THE FITTEBUIitaI GAZETTE. PUBLISHED, BY -KrlitTE & CO UEM:=;C:I3 MONDAN MORNING.tdAY 8, IWO FlT'Crberirsee: Ibubr GA erns —Adveni.emems sad sabeer on for nes papa:, will be mailed and onnitded been Ai* .14.0 • 22"Proxamma..oaartmemer..e.e.--Sabs.ptioas Or MI6 valuable paper, grill tfe recempi .4 feterae4- 44 tnaar this etZee.- AlatlntatiOnlO and Whig County Cone Testae. ' fa pirnaaneaefthe nail of the Chairman, the Whig r• . and Antiamenle Comity Committee et CorresPond• me islet at Ilat Conn Haws. The following resole . Can wu adopted., to ale— . .ilevelved. Tb the Whig and Antimatonie votary • • 'redo haven] El don Marine of Allegheny Coon c it . 100, and an here y requested to meet at their Mal '. • plates Gm. bottil eleetiona on Sallarday, the las dab orlon next, sk n and then to elect two delegate. to - 0 . 0 CanaT Winn to be held at the Court House, , • onWeaseaday death day of.lane, at ti o'ekoeh, a- It. td Convention to make the mast and neeenery . rootintiou for the ensuing October Nertinto.. 4 also to appoint five delegate. to morene be County In the Gude Contention, to au pe be beJ4 the eityof ?Ws. debia.OntiVedneaday, the Ilitb 4.9 orPt... - -.• Tbe Primary Melange in the Tewnahlps to to held between the Mon of two and Ave otletek. (except . : Pitt) and thou in theWanla and Boroughs between no hpara of seven and nine &el:l= D% mono. J so.F. P mum, . . - Asa. hamoy} \ Seereuniea. Tarn Oren; Pitteelleb AP 4I 10. Self. • K'BEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MUTE PA TELOGRAPHIC iamb, • ganavad Irons-the Oruly's Bond Iron. Works. Oar New York correspondent, in a letter pub. Ballad cos Bawds', in remarking on the price at which British Railroad Iron can be delivered In New York, makes the following statement: .1t has bein settled by the books of the Bradrs Bend Railroad mills, that Sixty dollars I. the kiw. `eel mot at which the mills ran ran, a rate mat sleuths Englishmen the market" Although the Brady's Bend ,11.011—iseldch one tenders wIU recolleet are situated on the Alter. henfrlier, above huaburgb, CALIIICR wantilio• true Railroad Iron at the price at which lhitbh Iron can be delivered it New York, which la el k; 142 Pee Wet yet they ' . and do man p er 'lLaikoad Iron at less than hay dollars per ten, and will take contracts for lona about the price Which British On will coat delivered ui _ * . Pittsburgh. The freight adds a tarn - of owe ten '. .- ..... dollars per ton, in their favor, evereasteiu mins, -.... 1 4 ' which -the Tariff of 46 has cloned entirely. The Brady's Bend Works are now manufactur. Iris; hear and Fiat . Rail in large quantities. The • : ,ChirtleeeCoal Company'. Railroad will be laid With flat rail from these works, delivered here at raprice mach below our correspondent's earl. ' - .site, and a T rail ilkbeing manufactured for • eosrpanyin Ohio. • • The Bradyla Bend Works posses, advantages ear manotattitiing iron unsurpassed any where, and can, thereSste, manufacture iron at • price which would ruin leas_advantsgeous location,. • The Iron is takes from the ore in its original state, and every . 'neeeseery material is Mud on the • Company', gterunds, • and although as much is 1 made at the prices at which they take contracts. yet the proprietors prefer to gn on, XI Jorge. they • cot without lon, to stopping. Sixty dollars a ton tea fair:rate for iron,and..t cannot be offered at • • less price ender ordinary circumstances, without demising the atandud of id= below a living tsar., ' The Brady', Bend Mills employ about flee bun ...lre& men, and 'can manufacture 250 tons of T • Lad per week, and are now turning out 32 tons of sat ban per day. The Company pays out $25,000 per owner to its hands--thus scattering rue bow dratkogreauf dikes per mums among the peo ple et that pectic:l. Who can estimate .the Mese. legs which are diffeeed through the region shout 'the Mills by these two 'hundred thousand dollars paid far stall and labor? Would it not bee hit. ter calamity Is, have these supplies cat off? Jost • so it is in every neighborhood where there is • I furnace, a tinge, a rolllog mill, a•cotton or wool .len Polory, or nor caber manufacttuisg estalflisba • meat, which brings money into the neighborhood, . • add sewers it abut among the people—and the effects of the stopping et seal establishments, no.' der the - baleful effects of the Lou Foco.tariff; are not felt by the operatives directly employed alone, but their ramifications extord to every penult to life. • The Iron manufausnod by the Bradyle Bend Mills is of quality mach superior to Bath It arc tick, and tide hu enabled the Company to cam. mood a small price above that aaked for British Loa delivered. We understand the boilers .a there work, ere paid $O per toe, 50 cents tow than Is paid by oar Pittsburgh Mille, trade! the to duced rates, and that they have no difficulty in wowing bands. More apply than can be Ma played • If Congress would g ire us • Jut promo tive tariff, the proprietors could afford to glue then svorkmee higher wages, but, at piesent, they mut be content to wort at the Load Focostaad ard, or not work at all. Ccornavnou or Wastel.—A large Convention oft7omeu was held at Salem, Ohio, on the lgth lett., and lasted two days. About five hundred were preaeot. The whole busktess was conduct. ed by the Julies, and in a most orderly manner.— Miss Betsey M. Cowles, of Canton, was Pre& dent. The object, we believe, was. to take meas ures to secure for themselves equal sight, with the men to the making and administarriag of the laws. They Intend to present their 610 n to the Convention to meet at Colombo' to reform the . Constitution of the Sate. Among the resolutions passed arc the 4,llowirt : • &Weed, Vitt we, as Louisa beings, are co l:Weil to claim and exercise all ma Hyrum' that tes bog Dy nature to any member of tba numan fan tp "limobel, That all distioctiooe between m. m end women la regard to social, literwy, pecom aollillons or political CUstOms and inetnation B. based on a distinelloo or sex, aro contrary to tt laws -of Nature, unjust, and destructive to U is pority,,elevalloa and progress In knowledge at Id goodo -Os of t h e ttu= family, and ought to be at once and forever abolished. "Resafrod, That the Nahum of holding come n amenable to a different standard of propriety ar. morality from Wet to mblch wen are held amen s bla, li unjust and unnatural, and highly detrlmerr• tal to domestic% and aocial virtue and bappineu. , . .lisrahoad, That u woman fe not permitted to hold °flee, nor have any voice 14 the (lover mut. OA should eat be compelled to pay tag as out other scanty wages to support men who get otaht dollars • a day for toting the right to dna. akar, to enact lawofer her.• *Ramrod, That we, the woman of Ohio, will hereafter meat antmaity in convention to eons!. er and adopt mansurea for me removal of the •ario as dial Atka, political, social, religious, legal wad pceoulary, to whtoh women, as a class. are "'M oe-tad, and Wm which result so much mks try, degradation and crime. The Legialatme will probably adjourn sem e day intimbeginniag this week. The ileum has emended the Apporticemem Bill given in Hat• ristmigh limarto`day. and n Committee of ' Confer ence ban beekagswitged. Pi= 41 12 Tribune or Saturday evert• gimp the follioring mloyraphic .des etch Irma E. lO /Tiggulth: “The Committals of Wayland Metals a have re— paned back the Frte Banlriag Sill as committed, Micheal amendment. It will pons This looks Ulm business" Tide bill peeped the Senate some day last week, amtit It paws the Hanscom above lamed, ir will • become a law. 4 1114 Poetical Weds J Ma jars Coartery— , ta;burilllr Published by John 1,. g e sr,,,,, L o Dooh start fact, geode r , ~der, and say you bave had nueegh of new bo ohs or pocuy. This Is no fate= claimact on yr oar intention, ben one of our eras kit daughters, P.' lady poet in oar my madame:id a teal sad awe r poet, too. Her versi fication is smooth, plea not, and zegolsr—her Was chaste, lively, and elervatiog, sod mach of the spirit of true Poelriy occasionally sparkles through her pages. 51.eny aid derive pleasure and Improvement from Ibis volosee, while no one -can over charge it w tab saggesting an Improper Wright For sale by. Lobe Loomis, Wood street Foos CIIMPOILITA.—Tho N ew Y or k s m h ire . caked laws from. California to the 9th of March last The rainy. lesson had not entirely passed away, end the 'transportation of provisions to the mines vrav greatly rounded. The miners, lo coml.:i v:wore, *era suffering very roach, and they could not seed down Meir gold to San Francisco. The guantity,of gold found is said to be greater than aver. A row mill is in operation in Morristown, New .Tetaur, which can muddy be taken to pieces and pal be three wegoss, god trantinuted to any place requi , ed in &dense forgot. It wan; a log 35feet in looglos god a few dart since trot:donned a log 15 feet tong and 15 inches in diameter into 3-1 boards in short order—the saw running through she log in 4 112 minutes with the greatest ease. The crank' can he transformed from an eight inch to a ten inch stroke in five 117110111.1, and to prevent the twual jarring and heavy pressure on one side of the ma chine, inunan on each side of the MM.— no cot is 5.350. _ 1 For rim Psttskrgl Geoff'. Warte—As thsesubjeet.ofplarikroads is be "cling one of much interest in our counly, sever" . ai being now in the progress of completion, we °RIM Fd . Course to have the benefit of the experienee of all others, so far en attainable, am to the bat mode of construction. The writes ; an °pluton—LW be thinks he hes seen it sustained by reports on the subject—that i-single plank track is sufficient for almost any amount of travel. Let that track be well Lid in the centre of a well pre pared grade of not lets than thirty feet in width, and apply, say one half of the interest of the sum necessuy to lay another track, to the purpose of keeping the eleven feet of road on each side of it in complete repair, be prmiimes that .there could no manner of inconvenience resuli from the neces sity of passing. He is disposed to believe that du nag the summer most of the travel would of choice been the clay puv of the road, thus greatly saving the plank, whicli could not be the cam if a double track vests prepared. The only time at which he presumes there would be arty difficulty in regaining the plank from the earth, would be for shoit periods in the season in which the frost b coming out of the sad, but he thinks it would eveft be good eeon y to provide for that contingency,' if it should be found to occur, by making good stone tomouts at convenient dishinces. The writer may, however, be mistaken in his view', and his object in this note is, to desire you, Mr. Editor, to call the attention of come of your eirchanges la the plank road region to thesubject,With a hope tut they will be kind enough to give us the benefit of their expe rience in such matters. Had I known whom to address, direct, for information, I would not have troubled you with this communimition. Yours, Se. !NON WASHINGTON. ...... sos at the Pittsburgh Guam 'Wagon wive, Mn 3at,1550. Galphlttlitem In the Printlag—Pooh . sestadalleed by &vegetation with NAN littehle —Census Bllleate. Houton and Els=l • We have Callan on precipitous times, If yen wilt al/ovate to uae a common term in an uncommon. , Oar ups and downs me so frequent and midden., that he who feels himself upon hts feet to day, ha no security that he will not be upon his head or his back to morrow. For example, our vener, able friend of the USion, Mr. Ritchie, (not to mut ton that oily gansmon In appearance, bis collet. rue, red shaven and shorn." Bandeleund that was) has lately been raving in the most Oxen:led manner about Galphiru, and now behold it comes oat that all the time there has been going on the mom outrageous sort of graptinierreg not fu from • place that I will not mention, inasmuch as the law of libel that is no protection to the highest of. trial characters in the land may be' Invoked by their traducer, to ward off unpalatable truths.— Let that pass until we get the report of Me, Went worth's committee, when we shall have • deveke opement of golpkinuing on a grand scale, to which any allegediproeeedinp in the Executive branch oleo government, will be Goand modest and creditable. This, at lent, we may say, from the position of brawling accusers the L condueune of the Union have made a precipitate descent to the situation of defendams under one of the most formidable indictments evcr preferred against public men. There is a report that Foote is so much woo• daltzed by the rumor of his having induced the Secretary of the Senate, Dickies, to pay Ritchie ot Burke, the ilk WO for &job of their oea eon' teleing, on which they were entitled to barely one tend of VISA earn, he is about to introduce a rose. lot olimpiry Into the matter, in coder that the email ot the speculation may rest where tt be. longs. I hope your compositors will not omit the MIMI latter In that word IlleralStirAL By the way, the question has been frequently irked of late, where Is the answer to Mr. Hale's resolution, calling for information in regard to that particular $l2 NOT The Senate, to day, passed the joint resoluticut trartrUning thirty government sailors to Mr. Grin. emirs vents, about to set out in search of .S:r John Franklin, and for extending the discipline of the navy over the rest of the crew. It will prove an important and indeed indispensable aid to the ex. pedition. The Rouse, fn Committee of the Whole, after a very animated debate, affirmed the principle of collecting the proposed statistics withAlte Census . There were but forty votes far striking net, which is about the sire oath the anti information men here will mutter in the House. The bill will pan to . mortar, and then the Home will take up and pass the deficiency appropriation bill, • measure the want of which begun to be vastly telt. The proceedings of the committee on the die. catty between Benton and Foote to the Senate, have met with a rather unexpected difficulty, Mr. Benton calls for F. J. Grand, the “Oharrver" of the Philadelphis.Ledger, who happened to be • near ',Been en the floor ofthe Senate, of the fra eat between the two Senator,. Mr. Grand is no. toriously hostile to Mr. Beebe, on account of a pentane! affront received fromthe latter. Mr. G. to • native of Germany, • scholar, and a man of the crld,and therefore assiduously polite. Somh former dlplommiciemployment bas given him the privilege of a seat Mahe loby of the Senate. Short. IT before the outbreak to which I am alluding, Mr. G. met the Missouri Senatoi in the Senate chamber, and bowed to him with the elaborate de. Serene which eharacterisis his meaner towards all in authority. Old Bullion stopped, and in his peculiarly bland intonation said— 'This is Mr. F. J. Grua, I believe." Gnonaling—"Ttint la ray name Mr. B." 8., "and I believe you write for the Baltimore Sao, over the vitamin!, of X." 0, surprised and gratified—" Yea, Senator that is ray signature." Old Bullion—sod I believe you are also the in. dindaal who writes over the signature or Obser• vet In the Pilladelphla Ledger.' Mr. 0, • little dultiouili, "You are correct again Mr. Benton." Old Bull—" Then Mr. Observer these observe tne, I can endure your abuse, but I will dispense with year bows." Mr. G, bowing and retreating, "Sir you shall be troubled with nentore of the loner." But what la certainly 'uprising &tier such • colloquy, Mr. Gond has also ceased his personal aulmadvenlons upon the 'crusty old Deoator.— Noveve•, lam forgetting the main point. Mr. Benton has nosed this gentleman so rudely af. fronted, to be summoned before the committee charged with the investigation of the affair with Foote, and the witness is not forthcoming. Ben ton his put his foot down, and will not allow an add:amid Mop to be taken, until this enemy ofhis, and &ingot Foote shall appear. The Sargent at annalsztor on a mission to Philadelphia In pow. snit. Upoa his part Foote has summoned Dr. Bailey, the Free Soil editor of the National Era, thanwhom no man has been more severe upon him. TM - Senate are engaged in an extraordinary at. temptto pass an erpockfects law to bring up on appeal the cue of the woman Mrs. Conner, who mule to much noise some yearn ago, by claiming teatime been the wife,by a seoret marrsge, of the late Gen. John P. Van Ness; and snarled to dom ain his estate. A more arrent impescure war never attempted, and so the Circuit Court of the District decided. There Is by law no appeal from this tribunal moths Supreme Court, and the object of the present bill tato go back three or four year, and unsettle this adjudicated case and all the eights that have been vowed under It. It will not succeed. Amon the arrivals here, last night, was the oottolLord Derham, late Governor General' of Canada. Sumo. Tee Utica Partlo2o or vas Atacama— W. J. Wise, the Emmen, bay recently publiobed a work entitled "History and Practice of Ere. eautier," front which the Philadelphia Inquirer derives the fallowing interesting Cobs: In one place he makes us acquainted with the MB goers Ar do Amoral, thoo: A bee was let off, (M• 8.000 feet) which dew away ' waking • humming noise. At the altitude of 11,000 tem. a great linnet was liberated, which dew away di. ovetly, bet soon, feeling Itself abandoned in the nit& of en notnown ocean, it ratererd ood se. dad OR du stags of tAo bal loon: then, mustering hub etwrage, It took a sewed tight and daabed downwards to the earth, describing a tortuoue yet Perpendicular tract. A pigeon let offender airel• Inc oircemstances afforded a more torte., spec tacle, 144=11'0a the edge of the ear, It owned spegstrear, so ft were, the breadth of that eadsplentod sea which It deigned to traverse; now, latinchlng Into the abyss, it fluttered inegs. luly, and wad atitrat to fry irs amp on the thin clement, till aver a few woken -It pined More confidence, and whirling, in large circles of Meralt,like the bird' of prey, it • precipitated MO thei mug °rev:tended clouds, where it was lost from sight." ' to one of his ascents, he held a ,dirtied center. attion in the eland with Mr. Paulin, who ascend. ed inth another halloos about the same item • FROM HAILUISBUILO. Cortevoitienee of sho Plttabwilk Gana.. 11.muusimaaa, May I, Ifiso in thit House, this morning, Mr. Meek moved a reconsideration of the vote, yesterday, by which the bill to extend the charter of the Lebanon Bank 'was deksied; and it is now undentood that the bill will pass by a strict party vole. The.fidlowlng bank bills. were then taken up, and pined deal reading, to wit t The bill to extend the charter of the Hanisbrug Bank-the Exchange Flank of Pittsburgh—the Miners' Bulk of Pottsville, and the Wyoming Bank. ' In the Senate, the Brit thing In order was the second rending and consideration of the Armor. tionment Bill, postponed a few days ago, which was taken op and passed to third and Beal read ing. Mr. Best, having been relieved tram the do. was and restraint under which he has labored heretofore, In regard to this bill, by the peruse of his bill for the erection of We new county cf "Montour," has manifested & disposition, to day, to make a pretty fair bIIL The mo3t objectionable 7 1 .. features In the former bills have been suick & out by his casting vote ; and the bill whirl pt d the Senate to Anal reading, to day, thouglenot wears log to the Whigs, a clear majority, as It, knight have been framed to do, is, nevertbelers,tai fair as the most ardent Whig could have hopellie ob tain all the lends of the present Legislaturip. The prowl:option Is, however, that even this can use er paw the Howie. Some of the leading Low' FMCS in that body have already wowitA Welt de termination to go home without passing .an Appor tionment Bill at all, sooner than adopt,die one thus presented to them by the Bonita'. -. no. following lo an analogs of the bill: ... . . oft Philadelphia county Montgomery Chester and De1aware...... ... Barks Backs Lancaster and Lebanon...l ... • .....• Northumberland andDangiln Northampton and Lehigh. Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne Adams and Franklin . •. York Camberland and Perry Centre, Lynamlag, Sullivan, and Clinton 1 Blalr,Cambria. and Hunungdon Lusarne and ............ ......• .1 Bradford, Susquehanna ' and Wyoming... ...... 1 Tioga, Potter, MeKenu.Elk, Wairen, and Jailer son 1 Mercer, Venaego, and C1ari0n........ ........ 1 Esc and Crisarlbrd.....J Butler. Beaver, and Lawrencel Alhbeby 2 Washington sad Greene Bedford, Fayette, and Somerset.... .......... Armstrong, Indiana, and Clearfield Juniata, Mifflin, and Union Westmoreland Schuylkill Lye:toning, Clinton, and Adamr Allegheny ....... Armes ong ...........I Bedford I 4 Berke Backs.. ..... ........3 EPair and Hanungdim.2 Bradford 2 Beaver, Bader, and Paler ..... ........2 Lancaster 4 Loserne• 2 Lehigh and Carben....2 Monroe and Wayne.... ...... 5....1 Mercer, Venango, and Warren...! 3 Crawford. 2 hionigomery" 3 Northman/hob • 2 hlorthumbeiland 1 Philadelphia cup 4 Philadelphia county—ll ....... A dasaylkill 2 Sosonehann• ' Wyner. Ina, and Sallivan....2 Tinge ......... ...... 1 Union and inniam....2 ................3Yort Wuini'd and Cambria-3 Lierreace.... ...... 4 Chester 3 Cumberland... ..... I Perry Centre , .' C'esriPld, Elk, .2. Mr. Kean 1 Clanou and Jefferaon..9 Dauphin. Lebanon I ...... I Ede.. 2 Washinglon r 9 Fayaue and Greene.... 3 Franklin. Indiana ROLLIN:I Mu.c ui srxmoviti.x.—The Hsadd of May 2, say. • The lOXIOODt Or stock subtathed toward• the erection of a Rolling Mill, in this city: on yestst* day evening, ■monoted to 520000. The Pam. burgh "Peddlers and Bailers," have rated among tbanselves„ about the same amount. malts the min total of anbroriptions, about 550.000. The Paddlers and Boller. are sanguine of raising an additional 'ROW—and the citizens of Staab...- vile an alike amount.. The sum stared, neer. pat the works in opera:loth., =AIL So 'that prospect. for a Rvthng Mill are not at all dis eduraging—on thecontray, exceedingly data's; 'RTSCIDOLOCIA' 151E174%) OF MS BILTIYOLZASD 0370 Rue. ROAD COXYLAT.—At the stockholders meeting of the Baltimore and Ohin Rail Road Company, held yesterday, fudge Kemp was call ed to the Chair. and J. J. Atkinson appointed Sec. navy. The Patriot says, that a very fall SACO. meet was made by the President of the Company in regard lothe act of March 21, IMO, posed by the Legislature of Virgil:lle, nod relating to the dif ference between the city of Wheeling 'and the Company, u to the route by which the road of the latter was to enter the valley of the Ohio. He ex plained the legislation sought by Wheeling, and that which was finally adopted—and he concha ded, as the mutt of the autement which be made In expressing the opinion, that the act was every thing that the rompany ought lodes/iv and in every respect, proper to be accepted When, on motion of Mr. Sainael Hoffman, se conded by He. Mendes I. Cohen, on the part of the city,the lolkisrbig resointlou were unanimous ly adopted, vir.— Res:dyed, That the act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, on the 21st Much, /650, entitled an act concerning the city of Wheeling and the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, be, and the same is hereby Recap. led by the stockholders of this company. Resolved, That should the act of Assembly aforesaid fail from any cause to go into operation, the hewing resolution is not Intended by this meeting as a waiver or abandonment of the right heretofore maintained by them, to have . the route which shall he the cheapest to coestract, maintain and work, according to the true totem and mean ing of the set of March &h, 1847, so ascertained in good faith by their own engineer. Resolved, That the President of this company be Instructed to cause official notice to be given to the Governor of Virginia, sod the corporation of the city of Wheeling, an reqdred by said set, and to do whatever else may be necessary to fur ther the Intention of the stockholders in their ac• ceptauee of the said act. The act thus accepted-by the stockholders di rects tie selection of three competent engineer., non-residents of either Virginia or Maryland, who shall examine the two roads about which the'di.a. greement edam; end shall decide which is an cheaper, and that their decision shall be:final and binding upon the parties.—Bek. See. P.taat OOaa Bapaft. The second put of the report of the Commie. amen of Patents hu bees commonlceled to Congress with the tolketring lettene Pettier Ornco, Weeenterrox, April, 1850. To the Roo. Howls, Coar. Spoder of Ids Rowe of Roprionstatioa. Sec Past IL of the report of this 13emtreau for 1849 is berewuh respectfully submitted. - It Is devoted exclusively to tbe great and grow. tag interests of agriculture, end is accompanied with Maher researches, by Professor Bea, oa the bread stuff. of the United Blame. Beside. gen. oral remarks on the adaptation of eel to the eel. tore of the cerr Ms, value of American breasiwoM, nutrition. properties of various kinds of Glard. 44 0 Brof B. gives the regatta of analysis of wheat, and wheaten flour, from New Yo.k. New Jersey, Penneylvania. Maryland, Virginia, Of to, fdichi.' gal, Ilaums, Mismuri and Whirl:Main; of Wheat and Uow shipped for exportation from various po of the Orion; and or- the Caine subetance, rb growth of Canada, Chili, Prance and Spain. With the view of adding to the aeneral latemt all the popular value of this portion of the annu al expose, the Secretary of the Interior directed (bat the task of collating and arranging the mate rials for itabould be committed to a practical and actentide agriculturist. Tb,s lies accordingly been done, and to the following pages will be found the remit. I have the honor to he, most respectfully, your obedient servant (Signed) THUS. EW BAN& Coma:dui° ner. ' We annex ■ table of contents: Pam IL—Aosionzatax. commas 1. Agricultural Statistics. X. General view of Amerlean Avienliam . - • • - 3. Agricultural Meteorology. 4. Report of Professor Lewis C. Beck on the Breadstuff. of the United Ststes. 5. Reports and Letters relating lo Crops, dce. 6. Miscellaneous Comusualcatioas. 1. Analineal Tables. 8. Statistical Tables, Netnarartun.—Fran • list d newspapers pub. flatted by A. M. Pettiogill, Bolton, we leant that them are printed in Maine, 53 New Hampshire, tis Vermont, W Alassachmetts.l77 Male Inland, 21 . Connecticut, - 45 • 1 + P 041 h. Tote inknew England, 371 In New York State, den • According to this statement there are b 9 more newspapers published in the single Stale of New York than in all New Naglind. Pittastaatr a; PLASILICS Boaro.—The touriag, which we cut from a New Orleans Toper, contahis (information of cousidatuble interest to many bviiirteas tree "From the Vicksburgh Sentinel, of the 16 th inst. , we learn that M. Wet., agent of the foreign bond holders. on the 11th, filed a petition in the Circuit Court of Warren county, paying the instance of n mandamus to compel the Treasurer of the State to pay him the amount of the "Sinking Fund," now m the Treasury, which fund was especially created to meet the contingency of failure of payment, which has happened since the contraction of the, debt. The amount of the Sinking Fund in the Treasury is about SIOO,OOO. THE NEW V 61.11011 OF SHE Scaleicam—A public meeting of the life Directors, Members, and Friends of the American end Foreign Bible Society was held in &Imo on Thursday. An unmistake able opposinon was manifested in the proposition for a change. JACKASSES SOT CAMELS—It was announced in New Orleans, on the 20th ultimo, that a ship had arrived there from Malta, with eighteen camels, designed for the new line of travel acmes the oral. ties to California. A crowd gathered to Witness the debarkation of the animals, and great was the disappointmast and quizzing when it wudiscov ered that, instead of camels there was nothing but a company of goats and Maltese jaelonises. A case of malignant spotted fever is reposed at Danbury. Connecticut. I‘.4tittan Maths was taken 'slek on Monday afternoon ats o'clock., and died ea' Tuesday at 3 P M. Black spots, from the size of a small shot to that of a half dollsr, , were profusely sprinkled on his face and extremities. The tongue and gams were alio block. Jan:tr.—The following anecdote of this role lusted reviewer will be k,eenly relished by all who ' ate favored often with the luxury of proof read log bis printer, was prodigiously prodigal of commas, and in remarking et proof sheet, would frequently fill the margin with his favorite atop.— On one &sigh" he wrote opposite a passage— " Mr. Jeffry; is there not some obscurity here?" To this modest hint, Jeffry civilly replied— ' Mr. Jeffry 'perceives no obscurity here, except such as arises from the damned quantity of coot mu, which Mr. Wilson Deems to keep in a box by ids aide, to pepper the proof with instead of sand!" • TIZZ ' WILIZAT CROP.—Witbm the last Ori days, um have passed through the Northern counties of Indiana and Southern Michigan sod never, within on recollection, have wo heard so general an egression of conadenee to it good crop, as this SCUM piomlyns. Thu valley MS!. Jo will poor out an avalanche or obey!, should the remainder of the , 16111011 prove few:Table. —Detroit Throne, 1181 A Basso! Jaen lans!—Jency Lind was offered tome thirty thousand peundeto sing at the Impe rial Concerti, at the Colin of Russia. lenuy'a significant negative to the offer was, lisangary.. Greet is the trinmph of genior, when the nightin gale is too much forthe eagle. We never read these paragraphs about Jenny Lind without a fresh admiration for the great qualities of Barnum. Re is uorivalled and wisp. proachable. The whole press L. coping there stories of the wonderful generosity, sa d the maul fold excelleneeof the prodigy which he is soon to introduce to the American public, and in all the accounts we can see the anger of Barnum. We byre sometimes had a faint saapicios, a gentle dual, if it might not be In the fettle brain of the great !manufacturer of weeders, to bring over some other woman, and pass her of for the 13wedish Nightinaale. It would be a capital jokee—Provi. dente Journal. Moons or La Texerx.—Twenty two brethren of this order arrived at Dubuque, lowa, on the I Ith hut., from Ireland. Their destination is New Mil. leray, an establishment of the order situated about eight miles west of Dubuque. They own there a. bout sixteen hundred acres of land, which they in tend to cultivate. On their farm, and intheir shops, they intend to produce all the necessaries of Into, and by • course of prayer, retirement, and solitude to merit happiness hereafter. GOLDEN 0PE1L•11035.-A Company, with a espi• tal of 5E0,000, has been funned in this city. foe the porpose of mining in the gold bearing rocks of Cal ifornia, and a number of machines for crushing the quartz have already been shipped around thetforn. We understand that a house in Philadelphia, which possmom the exclusive patent for improved stamp ing machines, is unable to supply the orders that are sent to from all quarters. The businessof gold. mining is now commencing in earnest, and even though the veins of the Nevada should be but the twentieth pan as rich as theyate repreanted, the result of • scientific working of them will be Im mensely prufdable.—N. P. Tribune. Salado in Ballimore —Mr. Wm. Want in Bal. timore, on Monday went to the bedroom of his sick wife, bored a gimlet into the cupbosrd door, end hong himself in her presence. His wife was onab:e to get up or do any thing, bet her scream, drew a daughter ' shout abo 12 years of age, who ran out screaming. Two ladies cause in, but could do nothing, and before any men mime, life was ex. tines. Hon. J. C. Cuanza. SenatorCrons barns, writes to • friend Vermont. under • ate of April 15th, as la my purpose to viol New England t hie Spying or rummer. I wish to phew your New England girlatball am oeither n dear or • nier,asjuagin Irem the lathy. they snmetimes write me. 1 fanny they think I not. I wish aim to take by the band as many of the officers and soldiers of" the Ninth." as I eat meet. I promise =pelf peat ptearttre film the trip." Pacourourres or tan Tow—ln their man. non and customs. they appear the very antipodes of the c.othsed Nonh. and all their habits antithe tleal to Eoropean. They nit on the ground crow legged; we alt upright, upon a chair. They eat with their angers; we with an/ forks. Their wo rsen Wear trowaers; their men wear petticoats. We take off oar hats, on entering ■ room; they take off their *hoes. Our gentlemen visit the ladies, their women the men. Our fair ones ride wdeways ; their beauties ride watraddle. They glory m plurality; we think one enough. Their fair once paint the eyelids and deem ;, ours only their cheek,. We think them barbarian's and fs. attics, and wonder at their taste [ they retaliate by calling es doss, and are equally astaniebed at oar want of good breeding. There are scarcely two points In which they both agree; end it clay be said, with truth. that what the Anglo Sagan is the Turk is not.—Ram Mr. Funuts, The Pon Cowing—Cyrus t•tentms. Esq., the very edlcient Director of tha Cleveland and Pimp. burgh Hail Roarlourived from New York to day, end informs us that edvices wore received by the' last steamer that 2000 tons or the iron Ger the road had been sent (inward. The race will reach' Cleveland by the Quebec route, and the work is to be pushed forward, with as little delay so .posal. bk.—Cl:rased (Ohio) lined, 22d inn. Tim Reconstruction of Society. • r•vaOTIO now. Am—TM lingotrgtty ef Gallegos I. When wham, onoe u poor as I, Are growing rich because they try, While my capacity and will Give me r lute fa Wiling still; When all around me are at work, While I prefer to net the Turk, Or spend in drinking oral play The greater put of every day: Aod, as the upshot of it, feel That !moat anther stove or steak The Cooly remedy I see For noel thanes Lathe re construction of society, Construction of society. When others know what I know toot, Or bear In mind what I forgot An age ago, and dare to speak In praise of Latin and of Greek, A. Ifs tongueunknown to me, Of any earthly one could be; When book worms ore allowed to rule In University and Behold, Whde I, because I am a (col, Or happen by the merest chance, To have learned nothing save to dance, Am set uide, or thrust away, Or not allowed to have my say. The only remedy I see For each abuses, Is the re oonstrucnon of society, Constructions of society. When Judges frown and parsons scold, Benue a gentleman makes bold To laugh at supemtitions news, And violate oppressive laws. When pinching want will not atone For taking what is not poor own; When public sentiment proscribes The taking cdjudiclal bribes, Aod with indignant scorn regards The gentleman who chests at elide; When men of wit no longer dare To tell a Ito, or even swear; The only remedy/ nee For such abuses, is the re construction of society, Construction of society. Iv. When, after turning round and mood, I==='•=l As preacher; peel, ihmonelan, Philanthropist and politician, Ascetic, saint and devotee, Neokigistand phiulsee, I seek in vain to gain respect. - By Emuding a new (angled sect, And find the world pi:legations grown, That I meet be the sect atone; The only remedy I see For such abuses, is the re construction of Imlay, Construction of aociely. V. n t W f he men, n,o ; c h i ; c s h a l d ea v ab ov e rn t e h e t h u st s f e orlorn, n I gad au enemy within Who dares to talk to me grain. And whispers, eves in my decants, Tam my discrmusized schemes Can never conjure black to white, Or closely prove that wrong Is rght, A uttlinince that can never rest. • Till conscience kunst° hold its peace,' • And men no longer con be awed By apprehensions of a God— At! te n se are griefs for which I it. No solace oven in the to comernotion of society, Construction of society. John N. Doman, Coeval it. Canton,' Jays that elel/.11 acacia, with caqoa, valued at over tali' a million or dollars, had left that single pat far Culiforaawithinthrta months. The New Orleans ,Delia thinks that the ladies might to present Mn. N. P. Willis with no embroi dered petticoat. Mr. Seaton, the present Mayor of Washington, has expressed his intention to retire from the Dillee at the end of the present term. -The News says a written address signed by several hundred citizens will he presented to Mr. S. in a few days, request tog him to relinquish that determination. A lawyer-on his death bed, willed all bin prom,' ty to the Lunstio Asylum, saying es a lesson for no doing, that ho wished his property to return to the liberal claw of people who patron• iced him. aSetenty fire cents per Gal,. exclaimed Mrs. potingdon on looking over the prier current.— . Way, bless me, what is the world coming to ',hen the glob are valued at only neventy five cow. True as GoTel.—The Salem Gazette very true ly remarks than there is no Noel thing as dolor any ming graturiammiy in a printing otliee.! : Some body roust pay for every thing thati door . Not a line eon be set that does not cost oney for filleting either the publisher must goy the whole, or the advertiser his share. Thin I literally true, and yet there are a "few mare left" who think that puritan ought not to charge ior their work. 21fardsr at Cm:mbar:and, Afit—The Civilian gates that Joseph Mamma oils shot on Wednesday night !ski, by Augustus Beertnan nod Joseph Stick, both of them fired epee him et the same time, tram the house of Mr. &Axel, which he was ea ' damming to enter, with no criminal design, how ever, it Is said. The Coroner's joy declared it wilful Murder, and B. and S. were arrested and committed. Ham topull a-Persioes . Noss. —Make him o pre sent of half s dew silk pocket handkerchleGt. APrixties Tearo—"The House thet Jock Faust built; may it never be inrosted by slur Got.'Taglns Family.—The Newport New, sayr oA suit of rooms has been engaged at the Belle, vile House for the family of Picaident Tay ler do. ries the summer." A Good Ha.—We notice the following"palpable hit" in a Michigan eactionge. Remarltiog upon thedetenainatiou of the Legislature at that State to transmit a block of virgin copper for the %Fogl ia:too' Monumeet, it soya, "We ondentrod that the Abolition Delegation In the House and Senate proposed'' , replace the motto by the following— perfor num. Free Schools in Miirstsfyyri.—The Legislature of Mississippi hu appropriated 11300,000,fer which the people ace to be taxed,to be distributed smart! the several counties in propsnion to the number of children, to establish a system of free wheals. Steps are also being mien to procure no accurate return of the number of children betu cep the ages of six and twenty years. Qumran AND ./uratexa. —A lady correspondent asks the (allowing queatiorn—.Can it be passable, u my physician says, that a dry hectic cough which I have arises from too large a quantity of hair, which be advises me to have cot' To which Major Noah replica:—"lt may be so. A superibundacce of hair may impede a required vent! sties of the hair; and the perspiration of se. rims humors, for want of curb dlreharge, may fall upon the longs and create the cough.- Cot your hair. Seep it thin and open." The editor of the Albany State Register, in a notice 01 a new book, come, arra= the term 'tram widow," whine ho says he doe. not under stand! Perhaps he does not know whet • " Csil foroiawldow" means. Tee Tim or do believe That at our feet the tide of time Soma on In 111014 and rapid count; Doris one current Or 'Meting eddy likes to the test Than is one age onto its predecessor; Men still are men, the stream is still a stream, Theo' every change archangel:it tide and time; Aod his, I fess only our partial eye That lend, a brighter sunbeam to the wave On which we launched our own adveeerons bark Fez= Klan= LOGAN, WILSON & Co., 199 WCODST., ABOVE FIFTH, neve Jon received large additions to their RPRIAG BM' OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY,Le Imported by late packeu from Europe.and to which they would raprelnlly call th e attention of purchasers, belreving iteirvorry exten sive cocks and low prices will give entire satisfaction. may. dltorliT Scald at th• Foot and Ankle Cared Ma. 11.—I am deatreas of making kpowvi to the public the great elficacy of your PKYRoIiEUNI in my own case, which tem a severe meld of-the loot and ankle; upon removing the stacking, they akin peeled off swab it, and left nothing but the bare surface. I expected to be laid up all winter from tee circle of this scald, bit we applied the petroleum freely, by wane ea Mnce' dolls salaralad arias it; ex first, the eppitranlon . WmrlptlMM: but tii sr Vaff short time the pole abated. I had no pain to on• hour afterwards. In five days from the time of the application of the Pettokees, I was able to go to week. I tale plc-vete in Cling these facts tor the benefit of other mfferers, and am desirous that they .herald be made public. I tamed also stale, that I find intesediate tehef by the see of t h e Patrolcies, is burns, from which I ant a frequent suffer.{ owning to my bailee.. about the engine. I would recommend tt as elf 111031 prompt and culate remedy for bums I have ever known. (Signed 1 J B COE, Engineer, EhuDabtugh, Allegheny Co. Pniaburgb, Dor eel° by Keyser & AleDevrell, 140 Wood green E Sellers, 57 Wood et; D BY Corm Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, S. hi KIER, eps7 Cane Darla, Seventh et, Pittsburgh [City papers advertising Ebtroleum, phrese copy ] [Er AMIZZa Co Wren to the .collooco of lit'Lanes Vormifora: Musa Remit Co—Gentlemen—lt Ls with pleasure I hand this, my certificate, (testifying to the general popularity of Dr. M'Line's Amalie. Worm Specific, to year travelling agent, Mr. Monroe. Some time ago I received from him a small lot to sell on commissloo . I nod a few tootles in my own family, to the goad effects of which I ran folly testify. The balance sold to my costemers, and Mend, or, Inquiry, that it . (ado very genend eatisfaction. GEORGE MAXWELL Augusta, Canal “., 0., July 17,1616. 'Far sale by J. KIDD& 00,No CO Wood Ulm mi-d.twS Ohio and Poulos,timid& Rail Kant. Orr= Oitia & PannL B. R. Co., Third 01../ Pavlovian, April ii, ten. TtFIE Stockholdersof the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Rood Company are heresy mined to pay the h lostalmint of kin Dollars per abate, at lAD ano of the Company, u heretofore, on or beton, tue 20th day of May nor; and the remaining instalments of Flee Dollars per sham each, on or before the Nib day for each soetteedinto month, van tan whole are paid. • (Jr order of the Bond of Directors. my3-did W. LARIMEA, Jr., Treacrer. :SCIOOI7IIAGE HOSSIG 12VRTITUTION1 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. C. G. 1117SSEY, •. W. ILLABEB,Bsc'T -G RA 4 Water street, in the we:tilos, of C. NT. wins COMPANY it now prepared to lulus all 11 kinds of ruts, on houses, mannfactones, goods spembandise in store, and in transita vessels, he. An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity oi the Institution, Is afforded in the character of the Di rectors, who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, welt and favorably known tattle, comtatutity (pr their prudence, Intelligence, and integrity. Diastvels—C. G. Massey, Wm. Dagaley, Wm. Lim Ir., Walter Bryant,. Dash D. Xing, Edward li a lselton Z. /Gamy, 8. Ilirbaugh, 8. M. Ifler.. inaptoveiwootts la Dentioury. ;DD. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Boston, lrprentrcd to outosfacjitreAtad set niece nom ln whole and puts orceri, npon Suction or Atmospheric Renton Plant FOOTOannt cane to nes vercoves, where the nerve ts Spotted. Ofens and reculence next door to ills May. or's oMce, Fourth street, Plttetruh. Baran n.1 -J. B. BlWadden. P. H. Mitten. lal r DB.. D. RUNT, Dentin. Corner of7ourth and Decatur, between Mutat an tl.dle lo TO ISM AMU Mesas= AND Watt VOllllB Or Alla. AUNT Comm.—Robert Kies, of the Seventh Ward of ahuhargh, Is hereby recommended to the Cmvan lion, called to meet on the Riot lone next, as a can didate for the °Mee of County Commissioner. splo.lkorttenT MANY VOTERS TUX Antextxxv.-11:xxit Huhu, Ehq., of MIIIIIn lownehlp, will bo supponed for nomination, u a coo. Maw for the Aseembly, before the Anti Masonic and Whig Convention,by MANY vcrreas mayl•darrter bortowed a 4 T i t i !rata n o G:TtfeCTlfie t k l e t:tt: quested to return the SLIM tope -- Wreak Arrival of pry Goods. WE re wco recei ri ving largo addittiona wore stock of Spring • Summer Dry Good., and are pre pared to offer an excellent assortment at mu astral lot prices for verb, or approved credit. The attention of Western dealers Is partienlarly re. qsted r ta F Call ~t r ylo r u d st r 4 u snail: d . s c: ar a Ar c clc e n . : K t 7 . W o o dm"a d i :a: l a: I, hilt. WHITE, If ikay6 nitINTS-A large assortment of Vaud) , and Piton r Colored Prints, of desirable atyles and beat mann• future, opened and for sale by in 76 tiIIACKLETT & WLIITE A RASOI/I—Canon, Gingham; and Silk, plain n Pd 6/ared, opened by SHAC6LETT WHITE OtIhINER WEAR—A 101 l nasorrotent of Man'. Cot -0 tan, Linen. and Worttcd Stu& for nom& or clothing on band, and (Jr solo by SHACKLETr & WiIITE DISSOLUTION OP Pk/ITN/nit SHIP. rftlikt Partnership heretofore relating between James j. Ilarshall, Wm. W. Wallace, and Henry liPtreary, the cut iron buelness, under the name or Itterehed,. Wallace t Co, lea, dissolved by mutual content, on' the Ist lost, James Marshall end Item Mtge.,' having premed the entire Interest of Wm. W. Wel; lane In said Arm. The ml2lllllOlllllll tenurial:l be continued in all its' VIIIOUV branches by the sabecribere. ander the name and style of Ithall k Meiboary, who will settle the business of the late Arm, end to whom nil persona In. debted ere teguested to mete payment. Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty Weds. ' JAMEP MAI/PALL. payROBY ktoarrait • NEW, IVIUBI STORE. Signe f the Galax nary, 101 Third mi., drat door to WoolsorelP.s. I THE subecneer would respeetbilly inform the Mil lens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and vieirdty, that he has opened his new and elegant establishmezt far the mle of Purr,, 1.111.00104 y, MUM, AILIIICAL In. rrarnmein i and every other article In his line. PIANO 3.-...u01, agency for Nunns ik Clarke . . tele. brined . green and square Pianos ' with and without e Co emnfe Yalta, Attachment. These Pianos have MG ly receive,. several important mu movements, ten dminc, Meru exceedingly Wilmot of tone, and extra ordinarily dentate and lasting. Arno, T Gilbert & Cc's (Boston) celebrated Piano.. j Tame insireinteets hove a arida reread e potation, and tee corsldeted among the very beet annfaCtured in Boston. where Mey am decided raven a IL Dunham, N. Y., of the firm of leder , & Dun. ham, hes appointed the eabscrlber mil agent far lb. nab, of his Pianos in Pittsburgh. 'Dm finn of Stodart & Dunham le one ef the o dent and hest in this country, and their manulaetum for fames and brilliancy of tone and beastly of wortniansbni are second to none. The celebrated Concert Pianos of Sassannalfi.of Bremen and Hamburg, will Merely. be Dept for sale by the subscriber. 11 veill suffice wean that they are i made one of by all the great Piano players at their Conner on •be Continent The bscriner be/ablate to direct attention to the lament t fact of his having special agents bath in Elroy . and this country, who earefely select and extant e every Piano Mello him which enable. him In give a smitten guarantee with every Piano sold by him, p dump himself to seland the money in tan the Pion. e proven faulty or deficient A IP I supply of the newest and mon populsr Matte will e .tatitly be kept for sale—farnimed by the best FOAM lug houses of Damon, Philadelphsa, and EMiti , more: geney for Messrs Pcbarfenberg a Luis, New York, he most ellelrthe importers of foreign tannic in this enemy Bole Agency for Cathardt's Patent Melodeon slit Metal on Kenos, as manufactured and perfected by Mare & White, Cincinnati, with nines and deribte Menu reeds—Me best reed inalmments yet invented. Also, niters, Flutes. Channels , Vienna Bohlen, Eat Horns Tubas, and every description and variety of beam moments from the beet meters. Strings for Violin , (Miura and Harps. ID - natructum books for ever/ msimmenx Pelee • hoes mettle made, mule book. bound, Piano , toned aid aired; Violate, Aceorneotch Onilm.. k.. 1 . - paired on the at lell3ooo/113 te rm.. rnyil HENRY KEEPER. Public of Vanish,* Lots. WILL.,* told on Wednesday, Ilay 51111, by public vendee, tf not diapond of tiefore at private sale, Six Building Lots on Second • sweet, between 'Ferry and Redoubt alley, seek as feet font by 75 feet deep to a ten foot abey. Tee are desiiiibla for private dwelling., and will be sold on timr. Apply to • JOUN CALDWLLL &SON, nu ADA tor. Second it sod Iledaabt alloy. CIANAL SHOVELS-30 dozen Ames' Canal Shovels kr jam received, tor sale by LOGAN, WILSON S CO, male 09 Wood it. FLOUR -2I brig e. F. Floor, ado Rye Flour, for sale by ROBERT DALZELL & CO etrs Liberty street ALERATUS-755 brit pa. dolman; 5 bag do do; ren•g for 0010 ruy6 ROBERT DALZELL t CO CIATB—.IO bagaianding, and far sale by mg/ ROBERT DALS.F.LL tr. CO B ROOMS -BO tone Jantattreo ß r j f i le N etge , by env; C.oU Basin, Seventh 1. EATIIERI3-411 mcks prime Feathers (or sole by F co)6• - WICK k NoCANDLESB DOTASII-7 casks pare Potash, bit reed by myd WICK & CANDLES!! TNRY PEACHES-4d sacks just re d, for sale by una Wier& UANDLE&I BAREGA DRWNES—A ban reel at No ttttt street, north t corner of t h e Diamond. lasyt9 ALEXANDER & DAY PLAIN & PLAID BAREGES—jut opened, it lot Plain and Stun Plaid DMlZ„figte.°llM layO BROWN ORGANDY LAWNS—Mob styles Drown Orynndy Lawny just roceired by ALEXANDER a DAY riOTTON YARN-40L0 lb. manned Eagle Sates, fa sate by C 1 3 1 a GRANT nim6 01 Water .t TA. NEW) , 014-0 MN Mr rale b ' 1 41 H GRANT r,to T BALLS—Jun recemed, a apiendid ankle of .1 - 2 F•at II ill. of 4,7, and V Met, diameter, for sae at me G.. 4year Rubber Dann., 7 R 9 Wood at. _l l 2 • . JA H P 1114419.4 IN(' A RUBIIER aerrLEsi., , reed, for ,ale try mru J &H PHILLIPS .R.TcroTV.ubber Go ß oll7, ' el a si th s t i t:: r o l e the inr—Lather , Hann Caffa • fumy art..; Ladles' Harr Tier; Finger Gate; Tobacco Walk., Pone and anal; Lae PreTetTers; lathed. Hags; Water Tanig Damon.' Pau.; Gentlemen& Glover Ladles , Wm. Glos.; Mow, Henri 'lsed a variety of otbmianlele• for sale at We Rubber Depot, 7 & 9 Wood street. 976.. k li PHILLIPS MANNERS' 011.-23.1, rim reef per mpMl :U Wstor 4 '0 hi Oesta G. P. & Y. MT.; reeri•ang p. canal, and for sole DALZELL TAR -5) Cris Wilmielilmnr rcell per cocci, and for sale lon, to close commismeat, by soya JAMES DALZ ELL riNr6ACCO-1.4 I. 0 :tram Tohsteco, Ucdges Lrod, rec., pet b.C•lnt/ Clcolnntai, for solo by J DALZELL B ACON -6 esults Om.; 5 do Sums; oo Shot=Wool; I dd. oi led, nog.(aedlogftota ate boot Cohalubtoo, for *ale by = - ISAIAII DICKEY;. CO =VI 112 Water at. Luau -13 tqls-161dityg, and for enleiTy ret, 0 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO VEATOEIta—f& lead. jolt reed, for ..le by snye 19AIAH DICKEY & CO 17LOUR—.10 bri• exun family &sr, this dry reald, r m and for sale by ARMSTRONG t CROZER • TONE FLOUIL—A. few brie reed for sale by m 7 6 ARMSTRONG tr.. CROZER POTATOES-Z 1 "‘kl yiIOZE onzattcAL STOVE POLISH • 9 1 11 E butax ITAnufeeturing Company now - era to I the übde their Premium Chemical Steve Poliste and stri out ea ggerithine, or fear of contradlation,by those w o have tested it, pronounce It far superior u say oth 111 the muter The VIIISPIIItrUCCd h., in LO sppreh signs of ailing carpets, tee., as its cre. pontiee entra a dust from arming when being ap plied, Which mote be done when the Store Is coal, The quantity required m no bale to produce a beau. tifel Intro.. Analog of are; fifty per cent is insured to the C 1365112130114 A costingapplied to . Stons,Plpea he., when laid away (or the ameter, ua are pm. amnesia ;maw rest. After laving tried it once, (if it in acemisible/ no person will ma any but the heroin Madam:Mg Company's Premiere Claced. oat Stove Polish. For sale by S N WICEERSIIAN, Irma . Corner of Simla and Wood street.. nortais & lIAMFORTH, 110 F Gatlin% DISTILLS/Wand Tea and Wine Machaida, East Woo( the Diamond, Pinsbumh, are now ofiering at Ma very lowan prices for cub, I/tented Whitkey. Gin and Dammam Brandy; aim. French Brandy, Dollard Gin, Jamaica Bonin, Lan don Gin, Irish Whiskey, Hum, ao. Pet; Kam, Mg dein, Champagne, Claret, Magenta, Malaga, Tenn. mita and Lisbon Wmea. Wholesales RemiL any 3 200.000 PEETcoiamon, and 5a,003 Net clear width puse; poplar seminar, and plank. c hatty and tab. AU been pikd ayear, Nr sale by 111110110/111., layl.dlars• Ninth Ward. • OVGAR-130 Ads N Sow mt . for Inde_by C H GRANT IOO2E BLACK TEA-5 Id chub; fleachoag; 6 W.* er tile by my 4 do O C deAnrr juscori-1 auks shoulders hut &d fur sate by kart JAMES A HUTCHISON &CO r_l OLDEN SYRUP—In barrels, halt barrels, audio l_T gallon kegs, reed per steamer Madero, and fire sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON 6 CO, raya Aje2U Sa. Louts MM. Sugar Refinery. TAN NEAWI)II.-20 W J U tor tale by lICHOONMAKER & Co try 4 24 Wood a. V INsF.ED OIL-30 tal. (or ale . irg74 J 8C1100:0JAKER t CO TURPENTINE -10 Nis sp. turpentine for sale by J Rod L co my 4 ISP Wood IL TOPERS OF GOOD 'TEA are bawled to. mate trial of the Tea for wale at the Toe hhahrt, east side - ante Diamond, Pittsburgh. We ate *maxi. an to hare the reputation et mettle& Thl oar •Past sa Prrenruasa. MORRIS & HAWORTH, ' tale Pro • Geier* of the Tea Market. rk A VVENNE PEPPER-300 Du Aliteriella Cayeana roPP,iest received, and far baJa by J JUDD & CO IIijAWSSED-10 bris Ana MM for sale by LC raYi J lIIDO &CO pars9n-4 oasts for ula by J KIDD& Cu _my4 SARSAPARILLA-40 dozen — Jooob Townsend's, for sale by m 74 J KLDDte CU FAMILY FLOUR-40 brim Farmer it a • peon brand, in more, and for • Ihr by •014 ARMSTRONG k CitOZER HOHRE COLLARA-4 do s In storoota4 for We, to close oonsignimot. by aty4 ARMSTRONG & OROZER r) SPUTTER—ISO kep Pm. and for . al . by nap ARMSTRONG k. CROZER DEERS' HAIR-1 seek reed. and for sale by guy.' AINdsTLIONG & CROZER B AUS-100 Irs .tore and tor sale by m 74 AIIIISTRONG a CROTER LOUISVILLE LIAIE-100 brl. in store, for Ole un4 ARMSTRONG tr. CROZRR ARD-10 kepi Rut ico'd, and for mile by I roT4 ARMSTRONG a CROZER BACON -MOOD lb. lay i r s tig,gd as fgzv t) l lß my 4 VINEGAR -10 brie pore eider vinegar, for sale by iny4 ARAISTRONti A CRUZER ouerEE-10 sacks Rio reed and for aide by earl ARMS MONO & CROZER MLASSES -10 0 brla Sugar Home for sale by m o ARMSTRONG & CROZER PAUSE AND READ 1 The meet Impel tent DID ooadt—Sara nomad, for the Piles! DB. a P. BROWN'S celebrated External Ameri. eau Remd for the Piles, has already proved itself to be the o n ly. ore care ever presented to yhe public. liner the discovery of thm valuable medicine, Drd the lugs number of exueme case. with which . Brown hos treated, no one ha. tilled to beendrely eared. Undke the many healing balms wad, altar bombs and years of experimenta Using, has too often left the patient where they commenced, or worse: but: alter a few days will decide the ease by effectieg • =,,Vgr e irseas, I shall DOI enter Into a labored ar. ument to prove my medletne. Mtn:duce It upon its merits. by its effect I intend it shall stand or fall. l ows yeu fee that loathsome disc it the NLRB, te (the y ora few dollars, I rest the cu. with yam DR. la P DROWN, d 2 it street, Buffalo, N. Y. fold wholesale and retail by B SELLERS mpd 37 Wood st. NOTICE. VITOMIL% E., my wire Sarah Jane, baring left my Ty bed and board, without cum, rumee is hereby Oren that I pay no debt. of her contracting from Ws data, nod all persona are cautioned against trust- G. Mee WRIGHT. Vit: EO Towassa, May 3. sty4da. 8 ,;',.;'11,`,1 Tlmmay, way td, Mt As payseast a( Bourne bas Seca stopped, it will , thereGtre he et *se aso . to any penes. but ourstlyes. - The finder stilt be kbenslty rewarded by Zen,ag It at oat store, No Y 1 &Latta at, or dropplig la w is tbroash the Pout me3.dat JOBN lIANNEN t CO MURPHY t BURCHIFIELD bar: reecirid, thin al :coming, by chines., Bieck Cloths, Black Sado NeAdtags.PilhLast and Bak Crawale, aim:ahead comer of Fou:th nad !duke suceta. loy3 rPURPENTIN e £,—.5 brie pad ree . S rid for sale in the ir:o% rrc:l l ir d e Met f"' 7,llvizvivri r,,of aly3 BONNET RIBBONS-1500 nieces Bonriel Ribbon. e( Ile latest and =Oa hablooable 'sqlea , and colon an no* openlog by A A MASON &CO my 3 Ala!ket C OLLARS& CUFM-16001RrenehirMiliC° 11—u liloamicr 2eo pain Fresh wram...; saa pairs Moron 0& neeeive4 and mi. opeldnA by mei A A MASON't CO EM UMW DEREB (iDtiDB in I their va ttes4 Wu) 5a ahnngenbin Filni'nd nowtatattnior at A A - MA.BMA CO: Land for Sale la AllegbeareeibuSiC 2 U 60 Vbir t MLl .l' Ate l fi:erLf:< l Z2 ' ,,:::l l, l " . `" Tract. gm xted about one mite west of the Cishal,." jest about ID mites above - Pittsburgh,' Tossin nimble —ere en; third of S i n n 7f; irtirgd one and' two yearly plements.withciat Interest- Ferthe irispeetirn o ld ie draft. enquire of the am et, at NO SI Fourth between Wood .nd Market ate, Yitisherstt s where ho will be Reed omit Monday, the 6th lust. , 1 • mity3-d3te T AR & brio N. C. Ty; do Wilmington rilob; , • Par noln by anBY, MAITHE.WI&& 130 my 3 MrC=M CI do Timbers' Oil. !orate by _Aty3 MATTHEWS, h CO, The Perna. re Childs to 101 831 , 111044114 P1.C110.11 diigrilenterree. T_TENRY Emplane, F. R. 8. , E. of Edinburgh, the celebrated rather of the "Book of the:Pam? and Protestor Norton, of Yale College, Eine Hawn, are preparieg for the press a book ender the ebove title. It will, embrace every rlbfeCl of Woman., connected with Mrrieriltere In all be verioes brander, both Theoreneal •and ..fteleneei hens far as It hoe, epic, the present time. been made Available to p 'actinby experiment, will be heeled in its rely tine to every operation as It rm.= in the courts of the seasons." The work will be arranged sneer Cone distinct head., repented:it the ...aeons, bestenitg with Winter and ending with Autumn. JAMES D LOCKWOOD. my 3 Bookseller and Importer, Lea Fourth BLACKWOOD 91:PR APRIL: 41 LACKWOOD'S Zdaguine fat AD , 11,1. P 9 0 1.1. this morning. JAII D LOCKWOOD nay 3 104 Fourth oe. Britlah Periodical L etre. THE London Quarterly ilerlevri The Ediebeeph Rea ew; The Nonh•UTlLieh Review; The Westminster Review; ildinburgh Each, per year, all tekee onetime, tlO per yv, my 3 JAMES D LOCK WOOD DIISOOLIIiiOII OW PARTSEIIIIOU " /KBE Meta or 'garrisons, Liteh & Co. at Brooks Ile, Jederson Cosuty, Pa, and Liteh,Morrisons abul County, have been dissolved by moP consent. Perm: a indebted to said 611111 wlill payment to LILO] d. Co, and chants ',assess, thezne my be presented to Limb ft Co kir settlement. STEPilte R MORRIS° BP H ORRISON,' THOMAS IC LITCIL'i ALEXANDER MILLER.' Hoy 241850.—my3.111re SOLOIIOII SCHO.TZI3, COII3III3SION IMERCIIANT,SikeY and Bill !ha er, No,llo Second stem. may2-dlY_ ^V)ULARD SILYS—A mire tnyotee of Foulard ~ Silks of newest styles, received by ot A MASON /r, CO; 01 Market at.: • 00.72 A. t . e g me M.P.; k!'.l7,.°C.lgp.T,'.`. also, a general assortment of Plain do at all pricel 300 do; Resorted Silk and Lisle Thread Glos. BD dal Blank and do Ladles' end Goal s, do 300 dos bladk end white Cotton Hose; Eli dos do do Bilk do; 000 do; Gents' Nixed Half Hone 00 dos Gents , Brown Cotton Half Hose; Received, aid now opening by A A MASON k:CO POLITICAL CONSTITUTIONS. TAMES D LOCKWOOD has Is preen, and will J publish shortly—Ds Noma on the °Moe Wen fGovernmem, tranelsred from the French, by R. U. Salter, IL D., Senn. Second, edition, 1 vol. lemo. 113y1 7 D LOCKWOOD ACKEBEL—Zu brls Luse No 3, just reeelved far 11 , 1 :ale by JOHN WATT t. CO. lay 2 262 Liberty eL SHAD -25 brls prime ram, jast read . for sale by 2521 JOHN WATT ALCO ERRING-95 br!s No ',jest reel, for sate b m]9 JOHN Warr NCO . FLAXSEED 011,-12 Ms prime, from ,Somenet eormlY, Put received, for solo Lunt JOHN WATT B ROf my 111%) dos .Lorted sloN% / 1247 , co OLASSM-10 b,le primer I. H. for maleM • J.TI orrl JOHN neTri co T AHD-5 brio prime, jurt reel, for sale by • ory2 JOHN VJATC k. CO UTrEF-.10 trsr pre!<ed, Jett recd !or wn yr my2 JOIINW67TkcO rrEA-2.5. cheat. Voting Ilanon, lattnintird . e er, mad , IRlack Teas, on hand, and to A ar c tiz i ag o l 41 . aryl_ LAbeny - - . IDACHED TEAS of all grades kept conatiallyno I hand, and for sale on nasomkbbs.tersas urea trade, by - fesy4 A CULBEETSCIS EMP— bale. Manilla, just reek!,LM aad IRTEON-4.. gale by . A CU DINDERS , BOARDS-20W bdlF assorted Assam, D Chatobersborgb nanufstuut,on bud, for sale by & CULBERTSON •' D o resu—s bag pair, for mail ; A, styli J SCUOONMABER &CO 21 Wood IrL , • DOS.I.N-20 brio No 1, for solo by • 03T2 J SC ELOONMACEO & CO QALTETTRE-13 tcttnfined. for Hag by IJ otpl JSCHOONMAKEIL CO PARIS GREEN-40 easter the eclebraled bnitsi, my J 8C1100N• Kett &oo ESdENTIAL OlLS—Bersairm, Lemon, Sassafras, Lavender, and Rosemary, I can each ‘' ,__•171111.1 pose. Jam reeelyed by J SCHOMMAIERt CO ARD-13 Gar nle Dv L atql Iv vox Botixtiour&oo lANDLI2I—x3 bozo. annuity Cincinnati Kcal Cwitlica for Ws by . ' . InnYS ' • P VON DONNITORST N CO . Fl9ll—= brio Herring; lo nes Shad, now landing, and .ale by ISAIAH DWI= 4r-Ou llf Watee E.' ' .• 614.)-4 • illOßAUCO—itrits urban% Ws; 5 bxs Jesse flats dry bet Elmwood do; • ... by Loner S's soon. now Isadisis j . 3 d twos!. bY (wrlj Luisa DICKEY tCO Dias—is tierces Dow landing, an • tor.sele by At... seri ISAIAH DICKEY a CO PHoooCeitt=fO - 61 — s a 4l V ay* /SAW/ /NO Y &CO I AII-444 capfar MO J. 1CW.41413-5 ban. prep.n4 Com. Mats 4n tip helnerenjust reed am oonignmeat. fatale by my 2 II3 A I / 411. DICKEY*. CO k,f ACKERAL-23 tab 3133 now - larforra , 3 3 , 33 ISAIAH DICKEY & TO LMT,. • That lane ennumeeloas Dwelling &nee and Let, on which ere a good Stable and . Carriage Boast, being the property fflit, and lout the resoles= of Mn !anent. gee, aintatpd en Webster at, mar Seventh street. For tares;apply to tor It LOWitlia mynah( SS. Wylie, NEM PUISLIOATIONI& Y. 4 HE Union Stole- Dictionuri.—The MOS Book THE M of Ballsda—andonald, cribs Great Mimic r a tor? of Raid Llft.---antsgrovin or rag Sunday School Boys Contrasied.—Tho Bar of Ism arts Danger of Unswietided ABlefion.--Bwriso ofSchoel Bolo—Kneango,•tho /lust C1i1eC,...-Tho US( Of Luther; with special reference to its earlier periods, uld the omnibus ammonite Relonnadox by Batas Scars. D D.—A Sanunary of Biblinal -- Andquides, for Schools and Vanillas. Published by Altman. 8 8 Union.' For WS by . All _ENGLISH AL-00 3 -. Successors to ELuorr & EfsGl4Bll, v.v . / Si Wood...treat - ' 1, re E• N. me • • •rWill Paper, to Chamois, Gold, plaist, and face, woo., have been recently received, wri th e: with an ponatilm 9f French Borers, FircEstarsimid Tester Topa la Gby and Velvet ' - • - • - W P AL&RSHALL, amyl Wall Paper Bt ire. - ma Wood meet, SOMETHING NEW Under the •na or Plttaintrith W ll4. b l; P rat d 4 t a b altt a e, 2 l: %MUL L = t" The subscribers have filled up a non it No. RSO Liberty stria:, le a etre superior to my orthe tied lo tau burgh, where 11007 wall ahrWik Low a isrio iF sortsent of fine:Groeerias and superior: Thus. to which they respeelfally 'atria the aUmMes of thaputos Of every article, they mill endeavor to keep the beet of Itf kind, cod conrelently recommend their TLY a• BOT TO ri 5111,12112, 11 WALLID is the cl• ty. Ting nuntinent wW compriam—Groan anti:Mien Teas of ail kinds, fromcents to i 1,60 palmand. . Correll everygrade. Lovering', Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Palverifed; Steam Syrup, Sugar Ham and N. , U. idol mei; Cane lams, Foreign Fru. and No Npleen Ketcham Emenoon Sugar Cured limos and.Bev!. Mari of,all kind., noel., Lard and Whale ult., Moo and WaZ Candles, together with many raritoes old nog berenforo be Sad in Pita. Sus gin-and which time worild fall to miameran. th acidsff....G s. elivered free of charge in every put Of e twtie boaters .upplied on most reasonable term', WM. A !JeCLURG 4 Co, my 1 No. =I Ltbany oroet, aboTo' Ward. May Magazines and New BrIOUs, AT 1101.111E3' LITERARY DEPOT Tom Seam, opposite the Post 011ta. GODRV'S LADS'S BOOK for May. Grahr-m's blasaame do Sartain'. Maga:toe do MorninaCall, by Airs. Ellie. • . Women be Arne nes; her work and her reward. Sy Maria J. kleirnosti. Moneyytnny, or the Ikon of the World. LittelPs Liam' Aye, No 310. Mary of a Prnainiati In California; belms4 ,„ ats of actual experience, laelndlli nolo. or the MIMI, by se land and water, observation* en the mimate, molt As. ' COFFEE k TEAI3-74h b ax=fvb 43 do G. P. d . caddy las des. an half chests Black Tes,,re eeivisur per canal, and for gala by 292 t JAMES DALZELL • cloths. Cualmeras. sad Vs stiskip. A LAID3F. Invoice of Super Black,' Bice Brown, /-1. mid Olise Broad Goodmaner Slack, Doeskin, Middlesex, and Fancy w also,•l4ape4 Slack .Satin, blarsellics, and Fanny Coal:Aare Vaulters—re eeivel ar.d now opening by A A MASON I CO, VM al Marto st. AMUSEMENTS. TH EATRE! lassie and Manager• C. 5. PORTER palcra CI ADXO.IIIII2C • Dreas arch! , and Painactte Ectond and nod This - Gallery (for colored personri , •—•• 2:. Dawn open at 71; Canada will riaa at d-o,nlact. IErA NATIONAL DRAM,L Chi Many, Mat C, Will be present.' IL Drama called NICK OP THE WOODA. - tift G tY'loGn: 7 ton ll fer Tette Doe • M. Ntebele Edith Forester 'due Potter 13== BOOTS AT Tits SWAN. Jacob • Mr W.I. Stalk Frank .‘fr Taylor ..... ..... ..Ms nary .. 1111H11117011 HILL, PITTSBIMII, 997 dr. 139 Wood 9199•1, obey. Fifth. 21HAT "splandid eatabas4socut is now offeted for Holm :It Is admirably oranged for Concerts, Exhibitions, te. . For torzos..Pply to JOHN A FITZSIMOM?, 137 Wood ,t. PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. *rola.° STRZET. PEN DAILY--from 9 fole in ihe morninel 2 to 5 O In the aftetnoon; and hers 7 to 121Petocir. in the evening. irrAdmittalee 93 unto Chi:dten anderl2 yenta halt price. win. A. In'anta.] _ - taxo..z. nano WA,:"A. WIDLIIIIO 1111 , CM. GEOCEitS AND TEA DEALERF, No 266 litarty slime, aloes Wad - , Hr.. "loral. on hand unite assentrnent ore/mica Gronexun and Fine T.... 5 Ca ...I Ftlag. • Rub s and Nam Wholesalerend &MU Deafen suppl?el on 1.3. Unrest tuns. may T ===l=l WE read that the strength of Samson all lay In his haw, and: hat when theperfidlems Delilah had despoiled him of his dewing locks, itle power all de parted freni Idea. ' When we set a yonny and lovely wasnan, with magnificent air, berme whose Loamy all seem to bow flee to e hisry it 92M1C11 Is fereibly • brought to mind ' Let' procd lady, through sisk• was or matert. be shorn of her !eminent tingle's : B.nd thou power of besety is at en end. JUIES RAVEL'S RAU LUSTR ALE HAIR RESTORATIVE., without doubt. the beat artlele extent: for keeping the heir In ahealg mate, and reinvigorating heir which Pm =Me thin end !iamb. Its constant not Will beep the her soft, allay, and lerariturt to the mete advanced age. It emu ely eradicates all dandreff and waif, and keeps the scaly Mean and healthy, while the bale is nor liable totem grey so soon. It will taint in new hair on heeds which have become prenutturely-bald, and prevent the hale felling out from the crones of stemma I have received Intletnnlals of its bene ficial elects from penance! thahlabest respectability. - and some °Me most scientific gentlemen of this city have pronounced into be twin.. An every highly popolardiscovery Is liable to be eminterfeinuf or lent • mod, so ill. with my Ems Lusintle flair Restorative. An imitation of this creele hna bee, manufn coned fin eels city, which !would panlialarly caution the pal,. Re almost. Always ask kw 31:11.FS thee Leaven Mae Restorative, and you will then obtain an article which Is warranted to render satisfaction. JMES Forfamer and Cheraw, 120 Chestnut street, below Fo sub. For sale wholesale and retail by U. A. Pstmesteek sled S. d . Fellers, Potabargh; and John tat. gnat and J. hlllehelL Allegheny play, Ya anal - LOST, • APAIR of Gold Spectaeles,inpposed to have been dropped to Wood .ireet, 111 Irons of llatewell Peer's Warehoam. The Rader vrid be realtdedefu retarolog them to the *weer, No. VA Wood street. PAPEII-25 Modica barddrase, a good article; J. Heavy Straw raper fcr easraellardwam; 'Hardware paper made welder of any size or Mitt aus by_ Jm).:IJ 241100Ntd AKER& 00 NEW GOODS.-Jain solved Ibi. morning, by ex. prep, Bonnet Ribbon., Black, Figured, and Plain Silks, at north cast corner of Foarth •nd Market sit • m 79,.. MUELPBI B.BURBII FIELD LIME- 50 brie Utica While Lime, for mile by miy3 RHEV, MATTHEWS & CO D,1.0u0 Alp Mt Galena Lead. for rale by 1343 RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO "PSEACHES-53 sacks Ay Pesel.m. (or sale' by' my 3 RACY, MX THEW S It CO RATHER —l7mks rime Kentucky Feathers, 1 - fur Se. lIIILY,PJATTHEWS Sc CO TNIIE NOTICE. APROMISSOEY NOTE, dream by James. Hu- Ion". to the order-ot.D. N. White, and andoreed W i lt P e ' l l re? 16 1i•e h o ' r ' 1 471 n eaTm t or mieloln. otliee of *be, Oayettlet in, yr-clans 1515 w. , rnee agg i T d p i o w iehaaing it., ' JAMES HULONG _ - Country Soot for Salo, AllF.AUTlFTll:silloirbon reoidenee in abrijieigh: borheod of Udo thy, posmsaing more Agar or dinary advantages. will be sold on favorable series. The grounds are stocked with fine fruit trees. in bear- Jag condition s sbrobbery, overarm**, an: . Fir name of owner andiceation, <again, at Ibis odiea ap.3Ndlis " • NEW BOOKS! NJAWBOOISAI T ROUTES' LITERARY DEPOT,opptoite the Pest Oflleei-David CoppetfieLd, pan it-r-lbe tionery of eleehottier,'a Living Aga, No ill—blernlng_Callt Mrs I.3ll3—Worttehlti, Amertm.llicieJ teletitterr t itr t ,e,ati c: Thaeltern-..Roerlend Caihel: • LeTe:-..‘Milnacor Can't W Aktrerorth.. •." •,'tn' I ItIELt oases eonatd , • ,11.517, but ‘j - reed, cod for sale by ' WYLTAIII• 800 . • •-•. • - • lel Wood et S MAR —1 bbl Maple jutd fu reed, and es.a by . 800. STUA,fIT L. oLaBscs-3 kit 3 &pie just tee+a:irnd 4i 'bale LLlbl CIDERVita:OAR-1014,1s Pore In Ili., 'awl fur sate by .• STVAki V & Hi. 4,,, • , opal. "i. . _ _ —. • RZ E :. ;TA few bbl , is store, , gickwr ~ t,.., AR....".,... BAlLCONZlltro . btrari e otel d r ; : 1 op3O, °- " sYlarrVfaL.' ''' 111111810 do; sayettor article,' ' a X EELERS-41 dam large, in man. tr a ct tar a ate. by i • arilialliT & eo.± W.; ..p3O • • , wo,t, . . On ElOOl . A _PPS.4I:I2II A.h Mops of ptime LiLOT 1 .41 ° , , Rat 4i W0044L, 31 CasksNrls,prime, far sale by- •• - •.- •P -la• CfiCLIRILk 11F.NNE17.:. BUTTER AND LARD-101ns Iheuxr, need I tap - 54,73 e • ENOUSIrk. ItreNNETTe 5 010 OAP-400 bazza !or ale. Oap.ll ENGLISH & trENNerr. loolc POWDEZEISO keys for sale by ... • 14 0 ir VON DONNOOR9r*CO' 0 4aLT*lOO tali for sale _ 1 11/ '440 ' 3 F vtily s o aen SODA'ASII-143 cask. Mosprattr , brnnd, lan re carted par steamer Companion. and far gale by -W AL Et 2dITCII6I..TREE WRAPPING PAPER...A tarp aiiiry of Firli . T 416 Egg WriPPian Paper aNgt rrntes, hut read s tbs;nanotaoloty, for sale In lenge or s=n'l lois' P MARS/ILLL.,, • • ' • Successor lu tl C UILL, r • PS Wrod tt. CLU4D. SkIEJJ--ti bra for axle by I D CANFIEL ' B - U c Tjth-I:.ris 3 and Dbauer ferlaiirii:43-14iii:r—re, street, for CI. by . J B CI. I kFIEJar ..- CLEESB—ILO bra gum and 60 has dd, just rred,- , aqd xu. by • np32 J B CANFIELD 1, 16044 D OIL— . ID btl. store, l atde j aV i a n b L Y D 1140 cm—on pieces in anna, and ter .ale ur • 7 • -;'• • J D CANFIEI„D CrAtßßit aD36 TUS,-920 bat and vs eaelea and 64, fag, ; ale by ay3L . J caNFISLD, trilosE—iou 114 oWFiir, hitt, andaol Or ° ' • dOz half, b ran , n •; • CIARLIUTHNOT • too LAUtli 3 O Conis • • Mr sale by ap3o C ARIIUTfIy4OI." trmISHELLAS & PAPLAKOLS-430 Oingb•na and eouou Umbrella', and }3O raysiols..Clk &ma sattani far tale by. • • C A ROUTHNOT. SZ: BONE—x(II7/M svcrlor simoygyv Ulla - Anti--Rai. outs .41.d0r 6 .4 c. ETpl , As.2l la fast neartd, and for Welty . JNO IidFADEN.L - 003. , anl9 . Canal Livim Peen H.W DER,DNvo tale y; .; 000 di^ Rldo D.o hod keg+, KY. RHO TM do Dees Kite • 5 0 k.* S. aboodolgi; 430 Hy. Rldei 40 a. Deer do; tdd • ' OEM y o „ b i b by. feet teoseL WORTH ; oo r.olve & CO Y 7 7 8 DI •p 29 ACON,V tasks prime Shoulders Au reeeivini ob eonslinmeW, for sale by i 8 DILWORTH fr. CO . .as .13 Wood st. . • VOAR-6 beds N O Begat receiving an consign, - "ent, ferule by J B DILWORTH re. co t" DII . : 3 *O " RT 4I.a It VC'Oby DUTTEU—ID kegs Batter for sale bt— •PSI l E DILWOrall& CO O tlGAlt=biihds NVSagraritriore and for &ale by arra 84 IV BARHAM:IH rAR n—iao ke p 1..; it Lardfa — franlly - n s ,l n .1. 0 ,7, 11 •nd forrale by 11/1V tri BA T ELSLA"L ah . ' .4 Pelt% ;), de des jut mewed and !or .ale by R E SEGLEFIR, - 57 Wood atsvet. BUNCII RAISINS-1W bx• lirchleVo Lrand, for 441 a. by .WAI lieGAleF.Y . ot CO, 1402 P 18 fr. WO(1_14. _ NO:INICAROjas. TAIrIOBLAremsI/iLor S r t tileiOUrtgY Mr°ll. l l7,l!,:2lY,,krouj, meet Maar Or f=ond. • ' ALEXANDER & DAY (11111111.2.C0N BILX RHO LB — Rlebchangeable V. 811 k Stirarla of • vary terperior quality, by ALEXANDER& DAY ltarLss 7 : - .Plilti Black Lawns of direr. , n ztalißes, lm salt. by ALEXANDETA DAY H AMS & ISEXP-1 3 6. t a c . sinDaut ßee ; , , d ir• - Wsl; i 0 do P. C. Rama Daineld , s; Anima up for summer use, and for Ws by SELLERS & ?CCM. WBITE REANS—ID sante bee ree'd. for • e e ITS ROBISON, LITTLE k. CO T L ARD.CCINTEED 0ia:73,17, gicraßT6a; IS tels Nei 2 Laid Oil; 3 bele Linseed 0i3.- apM SELLERS k NICOLS LINSEED OIL-4 brio last fnr sal; by 47749 =Liberty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers