroni. mutat. DEL IBILOIiVIs having been regalarly miscued to the medirial yrofemion, and keen for some time in general grandee, tome tionLnes his attention to the trent of chum pus+. d delicate eatm corns pitunt• for 'whic h bin opportunaks and expenenee peculiarly nottliry him. It years assidoettrry devoted to study fr. treatment at those cumpiatothitiona rapt.' limo be has had atone practice and has eared more pm tenhs than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amp:y aslihes Inm hit odor renrnoote• ol seeddr,perenattent, and sadism...DlY owe to al l 4irt,(sted vettb delent• and ad (mesons anamy Wrest. from. Dr. Ittowtsidieettoform those adhered With ronsalki wive Went. chronic. by time im ay , Entiraha hY are age of any of the common nostrants al daY, Mai their complain. can be ma:early mad 0.4 mighty eared, kor hamar direr, Dis comfit' atter. i en r the treatment ofltich Clee.,•ll.l.llLeted hundred. of instances In curing Person of intlammerson of the neck of the bladder, and kindred dimases Which often moult from those eases Where others hour consigned thaw to hopeless despair. Ile particularly invites sack so hair Men /pay and ardnecersfully treated by others to e 0.411 eye," ratt.l•rtinu milli he given there, and trims cams warm; In ; ez d roftil,theroacti ant Intelligent Manner, pointed in t hi' a ions: eir,emeitee, study, and inverogauetneeLich ti iv moismom Worn one •••,1 in rener practice of mtedlecoe to g t.• to one clam of alseame. i . . Mrtlemta or Iturrtre.—Dt. Drown aloetityttss per pas Itlrtiried with hernia to ea. 11,11164 haapud pm._ vlar intention to this 41semsti. CANCERS. Leo eared. Skin direues; *Lo 1! a. Yals7, ate., ayeadlly .ared gharyrs very low. N. IL—Pauents of eilitC( sex Livia* at a distance, by sowing Ram diacare in Wfllitt , giving a ll the by law. rep &bum medicines with threcuons fur ere, by addretang T. BROWN, 1.1. D., post pite, and •neloa ing a fee. Office No. El Diamond alley. °poems the Waverly Hoes. , 1111151.1.11a1S1L—Dr. Brown's newly Meta...rodferne dy for Rheamatrom to a spettly rinY certainremedy tar Oul_pareul irouhly. It never mild; • Office and Private C-osaluhs Roams, No. eh D.. +hal. Pl1l•lorreh, Tim Doctor la always at home. ITT No ono no P.O. 0 0 0 CiIIALMICAI.,'6TOVIe-PoLIIIII Tint i'b m: Man luetanni Company mw Rrt to the nod miu:w; e ' saggeratton, or ('oral contradle lin, by more who have toned lb Pronounee to fur nuftnnior to nay other in the market. The CrlralanneTAted have no apprehensions of amiing nape.. &e. CO. poAtion prevent. a diva from coning when being . sp. 'died, which *O.II be does Wh,tbn'ttlove nebt3 The quantity moulted is ea bole to produce • beau tiful lustre. Jr mono at aver fifty per cent is insured to the eornAtmem. A nennne applied to Stores. Pipern Ae n whin laid awry fee the rummer, is a sure pe a entailer ainaittni Alter itserng tried It once, Irl it I. ancearoblet no perron mu ant' hat the itt (rota Mnstelaeturiog Company'. Premium ammo. eat Clove Poitati. Earsalo by ' Wye. Cornetaßigth and Wend street. • Modern and /Dilute leurnlture. JANES W. WOODWELL, t,111111.11 ST., Prrpoonan. J. W. W ' Resonantly Wotan the '.K . `" • Patine that he has coop pined ill. spring stock o FURNITURE. the large •I nod mos:vaned onortment ever offered for stile in this dry, rompinitig several mos of Rincwooo, Manouativ, and Lltuiee Women, moved, ornamental and plena ; suitahle far rollers, Drawing and Bed Rooms, all at which will be mold at them areal prices. Fergana desiring Furniture of any 10-seription, aro spectrally invited to mill and canonic Lk etoin, which embraces every deveription, from the cheapest and plainest to the mot elegant and o“tly, of which the following nolopri•es apart: Tete aFete Sofas; Tete a Tete Divans; Con aaaaaa lon Chain; Elizabetinan Caon; Reeeption do (.non XIV ' do F.lteneloa do Laden Simple; What No; Toilet Tabors;• yogis XIV Commodore; Duke of Yin's Coach; a' Sofas wino Flush and Hair-elotk eaters; tODivans, do do do; Ce din Mahogany Parlor Chanel lit - Rosewood do do; ISWidOUI do do; 10 ." Coo Seat do; 1 " Mahogany Reeking lb; 11 " do Plano monk ' CM Marble Top Centre Tobin; ni to do Wink Stands; SS Mahogany Bedneads; 12 do Wardrobes; In 111`k Walnut de; 0 - Cherry do. A ver7 large usortment of Common Choirs am/ oth er Forusture too iodine, to Inclltloll DO . Stearn Roan furnished on the Shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. Y. K.—..Nbulet Mate. enn be aypplod with oil Korb of 51a4rgsuy, IVsluut, autl Vencat., st contiderobly reduced prices.__ . 045 SA lIIIIKL itIeICULVV, IIkTANUFACTURLIt e.wr STElti..ontl No 1 l`l told No..V Atnertron II nnot Stec!. Al.-114.w Coot Steel Droll lient, and ittaclontillt OM Shoo nont, ttlwnly nn horn] and Ott *.1., onher et him t-Ftn. GI n Steel Wokka, ,, o'llllo. surer. thlth Word, cunt tho d a" In the. (trot stnyo nt 1110L1.11ANS do GASIll• SON, No .1;1hot of Wood nUent, torladltn We, the ander,TKllyd., baying used, with entire rel. Ishietinn, the Cast Steel suet Film made by-trainee' Aleilelsy. et ht. Esele Steel Wombs, la oaks pleasure in recomuiending them ..leitUtli lit qu'Algy onyY roar need by us, of foreign manufacture.' Pittsburgh, Masai In, tut; Sr K / 11 SI lUFNItERIORR & CO, dlonsfeestteraaf Iron and Nium, KNAP,P & • Iron Founders end NnOdnlshi;pitAl i ergh, Pa COLEMAN, IIAIIenIAN & CO, Manuleeturers et Spriggs, /islet, Arming Steel and. • • Itiects s •Pittibuith, I'. & W iii P. 11114 Engine Iluildera and Maelane Curd No situate rent, l'insboseh. p., ULTo N. Dem. Founder, P A itt P sburgh. Pa. A/RAFE. LINLMAN A CO. Manufactures of lion. and Norm. Pittsbursh, Pa. 1 1151 it'll T(1111.I NSON, . Locomotive Engine and Ship ihalder, Pittsburgh, Pa. • • W W WALLACE.. Marble Manufacturer, Macrame nod Kagiiin SlON otegg • • el. Pittsbuseh, Pn lIELLING OPP AT lIMOMMIOD PALO Ma I ALEX h M Dew &DAY, earner Mao Maitland and Market meet, are now tali. off, a fedi.ed .pricea, thew .cock of Muter trotya, consisting of !Shawls sad Idtdield The Conde. in great .verwry. Also—lllanket. and Vl ro ele,ClothloCortintett ttoune rite, mot a kill aka:who tof heavy Colton Mogi.. Oonfident that better harken]; cannot ba ha Wen where, we Invite the attention of ouvom • ~, ALEXANDER /k.. DAV,' _ Parker tweet: - 44 W Ld..Ji i,;(1 MEDICAL To Southern and Weitsro itterchante. hVOUSSEL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERN.,Tbe subscriber respectfully invites public intention to l extensive sleek of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Creams, Sc., to which seven Silver and two Golden Medals have, with in the last six yesta, hems e awarded ity . A inatittne . s of . New Tan, poaton,and a n dr sift iVe ' r r ftVitelyiltg ' r lY 4lt e ssip " e p 'i r ai lit o t v b e la r country. Roma , . Cameo.. &um. Canal. (Almond, Rote, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged to be superior to any Shaving Cream in this country or Earope. eon Sluvran—Beautifully transparent, and ImsueldOnit 11 1 7„,..!? deportee.. and emollient properties; Elanoull tens Oar .4mbrosial Sher- Mg Tablet; Mdiraty pluvili nerearineTrutavffis mond, pose,Milledeunr, gong net, Pistachio, Musk, Patehouly, tnanibbs, Floa lrPP Olive Oil, Windsor, and Cireasslmi. i•Fmisia cop :Ms 11•11011.2..td—Rw, Bosupset do PiStiglp,G,(lllllpm, Jenny Lind,Mousso line, Jockey Ofob aragban't; C/Mnadit: Road, and many other varieties, in all sixty different perfumes. Toner Warm—Florida Water, Eu de Toilette, Orange Flower Water, and a great variety 01 Co lognes and Lavender Waters Pacraturoas von rex Ilan—Cenulne Dear , s Anton.'Lll, Bandoline, Eau Lustrale, Oleine, Com pound Os Merrovr, Hair Dyes, liquid and in powder, and philocerne Malabo, and Jenny Lind Pomades.. &posit/soft it a aamer•—llelsemie Blair, Rose Tooth Paste, C ae sl - 02/tICIrOC, 9.londue, Toed , Paste, and Tooth Powder.. Coortna—Vegetable Cermetie Cream, Amandlea for chopped bands. Cold Cream of Rorea, Creme de Pure, Up Salve, Raspberry Creme, tr.e. • DPrimarli Pomdeorrfor removing soperenout hair, Pearl Powder, Vinaigro as Rouge, Arommic Vinegar, Victoria !lair Composition, Platten Palm, betide. n neat varier, of o th er articles, too nonteren• to be named in RIM adverlisemenr. ' Thp satororthee lames to mantilla the reputation , which thts 'Pstaolisfungpt nee asyttirs.4, insp. - 40ot of malting but fi rst rale ariteles i 'aptYwtli . pe ttlepy to famish those who may awn to patronise him cubes wholesale as retail, on is reasonable tarots as any es tablishment taro, United Roma - - • - - - - DissoLuTunr ov Vel.ELT1011:001filr• liEl'artaership heretofore ealsdna between limee Menhell, Wm. W. Wallace, see Kean 1014Cearit is the chat item lassinem, ender the 41.1.1pe of hierythall t Wallace & Ca, was elseeitted , by mama consent, en the let Mat., James ftlatattall and Beery Allteaty, having pare/sated the entire Interest of Wm. W. Wal feet In said firm: ENOLIISU dG WIIOLESALE GROC Oder tor sale, 00 plias Y. U. lap. Biati and Gunpowder Teas; 00 las 'Foliate*: NO lags Rio Coree; eOO 004 N 0 Molasses; 75 001. N O sonar qzt, beano ailtolled 'ale. Window Gass; 14.11!ijimr._ —. lIOCha. C7altes; 3000 Cadllin 50 Arts Tanner. , IN bas Cltocolate; 50 do: Red Cords; 00 nods Manilla Rope; en la, Spired Clionol me; Nadas Pepper; 5 bay ALipine; NO las llama; • 40 tirls Vinegar; P 0 ewleg; tale. Caall On. Starch; 10 tre. In l,rl. leak: NOdroa. Flag A. well na genand Manufactured aruclia. P 41.11 A. A. MASON at CO Id of the following sty!. Dress Goods, Or —Soper Silk T..% Persian C. Barrer" and &urge be noble, and Untasie ha re.. Monde in .11 their v have teen. travails received, together wife an lin move. of Preorb lkirderr, Fire Board Prints, and - Patter Tops In Gold and Valves WB have 130 tons lee for mie, to arrive. Dealer!. and Cowl Keepers will find it to their ades c o o tage toall no tritorion, ATKINS & apte Canal Basin, Liberty IA manovei.. C l E a girZ A Z°, l 4 l"- . 4& w e li rga=lult: ham. bable.ly ...pied by /Judy, Janes k. Co. ntu g calf FA plate—all los for We by ' I _104711 • J AIDDI CO T°o'"'l—ik tag Min.! , 5 , i; 5 basUenso Hair diN 5 La. Sherwood do; 31.8 Lamm A's span now landing, and for wile lay Win/ ISAIAH ntexp.v kCU VIRK I'lloo PA4,4--.5110 lb. patent Fire Pare Punt, in rime, and tor sale by REYNOLDS. k SHER, mayll coy Venn & Irwin meets. ‘7l. 'OUTS TURVENTINE—SYYRiin 0 sale by may II J 801100NMAKER kCO O RE " c "" 1- `' 1 70%H b r'I'.."..%,oe l e d s:. b gsin•e , d may 9 .l 13 CANFIELD= B i l ; o l .TT P C K a ; Vs t = " rs d al l c ‘' by b'. Ti 134t41°F1 null D ( 1.7e21";" HAm-ivragfaz,*.ebvd SOAP—Lobizaille and Cincinnati soap—a constant cupply for .ale by WALLINGFORD & CO 70 L ARD I PIL-:iu bri - No S UGAR—.S bbd% pin!. enay9 m tor41 1 51 1 1;l1 d IJ°23ILLE-L159,-4atirst.4!..-reitiMNii Vieto: 7 s7 , Te.• narrow, d amaeltlamrra.ea, for Kale by may ACIII.DERTSurd ptvrejl Lia 6 idi k. o d im e nne, Itibhoua, Nis day reed by A A UV Dimino LARD 011-3 brls per Dowser Revanne Done, for •ale by • JASIES IIA LZELL 0111, illtleliLli,hrh; fret sila low..loclo‘e eonnign JI:;non. bY • nl;On JAMES PALZEI.I. err;BACCOY Wits Onto Inn!. In mote, for sole by ' Wlll II JOHNSTON, .y 0 :-5,,,, _ Ilt Seenno O. . • IllitTlOArSlTlldniin stare, and for Nn I e by InhvOn, - •%I'Fil II JOHNSTON u 1:Nl1i , 1:3(N , LARD ;n 1t0rv..1.; r 1 for sale 1.1 rh, 'O. , qi__ • MO II )01INInTON - i;IlOOMS--VO .111 l'untain Ilroono Inr Kula by • ICIER & JONES, my 6 - r • Onnal 'bolo. Seventh at, ozuctiLin. C rlrfai ij l i 'dßit..-4040 lb. mas , ..4rititl 6 l l : , ni l ? hall • rrl9 91 Wnier rt nt) C II GRANT tirliry ISA rcreured, .plendtd etude of Pool Willa or 1,7, nod lowan ammeter, for sale et We , Goodyear Robber Depoi, 7 & U Wood et. J & !I PMIAL,IPfe AlM—abets woo, Jart reo'd, tat rale by _ an* JOHN IVATT & CO kW-11114e peened, just rialor 01410 bY ICIIN WATT & CO FVFX—a3Uhrita tiokTailloratb‘tiopoloder, and 1. Waal: Tea., on bawl, and to strict, mor•enler by A CULUERTSON, aryl: tro tAmtty at ISPACKED TEAS of ell erode. kept toestuttly on E hand, one tor ode co reepopable Wm. to the trade, by. (myth I A CULBERTSON HENS -3 3 bake khoillthinitieeil, itirefair7oTelii toy/ . • A CktLIBERTEON f i Ala—zk ig.is 11 - 57 - na . T ---- la ap S • S. k , VON ft &CO pOTNIA/M,IDO harness 230 ri.k Eye., in norm sail for tale by mr , RIMEL? ix. BILL stm.cr-irEER. ‘ l , , i 3 OPage.r!e - ed . fWailelF7 E m O Y V i net it,74 -.."1a-mcgtNt 411a/iN:4—.7/ awakes . -amall-a/ktia. fade 1.1 • • . .STUA RATesridtla g .ntaddin it and tor aida yja_M.ll... _ ay!: fatir4iTlMUUlaitioo MISCELLANEOUS. 86 tvtgl:H IN a NEW Under- glue- inn-or Pletsburgh t WILL' be opened about Molted of .Map a Family • .Grocery and Tee More, is Mc Plitladelpld• , . . 'Me subscribers him,fitted ip a store at No. fga Liberty eirrei,ln a style stiperior 17 any bribe klud Pntsbargh, where they mih always have a large sortment of fine Groceries, and senerior: which they respectfully invite the twenties of the pal,. lie. Of every article, they' mill 'endeavor to keep ,he hest of Ito kind,' and confidently recoromerul their TEAS LS ROT TO IS SVITLIESO, IT TOLLE. ill the cl• ty• Their smarm:cot will comprise--Green and Black Teas of all kinds. from Tift cants 011 . ° P . P m ' a ' Codex. of every grade. Lovering , . Sugars, Loaf, Creaked and Pulverized; Steam Syrup. Seen !lease end N.G. MOIllOgi; Choc. eTams, Foreign Prom and , Neter Sideettr Ketchup., &scones, Sugar Cored Hems and Beef. Fmk 04.114111 d., Spenta,Lard and Whale oils, Mould,Sperra and War Candles, together With raw , ' rarities which mould net a heretofore ba had In Pitts burgh. and *bleb time would fall to enronerne. trj`Good. delivered free of °huge its every part of the twoyine.. Dealeis supplied on moot repot:labia terms. WU. A MeCLUIRS t Co., my( o. 14th Mats. stem...bows Wood. rs- airrrravax, A. WESTERVELT &. SON. WWELLKNOWN VENITUN DLIND.MAKERS keep oonstantly on Ladd or make la order the best article iu their line, et their old and, No. Id St. Clair street; also, at Nn.Pd Blinker street, eond story, entrance in the Diamond. Venidan Shutters made to order. one old bli neatly repaired. aplo XAVIER &memar to and Ammer Director of ibeLtbotatory of EUGENE ROUltbElft _ . 114 Chesnut street. Mr. Basin , . perrattery le for sale by di the pried • 1 Am.riet. an the epeeist' : The hesinesa in future will be - continued m dl lu utens branches by the anbaeribers, ender the name std stole of Marshall & eticary, who will settle 100 the lola hon. and to triton. all persons th. et.ted ore Wizened to make partici:it Wareonab;kprney pf Wood and Molly streets. JAhIF.3 MAflad.Ll y ' iota HENRY Ater:J.-40r lIENBIETT, No 41 Wood WM. 4aobla U. R. Ita'aug KO bas Cll2Vet dOi 15 Itga do do; 15 camas Zante Currants; 13 bales Wa not,; IS do Bra:il Near; II do Mari; tm dd Pea Nat.; :Vla. shelled Almoado. - 10 ban Kock Candy; 5 eased LAquonee; 11111 Prin na eipee &Vegeta Ciga ICCO 1111.11 SDuahb; 3 bid Clone.; - - - 2 cans NalmegN 3 centime Indite% 2$ cams Lemon Spay; 23 ear. l'epper Plume; to cases Tomato Catnap; Ground Spices or MI loots. 40hanefe pomdmed and Loaffink.; 2 halm Pleader; musnrii assortment cr Pitt.l,llli ET= re receiving daily, addition, f ' ilrac tl ir m ili2 k Ain tha e; t Ailrerinea, ISinbtnev, ins, ook, grans, Organdy, wns, gc.; afro, Nonre.eg *Orly. patterns of Wal W P MARSHALL, WOI P.P , -r Sp. re. PS Wadi gnel fo6=oJa s • 101(.1 /CEY 150 ToNsICE, to stns. in ocelot. rot tale cheep by 017bINS(114 . ‘1TtilN8 k CO utsyd Canal Damn, Linen, st. 1110C01.41E—lue es. Not Chocolate, Norfolk CO, ?alcoved Jus day, said far sale by ray . 7 WM RAS:ALM' h en sae Ly 7 w A LbINV.FOIID Co, N i)Nagsa, toy we by A CULVERT ON, cznin DRY. GOODS, Black n►ass Inks. AA. MASON & O ate :his day opening .10 pieces . 57 inch Meek Gno de Rhine Bilk; IS pee 30 inch do; 10 pea useh'do; • Oes 34 Wel de; and 4 pieces 36 inch da •inayle Lbseat Ha044114414014141/4. . 400 doz Ladies. Linen Cpahrie price • 100 doz 04010 do • do do 25 doz do d Received this day by CAMBLET LINEN LUSTEES-q0 peahole Lames, Ea aro came= Idwpaqe.rl2l..Pe,7.l- oadylo AA MA O N &CO Irfah and Urania Llama. NO pee 34 end MS pea 44 Brown Linen; 7 • ' 160 pee Genre Darklay's, enoAlexandgee superior 1641.11;0ns, now opening by marl) -A A MASON to CO' Print. AarSwag of Dry Deal*, ~ WE ars now receiving - Imo lulantiOna moor stock of epring and Bummer Dry DoOda, nod Cr Pre; 'oared to offer on excellent ellettelent - MX usual tow pnees tor cab, or approved calk_ • , The attention of waltz rn dealers la partlealarlY to . quested to our goods, as we Teel eenedeay.of 'being able to offer casual 'Camaro la to mute a bill,with us. Call and eArralne at any rate. 811ACELETT fr:WHITE, ye let Wood arch • .. 7,16161 ,l ' iliral‘rNS..-Cp (Anal.. LIMP! /UM Ix received, ya r d selling at the very low price or eenta per ,by A A MASON it CO 11_11.11ad & tte ßAlttilb73-10 cl 0 dopew Pada -Pirated; Lt A pe U a fart colored Mullin at Vapor Tani, now imeenZ e g, „,„,,.. A A MASON &CO YEAgER: ._: 405 Margot Street, Omar Llbertn) . . . , AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANO', 00013114 HOSIERY. RIBBONS, LACES, GLOVES THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS, No. Also, Satin tad Baur,' Volle.c% BLACK ,AND FANCY BILE SRAY 1 •3,• NGEE, BANHANNA, toil LINEN ?UKFS, A Enteral As. sonOont of PANS, sad envy mug of is=.ings. • • I RES/i GOODS—we ax pow recovering • Teri F larga and fine essonment of Spring and lernenser Goods, a large portion of which have been renamed at • great redactien front the yokes brought by the lame descriptions of goods in the early pan of the season so that IA almost every king of pasis wp will be hifet l e F trtld 'l resg l tll p y r = t _ tq ae !VIZ rueriteist, ninth Vest comer L. Ammo * nd: esayln AL . "ANDER DAY m wit y 4uket,w r isi l l . are, :c . ectiLlTE ofor dict r o P ATADMI I I:yr.ro go . neially tag chalet assorimeot select from. • . . [Er Dealers are Invited ur look in at the wholende room. of W D blaroby, ap stErs, where a fres& sop. goods b e been retested, and several kinds of e. be aold at lower pnees than omit royln AA. MASON & CO, 02 market are now open. A . leg choice high Colored Dareges,Tirs ties, WA' goes., Delebiner, 11 missed pricgil' replg F 6f twvr , wrnl Atneithe ci the tore price ICi Vl'pf Wet:teed by A A MASON & CO Map/4 'DRENCH PALETOTS—A A Mascot & Co ara now .L• receiving 4 cartoons Swiss Embroidered Peletots of the most fashionable make. maple. Bar gains In Poniard & Indlanifasln Bilks & BIJRCHFIELD'Ime . -reeel`t & By of Printed Pendant dat ~()tp Vneesaf 371 e per yard; afit, !APO de. -I Vrn , licat ptalde, at rednerd n sad alarreas, edndrenlof SIR :=ER/SORENADINES, and Ladin' Drees Candegenerol. et newest slyly& at nonh tart comer of Fourth iuld /dirket 1.4. =apt:. .. LOST, o been , A. PAIR 2 pe ' d ' i ° o ' V ' al e _rtgf,V'gn a r t -Ill ' keset A. Peer's Warehouse. Tee . faster "rid be volreeded on' retuning them lathe oyme ( - 11113COLATT.S. f Dlift•Cbodolete; nnk ‘J 's 'Brom.; Hater , * Caec.a. French Choe•liie;, tpell[vb dee Spiked do; Vezliada; Eadegdo; for vale by • mail{ WV 4 NPCLURG A. CO e 7013 ,i3 (7lnlL—O brre reed, and fl i T elleaLLEas— LIARREIT'S SNUFF—I:Sores jam reed tor Wes mayl3 RE SELLERS A LVJHUL-10 bris reed .nd for rnle by 1 : 4 444 pent s T ta t el.r.PA - 400 - ib. tee arr aedly gg marl 2 R E HEELERS riankrrSiUC ACIE-loopnßat reed and fondle by X terATIX R L SELLERS • 176 - liu-64 brIL Lard; ....... • 6 half brie Co, to arrive, for sale by maylS ISAIAH DICKEY & CO M°Lts 3 m -- r.!r:. t 'S".7 — AZZgitEca' 111444140 E, WALSON & CO Water rttre. For .sin by easyl6 Itt lefoLlZ=lr ban .far sale by mesl4 BUIWRIDGE. WILSON A. CO T OnSVILLE TIME -1W brie Ge fi slut I Id 14 Lim, for sale by ma IS. BIT RBRIDGE, W11:SON le CO imA!! . .IIIFACTURED AIITICLES-3000 lb. Conan OA lam; 47 bales Ilmung; 3 bales Cam!linnet' 150 kegs maned Nails; 21 keys pure Whim Leadl 10 bum hoax 1110nrals, Snub:4 - 110m, and Fork, fax rain by mayls C H GRANT ' • 1 bales , =pun •evr renal; • 10 Naas Marillla, for tala by - n_Lyn JAMES A 1111TellICON & CO INDIOO-1 cases Manilla, for sale by mayls C nGRANT • rIANTON 2TA—RS chew; very low prGRANiced,T An ..Tl5 C II [[]] AMS-5 ouska earra Sugar CUred Huro..isst 11 <emelt for rale by 5 a W ILARBAUGIEI rrowls eel rum arstovet, axo renutonar cranoimr.entlastal &memo now AN soma mars or lint annex 011 MOTO OZOIIIMII2I4II= ism:orris or Rini'. Nell, itheamatlarn, Obstinate Cuta neous Erapuone, Pimples or Pesti:des on the Face, Blotches, !Idea, Chronic Sam Eyes, Ring Worm or Tette; Scald Read, Enlargerneet and - Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn, liken, Syphlltic Byniptons, Sciatica or Lambency—and encore. arising treat an injudiclom use of Noreen., Ad tiles or Dropsy; Erpomre or Imprudence in Life; Alm—Chronic Constitutioeal Diaorders..ke. This medicine has acquired a very extended' and established reputation wherever it - has been med, breed entirely on its own merinb.which its superior efficy h alone int stained. The imam:mute victim. he at ofreditary7duease, withswollen glands, contraeted Inca', and bones half carious, has boar restored health and vigor. The strolelons patient, covered with aleen, loathsome to himself and hia intendants hm been made whole. Gundreds r f perm.. who had groaned hotielemly for years under cumheous and glandular disordery, chronic Iteumatiam, and many other complaint, springing from a derangement of the seeretlye,orpois and the ciredlatlon, have been raised as It were tram rho reek of disease, and now, with regenerated, cone - Iberian gladly testify to the efficacy et this inertinieblo preliaration. -- 'TRUTH IS STRANGER /ILAN FICTION.. The attention of the reader is called to the following astonishing care, effected by the use of SandeSaraa• .This Ism certify that I have • colored womin who has been afflicted for the Into five yearns with Setofals, and all the remedies I used had use effort In melting the progress of the complaint; on the ontrury, she ...tautly grew worm red after expendinghetweert