BY NAOMI& TELEGRAPH. . 11 cPtIlaTILD & TELYOII4SpLLD • *OR Thk: PITTSBUItiIIi DAILY GAZETTE RePrned Exyrtssli for as Gautte. ,Th• Cabala Zxpidltlos....laaterferince ===3 Wunittavax, May 20. An official 'lithos! appears In thellational bgeneer of this Morning, that the Government has such Infurrnation to relation to the Cuban Expe dition, as boo led to prompt nocasures Ear Its eapii presslon. The Steamer Saranac, the frigates! Col:limes, Albany, and Germaotown, and the Whole llama Squadron have been ordered to pro. cued immediately to !Cuba, to prevent the !audit g or the expedition, or it found lit be landed, to cut oft reinforcemuds and supplier. The Serena° sailed on Sitnrday loot; end Will teeth Cuba by nett Thursday. We doubt not the interposition mill be etructual. insults ISVASION OP CODA Landing of Ter i. .2 1 11 ..n 0r , nd Neu . on Ova I New Ositxwas, May D. The Franca American ancrta, positively, that 10000 men wait, tu land la Cuba 011 the 11th: and that the inhabitants, by a preconeerted were made a war q of their approach—and that each has been tb secrecy and efficiency of the organ:entic:l, that a !ilium is coniadcred Thls report is ere lied here. CONGILESSIONISL. WAsamcrrox, blay 20 fimuyE.—Nutosroun petitions were presented, and teeny report!, from coma:Often were. made. t On motion of Mr. Diekinion, the MI to establish • breech Mint at New York, was made the spe cial order fur Tuesday. The Lill to'promnie the awful en. was again taken up, and emended, co WOllOll of the Com mittee on refentst. and eller porno debate the farther consideration of the bill mos postponed ttil to roomer. Mr. Voice rubmitled a resolution, calling on therPresident for information relative to the Cohn expedition. sled the despatch of vessels of War from the United. Staten to coast that !gond. The n solution ins laid over one day. The &nate then resumea the consideration of the bill for the admission of Colllinois, and for the erection of territorial governments, and the establishment of the hrouodarlen fur Texas—Mr. Cement! having the floor, pioteeded tommte from various speeches made by Mr. Foote, for the 'purpose of shomisg that he hod been on all Wes, with reference to the admission of CaliGirnia. Mr Foote replied in de:enco of his counts. Mr. Clemenn moined with tome warmth and vehemence. A few additional n merits were made by Messrs. Foote and Butler, in relation to the dentine of the right of the ye rote to form their own Govern. went, assented by Mr. Calhoun. After a brief colloquy beta ems Messrs. Turiey and Foote, the Senate went Into Executive sea. sine, and noon atter adjourned. Henan—Mr. loge asked leave to offer a resolu. !ion, which was read, to the effect, °tat the Presi t;ent he requested to - comm.:inmate to tha Hsuse all information in his powerrion rendering it pro• baLle that •o expcilaition is on foot to attack the Wand of Cobs, and what action had hero Ink., in his official enpocity, to prevent the boding of Americana no ro:unteets, , . Also, whether he had Jawed orders to ha issued lo the squadron, and the steamer Saranak, and frigate Congrea, for the purpose of aseensining whether any forces were concentrated to invade, Cubs; and what exiirrealartmeonee had been given to pre. vent the landing of any inch forcer. or for carry ing out the object .of the expedition ; and, in the event aflame landing, wbetner reinforcement, of men, under the American Dag, were to be pre. vented (rem landing. Several gentlemen objected to the introduction Of the re.chition. The Howe thon took up the report on the charge. of Mr. Broom, of Mississippi, against the. 'doorkeeper, mace trom thc &feel Committee on Friday tart. The tenon mu read. It, in e free:, exhoneratea Mr. Horner lmm the charge that he made a false statement as to the manner of - discharging hu officiei duties. Mr. Broom maintained that ell the material charges bad beta sustained by the testimony, and ac gave notice tact he vanall submit a maolotton far the discharge of Mr.; Homer. • The llonselnattv refuted to prim the report, nod - postponed the further considerntion of it till Mtioday next. • Mr. Stephein ailrenearo to introduce et mini lotion pmvidleg ire the adj,mtement of Cons green on Monday, July 15th. Olnection was made all over the Hense. The yeas and nays wereenken on hie motion to sus. peed the roles to consider the resolution. and was decided in the negative—teas ;•naysll.l. Mr. Toombs moved the reconsideration of lie vote by which the Galphin reports were made the order of the 'day for the fourth of June next, and ordered to be printed, He then ad dressed the House,maintaining that the claim war just, nod the interest kgally.adowed. Mr. Brooks said that there were. two questione involved in the =net.—first, whether the Secre tary of War . eau nit on claim anent while holding • cabinet station; and second, whether an recount log officer 'era pay an Interest leer limes the amount of the principal, while Congien• i• in ren sion, and when trate...aura called ott to ttei ot toe principal. Mr. Boller of P,.rintyl vaoia,uid his moderate's. ding of the matter was, that when questians striae an 41 the meaning of the low et:reelection of it by the Attorney Sourest, was as bindiog u an act rf Congreari. Mr. Preston K;ng understood Me. Toombs to make a motion to reconsider thsthe might reply to Mr. 13,cutb, end said, let the speech of one go with the other to the country. There're. be mos ved to lay the motion en rho lade which was agreed to. The Hon., adopted - the redone( the committee of conference or. the Crams MI, ahem - bleb it ad journed. • THE CASE OF SUMMONS. • Carm.nnanr,bley 20. A jury Wag empanelled on the second indict ment of murder in the that degree, and the trial commenced to day. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. • - PutumuHL, May 20. Flour—The market eartiterterk glum. Standard brands rat firm at 05421, with limited sales. Rye Fiour--Seoell soles at 32874 per bbl. Cern Meal f. held firmly at lamer prices. Groin—There be, been an inerea.ed demand tar White Wheat t wita salvia! 4000 bu at 1201^. which lean improvement. Sales of 000 bushels Penn* at 61c. Only a moderato amount of Cora es ore-Inm with sales of 600 bit yellow at 61e, on Saturday; to day, bolder* deltoid the-aame prices. Oats are scarce, with sales at 40611 c. Whiehea—Teo demand I. limited- Sales in hhda at 221'e. end in bbls at US pet gallon. NEW YORK MARKET. New Yost, May 20. SOGII .11ErOST. Flour—The market is au?, and prices tend up• ward. - Grain—Wheat in held at 00 higher, witbcat acy vales to any large intent. Western. Corn is to good supply, with a far degree of activity. Pork—The speculative feeling in Pork has ash- sided. and prices are cavity. Coffee dell, with salmi al Rio at 7}e per lb. Whiskey i, Now Year, May 20. Cotton—The demand is moderate, with tie change 10 prim. Flour le to good trade and speculative: &mind, with sates rat for Common . Straight • a Sista. Grain—Holders of °tonne Wheat are ask os 140'; 136 n being offered. Corn is roiling at 60h ati3tt for Mixed and Yellow Wcatorn. ' provisions—Pori• is dollar. A goad basinass is doing in Lard, and prices arc 1u (soar or huYers. sorors—talcs f gew. Wean at of Porto at 4 ladlc, and or Clam at 4 IXie pen pound. • • CINCINNATI IdARKET. • Ctscisown, May 10. 4 The river fa falling slowly, swim .a.. appear. • *nee of rain. = Flour—Tbe minket is dull, and the demand coouned eutitely to lota fur home ceasamptioa ' at fonder prices, which are 5ra5,25 per I,bi . Grain—Tae remelpts a al e C i a i r n a b zr i ; . ll , ,t 4 to. I P lc tir , 7 . are slightly tier, wit hl luahei. Whiskey—Sales at 211. liA ' . G'"V°7 5 ,1 1 .,7.7c,7.1`:'„ e , 2T,c::::. s keP" -;; ib. k ., 0 '3 :47ect 0 , ....-. P Netnirg doing of ;aspartame°. 14BW ORLEANS S4.ILBEr. • Irsertsvio..l, May 20; , By the steamer Alesander Bustt to Vielmborgh, :411 and via peonies One Is this city, me bane Neer ,41 Orleans dates to the Ithh 1A (Lion—Sales of I MlO tales at-former prices Tobacco—Soles of ,2i 6 lands admitted, it liar eke; and of refee.l at Maw, per lb.. • E n gel—Ss:ea of2oo hhds at steady prices. Miles 6° As hhd ' Prifze'''OrLiobbble. fomenting, at 260 -orz --olasses 5 21° i ar r .—qsles 900 this feava,U $6, shd, 4- . 20$ bbd extra St. Louis, at $7 per bbl. j EA Graln,Com ls,heavy, inieeelpte,orbieb minus derjoinigiise.E:leciareolP246ajefg:inV:ce: aotnaq • yl b 5 1 lit at 62, and of white at 700100 Per bu. S,F key—nees,at 21Ie. B r cep—Sales of sides' at 4i; and of. shoulders 14 41e4 rd--5 1 les2 o4 X ) 9eas it eia6 l .- oyes--Wa nonce en improved demand, with - •ea es of 3500 bats - - e~orderr.VlULti"•.4: fttm NYVIr .wVrnytrigUaig.i,tc„lfFt? .7..f ° -rvi li r ce u r Sollr 4 rg* 4 . ,•-•-• Arvid for MOOT MIS., Mi lIND-10 bill No I Lout; . ks. s/ ones by pu.MORTE /4 CO . COMMERCIAL RECORD. .PITTIOUMULI. MVARD OW 'MAIM Arm xi...Wm .munaz. COMMITTER FOR MAY. Y. YOEILIMON C. z. ---,vmazArra. Otricz, Parszvau Gazml, .oraing, DI ay VI, S The market yesterday presented no material change In quotations from previous day's report. The day was clear and pleasant for outdoor operations, and baroness presented a considerable defray or seuvity. FLOUR—We have nothing new to nonce In the flour market. The receipts were barely worth nota ting, and we haie no reportable sales from firit halt& Bales of 23 bbls from more, at EP, and of 40 bbls la dtf (runt lets at $.7.310 Lll a lthl GRlN—Wita small riee.pla and limited eapplies in the market. en naiee a goad demand at folly quo ted rates:—Wheat 1039106 e; Rye 7037,rdi Barley 90e; Co. ate, and oats at 40e ♦ babel, from attire. . • . PROVISIONS—B-I.n dotal... very firm and ae live, with Wee es followc—From smakehease, 20,003 ib„n n oidn. 2Xinitin *ld. at Da. and soe fbe hams nsaa p 6. Sales ravm cam of far vtirs baron and shouldn't, panned, (cask. Included) act a far awl dew, and Of far hems Sal. LI irea common nonc eared ham. at 71e9 lb, uni a lot of Mg m, ehoold• darn at lie. Extra neer cared car/vaned hams are mold at Oe 1a El, la ITCP, with all advancing tendency. Very lida to doing la lard at CI OW in tans sad nor. BUTTER—ReeI:Iota of boner cannon 1 eta. wdh &Cell of collet 12015 far common DJ plum!, coodecnte sales of ken at ?Mac Or 5. CLIEESE—The arrival. of tha better qualities of chorea coodpailintited, and aupplies we moderate.