- * 4. - iti T A 7 'l4 ISTIPLISHEVIN 1786 .112" (a.ausez-, a:erns Ea „Dams, mazy rust. Kerr. im raiz' coma: IMIENIM=I . Dalt' r......... ... : . ..... ----gyp mo b bbs ; Weetly„ in adestealt4-/-:".•• tpt ~, ~ At. p CisioNat a tertaFtel Me:, ' = . 111.3 CI sP ADMrSIII!fik - ' ' •I. ittlit k .:sr 21 P " Indira' MCI* . . ' OUST" . te,flo ' eTriattpareiletimer sae I 'scram ...........-........g0,d0 One DA, ta, tub addltionalimterdelt , .. tie' . AI. m ' ft ' e t"'• ----- ... "t'• le& ~ -r " la. - three weeks.--... .. . ... -. tap ' M is% :=te .'"...."7-.. .. - : 4. 11 ''' Der' • three mem as—. .--...- LP ' /Jo. tour mouths •. ----.—: mai ' las •-- - Ida Months... -.-..:. --. DWI rm. 1,1 '..1 Reef ye me=l 44 l'4-.4.' l 4 1 .„ „,„SPI 9 Stanley Pali:Slier et types analla•PY....i Obit Sisereatta*eable Ityleasti Wryer rowL : waml cseheetwe of dm almer.••••• 1.'. J l Vac each addideetal num, blamed wierecte seam, Oils (or each eddloweal WIFE lam* ma" the "kr' .Adsertheasenut atom/Dv a alum and totem Cleat time, to be clawed us a mum and a half. POldiehtes not accountable for 1.1.1 adr.niatilwas beyond D. md t tthilarteditrpl . ..... A A ._ anottneledr - . I , o m;der r saawea ealawndeenweesesta. .. , . , " Advertisements mot matted ea De °WY be taped. led amber or Imenkeisowd be eoldtbned bil forbid, andwaymenteescsed enema '• - -' - • rboarmiltlaws of otrverdwarawill be emitted Ideal, to Dear tgtaltrbnnmW tad VI whir Wheel , amuses cot postale/ea to their modes business; as )heed for, tole paid awn- - ` 411. advadisessmats for chritable buditadoes,4lre maul.. lewd, anew* and weer pehlte maltose . . nod e is... M lF i l" 4 " g tll bl !f P ri ir Genres mbe ' eted itscantii t ? • 1 -' . Death widen sacred without charde,anlees meow m i e d by Now laeltadwit oc,..*Dmocry norbieti tied when so serempanted to its pea Dot."• - • • • Itemshuadoesuwea. and du obi* b b ib la w y m o.,„ b l eb b o es, or ramleing =Dash ticehrtmdto call aunt. don sel Felts. Wren, Collect% or say pablitt ctace bi, where charges,we Neu.- foc atbettnetua--.' .11.10tkei or pante anociallohe•revery opus de.; * A O to wall =Watson to private enterpnus calcite, tea et wielded' to promote Indleid eel Interest, ese on. ly be Inserted with the andetstandlug DO the mime is to be peld for. Jr branded to bemoaned is Dodo es' solemn, the utile will be oltawrcd at Da nust of nee less thebtlo - cetus per line. ' .. . &chop Cr Fist Nation to be chsrald trip!. PL.. •raccen Usenet, P41111=1 , 6 *X esti. Legal sad Medical wirestisewoots t om Omega at fall pastas.. . , • Zeal Fetal. Agenta , sad` liactletweri , Wesel:lse =eats not to. be clawed ander yemely_ame.,.bal to bo ollowed dooms= of thirty three and one thialFekeeet. linac Ike amount or bills. emu= on TR4WILLIX IX 211.114 ritIOM. . .. , One Equate, Drell laserlotm."-"-........1111 d 0. .. Do.. each suttittioual lasertiorb .. .dli • " abrainnaisass m waists Cana. _ One NUM, ild lb! e/ 2 ? ..* 'a,sernlart, —4O eta. al neti{.ooe pS :u dil Lanais= adveriata le impala in advances.. L. lAltHil. Pa.*. lIMPT hl. BIDDLE, JeanseL ' • • JAW , Ed P. WISE k. CO - Cardaiele. FOSTER& nreirrextu,"ntspeda. • JOS. SNOWDEN, blenasyy. •1 .' J Assn Nit. DIDDLE, Astoria wt. Illitalt KAMP, Montag 'nib stet: Prrravaau, Des.l,lllia. CARDS: • MINIANDKU-11. WASSON* TTORNRY A.T LeW.-olDety 6ta.EloudilOsi"lty. A7TORNIFT:AT , LAW,; .nd Coc . oro!!!lpaw 3o! looTutzi=o4lo.l.,. -444Nswm= naummaismwmaiwr, ll= ATrostraws and Caswell* at law—rciatit between Q , ^i h."111%.74 Omni I/414.'616ra. 4W.7."••• Min. C. FriiiA LA1116131 A.I,4IMILIi -- ;7, 777 ATIORNEVIVAT LAW, Palmist:rem; . Jana V. ILIUM A Trozirmv_AT LAW-0111.*.mil Foirit Aka, .101 L. kurecn.SoMbleld sod Cusa.lnttA.ML,., Idenlasdia7Pelhlass Mliehialklrea,4 IPATTOIVir hhainecsrms..4... A triinNzys JAW.....odieila grist st, steer ihe Coos Rom:: • • • lad za.. *ad llandry Schad Bookseller/1 sad dealers le al. kW, of.Wrided, Widelewand lareappleaPao per, Ne.. IP Weed street. betsreea- Fawn% tab ula , 1 ..4 &kr. riushergh, Pa., • spa •::. . ATrollfElf aotanutoollotas Law olu2 co4ralo. - Monet for ito SUL:, Of F 050071 1 1 0 ,471%, il&thF . 2do. Ilato of rittsbirobJ . • ' . Beferenies—Pittsborgb: Hon: W.Podue, PhoOp. too & Milk; Wt.:andel& & MeClors, John F. Pke; ril&d& & &&&06.14eCort& tuna.... init... , . : . anol4.lv ono suusso..••— ......... 30.10/ . fiNaII•VIL 7.G VrIXIIMAIIII..• • ***** AOALEY,IVOODWAIRD it CO, 'Wholesale Ors - No SDI hierkerrt rhUMlelpkia. ~ • Bkairrik.T.,llV.RßY k Thinefo,toreto of soda Ado, Illenoblno rosed<r,s tdorialle eatraialio daids. Wankel= ,—, Waltz amot,below ferry. stair. - • - • (More Kelm: ' "ElatkllN k and Regan Drop SSi Is, earner ollAbertr and St.l*rlsiteets, rot i• • SOLOMON SCLIOVIEM,` Colionssiog meacuprizstock 818 Brot cr. Nis ifrig4eoo.4 •Feri. alavt,dir Daquem Spans, Azle, saa./res C0LE311.71, HAIL AN t CO, Mairesetarers Caleb .and Eerie Serfage, nameered Atka, Parluratid Ge.-104tehoest on Water ein4 Poeta mama. ?Mohan*: • • d ~- • • • Moo, dealer. to Coach Trienzlep an Malleable vett* ASIESTI:t0110 s CILOZEIts COMMISSION IdEDDIVINTA. ea Dealers is Pro does, Do .93 lUD* Neel, — Data , 14ser. nitAtO & SlONNER:Ferwsrdies Como uetoa ilerehluns, Ha Ohre:Set si.Pittsbentls. opt -0•A AredNIILTV s..Cq Fotinatij con: taint= *crebytl,o, a=AI Raab; rlttsborgb, • tors C . /.011LANT,74 . b. lef;pce , r 4iWaver Ist, ' Pluv• In lierser.....ledrevr Flemings— •ILlLElssolag Et EMIMIO CO., obiImserION MY!V LANTS 011 —Vor the sea at 1:0- alCtoesdo.Woolar.OloaColuinGoodg obis, 4aalefoht, iando of Tailors , Trisotioga, No 10 Wood sti 4th door (tom FAh. Pittsburgh.; Rokrenro—News. IV s. A s. *. . gill k CoMankei., RW. S. IrtetJaa, S. SICITCM :IGLISH =MATT, Oahe Entliset Gallatier 17 # on.e Wleatelate Omar, Ceonsinsion and For; witedinglerehnnu, and &Weevils Predate end Pins burin Psreateresain•W Wendre teteenta ad sad Uree •“ 1 . • Ultli I vonoißsolo t comaussitut usieuirri .1! No 112 Sound 64 Plasiersk, • . m ad (57-01-1011—COC_IfitOsoslooloft and Porowdlir Sterehint. Wo. SO Waal word. litiaona. • msl7 H. T'•• " an dcmisstosiot IRereSont, sale of Atoolicso W•xolons. Liberty.olopoolto W n.•' fehto 7. uctson, Mow... KWh. m o. issoissomm. Soho s TirEll.l7 h II UCIC.IOI4 'robes to Commission MIT- Ttimoss, iiiTorol Waist it. & North Wlisrvos, TIMM, .10NE3 a e., Wiaaassord W Atlmal, Jannal Cod .Gaaaaldaton and na Forantnlint= ajlaa La. &Alm Pittablugb AtaAuf.gUu.d • .uantn. fa. , . motel. • w.••-• • '. riP°*;•I9I•WLL. T . ' ; te=llU n itirkla r Poragairitudirw..4tit vpim PinS P.P.r.lio.err Wood meat. PetTee un q Fintr SEM ► I Auld Diammtsrry, Walt ads, Piltabozgli, Pa. ' (613 . • . • • . • • . 1 • kr , r, ,T fib .• ter. e.1141.18a er Wit eists;pti • alus, OIIR Vw..1.17,6 ,t Alrep er W Nord harrier tar earth of Mar° •IrIMAILIe L “askumurseer,l , oarcalaston Men:.oa, wad &aloe is Ptoda "a and PlWbdrd. litieselureq. Nall Watrr et , P.1“01,114,. .• , . dAlAil PICKST i 00..Whelarala Gemara. Cam. g L imaos Merriam; WI /Win la Prsdans,noclid laftlef. .4107 Rant dra ft. Pittalmmit ....a A .GETClTivraith••—•-•«—..• ....—j......., L hi wo rl . - i - 8. DILWORTH Id: 00., irbni,„,a,,,,,,,,, and n . Dowd Pima= Co, Na. V Woo al., Paßgb. " 1 .. , • 'ded . !7' . TOTIN 1111. TOWTSERND, Drum ed No. to Market st.', throe dam ahp.erh nl rt Pita, booth, will kayo liostotandr ex hand It well seated as wiroscut of the bast and frostiest idaircioes.vilaoh h. will sell on tia loam twoonolde toms. Vivacious seridiror 011/441. 101 ha otrount/y allerlhat4, .nd P a f n • plied with article. the, mity roil' *boo as towine. frr Preetriollona volt lie u m . m a y he d ooared foam the best lbeteriels, airy luar of or night, . • /dopier aide, a tan rota* et Moat tat pod Psrh o ars , . ,1113 T B. CANVIELD, Uwe Ot Warmth Ohio.) Comma: t, aori and Ifororardtoe liderobaw. and VF &tier lo Wootorirlitoserrr . Chaare, Muter, Vol and Peel Ash, and Western Prodroo generally. wm, sanal,-batwatn Badthfiald and Wood, Pittobargli. TOIINSTON.f. eroceroN, [Ma te reHen, Prinn,' ty p.per tio.!11 - 111hrkgt st!cet, Job:111d. suy, T & WYD,Wbolosalo Driteors, Commission' 0 Merettaats, mid Dealers lo ,Oroda-e. 'Dread Ohara tholdenasi (rooting On Likely, Weed and 131Ith mem; rimbink. fa: . WAIT, (nerssor tot Ewalt .* 'Oeb ban zae rit:l , p. 10 .1; nnti =A i te , val o =ehmit on. of Whefie and Ilona mmmoa Pittsburgh lhataBr . 9 2 on the master of Water and thalthtela on • hts. Jataktion 03..ComaiLaan ' tiersuu4 .4 Aiwa of tho - W... Loofa Sumo Ruse Selleefr , pe.tsarr.amlittlflas 4. 1 ,141 1 1 1 . 1 . l i l6 • " r • -•• • '3, It' MZM=2I ~. jelogioh=i ,. . . . -. 1; --7---,,--,,--r,,,,,,--,•,'‘'--,•7,----",::-,-.."''',:'•-•--- ',,,,::,,--- -.^-- - ~ ._ , ,_ •••••°•••--`-',;, '- -- " - •-•''' '_,....:-........_:.....- L .1.L.:_:...L. , ' ' ----`-- `-= -- ...:' • - 7 21_ = - .- 1...-..-- --- , - —-- ---- ----•--•-- - - -, - ' .. - - - • ...-1 , - - •--...,--,-'.--- -: ~-..-.- -_ , .:-, , , q6F - ; Fo'r -- '-'':.....;_: - ....1 . ..;.L.' . ...1`. --. ....: ",-!". • .:..:- ' '-•• • •s f .''• -"•••••••'••••'''-•• J' '' . '•••• -' • ''''-•-• '''''' •'‘:''''''' •,.4•'" 10* . - _. , • • - . , • ~ • • " 1. I , • ' 0 " , ' , ii • ' - • '•;.-.!!' 4. • . 4 . - i . __ s • • V...' , ..... . I. ... . , - -'• A - ' - ' - -- 'l ,l- .! 4, • -. r.,-.... ' • . ' ''''' . 1. - '* l . . V: ' l '.. i -"' . I. , . , . . ~,-... ~..:„ . 1 . - 1 ,*1 • - - , 1., - • t:. - '- . .BUSINESS CARDS, 101 IN Wholesale and Retail dealer to Mode and Mosteal ',lmmune tMt, School Boos. n. Bl T'en r ett l yn ' qr Titl ' 4 4 ! ..a !Ores hearbt or taken Intro!, • .818 CoEISWEITZER, Attorney as Law odes. Mt at, **Ogle St: Chalk* llotel, Muth?* mill also d promptly to Collection. ia Waaidagta N p ar zi, P AFER To 81(aiirtoci, i Part ca r the "! .lAulb* SC/11.KP , MOCR le CO, Wholesale Drappsta , No 21 , 14n0r) meet. Plitberel.. JONIA orwanhog ad Communonn Mor i aszu, Dealer. In Produce And Pitinburghnlans • coactortd - nftleloo, Onus) Dads, near 7da.t. • nP 4 7 -- AitrtririLL, prrvanvan;PC ------ ENNPY...nr. k CO, lannufneturoni of e z em i ltn= t o . r:ll-11 . "tondos, Carpet Cboi i n. Co;r 'V~in~ina Inn Woek• DALZELT. h CO, taanala craters of al L EW: 4I -18 ar,Bbeet, Bailer Imo and N rtN of the Err qaality: -Watstesesc, 54 Water and 103 Front meet : Jaalg' • ' Win. Wier, ?blind. C. W. RiekeLoon. Plitsbargb. ILVER 4 RICIMTSON. Wholnstil. Grace's, ond OLL Irtrpertoin of Brondies. Wine, and 8,71111., Nos. WY,ind I Liberty and Irwin screen, PAU. bfthu en . Iron, Nails, Canna Varna, Ro. , * eon. sttntly had. IA jOlui WWI . James D. ILL'6IIL Walter C. ROC. Vi COMM 11. ROE..Whnle.aie Grade. and Condnir LTA Aida Manama% No Libetry St, Pisahargb. =MEM= _ . 04. 4 1 33,1 , ' • " mrs r.sona., :0 • JONES• 6 431.11130, MANUPACITIRERS of nu,r bib= muti, sleet plough 'moulds, coach and elin rlqqtmp,4.L.rterca_iron3lllrg, And,denlnr s in add. cable eadungs,ftre engine lumps, and goad tun:minus gorsgt offtann and Front sty., Pittsburgh, 'POIIOLAIES4, SON, Na glarketst, seersid door lA./rum corner orFosttb, In I.'brelgo end Dethestio-Shlls or Emheoge, Cmtilieates of Depost. ,INtels..Notormat Specie.. treCotertedons made o the prirsemel c ur` br.edwint , beltnin,l Sta., • - • eel TIVCCASANTER, Aransas:l—Woe, Fotallt st, ,01 th ird door above &outfield, moth side. 4 . Itemswey.etne of atl kinds done orith the greatest apinsand legal smatter. .• • In , telt taltioll. EAU.. !la. Haan iinlUMAris • ANFPATUngIirt !MAO/ESN GLASS WARE, 042 Market street, Pittalius tamp cousrant ly unhand, an i Isaac to enter air kinds of Vials. - Potter and Mineral %Voter Ilirettles of sis• pellet quality, ' • • Particular attention paid to Private ltuulds. louri.)01 ~ • Llittiedgraph M. sgabilatigne ./AF Whl.• SGIIIIeIIIIIA AIN, Third opposite the Poorladlee, Pittsburgh.—Flape, Landapes, Bill lards, Showbills, Labels, hrehitemical and /adenine Drawing., Cinglgell rind Visiting Garde, he, engraved co _ndemn boa lace, nod printed in adore. Gold, Ilrouge orAllook, in the room approval Mk, and. Mite most reggrozable proem , -• C• PRTTIGILICW, &TEAM BOAT AUENT . Osnet Axon. W.vi. B. Rota. ABM, • .1117 No. 37 WAter. creel. KMUE==O pint GOODS lODDERS, NO.IOI WOOD STREET, cortsV:3 ,. .77exl . nr . *onseentaf Bur the l and Pull DrV i G:7:ls, art ' ach thoy 7 1 4 ,""'" earem!=L?:= Our =TS .. ~ . , 3117 , t1ZIAITI'LEic CO so 70.2.7..11KT1Xeet its.. ° F . mb* , l 7 a . 1771soicaalo Groat:as Produce and ."ConratualmA.4dhants, and dealer; in Pitubnath apl7 ;' ......01111014• SEM Lin= 114)1L. S. - I,N} ~ttse3,_ Wea n ie kind. cf Forma and Duman, \lnnen and Uwe*, No. LI Libeny street. oa hand a very lute lapel of separme old Ilonongaild• nrainYey, 'duet Inn be gold Inve for rn.b. L , . L. il. 11Xfpj .. 14. .. . , L. L. Er". S t ILETNOL.M. , &Antal. Forts . ..dam and Co=n esum Mucha:et:, for use MI, gassy Riser Wrsd cidersin Groceries, Prodner., lttoborsit, Ilartalsc- Astes aid Mott& or „Liao.. •• Thwldetput price, Jut costs, paid at. ell 11121.64 for • - • re. .- Game= Penn sod Irwin sta. stilB 11 . cuitirc DALZELI...k. Co., Wholesale Grpeers, Ceeasaladen biers Lams, dealers on Prod.... and .-. I..sharp Matrafsetnres, Libeni me t„ Pi c o) Vob , r 4 , VI OIECJIT lill. CUN3ING 3 Al, Wbeleale..o.-o. ear, ,11.11. Dealer lo Pialuee an_ Pittsb &rah 311untIsemres. Fe. till /Ahern' meat r '5tE1.8:.... ITTWElrfiLltrrthirtit; - Sbetaold-tlems..and Alsel.Notts—Shaufsetarers of Ant. G. Epilog Plank Steel., .14.1so—aprines,.a.sles..Vices, An vase, &a... may Invite Mosaic anon of mete:boots orol coasantarst talc Mork before poreimsion Mc- Allen,. They InnITIMS Moorarticles to be aqua 10 1111) ,hlli4lll-thit commy imported. - Atilt i.t smsCitior. Into,. ....111711211. SHACKIZIV , t , WHITE.IIIThOIanaIe to Yeroldm sad Drama" Ihr Goods, Ito. , 07 Wood tQ ."I? INV -1 11 2 11fil b el.104, Wool,Ale ch -4 6616, - 17 11 iv, 01 Moor and Prodded gotallp:and Fanrardin " : add- Cr' iirtmlatton - Bierc6r, tt, lie. 63 W6t6 r strict, is , situ. 63u.szs, 01113111/11114 tour Meg., 1114111L4.101. Ia:ELLY:k a 16 Idllitll4', read.. mg Goo. Mt Cot... .10, mission Iderekmais, Lio. Liberty o mat, I ii.s. blasts Simms, Limited and laird Oils. • opi: vos airs lorsmrdion snO ,04 dst , restart ars P tiCssatt Maus sonve and ' , Vt. ' pan Praloce ha, steamed Ls lifiencirla,rel...e, (old 7:Leiarter of Fran street mid C isacory lAce. - sell 11100.618 a:-1141.WOILTU. ,TEA AND . WINE MEILCISA.NTS, Eistude Dinmonit, antB . . L. &Wattling n• 41.. rt. We.term'. LL Wiseman. WATKIttfANI 11.901111, WHOLFSALE. Coinniiiiion and Pot. Mem anis; iletlets In an kl ud•of nste t Plitstnirsh Manufactured Article.; non ngent• fern le of Richmond and Lyetchbug Noneutered Tamara rArt 'II.SIItLIN: ATTOILNKY AT LAW. Bath+, Pa TV= sloe Bumf to collections and all other bold- Ty Azess Pc entrdurd !Leer to Id kith In Butler and An:tattoos des, '•' •- • •J.a. I 6 Floyd, Liberty a do do FitubstyL ' a Co., Wood st. .George Mahan!. 8. 13. mAriptr.z.o a.co. wrr.noty.sm.w Detail Denims im ' Crosenes IT and Dry Goods, and Co son Mershon , pa. MD Übe at, Ptuabunb. 'JOUN hcFADEN & GO., FORWARDING & CORMIGGON 'MERCHANTS, ' • Cuml'l&AM, rum mmil; rmsbarrh. mr6 PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, • Ra 4.l7Blartex, Mad Gi Aloorsourcro ay PlibtdelOtts. Static. made, by either a( the theta, OS eoaeiee maot. of Produce to either Haan. lord 7777,31313.1irvtria:GovititliCarTheinr— vorwminirta & COMMIStaION meuciwirs traantsalttoir, TA., 'COULD Teepeetfally solicit the conelltoment of —TV IlArashargh freight, from Western Merchants, •salbry , llll, prepared to iCCeI” •••7 ;mount. I,ine and section Wats running night and dny, the freight will not be de.taided, am they will Woad tech beat, at all hoard. ' • fete-434m flarrisborgh Feb.:X.oBso. -- J. D. IT4limas J. D. NVILLI&Dfi & CO., WIIOIJAALE, Sr. RETAIL. PAMPA , OROCERS, Forwardinl• and 410111illi1110/3 Merchants, and dealers in Con , try Prsdoce and Pittsburgh blastulae s, garner of IVissid and Fifth macs, Pittsburgh. gorA - *O.. H. Williams------- U. McVay. . wicutmoo & co., HANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEOKERS, North Eon corner of Wood end Third meets. Ant, , Pimorsoo. PA. . . V. It. W00DWA. , ... zAttLIT. CO.lcatle Caoce., is II V and 20 %%O. mew, Fitliourgb. • eip77 , roan Amis. 2nanuati7iinr.ss , ArCANDLESP,(sueoessors to L & J. D. w Nicl.,l Wholesale Graders Porwardina and Jeositnis aim, Merchants; Colton Yenta. and Pittabatth Aranaftetassa genesis!. ' earner of Wood and Warts •treas, Datsbassh. • • • VirCAL — hiNCHEGTßEPi, 7 "Wholesale ()rosters, Beatifying Distille.; and Wine and Liquor Afeirebaata Alact—tenpotters of Soda Ash and thrash. Fnq Powder, NO.IOO Liberty street, (opposite Rich ,sseL",ittabasah. W..V111 LSO., Watch., Jewelry,. leer and W sad Military Goods, conies of Market and Maar. streets, Ddhetturea, l'a. N. D.—Watetter and Mewle easefully repaired. ap *71;48: - ; 082:8 42'42.3 . Bx. AL /4 YOUNG Co., DealerBl . 2 Lcether, 118300 he 143 Liberty 'met{ ;,,tx.'reivsertirom. ton. Ia n CVICIIION. Wk. K. MeGUTCFIGON, Whokettle Grocer*, .•deeters Pi Predate, tree. N&., aloes, end Pirieberto Itienctfactare gremlin Liberty nt great Pittrbergb. je7 • .1. D. WILLIAMS IXTUOLESALF, ANS RETAIL. GROCERS. Fo W wardcnir arn:Cfnamissinn Merchants, Dealers CoarrtYLPradato and Pittsburgh PdanafFßoaa. eo redo( wood and Fifth streets, Pinsbaran. fluabargb. match 12. LEVI; 1111II.M.ORIL k AIVTELo. GMNERAL , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, trPLtheral adianspl =dean comiguments. MATTHEW' Vs'ILSON; Porusit 104 Miniature Painter. Rostua, oOnter re Prat Office Al's) and ,FOurtis street, entrance on Fourth H., near Market. Ocrandtf. 171 - . J. Leve rTars:lon Ca tisa aid ors Duran flair. WTO. 71 OM een N Orleans , keep constantly on VI baud &large assorunentorßrandics or the follow -4.4 brUthtarnith they offer roe sale u *Toni for J. ate Co. Bordeaux, tort 3.ltutlorT, rand A. Ca, Larochelle, J 3 Parana, ,n- U. 200. L. Ade Mondnre, Jean ”ouis, ilkei al., Aachen Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines in camber and casesoreleeted whh rare byJahn Dsrand t:Cig beddesC.hautpagne Wine and Swett Ihrgi"dr Port geb7.ly• • • •IrCtIOVAL. PXLMF:II. DANN& & CO. have removed their Ezobtage (ieee to north West Corner of Wood and Third streets art; : 1! , =1 4 r ) 7 .. f. 14 P•an Asoilia NIA>. - WIMITMAN-4fanaftentterota o kinda Of 6n. ! e tau Ind woollen inactinery..Alleglimareirrira e above storks Minim:dm Intel! mil gaceeedtle enatkaq ain prepered tif emote eaters iiirk Carib for all kinda afenachinery in ay II" "eh " "UM'S, i &ken, spreaders, ceresarin&ng o+tkiatiiaitwoy~y „I drawing frames, speeder., &Hulls, WWI, wonlen cards, doable or alogle,ddr marreliontor cannily Weak, • &e.; malea,la ide and band Wien andlcols tiara, oral. All kinds of shafting made to onter,4ll4ims Pea. on for paring factories or mills at Teauraabler anew, • Ram ro—Eennedy, & Bald & Co, King, Pennock &Craau.'A.Grae. - "' -• a az 1 - BEN N ETT• -BROTHER, QVE-ENSWARRSIANIIPACTURIIRS, • -• • Illzzolagboara.lmasz PiStabNightlrlai: Ofze, /To. 3 . 7 Wiser se; batman Market . . end' apti/Ll..earatamly keep on head eiPidaio4t. mani et War% of oar oars mana.aad sapariargazbty- Wbokozala and country bleu: chants axe re-spectrally Invitedte ; call azdox. amino for thazzstlyes, az Int ars Oetznabadto.aalt obaapar than hu emir beans. bsenefered to the palm. . . . 127• Orders sent by mall, accompanied by tbliaaab or sod Were:ice. wilt be or r omottramadedie: • BMW comm ittcloalir WHITE 00., Wooldjapectfull Jakarta Me the public thif they htve erected a &cram Lunch, betatron Federal udflandualry wean' They are now making and are prepared to receive ord.:rat& every deseriptton of veldel*Coanhes; . Charlies, Eta rtgl ' aPet g enreZ'in P ar n' ' T:2tutlrrater=g ' , tea toe facilities they have,they feel cot dent they ate enabled to do work on the wan rensonabls terlekwUlt these ruding . artleles la their tine.' ' • '' Payola particular attention to the 110eCtiOil of Matta dale, and having noon bat eranpuent - .indrawn. Owl have no hesitation in or their Work., WS therefor> oak the attention orate publie let thin matter. N. B. Repairing dean in the bast manner, and att the most reasonable terms. • • ' USW( k . . . . . - SOAIVISIVATICISSON • " , , . !la w orrttroom Wpm umMout; ' ,_. NUE to mannfacturo all kind, of COPPER, UTIN AND 811 MT IRON WARE. .Rloo, =ark womb Work. Mtn= Speatal atternion-Oven to swim boat wart. •- have on bands &le usortasent of Copper anittran [cults. Tin Wars, to to. Steamboat olLtng Storer; enable Forgo., various stara+..a very atarrenlent %ea for coantooats, California, emigrants, or railzostr .• aornparder. V% e arouldrerpeottally baud steam twat am. and otters to tall and see oar articles and paces tatora pernhesiee el sewhere. ! • • • /T. 17 W. & GLE3l3..lloolt.Dlnders. - - WE are sail erwaged to the above bmineas, cope* TY of Wood soh Third ammo, rtrabergboaketa we are prepared to do any work In OW .Bee - veldt &o pera. 'We attend to ono work porvonally, hod , lute tactimi will be Won in , refloat* 0.111 iltilsOlS hod d " ot rabuity. - • Blank' Books raled Many panne' and bound lob tiantier!y. Books in ambers or old boolabovad eater folly or repaired.. Names pat on book. to . gilt letters. 'Thom that haverwerk in oar Hoe ma Wetted to tall. —Pnk Prieto:lr. mrdelf ' llachlssa liVorks'aiaa nrisSlOUla,Ml._ TORN WRIGHT t Cave prepared to build Conn sad 'Woolen Machinery of ever, d.eriptioa, such ne Cardinc Unekinen, Optont.v . Frames, Pr i pders, Drinftlftr names, Rothe' Heir,'Worpervi Wm% - lemming Pram., Looms, Card Grindera, fee, 'ought Iron Shraing tamed;• all arena aeon Iron, Psalms hod. Mace. of the latese-pattema, date and hatall,ruhoK and toots of all kinder Curing. Of every deseriptlon tarnished on Own notice. Pimaas made to arderefibt G.... Chan nitrite, h.e. Delon elms Ow *IMO eg Factories, Cast Iron %%lodate :talk and fancy CI. tin. centrally. Order/ le/I'M the Warehotwa of 4, raiment. Co., Liberty Moat, will havapraropt.A-• Iran. • ..• • Behr to Eltekstoei, Bell lk Cek/ X. Go, U. E. Wo.nnu, John Irwin 4r. &my C.* J. IL Warner, Stenboolillc. riAllioisz, ._ IHE sabstiriber offers kw sale a large and s p le nd id emanate= of rosewood and saahoshaygood M.., Filies, will and 'without Coleman's celehrta.d. ~Fiellsa be The alone insult:menu are was.., stated to be equal to say mannfigoisind I n lthi SARA, try, sad will be sold lower than any broaitt Nun tad East. F. IlLi/hLE, No ill vi...d% Zi doer above N.H.—City ibenp will be takazt lc par for a awm be above assonotent. myY -- ."Pittil - aWitraraat. 1 Astor. TIM is to aunty that I have spy 44 0. ~,..„ ~,„„e„,.3„....,..k . Patent Moonily= Filter, tor the ell tlesof Prouilsh and Allegitetir t • Joida4 GIBSON, Agent, , ON Walter Ileitlon.,3o groadwir ti. 1 ,4 •' ' . We bane beets usloq_ons of the aim anklet at the . &bee of the Novelg.Werha lbu time Booths, on Mal: and (eel perfectly *lnaba that it is a useful Invention, ' and we take pleasure in hieorarionvilair them as sure - (*ankle to sit who love pure waxer. Orders will lid thanktellyueorqyea luilpr?=s,lll_l42_,,_ _ _ ~. ,seho . , LivtAGYTON. huoullugti a v * Tim. Ailmam's:Taw • rAMIE =anti= Otto ee6llen retpartrany WWI le the !allowing eallinnataat fa. EL Emma —Having toned • ! madly Cf 11.1014 welshed try your .areoakeiar, I Ind %as recall ;alma • Bonn iwnw n wnnt n o Trent; and TISMILIKTA lIVS IMO if to thaw to o...gib:mai. as tho ben imbed for ob-: wining !ha nal Tata* of Call. RwYE7e_YWO • DITNLEvIi, Basta. rinsbur" Mint P., tem ' • • PArtivosai, Mi PorM—Delilsll.: lirrigt examined the "Ara,: mac,. ota t ooletaroot es pow rooms, I do out heattatq to commend It to the am; .or them gamletn.n :heat monists to CaliGte.tla In swell of Gold. It duce. aloft apyraximttlen to Oa Finagle (Tan 17:61metals, and will tea •astry enable the adveraortr, ue*eettaitt when Ids plater Layieltfint held. ;Oath' Yours. req. , r. 3: IL beC!..II4I^nCIC. • I NDIA Stl ll lIITiCLiV7I drift:—Jan received tees' e t:lp•ai , to. • tone Etruria Clinking, at tutees ranging Nara SAM so 1t1,30 fur reit of cent, pante and • bat For sale at (to Indit - Habber Depot, No 3 Wood OL ' •• •, dean Jet H PHILLIPS imami • rytylP. subscriber atm i for sale, tts 'I3TFAX te WHHILS, above lourrencesiile, ertiMpturing a Stearn Dlgine.i: ,Cldostel Msehine:rmpable tN manufacturing WNW Messed . Its.kk. wt , as taken tram the tient .‘ pet day; with' terra KC.. CI Nod en the Allegheny rim, ins are sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheellrarrown,WiLd"4 .Irovrt., 'nudes, tee, earn ntiveyNtiNite UV <amp meter operations at au Ito an nodes. Pne the patent risk: to use main' msetainej -. s773—..ten._rif payment made easy. Wiutout thy land: sVal. PM parimulan, address HENRY NER11177, - sog.tr.dtf v Ho :IS Monongahela Hen., NO/10Sr 11 . 1lE partnership Lemnos. elimst • of A C BRADLEY, Isl slistolve4 by the decease of Mr. C Wadley. The fool.kes< wilt be carried tot try A Ileatiley, Who will acute, tho bresilwd.4 of lb. , ist. brut —• • HEMOVAIe•-• MUM= I UM tentiosed kin Feendi* Warehouse from No I See and wirnet,Wrid IS Wood street, between First arid Per wad ameba to Ow' me keepwarisdelY °ee:pled by H A Berry, velem Li, onsuatli on hued ge newt aserittntentef Blot' Inge, Grates, Mover, Cooldrirdisses, eel • lit 3••• bleach& &tow. • MITE copartnership hereto) 05 ro existing beareee fLe eubeeribes, Ws asusum f C.autieblei Belk. 21 CO, I. dun day diyolved by y.mt eel towel- Iterke & will ..ts. tho hi *n“. 0( d. 6, fi"M , (or which prinwrolheTare .mho. fixed le SIC 410 Oa= of the C0[1.16. NATIIIANII:4COIIIBTAIILF,.. • 11.11.11/01.11D °RICA „ • . THOMAS W. . , The undersigned have Wit day rise: gated themselves in the name of BURKE & Mows, for the purpose , of manufeetaring rim Proof Safes, • ..al t ththrs , ke., at the nand of .be late firm of CL 'astable, Bathe &Co, where they will lon pleased to eic Ise the Palsoo . age of the customers of that keine alai their fwead. • ROME fat BURKE, THOM RS BARNEOJ. In refiring from the Arm of ConitiAdo, Mirka & Co., I will linens pletontro recommend ,Idesera. Barka Corner to thn confidence of my Mends and Um pablie. Feb. 0,1012. NATIIANIFAR ..)01/fr&BLE. fe.bl3-d:f Ell=l Cs AttBUT1131 01 ? . HAS lost rciamed from the EttracjitCitter, tad I receiving Liaise vanety of seasonable Goods.to which he respectfully Invites the eiteintiort of emtott ems and pedism. Nd 64 Woortty . Wrought mad Cast IrtritßadUm TuEsubsenbers beg kale to tenant theomb e they home obtained from the Feat all the 1 s and fashionable donyns for Iron Stoilitee, both for beim ono cc - mimic.. Persons wishing' to procure il.. - eomeimateme call and °gamine, and je • for themselves. Railing will be famished at the ehott , cat notice, and In the best manner,' at the corner et Craig and Rebecca streets, Alkalies v city. • acrip-dif A. LAhlliNT 100.11 S. CO/CRAVE, ECONOMY CLOTHS, CAB.IOIEI4EB, SATLN Errs, received on Consignment, and for sidle a the roam laetnrces warehouse. oT erdo BERsEIt. ELM IN& CO JOHN LTONSr • • NO. 9 STATE;STREET, BOSTON, A gnu foe Muse add Recovery o f Property • . England. • '. f IIAVING spent nearly a year In the varitnis Re .cord Offices. Natlonal Ltbrary, Sc:, daring bin am volt to England. inverugatlng claims for pewits In this country, and having secured efficient and re sponsible Agents In London and Manchester he is prepared to - sford all rma and ad •ice to persons who seek to r ec over their property In that country. J. L. biro* a Ilst of the Kook of England Dividend Bootie, which may ho examined for GO cents, or OR' etch letter of the Alphabet. Referer.ces In Boston: C. U. E. ADAMS, Notnif Echimi JANIDO WELD, Kant lIENRV K. aIAY, FA; mrti-ara JOIIN W. RIDOEWAY4Ka_q., WALL PAPER—W.. P. biassuib is conataistif receiving, from the largest manafamories In New! York and Plaladeiphia, and also from French agencies, the dearest and moot improved sq les or Pa. Per linmtrinea tier wee with Border.. Firs Board Print., and TeateeTopa For sale at 03 Wood at, be tween Fourth at and Diamond ailey,(sanceapor to & C. Hlll.l ao3 TC PAINT-3 brisjustret , d per IttIUMITi - MI. watt for sate b y the barrel er Single peand at the •Dreg, Seed, and Perfumery Warehoess. termer of Sixth sad Wood streets. d N WICKERSHAM: PADRES AND SZATI I . The meet !appals:se Dlee•verW el ottedt—Clare Remedy for the Piles! Thrt. D.P. BROWN'S celebrated External. Auteti4 .LP eau Remedy fee the riles, has already perm itself to be the only pre cum ever presented to the cublic. hone the discovery of this vitnahle medicine, sad the large number of Caren eases With which Dr. Brown has treated, no one has tailed tithe entirely eared. Unlike the malty healing balms extent, alter months and years of experintenlalising, has too often len the patent when theycommeaced, or won. e bur, after a few dap will decide the ease by effrcura perfect cam. Fawn . Causes,' stet net enter into labored ar, cement to pose my medleine. I introduce It upon IM men merits. by Its effect I Intend It &halt stand or fell. If yeu prefer Um loathsome dlseese,tho P1L1,13,t0 the mane of • few dollar., I Zest th e eau with yea. ' DR. D P BROWN, andrdt Ztalitntd liokoelMArAlWis. N.Y... ; PlTTOriiit i ':/1 1 1 4 1:015 *01;41,TO, MAY - 1850. -11,6ftAlh. -- _ f . • AILOOLAIII ANION. . rillrallMensehtisni sick ind affileted witbditn eSse'ofthsbladdsrand rhenactibn !Pamela back or bathe, atirjoints, eld sores, ronatatt, Meant: ac;thatthey end - be care d lakinf the re tositedslo Yew swaritalkielegt 1 0 Dein.. c , """ " meek Las you ;please; bat this does not make it , mt for we proclaim in the face of an honest community, that 14bsta,Mrtaca ,whlchars oda containeCto any other .remedy. 'The teen whols reeked with pain nod suf. intaglio:es iiiteidet eta gimbal &Mb .Ilet ran ift''no any ofbap earemerated atans.. Reader! It coos; 'very little to mate a trial. ' Tide LYS•aoleum lane min tam-416 compona, of a 3, nntnttemltYi bet DM s. remedy elaborated by. the Master band of nature, and babbles op from the be manbalosr magma =Minas original ,partry, sad of, t i o r, rateleffertn4 hemanl.y a ready remedy, ►.cemato It ha. cared Pile. after oth cparea er medicinal/taro Mika tet render any miler. .It besotted gbaulantam of 110 PR standing, and of the Worst ordained paintal character. it NM Cart 4 Cholerablorbis by one L ot tern dosegi has cared old cares of Diarrhea lawhich every o v er ,rtdaistylat beerieene Meer As a Meal , rerectl y In bar. pn_d.scalda It is bederthett: any mndlnln..-n". bound or efamient that weaned t.f. it will mire chit. blab. or frosted Met; (islets applications; itedoeW ed e:alimony canhe foonisbedof the truth contain , * Its the above atatemeet Syballing en &ndel 31.. •. Interd Bombs, ntatscrect; .a either erthe agents... , ; Kaiser & _McDowell, corner bf Wood. street. • Virgin' Alley; Tl:VltelleraitY Woodat ' reet 'A: ' Hot /c1):11, Carry,Mileadmoy chi, am ills that...'. . . • * * Phi faiur.l.l.4lo) cuss or us. Maw - Masao nor Lantern span or fits aseob 0171.1.100,111211Tirran,M= ' • ' Semiliked Nines Eallatimenuttenn, Obstinate Oats. . : , ..XS Esadritoria t firlydlener Paulen on the Fact s ~ 131olchea, Pies, Catania Bort Eyes, Ring W a r t Cdr Tenet; aN Heart l'hilargetnent and Painof " the Benet - he fraaillni d Jtonts ,It isaabbonses o o -an .Byp , hitle ißrepena, Scia t icaor Lambagrd disases ti w tn mp f ru b ence usll Ali—nie CoConstiustional Disorders.d.c. This medicine' hasacquired Every extended Ind estabitthsCrefatetinti Wherever it bee beta load, hasedentirely toe I. itn anPerk." flaney has cane austained. ,The unforumate victim of heredh try &Ilene, iirtdr *ellen glends, contracted sinewy and bones half saris., has been restated to .bealth 'and rigor. . Th e. actofaloasjiauem. roamed 'with deists, ialittodtrier to - himself and his attendants hat been made Whole. 'Hendmia rf persona, who hml'tnasrultiantelessey for yews under s Inseams and standstill , disorders, chronic rheumatism, and mane other complaints springing from a iteraptement of the Setreard Weans and thecirculation, hare' been mind as it were nom tee reek disease, and new, with regenerated, eormatation. dindli Minh te . th e niftea,y of thls ineslimableereraradon. • "TEEM re enemata tue.,v eleTreet.^ earchead onibiorgh ; G. .110 . . , The attenuen of tbst twderh calla loth(' fellosHrryg • IlaleCiAlhir mar, ;Stated by the and of. Brwalet Bars. 6 - ti, eeitlrr that I hive • y enta hasten. afflicted (or the !wive yenta whit Sereflaba, tea the geriedlto kowd beim effect In enemy the Tropes. of .I.twatuaryleleti ou .013USIT.sla. eortatantly_c rear worse; aed after na pe between eutl• Wm with iriYaieltuny •becdes.uung other Mettler reran without ear.r.rea CI the disease had eaten away the elm/1W 0 , her new, wade et.. letwallee smear:age yams other bodbonsl b,orl seen, commenced fts ravages In the root of her wawa "In ',Ws dreadful shernion. with the pro.peil • deeds siarldi her en the fate, I stated bee ease to De Discaway, we agent for Swots! Itereeparilla In New berry N. C.. by Whom I was advised to use that anode; and tangy sestrls• end that of my neighbors, to whore her rase War aosnyaftsr using foie sad a halt bet Ire ,* was tenoned to pettycy he and that In the plea of three weeks, and .was, able to workin two from weeks fro the time she eatemeneed tstaor IL &Id them of 'So troth 'of 'this auderevetc.z blue iuseisinto affisAul lay name., this tilt day of Reotember, 11367. JOSEI'II Blecorms. J.P., "...South of Ness River, Oruro eo. N C. , SORE TitßilikV • - • • . . !no follow's( ta SO eZtract frets skier received from re.lblvan,wmitiall Dwell affiieted weeral taro with &realms Ulcers, laysOepsie, der., end en, olleedea adze throw end eflaimrsagews, Va., Ike. 13, ISIS. ! ufficied.o.B.,//,,Osabf—Before. cantueney4 .nuns late Simparffix, talk tlnge toren, almost apart ezpreaiLa my throat was eomp4xlp meenrel, reale we effieek" above a Whlt. = ma h.:;411.4,1h:3tatt..44'.4°. (tam asY threat es talreglLTariggatl7rXit n el4ge . . My beaks ores improved. and my throat I. bolo aelh ma. free frose coedit end Album. of lan elle. se lm' I was, and one hear quite diedncll p lily Wow hasbeen well east there Mon th s, the cure of wh'eh been - abated entire* by A. uw of year Su'.*. Boor Mend !ILI:ISA It 1111VANo The folmisina tratimonlal to the of the term. •earitte. It from the Bee lather Wrighl.egra idreaae Coamegatlonal Bloater, retinae, at tvotiorn uweet, Slaw , March .70, t 916 “MeAsta. gamic (7e , ttitoco From anal I have • s• perienhed, and from the information I base a <emir yeatared two a nember of persons of high room ta• who have need year Porsaparilia, I hate tot the least doslit but distil IA t most valillble medicine, and that the 40[40140. ceralcateetlealuale renewed britseilleacy ere fully anstelued by elyierieuen, .04 nithoolla its rep nation and wait" ate very ester/nem [ad Band in nu need of my bumble crone to male ate tires,l leant all who are •Illieted leyMame to ba rrow tlemtalated with the efficacy sod peace of you raleatoto medicine. am t academe% gratefully red very reapeetfully oars. LUTHER WRIGHT Pliepgrad and mold, arholemie 04.1 'Kull. by A. ILL A D. RANDS, Dreggists and Chtnita., lon Felton street, earlier ol.Wsilleas, York.. Sold aim by Drug. hots geotrat4 thee:Saban{ the United States and Can. as. • Friuli per belalu:sia bottles for SS. - For ante OP I W141V1C.4., B. A. FAIINESTOPS je Ctl . and 1.1)tlfdl/P Plitsburgb. Al en. by Pr. B. RIJITII. Urtilaarstra'' feoffi-dendetirT ieldi - Verfki • De in{ et t Peveileal Agree leitintee,. Ift r egli K te m et i trbeW4:!ne9lTretelf• fins %Me! al Yale ttliVer7ttiet".7.7.; Inlet 'lt will ffiettrace awry ..bleat of Impertueee bootee Arffit4elltra 1/0 0 0fin , breucheai both Theoriticel, Oa Fuelled!. 'Science, In as far to the /resent Bete, been &ade available to practice, by elperirtmat, Will be L/Glipd Id Benda lion to every 4:lactation as It encore to the /none of the mmeitaln Sae wort will be arranged wrier fogy beads,representing' rho maatiat,.begioning WWI Winter and mhos with Arden:la." " :MUSS D LLCKWOOD, Pilot lallerand , ritief.rlSl Penn* rt. WAYNE. IRON- WORKS -WARNUO USE. BA:j..%2ROWNN - 00. re,gond to No 100 PldAfbabbWa Elaoopptala lloose, • Audern and . 'Wine arniente. JAIRXB . eer Woonenci., . en,maeuse.,zrie.rees.. ' • • Je ..." p ße b s t h p e ec M tfi al yhehanoo plated hie venlig moth FURNITURE. the Mtge.{ and most varied ...prurient area • offered for sale in BIM city, comprlrlng gamut sensor Botowece, blames's,. sod BLitt Wainer, cured, ornamentol and plain,. Imitable for Parlors: Drawing and Bed ROOMS, all of which wal be sold at the - lomat price.. • .. • . Penang desitlogirorhltare iitY deeelloo.ol4 rob:atoll, looted to call and atomism Its stodkOrldeti embrsees crery.‘descriptlon, Yronishi eheopest *ad plainest to the most elegant and cosily, of which th e (allowing earapriaes spore Tete Crete Korot Tole a Tata Divans; Convereaucti Chain; Elisabethlao Chaos;.. Meeeption do Louis XIV do on• . Haterod do Bonet Manua; • What. Not 4 Toilet Tablom Lord. XIV Commodore; Dale of York's Coach; 60 Sofas with nosh and Hair.eloth totem; 60 Ovum, do do; du dos Mahogany Parlor Chaim; 10 " lloacaraod. ..do. • do; BM Walnut do do; ~40 ;a: Cane Sem , 4 .1 ' do; 4 " Malmgaoy Roettag . dr, 2 " Co, Plea ntools; HO Matble Top Centre Tables; . 20 do do Washßtands; set Mahogany Badges& . • It do Wardrobe ' 18 lIPt Walnut de; /8 Cherry do. ' A ..ry large aosortment Of Cotimon Cholla *Moth er Pursua too tedious to mention. ID , Bloo nt m Doom famished on the shortest notlee. Alf orders promptly Kneaded to. 81. —Cabinet Mogen Veneer s, plicd'wl:ll all sorts of Mahogany, WWI; tit, an at consideratny rodaced prices. tebta WILLIaId DICIII4 B£llB leave to Inform Ida friends and customer. that belt.lost ICCO.fahhg bin new spring stock of Cioodr, comp lain& as usual, all the maws .% and moo fashion. f. , lf.ighfaQf COO; Cistaimeres. fancy Vesting!. cot. oWu sea ember stuffs, Andes., artiala lat.!" f irentlamen4 wear for spring and summit r. being impossible to describe Ihts beauty, quality, or quantity of Mean:ok, the proprietot hopes all whose to Team of good, obese., fashionable, sod wall militia oloThes. will give him a all, asthenia no stock thin aide el the Alleghenies at can Compare with it. ted Ti to all m ready M.mad depart:Mao in very extensive, adap- W_ aft Rad road est tom, country marehanla,,and who patabata largely, are.panientafly In to el and= the stank before purcOsaing, panlcular at ; tattoo is pet or tber wholesale business In Shia °stab lishmeon • Every • ardele to the tailoring line made to Order to Slur mom fashionable and beet manner, at tiro shortest nonce. turn • - ' MORD CO., to hi , Cont te Kiagl OIL rashloanable lla Clorsor 'Wood and F ifth Au Retail Trade. tirridutAa au.ttoix P a lo 0 , liau cod Genik.men can re geetO . pa hem our establishment of the amt 111101131411:617r of wawa ammo= at th o nuns: C* TX Me re h rirV1 8 . Vo h s oar l ; rcip f l y Ihened_ctoo,r3,unao. teat ar iewa at Vpitt.M,H ".l l:llniOrikalret fa a COMOWirn with • :hoots la Philadelphia: bite W.LadV.B .4 ..... d !ma -1N oi g m elieefiom 101)MaTtaet=ig:vv._!.....„ i o ta . ? stria tz , saner, 4:4,r"th"'"?iNariin.tatibio . W10.01_,! INMJRAN,C >n - LIFE INSURANCE,I Trenton Initial Life Inearanee Company. pair i nrx SlDUcin ro. ctn. JAMES DEFENU IP tc " Ct, ti l:efer Pittaburfh,'Pa i6in m as:_mitaros, !et I°6 I,Vcari, 10. VeTdlearly V.l". ni Morrls.Secretary., 4 J . 00alhan Fmk, Treasarer. IMZEM , • artw von. Cmalnranerof Near York. flown end. John F. Mackie David- landloy Fla !Ifaapla Maxie. I , ._ ' iliar . .ramirr. link.Exe. Goy. - Ifisines. ' Fs-Cov.Nranna. W. - I:.l3ayma,TY. R. Sen. I.aao Wildrfet, M. C. fil. IS Wall. Ex U. S.. Sen. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. Ex.C.mr. M. Dicaman. , Hon. S. n.11.,11... : ,•• lefEnrCAL UNAFIINF.RIS 1. , A. , B;dney Deane. M. D. .W . W. Glerhard;M.,D. Warren a:, N. Y. . :01 Walnut M. raw.. :-. . • tr. r 11loman.ALD,, R. P. Bell, At - 0.; 4. ; .: rte 'co at - • Allegheny &,y ) Pal •--,-, -- Wuabarghl • , e Mama of , tat Pitubargt, arena. (Make+ to , take ' clad riak as Life al a a anCtioti or en cam tram Mammal Impact premium, an reed bzother Compialea. . • - sliorms. ..-A Man 30 team of at taklng . n Polley or laintince fee OneThonsaral Milan: •, .: _, ••.. • - . . Ilan. James Campbell. David 11. White.. Alexaoder Cummlars. W.I. P.' While, P. M. ; Ta run for one year, pays only MFG r ,eiren • fitr,vo i. der - 11.7180 X • And in ,tha mimes. proportion,for any aunsTup• to s4l.:l , ,mhmh le the extent taken on any one. ilk, .; • thi.. kinspany ennimenoad.nparatiOnn on theist s Ocui4er, lath, and its . 1110111ilyilllliels Up In lie /al tletnher, 1949, rimers a 'progreaa • axelethnialkiat of aty other Life Company on reenni, .• 'TW. first dividend of profit, ,m.lrbo declared to the azacti.d en the Ix )emery. 1850. Pamphlets contaming the variant tables of rate.; and all the.necenaty itiGnicatiou po liar Important saline' of Life Amstrance, aril l be firelebed on applo c &bon .14Airo.DITRIVO b. CO., (Mewl Delldh,re • • glaZ INS!WUIir C Ve R uiTA R OPC 4 ckirI T AYIi ,L ZITTI:4 I , ) PIM I T( tunrow 11/0116,11•054 or DiIIJIM by FIZZ', WA t!wellirgs cud rum oil, Poorer,. Good., !to ar.Oltetotort :AMES DURNO CO. r Atireo to, ! eon arisonsmong, TF. DELAWARE •MUTUAL SAFETY_ MSC RANCE COMPANY—Otften Neenh Room of the Exchange, Taira harem, PL lade lonia. • • • ~;Ftgalenumsci,—Baddlngs, Merehandiao and other PrePenT, In Town and Country, intayad against low or ilantsge by fin, at UM lillrert nit of p11.41/131, .44111111111ascsaama—Thay alaniasura Visuals, Carr goes and Frei Rhos, fore Lin or eoastwiw, underopen or ataxia.' !whales, as, the aasured may dearra. IRA= Tametromastom—They also tosure merch andise transported hy Wagon*, Rail Road Can, Cana *Rana and Meant Roam, on rival •and lakes, maw =online's' tem. . DIRF.CTORd—Joseph R. Edmund A. *kinder, 7alus4) Darts, Wands Durtote, John R Penn*, damn. UmO Lelper, Edward Darlington, lump IX Dacia; Wm Falwell, John Pkwlin. Dr R Easton; 7sts C Rad, Theophitaa Eauldlng, - 11 Woo. nr00104! 11{.11/lingia.Cm)l,4Warget.dernll,.Speneet Melly i on., Charlet Kelly, 7 13"7940wn, Wm Day, Dr Thibaut. Join None's. Ws Pyre, ' Do D nk Cral, , Joh C . 4'OP AT n T Iswart. r177313410,:id.,D T Morgan,. •. t •• WILLIAM llARlTN,Yrelddent.- ' Rudman R.lsiswents4t.,.rel. n', 'JD Olin of-the Company, No. 41 . atel anti*, rmobonio. MADE3gA.24I ' 11,1 f/ wad' Harlot Ilithiataisoor Mat Mutual. Lao and Leauh Insonnee Coury..y 1, of Philadelphie ‘ lusorporateri by she LegiaLuare Of Pennsylvania, nlaseh, 1.049. Charter perpetual. Capital ,_lllOO,lOl. Rasa Lovas en. ass human, row Ccorrans, .4 full YO per cent. low.thao the asaaj Tat. of Life laturinee as the followmg eon,- pewee wig phew: Th.* pen. of the age of XI lb , .. 21 0 9 OW Ida/ lar)44e. !oat cal In the Girard WAG— . Peenrylvanillal ne, Peon :until% 12 . 3 .' 4 role , szts* New Lopland,ll24lol Near vortiale, ;4 41- Moo, SU,4B Life nod Heal th , Philwielphla,lll,9l, Driactosa—Santel D. 011409, Churl. 11, HMV*. _ Rebut P. King, Marks P. Hayes, IL. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. U. Ch. 0. U Campbell. Lewis Cooper, I. Redman Dater, E. IL Butler, Edwin Warident—eituneel D. Orrick; 4°l , 1-4 2" /1-41a,Scr7TI—Franets Week barna. ae . Ind even' Information givetrby 17:11.-."iusawidpr, f or Cocurnersul Damns, derAet of petyreay Wool and Third sta. Pillebareh • - •.soilts - rib -- skaticaninrintAscso. - rpm INSURANCIZ.CO. if !Perth Muriel, will mobe pessuanont sad Walled Dolma. en pro- Ogle (a r evs oy and Vicinity, and en shipin,th by Catd, W, Wes. and' by Pea. • The proport , ..s et Ws Gap., ase p isvested, and tarnish au avail fur; _for the asupteladoc,„,,Tyr,f pert,. who u." O " Pn' A.l.l=7 ` l7;. N Warm ea. . - 17 , •23.7npurommitaiftwat.PsualbsAitil. The Spring Garden Health Insurance-Co, OF PLOLMJELPHI.A.--cAertra. $lOO,OOO, ygum, 1.1.1.. .4 Fannies tiniest the Expense end Lese.,e44.4iini by , tiebees - er Aecident; by boinatectilate Atiervratubi id &ma IAIp ayenar w"ke. On one, two. three, or tour y eats. . • ' The seethed or elating this Insorenee. and the isernner etf alotrdingthe Weir allnorostee, will be folly ef pinked by the Agent. . AF, rsoe ran insure against Sletans et Aeoldent rottioli omq oomfo Mrio from his oriumn thrall:mos, as. fol'ows, For * 4 4 1 4,, 4,b1'3 . 43131 1 3 3 , 93 .1 44 4cee1ve sae 4444 k. Par two 4 Par three 4 " 3 Fin 1.4 r u 14,4 e ea... (4. fo n period of four score, the. XVII of t 14,40 paid ....ally, WO! ;TN.,. N per woes weabc wick. Every bereawary ouk.rtotoion will bit alrottiedeut the subject of ImisiteksieF funktwailw_il Sk. • • LiblEd DUILIUS CO, .odeetw .Llj l ,_jl ••• fir* end flaring ISIZZIrelliOO.. MINX qt loomonso Comp.) , of North has Peen removed to No. Ljt Front at OW of Wood. " The sub•eribe/t tyrant for ;Is abooe old gnorreopon• Bible Company, ti•U Woe Policies on. Buildings and Weir convents, and on *Winnows ofllerobtbdise by' *Resat Wats sad other vessels. , . W. P. J0:.419. The Penney!Thum Company ral husae.nes on L1V1.11,0 u..MIK lianrnic llMlF.hrst Life Inraranco 1;0331111“Iy.S5 the U. Starrh. Incorporated March ID, Icl9—ettastsr perpettlaii Cap Inl s.lfityltu—all paid la. 44 , 614 ronitoritted li.. underslestrd 10 lICCITZ applh -11,1110,14 (07 bllti ranee, on or bich policies will be ihtimd t according to their proposals anJ rater, which wißba MOO /mew. to apehearas at Ws vitae, N 0.25 Mod soma. tool GEO COCHRAN.. 110VALI., 0- P. &S. NeI.:STIN te Co., We reporsd to ;act 37 Wood etreet,eppotOo the St alleles lIDIf I. Tt.e) have nho changed toe etyle , of their Am. and the hutlotee sill 1., curled OP ander the name end style ef'..reetley fe Nehmen!, POSTLEY f NELSONS.' Mandtacimer. of Cast Steel mil llommered hov els, eipedm, floes, Hay and Manure Folk. Wand lime trier:a friends' wors, they sin s supply Well friends et tite ;Monism notice red town! title. tbs. market troilldud. •ktt-. Mea outdo of Um Lest 1336,4114 , . and latemetylis. Item Watim ',Want to purehme will And it to their educe: out. to examine thetr stock before puebasimeeloa where. ; aiti4.tua 'MING & CO. HERSEY, FL FROMTTIF. MANTiFAC qq. &tux, unEns, 'A ND AT EAST VIIRRN 'PIM MANOPA . WIlOo klanuel•, an Wool . Ned 'do do Yellow air do Stowe do do ME= Pitney Cettonader; at% are o trued at Factory anise. /loam Leagne Etat - Unit. Cheeks soil Striper, ...T7 heavy goods. 'radon , Goods. Black Satinett. Steel 'nixed do Sleek' Can:lmre. Parley do Panes Tweeds. Super Black Broad Cloth. Super flume do Soper Green do SupeiTsrtlied do Supst Black Doe :SSD.. Super Drnb Cashmeres. Super Drown do Soper Black do Cabforela Blankets. Wewilat .do Ulun ' do Drab do Grath flagging. Ortthru At the Musstsetttheti' k' Pittsburgh Red Pmiding, •uPtrro; Vc.t Farl3ing, Dar k itc,. tallat•Takrara.baary d.i Drown I.Dieus, dihriala Drab Sew, black do. a II and vrocced;. DLet and %Viiiio T.pc; Black Tarim, Drab do: Lilted Chocks and Drill.. , sitiart'a G cord Spl cotton; do Linen Tbread; a stroorior aniede: • , gilt Figured Vesting.; Illack Satin 'do Irrowo Holland Cog Blasi Dutton, : Cravat., @ a, Ice. arehouro, No 127 Wood. sar.O3 IMECIEMOMI PITTIMUIICIII PM this liutliodon, under the . thiontonni 'for the present once On ibis day, Nond., ;buildings, No. Od Liberty' ,1 " X t rrentr B fatlll ' s academie year, will earn • February itlW, la the sans Arnmgeraeuts have bean made by which they tel be able to furnish young Indies facilities equal to In the West, for obtaining a thorough English, .Clu.M• cal,and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi. isophice: and Chemical Lecterns will be delivered daring the winter, Illustrated by apparable. 'The dew partmenta of Voeal and lustrumental Music, Diodcrn Immunities, Drawing and ,llntritlng, will crab be under tho cam of • competent Professor. Ily sloth attention vi the ma ruland intellectual improvement of iilflif p. pile, the Principals hope to merit • continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For WV., see Or apply to the Principals. '7fahltadtf N° . 6. $4 60 ' B 0 0 T 8. •Si 60 riMIE nthaeriber la no* manufacturing • (rodent - UT 1. SUMMER BOOT, of good motertali and "wok- • 00" W D ' AM ' Et ' llttE s°. ki • • No 0 Market at. second doot loom Water at. 2iplldgea (Tribune copy.] riltlE midersigned havleyi purehimed. of 0. A. Bay ard, the Steam Saar Mu alt the Allegheny Paver. aDore Me Am metro ere now prepared to tilt eh I,IIM of lumber of any alto and length, from Go is Boat Sg, Deck Elsok. tmmalca, Joist, Scantlings, Trimmer., Board., ke ,on the ehono,t notice. Loth. conatanly an hand. Orders received and any inform • .eo n gle an by ft Wightman, corner of Water mod Lltierty streets, or al Murtha; No led Liberty street, and at the odes of the min.. ap(o4lin WIUHTMAN k. mono Igo' , NEW PEE ATIOn GILSSIL—tmke daperlor; ita Physical Character. A Vegetation, and Antonia. dati. diercsa—The Emit Illustrated /Mo. litrasomit—Cosatna. f 1 vol. tem. • Iltmitiorne—Yispeeta of :grime. d vols. tdmo. Umsarts—Tarkah Evening Entertainments. ldmo. Macmillt—Stugical Amor:ay. Colomd plates. 410. Dana—rourn• unirProse triunes. d vole. nem. Tccateham—Ttortethitlll; ' - • okaraos—routeal Haolattor.m. tive. Crarroa—Homerl load, auto. Idaeltal—Potmlit , Delaslitas Roots. Theo. Far by • JAES.D,I,OOhWOOD 449 Draggetay eklmpertaf ] loi Edna IL IME2IMIIIII ISISIMANEOLES , Camemberts! 74danattossal Conies. 111/JE SCIENTIFIC SECTION2.--The Similar& Mont. • I bets have employealbe fleet Professore in Scat; land,"itt tho • preparation of mese work. They are :rosw radioed to the Nehoole of tho Caftan Mates, under ,the American resisJon of D. N. Reeve, !CD, 1.. L. it , late - Superirnendant of Public Scheele, in the City and County of New York. I. Chambers' 'Premien' of Kmnstedget Tf. Clark's Dremleg and ?mixer.= 111. Chambers' Elements of Natural Philosophy; IV. Reid re fialn's Chemistry and Electricity; V. Hamilton's Vegetable and Animal Physlolorm VT. Chambers' Elements of Zoolnev, with plates; VII. Page's Elements of Geology, 11l alarmed, , It Is well ItnOwn'that the ablishers of the works ithollesers Chambers,original of 147. p 1Inbergh) arc nide m to ceresuand the best talents In the preparation of their .books. and that It it Mcir practice to deed ridiSfeilY with the pribile.. This eerie+ will not disappoint the mountable espectations thus excited. . They ace elm 4 memoir' warks.preparrad by authors in every was ea , noble Of doing - look/ tothelmespentire undertaking., sad who hare evidently . bellowed aeon them the tie. icessary time and labor to adapt 'them ie. their P.M. , We rceoritmend 'theta to wnehers ane Parents with :ieonlidence. 4 Tbo Lint named Talmo, In the hands of 4 •4 Mather of the younger classes, might fumiett an to. xhaustible fond of amusement nod tilstmetion. Te., nether. they wag COnelltute a rich treasure to a fem. lip of latrine ntiehlidren, and Impart a thirst for knowledge.—.[Vermont Chronicle. • Pablbilted by A. B. Barbee & Co New vork; and fee sale by, . A. H. ENal.ll5ll h. CD. • Ins2o Nn le Wood at 4,iimrs POUND fiCHICING TD EQUAL TRIM." IlLecestsso. Tn., March it li.:10. ••R. 11. E. SELLI.Ittr—I. have disposed a all the M Cough Brrep aid Liven Pips vent sent me, and 10 don of the Venstifurte.4 4 : I hare wed all your Family Medicines in my femilY, and It ve ass proaeli . lted them fn ler Preciice; I su , 'very nett pleased...rob th em, apd h as. found nothing' to en ee l them. Sod me 5 dose f, your Vormange, and 10 do each of the Liver Pills and Coach Syrup. Respectfully years, i net of Letter.] 4 E l t T. T. Jacc.on. th so highly nemesis methaine • may be had of th e 1 , guff, a E SELLERS, 57 Wood at, and Druggists e_ .. iy i r, n o t ri x e b t wl.ei t s teita , n . d . viz laity. arnt - _ Tit:SACRED HAltalolsiir, a new coticeren of Char. ittuSie. Edit. by George Vingslry, Au or of Social Chris. Juvenile Choir, A., Ai. Sobboth School Gems of Maxie and Poetry, designed 'arr..if for too Sabbath 13ohcah by J. & A. C.A. shook. • A new Tread. otrAstrpromji and the Lire of be Gtorms, In tree par. Contalrda: Astronomic. and other deftnitionn canons and positions older ...moon and planets; Relic , . laws and Theory of (invitation, Refraction,Tie 41, and Farrah., Commotions, Pe riods, Distances, beam..., and aleoliodes of the Ilereenly, Oodles composing the Solar SYstem, an extensive .Ileet ort of tbe most use I al Prob lems the Us. of the Globes. Illustrated by a suit able 'artery of Examples, &c l designed for the U. of High Schools orad /Len-U.IIIM fly James Mclntire ; M. D. Professor of Metbematiel end Aarocomy In rho Central High ,Sehool. of 11.1timore. Deck sod Pon, or Inside.. of. Cruise in the United EtiatasYrigateCOndross, to California; ehh Sketch. of Rio Joimitto, yolperoisa, Wan, Ilnuelota. and San Fr.ers..` DP Roy. Visitor Collo., U. S. N.; aCULOI of Ship .d Shore, he. Poe sold by 6. IL MOLTS!' lb CO, • .' • Samaria to ELLIOT ENGLIS I • • • • Na.p: WO.l street. LEX tND6B 3 LAY, ofeho.Memond and J 4, Blar[rt tares; are now selling of, ar redcred prices, their cock of Winter Goods, notatenna of thawla and Ladino. Dreu Geode, In gnat 'vitt] , oklso—lllankels and Flannels, Clothi, carricics, Satin ens, and a fail inaortnient of henry (Colton Gdods. Conk:toot that bother harrainscannot be bad else ataxic, we parito the attendee of boyera. rartfl •- -- Gartai — dh7sassrlossw Illoobetalool Nordic D.APPIcIon 4 Co, /"Milrarislille ' eli;Otirse °flat. to Potte;littos twenty Eve come each, a pi writcssiii.T • - cy liferikinuo^ Jintino Work.anif Ed k; &waned for Prague! Worhng smut than intirnini Jut Um Bogs. aerrong rareness. flub In Oarill STOOL rpm . WORN la of large 800. mu. and mill contain J. 7 ceracsaten room, smdnpartrits of s¢ mum ' bean sturreamosa It wilt resent workleg.draw. Ingo &unpin:ins ants Most iMporwar ontobltiq tit sl A g Mated than. holeppAtiatt I,f the Usual. by Ame no ingenuity, it will contain complete pried cal. ti ea oa Mechanics, Mactdnel7,FM/In.interks and • gineeting; wail &titbit useful In more than I one oasimul dollars Worth of folio wanton,, mega. sines nod other books. Th • great onkel of Ibis publication is, re, plane be fore tactical men One students adch an ammo. of them . 'est and ameatide knowledge, in a emuleesed ftitlar .boli an hit lhent 'Ay I:0 he - t silyio• to , std to avoid dross follitikea watch they might o se COMMIL The antosuiot aerial information ihos ought together is &Witt beyond prccedem In conk • flea Indeed, there is hardly any aulject whin its range which As ri-t treated with melt elear :cgs ad pretision, that even • man otitis oral. mry 'puny cannot fail or. moderators+ leg it, and miry • arcing Evan it mach witch it It important for Aim • %now • ponhahise am, to short, determined,geeseiness fe • to make the erosk at complete as possible, sea Lis b.. • 4 every one desirous to obieln the work will' roes it as lamed to 'numbers: Mid 12172 eneositage to :triune. , TO work will' be Issued In reml.minulily numbers, trig in January, I 040,andmIll program wish at Cpl/1“110'. d 11, whole work will be publishn n4O numbers. 1 eats surnamberomd completed within the mir y r, A discount will be made to s one remittiog . the ' cave rho - - Alr. one re tattties •the pot:hobo.* 110 In goloshes. shall cave the work threolth the post ... daze free of Optalons of the Prase. oar °emcees. hlanstiscuarers, Mechanic., En 10e..., and Anew:No will hee wino of wealth."— ..*.c.t tit 1) Jougosi. 'Vottes men, son raosselsws wish its knowledge. Ltia ern wile emshdenea FecoMOloll%l Cur icaCcns to possess th. ravels et of its nasul,cus os fast As they spa peord'—Amesicao Artisan_ •-Wde liahrsitausg , y eassmend the work to those e inctll.ll or m eetly minshuneal CT ,c,c2 . .iac. 110,4 'no emipenny whisky sod pur Studyd'rTrog,thi, lista pl. .41 Er Italy great worn, mod the ruh:i•lters des Serve the thank• of Weeniest martuninsh sad ownSo lutotes• Indeed.otem 11 74: d g;intletry will be highly e.t . a) to sweetest merhautes,ond oitloahoi to oti who wish to wequaint tagottelyeti with +he mgr." of iiveal.ot. this hi, arts..—New Ilediard Dally Meresay. .boyng itirohanies nugta to keep ponce up to the - PletLed an 'Well rs print eat knowlage, andOlt wort will .404 titem Inc Itonithey.Lusd..—licabary (..Maw, AA:Tem:or. . . 'AVelaket it to be Pitt the "loth that seines end bone dieds et oat leteUtgent tnectuatel lune dee !led to pur ee... 00 ample ate aa ac.riptiona, taxa se full oi.d IMpUM fis specifications,. that it seems to us that any mechanic might comma-an Mac:alte a tee anat., on the s.reegth of tth mgravings and al Conti:e.t.a! Advertiser. inicreved m m.elumics ohould avail them SelTel at ito (Peq..,k7ouf 40. "AL wort orea vnaive practice "USA, cod great Pa ponalmc nod voltor in the tripling it:interimg internam of Pm muter. We regard the more as emlneitily Calculate./ to pron.. the cane of, science and ths awn hsnie al MI and to dimmOnate valinble informa tion on them anti)ents."—Patelier and 5 chant n. 'Prentice' men all the seal s of mcchani- • • and and inmufitstating indue ryl cogineerina &e" viii find in This work a" treasure whir& it will be to Weir profit to westP—Tray Doily Whig. • bane utVe ha p v o e earefoily pormed We nonlife ro, end no hesltiaian In allying thy, it Locke hem work tOr mo cha:um, tradesmen, aad sairoufic, men, ever publish. ral, for it contains minute formulation on every branch . , . . . , . .. .. . .. of Om 'ineclanical arts and ACICIICCh expressed in n stole nod I.ogoege intelligible to nay reader in °Mt ; nary c prielty."--siloocemer,(hlate.d NC., "life are earn we arc doing the mechanic. of Nor wich ild other pans of Conuccticet es s• vice by brinsi g- the Work to their attention. , '—Norwirh, (Cotta) COW., • "It Wpm such it work as every mechaole should possen."—yreenion , ..lown.l. Wo uonmder norm of the most are ful and linpownnt publicatimis of the age. No mechanic can a eon] to ba ~initninolt."—NewarM I N. )4 Commercial Courier. 'Mt all tho minima publication. haring hie their oho itet the clocidaiion end ad•soceinant of - the merbard mit arts aurfsclonee., near Ulu we hero seen, is so foil of promise as this "—Murillo Com. Ado. "It Is the beer aid cheap.. work eseredered to the enteafinc„oud micelles) engineer and Mantllol'lo. - The pints. 2;i:beautifully executeibn--Witehnigion 6101% ; "Tht. greet Thettonney is one of the more ore tul 111(1. cam pabliched far year., and the low prier at which it is mold make. it acceptable to all."—:oath Carolinian. "We rtgar.l it as one oldie mnsicemprcheo.he nnd .bible, is well ion elleaffel worts ewer pobllehed." Baltimore Advertiser. . . "Ought. to he tntanl.y every one devleng to keep pace with the pew. of •tt neteneo Lt every ono tattle labors at etvhete.llol. - -11colloul Cenrier. _ "It N denlgnoll often . the onneiplo of ry, only that it In Intro devoted tu It when end engmeoung rofemons, and above t valtiablo so acconart•hing fir Antorlea en ha, done for England, nix: anerllnng American machinery and Morn of alt"—Se lennfie Amerman. puhyshed In numben, nod nt prles mode-. ram, Ingmg at wt! acontainod Mooch anther, gni no one who his the lent 'unrest In non Innen, . . .• need be deterred framproeutinelli and every one who dais q, rill Gad that halite in a condensed loom nn a unt of Inotruction which Would by obtained, if: at all, only by the porehore of very many volumea.—N. Y. Conner and kdiquiter, "The entairrehencivdders with which the cabinet. are Mated, the admirable manner in which they ate ilinaliated,ennsialle to woke this nne of We moot deta ralttefikms booh oo.—Detncra Ire mew "titterer:do should e hntoiserevery ineehnnie, theand meant:smut nr, coperintly these vim hove the !dart n•pirotinno to hone! In their recycenvelmst. acme. Wntneo emefely examtoml it, with n view vi recommending It tout. enters. To them wit ',-coldony In the Otteng lenenhae rf the Mint: "It is tined."- 11111tisnare Inventors' .11ralies to ad Rrorrtetora rf tipemxpers throughout Ma United Narm ,tun Canada. If the foregoing advertisement is Insensd five tants daring'''. year, and the paper collating It sent to us • copy alba wars will be sent plait In payment. aplatdiwltT --- ISPLARINATORY 11.111CIRIA.T18111. THF, AMERICAN RHEUM ATI CI UALS A Mil ANFINV remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable Kingdom—a s and permanent cure for aU !Remnant Complain m, rich Inflammatory, Chrontch toms and Mercanol • Rheumatism, tiout. Lumhaver, Spinal Alheuens.ne. • This medicine has long Imen sought for. It hos been sand then Itheumatirm could not he mord; hut Mere it a reed designed by nouns for the cum m every dia. Car 3 that tne human •ymon aultect in Al Part a re— m; has been blind Met cares Itheunitotirm of the t loan—one of the mum volanttle vegetable pro. dutputos of the earth—the greatest mut 1111361 important, discovery of the ege, and a mandtrful blerring to the banyan family. It tures without .learning or &bible. neat and reuews strength and vigor to toe whole al a- Into , i t t,m t cured, during the put wee months, ore, fill bate , that terra considered incurable Crithcatea of the curative properties of this remits tin tan be wen by calling on Olt Agents. Neine genuine tile's put up with au conned label upon Inn outrute wrapper, supted by the proprietor, TUHIVSH, hltergith-N• Y. Solo by SCIYSER. corner Thlrd and 2Uarttl vt.,Pina-atrah. • 43c,14 oleo by • OP. THOMAS - , 1 • No ICa gain at, Cnarionsal, 0. ,fehlhdfragarchO De:UMW LIOARDs—ZAJO asforrod numbers, Ch intbenbiritignialatallucont hand, for ode by 'Lys cy4inaraux at ; ; a MISCELLANEOUS ,TerPoSettsorst and Western ilsisrehanstm, 11_30USSEL13 PEP:MIMI PERFUMERY. The Elk subecriber respecrfally Writes public attention to hie exteneive steek of Perfumery, Soaps, paving Creams, &p., la which seven Silver and two Golden Medal. have, within the last six years, been awarded by, th e !emirates of Now Yo*, Batton. and Phila.. del phia, the latter being the. only Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either in.linropo or in this country. toessei's Unarrsumn fiasvmo Gault, {Almond, Rath, and . Ifothrosithi universally' acknowledged to be superior to any She...ills Crea m . in doe country ow , Europe. - . Otsoraarrs solt £ l ll.olll6l—Betatlfelly transparent, and possessing highly eaponseeons and emollient properties; lianonaceons Compound; Ambroclal Shay. tog Tablet; Military Shaving Soap. • clermsnesTonarSocrs—ahnond,Rse,blillettenrs, Bouuet, Pistachio, Mask, Parebouly, Omnibus, Float ing, Transparent, Olive Oil, Windeor,ond Circassian. }lemma iron rata Ilannansuncs.—Bon, Surat; Banquet de Caroline, Clerstnnun, Jenny Lind, Monate , line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clem:Lige, Citronelle Rent, and many.other varieum, in all ainty different peritonea. Wevans...Floridn.WaW. Este do Toilette l;ka r° 4c ' Flower Water. and a great variety ol Co lo gneeand Lavender Waters • illserarteriorta rot Mis Ilsot—Genstine Bette, Oil, Antique 4.111, Guideline, Ban LostraLe, Glebe, Cern peep.' On Marrow, Hair Dyes, liquid and in powder, and Philocortie.Bleiniste, and Jenny Land Pomades. o th Pieraltanorts—llattamie•Elialr, Role Tooth paste, Charcoal Deetrifice, Odontine, Tooth Paste,7ed Tooth Powder. Coatastiri,Yrgetable Cosmetic Cream, Amending: for chopped buds. Cold Cream of Roses, Cm.= dr Pratt,, Lip Salve, Raspberry Create, krt. Depilatory Powder., far removing saperhona hair, Pearl Powder, Vinelgre de no:g.. ArOmatieNtserar. Victoria. Hair Competition* Prestrtn.Velta, betides 'a great variety of other article., too numeral= to be , maned in this astrartisement. The subscriber, hoper m pleilttale, the rtnutation which this eatsblistacent has smeared, by disposing of nothing bat find. rate articles, and be happy to fornieb them who may wish tO patronise him either -wholeattle Cr retail, on as reasonable hellits as any ea tabliihntent in the Vhltfil Stains. X&VIEB HAM, encemsor to and foramiDirector of the Lulu:natter of EUGENE ROIIdbEL, 114 Chesnat street' Mr. Ilssin's Pereostery is (or sells by ill the prinel pal proxeists in She eonntrr 61 , 17;41, OP - P rpH{ Yartnersbip heretofore ellsting between James t Morenall, Wm. W. Wailser, and Henry al. , GeltrY, iwtbeeastiron busloan, ender the name able:shall, Wallace d Co, vas dissolved by anted consent, on the Ist inst., Jam.. Marshall and Henry 111tasary hiving puvetatied the native Unties% Or Wse; W. Wall Into bt sa,d Lan. . The business in future will be continual In 'all hi entIOUS branehe• by the subscribers, ander the name and mete of hlstsball & Idelleary, who will settle the business of the Into firm, and to whore .at omen/ tri• dented ere requested tun:take payment. -IVaretouse, corner of Wood nod puberty streets. JAZIIE-9 blAftS&Lte, mid H'. EethlY - • InONNETT, No U Wood mat. FaiPLTsti 1.0 t o t i o re letA u t i g 0 ROC w kß);pkg• Y. 11. Imp. Black , attd Gonpowder ?ca.; ELS bks Tobrere Oti bugs - Rio UaTecq N 0 Molases; .73 bbds N 0 Sugar; RC born marled sacs 140 ble SL. R. E5V51514 Im 5.50 elipteu do; 13asks * Zuge Canaan; 15 bolos E. Wmlmo; 15 do Brun Non; 'l5 do Faber* GlaaN 40 Piper; by-. 00 b. enull'.; 100 do Pea Nuts; eo hzs shelled Almonds; 5 Lina easesßeek Candy; uazkeal IgciSr}eelg.rmpeo A Ilegales MOO M Spanish; 3 boo Cloves; 3 ea. hrWaeasi 3 etre54..1044 , 4 O. Sympi ..%‘ GOO pper Bum; 14 cues Toms. Carsure Ground Elplees of all kind. 40 bar powdered and Loaf Sagan 9 idols Madder, 10 brie Within: M , Coibn Codfish; :M• beim innnare 014 Saba, Otocela(m 1 , 0 doi ika c. 0.; SO coda Manilla Ham MI has Spited Ctenolala; 10 bags lepnen . t ' arieg l a7,‘ Sp hill VO * dI ; 41001, !karate,' 10 lfC4 10 31:47 drama Inge; As well ea • general 4O A CA SKS of Me ab IP - S . blab ten, direct fro oaks now en eke way ft peered here Ws week ;- a via Baltimore per abb./et on., anti Album, welch will lowest market pike for e• wortritatt - oi Pl* nve les the esaantsetarerg •130 ram New OriesnALP7l4. sw and 314 ill she snipe ats, Clutespeake, II be sold ea armalon ms ash or approved Ws. tc k. mircur.Tare„.: No 'ISD Melte INS. 110 OBEs. • • atiiinsicalt A 1.4 . persons beaker LAM 11111 Clint° Una, to • RA pleat." call at the Room. second story, corner of We, for the tame. ' BAD Fitutotral, April 211.1e30. • ben p.t on theft bees.. oladon of Cowell', arill of the Hoard of Trade; "and Taled ins. tad pay • DEL FADNESTOCK. . • as . n2B Geed. AA .11TAPON at CO are receiving , dallyi additions . of tiro solemimc mi., to their splendul slibet of Men Goods, -vial—Soper Blank and Fanny. Sas,. 51k. Tiwun,'Persi. Cloths, Alherinea,-13tdbenee. Itareges and klarete.Do Latos,Alaoh, Ow.", °MAW* n coney 8411140 LAMM% . k.V.4 t 1 g- Goods in all their vtictP. - spa riitV — P:i,TrF.ktfo , r2 new palter= of Waal I,lr. ).o.per, in Chamois, Got i t.in. and fanny colors, have teen recur togethar with - sly blll - of French Borden, Board Pilau and - Testi:Tops in Gold and Wilma EMZIMM ISS Bremer's 1 , 64,1[1, Me. Antinws E,11,10.,.- OJ. The Neighbor.: a Tale or Emsly Day lan A new and revised edition, with an introdartion written prnsly. for Mir edition by Miss Bremer. 1.9m0, Moth Unitota. wi4i4 Irving's, Cooper's, sad So.:lewd k's and intmumettarith Portrait and Mew of the author's rrtideLer. 110 , 1:CI , P Iliad; translated by IVY.ham Cowper Ettwtl as Robert Bomber I. L. D-, with nom by ht A. Dwight._ A. rplentid cattail * on large paper: 11- Irorated with twelve engraving, la 0111/313C., from des urns tiy Flagman royal ere,altnls. Alan:A cheaper aid'', For school., • • Gallen:llM's Works, inclad;og variety of 'piece s now first consoled. Ly dames 'Prior. Complete In tools. !auto, eletanlly printed., 'Altana to style with Irving, Cooper, ke. Toe Shak.octim Calendar, or, Wit and Wisdom for ovary Day In the year. Vented by W. C. Richards. In EL very nut volume, Remo, e10tb,39 dew, dolls gilt, 63 rent. For sate by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, • myd bookseller and importer. 104 Fourth st. SAIIUM/Tilaltk e k. fANUFACIURER OF CAST STEEIu and Na 1 tu, and No. a. American Stister SmeL Also—tint Cast Snarl Files, of all doer, and Blackambh and Shoe R s, aiwats on hand and forasiieiuerat holit"tTo• office in tea iron Stare of BOLLNANS k. 'GARRI SON, No 4.'foot of Wood enact, Pitubargh. morktiOn We the nr.dersigued, having uaed, 'truth entire sat isfacuon, the Can Steel and Files made by trammel MeEelkY. at his Engle Steel Works, la this city, take pleasure in recommending them as equal In quality to attl ere , used by us, or foreign manufacture.. Ibtoburgb, March 13, Ink ti&JH SUOENBERGER dr CO, - hlimaractuters of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa. KNAPP A 'COVEN. Iron Founders and liTichinials, Pittaburgh, Pa.., ' COLEMAN, lIAILMAN k tO, Manufacturers of Sprtngs, A. 21., Spring Steel and Raven, PIM tnalth, Ph. - F & W M FABLE. Engine, Baden and Machine Card blaunfacta. rers, Pittsburgh. Pa.. A FELTON, Brass Founder Pittsburgh, Pa. ORATE, LINDSAY & cc Manurneturora of Iron and Nails. Pittsburgh. Pa., JOSEPH TOMLINSON . , Locomotive Engine and Ship Hultdor,Prusburah, Pa. W W WALLACE, Marble Maaufacturer, blachane. and Engine Bra d mrt2 or, Pittsburgh, Pa. DIEDICAL AND SURGICAL OP/TICIL el, DIAMOND ALLEY,} • • few doors below Wood strut, le. wends market. • • DR. 1111.0Wlar haring been regularly educated to the medical ofession, and hamster some time general practice, now confine • his attention to the treatment of those pnvate and dent.= nom. plitmur for which his opportunities end experience peculiarly quality him. 14 yeartiessiduonly dented to study a) treatment of those complalnts,(darutsonag time he heo had more practice and has cured more pa. tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory eon to all afflicted with dolma* macaw, and all diseases arising there from. • Dr. Drown would Inform those afflicted with private diecues which hare become chronic by limb or grarated by the sow of any of the common 110A1111me ci the day, that their complaints can be radically and Mod osighly cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of enXit. owes, and euccceded In hundreds at instetries in curing persons of Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often result from those tulle where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. lie panieularly invites each as trAtrelte a long and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult biro, when every autisfactiost will be gtvex them t and Melt elate treated in a rafehli,6ol . oll4l2 aoe intepteent muse ner, pointed out by a long expenener, study, and investigation.which it is impossible for three engaged An !xeneral practice of medicine to nivel° One el.& Of dlitalla. tD - litinis or St uprons.—Dr. Drown also Mattes per tor.. chimed with {lentil to call, as ha has paid pains tiler attention to this disease. CANCICUS also cured. P tin Mecums; Mao I! %Palsy, ate., readily dated Chem. yery low. N. it.-l'atleuts of either eax llving - at a l l the. *,guar. by stating their dins in writing, giving al pat , toms, can oiltr.in medielnes with directiors for use, by addressing T. DROWN, D., post paid, and an Mc We I • Baca No. 65 Diamond alloyopposittstivisWaserly HOJSC. Rammer:ex—Dr. Brown% newly Sleeevertd rust ily rot Rheumatism is • speedy arid Certain remedy her that nunful irenble. ls never (ale._ Mee. and Private 0....1ting Warne, No. CSDisv. me:A alter Pitiibursh, P. :he Ikcwr Is always al 17, No en per. Bee S. leaf • y uT :Ate .1.7 - 1701.115 TFA are intaticret — ertk* 4 triul of the Ten for solo et the T. Matters, east aide of ibis Diamond, Plittbutlii. We moo I,SigIXIBL . LI, It, 1111•11: the reputation ,it telling TILI ease Tea LX MORRIP & HAWORTH, tcyc - Proprietors of the Too Mahn. AVESTNV.WFVeii—cou be Amanc•n Lsycono C Pepper, Jost retained, and fee enie j b i r mr . as , tort YRTNTS.--A Mese meortment of Faney_sed Palo Palms, of detireble Myles sod best m Memos, opened sad for esle bY m pri , w urpE '4BLLL. i l l LISISTEMEAR—A (411, Loma. nod Wormed Sto fr. f"s•vm_ rrE on _b_,..0nn...14 for 'ale by S HAMM,' WH Amen' Quad Stens!! ffkrm, I.lre:eared, for pal. tiAA.m. witson a co, - 19l Wool at. . A`•6 IB UT"A " - 1 grain ; 5141 ; my? _ • • •,11 44.:.:4;44.:;. -- i VOL. xvn: NO. 243. MELLANEOM • SOMETHING NEW .• ' Madan the, Soo of P lambi I WILL be opened about the Stod of Iday,a Fatiul , i Wooer, and Tea Elton. 1a the PhiladelpitlO, tabberiben fitted-rn, a stare at NO, Yid Liberty MHO, in • style superior to any of the Abatis, fattsbargh, token they win always a j am sortment of Ina Grooerles, and roperlor to which they =spectrally lasi= tbe attention of tho nab. r Of email article, they - will endeavor to keep , he ben of its kind, and ems6dently reetnamensi their Tau u lier To 11 nimacz, nr mic t usse tr Thelran / ortment will cOmprism—Green and Shit Teas orall klads. hum a dn.. b 71,10 Per posed. Coffees °rosary grade. . • . Lovering} Began, Loaf, Crushed and Palverfrodi. Swam Symp, Peg= Maw and N.O.Molatten ChM. , [slues. ~ Forckn Pram and Nuts, Spices, Pis hies,. Scream, &i.e.. Sag. Cared llama and, Beef. P.sh of:all - dunes, Pperso: Lard and Hitsk. Oils, tdonld; Sparta and W. Candies, together wok saanT rarities which could not: heretofore be had la Pitta.burgh, and which time would fad to enturterao.. gr. Goods delivered free of chug. In . 01 7 Pon. the two aides. . . • . Dealers supplied en mot reasonable tercel.- G. tayt N. 250 Liberty sttnet, •.. ve et ., 4 /1•• WESTERVELT At SON. VENMAN ELIND MAKERS. • a keeli oommtly pa hand or make to order tho • -ben artiele.in their line, at Melt old stand; N 0.13 et._ Clair street:Also at No. $6 Mir kct mem, se coed Pane entrance le the Diamond. yenta= Shrulera made to' order. and old blind. neatly repaired. apt° nITURCII. CAROTHERS te- CO.'have reunited en /.../ No OTWater et, between Wood &Matte*, In Vat house toWeerly oeeopied 6p Reedy. Jona Co.& .P 34 . CUSAAI tnnl obeeitri. 100 'do new ehneacjastree'd for igale•bi• mayll • J B • 'WIELD DUTTEICI—e arta awl la by fresh roiC:Matra. LP lust taelL . aml Do We by J D CANFIELD mare I AU) eIe.LIP6 few nerees annual; for earn by WALLINGFORD t CO 01,2 „ SOAP—LoctLcallle and Cincinnati ms cnotant supply far ale by WALLLNGFORD& CO • anny9 . . 011.-19 bno.r, oa baud. oud lor sole • 9 WA LIdNGPOansco htols prim N 0 er a r t z le bY O N In Li berty .. . 1 4 . E.. b ..r 6 61140 Mar vat ree-Wr ll;i for r - OCTIBVILLE: LIM 6-50 tab. ree§l, (or by _I? mayll "a CULBERTSON 7- 11..'• vr=7 . -- ..4 i 4,„, - • CEILB 'MON. L HBOti r ,slcixt rA M V e DA E LEot may9n - avatar an pick l A ard s eerse esn.. 1 0,LIACCO—I6 oa.co 1at4.;41 6 ,4.44.4 11d Suva O.: DHOOKS-4Y doz ul sturcoto l i m loyale jon ti nsfoN . 1.3 mar/ 13R0031.3,130 lona Jaatara Drams for wain b JONES, - • - zoyo, . S ._ Cannl Basin. eventh ste °ETON YARN-4M lbs. assorted E. V... C for salt by C 1.1 GIANT MD Di rime. E. 1 • NEILS , 011.-9 brie for solo oy • • MO 0 II 031.5. NT VUOT BALL-9—Just recotood,oploadi4onicle of & I: Foot Bills all; 7, and 9 inch meter, tot oalsou stile Goo/year Rubber Depot, 7 & 9 Woodst... or• • . J & H PUILLIPII 1501 r lc" ZlA`o7,'`Alitlfa'Cir • • C.II Maki, Liberty nt. S UGAlLS—Lov . e w riees do t e re d ir d Lo Cio tit a; do' - coma roleXlized; .; • . do • tine -.0 "to \ dosoft eiusbeei \ • do Clarilledr N.. Orleans Sueiu, for rale, stoleaalo analyslail, WAVA 14 , CLUR0 &CO ,aoa79 I...l6l..ibertrst. QV/Y.OPS a MOLASSE:I—OoIdea - • • Phi/ode/pale - 4; kl Alolarreq ' 140, do; for roll soave 3PC1,0103.ic CO tto•Fr.e.—rortre eta Java; ,gr z , Jamaica; • do Rio, booght sine* the mimed= of pikes, for rahilly . NM 6PCLUBG &DIN DiegitrPI:43I.IOATIOSISe ItHr. union Brole Drenonery,—.—Tho Gallo , . BOOK • at Ballads.-- , hiaedoriald, CT the Great Mistake.: a Story of Real lac.—Emsgroven or to eantay School Boys Coalroated.--Tbe pot of Iron; or the Danger of Unsasetifird Afiliction.—Storles ot*Setorl Sorgo, Lthe Darla tlitieLe—Tho Luther, omit special reference to iv earlier periods,. •and the ODEVIin K !teen. of theßelonnotionety . Bareu ' Sears, D Sanottary of Biblical Annotates, tor School. and Fusilier. Dtpliatel by Antatitail L S 'Talon YorAairstry., ENGLIdIi k DO, Successors to muorr A ENGLISII, tor! 12 Wood mem POLITAMAIL. MOMsB , oll7Thailli S. • . TAMES D LOCIMUDD has ill meg and vdB pubdah vhortly—Dx Maul.. the - Divine Vaigin. l . thavernment. transialed from the French, by R 11. Salter, M p., Isom. 8 cone edition lirel,lise. • •.;...•rctvtlrli IVE knit 150 to., sot to arrive: litnleut nod Motel Kexperkwtit find u to thou ad vantaLo to call., OVONStilt, ATKINS C 0.,:. .pts - elute Bastn,Libeny •_-LOOK AKRE. • 11•1110 Keepers sad Pa ease DOM. ... AA OUNT taOLG BKST.ut.• ti olperfor Axe. anitlelfor elmung and nolL,Jung tains rod laticrOta, wreak., wholesale end reed. by . . • SLIALERS, 57 Wool. Wert. • IlrEvoryperson who us Jr huts or. fork to Oren should harn,_____iide ankle. • • • gtreibiliECCOrionider. for setr„,fruta .more • houw, inp3 ILARDI,', JONES &CO q BALIKIi-3 auks Dawn ti houl:krai 4 do ' do llams: - 1 do do am:me/now lar.dirg from mourner American Star, sad for sale by• • • !SAUD! DICKEY & CO ' 11.2 Water /4. 1 , • • bYti tot—ne nbyweal.Cearneter, rep' is ah, end Annaals,eomp•ted with those of other and undlat regions By Louis Agoselzischb • nu , wire of rbel'ovr,by J. Elliot Cabot., and contrbetiona. by other veiendlieyeettensen. •Elegantly Illostratedi, 1 vol. b n iro, for ailet by J D LOCKW at OOD ... insy , 104 Pon:th WIn — TIZC , ktiner—A new supply, of. Wiat - ror P•per, in fancy ;numb, and.plain creerk. Jun . received by; . W NARBILALL, r 0•79 BS Wowittreet. SWlLF—SiTtkie rrime 01..0 Bog.; • • . 29 N 0 elanfiFdo, for safe by - • m•ya - BROWN &4.IIIRPATIIICK • ivillLASSt-Y—lto N 0 Mel •• • 49 brie S d A far vale by •• • , wayS BROWN t KIRKPATRICK. '-, BACON -2 casks game . boulders , reef , for awe by,; triayS BROWN R KIREPATRICK Q 0, P—LO bzo No I Reap, In 6101, and loyyrolo L. 3 rooyB BROWN to 'KIRKPATRICK 170 - Fd—o - todes porno New Vora hops, Just reed. MiL for fah, by BROWN 8. ft — e - rrentill—ho gross Jost reelViiTetiiiiTtle by" • N wicramsitem • soay9 comer ofdirth and Wood sta. Papei, in la Arabesque style, wilt Tapesu7 bolter in flearles d Gold m , .Smult, Just - received by express from .W 1 . 1 . 1 91 1.114 W P MARSHALL • • mareCS Wood st: .ptiktill-1 costs for solo b 1 KIDD *ccci 6,..mattIAPAAILL,a- , ..10 dozen Jacob Tommondc, 1.3 for sale by • • Mil •7 KIDD it CO AMIX FLOUR-40 Ws Farmer t Itiirk , a." so- - nzio, brand, in more, and for.aMo by . soy 4 • ' ARnOtTauNO CROZER WISE COLLAB4-itA do. ut rutroomul for talc, to close coaslizuse.bt, by ' yl •• • • ARMSTRONG & CROZEN UT/T3-40 kegs la Caro. and :orz sale Ly ra 4 - ARMSTRONG & CIIOZER tLERre roc'd,.n for sato by isod ARMSTRONG & CCOZER ed, m Imre and Wi oak AtUdtTRONO .S.CROZER BAUS-11X1 dant t my 4 T AR it arLa - Forlato L 7 /WHY, MAY/1111W.4 & CO ioy3 0 1' 11 b ga .. /Vb U ers ' Okra; mile, by r roy3 RE El & COL . Li"V J ggt Jrl7 l &- i t d o i , " • 22$ Liberty It. SHAD—YS brio prime new, foot reed. foTtralliW otyl • , JOHN WATT & EX) likiit . l9 , l o Nl3-11 bna No • prime, from 507 . era ., .I.; i ffranty,yort received, for strilowig , i WATTk _ 8 R 23 1 2 °4 d" ""`" lt2rWrlavo tIGA —3olt. prima N Pai reed. for atUo. mo p_ JOHN ( WATriL , CO , 1%1 °L•A ,,,,. 15 t F-'—? brb P". ' JWII7.IV:II4t CO co If• RE:674-1.---P7ri !ki r ig . t i /reic rnyl 7attrlTEN-19 teqs my! • Ililiir—relleata feting Jleiirs,,Goiineartiet, ,7 w ad - -1 Book 0"'" ' Sold t* A " Clltin 11$ Liberty ar. L CKEDEtS z:aracu kr&oonsAnly at ,A 7 ,Satlg. rA.I:4 rm22l —ettaigga LTENPZ:p bVes Nonni% jut MeV, and tor tair 1.17 .lu. i unit A CULIIERTEON lAriftb=ua keg. for ooleW ---- • • asay2 P VON BONNEOIit YITAR t flea; - Eyes, to store VIA for olio try - .3117 STUART QUO:01-160 Ithda N O So-gar =V as!oTry - 77 NT ,1 LI Dull F ll OD.A 4 LOVII3-10 dozen ...erf , . ard tilowqrs.7..=. 1, : r V 4 , 20 2•4 1 tat I 4.141 Caton de, 401YJ 1 • penlerc by • Von A A 514!P0N /r. rtr , )FAN e-30,basbel. locall ;ohm, met rc-c4l, and !or; r c .ato by te47.l ; P It TtlAbT 4 .f11.1:7` . OA:r • - -60 bide leAd , eg. 4bl r yieleb9 - ''' 4 ray. '.. . grll AT DALZELL k. CO , P" - LIE.IIVd --- 1 -- Criirlcitic ree4i feierfi-9.?''3. - /4 . Mk; ' _. • .. .. _:._. 4.4 - 1/DA/ &CO ~ ALERATUS-23 CdtrolstrUittin . - dcr, moilar sale or. . • '1"',416.1...1)°..2144.9Cr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers