PUBLISHED BY WHITE.;4I. CO. D. U. am"! ft. a.aulanr. c•lrrrc sw &IMO; 11111 D .1.710117, NIST PO= TO ii *Y2: • Ps r Tri•Wee• " %Vesely, in ulvance)---- •-• • 200 " On. 0 Chiba, MK 0 10400041 Lt al OR ADVCRTIIIINOI AGREED UPON , 11441 C prrrenstraen" PRESS One Ilmr flolineao (Nonpareil or One Osle 111[11.1011.•-•••••••••••••• Stpl• /0, each additional iusculloo••• 1 , x 3 Da one lertk••••^,-.... 1,75 Do three weekr•— ..... Do. -.44,0000 . one month.-------•••• 6, 00 twe inonth..—....-.•••-• 5,00 lea ihne toontna..• • be. tear month. • ...10.00 . Do. eix months ••• • st• s : Do. twelve months• ••• .. Lt,g fitanding Card (0 lines prima) per aeoem• 4, •••• One Sooner, changeable atpleanne (Per 00. eachclusive of the paper 25,00 For adelitionel . semme, lammed over one month, ana for each additiotud equare lasened enC211.010.. ly rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding -• maw, and net over 2ficen tines, to be charged as a means and a halt Publiebeirrnot ocCountable for legal ed,eromments beyond the meow charged Mr their pohtleation. • Announcing candidate. for office, to be charged lb. Woo as other adirettemmots. Advertisentents MK snorted on the copy for • speci fied meter of Insertion., will be contimusd till forbid, and payment exacted accord, rigidlyege of hive wil other mir lbe confined to their regales ac, and all e, tomcats 1101.pcnaluieg to Melt regular buttons, as agreed fur, to be paid exlm All advertisements for charitable untitothms, fire Mut lo ch s, ward, townahlp and other public meetings, ir advance. I ite, Pa be charged balfprice,payable mrictly Marriage notices to be charged 50cents. Death notices inserted without charge vole.. accosts , ponied by funeral insitations or obituary nolleca, and when 10 eccouipamed to be paid for. . Reinder edam u sere, and all others sending comma. Ideation., or reentries notices desigoed to call suers aura to Film, Soirees, Cone erm, or any public enter ointment.. where charge. Me made for admittance - cil nonce. of private aasociatlerts--every nodes de. signed to cell nominee to private commits.. calcula ted or intended to promote individual looney;ca ly he inserted with the understending that the . a nte la to be paid for. If intended to be inserted In the lo- cal column, the same will he charged as tho rate el not less than 10 cents per line. - Biotic], or Plat Notice. to be charged Diplo price, Tavern License Petitions, 02 eac6. Legal and Medical advertisements to ha caused at fill prices. Rad Estate A gents' an un d Aactieneenf• meal, r. not to -be c la ssed der yearly rates, bat to be aMowed discount of shirty three and one third per cent. , from the amount orbilla - •• W&fILT Olt TILL-WEIMILT zuat One ituestion.• • •--• • • it CO Do. each additional Insertion... AD1M1113.1.117.121 OWlti rams: One Satiate, (I 0 lines.) ems ! tmenion•—•...bacts Dn. each additional be —. 4 Z All bat:meat advertisements to be paid in advanc - WHITE k DO, gazette: L. l i hrSa‘Joe met JAM ESP. DARE E CO., Obroniele FOSTER BROTHER, Dispatch. 30(4. SNOWDENtY• J A HER W. OlDD,l.bhieten., American. HIRAM !CAINE, Evening Tribune. Prnsaveleet, Dee. I e4e. CARDS. AlibefAinxii. INATYIONe A ITORNEY AT LAW—OGee, an Fourth are - .01. abo _ ve Wood. lung DAVID C. TUTTLE, • : AA 2TOE.PIRY AT LAW, end Commieshmer nnlvania ftL Louio. . . Al) Pe emor sy modeatious promp s, tly 2d answered. oeri34y T.-IL Baird - J. P. Sterrett BAIRD & STZILMETT, A TTOANETS and Camsellots Law—Pout-0 at, between fladthbeld =I Grant, Pinabarait, Pa. Pal 3 John IL Large Wm. C. Fziemt. LARGE L FRIEND, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fmadi sum t, mar Omni. 0104( JAMES B. HERA, AITORNEY AT LAW—Office on rannk meet, between Smithfield and Grant, Pinsbnrsit. 'pllo-IT AALEXANDER . 7TURNEY AT LAW—OffIeaFRANKLIN on Fourth are., Pinabargh, Steelman Patton•-•-•—••• .. .. William /Integra PATTON & BARNWELL, ITOLIZMYS AT LAW—Olea Tilgtuaan Ortmt st, near the Coen Hence. kb* HENtUgit-I,Cir— , , 10 cud Sanday Sehnol Bookseilers and dealer, in al, kinds or Writing, Window , and Wrapping Pa• per, Na 79 Wood street. batsmen march and Pia mond alley. Pilsehergh, Pa. anl 'Anis u7 - naistivuo, - • IL TORN kY Bate orPer mLftw d . d S CLreoiu*t.; Ma, (late at Pittsbnugh.) Iletereures—Piusbatigh: Han. W. Forward, Hemp tan fr. Mille r, _SPC.andle•ss A Means,. Joho Pail., Bissella IS Semple, Ede Cord A King. 11.BAIXT 3011. X .COMIZAVI. IL lin101:11.10- ..... •• -•-•ALZIEC DACIA4.£I4 'WOODWARD it CO. Wholesale Ore l) <era:No:Nl N at. Philadelphia. apt ._ tiltialourgb Alkali Werke. IDENNETT, BEAR '.& CO, !Alamein:rarer, of Sada Xi Job, Oleic/leg Powder, atu , sulphitic Acid. Wertheim No Water street, below erry. noik) 11 • Fre dertek Breen. steams Reiter. BELAUCI /a REITER, Wholesale and Retail Mea at, earner of Liberty and SCClair streets, Pitts bunrb. Pa. ap4 . .. . ... . GCOEICHIC W. SMITH i CO., BREWER 9 , MALTSTERS AND HOP DEALERS Pitt autet,Pittabanelt. soM _.... nuctnrrn• Baring, Axis, UAW, and Iron Works. COLEMAN, EIAILMAN & CO, Mansfantorcrs of Coatis sod Eliptia Springs, Hammered Axles, Boring and Plough Steel, Iron, &n. Wornhooon, pa Water and Front streets, Ilystimii. Also, deem in Coach Trimsgs and Dielleable &stings.. ansurrosra & 00111MILSSION me n acuem sal Dealers u PLO: m dateiNo Martel street, Pittsburgh. r2l Cohn A. Critic , - 17:7878kruie7. - nitAll3 k. St NNER. Forwatdinu und Commission Merchants, No PG Market at, Piusburelt. •pt C. g i. tr i um s t 3 & , C e o, P. • tort CH. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and . Forwarding Merchant, N. 41 Wwer Phu .; Ira Hervey Andrew Fl eming RR. Flaming, FLERIING 41, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS—For the sale of DO susstio,Woolen, and Cotton Goods; also, dealers In all kinds of Tailors. Trimmings, No la Wood to, dtb door from Fifth, Pittsburgh. Reforested—Maur. Wm. A. 11111 & Co, Bank err. Jangl 14110111 .1. 1111111 MT. °anter E tca) Wholeulo Grocers, Commission and .For , wardass Idorehants, and dealers in Prodaeo and Pius banal Blangsztares, N 0.37 'Wood st., between IN and 7d streets. 111111. J. U. Drnyfog —A. IL Clarke. MILIAYIVOGLIC • CLABILIC, OSWARDINO AND COMMISSION SWAMI. F ANTS, and Denim In Window Ole., While Lead, k.e• No 1011 Second --- JOUXSTON, ILIORWAILDEND i COMMISSION MERCHANT, J: No WI Second Bt. rittai.ll. CLEMWEIXICLULAN. Coon:anion allit Fenrxrdiiir Merchant. No. SO Wood onset. Fit. yrrh. arn7 HOWIE LICA4IOI6 PACTOET. r [MON STEWART, soonsfaotazer of Heavy iShlrtiors, amts. k 1., Rebecca street. city • bony.! Tra.,(........ m. 0., A LAO Wool Deal . or and Coolloissfox Ref ebant, for-the oda of I.lLs Woolen,, !a.m. oppenits Sib IL fohlf .„____...._ ".. B sl.o, BsUmlaut. t: !: nano; =wino RIAU, ...,,,...... ii.r....5.30131. 10111. L. yurna, ...L.... .._V . .. *. BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission MCC ni,.....BM, 11l Noah 'Water it, it 18 Nomlb Wharves, noessO, .t•..... 1 1 8. r._ , WIL P. JOKY. .ItiN ls r -, :ONES k Co, (ileamem - 71+;17;;;;dr onao k Cpl Onualadion and Farwardinx Mer chan Pialnorah. ts. dindati ia• Plltsbugh Manafantared Goads, iT L FS" Dealt, and C. mmtuion Mar haat* 11 . for tie sale ofw LA- W , / 5tre'9 ,,, VD.1.71 Pilha a" "laa 017 tire Si•EXHALIo, (STTC.taai TO 4110111. C. anz ITIIPORTER & Dealsr In French and Am e rican Pa. per Headings tad Darden. %Vandals Shades. Plea :laud Priam, ke. Als o — Writing,triddaq and Wray sane Paper. No. ea Woodson-at. between Founh meet and Dsamand alley. west aids, Pittsburgh, Pa. febt3 piNl9 a101L0A7 . 41. 1 if4lDifeee' t ,t e F. d ' og ' flOth V ollr be t td i Alte; Pittsbargb. see JOHN D. De% IS Auctioneer, earner eth mad Wood cc e.. • Putsbareb. ape Alllll4► DA LZLL, Wholesale-7--Goeer,Cou.kai.a ag....irant, awl dealer la Peedn• e ad Plusbaseli ilanafaela f et. Next Water id, Pittabetrab. as - Ili UM 1171,(VT. 1..1.7 re, TLIDLIA II DiCKeIY le Wholesale Comm's. OM. mole Mere hems, and dealer. in Ptodaee, Hoc os Water. end 107 Prom acerb, Pnisbureh. • , „,,, farai:Tibonmh-----• • —l7en ! t, J < D I i tftrlald Z:d Wh ar Z i 0!,14. 6 4VoML 4 • riask. niLwoiriX. ;owns MLA; • 1 R. DILWORTII &Co, Whole uJe Grocers, Pr. ../ .aloes mid Commission blerebanti, sad. for the !Ward Powder Co. of N. Y., N. 93-Wood at, MS • E Tined TotirTtioa4D, Drones* am! Aymara-my 1 * Market sat three doors above Tbinl Pins} H n dy mill base con anew on hand a wen selected as s son/semi crab.- bra and fruitiest Mediation. which km will Mil 01. the moss reasonable terms. Pkysieians ...mods orders. will be inornatly encoded to. and no. .1,,a with aft:e lei thew /WI TVIT ooP.aao.l l iMß- • Perskieoe Proorrlations will be aceorately and m ar oopared From the best maierials, at any Isearbf Mr_. day or matt. • AN. {of oats, slap amok of frialk and good Pain, oar/. • • • THE PI BUSINESS CARDS. T IL CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Ohio,) Commis. .ion and Forwardine fil•renant, and orhotesitio dealer in Western Reser. Citotese, Bailer. Pot and pearl Mn, and Western Prod., aaaa m ity,: , w u ,, street, between tintithfinla and Wood, Pituburch. —•-- • 101INSTONY STOCKTON, flookuelers. Printery Pm:nd Paper Slassufactutms, N 0.44 Market sweet, butes .• lobo Oord. - Richard Floyd. T FL FLOYD, Wbolevtle Grocers, CommusLyn !I. Merchants. ad De.len ia produce, Round Chorea Ifulldintys, frontlua on Liberty, Woad and Sixth streets, its b eak, ap4 T OLIN WArr. (ntroonsor to Ewa& & Lan r Wlleeefan Cl(o2er arid • Conyrtilleinn Mereharit dealer In Ptoduer and Pittsbutzh lilannforturer, roy. ler of Libettr and (land atrcatti Pitteiburgh Pr- in,dl AMIN A. HUTCHISON, & Cm—Successors t. Lewis Hutchison ts CO., Commission hi.r.hsets sad Agents of the SL Louis Steam Sorer Helinery. 