WO and WO with physicians, besides using other reenter remedies without sneers. till the &lease lad eaten away the earldede ar her nose, made its-ap, proarance on various parte of her body, and had Scellit commenced Ito ravages In the roar of her month In this dreadful lineation. with the arrepect a death staring her m the face, I stated her care to Dr Disosway, the agent for Sands , liarskpartila in New been, N. ti., by whom I WM advised tonesi,that article( red to .rprise and that of my nelihlints. to - whom her cone was ken alter using [oar 1244 hell Oat' lea the was roitored wn, to perfect health, add that ill the pace of three weeks, and waVnble toWork in two weeks tram the tium rho commented militia It. . . . . . .... .. . . . . "In oritnoos of oho troth of Ills stomata, I hove I , rolutio mu:Used My aeon!, Ws Ipth day of September t 847. • JOSEPH McCOTTED.6I. P.. __ "blooth of riCOPE River C r a ven co. PC a sone Ttluoter' - • • ... • lollowint 12, w extratt (mit a letter .reeeired. from !qrs. Bevan. woo hod beenir..4.ete,.l several years with i'orolniono Uld^ra, Drepetwe?fr.e., artdAtetitt4 an attention Write Omer and diem:— _ • allaussiosaits, Va., Dee.l3, 1815.. "Messrs. A. D. fe ti.satis.--Defore I earrldleneed acing your Niresparille, my 'offerings were' almost past ripresHon: m9groat WWI comp rely ulcerated, I bad a &radial cough, and there were frequently weeks together that I- could not speak above a whir per; and beaides,ihs inflammation from my throat ex tended to my heed, to that m= i i t ertierery much impaired. Algal taking the la • abort Omni,' toy health was Improved, node) th Is no, well; I am so free from cough and Idelatuoviaf the chest as .ver I war, cud can bear quite distinctly 51 throat has been well about three nioroba,the core of which has been effected manly by the use of your Sus. partite. 'Your friend. LOUISA. R. DEVAN" 'the fel towing' testimonial Whet segue of the Se... patina, it from the Rev Luther Wright.,.adedZSYeatui Coegteg aucomillidialstcrocgiding at V. emu , . . Mass; March 30, 1( 1 G. .sleerni. Sands: Gentlemenfenset What I have ex perienced, and from the Information I have record? mowed f,ort a =exr of periams of high reePectit• bilitf who base lased yew Sanaparillm.l. have not the least doebt bar data Ls a mud eel cable =dime, and that the numerous eerdheates Mee received of Its eflldney ate fully ennead •by c.xpeden eis, and althodgb it. reputation and Wally Vor7 u 0 t mad stand in to need of my humble efforta In ma Orm, I want all who are adlioted by 44.1,0 to be come acquainted with the ahem* and power of your valdable medicine. ' • •ol am, c.d...., kramaalr u V E r v izuZli 7 74 . 1.. ed and sidd, wholeside'uld retail. by A. Wt. D.BANDS, Oredgists end Chmstrat.loo Fulton street,. -comer of Mika., hew YorlS A bald also by rho, generally throughout the United Strife ud Maa,,. edit. Erica 111 per botbeiat a bOttleSlCel/5, -L• For solo by_L. WILCOX, Jr, IL A. !AM. • ACA„, and F.DWAILDVENDERIMI,Fmshargis,uj. mr& try DT, 0, NUITI4IIIIOPMF, (.11014...6901117 • MEMO :::2:.:.•44:-•1:.5" . er • • • .4 'VOL' XVII..:_No. • 546; BOOK. MUIC, ko. • ' PAIIIIESTOOWS FAH:M.S7OCE' hear leave to romance to the palmns of his New INremcnv of am cties. or Pataburgh and Allegheny, and tonna. of Man chester, Mrsaingtem, fr...; that the 'sort' be new nearly reedy for the press and 1.111 be pat to the h ee d. of the printer some where between the teeth and 3712, i2Mllllt, The enasee trennr.lirs end nil who_feel laiereat in the production of a emotes* end PeWeet Directory particalarly these who have 1101 been called en, will— greatly otd,ge the publhher, by ascertaining Manumit canons avocado. and elect, of badlessoka sate noted lee publication in the Direetery. All cards to be insened, mut be handed le fa*. bh, or atthe latest, by - the date above stame.i., . do colored bathear, A A mAsori &CO d2lllatket ZIMLODEON PLINO.S. lag' elegant Rose ' Jr' oatare ° :leledeen - .Pl ;" . 6 lnum e ele , rated ntmantactocy Of Mama A Whine, Molooott. Mao is. a •soperior.instrument, of fine tuna _and vest rapid mute:aeon; a so, one. fine 4 octave Melodeon. et • . . ..• 11 ELESEWS Alio& Store. NEW . PUBLIC 621.10311., ASYSTEM of Ancient and Mediaeval Geoleseltr, For the nee a rehools and college. By Christ Antbon, L. L. D. Profmeor of Greek and Latin tang. agoc in Columbia college, Now York, . The iltsteCr.Of geglag.d, from tie Domeloniforhars Cesar, le the abdmatton of .km 0611.164, • .BY Dare Hums, Rip. a new enitiormaLth the =Marta last mu. recommend improvements; to which. is prefixed a abort account of no life, mined by himself.. 6 vote. , A Seheol lamb:nary of Greek and Boman A:aqui; ties, VW /deed from the larger dictionary. • B 7 3 .1 .5. San* 4 1,. D.; velth corrections and. lOSIOOTtIitiO3 by Charles Ant m, L :L. D • • /deem*. of the Lila and Writings of the Bev. The. Cashews, ALL; by his aon in law, the Rev, Milan Bann. L. L. D. fa three volume. - Vol IL_ . ' White Jactek Or Life in a Mau of Was._ By Her, re= elville; who: of .Typeo Ommt," .filargin and, . • ~ - . _ Tee Werke of Mrs. Sherwood: being the oily form edition .ever published la the Vaned States. In. Marten volume. . Fairy Talk., from all Indoor. By Antbaay , MaMaths, with Meaty fou llhastruloas by R. Day) e. Walton Llano'', mad other tales. .By Irma Badger • • This National Bynum of Book Retying, adapted to all puts al th e tingEl Bastes By Joni: riming, an. countaZl4 o brae assarisoestt. of AM/inn S. a. Onion Boot., on band, and for ale by . A 11. ENGLISH & CO Ootoottoora a sur car a ENGLISH, mart) 4 TO Wood roreeL — —•• 4l—TirPraterra ter snail Practicnitsurs. HiVe t .b r ratlqrLf '.l%Pitra4%l-I=t: and Framer- Serum, of Yale College, Naar Hves, oo preps.* for the preen a bonk o f the above tide. It .111 embrace evetVaihkat of tropertanea connected arithisgrietiltareln 1111 turruinna branches, both Thretottrai end Vracticd. "Science, in as tar as it hta td the preterit time, been ande availablit 4 0 PritenCes ha experiorent, will be treated in its illa tion to every eperation as It occurs the emu. of the saasonan erne wort scathe arranged under inar distinct heads, representing the, tessons r begitaird? wish Winter and ending 'nth Autumn: LOCKWOOA mad: - Bookseller and Ito a 104 Fcrattast. - NEW PVlAivaerioNs. 199 M Brear,V4 \Yorks, lila' /Mho."' Plana, TCa .;ijaboya; a Tale of svary Day Ws. A ...°77 r tlyr7:llll.l2`,lghrylaitql,''bd—ntrgT. u x onaTm - with Irvin's, Cooper's, and Eladaalaink , a; and. Blusttated rattralt and s l ew iho • • . blomens 'Died; • tranelared by •Willlam. emir. Ratted 07 Robert Senthey,L.L D.; with notes by M. A. Dwight. A splendid edition, on Imo palm; D. Instratoti with twelve engraniolv b. tonne., Irmo de' wpm by Flurnien._ voyalUvo,eloni. AlseqAelmaper edition for tretople.• .••' •••• L Vont*, intleding n :surety of mecca now first oollected. by James Yrtor. Complete In 4 veleitemb elegantly printed, aelform In Myle witk Co. Pf-fl fca. Too Edat.poaro enendan or, Rti end Wiedem 610 very Day tu the year. by N. o..Rlektards. In a very omit volume,- Vero, cloth, ntl neater, elollt gilt, ill cents. For sale - - - JAMES D LOCKWOOD; ro 2 ' ••oolewlierts ntmoorir..iW roe,* ct. eal.:ll..it sursatuz.tos., a nes, collecua. . Chord Movie. 'Edited by George XingsleyiEs‘ that of the Jamaik Chou., &a, Se. • SatbSchool Gms of Music and Pottry, &stint expressly for the 'Sabbath No 0001; bye. fa A. Cridb - , new Trea:Sae on istrononli and the Um of - Globes, To taro ports: Containing AATIMOELICS !and other dettnldorog matrons and positions otthisnaaroola and plows; Kepler's lawn and Theory of Grmaadorr, Refraction,Torilight, sad Parratta Commotion,. Pe riods; Distances, Phenomena, and. Mynah:Metal - the flessealy . Italia pornyesing . h e Sol. 5Y.14.._, 044 also, an extensive 0011001 on of the Wirt useful nob le= on ho Um of the Globs. Illustrated by a nam able seamy of Examples, ao ge.iped for tbe of /Arts Schools . ..l ...amend.. By Jame, MOWS*, I).,.Prefessor of blather:odes and Astiostooll the Central High School, of Bellmore. Deck am Port, or Incidents of a Cruise in that:faked States Fagot. Congress, to Celifernispolith Sketches FT:ldioJMeirey - tralpareise. Lima, Ilanoleht.and San rmchm. Sty Nev. Walter Colton, U. 13.• N 4 silken of Ship and Shore, ars, • For salt by .. A. IL ENOLISH.Ie CO, - ' Smeascos to ELLIOT ft ENGIIS.II,;., • /1.14 W PWSLI/CAT • ;'lll.. .17 . 111T "mb'' .= , ;70G ', .. 9 rfite '4 04. a Story of Real Life.--;42mscroici or lite Sunday School Boys Contrasted Box of. In= or IAo Danger of UnsaactitardafilietiOn—Swi.b(Sabool Boya.,—Kacango, the Bassa.Chlef-The Life of Luther; yeah special reference 10-Ititsaribta'peciodia• and the opening scenes of the Reformation: byßarbas Scar, D D.—A Summary of Biblical Antsquitils.. for School, arid Fmine • — r _. CO . • .rablothed by Aboc2ican S. Union. 'For sale Vl' . 11 ENGLISH' Soceissols to ELLIOTT&IMULIBB. mr2 S Wood street. PUILLIVII.;AIa. COMSWITVTIMIDIS. I s g:CRIV( i X t )D blit i ttl a p= 6.11 . 1 i 7;11 l' Gave carnent,"Unnehoed from the Freed:by 1t.151 Sitter, AL D., Boston. Second editioe vellioto: Ottianilser Educattnetal Vestries. AE SCIENTIFIC XIECTION.—The Menu: Chit- I, bets have employed the firm Prolamine In Seet hed, In the preparation of Mese works. They. us now offered to the Schools of the United Mates, under the Anseritan revision of D.ll. Reno, M. D.., L.L.D,_ lede.Superintendaul of Publle School', In the City aW Comity of New Vert. Lantamben , Treasery of Knowledge; ~ Il i Clart'a Drawing-and Perspeenve; - 111. Chambers , Elements of fiantral . Phrlasephy; " :IV: Reid & flaliPaChemistry,andElestricilyi, V. Monition's Vegetable and Animal Physiology; VI. Chambers , Element. of .Zoolorf; Leith plates; 1111. Pages Clemente of Geology ilMclean& It is well known that the anginal pahlilhete of theao 'mks (the Meters. Chamben, of Edinbero)-nre able trienunand the best manta in the preparation of their' books, and that it is their practice to deal faithfully with themiblie: The aeries wtii mt. disappoint. tie reasonable expectations thus excited." They nee ali mentary emetics, prepon th en ared by tinhorn le every waY ca. ordausjustle le.pective studertakbash and who here evidendy berlowed upon them the ne cersary time and labor to adapt them to their permits. We recommend Meer lo Xeschers end parents .ajth confidence. The Recruited volume, in the hands of a tenher of the younger classes, might fundch &bhp exhaustible feed of amusement and instrection. • -To- • gether ‘ they would constitute a rich demure to &fam ily 'of Intelligent children, and Impart 'lt thirst for imowledge,—(Vernitint Minnick. . , , .„ Published by.A. S. Barnes & C 0.,. New Vorkf Mul for sale by 'A . EL EhilsLlSlllnetk.,. nude No 79 Weed et • 1.11.1CW - VCIILIC - A — flol2B. AASSIZ=Lake Sup-riff; Its Paysteal Clutranztr, •Yegetadent. and Animals. evo.. liettnext—The East. Illustrated. atm; • Hcataomr-tCcouna. , 2•101 a. 12.n0.• ' } l l uo A i ou — rr—Aspees oßunt t , 2wk 12mo. IsTtkiat Denng Enerrunenta. M6O • . Manus:-Bargieal Anatomy. Colored pima. :At°. Duo-,Winn and Prow Writings. Yvan. Itstb.: Toacsascart—Tlio Optimist. Irian. • Wambs—Poetical Qnotatior. Sao. • • Conn.ra—Homoes /Lind. Iftoo. AlamtAr—Popnlar D!..lttalons. 2 S otfalls soli Irmo. _ Pby • JAME D LocKwo at. HookWler Importer, 101 Fourth ort. at. A.6:111 . :20.1 Thom. A line yr ' .:12, :Po ral° "I'g' Bth'et. 1.19 ' JOTIN ' STOIIA svaiit6ri• ' NSW. 13001.01 i AT II 0..1.111E3' LITERARY DEPOT tinlzrr, opposite the ron °Nee. r IZZIE LEON, a Domestic Tale; by Chertganlitk- IJ en. Prue Omens. Coition Shatspeare, No N. Eldoraornor adenoma. in ilinnath of Erihnre...A Voyage to California, by Bayard Taylo Laielln Limn' Age No 21.3. Dictionary of Illeetnitieti, Half% lienthantal Illagnahne, toy Bray. Kickerboelher for hLareb;April, and May. • • . Flo .CAlV . try.l) l ll4lllb— .. '• !Afar bx nxibra i pOr m ./4 1 11 0 4 cults lot retail!, • WICK BIeCANDLI734 DURA.X.-1.0 cans tailed vont, tor. sitelby /LP maylo WICIC & IacCANDLESS . _ talt v w k etf c iffilai t ,tz tt n vi , ; us—us saCta & hte..A.NOLPSB .11,r1:1 -1U kis Jolt Vi k V i VAa s tir ma tuaylo l orieElszbitad Wood lt rcc'd of ntiiiip — p Cicity fceed,.d.tor gala 11 . N WICEERSII•II _ _ • Cairn:lL;Ctl.l-•:0 ea.; tr l t vii te cK ed it zf L—E-CljfkcitCr.o .C" T2-61•611.1reoffiriXelY j ' N wicimastuat Olds ' • tat,oni • 7 so brio Losserioes Pulverized Loa.4, brls do C do do; - 10 calms ao D refined - •• do; 101110•00.1 o, '• do der, 70 w bils Po:end C; 111 0,18 Clarified - ' • •"_ 4.0 bugs, tinaol reed., sod tot sole by " BULLER iLICKETSON Mt ix 174 Llbany at- Cji it-LeliDtu conugnmon, for sale by. 0 " LI MILLER tc RICKETSUN .1 nett rent lesonn cone ta stint:neat, and lot ante by • • m.trta • IeII.MEETSON BALLAD t) br;tty Ka , izsi Sallad — Cri tea Fo r nil ii .DllO UttY KW it Dar A V111..Ep.....10 • Crab Oder, end 4 bye Dried Apple for webs by • mierto . -. WILLER& RICATZDOPi • %Cslersd weft While INSAIdUk — i.7, Anßata& pipet* au witrpian nme,r_A i fioa ut , J ...ixei.tvr, Ca eonsignsence* I ss.. eastern p#5 , %113 {lts mapefultservivrxtoiltnlt co. • - ! 7 ,- . I PI - Ci;
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