— Wo goon, IV. If. an 407 F, as In smutty. ASSES-4So now aslea of soda sub, to mall lota at 31. Sales of Potash at Sian; of Peartaiii at Go, and of Salsratur at rile qa 6. GROCER/lid—dale, ofd htnis N 0 sugarit time. N 0 molasses is firm, We rreent advance, mtb sales ill ask MA , and in cypress Uhl. at 2t1029c gall. Mkt coffee is snalanary, midadidd arc ltmnadal WIIISKFX—Wbi.key remain firm at 2 2k , for eelifted. FlSll—There is a fair demand for all descriptions at rally quoted rates. We notice no farther advance Receipts Maur, Grain, ita., at Tide Water. The quantity of Eder, wheat, ComTand Barley lef t at tide water daring the 2d week in nay, in the yea. lel:. and 12X, are as follaly: Mau., Mont La. Corn, La. Colley, La Hu 140,0 I 67,19 204,0.11 11,9;3 ::.•--•13,,07; 31,365 MVO 19,905 inc••• • 3,61 Dee. 3.03 Dec 594e0 lee. 4,4H0 Tbr aggregate quantity of the same articles left a 1 tide water, from the commencement of navigation to the 14M May, 191,1, boalogive, is as falloarm— Flour.bbie. Wheat. ho. Corn, bo. Barley, bo. 1 4 49.• • • • .1'93,063 03,4:15 470,110 ff 101 l IISO• ••• —I SJ,f 6.2 4k.:173 2..X.2 El • E 9,937 _ Doe• •• • 05,::0J .7.1.311 T.Lt,dua 1ne.4,696 The acuregate quantity or the as [tunnies left at liJe %Titbit, front Ilse contatenertntat of navigation to the 14th May, inclusive, is as (olfityrst Flour, LW, Wheat,ba. Barley. tit, 1149 000.141 111,160 Vitro n 410:4 63.101 241,1"1.• Dee• •• • 34462 lee 10,147 140,151 41,e1a By reducing the wheat to gear, rte *paucity of the latter left at title water this year, compared with the correapondang period of last year, .how. a deem,. 3,34.3 barrel, or floor. Car" ram , mrs.—Counterfe it len Lollar bills, purport. ing to have been imued by the Daylemon, Burk. are in circulation in that borough: Vigneue—tt snipesns on bridge, and engraved by Raordon, Wright & Batch.— They are batty emulated, and bear no resemblance to tho gnome anginal. cost.,, Fscratints AT run Soma—The number of Cogan Factoriss In four of the SouthMu States, is as folistve— Number of Namber of ; Capitol Nalco Coaan Factories. Spindles. employed. anuanined• Tenneerm 30 95.10/ 151 M, mu 32.100 Al.Lma IL 16.90/ 300.090 6,1 K, 0 lienrem 36 51 119 101,6100 0.1,700 S. Caro:in - a Id 30,500 1,600009 15,91/1.1 On. ee Deer.—The beg Norma, was cleared teem New Ledford for Cowes and h market, on the sth inn, with a cargo of 5.1,874 gallons Whale od. Tee follow. lecte the !mount of Oil and Bone Imported into the Iloilo! et owe dung Ito week ending ma the Ilah In et . and-o eo Jutonsylett Sperm,hbls %Timis, Tibia. 800. bbls This perk, IJ,NO 197:5 Previously, 35,1111 . I I i,4111 1,30,012 Taal tha ycar 41A:a trabriiroxv, May 57. Corrik.—Altheagh the sales of the Week have gen erally bran le small lota all lathe tradeahle raining an stow. Ike respectable aggreeate of aboutlooobakv,of all desnripidosts. About stal bags Rio have been taken at 0619 f cents: 1000 bags Lagoa yra 139.0 cla.(inehr 2 , 3 , bags ate eta earth) kik bag. Pore Men on terms oat transpired, and several handree bags do at g 1 els Trt The imp of the week are three cargoes Rio, coolprierrig.E3lo bags. Nave Bauman, Map 13,1834 Spear—The market, calla a good aopplv mud fair de varl,l.l remained stoma,' aurae our lap: nonee at 750 bbis at Ilde, 473 bbla at 1151 e; 3 , 1 do at 117 e, and etttl do as private term.; o parvul or ISO Lbr rat...old in Boy!, a to came bore at a 111, . - - 4 1.6 Wu—The interim has been very attstve dire,' 0 tr late, .tt norther (I4iV 411C.1 in prin.. and r^ to t.te nave tt .1 mil Id, have been and tor est ottfttette me tent o .per non, .“ yete. mate, /• I m Ole Mr got it, atm dt rt. m 'jt:e [...g00n mtl bamluttue, ttetemb.aett canoes of :135, bbla t - lobo Itbln Goosed bar and dark at 401. hb:s of 13011 N W Cbist at upwards of Gee, pad Moltttla do at die. Insekluth 011 130 lads sold at 404, Pm do at 47. and 173 do Sla per pall; to day there ezets an active &- mind (or Whale, and holden ; have further ad:Vistaed W 1 dhotr prntonaiona. 1,4.07.—The market seder the influence of on ecavo mid apneulative demand, has forthnr advanced; We ttons..ol.. of 13 um lb. N Vi Coast at 31e; Me do at bbet 4000 Ms, meetly Polar, at 33 et.: ICAO lb. do, understood St al Ms; and 19,1.00 N W Coast an private 'CM, 4 I.DRPDIAN, PPM Ward, Penn erect, between' Jl. O'Hara and Walnut. All business promptly at tended to. Dahlletts .111wisthly Verbenas, to STRONG Pleats al the Prize Dahlias, Verbenas, to. composed of the Choicest sorts m eolunuon, are how ready for Owning. Ceders left at our stolid, In tho Diamond Market, where catalogues may be bad, or by the Pittsburgh Fog Ditee, will be promptly at tended to. JAMES WARDROP, mayls-dlor Menem...ter Nursery. pkgs Wren and If Leek. for sale by -N. rnaylS ISAIAH DIuKEY &CO • pm: IRON—IM Loos Akr y r s . l3l l , Nmi co i r r lG by moyl4 ou Wood At Durrcn-40 keg. U. for sale by alayla - I el bILIVORTH Ib. CO MOL /18e88-ICO brls prima planution, for sale by ma/l4 18 DILWORTH 2c CO Pn'.,ll - ' - "P°- - .;',l°l,ti'AA'Ymik CO tlol . l&Cf.o—. y 4 2 hhda Ohio 1 / . I C IPIT &CO _ROOFING PAPER—A constant supply of Hoofuss Popes sons Ly for.may grov l4 el took./ SCH00:1 of sap 3lAXEer.or (pa R &Clly,O for 011..—Ira) gals guys Sperm 011; 1000 gal i Whale Oil; 10 Cris Tamura' Oil, for tale by tonyl4 J S.CIIOONMAKER & CO Merchants , end filannfacturess , flank. Pr...union Mei 7, nits , I9IF. Merchants' apdMantifieturent Dank ha this Idaj dividend of.four per cent, en he capital nook, out elate profits for the last six MOT ths. man , VP II DP.NNY AIRE PROOF PAINT-10 tons Duke's Patent Fire l Proof Paint, or artificial slate Just 'revved. Tile m two bare had m use for five yea and we can confidently recommend It. O the public rs, for general est.., a perfect fire and water proof palm, and to stand the action of the atmosphere wtthaat Giving. For sale by J k ti PHILLIPS mayl3 GBEER OIL CLOTII—IO ymds 44 Green Oil Gina", on hand, and Mr solo by nuyl3 J & Il PHILLIPS MLTALLICRUBBER CLOTH—A few pieces on hand, imitation of marble, for axle by mayin J IcII PHILLIPS jbattl4He a tr i ta= , N . Vgt . a c r n e , n o tti . w sp re e e4ve . rit d m s. a . v . erz - Gandi, n large portion of which have been porebated nt emit reduction from the prices orooght by the nme deseripooos or Km , t-in the early part of the oesson,se tont in tamest every kind of goods we told Ate enabled to offer Great Llargoteo to Guth !layers. whom we retold respeettally Inoue to roll at NO 03 Model sr, northwest corner of the Diamond, tatty 13 A LiaANDEic &DAT EA O—HA pigs roll Gafiritt, in store, for sate by yr =1713 . HHEY, MATTHEWS AsO T- I nv HIDES-97 dry Hides landing, roe aoie by Payl3 MIEN, 9IATTIIEWri & CO ATII - 4Y liOVDS—A t eCn., 9 9 - 14arket IN Rt. daily receiving cream and package. or Ole t Wert and &vocable goods. inarl3 eq IL/AMA:U-1 5 Ell las 11.1,rfs , ta Lump iluacildlsl/7 Mi do ito Superior doi 110 Les Cubiness WI Lump. 15 boo Jones fr. Iludson'a Cr. Lump; 5.3 be, Russell to Rohiuson'• Lomp; II mires 40 dwarf bx• Myer's Orenoto; 4 do: 30 do Tema,' Neeier LE 1 do 8 do - do Gobi Leaf, 30 kgsG trim, in Mort le , and for lisle by MILLER RICKETSON mayl3 112 dr 114 Liberty sr. D FCTIFYINO DISTILLERS, und Tea and Wine AL Merchants, East elde of the DiamamLPitisbergh, afc I.ll . od r enng at Ilia `ter , lowest pricer far cash, Ileettlird \Werke', Inn owl Demesne Brandy' ulmo, French Ilmtite. Holland Orb Jermilen Splrile, Lon. don Gin,' Whiskey. Rona, ' Port,Shetryi Mu deka, Wiumptime, Claret. Mummtell. Mribiya, Tune. tride Larben Wirum Who toleh Remit 003 CHEMICAL STOP IS POLISH TAE Phmnlz Dranottetorine Company now oder to the patte-lbeir Premium Chonreal,Sterro Polish; and without exaggeration, or fear of contradictive. by those who have trued it , prenuonee it far superior to any other in the marhet. The eons enter need have no apprehensions of soiling carpets. ac .W its -cam poution prevent. a due from ariaing . when beer P. Ord, which must be done soh,' th e hhav e e 0.4 The heraldry reqoired a en littlo to produce a bcau• life! lama. A arming of over fifty per omit is moored to the eonsamers. A cOttlinK.oolled Irs Store., Pipes, the laid away for the saremeroe a surepro. IretitiriOrf against rust After herring tried. t over, Of it is neeessiblo no person wilt use tiny hot the ?Wide NOMllfeetating ColopooVo I rjeW 6 CKERSCA.III, c o omog of Sixth and Wood 110TASIV-11 Calls of the' best ottobsi,ii.„, Or I SCEMONN &a> Q6INT. OF CAN/Li/A lly Oa - aethoz of uitochtlar lo 11,04, _lo_l, W 3.. park JOMIBTOI C12.9r4 PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Itninz—There were G feet 6 indica watt: in elmn nal,last evening and falling. ARRWED. Michigan. "Dries, licaucv. Fashion, Peebles,lashed. Atlantic Psrkison. Brownsville. Dvhie,Jacobs, Brownsville. Beavr, Gordon, Wellsville ennus. Hendrickson. McKee.Port Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Caledonia. Calhoun, Wellsville. /as Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.. Cincinnati, Henn.. Cincinnati. 'DEPARTED. Miehican, Brits, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, Meßeeepeni Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Baltic. Jambs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson. Browns•Bla Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Keysinne Plate, Clone, Cincinnati. Leak McLane. Cannel, Wheel/et. Fmpire State. Coe `min, New Orleans. Msrlean, svellreille, Young, Bridgeport. Lake Erie, Clark. Beaver. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. T. LOUIS—Itna, Newun,lo A. N. ZA NESV/LLE—Mony I Ind 10 A. n. The Lee steamer Monongahela, n will be seen by adlerusenthnt, will leave for Bt. Lows, at 10 A. M. The magnificent steamer Cincinnati arrived in due triton, and wilt leave again, as per advemsemant, to marrow at 10 A. hi, for C:nelnonti. In Anvaticii on I;ahi:l:R . ': nra again ender ob- Bastions to oar friend, Caph John Birmingham, flirt ideik of the steamer Cincinnati, for lam Cincinnati pa. pera, ahead of the mail. IMPORTS UT RIVER. Dearer—Pee 111,coms” No. 2-1131bgs oats, .1 .74 Floyd; 43 his cheese, ft Dslxell & co:1 bx J Rhode•; B csks pearioxh. R Balm:II& co: 0 ells guar, Jno A Csoghey; I 4.4 boots, 44sCurdy &I.00 , o1s: hhi onto.b, SS W Ilalboug As amp% R E Sel ler, 3 est. ashes. J & R Floyd; 30 1 / 4 .1 cllcess, 3 bbls butter, J B Canfield co Loma nlcLasa—lss bd papr, I Schoortmaker /a co; hda tobacco, D Leech & co; an Ithda bacon, rimy. Matthews & co; It U whom ware, 2 colts ba n. March & Colonic.; 11 bbl. door, Acrostronc & Com, 2 cast. bacon, blaguire & Roorw, I cartage, eantlish—Pn WIRSAVILL.-11 Pl. feathers, I do wool ; I ow soap. II Idtds tol.acco ; IVm Ilinchnon in do do, C ark k Thaw; 2 , do do, D Leech; Jc. co: 33 do do. Jno A Roe; a csks boon, Roll k Ligyetl. Chaclssmatl—Pal Ilmmurra mdso. C Co ton; e candle., Parker, Beard tr. co; IL. axes, 1 461,3 tees ham., Clark Thaw: 11/ LW. arbiskes, 111 Lehmer Cr.; 10 hhds bans, 20 do saga". Alex Kine; Seller hbd., Selle k Nicola; 5 trunk• books,' 01 A lieu A to; U hula bristle", 1:0 bhla whirkey, las A Knox; o hills whiskey, 1 tool chest; i Knight; U /Ads tommen, Clark leThim; 11 , 5111M0 nek water. W (Bingham; 71 bags osla,l box:flaxseed, Outlets /r, Nicola, 1 boo, arh•rf boat. Zanesville—Pea Janda LTXD —ID bbls eggs. T McFadden; a bad indoe; li Kann; r 0 ream. paper, Bar b 'titre, Nd.on & ea; 100 do do, Wick & MeCandlesa; 3 bun cadge, l aka rata. I hdl shovel, W 13agalry & Co 0 bbls eggs, DT hlorgan; NW mutton ham., B A Sampson & no, 10 dna I,moms, Church, Carothers & Co: 04 live bogs, .7 Lo prtarroco, owner abroad; 300 bbl. boar, Id reams paper, Cinnabar; 02 WWI tobacco, 1 &act wad, 1 do feathery, 1 bi books, D Leach & no. IMPORTANT CHANGE BALLS V . B MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. mills never fai!ing Pnin Destro)er, and certain care I for Burns, Scald,, Piles, Sore and le ruled Eye., Creir. Wounds, limier., Inflimmatory ltheurnaldva, Swelling•, *grain., irdro NiPPloe, Woken Bream, San Rbeorn, old end. inveterate .area, and all cutaneou s . and rot/1n...1m rime..., IN A NEW EN VEI.O l'E AND BOXES OF MUCH ENLARGED )IZE CAUTION. Connterthits of DAI.L.S.N'y Err RAC fOR in the ouy se rrrrea trod the market :nun Meal N. Cuy would pomon!! By buying the arthde !ethic NEW DltElls! you ovoid the looser of being tothesed upon by rm.- rlcits. are certain of getting the Genuine, mid stun, inoreorcr, near (01 per cent on the non re. C• 1111100 to Dealt ri% Gross imposition is practiced upon Dealers, by an se topologia operate's, who put up the counterfeit muff an a teenier/en of the old wrapper, nosed with n pew boxes of the genuine In cash dozen, and thus C r us for salt at a reduced price! This arlT rek.eleil Marie dealers, hot the confiding, incoctot remounts who uses the .p ante, pct's the ocean!' eulknos, pain unsightly ens. and marks resulting from severe burn., wound. or cores, and often loss of lot itself, ornate eousequene.. Cu. in Point. In Sing Particular. Of one of the moo teeerely boon and injured ruff., er• at the late and dlge.trctim HAGUE STREET EX -11 OWN, in New , York, wit, therily be I ut , t, Cede Mind the NEW ENVELOPES, the LAROL DUX ES, and my ATITHO RJ ZED AGSSITS !' the New Circulars for ISSe. Mark the symbols on the new dreo.—the Triangle, &ipent, Llon, San, Dove, nod Eagle, and D Dalters writ en signature. UrAvOld thwart and fraud, and buy Dalley'r Eu tractor on,. iu the 00w Or. and Lazo; aux ca. . . . 11. DALLBV, 413 Broadway, New York. .11MIT P ECEILWArr2, .01, , legLenTCeiters1 and Whale. sale Aleut. Nr Tstmea,Ageot, Pittsburgh N. IL—The names of Dealer, mite procure the Dai ley Salve, bow size, from ellbci the proonetar him et If. or from his authorized memos, will La published to the mere, us a guide to the pubic to stem clear of fraud. may lerilsolvarzl N the case critic application oldie Ohio and Peon. I aytrania Rul Road Company. for the right of way, ac No iss..lave term . . To the heir. or devisees of John M flood,. late of Philadelphia, deceased. Yon aro hereby notified, tOat st.• Ohio end Pennsylvania Rail Road Cempam7 have taken and appruprizted lot the uee or their roil road, tae fallowing described portion of the innd he longing to said decedent, n Ohio Toteuship. A leghent P.sunty, Pa, —Beginning Wit north of the centre pin of said rail road linnent the lower lode of said tract. tlacmce running PP feet tovrard• the river dons the line of wit tract, thence runniog 7,1 deg 15 min. 51d feet to the .peer It. of said trert; thence along the upper line of said tract borthwerdly w it, flier, N:3 der th rain, acctll2 feet, tothe place of ire sere• 2 rods nil) 19 I ereer. A end d s.Vien Lied it, the ut.ove SOI Jr, rettylr..,l',l34T Vreti.lcut O 24. P. R. n Co In the Court of Common Plots of Alla. `bony County. TNthe ea v orate applies:rola of ire 011 . 0 and Penn i. aylvannt Rad Road Company, far the nght of way, to No ILI, June ltful • To the hairs or devisees of 5 borne. Bradford, de wed. You are hereby collat.& that no Ohio and P motylvania Road Coropany have taken mid appropriated, for the tUe of their rail tomb the follow ing described tionion of the land be.or ging to said deetilast In o.wo Township, A Icabeny County, pa. gia:—Beginning en the lon or line of 1.1.1 , 1 tr.. St of Su It from the centre line of said rail road, thence runmr.g along Um line Cl said tract towards the riser tO it, thence 573 deg ari ro n. :Stab fret, to the upper line of sa.d truer, Menen slang the eloper line of raid tent northwardly So 11, Larne. , N 7d deg 45 min., W SPSS feat, to the piece et beginning. Con tatting Sere. 1 rod and 8 peter.. A description and draft of which is filed in the above sere. WSI ROLIIIWSON Jr mayl.fidkw3WT Pratt O. & P. IL R. Co. Pl.nsTG¢ PARIS-3W brit of *tiptoe, quality finely ground. white, pore, and a nadulterued,/r.d suitable tor land, &e., for tale low by W WALLACE, •p 23 310 & LtbertY AL HYDRAULIC CEMENT for rale by apt% W W WALLACE peENclraraut AND LAUREL HILL MILL STONES, beat quality, warrant - od, and at poem lamer Man tome before been offered !irt dna market, MEl=',tl BOLTING up - rills. all ember, beat quality warranted, and at re d uce d • • • MiaBLE MANTELS of the ben quality, my own maantoctute, on band sod mode to order on shor. • ==IM === PuWl° Solo of 7iatesob2o Lots. WILL he sold on Wednerday, Fley ad, by peak vendne, if not throated of before at private male, Six Doilding Lots on Second We.. 1.1a,e11 Ferry and Stormont alley, each au Awl !rust by 73 Wei deep in a ten foot - slaty. They are deniable for private dwelling+, and will be hold on limo. Apply to • JOUN CALDWELL & SON, reyddld or. Second nt and Rodent., alley. SODA Artll-174 cants Shi•pratte patent Nola Ash Just arming by canal, for sale by W & 1,1 AIITCHELTREE n,ayl4 TURPENTINE-23 brls Fp. Turperstino reed, and for 0010 I,y Foyl4 JOHN I) MORGAN pozA tll cask7y eoperer fttyasor ,ym:,lygEABßtiN w inL y v—ls brls kp. wt".:`4,;kri;'4'ollGAN COPAL yt IARNI3II-4 brit , N .j z i Krt x ceje t al7 do, for tale by WM A kruLURG A CU EIVEM 1? XT U 1,16 ICI Mee riiisr- - essi sects Mr of VnuLle, Lemur, Rose, nod Neer Almond*, flab, Rose, Lavender, And Cologne Water. - llEClCencilanns, Melicalen Ono, lai•O Amor; which form very wholesome mid eriecoyie articles of diet, especially far dyepepoev and children, For vale by W7,l A SIeCLUPO A Cu 001) - 1:1YINOIL—ilorhtoii, idima h. an, ,I, 4. eude dam received, and for sale by .1 IF/ DO A CO moll • 00 tVood at Fresh Arrival of Dry Goods. TITE are now recioing large ridonnutie stock IN- of Pprlng •vil painters Dry Gonda, and are pre pared to otter an excellent arronment at our usual tow prices for cosh, or approved credit. The attention al written dealers till PartilralnrllM• queried to oar goods, on we feel conGdeut of [iris, ante to offer unusual a t to make a bill with mi. Call and examine at any raw. tiIIACKI.IDT WIIITE, osayG W. 2.41 !UMW BOOKS I Nk:W HOOKS I AT 1•10L211ES' LITERARY DEPOT • Tow Sean, appoint the Po.. Office. 1..0 /ZZIE PLEIGiIotH, a Dotocauc Tale; by Charles Dick , ca.. 0 cent.. Boat. Ebaktpeare, No 11. Morning Call, No. 7 ElOnrciaol or advetituren in the path of Empire—A Voyage to California; by Bayard Taylor. Llbell's Living Age, No 313. Dictionary of Oceanic., N 0.9. Haat'. Menet ant. , Migrainte. coo May Kir tor:loner for March, April, and Afay. may 91 dVET opened , at the Pittsburgh Family Grocery and Ten Wareham, the following assortment of Green and Black Team— Gazelle 114.1“ Votingßyron; Oolong: Fine Young do; Fine oolong; Extra fine do. Extra fine do co; Impettalt goeccong; Burpowder. Choulan Pouchang; rfingiong It is .... n „ ggnar y to puff the above Teas; they rpenk for themselves. All wo askis a fair mat, cunt we are Confident they will please both in quells and pore. W.ll A hICLUItO • CO tiyl4 IMO Liberty •1 - TWA FROM falai? AJID. -DRIISELY the same hind of &rune and Reran L flavored Tets tharare retailed In the Gld cruelty at 411 and Ss per lb. can be obtained for 50e end 750 per pomtdat Tug Tea Marten, east aide of the Diamond, stmbargh, or at /dorm St Dayrottb's Wino Vlore, Feder* livery Allegheny. - Ths above Peas Cam Tau, ere reeetre throtti It oar kkabsit Agent direct from the Listen's Deeded WitettOusea, dog free, Slog f9f 1,5,0,0342: apie MPPV - ITI Wet= PDX TEL PITT , arr GE DAILY (WITT A Man Krusco.--An altercation oeured yew , tarday morning between 7 and b o'clock, on Thitd sweet, 'between Oxman Gains.. to area Moo, end Innis Jaubert, a Frenchman, in which the lam o man ,t!illed, by the discharge of a pintail]] the hands of the formes Jaubert was cook at the Hoak Ex :haute. Cof fee House; Gains a welter, io the some estats lishment. They had a quarrel on Saturday which, resulted in the discharge of Goias by the landlord On yesterday morning, while Gains was vending In front of the house, waiting, an he said, fin a barber of the same name, who keeps a shop in the building, and who owed him some money which be wished to get, .Tsubert came out and astaulted him, using very abusive language and laying hold of him round the ilea with his ens, while he struck him with his fiat. Gains appears to have toted with great forbearance until he was atruak, he then shot his antagonist and ran down the Street The wounded man drew a pistol and followed him to Wood street, when he fired, the ball striking a water spout against a warehouse, about 7 orb feet from the ground. He then turm el blink, walked a few paces slowly, threw the pistol from him and sank to the earth exclaiming Pm dead." Such are tho fart. na they appeared upon cx amiaauoa before the CAlOrleedi jury, the &Wit of which are given below. The body was carried back to the Bank Ex• change, and a pout mortem examination watt made by the attending phyeitima—ths. Mc. Craeken and Martin. (3oin■ ran to the Mayor's Office, and delivered hiauctileto Juetody. We have been informed that JouLert Farmed a alight taint of African blood, beteg a Ftench Creole. He was an excellent cook and a great favorite with his employer. Ha had nut long been in the city. A telegraphic despatch conveyed the melancholy intelligence to bin wife to Philadelphia. She was about to have started on the tame Morning to join him here. She returned a message for the body to be forwarded to'her without delay. It won accord ingly boxed up and sent by ewe's, yesterday after noon Geins wee commuted to tell. Messrs. Burke, Wit' s and Snowden have beam retained as his coun sel, and a writ of habeas corpus is to be sued out for his release • Coroner'. Inquest. A Jury won nummoned by the Coroner, and the following witnexten were examined James W. Voodwell, sworn—Was in his ware house on Third street; heard the report of a pistol —ran to the door and saw the colored man, Gouts, running past towards Wood street—the deceased was pursuing him with a pistol—when the latter got to Wood street, he fired the pistol and then turned round end walked slowly back• up Third at. as far as Say's bookstore—he threw the Ostia, front him •nd sunk slowly down—Mr. Weyinun caught him as he fell—when they p as s e d th e store or witness they were about twenty feet apart—de ceased had a spot of blood upon his chin its though he laud received a tiesh wound there. George Weymon, sworn—Was in Mr. tionno`a broker afire this mortutig—beard a pistol shut— atepped out to the door—ow the deceased stepping an to the curb atone, as though returning from the mulate of wood stn,v—he held a Nonl extended— thought he was about to tire it upon the crowd— caught him by the bark with an intention in cheek him—he threw the pistol from him—acked ban what wan the matter—he replied, "Pin dand," and oink down. ° J D. Alexander, swuroWitneas Bite propel tor of the Bank Bxehange Collee House—he loa ilied that on last Saturday morning he heard a der urhanee in the kitehen—iliought It was a tire and ao in with some water—saw deceased pursuing with a clearer—the latter ran up stain—got a pistol—came batik and threatened to 'hoot de itien,eit—inittneati drew a bowie knife from his own Ninon and told pion. that lie would cot ht. head out if he did not detibit—sent the deeinuind into the kitchen—paid Goan his wages and discharged him Nary Cro, sworn—Wanes+ i. o marraint in he home—save Coin• at the dour thu morning— asked him what be wanted here--arivi,ed him to go away and have no more to do with Janbert—be replied that he did not want to; that he was come to get some money which Goias the barber nest door owed him, and that he should leave town to day or to sorrow—he gave wetness a handkerehtel which he had borrowed from one of the wontcu in the house for-her to return it-.he did not some into the Loper—the deceased was nut come down stair. when wit's,. raw touts at the. dour JtKt M Beach, sworn—ltad been at the But '.Miss—was returning—when in front of the Gat eitexilier saw Gum. und deceased about a rod Re sat the barber shop next door to the Bank Es elmage--the deceased had his sent round the neck of the taper and was striking him with his fte—dc ceased appeared to have the advantai-e--wttnes. heard the report of a I)K:ol—the parties were then nearly in front of 'Noble's warehouse—Guiles rag down street—det-ea.ed stacgrred and tented round —then drew a pistol from his pocket and followed, running—saw the latter turn round after the report of the second pistol—he threw down the pixtul—fell, and Mr. Weyntan caught him. Andrew Mullen, sworn—Wes standing in front of his warehouse—saw Gains end deceased a fete reds od tusseiing--deceased had his arm round Gains' neck, and struck hint three dotes--Goias had a pistol in his band—he twisted round an the other's arms and fired—rhea mo down street— deceased tureed'ai if to go back - -thee drew a pis tol, cocked it, and fdllowed. George Mem:tabu:odt; sworn—Saw the de. =seek making op to Goias, who backed out. Goins lot grappled by the othor, then tired and ran down street. John C s UrtiO!, swore— Was to the barber chop, next demi beard the notes, and came to the drool; now an alternation between deceased ea.! Gains; another man was standing with them; Game said edid not wont to fight the other; understood him say he was going to sue him; deceased made the assault; ("Lana backed ont frond him; an er the •thee laid hold of him, Gauze discharged the , then ran down street. Moses Jones, swam—Testimony comae., sated •ah thet of Curtiss, on to the mapper of the .os suit, Se. George Brown, sworn—War standing on the steps talking to Goths; saw deceased at the other • and of the hall looking at Goisonand trying to go out at the back door, which was locked, and fail mg in trial, went up 111150; witness told Gams to leave, that something was wrong, Gomm said t 3 n 1 he would as soon no he bad teen Goble, the haler, to get his money; deceased came down atairs again, and out to the front door, and raid to Gout!. • George, you have been talking about me, and if you - don't quit it, by w—d, I'll whip you."— lie then challenged Utica into the back yard. end h undid fiat bins a fair hat tight; Gains tatwed to ge; said he did not want any thing to do sat, him; ho would sue him. ...Soo and he d—d," replied deceased, 'G—d d—n you, I'll whip you on the street, you d--d bla . ck son of a b—h," and then obook his list in Goists' fare, and said he catild whip him at anytime: Goias backed out, and said he did not want any (bioc to do with hen; descancil•followed him r.p, nod laid hold of him; held him roond the neck with hia arm, and struck hint with his Gat. The rest of tho testimony or this altners ear sponded with that of the previous wii r aesses. Dr. John Martin one of the: examining aurgeone, was next more, and stated that the ball penetra ted the cartilage of the fourth rib, bailee inch from the temente, pasted through the rower part of the upper lobe, through the root of the middle lobe, through the upper part of the lower lobe, (about an inch and three quarters from the upper part) through the parie.ties of the thorax, between the sixth nod seventh ribs. The ball was found lodged is the eelular membrane immediately under the ehin. His death was caused by the aeventig of the blood vessels et the root of the lungs. Dr. 111cCracirn, the other da36ro Iniog 81117C00,. being swore, teglded that the ball entered the cartilage of the fourth rib, very near the sternum , passed through iu a diagonal direction, coming oat betweeo the sixth and seventh ribs. It first entered the apex of the upper lobe el the right lang, then took a downward direction. passing through the bitso of the iniddie lobe, then entered. the lower lobe, passing directly , through it, near the upper edge of the third lobe of the right Wag. It aevared fs its passage a number of small rate.. des and voles, and at the base of the middle lobo It severed aciveridlarge brunches of the pulmonary artery. The external orifice, filen which the ball was extracted was abont three familia Of art:inch • lower than the apex of the settpala or_ahohliter. Ueda.. The orifice W. about foot Mehra fronithe. . P 2 . 74 . :,tary returned a verdict that the deceased' curie to his death by the ditehme of a plate' in the hands of George Gain.. The jury tLen ported a Tote to protect their fees to the widow of the deceased. JOLT Forum, 1.550.—The Pictorial Brother Joustbrus for the Fourth of July. Las been to calved st.Holutes' Laerszy Deis; Third street, opposue Me Post Office. r Poorer.—The Moyer was on the knob again yeeterdny, and dispuecd of a number odor. dintry cue.. Great Joy to th• World t--13•Alth tad 11.141 . ck i r t o. trial4.llrd t SHA KER SAFSAPARILLA! - . Prepared by Ideate, and pat Hp in QUART rcrr ,VP.T.B, (or the removal nail permanent care of all erittre from an impute CAW of the blood, or bol l o r*, evrtem. c4:km PLAINTS, Liver Complaints, Se ro— fah, Piles, Pimples or Paculeo os the Face. Chronic dare Eyes Ringworm orTetter,Scaldliend. Rhentna. thus. in the Bones or Joints, and all diseases arleittv, from on injudicious use of or Cory. ece. For explicit and farther particular', tall upon ace otos? egos:tato.' retie porriphlet,reoid it careful's, nod Judge RP, N. 11.11011,03 SHAKER SAILSAPAR -11.1,A is not the very met:llene to care you. N. IL—Remember every label on the bottle bee the Doctor's signutere,hlS. lb Howe." None other genes ine. Prot M. per bottle, or e bottles for $5. For rola by ru ramie:—J. Schoonmaker k Co., J. A. Innen, - Pittsburgh; It. A. Elliott, Allegheny; F:.oroniter, Brownevtlle; 'IV. R. McClelland, Mn,,. o:46.4tand by drugglsta Amorally. Also, by the prat/I/060i_ rs . '140E 71, 1 & Cti ap2:44!&wlyT 1 em ciceli al 1, Cincinnati, 0. AIJINUILT—We ate audaiiiii i to nnnounee /nun F. sake. Eal., as n candidate' int Atscenbly, tauten n 3 the nceinitou of die Aminilsonie and Whir Cotmen :mule:o.4M3 COVIMICO4I.,eI.II.—cZYNEZI ASCITLVS, OrNOrth F.V.e0 01,11, Lip, will be A eitiandate for Cotinty Commissioner, subject to that dechdon of the ‘Vbig and Anti Mannino. Nominating Convention maytbwto*S MANY FRIENDS. Vnienes, Eve., of Baldwhi twertarhip mill be oupported for Contneastoner ' in 1111 Anti blesoute nodWhigne.ntion. Whig Convention. by NUNIEMOUS PKIE_NDS ne3vn..luenn-re., N. P. 1t61111 . 3g ht. borough, be supported ful Carmay Cc 1n...011er at thti Whit , 1.1 A.ani Cc.voratio., by MAY FRIENDS ouryb:dg.urte:l CONGRESS—non. Catalan DX3NT will be Piged by his !delta, for a necumation es a nandtdato for Conger... in We approaching Antintaaordc and Whig Convention. tratylltdrcarteS COMM Gill ne eurportei for nomination in We Antematonic and Witte Convention, for tn. offiee of County Comae..tea ataytOtil for te 5 %Wulax JEMLT, of the Nbtot Mud, Pinsbongb, rent be .upported In the Winn told Alltiln sortie etnnity Convent/oa t tor &numbly. nUltl It PirrsBURGII. ntsyritdn.seteEt Tin tufalieby—lY. D. N0m..., tog,. of Pre , Townelop, wil he eopported IJr nortaarn Inn an a on aidare I or Argembly, botore ibelVrog nod Alain:moor Cow/roam, by MANY YOTE.IIIS rrotyl,;:dawroT n Atm 1.1..n0nt0 •t,to Niue Vols. or Au.r 01116NT0 . v.—Roitett limg, 01 tle itctrenth Wan! Yntsiturtth, IF bentby reentosnroded to site Convent ton, rolled to moot on tint 4tls .1 June mit, tuo Ono• doh... for Ilm odic° of County COMlo:itiOlter. apV.d.talcoal . MANY VOTERS Tna ASIVNIIILT.—:III4,I 1101.17., EN., of !Shand loan-lip, Kan be oodpotted for nominal on, at a eon. Indtto iltr the tareembly, before tbe Sod Marmot. and \ Vold Uonrentton. MANY Nrifflffirt3 maylAltomer CONGFlFsS—Troarrot M. Mew,. cjll be cand date beiere the toltimesouie arm Wing Convention, ror nomination'', Col:rerr. ma)l4:l.ltcat&T y,T__cmlrTm TutEs BAUM'S Year bible Llantd 112 Ir Dye, la d supenur every respect in me many ankle. %Wen are on a le tor the purpose of etaueteg the color of vatc.7Ts I r,ion, the troth of wirtivh all wilt ndrult, sr. Bade Inn of It, nod loathe follow. ti.g reosora:— No paler dye will prone , .t will a series of green.: diodes, shades, as b;sot, !ronla he. It is the mill , dye which will in.lantnneocell, produce the eacch all other, venturing Fever. beers loaramplete the operation. No other dye will prodnon coif, cloth au nearly *scion:nth to Vieth of nature. No cloth ye is so entire)) , harthlree, and val.° decidedly effective, piodrAng colors which heater heat, ath, loth moisture can remove; rind fleshy, no other dye has Wren , d n tithe of the patrorage welch the public hare bestowed upon Jules Ilaners Vegetable Liquid !lair Dom The kill of the eberni.r, and rho riper:l-nee of years have been taxed, in the prouctirav 01 bd. preparation; and it to offered la the polite will. to guarantee, that .henid It cot prolare the reriolote elle., the money wit in all ea... be cheerfully refunded. Person. i:nvirtorwtote, red. or Frei' hair or whiskers, 11, by usine Jule, If. Veeetible 4gmd Hear I.)yr. hoer them dyed a be:nun:al brown, Week, or eLeatrost calor, sottltout the stortitest injary to the skin, and v. the inattrst ;or rable tone. It to so easy of ap peat,o that any one ran its, it without assistenee. Cc oan.oelar to ark for dale. Hazel a Vegetable Lit t end lisle Dye, sod take no other. Pre,mred only by JULE'S lIACFL, Perfumer and Cb6inist, Crrraut ltekw round,. For tale v^bol,a! , . srd retail try It A Pahl:crook and el-l!.1., Ihitrtturght and John f gent and J. i.titeriell. Allitehen) city, Inaye A A. NIASON ate thl• day Demingp ere, ri • Y 1 men Maar da 14P, Sill; ID pr. a We, dq . pea J. t pett La; 6 pcs P.lett do; awl ,Ps 26 !nth M. sea •10 Linen rialadlca ra haat.. 4GO dot . ..a. Linen Cambric fd, all amen iro doz uoutal do .to an colomd Iv.tdrrs; A A hi J.N A. CO 61. Market lit. Ca do .< do en Received thls day by tam V •0 0,M1.1..ka 1..1.`,T11F.1 4 -1..0 pr. elnungenhle ustrce. ut the extreme low prieeef 12.; per yard. meylu A A MAPUN ":1) I ri•ak and ilrown Linens. per :44 1.4 Drown Lincr.s; la pc • l.e.riN Bata In y'., Alexander.* svpericr t•IL Lu.cp, Love opr gne, tr; TO 1 A Al ASON ie. el, 41,4111-11, M 1 . /I,i.llllrlpCr . 11 /11 . M Ja y do it No I, tkl M dotto Nn I; M Jn Co tt, - 10 M Regatta, FomrottOot 15 tit do cottotopottto; Al llornont,ltto.; Itt 01 CO tj, for role br ntoylo IIIttKETAON • UDt.Tc - /1 ['MATED thILVER t. salt hy .01 J a. CO — I , IIIIF EBTOC 10S D I 11/iC TinLY. envaoneo to We S . p F e frk ir j o i l N l. F M C u n N b :lir 4 lll7::74 of to of Picisburgh 0,1 Allrghrey, I.rougl.• or Mao. Itirnosqth., hr., that the V“ r.rth ready for wo pre, 1111,1 ttzt. L., pu;th . r ha. or the proer • (Ilit 14 ile,e I.lw[cli the :WI mud 40th Im.thnt. The cIUZ.CUR nerey, and all who feel an interest in the plot:in:non of a f ovvlrte end perieet Dirretnry, partieularly Lo Lava not inn, caned OP win greatly oblige the peLlb4ee. by a...emu:Ann that three vailour 11.Terallea• and nine. of buriness, Se , are noted to publiecion in ties Directory. Alt cords to be treec noel, must Le handed to forth wine or us nit leteet, by Lee date above 11•Jaed. IMO 10 Ten..csace. tor ra:e by ntsvlO WICK & McCAALILKSS iIASIVASSELP 11AMY.—I43 !or vale by maylU WICK tr. 111cCANDLFSS .P °1 :47 1 1 1 0 -6 '"" 7\l atilt :MU/ labs rev creed. •11.1loi raw by I'j inavlo WICK & IsIeCANDLI,SS VLAT/IKILS—IIi go — c'ts prime. (or lain I.Y 1 wIU WICK McCAN k. 'DI.VN, R ot•IN—IU brlo lust ree . : , :d iz all ,, lor K .e s tii. As,. inaytO tar. birth and Wood oh fin:NA Ilk' ot.;;;1.1--1W1 lho lll.t toed :Sara, awl tor solo I) N WICKERSHAM Itl , :;:t , 1 , . ; 1,11 F.E.N-0 cam.`d. for m $ N 1 - ELEiri‘ll-1,, - f; r 7,1 for N 1. - KERSD AAI XJ/ d • St ;, bho Loverinzrs Pulverized Loaf; 1.0 Ws do C di do; 10 eii,CB do D Witted dn; 101,1 envetdo do do; u Orl4 Pogriered C; 11 Orli, Clarified; D.D.; lust rre'd, nod ror .ale Y 1L1.01; & IL1111:i rsoN 111 'save 1721: 174 lib ilpriThit /Y. Le. It 1./ au rott..trnien far nrt.4+ by RICIIET9on 451 Frri,c,t urcellugles7oVcon: lOr Lair by rt. xr .0 I:OI.I,EZZ Z. RICIZETSON -116 tol so, Nunn NW con, nuw landing, or NIIIJ,ER BICKETSON ,ALLOIL-13 b•kie 41.1 LS Mur,sl!et 6nllnd Olt; IJ 10 do ;Ito, 49 do; 10 do .uporo . o. Horded, block: For tale by 31ILLEK tr. 11100:N1)N - 77 ) % ci'lWa7l,ltv - t•el U • • • 1, :1 ' , "r` et . , an ,a,• roe App by Inn y : 0 A111.1.f. R tr. TZICKETS4KI I. 3 e i lot IC , " T nn ' Hf n ' t t r l 7:-":7' y ia. '7' T CC' pi rel. p^T not. by A A' MASON ACO 1%1 & — L'AIII,I.I:s —II o Pen rrer, •<••• Irg 0 1 , ul ;ler yams fAr p,t HAW., ail qualiOrti II 0 pl,en r‘.ln,d to per pird, now oprltti, A A MASON A CO RED .HOUSE, [IPSO KEITH dr. HAIIEII, Proprietor,' Pm Um iFquerre, Ent., Pa. • (IFNERAI. t4TAG , .: yresttisti, rtnl titittiltant Stages, leave this house Gully. Ca, iturits to and (into :Strom late ail, A merietin IL W. Its.", late of the Kinsman Hotel, Qhio. C. YEAGER, 108 Market Street, /near LI111.7,) AMER (CAN, ENGLIsiI, A N I:I lIMAN VANCY GOODS; HOSIERY, RIIIRONS. LACES, qLoVES,Ii)READS. CO)11.1.4, BurroNs, sus. PEN DENS, he. Alco. Satin and Kenny Vesting., BLACK :ND FA NCI" PILE CRAVATS, PONGEP, PAN OA , NA. n.. 41 LINEN prneral as aoranco: of 7.11 , 5, and every variety of trnatanna-s. spa! liaffii2E I== AFLOI.7IIIM. 11111. to with font ran of of the Lett torationit for huoinctii in the tweet—and hot rate Sao:Mill, on nn almost never felling otteetn, std Itt nitres of Laud. gnod throning llout.o, Tenant llente and other Inintovettlentit, eituated %even mile. Irmo the Ohio Wert, Monroe Cot'ttnn Dhlo. Alpo, porate the shove, a ticauttlat Fenn, nett Improved, cont. ining stn acre.. For inner,, en q Dire of • WILLIAM 11. JOHNSTON,. • et pia ftd Farmed ac. l'itnititirtit. anlbinlabLitTlittni Oa. pnieT rpm: brawl nr blorrinonn, I.ilrh h. Co. at IliWolivine, Jetlerinn County. l'a, and 1, leh, pinrpsoee k c o , AI eghenY owiniy, , have baca di.nolveil by fUlltonl ronsant. ettoora a:Wattled to 'mid brine will wake payinrni to Litcb & L eo.. and Claim. annlrot the Fame my be presented bil..neb &Ca, Jarnettlemant. • I FT P I I IY I NR tldN • TIIOMAS IC TaTedi • mai L - WEED 01 14 X%/09 ta pstro, jest rovo, for sate . 7 J 8 CANIIBI.O STEAM. BOATS PIIIITB/31311.011 AND ' • , m a l t s ak i STEAM PACK ET", LINE. E o fn oil regolor and well Cr. La a,the then. of the following . fine stet. menbeve arranged them into • Line between Pittsburgh and Louisville. Machu( the bow he pothively learn Pittsburgh on early • Matta? i Wenscsnar, and • Fanny Evusteo, at delock—fall'or notthnar, hall. "The fast Nutt of the Line will start ea Monday, February Steamer Genesee--..—•• • —Captain T. Moore. .Z. Taylor•—• • BLLuean • Hamburg .I.2linefelter: • Farmer Ikneilleh • Fein:novelEbben, • For freight or passage applyto Pel , ll4lot D. MILTFNIW.PnER. Agt; REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, spleodlt/O K at ° was bitilt by the a nd of tite steamer Isaac Nwton, and others for the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh 'Pneket:trade, and will leave every ,Wednerdny, &Y Cincinnati, itt plata of the Neer England, No. Y. For or pusage apply on board, or to , G id MILTENBERGER, Agt . PITTuTh - rJRIDI AND Wlll,l,ltsti PACtiEr. Ttie eplendid fast ;tinning steamer LOUIS MCLANE, W. S. Com:yell, muter, IbaalnF undergone n thee. °ugh repalr,) will run hereafter as It menhir packet between Pittsburgh tind 117 heeling. leaving Pittehargh every Monday, Wednesday and Fridny month" all &cloak. For freight cr passage apply on board, Of to bane W. R. WHEELER, Agent. 810.19091GIAIIMIdL ROIITE.;" • .nk .a- S' %7 Mitjta Only 79 MIlk• Staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Fat so Ilakettamte—.-• , •....—.1110 00 no. Pntssortenut—...— jg 00 THE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the bridge daily, at 8 o'clock prettiwly. Time to Caltlninre:tT2 boars; time to I'hlistdelphia,4o boars. The evening boat leaves daily, (except Bunday ea cnings,i at fl o'clock. • Passengers by leaning on the W,Wilitg boat, will erase the MOtteLtIGIS to wages nein day, and thus avoid night travel flexureyour tickets the Mee, Monongahela House, or SA. Charles Hotel. betterly 2. MESKIMEN. Arent I=l :V.4.4.. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lints Express react Fonts, And Rail Road Cars, (ES.CLIOIIVILY 'FOB PAIOILM01112,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New Central Rail Road and Pennla 4e--60 bourn Far,-810 Omelet. Sae nnlea Ca Road, and 'l5O miles Canal. (N the Int inst. the new Central (;Oil Ttpad Compa i.J ny commenced ranting TWO tuna' cacti ear. neon en as from Jaehntawn to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the arrival ut the Lathes Boat. from the %eel. fly thin arrangement passes. pent will so through without detention. ,a Pietist Bout will leave every• morning at o'• sleek. curvy cunning ta 9 o , c lock. This route, • for eafoty, Focus!, and Comfort, is not equalled by any now in one l MO El(41C111 For passage or inlOrnanUnn apply to W nU11:11, Monongahela Dowel . and D LEECH lc CO, Canal MUM HAL:9I.AR WM.:KLING,Ir. BONFIRE PACKET. • Tim fun mooing Fawner lysq.LsviLLE, Capt. B. Yeanj, will inn an a yern.lar packet between Plnatnweb. Wtaal- Ing, Itrultenort, and 13unliab,leavinx Pitabureh tatty Eonatt7 for Wellsville, ettubetowl/c, and Lirldgettorn,and eyaryTbartday crooanforStentorn. ante, Wlrneltug, Rrilittpopi, Carina, and Sucban. R..lnine,lemres lititeeport aria ennf.ab ca.trY e. day &Herndon, and &Lama every Erlday &Rama. . .For tat:ght or ' , lnfante, apply on btanl, or to npaU 1.1 WILKINS. . . . , w _ pto spler.did arner - DE,W PiGLAIiD No t, D. V. EnalMpry, ;puttee. y,lll ledYa or the ettove and lOseralechate pens On thin day, the 211 , lust. al 10 0 . e.11.11.0, M. For fteieto or pareette, apply an brood, or to I NEWTON JONtMor J C PETTI(Dik,W, Agfa mayet M=o3=i .W. apkinind packet steamer • 112411gEgr Ca NEMPI pt. Ilutehmen, moms for the above and all imirr.r.ciliate ports OP this dar e the 21.10 M. at 10 o'clock. Ai N. Coitirmut er palace. apply on board. may2l - VTI - 8 iiir2LCFCIS.- Inc sour and rplendal Reamer CHIEF JUSTICE !SaII:MALT, IJ,. 11, AF J. muter, will leave for we above owl lweroledose Prte, on WI. rllv, ell% insitul.. are P ).1 . For Ireigko or pavroro• apply on bowl!. loTlal FOR NEW ORLEANS. - - - tom-41') Tne "ISlVlrkartUrr'" Ilapt - Mocaran, lalme t for above add all latertacthale [Miler. on thi. C., Nth In., at 4 o'clock. P. M. For fretght or pnosage, 'rely on boatel, of to 'nye° GEO It . I.IILTENDERCIER, Agent. FOR ZANESVILLE. The rplendid .roomer JRNNY LIND, Lletthrr, mom, will Rare for the Lore end all tothrthethoto port. on any, 'be 0111. last, et . 0 e'e:ock, P. at - In,irraght or passage, apply on board, or to MOO W %SUM MER, Age. FOR ST. LOUIS. Jt• The le.M M vw ein' . nio l.reMer firie4 iki T Neel, mater, will leave for the ' abort and ell interme.!iate ports, an ixy.t• .01 10 ik M. For Irflnb• or papsn,e, apply nn hoard. mayle_ The eatwely now and splendid steamer k ASIIINGTON. W. W. hltirtiit, toaster, lain leave for the shove and all intermediate 'Wings on this day, the leth inst., atl r. is. poginvely. For freicht•pply to maylk 01 II AIILTENRIOIBER, AO FOR ST. LOUIS. The One patentor Weimer .1 I CRITFENDM Plotting, master, will leave for the callatowc and all Intermediate ports on Ihls day,' the led, inw, nt It o'clock, A. M. For Weight 8,1 paasago apply an board or in mar Id W D WIIEFLER. AFt l'Ort ST. 1.Z12/IS. The spleedid eleamer PARIS, Smith, reeater, 'rill leave for the Above and intermediate Innein!, , s oh 'Mediu, ire 17th mt. et 4 o'clock, P. M. F or rAWAIGMVI ;'lqt.tiol:ifr, Agta. mayl7 1850 ifEBEgl DID WELLr~ SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. PirtArr,olA rormbrto and Clmrlood. thm tr gh dos rich and Ninth., wuatiean C o l ov , ti. lue, Carroll, Shuk, Turna :arras, Loallaiou, rlfu Liektug, and Fran4llll. 't ite eunuoettuti of MG Sandy Rnd 'Scorer Canal open. up to our cal' Iloough thin great notaral central route a c , rret rournunichtion to the shove as well the adjointn. counties of Wayne, Rohner., Knox, and Delauvoce. Front then reetion of Ohio, tio trade with Pittrhotah tout been. to a great exantt rut off, a cornea canto of the high rates of trourportathoo, *Melt era now re• duets to, :Mt and :gr per vent. Boot, 0( Ili. tom will ieave daily, and run through *Paola tranahipment. The Canal COMpanT bare he.tnwrd upon that hue •u In the unpreee derteti advantage% Of atea charter. and th. reetreed In the middle portico, or Chau an °avenue their good• by 111D1VE.1.12.1 55 5I) AND IiIdAVER UNE, sat equal interest 111 that stivantago. Agent,: J.O. lIIDWELL. Diartroargth DID WELL CO, tiluagovv.l • ._. R C lin!nme, Spent 7 s 1 ., 1h1T. 04:a; II A A Guy, WiJimnpmet,o.4 Georg. Reudele,Elktun,o ; CatMs & I Suffnadi du; Hanna, Oraltan. I , Co. New Lption, 0; .Amer & Ntuals, Hammes, U., /Abbe. & BOOrY, M ur... 0, 'pcoker A Tarter. do; Jmeuh Pool A CO, Jo e i liliii Buts, 0nel:1.'1%1;111,0: II V never, du. • 0 II IturAllml &Cu, Ma!veru, (I; C ' K Gray, Wuynt. Lori, O.; I, R.-pudde, du; item. ',mu, itlegnolla 0! f E J Markd lIA.Co. blugmolia,o.; Won M 'a ues, do; J AlVs.rial : & Co, Sandyulke, 0: VJ . Lacf do; Ca`n- Lang A • teinboush, r00k..,. 0; Willard A Shriven, du; J J 1 Q.Lnan. Al+o.lllon, 0 4 Cummi , . A Co, do.; /On Rubin-en, C 0,.; Fulton, 0 ; Ferny & 'roomy, Canal Lever, 0; A nedbury, Hocene, 0, L li W.r. nor, A e wart. 0 ; Filth & lisle., Colurnbus,O, L 0 :0.1- theurs,C.lnuelend, 0; Rhodes & letter, du. ,n,40 WIATEIiII 1115111120 CE COMPANY • OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITA!, ;100,000. J. riaarr. Jr., Eta' , 1 IL Mutant, Jr., Pryer. Will tukure nguiner all /lad. of risks, FIRLIAND A LL lams will ho liberally adjusted and promptly 11 paid. A home loornooon—managed by Ihreetore who are well known to the coonnahnk, aka wen de detccrom el by prinertness and Itheraltly to Mblatt.let Ina char acter winch they have Renamed ve oGcrine the bent protection to them who noire to be Incorea. Ihroo-roan—lt. 1/mo. Blank. J. W. /Sutler, N. (Inhere, Jr., Wet. D. Moines, C. thrown, deo. W. /adman, Wm. al. Lion, Jon. Lryynttenn, The.. 11. Liter., lames al'Auley, Alen. Idnock, 'rho, Scott. Order, No. au Water street, (wardroom of apang A Co.. or. 011,1”1.1 l'arnerrah. suf ally Wail Paper Warehanae. 'kin 47, AIAIIKEI STREET, between Third and l'ouriti este., Pitirburgh, P. Tlll/3IAS 1'AL r•11::: would reepeetitilly edl gin attention of hi, lent!, ond cuitorticir, to hie present extenove and gen.rul stor kof oneehnudis, It will be bound to coin. ' , Sire every cript.con oi AM...1118M French Wail Soper and Rosier to Parlors, 11.11 n, Dining Room., Red Ill,alnberi, Counting Room, de., ranging (row 111 cents in 40 piece. So greet u divoriny oi priori and qualities con bandy fail to eat the circumstances and re-tee of purebastrs Iw may :moorwith their putrontign, the Old established stand on Market street. eAlllen _BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, BrO•thf illy. COTDer Of etaldols Lane. " 1 . ‘111:5 eateuitee HOTEL hoe been reared by rite mud hos been completely refitted in r IDoa eiegula manner. Large addition. are now bevy( mode, which, When C4l9ple:<d, will maim It the tuba extensive Hotel In New York.. It it the delencti ,,.,,thh at tic proprietor, memoir It equal, In every cc re, ooy other Iluum in the Unth,d Stores. bolo. eotion It the MOM devlroble nod central in tiredly, be ing to the hothionutde Dort of Broadway, convenient on the public middles% flier. of nmusement, I,n.iness. Grateful tot :he liberal patronage received Berm hit western mum!, 'while at Cuntherland, sod mote recently ot tho Weddell Louse, m Cleveland; Ohio, ie spemieliyeolielts n renewal of theirparton. - • 'ogc, for new esinblislstoent, at New York ' and t to nbllll . o them that every effort on hit pert Am ( ise givew to widdnistnelo . thelr Comfort and Wee:Wad. ,rir m eFtflOß hit...CLOT/4,0a band a -dins ferent of 4 acrid yird wide reor cob, kpku,: fmmerns, of ',blab we will eat to order. EMI sire, 'Oaten, wholeadejneeL ISb PWLLIt'S 1101188, LOTS FARMS. kc ! .Thl large eonnaooloceDarellled liaise , and Lot, on 'chi= aro a good Stable and BACanine Haase, being A= propenr f •_ - end lone the resadenee Nrs ana 3.1 1- gee, situated= liVebsitr.snrar. &Tenth BUM. For terns, epply Ito ' LOWREE inyedtt ' Wylie . . • .• " OR RAZ Ts HADDSOME STOKE, do Market Aram beimeem Third sud Fourth sheath ,t prevent occupied by Alm Thomas Milo, es • Dry Goode Mom . Alm—k land mali Guisited DOOM to Dm memedlid:Ot cdal doar SO. Dare Mercualile Collate. The nom m ll ,roared, sod suitable tor &musical dome or Acedany. or osed.l be martian:oily urreadod mired& others rpfl4t Office. Third • Z. D. OAZZASI, M. over the Poet Offirm •• • o Lot, A 1111108. BUILDING, YS by GO feet, three stories ..rx high, wit!, Engine, h e; located In )31unixtgbwa, immediately below the Ferry. Ewleire of • Bar.? VANS SGARRISON. Pittaburgh Foundry - - _ tr LP.T—Tlao store on Markets; nett door te Fin; 1. will berented law to a rood tenant, end pm.- non given lareedistely. For terms apply to mrtadtt ;WALTER BRYANT. lr3 Liberty at. Lat yrim large three story Brick Warehouse, on Wate, below Fen 7 strut, rutting from Water to net treet, on reasonable tenas. POIMS6IOII given halm. dimely. 'Enquire of febibtf ' F. LORENZ. VALUABLE It. at L - TATE ON PENN STREWS' V FOR BALE.—A Lot of (homed situate on 14/111 street,between Ray and Idarboxy atetts, adloluing the house and loborrw occupied by Richard Edwards, having a front offs feet, and to depth en feeti will be sold on favorable terms. Title mexeeptionable. gelslAtt C. O. LOOMS, fitt st,near Wood, g NEW MUSIC STORE, o Sign olds Golden Hap, - 101 Third rt., itert door to Waeaw•irs, gun: subscriber 'Farad respeetfally inform the dd. acne of Pittiburgl, Allegheny; and vicinity, that be bat "opened his new and elegant establishment for the sale of Pu.nos, - Blazontono, Alvin; Illlnnnai to. mouse OW, and every other =tele in his hoe. • PIANO3—SoIe mammy for Hanna & Clarke's °tie.. heated grand and rewire ,Pianos, with and without Crdeman's Anachment These Pianos have lately receive° I important improvements, Ten. idering them exceedinglybrilliant of tone, and extra. ordinarily d arable and I Kenn°. Alm, T. Gilbert & Co's (Boston) celebrated Pines. These Iris trliMentS have a wide spread reputation, and cossitleted imams the very best mannfactared be Boston. where they are decided favorite,. B. Dunham, N. Y , of the km of Wake , & Dan: hams has •Kotuted tho subscriber +ohs agent far the sale °lbis Camelia Pittsburgh. The dew of fttodert &Danl= Is one cf the • demand best lath'. country, Red their menufaeture Inc filers. and brilliancy a tone mad beauty of workmanship are second to none. The celebrated Concert Pianos of Salsadhoff, of Bremen and Homburg, will always he Sept for sale by the subscriber. It will satire to say, that they are made nee of by all the great Piano players at Otis Connecta on , be Continent the subscriber beau leave to direst ellentien to the impoitut tut of bit having special agents both in Europe seal this counulo, who carefully select and examine every Piano sent to him, which enables him to give a written guarantee with eVery_Pleno sold by him, pledging himself to island the money la “se the Pismo be proven fealty or deficient - A toll supply of the newest and most popular Marie constantly be kept for sale—fornictoe4 by the best pubfisbing houses of Boston, Philadelphia, and Balti more: tae for Meters PebrortenbergA Lois, New York, Sae most efteasare ll:gamuts of foreign ollasic in ibis country. Sole Agency for Carberatos Patent Melodeon cod Melodeon Pianos, an timid - emoted and perfected by March k White, Cincinnati, with single and double setts of reedr—the best reed instrument, yet invented. Also, Goiters, Rotes. Clarinets, Violins, Bogies, fax Horns, Tabu, and every description and variety of brass instrnmente from the but makers. fittings for Violins, onhar,, and Mrtnelraelma hooks foe every innmment. Selec tion, ofmarle made, music books bound, Pianos tuned and repaired; Violins. Aceordeona, Guitars ; ie., en. paired on the most reasonable terms. mud HENRY KLEBER. CALIFORNIA. ADVERTLSIMENT. PE BISd BROCKWAY, Celittitie.lo2l Merehorde, Bacramentp city, California. Metal ode:tures made an cotelynotstat, and all. agency toraireas promptly auenced to. rut., rr Lon Pa7l3 &maul} vr; nisnrrecrzga,.. iMiAffl!i%!ja Nor, Sprrng and Summer Dry Gob for ISIIO. WILLIAM L. DAYSSYLL ; 121 5. .4 e Vnocmmio t ßi P e O l 4fnth;Fraob. and A reieanliidUD, e .Inet, DCIINeell Third and Fount., alga 01 the Ma Dim Hies, his Jam commenced recelving and opening one of the most rich,spleadid, and extensive mocks of Spring and Summer Dry Goods tver offered for sale In the Western canary. All of ere Imported Goods are fresh opened, and received per the litst steamer. front France and England; an e lse Irish Linens, Impernil direct boas Iteltost. all ma. blenched, and vrarranted the pore article; there Linens are all imponed by the inthiscriber, and are all pen, fan yarn, +narrowed. Alen, Irish Linen Damask Table Ciotti., the very beat mninifietnre; and Irish Linen Goods of ell tied. ; it:maned direct from Belfast by the aubscribei, and trill toe lama the ttalErinegoe Minh. . . LADIES' DRESS GOODS. ' • Neer stile rich Turk Sidle,, all corers, splendid goads; black Turk Satins, all Nices t rich goods; Meek tiara Silts, all celery, late tnapertatiow . Preach Kid Wove, ail colors , the best imported; pla id black Santurce, per lest French Steamer; new style paistail Bugger, Itlentil," goods. Also, a linperb and large .tack of wide black Brussels Lace, for ter:gonad ladies' dresses, very etch goods; plain Ittarepen ia all colors, durcmcly low, bectitiful goods; black Silk Fringe, all widths and priers, very cheap; ?tench Lawns, nest .2. =, , P iii t .. a h fe t .L re , ne ... ll steamer; erh .eltiL i ttlcAck Gr G l)e . De Rhine Brocade, Oct good.; French attl ' llgliSri Cashmeres, tete styles beautiful goods; splendid fueorce Swims goods tor stores, dresses; rich embroidered Swiss Mulls for everting dreg es; Striss'Edging and lnserung. the best imported; Silk Tiesuca in all colors and qualsties. new style, plain endgum sUipid block liarcgAtu prieeiLl'lnl.l . Lamas, sew styles, Bert Sto tis cents pert' • Barter de Lulus, nest article Ike ladies' dresses. so, a large and asperb amok of pear style spring Bonnet •Ribbons, the very best it.. potted, ell new. • SHAWLS, SHAWLS. - - - Canton crape Rh awls, all colors, fresh from the Cass tom Ilchale; Turk Satin Shawls splendid goods, In all enlist, per la, steamer; bean:risk changeable else. .ilk Snands, fresh .napottaitan • White embroidered Caon Crape blbciwlE, sa pert/ inks; green embroider nn ed Canton Crape Snared% splendid goods; Lapin's Brunch made Embroidered nibs:, Onest Inquutabria; Paris painted Cashmere Si aISIs. nil prices and quali ties mummer Cravats -sad Staffs In am.. Ira firlil French worked Capes,Collars, and Colts, a large arsornasnt. • A Large Stock of DOMIISTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. • PO balm unbleached Muslim', from 5 to 10 cents per yard; la cases bleacbcd Mosllns from 4 to Ilk rents per yard II ease. Irish Linen.. imported direct from lkIlat; it bales Ticking, from S to 23 c.c. per yard; 2 cases blne Doll, nom El to 12k rents per yard; be sides a foil assortment of Sommer Cloths. Also. Caw. Tweed., Sabacts, and Kentucky Jeans; 50 eases dark Calico, fast colored. from d en 12k cent per yard; Geaees Ilex! It Sans. rinslish Price, best imponmk 5 bales Russia and Scotch Diadem, examen ly low. Also, flea sekeeping Goods of all kinds, very cheap; 2 lades Kumla Crash, from ci to l2k tents per yard; beside. a largo week of Cheek and Shirting ntripe. Also, Canton Flannels, all colors rad goal tie,, at low mien. red, sane, and yelloiv very cheap; nleack . ed and unbleached-Drillings, fall ascalment; 5 coca bloc Mertiomek Calicoes, no. acme:) , awn bleep and unbleached Table Diapers, all priers; Bird's eye Diaper.. all prices and qualities, ryhp.; colored Camorie., full assortment, cheaper Can ever; 3 bales Barlsp., from 12k to 25 ca per lard. Also large act ofCetton Table Diapers. Manners' Shir ting—A foil assortment, very cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS! The largest Ind most splendidstock of Parasol. over opened by any one house lo Piiwborgb, Is this day received, and ore all ;alike newest Preach styles, which, Mr fieriness and beaoty, cannot be surpassed. As we have a large lot attics,' Partuols, they will be cold cheaper than any other house is the city ran -at. ford to sell the same quality of goods. The Ladies are respectfully invited fo czomine there P as they will find some of Iltit richest nod newest styles once Imported frOln Eater. These Parasol. are ell of ton richest and moot fashionable colors, and are worthy of the monition of tho ladies ' All of the above good. will be sold off of pricr far below any house in the - city; and in order so prove Ibis fact, rho public van please roll and mace Mese goods, end compere theio WWI any other boom to the city, and be convinced of, the inane au.ertion. ' Toe ...scriber won% hare any to los numerous moo toners and the public In general, that Diere are two other bee limn WTns rn nasket sine; pretending to rope with the thy Bee Dive, which yy alone the only celebrated end fur famed Dry lima establithenert in Pittsburg,. The subscriber woo ldiherefore any to all purchasers of Drs tioods, either wholesale Or retail, that the Big lice Hive, on Merkel Street, between Third and Yount,la now opening tho largest, richest, nod slant sp.endid cook of spring and summer Dry Goods ever adored for sale in l'ittsb web - . - New Smith roe le.—The largest and short fashion• aide neck of llormeu acre opened id this city. is just received a: the eryn of the Big flee Rica. on Market street, between Third end Fourthftrte...6, where Dry (thous of every descried. ac selling cheuper than any other house In the city. The public will pieta., take notice that there arc two other bee hive acres on Market street, who pretend in compete with the Utq lice Ewe, between Third and Fourth streets, where the puolte will And, at all timmthe lersut aid newest [Glee or Dry (thuds, fresh opened. (0 - taro nonce. that the stone in between Third twid Fourth woe, kien et the DIG DEE HIVE, where Dry Good, of carry description are solidify entrant than at any other tutase in the city. ' , IA - 1343w WILLIAM L RUSSELL alosqu I toßara, VOUNDATION I.JeLlnit", Crows Lining,. Boa r rams, Cotton Yarn from sto 404. Also, WICK. INO—Seat Sperm Braided Wick, Chandlers' Wick, Wadding, Baas, an, manufactured and for axle on the lowest for by It MtEWIND apaStllm a ISO Pearl M. New lyric. fiIIICOLATES. ac , -/lakor's No 1 Chocolate; Ea c rig BUMS; Luker. Co."; 14 Freer Choo.hmi d o , Lip 7 iced do; Vanlia doi tl 'a& z F do; & r fo tale mmCLURG IV!ridti 1.11:11,111 . 1..0 are au", re cth e, e g their second ruppry of Gerais orf this Spring, and WI, their blends and buyers gennralty a large and thatch umentinent to relent (rum. (Fr Drains nit tinned to lent in n the orboleule exams nt W R hlatuar. ire stain, where a teeth on. ply has alra been received, and lenient kmds of rood.. can ha mild at Inane miens than arantl. FM 13 .ASTOP. =afar rule by C • ms) R E SELLERS el — AftßitrT'S riNUFF-1 berets just reed Ins able I.J susyl3 . ^ It E SELLERS — l;CCiffiriL 7 -10 and A. a E SELLERS ma7ll 17 Waal ut DAR'S GREEN-10U0 lba MC% aqa frr mule by tnayl3 R E SELLERS NDIGO—L rate jala iced me by I • utlyt.l E SELLERS RTA RIC ACI D-110 lbsjost tered end fur Rule by tnoyES R E. SELLERS Gall l ' salepy glin, co (IHOCOLATB-IWbrs by I Chocolate, Nesbit Co, tottelveil this day, asid for rain by' my 7 • WM HAOALEY /CCM Winginiiu•ea - tau sax to n.rto- moot of Rubber Gorda, consisting of the Wow that—Ladies` Hind Codh, a fancy article; Lakes' Bair Finger Catm Tobacco Wallas, largyind mall; Ltto Preiserrerat imhosta BUM /. Baptismal Pants; Gentlemen* , 'plover; W oh Gloves Motley Belts; nod a ',Viet). M other ankles fotrala at the Ratter Depot, 7 gds Wood wen MVO k II PHILLIPS .11010*.—Z1b. Orboro 5 . * 5 bzo /owl Mir do; 5 b.s. filtorloood do; brs Lanier So spuo, ntr. mid for sale by . fuW.] ISAIAU,DICCIRY &. (X) "VIRE PROCW / ibs pstnnt,. Notrma. rim% in sin...nd itrnaln by ..1/.41NOLOol& EMU; ear. rem & Irwin street& - Cal. TUKelitiatsili—zu brill U 1 lue moor tor 0 take by msybb tTscuoo tt {R .. • MEDICAL giIInIIPIBEIBT I .COJECAL lIIBCBTERI. CHEMICAL COMBINATION . Fr= Oa Vegetal* ifiegdotshito reprt Diseases Dr. fliayseiVs.Extract Y•llow Deck • ..and limursaparilla. Cr... toruralluktioa, scrotal; erysipelas, rheraaarlar; am. Liver ermuslairusiseinal attectious, ticera, ay koPY. +asthma, piles, +marvel. arrections at . ur k ,: i p i taader and kidneys, fasercured amazes, cor rupt humors, rush of bhar,4 to the head, fever and ague, ferule complaints, gcnotaldyrpep au, Cu. of aware, headattle, cells. coativenera, gravali night • sweat; chabc,, organic *Uterus, palpitation , of the heart, ham; pause le ales Ode. elves; but, his Infallilge atl diseues stitingtreni an pare man of the blood. or inTirdat MUM of the‘le, In the ,Yertiblel Elneedn, as Ali-wire, hs deeesSed plains and herbs; eensenial to oar consilta-, tow and (adapted to •he cure of disease; and to tho • vegetable kingdonedoei the'resson of man, as scud a the imniut of ani sly tuna for anlldetei to pain. • The Syrup ti a stfeettfte camp:mid onto mat . Most rat - . sable plants in Latins,. entirely free ha m deleterthal and =meant mineral eubitanees , and au it mei dluase from the mune, imparts tiler and strength a conespeinding donne: CEIMFICATaI An extmerdinsry cute of &MUM, Erysipelas and G ems, eared bythe sobs me or Dr. Duysot.tht CDM pentad Syrup, Yellow Dock and Samagarmlla, Dt • • Itroomax. - Nov. 17, Gernorr . --Slri I tender m 7 *Mate thanks tor the peat benefit I have de rived from the me of your valuable erne. I have been troubled very bid eith a scrofulous are, which made Its appearance on my ebb,. I did cot pay mach attention to it so first otto mans at to he nothing bat an eruptum• tact appears I oaperseabi far r. It homily begun inetetue, until It. Weed to M. ,ack part of the heed. • I applied to a phyaician. oho succeed me all to no Milllors. 11 . d. tried every thin; that could he tried. I ram your Syr up or Yellow Deck and it_trasparLane and cantina.' ase it, lot I tams that Yellow o Doc was one of the most valuable articles Lc the world her the blood. I . bouslnyour Syrap, and from the use f one bottle,' could seen great change in my system. 'continued to atoll. anal I mu a well men. .I easrleel like a new person; my blood Is perfectly <fettered and fro from nil impurities, • There Is not a newton bat the':. , your newly disatmerea compound Is far sopirior t asy 0 000.011. Map ever weld 'tkta certificate Le at your diepoaal to pubbth it you likeolnd any enteyou may refer to me I alma be hap py to give them all the mformattou I eau about my can, tee. 1 mania your obedient rennin; • Greece 0. Jormson, : • - 113blerkm. street- The beet &male medicine known. The Emmen( Yellow Dock and tiataapariLla is n positive. sreedy, and permanent taro ler 01l complelma incident to I=l Its mild, 'iterative Dropenies render it peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate entwiltetion o the female. It is muivalled In its effects open sack dismom es Incipient commence, herrentmes,. Im • cortboca, or.orbltes, ten mate, menstruation , . Inman.. Dente oferine, and general protwatmopf die system- Itimmediately menteract• that &Birching nervous.. ' nem and hunted. so =amen to the &male frame, - and Imparts an enure Intl buoyancy az serrating es • they are' gnatefaL IVe have evidence en fits which Indeed as strangly.te seconimend•thia raedselne to. mated people who have not been blessed wittiod4 . . Painarna livaar t .or robing of the. Womb, of 'Ara • years' standing, eared by Dr. Outten', Tamara of Yellow Doak and Sarsaparilla, after eV,' other knows remedy hod been trial without tenet • • . WAlnlitionart, Ohio, Feb., 1549. This amities' that' my wife, aged 37yeara, been -wafering under the above me.plamt for .five yeam—nearly allot that time confined to her bed. I have for four years constantly Mutts/tett tha Dem med ical bleat that could be erne e•ed to thisseegan attest country, without any benefit whatever. I have afro purchased every iratrimett for the core of aneh diseases, all which primed worthlms. to the spring of lEtrl, I was indueed by my friends to try Dr. Gaylen's 'lallow Dock and Satrap:meta,. It um treed for fear Mou th s. Aly( the TIMI. used It for shout long weeks. It um evident to airchat she was Improving, and from UM time the Cm:raven rap idly, and pained Deh wad strength, unfit the disease was entirely removed, sedate Is raw crlios:mr tooth cagellent health. cNFORT. We being neighbors of Dim. and Julia Nouturt, know that tae above atetement, no to Alto hietnets o f . Idnufnri. and nun the core bat:egg:rated by Gayrou's Yeaow Deck mad Samaperilla. tribe Sttetly. true. JANE EDDY, ,Oreat Curet of Cellmnaryttlete: LUXII.IOS, January 2.18-12. _ • Mr. Benneff—Dear Sir t The groat benefit reb tub I bare donned from your Extract of YeUrnriroch end Sampanna, Unlade+. me, ni mrant atomize, to make the following . statemordr After reaming fur two years front amteral detain', which finally terminated in consumpadn.i mar given op bytny Mends mad ;Armlet., as beyond ,lettant of medicine. As a at resort, I wan iilda.,ll. to "try your •Extram, and haring osed but me bottles, rte. pour to year directions, Imu entirely welL I ' would therefore. earnestly rermaramd your doe:Gaol- • led Compound {Atha afflicted who desire a pew - tyre] element and aafe'reniedy. • Wore:ally your friend, hf. WAITE. • ••., • None genuine sole. put up In lame romp, Coulee, • containing equals, and din niale of the ninny bio.ll In Me with the smitten rignamre of 0. F. Ben nett on the outside scrapper. Price St per bottle, or - sir bourse f0r143 . - • - • ILO sold bs 1, D. Park, comer or North mad {Vol Dor. streets. etneinhatt, OSio,Gebcrel. Ascot for de Swath had West, to whom dlordens mem De odatese:. • W. _ • Carer k Dm ,Erie, W. P. Swishy, h. Co., Water' forth Olin b. Ctemons,_Cromiogudim, Abel Tarte, Itiontrose,• Minim Mix, Towanda- Robert Roy, Wells bore; L. Roderic*, Callewlsem; 'L. AVitrox, Jr burgh, eerier of Marketstreet and the Dtoreeed. upthol&molkoT " • - - harenons Ann aim viaraasa.—atonewe. ha ha Chemical. Soap exams a free.peneseition i sad a. the same thee 11111th6e., smitten, sad mutes, Um Akin giving it the texture sad betray or an ininnes &rave, SAL, Harm Ann Sena, ate soon net,call healed, but eared by its use, as at least eleven 1 aye.. tit= In New York know who am it in sash eases, and and It unfailing—.ales in Punta, Itmennitat, Fuser..., or any . other. a. di.; ease. The reader is Essayed that this is no oleic= pa:led nottemm sa one trial will prove. / mai& eau-. met= at least ' 6D persons eared or • Sate Hun, Sou Lass Ann Sous Ihrsan.—t ay it; and use it, and the reader Is again ascend I mould notcruelly sell it - Tor the above unless !kneel, to be W I oats. Those who 'sells We to . Ces run Fl.en, will find this!, cum. Any ore anem.dniih uny of Oa above, ritints lac diseases, vri.ilfunt this rai aid even more (alsoltas hie in its propertienithim I nate. Bit, milder, the carea are. flooded '<rah Imitation. - and be sans yen eel for JONFS*S Italian. C 1 Pon , . bald b. W .11. JACKSON, 210 Liberty rtreet, Pittsburgh angenl6 'LOP The 613111 ow a Oita REM. Is nut more repel doe than a bad, putrid breath, or der:, yellow dim.* ed teeth. If persons have there it is Agit own fault they ran, fat to sating.. bay an article that evil mate t two breath porn and sweet as Li.l Spiry di, Avgda It corm dleertics of the Gums spongy or ulcerated, and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar, fastening the . teeth in the gums, and elven them es *Mm as the mite J tb. j men Nott6. . Bach, reader, are the properties of Jones's Ambei Tooth Paste, tad, without pratsing tt muleteer,' ben what one of our molt respee.b/e and amendlid thou,Field, of Pior Yorg, says: "I hays both nevi and &unlined dua beautiful and lm Palpable article, (Jones , Amber ToOkitne,) a n mos (CCOMZIETIIi it possessing all th umnenelattt,..:— Cd for tt." Reader, we can my no mote to ronuirtes,. only that if you try tine once you will be Tern planer 1. It in put op in beam:lfni English China Pets, for ti • • mats. Sold bythe Agent, WhL lACESON. 84DLIter tY meet. Pitubuntb. rosefedftwT thi r tilAt "' ir t=,l o l l ,ulfeTe74l.:7= th : Jones's Corsa flair Restorcusa Alley doett 'cur Word, they camel these hkeisly_ respectable elan:tr. Who have tried Mr. Gew Beek et, 41 Elm at, Neer York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, M Trate ay, Brooklyn.' • Mr. Wm. Tompkinsokl King to, New York. Mr. Thos. Jackson, I'donlonis Island, near Pinsk' t -g h ' IL E. Callen, late barber steamboat S. America. 'And mare than .a hundred others riot,, though tti 191114 auMee, that it will force the heir to grow On• Joe bead oc face, sum it failing off, strengthen the ro removing scurf and dandratlircm the mots, coil, mg light,-red; or gray bolt. soros. a One dart look, trot keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, tooth clean and. beatiuMl. a ve ry, Very_ long titer. • . Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 210.1„bewy:st; Pirtsb . ugh ii 4rice 1171, 50 cents, and ono dollar: - kr-LADIES AFI2 CAIJI/ONISU ets..thspr a - SING COSIIION They are metalware how frightfully. Pilo ries, it pia to the skin:- how C0111i1, :. how rou4ll, hove rab low, yellow, and cabby the !Alin sp-• .pears at:erasing prepared altaitY. Ur, Wks it to leptisous, containing a large quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable art tele: .Which we call .JONES , srAzasa It is perfectly Innocent, being partied of alt en au , euellaas; end if impart, to the shin a natatsl..." thy, alabaster, clear, thing - whim; et the swat! am. tellne le a cosmetic on the shie, ranking it .41:1 s td §Cdd by the Agent, W11.7.A.C13:2i,N,1:0 Lib arty gt.rinAlllgn. Pr= 1Z acute a. , ,S . dic pre • Property la AtlaCtsursr Civg for Pales rrUili subscribers olet for as:a I:amtles - o; caws 1. Lott, sauce - ID the Secoall Werd,frcrin, or.thij Cumsasn round. on easy terms. DlCtaise or ,' %V.oll.l.linilti.SON, Any et 1.4.7., ctur et or ofiAli ROBINSON. thepsmtsse. , myl7sllesrtr7 WATICI.S. rLLHsI. seisms 114:0 1 / 1 . L LUZ'S PALDIE,II, HANNA CO., (Saccerioa to liussep, flaunt & Co.) BMIXERS, EXCIIANUE LIROtERS, and..denterti In Foreto' and Domestic Exchange, Ger:Zoete, of-,Derrodte. Dank rioter, and. s:m. o—North v.resj_ corner of Wood and Tined streets. Cilll.t money. received ou, deposite.—Sight Checks for oak, cad collections made on nearl7 nil the principal points the United States. EMiIMER=M Advances made on consignments of Profteeship• pad FAN, on liberal terms. sotS 013.PD.V.TNICRSILIN. . • k ith. HAVE taken WM. CAlig ;ma parmer*Sm I mein my btninens, aback aria from tins clato . O4 eartlen on unclOr ;he Dime Of *John Parkor &Co." Idarcti • 101 IN EnIZNER. John Parker....—.—.... II;am Carr. - • JOHN pAuF, - .54a.f. co., Indes7l. Greens. Denim sa• l'rodne.c. Fcrtiga .IViras, Liptiors, 01,1 iltanen.grtitelts and liereffivill7d,fr:l. . • N 0.6, Commercial Row, Liberty rtrer, -- yne3a PUtpbarrh. Pa:' GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO.. • DEALERS IN . 3EXCUABIGE, cola, BANK NORMS, no.. N0.:4 Sotuth street, next door to the Bank of Pine buret` ml2l.4tat 11.0131313. T 11eKS1GEIT, TTORNEY AT UAW-031ft on wuth thM or A Fbontb r between Cherrynatcy and Gnat :t. apt-dlotawCza J. lIARRISONISE,WELL, ATIOINEY AT LAW, 1, 01110 STATE COMMISSIONER for otir.g Dep.! tions.Ackoowledgmeuts otler—Focultweet u aboca em;;Afield. nn..IOIIIIIVARTIN respectfully canoere•_f tn.c.: JJ &duet:* of riusburgh, that Lc hug nerronrcilLy _- toasted himeclf_in this ; city, for Ute pnipprin tie in,g Medicine and Nu.. cry, in ad it, various hranch....:, es.. His eifice ts on F• • utrect i Na tha. Rosseca No 97 famee. and iitoclio".r, NEW CLOTH STORE. D . L ITU I AR T of s, Yclpl CL•OIIIB 4 , e AMEItEi r , AM 1.41.111)1L5 ` TKMMIArtiS, at mama prtro,a,a talettr cash, alNp i Llafltlocal ft, uento 31414,9 AX6I6 - MIS.--6 nun ors t0t0it0..,:. ,, . $ 24 ° 7 gi" :WO 11P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers