, ~.- • • e BY KAGNETIC, TELECII, cue, 1 . 412.1.1 4 1G1/ IF T ILL SCOti• POLED FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL, OF THE WASHINGTON Ntw Yost, May The StF Ship Washington, Capt. Floyd, anise lea et thti putt this morning, alter a very good passage of thirteen day. and tea hours tom South ! =Plan: having soled from that port on the after noon rattle 40 h of April. • The Washirgien brings 140 passenger, and a very large and valuable cargo of French, Getman and Eczlith goods. • The Englian Moils:l7 still hold together. Account. tram France are more in detail, but present nothing t Importance. • Fo to Europa n Steamers have arrived at this port this Weer, The Cambria, the Canada. the City of lEa.gav, . and the Waskiogton. W RIT OF ERI OR IN THE WEHATER CASE. Ihorron May 4,18.50, There was a large attendance at the Supreme Judicial Court this morning.to hear the arguments of Counsel on application fort writ of error, and a new Mai for Protessor Webster,under plea of informality, in bringing the Cane nft the Mantel. pal Count. The Judges took the cam under advisement, and no decision v. di be announced for several days. 01 TFIE GALPHIN COMMITTEE. New You., Mu 4. Tho Tribune r.t" this morning publishes thelollow iog diipetch from Waohiceion. I,lruhinmou„ Maar 3—The Galphin Commit will report to the Rowe early zest erect. The majority will report that the claim wu Weald, both is principal and interest. The appgin'ment of Neil Brown, u talinWer to Hauls: area camfamed yesterday. At the conclusion of Mr. Wilmot's speech, yes- Surds)", the Route adjourned." THE MONTa , QUIOI4S ADMITTED TO BAIL Lovisaus, !day 4. , The St. Loeie papers received here to day, alive that the Mnntrattaioas have been admitted to bail—one io 530,000, the other $20,000. SINKING OF 11IE cotta,Lo.9 1n , 3 OF ay LI4.FE. Ss. LCt. M The report was current at Sr. Joseph, on the 30th ok.April, and believed to be true, that the steamer Coro. ou hor way to Council Bluffs, with Dumber or Californians on board, was sunk, and tificen persons drowned.!. • Lomas 144 x, May 4. I S.'. The river has fallen three inches within the het 24 boun, l.ring seven feet Water in the channel as the falls- The weather h rainy. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cleetrosavi, May 3 Flour—Thais is a continued fir demand, at folly quoted rates, say 55 10 0 5 25 per brl. Grua—Receipts cf Corn have increased, with shies at 50 0 ale per bushel. Sales of Michigan Oats at 40 0 421 ter bushel. Provisiohs—There is a lair demand ;in the market. far bacon, with sales of shoulders at 31, and of tines et di. all packed. Sales pliin hams (shti slop) at L / Whiskey—The market to active, with sales at • further advance 01240 214 per gallon. ; , GrOCCriCi — SURIIf Is active, with an adv i see of Ic no Ear quallt,ts. The elver hat risen 8 bides ha tha past 24 bears, and to 1.1111 ?HIE CANADA. Neer Tenn, May 4. The etealrahip Canada aurred u Bastan?yeeeu , day manatee. NEW YORK MARKET. Now You. May 4. Corion—floMers offer freely at 12012{ f‘r Mid i:hog Upland and Orleans. Flour—The market is heavy, with a fair bte sine. doing at yesterilsy's qootatnne. Grain—Some ealer of WbOal at prices which bare not tranepued. Coin is dull, with no change to price. Provistons—Ths market is doll, with sale. of Meat Pork at 5101E016,25. and of Prime Park at 56,5625,62 per bbL Lud in bbl, is gellirg at 6lc per lb. Groceries-1a Coffee, very little is doiag. Jaya Is mi 6 at na- t e.; St. Dstatilgo at 1 l 1011 ie per lb. A good business is doing in Sams.sa'eo of Middling to mild Orleans at 41$5ei and Potto 51G5{e per IL. Lena—Saks of Sptat - '4lt at 91,95 Per Rs. Whiekey—lint doing at a decline. Money Market—Government Stork. SIC-o,l[l. ex, Since toe Csonds'a new., Unite dStates Cho; port loon, IS6S, ease gone op to 120/631201;—• Prem. C. Stales 6,'67. 119; Prem. Treasury 111 ' bid—llk asked. Oruo Ts, 1011, Prusbnifllh, T 7 fl Penna. fee, 97:. ST. LOUIS 'MARKETS. • BT. LVI, Ml] 4 urana—Wheat cootiones in good request, bat the market at bore of re:me. Salts or 3000 bark at 900114 e per bu, ft: the dlferent qualifies.— Sale, 2000 hu Corn at 5.510 pet ho. Sales el Oats from store at 240. Floor—The market is firm. but tr Maaetions are limited. Sala 300 bbls at 5355,25 per bbl Provalonts—No antes of Pork. Lard is in ac tive demand, but smoke s- are too light to give ■ criterion of the market. We quote =1 to bble, and coot in kegs. Bacon lo in demand, with sales 0117 mks common Missouri at 3c for Shoal dare, rod lis far Hams; 22 mks Sides at 4.i I per lb. Sales IS .ks shoulders from park house, at 3c, and of Clear Sides at ti c. IS-ma—The market is uncharged, with Isles at 5852590 per ton. Lead—Sake of Upper Write at 04;30 per owl which is a decline. • A. IWO, b. 1 0 .1 . C. L. An.= & /1111 NM 1011. 111.11. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, Market litrest, betwoest.Thlrd &Davit., Pattaburlgb, Pa. wOIILD respectfully call the attention deity and coantry merchants, to ono of the most estentuve Stocks in the country, notuprl/Iny aver Fourteen Handled Cases and Parton. of Foreign and Domes tic 1, 7 Goods, conitsting, in p.m, of 100 eases test style Calicos, 100 " Bleached Muslin, nil grades; tp " Summer Staffs and Cottoned= 30 Larne, 40 Laval, gad !dueling 60 " Bennetts and Tweedig " Cassimeres, Cloth,s' 100 " and bales of Tieklnga, Checks, he.; 300 0 Brown Matins. Together with the most extensive assortment of Imported Goods in this rassket,go sssss leg the molt ample facilities for the transaction of their business, and one of the partners being eon smetlY in Me eastern markets, Oleo pratendny terry &donut/Lye enjoyed by eastern hno.er. TLey believe that they can oder greater indarearents to merchants liencrallyLin styles, ganlineo, and pnees, than Ono, tatty n market. New goods tong:Ludy ntriving. 51erehants intending par. chasing East, ure plituraintly Annear d ronnilie their •••nrtment (split A A lt/ABON & co, ~... ~•:~ ~~•9 RESTAURANT AUX VILT3IIII3O PROVAR,O4IIOI,, No. 51, Fourth Ora& T GAVE the boner of informing the citizens 01 Fitts. 1 block', that 1 lame opened, at the above large an! convenient Muse, a Restaurant • l' 'eased de Paris. All the delicacies the semen can afford will slaty, be served in the moat ...red styles, hash.. to ported dishes, such . 'finale& glaabroem.,h &Ne Peas, Pates de foie gm s, Ac., wath winch I wit .be ready to provide private facades or moues. Table &lb. at We o'clock every day. • Gentlemen wishing far private rooms cr be accommodated. My larder and cellar wili In New Roark or Philadelphi A few mote boarders can . ' sr7.llw ----- •' lc. ./ . ENGIGISEI ik. w1ia.. , :1.,... CROCE ~.% 120 pkys Y. it.7mp. Meal and Gunpowder Tr.; .3 '..7. 135 bag Tzbaccm [.....--:. ~ 1. begs Rio Pelee; MD brie 13 0 Moksater, T5..19 0 %gam T. 1 ,9 hoses ammted tile, IV/3140W Glass; • ..; .., ; 40 bra Piper, 1 41 1 ' • ~ 400 bus Ca p; • lO9 bus ndle.; 9090 lba Codfidn, • . .70 bits Tamen , ' oil; 'S 2 , 9 bra Chocolate; ^l'..-•'l 00 dos Bed Cards' Co colts Manilla Rope; 30 bus Apiced at.,.4,,,,,,, 10 bogs Pepper, 1., 5 bale Alsplcc; ' • , A, gOO bus Iternazi 40 bale Vinegar, ' -- - • 3U bales Ca•dloancki '.• - ~ 40 bus Starch; 10 tree Rtee; 10 bets Cha; k; LOS drama Fly Ai well 'ea a geoew : - • ' blasuf.t_urrd article& by ___ -- NEW I'EIBLIGATIONB. ' •.. ' ' VAg G ASSlZ—Lstre Superior; its 14, ;7 .,, a ch ... AVegetal's, and ealmala. ey,. • - naratag—The East. lll.trmcd. gap, ii,,,,,,,,,,,ce. VllOlll. 12., 1 iitil•DOLVl—Aspec,s of Mi.. , Real& 12mo. ~,.`-..' 1 - ' ' rik.W74—Ttilkl3o Eames Fateromments. pada'. , ~.. 7 ,,, g pse—sal gnat Anatomy. Colored plates. 4. 1 3 ,,,,,—pm. m 3 .d Psose Writing& I co,. m.,,,..,. Tecaszazan—'fbe Optimist. Ilmn. ~. :- Warson—Pecticel gummier... eve. CJW(sl—Holurr's Wad. Ismo. Ma.... -1.33. ular Delusion& 9 vols. -,i, For sele by JAMES .1) LOCKWOOD a ,, ..ea Itooksellet b. hoPon.GlI4YOUrtb .t. ' , -7----..... w. ....,..,..T.6-1„ ...... „,,s. Dreamt 'a %%stag, the Authors Fdltlon.-- L. , ? - • 5. In The Neichbe re: &Ise or Every Day 1.7.. • A • ~ . e . ArA ~,,..d edition, veldt an introdoetion VeTillen . . ~p,esely tor thin edition by Miss Bremer. tentacled, . , •,' t ,lf.rm WWI Irving s, Cooper% and Sedgewicktm . .. ' •and illustrated with yortrait and view Mine author's ' "1,4444% Plod. translated by Willis,. Cowper. a ,,eigl; Eteberj&e,,they L. L. D., with notes by hi. • . . '• • .; ,a, F.,:„.P- I ghwLiti:' ,, glir „ td. ~, 4 .10,0; f'. o . l `ffrneP, ';,7.;:/.`: . .. - .... k.A •r„. .----ayliplaxmon. toy al itimantoth. Also, a cheaper " A :4,.....2°,"4t,144°t'04.ka, includisdr• ar' 7l' tees . , ... , ' ' ' . , ,,",-it aa-ariVt‘ co'lle,ctit.d,_yby Punted, Parti T: l rye e l l 15 . i to i, ... +4'o ;4 a vols. Item. ti,la., tt p ••,. i :1 I o T i ~, a t e 'C ° r h . It . , p c . ..- a - Calea d a r , or, Wit and , Whale,. for I, Dap in the ye,_-• Pdtted by W. C. Richards ,"). '''' • l ET 2e I th 33 loth In a yery I gat vo la . , ..upa, C 0 , tents, c a'',.! r_ • I g ti 4 ...63n f :I:by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, ;:a- HOOkl!f!j!l_rd Importer, ltt fourth at. •• _ _ a __'' . , 1 ------Or—..Prattni. P=411.1 8011 - 1111 /AIX* • =CI CAbliS of the above eekbrated brand and . - ~., : 7 464 high test, dime' frau the manufacturers; 150 Dow.on the way from New 0de.... and ai. ... tt, en5 55 ,,„ a3 this week ; and 311 will shortly arrive pit pacten„ . .....„, aer odaa Jo Mats, Chesapeake, Dams . 1 L , vi./ 3. "' - th r which will ba sold on .awthal, at the ''''' "4 °" ' F r ith far cash Or a Proved bills. v lowest ma ll et PT W&M Proved EuraEs, • 14 rag 3.s9unirqr it - COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTIBUBOR BOARD OW TAD AND YDACTIANIN crzsana. lOMMITTEE FOR MAY. ItOSIIICSON C. DL0..... Tax Unica* Snafu —The follecrtng wattle • ata t def a' cure of the Ocean btearnera, dufiage. meelh Maj codas.' tads—won /Iva:root. Atomics, from Heston, Wednesday, ist May. Catlett., from New Volt. Wednerday. May Bth, .0., horn Boston, Wednesday, May 115 m. Nutt., from New York, Wednesday, May 22.1 COLLATa , LINI-PlO,l TIM' TOTS TO LIVIZTOOL. Pectrtc, Capt Nye, Saterdsy, Nay It yaile urns...Ll° Tow Ton. TIANITC, apt.‘Vednesday, May li c e p!. Wet 1222262; M 22 20. aaa 11,2411 NAV CO.-4 . 01 4111. raaY EIMW YOU Caps. Crab..., Monday, May. ilk vacs sum. rai aaw TOM lIIIMOLS, Capt. CI abate, Wednesdiry, 6147 Po. clllOlll l PlOl OXW' sow Cauca" errs, Capt. Stoddard, Wednesday, Slay I • orrier rrrtannaan GAZITZE, I ?d , ntha morning. May 6,113 b. $ Patardny being Ike closing day of the week, and Ile i nc lement, the market was geneially Tea id Wes limited. FLOUR—The only avowal we notice Mace our lasi eepoit, was some 300 Little, which was received on comoignment. We have no reportable Italie from Grit hand.. Fttial More, prices have slightly receded. with regularl mite In dray load lon et Sip, ss,and 5512 g VA. The market closing firm. ORAIN—We notice a general Stamen in the mar. Set, for all deootiptione of train. Whoa I. sells. at SURMA f ba; Itge at 70075, and Barley et Elol9oe. Balm of 150 bas Cara from atom at &SC, ♦ ba, with an advancing tendency. Oats are very firm at 75040 e +I ba from store. GROCERIES—We notice a alight Improvement In &agar, with mles in lots of 6,10, and 13 hkals at 1051 6. Malanes remain hoot at 11/11 0 for N O, and 40 0 43e for sugarboase. Rio coffee remains station at 110111. with sales of 1110 maks in lots. Rice may be quoted at 41041 to um, Loaf sugar is mid raga holy al a range of Ei to 11t: PROVISIONS—We l:1010 sales an Saturday of 15 east, lumon at 30 for aide., 4o for shoulder*, andel hams. exclusive of asks, which is alight improve - at. Salds from smokehouse in low Of 1000 to 3000 at 41, 31, and 010, for shoulders, Odes, and bum— .—les of extra sago cured hame at ite, and of prime bagged tams at ke fc To Western cured dtied:heef la mild by the tierce at9e p lb, and firm. Lard to In moderate request at 310611 n Ohio and toga. hear of to large operattom in any ar ticle ',Mar this bead. With moderate transactions, we may continua oar quotatious as follows:--Soda ash, 31; Peartub,Ce; Salaratua 61; Potash at 45 p 6. WINDOW following are the ruling rates for city and country brands. 8 by t0..........51,13911110 by 14-44,Z4 , 5 , A 1 Other sins ittpropottinn. .C 3711 S.F.. .1 by 10 II by 17•----11,75 by 12 • II by Id , 4,73 13 by 14 12 by 20 ---.4,70 10 by 15 4,7 0 12 by 17 ID by 13 4,0 12 by 13 10 by 17 14 by 21 BEANS—Tnere a a good demand in the market at 11 bo, fora prime article. PEWS— very link lathing in the marker. The fol low ng may be given as about the rating rates front storer—Clover, 83,75; Tirnooy, 320, and Flozreed at 111.33 • be.' OlLS—Sales of Linseed of 11122; No 1 Lard at 530350 No 2at 429492 P gall. Caner 01l continues scarce at 82.509 gall. Eastern Blaney Market. Naw Y 0.., April Ip. The market for Stocks was firm to and Isere was graerally • good desuataL Tfie Flames had an upward tendency acne meat to 741, and Harlem to GS. no mutat wt. firm for Uoscumems mut other 60.1110 racks, UM the supply waft guile MICSCIMA 51.210111=1 b . s sold at 107. At the second bawd tka frsotatmos were trig+ cuter. Toe market for Eirehenget <nosed without math ftreinew. and soma Vile over. The leadieg drawers oked :0 (yr middle, bats/Wm good nsuomwere on the market at C l Franca were 501137171 The grab wiltit'ea or rise to specie point are lees then they were a few davit azo Amsterdam 40010; liantlaarg 351037 P. /hymen 79=7/. Tee Motley market Continues eery easy. 'ad the eapp,y of capital in the •treetis eta Inereming. Tot nu. of Inwreat are gradually falling off Sterling fir• elan paper is held at 0 go et. The street rues are Sla 7 far hat elate and good names: 707 at ale ma... Long paper sees at 7010 Radroad certificates. 10.— Trete te ariir amountof Ilmeh paper offeri in the =ram. Can loans ere curtly made at 406 ng et—the talk Leine et 5 V et. The receipt. today at the Sub T•terary VG. $72,7PC: Payments, 07 ; 771e7; Distance in the Treasury, El 612. A rale •f 1312,000 of the Mama Rieer il. IL. 1101111 will take place at the Merchant. Exchange on Toes. day rtegt, to man of $3OO gad 51 , 00, payable lit or Aug . 0119 Interest at:, el p .titian, Payable bolt 7, e a tr i l , y o 7 . n th l c .t c r o e m b ;. n n n y d a l t at th A e ure ,... o . aze o m f tb , l t e . Into the toil Awe yeas - alma the date of the tAado, tenor. ed 61 a-mom:gage on um entice yruperty of the Com- pa„ y. Tee Sob Treosary o f the 8:30,02 day to A- Daimon/. on seconot of the Mexican Indemnity. The rentaicder trill probably be cent in a few day.. This snit tend lAmale motet' stilt more lousy The coral notriOrd 111-17Pecio slopped !rim this ion once Jatey halt beta WE 41.—Ttibuyte. Pelltuntatcroot, April 20. Sales of ST= Read R G.,'30, 711; BRO /Mel oo Vs. 971; 117 Betel blr, 21: 1 ;1 1 yen bk, 10; co Selt.l Nay. 11570 tin NV 99 GI, B 1 191; 10t0 city IStu, , eO, zoo Youte 6 , 2 414., Bascutoas, May 1. Vales 1300 Old Cs, 1071; 436060,101,1000 do,101; MTV do coop, WI; 3000 do do, time, 1071: 3009 Balt 9 , , 1000, 1001,3 , 0 do do, 105; ZOO do, 1670,1 W; 2O.hs Batt Ullio It 11,3 29 do do do, 741. --- - • • The menu cvscrieneed here on Sunday eve:ilex wee elo:Vvit at Ciactruottl, where it was far more destruc tive. We kern Gam Be Dispatch of yerterdey, Bat boats were forced Iron, their mooings, chimneys blown down. reefs torn off. /se. 'he r chimneys of the Clipper No ii lying at the wharf , were blown dewn,and • pot ton of the plot helm of Be G. W. Kendall was blown at The tabote of the stmro Gen. Washington d Braces, at the ship yard, oboes. were shattered almost to pieces, and much ollte• damage was done to the steamboats, both at the lauding and potato above. A malign! was struck by the polo of en arsine which was blown down. was immediately killed. A Bet boat was rank near the foot of Poet hide bar, and three persons were drowned Two of them, from near Bel mont, Ky., named Bryson, were twin brother*, and OA their way to New Orleans on their first odveature in boeineak. BewanolsioK, on aged men, perished. and Ill... Lindsay saved Mosel( by swimming so shorts— Len. Jour, April:O. • • Vine Dress Goods. A. MASON k Ctl nth receiving daily, additions A. of the following style., to their splendid stock of . s Goode, vim—Super Black and Panay Silks, Silk Timers, Persian Cloths, Albcrines Sitibenes, Durres and llatege De Lama Book, Swum, °mend., Jaco.mt, and Bonne Lawns, go.t elm, Mourning Dr.* Goods In ell their variety. 5p.97 NOTICE TO CONTEAOTORO. THG Grading and Marano , of about thirty mile, of Me Ohio and PCIIIIBTIVVIIIt Rail Road, emending we,award from the State Line, near Palestme, will be let at Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. on ,Wednee dey, the Sib day of May, 1110. Contractors can ob tain Information of the Engineers upon the line, or at the °thee in Salem. ELY order alba Board of Director.. WM. ROBINSON, Jr., Prealdent. Ztli,l,sl.l.—atentdul C. YEAGER, los illarkst IXPOULIIII.3I , DIALERS IN LMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND GERMAN VASOY GOODS; HOSIERY, RIBBONS. LAC ES, CLOVat, THREADS. 002d8.5, BUTTONS, SUS. FENDER/tax. Also, Sails and lesnas. Vestlngs, BLACK AND,FANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA And LINEN lIDKPB, • general ae• sormsent of FAAPI, and every variety of trimmings. compare with any other I „pg.' - 11701111115 It. 9AWOELTII, be seeemmodited. 1. HARD TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS . East side Di.nond, Pittsburgh. opt' •TEA Y 11032 ENGLAND. PLeerel 'l lL i Thrt m are k r i ggd e f the° and old e l lus o n o irt n' MO and fu per lb. cen be obtained In Nosed 75e pet pound at.T. T. hi..n east side of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, or at Morns & IlawonWs Wine Store, Federal Street, Allegheny. The above Pots Cm. Toss, we receive through our English Agent, direst (rem - the Claeen's Bonded Werehouses, duty free. Wing forespeMation, THE TEA DIADEM.% EAST SIDE OP THE tDIAMOND, Plrmacace. HENISETT. No H Wood mei. robs, M. R. Rehlas; ltatose cluster do; slr les do do; 15 casks Zoete Corozal; 15 bales It. We dote; 15 do Brasil Now; IS do Filberts; • 105 do Yealiots; v 0 Dos shelled Almond; 29 boo Roe% Candy; 5 Cal. LiqUO."; 10 et Priocipee & Regal. \ Cigars; . 1020 M Mali Spanish; 3 bad Clines: 2 earls Notterp: 3 corona Indsgo; . '4 eases Lawn 8yt99.. 25 rues Pepper tide , . 12 cgs. Tomato Cals, , W . Groond Spices of alllrl9oo 49 1,...efs powdered and Loaf Sugar; 2550 s Madder; 10 bola 'Whiting; • WHERE Is nothing rime refreshing then • cup of . good Tea,het the se Is peat difficulty in obtaieing It. . her • i no etude Imported on Is hich th-re se greats , detcption practised. The BLACK TEAS sold • op Grocers generally, urn weak and trashy, end the Green Tess with • few exceptions, a Conon MANIA ncrotin article, the fine bloom on •In 41, MI. g • composition of Vuosslus. &a. as ualyeatton will 'rove- Saris too Is ought to be expelled from on: market as "Ponosoca u We hove commenced the Tea Trade in Pittsburgh with the fall detail:Mention of wg Guinn Tans only; and having been dealers In that article Up Wald, Of twenty years, (fire of which exclusively In Tea,) we tatter ontov 'clodges alit. Bad Teas, we cougar eta AT am 'MT, and • bad panes Is often obtained by welling Masai but if selling • imoo we at a ITlLlKnablet price, will obtain custom, why we are sue of our abase. Our price,, (quality.considercd,) 'melt slways be u IoW as any other To Dealers in the UMted States. - Car POW 'S Dew P012116d. SIAM I{M. Good Black Tea— —. 0 50 Good Green Tea .-..• •0 40 Flu Flavored do•••• 0 01 Strougdato• —••• • 0 50 Strongroogh flavored i dtteug arid Ant flaWd It 75 Engltshirind,”••• • OW Very superior .—. I op Deaunfularomatio 1110 75 Extraquality and best Very best imported.. 1 CO • imported •——• •• • 1 25 Extra Strong and Roush Savored Black Tea,7s eta. Rr . lb4 this Tea vrebereiceivefordirzepos. , f . rtim ion the i f. , u n p d re on . eluk‘ttiolansine'igd th ' af i• retailed by the ' Tca Deal ms in England, Ireland, and Scotland, tit Soper pond. Tense who study economy will do well to use this kind of Tea. The above Teas we retail duvet from the original 4 twew, as Imported from Chips. Thu who prefer Packsge Teas, we have such always on hand, from SS pounds upwards. Also, Coffees, Comm, Chocolate, Loaf and Crashed Sagan red Spices, and Pic Prop ri e tor all kinds. MORRIS & MAWORTO , • .. s of Mc Tea Market, nut side Dimond. apte.d3w --...