41Water mad 92 front streets, Pittsburgh. lea - - JOHN IL MELLOR, Wholesale and Snail deader St in Meek and Mulct] Instnsissms, School Raft. PS'S/. Slates, Steel Sent, Quills. Printers , Cards, sold StationxrY Renoally.No. 61 Wood .t.eittabzugh. RP ILtrta bought nr taken in trails -,.....:ALIGIIEY,dgent for theis eEne .od Michigan Line to leaver and On Lakcs.—Office a the corner of Water and stenthfigrd Au. nirl H. HWEITZEH, ltuoutcy t.t r office,. st J• , Vpoulto Et. Charles Hotel, Pitt•lm;sl, nig° Itteudiromptly to Oollecuann, iu Watlonivin,Fayetta sad Greet counties, P.. . . IM=l Blaekboet, rs Bell ii . 807,.. Church &Carothe, Puttabunrh. bT. Montan, 1 •Thaiii - CICALSKER h CO, Molestle Drapinitei tif • N r 21 Wood meet. Pittihunth. o$ rEns JUN E.A.Tor.r.d/og and Conimisaion bler elisers, Dealers in Pendant sad Pittsburgh menu baba red artieler, raaal Bisio, near 1.11 a. opt PriiIirEZ,VIViiIIBUG 8170/7 -- ErilifEEDY. CHILD 9 St Co , Manaraeturer• of very *orrery r 44 Sneering, Carpet Chinn Conn Twine end Sams. ralo4; Ve•nrinii Iron Works. 1 EWIS DALZEL4. Jo CO, Mouttiontoren or sizes Dv, neet, nailer Iron ortONnns of the quolity. Warettocor, 51 Motor and TO5 From Fur Win. Miller, Philad. C. W. Rieketson. Pittsburgh. `4I l arw E i n: l r a R oT I . % 'l o3i ° e e • lH and IN, comer or Liberty nun Irwin MT< el., Pia.• burgh, Pa. Iron, Nana, Cotton Yarn., de. do . e..n• etantly on hand. apt John WOW. Jams D. UMW. Nana, C Rne. .ion blerobaau, No 191 Liberty St, I•ivabur;b two • FrfrtiatJadil — slTEETlVtAiti — AND -- 81 5 11N - Ci AND AXLE FACTORY. MAO MC% 11111.1 T. Quo*. JONES 4 40700, IgrANUFACTIIRERS of upring and blioter steel, 111 plough steal, steel plough toinga, coach and clip to ai o= p tararge a d . Itro n ginsl and couch tut. 11..nlallItnom ' ta of Rau and Front at.., PtunbutA, fotrs 110LMES &SON, N 063 Mute arc ed door . Item cosier of Fourth, dealcte in Foreign and Daemonic Hills of r,settssise, Certificates of Deposit, Dank Notes nod Specie. Coleletione mode on all the mina ipal mos ,litonietiout 'be United &atm cpl NT MUCOUS mit, I'e tt t at. 111 e ttiltd door above Smtioneld, tooth aide. Conveyancing of all kind* done tea ma create• Care and leg-1 amuse). Tities to Nes: ketate examined. Zee. act3O.l —-- - - - • REIIB/NGEE, WELLS 4 Co., •PiIUFATUR• RS OF GREEN GLASS' %VAR It, al-Marti t Emit, Pi tit but gti, Pa., keep canvas, A.l ly on hand, a 1 male to order alt kinds of VW.. Bottles, •e. Potiecand Mineral Water Bottles of in pe nor quahly. Paruculat attention paid to Private Mould r. turrAhly_ Llihographlo Establishment. wu. SCIIIICIIMAINN, Third st, opposite, the NJ Past-Mice, Pittsbargh..—Maps, Lasidscapes. HJl heods, Showbil . ll,-Lebela, Architectural and Machine Illatrutzs, [tames. and Visiting Cards, dm, mistimed or drawn on MOM, and printed in calms, Gold. /Mime or Black, to the moat approved style, and at the moat masamtble poem. J. C. P TTI G RWAV STEAM BOAT AOENT Omet Aro. tV M. P. I loonri ABTA 417 Na. 37 Wm.. creel. . _ SII/LOHLETT & DRY GOODS JOBBERS. NO.ICI WOOD NIVERT, H AVE lo glare, and Will be comanny t erc dating the season, a large and well neiceled as zonuatnt of Staple and Fancy Dry Hoods, volorb they win veil tor rash or approved eregil. Werlern hlerehanle ate mooed to e.raine our slack. to ROI3IN O.N.LII7LE iR CO. Oa Lablroy weet PilObuith NVhulePalt Grocer, Prolate am, Com.Ooon Merch.m.v, asul tOtticr• 111 Pinstmob Man. - e are.. a pp Loa, lONS TIIO4 IMLIC n. 110SPL.N. RROBERT hlOOl l 6. It bo:cna. Grocer, Roo...tying Dud Her, cadet 1.1 Produce, Ntodnorh .Manelac lure. lti WU!! of Fore•gn and Mimeo. W 14.4 and Lignora, hie. II Lanny street. C , o hand 4 very large stock of superior old Monongabnia woi.key, wh/oh ond Ee cord low for, cob. I L. 0. ltrillolLS. 1 . 1. 41.014 DEYNOLUS3 lc SHE Forwarding and Comae.- IL Stan Groc er ie s , for tan A:l:nanny Myer 'Pude, • eaters in Produce. Patateran, M.ufac- Wel tied Chloride of Luna. The higheit prier, In care, paid •t all timer for noantry raeyerne . Petn and Inunt.... culP DOBEET DALZELI. lc Co., iirtielusnlc Gtuecr.. Comuzilaurd Ilturchsni, dreier+ in Produce ano Pittehergh leininiectarrs, I..greri7 sure., Pruster••• arta 11 °H EAT A. CUNNINGHAM. Wholesale l:roecr Deal,. Produce Yatsbargh Manufactures 1i0.1414 Lamely Herat apld SINGER. HARTMAN & CO, Sheffield Don and RPel Works—Starinfactorers of Am. B. Fpslog and Plough Steel. Alio—prings, Axles, Vices, An ails, ite. They invite the mono. of merchants and comm.. to their stout helot, purchasing otos where. They warrant Useliarticles to be rqua to any made in this cliontry or toportsS. C. atISCILItrS MOO. IL inter.. QUACKLErr vvntrz Wholesale De•iets 0 Foreign artil I.l.mrstit Dry tends, No. 99 t i t'ond Kress Pitmans/h. S& W RAINIA0011; Wool' Merchants, Dialers an Floor and Produce (morally, and Forwarding and Commraglan hterchards, No. as Water rent, Pattsburgh. S. 'SIMLA}, /11113.28. 3005 5150: MAtTLA Q ELLEN& & NICOLS, Proanen wad fivreral 47n 4 0 minion Iderehanu, No. 17 Liberty street, I' in burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Uil.. apt? F VON uoNtaionar a CO, Wholesale Gra 0. cm, Forwarding and Commlorion Merchants, Darters in rittsburgn Manufactures and Western Frothier, have removed to their new wrrehourr, (old Mnd,) N0..78, earner of Front street and Quintet, Lire. .17 L. 13. Waterman— N.Wate non ••W. B. Waterman- L. S. WAT&IVIAN & SONS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commithion Fof warding Merchants; dealers to &If kindoof & Pittaboarait Manufactared Anklet; Kai &Kanto for tale of Richmond and Lynchburg Manufactured Tobacco met • V7M. T/MBLIN, AT.TOILNET AT LAW, Buhr, J'. WILL also attend to co ll ections and all Wier basl- TY mess affirmed to him in Dotter and Armstrong countks, Pa. - Mar to J. & IL Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, :do . 1. • James Marshall do Plusttigh. dly Rey C 0.,& Wood al. ) inn, S. O. Ilushbeld.--.•-- Deana Richard. I. B. BVIHIPIELD & CO" AV:ROLESALE ma Kasai Desists taGrocene and Dry" Goods,' tad CORltuisglan Merchmis 211 Liberty st, Pittsburgh. JOHN NeVADNN•& 00” FORWARDING S. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Canal 7lasla, Penn street, Pittsburgh. rare JADES M. DAVIS co., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. &7 Market, and M Commerce at., Philadelphia. Advances nude, by either of the above, as eninsiert noels of Produce to either House.• tart FORWARDING Jr C01 , 11112S10:4 MERCHANTS ZUZZINZIIRGIN. WOULD respectfully Ilea tho comagmnent of Ilartiaborgh trolled; hoes Western Merchants, a they are Prepared to receive any amount. Line and Seetfon bloats terming night and clay, the freight not be detained, as they will unload mai Mats at ell Man. • • • fet,93•M Harriaborgh Pcb.2o, • J. D. WILLIAMS & WHOLE ALE A. RETAIL. P.MtIILE GROCERS. Forwarding lad Eannotolon bfetehants, and denten In Coty.try Pontoon and Pittsburgh Mans roc- Curet, comer of Wood and Path atreets, Pittsburgh. riA Wa:IL Wi moray 1017 ff. U. WILLIAM!! 4! 00, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE 1111.0KhR9, ; LfoOkrast comor of Wood and Thisd ewe!, I=l Piroaromfoi. Pa. 11111.0A497, JOllll • .0.11•Vc, W. WOJDWAIED, 1-9•0,1, WAI. BAGALEY k Co , Wholroak I.ruecr., 18 .8.88 YD Wood ace,, Flusbuylv _BO7 101114 P. WILL, L 4,14 INOWILL.I. 11'W/Cg A At'CANDLESS, (=crease" la L a. J. I) . Wle*.L Wholoaala bracer(, Fosivatsilia and COmmireion literebantin id caters to Iran, fie,l., ed., Cotton Y• 1719. mad PlllPhergb litanufacsirts general. 'IT, co r=er of Woad tad Watat *treats, y. etabunh til* Wisilenale W. /leant* nig Distillers, and Wine and hyena . Blerensat 4. Alto—liopiona re of Moils Oat, and Ike iie lag Powder, No.loo Liberty Street, (aggiteite sib *aces) Pittsbittsb. _ *O7 • 0,2 .40 MOM. ralgllllo. atc Lee end elocla carefully repaired. auli TOMO. roux a. Wilms. I. YOUNG & Co., Dealers /a Lerakey, Hider, &a., 113 Liberty street. • Wi letstrennri. Jot?. WC'" W MACUTCHLIW. tirtee . , p, m ,.:":". Predoce, Iron, Nails, dlia,s, Sod gemrolly, LtherlyAireef . janl7 7--77-7 iTiviLidi 7 liT - : 6 CM. WwlfOutiTALPl. ANn I nEtAIL ra n c u .lta m to i r n • &Ulm Prefdane .n 4 7 1 1:=7:11% danture., n or - WINd Pinhttiteo; kittsbi6. • Pittn Mara tito,sa . , • :-.-2.2'-'.-K'-"` --2,-:,,,,-;-•'.-L.,-,..:2;.•-•L.,L=,,.... _ .,..-.1.--:-....--ffff:Ef lT .- ' l 'Ll'. - . 2 :ff: 1 : : ::. 2- f: - : -- . : : fLa .: ::Tfai' , :'!::7;:::.::.'::'.. , -._,...,..,,.,_,_,..,:,, l . ,,,,,..,_,„ . ,,,7_,.„,..„ . .,,,,.,, , _,.... 4 41/- ' ' . ' . . . , ' . . r . - _ • • . : ' - ':"'..till ' * . . . . ....._.: ~ - , . ...... ..,.... . - - ~ r: •. (41. . _ . MERCER lc ANTZLO. GENERAL. CO3LNUSSION MERMANTs, fril.therel alvancea made on conligumrnt.. jonICGm ,rA771117.1V tVILSIN, Fortran and Manature MI Paint , r. Rooms, corner to Yost Other A Vey nod Fourth we..., entrance on rotarth IL, near Market_ deer...ld J. & J. Tardoa. Commission dissenants. O. ct Old Lion n, N Oriente. keep enontly on 11 bent a luso nicerthernt of Brandin of the follow. ins brands. which they offer forisale its annti for J. Darted do Co. Borden. viz: &lottery, J. E:a ed. I Du. and & Co, Lareshells, J J Duracll, Conon. A de tenth, AI. Dleville, A de Mindere, Je•n 'And, Ego.. &e; also, Anchor Gin, Borden. bed and Whin• Wines In cask. and eases, selected with care by Join Durand ii:Cat besides ChnipsKne Wine nod Sweet Ile 'seedy .nr.. rrr'rj WlGllT3lAN—Mantfactuier oral] kind. of eat 1.1.• ton and woollen mac:Lb:cry. Allegheny city. Pa Tim abere works being now be fall mad nuecesMal credos, I em prepared to acetate priers with disprateh for all kinds of machinery in zy hue, such es willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding routines, railways, drawing frames, speeder., tbmssils, Immo, woolen Card., double or single, for merchant or country work, mulea,latkr&e; slide and hand lathes and 1006 ill gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or Nunn i v .- en - for gearing factories or mill at reasonable charge. Rzrzz co--Kennedy, Child. A. Co., Blacksomk, 801 l ft Co.. Klatt. Pennock fr. Co., Jas. A. Gray. BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURER, Birmlngham,[imar Pittsbargh,j Pe. o,7‘ce, No. .37 Maier sr,' Munro Marlrg and Mod, Psarbarek iIpWILL rommtly keep on hand a good 'won men, or Ware; of our own lllllll.UfactUre,and 1111perlariplailly. Wholesale and sonotrY ef chants aro rospeetfally Invited to eel; end se amine for than...lees, to we ere deterrtratod to sell ;Steeper than has ever before been offered to the put, frrOrdee• seat by mail,tecompanied by rbne,ri, or ood reference, wlll be promptly atmoded to. mot _ • • HEW COACH PAL/TOUT , C0..1.2n RM. A i r A. wffiTE C, would respectfully inletm the public that they have erected n shop on Lunch., between Federate:al hmiduaky streets- Tees: are now making and are prepared to receive order, for every description of valueles, Conches. Char. tie, Re touches, Buggies ? Plum., , b e. , which from their lo experience the manufneterc of the lave smrk, wad ng tbefacifines in they have,they feel confid s ent theare enabled Co drnsvork on the most reasonable terse with these smutting articles in their tine.. Paying particular attennon to the selection of mem. main, and having none but competent werkrarn, they ' have no hesitance in warrantmg theirarm It We therefore ask Co attention oldie public to flu valor N. il. Repairing done to the best manner, and nn bin mast reasonable Wit. I. Kann, I• 14. 4.2[l.route. SOAIFE & ATKINSOH, I , :a acraremr WOOO ANZ !Bakst', know., fb..SATINLIE to m all of COPPI,I:. V TIN AND SKEETanufacturo IRON WARE.kinds Also, Eta: Iv wroth Work. Stearn Boats built to order. Special ententmn given to steam boat wort. /love on bands • Gnu assortment of Copper mud Brio. Ernie., Tin Ware, Re. Re . Steamboat Cooklur Portable Forge., venu t .. stresa very conreinent nr. trek for ateamboms, California eimerano, or roil mud torap. w lea. We ould respectfully hints SWAIM boat Men and When to mill and see our areelen and price* bek , f. parobasiatt el ...ersliern W. t J. GLIKNY i Stook Binders. wE or< still engaged 10 th e above buzineas, eon., of Wood and Third streets, Pinkburgli. where we see prepared loth, any work laour hoe with de.. patch. We attend to our work persona/Iy, and anti,. faction will tic given in regard to Its neon...sand du. Munk Boots ruled to any potiern and bound *oh awn trat:p. Book* in nuoderacrold honks board tune fully or repaired. Navas put /nabok. in gilt le:tel.. flair that haw: work in our i arc invited to ra•l. Price., low. zrrif Pitt. Illaehlsta Works and VllllSltirre J ra. 0 . 111 , ;i1 , % , 1• „.. 13. 1 1: a 4r ; s. r, a y r e , ll to . t , as Carding Mac/tines, Spraining Prnwea, bpreder... Drawing Framer Budway 'leads, Vizi - perk, Spooler., Dressing rrome.,l.o4llln, Card( ;under, to. Wrouent Iron Sliatting turned; vii area of Cud w Iron. Pa... ard Hangers of tlac t pancrna, slide arid hand twin. •, and tools of ell kinds Coun ts of every nver/1 ,, it fur lul nisbcd on short nonce. Patterns wade to o t rdor •r Grano;, Iran Ileoline, he. Steam Pipe tor liea,. to 'attune., dad Iron NVindow Sad] nod tw,ry ga.verally. ileders left at rho Warelivuse at Padua, , Übe.: r greet, will lave proini, Krfer to illaclutoc Bell it Co.. J. K. Moorrnund Co. V. F._ Wlttle}, John Irwin Z.: Soot. Paddidigh ti. C. kJ. H. Warner. •.:itclaninvid , luau tnekniust tintiscriber oiler.. for tale • lurgr and •piendid 1. a.sortinent raiiiiiwood and inani.gany grand Ac tion with and' ditthout celeliratid Attachment. above iii•truntent, arc dini• ranted tr rip.] 1.1 any Manufncturitd in di, coun try, nod tirtll tic cold lower tame ein , y brougat tto• the 1 LiLUAIIE., ilo 111 wood st , uor ahoy,. N , erip ,v.ll be taken et par for a , eve co mil,oire a.totrac I , It Filter, for 111.7dramt46at•r. THIS la to ee airy W.: I ti n ,. a, pointed Lt•ig.lon, . ,olc Agent.* for the ta ts ofJc..t.nne'• Patent theptahem Illter, for the el tars of l'ineburgn nen Allyglirity. JOIN WHS.:V. Agent, for Walter Broulerey, N. VI Oct. JO, IS4S. We blue peen using one of We above sender at the office of the Novelty Works for three menthe. on tr,ai, and fed perfectly vattefied that it n a in•cful owl we take pl re ruling Ihrln nniele to all whet love pure water. IM thankfully reeelved and promptly executed. _2 , 110 1:IVINGSTON.11111 A_ Co JUST received and tor sa!e, at No I to Sceor.4 al Imo and splendid aesortineet at Fluid I.ard and Catopheno Lamp, which will Le sold at the low • oat camerapnea ion rub. The atsentioa of oeccr v e re ertfoily tolLeaed mr.a% ==rE= k~; attentloo of the . ;addle as re.peeuutty ea:led to the folkwing cendfieatort Ma. 8. Kamm—Maiog testeda qauctity or Gold weighed by your Aroometer, I find the result macs your instrument comet; and recommend the ace or ti to those acting to Cethforrfia. aa the beet method Mt of • Mining the real value of Gold. Fterp. , your., 1.11. DUNLEVI, Gold Dearer . Piaabargh. March 0,1610. Pirrnentou, March 7,151 D. NL Eacco--Dear Sir, /laving examined the "A re in inete:," marinfactarad at vote rooms, 1 do not hemtate to commend It to the am of On.e gentlemen who ars about removing to Cafiforni a in search or Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific rani 17 of metals, and will certainl enable the adv.:Dim to ascertain vrhen his placer I. yleidnig Gold. Yours, J. R. IkPCLINTGCIC I• DI A RUBBFIa CLOT/lING--Just received forth* California Expedition, a omplete lit in Liam Elam". Clothing, at prices ranging from $11,,50 for rag or coat, pants and hat_ For solo at me Inata Robber Depot, No • Wood sr demi% J h If PHILLtYS Ikea= Mr. ekWel k• - , . fr RE subscriber ciders far sale, the sTEANI BRICK WORKS, shove Lawrenrcyille, comprising u Stearn Engine, 2 Rollers, C Alould Mitchine, cap4ble et otanucattunng WOW, Pressed ltrack to dry clay, as taken from the bank,) per MO; with three her4h nl land on the Allegheny over, on which are 4 kiln. add sheds, machine and clay shed., wheelbarrows. truck, shovels, epedes, he., every thing retowne to rent• Menet operations at sn hours notice. Prire, including Me patent right to use said machine, o f payment made early. Wi th out 1130 land. adtailt. For particulars, address DENRV hIERRIVF, t01!.174.1tf No llh Itlonerigsbelu Haase. Tiomas P•eklmaon, MARIONIST AND AIANUFACTURELL—LaIIics, Tobacco, flousin and Imgc Screws of all kinds; Bros Caring. and Urmit Works generally. Corner of Ferry and First streets. TIIE subseriber, leaving purchased the Pottery of Luca Patte rs on, Jr., located at the above stand, would respectfully Inform 111. friends and the poblie that he Is prepered to fill any ureers.n hu l,ne, 011 the moat reneonuble 1011211 and rah dispatch, .1.4 wail feel graceful for their personage. THOMAS PARKINSON. Pittoburgh,lart.l, IN4O. HAVING !oildpored of my astahlisliment to fly. Thomas Park Jason, I take the liberty to solicit for him thy patroimgo of my friends and the polle, feeling confident Mat any favors conferred will ha duly appreciated and promptly attended to. JAalgid PAITEILZON, Jr. Pittsburgh, Jan. I, lf.Jo.—frand.filat partnership heretofore chilling under the firm of A C BRADL,KY, is dissolved by the decease sTAIr. C Brodley. The business rill be carried on by it Bradley, who will settle the busmen of the law Ira. nIADLIT Les Isreuved his Foundry Wareaouse from No I I, Second streektcrNwig Wood htrot, between First and Second streets, to the wore. ouse lately occupied by 0 A Berry, where In win keep sonstantly on hand a general swertuient of Cast logs, Orates, !troves, Cooking Stover, lee. it' 0 • , TITS co.parznerakip heretofore existing between the subecribers, In the name of Constuble, Butte d CO, Is this day dissolved by mutual conset. Messrs. Berke Ltarnes will settle the bbsinew of the covert n, fur which puma; they are authorized 10 use Mc it , Ouo Of the concern. NATHANIEL ft:Ver . /IEILE, EDMUND UUI(KC, TlltthlAß Itn itNl•..v. The undersigned here this any a•encinlyd ths m.r!• r In thn nano. of 11U111(1•. HA IMES for G:e pall•o•e of Inantituctutisig V.rr Proof Sale Voul , Donee. o at., at the Metal of .en late EMI of Conotnlele, ha Ito A Ca, Where they will he pleased to merit, ihn pattoit • Of; 01 the cant mere of -that house and their trleutte. EDAIUND TIIONIMI BARNES. In miring horn the Aro, of Conamddc, Burke A Co., I with etucete tdcamte recommend Mews. Burke dr Berner to Me confidence of my and the publoc. [rb. 0, IMP. NATHANIEL CONt.TACLE. tehtdelif HAri Met telanird from the - Fatten/ ell,. and receiving • lame 'renew or ..asonehle which he reapeinfully homer the attention of more b one and pedlar.. Nu et Wool et. relit) I/sllWrought and tart lion nulling. cebienbers INT., leave to Intone the public the L they have obtained from the Vert all the late end filehlonable &rig. for Ir. !Calling, both for bearer too cemeteries, Perrana wishing le procure luid- SO= pattern. will picnic call and examine, and judge for lluiraselver, Hailing will be foralrheil at the rho, nit notice or:d In the bent mae al the corner at Cm* and ' Rebecca streets, Alle g h e ny city, augtelulif . . • A A MONT KNox. I;ILIONOSIY ri.treilS, CASSCIICREId, in HATIN .I:4' ErN, oneteed an .nonnrannt. and for sale nt Inn Inanntantater'• warationee by trio OCHS PA. FLEMING k. CO 6PAINCII VAIM lON. iiiiiTO'S twantliul .t le of lIATS In now 4 received, and wit be Intrndured nn ont- OdOt 81E..b , b , , by ideCultDit. CO. fent) Career 618 It IViird et MEDICAL PILOC L A O TIN. di. pan. on back nr stiirjointo, nld ooreo, running lcent, that they van be eared by tultin• the. Pr troleum! Von may nAt about no heing nogirum giiith as you pl,µe, burtlus does not make It so, for weproclaim in the face of an honest commcnity, that It has airier, whirl , are not contained in may oier remedy. The man who is racked with Pahl aa, il tf fentig from carcase. con for Shy cents. get relief from any of of ennurneynted above. Deader! it cone very little to make n This Petroleum ih no min"- tare—nO compond i put rip for the purpose of impochni on the emactunityi but it is a remedy elaborated by the master band of nature, and bubbles up from the ho. tom Of OUT mother earth IT Its atigllMl perity, and oh fete nd to suffering horathti y a ready remedy, a certain e cheap cure. It coo cured Piles after other mallet.. have 4 , 111,1 to render any relief. It has cured Ithearnationt of lark standing, raid of the worst and most palatal diameter. It ha. cured Cholera Athrlitto by one or two don:: ; It bins cured old caves of Diarrhea in which every a:l.r remedy bao been oleo wrath Ao a local remedy burn. and scalds, it Is better than any at odienl coin pound or 0 1 / 1 1.Ment dlat ktow ie will tv chil blains or frosted feet, is a few applications; undnubt ed testimony can he furnished of the truth enhtuined in the above otatement by calling no Samuel N. Kier, Canal Daain i lth street; or either of the areal+. Keyser A filellimen, comer of Worid street and Virgin Alley; It. E. Sellers, 57 Wood ctreitt, 1). A. El liot & D. 1)1. Curry, Allegheny city, are oho agent, lanai .1.11.1011[0311 AN IMMIX STAit eV itfl 10000 en !Inlet of 1171121 M, err. Scrofula or Klng's I vii, Rheumatism, Obstinate neon, Eruption., Pimples or Pustule.. the F. Blotches, Biles, Chronie Sore lEyes, Rine Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Milargenzent and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltic Sy:notes., Sciatica or Lumbago—and disease* arising from on injudicious owe at Mercury, Ad. Lie, or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Lifei Also—Chrome Constitutional Di.rders, to. Thai Inedictne ha. ac w quired a very extended anfl established reputation herever II ens 'aeon - used, bared entirely vn us oven uterus, winch superior efficacy Lae e:one. sustained. The unfortunate neiito Of hereditary d•renve, with aarellen gland., contracted sfoew . cud fumes Isn't anon, h. been ra..ed to health and vigor. The scroloteus patient, covered with dleers. loathsome to himself meat his nun:dant. h. Leen wade whole. Hundreds f pursue, who had groaned hopelessly for years ender cutaneousiond glandular diforaers chronic rheumatism, and many other comphonts sidneing Morn o der...fluent of Mr secretive erg •net and ow efreaiatfoiL Lave been raised it were from the rock of disease, outi now with leneterene ronstitution, glooly testify In theaf ores. of tins Ineethrialfe preparation. ..TFILITII Id 0.1 ItANtiER TIION FICT'ON.“ The attensou Of Me traders, e•lfed to the following panic o JACO' "Ming eta, sifeCtid Ly the no* of "This is to eertifr that !hare a entered woman who has Loren altheted ler the Met five year. with ee.ofole. and al Me remedies I used had no e ff ect la aneshilg the progress of the complaint; on the r oittrarY , she eonstanily grew won,: and after riyeildin, l etween 070 and 0-0 won physic., he,ces crag other "point remedies withrtur anccegs, MI the di . lad eaten •way thy cartilage er her nose, ota..e i.. r. peer.. con reelect panto( her body, ~J had t oeiniartwad itv ravages in the root of tier month '. In Mia dreadful 1 101101011. with the giro. port of ' death staring her in Mi fare, I stated her case an Ur 113 , esterty, Me tigers ler San, Sersanlnila in New. hero N. C , :q r wt.,' wle eds...lto um, that ort.ele, and to my serprim and that a( toy neaht ors, to woorn her elan VT. 1110,4 utter' using four end a tow 1... t. this Pie was realared lo perfect health, and test in the spaceks tre si nc e 110, erect-. and wo , able to worn to two wee, • tie commenced Lai, it In wanes, or me Lima cf this ...cairn:. I br.: l'eretinm razed my n.inio.tbis lath day or Setneititier. 1717. .10:41:1`11 AleCr/171. (I J P.. . "Nlonth el Neese River, C 14,00 00 S C. 80142 l'llllllll . The lollowing ii an extract fr. id a letter teen red (coot Mt". (Levan, woo had Leen gllbeted leveret years won Screfuloa. Ulcer, D}sp•ptia, he., tool rece..tly an alai:don of throat arid chest.— :• • 11ay... - Imuno, Vs., Dee. 1.1. rail l, .!derant. A. 0 & It .s•Noo—lleforr I conimem.d an your ebarrurramle, my ernierir,,, wo-e. almost I . ohs. t e: ' .=:ift ' ul ' i ?' ett:, '" itarni7r7. P w k rr . e l ' l ' i k a ."' 4l 4 ; w-ets together tllat 1 eou.d 001 rprak ftbuv:a " ,t ' ia.. • ber; and bleu:ea.:he Iclisrorennen from 04 throat iia• tended ho my head,.., that my beam, was very reurit moister d. Aficr Latina the kiarrapand a a short tide. thy Leolth won iaiproved, tad to ttastal I: 110 ir evkl; loss an free Para rough acd tightrusis of the tlersilts 1 ever I teat. and tan hear emot e disrineuy Ale threat her been well meow three months, the rare el saran has been effected thou by ihe wee or )our Sara. ' , unlit. Your (newt I AIUISA Ti III:VAN , The (unawake 0 - 01000102/ 10 the . Cur of tlie Savo- Comm..:. from me Ser Luther Wright. area 70year, , Congtetatim,C yen rater, re.iema at It elite.. o Wosu as, 7 , 1ar.. • 'darer, 'et. 19:ti. "Mesa.. :Sand, lie,:letriert Frota Coot I Lave , pertene...l, aot Time lie Inkr.vs,st, I bogus wcenli,' Imo. from a r.aniber of per,:a a( high reipreta• Inlay who bat e une I taur gerraportna, 1 tove rust the least doubt bat that It; n moat valu.tbie ea...bent, and the , thou 000110.• CV, itel.t., you=are /000014•1 of tar rdloney ore 101 l l •...torr.e.l by eperienve, ud.l an d its rep , 1111101 end utility roe very exten9tve. and eland ro - on need at my tomb!, eforM to inurease theta, I want all who ere aln.cled Ly tt trainable.ents to he. come aroomOted with the erlt,acy and porigt of ) de r medmine. '•I sin, gent.erhen, gratefully end verr legK...lltlity 100/4. • LUTHER lValtill Y." Prepad and ntelegale and retail. by a. It. /I It SAN D S, Ilre.;ames and Chilean, 100 Fulton litre.. center of ll'illinia, ricer Vert. Sold else by 1/rov. gam generally throughout the United tiinica and Can. ad, hire SI per bottle. cis bottles for teS. For sale by I Jr., U. A. I'd lINESTOC .t. CO., aad Ell .. Wa 4 VII. I :SOX. RI, FENIA:fIiCII, Pittsburgh. Al- R to. he Dr ft .NII nil n.,,r,,,,,5,,, i.94-....t.t..,T , WILL.II4/11. DIGUT REDS lave to Inform tits mends and CLlRtOth^fa that 11 I•jest receivlors hls new sprint stock of rioette,, noosed, the newestand moat rapine:, WA< styles of Cloths, Cus.cuteeres, Taney Vetting, eot. tan and hue. summer stalls. and every ernele suitahla tor gentlemen's wear for sprtng and summer. It bathe trupessthle so desenhe the beauty, gusto . ). or quitellty of 11, stock, the propneter any, s all who are In wdnt of gaud, cheap, Whin/table. ,:at/ FY C 1 'e will per Logo a call, a. there is no Cock this 'Ala of the All. cheeks that can compere struh nomad) otsdadepartruesu Is very ettensave, adap ted to all tastes Rapt road . contractors, country merchants. on,l all who purchase tersely, are particularly tuvrted ex• onatne rho stork before purcattrittc, ILO parttcular at tention is pa:d to the wbolesale Lamas. :la this eatal ltshinent. 11.- rery artiete Om tailnri ma nne r, ade tn on:or in mom talflamab.e and ham al Ite notice. • JOHN . L'ltiinfs, -- NO 9 STATE STIIRET, ROSTON, A ;, ,, n1 for MISNA and Itera.ry of Property I HAVING. Pp! 11l [wavya rar in the various Re• cord Oilides, NatiOnal Library, he., during hot late visit U.• blve.didating claims for person. to this country, and bonny; secured efErient and re. :ponsible Agents in Layton and Manchener, be is prepaprepared to afford all tiercatery inionuaUnn nod ad red to pct.°. who seek to revolter their property in that counry. J. L. keep. a list of the Busk of England Dividend Mats, winch may in caniniurd for sauna, or 2.3 for r•rtz leiter of the Alphabet. Reformer, In Bottom C-11 P. ADAMS, Notary Pahlte; /AMES %VELD, V.sti; HENRY K. MAY, Lot; mrdsdnt it'll:4 NV RIDGEtVAV,Tso. .71ndcablarg Blatchine Diaautcntory. rl , llB subscriber informs he friends and the paboe, that ar ho caten,tve ententialon,ro. I , tapstne of employing front two to there hundred twortat., . ml whore lie always !mops a large panther of Cl,' t,s.t engegecid lie in prepared to ea, •Litio, in itort teal manner, nod with area:despatch, all orders tar MILL Wolin and corroN and 11't/tIL4IN MA. CIILAIKRY; of every de...piton. For the workman ably and style of Ida Mnehinee, he would refer to the nIIII,TO tannufaeturers In the WeRIMI • 61.111//f Mates, a. wed a* the Middle States, who are ear, op erating them. Ile has recently made great to tannin, both in the style and plans of his Alachua'. .Itklt will Le furnished at reasonable primes by ap plying us ALFRED JENKF, Enr5.2113• Itride.bure.Ps. fir - Vre U o i f t rlo " a l t . th l a i n 0 " rairlratrrL„U'hnaConorrethce'iv"e'd a ‘ ° „ " c rr coriment of Tweeds, Merino, Carsioleres, summer Clod., and Satriletts, of fancy colors, rise', an ritern, Drown, end now style.. of boys' nriStUrer, rim, a variety of styles of Cation Goals roe (toys' I.Venr, LINR. *nu Luna moms or cal:chic colors fur 1.0.5. "car. WAYNF. filflN WtMAN WAIIFJIO • ltuit iN WO , (11 7 Z r .l Second felon or t In.oludeu, under O.e core of Mr. and Ms, liosuoun (or We present sendernie peer, wdl commence on Ade day,mend./.d,3). February Ifols, as the stone ltilsbegs, No. .54 Liberty Jarred Arrangetnenu Lave been made by which they will be able to fuminh young ladles factlitles equal to coy In the Went, (Cr otrutoing a thorough I:tidied., Cisco eat, and Ornamental education. A full canoe of Phi lsofiblen: and Chemical Leeturen will he delivered daring the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de harm:tent. of Voeel and Inntrumental Muir, Modern L.ttgunges, Drawing and I . :undo/5 will emelt he under tine Care nf n competent Professor. By rinse ca,ntion to the moral and intellectual improvement of their po pIII, the Principals hope to /nerd entioisuation of the liberal' patrunnee they hove hitherto enjoyed. For toms, nee circular or apply to the Principals. • feble.du WHITE GOODS. MERPIEV k BURCHFIELD Invite the artenlion or buyers to heir !stun mock of While Gold sum, as Canabries and Jackoners. friansooks and s, Mall Muslim, Figured Swim &Wenn. Embroidered ditto, queen's LA1.1718, tdook • add Swigs Muslin., Barred Juskonrig, Cembhr frimmen end Strohm. Victoria, Lode, S'&-yrittnn, Thread, liobrilog, Jsekonm. and hiV.ll/lEddtnto and Insertursi; NeeMerrort, Collars, &e. he. A. Cow , goods are purchased frosts thoerns of the mnnulerlarcrs, they can he soh, at low prices. loth - "X"riiketit:A - CiEEREc—RI to Groom Coi - 4 li of rah, quality, In store ond arriro..4 ro c R DALZELL & 00, 975 Welly IL • sier,Sur INSURANCE:. • LIFE INSURANCE! Tinton Mutual bile Iniurance Comm. EA= 09 PROLIX 000rcin 25 rid cell . . Cop 8150,000. lAMBS DURNO & Cc, Agonts t PitobtoBll, P zoo. tor artaxmos, ST 'atoms, ott‘o tour,. lame. llov, Jr. Brtjarnin Flth. /moot] C. Pour, l'res't rt. A Yerdteur.r, V. C. John A. Wend, 11i htorrir,Socretary. Jonathan Flak, Treasurer. 1321121 . . . .." TOPS. TIITLAIIILLTULt. C01:11p11011,, a New York. Hon. Into. Dankpbei Genrpe Wood. Dkvidll. White. John F. Maekie Alexander Coalmine David Dudley Field, IW.S. F. While, F. M Swop!: /kale. NEW rat err. Hot Ere. Gov. Ilinnen. Fr-Gov. Venom. W, 1 .. Dnyton, H. S. Sen. I Nixie Wildrieli, 34 C. U. IS Wall, Li U S. Sea Wm. A. Newell, 31. C. Ne.Goir. Al, Ilinkerwm. I lion. S. 11. Hamilton. NIFILIMAL F—V.AAIINHBS. A. :Caney Donne, _M. D. W W Gerhar,l, II D. 32 Warren ei., N. V 301 IValnut it.. Pair. Wm. 31'.1 Morgan, M. D, 11. R. Bell, D. D., Ueorge MeCoiik, M. D.,' I Allegheny mly, Pa., Ciusbuiel,. Pa tho T r i ic e inri n n ' t ' nk ' n ' ir . :„ C rg:i " •anaceron or marerv.riva ala.x re._ Llro al rct ease Dem tl, rates of ' , renown, an elntrgeg mother Winlianin 1,•01+1.e. A man 30 ken. of ago, teking a Pultey of Itwu for Doe Thousand Dollarn. an To tun for ant goer, pays only fli,e U. dowren " do " " 30,51, And in the e proporion for any aurujap grAoth whit'h is Ike extent taken on any one lie. Thin Centaur commenced nyerattons nn the Oettoter, unit, nod in. monthly bushman up [titian I Ontobeh, te49, chows a progress SAVO:tem abut any other 1 Lc Company on record. The lint dividend of profits 'oval Le deetated to V. assured CM the 151 January. 1050 Pamphlets enntalnlng the Curio,. tal,tes nr rata and all We neeensory antormotion on the import, wilnect of Late Assurance s will he furnished on 41 p! calm, lo JAME 6 ISUICNO A. Cu., Agents, dcl7 Mean Ituildtna. FIRE 158LiliAtiCkC T l s lll ui T A ß :s E e Nr . i . , , 1 0 , 114:11 .. .1,1.1,1F1: AND FIRE:IN. I D:r r lr3 n 47. Go.ols, ec IRA DURNO P. CO Aye Is, " Odeon 1100,i,,,, riIHE. DELAWARE MUTIIAL SAFETY INV , RANCE CO.IIIPANTI—Oftee North Room of the Etrhanle, Tiara street, Philadelpria. Mai I arosasrea.—lluildlngs, Alert handrre and other property, an Town and Country, Insured against loss or damage by fire, at dm /mess ram of premmm. Al•einz luscaanci.—They alto imam morsels, Ca, goes and Prelßhts, farrier/ or coastwise, [federal , eo or special polities. as the assured may dem, bc.Ann Taansruarsnora—They also tenure Merch andise transported Ly Wagons, Rod Road Cars, Cam,/ Boars and Strum Boats, ts a , rtvers and lakes On the most liberal terms. DIECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal. Edmund A. Semler. John RC Davis Robert Dorton. John R Penrotte. Sauna. el r Jannis, Ireo Letper, Edward lestrlinKton. /rDavis, Wm Ful we 11, John Newlin. D r It Id Huston Jas C Band, Throplulus Paulding, II Jones 8.f.., Henry Sloan. Hogh Craig, George tierrill , Spencer alellvatn, Chart,. Erlty , J G Johnson, Wm Hay. 1/r S Thonnrs, John Sellers. Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECToRS AT T hlorgar, llegh Crag. Jelin T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Prerdent. RIM... S. N 1,301.11, Seey . Other: of the Cowpony, N o . id Wan, street. Patalmrgn. Itataidf ' P. A. MAY/I.3RA, Am. Sat. - laud U•alth latzuranca. T.,. Mutual Late and Ileenth Insurance Company of Plidadrlphtu. Incorporated by the Legislature or Pennsylvania, march, I,ls. Cnavier perpctuat. Capital, S.ILONOIL Cards LoW. ANT Panast.b. 1 , 001.4. CO3drol, and full 2J per cent. lower than the mina' rates of ,l Lab. insurante, ar Mr following eon, parlson roll show, Than, a pervert of the age or an in. oaring for Slut far life. must pay in'the G.rard Pe oylrama, MIA,' Penn Mutual, /PEA Equitable, 111,04; Now England, $1 . 436i Nr 6v York /.ife.ria,al; Al bion, 82,42; Lie, and Drank, Philadelphia, 11,91. Ihitarrods —Samuel D. Orrick, Charles D. flail, W. F. Beene, Silbert P. King, Charles P. 'layer, M. W. Baldwin. 01. 11. Reeve, N. D.. Chas 0. Il Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Ilsrker, Butler, Edwin H. Cope. Provident—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Previ. der.i—itel.L P. Errs; Secretary—Francis IllackLurne. A pp s ocaiio. will Le received. and every iidormation goon by ISAfd L. FAIINHS pOCI,, Agy Ogee, Vommerrial Roomy, corner of ocerr-illv Wood vied Thad nt, Pittsburgh FIRE AND IIAILINE: INSURANCE. rplIE INSURANCE 1;0. et North America satN p-nuanrot nod :touted Insatnuee on pro perty. In this city aud ¢ndru ithipattrts by River, Lake, and y ea. Toe ar:lr:lra at th 3 -. Company ore inveLvted, and (amid - an avail a.b.e fund for the ampl.ondemn.ty of ¢li pervons sbo de•tre to be prorected by anaaranec. a.yl. WM. P. JONES, A • Li L'I4LTR INSUEIARCS, at Plttebargla. Thr Sprin! Carden Health Ininrante Co., OF I.III LADELYIIIA-CAPITAL S100,011:4 g l Melo. 1..1 Frecaie. anatuottlu Eapen., l : amart n.l edtaLe ozcarowar d , f o hleknc6:ltoh Acedent, by al alltffrom ot Pr pet week, for onc, two, three... foot year, 'ltomethod `or Lataraftea. and Lie malt of awarding the stub allowance, will be fully explaund by the Agent 4.2AVrt.a. A r,non can °tn...< erain.l Solnca• or Accident orhmb demo Euro from ha ordinary bonito.% as TI. l'or o:.c year,l,y paytog 51,20, and encore 111, week. • 0. for , four of Ow sears, the stun of t 11,40 1.00 l welly svOl ..sekoe pot year., el %tole sic, Eere•snryinfo.ostion ve:11 be olotJea on lto sutoost Cr lioronore peoeral2y,l4 1.11.711.50, R oA. ATen.s, =ZEE Firs and :11/arin• in•nraticie• THE IikTIL.Y. :h. Latnaher Corvp•oV of North An,r,ra, t.cco removed to No. 111 ?rout • ran of 1V0,,1. The ...41.4er00r, arrnt for the 'hoar ol,t•nd re•pon• ..1,10 Coar,omny. l'olicte• thafAlny tud ttnir contron,i.J on slop:neat. ul Nlerrtntrultut by t.catst Boon and other EIMEEM Th• Foranaylvatalw Company Fat IMUICANCI un Lida •iinCra,IIII7.4IANNCIIIZIL I. ritHE Get! Late In.nranc. Company in the It. e. Inectipnrated March In, let;—chatter itentetua.. Capital B..tuudgin—all paid in. Haviag nutlionsrd the undersigned*, receive applis Canons for insurance., on which politica wilt be inane& Recording to thew prattneats and rates, whiali will be wade known Co appl•cants at his cline, No ttfl Wood street. snit ' fiE(l COCHRAN • SAMUEL fic/ftELVY. RIANUF . LOTURFIII OF CAtir STISF.L. and No I 111 sod N. f Amcriean Biisior Merl. Also—Best Cast `Burl Flies, of ell sacs; wad Blacksmith •ndS;the Rasps, always on hand and for •sle. either at las 'La. ,00 noel lVorks, , O'Hara Orret, Frilh . Ward, or nt the "awn in the Iron Kim, of BOLLSIANA a GARRI tsON. 1n I,foot of Wood Street, Pittahargb. VIELCULALL , We. the an , i , r.ianril, haven t used, unth coma sat• ,•I.enen, tbo (test Siert end Files made by Sanwa! .llc Kr I ry. at hoe Eagle Steel Weds, in lins city, Tate plrnitiu re in recommending them as equal in quality to any ever used by a., of nartan manufacture. Puts:saran, Marct:ll,l,lll. •. J 11 8110F.NDERGER. A_CO, Mano , actarcts of Iron and Nabs,Pm. KNAPP & TOTTEN. Iron Founder. noel Marti Mists, 'bugling!, J. COLKMAN, SIAILMAPI & Cr), Ntaeintar tart Fa of Spur go, Aalea, ttortog Steel and FLorta Patti burgh. Pa. CrA! FABLE, Engine !holders and Machine d Manufartu• rem, Pouhar TON g b. Pa. FUL, lir Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ma DILA FP. LINDSAY & PO. nufarturera Iron and:Nail, Pittsburgh. Pa. JOSEII TOMINSN. Loromotive Engine. andPlap Ilu P ,lder, Pitts L burgh O , Pa. WALLACE, • Marble Manufacturcr, Marione and Engine, thold• torn Plit.burob. I'm bIiaLODEON PIANO mat , setther ha• just anises r^" , ,,A.a. •9 new.n nni ' I re Wu! loment lo d e e ' et:Psanoi” from the fricif; of Nbirsh d Vane, Cancinnati. • Ii has the elegance so calcour Yof smiled of tope us lel. sweet and piracriol It. tern erever, consists in the rapidity et ~ e lneh enable, the performer to n t e upon at the meat brilliant y;ananmaie. Altacmh er, it may be called We best reed Instrument ever tp vented. Call nod e amain°. Sale Armin for Mo K e L I E k E Wh im' sW m o a mbw fa e c l tu s r e P. S several nese and very fine Melodems. WPM (Journal, Chronlele. and Memory eery 1 Modern aad Antique Furniture. JAM EA W. WOODW ELL, LO, num Sr., rirmonalt. zz J. W. W. ray _rte A., •.. • p ßlp m cc2l , l) i. .l. 4 (l7:Lhe . pleted Ida smog mock o FURNITURE the largest and mos:vaned asmrtment ever uttered tor sale to this city. compritlng several se. of Itosakvooo, .d Stars %VALI., ex!Vcal, Drllo.lolllol and ai, mt. :a 10! Parlor., Drawing and lied Rooms, of a ll o whieb will bo sotil at the lowest prices. Persona distant's Furniture of any deterllMlOll., 1110. cpeettolly !tinned to call antleraccuno mock', which every descrintton, from die chew. I and in the most elegotilnn covtly, of which the fa~lernitprt•et C pare Tete a pets :tot., Tem a Tel; Divan.; It nn .. vernal,. Chairs; 031 , 0110110 Coot re; Ildeeptinti do Louts XIV do Etteriniiii do Dann Ettlque; Whet Not.; Toilet Table, Loom XIV Coinmaderet Duke of Yank'. Con.; to Sofas with Plea:, and Han-slat!, covers; :Al Divans, do do do; 40 dos it Parlor Chain; 10 n Itteavroml do do; lo " Walnut do do; 4n e Cane Seat dtk 4 " Ai alit:lastly Rocking do; 1• 00 PULII4 tin klarble Top Centre Tables; do do We'll Stands; tat Mahogany Bedoteada; 11 do Wardrobca; le lilt Walnut do; tl Cherry do. fiA very large auvortment of CammOil Chain and oth er Furniture too mthous to mention. pe Strom Boats 6111,410 on the shortest notice. Ali orders promptly onctided to. p. tc --Cabinet Makers can be stlpphrd with a 11.... dl Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneere at considerably reduced DISHOLUTIOSfe I 11: PAITYYJEFLUIIIP herotoforoemeting between T James Litwghlln and Joules Steele, under the firm at J. Steele & Co, 0..11 &milted by routuhl eonseut, 2.litt Elm& The burble. orthe hoe One will be retlilldlliP by Jane. YewOlio et their former pare of business, SF. Cl.le Vete,. JAMES STELLX. aplo JAIIJE.9 LAIJOBLIN. MISCEL HERSEY, FL F FROM TIIE MAisa:FAL R FRS, A NI) .11' EAST. I; RE PRI CF-4: - - ERN MANII P A Voli:[,:qtuulds, oil WooL Red do Velloor do do :11o.n do du I; Blur - . Fancy Cononadrx; all ctrcred w Funtory pric. Home Lenguc.Shirting. !Pack Satinet.. Steel [nixed do CbeckA and Siripc;, •en haarrroodc Black Civaimere. Fancy do Faller Tweedy. Toile. Good, Rel Padding. tenet J Vett Padding, liiintern. . failorgetirmaaa hen rt Itringn Idnen., SPieire f Drub Serge, ' , tack do, ' and worsted Mack and Whitt Tiipe, [nark Twist, lOW, de: Linn, Mean owl D•ii: Stuart'e C cord Sal Cot do Linen Tr. Iva J rugepor artirle; ',yet rout Cdoth. Suns Brown do Sopor Greist do Soper Twilledeo Se, or Mock Doe Skins. Soo., Drab Cashmere,. Super Si fled Soper [Sack do Ck'S:l3l . llll{ Blankets. ct tin e it Fitured Ve.ftir,44, !Matt enun do • Crath Urnvot Al the b/emulactuler.' I limn, !Witold :Jo'd Edk duttonv. Cram, he • ht. utchouco, No LI: Wcod 4 incti 'ET s. Nr.i.soN •bd.. remnsrd In Ni, 1.1 , Opp., IhO St tlnttle• They hhve cli•m r ..: tfir 11 le 2,11 11111 thP 213.41...4 au!! •urrir.l et, under the 0711111 °{Vill “Yostley h. Ncktuot,...” POST LE? 4 . NELSONS, 11nI :. :of Cit. ,rot linen ti,rett ',rid..., Mort, !fit,' :mil Monti, Fork, Vire , tiun itarryit, iSJVIPI eltinrprd ihrir writ' tit, litiprity the,v ifi-nstA nI the <illlllCst Alld prtect , the market will :Word. All etc matt , ct lie, mittetidtit end lateAtitVle mithir, to purritit•r will God it In tlit.irearn tar, In yr:int!, their rit,rl: before. ,titrelitiFi, cis whstr or Itsi XPAITORD's EXPRESS FROM PITTSELItGII T) Y p,.¢.'f.quann•T xxo Parc.r Lose. corn ono. fl with Livieg•too, Fug.) Co' (4,1 Ca,clit and WrEtorn Erre', no+ arroogerren , r.-111 .11,4 un . inelliOcto forwarding valn.hlw poekor., Silver Ws, Jewelry. lIONI; i;11::. A to the LnLt. 411 d Clon 10..000 to hi, l!, rived no•t or we, trout Eric. Pnn , enlar onto,. tioa roil he /mid I I.;OLLECTINO ACCOUNT,: cud purchno, for 11,n, ',Tho wi.ll to eeon•nnise their a ll ague, nod .11,1 the c.rnot-, 41° rcrx.•amil tn hi.oocil at • Trutt( totooetent Olw•y. roxtonpony tar eZ2,11.• core, rotovo.orni , ,.. caul lan th. r G SI lid PTON,Ar , .4I. Monongahela )lode. Me••,“ 11,1 i k Cum), rm Wm. 3I alfacm, .1 firm WAIImm Lyon Co, 1.,,b; Jeb;o, Eine, EN, firm nt Pcnim:t t Co, du; I! A. Pmim. EN, Braver; ticn. J. LA 11,',111,ma. I , N, IL CMJ,II, ButMM, mid I:„ F:no, .in,bton. Fa igie N itort,rfirid S eo, No. 11/ IYa!! N. York N" . 6. 800 T S. 51 JO 'VFW, .o,•orther isnmnirsolunn,c a bonen ill J. rA.INIFIC HOOT, oi roo.l st , r.ans 000 a ork uomettip, ot too verylnw of Se 50. 011F:a. G Market odx eeeond door from Water It. ap13,120t _o[Ml:or, 1 ropy YOTkV rimE on,lor,;gned having ;1111 Ivitotl of U. A. ILI.- LW, lne t.:toaai :+tr Mt I en the A Vrehnry Ilive•. th• , , tee lI^W (1,0,105,1. •0 g.f of coy sire mud t, 1.141 GO 0, I:ont Le , t Plank. Jot, reaotlthgs. Tuilocuera, sborte.l otthr Lutug eoults,lly on Lac.l. rroeived rind 1111 vin!rm • 0000 r•on H Wrglainal, earn, of Water cod I.lherty streeta. or II A/nrroota No ISO Liberty creet, and on the orrice of the au,. xpli..a3rn WIGHTMAN NIORRL,Wi WCOILI) a lioeceasbre to Areord te r ts) at Pastklanabl• e's, Cortoor of Wood odd Fifa cries. PARTICULAR 1a11.1110.1 paid to our Retail Trade, Gentletsco Mil re:7 upon s7tune; thoir flat and I:apo from our ostabDro obent of tho : sod woontaraan., of the,al at the taw., trp Megobants, purcimaing by ar:talc,le, ere rcapecu'uny tnvacd to ran and czaz.b.e our Sant; u. we can any with confidence that II! regard. Qr.., and rnt,aa it avta nut,:der la a cat With toy hove Phi.adelfrbt 0:17 Docks for sale by A. U. Eng C 6==if Ti'rc ALl.aute Enetlq CootriLuticuil Thet4.lo- 1. cat Selene, By John Rani ,• , i'rendent of enllrKe, author of •"The Great Teichpr," d Great COITIMISS4I...t.c. Toe Grcat Coulauzoon , or tilt' eirrlstian elturrh Conalito,4 and Churri to Couver (Jo.pol to the Vorlu. Itr the R•e.l. Ilan 1%, T. TI, uottlyr of ' . 3 , Tm01• mon,' “Tto , o3 , llTeuri.e.." Cr with 'll tr:roductur . , 8 ." , 7 , by Gev. I.VIRTom R Wlermga., or the Charm, of the .Nile. 13y tihnicuo Forms. The ]lorry Seat, Tkozp,h. Sugoeeted by 'le LIMP, Prayer Hy G•rdin, Sprint, 1) 11, runtor of the Line! Prestryteriantnerrolf, City oiNeor York. The extent of Ms Atobernent to its relation to God and the I,lljVCrte. 114 Tboone Jeak:,n, D. D, PrTaid,ett of Coward Callefee, London. Paroeval, or the Convatonoo and Punitive Condit on of the Dawn tieing. A contrOration to Thooloveal Dv Ron. John Maori.. D. D., Cncsunt CoLcie. Too Chet, h fn Enuteaf. Its .1. - .ln legell Joan,. author of ..1:oe Church Aleort,ni thode. , Sr Elernrnt. I'onnes.l Economy. Ili Eref,l. Weenie!, II IE, Pn,tdent of Drown l'l ,, rnnty,u,4l Prol,sor of Mont 11cput,1;,,, , .r True 1.6 ty , arx• ',hued in inc. 1.0, h , ere,,cnd Earle. Omelet, cz toe Grew lim:centor. Ily P. 1. 11,toon, anchor of foe Die. People,.. “Ltring Orators of ...Act! ea.^ A e. ii.rtches htul Rattan,. JT. lie . rovert.. tnr thr l'eot.le. or 111,trahno. or Prsea• 0016.1411. r ,, Drawn Iron the 1.11. t of 11 mime. It, • r , r•lltnt 1,0rt0 5 the rl.,ne I.rr sell ' I In, the footing I' tiler of n lone e•thl , lmor•l and /11 eztenu‘e. •11, ihts vlest,t! ht otl t: xrll ruppl,ed with the different XI rer of 1 . :•!ter.ol rat I•er:or trittoh we oiler ttt the lower: reritlar Istoccs. any-y Car ur quality will Itemartufarutrel ln d nen ei ENGLISH .t iliucceusois of Elliott it Enati-h.) Turn N.. n cc, . . . DISSOLUTION. I . IIIF. Potr.cntiop hereto:ors es Litutt, briween - c:l:thil & F:ngigh. in die Boot by l'apet I:tipanTst, war , olve.l 1 1 11 the I ttb Inm .by IIIIIIIIP I enrghnt 'lle bantoes, will be colionortl at the old .ten. N. 70 Wood meet, ender the hint of e A. 11. EraliAli ht o ~ by reboot the businesa el the (mire, partoership will te. 4,ttle I. Z 4 AN1131.1. FJ.LIOTr, $.1,21 A 11. ENCI.I9II 1b51.1, braING UILY GOOD3II WE arc tar.r taxmen, 0. 'collar sappltes of 0. TT mottnc and Foreign DM' Works, which w me mamma to sell at thr lowest market puce, cosh bayrrs and prompt husiuess mew Wa would ask the attention of Coy and Welter. Merchants to our su Cl, balscrtmc we. r aft oder utast . induccntent. to purchase from us. SISACKI.F.Tr Pc Wit ME, ft 1 ,21 Dry Cools PO:Orr, no Won , ' .1 MMM ALfF.XANDb:II a DAY. earner or the Diamond and Slaract tube., are prepared to offer, at the letv cat thereat PHea a chore. , aso urtment of Saks, of the hc,t qualittco.d , nowest et) lee. Seat black glotly biro tie Rhine, ore Celebrated :manufacturer, ter ,t. rd not to cut in weartug. Black Brocade Geri htilka, very rich. Rtch Ged .911 ks and Satan Dc Chen.. In choice color.; Chameleon, Gra_de Rhtncai Satin do aad Taro Saar.. ALEX i NID4R h. DA V. hi Market at, Northwest corner of the Iltare,.ntl Bonnet.l Bonnets! • • • • A FULL . apply Chula Pearl, Rough 'Led Ready, Rutlund amid, Florenee Braid. corner miler my leo of Bonnet% now open at the north CAM corner Fourth and Mattel strecr., toy MURPHY & Be* Al.o—Fete Fleraen end Bonnet ear* of Ixer and .13 ollia - e 1., AA A. MASON CO, Market ht., belweeo 3d and . .Ith, bare lad reed, and fIIC new op:Mo linberte amen, which are Jenny Lied, lead Potence and a Pedal timid, Lunno..Eueliott Dun. .ermine, Enett:h :draw, ' Rough and Ready, and a gr.. Hero i ronety o: all quolale* and prier., NI Llettn•tal Bolleetal CIPEAI AT I.IPRPIIV lf morning—Chino Piaci, Coburg. Clarence Itracl, dDrab and What ' ) F/ Med Braid, and other otylcli of new, Bonnets. Al..a— PLts \VEIN AND CAPS, In great variety, and at ex ceedingly earl li low prices. China P 0114.. as low a. in eat a. Inca:. Memoir. pa mein D. 17. T L I.D. h . et Seotehen of Wee, with int the eneumer of with n PolornYfingiples of Morul and Political l'htlotephY 1 teal limn. '1 he Paley Book, Illentruted with out, on wood. By Attwun. a 4ketch of a. PhyCoal Dnnent,t o' n.r . nlexanderVon IlinnhnlCL. d♦ol of thn Lilo of Wgllono Win. fly J. I'. vr edition. ( sho Ur aad Wnung. of TLum.u. CLal n~ hi .on a a., ita.. ivurzr if Minnesota, the New Easiatill or the reldoots of travel In that Territory during ut p,rte. uy E. tl.tiortotior, Spark's American Biography, 10 rola Moo, 75 cent.. vaiume. The Whole and hi. Captor.. or the WhaLyman . .. Ad. veattota oral the Whale's Drogrophy. By II T. i'M.evara, with enravingi, &teen. licillorri.ho Foal Voy age, brio the rolor boy: eon mid rdaditlaconom of rh o aon of it .gellttcleaa M nicrelintit metric, Ilernian Mal r ill:, out of 'Ty pee." ulliono" dd. Thin Moder n 1.1m1.1. elotarch, or LIT, of Men Dir. lingokLud 'AT recent History of liorrlooll..r their Tatum. Virtue, ar ATM...vertical, By W.... Tamar. L.L L. Al.o, Am. S. S. thou, on hood and for Tale be A. If. ENGLISH & ell, Hamm°. of ELLIOTT & ENG LIMI, No. 19, Wood PoWdorl Posarlort RGIs Du riths I'IT6 Ride; . " Ododo, 411 ii., Boatel Mill, FFFU Rifle; - Oh. do I', FP, be, Martina; lord no Latlin'T rt. Smith'. soo.l Binsttng; do la M m “, ' tio; Yam an an do American Halley toy I ned 1 heda do do; It/ cor•s vatinister do do; In 'I,, an Prairie to do du Duet dn; Idoil Dafety Pare —II magatlno rod to 111 , rivey allot winch I. offered to the trade on the Most lltretalote terms. Deliverable al all hoops of the day. The quality mid variety of the CannOter Powder Is worthy the ancation .1 Tpuromen. aryl .1 C. BIDWELL. Aden, JMMES D. LOCKWOOD, Ikulraeller,lllid Importer, Ip4 Faanh wee, a few dooia mot Of HOW wen, Item DI Wool rirecul apl A 77. _ _ HISCELLINE MING & CO Chambers , Ednootlomol Connie. MILE, SCIpiTIF7C SECTUIN—Thes bless . ri. ChM ", hers have employed the first Prifes,his en; Step land; in the preparation of there' works. 'They are sum offered to the Schools of the Unitan Flaws, under the American revision of RM. fierie„.lsl. M len; Ina Superintenderd of Pahlie gehoole, in the tidy and Cogray of Now York. I. Chambers' Treasury or Irinnvredge; IT. Clarkla Drassingand•Perapectiven • • Chambess'.Eleinenta of Natural ithiloptephy; I V . Reid I. llain'iChernirtry and Elcetricity. V.•llamiltum's Vegetable and Animal Phyrielany; VI. Chttrobers.' Elements of Zoolocs) with plates; VII. Parchillements or. Ge obis*, illustieted. It well l knorenthw tbo anginal publishers otthese .works (the Messrs Chambers, of Edinburgh) me able to command the bolt trlenis in the preparetion of their books, and that - 't Is. their praetice to deal faithfully with the puhlic. Tins writes wit: not disappoint the reasonable expectations thus excited.. They are ale.. mentor). works, prepared by anthors it. twerywav ca pable uf donifijustice to [bestowedc nee undertakings, and who have evidently upon them the ne entirety time and labor to adapt there to their porno,. We re:iv:amend them to teachers and parents wide conGdence. The first named volume. in the hand. of a tette*, of the younger clanamh might furnish vn exhaustible fund of amasemen: wed instrumien. To• tether, the - y — would constitute a rich treasure to it fam ily of intellegent children, nod' impart a tbirn for gnowledge..--IVerinont Chronicle. Publethed by A. S. llernea k Co., New York: mid Ir stele by A. 11. ENGLISH 0100 No 7o Wowl it It SILL, PIITSICIANri TESTIMONY., FOUND NOTIfiNG TO EQUAL THEIL Ittamtrunc, To. , Illereli ISSO. 11'1 Cough Sorry. nod Liver Y,:h yon toot u otil Iy dot of the Verm!fdge. I hnvu used athyoureamily e kledieines in my Lundy, rind have gilto proreribra them in my p.m.,. Inet 000011211C11 please(' with Mom, and have foond notion, tuegool thorn. Send me S don Of yell., Ver0ni,g,..,,,,d 10 nor encl. of 'the Liver Pilo' anti Cough Syrup. ' Reepeelfully yours , ' [Emmet of Lettered T. T.Jamt.sue. ' nose Melly popular I...WS:Mom may ye had of the omm - 1o:or. R ESlmr,rits, 57 Wood et, andDrugasets gueemlti,in the two enter nne - vleiniry ' noe— ritilESACltEti st - nesTeuTeranoo of Chorelt Illuere. Edited by George Eing4l:l, An• thnr of Social Choir Juvenile Choir, Am, At e. L., Seurat'. Sebool Gouts of Alone and l'ost:y, de:filmed exprersly for the Sabbath School; by J. t A. Cook. shook. A now Trontine on Anronomyi And the Cor• of he. Gnahm, ht . t 770 party. Contain., Astoonmiea nod °don dcnmions; motto. And nortilOVlOlthe surtmoon nod pla. et, limners-la-we and Theory of Grovinstio, Pe rtetro, ,Teritight, and Poeratlai, Conner:ion., rt ...once,. Phenomena, and elngeatodes of the cravenly liodiee oniurps. K the Sob, Sirtom, •to airn, on otti,eive ons e t o n the nowt u•etul Prob. imur 00 lhe of On Globes by a eon. tebte shorty of Examples, , Jalngeed I'l, the Coo 01 . 11110 i Schools nod 1ke11101.01.111. By 101000 hiefinim, Prott..ene of. Muth: motto, and Astronomy in the Control high Se/illOl, for flalotnore. 10ek - aod Port, or ',tridents of a Li[l:llEC In the Untied Slags Frigate Conercee, Coliforman ekmehee of itio Janeiro,, Lima, lionolniu; nod Sun franneiseo. fly Rer. WS/lee COllOll4 U. S. N.; onto, 41 Ship and Shore, ke. For tale by A. If. P.M.:USN& CO. Sueceenare. to ELLIOT& E.NGLISIL "fla No. ot Wond moot BIL t. YNGrilirrgi-A75.- TE: A LEXANDEU DAY, earner of the Diatdand o IC il Martel siroet ore Miff sell.ol al7, at reduced prier, their •tnel of %Vinter Comes, enneirtitto of Shoals and ILatlice' Orem Goods, to great nudely. Alco-111mgem and Finntrals,Clnths,C.W.lialea.SatiA , 11n. roil 0 1011 ...moment of henry Cotton (lend. •nadent th at holler lostemem eattnOt cite invite the attentlon of buyer, • ALEXANIIF.9 A: I E fT, to 0 Slorket room. ....orhoso Mocha.loot Work. U. Alpichrn ro Co, Soo , York, hove in toured cf neation, in knirts, price twenry are rant. ench, A DICTIONAILY Aler. 4 .anst.t, E.'ndrod lUeek. and Er: girsetrang; olcitgzul for Prealtal /Urn, c,u Gitote intended jog flu Env. riscroi e ; I'Vexston • rem:" Or Offset STlVcarteltl . ‘‘ , oltl4 io °Chirac ova. sue. ono will contsin milli cool upwanlo of six tau, ikon ILLsuiets. It will pigment working-draw -1000 end descriptions of the most ilapdrildr. mecAllies in the United :Antes Ihdreendent of the rosin(, of di:truean ingenuity, it will contain complete procu re! town es no Mechanics, Mactdriery,Enginc.seurk, and Erigineeting; with all that It u icru: in riionc ilnur one Inewsaud dollare Warta of foltu Irolllllle, mops since, and other boots. Th grrnt oineet of iii, publication is, in place be fore practical men ono stades ti non nil amount of theort.ticilgeotrien, ti condensed ioninns 'holier:dile them to work re the best adean i,,, aim to cio, j those widiaise• wituch they might rouu,,i. The rumor. or [weld: &Won/onion dead lonaght together is almost beyond precedent is Ouch works. indeud, there IS barely Clay snivel within its range which k n, t treated with such clear nen and precision, that even n man alibi moot ordid nary capacity rennin foil of unite:ramming, it, and thus learning from it nitwit which n Is important for honk, know_ 'rite pub:liners ere, in shoe:, determined, regardless of cost, to mate the work as eampkie as pokible, and It /1 hoped every one destrnus to ot,sui the work soli . procure to 00 asked in numbers and thus enconrag• enerioise 'fi . wort will be issued in semi-monthly number,, eoruinenetnii January, le:A, and iv:Untidiest, with great regularity, The 'slink wort will he puhliatied. in 40 nowhere; ca ctrl,, per number.ond re:evicted within the cur. rent year, tout:' A liberal illseounr will be made to agents. Itr.y ooe then s thieg the publithers 310 m shall receive the weak through the poet uOtoe free of expeon. Oplnlose ot , tlx • Pt.. -.To oar ntinierime Alanufactuners, - Nucb.ics, Fr gamer., and Aradane, tt will be a mi. of woalth."- Frevideacc. r.) Journal. Young me., arm yb . urnebres with ha knowledge We can with cr,lidence rucoanne d loom as they taxa:, • O. c a. , l , „lL•c • y rOloOrold the watt to those en eaeed m or tuthre...ed in takehmill,al ea yefeabfi e • .... • nun .y wortlit of Muir exammatitto and ktddy."—Ttey,tN. F..) Buds”. o IL 'rely 7 treet wort, and the Illblisilterf dr rSil I.lln timuk• of umeedors.maclaismte.aed Nann ractßr So.( Ooked 0( 1b... putdic yenerally.'—N. Y. odeum.d,k "Itua Dtabonary will he highly velal a, practical ...chantey. moil v010...e Who mob 10 Oci)otsOrt szomqvos said, iho pregame of OlVellOOn in toe tar •banse urts-'`—New llediord I/any Armoury. ' "Youne. niecli•nuek eub lot to keep pneteu up in the •tetteral well fit pact cal. knowdedge, and thvi etk wed thee , be:fume: bow 124 y abotal."--boxbury Advent•er %Fa take it loan last the work that adores red hon. tied? 01 our 00,1:1,ont loschanicshoso desired to pas css Skt ampie aro na dulieriptines. fotG SO fall .1 tonna int Naatileattana that It scams to that .y oechatne nimht cootenet any ',meinae it desuri)ms on ,cratal nen.emelt,' and timtructio. s. ° —N. V. 'outto Advortmer. ' A int, fe•dcd .tt ni,lisoo, should OVILII Itum. err., al tie adventneue —eckaylkaf, !Tenn.,) Joui tl oA wnrk ornate:id. potent ninny and great ite poi - wire and emus lonia rsrodly increasing of the min.. tWe and the wort es aninernly calculated to . promatc the caner of science and the ierrriamen, nit, and todisseminnterslueble Informs Linn on tires , aubsects.'—Farnier nod "I'tort not rri n all the vaned walks of nirreheni. cal and inanedacimithe industry, engineering. gie" will hod m nos work a el welch is will to totheir profit to perniess "—Tiny Deily Whig. .We have crtrefuily perused the numbers, and bare no heiviasen in saying that it is the host work far mar homes, tradesmen. rid scientific men, ever publish ed, tor a emitainsininum information on every branch of the mechanical ear and sciences, elpressed in a title and lenges. intelligible to nny readeief ordi nary espoiany.--Olouceeterithlase.„)News. - - We ate sure we ore doing the media.. a Nor wich end other parts of Connecticut 'service by g the work to their aitention. , --NOrwith, (Conn.) Courier. alt felon such& work MA every mecharriC should • po .. . . "—Freeman's Journal. • ...• .. • . . We consider it oue or the wort useful and important publications ol thee.. No owe hanie . ean etrord to ho agout at."—Newars, IN. I .4Comnaertnal Courier- . ro::Cheri varlet. pablieattons boring for their ola• sect the eloridanon and hdraneetneut of the mechani cal arts and remotes, none that we Late seen, to to fall or procure arthir Com. Ado: olt Ia the Inert and ehrane, work oserellered to the ~,enfar.t. and ptnotical engineer and mechanic. Thar plots. or hennorrlly excerned."—WashinatonGlotar. "This rent latenoaary it 'Donor tbrrairest risecal, er.ltia, cue; pcblished years, 11114 the low price at whi6h it Is mold nate+ It orrept.le to all."--Sonth Carolina.. • • •.%Vin re ga vei l 9 ohe oldie roost compraheusiveand valuable, asas cheapest work• erre pal/shell" —Reinitiate Adv.:river 'Ought to bo Moon by rvrry one desiring In beep, pact with the progress of sin and science in rferyone of the el odilized hfc.."—itandout Courier. "ft is deigned after the psticipie of Urehi 'bantam, ry, sassy that it I. more devoted to the mcehaumal and engineerin profe.siona, and shrive nil, n retold., uceomt g. ot Ailed for America word Ore he, done gut Eng:nal, co . American muclenery and woras of art '—oi,olo,4c American. "OW published In number. toia g ;wive so mod, rata, loot ing at erbium contained it AM number, that Co Abe who has site least ihtcrest in such mance., need ho damned tramp rocuring pod every our who Joe. se, will bud that ha hss in a condensed farm int amount of instruction which oron.O be obtained. it at all,enly by the purchase of very many nolame,.t..N. V. Renner end et:nutter. "the comprehensiVene. with which the gubjectt Ole towed, the admirable mannisilu watch they are iliustrated,COOspon to make thl. One el the most deal. rnb i ewerra."—Remorradie Review. - 11 its wart vbende be untie band.. every anechardei nrt .nil nth [tuft...m.l', rept,ttally thy., wbri beau the leurt evplradoev in creel in their reepeetive buii; nee,. We nave carefully uonned with. viewer, recommetteittrt It to Int'entori. To thorn we would any in the !Mem!! lan vuege of the Bible: Olt 11 geed.' , ; Invrattore.lottrustl. , • .Noel. to the Pre;metors of Neterpirers tetraglea-- la the Unsted e•jtalea and Canada. xrn,e Consisting adrertieement is iornrted five time. dartr.K the year, and the paper nontaltri It 111.11,1 Z copy at the work will be sect graue in payment. etllddt.ktelrT un Itanad. irjON MO J NTAGUr. ec er a Y Choke: a Narrauve rounded oh Mc Early historY Aleravian ~l le3icluary; by C. B. hlorumert one la TM_ nmetin. Almlere lateratera and Literary Men, being a see and Galb,ey of Lgesery Partrane. t;dorye rerroaml entire Rom the LatKlimedition, one large Ir roo vat, muclin. Itylne'e thenounry Machines, Ece, Non, Moe Z Melte, the Bails Reformer, by item Wire; I vol In lee, mutton • - Anecdotes far tbe Young, or Prioespise theratated by Rama; complied by Rev D Staid., l vol lb mo ma 0. Warntni. to YOtnit, eurgeeted by the lii.aney re 7 marratan eeriptum ebaraemra. By Robert Ramon; I Vol lb me, mambo. I - creak by R.I/oPkINS, Nn 7 , 1 Arco. Volldinm PonrLL area. - a Skdrbufu l'hyaosl Jeteriptian tbklyl.l by Haralailel• tr Ca*, l'sprr. Skatalls. or taraota:the Net. the Well, by 8 Str....romi...r: 1 rd,,toth.a Paper. tit and or Paw _ or RoYart Suuther, Raphael, or Paws horn the at Life at Tway,: Latasslira Mow in or LIU 1411/ Wnt rove/Theo C! IW.,D D;by' Rbv W 0: yell, clad. For do KHOMINS, rt. 73 ArolLa aluildingy fowl, ik llz -1 / 4 TEt.I4A - NEOUS: • SWEET POTATOES-6 brla Cra *red, reed, and For 0 0..7 ••A@ NISTIWiIak: MILER A T 01.41 s 1. N 0 M01a....1 la goon, 'and L for Inle 47 npi7 AFLIISTROM: WitOZ EA • " " en EnliTe nnTf l o r i * sa C l c e ir rj4fo ' rej"tnsl e gne n' men; by J ° A.J'IVJDAssZELL, . apl7 ' In Rater it • r AID-6 bat nun lauding 1' OM . ..e. itifle t Fart Yin , Ijand for aWC by opl7 IS AIM:I/LUCKEY kCO ' ret;ATnkats—t.i - l.tifi - EaGi (rota steaaci - Fart F 4 S nrni.r . a , robe by. InAIktiDICIMY A'CO 0.0 0 1 11 7 NFE . R. - Car irthni n - vj o yf ocimarrit,. wfr : ecmico., pjl --- IFELING SA ND I'SPLIt .4.110 teed. (onside by Y 7 npl7 ' J SCHOON3LASIAL it CO f I.OI.OaLY SEELPS--4 bags !or sale by kJ apt: J. neliOONAltsliEß t CO VoiEßY•iiilkst Loado° tar tialo 1113 i% _Ea apO 4 .1 SCIIIIOIVMAKER it CO TUIIPENTINOri;.2/ . ls6hrtaritilolty J SC/1001i111AVER. & CO I;osiAleinillcrfors'ila y . L .17 I 1. 1 ..11100 NMARER . &CO .Cl"aPpiP 1..°"756.V.:;c*10a...t7iVa"C0 ii DJ 0 i 1 1 i. 07. 7iri ‘ 1, , a .. 11:1 tor taloll?..n.daitadlaildic B AC . Or 7 ILIC4II ltl/?A 17 .1 .17' J.TV4YD daaparraa Ping. in,atorr and fPr.slie.l.7""l b'"4".IIIR.It;YD A ouibvii.LF. 1.15111-t-ti brie le.ed /nod for sale by A CULBERTSON. ' 145 Liberty et.' irkNivoN 41 1 1,-1000th., V. /une in Deleteoi ro_ott reLLA,fori n by A CULBERTSON R SKINS--5 benclicejurt ree'd,and for so.le by opl7 L A fiCI.RERTSON GAS TOR 014-5 tons rechl, end for silo 14 77 epl7 BRAUN & REITER t 1L17 44, 1W - 11 - 61;-71 brie rec'LLni j ol t ZwiLli t l y . • • 5W i 1;.4.7 7 1` CRL-a cod for ITO* . her . • BEAL N & REITE.R• Gilt:EN-12 coue ri t t itXll , ;olti. t r i r r .gy BACTibLraUti - u - ban z ei ' 10 •do tides: 7ehouldere, new lontlinYfrninFort and for .Laie. by LnAlAll LACKEY &CO .717 112 Witter et. ALERATIIB.--iti. code Cies...Lend ttnleratne for kli , Co 67 bi:CANDLESS ugs refined, ree , el - nruiTior t.L7 opl7 „BRAUN & REITER B ir BOXES for seTe7l , inolte , ile ond Tema, by yla P DIARSHABL . BILCON -I 0 c ,; , ..k . l3:ko , u t l i t:T ., ...t . l r Sete, i 16 . In tante aSior snit; by •• " F c4 el.i7 BROWN & iiIREPATRICE ".. by epl7 BROWN & bilitnrATYCH (1U FUEL-100 fine.. tirren Rio. In Fiore nr.dTim7ed ll by .pi: I A R FLOYD re it'd per stem - qazialts , I.nd L.., .LI tor pl 7 liilt.WN & KI Ria".ITRICK A 1 01.1•-•,$E1 -a, bon eir lust in...l•Lee Irani etemamer 01 Belle Mo. tyre., and for NA.. b _ upl7 II cANTIELD P ATENT BLIVE-- . lvl C.. Jur t !cc .1 unTforenlo by nit'J 61DDk CO Nona Wood .treet.' p. at , co3o I Ceti 1.11,1 Cur sate bt apl7 b BRAUN fr. REITER EiTn'tiNtu"ebetTy'AlLA'ili2'4 111;17trItOrtItt.41 pbi ,be-nt. C.oom Sot,/ HoLoorY orted peorbo 00, for tale by 1. d WATERMAN& RUNS B UTTER -15 btto prosepouted .Ittonet3 .3S kgo do do for oak by Op 4 I . S WATERMAN &SUNS brio pntoe In bags prima Tintotby Reed, for sole I.y otoEt • L R WATERMAN k. SONS lIE ,NEAT./IS doun paten scythe Rocatbc MI dor Raker for onto by an!_ • L 0 WATERMAN &RONA r 0.11414 rod torftele by WICK to MO:tANDLESS C,levrl.o Salerntoot M. ft% do do as.iri Paw. 1 Sta. day received ; and for •sle., by WICK k MOCANDLKS3 ". I.:.VC.IItI C t do, re and for solo by &P'N WICK ft MeCANig.rss FJIU litON—tlJ lets 14,1. day iced. sod for arta by W McCAN ILOVER ¢ TIM. , THY REED-4.103 Itzthol prithe ciovoreecd, bad AO. bo. Ttylotlty In mate, tad far gale by j AltD—No IL o rd in _ley ' ldlgi:lr4 5 4; `, for vat ;, - 1.7 - -pCten Ottnabrage.saitable V tor clO.lO am] !tool boot,tarp:loth:to, meant boat fire ,111 t rescind, end for Fete by I I . o Liberty street. 1 1 . 1 R - LAPR—ibitio - i -- tiOtta heavy bArratot reetiVred _211:4 for sole L by __opAl . LEE'. lOU RACES—En . dap nod Cotton lyoOl SarL n bond, and for onlc by II LEE IVES E—fAtt Ili, 57001 l)lfly .ala l.y up.A. . ezixon Ilama,for Fate not.lll CHART fle - brore: s ar T 6l , l , e i lig . e up-tt Ito Wood 1.1. B E , : r %lt 131.1 Cb E S-54. tha. ig 3 ;t i o r r A e it torzAly . At ,4 1 , 2110 - I,ltt lab. to Atom, ctn.! 50r t i;0 t . , ...4 !S‘l ere d, ler Yale slat .1 EIDD & C 0... D ATRIVTELACK—Lbu lb, for saleby straiti • J KIDD h. CO TiMON '9) - 11UP—fii dor superior nullity. for sale Ly nro. —J--RIDD x CO W:ars :.stO —• .9 Lis rob°, in slur:, and for. STUART fr. SILL • 8.5.13UN—E100 ',l:mitten.; --,----- HUM fps Lame, city cute, in mow, and atittn ,:TUA KT it SILL • B. MI y S-su drz tciff. , ;rcra elxcs . in i Vi r re i !d i foi Clff N YAN—M as *ll4 sort:a, for salt: by •, O R event STUART .t Rt.!, fIANL`LEMCK—SubIt:s starsT;iltrfoisi;li, sts.l ' • STUART , t tt‘LL ' tl E MlLscribl'and tbrsslrs H DALZLLLkW tirto Libels) , st. AHD. prusks reeeved, and for .;lo I apt) Irto lois Coils,' Sires. Writoputg'Paper; lga co Medium btraer do I do Toretber a large assortrornt of Printing •Papert oresety sire, on hrmd nod for sale by , • • • A 1U EINGLISII & , • sutegems, ENGT.IBII,, .19 Wood rifest. •' , nowI.IVER Ci I 6-6 gallon I totals. tworanied N. , pate, Asada by KA FA HNESTOCK /c - CO, ant , , toruer of - First ano IVoa6II. A o.l, , lvii,ri...A•srEil.-3p rods, SIIIIV-sptSsii, tik [or 'Ale by .13 A FAIINI-STOCK tr.-CO • OPI lbs new eto7,iii;nin by _21r 2 11 . U A FAUN MOCK rl UM ARABIC-130 lb. str.etir abate, for'snle by... ‘.,7 op:9 DA PAIINESTOJIC la CO 141N11 fIOoT-40u lb, ropertarpOity,tist c — a - Taita tor sok by KIDD h CO, np2o No 40 %V l :trod:titn. , Prt ' V i. a . e ' to r' renT3 ! 3 ' iliot r iA l ll 7 4l r' jot vatelretton untsigntnent, and for . ;‘). . ' '•, pt:. /SANDY. JONES &CO , I i g—A felt esp ies of Mu DiwAoL:r f - o V r i .slrby p f•Yus .. ,.TON t.sCICTON. 40 , 0 Booksellers, corn., of Mo.ret and null sta. P "tVITCVCI'IIf"P.7t'gtj:GVI'FO7-2illU;C;CO; .t fen soplas of back of Ina sbnva works pm reed_ by tap WI JOttNiTo & sTocicros f Arne, lass, and Post, copy,,L . • CrfifIhrnWETtATEINI /I FA - Riir 1177 on nuntl, , arti for otle nt the t on4srpricei • 11Rn VIT . .t.REt ()', OR errULEN.--liepterdy ati Water etreat, hetnreen the Itlontyn{,alteln Mourn nuJ Woad' orneh SIXTY DOLLARS. The Sorter trill be liberally. rewarded by lentrannt it at this office.' VV I. iir.Te PORK,o primes ardor, Jag received, and far s a le by - nfly F VO. irouNnow. LefiAtE nolo 10Eis - T h CO Cl 4. Suffar for gee by try WIN lIONSHORST &CD LITVOLV,T0.14—0 ono tar ..10-by pills K r VON LCONNIIOILIT &CO in FLUOR-17 briA pane. in Karr, for unix by oplO J S DILWORTH it CO .I. :nn for VILIIr br IORTLI it CO brls Horn, oir. CCIDI.I:iI-4 drum. lor ryait ." 1 DILW ORTII It CO' Mime artii4i: / tl DILI."OIi.T/1 h C(.l ONM=M 41112191 Y BRIWIELD- Invite attentlait lo M./ th , -_,lfial..2..l`3s.T.°C° l !°r' •PI7 ND•ti et ti.N Plta ES—dam and print— I maven, tit anadinna, and otbei tired gm:lJ. Anal..•~,renen, atm, uncut ,A anwenn varies ttottll4.: .pl. Mint Plq 11 1 :411,r ' r. ;101. 5 0 1 p ia -' Arnaing per etc6nlyea Ml.loll. and far •xl et by ',J .1,17 1:11OWN & ELKSViIitICK . A,Etut)„..r-unt Len goad ,tato.e.t, ruge..—.4,. LiouirriEr. W. Lk.. for rid. _ _ LU /UMW: E, WILS to:14 f..Yr 1.4 'FrAT.-I.7. l 4l4;;;lniulOers---4 7.7.93 pes for main by • R 1 , 1111)1iF4 tVIL , 4 /1,1 & CO' ICELF:IJ I•ORK7-7.-1 auparior article thls day Ecceirnd, anJ for •• min by 1415, T9CS& dAINje. I CFA .. 7 EAELS--ju5:J4.,74,,J. and for -2, • :.,.; basrr/4.1 . 4! ,• ; • ICK k 3 . IO CANDLE.ISS • • b~lIrE'LOI; It— i for oW L R opts EIIEY~idA ( T~IEt4i . a. ty 'ITI.IL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers