. . . . . . .• . . . . . , I • . 4 - _,1.., , ,. - ~,yrit444....-0“,.,,.,,.,f.. ~,r,,:At'.M.bi-,,,4,,,,......„ar.;.„..„3.3,7,.,...27,,;::,:,,,,,.,..„_„..47.„.„,,,,1,,,„.„...,,,,„:„.:,-,.,r,kT.:,......:...,.;27...(...._,,,,f-,•,,,,,,,,..-',•;-=,4z L -,,,,z-!7-----,:,--f---..;.,'5.z.-_.1:=..:;,-..-.--7-,--•-..:,.,...,5,-,e..-"qh--.... i. r. . . .. . . , c. .. " . , . •-, , , . . . .. ' . • • . . . . -• . . , , , .- 0 • • L , • , • ~ .. . - . . . .. - . .. .... . . a ~.. . . . .., I . 111111 T • 1 . • . valaaittat•arava..-Koda*%' ' YI Z 3 Ifi ' ',2l 3le : r• ,. .1 fi , C , •, I --. , ..-- .-.—,1. r :•I',i.' . ' '''.., '',:','.,,, .• , , , . ' -.••=•,! •,, ~L '''. :'.:%;.. r -..: : 4 1 1 1117 ? . . . . .. ... ._. . ..' 1 ~,' = ...' . • i x. VtL.,:•-.10/1:-.- ------ --- ---," . ''-'-' • ittliEtiiii6 - iii' . ' • . ~,,-, , vir it 11. g- - ea. i -..,„ . ~.im , _ - ri lk irg.2.o2,,Amoe.e. aaa netatideakr ~.,.... x. wisrir '1 . . .........i 1.. t:' , - 3 94 , ...„...7 e . n arivd . ;l .... .. tistrt . m r :: :. ist i bm ces7 :6 l , 7 lLlN : 10:1M11 fin Anwel, TIMM, j.:fraa . i ,71 ~, a ". 48 .p. 1 .13 1. p, pu! r , . h. '' "" - xis tort ' 6:--.. ~ , ~., ..inti...o 0 11,1,1 / ;; 14 4,,, 11.1,- 4 .., 'TT L g s,ta . " " - : ,-• ; TVA .: -. r4--.0.1ru5Tze,.4......71 p , , 14 1v...b. L ...............:0."...-tr..t0g 0 0 % 0w1 .,.. i i.., H ii . w.hi n u m ,i4.3.. An , "..4,71 ..f!•° laimiliTii; !"`"', ;;.--.':. --" Ile.' lu'''''' '' 'irstaelcilieltazo4 • linMal murcirk,Seullboem. , , ; r a, itubvrtt. ." , .... e . MOT , 1121NreP 1•••••-••••••••• •IPlcekly, RA, - kr1, 04 ,, • oos Orta'Nni LW. 1,7 X I 110. 00. ntn 1)0. 700 ) !a filename Card (a hoe. orle•al per One Square', eb angeatile atplcaturrt . (rgia*;,„„ 1. '•e ml eXelegiee,ol.llie iveper , • ' Vor Patti drihatagnite; lerteigeooagr one moth. arta for rtabh additional rowan Insegted ender theyokt', /7 mtee, earg',l lOW price. - _ AdoertMertiente exceeding. a rrt averthe Iliteen linen, to be ebargai as a wince end • beef ~PabhibliP eat •Cenreablot ler to Nal *devil sements . ,T9'4546-..lfirN,lfEloired Ratko/ 6 Naitiation. ..sinquptelna esedirf•ter for °Roc, to Le elitirigetttfie .lame itoWeit•dratimiimll' . ',A,,, )16:1Sr, Eiiiar)! : 9. ''i'''l4 jll' rid' 1 eg.d;r4 ZrrIZI11111t14"nal":111tre:nliter41 ~,,,m , ,,,,eig totem regular Lemma, all traced kir, to to• paid extra. ' • , All ailverlisenamit for eltraitable melltrititins, tie wp.h.a. ward. .otr , and ether public cticetinar; end snob like, at be Nloulta ElaffimeiPNTitbli calory . ~..,,,,, wativa to be eh DJ con.. I " - Death Mine s stunted without ennyte, anteal totem venial by knead inviter/am or obituary melees.; awl when twaccompeoled t• be paid for. - i _ Rerertedvcruoers, Nod all otEcnorendaig t•away linden. or teleiting comes deigned to call whea l., m I.tinvoieleees . Cancer., or any pantie enter „,....ta, macre tchargea we made for ndouttaar.— ..4 notion of , private, amociattens—overy amen de. oiimed to cull lamation to private enierprince Voila., W or seslended to pn.ote Indlinanal Intern. . on ly Ye Ineertent with the naineestanaume that •le ora In lie paid for. If intended to be innerledl the ko.- <al eatanta i therftatme anti be ehmed at 11 rot of ma Wee than 10 ranee per late. I 7 Rioturp or Fen Oaten to bet ebarged triple OW , TaverefLietatsa refill...S.l.nel. -• . ” . Leant .a Id ed/cal advertisement. - te btreherrediti r full Priers. I le 'Real YA. A freele Aisetioneet • - •lveneß ' - Weill not W le be alas go VA d tinder yearly ta t ty; tail re be 1 unwired discreet of ibarly dace nut one W ill PerceciLl ', fleet Ibe *mount of bill.. . r. V . WICIMLY el TIRIA•III.1.2.111 raw Tams. .. - Om Eque•roteert bootheet •• , •-•-•--4-i 41 1:13 . • Do. , end, adddirroal itmertion..4 la. anatenetealeMn WI WXILIII.2•I • TL i•• • Owe Sistwo, (la Itnea) new tnneelian•a---eta. ~ Do, each whlluonal nuernon—e- a. . AD D staient advertt•elnua CO. to be paid *advance. - Mt lIITP. It Garrito. . i ' 1.. MEWED. Pont. ' ' ' lifilliT 11 RIDDLE:, boarold.) JAMIE P. HARR a. pat P•rosucla II..P , TER It lIROTIIKII, Dispatch.' JfEr4 SNOWDP.ll,ldercaty. .' .1 Alklni W. " lIIDDI A.eneah. ' • , t • 1118&611CAINI:, ErateinieTniano. • Prerneitax, Dee. WEIL , I • 1 I ' t' ~. , L CARDS. ALEXANDICR M. WATSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW—OtLee, on Foot+ *met abolO Wood. L • • ino9 , - - ' • • travirt cr. TUTTLE, i - r . - ' .• A trcißiOnr , AT L_ V., sod , Coassniesininer,loi 6,.. - Lmaiy, Ma. . • . 491 eosontruiealloos promptly answered. T. 11.1tbird .. • ..... • • ...... "team BAIRD . k STE RILZTTV. • - A wanNEvs xtd.Coonseddra 'bil..b.i4Tcl, ion berrabn riarlddheld and Grad, Put!ddirsb, "Jon , - iolkgß.Luge , WpcG Fricod. Lima uek raxiaiD, :• . TTORNEL SAT LAW, Fo=th i f ixeLtAsi Gnat A • . . JAIIMIGS F. Kit r an F . 'lcit come, A rmßal.' IL Ga.t • ptl2-1 y . ALICX/OIDZIIt r PRANKIAIf , TTUILN HY AT LA W—thrtca on Ydullh: e ttelt, Piast.ro.: • • ; bentatain Pineal Mama]. .PATTOrI' - A 714.IMMin.$'41' LAW—Offee Tilgtimen liatl AI. Meant It, near the Covet- Hoar, : feh2 Sanday Itontsellcra. and dealer In alt • Mad. Wrltikr; 'Window and Wrappina 'lpa par. N. • Wrod Went. bagmen north: , and rmrf alley. Piit.hanrt.; Pa, tiara LI. 1ikt11f..1617.7 AITOMMEIr Mad COunaellor lamr,and.Contenie• /danerferthe State of PennsytYanla. St.:Lout.; lan,llata at Pntabanchi •iterrnettec,—Pitubatith:•itan.W. Forward, Ilona. Inn & Miller Elnlandlec. h. McClure; John P. Parke, k Bentyte. McCord h NM MMUS,' lona a. to..mare. st. a. atai.rls •111. AGAVICY, WOrIDWA h Wboltaale Oro r ern; N" 41 Market at. Philadelphia. ..ara Pittsburgb Alkali Merits* . "PENNI...Tr; nF.enr a CO, MUmfaut ran of Rah A.Y. Melodist Powder , Muria de tut Pulp/slit Acids. Wintitoute Ne —,-Water Wee, dells , Ecru.. oavdl • `F R. Bram. . Georg. Rider. RAUN k. litturEtt,'Wkel.,kie apkitebtil Map: gi.vm, comer of tibuti aid . S.t. pair weed, fin 4. , lanai, Pa. • Duquesne Spring, Axles Sisal, and Iron Warkig • - OLEMAN, UMI.MAN k CO, /lianatittitient of CCoach and . ?Odd • Spring. Llamnaml . PPTIOIC cad PloUgk Stm4 Iran, kn. Wteckvisk on Water and Fmn gm.% Pim bargb. • Aldo, dastard la Couch TnLn auels ' aad gabeablo agllntai ' • -*oda% • anusTamtadr; tatortaf • SM , • nme.6llON MERCIIANTS. awl Dealers in Pra ia dace, Ne 112 Market meet, Piiubargh. • • met . — Jhri ATCFair. nßaw SKINNER, Forwarding and Coirwaorgow V Merchant.. No Market st-PlitaLargla , aM (11:.A:BloANI.ILTV a CO,Forararthug and Cow. J. suissioulderelzuts, Cand Basin, Pittsburgh, ri If. OgANT,Wbggesale Grocer Corrinsivrion and Forwirding llerehint, 41'Wner rsy• bar e Fen liming Q. IC- Fleming 111C17.51Alt. a FLEI11.15T o i r k; b fg.;. ar .... , r'lo9:ll:MoThi:SanrClTenede, hbn, &niers in ell tide or Tato& ,Trimmings, Wood nt, 4th done from PAK Pin...thumb. - iteinnenan—Merin. Wm. A. 1171 l t ea, Bankers. arardiar Merchantsy and dealer, In Prods., snit P;tUr:. bomb N 0.'37 Wood . sl,botvirpli end pd Amax_ foett , • MrSI..II7WI.ITBIS* OIS %AO . U.ViAILDING L COMAIISSION ttEIiCIiANT jr•ti. 10e.0.4.a.rin0.0. ,• • , ii.,l3lEirearCTlßAlst, Coossoisaion amt Pontardina Merchant: No. ZI Wood 4lrect. Pittelomdi .0117 orPhr k. 1 4 441 Wad 11.311. .er and C.osounnloa Marche. for #alo of Atimfirl4ll W0111,!1,11b.ty. opposite stet febl7,- Baltimore. zamcs.nna. [Dawn. muza, Phlf 11. C. ococoom. mow 1. ammo", $ Tloc F Vitlort:eri.cgrhAA Mu ria Wlisnros, Ptul- no•Viaff • & Co. O m. essirtri R A gajik i ga.) Car Nd naasra kk,ad Farm" bur bre Atwma• Orrata. de•lm,in Pittsburgh Disaufauture a l rrocsbi7, Vinsberny Pa WV" - .• W. P. BILAII.SIIIA.W.* kocc.sost EMMA k Dealer to crsneletha Pa w Ilaaginits amt Soviets. Wind?.. fitrclet Fjra Prints. to Iso—lVritinge Prinung and Wi r roi. Pi.t•r.f., Ha /0 Woodaineet.betweett Foarti .u•ect and Dtwoomi alley west side, Pittsburg!), ; • tW,. eaab 111"."1"1"1. 4 , or In Dl2 Nada, PttinW ous; . y.rnon. $O. No. 23 Woad 5tr521,212,2= 22222. M. Pramond Pittabutd„,, i-1164CDAW=1.V1722.7tite wooer. Cor 2 4 , 22221 d Morant, and 2,,,j, 2 rrodo• 2 and' PI bunk. Mansfartard. No2l water aL P;ttr , 23•22.i apL • 011111 Irtllllll,_ ZW.IIO , TA M All DICKEY h Ca, Wholesale Grocer. Co mission 1 4 ..stamsozd 4.lera in Prodam,l 4 ..+ 6 Water. analo7 Rent mem. 1. in N.M..... en,. • •-'-`-•-• elm 0. Ultarmlb•—.. , et. P ii.woirrit el.. Agent. for Iluat4 • itt.hlreh. N. 27 Wool st., , • T. • TaIITN Id; VOWNSEN thamin mi e ta,,,ayy yde..45 Idattet Wes doorishwee Third st. Pie'' 1 . 0 , 0 01 wore eattointlyenhatil nevelt eelet ted so' aottoswit of Ile best end tteitheet Matelots, Wineh he will sell eit the mart ressonshle vai . g , ceders, will be rientintly otio n d o d Ole& with iartieles they mut' rely vain dol ; ah i, physleiseri Prescriptions will!e se enintele iio Zd. prepared from the beat tostalsls,nt Joy hate of Ye dny of night , A l., owls,. a largo Week el his& end goal Ver a tty. • I.la tn • T VIEW, (111teVi Warren, Otin — Werdninfi: b. Forwarding litetehant, nod wh01e,,,, inWestem Reser" , Meow, - Mauer, rot end Perri Ash, sal Weetetti'Vtodoee genersdir..w...er per ~4 boitoeektdoililifield and FioOtl, Pituh h. YOUNSTON FITOCKTONo Itooloelleen, Lay _ an d papa hishalsentterso N 44 blotto nueot, Pittsbotgh. " - - ape. . lobo Nap?. .•T : & K. FLlC"Wholerola CrcTert, COMMAN.i.II ..: ol olilonlo.utr, awl - Deatero in Prodoo. Round Ckarehl Balidia.gri (mating - on Litany', Wood ano glctlistreetoilhOubarNk. 14.• '- • • . . apt : 4 0 ,,,,Cw1erm (..eauni to gvralt & :di bast - j, -,Vilualessoln• firotee sod' astimisparle Merchant -- dear ta140.1.1h Ittanalitettires, cor ner of and Itairl sung ritiibor.h Pf. ia26 tiWilliTErif;ml4 rWitigrtgttlg n erTh ol d atcir-Orme '- on lb. Owner of Water On7dßothofteld au. 1.4 : Vgarg-HUOPMrgitsi=llP7WesTsiiiiil.o. ' . 'op • 'Arts natohlwo & Co. 'Commlninri. Lier.luults <. sit 4 Azents:oo the' Se; Limas Blasi* Sugar -RfAttalf. 06.16Watifir_sadltl grog/ slreldl,Millsritt. 1 ryl.. . tUsiNESs CA. MAKERsvha.a. sitassi.s' eJ4 fie.* Weed strett.,Pillebisnrb.4 • • 50 Aorta; Dealer, to Predate lOW Plash:ma Ismail. .41.01• Cd nosin t ups _ . • egrEN-W'Ets-Mif/BTJfa;"'P -. fr ENN 'brine.e.r.. aura opprose.4-4.sbeettug. Came t.Chula. Coma Terstat and • jettaulr - veaniins Iron -Works. . . . • CO. . D41.2W.,&. C *malts attire," a , al Wet; nailer Iron and Nails at the bee. 0 Y . 14. 1,41.P.,•,:t4 Water and 10 Plant street. WW blittetr,Thilart: • , C1..N14 Wakeman. Pittsburgh. M l = 4' Rrideli'.72..7.°°l4nes .Ig.rf,..•":•A>l. 'carrier al" lAbsity and ltsvla streets, Fitts -4'04, catgt.lreiras, eon-. , isP4 OLI , AIIB. John • 3mbeiD; WGIII. AValter U. .TabGILL 9 ROy, Whoirmiie Grocer. no Commit-. blerillterObants,'No lbe Liberty 15; !limbo tylk Vt Og.cu. AND +SALE FACTORY. 1341*ilr ' 4Olo4. 'egn N A P ro rq qffn I=4 at' pings. biroarocrod i n Astro, h ha dellort * e r nrol /rolle esoino,fira engine 10nP , .... 140 neb roall7,nlroer DM.; Yr.* cu., Fnann, 4 ,14 1 4 11 P4 , WP!...1 . 4.1 04 Matta at, gee tzid door' jjazik Nair+ , as m ul SptiCifl, • . - 1,11:MV, " •!""," Pti.e rives ih.ru Sidra. opi -IV , . PVC gIIASTEIt, Atotervr—OiLee, Viturrh et, i. th ird doprrsborn Songsgeld, +oath side. eerier/unclog 'of all kinds dour with gm greatest egreand 1.01 eeertriey. •- 'l'.__Ete_hi to Iles' PAtare ergrnised, he. oef.lo-ty hAPPATUREILS OF elite:EN GLASS eS4SCI jun: IS Market sueet, Paraborgg, Ps, kee(tranross. 11' iy au han4l, sat nate to orher all.ktrui tab, cgleggezemell POiteghod glloond Witeentatt.a of as petit.? glllhrpi '1 to PIiTEOIIIOIO4% • - - • 't 4 liaitbotriapiiie Estaltprivewat. 0 1 =ae C e3Vigg tt '" rpe— rl ii 7 rn 11 4 0447 r l i L n Itendaosl.embills, !Abele,. Atv . hiteerand nail Mah n a Iltataringajlosineos and.Visinng Cara, +P., est-raved atedrivatti eni atone, arid printed in galore, GoIJ. Bronze nr Week, in the Matt approved style, sad at the most Yvon:enable prince: .---,-----.--- ~•, - • ••• -J. O. •JR TTIOLLAISTI4 - • .STEANL BOAT :AtitlNT . "•, • onTreaoorAWA. B. HOLVIti &Bur, arl7 - NO. 37 Water inrcrt. ,131111.41ILLIZITT di WRITE. DRY •ntIODS JOBBERS, NO.IOI WOOD STREET, 110 E , :sad nt ei>nitancly'rtectring .d4rtng Ilge 1,4,11.110 a tarp and well seleewl sonniaut or Sinple,and Foamy ury 714e1a alley wiii.sell,for.eskatt Or apprond Weitc,riCAlc4l,lplol exe lamed to examine Our 100ek. :71OULtt-414,4117L6 fr. CD.. *, o_ , Lawny avert -ri; Tab LWtinlisids Grioecii, Prodan etud Centylarkarf Iderekr*nts.' and Jealen is Pitubunth ilineofte " apl7 11tOlt: 21104:LITIVIC' • SA XL. L walmox. nn ° MOOSE,BEMOOSE,, •,lr holOsaleGiOCif. Ike tesion .131.Dislillo, dealer Yrodoto, Pninboirh Mona ' fay - turcsi'sn'. allicifidx 'of Wren nod Domestic wino, nml Liquor., No: 11 Llbirty meet. On hind v. rely large stook of orporior etlioeonQahalo , orniskey, winch Inn ornold low fort...h. yl 0. 3114110t95. L. L. DUEL. lIVNOLIXt Er, SUERForsrardtug and riumutis lb rot. ttlcrolturati for trto Allt Sarni Trude, • oaten/tot:mucks, Produce, l'arrborght mimuuc talepould CMorido Too .ttichnet. price. to <rub. Pohl at all urn. for country rayr.• Come,Posor and Irwin Its. • Inl9 ROBERT DALLZELL 44 Go., Vinroksabs. tirmag, Convai.tort.blerchanuolcalcrs Predeee aid J'ittaPlusit Mansfse.,ncs, - I.4l.icny slscet, Pitutai sp rct., Ya 19 MIS A..IGONNINGH2O,I, Wholesale Grocer, • M Dcolecto.rrodned an_ Petrberglt nortufacterce. No. 141 Liberty rtrrec spin_ (ZIMMER. II /LITTMAN to CO, oatotiold I. and tot•el Works—ilanufactatera of Asa Opting and Planet fuel: Ake—n:loM, Axles, Vine', An nat.*. ,Thorinvitn ntiontina af rohanto nad ft.,Pll4l:a N %War .111.0ek Wont parelmang alto whore. They warrant thet”rtielca to be equa. to any model ininis noentey In ImpOrted. • foltl4 . . c,annolonn nstos. riAcia.b - rr & WHITE, Wholoinle 1.7 Foreign and Onoinstio 'Dr/ GoneavlT.' 93 trond anntfinnyouga.' • opl7 ifntreatifir, m_ EMI, i and Pntninco generally, 1.34 Poratarding and Cotroninsons Biclobants, No. 33 Water meet, POr h Ontrg. °P ,7 • .C1,1.1.1{10, rlfilllC.K. JO. MiC 1114111L.D. l7tt1:11$ tt. NletNader , . riteetal musket Marren:as, No .7 Lawny •treet.l - 5; 3- 1./Ih. Fpelutittitured end Late Oils. •apt: S , Gm •ettne..fentrudias •• end • Otero mien nu. Delers L 4 1 . 1114.13fgk Mane aeture• and SVlntern Irrsdeee hive removed to ties new wurkonse, (old sfortijifel 7a, comer of Yernt street and Cenneeer L. x Woraograo..R.N.Waterwan IL Wajerrnan. 7 ** 7--'' ;; WATEUMAN t SONS; 7)n MULE Ales I:RUt:BR.. Corwainion and For warding Merehs.s; dealers in all kaldsof gra date liZitWiargiidlianafuelatad Arlielw; an+ Ageing lot valeta( itrolimand wad lrynehbang klualfactared rl ; WK. ?PAULIN, ATTOILISZY AT LAW, 1 • - net c w on m ue d u t t o k c i a m l ließud and a o A r roug elieth Pa. ,. to. . • • rt W. W. Walinee, do Jason btanhalldoPPNbaret: , -; Tay* Co:, Wood et. B. D. ausriFlELo & NWilpcnAlLlAl, trik,l:ll'sfrol:PAlGeMlTC, SiD Liberty at. l'intboruh. `mid iviiviiinina Lc CuMMiIiSION MERCHANTS, Cfrtsl Eale;rdint street. Pitubsreb. ; mfg . , ‘JARIMS DI• DAVIS ft CO., PRODUCE AND FLA/UR FACTORS, No.litH Muriel, end 5.1 Comm eretein., Philadelphia. • Advincia wade, by either or the above, ea eeneign meets of Predate to tidier • lore —7-1611-111WAZITOYFICII—i—o al . . :FORWARDING a colons:mom atzsetiANTs O ltAltEradlnteln, ULD,tesPectsrelly Soiled the doneignitient If WHarrisburgi, freight, frees Western Merchants, tits 7 are prepared to receive any Wanner. Lino snd Scedoetionts running night end .day, the • freight will not be detained,. they will wilimul seat, boa. at all hoods.. • . .fehtenin . Iterfieliontir, yeb.4o,lStin. —.John Haft. .. ....... . D. 'WILLIAMS & C0., 0c W I 15,),E,ga1.g" relf'''..Ft.ll.llMlAaretnln,EaßOS dealeriiii*Conbtry_ 4.lilnee rittrburgh Menefee twee earner of Wood and Filth streets, !Inshore.. lin; 11. Mew., R.WILLI/Life 41& C 0... BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nona Eat corner of Wood and Third ste . K ts, N Th ewsm re ant. Wit. lout s.coolluvi, W.R.woonerAltD, mi rm.I.IAUAL.I".I." k CO.. Wholesnio Grocers. 18 112.t.1111t:LFtY21 .. _:.d street ,FilUthurstapt7 1V•1111t. 12, 0 VlErlW""cp_ki ' AI;CANDLESti. Irsideeri?fe tot. n TT ielid Wboieirolo Grocers. orortirtire.....: Cinomierion lidefelotrori &oleo in CohenPro . ' gh 14" t ' s c PiTjirr ' fro n ty t carol? of Wood and Wa t . error, to 7 do OL '.•rtentfying Liritilerr, and _W . soO J i toor irfemordr.-11.1no—froporters Of Pod itolpiporio..iiir 814.1:1; io6t -Ynord Pitter,'No.t?hloo Liberty Meet, el .07 ;14, WTatebeT,doWelryi ry ad Mitten , G irod p. c° l7.ll?-.Wotelieo odd- Foottll Wee.. ra""tgbj. • • Clock , 'carefully treire Op 17 o..areuts. w" ° Deraerr iirsLesiber, Hider, Wj'&.e1..1413 Liberty street. ton. tecrietteos. vist:Secencnat. as e Grocers, VV " ; tnitle. Fnalaef,6l.cor,rails,4 Glass, unl Pdisbsran IsltWsuranters generally, 'Abaft), Wee.— Pittobwgrr. jant7 J.L. WILLIAII9 Lc CO.r AMI.IIOLGAALF GEDGpI9, For a 0.i111 ,1 14 1 K [Nu Condaismon 3terehanis, Delgaz ir Goantr: Produce and PlairbOrg Manufacturei, ear ner of Wood end Fifth streets, E ittoEurgit. . Farsbutb, - 81ateh 1 7 , 7 .9&7. : 77:777iii1ii1e,11. Jorricr.o.. • •amNr.iu.L. comuismora ntEucturrrs, • . . -tan ". '" P°" ' T'ut a A,Ttr a t .iel Tlin 'Cirliatglie.t."'Roo'"ml; 0 ' ,ger art . :int Caine AlleTarid Yount creel, entrance etoft Foarth Cl., neat !dirket. le . it - 377r..it Ti titii-iiiiia iti•rotimitti. X 0.31 tad towt, si, N Winer., keep e o natively on , iiinBg IstgeaminiTtnitidn( Ciantlief 0 ( the follotee tng ',mute, which they offer tor pale as ggeptis tot J. ,inn kV.. 'Widener Peeling, ay: Mailing, LCrage...7 Du.. land & Co‘tirnehelle, J 3 Cognge, A ile Pil,n 'Pan, AI.. Elevate. A ste Monitore, Jean iininii,fee., "'i.inaiJuschor tea r Itordegtit.lfrd and White {Wine. .1a est timid -emit, seke tot oldie:are hp Jahn Unread &Tot Peeking ChanipegnoWloci nail Sweat Instlntady Pon! - feta. I • -..- &PRIMO 044111 0 * s.sun I I tJY. • ~ ‘ l.4lld;rlllZeltilr r oeon ar eh .Id,by WOOED &CO ; 11,10110VA.1.. ri ; i , I . r .. 1 i 'v , 1., .Pedas aft blue Shop. WlCTlTMAR—littattafactoter or all kind. of tot. .134 =and woollen rottekinery, Allegheny elty, T Jti ne above works being now in fill and soccesstal op. !ration, I =prepared to encircle octets with dispateh for MI kinds of machinery in my line, etch no willows, piekecs, spreaders, cords, grind mg ma:lines, railway, drawing (nurses, speeders, thinssils, looms, woolen cards, double or single,forsocrehant OT country :mark, mkleAida and handlothes nod tools in gem end. Allakinds of shafting made to order, or plans am en for gearing Men:tn. or mills at .61410111b1e, charge. 11.srmt so—ilenuedy. Childs & Co., illacksloek, .5 Co. , }Unit, Petutoek k. Co—Jam. A. Gray. SENN ETT. B ROTHE R, • . QUEr.NSWArIE MANUFACTURERS, Sit rettnegharet,tlee or Pit*etairglit,l °P . No. 37 Water rt.' &lavas Market and .Weari..Pittsburgh. WILL constantly keen on hand a toot. reran. Inept or . Wars; of our own manufacture. and superborquithly. Whoseale and country Mer chants are respectfully Invited to call endes amine for themselves. as we are determined to sal{ 'beeper than hasever before been altered to the pub-. lie. IrrOrders recent by mall s eccompartied by the cash or 00d - reference. ba promptly attended In. MIL UMWCOMM FACTORY, ..uffirtzmr. MMA. WAITS & CO., would respectfully Inform s the public that they hate erected chop on Lemont, between Federalayd Sandusky etreets. They are now makingand are prepared to receive points for every des...intim) of velncles, Coaches, Charier., be ronehesOluggics., ?batons, te., ke n which front their long expedience to the manufacture of the hbune vo Of h, and the facilities they bqvc,theY feel confide , . tte^Y enabled to do work ate - the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selecnon of nate. 'bialy s and having none bat competent workmen. they have no hesitation in warrontlug their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this unto,. N. It. Repuirintdone in the best wanner, end on the on reasonable tame. itas tqf 80SIFTi.i ATKINSON.. flu YWNTlUEkol:til4n're"allatnitr.oll COY' 'ER 1,,) TIN AND SIN= UU)N wAtal Ai3ll. Work moth Work. 'team Unals built to order. Special attention given to steam boat wort. leave on hands &fine assurtment of Copper and Bross Kettles, Tin Ware, die. ke. Steamboat Cooking Stares, Sortable Forges, ',Winos sizes—a very to nveni nit ill- Sale for meamboats, California emigrants, or nil road campaniles. We Would respeethillyinvue steam boat men and Other. to tall Inn see our articles and price, briars parrhasind el ...het'. reil7 °LUNN. Book Blotters. WE are still engaged in the above business, corner or Wood nod Thad streets, where we are prepared to do any work iu any boo win, des batch. - We attend to our work lieminially, and .Im -1 action wall b,: givnn in regard in its neatness nu 41 do ' rability.. Illtnik Books tided to any pattern and boned sob stantially. Booket in numbers or old hooks bound man fully or repaired. flames put on books in gilt levant. Those that liars work in our line ere invited or es/1. Priem. low. niptnf -Pitt litchtsio Works onociliTkon.dry. • 11T.110.11, 1 - 01 IN WRIGHT& Ca., are prepared to build Cotton saulWallen Machinery . of every deseriptior., sneb 17nding Mitelines, Spinning Frame. , Speeder; Oral anis Frames. Itnlmas Heads, Worpmnemoolers, Drew mg Frames, Looms, Card ti nil den, & Wro len Iron !Wafting turneal; all insets of east Iron. hillien and I nd too Is of all Snide. Conklin of every iirger.ptiso famish/ don abort notite. Patterns made co order &I Mill Or. nng, Iron Knifing, &c. Steam Pipe Inr heats niei, TiCI, Ord a intlow Sash end fancy Cas tings gen amity. rs left at the Wurehouse ofJ. Palmer & Co, Liberty atreet, Save prompt nten 11011 Refer to Bl.ketoek, Bell & Co., I. K. 51oereherd & Co., O. Verner, lobo Irwin & Sort& Plustpurel , , C. &JAI. 'tuner, Steubenville. ienlC PIANOS! TIE sabre fiber oTers for sale a large and rpleedid arrortme at of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac- P4lloa, • ith and without Coleman , . celebrated . litt•ri, rent The above iortramento are war- Tallied to be eq sal te any uninufacturml to this roan try, and will be sold lower nine any brought from , the East. F. /3LILSLE, No 111 mood 0, 2.1 door above f.th _ N.B.—City Eel IT mill be taboo It pm . for one of be above usenet util. MY/ F. E. -- Villie — i;iiiii — Wirdia — iii - Wate r, TEES ir to certify that I have at: 410 E wined Livingrlon, Regime A. to F *le Agents f orton, the sale of Jean/nes F. runt Din Flyer, (or hr cill th lief Fihatmrsh and Allegheny. JOHN GllbtON, Agent, for Waltir Al Oilman, Tit) Ilroadeny, 1 N. . ' 6 rt. 0,1.948. We bee..., been ado geae - of the store articles at the offic,.,,g.th N o velty l.Vorss lot three wombs, on trial, 1 mindful perfectly raw fled that it is • moral lige/Moo, and we take plermore in rremomerding thrm l• • a.t. tut article. to all who lora pare mulct. Orders will bi thankfelly received and pil.trOPt!VO.X_r..l i ll......_. _ ~... LI VINGSIOta. ;Lit, •,,,,, o. .0,0 alsiw stracciwrire- TIIE ausation of the p abbe is /capes - many eallsd shc:rollotelng tertillt Stele H. g r=ated • quantity Prol4 'were adby your Assustus , s, 1 End tho rrsultes yosr urarrutomt correct: WO steamy. -ail the aro of i to lion. aotug to Gaiifortis. as the beat auttgal fur ob. t Mini air the real vistas of Gold. Resp. yours, J. B. DUNI.Eb'., Gail/ Ltaator. PIM ostrgb.hissekisSiP. Prrrumint, 7rfrieh 7,1540. tacrm.--Dear Sir. Having csaandad "A utetc:;" Manufactured at your room., 1 do not taccuu .o.a mood it to Ow fete of Mom genticenao tato ma abom.• &amain( to tfultlttni t in march of I:ntd. It of ma a ally.e loproattat non to the are , ifo• trawl It o(0 vtau. and It di r,11.111 17 tatabl. ate fume:dorm to axe rot crben hit idures is r mu tY Ytwra, fr.p.r. 1 Il.'fC:.ls-rocit NV lA Nil lUII 11 eddiTlllNG—Jara rece,ard for tio, difornin I.:smarm., a complete 0•041M110•111 or Gana Da Clothir.K, at med., rwteing trout 6S:A tlere /ler men of tem, pante and bat. her sale at the ludo Depot, No S Wood et. deet I J 1 11 1 . 1111.1.1111 Sleeved Belo. Work/ fee enl•, fjtallimdeserlber name for pale, the reiT.A 1 BUICK j_ 'have Lavereneevllle. e.o.m - 14o( tires m Nohow,: hloald P.lOOlllOO, deform , . of eau defector-mg:W*o Preened Ilvir tom ofetry etsy, Aro Non the bant,,) per du); whit Wee acres ; lans I on the Altegheity rtver, en winch are 4 Mina mut abode, machine turd clay ohedst. wheelbrrrowe, traeltS. slovrele, spader, every, thing erousenes to coal esce de oparattons at an tonere 0004 es. lence.lnclueltnr, the patent nebt In uno emd machine, 117,0.--Welee• ol pay . nunt Made eaey. Without 1110 WA, t f or part ice's's, address 11F.NRY NlEll2l7l', gt.L7-41f llonoitgaLele LIOTa MI-IF:partnership heretofore emsung curler the firm J, of A a ie d 11.11 1 ,00.1 by the erten...o el Mt. G Umoney. The basine‘s wail be earned on by 0. 11.4107, Whe aettle Mc haunter , of the Ism 1,02. - • lIIMOVAIL,—AMMDL. fins removed his roun , Try Warehouse from Noll: of anion, or ate 00 Wood street, between First nod Second infect*, to the ware toner lately oceopied br II A Berry. where be will keep constantly on hand general Resementor CB5, ing, finites, Sorer, Ceottne /fleece, fee. Jyt:t Di:set tatter, Lctween the 4..v.),1s dos day &w edged ipy mutual consent. Mcrtrt Mute & Barnes will settle the Mayne" of the ennertn. && width outpost, Sc) are outhortsed 0.0 the pante of Utz Concern. NATHANIEL, CONSTABLUt TitttAl AS I/MILNE-I. The anderrianrd bay. this day ase,inted tka ettelree In the name of BURKE k LIARnIVS. for ttn purpose of thasoloetoring Eire Ptcof Safes Vault Door, rt.. fee, at the stand of .11n loth fain offnsitle, Uerkn &Co, 'where they will be plethrd to waterer the patron• age of the eustoruent of that house lUN and there (et ude. F.DND TllolllArt flAILI•41,11. to reiirlatTroat the arm .r Constable, Carte & Co., with aiaeeta pkamtro teeniontend blestrs. Burke & Dante, to the confidence of toy !lieu'. and the pobLe. Feb. 9. 1519. NATHANIEL coNorAuLig. Co AILDUTIINOT rrAS }agi ng eturned from the Eastern eines, and 11 recal a large variety of seseonolile and, to which he respectfully o ohne. , the am.na of retiree _end pedlars. No !Vest Wrought and Cost Iron Rallln R• lIE solseribers beg leave to Inform the saline Sthey bane obtained from the litst all the ode and hlonable designs for iron Bailing, both far bons , and cemeteries. Persons wishing to ptoeure hand some patients whittlesse call awl examine, and Judge lot nailing sill be furnished at tlie est notice, tend ta the best manner, at tie earner 01 Craig and Re.ooooo.otreCts,ll/leglteny thy. euchtt-dif A. I,ANlnhif a grvix. ECONOMY CLOTHS, CASSIMIGIE, It S e aI ATIN. ETTS, received on contignment, and for t • the to•Atilaciater`• ware hoace by •010 NEILSEN , FLEMING & CO NO. 9 STATE STREET, HORTON, Agent for Chum and lietasery of Property on England. t d h d e .i ' Vrno ius reed amino. National Wnrary, Re late visit to England, inventighnur claims for german. In this country, and !inning secured efficicnt end re spausdile Agent. in London end Manchenter, he Is prepaned hoard nil . ry Infortontion and ad vino to persons Mho seek to recover flair property in that eonntry. J. L. keeps a lint of the Datil, of England Dividend Rooks, which way bc examined fur DJ Cobb.s Cr nD for ach letter of the Alphabet. References In Doman: P. ADAMS, Nntary Cutilic; JAMES (VELD, 1( 0 ,; lIRNRY R. MAY, Coq; IDI 1N W z ltl Dri EWA Y;Fog. W -- ---- ALL. PAPER—\Y.N P. A11.3111..1. y tenainlnei from We !arrest roan firetark n , aw!York and Philadelphia, awl shro.ll.l French Itte le! We newc. rind most rinpreced pry les of ris• per Ilnegint, weciber with !Writer, bine socut Print, and Test...rope•t fr• Wood r, be tween Fourth St and Diamond silty, (.ccessor to S. 1101.1 and rz. c r a . nn t e j , ; Stior, Seed, and Peril:awl enmer of NI. and Wood 1150010. 5 N WICKF.R.S II A AL aple. PAUIIIS AND nzwu The s tar :el lane DIneOVOTT Rem owedltersedy (or INC Pile.! na.D. P: DROWN'S celebrated It:Vernal Ater-tit 1.9 am Remedy fur the Piles, bat already remit taelt to he the only tutu cute ever promoted to the auntie. Kin. Inc dtretiveryamble toed; awl the lame number of ealtrase eases with Dr. Brown Len tientod, no onn has tailed to he entirely cured. Unolte Me many beano, balms. natant; alter months and years's(' expetouentlisillf. 5 9 . we °n en In Me patient when limy resentenced. or wow: hot; rater a few dart will decide the Num by effeetirg perfeet rare. rler.ratir errveltlfg,l .6.11 not enter Into 11. no- Rarrent to prove my medicine. I introducelGlM(Cd it upon Its & own merits. by It. pp' I intend It snail nand or fall. If you prefer that Doubloon , disease, the PILES, the value of • few dullms, I rest the case wits you. DR. D DROWN, 59 Lloyd greet, Rotolo, N. V. • 59 Sold 19b0leage and DUO by it Pt Waal pt. HEL1,13115 ity4 BURGH, MONDAY MEDICAL raoczantersoit. KNOW all men who are nick and &Caned with dig cane of the bladder and kidneys, with ebrumatie Paine to hook or lurobramilijolnui, old sure., running ulcers. &coke they can to eared by talking thet re materna! Yon may s .* about Ina being a nostrum as much as youplease, but this does not make it (or we proclaim In the fate of an honest commlanity, Mat remedy inem ^which pre not contained in Mendther 'rho tn. who Is racked with pain an acmes from disease. can (or fifty cents, get whet' Wm any of Mc ills ennuniarated above. Reader! it ecru very Kula to make ria Perroleare is no I:Ma ture—no . ..armed, put op Me purpose of insposlng on the rommunity; but it kr. remedy elaborated by the mauler Matador nature. and bubLln uP from die la,- mini of our mether earth in Ile original Neill, and n, 6 fento mitering huruanky ready r emedy,certa in and cheap cure. It ht, cured riles after other medicines hove failed to render any relief, It bag cured Rheumatism of lees Mending, and oldie wawa wtdmoat painful charaota r. It has cured Cholera blorb. by one or two doses; It has citted old CMGs of Diarrhea, in which every other Mealy has bent of no avail. A. toed , remedy in burn. and welds, it I%ltelter than env wai , .. l pea nd or ointment that we knew of. It will cane chil blains or frosted feet, in a lbw aPPllemtanei undoubt ed testimony cantre furnished of the truth rontniorrd to the above statement by calling on Samuel 61. Kier, ' Carat Basin, errect; or either of the uncut,. Key., A McDowell, earner of Wood Meet and litrgin Alley; R. It, Sellers, 67 Wood are., D. A. El lint tr. D. M, Curry, Allegheny city, toe the .0 11114 imdal I.2.2l2olo.22.loeyratataxmvreamt ol,ll,llsElst• aestsa 120.2 as 101010 005. .101 914200 • 02 nien 01 THY ' Scrofula or King's Boll s Rheamatisin, Obstinate Pula. neonsnmpltens. Pimples or 1 . 11.141111311 ail the Fare, Illotehea, Blies, Chronla Sore Elea, Ring %Tone or Tenet . , genii Head, Enlettement and Pain of the lion. and Joints, Stobboen Ulcers, Syphiltir Symptons,,prtatica or Lembago,--and dimesea arising front 26 injudielol.2l vile of Mercury, Ads Ws or Dropsy, Exposure or km:levier. m Life; Also--Cbronle Colimnutiostal Disorder... 2, '• Thic mcdtelne hal acnulred a very extended and establobed revelation wherever it bus been used, booed entiwis on na own merits, which its superior efficacy ho. sustamcd. The unfortunate •teklut of hereditary &see., with swollen KlAnd.,contrsoled PILCM, and bonen bolt earono, los leen rerinfed to health and vizir. The ' , meet coveted with ulcer, loathsome to himself nrd hi. efftsedartta has been wain whole. Hundreds I petoos,...Lo awl yroarteel h00ch.... tor yea. under utaueoes And glandular disorders, chronic! rheatuatiste, And rouseother cowl:Ants aptlnghtg from a derangement ofsici secretive mum,. end the etrealalino, have been roused as it were I rem the talk of diseat, and now, with tegenerated ronstitution. gladly testily to . the 06.02 of tbia inestsmatte prepa.ation. “TRUTII isTEANIi FIR THAN och ePIEtON." The &neaten of die reader to called e folio amobwhing eare, ea...a by the ape of 15...10! Paraa units V. to certify that hove coloredWomun htho bee been afflicted for the last Sive years web hie, am the rented.« I used had no effeette arresting the aloe.. of the complaint; ea the t ontrary, the conatantly crew worse, and ilfier expentliac between irtt antl.lkat with rhyme.... henries sung other voratar ...c.f.& without macro till ffie disease hod eaten away the esti:loge or firer unse.made ape precancel on various parm of her body, and bad Attalla coons:need it. to ~,,, the rout of her month "lin tile dreadful soustion. with the jao , prri o death wormy her u. the face. I motet her rose le Lit klisnme,T, am sweet tor Sands , tat.NarearantlNew born, N. E war adirtmal ID tom atmiel d to toy surpriew hail that of toy ueighboes, In whom her cage war known, atter using bar and • a t Is.. le. the was reltored to I+Crio.4l health, awl Mat itt sh# 'ern tto ee week., mad was anke . wort in two Werk• rote Me ts, •Ite eountatecd l.ititg - In smote. ut. Um truth ef hereunto .41,1 toy sore, N. 101 t, dor of Isentemlwri JOSEPH kIeeIIITLE,J. P., ..kloath al Nes, Elver, Craven ro N C. . MOUE 'THROAT The lolls...ring I. au eg hart (rem a burr erneirrd (mos Mrs. Iteenn, woo hod heart ag.telc.lhse.cut y tars won, Uterra, py.astoos, Ler,ul4 reec•lly an ardently° of Me throat alai orr•st,- “Itatutsauta. ha., Dee. 13. tistb. "Messrs. A. R. & II Ssaid.-itefote I rasetteeil nonnan e year oarrsporilln, of watering.. v et almost expre•eloo. nty throat ver.•eroupletely uters•ted. I Led • dreeecul nasals. and there were 1n...Q.-Gil) , weeks o,gether Oar I mid odt *re. , shade • tshth . per. aud beptdes„ the ingasoradordo troy of throat ell tended to shy head, st, thht'aty twaong was 101, wick mplored. After taking the hstsapart.la • short fme. ruy he s' arse ithgroytd, and ray throat is nose wrlli I aro rie free 1 - eta rough and tightest. , ef the chest al e Ye/ I or, •nd ran Pear 1 4{1.0 d.sonotly 1.41 , threat has le.. watt stoma I beer snah.t..., I:us cure a Isto , la s teed, r.1.....e5t eourely or Mc sot .1 es.( ..11• 1 1- yw1..1 YOU, lA , IS.& It. lIEVAIi s fo'ossont ...d,utonsal to ode ....so of k . har.a. nr,ila .6 !row lite I ash... Woeht, aged It ye,rr hishisler. r..std,nd si ahnth ,Vneran. Vs. , Starch ,10, ISIS "bier r• 'Sands: 1,,,,,en,n -Vona what I have •k. tonsured, and sage the Infortnattoo I have r,ently recalled (Laos n uarsass: et persons nt high :rages's ...l.l who hare used year ricssdood.ha, I h.• tot the least deists Lot that it us s tonal .. , .....Ahleth e dte ,e,s . nd *L. , the 1.11,1 , µ14 rer.,6entr. you • aye te,..;:yed K rt. •thrury are (olty •asinitted and shboaels 1,. left •ort.oss root woo.. are •ery exteroier, no.. *Tna of ray egons to IllerG. , ll /heel. V , 3111 •re a:theted by dahare to tat., rows: tor analnt. d soah the ed,oaey and power of yost,l •aloatte Yl'll.llll , . .1 ant, gernleruen, aralefalty •ra4 yetis respeetfolly I.OTIIKIs 4l:lit/1g" prepare) and sold, whole...ate and wool. Lp A. P 1). r..•hit/ht, loargaists and 4:l,enosts. lOU fallen alreet, corr. , of Wlllsara, Neer Vent. Field also Ly Drug generally thsearthoat Untwd stay. add Can ada. rose it prd Lott:, sag Iwo.. Int 13 For by WILCOX. le .1/ A. FA IlAiKtsrlrelt it CO, and 1:11WA FF-Norni,;tl, rittrOurgh. by Iroll4...dasT TIS• Fakos•e• 0,11. to ttellatatllle P"'" l "t..tikr!!‘", • ! ., .F! .. Ittuftiltioburgh,lltd eekbratrJ sathos of the "Ilook of thr rum," Erotessor Norton. of Yale Collrge, Nrw Haven, rr pepariug for the pea o Look o f the above ltle. Ii will embrace every sablrel of 119,1011111C01 eoeneeted aolth Agriculture In all Its +wipes branches, both 'CLeerettral and Vraeue al. ..Pewee , . In as far as u Mn, elite lb. Present Iltne. Leen nosde available to procure, by egperunent, will hu treated in its tele• tine to every °erratum a. It normrs In tLe cour u of the rra.ons e The wort will lo arranged On lei (to,: disunel lieudr, representing lha rearons, Legluning wall Wilder and endiug Aututne. JAME!! I/ LOCKMAN/IN iny3 Boot seller nod Importer. WI Fourth st. IRJRNOVRILe %YONNE IRON WORKS WARRRO tR±FI. INN.WN k Oavo removed to No Val B i T'a Er' ter in, lbt doer below tva iloropoodtelo Move. ens a Dutra and Antique Vora, JAMEY., W. WOODWKLL, M. TM. fir., Utttnvlaß. , J. W. W. nelpeCteUlly informs the public: that he boa cam. pleted his spring stock' of Ft/ RNITURE, the largest and :vaned assortment ever offered for sale in this city, compriring .event Ectl.. of Rosewooo, Idanoossiv, end Burt tVstdroVr calved, ornamental and plain, suitable lot Parlor., Drawing and Bed BOOED!, oil of which will be sold at .the lowest prices. Perau. desiring Furniture of nay deserlptinn, are rperofully invited to r oil tel 1...10ra, which embraces every dewriOlion, from the ehearest end piano!. to the moat ...gaol and cosily, of which the following enrapnwo u pare Tara Pole Pak.; Tete s Tote Vireos; Consersuttou Choirs; Blisaloettliab Crws; Recepoon do Louis XIV do 1:111.1.1113n do Bag. Ertique; 50 bat Nets; Toilet Table.; L01115.X V Commodore; 'hike of V.l.'s touch; GO Sous with Plash nod li s le -cloth coyote, to Drawls, do do; Mahogany PorlOt Chain; 10 •• Rosewood do do; I'd v Bra Walnut do dn; 4 " Rene Peet do; 4 " Mahogany Rocking do; v do Piano ,loot.; 60 Merble Top Centre Told., 20 do do Werth Blends; 110 Mahogany Bedsteads; Wardrobes; 19 1:11`k Wahl. do; 8 Cherry do. A very large assortmeut of Como. Chalet end oth er Furnaure too tr... to Mention. Steam Boats fontished ou the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. D..--Bsl.litet Meters can benpplied with all sort. ol Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at considerably reduced prices. Wlt] WILLIAM DIUUTf nsF.filt leave to Inform lois friends and eustomern IMO I/ he se te" rlrft.Triag new rprirtg mock of Good, reworking, as usual, aline newest odd morn fashion whiz ityles of Cloths, Corsimerrs, fancy ' , femme., 'lf rmi and linen summer staffs, and every ohmic suitable for gr II tieumn . , wear fur spring •nil summer. It being issionisible to desrobe the to-usity, qusility, or quantity of Me stork, the proprietor hopes all who err 111 want 01 good, cheep, fdsloonahle, anal well rissole clothe% will plan Lahr acall, am there is no slant this aide el the Alleghenies that eau compare with it. . The lady made department Is very extensive, eiders. led all nudes. Rail road ad count!) , inerchunts, and all who purchase largely, are particularly invited to ex anti. the stock before p h urcasing, as parti.lar Winn Is paid tiss the wholesale bustness in dim natal, to helintent. Every article in the Mitering line made to order Sr the MOM fasblunabte and best manner, at the shorts( notice. mai Iroilltiy & CO.. (Sueressors to M'Corl to King) fill" , Pa•bloss•bl• Ilatt•r;es Corns f Woad and Fyih Streas. PARTICUI;AR attention paid to eon . Retail 'tirade. (ferment. ran rola d ' th Ha" and Gap from our establlsideent I roar KATZ/GUS and wisagats.waur, of the bursar ent.Mota Yma d at tbe lowas Country Merchants, purchasing by Wholesale, are respectfully horned us call sod ccomtne our Sleet; as we can say with confidence thal ai regard( QVALTTI Mod e Mn it will not suderin a conspartion wash any hous in Shiledelphila (0117 • ---_ -bite Calorod and W W adding. ' 101 - i tIALFII superior quality, just reeemd (rola I U annorawarer, on consignment, and for Solo at sums prin.:4ll4lle toan•feetotere, warehoore, 11ggElt, FUMING a CO, fez 30. Weld sit . ORATING. MAY 2.0; VW INSURANCE • LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Milne Life Ininranee Conipany.. k RAT " GtFlard.ll/7070050.rn. Cl2tr. - .1.141 CS :DURNO P k. Co., kgeou at PiCaborgb,- • --- .20D OP 1,1111.10/ 1 , AT ?ALSTON, WV rissrf.' Samoa Ito., Jr. -I Joseph C. r t one, Psost Itenjamiu Flail s O. A. Pert!icons, V. P. John A. Wean, Eli Morsis,Soctstasl.ji Jonathan rust, Treasurer. . • CB= . YOU. eimptroller NO , York Geolgo Wand. John F. Mackin flivid Dudley Field. Joikaph lion. nate.Cllmpbell Olvid 11. Intite. • • Alexandrr COMMiORIL. IV. J. P. White, P. M. Ttw MFR. the Fan. Gay. Ilames. Es.tiov. Vrnom. 1 W. L. Dayton, U. Arlen Isom Will.lO.fi. M. C. Cl).. Woll,El U.S. Ore. Wm. A. Noreen, 11. C. ILL Gov.ALMickerroa. lion fl r.lloodillon. A. fiikill)otinreit.W.Apir: E i ' v h .V.74sl.rd, M.D. Te Wtoten op po. Y. I '2,AVglant el/ Mara. Geroge IC or k, D.. U. 4:lellt M. Do_ McCook, P. 1)., I cllhdlly..."fir rAv Pittsburgh. Pa I Tire Ageassaf this Compote. at Pittsburgh, ore age ;horizon to tabor:very Ent elms gist on Llio at • - .room. or vsomeyr.rive Pal en/• from ths umal roes of premiere 1/charged by other Can IXAMPLX. Amen anyears of nye. Inking a PolicyolrinifiVic for One Thousand Dollars. , To run (or one yem, pays only 1L04.• ~ .2 . do seven o " ° Stncl 4. .. , do lifetime. " " " 11.11, '- • gad sis the some proportion for any Op SO li , ... cn hob is the entent talon On any one Inc. Th, company commenced' operations on . the Ist (loaner, IRV, mut its monthly business up to Uinta( (intoner, tont, shows • rioter. ligUlagia that of my,otber LOP Company on record. emotedrs dividend nar y, ts will be declared to the eo on the IA JaI.S.A. . Pamphlets coutoining the variom tablos of vales. mit all the neecoary Information on the important sunset of Life MlNeallete wilt he larra.h/ 44, ...oh cation to JA.bIES DURPSO A CO., Aeons. del] ' Sldeon Buildings. FIRE INSUILABIFfer. mur TRF.NTON MIITU A. LIEI AND FIRE. IN. 13URANCI; COMPANY IU Lone Folialer 0 lissurunte angono Lou or D.A.. by It upon Oar Pornitnre, Plater, /rt., on npinlesnon to AMES DU RN 0 k CO., A re• nal Odeon Bandions. INSTILL/LICE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY MSC , IL RANCE COM FANY.--inflite North Room of the Ed chance, Third sneer, Philadelphia. Font Inrunaaca.—ltutldiugy Merchandise smd other property, in Town and County, rimmed ac,ainet loss N . damage by Me. at list lowest nue of premium. MAIMS I.rnascn.—Tboy also Moore Vemele, Car ioca and Perla Lis, foreign or eomMeise, nderopeo er special policier, s. the assured may desire. !masa Tparrernieramm.—ThoT also Imam ...Ar a nuke transported by Wardruh, Rail Road Cs... Canal Doan and Memo Monte, ox 'llVera sad 111430.1. on the roost liberal tenni. DIRECTORS-10mph Hi Stab Edmund A. Bauder, John C Darn, Ge Robin Burton, John It Penrose, Swam el Edwards, o Lei per, Edward Ilarlintron. Daze It Dana, Wm Falwell, John Newlin. Dr WM Damon, Jan C Hand, Thenphilaa Paaldiutrd It Jones Droop, Henry Sloan, Rath Craiy, George &Trill, Speneer Mrlivain. Charlet J Johnion, lbw, Dr 3 Themes. John ftel'ere. Wu; Eyre, Jr. DIREI."TIiR3 AT ITITSDURGII—D T Morgan, /loth Craig, John T lneon. WILLIAM MARTIN, President NlEnonl. F. N awssass Nefer , 1-(Mica of rho Cootep.y', No. Id Water meet Pittsburgh. liarifdr.tf P. A. .11ADETRA. AO. La. wad nealah 111111‘.11M111•• MITE Mutual Life and Health Insurance company 1 of ?nitridelpLia, Incorporated by the Legislature or Pc...Y1v"... Rivet), Int.. Chanel perpetual. Capital, DOWN*. ittns Stints TOSS ant Proem , riNIA Cottravor and fall :to per en_ lower than rho gruel rats of Ufa lesaranee, to the knowing torn , purism trill above: That. &Person of Me age of SO lA voting for 10 3 fur hi. , l4itslyar In the Girard Penney Mama, 51.3 a, Penn Statisal, RANI; tlidflable, SI,ORNew England, 81.,X, New York Lite, 110; Al. bloc, AMY; Life and Health, Phlladelplita,lll,ut. Dragerom.-Atiamael D. (rnek, CharloaD. Dad. W. P. Doom. Robert P. Nine, Ctiarles P. fumes, N. W. Milder,. D. AL Reeve, hl. D Chas. 0.11. Campbell, LeerieCooper, L Rudman Limiter, P.ll. limits. 'Amin R. Cope. Prerident—Aamael P. Orrick; Vim 4....—1t0bt. P. Rine; Secretary—Prawn. Illartliame. Com.' da,:otts will do receive.). and every infOrgastioll pert. by ti.A NI . y?uNE.-!,TOCK, Agt, 015 ea, Calumarei•l R 001," anr.,c C of oragdly Wood tad Tturd tis.rsovintrith '--Yl3atl.lß-KNE11101:allhir. IsszniANcia. r I. INSURANCE CO, • North America .0i prre i: i dts iK Z,7„ c rrrinit i y .m :Yt; a d i g . :Srp ' ox e, . ll" : - T lipv,rs, 'Alm , and by tom.' The properties el Ro• C.titimaY are cnt i omesteit, and fonnib en arvlL able taint let tr 0 1 rm... who Je.rrn le 1•e proZi.`t.h74:"ATi e ?...n. 41 W S/kCALTYI IbIACILAINCF4* at Nprius Capin) ilcallk 101nralge CO; • OF $lOO,OOO. brAUSIFiit Hale. end Female. , minim; Mc llypotse zed i. 0.0,11•41.11.4 laica.4 el Am.oloan, lr en toused.ate alloonnace al (Min IN to In per week, Mr 01K, twe,, three. 011 . 0141 Yaetn. The inetbod of effecting thit Insnmzee. and the manner of awarding the air% allOwanca, wilt be folly et punned by the Aye.. A pentane.... levare *awn. SO.-knees or Accident wh,rl. well dolma him from Ina oblinery bonzes., Cs Conon, sit, ror yeay, by payinallaW, and rrmlYe vir .r•k• war t o o I'olof loaf n - 0 b.,ta, " a tat a bend of font year., !be Cala a( 1.16,0 paid nuntly, will wee, IV pee meek what. sink. Every oneesoary lab:MI:180m arill be affordede, Ike nabicet of Inseranrcecermdly, by /AMES 01.11(bill Ye CO. Anon's, drl7-daaa (Alcoa Bending-a. - - Fir. Sad Oar/s• lusarsuen.. toSVICE of lb. lu.uranrn e....P.0T of North am•riett,l4ll:;mp tm , !orm.l to No. 11l Frost .t ea. of Wood. aolmenbee, agent for the above old and ',Tose sahle 'Company, veal was Policies on Thahling. and thclr content4onl on shipments of bletebamltm by Steam Hams and other vessels. W. P. JONF.S. The Pensasylwashe Company Fon Inv, oic• 0% 1,110111.01{11 , 113 0 Min: 66'1 WC 111.11ISVC , COrfalr in inn V. 1. Ineorperaleid hard, 10, I.ltr—ctia.Ser perpetual. Capital lalits,WM—all paul In. Having outhonsed the undersigned b reeetve applt. email. Wiwi.laELV, on which polities will be isawd, according to Weir proposals and rases, which will!. made known to upplteants - et his °Mee, No. th Wised street. 1:141 C.OOIIRAN. - - - • - 11.110EUVAs. IT v.NELSON tr. CO, hare meowed to No Weed street:opposite the St Charles Hotel. Ttoty have alto changed toe style or thth firm. Nd lb. busters., will tta earned on under the mum and style al ..rostley d esn, FOSTLEF NELSONS, Manofimerers of Cost Sisal pod Hammered Shov els, :voles, Moor, May and !Suture Volk., Solid itez Viers, (leo I.lorscis.k.c. [tutus enlarged Moir wofks, they ass sopoly Sods friends as the shortest oohed slid lowest priest the market will afford. All ors cies mode Mato best materlala and totem otyle. Mer chants wishing to purchases will find it is their advert tote to examine their stock before poschmlns else whrte. •gri•ll,l MING Sr, CO HF.RB E Y , FL' new FOR UAL), FROM THE MANUFACTURERS AND AT RUM ERN Al ANUFACTURF.RPd PRICES Wllse Flannels, all Wool. Sloe Drilla; Rod dp do ' Mule Deminh ' Yellow do do Feopy CoWanadeh 411 are lhosro do do altered at Factory prices. i _.i i ''' m '' 8.6. " . it .... League Shirting. Steel mined do Blum de Check. and Stripes, very Wan do heavy goods. Black Cashmere. 'Sailors' Goods. Fancy do Red ruldink, roper dn; Funny Tweed,. 0015 Padding, Tisiekraim Super Mork Irma (lath. Tallors'Cardram,l , ”vy do; Super Drown do Mown hirers, Siliell'il ' Soper Wren do ‘Drab Serge, black do, • i Super Twilled 60 ..4 .1.40. 1 ; Super Block Poe Skins. I Stuck Sid White Tope; Super Snob Cashmeree. Meek 'Paler, Drab dm Super Ilrosim do Linen Cher,'" and Dulls; Super meek do StusriN 0 cord Sp 'l Cotton lloirfornis Manama do Linen Thread, I Sembrd ,In superior muck; Min do 14k Figured Vesting.; Drab do Block Satin do tiralo Ragytng. Brown Holland sea Silk. Mown Dram, 'batons, Cravats, Ike., km Al the :Shaul. torero' D. arebouso, No VD Wood • Pittsburgh 0rr..11 P it 'hill UnG 111-11FIAMILLlirIEVIPTVOV I 1111 E Second &shoo of this Instltelloo , under the .I. rare of Mr. and Mn. Commas, for the prune% nenderuic youg,urill commence on thin day, Monday, February loth, In the name buildings, No. lid Liben, Ilrecl Arnmetements have been made by 'Wel 'they will A ble to runtish young ladies fatutlties equal to any In the Went, for obtaining • thorough English, Clam cal, and Ornemental edlteation. ♦ tall manse afPlo.: imphical and Chet:non! LeOMR& will be-dtliv4ed during the winter, illuatmted by apparatus. The de. portments of Vocal and Instrumental Menlo, Idealern Languagen, Drawing and Patnting, will each be under the core ofa competent Prefesmer. Ily clone attention to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pa. plrn lice We t'rineipalr hope n v in o er i lno t i o nn e tztl y o c lof tt o nt , terms, me eironfar or apply lo the Principabt, • febltl-dtl $460 800 T S. Si 40 71111 E Scam rite r nom mmuiforcsjog Ilcootliol SUMMER 1100 T, rood Inconel* and wain manottlp, of the miry woo pane of Ilk 40. DANIEL ItllKa, No 9 Mullet to.tomood door from Water al MOTIUM. MITE andersianed having porchsxd of G. A.lll nrd, the Steam Saw Mill on tbe Allegkeny Itts above the Amend, are new teemed meal all bills of lumber of arty sire and trneth,lrtaa Go ft.downerards. Pam Naha, Dealt Plane, Inntaralee,Joist,Pctsollingr, Itnatdt, he ,ao the shoelest notice. Lana. ranatauly on band. flrderryrectred and spy Inform. •lion given by It Wlebtatito t earner of Water and Men, Wrenn., or Ilinifisoo,No 140 Liberty Wray and at the office of the ann. aplnaltlan WIOUTMAN & MEW PIIIIGILOsveIOsts. A' II AMII2-1.-aka ettpertor, its Ph laical Character, It Perennial, and AnintalL Bro. arvocist—Too Kno. (Castrated. liro“ Itostaneor—Gromen Vol.l 12.142. Ilurtontoe—Aapeets Of fissure. 2 vols. limo. • • Uoown—Turlialt having limenatntoents.. Item. lAnratill. Colored plate.. 4ba. Dana—Poems and Prosat'Wtitings. e vols. MA. Teellnalgus—Tlia Optimist. lento. Waraon—PootlearGentitions. Bro. • • Caurrco—lloarev Iliad. 12mo. ElAcxxv—Pooolat Del:Wool. I vols. ifiaa. __Tor lee bY JAMES: t.ooKilliSoti • Baehigler ImportatiligrostUit:, MEE KtaIdAMOIJS. a==ll=P== MINE S `SCIENTIFIC SECTION.—The messes. Chant. T henbane employed the Srat Professore in Scot. land, in prepara dna of these work. They ore now offered to the %Wools of the United States, ander dia . /Marietta roottiort of It N. Deere, il. U., 4418 ruPftWilfiraMVf Pab"h°°4' In the City dad I. , ClutinberVTreasery of ErMairledgeg • 2 2 .IL Clark's Drawingara Perspecure; • IlL . Clounbers' Memento of Natural Plulosophy; IV. ROA k Oahe. Clremlavyand kleetricitys, V. Marnilton'a Vegetable and Annual Phytadogy; • VI. Chambers` Elements of Zoologr, vOni pint.; v urge Elements olLirotesy,illststntled. Irissrell known that the origtnal publishers of thew wort • (the Messrs Chambers,. Of Edinburgh) oro abta to toroutand the heal Wont.. to tho preparation of Aril ' books, and that it le their practice to deal faithfully with the public. , 'Nis links will not diwppoint the reasonable expectant , . thtlatilAulted.- They em ele mentary works, prepared by =how to every wad ca pable of 'doing trollies MOW respective undertakings, and who have evidently bestowed upon them the"... eweary time and labor to adapt them to their popes., Ste reemonsend . ;thent to teaebew and parents with eon Colette.. The. Arse named volume, in the hand, of • barber of the' yottooor classes, might fumiAjna 2 22 . 2 elltounible fond of atausetatot and imartedon. To gether, they would constitute rich treason , to a fam ily of inteltigtot children, and Impart a thirst for kriewlease.--(Vermont Chronicle.- • • Priblisited by A. bones k. Co., New VOtItI and fOr sale by • A. H. FVOLISIIk CO. sock . . No 19 Woo.] - ocrElVAMAlrlitiCer EIWIrr;-'-' 0 1 ,HAVE FOUND NOT lIING TO EQUAL THEM." BLACII2OIM, March 5t,1.4d0. E. SELLI.II4 , -I have disposed Of all the Cough Ss rap and Liver Pills you Loot me, and IS dos of the Venr.ifuge. " • I have cued ad your FainUy Idedlelne• inlay f•mny, and have also prescribed them in my practice; I am vary Numb pleated with them; md town Wand uothing to equal them. he saa du andy Verrnifoge, and IS dos each of the Liver Pitt . Cough Syrup. , • /kermaßully yoots, .IFatract at Later.]T. T. Jetsam. Those highly popular meilletnei'may be had of the proprietor. R E SELLERS. 05 Wood synod Druggists generally in the two eine,. and ale in imr. • .P 4 of I: Church hlortio. Edited by Greece /Dooley, Aa. Oa S r of Social Choir. Joirealle Choir, he, Ar. abbath School Gem. of Mimic and EOelrlideetillr , expressly far the !Sabbath School; by .1. A. A. Grath. A new Treatise imAstronothji and the Dre of he Global. iv MO parts. Contolaum Aatrontemica 'end sitother deGpitionst mononmnd positions otthoeungootm ter plencut Kepler's law, and Theory of Gravitation, D ods, and Varralla.e,MencedoOL Dods, IJietances, Phenomena, end Magnitudes of the Heavenly Rodice compelling the Solar System, !hag also, 1110 ea lenitive t he on of the most Imolai Prob lems an the Use of the Glolms: Illustrate./ by a suit able variety of Vampire, ke; drelgood 'fpg Geo of Digit &Moot. and ACatIG.OI... By James M. 11 ., Professor of hlothemmice and AA170170617 to the Central High School, of Baltimore. Deck ad Fort, or idents eta Cm Me in the United States Frio. Conerm lnc , to California; with bketches of Rio Jowled,' Valparaiso, Lima, Ilonolala. and Sao ur115654,5. Fly Rev. Walter Colton, U. S. Ng au th or f Ship and Shoe, &e. For solo by . •A. IL ENGLISH & CO, • Raccoon to ELLIOT.k. F.NGLISIL • In" • nto:arWood A LF-K LE ANDEK a. DAN, carper Milts Diamond and .ga. !Benet strce, are flow Selling or, Ilk manned Tutees,' their Me of Winter Goode, oor slating of Shawls and Lad. :5' Dress Goods. to front variety. Also—llionk cis end Flannels, Cloths, CAteinica,Satia am, and. fall assortment of henry Cotton Goode. Confident a that better hareems cannot be ; bad else where, we Invite the attention of buyers. • ALEIANDER:A'DAV, ant 2 75 571 .. 11.1.1 . 1 . 1 jle Ref* lf,lbsateal Woric. D. Appleton h Co, Ea WAY ork, have [Mourn of pd. Realism, to plots, one, .r.oraty. Ave room coal, Of Meteition, Afechasur, Zosiimut Work. entet Hs. guyernug; destined for Prartwal IV9ritanir 114 s, and drag intstufed -for Ma Zug,. molar Preffman. • . [Dean •T otivaa aveg, - 4. • TUN 'WORK t.Ef PO. ,i.....fiK Oa "rill eentain ... twe gneasito caeca, too upwards of 541 THOU. MOM tunavarrione. alike resent working-draw-- logs and dmetipuone most Important medallic, an the Voila Males. ladeporsdant of the results of American ingenslty. It will contain campleta weed eel ma il es an 'Rectitude', Machlacry, Engloo.work, cad it nv meeting; with all that is useful la mere than one Moomod collars woe* of folio vonones, coos* eines, and other hocks. Tye great object of this neldieefila 4, to.plage be- I Awe prettiest pen Win eilkilfais 0154 so anioillit of taeoretlesl end scientific, knowledge;inn condensed Ginn, as shell enable them so woad, derail:X*onm. ! ! tux, and to avoid those mirtakee whits!: they might • I otherwise commit. • The amoral ot 'ueful into rmanon Mos brought together Is almost beyond :precedent in sock works Indeed, theta Iti hardly any select. within Its range which le nut treated with nob char mers and precision, that even Vasaion, of the most ordi• nary c erectly event fail of anderstaneing it. and tinm Icarivng from it mach which ail impurteat (or !ban to knew. The pahltahers arp. to short, dertanted, valueless eked, mitotic Meg/ark sw COMpleleas pie:filar . and ii 15 ni4ped every ono &canoes or o min the will:will 1 proems II me hinted la 'timbers, and than camerae. the The work will be Istand in , sveiya 1 eavintexiog Bla in 4 r eellet7l' l,s ° and Will prove. with I mad retly: • • The whole work will be publielsed in 10 ro e . number, ! at ili cents perpetuate:cod compleind enthio the r red year, IeGO. A liberd dimwit/ will be amide to .0.W. ! Any one remitting the pablithers Oleos advence; ! shall receive divert through the pm; affix free of leavens.. ! Ophat one or the Proem "To oar netnerous Alsouisetarerr, Mechanics. Frx pacers, sod Arnim., It will Intl felon of wrairto— limy knee, I IL 14 Joienal. -Tour g men, at ' si t ivelvee with its k nowledge.— We eon with tonode rprommend me renters to poses. Mt modem al& *Wynne as loot as they ap. peerramrieati Artisan. "We nahesitatir gly cootannid the wort in those e 55E5.3 in or lauireswil in asectouLical or scumnSe par rune, as eminently worthy at their ciaminallue and ' etudy."—Troy, (N. Vol Hedger • "It te truly a great wars, sod •the poldishen de serve the thank• of Inventors, muktnins. sad mane texturan, and indeed of the peek goiefiiiiri , -.15. Y. , rpert em. In, -mtieticatry will no highly oxfal to practical mechanics, and valeabto to alt who wish to mention et melees with the progress of tovennon to the me eliiiiie istel , -Nese !Millard Dolly Mereury. "liming owelmaits caged to keep posted up in the codas well at pflei Col 1120.51edffe, and MN work show Meta last bow they etandd•—Plogbery Odasrd Advertiser. r.Weisa• it to he or; the week eel *cores nod ban died. of oat livelligtat mechanics . bievededred to pot xis Po Maple ere its descoptions s ane ao full nod minute its specifications, that itmemo to as that any vexation. might contract arty machine it datictibe,s 'on las ”ength of niengtavinith cad ifirdisfith ,, •••" — N. Y. ComMercuttAdvellreer; i. AM edema.' In auchstales ehocld avail them ' aelve•of its edmintagee.n—thdaylkrtl, (Pcon,l Jour. cal. A Irma of enenalmrpmetical wilily and great im portance and value to the rapidly Increasing interests of the country. We regard the work as eartriently celcalated to preteens the ammo( admire 'and the I mechanical lard, and to disseminate valuable @forum tum on these eabjerts.”--Fetuter sod Medtanie. "Preened men mall the varied walks of nrtehani , eel and manufacturing industry' englateling, he" will find in this wort a neurons srhich it will he to their profit to postern^—TroY Daily Why. ' sif i re hare carefully located the number., and have no hesiwkin In saying that it le the beet wort tot ine- I_eheatee, tradesmen, and mientifin moo, ever publish ! en, for it cmitains minute infist elation on every broxli of the aexhanleal arts and 'smeneet, exprested in a style and language Intelligible M soy teedee trtordi ' nary especity."—dloucester, (Mass e ) News. "We are sure wean doing the meehanies of Nor. wick and other parts of Cormeeticut a scratch by bringing tho wort to their attennon.n—Norwich, (Gann) deader. -It Mien such aFreemn ak 's Jo Weurn ati a every mechanic Mould poss ess "l, Wo consider it oci. of the moo UMW and 1T.P.".0t üblication. of the one. No mechanic can adore to be icithoot ti."—lfieware, IN. J-dßeeleserciel Connie , rall all the •Miallipablleat.iona keying for Mortals. eel the elucidation and advancement of the mechani cal eau and sciences, nine that we knee wen, Is so tun of pteinian. Mien—Rua - ale thluth Adv. • _. IL Is the best nod cheapest work ever °tiered to the aelenhfia and practical engineer sad mechanic. The plat. masa beautifully executed."—Washimrtoo Clone. ttlrals great Dielitilety is ode of Ma most useful ornrli eves published for years, and the low pricy at anion it II sold make& it acceptable to all.n—Solth Cerulinlan. 1 it , "We erg a its, one ef tho 1110. coMprthend we and valuable, as It as cheapest winks are, pablishcd.v —lleltitaxe demises. • “Ongin to a mken by. awry one desirlag to keep pare with th progress dart end menet in everyone of the labors of eivilleed life,o—Rendnat Cartier. "II Is destined after the prtnciplo of Urc's inadona• ry, only that d is MOM devoted in the filrilleieni land eepeeede% professions, and thee, lei Ido valonble tie accompluMing for /ininfiea what lira has dove for blnglead, de; describing Amencan machinery and worts of ait.”—Peientifie American. "itis palliated in uumbort,,nod at a price re mode • rata, looting at what is contained ins /eh number, test nO 4510 who has the least Matted , in melt Matters, need he dawned loom procultrig IR and every one who does so, will find that be hat in a condensed form an amend of Insulation wlioh would ha obtained, if al ail, only by the purchase of very many volumea."—N. V. <leaner and Enquirer. Of . empprettencivoners wide thick the subjects era tma:ed, the admitabla Manna, in which they lire rablillustr wok ated, e conspire to make thli'ooe orthe most desi e n—D=omM , Review. "this work should be MIX bonds of every mechanic; mice., and manufseturnki espeeistly those who have the iced xpitedona to excel in their respective bort nelisen We bane carefully clammed ii, with %View of meow/sending it to Internam. To them we wwild Sin the strong language of the Wier "it is g00d... U.lomm° Inver...Journal. Notice to tfis Pffrrtaoll if Neu Ihrologhout .L. Mated &Imam! llarroda, If the foregoing advettlaentent Is Inserted Stream. daring the Nest, had the tipper Collating It sent to a caps of the wart will beam" gratis is iinytueaL RIMOVALI jAhIES D. LOCK WOOD, klookuller and Imparier, 101 Fourth guru, a fur doors cut ol %Vaal adult, Mite 03 Wood streetl. ... _ pi;.fftolrE.s4zti:Gy bo.thrsi,;,,,.iiv,t7ii„,,,-42,,,i.:r55.: ty- apil .R—l LeS”leilo packed Meer; 31 kg. do 40. r mole S WATER lA N k SONS . EE —45 Ld , prime Cloverreed; 10 bags prime Titanthy Peed, mr .le rip Berl. Sue.....bia :Pao. Rale. for rak by ""' L. r. WATERMAN SONS anu toi — iniTfgr I: .03 WICK & MAC& MAISS , • 96-A-LEIAVIN e..iiiiiiiiiiiiiii C l 4 . d inpaper. laladp tee+lied, and for tval y k.74eCAN - D . 1,F4.9 • All—ld b ' lllbtle de, tee'd and tor oda by WICK & bIeCANULESS L:s dos ColO torssio WIRK t..ItleC&N RON-90 tons dby rued. and rsale by 014:1 WICK iiOOAND4Wb) • • - • 11I8VELI9$EOC 18 : HOILiIIIIITI 'lad yr a' Neretaanta. 10110USSETPS PREMIUM 'PEIIabIEILT. —The subscriber respetbrallY invitee Fulani attention to ins extensive 'stock Of Perineum, Soaps, Shaun{, Creams, de., is width aimed Faiver and. two:Golden Medals bale, within tko but six yeus,Peen awarded by the imitates of New York, Hation', and 'Phila delphia the latter being the ouly Golden Medals ever, awarded for partuaely till:ter:ln Owes* , I. 'hie ItozrusVy Itlatztvazzo . lVl liaMot.td, Rooe,Rod ty orloOwleditcd to he sopotior to any SWI44 Cat Illat itk, glut 'country or, Europe. - -/N.4.111541191 .•_•_ OLSOtitlitlltOl BEISOSEIC . 4 . 4 P"...g4i.5. highly ...Ponaecone indettrTilieni - P.P.M.i13.P......P.Mmund; ambrosial Shit.r mg Tablet; Military Shoving Soap. • naramonaTottarrfloaro—Alreend,Rele,Millefleitilb Bouquet, Pistachio, Mink, Pieejsistr i Ur: ghat, tr.' MELetypat i zt,Olive li Oli n laidsor, a n d Pse . a ).. gz, Bogle.. de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Liudihlonalle ilo.. J.ltei Club, Magnolia, Clemente, aronello Resat, .nd many other vedettes, in all sixty different perfamea. Tottur Wareva—Florida Water. Eau' de Toilette, Orange Flower .Water. and a great natiety 01 Co lopes and Lavender Waters ralifiiiiisloNs Sol Otis Barst—Gentane Beat's Oil, Antique Cal. Handolloe, Etc LaLonde, Oleine, Com poond On Marrow, Bair Dyes, liquid and in powder, nt.Phileeem. Riciaine, and Jenny Lind Pomade*. Onosramac PiirstialoSs—floisispic b7lxtr, Rote Teen Paste, Charcoal Detainee, lldataine, Tooth Psete,aind Tooth ruiner. • Coassitei—Vactable Cosmetic. Cream, Atian - dite for chapited hand, Cold Cream of Rotes, emit, dr Porte, Up Salve, Rupee:re Cream, a, DOISISIOIY.POsicieri, (of TOMirring tupe aunt( hair; Pearl Powder, Vitaxis re de Roane, Animal ie. Vinegar, • Vielocia !lair Compotalen, Freston Balla, besides a areal variety of other, omelet, too numereus to be named in this advertimment. The eutisenber hogea to maintain the reputation which hit eatabLithment has aequired, by disputing of nothing hat find rate articles, and will he harpy to famish thew who may with to patine:Weeither wholesale or retail, on an reasonable terms as any ce, abb./nent in the United fiude, XAVIER 13AZIN, of to and former Dineen", of the Laboratory ERG ENE Rntl w . 114 Chesnut 17 street..llls•4 Perfumery for . sale by all the princi pal Ilnagoista in the country. apltdly DI BSOLUTIOII - 01? - 1.&111 , 3111 1 08 411 P. 111111: Partnership betetefonaealining hem, ',James 1. Marshall, Wet. W. Walliee, and Henry Itllleary, in the rant Iron business, under use name:ofblareh a I!, Wallace inn, wan diamlied byl mutual comma, on the tat Jam e, Marshall and Henry. bllGeary bating purchased the online Interest of %V n. W. Wal ken in saul fine. bailees* in Astute will beAsontlnnei in ell Ili ruder. branches by the setweribers, an der the name and Mir 10 of blerahall & ItleGeitry, who will settle the business of the late Dm, and tit whom all persons In debted are requested to make payment.. - Wasetouse, corner of Wood and Liberty Mee. /AMES FIARSAI,L, HENRYtarsi _ AleGliAltY " EINNII*TT, ENOLISII & TATIIOLFSALF: GROCE ivy oller t° r ogle, 12/pkgs y.ol.l;np. Blank' • and GL powder Teas; 135 bxaTobasen; 111 bag; Rio Cone ; PO N O Mailmen .75 bads NO Sugar; 310 wind o wsorted sizes Ohm; '' 40 Is Ripem 4N.1 bag , os 1001rrs Cou p til ; eo; 3JOO lb s Codfish; 30 brla Tannori , 41011 110 bxi r bac. olate; 50 tlos. lied Cards; 40 ouils Manilla Rope; 30 has Spiced Chocolate; 10 hag . . C&baoppe k r; • i 5 ba g s 400 boa Herring; 40 brie Vinegar, 20 bales Ca-CcArkplq ,40bgs S_psi4; • 40 Res r. 10 key Ckolk; 3110 drasos Figs; As well as a genteel Masafsetared articles. auspratte.Patess god& AL.- 1 164 EigVe S shliett e'"ll.7l:aba...o_VttZ:l and 150 oasts now on me frOsq Now sr'k.n.t d petted be. .IVerk 1 and 214 shonly * lTlTO Olt Raltintors par okros Chnopenke. Dams. owl Mb., whit I; 101 l •be sold on 'arrival, at ibo lowest market puce fur snag or approved bills. W A SI•MITCHELTRER, nP4 3 „Nal& Lltbarrp • 11.9, No 41 Woad 41teel, 'OO bis 140 bes cluster do; • • 15 igs do; 15 casks ZO.ll. Currants; 15 bales 11 Wsenots; 15 do In NoU; 15 do rdberts;• WO do 'Pea Nook; " • Yo bzs shelled Abounds; Vb. Reek C4odfi. Deft( LlF.honee; lotnneipee& Cig.11,4 Weo ilalf Shonleh; Ohre Cloves; , t=tM • 3 erroons indite; " 23 eases Lemon Sam; 23 eases repass lat , [eel . 10 tries ToAmo [ [sup, Ktod Spieesof all kinds. 40 barrels powdered and Loaf Re; ar, 2 khda Madder; ==l anommeat of Pltheivitti BUIIHSIItIIU 1100116 a. , ALL persons tiering tombola pat on their Uwe,. in conformity to a resolottou of Connellt, will pleare call at the Booms ef the Board of Vatic, second song, corner of Worst and Third ci., and psy (or the same. B.lllllUPar YAIINESTOCK Pittsburgh. aril V. Ufa. gat 1 (mnacts. AA. MASON A. CO am receiving daily, addition* . orate following styles, to th eir splendid atock of trees Goods, vat—Super Black and Fancy Silks. Palk Tissues. Persian Cloths, , 'Alberifies, Sitibenea !lames and Ramp DO Lon., Book, Swim, Organda, .acodst, and Bonne Lawns, Act also, Slimming ' less Goods m all their variety. opt; VerflV - I'.74.TIEENS—Afore new pattern. of Wall I. Pages, in Chamms,Goldtam, and fond) , manes, re hue teen rroeutly ceive together with an im portation of French Borders, a Board Pilau, and Tester Tops In Gold and Ve P M t.lve W ARSIIALL, raiyl • Wall Paper Store, Woodstreet. AA - A. — hriNt t fit Or ir ntfan other , large invoiee ofirancy Embmidered Parasols; also. • general assortment of Plain do at ail prices. W don Oos oesorte 7ld a rteLSilkLSilk an Ladies' and G Ll.llll Thre ad ems' d Glos o esi t r WO dog black and white Colton Ilare; 10 dos do do Si 2M/dovecots' Mixed Ilalf D oze; _ ' _ io don GU.' Brown Cotton Ral f Dose; ' Received, and now opening by marl ,A A MASON & CO ldS Bremea Works, the Author's OA The Neighbors; a Tole of Every Day Lift. A new and revised edaion, with an Introduction written exprenly for this edition by Miss Mesmer. I ham, cloth . Uniform with Irving's, Cnopet'a, and Sedgewick's; and Illustrated with •Partralt and view of Om author's residence. Homer's Iliad; translated by William Cowper Edited by Robert Smithey L. L. D. with notes by H. A. DlTiLikt. A spleadid edition, on large paperr, 11- lustrathd will twelve ener”itigs In tutUtne, from de. signs by Plaxmart. royal hm,cloth... Also;acheaper edition for school. Goldsmith's Works, I:mho:Log a :variety of ;deem now first collected, by James Prior. Complete. in 4 relallmo,eled.olly printed:uniform in style with Irving, Cooper, le, The Shag.pcare Calendar, or, Wit and Wisdom far every Day in the year. Edited by W. C. flicharda In • very neat volume, Unto, loth, SS cents. cloth CJ cents. For sale tryJAMES D r . WOOD, myl Booksaller and Importer.lo4 Foneth • ig II'ANDFACTURER OF CAST t3TE161... and No-1 Lai and No. aAn:Latinist Blister Steel: Also Cast Steel fillet, of *II . i nn W and Blacksmith and M. • Rasps, altos, II on Landfor sale, caber at his "Ea. gle Steel Works," &liars street, Ward, or slob, orlp.in the Iron Store of BOLLMANS GARR!- . s ,No *.Toot of Wood Great, Pittsburgh. ciao — craw We, the undersigned, haying aged, with entlrer ant ' , Unlit., the Cut Steel and Piles rude by Siouan Mc Sel IT. at Ms Eagle Steel Works, quaff city,talt • pleasure in rceronmending them na in quality 1. any ever good by no, of foreign manafactur. Pittsburgh, lamb 1311 , ISIS. & SIIOENDERGER & CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nall. Pittsburgh. Pa. KNAPP &TOTTEN. Iron Pounders and Machinists, Pantbars..P. COLEMAN, MAILMAN & CO, Nanstineturers of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivet., Pittsburgh, Pa. & W PAISES, Engine gailders!end Umbel, Card MALIIIIILCIII -1"... rus, Pitt/thumb. Pa. A FULTON, Enos Pounder, Pittsburgh, ra. (Man , . LINDSAY CO Isianaractatars of lion and Nails. Pittsburgh. P. JOSEPH TOMLINSON. Locomotive Englno and Ship Builder. Pittsburgh, Pa. WWWA MACE, !Sublet Manufacturer`, Machine and Kflgillo Rudd er. rim.bamh. Pa. SALERATUS pur. dalmt . .; , _ I b Tia ra " t OtE RT D o ti MT:re% bas i F.flow3 v _ G" R"FIOCr, for v De A!.v :7.ELT, & CO at a I.llunY BibClS—a max Ilan* 5 do Nene; 7 do bhoolders: I do alsorted, now landing fie= Eta , boat Colombian, for mile Ly ISAIAH DICKEY &CO 112 Water at. . . K.RPACO EATIIHIO3-19 rarts jam reed for 143i1l by ILSAL&YRICIMY & CO ~ C olla-6tlbri. mom Orally boar. itibr66l fur bale by ARMSTRONG & C410Z12. my 6 D fit FLOUR—A a. erls reedor sale h Xi m 6 AntusTicorm a CILOZER DOTATOES-2/ sacks in store, for rile by .L myG ARMSTRONG & CROZER rovim-s--tir—cacimPrE-Kie in`rtiea to mitt not of the Tr. for site at the Too Moarir, eat side alt.] DlllOlOlO, Pittsburgh. We its mers.mns an to have the repetition of selling Yea out TVA Purrsemma. MORRIS & HAWORTH,. mytt Proprietors of the Ten Market. etivmtir.iwk lbs Amens. esyeassa Pepper,stiss received, and for sale by : ins 4 J XIDD & CO IiE.NIVSEED—I. 4ria rust reovt for talc by i4Y J KIDD &CO & STIiCKtoN barn linßt received to , J pale volume Butner' Hulory of Ert4land, Mar per's' new t4;iion; cloth. Vol. dr.d!inadicy,t Common Mee Book. Cloth and Dal er binding. Carlyle' , Latter Day PuirdiktY Vo. vModel i . fi/0 uniwro. New Novel—Nizigt and Morning. Pr 17 Vtir car, WI UV i 7 WTUAKT rilL(ll ' it tray 7 .• ,e titli enra Family tor .0 0 nY _ • - STLIART& , . P k AitfflifTll. :4rl'7, lrbt oeiTeye;nbTt aann• factureopened and for sate by raYld • • . • SHAM:LETT* WHITE Quatbnw, mg . Eißf ta ----1 11 assortment a81Z.. , 0 too, Linea, and Worsted Stud; for 22.! m es and for t a le lef Vud on et711.=::"::/-65or : :7 " .6"'"' j o uGAN, WILVON 14 CO, /29 Vood , PTFER-41 g 2 NUA" - "o , ll4lfat rgiltl.- M 277 =lOll MMLLMOM. SO,NI - G .N EW • trader the - Sus or PIIS-ilkurg la :1 WILL-be opened Itho.ll t thi tad of 31ap, a batnily Grocery and Teln •Straie, iu We lqatlaJe!Phia • • Atte latiseribers have.fitteilearatitore at No. .24. , .; Labatt , street, le a style sapefast to =lt otthe k 3 . 1. Plttsnaegli, 'ahem they sent ataxia bare • tante ass Sig Meta - or fine Groceries, use cupertor"fiseci . sihiely tlisyStspectfillly ins itests Clanton D . ( the yule. ot 0041 -41142, litty etatas'Or to keep iha Lest of Ito SSW; end eopheestly tocorocoond their Tus'al zoorlo ossTosort?, .rpollt. tho si- hnshrtirrent viral ..Tenv titan hinds; lion WI eenre ithe per pound. Lov ,fi n ., imeclOriarhurd arti Pulverized; _Swim Sfrap...Bsti - lionanaud N. O. hrolaiires; Ctn.- elates, Jizoneign auppilere, Preces, Vielr, -- Ketchup - Essence., :Pager Cured Ounas and 'reef, lAsh of :ell' thrift...Ppm:a, ViVitale Orb, ' Spout and n'sx'Candler, inghther %rah many .thi.• which eciiird ner'berieefere Le had in Pius. reb. *nil which 11 he 'would fail thentruerWei 'ErCznoil• delivered free-of ehai^ in. ever)" Poi of Denlen eupplied on ren:t irataniblit' term t. - • • WM. A ARCLISSO .9 1 - Nei PiSii I...boll . steet, thorn wistriavau, la. wart In . u.r, A. WEWVERVMTZ SON. - WELL .VENYTI-111.,VLIND MAKERS, Irmp'.4janttr op Omit or titikiS to order tho brat drueleiKt tap, ttteir. oltit,tdod, No. Ii Clair meet; hot rio,dfadnitet t reet„-t coot/ story, entrance bribe mood. Shupe!, mad. to 'order, and old bliodrierttlyrep, 'd.• colt) • nouscit. cettorimas. ti i.V..l;ans remove! to Weer lit, between & tho lume. Connelly ocaupini by,ilartlyi louts t. (IREAM I:DEANE-3o boxed prime out chrz.e: •—; 10 , do tlorFelec,c.N.trec.l Folio .• D CANFIELD LiVITEN-3 tirla gut 10 tau Iry sit mil, in thighs, Jjll just reed, unit funsule by IreANFIE.I..9 • IN!aLs,,lzhh;Viq z ," OAP-4.004.111e and CintinnuYi rogo-nebtolant S upply for sale by WALLA:SW-W.1)6 CO ayt. aAHD OW—MIAs ia . l hand. uml sme by . may 9 AVALLNLVORD & CO Meo7 _f~CUCf:ltTl ON, May, 5 • - ' ~ 1951.1,eriy It_ Aft 01LA5...W.-2.5 brii. N. 0.51 ja•urec'al:iiqa .01 Coi male for maY9 A•CULIII:ItT,ON , 1- -Y do Baaeel IliilfireieN, for cafe by malb. 1 ()IL-5.1;04par grambt lity•appe St.e, for sale by . 1 , -3 DA LZ ntb)9 • • ' , 78 it ,ISIIICE—Wpmfor sbl44 - ler:lobtbsr PAi .oativl• mew, by , „ tbm 74 Dl list UAI,'LI:LL klads olio leaf. tn. volt, for sale by ' • ' • WAY E L A/FIN:U(3N, I.)2OXIAIS-41.1 , 10..113 .to, td solo, by 1111 mart - I4M JMINSTON Tr fINTICia" , Lot.ALD 111 a tom mot tor lotto by mr , 59 • _ JOIIN'St'ON . 131100MS-7430 tom Janiatt. lfroboot blr ord., by KlEft JONl , ,rb ' Con -41 Ibrilo,l3oftlolt 134 t 104,aratud Fade lama CjfaraG 'lO by Cfl 91C r er fItAtOTEIL.,"OII.--tt brio iortooto 4Y.7. - L1 UCEt /IA Ll.S—Juot recolvol, a polt:adtdurhelo_of I: 'Foot Bolls of 4,7, Rod Y irioh fliernfor; for obit. ut tho Gbodyenrßol.bor Dow, 7 4... q Woo 4 on. - toy 6 11 l'Ilf1.1:IPS An TONS articn to one lt...frr tale c Len, cYll by . O'CONNOR, ATIUNS k. Co msyB ' "Canal ila,bl,:Latierty S UWOLS--- Lovglag'•deib o le rl p eed e l.;i4 t i ,d; do matte Jo nunvaJ - . Near Odeana Zs,lz:ztt, for sal , erbole eale and "' nil, • - _ M."571.1A1N co ze. SVICLO•tS /elk! 0 , mo; A . •mavß due -do 51de by d. CO OHOlase-roam old Java:- ' do J MoNir 3; • -do AI amemboi ..• • • • do kio, tionglii'eloce the reduction of Mketistor sole by Win at'CLtiliG ttO — NiCW 7- 01YDIGICA'A I LON IV IE Uninn.lltole Dietwassy.—Tae Uo of Dellida—Mtiedonoldt et the-Gt.:al Mt net et Story of (Mal Lifa—Elrebenire; or.me alsonny School Buys Controcard..--Tbe &LH-. of I too; or Mu Pauper of tlnsasedErd A filletind.---Eloises of itchnet k01...—.-koestego, the dims. H0ML...../Itee L. oi Luther; with special left-teems. to &Cs earns petoult., and the opening memo( the Ilelnyorationtby Darts D D--A. Summary of Digital Anti.kotits, for Selimils nod noodles: Published by An:wriest& a. S Eli sale by .• Li ENGLISIiikUIt s • Successors to ELLIOTT Pe ENGLISH, my 2 Woeal street: — PinavivAt. .owssurvrilltrlatlNti. .TAME 11 LOCK tVuOD, bas in ponq, ot ill ontitish gionly—Do :11olacri on the nigille I Idna of Goveroinont, tronsloool, fronilno Fronalt, by 1111. Salter, 51: D, Boston. Soconil cdnion.nmoo ' 1 D on) RCM I ices ,e • • • Trodhave 1:1) tonn lo arrive: Dealer. Dotal beepers will awl a toilie•r aiilt•aniage to alarm' • O'CONNOR, All(11•0116 CO., apiG Ciaal Maio Liaertv • LOOK WOLK. • lieu.. Keepers . mild areiqi , n Mf0rm1,411.1 . • t:1 . 1 - 4T'1>(, Pllll.ll . cr atliele (or. elrantns bad..pololausg . L.ort. aa3 haler - Jo eao;...r L9l. r nlc, R F. SELLUIIB, r 47 Wax. , rue, LlL'rerY reronalmrhclarre. k , :51.1 . 13, IpiA. 50 lq::111 IJ hack int'an iff/UGLIEIi: 4 .—W" thouldeto tor.. nat,Trom balm., by . my! , lAlti.A4 JUNJC tt. CU • • B .— ACC.V4-4 cots Bacon Shouldom; t • • 4 - doZo Hsi .; . do do ' aosort.d.onorlavJlog (row Meson! American Slur. qnd far e:Je 6y 111..Woier Loifi:E.iiii . b.ltitAL—tul - iby o eal rdththOtrr. tonne, ted Auhaikla t eothyared velth Wien of o:lter altallae By 1,1111 4 Agualx, abb'u nur r Itlllo of the Tour by 4; E.thor Cabot, wa.d.drbbfin.bn by other scienfific Fauna:nem lithouniTyllthoroca. I voL Coo, for ado by IY-I,IIC - KW 00D oaayn • I Pav W , in —l a r ey yan etow, a.pplyi n o e f rreu aa, an reseivul by W •filr111:01A1.1., mu Wurti.dretn. 0 . - L 7 CiAlt-53 alma 0 bhda N traarified o innualn fiaWF , iIItOWN tniyB tidtty,,PhiltlCK , p i ACON-5 casks prone me .but ton , tni. m. 78 • ' ItROWN 4t. Ki RRPO.CRIpti , N* 1 \1r11118.1:1111 . 11 . ;V; ' CrI T n oaks p - ruan. !Sm. • lints Hops tu•t on: d _ILL 'ld sale by .. DROWN HAW El gtoanNott it andfatn-nn . N N .Wt1ed561t0.1117...1 ster3 ' dorncr o :Alex and Vond tTuoU PAklii 7fA toyln; With l'arstrybotder do t. , c a:tat and Bald to Etateh,Antt 'received elOttst ttn:n Pnitadelptda, . . • IV MARSHALL. ..mays • E 5 WOOdim. pOTASII-4 books for nideLy g . •l 1:11./D & CO (.1 . ft IttUVAILII,L,II,43 - doorry+3 I' - deolet Aft - 11- , na . ,', I,j for solo by,_ _ orri ... d 3114 • lAbIliX I'Ltilik.7,YO I, I , " ~,,.'"'" ". o . konaer , &r.rorti.'s se. .1.: perior brand, id anor 'al Torl ' kit-.:1,47',11"4 - 1, C laMi 4.7Ik)ZEIL , °le C01.L41t,-Cdoiir ItoreanAl r '' - -' ..LL dose. eolialanorent, by , .. , Yr ~i , tope - ' ' ..111.M5TIZONIT li-b110211" Dwrnirc-oo toss In olore.Oiid ler eigt '• • ••-• yr ' , wt . . ' ARMS rIICINCI-& r'' , 4 . 1071 , ..11 Drt . r . liAlit-1 saet'ree , a. Wit - di.. iiif, 7 o,- .- 4 . .., a ri itiirttuNca ,& ciuc-r n - Aun-alltio,tetled;intoro ild "'' I'IB .11 mals.r.o l SClal.lll vi,,ritc..wwbr. rule 14 , ...5 jra9.'4,04 ,P..lebi _lllyi - ' '-- , 1 % MA.- 1 / 1 1- WA •t• CO 0 1-11. 1 - 3 brfri; rd tni '-'"---'.---"."- . 73 . . 'edrers' Oil, Mr tote lep'' _ _ ...._":.. itII_LNI, at.retirEWs & co kit tett.: r . :hz•-•.o WIN Largo Nn 3,1 a oft lerFtred lor ut y2 , ...... .--:- , : -, ' -JOHLW/al , d. C, : * ~ -, - ..,- , .24 , 11:1-alretrY !.. QUAL , -I.ls.brisptime nowijaLtl.W4l,Tuiv.ssiitl „ „ • ; i1ik;41UNP,41147414 I, Ant my 2 , .1911/S. VlDiXiiEfil) OIL,— 12 aunty,Jul xectivvd, st!c 4.. r CU , !",:iglrs7 I .° rl;`*4lnn 1-% 3011 t, I 3 3- P -,m. ,, - , .I';:y7 "--","`" __. -4‘111N7 1:4,1; &co tilAje kle l fZ:f:ll:‘l,7llit ' Vrivt fri.T.. 6 .- , • A 17171.11 E ,g 1 .41, 1 ,1, . . . j ) bKy. TKA I n4;17 - 1 I.7l. — pi — rqrr tR A r r ii.A, D aut :a f lV.Ar'rearlntsiife , " '4 I U. •... 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