------- exam:mot of Pittsburgh sp3U GaLat anti 31111 I• for Salo. A PLOURLNO MILL, with farm ran of emnn—ano -FN. of the beet lonoliens for bosiners to tha west—and • Um mate Balk Mill, an lllalmast never Wang Oren., nod-la INT. of Lao& good Dwelling noose, Toward Daum and other implowmenw, altuared moan Ilk* , far, the Ohio e r ,glitY:l 'rm Faxm C* , Ce ' ll Y tin ° pro bb' ved, eon• waning g4O aen.o. For tam., ke.,eOHNio4 of wILLIJOI 11. JOHNS rON, apgr- II! Seeand IL, I'ltabrrfh• Mts Pr { lW et • 0 o e• Jost met. and for sale by I. B WATERMAN A. SONS • sack soprFirQbr, the Drag, Seed..nd Porfomery W0,0b0 n ,,0, oo on of Binh .31,1 Wood N WICKERSHAM MLULU CAri&LES4o box. &bald ebbatekis sum, sad ar sale by J 3 & W HARBAUGH PORT OF PITTSBURGH. itin!.—There west 8 rest 6 inches wiser ehan net lasi evening, sad 12=3:3 Bries, Beaver. nubbin, Peebles, Elizabeth. Atlantic, Foramen, Brovrnsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Camden. lieudnekson. McKeesport Punter, Murdoch. Wellsville. Mbernia, Bachelor, Cincinnati. Keystone State, Slane. Cincinnati. douranin, Mcßride, St Louis. Mt Vernon. Yount& St Louis. Pilot No '2, Dunn!. Mckinnon , Lady Byron Smith, Portsmou th . Wellsville,Young, Uridroom 'Loth. McLane, Cannel, Wheeling. DEPARTED. \fickle., Dries, IItIRTG, Camden, Hendriekuse, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles,Ellsakelb. Baltic, Jacobs. Brownsville. At/antic, Parbutane. Drownsaille. Beaver, Gordon, Wellssrlie. Partner, Murdock, Wellsv il le. Louis McLane, Cannel, Wheeling. Messenger No. t Fisher, Cincinnati. Buckeye State, Reno, Clneinnat Skipper, Dexter, Zeneowille. BOATS LEAVING *nun DAY ST. LOUIS—Pen usylvanin, 4 r. u. . . _ W HEELING—Louts McLane, 9 , r. ST. LOUlS—Kentucky, 10 A. u. Stomas Paccar.—it will be seen, by reference to our advertising columns, that the See steamer We Mlle, Capt. B. Young, is the regularly established pea. ket between this city and Banish—her days of depar ture being Monday and Thursday of each week. The Wellsville is well and favorably known in this trade. She Is an excellent freight boat—her passenger ac commodations are unsarpassed, and we eoldisily re commend her to shippers and travelers, as a boat well worthy of liberal patronage. Fox Sr. Loan.—The splendid packet Genet Penn mylvanis, Capt. Greenlee, having been unavoidably detained, will leave as above this artennoon., at 4 oblock. _ 1111P - OiTll ST RIVER. wha.ung—PliNumm-87 bbla Boar, 2 bt• Murphy, Wilsoneska bacon, Sellers & Wellsville—P. Pavans-24 bbla dour, liar- Wm..; bbl kg nails. bx batter, 3 empty bk., owners, a bbla cr.. 22 aka potatoes, Armstrong & Crw er; bk. drags, C W Kabn; a bbl. banana, Kidd & co; 2 U. mdse, Black &cap bbl. vinegar, peg g boo., C Dodge; II Ilea bogs, Myers; 3 bp potatoes,2 bktsegge Bell. • Bridgeport , —PSO CA•111[1-1[6.k• corn, same bbds um, Hingham; 4 Om wool. Graff & no; ick a la eon, Bell & Lanett; 35 hhds tole Leech &ergirdo do, Cilia &Thaw. Haahwlllo—Paa Coctraratart-19 eke bacon, 6 bbis lard, 19 bap feathers, Dickey & co; II bolo cotton; Leech & bleAlpin; hbds toti, b d ls cane, Weyman; 94 tons p metal, Cuddy, Jones & c 094 bbls oil, LIMP ham; Sabha...Welders, Tab% & O'Connor, 14 ps pampa Tate & co. Pan Orrema-4 eks hams, Heeler]; an & co,• 37 his d skins, 11160 Graff! I be do, Allen &htids 60 bias do, co; 10 two pig metal, Thos Hanna; II hbg Ord, C H Grans 12 tags timbers, Allen & ere 7EI is d skins, A Boston & do, 6 e g bacon, 116tOkisen k en; 4 bales d skins,l do laxseed,ll do rags, Banbridge, Wilson & co. Allitg Leaks —PlimAxemina-231 doe d hides. 1 DI tall skins, W Bryant; zo Slot hides, t bl d skins. Beal , en; 67 pkg. for 19 Ws I skies, A Reelen; 100 d hides. 5 Mid* tob, W Bingham; Itn: dry hides, W Lehman & err, 64 cake ham, 17 ors dg, W Holmes & bra, 32 hints tob - , 7 sts wool, Clark & Thaw; 11l Ws hemp, St Heaselton, 1 sham with 6 Ganges, SI P Bonham & no; Mr tr. hams, D Leech & no; oaks milse, Whitmore & Wolf; 2 big books, H Graff is co; 4 bas fen, O'Con nor, Atkins & eo. Cllllolnnall—Pa lizellll6lx STATZ-111 bx • soul • canines, (Ho Arlberg, 6 bbla oil, lot harnimm , Holler & blot 50 bb is oil, las Delon: 51 dodo /no HcFadso en; Ibx ender, J C blown; B bas, V eop pkg.. flakes & Forsath; 1 esk soda ash A Bell; 3 i t sugar, littler, 11 bins molassea J bleClaner, 75 tea hams, Ibx Omits, II Groff & no; bbl mustard seed, A A Wood; 03 big peaches, 44 Sbds tab, D L am es era 6 beds tot, Clark & Thaw: Dble Saxreta & ream 7 emply bbls, G W steal th ; m SOO gator, pkg gapers, J A Slicer. Lonla—Pas Morn Variaos—l trunk. 1 pbg, Pony.; OS 001. whisky, J Harker & co; 1 be cap, D Leech & co; 011 tabs whiskey, It Watson; 03 bhds hr 000, 11 in hams, W Bingham; I chest tools, 1 hhd to eon. II Gratf & co; 1 kg molasses, hit do ,4I bibs leather, 6 bales Can, Limb & Thaw; 00 um bons. Hell & Liggett; 3 bag mdse, R beeml; 090 pigs Dad. J H Neva it es; 19 cut bacon, 2 We hemp, 10.`9 peg balk meat, W Lippencou & co. Whlrellog —Pam Lams McLagn-517 bas elm, 7 . bbla do, ,Jrark & Thaw; 13 tad* cob. I) Lerch k. co; 6 Ergs conort yarn. JO' 13010011; 6 eat bacon, 5 bdls leath er, W Blembego, 4 aka bseon, bell & Liggett; 3 sks scraps, H A Fahnestock k no; 5 bag specie, A Hill & co. fluntlnh—Pot W.11..1315-7 6k6 Icathels k p. NUinlt 6 o3. " Zkrn ' s ?Ord ' : :I ° oTi.ene:k " : 'do d. II Groff k no; I LW ' engl7 pc. bacon, John Scon, hild. lob.' A Roe; D 5 d o , do, W Dinighnon In do d Clark • IL IC. CILAMUERLIM'S Commercial and Writing Rooms. in row Other beold• tair are now ripen mr reception of 1 6 ..... 11".. pupils, bosh Lay and evening, lu ad. ,dines to Lis regales arrangemene: • 'ember of young lads will be received felt teem of One month, commencing May Ist,with rie privilege of vemainine lus rooms - at such boan Minot the day as will beat soil their coovernenee, wi haat lege. to the number of lessons end will be taught an elegant and tepid b.. head. Such as cannot anon& dorm{ the day eon Join the evening class, and receive every advantage of a fall coose of instruction. Ladios meet from two to feu in the afternoon, in • eeparate Oy?Lift•ftli. and lector. on Book Keeping as anal. ept9 AMERICAN GOLD Th. nem Coins, T. 2.1.1. Rogis, and Gdi Dotia. )WTI*VtLi_I NXCUANON , AND HANNAN° UOUIg A. WILKINS & CO., E CORNER OF 161/AKET t THIED STREETS, Ptintabamitt. apt) WINDOW OLASB-480 boxes vow, 100 do NMI& rido Itz14,I•8 received, 8 & W HAILBAUCIII LOUISEILLELI2IE-10 orts la more and for salt by apt l3 W HAS/LUSH OUEARDEILICS—A Imam simmer meortmeso U nom opening by ab&l .A A MASON &CO d/ AIIEGE9 & TISSUES-2 eases elegant etyles re beefed per late European steamer and nom ape.. Ina by op% A A MASON & bt agY HITS B.I.LDS Book, Jaeonet, aud TV Barred Mashes, to great variety, _924 A A MASON & CO WM:EWES, le-20 breams Green&Attack Tea 40 catty Ins do do SO beg. ruler Leguayra Cores; bagaltie Leff.; 10 bag. old Gov. Java Cofer; 10 kb& prime N 0 Sugar, 00 brie refined and Loaf Sager, 40 brie N 0 Moleaser; SO hi• BEI Idolarres; 3 brie Golden Syrup; CO brig elariSed Cider Vinegar, 100 des assorted Corn Brooms . 40 des patent ZineWub Boards; 10 bas Cocoa and Chocolate; 4 bra Superfine Rico Flour; 60 has &leash Dairy Cheese; 1D WILLIAidB & CO Corner Wood & Fifth stA For We by RAI ACU —UIO.O be scot, ilaom; 3 0 A7 0 lbs do eheolders, 10,0001 b. do Side.; f coolving from smoke house, and for ale by k W liefttlaUGH G R ASS-1000 - V 114 .. 1 ° W . , f" " taint HANNEN k EH. ap2l 0 qua V, _Lead In 011,J. Hannan& CO. brand, I . OT aide by HENRY HdtiriLdi & CO aeLl R E sw and fat nabs b R —E71 11:94 116 Lir" HENRY f to IANNEN k. CO 41 . L1SULIS-A. a. MASON & CU, IS Market 4th: aroT::f=er, M"otTllTZtrria.r'”*.ple - premiers t raw= mu:owes—A large ti. v'Moser Moab., pods reeeivod and oponing by .2• 1 '. / . 4 -. A A M ASON t C9l_ I %APE StlAWLS—Asrtitet lugs moot of f 0,,,, , .l pawls of the mom elegant ! ambroldery, o , :i ed IS per norm. by A A MASON e k CO _ - - - -- W.e.% Aiwa . . A HHAUTIVU YAM. O F IMM MATCH HORSES for L age by J C 1311 A WFOGLE, apM UR Second at g lAHJOI—Goed arbr.batort euk7,fetr sale by b* ISAIAH DICEY & CO - 70. Z I IWITALEREL—PO brie large No 3, Newbory port D 1 larpeeWa ,lart JOHN bIoPDEN & CO Canal2asio, Pei= .0 l- SUGAR -20 brie LOVOI tees Powdered ano Snare, ree'd, end for Bale by watZ, A CULBERTSON B A "N-0 ca do r /Ma ,". • • r rs, Ore • • do roue ; do Ham., do -. Jan reed, avd for We by arra L El WATERMAN A BOND . TiVarell VINEGAR—a carat, a raiiiiirolVlder, Joao received, and for sabr by • apart CULBERTSON MILIC.DIOAL AnD evitAnceLcTinrias, No. 616 DIAMOND ALLEY, a faw doors Weer Wood stmt, Id wards market. - Da. 11LOWX, hiving Iseen regalarly educated to the medical profession, and bora for some time -In general practice, now COadle• • hie attention to the treatment of those private and delicate com plaints far teach his opyorranities and esperarnee peculiarly quality him. 14 yeantassiduoasly deco to Ends Sr treatment of those complaintaidarinaomm time he has had more practice and has eared moos pa. tents trait an 01a fall to the lot of any Fleets Pres' thioner) amply quehles him 141 offer asseranees tweedy, permanent, and mtlefactery eon to all afflicted with driata disuses, and all dtaeaves arising the, e from. Dr. Drown wield Worm those affliouni with moats diseases which bare become chronic. by time or ag- Mewed by the us of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be noileally and Moll oaghly eared.; he having given Ids enteral attention to the treatment of extel eases, and succeeded in hundreds of instanees In curing parsons of luilammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often result from those ease. where ether. have mmaigned them to hopeleas dupla. Ile panlealarly meltee such as have been long and eneaccessfhlly treated by inhere to tomtit him, whoa every Indentation will be gives them, and their cues treated Ina eareful,thoreargh and Intelligent manure, panned mu by a long experience, stady,and lavestigatlon,els of it medicine is impoisible far thee. VerrLl'o=tti••prattle, to glee to ErHentla or RuMena—Dr.ltrinen also Invites par sou afflicted with it to nail, a. he has paid pante: elm atumnion to Ow diseue. CANCERS also cuma. Skin d l en also it e,Paley, eta., pray oared Charges very low. ys. ~--Patiertte of either us tillitqf at a distance, by meting thelr disease in writing, giving all ths gyms- can obtain medieltum with p onsa for ens by • addressing T. BROWN, IL D., poet aid, and cremes.. i lturNe. ad Diamond allay, opposite. Waverly ', Bosse. ReslooMf....—Dr.Bnrim's newly dluovered rams. dy for liktursatian toe speedy and certain remedy for Net patusal travel*. It never Oils. Ogees and ?mate Iff welting Roams, No. 65 Di.- m ug grey, Pllalargil, Pa. :la LlOtta la always at how& liCrlio COO 50 Pg. Diohe,ll4 ll , • LOCAL MATTERS, - - LIMIT= roll IBS PITTSIMOR DAILY a/WT. Pale for the Purchase and hale of Stock. ir'Oing of she Board of illanotreer of the Alle gheny County Agricultural Asroeiotion. The first fair (or the pc - reborn and Nile of stock ever held in Allegheny County, took place last Tuesday, under the superintendence of the Board of Managers of the Allegheny County Agricultural Association, who met at the Emmet Howe, at nine John McCloskey, Esq., of Robinson Township, was called to the Chair, and Christian Snively, of Wilkins Township, was appointed Secretary. The following gentlernen were present:—Messrs. Murdoch, Way, Carnahan, McGill, McCloskey, Garrard, &lively, McCabe, Cooper, Kelly, Hutt. and McCaslin. After the transaction of some unimportant hose s, the meeting adjourned to the West Commons of Allegheny, where the fair took place. The day was an exceedingly fine one, and a very• large number of farmers were in attendance from many of the neighboring counties, as well no our own. ft would be, of course, impossib e to give an accurate account of all the stock on the ground, so we merely subjoin a fist of that portion which seemed to elicit the warmest praise from the farmers who were present. George Fairley, Washington county, one four old. Aaron Moore, Beaver County, one seven year .ten Martin, Stealer Township, one three year William Moore, Economy, one eight year old. James Spear, Robinson Township, one four yea. William McCully, India. Township, one lon year old. William `Simpson, Moon Township, one sere year old. William Peters, Pine Towaship, one eight yen old. Peter Quinnene, Indium Township, one ihre• year old. John Cook, Sharpsburgh, four tine horses. John Robinson, Franklin Township. one Con year old. William Neely, Setriekly, one three ytar old. Robert Brown, City, ono wven year old. John Garrard , Fayette Towriyhip, one six yea old. Benjamin tjanshesry, Lower St Clair, one four pear old. Wilson Shaw, Pine Creek., one two year old. xur CATS.. John Boyle, Indiana Township, use cow and Evan Gibson, West Deer, two cows and cal, WilhatnC. Dunn, Lawrenceville, seven co • better, one bolt George Noble, Allegheny, .e heifer lease Garrard, India. Township, et: bulls • SHEEP. Thomas Morrow, Ross Townttip, five wettlera e bunk, and two lambs. James McAllen, Ross Township, twoewes, two bucks, and two lambs. There were very few swine on the ground though those which were there were of choice vs neties. Two fine two yeat.old colts, belonging to Capt. John Young, of Itobinsou Township, nuracted universal admiration. They were sired by Captam Hunter's famous grey •Arabian. which was recent ly burned to death in Washington City, the livery stable in which it was, having beep set un Gre. The first sale made on the ground was erected by John Boyle, Of Indiana. who disposed of a fine row and ralf, at thirty dollars, and in all the tales which we noticed, the cattle brought fait priers. A number of Agricultural implements were on the ground. We would notice in particular a. "wind mill," for screening wheat, the property of Golonel William Reddick, of Uniontown. which semued to us one of the be we had ever seen. Mr. Melibenny, of Shaler Township, exhibited a thrashing machine, admirably adapted to the pur. pose for which it is designed. Mr. King, n fine .trnw cutting machine. As this was the first attempt in this county to get up en exhibition of this kind, it may be considered a very creditable affair, and should encourage to a coritinuatiou of future efforts to promote a spirit of improvement and emulation among our farmers. Meammoca ANILLULT upon a Perms Orracn. —On Friday afternoon a 'young man known as Heater Tom. Davis," io a state of partial intox ication, kicked op a general row, in the Ninth Ward, and attempted to fight every one with whom he met, mail at last some one gave him a whip ping. He then got ■ knife and in as pursuing his conqueror Into a tavern when he. wits stopped by Constable hilder. He plunged the knife into Mal lets abdomen, indeting • very dangerous wound, from which it is doubtful if ly e will recover. OS = Pinkerton, after • hard at niggle, succeeded In mewing hint, and, with the suistance of the Ma. yin, brought him to the woven home. He wee thonnitted on Saturday m orning for a further hearing to day. Laurrars oa Cauta.-7 he Rev. Wm. Speer will commence his weer . of lecture* on Chine, this evening, at the First Presbyterian Church, at 7i o'clock. Judging Awn t the previous lecture of this gentleman, they will be le'rehly interesting and Instructive, as well to toe general student of mann kind as to those who Gel peculiarly interested in missionary enterpnw. We advise all to attend. Buteemv.—The lee•.ures of the Messrs. Bore veal be continned during the present week at Wilkins During thew orb past shed, lectures have been attended by hi gbly intelligen t audiences, and their novel theories. and experime uts have excited the atieutlon and careful conside ration of all, as exhibiting remittable phenomena in the operas tints of the hum an mind. The lecturers are men or phikteoplue o studs, and account for the effects which they pr,duce upon scic raffia princfplea— All who belie ye that "the pro per study of man kind is man" ahould go and .txamino tor them= selves.. • Stouts Blicaccutott is pvita COSICOfte in Louisville, with peat eclat. W e kart) that she in tends tivgive us • call, upon her way cast. baki ETIIIIZ ax W11111150.--Thero has been a we& e among the Iron workers, at Wheeling, in .o . Asanuence of the necessity milk h the employers t' ewe under to reduce their wage s. They acre expected, howevei, to return to their work this morning. Barran WK.—About 30 tons of EogHall hoop iron passed through this thy last at weit, brought by canal, and shipped on board' a steamboat for Pons point down toe river. _ _ - AlllOl/2 as Asatialuitenon—llluteusaa Arrant. —Day before yesterday n young men by the name of Blakely, welding In the vicinity of Cookstown, vu shot at Led woended, the bell entering on the side oldie throat and passing out on the oppo site cheek. He succeeded in reaching a neigh. boring house, when a physician mu called who dressed his wounds, and It is thought be may re cover. On searching near where be wan shot a hone pistol was picked up, which the attending physician and his wife irnatedintely recognised ,as the property of the formeri It bad evidently been stolen for the purpose el warner. A man ill new in custody charged anthille crime. _ TeL Nsw You papen urge the Gothamites to follow the example of Pivaburgb and change their mcving day from May Day to "All Fool's Day." May Day, In that place, the Express nya, "is but 'II, diem let loon.' It is not the May Day of flow era nd May Queens—of the dance upon the green and around the acCerated may pole. There is to poetry but the poetry of motion, and no nio lion but to the tone of tin papa, "peaking voice!, and the gibberish of aeoldiog women, eryng child ren and vexed papas." Matron's Orrscat.—Tao Tombs were teaantleaa on Saturday. Can't say whether Out loarara or We watchman went entitled to the credit. Tax VIAITULL, for the tut two days, has been aureately disagreeable and gloomy. Immense unmake drain have fallen, °tering every pros pect of our haling plenty of water in the rivers for steamboat purposes, for *me fisne to came. OWIPPG, we presume, to the Inclemency of the weather, there has been a " most plentiful lack' ,newa, for the last two days. - sic novel.. "GAUGER, HANNA CO. have removed thei.• I. Exchange Office to north west corner of Wore and This d streets. _sp_9 QEAUX , Preemie will be teemed at the ale or of the Slimy. of the POT. of St. Louis, Mn.. anti, until the teth of May next, for an d erecti 01 • Marlon Floaphal upon the lot of r on who the Harseirp, now stands, south ot the Arsenal. The 'ds Include the ognavatlone, masonry, and such pc of the carpenter work as le necessary • Mlle di welts are going op. with the roofing of the b aild• In g. Specificationa of the work, with the plan, will ben exhibtradul the day of letting. EDWARD WATTS% floperintendan L7a13,.4d115, I4WO. argidtwr Graaa Jay to the World t—Hoalitlo sad Ilappime. to Elaalatad t Dr. R. D. HOWE'S =CI= Hosroren.l Prepared by steam, and put up in QUART POT TLES, for the removal and permaneut cure rf all 4i.cures arising from nn impute fate el de Licari, or habit of the sy • roe- vie.— FEDALE CeOIPLAINTS, Liver Complaints, Per?. lulu, Mkt, Pimples or Pustules cm the F.!, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring worm or Tettce,Scald Heed, Mir ova rum, Puns in the liters or'Dsiew, end ail illnesses arising from an injudicious use of elercury, ece For explieb and further parricide'', end upon one of i.or eget. ar d [et n patophtct, teR! t carefutiv, edge if Dr. S. D. 1105% PPS SHAKER SARSAPAR ILLA is not the very medicine to cure you. N. IL—Remember every limel or. the bottle has the Doemke elgnarnre,"s. D. Howe." None ether gen. Prim SI per bottle, or 6 brides for $5. For sale by our agentsr—J. Sehoonmake , J. A. Jove., Pittsburgh; D A. Elliott, Allegbeny; P. Crocker, Brownsville; W. R. McClellimd, Morn CheMII and by dreggins generally. Also, by the Pr aprietors, HOWE lc CO., rIS-d&mIYT I College Hall, Cincinnati, 0. M ISCELLANEO I • 1650) REED :HOUSE, & RABDEB, Proprietor& Publse :quart, Edo, la. GIINERAL ST...kGE OFFlCE—F.aatern Weston and Southern Stayea,lexac boo, Sally. Car imam , to and from Steam and Packet Boot, Grads. M. W. Kllnt, laic of the American Hotel, Erie, Pa O. W. MUCK. late of the )(Mos. Hotel, Ohio. apra.d6m _ _ PLAISTEIt PARItI—S4U brio of sapenor quantY finely ground, white, pore, and unadulterated, and suitable for land, fie , tor sole low by W W WALLACE, &p"3 YLMALILIU CL EVENT for sato by AU, .P 25 W W WALLACE VIIENCII BURR AND LAUREL HILL MILL STONE 3, beat quality, warranted, and at price. lower than hare belare been odsred in tale marke, ar,ts WALLACE OLTING CLOMtn, all itnesbera. bolt gaallty, warranted, and at reitured trines W W WALLACE KELE " Itty, goy oleo 014entngsfacture, on ' hand sod Made loonier on shot, W W WALLACE no spot dtggrlber2:l9 pArun-1:4/ ,to. tdedonn Stray. Wrappir dog Paye Paper LSO roes Crown Jo Alan a large gegsorunaut of Printgop Paper of every dearglption, on band , , , e i n i dtor galosh) CO,NEL! H C Paccragor• to F.L.LIOTP & E.YGLISIL apYY Ye Wood atrert. .20 LOAlon, fog gait by - J KIDD re CO, CO Wood at. Nail 1A27 . ACC'UAW SNUFF—=W IL. just reed tot sale b M. art. 27 J KIDD & CO %'l_ AilitErd bCOICII dlsillfb—bollus in Olads, kj (or sale by tard7) J 1:111)LiAtO '‘Ar—iiiVEVITIOOI...-150 Ibiireeo7ind fol .- Wald tif - t , V •ren .1 KIDD It CO ()Mlle , bitaltl--Wal iTi ... J71 , 7‘7 , 11 liand,WlT .____, J MOO & CO Ciipb:,,,,l.l=g.t.it2r, Le Fall on warranted apli S ' N I; I IC y d.F.RSIIAM LAIIO 011.--25 btla C U A ortithatt FA'sII No Oor sat,, by NESTOOK A PO, Corner First a Wood as. • Ro•lery. TUFF rneerred. a ',apply of L.adies'lack. White, sl !duct. Lead. and Unbleached Moiety; Embroider a do; groin Falk and Moravian do; and Men's FEU White Unbleached Cotton do; Medina ditto. Lisle (Doves for Ladies and Gentleaden; Enebroidelad Llslc and dtlk Co. All at e•rh prices, at t tore of IMURPHY.A BURCHF lELD, sigt:N F corn •r of Fourth and Flarcet --- Collsoiid mud Whits - WirditTliags / 0 0 m U nt i Zent " 4 ' r ' . ' o ' n C ' o u n ' sTa T it ' o j telt, o .7 , l7. o rta r l ' e: eastern price, at We Mau ancturer , wur , honne, HuseY, FLEMING & CO, In—%l ICU Wood qt. U ltttling - 7r l o ' : d s; ' o l‘ !BAIA .0 DICKEY & P2Flti Water •r. OF.iittblEtuto Las in store, an .ale by arVO ISAIAH DICKEY A CO }OF FEE—It 4 t;ags for, to urns , for Bair by ‘,l 'MCVEY L. CO ants ;A.ll ' ll TrlCa Fr it CO •:0 brit Hrrrin 10 brit obtd, to anise, and ton ode by 1 4 MA If Drg.F.Y k CO OD It.. Suter . ilia Shouldr“, atom for .ale by apni - n 1.11.11 JOCKEY &CO L•itif.ttri •y on hand. and lor solTrY '.1575 IrYAIAII DICKEY k CO choler br. oda. or Toed yrs atratorr Nay igotor i aztr i rAute r la xi, sptYr 195 I.lhert• st stiarldna Cards. SHEET CAUir P,t for Wfor 00l Carring Machine., comb 1 EURtO2 COCIIRAN, :0 Wood rt._ p.x. ..,d eLe. ar depot, 143 Fmettrfeet. oral .1 El OANF11:41) L 0 —l5 bels Jac ted'd i nt .,A fo s r ;a1L . 1.6 Tap :4l T iN ap r -27: 11.-4° th.l" 4 a A te L?AIINESTOOS R CO A.il 'l3 9 cent, 4, and 96 par ce. lor sale try ..pl4 ° . •/I A FAHNESTOCK CO 1161j37yar rcNa d.:44 Floor 4/11 Cloth; MO do 34 a* do, • ut4l de, 5 4 do deo COO do 4-4 ea de, WA do SA do do: For oak or We worercour, Nos Joe . Pn c ittler ' sold -1,-,i3R:trrumE 1011. elifri , S— ds 12 'lse. and styles of 'cab:, Stand, and [rural"' F., for Kale by OV/0 Ik II PHILLIPS hhas Nl/ Smer, suna.i3r sale tor " MITCHELTar.E 11DUTTER- 7 tab sodopeztegagreit rcltjecAlia,nd Ilfervkle by R A OLASSES--itiou tart. prime N iii !Belli - 41h oat /kl barrels, in more, and Mr rate by op2l- W & M tdITCHELTRF.S. . - . . Mosquito Bags, VOUNDATION dILSLINS. etormt Lining.. Boot- I` rams, Cotton Yarn from Sul le's. Also, WICK ING—Best Sperm Braided Wick, Chandlers , Wick, Wadding. path, !sc., manufactured and for etre on the lowest train., by D Mei:WING, aparturtna 15d Pearl et. New Volt ---- FPF --- "" NC} .t. rat I ^Ol-101ALi. mi..l7:Tti A'AlClig . E . rrE, alto:OLE:I', .. just rrrd, and for rate hit aria A CLBERTSON IX Unkiikal3TO—lltititi—ati. A LL person. having .1111 MT. put on their — teems, .CI. in cenformay to a resolution of Councils, mill .lease call at the Rooms of the Board of Trade; second story, oorner or Waled end Third sta and pay for Oar 101.1.• SAMUEL FAIINkTOOR Pitthbv rob. April CO. Ilia. alai ---IlitrikarTitir if RAIL LOAD IRON. H 1 ' .. "!. :h ° ba h i*c and r e rf n .i . l . l g . :a s t Won . d . n ß : a to d n e' s ;71 . 121 Road Iron.for the ea morn division of tee., road. extend to b e loom Patthbursh.Three thootand tone be de on the Ohio Riv T er, et Pamborgh and Mater. Watt . the elev. of canal naarloution an the present year„_l6* and the remainder In the ?Onset next year. Trap rails are to be of the il pattern. In lengths or twenty feet, and are to aweigh fita pourida we Uncut y a rd. They are to he subject to the fo r f art of Solomon W. Roberts, Chief' Royal:leer. For farther anformetion. please addreth the Pacsident oft o com pany, at Pittsburgh. By order of the Ironed of Di -10010rS• W5l. ROBINSON, Jr., President. Pittsburgh, April ilinliirio sp2l dIM -- _ To Southern and W n Merchant. ROUSSEE'S eopeof PREMIUM PERFUERY.— The wahsenber re Invite s public •Uention to hie Orteneno stork of Perionicry, Soaps, Shaving crenos, te., to which *even Silver end two tioldi Meda thee bare Instit, on within the int sir years, been award d try utes of Neve York, Rost and Phi delphit the lacer being the only Golden ' Medals ever' ' awarded for perfontery either in Europe or in thn nanny. eturn. tirouvaute Snamas Cann, Itiniond, Rose, end Ambrosial.) universally nknowledged tto be superior to any Shaving Cream in this country or Europe. 01.10711A8Z eel BlLLlnno—Desnlifitily transpirent,l sod possening highly SAT. , ' oceans and emollient 131,4fauLa4fIrc,rottianrscenus Compound; Ambrosial Sbay.l Shavlntituar. tdonnsnneToirxr -oars— A.n.onJ,Rove,tlillelicurs, IYOuquet, Pistachio, Mior,iPs,chunly, noakibm., Flout. ritflartr.c,p.o.recg , e l I r..,,V,V.t..ntror; • n li d o. Ci . rea sr en. Jaratio,[ DOesjOet de C•roline, cerement, .Jenny LindeMousse.l o nronelln a c e k d e it ' i many ' UM : ef t " L ” 1 9 ll i i n emanse. Z'nronelln Roar. sod many odor rotiei.t , rn all sixsixty perfume.. To Warns—Florida Water. Erin de Tolleue,l Change Flower Wain, and a rest variety 01 Co. JO pes end Lavender Waters einCf.4lloll• 100 Tni HAlll—Genuine Beat. OR, AntiqueHandoline, Earl Lostrale, °nine, l pound Or Morrow, Hair Dyes, liquid end in powdet, an: Philoromerßieinine, and Jenny Lind Pomades.. O,OVraLoIC Pastnroons—llalsautie Earn', Rose , 1 Toon .I'.edsT,,,,,Troe,vondL,t/entrifice, °dentine, Tenth P 7,l' onin—Vrgetable Cosnferie Cronin, Antandine r o , chhoped hands. Cold Cream of Rena Ciento it, V e ra Up Salve, Rarpberry t/ream, tr. Moder.? Powder., for retrieving sondem° hair, pearl Powder, Vinaine de Rouge, Arotrialio Vinegar, Victoria 'Soo Convolution, rICSIOn VOID, besides a erre •ariely of other articles, too nilMtrellS to be named in thi•adnoylisetrient. The wsSuubstent,u e b r l shh optesn t Ito.intaerqetueisni d th e b yr d ep is u p t o a s tion g Etch of nothing ton first tart /Ulnas, nnd will h int ay to fldolich those who may wish to patronize h colter n hornale or retell, on • regeonable terms as nor l•bliaticrit in the United alai.. XIV lER RABIN, Seccessor to and former Director of the Libmalory of EUtiEIVE nous.m., 114 Chesnut streaL Air Rena. Perfumery is for nie the noon in ry _aprfullY to Onil-eir. O'CONNOR, ATKINS & apl6 Canal Barn, Ltherty at. ----- Wall Pa par 10/ •7„ MADIT.FT STREET, between Third and /.1 Fourth street., PiUcburghs ra. TIIONIAS PAL MER would respectfully call the attention .of hi. !read. ..,t 11, to present aglen.ive and ge neMl stoc k of imam. It will be found eom prim every h erder pnon of American and French Wall Paper and rde for Ostlers. Hall., Dining Damns, Ilea Chambers, Counting Rooms, to., rangingifrom aa n s o great diversity 4r prices and quantum can hardly Is II to suit the eiteummances and tut. ot purchasers utho may favor with their pitt%imtlud old establishe Mandan Market street. Chaageakla 1111 k Shawls, F different shade.. ..d very R.* for quattlY, 1.. 1 1 O received at the Dry Goods Route of MURPHY I DURCIIFIEED3 N E toner orf Fourth and Marie du. Bast mow Uses. Beaus Vtata, 0.. April 6,18311. Mr, B. E. aro...l—Dear Sir—Having need soot of your Ye toilful's , in our families, with great success, an d n a li,,,,,na, from the very great eausfaction it has glace in our neighborhood. tau It is the best now in ' use, we are artitoos to procure the agency for ibis pioen. We been sold all we obtained of Tool Onto agent. Yours, TO ipeetfaUy, F JULIAN. A JUAN. ii. imp vvo gs i t.„, rott a . mays procure the most re- Prepared surd said by II ESELLERS, No 67 Wood meet, Wed sold lq Drugging generally_in the two chit& ' ):01:T , ):I.1.1.1rDlo c iva. , I P I -1 .al. .Zi, AM PACKET LINE. ARAGF.D by findillibliPutthltrthe v.-tended owed .11 regular and wenalillifißhifid Lineal the to following fine steatballauldre imanged theta tee between Pittsburgh‘i3Loalsville. f the boats will positively leaveTimbargh on s.lounav, wear, and FEJILT EVYNCts, ock— led or not full. Ind bout of the Line will start H Monday, y idah• e tour trenesee.- -- " 7.. Taylor. G. ••. Hamburg Farmer " Fairmount •—• For freight "P"" .A ° " Vi r LTENBERGER , febll-arn OF .B. Alt REGULAR WEDgEPDA.I' PACKET ST ~ c I E \ err. into • one 1 erery , taupe' Februan .Capwo T. Moore. " AL Luca. . J. Klinefeacr. ~ " Benedict. W. Ebben. CIDOIHP ATI; Captain_ WILLIAM J. Kaput=. This splendid boat waa built by the owners of the steamer Isaac Newton, and other., for the Cincinnati and Pittabargh pocket trade,and will leave rum iWedneaday, for Cincinnati , place of the New England, No. 2. For freight or passage apply on board, arm mrKl 0 B.AULTENBEROESI, Agt rrmuuucii AND WHEELINCI PACKET. The splendid fast running steamer LOUIS MeLANE, W. S. Conwcll, is-, 'as , master, (kavimg undergone a the,. " °ugh repair s ) will run hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh owl Wheeling,' leaving Panstsurgh every Monday, Wednesday .a Friday mming., .9 o'nlilck• For frt Cr passage apply on W board, or to lao4 W . B. WII.FXLER, Agent. 1110BIONOAIIIELi BOUTIIE Only 72 Dilla• Staging. Via Brownsville and Cladelphia.umberland to Baltimore and Phi Pan To Rscrning-i----••--1210 CO no. P1111.•DILlIII.O.- - •-• • - 12 CO 21111E d ni n :mIng boat leaves the wharf, *bon the bri , dilly, at 8 o'clock pregimly. Time to Baltimore, hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 boars. The evening boat lenges daily, (caent giunday ea ning ant o'clock. Passengers I.y leaning CO the inching host, will Cron the 01011,111 LS In stages next day, nd th us avoid night travel. Pacing your tickets at the a, Mormagage. Born, Of St. COUICO 0ct14.12 .. RINIEN, Agent NEW AMLANGE Baia 1850.pigai PENNSYLVANIA UTE. Two flatly Mats Express Packtt hats, end nau Rood Cora (ExcLuolvaLr roa P.Lassnolzas,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New Central Rail Road and Penn'. Canal. Time—GO hour Fare-510 through. 935 miles Rail Rood, and 150 miles Canal. (_rMe Ist inst. the new Central Rotl [load Comps. ay eolaincilted running gyro DAIL, Twits moon. moan eau from Jaekatown to Philadelphia, leaving there immediately after the arrival of the Paeliet Boats Rom the West. lip this arrangement pavan gets will go through without detention. A Pastel Rost will leave every morning .160'• elect, and every winning at II &cloth. This room, for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, is not equalled or any now uso to the Emitera For passaCioea ge or infornaminn aPPIT a 1 W Monongahela House; I) LEECH fr. CO, Canal Boato _ _ litilieLAß WHEEL fastlNGrun Sag UNFISH PACKET.. The Helmer WVLI.PVILLE, Capt. B. Young, will run a rerular pneket hetitren Pillshaigh. Wheel. Pridgeport, and Sunfish, tearing Pittsburgh every Monthly afternoon, for NVelliirtile, Strulienville. and Bridgeport, sod ever; Ttturaday afternoon for Siettben irillo, Wboelinr, llndreport. Gomm, and Fulfiuh. RTIOTTOTIO. leavna Brolfrepoel e.nfi.l. ever,' Toe• • dur afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon. For freight or poseur, appl• sh ear ILKINS.d. or to up= D levet FOR !VFW ORLEANS. Tim splendid passenger steamer F.lll.Plati STATE. Capt. mi n, will leave for atior and all miens:aisle la of Pataidayillth lnet., at 10 o'clock, A. E. Pa; freight OT pusage, apply on board, or to n,,9 H MILTENIikiRGER MOM. FOR L01.111(ISVII4tE AND MEMPHIS. zaThe aolende a : i nAt i vkstime steamer t• Erce, maater. will leave for tit shone and all, intermediate fora NV,onowtar, the eth tam, at Ittm'eloek. A. M. For "'4'" or paaaat{a .pp DER. TM Fawner will take trtaght. ix Nnw Orleans with prioneee of re-wilippin.. 7_77 _ _ my_3_ ---- Ma SAINT LOUIS. , The aplendlik=z i te s a l etle? I Mcßride, Master, will leave for th. above and all Intermediate ports a Tueaday the (lb owt, at 4 (delimit, I. M. For treighter passaee apply on hoard. or be inv 3 _,- ..1 C PETTIGREW, eat - FOIL ET. Will% I Ihe splendid warner P IVSY ESLNANIA, Greenlee, master, will leave fur the atieve s and all m inte l ediate ports on this day, the CM inah, at 4 o'clock, '. M. For freight or passage op?ly on baked. art' myel G fl sIIUTENBERGER, Akt REGULAR ?ACRE EntILLAIIIETTA A.....1D The splendid SteROW/ EMPREIPS, Cox, m.ter, will leave for the above and all Intermediate pot., on this day. the 341 tack, al 4 o'clock, P. Al_ For freight or puss. w, epply on boord. or to T _,, sio r ritly4,y.R, Art - I. -1 ) a Ci NT fine n ew ILI ' :10;tiVILUllAlll reamer fai KENTUCKY, sainVaclean, master, will leave for We bove and all interomidiate ports on u Is day, the 6th Zloty, at 4 o'clock, P.M. •,,,,.. tole AIdiESTEDNO a CRUZER.A4Ls. FC¢ CL's;CLNNATI AND LOUISVILLF— The Ann sinamor OHIO, sport p adna nor d , will leave for alma. po onn ay, dw 4d Wm., at 4 o'clock /L For frorXh , or P....F..' MIMI '• . FOR ZisPitYll.d..E. The splendid steamer JENNY I.IND, Gallagher, master, will leave forth ye and all intermediate polite. Jog day, an - he Mhh inst., at 4 &cloak, Y. M. fat freight or passage, apply board, to Mat Vi B W.IILE or LER, AV- FOR LAYFAYEITF— The splendid steamer VERMOtiT, Ilavlett, Master, will leave for oboe and lammedlate parte tale day. WESTEBN INSURANCE CORPLNT OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL ;100,000. J. Flatcar, In, Seel. R. hittAxx, Jr., Pram"- Will mare against all kinds of risks, FIRE AND hIARINE. LL loans will be liberally adjuated and promptly paid. A home insiltution—mamtged by Director. who an wait known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char acter which they have assumed• as offering the beet protection to those ho attire Co be Insured. • Lbakerries—R. M er, Holm es Black, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., Win. B.es, C. Ihmsen, Deo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Gyms, - Jas. LlOpitieotti That. Limb, James M'Aaley, Al Nisaie k, Thos. Scott. Omar, No. kiji Water Street, (warehouse of Spans It Ca, 111, .11.1r0 PirlAbUigh. I¢4:dly BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, • ',roadway, cornor of Alaldea Lens. Tills extensive HOTEL hes been leased by the sabseriber, and tim been completely refitted In e most elegani manner. Large additions are now bring made, which, when completed, will make It the most extensive Hotel la New York. It Is the determi nation of the preptietor, GI make It equal, in every re rota, to any other House lathe United States. Its 10. minor, is the most desirable and central in the city, be ing to the fashionable coot of Broadway, convenient to .11 the public building, places of 11.0346esnent, and hionnew. Oratefhl tot the liberal patronage received from his western friends, while at Cumberland, Md., nod more ieeently at the Weddell !loam, Cleveland, Ohio, he respectfully solicit& a renewal of their patron age, fur his new establishment, at New fart, and boast* UM= them that every effort on his part shah be given to administer to their comfort and pleasure.. . RNUM. New Vert, blarch.l63o.—Emeid-Xte I)ROPOIALS will he received at tuo office of the ltalumore and Ohio Railroad Company, at Balti more Cumberland and Wg, heelin sp to Wednesday, tit- d day abler next inclusive, tor the graduation 'ad mammary of the portion of that Bond, extending from the bridge on the north-western tonnage, over the Tygittis valley Titer. to a paint on the tooth fork of Flat Creek, neat the month of Long . Orson embra cing B00:43 18 teetionn Alto, th e eight sections be tween the mouth of Grave Creek and the city of Wheeling. A coney cancan will be presented by the lion 43 be let, which will include light and moderately heavy grading. Several abort tmoei., and a eaustderable 133,306 1 11 of bridge ovaronry. npeetfications may ho had at the above named of. Sees on and afar the lat of May rotator, and further laformation obtained fro= tae Eagineer upon the Ii e. Unexceptionable testimonials of tenancier most ecompany the bids, and We bidders requested to tote whet other wart, If any they age engaged in, and when It will be The wo:k utast be energcally protheeted. By oer of the Petiresldentdind Directors, lIENJ AMIN U. LATROBE, Chief Engineer. DaDttripttl 1851 aplttilm a, WlnriglevlLLS, sal l•. wertravel,, in. A• WESTERVELT 4 SON, TXTELL KNOWN YENITIAN BLIND MAKERS. Y keep constantly on hand or make to order the bat article in their line, at their old stond, No. El Sr Clair meet; also, at No.NI blerk , et street, at , entrance In the Dtamond. Venn um" Shuttersmade to order, and old blinds needy repairs.. ail lIILMOVAL. CHURCH, CAROTIMRS & CO. have removed u; N. 9, W.., a, I.tvreen Wood & Martel, to the how.lofly occupied by (lady, Jones & Co. ...last .----- tiraVrtniebiSlrla2esKTVistoT'or=laft 01. ;, w ,e Zote ; y,s c roMmoa Placa Boot. Cloth cad g;tyiT , Vatt. , Dc 9 Pamphlets, Na. 2. Subject— "Nadel Primo.. Ilelorer 4 Nn•M'°—Nl4 Morn,- b e -------- 1 Wet FL' ari.t SP 7 World. TR. J. B. CMPBELL'S BALSAM OF WILD jf CHERRY: le e the cure of Col* Coughs, Con womb,* Breadth* Breast Crllanna, and idt Pat weary dream.* Li'Cr COM =ls, and Female palmy, and for Impurities e the Blood, Catarrh Fever Asthma, Cool., ina.mi,Whooinng Cough, set. m (moraines, or by the single bottle, of We Dent Poet, and Pets Blarehoure, earner of Rime and Wood ma. Pnee °dye°. per N o g .917 8 N WICEERAAhI. USES, LOT. PARE, d&• - - Dwalllat nous. and WIWI to Lat. MDR Dwelling Hiroo occupied hp the rabriber, b Third street, above I!!' Smithfield wee; with Rath Hansa and it Office, from tho Ist of .1 ono. 15.50. Enquire of HENRY W Wa OODS, Third, or ter so. POr [1•10.. ?PRIME ACRES OF LAND, satiate about 3 miles 1. (tom the city, nom the resicence of Ray. Richard Lce, on the Greansburgh Turnpike; suitable for coun try residences. ?aro—Four 'kindred Acres of Land, /'mate in F rank int -township, about IG =lts from Pittsburgh, near Frank , - Road. Tim will be dividad to snitpur. Chase r s. 7' e eis an eitelient Coo it A mo—A Litt of Ground near Um New Basin, Ser. oath Ward, Latta WO feet squire, on j wittch Is a two stoty Brick Darcillag Boum For particulars and terms audio enquire of DAVID D. BRUCE. Aumney at Law, • ttp3.lnr Fifth st, bent Wood and Smithfield. I=EZIE AA HANDSOMR STORE, ns Market street, Interns Thini•ad Fourth streets, at present templed by Mr. Tierstallrldta, as • Dry Good. Stan. Alne—n bag yell daubed ROOM in dm wand stdry, ant doer to dlr. Dun Mercantile Osltnn. TMu tddrd wall dinned, and sonabla Mir • musical mans or Academy, or auldb counniently arranged at doable aim. D. OAZZAM, • E4f Office, Third st, ern the Pot Olfleu To Lot, BRICK BUILDING, Ibruo 11 high, with &lino, Au; located, In Birmingham, iralauthately below the Ferry. _F.rataire of BOLLMANS &GARRISON, Patsborgh Foundry rya) l.,k3 . —Tne store on Market Sy next doonto I,will be ranted low to • Food tenant, end posses on given immediately. For tempi apply to nwleedtf WALTER BRYANT. IRS Liberty's. SiaitltEek,l now 1 occupied by Bev. Mr. 11. Also—For one or more Tears, some line Lots.of Ground, in the Ninth Ward, on and near the river, suitable for Lumber Yards. Enquire of ]GUN N. DARLINGTON, or of ing-tf B. DARLINGTON. Fourth at_ .T loots PEW. large three story Brieg Warehouse, on Water, I. below Ferry street, running from Water to nest street, on reasonable terms. POIISCUiOI2 EMlllitt of feblOtf 2 F. LORENZ --- ITALOARLE REAL ESTATEON PENN STRUM' FUR SALE—A but of Groia sumac on Penn aireet, terereen Kay and Marburgstreeta, adiolning the honse and lot now occupied byl Richton thlueaedo. having a from of .1.5 feet, and to depth LW feet,arill ba sold op framable term*. Tide unexceptionable. En: quire of O. O. LOOMIS, 4111 at, near Wood. oceßeStf _ Sew Oood• II Now Goods II CLEAR THE TRACY! It Sprang and Summer Dry Good: for 1650. ‘,. ViILLIABI L. RUSSELL, 6 W 00... and Retail Dealer in British, •• _ • French, .d American Dill' GOODS. Harker ae, between Third and Fourth, sign of the Bp B. Brea, bus jest commenced rtoeiving and opening one of the most rich, splendid, and extensive stocks of boring and Summer Dry Good. I ver offered for sale in the Western country. All of e these ImportedAsoods are fresh opened, and received per the lam steamers frnm France and England; as also Irish Linens, imported direct from Belfast; all VS. bleached, and warranted the pure article; these Linens arc all imported by the subscriber, and are all Imre flax yarn, warranted. Alms, Irish Linen Damask Table_Cloths, the very best manufacture; and Irish Linen Goods of all kind.. imported direct (rots Belfast ' by the subsea., and will be fonhd the real Erin•ge ebragh. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Neer style rich Toth Saner, all eolora, splantlid rods •, black Turk Satins, all . prices, nch goods: black glaca Silk A all colors, Into insportatiorg Frer.ch Kid Gloves, all colors. the best imported; plaid black Armor, per lost French steamer, new style painted "terrors, splendid goods. disc ; a superb and lug* took of wide black Brunets Lace, f“ madding ladi g* es' &ease*, very rico gonna, plain Bareyes id all colon. extremely low t licautind goods; black Silk Fringe, all widths and prices, very cheap; French Lawrie, new steles, per last French iteamen, plain black tiro De Rhine hiyh lustre, wiperti cocs; black figured Gro De Rhine Brocade, rick rods; a French and Lnylisb Caahmeres. new styles, beautiful goods; splendid Sgured Swim gouda for ball dresses; rich embroidered Swiss Mode for evening tires en Swiss Edging and Inserting, tha bean imported; Silk Tunics In all cetera and qualities, new style, plain and satin striphi block Runners, WI priers; printed Lawns, new styles, from to ream per yard; Bartle in Leiria, a new article Mr ladies' Cremes. a laree and superb stock of new style spring Bonnet Ribbons, the very hest bu rned, all sew. SHAWLS. Canton crape Shawls, all colors, fresh (email. Ctn. tom House; Turk Satin Shawls splendid rode, in all colors, per last examen beautifel changeable Ater silk Shawls, fresh impartatioa • white embroidered Canton Grupe Shawls, superb go ody-green embroider ed Canton Crape Shawls, splendid rods; Lapin`, French made Fothroidered Thilact, finest importation; Paris painted Cashmere Shawls, fill prices and quali ties; ladies' summer Cravats add Scarfs in great vs rie ; French worked Capes, Col Bits, and Cuffs, a large assaran-nt. A Large Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. bales anther:ward Martins, from sto 10 cents Per yard, IS ean. bleached Marlins, from 4 to 104 cents per yard. II cases Irish Linens. imported direct from Bella.; II bales Tlck leg, troth to 25 roots Per Yordi cases blue Drill, tram S m 111 cents per yard; be. rides a foil assortment of Summer Cloths Also. Co.. airlines, Tweeds, Sentient, and Kentucky Jeans; 50 eases den! Calico, feat colored, from 3 to 151 cents per yard; 3 times Hoyt Sans , English Prints, Lest imported, S bales Resale and Scotch Dieing . ..extremes ly snag. Also, llouaekeeping Goods of all kinds, gen , cheap; bsles Russia Crash, Hamel to 124 cents per tan); brides • large stock of Cheek and Shining :gripe. Alto, Contain Flannels, all colon and ...h -ues, at low prices; red, white, and yellow Thsstuels, very cheep; bleached and unbleached Drillings, full assortment; S cu. doe Mertiontek Calico., ex tremely low; black and unbleached Table Drapers, alt prices; Bird's eye Diapers ; all prices and qualities, coos cheap; colored Carnbries, a full assortment, cheaper than ever; 3 bales 131111141 from rri tol3 ors per Yard. Also, u large neck of Canon Table =ape.. Manners' it full PARASOLS! PARASOLS assortment, very cheap. ! The largest and most splendid stock of Parasols ever opened by any one house in Pittsburgh, Is this day received, and are all of the newest French striae, which, for richness and beauty, cannot be surp.acd. have a large lot of theae P.thols, they mill be sold cheerier than any other heath in the city can an ford to sell the coma qnslity of goods. The Ladies are reaperathily waned to examine these Paran I% as they will find same of the richest arid newest styles ever imparted from Europe. These , aramils are all of hoe richest and most fashionable col ors, and are wor th y of the attention of the ladies: - All of the above goods will be sold MT at prices far belom any heath to 'the city; and in orderth Misr! this faut,the public: will Meuse nail and pnea these gcrods. and compare-them with any other house in th e city, and be convinced of the above , thsertion. The subthriber would here say to his macrons ens• tomer* mid the pubbe •in general, that Caere are two other bee hive stores to market street, pretending to c c erbra i ted t a h n e d ß iir B fros i e l ti v l3;; C i :dre=s s olll i m ' e:rll Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore toyer ail purehasen pf Div Gan., either w eer, bet in Tali!, that the Dig is Hive, en Alcorketstreet, between Third and Fourth,is now opening the largest, richest, and most splendid stock of spring and rummer Dry floods ever odhred for sale in Pittsburgh BONNETS! BONNETS: New Syri,r4 cos , 1 1 largest and mint rathion• able stock of 110011 , 11 ever °Tithed in this city, is lust received at v. sign of the Rig Bee Hive. on Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, where Dry Goads of every description ten soiling cheaper than any ether house in the airy. The pubic. will please take notice that there are two other bee hivetores on Market street, who pretend to cempete with the Big Hoe Hive, between Third and Fourth streets, where the colic will hod, at sit times,the Ithgestaml newest styles of Dry Goods, freak operred• pr . Illaase take notice, Halt the store is between Third and Fourth streets, sign of the RBI BEM HIVE, wiser Dry Goods of every description are selling then at any other heath in the city. ilitthd3ca WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. THE subscriber tespuctfally Infanta his Mends and the pubbc, that he has removed his BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY to No II Market street, two doors nova Water where ha has on hand a very large assortment 0111001'S AND SHOES of his own manufacture, whirls be will ash rumen thon can be purchased in rho city. DANIEL RHEA. NGt:TICAL hteCtllNlSTtv—An excellent °poor. unity now occurs to a proems' Machinist, of well established reputation, and some eapital.to en- Rue extensively in this Set. Exams, an, SOD Omar Bactxus. An establishment is now ready . for bashiera, ample . in all as details, including extenatve wharf room, for any slsed steam boats. and from lts polatiou,lf pro perry conducted, will doabilen command a lane share of basin... A practical Machinist, SOS partner, is required,lo conduct the whole estabhatimant; mid only Basso (ally competent need apply. Address. (poet paid,) "MA CIIINE Box No 741, Philadelphia, Pa pt? dim Ii rALL. PAPER—PI. P. Alsasaass Is eenstantly ‘l, receivin nd g, from the largest rasnufamorms New York a Ph il adelphsa, and elm from French Mondial, the newest and molt unproved styles of pa. Cr Har.giints, together with Dorders,' Fire Board Print and Tester Tops. For sale an EIS Wood st, be- tween s, Fourth et sod Diamond (successor to S. C. auk ' BOOKS. Narrative of the United States Eared:non to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea: By W.F. Lyn eh, U. S. Navy. hlosodys of Kstraordlnery ropuito De lusions: By Charles Mackay. Jewel to France daring the Eighteenth Century. Ilameoldt Avrects of Nsture. Inettonary of Soetlett Qaotations: Jahn T Wetson. Llves of the queens of Fanclond, Sum the Norman COMIde. 14 Agnes Suieklsnd. rßpetal Joarecy Round the World. Channing's Memoirs. The Mercy Seat: By Gard .ner Spneg D.D. Far sale by .1 LI LOCKWOOD, • apt° No 1134 Fourth at. Q ALERATUS—WO Dz. and 15 etoks .etd.tand tor sale by_ apl7 J CANFIELD Strr i oz;;; , t r h o m , N b o y 8 ... .gar li vawt c. .r. 111 Water at. 7it-arsDitiCs—A muse emmuon at pare ...Mach .D 1 ;oha Calmt tr. Co.s manufacture, kept epa stand! on bind, and for sale by A CULEIERTSON, Tie OIINSTON & STOCKTON have lost reed for ile, J . Volume .51:1 Ihrroar or Emma., Harper's arm, edition, cloth. Tar Fara or rat Wow>, or Urine for Appear. caeca, with lllust:aim , kV the Broth.. M.A... sr.t. • GEORGE E. AR S MOLD DELLER EXCHANGE, COIN, DANK sftprigs r - i.., N 0.71 Fourth street, next door to the Bent o =fd buret,. m PAINT=3 mkt per m e i, 11% and toe sale by the barrel or single pentad at the prur. Ssed. and Perfu Wareboase, corner Sad , one Wood streets.m ery S N IVICHERSILLNI. of allb T HAVE tolcen \VM CARR con permergup anb J. me in my borinem, eroirth will from this dmm be canted ort ander Om lame of .Jobo parker Much leWiao. JOHN PARKER Jolap .INTIIom Con. JOHN PAILIKEII di CO., indeilts Cram, Dealers ia rsreir* Nino, Licata'', Old Monongahela and Itstifed Mary. No. 3, Commercial go., LIM, %MO, Pouborto. P. ID CL IWUND EYI.EK bx.. prune iiroooo Popp iur? or sale y WICK liIeCANDLESS z n e d .117/C-Dh.ls.—Asplendul arm.% tu ll:t'2 W , _ or mortmccit of 4 ma a Vol. La 110 pm..., wtdah ca; gyhmAr as camera 'flack's'. Pnces• • GREAT IRPORTAITT CH EM DISCRVERT. CHEMICAL COMBENATIOS From t RgstsM. Xingyisca, tip mod DiactrAcr . Dr. Glasnost's Sitraeli or Tallow Dock sad Sarsaparilla. - • Coxes toxaemia:ice, ecrofol, erysipelas, diem:Wis.. took liver complaints, seized afections, elects, ty• paths. dropsy. estbeie, eeorceY• olleeliona of the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diree.s• tor rapt bunion, reek of blood to the bead, feocr sod ague, female complaint, general debility, dyspep lie, leas of appetite, headache, colds. cooliveness, gravel, Waist sweats, cholic, organic affeetiork, palpitation of the keen, tides, puns In the la, • chest, buck, fee. It is infellible in all discasesnazising from an irt• pare state of the blood. or irregular action of the ne tts. In the Vegetable Kingdom, en eli.wise Being has deposited plants and herbs: eougeniar,to oar eonstitu. t ee s, and jadapted to he cure of disease; and to the vegetable kingdom doe, the reasonot man, as well as the histinet and els, turn for antidotes to pain. The Speepls a scientifie compound of the moat vat. stable plants in nature, entirely Gee from deleterious and enervating mineral substances, and as it expels disease (roe, the system, imparts vigor ant strength in • a corresponding degree. • CF.ETIFICATYS. An extraordinary emus of Screfula,_Erysipelas sad ems, cured by the sole use of Dr. Deluges Com posted Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarseparilla. Steelman, Nov. 17, - 1111 , S. Du. Gerson—Sin I tender: my sincere Meeks for ;*0 great benefit I have derived • from the use of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled very lied with I• scrofulous sore, which made its appear.. on my chin. I did not pay much attention to It at first, sop- Tieing it to be nothing but an cropuon met appears en pers.'s far a. It finally he to Increase, entillt spread lo .sult pert of the bead. I applied to a, physician, who attended RIO all to no propose. I hod . tried everything that could be tried. I saw year Syr up of yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concluded le use n, Ihnew that Yellow Dock was 0118 of the most_valuthle articles in the world for the blood. I boaaht soar Syrup, and from the ore of one bottle, I could teen great change in my system. I continued to use it until 1 ell man. I now feel like a new pennon nty blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all Impurities. There is out a question bet the roar newly discovered compound_ is far superior t I any sanamirilla syrup ever sold. This ceniScmc is at your disposal to publish it you like, and any one you may refer to me 1 shall be hap py to g ive them all tiro infomnition I can cheat my ease, die. I remain your obedient smarm, Genoa 1131Slarket street The best female medicine known. The Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is e pornive, speedy, and permanent cur c for 01l complaints Incident to Its Mild, alterative Prone.es render it peculiarly applleahle to the slender and delicate coestination o I the fernale. It Is unrivalled in its effects& upon Fuel diseases as Incipient consumption, 'harrenness, len. torsi's., e,r whimn impala menstruation, inconti nence Marine, and general prostrate= of the system. , i , It immediately counteracts tho distre”ing nervous ness and busunde so ammon o the female frame, and imparts an energy and bee .ey ....rp.g.. they are grateful. We have vidence on els which induces us strongly to recommend this medicine in married people who hove not been blessed With off , spring. eliaLeras Urn, or Falling of the Womb, of five years' standing, cored by Dr. Guyentt's F.rtract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,. atter every other known' remedy had been tried without relief. WASIIIIIL:0", Ohio, Feb., IMP. This eereifies that my wife, rood l it years, hen been entering under the shove complaint for five yearn—nearly all of Illtat time confined to herbed. I have for four years constantly employed the best med ical talent teat could be preeteed to tros section of thc country, without say benefit whatever. I have al-o purchased every inetrumentommended for the ewe of saeh disease, ail of wh ich preyed wordiles.. In the spring of ISO, I was induced by my friends io try Dr. Gown's yellow Dock and etamaparitio, which manned for four months. After she had need Star about four weeks. it wire evident to all that elm was Improving, and from MIS uric she improved rap idly, and gained Oerh and etrensfh, until the disci.° was entirely removed, and she is now enjoyine most excellent health. WM. IIIoNFIIRT. We being nerchbon of Wm. nod !Min Monfort. know that the above statement, es to the niesners of Mrs. Monroe, and into the rare Acing effected by Nuyeati's Yellow Dock and Sareapardrc. to he strictly crue. JANE EDDY. • SARAH POWERS. Groat Care of Gontromptlon. Ilawn.ros, Juneau 2. 1915. Mr. Bennett—Deer Sir: The great benefit which I have droved from your Extract of Yellow Doev and Ear:apatite, induces me, as en act ofjustice, to make the following sietament: Alter wasting for two yeas" from genemi • • jell burly terminsted In conswepuon. I woe On up by my friends and physicians es beyond .he aid of medicine. As a last resort, I was minted to try your Extract, wed having used but two bottles, ac cordnig to your directions, I em enitrely well. I would therefore .11.41.1 Y re tommend vow unequa led Compelled to the alit:men who denim powerful, - pleasant and sale temedy. year friend, hi. WAITE. None genuine nulese put op in large square bo tics containing a quart, and the name of the syrup blown in the 1-,:aas, with Me written Oentunre of S. Ben nett on the outside wrapper. Price 51 per horde, or six betties for PS - _ It is odd hi J. Pk k,coiner of•Vourth'end Wal nut street, Cirtrinned, Ohih, General Agent fer the South and Wear, to ned, whom all orders must be 'dares, ed. Caner & Oro ,Erie, W. P. /when & Co., Water• ford; Olin & Clemons, Croaringeille; Abel Tonal!, Montrose; Silvans Mir, Towandn; Robert flog, Wells• boro; L. Roderick, Canonsburg . ; L. Wilcox, Jr- Pitu. burgh, curare of Market street and the Diaracrid. aplgel&satgnT t.1.117T10W1 Ant Bur irts....x.—./vm tee it. Ina Chemical Soap emus a teen persposuen, sad a the same tent moliGes, so ftetta,_sod whitens the akin giving n the texture and beauty of an intent's. Seven, SALT Baum AND Soma, are soon not only healed, bat eared by its Ise, as at least revel I era. elan in New-York know, who um It In such and Ind it unfailing—us Om in • - • Proarl.ll, Marna., Fa..., or any other sk n ilia eau. The reader Is assured that this,. no e.t.a puffed nostrum, as Oar trial l -will prove. I could coo , Menu at least e'o persons eared of Son liven, Sean Lees at Son Bann.-1. it, and not It, and the reader Is again mama I would not eraelly sell it for the above unless. I knows. to 1.4 all I state. Those who are liable to Cosine, Cracmg, pa Canon Fern, will Err , dd. care. Any one ettlietedonth any of the above, At disc..., find Mit Mt and even more (a ladrac. ble in its propernoslthsn I state. • Bat, reads:, the moms are flooded with imitations, md be sate yea ask for JONTZ.TS_ltslian 0 endeal SuaP. Sold by W hi. JACKSON. 21011Aterty sue., Pittsburgh .. mend?, sT Er Tug Maws or • via Reerthe le not more repel she than a had, putrid breath, or desk, yellow Mee.- ed teeth. Opera°. have there It is their own fault— they coo, for two shillings, bay an article. that wil! make their breath pure and sweet es Us drier Air te Arabia It cures diseases of the Gums, ,pang or ulcerated: and for the Teeth, It la unequalled, removing the fastening the teeth in the pun., and elan. them as white as the mew if As frac. North. Serb, reader, are the properties of Jonesql Amber Tooth Pasm; without pmwing it carrels., her r what one of Cur[6olll respectable and scientific De: - tins, E. field, of New Tort, says: 0 1 have both need and analised this bean,' fel and in palpable article, (Jonas , Amber Tie' nett an can recommend ppasessing al i the titSeain:• can fora" Reader, we c. say no to convince, only Out if yeti try dna once you vfill be well please 1. 11 Is put up In beautiful PAO. China Pete, fed ea cents—Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 240 Übe e l) street, Piusbureb. ausfed&lsT LET Au. oats =MS are norionnly 21,011 the following aro the aomal ;realities of a 3s. bottle o Jotms'y Coral Flair REStOTIIIIVO. If they 7. doe ht c cr word, they cannot these highly terIPCCIIO II II 411 4 12113 who have tried Mr. Geo. [locket, 41 Elm et, New York. Mrs. Matilda Rearea, Myrtle ay, Brooklyn. Ur. Mr. cvnnTanginnAn tang at. New York. Thos. Jackson, atontours Island, near gh B.S. Culler!, I ale barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others state, though t of must sake., Mai It will force rho hair to grow on the • head or face, atop It falling of, arrengthen the rr removing mart and dandruff from the roots, =rak ieg llghi t rod, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and teemng dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, +aft, dean and beautiful, a very, very ions time, Sold by the Aunt, NISI. JACLION, 810 Liberty at, , Pittsburgh. Poor 3n, SR cants, and one auratiorT jr LADIES ARE CAUTIONF.D -AtIAINST SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK.: They are not moans lam frightfully iniatiotta to the akin! how coarse, how rough, how sal, low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap, - pears after lain, prepared chalk! He-. sides it is iniursta,' feataiaing s - - large quantity of Lead I We have prepared a beautiful vegetable arbelaj which are ball JONEW SPANISH LILY WHITk It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all dele :4! nes qualities! and it imparts to the akm a m_kmral,Lcal• thy, alabaster, clear livingartibr;_at the snateuria scan as 11l COClnetie ' OO the skin, =kiln( it soh and smooth. !Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON, 270 Lib any st, Pnuhargh. Price 23 emits .e7taft The Bicmanilla Water Care Ettablithment, - UNDER TIIE CARE OF DR. C. B&ELZ, • CONTINUES to be open for the reception' of lids. hinny improvements have been' added for the comfort and accommodanon of patient. 'fltis,te• amber with the success during six gem , experience, ensbles Dr. Beets to give the aunt.ce to the public that his establbatment shall still continue to_ment-toe attonage of thorn who may place themselves under is care. The daily intercourse between Pittsburgh in d Brostosvile, mull boats, affords easy access frorttho SOttlik and West. n towels, Iwo cotton sheets, three comforts, and linen fee bandetp•, are BECOalal7 to undergo the treatment. Terms--Six Dollars per week, payable sreebig. mill.dbasrlrmamT U=2ii==l ATINDICIEY AT LAW—Ottee on south side - of F'oarth st, between Chess 7 iI yhhn .L as+tllmtwGen J. senaispaasialAgbl.. ATIOILNEY AT LAW, 01E0 STATE COMEISSIONES for taking lk — po. *Mom, Acknowledgments of Deeds, at. Ceo—Fonnlystreet„oborf &WIS.W. mcloikArT a==l Property u 41locimpay city for rat.. subscribcr. 02Ct for•fill • inanberooss• eibuite in iba Second Wisnrtribenonr.eb the th'"'4,l"l"olr,itilE?,ll4Mi`,T4i ehd. or of a AS ECIELENBON, on theorem:nu. [ •. JOIDIT MARTIN respectfully annotate. :to the citiugs riusheralf, ha has asp ..4 t. LA himself is this uty, for the parr/nee of prac ticing !lei:tieing and Surgery, mail its inus Smirk eft 40 His ease is on Routh strecylio Iles:genes 4a.--4er ■gw CLOTH STOLZ. p STUART ts. CO, of Philuielphis IsOc• . ea the in of ApriL au enure new .toek CLOTHS, CA6SIMEMES, VESIINGS, And MILDEW TRIMMINGS, at eastern pneesora lose cw cash, u, No. Its Wood at, nest to SleKeana' /men. /loose. apt-slaw-LIT m s rtatrsa MAIM mica vans, MIL L It/111 PALEIMI4 ILIUSISA & CO, (Snecessors to Gown Hanna k, Co.) ANKERS, =CHANGE UnOKERS; and dealer JO in Foreign and Domestic Eschanr., Cestiteate noo . l , B.k and specte—North Wei corner of Wood and Thud streets. Cstrent moan received on depesite.—Sotht Cheeks for sale, si colketions rondo on nearly all the principa{ pailm the . United States. Tha.highert p remtnmptid foi Foreign and - Asserios Gold • Advances mode on consignments of Produce, Ail txd East. on hberal terns. :ea wiI.KES —6 easel; of emit u. reed le. P Salo by apl9 jilttaiN 4 stai ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers